
* ARZi any news ??00:02
ere4siARZi: hows gdesklets working?00:07
ARZiARZi: hey ! its ok, got all this widgets on desktop like calender, temp, mount drivers etc.  really great00:13
ere4siARZi: care to give a screenshot?00:18
twointo1What causes squash errors on a livecd?  Works on my laptop, but not on my desktop.00:23
twointo1squashfs errors - sorry00:24
zoredacheI believe it could be a bad burn (check md5), bad optical drive (try cleaning the lense),  memory issues (not enough or bad ram)00:27
zoredacheIt is also possible that linux has buggy support for your ide/sata device the cdrom is attached too, but that would be rare00:28
ARZiere4si: sure00:34
ere4siARZi: on here is easy - http://www.ubuntu-forums.com/g/00:36
twointo1zoredache: thanks for your help00:38
twointo1zoredache: Xubuntu 7.10 works perfectly.  I've tried 2 addtional dvd drives with no success.00:48
zoredachetwointo1: so you are trying to install hardy, or?00:55
ARZiere4si: very simple, but here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/g/index.php?n=248701:00
jdk1976colored init screens. what are they, where are they, help, please, before i die of futility01:03
ere4siARZi: apologies - konquerer freaked out and had to reboot - can you give the link again?01:04
ARZiere4si: ohh ok, no problem  -> http://ubuntuforums.org/g/index.php?n=248701:05
ere4siARZi: looks good - no starterbar?01:06
zoredachejdk1976: what they usually are is a set of functions called by init scripts that print out color...  I don't believe there is any easy way to colorize the scripts on ubuntu...01:07
ARZiere4si: had some problems with it   :\01:07
jdk1976what about with a usplash script?01:07
jdk1976anybody ever seen one of those?01:08
ere4siARZi: normally it is pretty reliable - what happened?01:08
jdk1976hey , i'm switchin to my normal name01:10
ARZiere4si: it would pop up a error, i clicked to never show it again, and it wont let me add new starters01:10
zoredachejdk1976: honestly, I have seen any value in the colorizing of scripts...  It seems silly...01:10
jdk1976it's for an old lady01:10
jdk1976I switched her to linux01:10
jdk1976I htink she would like the old multi colored style init i loved from knoppix and mandrake01:11
zoredacheif you are really interested, perhaps you should boot up one of the distros that does it, and figure out how it works...  then see what it would take to port it to ubuntu01:11
jdk1976it felt good seeing linux boot up back then01:11
jdk1976it still does, but that init was unique, and I'll always cherish it01:11
ere4siARZi: I never had that...01:11
jdk1976i appreciate the pointers01:12
ARZiere4si: idk, maybe reinstalling might help01:13
ere4siARZi: maybe...01:13
=== jdk1976 is now known as siraxolot
ARZiI was looking at Sam-Linux (http://www.sam-linux.org/), downloaded the live CD01:16
zoredachejdk1976: oh, and just to throw in my $0.02.  My experience has been that the non-geek user completely ignores the bootup screen normally.  You could put a message on there offering them a $100 if they mentioned it to you, and you would never have to pay01:16
ARZigonna try if see i like it...01:17
siraxolotcharming observation, apt too.01:17
siraxolotI know one thing01:18
siraxolotThey don't like the ubuntu coming up01:18
siraxolot I have had to change it to text for most people, the old people here where I live.01:18
siraxolotthey think it sounds like a monkey or gibberish01:19
siraxolotsilly old people01:19
zoredachejust tell them it is all there fault01:19
zoredachethey used up all the good words naming things back then01:19
siraxolotI think i should start charging for the system. the fact that it's free makes many old folks bat a suspicious eye! (old folks think, if it ain't worth $20.00 it ain't worth anything)01:21
ere4siARZi: lots of people have looked at you're screenshot01:21
ARZiARZi: i refreshed the page a few times, made the count bigger01:23
ARZi:B lol01:23
ere4sihehe ARZi01:24
ARZii'll be gone for a while .... gonna try out http://www.sam-linux.org/01:28
ARZi& take a shower   :L01:28
joeyjojoJust upgrade my video card to Nividia Geforce 8800gt02:54
joeyjojoand now it will not let me specify the card right02:54
joeyjojoactually under restricted drivers it says I have no restricted devices to use02:54
joeyjojoand then it doesnt let me specify the nvidia card in Settings > Screens and Graphics02:55
joeyjojowhen I set it to Geforce 8 it doesn't work02:55
joeyjojoneither does the basic nvidia driver02:56
joeyjojono workie02:56
joeyjojoat all...02:56
joeyjojowell don't be so eager to help03:05
joeyjojoall at once03:05
joeyjojofuk it03:05
joeyjojogonna try 8.x03:05
joeyjojobullet proof x my Ass03:07
vrkhanshi problem my panel just wont appear its self, if i run xfc-panel in terminal it appears but if i close the terminal, panel will close itself03:08
aandersepress alt+f203:08
vrkhanscan any one help me what should i do03:08
aandersethen type it03:08
aandersethen make sure you save your session with your session manager03:09
vrkhanshow can i save it03:09
vrkhansthanks it appear now,03:10
aandersewell, in your menu of applications03:10
aanderseunder "settings" or some such03:10
aandersethere should be a "session manager" application, or something of that sort03:10
aandersein there, you should find some sort of either a "save session" or "automatically save session" option03:11
aanderseclick (or select) it03:11
aandersethen test it by logging out, and logging back in03:11
aanderseno problem at all03:12
aandersejust tell me if it works so i know you're all good03:12
shizwill Xubuntu 8.04 live cd work for installing onto my xbox?03:40
boston_2I'm having an issue. I keep getting either a 'Bus error', lockup on loading, lockup after login, or 'The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one.'.04:06
boston_2The HDD has been checked with smartctl (not failing, just old), and the RAM has been checked with Memtest86+ (no errors).04:09
boston_2I'm having an issue. I keep getting either a 'Bus error', lockup on loading, lockup after login, 'The greeter application appears to be crashing. Attempting to use a different one.', or a random crash with stack dump. Sometimes I can get it to run for a bit, but then it either kicks me back to the login screen or just locks up. I can post a transcript of the bus error message if needed.04:27
* ARZi hey guys04:27
ere4siboston_2: a paste of that might help04:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:28
ere4siboston_2: that does look ugly :) - I would use the live cd to run fdisk on that partition - make sure the partition is unmounted first04:36
ere4siboston_2: sorry - not fdisk - fsck04:36
boston_2ok. I was worried that something went amiss. Guess I might have been right. I have been able to run both Memtest86+ and smartctl, and both came up fine.04:38
ere4siboston_2: looks like the disk might be on the way out - see if fsck does any good04:40
boston_2guess it was a good thing I copied all the useful stuff from the drive then...04:44
ere4siboston_2: fsck might be able to shift stuff from the bad blocks....maybe04:45
boston_2ok. I'll try that. Thanks04:50
linuxmanhello all. which xubuntu release should i download for a amd k series processor 500 mhz. 10 GB HD 128 mb of ram??05:59
gerros_arts: how you doing?09:10
s_artsme doing work09:11
s_artsotherwise, iḿ doing fine :)09:11
gerrosame diff09:12
Abominus69Can anyone recommend a good image viewer for opening lots of comics where each page is stored as a jpg?09:13
gerroum there's comix09:13
Abominus69Will that open them all in one program, or open a separate program instance for each page?09:14
gerrobut there a few other apps in the repository like qcomicbook, stripclub, buoh, cbrpager, dosage09:15
Abominus69strip club sounds great.  forget about comics.  :p09:15
gerroAbominus69: no clue but that dosage program does look interesting I might give it a try then I can read comics on my little nokia system09:15
gerroAbominus69: all look but no touch mint condition hence strip club :P09:16
gerromost people call them strips too like some my aussie friends09:16
skyliveHi, I'm using xubuntu and where can I get the restricted-extras?12:13
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:14
skyliv3hi again, does anyone know how I can change the port for tightvncserver? I can't find a howto on how to do it12:49
maxamillionskyliv3: i wouldn't know that off the top of my head, but since that one isn't xubuntu specific then maybe someone in #ubuntu might know12:52
skyliv4 hi again, does anyone know how I can change the port for tightvncserver? I can't find a howto on how to do it12:53
=== ablomen_ is now known as ablomen
wompyHi,i've got an old machine with xubuntu 7.10 installed,but my little brother smashed sth.anyway-i'm able zu login,then the desktop comes up,but there's no shortcut,no "start-bar" and i'm not able to "click" something.does someone know this problem?is there a way to "repair" the installation?Thanks!12:58
skyliv1hi does anyone know how to change the port in tightvncserver?13:08
heymrhey, how can I check what wireless driver its using to use my dlink wifi dongle?13:50
heymrso must i use an ndiswrapper for DWL-G122 ?13:59
gynterkwhats the command for hibernate ?14:11
gynterkIf I choose hibernate14:59
gynterkhow can I make to lock screen14:59
gynterkon rerun14:59
gynterkwith xflock414:59
cody-somervillegynterk, I believe I remember seeing a bug report about that.15:00
gynterkah, okay15:01
gynterkIs it possible to chance "system" menu?15:02
gynterkno, I mean that Settings in menu15:04
wompy_Hi!is it possible to start the "xfce-start-bar" manually through a console?15:49
wompy_or how can i do a clean "reinstall" of xfce with apt-get.my desktop comes up,after a gui-login,but im not able to launch any programs,because theres no start-bar or any shortcut15:54
zoredache_wompy_: try pressting alt-f2 then xfce4-panel15:56
zoredache_or, before you reinstall go to a terminal and add a new user, then login as that new user and see if things work15:56
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
wompy_zoredache: it says: Gtk-Warnin **:cannot open display15:57
zoredachewompy_: where did you try running that?15:57
wompy_thanks for your help15:57
wompy_i logged in "under" alt-f2 and typed in xfce4-panel15:58
zoredacheand you got a message cannot open display?  that is unusual...15:59
TheSheepwompy_: you mean alt+ctrl+f2?16:00
TheSheepwompy_: you were supposed to press alt+f2, without ctrl16:00
wompy_now,i've got another problem: there is no "frame" when i open for example firefox,so i cant move the window..16:03
zoredachetry try xfwm416:05
zoredachetry running xfwm4 rather16:06
wompy_merci!thanks a lot!16:08
ere4sihi slow-motion17:40
slow-motionhi ere4si17:40
Devolvedhi all17:55
ubotuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!17:56
Devolvedhaha nice17:56
Devolvedi have a recurring problem, with gutsy and now hardy. my GDM screen resolution is wrong, and i can't seem to change it.17:57
tomplastRemoving xorg.conf and then setting the resoltultion doesn't help?17:58
Devolvedsetting the resolution by doing "dpkg reconfigure xorg"?17:59
Devolvedhasn't worked17:59
Devolvedand now there's that (creepy) minimal xorg config17:59
tomplastNo I meant the GUI.17:59
ere4sithe gdm resolution uses a diff driver to you're system once logged in18:00
Devolvedah, when i change it in xfce, the resolution changes ok18:00
Devolvedbut only for xfce18:00
tomplastI'm not sure but you could try :)18:00
ere4sithe vid drivers are loaded after login18:00
Devolvedand sometimes my monitor stays black when it switches, which is the main problem18:00
tomplastHmm, I hate those things. But try to remove xorg.conf and then setting the resolution through the GUI.18:01
tomplastI had this problem before as well with GDM, I think I solved it that way.18:03
Devolvedso set it via the xfce settings manager?18:04
tomplastHmm, I'm not sure. I'm using GNOME so you are on your own I guess :/.18:05
tomplastIn GNOME there is an application for setting the graphics driver and resolution etc.18:05
tomplastdisplayconfig-gtk is the name of the program18:06
tomplasttry running gksudo displayconfig-gtk18:06
tomplastI think it's included in Xubuntu18:06
siggjenit is18:07
tomplastGood :)18:09
Devolvedi'll try that18:17
=== Fri13- is now known as Fri13
cody-somervilleThere is an Xubuntu community meeting taking place in #ubuntu-meeting in roughly 15 minutes. If you're interested in getting involved in Xubuntu or are interested in the future direction of the project, please feel free to join us. For background information, please see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2008-March/005242.html18:47
siggjen 18:47
staniWhen I use compiz my keyboard shortcuts with Alt don't work anymore (eg Alt+F2 xfrun4). Does anybody know how to fix this?18:54
ere4sidoesn't compiz use it's own keyboard shortcuts?18:55
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
staniYes, but also when I configure it with compiz, it does not work.18:56
ere4sistani: the good folk in #compiz might be able to help - I don't use it :)18:57
BillyJoehello I installed xubuntu from a USB drive that also had free 2nd parttiton with free space.  During set up it installed the grub to the USB Stick instead of the hard disk.. Is there a way to copy it from the USB to the HD, or is there a way to have it auto detect every thing and create a new one?19:02
zoredacheBillyJoe: you should be able to boot of your usb stick again into rescue mode, then manually install grub onto the correct drive19:05
zoredache!grubrepair | BillyJoe19:06
ubotuBillyJoe: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:06
killownhi ,can anyone helpme??? I have installed xubuntu but I cannot add menu on panel becase item menu does not exist19:19
killownI need install anything to can add menu xunbuntu?19:19
zoredachethe 'applications' menu is automagically generated from a series of files  You should be able to add to the menu, but if you are wanting to update the exists folders you would need to dig into the system wide configuration instead of just your own19:23
TheSheepkillown: no, it should bei nstalled by default, at the bottom19:23
TheSheepzoredache: you can actually change your own config too, by copying the files from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications and editing there19:24
zoredacheah, neat19:26
killownTheSheep, add new item on panel not show  xfce4-popup-menu19:31
Bisclaveretso new question. how does one remove zombie processes? it seems nearly every time i start file-roller or mousepad it leaves a zombie process behind that's unkillable23:52
cody-somervilleWhat version of Xubuntu do you run Bisclaveret?23:55
cody-somervilleI believe that bug is fixed in the current development version.23:57
Bisclaveretlike right now23:58
Bisclaveretbisclaveret@Dragon:~$ ps -e |grep defunct23:58
Bisclaveret 6185 ?        00:00:01 file-roller <defunct>23:58
Bisclaveret 6297 ?        00:00:01 file-roller <defunct>23:58
* cody-somerville nods.23:58
cody-somervilletry kill -9 <pid>23:59
Bisclaveretyesterday before i rebooted i had half a dozen of them and like 15 mousepad processes23:59
ron_ois magnatune available for xubuntu?23:59
Bisclaveretdoens't work23:59
Bisclaveretbisclaveret@Dragon:~$ kill -9 629723:59
Bisclaveretbisclaveret@Dragon:~$ ps -e |grep defunct23:59
Bisclaveret 6185 ?        00:00:01 file-roller <defunct>23:59
Bisclaveret 6297 ?        00:00:01 file-roller <defunct>23:59

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