
nixternalthese kde4 wrapper scripts only work when they want to it seems00:09
Riddellnixternal: wrapper scripts? we havn't used them for months00:15
* Riddell snoozes00:17
nixternalahhhahhhfdajfd00....woot that fixes it, removing that wrapper script00:17
nixternalnite Riddell00:17
RiddellCzessi: ahem00:22
JucatoRiddell: we're ban-forwarding him00:27
Jucatoyou can too :)00:27
nixternalgotta love the freedesktop.org spec for desktop files01:16
nixternalit tells you that certain things have been deprecated and that's it01:16
nixternaldoesn't tell you why, what it may have been replaced by, how to fix current .desktop file..nothing01:17
nixternalin other words, I find it utterly useless01:17
* Jucato tries to offer nixternal some Coke01:17
nixternaljust another stupid wannabe policy in the free software world01:18
seelenixternal: i thought freedesktop.org died two years ago01:21
ScottK2So what desktop spec do we follow then?01:22
nixternalwell, they just updated some of their specs recently01:22
nixternalScottK2: the desktop spec is totally useless man, I would say about 10% of it may be useless01:22
Jucatoas long as GNOME is alive, fd.o will never die!!01:22
nixternalwhoever writes specificiations need to learn how to write in the first place01:23
nixternalJucato: hahahahha01:23
nixternalyou don't just write: This has been deprecated.01:23
nixternalyou tell us why it has been deprecated, and tell us if it is in the MUST or MAY support column, and if it isn't supported, what was it replaced by01:23
ScottK2I actually disagree with the why part.01:24
ScottK2Specs are about what you should do, not rehashing the design decisions.01:24
ScottK2I totally agree with the replaced by though.01:24
nixternalwell, first of all, the design decision isn't documented anywhere01:24
nixternalthe people who work with fd.o don't even know why these 2 tags were deprecated01:24
nixternalso right there tells you it should be documented01:24
nosredna_ekimnixternal: heh....I have some release notes for my Apr 1st release, want to preview them/ give some advice?01:25
nixternalI just grepped everyone of their mailing lists, and found the Tags I was searching for in 1 email...and it said "Deprecating these as I don't think they are used anymore"01:25
nixternalyet, I just came across then in a KDE 4 package01:25
nixternalnosredna_ekim: I can do that in a few...right now I am wrestling with stupid -kde4 packages that are dirty01:26
Jucatowell duh! that's why then :)01:26
Jucato"Deprecating as I don't think they are used anymore"... because KDE 4 uses them!01:26
nixternalno shit, it is like everything that is deprecated was used in KDE01:26
nixternalhell, they even have an entire KDE section to the spec01:26
nixternalif you can't beat um, create specs to hold them back so we can catch up01:27
Jucatonixternal: they're deprecated *because* they're used in KDE :)01:27
Jucatoyou only noticed that now? :P01:27
nixternalhey, there is 1 KDE rep in the spec though01:27
nixternaldon't know who that person is though, seele you know Preston Brown?01:27
nixternalJucato: I have known that for a while and have, since day one, found a majority of fd.o useless01:28
nixternalI mean come on, their doco spec calls for the 3 year old vaporware from gnome called project mallard01:28
Jucatoit's 3 yrs already? wow01:28
nixternalthe spec says "docbook has to much that we don't need...docbook doesn't have everything we need"01:29
* Jucato is glad fd.o didn't accept the Tango style as a standard (yet?)01:29
nixternalits xml for christ's sake, you can do whatever you want with it01:29
nixternalkiconedit.desktop: warning: key "SwallowExec" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated01:30
nixternalkiconedit.desktop: warning: key "SwallowTitle" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated01:30
nixternalanyone know the purpose of those 2? I sure don't, and either does Google01:30
nosredna_ekimheh it was probably deprecated the say they made it....<_<01:31
nixternalI will create a lintian-override that says "who cares lintian, you and fd.o are to stupid to provide info on how to fix it"01:32
crimsunThe SwallowTitle and SwallowExec keys are deprecated. The SwallowTitle key is of type localestring and specifies the title of the window if is swallowed onto the panel. The SwallowExec  key is of type string and specifies the program to exec if swallowed app is clicked.01:32
nixternalya, tells me a bunch, wth is swallowing into the panel?01:33
nixternalman did I have a good joke for that one01:33
nixternalheh, I have heard "Kubuntu ate my data", but never heard "The panel swallowed my app"01:33
ScottK2nixternal: What is it with you.  One minute you're complaining about size and then it's swallowing.  This is a family channel man.01:33
nixternalwhoa, your head is in the gutter01:34
nixternalI was thinking along the lines of Heron silly01:34
ScottK2Not me.  I think you're projecting.01:34
nixternalScottK2: if there are keys in a .desktop file that are empty, they can be removed right? I can remove some to make desktop-file-validate happy01:35
* ScottK2 dunno.01:36
* ScottK2 server guy.01:36
nixternalhorrible excuse, especially when you are working on a lot of KDE packages :p01:36
nixternalcrimsun: you da man, can I just patch them to remove the empties?01:36
ScottK2I trust the desktop validate script more than lintian as lintian just grew all the .desktop stuff recently.01:37
crimsunnixternal: sure.01:37
nixternalScottK2: I was gonna say, today was the first time lintian ever complained about desktop files01:37
nixternalgroovy, then I will just upload a new desktop file into kde svn then01:37
crimsunnixternal: as for "swallowed", think "app running in an afterstep wharf/blackbox slit/etc."01:37
nixternalahhh, lets see, the last time I had any wharfs would have been the mid 90s :p01:38
* ScottK cheers - http://www.getautomatix.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=242401:40
ScottK2I like the "It's not because we suck" excuse.01:42
nixternalaww, I am sad to see it go01:43
nosredna_ekimand like it or not... it is NOT needed any more01:44
* nixternal grabs a tissue and wipes the tear01:44
ScottK2One of my last big pushes before the Gutsy release was to make sure we distributed everything they were distributing that was legal.01:44
ScottK2We should send flowers.01:45
nosredna_ekimmaybe we should include automatix in the april fools release :P01:46
nosredna_ekimhaha... I'll load it up and make a screen shot :P...I have to go find a nice wall paper though... you can read my current release notes here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61185/01:50
ScottK2Missing a W at the start01:51
nosredna_ekimyeah.. I know <_<01:52
nixternalnosredna_ekim: use the tux and butterfly wallpaper :)01:52
nixternalI would change the whole color scheme too01:52
nosredna_ekimoh yeah..... its gonna be pink :)01:53
ScottK2That's my value added for the release.01:53
nosredna_ekimmaybe a nice turquise unicorn background01:53
nixternaloh man, imbrandon has a great unicorn one01:54
nixternalor maybe that was hobbsee01:54
nosredna_ekimany idea of the name?I can search google for it01:54
nixternalwell speak of the devil :)01:54
nixternalHobbsee: remember that nasty unicorn/pony wallpaper that either you or imbrandon had? any idea where it is located?01:55
* Hobbsee blew up her system, and doesnt' have her private key here.01:55
Hobbseenixternal: imbrandon had it, i dont know if he has a copy01:55
nixternaltrying to remember where he posted that bad boy01:55
nosredna_ekimhow about: http://bchilds.com/blog/files/blogimage.jpg01:57
nosredna_ekimah.. its vista...01:57
nosredna_ekimNM ;)01:57
nixternaloh lord that is ugly, yet perfect01:57
nixternalI would screenshot kbfx looking like XP01:58
Jucatowth? O.o01:58
nixternalor better yet, just screenshot PCLOS, it looks like XP01:58
Jucatonixternal: oh I thought Vista looking like kbfx :)01:58
nosredna_ekimI want a wallpaper like that though01:59
nosredna_ekimhere we go.... just gotta color it :) http://greywolf.critter.net/images/gallery/critters/2007-09-10-happy-unicorn-drawing-300dpi.gif02:05
nosredna_ekimhrm... its probably not GPLed though...02:06
Jucatonot the same though... that other one is prettier :P02:07
nosredna_ekimperfect! http://victorian.fortunecity.com/hampton/426/thwpics/01/unicorn-800x600-003th.jpg02:16
Jucatothat's 800x600? O.o02:18
nosredna_ekimactuall... no... it seems its javascripted to the real image02:18
* Jucato personally prefers dragons...02:19
nareshovdo we have korundum for kde4/qt4 yet?02:38
Jucatoruby right? have you checked kdebindings?02:39
Jucato(or do you mean packages?)02:39
nareshovcan I write a kde4/qt4 app with korundum?02:40
* Jucato doesn't know :)02:41
* Jucato doesn't know ruby at all02:41
nareshovI know PyQt4 is ready02:41
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ScottK2My middle daughter (14) needed a laptop to take to school today for a science presentation she had to give.  I gave her my old laptop to take (which is running Hardy).03:05
* ScottK2 didn't know she was going to have to use a projector and present to the whole class.03:05
ScottK2So, her whole science class has heard of Kubuntu now and the Hardy displayconfig manages just fine with at least one kind of projector.03:06
yuriyoh really? wow03:06
yuriyi use nvidia-settings for that, but have had an embarassing problem03:07
yuriythat involved my mouse running out of batteries and the computer freezing when i turned off the mouse o_O03:07
yuriygood to know displayconfig works for something03:08
ScottK2This is a very old laptop with an old enough ATI that's it's well supported with Free drivers03:10
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nixternalScottK2: what was the issue with projectors previously?03:26
nixternalonly problem I have is keeping my lcd at 1280x800 and having the projector at 1024x768...did you fix that?03:26
nixternalwhat I would do to bypass it is use xrandr and switch it that way...only way it would work actually03:27
ScottK2Dunno.  I've heard people kvetch and with the general bitrot of displayconfig, I was pleasantly suprised it worked.03:28
ScottK2In this case just plugging it in with the 2nd display set to plug and play worked.03:28
nixternalI will test it next week at the uni03:29
nixternalI have a huge presentation next week to do and would like it working prior to giving it03:29
ScottK2nixternal: That'd be good.03:29
nixternalspeaking of which, I need to get to work on that presentation03:30
ScottK2nixternal: When you say 'use xrandr', how would you go about doing that?03:30
nixternal1 talk is Kubuntu and KDE community..the other talk is KDE 403:30
ScottK2This is all KDE3 don't forget.03:30
nixternalScottK2: there is a kicker applet/icon and I would click it and select 1024x76803:30
nixternalxrandr works in kde403:30
ScottK2Ah.  KDE4.03:30
nixternalbut I have to have my lcd at 1024x768 as well03:31
nixternalwhich sucks on a 1280x800 display03:31
ScottK2Guidance apparently talks to xrandr a bit too as I've seen comments in the code mentioning it.03:31
nixternalhow come our kde4 packages all seem to have debian-changelog-file-is-a-symlink03:37
ScottK2nixternal: Because Ubuntu hacked CDBS to always do that.03:38
ScottK2Saves space on the CD.03:38
ScottK2It's a "Feature".03:38
nixternalahh, is it safe/smart to add an overrides for it?03:39
ScottK2As long as the package with the symlink depends on the one that actually provides the changelog, it's fine.03:41
nixternal(= ${binary:Version})03:42
ScottK2Even source version would be fine.03:43
nixternalvorian: mega fix to keurocalc-kde4...test building and then will install and test fully before I upload04:34
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nixternalare we looking at any showstoppers right now?04:57
* ScottK2 hands nixternal https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-8.0405:02
nixternalit is taking forever to load, I am scared :)05:03
ScottK2That'll show ya.05:06
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Tonio_hi there08:02
jussi01morning Tonio_08:21
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?08:48
Tonio_jcastro: ping ?08:50
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klerfaytis there any point in submitting bugs for "compiz desktop-effects" at the moment?09:04
Seregahey guys, how do we change default X11 resolution now? I cannot find the options in xorg.conf and around09:07
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Riddellhi Tonio_09:59
Riddellklerfayt: yes09:59
klerfaytRiddell: yeah. I couldn't resist, already reported10:01
Tonio_Riddell: hey :)10:02
Tonio_Riddell: I did contact eyas yet for the UDS? and I can't find the email sent by jcastro including the .doc file to sent to them10:03
Tonio_Riddell: could you forward the email please ?10:03
Riddellno, I don't have that e-mail10:04
Tonio_hum okay I'll ping him them :)10:04
NightroseTonio_: I have the doc for fosscamp if that helps10:04
Tonio_Nightrose: please ! :)10:04
Nightroseok sending in a sec10:05
NightroseTonio_: your mail doesn't work :( - will upload somewhere10:08
Tonio_tonio@ubuntu.com ???????10:09
Nightrosejep - will pastebin10:09
Tonio_Nightrose: weird......10:10
Tonio_Nightrose: do you use a personal smtp server ? if yes, rejection is probably due to dsrbl filtering10:10
Nightrosenope - gmail10:10
Tonio_I'd be interested to see what happens :)10:10
NightroseTonio_: http://www.lydiapintscher.de/tmp10:11
Tonio_Nightrose: thanks :)10:12
NightroseTonio_: http://pastebin.com/m68b00ada10:12
Nightroseno prob10:12
Tonio_Nightrose: who to send the email to ?10:12
Tonio_at eyas ?10:12
Nightrosenicki at eyas co uk or  amy10:14
Nightrosefor fosscamp at least10:14
Tonio_Nightrose: canonical smtp server has fallen in one of the filtering lists.......;10:14
Nightroseah ok10:14
Tonio_Nightrose: can you re-send, to be sure ?10:15
Tonio_I removed the "relays" list10:15
Riddellso Tonio_, you seem to have quietly imposed Tango upon us10:17
Tonio_hu ?????????10:18
Riddellmaybe it was an accident :)10:18
Nightrose<- afk for a while10:18
Tonio_Riddell: I'm am not the kind of guys that "impose" things :)10:19
Tonio_Riddell: it was discussed a long time ago with sho10:20
Tonio_Riddell: 3 month ago we discussed this during a meeting with hobbsee, and afaicr, I said we'll change the icon theme to one sho likes, and I gave the url10:20
Tonio_everyone seemed to agree on the approach10:20
Riddellbut but... it's tango!10:21
Tonio_Riddell: I just wanted the new konversation for the change, but seems it'll be too late for hardy, I did it last week :)10:21
Tonio_Riddell: any problem with it ?10:21
Riddellwhy did sho prefer a third party theme over one shipped with konversation?10:21
Tonio_Riddell: beter ask him ;)10:21
Tonio_Riddell: next konvi will include tango afaik10:21
Tonio_<Sho_>       The Tango theme? Yeah, I switched to it too ;)10:22
Tonio_<Sho_>       this is the right one: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Tango+Theme+for+Konversation?content=5183810:22
Tonio_Riddell: as you can see, I didn't decide tango on my own ;)10:22
Tonio_Riddell: looking at the meeting minutes, I didn't say it was tango, I just said that we would use sho's prefered theme, and everyone agreed, since sho was complaning about us ;)10:25
Tonio_Riddell: don't you like tango ? I don't like on the normal desktop, but for konversation, I pretty much like it10:25
Tonio_Riddell: in any case I'm sorry for the confusion, but that's more a misscomprehension than me imposing things :)10:26
Riddelltango is badly licenced (CC not accepted by debian) and has a nasty political element to it (they call it a standard when its just an icon theme)10:28
Tonio_Riddell: ah...... I wasn't aware about that10:28
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the licence, I seem to remember that we at ubuntu didn't have any problem with the CC in the past, right ?10:29
Tonio_concerning icons at least10:29
Tonio_Riddell: ./ubuntu irc_#kubuntu-devel.log:[mar jan 8 2008] [11:15:24] <Riddell>   CC is not DFSG free but it is fine in ubuntu10:30
Tonio_Riddell: isn't that you ? ;)10:30
Riddellhat's the case10:31
Tonio_Riddell: so except the political problem, what is the problem with the licence ?10:31
Riddell"CC is not DFSG free"10:33
Tonio_"but is fine in ubuntu" ;)10:33
Tonio_Riddell: that's in the kubuntu-default-settings package right10:34
Tonio_Riddell: so let's say what was exceptable 3 month ago is not anymore ?10:34
Riddellit's acceptable to us, not Debian10:34
Tonio_hum...... okay, so we can include a CC licenced theme to k-d-s, right ?10:35
Tonio_so what is the problem with tango ? I'm sorry but I'm lost....10:35
Tonio_Nightrose: got the mail this time :)10:36
Riddellthe artistic problem is that it doesn't fit in with crystal, the political problem is that I don't especially like tango (and I suspect kwwii will agree) since it tried to proclaim itself as a standard that it isn't10:39
Tonio_Riddell: oki ;)10:39
Tonio_Riddell: so e have to find out another one sho will like10:40
Riddellwell, hum10:40
RiddellI've e-mailed konversation-devel telling about the licence issue10:41
Riddelland told ruphy the situation, he was the guy who complained origianlly and maybe he'll make an oxygen theme10:41
Tonio_Riddell: I'd love that10:42
RiddellI guess we can leave it for now and see what happens10:42
Tonio_Riddell: oki10:42
Tonio_Riddell: sorry for the confusion10:42
_StefanS_hey Tonio_10:43
Tonio__StefanS_: hey ;)10:43
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping you next time, promissed :)10:53
Riddellanyone have bright ideas how to disable kde3's kded mediamanager in kde 4?11:12
smarterRiddell: how is it disabled in ubiquity?11:13
smarterfound it11:19
smarterRiddell: dcop kded kded unloadModule medianotifier11:19
Riddellwell, not in ubiquity, in a kde 4 session11:22
Riddellthe problem is you don't know when to call that, it would need to be after kded starts up11:22
Riddellkded is a daemon :)11:23
smarteryes, but we could make some sort of daemon which checks peridoically if kded is running and unload medianotifier if it's the case11:23
Riddellwould be better just to modify kded to do it itself11:24
smarterpatch kded to check if kde4 is running and disable medianotifier if it's the case?11:25
RiddellI guess so11:26
smarterIs there a reliable way to know what kde version is running?11:27
TheInfinitysmarter, just start any kde app and click help -> about kde11:27
Riddellsomething more programmable :)11:28
nareshovwas about to say that ^^11:28
smarteryes ;)11:28
smarterstarting a KDE4 session in Xephyr to check some environment variables11:28
smarteroh, oxygen cursor theme, grooby11:28
nareshovsmarter: how about '<any_kde_app> -v' ?11:28
Riddellps -ef | grep plasma would work, not terribly elegant11:28
nareshov'<any_kde_app> -v | grep KDE'11:29
smartersomeone can start plasma under kde311:29
Riddellright, but if they do they can live with the consequenses11:29
sebasThose come to mind11:30
smarterDESKTOP_SESSION=kde here11:31
Riddellsebas: DESKTOP_SESSION=default is also possible11:31
sebasFix your environment, guys ;-)11:32
smarterKDE_SESSION_VERSION seems good11:32
smarterdoesn't exist in kde311:32
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
Riddellright, perfect11:34
* smarter looks at kded code11:35
RiddellI think the patch would be to the medianotifier plugin, not kded itself11:35
sebasDoes the medianotifier run when kde4 is started already?11:36
sebasTHen one could unload it from startkde411:36
sebasOtherwise, kde3init might be a candidate?11:36
Riddellit runs when you start a kde 3 app (which starts kded)11:36
* sebas is beautifully ignorant when it comes to that :>11:36
sebasAye, then kded as you say11:36
smarterpeople still use kde3 and want medianotfier ;)11:36
* smarter runs a dpkg -S /usr/share/services/kded/medianotifier.desktop11:37
RiddellI think an if statement in the constructor of medianotifier.cpp would do it11:38
smarterhow do we run shell code from C++, KProcess?11:38
Riddellif not KDE_SESSION_VERSION=4 {connectDCOP...}11:38
Riddellsmarter: why do we need to?11:38
smarterKDE_SESSION_VERSION is not defined in the code11:39
Riddellc++ can read environment variables easily enough11:39
Riddellsmarter: do I detect you are volunteering to try coding this?11:41
smarterexactly ;)11:41
Riddellexcellent, thanks11:41
* Riddell out for annual haircut11:42
Nightrosehmmm /me should consider that as well...11:57
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
jpatrickdid anyone test the moodin patch? (https://launchpad.net/~jpatrick/+archive)13:53
ScottK2Not yet.13:55
ugaguys, are the new beta live CDs secure enough?14:05
Hobbseewhy would they not be?14:06
ugawell, not booting on 80% machines for example =)14:06
ugaI need to recover a box from a friend, and my CDs are all 64bit14:06
Hobbseesecurity != workingness14:06
ugaso I need to download one. As he'll end up upgrading to hardy anyway, I was wondering if it's the way to go14:07
ugaHobbsee: hehe, true14:07
ugaare they somehow working mostly?14:07
ugaI know the packages are rather okay14:07
sebasA machine that's not booted is pretty secure IMO14:07
Hobbseesebas: :)14:08
Hobbseesebas: how's it going?14:08
ugaso do those CDs have any chances of booting? =)14:08
uga>10%? =)14:08
sebasHobbsee: bizzi as usual, but generally quite excellent14:08
sebasHow are you, girlie?14:08
Hobbseesebas: well, i became a traitor, and am focussing a lot on uni stuff atm14:08
ugasigh, I wonder why I bothered, given I knew I'd get no proper answer. Brds =))14:08
Hobbseeuga: they apperaed to pass the tests for beta, so they must work to some degree14:09
ugaok, that sounds good enough14:10
Hobbseesebas: apart from that, pretty good :)14:10
sebasHobbsee: Hehe, studying = traiting14:11
Hobbseesebas: nah, moving to gnome == traitoring14:12
sebasHad i known this before, my study would have taken agres^2 (instead of just ages(14:12
sebasAh, why GNOME?14:12
sebasDoes someone pay you for it? ;-)14:12
Hobbseea few reasons14:12
Hobbseehah.  no.  i wish.14:12
Hobbseesebas: /query?14:13
* Jucato just finished installing Ubuntu Gutsy on his lappy 2 minutes ago :P14:13
ugayeah, you gotta have guts-you to install that thing14:14
ugaJucato: I hope you meant _k_ubuntu =)14:15
Jucatouga: no. I meant *U*buntu :)14:15
JucatoI'm just playing with it until Hardy arrives14:15
* uga tries to /op 14:15
Jucatothen I'll wipe it from the face of my system and install Kubuntu :P14:15
ugaJucato: just install kubuntu 3.x and upgrade packages up to hardy14:16
ugait's rather safe. I did that14:16
ugakde4 packs had some conflicts that I had to solve manually, but they won't install unless you request explicitly, so you're safe14:16
ugas/kubuntu 3.x/kubuntu gutsy I meant obviousyl14:17
Jucatonah. I'm just taking advantage of the fact that I just reformatted the laptop and I don't have any hardy installers around yet14:18
ugaso go get vista14:18
ugabut not gutsy ;)14:18
ugaggutsy, I mean14:18
HobbseeJucato: dangerous idea.  what if you don't go back?14:25
JucatoHobbsee: I will. I'm still using KDE on the desk :P14:26
Jucatobesides, I hate programming in GTK+/C :P14:26
* ScottK2 says what the heck and dist-upgrades his laptop to Hardy ...14:30
RiddellScottK2: dist-upgrade or the proper process?14:34
ScottK2do-release-upgrade or whatever it is14:34
ScottK2The cli one.14:34
ScottK2My old laptop I dist-upgraded without issue several weeks ago.  I take that as a good sign.14:35
Riddellanyone seen bug 180429 ?14:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 180429 in dolphin "Dolphin creates huge temp files till partition is full" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18042914:35
NightroseScottK2: can you give me some feedback on the speed of the servers later? if they are ok I will upgrade my laptop too14:36
seeleah, kde314:37
Nightroseseele: 3 according to the bugreport14:37
seeleyes, i see that14:37
seelei dont even see a tmp file for dolphin in my /tmp/kde-seele14:38
ScottK2Nightrose: According to the dist upgrade tool it's bouncing between ~150 and ~450 kB/s14:38
NightroseScottK2: ok thx14:38
* Nightrose will backup some stuff then and join the fun14:39
ScottK2Nightrose: Just bumped up over 900 for a second.14:42
sahin_hIs it to late for ask a newer version of GTK-QT Theme Engine?14:55
sahin_hI tested the 1.1 version and works great with KDE4.0.2.14:56
ScottKIsn't there already an FFe pending for that?14:56
sahin_hScottK: I don't know.14:57
sahin_hScottK: Where can I check it? (The FFe pending)14:58
ScottKBug #198762 is what I was thinking of.14:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198762 in gtk2-engines-qtcurve "[FFe request] Upgrade to gtk2-engines-qtcurve 0.56.3" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19876214:58
ScottKIs that the same package?14:58
sahin_hScottK: Nope. I'm talking about the gtk-qt-engine package.15:00
ScottKThen I guess the answer would be that you can ask (file an FFe).15:00
sahin_hScottK: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/GTK-QT+Theme+Engine?content=971415:01
sahin_hScottK: Is this FFe a special launchpad bug report?15:01
* ScottK hands sahin_h https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess15:02
sahin_hScottK: Thanks for the link.15:02
sahin_hScottK: Stupid me! apachelogger has created a package already.15:04
sahin_hScottK: The name of the package:  gtk-qt-engine-kde415:05
sahin_hapachelogger: I know your goal... Package the whole KDE world for Kubuntu. ;-)15:09
apacheloggersahin_h: well, I am not too bad at it, right? ;-)15:12
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gribeluwhile we're on the subject.. does firefox look weird for you with gtk-qt-engine-kde4?15:15
yuriygribelu: tabs?15:15
gribelutabs... in page widgets15:15
sahin_hapachelogger: Yes, you are simply amazing.15:15
yuriyah, yeah, those too15:15
gribelulike checkboxes and stuff15:15
gribeluright.. so it's a feature :D15:16
apacheloggerI only noticed it for the tabs15:16
apacheloggerrendering glitches probably15:16
apacheloggerbut better than plain gtk IMO15:16
gribeluapachelogger: try gmail for example15:16
gribeluother gtk apps look great though15:17
apacheloggergmail buttons look like gtk native15:17
gribeluthey look like oxygen for me.. but they are huge.. and sometimes buttons/checkboxes are somehow hidden like they have wrong Z value.. when i hover over them they become normal again15:18
sahin_hgribelu: Yep, I can confirm that.15:19
gribeluoh and oxygen buttons are supposed to be nice and rounded but in FF they have visible edges instead of transparent ones15:19
apacheloggergribelu: firefox3?15:20
gribelumaybe it's because i'm using dark colors on oxygen15:21
apacheloggerreally, I blame firefox15:21
apacheloggerespecially firefox315:21
apacheloggerdoesn't look all that off in my firefox215:22
yuriygribelu: i have the nontransparent edges problem, i haven't noticed any other glitches15:23
gribeluwell there's also a small glitch with the scrollbars.. as in the arrow thingies disappear when i scroll the page.. but that's nothing15:25
gribeluapachelogger: here's what it looks like http://img84.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot3uu2.png15:26
Riddelljpatrick: your ksplash package fixes it for me15:28
apacheloggerdark colors make it even worse looking :S15:28
gribeluyeah :D15:28
gribelusomeone that knows stuff about GTK should post a bug at mozilla.. otherwise i'm sure they would blame gtk-qt-engine15:29
gribeluthen again there are no gtk people here15:30
yuriygribelu: there is a fix for the scroll bar problem that you can install through system settings15:31
gribeluyuriy: doesn't work.. for me15:34
gribelunever did.. even for qt3 and ff215:35
gribelubut i almost never use the scrollbar15:35
yuriygribelu: restarted firefox? logged out and in maybe?15:35
gribelurebooted many times since then :D15:35
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ScottK2That was painless.15:38
Nightrose3 hours of package downloading remaining here15:40
ScottK2That was done via wireless too.15:41
Nightrosebah - down to 1 hour 20 mins after telling my flat mate to turn of torrents... :P15:42
jussi01oh noes!! its a nixternal!! :P15:50
\shNightrose: kick him/her ;)15:51
Nightrosehehe nah - he is rarely here (a few hours each month at most - spends the rest of his time at his bf's house) - don't want to loose him since he is paying half of the rent :P15:55
gribeluhis bf?15:55
Nightrosejep - why the sad face? it is none of my busines after all15:57
gribeluwell i hope you're not attractive15:57
Nightrosehaha depends on whom you ask - anyway - back to work15:58
ugaguys, the new beta live CD doesn't allow testing kde4 without installing, right?15:58
ugaI'd like to show him what's next15:58
Nightroseuga: there is a kde 4 live cd15:58
ugaah, I thought it was a single cd :/15:59
ugaok, it'll have to be next time15:59
Nightrosenope one for 3 and one for 415:59
ugaok thanks15:59
nixternalRiddell: take a peak at bug #80819 if you would please16:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 80819 in kdebase "/media /home directory international description" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8081916:16
ScottK2Only filed one new bug out of that upgrade.  I must be slipping.16:17
Artemis_FowlWhere can I finf the Hardy Release Schedue?16:18
\shArtemis_Fowl: on the wiki...search for releaseschedule or wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule it defaults to hardy16:19
yuriybug 99834: would it be reasonable to get qt4 apps to default to qtcurve on kde3 and oxygen on kde4?16:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99834 in kubuntu-default-settings "QT 4 applications are not getting feisty default styles and widgets" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9983416:21
Riddellnixternal: works for me16:21
yuriy(i don't know if this already happens since i'm just running kde4)16:21
Riddellnixternal: oh I see16:22
Riddellnixternal: on the whole, if you go to /, you should know what you're looking at16:22
yuriyslashcomma? :D16:23
gribeluit's too bad that hardy is scheduled before kde 4.1 alpha .. that alpha might be much better than 4.0.3 :D16:24
yuriygribelu: but significantly less tested16:24
ScottKWhich brings up a point I've been thinking about ...16:25
gribelui guess.. but 90% of developers are working on 4.1 constantly... while 4.0.x only get some attention right before the release dates16:25
ScottKOnce Hardy is released, since we know we will release Ibex with 4.1.something, would it be better to jump to 4.1 svn snapshots right away?16:26
ScottKMaybe shove 4.0.x into hardy-proposed/updates.16:26
gribeluhard feature freeze is scheduled for may 19th16:26
RiddellScottK: I think that's a good idea16:26
RiddellScottK: there's also the question of putting it in /usr and killing KDE 3 apps16:27
gribeluupgrading may be difficult16:27
gribelubut i would prefer having kde4 with normal paths and kde3 in /usr/ib/whatever16:27
ScottKMaybe move the kde3 apps out of the way (reverse the current situation).16:27
yuriyfor upgrading, wouldn't e.g. kdebase from kde 3.5 upgrade to kdebase from kde 4, and then kdebase replaces/conflicts: kdebase-kde416:28
yuriythat ought to do it, no?16:29
gribelubut will ibex still have kde3 as an option?16:31
nixternalScottK: how would you like to work on some mountconfig stuff? :)16:31
gribelukde3 is dead :|16:31
ScottKnixternal: Sure, if you teach displayconfig to talk to xrandr and find out about monitor configs when there is no xorg.conf.16:32
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ScottKnixternal: IIRC, awen said he'd have a look at it.16:33
nixternalheh, I don't understand anything with guidance, so I am the wrong person :p16:33
nixternalmy question is this: why do we use it? other distros don't and seem to not have these problems16:33
Riddellother distros have their own tools, which they maintain themselves16:33
ScottKWe won't (at least not displayconfig) for KDE4.16:34
Riddelland yes displayconfig will go16:34
ScottKnixternal: Since bryce isn't one of the only two Gnome only devs that Ubuntu has, go ask him where the xrandr configuration tool for KDE Hardy is.16:36
ScottKThat's KDE4, right?16:36
ScottK^^^ Suspend works fine.  Restore, not so good.16:40
Riddellkcmshell4 display  is the up and coming one16:44
Riddellbroken in kde 4.016:44
Riddellkrandrtray is in KDE 316:44
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ScottKOK.  Thanks.16:52
jpatrickRiddell: awesome, upload away?17:00
Riddelljpatrick: done it17:01
jpatrickthanks :)17:01
smarterRiddell: I've made a patch for kded medianotifier to not show up in kde418:59
smarterproblem is, I've never saw the medianotifier popup of kde3 in kde4, even with kde3 apps launched18:59
Riddellsmarter: I get it all the time19:04
nosrednaekimRiddell: so how is the proposal for getting the printing applet into KDE going? I can't tell from the discussion :)19:07
Riddellnosrednaekim: unsure19:09
Riddellalbert has a fair point19:09
RiddellI don't know if everyone else agrees with him or not19:09
nosrednaekimyeah, thats the first thing I noticed when I ran it.... it didn't have the oxygen look.19:11
smarterRiddell: strange, patch is here if you can test: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kubuntu_9924_kde4_no_medianotifier.diff19:11
smarterI'll test by manually setting the KDE_SESSION_VERSION variable19:14
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smarterhmm, my patch makes kdebase FTBFS, don't try it now ;)19:18
nosrednaekimuh... now I have to upgrade to hardy, there is no python kde 4.02 bindings for gutsy :)19:22
blizzzeknosrednaekim: you're right :(19:26
blizzzekbut there's another issue19:27
nosrednaekimwhich is?19:27
blizzzekif you make a menu for a tray icon, you do not see the text when oxygene is the current style. works in plastique though e.g.19:28
blizzzekRiddell told me it has something to do with python-dbus or so19:28
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blizzzeknosrednaekim: that's what it looks like then http://www.arthur-schiwon.de/sites/default/files/skbd_mnu_oxy_sm.png19:30
nosrednaekimblizzzek: amarok19:32
nosrednaekim's loks fine... or is this a python only problem?19:32
blizzzeknosrednaekim: not amarok, an app of my own. as you see, the text is missing19:33
blizzzeksame app, same code, but with plastique-style: http://www.arthur-schiwon.de/sites/default/files/skbd_mnu_plas_sm.png19:34
blizzzek"#Oxygen doesn't work with python-dbus (it loads QtDbus which clashes) so force to plastique"  <--- i was told19:36
nosrednaekimyeah... so I saw...19:36
nosrednaekimso why can't we use qtdbus?19:36
Riddellno bindings19:36
nosrednaekimok, how about this. put all the dbus related stuff in another program, and call the program containing the GUI from within that program(using the subprocess function)... then communicate between the two with stdin ...19:45
nosrednaekimcould someone mark this as wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/desktop-effects-kde/+bug/20761219:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207612 in desktop-effects-kde ""Custom effects" doesn't download compizconfig-settings-manager" [Undecided,New]19:50
smarterwhy does oxygen needs qtdbus?19:53
Nightrosewohoooo - upgraded my laptop sucessfully to hardy20:10
Nightrosethis is the first upgrade that worked flawless for me \o/20:10
smarterRiddell: works now (: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kdebase.debdiff20:17
smartershould I commit it to the bzr branch?20:17
Riddellbzr is likely out of date20:20
smarterhum, yes20:22
RiddellNightrose: what method?20:29
NightroseRiddell: the graphical installer as mentioned in the release notes for beta20:31
Nightrosethe same for the upgrades I did for edgy and feisty20:31
Nightrosebut they failed back then20:31
RiddellI think it was a good thing to remove the embedded konsole widget20:32
Nightrosedid that cause a lot of trouble?20:32
davmor2Riddell: do you have some nice screenshots of kde4 with apps open?20:40
smarterRiddell: I've an idea on how to implement "don't autoload medianotifier in kde4" in a better way than I did with http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kdebase.debdiff, but won't have time to do it before tomorrow, so don't hurry to upload it ;)20:40
Riddelldavmor2: http://kde.org/announcements/4.0/applications.php ?20:44
davmor2Riddell: No I was really after the latest Kubuntu kde4 with several apps open if you get what I mean?20:46
davmor2I am going to be setting up a test page for KDE4 but I don't have it installed on anything at the moment.20:48
Nightrosedavmor2: if you tell me what you need exactly I probably can get you some20:50
davmor2Nightrose: Just a KDE4 with several of the current common apps open, like mail, dolphin, dragon some of the plasmoids etc.20:53
blueyedWill there be a depends from a meta package for gtk-qt-engine-kde4? (like kubuntu-desktop depends on gtk-qt-engine)21:12
Nightrosedavmor2: whatdoyou think of these: http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp21:18
Nightrosehmm add some spaces in there :P21:19
Nightrosedavmor2: dragonplyer with a video -> black on screenshot21:19
Nightroseand about mail: kontakt is not finished yet21:20
davmor2Nightrose: they're perfect thanks :)21:20
Nightrose:9 yw21:20
davmor2it's just so people new to testing know what the things look like :)21:21
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Nightroseughhh davmor2 - let me take the one again that shows the desktop21:22
Nightrosethere is a rendering problem with the taskbar21:22
Nightrosehappens sometimes21:22
davmor2oh yes21:22
Nightrosedavmor2: uploaded21:24
davmor2Nightrose: Thanks :)21:25
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davmor2amarok still isn't in KDE4 is it?21:40
smarter!info amarok221:46
smarter!info amarok2 hardy21:46
davmor2ta I need to modify the page :)21:47
Nightrosedavmor2: amarok 2.0 final not before kde 4.1 because we depend on these libraries21:47
smarterthere's an alpha in the kde4 ppa at least21:47
Nightrosebeta probably earlier21:47
Nightrosesmarter: that isoutdatedbynow21:47
Nightroseandwaspre alpha ;-)21:48
Nightrosemeh *and was pre21:48
davmor2Nightrose: it's only so I can modify the Kubuntu test page rather than writing a complete new one21:48
smarterspace key problems? ;)21:48
Nightrosesmarter: jep - dunno what is wrong with it today21:48
xRaich[o]2xHi. When starting KDM4 in hardy i looks like it's doesn't recognize any keystrokes.22:13
xRaich[o]2xIt this a known bug?22:14
Tonio_Riddell: contrib day tomorrow, time to add the new oxygen konvi theme :)22:15
blizzzekxRaich[o]2x: do you have kdm4 as default?22:15
xRaich[o]2xi did22:15
xRaich[o]2xnow i have kdm3. it works but after loggin in kde4 causes trouble22:16
blizzzekyou could not log on, since it was not possible to enter any password, right?22:16
xRaich[o]2xI kind of looked like the gui was frozen but i could move the mouse22:17
xRaich[o]2xthe strange thing is that the prompt did't blink22:17
xRaich[o]2xAnd yes that's why i couldn't log in.22:18
blizzzekwell, it works for me fine.22:18
* Nightrose nags Tonio_ about ksniffer :P22:19
blizzzekactually, i have no idea where the problem could lie22:19
xRaich[o]2xblizzzek: what bothers me is that i really lack any information22:19
xRaich[o]2xI'd like to post a bug report.22:20
xRaich[o]2xBut "it's doesn't work" is kinda crap.22:20
blizzzekxRaich[o]2x: did you check x server log? although i don't think that the problem lies there22:20
xRaich[o]2xI'll give it a try22:21
xRaich[o]2xthought about that already22:21
xRaich[o]2xhmm weird... it works now, but it took ages to show up22:23
xRaich[o]2xBut those aliased fonts look mighty nice ^^22:24
xRaich[o]2xwtf? It shows up on Alt+F9 ôO22:25
ScottK2Someone who cares about KDE4, please see slangasek's latest comments in #ubuntu-motu22:28
ScottK2Riddell: ^^^22:29
blizzzekScottK2: that's tricky when you're not in that channel already ;)22:29
jpatrickScottK2: you killed him22:30
ScottK2kdepim-kde4 doesn't build.  Do we need it?22:31
ScottK2jpatrick: ^^22:31
jpatrickScottK2: +1 for nukeage (for now), it's not yet ready upstream (iirc)22:32
jpatrickbut..... I'm not the important-decisions-guy22:32
jpatrickapachelogger: ^^22:32
ScottK2If Riddell wants it back he can reupload it and New it himself.22:33
jpatrickaren't we using the kde3 version of pim anyway?22:38
* Nightrose thought so22:39
jpatrickRiddell: wb, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61284/22:44
jpatrickok, nixternal is on the case22:47
nixternalya, those can go22:47
nixternalneither of them work in the first place22:47
nixternaland people are filing bugs on them22:48
Riddellyes kill kdepim-kde422:48
nixternalactually, I am checking to make sure kphotoalbum-kde4 won't be released with 4.0.322:49
nixternalwe will get 4.0.3 in Hardy correct?22:49
nixternalseeing as that is scheduled for next week?22:49
Riddellshould do22:49
Riddellkphotoalbum-kde4 can go22:49
nixternalit isn't going to get tagged for 4.0.3?22:50
nixternalI was going to say if it did to just leave it22:50
nixternalok, let her go22:50
nixternalfire in the hole!22:50
nixternalhey, if anyone in here is interested in a bit of upstream work with documentation, let me know...it seems I have been dubbed the coordinator and I have some work all ready to be taken on22:51
ryanakcaRiddell: How many news articles on the front page?22:51
nixternalfigured I would give you first dibs, however I will be posting a blog to attract new contribs22:51
Nightrosenixternal: hehe - quite a few people jumped on you after that mail heh?22:52
nareshovnixternal: what sort of documentation?22:52
nixternalNightrose: just a bit22:52
Riddellryanakca: however many look good22:52
ryanakcaRiddell: ok, I'll set to 5, we can increase/decrease as we see fit.22:52
Riddellnixternal: congratulations22:52
nixternalI am covering System Settings & modules, man pages, and kdereview22:52
nixternalRiddell: movin' on up..one of these days I might be half as cool as you :p22:52
Nightrosehaha nixternal - you are already I think22:53
ryanakcanixternal: whats to do with man pages?22:53
nixternalryanakca: create them in docbook, which isn't the easiest thing in the world22:53
nixternalwell it is easy, just a) tedious, and b) kind of ridiculous actually22:54
nixternalfirst time writing a manpage in docbook instead of using those 2 silly manpage scripting things ;p22:54
ryanakcaoh, ouch, what happened to just directly creating the man page in whatever markup man pages are?22:54
nareshovman pages are originally written in SGML right?22:54
nixternali can't remember the name of it for the life of me22:54
ryanakcathat it?22:55
* Jucato thinks so22:55
nixternaland troff22:55
Jucato?roff, better? :)22:55
nareshovi see a groff too >_>22:55
nixternalthe build scripts are hit or miss for the docbook and manpages22:56
nixternalya, groff is another one, so Jucato is right.... ?roff22:56
Jucatoyay! I'm right! for once...22:56
* Jucato hugs nixternal22:56
ryanakca?buntu :P22:56
* ryanakca gets back to websiting22:56
* nixternal has been doing about 50 watch files22:56
ryanakcaoooh, got to brush up on your mad regex skills?22:57
nixternal(.*) that was it22:57
nixternaland every now and then I would have to do22:57
nixternalopts=dversionmangle=s/~/-/ \22:58
* nixternal thinks LP needs: a) better backbone connection, b) larger and faster server farm, and c) ScottK2 to start supporting it22:59
* Jucato *cough*open*cough*source*cough*23:00
ryanakcanixternal: feel like giving suggestions on the website? (open to anybody else who wants to volunteer)23:01
nareshovryanakca: which website? :)23:01
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Jucatoour website, presumably23:01
* nareshov opens k.o23:02
blizzzekthe secret one, presumably23:02
Jucatonareshov: it's not uploaded there methinks23:03
ryanakcasee drupal(.)ryanak(.)ca23:03
Jucatowhy are there eyes in the middle? :P23:03
ryanakcaJucato: because it isn't a link :P AKA: Shhh please and thank-you23:04
* ryanakca doesn't want google indexing it :P23:04
Jucatoryanakca: please tell me that's an Oxyen download icon? :)23:04
nareshovryanakca: the "Helping Out" link in the bottom is too small ;/23:04
nixternalryanakca: linkage would be good23:05
Jucatoooh seele's glasses!23:05
nixternalahh see it23:05
nixternalryanakca: is that on your home server or a server elsewhere?23:06
nixternalit isn't playing nice with konqueror 4 for some reason23:06
ryanakcanixternal: home server :)23:06
nixternal30679 nixterna  20   0  130m  41m  24m S 42.9  2.8   0:17.07 konqueror23:07
nixternalthere is something on that page killin' konqi23:07
ryanakcahmm... *tries here*23:07
ryanakcayou running trunk or packages?23:07
nixternalNULL errors..guessing you are running a javascript somewhere23:08
nixternalryanakca: both23:08
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ryanakcaYes, just a wee bit of js :)23:09
ryanakcaHmm... works here. Does it work in FF or another browser?23:09
nixternalit only happens with konqi 423:10
ryanakcaI know that all the images get shifted to the right a bit in Opera23:10
nixternalI see a little rounded corner funniness23:11
JucatoI see 4 of those :)23:11
nixternalthe free download arrow is shifted up23:11
nixternalthe border shadow looks like a solid black line and not a shadow23:12
ryanakcaHave a screenshot?23:12
* nixternal wishes we didn't have to follow the 10 year old rounded corner design that ubuntu.com uses23:14
* ryanakca shrugs. Next version I guess :)23:14
nixternalit just doesn't give me that "hey we are serious here" feel23:15
ryanakcaHmm... the small links aren't underlined for you... are you using KHTML or whatever you tried to get working with konqueror a while back?23:15
nareshovapple.com bas rounded corners too ;p23:15
nixternalyes, but they don't have 1 big rounded corner design, they have a very elegant design23:16
nixternalsolid background for one23:16
nixternalmy 2 favorite software sites are:23:17
nixternalfor beauty: Microsoft.com almost tied with Apple.com23:17
aos101The thin blue line at the page edge doesn't go all the way down the page on the support page in Firefox 2.23:17
nixternalfor simplicity: tough one, but I really like the front page for openSUSE23:17
nixternalI helped with the Foresight website, not a big fan of it, but it has a bit more of a professional look honestly23:18
nareshovya, opensuse's is nice23:18
Jucatooooh now I know what fdoving looks like!!!23:18
Jucatonixternal: biased :P23:19
nareshovi like the green ;)23:19
nixternaland I know ryanakca that is nothing you can do because people are whispering in your ear :p23:19
ryanakcanixternal: :P23:19
nixternalthose same people whispered in mine when I was doing the ubuntu-chicago website23:19
Jucatohorse whisperer...23:20
nixternalDog Whisperer! much beter, Cesar rocks!23:20
ryanakcaaos101: methinks thats because of the foreign characters (cyrillic or something of the sort)23:20
Jucatohm... gonna make my own distro and call it Hindsight23:20
ryanakcaaos101: but I will look into it, thanks :)23:20
nixternalman, apple.com changed up a bit, I really like it now23:20
aos101ryanakca: It's the same in Opera 9.26 if that helps.23:21
nixternalI want to do a KDE Edu distro called eduKation :p23:21
nixternalor 'eduKateX'23:21
nareshovor kedubuntu23:21
ryanakcaubukation :P23:22
nixternalno more edubuntu though...well there still is, just not for long23:22
ryanakcalol, where's edubuntu going? dead?23:22
* Jucato boots up his Ubuntu laptop...23:22
nixternalheh, the students at IIT guessed who drew the huge 'chiKago' sign on their white board23:23
nixternalI tagged their classroom23:23
nixternalIllinois Institute of Technology23:23
* ryanakca loves how running a dist-upgrade on a school computer slows down the network/internet in the /whole/ computer lab23:23
Jucatoman sometimes I wish my second name were Karlos... and sometimes I want to change it :)23:23
Jucatoso that JuKato would be a valid name :P23:24
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nixternalwho's coming to see me? :p23:29
nixternalmy talk is next Saturday at 11:45 Chicago Standard Time23:29
* Jucato books a ticket23:30
nixternallooking at the schedule, no ?buntu talks23:33
nixternalI was going to do a talk on Kubuntu and KDE 4, and they told me KDE only please23:33
nixternalbig time23:35
Jucatobum bubum bum23:35
Jucatothis->breakfast("peanut butter and strawberry jam");23:36
nixternalit will eventually blow over23:36
nixternalthey just got upset with a couple of Canonical employees I guess..they even canceled the Bzr talk...funny thing I just noted, they are having an Svn talk23:36
nixternalI am surprised there is even a Ubuntu Chicago booth23:42
nixternaleveryone running the booth runs Kubuntu or Xubuntu, but the only CDs they got were Ubuntu :p23:42
Riddellnixternal: what did the Canonical employees do to them?23:46
Riddellhmm, up against maddog23:47
nixternalMark and Jono issue23:49
nixternallast year they asked Mark to talk, but there wasn't enough time, and Mark said he would do it this year23:49
nixternalthis year they asked and he said he wouldn't be traveling, then he recommended Jono23:50
nixternalso then I put them in touch with Jono and guess he stopped responding to their requests23:50
nixternalit will blow over, it always does23:50
Riddellnot unusual for star speakers23:51
nixternalthe one guy that is running the show get a little overzealous at times23:51
nixternalRiddell: exactly23:51
nixternalbut they have been able to easily get RMS, Maddog, Perens, Mako, Peter Brown, Brian Fitzpatrick, and Ben Collins-Sussman23:52
nixternalso they think everyone is like that23:52
nixternalI told them you, but they said having on KDE/Kubuntu guy is enough :p23:53
nixternalKDE haters...yet they love showing up to my talks and asking about KDE23:53
* apachelogger is wondering what would happen if one has a KDE talk scheduled and starts talking about Kubuntu23:55
* ryanakca envisions them muting the mic, running up on stage and dragging the presenter away... Of course, they don't hate KDE/Kubuntu /that/ much :P23:56
nixternalapachelogger: I will let you know :)23:57
* ryanakca growls at the XHTML validator23:57
nixternalnah, you can go into #chiglug on OFTC and ask if anyone dare mute my mic23:57
apacheloggerwell, what happens if one starts talking about GNOME?23:57
* apachelogger is considering talking @ LinuxTag about GNOME multimedia @ his KDE multimedia talk23:57
nixternalapachelogger: then I beat them up!23:57
nixternalforget muting a mic23:57
nixternalfree speech23:57
nixternalhahahaha, free beating too :P23:57
apacheloggernovell gives free hugs, kubuntu gives free beats23:58
apacheloggerjust fair IMO23:58
ryanakcalol :P23:58
Jucatohm... konversation oxygen nicklist theme looks good (though a bit too white)23:59
Nightroseapachelogger: you are sooooo not going to do that with me up on stage :P23:59
* ryanakca wonders why <hr width="20%" /> is invalid on one line (no, its not under a <p> or anything), but not on another23:59

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