
algyzErickj92:  could it be, that your ISP is blocking 80 port?00:00
kgoetzErickj92: whats your ip/hostname?00:01
Erickj92algyz, no im paying $5.00 to be able to do this00:01
sisoAny ideas why my external Firewire drive won't mount on Feisty00:02
kgoetzErickj92: i have a telnet session open to port 80 on that IP00:02
Erickj92kgoetz what does that mean?00:03
kgoetzErickj92: it means something is listening on port 443. its not https though, whatever it is00:03
Erickj92kgoetz is there anything i can do about it?00:04
flipstarErickj92: i see you have a router..00:04
Erickj92flipstar, yeah00:04
flipstardid you configured it..?00:04
Erickj92with forwarding at leaste00:04
flipstarhm you probably cant open ports there..?00:05
sisoAny ideas?00:05
flipstarsiso: whats the error while mounting ?00:05
sisoJust won't mount....can't see it on the desktop or in konqueror at all, and mount won't do anything in Konsole either00:06
happytigerAny idea how come I cant to tab in konsole in hardy heroen to complete say ... sudo aptitude update or dist-upgrade. I used to be able to write sudo aptitude dist<TAB>  and it would write -upgrade automatically ??00:06
sisoWorked fine, no configuration under Dapper00:06
flipstarhappytiger: you maybe have to install bash-completion00:06
Erickj92flipstar, where an i supposed to open the ports then?00:06
flipstarErickj92: i dont know much about alcatel routers but maybe it has a webinterface or so..00:07
happytigerhmm it does work with completion for local files and dirs thogh ...00:07
Erickj92flipstar, linksys00:07
flipstarhappytiger: then check in bashrc if "interactive bash completion" is enabled00:07
Erickj92i have done the web interface00:07
flipstarhappytiger: btw #ubuntu+1 for hardy00:07
happytigeroki thx00:08
happytigerflipstar: bash-completion did the trick thx man00:09
sisoflipstar, i can see you're busy, anybody else have ideas? (no sarcasm, flipstar)00:09
plooperhi, my laptop has started behaving oddly. When I get into kde the keyboard doesnt work, numlock, caps, scroll lights dont work and when I try to go to terminal ctrl+F* the type is very big and I cant see where Im typing as the cursor goes off the bottom of the screen00:13
plooperbut sometimes it works okay :)00:13
plooperthe working okay seems to be getting rarer and rarer00:13
kgoetzplooper: has it happneed after an update?00:13
plooperkgoetz: dont think so00:14
asobiwhat's an audio editor for kde? i like to crop a mp3 and save it as a new file00:14
plooperI dont tend to update linux00:14
ploopercos this kinda think happens :)00:14
algyzasobi:  audacity00:14
CapitalTHi, can anybody tell what the purpose with the dd process that's always running?00:15
kgoetzplooper: could be a hardware problem00:15
plooperDont think so, vista is fine00:15
kgoetzif updates arnt breaking it and its not hardware your running out of options ;)00:16
algyzCapitalT:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)00:17
CapitalTI know what dd is, I just don't know why is it always running (as root even)00:18
ArwenI finally figured out why recent fglrx versions were nuking my login screen00:18
BluesKajArwen, share yer secret with us :)00:18
Arwenif anyone cares, it's because the latest drivers use the 3-d engine to render 2-d and so XAANoOffscreenPixmaps has to be turned on to prevent your screen from turning into garbage.00:19
Arwentoo bad I'm running on Gentoo now :\00:19
algyzCapitalT:  if it is not using lots of resources, then it is not a problem, isn't it? :)00:19
basculeCapitalT: it is comitting the log from /proc to a static permanent file, ps aux will show it as /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg00:19
sudobashmy Nvidia drivers dont work and it corrupts GDM and XORG when i come to login screen so i disabled it and just go through startx00:19
BluesKajis XAANoOffscreenPixmaps a default app that just needs enabling ?00:20
kgoetzJucato: ping? can you forward Czessi to #fix your connection?00:20
algyzsudobash:  try sudo nvidia-xconfig, maybe it will help00:20
ArwenBluesKaj, it's an xorg.conf parameter00:20
derduiHi does anybody know how to install quickly hard, with the terminal?00:20
derduiive heard, that theires an special command00:21
CapitalTbascule: thanks00:21
algyzderdui:  what you mean "install", maybe mount?00:21
derduii whanto to upgrade from gutsy to hardy algyz00:22
kgoetzRiddell: jpatrick ping? could you "fix" czessi?00:22
Jucatokgoetz: hold on. we're trying to resolve it00:22
kgoetzJucato: thanks00:23
plooperkgoetz: A big hammer00:23
algyzderdui:  sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list, change all "gutsy" into "hardy", then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:23
plooperor fedora00:23
derduioki, algyz every source i finde with gutsy change?00:24
basculewhat is ##fix_you ?00:25
kgoetzbascule: meant to be ##fix_your_connection00:25
algyzderdui:  edit>replace, then type in tex to find "gutsy", replacement text - "hardy"00:25
basculewhat's it do kgoetz ?00:25
kgoetzbascule: it forwards Czessi_ to a channel called ##fix_your_connection until he stops join flooding00:26
basculeah I see, thanks00:26
kgoetznp :)00:26
BluesKajflooding ?...what flooding ?00:27
NickPrestaDoes anyone have a problem with OOo? Whenever I open up any OOo application, there are no window decorations and everything opens up full screen by default.00:27
kgoetzBluesKaj: join/part flood00:27
JucatoBluesKaj: you don't have join/parts visible probably00:27
yakuziNickPresta: do you run compiz-fusion?00:28
basculeI have them turned off in bog chans, to nasty on the eyes :)00:28
NickPrestayakuzi, yep. I'm about to disable it to see if its a compiz/emerald problem00:28
GreeneryJucato: Czessi in #kubuntu-kde4 also00:28
_dennisterk solved a prob with apache2 that developed since my purge/reinstall...gonna reboot now and see if it's all on the right port now00:28
BluesKajI do but , some ppl have probs and the font colour is not bright00:28
JucatoI don't have that luxury :/00:28
yakuziNickPresta: well when i try to run compiz-fusion, i don't have window decorations at all so it may be your problem when using OOo...00:29
NickPrestayakuzi, well, it just affects the OOo application. I have decorations for everything else.00:29
yakuziNickPresta: some small bug maybe, you can always try without compiz heh00:30
sigmounteanyone have the same problem ("apply" button on screen resolution configuration interface are always grey , and don't allow to change anything00:30
NickPrestayakuzi, yeah. It appears to be a cf problem. I'll ask in compiz-fusion.00:30
JucatoGreenery: looks like his connection is fixed now...00:30
algyzsigmounte:  if you have nvidia video card, try it's configuring utility00:31
sigmountei'm using an ATI (firegl mobility)00:31
algyzsigmounte:  does it have any configuration utility? If yes, try to use it.00:32
Arwensigmounte, FireGL? as in the workstation chips?00:34
slylyiaswhen I ssh to another box, I can't use my mouse with xwindow applications, why?00:34
flipstarerr when will ubotu be usable again :/00:34
Jucatoflipstar: in what sense?00:34
flipstar!info app00:34
kgoetzseems to be active00:34
flipstardoesnt work00:34
sigmounteArwen, it's a FireGl T2 (thinkpad T42p)00:34
Jucatoah yeah !info.. hold on00:34
sigmountealgyz, i have not found any ati*  utility in the shell00:35
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:35
flipstarand !find also..but guess thats the same issue00:35
slylyiaswhen I ssh to another box, I can't use my mouse with xwindow applications, why?00:35
Jucatoflipstar: known issue... please stand by :)00:36
kgoetzslylyias: eg?00:36
flipstarokay cool ¦)00:36
monolithI've recently restored to a backup image of 7.10 after a boched install of the 8.04 beta. And now, for some obscure reason. Parts of my music are missing. Not like whole chunks. But whole parts. Like. in Sgt. pepper, half the lyrics are missing. In Matilda Mother some of the backing music is gone. BUt the files are fine, they play perfectly on other devides. What on earth could cause this?00:46
derduidoes anybody know whats wrong with my sources.list, i wanna upgrade to hardy but with sudo apt-get update, the terminal sais http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/136847/ and so, sudo apt-get upgrade doesnt work, what can i do now?00:46
kgoetzmonolith: what format is the music in?00:47
monolithSgt. Pepper is in mp3. But the Pink Floyd track is in FLAC.00:47
monolithNot all my tracks have this problem. and it's always the same parts of the same tracks.00:48
kgoetzderdui: pastebin your sources.list if you want to know whats wrong with it ;)00:48
dwidmannmonolith: sounds like a new feature, perhaps in the sound engine or player, try it in another player00:48
sudobashwow you all should see the email i just sent my girlfriend who might be my ex soon enough00:48
sudobashi should pastebin it hahaha00:48
kgoetzsudobash: -offtopic thanks00:48
monolithHave done. Amarok, mPlayer and Audacit all give the same result.00:48
dwidmannmonolith: very strange00:49
sudobashvlc monolith00:49
monolithI was going to try that00:49
dwidmannMaybe it's some sort of alsa problem?00:49
sudobashvlc and xmms00:49
derduikgoetz: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/136854/00:50
ere4simonolith: how did you backup and restore?00:50
monolithPrehaps. I need to wait for linux to get a few months worth of updates before I can install VLC00:50
[Relic]dwidmann, q9300 is $289.99 at newegg today  :)00:50
kgoetzderdui: change all your repositories to de.archive (instead of archive alone), and comment out (#) all the deb-src lines then update again00:51
algyzderdui:  and maybe this 24deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates universe deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main  must be in two lines?00:51
monolithand I made an image of my 7.10 install a few months back with dd. My /home partion is held on a software RAID 5 Array (managed with mdadm). I kept 7.10 untill yesterday when I installed over the / partion with the 8.04 beta. I didn't like it so I just used dd again from the live cd to put my backup of my / partion back on the HD.00:51
dwidmann[Relic]: only a $10 diff ...... not something to be toooo upset about00:51
[Relic]how many weeks till the 8.04 normal version comes out?00:52
kgoetzderdui: also, comment out all 3rd party repositories in there (your going to have a horrible time upgrading because of them already)00:52
[Relic]dwidmann, the 9450s sold out already too by the looks of it00:52
kgoetz[Relic]: 4~00:52
flipstarderdui: why dont you use update-manager ?00:52
dwidmann[Relic]: wow ..... that's fast00:52
BluesKaj[Relic], about a month00:52
dwidmann[Relic]: how much do they want for the 9450s?00:53
[Relic]dwidmann, $37900:53
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:54
dwidmann[Relic]: any idea what their "default" clock speed is? fsb? multiplier?00:54
[Relic]well hopefully I will be ready to upgrade everything by then  :)00:54
monolithI know that expermenting with beta's and backups like this can cause weird effects. and I know the files are okay so I'm not all that concerned. I'm just wondering why, and how, this happened.00:54
derduiwell, the problem is, that i have to update, before i use the update mananger flipstar00:54
flipstarderdui: update-manager can do this as well00:55
kgoetzupdate-manager drives me crazy00:55
derduiso, how to flipstar00:55
flipstarderdui: i would change everything back to the way it was..then just use update-manager00:55
[Relic]dwidmann, Q9450 - 8x Multiplier, 1333Mhz FSB, 12MB cache00:55
monolithAlso. the 8.04 version was the KDE-4 one. and I didn't like KDE4 so I installed the kubuntu-desktop package to get kde3. THen the sound didn't work in that. That's why I went back to 7.10. I know that it's a little byeond the scope of this chanel but I recon it's worth mentioning. If anyone is intrested in this problem?00:55
flipstar[Relic]: yes intel rocks but could you please go to #kubuntu-offtpic ?00:56
algyzderdui:  24th line of your sources list looks wrong :)00:56
flipstarmonolith: kubuntu-desktop involves a lot of packages..00:57
algyzmonolith:  you could try live cd first00:58
monolithflipstar: In the 8.04 Beta? That would explain that then. Still how could that affect (or is that effect?) this? And Live CD?00:58
monolithalgyz: You mean try to play the music from a Live CD?00:58
derduioki, i have deleted line 24 algyz00:58
sudobashand the phone call00:59
algyzderdui you shouldn't. You could press enter before deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main to put it to the next line :)00:59
derduithen outcomment all deb-src?01:00
derduioh.... now i know why i could have install the latest camorama *lol*01:00
kgoetzderdui: "deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main" shoudl be removed completely01:00
kgoetzalong with 1 and 201:01
derduiline 1 and 2? kgoetz01:01
kgoetzand 51/52/6101:01
kgoetzderdui: yeah.01:01
derduibut where do i get the medibutu-files? kgoetz01:02
algyzderdui:  http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/sourceslist-for-gutsy-gibbon/01:02
kgoetzderdui: you dont. especially not while upgrading a system01:03
algyzderdui:  also maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3804172  would be interesting for you01:03
derduidone, now outcomment the deb-src?01:04
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derduiok, the same error (i havnt set # before the deb-src sources)01:08
algyzderdui:  try to copy this http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/sourceslist-for-gutsy-gibbon/  into your sources.list (hope you will do backup of your old).01:09
ere4sijust read this - http://gquigs.blogspot.com/2008/02/memory-usage-gutsy-vs-hardy.html01:14
=== yuriy changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Beta Out: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu | Hug Day! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080327/KDE
flipstarthats not a fair competition!01:16
flipstarhardy should also be clean installed01:16
ere4sifrom a clean 7.10 the 8.10 should be clean as well01:17
algyzere4si:  my kubuntu 7.10 with kde 3.5.8 and lots of processes running is using only ~200MB01:18
ere4sialgyz: and by that blog using hardy and the same processes you will be 300-?01:19
flipstarere4si: i dont think things will ever be removed during a upgrade01:20
algyzhope kde4 will be usable soon, they promise less ram usage :)01:20
ere4siit was just a surprise to see - is all01:21
algyzBtw, interesting thing, in my machine KDE is using measurably less ram, than Gnome, why it could be?01:21
kgoetzalgyz: because gnome is bloating faster then kde01:21
ere4siI found the same thing as well01:21
algyzNope, KDE seems faster to me, maybe I'm not very right, but it seems01:22
derduioki, now i would need the key for the  ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de stable Release theres no official key01:23
Wamphyrianyone have any suggestions what i need to install to get sli working?01:23
kgoetzWamphyri: nVIDIA? nope01:25
matt___anyone using "64" bit ubuntu/kubuntu?01:26
nosredna_ekimmatt___: yes01:26
matt___nosredna_ekim: you do? so are you using kubuntu?01:26
matt___nosredna_ekim: so i'm going to try it...but which do i download? i have me an intel processor, but i've noticed that the iso for 64 it titled such as amd64.iso. will it work correctly with my intel?01:27
derduioki, i have to leave^^ thanks for your help, i will try to upgrade later..... but thanks ffor your help01:27
nosredna_ekimyes, Intel copied the AMD instruction set... it will work fine01:27
matt___nosredna_ekim: "copied"01:28
nosredna_ekimpretty much :)01:28
matt___nosredna_ekim: so what cpu type you using right now?01:28
nosredna_ekimAMD turion X201:29
matt___nosredna_ekim: how much of teh ram?01:29
nosredna_ekimbut I assure that I have seen many inetls running so called "amd64"01:29
matt___nosredna_ekim: alright, that is the main reason i'm trying it, 4gb, only 3.2 can i use in 32bit.01:29
matt___should work like a charm in 64bit eh?01:30
nosredna_ekimyeah... but flash should be a bit more difficult.... but hey, I got it working, you can too :)01:30
matt___nosredna_ekim: sounds good.01:31
matt___nosredna_ekim: http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&releaseid=R181000&SystemID=INSP_DSKTP_D530&servicetag=&os=WLH&osl=en&deviceid=14390&devlib=0&typecnt=0&vercnt=5&catid=-1&impid=-1&formatcnt=1&libid=1&fileid=24676701:31
matt___nosredna_ekim: lol, long url, but take a look at fixes and enhancments please. i was using 1.0.10, but just upgraded to the 1.0.12, which supposedly now supports 4gb.01:32
matt___nosredna_ekim: i tried 64 UBUNTU months ago, but it wouldn't recognize the 4gb either, but with the newer firmware, (k)ubuntu should use it perfectly shouldn't it?01:33
=== vistalite is now known as Piero_Scaruffi
nosredna_ekimmatt___: you can always check with the liveCD01:34
matt___nosredna_ekim: right. so i hope so. that's a good 800mb going to waste01:34
kgoetzthe cds arnt 800mb01:34
matt___kgoetz: nope, they are about 700mb01:34
nosredna_ekimkgoetz: I think he means of RAM ;)01:34
matt___kgoetz: it's pretty hard to burn 800mb to a 700mb cd01:35
kgoetznosredna_ekim: ah right :)01:35
nosredna_ekimmatt___: there is a little bit of overburn01:35
matt___kgoetz: but thanks anyways :)01:35
nosredna_ekimbut not 100 MB :)01:35
kgoetzanyway. afk while i go home ;)01:35
matt___nosredna_ekim: yeah.....true01:35
matt___never tried that, how much overburn we talking about?01:35
Piero_Scaruffihow do i enable advanced desktop effects on kubuntu????01:36
nosredna_ekimmatt___: ~15MB I think01:36
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:36
matt___nosredna_ekim: cool. so eh....will stuff "seem faster" with 64bit over 32bit? assuming my whole system is 64bit01:37
matt___nosredna_ekim: throughput, perhaps is what i'm thinking of?01:37
nosredna_ekimmatt___: not really, its mostly for the extra available ram.... unless you are running audio/video encoding01:38
sudobash64bit allows for more RAM01:38
matt___sudobash: yes, but besides that, any difference in speeds?01:38
matt___nosredna_ekim: that i will be doing01:38
sudobashnot really...01:38
matt___sudobash: but really 800mb additional ram seems worth it to me01:38
nosredna_ekimmatt___: then yes, you might notice a difference in speed01:38
matt___nosredna_ekim: i hope so01:39
sudobashwell the 800 mb more will speed up some also01:39
nosredna_ekimI hope its worth the trouble :P01:39
sudobashbut why not 1024?01:39
krodolfo ( O.o)01:39
krodolfo ( > <)01:39
matt___sudobash: then totally worth it.01:39
sudobashall you can hold is 800 more?01:39
matt___sudobash: i've got 4gb installed right now, but it is only using 3.2gb01:39
nosredna_ekimkrodolfo: yeah yeah... we all know about the rabbit thats supposed to conqueror the world01:40
sudobashthen yes go with 6401:40
matt___sudobash: so perhaps 8gb would be awesome!!!!01:40
sudobashbut there is not as much support01:40
matt___4x2gb sticks....01:40
nonewmsgs64bit rulez01:40
matt___sudobash: support meaning?01:40
sudobash8GB could potentially be amazing01:40
matt___sudobash: yeah....could write a script to copy EVERYTHING (system wise) to ram, and run it from there...talk about speeds01:40
sudobashyeah you could01:41
matt___sudobash: but will software compile/work correctly? like, will amarok work via apt-get ? etc etc01:41
nosredna_ekimmatt___: oh yeah... any open source software will work perfectly01:42
sudobashwell you should compile yourself01:42
nosredna_ekimmatt___: its programs such as skype, and plugins such as flash that are the problem01:42
matt___nosredna_ekim: what about closed source? IE americas army 2.5? installable via .sh?01:42
nosredna_ekimsudobash: if you want to compile yourself... use gentoo01:42
nosredna_ekimmatt___: probably not01:42
sudobashahh so you are into AA2.501:43
nosredna_ekimmatt___: there ARE ways around thta though, e.g. a 32 bit chroot01:43
matt___sudobash: somewhat...01:43
sudobashhackers AA01:43
matt___sudobash: say what?01:43
sudobashback in the day01:43
sudobashthere used to be a lot of AA 2.5 hackers01:43
matt___still is, sorta01:43
sudobashand even more cheat servers01:43
matt___nosredna_ekim: how about wine, can i compile it correctly?01:44
sudobashi could still whoop their ass... that game is the sh!t01:44
sudobashshould be able to01:44
nosredna_ekimmatt___: that I am not sure about. I would guess it would be difficult01:44
matt___sudobash: yes it is...01:44
sudobashshouldnt their be a port for wine of all apps?01:44
matt___nosredna_ekim: dunno, i'll try. however, assuming i got it to work, i'd have to use 64bit binaries wouldn't i?01:44
matt___port for wine of all apps?01:45
sudobash64 bit ubuntu01:45
nosredna_ekimmatt___: in wine? no..01:45
sudobashor what ever OS you are going to use01:45
sudobashlet me rephrase of all the apps... wine should have a 64 bit port01:46
matt___sudobash: i don't understand...you meaning i'll need to use all 64bit programs/binaries?01:46
matt___sudobash: i think it does...01:46
sudobashyou will need to use Ubuntu X6401:47
nosredna_ekimyeah.. I ca get it here in amd64... I guess it does01:47
sudobashyeah wine is pretty good about that01:47
matt___sudobash: using kubuntu, or at least trying to in about 1 minutes perhaps...01:47
matt___nosredna_ekim:  you just installed wine?01:47
matt___sudobash: oh, you were talking about the wine version weren't you?01:48
sudobashim still on an AMD Athlon XP 2400+ Barton Core01:48
matt___sudobash: i know nothing of amd01:48
sudobashyes but you will have to install the 64 bit of the OS01:48
nosredna_ekimmatt___: no... but its available01:48
sudobashso it will know how to use the extra ram01:48
matt___sudobash: doing so right now..perhaps...after i back up stuff to my server...01:49
sudobashthere a two main version of OS'es now days... 32 bit and 64 bit or X86 and X64 respectively01:49
matt___sudobash: btw, i have a "32bit server" running nfs server, if i start to run 64 bit linux on my "client", will it still connect to the nfs server?01:50
sudobashshould yes01:50
sudobashyou might have to reconfigure01:50
Piero_Scaruffii need your help i am installing compiz and its forcing me to choose between gdm and kdm which one should i choose?01:50
sudobashbut it should have a problem connection to TCP/IP i wouldnt think01:50
matt___sudobash: i'll try01:51
nosredna_ekimmatt___: should work fine01:51
matt___nosredna_ekim: alright01:51
nosredna_ekimPiero_Scaruffi: gdm01:51
sudobashi have never used 64 bit linux01:51
sudobashi might have without knowing it fixing someone box maybe01:51
sudobashbut never for personal use01:51
matt___nosredna_ekim: sudobash ahhh flip, i just downed the 64bit alternate,and i was planning on seeing if the live cd detected 4gb, but i'll install instead...give me better idea of performance anyway01:52
nosredna_ekimheh :)01:52
sudobashwhile your at it go to #kubunt01:53
nonewmsgsare there any good programs to read/write subchannel data?01:58
Piero_Scaruffiam i using Kubuntu now i installed Ubuntu Hardy and later kubuntu-desktop and now i am running a KDE session?01:58
utrange_hi all!01:58
nonewmsgsti utrange_01:58
utrange_i heed some help01:58
nonewmsgsgo ahead and ask01:59
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nosredna_ekimPiero_Scaruffi: yes,,,,01:59
Piero_Scaruffii think gnome is a little bit faster than KDE is that true?02:00
utrange_i'm trying to run my dlink g510 card to ad-hoc mode & use this manual http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64632002:00
[GuS]Piero_Scaruffi: it is something logic, dont you think?02:00
nonewmsgsPiero_Scaruffi, the performance should be very close02:00
[GuS]KDE has much stuff than Gnome...02:00
utrange_this command do not working02:00
utrange_sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:00
Piero_Scaruffidoes blue tooth headset work on kubuntu?02:01
nosredna_ekimutrange_: what error?02:01
Dr_willisI dont find gnome any faster then kde. but how do you even begin to benchmark sich things.02:01
utrange_FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found02:01
utrange_nosredna_ekim: i have installed ndiswrapper 1.902:02
nonewmsgsDr_willis, it is easy. you simply run the same gtk based program in both gnome and kde ;)02:02
Piero_Scaruffimay i ask another question Ubuntu 7.04 had this gorgeous purple theming how can i use this 7.04 purple theme on hardy?02:03
Piero_Scaruffiits blue now02:03
Piero_Scaruffifor me02:03
* nonewmsgs wants a gorgeous purple theme02:03
nosredna_ekimutrange_: I think you have to install the correct kernel modules.02:03
Piero_Scaruffifor kubuntu i mean02:03
nosredna_ekimPiero_Scaruffi: it will probably be on kde-look02:03
[GuS]blue please! :P02:03
Piero_Scaruffiwhats the name nosredna_ekim?02:04
[GuS]Thanks God kubuntu returned to blue :P02:04
nosredna_ekimPiero_Scaruffi: I don't know ^_^02:04
Piero_Scaruffipurple was etta02:04
[GuS]but blue wins again :Pp02:05
utrange_nosredna_ekim: how i can chek it?02:05
Piero_Scaruffithe paperplane minimize is gorgeous02:05
Piero_Scaruffican i add soundeffects to it02:05
Piero_Scaruffilike a plane flying by02:05
nonewmsgsgus did you used to have a fics account and play loads of bug?02:06
nosredna_ekimutrange_: I'm checking...02:06
taj9aldohello how can i change the screen resoulution in kubuntu? it just seems simpler in ubuntu02:06
nonewmsgsK-system settings display BUT BE CAREFUL!!!02:07
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, i try not to touch it too much because it has broken my system before02:07
utrange_nosredna_ekim: and what i must to do?02:08
utrange_ nosredna_ekim: excuse me for bad english=)02:08
taj9aldononewmsgs: where is it? i only see ksystemlog02:08
_dennisterhey guys! i did it! i did it! :-) a workiing installation of sql-ledger :-)02:08
nosredna_ekimutrange_: you need to install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic02:08
taj9aldononewmsgs: do you know the command for the command prompt?02:09
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, K system settings - Moniter and Display02:09
sudobashwhile your at it go to #kubunt02:09
_dennisteri can't believe it took me two full days of constant struggle and errors, with almost no documentation to help02:10
utrange_nosredna_ekim: already installed02:11
taj9aldononewmsgs: i don't have it do you know what could be missing or what should i install from the repositories?02:11
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, do you have a general tab at the top?02:12
nosredna_ekimutrange_: no idea what you problem is unless you blacklisted ndiswrapper02:12
taj9aldono im using kubuntu not ubuntu02:12
nosredna_ekimutrange_: or unless you are running a i386 kernel02:12
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, is system settings open?02:12
nosredna_ekimutrange_: run "uname -a"02:13
utrange_nosredna_ekim: i'm workin on x64 version, if it's somthing means...02:13
nosredna_ekimand give me the output02:13
utrange_nosredna_ekim: ok02:14
taj9aldononewmsgs: i go to k/sytem/02:14
utrange_nosredna_ekim: Linux myComp 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:14
taj9aldononewmsgs: and the only thing related with monitor is ksystemguard02:14
nosredna_ekimutrange_: weird.... did you blacklist ndiswrapper?02:15
utrange_nosredna_ekim: what is blacklist? i'm noob linux user? only two days=\02:16
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, not k/system "k/system settings" it's hiding at the very bottom of kmenu02:17
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, right below strgi02:17
nosredna_ekimutrange_: it might be better if you follow some more official instructions for ndiswrapper then02:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:18
taj9aldononewmsgs: oh heheh thanks02:18
nonewmsgstaj9aldo,  anytime :)02:18
taj9aldononewmsgs: by any chance do you know why is my keyboad locked or unresponsive after installing compiz fusion?02:20
Piero_Scaruffii cant find the purple edgy eft theme anywhere :(02:21
Piero_Scaruffihelp plz02:21
nonewmsgstaj9aldo, i dont know that one02:21
=== ian1_ is now known as isantop
utrange_nosredna_ekim: another question: i've try to install ralink rt61 driver, but it's not compilng. error about struct member "mac"02:22
nosredna_ekimutrange_: utrange_did you install "build-essential" ?02:22
utrange_nosredna_ekim: installing now....02:23
utrange_nosredna_ekim: many thanks02:24
nosredna_ekimthat fixed something?02:24
isantopMy Laptop is failing to boot. After GRUB loads, I get the Error message "/init: /init: 172: panic: not found"02:25
utrange_nosredna_ekim: that can fix what? sry for noob questions02:28
nosredna_ekimutrange_: should fix the r61 compile error02:28
=== genii_ is now known as genii
utrange_nosredna_ekim: i'll now chek it! thks!02:32
nosredna_ekimlater guys02:32
isantop My Laptop is failing to boot. After GRUB loads, I get the Error message "/init: /init: 172: panic: not found" I have Kernel Version 2.6.22-14-generic installed.02:33
whitethornHi, I got a problem. When I boot kubuntu, it doesn't boot into the xserver, I get an error : kinit no image resume normal boot. I can then login (in bash) and use startx to get the xserver going.  Neone know how I can fix this?02:33
utrange_nosredna_ekim: see you02:34
nosredna_ekimwhitethorn: are you sure you aren't booting the recovery entry?02:34
whitethornnot really (I'm pretty sure), I haven't changed the boot order and normally the normal boot was the top one02:35
whitethornI've googled the error but as far as I've been able to tell the only way to get it working again was a fresh install02:39
utrange_nosredna_ekim: exuse me< for distorbing. problem isn't fixed. on som russian site posted this patch: http://esin.name/files/patches/190807/rt61-1.1.0-b2.diff fo this driver: http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/rt2400/rt61-1.1.0-b2.tar.gz02:42
utrange_ nosredna_ekim: but i can't understand how to patch this driver=(02:43
ForgeAushey all :)02:45
isantopExcuse me. My Laptop is failing to boot. After GRUB loads, I get the Error message "/init: /init: 172: panic: not found" I have Kernel Version 2.6.22-14-generic installed.02:48
Piero_Scaruffihow can i install kibadock on kubuntu?02:48
JucatoPiero_Scaruffi: http://www.kiba-dock.org/components/com_mambowiki/index.php?title=Installing_Kiba-Dock (you can probably use the feisty repository)02:50
Daisuke_Laptophardy didn't make my laptop explode...02:51
Piero_Scaruffity Jucato02:51
Piero_Scaruffibtw Jucato about the purple theme i found discussions about it with you involved :)02:52
Piero_Scaruffigoogle never forgets02:52
Jucatodownload the .deb file (click on the "all" link), open it with ark, look for the .kcsrc file and extract it02:53
Jucatoimport it in System Settings -> Apperance -> Colors02:53
rubenhi all. i downloaded kubuntu 8.04 beta a few days ago thinking that it had kde 4 as the default win manager but it has 3.5.9 instead. what sources can i add to the adept installer config to upgrade my kde env?02:53
Jucatoruben: see the instructions in #kubuntu-kde402:53
rubenk, will do02:54
nonewmsgsi found sourcecode for linux genuine advantage and want to know how to make sure it's working correctly02:54
dwidmannnonewmsgs:  o.O02:55
nonewmsgsdwidmann, just a little light humor mate02:56
dwidmannYeah, I found that out after I googled it02:56
* leo_rockway says hi to #kubuntu02:56
utrange_anybody! please! help me to install dlink g510 on unutu 7.10 x64 to ad-hoc mode!02:56
dwidmannnonewmsgs: actually pretty funny02:56
=== evalles is now known as effie_jayx
isantopExcuse me. My Laptop is failing to boot. After GRUB loads, I get the Error message "/init: /init: 172: panic: not found" I have Kernel Version 2.6.22-14-generic installed.02:57
geniiisantop: Did you remove the file /boot/grub/menu.lst              at some point?02:58
isantopgenii No, it's still there02:58
geniiisantop: Did you edit it in any way lately?02:58
isantopYes, but only to change a few settings.02:59
geniiisantop: Theres your problem then02:59
leo_rockwayisantop: you made a backup copy, right?03:00
utrange_help! not just anybody!03:01
utrange_utrange panik03:01
isantopgenii: No. I actually edited it after the problem occured (via the Install CD). I did upgrade my kernel with adept. It ifrst happened after I rebooted.03:01
leo_rockwayutrange_: if nobody's helping you nobody has an answer for you03:01
geniiisantop: Did you do a distribution upgrade? eg from for instance 6.06 to 7.04 or 7.04 to 7.1003:02
Qdogggood evening. can anyone tell me how to remove a program from autostart (I am horrible with command line)03:02
leo_rockwayQdogg: cd ~/.kde/Autostart03:02
utrange_leo_rockway: =(03:02
leo_rockwayQdogg: ls03:03
leo_rockwayQdogg: rm filename03:03
isantopgenii: No. I ran the updater, and the kernel happened to be in the list, so it was updated.03:03
utrange_*going to kill himself by the wall03:03
leo_rockwayQdogg: keep the capitals (Autostart != autostart)03:03
leo_rockwayutrange_: can i inherit your comp?03:04
geniiisantop: OK. And what was the nature of the change(s) you made to the menu.lst after that?03:04
isantopgenii: I tried to enable the "pretty colors".03:04
jorge_hi everybody, i downloaded a program, when i tried to install it, asked me for java, so i installed java, then, when i try to install the other program, ask me for java, any clue03:05
utrange_leo_rockway: what is inherit? sry, english in no good=(03:05
leo_rockwayutrange_: like, you die and i get to keep your comp03:05
Kr|ptiXgenii : can u help me with xmms it givn me a soundcard error but i can lpay music in amarok03:07
geniiisantop: Are you currently on the livecd, same machine?03:07
leo_rockwayjorge_: there's jdk, jre and god knows how many others. v5, v6...03:07
isantopNot right now. I'm on my desktop.03:07
geniiKr|ptiX: Issues with sound are not my strong area :(03:07
Kr|ptiXits not like my sound doesnt owrk it just wont work well with xmms03:08
CombatjuanKr|ptiX: This won't be helpful, but Amarok > xmms03:08
leo_rockwayCombatjuan: amarok also needs more resources (but yeah, amarok ftw)03:09
isantopCombatjuan: Amarok > all03:09
Kr|ptiXk ill use amarok then :)03:09
utrange_leo_rockway: for what?03:09
jorge_leo_rockway, i installed v6 u503:09
isantopgenii: sorry. No, right now I'm on my desktop PC.03:10
leo_rockwayjorge_: well, i don't know what the program you're installing needs. i'm just saying that your "i installed java" statement might not be accurate03:10
leo_rockwayutrange_: i could use a server, lol03:10
utrange_leo_rockway: sry, don't uderstand=(03:10
leo_rockwayutrange_: nevermind03:10
Combatjuanjorge_: Did you install it via apt or via some downloaded binary?03:10
_dennistergenii: hi there guy :)03:11
jorge_leo_rockway: i tried to install limewire,03:11
leo_rockwayjorge_: well, frostwire > limewire (that for starters)03:11
jorge_ok, thanks03:11
_dennisterhold on...bbs after i login with different machine03:11
flipstarjorge_: you need sun-java6-bin i think03:12
geniiisantop: I would recommend to boot to livecd on the affected box. Then prepare old / for chroot by mounting it and some other necessary dirs. Then to install linux-image03:13
geniidennister_: Hi03:13
leo_rockwayjorge_: if you install the frostwire deb it will tell you what dependency you're missing03:13
leo_rockwayjorge_: and frostwire is better than limewire (not just my opinion, that's a fact)03:13
utrange_leo_rockway: make a joke?03:13
leo_rockwayutrange_: yes, sorry03:13
isantopgenii: What other dirs are necessary for this?03:13
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leo_rockwayjorge_: unless you're getting the paid version of limewire your speed is capped. that doesn't happen with frostwire and frostwire is free (and it looks exactly like limewire, except it's blue)03:14
utrange_leo_rockway:  finally undestand =)03:14
leo_rockwayutrange_: where are you from, perhaps you can get help in your own language03:15
dennister_ok, i'm back on other machine03:15
dennister_genii: pm please? if you have a few moments for some sensitive advice?03:15
geniiisantop: eg if old / was on sda1: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt;sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc03:15
isantopgenii: then chroot it, right?03:16
geniiisantop: Yup,   sudo chroot /mnt                           then you can run whatever command you want there. But in this case I suggest to install a generic kernel image03:17
utrange_leo_rockway: i've trying, but nobody knows what to do on russin irc channels=(03:17
isantopgenii: thanks. I'll get to that right away. =)03:17
dthackerhehe, this looks like me yesterday.  It will be fine, isantop03:22
=== ira is now known as kovert
isantopdthacker: That's why I use Linux in the first place. Any problem can be fixed (eventually... XD )03:23
utrange_<leo_rockway>: maybe u can give me link with manual about my problem?03:23
leo_rockwayutrange_: i don't even know what dlink g510 is03:24
jorge_leo_rockway, it's installed now, thanks03:24
leo_rockwayjorge_: no problem03:25
utrange_leo_rockway: it's a wifi adapter on RaLink RT61 chip03:26
leo_rockwayutrange_: just google that then, i guess03:26
leo_rockwayutrange_: i have a built in broadcom (had some problems with that one too)03:27
utrange_leo_rockway: i've trying to use this manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/DWL-G510 but comand modprobe ndiswrapper isn't working =(03:29
leo_rockwayutrange_: are you sudoing it?03:30
utrange_leo_rockway: ыгку03:30
leo_rockwayutrange_: ndiswrapper makes stallman cry...03:30
utrange_leo_rockway: sure03:31
leo_rockwayutrange_: and what error are you getting then?03:31
utrange_leo_rockway: sure i do it by root03:31
leo_rockwayutrange_: and what happens?03:31
leo_rockwayutrange_: sudo != root but that's ok i guess03:32
utrange_leo_rockway: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found03:32
utrange_leo_rockway: realy 0__o!!!03:33
leo_rockwayutrange_: sudo is safer (but for this thing the purpose is the same)03:33
MrJoeyQuick question:  will the final version of Kubuntu Hardy come with the option of keeping KDE 3 instead of KDE 4?03:36
leo_rockwayutrange_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1485103:36
leo_rockwayutrange_: when you get stuck, just google the error message03:37
leo_rockwayMrJoey: i believe so, but i'm not certain03:37
MrJoeyI saw this at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu : Kubuntu 8.04 will consist of two different releases, the commercially supported one featuring the stable KDE 3.5.9 desktop and a remix featuring the latest release of KDE 4.0. "The following is a quick breakdown of the type of support and distributions methods which will be made available to Kubuntu 8.04:"03:37
MrJoeySo apparently, the answer is yes03:37
MrJoeyI'm very pleased by that, as Hardy is an LTS03:38
MrJoeyAnother quick question:  Does LTS (Long Term Support) refer to a longer amount of time the repository for that release will be available?  Or do those repos persist for much longer than the support time?03:39
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:39
MrJoeyI'm not sure what the exact definition of "support" is03:39
utrange_leo_rockway: great respect for you=)!03:39
ubotuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org03:39
leo_rockwayutrange_: haha, thanks03:40
utrange_leo_rockway: =)03:41
flipstarMrJoey: i think repos wont be availible longer than this03:41
leo_rockwayMrJoey: kubuntu is not lts03:41
leo_rockwayMrJoey: ubuntu hardy is lts, kubuntu hardy isn't03:42
MrJoeyOkay, thanks03:42
leo_rockwayMrJoey: they can't promise support on kde 3.5.9 since it will be obsolete soon03:42
leo_rockwayMrJoey: and they can't promise support on kde4.0.2 since it is still in development03:42
leo_rockwayso, kde is the ugly ducklin... be we kde people don't coplain, cuz we're tough! haha03:43
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported03:43
leo_rockway18 months != 3 years... so, like i said, not lts03:45
flipstarfor desktop..03:45
leo_rockwaywell, 18 months != 5 years lol03:45
ejmdang atheros!03:45
ejmWhen I use madwifi, is there anything that I need to do, like load modules, grab windows drivers, etc?03:46
leo_rockwaymy problem is always with ati/broadcom and the ubuntu team is doing a great job as it is, they can't work miracles. so i'm fine w/ a non lts release anyway03:46
ejmbroadcom is anti-linux, so it's broadcom's fault.03:47
flipstarthats wired03:47
leo_rockwayejm: that's what i'm saying. and still, my broadcom works great with ubuntu, even when broadcom doesn't cooperate, so kudos to the developers for that.03:48
StrangeletHallo my friends, I have no where else to go. Now.. What do I put in the upper left hand corner of a letter? XD03:48
leo_rockwayStrangelet: if it is an email, write [OFFTOPIC] lol03:48
Strangeletleo_rockway, I am talking about snail mail :P03:49
CombatjuanStrangelet: In the U.S. You put the return address.  That's your mailing address.   e.g. "John Doe\n1234 Some St.\nMyTown, NY 12345"03:49
Jucato!offtopic | Strangelet03:50
ubotuStrangelet: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:50
CombatjuanI asked about this in #kontact on freenode and got no response but I suppose it doesn't hurt to try here.  Does anyone have MS exchange email working in KMail?03:51
dwidmannStrangelet: the return address?03:52
ian1_genii: I am isantop from before. I tried reinstalling the boot images, but I am still getting the error messages.03:52
dwidmannah wait, someone else did say something .... guess I missed it, hard to see with the brightness turned down ...... but the superb battery life is too enticing :D03:52
Combatjuandwidmann: Don't worry, I only cried for a couple of minutes when I saw you didn't notice me.03:53
geniiian1_: OK. Same error or new one now?03:53
ian1_genii: Same error.03:53
dwidmannCombatjuan: oh good, so long as it was only a couple, I almost felt guilty03:54
geniiian1_: OK. So on livecd now?03:57
geniiian1_: Need to repeat the mount/chroot steps and then to do grub-install this time instead03:57
ian1_genii: hold on, I need to reboot the livecd.03:58
geniiian1_: Recap - if old / was on sda1: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt;sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev;sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys;sudo mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc  then after this the sudo chroot /mnt03:58
mazeuraQuick question, whats the best/easiest program to use to make an .iso file?  I have k3b on here, but its just to burn the .iso image, isn't it, so what program would you suggest that I use?04:00
geniimazeura: iso file from a cd/dvd or from a set of files you wish to burn?04:02
mazeuraI have a CD (and some DVDs) that I want to burn off of the disc and onto my HD.04:02
Darkrift2that was confusing04:03
mazeuraI want to make .iso's onto my HD.04:03
Erickj92does anyone have any experience setting up a server with a linksys router?04:04
geniimazeura: Fast but not all encrypted work:   sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/myname/Desktop/someisoname.iso               as example04:04
leo_rockwaymazeura: you can use k3b04:05
leo_rockwaywhen you click on burn, the recording tab says "just create an image" or smth like that (my kde is in spanish)04:05
leo_rockwaymazeura: and the "image" tab lets you specify the path and name04:06
leo_rockwaymazeura: (create a data cd/dvd and then click on burn, that is)04:06
mazeuraahha!  found where your talking about it.04:07
leo_rockwaymazeura: i never created an iso before, it's nice knowing how to do it now, lol04:08
geniiian1_: Any joy yet?04:09
mazeurahmm...  wait....  Under the image tab, it says that its a temporary file...04:09
geniimazeura: You can set to delete it or not04:09
ian1_genii: Yeah. I just chroot'ed.04:09
ian1_genii: great time, btw.04:10
utrange_good night all04:10
leo_rockwaymazeura: i uses tmp as default. you can tell it to use another path, so i'm guessing it first uses tmp and then moves the file to your desired path04:10
leo_rockwayutrange_: good night04:10
Erickj92anyone have some experience with linksys routers? i would really like to get my webserver going04:11
geniiian1_: I need to sleep soon but wanted to see if we got the fix for your box yet04:11
utrange_leo_rockway: tomorow i'll beat this problem x_004:12
ian1_alright. I've ran grub-install, and I'm rebooting now.04:12
leo_rockwayErickj92: what difference does it make you have a linksys router? just open the port you want to use04:12
Erickj92leo_rockway, its not working like it should04:12
Erickj92ive opened the port, but no luck04:12
flipstarErickj92: try an other port..for testing..maybe its your isp04:13
leo_rockwayErickj92: oh, so then it __does__ make a difference that it is linksys, haha. sorry, i have a tp-link or smth like that04:13
flipstari have no router at all :)04:13
ian1_genii: Argh! It's still giving me the same error.04:14
Erickj92im gonna shove my linksys router up thier, well you know.04:14
geniiian1_: Crap.04:14
ian1_genii: You can say that again.04:14
leo_rockwayErickj92: you're not using a firewall, are you? and if you are, you opened the port there too, didn't you?04:14
Erickj92leo_rockway, i never thought i had a firewall. but then someone had me install one today04:15
Erickj92and it should allow port 8004:15
Erickj92i have it set up to04:15
ian1_genii: I did have my /home separate from the rest of my hdd, so I CAN reinstall (I'd rather not, but If you have to leave)04:15
leo_rockwayErickj92: what did you install? watchdog?04:15
geniiian1_: I need to sleep. But I'll be back in 9 hours for an extended period from work if you still want to hack away at it04:16
flipstarErickj92: just open port 90 or so once and check if this works..04:16
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:16
SnoFoxMy wireless adapter isn't beind detected or given power by Kubuntu - Can anyone help? :o?04:16
kodama1234hello, I am trying to upgrade to kde4 on kubuntu 7.1 and having a bit of trouble - I am trying to follow the instructions on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php, and I've gotten to the "install kde4-core" section - but I'm not sure how to proceed. apt-get install kde4-core doesn't work, so I'm at a loss. Any help would be awesome!04:16
ian1_genii: I'll look a little before i go to sleep, but I need it for school tomorrow.04:16
Erickj92flipstar, try and see if what works?04:16
BunnyRevolutionkodama1234: kubuntu-kde4 plz04:17
ian1_genii: A reinstall may be the only option.04:17
Erickj92what is what?04:17
leo_rockwayErickj92: firestarter is gtk (/me doesn't like gtk) usually guarddog is recommended for kde04:17
kodama1234BunnyRevolution: #kubuntu-kde4 ?04:17
geniiian1_: Probably just faster at this point then to reinstall / and just mount the old /home04:17
Erickj92leo_rockway, how do i remove it?04:17
leo_rockwayErickj92: remove what? firestarter? sudo apt-get remove --purge firestarter04:17
flipstarErickj92: see if port 90 works instead of 80 (which you said might be blocked by your isp)04:17
flipstarErickj92: firestarter is fine04:18
ian1_genii: Yeah. Thanks for your help anyway. I really apreciate it.04:18
geniiian1_: You may want to make a list of installed apps to reinstall from04:18
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:18
Erickj92but flipstar, dont i have to change settings to let apache listen on port 90?04:18
flipstarErickj92: no just for *testing* to find if there is a problem04:18
Erickj92flipstar, how do i test now?04:19
ian1_genii: thanks. Well, I had batter get started.04:19
leo_rockwayhe *does* have to change the port in apache to try port 9004:19
leo_rockwayand then restart apache204:19
flipstarErickj92: well..just open port 90 and see if it is accessable from outside04:19
geniibah. More like dpkg get-selections    then set-selections04:19
Erickj92flipstar, i dont know how to do that04:20
flipstarif yes then we know where the problem is04:20
leo_rockwayflipstar: the firewall could be filtering the ports04:20
leo_rockwayflipstar: if the router isn't04:20
Erickj92leo_rockway, i have the router set up to allow 8004:20
Erickj92and now its disabled04:20
leo_rockwayErickj92: what about the firewall?04:20
SnoFoxleo_rockway: Can you help me since I'm being ignored? :P04:20
Erickj92leo_rockway, i disabled it now04:21
flipstar!wifi > SnoFox04:21
leo_rockwayErickj92: oh, ok04:21
leo_rockwaySnoFox: you didn't even gave your wireless adapter brand and model04:21
geniihopefully not a bcm43xx with a laptop wifi on/off switch04:22
leo_rockwayErickj92: then do what flipstar says, if port 80 is not working try a different port and see if that works04:22
Erickj92but how do i test it?04:22
Erickj92that is what i dont get04:22
SnoFoxOh - Linksys Wireless-N USB Network Adapter04:22
leo_rockwaygenii: i have a bcm43xx with a fn key on off switch (and it works)04:22
leo_rockwayErickj92: how were you testing port 80?04:22
leo_rockwaySnoFox: what has google told you so far?04:22
SnoFoxErm... Google != Friend04:23
SnoFoxGive me some search terms, please? :P04:23
=== pook is now known as pookOG
geniileo_rockway: I've had probs with mainly HP and Acers with these hardware wifi switches. Especially on the broadcoms04:23
Erickj92leo_rockway, i just went to my IP from the outside to see if apache threw up my page04:23
leo_rockwaygenii: i have a dell, they are cooler, i guess04:23
leo_rockwayErickj92: edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf04:24
leo_rockwayErickj92: change 80 for smth else04:24
leo_rockwayErickj92: then try the same method04:24
Erickj92to 90 then?04:24
leo_rockwayErickj92: idk, anything else... be creative, something like 50000 lol04:24
geniiErickj92: After port change, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart04:25
SnoFoxleo_rockway: What should I search for - I couldn't think of how to word it so I came here... >.<04:25
geniiIf some msg about can't decide server address or other msg tell us04:25
leo_rockwayErickj92: yup, what genii said. and when testing in the browser go: here (from the computer you're installing the server on)04:25
Erickj92well, i can do localhost in my browser and it works04:26
leo_rockwaySnoFox: +ubuntu +"linksys n" i guess04:26
Erickj92its from the outside that desont04:26
leo_rockwayErickj92: ok, then try your ip:port04:26
leo_rockwayErickj92: since it isn't the default 80, you have to tell your browser which port you're using04:26
Erickj92well leo_rockway, didnt work with 9004:27
Erickj92so does this mean something really bad?04:28
leo_rockwayErickj92: 90 is open in the router and the firewall is disabled, right? then we found ourselves a mistery, lol04:28
geniiErickj92: If you have some router feature that lets you assign the same IP to a given MAC address, use it to give the apache box the same IP all the time. Then use the port-forwarding part of the router to forward all TCP traffic on 80 (or 90 in this test case) to that IP04:28
flipstarErickj92: if you close firestarter..it isnt disabled..better open the port there04:29
flipstarsince it edit iptables which are always present04:29
Erickj92flipstar, i clicked disable before exiting it04:29
leo_rockwaygenii: and then go to dyndns and install ddclient lol04:29
leo_rockwayidk how ip tables / firestarter works04:30
geniiOr just find out your current public IP and use that for testing04:30
Erickj92genii, thats what im using04:30
leo_rockwaygenii: that's what he has being doing so far. but for some reason it isn't working04:30
Erickj92my 208 address04:30
leo_rockwayand apache works from local host, so apache is def working04:30
Erickj92so is it my router?04:31
flipstaryes..its a firewall/router/isp prob04:31
Erickj92should i smath it like i was planning?04:31
leo_rockwayyup, one of the three04:31
geniiErickj92: Do you have a separate modem and router?04:31
Erickj92a modem, then router, yes04:31
leo_rockwayErickj92: you don't have router firewall enabled, do you?04:31
geniiErickj92: Does the modem give the ISP password, or does the router do that?04:32
Erickj92well it has come check marks04:32
Erickj92genii, its a brigded modem04:32
Erickj92so all routing settings on it are bypassed04:32
geniiOK good. So the router has the public IP and not the modem04:32
Erickj92brb.. i need to think for a second04:33
mazeuraUm, how do I install something from a .tar.bz2 file?  I extracted it already and tried "sudo make install" in the command line while in the folder that contains the extracted files, and I recieved a large about of errors (about 50 of them).04:35
flipstar!compile | mazeura04:35
ubotumazeura: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:35
genii!helpersnack | flipstar04:36
ubotuflipstar: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:36
leo_rockwaymazeura: the usual procedure is ./configure && make && sudo make install04:36
leo_rockwayblock the cookie! lol04:36
mazeuraI take it on seperate lines of course.04:37
Trey85hello all04:37
leo_rockwaymazeura: && links the commands04:37
geniimazeura: Before trying to compile make sure it's not something readily available in the repositories which you could install from Add/Remove Programs04:37
flipstarhi Trey8504:37
leo_rockwaymazeura: you could go ./configure (then in a different line) make (then in a different line) sudo make install that would work too04:37
leo_rockwaymazeura: like, if you were to input clear && ls in one line, that would clean your terminal and then show ls04:38
Trey85maybe you guys can help me I want to start making the shift twords uising nothing but open source/linux but so far i have had bad luck I could notget Ubuntu to load on either of my computers so i am not sure where to go now04:39
Trey85I al looking at Kubuntu,mandriva, openSUSE, um maybe even PCLinuxOS04:40
flipstarTrey85: the livecd of kubuntu doesnt load ?04:40
needhelpkubuntu rocks04:40
SnoFoxKubuntu doesn't show my Windows partitions... How can I fix that? >.>04:40
Trey85havn't gotten it yet04:40
Trey85as i said Ubuntu is the only one i have tried so far04:40
flipstarokay..then the ubuntu livecd doesnt load on you computer ?04:41
needhelpSnoFox: try System Settings--> Advance tab--> Disk & Filesystems --> see if the windows partition is there.. if yes, enable it04:41
=== pete is now known as utnubuk
Trey85i also have another minor issue all I have on hand at the moment are burnable DVDs and most of these are live CDs is there a special trick to burning a cd image to a dvd04:41
needhelpSnoFox: after enable, it should mount and you can access~ if its in ntfs you may have troubles writing into it04:42
Trey85I only got it to work once so far and that was an Xp pro disk04:42
Trey85I also need to know what Linux distros have susessfuly dual booted with vista04:43
leo_rockwayTrey85: if you really need to use window$ do yourself a favor and use XP, not vi$ta04:44
needhelpkubuntu can dual boot using grub..installation automatically install a dual boot loader called grub if you have windows before you install kubuntu04:44
Trey85I know alot of people say that but I enjoy Vista mainly for the entertainment ability04:44
Trey85so far nothing has matched it in my eyes04:44
SnoFoxVista? Entertainment? HA!04:44
SnoFoxIt only looks good.04:44
Trey85it also works04:44
leo_rockwayTrey85: you haven't seen compiz fusion, have you?04:45
SnoFoxTrey85: You can't open very much without it slowing down04:45
mazeuraWhere do I use the ./configure?  I tried using it inside of the file folder and it just gives me an error.04:45
leo_rockwayTrey85: compiz fusion will make your wig stand up and dance04:45
Trey85see this is the thing i have an HP laptop with the tv tuner card and the special remote and it all works the way i expect it to04:45
leo_rockwaymazeura: it should be from the folder, if you get an error is probably a dependency you're not meeting04:45
needhelpmac is not bad too..but compiz fusion rocks..04:46
* leo_rockway doesn't use copiz fusion, but he admits it looks kewl04:46
flipstarmazeura: did you read that link? you need build-essential04:46
leo_rockwayTrey85: look for compiz fusion in youtube04:46
mazeuramazeura@Maz:~/Desktop/isomaster-1.3.1$ ./configure04:46
mazeurabash: ./configure: No such file or directory04:46
mazeuraThat's what I get04:46
flipstarmazeura: then try make04:47
leo_rockwaymazeura: what's isomaster for? and why do you need to compile it?04:47
stdinhave you looked at the "README" or "INSTALL" files (if they exist)04:47
mazeurathe readme just says to use sudo make install.04:48
stdinthen just do that04:48
Trey85it looks pretty cool04:48
mazeuraand when I do that it gives the same errors as just make04:48
needhelpi like compiz fusion ..but the setting up process turns me off..04:48
Trey85but the fact is I still need vista for now04:48
flipstarmazeura: why dont you search in the repos for an app that fits your needs ?04:48
* leo_rockway didn't have composite before, so he never got into compiz04:48
stdinmazeura: post a file listing "ls -l" to pastebin04:48
* leo_rockway blames ATI04:48
* genii feeds stdin cookies04:49
=== fabio is now known as Fabio
stdinmmm, sugar04:49
geniistdin: :)04:49
Fabioxuxa!!! me equivoque de server04:49
leo_rockway$ apt-cache search isomaster isomaster - A graphical CD image editor04:49
leo_rockwayFabio: english please04:50
Fabiook xD04:50
genii!info isomaster04:50
geniiHmm. The !info feature seems disabled lately04:50
flipstar!info is dead currently04:50
leo_rockwayubotu is withholding us information!04:51
flipstarheard the apt-cache was cleared or so04:51
geniiDarn.Wanted to find what repo04:51
leo_rockwayi like compiling, but it's useless to do it when the package is in the repos04:52
flipstaror getdeb.net04:52
geniistdin: We don't need it when we have flipstar ;)04:52
stdinI don't trust getdeb, their packaging style is sloppy04:52
leo_rockwaybut it is easier than compiling for most people04:53
leo_rockwayand less time consuming04:53
leo_rockwaybut i agree that it is sloppy04:54
flipstar..what you mean with sloppy..?04:55
flipstarisnt a .deb a .deb ..?04:56
stdinno, you can't just say "make me a .deb", you have to specify _how_ it's made04:56
stdinand getdeb doesn't care too much about the debian packaging standards04:57
dwidmann flipstar: things like properly set up dependencies, pre/post scripts and such need to be done and done right, that's as far as I can tell what would cause one package to be called sloppy04:57
Trey85so what are the major diffrences from ubuntu04:58
stdinthere is only 1, kubuntu has KDE not Gnome04:58
dwidmannTrey85: huh? when compared to?04:58
dwidmannTrey85: different default packages .... that's it. Same repos and everyting else.04:59
geniihttp://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship   from Debian04:59
Trey85then i might have the same problem i had with ubuntu05:00
dwidmannTrey85: might05:00
Trey85i couldn't figure out what was going on05:00
Trey85on my laptop when i tried to load ubuntu it was like my screen just turned off but the computer stayed on05:01
Trey85on my desktop it showed the ubuntu load bar but then nothing just blank screen05:01
dwidmannTrey85: did ctrl+alt+f2 to anything?05:02
dwidmann(for the desktop, anyway)05:02
Trey85i didn05:02
dwidmanncouldn't get to a vt? That makes things difficult :\05:03
Trey85*didn't try ctrl+alt+f205:03
Trey85didn't know that one05:03
geniiGoodnight and I'll be back in 8 hours05:03
Trey85wow th kubuntu torrent is slow05:04
dwidmannTrey85: worth trying to get to a vt at any rate05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:05
=== pete is now known as utnubuk
needhelpTrey85: try the download link instead of torrent?05:10
Trey85ok back05:12
Trey85first of what is vt05:12
utnubukhow can i get my mouse to do a right click on a macbook?05:15
Trey85and second what computer do i try it on05:15
utnubuklooking around in system settings and cant find anything05:15
needhelputnubuk: kubuntu on macbook? mouse or pad?05:16
needhelpi'm installing kubuntu now on my macbook :P finishing in awhile05:16
Darkrift2i just noticed my sound isnt working, what can i do to test if everything is setup right?05:17
Darkrift2i have no errors, just no sound05:17
utnubukive been going through the macbook wiki, but this keyboard shortcut thing is complex05:17
utnubukah ty05:17
needhelpi'm reading too..does your wireless work after installation?05:17
utnubuki used to right click on the icon in the sys tray to turn it on, so i need to fix my mouse so i can move further :)05:18
needhelphaha..ok..good thing i have a external mouse that can right click05:19
Trey85dwidmann you still there05:19
Trey85not much05:21
phil_wat ru using??05:21
utnubukwish i had access to one :/05:21
utnubukmmmm compiz05:22
Trey85trying to get anything to work05:22
needhelpDarkrift: erm u can try : lspci | grep -i audio05:23
needhelpDarkrift: if there are something.. try speaker-test05:23
needhelpto abort press Ctrl-c ..05:23
needhelpyou may want to open sound-mixer to tune up the volume05:23
dwidmannTrey85: yeah05:24
phil_i cant get frostwire 2 boot up05:24
Trey85ok so i am a noob to linux so tell me more about what you mentioned erlier05:25
phil_neone ??05:25
dwidmannTrey85: well, if you try to boot and X (the gui) doesn't come up, the first thing to try is to switch to a virtual terminal (text based environment) ctrl + alt + f[1-6] will get you to any of the six virtual terminals05:26
Trey85so should i try it on the one where i could see the ubuntu load screen or the one with the screen going off05:28
dwidmannTrey85: the one with the ubuntu load screen.05:28
Trey85ok so what about the other one05:29
Trey85thats actualy the one I am plaing on using it05:29
dwidmannTrey85: the other one ...... I'm not so sure ..... did the live cd work on it?05:29
=== pete is now known as utnubuk
flipstarphil_: did you installed via it via .deb ?05:30
phil_it worked for awhile now it wont boot up05:30
flipstarso what happens when you type frostwire in a terminal ?05:30
Trey85its the same DVD tested on both computeres and as i said one showed the load screen and then jsut did nothing the other my laptop screen just turned off05:31
Trey85it computer was still on but it was like it didn''t like the graphics05:31
flipstarTrey85: which graphic card you have ?05:32
Trey85nvidia 8600M GS05:32
dwidmannTrey85: hmm, might not work without the propietary nvidia drivers05:33
Trey85how would i do that with the livedisk05:33
dwidmannTrey85: if it's the dvd, do the alternate install, then boot in recovery mode afterwards05:34
sgroverAnyone know the dpkg command off the top of your head to fix a half installed package?05:34
dwidmannTrey85: from there on you would need to install the nvidia drivers (requires a working net connection)05:35
Trey85hum well I am going to reburn this ISO and see if works05:35
Trey85i am wondering if nero is a POS05:36
sgroverhehe... I always thought so...05:36
Trey85because it seemed to always get errors and this one dosn't05:36
dwidmannTrey85: what are you using now?05:36
dwidmann(K3b ftw)05:36
flipstarsgrover: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a05:37
dwidmannSo, Trey85, you'll need to "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo nvidia-xconfig" afterwards, then reboot and see how things go.05:39
dwidmannI've got to get to bed though ... it's really late (1:39am) here, and I'm tired.05:39
Trey85ok night05:40
sgroverflipstar: thanks.  Just tracked it down in the forums:  dpkg --configure -a05:41
sgroverA friend is having problems, and isn't toooooo familiar with command line.  She's all frustrated and set to reinstall from scratch cuz of this... :)  Guess she gets to see the power of the command line tonight....05:42
needhelpuse apt-get05:48
phil_Starting FrostWire...05:49
phil_Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...05:49
phil_OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com05:49
phil_OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy05:49
phil_You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:49
phil_ls: /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory05:49
phil_OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy05:49
phil_You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:49
phil_ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory05:49
phil_OOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /opt/  hierarchy05:49
phil_You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:49
phil_wtf do i do?05:49
flipstarsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre05:50
needhelpyeah have u installed java?05:50
Darkrift2anyone here think they might be able to help me get my audio working?05:53
Darkrift2checked ALL volume, and they are all at max05:53
phil_it says i need to update my sun java05:53
Darkrift2i think its a driver/setting problem but i dont know where to start05:53
needhelphmm why do i always hang halfway in apt-get at sg.archive.ubuntu.com ? it seems to download very fast initially06:01
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:03
needhelpanyone know how to get the sound in macbook to work for kubuntu?06:26
=== jurgen is now known as Jurgentje
JurgentjeHi... I installed the latest beta of Kubuntu 8.04 and don't have sound... anyone who could lend me a hand? (I didn't have troubles in Kubuntu 7.10)06:36
ere4siJurgentje: for 8.04 troubles you need to ask in #ubuntu+106:37
Jurgentjeere4si: thanks06:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:39
needhelpanyone know how to get the sound in macbook to work for kubuntu? it seems to be detected but no sound although volume is max up06:42
Jurgentjeneedhelp: what version are you running?06:42
Jurgentjeis it the beta version 8.04 ... or are you running the version 7.10?06:43
nitinwhen i installed ubuntu 7.04 i also had no sound, but in ubuntu 7.10 i had sound, is it possible that i will have no sound in 8.0406:43
needhelpi'm running 7.1006:44
needhelpOK its working nowwwwwww.. i did the wiki help and restarted and it work :)))06:45
Jurgentjeanyone in here familiar with using an iPod under Amarok (or installing iTunes under wine)? When I run amarok, and try to sync to my ipod... it's corrupted06:45
Jurgentjeneedhelp: so what did you have to do?06:45
needhelpits either i add options snd_hda_intel model=mbp3  in /etc/modprobe.d/options06:47
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
needhelpor install snd-hda-intel position_fix=1 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install snd-hda-intel $CMDLINE_OPTS && /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hda-intel on /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:48
Darkrift2i wish my sound worked06:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:55
jussio1needhelp: Darkrift2which sound cards do you have?06:55
Darkrift200:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)06:56
jussio1Darkrift2: I beleve this applies to you then:06:56
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:56
Darkrift2ty, ill read it now06:57
Darkrift2jussio1,  mine doesnt hang though, does that make a difference?06:59
jussio1not really sure07:00
needhelpi'm using Intel Corporation 82801H07:01
jussio1needhelp: then see that link also07:04
Darkrift2it says thsi is a list of soundcards for nvidia, but i see chipsets, not my soundcard models :s http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Nvidia07:05
Darkrift2it tells me to use one of those as my soundcard model and modprobe snd-"driver model"07:05
Darkrift2but i dont think that is correct :(07:06
Darkrift2i do notice i have the snd-intel drivers enabled, but my sound is nvidia not intel so im completely lost07:07
Darkrift2s/drivers enabled/modules loaded/07:07
needhelpsigh my touchpad can't click07:10
needhelpi mean.. when i tap, it doesn;t click07:11
nitinin ubuntu when i open folder containing videos there displays a small image preview of that video. but in kubuntu it does not. can this be enable in kubuntu also07:21
needhelphelp, anyone know where to get synaptics drivers?07:25
Darkrift2my kubuntu came with them07:25
Darkrift2my touchpad is synaptics07:25
Darkrift2look in your xorg.conf i think i saw a setting to uncomment for a certain model07:25
needhelphmm actually mine too.. i can move but i can't tap07:25
Darkrift2make sure yo back it up before making changes07:25
Darkrift2sorry, tap works on mine07:26
Darkrift2anyways, off to watch a movie with the wife, good luck07:26
needhelpkkk enjoy07:26
justnulling2reinstalling 0710 on new computer (had some lock up problems few times in so many days) but it gets locked up now at install sometimes before loading livecd and now it is 22% into coping files and mouse is gone can type at console but when press enter commands don't run, any ideas?07:27
justnulling2running on gigabyte GA-MA69GM-S2H07:28
asobicheck for sufficient ram?07:29
justnulling22gb memtests ran fine07:29
asobibeats me :/07:30
flipstarnitin: just install mplayerthumbs07:31
flipstar(and restart konqueror)07:32
flipstarin konqueror settings>file preview you have more options07:33
nitinflipstar: ok07:33
justnulling2it's a bummer07:33
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:33
flipstarjustnulling2: the cd is okay ? if yes you might try an alternate cd07:35
sintrandgeia sasa07:37
ere4sisintrand: in english please07:38
sintrandlol re file07:38
sintrandeisai gtpk07:39
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
needhelpanyone having problems with macbook touchpad tapping doesn't click?07:45
needhelpanyone having problems with macbook touchpad tapping doesn't work?07:45
jussi01hey Trey__08:12
Trey__so there are people still up08:14
jussi01its 10.17 am here08:17
jussi01can we help you with something?08:17
Trey__well when i came in i was going to ask what you guys like better gnome or kde08:17
Trey__but i decided on kde08:17
jussi01Trey__: ok then. well this is the support channel, so iff you need any help, just ask08:18
Trey__you havn't used mandriva have you08:18
Trey__i am trying to compare it to kubuntu08:19
devilsadvocateTrey__, I have, briefly08:19
jussi01Trey__: its a good idea to google things like this, there are many opinions about such things online08:20
devilsadvocateTrey__, dont belive everything you read though :P08:20
Trey__it is very hard though to get a feel from forms08:20
jussi01Trey__: otherwise, if it is opinions you are after, perhaps #kubuntu-offtopic is the place to ask.08:20
Trey__because its not real time feedback08:21
Trey__i didn't mean to break any rules or anything08:21
justnulling2flipstar:yes cd is ok, ok let me download alt cd08:23
clau30_jussi01: where are you from, if I may ask (you must be GMT+2 :)08:23
jussi01Trey__: you are fine. :)08:24
jussi01clau30_: somewhere in gmt+2 :)08:24
clau30_lol ok08:25
needhelpanyone having problems with macbook touchpad tapping doesn't work?08:26
jussi01needhelp: I think there is a ksynaptics package that helps enable it IIRC08:28
Trey__hey dose anyone know about this issue with hanging on startup after setting hostname08:50
TeslaTonyDoes anyone know how to turn a wifi card and its related driver off without physically disconnecting the card or rebooting the computer?09:03
nanothiefwith the dvd download for kubuntu beta from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hardy/beta/ , is the kubuntu supplied the one with kde3 or kde4?09:20
ere4sinanothief: kde309:22
nanothiefere4si: ok. Is there a dvd download with kde4 on it? I would prefer a dvd release, as my home computer has fairly poor internet, while where I'm atm has fast internet09:23
nanothiefand I thought downloading as a dvd would save me downloading many packages09:23
=== dev_ is now known as tosty
flipstarseems like no kde4 dvd availible but you can use 'aptoncd'09:28
nanothiefflipstar: k thanks for the hint09:38
ActionParsniplo each09:38
Sir_CorgiWatch out!  It's Action Parsnip!09:39
ActionParsnipyou'd better!09:39
Sir_CorgiHe will totally fuck you up!09:39
ActionParsnipor fix your system. either is good09:40
Sir_CorgiHe can do boooooooth....09:40
ActionParsnipjust pulling down hardy for a giggle09:40
Sir_CorgiI don't know what pulling down means... lol09:41
Sir_CorgiOh, okay. lol09:41
shadowboxgood morning09:42
Sir_CorgiGood morning, shadowbox.09:42
shadowboxI have a bluetooth question09:43
ActionParsnipsup shadowbox09:43
shadowboxI have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse that are really cool looking, but cant seem to get them working. I'm using the program in my system tray but I cant seem the find anything with it09:44
ActionParsnipshadowbox: what model kb / mouse09:45
shadowboxhmmm, let me check09:45
shadowboxcant find a model # anywhere. I can find it on the net I'm sure09:47
ActionParsnipok shadowbox if you can get it i'll have a butchers09:47
ActionParsniplooks nice09:53
ActionParsnipgot a model name?09:53
shadowboxlol, cant find it anywhere09:54
shadowboxI have the fcc #09:54
ActionParsnipwhats the fcc09:54
shadowboxhmm..  wbr0295 ?   maybe09:54
ActionParsniplets try09:55
ActionParsnipMicrosoft, WBR0295 Bluetooth Optical Keyboard09:55
shadowboxthe rules of the fcc is what all electronic must adhear to09:55
ActionParsnipshadowbox: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22705709:56
shadowboxthanks allot ActionParsnip:09:57
ActionParsnipshadowbox: http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=24439 looks promising too09:58
Tm_Tkids, remember offtopic etc ;)09:59
* ActionParsnip is helping pair up a bluetooth kb/mouse 10:00
Tm_Tyup, just reminding, not accusing10:00
Sir_CorgiSure he is... ;)10:00
shadowboxmouse shows up but not keyboard10:01
shadowbox(after scanning)10:01
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
ActionParsnipTm_T: ok, cool10:01
ActionParsnipshadowbox: ok well we're halfway there10:01
Tm_TActionParsnip: I am ;)10:01
shadowboxchecking batteries10:01
ActionParsnipshadowbox: yeah was gonna say10:02
* ActionParsnip laughs10:02
=== Andrew67_ is now known as Andrew67
ActionParsnipany joy shadowbox?10:08
ActionParsniproot: are you running your irc client as root?10:23
nico_Hey, i've got the following problem: I can only run firefox as root. When i try to start firefox as normal user, the icon jumps under the curser, as known in kde, and nothing happens10:23
nico_I also tried to run firefox over the console. Nothing happens, too. There's no error and nothing10:24
ActionParsnipnico_: try closing all firefoxes and do sudo mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old10:24
ActionParsnipnico_: then rerun firefox10:24
ActionParsnipnico_: if the mv fails do ls -a to show the hidden files and mv the folder most likely to be firefoxes config file10:25
nico_works, thanx^^10:25
ActionParsnipnico_: it may be ~/.mozilla-firefox I can't remember10:25
ActionParsnipnico_: watch your sudo-ing10:25
ActionParsnipnico_: do not sudo gui apps (like kwrite) etc10:26
nico_i've linux mce installed10:26
ActionParsnipuse kdesu10:26
nico_it runs everything as root, thats maybe a problem10:26
nico_it's a media center for kubuntu10:27
ActionParsnipnico_: really BAD idea, I'd su to a normal user10:27
nico_it skips the normal login, and automatically logs in as root10:27
ActionParsnipnico_: especialy web apps10:27
nico_but, that a known issue and i can't change it10:28
ActionParsnipnico_: check the convenience tab in system settings10:28
ActionParsnipnico_:  under login I think ( I dont have my virtualbox no more and I'm not on my home pc)10:29
shadowboxok finally10:29
nico_I can't change the login. I tried it. But when i change, i can't start Linux MCE10:29
ActionParsnipshadowbox: and the problem was....10:29
shadowboxnow when Ido a scan it picks up both..10:29
ActionParsnipnico_: wow thats horrendous10:29
ActionParsnipshadowbox: sweet10:29
shadowboxbatteries and a cruddy terminal believe it or not10:30
nico_It's like i said, it is a known issue10:30
ActionParsnipnico_: install regular kubuntu and install all the apps from repos10:30
ActionParsnipnico_: is it hugely different?10:30
nico_i did^^10:30
ActionParsnipnico_: ive heard of the mc ed but never used it10:30
nico_i just installed regular kubuntu10:31
nico_and then mce10:31
andybleadenHI Looking for some advice re ripping radio streams.Used Kstream ripper but cannot rip bbc streams anyone else found this10:31
shadowboxnow when Ido a scan it picks up both..(seprately) do they need to be 'found on the same scan cycle?10:31
ActionParsnipshadowbox: not especialy, you can pair them seperately10:32
shadowboxoh ok10:32
andybleadenAnyone any joy with ripping radio streams to mp310:32
andybleadenFrom the BBC10:32
nico_But i think you all can understand that i don't want to use Windows MCE10:32
ActionParsnipyeah neither would i10:32
ActionParsnipandybleaden: how are the streamed? is it an asx? or is it flash / realplayer?10:33
andybleadenI currently use realplayer I have downloaded the rpm files10:34
andybleadenand then open them in realplayer10:34
ActionParsnipso its a real player stream. I'm guessing the rpm is relatively small in size10:34
shadowboxsudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf10:34
ActionParsnipshadowbox: no no no10:34
shadowboxI get a command not found10:34
ActionParsnipshadowbox: kdesu gedit ....10:35
ActionParsnipshadowbox: never use sudo for gui apps10:35
nico_what is better with an ati radeon x1800 XT? fglrx or radeonhd ?10:35
ActionParsnipshadowbox: it damages permissions and ownerships10:35
andybleadentried using them in kstream. the files are 100b or so v small10:35
shadowboxahh, thats the command they give in the wiki10:35
shadowboxforum I mean10:35
ActionParsnipshadowbox: sudo is for stuff like cp, mv, pt-get etc10:36
ActionParsnipshadowbox: stuff that stays on the command line10:36
andybleadenso when I use k stream ripper it does not ever connect10:36
shadowboxahh ok10:36
nico_but what's the difference between sudo and kdesu?10:36
nonewmsgsshadowbox, i am guilty for giving it as advice in forums...you are supposed to use kdesudo or gtksudo (but i often do it myself)10:36
martalliYou could certainly do sudo kate, too...if you are calling from the cli10:37
ActionParsnipandybleaden: http://www.tomtaylor.co.uk/blog/2006/09/01/how-to-rip-bbc-radio-streams-to-mp3/10:37
ActionParsnipandybleaden: you tried that?10:37
ActionParsnipmartalli: it can harm the permissions on the editted file which may be aconfig file for boot. yo uwould then have a useless systsem without considerable effort10:38
shadowboxok, I still get a command not found10:38
=== nico_ is now known as nico_s
=== nico_s is now known as nico_away
ActionParsnipshadowbox: are you in kubuntu or ubuntu?10:38
shadowboxdoes that mean I dont have gedit?10:38
ActionParsnipjust curious with the use of gedit10:38
martalliIs that right?  Well, I had better mend my ways10:38
ActionParsnipshadowbox: then its kdesu kate <file>10:39
ActionParsnipshadowbox: or kdesu kwrite <file>10:39
nonewmsgsanyway guys i am in desperate need for a shower and then i must leave for work.  laterz10:39
nico_awaywhen you usually installed kubuntu from a kubuntu cd, then you only have kate and no gedit10:39
ActionParsnipshadowbox: gedit is GNOME Editor10:39
nico_awaybut you kan apt-get it10:39
flipstarmartalli: see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for details10:39
martalliSurely, one could use any particular text editor, right?  The reason for kate is just because its a qt app10:39
nico_away# sudo apt-get install gedit10:39
ActionParsnipmartalli: absolutely10:40
shadowboxso kwrite it is10:40
vosqueHi, trying to boot the latest 8.04 beta on my eeepc, and it stops after the kernel probes all the USB devices.    The kernel still runs, as when I unhook a USB device I get a kernel disconnect notice.  Has anyone seen anything similar?10:40
* martalli likes kate10:40
nico_awaywait for the final 8.04 and try 7.10 vosque10:40
ActionParsnipmartalli: could even use sudo pico <file>10:41
nico_away8.04 is still full of bugs10:41
vosquenico_away: I've got 7.10 loaded on a different SD card, I just wanted to try the beta out.  Thanks anyway!10:41
shadowboxsudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart10:41
* nonewmsgs kate is hot and ed is not10:41
martalliIs pico avail?  I have been using nano on the cli10:41
shadowboxwould that command be right?10:41
ActionParsnipshadowbox: yes as that stays on command line, you can use kdesu for ALL commands if you wish10:42
andybleadenThanks Action parsnip  that looks different( I think)  I will give it a try10:42
martalliBack in the early 90's we got pine and my favorite part of it was the pico editor...so straightforward10:42
martalliI really didn't want an editor that could play chess for me, or looked the same as it did in the 70's...but I thought some wierd patent or license issue kept pico out of the gpl, so nano was a rewrite10:43
=== l_ is now known as luka05
ActionParsnipnano is cool10:43
ActionParsnipi like the -w to make files writable10:44
llutzoeh, -w "Disable wrapping of long lines"10:44
drifllutz: hey, don't underestimate power of placebo :D10:45
shadowboxsudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart10:46
shadowboxI get a CNF10:46
shadowboxcommand not found10:46
drifActionParsnip: could it be that you recall it bit incorrectly and actually mean -v to view-only?10:46
llutzshadowbox:  /etc/init.d/bluetooth10:46
shadowboxha, you rock10:47
ActionParsnipshadowbox: try using tab to get to the command10:47
ActionParsnipshadowbox: you dont type much in linux as tab does all the work for you10:47
nonewmsgsshadowbox,  i am totally going to start using CNF it sounds badasss10:47
shadowboxDisplay all 2016 possibilities? (y or n)10:48
drifhappy browsing :D10:48
shadowboxyeah, I'm thinking.....no thanks10:49
drifshadowbox: did you just write b and press tab?10:49
ActionParsnipshadowbox: hehe not quite but if you type fire and press tab..look what you get :)10:49
shadowboxno... I just hit tab10:49
drifshadowbox: you need to first feed it some clues ;)10:49
martallitab completion is awesome10:50
shadowboxah, so I gather the tab is a list of command poss. for the given text typed10:50
ActionParsnipmartalli: you get it in xp too :)10:51
martalliskip opening adept to see which packs you have....sudo apt-g[tab] remove linux-im[tab] ... I do this every so often to clen out old kernels, or you can do this to see what packages you have, or just to shorten your typing, navigate directories (really slick), and so on10:51
andybleadenHI again action parsnip...tried the tomtaylor but I am getting stuck10:51
ActionParsnipshadowbox: yes, as well as files :)10:51
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:51
andybleadenI have reinstalled mplayer10:51
ActionParsnipandybleaden: Ive not used it dude. its something i googled10:51
=== booh_ is now known as Boohbah
Jucatoandybleaden: you can type Action the press tab to autocomplete ActionParsnip's nick10:52
andybleadenActionParsnip: ah..sorry10:52
shadowboxI mean I 'knew' that and all... I was just....well.......10:52
martalliActionParsnip: It's avail in xp?  areyou sure?  I think actual DOS was better than xp's cli, since F3 worked back then.  Of course, you might be impppying use of cygwin10:52
shadowboxok, I never knew it10:52
ActionParsnipmartalli: absolutely10:52
benishorHello all. I upgraded kubuntu to 8.04 and installed kde4. Does anybody know why the kdm manager is disabled in system settings ?10:52
andybleadenJucato: thanks ..bit a newbie10:53
andybleadenanyone else tried to record bbc streams10:53
llutzmartalli: up/down for cmd-history works in xp cmd.exe too, also completion10:53
Jucatobenishor: #kubuntu-kde4 people might know why10:53
martallibenishor: When you install kde4, it gives you the option of using kdm-kde4...is that what you chose?10:53
benishoryes martalli, kdm-kde4 is the default one.10:53
shadowbox8.04 is out already?10:53
drifllutz: isn't it something as unpractical as ctrl+f etc. as default?10:53
benishorit also starts as default, but I cannot configure it10:53
benishor10x Jucato10:54
martallishadowbox: beta10:54
shadowboxholy moses10:54
llutzdrif: not here10:54
shadowboxdoes it look different?10:54
drifllutz: atleast prior to SP's it was - if I recall correctly10:54
martallibenishor: I'm just guessing, but you might try the system settings setup from kde4 (make sure you are not using the kde3 version, as they may both be in the system menu)10:55
martallishadowbox: not much10:55
martalliI feel like we are the poor cousins to ubuntu.  Riddell is overworked.  Canonical needs to give him a few Englishmen to put under his boot and work for him on the kubuntu releases10:56
benishormartalli : I'm using System Settings from kde4 allright. I just made a test : I ran kde3 system settings and login manager allowed me to enter in administrator mode10:56
shadowboxbummer, I was kinda hoping for the menu to look like Suse 10.2. It's pretty nifty10:56
ActionParsnipdoes anyone know where there is a hardy torrent thats seeded?10:57
martalliKubuntu has felt pretty much like a quick roll of standard kde on top of ubuntu-minimal...a little better with 7.1010:57
Jucatoshadowbox: that's the KDE 4 menu. but kickoff is also available for KDE 310:57
martalliActionParsnip: You should be able to get it right from the kubuntu front page10:57
shadowboxahh, did not know10:57
andybleadenThe other general question I have is about converting ape files. I used to use mac but that seems not to work anymore...any body here use it still10:57
JucatoActionParsnip: there should only be one torrent source10:58
nanothiefI thought it was listed on the download page10:58
ActionParsnipJucato: got one :)10:58
Jucatonanothief: well since it's not yet released, it wouldn't be on the download page yet, but on the individual hardy announcement pages10:58
shadowboxActionParsnip: I do a "sudo hidd --search" and it cant find my kb/mouse10:59
nanothiefJucato: yeah *that* download page :P10:59
shadowboxActionParsnip: can i show you my kate  file? maybe I'm missing something11:00
shadowboxActionParsnip: I dont know half of what I'm looking anyway  lol11:00
ActionParsnipshadowbox: sure, use the pastebin11:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:02
=== nico_away is now known as nico_k
ActionParsnipshadowbox: i'm not so up on bluetooth stuff, maybe someone else can assist. looks ok to me11:05
shadowboxok thaks11:06
shadowboxanyone one here up on bluetooth stuff?11:06
ActionParsnipshadowbox: try gooling for the name of the file, you might get some examples11:11
shadowboxdude I got working11:11
shadowboxI just skipped the parts I couldnt get working and went a step or two further11:12
shadowboxthen went out of order11:12
ActionParsnipshadowbox: awesome dude, smooth move :D11:12
* ActionParsnip applauds11:12
shadowboxhaha who would have thunk it11:13
shadowboxso I guess it will work after a reboot?11:13
shadowboxI'm showing of my new system I just built tonight11:14
ActionParsnipshadowbox: only one way to know :)11:15
benishormartalli : I managed to enable it by specifically running kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/systemsettings11:15
benishorthat's weird though11:15
shadowboxActionParsnip: be right back   :)11:15
flipstarhow can i bypass an "gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error" due extracting via tar -xf ?11:21
shadowboxIt works11:22
ActionParsnipflipstar: googleing now11:22
* flipstar reading man's11:22
shadowboxI had to wait a minute or two11:22
shadowboxbefore the keyboard and mouse would work11:23
shadowboxrestarting to see if I have to give permission for bluetooth access everytime I reboot11:24
ere4siflipstar: thought you need   tar -xzf   for .gz11:24
flipstarsame error11:25
flipstari think there is a crc error11:25
ActionParsnipflipstar: http://www.math.utah.edu/docs/info/gzip_2.html11:25
ActionParsnipflipstar: 6th paragraph last few lines11:26
aoboneed help with essay!11:30
ActionParsnipaobo: in what sense11:30
aobodont know its due tomorrow11:31
aoboneed to talk about LED11:31
aobofor an engineering essay11:31
aobomy idea is switch all the traffic lights into LED lights11:32
aobobut im stuck11:32
ActionParsnipwell start with what they have now and what you propose11:32
ActionParsnipand why they are different11:32
ActionParsnipand why its better11:32
stefan-fHello all :)11:32
ActionParsnipas well as why its worse11:32
stefan-fwhen I do ftps, is there a need for opening port22 on firewall?11:33
stefan-fcan someone help?11:33
stefan-fsoorry there is a proftp server in dmz, do I need port 22 for clients doing ftps?11:34
aobosorry i dont understand computer stuff11:35
ActionParsnipaobo: its not computery stuff11:35
ActionParsnipyou want to change something. say why and how its better11:36
aobosorry i was say that to stefan11:37
aoboyeah im writing it now. thanks11:37
ActionParsnipaobo: cool11:37
matt___i just installed kubuntu 64bit, and now when i go to install my graphics driver (hitctrl, alt, f2, sudo /etc/inetd.conf/kdm stop, my screen goes blank, and after trying to select f2 again, it stays black11:40
matt___eventually i have to tap the power button and wait for shutdown11:40
aoboi just installed kubuntu for the first time ever a few days ago. i like it more than XP11:40
matt___it is an nvidia driver, i can't be running x11:41
aobodo you have to install a graphics driver?11:41
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:41
matt___aobo: i want to, it gives me much better performance11:42
aobooh okay11:42
SlimeyPetematt___: best to use the restricted driver manager if possible11:42
SlimeyPetein the system settings menu11:42
matt___aobo: i know how to do it, did it plenty of times in 32bit, but 64bit isn't working.11:42
sigma_1234where are apt-get cached packages stored?11:46
flipstar /var/cache/apt/archive11:47
ActionParsnipsigma_1234: you can clear them with sudo apt-get clean11:47
sigma_1234if i copy downloaded packages there will apt install them?11:48
ActionParsnipsigma_1234: use dpkg -i <deb file>11:48
sigma_1234but they have a load of dependencies11:49
flipstarsigma_1234: install via gdebi11:49
ActionParsnipsigma_1234: what package do you have downloaded11:49
llutz"sudo aptitude -f install" after dpkg ...11:49
flipstarthats kind of rude..isnt it ?11:50
llutzno, it just clears dependencies11:50
flipstarhm nvm11:51
sigma_1234i had a slight issue last night. i ran a command and wiped my hdd clean. i had backed my apt cache folder up and now i want to reinstall the apps11:52
ActionParsnipsigma_1234: use * then ;)11:52
flipstarsudo dpkg -i * && sudo aptitude -f install11:53
sigma_1234i see11:54
ActionParsnipnice one flip11:54
flipstar!clone | sigma_1234 next time use this11:54
ubotusigma_1234 next time use this: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate11:54
flipstarActionParsnip: just copy & paste :)11:54
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning11:55
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate11:55
Piciflipstar: That means that all the packages need to be downloaded again though.  A aptoncd would probably be better.11:55
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers11:56
sigma_1234that sounds alot better11:56
flipstarPici: there need to be an apt-p2p or so :)11:56
sigma_1234how do you setup apt on cd?11:57
Piciflipstar: I believe apt-bittorent is in the planning stages11:57
flipstaryes..heard about that xD11:57
aoboi need some help with kubuntu. I just installed it and i dont know how to install a graphics driver.11:58
aoboi have dual OS running. windows XP and kubuntu11:58
flipstaraobo: kmenu>system>restricted driver manager11:59
aoboXP has a driver installed but kubuntu does not seem to have the graphics driver connected to it11:59
aoboi cant see that11:59
aoboalso any quick key for kmenu? and whats the key combinations for swtiching desktops...12:00
ActionParsnipaobo: ctrl+alt+cursor i think12:00
=== kelsa|martalli is now known as martalli
ActionParsnipaobo: you using kwin or you using compiz?12:01
aobowhats the cursor bit in the comb.?12:01
aoboaaah cool thanks12:02
flipstarSlimeyPete: etc...? you have more than that ? :P12:02
aobonope doesnt work12:02
aoboi have 6....12:03
aobois that too much?12:03
SlimeyPeteyou should be able to have way more than 612:03
ActionParsnipaobo: you can have as many as your ram will take12:03
* SlimeyPete doesn't use them though so may be remembering wrong, sorry12:03
aoboso how do i swap the desktop again? my lecturer does it in lecture. switch between codes and presentations12:04
flipstaraobo: according to the url above.. Shift-Ctrl-F1 to F412:04
aobooops didnt see that webpage12:05
flipstarany guides on how to burn an bootable cd with several iso's ?12:16
nosrednaekimthat would probably require modifying the bootloader (not simple)12:17
algyzflipstar:  maybe this http://lg.cybermirror.org/issue85/sipos.html  ?12:17
flipstaralgyz: thanks :) i'll check this12:18
algyzHope it'll help ;)12:18
=== user__ is now known as ForsakenSoul
aobohey guys do you reckon all the traffic lights are using LEDs now?12:23
aoboor maybe still normal filament ones12:23
ForsakenSoulhi can someone help me with Virtual box12:23
Jucatoand this has relation to Kubuntu, how?12:24
nosrednaekimaobo: alot are using LED's ,yes12:24
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: wassup man?12:24
aobooh. how do i join another forum?12:24
Jucato!offtopic | aobo12:24
ubotuaobo: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:24
aoboim new to kubuntu let alone this12:24
nosrednaekimForsakenSoul: you might find better help in #vbox, if not... please do ask here :)12:24
Jucatoaobo: you join other channels by typing /join #channel_name12:24
ForsakenSoulyeah I know but sometimes they answer kinda slow :D you are more active here :D12:25
ActionParsnipask away ForsakenSoul12:25
ForsakenSoulif I need any help I'll write again :D12:25
ForsakenSoulActionPersnip well I try to start a VM and it just aborts12:26
ForsakenSouli've put the user in the virtualbox group12:26
ForsakenSouland logged out and in again and does the same thing12:26
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: tried creating a new virtual system?12:26
* Jucato wonders if the vbox kernel module is loaded12:27
ForsakenSoulwith the same vdi file for hard drive12:27
nosrednaekimForsakenSoul: any errors when it aborts?12:27
ForsakenSoulshould I make a new hard drive12:27
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: create a new one12:27
ForsakenSoulno logs either12:27
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: is the command vbox or virtualbox to run it?12:28
ForsakenSoulerror when I try to start a new system12:28
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: you compiled from source?12:29
ForsakenSoulno from package12:30
ActionParsnipForsakenSoul: did you get it from the repos?12:30
ForsakenSoulI used adept manager as always12:30
ActionParsniphmmm. try mv ~/.VirtualBox ~/.VirtualBox_old12:32
ActionParsnipthen rerun virtualbox12:32
ActionParsnipthis may help too http://www.ubuntugeek.com/create-and-manage-virtual-machines-using-virtualbox.html12:33
ForsakenSoulActionParnsnip nope didn;t work with the command12:33
ForsakenSoulthanks anyway12:33
aobo_hey how come im logged in twice one with aobo_ and the other aobo12:34
aobo_how do i fix it?12:34
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>12:34
ActionParsnipaobo_: you logged in to another pc?12:34
aobo_i just logged out and in12:34
SlimeyPetethe other one will die of its own accord eventually, but you can ghost it if you like (if you've registered your nickname)12:34
aobo_i didnt register.12:34
aobo_im new to this12:35
SlimeyPeteaobo_: the server will automatically kill the other one if there's no client attached to it, but it takes a few minutes.12:35
aobo_ah cool thanks guys12:35
jpatrick!register | aobo_12:35
ubotuaobo_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.12:35
aobo_doesnt work..12:35
algyzaobo_:  just follow the link :D12:35
Dr_willis! = bot commands12:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot commands - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:35
Dr_willissee :)12:36
jpatrickaobo_: because ubotu is smart and ignores if the said fact was done recently12:36
ActionParsniphe's got some genius factoids12:37
ubotuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.12:37
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.12:38
* Dr_willis goes back to reading the news12:38
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:38
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn'twork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:40
nosrednaekim!doesn't work12:41
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:41
ubotucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java12:42
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* Dr_willis notes that his wife 'Dosent't work' 12:44
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.12:45
algyzIs it any software, with which I can make color photos from black and white? Never did such thing before.12:46
ActionParsnipalgyz: you could add a layer in gimp and colour it in yourself12:46
algyzBut noone program can recongnize colours in black and white?12:47
nosrednaekimalgyz: digikam can do that12:48
algyzI'll try, thanks :)12:49
ActionParsnipnosrednaekim: can it add colour?12:49
ActionParsnipnosrednaekim: he wants to go from b/w to colour12:49
nosrednaekimoh.... nothing can do that12:51
nosrednaekimah.. I read that wrong :)12:51
algyzWell, thanks for answers :)12:52
Kaseushey, anyone know of a good piece of music composition software (somewhat similar to fl studio in windows)?12:52
ActionParsnipKaseus: audacity12:53
JucatoActionParsnip: music composition?12:53
Jucatothat's sound editing12:54
Kaseuslike for doing electronica12:54
algyzKaseus:  I think lmms12:54
ActionParsnipKaseus: lmms12:54
algyzKaseus:  its Linux Multimedia Studio12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmms - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:54
Kaseusoh nice12:54
algyzKaseus:  You'll get it with apt-get ;)12:54
JucatoActionParsnip: how do I trigger your factoids? :)12:55
nosrednaekim!info lmms12:56
Jucatonosrednaekim: broken12:56
KaseusI know it's probably a really odd question, but do you know if lmms supports VSTs?12:56
nosrednaekimwhats a VST?12:57
=== jr is now known as Riddelll
Kaseusit's basically a virtual instrument patch12:57
KaseusI've got a large collection (which I like) of them for windows (which I loathe)12:57
algyzKaseus:  install and try12:57
nosrednaekimyeah... way over mot of our heads here :) you could ask in #ubuntustudio12:57
Kaseuslol, ok12:58
KaseusI knew that one would be a maybe12:58
algyzThe music program LMMS also features VST support through "LMMS VST Support Layer". All of these solutions but LMMS require Steinberg's SDK for compilation in addition to Wine and Wine's development files, whose package is typically named 'wine-devel'.12:59
algyzKaseus:  read full article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Studio_Technology12:59
TeslaTonyI have a 90gb tar backup that I want to restore some files from, but the GUI doesn't like handling it, and unless I tell it to restore my system, it get's nearly all the way, then starts deleting the files it untarred. Are there any workarounds for this?13:01
nosrednaekimTeslaTony: use the shell13:02
TeslaTonyWhat would cause it to erase extracted files in the first place?13:04
nosrednaekimif it didn't have enough space to extract them all13:07
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TeslaTonyThat'd be a little surprising, since I had something like 120+ gigs left available when it started doing that...13:08
nosrednaekimTeslaTony: but maybe not in your allocation in /tmp wherei'm sure ark unzippes them.... hence why I said do it on the command line13:13
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=== Led is now known as Digimushroom
Roy_MHI, just wondering where I can go to get help with thunderbird?13:25
Jucato#mozilla or #thunderbird ?13:26
flipstari give up on this multi-boot cd thing ÷_÷13:28
Roy_Mhmmm, there is no #thunderbird, it seems mozilla have their own server. Thanks13:28
BunnyRevolutionRoy_M: what kind of problem with tbird13:32
Roy_MI just  connected it to my mail server for the first time and did not realise that the leave messages on server box was not ticked. As a result, the emails were downlaoded to my local machine. Do you know how to get them back on the server?13:34
SlimeyPeteI very much doubt you can13:35
BunnyRevolutionyes, i would try tbird forum.13:35
BunnyRevolutionthat was my thought as well13:35
BunnyRevolutionoutside of a restore of your mail directory13:35
Roy_Mok sure, thanks guys13:35
TeslaTonyRoy_M: Depending on who the mail is being served by, you might be able to get the sysadmin to restore your emails13:37
Roy_MTeslaTony, is that really my best option? our IT support is pretty lousy :(13:38
BunnyRevolutioni just rebooted, and my resolution is screwed up.  how do if i fix this?13:39
TeslaTonyRoy_M: Best? Not necessarily. Only? Very likely.13:39
Roy_MBunnyRevolution: show us a less /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:40
Roy_MTeslaTony, ok sure, thanks. I am not hopeful of my chances13:41
BunnyRevolutionthere some way to jump start it, but i've forgotten how13:42
Roy_MBunnyRevolution: are you thinking about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:43
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:43
Jucatohm.. not that...13:43
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes13:43
Jucatothat one!13:43
BunnyRevolutioner, yep13:44
BunnyRevolutionheh, i forgot, hardy has a "fix x resolution" in rescue mode13:47
BunnyRevolutionand then allows a normal boot13:48
RIPRSChi, i'm installing kubuntu as a dual boot, and with the partitioning i have ran into a problem13:54
SlimeyPeteRIPRSC: what problem?13:54
RIPRSCi have like 8 gb left for the home partition, but i cant use it somehow13:54
RIPRSCit says in the device column: 'unusable13:54
ere4siRIPRSC: are all your partitions primary?13:55
RIPRSCyea they are13:55
Roy_Mcan anyone advise me as to where on a M$ system the emails would have been downloaded to. I have decided that as a backup I may as well get these old emails on both my work and home email13:55
RIPRSCbtw, im installing kubuntu as a dual boot with windows13:55
SummoPlease... I need I little help here13:55
jpatrick!ask | Summo13:56
ubotuSummo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:56
SlimeyPeteRIPRSC: try making it a logical instead of primary partition, if the installer will let you do that13:56
SlimeyPeteRIPRSC: you can only have four primary partitions on the drive13:56
ere4siRIPRSC: you can only have four primary partitions13:56
ere4sithere's a message there13:56
RIPRSCwich one should i make logical? all the kubuntu ones or just one?13:57
SlimeyPetejust one13:57
RIPRSCok thanks, ill try that13:57
SlimeyPeteprobably best to keep / as a primary partition, though I'm not sure how much difference that makes13:58
RIPRSCill make swap logical13:58
shadowboxhello all.13:58
SlimeyPeteyeah, that'll be fine13:58
Summo!ask | I've tried to access and ntfs partition from Kubuntu, using ntfs-3g. It works correctly for a week, but now, every time I try to access it from Dolphin, I got the message "permissions denied"13:58
ubotuI've tried to access and ntfs partition from Kubuntu, using ntfs-3g. It works correctly for a week, but now, every time I try to access it from Dolphin, I got the message "permissions denied": Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:58
shadowboxI'm having sound issues13:58
SummoI've tried to access and ntfs partition from Kubuntu, using ntfs-3g. It works correctly for a week, but now, every time I try to access it from Dolphin, I got the message "permissions denied"13:58
shadowboxnew install of13:58
ere4siSummo: look in /etc/fstab file and see if the mount options have changed to   ro14:01
SlimeyPeteschieck: ATI HD450 soundcard by any chance?14:01
SlimeyPeteshadowbox: ^^14:01
RIPRSCdo i have to change the mount point of the windows partition to /media/windows or can it stay /media/sda1?14:01
SlimeyPetesorry schieck.14:01
Summoere4si: Here's the output14:02
SummoUUID=7CA400D5A4009434 dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs-3g silent,umask=0,locale=utf8 0 014:02
SlimeyPeteRIPRSC: it can be whatever you want14:02
ere4siRIPRSC: leave it and it'llbe ok14:02
SummoIt is set to root? (sorry, i'm very n00b)14:02
ere4siSummo: I don't use windows but it looks ok to me - anyone else know?14:03
SlimeyPetelooks alright14:04
RIPRSCanother question: when i was using the live cd, i couldnt acces the internet with my wireless card. is this normal with the live cd?14:04
SlimeyPetedo you have write permissions for /media/hda1?14:04
shadowboxSlimeyPete: yes?14:05
shadowboxit's onboard 7.114:05
SlimeyPeteshadowbox: so you do have an ATI HD450?14:05
zrajmI'm looking for any IRC channel associated with the Krita program. google not helpful. anyone knows a channel/server?14:05
SlimeyPeteshadowbox: you can find out what it is by typing "lspci"14:06
SummoSlimeyPete: I don't know for sure. But I was able to access it (write and read) for a week14:06
SummoHere's the error14:06
Summo"Permissões negadas" means "Permissions denied" in english14:06
BunnyRevolutionon a LAMP installation, where is the root directory for html docs?14:07
SlimeyPeteBunnyRevolution: /var/www, usually14:07
BunnyRevolutionthat's what i thought, however after putting the html docs there, i am getting a apache "it works" page14:07
BunnyRevolutionwhich leads me to believe that it's somewhere else14:08
SlimeyPeteBunnyRevolution: look for the documentroot in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/<your site configuration file>14:09
SlimeyPeteBunnyRevolution: site configuration file might be 000-default14:09
BunnyRevolutionit is, and the document root is /var/www14:13
SlimeyPeteBunnyRevolution: check that there's an index.html and that it's readable by apache14:14
ubuntuhelp me14:14
shadowboxSlimeyPete: S/C does not show up14:14
shadowboxoops there it is14:14
SlimeyPeteubuntu: just tell us the problem and if we can help, we will14:15
shadowboxIntel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller14:15
SlimeyPetehmm, I think there's a factoid about that14:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hda - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:15
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:16
shadowboxgreat thanks14:16
* jussi01 throws !search at SlimeyPete 14:17
RIPRSCdoes kubuntu need an internet connection to install? because it's checking the mirror server and it gets stuck there.14:17
SlimeyPeteRIPRSC: it should time out eventually14:17
BunnyRevolutionSlimeyPete: heh, i put a cms in that directory, but neglected to remove the index.html file.  as a result, index.php was not being read.14:17
SlimeyPeteBunnyRevolution: ah14:17
BunnyRevolutioni neglected to clear the directory first.  *gets a clue bat for myself*14:18
SlimeyPeteit's OK - apache confuses the hell out of me too ;)14:18
thomasamootI'm downloading the 8.04 beta with jigdo, and I'm a bit worried because I've gotten 404 errors for a number of files.14:26
ubuntu__alguna canal de ayuda kubuntu en español?¿?14:27
=== thomasamoot is now known as tempNick
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:27
=== tempNick is now known as justAtempNick
ubuntu__ubotu thanks14:28
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:28
justAtempNickI'm downloading the 8.04 beta with jigdo, and I'm a bit worried because I've gotten 404 errors for a number of files.14:31
justAtempNickHow can I get the missing pieces?14:32
justAtempNickPlease note that jigdo is my only option, as ftp can't handle a 664MB file, and all the bitTorrent trackers are out14:33
RIPRSCthe installer is configuring apt now, but it still says looking up mirror server. whats wrong?14:34
ufuntuhello! does anybody know if i ll have problems with compiz and applications that are not from repos if i upgrade to hardy?14:34
justAtempNickufuntu: I'd stay away from compiz for now, it's nice... but it's still buggy14:35
ActionParsnipufuntu: just stick with gutsy and update your apps14:35
graftall the bittorrent trackers are out?14:35
graftcompiz isn't that buggy...14:35
justAtempNickgraft: at least in Thailand14:35
graftjustAtempNick: i didn't realize the internet was so parochial in thailand14:36
ufuntuto update my apps14:36
justAtempNickgraft: perhaps you've better luck w/ compiz... but computers are a YMMV exercize14:37
ufuntui have to change repos to hardy repos14:37
ActionParsnipufuntu: yeah14:37
ubuntu__ hal storage removable mount all options refused uid 999 ?? help!!14:37
graftufuntu: yeah... you might have problems with apps not from the repository, tho14:37
justAtempNickgraft: you're connecting to trackers okay?14:37
ActionParsnipufuntu: but theres no need if what you have works fine14:37
justAtempNickgraft: where are you?14:37
graftjustAtempNick: not from here, i'm behind a firewall...14:38
graftjustAtempNick: US14:38
graftjustAtempNick: but the tracker should work regardless of your country14:38
graftufuntu: also compiz has been in the repository since gutsy14:38
justAtempNickgraft: it may be my crummy isp... or not, I'd love to know14:38
graftjustAtempNick: lemme see if i can test14:39
graftjustAtempNick: nope, works fine for me14:40
justAtempNickgraft: perhaps it's my isp14:40
ufuntuthank u all14:40
graftjustAtempNick: can you ping the tracker at least? possibly your ISP blocks torrents, yeah14:40
graftwhich is like, stabbing the internet in the face14:41
justAtempNickgraft: dht torrents work, it's just the last week that I haven't been able to connect to trackers14:42
justAtempNickgraft: how do I find the IP to ping?14:42
jcfpjustAtempNick: it's your isp for certain. Apparently they like denying their users anything that requires bandwidth. File size limits for ftp... who made that up.14:42
justAtempNickjcfp: I thought ftp was just a bad protocol14:43
graftjustAtempNick: um, it's torrent.ubuntu.com:696914:43
ActionParsnipftp is a sweet protocol14:43
graftftp is a bad protocol14:43
graftany protocol that requires communication on two ports in order to function is a bad protocol14:44
graftalso, any protocol that sends passwords in cleartext is a bad protocol14:44
ActionParsnipgraft: ftp is port 21 dude14:44
shadowboxhow do I unmute alsa ?14:44
flipstarand port 20 for data connection14:44
ActionParsnipor 22 for sftp14:44
ere4siusing dolphin is not a pleasant experience...14:45
graftActionParsnip: no, that's not true... port 21 is only for controlling the session, for the download it opens a completely separate channel of communication14:45
ActionParsniplearning eveery day14:46
graftit really is a bad protocol14:46
ActionParsnipjust googled14:46
Jucatoere4si: dolphin or d3lphin?14:46
ActionParsnipits older than time though14:46
graftyeah, well, so is gopher14:46
ere4siJucato: dolphin I think - the default file browser14:47
justAtempNickgraft: I can ping torrent.ubuntu.com14:47
Jucatoere4si: where? Kubuntu KDE 3 or 4?14:47
graftjustAtempNick: try telnetting to that port14:47
ere4siJucato: kde314:47
Jucatoere4si: ah that's d3lphin... so I'm not surprised :)14:47
Jucato(the *real* Dolphin gives a more pleasant experience)14:48
=== ubuntu is now known as sg
ere4siJucato: can thunar work in kde ok?14:48
ere4sibugger it - I'll use xubuntu14:48
Jucatono reason it won't. of course it won't integrate well14:48
RIPRSCdo you guys know what the installer does when it's at about 82%?14:50
graftjustAtempNick: any luck?14:50
justAtempNickgraft: when I telnet, it takes a long time, then says "Press any key to continue....", which then says "Connection to host lost."14:50
graftpress any key to continue..? using command-line telnet?14:51
justAtempNickso it's not clear to me if there was or wasn't ever a connection14:51
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: whats the message on screen?14:51
justAtempNickgraft: yes, I'm on windows at the moment... which is why I'm so keen to get this iso downloaded14:51
RIPRSCit's in dutch, but it's in the lines of 'looking up mirror server'14:51
RIPRSCthing is, it has been doing that for the past 30 minutes14:52
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: what you installing?14:52
graftjustAtempNick: oh ah... hmm, well that's not clear to me either14:52
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: ah ok. I'd just let it finish14:52
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: check your WWW connection14:53
justAtempNickgraft: I think there's a nice little client for windows, I'll look it up...14:53
RIPRSCbut its stuck at 82% for 30 minutes now14:53
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: can you ping the server ok?14:53
RIPRSCActionParsnip: Well, via the live cd I couldnt connect to the internet14:54
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: are you installing from WWW14:54
RIPRSCi dont understand the question :(14:54
ere4sidoesn't it look for language packs around 80%?14:54
graftjustAtempNick: what aboot nmap? any chance of that?14:55
RIPRSCin the title bar it says it's configuring apt14:55
justAtempNickgraft: nmap, I don't know it winXP has it... I'll look14:55
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: ok gimme a sec. thats a useful tidbit :)14:55
RIPRSCActionParsnip: what do you mean by installing from WWW14:55
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: got it!14:57
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: You should switch to console by pressing "Ctrl+Alt+F2". Then you can use "ps ax" command to list all the processes and find "http" process. What you should do is kill this proess.14:57
justAtempNickgraft: I've got PuTTY, what type of connection, Raw, SSH, telnet, Rlogin, or Serial?14:58
RIPRSChow do i kill that process?14:59
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: kill <process id>14:59
graftjustAtempNick: this is probably a fruitless line of investigation anyway... i was just trying to see if you can get to that port... but i guess try a raw connection with putty, see if it works14:59
ActionParsnipps -ef | grep http is probably more use15:00
RIPRSCthing is, i cant find the http process, i get a whole list and http probably is at the top of it, wich i cant see15:00
ActionParsnipwhat do you get from ps -ef | grep http15:00
justAtempNickRIPRSC: ps ax | grep http15:00
=== ajkdasd is now known as Nyad
RIPRSCthree processes, do i have to kill grep http?15:02
ActionParsnipRIPRSC: no cos its not running now. it ends when that output is complete15:02
AutoscumHello, everyone. :)15:03
NyadHi I have an nvidia driver problem. I installed the nvidia driver for my 8800GT but kubuntu tells me it is a vesa generic driver15:03
ActionParsnipRIPRSC:  just kill one of the http processes then CTRL+ALT_G1 to get back to gui15:03
AutoscumI've got a problem with starting Add/Remove Programs. It won't start at all.15:03
Nyadit doesn't even register as an 8800GT. whereas nvidia x config does15:03
ActionParsnipNyad:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:03
ActionParsnipG1 == F1 (d'oh)15:04
justAtempNickNyad: which driver did you install15:04
graftNyad: is that that restricted drivers manager thing?15:04
Nyadthe one from the nvidia site15:04
ActionParsnipanyway I'm out15:04
AutoscumMy Adept doesn't want to run either. o.0 I'm running the new 8.04 Beta.15:05
justAtempNickNyad: I just tried installing the one from the nbidia site, and now my installition is hosed...15:05
justAtempNickNyad: I'm also keen to get this sorted!15:06
Nyadalso got an 8800GT?15:06
=== philipp_ is now known as _phoenix_
Nyadwhats wrong doesn't x boot up?15:06
neville_Just switch your driver to vesa15:06
neville_And it will boot normally, with a GUI15:07
neville_Only, 2D acceleration15:07
Nyadneville_: I got that fixed but the problem is it only uses visa. I want the nvidia one15:07
flipstarNyad: how did you installed the nvidia drivers ?15:07
neville_Well, install the nvidia driver through the restricted driver manager, Envy, or by hand15:08
NyadActionParsnip told me to type this.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I did but I'm not sure if I must select nv or nvidia15:08
neville_And if it doesn't select it manually, select nvidia15:08
neville_nv is 2D, nvidia is 3D15:08
justAtempNickNyad: no doubt you spend a good little bit, to wined up w/ just 2D15:08
Nyadwent to init 3 or 1 and typed sudo sh file.run15:08
graftnot really... nv is open source, nvidia is propietary15:08
AutoscumAlso, when I type kdesu adept in the console it says "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Mar 27 18:55:04 2008"15:08
neville_Yet, nv is a 2D driver, nvidia is the 3D driver15:09
flipstarNyad: the installation there was succesful ?15:09
Nyadwell not quite15:09
Nyadyou see there were driver conflicts15:09
Nyadso I had to edit a file and disable the nv driver15:09
flipstarNyad: did you installed something before ?15:10
graftdriver conflicts?15:10
algyzNyad:  think sudo nvidia-xconfig can do it for you15:10
Nyadno that was the only driver I installed15:11
NyadI did this now. but I don't know what my bus ID is? sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:11
shadowboxhey there15:12
shadowboxhow can I unmute my sound via konsole?15:12
flipstarshadowbox: use alsamixer15:12
algyz!sound | shadowbox15:12
ubotushadowbox: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:12
shadowboxok thanks15:12
justAtempNickI see that 8.04 now has crypto on / support.  I'm going to update my 7.10 to 8.04 and I have a Reiser over LVM settup, will I be able to convert to crypto during the update?15:13
flipstarprobably not15:14
justAtempNickflipstar: that's my thought, but it doesn't hurt to ask15:14
Dr_willisI would be VERY impressed if it did.15:14
justAtempNickDr_willis: perhaps if I blow away /?  Then I could make a new /home post install15:16
justAtempNickthe only thing that worries me is the LVM15:17
RIPRSCi already asked this a few mins back, but it didnt work and the guy helping me left. I'm installing kubuntu, but the installer is stuck at 82%. in the titlebar it says configuring apt, and in the other part of the screen it says looking up mirror servers. What is wrong?15:17
flipstarRIPRSC: you installing 7.10 due alternate cd ?15:18
RIPRSCflipstar: im using the livecd15:18
graftRIPRSC: can you pastebin the output of ps -ef?15:18
RIPRSCi cant connect to the internet with it, wich probably is the problem15:19
flipstarRIPRSC: you might deselect the internet resources in sources.list15:20
flipstarRIPRSC: or try to disable the network with sudo ifdown -a15:21
flipstarmaybe a timeout will then appear15:21
algyzRIPRSC:  also sometimes wise decision to use alternate cd15:21
RIPRSCflipstar: indeed, i get a time out. but i cant read it, because when i switch back from the console my screen is all blurry15:22
RIPRSCflipstar: it says something about a security update15:22
Dr_willisjustAtempNick,  ive learn to not even toy with that stuff.. :) heh i keep my partitions and filesystems simple.15:22
Dr_willisbut i dont gain much from lvm/reiser/raid and so forth on my simple desktop systems15:23
RIPRSCflipstar: it works now, thanks.15:24
justAtempNickDr_willis: I think you've right, but I do have a lot of disks15:24
Dr_willisa lot for what?15:24
=== hyakuhei is now known as hyk[SoCing]
justAtempNickhard drives15:24
Dr_willisyou need one huge uber-tb sidzed partition? :)15:24
Daisuke_Laptopdefine a lot15:24
Daisuke_Laptopi've got 5 hard drives sitting in my desktop - works just fine as individual partitions15:25
Dr_willisI could replace like every HD i got in my main box. with .. like 1 or 2 new hd;s :)  and i have 5 in there now..15:25
justAtempNickI think I've got 415:25
Daisuke_Laptopthat's not a lot15:25
Dr_willisI had 8 hds in one box once.. heh - i replaced them all with 2 hd;s (15:25
Dr_willisi now have quite a few USB enclosuers with the old hds  for backup backups. ;)15:26
Daisuke_Laptopthat's just depressing...  i could replace the 5 i have with 3 (really close to being able to do it with 2, but not quite)15:26
Dr_williswhats the price for 1tb hds now? :)15:26
Daisuke_Laptopoh, i didn't even figure tb hard drives15:27
flipstar2x500 is still cheaper :)15:27
Dr_willis500's were in the 100$ range arent they?  seen them for that price on sale a few mo ago.15:27
Daisuke_Laptopi was maxing at 750gb15:27
Dr_williswhats a 750 run anyway?15:27
Daisuke_Laptopnot even sure15:27
Dr_willisI tend to just get whats a value/on sale.15:27
TeslaTony~$300-400 for terabyte drives. Right now the 500gb drives are both cheaper and more reliable for the space15:27
Dr_willisgrabbed a 400gb for $40 the other day15:27
Daisuke_Laptopall i know is that 1.64tb is barely enough space15:27
Dr_willisIf i backup all my video files to dvd.. i dont need as much hd space. :P15:28
Dr_willisfor a few months.. then it fills up15:28
flipstarDaisuke_Laptop: not nessesary..15:28
Daisuke_LaptopTeslaTony: most definitely, i let the early adopters iron out stability and performance issues :)15:28
shadowboxsata or ide?15:28
Daisuke_Laptoper.. what's not necessary?15:28
Daisuke_Laptopfor you maybe15:28
flipstara few hd movies takes still 100gb here15:29
Daisuke_Laptoplet's just say that there's a whole lot there :)15:30
TeslaTonyDaisuke_Laptop: It has less to do with early adopters than the multiple vs. single drive debate. If you're looking for 1.5 TB, three drives are more reliable than one. Mostly, though, 500GB drives are the cheapest for the size.15:30
flipstaronly those..thats crazy!15:30
phil__i need help15:30
phil__how do i update my java 6??15:30
shadowboxI believe ise only goes to 750gig from there is sata only15:30
Daisuke_Laptopi rip all of my tv dvds to the hard drive because i watch them streamed through a media box in the living room15:30
shadowboxide I mean15:30
justAtempNickgraft: I've downloaded nmap, and I can get to port 6969 on torrent.ubuntu.com15:31
justAtempNickgraft: so why doesn't the tracker work for me?15:31
bbeckIf anyone is using konqueror 4.0.2, can you got to www.pidgin.im without the browser crashing?15:32
Daisuke_LaptopTeslaTony: but in a year, if you want 3tb, 3 1tb drives are going to be more reliable than a single 3tb drive (just making up numbers)15:32
Daisuke_Laptopbut the concept is there15:32
flipstarphil__: java6 is the latest15:32
Dr_willislike flying an airplane with 4 engines.. vs one with ONE huge engine.. :)15:32
Dr_willisuntill the hd that dies is the one you really really wanted to keep..15:32
justAtempNickbbeck: I like kde, but I stick to firefox, no real point in messing with konq15:33
Daisuke_Laptopand that's why redundancy is still the best policy for redundancy15:33
TeslaTonyDaisuke_Laptop: In a year, we're going to be sitting around saying "Man...I'm just running out of space! I've got so much on here, y'know? A petabyte just isn't enough"15:33
shadowboxyea, but if its speed you want.. a 15,000 rpm scsi drive is what you want15:33
flipstarfor important data you need a backup of the backup backuped15:33
graftjustAtempNick: is it filtered? or open?15:34
flipstarphil__: install sun-java6-jre15:34
Daisuke_LaptopTeslaTony: it's always been that way.  i remember my first hard drive..  20mb, and it seemed so huge at the time15:34
* TeslaTony snickers15:34
Daisuke_Laptopphil__: well you can start by not yelling.15:34
justAtempNickgraft: it says open, for tcp15:34
Daisuke_LaptopTeslaTony: yes, i'm old.15:34
Dr_willis!java | phil__15:34
ubotuphil__: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.15:34
TeslaTonyI had a guy at work talking about his 20MB drives...a pair he bought for about $2000 total15:34
Dr_willisphil__,  i normally just install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package.15:34
justAtempNickC:\Documents and Settings\Thomas>nmap -p6969 torrent.ubuntu.com15:35
justAtempNickStarting Nmap 4.60 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2008-03-27 22:30 SE Asia Standard15:35
graftjustAtempNick: hmm. i'm not sure... and using DHT doesn't work?15:35
justAtempNickInteresting ports on magellanic.canonical.com (
justAtempNickPORT     STATE SERVICE15:35
graftjustAtempNick: use pastebin man15:35
Daisuke_Laptop!paste | justAtempNick15:35
Dr_willisusing nmap from dos? :)15:35
ubotujustAtempNick: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:35
Daisuke_Laptopnot even real DOS15:35
RIPRSCis it normal that after you instal kubuntu as a dual boot, and start up vista, it checks the hdd?15:36
Daisuke_LaptopRIPRSC: did you resize the vista partition?15:36
RIPRSCyea i did15:36
Dr_willisRIPRSC,  if the linux installer resized.. Yes it is normal15:36
Daisuke_Laptopyep, it's normal15:36
yao_ziyuanold question: package database locked15:36
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:36
yao_ziyuanman, this command should be integrated to APT front-ends15:37
TeslaTonyRIPRSC: Is it Vista checking or Linux checking? Linux checks my HD every 30 mounts or so. Either way, unless you're getting major interference, you're OK15:37
flipstaryao_ziyuan: it will...someday15:38
flipstaror at least in ksysguard15:38
Dr_willisput it in rc.local? so every reboot fixs it.. he hheh15:38
Daisuke_Laptopand i can cancel the hd check now!15:38
=== jon_ is now known as linuxman
=== linuxman is now known as jon__
Daisuke_Laptopthat was always a thorn in my side15:39
flipstarwhy dont setting an senseful value with tune2fs ?15:39
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Dr_willisi found 30 to be senseable..15:40
Daisuke_Laptoplast semester, it seemed like every time i was running behind and needed to get something done like NOW, i would boot up the laptop and get "checking disks..." which takes forever.15:40
flipstarremember "you can tune most filesystems, but you cant tune a fish"15:40
Dr_willisi do tend to stagger my various hds one is every 30, other is every 35. or so on..15:40
RIPRSCTeslaTony: it was vista15:40
=== kubutu_rules is now known as kubuntu_rules
kubuntu_ruleshello folks15:40
Daisuke_Laptopso i can now just let it do the check on the next boot, and get what i need to do, done.15:40
flipstarsince my pc starts nearly every day it isnt senseful to me..15:40
Dr_willisi tend to boot mine several times a day...15:41
TeslaTonyI wouldn't mind a HD check every boot if it weren't for the fact that I've been having trouble with my wifi card thats been requiring a few reboots15:41
Dr_willisrarely have an issue.15:41
kubuntu_rulessomeone knows some good 1st person shooter games for ubuntu?15:41
Daisuke_Laptoplaptop yes, desktop hasn't been rebooted in *almost* two months15:41
SlimeyPeteI just disable the check15:41
flipstarkubuntu_rules: nexuiz15:41
Dr_williskubuntu_rules,  alien arena 2008 just got released a few weeks ago15:41
TeslaTonyOh, yeah...and I dual-boot XP, which can make things annoying15:41
Daisuke_Laptopkubuntu_rules: nexuiz, tremulous, alien arena, openarena15:41
phil__i just ran frostwire in the terminal and itt said it could not find sunjava 6 which i just got15:41
Dr_willisSavage2 - finially has a Linux client out and a free DEMO.. on their web site.15:41
kubuntu_rulesthanx :)15:41
Daisuke_Laptopphil__: frostwire is a joke anyway.15:42
phil__i dint give a shit15:42
Dr_willisphil__,  check the java -version command, see what java is being used.15:42
phil__i use the mirc15:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:42
kubuntu_rulesjust got linux... think its VERY great :) lot more fun than windows15:42
RIPRSCit can be me, but i have a feeling vista boots really slow now15:43
phil__how wud i do that?15:43
Daisuke_LaptopRIPRSC: are you sure?  it *is* vista, after all -_-15:43
Dr_willisphil__,  type it in a terminal.15:43
Daisuke_Laptopbut after the first boot after installing linux, it will probably be slower15:43
TeslaTonykubuntu_rules: Welcome to the tuxedo-clad ranks of the masochistic computer elite. You're going to like t here.15:43
Daisuke_Laptopshould pick up after that15:44
RIPRSCit's working alright now, thanks for your help guys. maby ill be back later15:44
=== hyakuhei is now known as hyakuhei[SoC]
phil__Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: _version15:44
phil__   at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.81)15:44
phil__Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: _version not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:./], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}15:44
phil__   at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.81)15:44
phil__   at gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader.findClass(libgcj.so.81)15:44
phil__   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.81)15:44
phil__   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(libgcj.so.81)15:44
phil__   at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run(libgcj.so.81)15:44
Dr_willisphil__,   thats from 'java -version' ?15:45
flipstarnot --version .. ?15:45
Dr_willislooks like you might be runnign the gnu java, not the sun one.  but thats still dosent make sence15:45
kubuntu_rulesi will try finding open arena, tremulous ,alien arena etc... see ya later good people :) LINUX ROCK's :)15:45
Dr_willisjava iuses -version, NOT --version15:45
Dr_willisdont ask me why. :) at least i think its -version15:45
flipstaryes it is15:45
SlimeyPeteit is -version15:45
Dr_willisjust installed clean here.. installing java now.15:45
flipstari asked if he accidently typed --version ..15:46
graftgood thing everyone has such consistent conventions about flags15:46
Dr_willisposix standard vs. not.. is the long and short of it.15:47
phil__java version "1.5.0"15:47
phil__gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.2.1 (Ubuntu 4.2.1-5ubuntu5)15:47
phil__Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.15:47
phil__This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO15:47
phil__warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.15:47
Dr_willistry X --version or X --help15:47
Dr_willisYou are using the GNU java, you need to enable the SUN java for frostwire and other apps to work propelry15:47
Dr_willisthe !java factoid site. shows how. :)15:47
Dr_willisgij (GNU libgcj) = Not suns java.15:48
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.15:48
* Dr_willis wonders why everyone alwyas pastes ALL the useless lines for the java -version output. :)15:48
TeslaTonyDr_willis: Because the universe probably is out to get you15:48
Dr_willisflipstar,  its amazing the # of times i see the   Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc... and so  on. :)15:49
Dr_willisTeslaTony,  i KNEW IT@!15:49
* Dr_willis starts ircing with TOR!15:49
flipstarthats quit difficult..15:49
Dr_williswell night all.15:50
algyzI'm trying to play .avi file with kaffeine, it is suddenly stopping for a short time and then continuing, like spasm. I hope it's not the file problem, but wonder, why it could happen, maybe anybody knows?16:07
trappistalgyz: you could troubleshoot by trying in another media player, like mplayer, and see if you get the same results16:10
trappistalgyz: also if you play it with mplayer from the command line you'll get pretty verbose output on the console16:10
algyzgood idea, thanks16:11
tekstacy'lo all16:12
tekstacyWhat do I use to take a screenshot?16:13
algyzJust tried vlc, it works good, so something wrong with kaffeine16:13
algyztekstacy:  apt-cache search screenshot ;)16:13
flipstarvlc brings it own codecs afaik16:13
neville_KSnapshot? :P16:13
tekstacyalgyz,   shoulda tried that first I guess  :)16:14
Arwenflipstar, on Kubuntu, VLC is linked against ffmpeg and a bunch of other libs16:14
tekstacyneville,  thanks16:14
Arwenso it does not "use its own codecs"16:14
algyztekstacy:  ksnapshot - screenshot utility for KDE16:14
flipstarhm then it was a rudiment from windoze i guess16:16
algyzsomething wrong with my kaffeine 0.8.6, I'll check this later on :)16:18
dthacker-worktekstacy: My personal favorite is Ksnapshot16:20
dthacker-workwhich reminds me.  Winter is nearly over, I need a nice spring theme for my desktop16:21
flipstarmine changes every 15 minutes :)16:23
lukas__Ahoj, tohle je moje první spuštění irc, jinak jsem vždy rady hledal na foru, ted bych potreboval trochu pomoci s pripojenim fotoaparatu16:28
algyz!cz | lukas__16:40
ubotulukas__: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:40
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
sourcemakerI am testing the new kubuntu beta version... do I need a clean fresh install when the official release is out...16:51
Daisuke_Laptopthe rolling upgrades will have you up to the same release as the final by the time it comes out.16:52
sourcemakerDaisuke_Ido: so...  I only update my system via apt-get dist-upgrade? or do I perform a "do-release-upgrade"?16:54
hfque sera lo recomendable para bajar los videos desde youtube con kubuntu? para quien pueda ayudarme16:54
sourcemakerhf: there is a plugin available for firefox...16:55
hfand where is this donde lo consigo?16:57
hfsourcemaker que sera lo recomendable para bajar los videos desde youtube con kubuntu? para quien pueda ayudarme16:59
sourcemakerhf: I do not speak your language... sorry16:59
hfi dont speak english17:00
yakuzii thought there was a spanish/portugues help-channel17:01
spirooHow do I change language in KDE4 systemsettings. I have installed swedish, but I can only see US English in the regional list :S *nobody answer in kubuntu-kde4*17:01
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:01
hfaaaaaaaaaaaaah ok...! sorry thanks17:02
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flipstaris it somehow someway possible to block certain applications from accessing the internet ?17:10
BunnyRevolutionflipstar, yes17:11
flipstarcool :)17:11
johannhi everyone17:12
flipstarBunnyRevolution: would you reveal me how ? ¦ - )17:12
flipstarBunnyRevolution: i would give you a cookie.. deal ?17:14
johannim in trouble with swap partitions...i changed the position of my swap partition. it was on sda1, now its sda5. i also changed it in /etc/fstab but on boot kinit says http://phpfi.com/30566917:16
johannand then it doenst continue to boot17:16
=== Angelus is now known as _Angelus_
waynrdudeare new printers usually supported in kubuntu or does it require an update first17:47
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:47
_Shade_anyone here on hardy?17:54
nosrednaekim_Shade_: #ubuntu+117:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about games\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:58
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:58
justAtempNick_I'm downloading 8.04 with jigdo, and 187 files are missing, with error 404: not found18:02
ScorpKingdoes anyone use bash scripts in /cgi-bin/ on an apache server? i get "malformed header from script." in error.log but the script works in bash.18:02
=== justAtempNick_ is now known as justAtempNick
tzdis it possible to have a running program hidden in the kde panel for a specific desktop please?18:02
justAtempNickI'm downloading 8.04 with jigdo, and 187 files are missing, with error 404: not found18:03
vistaliteJucato: thanks for the purple colour scheme btw i noticed it later in my logs :) love it thanks18:06
=== vistalite is now known as Piero_Scaruffi
nosrednaekimjustAtempNick: ask in #ubuntu+118:07
nitini downloaded mplayerthumbs and when i try to open video file it displays this message, 'Error openin/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device."  I am waiting for help18:11
ScorpKingnitin: it might be a permission problem but don't know for sure18:17
nitinScorpKing, is mplayer also based on xine18:18
ScorpKingnitin: no idea. i use vlc and kaffeine18:19
nitinwhen i tried to install suggested packages for mplayerthumbs, it said no installation candidate for w32codecs18:19
ScorpKing!info w32codecs18:21
Treyhey all18:21
ScorpKinghi Trey18:22
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages18:22
Treyany clue why i kubuntu would hang on boot from live dvd?18:24
ScorpKingTrey: boot the cd and press <f6> and remove "quiet splash" from the kernel line. select "start or install kubuntu" and see if any errors shows up18:25
nitinnow i'm able to download w32codecs18:29
=== ERICA is now known as eri
=== eri is now known as ERICA
* arriesp hi18:35
enver555i have a problem with Hardy18:36
enver555on my Thinkpad18:36
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:37
SlimeyPete^^ you may have more luck in #ubuntu+118:37
enver555ok thanks SlimePete18:37
arriespsomeone knows a program to convert some .avi files to .mpg at the same time?18:37
Aikurntry kde-apps.org18:38
Piero_Scaruffiquestion i have direct rendering enabled in Kubuntu is this enough to play 3D games?18:39
SlimeyPetePiero_Scaruffi: yes, as long as your card supports opengl18:39
Piero_Scaruffii dont know SlimeyPete its a ati radeon 9600 i am a novice user of linux Kubuntu18:40
Piero_Scaruffiso how do i find out18:40
SlimeyPeteyes, that card will be fine18:40
SlimeyPeterun glxgears and check that it runs smoothly18:40
Piero_Scaruffibecause when i enable the proprietary ati driver my system will become really slow and laggy18:41
SlimeyPetereally? Oh dear18:41
Piero_Scaruffiso i am using the open source driver now18:41
Piero_Scaruffiit does18:41
SlimeyPetethe proprietary ATI drivers aren't very good, unfortauntely18:41
Piero_Scaruffiyeah no kidding :)18:41
SlimeyPetehopefully this will improve soon as they have released some open-source drivers.18:41
SlimeyPetebut for the moment they're a bit rubbish.18:41
Piero_Scaruffiwell i play few games on pc and more on my Wii but still i wanted to replay vice city gta via wine without having to reinstall xp18:42
SlimeyPetewell, the best thing to do is install a 3D game and try it out, really18:42
Piero_Scaruffii will try and see18:42
Piero_Scaruffiyeah thanks18:42
Trey_ok according to the f6 it already has quiet splash18:46
Trey_ok so the live dvd hangs at the same spot18:49
Trey_it goes through 2 sets of windows one with the kubuntu logo on it and it loads stuff then just a black and white window where it loads stuff then it shows the kubuntu logo again and a load bar and it dose nothing18:50
Trey_what sohout i do next18:51
Trey_hello knock knock anyone there18:53
SlimeyPetesounds like kubuntu doesn't like your graphics hardware, Trey_18:54
SlimeyPetewhat card do you have?18:54
Trey_nvidia 8600M GS18:54
jackaultis there a way to watch a folder for changes and have the system alert you when there's activity in it?18:56
SlimeyPeteTrey_: well, your best bet might be to use the Alternate CD. It has a text-mode installer. Once the system is installed you can install the official nvidia drivers. Hopefully they'll work better.18:56
SlimeyPetethe default driver is an open source one called "nv" and doesn't always work.18:58
SlimeyPetethough it does usually18:58
=== membrive is now known as Ragnarel
puercoliossi want download the Kubuntu 8.04 Beta which version should pick? beta alternate o beta desktop??19:18
jussi01puercolioss: hardy stuff in #ubuntu+1 but, you can choose either, one is a "live" cd and one is text based19:19
puercoliossok man19:21
pvalleyhello is there any way of removing the trashcan from kicker and placing it on the desktop?19:22
pvalleyI have googled but not getting much19:24
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jussi01pvalley: there is a way, I cant remember it though :/19:25
ubuntu_i have downloaded a kbuntu 7.1019:25
ubuntu_when i try to install whit the icon on desktop19:25
darkphaderhow to remove "switch user" and also the "hibernate" option?19:26
ubuntu_the install windows closes automatlicaly19:26
pvalleyok thanks will keep googling around then19:26
ubuntu_hello, somebody can help me_19:27
Dragonathwhat's wrong ubuntu_?19:28
ubuntu_i cannot instal kubuntu 7.119:28
ubuntu_im using live cd19:28
Dragonathso when you hit install it doesn't really work?19:29
ubuntu_yes, appears a windows, but it closes in a few seconds19:29
Dragonathand it gives no errors?19:30
ubuntu_no error19:30
Dragonathif you right click on the icon, and hit properties, does it say anything about what command it calls?19:31
ubuntu_ubiquity kde_ui19:31
Dragonathtry opening konsole and running the command in there19:32
Dragonaththat way if there is any error you can see it19:32
ubuntu_the same19:33
ubuntu_the windows opens and closes19:34
Dragonathno error at all?19:34
Dragonathif you do a "pstree | grep ubiquity" what does it say?19:34
ubuntu_hey Dragonath how to install from console19:43
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:44
ubuntu_is kubuntu for 64bits architecture19:45
=== bony is now known as Bony
nosrednaekimubuntu_: you can get that, yes19:46
algyzubuntu_:  there is19:46
sourcemakerLinux is still the best operation system... :-) I know... that I can create an textfile with all installed software components in apt... It is possible to migrate this list to the current beta software 8.4 or will this break my system?19:48
ubuntu_but should i download a 64 bit version19:48
algyzubuntu_:  you shouldn't, but you can19:48
algyzubuntu_:  I would offer to do this if you have >3 GB of RAM19:49
ubuntu_i downloaded a 32 bit, is there my problem19:49
ubuntu_i cannot install19:49
ubuntu_maybe a 64 bits version runs fine?19:50
algyzubuntu_:  what kind of problem, it shouldn't be, i'm using 32 bit on athlon 64 bit without problems19:50
ubuntu_but i cannot install!!19:50
bossбля куда я попал ?19:50
algyz!ru | boss19:51
ubotuboss: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:51
algyzubuntu_:  use alternate19:51
algyzboss:  иди туда, сам знаешь куда :)19:52
ubuntu_i dont wanna use this19:52
ubuntu_it should runs!19:52
bossalgyz:  спасибо френд - блин ..19:53
pyro_17shoot tranlucency is boggin the system down19:53
algyzubuntu_:  remember, kubuntu comes with no warranty ;)19:53
yovanhi everyone20:06
yovani had a question20:06
yovanhow to install oracle 10 g on kubuntu20:07
trappistyovan: that'll probably take some work.  I think oracle has a built-in list of distros it'll install on, and I doubt kubuntu's on the list20:10
MikeyLDShi all20:14
MikeyLDSi need help20:14
MikeyLDSaccessing a ext3 drive in windows20:14
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org20:15
_myrtille_it works :D20:15
_myrtille_!ext3 >MikeyLDS20:16
davedormis there a way when installing Kubuntu to tell it NOT to install a certain package when loading the livecd?20:34
davedormpowernowd locks my PC20:35
=== ubuntu is now known as jerkface
davedormI tried noacpi20:35
davedormI tried acpi=off20:35
davedormbut it's not an acpi issue20:35
bossоп ру блин20:36
jussi01!ru | boss20:36
ubotuboss: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:36
bossjussi01:  thx20:36
jussi01davedorm: try using the alternate cd20:37
davedormtried it20:37
davedormdon't work20:37
wadI'm curious about something. I type in a command, and kubuntu tells me that it's available in this package. Is there a command-line way to get a description of the package?20:37
davedormthere is no way to choose packages20:37
davedormand it installs powenowd by default20:38
davedormso when it goes into x? phhhhhhhht..... crunchy20:38
davedormthis is not just Kubuntu, it happens on all the *buntus so far20:38
davedormthis PC sucks20:38
davedormI've tried 7.10, 8.04, and both alternate and live cds20:39
davedormI am not a n00b, I have Kubuntu running on other PCs20:39
davedormit's judt this one20:39
waddavedorm: Get a hammer.20:40
davedormI would if this was an old clunker20:40
davedormbut it's a Pentium D 3.33GHz so it is not a BAD PC20:40
davedormit is just a little bit non-standard, I guess20:40
davedormand I cannot find anything to work *buntu20:41
davedormI was able to install Debian20:41
davedormbut I don't *want* Debian20:41
davedormI *want* Kubuntu20:43
algyzeverybody wants ;)20:43
ubuntu_how do you install the linux?20:43
hellhoundCan anyone help me with my xorg.conf.  I have installed Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon on a desktop that has two Samsung SyncMaster 940bw connected to two separate nVidia G80 GeForce 8600 GT (PCI:1:0:0 and PCI:4:0:0)  I am trying to set up so both monitors work.   The installation process automatically set up one monitor up, but I cannot seem to figure out how to set up the second.  My xorg.conf is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61250/ and my20:47
hellhoundstartx response is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61252/20:47
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:48
Aubustoui have a problem with knetworkmanager20:55
Aubustoufor some reasons, it doesn't want to scan the available ap20:56
FFForeverhow can i find all files over 100mb via the terminal?21:12
jpatrickFFForever: well, "du" tells you the file size..21:13
mark__hey all. i have a nickname which i set up the other week. how can i use this nickname in this chat???21:19
hellhoundCan anyone help me with my xorg.conf.  I have installed Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon on a desktop that has two Samsung SyncMaster 940bw connected to two separate nVidia G80 GeForce 8600 GT (PCI:1:0:0 and PCI:4:0:0)  I am trying to set up so both monitors work.   The installation process automatically set up one monitor up, but I cannot seem to figure out how to set up the second.  My xorg.conf is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61250/ and my21:20
hellhoundstartx response is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61252/21:20
jpatrickmark__: /nick nickYouHad21:20
rickestmark__:  try '/msg nickserv' for help on registering a nick21:21
rickester, /msg nickserv help21:21
mark__o.k so i need to write in a new line. /msg my nick???21:21
jpatrickmark__: which nick was it?21:24
rickestmark__: no, either "/nick [the_nick_you_had]"  or  "/msg nickserv help" to find out how to register a nick21:25
kerry_how to delete linux from my pc21:25
stefano_kerry_: you better not :-)21:26
kerry_why not21:26
kerry_stefano_: why not ?21:26
stefano_kerry_: because linux rocks :-)21:27
kerry_i want to reinstall it21:27
ubuntu_how do you install the linux?21:27
stefano_kerry_: did you make a partition for linux or did you install it on a seperate hard drive?21:28
kerry_a partition21:28
mark__my nick is cyferactive21:28
ubuntu_what is a rick roll and where can i get one?21:28
jpatrickmark__: type: /nick cyferactive21:28
mark__i have cyferactive registered.but im still unsure how to use it?>21:29
kerry_ubuntu_: a partition21:29
=== mark__ is now known as cyferactive
cyferactivethanx all. I get it now..21:29
stefano_kerry_: the installer should promt you to select a partition, if you select the same again and tell it to erase (format) it, you new installation will be clean21:30
jpatrickcyferactive: see: /msg NickServ help identify21:30
stefano_kerry_: it should also recognise your other operating systems21:30
ubuntu_the linux is for foreigners21:30
kerry_stefano_: sorry i do not understand21:31
kerry_stefano_: can you just give me instructions?21:31
stefano_kerry_: you installed ubuntu on your computer?21:33
stefano_or kubuntu21:33
kerry_stefano_: kubuntu21:33
stefano_kerry_: just do the same again21:33
stefano_kerry_: you don't have to remove it21:34
kerry_stefano_: no i want to , i ll reinstall it from my disk21:34
ubuntu_how do you install the linux?21:35
stefano_kerry_: if you install it again, the installer will format your existing linux partition21:35
jcfp!install | ubuntu_21:35
ubotuubuntu_: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:35
kerry_stefano_: how do i find out how much memori the linus is using from my pc?21:37
stefano_kerry_: are you currently in windows?21:38
kerry_no i am in linux21:38
stefano_kerry_: you can use a program called gparted to take a look at your partitioning (partitioning is how your hard drive is devided)21:39
cyferactiveCan anyone suggest a good place to get the user manual and help guide gnome-nettool
kerry_stefano_and where do i find the Gparted program21:41
kerry_stefano_:and where do i find the Gparted program21:45
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)21:45
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:45
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto21:45
stefano_there you go kerry_ hope that helps you21:46
kerry_ stefano_:wich link21:47
stefano_kerry_: sorry21:47
stefano_kerry_: i got something wrong21:47
stefano_kerry_: one second21:47
cyferactivewhere can i get the user guide foe gnome-nettol?21:48
stefano_kerry_: open the Adept program and search for QtParted21:48
stefano_kerry_: install it, then run it. in it you can see your partitioning21:48
JasonWardhi guys. I want kubuntu to recognize my 8800GT. I can go to system settings and then monitor and display then hardware. when I tell it to automatically select it picks up a strange thingy, but it runs fast although doesn't support the latest games. it only has 8 series graphics card, not specific cards. How can I get it to use my proper card? xorg.conf is correct and has the right info but kubuntu is not using the right driver. I do have21:50
JasonWardmy nvidia driver installed21:50
JasonWarddid everyone leave after seeing the question? lol21:55
cyferactiveis there anyone who can tell me where to find the user guide for the gnome network tools???21:55
stefano_cyferactive: woudlt it be better to ask that in #ubuntu?21:55
cyferactivehow do i ask in ubuntu?21:56
jussi01cyferactive: type: /join #ubuntu21:56
cyferactivestefano this is my second time in konversation?/21:56
JasonWarddo you have ubuntu?21:57
stefano_cyferactive: just click on this: #ubuntu21:57
cyferactivehey all im a brand newbie, just had to enter #kubuntu to find out how to join #ubuntu?21:58
cyferactiveCan anyone suggest where i can get the user manual or the user guide for the gnome network tool??/21:58
JasonWardcyferactive: in kde I go kmenu--> help, that has all the application manuals22:00
JasonWardjust look in the index22:01
JasonWard hi guys. I want kubuntu to recognize my 8800GT. I can go to system settings and then monitor and display then hardware. when I tell it to automatically select it picks up a strange thingy, but it runs fast although doesn't support the latest games. it only has 8 series graphics card, not specific cards. How can I get it to use my proper card? xorg.conf is correct and has the right info but kubuntu is not using the right driver. I do have22:01
JasonWardmy nvidia driver installed22:01
kerry_stefano_: i installed it but how do i find the partitions display22:02
stefano_kerry_: open up a terminal window and type "sudo qtparted" (withthouth "")22:04
* arriesp 22:05
* arriesp xao22:05
jpatrick!kdesudo | stefano_22:06
ubotustefano_: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:06
kerry_stefano_: to open up a terminal : press F2 and Alt at the same time right ?22:14
intelikeyi have not used swap in so long i have forgotten what a line for swap in fstab looks like,   someone care to paste one for me please ?22:14
intelikeykerry_ from within kde alt+f2 will give the "run dialog"22:15
JasonWardintelikey: I can try help you since I have a swap but how do I do it?22:15
intelikeykerry_ you can there type "konsole" and get a terminal yes.22:16
intelikeyJasonWard grep -i swap /etc/fstab22:16
JasonWardI typed fstab but it doesn't recognize the command22:16
JasonWardUUID=6145d40e-690d-4c71-9a32-0d4514e42451 none            swap    sw              0       022:17
intelikeyok thanks.22:17
JasonWardI have no idea what that means, can you explain it to me?22:17
rickestintelikey: /dev/sda2     none          swap          sw                        0 022:18
intelikeysure.  the UUID is the unique unit identifier  for the file system     tells the kernel which fs to mount there.   the second word "swap" tells the kernel the pysudo mountpoint to attach the filesystem to.   the "sw" tells mount the type of fs it is.   and the other entries are just arguments to the mount command telling it how to handle the mount.22:19
intelikeyrickest yes.  got it from JasonWard already,  but many thanks.22:19
JasonWardI want kubuntu to recognize my 8800GT. I can go to system settings and then monitor and display then hardware. when I tell it to automatically select it picks up a strange thingy, but it runs fast although doesn't support the latest games. it only has 8 series graphics card, not specific cards. How can I get it to use my proper card? xorg.conf is correct and has the right info but kubuntu is not using the right driver. I do have my22:20
JasonWardnvidia driver installed22:20
intelikeyJasonWard the differance you may note in yours and rickest's lines is the filesystem address  you used the UUID  and he used the device node  addressing system    with UUID if you reformat the fs it changes, with the /dev/ addressing the device only changes if you unplug/replug (if on usb)  or unplug/replug the ide/scsi cable so that the device changes bus's or goes from master/slave v.v22:23
JasonWardoh ok22:23
intelikeysorry i can't help with the nvidia issue.  i'm a console guy not a gui guy.22:24
rickestJasonWard: try 'envy', it automates the whole process22:24
jpatrick!envy | rickest22:24
uboturickest: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »22:24
JasonWardintelikey but your using kubuntu? why not use a more hardcore distro then?22:25
rickestit's needed for 8800, the repo driver doesn't support 8800 (or  didn't a month ago when I last checked)22:25
JasonWardrickest: I am using the nvidia one22:37
JasonWardfrom the nvidia site22:37
rickestJasonWard: yes, that makes sense. thx for the info22:37
JasonWardbut kubuntu keeps using the vesa driver22:37
rickestJasonWard: presumably that's a problem with /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:38
JasonWardmy xorg.conf is setup correctly and all is supposed to be working22:38
JasonWardbut under system settings it is detecting my card as a generic vesa card22:38
JasonWardnot 8800GT22:39
rickestJasonWard: does lsmod show nvidia is loaded?22:40
JasonWardwhats that?22:40
amrushhi all .. My KDE4 crashed few days ago and i can't reboot it anymore .. somekind of bug in Plasma ... can anyone help?22:41
contexsera a tutti22:42
Jucatoamrush: #kubuntu-kde422:42
JasonWardrickest: what is  ismod?22:43
Jucato!it | contex22:43
ubotucontex: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:43
amrushJucato: Tahnks22:43
contexok... scusa nn lo sapevo22:43
rickestJasonWard: lsmod    (first char is a lowercase el, l not  one 1).  lsmod = list modules22:43
Jucato(lsmod | grep nv)22:44
JasonWardit has this. nvidia               7822336  2422:45
JasonWardit also tells me this in system settings but it doesn't say what card I have22:45
JasonWardif I select GeForce 8 series it won't even load my gui22:46
ramzayвсем привет22:51
Jucato!ru | ramzay22:52
uboturamzay: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:52
ramzayДай мне русский ирц сцука ,тупой бот22:52
sykeI'm interested in funding some KDE3.5 fixes and optimizations: http://wiki.yak.net/89422:53
sykehopefully, for inclusion into hardy22:53
sykeif anyone is interested, or knows someone who might be, please let me know :)22:53
BunnyRevolutionsyke: you might consider a rent a coder type of site22:57
jujimufuI've installed Kubuntu 7.10, and I tried upgrading to 8.04 following the website instructions, but it says I need an extra 20 megs on my /boot partition22:57
jujimufumy /boot partition is currently 32 megs with ext3 filesystem22:58
BunnyRevolutionresize it22:58
jujimufuI would like to take some megabytes off the swap partition (currently at 1024 mb, with a RAM of 512 mb) and put it in the /boot partition, but is this possible without the use of a liveCD?22:58
terran4000jujimufu: 32 megs might not be enough space22:58
jujimufuterran4000: how much do you reckon I'd need?22:58
terran4000jujimufu: hmm, upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 .... hm, that would leave you with 4 images, 50 to be on the safe side.22:59
terran4000Though .... if I may ask, how is your boot partition filled with 32megs of stuff?23:00
sykebunny: do you have a specific example?23:00
BunnyRevolutionjujimufu, yes, via gparted.  there are other re-sizers23:00
mii upgrade GG 2 HH ...not good here everything is in mess :(23:00
jujimufuterran4000: ok great, thanks :)23:01
terran4000jujimufu: As Bunny recommends, gparted or qtparted would be how you could resize. I believe Gparted actually has their own cd you can boot from and use.23:02
jujimufuterran4000: I'll try qtparted, thanks :23:04
jujimufuterran4000: I remember there was this other application, from console, that I used to use, but I can't remember the name23:05
=== nonewmsgs is now known as nonewmsg
jujimufuprobably, yeah23:06
BunnyRevolutionjujimufu: yes, gparted has a live bootable cd23:06
jujimufuI tried to resize my swap through qtparted, I resize it, and then it just pops up a dialog with no content, and just an "ok" button, I click "ok", and the partition is not resized23:07
BunnyRevolutionboot live, remove swap, resize boot, add swap, reboot to os.  u do have a backup right?23:08
BunnyRevolutionyour next option is to do LVM23:08
=== kewark is now known as krawek
BunnyRevolutionLVM would allow your partitions to grow as needed iirc23:11
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Pierrohello i need to know what the equivalent in Kubuntu is for the add/remove in Ubuntu?23:26
Pierrohow can i install it23:26
Pierroi am running Kubuntu through andLinux and its not installed yet i only have synaptic23:27
Jucatothe package name is adept-installer23:27
Pierrosudo apt-get adapt?23:27
Pierroopk ty23:27
Jucatowell sudo apt-get install adept23:27
Jucatothat should be better23:28
SiSothanks jucato I couldn't remember the name of the package23:28
Pierrosudo apt-get adapt-installer is working23:28
Pierroty SiSo and Jucato23:28
Pierroyeah i am on windows now and i have andLinux with kubuntu here but i also have a native Kubuntu install i am booting back and forward for videogames :(23:28
nonewmsgsPierro, that's pretty common i tihnk23:29
NickPrestaPierro, that is fairly common if you're a hardcore gamer or like to play 'difficult' games.23:31
Pierrook doesnt work through Konsole but it works through synaptic with adept-common as dependency23:31
PierroNickPresta i tried to run GTA Vice City via wine and it was horrible23:32
JucatoPierro: better try sudo apt-get install adept to get it all23:32
Pierrobooting is less fuz23:32
belladonnawhy is it that when I go to System Settings->Restricted Drivers and enable the NVIDIA driver that it then goes back to "Not in use" status23:33
PierroJucato thats what i tried wouldnt work through KOnsole though but synaptic makes it work23:33
Jucatowonder why23:33
Pierrobecause for adapt-installer you need adept-common also23:33
Pierroi think23:33
Pierrobut i am a below novice user23:33
=== daiana is now known as esterlla
JucatoPierro: adept-common is needed by any adept. it's what's "common" between them23:34
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
JucatoI don't know why apt-get won't work in Konsole though23:34
PierroJucato its prolly because i am using a modified version of Kubuntu specially tailored for andLinux23:34
Jucatothat could be one23:34
Pierrowhich command do i need to use to run adept from Konsole?23:36
ign0ramushi all.  question: how do i limit or manage my .thumbnails folder?  I'm manually emptying it every few days, and it gets pretty huge after a while...23:37
nonewmsgsPierro, that isn't what you want?"23:37
Pierrono i mean the add/remove feature with the descriptions and the ratings23:37
Pierrofor Kubuntu23:38
Pierroi am a nightmare23:38
ign0ramusi tried a command i found on ubuntuforums to only thumbnail images from the last day, but it didn't seem to work...23:38
nonewmsgsPierro, anytime23:38
Pierrononewmsgs any clue how i can start this app in Konsole: Gnomoradio Music Player ?23:42
ign0ramuspierro: have you tried just typing "gnomoradio"?23:43
nonewmsgspierro right click and goto that item and select edit23:43
Pierrohmz well i have no desktop its through andLinux lol23:43
Pierroso i am blind here23:44
nonewmsgswtf is andlinux23:44
Pierroa way to run linux and windows at the same time with colinux23:45
ign0ramusnonewmsgs: a way to run linux *inside* windows23:45
Pierroits more complicated then that D:23:45
Pierroits running at the same time23:45
Pierroits a kernel port to windows23:45
jujimufuso it's different than VMware?23:46
ign0ramuspierro: doesn't that have the xfce desktop?23:46
Pierroyeah totally23:47
Pierrovmware is slow23:47
Pierrothese are almost native speeds23:47
ign0ramusjujimufu: afaik, it actually runs a linux kernel23:47
Pierroalso ign0ramus i am using the Kubuntu one23:47
terran4000Pierro: is it runs along side windows ... it's using the same memory buffers, how well does it handle the transition between one OS and the other?23:47
terran4000*if it runs23:48
Pierroi am not that tech savvy but i can run tons of linux apps without noticing any performance hit but it depends on your hardware specs also i think23:48
terran4000Pardon my crappy typing ><23:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:48
Pierroyeah it using xming and pulseaudio23:48
Pierrofor the forwarding stuff of X11 and audio23:49
ign0ramushows pulseaudio... i never cared for it much23:49
Pierroi dont like vmware23:49
Pierroit all works for me :)23:49
ign0ramusvmware is a 'jury-rigged' way of running apps23:49
Pierrobut andLinux is still beta23:49
Pierroso its not perfect23:49
ign0ramusnothing in linux is :)23:50
Pierrobut i value it above vmware23:50
ign0ramusthat's whats fun about it23:50
terran4000wait wait ... it forwards data to Linux? hmm23:50
ign0ramusit *is* linux23:50
ign0ramuswell, colinux, i believe.  right?23:50
ign0ramusi read about it a few days ago- seems interesting but a little involved23:51
terran4000he said it forwards data to linux ... thus, I'm wondering how this stuff works. Cause forwarding wouldn't be running along side :-/23:51
Pierrono from linux to windows23:51
Pierrothe graphics and sound from linux need to be forwarded to windows23:51
Pierroagain i am just a n00b so dont take my words for it23:51
Pierroi just no it works for me23:52
terran4000oh, so it's just another VM. Gotcha :-P23:52
Pierroits not23:52
Pierroa vm23:52
Pierrobecause it runs the kernel natively23:52
Pierrowith colinux23:52
Pierronot virtual23:52
terran4000geh, I'll just go it up before we all get kicked for OT.23:52
ign0ramuswell, back OT - does no one know how to manage the .thumbnails folder?23:53
bhsxhowdy... i'm on hardy and just installed kde4 (i noticed there isn't a kubuntu+1 channel)....   how do i fix/add programs to the new start menu/kicker widget thing?23:53
ign0ramusit friggin caches *everything*, and using stumbleupon, i hit a few hundred sites a day, and that folder gets HUGE23:53
terran4000Pierro: aha, I'm correct: Unlike in other Linux virtualization solutions such as User Mode Linux (or the forementioned VMware), special driver software on the host operating system is used to execute the coLinux kernel in a privileged mode (known as ring 0 or supervisor mode).23:54
terran4000it is a vm23:54
terran4000but optimized and specialized23:54
ign0ramusbhsx: you'll probably get better answers at #kubuntu-kde423:54
bhsxah ok thanks23:54
ign0ramusterran4000: no... it's not a "virtual" emulator... it actually runs the linux kernel, rather than emulating one.23:55
ign0ramusa small but important difference23:55
nonewmsgslike the reverse of wine?23:55
Pierroterran4000 yah i guess you are but again i am not a native english speaker so i often draw the short straw in semantics games23:55
ign0ramusnot the "reverse", but a better method.  similar in that you can run programs native to a different OS23:56
terran4000True, I cede that poit ign. But it still is virtualization in a sense. Since it runs linux from within windows and not both Windows and Linux as the machine level.23:56
=== jeff__ is now known as Claybrain145
terran4000*at the machine level.23:56
terran4000Tea + phone + typing != quality typing23:57
Pierroits not as slow as wine23:57
Pierroand it runs all linux apps23:57
Pierrothats why its called andLinux it merges windows with Linux23:57
Pierrowhere can i find new installed software in Kubuntu?23:59
terran4000Definitelly seems like something to check out Pierro, thanks. hopefully I can start that way to port Windows people to linux!23:59

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