
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
Fujitsucprov: May I ask why bug #196782 is deemed to be of such low priority that it has been untargetted? It gives a pretty bad first impression of PPA.00:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196782 in soyuz "First build in a new PPA fails" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19678200:09
cprovFujitsu: only in the very first job. We can't fight this race-condition effectively.00:11
Hobbseeso you do nothing, even though it's generating multiple questions in here each week00:11
FujitsuCan't you just not let the build be handed out to a builder unless the archive is published?00:12
elmoHobbsee: easy - setting it to low priority != 'doing nothing'00:14
Fujitsuelmo: Untargetting == 'doing nothing for the foreseeable future'00:15
cprovHobbsee: exactly what I was saying, it was decided that we have other more important things to be done before this one.00:15
FujitsuSpeaking of more important things... how's security-in-soyuz doing?00:16
elmoFujitsu: well, a) I'd argue, if you can't see past the current LP release schedule, you can't see far ;-), but b) in any event, I think there's more constructive ways to argue for priortization of features00:16
Hobbseeelmo: what Fujitsu said.00:17
cprovFujitsu: very well, soon we will have it running.00:17
Fujitsucprov: Is there any public document describing how it will actually be used/00:20
cprovFujitsu: one idea is to not dispatch pending jobs for archives (PPAs) younger than 20 minutes (current publishing interval), but that's so naive that doesn't worth the code, if you know what I mean.00:20
cprovFujitsu: no, not a public one. I image we will be writing one before switching.00:21
Fujitsucprov: Is there not a timestamp of last publishing that you can check for nullness? I imagine that'd be fairly easy and less than hackish that checking the age of the PPA...00:21
cprovFujitsu: btw, do you know exactly how dak works nowadays ?00:21
Fujitsucprov: I know fairly well how dak works, but not a whole lot about the dak-LP interactions.00:22
cprovFujitsu: checking the source publishing date doesn't really help since we very often build unpublished-sources (build-from-accepted feature).00:23
Fujitsucprov: I meant archive publishing date.00:23
kiko-afkFujitsu, we don't actually store that.00:24
kiko-afkcprov, it's ironic that this bug actually happens because of build-from-accepted :)00:24
cprovkiko-afk: yes, kind of short-blanket problem.00:25
kiko-afkcprov, random idea: could we not put an empty Packages.gz on-disk when activating the PPA? is that crazy?00:26
FujitsuI discounted suggesting that as being too much of a hack.00:27
kiko-afkFujitsu, well, maybe it is -- just wondering, you know. 00:28
cprovkiko-afk: i don't see how we can tweak the archive disk from the activating-PPA UI00:28
kiko-afkcprov, of course, separate boxes.00:28
kiko-afkcprov, how about not depending on the PPA itself unless at least once source has been published in it?00:29
kiko-afkcprov, or even one binary00:29
kiko-afkmight one binary work?00:29
cprovkiko-afk: more often publishing cycle would mitigate this problem and uncover other (archive being changed while being read)00:29
kiko-afkcprov, I'm thinking don't send the apt sources line for the PPA until we know it's safe to send it.00:30
kiko-afkwhat do you think?00:30
cprovkiko-afk: "blinks" .. that's an good idea 00:30
kiko-afkthat might not be too hard to do00:30
compbrainIf I am pulling the launchpad all packages build status index for my ppa, im not setting off any bells, yes?00:31
Fujitsucompbrain: I got a couple of IPs blocked once for pulling a page once an hour.00:31
FujitsuThat was a while ago, mind you.00:31
kiko-afkcompbrain, what are you pulling?00:32
compbrainthe all-package status page for our ppa, then pulling package build information for non-complete builds00:32
kiko-afkcompbrain, maybe it's easier if you tell me URLs?00:33
compbrainand +archive/+build/(\d+)/00:33
kiko-afkcompbrain, that shouldn't be too big a problem -- what's the period?00:34
Hobbseehi emgent 00:34
compbrainMain page every 15-30, package builds only if their not done about the same, not more than 5 in a given pull00:34
compbrainkiko-afk: This was the reason for the RSS request bug. we've got a svn->source builder->launchpad->test cluster->release procedure going00:35
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko-zzz
spivThe "Timeline" part of a project page is a bit weird, because it doesn't actually involve any times or dates (just milestones, which don't give much of a sense of time...).00:49
kiko-zzzspiv, it's actually more like "Series and releases"00:50
spivkiko-zzz: Yeah.  Rather than like "line of time" ;)00:50
cprovFujitsu: just because we are buddies, bug 20748600:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207486 in soyuz "The dependency-lookup method is not restricted to the context PPA" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207486 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)00:52
kiko-zzzcprov, ah, neat bug, and probably easy to fix. 00:53
cprovkiko-zzz: yes, it won't be hard.00:54
kiko-zzzcprov, it's funny how the PPA stuff really shakes out our multi-archive code00:54
cprovkiko-zzz: indeed, we keep discovering uncovered callsites 00:55
ubotuNew bug: #207486 in soyuz "The dependency-lookup method is not restricted to the context PPA" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20748601:00
ubotuNew bug: #207488 in launchpad "should pick up .asc files automatically" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20748801:05
ubotuNew bug: #207491 in launchpad "ability to register multiple release url patterns" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20749101:10
emgentcprov: ping01:11
cprovemgent: pong01:12
emgentcprov: please see bug #207490 and bug #20749401:12
ubotuBug 207490 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/207490 is private01:12
ubotuBug 207494 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/207494 is private01:12
emgentnotified keescook too.01:12
emgentanother security issue01:12
Fujitsucprov: That's what I thought it would be.01:12
cprovemgent: sorry, pidgin doesn't like me01:14
cprovemgent: uhm, I see 01:14
emgentcprov: use irssi :)01:14
cprovemgent: I've fixed other similar bug in the past, but it was in soyuz area.01:14
mptspiv, could you report a bug on renaming Timeline?01:14
emgentyes i know01:15
cprovemgent: of irssi it's the other way around ;)01:15
emgenthahah ok :P01:15
spivmpt: sure01:15
MacTaylorhow do i remove my email address from a bug update list?01:15
FujitsuMacTaylor: Go to the bug, and click `Subscribe/Unsubscribe' in the actions menu on the left.01:15
FujitsuOr it might just be Unsubscribe in your case.01:16
cprovemgent: thanks for filling those bugs, they will be triaged tomorrow morning, I guess (EU & US time)01:18
emgentnp :)01:18
ubotuNew bug: #207499 in launchpad ""Timeline" on a project page is misnamed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20749901:31
=== cprov is now known as cprov-zZz
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
frenchyHi All!03:22
frenchyI'd like to raise a blueprint but I'd like to check that no one has addressed this already because it seems like an obviously feature.  The ability to send someone to send another launchpad user an email message through launchpad.03:26
frenchyMany LP new users don't make their email addresses public when they add translations (for example).  It would be nice to get in contact with them.03:30
mptfrenchy, that's reported as a bug03:33
mptone moment, I'll find it03:33
mptThere's bug 66105, which is about prospective team members in particular03:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66105 in launchpad "Team admin can't contact prospective member who hides e-mail addresses" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6610503:35
mptFor translators in particular, there's bug 803:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 8 in rosetta "Translator forums/means of communication" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/803:35
frenchympt: Thanks.03:40
frenchyHuh, 8, I knew that it must have one of the first things that people complained about.03:41
mptWell, that was long before we hid e-mail addresses03:54
mptbut it would have been useful regardless03:54
ubotuNew bug: #207532 in launchpad "Product and Project don't have read-only registrant" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20753204:36
Fujitsumpt: So I can create lots of bogus projects, throw them to various groups and people, and there's really no record? Very nice.04:37
pooliempt, http://www.design-police.org/ :)04:44
FujitsuComic Sans is illegal. That's what I want to hear.04:45
FujitsuHahahah. I like the motto.05:03
cody-somervilleCould a launchpad admin please change the owner of the xubuntu-doc team from ~registry to ~xubuntu-team? Thanks.06:09
spiv"Successfully registered branch smart-http-fix for this bug." ... "Timeout error" -- on the same page!06:37
Hobbseespiv: launchpad is undecisive.06:38
jameshspiv: just use bzr to associate the branch07:05
jamesh"bzr commit --fixes lp:NNNN"07:07
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mdkehi carlos 08:17
mdkecarlos: would it be possible yet to give me permissions to upload po files to ubuntu/gutsy/+source/ubuntu-docs for all languages, so that I can upload po files with my fixes?08:18
mdke(would Launchpad then merge the relevant changes and ignore untranslated strings that have been translated since those po files are created?)08:18
carlosmdke: the only way to do that is being a rosetta-admins member, so unfortunately, no, I cannot do that without doing code changes (this is something we could do, let's say it's a missing feature)08:19
mdkeright ok08:20
mdkewell, I don't know what the answer is, it seems I'm going to have to fix the same mistakes each time I download po files08:20
carlosmdke: Launchpad will not ignore untranslated strings, but unset them. You would need to remove those strings from the uploaded file so that reversion is not done08:20
carlosmdke: Anyway, we had a bug in Launchpad that was making impossible to do what you want to do if you already uploaded such fixes as 'published'08:21
carlosthat bug is fixed and the fix will be rolledout today08:22
mdkecarlos: it seems that it's impossible anyway :)08:22
carlosmdke: I suggest you to file a bug to get such permissions as the owner of the source package08:22
mdkecarlos: sure, I can do that... but then I'd have the problem of having to remove all strings from each po file except the one I fixed...08:23
carlosmdke: there is a command that would do it for you08:23
carlosyeah, I think msgfilter is the command you want08:24
mdkeok, I'll look into that. How will it know which string is the one I want?08:24
carlosmdke: or maybe msggrep... Danilo should be more helpful with that08:25
carlosmdke: you need to look for messages without translations08:26
mdkeI suppose I should really filter out all messages except the ones I have touched08:26
mdkethat way if someone has changed a string since I download the po file, that change will be preserved08:27
carlosmdke: just to be completely sure... could you confirm that you don't have access rights to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/about-ubuntu/ace/+upload ?08:28
danilosmdke: that would be your best bet, but if you've got all three PO files (i.e. original translation before you fixed it, your fixed translation, and new translation) you can do it mostly automatically with msg* tools08:28
mdkecarlos: I can see that page08:28
carlosmdke: ok, then you have enough rights and the problem is the bug I told you about08:29
mdkeoh wow08:29
carlosmdke: hmm, you don't need to worry about it, Launchpad is smart enough to handle those cases08:29
danilosmdke: if you need help in getting a script to do this kind of merge, I can help you out :)08:29
mdkewhen the fix is rolled out, if I want to upload a file, which of the options should I choose?08:29
carlosmdke: if someone changed a translation after you got the export from Launchpad, those changed messages will be ignored from your upload08:29
mdkedanilos: seems I just need to remove untranslated strings08:30
carlosmdke: User upload08:30
mdkecarlos: rock08:30
carlosmdke: I thought you were not going to merge with what we have in Launchpad08:30
carlosif you get latest version in Launchpad, you don't even need to remove untranslated strings08:30
carlosmdke: as long as you don't touch the X-Launchpad-Exported header08:30
mdkeI'd prefer not to have to get the latest version, if there is an easier way (like removing untranslated strings)08:31
carlosmdke: I mean X-Launchpad-Export-Date08:31
danilosmdke: yeah, but if you want to give priority to some translations from your update (i.e. fixed XML) and other translations from user changes (i.e. their own spelling fixes or whatever), it gets complicated08:32
carlosmdke: if you do that, you will need to update X-Launchpad-Export-Date so the upload is not rejected/ignored08:32
mdkeok, you've lost me now :)08:32
carlosmdke: you should look at it like a kind of wiki lock that will prevent you to overwrite other people's work08:33
carlosif you get latest version in Launchpad and apply all your fixes, everything will work08:33
danilosmdke: well, we have a PO header 'x-launchpad-export-date' which checks exactly this case: if you keep the export date as it is, you'll basically be fixing everything you want _except_ cases where translators have changed the same messages like you have08:33
carlosif someone changes a string after your download and before your upload08:33
carlosthose changes will produce that your changes in your upload is stored (only for those messages that were changed)08:34
carlosand you will be notified by email about those messages08:34
daniloscarlos: but that will overwrite other updates from translators as well08:34
carlosdanilos: if he gets latest version from Launchpad, that shouldn't happen08:34
carlosexcept for the ones that he wants to fix08:34
daniloscarlos: right, but I believe it's better not to get the latest version from LP, just upload what he already has08:35
mdkethe problem is that if I have 20 po files I want to fix, getting the latest version from Launchpad each time is a PITA08:35
carlosmdke: if you don't get latest version, you must do what danilo said before, filter out all messages that are not fixes08:35
daniloscarlos: that should not be the case08:35
carlosdanilos: ?08:36
daniloscarlos: actually, the date from lp-export-date would be older than new fixes in LP08:36
daniloscarlos: so it should work exactly as desired08:37
carlosdanilos: that's assuming the header is not removed in ubuntu-docs SVN08:37
daniloscarlos: well, right, that's what I am assuming08:37
carlosand that the broken messages were not changed since last sync he got for the fixes08:37
carlosnot changed in Launchpad08:37
daniloscarlos: right, but I assume the chances there are small, and he'll still get an email about them and they'll be easy to spot (i.e. look for some XML :))08:38
ubotuNew bug: #207581 in rosetta "Import queue UI: hard to find products that need review" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20758108:40
mdkecarlos, danilos - ok so in summary:08:44
danilosmdke: yes :)08:45
mdkeprovided I keep the lp-export-date the same as it was when i downloaded the po files, LP is clever enough to see which strings I have changed, and ignore any other ones (except in the case where a translator has changed a broken string at a later date, in which case I'll be emailed)08:45
mdke(as long as I make the upload after the fix is rolled out today)08:45
carlosmdke: right08:47
mdkebrilliant, that's exactly what I want08:47
mdkeso the e-lp-export-date string seems intact in our bzr branch - "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-02-24 12:17+0000\n"08:47
mdkesince I only edit the files with gedit, I'd expect that these won't change08:47
mdkethanks guys08:48
carlosmdke: also, please, remember to update 'PO-Revision-Date'08:48
carlosif a translator uploaded a new version with a newer date there, your upload will be rejected completely08:49
carlosdanilos: btw, with superfast imports and X-Launchpad-Export-Date feature, I wonder whether this check would be removed... we added it as an optimisation long time ago... Maybe keep it only for syncs with upstream/package imports...08:50
daniloscarlos: what do you mean? what if two translators work on the same file at the same time, one downloads/uploads, another works in LP?08:51
carlosdanilos: X-Launchpad-Export-Date will handle that case correctly08:51
daniloscarlos: right, so I misunderstood you: what check do you want removed then? :)08:52
carlosdanilos: We reject any uploaded file with a PO-Revision-Date older than the one from the latest uploaded file08:52
daniloscarlos: PO-revision-date?08:52
carlosdanilos: yeah08:52
carlosfor user uploads08:52
daniloscarlos: ah, sure, that makes sense08:52
carlosand keep it for published/imported ones, given that X-Launchpad-Export-Date doesn't applies in that case08:52
mdkecarlos: ok, so if I update that field, it will be ok?08:53
mdkeI won't be overwriting anyone's translations?08:53
carlosmdke: yeah08:53
carlosmdke: no08:53
carlosyeah for the first, no for the second ;-)08:53
mdkegood :)08:53
jtvcarlos: isn't the po-revision-date also useful in cases where newer uploads bypass older ones because the old ones don't get auto-approved?08:53
mdkeok, late for work - thanks again for your help08:54
carlosjtv: which usually happens only for imported/published uploads and why I suggest to keep it for those imports08:54
carlosmdke: you are welcome08:54
carlosjtv: for user uploads, X-Launchpad-Export-Date field will handle those conflicts08:55
jtvcarlos: in that case, perfect.08:55
carlosonly for the messages with conflicts, instead of reject the whole file like we do with PO-Revision-Date08:55
jtvcarlos: conflict exception?08:55
carlosjtv: we accept all changes except for the messages with conflicts and notify the user by email08:56
jtvcarlos: it'd definitely remove a nuisance.  I have this vague suspicion that some users may not update that field at all.08:58
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ubotuNew bug: #207625 in soyuz "Unicode characters improperly displayed in PPA changelog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20762510:01
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emgentheya people 11:32
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
tseliothi all, could anyone approve my new translation template (for Envy), please?11:55
ubotuNew bug: #207680 in soyuz "Community Admin: Require MOTU archive admin celeb & queue access for universe/multiverse" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20768011:56
HobbseeFujitsu: ^ will be interesting11:57
Hobbseebigjools: is someone supposed to go and create that, or?11:57
FujitsuI heard something like that was meant to be happening for s-i-s.11:57
bigjoolsno, it's internal code11:58
FujitsuSeems strange for it to be a celebrity.11:58
bigjools1.2.4 is going to see a lot of UI changes for admin!11:58
Hobbseewill i see some of my UI bugs about the admin stuff fixed?11:58
bigjoolsactually - do you have the numbers handy?11:58
Hobbsee* No select all checkbox at the top of the queue (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/15288011:59
Hobbsee* If you accept packages from the UNAPPROVED queue, it says they're accepted, and takes you back to the NEW queue.  This should take you back to the UNAPPROVED queue (but the message is good!) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/15288411:59
Hobbsee* The queue page does not show you what the current override for each package is - ie, if it's main/restricted/universe/multiverse https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/15288611:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152880 in soyuz "no select all packages checkbox at the top of https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue" [Medium,Confirmed] 11:59
Hobbsee* No accept/decline button at the top of the queue too - only at the bottom - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/15289011:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152884 in soyuz "If you accept packages from the UNAPPROVED queue, it says they're accepted, and takes you back to the NEW queue." [Undecided,New] 11:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152886 in soyuz "The queue page does not show you what the current override for each package is" [Undecided,New] 11:59
Hobbsee* Queue should default to 75 items, not 20.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/5429711:59
bigjoolsFujitsu: it's a celeb team because it can't be the same as the currently permission uploaders (or you can just approve your own upload)11:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152890 in soyuz "No accept/decline button at the top of the queue" [Undecided,New] 11:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54297 in soyuz "Increase the default minimum batch size for +queue page" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 11:59
ubotuNew bug: #207682 in soyuz "Community Admin: Require MOTU buildd admin celeb & access to retry universe/multiverse builds" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20768212:00
Hobbseebigjools: any chance on the community admin spec being made public?  i'd be interested in reading it.12:01
Fujitsubigjools: I would have thought it would make more sense to add per-component/pocket archive admin fields, but I guess a celebrity is just as good as long as only one distro is around.12:01
bigjoolsHobbsee: it's not really written yet, I need to work on it, but sure I'll let you have a look when it's done12:02
Hobbseebigjools: cool, OK12:02
FujitsuHaving specs like that somewhat public is surely very important, as people actually have to use them...12:02
HobbseeFujitsu: they won't attempt to use it until it's actually pronounced to work.12:03
bigjoolsFujitsu: we didn't see the need to add that level of granularity for archive admin work12:03
HobbseeFujitsu: and actualy, for that sort of stuff, you probably *want* them to be private, as there's bound to be at least one OMGTSIF critical bug, which needs to wait for the next rollout, so the less people who use it, the better.12:03
bigjoolsin 1.2.5 we'll have extra permissioning for package-specific uploaders though12:03
Fujitsubigjools: -security will need completely different teams, won't it?12:04
bigjoolssecurity is being done in a private PPA12:04
FujitsuAs will universe, so that's already fairly granular.12:04
HobbseeFujitsu: YMMV, but that's what we found last time.12:04
bigjoolsdoes universe need a different set of archive admin permissions to multiverse>?12:05
Fujitsubigjools: That'd be another spec that'd be nice to have a public version of.12:05
Fujitsubigjools: Very unlikely.12:05
Fujitsu(s-i-s, that is)12:05
bigjoolsok, good :)12:05
bigjoolsI'll quickly summarise the plan for you, it will be good to get early feedback12:06
bigjoolswe have 4 main tasks12:06
bigjools1. archive admin for MOTU, done via a new celeb that can access universe/multiverse uploads12:06
bigjools2. MOTU Buildd admin, to retry builds for universe/multiverse12:07
bigjools3. package-driven permissioning12:07
bigjools4. queue override in the UI pages12:07
bigjoolsmmm I missed one, there's 5. post-publication override too12:07
Hobbseebigjools: why a separate buildd admin there?  12:08
FujitsuWRT #2... why not just let component uploaders retry, like in PPA?12:09
Hobbseearen't there so few anyway, that it makes sense to let everyone access everything?12:09
HobbseeFujitsu: because it's not quite like the ppa stuff.12:09
HobbseeFujitsu: and do you really trust all the MOTU's to do reprio'ing in a good way?12:09
bigjoolsa separate team allows for more flexibility12:10
FujitsuHobbsee: hence my `retry' bit.12:10
Hobbseebigjools: true12:10
HobbseeFujitsu: oh, just retry.  i missed that bit.12:10
bigjoolsand I know how demanding our users are ;)12:10
FujitsuHobbsee: Rescoring and buildd adminning should still be done build a separate team.12:10
Hobbseeright, yeah.  i misread it then, sorry.12:10
Hobbseebigjools: ...cancel builds?  pretty please??  :D12:10
FujitsuEr, I can't speak English, apparently.12:10
bigjoolshehe - it's not in the agenda :(12:11
Hobbseebigjools: why?12:11
Hobbseebigjools: why is all this new stuff on the agenda with buildd admins, yet something as simple and important as cancelling builds not be there?12:11
FujitsuPoking sysadmins to fix buildds isn't really ideal.12:12
HobbseeFujitsu: you haven't done it, i suspect.12:12
bigjoolsHobbsee: what you perceive as simple isn't necessarily so12:12
Hobbseebigjools: well, relatively speaking.  i know nothing in soyuz is simple.12:12
bigjoolsbut I will raise it and see what we can do12:12
Hobbseethanks.  it would be really good to have.12:12
bigjoolsI know... it would make our life easier too to be fair12:13
bigjoolsare you guys going to UDS?12:13
Hobbseebigjools: you can't seriously think i got an invite.12:14
Hobbseebigjools: i think i whinged far too much for that.12:14
bigjoolsthere's a fine line between whinging and constructive feedback :)12:15
Hobbseebigjools: if i'm actually active, maybe i'll get to prague+1.  If not...12:15
Hobbseeyeah well.  apparently i never give constructive feedback, so...12:15
bigjoolsand I thought it was supposed to be Brits who whinged :)12:16
Hobbseemaybe the brits learned to shut up and take it like it was, rather than attempting to change it.  apparently the aussies haven't learnt that lesson yet12:16
Hobbseeer, s/was/is/12:17
* bigjools ducks out of the conversation at this point!12:17
bigjoolslook out for more bugs file for admin - I'm beavering away on them right now12:18
bigjools1.2.4 is going to get a lot targeted to it12:18
Hobbseebigjools: was my list helpful?12:18
Fujitsubigjools: Realistically targetted?12:18
bigjoolsHobbsee: yes thank you.  We won't get around to all of that, but I think at least 2 of them can be done12:18
HobbseeFujitsu: better not to ask that.12:19
* bigjools has cracked the whip of realism on the Soyuz team12:19
Hobbseebigjools: the checkbox, the queue default length, and the wrong url redirect?12:19
bigjoolsI'm finally convincing cprov not to target 50 bugs to each milestone!12:19
Fujitsubigjools: Yay!12:19
bigjoolsour current priority is the LP 2.0 goals, plus any critical bugs12:20
bigjoolsHobbsee: the batch size and the override info12:20
bigjoolsshould be easy to do those - I'll also see if we can do a "un/check all"12:21
Hobbseebigjools: right.12:21
* Hobbsee would have classed the wrong url redirect as the most annoying of them, but OK12:21
Hobbseeguess it depends if you're doing the default queue or not12:21
bigjoolsyeah it sounds irritating12:22
FujitsuIs s-i-s realistically targetted to 1.2.4?12:22
bigjoolsit's mostly done already12:23
Fujitsuie. very near Hardy release?12:23
FujitsuVery nice.12:23
bigjoolsit won't be done in time for Hardy12:23
FujitsuAs long as it doesn't explode.12:23
bigjoolsbut soon after12:23
bigjoolswe have a couple of infrastructure privacy issues to fix and then it's going live12:23
Fujitsu(I mostly do security stuff these days, hence the interest)12:24
bigjoolsactually, I hope to get it tested before 1.2.4 with security builds that are not embargoed12:24
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bigjoolsFujitsu: we have the capability to have a separate PPA for MOTU security12:24
Fujitsubigjools: How does copying from security PPAs to primary occur?12:25
bigjoolsright now it's a command line utility, but in this cycle we're adding UI support for it12:26
FujitsuSo it's the same process as any other PPA?12:26
bigjoolspretty much12:26
FujitsuBut executable by -security rather than -archive, I hope...12:26
bigjoolsit will use the same permissioning as the private PPA does12:27
bigjoolsbtw if you see P3A anywhere, that's a private PPA :)12:27
ubotuNew bug: #207701 in soyuz "Community Admin: The queue UI should allow overriding" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20770112:41
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emgenthi barry :)12:58
barryemgent: hi!13:01
barryemgent: do you have details on how the rename broke your list?13:02
emgent550 5.0.0 ----->>> User mailbox is Full. Quota limit excedeed <<<-----13:09
emgent   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----13:09
emgent    (reason: 550 unknown user)13:09
emgent(sorry for little flood)13:09
emgentops sorry. I'm dude. correct email is ubuntu-whitehat@lists.launchpad.net.13:09
emgentjust a moment.13:09
emgentbarry: all ok, sorry.. working fine13:11
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barryemgent: phew! that's great to know.  i think we'll be able to automate such renames in the future13:11
barrythanks for letting us experiment on you :)13:11
emgentheheh thanks to you :)13:11
* emgent go to fix horde313:13
sorenAre uploads to -proposed announced anywhere?13:14
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BUGabundohi there13:41
BUGabundoI keep having trouble opening new bug via email/malone13:41
BUGabundois any dev able to look at the error emails and tell me what is wrong?13:41
HobbseeBUGabundo: are you signing them?13:42
BUGabundoI sign all my emails13:42
BUGabundoill email back the bounce to LP ML13:43
BUGabundoso you can have a look13:43
* Hobbsee is no LP dev.13:44
BUGabundoI know hob13:45
BUGabundodid you get it?13:46
intellectronicaBUGabundo: can i have a look?13:46
BUGabundoall help is good13:47
BUGabundoplease reply here13:47
BUGabundoI won't be seeing email until tonight13:47
BUGabundobug 207733 is cracking me open...13:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207733 in openoffice.org "[hardy] openoffice about says v2.3 and v2.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20773313:47
intellectronicaemail is so old fashion anyway :)13:47
BUGabundohow do you want poor me to register and reply to LP while offline?13:48
intellectronicai'm just joking. this is an internet meme that has been making rounds for a few years now and i never quite get13:49
BUGabundobut I do agree with you13:50
BUGabundosocial networks13:50
BUGabundoand IM13:50
BUGabundowill rule soon13:50
BUGabundowe had that discussions so many timesssss on jaiku13:51
intellectronicaBUGabundo: did you send your bounced email? i can't see it yet13:52
BUGabundoI did13:52
BUGabundolet me see if I got the ack13:52
BUGabundono ack13:53
BUGabundolooks like the ML is slow13:53
BUGabundowhere is the LP list archive?13:57
Hobbseeit's shown off lists.ubuntu.com13:57
BUGabundofound it on the archibe13:58
BUGabundojust the old one13:58
BUGabundowith the same subject13:59
BUGabundodidn't kiko set moderation?13:59
BUGabundomight it have been caught?13:59
BUGabundosorry if it gets DUPPED13:59
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
BUGabundoI know what prevent it14:04
BUGabundoI think it got to big14:04
intellectronicaBUGabundo: what's too big, an attachment to the email you sent to LP?14:05
BUGabundobecause of the attached image14:05
BUGabundothe fw to LP list14:05
BUGabundobut didn't get any bounce either14:06
intellectronicai doubt that 70k is beyond the limit14:06
BUGabundoits no on the archives14:06
BUGabundoso users will get it soon14:06
BUGabundothen how do you explain that the 1st didn't make it, and the 2nd did?14:07
BUGabundoit was the only change I did14:07
BUGabundoHobbsee: have a look at it, now if you please14:08
BUGabundokiko is also here now. he replied to my old email14:08
* Hobbsee sees one there14:09
BUGabundomaybe he can shed light on this14:09
intellectronicaBUGabundo: well, the error message you received is correct, isn't it? you didn't specify a target for the bug14:09
intellectronicaor am i missing something?14:09
BUGabundoI did use openoffice-base14:10
BUGabundoisn't that correct?14:10
Hobbseeopenoffice-base is not a source package.14:11
BUGabundoI reported against it on LP, a few minutes ago14:11
BUGabundoand it worked14:11
* BUGabundo goes change copier tonner14:12
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
* BUGabundo is back14:28
BUGabundoso any tips to prevent me from failing to post to LP malone via email?14:29
intellectronicaBUGabundo: specify the project or distribution you want to file the bug on?14:38
intellectronicaBUGabundo: you wrote 'affects openoffice.org-base-core', but openoffice.org-base-core is a package, LP wouldn't know where to find it, since a package is part of a distribution. the instructions in the error email are actually pretty clear (but if they're not then we should try to improve them)14:41
intellectronicaBUGabundo: also see https://help.launchpad.net/BugTrackerEmailInterface for more detailed instructions14:41
BUGabundoalready open and re-reading14:47
BUGabundoso it should have been ubuntu/oo-base?14:47
intellectronicaBUGabundo: cool. feel free to ask for clarification if anything is unclear14:47
intellectronicaBUGabundo: yes14:47
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BUGabundokiko: are you here?15:37
kikoI was born here and will die here15:37
BUGabundodon't say that15:38
BUGabundosurf will miss you15:38
BUGabundoabout my question15:38
BUGabundoI had " affects openoffice.org-base-core" there15:38
BUGabundoand before that " affects openoffice.org" 15:39
BUGabundosure, I add no distribution15:39
BUGabundobut the examples uses FF with out any distribuition15:39
BUGabundodoesn't it?15:39
kikoBUGabundo, that would be upstream FF, not ubuntu FF. what URL is that, btw?15:41
BUGabundoon the email it self15:41
BUGabundoTo do this, include a line that starts with a blank space, then the word \n 'affects', then the Launchpad ID of the project or distribution, then \n (if it's a package) a slash and the name of the package. \n For example, reporting a bug on a project: \n affects firefox \n Reporting a bug on a distribution: \n affects ubuntu15:42
kikoso we're missing an example for reporting a bug on a distribution package. can you file a bug?15:42
BUGabundoits there15:43
kikomeanwhile, file your bug by doing affects ubuntu/openoffice.org15:43
BUGabundothe line after this15:43
kikoit's not there15:43
kikooh, really?15:43
kikothen you just didn't understand it? :)15:43
BUGabundoReporting a bug on a distribution package: \n affects ubuntu/firefox15:43
BUGabundowell since the 1st is just a simple example15:43
BUGabundoI followedd it15:43
kikoit's for an upstream product15:43
BUGabundothe example used FF15:43
kikonot for a package15:43
BUGabundoso I entered OpenOffice15:44
kikowe should have used bzr15:44
BUGabundodidn't work, so I changed to 15:44
BUGabundo OpenOffice-base-core15:44
BUGabundono luck either...15:44
BUGabundonow I know15:44
BUGabundothat I should have used 15:44
kikoI'll ask intellectronica to swap ff for bzr15:44
BUGabundo" ubuntu/openoffice-base"15:44
kikoI hope that cleans things up15:44
BUGabundoand " ubuntu/openoffice" won't work because it aint uploaded to LP15:45
kikoaint uploaded?15:45
BUGabundoat least is what it says15:46
BUGabundowhen you search for the packaged15:46
BUGabundowhile reporting a bug15:46
kikoit's a source package name15:46
BUGabundoyou lost me15:46
BUGabundoany user, like me, trying to report against OO15:47
kikoso openoffice.org15:47
BUGabundowill first try OpenOffice, but it aint there15:47
BUGabundoI miss that15:47
kikoBUGabundo, you can use openoffice in the web UI15:47
kikoand, if you are really a true end-user, you use the web UI, not a crazy email interface :)15:47
BUGabundodoesn't look like it15:47
BUGabundoI'm talking about WEB now15:47
BUGabundosorry for not making it clear15:48
kikothere is no package called openoffice15:48
kikoif you searched15:48
kikoyou could have found it, though15:48
BUGabundoits what I did15:48
BUGabundothen I did15:48
BUGabundofound oo-base15:48
BUGabundodidn't even looked for oo.org15:48
BUGabundois it possible to change the order that packages appear on the search list15:49
kikonot easily15:49
BUGabundoso that known packages appear first?15:49
BUGabundolike in this case with OO15:49
kikowe don't know what a "known package" is right now15:50
BUGabundoif searching for openoffice, openoffice.org should come first15:50
BUGabundoI see15:50
BUGabundothere would be the need to have some extra info15:50
BUGabundostored some where...15:50
kikolike a download counter or something15:50
BUGabundoI'll open a wish bug15:51
BUGabundonot sure how many other packages would suffer from this15:51
BUGabundobut still even if a few dozens it would make sense15:51
BUGabundoor users will keep adding bugs to wrong packages15:51
kikoBUGabundo, the main problem today is people adding bugs with no package :-(15:52
BUGabundodificulting triage15:52
BUGabundoI'M SURE that it has to do15:52
BUGabundowith an OLD BUG that I OPENED15:52
BUGabundowhere I said that the package search box was to high off screen15:53
BUGabundoand users won't see it until they have reported the bug15:53
BUGabundoso its quite easy to forget it15:53
BUGabundoits just your fault on this15:53
BUGabundothe text box should always show, EVEN on small resolution screens15:53
BUGabundoI have a 1440x900 and just see the description and subject field15:54
BUGabundoif I don't scroll UP, I won't place the package15:54
BUGabundobug #17281615:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172816 in launchpad "launchpad focus browser on summary and "hides" package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17281615:55
BUGabundoits just sitting there15:55
kikoyeah, it's a good point.15:57
BUGabundoso is it there, without any attention?15:57
BUGabundosince November15:57
kikoBUGabundo, that's the way with bugs when you have that many bugs filed -- either you bring it to somebody's attention, or you have patience16:00
BUGabundothat's what Im doing now16:00
BUGabundostupid question:16:00
BUGabundoif I search form why REPORTED BUGS it won't show me the ones that are marked as dups?16:01
BUGabundothat's crazy16:01
BUGabundoI want to see ALL my bugs by default16:01
BUGabundotook me 3 min to find that OO.O, because it is now marked as dup16:01
BUGabundoand search won't even find stuff with openoffice in the subject16:02
BUGabundokiko and other lp devs: bug 20780816:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207808 in launchpad "launchpad should show all bugs even dups when clicking on reportedbugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20780816:08
kikoyeah.. BUGabundo, I think the first step there is making the default options clear16:11
BUGabundokiko please give bug #172816 some love....16:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172816 in malone "launchpad focus browser on summary and "hides" package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17281616:13
BUGabundoI'm sure it would decrease the number of bugs without a package quite a bit16:14
BUGabundojust added a new comment16:15
BUGabundoit is a better idea16:15
BUGabundoDont select by default any of the check boxs, and make it required.16:16
kikothat's a separate bug16:16
BUGabundoof course having them on the bottom could help16:16
kikoand I'm not sure16:16
BUGabundohumm what diferent bug?16:16
BUGabundoI'm talking about the search box bug16:16
kikoit's a separate bug disallowing "I don't know"16:17
BUGabundoI don't want that16:18
BUGabundoplease leave it there....16:18
BUGabundomany times I'm not sure what's the package16:19
BUGabundoI just want for it to not be selected16:19
BUGabundoand so the user should be hinted to choose between "I don't know" and searching for a package16:19
BUGabundoEVEN if the searchbox is too high for the user to see it16:19
keescookhi! I noticed the mirror prober is only checking for Hardy.  Is that intentional?16:20
ubotuNew bug: #207808 in launchpad "launchpad should show all bugs even dups when clicking on reportedbugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20780816:21
emgentkeescook: hi! :)16:21
kikokeescook, not that I am aware of16:21
keescookkiko: compare, these:16:22
kikoBUGabundo, if it's a radiobutton, it needs a default option.16:22
keescookheya emgent :)16:22
kikokeescook, need to ask salgado-lunch -- that's weird.16:23
keescookkiko: okay, thanks.  (btw, this is from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirrors.kernel.org-release/+prober-logs )16:24
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BUGabundosorry kiko16:41
ubotuNew bug: #207818 in malone "Change bug watch form needs better validation when a non-URL is entered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20781816:41
salgado-lunchkiko, http://releases.ubuntu.com/.manifest16:41
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
BUGabundoI accydently clicked on that bug HUGE button16:41
salgadokeescook, ^16:41
BUGabundothat said "afects LP too"16:42
BUGabundome and my big curiosity!16:42
BUGabundothat should have a confirmation dialog16:42
kikosalgado, how could we make that more obvious to the user?16:42
BUGabundoplease remove LP from #17281616:42
BUGabundoand just leave malone16:42
kikoBUGabundo, mark it invalid.16:43
keescooksalgado: er, so this is intended behavior?16:44
BUGabundokiko, I filed that wish bug, as 20782716:44
keescooksalgado: also, I just registered kernel.org's NL and SE servers each for both archive and CD.16:45
salgadokiko, good question16:46
keescookis there some bit to flip for them to start getting verified?16:46
salgadokeescook, I guess it was changed because we were probing mirrors every hour after the beta. elmo would be able to confirm16:46
BUGabundobug #20782716:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207827 in launchpad "[wish bug] LP should hint users whats the better package when searching for a package to report a bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20782716:46
salgadokeescook, yes, but someone from IS has to do that16:46
keescooksalgado: okay, thanks.16:46
ubotuNew bug: #207827 in launchpad "[wish bug] LP should hint users whats the better package when searching for a package to report a bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20782716:50
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RinchenMeeting in 3 mins over at #launchpad-meeting17:58
Rinchenmaybe 2 :-)17:58
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=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting (all welcome): Thu 3 April 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
Rinchenupdated new meeting date19:14
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LaserJockkiko: ping?19:28
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ubotuNew bug: #207955 in launchpad "Drop ShockAndAwe tables" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20795521:00
AlinuxOSdanilos, ;) 10 000 kisses ;)21:16
Rinchenheh, kiko, I was looking at them yesterday thinking the same thing.21:24
ubotuNew bug: #207969 in soyuz "ppa search fail to return expected results on some cases" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20796921:31
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affluxIf a project uses questions but no answer contact is specified, does that mean that nobody will receive notifications?22:23
affluxIf so, is it possible to subscribe people to questions? I can't find the button :(22:23
kikoafflux, hmm22:24
kikoyou can't subscribe someone else22:24
kikoso you should add an answer contact22:24
kikowhat's your specific situation?22:24
affluxI'd like to have dholbach looking at: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/5-a-day-data/+question/2816722:25
kikoafflux, let's add dholbach as answer contact!22:25
affluxkiko, as long as he doesn't hit me... :)22:25
kikohmmm I can't add him22:25
kikohow annoying22:25
kikoafflux, when is he back from vac?22:26
affluxkiko: no idea22:26
mdkehe's back already22:26
mdkesaw im today22:26
kikomdke, good news22:26
kikoafflux, can you email him for now? there's no easy solution to this right now, and I don't have anyone who could fix that bug in the next month22:26
affluxyes, of course22:26
affluxDidn't know he's back ;)22:27
kikoI'll ping him tomorrow btw22:27
kikoI need to ask him something for Seveas too22:27
affluxokay, thanks for your help22:29
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down in from 00:00 UTC until 02:00 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting (all welcome): Thu 3 April 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
muffinresearchAnyone know if there's a way to make a project private?23:20
muffinresearchI guess it's something that might go a little against the grain but can be useful in certain circumstances23:22
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kikomuffinresearch, well, not exactly. it depends on what you want to do.23:27
muffinresearch@kiko So for example you have set up a new project but want it to not to be public until some point in the future. AFAIK there's no way to do that is there?23:29
Rinchenmuffinresearch, that's currently correct.23:34
Rinchenmuffinresearch, open source is, well, open :-)23:35
muffinresearch@Rinchen that's what I meant by going against the grain, however initially making a project private doesn't mean it will remain private.23:37
Rinchenmuffinresearch, much could be said about a closed source project too :-)23:37
muffinresearchHmm for me personally I'm not even looking at this from a point of view of using LP to host a closed-source project but I can see why a privacy feature will be highly unlikely to be added as it might be abused in that way.23:39
mptCould be said about Launchpad, even ;-)23:39
Rinchento quote mpt, "whew"23:40
Rinchenmuffinresearch, really it comes down to what Launchpad's core is... Launchpad is an open source collaboration service.  You can't collaborate across the open source universe with a private project.23:41
Rinchenmuffinresearch, so while the concept is simple, for open source projects it doesn't really make much sense because you want to engage everyone (cathedral vs bazaar)23:42
mptmuffinresearch, if it's going to be private, why not just keep everything (Bazaar branches, lists of bugs etc) on your own machine?23:42
muffinresearchYeah makes total sense23:42
Odd_BlokeThe downtime banner at the top of the page is helpful, thanks! :)23:55
RinchenOdd_Bloke, how are the pqm enhancements coming? ;-)23:56
Odd_BlokeIn my head, it's fantastically easy to use and does everything you could ever want.23:57
Odd_BlokeOn my laptop, it has yet to be setup correctly in the first place. :p23:57
Odd_BlokeI'm away for a week on a remote island in Scotland, so I may spend some time with it then.23:58
Rinchenmy my, look at the time23:59

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