
googlahzylstra555: Overall Hardy isn't recommended for servers00:02
zylstra555googlah: Amazingly, its working better than Ubuntu 7.10 Server00:02
googlahNice to hear, with gui or not?00:03
zylstra555googlah: No GUI.00:03
tanner_in what manner is it better?00:04
googlahNice to hear, I've been running gutsy for 200 days now in server00:04
googlahor 150, whatever00:05
zylstra555tanner_: For one, Apache actually worked off the bat for once. I didnt have to struggle so much with PHP and MySQL. Seemed like most everything that was supposed to be there and working was there, and working00:05
salty-horsehi. anyone else experiencing a crash when launching liferea_1.4.14-0ubuntu1 ?00:05
pestilenceclarezoe: try #ubuntu-fr?00:06
Laneyfglrx supports compositing directly in Hardy, right?00:09
poseidonIs there a way to put all three of my menus into one?00:10
happytigerHow come bash-completion isnt install by default in hardy?00:10
Laneyhappytiger: It will be very soon, that bug was just fixed :)00:10
happytigerOki cool just wanted to help get that in place for everyone else missing this killer feature00:11
happytigerwas worried for a few days untill i found out this was in that packages :-)00:11
LaneyI think it used to be in the main bash package, and then got split off into its own bash-completion one, which wasn't included in main for some reason.00:12
happytigerYeah sounds like it... I almost started to fear konsole with out that feature suddenlty i had to spell everything lolz00:13
happytigerBut god to hear its back in00:13
happytigerAnd java works in firefox to ... damn cool00:13
happytigerSo I can go upgrade my gf and my moms puters to hardy so they can use it with their new ipod nanos :-)00:14
happytigerdamn cool seems like it is getting there00:14
pestilencehappytiger: you might want to wait a month :-D00:14
thompahappytiger: there are some usb issues00:14
happytigeroki I havent discovered?00:15
thompahappytiger: does your ipod automount00:15
happytigerYes it does00:15
thompahappytiger: what version of kernel?00:15
happytigerFresh out of the box didnt do anything to make it work00:16
LaneyWhat's different with java?00:16
thompahappytiger: sorry i mean is it upgraded00:16
happytigerI just install latest hardy beta i386 and did dist-upgrade and thats all kernel = Linux happydesk 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i68600:16
thompahappytiger: im having a problem after last alpha mounting anything00:17
happytigerYup all updateed00:17
happytigerHmm oki no problems here00:17
thompahappytiger: maybe i need to reinstall. is it x64?00:17
savvasthompa: mounting what?00:17
thompai can add it to ftab00:17
savvasthompa: sudo aptitutde reinstall udev gnome-mount00:18
thompabut it only comes up as usb in gnome, kde nothing00:18
savvasthompa:typo, sorry: sudo aptitude reinstall udev gnome-mount00:18
happytigerhmm weird works like a charm here00:18
thompasavvas: ok,,,brb00:18
savvaskde ;)00:18
savvasno idea about that thompa00:18
happytigerDid you update from alpha to beta ? or install from beta cd?00:18
thompasavvas: i tried a new install without it00:18
LaneyOoer, I just did update-manager -d and it told me my (Gutsy) system is already up-to-date. :(.00:18
thompasavvas: im in gnome and installed it later00:19
savvasLaney: did you click check after that? :)00:19
happytigerMy hardy didnt survive update from alpha to beta but since i installed fresh from the beta cd i386 my Hardy is a dream00:19
savvasthompa: but you say gnome mounts it, right?00:19
Laneysavvas: "check"? I only had a close button which got rid of update-manager.00:19
* Laney tries again00:20
savvasLaney: don't make me take a screenshot for something as simple as that :P00:20
thompasavvas: in gnome it pops up in my computer as usb only and if i try open only question marks00:20
Laneysavvas: I know where "check" is, but I mean that I'd have to start again to click it ;)00:21
thompasavvas: i can ad it sdb1 i think to fstab, but alpha 6 automount and open00:21
savvasLaney: update-manager -d and hit the check button, it should then show info about new devel releases00:21
thompasavvas:sudo -s00:21
Laneysavvas: Yes, it told me that it was up to date after I clicked to upgrade to 8.0400:22
LaneySeems to be working this time00:22
thompasavvas: that command not working00:22
thompasavvas: i cant run apptitude,00:22
savvasthompa: no idea, but.. um.. i think there were some problems reported with usb devices and the latest kernel image00:22
thompasavvas: i know about those00:23
savvasthompa: aptitude with one t00:23
savvasand one p :P00:23
thompasavvas: i did it right, mistype here00:23
savvasthompa: what does it say? the error of aptitude?00:23
thompasavvas: ok its working00:24
savvasi should slap all of you for typos00:25
savvasmyself included :)00:25
thompasavvas: i mean installing, will test usb now00:25
happytigerhehe  //slap00:25
MTecksomebody wanna help me out w/ pidgin? I can manage to get an internet connection but I don't do it through nm-applet. If I'm on a wired connection it seems to work perfect. If I'm connecting over wireless (meaning issues w/ nm-applet) then it just sits at "waiting for network connection".00:25
LaneyHmm, can I get update-manager to use a faster mirror? I should be getting more than 100k/s :(00:25
thompasavvas: i just cut and past your command into text file00:26
thompajust in case its a hoser00:26
nickrudLaney on the software sources dialog, there's a dropdown for the server. Select other, and a big list opens up00:26
Laneynickrud: Oh, that works for u-m too? Thanks00:26
savvasLaney: yeah, change your archive mirror from system > administration > software sources > download from:00:26
thompasavvas: unable to mount location usb00:27
savvasLaney: hint: you must stop your current download ;)00:27
nickrudLaney that's sources is apt-wide, synaptic, apt-get and all00:27
Laneysavvas: Yeah I got that much00:27
loa_Hello how i can disable changing cursor when application starts?00:27
thompasavvas: kernel or hal problem maybe?00:27
LaneyI was under the impression that u-m replaced my sources.list with a default00:27
nickrudLaney no, it uses whatever your sources.list is00:27
savvasthompa: wanna test reinstalling everything? did you upgrade from gutsy?00:27
thompasavvas: alpha last one mounts it still00:28
savvasthompa: anything in the logs? check: nautilus /var/log/00:28
thompasavvas: not ive reinstalled a few and also upgrade on x64 part. the x64 alpha 6 automounts00:29
thompasavvas: good idea thanks00:29
thompathats a cool place for them00:29
thompasavvas:  lsusb00:30
thompaBus 002 Device 006: ID 054c:0325 Sony Corp.00:30
thompasavvas:the dev number is different00:31
savvasthompa: one moment00:31
savvasthompa: paste the output of: uname -a00:32
thompaLinux mardoz0 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux00:32
thompathat the non-mount errors one00:33
loa_GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed00:33
loa_what is it/00:34
loa_with latest firefox.00:34
thompasavvas: the other problem is acer_acpi, but its well known i hope00:36
gauchoMy hardy amd64 isn't installing because X restarts when I choose my keyboard layout during the install process. Why it's happening?00:37
thompagaucho: do safe graphics install. is that still there00:38
thompabut mine installed 1440x900 res first time ever00:38
gauchouol! cool! What I need to do to use safe graphics mode?00:39
thompagaucho: are you on the live cd?00:39
gauchono, I'm on my gutsy00:39
savvasthompa: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic hal udev00:39
thompasavvas: ill try that brb00:40
savvasthompa: then give your machine a reboot :)00:40
DaleusWhen I open "Run application" (alt + f2) and I type something, i.e Amarok, it will try auto complete and i'll always get 'Amarokok' I tried searching launchpad but I don't know what terms to use for good results.00:40
thompagaucho: turn off effects00:41
gauchowell.. Let me think thompa! From 0 to 10, Which grade you give to Heron and why?00:41
thompagaucho: I would wait00:42
thompagaucho: i think its going to be the best of course00:42
gauchook, but I'm asking for a grade at this time..00:43
thompawell i have a few bugs and have not had time to use it that much00:43
gauchoconsidering I can daily upgrade it00:43
Zero-00 help me00:43
thompagaucho: its faster, kde looks awesome00:43
thompagaucho: but im in gnome00:44
gauchoWhich is the most important bug you saw?00:44
Zero-00where you pack00:44
thompagaucho: there are lots of updates00:44
thompagaucho: its moving too fast00:45
thompagaucho: next week its diff maybe00:46
gauchoand.. If I daily dist-upgrade it, next month, I will have a system as stable as one installed by the official stable media?00:46
thompai dont have 10 hours a day to waste on the computer either00:47
thompagaucho: in theory yes00:47
gauchouol! This way I will install it just now!![00:47
Adyslong shot, does anyone know how to change the keybind to move a window? alt click by default00:51
KeibnusanI hope the missing lib32 pulse audio plugin for asound gets fixed amd64, its pretty damn annoying on the current beta00:52
RAOFEh, wine doesn't like pulseaudio anyway.00:52
RAOFThis is essentially the _only_ thing I'd care about, so it makes it much less interesting for me.00:52
KeibnusanI imagine it'd play fine with the PA plugin for alsa.  most of my 64bit apps seem to00:53
thompasavvas: nope,00:54
KeibnusanI dunno though, I havent really installed debian or anything to test that hypothesis00:54
RAOFKeibnusan: You can imagine all you like.  I've _got_ a lib32 pulseaudio plugin, and wine (or, at least, WoW) doesn't like it very much.00:54
thompasavvas: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 054c:0325 Sony Corp.00:55
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thompabut cant mount00:55
thompaim going to try my pda00:55
m1ri have instaled gnome-do and set it up to autostart, now when i login it is showing everytime on boot. can i make it somehow to start hidden until i run it ?00:57
anthonym1r: there's a switch, but you'll have to read the documentation, as I don't remember it00:58
jgossgnome-do --quiet should do it00:59
m1rok , many tnx guys :)00:59
sparkysparkhello yall01:08
sparkysparkso I have 8.04 beta and it didnt ask for a network config on startup.. should it do that?01:08
sparkysparkI added it in network manager and it did it wrong - put in the wrong syntax - it didnt add the auto eth0 part01:09
sparkysparkin /etc/network/interfaces01:09
sparkysparkanyone else seen this?01:10
ArandAt least for me it normally just works. (using DHCP), just set to roaming, no configs...01:13
ArandThere's normally no network config on startup as far as I know...01:14
ArandCould be wrong though...01:15
chowardHello, I upgraded my 7.10 install to 8.04 and lost my sound.  Is this a known issue? if so how do I fix it?01:17
collusionon the topic of sound, my thinkpad laptop has volume keys that used to affect what volume the panel displayed; the keys still work but it doesn't seem to be setting the alsamixer volume any more.  any idea why?01:20
symptomsudo apt-get upgrade holds serpentine back but the update manager installs it.... anyone know why?01:20
Lunar_LampI'm getting hard-locks every few hours, and they appear random.  How can I find out the cause? What debugging should I be looking at? What logs etc?01:20
ere4sijust read this blog - http://gquigs.blogspot.com/2008/02/memory-usage-gutsy-vs-hardy.html - how accurate is it pls?01:20
martallicollusion: When you click on the sound icon on your desktop, what does it show?  The main channel or something else?01:21
collusionmartalli: rightclick preferences says it's managing the alsa mixer master volume.01:21
collusionmartalli: when i actually run alsamixer and press the volume keys, nothing changes.  perhaps that's the real "problem"01:22
martalliYou might just need to change the default channel in your mixer (kubuntu: right click and open settings->pref)01:22
martallimaybe so.01:22
martallicollusion: What distro are you running?01:22
crimsuncollusion: set the appropriate mixer elements using System> Preferences> Sound01:23
collusionmartalli; hardy beta iso, with dist-upgrade from a few hours ago.01:23
crimsun(if you're using GNOME)01:23
martallicollusion: I guess I mean kubuntu, ubuntu, or *buntu? =)01:23
collusionmartalli: oh, i guess regular ubuntu (i.e. gnome).  i'm actually running custom gnome-session possibly with old .gconf files from 6.0601:25
martallicollusion: such old pref files might be playing havoc, too.01:25
m1rif i update 7.10 to 8.04 and then continue upgrading only to next LTS release, would that be ok for system ?01:26
martalliI am only guessing here, but renaming your .gnome (.gnome2?) directory might cause a "clean" .gnome directory to be depostied on your next login....or it could screw up your machine =)01:26
martallim1r: That should be fine01:27
collusionmartalli: heh, yeah, maybe i should try that.01:27
m1rtnx martalli01:27
martallicollusion: If you leaves you at least the cli...you could always move the old dir back =)01:27
martallim1r: It has always gone well for me to upgrade with upgrade-manager -d...but make sure you have a back up of any important data before you go down the rabbit hole.  Besides, being prepared guarantees problems won't arise (revere Murphy's Law)01:28
collusionmartalli: i'll play around with new gnome config files.01:28
Wamphyriis there any support for sli?01:28
m1ryes martalli, was thinking on that way01:29
UbubeginIs it all smooth sailing and Hardy Heron will due for release on April as scheduled.01:29
collusionanyone know anything about the tpb package?  I think it integrates the thinkpad buttoms, but it conflits with hotkey-setup and ubuntu-desktop :-/01:29
collusionI was very impressed with the hardy installer; a significant step-up from the last time i remember doing an install ... maybe breezy?01:31
collusionmartalli: oh, the release notes do say that "volume control tools are not yet integrated" (whatever that means).01:33
martalliHmmm....Can't remember if they worked or not on my laptop (I only have two machines running hardy right now).  This one has the cheap Dell keyboard (no vol controls)01:34
martalliHowver, I can bind them to keyboard shirtcuts on this machine with kmix -> Settings -> Configure global shortcuts01:36
martalliwin-up, win-down, win-end (seems to work)01:37
collusionmaybe this is lower priority than getting suspend working.01:39
Dr_willisive noticed that ubuntu is like the best disrto ive seen at getting all these xtra keys working properly.01:40
collusionDr_willis: i'm definitely impressed overall with the level of polish.01:41
Dr_williscollusion,  been testing out some other distros while waiting for the next release.. and yea. ubuntu beats most of them in so many areas01:42
martalliI'd give mty left nut to get suspend working kubuntu01:42
martalli...maybe that's an overstatement =)01:42
collusionmaybe s3 acpi is still needed. hrm.01:43
Dr_willisand you start to realize how hated ubuntu is by the other disrto makers.. which is rather pathic of them01:43
m1ri had to install some extra packages to get suspend and hybernate working on 7.04 , cant recall their names tho01:43
martalliThe better distros don't going around hating each other, and the better smaller ones are commnity efforts not bent on taking over the world (with this release =)01:44
martalliI think fedora/debian/ubuntu/mandriva have different goals than arch/dsl/vector01:44
Dr_willisIve notived a lot of other disrto 'makers' (which always seem to be like 1 person)  getting very hatefull when you question why they made this choice or that.. for somt things..01:44
Dr_willisSo far this month ive tested out mandriva - which had some very neat featrues. and sidux, which had a few neat things.. but not much else that i could see worth  switching to it for.01:45
martalliWell, sometimes I feel like kubuntu has only one person, too.  Mr Riddell, if you're listening, I hope they give you a few English guys to put under you boot and help yout01:45
Dr_willisI do see theres a kde4, and a kde3 release of the beta.01:46
Dr_williswhich one should i grab.. :)01:46
m1rneither ;)01:46
martalliDr_willis: kde3 for regular use01:46
collusioni decided to stick with ubuntu b/c it 95% does exactly what i want and there's a huge community to help me get the last 5% working.01:46
martallikde4 is getting better and pretty usable, but if you are using it for any real work, I would stick with kde3 as your base01:47
m1rcollusion: that 5% i would set multi function printer support and modem support ;)01:47
martalliI am keeping the office on 7.10 for this release probably...I have too many wine configuration headaches to relive if we update to kubuntu 8.0401:47
Dr_willisi just toy with my machines. No real work.01:48
martalliThen at least try out the kde4 cd in live mode and see what you think01:48
m1rDr_willis: for toying try puppy linux with compiz ;)01:48
numusgdesklets keeps crashing01:48
martalliI have this one on kubuntu 8.04 from gutsy, so its kde3 base.  When I use kde4, it is still using kde3 adept and such01:49
Dr_willisi have several puppylinux  cd;s laying about.. and i dont use compiz  on most of my machiunes.01:49
martalliI wonder how much of a pure kde4 implementation it is01:49
collusionmlr: no i just have weird preferences, like using minimalist window managers and such.01:49
Tuv0kBug #20748201:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207482 in liferea "Latest version (1.4.14-0ubuntu1) crashes on start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20748201:49
Dr_willisheck. i normally just install fluxbox. and use that + fspanel01:49
collusionmlr: and sure, suspend working out of the box would be nice.01:49
frank23martalli: I totally agree with you about kubuntu. It would be great if there were a couple more people working on kubuntu full time01:49
martalliflux is cool, has anyone used fluxbuntu?  Although I think jwm is the most straightforward minimalist manger, fluxbuntu really runs great on older machine (<300-400mhz)01:50
collusionmartalli: i kept putting off updates from 6.06 and so i'm just taking all the headaches from not having dist-upgraded all the older versions.01:50
m1ropenbox runs great too on old crap pc's01:51
martallifrank23: I wonder what it would take to convince canonical to put more effort behind kubuntu?01:51
martallicollusion: 6.06???  You might as well be running debian stable with your update habits =)01:52
m1rmartalli: not all people wanna update system every 6 months ;)01:52
collusionmartalli: i manually built things like pidgin, downloaded swiftfox, and everything else was working fine.01:53
frank23martalli: I also wonder when the next LTS kubuntu will be. I doubt there will be one which is not also a ubuntu LTS release. So probably only 2 years from now.01:54
martalliI am starting to agree now that flash and most of the basics "just work".  Since I don't want to reset the wine setup we have, I am leaving our machines at the ofice on gutsy for the time being.  Everyone there is happy enugh with it01:54
collusionotoh, moving to hardy is like stepping into the future.01:54
martalliI am not too concerned with the LTS issues, since every 18 month upgrades are OK with me.  IMHO, the LTS is most important for the server edition,01:55
Wamphyrii have heard two different resposes about sli01:57
Wamphyridoes sli work with x?01:57
ZorisHelp! Pidgin refuses to start up01:57
npurcifulOkay hardy seem to think that i need a link to my unencrypted OS hard drive on my desktop, how do i remove it01:58
Dr_willisI cant even underatand the LTS stuff.. :) but im not a business.. im just a leet-haxor-home-user01:59
Dr_willisThats one of the ways/mentality/methods that ubuntu differs from all the 'other' disrtos ive been testing I guess.01:59
Dr_willisUbuntu  seem to take a very 'organized' way of doing over things.02:00
Dr_willisvs the 'just get it working no matter what'  way of thinking ive seen in other disrtos.02:00
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:09
Daisuke_Laptop9 minutes, wish me luck02:09
AaronMTWhere can I get the latest brodcome deb package02:09
Kl4mIt seems the latest hardy kernel breaks ipw220002:09
Kl4mA bold statement, but it looks like that on my end. When I use 2.6.22-14 instead, my wireless works fine02:10
AaronMTanyone know02:12
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c-ronanyone know how to disable join & part messages for irc in pidgon?02:14
levanderI think I need to do a 'dpkg-reconfigure' on the linux-image package to get my system to boot again.  Problem is, it won't boot to run that command.  If I boot from the LiveCD, mount my boot and root partitions, then chroot to the boot partition, can I then run dpkg-reconfigure and have it affect the files on my regular system?02:15
AaronMTWhere can I get the latest brodcome deb package02:16
m1rlevander , chose recovery mode on start ?02:20
prometheussAaronMT: bcm43xx?02:20
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steph_I have a comment about hardy's menu, is this the right channel?02:30
nargjriddel recently released a package for qt4.4beta -- can I safely install that on the hardy beta kde4 version without hosing my box?02:30
HardyOnesteph_, comment away02:34
Daisuke_Laptopso far so good02:35
ZorisHELP: Pidgin will not start!02:36
anuraghi everyone02:36
anuragI need some help for Hardy02:36
Daisuke_Laptophonestly not seeing any huge differences yet02:37
Zorisso do I; trying to start pidgin constantly fails. It was working fine earlier today and now it refuses to start02:37
Zorisgreat, my music player just freaked out again02:38
anuragI can't do a clean install of Ubuntu02:38
HardyOnenarg, installing non-ubuntu packages is always a risk02:39
Zoris"Audio output unavailable; busy"02:39
anuragI looked everywhere on Ubuntu forums but can't get help02:39
nargHardyOne: ...he's the official kubuntu guy02:40
mneptoknarg: stick with using what apt/adept offers you02:40
HardyOnewell then narg give it a shot . hardy is a  beta so if you need to do a re-install....02:41
anuragyes then...02:41
HardyOneor listen to mneptok he is an official ubuntu guy02:41
mneptokHardyOne: s/Ubuntu/Canonical/02:42
* mneptok is not an Ubuntu member02:42
HardyOnemneptok, yes Canonical02:42
mneptokalthough i should really rectify that before sabdfl gets cranky02:42
steph_HardyOne: still there?02:43
* HardyOne thinks he needs to apply for membership02:43
HardyOneyes steph_ whats up?02:43
tritiummneptok: got on that ;)02:45
steph_I'm running UbuntuStudio in a art class, and there is some confusion with the sub-menu "video" (under video and sound), and the menu graphism. I think both are visual arts.isn't it?02:45
HardyOnesteph_, I would not know but you can ask in #ubuntustudio I believe02:46
steph_ok, thanks.02:46
HardyOneyup thats it02:46
mneptoktritium: i have asked you *repeatedly* not to wear that full-head, latex sabdfl mask in public channels. it *freaks me out*.02:47
tritiummneptok: haha :)02:47
chowmeinedis wireless broken again?02:48
HardyOneeww laptop @100% last 1.5 hours only :/02:48
Wamphyrianyone use sli?02:48
chowmeinedmy wireless eventually fails with, 'took too long to associate'02:49
Daisuke_Laptoplooks like hardy's fixed my usb issue.  flash drives seem to read no problem now02:50
jimmygoonmy laptop still crashes half the time I shut down or log out of GDM02:50
jimmygoonand it crashes HARD. no recovery ability. no Alt+SYSREQ REISUB... nothing02:50
larson9999now, aint this new ubuntu all nice and perty!02:54
naught101yay. stock ubuntu install of openmovieeditor segfaults on start!02:54
naught101from repos02:54
Daisuke_Laptopi'm not real thrilled with the power management02:55
Daisuke_Laptopondemand apparently feels that full power is always demanded.02:55
HardyOnesomething weird is going on. I am able to enter in my password wich contains numbers but when trying to enter numbers in wireless settings manager system beeps and wont let key in the numbers. any ideas02:55
Daisuke_Laptopis numlock on?02:55
sparkysparkanyone having instability with Firefox 3.x on 8.04 on nearly all webmail apps?02:56
HardyOnebut this is on laptop and never had issue like this before02:56
sparkysparkI moved back to 2.x02:56
Daisuke_Laptopthat's different then02:56
Daisuke_Laptopno clue02:56
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Daisuke_Laptopsparkyspark: gmail and yahoo aren't having any issues02:56
sparkysparkDaisuke_Laptop, Yahoo newest version?  the web 2.0 version?02:57
sparkysparkDaisuke_Laptop, I suppose I could go back to the old version of crappy yahoo02:58
DanaGArgh, I keep getting hard lockups when under heavy disk+gpu activity.02:59
HorizonXPhey, here's my problem: I'm on a rez network on campus, with crappy DNS servers that go down all the time. Right now I'm using OpenDNS servers, but it's hardly a good solution because they're slow. I set up bind9 to create a local DNS cache for this precise situation, but it apparently didn't work as I found myself without an Internet connection. My question is, how do I set up bind9 correctly, to act as my primary DNS server that my compu03:02
DanaGHorizonXP: you can try dnsmasq instead; just disable the dhcp functionality.03:07
HorizonXPDanaG: yeah, I just found an ubuntugeek article on it, thanks :)03:08
DanaGMy dd-wrt router actually runs dnsmasq; it's quite handy for that bogus-nxdomain thing (unbreaks DNS broken by Charter).03:08
tritiumDanaG: Charter?03:09
DanaGYup, they have some stupid SiteFinder-type thingy that makes every invalid domain name resolve to charter.net03:10
DanaGor rather, www11.charter.net03:10
AaronMTHow do I manually install the firmware for b43-fwcutter03:11
AaronMTSince its not showing up in Hardware Drivers03:11
AaronMTand I tried sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter03:11
AaronMTbut says alraedy installed03:11
DanaGdpkg-reconfigure it.03:12
DanaGFor some reason, just installing b43-fwcutter doesn't actually make it run.03:12
chowmeinedi knew i shouldnt've upgraded03:12
AaronMTIts not showing waypoints in network manager03:12
chowmeinedwhy is wireless broken again?03:12
AaronMTiwconfig says no wireless extensions03:12
chowmeinedit fails with 'association took too long (>60 s)'03:12
Kebinusananyone know an easy way to get a lib32 build of libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so for amd64 hardy03:14
AaronMTIt fetched the firmware but still no wireless waypoints in network manager03:16
DanaGYou may have to wait for the module to pick up on the firmware.03:17
calcKebinusan: unpack the i386 deb03:17
calcKebinusan: thats the easy way to get any i386 binary for amd64 :)03:17
AaronMTdanag should I reboot03:17
DanaGEeh, perhaps just wait a minute, or look in dmesg.03:18
chowmeinedhow can i just undo this upgrade?03:19
Kebinusanthnx calc I'll try that03:19
chowmeinedi just want to use my wireless again, i was under the impression that the whoever fscked things up was fired and the issue was then fixed, but apparently not.. so is there a way i can put the wireless related packages back so it works again?03:20
poseidonI did sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree but youtube videos still don't work, firefox asks me if I want to install missing plug-ins  (I restarted FF after I installed it)03:21
AaronMTrebooting did nothing03:21
poseidonAaronMT, was that directed to me?03:22
AaronMTnah to danag03:22
pestilenceHorizonXP: running a bind9 server resulted in you being disconnected from the net?03:22
DanaGHmm, anything about wifi in dmesg?  Don't paste it, just describe it.03:24
AaronMTwhat should I grep03:24
AaronMTill pastebin03:25
pestilenceHorizonXP: i don't think dnsmasq is what you are looking for.03:25
Zoris does anyone know where I can download the drivers for the Canon iP1600 printer?03:25
HorizonXPahh pestilence03:25
HorizonXPI ran the bind9 server like you said03:25
pestilenceHorizonXP: so what didn't work?03:26
HorizonXPbut when my reznet dns server went down again, I still had the same problem03:26
HorizonXPmeaning my computer was configured properly03:26
AaronMTDanag: /etc/init.d/networking restart03:26
pestilenceHorizonXP: do you have the reznet dns servers in either /etc/resolv.conf or named.conf.options?03:26
AaronMTwoops http://pastebin.ca/95908703:26
HorizonXPthey're under resolv.conf, under the domain for my university03:26
HorizonXPand I had it in named.conf.options as well03:27
pestilenceHorizonXP: resolv.conf should refer to, not their servers03:27
pestilenceHorizonXP: if your server isn't in resolv.conf, you aren't using your own namesever.03:27
DanaGHmm, I don't even see anything about b43 under that pastebin.03:27
pestilenceHorizonXP: and if their servers are that flaky, you should probably remove them from named.conf.options as well03:27
prometheussapt-get install b4303:27
prometheussand follow instructions03:28
AaronMTIt says its already installed prometheeuss and danag03:28
HorizonXPpestilence: in named.conf.options, forwarders = DNS servers I want to use, correct?03:28
AaronMTI do apt-remove and apt-get again, it fetchs the firmware and nothing still03:28
poseidonAny suggestions as to why flash isn't working?03:28
oxigenwe want cinepaint in repository!03:29
DanaGb43 is a package?03:29
DanaGb43 is a module -- try modprobe'ing it.03:29
oxigenwe = i :)03:29
AaronMTno its b43-fwcutter03:29
DanaGYeah, to load the module.  You have to 'sudo' it.03:29
prometheuss#  modprobe b4303:30
pestilenceHorizonXP: no, you don't want any dependence on their servers, correct?03:30
pestilenceHorizonXP: bind9 should run without the forwarders section just fine03:30
AaronMTsudo modprobe b43 does nothing03:31
HorizonXPpestilence: So leave those blank?03:31
HorizonXPpestilence: What do I change in that file then?03:31
pestilenceHorizonXP: comment the entire block out03:31
DanaGgo 'dmesg' now -- see if anything new is there.03:31
HorizonXPpestilence: ok done03:32
HorizonXPpestilence: now I edit resolv.conf?03:32
pestilenceHorizonXP: yes.03:32
prometheussb43 is a package and a module03:33
pestilenceHorizonXP: although, if you get your ip via dhcp, this will probably be overwritten every time you renew your address03:33
HorizonXPpestilence: I do get my IP by DHCP03:33
pestilenceHorizonXP: so you will have to find a more permanent solution.03:33
pestilenceHorizonXP: well, see if it works first :)03:33
* c-ron is drinking: I (heart) you ubuntu community :)03:34
DanaGyo: prepend-dns-servers03:34
DanaGDon't forget that thing.03:34
DanaGprepend-domain-name-servers (or something like that) in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf03:34
HorizonXPI still have that in there03:35
pestilenceso, from a command prompt, type "dig www.google.com"03:35
pestilenceit will tell you what nameserver you are using03:35
HorizonXP121 ms03:35
HorizonXPit's using
pestilenceguess it works03:36
HorizonXPran it a second time, 0 ms03:36
pestilenceyea, because it is caching03:36
AaronMTprometheuss and danag: http://pastebin.ca/95909603:36
HorizonXPI'm gonna unplug my ethernet cable03:36
HorizonXPsee if it comes back up ok03:36
HorizonXPhopefully brb03:36
DanaGHmm, I still don't see anything about b43.03:37
DanaGTry this:03:37
DanaGsudo modprobe -rv b4303:37
DanaGsudo modprobe -v b4303:37
DanaG(unloads and loads, both with "verbose")03:37
HorizonXPok good03:37
HorizonXPso looking at resolv.conf, I have 3 dns servers03:38
HorizonXP127.0.0.1, and then the 2 from my reznet03:38
pestilenceas long as is first, you are golden03:38
HorizonXPpestilence: ok, now.... what happens if these DNS servers go down?03:38
HorizonXPpestilence: how about I simulate that by removing them03:39
AaronMTDanaG: http://pastebin.ca/95909803:39
c-ronis /etc/rc.local the easiest way to autostart a program?03:39
pestilenceHorizonXP: it won't affect you; you aren't using them anymore03:39
DanaGHmm, b43 is loaded now; anything in dmesg?03:39
pestilenceHorizonXP: you can remove them from /etc/resolv.conf03:40
HorizonXPpestilence: so I connect to bind9, bind9 connects to a bunch of global root DNS servers?03:40
Zoris does anyone know where I can download the drivers for the Canon iP1600 printer03:40
HorizonXPpestilence: I can't permanently remove them since my DHCP server provides them to me automatically03:40
HorizonXPhowever, DanaG's tip to edit that dhcp3.conf ensures that is prepended to any DNS servers DHCP assigns to me03:41
pestilenceHorizonXP: as long as is prepended to the list, you won't use their servers03:41
AaronMTDanaG (dmesg): http://pastebin.ca/95909803:41
HorizonXPawesome awesome awesome03:41
HorizonXPI love it03:41
pestilencei can't believe their servers are that flaky03:41
pestilencehow large is this university?03:41
HorizonXPthey go down03:41
HorizonXPum..... almost 30000 students03:42
HorizonXPto be fair, I think it's limited to the residences03:42
HorizonXPbut still03:42
pestilencesomebody should be fired :)03:42
HorizonXPI'm gonna write a letter to my paper03:42
HorizonXPI don't care that much, it's my last term03:42
HorizonXPbut still03:42
* tritium sees an entire console of HorizonXP comments...03:42
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:42
AaronMTWhy is this so hard to start B43-fwcutter03:42
DanaGUniversity residential networking must universally suck.  I hear people at my school (Cal Poly) also talk about brokenness.03:42
AaronMTI dont see anything in dmesg03:42
* HorizonXP is sorry. he's used to IM style of chatting.03:42
DanaGThat's really odd... perhaps the device id isn't matched.03:43
tritiumHorizonXP: no worries.  At least it's not in #ubuntu :)03:43
DanaGTry 'sudo modprobe -v b43-legacy'03:43
DanaGer, no dash.03:43
DanaGI mean, b43legacy03:43
AaronMTinsmod /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/b43legacy/b43legacy.ko03:44
AaronMTnew mesg?03:45
DanaGYeah, anything new in dmesg?03:45
DanaGNothing new?  That's really odd.03:46
DanaGHmm, there's one more module to try: the old bcm43xx  (which has a different fwcutter package)03:47
keithclarkWoohoo!, successful upgrade today and all is well!  Absolutely no issues so far.  Nicely done!03:47
AaronMThow do I go about installing03:47
DanaGOr perhaps you need to unload the b43 and b43legacy and reload the b43legacy03:47
DanaGUnload (modprobe -r) both b43 and b43legacy, and then load b43legacy again.  If that doesn't do anything different, then unload b43legacy and try loading bcm43xx.03:48
AaronMTThis is with unloading b43 and b43legacy and (modprobe -v'ing b43legacy) -> http://pastebin.ca/95910703:50
AaronMTno luck03:51
DanaGThere's seriously nothing new there?  That's really odd.  Are you sure you have a broadcom device?03:51
DanaGIt's even stranger that it didn't at least say "driver loading" or such.03:51
DanaGFor example, I have iwl3945 for my Intel card already loaded, but loading bcm43xx gives this:03:52
DanaG[ 3527.155811] bcm43xx driver03:52
DanaG(just the one line.)03:52
DanaGEr, there are a couple of others about iee80211, actually.03:52
AaronMTlspci: 05:01.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43XG (rev 01)03:53
clintonI'd like to get compiz w/ fusion-icon to use XFCE4's window decorator, is this possible?03:53
DanaGAah.  The fact that none of those drivers even prints the "I've loaded" message seems very odd.03:53
ryanovIs there some way I can leave a message for someone who comes in here sometimes?03:54
DanaGI actually don't know what to do about that lack of loading message.03:54
AaronMTwhat about modprobe bcm43xx03:55
DanaGNone of the pastes of dmesg showed anything about any of the drivers.  Are you re-showing dmesg every time?03:56
DanaGIf so, and the drivers aren't printing "hello"-type messages, then something is seriously strange.03:56
AaronMTyeah I was pasting a new dmesg every time03:57
DanaGThat's Just Plain Screwed Up.  (yes, odd capitalization on purpose.)03:59
DanaGUnfortunately, I don't know where to go from there.03:59
AaronMTill try again tomorrow04:00
AaronMTThanks for the help04:00
HorizonXPhey pestilence: any other cool things I can do to speed up my connection?04:01
travist120Anybody know how to fix ati? I tried using different tools and such to get dual monitor on Hardy, but now I'm stuck with 1 monitor and 800x600 screen.04:15
tcpdumpgodtravist120, try setting HorizSync and VertRefresh in xorg.conf04:16
RAOFtcpdumpgod: That's actually not necessarily a good idea now; the autodetect is often annoyed with you if you manually specify values that are wrong.04:17
tcpdumpgodNo wonder my machine is acting up.04:17
tcpdumpgodWell, mine are correct.04:17
tcpdumpgodBut, I had them wrong at one point.04:17
RAOFtravist120: I'd suggest starting with "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.backup".04:18
RAOFRestart X, and hit System->Preferences->Screen Resolution.04:18
travist120Allright, I will try that, thank you04:18
RAOFtravist120: Note that dual-head is almost certianly going to break compiz for you.04:19
RAOF(Because your maximum texture size is too small)04:19
travist120And does any one know if their wacom drawing tablets work properly? @RAOF, yeah I do understand that, ATI has always given me problems04:19
travist120My wacom tablet wants to work like a mouse, instead of a stylus and eraser04:20
RAOFtravist120: Ah.  You may have to actually _have_ an xorg.conf, and specify watcom stuff manually.04:21
travist120Oh great04:22
travist120Well, I'll go look in google for that04:22
pestilenceHorizonXP: you could do things like run a web cache, but if you aren't really having problems then i wouldn't do that04:22
fotofl0hey, ive got two questions: one, ive just tried joining #ubuntu, but apperently my address is banned04:28
fotofl0is that because im in china?04:28
nickrudfotofl0 ask about it in #ubuntu-ops04:28
fotofl0two: ive got a fully funcitonal ubuntu 6.06 server running on a headless machine... can i use X windows on it from a remote machine?04:28
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
=== fotofl0 is now known as fotoflo
Flannelfotofl0: yes, but you'll need to install the X programs on your server (obviously) with an X client as well.04:32
fotofloof course04:33
* DanaG uses dnsmasq for the sake of bogus-nxdomain ability.04:33
cyclonutdoes anyone know how to make pidgin flash the chat window on new message?04:47
oxigenshould i remove obsolete packages gcc-3.4-base?04:50
* oxigen is scared of gcc issues04:50
* cyclonut is scared of a lot of issues04:51
oxigenbut this one is really scary!04:51
oxigenis this save to remove?04:51
Lynoureoxigen: it's not even in minimal04:52
secret901I just installed Hardy and the sound stopped working04:52
oxigenLynoure: sorry, what do you mean by that?04:53
Lynoureoxigen: Unless you have stuff that compiles itself on its own, not that much to worry about, me thinks (but this is pre-breakfast)04:53
secret901how do I fix the sound problem? the error message is:04:53
oxigen:) ok04:53
secret901No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.04:53
Lynoureoxigen: it's not in minimal install. If it causes problems being gone, you can apt-get install it back, but unlikely to case problems to anything happening on its own04:54
oxigenLynoure: ok, thanks. removed. will you help me if i run into some problems because of it? :)04:55
Lynoureoxigen: I'm not awake here 24/7, but I can tell you for first aid that if you have a problem, you can do sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4-base again :)04:56
oxigenok :)04:56
oxigenbut really, why isn't cinepaint in repository?05:00
oxigenno fans enough?05:01
oxigen& no pro users enough? :P05:01
adelie42Since update last night, and a lot of tweaking later, I discovered grub no longer works if any USB devices are plugged in at startup.05:01
adelie42oxigen: Possibly licencing issues05:01
secret901does anyone have problems with the new sound system in Hardy?  My sound stopped working05:01
adelie42There are some FOSS projects that require you to download only off their site, like SMB05:02
ether_cHi, I've searched quite a bit online for a solution to this problem but found nothing. I have an NTFS external usb hard drive. When I plug it in, nautilus pops up a window and it seems like it is mounted, but I don't see the files on it.05:03
adelie42ether_c: does it show up in System Manager05:04
adelie42ether_c: have you tried browsing it other than from naitilus? like from a terminal?05:05
ether_cadelie42: I have tried browsing it from the terminal05:05
ether_cand it does work05:05
ether_cI can copy files from it05:05
ether_cbut the permissions are all messed up05:05
ether_clike.. all 777 or something05:05
ether_calso, when I do an "ls" on the media dir05:06
adelie42ether_c: well, 777 would only be a security issue, not a restriction05:06
ether_cthat drive is highlighted in green05:06
ether_cyes, but it would be a huge hassle to go and manually chmod every file05:06
adelie42ether_c: can you browse as root?05:07
secret901sound stopped working on my laptop after upgrading to Hardy.  Do I have to do anything to get it working again?05:07
ether_cadelie42: yes05:07
Lynoureadelie42: what kind of FOSS licence allows that kind of limitation (download only from one site)?05:07
ether_coh, you mean in nautilus?05:07
adelie42ether_c: no, but that is a better idea05:07
adelie42Lynoure: well most immediately modified MIT or BSD style liscence would allow it05:08
Griswoldadelie42, Samba uses GPL05:08
DanaGWhy the heck is PulseAudio included by default, if none of the things that make it truly cool are installed by default?05:08
GriswoldWhich implies you can download it from anywhere.05:09
Lynoureadelie42: I just cannot wrap my mind on something like that be considered free as it effectively stops distribution of any kind, modified or not05:09
GriswoldAs an example, I my package manger downloaded it off distro mirrors.05:09
adelie42Griswold: sorry, SMB = Super Mario Brothers05:09
=== nickrud is now known as nikrud
adelie42Lynoure: well, BSD is technically a FOSS liscence05:10
GriswoldWhere is this SMB project website?05:10
Lynoureadelie42: yes, but as far as I know, it does not allow such limit. Maybe I need to real closer.05:10
Lynoureadelie42: you can make stuff non-free, but at that point that version is no longer FOSS05:11
Griswoldadelie42, BSD licenses allow you to redistribute05:12
adelie42Griswold: he he, I can't seem to find it...05:12
Griswold1. Free Redistribution:  The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.05:13
Griswoldadelie42, *By definition* if a license forces you to only download from a specific server or set of servers, it is *not* an OSS license.05:14
GriswoldI can find a similar link from the FSF on "Free Software" licenses also, I am sure.05:15
GriswoldAnd since it is then neither Free nor OSS, it is most certainly not FOSS with such a restriction, regardless of what the authors may think.05:15
adelie42ok, I think I may just be crazy. well, it was smc I was thinking of, and their site has the same version as repo, so...05:15
adelie42grr... cinepaint is in the repo, so...05:16
fr500_in hardy totem has some fancy dvd menu menus...but they don't do anything, or it's just me?05:17
Lynoureadelie42: no worries, it happens05:17
Wiseguyhey guys, ive never used a +1 version before so im just curious if once i install hardy if the full version is able to be obtained by just updating/installing that packages that are add/modified or if i have to go through the whole version updating process?05:17
fr500_Wiseguy: full version will be available for you as normal updates05:17
adelie42fr500_: I only play encrypted  menu'd dvds from vlc05:17
Wiseguyfr500_, cool thanks05:18
fr500_i think beta=feature freeze Wiseguy05:18
JohnPhysWiseguy: just keep updating through the update manager, and you'll have it from the normal updates05:18
fr500_adelie42: can you see in totem if the new menus work?05:18
adelie42JohnPhys: Wiseguy: I think what he is talking about is the big edgy to fiesty bug...05:19
adelie42fr500_: the program menus, or the content on dvd memus05:19
fr500_program menus for dvd menus05:20
Wiseguyadelie42, yeah, i think you are right... ive never done the version updating thing... ive only ever done fresh installs, but i do remember there being an issue in the past with that process05:20
adelie42JohnPhys: Wiseguy: There is astill the "bug" that if certain default config files are modified, your old config may stop working, but only as a gutsy to hardy beta to hardy possible issue05:20
DanaG(it's acting like it's stuck down in the VM.)05:21
DanaGYet, it's fine in the host.05:21
Wiseguyi am doing a fresh install from the 8.04 iso anyways, as i am unable to install 7.10 on my laptop due to strange video issues05:21
Wiseguyim hoping the same thing doesnt happen with hardy05:22
adelie42Wiseguy: because hardy final update will be looking for old gutsy configs to update, not modified hardy beta configs05:22
LynoureWiseguy: if it does, make sure it's reported as a bug05:23
LynoureOne can usually merge configs manually if really necessary. or just override with default new one.05:23
WiseguyLynoure, i will... the strange part is im not using any exotic hardware really... i have in i810 chipset with inegrated intel video..05:24
adelie42they fixed the "bug" between fiesty to gutsy upgrade for configs, but that is too much unnecessary work for a beta version, which is part of the reason they bassically say "don't upgrade till the release day". they want to work on real bugs, not ones that will fix themselves for normal users. beta testers take on that risk05:24
adelie42Lynoure: well, what I have done is that if certain packages break (so often Xserver in the past) just dpkg --reconfigure packagename05:25
DanaGArgh, my ctrl key in my VM is stuck!05:26
adelie42Lynoure: that is often the universal "something broke SUDDENLY and don't know what"05:26
Lynoureadelie42: I'm usually quite thorough with cases where I have modified configs, so I diff and merge myself.05:26
JohnPhysDanaG:  You certainly seem to test a lot, if only indicated by the amount of things you run in to05:27
DanaGI'm one of those people who likes to do this:05:27
JohnPhysDanaG:  same here, but you seem to be one of the unlucky ones :)05:28
DanaGOooooh, what happens if I do THIS?   (goes and sets car to have long springs, low spring k, and medium damping coefficient)05:28
DanaGOr hey, set air friction to negative... that's fun (game is C&C Renegade, or now Red Alert: A Path Beyond).05:28
JohnPhysDanaG:  Fun, but unphysical :)05:29
RAOFNegitive friction.  Cool :)05:29
DanaGThat is a bit off-topic, but it is oh so fun tweaking vehicle physics.05:30
JohnPhysSpeaking of, I need to get back to grading exams05:30
penis there a way to find the screen model?05:32
LunksIs someone here using Hardy x64?05:37
penanother question for HP laptops with Geforce 8400M GS, my compiz fusion animation is slow and laggy compare to my old ASUS laptop which has Geforce Go 760005:38
* Lunks feels sad about pen's 'old' laptop and cries on his 'new' laptop05:40
penLunks: what do you have?05:40
LunksA 'new' laptop with a Geforce 6150. :P05:41
LunksI bought it two months ago.05:41
gaminggeekanyone else here running epiphany?05:47
DanaGHmm, random topic and interesting insight:05:48
DanaGApparently Hitachi's Feature Tool can essentially permanently set the APM setting of the hard drive.05:48
gaminggeekif there is anyone running ephany is printing working for you05:48
gaminggeekepiphany-browser: /build/buildd/cairo-1.5.14/src/cairo-ps-surface.c:2972: _cairo_ps_surface_fill: Assertion `_cairo_ps_surface_operation_supported (surface, op, source)' failed. Aborted (core dumped)05:49
gaminggeekI get that when I try to print05:49
gaminggeekis this a knowen bug?05:49
Andre_Gondimapturl does not work with ff3, is there any tips for this?05:53
LunksAndre_Gondim: I noticed it too. :)05:54
Andre_GondimLunks, =]05:54
LunksI'm not getting any sound from flash videos on Firefox.05:55
LunksNo idea why, really.05:56
RAOFBecause flash sucks, generally.05:56
LunksRAOF: it's not sucking that much on ie6 with wine. ;P05:56
LunksI mean05:57
LunksOn Vbox05:57
RAOFIn particular, because flash abuses ALSA, and so doesn't work with pulseaudio.05:57
LunksNever know where I'm running windows. ;P05:57
DanaGvbox is b0rked for me: it gets keys stuck down.05:57
DanaGAnd I'm using the fixed X server.  And the VM is Windows.05:57
bluefoxxok, i did some cable cleanup in my computer[modified all the wider ribbon cables to increase airflow dropping CPU tempurature another 10 degres] and when i booted up again i could connect to the internet. after this i reset some network settings and now i can get most apps to connect[msn, firefox, xchat] but aptitude still wont, i get "bluefoxx@azUre-prIDE:~$ sudo apt-get install hardinfo | sudo: unable to resolve host azUre-prID05:58
bluefoxxE" still. any reason?05:58
Lunkswhat do you mean by keys stuck down?05:58
RAOFDanaG: Does it work using the not-fixed X server?05:58
LunksRAOF: but ubuntu allows me to use alsa and pulseaudio, right?05:58
DanaGI'll have to try it later.05:58
LunksI don't get this pulseaudio stuff, really.05:58
DanaGOh, and this is with compiz not running.05:58
Lunkswhat do you mean by keys stuck down, DanaG?05:59
DanaGargh, ctrl is stuck in the VM.05:59
RAOFLunks: Yes.  But you can't pipe flash -> ALSA -> Pulseaudio, becuase flash does stupid things that pulse doesn't support.05:59
bluefoxxDanaG: i keep getting that, keys getting stuck. even ruins reisub on my machine.06:00
DanaGSAK still worked for me even under stuck keys.06:00
RAOFSysreq Alt Kill.06:01
Andre_GondimLunks, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apturl/+bug/20353806:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203538 in apturl "Don't work with Firefox3 beta4" [Medium,Confirmed]06:01
RAOFAKA: killswitch.06:01
penI don't understand why screen refresh rate is 50 in ubuntu but 60 in vista?06:01
DanaGalt-sysrq-k  -- kernel-level kill of everything on the TTY.06:01
pendoes ubuntu use a different kind of scaling?06:02
RAOFpen: Because nvidia sucks.06:02
bluefoxxDanaG: ah, that wil be helpfull..06:02
* ethana2 runs updates06:02
DanaGIt works even when ctrl-alt-backspace is broken.06:02
RAOFpen: The nvidia driver deliberately mis-reports the refresh rate (unless you set DynamicTwinview to false in xorg.conf, or something).06:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194214 in xorg-server "Keys get "stuck" down" [High,Triaged]06:02
penRAOF: you mean it's because faulty nvidia driver?06:02
RAOFpen: Precisely.06:03
DanaGThat's one reason I'm going ATI next time, EVEN if it's currently worse!06:03
jbwiv_guys, I just upgraded a vanilla install of Gutsy to Hardy, and now *none* of my sound cards, onboard or PCI, are recognized. I use a PCI SBLive Value as my primary card. Anyone else having this problem?06:03
LunksRAOF: I don't think I can get technical, but I can change mplayer to alsa and it works, why can't flash use alsa? =P06:03
DanaGI'm sick of nvidia, and at least ATI will be open-source crappy (for a while) instead of closed-source rappy.06:03
RAOFpen: Well, not faulty as such.  The nvidia driver is working as designed.  It's just designed stupidly.06:03
DanaGs/rap/you get it/06:03
penRAOF: I see06:03
bluefoxxDanaG: it usualy hapens while im running WINE playing HL2 and the 'w' gets stuck, causing a system bel and compiz title wave, turning quickly into a forkbomb of sorts and preventing alt+sysrq+anything or CAB06:03
DanaGLook on the bug report for a fixed Xorg.06:04
RAOFLunks: I'm not sure how we're handling it by default, but you're probably using the pulseaudio ALSA plugin.  Which routes all ALSA stuff through pulseaudio.06:04
DanaGWhy are all the cool things not installed for pulse by default?06:04
LunksRAOF: lol i'd never think of it! =P06:05
RAOFLunks: Except that flash tries to open every possible channel, and doesn't stop, so it tries to open 64 channels, at which point pulse denies it any further channels.  And flash doesn't output sound.06:05
LunksI thought ALSA was sound kernel driver. ;P06:06
Lunksand pulse audio just a 'sound framework'06:06
Lunksor smth like it06:06
Lunksso you couldn't really use 'alsa plugin for pulseaudio'06:06
bluefoxxi think my net got screwed up cause i bought my router from the flea market for $15 and it came with no cables or documentation[though i could have gotten them it would have been $50], thus i made a power adaptor out of a USB cable and hoked it up to my main box. this is the one i was working on and when i was messing around in the case i turned it off at the PSU on the back... so the router lost power...06:07
JohnPhyspen:  if you set the refresh to the *actual* refresh rate (probably 60, you can check in nvidia settings) in the general part of the compiz settings manager, it helps with video tearing and such06:07
RAOFLunks: That's right.  But ALSA is pluggable, so you can and do have an ALSA plugin that routes the default ALSA device through pulseaudio (which then uses ALSA to acutally output sound).06:07
penJohnPhys: really?06:07
penJohnPhys: but for me setting the rate to 60 helps speed up animation06:08
oxigenanyone knows what is Oyranos? and whyt to install to get it?06:09
DanaGArgh, for some reason, my Fedora VM isn't getting ANY keyboard input now.06:09
penJohnPhys: it's very slow and laggy with 8series card06:09
LunksRAOF: so it's like ALSA->pulseaudio->ALSA06:10
RAOFLunks: Exactly06:10
LunksRAOF: i thought it was like this, but then it sounded silly. :P06:11
DanaGI love the time-varying wallpaper in Fedora 8 (in my VM).  Why doesn't Ubuntu do something like that?  It's quite a wonderful touch.06:11
LunksDanaG: isn't this from macosx?06:11
LunksDanaG: you seem like you've got some juicy stuff for pulseaudio, where is it?06:11
LunksI don't even know what it does. ;P06:11
DanaGpadevchooser is a GUI thingy.06:12
DanaGWhy the heck are none of the truly useful utilities installed by default?  It makes no sense!06:12
DanaGPulseAudio is almost worse than pointless without them.06:13
RAOFDanaG: Some of it is because that would require promoting the tools to main, which requires a lot more security/code/maintainership auditing.06:14
DanaGHmm, then why are they including the actual daemon by default?06:14
DanaGIt makes no sense to me.06:14
JohnPhyspen:  soryr, I don't know anything about the rendering actually being slow06:14
DanaGIt just causes headaches with no gain.06:14
RAOFDanaG: Also, the tools are _ugly_.06:15
Lunkswhat's pulseaudio, then? =P06:15
voidmageall i've seen nifty about pulseaudio is able to control each app's volume06:15
voidmagewhich is pretty nifty, actually06:15
RAOFAnd being able to pipe sounds across the network _easily_.06:15
voidmagenever tried that before06:15
RAOFAnd combining soundcards ;).06:16
voidmageor that06:16
voidmagebut it sounds neat06:16
voidmagei did notice older alsa/oss apps run strangely under pulseaudio06:16
voidmagehave to invoke pasuspender on them06:16
voidmagethen i noticed a few of them have settings to use esd06:16
voidmageand now they use pulse06:16
DanaGPulseAudio also won't do surround sound, at least for me.06:17
voidmagei have a 2.1 setup and it seems to work okay06:17
voidmageprobably because it's 2.1 the speakers control my woofer06:18
DanaG" PA perfectly supports surround sound these days and does a simple but automatic up and downmixing. Closing this bug. "06:19
DanaGBull.  ****.06:19
DanaGIt doesn't support surround at all (at least, not automatically) on my Audigy2!06:20
DanaGNot at all!06:20
DanaGThat's "Perfectly  ?"06:20
DanaGIsn't it a bit presumptive to say that something is "Perfect" ?06:22
gluerfinally got off my compaq nx6320 laptop and onto my asus fj3, no more hardy hardware problems06:24
DanaGI think the next laptop I get will be an HP 8510p.06:25
LunksThe next laptop I got has only 2 usbs. =~06:25
Blown-UppI'm having issues with the wubi.exe installation06:26
LunksAnd this pen guy just make fun of it  ;P06:26
LunksI mean, his older laptop is better than mine.06:26
LunksAnd it's just 2 months older. =~06:26
Blown-Uppit downloads the necesary files from the server, reboots fine and shows the loading screen. I choose normal install and it brings me to a busybox prompt06:26
DanaGAt least it doesn't have just one.06:26
ere4siBlown-Upp: I just got that - you should have another kernel to boot into - generic s the one that worked for me06:27
Blown-Uppdo I do that from busybox or the installation select screen06:28
ere4siBlown-Upp: I couldn't do much at all from busybox - chose the diff kernel at grub06:29
ere4siBlown-Upp: was it the 386 kernel you tried to boot into?06:30
ere4siBlown-Upp: same here06:31
Blown-Uppand how would I go about chosing a different kernel at grub06:31
ere4siBlown-Upp: there should be an option to press e at boot - you have to be quick - it is after your bios screen06:32
Blown-Uppi'll give it a shot06:32
tcpdumpgodcellofellow, what is Catfish written in?06:34
JurgentjeHi... I installed the latest beta of Kubuntu 8.04 and don't have sound... anyone who could lend me a hand? (I didn't have troubles in Kubuntu 7.10)06:38
ere4siJurgentje: did you have to take steps in 7.10 to get sound?06:40
JurgentjeI do have 2 soundcards (1 onboard and 1 Creative Labs Audigy)06:40
Jurgentjeneither one works actually.06:40
Jurgentjeunder 7.10 - both worked (didn't mind both of them working - I only used 1)06:41
Jurgentjesystem does find the cards (both)06:41
ere4siJurgentje: and the right output channel is selected in kmix?06:41
JurgentjeI tried them both in kmix06:41
Jurgentje(I can choose a main card)06:42
Jurgentjeand output on both is enabled.06:42
Jurgentjeif I play sound, there's no error - so it's not the demux that's wrong...06:43
ere4siJurgentje: see if this helps - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46315906:45
DanaGHeh, for me, that toggle does literally nothing.06:47
ere4siI got six kernels to choose from at boot after the upgrade - started with two - is this expected?06:51
Jurgentjeere4si: yeah... it's quite annoying. with every kernel upgrade, a boot option is added06:53
ere4siI got two extra generic kernels - same version number06:53
Jurgentjehttp://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need/ ... could this help?06:55
secret901my audio stopped working; does anyone know I can get it working again?06:56
Jurgentjesigh... I guess this is the $1.000.000 at the moment :p06:56
JurgentjeI'm here for the same reason... and the same is going on on the #kubuntu channel06:56
ere4siJurgentje: ahh well when hardy is released I'll do a reinstall so it isn't an issue - just that one didn't work and another was duplicated06:57
Jurgentjebtw... sound isn't solved with that posting at the forums... :/06:57
ere4siJurgentje: disabling the onboard in bios didn't help?06:58
secret901what changes to the sound system did Hardy make? I don't see any difference besides it not working06:58
Jurgentjeere4si: I can't disable it in bios... already tried that. The option is not available06:59
ere4siJurgentje: and pcm was turned up?06:59
Jurgentjemaybe I could try picking out my Creative card06:59
Jurgentjepcm turned up? (what do you mean by that?)06:59
secret901I noticed that the LED light for my wifi card stopped blinking in Hardy06:59
Jurgentjeoff course07:00
Jurgentjeyes, it is07:00
ere4sik :)07:00
DanaGUgh, virtualbox's idea of snapshots seems broken.07:00
vega--how do i make the gnome calendar start the week on monday, not sunday as the default seems to be?07:01
DanaGI'm out of disk space while upgrading an OS in a VM, so I'm trying to discard all my change and revert.... but it needs MORE space to revert.07:01
tcpdumpgodJurgentje do you have "Headphone" turned all the way up?07:02
tcpdumpgodDanaG, what partition is it on?07:02
DanaGMy root partition.07:03
DanaGI have only one partition, which turns out to be a bit foolish, I guess.07:03
tcpdumpgodDanaG, you have VMWare installed on your root partition?07:03
tcpdumpgodOh okay.07:04
DanaGVirtualBox, actually.07:04
tcpdumpgodDanaG, clean out /var/log and /tmp07:04
Jurgentjetcpdumpgod: what do you mean by "headphone"?07:04
nanobugcan anyone help me quick?  I just installed hardy beta.  I used the new display resolution tool to change my resolution and for some reason it made my monitor go crazy07:04
nanobugso now i am stuck in a console07:04
DanaGOnly 160M there.07:04
tcpdumpgodJurgentje, inside your Volume Applet's properties.07:04
nanobugi tried to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it looks different from other times i've poked around in it07:04
DanaGI'm going through random old downloads.07:04
nanobugon 7.10 i mean07:05
Jurgentjewell, I've got kmix and "headphones" is not in there. Obviously I have the main volume and the pcm volume open07:05
nanobugis there any quick command someone can give me to reconfigure xorg.conf from the console and get back to the desktop?07:05
secret901is it possible to restore to the previous version of the sound manager?07:05
secret901how do I get the computer to recognize my sound card?07:08
tcpdumpgodDanaG, try using this command...07:08
JurgentjeOkay... I have sound... I have to jack open the "front" channel of my surround settings :/07:08
tcpdumpgodfind / -type f -size +20000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $8 ": " $5 }'07:08
DanaGRemoving my old downloads worked.07:08
tcpdumpgodto find some large files and possible delete them.07:08
tcpdumpgodThats a nice command string to narrow down some big files and have them pointed out to you07:09
secret901Jurgentje: what was your problem?07:09
DanaGAnyway, the VM was Fedora 8, with essentially no customizations; I don't actually use it, so I've just deleted it.07:09
DanaGbut I'll save that command.07:09
JurgentjeI didn't have sound on my PCM07:09
secret901Jurgentje: was this a new problem with hardy?07:09
DanaGEeh, should I bother installing Fedora 9 Beta in a VM, if I won't use it?  .... naaah.07:10
JurgentjeI don't know if it's a new problem... it was new for me though07:10
Jurgentjedidn't have that problem under 7.1007:10
tcpdumpgodYeah, it is good for system maintenance DanaG07:10
Jurgentjefirst thing I'll do now is reboot to my old kubuntu and check if the front channel isn't open there by accident.07:10
secret901Jurgentje: do you get error messages or did it just mute the sound?07:10
Jurgentjejust mute07:10
DanaGI essentially don't use Fedora.  I had just installed it so I could learn a bit about the package manager to help others.07:11
Jurgentjeno error message (btw... it's solved now by opening the "front" channel in Kmix)07:11
tcpdumpgodDanaG, its nothing spectacular ... in my eyes.07:11
DanaGThe one thing I do like that Ubuntu is missing: that fading wallpaper trick.07:12
=== tcpdumpgod is now known as r00tintheb0x
DanaGIt's a thing of elegance.07:12
r00tintheb0xIm sure it can do it.07:12
secret901Jurgentje: I guess your problem is different than mine then07:12
DanaGI also have a Hackintosh partition that I only use for laughs once in a long while.  Hardy is my main OS.  I love the font rendering, for one thing.07:13
r00tintheb0xYeah buddie!07:13
bod_hey guys, whenever i drag&drop Synaptic into awn it all seems to be fine intill i reboot then synaptic is no longer in awn,.,.any thoughts as to why?07:14
DanaGToo bad there's no way to resize root while booted from it, even if init'ing to 1 and remounting RO.07:14
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DanaGWhy'd you randomly change usernames, and then change back?07:17
mosesHi everyone! Is there anyone who can help me with ipodconnectivity in HH07:19
DanaGHmm, what can a P2-266 with 192MB of RAM be used for?07:19
secret901the audio in my laptop stopped working after I upgraded to Hardy and I'm getting error messages that "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."; anyone know how I can fix this?07:20
DanaGOdd.... baobab doesn't show files, just folders.07:20
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=== r00tintheb0x is now known as tcpdumpgod
DanaGI'm going to bed now.  It's 12:24PM (Pacific Time.  PST or PDT? I don't have a durn clue.)07:25
bicyclist 07:32
tcpdumpgodsorry moses i dont own one.07:33
ere4siI've ended up with a .directory icon on the desktop after the upgrade ??07:33
tcpdumpgodthats normal ere4si .07:34
ere4sinever had one before...07:34
=== bicyclist is now known as Uwe
=== Uwe is now known as bicyclist
tcpdumpgodTrust me, its normal.07:36
* bicyclist Uwe Hauck07:36
ere4siWell, I've never had one on the desktop, I don't want one, so I'll remove it :)07:37
tcpdumpgodyeah, you can definitely remove it...07:41
tcpdumpgodIts just something left over from the upgrade ere4si07:41
ere4sik thnx tcpdumpgod07:42
tcpdumpgodno problem07:42
SmegzorAfter using 8.04 for a day, I shut down this morning and now it wants to force fschk on my first partition.  There is no progress bar and it just sits there.  If I ctrl-alt-del it proceeds to login but it can't find my home dir and i can't log in.  Does this sound familiar?  How do I fix not being able to find my home dir?  Its definitely there but a few days ago I did chmod it to hide its contents from other users.  I've logged into07:44
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daviscInstalled hardy Beta last night but couldn't get compiz running with Xinerama. Switch to TwinView and it all works. Should the bug go against xorg?08:59
gaminggeekarg why does pulse audio suck so much!09:06
EqUaTedavisc: did it work with gutsy?09:16
daviscEqUaTe: I didn't have gutsy on that machine and couldn't use it with feisty because there was a bug with gnome-terminal09:18
EqUaTewell, i'm not sure that compiz is supposed to work with xinerama.. and isn't xinerama a dying tech anyway? (iirc it was a rather bad way of handling multiple monitors...)09:20
daviscMaybe - but that's the config that the screen res utility sets up09:20
EqUaTewhich util?09:20
daviscThe ubuntu one - shows up under Applications -> Other09:21
daviscAt work at the mo so don't have it in front of me09:21
EqUaTenot running ubuntu on the machines i have access to atm.. but it sounds more like a bug with that package than xorg..09:21
Infectohmm i have strange ups in kernel09:22
daviscMaybe both. Technically, the res utility worked perfectly (though I did have to manually set the type of monitors - plug and play didn't work). It's just that you can't use Compiz with Xinerama - you get the famous "The Composite extension could not be loaded" error09:23
EqUaTeyes, and ubuntu uses compiz fusion as standard, so the tool shouldn't be using xinerama really..09:23
gluerhow do i adjust laptop brightness in hardy if brightness control doesnt work?09:24
Tenguhello! how to "include" preseed conf into kickstart ? which command do I have to use?09:24
TenguI saw something like "preseed --owner gdm shared/default-x-display-manager select gdm", but I have to include a whole script...09:25
daviscEqUaTe: Someone beat me to it :-)09:27
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LynoureSeems I can no longer start firefox-2,  even doing firefox-2 from the commandline starts a new FF3 window09:29
LynoureDoes it work for you others? I'm on hardy kubuntu09:30
iSplicerhey all09:33
DistroJockeyiSplicer: Greetings :)09:33
iSplicerif i install hardy, the latest alpha, will i be able to upgrade to the latest stable version (when it comes out), without a clean re install?09:34
LynoureiSplicer: Yes.09:34
iSplicerthanks mate =)09:34
davisciSplicer: You'll be doing large apt-get dist-upgrades between now and when it's released09:35
iSplicerjust one question, sorry if its annoying -> its not THAT unstable, right? Some people have said you cant tell the difference between alpha and stable and others say the alpha is very bugged09:35
DistroJockeyiSplicer: I find it suitably stable09:36
davisciSplicer: It's not alpha at the moment - it's beta09:36
DistroJockeyiSplicer: the beta that is09:36
davisciSplicer: And you'll get a few things that won't work but I've never had big problems09:36
iSpliceroh i see, must of got it mixed up, lol.09:36
iSplicerthe new wallpaper looks mad09:37
iSplicerman, who are the guys who make ubuntu for free?09:38
LynoureiSplicer: some ubuntu developers actually get paid... and some upstream devs too. :) But most do it for free.09:39
jimqodeiSplicer, you, me, everybody. :)09:39
iSpliceroh, lol09:41
DistroJockeyiSplicer: if you can wait 28 days, Hardy will be released then :)09:42
iSpliceryeah, you are right, but I have a clean computer that my mother wants to use ubuntu on, its got no OS on it...09:43
iSplicer... so wouldnt it be better to install the beta and then upgrade to the stable one without reinstalling09:43
iSplicerthat, and i cant wait to try the new ubuntu =]09:43
DistroJockeyiSplicer: ahh *nods*09:43
iSpliceroh yeah, beta is newer than alpha6 right?09:43
jimqodeiSplicer, you know you can contribute right? http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:44
DistroJockeyalpha, beta, gamma, delta09:44
DistroJockeynot that we go to gamma and delta :)09:44
jimqodeyes beta comes after alpha. then comes release candidate, then release09:44
iSpliceryeah, im a member of the forums, and i am trying to get into the community as much as possible, I am only a newcomer to linux09:45
iSplicerand i couldnt believe my eyes when it uses 165MB of ram when IDLE09:45
iSplicerWHY DID I BUY 4GB OF DDR2-1066 RAM? WHY??!?!09:45
DistroJockey255MB here for Hardy atm09:45
DistroJockeyMem:   1554748k total,  1356364k used,   198384k free,    51284k buffers09:46
DistroJockeySwap:  1951888k total,        0k used,  1951888k free,   824396k cached09:46
DistroJockeymore if I run stuff :)09:46
DistroJockeyI never hit swap though :)09:46
iSplicerhey, when i install the beta, and when the release candidate comes out, can i upgrade to that (will it remind me automatically?)09:46
LynoureiSplicer: Maybe you want to run many virtual machines, or edit huge images (or video...)?09:47
iSpliceryeah sure, i do a lot of munber crunching09:48
iSplicerwith matlab09:48
DistroJockeyiSplicer: tried Scilab? It's free :)09:48
iSpliceris releases.ubuntu.com down for you? doesnt seem to be loading...09:48
iSpliceroh, there it is09:48
LynoureCould someone with both FF2 and FF3 installed kindy see if FF2 starts for them?09:49
DistroJockeyLynoure: how did you install FF2?09:50
LynoureDistroJockey: I did not, for hardy, just upgraded from gutsy09:51
DistroJockeyLynoure: ahh09:52
LynoureIn my opinion either it should run, or FF3 should mark FF2 as conflicting package.09:52
LynoureNow I'm still trying to discover if this happens to other people too.09:53
DistroJockeyLynoure: that sounds fair09:53
DistroJockeyLynoure: did you try running it from terminal in the appropriate directory?09:54
LynoureDistroJockey: what's the appropriate directory? firefox-2 from command line opens a new firefox-3 window to me. Should not be dependent on what directory I'm in when I run it09:55
Lynoureboth are in the path, being in /usr/bin/09:56
DistroJockeyLynoure: my firefox-3.0 in /usr/bin links to:  ../lib/firefox-3.0b4/firefox.sh09:57
Raspberrywow, no updates for 3 hrs... impressive09:57
LynoureDistroJockey: same here. and ff2 runs for you?09:58
DistroJockeyLynoure: don't have FF2 as I did a clean install, sorry09:58
LynoureDistroJockey: well, on my system /usr/bin/firefox-2 still links to ../lib/firefox/firefox-2 , alas, still it starts ff309:59
DistroJockeyLynoure: but I was thinking that if you went to /usr/lib/firefox-2.???/firefox.sh   instead it may run09:59
DistroJockeyLynoure: ahh *nods*10:00
LynoureDistroJockey: Is there any way I could get you to try ff2? :)10:00
DistroJockeyLynoure: well, that's why I asked how you installed it :) Was going to do what you did10:01
LynoureI mean, me fixing it on my system will not help anyone... I was only about to run it to troubleshoot someone elses different ff2 problem10:01
SmegzorWhy do i have to manually connect to the internet every time I boot up?  Is this a bug?  How do I make it go online automatically?10:01
LynoureDistroJockey: sudo apt-get install firefox-2  ought to do it, I think.10:02
DistroJockeyLynoure: indeed it does, installing :)10:03
LynoureDistroJockey: Thank you. (I checked meanwhile that mine was uptodate)10:04
DistroJockeyLynoure: I can run both, but not at the same time10:05
Smegzoranother thing that isn't working is desktop wallpaper.  that only changes after logging off. :(10:05
tannerlots and lots of rum10:05
RaspberryWhy does the new updates to FireFox3 not allow me to open PDFs... It only lets me save them10:05
DistroJockeyLynoure: In Applications - Internet  I now have listed: Firefox 2 Web Browser and Firefox Web Browser10:06
LynoureDistroJockey: if you run them simultaneously, same thing happens to you?10:07
DistroJockeyLynoure: I started 2, then when I started 3 with 2 running, I got another 210:07
DistroJockeyLynoure: kill all your Firefox's maybe?10:08
Lynoureinteresting. Probably worth reporting, probably not worth fixing unless maybe to the webdev crowd10:08
DistroJockeyLynoure: The Link Target for /usr/bin/firefox-2 is  ../lib/firefox/firefox-210:09
LynoureDistroJockey: yes, same I had. and as the behaviour was same too, yup, reporting10:10
DistroJockeyLynoure: *nods* :)10:10
LynoureDistroJockey: thanks for your input, it's now at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/20763810:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207638 in firefox-3.0 "Will not start if firefox-2 is running" [Undecided,New]10:19
DistroJockeyLynoure: Cheers, for the link was just looking for it or going to ask if I couldn't find. A no problem :)10:20
DistroJockey*shoots his typist*10:21
LynoureOh I wish that there was a) a formilized way to note versions on Launchpad b) a way to voice one's opinion on the severity10:21
m1rhi all10:21
DistroJockeyLynoure: Nicely written bug report10:22
LynoureFeels a bit wasteful reporting lesser-than-medium bugs, as they pop up in the unhandled queue as high as the more important ones10:22
DistroJockeyLynoure: file a bug report ;P10:23
LynoureDistroJockey: Thanks :) hardy has been so far shockingly well-behaved on my system.10:23
DistroJockeyLynoure: I agree, it's running nicely10:23
LynoureI guess I could file a brainstorm thing.10:23
LynoureNot today, though.10:24
DistroJockeyLynoure: I had 1 issue with java, but solved that following a bug thread10:24
m1ranyone have problems with prism54usb ?10:26
PodMan99ahey all ... whats the package for kernel source.... ubuntu-source / kernel-source unable to be found?10:37
martallilinux-source-2.6.24 and so on10:38
PodMan99amartalli, thanks10:41
martallino prob10:42
ere4sijust did a  sudo apt-get autoclean   after upgrading this afternoon and it removed nearly a Gig :)10:46
PodMan99aim having to use 2.6.22-14-generic rather than *-24 as 24 wont boot loads up as busybox cli (initramfs)10:52
ere4siPodMan99a: you didn't get a *-24 generic kernel as well? - is it the 386 kernel that goes to busybox?10:55
PodMan99ai have a generic kernel but its not in grub ?10:55
ere4siPodMan99a: I had the same issue with the 386 kernel - maybe try   update-grub?10:57
PodMan99akool thanks10:57
glueranyone know how i can install the latest asus-acpi so i can get my fn-f5 fn-f6 brightness keys to work?11:03
dns53gluer just modprobe asus-acpi? works for me11:08
ddaltonis gdm not working for you guys? Or is it just me? I apparently just get a loading screen.11:09
DistroJockeyddalton: Works for me11:10
DistroJockeyddalton: clean install of Hardy or an upgrade?11:11
ddaltonupgrade interupted by mistake since im blind and lost speech and I restarted it with dpkg --configure -a11:12
DistroJockeyddalton: Interupted things get ugly11:13
ddaltonoh any ideas on how I could begin fixing?11:13
ddaltonDistroJockey: any ideas?11:14
dns53dpkg --configure -a, work out what is broken and try and reinstall it, what packages are currently broken?11:14
DistroJockeyddalton: what things are broken?11:14
ddaltongdm and then a speakup kernel I install... Some stuff in /lib/firmware got left behind...11:14
DistroJockeyGreetings dns53 :)11:14
ddaltonI think the rest is ok... oh and open office couldn't  update because of openoffice-something...11:15
DistroJockeyddalton: maybe a:  sudo apt-get --reinstall gdm11:16
dns53what video card do you have?11:17
DistroJockeyI'm not sure if gdm is a package though. Anyone?11:18
dns53it is, but the problem could also be the video card drivers or something essential11:19
dns53you could also be out of disk space11:19
DistroJockeydns53: thanks *nods*11:20
dns53df to see11:20
ddaltonSorry im switching my braille display between to machines...11:23
ddaltonok let me read what you guys wrote11:23
ddaltonok well first I am not sure what video card I have, but it worked with gutsy. Also I should have plenty of disk space.11:24
dns53well if you have a nvidia or ati card you may be using a binary driver that may not be installed yet. open your xorg.conf and see what driver it is using11:26
DistroJockeyddalton: can you restate what the issue is with gdm please?11:27
ddaltonok well, it was working with gutsy before.11:28
ddaltonCan I revert to gutsy11:28
dns53yes but it is not easy, you would need to force it to downgrade everything11:29
ddaltonwell I apparently just get this thing moving around showing its loading nothing happens and it doesn't show any progress11:29
ddaltonhow would I do that?11:29
ddaltonI kind of regret upgrading now11:29
Hobbsee`ddalton: just reinstall11:30
DistroJockeyddalton: you can access a virtual console using ctrl+alt+f2  ?11:30
dns53apt-get --downgrade install packagename for each package installed. you will need gutsy in your sources.list11:30
ddaltonim in a text console now yes11:30
DistroJockeymaybe dmesg will be of help11:31
Hobbsee`dns53: that's a royal pain.  reinstall is easier, and better11:31
ddaltonok ill reinstall then.11:31
dns53i agree, but just stateing that it is possible11:31
ddaltonanyone know of an accessible installer?11:32
ccookeddalton: How was the system installed originally?11:32
dns53the alterative install cd should be accessable11:32
ddaltonI mean that talks. im blind11:33
DistroJockeyddalton: most current installers should be11:33
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
ccookeDistroJockey: are they? I don't recall seeing anything that would get them to activate a screen reader, say, automatically11:33
ddaltonI got sighted help11:33
DistroJockeyddalton: what is that package called, speex  ?11:33
ccookeddalton: your problem currently is that gdm isn't working, yes?11:34
dns53it is an audio codec used for voip11:34
ccookeddalton: is that the only thing?11:34
DistroJockeyccooke: Not automatic, no, but maybe a boot option?11:34
ccookeDistroJockey: heh. The problem is, how do you get that active if you can't see the option...11:35
ddaltonI can enable orca but that didn't voice it last time.11:35
ddaltonim searching...11:36
DistroJockeyccooke: true11:36
DistroJockeyWith the screen on I figured out the magic sequence of keys I need; F5, down three times, enter twice. This will start feisty with the orca screenreader enabled. I guess there's no way grub can provide any audio feedback so we're just going to have to tell our blind user the magic key sequence to get him started.11:37
DistroJockeyend quote :)11:37
ccooke(It might be nice to set up a keyboard sequence that enables a screen-reader, then play a sound clip on entry into the GUI telling you what it is.11:38
ccookeIt'd all be English, unfortunately, but that's better than nothing)11:39
DistroJockeythe above link says what available but not how to do it :(11:39
DistroJockeyddalton: you probably know all that though11:40
DistroJockeyddalton: but with a broken system, it just may not work11:41
ddaltonI found some instructions:11:44
DistroJockeyddalton: nice :)11:46
twagerAnyone tell me if the restricted driver install device for nvidia and ati is still in Hardy ?11:47
ddaltonlets hope it actually works... :-)11:47
DistroJockeyddalton: best of luck. Sorry we couldn't fix your current install though11:48
ddaltonso will it be ok if I just install to hda2 and change the size of swap and hda2? will it effect windows? will dual boot still work? can it a11:48
ddaltoncan I just remove the partitions hda2 ubuntu and swap and then run the installer like before?11:48
Ngtwager: should be, although I think it's called jockey now11:49
DistroJockeyddalton: the installer usually has an option to remove all linux partitions and set up a default setup11:49
twagerNg: Thanks will have another look...11:49
ddaltonand leave windows alone?11:50
DistroJockeyddalton: I guess that is what you need11:50
Ngtwager: try System->Administration->Hardware drivers11:50
DistroJockeyddalton: it should, yes. But it is always a good idea to have a backup11:50
ddaltonyeah. ill go manual and just remove the linux ones and make sure I read11:50
DistroJockeyme too :)11:50
ddaltonyep I got to dd images11:52
DistroJockeyddalton: well, I hope it all goes smoothly for you11:52
DistroJockeyddalton: did you happen to try the apt-get --reinstall gdm ?11:54
=== kelsa|martalli is now known as martalli
rexy_they fixed the hal package the wrong way :|, installation failed because it was using a hal directory rather then hald, now it creates a hal directory instead?12:02
rexy_or are hal and hald to seperate things?12:02
ddaltonDistroJockey: I think it said invalid argumen12:08
marlunI've set all the volume controls to the highest value but still the volume isn't very high. Can I change this somehow?12:08
ddaltonok their instructions don't work, however, I'm trying a little hack12:10
DistroJockeyddalton: ahh, bummer12:11
ddaltonno that fails too12:12
ddaltonWhen I study it it doesn't even make any sense.12:13
ddalton"How can you run orca as root when root has no configuration file?" Maybe if you do the boot thing im  not sure12:14
DistroJockeyddalton: sudo orca12:15
DistroJockeyddalton: ?12:15
W8TAHmorning everyone12:16
ddaltonno... because A orca has no config B it will then take up the term and make it unuserable.12:16
ddaltonThat was a bit of my hack.12:16
ddaltonI think there instructions will work though if I select screenreader from the boot.12:17
ddaltonAny thanks for all the help!12:17
ddaltonGoing to bed.12:17
ddaltongood night12:17
DistroJockeyddalton: good luck, night12:17
ddaltonthanks. bye12:17
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
khauris the KDE4 desktop in Hardy currently broken, or is it just me? plasma seems to crash for me after installing the latest updates12:23
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Dr_willisLa da dee.. fresh new beta Kubuntu install Now to break things..12:25
Dr_willisI did like the Install  without booting to the live cd desktop feature.12:26
DistroJockeyDr_willis: from the Desktop CD?12:29
Dr_willisYea. the kubuntu kde4 live desktop cd had that optuon in the grub menu.12:30
Dr_willisNot sure if its on the other cd's or not.12:30
Dr_willisIt basicially started a minimal X desktop with the installer going. No kde.12:30
DistroJockeyDr_willis: ahh, yeah,that was what I was wondering (if text install or expert was available at boot) :)12:31
VidenI could really use some help with a broadcom wireless card in Hardy.  The fwcutter worked fine in gutsy but in hardy will only allow the wireless to work on 1mb.  Can anyone help?12:33
Dr_willisHeh kde4 allredy crashed on me..12:33
DistroJockeyheh, I don't like kde4 at all12:33
Dr_willisit wasent a text install.  looked like the normal old installer.. if there was any changes i dident notice them12:33
Dr_willisIve gotten where i use fluxbox + fbpanel lately12:33
Dr_willisi figured this was the safest way to test out kde4.12:34
LaneyCan I disable the animation when I click on panel icons?12:34
Dr_willisLaney,  for gnome? or kde?12:35
LaneyDr_willis: For GNOME. Click on a launcher in the panel and it does some zoom animation12:35
DistroJockeyLaney: good question, although I do like it :)12:35
Dr_willisI never noticed it.. sorry. :)12:36
Dr_willis!info xfce412:37
LaneyGot it. /apps/panel/global/enable_animations in gconf-editor12:37
Dr_willisI did get used to xfce over the last week or 2 also. been testing out other desktops12:37
Videncan anyone help with this wireless issue?12:37
rafaelhas someone problems with the gnome-settings-daemon?12:38
picard_pwns_kirkI can't use direct rendering anymore, after the updates12:40
picard_pwns_kirkanyone home?12:41
Videni think you will find that no one is12:42
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:42
picard_pwns_kirknot aaaargh no one's here12:43
picard_pwns_kirkbut aaaarrggghhh opengl's not working12:43
picard_pwns_kirkfixed it12:46
KamicaziHey everyone12:46
KamicaziPhone rang haha12:50
KamicaziI have a question12:51
KamicaziI have a Compaq PResario v6500 and ran 8.04 live on the laptop and ran iwconfig and no devices showed12:51
Kamicaziis there some type of drivers that I can get?12:52
Videnkamicazi:  do you know what wireless chipset it uses ?12:52
KamicaziUmm no I'll find out really quick12:52
KamicaziIntel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG12:53
Videnkamicazi: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/intel-wireless-3945-508359/12:53
Videni wish you more luck that I am having with my broadcom chipset12:54
NgKamicazi: strange, 3945 should Just Work12:55
Ngit should even have whinged at you about proprietary drivers12:56
Kamicaziit should but its not for somereason12:56
VidenNg:  yeah it "should"  I have heard several say it doesn't though12:56
Viden /sigh wireless support in ubuntu is seemingly years behind12:56
Kamicazishould I just install 8.04 and see what it does12:56
KamicaziI just ran the live12:56
KamicaziI just want to get rid of Vista12:57
NgViden: I upgraded at least 2 3945 users and it's gone fine, and it works fine on my 4965 :/12:57
dns53well i am using an older kernel myself as the current does not have madwifi12:57
rexy_Kamicazi, dont use hardy beta12:57
VidenNg:  i wish dell wouldnt have been cheap in there most expensive laptop and placed an intel in it and not this stupid broadcom12:57
rexy_Kamicazi, especially a nono if you are new to it12:57
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Kamicazirexy_: Why shouldn't I, I've ran ubuntu on one of my desktops since 6.xx(can't remember the version...)12:58
Kamicazirexy_,  and one of my laptops before I sold it12:59
Videni think it was just a general warning because a lot of people that are totally new to linux try to install the beta OS and then hose everything12:59
=== chds1 is now known as chdst
rexy_i can guarantee you that you will run into several things that are broken for some reason, heh13:00
KamicaziI've been using linux for a while I used to run Gentoo before I turned to Ubuntu13:00
Videnlol ... lots of things are broken ... finding ways around them is the fun part .. lol13:00
KamicaziI'm on 8.04 now lol13:00
KamicaziHaven't had no troubles yet on this desktop13:00
* orvokki wonders if he's the only one whose nvidia-glx-new doesn't work.13:01
rexy_i've got 8.04 on the lappy, workstation still runs normal though, probably wont move that one over for a few months13:01
KamicaziI even have compiz fusion which I've had troubles with before and installed it with no troubles13:01
KamicaziI'm going to go get my presario and just try an install13:02
rexy_like this nifty feature, alsa happly resets the volume on my headset to the value stored in the machine13:02
KamicaziI'll let you all know the outcome13:02
rexy_rather then keeping the volume level stored on the headset13:03
Videnhas anyone else had issues with autocompletion in the shell?13:04
rexy_Viden seperate package13:04
rexy_search autocompletion13:04
Videnrexy_:  i should say after the install of the autocomplete package13:05
Videnthats the first thing i did13:05
rexy_oh, heh :)13:05
youngmusicorgafter installing libnss-ldap, shouldn't there be a config file /etc/libnss-ldap.conf?13:06
Videnapt seems a little screwy in general though cause after it exits it places about 20 returns in the shell and gives me a nice scroll down the page .. lol13:06
Videnoff the top of your head can you remember that package name .... cant seem to find it in the repo now, although i know i installed it before13:10
youngmusicorgViden: Who are you talking to? The package i was talking about is called libnss-ldap13:12
Videnyoungmusicorg:  sorry was talking to rexy13:13
youngmusicorgah, ok :-)13:14
KamicaziWell I'm 57% done installing >_<13:19
KamicaziI hate how you have to wait haha13:19
Videnits a fast install though in comparison13:19
KamicaziVista takes forever13:19
Videnan hour of pain for a lifetime of agony13:20
KamicaziIt's like almost 3 hours on some systems13:20
KamicaziVista was just so poorly programmed13:20
KamicaziI still think if I wanted windows 2000 Pro is the way to go13:21
orvokkiHow about Windows 2003 Server?13:21
Videnubuntu would be the perfect OS imo if they would just improve their support for wireless and multiple monitors13:21
orvokki(Or pro if there's one)13:21
KamicaziThat's A good system if your running a server13:21
Videni have 2003 server installed as my windows os on any machine i have with windows13:21
mat__hi all?13:21
orvokkiHello, world.13:21
KamicaziI just don't like windows really at all13:22
Viden /agreed13:22
KamicaziHeya Mat13:22
KamicaziI'm more of a UNIX man now13:22
Kamicaziwell *NIX13:22
KamicaziI really enjoy Macs though13:23
Videni cant say i honestly have any "need" for windows now .. the only app that i love that i cant run in *nix is dameware13:23
Kamicaziwhat's dameware?13:23
KamicaziI haven't heard of it13:23
orvokkiViden: Doesn't run in Wine either?13:23
Videnremote control application13:23
Videnorvokki:  nope13:23
Videnwindows based machines and servers13:23
Kamicazican't you just use rdp?13:24
Vidennet admins best friend13:24
Videnit has tons of features other than just rpd13:24
Kamicazigot a link?13:24
Videncheck it out ... nice app :  www.dameware.com13:24
Kamicazioh I have seen this before I just forgot about it13:25
Kamicazihey zack13:26
zack1I installed the 8.04 beta on my laptop and now my wireless card no longer works. it is listed in lshw but there is logical name. I tried modprobe -r airo to remove the driver but nothing happens, it just sits there. Why is it sitting there doing nothing?13:26
zack1no* logical name13:26
Kamicaziwhat's the chipset13:26
Kamicaziwireless* chipset13:26
zack1I switched kernels from the generic to the non generic, the chipset is cisco aironet 802.11b13:27
Kamicazioh I don't even know of that one lol13:27
zack1my main problem is that i dont know why modprobe is not doing anything13:27
KamicaziI'm having troubles with my Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG13:27
zack1oh i read about that one hold on this might help13:27
Kamicaziwell from what I've heard in here there is still problems13:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199620 in ubuntu "[REGRESSION] Wireless iwl3945 No Longer Works (Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 6)" [Undecided,New]13:28
zack1I think it is the new kernel screwing things up, my sound doesnt work either13:28
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KamicaziWell I was running it in live13:29
KamicaziI'm done installing now and im restarting13:29
zack1really? i couldnt get my wireless or sound to work on the live cd :(13:29
Kamicazimaybe the live version dosent load all the drivers13:30
Kamicaziit should but maybe it dosent13:30
zack1according to lshw it shows my card and it says it is using the airo driver, but it isnt recognized for some crazy reason13:31
Kamicazimope wireless still dosent work13:31
Kamicaziehh still no wireless extentions13:32
rexy_anyone know how to add a bluetooth headset as a sink/source in pulseaudio?13:32
zack1no idea13:34
Kamicazican anyone tell me the package for ssh?13:35
daviscopenssh-server is one of them anyway13:36
jpatrickKamicazi: openssh-server?13:36
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:36
Kamicazisays its not available13:36
daviscapt-get update13:36
Kamicazihaha forgot that13:36
Kamicazilol for got the update thanks dav13:37
magnetronjust get the "ssh" package and you'll be fine, Kamicazi13:38
lucasvomy WLAN suddenly stopped working. It doesn't show up in the Network settings anymore. I can't configure it with iwlist/ifconfig either13:38
lucasvoit's a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)13:39
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lucasvoare there any known issues?13:40
Kamicazilucasvo run iwconfig and see if its even seeing the wireless extentions13:40
Kamicazicause im having that same problem13:40
Kamicazibut mines a Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG13:40
lucasvoKamicazi: I can't find anyone13:40
lucasvoKamicazi: for how long?13:40
Kamicazithen your in the same boat im in lol13:40
Kamicazisince yesterday when I first installed it13:41
lucasvoKamicazi: it broke on my machine(I already was running 8.04) about 2 weeks ago13:43
lucasvoKamicazi: were you able to install/load it manually?13:43
Kamicazihmm I have a link I was given that might help13:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199620 in ubuntu "[REGRESSION] Wireless iwl3945 No Longer Works (Ubuntu 8.04 Alpha 6)" [Undecided,New]13:44
Kamicazitry that13:44
* Hobbsee raises eyebrows13:44
Kamicaziit didn't work for me13:44
Hobbseeif that's true, then how am i talking?13:44
Hobbseeah yes, no kernel modules will do it13:44
Kamicazimine still dosent work though13:45
HobbseeKamicazi: got the ubuntu modules for whichever kernel shows in uname -a?13:45
Kamicaziis there a way that I can recompile the kernel and reload it13:45
Kamicazihmm let me check13:45
Kamicazithis is what I got in uname -a13:46
KamicaziLinux melvin-laptop 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux13:46
KamicaziI just don't know how to check the modles that are already present13:47
LaneyDoes anyone else have a problem where if you click on the pidgin "new message" panel icon (the flashing one) while on another desktop, the desktop isn't switched back to the one with the chat window on?13:47
HobbseeKamicazi: what does 'apt-cache policy linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic' say?13:47
Hobbseein particular, on the "installed" line13:48
BUGabundoguys and ladys13:48
BUGabundohave a look at bug 207733 is cracking me open...13:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207733 in openoffice.org "[hardy] openoffice about says v2.3 and v2.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20773313:48
Kamicazi 2.6.24-12.1713:48
BUGabundolooks like we are goind with a new13:48
BUGabundoGIMP bug as in gutsy13:49
HobbseeKamicazi: strange.13:49
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases13:50
m1rwhat is with prism54usb ? it was working in 7.10 and in 8.04 is droping my usb wlan down after 2 seconds conection13:50
KamicaziHobbsee: what's strange?13:50
BUGabundothat reminds me DeepB... how do I run the equivlent to that on a debian/ubuntu sheel?13:51
zack1__kamicazi do you know what driver you are suppose to use?13:52
HobbseeKamicazi: it should be working13:52
Kamicazizack1__, no I do not this is the first time running linux on this laptop13:53
zack1__kamicazi, ok open up a terminal and type this in without quotes "sudo lshw"13:54
Kamicaziwhat is that supposed to do?13:54
zack1__it will give oyu an output of all your hardware13:54
BUGabundoformat your HOME Kamicazi13:54
zack1__you need to look through it to find your card13:54
Kamicaziall I'm seeing is "PCI (sysfs)"13:55
zack1__scroll up till you see "*-netowrk"13:55
Kamicaziand its just like if froze13:55
zack1__kamicazi its loading up the stuff it might take a minute13:55
KamicaziI already know my wirless chipset if that's what your wonderign13:56
zack1__kamicazi, when you ge to the network section, it should have 2 or more network sections13:56
zack1__what you need to look for is the one that has the name of your wireless card, on here do you see a part called "logical name"13:57
KamicaziThis is going to take a while it seems I'll be back in a couple13:57
zack1__kamicazi, be sure to type my name in the message when you get back or else i might miss it13:59
Milos_SDwhen will lirc be fixed?14:00
Milos_SDI can not start daemon14:00
adinc i've installed my custom kernel for testing, now i removed it again and apt gives errors when i try to install any other package, it says cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.25-rc6-custom which was the modules for the kernel i build. how can i fix this quickly?14:00
fromportadinc: mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.25-rc6-custom14:01
fromportthen run "dpkg --configure -a"14:01
fromportthen it will shut up about the error ;-)14:01
adincfromport: will i have to do this directory for every kernel i compile?14:02
BunnyRevolutionis the LAMP server still using /var/www as the root html directory?14:02
BunnyRevolutionis *buntu changing or dropping options from CLi commands?14:03
fromporti compiled a kernel, purged it, but upgrades decided i still had the kernel installed. it's probably something with the grub-update that will get fixed real soon14:03
fromportadinc: could you try if it fixes your problem ?14:03
adincfromport: yes it fixed the problem14:03
Kamicazizack1__ its still tyring to find the hardware14:07
Kamicaziit still just says "PCI (sysfs)14:07
adincthe version numbering in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 shows version 2.6.24-12.17 for the latest modules when i search for the modules with apt i get  linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic how can i find out if this is version 2.6.24-12.17 as stated in the link above14:07
zack1__kamicazi how is your wireless card attached? is is pci?14:08
zack1__I can not get "sudo modprobe airo" to do anything. it just sits there.14:16
shaygo back to gutsy14:17
kitchezack1__: what do you see though just the line sudo modprobe airo or the prompt14:17
zack1__thats a rather non-progessive way to think14:17
collusionmy thinkpad x40 used to suspend with dapper (possibly with various pre-dapper hacks) but doesn't with hardy; any thoughts on how to debug?14:17
zack1__kitche, when I type in the command and hit enter i drops one line lower? and there is nothing there not even a prompt14:18
kitchethen it might be waiting for something but I would look at dmesg and logs14:18
zack1__where would they be located kitche14:19
kitchedmesg is a command14:19
zack1__in dmesg i dont see anything related to eth1, which would be my wireless. When I type in iwconfig however, I do not see eth1. But lshw shows the card but without a logical name listed.14:21
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Daisuke_Laptoppower management appears to be subpar so far (as far as processor scaling, at least)14:23
zack1__This is a little different but did 8.04 change they way xorg.conf is configured? I just opened it up to edit it but there is nothing there besides identifiers except for input devices.14:23
zack1__ok reading through dmesg again i found this line "airo(): Found an MPI350 card"14:27
ere4siI can't view the filesystem - even    kdesudo dolphin /     brings up an mt folder...?14:28
ere4sidoing  cd /   then    ls    just hangs the konsole  lol :)14:30
zack1__id help but i dont know much about kde sorry14:30
graftany kopete users here perchance running kde4?14:30
graftzack1__: what was the question?14:32
zack1__ok i this section of dmesg has something to do with why my wireless card doesnt work "[   31.181946] airo(): Probing for PCI adapters14:33
zack1__[   31.182061] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:02.0[A] -> Link [LNKC] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 1114:33
zack1__[   31.182094] airo(): Found an MPI350 card"14:33
zack1__what is the pci interrupt part for/14:33
werswill the final hardy release have a beta firefox browser?14:34
soul9is there a known hardy bug with nvidia drivers?14:34
ere4sisolved the issue - nfs mounts aren't happn'n cause the server is off - have "soft" as the mount option tho which worked in gutsy14:39
TheFoolSo I have been fooling around with the 8.04 beta and the wubi installation method and I think it is brilliant. However, at the beginning of the process you are asked to specify a size for the installation and I have a few questions about that.14:40
TheFoolOne does the file created "grow" or does it start out full size, and two is it possible to change that file size at a later date?14:41
Daisuke_Laptopi do believe that it starts out full size, and it is not possible to increase the size14:42
Daisuke_Laptop...you're better with a *real* installation14:42
TheFoolDaisuke_Laptop: Of that I am sure, however for showing it off to friends this is a nice feature. And the ability to expand it later when they take a liking to it would be nice.14:43
TheFoolHowever I know how difficult expanding linux partitions is so...14:44
os2macHi, when ever I try to open the Desktop Effects window I get the following error : http://jim.macdonald.org/images/Screenshot-Error.png14:44
LamegoTheFool, accordin to the wubi guide it is possible using http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html14:44
TheFoolLamego: That is actually to make a "wubi install" into a "real install"14:45
LamegoTheFool, read it with care, it does state that can also be use for VP resizing14:45
TheFoolWhich is most likely the path I will advocate if someone wants to keep it.14:45
TheFoolLamego: oooh, did not notice that. :)14:45
Daisuke_LaptopLamego: i was unaware of that, thank you for letting us know14:47
Daisuke_Laptopgranted, i'm still not fond of wubi, but for showing it off to new users, it's awesome14:47
TheFoolDaisuke_Laptop: I am actually quite impressed by it. I was expecting far worse disk access times/performace.14:48
Lamegoit lowers the barriers for some users14:48
BUGabundogood kestion wers14:48
TheFoolAs of now I have every bell and whistle I could imagine running and no performance issues14:48
BUGabundoFF 3.0 will only come out on June14:49
TheFoolI was also happily surprised to find 8.04 supports my sound card and wifi out of the box (no other version has)14:49
wersyep. having a beta software (especially an important one) in an lts release is controversial14:50
TheFoolis it still going to be beta come release time?14:51
insomninjaCan anybody tell how to change the keyboard map outside of gnome, I'm running awesome atm, and it is cumbersome to log back into gnome just because some games don't recognize som local key settings14:51
Ngwers: it'll get updated to the final mozilla.org release when that happens, I'm sure14:51
TheFoolah release is in april so I guess so...14:51
Daisuke_Laptopi'm loving 8.04 so far14:51
kitcheinsomninja: umm you have to use the xorg built in application forgot the name of it14:51
Daisuke_Laptop*except* for power management.14:52
TheFoolwers: o you have any links to the rationale behind that decision?14:52
wersof course, but the beta software will be in all gutsy live cds and that's not really a good thing14:52
Daisuke_Laptopit's really hurting14:52
insomninjakitche, xmodmap?14:52
kitcheinsomninja: yeah14:52
TheFoolwers: I personally have had several issues with stability in FF 3b414:52
insomninjakitche, do you know where the files containing the settings are located?14:52
kitcheinsomninja: umm you mean the keymaps?14:54
kitcheinsomninja: /usr/share is where it's at can't remember the lower directories though14:55
insomninjaok, thanks :)14:55
kitcheto busy really myself tryng to disable acpi thermal on my freebsd machine14:56
Daisuke_Laptopyeah, i've got at least one processor at 100% all the time14:57
insomninjaI think I found it: /usr/share/xmodmap14:57
Daisuke_Laptopwhich explains why ondemand won't scale down.14:57
kitcheDaisuke_Laptop: my problem is that my ocmputer does not have a sensor so I get spammed by acpi :)14:57
Daisuke_Laptopfound the problem14:58
Daisuke_Laptopevolution-mail-server was running for some reason14:59
Daisuke_Laptoptaking up a whole ton of processor time14:59
Daisuke_Laptop*now* ondemand works properly :)14:59
zack1kamicazi, are you still here?15:01
bicyclis1Hmm, firefox 3.0 doesn't seem to play any kind of windows media stream ?15:02
zack1If anyone is having hardware problems like wireless not working I have fixed it, sort of. I wasn't able to use sound or wireless because the kernel was not working so I downgraded to 2.6.22-14-generic15:04
zack1you get download it here http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic and then install it. Once you boot up press esc to select which kernel you want to use and it should work. now i have wireless and sound!!!15:04
BUGabundoI have audio15:05
BUGabundoand have had most of the alphas and beta15:05
BUGabundoI still don't get why so many users are reporting probs with audio15:05
zack1I had audio and wireless in the last alpha but not with the newest kernel15:05
dbmoodbhow safe is updating atm ? --- just want to check15:06
BUGabundowith WiFi I just have that HILOAD bug15:06
dbmoodbi think audio is related too restructed drivers..15:07
dbmoodbrestricted  *15:07
rexy_hmm anyone else having trouble loading pulseaudio+bluetooth? pulseaudio keeps segfaulting15:09
dbmoodbi can try soon ... tomorrow for you15:09
dbmoodb-- any special things i should do ?15:10
=== gribelu_ is now known as gribelu
TheFoolIs there a specific place where I should address instalation issues with wubi and 8.04?15:17
evandTheFool: Please either file a bug against Wubi http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug or start a thread on the Wubi forum http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23415:18
evandthe former is more direct than the latter15:18
TheFoolevand: ok, I will check the forum first though to make sure it is not a known issue. Thanks for the links15:19
evandTheFool: thanks for filing bugs and making us aware of any issues.15:19
m1rhi all15:20
m1rcan someone help with this wireless issue ? http://pastebin.com/f71cc919c15:21
Daisuke_Laptopso is pulseaudio used by default?15:21
m1rit was working out of box on 7.10 , but on 8.04 it just wont keep line conected . it drops conection after it conects like 2 seconds.15:22
TheFoolDaisuke_Laptop: Yes15:22
Daisuke_LaptopTheFool: i just hadn't seen any reference to it15:23
youngmusicorgI just copied my ldap database to a hardy server. Ldap works as such, but an ldapsearch -x "uid=name" gives no result. Ldap is responding, but says the entry is not there. But i can use "slapcat -a "uid=name" and get the whole entry. Could this be an hardy issue or can't this have anything to do with the new release?15:23
InYourBaseDoes f-spot crash every time you quit for anyone else?15:32
adincthe network administration tool nm-applet doesn't allow me to select a network after i book, i need to change the ip adress or any other values so that it initializes the configuration. isn't there an easier way, like selecting on of the configurations?15:33
NgInYourBase: not every time, but quite a few, yeah15:33
NET||abusewow, anyone seen|use gnome-do ?? just saw some fun looking videos' on it.. looks interesting,,,15:34
m1rhy NET||abuse15:34
InYourBaseNET||abuse, I do, it's alright15:34
m1ryes great app15:34
InYourBaseThe man page says there's a --quiet switch but it doesn't work for me.15:35
NET||abuse:) awsome, dissension,, i'm tired of everyone agree'ing that compiz rocks,,,, need a new point of contention ;)15:35
m1rInYourBase: i made launcehr in session and set: gnome-do --quiet, works fine15:35
Dr_willisi dont care much for compiz.. i did like the metesse (spelling?) id seen on the mandrive  disrto.15:35
NET||abuseany pre-install considerations for using it, or should i just install and play?15:36
m1rfor gnome-do ?15:36
m1rplay ;)15:36
NET||abusematesse,, i'd heard something about that.. haven't seen much else about it.15:36
m1rand set: gnome-do --quiet for launcher15:36
NET||abusem1r, what's the best toy in it?15:37
Dr_willisNET||abuse,   The latest mandriva live cd can show it off. it has some neat features for what i 'like' :) but got a lot of features i have no idea why you would want to mess with them.15:37
m1rin gnome do ?15:37
ionstormg'morning all, I need some advice, I was playing with my wifi dongle that is unknown that everyone says is not prism2 so I loaded up windows xp and loaded up prism2 driver, changed device id's and monitor mode worked and there is no linux ver is existence15:37
m1rprogram itself :)15:37
NET||abuseagain... yeh, :P15:37
m1rtype and see what it offer NET||abuse15:37
ionstormI need to patch prism2usb.ko15:37
ionstormwhere can I get the ubuntu source for prism2 driver to patch the device id15:38
ionstormI have a 2wire card that is actually a Z-Com prism device15:38
waylandbilla little ot, but I see 'InYourBase' and can't help but to think that All Your Base Are Belong To Us. :)15:38
m1rinyourbase sounds like CTI game to me ;)15:38
m1rionstorm: can u explain your problem please ?15:39
m1rit seem i also have p54usb problems15:39
ionstormi have a 2wire that actually a Z-COM wlan-ng device15:39
ionstormand I changed the device id in windows driver and it worked in xp, so now i know it is a prism device15:40
NET||abusem1r, hmm,, does it assign a shortcut key to poping up the interface?15:40
ionstormi need to find prism2 usb source15:40
ionstormand recompile15:40
m1ri have siemens 54 usb that is accton chipset , works with prism on 7.10 but not on 8.0415:40
m1rwin key + space NET||abuse15:40
m1rNET||abuse: type fff for firefox for example15:41
NET||abusehmm, need docs on it.... seems fun,, but need something solid to use it15:41
m1rno docs needed :)15:42
m1rjust type ;)15:42
NET||abusem1r, i have a bunch of common tasks that would benefit from this program,,, google searches.. google search with define: prefix,, askoxford.com searches, wikipedia searches.. etc etc....15:42
NET||abuseknew i'd find the weird angle to use this with ;) :P15:43
m1rfor that config you will need some research, i use it now just for basic stuff15:43
m1ropen docs , programs and such15:43
NET||abuseplugins' folder? eh... hmmmmm15:45
NET||abuseit doesn't open ?? :(15:45
NET||abusem1r, anything i will need to do to make gnome-do run on startup?15:46
NET||abuseadd command to system->prefs->session ?15:46
NET||abuseor is it in there somewhere already?15:46
m1ru must add it15:46
m1rgnome-do --quiet15:46
NET||abusegnome-do --quiet --mini i think i will use ;)15:48
m1rwhat is mini ?15:48
NET||abuseis it handy to just kill -9 [pid] on that gnome-do/Do.exe  processes?#15:49
NET||abusethat's unusual.. a ".exe"??15:49
NET||abuseug,,, right15:49
NET||abusethey're poisoning our playground15:50
Pedantic-Stevehas anyone here installed VPNC in hardy successfully?  I install it from synaptic and when15:54
Pedantic-Stevei run it I get an error "failed to execute shild process"15:55
NET||abusehmm, this thing seems to default to creative commons search?? what gives?15:56
luboszi have a serious x server problem after upgrading to hardy :(15:58
bstockam i the only one having smb issues after today's updates?16:04
zniavrebstock:  no i got worries too16:06
adincafter using network manager applet i've a new wireless device called wlan0:avahi, where is this comming from?16:07
bstockavahi i think is the little network manager applet16:08
adincbstock: but why does it do this? although the wireless device doesn't work, since it is a iwl394516:08
bstocki dunno, i just run hardy on my desktop16:09
RoC_MasterMindAnybody found a solution for making fail2ban work under Ubuntu, whose syslog compresses the log by saying "last line repeated x times" which fail2ban doesn't parse?16:13
rexy_RoC_MasterMind, cant put a sed pipe in between to filter it out?16:15
RoC_MasterMindare you asking if I can put something in syslog or fail2ban?16:15
RoC_MasterMindproblem is fail2ban doesn't look for that, and apparently bsd syslog can have compression turned off, but not linux syslog.  this means fail2ban fails to protect as stated because as linux syslog.  unfortunately as well syslog-ng doesn't do compression, but cannot install that without rbeaking ubuntu system.16:17
DanaGOh hey, I finally managed to get surround on my Audigy with PulseAudio.16:17
DanaGI had to change "default sample size" to 6 channels.16:17
rexy_RoC_MasterMind, i mean manipulating the syslog file before it is read by fail2ban16:19
RoC_MasterMindthat's not really a solution16:19
RoC_MasterMindideally the best thing is for fail2ban to understand this, 2nd is for syslog to be able to have compression turned off16:19
rexy_well it's not an ideal solution no, cant configure syslog either?16:20
RoC_MasterMindsounds like it doesn't support that feature16:22
RoC_MasterMindI'd be happy to be wrong though16:22
nikrudI'm getting a high pitched, 'de de de de de' when I suspend and resume using the laptop lid, but not when I use the suspend button. Any suggestions on troubleshooting?16:28
DanaGThat's likely the "suspend failed" sound.16:29
DanaGFor some reason, it must be thinking it's failed to suspend, even though it worked.16:29
hwildeI have a thinkpad and it lets you disable those types of alarms in the bios16:29
hwildethere is one for power state changed - very annoying16:29
nikrudtotally new alert, I've had this for a year and had failed suspends, but no sound before. But it's a path to follow, thanks16:30
warrendis it possible to upgrade to gutsy with the hardy cd, so without internet?16:33
joakim-yes but not recommended16:34
RoC_MasterMindthat doesn't seem possible16:34
warrendit's because i don't want to downlaod again what's on the cd16:34
joakim-read the howto link in topic16:34
RoC_MasterMindhe didn't say from gutsy with the hardy cd, he said to gutsy with the hardy cd16:37
RoC_MasterMindsuggesting he has an earlier than gutsy release16:37
perlmonkey2I'm looking for the heron roadmap to see what goodies are coming, but the wiki doens't appear to have it.16:41
perlmonkey2IC, the beta has a package list.  I guess Perl5.10 didn't make it.16:45
clarezoeanyone can help me? I can't move my windows when using compiz16:45
flipstaruse alt+f716:46
flipstarthen hit enter16:46
clarezoeflipstar, nothing happens16:47
flipstardid you have the plugin enabled ?16:47
flipstar'move windows'16:47
clarezoeflipstar, I'll check ,one moment pls16:48
sourcemakerI am testing the new kubuntu beta version... do I need a clean fresh install when the official release is out...16:48
sourcemakeror is the update still enough?16:48
clarezoeflipstar, it works, thanks16:49
[Hardy]TuTUXGresume from suspend and sound is lost16:50
[Hardy]TuTUXGwhich mod should i load for sound?16:51
aandersedid anyone who is running hardy beta just upgrade their liferea package?16:51
bkochI have an apple cinema display and when I enable the nvidia restricted drivers the screen goes blank and appears to go to standby right before the gdm.  Works fine with 'nv' drivers have tried different modelines and whatnot.  Open to do all kinds of troubleshooting16:52
aandersebkoch: out of curiosity, is that the 30 inch display?16:53
perlmonkey2Why would perl 5.10 not be included in 8.04?16:53
bkochno i wish, its the 23 inch display16:53
bkochusing a dvi to adc adapter, done a lot of searching and there used to be a but similar that had been resolved, tried different modelines and xorg.conf configs to no avail16:54
nikrudperlmonkey2 debian import freeze was in the middle of december, so probably because perl 5.10 hadn't made it to unstable there16:57
bkochI may get it to work if there is a command that will stop the monitor from going into standby17:00
perlmonkey2nikrud: duh, forgot the freeze was so long ago.  That makes perfect sense :)17:00
minimecThe new hardy xserver stuff is a nightmare with my ati 9600 mobile... I have a 50% chance that gdm freezes when I logout!!! Shame on ATI! I thaught I can change restart/reload options of gdm in /etc/gdm/gdm custom.conf. But somehow I don't see the option ...17:02
flipstarhi, can ufw block certain applications ?17:03
luboszhow can i start runlevel 3 without starting the x server?17:06
KamicaziDoes anyone have any ideas why lshw doesn't even find any hardware17:06
magnetronKamicazi: so lshw doesn't find any hardware whatsoever?17:08
DanaGhmm, here's something random: apparently the Cardbus Audigy doesn't actually have an emu10k1 chip in it!17:09
DanaGIt has a "CA0109-1AG" chip.17:10
nikrudKamicazi are you running it with sudo?17:10
DanaGI just opened (rather inelegantly) the top of the card, because I just had to satisfy my curiosity.17:10
nikrudlubosz there is no run level 3 in the redhat sense, you'd need to change runlevel3 (turning off gdm) to get that effect17:11
Kamicazinikrud, yes I am17:11
nikrudthere goes my fix ;)17:11
penWhy murrine theme is so slow?17:11
Kamicazilshw just stops at "PCI (sysfs)"17:12
DanaGIs there an easy way to try to make ALSA use the ca0106 driver instead?17:12
lubosznikrud: the problem is that the x server crashes on boot :D17:12
nikrudlubosz, alt-f2 doesn't get you a console to work in?17:13
lubosznikrud: no, the whole system crashes, only alt+print+b helps17:13
nikrudlubosz boot in recovery mode (hit escape at the loading grub info, if you don't see a menu)17:13
lubosznikrud: i can get in single user mode, but its runlevel 117:14
Kamicazilubosz I've never heard of alt+print+b what is that used for?17:14
lubosznikrud: and i need either networking or runlevel 3 to install other gfx drivers17:14
luboszKamicazi: its the master reset17:14
DanaGgoogle for "magic sysrq"17:14
KamicaziAh ok thanks17:14
DanaG"b" alone is bad.17:14
luboszKamicazi: its in all debian based systems17:14
nikrudlubosz at that point, rename /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm to  to K30gdm , and then exit. You'll continue to a networked system without X17:15
DanaGYou should REISUB  (renice, terminate, kill all, sync, unmount, boot) if necessary.17:15
DanaGBut alt-sysrq-k alone can kill just X.17:15
lubosznikrud: thanx, i try that17:15
nikrudlubosz rename back when you're done (or do DanaG 's thing, more elegant)17:15
lubosznikrud: hm, i prefer manual hacks, but the magic sysrq is the secound option, thx :)17:16
luboszxfix doesnt work either... (hardy)17:16
luboszoh, im in the +1 chan, k its hardy ^17:17
Solarionwhen suspending to ram, what is the sequence of events?17:19
* Solarion needs to figure out when his sdcard is getting horked17:19
mrtimdogHow do you change the grey background of aptitude to black?17:21
lime4x4anyone else having issues with bluetooth disconnecting after screen saver activates?17:22
DanaGOh yeah, instead of renaming stuff to disable it, you can chmod it -x.17:24
nikrudmrtimdog you'd set up a style for aptitude, man aptitude /customizing text will show you the format17:24
* DanaG doesn't remember what time c r i m s u n is usually active (spacing out name since I don't need immediate response)17:24
mrtimdogThanks nikrud17:26
nikrudDanaG heh. he doesn't appreciate constant pings does he :)17:27
tiaxare there no debootstrap-scripts for hardy yet?17:27
tiaxI tried 1.0.8 both .tar.gz and .deb (dated january or something) but there's either no hardy script at all or it's plain empty17:27
nikrudDanaG but iirc he shows up mostly early evening american east coast time17:27
DanaGAah.  I'm in pacific time, so that works handily.  Do you know what timezone he's actually in?17:28
DanaGI'm mostly just curious.17:28
nikrudDanaG east coast :)17:29
DanaGAah.  (since "he shows up east coast time" could be "he shows up in his morning, in [my/your] east coast time")17:30
nikrudDanaG true. I'm pacific myself17:30
DanaGSame here.17:30
mrtimdogGMT here :)17:36
adinchow can i have the harddisc icons shown on the desktop?17:39
jimiridgethe few the proud... the hardy heron users17:40
DanaGWhen I get my next laptop, I am definitely going to get a case sticker of the Heron for it.17:41
LeerokI love Ubuntu!17:42
LeerokIt comes with VNC and remote desktop!17:42
jimiridgei have hardy running on three machines here17:42
tanner__erm, the light is not your friend17:43
jimiridgeserver on one17:43
savvasI need a bit more eyecandy in order to make me advertise heron :P17:43
savvasgrub loader and the usplash could use some pimping17:43
* nikrud puts logos on nothing. (might reconsider if a really good logo appears someday)17:44
KamicaziDoes anyone know why lshw will not load any devices17:44
jimiridgeused the alternative hardy installer on my laptop <encrypted root>17:44
DanaGThat's the thing about the Heron: it's not actually a logo!17:44
savvasKamicazi: what does it say?17:44
KamicaziIt says just "PCI (sysfs)"17:45
Kamicaziand its like it just freezes17:45
savvasKamicazi: sudo aptitude reinstall lshw pciutils usbutils libc6 libgcc1 libstdc++617:45
jimiridgegota wait a few sec17:47
adincwhen i klick to network manager icon in the top pannel i only get manual configuration, can some help me fixing this to his normal state so it allows me selecting wirless etc17:47
Kamicazisavvas its still doing the same thing17:48
savvasKamicazi: open a new terminal and type: sudo lshw17:49
mcquaidi have a beta box that hard crashes about 1-2 a day.  doesnt seem to matter if the system is stressed or idle17:50
magnetroni run gutsy with kqemu installed as a kernel module. will it surely break when i upgrade to hardy?17:50
mcquaidi noticed these errors in daemon.log anna gdm[6487]: WARNING: main daemon: Got SIGABRT. Something went very wrong. Going down!17:50
mcquaidwhen it crashes i can't ping ssh and sysrq reisub doesn't respond17:51
savvasadinc: menu system > administration > network > unlock > (select your connection) > properties > check enable roaming mode > ok > close  - then log out and log back in, check if that fixed it17:52
_Shade_hi there17:52
_Shade_how do i enable nvidia restricted drivers in hardy (kubuntu)17:53
mcquaidmy computer last crashed at 1:18 but i see nothing in any logs with that time stamp17:53
savvasmcquaid: report it along with the logs in /var/log/ such as like syslog dmesg messages17:54
Kamicazistill the same thing savvas17:54
adincsavvas: selam, it says that the configuration could not be saved17:54
jimiridgeugh the samme way you would regularly mcquaid17:54
savvasKamicazi: last suggestion is to give it a reboot and try again, although i don't expect it to work, but try :)17:54
mcquaidjimiridge, the same way what?17:54
mcquaidi see there is a bug on the gdm thing here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/20084117:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200841 in gdm "gdm[5020]: WARNING: main daemon: Got SIGABRT. Something went very wrong. Going down!" [Medium,Incomplete]17:55
jimiridgeinstall restricted driver17:55
mcquaidi didn't ask that, it was _Shade_17:55
savvasmcquaid: well try to provide some more info on that bug :)17:55
savvaslspci and lsusb are also valuable outputs17:56
adincstrange it says i'm not allowed to change system configuration17:56
mcquaidya that bug is kind of vague.  not sure if it's severe or not.    just trying to find any errors in lgos that could give me a clue17:56
savvasadinc: did you hit unlock?17:56
adincand it is unlocked17:57
mcquaidi'm also getting anna modprobe: WARNING: Error running install command for nvidia repeatedly17:57
mcquaidthere isn't a nvidia card in this box17:57
_Shade_jimiridge: i did so but i cannot turn it on in jockey17:57
savvasI get the same thing lol17:57
mcquaidand /etc/init.d/gdm restart can hang and then finally start17:57
savvasadinc: are you going to report that? :)17:57
adincsavvas: ;)17:57
adincsavvas: i don't know, i've seen so many bug reports that are more importent and still open17:58
savvasadinc: i'll go then :p17:58
DanaGI've been getting random hard lockups when under heavy disk+gpu activity, even in Windows.17:58
adincsavvas: are you turkish?17:58
DanaGThen again, all the times I've had lockups, I've also been playing a game or music with my add-in sound card.  Perhaps that's to blame -- especially since the hangs themselves will be with looping audio.17:58
savvasadinc: nope18:00
adincyour name sounds turkish18:00
mcquaidthis is the only thing i've found timestamped at the time of the crash18:01
mcquaidanna /USR/SBIN/CRON[10079]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)18:01
mcquaidbut it's the cron jobs... who knows which one it could be18:01
nikrudmcquaid try running each manually18:02
mcquaidheh good idea,18:02
PiciCheck in /etc/cron.hourly/18:02
* nikrud hugs his incredibly generic hardware and ubuntu18:02
m1ri have problem with wlan usb adapter droping out on conection, it is using prism54usb and it is siemens54 usb, but it detects as Accton. http://pastebin.com/f71cc919c . any help appriciated. tnx18:03
mcquaidhmm daily and hourly are identical18:03
mcquaidnikrud, i've never run cron jobs manually before.  do i just execute them?  not sure if they are passed any arguements when run18:04
nikrudmcquaid no arguments18:05
mcquaidit's hanging on running apt18:07
mcquaidnot the crash just running18:07
justAtempNickI'm downloading 8.04 with jigdo, and 187 files are missing, with error 404: not found18:08
nikrudmcquaid there's some sleep stuff in there (I glanced at the script, not going to parse the whole thing today ;)18:09
mcquaidi killed it and continue18:09
mcquaidwell, ran them all successfully.  but these are run hourly anyway, it doesn't lock everyhour18:10
adinccan i have harddiscs shown on the desktop?18:10
mcquaidfound one more thing with the same time stamp18:12
mcquaid13:17:01 anna CRON[10078]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root18:12
mcquaidseems to be related to cron. not sure what pam_unix is18:12
mcquaidbut that seems to happen frequently in the logs without issue...18:13
justAtempNickI've changed from th.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ to sg.archive... and I'm getting some of the missing files, but many are still missing, what's up with the mirrors?18:13
nikrudjustAtempNick they haven't propagated from archive.ubuntu.com yet18:14
nikrudpam=potentially awful misery18:15
DanaGMy next laptop will probably have a SmartCard reader.... I'd love to see what I can do with such a device.18:19
* tanner__ still hasnt managed to get his smart card reader setup18:25
enver555I have a problem with Hardy on my Thinkpad18:38
enver555it didn't suspend or hibernate18:38
enver555and it shutdown18:39
enver555but I tutorial for making suspend/hibernating works18:39
enver555and now I only can shutdown from button18:40
enver555not from KDE18:40
enver555anyone can help me?18:40
rexy_enver555, you're saying hiberante/suspend does or doesnt work?18:41
enver555it didn't work18:41
enver555but now yes18:41
melanarchyis there a guide for diagnosing pulseaudio problems?18:41
jester7anybody here with an ati x1250?18:42
enver555but it don't shutdown from KDE menu18:42
enver555only from laptop button18:42
enver555you press about one secord and it shutdown18:42
enver555and I want to shutdown from KDE menu18:43
whitedaI am running hardy Alpha updated to Beta and last night my update gave me liferea 1.4.14 ... liferea has not worked since... It tries to open then stops - no error message no nothing,  I don't have any output to put in a bug report.  Should I just wait till the next version?18:45
enver555I updated all18:45
enver555I see acpi configurations18:45
mcquaidit just crashed again. but i did sysrq reisub in time, rebooting now18:47
mcquaidhopefully there will be something more in the logs18:48
tehknowcan someone help me get a dual monitor setup working on hardy, I have an nvidia geforce 6200 AGP18:49
tehknowand 2 monitors, 1 vga and 1 dvi18:50
tehknowit was working on gutsy, then I accidentaly changed the video driver on the update to hardy, which messed it up18:50
tehknowI have to logout brb18:51
afuchsok, why are the kubuntu-desktop packages pulling postfix in?18:52
afuchs(ie if a user goes to install "kubuntu-desktop" it installs postfix because some package recommends it)18:53
DanaGArgh, damn hard-lockups!19:04
Kevin_b_erI don't suppose anyone would know much about SATA?  LiveCD boot for the new beta is crashing itself trying to access my SATA drive.19:05
bhsxhola....  hey, i left my laptop on for about 4 hours while i was gone... came back and wireless seems to have shut itself off....   'modprobe iwl3945' SHOULD get it back right? (cuz it didn't seem to work, but i haven't used CLI on linux for a year or so[forgetful])19:05
bhsxKevin_b_er: which SATA driver/chip?19:06
bhsxcuz mine was recognized by hardy just fine... even though you have to jump through hoops to get windows installed on it19:06
Kevin_b_erbhsx I understand your question, but I'm not sure which it is19:06
bhsxKevin_b_er: you are dual-booting i assume, since you're using the livecd?19:07
bhsxgo into windows hardware devices and take notes on what you have...  your questions will be much easier to answer that way19:08
bhsxsorry to make you boot to win for that... but you really gotta know what's in your box, so you can make sure it's all supported19:09
Kevin_b_erOh it worked just fine with 7.1019:10
bhsxdid you check the cd?  you know that option to make sure the CD image isn't corrupted at the boot screen?19:11
Kevin_b_eryeah that one crashes it too19:11
bhsxguess what?19:11
bhsxbad cd19:11
Kevin_b_erI'm having a hard time believing 3 CDs are bad19:11
bhsxoh i thought you said it crashes on the verification19:11
Kevin_b_erit doesn't make it to the verification application19:12
Kevin_b_erit dumps me to a nice busybox (initramfs) console19:12
bhsxdid you re-download?  or just keep burning the same image?19:12
bhsxyour DL may be corrupted19:12
jessicais there any way to change your passwro with out knowing it in linux as its not accsepting my password when it type sudo19:12
Kevin_b_erSame image, MD5 is fine and so is the torrent hash19:12
bhsxdo an MD5..19:12
bhsxoh nvm19:12
bhsxwell, then you gotta find-out which chipset you're dealin with19:13
bhsxi guess noone has an answer to my wifi Q...19:13
bhsxjessica, you can change it with a liveCD... but it's a lil complicated if you're not used to that sort of thing19:14
bhsxor IIRC, you can go to run level 1 and change the root password there19:15
Kevin_b_erwell the SATA is out of a VIA VT8251 southbridge19:15
jessicai had gutsy and upgraded to hardy using the update tool so i only have the gutsy disk will that matter19:15
jessicathanks i will try it19:15
bhsxi dont remember the whole process off the top of my head, but google for a guide19:15
bhsxit's not as simple as booting and changing the password19:16
bhsxyou need to do a bit of 'hacking'19:16
bhsxbut let me look-up the RL1 thing i said19:16
Kevin_b_erhttp://www.via.com.tw/en/products/chipsets/southbridge/vt8251/ <-- yeah there's my chip19:16
bhsxnp gl19:17
bhsxKevin_b_er: that should definately be supported....19:18
Kevin_b_erI think there's a bug19:19
bhsxfirst google hit19:19
bhsxyou'll have to wait it out me thinks19:19
bhsxsorry mang19:19
bhsxbut crap... that's from 0619:19
Kevin_b_eryeah, and it works in 7.1019:20
bhsxthat's 2 year-old HW...   if that bugs not fixed by now that's just sad19:20
bhsxmaybe it just slipped-throught the cracks19:20
bhsxsend a report19:20
bhsxand hope it makes it in19:20
Kevin_b_eryeah :\19:20
bhsxunless you really feel like compiling19:20
Kevin_b_ernot an entire kernel19:21
bhsxmy god, i haven't done a kernel compile in like 2 years19:21
bhsxat least19:21
bhsxactually... i might do one just to see how fast it compiles on a dual-core :)19:21
bhsxlast compile i did prolly took about 1:1519:21
bhsxi'd bet it's more like 10 minutes now19:22
Kevin_b_eryeah sure19:22
bhsx /no clue19:22
bhsx /guessing19:22
Kevin_b_erAnd in 2 years things have gotten more complex19:22
bhsxyeah, true...19:23
Kevin_b_erSo you're probably still looking at at least an hour19:23
bhsxbut the HW is soo much faster19:23
Kevin_b_erAnd the optimizations are so much more complicated ;)19:23
bhsxi'll have to do one later19:23
bhsxjust to see19:23
bhsxi bet you're closer to correct than i am though19:23
bhsxi remember doin a compile on (i think it was) sourceforge servers....   took like 12 minutes... i dont think they still offer that service though19:24
Kevin_b_erDo you know how get anything out of the initramfs so I can log some errors?19:25
bhsxi dont remember off the top of my head, no19:25
Kevin_b_erI definitately can't write to my ext2 partition, since that's on SATA19:27
jimiridgeugh dunno why but aircraqck doesnt want to work with my device anymore19:27
PaulMmoving the question over here... where did the compiz settings menu go? it used to be in "system->preferences"19:28
lufisDumb question: has anyone had any terrible malfunctioning in the newest beta?19:28
jimiridgein airmon-ng  driver -> rtl8187     ERROR: Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available.19:28
jimiridgePlease download and install iw from http://git.sipsolutions.net/iw.git19:28
lufislast time i tried the alpha xorg was a mess19:28
Kevin_b_erlufis: I can't boot the liveCD ;)19:29
lufisKevin_b_er: Wonderful ;)19:29
Kevin_b_erI call that terrible malfunctioning :P19:29
lufismaybe i'll wait until final release...19:29
jimiridgelufis, check topic19:29
bhsxPaulM: system>pref>appearence19:29
bhsxlast tab is visual effects19:30
PaulMI only see "none, normal, or extra"19:30
PaulMwhere do I do detailed config on it?19:30
bhsxif you mean compiz-manager... you need to install it... it's not installed by default19:30
nikrudPaulM still is, you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed? If so, right click menu and see if the menu item is disabled19:30
PaulMooh, gotta install the settings manager19:30
jimiridgecompizconfig-manager or something to that effect19:30
PaulMah thanks.19:30
jimiridgesearch apt for compiz you'll find it19:30
nikrudPaulM ccsm doesn't show up in the appearance dialog anymore, it's only on the menu19:31
=== lamalex_2 is now known as lamalex
bhsxgrr... i just rebooted and my wifi still isn't working....  booting into XP to test the HW......19:33
bhsxit was working when i left... and has been for a couple days.... and i didn't change anything :/19:34
bhsxof course i'm using wifi-radar... because nm-applet is borked19:34
bhsxalthough... does nm-applet get upgraded with gnome-utils?19:35
jimiridgewhat card is it19:35
bhsxit's internal intel... iwl394519:35
bhsxVERY supported19:35
sourcemakerdoes somebody knows by now the official release date for the next kubuntu release19:36
bhsxi'm guess 4/20  :)19:36
sourcemakerbhsx: It's a pity. I would like to upgrade to the next kubuntu release because of the nice feature of an encrypted file system... Can I install the BETA and update to the official release without a fresh clean install?19:38
PaulMfor what it's worth, I had problems upgrading from alpha to beta, but I imagine beta->release is probably less likely to break19:39
bhsxsourcemaker: usually i dont even bother with a "clean" install.... it's only happenned to me once with ubuntu that i had to grab the final release... usually just a dist-upgrade will get you to the new release19:39
bhsxand that was like 6.0419:40
sourcemakerbhsx: ok nice... because with the upgrade from feisty to gusty I have had a lot of problems :-)19:40
nightwonderergot a ? im trying to install wine and its telling me i dont have the right sources19:41
bhsxa lot of it depends on whether or not you used third-party repositories that go against ubuntu conventions19:41
m1rsourcemaker, yes u can19:41
foldartnightwonderer: universe isn't enabled by default: System -> Administration -> Software Sources19:42
benpiccoHi, will there be UDF 2.5 (or even 2.6) support in hardy?19:42
sourcemakerm1r: year... greate guys... :-)19:42
DanaGArgh, it seems like NOTHING stops my hard drive from unloading its heads.19:42
DanaGNeither -B 255 nor -B 254 works.19:42
jimiridgecall me old fashioned but nano /etc/apt/sources.list  is how i'd do it19:42
bhsxk, i gotta run for a while...   bbl tonight19:43
bhsxhave fun19:43
whoopanybody using amarok under hardy gnome?19:43
whoopI want to add audio cd tracks to my existing playlist (mp3's)... but It don't work :-(19:44
nightwondererwhere is it at under sorfware sources19:44
nightwondererthird party software?19:44
DanaGArgh, that load cycle issue is so annoying!19:45
sourcemakerm1r: Linux is still the best operation system... :-) I know... that I can create an textfile with all installed software components in apt... It is possible to migrate this list to the current beta software 8.4 or will this break my system?19:45
PaulManyone know offhand if the compiz settings manager was updated since the last alpha such that the profiles work in anything like a semi-decent fashion?19:45
nightwondererit shows my universe repositories as already checked19:46
nightwondererso they should be working right?19:46
LaneyDoes anyone have a problem with not being able to boot into X using virt-manager (qemu) VMs?19:47
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
nightwondereranyone help me with trying to enable the universe repositories?19:50
jimiridgei think its high time i reinstall19:50
Turskinightwonderer: maybe you shuold have read the topic...19:51
nightwondererwell sorry i would like to try out the new beta19:51
jimiridgenightwonderer,  whynot just "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and read through uncomment what you want19:52
DanaGArgh, I can't get my hard drive not to unload its heads, and things keep waking up the drive.19:53
PaulMpowertop is useful for helping diagnose some of those things19:53
PaulMjust generally useful, too19:53
DanaGIt's like a kid who keeps opening and closing the fridge repeatedly.19:53
amon__hi guys, i was wondering why my laptop is able to hibernate but cannot suspend19:54
DanaGOr something like that.19:54
k3kshi, i've got a question19:54
Turskidoes someone have problems with newesti kde4?19:55
k3kswhat is the name of the program to change screen settings in hardy?19:55
Turskii get just black screen with report that says that plasma crashed19:55
k3ksit seems as if it's not installed but i need it19:55
k3ksTurski: i had that problem too, with feisty19:56
Turskiis there solution?19:56
k3ksdon't know19:56
k3ksi'll think i won't use kde4 soon so i doesn't care19:57
DanaGAnother strange thing regarding hard drives: even if I set spindown time to 5 seconds, it simply never spins down.19:57
k3ksbut i need that programm to change screenresolution and do splitscreen19:57
Turskiheh, i have that feeling too :)19:57
nightwondererwhen i enable the universe repositories it give me a error saying it cant find em19:58
DanaGOddly enough, if I manually spin down the hard drive, it stays spun down for actually a rather long time.19:58
k3ksi'm missing the administration tool for the screen20:02
k3ksis not in the menu20:02
chapoceroi think its under preferences20:02
k3kswhat is it's name20:02
* DanaG left the room (quit: "Oooh, that thing has numbers on it!").20:02
chapoceroScreen Resolution?20:02
DanaGAnybody get the reference?20:02
The-CompilerI can't install hardy, i get a write error. The CD is newly created, and the HDD should be intact.20:02
k3ksno, not only screen resolution20:03
k3ksbut the graphic card and splitscreen and stuff20:03
chapoceroThe-Compiler: maybe try a different copy of the cd, or install using a 7.10 cd then upgrade from there20:03
The-Compilerchapocero: I'm downloading 7.10 right now20:04
The-Compilerbtw: What would happen, if I download the ISO (~600MB) in the live system to the desktop, but only with 512kb ram?20:05
chapocerohmmm... theres only one way to find out, i reckon!20:05
k3ksThe-Compiler: you mean MB? do you have a swap partition?20:05
nightwondererthis isnt worth it if u guys are not willinto fucking help ppl out with their issues20:06
The-Compilerk3ks: let's say no :P (it only interests me, I've downloaded it to a vfat-partition)20:06
nightwondererwhy even make a bullshit topic like that20:06
The-Compileryeah, I mean MB :D20:06
jussi01!ohmy | nightwonderer20:06
ubotunightwonderer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:06
nightwondererwell its kinda bogus20:06
nightwonderernow i get spoken to20:06
jussi01nightwonderer: what is the exact error it gives you?20:07
YazanHello, how can i check if my graphic card is good enough to work with ubuntu?20:07
DanaGclickitty clicketty click.20:07
jussi01!hardware | Yazan20:07
ubotuYazan: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:07
=== PaulM is now known as PaulM|Idle
nightwonderercant find the repositories for universe or others20:07
nightwondererthey are enabled20:08
nightwondererat least it says they are20:08
Lamegonightwonderer, there is no such message as "cant find the repositories", where you able to find the repositories and enable them athe the software properties ?20:08
nightwondererthey was already checked to be enabled20:08
nightwondererand after i did a apt-get update20:09
YazanNo, i was asking how can i check whats my graphics card?20:09
nightwondererand it says it cant dl then20:09
nightwondererlink me to a pastebin20:09
nightwondererill show u20:09
jussi01nightwonderer: try going and changing your mirror20:09
Lamego! pastebin20:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:09
PeterEHargh my kubuntu hardy torrent is at 97.8% and stopped with no seeds ..20:09
YazanHow can i check my computers gfx card?20:10
Yazanon windows20:10
jeplerYazan: in Linux, one or more lines from "lspci" will represent your video card.  In various versions of Windows, there is a Hardware control panel which will show what hardware you have, including video card.20:10
=== PaulM|Idle is now known as PaulM
jeplerYazan: but this is not a channel to ask "how do I use windows" in20:10
nightwonderernvm i did apt update and now its getting them20:11
jussi01!yay | nightwonderer20:11
ubotunightwonderer: Glad you made it! :-)20:11
nightwonderersorry bout that but yay i got 24k sources now20:12
nightwondererty guys20:12
Yazanjepler: you see, I'm trying to see whats my video card like so I can use ubuntu without problems20:12
nightwondererand the topic is kinda mean btw20:12
nightwondererhow hard was that to help me?20:12
Yazansince I am facing a problem when running ubuntu of a CD, the top part of the screen turns black20:12
nightwondererthank god for pidgin doing irc20:13
YazanI can't move my mouse to the top part of the screen20:13
daviscGreat. My new hardy install is hanging every half hour or so. Can ssh in and see X is taking 100% CPU but nothing else >:-(20:13
Yazanbecause it turns black. Thats when running ubuntu of a live CD20:13
jeplerYazan: the boot screen of the Hardy live cd allows you to choose resolution and maybe a "safe video mode"; you should explore these options.  read the onscreen prompts when you first boot.20:14
Yazanok. I will go try that now20:14
DanaGwtf?  btrace gets stuck!20:14
DanaGIt'll stop showing anything, and then only show what was stacking up when you press ctrl-c.20:15
DanaGThen it eats CPU scrolling madly.20:15
jimmygoonIs anyone else's VLC ... not working right :/20:15
jimmygoonmaybe its just on ogg's still20:15
PaulManyone know off-hand if a more elegent fix for the thinkpad brightness buttons exists than editing the .sh files that are called on those events to fake the keys that they should be?20:23
orvokkiPaulM: Are we talking of a bug, btw?20:24
grockitIs anybody having issues with the mysql-server package?20:24
PaulMorvokki: well, what I know is that they worked in stable and don't work in the latest beta20:25
orvokkiPaulM: Might still be a bug in beta.20:25
PaulMhitting the hotkey triggers the UI for the brightness change, but does not actually change the backlight20:25
riotwhy does dpkg-reconfigure not ask me about my gpu and related stuff?20:25
riot(after upgrading to hardy, my xorg just crashes)20:26
PaulMorvokki: that's what I figured, hence the question about a more elegent workaround...20:26
orvokkiPaulM: That is, if it is a bug, you should look into reporting it. ^^20:27
orvokkiOtherwise it might still be there in Hardy final.20:27
riotdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg actually FORGETS to add my gpu to the xorg.conf.. why that?20:27
staniAnyone using Hardy on an IBM Thinkpad X30 or similar?20:29
PaulMorvokki: I believe there is a bug open about it (there was last time I looked)20:29
PaulMI'm using it on an x6120:29
orvokkiAh, right. Well, I don't know the workaround so I'll just depart the convo then.20:29
PaulMno worries20:29
staniPaulM: Do you also have the problem when you close the laptop lid that the screens stays blank and the laptop does not react to the keyboard?20:30
PaulMI did have that problem20:31
PaulMthe latest version works ok for me20:31
PaulMare you certain your backlight isn't just off?20:32
PaulMshining a flashlight at the display will show you if the screen is on20:32
riothow do i configure my graphics-card?20:33
PaulMstani: ctrl-alt-f1 and then ctrl-alt-f7 works as a temporary workaruond when that's happening20:33
PaulMmore info here20:33
staniPaulM: when did you get the latest version20:33
PaulMi had problems updating from hardy alpha4 to beta, so I reinstalled from the beta cd20:34
PaulMbut running the update manager to get the updates should theoretically work as well20:34
YazanHey, I ran ubuntu in safe graphic mode and everything was great(Running from live CD). But the thing I didn't like were the brightness20:34
riot*sigh* i'm gonna throw debian on this box..20:34
Yazanthe brightness was really low20:34
Yazanwould it change if I installed it?20:35
staniPaulM: I will try this ctrl+alt trick20:35
Yazanbecause the brightness is great on windows20:35
staniwish me luck ;-)20:35
PaulMYazan: there's a brightness adjustment that should allow you to be exactly as bright as windows20:35
riotnobody knows how to configure a gpu?!20:35
PaulMYazan: what hardware are you running on?20:35
YazanIf I understand you right, then its LG20:36
rexy_riot, look on the wiki it's a pretty common question20:36
rexy_well the term should work on google anyway20:36
Yazanand .exe files do not work on ubuntu20:37
PaulMYazan: I'm not sure how to fix your specific problem, but ubuntu definitely does support brightness control. Play around with the live CD a bit more, or look on google20:37
PaulMYazan: Windows executables don't, that is correct20:37
riotYazan: try wine20:37
YazanBut almost everything is .exe....;\20:38
Yazanwhat about .lnk?20:38
Yazaneverything on pc**20:38
Yazanis .exe**20:38
PaulMI think that at your level of expertise, you probably should not be running linux unless you have specific things you want to do with it, or unless you are willing to avoid your windows programs entirely.20:39
nanobughow do I make hardy stop trying to autodetect my graphics and read the info from /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:39
nanobugthis is really starting to irritate me20:39
nanobugi installed the nv 169.07 drivers off of nvidia's web site since they're the only ones that don't give me pink shadows in compiz20:40
YazanPaulM, you should be encouraging me to use linux, and not to use Windows20:40
nanobugreconfigured the xorg.conf file to use the driver20:40
nanobugand it's like hardy just ignores my xorg.conf20:40
nanobugwhat is the point of having xorg.conf if hardy is going to rely on broken autodetection20:40
riotrexy_: Hmm. Found something there. w3m is.. weird. do the gutsy-instructions work for hardy?20:41
nanobugplease tell me there's some way to fix this mess20:41
rexy_riot, dunno, probably20:41
staniPaulM: It didn' t work.20:41
PaulMfigured :/20:41
PaulMdid you shine a flashlight at the display to see if the backlight was just off?20:41
YazanIf I tried making my Ubuntu as a Dual Boot, will it decrease the speed of my computer?20:41
staniWhat do you mean?20:42
nanobugim invisible20:42
PaulMnanobug: I'm sorry, I have no clue how to fix your problem. I would fix it if I could...20:42
nanobugcan someone help me?  i'm kind of stuck in a console and unable to google answers for myself20:43
alvarezpHi. I've noticed that fonts in Hardy don't show anymore under xfontsel. Gutsy Gibbon did. I'm not sure where is this configured, as to analyze the situation and file a good bug report.20:43
staninanobug: what is your problem?20:43
PaulMstani: in my case, the blank screen was caused by the backlight driver being completely off. If you look closely (with a flashlight, for instance) you can see that the screen is actually still on...20:43
dj1too bad my compiz is down20:44
dj1i just upgraded to 8.0420:44
PaulMyou might want to check that thing I linked earlier though... http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problem_with_display_remaining_black_after_resume20:44
staniPaulM: I think the screen was still on, but what could this lead to?20:44
PaulMdj1: what's wrong with your compiz?20:44
nikrudnanobug install elinks , its a text browser20:44
dj1it dies20:44
dj1whitout an error message20:45
nanobugstani: I installed the nvidia 169.07 drivers off of their website, since it is the only driver that doesn't give me pink shadows in compiz.  It created an xorg.conf file, which is totally ignored on bootup.20:45
PaulMstani: it's a bug with the way the backlight drivers work. I'm not sure why you're still experiencing it, since it was fixed for me by the updates20:45
dj1leaves me without WM20:45
dj1and i had to hack /usr/bin/compiz20:45
PaulMdj1: upgrade your graphics drivers? wish I could be more helpful...20:45
nanobugInstead i am greeted with low graphics mode and have to configure the screen to a higher resolution20:45
dj1to point to the good compiz.real20:45
nanobugwhich also doesn't wor20:45
nanobugi can set it to 1600x1200 and get stuck in 800x600 anyway.20:46
glueranyone know how i can get my fn-f5 fn-f6 brightness keys working on asus laptop?20:46
nanobugoh to hell with it20:46
PaulMI know there's a workaruond for the thinkpad involving editing the .sh files that are called on those events, but I have no clue if it's relevent to the asus. you might check it out20:46
nanobugback to gutsy20:46
dj1gluer pat-cache search asus20:46
staninanobug: I guess you tried " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"  already20:46
dj1gluer apt-cache search asus20:47
gluerdjl: trying now20:47
PeterEHargh my kubuntu hardy torrent is now at 98.7% and stopped with no peers ..20:47
staniPaulM: I installed from alpha4, maybe the upgrading does not apply all patches20:47
staniIn Gutsy everything was working fine out of the box, even suspend & hibernate20:48
PaulMstani: for what it's worth alpha4->beta really screwed my system. among other things, it killed my network drivers and sound drivers20:48
PaulMyeah same here20:48
PaulMlotta regressions20:48
gluerdjl: what does that do?20:48
dj1gives packages related to asus machines20:48
staniSo maybe I should just install beta20:48
PaulMif you're willing to do it, it's fairly likely to fix the problem.20:49
PaulMbrightness still doesn't work properly out of the box though20:49
staniMaybe I wait for the final release then.20:49
staniWas there a launchpad bug for this?20:49
PaulMI never looked for one20:50
PaulMthe one about the brightness hotkeys is 19847620:50
PaulMthey screwed up something somewhere... mute button doesn't work the way it did in gutsy either20:50
PaulMit still mutes, but behaves the way it does in windows, muting something in hardware, rather than toggling a software mute20:51
staniok, I guess this is all the real beta experience20:52
staniWhat is the reason that you switched to Hardy?20:52
PaulMurm, originally I think it was that I wanted the newer version of evolution, honestly.20:53
PaulMand it's nice that compiz is all installed out of the box20:53
stanithat was already in gutsy for me20:54
stanido you use evolution? Are you happy with it (compared to thunderbird)?20:54
PaulMI wanted to use it for calendar stuff... the particular feature I wanted was bidirection sync with google calendar20:55
stanidoes the syncing work well?20:56
gluerdamnit, my fn-f5 fn-f6 keys for brightness dont work, can hardly see the screen on this asus20:56
PaulMhaven't had a chance to mess with it, actually... been fixing the other things back up to functionality >.<20:57
heartsbloodCould somebody explain what Pulse audio is in as few words as possible and explain it's connection with ESD and Alsa?20:59
PaulMstani: the thing that upgrading from alpha4 to beta DID fix is the dim on brightness21:00
PaulM*dim on inactivity21:00
staniwell with me it dims to zero ;-)21:01
glueris there a way to manually adjust the brightness for laptop display from terminal my fn keys arent working21:01
DanaGGreat, now I'm getting load cycles every 1 or 2 seconds.  Ridiculous!21:02
_AxelAnyone have try ubuntu hardy beta with a broadcom wifi?21:03
nonix4gluer: xbacklight?21:03
PaulMyeah, that works for me21:03
_AxelPaul also after the update?21:03
gluernonix4: well it sounds good brb21:03
PaulMI haven't tried xbacklight after updating to beta121:04
PaulMsorry _Axel, wasn't responding to you21:04
_Axelwhat xbacklight is?21:04
_Axelahh ok :-)21:04
YazanIf I just hit the install button and installed ubuntu fully, will Windows Xp and all its contents disappear?21:05
gluernonix4: installed it, where is it?21:05
Yazanall its files/folders21:05
marlunVinagre (Remote Desktop Viewer) in Hardy is very slow. I can't seem to find any settings. Anyoen has any tips on how to make it faster?21:06
PaulMYazan: you probably want to use the new install through windows option21:07
Yazanyeah, after installing ubuntu, will windows be deleted?21:08
nonix4gluer: hmm, bug 176888 seems to still be there :/21:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176888 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "xbacklight not working in hardy because of wrong XRandR BACKLIGHT_CONTROL setting" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17688821:08
PaulMthat's obnoxious21:09
PaulMYazan: if you install ubuntu using the windows install option, it should be very clear that it won't delete windows.21:09
Yazanso after installing it, and rebooting my computer, what will i get?21:10
PaulMan option to boot one or the other, I believe21:11
PaulMyou might want to look at this21:11
PaulMbut that's not updated for wubi21:11
PaulMso it may not be helpful for you21:11
PaulMmightl ook here for some basic info21:12
RainCTanyone here using an Intel graphic card?21:13
PaulMI am21:13
_AxelUbuntu works fine with intel graphics card21:13
stanime too21:13
jimmygoonheh, "fine"?21:13
_Axelnot so well with broadcom wifi devices :-)21:13
RainCTwith the "intel" driver?21:13
jimmygoonRainCT, :) what card?21:13
jimmygoonRainCT, yes, on the "intel" driver21:14
PaulMmy intel card works beautifully out of the box21:14
_AxelWhat is your card Rain?21:14
YazanPaulM>, i'm going to take your words and try it21:14
RainCTIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device21:14
PaulMbest of luck, Yazan21:14
jimmygoonRainCT 855GM?21:14
staniRainCT: What do you want to ask?21:14
RainCTI don't really know.. heh21:15
jimmygoonRainCT, the intel bugs of feisty/gutsy with the wrong DPI/resolution are resolved for my on 855GM I believe21:15
_Axelhave you got a resolution problem?21:15
jimmygoon(though I still haven't reset my xorg.conf and found out if I don't need the workaround parts)21:15
jimmygoonThough the intel driver is still conisderably slower for me than the i810 driver21:15
RainCTafter the upgrade to hardy the "intel" driver has some regression when drawing stuff on screen21:15
_AxelI've modified my xorg.conf to have my correct resolution to 1024x80021:16
jimmygoonRainCT, like it is slow to redraw windows and such?21:16
RainCTjimmygoon: yes, it shows strange lines and such for some seconds21:16
jimmygoon_Axel, no, I'm talking about having to manualy enable (something, I forget) and set my physical size to correct DPI stuff21:16
jimmygoonRainCT, I've just disabled compiz and gotten used to it for the most part21:16
RainCTI'm trying with i810 now and it works a lot better, but doesn't support my resolution and it looks awkward with those it lets me choose21:17
DanaGArgh, Brasero just crashed, and Apport wouldn't give me a backtrace because my hal is upgradeable.21:17
DanaGThat's irritating -- I can't even look at the bug info for my own reference.21:17
jimmygoonRainCT, hm, someone else having a similar case makes me want to go make a launchpad bug for intel/i81021:17
RainCTyes I've compiz disabled now (with compiz scrolling was nearly impossible in Firefox)21:17
RainCTbut still...21:17
jimmygoonRainCT, haha, I know *exactly* what you mean21:17
ameriohey guys im facing some problems with gnome panel , its keep freezing from time to time , specially when I hit the calendar it stop working then I have to killall and start it again , any help?21:18
RainCT(the resolution I want is 1440x768, btw)21:18
RainCTheh :)21:18
DanaG1440x768?  that's rather odd.21:18
RainCTeh, no.. I mean 1440x90021:18
RainCTtypo ^^21:19
DanaGThat's what I figured.21:19
jimmygoonlike Alt+Tabbing from Rhythmbox to Xchat... I can SEE the window contents redraw top to bottom21:19
RancidLMhey all, just did a upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 and my networking kinda works but my wireless looks a bit wierd its called wlan0_rename   is there a way to have ubuntu completly delete my network settings and redetect and set everything from scratch?21:19
DanaGOne really odd resolution: 1280x768.21:19
RainCTbut with i810 I only get 1280x1024, which looks really bad21:19
DanaGIt's 1280x800 (16:10) minus 32 rows, thus breaking every 16:10 wallpaper.21:19
DanaGIt's not 16:9 either.21:20
DanaGIt's "16:9 minus a bit because we cheaped out on 32 rows"21:20
RainCTjimmygoon: yes same here21:20
jimmygoonThere is a 915resolution package dunna if that helps the resolution on your card....21:20
RainCTI think I tried with that before I found the intel driver and it didn't help21:21
DanaGintel driver doesn't need that.21:21
DanaGOr rather, does the same function internally.21:21
RainCTDanaG: "before I found the intel driver"21:21
RainCT(and system was reinstalled since then so no residual config)21:21
=== PaulM is now known as PaulM|Idle
RainCTblah I switch back to intel this looks just too bad :(21:22
amerioRancidLM check your network interfaces conf file21:22
Ayabaraafter todays upgrade my sound is gone. it has happened earlier, and it comes back if I boot, but I was wondering if I coud get it back without booting. when I try mplayer it says: [AO_ALSA] alsa-lib: pcm_hw.c:1099:(snd_pcm_hw_open) open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy21:23
kraft__just installed a hardy on a server, and used the alernate cd as i wanted lvm and raid, however i got a full desktop installed. could i have avoided the desktop install and still had lvm + raid on instal?21:23
RAOFkraft__: Yes; there are server install discs, which are alternate CDs that only install a bare system.21:24
kraft__RAOF: does the server cd support lvm + raid?21:24
RAOFI haven't used it, but my understanding is that it's just the alternate installer with a different package set.  So I'd be amazed if it didn't.21:25
staniRainCT: Did you check https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/177492?21:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "EXA is balls-achingly slow" [High,Fix released]21:25
chapoceroMy USB wireless adapter was working fine on my dell inspiron 5150 while running Gutsy, I upgraded to Hardy and now it won't recognize it... Also neither Gutsy nor Hardy recognized my PCMCIA wireless card.. any tips?21:25
Ayabaraanyone else had a problem with sound "disappearing"?21:26
kraft__RAOF: thanks, i will trr with my next install. It would be good to ad that info to the nstall page,21:26
amerioayabara I had it when upgrading to hardy21:26
kraft__is it reads that you need the alternate cd21:26
RainCTstani: no; looking21:26
kraft__second question... is there a page where i can track what updates are avalable? packages.ubuntu.com does not have the latest info21:27
Ayabaraamerio, ok. this happens after an update, and goes away if I reboot21:27
Ayabarahow can I check who is using my sound device?21:28
kraft__i.e the 20 updates since yesterday21:28
rexy_Ayabara, lsof /dev/snd/*21:28
RAOFkraft__: The hardy-changes mailing list, or the RSS feed aggregated from it.21:28
amerioAyabara I followed some guide and it helped me to fix it , im looking for it now21:28
kraft__RAOF: link?21:28
RAOFJust hunting it down21:28
rexy_!hardy | chapocero21:29
ubotuchapocero: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:29
RAOFkraft__: http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/rss/hardy.xml21:29
rexy_chapocero, does it show with lsusb?21:29
amerioAyabara ok I followed this guide and it helped me to fix my sound again , check it out , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544921:29
Ayabaraamerio, thanks21:29
amerioAyabara you're welcome21:30
kraft__RAOF: perfect, thanks.21:30
ameriodoes any1 faced freezing in gnome-panel?21:30
chapocerorexy_: yes it shows a dell device, which i assume is my usb adapter21:31
rexy_well what chip does it say is in there21:31
chapocerorexy_: It shows it on "Bus 004 Device 002: ID 413c:8104 Dell Computer Corp." .. i assume its my adapter..21:32
rexy_hmm, that's rather non-descriptive21:33
chapocerothats all that lsusb outputs for me21:33
rexy_then i dont know, you could try googling the ID it gives and see if you can figure out what driver goes with the device and make sure it's loaded21:34
chapoceroit worked fine before i upgraded from gutsy to hardy21:34
rexy_well it's beta, stuff breaks21:35
chapocerois there a way to downgrade without just putting a fresh install on there?21:35
Zvezdichkohello, I want to upgrade from gutsy to hardy. however, the upgrade manager of Kubuntu crashes, and moreover, I don't want to use graphic tools21:36
Zvezdichkohow can I run the upgrade from command line21:36
=== PaulM|Idle is now known as PaulM
Yazanwhen I'm on ubuntu, how would i go on about changing the brightness of the screen?21:40
K4k-laptopYazan: desktop or laptop?21:41
amerioZvezdichko try  sudo do-release-upgrade21:41
K4k-laptopthere should be a way to do it on the monitor itself, independent from the OS21:41
YazanNo, not the monitor brightness, the screen brightness21:41
Zvezdichkothank you21:41
Yazanlike in windows21:42
amerioZvezdichko you're welcome21:42
Yazanproperties > * > *21:42
ZvezdichkoI know that Hardy is still unstable and not for productive machines, however, I want to try it21:42
K4k-laptopYazan: are you refering to like, color brightness then? Because that's dependant on the drivers and to my knowledge there are not such controls for any of the linux drivers21:42
Yazanhow will i do that?21:42
wangfg_how can i use suspend under hardy?21:42
K4k-laptopwangfg_ what graphics card do you have?21:43
Yazank4k, so there is no option like on windows?21:43
wangfg_ati, x3121:43
K4k-laptopYazan, not to my knowledge, someone else might know better however21:43
amerioYazan why you dont set the brightness from the moniter itself21:43
K4k-laptopwangfg_, what driver are you using, do you know?21:43
wangfg_ati from open-ati, i think :)21:44
K4k-laptopwangfg_,  and you're on a laptop correct?21:44
Yazanamerio: I got my monitor brightness set to full21:44
wangfg_yes,what can i do?21:45
wangfg_k4k, how can i send mesg to you21:45
K4k-laptopwangfg_, I'm using the same drivers I am and all I had to do was go to System > Preferences > Power Management and then I clicked on the "On Battery Power" tab and set "When laptop lid is closed" to "Suspend"21:45
K4k-laptopwangfg_, why do you want to send a message to me?21:46
=== Yazan is now known as Yazan-
amerioYazan- whats your graphic card?21:47
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wangfg_not send private message, just hilight the message, if i talk to you, just like you21:47
Yazan-No idea. haha.  How do i go on about checking what it is?21:47
Yazan-on Windows21:47
Yazan-I once did it .... ;\21:47
K4k-laptopwangfg_, just start typing my name and press the tab button and it will auto complete my name21:47
K4k-laptopwangfg_, however, only I will see it highlighted, you will not21:48
ehazlettanyone run ubuntu 8.04 on a latitude xt?21:49
amerioYazan- whats the output of "lspci -nn | grep VGA"21:49
wangfg_K4k-laptop: thank you, there is another problem, that i cannot access the system menu, because after the menu pop out, and disappeared very quickly :(21:49
K4k-laptopwangfg_, hmmm you might want to fix that first : )21:50
wangfg_K4k-laptop: yes :)21:50
wangfg_K4k-laptop: but i dont know how to :(21:51
K4k-laptopwangfg_, I'm not sure why it's doing that, you might want to try to search on google to see if anyone else has had similar problems, I've never heard of it21:51
alvarezpHello, I'm trying Ubuntu Hardy and I'm getting "ipw2200: ipw2200-bss.fw request_firmware failed: Reason -2" in dmesg. Is this known?21:52
amerioYazan- by typing "lspci -nn | grep VGA" in your terminal you will be able to know what is your graphic card21:52
wangfg_K4k-laptop: thankx, i use kde4, but perhaps it is a bug of xwindows, because it exsists under xfce also21:53
Yazan-amerio: I'm on windows and not ubuntu21:53
K4k-laptopYazan-, then right click my computer, go to properties, and then Hardware > Device manager and look for you're graphics card in there21:54
wangfg_K4k-laptop: and i use terminal, so it doesn't matter a lot21:54
atlefYazan-: run - type dxdiag21:54
amerioYazan- you'll find it under video & sound I guess21:54
Yazan-Damnit....I cant find anything under video and sound21:56
clustyis there a way to get CONFIG_NO_HZ enabled without a kernel recompilation?21:56
Yazan-Manufacturer: S3 Graphics, Inc.21:56
wangfg_K4k-laptop: are you there?21:57
Yazan-Is this helpful: Manufacturer: S3 Graphics, Inc.??21:57
Yazan-amerio...^ :)21:57
amerioYazan- whats the name of the card ?21:57
K4k-laptopwangfg_, yes21:57
wangfg_K4k-laptop: :)21:58
K4k-laptopwangfg_, did you need something?21:58
Yazan-oh here it is21:58
Yazan-Graphics ProSavageDDR21:58
wangfg_K4k-laptop: i need to repair the system menu...21:59
amerioI believe its a Chrome card21:59
wangfg_K4k-laptop: sorry, if i bother you a lot...21:59
K4k-laptopwangfg_, I'm not familiar with kde or xfce, sorry, I only use gnome21:59
Yazan-so amerio...is it supported or what?....21:59
wangfg_K4k-laptop:  ok, sure...21:59
K4k-laptopYazan-, set your driver to "savage" that should work22:00
amerioYazan- have you faced any difficulties running it under ubuntu?22:00
=== wangfg_ is now known as wangfg-x31
wangfg-x31how can i suspend my x31 to disk?22:01
=== RaceKondition_ is now known as RaceKondition
gauchoHi! My network configuration at system, administration, network isn't working. I need to config it with ifconfig command. What should be happening?22:04
RainCTjimmygoon: FYI, the fix described in the bug report to which stani refered me worked for me :)22:05
jimmygoonRainCT, xchat doesn't scroll up that far for me. do you have the link still?22:05
Ayabaraif I press restart in Ubuntu, how are my applications terminated? are they brutally killed?22:05
RainCTjimmygoon: "the fix" is to add   Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"   to xorg.conf's device section22:06
AyabaraI use Deluge, and it only seems to preserve the share ratio of files if it's closed in a controlled manner22:06
RainCTjimmygoon: and the url was.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/17749222:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177492 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "EXA is balls-achingly slow" [High,Fix released]22:06
nickrudAyabara for the first time ever, gedit prevented X shutdown until I saved a modified file. Don't know about other apps yet22:06
jimmygoonRainCT, ??? what? Thats sounds strange. Thanks a bunch though. Glad to try anything that will speed this awful thing first22:06
RainCTjimmygoon: it's marked as fix released but installing the update didn't help here.. but add that worked22:07
jimmygoonnickrud, yes, that happened to me but it was on a different workspace and ... gnome didn't pull it up so I was left going ????22:07
Ayabaranickrud, ok, but normally some kill signal is sent to remaining processes?22:07
Ayabarafrom Deluge's behavious it seems so :-)22:07
RainCTjimmygoon: no problem :)22:07
nickrudAyabara all I know is that's a first. jimmygoon I had a notification pop up in the panel, that's how I fund it22:07
* RainCT is sad that he can't thank stani as he is offline now :)22:08
orionrHey i have losted my sound after i upgraded.22:08
orionrI think the problem is it isnt detecting my sound card.22:08
orionrAny ideas?22:08
jimmygoonRainCT, I'm gonna post a follow up on that thread as well22:09
jimmygoonRainCT, I'm having one other problem and I'm curious if you experience it as well... does your pc crash hard when you log out some times? or shutdown? or switch to tty's?22:09
RainCTjimmygoon: No22:10
jimmygoonRainCT, Ok, must be a different issue22:11
RainCTjimmygoon: but I have a problem where when some games switch to fullscreen like 30% of the times the screen will remain black until I poweroff and start it again :S22:11
RainCT(but the computer is working as if I restart X I hear gdm's welcome song)22:11
RainCThave you experienced this? xD22:11
orionrIs anyone experiencing a lost of sound after they upgraded?22:13
jimmygoonRainCT, not personally. (got to go anyhow, thanks again)22:15
coz_any of todays updates breaking anything :)22:15
atlefcoz_: have not experienced any breaks22:16
atlefbut that is my system22:17
coz_atlef, ok cool thanks  just wanted to be sure before I intall them :)22:17
atlefcoz_: it usually is in the topic of the channel if something breaks22:17
gauchoHi! My gnome network config isn't working, settings are just ignored, because if I type ifconfig it isn't there.. What can I do?22:17
marlunwhy is "unrar e file.rar" so slow?22:20
cyclonutany terrible horrible disasters arising from the latest round of updates for folks?22:24
xanadoidI upgraded to the latest beta and now the panels have disappeared from my gnome desktop. All of the icons are there, and I can create launchers. how can I get the panels back?22:24
cyclonutxanadoid, are they set as transparent?22:24
xanadoidthey're just gone.22:24
cyclonutand you cant add new ones?22:25
ddaltonok I just updated to hardy problems I see: - On boot-up my internet connection isn't picked up. I need to replug the cable in... - GDM doesn't seem to work. Every thing else seems fine... Anyone know why?22:25
ddaltoncan I down grade gdm?22:26
xanadoidI've tried, but all instructions for creating a new panel say that to do so I should right-click on a panel, which I obviously can't do.22:26
RainCTah btw has anyone here a USB GPRS/UMTS modem?22:26
cyclonutxanadoid: try going in gconfeditor to apps/panel/toplevels22:27
cyclonutxanadoid: see if anyting shows uop22:27
KalElhow can i shutdown ubuntu from command line? "shutdown now" seems to get into a text mode dialog instead of fully shutting down22:27
cyclonutKalEl: shutdown -h now22:27
cyclonutthe 'h' stands for halt22:28
KalElwhat's the difference between halt and power down? it means the same?22:29
cyclonuthalt works though :)22:29
RainCTKalEl: I think one stopped the machine completely after booting down and the other not, but I might be wrong22:33
marnanelGood evening.  Almost everything worked on a gutsy to hardy upgrade, but gksu network-admin is telling me "Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items".  Am I doing anything particularly wrong, or is this a known problem?22:36
marnanel(It then quits immediately after starting.)22:36
KalEloh thanks22:37
RAOFmarnanel: You probably shouldn't be running that as root; you're probably confusing policykit :)22:37
marnanelRAOF: Oh, interesting.  Well, I just tried *not* running it as root, and it told me it couldn't load PolicyKit.conf because it didn't exist, which I suppose is a sign of the same problem; I'll go and figure out how to make myself a PolicyKit.conf.  Thank you!22:39
vaughnAnyone seeing high cpu useage in the resources chart but little to know useage in the processes?22:39
vaughnIn Hardy beta that is22:39
RAOFvaughn: Video drivers which aren't nouveau are really, really bad at accelerating cairo.  That's what you're seeing.22:40
alex_mayorgaanyone else seeing FF crash when checking mail on mail.yahoo.com ?22:44
rchrdcrghey, I was wondering if anyone else has been having issues with Nautilus crashing in the last 12 hours or so22:52
rchrdcrgI'm going to guess not22:55
cyclonutgood news everyone! the latest updates killed nothing :)22:55
rchrdcrghmm, I'm trying to figure out if you're being sarcastic or not22:56
jevin_Could someone try installing libghc6-x11-dev on Hardy?  It's giving me ugly dependency errors.22:57
glueri think it was a bit of both sarcasm and joy22:57
rchrdcrgaaah, I wasn't sure, because my update this morning (about 12 hours ago) killed Nautilus for me22:57
cyclonutaye, a bit of both22:58
glueris there another way i can control laptop brightness besides xbacklight which doesnt seem to be working22:58
cyclonutgluer: you can echo it to a file... I dont remember which one though (helpful as all hell, I know)22:58
h3sp4wnIs anyone else having very poor madwifi performance recently22:58
h3sp4wn(This is a card that has been perfect ever since I can remember)22:59
xanadoidhow do I add a gnome desktop panel if I have none on which to click "create new panel" on?22:59
gluercyclonut: there is no way in gnome to set it? my fn keys arent working22:59
cyclonutgluer: hrmm23:00
cyclonutgluer: I bet you could find something in config editor23:00
cyclonutxanadoid: also, you can create new panels using config editor23:00
alex_mayorgaanyone else having/had bug 14694623:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 146946 in gnome-control-center "[gutsy] Gnome settings daemon randomly does not work" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14694623:01
cyclonutcreate a new key23:01
rchrdcrgso I'm gonna guess nobody knows anything about Nautilus crashing?  I can't even open a file window, and my desktop icons are all missing, and it's pretty much left my computer about 80% useless23:01
rchrdcrgi'm trying to see if anything's on launchpad23:01
Zorisokay, when I open firefox beta, it goes to http://0/ instead of my homepage23:02
Zorisany reason for this?23:02
xanadoidwhat key do I create?23:02
rchrdcrghave you just tried changing it again in the settings, Zoris?23:02
Zorisyes I have23:03
ZorisWhen I press "home", however, it does go to my homepage, just not on startup23:03
cyclonutxanadoid: hold on23:04
rchrdcrgI figured as much, but I'm usually the first to overlook the obvious, so I thought I'd ask ;) ... and I have no clue, otherwise23:04
Zorisalright, well does anybody else have any idea?23:04
tumiIs anyone experiencing that moving large windows around is sluggish with compiz?23:05
gluertumi: yeh23:05
tuminot only that but the cursor movement differs from what you would experience with metacity. For example, when a window is "snapping" to something, the cursor does'nt move while snapped23:06
gluerand since installing updates my screen is flickering23:06
tumigluer, what driver are you using?23:06
jevin_Zoris: Have you installed Kiba Dock?23:06
gluerrestricted nvidia23:06
rchrdcrgI noticed a slowdown in rotating my desktop cube, but I just switched to a new monitor with a slightly higher resolution, so I figured it was due to the higher res... I'm using the restricted nvidia drivers as well23:07
tumigluer, and the same thing happens with the cursor while moving a window?23:07
cyclonutxanadoid: http://www.dumpt.com/images/showphoto.php?photo=5576&cat=223:07
cyclonutxanadoid: that is what mine looks like. I'd mabe the bottom_panel key and make all the attributes that are within it (the right pane)23:07
rchrdcrgbrb, gonna try a fix to my nautilus problem23:07
jevin_Zoris: If you have: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57051223:08
gluertumi: no just random flickering, and wobbly windows get stuck ;-)23:08
cyclonutxanadoid: or, do this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/317923:09
SmegzorWhy do I have to nudge my network configuration every time I reboot?  All I need to do is change the ip then change it back again and I'm online.  Bug?23:09
thompaKubuntu is real good this time, im stuck on it23:13
adincthe network manager applet doesn't show me a menu entry to scan for wireless networks, it only shows "manual configuration" is this something i can adjust?23:14
Zoristhanks, jevin_!23:14
Zoristhat worked23:14
jevin_Zoris: lol google "firefox http://0/"23:14
thompanow i like Amarok in kde better also23:14
jevin_Oh well23:15
thompaany acer aspires with atheros here?23:15
jevin_thompa: Sounds like exaile is coming along though.  I have Amarok going on in my gnome env now though23:15
thompajevin_: cool23:15
jevin_Come someone please try: "sudo apt-get install libghc6-x11-dev".  Does it work?23:16
thompa3d effects are better in Kubuntu for me this time round. Nice23:16
thompalaser mouse is working better for some reason, wireless is still a problem with acer_acpi and the kernel23:18
jinthe new Banshee alpha release looks very promising23:19
vaughnRAOF: So it's the driver for my ati card?23:19
RAOFvaughn: Yup.23:19
vaughnI haven't switched to the ati driver yet23:19
vaughnThanks for the help23:19
thompabuilding madwifi no longer works since last kernel upgrade a while back, Im wondering if I should use a later kernel23:20
RAOFvaughn: It pretty much doesn't matter which driver you use at the moment; all but the most recent are crap at that.23:20
thompaor backports??23:20
jevin_I just find Amarok's search interface too complicated.  iTunes was pretty slick!23:20
J-_!info xmms hardy23:20
jevin_thompa: Madwifi is usually built for specific kernels.  You may have to search for a revision that works for your kernel23:21
J-_Is xmms not included in the Hardy repos?23:21
thompajevin_: ive been on that route for a while its broke bug filed, im stuck23:21
jevin_tompa: Usually people ask similar questions to yours in the madwifi mailing list.23:21
J-_!info xmms23:21
thompajevin_: I think acer_acpi is included in the kernel23:22
thompajevin_: it says atheros wireles in hardware with nvidia, but its not their as a device23:22
jevin_thompa:  Since the api and internals wifi portions of the kernel are often worked on, it doesn't surprise me if madwifi breaks from one kernel to the next.23:22
thompamodprobe no longer works either23:23
thompajevin_: what broke it is an attempted fix23:23
arekkusu_Hello ! I want to know if it will be possible possible to upgrade from the actual 8.04 beta to the final version once it's out ? Or if I might run into problem trying to do this... ?!23:23
schierbeckhey guys23:23
Lamegoyes, if you keep updating your system, it will become final23:23
jevin_arekkusu_: It will show up in the update manager for sure.23:23
thompajevin_: cause now I can't even build it23:24
jevin_thompa: Build madwifi?23:24
schierbeckdo you know what kernel version the hardy final release will be shipping?23:24
thompajevin_: im going to see what changed if 2.6.25 works or before23:24
schierbecki'm hoping for 2.6.25+23:24
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
thompajevin_: i can build svn and the patched for acer aspires23:24
arekkusu_jevin_: Ok thx23:24
thompathompa: the other route was to build acer acpi, but since they included that its borked23:25
jevin_tomsku: Based on the bug: http://madwifi.org/ticket/1756.  People seem to have success building from the latest madwifi from source.23:25
schierbeckthompa: oooh, that's just what i'm here to ask about -- 2.6.25 includes the acer wireless drivers, right?23:25
jevin_Oops.  I meant thompa. :D23:25
E1337got a ? im trying to make it to where under my nic card i change my dns server but every time i do it like auto updates in 15 mins and changes it back? can someone tell me how to turn that off?23:26
thompaschierbeck: it has acpi and the new driver I think23:26
schierbeckthompa: yes! and that version will ship with hardy, right?23:26
sliptteesRemoving wine ...23:26
sliptteesPurging configuration files for wine ...23:26
sliptteesbut, wine's still have entreis in my aplications menu!23:27
thompaschierbeck: i dont think so23:27
sliptteeshowto remove it ?23:27
thompaschierbeck: its supposed to be backported23:27
schierbeckguess i'll still have to install acer-acpi then23:27
schierbeckoh, okay then23:27
jevin_schierbeck: 2.6.25 ain't out yet according to kernel.org23:27
thompaschierbeck: but its broke worse23:28
schierbecki know, but i was hoping it would make it in time23:28
thompaschierbeck: what your wireless card?23:28
schierbeckhmm, forgot23:28
schierbecki'll check23:28
jevin_For madwifi, it's the madwifi-ng that people seem to have success with23:28
thompaschierbeck: you could test the latest kernel, mandriva works, and it will soon here I am sure23:28
schierbeckIntel PRO/Wireless 2200BG23:29
thompaschierbeck: your fine23:29
thompaim screwed though23:29
schierbeckacer-acpi is working for me on gutsy23:29
schierbeckyou've got an acer too?23:29
thompaschierbeck: yes but I have a different wirless device atheros that requires an on switch hack23:30
schierbeckhave you tried acer-acpi 0.10.x23:30
schierbecki think 0.11 broke something for me too23:30
thompaschierbeck: no i will try, but hal is a problem and also usb23:31
Spenc3so atheros based wireless card doesn't work on hardy at this moment?23:31
thompaSpenc3: I need to boot it, its ony acer aspires 55** models,23:31
thompaSpenc3: alpha6 works still23:32
thompaI think eee machine too23:32
Spenc3it's a D-LINK card would it work?23:33
Spenc3it uses the restricted driver right now.23:33
Spenc3as long as i got internet connection, i don't mind having to fix anything else.23:34
schierbeckthompa: it doesn't work at all, or can you enable wireless manually?23:34
thompaSpenc3: test it live, the intel wireless worked live for me btw on toshiba23:34
thompaschierbeck: i dont think any os does that23:34
schierbeckthompa: well, bluetooth was disabled for me, i just had to set a parameter when modprobing -- i'm sure you've tried everything, i just wanted to check23:35
bhsxhola amigos... what's the metapackage name for kde4 in hardy?23:38
thompaschierbeck: comes up with lspci as AR242x23:39
thompathat looks wrong23:39
Jaymacbhsx uhh.. kubuntu-desktopkde4?23:40
schierbecksure does23:40
Jaymacno, that doesn't look right..23:40
bcurtiswxwill Firefox3 Beta 4 go to 5 before final release?23:40
Flannelbhsx: kubuntu-kde4-desktop23:40
Jaymacthere we go.. :)23:40
thompaschierbeck: no wireless extensions though23:40
bcurtiswxso 8.04.1 will have Firefox 3 (no beta) then i assume23:40
JaymacFlannel: is it not: kubuntu-desktop-kde4 ?23:41
thompaschierbeck: change in kernel version will fix it for me, mandriva with their latest also works23:41
FlannelJaymac: not according to p.u.c23:41
Flannel!info kubuntu-kde4-desktop23:41
schierbeckthompa: okay, at least that's something23:41
FlannelHmmm, ubotu is sick.23:41
JaymacFlannel: never mind, i think it used to be the other one..23:42
Jaymacfound it :) http://packages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4-desktop23:42
thompaschierbeck: the device name is wrong maybe so I could start there23:43
thompaFlannel: just change the colors23:44
Flannelthompa: What?23:44
thompaFlannel: whats broke?23:45
bcurtiswxare there plans to put firefox3 final into 8.04.1?23:45
Flannelthompa: ubotu appears to be.23:45
thompaFlannel: whats ubutu23:45
Flannelthompa: a channel bot23:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:45
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs23:46
Flannel!info kubuntu-desktop23:46
thompaFlannel: nothing wrong there23:46
Flannelthompa: The fact that he's not responding, yes.23:46
ere4siFlannel: the !info hasn't worked for a while and !find23:46
ubotuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.23:46
ddaltonhey you guys got a dev channel? Or some devs here I could speak to?23:47
thompaFlannel: was ther that other one?23:47
thompamaybe its changed?23:47
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE23:47
Flannelthompa: info is a package versioning thing, not factoids23:48
E1337could someone help me figure out why when i change the dns on my nic it keeps refrashing23:48
thompaFlannel: oh, i never used bot here23:48
thompain kanotix all the time23:49
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde423:50
thompa4.02 huh?23:50
lime4x4anyone having an issue with bluetooth disconnecting?23:51
gauchohi! my sound isn't working on heron, but it was working good on gutsy. What can I do?23:53
hmullerlime4x4: no, but I remember on my last laptop when I had the bluez, it was a USB issue, problem with the ehci driver.  rmmod'd ehci, then no problem. you could rule that out by doing the same.23:53
hmullergaucho: try checking your settings in both gnome-volume-control and alsamixer23:54
gauchohmuller: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory23:55
SmegzorIs anyone able to change their desktop background in Gnome via system/appearance ?  I can't.  Nothing happens :(23:58
hmullerGaucho:  see Bug #200182, it may apply to you23:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200182 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device  (dup-of: 200338)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20018223:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20033823:58
hmullerSmegzor: Works here, on a fresh install23:59
* Amaranth waves goodbye to launchpad23:59
Smegzorhmm.  mine's a fresh install too23:59
Amaranthif you need something on launchpad do it in the next 60 seconds or so23:59

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