
cody-somervilleThat reminds me...00:02
kwwiipsyke83: nope, until now it looks pretty perfect00:22
kwwiiI've asked about including it00:22
=== Baba-B00ie is now known as MBR
=== MBR is now known as Baba-Booie
vaughnI've been on the Ubuntu Art mailing list for a while following the goings-ons, how do I best get involved myself?18:35
kwwiivaughn: follow the mailing list, wiki and hand around here18:57
kwwiivaughn: but best of all would be to do some artwork :-)18:57
vaughnThanks kwwii so if I feel like an icon needs an update I should just make it and submit it?19:00
kwwiibasically, yes19:02
vaughnGot it, excellent19:02
kwwiihappy drawing19:02
* kwwii goes bowling19:06
=== nand_ is now known as nand

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