
gggggigwhy nautilus-actions - 1.4.1-1ubuntu1 isn't mainstream yet?00:06
gggggighttps://launchpad.net/~afflux/+archive it seems to be approved in hardy00:07
PiciIt is in Hardy00:08
Pici!info nautilus-actions hardy00:09
Picier.. nautilus-actions |    1.4.1-1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages00:10
Picioh.. ubuntu-1, nevermind, I missed that00:10
gggggigWhat could be happened?00:13
Tuv0kBug #20748201:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207482 in liferea "Latest version (1.4.14-0ubuntu1) crashes on start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20748201:49
=== FliesLike|lap is now known as FliesLikeALap
alex-weejis it just my computer that can't Ctrl+Alt+Fn to switch VT from X?02:29
alex-weeji have a hell of a time trying to get to a TTY if X is running02:29
alex-weejusually involves me hammering Ctrl+Alt+Backspace a lot and hoping GDM gives up trying to respawn02:30
alex-weejand then conceding, logging into a failsafe terminal and doing /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:30
=== bicyclist is now known as Uwe
=== Uwe is now known as bicyclist
savvasHi, I've noticed a problem with bug #182840 and bug #200479 - the first one is private, should be marked as public if nothing really private was going on, and the latter is mine, and should be marked as a duplicate07:54
ubotuBug 182840 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/182840 is private07:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200479 in iproute "tc crashed with SIGSEGV in prio_print_opt()won" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20047907:55
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
=== janet is now known as pschulz01
pedro_good morning11:02
pedro_today is hug day!11:02
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080327 feel free to grab any bug out the list11:03
=== secretlondo is now known as secretlondon
techno_freaki find half the list to be already taken care of ;)11:09
bicyclistRehi pedro_11:09
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pedro_hug day!12:20
pedro_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080327 <- squash a bug and win a hug ;-)12:21
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
hggdhmorning pedro_, happy [bh]ug day... I will try to help12:34
pedro_hello hggdh, rock on! , thanks ;-)12:35
pedro_sourcercito: you're crazy12:35
hggdhbtw, sorry about forgetting to the the Evo bug to desktop-bugs...12:35
hggdhs/the the/set the/12:35
sourcercitopedro_, i'm sick12:35
pedro_hggdh: that's ok, you rock ;-)12:35
* sourcercito waves12:36
* pedro_ hugs hggdh12:36
* hggdh hugs back pedro_ and everybody else (a collectivising hug)12:36
pedro_sourcercito: you might want to update your lp profile with the photo you sent me a while ago12:36
pedro_the one with the mask12:37
pedro_at least the little icon :-P12:37
sourcercitodon't remember that photo12:38
pedro_sourcercito: i guess you were on a basement with a white mask on your mouth/nose12:39
pedro_you really looked like a bug killer :-P12:39
sourcercitoahhh, right, that was a cool idea, but the quality was way too low12:40
pedro_hello Iulian!13:06
IulianHiya pedro_! :)13:07
=== ogra_cmpc_ is now known as ogra_cmpc
pedro_quick reminder today is the GDM, GNOME Screensaver and Konqueror Hug Day https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080327 . You can squash a bug and later on commit it to the 5-A-Day https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day14:00
pedro_oh qense you're just in time for killing some bugs ;-)14:00
qensehello :)14:00
pedro_how are you today14:00
qensehappy bug day :)14:00
qenseI'm fine, thanks :)14:00
qensehow're you all doing?14:01
pedro_I'm fine, thanks. well , celebrating the hug/bug day ;-)14:01
* heno waves to qense and pedro14:02
pedro_hello heno!14:04
pedro_morning afflux14:05
affluxhi pedro_14:06
affluxmay someone have a look at bug 207737 and it's reporter?14:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207737 in libdebian-installer "best" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20773714:14
affluxI've the impression that this is a bot...14:14
qenseunless he likes email address with just numbers I agree14:16
pedro_could be but he only has reported 1 bug not a lot to determine14:17
qensewould you be able to remind this: 919855269770@yahoo.com.au ?14:17
affluxOf course :P14:17
pedro_why not? can you remember  your passport number?14:17
pedro_same thing14:18
pedro_same as you remember phone numbers, etc14:18
affluxpedro_: I can't o.o14:18
pedro_i don't think we can determine it with only 1 report14:18
affluxyes, definetly14:18
pedro_afflux:  :-P14:18
afflux(My phone number is 5-digit :P)14:18
qensewell, maybe he likes having a weird email address :)14:19
pedro_here is 7 and cellphone like 9/1014:19
qensemaybe we just should watch the user14:19
affluxI met someone having a www. in front of his email14:19
pedro_yes we can keep an eye over him just in case of14:19
affluxdoes LP suggest login names out of email adresses?14:20
pedro_don't know14:21
qenseThe reporter of bug 177745 created an awful lot of tags, shouldn't some of them eb removed?14:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177745 in gdm "Login Window Preferences: custom welcome message does not take effect." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17774514:23
james_wif they don't make sense remove them14:24
qenseI mean 'welcome' or 'gdm.conf-custom' aren't really some good tags14:24
james_wI've seen people just copy the whole title in there before14:24
james_wyeah, drop them.14:24
* afflux thinks that naming them "tasks" is a bad idea: those nasty web2.0 apps make them think they should add anything they associate with this bug14:25
qenseis login a good tag? there are four bugs with that tag14:27
james_wI don't think so, I don't really know why that would be interesting.14:29
james_wI guess searching for duplicates perhaps14:29
qenseis Login Window Preferences Applet a part of GDM?14:30
* heno closes bug 207737 -- that really is invalid14:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207737 in libdebian-installer "best" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20773714:39
qenseyou could say that14:39
qensewhat is the guideline for marking bugs invalid because no one has responded for a long time? A month?14:43
pedro_qense: yes, a month or wait for the lp janitor14:44
qensebtw, is there a way of gathering the email address of all upstream project maintainers of the packages in Ubuntu using a launchpad script?14:46
qenseI'd like to make a start with the project I suggested on the mailinglist if no one thinks I shouldn't14:46
james_wqense: I think *all* would be a bit much for you14:49
qensethat's trye14:49
qensecould be true14:49
qensewhat I wanted to do is send all maintainers an email and wait for their reply14:49
james_wif you sent an automated mail to them all then you would be drowned in resposes I think14:49
qenseI could create a filter and export them to text files14:50
james_wI think it's a great idea though.14:50
qenseif I'd put it on the wiki or somewhere else people could help changing it to human readable text for the wiki14:50
james_wI think you may be better off working with the biggest packages first, e.g. gnome14:50
james_wor you could sort packages in ubuntu by the number of bug reports and work down.14:50
james_wdo you think there could be a better place for this information than the wiki?14:51
qenseand cut that list into pieces and let people choose which part they want to do14:51
qensebut first we need to make a list :)14:52
pedro_for GNOME they're here: http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide/ProductSpecificGuidelines14:52
qensethings like that also make your work easier :)14:53
pedro_and a few projects keep their own pages at live.gnome.org too like GNOME Power Manager and Evince IIRC14:53
james_wthanks pedro_14:53
pedro_yes indeed14:53
pedro_you're welcome14:53
james_wqense: that's a good start, you could add pointers from the wiki to those pages14:54
qensewe need to create a start page for this14:54
qenseBugs/Triaging ?14:54
qensewhat do you think of Bugs/Triaging?15:01
james_wperfect I think15:02
james_wthen have like Bugs/Triaging/Gnome etc.?15:02
qenseAt the same time I think I'm going to copy the contents of DebuggingProcedures and it's subpages to there too15:02
qenseyes, that is what I'd use15:02
james_wI wouldn't copy it, just add a link15:03
james_wI think you can actually include pages though, which would be perfect15:03
qensebut I think we should use the same naming syntax to keep things logical15:03
henowe should do a 'check your own bugs' bug day soon. I'm closing some old bugs of mine now ...15:11
qensewhere is the page of gnome-power-manager with the requirements for bug reports about it?15:16
qenseheno: good idea, you often forget your own bug reports and if no one else looks at them...15:16
pedro_well i tend to do that daily15:18
pedro_qense: there's a page on live.gnome.org/GNOMEPowerManager15:18
pedro_and ted did a page with information too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOMEPowerManager15:19
qensethat page is empty and the other page about gnome power-manager I found just displayed a link to the FAQ :(15:19
qensebut I'll include the ubuntu wiki page15:19
qenseaargh! I sent again an email to the bugsquad mailing list using the wrong email address!15:25
qenseWhat categories shall I use on the triaging page?15:30
qensethe include thing for moinmoin is a macro, I think you have to install it seperately15:38
affluxpedro_ tends to do *all* bugs daily :P15:39
affluxabout every second bug I marked as incomplete gets expired by pedro :)15:40
pedro_haha sorry i'm an addict :-(15:40
affluxI wonder if being a member of bugcontrol is suitable for ubuntu membership15:45
qenseDoes pedro_ has written a lot of the guides for bug triaging?15:46
qensethat could help15:47
qenseor did he got a lot of new members for bugcontrol?15:47
pedro_afflux: I'd say yes15:47
pedro_if you do a lot of triage work you can apply i can't see any reason why not15:48
pedro_same as translators for example15:48
affluxnot sure if I do a lot of triage :)15:48
pedro_you can start now ;-)15:49
affluxI mean, I do some triage15:49
affluxhm, I've 3000 points from bug management, guess thats not too much ;)15:51
qenseI've got 990 :)15:51
qensePedro Bucellate(pedro) has zero ;)15:52
qenseMurray(murray) too15:52
qenseBen Murray too15:52
affluxbrian has 13k15:53
qensethe real yes :)15:53
qensewow, there are really a lot of pedros15:53
qenseand almost all of them have zero karma15:54
qenseI'm the only sense with karma :)15:58
qenseand the only qense that exists15:58
affluxwow :P15:59
qenseI'm special! :P I've got the most karma of a whole list!15:59
afflux<advertising> I posted my script for mass-editing duplicates to the bugsquad ML last night, in case you're interested :) </advertising>16:00
james_wafflux: yeah, I saw that, thanks a lot, I'll try it next time I find one that needs it16:00
affluxokay, cool16:01
qenseI read the mail about it, but I haven't tried it yet16:01
affluxqense: you usually don't need it too often16:01
qenseI don't look for duplicates, I concentrate more on forwarding, hal, network-manager and power-manager16:02
qenseI hope so :)16:02
qensebrainstorm is really filled with ideas saying just this 'beat windows by becoming better. I've got a very good idea of how to become better: improve all stuff"16:03
qenseor "Imitate windows"16:03
qensesomeone even suggested to take all things from windows, including software isntalling!16:03
qensethat idea had -200 or something16:04
thekornafflux, read this mail, will add this script to the examples/ in py-lp-bugs later, if you don't mind16:04
* thekorn waves to all the bug-hunters, happy hugday!16:05
affluxthekorn: yes, you can do whatever you want :P16:05
* qense hasn't done a hugday bug yet. bad, bad qense16:05
affluxoh, it's hugday again? *runs*16:05
qenseit's every thursday and tuesday :)16:07
affluxsomeone familiar with the gnome bugtracker? Can I just enter a function in which a crash occured?16:07
qenseI use it often.16:07
qenseBut what function do you mean? A part of a program or a programming kind of function?16:08
affluxqense: I'm a student and it's holidays for me in germany, so I have no idea what 's todays day16:08
qenseok :)16:08
affluxa C function for example: gcin_im_client_forward_key_press16:08
afflux(as in: gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in gcin_im_client_forward_key_press())16:08
qenseYou mean in the title? I see that more often at gnome's bugzilla16:08
rexy_after you file a bug through apport-cli do you need to do anything else or will it get sorted automaticly?16:09
affluxrexy_: a browser widnow should appear guiding you through the bug creation16:09
affluxIf http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?query=gcin_im_client_forward_key_press returns nothing, can I savely open a new bug?16:09
rexy_afflux, yep did that16:09
qenseafter that you just have to wait16:09
qenseit could be that someone asks you for more information16:10
rexy_does it automaticly sends a notification to my e-mail if someone does?16:10
affluxrexy_: yes16:10
rexy_i closed my own bug last time since it was fixed before anything was done with it, happens a lot i suppose?16:11
affluxshould we report bugs to gnome if they are not reproducible?16:16
afflux*crasher bugs16:16
afflux(or if we don't know yet whether they are)16:17
qensethe problem with those bugs is that crashes often happen at unpredictable times16:17
qenseI think that if the user keeps having irregular crashes you should forward it16:17
affluxlet's look at bug 20354516:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203545 in gdm "gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_ot_ruleset_description_hash()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20354516:18
affluxIt contains a complete backtrace but close to no descriptions, I guess it just crashed right after starting.16:18
qenseI think that at that sort of bugs we should wait if it happens a lot more often16:20
qenseI had also a lot of random crashes lately until I removed the compiled candido gtk engine16:20
qenseI've got amd64 and I think candido is mainly written for i38616:20
affluxhm, looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/188565 (which is listed as an example on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/GNOME), it didn't contain reproducing information and was forwarded16:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188565 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Fix released]16:21
affluxpedro_: ping, question!16:21
qensemaybe they can get enough information from apport16:21
affluxpedro_:  should we report bugs to gnome if they are not reproducible (or if we don't know yet whether they are)?16:22
qensewell, I go, bye16:46
henopedro_: I'm following up on bug 201466 I asked you about it recently and you pointed me at a possibly related bug and a work-around -- but I have forgotten :-/ Could you remind me pls?16:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201466 in xorg "gdm_slave_xioerror_handler error in ubuntu hardy heron Alpha 6" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20146616:47
pedro_ah heno : Option"AccelMethod""XAA" at the Device section17:05
pedro_and if you're having issues with firefox (black images) you may want to add : Option"XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"17:05
pedro_to the same section17:05
pedro_afflux: regarding which bug? the gnome-terminal one?17:06
henopedro_: a thanks. So the question is should I remove the hack now to see if the problem still occurs? Could be painful to find out ...17:06
affluxpedro_: no, regarding bug 203545 and bug 19915717:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203545 in gdm "gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_ot_ruleset_description_hash()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20354517:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 199157 in gdm "gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in gcin_im_client_forward_key_press()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19915717:07
pedro_heno: ah yeah, that'd be good,  I haven't tried to reproduce it lately17:08
pedro_afflux: looking17:08
affluxpedro_: I'll brew a coffee, will be back in some minutes17:08
pedro_afflux: second one looks like a gcin issue not a gdm one17:09
pedro_you may want to reassign it17:10
cowbudso was there ever a metapackage put together for like ubuntu-desktop-dbg?17:26
affluxpedro_: right, what about the other one?17:34
pedro_afflux: looks like pango, you can forward it if there's nothing on upstream already17:35
pedro_trace is good17:35
affluxpedro_: so, in general, what to do woth non-reproducible bugs?17:35
pedro_it depends, if it's a crash and the trace is good enough it can be forwarded17:36
seb128depends if that's reproducible for the user17:37
seb128if that's the case we encourage him to report the bug upstream17:37
seb128otherwise and if there is not enough informations we close the bug17:37
affluxseb128: you mean if the user gets a random crash which is not reproducible, it should not be forwarded?17:38
seb128if it has not enough details to be useful and the users can't get those because that was a one time thing yes17:38
seb128a debug backtrace is enough details for most of the crashes though, so when the crash is properly retraced it should be sent upstream17:39
affluxhm, okay...17:39
seb128you think that's not the correct thing to do?17:40
affluxwell, I'm not sure. I think it will be the only solution for most random crashes17:40
affluxbut, e.g. bug 20354517:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203545 in gdm "gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in pango_ot_ruleset_description_hash()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20354517:41
affluxseems very much like a random crash which will maybe never happen again (to the reporter!). But it still is a crash with a full stacktrace which may be a problem in some rare cases.17:42
seb128afflux: as said this one should be sent upstream, it has a detailled stacktrace17:43
seb128afflux: might be http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47126117:43
ubotuGnome bug 471261 in general "Crash in pango_ot_ruleset_add_feature" [Critical,Unconfirmed]17:43
affluxokay, haven't searched for it yet17:44
affluxso, we reject bugs which are not reproducible and don't have a good stacktrace?17:45
affluxthat would sound sane to me17:45
seb128afflux: correct17:48
affluxokay, thanks a lot for clarification :17:48
greg-gdang lock on the bzr repo18:21
james_wI need a gnome person: bug 20482118:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204821 in ubuntu "[hardy beta 1] GNOME Settings Deamon gives error when starting live CD" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20482118:29
james_wspecifically: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12923803/.xsession-errors18:29
james_wit looks like the cause of the problem may be18:29
james_w** (gnome-settings-daemon:8547): WARNING **: Error opening directory '/etc/gnome/config': No such file or directory18:29
james_wor perhaps it is just a warning.18:29
james_wbut it is the only message from the settings-daemon18:30
james_wI have that directory on my system, but dpkg doesn't know anything about it18:30
pedro_it seems to be created by the capplets-data package18:34
james_wI don't think it would be killing gnome-session though18:39
james_wwhat happens to -session then?18:39
XiXaQRegarding Evolution. There are so many bugs in that piece of software, it's hard to believe. Which bugfixes will be available using ubuntu updates?18:58
pedro_XiXaQ: updates to gutsy? the ones that worth for a SRU: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates19:00
XiXaQwell, in general. Actually, I'm more concerned about hardy.19:00
pedro_otherwise you may want to wait till hardy is released or uprade to hardy19:00
pedro_any bug in particular?19:01
XiXaQyes, I filed one yesterday. In Evolution, when you view a preview of a task,  select some text and copy it, either using the menus or ctrl+c, Evolution crashes.19:03
pedro_bug 207286 ?19:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207286 in evolution "evolution-alarm-notify crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_free1()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20728619:04
bicyclistCould it be that energy managment received some major bug fixes ? My Sony Vaio is running way quieter and goes faster into energy saving than before.19:05
XiXaQpedro_,  oh. No, I filed it on bugzilla; http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52412119:05
ubotuGnome bug 524121 in Tasks "Copy in task preview closes evolution" [Critical,New]19:06
pedro_XiXaQ: you should ask to the evolution maintainers then19:06
pedro_if they make the fix available to 2.22.1 it can make it to hardy or hardy.119:06
XiXaQbut not in a general update?19:07
pedro_a general update to what?19:08
XiXaQthere are some _big_ bugs in Evolution and I really hope that they will be available as normal updates as they're fixed. Waiting six months for a fix just isn't possible.19:08
pedro_as i said if it's worth for a SRU you can ask for one19:09
pedro_and get those fixes available trough the -updates19:09
XiXaQpedro_, thanks for that link. I think all the bugs I'm working on qualifies for SRU.19:39
affluxuntil release, bugs in hardy don't need to qualify for SRU to get fixed, do they?19:44
XiXaQmaybe not, but many of thiese bugs won't be fixed before hardy is released.19:54
XiXaQactually, most of them.19:55
XiXaQEvolution is such a central application for office users, it's really important that those crasher bugs and other obvious bugs are fixed as quickly as possible.19:58
rockstar_XiXaQ, are these bugs specific to ubuntu, or to evolution?20:08
XiXaQto evolution of course.20:08
XiXaQbut it's important for me to get those fixes into ubuntu as they're released.20:09
rockstar_XiXaQ, then you're probably barking up the wrong tree.  You probably ought to make the case more upstream.20:09
XiXaQdoes upstream decide what should be updated using ubuntus update mechanism?20:09
affluxXiXaQ: upstream provides the fixes20:22
XiXaQyes, I understand that. That doesn't help me if I have to wait until the next version of ubuntu though. Especially not if I have to wait until the next LTS version. I was hoping I could stick with hardy for a good while.20:23
affluxXiXaQ: I guess most evolution crasher bugs have been forwarded upstream, we can't do anything (except fixing them on our own, what I can't, and most other bug triagers can't either) until they provide the fixes. We can cherry-pick them into ubuntu then.20:25
XiXaQI'm asking whether or not fixes from evolution will be forwarded to the stable release or if I have to wait until the next release, but I guess that page gives me some hope.20:27
affluxoh. Sorry, I misunderstood that. Yes, that would need a SRU then, and I think crashes are suitable for that20:28
XiXaQcrashes, and I'm working on the large number of category related bugs, which doesn't cause evolution to crash, but only renders a big part of it useless.20:32
XiXaQthose should be perfectly safe fixes though, so I guess it'll at least have a chance. I think evolution deserves some special attention.20:33
salty-horseshouldn't this be a priority? for some production systems, those 7 minutes are important: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/157608/21:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157608 in ntp "Adjust Time -> Sync with Internet Time Servers never syncs." [Undecided,Confirmed]21:02
Kmossalty-horse: ask in #ubuntu-devel21:20
affluxYasumoto: please release the lock on the 5-a-day branch: bzr break-lock bzr+ssh://yasumoto7@bazaar.launchpad.net/~5-a-day/5-a-day-data/main/22:16
thekornafflux, did you found the lost ~40 bugs in the 5-a-day stats?22:59
affluxthekorn: nope, opened a question and found out that 1.) daniel is not a anwers contact, 2.) I cannot subscribe people to questions yet :)23:00
affluxthekorn: kiko suggested to write him an email, so I replied to daniels 5-a-day mail on bugsquad, I think he'll look into it when he has some time23:01
thekornafflux, hehe, I just found out that there is a diff between the number of lines in peoples data-files and the bug count on the stats page also for other people23:02
affluxgood to hear, it's not me being to stupid :)23:03
thekornafflux, ok, it seems some of your bugs a private, this might be one part of the diff23:04
thekornafflux, for your data file i get exactly 40 bugs where launchpadbugs raises an error when parsing  the bugs23:06
thekornthat's it23:06
thekornafflux, will answer to your mail with my results23:08
affluxgood night :)23:42

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