
blahblahxI have made my own distro based off ubuntu 7.10. when you run the test iso, ubiquity seems to act funny. if you choose a language other than english to install with, then after install you get the error "language failed with exit code 127". However, the language is installed and works, just I can't figure out why the error pops up. What does it mean?02:06
blahblahxthanks a lot guys02:16
xivulonTheMuso do the fakeraid problems extend to actual raid?08:19
xivulonthe user asking that has raid 0 on EVGA 780i SLI MCP08:36
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CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2591 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/noninteractive.py): * Clean up the reboot message in the noninteractive frontend.14:34
CIA-24ubiquity: evand * r2592 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): * Optimize the md5 check on file copy (LP: #198019).14:57
agilehi, I've got 2 brand new dual quad core servers and no cd drive so I've been trying to install from a 2g usb thumb drive. Unfortunately the methods documented in the wiki and elsewhere appear to only work with the live cd images16:35
agilealways get mount failures trying to mount the thumb drive if I try using the server image, noted another person had the same issue using the alternate image :(16:36
evandagile: are you working off the instructions in the install guide?  It's section 4.3 if you weren't already aware.17:59
agileevand, which instructions? I tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:41
evandagile: apt-get install installation-guide-i386; w3m /usr/share/doc/installation-guide-i386/en/index.html18:42
evandsuperm1: I knew that oem-config bug that you were experiencing sounded really familiar.  I fixed that in Gutsy.  Now to find out why it's back.19:02
evanderr in Hardy, apparently19:02
TheMusoxivulon: Well the raid you mentioned is still fakeraid.21:56
TheMusoxivulon: The kind of raid we don't need to worry about is true hardware RAID controllers.21:57
TheMusoHowever just about all prosumer/low-end server boards in the last 5 or so years all use software fakeraid.21:57
mario_limonciellevand, to determine if the issue of our locale not being carried over to the destination install was noninteractive specific, I just reran the seed as automatic-ubiquity.  the same behavior occurs22:09
evandmario_limonciell: indeed, I noticed that as well.  It looks like when I fixed this previously I only fixed it for the alternate CD, but I could've sworn I did both.  Should be straightforward, but I'm about to step out for a bit then possibly paint a stairwell that we devastated with a couch.  I might have time to fix it later tonight though, otherwise I'll definitely get it done in the AM.22:17
mario_limonciellevand, okay.  i'll touch bases with you on it again tomorrow at some point then22:20
mario_limonciellhave fun with the painting :)22:20
evandhaha thanks, I'll try.  And ack'ed.22:22
xivulonTheMuso, thanks!23:06
TheMusoxivulon: np23:07
CIA-24ubiquity: superm1 * r2593 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/noninteractive.py): don't hardcode the return value of get_hostname(). It can then be preseeded, and in case it isn't present in the preseed, it will at least default to 'ubuntu'23:27

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