
sorenEr... Now it's at i915_suspend+0x7e00:00
sorenunable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address dfddc04000:01
jbarnessoren: and what's in eax?00:01
sorenhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~soren/i915-new.disassembled.txt by the way00:03
jbarnesjust seems to be happening at random spots while we read registers00:04
jbarnesmjg59: are you preparing a multiple suspend fix patch?00:07
mjg59jbarnes: I /think/ it's filed00:07
jbarnessoren: can you take out the calls to pci_disable_device and pci_set_power_state and see if that helps?00:08
sorenYou're saying this code gets called twice during hibernation?00:11
sorenI can blacklist a module from the kernel commandline, right?00:13
jbarnesyou can rmmod it first, sure00:14
sorenMan, this stuff is tedious. patch, compile, boot faulty laptop, copy module, reboot, hibernate.00:21
sorenWell, if this is a bug due to calling the suspend code twice, it won't fix my suspend problem, I suppose. :(00:25
soren(Assuming the double call to the suspend code is not done when it's "just" suspending)00:26
jbarnesright, suspend just calls it once00:26
jbarnesyou see it during suspend too though?00:27
sorenNow it fails at i915_suspend+0x21d (unable to handle paging request at dfe3501c)00:27
sorenjbarnes: Nope.00:27
sorenjbarnes: suspend just fails silently.00:27
jbarnesare you using any fb modules?00:27
jbarneslike intelfb, uvesafb, vesafb?00:28
sorenI can't spot any in the list of modules in the oops output.00:29
jbarnesls /sys/modules/fb?00:29
jbarneserr /sys/module00:29
sorenWell, it's hanged right now.00:29
jbarnesheh oh yeah00:29
sorenDo you need more info from the oops output?00:30
sorenIf not, I can just reboot and look.00:30
soren*fb* only matches fbcon00:34
jbarnesoh you have fbcon?00:35
jbarnesthat must mean some other fb stuff is builtin to your kernel00:35
jbarneswhich kernel are you running?00:35
sorenThe ubuntu one.00:35
jbarnescan you try upstream?  2.6.25-rc7 or so?00:35
jbarnesand/or try disabling CONFIG_FB in your current kernel00:35
jbarnessoren: also, can you post your lspci -v somewhere?00:37
sorenjbarnes: I did that an hour ago or thereabouts.00:37
soren23:41:01 < soren> http://pastebin.ca/95886600:37
jbarnesoops missed it sorry00:37
sorenNo worries.00:38
sorenjbarnes: I think our i915_drv.c matches current upstream..00:41
sorenjbarnes: Or do you mean the entire kernel?00:41
jbarnesI meant the entire kernel... it sounds like your i915 is missing a little according to mjg5900:42
jbarnesbut mainly I wanted to get the fb stuff out of the equation, you can do that with your current kernel00:42
jbarnesif that doesn't work, then upstream would be worth trying, just to isolate it against any ubuntu patches00:43
sorenIsn't the a kernel command line option to disable fb altogether?00:43
sorenLike fbcon=no,thankyou?00:43
jbarnesdunno how to disable it at runtime00:43
jbarneswould be best to rebuild with CONFIG_FB unset00:43
sorenIf I'm using git correctly, our i915_drv.c is identical to Linus's except for a an inb(st01) call in the restore code.00:45
jbarneshm ok00:45
sorenIt's getting late. My debugging skills are starting to fail me :(00:46
sorenEverything was fine in gutsy, which predates the suspend/resume code in the kernel, afair.00:46
jbarnesI should be getting a 855 laptop soon, hopefully I can reproduce & fix00:46
sorenjbarnes: I have another 855 laptop that doesn't do it.00:47
jbarnessoren: yeah, lemme dig up a link00:47
sorenMy Thinkpad X40 suspends/resumes just fine.... I'm not sure if I tried hibernation on it. I forget.00:47
jbarnesyou could try this patch on your 85500:48
jbarnesthere are enough weird issues with 855 at this point that it's probably best to disable the suspend/resume code in 2.6.25 for them00:48
sorenHeh.. Yeah, that'll certainly fix it.00:48
sorenThe X40 even hibernates just fine (with unpatched i915.ko)00:49
jbarnesit's nice when it works :)00:49
sorenIt's just the other laptop. It's spethial.00:49
jbarnesbut something weird is going on with this... it's like the iomap for the registers is disappearing00:49
sorenMy mom says it's ok to be special. I'm not so sure.00:49
sorenAt random times.00:50
jbarnesbut iounamp breakage should show up elsewhere too00:50
sorenWell, if the fb suspend code and the i915 suspend code runs at about the same time, that would explain why it happens at seemingly random times (it fails when the fb code unmaps the registers or whatever).00:51
jbarnesthey shouldn't be happening in parallel though00:52
jbarnesanyway, if you get a chance to test w/o fb and it works I'd like to hear about it :)00:52
jbarnesotherwise I'll try to reproduce when I get my 85500:52
sorenWhich machine is it?00:53
jbarnesit's a dell latitude d50000:53
sorenMine's a uniwill something-something (Taiwanese or Korean thing).00:54
mjg59jbarnes: No idea why fbcon is getting loaded, but there's no fb stuff in the kernel00:54
mjg59And vesafb and intelfb won't bind unless vga= is passed00:54
soren$ grep CONFIG_FB_.*=y /boot/config-2.6.24-12-generic  | wc -l00:55
mjg59Some core FB stuff is built in, but none of the actual drivers00:55
jbarneswell another thing to try is doing iounmap(dev_priv->mmio_map->handle) at the top of suspend somewhere00:55
jbarnesif that bugs & gives you a backtrace it means it was already unmapped which would be bad00:55
sorenThe patch in http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=120657458816261&w=2 sounds like a good idea to me.00:55
mjg59soren: Yeah, we need that merged. I /thought/ it was in a bug somewhere00:56
sorenI'll take it for a quick spin, just to be sure.01:01
jbarnessoren: please reply to lkml with your results...01:02
sorenjbarnes: Sure.01:02
sorenmjg59: Oh..01:02
sorenmjg59: This box was originally a hoary install.01:02
mjg59soren: Shouldn't matter01:03
sorenupgraded breezy-> dapper->etc.01:03
sorenMaybe fbcon is in /etc/modules from ancient times?01:03
sorenI'll check when it's done booting.01:03
mjg59Ah, yeah, could be01:03
mjg59But fbcon won;t be used unless a driver is loaded01:03
mjg59So it's harmless01:03
sorenOh, ok.01:03
mjg59soren: Oops, sorry, was looking at wrong patch. While I agree we want that one, we also want the "avoid double suspend on hibernation" one. Which I'm sure was in a bug.01:04
mjg59Someone here was testing it01:04
sorenmjg59: tjaalton perhaps?01:04
mjg59Could have been01:04
sorenSetting irssi's timestamps to UTC is good for having a common reference when looking in my irclogs, but it's not very good for making sure I get some sleep (at least once in a while).01:05
sorenI thought it was only 1 AM.01:05
mjg59soren: Ha. Sleep :)01:05
alex_joni<- @ GMT+201:06
sorenmjg59: suspend now works as expected.01:08
sorenBlimey! Resume does too.01:08
sorengrep -irl fbcon /etc gives no results, by the way. I've no clue why it gets loaded.01:09
sorenrefcount is 0.01:09
sorenno aliases. Weird.01:09
mjg59soren: With the disablement patch? Ok, cool. Please push that to Ben for now.01:11
mjg59I suspect we're not going to rescue it sanely in time01:12
sorenmjg59: Could you do it? power management patches simply look more correct coming from you :)01:12
mjg59soren: Ok. sure01:12
mjg59soren: #20749601:14
sorenThis laptop is really asking to be replaced. It's started doing stuff like http://people.ubuntu.com/~soren/borken.jpg recently, too.01:15
sorenSpontaneously. While still running gutsy, which worked fine for months and months.01:15
sorenI blame Korean sweat shops.01:16
sorenjbarnes: I don't suppose you have a patch for aging hardware, too? :(01:16
jbarnessoren: yeah, I regularly patch my hw up to the latest circuits01:20
mjg59BenC: #201086 is also helpful01:20
mjg59soren: ^01:20
jbarneskeeps me running smooth since I can fix hw *and* sw bugs :)01:21
sorenmjg59: That's not the same issue, I think.01:21
mjg59soren: No, but we want it anyway01:21
sorenmjg59: Oh, right.01:21
mjg59soren: Since you're seeing failure on suspend as well as hibernate, I'm pretty sure it's unrelated01:21
jbarnessoren: yeah that's werid01:21
sorenmjg59: YEah, and mine does't go into an infinite loop.01:21
jbarnesweird... looks like the display base is getting hosed01:21
sorenmjg59: Trust me.. With the fan in that thing, I'd know.01:21
jbarneshave you run memtest86 recently?01:22
sorenjbarnes: Yep.01:22
mjg59soren: I suspect it's not actually an infinite loop01:22
sorenmjg59: The code is:01:22
sorenwhile (1);01:22
sorenmjg59: Let me find another bug about it...01:22
mjg59soren: Heh01:22
sorenI was thinking about this one:01:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197064 in linux "Hibernate fails on Centrino-laptop" [Medium,Triaged] 01:23
sorenspecifically https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/197064/comments/1201:24
mjg59soren: Ah, no, that's a misdiagnosis01:24
sorenWhat? There's something on the internet that's not true? I'm shocked!01:24
sorenjbarnes: memtest didn't find anything.01:25
mjg59Why is dealing with duplicates in Launchpad so hard?01:25
sorenjbarnes: The machines still works fine. If I hibernate it, it comes up with the desktop as I left it. If I connect to vino, I can work with the desktop etc., etc..01:26
mjg59I want to say a is a duplicate of b, and c (which is a duplicate of a) should therefore be changed to being a duplicate of c01:26
mjg59Ugh. Can't be bothered at this time of night01:26
sorenjbarnes: I totally blame hardware.01:27
jbarnesyeah, maybe cpu is overheating or there are some faulting traces now01:27
sorenjbarnes: I considered heating problems for a while, but sometimes it could be *Really* hot and not do it, and other times it could be just luke warm and do it.01:28
soren*shrug* It's served my wife well for a couple of years now and myself for a year before that. It belongs on a shelf.01:29
sorenjbarnes: Thanks for all your help today. Much appreciated. I'm sure my wife will be thankful, too, seeing as it's her laptop :)01:32
JanChello, some people I know were asking if this 2-year-old bug will finally be fixed in hardy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez-utils/+bug/32415  ;)01:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 32415 in bluez-utils "Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard Broken in Dapper/Edgy/Feisty" [Medium,Confirmed] 01:37
JanCseems like a catch-22 is occuring with hid2hci  ;)01:42
jbarnessoren: np, hopefully we can fix that bug right soon01:59
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juliuxogasawara_, ping08:04
juliuxogasawara_, dholbach said i should speak with you about the open kernel bugs, does it helps if somebody has the reporter of the bug if this happens also with a newer kernel? there are a lot of bugs against the dapper kernel and the edgy kernel that nobody touched until now08:10
amitkjuliux: ogasawara_ won't be online for a few hours, she is on the US west coast08:12
juliuxamitk, thxs, i will wait;)08:13
amitkjuliux: bugs against dapper that are still seen in hardy should be marked such - use the "also affects project" in launchpad08:14
juliuxamitk, the problem is atm nobody knows if they also affekt an other kernel version08:15
juliuxamitk, the bugs are not yet touched or triggered08:15
amitkjuliux: in that case you better wait for ogasawara_ to guide you on handling them :)08:15
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aboganiBenC: Please ping me when you'll be online. About Bug #177895 and Bug #20005709:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177895 in linux "Kernel 2.6.24-2 causing ~1000 wakeups by "Rescheduling Interrupts"" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17789509:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200057 in linux "HP / Compaq laptops crash with port 0x80 delay write" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20005709:01
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BenCabogani: I'm here11:28
mjg59JanC: It's not filed against the kernel?11:32
aboganiBenC: Good morning Ben.11:35
aboganiBenC: 200057 Seems to be simple as doing cherry-pick of two commits. Seems also that these commits change something about KVM related stuff so IMHO we should cherry-picked KVM related fix also.11:35
aboganiBenC: 177895 An other cherry-pick fix (is constitued by two revert commits). Already checked and it works on my laptop. Only one problem is that this change /kernel/sched* files a lot.11:35
aboganiBenC: In both cases I don't idea if this is compatible with kernel freeze policy :-(11:35
BenCabogani: From just reading the basic description, they sound very important11:36
BenCabogani: Would you be willing to put these fixes into a tree we can pull from?11:37
aboganiBenC: Ok.11:38
aboganiOk Now it's lunch time!11:38
BenCabogani: thx11:38
* BenC gives abogani a Big Mac11:39
ckingabogani: Hi there, looking at bug 177895, which cherry pick fix is there for this?12:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177895 in linux "Kernel 2.6.24-2 causing ~1000 wakeups by "Rescheduling Interrupts"" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17789512:12
lamontBenC: I'm seeing a user report of "[ubuntu lacks] the mpt scsi driver in the boot/install kit" - any chance of getting that fixed for hardy?12:16
BenC$ gunzip -c /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-12-generic | cpio -t | grep mpt12:18
BenClamont: ^^12:18
BenClamont: that should be the case for anything as far back as edgy (and now 6.06.2 as well)12:19
lamontthat's what I kind of thought...12:20
BenCcking: I have a one line fix in lum for that btsco problem, good catch12:24
ckingBenC: great, what is it?12:24
BenCcking: CFLAGS_snd-bt-sco += $(srctree)/sound/alsa-kernel/include12:25
BenCin ubuntu/Makefile12:25
ckingBenC: Do you want me to put it in and give it a thorough test12:25
BenCYeah, I added it just after the snd-bt-sco-objs line12:26
ckingBenC: Thanks for the rune, I was unsure if that kind of include path hack was OK.12:27
BenCcking: We're going to revisit all this junk in prague, but for now, it's perfect12:27
ckingBenC: Makes sense for now. OK, I will put the change in and see if there are any other hidden issues.12:28
aboganiBenC: Seems to me that $(srctree) point to KSRC DIR and $(src) to SRC DIR of itself sources.  Or not?13:10
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aboganicking: Are you around?13:11
BenCabogani: you may be right13:12
BenCbut ubuntu/sound/ uses $(srctree) already to point to those headers, so I assume it's correct13:13
BenCcould be unneeded in that usage though13:13
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aboganiI suppose that this is a problem. If $(srctree) point to KSRC when you compile gcc will use pcm.h in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-12/ that are different by pcm.h in LUM-DIR/ubuntu/sound/alsa-kernel/include/pcm.h13:19
aboganiOr i misunderstand something? :-)13:20
aboganiI said a silly thing? :-)13:27
sorenI've seen much talk about dkms, but haven't looked into the details of it. Is it much different than what we could accomplish with a kernel-img.conf postinst_hook call to module-assistant?13:28
sorenI realise that calling m-a from a postinst won't work, but I'm sure something could be put together to make it fly.13:33
adinchas there been a new kernel released for hardy?13:33
rtgadinc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux is the current release.13:35
sorenrtg: You're back?13:37
rtgsoren: its my ghost typing :)13:37
* soren hides13:37
smbrtg: Welcome ghost of Tim. :)13:38
sorenHave any of you guys looked into dkms?13:38
rtgsoren: dkms has been on my todo list for months. I know its well supported by mdomsch et al.13:43
sorenrtg: How does it compare to module-assistant?13:46
rtgsoren: I've never used m-a, so I could not venture an informed opinion.13:47
sorenWell, e.g. kvm provides a kvm-source package that contains the source for the kvm modules. m-a can do all of downloading that package, downloading the kernel headers for your kernel, compile the modules against said kernel headers, generate a .deb with the modules, and finally install it. When its working as expected (which it usually does, actually), it's a simple matter of calling "sudo m-a a-i kvm".13:49
adincrtg: thank you very much, can i also find out which modules are the latest released?13:49
sorenrtg: Is that about the same as what dkms offers?13:50
rtgadinc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.2413:50
rtgsoren: dkms (as I understand it) will rebuild itself against current headers each time the kernel is updated.13:50
sorenrtg: So adding a call to m-a whenever a new kernel is installed makes it about equal?13:51
rtgsoren: in my uninformed opinion, yes.13:51
mdomschgood morning13:52
sorenrtg: Wonderful. Thanks. (I'll keep your disclaimer in mind. Don't worry)13:52
rtgsoren: it would be nice to have _one_ way of doing these kind of updates.13:52
mdomschI never got the hang of using m-a13:52
smbrtg: Since you are just back to ask. ;-) But maybe BenC and amitk could have a look, too. I had a look into bug 134660 and I had the feel that it might be better to stay with the rt2x00 driver in the kernel. Gutsy had it in lum and not any legacy ones. So I prepared a patch that would update the driver to latest upstream code (seehttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=smb/ubuntu-hardy.git;a=summary) 13:52
mdomschI spent days trying to get a package built that m-a cound consume13:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134660 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "Ralink rt2400 / rt2500 / rt2570 / rt61 / rt73 do not work out of the box in Gutsy/Hardy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13466013:52
mdomschand gave up and just ported dkms into Ubuntu/Deb13:52
sorenmdomsch: Heh.. There are quite a few useful examples out there. kvm and open-vm-tools to name a few that I've had the pleasure of dealing with.13:53
mdomschsoren, see how dkms drops files into /etc/kernel/postinst.d/  to be executed as a trigger when the kernel is updated13:53
mdomschm-a could do likewise13:53
mdomschfedora does this now too, yea!13:53
sorenmdomsch: dkms keeps an entire kernel tree somewhere, correct?13:54
BenCsoren: it's basically m-a but portable13:54
mdomschdkms presumes you have kernel-source installed visible at /lib/modules/$kernelversion/build13:54
sorenSo twice in one day, I've found something on the internet, that's not true. I'm *shocked*!13:54
amitkrtg: welcome back, you survived! :)13:54
BenCrtg: does this mean you will be on the call in 5 minutes? :)13:54
sorenBenC: "portable" as in distro agnostic?13:54
mdomschsoren, dkms keeps a tree of the source to the modules it's managing13:54
BenCsoren: right13:54
rtgsmb: the rt drivers from the serial monkey website should go into lbm since they conflict with PCI/USB IDs.13:55
rtgBenC: its too early for the kernel call isn't it?13:55
BenCrtg: we have lum setup in module-init-tools to override the kernel ones, right?13:55
sorenmdomsch: Ok.13:55
sorenThey sound pointlessly similar :)13:55
BenCrtg: well I moved it because it conflicted with another call that actually got canceled this morning13:55
BenCrtg: not knowing you would be able to make it13:56
rtgBenC: oh, can do.13:56
rtgBenC: the usual numbers?13:56
BenCrtg: welcome back, btw13:56
BenCrtg: yeah13:56
BenCrtg: I have a few patches for alsa that need to be applied (agenda for the call)13:56
rtgBenC: you cannot believe how much email I accumulated.13:57
BenCrtg: Oh, I can...if I were away for 3 weeks, I'd have to just delete everything and start fresh13:57
smbBenC: is that a kernel call for team or something else?13:57
BenCwould be roughly 10k new emails in that time13:57
BenCsmb: vendor call13:57
smbBenC: ah ok13:58
adinc i've installed my custom kernel for testing, now i removed it again and apt gives errors when i try to install any other package, it says cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.25-rc6-custom which was the modules for the kernel i build. how can i fix this quickly?13:59
sorenmdomsch: How do you handle the need to have the kernel headers installed at the kernel image's postinst time?14:00
zulrtg: welcome back14:00
BenCadinc: no idea...this is a better question for #ubuntu14:00
rtgzul: thanks14:00
BenCsoren: the trigger is on the kernel-headers install, not the kernel image14:00
sorenrtg: Yeah, welcome back, Tim! Great to have you back!14:00
BenCsoren: so it will build modules for any headers you have installed, rather than any kernel14:00
smbrtg: The thing I am not sure is whether the legacy drivers from serial monkey are the way to go since the rt2x00 stuff in kernel and from serial monkey seem to be the same and the one that is more developed. But maybe I am just conused...14:01
sorenBenC: Wow..That was embarassingly obvious.14:01
mdomsch soren, it's a nasty hack in ubuntu I admit14:01
mdomschthe same hook is invoked twice - once after linux-image is installed, and once after linux-headers is installed14:01
mdomschbecause I can't know the ordering14:02
mdomschin Fedora, I do it in an rpm %posttrans hook, which runs after all the packages in the transaction are finished being installed14:02
sorenYou can dpkg-trigger your way out of that.14:02
sorenYeah. Each of the postinst will call a trigger, and this trigger will do the actual stuff at the end.14:04
sorenSee e.g. /sbin/ldconfig (it's shell script these days)14:04
Kanohi, how will you call the kernel with base?14:05
sorenmdomsch: Each will call "dpkg-trigger --no-await somerandomname" or something. dkms will "register its interest" in this trigger and thus be called after all packages are done being configured.14:06
sorenmdomsch: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.triggers has "interest ldconfig". It means that whenever dpkg-trigger ldconfig has been called, libc6's postinst will be invoked as "$0 triggered" (iirc).14:07
mdomschah yes14:07
mdomschI looked into those14:08
mdomschI forget if I had problems or if I just got sidetracked14:09
mdomschprobably the latter14:09
Kanoso: when will be a new kernel based on and how will it be called?14:10
sorenKano: Dude... Calm down.14:11
Kanohi juliank 14:13
juliankKano: hi14:14
mjg59Kano: It will be called -13 if it changes ABI. Otherwise it won't be.14:19
Kanowell it will change anyway as you disabled 2 ide drivers, didnt you14:20
Kanoat least the ones which are really needed14:20
mjg59No, that doesn't change ABI14:21
lamont* The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!15:13
lamontgo nvidia-kernel-common!15:13
rtgsmb: the serialmonkey code used to be legacy only, but I see they've updated the web site to indicate that rt2x00 is mainstream. Perhaps we should evaluate dumping them in lum if they are demonstrably better then whats in the kernel.15:19
smbrtg: I had the impression that they now do a lot in the kernel as well. But maybe I have a closer look at the rt2x00 code on serialmonkey to see15:26
rtgsmb: it looks like the web site code is a superset of the kernel code, e.g., enhanced with bug fixes (at least that is according to the web site comments)15:27
smbrtg: Definitely right as far as 2.6.24 is concerned. There were ~60 patches to it in the meantime15:28
rtgsmb: so, are you thinking about spinning a version of lum with these drivers?15:29
smbrtg: That was the point I became unsure. Is it better to have the latest serialmonkey stuff in lum (or lbm) or pull the latest kernel code. With the latest kernel code we would be closer to upstream but might get ABI problems so maybe it is better to do it in lum/lbm15:33
rtgsmb: I would do it in lum so as to continue a maintain a relatively virgin kernel source code base.15:34
smbrtg: hm, right. and i guess updates there are simpler to handle than in the kernel15:35
rtgsmb: indeed15:36
* smb starts the lum patchwork15:37
rtgBenC: a handy site posted by jgarzik: http://linux-ata.org16:08
mjg59rtg: Do you have an Intel-graphics M1330?16:08
rtgmjg59: the only one we had (or BenC had) was sent back for repair.16:09
rtgmjg59: we have other Intel-graphics based laptops.16:09
mjg59rtg: Hm. No, got a complaint specific to the M1330.16:10
rtgmjg59: mine is nv based.16:10
mjg59Yeah, so is Ben's16:10
mjg59Anyway, thanks!16:10
rtgmjg59: np16:11
* lamont grumbles at hardy vs nvidia16:24
lamonthow do I get the good screen resolution back again?16:25
tjaaltonlamont: is it actually using nv or vesa?16:25
lamont        Driver          "nv"16:26
tjaaltonyou could try the package here https://edge.launchpad.net/~tjaalton/+archive16:28
tjaaltonthere's a patch from fedora which could help16:28
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lamonttjaalton: I imagine a server restart is required for that, yes?16:33
lamontok. brb16:34
lamonttjaalton: the heart of the issue is that the preferences/screen resolution widgit doesn't even show 1680x1050..16:36
mjg59lamont: What does it have?16:37
lamontall the way up to 1280x1024 :(16:37
mjg59lamont: also, what's the output of xrandr ?16:37
lamont02:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro NVS 280 PCI] (rev a1)16:38
mjg59lamont: Yeah, so nv is picking the wrong set of modes16:38
lamontxrandr stops at 1280x1024 as well16:38
tjaaltonlamont: is it a toshiba?16:39
lamontHP workstation16:39
tjaaltonlamont: did it work in gutsy?16:50
lamontI just upgraded and my screen is now very crowded-feeling...16:50
tjaaltontime to blame the server it seems..16:50
lamontand no changes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:58
rtgmjg59: ogasawara_ asked me to apply http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12911605/disable_pre_915_drm_pm.diff, but it looks garbled.17:38
tjaaltonlamont: hum, you could try fedora9 beta livecd to see if the new xserver gets the correct resolution :)17:52
lamontactually, I'm not sure that gutsy did either, now that I think about it more17:52
lamontI'll see if I get where I have enough bandwidth to make fetching fedora9 live worthwhile17:53
=== mjg59` is now known as mjg59
mjg59rtg: Hm. What do you think's up with that patch?17:57
tjaaltonlamont: at least F9b got a better resolution (12x10, hardy does 8x6) with vesa on a GF7050PV17:58
rtgmjg59: a line is missing, there is bogus line feed, etc. I could do it by hand, but we ought to have the right bits attached to the LP report.17:59
mjg59rtg: It's certainly the right patch17:59
mjg59And that's what hit lkml17:59
rtgmjg59: I agree the code looks right.18:00
rtgbut the diff attached to the LP report is malformed, thats all. 18:00
mjg59rtg: What's the bug number again?18:01
rtgBug #20749618:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207496 in linux "Disable DRM suspend/resume on pre-915 Intel chips" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20749618:01
mjg59rtg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12923810/disable_pre_915_drm_pm.diff18:02
rtgmjg59: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12911605/disable_pre_915_drm_pm.diff is what I'm looking at.18:03
rtgare the paths relative to the user login?18:04
mjg59rtg: No, I just uploaded a new diff18:04
rtgmjg59: oh, duh.18:04
rtgmjg59: applied.18:07
mjg59rtg: Thanks18:10
smbmjg59: Hi Matthew, I saw the diffs for Tim and just got notified of bug 207615. Is there a chance this is a very similar problem?18:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207615 in linux "[hardy] beta can not hibernate successfully with 965GM" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20761518:40
mjg59smb: No - that's the issue where the suspend methods are called twice on hibernation18:45
mjg59smb: I think there's already a patch filed for that18:46
smbmjg59: in drm or the driver? The only patch in drm I am aware of since then is "drm: Fix race that can lockup the kernel"18:47
mjg59smb: #20108618:48
smbbug 20108618:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201086 in linux "X41 fails to hibernate in hardy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20108618:48
smbmjg59: Ah, ok. Since I am not yet very familiar with that stuff, the i965 also uses the i915 drm driver?18:51
mjg59smb: Yes, i830 and up all use i915 drm18:51
smbmjg59: Ok, thanks. :) 18:54
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smbmjg59: Errm, just for sanity. I can't really say it is important. this post (http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/2/22/488) had two changes for i915_drv. Linus objected one line (if I don't misunderstand) (http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/2/22/554). After that i915 isn't touched at all and the second change doesn't seem to be upstream. 19:22
mjg59smb: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=3a2d5b700132f35401f1d9e22fe3c2cab02c254919:26
mjg59smb: The fix doesn't actually touch i91519:26
tjaaltonthat's bug 19706419:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197064 in linux "Hibernate fails on Centrino-laptop" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19706419:28
tjaaltonsmb: ^19:29
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
smbtjaalton: ok, so the change to pci_set_powerstate also belongs to that one19:30
smbreplacing PCI_D3hot with pci_choose_state(dev->pdev, state)19:31
tjaalton201086 already has a dupe, so maybe mark 197064 and 207615 as dupes19:36
tjaaltonsmb: http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/2/23/269 <- this thread mentions a patch that's needed or the compilation fails, and the commit-id is 038eb0ea04b2453..19:37
smbtjaalton: Yes, saw that as well. Just wanted to make sure that dropping the whole i915 changes was ok. So basically all three might be cured with those two patches19:39
smbtjaalton: dumb question: how do I mark bugs as duplicate in launchpad?19:43
tjaaltonactions - mark as duplicate19:44
tjaaltonfrom the left panel19:44
smbtjaalton: oops. really dumb question. ok found it19:45
adinchas someone got a samsung q45 with an intel iwl3945 and kernel 2.6.24 running successfuly?23:31

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