
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
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* pitti waves13:53
kwwiihi pitti13:55
pittiRiddell, MacSlow, mpt: alive?13:56
mptI'm alive13:57
* MacSlow checks pulse at neck13:57
MacSlowpitti, yep :)13:57
* pitti hugs mpt, how are things in .au?13:57
* Hobbsee dies13:57
mptpitti, I have no idea, ask Hobbsee :-)13:57
MacSlowhi Riddell, kwwii, mpt13:57
Hobbseempt: you mean nz doens't count as part of au anyway?13:58
* Hobbsee runs13:58
pitticlose enough :)13:58
MacSlowHobbsee, last time I read about this, it was listed as unhealty ;)13:58
* mpt throws a pillow at Hobbsee 13:58
MacSlowrehi seb12813:58
Hobbseen bnhn13:58
Hobbseeerm.  spider.13:58
Hobbseempt: you missed.  try harder13:59
HobbseeMacSlow: :P13:59
MacSlowmpt, "try harder" if she means try bricks?13:59
HobbseeMacSlow: don't kid like that.  people do appear to like breaking me, if they can.13:59
HobbseeMacSlow: don't give them ideas :P13:59
pittiso, everyone on board, let's start14:00
MacSlowHobbsee, I hoped to be able to "disguise" that not really understanding english and thus messing up ;)14:00
pittifirst, actions from previous meeting14:01
pitti[14:54]         --> markm (markmurphy@yttrium.canonical.com)                       by assignee14:01
pittiargh, sorry14:01
HobbseeMacSlow: heh14:01
* pitti kicks c&p14:01
pittiseb128 to hand out desktop team bugs to people as necessary14:01
pittiseb128: how does the desktop bug front look like?14:01
pittithis is hardly a measurable item, so I'm just curious14:01
seb128pitti: depends of the perspective14:01
seb128lot of "would be nice", no really stoppers though14:02
pittiso, mostly targets of opportunity14:02
seb128some annoying issues that we should fix though14:02
pittibut, under control?14:02
pitti* Keybuk to get contract for compiz bugs sorted14:03
seb128well, as said no stopper14:03
pittidoes anyone happen to know something about this?14:03
seb128too many issues to fix everything myself though14:03
MacSlowpitti, no clue14:03
seb128but we knew it from the start14:03
pittiok, let's ask Scott next week14:04
seb128pitti: scott told me the contract details were being sorted14:04
pittiseb128: right, it's a matter of prioritizing mostly, and hand off some important ones to other team members14:04
pittiseb128: great14:04
seb128pitti: right14:04
seb128as said we knew from the start it would be though ride this cycle14:04
* pitti looks at the action list and pats seb on the back14:04
seb128and that's why we will keep fixing those issue until 8.04.114:05
pitti* seb128 to fix the labelling of the menu items which are not right and warn translators about the change14:05
pittiseb128: you'll stay on hardy until .1, too, BTW?14:05
pittiI remember that we discussed some of those last week14:05
pittiespecially transmission, etc., right?14:05
seb128pitti: the menu items are half done, the transmission bittorent client is not but that's because some guys are working on getting the next version which has the change or on backporting changes and I'm letting them do the work there14:06
seb128I'll check with jdong14:06
pittiseb128: vinagre does not have a name in the menu14:06
pittithat seems a little inconsistent, all others in Internet have one14:07
pittibut *shrug*14:07
seb128ah right14:07
pittithe description is quite nice14:07
seb128will talk to upstream about this one14:07
pittibetter than just the name, as for transmission14:07
pittiseb128: so, it's vinagre and transmission; the rest looks fairly ok, do you have something else?14:07
seb128right, only those now14:08
seb128you can consider it as done14:08
pittiaccessoires is consistently without an app name14:08
pittithe multimedia one is a bit shuffled, but bearable IMHO14:08
seb128transmission is waiting for upload and vinagre is a target of opportunity but not really important, no need to keep it on the meeting actions list14:08
MacSlowpitti, hm... there's "Tracker Suche"14:08
pittiseb128: agreed14:09
pittiMacSlow: hm, good point14:09
pittishould be "Document search" maybe?14:09
MacSlowpitti, shouldn't that be changed too... I mean get rid of "Tracker" there... just "Desktop Suche"?14:09
seb128will look to this one too14:09
MacSlowpitti, it should be a bit more borad... as it will also find email and IM-conversations14:09
seb128but all that seems a bit late to break translations and I'm not sure about it14:09
seb128maybe we should just delay to next cycle14:10
pittiwell, vinagre doesn't matter so much, agreed14:10
seb128anyway that's not something worth bothering the whole team about again, I just wanted to have opinions on the topic14:10
pittibut people won't know what transmission is, or tracker14:10
seb128transmission is fixed upstream and the change will go to hardy14:10
pitti * seb128 to use applications, system tools again14:10
MacSlowseb128, pitti: "Tomboy Notizen" is of a similar kind... "Tomboy" needs to be skipped there too.14:10
pittihm, not sure about that one14:10
pittiMacSlow: ah, heh, I have that uninstalled14:11
seb128pitti: about what one?14:11
MacSlowseb128, pitti: maybe just go for "Notizen" there.14:11
seb128system tools?14:11
pittiseb128: apps, system tools; AFAIR that is too intrusive?14:11
seb128how intrusive?14:11
pittilike, changing it now in hardy14:11
seb128I moved gnome-system-monitor there14:11
seb128and we have the hardware testing thing14:11
pittiah, that14:11
pittiso, done14:11
pitti * asac (action by proxy) to drop nm-tool menu entry14:11
MacSlowseb128, I've it (g-s-m) show up twice here.14:12
pittiok, simple thing, it's just dropping the .desktop (or hiding it)14:12
seb128slangasek did it this morning14:12
seb128MacSlow: weird14:12
pittiI just have it once14:13
MacSlowseb128, but that's on my desktop which i only recently upgraded to hardy... from gutsy... that machine only was freshly installed once... around dapper iirc14:13
pittiRiddell: how do things look at the KDE front, OMG-bug-wise?14:13
* MacSlow checks on the laptop14:13
MacSlowwhich is a fresh install14:13
Riddelllpitti: pretty good14:14
pittiyay hardy :)14:14
Riddellla couple of notable issues, both with fixes in progress14:14
pitti. o O { it seems to me we had fewer major problems this time, right? }14:14
pittigreat, that covers the outstanding items14:14
pittidoes anyone feel the need to walk through that again?14:15
seb128pitti: I've some thing I'm really no happy about if you want issues ;-)14:15
seb128the new screen capplet for example14:15
pittior is everyone happy with the bugs on that? in the sense of "yes, they'll be fixed by release"?14:15
seb128need to escalade that to slangasek or something though14:15
pittiseb128: you mean the screen resolution thing?14:15
seb128the xrand1.2 capplet14:16
pittithat's what we'll get in favor of dropping displayconfig-gtk menu item, right?14:16
seb128it replaces the old capplet and displayconfig-gtk14:16
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pittihm, I only ever use it in vmware, which misdetects the resolution, and it works surprisingly well14:16
seb128the issue is that it has no "try and revert" mode and write directly changes14:16
pittiah, unlike displayconfig-gtk14:17
seb128so which means, boot an ati box, try to rotate the screen  and say bye to ubuntu14:17
seb128your xorg will be corrupted14:17
pittiah, and it saves the mode for next time14:17
seb128and restarting will not help since it writes the user configuration14:17
seb128so you are good to reinstall14:17
seb128that will get us very bad reviews imho14:18
pittiis there a bug report about it? I agree that we should get this fixed14:18
seb128yes, assigned to bryce and milestoned but he doesn't seem to be wanting to fix it for hardy14:18
pitti"apply" should switch to new mode and have you confirm it within 15 seconds or so, otherwise flip back, right?14:18
seb128he says that's not easy with the current design14:18
kwwiiat least make a backup copy of the old config :-)14:18
seb128and he wrote to the redhat guys who wrote the code but got no reply14:18
seb128pitti: yes14:19
pittiwhat's the name of that source package? or the bug#?14:19
seb128bug #19767314:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197673 in gnome-control-center "gnome-display-properties should revert change automatically if not acknowledged" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19767314:19
seb128I've milestoned it14:19
seb128but I really think it should be escalated somewhere and considered as a blocker14:20
pittiah, no 'resolution' in subject, that's why I didn't find it14:20
pittiseb128: I agree14:20
pittiI'll add some suggestions to the bug after the meeting14:20
pittilet's discuss that afterwards, shall we?14:20
pittieveryone else happy with the desktop bug list?14:21
seb128seems alright to me14:21
pittikwwii, MacSlow ?14:21
pittimuch of it are mvo-isms14:22
kwwiipitti: yeah, I have a couple of things but I am on top of them14:22
kwwiipitti: the example-content stuff will not be updated though it seems14:22
kwwiithe company never got around to it, not sure what is up there14:22
pittikwwii: oh, why not? at least some s/feisty/hardy/ at least?14:22
kwwiipitti: to be honest, because we were going to get a company to do it I left it alone14:22
pittirightly so14:23
kwwiiI guess once the gdm and icon stuff is done I can take a whack at it if there is still time14:23
MacSlowpitti, well working on #151395 (sort of part of desktop-effects-profiles) and trying to solve #199380 and #204994.14:23
pittibut maybe we can do at least some small tweaks, like update the release name14:23
kwwiipitti: right14:23
pittiany other agenda items?14:23
kwwiinothing from me14:24
seb128pitti: yes14:24
* pitti hugs seb12814:25
seb128grrr, I had something I wanted to mention but I don't remember what know14:25
* pitti chuckles14:25
kwwiihehe, must not have been important14:25
seb128shares-admin against nautilus-share14:25
pitti0:1, I'd say?14:25
ogra_cmpctime to resort to post-it's on your screen :)14:25
seb128we are moving to nautilus-share which user the samba usershare thing14:25
seb128my concern is upgrades14:25
seb128if we drop shares-admin what happens to people who configured shared under dapper?14:26
pittin-share doesn't alter smb.conf, while s-a does, I suppose14:26
seb128they are left without a way to unshare those?14:26
pittiseb128: how does n-share save its configuratin?14:26
seb128I'm not sure how much consideration we have for those14:26
seb128pitti: under /var/lib/samba/usershares14:27
seb128that's one file by share there14:27
pittiso it still uses some gksu'isms to store a global configuration?14:27
pittior is it per-user?14:27
seb128do you think we should try to consider some automatic migration?14:27
pittiif it's a global config, it would certainly be nice14:27
seb128neither of those14:28
seb128available to sambashare members14:28
pittioh, another system group, yay14:28
pittiwhich users aren't in by default14:28
seb128and samba add admin users to this group automatically on upgrade14:28
seb128for USER in `getent group admin | cut -f4 -d:`; do14:29
seb128adduser "$USER" sambashare14:29
seb128^ samba.postinst14:29
pittihm, sounds like an automatic upgrade is at least possible14:29
pittiI think we shuold discuss that with our resident Samba expert slangasek14:30
* pitti <- samba noob :/14:30
seb128do we consider that as a stopper to drop shares-admin meanwhile?14:30
seb128I'm not sure how much we are concerned by those on upgrades from dapper14:30
pitti(or gutsy)14:31
pittiIMHO pretty much14:31
seb128I've some other migration concerns but less important14:31
seb128those being the .Trash content and the gnomevfs servers14:31
pittiseb128: can you do the initial discussion with Steve, and then we'll discuss the implementation?14:31
seb128but that's not really meeting material14:31
pittimaybe on u-devel?14:31
seb128let's wait for him to be around14:32
seb128other quick other question14:32
pitti(u-d@, not #u-d)14:32
seb128what's going theme wise in hardy?14:32
* pitti looks at kwwii14:32
seb128scott said that hardy will uses ubuntulooks, is somebody working on reverting the changes?14:32
kwwiiseb128: the gdm will look very close to how it is now (sabdfl still needs to sign off on it)14:33
ogra_cmpcwe dont go with murrine ?14:33
kwwiiit will use ubuntulooks, there were several things which did not look good enough in murrine or clearlooks14:33
* ogra_cmpc changed the edubuntu themes with beta to use murrine14:33
kwwiiI do have a new gtkrc for ubuntulooks though14:33
kwwiiwe will aim to get a new theme in for +114:34
seb128kwwii: are you waiting on sponsoring?14:34
seb128kwwii: or do you still have changes to do?14:34
kwwiiseb128: yes, if we use a different theme we need someone to work on it14:34
kwwiiseb128: no, I just need to get all the packages ready and ping you and pitti14:34
seb128speaking about the changes to use ubuntulooks again there14:34
seb128that should be an ubuntu-artwork upload to change the default there14:35
kwwiihrm, ok I will add that to my list...I talked to mvo about it and I thought he took care of it14:36
ogra_cmpckwwii, is there still a depenmdency that pulls the murrine engine in or do i need to pull it via edubuntu-artwork if i still want it ?14:36
seb128kwwii: well, if you don't have pending changes I can do this one14:36
seb128ogra_cmpc: human-theme has a depends on it14:37
kwwiiogra_cmpc: you will need to set a dependency, I doubt we will ship another theme we do not use unless there is extra space14:37
ogra_cmpcseb128, yes, but it didnt sound like that would stay14:37
kwwiiseb128: the u-art stuff should be final14:37
seb128kwwii: ok, I'll just do the change to use ubuntulooks again then, ok?14:37
kwwiiseb128: cool, I owe you one :-)14:38
pittiso, did I get that right now:14:38
seb128pitti: ok, I'm done talking, no extra item to discuss ;-)14:38
pittiACTION: seb128 to initiate a discussion about shares-admin -> nautilus-share upg14:38
pittirade migration with slangasek on u-devel@14:38
pittiACTION: seb128 to prepare theme change back to ubuntulooks14:38
pittiACTION: kwwii to look into updating important bits of example-contents for Hardy14:38
pitti, primarily release name14:38
pittisorry for bad line breaks14:39
seb128the seb128 actions are alright14:39
kwwiiseb128: now that I think about it we also need to put the screensaver image in u-art as well14:39
pittiACTION: everyone hug seb128 for single-handedly combatting the desktop14:39
* ogra_cmpc hugs seb128 14:39
pittisame for Riddel for KDE, I think :)14:40
kwwiiseb128: I cannot think of a better place to put it, it is just one svg14:40
seb128kwwii: did you discuss that with ted?14:40
pittiok, anything else to be discussed?14:40
kwwiiseb128: yes14:40
* MacSlow hugs seb128 and feels bad seeing him tackling it alone14:40
pittiok, then KTHXADJOURNED :)14:41
pittithanks everyone14:41
MacSlowpitti, ?14:41
seb128thanks pitti14:41
HobbseeMacSlow: means "you can go home now"14:41
pittiHobbsee: good idea14:41
* pitti goes home14:41
* mpt goes back to sleep14:41
pittithere, done14:41
HobbseeMacSlow: or "go find beer"14:41
Hobbseehmm.  sleep.14:42
Hobbseehow do i have another uni lecture in just over 7 hours?14:42
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