
loolToddBrandt, bspencer: now fixed up to samsungq1u full target creation01:02
loolevolution-data-server finally decided to build on i38601:02
ToddBrandtlool: sweet, I'll try rebuilding again01:02
bspencerlool, hm.. is that  a known problem?01:03
loolbspencer: Which one?01:03
bspencerlool,  what is samsungglu ?01:05
loolsamsung q1 ultra full01:05
=== cprov is now known as cprov-zZz
dholbachgood morning07:12
ToddBrandtMithrandir: you online?08:44
MithrandirToddBrandt: yes08:44
ToddBrandtMithrandir: how do I see the list of bugs assigned to moblin-applets for hardy?08:48
ToddBrandtAre they mixed in with the gutsy bugs?08:48
ToddBrandtI finally have a working hardy image and want to get some of these bugs off the radar08:49
Mithrandirhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/moblin-applets/ you mean?08:51
ToddBrandtahh, there it is08:52
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
cgreganIs there a wiki out there for setting up a Xephyr session for UME?14:44
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
RwLcgregan: no a wiki, but I finally got UME going in Xephyr via these instructions: http://www.moblin.org/documentation_howto/howto_create-image.php14:45
cgreganRwL: Thanks14:45
RwLdo you already have a version of Moblin Image Creator installed?14:46
RwLcan anyone point me to a list of the default home screen apps for UME? I've been messing around, installing all kinds of things to see if they'll work, and I've found myself with 65 icons when I view all. Wondering which ones made it on there with which installations.15:12
smoserdoes anyone know the difference between "Mobile Developer" and "Mobile Engineer" (http://www.ubuntu.com/employment) ?16:03
loolRwL: The default list should be mostly the one pulled by the ubuntu-mobile meta package16:06
loolRwL: Any FreeDesktop app is probably listed by default for now16:06
agoliveirasmoser: The Ubuntu Mobile Engineer will work with the core team and  Developer with MID Team which has different responsabilities.16:06
smagounsmoser: there's not much practical difference. I think one reports to the core ubuntu mobile team, and one works for the team that customizes UM for various OEM/ODMs. The two teams work quite closely, and many responsibilities are shared.16:06
loolsmagoun: But if you're smart, take the UME one16:07
lools/smagoung/smoser, but just kidding anyway16:07
smagounlool: nah, we (MID/MSG Team) get more new hardware to play with!16:08
smoseragoliveira, smagoun thanks.  I had thought that it might be a statement of level (ie, one being a promotion from the other).16:08
smagounsmoser: no promotion that I'm aware of, if you find out there is one please let me know!16:09
loolsmoser: If you're good enough, you can get the UME position from the start, yeah16:09
loolAh /me stops joking and gets back to work16:09
agoliveirasmagoun: Yeah that gives you some geek points but I rather work from my home or from the beach if I want to :)16:10
loolagoliveira: Hmm I think Lexington isn't a hard requirement anymore now16:10
smagounagoliveira: I work in the office, and I get to sit RIGHT NEXT TO ChickenCutlass.16:10
loolsmagoun: And that's a feature?  :)16:11
SciriAnd I get to throw things at smagoun.16:11
agoliveiralool: Can you please, don't spoil my turn in the pissing contest? :)16:11
agoliveirasmagoun: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that. :P16:11
RwLlool: afraid I don't know how to find/identify that meta package... I found /usr/share/doc/ubuntu-mobile via find but all I see is the changelog16:31
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
loolRwL: It's a package, you'll see it in your preferred package manager!?!16:36
loolRwL: "apt-get install ubuntu-mobile" will install it for example16:36
RwLah, OK... I'm browsing the package now in Synaptic but I'm still clueless on how to identify where or how it pulls the list of default apps I was interested in.16:41
loolMeeting in 216:58
* ToddBrandt is here16:59
* agoliveira is here but forgot the coffee... sigh...17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 18:01. The chair is lool.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
loolHi all17:00
loolLet's start with the action items!17:00
lool[topic] Debbie to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB by 13 March. [cted] [cted]17:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Debbie to produce boot charts for squashfs vs ext3 for hardy CB by 13 March. [cted] [cted] 17:00
loolDebbieFoghorn: Heya; so I think you did this17:01
DebbieFoghornlool: yes I did.17:01
DebbieFoghornThe charts are on our internal wiki17:01
loolSo you wrote https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/GeneratingBootchartsForUMEImage17:01
loolDebbieFoghorn: Could you please promote the chart on the public wiki?  I think Pat gave is ok17:02
DebbieFoghornlool: Sure, I'll do that now.17:02
loolDebbieFoghorn: Thanks; should I keep the action open?  I guess not, people will see them on the same wiki page, right?17:02
loolDebbieFoghorn: And thanks for putting that together17:03
loolMoving to next action otem17:03
lool*item sorry17:03
lool[topic] kyleN to enhance his python script looking into hildon modules to build a map of where the gettext templates are stored [cted]f17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  kyleN to enhance his python script looking into hildon modules to build a map of where the gettext templates are stored [cted]f 17:03
loolkyleN: I see you compiled some results on the wiki already17:03
loolkyleN: Tell us more17:03
kyleNfor some reason, I am seeing no messages. I will log out and in.17:05
loolSee you in a sec17:05
loolkyleN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6136/17:05
loolkyleN: Seeing messages now?17:06
loolHmm I guess we'll defer the actions to later in the meeting17:07
kyleNthere it is17:07
loolkyleN: hey, you copy now?17:07
kyleNis it my action item?17:07
kyleNirc client bug, sorry17:07
loolkyleN: It is17:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6136 17:08
kyleNok, I made progress on my action17:08
kyleNthe problem as I see it is translating hildon17:08
kyleNi divided it into a series of problems and came up with solutions17:08
loolkyleN: Are these on the wiki?17:09
kyleNI wrote it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/HildonTranslation17:09
kyleNthe bottom line is that I now see a path towards translating hildon17:09
kyleNwhich is a relief17:09
kyleNit will require several things, but see the wiki17:09
kyleNthere are a couple questions near the bottom that need addressing17:09
loolNot quite sure why you started a new page instead of changing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack17:10
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/HildonTranslation17:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/HildonTranslation 17:10
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack17:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/MobileLangpack 17:10
kyleNtranslating hildon is related but different17:11
loolWell I see many common tasks in both pages17:12
kyleNfine. I wrote this last night at 2 a.m.17:12
loolSo back to the action point, the actual goal was to build domains <-> source packages maps; I see a map at the bottom of your page17:13
loolIt seems that it's a consumer map; do you also have a provider map?17:14
kyleNi don't know what you mean17:14
loolIt's a list of where domains are in use; do you have a list of where to find templates?17:14
kyleNyes, i describe it in the wiki17:14
kyleNeach of the source packages I ID there has the appropriate source template17:15
loolOh it's on the right, ok17:15
kyleNwhat I did was:17:15
loolkyleN: Looks good17:15
kyleN1) find all domains called by hildon packages we use17:15
kyleN2) find the source templates in maemo17:16
kyleNit took a lot of work to get there, but c'est la vie17:16
kyleNand describe how we can actually translate hildon, with a couple options17:16
kyleNand open questions17:17
loolkyleN: The results are quite useful though: we now can tell what we miss and where we will find it17:17
kyleNsome of it is automated using my python tool. 17:17
kyleNthat's the part that analyzes source packages nad provides a report of domains called17:17
loolkyleN: That's excellent, it means that if hildon folks add modules or move things around, we can rebuild the map17:18
DebbieFoghornlool: FYI, the bootcharts are now uploaded to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/GeneratingBootchartsForUMEImage.  Let me know if you need anything else from me.17:18
kyleNyes, with some work17:18
loolDebbieFoghorn: Thanks17:18
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/GeneratingBootchartsForUMEImage17:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/GeneratingBootchartsForUMEImage 17:18
loolOk; thanks a lot to kyleN 17:18
loolMoving to next action now17:18
kyleNmy pleasure17:18
lool[topic] kyleN to look into hildon-help; what's is useful for and whether we should package it for UME [cted] [cted]17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  kyleN to look into hildon-help; what's is useful for and whether we should package it for UME [cted] [cted] 17:19
loolkyleN: It's you again \o/ :)17:19
kyleNalas, I will have to take another pass on this, offering up the usual (but valid) excuses17:19
loolkyleN: So some meetings ago we wondered what hildon-help is and whether we need it17:19
loolkyleN: Ok17:19
lool[action] kyleN to look into hildon-help; what's is useful for and whether we should package it for UME [cted] [cted] [cted]17:19
MootBotACTION received:  kyleN to look into hildon-help; what's is useful for and whether we should package it for UME [cted] [cted] [cted] 17:19
lool[topic] lool review progress on Hildon 2.0 updates next week [cted] [cted]17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  lool review progress on Hildon 2.0 updates next week [cted] [cted] 17:19
loolI didn't see any uploads of these; did someone work on them?17:20
loolbfiller_, smagoun, horaceli (bspencer?)?17:20
smagounlool: no time yet :(17:20
loolI didn't do my second module either17:20
bfiller_lool: same here, did not get to it17:20
loolI know agoliveira was in conference last week17:21
* agoliveira is ashamed to say not yet but intends to complete until next meeting saving any emergency.17:21
loolOk; so I'm keeping the weekly review open17:21
lool[action] lool review progress on Hildon 2.0 updates next week [cted] [cted] [cted]17:21
MootBotACTION received:  lool review progress on Hildon 2.0 updates next week [cted] [cted] [cted] 17:21
lool[topic] lool to document tarball release + ppa upload process and patch addition + submission process [cted]17:21
MootBotNew Topic:  lool to document tarball release + ppa upload process and patch addition + submission process [cted] 17:21
loolIt's my turn to announce I failed doing this again17:21
bspencerlool:  We /would/ have done our Hildon 2.0 update... but we didn't have a document to follow17:22
loolEaster, busy week, and Moblin conf call yesterday; I didn't manage to put a solid chunk of time to do it17:22
loolbspencer: Ah, I do have notes on that17:22
loolbspencer: I'll add them to the Hildon 2.0 wiki page17:22
loolbspencer: The path I followed is quite painful, some shortcuts can be taken17:22
* agoliveira didn't like much the last lool's line :)17:23
lool[action] lool to document tips for Hildon 2.0 updates on Hildon 2.0 wiki page17:23
MootBotACTION received:  lool to document tips for Hildon 2.0 updates on Hildon 2.0 wiki page 17:23
loolagoliveira: It actually means you wont have a nearly as painful path ;)17:23
loolBack to documenting the tarball -> ppa update process; I'll do it tomorrow for sure unless hit by a truck or a new high priority assignment, but it's highest on my todo list I swear17:24
loolswearing is bad17:24
lool[action] lool to document tarball release + ppa upload process and patch addition + submission process [cted] [cted scheduled for Friday the 28th]17:25
MootBotACTION received:  lool to document tarball release + ppa upload process and patch addition + submission process [cted] [cted scheduled for Friday the 28th] 17:25
lool[topic] lool to send rustyl_ steps to update ppa packages for the new tarball based release process [cted]17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  lool to send rustyl_ steps to update ppa packages for the new tarball based release process [cted] 17:25
loolHmm this is about the same17:25
loolNot quite sure why I have it as two actions; but i'll send it to rustyl_ immediately after it's written!17:25
lool[action] lool to send rustyl_ steps to update ppa packages for the new tarball based release process [cted] [cted scheduled for Friday the 28th]17:26
MootBotACTION received:  lool to send rustyl_ steps to update ppa packages for the new tarball based release process [cted] [cted scheduled for Friday the 28th] 17:26
lool[topic] rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week]17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week] 17:26
loolrustyl_: So hmm, nothing to discuss; I'm still blocking you sadly, but should resolve tomorrow17:26
lool[action] rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...]17:27
lool[topic] ToddBrandt to talk to bspencer and mawhalen about the merging with Hardy and bfiller and lool, etc.17:27
MootBotACTION received:  rustyl_ to assign ppa packages updates for the new tarball based release process [cted as blocked by lool last week and the week before that...] 17:27
MootBotNew Topic:  ToddBrandt to talk to bspencer and mawhalen about the merging with Hardy and bfiller and lool, etc. 17:27
loolToddBrandt, bspencer, mawhalen: ^17:27
loolWe didn't do this17:27
bspencertrue... remind again about it?17:27
loolToddBrandt, bspencer, mawhalen: we're happy to host the confcall if needs be; could you send bfiller_ and myself an agenda?17:27
loolbspencer: I have no idea, I understand it was proposed by you folks; probably in last week's minutes17:28
bspenceryeah, I proposed it17:28
mawhalenI don't know what this is either17:28
bspencerwhat were we talking about though.17:28
bspencermerging Control Panel applets with upstream ?17:28
bfiller_bspencer: it had to do with keeping moblin-applets in sync (or not) with gnome17:28
ToddBrandtoh right17:28
bspencerok.  it's all coming back to me now17:29
bspenceryeah, we didn't do that yet.17:29
loolI think davidm requested this action twice17:29
ToddBrandtthe plusses and minuses of maintaining moblin-applets with completely up-to-date additions from its parent package: gnome-control-center17:29
loolI didn't quite understand it last week TBH17:29
fbcHi all! I just read the write up on fullcirclemagazine.org and was wondering whether there would be a branch of the project that would run on Intels Xscale processors such as those in the Motorola Q's?17:29
loolfbc: We're in the middle of a meeting right now; could you ask after the meeting?  Thanks!17:29
fbcall.. sry17:29
bspencerlool: continue the action.17:29
bspencerwhat time can we meet to discuss ?17:30
bspencerMonday...10amPDT ?17:30
loolbspencer: The 5pm UTC slot could be a good one for; it's morning for MSG and evening here17:30
loolEarly morning for you17:30
bspencer5pm == ?17:30
lool10am PDT => 17 UTC, we agree :)17:30
bspenceryeah, "early" through me off17:31
loolAh there's a catch, I'm switching to summer time this WE17:31
bfiller_bspencer, lool: that works for me17:31
loolOne hour earlier would be preferable for me, but I can do it17:31
bspencerMonday 10am sound OK for ToddBrandt mawhalen  (maybe rustyl_ if he's around) for a short discussion on future of moblin-applets vs. gnome ?17:32
ToddBrandtsounds good17:32
ToddBrandtoh wait, this monday?17:32
mawhalenIs is a phone meeting or IRC?17:32
loolmawhalen: phone17:32
ToddBrandtCrap, I have an appointment with my accoundtant this monday17:32
ToddBrandtcan you make it Tuesday?17:32
loolOr Tuesday would work at that time17:32
loolbfiller_: Tuesday?17:33
bspencerTues yes, Wed no.17:33
loolI'm not sure davidm's conference line is free though17:33
bspencerwe can set the conference, np.17:33
bfiller_lool: Tuesday works17:33
loolbspencer: Can you send us details for Tuesday, 5pm UTC?17:33
bspencerI'll send an invite for Tue 10am PDT  5PM utc17:33
bspencerACTION bOB...17:33
loolbspencer: Well no need to review this "action" next week ;)17:34
loolOk; done with action items17:34
loolMoving to current items17:34
lool[topic] Moblin implementation of gettext and intltool, how's it going? (kyleN)17:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Moblin implementation of gettext and intltool, how's it going? (kyleN) 17:34
kyleNLool and I both wrote up wiki pages on impl'ing i18n. I believe Moblin was going to do this for all relevant packages (those that expose strings in UI). What is the status of this effort? 17:34
loolbspencer, rustyl_: Could we assign i18nization or at least l10nization to Moblin projects maintainers?17:35
bspencerwe've filed bugs for outstand i18n bugts in media player17:35
bspencermost are fixed.  media import still has a bug17:35
bspencerI know of one other moblin-media location that isn't yet i18n17:35
loolbspencer: Which Moblin projects are i18ned/miss it?17:35
bspencercwong... hm, not online.17:36
loolIf you don't have the information and think you can build it, can we build it for next week?17:36
bspencerI think browser is already, following Firefox mechanism17:36
bspencerlool: yes.17:36
bspencerToddBrandt: is appletsw i18n ?17:36
loolbspencer: Ok for you to take the action?17:36
bspencerlool: love to17:36
HappyCamp_laptopkyleN: Can you send the link to the wiki page?  for i18n stuff17:36
ToddBrandtmoblin-applets is, is that what you mean?17:36
lool[action] bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project17:36
MootBotACTION received:  bspencer to list i18n status for Moblin project 17:36
kyleN[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nMobileCode17:37
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nMobileCode 17:37
kyleN[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nQuickstart17:38
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/I18nQuickstart 17:38
loolOk; sounds like a plan then17:38
loolAnything else on the topic?17:38
kyleNnot from me, thank god17:38
loolNo other topic to discuss?17:38
HappyCamp_laptopso nothing about i18n for python?17:39
ToddBrandtlool: what about the gtk_theme gconf stuff I was supposed to add to moblin-setings-daemon17:39
kyleNHappyCamp_laptop: I actually mention MIC as a model for doing it in python17:39
loolToddBrandt: Hmm how come we missed that action17:39
ToddBrandtlool: it's there now in GASTON17:39
HappyCamp_laptopk.  The title I thought said C code from my very quick look.  Will check it out :)17:39
kyleNToddBrandt: thanks for remembering17:39
loolToddBrandt: For some reason, it's not on the action list17:39
loolToddBrandt: Let's do it17:40
lool[topic] ToddBrandt's action on gtk_theme gconf stuff for moblin-setings-daemon17:40
MootBotNew Topic:  ToddBrandt's action on gtk_theme gconf stuff for moblin-setings-daemon 17:40
ToddBrandtlool: I haven't put it in hardy yet because I need to test it on gaston first, is there an app you'd like me to make sure works?17:40
loolToddBrandt: I see you committed stuff on that today17:40
loolToddBrandt: I think that if you test it works with gconftool-2, it will be good enough17:40
ToddBrandtoh that's it?17:40
ToddBrandtnot theme-switcher or anything, ok17:40
loolToddBrandt: Well I think that's all you were asked, but then if you feel like also implementing a theme switching applet, you would be welcome17:41
ToddBrandtI need to, it's on my plate, it's just way off on the side of the plate, I'll look at that this week17:41
loolToddBrandt: But thanks for your efforts in implementing this17:42
ToddBrandtno problem, sorry for the lateness btw17:42
loolI think it was a missing infrastructure for MSG folks which can now happily implement some theme switching in /some way/ :)17:42
loolOk; any other topic to discuss today?17:42
loolkyleN: Go ahead17:42
kyleNcan moblin characterize whether they will fix gestures in media?17:42
lool[topic] (kyleN) can moblin characterize whether they will fix gestures in media?17:43
MootBotNew Topic:  (kyleN) can moblin characterize whether they will fix gestures in media? 17:43
loolkyleN: So you're seeing a bug or missing feature and would like to know whether support or fixing support for this is planned?17:43
patmkyleN, while in Portland I was told that this feature was removed due to lack of interest, although I did not see the discussion that lead to that17:43
kyleNnor I17:44
kyleNI think it's very much wanted and appropriate17:44
loolbspencer: Who would know?17:44
bspencerno gestures17:44
bspencerwhat does gestures mean?17:44
bspencerwhen were there gestures?17:44
kyleNit measns lide finger to right to page to next photo17:44
loolbspencer: You move the stylus to the right, it switches to the next song17:44
kyleNslide finger to scale up, scale down17:45
kyleNslide to rotate17:45
bspenceryeah, I understand17:45
kyleNthese used to work17:45
bspencerwitt the current media player no gestures are planned17:45
bspencerthey didn't work with the current navigation though17:45
kyleN(maybe not scale)17:45
bspencertouch zoom, panning, etc.17:45
bspencerthey would just surprise the user17:45
patmbspencer, who decided for panning over gestures?17:45
patmour issue is the customer had this interface for 3 months then it disappeared17:46
* agoliveira thinks this should be done in a lower lever to be avaiable to every application.17:46
bspencerpatm: you could go back to pre-panning and get the code17:46
bspencerI honestly found it awkward, esp when there was no visual feedback17:46
bspenceryou would move your finger and suddenly the picture changed 17:47
loolBut it's in CocoaTouch!17:47
patmI understand, was there a discussion about the change?17:47
bspencerwe changed it about 4 months ago or more.  Bfeore our last get together17:47
patmI will have to ask the customers which they prefer now17:47
bspencerpatm: ok.  Let me know and we can find the previous code17:48
patmbspencer, appreciate some help, thanks17:48
loolpatm: "We want both with a setting to switch between the two" muahahaa17:48
kyleNlol w/ lool17:48
patmlool, yikes17:48
loolOkely; anything more on the topic?17:49
loolAnybody with an additional surprize topic?17:49
patmI have one17:49
loolGo ahead17:49
* agoliveira runs away as fast as possible17:49
patmwho is the current contact for wifi drivers on the moblin team?17:49
patmlike for marvell 8686 an d868817:50
mawhalenIt's Feng Tang17:50
lool[topic] (patm) who is the current contact for wifi drivers on the moblin team?17:50
patmmawhalen, will you be on the cal later?17:50
MootBotNew Topic:  (patm) who is the current contact for wifi drivers on the moblin team? 17:50
alek_desktang feng17:50
mawhalenpatm: I will and I had sent your previous email to Feng and just got a reply back17:51
mawhalenWe can discuss17:51
patmok we can defer until the call thanks17:51
mawhalenin the next meting17:51
patmok lool thanks17:51
loolOkay; topic seems done17:51
mawhalenlool: are you calling for opens?17:51
fbcHow about moblelin for xscale?17:51
loolmawhalen: I'm waiting for any other topic to discuss today17:52
loolfbc: See FAQ in topic17:52
fbclool, k17:52
agoliveirafbc: Please, check the FAQ.17:52
mawhalenlool: we should discuss PPM - patm could lead.17:52
mawhalenmbbas is online17:52
mawhalensorry - mabbas17:52
HappyCamp_laptopfbc did anyone mention the FAQ ;)17:52
lool[topic] (mawhalen) PPM discussion17:52
MootBotNew Topic:  (mawhalen) PPM discussion 17:52
bspencerlool:  do I have to update the website, or can I just mention that both hardy and non-hardy images were broken this week but are now fixed and should be working.  <end of topic>17:52
loolmawhalen: Could you introduce the topic?17:52
mawhalenI was under the impression that there were opens with PPM that need to be discussed.  17:53
loolbspencer: Not quite sure which website you mean?17:53
patmmabbas, mawhalen there was a discussion at the last sprint...17:53
loolpatm: Do you have questions on ppm?17:53
mawhalenpatm: i can't find the minutes17:53
patmand a number of actions were captured and posted to the wiki17:53
loolbspencer: But sure, do update it if you like17:53
patmI sent a pointer but it is on an internal shared wiki not public17:53
patmthe basic question is status vs that work, and the current state of the PPM17:54
patmis it in use for anything in the current build, was the power button logic intergated to it?17:54
* lool (female voice) tuduh FIVE17:55
patmwere the modularization changes to run scripts made to it?17:55
mabbasdo I reporta status here?17:55
bspencerlool:  clever :)17:55
patmmabbas, briefly then a follow up email?17:55
mawhalenpatm: and just caught up with email, I'll send the list to Mohamed from the wiki17:56
bspencermabbas:  we have an ongoing AR to send a status report of the week's work for mobile stuff to this list.  Then we can discuss any outstanding issues here.  But give a brief status if you want.17:56
mabbasI just got a request to integrate S3 and S4 into and now in the process to add these feature17:57
mabbasI have not done any thing for the power button logic intergated to it17:57
mabbasWho to contact for power button?17:57
* lool 2 minutes to end of meeting; can't stay longer, but I'm happy to delegate17:58
patmmawhalen, lets also discuss next meeting17:58
patmI don't want to take over for lool17:59
patmlool, can we have an action to check PPM status next meeting?17:59
loolmawhalen: Can you open an item for next meeting?17:59
GrueMasterVery brief update.18:00
GrueMasterquick update for \sh:  wine for lpia seems to work.  System installed ie4lnx without errupting into fire and brimstone.18:00
GrueMasterHaven't tested any games.18:00
loolAny other topic?18:00
loolOk; thanks a lot to everybody for making it to the meeting!18:01
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:02.18:01
=== GrueMaster is now known as GrueMaster_away
=== matt_c_ is now known as matt_c
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shGrueMaster_away: thx for testing...I'm trying to enable wine for lpia :)19:18
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== GrueMaster_away is now known as GrueMaster
GrueMaster\sh:  I'm back.  I didn't see any major issues with installing and running wine.19:52
GrueMasterAnd I don't think it will damage any platforms.  19:53
inuka_deskGrueMaster, ping19:58
inuka_deskGrueMaster, have question about the mesa libs in psb Beta9, do the libglut so files need to be installed as well for the 3d driver to work correctly?20:00
GrueMasterNo, but I think they are modified for better performance.  I just finished rebuilding for today's hardy snapshot.  I'll test it as soon as I'm done eating and get back to you.20:01
inuka_deskGrueMaster: thanks20:02
GrueMasterinuka_desk:  Ping.  The only thing I see that isn't in Ubuntu by default or added by the PSB drivers is libglut.so and libGLw.so21:03
GrueMasterAnd I don't see any performance differences with or without them.  libGL.so and libGLU.so are also different (same names), but copying all the new drivers over the top doesn't change performance of GLXGears.21:06
inuka_deskGrueMaster: the mesa libs from upstream has changes to libgl1 libglu1 which seems to make performance better for gutsy. Mesa also has libglut in it was wondering if that needs to be installed over freeglut.21:07
GrueMasterThe hardy image I have didn't have libglut installed, and I don't see any difference with it.21:08
inuka_deskGrueMaster: thanks, that answers my question.21:08
=== bspencer__ is now known as bspencer
fetter_omlmoin moin22:45
GrueMasterAnyone know what the procedure is for filing a bug?  I need to see if one is filed for changing resolutions.23:48
fetter_omlim sry, no :/23:49
bspenceris lool still around ?23:50
StevenKIt's 10 to 1 am in Paris, so doubtfully23:51
bspenceryeah, but he's a crazy man23:51
fetter_omlgoodnight everyone (here in .de is one o clock :D )23:58

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