
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
* JediMaster kicks Czessi00:25
cody-somervilleoh my00:25
JediMasterAny admins about that can just temporary ban him so he doesn't rejoin next time?00:26
jdong!ops ^^^00:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops ^^^ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:26
ubotuHelp! Hobbsee, Riddell, sladen, fbond, mneptok, gnomefreak, Seveas, dholbach, elkbuntu, PriceChild, or jpatrick!00:26
jdongHobbsee: Czessi_ excess flooding00:26
ScottK2emgent: I saw the USN.  Thanks.00:27
Piciin -bugs too00:27
* Pici doesnt have ze power00:27
jdongHobbsee: probably a bf to -ops?00:27
cody-somervillePici, we all used to have powers but they seem to have disappeared.00:27
jdongcody-somerville: yeah I tried a couple /cs o's before giving up :)00:27
cody-somervilleHe is in -marketing too00:28
jdongthe dynamic duo to the rescue!00:28
* jdong is so gonna get killed for that one00:28
JediMasterhe probably just needs to be banned for a few min so he doesn't reconnect00:28
JediMasterthanks guys =)00:28
* PriceChild messages him to talk in #ubuntu-ops when ready00:28
* Hobbsee hates irssi for ban stuff.00:28
PriceChildactually that's a silly idea... /me trundles on00:29
jdongHobbsee: it's not exactly as intuitive as xchat's /cs bans.00:29
azeemHobbsee: http://svn.donarmstrong.com/don/trunk/home_modules/irc/.irssi/scripts/auto_bleh.pl is ok00:29
Hobbseeyeah, i just need to remember how to use it00:29
azeem /ab <nick> reason00:30
JediMasterahhh yess!! I've not completely automated my package building, uploading, adding the new .deb to the repos and it's all signed too, purrrfect, thanks guys for the help, reprepro did the trick nicely00:30
jdongazeem: yeah it's okay and what I use but still not as good as xchat00:30
PriceChildazeem: doesn't do forwards00:30
azeemoh well00:30
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko-zzz
ScottK2\sh_away: There's a new gnucash version proposed for a merge/FFe.  Would you please have a look at it.00:45
ScottK2Here's something that would be useful ...00:48
ScottK2A cvs/svn wrapper that looks at what kind of respository you are in and substitues cvs/svn as needed.00:48
ScottK2I'm using cvs for the first time in about a year and I type svn command instead of cvs command a significant fraction of the time.00:49
bddebianHeya gang01:31
ScottK2Heya bddebian.01:32
bddebianHi ScottK201:32
* ScottK2 just diss'ed you in #debian-python01:32
bddebianYeah, so I noticed, thanks :-)01:33
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Hobbseeyou know, the lag to here is really not too bad, considering i'm ssh'ing to the US, then back to austraila...01:59
* ajmitch is used to that02:00
ScottK2Heya ajmitch.02:01
ScottK2ajmitch: Thanks a bunch still for the return of the RC bug tracker.  I've gotten an number of good fixes in I wouldn't have otherwisel.02:01
FlannelHey guys, do alpha/beta versions of Ubuntu have debug symbols included in them? (that get removed for the final?)02:02
ajmitchScottK2: NP, glad it was of some help02:03
ajmitchno doubt it's probably buggy & should be improved02:04
ScottK2ajmitch: It's about a billion percent better than anything anyone else has provided.02:04
Hobbseedear eclipse, plz stop stealing all cpu.  kthxbye.02:05
ScottK2Isn't that a feature of eclipse.  No being distracted by that awful multi-tasking?02:06
Hobbseeoh, there we are02:06
bddebianSo ajmitch is back in action??02:16
bddebianc'mon you're never out of action!! :)02:20
ScottK2He's at least slightly more present.02:21
=== FliesLike|lap is now known as FliesLikeALap
jdongthe Safari for Windows EULA says I can only "install this Software on one Apple-labeled Computer"02:22
bddebianAnd still more useful than me :)02:22
jdongbut iTunes is forcing me to install Safari on this non-Apple Windows machine.02:23
jdongthis has got to be illegal?02:23
bddebianWhat the hell is Safari?02:23
jdongbddebian: lol02:23
jdongbddebian: I'm sorry, BrowserKit :D02:23
tritiumHi ajmitch.02:24
ajmitchhello tritium02:24
milliScottK2: eesh.  git backport is painful02:26
ScottK2milli: What needs to be done?02:27
millibddebian: Safari is something you go on in Australia or Africa to see wild animals do crazy things02:27
ScottK2milli: Feisty was along time ago.   You should consider upgrading.02:27
milliScottK2: well, yeah.  Will get there once Hardy is baked..  ;-)02:27
bddebianjdong: OK, what the hell is BrowserKit? :)02:27
milliScottK2:  asciidoc deps needs to be (<< 7.1.0), and tcl8.5 -> tcl8.4, but /usr/bin/wish8.5 is hard-coded into the gitk executable, so that needs a patching.02:28
milliand there's not tk8.5 depends in control..  oops02:28
milli(source is from sid)02:29
milliand it's prolly only a big deal to me right now, so no worries.02:29
* milli is installing issue tracker that has git repo browser in it and require git-core or better...02:31
ScottK2How about from Hardy.  I bet it actually builds.02:33
ScottK2milli: Do we want for Hardy?02:33
milliScottK2: is good enough for me02:47
millithus it's there already02:47
* milli panics for a second thinking it's a Survivor night02:52
* Hobbsee sees a broken getdeb system02:55
* Hobbsee advises a resinstall.02:55
ScottK2Hobbsee: Isn't that redundant?02:55
HobbseeScottK2: system lookup error for gnome-system-monitor, after installing pidgin, etc, from getdeb.  yay.02:56
Hobbseei'd wondered why the version sof libc6, etc, were different..02:56
ScottK2But they don't want to get involved in packaging for Ubuntu proper because we're too picky....02:56
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jdongScottK2: you saw the transmission packages from Friday right?03:16
jdongScottK2: essentially they will ship a single transmission package that on install will cause dpkg overwrite errors to transmission-{cli,common,gtk}03:16
jdongScottK2: when I complained about this behavior, the response I got back was "this only happens if the user has transmission installed from Ubuntu"03:16
* jdong gives up03:17
ScottK2jdong: This is Transmission upstream making their own packages?03:18
jdongScottK2: no this is a getdeb packager03:24
jdongScottK2: we love transmission upstream :)03:24
ScottK2Back on getdeb.03:28
ScottK2No, I didn't see their packages.03:29
jdongScottK2: well essentially it was a blind cdbs dh_make from the looks of it, with no regards to properly dealing with upgrades from Ubuntu packages03:31
jdongooh! I have the diff.gz!03:32
ScottK2By policy they don't deal with upgrades.  They saw to uninstall all getdeb packages before an upgrade.03:32
ScottK2Which is a step up from the late not so lamented Automatix that just broke later Ubuntu upgrades and blamed Ubuntu.03:33
ScottK2I just love the Launchpad design.04:30
ScottK2When you convert a bug to a question, it sets the bug status to invalid.04:30
ScottK2If the bug was already invalid, guess what?04:30
ScottK2You got it.  The bug cannot be converted back to a question.04:30
FujitsuScottK2: It oopses?04:31
ScottK2No.  It tells you that because the bug may be valid somewhere else, it can't be converted.04:32
ScottK2I suspect it's a default response if changing to invalid doesn't work.04:32
ScottK2Typical of Launchpad's well thought out designs.04:32
nixternalScottK2 and Fujitsu: you know if it was open sourced we could fix that :p04:35
* nixternal ducks04:35
Fujitsunixternal: But Hobbsee's not here.04:36
nixternaloh she is, just hiding04:36
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=== Ibalon is now known as zakame
HobbseeFujitsu: i am now...05:02
HobbseeScottK2: yeah, exctly, so they use the same version number of libc6 as us.05:02
Hobbseejdong: damn that's stupid!05:03
HobbseeScottK2: that's...classy05:03
nixternalI love how you come back and just comment all at once05:04
jdonglol it's a FIFO :)05:05
* ScottK2 followed it just fine.05:05
* Hobbsee was at tute05:05
* Hobbsee is still having getdeb nightmares, though :P05:05
jdongas did I. It's not any different than a laggy splitty day :)05:05
nixternalgetdeb rocks!05:05
jdongHobbsee: haha those are here to last :)05:05
* jdong writes the UpdateManagerForceOverwriteByDefault spec... :D05:06
nixternalturkey, right as I was in the middle of typing05:06
ScottK2Then it worked.05:07
nixternalanywho, #kubuntu is starting to see people go 'I tried to upgrade to hardy per the instructions on h.u.c/community but I am getting these errors'05:07
nixternalask to see their sources.list, and guess what is in there05:07
ScottK2If getdeb would just use a PPA, they could even serve their crack out of the Canonical data center.05:09
Hobbseenixternal: turkey, hey?05:09
Hobbseenixternal: are they getting the libc6 error, or?05:09
nixternali seen the highlight while talking to another person05:09
nixternaldamn, you have a TOO MUCH CRACK flag, I like that one05:10
ScottK2Cool.  First time that's ever happened to me.05:10
* nixternal whistles05:10
nixternalscared them away Hobbsee!!!05:11
nixternal/mode +b mdomsch!*@*##dont_run_away_scared bddebian!*@*##dont_run_away_scared05:12
nixternaloops, forgot a b in there05:12
FujitsuAw, we can't all op now.05:14
FujitsuNo more crazy op-abuse wars, I guess.05:14
Hobbseefor good reason :P05:14
nixternal00:15:18 [notice(ChanServ!ChanServ@services.)] An access level of [10] is required for [OP] on #ubuntu-motu05:15
nixternalheh, anyone remember /fuckem on the BitchX client? that was the mofo of evilness right there05:16
nixternalthat was about 10 years ago already...jeesh time flies when you are having fun05:16
Fujitsunixternal: I had the pleasure of getting BitchX removed.05:20
HobbseeFujitsu: nwo try with yada and checkinstall.05:21
FujitsuThey're not horrifically insecure.05:22
nixternalyou think?05:22
nixternalhow many times was BitchX taken over by hackers and turned into a RootKit?05:22
jdongHobbsee: alien should go though, in all seriousness05:22
jdongHobbsee: almost always that tool is misused05:23
ScottK2Trying to do something that actually can't be done.05:23
jdongScottK2: like compiling eclipse 3.3? :)05:23
ScottK2Not that hard05:24
Hobbseejdong: i know.06:01
Hobbseejdong: if only lsbrelease didn't require it...06:01
warp10Good morning06:46
dholbachgood morning07:12
theseinfeldLucidFox you there?07:34
theseinfeldwhen you have time, will you take another look at the http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=libdc1394-2207:34
theseinfeldplease :)07:35
theseinfeldLucidFox I hope that we could get it in soon so I can focus on other packages07:35
LaserJockdholbach: how often is the 5-a-day stats page updated?07:55
dholbachLaserJock: every hour I think07:56
LaserJockah, so it is :-)07:56
dholbachwe have quite some busy Teams there :)07:57
* LaserJock puts ubuntu-nevada in 2nd place today ;-)07:57
dholbachI didn't know you were in Nevada07:57
LaserJockI had a good couple days, 21 bugs07:59
cody-somervilleu-u-s queue is getting big :)08:05
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
YokoZardholbach: *hugs*09:24
\shhmm...hugging time?09:44
\shYokoZar: hey congrats :)09:44
\shyust read the good news09:44
* YokoZar hugs \sh09:45
coolwhat are this hugs for :p09:47
cody-somervilleYokoZar, is motu now09:49
huatsYokoZar: congrats09:51
\shYokoZar: go get wine rocking ;)09:54
=== DktrKran12 is now known as DktrKranz2
\shScottK: the merge of gnucash was not correct of Fred...redone it...checking for build errors now and install stuff....but we want it in hardy...:)10:13
\shwhy is it so hard to get recordmydesktop and audio to run?10:29
\shI want to capture the sound from a sound app, but it always gets my mic10:29
=== Allan_ is now known as Hit3k
=== asac_ is now known as asac
mok0Fujitsu: I found the bug. petsc has nothing to do with it11:19
Fujitsumok0: Was that the openmpi upload I saw earlier?11:20
mok0Fujitsu: yes it was11:20
FujitsuGood to hear.11:20
mok0Fujitsu: so no reason to muck more with petsc11:21
mok0Fujitsu: but for illuminator, I recommend a sync11:22
mok0Fujitsu: should I state that in bug 201962, or create a new one?11:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201962 in scalapack "gfortran transition" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20196211:23
Fujitsumok0: Create a new one, to avoid giving the archive admins heart attacks.11:24
mok0Fujitsu: oh, we don't want that, especially now11:24
FujitsuI'm not sure they'd like all the bugmail, or to dig through all of the tasks.11:25
mok0right. Good old LP11:25
* Hobbsee` only counted 7 mails tonight that she had no interest in, done via LP.11:30
emgentheya people11:32
ScottK\sh: I ack'ed gnucash.11:33
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
mok0Fujitsu: Is there a gfortran tag?11:33
mok0Fujitsu: for LP I mean11:33
ScottKYokoZar: Congratulations.11:34
Fujitsumok0: Not that I know of, and I wouldn't advise creating any more.11:34
\shScottK: thx11:35
\shHobbsee: would you like to ack gnucash too? (bug #205570)11:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205570 in gnucash "[FFe] Please merge gnucash 2.2.4-1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20557011:36
Hobbsee\sh: wasn't that already done, or is this another one?11:36
ScottKHobbsee: This one is new yesterday.11:36
ScottKOr probably earlier today for you.11:36
\shman I'm doomed...how can I tell an app to use a monitor sound input device of PA11:37
\shor to use an output device as input11:38
Lamegojust wire from your speakers to your mic :P11:43
\shLamego: from d-a to a-d ? bad quality11:46
\shbut it must be possible to capture the "sound output"....11:46
Hobbsee\sh: done11:48
\shwell, actually I would need access to the monitor device, which PA tells me to use as input device11:48
\shHobbsee: gracias11:48
_rubenhrm .. debuild -S is 'munching' my email address i used in the changelog, it changes it to username@hostname .. is there some env var i can set to prevent that or smth?11:57
ScottK_ruben: Are you sure it's debuild and not dch.11:58
ScottK_ruben: DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME are probably what you're looking for.11:59
persia_ruben: $ export DEBEMAIL="Appelation Surname <account@host.tld>"11:59
_rubenScottK: i used dch to edit changelog and the debian/changelog file has the proper email address12:00
_rubenand i think i even have DEBEMAIL exported (*double checks*)12:00
ScottKOK.  Not sure then.12:00
_rubenhrmm .. seems the changelog got altered at some point as well .. lets investigate further .. might be false alarm12:02
ScottK2Each time you run dch it'll reset it.12:02
mok0Huh? I just updated my hardy builder, and now I get this:  "configure: error: guile-config is broken"12:02
_rubenguess last time i used dch i didnt have those vars exported or smth, strange12:03
_rubenworks fine now, very strange12:03
mok0_ruben: that's not strange, that's good! :-)12:03
_rubenmok0: the fact that i got it sorted is good, the fact that it somehow got messed up remains strange ;)12:04
mok0Fujitsu: AFAICS meep just needs a recompile when the dependencies (lapack, atlas, ...) have been transitioned12:08
mok0Fujitsu: However, my sbuilder still pulls in F7712:09
mok0Fujitsu: How should I mark that on the bug page?12:11
Fujitsumok0: I'm not sure...12:12
=== huats is now known as huats_
mok0Fujitsu: I''ll just set it to "confirmed" and deassign myself12:13
Fujitsumok0: Sounds OK.12:13
cody-somervilleFujitsu, Would you be able to help me create mdt output for Xubuntu packages?12:13
Fujitsucody-somerville: I'll set it up with the rest of mine... but how am I to determine the list of packages?12:14
cody-somervilleFujitsu, would you be able to use our seeds?12:15
Fujitsucody-somerville: I've not yet done anything like that. If you can give me a script that produces a list packages you want listed, I can set it all up in a couple of minutes.12:16
cody-somervilleOne package per line?12:16
mok0Fujitsu: Ad meep, I think g77 gets pulled in as a dependency by autotools. Have you dealt with that? I has a autoconf macro "acx_blas.m4" that does a bunch of F77 checking...12:19
mok0s/I has/It has/12:19
FujitsuI've not dealt with it, no :(12:20
mok0Fujitsu: that makes the transition a lot more complex12:20
mok0Fujitsu: I need to patch the autobuild system and run the autotools :-(12:21
Fujitsumok0: Hasn't Debian done this?12:21
mok0Fujitsu: hehe would be nice... I'll check12:22
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
* ScottK2 recalls seeing an IRC comment that thr gfortran transition was done in Debian.12:27
broonieIIRC it is pretty much but not quite propagated to testing.12:28
mok0ScottK: yes, it looks like meep does not depend on f7712:29
mok0in sid12:29
_rubenis there some (simple) shortcut to have a fully prepared kernel source within your pbuilder buildroot .. right now im installing the linux-source package, copy .config file from outside root, run some make cmds, symlink to /usr/src/linux .. then do my module-assistant stuff12:43
_rubencould write a script to do so, but am wondering if i might be missing something (obvious)12:44
azeemwhat are you trying to do?12:44
\shis there a channel for medibuntu?12:44
azeem\sh: uhm, /list #medibuntu12:45
_rubenazeem: compiling openswan-modules-source (recent upstream version, 2.4.12, in debian/ubuntu there's 2.4.6, but that doesnt make a diff i think)12:47
azeem_ruben: why does it need the full source and not just the headersß12:47
_rubenazeem: it performs make commands from inside the kernel source tree .. perhaps its an old fashioned method that got stuck or smth .. dont really know12:48
_rubenhmm .. in fact .. i'll give the ubuntu version of 2.4.6 a try .. see if it behaves differently12:50
mok0I'm actually surprised that the gfortran transition got an FFE. Seems pretty late in the cycle for such a substantial change12:50
Fujitsumok0: We were already half-way there (it was started in main), and you can't really stop half-way.12:51
mok0Fujitsu: true12:51
ScottK2That was my rationale when I supported it.12:51
FujitsuWhy it was started is beyond me.12:51
mok0Fujitsu: but there's not much time for testing, some of the packages have quite low popcon scores12:52
FujitsuMuch like the LDFLAGS and python-central changes...12:52
mok0Fujitsu: LDFLAGS change?12:52
emgentFujitsu: are you work on bug #203456 or can i fix it for <=gutsty?12:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203456 in horde3 "[horde3] [CVE-2008-1284] information disclosure" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20345612:52
_rubenthe shipped openswan-modules-source (2.4.6) fails to build as well, yet differently12:52
mok0Fujitsu: is that what screwed up libc6 at one point?12:53
Fujitsumok0: It is.12:53
Fujitsuemgent: Go ahead.12:53
Fujitsuemgent: I'm concentrating only on Hardy at this point, so we can give it full support later.12:53
mok0Fujitsu: LDFLAGS transition passwd me by. Reference?12:53
emgentok thanks12:54
Fujitsumok0: the dpkg-buildpackage default was changed a couple of months ago.12:54
* mok0 is glad that he's not maintaining dpkg-buildpackage :-/12:55
jpatrickazeem: no0tic.homelinux.org/~no0tic/auto_bleh.pl - consider using this version, it has more commands13:04
azeemand a l33t hostname13:04
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
\shdamn..my buildserver at home is off...or the provider line13:21
emgentheya \sh :)13:21
emgentuse PPA :P13:21
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\shemgent: nope...too slow for me :)13:32
\shah back...a glitch in the matric13:32
ScottK2Hobbsee: Would you please have a look at Bug #20694813:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206948 in phpgroupware "phpGroupWare should be included in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20694813:47
ScottK2I think it ought to be approved so the package doesn't dissapear for one release.13:47
\shoh damn you ajmitch  ;)13:49
\shScottK2: wanna step up to repackage the new version? ;913:50
HobbseeScottK2: done13:50
ScottK2\sh: No.13:51
* ScottK2 avoids anything to do with php.13:51
Hobbseehi, bfiller.  who are you?13:53
\shScottK2: if it's only a sync...let's go for it13:53
bfillerHobbsee: I work for Canonical in Lexington, part of Mobile Solutions Group13:53
\shactually we should check dapper for it13:54
Hobbseebfiller: ahhh....welcome.13:54
Hobbseebfiller: not seen you here before13:54
\shHobbsee: you should join #ubuntu-mobile ;)13:54
Hobbsee\sh: i did do, for a while.13:54
Hobbsee\sh: it does look interesting13:54
bfillerHobbsee: thanks, I've been on this channel for a while, but haven't been very active13:54
ScottK2\sh: It was a sync before.  Would you look into it?13:54
\shScottK2: I'll just have a look...13:55
ScottK2\sh: Thanks.13:55
Hobbseebfiller: btw, the address is wrong on your lp page - it's irc.freenode.net, not .com13:55
Hobbseeoh wait.  maybe that works too13:56
bfillerHobbsee: ah, thanks. I'll fix that13:56
StevenKchat.freenode.com is an alias for chat.freenode.net.13:56
Hobbseeso it is13:57
\shScottK2: grmpf..that looks like a piece of crap to me...well, need to look more closely this evening when I'm home.13:57
\shbtw..what happened to norsetto...did anybody see him lately?13:57
ScottK2I spoke with him briefly yesterday on IRC for the first time in quite a while.13:58
ScottK2He seems active on email, but on IRC much less.13:58
ScottK2Not sure why.13:58
Hobbseeless of a time waste?13:59
\shScottK2: just because I didn't see him doing motu-release work..and it's not good to have all -release stuff on your and hobbsees and sistpoties shoulders14:00
* Hobbsee hasn't been doing much of it either, pretty much only when poked14:00
ScottK2He's been doing a lot with the gfortran transition.14:00
\shScottK2: ah behind the scenes14:01
ScottK2Here's a question: UPnP - Feature or security bug?  Bug #204928 for context.14:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204928 in amule "[FeatureFreeze Exception] New aMule 2.2.0 pre-release snapshot and build with uPnP " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20492814:01
mok0\sh, norsetto was here yesterday14:01
mok0\sh, he's been busy with the gfortran transition14:01
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
\shScottK2: well, if it's already a feature which is only activated, it wouldn't hurt ;)14:03
\shmok0: yeah, I just didn't see him much lately :)14:03
ScottK2\sh: Good point.14:03
\shScottK2: I think ffe should be filed when "new features" are applied to upstream sources...14:04
* ScottK2 marks a bug invalid based on "Bug reporter is a known idiot."14:04
ScottK2\sh: Agreed and we've had a couple of those.14:05
HobbseeScottK2: hah14:06
affluxScottK2: may you write a nice stock reply for the bugteam for the idiot-case? :)14:06
* ScottK2 is not a fan at all of the stock replies. It runs decidedly counter to the computers for Humans theme of Ubuntu.14:07
Exfili am having a problem with some of my resolution, especially my gdm login, the text is TINY TINY!, some aplications are like this aswell14:07
ScottK2Exfil: Help in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 for Hardy14:08
emgenti go to work, see you later people.14:10
ScottK2mok0: Are you still interested in your python-debian FFe?14:12
ScottK2If so, please update it.14:12
mok0ScottK: yes, I just haven't got around to it yet14:12
mok0ScottK: I don't think it involves much14:12
mok0ScottK: it already has 1 ack14:12
ScottK2Just provide the rest of the information and I'll ack it.14:14
mok0ScottK2: ok14:16
mok0Huh? My sbuilder says: python-debian_0.1.9.dsc: amd64 not in arch list: all -- skipping ???14:27
sorenmok0: sbuild -A14:32
mok0soren: thanks!14:32
mok0soren: yep, it worked. I was looking at the config file14:33
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
mok0ScottK: Required info added to bug #19895914:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198959 in python-debian "[needs-sync] python-debian_0.1.9 from Debian Sid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19895914:47
* ScottK looks14:47
ScottKmok0: Approved.  I subscribed UUS to give it a sponsor's review.14:49
mok0ScottK: Great! Another one bites the dust14:49
bddebianHeya gang14:54
emgenthi bddebian :)14:56
bddebianHello emgent15:00
\shScottK2, Hobbsee: how are we dealing with bugs like bug #163906 ? should we just sync it or do we need the FFe stuff?15:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163906 in cacao "FTBFS: cacao_0.98-2 on hardy/i386" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16390615:06
\shwell, when the infos are correct on the bug...which isn't somehow15:07
ScottK\sh: Since that one was a missing build-dep, why not just make a new revision adding the build-dep and upload it?15:19
ScottKAssuming that part of the bug was right....15:19
\shScottK: there are two FTBFS bugs :(15:20
\shScottK: just checking it15:20
ScottKAt this point I'd say if we can just have the bug fix in a reasonably easy way we'd rather have that.15:22
\shScottK: well, depends what upstream changed in 0.99~rc which is in experimental...15:22
\shScottK: if we can cherry pick the ftbfs fixes from upstream...I agree to go with a fixed 0.98 in this cae15:23
\shcase even15:23
* RainCT doesn't remember if FFe's should be requested before packaging a new version of a package or after you have it ready15:24
RainCTcan someone answer? ^^15:26
\shRainCT: depends...I'll do it every time I have a package checked, build and installed15:27
ScottKRainCT: Look at the required info for an FFe and tell me how you fill it out withouth a package ready?15:28
RainCTScottK: yeh, but I wanted to double check before doing the work :P15:28
\shRainCT: only non-devs are filing bugs for FFe without filling in the needed infos15:28
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK2
\shScottK: na no luck with the builddep15:45
sorensuperm1: You don't need to depend on awk.16:04
Mirvcould anyone maybe upload an updated version of compizconfig-settings-manager, with patch/file from bug 204208 added?16:04
sorensuperm1: It's guaranteed to be installed.16:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204208 in compizconfig-settings-manager "Finnish translation is broken (non-ASCII characters missing)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20420816:04
Mirvthe current version has so broken translation it's a bit embarassing16:05
mario_limonciellsoren, doh.  yeah, I was thinking towards debian when I had it listed16:05
sorenmario_limonciell: I doubt Debian needs a dependency on awk, too.16:05
sorenICBW, though.16:05
mario_limonciellsoren, at least quilt does in debian16:05
mario_limonciellwhich is what made me think debian in general16:06
mario_limoncielldoesn't break anything though to do so, next time there is a new version i'll remember to drop it, no use redoing the upload for it16:06
sorenSure, sure. It doesn't hurt.16:06
* cody-somerville hugs nixternal :)16:09
* nixternal hugs cody-somerville 16:10
cody-somervillenixternal, so close :)16:15
cody-somervillenixternal, Are you going to UDS?16:16
nixternaldoesn't look like it16:19
nixternalthat is uni graduation week16:19
cody-somervillesoren, What about you? Going to UDS?16:29
sorencody-somerville: Sure.16:29
sorencody-somerville: I sort of have to :)16:29
sorencody-somerville: You?16:29
* cody-somerville nods. :)16:29
cody-somervilleThis will be my first one.16:29
sorencody-somerville: Cool. It's good fun :)16:30
\shespecially in the evening16:30
\shso between 9am and 7pm ;)16:30
\shit's hard work ;)16:31
zulsoren: you dont really have to ;)16:32
\shheading home now....bbl16:32
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
jdstrandemgent: uploaded horde316:35
emgentother info for USN is in my post16:37
emgentsee query :)16:37
jdstrandI saw that, thanks16:37
jdstrandno USN though-- universe package16:38
emgentoh ok16:38
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james_wWhat's the protocol for an Ubuntu upload of a Debian native package?18:13
james_whow do we modify the version number?18:13
james_wah, it appears as though it's just ubuntu1 as normal.18:15
james_wthat's what happened with devscripts at least18:16
sebnerjames_w: already found a solution for dag2html?18:16
james_wsebner: there's been a little discussion in the ocaml team.18:17
james_wI'll give it a day or two and then push for removal.18:17
sebnerk, thx18:18
cody-somervilleThanks geser :)18:34
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
emgent\sh: hi :)19:16
emgentDktrKranz: heya19:16
DktrKranzhey emgent19:16
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* \sh goes to sleep...need a lot of it...so no work today anymore19:28
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leonelanyone knows what's the eta for postgresql 8.2.7 to be released as security  for gutsy   at this time it's accepted in gutsy but nor released  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/gutsy-changes/2008-March/010170.html19:36
leonelThank you19:36
blueyedkeescook: the security update for dspam introduced a bashism.. I'll have the debdiffs ready shortly.. Those go to -security, too, correct?19:38
keescookblueyed: yup -- I thought you had tested the dspam updates?19:38
keescookleonel: not sure, check with pitti (details should be in bug 203734)19:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203734 in postgresql-8.2 "8.2.7 stable bug fix release" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20373419:39
blueyedkeescook: apparently not good enough..! sorry. :/19:39
leonelthanks keescook19:40
jacksterhey guys19:40
jacksterquestion, is Ubuntu 8.04 going to ship with Firefox 2 or 3?19:40
jacksterbecause if Ubuntu 8.04 is coming out in April then it doesn't seem it'll come with a final version of Firefox 3.....19:42
ssweenyjackster, it currently ships with 3 beta 419:42
RainCThttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/fusion-icon/filelist  does this need to be rebuilded to use the new pycentral directories19:43
keescookblueyed: heh.  well, we can get it fixed quickly.  :)19:43
ssweenyi heard a rumor that 8.04.1 point release will include the final ff3 (assuming it's out)19:43
RainCT(two "pycentral: pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files" errors were just reported)19:44
leoneljackster: I heard another rumor that 8.04 is released with firefox 3 beta 4 and will be easy to include  firefox 3 final when is released19:45
RainCTah no19:47
sebnerleonel: true19:50
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ScottK2RainCT: The answer to your fusion-icon/python-central question is yes.21:34
Zelutis there a CLI equivalent of gdebi?21:38
ScottK2Zelut: To install a .deb file?21:39
ScottK2Zelut: dpkg -i filename.deb21:39
ScottK2It'll need sudo in front of it.21:39
ZelutScottK2: but when that deb has unmet dependencies I would like them taken care of, which gdebi does.21:40
ScottK2Zelut: OK.  For that use sudo apt-get -f install21:40
ScottK2Two steps, but it gets you to the same place21:41
ZelutScottK2: ahh, ok.. I suppose it would be nice if apt/aptitude had a --localinstall similar to yum.21:41
Zelutcut it down to one step and all.21:41
ScottK2It may, I've just never bothered.21:41
Zeluti've been searching for it but can't find anything.21:41
ZelutI have a co-worker bitching about yum is better (for that one reason), just trying to prove 'em wrong.21:42
ScottK2It's not an individual tool that's better or worse in my opinion, it's the packaging system.21:44
* ScottK2 has used RPM based distros and doesn't plan on repeating the experience.21:44
ZelutScottK2: +121:45
ZelutI've yet been able to wrap my head around .deb packaging, but from what I do understand they seem more complicated, but not without merit.21:45
ZelutI've still had dependency hell with yum.. which kind of defeats the idea of yum.21:45
rockstar_Zelut, that's because debs have support for suggesting other packages to go along with the first package.21:46
Zelutrockstar_: right.  we've long had this battle at my office.  We have old-school RH guys vs these new-school Ubuntu guys.21:47
Zelutit always comes back to the package management21:47
rockstar_Man, I'm an old school Debian guy...21:48
candrewsHowdy! I'm hoping someone here can re-sync revu's keyring21:48
rockstar_I don't know, packaging rpms is probably a little easier.  Debian's philosophy to the whole thing is the biggest difference.21:48
Zelutin my studying debian/ vs .spec the .rpm does seem easier, but not as robust as .deb can be.21:49
ScottK2Zelut: Debian predates Red Hat by two years if you want to compare old school.21:51
ZelutScottK2: did not know that.  I knew they were the oldest, but didn't know it was that much of a gap.21:52
slangasekRed Hat is such an upstart21:52
Zelutunless we count SLS ;)21:52
slangasekrockstar_: and rpm packaging is crackful, I don't miss it at all :-)21:53
Zelutanyone know of any motu recipies that outline basic installing a few files, not requiring any compiling?21:54
RainCTScottK2: it needs a rebuild? why?21:54
Zelutie; I have a basic app that needs to put files in /usr/share/doc/app-name and another in /usr/bin, no compiling required.21:54
geserZelut: does it have a Makefile?21:55
ScottK2RainCT: Because python-central doesn't use the pycentral directory any more.  It uses pyshared.21:55
Zelutgeser: no..21:55
RainCTScottK2: hm.. but I tried installing the .deb from the repos and here it works fine (and dpkg -L shows the pyshared directories)21:55
RainCT(although the file list on packages.ubuntu.com shows the old directories... :/)21:56
Zelutgeser: I'm assuming I need to create one, but I've yet been able to find a good Makefile example using the 'install' command to place the file, which I assume is the appropriate way.21:56
ScottK2RainCT: Maybe it's been done already.21:56
geserZelut: perhaps dh_installdirs and dh_install will help you21:57
geserZelut: if not use mkdir and cp (or install) and create the wanted directory structure below debian/<packagename> and copy the files there21:58
mario_limonciellwhy even go that far?  just use a simple 2 line cdbs rules file and debian/install or debian/files to list where to put stuff21:58
Zelutmario_limonciell: because cdbs is voodoo? :)21:59
mario_limonciellbah black magic or not, it's easy21:59
slangasekuntil you deviate22:00
gesermario_limonciell: could you make an working example and add it to the wiki? this question was asked several times already22:00
slangasekthen it's ~impossible22:00
slangasekbut yes, cdbs should be adequate for this22:00
mario_limonciellthe example i brought up last time i fielded this question was my ipod-convenience package22:00
mario_limonciellit installs a single script, a few symlinks, a man page and does a debconf question22:01
Zelutbasically I have four file: app.sh, COPYING, Changelog and README.  I need the last three in /usr/share/doc and the first would go into /usr/bin22:01
mario_limonciellvery straightforward22:01
slangasekare you trying to make a policy-compliant package?22:02
Zelutslangasek: ideally, yes, but I'll start with *a* package to learn :)22:02
slangasekdepending on what COPYING is, you should not install it, but instead have a file debian/copyright which lists the copyright information and refers to /usr/share/common-licenses/22:02
ZelutCOPYING is just the GPLv2.  I guess you're right, I don't really need to duplicate that.22:03
slangasekin that case, if you're using cdbs and create debian/copyright appropriately, no further handling for that is needed22:05
Zelutbut, again, I have no idea what I'm doing despite going through the packaging guide a half-dozen times.22:05
slangasekthen you just need debian/$package.install as mario_limonciell mentions, listing the packages and their target dirs22:05
mario_limonciellZelut, apt-get source ipod-convenience (on a hardy box).  it is very similar to your type of package, and should be a good eye opener for what you need to do22:06
mario_limonciellit's GPL, so you can model the debian/copyright22:06
Zelutmario_limonciell: I'll give it a try. I've avoided cdbs because its voodoo but, hell, it can't hurt considering I can't get the traditional method to stick.22:08
Zelutmario_limonciell: so you've created the additional file structure and then just outlined that in the install file?22:11
mario_limonciellyeah i thought that was the easier route22:11
mario_limonciellexcept for docs, i list those explicitly if need be22:12
mario_limonciellman pages etc22:12
mario_limonciellputting the file structure in place this way, you don't need to change debian/install if you decide to put more stuff in ever22:12
mario_limonciellwhich i would imagine works around what slangasek was referring to when he said you deviate22:13
slangasekmario_limonciell: by "deviate" I mean, "need to override something that cdbs considers a sensible default but is wrong about" :)22:14
mario_limonciellah yeah22:14
RainCTScottK2: i'm not sure what to do... well, thanks22:14
RainCTScottK2: I've attached a newly build .deb and asked for feedback, let's see if it really just needs a rebuild :)22:21
RainCTgood night all22:21
ScottK2RainCT: Did/does another package perhaps provide some of the files that generated the errors?22:21
RainCTScottK2: You mean if there's a conflict with another package? I don't think so..22:24
RainCT(it doesn't say what file(s) is the problem)22:24
ScottK2Just throwing out ideas.22:25
slangasekare the kde folks aware that kdepim-kde4 currently FTBFS?22:26
ScottK2slangasek: The package probably shouldn't even exist as kdepim wasn't included in KDE 4.0.  I'd vote for FTBFS as a feature22:28
slangasekScottK2: well, it's not out-of-date binaries, it just FTBFS when I try to rebuild it to get rid of the libldap2 dependency :)22:28
slangasekcan we remove it from the archive?22:28
ScottK2slangasek: I just asked about it in #kubuntu-devel.22:29
* ScottK2 has been focusing on KDE3, so is not sure.22:29
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ScottK2slangasek: Current opinion in #kubuntu-devel is it can go.  I'd suggest checking with Riddell though.22:33
slangasekok, thanks22:33
slangasekhah, missed him by 5 minutes, grr22:34
* RainCT wonders what happened with the idea to 7zip the 'Packages' files22:34
jpatrickslangasek: well, it's 4:3.97.0-0ubuntu2 which is well out of date and upstream hasn't finished up with it yet22:35
blueyedkeescook: bug 207579 has (tested) fixes attached and I've reported it to Debian.22:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207579 in dspam "dspam-3.6.8-5ubuntu1.2 cronjob fails for libdspam7-drv-mysql" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20757922:41
keescookblueyed: okay, thanks, I'll get them published22:44
FujitsuDidn't Debian already fix that?22:46
nixternalslangasek: you can wipe kdepim-kde4 and kphotoalbum-kde4 and not worry about a thing22:46
nixternalneither of them work22:47
nixternalkphotoalbum-kde4 was accidentally tagged for 4.0.0 release, and kdepim-kde4 is probably a 3.94 release, an alpha or beta release I am sure22:47
slangaseknixternal: well, ScottK2 says I should check with Riddell. :)22:52
nixternalslangasek: Riddell just said go ahead in -devel22:53
slangasekok, cool22:53
nixternalboth are universe anyways, Riddell is above that :p22:53
slangasekw00t, then I can get rid of openldap2 today \o/22:54
slangasekRiddell: no changes to the kubuntu-kde4 seeds needed to account for this?22:56
nixternalhaha, easy job and thanks for doing that slangasek22:57
* nixternal gets to close boogs with "muhahhaha INVALID!"22:57
slangasekmy pleasure, it means one less place where my name is still attached to openldap2 :)22:58
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alex_mayorgahi, any help to fix bug 19848123:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198481 in bluez-gnome "[needs-packaging] bluez-gnome-0.25 fixes bluetooth-applet crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19848123:26
alex_mayorgaor help on getting on track to do it myself23:26
alex_mayorgaor try at least :)23:26
Amaranthcrap launchpad is going down23:59
Amaranthwait, good thing, no more compiz bug reports23:59

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