
ftaproblem is i can't reproduce that: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seamonkey/+bug/190845/comments/400:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190845 in seamonkey "seamonkey has no Help > Report Problem in Help Menu" [Medium,Confirmed]00:01
ftaseems it's a broken perl-base00:02
ftaFujitsu, bug 20746100:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207461 in seamonkey "Please sponsor seamonkey 1.1.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20746100:28
ftai have the debdiff ready to be uploaded00:29
ftayou can already get the tarball00:29
ftait will not change00:29
Fujitsufta: Grabbing it now.00:29
ftaFujitsu, i'm done00:54
asacFujitsu: fta: not sure if want to roll a sec update for stable xulrunners. in case we want mike has pushed http://people.debian.org/~glandium/xulrunner_1.8.0.15~pre080323b-0etch1_amd64.changes09:23
carlosasac: hi, from where could I fetch all Firefox translations?09:23
asaccarlos: from the ftp server :)09:24
asacjust kidding09:24
asaclet me look09:24
carlosasac: I'm going to do a full import/export test in our development server as requested by kiko to get all changes deployed with today's rollout09:24
asaccarlos: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0b3/linux-i686/xpi/09:25
carlosasac: that means that I will provide you with a language pack tarball so you can do your part of the testing09:25
carlosasac: ok, thanks09:25
asacthats all beta3 translations (for which the en-US.xpis is)09:25
asacthats beta 409:25
carloswhat should I upload then?09:26
asacbut i think you need a new en-US.xpi too ... i think we should do that afterwards09:26
asaccarlos: beta 309:26
carlosdo you have an updated en-US.xpi file?09:26
asaci have to produce them first.09:29
carlosasac: https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/10:29
carlosasac: I'm importing everything there10:29
asacand xulrunner-1.9 ?10:29
carlosonce I finish with the import process, I will be ready to produce the export10:29
carlosasac: is xulrunner in its own source package?10:30
carlosisn't it part of firefox-3.0 source package?10:30
asacdid you wipe your brain while on holiday ?10:30
asacyes it is10:30
carlosI forgot it ;-)10:30
asacwe have two en-US.xpi ... but only one translation for all10:30
asacso the idea is that you import the translation twice10:30
carlosI know that ;-)10:30
carlosbut I thought both come from the same firefox-3.0 source package10:31
asacyes ... the reason why we have two en-US.xpi is that we have two source packages10:31
carloslet me move xulrunner then...10:31
asacif that was the case we wouldn't need to the split10:31
asacone source package will always provide exactly one en-US.xpi10:31
asaccarlos: the source package is xulrunner-1.910:31
asac(xulrunner is outdated ... as is firefox)10:32
asaccarlos: has the import finished?10:32
asacwhy are there so many untranslated strings? accesskeys?10:32
carlosthe templates, yes, the translations, are still being imported10:32
asacah ok10:32
asacwas just confused by the count of German untranslated10:33
carlosit takes a while given the size of the files and given that is the first time we import them in that database10:33
asacthats ok10:33
carlosasac: hmm German is already imported for both templates10:34
carlos216 and 230 strings are untranslated10:34
asaclet me filter the untranslated10:34
* asac using that webpage for the first time10:34
asacis not translated10:35
asaclets see10:35
asac(the suggestion is good though)10:35
asaccarlos: why are there good suggestions for everything?10:35
asacFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at %S.10:35
carlosyeah, I just saw that problem10:35
asacFirefox kann keine Verbindung zu dem Server unter %S aufbauen.10:35
asacits a bug?10:36
carlosseems like we have  a bug10:36
asaci mean those most likely come from the de.xpi10:36
asacwell not so good, but good that we notice10:36
carloshowever, I guess is not a huge one, given that it still appears as a suggestion...10:36
asaclooks like its all .properties10:36
carlosnot huge == not really an stopper to start using Launchpad10:36
carloswe will prepare a fix to get it cherry picked as soon as possible10:37
asacwell ... how will this be in the export?10:37
asac(we could manually approve them of course i guess)10:37
asacbut maybe suggestions are already in the .po ?10:38
asacapproving 200+ strings for 20 translations is pretty much work i guess :)10:38
carlosno, that will be missed in the export10:38
asacunless you have a script ;)10:38
asaccan we improve them efficiently somehow?10:38
asacaeh approve i mean10:38
asacso we can use the exports for real?10:39
carlosasac: using Ubuntu translators work ? :-P10:39
asacha ;)10:39
carloslet me talk with Jeroen about it10:39
asacall properties missing might cause some UI pain :)10:40
carlosasac: the 'beauty' of language packs is that translators would fix it after release...10:41
carlosbut yeah, I agree that is better if everything is workin since day 010:42
asacwell ... fixing is good, but fixing half of the UI is not so good .)10:42
asacanyway ... a way to autoapprove the initial imports would be good10:43
asaccarlos: ok i talked to pitti. translations _after_ release have the same policies as package updates after the release.10:48
asac(in theory) ... so lets better get all translations at least approved ;)10:48
carloswhat do you mean by the same policies?10:49
asacspecifially this mean: you cannot change translations (except for typos). you can only add new translations ... and no new languages10:50
asaccarlos: SRU procedure: first upload to -proposed ... get testing/review ... then roll it to -updates10:50
asaccarlos: but indeed, updates are rolled once a month that way10:50
asacso its somehow different10:51
carlosasac: well, is not 'change translations' but 'strings to translate'10:51
carlosyou can change translations, that's the whole idea behind language packs10:51
asaccarlos: our policy is to not change the UI after release ... changing translations (except for typos) would change UI and thus should not qualify.10:52
asacpitti said that there has been no precedence yet of radical translation changes (i think you say strings for that)10:52
asacanyway ... doesn't matter in our case10:52
carlosasac: If that's true... we are not following that procedure in any released version, at least we are not forcing that10:53
carlosasac: and even in that case, is not translation changes, but actually fix untranslated strings10:53
carlosso it would still be considered as 'fixes'10:53
asac_carlos: sorry ... reconnect10:55
asac_11:53 < carlos> asac: If that's true... we are not following that procedure in any released version, at least we are10:55
asac_                not forcing that10:55
asac_11:53 < asac> carlos: yes, he said there was no need to enforce that yet, because he didn't encounter any radical10:55
asac_              changes so far10:55
asac_11:53 < asac> just for your interest.10:55
asac_11:54 < asac> carlos: just let me know how i can get all suggestions approved efficiently so we get a fully translated10:55
asac_              firefox for release10:55
carlos asac: and even in that case, is not translation changes, but actually fix untranslated strings10:55
carlos so it would still be considered as 'fixes'10:55
asac_carlos: yes ... fixing untranslated strings is ok10:55
asac_but in our case it would be half of the UI10:56
asac_we should definitly find a way to get them translated before a release10:56
carlosI'm talking with jtv, maybe we could just fix it easily10:56
asac_ok thanks10:56
carlosasac_: anyway, we have a bit less than a month before release, right?10:56
carlosa proper patch should be landed next week10:56
carlosso it's not even an issue for release10:56
asac_i am fine with everything: 1. automated script that approves initial imports, 2. call for approving to translation owners10:57
carlosafter that, I will do a full import again and everything should be 'fixed'10:57
asac_carlos: ok10:57
asac_don't know anything about the release procedures for launchpad10:57
asac_if its just a week, then its certainly fine :)10:57
carloswell, next launchpad release is post Hardy release10:58
asac_carlos: i initially understood that there was no way to fix this for hardy release10:58
asac_thanks for clarifying10:58
carloshowever, we are able to do cherry picks for critical bugs10:58
asac_ok great.10:58
carlosand this qualifies for it10:58
asac_my concerns are suddently gone :-D10:58
asac_we can definitly start with that bug10:58
carlosasac_: there are two options, go ahead and open Firefox in Launchpad tomorrow and wait for a fix next week10:59
asac_(and maybe manually approve a few .properties so we can test if the .properties creation actually works10:59
carlosor wait until the fix landed10:59
asac_carlos: if thats the choice, go ahead10:59
carlosto publish firefox10:59
carlosasac_: I will need to confirm it with kiko, but I'm all for that first option10:59
asac_we could manually approve one language so we can see if the distro side works well10:59
asac_carlos: thanks.10:59
asac_let me know!10:59
asac_carlos: ok, we have one more thing to clarify: auto import.11:08
carlosjtv: did a script to do the upload automatically11:08
asac_where does that script the en-US.xpi to be?11:09
asac_does it need any parameters (like source package name + path to xpi)?11:09
carlosso I guess is just a matter of using a cron job for it or give it to you so you can execute it manually when you want to11:09
asac_carlos: pitti wants to integrate that during package build11:09
asac_like what we do for the other translations11:09
asac_if we have a script thats fine. just need to know which parameters that script takes11:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
carlosasac_: for the en-US.xpi, you don't need to do anything, we will get it from the package build automatically11:10
carlosasac: he just need to extract the xpi files like he does with .po and .pot files11:10
asaccarlos: i doubt that. at least i have to put it somewhere11:10
carlosasac: leave it in the source tree11:10
carlosafter the build, there is a script that all packages execute11:10
carlosto extract .po and .pot files11:10
carlosit should be extended by pitti to take care of xpi files too11:11
carlosasac: it doesn't matter the path where you leave it, but don't change it or we will need to approve it manually with each upload11:12
asaccarlos: ok, but pitti doesn't need to use the upload script?11:12
asac(e.g. you can change that?)11:12
carlosno, I misunderstood you11:13
carlosthe script will be used to upload translations11:13
carloswhich are not in your packages11:13
carlosand thus, not part of the build process11:13
asaccarlos: of course its not in the build process. its about the binary package mangler that - from what i understood - does the uploads11:13
asacor is that in the build process for you as well?11:14
asaccarlos: anyway, i think once this is done, pitti should probably talk directly to you11:14
carlosasac: sorry, I call it part of the build process :-)11:14
carlosasac: sure, however, as I said, just tell him to extract .xpi files just like he extracts .po and .pot files11:15
carlosand that's all the work he needs to do11:15
asaccarlos: yes. did that11:15
asache appears to have understood :)11:15
* asac still completely blind on how all this works ... e.g. how is the source package name found?11:16
asaccarlos: ok. i think all is clear now11:18
asacnow go back to work :)11:18
carlosasac: that's done from the buildd hook that provides us the files after the package build11:19
carlosit knows the package that is being built11:19
carlosso we get it from there11:19
asacah ok.11:20
asaccarlos: one more thing: there is not yet any other language than german on https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0 ... is the import still running?11:21
carlosyeah, the import is slow and I need to execute the script several times on that server (on production is a cron script)11:22
carlosasac: oh, also, you are looking to the partial view11:23
asacah ... i hit "view translations & all languages"11:23
carlosclick on 'View Template & All languages...' link11:23
asacnow i have more11:23
asacwhat qualifies en_GB and de to appear on that other page?11:24
jt1carlos: you can edit SECONDS_TO_RUN in the cron script so it doesn't stop so often.11:24
jt1asac: your preferred languages settings IIRC11:24
asaccarlos: can we see why finnish has 2 more untranslated strings than the others (217 vs 215) ?11:24
asacwould be good to verify that its really a missing translation and not another bug11:25
asacjt1: ok.11:25
jt1carlos: did you see any "Duplicate message ID" output while running the script?  Those now only happen if the duplication is in the same file, but if there's a bug there, the messages would fail to be imported.11:26
=== jt1 is now known as jtv
carlosjtv: no, there is no such output11:28
carlosasac: I think I found the problem anyway, so it should be somehow easy to fix...11:28
jtvcarlos: tell us!  tell us!11:28
asacwhich problem?11:28
asacthe ones that they are not approved? or the 217-215 (finnish vs. german) missing translations=11:29
carlosasac: btw, I 'lied' to you, the strings that are not translated now in launchpad but that were translated in xpi file will appear in the exported .po file11:32
carlosbut with the #~ prefix11:32
asaccarlos: you have one example?11:33
carlosno, but once everything is imported, I will be able to show you it11:35
asacok. its not that important. i currently assume that we get those exported properly for final11:36
asacfor now we can test with a english-LANGUAGE mix :)11:36
asacat least we get testing of the fallback mechanism that way :)11:36
* asac hospital12:09
saivannasac : Hi, you asked me to recall you this : bug 19497015:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 194970 in firefox-3.0 "[Hardy] Incorrect .desktop files" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19497015:48
saivannasac : my branches are ready to merge with the main branches, and all linked to the bug report15:48
asacsaivann: if you don't see an ack from me in 1h ping me again. i am into something right now which might wipe all my memory :)15:50
saivannasac : Ok I will wait for your running process to terminate then :)15:51
asaccarlos: can we get the newly imported translations today?15:57
jtvasac: unfortunately we can't fix those contexts.15:57
asacjtv: huh?15:57
carlosasac: yes, once all imports are done (still running....)15:57
jtvasac: the translation data is just structured too differently from the template.  :-(15:57
asacah ok15:57
carlosasac: but as jtv tried to point, without the strings fixed15:57
asacjtv: so this means that we have to manually approve the suggestions?15:58
jtvasac: right15:58
asaci jsut find it interesting that its only .properties files15:58
asacthat reveal this bug15:58
jtvasac: is it!?  I'm sure I saw dtd files as well.15:59
asacjtv: i only saw .dtd for branding15:59
asacwhich might be indeed missing15:59
asachowever, if there are .dtds then they are really rare ... which is why i thought this is a real bug15:59
asacjtv: can you show me an example?16:00
asac(for which the context is too different)16:00
carlosasac: the problem comes with locales16:01
carloslike German that has the same IDs twice in the .xpi file16:01
jtvasac: the problem in most cases seems to be that the template doesn't have the clashing message identifiers that the translation does.16:01
carloswhich mixed with the fact that we don't read yet manifest files... it produces us to see conflicts when there shouldn't be any16:01
jtvasac: Because we have two "half templates" but complete translations.16:01
asacLocated in en-US.xpi/en-US.jar!/locale/browser/appstrings.properties:9(redirectLoop)16:02
asacthats a translation with only suggestion16:02
asacits in de.xpi/de.jar!/locale/browser/appstrings.properties16:02
asacok i understand about the clashing a bit16:02
asacjtv: can we somehow automize the approval of initial imports?16:03
jtvasac: the German will have some clashes that you've basically removed from the template by splitting it into two.16:03
asacok. i see.16:03
asacso we might even see the wrong translation as suggestions?16:03
jtvasac: yes, though the right ones should also be included.16:04
jtvasac: which is exactly why it's hard to automate this.16:04
asacjtv: let me think.16:04
asacjtv: can't you use the current context algorithm if the dtd and .properties are not in a jar16:05
asacand otherwise use at least the full path in the jar as context?16:05
asacthat should give us enough context for most16:05
asacif not all16:05
jtvasac: problem is, the translators have rearranged files.  Do we know that this won't give us any bad matches?16:06
asacjtv: i would say no ... but i have to chew a bit about that.16:07
jtvasac: you may have to look inside a lot of them to be sure.16:08
asacjtv: i only need to look at the chrome.manifest files16:08
asacjtv: but we have to live with this this week anyway.16:09
asacso we have a few more days to figure this i guess16:09
jtvasac: guess so.  And we're on a sprint next week.16:09
fta2[reed], why rc2 ?16:11
fta2[reed], b5~rc1 freezes and goes 100% cpu when i tell it to remember a password, reproduced 3 times out of 3 tries16:39
asacsounds like a nss issue16:40
fta2damn, i can't commit to the ubufox branch17:20
fta2it's in ~ubuntu-core-dev17:21
[reed]fta2: rc2 because of some plugin code17:35
[reed]that regressed17:35
fta2ok, I'll have a look later17:42
asacsaivann: you should remember to close the LP bugs in changelog ;)18:13
saivannasac : Oh right.. sorry I did think about it, but forgot :), I can update my branch if you want18:14
saivannasac : Do you want me to update the branches, it would take few minutes18:17
saivannasac : I'm ready to push for firefox and thunderbird if you want it18:26
asacsaivann: the tbird branch is not based on the right branch18:37
asacthats the right one18:38
asacsaivann: you did base it on the gutsy branch :)18:38
saivannasac : Oh...18:39
saivannasac : Ah right.. Sorry, that's very bad, I can fix this in some minutes if you want18:40
asacwould be good18:42
asaci could do it manually, but would prefer to not :)18:42
saivannasac : https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~saivann/thunderbird/fix_desktop_file18:47
saivannasac : also updated firefox branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~saivann/firefox/fix_desktop_file18:52
asacsaivann: updated?19:09
asaci already merged that ;)19:09
asaclet me try tbird19:09
asacah LP :)19:11
saivannasac : I don't see any branch for firefox 2.0 that has firefox.desktop fixed, firefox 3.0 should be already merged19:13
asacno its not yet pushed :)19:13
asacbut i merged all locally already19:13
asacanyway ... will see if i can get it19:14
saivannasac : Ok that's fine, thanks :) And sorry for my mistakes19:15
saivannasac : In case you also have time for this in the next days, I did not get translations from the mongolian translator for sunbird and lightning-extension. He answers my mail but I believe that his job won't be ready for Hardy19:17
saivannbug 17429019:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174290 in sunbird-locales "[hardy] new upstream release 0.7" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17429019:17
asacsaivann: well ... the mistakes were more of cosmetic nature :)19:18
asacexcept maybe for the tbird branch ... but the branch naming is not yet really consistant19:18
asacso i see the fault on my side :)19:19
asacsaivann: don19:19
asact we jave 0.7?19:19
asacdon't we have 0.7 :(19:19
asactyping is hard19:19
asacat least the merge was done on top of 0.7 here19:19
saivannasac : No, only 0.5 for mk. However, all other locales are ready for 0.719:20
saivannasac : The links to download my packages are on the bug report, it's exactly the same packages that you reviewed few months ago19:22
asacsaivann: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightning-sunbird/0.7+nobinonly-0ubuntu219:22
asacoh you say just the locales are not there yet?19:23
saivannasac : Yes, I only speak about the locales packages19:24
saivannasac : I just updated the links on the bug report because the lightning-extension-locales was dead. I don't know about your opinion, but I think that we should upload them to repositories and update them if we get locales for mongolian19:27
asacsaivann: mongolian is missing?19:28
asac*sigh* hopefully this will all be history in hardy+1 :)19:29
asacwhen we get our locales from launchpad19:29
asacfor all moz apps19:29
saivannasac : Yes, that's what I was speaking about, mongolian locale only exist in 0.5. You asked me few months ago to contact the translator to ask him to provide translations, the translator did not did the job yet.19:29
asacdid he reply?19:29
asacsaivann: http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/sunbird/releases/0.7/langpacks/mk.xpi19:30
asacthat exists19:30
saivannasac : Yes, I cc you but you maybe missed the mail. He said that he would work on this but he did not specify a deadline, there is a lot of chances that the locales are not ready for Hardy19:31
saivannasac : Since when?? It did not exist recently!19:31
asacwell ... right now it exists :) ... better grab it before its gone ;)19:31
saivannasac : I agree :D19:31
asaclet me know when thats integrated19:32
asacand sorry for the delay on that19:32
asacafter all we will have a translated sunbird in final release.19:32
saivannasac : wait, I'm wrong, the iso code is not mk, but mn19:33
saivannmn is the missing one19:33
saivannasac : Anyway it would not make sense, the mk locales is on the server since october :)19:33
saivannasac : Hehe, sorry to break the party :P19:34
asacyou never know ;)19:34
asacok fine. do you currently ship no package or an empty package?19:34
asacfor mn?19:34
saivannasac : Currently no package is build from the source package19:34
saivannasac : I suggest to upload and keep in touch with the mn translator. If he gives some translation, I will take care to include them very fast so we can update the package19:35
saivannasac : Curretly no *mn* package is built from the source package19:35
asacsaivann: you should build an empty one19:38
asaclook at the bottom of the mozilla-firefox-locales-all19:38
asacpackage control file to get examples19:39
saivannasac : No problem, I can fix this. Is there any other things that should be fixed/added to my packages? The last time you reviewed them, you said that you would probably upload them as they are now19:40
asacyeah. then there is probably no other issue :)19:40
asacwhats the bug id?19:40
asachave it19:41
saivannbug 17429019:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174290 in sunbird-locales "[hardy] new upstream release 0.7" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17429019:41
saivannasac : ( I know, the LP: field is missing here too ) :)19:42
saivannasac : I will add it now19:42
asacplease create an empty package for non existing locales19:43
asacthats all for now :)19:43
saivannasac : I will do it in the next hours and keep you updated about this19:43
asac(given that the resulting translations work of course)19:43
saivannasac : Of course, all tested multiple times19:43
saivannasac : I did not get answers from the translator mailing list about ubufox translation but I got multiples additionnal translations, all in my ubufox branch.19:44
saivannasac : This will not be like rosetta, but still the translations looks good, and some translator reviewed their own translations and asked me to fix additionnal strings, so that sounds good19:49
saivannasac : sunbird-locales and lightning-extension-locales package are now fixed, bug 17429020:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174290 in sunbird-locales "[hardy] new upstream release 0.7" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17429020:59
saivannasac : http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/lightning-extension-locales_0.7.tar.gz   http://upload.leservicetechnique.com/bugs/sunbird-locales_0.7.tar.gz20:59
saivannasac : (empty debian binary package for mn locales are built and changelog have the (LP: ) field.)21:00
* saivann out for ~60 minutes21:01
asacsaivann: the LP bug is still not named in sunbird-locales package21:18
saivannasac : Are you sure? "  * new upstream release 0.7 (LP: #174290)"21:19
asacthats in lightning yes21:22
asacbtw, you need to use an ubuntu address in Maintainer: field if you use 0ubuntuX version21:22
saivannasac : Also sunbird, I just looked and I re-uploaded the same package to my server21:22
asacotherwise dpkg-source fails21:22
asaceither use MOTU or Mozillateam21:22
asacyou can set yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer if you want21:22
asaci can fix the maintainer field if you want21:23
Jazzvaevening... :)21:24
asacill use mozillateam in maintainer for now21:24
asacJazzva: hi21:24
JazzvaHello, asac :)...21:24
asacsaivann: please ack that its ok for oyu21:24
saivannasac : You're right, I didn't know this when I built the package for the first time21:24
asacthats ok21:24
saivannasac : Thank you21:24
asaci can change it21:24
saivannOk, you'll take care of the missing LP field also?21:24
saivannasac : Now that I packaged simdock with cdbs and all brother printer drivers package, I believe that I will be able to do better packages next time :) (If they are still needed in Intrepid of course)21:27
saivannasac : Concerning mozilla projects and rosetta, is there something I can do to help the process of switching all locales to rosetta?21:28
asacsaivann: no ... not in hardy21:31
asacwe will do it for xulrunner and firefox in hardy21:31
saivannasac : For Intrepid, I know that Hardy BetaFreeze is already passed21:31
asacthe others will follow in intrepid21:31
asacbasically it will only require one to add one include to the rules file21:32
asacthe rest should happen automagically21:32
saivannasac : Ok, well if you think that I might be useful in that project, don't hesitate to ask21:32
asacbut as you know there will be issues when the time has come :)21:32
asacill come back21:32
saivannasac : Of course :)21:32
saivannasac : Well thank you for this rush on all projects/bugs I had with the mozillateam.21:34
* saivann is out (suppertime, humm)21:37
asacsaivann: ok uploaded21:44
Jazzvawhat was the policy on xpi packaging? Should we unzip them, and then package the source?21:59
asacif there is no upstream source, yes.22:00
asacJazzva: but its important that the .xpi has a license file in top level22:00
asacotherwise we need to ask author to add one (unless every single file has license header)22:01
JazzvaHmm... the license is available in the old package, so I just downloaded the new version... I don't think that the license has changed. But there is no license file in both versions...22:02
JazzvaI sound a bit confusing :)... So, the license is available in debian/copyright in the old package. The old source doesn't contain the license in top level directory... The new one doesn't contain it, too...22:06
* saivann is still away22:08
saivannasac : Thank you22:08
Jazzvaasac, fta: I think there's a little typo in XPI.TEMPLATE. In debian/changelog "(Closes: #...)" is used to close the bug, but isn't that debian's notation? Aren't we supposed to use "(LP: #...)"?22:34

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