
gunnyhey all ...recommendations for best DVB (PAL) dual tuner supported without probs by kernel ??00:00
free1good question gunny00:01
gunnywell i've looked at wki but it seems out of date00:02
gunnyi'm looking at the dvico dual digital 400:02
lagaDVB-C/DVB-T/DVB-S/DVB-S2? not to mention DVB-H...00:02
macosxgeek!seen skr3dii00:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen skr3dii - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:15
macosxgeekhey hemiola00:16
hemiolahi :-)00:16
superm1hi free100:16
macosxgeek !seen is not working with that bot00:16
free1superm1: hello00:17
macosxgeekwhat the hell is that00:17
macosxgeekubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail00:17
Picimacosxgeek: /msg seenserv help00:17
macosxgeekPici thx00:17
Picimacosxgeek: no need for the bot to have !seen :)00:17
free1superm1: what's the word on the chicago mug00:17
superm1free1, i dont live in chicago anymore00:17
superm1so not so sure00:17
Picimacosxgeek: Because it thought it was a factoid because you had 'is' in part of the thing00:17
* Pici departs00:17
free1superm1:  can I ask you the Pinnacle pctv hd pro usb stick 800e, compatible with myth?00:19
superm1free1, i'm not sure.  best bet is checking the linuxtv.org wiki00:20
superm1on usb sticks00:20
free1superm1:  no real updates past the 300e00:21
superm1then it is probably not functional....00:21
superm1do u have one?00:21
free1superm1:  so where there ever any chicago meetings00:21
superm1free1, i was only in chicago for a very short period of time, but didnt hear of any00:21
free1superm1: I'm thinking of buying one.00:21
superm1free1, i wouldn't say its a smart investment00:22
macosxgeekanyone knows CyberDance overhere?00:22
free1superm1: oh ok, because your name along with several others is on the wiki for chicago mug00:22
superm1that.s a long time ago.  probaby when i first started using myth :)00:23
free1superm1:  really... so if it works with linxtv (from what I've been told), wouldn't work with myth?00:25
OpenMedialaga + superm1 - Sorry off elsewhere00:26
superm1free1, well if it exposes a v4l2 or dvb interface it will work00:27
superm1so if you have heard it does00:27
superm1then great00:27
superm1if not, then dont touch that stuff00:27
superm1hi OpenMedia00:27
superm1how goes $things00:27
OpenMediaGood. Had a play with 8.04 Beta00:28
OpenMediaInstalled it on a 4Gb USB stick and the put the myPVR layer over the top00:28
OpenMediapainless.. Very very nice00:28
confuzed_Is there a special channel for mythbuntu 8.04?00:30
superm1OpenMedia, be careful with putting that on a usb stick directly that is mounted rw though00:32
lagaconfuzed_: no00:32
superm1you can burn through its life quick00:32
confuzed_laga, thanks00:33
OpenMediasuperm1: It was just for a quick test of the USB boot.00:33
destructarhi... anyone know of a script to add recorded shows to the "recorded" table in the mythtv database? I have lots of old recordings and just reinstalled mythtv yesterday along with fresh db00:33
lagasuperm1: i hear it's not a problem anymore today, with wear leveling and stuff00:33
OpenMediaA 100,000 write cycle unit should be fine.00:33
OpenMediaAtleast for a couple of years00:33
confuzed_I am testing 8.04 on a new setup and I have seen a few issues, but the launchpad page for 8.04 is basically empty... does anyone look at it?00:33
superm1confuzed_, we dont track to exact versions in LP as well as we should00:34
superm1just put it on the general bugs page00:34
superm1laga, OpenMedia ah00:34
confuzed_It is 8.04 specific though... will it hurt to put in the 8.04 page?00:34
destructaror is there some other setting I don't know about in which I don't have to bother filling the recorded table with old data? I'm running 0.200:35
free1superm1:  thanks for the info! hmm, do you think hauppauge pcmcia is the best bet?00:35
superm1free1, didn't even know they made pcmcia cards :)00:35
superm1pci yes00:35
superm1but pcmica?00:35
superm1confuzed_, just mention 8.04 in the bug report00:35
destructari'm using hdhomerun box... it's nice if you want hd content00:35
superm1it's a little easier that way for tracking them right now00:36
free1pcmcia card00:36
superm1if there is linux support yeah hauppauge products are top notch00:36
superm1but i'm not sure on linux support for a pcmcia card00:36
free1superm1: mostly desktop then?00:37
superm1that's what they're good at yeah00:38
free1superm1: because the usb support isn't as stellar, no?00:38
confuzed_superm1, I will thanks...00:38
superm1free1, yeah well not existant for some of the stuff00:38
confuzed_Here is my problem... I installed (and removed and reinstalled) the vnc plugin via mythcenter...  however it doesn't appear to be configured to run on startup (as verified via "ps aux |grep vnc)00:39
confuzed_What is the recommended method for getting it to start at boot00:39
superm1confuzed_, you using xfce desktop, or ubuntu desktop?00:39
confuzed_The default for 8.04... XFCE I think00:40
confuzed_In addition my system seems to want to run mythbuntu-startup --load on boot, which requires a password, why and how do I disable it?00:41
superm1confuzed_, ah i know what happened00:41
superm1you installed from the beta right?00:41
superm1there was a bug in the beta00:41
superm1if you chose vnc during adv install00:41
superm1its fixed now..00:41
superm1but if you have the ability to do so, i would recommend reinstalling00:42
superm1with vnc turned off00:42
superm1until you boot the first time00:42
confuzed_Ok... I am fully patched up... uninstalling and reinstalling vnc won't fix the problem?00:42
confuzed_I tried... it didn't.00:42
superm1well the problem actually spawns a fair deal of other things00:42
superm1where packages didn't get configured00:42
superm1the problem was directly in the installer00:42
confuzed_ahh... ok... I will reinstall... I have nothing better to do ;-)00:42
superm1if you would like to install with vnc, then update ubiquity in the live env00:43
superm1the latest one in apt fixes it00:43
destructarstupid internet connection...00:43
confuzed_Gotta love betas!00:43
confuzed_superm1, thanks a ton... I will reinstall and just add vnc afterward.00:44
superm1confuzed_, good thing you caught me, no one else would have known that bug probably :)00:44
confuzed_superm1, actually... one other thing... is it fairly simple to configure diskless frontends if the backend is not running 8.04?00:45
superm1very difficult actually00:45
superm1which machine is the diskless erver?00:45
superm1that backend00:45
superm1or something else00:45
confuzed_my master backend would be.. but it's on 7.04...00:46
lagait's possible..00:46
superm1laga, dont tell him lies00:46
superm1you'll give him confidence00:46
lagai think i posted some instructions on the forums, but it's totally unsupported00:47
destructarnot sure if anyone is around from my last question so I'll repeat: I just reinstalled myth tv. running version 0.20, have a bunch of old recordings that it's not recognizing... I assume I need to fill the database's "recorded" table... not sure if there's an auto way to do this or if I need to write a script00:47
superm1yeah and to add to that, we give cookies to people that upgrade to 8.04 and test it there00:47
lagaand you'll have to do it manually, in a terminal00:47
lagavirtual cookies00:47
confuzed_I know it is possible... but past experiences with diskless left me frustrated... mostly because the only card I had would not boot from PXE (broken firmware)00:48
lagaconfuzed_: use etherboot00:48
confuzed_destructar, I had the same problem once... run a repair on your database... fixed mine00:48
confuzed_destructar, I'll try and remember the command00:49
destructarok... i'll also search that. just an fyi: this is basically a clean reinstall so the database was completely wiped00:49
lagadestructar: there's something.. myth.rebuilddatabase or similar00:49
destructarso running a repair will search the recordings directory and fill the db accordingly I assume?00:50
confuzed_destructar, it broke when you imported from previous?... did you update your db before you backed it up?00:50
destructarit's... complicated. I'm not entirely sure what happened.00:50
destructari tried upgrading to 0.21 and it borked everything00:51
destructarso I removed everything and reinstalled several times to no avail... then found the auto backup from when I upgraded... restored that and everything worked again, albeit with an empty db for some reason00:51
confuzed_destructar, of course... that's why major versions are such a treat!00:51
confuzed_destructar, first check that the data is in the table... mine was00:52
destructarwell i selected from the recorded table and it only has about 20 shows... the new stuff from the reinstall00:52
confuzed_Oh... hold on... you are looking for your previously recorded programs... but you dont have any data in the table... that's not good.00:53
destructarthey're all in the recordings folder but don't exist in the database thus they don't show up in the frontend00:54
destructarI'm getting ready to write a script that will fill the recordings table, but I'm not sure if that will screw things up and figured I see if someone already did the work for me00:54
confuzed_ahh... ok... there is a script for that, but it won't tell you what the show is or when it was recorded... it just adds the file to the DB if I remember correctly.00:54
confuzed_I wish you hadn't continued to use the system before you fixed this... the best solution would be to roll back to your backup, but if you do that you would lose your current stuff00:55
destructaris the info for recordings stored somewhere other than the db?00:55
destructarwell the current stuff is only from today so not a big deal00:56
confuzed_destructar, nope... no metadata on the files that I am aware of... the filename has the station date and time in it though00:56
destructarthe backup is the db that I already restored from the new install and when I did that it was as though it was a fresh db... no info in the tables, had to run all the setup steps anew etc.00:57
confuzed_destructar, then I would restore the old db backup again.00:57
destructarreally? you don't think it will just give me another empty db?00:57
confuzed_wait, I am confused... the backup is not from your old setup?00:57
destructarit is... i know it doesn't make sense but that's how it went last night00:58
confuzed_oh... you mean you upgraded... and now your trying to go back but don't have the preupgrade db?00:58
destructarrestored the backup from the old db which was created when I upgraded to 0.21... but apparently it gave me an empty db00:58
destructarbefore restoring the backup i truncated all tables of mythconverg db and then deleted the mythconverg db, and then created it and then restored the backup which was auto-created when i upgraded00:59
destructarI've no idea why it gave me an empty db upon restoration though... makes no sense00:59
confuzed_destructar, the database backup that was autocreated was done on your .20 db, before the upgrade right?01:00
destructaroh crap.. i'm looking at the backup right now... it's 16 lines of code01:01
destructarthat's no good01:01
destructarconfuzed_: yes I thought so... now I don't think so lol01:01
confuzed_me either... unless they are 16 long lines... how large is the file01:01
destructari think i just found the real backup... it's zipped01:02
confuzed_before restoring it make sure you are at the same or newer version number... IIRC there were a couple of DB upgrades during .2001:02
destructarok this is it for sure01:03
destructari see... anyway of checking this?01:03
confuzed_destructar, actually it shouldn't matter much... mythtv should upgrade it automatically if it's older... just make sure you have the latest .20 version from the repos01:04
confuzed_you just dont want to dump a newer db on an older .20 mythbackend01:04
destructarok... have that for sure01:04
destructaralso I'll back it up first :)01:04
confuzed_why... you got your backup all zipped up nice and neat01:05
destructarwell just in case that one doesn't work out, i'll at least get back to a working database within seconds rather than forever01:05
confuzed_just don't record any shows until it's all squared away... wife units hate it when you lose thier shows ;-)01:05
destructarthey also tend to hate mythtv01:06
destructarat least mine does01:06
confuzed_destructar, not mine... we've been on it for a couple of years now... she can't understand how people live without it.01:06
destructaractually... she just knows she hates my computer... not so much mythtv01:06
confuzed_lol... now that's a whole different story01:07
ahave_zZZhello room.. can anyone offer me advice on a mythbuntu install? I get a 'low graphics' message and can not seem to get past that screen01:07
=== ahave_zZZ is now known as ahave
destructarrunning ubuntu and all... i've only been running this for about 1 or 2 months now and constantly working out kinks of course01:07
ahavegraphics card is nvidia geforece 7050pv (integrated)01:07
confuzed_destructar, I seriously recommend giving the latest mythbuntu (beta) a try... it's a lot easier that .20 ever was.  especially if you can spare a new HD for testing it out.01:08
destructaractually i'm running mythbuntu right now but I think it's version .20 not a beta01:09
confuzed_ahave, I wish I could be of help... I am not sure what your issue is... did you install the binary nvidia drivers during setup... perhaps you didn't install the correct ones (there are 3 of them on 8.10 beta)01:09
destructaror am i totally wrong on this? i just decided to go with mythbuntu instead of regular old mythtv last night so I'm a little shaky on what version it is or how that works01:10
confuzed_destructar, know what... I'm confused... .20 isn't bad... .19 was the nightmare01:10
ahaveconfuzed_, how do i go about intalling the binary drivers during setup?01:10
ahaveconfuzed_, as soon as i try to run from the liveCD.. i get this message01:11
destructarah i see01:11
destructaroh god... restored db... i'm nervous now01:11
confuzed_destructar, and not so much the software, but getting all of the elements (remote, tv-out, capture cards, etc..) working with it.  The last couple of mythbuntu releases have been a godsend.01:11
destructari signed on at a good time then01:12
confuzed_ahave, ahh... so you never get the mythbuntu setup stuff?01:12
destructarsweet! restoration worked perfectly (it seems)... have my 40 or so simpsons episodes back01:12
confuzed_destructar, yeah... you did.... you should be golden after that restore01:13
ahaveconfuzed_, nope. i get the liveCD boot option screen.. then i select 'install', then it goes to a terminal screen, then the message screen01:13
destructarouch... or not...01:13
confuzed_destructar, just make sure your videos are in the same path... sometimes you will see them in the sw, but not be able to play them01:13
destructar"recording unavailable"01:13
confuzed_destructar, see01:13
destructarok weird... some are available some not01:13
ahaveconfuzed_, whenever i click 'continue' on the popup i go back to the terminal and it just sits there.. doing nothing01:14
destructarscratch that01:14
confuzed_ahave what kind of system are you on... sometimes you need to specify boot flags to get the cd to boot01:14
destructarthey're all busted... yea checking path now01:14
ahaveconfuzed_, what do you mean? i can make it to the liveCD boot menu01:14
confuzed_destructar, also make sure that the permissions are set right01:15
destructarstupid question: where is the path set?01:15
destructarfound it01:16
confuzed_ahave yep... if you press a key (forget which) it will display a boot prompt where you can type in additional boot flags... one minute I'll find a webpage to help you... also what kind of system is it?01:16
destructarmythtv-setup of course... and yea... it's set to my secondary hd... so now that I'm on 0.20 I can't actually use 2 hard drives can I?01:16
ahaveconfuzed_, thanks!  AMD 64 x2 in a biostar 7050pv.. which uses nvidia geforce 7 chipset01:17
ahave^^ mother board ^^01:18
confuzed_destructar, what do you mean can't use it... do you mean "can't have multiple storage locations"?01:19
confuzed_ahave, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-372429.html01:20
confuzed_ahave, press F6 at the bootsplash and enter the commands discussed... try one at a time until you get a clean boot01:20
destructarconfuzed_: yes. I've got a completely fresh hd that I was planning to use for recordings and the other as storage (and os of course)01:22
confuzed_Also, as mentioned, a bad disk can cause some wierd problems... I have had bad downloads and bad burns give me nightmares.  Always run an MD5Sum on your iso before burning, and always have it verify your burn (burning at 2 or 4x can often ensure a better burn too.01:22
confuzed_destructar, simply mount your second HD whereever you wish to save your recordings.01:23
confuzed_destructar, of course you can only use one drive for recordings unless you get creative... but you can easily put all of your recordings on the second drive01:23
destructaryea that's what I was getting at: I have two hard drives... wanted to store long term shows on one hd and use the other as main recording hd... but be able to access both to watch shows01:24
confuzed_for example... if your recordings directory is in /var/mythtv/recordings... you could just "mount /dev/sdb1 /var/mythtv/recordings" in your /etc/fstab01:24
Tuv0kdestructar, lvm+raid01:25
confuzed_destructar, yep what he said... lvm would get you where you want to go01:25
confuzed_destructar, it's not fun to fix when it breaks however01:25
destructarwhat about just aliasing a folder in the recordings directory and using that as a recoding group... or am i now being retarded?01:25
confuzed_did .20 have recording groups01:26
confuzed_er storage groups01:26
destructarno but it has recording groups... now that I think about it though you can't give them directories, just jobs i think01:26
confuzed_destructar, yep.. storage groups came with .21 iirc01:27
destructaroh no... playback groups not recording groups is what I was thinking of01:27
destructarhmm ok01:28
destructari'll look in to lvm+raid01:28
destructarhooray [most] recordings are back!01:29
destructarthanks confuzed_01:29
confuzed_destructar, I would say that raid will be difficult to pull off unless you have a drive to backup to.01:30
destructaroh... one of those deals01:30
destructarscrew that01:31
confuzed_destructar, I am pretty sure there is a way to accomplish what you want with lvm however... you might need to shrink one partition on your system drive, create a new partition there add the second drive and new parition to the VG, then move your data, then resize again... scary stuff without a backup01:31
destructarso here's a temp solution until I upgrade: what if I manually drag long term shows to the second hd and alias that folder in the videos directory? I already know that aliased folders work as I have this running for movies01:31
destructaronly downside is I wouldn't have meta info i suppose01:32
confuzed_I don't think it works for recordings... just for movies01:32
destructarreally? what's the difference?01:32
confuzed_when I say movies I mean videos... not recorded movies.01:33
destructaroh and btw: interlaced shows look like CRAP on my 1080p tv01:33
Belboz91Hey all, got a slight problem with using lirc as an IR transmitter, the channel change command runs fine, the ir sends, but nothing happens, any ideas?01:33
destructarso many lines... deinterlacing doesn't seem to work so well01:33
confuzed_When you record, it saves the recording to particular path, when you play it, the file needs to be there... I don't think you can set the path on a per-file basis.01:34
confuzed_destructar, deinterlace them first... use bob for best results.01:34
Belboz91using this irblaster: http://www.irblaster.info/ and a Motorolla DCT222401:34
confuzed_destructar, but they still won't look spectacular... your scaling 480i (or about 240 lines / vertical refresh) to 1080 lines per vertical refresh.01:36
confuzed_Belboz91, If you don't get an answer here (I can't help sorry), I think LIRC has an IRC01:37
destructarwhere on earth do you set deinterlacing? i thought I already did this under frontend->setup->tv settings->playback01:38
destructarbut I'm not seeing it anymore01:38
Belboz91cool, thanks confuzed_01:38
destructarnm found it01:38
destructargeez i'm blind (sorry)01:38
Belboz91confuzed_: 4 people in the room :-P01:39
destructaranyone recommend good custom filters ?01:39
destructarconfuzed_ deinterlacing made things much better... sad thing is I already knew all about it but didn't have it set because I'm too blind to see the setting01:40
ahavehow much of a diffrence is there between ubuntu 7.10 with mythtv installed afterwards and mythbuntu?01:42
confuzed_ahave, actually not much once your up an running.... if your a new user, and your building a dedicated mythtv setup, go with the 8.10 beta cd (just don't enable VNC until setup is done)01:43
ahavethe 8.10 mythbuntu beta?01:44
ahavei am just wondering if i would not have this grahics issue if i installed ubuntu first01:44
ahavethis post seems to have the exact same case: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67936601:45
ahaveand they recomended to just intsall ubuntu 7.10 first01:45
confuzed_ahave, 8.10 fixed a bunch of issues I had with my video card... but they are all post-install issues.01:46
ahavewhat card do you use?01:46
confuzed_ahave, an Nvidia fx5200... but the nvidia drivers in 7.10 didn't support 1080i very well so that was the big fix for me01:47
ahaveconfuzed_, about those boot commands... do i just add "boot: linux noapic" to the end of the string that comes up?01:50
confuzed_if the line already starts with linux or something than no... just add the noapic option... if it's just a boot: prompt then yes type linux noapic01:51
ahaveok, so i could just add.. "noapic pci=irgroute " ... etc01:52
ahaveall the commands listed with spaces inbetween01:52
destructarok last issue I think: how to get rid of crazy line crap at top of the screen? isn't this just the overscan settings that need to be adjusted?01:53
confuzed_ahave, I would try one at a time until it works... some of them disable valuable features02:00
confuzed_destructar, yep... or you can adjust the zoom on your set...02:01
confuzed_destructar, but with a 1080p set I would leave it on native and adjust the overscan within mythtv or by using nvidia-settings.02:02
destructaryea ended up only having to increase vertical from 0 to 102:03
destructaralthough some non-hd is still about 50 pixels black on top and bottom...02:04
confuzed_yeah... it's annoying sometimes02:04
destructarand of course black bars to the left and right... in other words not stretched or zoomed02:04
destructarany setting to easily detect this?02:05
confuzed_I can't remember in .2002:05
confuzed_I am sure there is something02:05
destructarbtw had to change to kernel for deintelace02:06
destructarbob made the screen shake02:06
npurcifulhey superm1 you there02:09
lagano ;)02:09
npurcifulhey laga what flavor are you using?02:12
destructarok i'm outta here... thanks for help all02:12
abarbacciastrawberry swirl02:12
lagai had some "cookies & cream" häagen dazs earlier02:13
abarbacciai just actually had cold stone02:13
abarbacciammmm - soooo bad for you tho02:13
npurcifulerr, i meant myth/k/x/ubuntu02:14
laga'cold stone'? is that something you smoke in crack pipes?02:14
abarbacciahahaha its a ice cream chain that makes VERY VERY fattening ice cream which tastes amazing02:14
lagaah, didnt know that :)02:14
frank23Can a diskless slave backend running the live cd be used for transcoding? Does it need to mount a nfs drive or does the mythtv protocol take care of the file transfers?02:15
lagatranscoding needs nfs mounts02:15
frank23laga: mount at /var/lib/mythtv ?02:15
lagafrank23: you gotta configure the backend accordingly02:16
lagaon the live disk02:16
frank23laga: can the mythbuntu control centre configure the nfs mount?02:16
lagafrank23: on the client? i dont think so.. the live disk has a special tool to configure stuff, maybe you can use that.02:17
laganpurciful: "In the spirit of joviality, and to encourage customers to give tips, Cold Stone instructs employees to sing a Cold Stone song, usually to the tune of recognizable melodies such as "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" or "Bingo,""02:17
laganpurciful: sounds like that kind of job where you shoot yourself after having worked there for one day02:18
abarbacciahahahah my sister worked there for like a month - and she had to quit because of that02:18
lagathey'd make me leave before that.. my singing is horrible02:19
npurcifulheh, would02:21
npurcifulshoot my self if i worked there02:21
npurcifulcrap need to reboot, but i have 3 tuners going. playing the waiting game02:22
* laga recommends ice cream to kill time02:22
confuzed_reboots are for the weak.... and windows users02:24
ahaveconfuzed_, any more ideas if the boot options are not working?02:25
confuzed_ahave burn a new CD02:25
ahavei am download ubuntu 7.10 now02:25
confuzed_double check that your download matches the md5 hash posted on the website02:25
ahaveinstead of mythbuntu02:25
confuzed_I have had similar problems and that's all it was, a corrupted download02:26
ahavewould a CD check not catch them?02:26
ahavenormally nvidia is supported, correct?02:26
confuzed_a cd check would most likely catch them02:26
npurcifulconfuzed_: ugh i am testing grub02:27
confuzed_yes nvidia is supported... but sometimes there are issues with machines, especially laptops, that require the disabling of some hardware detection or configuration options at boot... especially apic and acpi02:27
ahavethis is on a mico ATX MB02:28
ahavehowever it does say something about "checking battery..." when loading some daemon in the beginning02:28
confuzed_ahave, shouldn't matter... most computers use standard equip... but sometimes they use combinations that cause problems02:28
confuzed_ahave, I think all machines say that now... it's determining if there is a battery02:29
ahaveit seems to load a few lines all with [OK] at the end.. then the screen flashes slowly 4 times02:29
confuzed_Nowadays there is little difference between laptops and desktops... most laptops have taken to putting special devices on the usb bus02:29
ahaveon the 4th time is comes up saying ubuntu is running in low graphics mode02:30
confuzed_have you tried pressing ctrl-F1 or ctrl-F202:30
ahaveconfuzed_, yes. and i was able to upt-get nvidia drivers02:30
ahaveand restart the xserver-conf02:30
ahavebut after that i have no idea what to do02:30
ahavei get a warning saying i am writing to the conf file, and a backup will be saved.. but i am just left at the terminal02:31
ahaveshould i try 'startX' after that?02:31
confuzed_ahh ok... I thought your problem was at boot time not in starting X02:31
confuzed_yeah try a startx... or xorg02:31
ahaveno, it boots somewhat.. just doesnt take me to the typical liveCD desktop02:32
confuzed_sounds to me like the OpenSource drivers don't support that card very well... is it a very new card?02:33
ahavenot really...02:36
ahaveusing integrated video02:36
ahaveconfuzed_, i seem to be able to start X now..02:36
ahave15GB enough for a frontend/backend install?02:38
confuzed_ahave, great... during install make sure to install the nvidia binary drivers if you can02:38
ahaveconfuzed_, how do i do that during the install? running a terminal _before_ i click 'install' and doing apt-get?02:39
confuzed_ahave, if you don't intend to store many shows... I have about 400gb full... so in my case no way02:39
ahavei have a seperate HD for storage02:39
confuzed_ahave, if your using the mythbuntu cd, it should give you the option02:39
confuzed_ahave, then yes... 15GB is more than enough02:39
ahaveand what filesystem is suggested? et3 ok for just OS files?02:40
ahaveno large files will be stored02:40
confuzed_yeah ext3 is best for os... arguably02:41
ahavepartition type? what is diff between primary and logical?02:42
confuzed_ahave, your boot partition must be a primary... logicals are only necessary if your going to have more than 4 parititions on a single drive02:43
ahavewhat if i have a dual boot with xp, vista, and mythbuntu?02:43
ahaveor would that be a triboot..02:43
confuzed_Standard partition tables support 4 primary partitions, and someone decided that wasn't enough so extended parititions with logical drives were born02:43
confuzed_ahave, then I would put it on a 3rd primary partition.... in order to boot, it must be on a primary partition.02:44
ahaveah,ok. thanks02:45
confuzed_ahave, I would just call it a multiboot system.02:45
confuzed_ahave, keep in mind though, that installing any windows os after you install linux will prevent you from booting linux... grub, the bootloader, gets overwritten by windows bootloader02:46
confuzed_ahave, you can reinstall grub, but it's a nightmare02:46
confuzed_ahave, for a newbie anyway02:47
ahavewell xp is already on..02:47
ahavei just set aside 50GB for a vista boot if i can find a copy to try it out.. ( i heard it was only worthwhile for the media center)02:47
ahaveshould i avoid enabling VNC on the install?02:48
confuzed_ahave, just remember that once you install it, you will probably need to go back in and reinstall grub... there are tons of guides... and who knows maybe vista plays nice (doubt it)02:48
confuzed_ahave, only if your installing 8.0402:48
ahaveconfuzed_, ok02:49
ahaveconfuzed_, thanks alot for your help02:54
confuzed_ahave, no problem... get everything set up ok?02:54
ahaveas far as i know.. 77% installed thus far02:54
confuzed_kewl... hope it all works for ya!02:54
ahavei just put in that i had needed a nvidia_new driver.. thanks!02:55
confuzed_that ought to do it.02:55
ahavecan i hold off an setting up a schedules direct account?02:57
ahavei want to make sure mythtv is fully working before starting my 7day countdown trial02:57
Belboz91hey, are there any bugs with compiling lirc on hardy?02:59
confuzed_you can... but you won't get listings data02:59
Belboz91I'm getting some rather strange make ouptut02:59
Belboz91this thread has the same output, but I don't understand what they're discussing: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2007-December/001951.html03:00
Belboz91I guess it's incompatible with the latest hardy kernel?03:01
confuzed_Belboz91, I can't imagine that it is... I use it with my mythbuntu 8.10 beta install... fully patched... but it might not compile?03:02
Belboz91confuzed_: right, it doesn't compile, it runs fine precompiled though03:03
confuzed_Belboz91, did you download the sources from the repository or from LIRC's website03:04
confuzed_You could also try and apply the patch discussed in that thread... though I don't know what version of the lirc source they are made for03:06
confuzed_Anyone know why I am being told that I cannot install all updates on 8.04... it's telling me I have to do a partial UPGRADE... almost like it wants to do a Dist-Upgrade03:37
destructari'm back :) anyone know a good guide for using apple remote control with mythbuntu using a HDHomeRun device?03:38
destructarhaving a bit of a time with this...03:38
confuzed_destructar, welcome back... sorry don't know a thing about using the apple remote with mythtv... yet... the wife won't let me put the mini in the entertainment center03:40
confuzed_Why is my freshly installed Mythbuntu 8.04 trying to do a Dist Ugrade when I run Update Manager?03:41
destructarconfuzed_: I have two of these suckers laying around (remotes)... supposedly you can configure lirc file (or something... i know next to nothing on this subject) with hdhomerun to control mythtv03:42
confuzed_I am sure you can.. LIRC will let you use almost any IR device... but as for how, I can't tell you.03:43
destructaryea... neither can google. at least not very well... or at least not for newbs to lirc03:43
confuzed_oops... what's the HDHomeRun have to do with the remote?03:44
destructarhdhomerun has an ir receiver built in03:44
destructarreceiver uses something with lirc... or something :) i'm pretty much completely ignorant in this area03:45
destructarthey have a nice guide here: http://www.silicondust.com/wiki/hdhomerun/instructions/mythtv but I'm totally confused as to why it won't work for me03:46
destructari read something else stating that you have to set up mythtv for lirc packets but I don't know how03:46
confuzed_Why is my freshly installed Mythbuntu 8.04 trying to do a Dist Ugrade when I run Update Manager?  Anyone?04:06
superm1because some updates can't be resolved unless you do a partial upgrade04:07
superm1which is why the partial upgrade tool is in place04:07
confuzed_but I am running 8.04... why would it do a dist-upgrade?04:08
confuzed_it's not even released yet04:08
superm1it's just how it works :)04:09
confuzed_ok... so when it says that some packages cannot be upgraded it's ok then?... I've never seen it do partial upgrades before04:10
superm1yeah it usually will resolve itself in a few hours04:10
superm1as mirrors sync04:10
superm1and bits fly04:10
superm1and stuff like that04:10
confuzed_ahhh... ok that makes sense... so I may as well wait for a while instead of doing it right away then.04:11
superm1well it can happen with packages later too04:12
superm1so it doesnt hurt to do it now04:12
superm1andthen again later04:12
superm1and possibly again later+1 :)04:12
destructar_ok I have my apple remote working with lirc which is good04:22
destructar_doesn't control mythtv which is bad04:22
confuzed_you need to edit your .lircrc file in your mythtv users home directory04:25
destructar_ah i see04:25
confuzed_it should also be symlinked to ~/.mythtv/lircrc04:25
destructar_ouch... file doesn't exist04:25
destructar_are you referring to the lircd.conf file?04:26
confuzed_are you running mythbuntu?04:26
confuzed_no lircd.conf is not the same.04:26
confuzed_Open the mythbuntu control center... it has options to create the file04:26
destructar_"enable a remote control" right?04:27
destructar_ah i see cool...04:28
destructar_and there's the file :)04:29
destructar_confuzed_: ok so I'm editing the file... what next?04:30
confuzed_destructar_, sorry... you figuring it out yet?04:39
confuzed_good guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy04:40
destructar_yes-ish... upon enabling the remote via mythbuntu it blewout my lircd.conf file and replaced it with it's own04:41
destructar_so when enabling lirc to work with udp and testing with irw nothing would work04:41
confuzed_yeah... it does that... but if you selected the right remote in mythbuntu, it should work... you might need to tweak it a bit04:41
foxbuntudestructar_, your original lircd.conf should have been backed up04:42
destructar_so i replaced conf file with mine agin, made lircd run in udp mode and irw now works on command line... however not with mythtv still.04:42
confuzed_if not, follow that guide and you can fully customize it to your desires04:42
foxbuntudestructar_, I maintain the mythbuntu-lircrc-generator script04:42
destructar_ok cool04:42
destructar_so I have my conf file that I generated with irrecord and the controller works fine with this04:43
foxbuntudestructar_, here is what you can do, with your lird.conf in place, run mythbuntu-lircrc-generator04:43
foxbuntuthen restart mythfrontend04:43
foxbuntuand it should all work04:43
confuzed_essentially their are 2 parts... lircd.conf labels the ir codes with names (up down etc...) and lirc.rc configures the keyboard mappings for those buttons in individual apps04:43
foxbuntuconfuzed_, .lircrc04:43
confuzed_oh yeah04:44
destructar_that's what I was starting to realize just didn't know how to create the lircrc file correctly04:44
destructar_cool  script ran without problems testing front end04:44
confuzed_foxbuntu, question... why doesn't my remote config have repeats on it?04:44
foxbuntudestructar_, m-l-g I mentioned before will auto create it04:44
destructar_crap controller still fails on frontend04:45
foxbuntudestructar_, try this04:45
destructar_anything special you have to do to enable mythtv lirc with udp?04:45
confuzed_destructar_, did you restart mythfrontend04:45
foxbuntusudo /etc/init.d/lircd restart04:45
foxbuntuconfuzed_, you create the remote with MCC?04:46
confuzed_destructar_, if IRW sees the button presses, I can't see why you would need to do anything else in your lircrc04:46
confuzed_foxbuntu, yep.... it works... just no repeats where I would expect... up down and whatnot04:46
destructar_i'm using hdhomerun which has an IR sensor and uses udp with lirc04:47
foxbuntuconfuzed_, by default we don't do repeats because its effect is different on different remotes04:47
confuzed_foxbuntu, it's no big deal, I know how to add them... but I'm just suprised... and the "back" button on my remote isn't mapped... but no biggie04:47
foxbuntuconfuzed_, what is the name of the "back" button in your lircd.conf?04:48
confuzed_foxbuntu, I've never used a default config anyway... I like to really tweak my remotes to my liking04:48
confuzed_one sec04:48
destructar_crap still not working in front end04:48
destructar_so here's the thing... using hdhomerun instructions, after having conf file in place (and now lircrc file) i run this: lircd -H udp -d 500004:48
destructar_and then irw04:48
confuzed_foxbuntu, "Back"... its the mceusb04:49
destructar_and button presses register in terminal, but not in mythtv frontend04:49
foxbuntuconfuzed_, strange...I use the MCE as well mine works fine04:49
foxbuntudestructar_, strange really04:49
destructar_foxbuntu: using apple remote, does that make a difference?04:49
foxbuntudestructar_, do this: ls ~/.mythtv/04:50
foxbuntuis there anything in there for lirc04:50
confuzed_foxbuntu, doesn't he need to add those options to the lircd.conf file so it starts with the udp settings?04:50
destructar_~/.mythtv/lircrc exists04:50
confuzed_destructar_, there should be a .lircrc that is symlinked to ~/.lircrc04:50
confuzed_do an ls -al ~/.mythtv/04:51
destructar_doesn't seem to by a symlink to ~/.lircrc04:51
foxbuntuconfuzed_, no, the symlink is not there04:51
destructar_yea it's not a symlink04:51
foxbuntuthats the real file04:51
foxbuntudestructar_, you need to change the hardware.conf04:52
confuzed_foxbuntu, not on mine...04:52
confuzed_tv@tv:~$ ls -al ~/.mythtv/lircrc04:52
confuzed_lrwxrwxrwx 1 tv tv 15 2008-03-26 23:36 /home/tv/.mythtv/lircrc -> ../.lirc/mythtv04:52
confuzed_interesting... it's not even linked where I thought it was04:53
foxbuntuconfuzed_, oh your right, its been awhile since I wrote that part :)04:53
destructar_foxbuntu: what do i need to change in it?04:53
foxbuntudestructar_, sudo nano /etc/lirc/hardware.conf04:53
foxbuntudestructar_, I need to look the changes up, give me a min04:53
destructar_is this accurate?04:54
destructar_(i'm using vim, but am already editing :) )04:54
confuzed_foxbuntu, I have another question for you.... I have the SMK reciever for my mceusb... it seems to respond (light flashes) for any remote I point at it.... can I use any remote I want with it, or does it only generate codes for the remote that came with it... the RC6ir04:55
foxbuntudestructar_, yeah, the changes in the first post to the hardware.conf is what you need04:55
foxbuntuconfuzed_, any remote will work as long as you have the codes, what I did was use my MCE remote and get a Universal that can learn codes and taught it my MCE codes04:56
foxbuntuthen I didn't have to change lirc04:56
confuzed_foxbuntu, but lirc doesn't care about the codes, I can use irrecord or whatever it's called to pull the codes can't I?04:57
foxbuntusure..just telling you what I did04:57
foxbuntuif your comfortable with irrecord then any old remote will work04:58
foxbuntu(I actually have that SMK receiver as well)04:58
destructar_ok so this time upon restarting lirc i was able to test remote with irw instantly (so lircd_args worked)04:58
destructar_but still doesn't work in front end04:58
confuzed_destructar_, because the lircrc in .mythtv is incorrect04:58
destructar_that guy posts his solution at the end of the thread "You have to go into the MythTV setup and hunt down the IR Remote setup and tell Myth to listen for the lircd packets. That was the step I was missing. Enable it in mythtv."04:59
foxbuntudestructar_, pastebin your lircd.conf04:59
confuzed_destructar_, go into ~/.mythtv/04:59
confuzed_and type ln -s yourLircrcFile ./lircrc -f04:59
foxbuntuconfuzed_, mythtv looks for both05:00
confuzed_this will create a link from ~/.mythtv/lircrc to the file you created for mythtv05:00
destructar_"ln: `lircrc' and `./lircrc' are the same file"05:00
confuzed_but he has one in the mythtv folder... it will override the other won't it?05:00
foxbuntuconfuzed_, you can't symlink at the same directory05:01
confuzed_destructar_, where did you create your lircrc file?05:01
destructar_well mythbuntu auto-created it in ~/.mythtv/lircrc05:01
confuzed_or should I ask, foxbuntu, where does the script place the file05:01
confuzed_destructar_, are you sure it's the one the script created (not the one mcc created)05:02
destructar_pretty sure... i can delete it and rerun script i suppose05:02
foxbuntuconfuzed_, it should create one in ~/.mythtv/lircrc with a symlink --> ~/.lirc/mythtv05:02
confuzed_destructar_, also, check the file and ensure that the names used for the buttons are the same as the labels assigned to them in your lircd.conf05:02
confuzed_destructar_, I'm not sure where you got the lircd.conf (or if you made it yourself) but the script may make some assumptions that are not true... foxbuntu?05:03
foxbuntuconfuzed_, if you only saw the dictionary I wrote :)05:04
foxbuntuthere are like 25 variations of Play05:04
confuzed_lol I can only imagine... I do have to say though, remote setup is so much better now than even a year ago05:04
foxbuntuconfuzed_, you wont even recongize it after I finish Mythbuntu Remote Manager next dev cycle05:05
destructar_deleted and re-ran script05:05
destructar_it created 3 entries for buttons, labels are correct... should have been 6 buttons though05:05
foxbuntudestructar_, the dictionary doesnt work for all buttons05:06
destructar_going to manually add the rest05:06
destructar_i see05:06
destructar_it should work with just these 3 for now right?05:06
destructar_play, ffwd, menu05:06
foxbuntuthere are so many I can't add to the dictionary because of their effects05:07
foxbuntudestructar_, yup05:07
destructar_ok it's working now05:08
destructar_i found the issue ... and now i feel like a complete idiot05:08
destructar_apparently the remote doesn't work in the menu... just during play back05:08
confuzed_I would love to see how you can possibly use mythtv with a 6 button remote.... I have a 20?, 30? and it's still not enough05:08
destructar_yea i doubt it will last :)05:08
confuzed_destructar_, you need to customize it some... it will work in the menu05:08
destructar_i planned on using my tivo remote but gave my tivo away05:09
foxbuntudestructar_, yeah..play ffwd and menu are playback options in the dictionary05:09
confuzed_destructar_, in mythfrontend setup, you can customize the controls... just set your right left up and down equal to the same letters passed by the remote.05:09
destructar_cool will do05:10
destructar_thanks for all the help05:10
confuzed_destructar_, no problem05:10
confuzed_foxbuntu, you rock... keep up the great work!05:10
destructar_i'm off to sleep. later05:10
foxbuntuconfuzed_, thanks. I promiss MRM is going to change the way you look at lirc :)05:11
confuzed_I believe you... compared to what I went through a couple of years ago when I had just started with mythtv, it's already 1000x better... but I can see how it might get even better.05:12
confuzed_foxbuntu, just curious, I've never used lirc to control a device, but I think I might like to... how do you record the signals that you want to send to the device... for example can I record the power button from my tv remote then send it when I press power my my mythtv remote?05:13
foxbuntuconfuzed_, well, you could use an irblaster for something like that05:15
foxbuntubut it would take allot of work it get that doing what you want05:15
confuzed_foxbuntu, the SMK has one afaik... but I was just curious how you learned the codes05:15
foxbuntuwhat do you mean: "..how I learned the codes"05:16
confuzed_how one learns the codes to send to the devices you wish to control.  for example, I want to use an IRBlaster to control the volume on my stero... how do I know which codes to send... can I learn them from the stereo's remote?05:17
foxbuntushould be able to with irrecord05:21
foxbuntuand create a file called stero_remote.conf05:21
foxbuntuthen in your lircd.cond add the line: include /etc/lirc/stero_remote.conf (for example)05:22
confuzed_kewl... I figured it was something like that... that's my next project... I am tired of using two remotes.05:22
foxbuntuthen you can follow the setup procedures for the the irblaster, create a quick bash script that use the irblaster just like mythtv does as an external tuner except when it receives those signals the lircrc will use the script to turn the volume up or whatever05:24
foxbuntuit will be a little work...but it can be done05:24
MythbuntuGuest45in your opinion what is the best card..i was looking at the hauppage 35005:42
MythbuntuGuest45don't need hd05:42
foxbuntuMythbuntuGuest45, the 150MCE is pretty good05:43
foxbuntueasier to deal with in Myth as well05:43
MythbuntuGuest45i would have to software decode correct05:44
Tuv0kpvr 250 or pvr50005:44
foxbuntuthe 150MCE has hardware decoding as well05:45
Tuv0kyou do NOT want software decoding05:45
MythbuntuGuest45ok, so 150mce pvr250 or pvr500 are best bets05:45
confuzed_foxbuntu, the 150MCE is hw encode only isn't it?05:48
foxbuntuconfuzed_, yeah I think so05:49
foxbuntuI use 2 of them05:49
confuzed_Oh... you guys kept saying decode, not encode... I hope he didn't get confused.. the 500 is the only decoder/encoder I think05:51
confuzed_oops... I mean 35005:52
foxbuntuoh man, Im so tired I didnt even notice05:52
confuzed_or something... one of them had a hardware mpeg decoder05:52
confuzed_I'm going digital soon so I don't care anymore05:53
foxbuntudigital is nice :)05:58
pcglueThe /var/lib partition on my mythtv box became full and got corrupted.  It's XFS filesystem and I can't mount it.  Seems like I get hardware errors when I try to mount it (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6125/).  Is there anything I should try before trying xfs_repair?06:03
pcglue*I should try before...06:04
foxbuntupcglue, google for and download Drive Fitness Test06:11
foxbuntuits a tool from Hitachi that will tell you if its hardware or not06:12
pcgluethanks foxbuntu, I'll give that a try06:15
KillerKiwi2005totem dosnt list my mythtv recordings is there something i need to do?07:23
superm1KillerKiwi2005, you might need to add your info into gconf-editor07:29
superm1and make sure the plugin is enabled in totem07:29
KillerKiwi2005ahhh... any instructions some where on doing that?07:30
superm1i dont think i've written any yet07:30
superm1there is a picture on mythbuntu.org though07:30
superm1that will show you where in gconf-editor to change07:30
KillerKiwi2005no ui ?07:30
superm1it wasn't in place for this version yet i believe07:31
superm1there is experimental upnp support that wasn't added in07:31
superm1which makes the UI pointless07:31
KillerKiwi2005yeah i was wondaring...07:32
KillerKiwi2005whats the file with the mysql un/pw ....07:33
KillerKiwi2005lol my passwords 1234 ...07:33
KillerKiwi2005well that made totem stall a bit....07:34
KillerKiwi2005** (totem:17839): DEBUG: FAMILY: 2, TYPE: 1, PROTOCOL: 607:35
KillerKiwi2005repeat for ever...07:36
superm1yeah it reading the recordings list from sql right now?07:36
superm1it takes a few sec07:36
KillerKiwi2005maybe it is a large list07:36
KillerKiwi2005there it is... that took a while07:37
KillerKiwi2005must be the thumbnails...07:37
KillerKiwi2005well it works.. no dast foward though...07:38
KillerKiwi2005problably best to stick with mythfrontend...07:39
destructarhi all. I've got an issue with hd content playing in mythtv12:54
destructarit runs in slow motion and without audio... this is hd content only. I recorded a small amount and played it back outside of mythtv with VLC and it runs perfectly12:54
destructarmy guess is that the player mythtv uses can't handle HD content for some reason... although this is either a recent problem or doesn't happen on all shows12:55
destructarbecause I've recorded Lost in the past and it played back fine, as did other hd content. in fact some shows on pbs hd were playing just fine yesterday12:56
destructarand what do you know... just now flipping through channels I get a writeaudo buffer underrun error and mythtv front end crashes12:57
destructarproblem solved: enabled "extra audio buffering"13:01
rhpot1991_laptopanyone here using mythrename.pl?14:43
superm1i used to14:48
superm1havent set it up on new backend though14:48
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: do you have any old recordings left?14:48
rhpot1991_laptopI'm looking for verification that basename in the recorded table actually points at them14:49
superm1you mean like what does the symlink poit to?14:49
rhpot1991_laptopoh does that symlink?14:49
rhpot1991_laptopI assumed it actually renamed them14:49
lagasuperm1: i've been thinking about runningn it by default on mythbuntu.. only in symlink mode, though14:49
lagayou can make it do symlinks only, yes14:49
superm1lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 57 2008-03-09 16:30 How I Met Your Mother - 2008-02-25, 7-00 PM - Spoiler Alert.mpg -> /media/mythtv/recordings/mythdell/2843_20080225190000.mpg14:50
superm1to its to an explicit path14:50
rhpot1991_laptopcan it also rename?14:50
superm1i wouldnt let it if it could14:50
superm1too much chance for breaking other $stuff..14:50
* laga is scared of unicode issues.14:50
superm1yeah. exactly14:50
lagai really shouldn't be.. but it'd such a PITA to get working again, so i just wont do it14:50
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: what is the basename in the recorded table for that?14:50
lagait would be*14:50
lagarhpot1991_laptop: yeah, it uses the basename14:51
superm1 /media/mythtv/recordings/mythdell14:51
rhpot1991_laptopso so the basename would point at the 2843_2008....mpg still?14:51
rhpot1991_laptopok good14:51
lagarhpot1991_laptop: if it renames, the basename is changed14:51
lagaif it symlinks, the basename is unchanged14:51
rhpot1991_laptopgonna start pulling from there instead14:51
superm1rhpot1991, you might want to try mythtvfs though14:52
superm1that's what i'm gonna switch to when i remember to do so14:52
lagaa file system relying on mysql?14:52
lagasounds scary ;)14:52
rhpot1991_laptopsuperm1: well this is for mythexport, cause I have seen some people telling me they had a user script to modify files and then it didn't find their recording, cause it builds that name from the channel, time, etc14:53
lagathe clock on me BE is drifty.. i just installed ntpd to work around that14:53
superm1ah yeah.14:53
rhpot1991_laptopthis way I can point them at mythrename.pl and say use that and everything will work out14:53
rhpot1991_laptopntpd isn't installed by default?14:54
superm1ok let me upload vlc and get goin14:54
superm1cya guys14:54
lagarhpot1991_laptop: i think so, but not on that old box14:54
lagai used to have it installed, so i dunno why it's gonna now14:54
rhpot1991_laptopah ok14:54
laga"See the link in my signature to find out how to provide log files."14:54
lagai think it was worth the time to write that "how to get help" thread ;)14:55
lagai need to link to your faq, too14:55
rhpot1991_laptopwhere is this thread?14:56
rhpot1991_laptopah there it is14:56
lagafeel free to add stuff in a posting, i'll merge it then..14:57
lagaalthough some things belong to the FAQ14:57
rhpot1991_laptopthe fAQs wiki seems to be working out well14:57
rhpot1991_laptophave had a few random additions to it14:57
rhpot1991_laptoptgm4883 ping14:57
rhpot1991_laptopdid you verify your storage groups are ok?14:58
lagai'm sick and tired of people who need to be asked five questions just to get them to provide enough information14:58
tgm4883heh, no, forgot.  Went and had dinner and forgot14:58
tgm4883i'll check today though14:58
tgm4883in a few hours14:58
rhpot1991_laptopalright just let me know14:58
rhpot1991_laptopit might actually be a bug14:58
rhpot1991_laptopso if they are I'll throw a new version somewhere for you to test14:58
tgm4883actually i suppose I can check in phpmyadmin15:00
rhpot1991_laptopeh no hurry15:01
pdragonfoxbuntu: you ever find anything out about the sound going bad when channels change?15:02
pdragonor anyone else know anything about it?15:02
rhpot1991_laptoplaga: you should link to the ubuntu wiki15:02
tgm4883rhpot1991_laptop, hmm15:02
tgm4883this is very strange15:02
tgm4883apparently there are 2 dirs in my default storage group15:03
tgm48831  Default  OLDHOSTNAME  /var/lib/mythtv/recordings15:04
tgm48832  Default  ovit  /mythtv/recordings/ovit500/15:04
rhpot1991_laptopthats prob why15:04
tgm4883but there are no recordings in the first one15:04
rhpot1991_laptopalthough I still have a bug I think15:04
tgm4883which is strange15:04
rhpot1991_laptopbut it should work once you fix that15:04
tgm4883still sounds like a bug though15:04
rhpot1991_laptopits searching using an empty variable15:05
tgm4883otherwise it will always chose that first dir15:05
rhpot1991_laptopand then grabbing the first storage dir15:05
rhpot1991_laptopI never really tested the storage group stuff, just assumed the code I worked from was working15:05
rhpot1991_laptopso it kinda does, but needs to be fixed15:06
pdragonjust looked in my frontend log for when i changed a channel last night. the log just fills up with this: http://pastebin.com/d3f5c4b3415:06
pdragonsound gets static and has a high pitched wine15:07
pdragonif i exit live tv then go back in, everything is fine again15:07
rhpot1991_laptoppdragon: my understanding is thats a generic error and you should use launch the frontend by hand with the verbos option15:07
pdragonwhat's the command to do that? haven't launched the front end from cmdline and just want to be sure15:08
rhpot1991_laptoppdragon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73652815:09
rhpot1991_laptoptalks about it in there15:09
pdragoncool. will try that when i have a chance. thanks!15:11
Stemming78Good morning all;  I am at a point were I am ALMOST finished setting up my Remote Frontend - thanks sooo much for the assistance I have gotten thus far...15:35
Stemming78I have 2 items that need guidence;  1) I cannot get Live TV on the Frontend (opens then closes).15:36
Stemming78Issue 2:  need to know how to access the Recording directory on the Frontend machine;  thinking the 2 issues may be related...  Anyways, I dabbled w/ FSTAB, but from the information I have found, it may require NFS... input?15:38
Stemming78Currently using FSTAB to access VIDEO and MUSIC directories on my VISTA machine <cifs>15:39
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: you want to do fstab with nfs (preferably) or samba to share them out15:39
rhpot1991_laptopare you using the default recordings directory?15:39
Stemming78You are referring to on the Backend machine; answer is yes... Have not made changes to the Remote frontend15:40
rhpot1991_laptopso go into MCC and enable NFS15:41
rhpot1991_laptopit will share that out automagically15:41
rhpot1991_laptopthen follow the client stuff in there15:42
Stemming78you are a god!15:42
rhpot1991_laptopputting it in your fstab just like you did with your cifs15:42
Stemming78roger....   How about the LiveTV15:43
rhpot1991_laptopin theory that should work as well then15:43
rhpot1991_laptop0.21 or 0.20.215:43
Stemming78>>> do I need to setup directorys in /ext/exports (recordings)15:43
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: MCC will do that for you15:44
Stemming78gotta love Mythbuntu MCC....15:44
Stemming78rhpot1991_laptop:  checking the /etc/exports file....  Should I lineout Videos and Music as they are being shared from another PC.15:46
rhpot1991_laptopya, no reason to have them15:46
rhpot1991_laptopit does all your /var/lib/mythtv/* folders by default I think15:46
rhpot1991_laptopso throw a # in front of anything you don't want it sharing15:47
Stemming78Or does it look at Shared Folders already set?15:47
rhpot1991_laptopnot sure if it looks for them or just has that hardcoded somewhere15:48
rhpot1991_laptopeither way just comment out whatever you don't need15:48
Stemming78Lastly, on the Backend...  Will I need to restart nfs?15:48
tgm4883it does /var/lib/mythtv/*15:48
Stemming78right on....  thank you sir!15:48
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: prob doesn't hurt to15:49
rhpot1991_laptopI have a general when in doubt restart (as long as you can) rule15:49
foxbunturhpot1991_laptop, yes it does, everytime NFS is restarted...God kills a kitten15:49
rhpot1991_laptopfoxbuntu: you don't want to know what he does when you touch yourself then15:50
lagakeep this family friendly, guys15:50
foxbuntuoh he stopped doing anything for that long ago, he couldn't keep up15:50
Stemming78Ohh, thought I would share this as it gave me a HUGE headache...  I have a Via Epia MB....  Unichrome driver does not support 2D so the video playback was all f***ed.  Most threads I found suggested I unstall Unichrome...  Anyways, Openchrome is required for Mythbuntu.15:51
Stemming78Here is a link; pass it on if you like :)15:51
lagaStemming78: add it to the FAQ :)15:51
Stemming78  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome?highlight=%28openchrome%2915:51
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: might want to search wiki.mythtv.com as well, I recall seeing info on there about VIA boards15:52
Stemming78Yah, it required a LOT of digging - misguided information along w/ the goodies...  So, if I created an FAQ, which I prob still will, it will be redundant.15:54
lagayou can just link to the wiki page that helped you15:54
Stemming78Anyways, was just passing the info to you guys as you "touch" more individuals than I.15:55
Stemming78thanks laga15:55
rhpot1991_laptoplaga: see what I said about linking the ubuntu wiki in your support posting?15:56
Stemming78FYI - should note; 3D is not supported which is found in the installation guide (sourced several different threads)- have to update the Kernal (which I did not do)15:57
Stemming78Think this is correct: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ViaEpiaDriHowto15:57
Stemming78Anyways; thanks again rhpot1991_laptop...  Back to work!15:57
lagarhpot1991_laptop: yes, thanks15:58
akempgendoes mythbuntu 804 work with a dhcp + zeroconf environment out of the box? cause i cant seem to find settings for that16:27
akempgenor whats the general status on zeroconf support?16:30
lagaakempgen: well, mythbuntu has the same support for zeroconf as ubuntu16:31
laga(read: i dunno, but we don't do anything that's not done in ubuntu)16:31
akempgenwell, i can see its announcing a workgroup manager over zeroconf, so it is installed16:32
akempgenbut is mythtv aware of that?16:33
akempgeni mean can i use something like mythbuntuserver.local as the address of my backend?16:33
directhex|bspa backend must have a static ip to work properly on a network16:34
lagayou want to use zeroconf addresses to talk to your backends..16:38
lagai think you can only enter IP addresses16:38
akempgenis there a feature request for that or should i write one somewhere? :)16:40
lagayou could just configure your systems properly :)16:42
lagabut go ahead, write a blueprint16:42
akempgenusing zeroconf IS proper config :P16:42
akempgendoes mythbuntu have its own bugtracker? or is that a mythtv issue?16:43
lagaakempgen: http://blueprints.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/16:44
lagai think16:44
lagabut don't expect it to be resolved soon. assuming that a server has a static IP address is a pretty common concept :)16:45
iamlindoro__Not to mention between internalizing the SQL server and uPnP, it's likely to end up "wontfix"16:45
Stemming78sorry to jump in akempgen; I can NOW play Recordings and am able to watch LiveTV which is good...16:46
Stemming78The Recordings and LiveTV plays back REAL choppy (frames) which is bad...  However, Video playback is smooth!  ideas?16:47
iamlindoro__Edit your playback profiles, Utilities/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Playback, Page 316:49
pucchaI just installed mythtv-frontend 0.21 (hardy). And enabled 0.21 via backports on my gutsy backend. When I try to watch tv it sets the video type to interlaced but it should be progressive. Manually changing it works but I can't find how to make it default progressive.17:13
Stemming78puccha: this is off subject, but I found postings you had made reguarding the via EPIA board...  How did you get smooth playback of LiveTV and Recordings?17:30
Stemming78I think it was you at least17:31
pucchaCould be me. I have an epia.17:31
pucchabut I use it as a backend only.17:31
pucchabut I believe the epia has a build in mpeg decoder as well.17:32
Stemming78yah, cant seem to figure out HOW to get the damb thing to work right...  Think it may be something with my xorg.conf file; the hunt continues...17:33
pucchacan't help you there, my server lacks any X capabilities.17:35
rhpot1991_laptoppuccha: have you checked the playback settings?18:01
pucchayes but I couldnt find it.18:01
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: not sure why I didn't ask this before, but you shouldn't need to nfs share out your recordings18:03
rhpot1991_laptopthe backend should automagically feed them to the frontend, provided you gave it an IP which was accessible to the frontend and set it up that way in the frontend as well18:03
rhpot1991_laptoppuccha: where did you set it to progressive, in the menu while playing?18:06
puccharhpot1991_laptop: yes.18:07
Koffa0.21 didn't start recording on time, no errors in mythbackend.log... restarting backend fixed it...18:07
Koffaweb-interface worked normally, live tv not...18:08
rhpot1991_laptopyou can check and make sure that a deinterlacer is on in the playback profiles18:08
pucchacant seem to find an option. should I edit 'stream type"?18:10
pucchaI tried some but it didn't make a differnce.18:12
Stemming78rhpot1991_laptop: after I set NFS, recordings are now accessible and I can watch TV so for some reason it was required18:16
mcquaidi notice in my logs myth keeps trying to delete something that isn't there18:18
Stemming78I am in the middle of "enabling DVI" for my Epia board.  just downloaded and extracted the kernel - now I am supposed to download and extract a patch.... Problem is, the link to the patch is no longer "live"; cannot access...  Should I continue w/o the patch or would someone direct me to a patch that will work18:18
mcquaidERROR when trying to delete file: /GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/myth/1047_20080320203000.nuv. File doesn't exist.  Database metadata will not be removed.18:18
mcquaidhow do i remove that from the db?18:18
Stemming78Install guide:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ViaEpiaDriHowto  --> file I am trying to get but cannnot locate elsewhere:  wget http://www.epialinux.org/files/patch-
iamlindoro__mcquaid, "touch 1047_20080320203000.nuv" in your recordings dir18:22
iamlindoro__mcquaid, next time it tries to delete it will succeed18:23
mcquaidi should have thought of that thx18:23
mcquaidhere i'm thinking i gotta muck with the db...18:24
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: sounds like you might not have something setup correctly then, they should be able to talk to each other as long as they can access each other's IP's (IE backend shouldn't be on
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: it is a single backend and a frontend right?18:26
Stemming78rhpot1991_laptop: Main box:  Frontend/Backend   Remote Box: Frontend only18:27
rhpot1991_laptopStemming78: yep that should work without an nfs share18:28
Stemming78I have Backend IP address set w/ Username and Password18:28
rhpot1991_laptopverify the backend IP is the external IP for the box and not
Stemming78Wasnt after installation; setting the nfs got the sduff working18:29
rhpot1991_laptopya, nfsing them isn't a bad idea18:30
rhpot1991_laptopbut the backend should share out recordings and live tv itself18:30
rhpot1991_laptopso it depends if you care enough to find out whats wrong or not18:30
Stemming78ahh, you are correct...  didnt have an ip address set on the backend machine...18:30
Stemming78Had a wierd problem yesterday in which Video and Video Manager disappeared... Had to apt-get mythvideo...  Seems this was effected as well as it was set before.18:31
rhpot1991_laptopdo that then in your frontend (on both, I think) point it at that new address18:31
Stemming78Doing it now...18:31
Stemming78Yah, both need to have the IP address; remote frontend already had it set...18:32
Stemming78Question; I am at a standstill with completing my installation...   I have found, with more digging, I need to enable DVI on the Epia box for video to stream smoothly18:33
Stemming78Following this guide:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ViaEpiaDriHowto18:33
Stemming78The PATCH is no longer available...  What to do now? <at Let Us Begin> section18:34
rhpot1991_laptoplooks like epialinux.org is failing18:39
rhpot1991_laptopgoogle around, or go to the forums and see if someone might have it18:39
rhpot1991_laptopkinda old18:40
rhpot1991_laptopyou might have a problem with that being for an old kernel18:40
Stemming78So scrap the patch and look for a newer Kernal or Patch?18:41
rhpot1991_laptophave you tried searching the forums for people currently using this?18:42
rhpot1991_laptopor maybe post in there asking about it18:42
rhpot1991_laptopmight be better if you find someone telling you how/what works than just finding a random patch and trying it yourself18:42
Stemming78I found a wiki: http://www.courville.org/mediawiki/index.php/CLE266_MPEG_decoding18:43
Stemming78It seems to be in compliant w/ what I am trying to accomplish....  Just SOOO many options18:44
surlyjakehave a question regarding mythweb video streaming: when i click on a link to one of my videos... nothing happens. it just links to "/mythweb/video#"18:44
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: hmmm I didn't think that mythvideo could stream in mythweb18:45
rhpot1991_laptopmight be cause I use isos in there18:45
surlyjakerhpot:  there were people on here yesterday talking about how streaming is possible18:47
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: have you verified your symlinks work?18:48
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: streaming of videos and not recordings?18:48
rhpot1991_laptopmine will let me download videos18:48
rhpot1991_laptopbut not stream18:48
surlyjakethat doesn't sound right. yesterday they were talking about even streaming using flash18:49
rhpot1991_laptopya you can do that with recordings18:51
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: verified streaming is recordings only, not mythvideos18:55
surlyjakerhpot: i don't even record or watch tv with mine, i just use it as a pretty interface to watch my videos on my tv. RATS!18:56
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: well in theory you can import them as recordings18:57
rhpot1991_laptopsurlyjake: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Myth.rebuilddatabase.pl18:58
rhpot1991_laptopyou can use that to import things as recordings18:58
rhpot1991_laptopmight have problems with flash not liking your source if its not mpeg, I couldn't tell you how it will behave18:58
lagarhpot1991_laptop: there is a patch to use mencoder instead of ffmpeg.18:58
lagamaybe we can use that..18:59
rhpot1991_laptoplaga: ffmpeg works fine for my recordings, but if he is importing say xvid files, I don't know how it will behave18:59
rhpot1991_laptopjust trying to warn him incase something goes wrong18:59
lagarhpot1991_laptop: ffmpeg doesnt work for nuv, mencoder will18:59
rhpot1991_laptoplaga: might be a good idea to include both19:00
rhpot1991_laptopand have an option somewhere to switch19:00
rhpot1991_laptopalso there is the hardy didn't have libmp3lame ffmpeg problem, which is fixed for the time being with medibuntu19:00
surlyjakethis sounds complicated. and i don't want to mess my video collection up.19:06
surlyjakeif i scan through my collection, will it alter anything? or just populate the database?19:07
rhpot1991_laptopI'd just do it with one first19:07
rhpot1991_laptopit will add them as a recording instead19:07
rhpot1991_laptopits a pain IMO, you need to feed it all sorts of info19:08
surlyjakebut the actual .avi file, will that remain in its smae place?19:08
rhpot1991_laptopit can, but I would make a copy and put in the recordings directory while you mess around19:08
rhpot1991_laptoprecordings do things like auto expire and all19:08
rhpot1991_laptopdon't want you to lose your files while testing19:08
surlyjakeany better systems you know of to stream my video library? even another app?19:11
rhpot1991_laptopnot streaming, sorry19:12
rhpot1991_laptopelisa might be worth looking into19:12
rhpot1991_laptopthat or find a different tool that can stream19:13
rhpot1991_laptopand keep using mythtv locally19:13
=== rhpot1991_laptop is now known as MichaelMoore
=== MichaelMoore is now known as rhpot1992
npurcifulhah, stupid human trick of the day, i wrote a script to kill ppp via greping processes, but the script wouldnt finish, why you may ask? because i named the file 'kppp' it was killing its self19:29
TelnetMantaanybody have pics of theyre small frontend setup?19:34
TelnetMantalooking for ideas19:34
rhpot1992TelnetManta: I have an antec fusion as a BE/FE, not really all that small though19:35
TehSnarfAnyone familiar with the video2ipod script?19:38
* rhpot1992 is familiar with mythexport19:39
TehSnarfmythexport, you say, eh?19:40
=== rhpot1992 is now known as rhpot1991_laptop
TehSnarfmythexport is looking in the completely wrong directory... for some reason it's looking in /var/lib/mythtv/dbbackup ... when it should be looking in /var/lib/mythtv/recordings19:53
rhpot1991_laptopTehSnarf: yep thats a bug, I need to look at tonight19:54
TehSnarfright on19:55
rhpot1991_laptoptemporary fix is to remove your backup storage directory (it essentially serves no purpose at this point)19:55
TehSnarfright on19:55
TehSnarfI can do that19:55
TehSnarfworking like a champ now20:03
rhpot1991_laptopgood to hear20:04
TelnetMantaright onlol20:09
TehSnarfand now, for my final mission... to transcode a recording and replace the original with it, instead of creating a new file somewhere... anyone have any suggestions for that?20:12
TelnetMantathat transcoding takes forever eh?20:13
TelnetMantaI tried it a few times20:13
rhpot1991_laptopTehSnarf: mythtranscode is built in, but it depends what you want to transcode to20:14
TelnetMantaI wonder if he was sposed to be "TheSnarf"?20:15
TehSnarfbasically, I have a 30 minute program that's 1.1GB in size, I want to transcode it down to, let's say 180 something-ish meg.. but instead of having both the 1.1GB file and a 180MB file somewhere else, I want to replace the 1.1GB with the 180MB, and still have myth look at the 180MB as though it's the larger20:15
rhpot1991_laptopTehSnarf: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Mythtranscode20:17
TehSnarfwould I be able to use something like nuvexport in place of mythtranscode?20:28
rhpot1991_laptopyou should be able to20:29
TehSnarfI'll have to mess around with that when I get home then20:30
TehSnarfI guess it would help if I edited out the commercials from these files, maybe drop them down a bit BEFORE I start transcoding20:52
rhpot1991_laptopTehSnarf: mythtranscode does that20:53
rhpot1991_laptopif you go into the edit video screen and just verify your cut points20:53
rhpot1991_laptopthen transcode, they get removed20:53
TehSnarfI didn't do that20:55
TehSnarfand just jumped straight in to it20:55
TehSnarfOne last thing, before I bolt.. you have a faq or something somewhere on setting up a remote? I just got a streamzap plugged in and working last night, and now I'm wanting to set up some fancy stuff for the colored buttons20:56
rhpot1991_laptopTehSnarf: did you activate it with MCC?20:57
TehSnarfI did20:58
rhpot1991_laptopjust go into your /home/<your user>/.lirc directory20:58
rhpot1991_laptoplook at other buttons to see how they do it, and make your own for those buttons20:59
rhpot1991_laptopnotice there is a mythtv file, xine fine and so on20:59
TehSnarfI see that20:59
TehSnarfthanks a ton rhpot21:00
rhpot1991_laptopyou can find out what keys do what in mythtv by using mythweb or there is a page on wiki.mythtv.org tht says it21:00
rhpot1991_laptopno problem21:00
rhpot1991_laptopgood luck21:00
melhiserIs there any hope for hardware mpeg4/h264 acceleration with ANY video card under linux?22:25
* melhiser wonders over to piracy.gov22:25
* melhiser claims his $10k reward22:26
tgm4883_laptopmelhiser, yes22:26
EvilGurumelhiser: What do you have to do to get 10k?22:26
tgm4883_laptophopefully by the end of may22:26
melhiserevil: wrong window... someone was asking how much trouble they would get in for downloading Star Trek episondes22:26
melhisertgm4883: are these the ones from AMD/ATI or Intel?22:27
melhiserwhat is it?  An external accelerator?22:27
tgm4883_laptopyea, well actually it isn't a card, it's an external box hooked up through usb i believe22:27
EvilGuruWith the price of the $ as it is it is not as tempting as it once might have been22:28
* tgm4883_laptop wonders if melhiser has been living under a rock22:28
melhiserevil: ahah22:28
tgm4883_laptopmelhiser, they unveiled it as CES this year22:28
tgm4883_laptopit's supposed to be available in stores by the end of may22:28
EvilGurutgm4883_laptop: Does one send it MPEG AVC data and get it back un-compressed?"22:28
melhisertgm: I've been burried in trying to decipher the VIA UniChrome drivers for the last 2 months... and their wildly miss leading claim to support hardware h264 acceleration22:29
tgm4883_laptopnot sure on the linux support for it, but judging by whats been going on, it looks promising22:29
tgm4883_laptopoh fsck22:29
tgm4883_laptopnevermind anything i just said22:29
staind9383soooo my firewire cabel box stopped working.... again22:29
staind9383and i didnt even tinker with anything22:30
staind9383just out of the blue, stopped working22:30
staind9383with mythtv that is22:30
tgm4883_laptopmelhiser, sorry I for some reason thought you asked about hardware mpeg4/h264 encoding22:30
rhpot1991staind9383: check to see if the channel is CCI'd or 5c'd or something22:30
melhiserstaind: firewire bus reset?22:30
rhpot1991or maybe it jumped nodes22:30
staind9383plugreport does not show anything being connected anymore22:30
tgm4883_laptopstaind9383, cable company could have pushed an update22:30
staind9383gives an error22:30
staind9383but kinda hesitates on the right node number22:31
melhisertgm: AHH!! that makes MUCH more sense22:31
rhpot1991staind9383: odd, check that your box still has opened firewire22:31
staind9383rhpot1991: how t odo that?22:31
staind9383i can get o the diag menu, but there are like 30 pages of information22:31
staind9383some i cant decipher22:31
staind9383tgm: anyway to tell when the last updates was pushed?22:32
staind9383box is sa4250hd22:32
melhiserstaind: firmware release date?22:32
tgm4883_laptopstaind9383, sorry, not that i know of22:32
tgm4883_laptopi dont do stb cable anymore22:32
staind9383how come?22:33
tgm4883_laptopi have directv22:33
staind9383haha, oh22:33
tgm4883_laptopyea i moved and they dont have cable here :(22:33
staind9383well... firewire cable is really my only option here... clearQAM is spotty at best and the tv tuner i have makes its analog signal sounds like alvin and the chipmunks and i cant solve it22:34
tgm4883_laptopwhat tuner?22:34
melhiserso... back to the original question I had... any hope for hardware mpeg4/h264 Decoding with any linux cards out there?22:34
staind9383that and the cable co here seems to have overlooked the 5c flag and i could record premium hd channels22:34
staind9383kworld atsc11022:34
melhiserstaind: shhhhhh!!!!22:35
staind9383i mean22:35
staind9383i cant tune them22:35
* melhiser moves next door to stained22:35
foxbuntuyou guys...cable compaanies are so screwed up they can't tell the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart, much less how to use irc22:36
melhiserI'm really hating this lack of hardware acceleration for linux... it's back to the days of yester year and being a red headed step child22:36
melhiserall I want is a small htpc that doesn't need a freon tube22:36
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, i'll have more data in like a week, but the last half hour I have been playing with this it hasn't given me the scratchy sound22:37
rhpot1991my cable company thinks firewire == hdmi22:37
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, so what did you change? just the channel binary in /usr/share/bin?22:37
staind9383so firewire has gone in and out for me in the past... it will work for a while, then suddenly stop22:38
rhpot1991staind9383: for my motorola box I have to go into the debug menu and look in there22:38
rhpot1991I have found a spot where it says that the firewire is enabled, another that says 5c=no22:38
tgm4883_laptopwell i have the directv script that the posted code references, so it was real easy for me to insert this22:38
rhpot1991and there is another that is per channel which is CCI22:38
staind9383its really frustrating because i used to think that i did something wrong... returned the box once, stopped using the htpc altogether once22:38
rhpot1991I have that on 2 of my channels and it kills them22:38
rhpot1991the rest are ok22:38
staind9383i'll have to look22:38
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, oh, I am using the channel binary for serial to a moto STB22:38
tgm4883_laptopwell it shouldn't be too hard to get it to work22:39
staind9383so a few months after it stopped owrking i tried myth randomly again and it worked...22:39
foxbuntuyeah...guess I need to look at the binary22:39
rhpot1991foxbuntu: why not firewire that?22:39
staind9383and its kjinda been a vicious cycle22:39
foxbunturhpot1991, no firewire22:39
rhpot1991call up your cable co and tell them they are required by law to give you firewire22:40
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, this part of the script just calls the directv.pl script22:40
foxbuntuI run my hd over QAM on my HDHR22:40
tgm4883_laptopsystem "directv.pl port /dev/ttyS0 $ARGV[0]";22:40
staind9383only this timemythbackend refuses to start when the firewire is connected to the cable box22:40
rhpot1991staind9383: firewire tester has a reset option, -R I think22:40
tgm4883_laptopthen in mythtv-setup i just call this as the channel change script "fixaudio_1.pl"22:40
rhpot1991try that then try looking to see if they are on the right nodes22:40
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, yeah...thats what I was thinking22:40
rhpot1991also for reference firewire primers for 0.21 are being redone22:41
rhpot1991shouldn't need ports or nodes at all22:41
rhpot1991alright dinner time22:41
staind9383the node has always been 1 here22:41
* rhpot1991 lets majoridiot take over22:41
majoridiotand rhpot1991... just he guy i was looking for22:41
staind9383i'm using .2122:41
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, I however think I am going to write it in python22:41
majoridiotworking on the primer now... great progress.22:41
staind9383not too much documentation on the firewire for it though22:41
rhpot1991majoridiot: whats up?  (make it quick I gotta eat)22:41
staind9383that i found22:41
majoridiotfirewire primer *should* require no user intervention in 8.0422:44
staind9383meaning no setup required?22:44
majoridiotno port or node required.22:45
staind9383it seemed to work right out ofthe box when i upgraded to .2122:45
majoridiotand it *should* prime multiple stbs automatically.22:45
staind9383but my firewire just stopped working last night i think22:45
staind9383and i have no idea what happened22:45
majoridiotit is for me too, staind9383, but my box resides on port 0 node 1 as the primer is hard-coded for.  some are not as lucky.22:46
tgm4883_laptophmm, can you no longer delete channels in mythweb?22:46
majoridiothave you checked the CCI flags?22:46
staind9383i dont know where why are in the diag, i'm lookin now22:46
staind9383'm usually port 0 node 1 also22:46
majoridiotwhat model stb?22:47
majoridiotah cool... you can help test the new primer ;)22:47
majoridioti only have one other SA tester.22:47
staind9383well i would gladly help if it was working :P22:48
staind9383since you have a SA box, do you know where the CCI flag is in the mes of diag menus?22:48
* majoridiot has a moto 621222:49
majoridiotlemme email samo and ask him...22:49
staind9383ooo i read that wrong22:49
staind9383firewire is frustrating though :(22:50
majoridiotstaind9383, email sent... i'll let you know if i hear back.22:50
majoridiotstaind9383, hopefully it's about to get simpler.  unfortunately, the cable companies are no help.22:51
staind9383unfortunately firewire is my only real option right now.  I guess i can get a different tuner card if it comes down to it... but analog is pretty much dead in a year right?22:53
majoridiotpretty much.22:53
majoridiotwill have to either cap with a tuner from analog out on the stb or invest in an HD component cap card.22:53
staind9383there is almost nothin on clear qam around here22:54
staind9383component card?22:54
staind9383as in component in?22:54
staind9383thought they didnt make them22:54
majoridiothauppauge is releasing one soon... with onboard hardware h264 encoding.  bitrate settable 5Mbps-20Mbps22:54
majoridioti have an HD component cap card now.  windoze drivers only and no onboard compression. :(22:55
majoridiottheoretical release in the next 60 days, maybe22:55
staind9383i guess there's no tuner card equivilent of ndiswrapper?22:55
majoridiotrumors it will com with linux drivers, or soon thereafter.22:56
* majoridiot is salivating for one22:56
* majoridiot is poor, but will eat ramen for six months to pay for one22:56
staind9383my tuner card now doesnt even do analog right in linux, so its this or cap from the analog out of hte cable box22:57
staind9383ain't nothin wrong with ramen22:57
majoridiotfirewire is best quality, if channels are clear.22:57
staind9383yea, i know.. that is why this is so frustrating22:57
staind9383i get it working finally, it works for a good month, then BAM.  no more firewire, and mythbackend wont start22:58
majoridiotdoes it still show with plugreport?22:59
staind9383no, it hesitates on the right node, but gives the libec61883 error22:59
majoridiotplugreport gives liec61883 error?23:00
majoridiotwhat is that error?23:00
staind9383libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR23:01
staind9383libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR23:01
majoridiotfor node 1?23:01
staind9383on both node 0 and node 123:01
staind9383node 1 is where the box is usually23:01
staind9383always make that23:01
majoridiotdoes it give same error for sudo plugreport?23:01
staind9383i'm gonna go eat... i'll be back later23:02
majoridiothave you upgraded recently?23:02
staind9383the week that /21 came out23:02
staind9383but all was working23:02
staind9383be back23:02
majoridiotk.  i'll help troubleshoot when yer done munchin.23:02
majoridiotman nvtv23:16
majoridiotwrong window LOL23:17
Stemming78Sorry for jumping in, but I am trying to locate information on updating my Epia to support DRI (CLE266 chipset).  From the information I find, it requires a Kernal update/patch.  Could someone point me to a thread so I can get this done...  I dont know MUCH about this and dont want to F it up; additionally the 1 link I did find that fit the requirements had broken links....23:24
staind9383majoridiot: did you  hear back from the tester with the SA box?23:32
majoridiotnot yet.23:32
majoridiothe works for another hour or so... and has been ill.23:32
staind9383that is never fun23:33
majoridiotthings to try:23:33
majoridiotcheck firewire card to be sure it is seated23:34
staind9383its onboard23:34
majoridiotpower down computer, power down stb, physically disconnect and reconnect both ends of fw cable, reboot stb, reboot computer then check plugreport23:35
majoridiotif still no go, do it again... except when you plug the cable back into the stb, try the other port.23:35
staind9383by 'power down the stb' do you mean hitting the power button for soft off, or removing the power cable23:36
=== MrJacks0n is now known as MrJackson
majoridiot(samos active ports suddenly switched one night)23:36
majoridiotsoft off first.23:36
majoridiothard reboot only if both tries fail.  in that case, revert back to the original stb plug and hard-boot the stb with the computer off.23:37
staind9383is there any particular reason it would just stop working?23:38
staind9383do the cable cos try to shut these things down from time to time by sending bad data or something like htat?23:39
* majoridiot puts nothing past the cable companies23:39
staind9383first try, nothing on plugreport23:39
majoridiotnothing on plugreport or plugreport errors?23:41
staind9383i think that node 0 has always given those errors for me... is that normal?23:42
staind9383node 1 still hesitates before giving the errors23:42
majoridiotyes... if there is nothing connected, you will get oMPR/iMPR errors23:43
staind9383tryin the different port on the cabel box did not work, same result23:43
majoridiotok... sounds like an stb issue23:43
majoridiotok then, switch back to the original port and hard-boot the stb with the backend shut down23:43
staind9383this shows up in the backend log23:44
staind93832008-03-27 19:42:30.770 LFireDev(001AC34341220000), Error: Not an STB23:44
staind9383last line23:44
majoridiotmythtv bug.23:44
majoridiotrunning .21 are you?23:44
staind9383the bug has to do with plugreport?23:44
majoridiothard reboot the stb23:45
staind9383pc off also right?23:45
* majoridiot wonders if there is a firmware change that needs loaded/reloaded23:45
majoridiotyes, pc off.23:45
staind9383i can understand it not working after me upgrading or something... but the out of the blue just kinda throws you for a lopp you know23:48
* majoridiot knows23:48
staind9383i forgot how long it takes this thing to hard reset23:50
majoridiotsamo said it takes forever23:51
staind9383ok its back, rebooting the pc23:55
staind9383starting up rather23:55
staind9383hmm... good sign, the channel changed23:56
staind9383plugreport is working fine again23:56
staind9383its working again23:57
staind9383thanks a lot, majoridiot23:58
majoridiotvery good!23:58
staind9383you must have the magic touch23:58
staind9383i guess hard reset is the way to go23:58
majoridiotjust done it a ton for folks23:58
staind9383i'll hav eto remember that23:58
majoridiotsometimes it's what is required.23:58
majoridiotwould you please pm me your email address so i can contact you very soon to test the new primer?23:59
majoridiotstaind9383,  or i can pm you mine23:59
staind9383how come the channels for firewire in .21 show the LAM lock like tuner cards?23:59
staind9383i will, hold on23:59
majoridiotfirewire was significantly revamped in .2123:59

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