
ubotuNew bug: #197121 in xorg (main) "touchpad buttons almost automatically double-clicks, can't click " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19712100:05
ubotuNew bug: #149836 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 (restricted) "cannot purge config files for linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-12-generic" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14983600:51
tjaaltonk, night everyone ->01:04
ubotuNew bug: #207489 in xorg-server (main) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in free() (dup-of: 195767)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20748901:15
ubotuNew bug: #30488 in gdm (main) "GDM Display refuses to initialize with ATi Card" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3048803:41
brycetjaalton: here's a package for the mesa patch - http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Uploads/mesa_7.0.3~rc2-1ubuntu3.dsc03:41
brycetjaalton: I tested that it builds, but didn't install or boot it, but looking at the patch it seems pretty safe03:42
brycetjaalton: if it looks good to you too, go ahead and upload03:42
* bryce afk's to do wedding stuff03:43
ubotuNew bug: #43710 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "nvidia card: hangs on start gdm if a second monitor on DVI-I is present" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4371007:16
tjaaltonbryce: ok, I'll have a look07:19
ubotuNew bug: #207577 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller SDL graphics corrupt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20757708:26
ubotuNew bug: #207881 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "[Gutsy, Hardy] Black screen with mouse pointer on i830, intel driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20788118:30
* bryce is core-dev :-)19:50
brycetjaalton: btw, did you see any issues with that mesa patch?20:58
tjaaltonbryce: did you try to apply it?21:10
tjaaltonseems to conflict with 0421:10
brycehrm, yeah I applied and built it... weird21:11
tjaaltonmy mistake21:11
tjaaltonupstream has dropped i915 in favor of i915tex :)21:14
tjaaltonso it seem strange that this patch does the opposite21:15
tjaaltonnot that i915tex is currently used much21:15
tjaaltonthe build fails on lpia?21:15
bryceunfortunately I did not get an explanation about the changes21:15
bryceintel filters out all changelog info from tungsten graphics before they give it to me21:16
tjaaltonwe don't use configs/defaults, but configs/debian-dri-default which already sets the correct dirs21:18
tjaaltonso I don't see why this patch is needed :)21:18
brycehrm, I'll push back then21:19
tjaaltondebian-dri-default has DRI_DIRS as well21:20
tjaaltonbryce: maybe the intel dudes have been compiling the pristine source and not the package21:28
mario_limonciellhey bryce i had somethign come up today that i wanted to ask you about.  Traditionally if some hardware isn't working with VESA, is it the responsibility of the proprietary vendors for that hardware (AMD/NVIDIA) to get VESA fixed usually, or the community?22:15
mario_limonciellor at least historically who takes that up?22:16
jcristaumario_limonciell: not the vendors22:17
tjaaltonmario_limonciell: you have some ati board which doesn't work in beta?22:17
mario_limonciellyeah we do22:17
tjaaltoncheck the latest vesa22:17
tjaaltonuploaded on Tuesday22:17
mario_limonciellas in git tree latest?22:17
brycemario_limonciell: benc and I have brought that up with ATI the last few weeks22:18
tjaaltonno, the package22:18
mario_limoncielltjaalton, alright will do22:18
mario_limonciellbryce, so the thing is though, if its VBIOS, then it "is" their fault since they are the ones writing the VBIOS22:18
tjaalton"work around broken ati BIOSes" :)22:18
mario_limonciellso it's a matter of pointing the right finger 22:18
brycemario_limonciell: if that new version still doesn't work, pass me the lp id and I'll bring it up with ati at our next meeting.22:18
tjaaltonon your forehead :)22:18
mario_limonciellbryce, would you mind if we jumped on the call now too when you do now that the 3-way NDA is in place and all?22:19
brycethe 3-way NDA is in place now, so I think you'd need to be party to that to be on the call, but I can see.  I imagine they might be open to having a non-NDA portion of the call or something22:21
mario_limonciellbryce, when i'm saying "we", i'm meaning myself and Amit (rep Dell)22:21
brycemario_limonciell: but probably best would be to have a LP bug I can pass to them.22:21
brycemario_limonciell: ah - in that case can you or Amit contact Luugi Marsan directly to get an invite?22:22
mario_limonciellbryce, Amit was going to send them a note first off, and dependign on the outcome, i'll see if he wanted to jump on the call22:23
mario_limonciellthanks :)22:24
jcristautjaalton: hmm, do i want to steal your vesa patches? :)22:24
bryceheh, but I didn't do anything ;-)22:24
tjaaltonjcristau: you probably do, don't tell ajax ;)22:25
mario_limonciellah well that's a pleasant surprise tjaalton.  vesa does work with the latest upload :)22:32
mario_limonciellthanks a bunch22:32
tjaaltoncool :)22:32
tjaaltonduh, dpkg-genchanges -v segfaults22:33
mario_limonciellstill, this will be something to engage them over in the future, so that workarounds like the one in place here don't have to be necessary22:33
mario_limonciellbut good enough for now22:33
brycetjaalton: huh, response from TG is that i915tex is obsolete22:55
brycetjaalton: but they agreed the path change is not necessary22:56
tjaaltonok, maybe upstream has merged the stuff with i915 in mesa git master22:59
jcristaui915 and i915tex were merged iirc23:01
bryceso what's the newly merged thing named now?  i915 or i915tex?23:02
tjaaltonit's i91523:03
tjaalton"Move i915tex driver into place as just i915.23:04
bryceok, so, then the mesa patch is correct?23:05
tjaaltonno, that's mesa master23:06
tjaaltonwe have 7.0.x23:06
tjaaltonthe patch is irrelevant, since configs/default is not used by our package :)23:07
tjaaltonthe path is already correct, and I doubt it matters much if there's an extra .so23:07
brycewell, sounds like they agree for configs/default, but the question remains for the change to configs/linux-dri in removing i915tex23:08
jcristaui915tex is only used with Option "Legacy3D" "false"23:09
tjaaltonbryce: debian-dri-default overrides it23:13
Nghmm, X is being slow again23:31
Ngbut logs indicate the greedy migration is enabled23:33
tjaaltonthere have been no updates either23:36
tjaaltonanyway, getting late.. night!23:39

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