
SIRavecavechi need a bit help03:34
SIRavecaveci am new with edubuntu and all i want is to upgrade withount cd my version direct from internet03:34
SIRavecavecis it posible?03:34
SIRavecavechi how do i change the language of edubuntu?04:22
SIRavecavecneed help06:07
Kamping_KaiserSIRavecavec, same problem as before?06:07
SIRavecavecbut now look06:08
SIRavecaveci get a error when i try to add remove programs06:09
SIRavecavec(gnome-app-install:4466): HtmlUtil-CRITICAL **: html_stream_cancel: assertion `stream->cancel_func != NULL' failed06:09
SIRavecaveci really need to set it in to english language06:09
Kamping_Kaiserwhere do you see that message?06:10
SIRavecavecin terminal when i try to manualy add remove programs06:10
Kamping_Kaiserwhat was the command you ran?06:10
SIRavecavec gnome-app-install06:11
Kamping_Kaiserjust that?06:11
Kamping_Kaiserwhat happens if you run it from the menu?06:12
SIRavecaveci do not know to run it from menu06:12
SIRavecaveccause its czech language\06:12
Kamping_Kaiserare english translations installed?06:12
SIRavecaveci do not know06:13
SIRavecavecthis is what i want to do06:13
SIRavecavecbut only from terminal06:13
SIRavecaveccause i cannot outher wai06:13
Kamping_Kaisercant find the jolly lang packs ;|06:16
SIRavecavecthis are my steps06:18
SIRavecavecroot@edubuntu-server:~# gnome-app-install06:18
SIRavecavecwarning: could not initiate dbus06:18
SIRavecavec** (gnome-app-install:4466): WARNING **: return value of custom widget handler was not a GtkWidget06:18
SIRavecavecNow i see something is wrong but...06:18
Kamping_Kaiserwell theres the problem06:18
Kamping_Kaiseryour running it from a root@ console06:18
SIRavecaveci must be root06:19
SIRavecavecto start that command06:19
Kamping_Kaiseryou dont need to be root to run gai06:19
SIRavecavectabornik@edubuntu-server:~$ gnome-app-install06:21
SIRavecavecIntrospect error: The name org.freedesktop.AppInstall was not provided by any .service files06:21
SIRavecavecno listening object (The name org.freedesktop.AppInstall was not provided by any .service files)06:21
SIRavecavec** (gnome-app-install:5054): WARNING **: return value of custom widget handler was not a GtkWidget06:21
SIRavecavecThis is when i run it normaly06:21
Kamping_Kaiserso your terminal is in english?06:22
SIRavecavecbut only that06:22
SIRavecavecnot entire interface06:22
SIRavecaveci want the interface in english06:22
Kamping_Kaiserare you logging into the server from a client or on the server?06:22
SIRavecavecand i receive same erors as root06:22
Kamping_Kaiserrunning gui apps as root is prone to breaking them06:23
SIRavecavecso what is best i do  now06:23
Kamping_Kaiserhow are you logge d in? from GDM on the server or a client?06:24
Kamping_Kaiserchanging language in GDM is relatively easy06:24
Kamping_Kaiseractually, are you ona  terminal server, or  a workstation?06:24
SIRavecavecand is just a simple username06:27
SIRavecavecand i enter in terminal the root login06:27
Kamping_Kaiserworkstation is much easier06:27
SIRavecaveccause this wass preinstaled in czeech language06:27
Kamping_Kaiserin the bottom left of the login screen is a little menu06:28
SIRavecaveccan you assist me?06:28
Kamping_Kaiserit lets you select your 'session' (eg gnome/kde/other), and language06:28
Kamping_Kaiseri cant really tell you past that, because i dont know what it'll say06:28
SIRavecaveci cannot find any06:30
SIRavecavecif its a way from terminal06:30
SIRavecavecthen i do it06:30
SIRavecavecbut from this interface not a chance06:30
SIRavecaveci tryed all menus06:30
Kamping_Kaiserhave you tried looking in the menu?06:30
Kamping_KaiserSIRavecavec, perhaps ask #ubuntu-cz if someone can help you. jenda will be able to perhaps (even though hes currently inactive)06:32
* Kamping_Kaiser goes to do some study06:35
SIRavecavecif i am root06:35
SIRavecavechow can i find gnome sudo pass?06:35
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dtraskstgraber: I just used your bt headset pairing program....very nice....thanks for doing it.  Made life easier  :-)13:49
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SIRavecavechi need some help someone here to help me?17:17
juliuxSIRavecavec, just ask your question, perhaps somebody is around who can help you17:22
SIRavecavecive updated my edubuntunfrom 6.06 to next version and when i check version on terminal is 6.06 when i try to update again there are no packs available17:23
SIRavecavecwhe i access add remove programs i get this17:44
SIRavecavec(gnome-app-install:7223): HtmlUtil-CRITICAL **: html_stream_cancel: assertion `stream->cancel_func != NULL' failed17:44
SIRavecaveccan you help me?18:42
ograSIRavecavec, did you follow the upgrade docs ?18:45
johnnyalso, don't bug people by name when they join SIRavecavec, it is bad ettiquette18:46
* johnny upgrades to hardy on the laptop for testing18:46
johnnyi lost power during it tho :(18:46
johnnyhopefully it'll finish properly this time18:46
ograyou turn into an ubuntu user slowly eh ?18:46
johnnyi use ubuntu at the store18:47
johnnyand maintain multiple ubuntu boxes18:47
ograoh, right, i forgot18:47
johnnyi need my own ubuntu box to play with , so i can actually know what i'm doing :)18:47
ograall your gentoo efforts made me forget :)18:47
johnnyand break my own stuff18:47
ograbtw, donnie was looking for you yesterday18:47
johnnyi found him18:47
johnnyi was out of town for a few days18:47
johnnyit was good for my ltsp efforts tho!18:48
johnnynow i can refocus18:48
johnnyuggh..scrollkeeper update is taking FOREVER18:48
SIRavecaveci did folow the documents18:48
* ogra *finally* finishes the whisky he has lying around after getting good feedback from the marketing team for the classmate image18:49
johnnyHURRY UP!18:49
johnnyaha.. finally18:49
ograSIRavecavec, so you didnt use apget anywhere ... did the update-manager show any errors18:49
SIRavecavecogra,  no errors18:50
SIRavecavecfirst time18:50
johnnygnome stopped working :(18:50
johnnyi'm having to use apt-get18:50
SIRavecavecand after i instaled i try to see my version and is steel 6.0618:50
ograjohnny, you use update-manager-core18:50
SIRavecavecwhen i try to use again update manager its says im newest version18:50
johnnyi wish update-manager would hold off on asking questions til the end, i go to sleep.. and it's still waiting for an answer :(18:51
SIRavecavecogra,  i try to much this:((18:51
ograSIRavecavec, did you pull a fresh version from dapper-updates before upgarding ? the upgarde code is usually in these versions18:51
ograjohnny, the thing is that apt simply doesnt handle all cases of upgrades, u-m has a lot of special casing for converting setup, removing unsupported stuff and making sure the right replacements are in place18:53
ograusing apt only will not give you the same system u-m will18:53
ograthats why we discourage apt usage at all for dist upgrades18:53
johnnyi don't even have update-manager-core18:53
ograno, its only installed on -server by default18:54
SIRavecavecogra,  no i did not i did what they told me to do upgrade-manager18:54
ograSIRavecavec, for a proper upgrade you need to first install update-manager from your releases updates repository (in your case dapper-updates)18:55
ograthe upgrade docs state that i think18:55
ograand explain how to get it18:55
SIRavecavecok can you teach me how or where to read?18:55
johnnyactually it told me to run dpkg --configure -a18:55
SIRavecavec(synaptic:7334): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_view_unref_tree_helper: assertion `node != NULL' failed18:55
SIRavecaveci get this erros many times18:55
ograSIRavecavec, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades#head-7e4d0a8850f88d770c9e373ca84c3a78703a58ad18:57
johnnydid they ever add that option to allow you to keep your /home intact?18:57
johnnyin the installer18:58
SIRavecavecroot@edubuntu-server:~# do-release-upgrade --devel-release18:58
SIRavecavecChecking for a new ubuntu release18:58
SIRavecavecNo new release found18:58
SIRavecavecroot@edubuntu-server:~# do-release-upgrade18:58
SIRavecavecChecking for a new ubuntu release18:58
SIRavecavecNo new release found18:58
ograhome will never ever be touched by any upgrade18:58
johnnyfor an installer .. not upgrade18:58
ograyou can do that since the first ubuntu release18:59
johnnybut only if it's on a seperate partition?18:59
ograjust pick custom partitioning and mount the /home wherever you want it18:59
johnnyi don't have a mounted /home.. i picked the default when i set it up18:59
johnnyi was in a rush18:59
johnnyand the drive wasnt' large18:59
ografor users thats fine imho18:59
ograusually you dont ever need yto reinstall a debian based OS19:00
ografor a developer thats different ...19:00
johnnyso.. ltsp question.. it's saying tags aren't supported by my current branch format.. is followng the instructions to run bzr upgrade --dirstate-tags the right thing?19:00
ograi need to reinstall from time to time  ... so i keep my home separate19:00
Muhammad_SaadHello, I am looking for a way to get Yahoo Mail in Evolution. If nobody here knows, please guide me to a channel where I can get my answer.19:00
ograjohnny, yup19:01
ograMuhammad_Saad, http://gopalkoduri.wordpress.com/2006/06/23/configuring-evolution-mail-to-work-with/ second hit for googling "Yahoo Mail in Evolution"19:02
Muhammad_SaadI want to do that for free. :-/19:05
Muhammad_Saadjust like there is the WebMail extension in Thunderbird.19:06
Muhammad_SaadDoes anyone know?19:07
Muhammad_SaadIf nobody knows then please tell me an appropriate channel.19:08
johnnywe might not know it?19:08
johnnylook for the gnome irc server?19:09
ograwhat do you me4an with "for free" ?19:12
ograthe page above only shows the data you have to use to make it work19:12
ograit doesnt cost anything19:12
Muhammad_SaadI think Yahoo only provides POP to those who pay for it. Please correct me if I am wrong.19:13
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
ograno idea19:13
ograi would never touch yahoo mail19:13
ograso i dont know19:13
ograyou asked for instructions how to make tyahoo work with evo19:14
ogragoogle might reveal a lot more here19:14
Muhammad_SaadI would never touch Yahoo mail too but I have to use it for messenger service to stay connected with my friends.19:14
RichEdogra: does the image update with zsync but keep the old filename19:15
RichEd(old date in the name) ?19:15
ograif you use the -o option19:16
ogra(its suboptimal, i know)19:16
RichEdfine ... as long as I did not waste my time & bandwidth :)19:16
RichEddoing the dd now to usb19:16
ogracheck the date of the file qith ls -l19:16
ograand check the md5sum19:16
ograthats why i generate it ;)19:17
RichEdwill let you know tomorrow if it breaks like mr liptin seems to manage :)19:17
ograhe said he didnt but his colleagues did19:17
RichEdwell they are skilled over there aren't they ;)19:17
RichEdlater ... knackered & have to put the boys to bed19:18
ograwe're on a public channel :)19:18
RichEdtill tomorrow19:18
RichEdi'm talking about mr lipton the tea fellow ...19:18
RichEdnothin to do with *****19:18
ograthought that was a typo19:18
SIRavecavecit did not worked none of above19:20
SIRavecaveci cannot update19:20
ograSir_Remoz, did you read the instructions on teh page i pasted above19:23
SIRavecavecogra,  yes i did19:24
ograand what does the command under that url give you ?19:25
SIRavecaveci just type it and nothing hapends19:26
highvoltageoh wow, not often I see you guys here on a friday eveneing :)19:38
* SIRavecavec is drunk19:39
* LaserJock runs19:41
SIRavecavechi LaserJock19:42
LaserJockhighvoltage: how's it going>19:49
highvoltageLaserJock: just woke up a few minutes ago19:49
highvoltageLaserJock: bad allergies bought me down, so I took a nap, feeling slightly better now19:49
highvoltageLaserJock: also going through yet another phase of thinking *everything* through and deciding what is important in life19:50
LaserJockhighvoltage: heh, me too19:51
LaserJockI just made a last minute *buntu push and uploaded a bunch of stuff19:51
highvoltageyes, I saw your feature freeze exception request for gcompris.19:52
highvoltageglad it came through.19:52
LaserJockhighvoltage: yeah, sometimes I'm surprised that things get approved19:54
highvoltageLaserJock: I think it makes a big difference that you've worked with quite a few different packages in the past, and that you are proven to be competent. So if you ask for an exception, I would think that it's considered very low risk to approve it.19:55
highvoltageI wish I can get to that stage one day :)19:55
SIRavecavecLaserJock,  i cannnot make my edubuntu upgrade19:55
SIRavecavec:( i try all documentation19:55
LaserJockSIRavecavec: what version do you have and what do you want to upgrade to?19:56
SIRavecaveci have 6.06 but i used update-manager -c and its showing me some upgrades i instaled all19:56
SIRavecavecbut when i use terminal to check my version its steel 6.0619:56
SIRavecavecand when i try to use again update-manager -c is no updates anymore19:57
LaserJock6.06 is pretty old19:57
LaserJockso do you want to update to 7.10?19:57
SIRavecavecor last version19:57
SIRavecaveci wass even ready to test the betas19:58
SIRavecaveci use romainian language19:58
SIRavecavecmy native language19:58
LaserJockwell, a direct upgrade from 6.06 to 7.10 isn't really supported19:58
opapowhen I restart a client the server restarts19:59
LaserJocka direct upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 which will be out next month will be supported19:59
opapois that a bug, feature, or user error19:59
LaserJockopapo: how are you restarting the client?19:59
opapoI am in the client and I do sudo init 619:59
SIRavecavecso LaserJock  can i go to 7.0420:00
SIRavecavecor a better version20:00
LaserJockSIRavecavec: well, you can try, generally upgrade only work very well from one release to the next20:00
stgraberopapo: what you see on your client is a session running on the server, so everything you run will be run on the server20:00
LaserJockso 6.06 -> 6.10 -> 7.04 -> 7.1020:00
stgraberopapo: the only way you have to reboot a client si to close the session then choose reboot at the login prompt20:00
LaserJockbut that gets really messy20:01
SIRavecavecLaserJock,  but what commands i use?20:01
SIRavecavecto do that?20:01
opapostgraber: that explains things20:01
opaposo, for clarification sake, I get to a login screen that has an ip address given through dhcp20:02
opapoand then when I log in, I have the ip address of the server?20:02
LaserJockSIRavecavec: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UpgradeFromOldVersion20:03
opapoCan I not have a client running a full OS in a chrooted environment?20:05
opapoon the server?20:06
SIRavecavecLaserJock,  but its only for version feytsy and ge./..20:06
SIRavecavecnot for drake mine 6.0620:06
LaserJockopapo: I think that's what is called a fat client20:06
opapoLaserJock: thanks20:07
LaserJockSIRavecavec: "For example, a user of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) could first upgrade to 6.10, then to 7.04, and then to 7.10. For instructions on how to do this, check the UpgradeNotes page."20:07
opapoYou guys have been helpful and responsive.  Thank you.20:07
LaserJockSIRavecavec: which then leads you to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:07
LaserJockopapo: no problem20:07
stgraberopapo: np, fat clients may be a solution depending on how fast is your hardware (and your network)20:11
stgraberopapo: IIRC we have a wiki page about that but not sure how up to date it's20:11
opapostgraber: The information is out of date by a year or two, but I have enough information to head in the right direction20:29
SIRavecavechow to add mc to edubuntu?\20:57
SIRavecavecmidnight commander20:57
opapodoes citrix run a thin or thick client?22:41

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