
Amaranthtoo late00:00
RAOFAmaranth: Good morning :)00:00
Amaranthhey RAOF00:00
Amaranthno more compiz bug reports for 3 hours!00:00
bhsxbah, kde4 seems really unusable atm....   guess i'll stick to gnome with kde4 apps....  i LOVE the KIO slaves...00:01
bhsxif gnome had KIO i'd ditch kde completely....00:01
sax891so, I'm pretty experienced and all, but hardy's got me stumped.  I upgraded yesterday, and lo and behold: Low graphics mode!  I reinstalled the nvidia drivers and everything, did all the xorg dpkg stuff, no luck00:02
RAOFbhsx: Gnome has gnome-vfs (now GIO).  What is it that KIO does that they don't?00:02
gluersax: use envy for hardy00:02
bhsxalthough i love konquerer as an ftp/scp00:02
hmullersax891: amd64?00:02
Smegzorhmm!  thats something I haven't tried since 'upgrading'  , KDE :D00:02
bhsxRAOF: well, i love the pseudo-mounting ability of fish:// for example00:03
bhsxtransparent remote filesystems are A Good Thing00:03
RAOFbhsx: That'd map to sftp:// URIs in gio, right?00:03
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bhsxi dont know00:03
gauchohmuller: all right, it should be my problem. But the bug status is fixed. Once my system is up to date, why I'm having this problem?00:03
bhsxi've never really used gnome very much00:03
RAOFbhsx: You get even better with gio - the filesystems you mount are available for non-gvfs apps, too!00:04
sax891bhsx: I swear by konqueror for web dev00:04
bhsxi've always been on kde if not fluxbox etc...00:04
Amaranthfish maps to sftp, basically00:04
bhsxi'm just starting to use gnome again for the first time since RH5.200:04
Amaranthand it does stateful mounts00:04
hmullerGaucho: got me.  what's your soundcard, integrated or otherwise?00:05
bhsxyeah, i think i'm gonna go ahead and keep kde installed but access the apps through gnome... i dont like this new kicker at all00:06
hmullerI like cheerios, metacity, and gnome00:06
sax891anybody else have xgl / xorg problems with graphics after upgrade? nvidia, btw00:07
gluersax: i got flicker random00:07
RAOFsax891: Oh, you're using Xgl?  Whatever for?00:08
RAOFgluer: Welcome to the wonderful world of nvidia :(00:08
hmullersax891:  8400M GS with no apparent problems here00:08
RAOFhmuller: You don't run compiz, do you :)00:08
glueryeh well, ive had this before and then it was gone in aplha 5 for me00:08
hmullerRAOF: Haven't ramped it up since the end of the year00:09
gauchohmuller: well.. I'm not sure, it's onboard on my asus p5b-plus motherboard. I think it's ADI® AD198800:09
gauchohmuller: my chipset is intel 965p00:09
sax891RAOF: oh... maybe XGL's the wrong word00:09
RAOFhmuller: Yeah, then you wouldn't notice any problems (except for abysmal cairo performance, of course).00:09
hmullergaucho: that one is out of my league, I'm using intel hda00:09
spiderfireis there an alternative to the gnome panel?00:09
sax891spiderfire: if you want a dock, check out avant window navigator00:10
sax891I just hide my panel00:10
hmullerRAOF:  guess now that I'm bored after resolving all my minor Hardy issues, I'll have to 'cube' it again.00:10
spiderfirek thanks00:10
gluerkiba dock?00:10
sax891I've never compared kiba and awn00:11
sax891but awn is awesome, so I have no need00:11
gluerwtf is cairo?00:11
gluera clock?00:11
sax891a clock.00:11
gluerthats it?00:12
spiderfirehow do i make avm work? i ran it00:12
ethana2I thought cairo was a pipeline for scalable vector graphic rendering..00:12
h3sp4wnRAOF: How are you testing it ? (Be interested to see how XiG performs with it)00:12
thompasax891: im using fish sometimes00:13
ethana2macslow's clock happens to use cairo00:13
spiderfireis avm loaded at gdm?00:13
ethana2..which I understand can be accelerated by OpenGL using glitz00:13
spiderfireawm i mean00:13
glueri loaded it via sessions00:13
spiderfirehow do i get that to work?00:14
RAOFh3sp4wn: There are a number of tests.  The easiest one being "do the gnome-system-monitor graphs eat a core".00:14
RAOFh3sp4wn: Another one which nvidia fail at is http://blobsallad.se/00:15
RAOFThat blobsalad one is particularly bad.  It's 1-2fps on nvidia, and fluid on nouveau on my laptop.00:16
h3sp4wnDo I need compiz or not for this ?00:16
RAOFDoesn't matter.00:16
RAOFCompiz, metacity, whatever.00:16
ethana2yarr, evolution data server keeps eating my cpu power00:17
ethana2i don't even use evolution00:17
ethana2who does?00:17
* RAOF does.00:17
ethana2I see.00:17
RAOFIt's the least-crap mail client I've found.00:17
hmullerRAOF:  Maybe I'm just lucky, I'm not seeing any problems with either 3d compiz cubing, nor with cairo.  Give me another test  =)00:17
ethana2firefox gmail.com00:17
ethana2oh, AJAX00:17
h3sp4wnI would prefer to just use pine00:18
RAOFhmuller: You've tried http://blobsallad.se/ ?  And gnome-system-monitor's graphs?00:18
h3sp4wn(or alpine) but the garbage sent to me by others means I use evolution for uni mail00:18
hmullerRAOF:  Resource graphs look fine.00:19
gluerok how do i run cairo once its installed00:20
RAOFhmuller: Oh, yeah.  They _look_ fine.  They don't consume a large portion of CPU time, though?  ~30-40% in X here.00:20
RAOFAnd they jerk around a bit :)00:20
h3sp4wnRAOF: I would consider that alot considering its for nothing00:21
h3sp4wnWhich version the opengl or sdl ?00:21
RAOFh3sp4wn: The in-browser one, at the top.00:21
SmegzorAny idea how long launchpad will be down for?00:21
RAOFThere's a blob you can pick up and throw around.00:21
RAOFSmegzor: 3 hours.00:21
SmegzorI'm trying to solve a bug that prevents me changing my gnome wallpaper.  It only changes when x is restarted00:22
jaffarkelshacanyone upgraded to Hardy00:22
h3sp4wnThats fine here with XiG 35 fps00:22
bobbo85I'm curious as to the pros and cons of Hardy right now, anyone have it installed?00:23
jaffarkelshacthats what i want to know00:23
daviscYes - running it at the mo00:23
jaffarkelshacmainly coz i went through hell to get gutsy,00:23
RAOFh3sp4wn: That's a different X server, right?  With a different nvidia driver?00:24
daviscPros: New and shiny00:24
hmullerRAOF: Ok, The blob salad caused Xorg to start eating 90+% of one of my cpu's.  I think I see what yer talking about.00:24
daviscCons: Some stuff may be unstable or require tweaking to get working00:24
SmegzorDoes gnome keep a log?  I looked at several in /var/log but didn't find anything relevant.00:24
h3sp4wnRAOF: Its on a rage mobility with 16MB00:24
daviscIf you're familiar with Ubuntu, it shouldn't be a problem00:24
charles__whenever I click add/remove apps, I get a window titled "Install multimedia codecs" that is solid gray and doesn't do anything00:24
RAOFh3sp4wn: Oh, you've got better acceleration than nvidia.00:25
E1337was wanting to know if someone could help me out im trying to set my dns to a certain ip and everytime it does it about 10 mins later it changes back on me?00:26
E1337is there a auto update or something?00:26
h3sp4wnRAOF: Its the only weak point of this laptop (Just one min and I will try with the quadro if nvidia's marketing is to be believed should be ok)00:27
MeshezabeelI have a problem with my laptop (7.10 worked fine). When I'm not using my laptop for a minute of so, the screen dims very slightly, then when I move the mouse or type something it dims completely. I then have to turn up the brightness manually. Anyone else having this problem?00:27
Meshezabeel"Dim screen when Idle" is checked on battery mode.00:28
SmegzorSince upgrading, I can't connect to network shares shared by 8.04  It asks me to login but rejects my user/pass.  Where do I look to fix that?00:29
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jaffarkelshaci had 2 installation on my laptop, i delete the other partition but i am left with 2 swap partitions how do i find out which one i se00:38
jaffarkelshacso i can delete the other00:38
frank23jaffarkelshac: look in /etc/fstab00:40
hmullerjaffarkelshac:  you might also look at swapon -s00:41
Itakumy vino vnc doesnt connect. why?00:41
Itaku main:        unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)00:41
luboszdo you know how to rebuild the aplications menu?00:43
luboszi have some zombie links in there00:44
luboszand dublicates00:44
Itakulub: right click panel and add menu bar00:44
luboszyou mean edit00:44
luboszyeah, but its a hell of a work00:44
Itakuadd to panel00:44
Itakuoh wait00:44
Itakuyou wanna add things?00:44
luboszno, rebuild the applications menu00:44
h3sp4wnRAOF: That works fine with the quadro 1600m (the salad thing)00:45
luboszkill all links in there, and do all the usefull links of installed stuff in00:45
Itakuclick revert00:45
Itakui yhink00:45
luboszwhere is revert?00:45
Itakusystem>prefs>main menu00:45
RAOFh3sp4wn: Oh, with the blob?  Crazy.  What core family is the 1600m?00:46
luboszItaku: thx00:46
h3sp4wnRAOF: based on 8700m (but with the extra quadro stuff)00:46
RAOFh3sp4wn: Right, so it's a nv5x.  They've probably got actual acceleration going for you, then.00:47
RAOFh3sp4wn: Us poor old nv4x users get rubbish performance ;)00:47
Itakumy vino vnc doesnt connect. why?00:47
Itaku main:        unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)00:47
=== Gashi is now known as Kamicazi
SmegzorI can't change the workgroup in system/administration/shared folders general tab.  When I close it, it reverts back to WORKGROUP.00:48
travist120Itaku: Do you have permission to connect on the other side?00:48
SmegzorI'm able to connect to my shares now though.  I had to re-setup smbusers.00:49
h3sp4wnRAOF: The thing that annoys me is for day to day use a 16MB radeon mobility works better with XiG's xserver than a mid-range pretty recent quadro with 512MB00:49
luboszanyone checked out the 171.06 nvidia beta driver yet?00:49
Itakuwhat you mean00:49
h3sp4wnlubosz: Do you have a 9xxx think thats the only changes00:49
luboszh3sp4wn: no 860000:49
h3sp4wnlubosz: I wouldn't bother then (check the changelog)00:50
travist120You have to go in to the other system and click "Accept incoming requests"00:50
KamicaziCan anyone help me? lshw stops and dosent detect any hardware00:50
h3sp4wnrun it with sudo ?00:50
KamicaziI do00:51
travist120should be under System -> Prefrences ->Remote Desktop00:51
SmegzorI fixed my workgroup name.  Editing smb.conf was all that was needed.  The gui couldn't change it.00:51
SmegzorWhere does gnome's config live?00:53
RAOFMostly in gconf.00:53
hmullerSmegzor:  in xml, see library.gnome.org00:54
SmegzorIt seems most of my configuration problems are a general failure of gui's editing conf files00:54
h3sp4wnWhich makes it almost impossible to fix when it messes up :/00:54
Smegzordoing it by hand seems to work00:54
h3sp4wnbe nice if there was a text based alternative to gconf00:54
h3sp4wn(Surely the windows registry lesson wasn't learnt :/)00:55
Black_MagicErrm.... When i BootUp X Doesnt start its some kind of console but its all black00:56
Black_Magicwith a lil blinking thing at the bottom00:56
Black_Magicand when i move mouse it looks kinda like a console...the only way i can get x to start is to use recovery kernal thing00:56
Black_Magicbut that always gives me errors that X is already running which i dont get >.>00:57
Black_Magicbecause i have to reboot to use recovery kernal00:57
lhoerstei'm trying to update to hardy but the --devel-release flag doesn't cause the update button to show up00:58
Black_Magicdid you try -d ?00:59
Black_Magicor was that what you meant00:59
lhoersteyea that is the same flag00:59
lhoerstethat's the single letter version00:59
lhoerstei also tried -c -d but that didn't work either00:59
lhoerstehere's the output on the command line "current dist not found in meta-release file"00:59
Black_MagicMaybe you need to update your entire system first?01:00
lhoersteits all up to date already01:00
Black_MagicProbably because you dont have the dist upgrade file that has the data for the new dist01:00
Black_MagicHave you tried upgrading from the Hardy Live CD?01:00
lhoersteBlack_Magic: I added the file01:01
hmullerupdating to hardy seems to cause headaches, versus a backup, install, restore scenario.01:01
lhoersteI dont have a burnable CD01:01
lhoerstei updated my desktop just fine01:01
Black_MagicUnetbootin has an installer for Hardy01:01
Black_MagicTry that and then get the image and Mount it01:01
lhoerstewhat's that?01:01
Black_MagicWell im lost >.>01:02
lhoerstewhat's the Unetbootin?01:02
Black_Magicmm Once i Upgraded by downloading the new image mounting it01:02
Black_Magicand its just like the CDs in drive and i beileave it works just the same01:02
lhoerstethat's not safe01:03
lhoersteit wont make a full install if it loads anything form disc01:03
lhoersteoh i see01:03
lhoerstei'll try that01:03
Black_MagicYou understand what i meant?01:05
lime4x4hmuller what did u mean by rmmod'd ehci for my bluetooth issue01:06
hmullerlime4x4:  My problem was caused by a problem with the ehci_hcd module, $ sudo rmmod ehci_hcd cured the probem, but then I didn't have USB2.0 support ...01:08
hmullerlime4x4:  that my not be your issue, but you could rule it out by trying it01:08
lime4x4ok thanks01:09
Black_MagicBack sorry01:09
lhoersteBlack_Magic: yea I understand01:10
Black_Magicit was lagging :/01:10
hmullerback to suspend / hibernate fixin ...01:15
Black_Magicanyone know how to enable SELinux?01:17
charles__whenever I click add/remove apps, I get a window titled "Install multimedia codecs" that is solid gray and doesn't do anything01:18
charles__is there a way to see what is going wrong?01:18
xpticalhi all.  8.04 beta KDE4 user here.  can someone explain the "drivers" dialog box that pops up?  It pops at every boot and I click "enable" but the drivers continue to be disabled.  am I missing something?01:23
steintrHello.  Quick question --- does anyone know if there is a Hardy package containing debug symbols for firefox3?  I see firefox-2-dbg, but I'd like to get gdb symbols for firefox3 (and ideally without recompiling from source).01:24
RAOFsteintr: You'd be looking for the dbgsym repositories mentioned in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash01:25
xptical I have an ATI chipset on my laptop.  At the launch of KDE, it asks me to enable the drivers for the chipset.  I click "enable" and fglrx still does not activate.01:26
steintrRAOF: Ah, thanks.   I guess I was thrown by the fact that firefox-2-dbg was in universe.01:27
arpu 58,9% (1147,0)   <kernel IPI> : Rescheduling interrupts01:28
arpudoes anybody know something about this ?01:28
RAOFsteintr: Yeah.  Some packages have explicit -dbg variants (this is useful in Debian), but we have the infrastructure to create dbgsym packages automatically for everything.01:29
arpuah found it01:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 177895 in linux "Kernel 2.6.24-2 causing ~1000 wakeups by "Rescheduling Interrupts"" [Medium,In progress]01:30
luboszdo you know the file where to set the color between login screen and gnome (its brownish by default). its a hex value, i changed it before, but dont remember the file anymore...01:34
luboszdist upgrade changed that back :<01:34
jbwiv_guys, I'm on hardy with SBLive. Apparently there was a bug with all modules, including soundcore, being left out when you upgraded from gusty. I installed those and now sound is working when the gdm screen arrives (I hear the drum tha tha thump), but once I log in,sound is gone again. Any ideas what I can do to fix?01:34
luboszjbwiv_: try other sound deamons01:34
jbwiv_lubosz: not alsa?01:35
luboszsystem => preferences => sounds01:35
lubosze.g. oss01:35
luboszautodetect does not work?01:35
poseidonWhere can I get a list of ubuntu software repositories, so I can find out how the programs are catigorized and indexed?01:35
luboszposeidon: do you want to list the repo or get new ones?01:36
steintrRAOF: Neat.  Although judging from the gdb backtrace, I'd have to install symbols for a whole heck of a lot more libraries to see everything.  Oh well. :(01:36
luboszposeidon: afaik i dont know any repo search engines, try google :D01:36
jbwiv_lubosz: you are the man. Autodetect did not work apparently...when I switched manually to alsa it works. THANKS!01:36
luboszjbwiv_: np01:36
RAOFsteintr: Yeah.  I tend to have a bunch of dbgsym packages installed, since they take up nothing but HD space.01:37
frank23poseidon: packages.ubuntu.com  is this what you're looking for? you can browse by category within synaptic also01:37
steintrRAOF: The truth is, it's fairly rare that I get frustrated enough to fire up gdb these days, although I still remember how from my more active programming years...01:38
steintrRAOF: Anyway, thanks.  Gotta run.01:39
poseidonfrank23, I was actually trying to figure out the structure of the repos, but better yet, do you know where I can find the source code for the apt-get instal application?01:41
Dr_williswowsers.. wireless networking.. just... worked! :)01:42
Dr_willisThats a first for this machine.. heh heh01:42
RAOFposeidon: Yup.  "apt-get source apt-get" :)01:42
frank23poseidon: you can get the source code from the repositories.  apt-get source packagename I think...   you need the source repositories enabled01:43
Dr_willisHmm. is the medibuntu repos up yet for hardy?  Cant seem to track them down. :(01:43
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:43
rchrdcrgugh, I desperately need help... I can't open any file windows or anything pertaining to Nautilus... my computer is almost totally useless01:47
Dr_willisrchrdcrg,  you could try adding/creating a new user. see if it works for them. If so - then its your original users settings that mayt be to blame. If so you could clean out the .gnome* dirs to reset the settings01:49
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sarlu|martalliI'm happy top report that suspend is working now on my Dell m1210 laptop with hardy kubuntu (not in kde4, but kde3 is fine =).  Heck, even the webcam works....now if only webKam was in the repos, but cheese will do =)01:52
rchrdcrgwell I already tried cleaning out the .gnome and .nautilus directories, and that didn't work at all01:53
Dr_willisrchrdcrg,  theres also the .gtk* dirs01:53
rchrdcrgaaaah, didn't try that01:54
Dr_willisrchrdcrg,  it may be quicker to just try making a new user. :)01:54
rchrdcrgi'm about to try that :)01:54
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rchrdcrg....and it didn't work.01:56
rchrdcrgwhen I boot up, it tries to load my home folder, and it just keeps flashing open and closed on the bottom panel01:57
poseidonI asked this a second ago, but I had to reboot into ubuntu so could someone please tell me how to get the source for the sudo apt-get install program?01:57
Dr_willisrchrdcrg,  weird. you could try making a X session that just launches a Xterm, and no window manager, and run gnome from that terminal, and see if any errors show up01:57
Laneyposeidon: apt-get source <application>01:57
Dr_willisits work time for me. Good luck01:57
rchrdcrgi'm not even sure how to do that01:58
rchrdcrgguess I'll figure it out, cuz I've gotta run... thanks01:59
poseidonLaney, apt-get source apt-get doesn't work01:59
Laneyposeidon: It's probably in the apt package01:59
luboszsuspend to ram works in hardy02:00
poseidonLaney, where can I find the apt package?  sorry i'm a bit new to linux02:02
Laneyposeidon: Eh, you should be able to do apt-get source apt02:02
LaneyWhat do you hope to find out by doing this?02:03
RAOFposeidon: Do you have the source repositories enabled?02:03
luboszposeidon: you are new to linux but want to get cracking some sources :D02:03
poseidonlubosz, new to linux, not programming02:04
KamicaziCan anyone tell me why "sudo lshw" is not working for me?02:06
clintonHow do I restart the pulse server?02:10
tanner/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart02:12
clintonOk, this is jsut wierd.  I got a notification telling me that pulse crashed, so of course the first thing I do is look in /etc/init.d/ for a pulse script, there isn't one.02:15
RAOFclinton: killall pulseaudio ; pulseaudio02:15
RAOFclinton: Yeah; we don't use the system-wide daemon for a number of reasons.  Pulse is started by your session.02:15
clintonah, OK02:15
clintonCan I ask what the reasons are?  I'm curious.02:16
RAOFSo, one is security.02:16
clintonRAOF: as in don't run pulse as root?02:16
RAOFYes, and don't allow people to add/remove pulse modules from a common daemon.02:17
RAOFThere are other reasons, but I've forgotten them.  ;)02:18
clintonRAOF: that's alright..02:18
clintonMy next question: who do I have to bribe to include awn-extras along with the other awn packages?  (think avant-window-navigator)02:19
mrpoundsignhello. Seems that my upgrade of mysql-server to 5.0.45 (from 5.0.38) has broken my rt database (request-tracker3.6) -- getting rrors about incorrect information in /frm files. Is anyone familiar with this issue, and do they know how to resolve it?02:20
ZorisHELP: My CPU is stuck at /100%02:23
Zorisweird, it seems the process "evolution-data-server-2.22" was doing it...02:24
mrpoundsignevolution is a nightmare.02:25
mrpoundsignin my experience. :)02:25
tmh__I don't know anyone who uses evolution in any way02:26
tmh__it's perhaps the single biggest failure of the open source movement02:28
clintonEvolution?  that was a funny movie02:29
BsimsWhy is there a new version of kde nearly every day for stable tree in hardy02:36
justAtempNickBsims: because kde4 isn't really stable, in my experience :-)02:37
BsimsI am not running kde 402:37
martalli|sarluand hardy isn't actually stable yet02:38
martalli|sarlualmosta month to go until the release still02:38
martalli|sarluAt least the suspend works on kubuntu-kde3 on my dell m1210 now (thanks Riddell!)02:38
Bsimsheh still in three days to have three versions of the whole kde and most of gnome seemed a touch excessive02:38
BsimsOh BTW MIT has some fast fast mirrors02:38
tim__Will kde4 become super stable in Septermber ????02:39
Bsimsunlikely till at least 4.1 in my experence02:39
tim__4.1 comes in September....02:39
justAtempNickBsims: this is likely why I couldn't download 8.04 with jigdo, the files were replaced02:39
BsimsOh really02:40
tim__i think so02:40
BsimsI wait till at least the first dot release before I even try new kde releases02:40
Bsimsany way to tell xchat not to be a prat and cover up my timestamp with user names?02:41
tim__July 29th, 2008: Release KDE 4.1  Even earlier02:41
tim__just in 4 months it will come out02:41
clintonWill 8.04 include KDE 4.1 when it comes out?02:42
justAtempNickanyway, they didn't fix the biggest problem with kde, lack of proper integration with firefox02:42
tim__they would prolly make a spin version02:42
martalli|sarluSometimes riddell will roll them out for us02:42
martalli|sarluotoh, getting 8.10 might be a big project02:42
martalli|sarluand canonical doesn't give him enough help.  He's not even a permanent member of the team, they give him a spearate contract for each release02:43
IanLiuWhenever I upgrade my Ubuntu from older Ubuntu, I have problems with my Sound Card. From Dapper to Gutsy, and now from Gutsy to Hardy. What can I do to make it work?02:43
clintonIanLiu: don't upgrade?02:44
BsimsIanLiu, I just rerun the sound detect it takes like 20 seconds02:44
IanLiuHow do I ran it?02:44
IanLiuHow do I run* it? ;p02:45
BsimsIanLiu, it tells you how when you first log on02:45
Bsimslet me check IanLiu02:46
IanLiuThanks.. because the only alert he gave to me is that I may have the wrong GStreamer02:47
Bsimsman asoundconf02:48
IanLiulet me try02:48
* Bsims grins it ether fixed his problem or ate his HD02:52
subsumecan someone help me figure out why my NSS drive isn't loading in Hardy with an identical fstab entry to Gusty machines which load it fine?02:53
Bsimsnss drive?02:53
subsumenss loading /home drive02:54
DG19075Hey all...will OpenOffice Formula be included? Trying to find it in the main menu but no luck02:54
Bsimsexpand nss please I don't recognise that phrase02:54
subsumeBsims you load your home drive over a network via NSS02:54
Bsimsdoes it give you any errors in /var/log/messages02:54
clintonDG19075: you might just have to install it yourself02:55
IanLiuDG19075: If you enter inside spread sheet, and click new02:55
IanLiuthere is a Formula editor02:56
subsumeBsims: not that i see02:56
BsimsHrm no idea then02:56
subsumeI have /home nfs .... in fstab02:56
Bsimswierd that it wouldn't log some sort of error02:56
subsumeNFS not nss02:57
* Bsims hrms do me a favor compare your /etc/hosts on hardy vs gutsy02:57
subsumemore or less identical02:57
* Bsims had a error on upgrade where it didn't put my host name in /etc/hosts02:57
subsumessh to the server machine works fine02:57
Bsimsbroke sudo and apt for me but humor me and see if it isn't something silly like that or if its using a different subnet02:58
subsumehow to tell what packages are installed via ocmmand line?03:00
subsumethat match nfs ?03:00
IanLiuNo luck with sound..03:03
ddaltonhey can someone please tel me what version of speechd-up is in the repo? aptitude show speechd-up03:12
BHSPitMonkeyWhy don't you just look yourself?03:13
ddaltonbecause im on feisty and im not updating I just no it works and need version numbers. ok?03:15
ddaltonok I won't bother then. your very helpful. its probably easier for you to look it up with aptitude than find that url and post it.03:16
BHSPitMonkeyGood riddance03:17
nifeDoes the PyDev package come with the nag screens ?03:27
clintonwow what a jackass03:27
googlahgood evenin all03:30
tux97how come xmms wouldn't work?03:33
vlowthertux97: because it has been replaced by audacious?03:34
tux97just said it wasn't supported by this system03:35
Hobbseesubsume: dpkg -l03:37
HobbseeBHSPitMonkey: you wanted to point him to rmadison, in devscripts, iirc.03:38
Hobbseebut yeah, as for why he can't look it up himself...03:38
tux97vlowther ty for the response just was wondering why i couldn't install it03:38
vlowthertux97: yeah.  use audacious instead.  It is like xmms, but written to modern libraries03:45
tux97ok i might do that when i reinstall hardy03:46
googlahjust tried audacious and it's as good as xmms :)03:48
tux97ok googlah03:48
c-ronanyone else having problems with firefox 3b4 not displaying images correctly?03:50
bkochWhere is the VNC configuration file?  I am getting a connection refuesd and wondering if there is a way i can log into my heron scomputer remotely first enabling vnc by ssh03:51
bkochI think my computer may be at the gdl login screen but not sure03:52
alfermphey guys somebody have hardy beta? i can not connect to the internet with wifi and WAP security03:52
BHSPitMonkeybkoch, vino-preferences?03:56
BHSPitMonkeythat's what it is pre-hardy at least, I don't actually know if that's still the case.03:56
BHSPitMonkeyHobbsee, he was being pretty dang rude03:59
BHSPitMonkeytux97, audacious even supports xmms/winamp themes and xmms plugins, it's great.04:00
crimeboyhi, what version of glibc on hardy?04:00
bkochBHSP I am logged in via SSH and need to access the preferences remotely04:00
tux97cool ty bhspitmonkey04:00
BHSPitMonkeybkoch, I understand that04:01
bkochwell when i run the /usr/bin/vino-preferences i get gtk warning cant open display il seach for more04:01
tux97how do u get wirless working?04:01
BHSPitMonkeybkoch, you need to enable x-forwarding when you ssh in.  Use -X.04:01
BHSPitMonkey(ssh -X user@host)04:01
Tom__>Well I have a ATI Express 1250 and under fiesty i just install xorg-driver-fglrx / depmod -a / aticonfig --initial..... but on 8.04 i get a error with "aticonfig --initial" 0_o04:18
leo_rockwi need some kde volunteers to try to reproduce a bug04:18
Tom__Any help?04:19
leo_rockwwhenever i push the media key (the one that's supposed to launch amarok) kmilo crashes and all services are stopped.04:19
leo_rockwTom__: what's the error?04:20
leo_rockwi want to know if anybody else is experiencing the same behavious with the media key, and to leave a comment here if that's the case: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/20553404:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205534 in kdeutils "[Hardy] Kmilo crashes with media center key" [Undecided,New]04:20
Tom__data incomplete in file /etc/X11/org.conf ......04:22
Tom__Device section "configured video device"04:22
ubuntu-ubuntuHello! does vmware work with Hardy beta?04:22
leo_rockwTom__: i installed fglrx in feisty, gutsy and hardy and i never read anything like that. what did google say?04:23
Tom__Nothing directly to my problem comes up with Hardy... Fiesty & Gutsy works fine.04:24
DG19075Looks like OpenOffice calls the Formula app OpenOffice Math these days. Thanks to those who had me look for it!:-D04:25
=== kingrayray is now known as rayb0t
=== rayb0t is now known as kingrayray
leo_rockwTom__: i wish i could help you, but i have no idea what could be causing that error.04:27
leo_rockwTom__: i had problems with fglrx + hardy myself, but nothing like that04:27
Tom__I may try and manually install 8.04...I did it with Wubi because im lazy..04:28
Black_MagicIf windows gets a virus04:28
Black_Magicyour poop04:29
BeauSo i installed 8.04 and the upgrade failed on me, now when i try to run dpkg --configure -a it fails due to too many errors and aborts04:29
Tom__Lol @ viruseseses04:29
Black_MagicLol i had the SAME problems04:29
Black_Magicyou sure you dont have some unsupported Repos or such?04:29
BeauBlack_Magic: me?04:30
Beauyeah i probably do04:30
Beaudidn't even think about them before upgrade04:31
leo_rockwthe upgrade took care of my sources.list04:31
leo_rockwso the unsupported repos and such were commented out04:31
leo_rockwdidn't it do the same for you?04:32
leo_rockw(a message told me about this before installing)04:32
Beaueh well my upgrade failed so i'm not sure04:32
Tom__God damnit I hate ATI. Always spoils my day.04:32
leo_rockwTom__: join the club04:32
leo_rockwTom__: i have ati and broadcom04:32
Tom__Lol :p I'm not buying another pc with ATI again... ever.. ever ever ever04:34
Black_MagicHave you used anything like Envy?04:34
Black_MagicOr Automatix?04:34
Black_MagicOr EasyUbuntu?04:34
leo_rockwTom__: AMD is kinda doing a good job now. but we'll have to wait some time to see the results04:34
BeauBlack_magic: easyubuntu04:34
leo_rockwTom__: the people at #compiz-fusion told me there might be a pretty good open driver by september or so04:34
Black_MagicThat would sometimes render you unable to upgrade04:35
Black_Magicbecause of what scripts like that do to your system04:35
Black_MagicYou may have to do a Fresh install04:35
leo_rockwyup, what Black_Magic might be the cause of your problem04:36
Tom__September >_>04:36
BeauBlack_Magic: ah, best way to go about that, just use the live cd and install again?04:36
leo_rockwTom__: yup, a loong wait04:36
Black_MagicOr Try and Upgrade via Live CD04:36
Black_MagicPop it in and it should prompt you to upgrade04:36
Beauhmm didn't think i saw that option but ill check again04:37
Black_Magicusualy something pops up after the disk is loaded04:38
Tom__Hmmm to install KDE 4 or not to install KDE 4...That is the question..04:38
Black_MagicNot to install04:38
Black_Magicalot of programs dont support KDE4 Yet04:38
Tom__Is it clutterd like 3?04:38
Black_MagicSo its best to wait04:38
omar_Guys is the POP password the same one you enter when you login to your e-mail account??04:39
leo_rockwTom__: kde4 is not stable enough for daily use, imo04:39
Black_MagicIf your trying to do it with Hotmail or Yahoo you have to pay.04:39
Tom__Oh right, Is KDE4 clutterd like KDE3?04:39
Black_MagicHalf and Half04:39
leo_rockwTom__: i love kde3, so i would never call it cluttered04:39
Tom__Fair dous :P04:40
leo_rockwTom__: i'd be biased if i answered your question04:41
Tom__You know deep down it is.04:41
* Black_Magic in Soviet Russia Your Computer Upgrades YOU04:41
Black_Magicnot the present russia in USSR04:41
leo_rockwTom__: i never use the K menu anyway, it's all about katapult and yakuake04:42
HobbseeBlack_Magic: you can run kde3 programs in kde4, you know...04:44
Black_Magicstill some are not too supported04:44
Black_Magicand buggy04:44
Black_MagicOh anyone have problems with SELinux?04:44
Tom__Hmmm kde is tempting..even if it is *clutterd*. The default theme of ubuntu isn't exactly a turn on :)04:45
rexy_Black_Magic, heu is it in the ubuntu kernel now?04:45
Lynoureclutterd sounds like a daemon04:45
Black_MagicWell when i do gnome-system-monitor it says Selinux is installed04:45
Black_Magicbut not enabled >.>04:45
LynoureTom__: maybe if you explain what you mean by clutterd, it becomes easier to answer?04:46
Black_Magicalso i tried doing a sudo apt-get install selinux and now i got errors04:46
leo_rockwTom__: kubuntu hardy won't be lts04:46
Black_Magicand also X doesnt start when i reboot...04:46
rexy_Black_Magic, why do you want selinux?04:46
Black_Magici dunno04:46
Black_MagicI really just wonder why X doesnt start when i reboot04:46
dubbyhey anyone do you know if compiz will work with aiglx?04:46
Black_Magicdubby:  it does04:46
rexy_well see why it fails04:47
dubbyok i asked for help in #compiz and they told me they won't help me because im using hardy04:47
rexy_the xorg log is a good place to look04:47
Black_MagicNEVER TELL A channel what version of ubuntu your using if its04:47
Tom__http://jucato.org/gallery/d/49-2/kde-core-desktop2.jpg                   meh...just look...stuff everywhere...spins me out 0_o04:47
Black_Magicnot Stable yet04:47
Black_MagicSay Ubuntu Gusty Gibbon04:47
Black_MagicAlways works :P04:47
dubbyyeah i tried playing it off as gutsy but they didn't buy it04:47
leo_rockwthey helped me in #compiz-fusion04:47
tritiumBlack_Magic: please don't do that in #ubuntu04:48
Black_MagicI dont do it in #ubuntu04:48
leo_rockwi told them "i'm using hardy, i'm NOT going to use compiz" and they helped me anyway04:48
Black_Magiconly off brand channels like #winehq04:48
Black_MagicAlso i usualy dont do it anyways04:48
Black_Magici just ask for help and they usualy help04:48
LynoureTom__: if I Open the same view, it looks very different. One person's screenshot rarely gives the whole picture04:48
Black_MagicOh Jeez thats ALOT of stuff >.>04:48
* Black_Magic Hides from KDE04:49
dubbyhere is a pastebin of my xorg.0.log04:49
leo_rockwTom__: that's too crowded for me. i like minimalistic desktops04:49
leo_rockwTom__: you can tweak every single thing in kde04:50
Black_Magiclol when it comes to desktops im a clean freak :/04:50
Tom__Me too...but im a lazy clean freak04:50
Black_Magicif one icon doesnt match the theme of the others i kick it..04:50
Black_Magiclol i havent changed the icons on my desktop for 3 months..04:50
Black_MagicAnyone want a Screenie?04:50
Tom__No icons on my desktop...irratates me..04:51
Tom__Go on then04:51
Black_Magici litterly stuff all desktop extra stuff04:51
Black_Magicin a file >.>04:51
Black_Magicthat was originally for a Game called regnum online04:51
Black_Magicits packed full of junk i cant find nothing in it04:51
Black_Magici ever tried organizing but all in all it ends up being all junk...04:52
leo_rockwBlack_Magic: i guess you haven't played regnum online lately then, huh? lol04:52
Black_Magiclol NAAA04:52
Black_Magicits basically a trash can..04:52
Black_MagicYou know in windows i used to stuff all extra desktop crap04:52
leo_rockwBlack_Magic: i play every once in a while, but it's kewl for me because i'm argentine too04:52
LynoureTom__: you can choose that too, but that screenhot actually had no icons on the desktop, just on the panel04:52
Black_Magicinto my trash can :/04:52
Black_Magiclol and then sometimes i accedentally deleted about 5GB of stuff...04:53
leo_rockwwell, i have 2 superkaramba themes in my desktop now, but i find them really useful and they are not annoying04:53
Black_Magicsecond taking screenie04:53
LynoureTom__: hiding the side tool bars on that konqueror takes about three clicks... one just unchecks them from the toolbar menu.04:54
Tom__I have to delete 5GB of stuff a day being a vista user..damn system eats my hd... I should stop using revouninstaller -_-04:54
Tom__Meh, im going to install KDE now seeing as wubi has left a backup..04:55
leo_rockwTom__: kde 3.5.9 is great04:55
Black_Magicmm i forgot that image pasting site04:56
leo_rockwBlack_Magic: imagevenue? imageshack?04:56
LynoureTom__: The best way to find out if you'll like something is indeed trying it out yourself :)04:56
Black_Magicimageshack thats it04:56
Black_Magici was about to say smallshack..04:56
Tom__Lol i tried KDE the other week... It annoyed me instantly so i removed it from virtualbox04:56
Black_Magici tried Vista The other week i used it for 3hrs and then immediatly deleted it :/ I never want to see vista again04:57
Tom__Its not that bad... >_>04:58
Black_Magicwell my other week was when it first came out :/04:58
Black_Magici need to get more ram :/04:58
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Tom__Me has 2gb and i still hate installing security software -_-04:59
leo_rockwi bought my laptop and it had vista on it. i formated and installed xp. i installed utorrent, i downloaded kubuntu feisty, i formated my HD and installed kubuntu feisty.04:59
leo_rockwThe End04:59
Black_Magicwell i bought a WD passport for experimenting...05:00
Black_Magicatm ive tried Federa Backtrack USB version Kubuntu05:00
Tom__I have a WD passport 60gb rolf05:00
Black_Magici have a 149GB05:00
Tom__don't make no difference to me...vista doesnt pick it up either way05:01
leo_rockwi'd rather be blind than get vista... (that joke makes no sense in english... ¬¬)05:03
Tom__it does look good though..05:04
VanDykeusing ubuntu beta for a week now05:06
VanDykevery happy with it05:06
tannergood good05:06
ethana2Leo: I get it05:08
leo_rockwi didn't notice changes, except this one message that tells me "dude, your ~ is almost full, don't be a slacker and burn some dvds"05:08
leo_rockwethana2: good evening good sir05:08
leo_rockwethana2: what is it that you get?05:09
ethana2the joke05:09
leo_rockwethana2: ooo, haha05:10
ethana2..but i'm not your average english speaker05:10
ethana2...ogle won't play dvd's if a machine has been hibernated or suspended05:10
ethana2we have to restart this laptop whenever we want to play a dvd05:10
ethana2...and it beeps at us too05:10
=== ^james^ is now known as jimiridge
KamicaziHey anyone available?05:17
hydrogen_!ask | Kamicazi05:19
ubotuKamicazi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:19
pedantic-stevehi Ubuntu-ers.  I just upgraded to Hardy.  Is there a way to take a snapshot of  my customized system so I can restore it easier if I mess it up later?05:22
jimiridgeguess you could try taring up the hole drive05:23
h3sp4wnYou could just use dd if you wanted05:24
loaHello. I have gnome and sometimes when i start new program my default cursor changes to another. How i can disable this?05:24
h3sp4wnGood question that annoys me also05:25
pedantic-stevehmm, there is no utility then specifically for that purpose?  like a system backup/restore program? (more than jsut data backup)05:25
loah3sp4wn, (05:26
h3sp4wnpedantic-steve: There are but they are just pretty gui's around dd05:27
h3sp4wnperhaps with some compression added05:27
h3sp4wnpedantic-steve: perhaps try using partimage (or partimage-server)05:28
pedantic-steveok, thanks h3spawn05:28
h3sp4wnbut do it from a live cd05:28
h3sp4wnThose type of backups don't really want to be done with open files05:28
pedantic-stevethanks.  what I want to do is create a restore DVD.. I would have thought there was a utility out there to do that.05:29
quentusrexHow's the stability of the new beta?05:30
h3sp4wnIts not really necessary05:30
pedantic-stevewill give partimage a shot05:30
h3sp4wnInfact you are probably better just backing up the package list05:30
h3sp4wnand your user files05:30
quentusrexare there any major bugs still in the beta?05:30
quentusrexmajor stability bugs? for a desktop workstation?05:30
tannerdepends on hardware configurations and what your doing05:31
tannerthere will always be bugs05:31
Black_Magiccan someone remind me what i was going to do >.<05:31
h3sp4wnmadwifi is a real mess05:31
loaquentusrex, i have it) i like is!)05:31
pedantic-steveh3spawn: I want to save time with all the wine apps I have installed, the vpn configuration files, compiz customization, etc.  that stuff takes forever for me to finish05:31
h3sp4wnpedantic-steve: That stuff is in /home right ?05:32
quentusrexI am running an nvidia dual monitor workstation05:32
quentusrexand I'm really looking forward to evolution 2.22, plus some of the other features.05:32
quentusrexAre most of the packages that are available in 7.10 still available?05:32
pedantic-steveh3spawn, yes, I think all that stuff is in /home05:32
h3sp4wnpedantic-steve: dpkg --get-selections > ~/packages05:32
pedantic-steveahhh, thx05:32
h3sp4wnpedantic-steve: dpkg --set-selections < ~/packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade (if ever necessary from that file)05:33
loaHow i can install cursor theme in gnome?05:34
h3sp4wnThat will get the packages installed then you just restore the backup of /home05:34
quentusrexWhat reasons are there that should prevent me from upgrading right now?05:34
loaquentusrex, yeh)05:34
h3sp4wnquentusrex: Well the good news is most of the bugs with gutsy are fixed05:35
loadual monitor... i think you must try live cd/05:35
h3sp4wnbut there is loads of new ones05:35
loafor example?05:35
Black_Magicwhat are these ""05:35
h3sp4wnLook in launchpad05:35
quentusrexh3sp4wn, link?05:36
chicobo329hi, I have a problem with the sound and resolution of my laptop on Hardy.05:36
h3sp4wnNo - if you cannot find that then you shouldn't run Hardy yet05:36
loah3sp4wn, i mean what annoing you?)05:36
hrlranyone use emesene?05:36
chicobo329I think I caused the problem with regards to resolution by accident when trying to fix the sound05:36
h3sp4wnloa: Thats just being lazy not even trying to find the link05:37
h3sp4wnchicobo329: Try to be a little more verbose05:37
chicobo329right I'm getting to that05:37
loah3sp4wn, nop i mean what bugs annoing you in your installation)05:37
chicobo329I was just loading some stuff up, my apologies05:37
loaFor example i my installation all is very stable =)05:38
hrlrI can't get emesene to log chats.  It appears like this functionality might be broken.05:38
h3sp4wnloa: evolution-data-server 100% cpu at least once a day05:38
chicobo329my laptop is a HP Pavilion DV2415nr. It has nVidia Geforce go and nVidia sound as well, I frget the name off the top of my head05:38
h3sp4wnLaptop internal audio really sucks without oss405:38
quentusrexwill there be another beta release? or will there only be one?05:39
h3sp4wnAnd its really painful to use it05:39
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:39
chicobo329when trying to get my sound to work, doing a modprobe at the terminal for snd-hda-intel but it didn't find it05:39
chicobo329but if I use a find command, it shows me the file05:39
chicobo329the laptop acts as if there's no soundcards05:39
tannerchicobo329: run depmod05:39
loarun depmod05:39
loatanner, ))05:39
chicobo329that's what I did05:39
chicobo329I did depmod -aAe05:39
quentusrexsheesh... I asked if there would be a second beta release of hardy05:40
chicobo329but now it broke my nVidia fix, I used Envy for that05:40
chicobo329so now the resolution is stuck at 800x60005:40
h3sp4wnchicobo329: sudo apt-get install module-assistant alsa-source && m-a a-i alsa05:40
chicobo329okay I'll try this out05:40
h3sp4wn*sudo m-a a-i alsa05:40
tannerenvy is unsupported by ubuntu, if you can find the module depmod should resolve the issue and modprobe --list | grep snd-hda-intel should output something05:41
loaHow i can install new cursor theme in ubuntu?05:41
tannerchicobo329: your running in vesa mode, because the nvidia drivers broke, reinstall and reboot and it may work again, however please understand we cannot support Envy05:41
chicobo329Gotcha, that's fine. I'll use anything to get my video working right, Envy or otherwise05:42
ether_cdoes anyone know if there's an easy way to get the ipw3945 driver back on ubuntu hardy?05:48
ether_cthey've switched to iwlwifi05:48
ether_cbut that doesn't work with the aircrack suite05:49
chicobo329I think the alsa-source building was botched. It went from 88% to 0% and seems to have hanged05:49
chicobo329oh wait never mind05:49
chicobo329that was weird though, I guess it hanged for a bit05:49
h3sp4wnether_c: Well fix it then05:49
h3sp4wnfind a newer patch05:49
chicobo329alright it finished, so I'll restart right?05:49
ether_cactually, that isn't my biggest gripe05:49
ether_cit doesn't work with my school's wireless network05:50
h3sp4wnchicobo329: yeah05:50
h3sp4wnwhy is that ? wrong channel number ?05:50
ether_cmy school's routers just .. will not give me an ip05:50
ether_ceven though, it works on other versions of linux05:51
ether_cand windows05:51
h3sp4wntried - raw wpa_supplicant ?05:51
ether_cit's not encrypted05:51
h3sp4wnIts scanner seems to work tons better than network manager05:52
ether_cyou mean ipwraw?05:52
tannerh3sp4wn: what card05:52
h3sp4wntanner: both the 4965 intel and - atheros 521505:54
fk7_seok so what is 8.04 all about, whats the big improvement?05:54
h3sp4wnI am thinking about just getting rid of it and setting a roam with wpa_supplicant (I only probably ever used about 5 networks)05:54
tannerh3sp4wn: are you able to associate?05:54
h3sp4wntanner: Its working fine now - its just randomly messes up often05:55
h3sp4wnBut no matter what happened with that05:55
ether_c$ modprobe ipw3945  ... Module ipw3945 not found05:55
h3sp4wnI can always - wpa_supplicant -c myconf.conf -D wext -iwlan0 -B (etc)05:56
tannerether_c: iwl394505:56
ether_cI know05:56
ether_cbut iwl3945 doesn't work on my school network05:56
ether_cdon't ask me why05:56
ether_cbut ipw3945 did05:56
ether_ciwl3945 does not05:56
tanneripw i believe is going to be replaced05:56
h3sp4wnether_c: Check if its in the wireless-compat package05:56
secret901Ubuntu does not recognize my audio card after I upgrade to Hardy05:57
tanneriwlwifi has replace the ipw series of drivers05:57
secret901anyone know how to make Ubuntu recognize my audio card again?05:57
tannersecret901: what is your card, and try alsamixer in console05:58
h3sp4wnsecret901: Maybe try - sudo apt-get install module-assistant alsa-source && sudo m-a a-i alsa05:58
secret901tanner: alsamixer failed when it tried to call function snd_ctl_open05:59
tannerwhat sound card do you have05:59
h3sp4wnI think if its not working straight away then simplest to just try the later alsa-driver before spending ages debugging06:00
secret901tanner: I have an intel 82801G card on a Dell Inspiron E1505N laptop06:00
tannersecret901: is that a recent laptop06:00
secret901tanner: yes, it comes with 6.10 installed06:01
secret901tanner: I just upgraded to 8.04 from 7.1006:01
secret901tanner: actually, it came with 7.0406:01
tannersecret901: what is the result of modprobe --list | grep snd-hda-intel  and also the command lsmod | grep snd06:01
h3sp4wnIts snd-hda-intel06:01
secret901h3sp4wn: it's telling me to install all sort of stuff06:02
secret901h3sp4wn: shouldn't it come automatically when I upgrade to Hardy?06:02
h3sp4wnsecret901: No - that will just install what you need to upgrade your drivers to alsa 1.0.1606:02
h3sp4wn(hardy's kernel has 1.0.15)06:03
secret901tanner: /lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/updates/snd-hda-intel.ko06:03
secret901tanner: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Clients/Products/Inspiron_1505n/lsmod06:03
secret901h3sp4wn: it was working fine in 7.1006:04
secret901h3sp4wn: doesn't 8.04 come with some new sound server or something?06:04
h3sp4wnsecret901: That comes after basic alsa is working06:05
secret901h3sp4wn: does this mean that alsa is not even working on my laptop?06:06
h3sp4wnsecret901: Currently  not06:06
secret901when I try to run Volume control, I get: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.06:06
h3sp4wnAlsa break and fix stuff all the time06:06
h3sp4wnDid you install the new alsa ?06:07
secret901it's still installing06:07
secret901h3sp4wn: building alsa-source, step 106:07
h3sp4wnJust wait until thats finished and reboot06:07
secret901h3sp4wn: after it installs, it should work?06:08
h3sp4wnsecret901: May or may not a lot of work has been done on hda-intel06:09
h3sp4wn05:56 < ether_c> iwl3945 does not06:09
h3sp4wn05:56 < tanner> ipw i believe is going to be replaced06:09
h3sp4wn05:56 < h3sp4wn> ether_c: Check if its in the wireless-compat package06:09
h3sp4wnJunk HP keyboards06:10
* tanner loves his thinkpad keyboard06:10
alvarezpI'm having a problem with Hardy Heron: TrueType fonts are not getting exported to the X server.06:10
h3sp4wnMe 2 but the thinkpad is upstairs06:10
secret901h3sp4wn: it now says that I should stop all applications using sound devices and reload all ALSA sound modules06:11
secret901h3sp4wn: do I need to reboot?06:11
h3sp4wnsecret901: Yeah I would recommend it06:12
alvarezpHow can I make the X server publish the fonts as X fonts? (For instance, I want Bitstream Vera to be exported to xlsfonts)06:12
h3sp4wnGet type1 versions of them06:13
loah3sp4wn, i replace spin with default cursor)06:13
* loa very happy/06:13
h3sp4wnloa: How ?06:13
h3sp4wnalvarezp: maybe try - xfstt06:13
ether_cok good06:13
ether_cI'm going to try using wicd rather than network-manager next time..06:14
h3sp4wnalvarezp: But be certain you really do need to do it06:14
loah3sp4wn, for example get http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Obsidian+Cursors?content=7313506:14
loah3sp4wn, unpack it! There is dir Source and file Wait.conf in it.06:15
alvarezph3sp4wn: I'm not sure. It seems to be some kind of Ubuntu bug, because my Debian Sid doesn't have xfstt installed, but fonts are listed correctly in xlsfonts.06:15
jimiridgewhatever happened to the ubuntu google partner page?06:15
loaChange it with your cursor) Run ./build.sh06:15
loaAnd setup new theme :D06:15
jimiridgei really got off on seeing that after an update06:16
loaannoing blinking busy cursor dissapeared :)06:16
h3sp4wnalvarezp: Could just be a choice on the part of one or the other06:17
h3sp4wnalvarezp: Take a look at this script - http://www.kanotix.com/files/fix-fonts.sh06:19
loah3sp4wn, it is perfect)06:20
alvarezph3sp4wn: Looks like the only thing this script is missing are the FontPaths, right?06:21
h3sp4wnI should just disable my mouse and use wm--ii for a bit06:21
h3sp4wnalvarezp: I would just edit - FONT_DIR06:22
alvarezph3sp4wn: no, I mean, to update the X server font path with xset +fp.06:22
alvarezpAt least, Gutsy includes some FontPath directive in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, including some weird "defoma" directory.06:23
h3sp4wnYou can put that stuff back if you need to06:23
alvarezpI'll try the script now.06:24
h3sp4wnLooking at that script has been enough for me to sort out any font issues I ever had06:24
secret901h3sp4wn: I rebooted the computer06:25
h3sp4wnsecret901: Still not working ?06:25
secret901h3sp4wn: the sound now works but horrifically06:25
secret901h3sp4wn: there is a ton of static06:25
h3sp4wnsecret901: Yep same as happened to mine06:25
h3sp4wnThen I switched to OSS4 but it does have negative points06:25
secret901h3sp4wn: how do I do that06:25
secret901h3sp4wn: so is it now using pulsesomething?06:26
h3sp4wnsecret901: http://www.opensound.com/download.cgi06:26
h3sp4wnsecret901: Theoretically06:26
secret901h3sp4wn: what are the drawbacks?06:27
h3sp4wnsecret901: Its not as well integrated with ubuntu06:28
h3sp4wnBut it sounds tons better than alsa06:28
secret901h3sp4wn: is it easily removable?06:28
h3sp4wnsecret901: yep - just dpkg -P06:28
h3sp4wnthen alsa is reenabled etc06:29
secret901the LED for my wireless used to blink when it's working; when I upgrade to Hardy, it's always off06:30
ether_cyeah, me too06:30
h3sp4wnIntel wireless ?06:30
ether_csecret901: I think that's another problem with iwlwifi06:30
secret901h3sp4wn: yes06:30
h3sp4wn(mine is just always on)06:30
ether_cif I were a better coder, and had some time, I'd try and fix it..06:30
ether_cmine is always off.. even right now06:31
secret901ether_c: but it was working in 7.10...06:31
secret901ether_c: why fix something that wasn't broken06:31
ether_cyeah, but 7.10 used ipw wifi06:31
ether_cthis uses iwl06:31
ether_cand iwl blows donkeys06:31
ether_c(for me anyways)06:31
h3sp4wnsecret901: But did you use a Dell provided 7.10 ?06:31
secret901ether_c: why is it using iwl?06:31
ether_cbecause iwl is supposedly an "upgrade"06:31
ether_cdon't ask me why06:31
ether_cit's been nothing but trouble for me..06:32
secret901h3sp4wn: Dell provided 7.04, I upgraded to 7.10 manually06:32
h3sp4wnsecret901: Ok06:32
h3sp4wnether_c: It doesn't use the daemon anymore which is a good thing06:32
secret901Now I never know if my wifi is working or not...06:32
ether_cyeah, and it doesn't work with my school's wireless routers06:32
ether_cnor does it work with aircrack06:33
DanaGiwl sucks to me, too.06:33
secret901h3sp4wn: do I need to reboot after installing oss4?06:33
DanaGOh, and that OSS4?  Can't use it -- PulseAudio doesn't get along with it, and it hard-locks when I insert my cardbus Audigy2.06:33
secret901DanaG: I'd be willing to try anything to get rid of this horrible static06:34
DanaGStatic?  What card?06:34
DanaGOn my card, I get static if the "PCM" capture slider is not all the way down.06:34
h3sp4wnsecret901: ossinfo -v06:34
h3sp4wn(pastebin that)06:34
secret901DanaG: Intel; alsamixer didn't work when I upgrade to Hardy06:35
secret901DanaG: then I installed a newer version of alsa, and I get horrible statics06:35
firecrotchCan someone tell me if perl and libc6 are installed in a default Kubuntu hardy install?06:35
h3sp4wnsecret901: You shouldn't need to reboot06:35
secret901h3sp4wn: No /dev/mixer device available in your system06:35
h3sp4wnsecret901: sudo /usr/lib/oss/scripts/showprocs.sh06:36
h3sp4wnthen just kill those processes06:36
h3sp4wnsudo kill x y z06:36
h3sp4wn- then you can do sudo soundon06:37
secret901h3sp4wn: kill what?06:37
h3sp4wnsecret901: If its easier you can reboot06:37
secret901h3sp4wn: sudo /usr/lib/oss/scripts/showprocs.sh gives me a bunch of error: cannot stat xyz06:38
secret901h3sp4wn: no such file or directoryh06:38
secret901h3sp4wn: and now sound stopped working06:38
h3sp4wnsecret901: sudo soundon06:38
secret901h3sp4wn: error: module blah blah is in use06:39
h3sp4wnsecret901: Just reboot it will be simpler06:39
secret901h3sp4wn: I'll just reboot again06:39
h3sp4wnether_c: You didn't look very far for those packet injection patches06:40
ether_coh, that's because getting aircrack working isn't my first priority06:41
ether_cI'd be satisfied if I can just get it to connect to my school's routers06:41
h3sp4wnwell the first hit on google for iwlwifi packet injection has patches06:41
ether_calso, the whole wmaster, wlan0 thing is a little annoying too06:41
DanaGiwl3945 + NetworkManager == a pain in the <__>.06:41
h3sp4wnAnything + NetworkManager == same06:42
DanaGIt fails miserably at roaming.06:42
ether_cbecause when I run dhclient, it complains about the hardware type not being recognized06:42
ether_cI ditched network manager in favour of Wicd06:42
h3sp4wnYou run dhclient wlan0 right ?06:42
ether_cwicd is awesome06:42
ether_ch3sp4wn: yeah06:42
DanaGDoes it have a tray icon?06:42
ether_cI never get any offers06:42
ether_cwicd has an icon if you want one, yes06:43
h3sp4wnare you associated first ?06:43
ether_cbut it will run without one too06:43
DanaGAnother thing that sucks about iwl3945: sometimes even 'iwlist scan' will stop returning anything.06:43
ether_cyeah, iwlist scan doesn't return anything06:44
DanaGAt that point, if I try to modprobe -r iwl3945, modprobe will hang, eat CPU, and become utterly unkillable.06:44
h3sp4wnSame with 4965 sometimes06:44
ether_cbut if I run "sudo iwlist scan" it works every time06:44
DanaGAnd by "utterly", I mean, I've tried all 15 possible signals.06:44
h3sp4wnbut it always works with wpa_supplicant raw06:44
h3sp4wnI guess i can live with having to remember when I switch to ethernet from wireless06:44
DanaGOh hell, I might almost be better with Broadcom, the way things have seemed to work with iwl3945.06:44
secret901booting up is noticeably slower in Hardy06:45
ether_cI'll restate this for the record, iwlwifi blows donkeys06:45
ether_cI'm considering reinstalling 7.1006:45
secret901h3sp4wn: now sound stopped working; I'm back to square one06:45
secret901ether_c: is it possible?06:46
h3sp4wnsecret901: run sudo ossdetect -v06:46
ether_cnot without a full reinstall06:46
ether_cnot easily, at least06:46
secret901h3sp4wn: Detected Intel High Definition Audio (ICH7)06:46
secret901Detected Generic USB audio device (BETA)06:46
secret901Detected OSS Transparent Virtual Mixing Architecture06:46
secret901h3sp4wn: do I run startsound or something?06:47
h3sp4wnsecret901: What media player do yo use ?06:47
secret901I usually use vlc06:47
h3sp4wnpkill pulseaudio06:47
h3sp4wnAnd then select the oss output for vlc06:47
h3sp4wnalso try - osstest (should get nice clear sound)06:48
secret901h3sp4wn: I hear loud sound, how do I turn it down?06:48
secret901h3sp4wn: my built-in volume control doesn't work06:48
h3sp4wnsecret901: ossxmix06:48
secret901h3sp4wn: what setting do I change?06:49
secret901h3sp4wn: so oss can't integrate with volume control?06:50
h3sp4wnsecret901: It can06:51
h3sp4wnBut it requires messing about06:51
secret901h3sp4wn: how do I remove oss?06:51
h3sp4wndpkg -P oss-linux06:51
h3sp4wn*sudo dpkg -P oss-linux06:52
secret901h3sp4wn: and this would go back to the horrible static after I do a reboot?06:53
h3sp4wnsecret901: Yep06:53
secret901h3sp4wn: thanks06:53
alvarezph3sp4wn: Something about the fonts worked. I tried mkfontdir, mkfontscale, ttmkfdir, fc-cache -r, fc-cache -f, the fix-fonts.sh script, xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/07:00
alvarezpI would like to know how to reset Ubuntu to the default, so I can pinpoint the exact procedure so I can get it to the bug report.07:01
googlahPerhaps a reformat would be the right way?07:02
h3sp4wnalvarezp: Try the live-cd ?07:02
googlahor just reinstall07:02
alvarezpgooglah: reinstall on each trial-and-error iteration?07:02
alvarezpThe live-cd would be a good idea. I would have to download it, though. -- Do you know what package to dpkg-reconfigure, or the like?07:03
googlahAhh, my Hardy is looking so good and working flawlessy, just want it to be less buggy. :( Bugs a little here and there07:07
secret901how do I use alsamixer to lower the PCM level?07:09
ether_cthere should be a column in alsamixer called "PCM"07:10
afd_What can I do if some stupid program deleted my hostname from /etc/hosts and I can't run sudo (it timeouts saying it can't find my host)07:10
secret901ether_c: nope, I can see Master, PC Speak, and BaseFRQ07:10
orvokkigooglah: Eh, if it has bugs, it doesn't work flawlessly...07:11
afd_this was caused by kde network manager's config applet07:11
ether_cso, you're just missing your /etc/hosts file?07:11
afd_ether_c: no, it just can't resolve tibi-laptop, which is the name of my localhost07:12
ether_csecret901: that's weird, I can see PCM, but no master on mine07:12
orvokkiCould always start the system in single-user mode and add the host to /etc/hosts.07:12
secret901ether_c: how many columns do you see?07:12
afd_orvokki: add "single" to the boot entry?07:12
ether_clike.. 707:12
googlahorvokki: true true.. but mostly flawlessy. :)07:13
ether_cafd_: what's in your /etc/hosts then?07:13
orvokkiafd_: I think so, yes.07:13
secret901ether_c: you're not having static problems with the sound, are you?07:13
ether_csecret901: a little07:13
ether_conly when cpu-heavy work is going on07:13
ether_cI get occasional blips07:13
ether_cpersonally, gutsy was waaay better on this hp laptop07:14
ether_cthan hardy is07:14
secret901ether_c: not as bad as my problem then; the static is drowning out the actual sound07:14
ether_cafd_: try "ping tibi-laptop"07:15
afd_ether_c: there's localhost aliased to, but tibi-laptop, which is the name the installer asked me (way back in edgy) is not there anymore07:15
afd_kde's setting manager > network settings deleted07:15
afd_I never can trust that software07:15
ether_cjust add this line07:15
afd_it always makes problem07:15
afd_I shouldn't have used it now either ...07:16
secret901h3sp4wn: are you still using oss4?07:16
ether_c127.0.0.1       tibi-laptop07:16
h3sp4wnsecret901: Yep07:16
afd_but I thought, hey, it's a new OS version, maybe I should try it07:16
afd_yeah, I know how the hosts work07:16
secret901h3sp4wn: is it integrated with Volume control?07:16
afd_I'm just angry that it fails on such a simple task07:16
ether_cyeah, but at least that's easily fixable07:17
afd_I hate restarting :)07:17
ether_cunlike driver problems07:17
secret901It takes a really long time to reboot in 8.407:17
afd_hardy is kind of buggy with the network07:17
afd_it can't find access points on my laptop if the AP was rebooted07:18
secret901I wish there was a rollback option07:18
h3sp4wnsecret901: You need a newer - libgstossaudio.so07:18
afd_if it doesn't connect to an AP when started, I can't connect to any other AP07:18
h3sp4wnsecret901: I never bothered - are you on 32bit or 64bit ?07:19
secret901h3sp4wn: 3207:19
afd_when I reboot the CPU goes to max and stays like that for 10  minutes (of course, I've shut it down manually then)07:19
afd_so far, I haven't had any benefits07:20
afd_oh, and now that i've rebooted with single, there's a "recovery menu" that appeared07:20
afd_unfortunately I can't select anything, when I hit a key it's all wrong!07:20
afd_there's gibberish that appears on the screen07:21
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
HorizonXPhow do I get bind9 to maintain its DNS records?07:27
HorizonXPright now, every time I restart, it seems to lose them07:27
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda
ethana2oh wow08:12
ethana2jenda, you threw me there08:12
ethana2...I saw this, switched tabs to ##dvorak and ... wait a minute.....08:13
jendaethana2: hmm? :)08:14
ethana2jenda: i'm not used to seeing the same last line of text in two channels08:14
jendaaha :)08:14
ethana2jenda: it usually means I didn't /actually/ switch tabs08:14
ethana2Thomas van der Burgt found my bug on colemak..08:15
ethana2looks like he'll be able to fix it...  will it make it into Hardy?08:16
ethana2...all minor bugfixes are accepted until release, right?08:16
ethana2Is anyone else here picky enough about keyboards to run into Bug 188308?08:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188308 in ubuntu "colemak is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18830808:18
kalatian_is colemak included in hardy by default?08:29
jimiridgeinstall it and find out08:34
jimiridgei code in zero's and ones i type with a qwerty and do most things in bash08:35
fotoflohmm how do i get java installed on my ubuntu box?08:40
fotoflodo i need to change my repos?08:40
kalatian_there should be a sun-java package or something08:40
asdrubalhow do I change the page size from 4kb to 2MB in make menuconfig?08:41
asdrubalI can't find the option08:41
jimiridgei miean comon there are only a handfull of different keyboard layouts and "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"  lets you set prolly any layout in use08:41
jimiridgejava runtime environment08:42
kalatian_haha, colemak is included08:42
jimiridgeaptitude search for it08:42
kalatian_or jdk, bin, etc08:43
ghantharhi, I have problems with rhythmbox jamendo plugin.... I did a search on it, it looks like this was a bug in gutsy, there was a patch for this but the patch is applied on hardy... still not working.... any clues?08:47
=== benplaut_ is now known as benplaut
quentusrexI've just updated to the beta.08:55
quentusrexHow do I get my sound back.08:55
DistroJockeyquentusrex: what did you upgrade from?08:56
quentusrexI think my onboard sound isn't detected.08:56
DistroJockeyquentusrex:  maybe try double-clicking the speaker icon near the clock and changing the device in the file menu08:57
quentusrexfrom lspci: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)08:57
quentusrexGStreamer devices found...08:58
quentusrexno devices found.08:58
DistroJockeyquentusrex: what about in System - Preferences - Sound  ?08:59
quentusrexno devices.08:59
AnoshI recieve an invalid disk error when I try to run Hardy beta CD08:59
DistroJockeysorry quentusrex, no futher ideas atm09:00
quentusrexhow would I have ubuntu do a hardware scan?09:00
jimiridgeps this isnt windows09:01
AnoshI recieve an invalid disk error when I try to run Hardy beta CD from windows09:01
quentusrexjimiridge, I know this isn't windows.09:01
DistroJockeymodprobe maybe?09:02
quentusrex *-multimedia UNCLAIMED09:02
quentusrex             description: Audio device09:02
quentusrex             product: 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller09:02
quentusrex             vendor: Intel Corporation09:02
quentusrex             physical id: 1b09:02
quentusrex             bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.009:02
quentusrex             version: 0109:02
quentusrex             width: 64 bits09:02
quentusrex             clock: 33MHz09:02
quentusrex             capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list09:02
quentusrex             configuration: latency=009:02
quentusrexwas suppose to be on one line.09:02
=== LappyJay is now known as Jaymac
jimiridgedont do that09:03
DistroJockeyI was thinking it may have been related to the switch from ALSA to PulseAudio09:03
quentusrexI think it would be related to that.09:04
DistroJockeyas I doubt that hardware that worked in 7.10 would not be supported in *.0409:04
jimiridgemissing the driver/module09:04
jimiridgelsmod |grep snd09:06
jimiridgeyup no kernel sound modules09:06
h3sp4wnTry building alsa-source with module-assistant09:07
jimiridgehey thats the same card i have i think09:07
jimiridgemodule snd-hda-intel09:07
catweazle!alsa-help | quentusrex09:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsa-help - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:07
jimiridgemodule-assistant i agree09:08
quentusrexso, what command do I need to run?09:08
Anosh I recieve an invalid disk error when I try to run Hardy beta CD from windows, when I boot from the cd I see the splash screen but i can not boot into live cd or installation or even check the media for defects09:08
catweazle"sudo aptitude install module-assistant" followed by "sudo module-assistant auto-install alsa-source" should do it.09:08
jimiridgeaptitude install module-assistant09:08
AdysAny idea what the latest libpulse update does?09:08
DistroJockeyAnosh: did the md5sum of the iso check out?09:08
AnoshDistroJockey I dont know how to do that in windows09:09
h3sp4wnyou would - auto-install alsa09:09
DistroJockeyAnosh: google md5sum.exe and pick a nice one09:09
h3sp4wnor aptitude install alsa-source09:09
AdysSOrry for that, crashed - Any idea what the latest libpulse update does?09:10
h3sp4wnaptitude changelog09:10
jimiridgeh3sp4wn, thats cool09:11
jimiridgei've been doing everything the hard way09:12
Adysjimiridge:  cheers :)09:12
DistroJockeyAnosh: also a good idea to burn at a fairly slow speed, like 4x09:12
Adysand nah aptitude changelogs are not avail atm09:12
HirajDistroJockey i use infrarecorder which already burns it at 3x09:12
jimiridgeaptitude changelog libpulse009:13
DistroJockeyHiraj: never heard of that one, but most can choose a speed09:13
jimiridgecdrdao ftw ;)09:14
=== dgjones_ is now known as dgjones
fotofloE: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre09:24
bazhangtry installing ubuntu-restricted-extras09:25
fotofloE: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre  -- do i have to alter my apt sources?09:27
bazhangdid you install the restricted-extras? fotoflo09:27
h3sp4wnthere is apt-listchanges as well09:29
DistroJockeyWhen dealing with Java in Hardy beta, this link may help to get it working with Firefox once you get it installed:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/17396609:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173966 in sun-java6 "java plugin not working in firefox 3 on ubuntu 8.04" [Undecided,Fix released]09:31
DistroJockeydid I ask you ubotu? ;P09:32
DistroJockey*pats ubotu on the head*09:32
kuilhi all.. anybody here using hardy with an intel/i810 card?09:33
kuili have a dell d820 laptop and I would like to use dualscreen09:33
kuilbut so far not much luck..09:33
kuilthere are 2 drivers that I can choose (according to apt) -intel and -i81009:34
kuilnot sure which one to pick09:34
DistroJockeywell, i810 is more specific than intel09:35
kuilso probably i810 is the best driver then?09:35
kuilbut should dual screen work with that driver? I currently have clone view09:36
DistroJockeyintel, would probably add i810 plus lots more09:36
DistroJockeyno idea here sorry09:36
kuilk.. thx09:36
kuilany idea where to ask?09:36
DistroJockeynope, sorry09:37
kuilit's always hard what 'works out of the box' means on different forums09:37
ethana2we have a d83009:37
ethana2we wanted to do dual /seat/09:37
ethana2...we got dual screen working09:37
kuilah.. nice!09:37
ethana2without messing with any drivers...09:37
ethana2but i don't know the chipset for the d82009:37
ethana2we have an x1300, I think09:37
kuillspci says: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller09:38
ethana2...i guess it's different then09:38
kuilbefore I had a d80009:38
kuil(nvidia chipset)09:38
kuilbut there hibernate refused to work09:39
kuilwith native drivers09:39
ethana2well good luck09:40
ethana2I'm going to go to sleep now09:40
kuildoes 'hotplug' of an extra screen work for you?09:40
kuilok.. sleep well09:40
ethana2well first..09:40
ethana2when i hotplug a screen09:40
ethana2userful pops up to figure out what I want to do with it09:40
ethana2..all my screens are the same specs though09:40
ethana2mainly I plug in keyboards and mice09:41
ethana2and i have to assign them a seat09:41
ethana2by pressing an F* key and clicking09:41
ethana2..anyways, see y'all later09:41
kuilk.. I use my laptop in a dockingstation at work .. and 'normal' at home.. that works fine09:41
KenSentMeHi, i' m still struggling to get my wireless network connection running on my office network. After i install linux-restricted-modules networkmanager could use the network interface to connect to my home network, but connecting to the office network wont work, however it did in gutsy (with nm)09:41
* ethana2 goes to bed09:42
KenSentMeI used to connect to the network through wpa enterprise, peap, dynamic wep and mschapv2. It seems like the password i enter is put in the private key field, although i enter it in the identity field above09:48
=== benplaut_ is now known as benplaut
quentusrexif you hear more people talking about broken sound09:50
quentusrexplease forward them to this link:09:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]09:50
quentusrexThe freaking kernel modules aren't installed by default...09:50
SWATthe 3945 (intel wlan) doesn't seem to want to associate. Is this currently being worked on? I'm using the iwl driver by the way.09:51
KenSentMeSWAT, i got the problem with a wpa enterprise network, but my wep at home worked09:52
quentusrexsheesh... The freaking kernel modules aren't installed by default...09:53
quentusrexWho is responsible to make sure that the kernel modules should be installed with the install of the kernel???09:55
Jaymacquentusrex: heard you the first time :)09:55
quentusrexI know.... I'm just ranting....09:55
quentusrexexcuse the rant....09:55
AdysHow good is konqueror as a replacement for nautilus under ubuntu (gnome)? Im not fond of KDE apps generally but Im starting to hate nautilus and i hear konqueror is awesome09:57
quentusrexjaymac, do you know why the kernel modules wouldn't be installed by default?09:58
kuilAdys: don't know how it works in gnome ... but I really do love konqueror09:59
AdysDoes it handle ftp/sftp well?09:59
kuilI use fish:// (ssh) a lot10:00
kuilftp not so much.. but that should work as well10:00
Adysyeah i dont use ftp, but just in case10:00
Adysah well ill just try it10:01
Adyshow do I go for changing the default file manager?10:01
kuilhmm.. couldn't really tell.. haven't used gnome a lot :(10:02
Adysheh aight :) ill find10:02
SWATKenSentMe, check launchpad10:03
KenSentMeSWAT, checking, but couldnt find a similar bug, got a link?10:04
KRFwhy dont you install "libarts1-xine" by default? it's very useful for video previews in konqueror10:09
Adyskuil:  you were right, konqueror is awesome :)10:14
kuilAdys: ;)10:18
kuilsome kde applications really suck (kmail).. others work nice..10:18
KRFkmail sucks?10:19
AdysI just wish nautilus had decent tab management10:19
kuilKRF: at least that is my experience10:19
Adysand tooltips, and good sftp handling, and undo operations10:19
Adysand better scripting options.10:19
_rubenkmail sure aint perfect, but sure doesnt suck either10:19
KRFi quite love kmail. its one of the best apps in kde10:19
kuil:) good to see different user experiences10:19
KRFfilters are quite easy to set up and stuff10:19
KRFyes :)10:20
AdysAnd why are people still using mail client? Gmail interface, or google apps mail with your own mail :)10:20
kuilI use it connected to a 'local' port that is forwarded ussing ssh -L10:20
_rubenkmail and konsole i use on a daily basis .. using remote x and and cygwin x server on winxp :p10:20
kuilif my network drops.. and I re-enable it.. I need to restart kmail10:20
kuilstuff like... i view a message.. and press forward.. it downloads that message again.. (although I am viewing it already)10:21
Adys_ruben: how is konsole better than gnome-terminal? people say its better, i see no difference :/10:21
kuil_ruben: i still use kmail.. since I like the 'kontact' application...10:22
kuilbut I think it can be better.. love to try mailody10:22
_rubenAdys: i wouldnt know .. never really used gnome10:22
AdysBah hehe10:22
_rubenkuil: im using kontact as well in fact .. with only kmail and korganizer plugins tho10:23
stefanhi. is there anyone who has problems with wireless?10:23
kuilstefan: not anymore..10:23
kuil(lucky me :) )10:23
_rubenAdys: still hoping for the reattach functionality to come back .. you can detach a tab into a single window .. but cant go back10:23
* kuil knocks on wood10:23
asdrubalif I run 64bit ubuntu what problems will I have?10:24
stefankuil: well i do have. ubuntu says i haven't got a wirelesscard. but that's not the truth, because on xp i had a wirelesscard.10:24
asdrubalwill I be able to run wine games?10:24
asdrubalwith say... nvidia drivers10:25
kuilstefan: lspci .. what does that tell  you?10:25
void^asdrubal: yes.10:25
kuilasdrubal: depends on the game ofcourse10:25
asdrubalvoid^, will I have to do LDPRELOAD?10:25
Adysasdrubal:  i run wine on amd64 without any problems10:25
stefankuil: http://pastebin.com/m6eb7bd4310:25
asdrubalAdys, will any opengl games work on 65bit?10:25
PodMan99ahey all with heron is there a apt-get i can run to show php colouring in vim10:25
kuilstefan: can you do lsmod?10:26
kuillsmod | grep iwl10:26
asdrubalAdys, so what problems might I run into if I run 64bit ubuntu10:26
void^asdrubal: i've just played il2 (ww2 flightsim) in opengl mode on my 64bit hardy, works perfectly.10:26
asdrubalvoid^, you have nvidia card?10:26
Adysasdrubal: Not wine ones most likely10:26
asdrubalso wine opengl games wont work10:26
kuilstefan: you have the same card as I have10:27
void^did i just say "works perfectly"?10:27
KenSentMestefan, are you running a clean install or an upgrade from gutsy. For the latter: install the linux-restricted-modules packages10:27
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ lsmod | grep iwl10:27
stefaniwl3945               100596  010:27
stefaniwlwifi_mac80211      251876  1 iwl394510:27
stefancfg80211               17680  1 iwlwifi_mac8021110:27
stefani installed the beta version of 8.0410:27
kuilthat looks ok10:27
kuilstefan: and iwconfig?10:27
kuili run the beta (with daily updates) as well10:27
void^asdrubal: in general opengl works way better than d3d in wine.10:28
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ iwconfig10:28
stefanlo        no wireless extensions.10:28
stefaneth0      no wireless extensions.10:28
stefanstrange i think.10:28
salted-lighthi averyone. i'm new to linux, just a few days since i've used first time...10:28
salted-lightjus one thing: the iso image from torrent seems to be broken, but the check was ok...10:28
kuilstefan: dmesg | grep 394510:29
salted-light wen checked the cd there was just one eror in 1 file... did work to install, just using it, but some files were "diferent" and i have used the "skip" option...10:29
salted-lightthere seems to be more errors but i think i'l reinstall it...10:29
stefanwait i have to paste it10:29
salted-lightsomeone should check this... beside this, i hope that i am wrong and not the cd image :))10:31
salted-lightcheers averyone... have fun :)10:31
kuilstefan: there is a switch.. that made it disabled..10:34
kuilenabeling it on a life system hasn't worked for me10:35
kuilI had to enable it .. and then reboot (maybe reload drivers should work as well)10:35
kuilbut the line "adio Frequency Kill Switch is On:" shouldn't be there10:35
kuilyou can try rmmod iwl3945 && modprobe iwl394510:36
stefanwell there is no button on my case for it10:36
kuilafter you enabled it10:36
stefani had to press fn+f610:36
kuiland if you enable it and then reload the module?10:36
kuil(rmmod and modprobe)10:36
kuildoes that work for you?10:36
kuilusually you can choose to disable that key and always have it on in your bios settings10:37
stefanrmmod iwl394510:37
stefandoest not exist10:37
stefanin /proc/modules10:38
kuil11:27 < stefan> iwl3945               100596  010:38
kuilit is listed there10:38
kuilso you should be able to do (as root/sudo) rmmod10:38
KRFstefan, computer modelüß10:38
dredhammergstreamer dvd playback seems once again to be broken with the latest gstreamer upgrade10:39
stefanoh i writed wil:S:D10:39
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ sudo rmmod iwl394510:40
stefan[sudo] password for stefan:10:40
stefandid that change something?10:40
kuillsmod | grep 349510:40
kuilnow the module should be unloaded10:40
kuilafter that please to modprobe iwl394510:41
kuiland then dmesg | grep 394510:41
kuilto check if that line is still there10:41
stefanif i enter lsmod | grep 3945 nothing happens. is that good?10:41
kuilprobably all modules are removed10:41
kuilthat would be ok10:42
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ modprobe iwl394510:42
stefanFATAL: Error inserting iwl3945 (/lib/modules/2.6.24-12-generic/ubuntu/wireless/iwlwifi/iwlwifi/compatible/iwl3945.ko): Operation not permitted10:42
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ sudo modprobe iwl394510:43
stefannothing happens.10:43
kuilcould you try the lsmod again?10:43
stefanstefan@LGS1:~$ sudo lsmod | grep 394510:44
stefaniwl3945               100596  010:44
stefaniwlwifi_mac80211      251876  1 iwl394510:44
Zvezdichkosoon my upgrade is going to be completed. I wonder whether there will be problems, because I installed KDE 4 for Gutsy10:45
kuilstefan: and dmesg?10:45
kuilor iwconfig10:45
kuilanybody here knows why tab completion is removed in hardy over 'ssh' (scp)10:46
kuilthat used to work (after installing a authorized key)10:46
orvokkiCheck that you have a shell that supports it.10:47
stefaniwconfig: still no wireless extensions10:49
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kuilorvokki: how?10:52
orvokkiWell, which shell are you using? echo $SHELL10:52
kuilstefan: [ 2749.817881] iwl3945: Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On:10:53
kuil[ 2749.817886] Kill switch must be turned off for wireless networking to work.10:53
kuilsomehow it is still on.. don't know how to disable that on your pc .. sorry..10:53
kuilyou don't have a dell d820?10:53
kuilorvokki: /bin/bash10:54
kuilwhich I guess I was using on fiesty as well10:54
Ngkuil: install bash-completion and the ssh completion will return10:54
PodMan99ahey all ... my dell usb keyboard on heron is not recognising correct commands from keyboard on the numpad10:55
kuilNg: thx!10:55
kuilthat worked10:55
KRFstefan, add "noapic" to your boot kernel parameters10:57
KRFmaybe thatll help10:57
stefankrf: how to?10:59
stefansudo apt-get install noapic?10:59
KRFstefan, no. you know how to edit files with nano?10:59
stefannot really...11:00
tehknowcan someone help me with a dual monitor setup on hardy?11:01
tehknowI had it working in 7.10, but when I upgraded I changed the video driver by mistake11:02
KRFstefan, run `sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst`11:02
KRFthen add "noapic" to the line that starts with "# kopt"11:02
tehknownow whenever I try to change the settings using the the 'screens and resolution' app x crashes and fails11:02
KRFthen run `sudo update-grub`, restart11:02
tehknow'screens and graphics' *11:03
kuiltehknow: problem with dual screen here as well :(11:03
tehknowit was working, which is the annoying thing11:03
tehknowI just want it to work again.11:03
kuilhmm.. not here11:03
tehknowI used envy to install drivers on gutsy11:03
KRFi dont have the courage to try out dual head11:04
tehknowand it worked, but now it doesn't I can't remember what I changed it from11:04
stefan# kopt=root=UUID=9f51f4e0-c91f-43b5-87cd-26269db8741b ro : this one?11:05
tehknowI have an nvidia geforce 6200 and 2 monitors, one vga and one dvi11:05
kuilintel driver here11:05
tehknowI am using a restricted driver, or so the hardware drivers pane tells me11:06
tehknowdoes anyone have any ideas?11:07
KRFstefan, yes11:07
elbermungstersesi have a little question. if you upgrade to hardy beta now and the stable release comes out, all you have to do to upgrade is open update manager, click on "reload" and the "new distro available" will appear?11:09
tehknowelbermungsterses, yes, its a seamless upgrade11:09
elbermungstersesor is it more complicated?11:09
stefanlike this:11:10
stefan# kopt=root=UUID=9f51f4e0-c91f-43b5-87cd-26269db8741b ro noapic11:10
KRFstefan, yes. save and run `sudo update-grub` and restart11:10
stefanok gotta restart11:11
stefan2 minutes11:11
stefanokey i'm back11:16
stefanthere was again the message "no wireless card found"11:16
bicyclistDoes anyone have a Ricoh Motion Eye Webcam running ?11:16
bicyclistI got one but it only works fine in cheese. Gives me wierd lines in xawtv11:16
DistroJockeystefan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/200338/comments/12511:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]11:21
DistroJockeystefan: maybe that will help11:21
tmh__yeah, "fix released", geez11:22
stefanokey. will look at it. gotta go for lunch11:22
DistroJockeystefan: even thought it says sound, it may relate11:22
Zvezdichkoa new open office released, will it be integrated in hardy?11:24
testiapt-get says, that I have to run 'dpkg --configure -a' because dpkg was interrupted. I then run that command which doesn't successfully return (update-initramfs can't find a directory /lib/modules/ and fails)11:26
testiand it seems that if it doesn't successfully return dpkg keeps in that state 'interrupted'11:27
DistroJockeymarkvandenborre: maybe try:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:39
DistroJockeymarkvandenborre: backup xorg.conf first11:39
jimqodewhat does -phigh do?11:40
DistroJockeyjimqode: not entirely sure :)11:40
DistroJockeyjimqode: but that's what xorg.conf says to do :)11:41
jimqodeDistroJockey, :) I always used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. it works. weird...11:41
DistroJockeyjimqode: automatic updated if it was edited it says11:41
markvandenborreDistroJockey: sorry, I should have mentioned that I'm mostly doing this11:41
markvandenborreto shake out bugs11:41
markvandenborrefrom the upgrade process11:41
markvandenborrenot for my own benefit really11:42
DistroJockeymarkvandenborre: ahh, I never upgrade :)11:42
markvandenborreI apt-get dist-upgraded11:42
markvandenborrehad a customised xorg.xonf before11:43
DistroJockeyI will try that one day :)11:43
markvandenborrewhen I used that one, I had working scrolling touchpad11:43
markvandenborrebut my screen would be blank when putting the thing to sleep11:44
markvandenborre(in hardy, worked fine in gutsy)11:44
J-_hmm, it seems the volume applet has crashed11:44
markvandenborreI moved my xorg.conf aside, and the problem was gone11:44
J-_well, not my applet, but the thing when you adjust volume with extra keys a thing comes up saying what volume you're at11:45
DistroJockeyxorg is quite a bit different in Hardy11:45
markvandenborreI'm curious on how an end user would have to deal with that11:46
adincdoes someone know where the kernel sources are installed if i install the ubuntu kernel source package?11:46
DistroJockeyupgrades from gutsy seem to be not going that well in a few areas11:46
jimqodeadinc, /usr/src11:46
adincjimqode: and does this include the original .config which is used in the precompiled package?11:47
jimqodeadinc. no you can find the config file in /boot11:47
adincjimqode: but this config does not cover all the switches, like those from the ubuntu modules for example11:48
jimqodeadinc, ubuntu modules are a seperate package11:48
stefanokey i'm back11:49
stefandistrojockey:: did you send me this url?11:49
DistroJockeystefan: maybe11:49
adincjimqode: yes, i would like to have the kernel sources and the used config file for the kernel in hardy, where do i get this from?11:49
DistroJockeystefan: what were we talking about again?11:50
stefandistrojockey: about my wireless that doesn't work11:50
stefanand you sent me an url to solve this problem11:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200338 in linux "no sound hardy kernel 2.6.24-12 " [Critical,Fix released]11:50
DistroJockeystefan: yes, I sent that url11:51
stefandistrojockey: well there's en error during installing it. can't find this package^11:52
jimqodeadinc, you also need linux-restricted-modules package for a complete ubuntu kernel.11:52
jimqodeadinc, they can't be included in kernel source package because some of them are not even open source.11:52
adincjimqode: ahhh, so the linux-kernel source and the restricted modules sources?11:52
DistroJockeystefan: as I did not post it and havn't really looked into it, maybe the kernel version is different or you don't have the repository enabled?11:53
jimqodeadinc, yes. but if you are just trying to make custom kernel, compile the kernel from the sources with the config file from /boot, then reinstall restricted modules. you don't have to recompile them11:53
adincif i download the packaged ubuntu kernel sources, where does it install them? that the iwl3945 driver for example is not switched on in the /boot config file it must have been done somewhere else11:54
adincjimqode: the reason why i wanted make my own kernel is because of this module, since this doesn't work with hardy i wanted to test it11:54
stefandistrojockey:: how can i find this repository?11:55
jimqodeadinc you don't need kernel sources to compile a module, just headers is fine.11:55
DistroJockeystefan: maybe in System - Administration - Software Sources11:56
adincadinc: have you got a wiki page for me somewhere?11:56
jimqodeadinc, http://howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu11:56
DistroJockeystefan: but not really sure what repo it would be in11:56
jimqodeadinc, this is for kernel compilation. if you are just compiling a module be sure linux-headers is installed then ./configure, make, modprobe -i module_name11:57
adincyou mean configure in the module source?11:57
[Ramy]i'm trying to boot hardy image from hard disk i stopped at phillip lougher?11:59
stefandistrojockey:: do you think a reinstallation could solve the problem?12:00
jimqodeadinc, yes12:01
DistroJockeystefan: if you have a spare hard drive you can test on, a clean install is worth a try I guess12:01
DistroJockeystefan: but I can't say for sure it will help12:02
stefanthanks for help12:02
DistroJockeynp problem12:02
DistroJockeygood luck12:02
stefanwell it's how you say: it's worth a try:=12:02
Ng[Ramy]: he worked on the ubuntu kernel for a while - can you be a little more specific about where it stopped?12:02
DistroJockeyindeed :)12:02
DistroJockeyused to typing np, but tried to type more fully ;P12:03
[Ramy]Ng it stooped at usb1- configuration12:04
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Ng[Ramy]: hmm that's quite strange. did the liveCD work?12:08
Svishhow does the updater thingy work with running applications?12:10
PiciSvish: What do you mean?12:10
Svishit was a pidgin update I saw. and it updated. but I am using it.12:10
Svishis it updated? or will i have to restart pidgin?12:10
Svishor maybe the computer?12:10
NET||abusehmm, was I talking with someone who had issues with their usb ports?12:10
PiciSvish: No, you need to restart pidgin12:10
Svishok, thats what I thought12:11
Svishthanks :)12:11
Svishanyone here having used Aptana in ubuntu before?12:12
[Ramy]Ng yes12:12
[Ramy]i pressed alt+enter and everythinn is working now12:13
SvishIs Screens and Graphics supposed to work?12:13
Svishcause when I use it, it messes everything up...12:13
Svishubuntu managed to find the correct resolution and stuff during setup, but if I try to adjust anything in Screens and Graphics, it goes mental and all I get is like... 800x600 or something like that12:15
Svishreinstalled ubuntu to get it back to normal :S12:15
jimqodeSvish, it is supposed to work. You should look for a bug report for that, if there are none you should open one.12:17
wangfg-x31why my gui system menus not work?12:18
Svishjimqode: would like to investigate it further, but thing is that I dont really want to reinstall ubuntu again :p12:19
jimqodekeep a copy of your xorg.conf somewhere12:19
Svishis it a way to make ubuntu run its... hardware automagic setup stuff again?12:19
jimqodeSvish, "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-xserver" should bring your display settings back12:20
amx109on my first initial login, the 'desktop' part doesnt render, but if i logout and log back in it comes back. anyone having a similar problem?12:20
jimqodeSvish, i don't know what phigh does. xorg.conf says to add it.12:21
jimqodeSvish, you should backup your xorg.conf anyway12:21
Dr_willischeck the man pages for dpkg-reconfigure12:21
Svishjimqode: yeah, working on it now :)12:22
Dr_willisand yes ALWAYS keep backups of imporntant files like that one. :)12:22
Dr_willisits amazing how minimal my xorg.conf is in Hardy.12:22
Dr_willisI dont even see a driver 'nvidia' line.12:22
Svishjimqode: so if I mess things up, I would just boot up in recovery mode, replace it with backup, and reboot in normal mode?12:22
Dr_willisif it messes up, go to console, replace it. resart kdm/gdm - no need to boot to reciovery mode. :)12:23
dns53the new xorg is suppost to work without an xorg.conf, have not tested it though12:23
jimqodeSvish, just press ctrl+alt+f1. it should take you to a console. you can copy the file over there. then run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' . your x server should restart12:23
Svishhm... section screen looks very weird... Identifier "Default Screen", Monitor "Configured Monitor", Device "Configured Video Device" :|12:23
jimqodeSvish, no need for rebooting12:23
Dr_willisdns53,  makes it a bit hard for me to set up my nvidia logo then. :)12:23
Zvezdichkowow, my upgrade started, but I feel12:27
ZvezdichkoI missed the config of gdm :(12:27
Spenc3does hardy supports the new version of OSS driver?12:27
NET||abuseis there a package for floola at all?12:34
NET||abusei want to find a good app for working with ipods,, and i'm not a fan of gtkpod12:34
amx109NET||abuse, tried amarok?12:35
NET||abusemmm, is amarok 1st not only a kde app, but also a bit on the heavy side12:35
amx109works well for me under gnome12:35
NET||abusewell sure you can load it in gnome, but the extra weight of kde libraries, and just the bloat of unneccessary features is too much..12:36
NET||abuseI only have a celeron m 1.4Ghz laptop here ;)12:36
NET||abusethat said, it doesn't stop me running lotsa nice compiz effects, awn and gnome-do :)12:36
amx109heh, i run compiz on my eee. well worth it12:37
NET||abuseoooh, eee i love it12:37
NET||abusewas at the lug meeting here last night, one of the guys has one, i wanted to play with it...12:38
amx109how much memory do u hav in your laptop?12:38
amx109the default xandros OS that came with the eee had amarok as its music player12:38
co0lingFir3hey folks! how do i disable the integrity check in brasero?12:38
NET||abuseco0lingFir3, hmm, i'll check,, though isn't it a good thing to do ;)12:38
co0lingFir3NET||abuse: hmm, it might be a good thing, but useless imho12:39
NET||abuseco0lingFir3, go to edit->plugins, disable the md5sum plugin12:39
co0lingFir3NET||abuse: takes quite long for me and i really dont need it12:39
warrendi would like to know if it is normal that now with hardy the bootsplash is ugly?12:39
warrendbefore it looked smaller and better12:40
NET||abuseyeh, the progress bar on the boot splash is too fat12:40
warrendit's like you're booting in a too little reolustion12:40
Lynoureno idea what you mean, so I'd say "no"12:40
warrendand the bootsplash is too great12:40
co0lingFir3NET||abuse: thx12:40
warrendisn't it a bug?12:40
warrendfor example the bootsplash should be vga=795 in 1280x1024x3212:41
warrendbut it isn't the case12:41
NET||abusewarrend, nah, prolly just our community art work is a little off  :)12:41
NET||abusemy laptop can't even display 1280x1024,,12:41
NET||abuseso it couldn't be that by default no?12:41
warrendwill it look back like on gutsy do you think?12:41
NET||abusesurely it's a 640x480 or 800x60012:42
amx109NET||abuse, my eee has a 600Mhz celeron processor and 2gb of ram. its running Amarok in gnome fine. you could try it and if u still dont like it, remove it?12:42
warrendit should be the same as your resolution (like in gutsy thoguhà)12:42
NET||abuseamx109, no, i've tried it and i really just want a lighter tool12:42
amx109NET||abuse, fair enough12:42
NET||abuseso was wondering if there was a floola deb being maintained somewhere.12:42
tuntunI install hardy using wubi, did 100MB of udpates, restarted and then got "initramfs" prompt. whats gone wrong?12:44
amx109NET||abuse, you could compile it into a deb and 'roll your own'?12:44
wangfg-x31why after boot x-windows, then the terminal cannot display charactors?12:46
tuntunI install hardy using wubi, did 100MB of udpates, restarted and then got "initramfs" prompt. whats gone wrong?12:46
Dr_williswe heard you the first time.12:47
Dr_willis:) and  i dont use wubi.. so no idea12:47
Dr_willis100mb of updates? thats not a lot. I think i had 200+ just today12:47
ChanglinnAnyone installed the Server version of 8.04 yet, I keep getting errors on install saying that there are files missing, I have verified the md5sum of the iso and burnt disk are all good, but a media check says it is bad, re-burnt same thing.12:47
PodMan99ahardy updates rock loads of them its great however im getting same thing with tuntun however i just booted to an older kernel12:48
Zvezdichko200 mbs of updates?12:48
Zvezdichkoyou have to be kidding us :)12:48
Dr_willisI got about everything thats installable .. installed.. :)12:49
tuntuninitramf[ile]s[ystem], is used the ubuntu-8.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso12:49
ZvezdichkoI remember that last time I used Gutsy (it was still in the development branch) dpkg crashed and we had to return to an older version12:49
Zvezdichkountil a fix is available12:49
m12since my prism54usb is not working right on HH , could i copy/paste on from GG to HH and use that one to have it working ?12:55
Svishum, does 8.04 have a minimum disk size for the root?12:55
Zvezdichkothat's the scarriest part: setting up all software. it's the place where things may mess up12:56
fromportsvish: which 8.04 version ? server kde gnome12:57
Svishum, regular desktop ubuntu12:57
fromportit's about  2.2 gig in total. without user data12:57
Svishit didnt say anything against my partitioning on my laptop. but on my friends laptop it says something like: Some of the partitions you made are too small. make the following partitions at least this large in bytes:13:00
Svish/ 200687257613:00
kuilhi.. any birt/eclipse users here?13:01
Svishthe harddrive is 60 gb I think. i created a swap of 1gb and a ext3 for / of about 10 gb. the rest is for the already existing ntfs partition13:01
kuilI am having trouble with some birt/eclipse stuff since I updated to hardy.. (java swt-gtk stuff)13:01
m12kuil , yes13:01
kuildoes that work for you?13:01
m12it works all without problem , but fresh install of beta13:02
kuilI can't preview any reports....13:02
kuilI got en 'incompatible version' error13:02
kuil"version mismatch"13:03
ChanglinnAnyone installed the Server version of 8.04 yet, I keep getting errors on install saying that there are files missing or the CD is damaged, I have verified the md5sum of the iso and burnt disk are all good, but a media check says it is bad, re-burnt same thing.13:03
Changlinnmd5sum /dev/cdrom and md5sum /path/to/8.04.iso give the same result, that matches the md5sums on the site13:03
kuilm12: are you using gnome or kde?13:03
m12kuil , gnome13:03
PiciChanglinn: Are you using a daily ISO of the server CD?13:03
kuilk.. maybe I should try that then...13:03
Svishdo I choose Primary or Logical for the partitions?13:03
m12kuil , backup your evolution data13:03
ChanglinnPici: no, just the beta13:03
m12kuil , then try reinstall evolution13:03
kuilI don't use evolution... but thx!13:03
PiciChanglinn: Have you tried burning at the slowest speed your writer supports?13:05
ChanglinnPici: I am trying one of my pressed 7.10 desktops now13:05
ChanglinnI don't think it is the burn, two burns from two different machines13:05
busanI'm trying ubuntu hardy 8.0413:05
Changlinnand md5sum the disk is fine13:06
busancan I downgrade my hardy to gutsi?13:06
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.13:06
Dr_willisbusan,  not likely.13:06
Changlinn#md5sum ubuntu-8.04-beta-server-i386.iso13:06
Changlinn81b5f754c5ee18d8c6f84e5d4f7f99c9  ubuntu-8.04-beta-server-i386.iso13:06
Changlinn#md5sum /dev/cdrom13:06
Changlinn81b5f754c5ee18d8c6f84e5d4f7f99c9  /dev/cdrom13:06
busanI have get many unsupport my system13:07
PiciChanglinn: Its possible that the iso itself was not built properly.13:07
Changlinnthats what I figured13:07
Dr_willisbusan,  the system may work better with a clean install, not a upgrade also..13:07
Changlinnbut I got it through the torrent and am still seeding it13:07
Changlinnfrom here http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-beta-server-i386.iso.torrent13:08
PiciChanglinn: Have you checked the md5sum from the website?13:08
ChanglinnPici: yep, it matches here http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/MD5SUMS13:08
busana have report it, does team ubuntu will make a solution?13:08
ChanglinnPici: can i just wget -c the existing iso against the daily and have it finish it up :P13:09
Dr_willisbusan,  go to the bug reporting site and report good quality bugs. search to be sure they have not allredy been reported.13:09
PiciChanglinn: I do not know actually.  The daily isos are not tested with the same rigor that the proper releases are, so you may have other issues then.13:10
Zvezdichkowill the upgrade from gutsy to hardy delete all old config files?13:10
PiciZvezdichko: No.13:10
ChanglinnPici: I didn't download a daily did I?13:10
Dr_willisZvezdichko,  they shouldent.13:10
PiciChanglinn: Nope.13:10
Zvezdichkothank you, I'm still worried that I failed to configure kdm/gdm in the beginning13:11
Yazan-hey, i have ubuntu running from a live CD and i want to connect to the internet, but it seems that the speedtouch connection icon(.lnk) doesn't open with ubuntu, so i want to download WINE and try openning the speedtouch from there13:11
ChanglinnPici: looks like an issue with this servers cd drive :(13:11
Yazan-will it work?13:11
PiciChanglinn: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20535913:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205359 in ubuntu "Unable to install Hardy Beta Desktop i386" [Undecided,New]13:11
=== xkill is now known as riot
ChanglinnPici: as the pressed version of 7.10 dies too13:12
PiciChanglinn: oh13:12
PiciChanglinn: nevermind then!13:12
Yazan-any idea?13:12
busanwhere is chanel to learn c++?13:12
PiciChanglinn: This was the page I meant to link you to anyway: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/141813:12
Picibusan: /join ##C++13:12
busan /join ##C++13:12
busan /join #C++13:13
m12wihtout space on start13:13
busanowh, sory, I'm just copy your msg13:14
ChanglinnPici: it could still be the driver ubuntu uses for the drive, as when the install fails and I go back to detect cdrom drive, and tell it not to use hdparm it seems to load a couple of the debs13:14
Zvezdichkocannot install compiz-gnome... :( that doesn't look well13:15
busanhow to get c++ app for my hardy?13:15
Zvezdichkobusan: sudo apt-get install g++13:16
Zvezdichkog++ -o program program.cpp13:16
m12Zvezdichko: compizconfig-settings-manager ?13:16
Dr_willisHmm.. Seems to be a bit of an issue with the nvidia packages..13:17
Zvezdichkodependency problems - leaving unconfigured - cannot install compiz13:17
Zvezdichkothat's strange13:17
Zvezdichkothis is the message I receive13:17
m12apt-get -f install13:18
Zvezdichkomore details: We are sorry, the packet compiz:1:0.7.2-0ubuntu2 couldn't be installed. you can help if you send the bug to developers13:20
busanhoree I have got my c++:-D13:20
[Ramy]i have 3945 abg intel wireless card . it's not working13:21
busanwait!!!! how to run my c++?13:21
dns53g++ file.c13:22
busannot run?13:22
dns53well that will compile it and create an executable called a.out, so run ./a.out after it is built13:23
dns53what are you building, the usual ./configure, make, make install is what people ususally do for applications you build from source13:24
dns53what are you building?13:24
busansudo apt-get g++13:25
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:25
dns53should be sudo apt-get install g++, but you may want to get the build-essentials package13:25
Zvezdichkowell, after running apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade13:25
ZvezdichkoI have no more packages13:25
busanhow to run g++?13:26
Zvezdichkothis means that Hardy was installed... and the system wants a restart13:26
ZvezdichkoI'm a little worried about that :)13:26
Dr_willisbusan,  install the build-essential package, then its 'gcc'13:29
strabesI love that I am now able to resume from suspend using the fglrx drivers, but if I enable compiz my computer slows down insanely for like thirty seconds after resuming13:33
Svishhow do you install a wireless card that was not enabled under the ubuntu installation?13:35
quentusrexWhy is it that when I try to start a java web application the java control panel opens???13:35
bicyclistwhat happened to the xmms player ? I find xmms2 but xmms is no longer installable and several stream players depend on it.13:36
Zvezdichkook, I successfully upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy, the system loads OK13:37
quentusrexZvezdichko, how's your sound???13:38
Zvezdichkohowever, there are some issues that must be worked. Firstly, I have two kernels - 2.6.24-12-generic and 2.6.22-14 generic13:38
Zvezdichkoquentusrex: my sound on KDE is out13:38
quentusrexZvezdichko, don't boot the 14 kernel13:38
Zvezdichkodoh! thank you, I wanted to delete the old one!13:38
quentusrexZvezdichko, run the command: sudo apt-get install linux-image-modules-2.6.24-12-38613:39
quentusrexor something like that13:39
quentusrexthe Hardy upgrade doesn't install the kernel modules.....13:39
quentusrexfor some ****** reason...13:39
Zvezdichkocan't find the package for modules13:39
quentusrexand the .24-14 kernel doesn't work...13:39
[Ramy]can anyone help me with Intel 3945 ABG ?13:40
[Ramy]i installed hardy beta13:40
[Ramy]the wireless card was detected but it does not wor k13:41
elbermungstersesi got a problem upgrading from Gusty to Hardy. the error is unclear at the moment, but it says something like "there was a bug and the possible reason is that you are upgrading to a pre-release" or something.13:41
Zvezdichkolol, I can't find the module file13:41
elbermungstersesi'll get the complete error message ASAP13:41
quentusrexZvezdichko, apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-38613:41
indenialanyone else getting lots of sigsegv errors in the beta?13:42
=== kelsa|martalli is now known as martalli
Zvezdichkowow, that's the file, thank you13:42
Zvezdichkoif the sound works after that, will it be a good idea to delete the old kernel?13:42
elbermungstersesprobably yes.13:43
elbermungstersesat least, that's what i do.13:43
elbermungstersesand it works fine13:43
indenialanyone else getting lots of sigsegv errors in hardy?13:44
elbermungstersesis the upgrade process from hardy beta to stable seamless?13:44
elbermungstersesjust wondering13:44
Zvezdichkohmmm, I have yet another question13:44
ZvezdichkoI have installed KDE 4 before, on Ubuntu Gutsy...13:45
Zvezdichkoit has remained there - is there something missing there?13:45
Zvezdichkoit looks very much the same13:45
Zvezdichkoonly updated several of the files13:45
tonybreweriothis hardy-beta ruined my apache, anyone have the same prob? ffs -.-13:45
Dr_willisUsing KDE4 right now. :) thers a lot of extras not installed by default for kder.13:47
ZvezdichkoDr_willis: that's ok... how to install the other stuff?13:47
Dr_williswith the package manager of course. :)13:48
Dr_willisi just downloaded some 200+ mb of exttra goodies to play with13:48
elbermungsterseswierd problem guys, i am only beginning to upgrade to hardy when update manager starts saying "627 updates available". is this normal?13:48
Dr_willisits saying updates are avial.. while its updateing? :) it must be monitoring some file and just flagging an alert..13:49
Dr_willisI tend to ignore that update manager whilei am doing things manually13:49
chadegood morning, I really could use some help with a wireless card (Broadcom chipset).  I can connect to networks fine, but the card will not go above 1mb.  Can someone please help me?13:50
steph_I'm using hardy inside a virtual machine (vbox). But I have no sound. Is there someone here who has the same problem?13:50
Dr_willissteph_,  you did enable the soundcard for the virtual machine?13:52
steph_And yes my speakers are on :)  Do I need a specific module for pulse inside vbox?13:54
tehknowI am having networking problems atm. I just installed a new zonet zn3301e gigabit network adaptor13:54
tehknowand I can't select it as my network device.13:54
tehknowits listed as a realtek card, but its not13:55
steph_What I understand from pulse audio, is that it is a sort of network soun server. Do I need to create a bridge from the host to the guest?13:55
balgarathAnyone running Beta on a Dell Inspiron 1501?13:55
jimqodebalgarath, xps m1330 here13:56
chadebalgarath:  i am running on a m1710 xps .. some of the hardware is similar, what is your question13:56
Dr_willisvbox shouldent need that steph_   pulse audio lets you do a lot of neet tricks. but not needed for vbox i think.... i could be wrong.13:57
balgarathwas just curious how well everything worked..13:57
steph_Thanks. I'll search around.13:57
chadebalgarath:  other than the wireless things work perfectly13:58
chadedell got cheap and put broadcom chipsets in everything13:58
jimqodebalgarath, I have problem with my dell 1490 wireless adapter, other then that everything works fine. even all the weird buttons, fn key, card reader. I mean everything.13:58
chadesee ... lol13:58
balgarathchade, did you end up using ndiswrapper or the other driver?13:59
chademy wireless works ... it just doesnt work above 1 mb13:59
tehknowcan anyone help me?13:59
chadeno .. fwcutter driver13:59
chadewhich works only mildly better than the ndis13:59
jimqodefwcutter here too, ndis does not work with mine13:59
jimqodewireless works but range is pretty limited13:59
chadeproblem being is that hardy installs the wrong fw for my card so it only works at 1mb13:59
balgarathgotcha, yeah the wireless sucks...did you guys have trouble in Gutsy with network-manager when you needed to switch to a diff wireless network?14:00
balgarathchade, that sucks14:00
jimqodeI never had gutsy on my laptop. It's new and I started with hardy alpha 614:00
chadenot any problem here ... although before i got the update a few days ago it would act as though it was locked up even though it was working14:00
jimqodeavahi sometimes creates problems on gutsy though14:00
chade /agree .... most annoying ubuntu issue yet14:01
bicyclistbalgarath, yes, that was the reason why i switched to wicd. Network Manager would sometime just tell me there are networks but would not connect to one.14:01
jimqodebicyclist, does wicd support wpa?14:01
balgarathbicyclist, thanks I'll check it out14:01
chadei think that bug is fixed now ... btw14:01
chadeits fixed on mine now at least14:01
balgarathchade, network-manager?14:01
bicyclistbalgarath it is the thing i am using in the moment with hardy and it works very smoothly.14:02
chadei got an update i think on wed to it that caused it to stop that nonsense14:02
balgarathbicyclist, I will definitely check it out - so annoying :)14:02
balgarathSo did you guys(besides jimqode) do the update from gutsy or a fresh install?14:03
chademine was an upgrade from gutsy14:03
bicyclistI did the upgrade and it worked quiet smoothly14:03
chadeohh btw the xps light changer also doesnt work in hardy if you have an xps14:03
balgarathawesome, I had heard of troubles going from feisty to gutsy with the update14:03
balgarathone more thing - I'm running UbuntuStudio(RT kernel) - update should still work fine right?14:04
chadewish i could say for sure ..14:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyone used the gcalctool in hardy yet?14:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit seems to like putting in too many commas :)14:05
balgarathis hardy a new kernel?14:05
Picibalgarath: Yes. 2.6.2414:06
ta_bu_shi_da_yusigh... perhaps I'm stepping on IRC toes here14:06
ta_bu_shi_da_yuif I'm coming across as a newbie... I am14:06
Dr_willista_bu_shi_da_yu,  i dont see it puting any commas in14:06
ta_bu_shi_da_yutype in 1000-200514:07
Dr_willisAha - ctrl-k to ENAABLE the 1000's seperator14:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI get the result -1,,00514:07
Dr_willisyes - it is putitng in 2 commas.14:07
Dr_willisI dont need no stinking commas!14:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yualso try switching it to advanced mode14:07
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthen use braces...14:07
balgarathI'm going to need a wired connect to install bwcutter aren't I?14:08
r_helimanWOW a lot of people here...14:08
ta_bu_shi_da_yutype in 1+(5+6)14:08
Dr_willisit has commas in all the wrong places.14:08
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit shows as 1,+(5,+6)14:08
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyway, I lodged a bug with the gnome bugzilla... but should I lodge one on launchpad?14:09
Dr_willisit may or may not be gnome specific. so yes.14:09
Picita_bu_shi_da_yu: Sure, you can link the bug reports together too.14:09
ta_bu_shi_da_yuah? how so?14:09
ta_bu_shi_da_yusorry... I'm a newbie... trying to read doco as I go14:10
* Pici looks for the option14:10
nemook. iwl3945 keeps failing for me. and others, apparently.14:10
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI only hit one snag - for some reason I had an xgl-server installed14:10
nemoDoes anyone know of whether anyone out there is maintaining ipw3945 for 2.6.24 ? in source, bin module or package form?14:10
r_helimanI just want to report a problem I am having with Ubuntu 7.10 and want to know if this problem is solved in Ubuntu 8.04? The problem is dat I am using a ATI radeon 9600 driver in my laptop. The laptop has a resolution of 1400x1050, and an external monitor has resolution 1280x1024. The problem is that the mouse is not vissable as a mouse on the external monitor, but just like a cube. This problem can only be fixed what I knew is to also ret14:10
r_helimanurn the laptop screen resolution back to 1280x1024 as the external monitor. but then the laptop is terrible,,, you will get a headacke of that14:10
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthis killed sessions14:11
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI also discovered a bug in Firefox 3 where it doesn't repaint14:12
Picita_bu_shi_da_yu: eh.. I forget where it is, just put the bugzilla link in the report then14:12
ta_bu_shi_da_yuthis is logged with mozilla... I'm guessing that as it's now confirmed I don't need to log it in launchpad?14:12
JediMasterstupid question =)... I'm trying to run a program that I've just "make install"ed... the file is physically there, but I keep getting: "sudo: unable to execute /sbin/tuncfg: No such file or directory"14:12
JediMasterI've double checked with ls -al and it's there with rwxr-xr-x permissions14:13
Ngnemo: the kernel team will be looking after it14:13
JediMasterdid exactly the same thing on gutsy and it works fune14:13
JediMasterer fine14:13
Ngnemo: it's in lum14:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yuDr_willis: I didn't have to switch on the thousands seperators... did you have to switch it on manually?14:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yugreat timing14:15
chadeAnyone having an issue with apt-get autocompleting?  autocomplete is working everywhere except there as far as i can tell14:16
JediMasterargh, big hairy balls... running AMD64, still bash just saying the file doesn't exist is a weird error14:17
matjan_workhave any of the updates over the past few days caused trouble? i have 105 package updates waiting, so i was just wondering...14:17
chadematjan_work:  they fixed a lot of my issues in fact14:17
matjan_workchade, that's good to hear, what issues for instance?14:18
chadenetwork-manager locking up14:18
Tuv0kany know reason freenx is not in the repos for hardy?14:18
Dr_willisTuv0k,  the company behind it may h ave not released it yet.14:19
Dr_willischeck the freenx homepage?14:19
Tuv0kits released14:19
Tuv0kbeen released14:19
RainCTchade: do you have package bash-completion installed?14:19
PiciTuv0k: Freenx wasn't in the other releases repos either14:19
Linuturkhttp://www.internetisseriousbusiness.com << serious business indeed14:19
Tuv0kand so why not hardy?14:19
chaderainct .. yes but apt-get still doesnt autocomplete14:19
ta_bu_shi_da_yuBug #208260 is now installed14:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208260 in gcalctool "Too many commas in gcalctool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20826014:20
Tuv0kthe latest release need not be there14:20
Tuv0kbut some release of some kind?14:20
RainCThm.. here it autocompletes even without it14:20
PiciTuv0k: FreeNX is not in any Ubuntu repositories.14:20
Tuv0kwhy do you keep saying that?14:21
hansjdwhat am i doing wrong... i just installed ubuntu 8.04 (beta), and i cannot use sudo anymore14:21
Tuv0kso what14:21
Tuv0kwhy not put it in the one that is in development14:21
hansjdhansjd@hansjd-ubuntu:~$ sudo14:21
hansjdsudo: unable to resolve host hansjd-ubuntu14:21
Tuv0kusing your "logic" no new apps would ever be added?14:21
waylandbillTuv0k: isn't freeNX proprietary?14:22
Tuv0kno hence "free"14:22
chadetuv0k:  any reason to be rude to people that are trying to help you ?14:22
Zvezdichkoline dropped14:22
RainCThansjd: do you have " localhost hansdj-ubuntu" in /etc/hosts?14:22
Tuv0kthe company nomachine is proprietary?14:22
Tuv0kchade lookup the word14:22
Tuv0kno one was being "rude"14:22
Dr_willisThey have a 'free' version.but its not gpl free14:23
bazhangTuv0k: please calm down14:23
RainCTchade: no idea, sorry14:23
waylandbillTuv0k: free doesn't mean it isn't proprietary. free != open14:23
Tuv0kDr_willis, there we go, thanks14:23
Dr_willisi think is the 'proper' way to    say it.14:23
Dr_willisfree as in beer, vs free as in speach14:23
Dr_willistheres a lot of 'free' things that are not free.. :)14:23
Zvezdichkohow can I change the taskbar size in KDE 4 (Kubuntu Hardy)?14:23
hansjdRainCT, ; yes it is there on first line14:24
* Tuv0k calm down, no one is hyped? 14:24
* orvokki hugs Tuv0k 14:24
* Tuv0k :) thx14:24
PiciTuv0k: Please read this if you want to request that FreeNX be packaged for Ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages  . It will not make it in for Hardy though, we are well past the freeze dates.14:25
* Tuv0k I know that, I was just asking14:25
hansjdRainCT, : sorry... one sec14:25
Hammer89_hi... I recently upgraded to 8.04 beta... and I'm having some graphics issues... right now my screen res is set way down... and for whatever reason I can't change it... anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? or even what could be wrong14:26
orvokkiWhich display adapter card?14:26
bazhangHammer89_: what card and how were drivers installed14:26
hansjdRainCT, : this is what i've got14:26
hansjd127.0.0.1 localhost14:26
hansjd127.0.1.1 hansjd-ubuntu.OEK14:26
waylandbillTuv0k: looks like nomachine GPL'd the libraries. If you want to see it in the repos, I'd request the MOTU add it for inclusion in future releases.14:27
Dr_willisZvezdichko,  last i looked you couldent. try right clcking on it and looking in the menus14:27
RainCThansjd: try replacing the first line with localhost hansjd-ubuntu14:27
bazhangtaskbar is the panel? at the bottom there?14:27
ZvezdichkoDr_willis: that was great, thank you!14:28
Tuv0kwaylandbill, thx for checking that out.14:28
Dr_willisthe obvious place to look is alwyas the last place one looks.14:28
Hammer89_bazhang: ummm... it's not my computer... lemme check... it's a radeon HD 3870 gpu... I think I just installed the standard restricted drivers14:28
hansjdRainCT, : i can't... i can't get sudo privelegues (spell)14:28
RainCThansjd: with a live CD or something.. :)14:28
bazhangHammer89_: no third party scripts?14:29
* Tuv0k JC it was not a support question. Just thought I'd ask real people in realtime?14:29
hansjdwill it work with older version? eg 7.04?14:29
Hammer89_bazhang: it's a fresh install... I didn't change anything from what the installer did... and the restricted driver manager14:29
RainCThansjd: yes, sure14:30
hansjdRainCT, : ok... thanx14:30
Hammer89_bazhang: I updated from 7.10 though... dunno if that has anything to do with it14:30
bazhangHammer89_: how about sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? tried that yet--if that does not work then pastebin your xorg.conf and we can take a look at it14:30
Hammer89_bazhang: sure14:31
Hammer89_bazhang: this is lovely... alt-ctrl-F2 is giving me a "no display" notice on my monitor :P14:31
Zvezdichkothere's something very strange. the Program menu of KDE 4 has no icons in Kubuntu (both Gutsy and Hardy), is there something missing14:32
Hammer89_bazhang: running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from the terminal is giving me a prompt asking if I want to use the kernel framebuffer interface... should I or should I not?14:34
bazhangHammer89_: likely no; if in doubt just choose the default for the others14:35
Hammer89_bazhang: didn't work14:41
Hammer89_I can't even log into a normal session... gotta use the failsafe14:42
bazhangHammer89_: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?14:42
Hammer89_bazhang: http://pastebin.com/m5463e42714:43
bazhangthanks Hammer89_ looking now14:44
tehknowcan someone help me with a problem I am having with my zonet xen3301e network card?14:45
tehknowhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4603864#post4603864 all the information is there,14:45
tehknowsaves me spamming the channel14:45
tehknowany help would be very much appreciated14:45
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg try this Hammer89_; there appears to be some major stuff missing from your xorg.conf14:45
=== haas is now known as matjan_work
Hammer89_bazhang: will do14:46
Hammer89_bazhang: done... restart or ctrl-alt-backspace?14:46
Svishhow do you get ubuntu to discover a new wireless device?14:47
bazhangHammer89_: restart14:47
Hammer89_bazhang: okay... bbiab14:47
tehknowanyone able to help me?14:47
waylandbillSvish: the device will be located when a compatible kernel module is loaded.14:47
Svishso... restart?14:48
tehknowhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4603864#post4603864 anyone?14:48
humitosHi, I upgraded to Hardy and my drivers NVIDIA doesn't work. Anybody have the same problem?14:48
tehknowhumitos, happened to me14:48
tehknowI had a dual display going14:48
tehknowI installed the latest envy and let it do its thing14:48
humitosI'm using "nv" drivers now, but it goes too slowly14:48
humitosthekorn: I try that...14:49
tehknowbut I havn't got 2 screens working again yet, I am having other problems which I need to sort out first14:49
chadejust for those dell people to know from earlier, I just installed the newest ndiswrapper with the newest broadcom driver from dell with the same results ... card still works, but only at 1mb14:49
tehknowhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4603864#post4603864 anyone?14:49
waylandbillSvish: if the supplied kernel modules don't find the device, you can try ndiswrapper.14:50
tehknowI have an install CD with windows drivers, do I need to get ndiswrapper going for it to work, or is that for wireless devices only?14:50
chadetehknow:  will you post any info that is relevant from /var/log/syslog please14:50
tehknowchade, will do14:50
Hammer89_bazhang: didn't work... still cant change my res... I'm also getting some daemon error on startup into  non-failsafe session14:51
chadetehknow:  also maybe the output from dmesg before and after you plug the card14:51
hwildetehknow, you need to modprobe r816914:52
tehknowI ran 'modeprobe r8169' nothing happened14:52
hwildetehknow, /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net/r8169.ko14:52
hwildethat is the realtek module driver14:52
tehknowhwilde, how do I load it?14:52
hwildewith modprobe14:53
* tehknow is a driver newbie, sorry14:53
hwildetehknow, lsmod | grep 816914:53
hwildeif it's there, it's loaded14:53
m12what is with prism54usb driver in hardy?it is not working with my card :( it was working with 7.10 without any problem or ndiswrapper14:53
waylandbilltehknow: if 'nothing happened' means that you didn't get an error, that's a good thing.14:53
tehknowI ran that and got14:53
tehknowr8169                  32900  014:54
hwildetehknow, ok so the module is loaded.  now run   "ifconfig -a"14:54
tehknowhwilde, ^14:54
chadethats a good sign14:54
hwildedoes ifconfig show the new interface?14:54
chadegood catch hwilde :-D ... i totally missed it14:54
Hammer89_bazhang: still there?14:54
tehknowhwilde, its showing one called eth2, which wasn't there before14:54
tehknowso yes14:54
hwildetehknow, ifconfig eth2 up14:54
hwildetehknow, dhclient eth214:55
bazhangHammer89_: of course!14:55
Hammer89_bazhang: did you get what I said before?14:55
bazhangHammer89_: the daemon error stuff? was there anything else?14:55
tehknowhwilde, before I do that, I have both a working wireless adaptor on this machine and an onboard ethernet connection.14:55
tehknowIf I take the cable from the onboard one I'll be disconnected14:56
tehknowcan I have both the wireless and eth2 going at the same time?14:56
Hammer89_bazhang: nope... just that and being stuck at like an 800x600 res :P14:56
hwildetehknow, sure why not14:56
* tehknow rubs hands together14:56
hwildetehknow, all you need now is to add eth2 to /etc/network/interface14:56
tehknowlets go then14:56
bazhangHammer89_: try reinstalling those drivers; your xorg.conf shows no drivers at all14:56
m12can i set somehow "prism54usb" driver from 7.10 ti 8.04 ? (copy/paste or somthing)?14:57
Hammer89_bazhang: is there a way to run the restricted driver manager from the terminal? it aint showing up under system>administration14:58
bazhangHammer89_: it has a new name iirc in Hardy..14:58
Hammer89_bazhang: where is it?14:59
Hammer89_bazhang: hardware drivers?14:59
waylandbillit's hardware drivers in hardy14:59
bazhangHammer89_: aye14:59
hwildem12, the probably is probably in hal (hardware access layer)  but if you want to try just find the .ko file and copy it over...15:00
Hammer89_bazhang: doh... it's saying it's not enabled... just enabled it so I'm gonna restart and give this a shot15:00
bazhangHammer89_: hehe that might help15:00
m12hwilde: so i can try to copy prism53usb.ko to HH? what will happen on next upgrade ?15:01
Hammer89_bazhang: res issue is fixed... here's the daemon error: http://pastebin.com/d77df3a6915:03
techknowhttp://paste.mycodenow.com/view/7087be52 hwilde15:04
techknowsorry I disconnected there15:04
bazhangHammer89_: you good now? let me check that error message15:08
Hammer89_bazhang: all seems good... minus the daemon issue... which is a nuisance at best :)15:09
bazhangHammer89_: yeah that daemon error seems a kind of beta error; likely to be worked out soon enough ;]15:09
Hammer89_bazhang: okie dokie... thanks for he helpl!15:10
bazhangHammer89_: it was you who did it ;]15:10
clarezoethe optin "touchpadoff  1" doesn't work in my xorg.conf file, anyone has the problem?15:10
clarezoeor any suggestions how to enable touchpad at start up15:11
waylandbillclarezoe: I disabled mine through gsynaptics if that helps.15:12
clarezoewaylandbill, thanks, I'll try it, need to restart X, brb15:15
MythbuntuGuest48i recently upgraded one of my mythfrontends to hardy and am having trouble with my sound15:15
MythbuntuGuest48cat /proc/asound/cards returns the error cat:/proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory15:16
MythbuntuGuest48the guys at mythbuntu said that means my sound card isnt recognized15:17
MythbuntuGuest48how can i fix this?15:17
clarezoewaylandbill, it works, thanks15:17
humitosthekorn: I instaled Envy and I have the same problem15:18
bazhangenvy is now supported in Hardy?15:18
h3sp4wnIts strange hardy seems in a worse state now than its been throughout the release15:18
bazhangthought it was a fast way to break your system15:18
humitosI get this message: "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. Your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly. To use higher resolution, visual effect or multiple screen, you have configure the display itself"15:19
h3sp4wnYeah with that there is better options15:19
Hammer89_bazhang: stll having some issues... I just installed some new emerald/metacity themes for the comuters owner... and logged into a normal session... but it gave me an error saying the session only lasted 10 seconds... and then took me back to the login screen15:19
bazhangHammer89_: I am waiting until final before I do any compiz at all ;] beta software ya know15:22
Hammer89_bazhang: are there lots of bugs with compiz on 8.04 still?15:22
gluerbazhang: im running compiz all working fine15:22
h3sp4wnApparantly nvidia has serious issues wth it15:23
bazhangHammer89_: I believe that #compiz-fusion would be the place to ask for that if you dont get an answer here ;]15:23
KamicaziDoes anyone know why "sudo lshw" will not work?15:23
KamicaziI've tried reinstalling it already15:23
Hammer89_bazhang: here are the errors I got: http://pastebin.com/d5c16ede215:28
Hammer89_(from my .xsession-errors file)15:28
Hammer89_thoughts, anyone?15:33
hwildeyou should try to simplify those xgl parameters.  maybe one of them is causing your error15:33
hwildeStarting Xgl with options:  -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama15:33
Hammer89_I wouldn't know how to change them/what to change them to15:34
mcarolanhey, i've got another drive mounted on my system with a fedora installation on, i can access most of the files fine, but i can't get into my home directory, it just says permission denied. Is there a way to change permissions so that i can access that directory?15:35
hwildemcarolan, just go to root first15:35
h3sp4wneasiest way is just to have the same uid's on both installations15:35
Hammer89_sudo chmod?15:35
hwildeif you are root, you will have access.15:36
hwildechmod or chown could mess it up if you reboot into fedora15:36
marsHammer89_, I had the same problem with nvidia/Xgl15:36
h3sp4wnIt couldn't if you had the same uid on both15:36
* mars looks up the bug #15:36
Hammer89_mars: were you able to fix it?15:37
marsHammer89_, no, the suggested fix is 'uninstall Xgl', but that completely destablizes compiz on nvidia15:38
Hammer89_marrs: bummer15:38
mcarolanh3sp4wn: uid as in username? the usernames are the same on both15:38
marsso, it's Xgl + compiz + no Gnome15:38
mcarolan(and there's only 1 user on both)15:38
marsor Gnome + no compiz15:38
h3sp4wnmcarolan: As in the number15:38
h3sp4wngetent passwd `who`15:39
h3sp4wn(and then chroot and do the same in the fedora)15:39
Hammer89_mars: the computer's owner plans to do lots of video editing on the system... so maybe I'll just convince him to hold off on the eye-candy for a while (not the best if you're dealing with multimedia anyway)... I'll just reenable it when it's more stable... prolly install the compiz icon15:40
h3sp4wnIt would be stupid to use compiz at the same time as trying to do that stuff15:40
marsHammer89_, well, you can try it anyway.  You'll know pretty quickly if it works or not.15:40
marsHammer89_, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/19715315:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 197153 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [Critical,Fix released]15:40
marsthat's where the rabbit hole starts :)15:41
mcarolanh3sp4wn: that worked, thanks for that15:42
Hammer89_how do you disable xrandr?15:43
gluerwhats the easiest way to install full multimedia support in hardy with all codecs?15:44
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras, libdvdcss2 and win32codecs from medibuntu, realplayer from their site done gluer15:45
yeager|just did a fresh installation of hardy. doesn't seem to set the static IP address correctly. known bug?15:45
hwildeyeager|, pastebin /etc/network/interfaces15:45
gluerbazhang: cheers15:45
yeager|hwilde, everything is there except the broadcast line15:46
yeager|hwilde, i did configure it from network-manager15:46
hwildeyeager|, I'll believe it when I see it ... in pastebin15:47
=== yeager| is now known as yeager
bhsxare there any visualizer packages besides the libvisual packages?15:49
yeagerhwilde, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61372/15:50
yeagerhwilde, added the broadcast line and tried to reboot to see if the interface would go up.. but no15:51
Milos_SDthere is a bug in new Pidgin ... I can not resize the area in conversatio window where I type15:51
farkewiehi i have toshiba a200 can anyone tell me how to test if bluetooth is being detected15:52
hwildeyeager, you need "auto eth0" in there for it to come up automagically15:52
hwildeI've seen this same question before.  is Hardy not adding the auto lines to the interfaces file or are people hacking them?15:52
hwildeor I should say, the network-manager15:53
yeagerhwilde, i guess network-manager15:53
hwildejust add "auto eth0"  right above the iface eth0 line and you will be fine15:53
yeagerhwilde, thanks, works now15:54
hwildereport it as a bug in network-manager, ii've seen multiple people with this same problem15:54
yeagerhwilde, ok, will do!15:54
brett_hI just installed postgresql-8.3 on 8.04 beta, but it didn't initialize the cluster or ask me if I wanted to, now /etc/postgresql is empty and attempting to start the server does nothing --- any ideas?15:56
farkewieCan  anyone help with bluetooth?15:56
yeagerhwilde, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/20832015:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208320 in network-manager "network-manager doesn't add "auto xxxx" in /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,New]15:58
PierroHello, i have a big problem16:01
gluerpierro: need a doctor?16:02
PierroI used the install method of Installing on Windows all went well and booting yesterday was no problem... but today when i boot i get the BusyBox prompt and it wont load Ubuntu Hardy Heron16:02
TheInfinityPierro: find out why :)16:03
TheInfinitylogs will help16:03
Pierroi cant access the logs when i cant freaking boot into Ubuntu16:03
bazhangPierro: this is dual boot or wubi16:03
PierroWubi method16:03
Pierrook thats it...16:04
Pici!wubi | Pierro16:05
ubotuPierro: wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)16:05
bazhangwell beta with wubi should work..16:05
PiciPierro: specifically the bug link16:05
Picibazhang: I've heard a few people say that they had issues with wubi after doing an update16:05
Pierro  BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash)16:05
Pierro      Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.16:05
Pierro      (initramfs)_16:05
bazhangPici: thanks will remember ;]16:06
evandPierro: please file a bug or start a thread on the forums if you're getting an initramfs prompt after installing.16:06
Pierrono point in having a busybox when you dont have a partition to mount because you installed via Wubi16:06
Pierroevand i was able to boot into it perfectly yesterday16:07
evandPierro: Can you rephrase that, I'm not sure what you mean.16:07
Pierroand i dont see a point in starting a thread this problem seems to be around since 6.1016:07
Pierroso whats the point16:07
Pierroit didnt get fixed16:07
evandAn initramfs prompt can be caused by any number of issues.16:07
bazhangwubi since fiesty?16:07
Pierrowell then its just not WUbi but faulty code that never got patched16:08
Picibazhang: Thats edgy16:08
Pierroi want to know how to boot into Ubuntu from BusyBox16:08
Pierrobecause it does seem like i will have to deal with it16:08
Pierrothat way16:08
Pierrooh wait i have a brilliant idea i'll ask in debian16:10
Pierroto fullfill there little fable16:10
Pierromaybe they will pamper me and give me something that actually boots16:10
evandPierro: Again, an initramfs prompt on it's own is not enough to determine what code is breaking or what is causing a bug.  Whatever issue you had previously is probably not the same as the issue you're experiencing now.16:10
evandPierro: Please read the code of conduct.  Your attitude is not helping getting the bug fixed.16:11
bazhangdebian has wubi?16:11
Pierrofrom 21 december 2006: Today I installed a third SATA drive in my PC (500GB Seagate), and now my previously perfect Edgy install will not boot with it at all. After choosing Ubuntu in GRUB, it goes to the loading screen like it normally would, but the the bar will not move at all. Then after about two minutes, it will go to this:16:11
PierroBusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash)16:11
PierroEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.16:11
TheInfinityPierro: if you want something getting fixed you have to make a bug report, not just "it does not work"16:11
Pierrothis problem has been around for 2 years16:11
evandAgain, this is not necessarily the same problem.  The initramfs prompt appears whenever the initramfs encounters an error.16:12
Pierrowell obviously submitting bug reports doesnt seem to fix it16:12
TheInfinityif you didnt write a bug report all the 2 years - how could a dev get information about your specific problem?16:12
Pierroyes its the same problem16:12
bazhangwhy use beta software Pierro?16:12
Pierroit has something to do with hardware support16:12
evandHow do you know, exactly?16:12
Pierroi can google and use deductive reasoning16:12
Pierrocombine and compare bug reports16:13
TheInfinityand you know exacly all the time the same hardware was the problem? wow.16:13
PiciPierro: Perhaps filing a bug report may reveal that it is an easy bug to fix.16:13
evandPierro: unless you're seeing errors on the same line of execution in the logs with the same or very similar hardware, you cannot be certain that the bugs are the same.  Deductive reasoning is often flawed.16:14
Pierrono TheInfinity dont patronize me please i have to draw my own conclusions when you so called experts are all so clueless16:14
bazhangPierro: that is not necessary16:14
Pici!guidelines | Pierro16:14
ubotuPierro: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:14
evandAgain, bugs in the initramfs often look similar, but that does not make them duplicates of each other.16:15
evandOk, this is going in a circle.  Listen, file a bug and provide the logs or other information requested of you as part of the process and we'll do what we can to fix the bug.16:16
evandBut please stop complaining here if you're not going to do that.  Whining about a problem with no intention of helping to get it resolved gets no one anywhere.16:16
TheInfinityevand: +1 :)16:16
PierroPici my uncle works as a volunteer for the redcross he used to operate rich people but you think he will put in a lesser effort because he is a volunteer he is doing a job/task the pay aspect doesnt matter thats a fallacious argument the volunteer card i have heard it all before its a fundamental flaw in open source support you are dealing with people and people get frustrated when they are treated like morons16:16
PiciPierro: All we're doing is asking you to file a bug report. Just as evand calmly explained.16:17
Pierroi cant file a bug report i cant acces the Ubuntu data16:17
TheInfinityPierro: you dont even listen to us - i mean a better question would be "how do i get information to make a good bug report"?16:17
Pierroa bug report doesnt help me16:18
bazhangPierro: we all feel frustrated sometimes; you are using beta software where things are going to break.16:18
Pierroit all looks the same remember16:18
Pierroand all the info i have is what i posted earlier16:18
nemoPierro: a bug report helps other people though16:18
Pierrono not in this case16:18
PiciPierro: Then explain the information that you do have, the bug triagers will ask the right questions and help you get the information that they need.16:18
TheInfinityPierro: there are lots of methods to get information if you just have busybox16:18
nemoPierro: even if no one here knows an answer. more people will pay attention to the problem if a report is filed16:18
nemoother people may encounter it too16:19
nemoand developers may notice16:19
evandPierro: You're clearly on a computer with internet access.  You can start by filing the bug at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug and then we can explain through the bug interface how to get any additional necessary information.16:19
nemorefusing to file a bug report is usually a selfish and counterproductive act16:19
Pierroyeah they have been encountering it even in final releases16:19
Pierroso its not an error related to the beta perse16:19
PiciPierro: Do you have a bug number you can link us to?16:19
Pierrothat generic its a beta this are going to break reply isnt good support psychology16:19
Pierroit pisses people off and i am not too afraid to say it16:19
bazhangPierro: well that is the best I have; good day to you sir16:20
ccookePierro: *releases* get support. Betas get help debugging and, sometimes, advice.16:20
ccookeIn some cases, the best advice is "Don't run the beta"16:20
TheInfinityPierro: users without knowledge should not use a beta. thats written everywhere. if they use beta AGAINST this warning its their problem.16:20
Pierroyou are incompetent i get it16:20
smallfoot-plz openoffice 2.416:21
smallfoot-plz inkscape 0.4616:21
PiciTheInfinity, ccooke: lets drop it :)16:21
evandthanks Pici16:21
TheInfinity... whatever.16:21
Pierrowho kicked me?16:21
PiciPierro: I did.  Your behavior here leaves much to be desired.16:22
Picismallfoot-: What are you asking?16:22
yeageroutta here16:22
RainCTsmallfoot-: ?16:23
smallfoot-Pici, plz put openoffice 2.4 and inkscape 0.46 in repo16:23
smallfoot-i have 2.3 and 0.45 old16:23
RainCTsmallfoot-: Hardy already has OpenOffice.orig 2.4 RC2 and Inkscape 0.4616:23
Pierroso does your support psychology Pici i just behaved naturally and i am a journalist for Slashdot i am doing a piece about support in the open source community16:23
smallfoot-RainCT, oh i didnt find update manager16:24
TheInfinity.oO((now the "i am sooo a powerfull guy" state is archived))16:24
RainCTsmallfoot-: are you running Gutsy or Hardy?16:24
Zvezdichkocongratulations! working for 5 hours and I should say that Hardy Heron is even more stable than Gutsy16:24
bazhang!yay | Zvezdichko16:25
ubotuZvezdichko: Glad you made it! :-)16:25
PiciTheInfinity: Please don't.16:25
TheInfinityok i just get popcorn and i am away ;)16:25
RainCTPierro: threatening won't get you any further16:26
PiciPierro: I'm sorry that you are frustrated.  We're trying to help you help us, thats what testing a beta is all about. If you are unwilling to file a bug report, then theres nothing we can do for you.16:26
cogumel0can anyone give me a hand with configuring alsa to play on my 5.1 soundcard properly?16:27
smallfoot-RainCT, hardy16:28
cogumel0I have a creative live! 5.1 soundcard and after installing ubuntu 7.10 only sound I had came from the front speakers and the middle speaker was always making a rain-like sound16:28
chrisfi am curious is the xchat-gnome client based on 2.8.4?16:28
RainCTsmallfoot-: ok, then you should be able to update to those..16:29
captainmchrisf, yes16:29
cogumel0I went to alsamixer and was playing around with it, muted digital entrance and the rear speakers started working fine, but now the middle speaker makes no sound whatsoever (good thing is it doesn't make the rain-like sound anymore)16:29
bogneranyone running hardy on a macbook pro?16:29
cogumel0but... the sound is coming a lot more from the back than from the front, where do I adjust that?16:29
Zvezdichkobtw... I noticed that in Hardy the games have been updated16:30
TheInfinitybogner: here16:30
Zvezdichkobut I encountered a bug for Openarena16:30
chrisfone thing i notice already, with linux i can have a desktop with alot of enhaced features with alot less processor time16:30
chrisfthan windows xp16:30
chrisfthis is quite functional :)16:30
* chrisf is amazed16:31
bazhangmore like world-shaking ;]16:31
TheInfinitybogner: to say it exacly: running on a mbp rev316:31
TheInfinityand yes: there are some bugs around it :)16:31
bognerin particular the wireless?16:31
chrisfbazhang: i wish canon was more forthcoming in supplying documentation to SANE16:31
RainCTsmallfoot-: found it? :)16:32
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:32
bogneri've only noticed that the touchpad stops working after suspend, and i can't get wireless working16:32
Zvezdichkodoh, the bot won't work for me16:32
chrisfi have to still dualboot to use my scanner16:32
smallfoot-RainCT, i must reboot, im in another os at a time16:32
TheInfinitybogner: for wireless you have to compile your own svn sources16:32
bogneryes, i did that, (i'd done that on feisty as well)16:32
m12pitty MFP devices aint suported better by SANE and Printer drivers :/16:32
TheInfinitybogner: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/205234 <-- my bug report for this16:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205234 in linux-meta "[Hardy] Atheros AR5418 chipset not supported" [Undecided,New]16:32
m12that think is big miss :/16:33
bognertheinfinity: thanks16:33
TheInfinityi dont know if you have the same chipset, but ... you can add your chipset to a bugreport as well if you have another16:33
kshow do I upgrade single package if possible ?16:33
chrisfml2: since i have access to some of the device driver development stuff on ms products, i did a traffic sniff of the usb 2 port traffic for my scanner, it is alot different than most other twain drivers16:34
bognertheinfinity: same chipset. yours works from madwifi svn? i'd used the daily snapshot and it won't connect16:34
RainCTks: I don't know if it's possible with Synaptic but    sudo aptitude install package-name   in the terminal should do it16:34
kslooks like libvirt can't connect to xen, so some people recommended to upgrade libvirt16:34
chrisfml2: canon lide 600F is extremely complex16:35
TheInfinitybogner: its a metter of luck. some svn releases are ok, some crash your computer if you use wireless, some just dont work16:35
TheInfinitythats why i want a "stable" svn release in ubuntu hardy ;)16:35
TheInfinityalthough after beta1 -> feature freeze i dont have much hope16:35
bognerwell, tht's the beauty of live version control, i'm hoping to find a tag that works good, then we can document it on the wiki or something16:36
chrisfis it possible to run a twain compliant device under wine16:36
chrisfwith the vendor's scanner software kit?16:36
RainCTks: ah, you mean installing a version which is in Hardy in Gutsy or what?16:37
TheInfinitybogner: yea ... and perhaps you can comment my bug report, ... i just dont belive that noone else made such a report all the time ago ...16:37
ksRainCT:  yeah I have all installed without errors on hardy, but when client app tries to use libvirt it gives an error, that it can't connect to xen16:38
bognertheinfinity: mind doing a `svn info | grep Revision` for me, inside the madwifi directory?16:40
ZvezdichkoHmmm, I reported the openarena bug, however, I noticed that the bug system didn't ask me about distribution (???)16:40
TheInfinitybogner: i dont have svn drivers installed atm16:41
TheInfinityi have a quite big problem with ubuntu live cd (no xorg)16:42
bluelightavi need some help to get hardy beta online16:57
bluelightavcan't get a connection using static ips16:57
Tuv0k!networking | bluelightav16:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:58
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager16:58
bluelightavI don't get it16:59
bluelightavi am on ubuntu since 2 years16:59
bluelightavnever any problem16:59
Tuv0kbluelightav, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&hs=KuH&q=ubuntu+how+to+get+online&btnG=Search16:59
bluelightavwith the networking16:59
bluelightavi know how to google17:00
bluelightavdid it17:00
bluelightavi know how to forum17:00
bluelightavdid it17:00
Zvezdichkoif there's a bug you may fire it at launchpad17:00
bluelightavi will17:01
bluelightavbeing here for help17:01
bluelightavto the box online17:01
pedantic-stevebluelight, did you "unlock" the network manager so you could make changes?17:02
bluelightavips are in17:02
bluelightavchecked the /etc/networking/interfaces file17:02
ccookebluelightav: Okay. Have you verified that you have connectivity between the two devices?17:02
bluelightavall it well there17:02
ccookebluelightav: Is this wireless or wired?17:03
bluelightavi can't even ping my own lan card17:03
fromportbluelightav: wat network card ?17:03
bluelightavconnection is ok with another box17:03
ccookebluelightav: wired or wireless?17:03
bluelightavsame laptop on work in roaming mode is fine17:03
ccookeokay. Does your laptop have lights around the network plug?17:03
bluelightavat home with static ip no chance17:04
inigohow do I disable the preview panel in evolution mail ??17:04
ccookebluelightav: can you tell me what lights you see?17:04
cyclonutholy moly @ massive number of updates today17:04
bluelightavi need to get offline here to check that17:04
ccookebluelightav: before you do that...17:04
bluelightavwill be back in 2  imins17:04
bluelightavok what?17:05
ccookebluelightav: are you using the laptop now?17:05
bluelightavmy desktop17:05
ccookebluelightav: is the other end a linux machine?17:05
bluelightavlaptop on my lap :-)17:05
rebelThorhey, any idea why hardy won't turn off the backlight as specified in the Power Management settings? It used to work a few updates back17:05
ccookebluelightav: okay, good. on the desktop, could you please 'sudo apt-get install tcpdump'17:05
fromportbluelightav: do you know how to use paste bin ? if yes: could you cut & paste the output of "route -n" for us ?17:06
ccookebluelightav: That'll let us check the connectivity properly.17:06
bluelightavccooke: done17:06
ccookebluelightav: okay. Please check the cable and any lights you see on the laptop, then17:07
bluelightavtcpdump is already the newest version.17:07
bluelightav2 mins17:07
penI have a problem with my VPN connection17:08
penWhen I am in wired connection i can use vpn to connect to my school network17:08
penbut I can't vpn when I'm in wireless17:08
penit will segfault networkmanager17:09
bluelightavi am back17:09
bluelightavgreen is on17:09
bluelightavorange only once very short when i insert the cable17:09
bluelightavotherwise only the green one17:09
AnoshI have downloaded and burnt Hardy Heron but CD fails the integrity check. When I try to install I recieve errors about SQUASHFS and I/O buffer17:10
cyclonutAnosh: re-download17:10
AnoshThe question is should I download again or burn again?17:10
PiciAnosh: Check the md5s first17:10
Pici!verify | Anosh17:10
cyclonutcheck the md517:10
ubotuAnosh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:10
ccookebluelightav: Okay, good17:10
Anoshcyclonut thats funny I have already downloaded it twice first time md5sums didnt match and now this17:11
bluelightavroute -n17:11
Anoshubotu md5sum matches17:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about md5sum matches - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:11
ccookebluelightav: can you use the laptop at the same time as taking here?17:11
bluelightavDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface17:11
bluelightav192.168.3.0   U     0      0        0 eth117:11
bluelightav169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth117:11
bluelightav0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth117:11
cyclonutAnosh: if the sums match, then burn it at the slowest possible rate17:11
cyclonut!pastebin | bluelightav17:11
jpatrick!paste | bluelightav17:11
ubotubluelightav: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:11
Anoshcyclonut perhaps there is something wrong with the program i use to burn?17:11
cyclonutAnosh: try burning it at the lowest possible speed.17:12
bluelightavccooke: yes but not online17:12
bluelightavhave only one cable here17:12
ccookebluelightav: ... so... your desktop can either be online, or talk to the laptop?17:12
fromportbluelightav: i think you're missing the clue: you're _not_ supposed to paste your lines here, use a special service called PASTEBIN17:13
bluelightavi don't have a network in the place i am right now17:13
bluelightaveither the laptop goes online or the desktop17:13
bluelightavbut not both17:13
bluelightavthey can't be connected17:13
ccookebluelightav: Okay.17:13
Anoshcyclonut i burnt at 32x should i now try 8x?17:13
cyclonutAnosh: correct.17:14
Anoshcyclonut also what is write method?17:14
cyclonutAnosh: i'd leave that at default (disc at once or track at once, correct?)17:14
Anoshcyclonut it has options like session at once track at once raw writing17:14
ccookebluelightav: that'll make the debugging somewhat interesting, but hey :-)17:14
Anoshcyclonut default is session at once17:14
bluelightavif it is not a quickfix i do it tomorrow17:14
bluelightavit already 22.4417:14
bluelightavthx for the help17:15
ccookebluelightav: What IPs are you assigning to your laptop and desktop?17:15
bluelightavi try tomoroow when i am fresh17:15
cyclonutAnosh: just do everything as per normal, any decent burning software should get you going on it's defaults. However, burn at the lowest possible speed17:15
Zvezdichkowow, adept notifier works with kde 417:15
Anoshcyclonut isnt there any other open source image burner?17:15
bluelightavfor eth)17:15
ccookebluelightav: give us a few minutes to see if it's quick :-)17:15
cyclonutAnosh: I use brasero17:15
ccookebluelightav: is that the laptop or the desktop?17:15
cyclonutAnosh: seriously, just try it at the lowest speed.17:16
ccookebluelightav: and the laptop?17:16
Anoshcyclonut ok lets see17:16
bluelightaveither or17:16
ccookebluelightav: ah...17:16
bluelightavreboot the wireless ap in between to clear the mac address17:16
ccookebluelightav: what are you connecting to?17:16
bluelightavi am doing that often17:16
bluelightavworked always17:16
ccookebluelightav: ah ha. So the other end *isn't* the desktop, it's the wireless access point.17:17
bluelightavwireless network to internet17:17
bluelightavwith gutsy on the laptop no problem ever17:17
bluelightavonly with hardy beta17:17
bluelightavsomething new17:17
ccookebluelightav: have you read the pastebin instructions?17:18
bluelightavmaybe ip6 related17:18
cyclonutbluelightav: my wifi didnt work by default in hardy either.17:18
bluelightavi am not using wifi17:18
bluelightavi have an external d-link wireless client17:18
bluelightavthat setup is ok17:18
bluelightavsince years17:18
cyclonutah, nm then17:18
bluelightavit has something to do with the new hardy beta release17:19
ccookebluelightav: if so, could you put into a pastebin the output of "ip addr; route -n; iptables-save" on the laptop *and* the desktop?17:19
bluelightavin roaming mode everything works17:19
bluelightavbut with fix ips nothing works17:19
ccookebluelightav: (it'll be awkward on the laptop, since it's not online, but very useful)17:19
cyclonuthullo leo.17:19
bluelightavi can't do much now17:19
bluelightav i am very tuires17:20
bluelightavhad a long day17:20
bluelightavi try again tomorrow17:20
bluelightavthanks for your help17:20
ccookegood luck tomorrow17:20
leo_rockwQ: i'm testing an experimental driver (a variant of xserver-xorg-video-ati) i put "ati" in xorg.conf, is that correct? how do i know if i'm using that driver and that vesa didn't kick in?17:20
cyclonutleo_rockw: /var/log/xorg.0.log17:21
leo_rockwthank you cyclonut17:21
leo_rockwcyclonut: mmhh... it's not there17:22
leo_rockwcase sensitive :-P17:22
cyclonutleo_rockw: I probably missed some caps somewhere17:22
Zvezdichkowow. my icons on that KDE 4 somehow messed up17:23
[Hardy]TuTUXG27 days to go till final release!!17:36
penanyone know why I can't connect to VPN in wireless?17:36
penPPP always crash17:36
Zvezdichkohow does a firm deadline guarantee that all grave bugs will be cleared?17:37
[Hardy]TuTUXGit doesnt17:37
adincis there a list of supportet wireless devices? for hardy?17:42
tapaspidgin likes to eat 100% cpu sometimes17:58
tapasand hang17:58
Zvezdichkouse kopele ;)17:58
tapasthere was a reason i switched from kopete to pidgin17:58
tapasi don't remember17:59
tapasit sucked in some way17:59
burkenanyone here?18:00
Zvezdichkobtw there was an update of pidgin the last few hours18:00
gluerdoes songbird read ipod music?18:05
gluerjust installed on hardy18:06
burkenlook in manual18:09
tapasZvezdichko: ok will check it out18:21
Zvezdichkobtw why do we have for firefox a beta version?18:22
PrefixWhen i update to hardy does it wipe my harddrive? IE do i need to backup my gutsy files when updating?18:27
Prefixbefore updating*18:27
FlannelPrefix: You should have backups anyway, but no.  Updating won't destroy data18:27
stefgPrefix: yes... unless you don't have a separate /home partition18:27
Flannelstefg: No.  Upgrades aren't destructive.  You're thinking installation18:28
stefgPrefix: sorry.. was confused ...updating of course preservers data... reinstalling does not18:28
PrefixI have one partition on which gutsy is on, so when i install hardy using the livecd and install it, run the os, ill still have my files from gutsy?18:28
Zvezdichkobut there's a bigger chance something might go wrong during upgrade18:28
stefgPrefix: no, tjhat's reinstalling18:29
Prefixwhat do I use to update?18:29
stefgPrefix: common sense  ... in the first place :-)18:29
Prefixhow do I 'update' from gutsy to hardy?18:30
stefgPrefix: better wait until release, if you have quetions like that18:30
Zvezdichkothat's the answer18:31
Prefixyeah im waiting for the release anyway18:31
axyjoall hail google :D18:31
os2macmine's running just fine on Hardy.18:31
Zvezdichkoalso, a good article, I followed it18:31
Zvezdichkothere's another variant, change everything that has gutsy to hardy in /etc/apt/sources.list and run dist-upgrade18:32
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:32
Zvezdichkohowever, I don't recommend it18:32
FlannelZvezdichko: don't do that.18:32
jeplerI want to build dapper/i386 binaries from C++ source on hardy/amd64.  can anyone direct me at documentation that would help?  I am struggling with messages such as './a.out: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found' for a simple program compiled with g++ -m32 -O hi.c18:32
Zvezdichkoyeah, I don't recomment id :)18:32
stefg!build | jepler18:33
ubotujepler: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:33
stefgjepler: you might als find the 'apt-get build-dep' command useful18:34
jeplerstefg, thanks but that doesn't address the problem I'm having.  I have installed packages which allow me to get an i386 executable, but the executable doesn't work on the dapper system -- instead of running on the dapper system, this message is printed instead.18:35
Prefixcheers Zvezdichko18:35
sarixehi, how do i set gtkpod as the default app for ipods?  i can't find the old option that was there in gutsy18:35
stefgjepler: ahh ... you mean crosscompiling on a 64bit system for a 32 bit system ... uhhh that's tricky18:36
jeplerstefg: I can get 32-bit executables that run fine on a hardy system, but they don't execute on the dapper system.18:37
stefgjepler: soi'd guess the libs aren't compatible, but i'm leaving proven grounds here.... i think i can really help with that one18:37
jeplerstefg: that's my conclusion too, just hoping somebody else could help me before I give up and throw in the towel18:38
stefg.. can /not/ realyy helpp ... that was18:38
eternal_pI just tested that pm-suspend seems to work on my laptop, but only if I use the command line..I am not too sure what standard standby command is used, is there an easy way to change it?18:38
jeplerstefg: I appreciate you taking the time to try.18:38
dj1my compiz is down18:38
glueranyone know if i can get radmin viewer running on hardy?18:39
stefgjepler: so what i understand is that you would need a chroot environment with the dapper libs to produce a compatible binary18:39
dj1what is it ?18:39
Creationist Installed the nVidia drivers and when restarting and attempting to open the "Display" section of "System Settings," my monitor freaks out and goes blank with an "Out of Range" message.  I have to restart X to get back in but still can't set my resolution.  Any ideas?18:42
Flanneljepler: Have you tried prevu? (meant for backports, but with some masaging it could work)18:42
jeplerFlannel: unfortunately, systems like pbuilder or prevu aren't suitable for our build environment, because the time taken to build from scratch (even with tools like ccache and distcc) is not acceptable.  chroot is not an option in general, because developers do not have root / sudo access on the build machine.18:44
stefgfakeroot ?18:46
h3sp4wnjepler: Its not hard to cross compile 32 bit binaries on 64 bit18:50
h3sp4wngcc is multiarch anyway18:50
pr0meToYzhi there.. can anyone provide me with infos reg. font smoothing in firefox?18:50
pr0meToYzi'm running ubuntu 8.0418:50
jepler$ rsh hardy-amd64 g++ -m32 -O hi.c && echo "succeeded" && ./a.out18:50
jepler./a.out: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by ./a.out)18:50
pr0meToYzdefoma + mstcorefonts have been installed already..18:51
jepler^^ I get a binary, it just doesn't execute on Ubuntu Dapper.18:51
jeplerhi.c is uninteresting -- it has two includes, then int main(void) { std::string message = "hello world"; std::cout << message << "\n"; return 0; }18:51
h3sp4wnIs this involving any non free stuff at all ?18:52
jeplerh3sp4wn: the simple test program I demonstrate the problem with is has no proprietary components18:53
h3sp4wnjepler: No I mean in terms of what you are actually wanting this for18:53
jeplerh3sp4wn: If you don't want to help someone working on a proprietary application, then don't help me.18:54
h3sp4wnjepler: I am not bothered either way but there is different strategies18:55
picard_pwns_kirkanyone have a workaround to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/20628718:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 206287 in mesa "[i965] Open GL Renders flat surfaces incorrectly" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:55
h3sp4wnThe thing is you can end up providing almost an entire gnu stack seperate (look at like Matlab)18:55
jeplerh3sp4wn: I wouldn't rule that out18:57
h3sp4wnjepler: Do you have to have glibc or could uclibc be ok18:57
jeplerh3sp4wn: frankly I don't know -- we presently use glibc18:57
jeplerand libstdc++18:57
h3sp4wnjepler: perhaps uclibcxx might not have everything you might use18:58
bhsxhowdy... how do i setup X to export?  trying to get X over ssh and forgot how to set it up (though i doubt i've ever set it up with xorg)18:59
h3sp4wnjepler: Depends whether you would rather spend the time extending uclibc / uclibcxx - or with a really complicated packaging setup19:00
h3sp4wnbhsx: just use - ssh -X (or ssh -Y)19:00
bhsxi forgot how to setup the x server... but i think i found it... just need to switch to X11Forwarding  yes19:01
h3sp4wnI thought these days it was allowed over trusted connections anyway19:02
bhsxdamn.. nope19:02
bhsxthat's set correctly..19:02
Pirate_Hunterhello im wondering if it is safe yet to install hardy beta onto my physical drive?19:02
h3sp4wnbhsx: do you have xauth installed ?19:03
loa_h3sp4wn, http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?t=75963&sid=2b1c5aa11eec60e0028f56d2687bc46b19:03
loa_about iwl394519:03
bhsxX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.19:04
bhsxError: cannot open display: localhost:10.019:04
bhsxany ideas?19:04
dj1xhost +19:04
dj1and export your DISPLAY:19:04
h3sp4wnThats a stupid thing to do19:04
dj1talkinfg to me?19:05
dj1was that yes?19:05
Pirate_Huntercan anyone advice if its ok to install hardy beta onto my physical hd since i have it in vbox nd i think it is functioning properly?19:05
bhsxusr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/bhsx/.Xauthority  <--that's a message i get when i login with 'ssh -X ...'19:05
picard_pwns_kirkPirate_Hunter: /topic19:05
jeplerh3sp4wn: at this point I am more tempted to surrender and recommend reinstalling this machine with dapper19:05
bhsxPirate_Hunter: i'm running hardy on two machines and all is well.. i'd say go for it19:05
h3sp4wnbhsx: check if that file is owned by root19:06
jeplerh3sp4wn: thanks for your help, though -- you've given me a picture of the difficulty of this project19:06
savvasPirate_Hunter: give it a spin using the live cd, if everything works properly, sound and video, i don't see a reason not to install it19:06
dj1my compiz is brken since19:06
savvasPirate_Hunter: just be careful with the updates, those are the ones that break stuff (sometimes)19:06
dj1i had to hack /usr/bin/compiz to point19:07
h3sp4wnbhsx: pastebin the whole thing with - ssh -vv19:07
bhsxh3sp4wn: yeah, it is19:07
dj1to the good compiz.real19:07
Pirate_Hunterbhsx: will take your word for it as I was planning to reformat the hd anyway so will now have one partition with Vista "instead of XP" and hardy which i think looks jazzy :D19:07
dj1but still down19:07
dj1the WM disappears19:07
bhsxh3sp4wn: should i make that chown that file?19:08
Pirate_Huntersavvas: I never update i prefer to install it after making file backups19:08
bhsxsorry, should i chown that file?19:08
h3sp4wnbhsx: I would remove it19:08
h3sp4wnbhsx: root shouldn't own stuff in your home dir19:08
bhsxjust delete .Xauthority?  it'll recreate it as my user?19:08
dj1any thaughts?19:08
bhsxwonder why that ended-up owned by root?19:08
bhsxbugged installer?19:08
savvasPirate_Hunter: well i don't recommend not to update, because that's even worse, maybe some bugs are fixed through updates :)19:08
h3sp4wnsudo and graphical apps I guess19:09
Pirate_Huntersavvas: Oh i understood upgrade sorry yeah i find it weird that updates are the problem and not the instability of the OS19:09
bhsxh3sp4wn: i rm'd it and recreated a blank file as bhsx... even chmod'd 775...  i still get the same .Xauthority error19:12
dj1maybe it doesnt like my ATI ?19:12
Turskiis my hard disk broken?19:12
zerii got macbook19:12
Pirate_HunterI've decided will install hardy on the weekend or the start of next week, im feeling adventurers :D19:12
h3sp4wnbhsx: It should be created when you login thats all19:12
Pirate_Hunterzeri: good for you :D19:12
zerii partition my hard disk with two partition19:12
bhsxok cool19:13
bhsxbrb then :)19:13
zerion one partition i have mac leopard19:13
zeriand on the other one i have windows19:13
zerii just install ubuntu on my windows19:13
zeriusing wubi19:13
zeriubuntu hardy beta19:14
zeriwhen i try to boot on ubuntu19:14
zerii display error19:14
glueranyone have a vmware installation script for hardy?19:14
Pirate_Hunterzeri: why not scrap windows and install ubuntu and run windows from ubutnu... 0_o wh not do that?19:14
mihardy have libX11.la in /usr/lib ?19:15
zerii have done already19:15
zerii got lots of data19:15
dbmoodbmove it somewhere else19:15
zerion my windows partitions19:15
zeriwhy i can't boot to ubuntu19:16
dbmoodbeh ?19:16
zeriit display error19:16
Pirate_Hunterzeri: there is soemthing called back up you can even buy an external hd and back up your windows install into it than run it from vmware in ubuntu stop being lazy19:16
zeriyeah i m not lazy19:16
zerii got lots of soft19:17
Pirate_Hunterzeri: you cnat boot cause you cant boot and you havent explained what are the errors that show19:17
dbmoodbzeri: livecd boot, copy paste then remove windows19:17
jessicahow do i change my default email software19:17
Pirate_Hunterdbmoodb: lol19:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about madness - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:17
zerii just want to solve the problem19:17
zerithat's all19:17
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents19:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:18
cyclonutjessica: system > preferences > preferred applications19:18
Pirate_Hunterjessica: should still be in preffered applications under internet19:18
zeriok iu will back later19:18
dbmoodbis sugar in the hardy repositories ?19:18
dbmoodb(my apt is busy)19:18
cyclonutyes it is19:18
Pirate_Hunterok did anyone understand the problem zeri had cause im still thinking... Huh?19:18
dbmoodbmad, the stuff is so cool, ---- the mesh networking is so cool19:19
Pirate_Hunterdbmoodb: whats mad?19:19
dbmoodbprobably zeri has a disk that is full and linux is like oh noes i'm full19:19
cyclonutbicyclist is having no luck today19:19
dbmoodbthe whole project the hardware and the software just give it a try19:19
glueranyone got vmware running on hardy?19:20
dbmoodbzeroconf, editing, hardware is amazing -- wish i bought one to play and do stuff with19:20
cyclonutPirate_Hunter: who knows. He needs to type more on one line, and speak proper english... he should also be dissuaded from using hardy, as he seems not to understand a thing about it19:20
ubotuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:20
mohbanais launchpad open source19:20
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:21
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:21
dbmoodbit is a creative commons licensed site no ?19:21
gluerdbmoodb: virtualbox, any limitations?19:21
mohbanaare there any plans to open source it19:22
dbmoodbno in fact i think it is better19:22
dbmoodbcan we kick some trolls ?19:22
cyclonuthowdy lubosz19:22
luboszis it just me, or does the boot splash stop at some point and drops to console19:22
cyclonutlubosz: no problem with that here19:22
gluerdbmoodb: alrite, vmware wont install for me, i'll try that19:22
dbmoodb;) hopefully that works for you gluer19:22
savvasgluer: vmware needs the headers for it, i think they will be implemented when hardy goes stable19:23
dj1can i go on with my problem ?19:23
savvasgluer: however the virtualbox gutsy package works in hardy19:23
dj1i noticed tc-elite is down too19:23
luboszVirtualBox works for me19:23
dj1so it s my openGL thats broken19:23
luboszyou have to recompile the kernel module19:23
dj1i did19:23
luboszsame for vmwarew19:23
dj1its loaded ...19:24
dj1it looks like its in xfree thats broken19:24
mohbanadoes opengl perform better than directx?19:24
luboszmohbana: in windows?19:24
savvasdo we have x64 virtualizers?19:24
dbmoodbagain can we kick some trolls cough cough19:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about directx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:24
dbmoodbsee it doesn't exist move along19:25
h3sp4wnmohbana: Probably not on consumer hardware19:25
mohbanano generally, are things written in directx faster or slower ... yes windows19:25
savvasdbmoodb: what trolls?19:25
dbmoodbmohbana: it depends what you are doing19:25
luboszi would say it depends on your hardware and how efficient the software is written19:25
luboszand your drivers19:25
dbmoodbmohbana: seems to be going after replies19:25
luboszbut in windows i bet m$ is slowing opengl down :P19:25
h3sp4wnYeah the drivers really matter19:25
cyclonut!windows | mohbana19:26
ubotumohbana: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents19:26
cyclonutthat said, in linux (under wine) openGL should be faster. in my case, directX is19:26
luboszlawl @ http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/119:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]19:27
EnderTheThirdHey all, any ideas why scrollkeeper-up and/or Xorg would be hogging a ton of CPU resources according to top?  I'm talking like 90+%19:27
AnswerGuymohbana: what is the point of asking this question?  as a user you use applications (and graphics/library and device driver performance is only one aspect of over all applications performance)19:28
luboszlawl @ http://www.google.com19:28
AnswerGuyIf your a programmer your choice of DirectX or OpenGL will largely be dictated by various factors other than performance (like the requirements of your target market)19:28
AnswerGuyThat is why some people here consider your question to be "trolling"19:28
AnswerGuyIf you're a programmer even19:28
AnswerGuySo, what are you asking about the relative performance?19:28
h3sp4wnAre there CAD / CAE apps etc that use DirectX I have never seen one (but I don't use loads)19:29
mohbanathis is long, i just wanted a yes/no answer19:29
mohbanathanks anyhow19:29
AnswerGuymohbana: You've asked an inherently meaningless question.  There is no "yes" or "no" answer that would be valid.19:30
luboszin the wine sense, opengl is faster ^^19:30
h3sp4wnWith nvidia it shouldn't be much different19:31
Pirate_HunterAnswerGuy: what is "trolling"? not up to date with irc linguo19:31
AnswerGuyAnd your apparently unwillingness to try to understand a "long" response makes you seem even more like a troll19:31
h3sp4wnIf that is the case then its you wh are feeding the troll :)19:32
Pirate_HunterAnswerGuy: could you take a minute to explain that terminology "troll " trolling" please and how do you know he is such?19:32
glueri thought trolls didnt exist19:32
AnswerGuyWell the term "troll" in IRC (and on NetNews, mailing lists and in other online forums) refers to a person who poses disengenuous questions or posts provacative statements in order to cause disruption rather than from a sincere interest in the topic of the forum.19:32
Pirate_Hunterlubosz: thanx19:32
Pirate_HunterAnswerGuy: thanx I just called them flamers but i guess there is a difference19:33
luboszPirate_Hunter: but don't take enyclopedia dramatica too serious, its very sarcastic19:33
Zvezdichkohmmm, so, I'm a troll because I express my excitement of ubuntu hardy rather than helping and testing as I should do :)19:33
cyclonutpersonally, I think AnswerGuy may have jumped the gun a little bit19:33
cyclonutbuuuuut to each their own19:33
AnswerGuyh3sp4wn: I may be "feeding the troll" but I hope that I am also providing some useful information to others who are reading this --- describing *why* the question is meaningless and hinting at what sorts of questions one would be better asking.19:33
gluerand what question was that? ive long since forgotten19:34
Pirate_Hunterlubosz: i understand19:34
AnswerGuyPirate_Hunter: flamers are people who respond (sometimes to perfectly legitimate questions or other posts) with animosity rather than useful content.19:34
AnswerGuytrolls are trolling for flamers19:34
Pirate_HunterAnswerGuy: never knew there was such a description to such actions, im behind on times where have i been all this time19:35
AnswerGuyThe term troll is a double entendre ... "trolling" (like fishing from a slowly moving boat) and "troll" as in a mythical monster who hides under a bridge to attack the unwary traveler.19:36
gluerdoes ubuntu have plans to release a novell login client? im sick of having to virtual machine xp just to use the novell login client19:36
AnswerGuygluer: Novell as in "Netware?"19:36
h3sp4wnIs there not one for SLED ?19:37
AnswerGuyWow, I haven't seen a Netware installation in a decade!19:37
glueryes but it doesnt work when converted to .deb19:37
AnswerGuyPehaps it depends on some kernel support?19:37
Pirate_HunterA Fat middle aged man or Russian Woman who lives under a bridge - thats quite rude stereotyping a race like that i should report, i will report it19:38
gluerAnswerGuy: alot of businesses are still using it in Australia19:38
h3sp4wnI think if I needed to connect to netware I would just use SLED19:38
* AnswerGuy tries to remember the old mars_nwe stuff and wonders if that's still relevant.19:38
AnswerGuygluer: it wasn't a criticism of Netware --- just an expression of how useless and out-of-date my knowlege of the topic would be.19:38
gluerh3sp4wn: yeh it is, but my users are used to seeing the novell client19:38
AnswerGuySo, how does the alien converted .deb fail?19:39
gluerrequires some lib that when questioning Novell, im told "your distro is important to us, pls be patient"19:40
h3sp4wnProbably mono as well19:40
glueranyway virtualbox is up and running i'll grab my win xp cd and novell client19:41
h3sp4wnI prefer if at all possible to be using Citrix for what few win apps i may want19:42
AnswerGuyWell, gluer, the usual tricks for dealing with that problem include: use ldd to find the dependent libraries, use rpm -qf to find the package that owns those, use alien to convert the library packages to .deb ... or create your hack/binary tarball (and then alien that) into a package ...19:43
AnswerGuy... and possibly, run strace -f on the client to find any dlopen() shared library dependencies (and execve() dependencies if it has those).19:44
gluerAnswerGuy: there goes my weekend :-)19:44
h3sp4wnYeah but if those dependancies are to do with mono19:44
h3sp4wnThen I would have no chance19:45
AnswerGuyWell, the mono stuff is packaged for Debian --- so you can resolve those.19:45
h3sp4wnNo but Novell has some of its own stuff19:45
h3sp4wnlike probably this library in question19:45
gluerAnswerGuy: how about I pay you $5 per workstation if u get it running? lol19:46
AnswerGuyBut it's all in his SLED installations.  Are you saying that some of Novell's Mono stuff is restrictively licensed?19:46
h3sp4wnHave you ever tried packaging something like ifolder ?19:46
AnswerGuyMy hourly rates are a bit higher than that (unless my work on one or two workstations gets it working on hundreds of them)19:47
AnswerGuyNo, I haven't.  I don't even know what ifolder is.19:47
* AnswerGuy is mostly a command line, networking and kernel level sysadmin/geek19:47
gluerif i get them to use ifolder i may as well get them to use netstorage19:47
AnswerGuyAll that GUI crap just frustrates me.19:48
jimiridgeyeah i think the only reason i stick with gnome is for firefox then agian i guess i could start a bare X server with just firefox19:48
gluermaybe i'll just outsource the work to myself19:48
h3sp4wnjimiridge: try wm-ii19:49
h3sp4wnor ratpoison - for me its so much easier to concentrate then19:49
jimiridgelol wiki says of wmii attempts to not exceed 10,000 lines of code (including all shipped utilities and libraries)19:50
h3sp4wnIf you have an accelerated framebuffer (at least radeonfb I used like this)19:51
h3sp4wnthne you can have links2 -g at 1280x1024 and then I don't need X19:51
h3sp4wnBut its not tolerable with vesafb at all19:52
jimiridgeyeah but links2 likes to crash on advanced pages19:53
jimiridgecant compare to firefox19:53
EnderTheThirdCan't PulseAudio adjust sound for each application independently?  (I'd like to mute Firefox/Flash)19:53
h3sp4wnThat was at work though - any of that stuff I didn't need to ever read anyway19:54
h3sp4wnEnderTheThird: It can with the pulseaudio manager thing19:54
EnderTheThirdh3sp4wn:  Any idea how I get to that?  Tabbing in a terminal gives pulseaudio and that's it.  I don't see a manager in the menu anywhere either.19:55
h3sp4wnEnderTheThird: Its not installed by default people think its too complicated to use19:56
h3sp4wnEnderTheThird: Its paman you want iirc19:57
EnderTheThirdInstalling now.  Thanks.19:58
EnderTheThirdYou ever had trouble with "Xorg" taking 90+% CPU by chance?  This thing is running painfully slow for a 2 GHz Celeron.19:58
asdrubalEnderTheThird, are you playing a video or movie?19:59
h3sp4wnI am not even using alsa or pulseaudio - only oss4 (it does all I need)19:59
EnderTheThirdIt's been this way in Ubuntu on this computer for the last few releases and I can't figure out why.  direct rendering is enable, but glxgears goes like crap and it gets turned off with Compiz anyway (disabled now though, just using Metacity).20:02
luboszoO i can't grab windows in super + e mode anymore with alt key pressed..20:06
luboszthat sux20:06
luboszgutsy could do it ^^20:06
trukoshHi, a friend installed 8.04 server for me. Locales are "bad" .. Is it like that or did he a mistake. I want to know whether it makes sense to reinstall or not...20:12
AirBendertrukosh: just reconfigure the locales20:13
zerii install ubuntu on windows partition20:17
trukoshAirBender: dpkg-reconfigure just regenerates them, localeconf isn't available. It's long ago i had problem like that and i don't remember how to do :(20:17
zeriusing wubi i install ubuntu hardy20:17
zeriwhen i boot from ubuntu20:18
Zvezdichkooh, why do you all use wubi20:18
Zvezdichkoit's so slow20:18
zeriwubi is better than vmware20:18
zerithat's why20:18
zerithe problem when i try to boot on ubuntu20:19
zeriit display message error20:19
evandzeri: what error?20:20
Ramunashello, is there a tutorial on how to get hardy to share the internet connection with my phone over bluetooth?20:21
Ramunasas there's no dund in bluez-utils anymore, old guides do not work20:22
AirBendertrukosh: what's your language ?20:22
zerithe error is : Any system file has been selected as a root correct from software partitioning20:22
zerithe pblm is there is no parition20:23
zerion the hard disk20:24
zerihow to fix that problem ?20:24
zeriis there Mr Wubi here ?20:25
evandzeri: is this during the install process?20:25
zeriyeah one install on windows20:25
zerithe system restart on ubuntu20:25
zeriand there it show the message20:26
=== tumi is now known as tumi_
evandthen when you press OK, it reboots, right?20:26
evandzeri: ^20:26
zerii can't even ignor the message20:27
RainCTRamunas: I run this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/6169/plain/ to share it on the local network and then just configure the other PCs to use mine as gateway; don't know if this will work for a phone though20:27
zeriit appear20:27
zerieven i click ok20:27
zeriso i have to reboot my pc manually with the power button20:28
RamunasRainCT, it won't, the phone needs a daemon who acts as a dialup server, and with dund in bluez-utils that was possible20:28
evandzeri: ok, one minute.20:28
AirBendertrukosh: and what do you see when you type: locale in a terminal?20:32
trukoshde_DE.utf8 - doesn't seem so wrong. When i write "special keys" on konsole it works, but when i read files e.g. /etc/locale.alias all special signs are like <F7>20:34
nemoshouldn't that be de_DE.UTF-820:35
nemonot de_DE.utf820:35
trukoshOf course several line like "LC_CTYPE=de_DE.utf8" ... and so on ..20:35
nemois mine, personally.20:35
evandzeri: OK, can you please file a bug at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ?  Please attach C:\ubuntu\install\custom-installation\preseed.cfg and the newest %TEMP%\Wubi-*.log and describe exactly how you obtained and used Wubi in as much detail as you can, as well as where the error occurred.20:35
zerii explain u the problem correctly20:37
Zvezdichkohmmm zeri, it may be a bug and it probably needs a fix...20:38
evandzeri: indeed, but we'll need those logs to locate the source of the bug.20:39
evandin a bug report so the problem can be properly tracked20:39
zeriok i m in macos now and i can't see the ntfs file system20:40
zerii have to reboot my macbook air20:40
evandzeri: that's fine, there's no rush.  Whenever you have a chance it would be much appreciated.20:40
zeriif i understand correctly  the good solution is to use gusty gibbon20:41
KrimZonwhen i boot in the -12-rt kernel it doesnt detect my geforce 8800M G video20:41
KrimZonbut -11-generic does20:42
KrimZondoes anyone know all the packages i should check are installed?20:42
KrimZonor anything else i should know, check or find out?20:43
KrimZonor do20:43
zeriok i will report my bug with the file after thx evand20:44
poseidonWhere can I go to find a bunch of open source linux projects to help out with?20:46
izaksterni had some problems while logging in, gnome-settings-manager could not start up. everything works properly now after removing xserver-xgl but unfortunately compiz is down :(. is there a way to run compiz without xserver-xgl on a ati onboard graphics card?20:48
trukoshnemo: locale -a says: de_DE.utf8 - so shoud be right, not?20:49
trukoshBut: /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED says: de_DE.UTF-820:51
trukoshI hate locales ..20:51
nemotrukosh: should be de_DE.UTF-820:55
nemoI think your profile is misconfigured20:55
nemotrukosh: did you do it by hand?20:55
nemotrukosh: easy thing to test of course.  LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 gedit20:56
nemoor somesuch20:56
* nemo tries20:56
trukoshMy big problem is, i didn't install the system myself. The freind who did, however has configured many nice things in the system i don't want to destroy, but the broken locales are really annoying..20:57
nemotrukosh: of course, if locales were really screwed up, ubuntu won't even have installed the text :-/20:58
trukoshIf i create a new file, i can write special signs in it, and if i open again, they are correctly displayd... but all old files and even files i copy from other systems are looking bad (filenames also)21:01
nemotrukosh: well. filenames were probably in some ISO thingy21:01
nemotrukosh: I've renamed tons of files to UTF-821:01
nemoI wish the world would just switch to it. un point c'est tout.21:02
poseidonI'm trying to install php mysql and apache, so I did "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" however it tells me "taskel: apptitude failed (100)"21:02
nemohuh. never heard of tasksel21:02
* nemo always just... installed php/mysql/apache :)21:03
gregcha117can someone please help me my sound is broken, i reverted to an old kernel and it worked fine, then for some reason stopped working again now im stuck with no sound on the most current kernel and can't figure out how to fix it21:03
poseidonnemo, did they work fine together?21:04
poseidonnemo, taskel -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel21:04
Pirate_Hunterposeidon: just use this command sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php521:05
nemoposeidon: sure. why wouldn't they?21:06
nemoPirate_Hunter: yeah. pretty much that :)21:06
Pirate_Hunternemo: I think it is easier that way but everyone has their own choice21:06
nemotrukosh: hey21:06
nemotrukosh: since you're going to be fixing this...21:07
poseidonnemo, I guess your right.  I'm still thinking of my windows computer... that must be it ;)21:07
nemotrukosh: csh.env env.d/02locale locale.gen locale.nopurge make.conf profile.csh profile.env21:08
nemoposeidon: setting up apache/subversion/mysql/trac on a windows box was a friggen' nightmare21:09
nemoposeidon: less than ½ an hour under linux21:09
nemoalmost 2 days under windows21:09
nemoposeidon: the power of package management systems.21:09
nemosomeone should start one for OSS under windows21:09
nemowell. there was that, and also the fact that the windows builds were usually indifferently maintained, and good friggen' luck doing a build yourself.21:10
Pirate_Hunternemo: having somehting like that on windows would never work they would have to re-do the OS which in itself is a pain just look at what they did to frontpage (now known as expression web)21:12
AlkexHi  everybody .. I'm not able to run graphic install I guess due to issue with graphic card. Mine is a nvidia 8600GS. anyone have idea on what to do to go haed in the install?21:12
=== marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_-
nemoPirate_Hunter: well. there is something a lot more trivial, but still kind of useful...21:15
Pirate_Hunternemo: ok woudl like to find out what it is but have work so going afk talk later, maybe, if your on21:16
Pirate_Hunterc yah ppl21:16
gregcha118anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix my sound? i hate having to use windows21:16
nemogregcha118: what's the problem with it?21:17
* nemo gives gregcha118 about 30 more seconds 21:18
nemogregcha118: oh well. going home. recent sound bugs in ubuntu hardy were one with older kernel (now fixed - be sure you are up to date) and one with pulse audio - maybe fixed, but try switching to alsa21:18
gregcha118im updated to the newest kernel21:20
gregcha118i reverted to an old kernel which temporarily fixed the problem then for no apparent reason my sound disappeared on that too21:20
gregcha118now when i click on my volume it says no devices found21:21
Alkexis it possible to run text install witha desktop image?21:22
EnderTheThirdHmmm, I wish I could figure out why Hardy doesn't detect my WiFi card while Gutsy detects it like a champ.  :-/21:22
EnderTheThirdD-Link DWL-520(+)21:23
poseidonWhere can I go to find a bunch of open source linux projects to help out with?21:24
gregcha119when i run alsamixer i get function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory21:31
pascalFRsound is broken on thinkpad x4021:34
cytr3xjust put a new nic in my ubuntu8.04 box, and the machine didnt detect it at boot, mii-tool shows only one eth0 (on board nic), how can I detect the other one21:34
ere4sijust got some xubuntu updates and they knocked 30mb of the mem usage - well done! :)21:36
cyclonutere4si: whoa.21:37
* cyclonut wonders if he got the same effect form today's updates21:38
sarixemy sound's line in is way too loud, and even when Capture is at 0, i get a normal volume.  i feed my ipod in through that so i can listen to it, but it's really way too loud.  is there a way i can turn it down?21:39
ere4sicyclonut: it took a reboot to find that out :)21:41
thompaanyone manage to get madwifi working on acer atheros?21:41
thompait seems impossible21:41
thompaim going to try upgrade kernel I guess21:42
cyclonutere4si: yeah, I thnk its that time21:43
cyclonut~10mb drop21:45
cyclonutbut hey, somethings better than nothing, hardy is a little "fat" if'n you ask me21:46
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:47
ere4sicyclonut: are you using xubuntu?21:47
cyclonutno, gnome, but I was hoping I might see some residual :-P21:47
cyclonutI've tried xfce a few times, but couldnt get into it21:48
cytr3xIf I install xubuntu on a system as 7.10 will it be easy to upgrade next month when the new one comes out?21:49
cytr3xwithout messing up all the services21:49
ere4sishould be21:49
balgarathQuestion: I'm running Ubuntu Studio(with RT kernel)...what happens with the kernel when I upgrade(not fresh install) to hardy?21:49
cytr3xere4si: will I be able to do it via the net or will I need to download the new iso?21:50
cyclonut"should" being the keyword21:50
cyclonutbalgarath: it'll update21:50
balgarathcyclonut, to the newer RT kernel?21:51
balgarathcyclonut, thanks21:51
ere4sicytr3x: through the net it will upgrade ok - when the release is out you update the system and an upgrade option appears21:51
eduardojimiridge u there?21:52
eduardoi need help configuring libss 10.9.821:53
eduardowhat do i type in  services to restart to make them use the new libraries21:55
eduardowhat do i type in  services to restart to make them use the new libraries21:56
eduardoin heron's package configuration21:56
bardyrokay, i dont know how to report this bug or how to troubleshoot it, when i use deluge for a while my system start to run sluggish, the internet completely dies but nm-applet, iwconfig, etc still seem to be running without a problem, i cant start new applications, nor use shortcuts like alt+f2, alt+ctrl+backspace, open applications such as firefox and audacious run fine and i can select the different tabs in firefox21:56
bardyri need a hard reboot to make my box work again21:56
bardyrno dmesg errors21:57
bardyreduardo, /etc/init.d/$service restart21:58
eduardobardyr, whats that for?21:58
bardyreduardo, to restart services21:58
gnubuntuhello. since the last updates gnome share folder is gone.21:59
eduardobardyr, do i type that in package configuration?21:59
bardyreduardo, no, in the terminal, and replace $service with the name of the actual service21:59
gnubuntuhow can i get it back? i restalled samba but still no share folder setting22:00
eduardobardyr, i dont know the name of the actual service, I updated ubuntu and now im configuring heron22:00
eduardobardyr, im in configuring libss10.9.8 step22:01
XiXaQare any of you able to play realmedia files with totem?22:01
eduardobardur, but i need to type something after "ssh"22:02
eduardobardyr, but i need to type something after "ssh"22:02
bardyreduardo, do you want to restart ssh?22:02
eduardobardyr, i updated 7.10 and i need help configuring heron, i dont know anything about ssh22:03
bardyreduardo, what is exactly your problem?22:04
adelie42I've lost my terminals (ctrl-alt-f-key) just goes to a blank cursor in the corner. I get terminals with a live dvd, just not on my installed version. any help? what needs to be reconfigured?22:04
eduardobardyr, i dont know what to type22:04
bardyreduardo, to do what?22:04
nonix4Is there a dvd image of hardy beta somewhere? Or just the cd ones?22:04
bardyrnonix4, just the cd's22:05
adelie42nonix4: cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd22:05
eduardobardyr, it says: Services to restart to make them use the new libraries: then in the typing box its says ssh, and i dont know if i need to type something else or just leave it that way22:05
bardyrI stand corrected :)22:05
bardyreduardo, just leave it as it is, if there are any problems you just reboot.22:06
sarixemy sound's line in is way too loud, even when Capture is at 0.  i feed my ipod in through that so i can listen to it, but it's really way too loud.  is there a way i can turn it down?22:06
eduardobardyr, does updating ubuntu erases the files i had before updating?22:07
bardyreduardo, nope22:07
eduardogod bless22:07
eduardoi wasnt able to log in to ubuntu, so i updated it, i hope it works when the process is done22:08
bardyrsarixe, try to go into the gnome mixer, -> Edit -> Preferences, add all volume control and play around with them22:09
bardyrsarixe, they can be misleading so try everything22:09
adelie42help  :( when I hit ctrl-alt-F1, the screen is just blank with a cursor, and typing doesn't do anything. F2-F6 does the same thing. Any suggestions?22:09
sarixebardyr : tried all that22:09
marsadelie42, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/202977 ?22:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 202977 in ubuntu "No way to access VTs in Hardy PPC" [High,Confirmed]22:09
eduardoim eager to try hardy22:10
adelie42mars: I am using i386 maybe AMD64, I don't remember. :/22:12
sarixebardyr: specifically, the problem is that when i plug my ipod into usb, it makes these random loud noises, which i'm sure are a result of line-in being too loud.  it only happens when the ipod is plugged into usb AND line-in.22:13
adelie42mars: and I don't have the problem in single user mode22:13
sarixebardyr : usually i have the ipod not at full level, so that it doesn't blast my eardrums.  but i'm under the impression that i should be able to have the ipod at full volume, and modify the Capture volume as necessary22:14
bardyrsarixe, thats and reasonable assumption22:15
sarixebardyr : the noises should be quiet enough that i can turn my ipod up loud enough to effectively silence them, while not destroying my ears22:15
marsadelie42, I'm actually looking for something related to VTs, but I saw that similar behaviour is present in other bug reports.22:15
adelie42mars: I am finding a lot of people with this problem in gutsy...22:16
michaelfaviaanyoen have recent problems with desktop cpmpositing and nvidia drivers? namely no window borders when using compiz? all xorg options correctly configured to best of knowledge.22:17
sarixemichaelfavia : try typing this in a terminal: gtk-window-decorator --replace &22:20
eduardohey bardyr22:20
michaelfaviasarixe, thx but no luck..22:21
bardyrbtw for $ubuntu+2, did anyone think about how the h**l the rest of the world should be able to pronounce the name?22:21
michaelfavialooks like an issue with the video driver22:21
eduardobardyr, should i install new bash version or keep mine22:21
michaelfaviaWarn: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3222:21
bardyreduardo, it's usually a good idea to install the new version22:21
michaelfaviaChecking for Xgl: not present. < this is xgl xorg right?22:21
eduardook thanx22:21
michaelfaviai shouldnt have that on22:21
sarixebardyr : intrepid aibex?22:22
michaelfaviasarixe, glxinfo reports: direct rendering: Yes22:22
adelie42mars: I think I found a fix... I had a vga=xxx argument in my kernel options which seems to have issues with the nvidia-glx-new driver22:22
bardyrsarixe, yea22:22
bardyrmichaelfavia, metacity --replace &  ?22:23
sarixemichaelfavia : looks like it's not the video driver's fault then...22:23
michaelfaviabardyr, this is what ive done to geta  working desktop :)22:23
michaelfaviabut obviously doesnt solve compiz.22:23
sarixebardyr : he's using compiz22:23
michaelfaviamomentarily switched to metacity so i can work..22:23
michaelfaviabut AWN, etc depend on compiz. and id liek to make sure bugs are fixed in time for HHfinal22:24
RainCTmichaelfavia: not necessarily22:24
myk_hey guys22:24
RainCTmichaelfavia: you can get AWN to work with xcompmgr too. I haven't read what problem you have but that one might work better22:25
myk_i have blacklisted ssb and b43 by adding them to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, however, ssb is still loading... any idea why?22:25
michaelfaviasarixe, and bardyr i am VERY familiar with making compiz and nvidia drivers work, etc normally no issues. just seems to be something with compiz i suppose... ther eis an archive pool right?22:25
RainCTmichaelfavia: erm nvm22:26
myk_what happens is, once I am booted, i end up opening the console and running rmmod ssb, rmmod ndiswrapper, modprobe ndiswrapper22:26
myk_because ssb still loaded for soem reason22:26
AirBendermyk_: do you have problems with ssb?22:28
AirBenderi've installed it in my friend's laptop and ran pretty good22:28
myk_yes. It runs my BCM4311, however, it severely cuts the range. I can go about 5 times farther using ndiswrapper22:28
myk_with SSB/B43, i have to sit in the same room as my router22:29
AirBenderjust need to get the firmware with b43-fwcutter, like with bcm43xx, but far much better22:29
myk_i have.22:29
AirBenderso bad22:29
myk_really just dont understand why a module i have blacklisted is still loading22:29
h3sp4wnThe thing is though even with the greatest driver in the world the hardware is pretty crappy22:29
myk_right now, i am sitting two rooms away using ndiswrapper, but i had to manually load it as stated above22:29
myk_agreed abotu crappy broadcom...22:30
myk_trying to find an expresscard wifi that works natively22:30
AirBendertryout atheros chipsets22:30
h3sp4wnAtheros is the other way round madwifi is pretty crappy compared to how good the hardware can be22:31
myk_i can do that, but for now, i just need assistance with blacklisting22:31
CaesarIs someone able to sponsor an upload for #203302 for me?22:31
AirBenderh3sp4wn: yeah, but it's still fine for me22:32
h3sp4wnAirBender: It is usually for me just as a client22:32
AirBendermyk_: did you blacklisted b43 ?22:32
h3sp4wn(Dunno why hardy still has though 0.9.4 or trunk is alot better22:32
myk_yes, i have blacklisted bcm43xx, b43, and ssb22:32
AirBenderh3sp4wn: shit happens... there's alwais a delay22:33
h3sp4wnAirBender: Doesn't affect me anyway but wouldn't be good for an LTS to be releasd with such a regression22:33
AirBenderyes, I agree22:34
h3sp4wnath5k seems like its getting alot better also22:35
h3sp4wn(not managed to get it to use my countrycode though)22:35
=== [NNUser] is now known as ike_x
alka_trashdamn I like "The Hardy"22:43
alka_trashShould I be able to uninstall ALSA?22:44
h3sp4wnYou can use oss4 instead if that is what you mean22:44
alka_trashwell I noticed when I tried to uninstall alsa, a ton of gnome packages depend on it22:45
eduardobardyr, the update aborted22:47
alka_trashh3sp4wn: does that make sense?22:47
h3sp4wnalka_trash: They are linked against alsa-lib22:47
h3sp4wnYou cannot get rid of that22:47
alka_trashoh okay, so hardy will have alsa and pulse audio servers then?22:48
LuckriderHi everyone, I have a question. Any help is appreciated22:49
LuckriderI am trying to connect my wiimote22:49
Luckriderand when I run hcitool scan22:49
Luckriderit comes back with no device22:49
Luckridercan anyone help?22:49
chombee_Does the new compositor in metacity in hardy use 3D acceleration? I like it better than compix, but it seems a bit slow.22:49
LuckriderLike I said before, any help is appreciated22:50
myk_got zsnes running in KDE4/Kubuntu Hardy. Works fine, but i have no sound. I had sound using the same application in gutsy. Any ideas?22:50
sapHi, I'm eagerly waiting to install the upcoming Hardy (8.04) , right now I'm on fiesty (which I had made dual-boot with XP).  I'd like to know would I have to go through the formatting and partition selection thing again if I want to clean install Hardy (keeping my win XP intact) , and what would be the best procedure to do so?22:51
myk_whassup, nosrednaekim22:52
clarezoeanyone knows eva qq?22:52
myk_how do i change my idenity?22:52
Luckriderwhen hardy come out22:52
sapLuckrider, ya?22:52
Luckrideryou can just go to the update manager22:52
=== myk_ is now known as robinson
Luckriderthere will be a button to click22:53
eduardoI was upgrading my ubuntu to heron, and now the upgrade was aborted due to gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol :g_once_init_enter_impl, anyone knows how to fix this?22:53
Luckriderthat allows you to update22:53
Luckriderwithout partitioning22:53
sapLuckrider, but I really wanna do a clean install rather that just upgrade22:53
Luckrideror re-installing22:53
LuckriderI think it is possible to install right into the partition you currently have, you might want to check some forums22:53
LuckriderI have no idea22:54
sapubuntuforums, u mean?22:54
eduardoI was upgrading my ubuntu to heron, and now the upgrade was aborted due to gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-pixbuf-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol :g_once_init_enter_impl, anyone knows how to fix this?22:54
Luckriderhow are you trying to install/22:54
eduardofrom console22:54
Luckridersap, yeah22:55
LuckriderI updated with a fresh install22:55
eduardomt 7.10 was fucked up, so i decided to upgrade to fix the error22:55
LuckriderI was just wondering if it was an install error22:55
Luckriderfrom a fresh install22:55
eduardoany clue on how to fix it?=22:55
Luckrider no, sorry22:55
eduardoi havent been able to use my comp for about 3 days22:56
Luckriderhave you tried ignoreing it22:56
eduardocant, the installation auto-aborted22:56
Luckridersee... I have only updated with fresh installs or through the update manger22:56
Luckriderthey let you skip22:56
Luckriderthe update manager does22:57
eduardodamn, when will i be able to fix my box!! ;,,(22:57
LuckriderI know how you feel22:57
LuckriderI have had those moments22:57
eduardoim chatting through irssi22:57
Luckrideryou can;t use the computer at all22:57
eduardoi can use console22:57
Luckriderthat is it?22:57
eduardoyes, thats it22:57
Luckridersomething really got messed up22:58
eduardomy gtk libs22:58
eduardoi think my gtk libs messed up22:58
LuckriderI would have thought that you would be able to use the previouse version22:58
eduardoi tried to reinstall them, but didnt work22:58
h3sp4wnThat happened to me a few month ago (but no one else afaik)22:58
eduardoh3sp4wn u had the same issue?22:59
Luckrideris there any import data on the computer?22:59
h3sp4wneduardo: I did yes stuff just segfaulting all the time22:59
h3sp4wnI dunno how it happened either22:59
nosrednaekimyou could just temporarily install kde22:59
h3sp4wnIt was a few months ago22:59
eduardoh3sp4wn how did u fix it?22:59
rinaldi_can anyone recommend an app to convert and burn a video file to one playable in a dvd player?23:00
Luckrideryeah that sounds good to me (never actually used it for that)23:01
h3sp4wneduardo: I uninstalled almost everything23:01
alex_mayorgadoes latest updates include serious breakage?23:01
h3sp4wneduardo: I tried all sorts of stuff so I am not even 100% sure what it was that fixed it23:01
Luckridereduardo, if there is no important data, just install HH from a disk23:01
Luckrideroh, you know23:01
LuckriderI had my own question23:02
eduardoh3sp4wn no i dont want to lose my data23:02
LuckriderI see23:02
rinaldi_ere4si: avidemux doesn't read the file properly (says "cannot read from file")23:02
h3sp4wneduardo: I used aptitude and stripped it back to almost nothing and then started putting stuff back23:02
ere4sirinaldi_: what sort of file?23:02
h3sp4wnI kept /home23:02
eduardojimiridge was helping me get through the problem but he seems to be idle23:02
Luckriderdoes anyone know how to connect a wiimote to ubuntu, I have an internal adapter23:02
rinaldi_ere4si: its an mpeg ts, recorded from mythtv23:03
eduardoh3sp4wn well i cant log into ubuntu23:03
LuckriderI keep trying hcitool scan23:03
eduardoi can only use console23:03
h3sp4wneduardo: Can you get to a terminal ?23:03
Luckriderand it doesn't work23:03
eduardoh3sp4wn yes, i can only use console23:03
ere4sirinaldi_: that is a transport stream - one min and I'll read a bit :)23:03
Luckriderconsole s terminal h3sp4wn23:04
eduardoim fed up with this shit23:04
eduardou should be able to fix it23:04
h3sp4wnDid you try making another user23:04
eduardohow do i do a new one?23:04
eduardobut i dont think that will solve the problem, libs are rlly fucked up23:05
h3sp4wnadduser --add_extra_groups23:05
h3sp4wnhave a look at man adduser there is loads of options but you will want those extra groups23:06
h3sp4wnAt least then you will know 100% its not something just to do with your stuff in23:06
ere4sirinaldi_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-388842.html - tells you how to sort that23:06
rinaldi_ere4si: i just downloaded winff and it seems to read the file ok. converting to pal dvd now, but il also try that. thanks23:07
AdysQuestion, what should I use, nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx ?23:07
AdysI suppose the new one, but..23:07
h3sp4wnDepends I think the new one has different bugs23:08
AdysIm getting an error when trying opera's linux gogi23:08
Adys./lingogi: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:09
Adysseems its related to nvidia-glx23:09
mneptokAdys: depends on your nVidia chipset23:09
h3sp4wnI dunno whether you even can have 96.xx23:11
nosrednaekiminstalling hardy as we speak! partitioning was really fast...23:12
MrKeunerhi, does hardy have openoffice 2.4?23:12
amx109MrKeuner, not yet23:13
Luckriderhold on23:13
Luckriderthere is your answer23:13
Luckriderit is 2.323:13
MrKeuneramx109: yet? you mean it might change before release?23:14
Luckriderdoes anyone know of a how-to guide for connecting a wiimote to Hardy23:14
Luckriderhelp is appreciated23:14
h3sp4wnYeah the project leaders have been known to add stuff at the last min before23:14
nosrednaekimLuckrider: yeah.. thats something thats definately going to take some googling... though it is definately possible23:14
LuckriderI have tried for a few days now23:15
amx109MrKeuner, im not sure23:15
Luckriderthis is my last place to look23:15
MrKeuneramx109: OK thanks23:15
LuckriderI get a problem23:15
Luckriderwhen i try hcitool scan, i get no such device23:15
Luckrideris there a way to install hcitool or something23:16
brett_hmy postgresql-8.3 install didn't initialize the cluster or anything, where would I go to check/re-run that script?23:16
nosrednaekim!info hcitool hardy23:17
Luckriderthanks nisrednaekim23:17
Luckrideri am about to try that23:17
Luckriderbash: !info: event not found23:18
nosrednaekimLuckrider: thats a bot command ;)23:18
nosrednaekimbut he doesn't seem to be around23:18
Luckrideri am not so used to terminal so i thought it was a command foe terminal23:19
LuckriderI am so stupid23:19
Luckrideri should have realized it was for a bot23:19
* Luckrider facepalms myself23:19
nosrednaekimits ok :)23:20
nosrednaekimLuckrider: search in your package managerand see if hcitool is available23:20
Luckrideryeah, it just seamed correct with the hci thing23:20
Luckriderlet me check23:20
LuckriderThere is no matching application available.23:20
Luckrideri had tried sudo apt-get install hclitool before23:23
Luckriderand it said could not find23:23
sliptteesDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken23:23
Luckriderbtw, I really appreciate the help23:24
Luckrideryeah, that is what I had seen in some forums23:24
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: try http://www.wiili.org/index.php/WMD and report any success ;)23:25
Luckriderbut, those were for older versions, not hardy23:25
LuckriderI hav tried that23:25
LuckriderI keep getting stuck at the same point as I previously stated23:25
LuckriderI can't connect the wiimote, so I am not worrying about the driver yet23:26
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: I once paired the wiimote on hardy before, didn't pursuit it tough, but it does work, check that your bluetooth stack is working23:27
brett_hI have two 8.04 machines I installed postgresql-8.3 on, one one of them - the cluster wasn't initialized, where would I find and run the script to do this now?23:27
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: try to pair something else23:27
Luckriderthanks alex_mayorga23:27
LuckriderI have nothing else to pair23:27
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: for the record the page I passed you is what I used IIRC23:28
Luckriderlet me double check that page23:28
nosrednaekimLuckrider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup23:28
Luckrideri will bring that up in a sec23:28
alex_mayorgaI might as well take my wiimote for another spin with the new release of bluez, but I don't really see the point of it just yet23:29
Luckriderdoes it support the nunchuck?23:30
alex_mayorgaany experts on fixing nvidia rainbowish effect, I can't get a GUI going anymore23:30
Luckriderbecause if it doesn't I might as well wait also23:30
LuckriderI could just give it to my freind23:30
Luckriderif it doesn't work23:30
Luckriderhe will script it to work23:30
alex_mayorgahow can I get vesa kicking again23:30
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: ship it to me and I'll test out ;)23:31
Luckridergo to applications>other>screens and monitors23:31
alex_mayorgaRAOF, ping23:31
Luckridertry changing the graphics card driver there23:31
alex_mayorgaLuckrider: theres no GDM here, not usable at least23:32
LuckriderI had some problems at first with my Radeon Firegl23:32
Luckridersee... that is how I fixed my problem23:32
alex_mayorgathanks anyway23:32
Luckriderthanks for your help23:32
LuckriderI feel like taking without giving back is just wrong23:33
alex_mayorgathen you've got Ubuntu on you :)23:33
ichatho well it speach support improved for  hardy  .. is any one working on it.  arer there known improvents23:33
alex_mayorgaichat: ORCA is being improved or so I've read on gnome23:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about orca - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:34
ichatthat for  gnome only right?23:35
trukoshHi. When i open a file that contains "umlaute" or other special signs in "vi" everything is fine. If i use less they are broken, if i do an "ls" on files on a samba-Share, they are also broken, newly created files on same share are fine... (I did a fresh install on a second system, again choosing german language during installation. It's the same problem there) - Any hints?23:40
alex_mayorgait's being done on gnome, ORCA is a gnome project but it would surely trickle into ubuntu23:40
ichatlast i tried was rather  hard to work with on   7.1023:42
ichatspecially to get it workin with  lets say firefox23:43
alex_mayorgaichat: have to go for now, but I'd also love a speaking Hardy23:45
alex_mayorgalet's catch up latter, I'm a true believer on accessibility, not just for the fanciness of it23:46
Koji-MurasameAnyone having/had problems with their video card in the Kubuntu (KDE4) Hardy Beta?23:46
orvokkiWhich video card?23:46
Koji-MurasameNVIDIA Geforce FX 570023:47
Koji-MurasameIt funks up the screen.23:47
ichatsame here23:48
ichatbut i doubt is ubuntu's fault23:49
Koji-MurasameNvidia driver problem?23:49
ichatall me  GF 5 series of card borked at this driver (on slackware  and ubuntu )23:50
Koji-MurasameWhat mid/high end AGP cards seem to work well, I've been considering an upgrade. . .23:52
ichatanything above the  6x series  afaik... but to be hunnest  - i havent tried al lof of it yet...23:53
warrendwhy do you think about my comment on this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/18876423:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188764 in usplash "[hardy]640x480 usplash on all computers" [High,Confirmed]23:54
nejodeKoji-Murasame: have you tried the driver from nvidia?23:55
ichatprobably a nice  68xx of  69xx  of   76xx  etc would work briliantly23:55
Koji-MurasameI just did. It won't install. Says I don't have the libc packages even though I do.23:55
nejodeKoji-Murasame: have you tried>> http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html23:56
ichatbut im not sure  you may well get it to work  with some  better settings if you read on it23:56
sliptteesHave any command in ubuntu, which remove all the programs that are not in ubuntu-desktop?23:57
bazhangslipttees: nay23:57
sliptteesnay ?23:57
Koji-Murasamenejode: I haven't on this install, but last time I tried (gutsy beta) it broke my system.23:58
bazhangslipttees: No.23:58
warrendwhat do you think about the usplash bug?23:58

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