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jimqodeCan I get an ubuntu cloak?12:03
arualavijimqode: are you an ubuntu member?12:13
jimqodearualavi, I'm not sure what that means. I translare for the Turkish team, I triage bugs and I am entitled to 10 cds from shipit. Does that make me one?12:14
jpatrickubotu: tell jimqode about member12:14
arualavijimqode: I think that you should follow this instructions for a generic cloak: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks12:15
PiciChances are, if you don't know if you're an Ubuntu Member, you aren't one.  You need to be approved at one of the Council meetings12:15
jimqodeOk. It seems I'm not :) Thanks anyway.12:16
jpatrickarualavi: hmm, he already had a generic cloak ;-)12:17
arualavijpatrick: pues no me havia fijado antes :-P12:20
jpatrickarualavi: hmm....12:21
* fetova o/16:01
jpatrickTyczek: hmm, well ubuntu/member/* isn't on the access list so... we can't do much17:27
Tyczekjpatrick, oh... allright :]17:27
jpatrickTyczek: #ubuntu-pl right?17:28
PriceChildwhere is this?17:28
jpatrickTyczek: I don't see him...17:28
Tyczekjpatrick, yes, he has ban here17:28
jpatrickTyczek: so, problem solved?17:28
Tyczekjpatrick, if /silence command will work... it'll be solved :]17:29
jpatrickTyczek: looks like he's not coming back! :)17:31
Tyczekjpatrick, I hope :]17:31
jpatrickany problems, just tell us here and we'll be on them17:31
Tyczekthank you very much17:32
Tyczeksee ya17:32
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