
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda
jendajuliux: great!08:13
jendajuliux: you around?08:13
jendajuliux: I believe the stickers are in the making. You still want them, correct?08:13
juliuxhi he08:16
juliuxjenda, 08:16
juliuxyes i still want the stickers;)08:16
jendagood :)08:16
juliuxi can pickup them in may if you want08:17
jendaI'll have them shipped directly to you from the printer.08:17
jendayou could save a bit on shipping I guess08:17
jendaalthough not much, since they aren't printed in Prague anyway08:17
juliuxthe ship them to me dircetly:=)08:19
jendaokeydokey :)08:19
juliuxbtw how much stickers i have ordered?08:19
jenda5000 I think08:20
juliuxdo you remeber the exact number?08:20
jendalemme check08:20
jenda11:59 < juliux> jenda, we want 3000 ubuntu, 1000 kubuntu, 750 edubuntu, 250 xubuntu08:22
jenda11:59 < juliux> jenda, for 330€ inkl. shiping to de08:22
jendayw :)08:22
juliuxjenda, i have an other question;) should i change euros to cz in germany or better in prague?08:24
jendaFrom what I heard, the best way is to collect CZK from an ATM in Prague.08:25
jendaIt's what I do whenever I travel anywhere.08:25
jendaJust be sure to take your credit/debit cards wivya ;)08:26
juliuxin the paste i paid always with ec card in cz;)08:26
juliuxi have no credit card08:26
jendaand a debit card?08:26
jendawhat's an ec card?08:26
juliuxeuropean cash card08:26
jendanevah heard of it08:27
jendadoes it work in ATMs? ;)08:27
juliuxwhat are ATMs?08:27
jendaKinda like a slot machine08:27
jendaexcept you always win, as long as you have money on your account.08:28
juliuxi will test that08:28
juliuxbtw how was it this time in india?08:30
jendahot and crowded, as usual :)08:31

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