PriceChild | I've lost a channel :/ | 00:10 |
jdong | PriceChild: that's what.... forget it | 00:11 |
PriceChild | Found it, -meeting | 00:11 |
LjL | whops, he's lost another | 00:12 |
PriceChild | Oi, that was mean! | 00:13 |
LjL | PriceChild: nah, i was just wondering how long it'd take you to find this one again | 00:13 |
PriceChild | lucky i was checking /win list | 00:14 |
jdong | well you can't /win em all. | 00:16 |
jdong | :D | 00:16 |
LjL | hmm, i thought ompaul had gone to bed | 00:18 |
LjL | seems not | 00:18 |
PriceChild | jdong: that was baaaaaaaaaad :P | 00:20 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | hello | 00:37 |
Pici | Kamus_H_Zwisch: How can we help you today? | 00:37 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | a staff wants to close all unoficial #ubuntu* channels | 00:37 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :( | 00:37 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | nope | 00:37 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | just expressing | 00:37 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :D | 00:37 |
Pici | Well, we own the #ubuntu* namespace, so I don't see why thats an issue. | 00:38 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | why he do that? | 00:38 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :( | 00:38 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | please | 00:38 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | make my channel official | 00:38 |
PriceChild | Kamus_H_Zwisch: I have never expressed that intention. We do occasionally close unofficial channels that may confuse new users or for other reasons. You can read freenode policy on channel naming here: | 00:39 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | not mine | 00:39 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | but you understand | 00:39 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | PriceChild: sorry, the other people in the channel said that | 00:39 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | PriceChild: i loged just a few minutos ago | 00:39 |
PriceChild | Kamus_H_Zwisch: next time, ask me if its true before telling people I said it in several public channels? :) | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | ok | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | sorrry for that | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :D | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | PriceChild: but i think a #ubuntubrasil-orkut channel will not confuse new users | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | is a little different | 00:40 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :D | 00:40 |
PriceChild | Kamus_H_Zwisch: I don't believe I've said anything about that channel? | 00:41 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | PriceChild: is like i said. the i jsut logged a few minutes ago | 00:41 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :D | 00:41 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | PriceChild: thanks fou your attention | 00:41 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | atention | 00:42 |
PriceChild | Kamus_H_Zwisch: so lets not be too hasty to claim things :) | 00:42 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | ok | 00:42 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :D | 00:42 |
nalioth | Kamus_H_Zwisch: the behaviour in #ubuntubrasil-orkut does not follow the Ubuntu guidelines | 00:43 |
nalioth | kicking staff members doing their jobs is not acceptable | 00:44 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | nalioth: i'm not a op | 00:44 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | nalioth: but i'll pass to ops | 00:45 |
PriceChild | Kamus_H_Zwisch: I am already talking to the op. | 00:45 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | uhh | 00:45 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | i see now | 00:45 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | i'm a op | 00:45 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | strange... | 00:45 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | 5 minutes ago i'm just a common user | 00:46 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | realy strange | 00:46 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | oO | 00:46 |
nalioth | we have no problem with #ubuntu* channels run in accordance with the Ubuntu and frenode guideliens, Kamus_H_Zwisch | 00:46 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | nalioth: thanks :D | 00:47 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | uhh | 00:47 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | i'm now ah messenger oO | 00:48 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | pnordico asked to say: pricechild don't said good things | 00:48 |
LjL | didn't he say that it was not what pricechild had said? | 00:49 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | uh? | 00:50 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | my english is not very good | 00:50 |
_thomas__ | LjL, right | 00:50 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | _thomas__: traduz | 00:50 |
LjL | what's the price of bananas to do with this? :o) | 00:51 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | LjL: br? | 00:51 |
LjL | no | 00:51 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | bananananana | 00:51 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | oO | 00:52 |
mneptok | personally, i don;t really see the point of making the channel official. i mean, we don't have | 00:56 |
mneptok | what do we do, open a new channel for every potential social networking site? | 00:56 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | mneptok: don't ask me | 00:56 |
anthony | mneptok: not to mention kinds of fruit. And Spanish presidents. | 00:58 |
mneptok | i do owe Orkut a debt of gratitude. my experience there has kept me off MySpace and Facebook, for which i am eternally grateful. | 01:00 |
LjL | Kamus_H_Zwisch: the operators of your channel aren't doing themselves a favor. if you want to do them a favor, read the freenode guidelines ( is the starting point) and the Ubuntu Code of Conduct | 01:00 |
Pici | icesword: How can we help you this evening? | 01:00 |
icesword | no, | 01:00 |
icesword | thank you | 01:00 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | LjL: i see that. but they are a little bit stupids and likes a fight | 01:00 |
Pici | icesword: Please see the topic then, this is not a 'hang-out' channel. | 01:01 |
icesword | i am wondering if a person is ops | 01:01 |
LjL | Kamus_H_Zwisch: well, that's not in the spirit of the code of conduct. | 01:01 |
Pici | icesword: /msg chanserv access #channel list | 01:01 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | LjL: try to explain to they | 01:01 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | :( | 01:01 |
icesword | he told me he is,but no his name in there | 01:01 |
Pici | icesword: who? | 01:01 |
icesword | heehe,i won't tell you | 01:01 |
* mneptok summons nalioth and his Giant Baseball Bat Of Explanations | 01:01 | |
LjL | icesword, it's much better if our users know who are the real operators - the ones they can summon for help when things are not right. | 01:02 |
LjL | if someone is pretending to be an operator, you'd do the community a favor by pointing it out. | 01:02 |
icesword | heheh,no he isn't pretending, | 01:03 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | kkkkkkkk | 01:03 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | hahahahaha | 01:03 |
icesword | i just asked ?then he answered yes | 01:03 |
LjL | icesword: well, you said he said he is an operator. | 01:03 |
icesword | doesn't hurt anyone | 01:03 |
AndrewB | LjL: though, if somebody is doing something in good spirit then why should it be pointed out. Say somebody is trolling and somebody take it upon themself to catalyze.. then surley there is no harm done.. | 01:04 |
LjL | icesword: well... yes, it does, because if someone is asking for an operator, it generally means they need an operator - not someone posturing | 01:04 |
icesword | i see | 01:04 |
LjL | AndrewB, so i'll say i'm a staff member next time someone asks? :) | 01:04 |
icesword | you guys know #ubuntu-uncensored | 01:05 |
anthony | why? | 01:05 |
AndrewB | Hmm I suppose, and technically pulling ranks isn't going to do anything. /me fades off to the background | 01:05 |
icesword | why what? | 01:06 |
anthony | why do you ask? | 01:06 |
icesword | curiosity | 01:06 |
LjL | i've heard of it. | 01:06 |
icesword | they pulled me into it,just now | 01:06 |
icesword | hehhe | 01:06 |
AndrewB | LjL: I didn't completely read my backlog.. apologys ;) | 01:06 |
LjL | what do you mean "pulled"? | 01:06 |
mneptok | icesword: "pulled you in?" | 01:06 |
icesword | thet asked me to join | 01:07 |
anthony | Asked how? | 01:08 |
LjL | icesword, and so you asked him (the one who asked you to join) if he was an operator? | 01:08 |
anthony | Please provide the context and methods so we know what you mean. | 01:08 |
icesword | no,he is not | 01:08 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | thanks for you atention | 01:09 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | i'll sleep now | 01:09 |
Kamus_H_Zwisch | good night | 01:09 |
icesword | it doesn't hurt anyone | 01:09 |
AndrewB | nn Kamus_H_Zwisch | 01:10 |
icesword | anthony, just because people want to be there | 01:10 |
mneptok | icesword: this person claimed to be an op in #ubuntu* channels, or in ##ubuntu-uncensored? | 01:10 |
icesword | wait,not in #ubuntu,and not claim,just he answered yes | 01:11 |
Pici | icesword: ops are channel specific, not network specific. i.e. I'm an op in #ubuntu, but not #fedora | 01:12 |
icesword | he answered yes in uncensored | 01:12 |
mneptok | icesword: so if you ask me "do you have a fish?" and i answer "yes," i can reasonably say that "i never claimed to have a fish?" c'mon .... | 01:12 |
icesword | why treat it so seriously,doesn' t hurt anyone | 01:13 |
Pici | icesword: you're the one who brought it up... | 01:13 |
icesword | ok,let 's drop it then,have a rest | 01:13 |
LjL | icesword, there are two operators in ##ubuntu-uncensored... :) | 01:13 |
icesword | so ...? | 01:14 |
LjL | icesword, so when you want to see if someone really is an operator, you can simply type /msg chanserv access #channel list - like i've just done to see that there are two | 01:15 |
icesword | and this will not bring ops' attention ,right | 01:15 |
LjL | no | 01:15 |
icesword | ohhh,bad | 01:16 |
LjL | no i mean - it will not bring their attention | 01:16 |
icesword | ok | 01:16 |
LjL | icesword, a question, why did they ask you to join? | 01:19 |
icesword | hehhe,i understand ,they are pulling people,just makes it a popular channel | 01:20 |
LjL | i see. | 01:20 |
anthony | icesword: how did they find out you might be interested? Did you say something that would have drawn their attention? What channel were you in at the time? | 01:21 |
icesword | heheh,you begin again,is this really important | 01:21 |
LjL | well it's curiosity | 01:22 |
LjL | you were curious too | 01:22 |
icesword | hmm | 01:22 |
anthony | icesword: Actually, yes. Not so much for you individually, but there have been some trends that the Freenode staff are trying to follow, and if you can share this kind of information it would be greatly helpful to both them and us. | 01:22 |
icesword | i was at #debian just now | 01:23 |
anthony | Right before you were messaged with the invitation? | 01:23 |
anthony | Was the person who invited you also in #debian? | 01:23 |
icesword | eng | 01:24 |
anthony | I don't understand - what's "eng" mean? | 01:24 |
icesword | aye,yes =we said en or eng | 01:24 |
anthony | ah | 01:25 |
anthony | icesword: Perhaps if you aren't comfortable sharing here, you'd be willing to provide more details on your encounter just to the Freenode staff - you'll find them in #freenode. | 01:26 |
tomaw | icesword: what's up? | 01:39 |
icesword | tomaw, what,i said nothing | 01:40 |
tomaw | icesword: aye. anthony suggested you may be more comfortable sharing with network staff, of which I am one :) | 01:42 |
icesword | you are one what,network staff? | 01:43 |
tomaw | yes, a member of freenode network staff. | 01:45 |
mneptok | that was anticlimactic | 02:11 |
* nalioth plugs mneptok toothbrush into a 220v socket | 02:16 | |
nickrud | hey jack. I saw you're gonna be teaching this year. Didn't know you were a teacher. What? | 02:22 |
ubotu | soldats called the ops in #ubuntu () | 02:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | nickrud, yep.. need to make some extra money to pay off some medical bills. hope the job doesnt kill me.. :) | 03:05 |
nickrud | if the job doesn't the kids probably will | 03:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | THanks.. that helps | 03:06 |
nickrud | heh :) You'll probably enjoy it again, if your presence here means anything | 03:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ill still try to stop in as often as I can.. | 03:08 |
nickrud | that's what I saw. my email's on launchpad, keep in touch | 03:09 |
Ttech | "Aferedahock> ##Linux , #Archlinux & #ubuntu : friendly atmosphere. Nice chatters and ops required." | 04:09 |
tritium | Thanks for reporting that, Ttech. | 04:09 |
Ttech | ;P | 04:09 |
Ttech | lol | 04:09 |
Ttech | hahhaahh | 04:09 |
Ttech | lmao | 04:09 |
Ttech | echo? | 04:09 |
Ttech | well bye | 04:09 |
tritium | Ttech: ? | 04:10 |
Ttech | I was jut in Ubuntu | 04:10 |
Ttech | ;P | 04:10 |
tritium | Yes, I know. | 04:10 |
Ttech | lol | 04:10 |
tritium | What's funny, Ttech? | 04:11 |
Ttech | tritium, how you said that | 04:11 |
Ttech | the thanks | 04:11 |
Ttech | like I was not even in #ubuntu | 04:11 |
Ttech | ;P | 04:11 |
Ttech | lol | 04:11 |
* Ttech runs before I get #ubutnu ops mad at me | 04:11 | |
tritium | Ttech: no, as I said, this is the proper place to report it, not #ubuntu | 04:11 |
Ttech | yes | 04:12 |
Ttech | And then you said it like I was not in #ubutnu | 04:12 |
Ttech | when I first said it | 04:12 |
Ttech | never midn | 04:12 |
tritium | I have no idea what you're trying to say. | 04:13 |
mneptok | udd bant ger ong basz | 04:19 |
tritium | Ttech: wil there be anything else? | 04:20 |
tritium | mneptok: you're silly | 04:21 |
mneptok | welg me, you girgik hulra | 04:22 |
nickrud | tritium gotta remember, he hangs out in -offtopic ;) | 04:39 |
tritium | nickrud: oh yeah, that's right ;) | 04:40 |
mneptok | "hangs out" is a bit strong. | 04:46 |
tritium | mneptok: care to translate what you said above? | 04:46 |
mneptok | i mean, i can take some humor at my expense. but let's not be *nasty*, hm? ;) | 04:46 |
mneptok | Ttech: are you almost done in the bathroom? | 04:48 |
mneptok | eeek! | 04:51 |
Hobbsee | mneptok: don't kick. remove | 04:52 |
mneptok | too late | 04:52 |
Hobbsee | ... | 04:52 |
Ttech | mneptok, sorry. :) | 04:56 |
Ttech | Was away | 04:56 |
Ttech | ;P | 04:56 |
tritium | Hobbsee: is there any rhyme or reason to who has access level 10 vs. 5 in this channel? | 04:59 |
tritium | mneptok: might you know? | 05:06 |
mneptok | tritium: no ideer | 05:10 |
anthony | tritium: I think it's based on where they are an op. | 05:14 |
tritium | anthony, mneptok: thanks, I'm chatting with nalioth about it | 05:14 |
anthony | tritium: ah, 'k. | 05:14 |
tritium | :) | 05:14 |
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas | ||
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda | ||
crackerjackz_ | i was banned about an hour ago | 08:24 |
crackerjackz_ | just wondering why | 08:24 |
crackerjackz_ | was it cuz i said the F word or because i left with a negative attitude? | 08:24 |
crackerjackz_ | or some other reason | 08:26 |
jussi01 | crackerjackz_: Who was it that banned you? you will need to speak to them. | 08:28 |
jussi01 | @btlogin | 08:28 |
fotoflo | herm, still banned on ubuntu | 08:28 |
crackerjackz_ | im not sure | 08:29 |
crackerjackz_ | i got really frustrated because i kept burning the ubuntu disk, and it would start loading the kernal then it would tell me it was missing a file | 08:29 |
crackerjackz_ | i got frustrated and said " F it" and quit the IRC | 08:30 |
crackerjackz_ | any ways | 08:30 |
crackerjackz_ | i figured maybe if i downloaded it on my other computer and tried burning it then it would work | 08:30 |
crackerjackz_ | so here i am....on my other computer | 08:30 |
crackerjackz_ | i never meant to offend any body or make any one mad | 08:31 |
jussi01 | !guidelines | crackerjackz_: I would suggest a read of these, while you wait for the peron who banned you. Im just lloking up who that is. | 08:32 |
ubotu | crackerjackz_: I would suggest a read of these, while you wait for the peron who banned you. Im just lloking up who that is.: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 08:32 |
crackerjackz_ | well i wasent saying f it torwads you guys | 08:32 |
crackerjackz_ | i think who ever banned me took it the wrong way (if thats the reason they banned me) | 08:32 |
crackerjackz_ | its late | 08:32 |
crackerjackz_ | by f it i just mean f it | 08:33 |
crackerjackz_ | ill do it later | 08:33 |
crackerjackz_ | its late | 08:33 |
crackerjackz_ | im tired | 08:33 |
crackerjackz_ | meant** | 08:33 |
stdin | we have a policy to keep language family-friendly, so no 'f' words at all please | 08:34 |
crackerjackz_ | ok | 08:35 |
crackerjackz_ | i never meant to offend any one =[ | 08:35 |
ikonia | considering he's still banned on #ubuntu - he looks quiet active in there | 08:39 |
crackerjackz_ | ?? | 08:39 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: I was commenting that your in the #ubuntu channel even though you said you've been banned | 08:42 |
crackerjackz_ | ikonia i went in there to ask why i was banned, and i was directed to go here | 08:42 |
crackerjackz_ | just havent closed it out | 08:42 |
crackerjackz_ | better? | 08:43 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: you may want to do that reasonable quick, | 08:43 |
ikonia | people can consider that ban evading | 08:43 |
crackerjackz_ | ok | 08:44 |
crackerjackz_ | isnt there some sort of log you can look at to see who banned me | 08:44 |
jussi01 | crackerjackz_: were you banned with this name? or another? | 08:45 |
jussi01 | ahh, seems it was ompaul. | 08:46 |
crackerjackz_ | the name i was banned under was " crackerjackz " | 08:46 |
jussi01 | you will need to speak to him. | 08:47 |
crackerjackz_ | hes not here is he | 08:47 |
jussi01 | no. try again in a few hours | 08:47 |
crackerjackz_ | i still dont really understand why i got banned though | 08:47 |
crackerjackz_ | what i did wasent really bad | 08:47 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: from what you've said, some pretty rude swearing | 08:48 |
crackerjackz_ | i said f it and then closed out BitchX | 08:48 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: pretty rude | 08:48 |
jussi01 | crackerjackz_: I really suggest you come back in a few hours and talk to ompaul. | 08:48 |
ikonia | swearing and running away | 08:48 |
ikonia | yes, best advice | 08:48 |
crackerjackz_ | well i mean | 08:48 |
crackerjackz_ | it wasent directed torwards any of you | 08:48 |
crackerjackz_ | my train of thought when i said was like screw it ill try tomorrow its late im tired | 08:49 |
crackerjackz_ | yes i should have probably added those other two sentences | 08:49 |
crackerjackz_ | and it wouldnt have sounded so bad | 08:49 |
crackerjackz_ | but i wasent thinking | 08:49 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: someone pasted you the irc guilde lines, even "screw it" wouldn't really have been an acceptable way to behave | 08:49 |
ikonia | crackerjackz_: rad the guidelines that where posted above | 08:49 |
crackerjackz_ | i wouldnt have said it if i would have known | 08:50 |
jussi01 | crackerjackz_: please. comeback and talk to ompaul. until he gets here, there is very little we can do. And yes, please read the guidelines. | 08:50 |
crackerjackz_ | can i just idle here? | 08:50 |
Jucato | nope | 08:50 |
crackerjackz_ | but i was only baneed from the channel #ubuntu | 08:51 |
crackerjackz_ | not from #ubuntu-ops | 08:51 |
Jucato | I mean, you'll just have to come back later to check if he's around | 08:51 |
jussi01 | crackerjackz_: its a good idea to read /topic :) | 08:51 |
crackerjackz_ | o | 08:51 |
crackerjackz_ | op only channel? | 08:51 |
ubotu | dgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (gast) | 09:06 |
Madpilot | dealt with. | 09:06 |
Madpilot | bleh. not on irc for ages, and I get to kb when I do come back... | 09:07 |
ikonia | it's a warm welcome back | 09:07 |
* jussi01 huggles Madpilot | 09:07 | |
jussi01 | hrm... what does that mean? (SendQ exceeded) | 10:09 |
ikonia | I was just wondering that when you quit | 10:09 |
jussi01 | ikonia: thats my testing quassel core. Ive no idea what just happened to it. | 10:10 |
ikonia | I'm googling, saw you leave and wondered what that message was | 10:11 |
* jussi01 goes to check the bash out put... | 10:11 | |
Jucato | | 10:11 |
jussi01 | hrm | 10:12 |
kloeri | jussi01: sendq exceeded means that the ircd's queue to your client got full | 10:13 |
Jucato | heheh sendQ = send queue :) | 10:13 |
kloeri | yeah, clever eh? :) | 10:13 |
jussi01 | hehe | 10:13 |
jussi01 | kloeri: what can i do to avoid that? | 10:14 |
kloeri | excess flood is when your client send information faster than the server can process it | 10:14 |
ikonia | almost like sendmail and mailq | 10:14 |
kloeri | jussi01: can't really do anything about sendq exceeded other than not clogging up your line with too many torrents :p | 10:15 |
ikonia | naughty jussi01 | 10:15 |
ikonia | ;) | 10:15 |
Jucato | or typing /list over and over again :) | 10:15 |
kloeri | there's a fairly simple technique you can use to avoid sending text too fast however | 10:15 |
jussi01 | yes? | 10:16 |
kloeri | yeah, /list can be pretty bad as it sends the full list of (public) channels with no filtering server side | 10:16 |
jussi01 | kloeri: that client is on a webserver, probably the issue. | 10:16 |
kloeri | if you want to avoid sending text too fast you can take advantage of knowing how big the buffer is (1500 bytes is a safe bet) | 10:16 |
jussi01 | ahh, exceelent :) | 10:17 |
kloeri | so for every 1500 bytes you just ping yourself and wait for the pong before sending anymore (that way you know the buffer is empty again) | 10:17 |
Lynoure | Don't kickban me for this, but could someone fix the !o4o to be a bit clearer? If nothing else, the word order is really bad. | 11:14 |
PriceChild | !o4o | 11:14 |
ubotu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame(channel) spam, wars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, spreading propaganda, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Policy) | 11:14 |
PriceChild | Lynoure: what do you suggest? | 11:15 |
Lynoure | PriceChild: I don't dare to suggest anything, but I have no idea what "turn into flame(channel) spam" means | 11:15 |
Lynoure | maybe it's in the wrong place? | 11:15 |
PriceChild | Lynoure: have you heard of the term 'flaming' ? | 11:17 |
Lynoure | "turn into flame wars" sounds more logical | 11:17 |
Lynoure | Yes, been on irc 18 years now. | 11:17 |
Lynoure | but never heard of flame(channel) | 11:18 |
PriceChild | the brackets are there to mean "could turn into flame spam or channel spam I think. | 11:19 |
Lynoure | Actually, I think not | 11:19 |
PriceChild | or to say channel is another word for it | 11:20 |
Lynoure | Looks more like a misplaced replace | 11:20 |
Lynoure | But, if that's how it is supposed to be, and you find it clear and understandable, not my place to criticize. | 11:21 |
Lynoure | I'm a bit nervous to say this, in fear of getting banned, but I know that's not the point of the text it was originally supposed to be at. It was meant to be added to the list of inappropriate things. | 11:25 |
Lynoure | I mean, the "(channel) spam" bit. | 11:26 |
Lynoure | oh well. | 11:27 |
PriceChild | grrr why would we ban? :/ | 11:32 |
Pici | <time-appropriate-greeting-here>! | 11:33 |
jpatrick | PriceChild: I think sev got annoyed with her suggestions :( | 11:34 |
jpatrick | afternoon Pici | 11:36 |
* Pici is reading, forgot to re-open irssi last night | 11:38 | |
ubotu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, J-_ said: !stats is <reply> Statistics for this channel can be found at | 12:18 |
Pici | No, I'd rather keep those unofficial. | 12:20 |
jpatrick | what, logging -ot channels? | 12:22 |
Pici | jpatrick: My bot sits in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic because I am (slowly) developing a new bantracker, since it was already sitting in the channels, I thought, hey, why not log and generate stats for them too. | 12:42 |
Pici | I already do this for a few other channels the bot is in. | 12:42 |
Pici | Anyway, I dont want a factoid for it. | 12:42 |
jpatrick | Pici: ahhh, thought it was someone else | 12:44 |
jpatrick | Pici: I say kick | 13:01 |
jpatrick | ah, good, he's gone | 13:01 |
jussio1 | Pici: hei, I have a curiosity question? | 14:24 |
Pici | jussio1: surely | 14:25 |
jussio1 | Pici: is there a reason you told someone not to /msg ubotu guidelines?? when you kicked? | 14:25 |
Pici | Not? | 14:26 |
jussio1 | Linuturk [n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk] has left #ubuntu+1 [requested by Pici: "please don't /msg ubotu guidelines"] | 14:26 |
LjL | i suppose he meant "please don't: /msg ubotu guidelines" | 14:26 |
Pici | jussio1: er... should have been a comma or a period between those two. | 14:26 |
jussio1 | heh | 14:26 |
Pici | whoops | 14:26 |
jdong | lol | 14:26 |
jdong | close enough :) | 14:26 |
LjL | please don't /kick jdong | 14:27 |
jussio1 | :P | 14:27 |
LjL | nalioth, close that channel please. | 14:37 |
jussio1 | yay, we love op impersonators dont we... :/ | 14:38 |
LjL | (while muted:) | 14:38 |
LjL | [15:38:12] <PriceChildEMO> bazhang, them ask to him to getout of our channel | 14:38 |
jussio1 | oh, really... | 14:39 |
LjL | !staff | 14:44 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) | 14:44 |
LjL | i would like if you could investigate the status of #ubuntubrasil-orkut - as well as check "PricechildEMO" and "Mantega" in #ubuntu | 14:44 |
LjL | [15:44:28] <PriceChildEMO> LjL, fuck off | 14:46 |
Pici | *gasp* | 14:46 |
LjL | just keeping you updated since they're muted | 14:46 |
LjL | [15:45:15] <Mantega> I'm still here [15:45:18] <Mantega> assholes | 14:46 |
Pici | Thanks, I didn't feel like staying opped just to watch the show | 14:46 |
PriceChild | I fail. | 14:49 |
* Pici pats PriceChild | 14:50 | |
Pici | !ping | 14:53 |
ubotu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 14:53 |
jpatrick | "< ~tech_tard> JUST TRYIN TO TY ASS" ? | 14:53 |
PriceChild | was told not to use caps, he's saying he was only trying to thank someone | 15:01 |
Pici | and I removed him | 15:01 |
* PriceChild looks over into -proxy-users | 15:17 | |
LjL | PriceChild: yes, he's joined from mibbit there :) | 15:18 |
zewb | i just got banned for saying "santa maria" | 15:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | NOthing about a cat in your pants or not staying on topic or ban evading? | 15:23 |
zewb | it was a joke | 15:23 |
zewb | jesus christ | 15:23 |
LjL | [13:41] *** zewb! has joined #ubuntu | 15:23 |
LjL | [16:13] <zewb> tengo el gato en mis pantalones | 15:23 |
LjL | [16:13] <zewb> SANTA MARIA | 15:23 |
LjL | [16:14] <zewb> hello | 15:23 |
zewb | lol | 15:23 |
LjL | [16:14] <Kungo> carefull that is a very bad word | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:14] *** zewb has left #ubuntu (requested by LjL: "You should have known better, bye") | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:20] *** zewb! has joined #ubuntu | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:20] <zewb> why was i just banned? | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:20] <LjL> zewb, ask in #ubuntu-ops, and you're ban evading by the way | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:21] <zewb> since when is santa maria a bad word? | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:21] <zewb> im ban evading because i was banned by racists for expressing my spanish heritage | 15:24 |
LjL | [16:21] *** zewb has left #ubuntu (requested by LjL: "You should have known better, bye") | 15:24 |
LjL | come back when you've grown up, bye | 15:24 |
zewb | this is abuse | 15:24 |
zewb | i was making a joke | 15:24 |
zewb | relax | 15:24 |
LjL | !etiquette | 15:24 |
LjL | !coc | 15:24 |
ubotu | Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 15:24 |
LjL | !guidelines | 15:24 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 15:24 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 15:24 |
zewb | are you seriously going to ban me for saying i have a cat in my pants in spanish? | 15:25 |
LjL | no, i'm not going to ban you | 15:25 |
PriceChild | zewb: lets calm down. #ubuntu is a very busy channel. | 15:25 |
zewb | well then unban me | 15:25 |
LjL | no | 15:25 |
elkbuntu | zewb, ban evading is a quite serious offense on this network | 15:26 |
PriceChild | zewb: What is the purpose of #ubuntu? | 15:27 |
zewb | what if the ban was completely unnecessary? | 15:27 |
zewb | sorry, i just tried to liven things up with some humor | 15:27 |
LjL | zewb, you've been banned enough times to know what is not acceptable. | 15:27 |
LjL | come back in a month, bye | 15:27 |
elkbuntu | zewb, you were clearly only there to disrupt | 15:27 |
zewb | i was not | 15:28 |
zewb | i come here to help people with their ubuntu-related issues | 15:28 |
PriceChild | zewb: What is the purpose of #ubuntu? | 15:28 |
zewb | don't patronize me | 15:29 |
elkbuntu | since you seem think you've got so much humor, why not humor pricechild by answering his question | 15:29 |
zewb | this looks like a textbook case of a severe moderator power trip | 15:31 |
LjL | zewb: you've been kicked on: Sep 22 2007, Sep 23 2007, Sep 24 2007, Sep 27 2007, Sep 29 2007, Oct 21 2007, Oct 24 2007, Dec 07 2007, Dec 11 2007, Mar 09 2007, Mar 20 2007 | 15:32 |
Pici | zewb: We are being civil here, please try to cooperate. | 15:32 |
zewb | oh ok, just kick me, that will prove me wrong | 15:32 |
LjL | can you seriously think we're going to waste any more time with you? | 15:32 |
LjL | no, you can't. | 15:32 |
PriceChild | he will just evade that | 15:32 |
elkbuntu | PriceChild, then it goes to the staff :) | 15:32 |
PriceChild | :/ | 15:32 |
Pici | zewb has joined #ubuntu | 15:34 |
jpatrick | awooga | 15:34 |
zewb | what is the point of this? | 15:35 |
zewb | im obviously not going to joke around anymore | 15:35 |
zewb | why continue to kick me over and over? | 15:35 |
Pici | zewb: You have a history of doing this, what makes you think that we're going to believe you this time | 15:35 |
Pici | .. | 15:35 |
z3wb | please, just give it a rest | 15:35 |
z3wb | it's over | 15:35 |
z3w8 | can we just have a calm discussion about this? | 15:39 |
Pici | zewb: You have a history of doing this, what makes you think that we're going to believe you this time | 15:39 |
jpatrick | +d zewb | 15:39 |
Pici | yes | 15:39 |
LjL | don't say that in here | 15:40 |
elkbuntu | time for a staff ping? | 15:40 |
ubotu | dgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (sexy (is back)) | 15:40 |
elkbuntu | five bucks zewb and sexu are in cohorts | 15:41 |
Pici | sexy /is/ back. /me points at mneptok | 15:41 |
elkbuntu | sexy* | 15:41 |
zweb | let's just talk about this | 15:41 |
elkbuntu | !staff | 15:41 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) | 15:41 |
LjL | !staff | 15:41 |
elkbuntu | :) | 15:41 |
zbew | :D | 15:42 |
elkbuntu | LjL, stay opped | 15:42 |
zwerb | i have aspergers syndrome | 15:43 |
zwerb | its not my fault | 15:43 |
zwerb | ok | 15:43 |
zwerb | there i said it | 15:43 |
TheSheep | zwerb: 90% people in irc have it :) | 15:43 |
zwerb | i know | 15:44 |
kloeri | zwerb: stop evading bans please | 15:44 |
jpatrick | LjL: +b * | 15:44 |
LjL | no | 15:44 |
Pici | lets ban texas. | 15:44 |
Jucato | +b zwerb* ? :) | 15:45 |
LjL | he's changing those as you can see | 15:45 |
Pici | I think he wants to see how many times he comes back. | 15:45 |
LjL | rather, i don't want to ban by <something that might let him stay out>, because i've already done that in #ubuntu | 15:46 |
elkbuntu | /mode +b z*!z*@* :Þ | 15:46 |
LjL | he'd better not realize he can get in *there* | 15:46 |
kloeri | you could try banning *!n=zewb@* | 15:47 |
LjL | yes, that would be the <something that might let him stay out> | 15:47 |
LjL | you can see chanserv did that in #ubuntu | 15:47 |
elkbuntu | /mode +b z*!z*@* would work too | 15:48 |
LjL | fellows | 15:48 |
LjL | this channel is looooggged | 15:48 |
LjL | why don't we give out regular expression classes for trolls too | 15:48 |
Pici | But I can do /bans for channels I dont have access to... | 15:49 |
LjL | Pici: if they're -s, yup you can | 15:49 |
LjL | i think he's given up for the time being | 15:49 |
elkbuntu | once staff spoke, yeah | 15:49 |
mneptok | /mode +b *!*@c-98-19*.* | 15:50 |
mneptok | ? | 15:50 |
LjL | mneptok: see the c-76 (and others i didn't ban) | 15:51 |
LjL | but anyway, really, i know how to ban | 15:51 |
LjL | and i did that in #u | 15:51 |
LjL | here i'd rather know what he's trying to do | 15:51 |
mneptok | "win" | 15:52 |
mneptok | and don;t try to figure out what that means, as it's pathetic. | 15:52 |
LjL | i wouldn't have had a doubt on that :P | 15:52 |
elkbuntu | that isp loves the number 98... | 15:53 |
LjL | and 76 | 15:54 |
LjL | at least for texas | 15:54 |
elkbuntu | yep | 15:55 |
LjL | i'm not going to /who the whole comcast though, i've had enough exploding computers already | 15:55 |
elkbuntu | seriously, so many of them have 98 in them *multiple* times | 15:56 |
Pici | The #ubuntu ban is working fine. | 15:57 |
elkbuntu | and he doubled his kick count within an hour. impressive | 16:05 |
elkbuntu | s/doubled/more than doubled/ | 16:05 |
zuub | hello friends | 16:38 |
jussi01 | zuub: hi, how can we help? | 16:39 |
zuub | well, a user by the name of LjL has been making sexual advances towards me | 16:39 |
jussi01 | LjL: ahh, ok. | 16:40 |
ubotu | Slart called the ops in #ubuntu () | 16:41 |
jpatrick | Pici: smallfoot in +1 | 16:42 |
Pici | I know | 16:42 |
Uixla | Hello! | 16:58 |
Uixla | Can someone unban zewb? | 16:58 |
Mez | @btlogin | 16:59 |
Pici | Uixla: Are you zewb? | 16:59 |
jpatrick | Mez: just scroll up | 16:59 |
Mez | jpatrick, ah yes | 17:00 |
LjL | Uixla, no | 17:01 |
LjL | bonjour bascule | 17:02 |
jpatrick | hi bascule, how may we help you? | 17:02 |
Uixla | :( | 17:02 |
bascule | hi | 17:02 |
bascule | there was an incident last night in here involving someone called icesword | 17:03 |
LjL | true | 17:03 |
bascule | i felt that the descrition he gave could only really apply to me | 17:03 |
LjL | bascule: what description? | 17:03 |
bascule | I did not PM him or mention -uc in anyway | 17:03 |
bascule | thedescrition that someone 'him' had claimed to be an op and had pulled him in to -uc | 17:04 |
LjL | bascule, claiming to be an op is different from being an op... don't worry, we don't jump to certain conclusions that quickly despite rumors | 17:05 |
bascule | his english was poor and it was a fractured conversation | 17:05 |
Pici | Indeed. | 17:05 |
bascule | OK, I just wanted to go on the record has having turned up an explained this was not me, I did not PM him or even mention any other channel to him | 17:06 |
LjL | bascule: i tend to believe you, if that's any comfort. | 17:06 |
bascule | thanks ljl | 17:06 |
bascule | it actually is | 17:06 |
mneptok | 4~~ | 17:08 |
mneptok | sorry, birds. | 17:08 |
* mneptok gets them onto his lap | 17:08 | |
Mez | mneptok, are you freenode staff now ? | 17:08 |
bascule | there is nothing else really, thanks for listening, and if my presence in any mainstream channels is causing anxiety or distress atbout my motives there is no need, I am just there | 17:08 |
Mez | mneptok, wtf ? | 17:08 |
Pici | Mez: ? | 17:09 |
Mez | Pici, ? ? | 17:09 |
* Mez is confused. | 17:09 | |
mneptok | uh? | 17:09 |
Pici | Just because he isnt making sense doesnt mean that hes staff | 17:09 |
mneptok | what? | 17:09 |
* Mez goes to sleep | 17:09 | |
mneptok | Pici++ | 17:09 |
Mez | Pici, no I thought he was staff cause LjL said earlier for him to look at the bans just after he'd said the guy had stopped cause staff had spoke | 17:09 |
* Mez is still confused thoguh | 17:10 | |
mneptok | Mez: kleori | 17:10 |
mneptok | bleh. kloeri. | 17:10 |
jussi01 | wow, arent we all having a fun day. | 17:10 |
* mneptok waves for the /notice trigger | 17:10 | |
Mez | mneptok, ? | 17:10 |
mneptok | Mez: it was kloeri that spoke | 17:10 |
Mez | mneptok, seriously, can I have some of whatever youre on ? | 17:11 |
Pici | Mez: kloeri is staff. | 17:11 |
mneptok | Mez: kloeri spoke. zewb stopped. LjL made the staff comment. and i have now said kloeri's nick so many times that he'she has gotten a /stalker notice. | 17:11 |
Mez | :P | 17:13 |
mneptok | and the "4~~" was one of my 3 cockatiels, roaming around my keyboard | 17:13 |
Mez | now it all makes sense | 17:13 |
Pici | I read that as cocktails | 17:14 |
Mez | mneptok, I liked it better when you were just being strange | 17:14 |
Mez | Pici, me too ;) | 17:14 |
mneptok | Mez: noticed i never said i wasn't. i just pulled you further into my Zone Of Confusion. | 17:14 |
mneptok | 13:12 <+Mez> now it all makes sense << think about that. hide the knives, and really think about that. | 17:15 |
mneptok | when my life makes sense, please explain it to me. | 17:16 |
* Mez hasnt got time | 17:16 | |
Mez | am too tired... | 17:16 |
Mez | I should have slept more last night | 17:16 |
jpatrick | mneptok: what's a stalker /notice? | 17:17 |
mneptok | jpatrick: i'm assuming kl.oeri has a /notice on mention of their nick. and i kept using it. | 17:18 |
jpatrick | mneptok: ah, most likely | 17:18 |
ubotu | In ubotu, Jman said: who is jussi01? | 17:46 |
jpatrick | ... | 17:46 |
jpatrick | ubotu: tell Jman about yourself | 17:46 |
jussi01 | heh | 17:46 |
pleia2 | LjL: you about? | 17:51 |
LjL | yes | 17:51 |
jpatrick | hi crackerjackz, how can we help you? | 17:55 |
crackerjackz | im looking for ompaul | 17:55 |
crackerjackz | i think thats his name | 17:55 |
crackerjackz | he banned me from #ubuntu | 17:56 |
jpatrick | he's not here at the moment, you'll have to wait | 17:56 |
crackerjackz | there seems to some sort of misunderstanding | 17:56 |
crackerjackz | alright | 17:56 |
jpatrick | one moment please | 17:56 |
crackerjackz | to be** | 17:56 |
crackerjackz | ok | 17:56 |
jpatrick | hmm, can't find you in the bantracker, sorry, best wait till he comes back | 18:01 |
crackerjackz | it happened about 4 am | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | 5 am | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | maybe 3 am | 18:02 |
jpatrick | same nick as right now? | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | somewhere in that ball park | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | yes sir | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | different IP though | 18:02 |
crackerjackz | not sure which IP it was | 18:02 |
* jpatrick is not a sir :) | 18:03 | |
crackerjackz | sorry jpatrick | 18:03 |
* jpatrick hugs crackerjackz | 18:09 | |
crackerjackz | =] | 18:18 |
crackerjackz | hugs not drugs | 18:18 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: "2008/03/28/#ubuntu.log:06:22:30 < crackerjackz> fuck it" | 18:19 |
crackerjackz | yes | 18:19 |
crackerjackz | thats what i said | 18:19 |
jpatrick | yes, it's not allowed in #ubuntu, hence why ompaul banned.. | 18:20 |
mneptok | !language > crackerjackz | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | yes i know | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | when i said f it though | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | my train of thought was | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | f it | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | its late | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | ill worry about it tomorrow | 18:20 |
crackerjackz | the comment wasent directed torwards any one in the chat | 18:20 |
jpatrick | it was just an expression of surprise, I can see | 18:21 |
mneptok | that doesn;t matter | 18:21 |
mneptok | it's a *language* policy, not a motivation policy | 18:21 |
crackerjackz | i know | 18:21 |
crackerjackz | i know that now** | 18:21 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: well, I'll tell ompaul when I see him, don't worry :) | 18:21 |
crackerjackz | ok | 18:22 |
crackerjackz | thank you jpatrick | 18:22 |
crackerjackz | it wont happen again | 18:22 |
jpatrick | wb popey | 18:22 |
crackerjackz | please explain to him what i meant about the f it comment | 18:22 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: you're welcome | 18:22 |
popey | ta | 18:22 |
crackerjackz | i dont want him thinknig it was directed torwards any one | 18:22 |
mneptok | crackerjackz: i doubt he thinks that | 18:22 |
crackerjackz | mneptok ok good | 18:23 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: well, have a good nights sleep and don't worry | 18:24 |
crackerjackz | well im gonna go ahead and stay up the extra few hours so i can actually get on a sleep schedule | 18:26 |
crackerjackz | i finally did get ubuntu working though =] | 18:27 |
jpatrick | first time on Linux? | 18:27 |
crackerjackz | well a friend of mine setup gentoo on my computer about 5-6 months ago through SSH from 3 states away | 18:27 |
crackerjackz | and iv been learning on that | 18:27 |
crackerjackz | but this is the first time on ubuntu | 18:27 |
crackerjackz | (put ubuntu on my moms computer) | 18:28 |
crackerjackz | got tired of formating her windblowz box every 2 months | 18:28 |
crackerjackz | from what iv heard ubuntu is pretty user friendly so i figured it would be perfect for her | 18:29 |
jpatrick | well, welcome to Ubuntu :) | 18:29 |
crackerjackz | thank you | 18:29 |
crackerjackz | jpatrick can you see the ctcp that i did on my self? | 18:30 |
Pici | No, we can't see that. | 18:30 |
crackerjackz | [14:28:29] CTCP VERSION reply from crackerjackz [n=kvirc@]: KVIrc 3.2.6 'Anomalies' 20070627 - build Sun Jan 13 08:42:31 UTC 2008 - i686-bcfikopsxAGTZ - Linux (2.6.22-gentoo-r8) | 18:30 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: ctcp's are usually a bad idea | 18:31 |
crackerjackz | i know | 18:31 |
crackerjackz | im pretty confident in my security though | 18:32 |
jpatrick | hey ompaul, just the guy we wanted! :) | 18:32 |
crackerjackz | =] | 18:32 |
jpatrick | ompaul: you banned crackerjackz yesterday in #u, because he said the f word, when he said it in the sense of surprise, could you look into it? | 18:33 |
crackerjackz | ompaul my train of thought when i said it was like | 18:33 |
crackerjackz | f it, its late im tired ill worry about it later | 18:34 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, <crackerjackz> fuck it ... I know remember it was not 12 hours ago | 18:34 |
crackerjackz | it wasent directed torwards any one | 18:34 |
ompaul | ehh its not late | 18:34 |
ompaul | it is 18:34 you are dealing with a 24/7 thing | 18:34 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, got your web browser handy? | 18:34 |
crackerjackz | ompaul yes | 18:34 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, I'll take 10 of your minutes so you can understand my thinking | 18:35 |
ompaul | !guidelines | 18:35 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 18:35 |
jpatrick | ompaul: we've shown him !guidelines... | 18:35 |
crackerjackz | ok | 18:35 |
ompaul | ack | 18:35 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, read it yet? | 18:35 |
crackerjackz | not all of it | 18:35 |
crackerjackz | still reading | 18:35 |
ompaul | what do you feel the core idea behind it is? | 18:36 |
crackerjackz | well i feel that there are plenty of words in the english dictionary to get my point across i didnt really need to use vulgarity | 18:37 |
crackerjackz | so i understand your posistion | 18:37 |
crackerjackz | its a family oriented channel | 18:37 |
ompaul | would it be fair to say: don't annoy others and keep in mind that other people have other levels of acceptable behaviour so please consider them | 18:37 |
crackerjackz | can you rephrase that not sure i follow that | 18:38 |
ompaul | multi parts then | 18:38 |
ompaul | don't annoy others | 18:38 |
ompaul | others have different values | 18:38 |
ompaul | others have different ideas of what acceptable behaviour | 18:39 |
ompaul | please don't annoy / offend them - their culture may not be yours | 18:39 |
ompaul | then we can go forward with a level of common interest | 18:39 |
crackerjackz | understandable | 18:40 |
ompaul | i.e. supporting / using software and asking questions about it ;-) | 18:40 |
ompaul | so would you say that was a fair summary of the ideas in that document? | 18:41 |
crackerjackz | indeed | 18:42 |
crackerjackz | aside from no spamming and flooding | 18:42 |
crackerjackz | but i guess that would go right along with annoying | 18:42 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, if you try to join #ubuntu you will not find the way barred have a good weekend | 18:43 |
crackerjackz | ??? | 18:43 |
ompaul | the ban is lifted | 18:44 |
ompaul | have a good way | 18:44 |
ompaul | have a good day | 18:44 |
jpatrick | LjL: bots acting up | 18:44 |
jpatrick | mode/#ubuntu [-b ljl!*@*] by FloodBot2, FloodBot3, FloodBot1 | 18:44 |
crackerjackz | you mean i can go back in #ubuntu? | 18:44 |
LjL | jpatrick: they're not really acting up, although they shouldn't all do that... | 18:44 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, yes | 18:45 |
jpatrick | crackerjackz: yes, you can | 18:45 |
crackerjackz | ompaul thank you | 18:45 |
jpatrick | LjL: mode/#ubuntu [+J 2,5] by FloodBot2, FloodBot3 | 18:45 |
jpatrick | hmm | 18:45 |
ompaul | jpatrick, that is normal | 18:45 |
jpatrick | ompaul: ok | 18:45 |
LjL | that's the main reason they're there :) | 18:45 |
ompaul | neither sees it so they do it at the same time | 18:45 |
ompaul | hehe | 18:45 |
LjL | ompaul: actually they see it... | 18:46 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, is there anything else | 18:46 |
LjL | ompaul: unless they happen to decide to do it at *exactly* the same time, before each other's reaches the server | 18:46 |
ompaul | ack | 18:46 |
crackerjackz | ompaul not that i can think of at the moment | 18:46 |
ompaul | crackerjackz, cheers | 18:46 |
crackerjackz | =] | 18:47 |
jpatrick | !idle | crackerjackz | 18:47 |
ubotu | crackerjackz: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. | 18:47 |
crackerjackz | indeed | 18:48 |
crackerjackz | thanks =] | 18:48 |
jpatrick | grr, this jojojo's been trolling for a while.. | 19:22 |
ompaul | jpatrick, not any more | 19:23 |
jpatrick | anyone see what JDS is typing in #ubuntu? | 20:16 |
LjL | likely to be koi-8 russian | 20:16 |
* jussi01 creeps behind the desk to hide from LjL's @ | 20:19 | |
jussi01 | :) | 20:19 |
jussi01 | heya Pricey_ | 20:29 |
jussi01 | :( | 20:30 |
Gary | he is playing with utf8 jussi01 :p | 20:33 |
Gary | and failing, hehehe | 20:33 |
jussi01 | hehe | 20:33 |
PriceChild | Gary: I don't want to have to restart :( | 20:33 |
Gary | fail | 20:33 |
Gary | I had no choice | 20:33 |
LjL | PriceChild: you're trying to read koi-8? :P | 20:33 |
PriceChild | nope | 20:34 |
Gary | he just wants to see the little love hearts Seveas does to him | 20:34 |
jussi01 | PriceChild: may I pm for a moment? (if you have time?) | 20:34 |
PriceChild | of course | 20:35 |
LjL | Gary: oh, his ubuntu has a broken heart? | 20:40 |
Gary | LjL: no, he just misses the pretty hearts Seveas sends him | 20:42 |
LjL | so his system doesn't render the heart character correctly | 20:43 |
LjL | that's a broken heart in my book | 20:43 |
Gary | LjL: suppose so | 21:40 |
jpatrick | I'm forward banning pgquiles_ to ##fix_your_connection in -motu | 21:57 |
jpatrick | will remove first thing tomorrow morning | 22:01 |
LjL | 104... are they exploit happy in some of the channels he's in? | 22:03 |
jpatrick | | 22:06 |
jpatrick | must be the -windows one | 22:06 |
ubotu | In #ubuntu, crackerjackz said: ubotu that is way over my head | 22:20 |
LjL | i concur | 22:21 |
PriceChild | I haven't done very well this past day or so. | 22:50 |
LjL | hm? | 22:50 |
jdong | PriceChild: it's not you | 22:50 |
PriceChild | jdong: I hate hearing that... | 22:51 |
jdong | PriceChild: do you get that a lot? | 22:51 |
PriceChild | Obviously being a geek I never get that far, but I hate hearing it. | 22:52 |
mneptok | i love Ubuntu, i'm just not *in love* with Ubuntu. | 22:53 |
mneptok | i think we'd do better as friends. | 22:53 |
mneptok | or the classic, "i'm saving myself for Steve Jobs." | 22:53 |
=== zenwhen_ is now known as zenwhen | ||
LjL | or the classic, OHNO IT'S MNEPTOK, RUN | 22:54 |
mneptok | i can smell the fear and panic on the wind. it's ... intoxicating ... | 22:55 |
zenwhen | Hello | 22:56 |
zenwhen | I am not going to cause a big fuss. | 22:56 |
zenwhen | But I am rather unhappy. | 22:56 |
PriceChild | Hey zenwhen :/ | 22:57 |
zenwhen | If people cannot be critical of those who govern a community, then there is no community. | 22:57 |
zenwhen | thats really all I have to say. | 22:58 |
LjL | zenwhen, "being critical" doesn't equal spending your day doing propaganda, though. | 22:58 |
zenwhen | The term propaganda is soooo subjective. | 23:00 |
PriceChild | zenwhen: have you kept up to date with the surrounding events in this channel? | 23:00 |
zenwhen | yes | 23:00 |
LjL | zenwhen, well, for starters, i subjectively call sending PMs about another channel to whoever enters a channel - propaganda | 23:00 |
PriceChild | zenwhen: so do you understand why I placed the ban? | 23:00 |
zenwhen | No | 23:01 |
zenwhen | Was it based on what she said in the channel? | 23:01 |
zenwhen | Or a PM? | 23:01 |
PriceChild | zenwhen: so could you PM me so we can discuss things, or read our channel, before we go about critisizing me here in a logged channel? | 23:01 |
zenwhen | I really do not want to get in a huge debate. | 23:02 |
PriceChild | Yes I probably shouldn't have done what I did, however I would appreciate you hearing my reasoning before saying such things in here. | 23:02 |
zenwhen | I have so much else to do. | 23:02 |
zenwhen | I'm sorry. | 23:02 |
PriceChild | meh, me too | 23:02 |
zenwhen | I just wanted to put that out there. I'm going to be very soured on the whole IRC aspect of the community if people start getting banned left and right in #ubuntuforums. Thats not why I wanted that channel to exist. | 23:03 |
zenwhen | I wanted it to be so much different than that. | 23:03 |
zenwhen | Im just gonna go clean my yard. Bye for now. | 23:03 |
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