
ubotuNew bug: #208566 in bzr-svn "missed commit never get pushed between branches and trunk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20856600:01
james_wbeuno: nice photos. The make you look like you spent a week whiteboard shopping00:12
bronsonHi.  I have a single repo tracking an upstream bzr project.00:37
bronsonI'd like to have 3 different local configurations, and be able to merge between them during development.00:38
bronsonIn git, I'd just have 3 branches.00:38
bronsonI don't quite see how to accomplish the same thing in bzr?00:38
bronson(the changes are very small so I'd like to keep everything in the same repo)00:39
james_wbronson: you are confusing the terms repo and branch, from the bzr point of view anyway00:39
james_wyou currently have a single branch tracking an upstream project00:40
bronsonOK so far.00:40
james_wso in bzr you would make three branches and merge between them00:40
james_wjust like git00:40
james_whowever bzr identifies branches with a location on the filesystem, so unfortunately you need three copies of the upstream source00:40
bronsonnot good.00:41
james_whowever if you use what's called a "shared repository" then you can share the history between them, which makes it less painful00:41
bronsonOK, I'll look into shared repository.00:41
fullermdAnd you could always blow away the WT's of the branches you aren't using at a given time.00:41
* fullermd does that with some regularity.00:42
james_wthere are two ways that you can use a single directory to do what you want, they're not that straightforward, but they will work.00:42
james_wthe first is to use the "loom" plugin, that provide functionality similar to git-style branches. However looms are ordered, so it's a bit different.00:42
james_wthe other, and probably better way for you, is to use a "checkout" and the switch command.00:43
TFKylejames_w: I assume it'd be pretty hard not to have 3 copies of the source (hmm, a custom FUSE fs might be able to do that actually, then only create new copies on-demand when you save first)00:43
bronsonAh, I saw the switch command in the faq.00:43
TFKyle(working copy wise that is)00:43
james_wthere you create a treeless shared repository, with the tree branches.00:44
james_wthis still takes up three directories, but the cost is minimal, about a dozen files in total, and virtually zero size00:44
james_wyou then use "bzr checkout" of one to create a working area.00:44
TFKyleah, guess loom/shelve would sort of work, as long as you don't need them both to exist on the filesystem concurrently00:44
james_wyou can then use the switch command to change which branch your working area is pointed at, which makes it act like "git checkout" here.00:45
james_wI can walk you through the steps if you like.00:45
bronsonShared repo doesn't seem to do what I want...  It still has individual WTs.00:45
bronsonThat second suggestion sounds more like it.00:45
bronsonswitch command.00:46
james_wTFKyle: I guess shelve would work as well, but it's not what I'd do.00:46
bronsonI can picture how it would work.00:46
james_wbronson: yeah, I think it's the winner for you.00:46
james_wbzr init-repo --no-trees project00:46
orutherfurdhi, can anyone give me pointers re figuring out files involved in a revision (added, modified, removed, renamed)?  I'm trying to write an importer from bzr to hg and while parsing bzr output is easier, I figure using bzrlib would be better.00:46
james_wcd project00:46
bronsonOK, thanks james_w00:46
james_wbzr branch whatever00:46
james_wthen bzr checkout branch working-area00:47
james_wcd working-area00:47
james_wand play with switch, passing it the path of the branch that you want to work on00:47
james_walso see cbranch from bzrtools if you are going to be creating a lot of new branches with this style.00:47
james_whopefully we'll have some improvements in this area soon to make your workflow easier.00:48
james_worutherfurd: get the revision_id00:48
james_wthen tree = repository.revision_tree(revision_id)00:48
james_wchanges = tree.changes_from(tree.basis_tree())00:49
james_wchanges is then a tree delta00:49
james_wit has .added .removed .renamed etc.00:49
james_wyou can also pass the parent trees directly if you need to know what changed compared to each parent.00:49
orutherfurdjames_w: that's great, though, does basis_tree() the 'tip'?00:50
orutherfurdoh, right -- didn't see your last message00:51
james_worutherfurd: does this mean you are converting away from bzr, or are you a hg user that wants to use that to work on a bzr project?00:51
orutherfurdjames_w: well, I am a bzr user, but at work we'll be moving to hg -- and want to convert projects we have in bzr00:53
james_wah, ok.00:53
james_wcan I ask why you are moving?00:53
orutherfurdsure, there are a few reasons: people find the docs better (the hg book), the convert extension worked really well (we're also converting some cvs repositories), plus other extensions people like (mq, springs to mind), the bundled web viewer which can be run as a cgi (vs loggerhead which has lots of deps)00:57
orutherfurd(not to hit you with a pile of reasons)00:57
orutherfurdthe main reason for starting w/bzr was not needing to install software on a central server, but with the ssh directory permission problems, that didn't end up working00:58
orutherfurdbut from a maintenance point of view, having to install 1 piece of software, vs bzr + plugins, etc... is easier -- we're running an ancient version of rhel00:59
james_wcool, thanks00:59
james_wmost of those are known I think.01:00
james_wthere is bzr-webserve which is a port of the hg one, so it runs the same way01:00
orutherfurdoh, right -- I'd forgotten about that01:01
james_wI can argue with the rest of your reasons as well if you would like :-)01:02
orutherfurdif you' like :-P01:02
orutherfurdhave been using bzr since 2005 though, so not new to it, but for our setup, I think hg is a better fit; I do use bzr for personal stuff, so as not to come off as totally down on it ;-)01:05
james_wlonger than me then, so I'm sure you know it all01:09
orutherfurdcertainly didn't mean to suggest that -- otherwise I wouldn't be hear asking for help!01:12
orutherfurdhear -> here01:12
orutherfurdjust figured I should disclose I've been hanging aorund for a while (reading the lists and as an end-user) for a while before you started in on your convincing ;-)01:13
james_wwell, ok01:14
james_wthe hg book is a great asset for them. The bzr docs have improved a lot recently thanks to Ian, but they are still lagging.01:14
james_wI'm not familiar with the convert extension, but hopefully bzr-fastimport will be stable soon, and that should be really useful01:15
orutherfurdthe bzr docs do seem much improved lately01:16
james_wbzr-loom is intended to do a similar thing to mq, and it has some features that I don't think mq has01:16
james_wit's not there yet though01:16
james_wthe installation point is tricky, I think you are right.01:17
orutherfurdthe convert extension is pretty neat -- you provide some classes to interact as source or sink for another vcs and then you can, well, convert01:17
james_wHowever bzr doesn't actually require installation, as long as you have python >= 2.4 and paramiko etc.01:17
orutherfurdit already has support for cvs, svn, git, and darcs, I think01:18
awmcclainIs there a way to specify a different status bar type via the command line?01:18
james_wand plugins can just be dropped in bzrlib/plugins01:18
james_wthough keeping them up to date can be a pain, hopefully beuno's work will make that really easy soon01:18
james_wawmcclain: I don't think so.01:18
awmcclainokee doke.01:19
james_wI think there is an environment variable01:19
orutherfurdjames_w: initially, the big draw was not having to install bzr on the server (which is the primary reason I use it for personal projects)01:19
james_wthat's a pretty neat feature.01:19
fullermdFunnily enough, I've always considered that one of the least important features  :)01:27
awmcclainOk, I'm in a funky state. I thought I was working on a checkout, but it's actually a branch. I've made one checkin. I can't ci after I bind because my tree is "out of date". I'm pretty sure if I merge, I'll lose my updates. What should I do?01:31
fullermdYou need to 'update' after bind.01:31
awmcclainWon't that remove the file I just added in my local ci?01:32
fullermdNo, it turns what you have locally that isn't upstream into a pending merge.01:32
awmcclainhrm. ok. conflicts. "conflicts:01:41
awmcclain  Conflict: can't delete load_tests because it is not empty.  Not deleting.01:41
awmcclain  Conflict adding file load_tests.  Moved existing file to load_tests.moved."01:41
awmcclainAh, I see. Looks like I've deleted the directory and then readded. Hrm. How do I resolve the conflilct without removing my changes?01:42
james_wput the directory that you want there, and then run resolve load_tests01:43
ubotuNew bug: #208608 in bzr-gtk "bzr-icon-64.png not included in package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20860802:26
=== doko_ is now known as doko
MrLievenis there a way to combine two bzr branches into one13:00
i386_perhaps your looking at merging ?13:01
i386_check the docs13:01
MrLievenie. I have one bazaar branch, and want to import a different bazaar branch into a subfolder of that branch13:01
Kinnisonaah yes13:01
Kinnisonyes there is13:01
Kinnisongive me a sec13:01
* Kinnison is working it out again13:01
james_wMrLieven: you can use "join"13:02
MrLievenok, i'll look it up13:02
james_whowever it is pretty experimental at the moment13:02
james_wand will probably break in interesting ways13:02
MrLievenhmm.. well, I can give it a try:)13:03
KinnisonThe way I was taught was:13:03
james_wThere is also a "merge-into" plugin that can do this, but if you want to continue merging from the other branch it does some interesting things.13:03
james_wIs this a one time thing?13:03
Kinnisonin the branch you've adding *IN*, commit a change moving everything into the subdir of the name you want13:03
MrLievenjames_w, probably only once, yes13:03
Kinnisonthen in the branch you're merging *TO*, do: bzr merge -r 0..-1 /branch/you/bring/in13:04
Kinnisonbut that is a one-time-only operation13:04
james_wthat would work too.13:04
KinnisonThat's how Aranha (one of my programs) has a branch with three ultimate ancestors :-)13:05
AnMasteris there something like git bisect for bzr?13:07
datothere is a bzr-bisect plugin13:07
* AnMaster googles13:07
MrLievenI guess I will go for kinnison's solution. Sounds the safest13:07
AnMasterhow do you install plugins? can you do it in your home dir?13:08
AnMasterI don't want to mess up /usr/lib really13:08
datoAnMaster: drop it in ~/.bazaar/plugins/bisect13:08
AnMasterok, I don't know python, don't you need a setup.py thing or something (why can't everyone just use a single build system...(13:09
james_wAnMaster: no, just place it there.13:09
AnMasterUnable to load 'bzr-bisect' in '/home/arvid/.bazaar/plugins' as a plugin because file path isn't a valid module name; try renaming it to 'bzr_bisect'.13:10
james_wAnMaster: as dato said use ~/.bazaar/plugins/bisect13:11
AnMasterah seems it didn't like the result of a plain  bzr branch lp:bzr-bisect13:11
james_wyeah, that's unfortunate13:11
* dato wonders if bzr-bisect, the directory, could not be imported as bzr_bisect13:12
datobut, alas, I don't know much about python's import mechanism13:12
AnMasterI'm no python programmer13:13
* AnMaster codes in C13:13
james_wdato: I think it used to work, but it was changed so that one plugin could use bits from another13:14
james_wI think that may still work with your scheme, but it makes it harder to know what the other plugin will be named for the import statement13:15
datoyes; but that relies on for example plugin bzr-foo being installed as directory "foo" and not "bzr_foo"?13:15
datowhat I meant, it would be nice if the directory could be named $whatever, and then for its code to appear under bzrlib.plugins.<name_provided_by_the_code_inside_the_plugin>13:16
asabilI agree with dato on this13:16
asabilalso it would be cool to have a plugin-manager plugin13:16
datojames_w: btw, two things bzr has that git doesn't: (1) patience diff; (2) pulling into a dirty tree where the pulled revisions touch dirty files (and, relatedly, merge --force)13:18
TFKyledato: hmm, I'd expect it to be possible with sys.modules hacking, might be a bit ugly doing it though (havn't looked at bzr's plugin code though)13:18
TFKylehmm, actually it might be slightly harder than just changing sys.modules, probably need to change the bzrlib.plugins namespace as well13:19
james_wdato: cool thanks. Is patience diff that much better?13:19
datoit seems git will always refuse merge files with uncommitted changes, no matter how hard you try to convince it to do so (as far as I've investigated, that is)13:19
james_wdato: yeah, I think Robert's proposal for plugin metadata may allow that13:20
james_wasabil: beuno_ is working on one13:20
datojames_w: well, I guess I've only noticed the cases where it's indeed better (in my case, mostly rewriting a file). but other git users have told me that, indeed, git is very willing to consider empty lines as "common" lines, thus making big changes appear interspersed with the old, deleted code13:21
datojames_w: (http://chistera.yi.org/~adeodato/tmp/2008-03-28/diff/ fwiw)13:22
james_wwow, thanks13:24
AnMasterdato, not very useful that bisect, it gives a traceback13:24
AnMasterbzr: ERROR: exceptions.RuntimeError: attempting to add revid anmaster@envbot.org-20080324152901-taj150bcztmhtf8q twice13:24
datoaha. well, I'm afraid I can't be of much help, I've never used, only knew that it exists.13:25
james_ware you using https://code.launchpad.net/~jeff-licquia/bzr-bisect/bzr-bisect ?13:27
james_wah, you did lp:bzr-bisect didn't you? so you will13:27
james_wAnMaster: can you rub with -Derror and pastebin the traceback?13:28
AnMasterlike bzr -Derror bisect ...  or?13:29
AnMasteralso I think I need to redo the bisect from start as it is probably messed up now13:29
AnMasteranyway I did run with -Derror, no change in output13:30
asabilpaste the output in a pastebin13:30
AnMasterasabil, yes I did just then13:32
* AnMaster waits13:32
asabilpoke james_w13:33
AnMasterjames_w, there?13:33
AnMasterjames_w, http://rafb.net/p/dBp98k79.html13:33
james_whehe, rub with -Derror13:33
AnMasterjames_w, I did that yes?13:33
AnMaster$ bzr -Derror bisect yes13:33
AnMasterlooks like a -Derror to me13:33
james_wI was just laughing at my typo13:33
james_wok, talk me through all the steps you did13:34
AnMasterjames_w, was looking for a bug, so I started with bzr bisect start on my source (can be found at http://rage.kuonet.org/~anmaster/bzr/cfunge)13:34
AnMasterand did bzr good first to tell it the last had the think I wanted to check13:35
AnMastererr bzr bisect good*13:35
AnMasterdo you want the order of good and bad bisects?13:35
AnMasterjames_w, if it matters I got this branch in a shared repo13:35
AnMasterI can pastebin entire output if you want13:36
james_wyeah, pastebin the session please13:36
james_wI've never used it, and so I'm not sure whether you're doing something wrong or it's really buggy13:37
AnMastera sec just need to check for any sensitive info13:37
AnMasterjames_w, http://rafb.net/p/0wxvte63.html13:38
AnMasternow I am happy I did a branch for this and didn't just run it in trunk13:39
AnMasterjames_w, what I'm doing is looking for when the test suite started outputting odd non-printable chars in case you wonder13:39
AnMasterjames_w, any idea? :(13:41
AnMasterbranch format is pack-0.9213:41
AnMasterif it matters13:41
james_wso you land on "BUGFIX: Fixing a series of improbable bugs that together made mycology pass on y when it shouldn't have..."13:42
james_wtwice, so it might well be a bug in the plugin13:42
AnMasterjames_w, not sure where I should have landed exactly, that is what I'm trying to find out using bisect :)13:42
AnMasterjames_w, but that one sounds quite possible like the one that could have caused it, the changes were in the affected area so13:43
AnMasterthe old way was broken too, but looks like new is as well heh13:44
james_wAnMaster: I can't see anywhere in the code that actually reports that you have found the critical revision, which is odd14:04
james_wcan you tell me if the revision mentioned above is a merge revision?14:05
AnMasterjames_w, no I have not worked with anyone else on this project, or rather they sent classical patches from diff -Naur14:05
AnMasterand I only used one branch14:05
AnMasterup until now where I branched to do a bisect14:06
james_wok, it's proabably just that problem then14:06
AnMasterI do not wish to mess up my trunk14:06
james_wa "bzr revert" will undo anything that bisect does14:06
AnMasteryes, except it places some files into .bzr14:06
james_wa bzr bisect reset should remove those I think14:07
james_whowever the plugin looks dangerous as it doesn't check for uncommitted changes in the tree first.14:07
AnMasterjames_w, anyway I got stuff in trunk that is not versioned (stuff like test files and so on) and jumping between revisions where the file doesn't exist could cause problems14:07
AnMasterI mean directory where file is doesn't exist14:08
* AnMaster removes the bisect plugin from his system14:09
ChristopheTIs there a reason when pushing through FTP that the .bzr/checkout/ is not trasferred?14:36
ChristopheTThis may be a problem when FTP pushing but others trying to branch via HTTP (some services only allow FTP upload).14:37
james_wChristopheT: yes, that's the expected behaviour14:51
james_wyou only push the branch, not the working tree14:51
james_wothers will be able to branch from that fine14:52
james_whowever if you want the working tree files to be available on disk on the server you are a bit stuck14:52
ChristopheTMy problem is exactly the following https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/129307 (the dummy server configuration -- of the service provider -- redirects the URL instead of issuing a 404)14:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129307 in bzr "Unable to branch from http server after ftp push" [Undecided,New]14:59
ChristopheTHow do I go about it?14:59
james_wChristopheT: is there anyway you can override this behaviour?15:08
james_wChristopheT: for instance a .htaccess?15:08
james_wit would perhaps be possible to make bzr handle this better, I don't know15:08
muszekmy bzr suddenly started to freeze while commiting to a repo that's binded to an external server15:33
muszekI have bzr 1.2.0.candidate.1 (on Hardy) and 1.1.0.candidate.1 (on production server running Debian Sarge)15:34
muszekhere's the output: http://pastebin.us/?show=m2e62291115:38
bob2press cancel?15:40
muszekbob2: that's what I did...15:41
muszekbob2: then I do bzr break-lock and repeat commit - same thing happens15:41
bob2is it still doing anything or really hung?15:41
bob2e.g. does tcpdump show traffic15:41
muszekI'll try to run it15:41
muszekerr... I don't think I'll be able to learn using tcpdump in the next few minutes :)15:43
bob2'sudo tcpdump host poradnik.org and port 22'15:44
muszekthe commit is rather small (I'd say less than 1kB of changes in 4 files)15:44
bob2does ssh'ing normally work fine and as fast as expected?15:44
muszekhmmmm... not as fast as usually.  I've just initiated a download over ssh - 15kB/s15:46
muszekupload goes at 8kB/s... could that be a reason?15:48
bob2still should only take 1/8th of a second, right ;)15:48
bob2~/.bzr.log might show you where it's stuck15:49
muszekwell, it was never extremely fast, but commits usually took 10-20 seconds15:49
bob2it says it was packing the remote repository...does 'ssh -t muszek@poradnik.org bzr pack -v /home/tomekg/ifront/app/' return quickly or sit for a while?15:55
muszekbob2: it executes in 14 seconds15:57
bob2does commit work now?16:01
muszekdoing it right now...16:02
muszekbtw... I had an old commit hanging in there for some time... it finished with an error 'bzr: ERROR: No such file: '/home/tomekg/ifront/app/.bzr/repository/packs/631446bfbfbaf528bfa3518f048fd76d.pack'' (propably after that bzr pack you gave me)16:03
muszekit finished successfully16:03
muszekthank you very much16:03
bob2no worries16:03
bob2dunno why that helped, maybe the autopack code executes on the client instead of the server16:04
muszekI'll keep that command around in case it happens again16:04
muszekwell thanks again and have a nice weekend :)16:06
bob2you too :)16:06
=== ChristopheT is now known as ChriS_T
ubotuNew bug: #208869 in bzr "info command failed at committers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20886917:16
cdlearyI just did a bzr split [subdir] and now performing bzr status in the subdir returns "No working tree exists for [subdir]/.bzr/checkout/"17:42
LasseP_does bazaar work with ant?17:43
bob2in the sense that sccs works with make?17:44
lukshow does a version control system need to work with a build system?17:44
bob2(as in magically checking thins out)17:44
LasseP_i used to work with CVS and now i'm thinking about switching to bzr. i used ant as a build system so i can commit my changes, update specific working copies in a specific testing environment and to create automatic releases with just one keystroke ;)17:45
bob2what does cvs integration does ant have?17:46
bob2(I've never heard of it nor of simialr integration wih bzr)17:46
LasseP_ant has some tasks available to work with CVS. i was wondering if there is something like that for bzr.. otherwise i will just execute the command lines from ant17:48
james_wI've not heard of it17:49
james_wyou could probably write the stuff for ant to do it and then share it with everyone17:49
LasseP_i will write the ant file, so it will execute the bzr commands. :)17:50
=== juliank0 is now known as juliank
gdoubleuI've got a bunch of small fixes to the core_concepts.txt docs.  Would it be ok to submit that as one patch or should I break it up?22:49
gdoubleuAlso I tried looking for some sort of style document for the documentation, but didn't find anything.  Are there any defined standards for the documentation?22:51
gdoubleuFor example, I noticed that bulleted lists had inconsistent indention.22:51
gdoubleuSome, the bullet started in the first column of the line, and others it was spaced over one or two spaces.22:52

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