
Jucatodunno. never seen it. and the Dolphin on KDE 3 (D3lphin) is limited and broken00:00
BunnyRevolutionvistalite: add an engine00:00
vistaliteBunnyRevolution:  engine?00:01
BunnyRevolutionnm, i forgot what channel i was in and was not being nice00:01
hellhoundis there a way to create a keyboard shortcut for the running processes like it shows in ksysguard?  I tried setting it to alt-ctrl-delete but it states that it could not run kdesu00:01
Odd-rationalehellhound: ctrl+esc ?00:02
nosrednaekimhellhound: ctrl+esc00:02
hellhoundOdd-rationale: it brings up my kde start menu00:03
Odd-rationalehellhound: hmm strange...00:03
JohnFluxhellhound: kde3?00:03
hellhoundJohnFlux: yes i believe so kubuntu 7.1000:04
JohnFluxhellhound: hmm, dunno ;-)00:04
Odd-rationaleJohnFlux: ctrl+esc works for you?00:05
SlimeyPetehellhound: ctrl+esc should already do it00:05
JohnFluxOdd-rationale: works for me00:05
Odd-rationaleworks for me too00:05
nosrednaekimctrl+esc has always worked for me00:06
Jucatohellhound: using Compiz or something?00:06
hellhoundJucato: yes i am00:06
Jucatothere you have it folks :)00:06
Odd-rationaleah. no wonder...00:06
hellhoundhummm opk?00:06
kdedevsomeone say hi00:07
Jucatohellhound: Compiz overrirdes KDE's/KWin's default shortcuts. so if some KDE shortcuts don't work, you know who's the culprit00:07
Jucatokdedev: hm?00:07
Odd-rationalesomeone needs to come up with a kompiz - compiz-fusion for kde. Or make kwin capabel of the cube effect... :)00:07
kdedevJucato: it's johflux.  i'm fighting with recordmydesktop00:07
Jucatokdedev: hahaha00:08
hellhoundOdd-rationale: i completely agree... i love the program but almost everything is affected by it00:08
kdedevit keeps crashing :(00:08
JucatoOdd-rationale: someone just needs to write the plugin for KWin00:08
Jucato(just like that coverflow-like plugin or somethign)00:08
Odd-rationaleJucato: I wonder how long it would take for someone to do that...00:09
Jucatodepends I guess... on motivation, free time, etc...00:09
* Jucato doesn't mind... likes the "Desktop Wall" (Present Desktops?) effect better00:09
Odd-rationaleJucato: on kde4?00:09
Jucatoto me it's fancy yet more functional than a <insert polygon here>00:10
nosrednaekimthere is a coverflow plugin for 4.100:11
Odd-rationaleI can't wait till kde4 is stable enough for me... I tried it, i tried to like 4.0...00:11
nosrednaekimfor the current windows00:11
Jucatoit's stable... but there's a difference between stable and "feature complete/parity"00:11
* Jucato boots up his ubuntu laptop... there was an effect he liked...00:11
Odd-rationaleWhat is the coverflow plugin?00:12
nosrednaekimyou know what coverflow is?00:13
Odd-rationalenosrednaekim: i think so... :?00:14
nosrednaekimwell, you can do the same thing to your open windows in kde 4.100:14
JucatoI maybe wrong... it wasn't cover flow but Flip Switch: http://www.commit-digest.org/issues/2008-01-27/00:15
Jucatonosrednaekim: unless you know of a separate coverflow plugin00:15
nosrednaekimyeah... they probably called it that because "coverflow" would infringe on apple00:16
nosrednaekimits the same thing though :P00:16
Jucatonah, Trolltech has some coverflow thingy I think00:17
Jucatoah wait, they call it Picture Flow00:18
nosrednaekimPictureFlow but that Apaku guy00:18
JucatoAriya Hidayat00:19
vistaliteJucato:  you like osx?00:20
Jucatohaven't used it00:20
vistaliteme niether00:20
vistaliteis there a way to boot really fast into xp from kubuntu00:21
vistalitefor when i want to play a game00:21
vistalitelike less than 1 minute would be nice :)00:21
vistaliteif only kubuntu had gaming like xp i would never have to use xp ever again00:22
vistalitebut i have an ati card00:22
vistaliteso i am forced00:22
vistaliteto run xp00:22
Daisuke_Idonot for much longer00:22
Daisuke_Idoand no one is forced to use anything00:23
nick_vistalite:  use cedega00:23
vistalitewhat do you mean Daisuke_Ido?00:23
Daisuke_Idoyou choose to game, which makes using xp your choice :)00:23
Daisuke_Idovistalite, the drivers are getting better for ati cards00:23
Odd-rationalevistalite: Why not give up your game for freedom? a greater cause :)00:23
vistalitenick_ i looked into cedega the game i play most pro evolution soccer 6 doesnt run in cedega00:23
Darkrift2ok, how do i exit X? when i ctrl_alt_backspace it restarts. I need to close X to install my new nvidia drivers :S00:23
nick_vistalite:  soccer lol yeah i know00:23
Daisuke_IdoDarkrift2, ctrl+ alt+ f1, login there, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:24
nosrednaekimDarkrift2: "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"00:24
JucatoDaisuke_Ido: ask whether he's using gdm or kdm first :P00:24
Daisuke_Idowine's light years ahead of cedega by this point00:24
nick_what app can open .iso00:25
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:25
billygotshothow do i burn a cd?00:27
billygotshoti want to put a .iso on a cd00:28
Daisuke_Ido!k3b | billygotshot00:28
ubotubillygotshot: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto00:28
sourcemakerI have installed the current hardy beta version... now I have the problem... that the KDE session crashs very often and kdm restarts... is this a known problem?00:28
Daisuke_Idoyou'll want the option "burn cd image"00:28
Darkrift2ok, ctrl_alt_f1 kinda didnt work :S00:28
nonewmsgsbillygotshot,  you can right click and select burn image00:28
Darkrift2i got a black screen for a few minutes with nothing cept a blinking cursor00:28
billygotshotsorry its a .img. I tried renaming it to .iso to burn it but that did not work00:29
Jucatosourcemaker: #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions00:30
sourcemakerJucato: ok00:30
billygotshotalso whenever i try to install the rpm or whatever (im completely new to this) i get to the point where it asks if i want to continue and i say yes "Y" then it does nothing.00:30
sourcemakerJucato: does the kde meta package contains all kde components? (kdebase,kdegames,kdeutiles,kdedevelop...)00:31
Jucatosourcemaker: yes (if you mean the "kde" metapackage)00:31
Odd-rationalebillygotshot: don't use rpm with kubuntu.00:31
Odd-rationalebillygotshot: use .deb00:31
billygotshoto ok00:31
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:31
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, .debs are easier than windows installation wizards00:31
billygotshotwell I am trying to install nerolinux but it is a .rpm file00:33
nosrednaekimthats not exactly true.... ubuntu uses dpkg, not RPM00:33
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:33
billygotshotwell yeah i cant install the alien package00:33
Odd-rationaleIn windows it is like, "I need to buy a separate cd for every software I install?!"00:33
billygotshotit just stops00:33
Odd-rationalebillygotshot: doesnt nero linux offer .debs or a deb repo?00:34
=== daiana is now known as estrella
nonewmsgsdoes linux nero support subchannel data00:35
billygotshotyes i think it does00:36
billygotshotcan i convert .rpm to .deb?00:39
DarkriftXok, killing kdm gives me the blank screen also00:39
DarkriftXhow do i kill X and get a prompt :S00:39
adudewhat program can i use to play wma?00:39
nonewmsgsadude, they should all play wma00:40
=== root is now known as root_
Odd-rationaleadude: kaffeine ?00:40
nick__billygotshot:  www.nero.com00:40
Odd-rationaleadude: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?00:40
nick__billygotshot:  product nerolinux and he have a .deb there00:40
Odd-rationaleadude: you might need it00:41
adudewhere do i get that00:41
nonewmsgswhy are there 3 sets of restricted extras?  is there a difference between ubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras and xubuntu....?00:41
Odd-rationaleadude: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:41
Odd-rationalenonewmsgs: yes.00:42
adudeyea i found it00:42
adudethanks Odd-rationale00:42
Odd-rationaleadude: consider converting it to ogg. Live free!00:42
nonewmsgsadude, i would not recomend transcoding00:43
adudedo i need a program to convert it to ogg?00:43
nonewmsgsadude, although ogg is high quality and much more free, there will be a loss of quality00:43
nonewmsgsadude, for any lossy to lossy transcoding00:44
Odd-rationalenonewmsgs: True.00:44
Odd-rationaleI have ended up reripping my entirecd collection...00:44
Odd-rationalethis time to flac00:44
billygotshotalright i downloaded the deb and opened it with the package installer and it is giving me Error: Wrong architexture 'i836'00:45
adudeif i can just play wma i will be fine00:45
billygotshotand it won't let me install00:45
Daisuke_Idoi feel like such a retard when dealing with bash00:45
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, do a sudo apt-get install k3b and try that00:45
adudemy mp3 player won't play ogg :(00:46
nonewmsgsadude, that's a common problem too00:46
Odd-rationaleadude: ah. that is a big problem00:46
billygotshotI already have k3b installed00:46
Odd-rationaleadude: Some day ogg and flac will be the standard! :)00:46
nonewmsgsyou dont like the k3b00:46
billygotshotHow do I burn a .img in k3b then?00:46
Daisuke_IdoOdd-rationale, keep dreaming :)00:46
adudei should install linux on my mp3 player :)00:47
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, the problem 99% of the time is the upperlowercase doesnt match in the one file00:47
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, there are usually 2 files one small text one and one butn00:47
Daisuke_Idononewmsgs, no, in this case, it's probably a windows game that he got from some torrent, where the yahoo that posted it used clonecd instead of something sensible.00:48
Daisuke_Idowhich is fine00:48
billygotshotno its not?00:48
Daisuke_Idothat works too00:48
billygotshotits windows xp that i am going to use as a duel boot00:48
billygotshotfor games00:48
billygotshotinstead of playing it through wine00:48
Daisuke_Idoso i was close :)00:48
Daisuke_Idobut anyway00:49
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, in the folder you downloaded it there should be 2 files an img and another one right?00:49
Daisuke_Idoin k3b, burn image file.  change the filter to all files00:49
billygotshotthere are 3 files00:49
Daisuke_Idoselect the img file00:49
Daisuke_Idoand k3b is going to complain that it's not an iso9660 image, but it will still do the md5sum00:49
nonewmsgsDaisuke_Ido, he needs to make sure the ucase is correct.  windows users never do that right00:49
billygotshotit says could not open the document00:50
Daisuke_Idononewmsgs, i seriously doubt it in this case.  it's an img, which k3b doesn't like by default00:50
BluesKajbillygotshot, normally *.img files will burn as ISO's on K3B , not always but if you have RW media , that's the best way to test it. Some times just remnaming the file extension to *.iso works too00:50
Daisuke_Idohmm, try nonewmsgs' suggestion00:50
billygotshotwell i will try renaiming it to .iso00:51
billygotshotwhat about the 2 other files though00:51
billygotshotjust leave them?00:51
nonewmsgsno no00:51
nonewmsgsone file is the instructions to burn the img00:51
billygotshotlol If i change the name to .iso it says it seems not to be a usable image00:51
billygotshotill try anyways00:52
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, what are the file extensions00:52
BluesKajbillygotshot, try burning as a data file00:52
matt123just installed hardy kde4 - but the control panel is missing - what package do I need?00:52
artfullylostWhenever I try to update using adept, it says "failed to update : Perhaps downloads failed or would break commit". Any ideas?00:53
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, cue file00:53
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, open the cue file00:53
billygotshotit says it is not a valid iso file should i continue anyways00:53
billygotshotthere is a .ccd .sub and .img file00:53
billygotshotnot .cue00:53
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, no do not continue.  open the cue file with a text editor00:53
DarkriftXctrl-alt-f2 gives same screen00:54
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, ccd?00:54
billygotshotit opens with a text editor00:54
billygotshotand yes .ccd00:54
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, make sure it has the exact uppercase as the img as well as the sub and all file names are identical like that00:54
billygotshotthey are00:54
artfullylostAlso, further to the problem above, afterwords, I get sigbert 6 errors and adept is unusable.00:54
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, then select burn image from k3b and selet the cue file00:55
_myrtille_artfullylost: I'm no pro either, but did you check your sources.list? Maybe the list is incopmlete/broken?00:57
artfullylost_myrtille_ : Could be the problem, but I checked all of the sources, and it doesn't explain why I can now only load adept in read-only mode.00:59
Daisuke_Idookay, i am completely hosed here...01:00
Daisuke_Idowhat is wrong with the following?01:00
Daisuke_Idoif [ $1 = "-m" ]01:00
Daisuke_Idoin bash, shouldn't that check to see if the first argument passed is -m ?01:01
billygotshotit says it is not a usable image01:01
nonewmsgsbillygotshot, change all the names to something like xp01:01
billygotshotstill says the same thing01:02
sl4mm3ris there  a simple graphics program like paint.. where cutting/pasting certain parts of the image is fairlyeasy01:03
DarkriftXwhat package contains agetty?01:03
DarkriftXgoogle isnt much help righ tnow01:03
billygotshotshould i change the .img to .iso01:03
sl4mm3ri've tried krita and gimp.. and i can't seem to cut and paste properly .. i don't feel like using layers for each "object" ..since i am cutting and pasting different parts of objects quite frequently01:03
_myrtille_artfullylost: ok... i just took a long shot. ;) You know aptitude /apt-get ? Are they returning the same errormessage?01:03
_myrtille_if not try running sudo apt-get update01:04
sl4mm3ralso gimps mouse over help toolboxes aren't display text.. any ideas?01:07
billygotshothow do i install a .deb file........01:07
ForgeAushey all :)01:07
Daisuke_Idookay, got THAT fixed, is it proper to use nested ifs in bash?01:07
ForgeAusDaisuke sure01:07
ForgeAusyou see it in scripts all the time01:08
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: I don't see why you shouldn't be able to01:08
ForgeAusnested ifs/cases and so on01:08
Daisuke_Idoi wasn't sure01:08
ForgeAusjoin #Bash01:08
Daisuke_Idoi know it works, just didn't know if it was proper form :D01:08
ForgeAusoops forgot the /01:08
sl4mm3rbillygotshot: sudo dpkg -i file.deb01:08
sl4mm3ror right click install with gdeb-manager or whatnot01:09
Daisuke_Idoi just threw together a quick and dirty script for mounting ISOs for the terminally challenged.01:09
sl4mm3rterminally challanged01:10
ForgeAusrofl :)01:10
jcgkffycswhat is the marker to add to an fstab entry to mount it as read only?01:10
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: nice:)01:10
ForgeAusterminally challenged sounds like me :)01:10
sl4mm3ri am artistically challanged... :(  how do i cut and paste selected areas of my graphics01:10
sl4mm3ri am just challenged.. sigh01:11
ForgeAus(as in I generally take the GUI option if one I know of is available)01:11
billygotshoti feel like a idiot now.. I just realized i downloaded a 32bit nerolinux when i am using a 64bit system01:11
ForgeAushey vit :)01:11
ForgeAusbillygotshot it should work01:12
billygotshotbut it doesnt01:12
billygotshotso ill try the 64 bit01:12
Daisuke_Idoit *works* but when mounting (and the mountpoint doesn't exist) it gives the following error:01:12
Daisuke_Ido[: 31: iso: unexpected operator01:12
ForgeAusmost 32 bit stuff works in a 64bit environment, there is, or at least was, some kinda trouble with adobe flash, but other than that most stuff works01:12
vitalguien que hable español01:13
ForgeAusbut then yeah if theres a 64-bit option available your probably better to go with it01:13
billygotshotkey word is most there =\01:13
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:13
Daisuke_Idonosrednaekim, can i convince you to take a quick look at that paste and tell me what i'm screwing up?01:13
billygotshotsee now it works fine :)01:13
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: I don't know BASH01:14
nosrednaekimtoo bad intelikey isn't here01:14
Daisuke_Idowell, feel free to steal and use it :F01:14
Daisuke_Ido:D even01:14
Daisuke_Idoit does work01:14
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: watch the language here ;)01:14
Daisuke_Idojust that one little pesky error01:15
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, which error?01:15
Daisuke_Idoi use steal in a colloquial sense, it's GPL, though it doesn't say that yet01:15
Daisuke_Ido[: 31: iso: unexpected operator01:15
billygotshotcould i rename a .img file to .iso and burn it?01:16
sl4mm3ram i missing a package..  the toolbox help text isn't displaying01:16
Daisuke_Idobillygotshot, in theory01:16
sl4mm3rmouse over01:16
billygotshotSo there is a slight possibility of it not working?01:16
Daisuke_IdoNickPresta, or can you see perhaps a more elegant way of doing that?01:18
MilitantPotatoCan you burn the Live CD to a DVD?01:20
adudewhen i get into adept installer is says a process is using the system packaging database how can get past that01:21
Daisuke_Ido!aptfix | adude01:21
ubotuadude: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:21
MilitantPotatoCan the live CD be used if it's burned to a DVD?01:22
nosrednaekimMilitantPotato: I think so01:22
Daisuke_Idoi wouldn't see why not01:22
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, hmm. I don't get any error(s) when I mount/unmount. I removed the sudo commands from the script and executed the script with sudo directly (You can check the uid before hand and alert the user to use sudo if you wish).01:22
MilitantPotatonosrednaekim: thanks, I'll let the guy know01:22
Daisuke_Idono errors when you mount (and the mountpoint doesn't exist)?01:22
Daisuke_Idonow i just have to figure out how to check UID :D01:24
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, http://pastebin.ca/96164001:24
TOMXI seem to be having a problem with Kubuntu.. I'm trying to launch applications like firefox..Window Wireless Drivers and it they just close :s01:25
Daisuke_Ido-u doesn't need an additional parameter though, it just unmounts /media/iso01:26
Daisuke_Idobut thanks01:26
Daisuke_Idomaybe something's just screwed on my end01:26
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47925501:26
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, I have /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash instead of dash. That may be the difference?01:26
Daisuke_Idohmm, i don't know if i ever changed mine01:26
Daisuke_Ido/usr/bin/imount: line 10: [: =: unary operator expected01:28
Daisuke_Idochanging to bash gives me at least a more useful error01:28
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, http://pastebin.ca/961645 runs fine here.01:29
Daisuke_Idothat's two copies nested :)01:31
Daisuke_Idobut i see what you mean01:31
NickPrestaDaisuke_Ido, try running: `sudo bash -x mountiso -m ISO.iso` and `sudo bash -x mountiso -u` to see what is going on and where/why it fails01:31
jmichaelxa while back, i upgraded kaffeine... and when that upgraded, it removed kaffeine-xine. i could play very few videos that way, so i used aptitude to downgrade to the previous version, and re-installed kaffeine-xine... but now, i can no longer play .avi files. any suggestions?01:33
dthackerHi.  I have a new IDE hard drive attached via a USB enclosure.  I've created one linux partition on the new drive, and I'd like to format it for ext3, but parted says it doesn't support it.  How should I accomplish the format?01:33
sisoI have a video related question as well (sort of)...libdvdcss is not showing up in my Adept file list...any idea what that's all about?01:34
Daisuke_Idohttp://pastebin.ca/961652 < output01:34
Daisuke_Idolooks like it's fine01:34
Daisuke_Idoremoving sudo and putting in a uid check worked brilliantly01:35
tomahasamootI've just installed, and updated kubuntu 8.10 alt amd64, and kdesu isn't working... if I want to use adept_manager, or systemsettings, I have to run them with sudo from a terminal... I tried reinstalling kdesudo, but it didn't help01:36
Daisuke_IdoNickPresta, i appreciate your help on this.  i think i can call this my first real script (the one this replaces were three and two liners that depended on the mount point being there in the first place)01:37
Daisuke_Ido!medibuntu | siso01:37
ubotusiso: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:37
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sisook yeah, I know about that....I forgot that when I installed feisty over dapper that I didn't put medibuntu back in my repositories01:37
sisothanks daisuke01:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:38
dthackertomahasamoot: try #ubuntu+1 for hardy support.01:39
Daisuke_Idosiso, you're welcome01:39
DarkriftXthere MUST be a way to kill x and not lock up01:40
DarkriftXnobody here knows how to kill X and get a prompt in kubuntu 7.10?01:40
jmichaelxDarkriftX:  ctrl + F101:41
nosrednaekimDarkriftX: you can boot recovery mode01:41
DarkriftXthat gives me a black screen with nothing01:41
DarkriftXrecovery mode wont let me install nvidia drivers, needs run level 301:41
jmichaelxDarkriftX: it has always given me a prompt01:41
billygotshotanyone know why the burn process stopped at 99%?01:41
DarkriftXi get a black screen with a flashing cursor, no prompt and typing doesnt show any text. only way out of it is ctrl-alt-del01:42
jmichaelxthis is odd, my internet appears to be down, but i am still able to chat in here01:42
DarkriftXjmichaelx, i was getting that for over a month in vista01:42
alexis_hola alguien de argentina?01:42
Daisuke_IdoDarkriftX, ctrl+alt+2 the?01:42
DarkriftXhttp was down, but all other internet access worked fine01:43
DarkriftXhttp/ftp were down*01:43
DarkriftXwith all browsers01:43
DarkriftXi either had to reboot, or wait about an hour for it to fix itself01:43
romsince ksynaptic has been removed from repositories, what software can I use for configuring my touchpad?01:43
jmichaelxyeah, i just tried opera and FF01:43
DarkriftXtried that also Daisuke_Ido01:43
jmichaelxhmm, i dunno if i have to reboot or what01:43
DarkriftXjmichaelx, when it was like that, if i tried to connect to a NEW irc server, id get dns errors about sockets in use01:43
DarkriftXmaybe that will help you :)01:44
jmichaelxok http is working again01:44
jmichaelxi think it's just the FBI watching me01:44
* DarkriftX quits fast (lol)01:44
aoboHi guys how do I install nvidia driver for kubuntu?01:44
jmichaelxwell, that is just one of the more exciting possibilities01:45
aoboand how do i see which bit am i using? 32bit or 64bit01:45
DarkriftXaobo, download it from nvidia's site then run it (you have to kill X, which im unable to do)01:45
aobokill X?01:45
DarkriftXyeah, dont ask how01:45
DarkriftXthe drivers wont install with X running01:45
aobowhats Kill X01:45
romsince ksynaptic has been removed from repositories, what software can I use for configuring my touchpad?01:45
Daisuke_Idowell of course.  everyone knows that open source software leads to the Big T01:45
DarkriftXX is your gui01:45
jmichaelxhave either of you ever considered using 'envy'? that's what i did01:46
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »01:46
DarkriftXbe carefull01:46
sisoDarkrift, the other guy up there meant ctrl+alt+F1 to get to the terminal, I think01:46
sisoBut I don't think that actually kills X01:46
DarkriftXi know siso  ive tried that01:46
sisook...just making sure01:46
jmichaelxctrl-alt-F1, yes.... and it does kill X01:46
aoboim lost. so what do i do01:46
DarkriftXit gives me a black screen with flashing cursor and nothing works except ctrl-alt-del01:46
sisooh does it?01:46
Daisuke_Idojmichaelx, dropping to a TTY doesn't kill x01:46
jmichaelxit is supposed to kill X01:46
jmichaelxDaisuke_Ido: ok, gotcha01:47
sisothanks daisuke....I'm not crazy then01:47
matt__you know how konsole (yakuake, etc) keep a log of the commands you run? How can I disable this? As well as (perhaps) disabling (all?) loggin of such stuff. for like, security reasons01:47
DarkriftXit doesnt even give me a prompt01:47
Daisuke_Idoyou can ctrl+alt+f7 to get right back in :)01:47
jmichaelxDaisuke_Ido: ty for the correction01:47
sisoright :)01:47
Daisuke_Idono worries :)01:47
DarkriftXaobo, im trying to figure that out also01:47
DarkriftXive downloaded the installer, but im unable to "close" (kill) X (the gui)01:48
DarkriftXwhich is required to install the drivers01:48
jmichaelxDarkriftX: when kdm starts, can't you just choose a terminal session?01:48
aoboim trying adept manager right now01:48
DarkriftXyou can use the ones that are built in, but ive never gotten those to work01:48
Daisuke_Idoit still starts the x server01:48
Daisuke_IdoDarkriftX, "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop" doesn't do it for you?01:49
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jmichaelxDaisuke_Ido: i guess my mind is just not in gear, i have installed nvidia and ati drivers many, many time01:49
DarkriftXto try the default ones, go to Kmenu>system settings>Advanced tab>restricted drivers and enable the nvidia drivers01:49
DarkriftXbut be warned01:49
Daisuke_Idojmichaelx, i just install them from the repos01:49
DarkriftXit NEVER works for me01:49
DarkriftXand Daisuke_Ido that didnt work for me either01:49
Daisuke_Idoi've never had an issue with the nvidia drivers in the RDM01:49
DarkriftXgave me same result01:50
aobookay i wish this is just like windows XP . install drivers and it will override the default one01:50
DarkriftXim glad to hear this isnt default behavior01:50
aoboim in Adept Manager. and typed in nvidia and cameup with lots01:50
DarkriftXso i have something messed up01:50
DarkriftXwhat could cause me not to be able to change tty01:50
jmichaelxi use several different distros, and have usually had no problems with getting nvidia drivers installed. i usually just get the driver from the nvidia site.01:51
DarkriftXthe ones on the website worked for me before01:51
jmichaelxi'm pretty sure i just ctrl-alt-f1 to do the dirty work01:51
DarkriftXbut ive tried the built in ones about 5x now01:51
tomahasamootdthacker: thanx01:51
DarkriftXthey always leave me at a black screen unable to login and i have to change back to nv01:52
leo_rockwhello #kubuntu01:52
aobohow do i see which nvidia card i have?01:52
aobolike hardware info.01:52
DarkriftXi dont know how i got the drivers from the site working last time01:52
jmichaelxtype 'lspci'01:52
DarkriftXim sure this problem im having getting to a different tty must be a new problem01:52
aobothanks jmichaelx01:52
jmichaelxaobo: np01:53
aobo VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP                               8x]01:53
aobodo i just go find the driver on the official website now?01:53
Daisuke_Idoaobo, you want nvidia-glx-legacy01:53
Daisuke_Idofrom the repos01:53
matt__you know how konsole (yakuake, etc) keep a log of the commands you run? How can I disable this? As well as (perhaps) disabling (all?) loggin of such stuff. for like, security reasons01:54
aobocool thanks01:54
aobohere goes. waiting for it to install01:54
jmichaelxi think i have a PC with that card, but PCI instead of PCI01:54
nosrednaekimmatt__: yeah.... you can disable bash history01:54
jmichaelxinstead of AGP*01:54
aoboi have XP running01:54
aoboits PCI card01:55
aobodual OS01:55
jmichaelxi have vectorlinux on that old box01:55
prince_jammysmatt__: it's not Konsole that does this. it's bash01:55
aobonow what do i do?01:55
aobogot the glx-legacy in01:55
jmichaelxaobo: just apt-get install it01:55
aoboi did01:56
jmichaelxrestart x01:56
aoborestart x or restart the whole computer?01:56
aoboand whats x again?01:56
jmichaelxaobo: you should just be able to restart X, ctrl-alt-backspace01:56
aobohonestly i dont see any difference01:57
jmichaelxaobo: you may need to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:58
aoboi went in system settings in k menu and monitor and display and the card is still not in the list01:58
jmichaelxyou should at least have accel. 3D if the driver is working01:58
aobodpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:58
Daisuke_Idoaobo, glkinfo | grep direct01:59
Daisuke_Idoaobo, glxinfo | grep direct01:59
Daisuke_Idochange the k to an x, i can't type01:59
adudewhat program can i use for remote desktop connection01:59
leo_rockwadude: krdc01:59
aoboError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual02:00
leo_rockwadude: k remote desktop connection :-P02:00
aobothats with the glxinfo | grep direct02:00
adudebut i can't connect using a ip address02:00
aoboOk im stuck michael02:01
leo_rockwadude: you should02:01
aobodo i type your command in konsole?02:01
leo_rockwadude: type rdp:/ before the ip02:02
aoboit came up with /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root02:02
aoboder. need sudo in front of it.02:02
jmichaelxaobo: yes, sudo02:03
DarkriftXok, google is showing me that lots of other users are having problems switching to tty's but no apparent fixes that apply to me02:03
jmichaelxaobo: it seems to me the last time i used that legacy driver with that card, i had to manually add a line to xorg.conf02:04
DarkriftXim not even using nvidia drivers yet, still using nv (most users get this error BECAUSE they have nvidia drivers and nv is the fix for them(02:04
=== rosa is now known as mikel
jmichaelxi am not sure about that lol02:04
aoboim stuck on the command02:04
aoboi typed in the identifier for the gfx card02:05
Daisuke_Idoi certainly wouldn't say most02:05
Daisuke_Idosome, perhaps02:05
aoboand now im stuck02:05
DarkriftXmost of the ones i read02:05
DarkriftXi read the first 7 links from google02:05
Daisuke_Idoyou're aware that the people whining on forums are not a majority, right?02:05
DarkriftXevery one of them had nvidia users sayin ghtat, some had riva users saying they had same problem02:05
DarkriftXof course02:05
Daisuke_Idopeople don't post on forums just to say "hi, just wanted to let you know everything's working GREAT!"02:06
DarkriftXbut of the ones i read, MOST applies02:06
Daisuke_Idofair enough02:06
DarkriftXi was saying of the results i got, most were nvidia related and thier fixes dont apply to me02:06
DarkriftXi wonder02:07
DarkriftXif i boot to the recovery mode, and rename kdm, then try to change the runlevel to 3, would that possibly work?02:07
jmichaelxi enter 'geforce4 mx 440' in the search in UF, and it says it doesn't find anything02:08
aobookay here we go02:08
DarkriftXgl aobo02:08
aoboi finished the blue screeen set up02:08
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aobonow what?02:09
aoboit doesnt seem to work02:09
=== coreymon_ is now known as coreymon77
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:09
jmichaelxaobo: did it allow you to select the nvidia driver?02:09
aoboerrr.... hmmmm02:09
aoboi guess so02:10
nejodenvidia-glx-legacy is for TNT's, Riva's and the likes....02:10
nick__how to enable sli in kubuntu ?02:10
nejodenvidia-glx is for cards up to MX's02:10
nick__ok so is already enable ?02:11
nick__nvm lol02:11
aobonot for 64MB PCI?02:11
jmichaelxnejode: are you sure about that?02:11
Daisuke_Idoah, that's right, new is for fx and up02:11
nejode...and nvidia-glx-new is for FX's upwards02:11
aoboi shall wait till the discussion is done02:11
nejodesure man...02:11
Daisuke_Idoso just nvidia-glx for you, aobo02:11
aoboah that was quick02:12
jmichaelxyep, just try it, it couldn't hurt... although i am fairly certain i used the legacy driver with that card.02:12
aobothanks guys. time to try again02:12
nejodeI have a MX-4000 and it uses nvidia-glx02:12
aoboi mean my card is teh worst in the range.02:12
jmichaelxnejode: could this have all changed at some point?02:12
aobosomething like legacy doesnt apply02:12
nejodeaobo: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-legacy02:13
Daisuke_Idoi have to chuckle at the mx 400002:13
aoboi did in adpet manager.02:13
aobowaiting for it now02:13
nejode...sudo apt-get nvidia-glx02:13
nick__someone can help me for sli nvidia ?02:13
jmichaelxDaisuke_Ido: why do you chuckle at it?02:13
aobonejode: what do i do now?02:14
nejodebecause it's a lousy card!!!02:14
jmichaelxi mostly have lousy cards02:14
Daisuke_Idothat was an attempt to market a subpar entry level card and make it sound better than the other gf4 mx's, when in reality it's essentially a gf2 with software shading (from what ive seen)02:14
nejodeaobo: you have to restart so the kernel module loads02:14
aobodoh again02:15
jmichaelxi have an mx 440, and mx 4000, and an fx6200-PCI... my best card lol02:15
Daisuke_Ido7600gs - budget card but performs great (for what little i do)02:15
Daisuke_Idoand i have a gf2mx400 in my geexbox in the living room02:15
nick__no :(02:15
jmichaelxi strictly stick to old worn-out hardware...02:15
nejodenow, that's a good old card02:16
oloughlin75Hmmm.... should I install kubuntu again? Gnome was too slow and I don't feel and im missing some of the things that gnome and kde had that fluxbox is missing02:16
jmichaelxi do not own a box with a PCI-e port02:16
aobohi guys im back again02:17
jmichaelxaobo: how goes it?02:17
nejodefluxbox is like a F-1: fast but uncomfortable02:18
aoboi saw a flash of the nvidia sign02:18
nick__he have a channel for nvidia linux ?02:18
jmichaelxaobo: that is a good sign02:18
Daisuke_Idoaobo, then you should be golden02:18
aobonow i have 10 things to update02:18
aoboaccording to adept updater02:18
oloughlin75nejode: I really like how you can "tab" windows02:18
jmichaelxso you have X?02:18
jmichaelxthat is great02:18
aobowhats X02:18
aobono really. whats X02:18
DarkriftXwe went over this02:19
DarkriftXX is your GUI02:19
aoboi forgot...02:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:19
Daisuke_Idoif you see pretties on the screen, x is working :D02:19
artfullylost_Adept simply will not function for me.02:19
DarkriftXyou remember windows 95?02:19
jmichaelxaobo: type 'glxgears' in a terminal02:19
oloughlin75!adeptfix artfullylost_02:19
DarkriftXDOS was the OS and Windows was the GUI02:19
Daisuke_Idoartfullylost_, it doesn't *function* for anyone02:19
Daisuke_Idoi would really recommend synaptic02:19
DarkriftXthats how linux is... linux is command line, X gives it a gui02:19
jmichaelxthey worked?02:20
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:20
aoboyep worked02:20
Jucatoaobo: what does "glxinfo | grep render" say btw?02:20
nejodeartfullylost: did you try "sudo dpkg --configure -a"02:20
Daisuke_Idobut unlike windows, you're not limited to a single gui02:20
DarkriftXlol, exactly02:20
aoboaf few chokes for the gears but okay i gues02:20
jmichaelxsweet, you have 3D acceleration now02:20
Jucato(hm.. well not really... glxgears isn't really a definite test)02:20
nejodeaobo: how many fps?02:20
Daisuke_Idognome, kde, xfce, fluxbox for the masochists...02:20
DarkriftXnor are you forced to reboot every 13 minutes with thier forced reboot screen (also known as a BSOD)02:20
aobodirect rendering: Yes02:20
aoboOpenGL renderer string: GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/PCI/SSE202:20
Jucatoaobo: now that is the definite test :)02:20
Daisuke_Idoi would say that yes, you have acceleration.02:21
aobofps? how do i tell02:21
aobocool thanks guys.02:21
Daisuke_Idoaobo, no matter, you're good :D02:21
aoboso many thanks02:21
aoboso i can play brutal chess now?02:21
DarkriftXnow if only i could get MINE working lol02:21
oloughlin75Does anyone know where firefox stores the search engines?02:21
aobowhats wrong with yours?02:21
DarkriftXi cant kill X to install my drivers02:21
JucatoDarkriftX: where does Ctrl+Alt+F1 take you?02:22
DarkriftXi downloaded the drivers from the site02:22
DarkriftXblack screen with a flashing cursor02:22
Jucatono text login prompt?02:22
DarkriftXi had to reboot to get otu of it (just learned that ctrl_alt_f7 will return me to X)02:22
DarkriftXneither do like 10 different commands ppl told me to try02:22
nejodeaobo: in the konsole under the glxgears you'll get the fps...02:22
DarkriftXkilling kdm gives same thing02:22
Jucatohm... that's weird...02:22
nick__mi icone of my desktop is to small how i make my icone more big ?02:22
DarkriftXsome getty command someone had me try also gave same outcome02:23
Jucatothere's something wrong on a deeper level02:23
jmichaelxa while back, i upgraded kaffeine... and when that upgraded, it removed kaffeine-xine. i could play very few videos that way, so i used aptitude to downgrade to the previous version, and re-installed kaffeine-xine... but now, i can no longer play .avi files. any suggestions?02:23
DarkriftXthats what i figured02:23
aobo900 fps02:23
aobowell 880 ish02:23
aobodirect rendering: Yes02:23
aoboOpenGL renderer string: GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/PCI/SSE202:23
DarkriftXi bet after 100fps the compute rjust gives you a random number02:23
aobooops wrong02:23
DarkriftXtheres no real way to prove that02:23
aobo1982 frames in 5.0 seconds = 396.350 FPS02:23
aobo4421 frames in 5.0 seconds = 884.152 FPS02:23
aobo4155 frames in 5.0 seconds = 830.856 FPS02:23
Jucato!paste | aobo02:24
ubotuaobo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:24
nejodefor a mx-440 it's ok02:24
NickPrestaoloughlin75, check out this page for information: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/03/firefox-search-bar-hacks.html02:25
aoboits 1857 fps now02:25
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aobohow do i make the icons smaller on the desktop?02:25
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nosrednaekimoloughlin75: !!! hows it going!!02:25
NickPrestaoloughlin75, check out: /usr/share/firefox/searchplugins/ for the preloaded search plugins.02:26
DarkriftX00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)02:26
nejodejmichaelx: try installing mplayer or vlc, they'll install again all propietary codecs02:26
DarkriftXmaybe ill try the drivers on the repos again :S02:26
Jucatonick__, aobo: try System Settings -> Appearance -> Icons -> Advanced tab02:26
jmichaelxnejode: i have all of that installed02:26
aobothanks Jucato02:26
jmichaelxnejode: before i upgraded to the new kaffeine, .avi's played fine02:26
JucatoDarkriftX: didn't the nvidia packages work for you?02:27
DarkriftXthey havent in the past02:27
DarkriftXalways locked up when kdm tried to start02:27
DarkriftXso i always used the ones from the website02:27
DarkriftXso ill the the packages again02:27
jmichaelxDarkriftX: is your adapter PCI?02:27
DarkriftXif i can figure out which one to install02:27
DarkriftXits a laptpo02:27
DarkriftXand yes, kinda02:27
jmichaelxok, nm02:27
bnex10oh hey DarkriftX02:28
DarkriftXsup bnex1002:28
bnex10hey i would love to disable ipv602:28
nick__yeah Jucato thanks02:28
artfullylost_Thank you, oloughlin75.02:29
bnex10most daemons tend to use ipv602:29
DarkriftXhow do i tell which nvidia driver i need?02:30
DarkriftXmines rather new (year old or so) but its a mobile02:30
nejodenvidia 6150?02:30
DarkriftX00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)02:30
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
Jucatothere a link to a list there ^^^^02:31
bnex10i want to use ipv4 for network services02:31
oloughlin75nosrednaekim: howdy02:32
oloughlin75nosrednaekim: How you been?02:32
bnex10vnc and ircd will work fine without ipv6 interfering02:32
jmichaelxa while back, i upgraded kaffeine... and when that upgraded, it removed kaffeine-xine. i could play very few videos that way, so i used aptitude to downgrade to the previous version of kaffeine, and re-installed kaffeine-xine... but now, i can no longer play .avi files. even mplayer and vlc will not play .avi's.any suggestions?02:33
romhi again02:33
nejodeDarkriftX: install nvidia-glx-new, run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" and restart02:34
DarkriftXwish me luck, restarting now02:35
romhow can I configure my touchpad02:36
romon kubuntu?02:36
rom(enable or disable it)02:36
nejodejmichaelx: does it spit out any error?02:36
adudeis the kde4 any good?02:36
romI used "ksynaptics" but it has been removed from repositories...02:36
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde402:36
nosrednaekimadude: I like it02:36
jmichaelxnejode: i will check soon, i am removing --purgin a bunch of stuff and re-installing02:36
Jucatonejode: afaik the command now is "sudo nvidia-xconfig"02:36
adudedid you have any problems with it02:37
Dr_willisrom,  gsynaptics works decently well with kde. :( but i think the whole synaptics  program is basicially unsupported these days02:37
leo_rockwadude: kde4 is good, but not ready for daily use, at least for me02:37
rombut even unsupported, it worked fine02:37
Dr_willistesting out kde4 now. Its useable.. but missing some bits.. and im getting lots of crashes02:37
romit has been removed :(02:37
leo_rockwbnex10: what's your question?02:37
nejodeJucato: you're right... uuupppss02:37
Jucatonejode: :P02:37
adudei like it. but it has to many problems yet02:37
romand there is no other software :(02:38
Dr_willisrom,  i imagine that gsynaptics will get removed soon also. from what i recall on the synaptics homepage, the thing is gettting obsoleted by a newer project.02:38
Dr_willis!find gsynaptics02:38
ubotuFound: sh:02:38
Dr_willissilly bot.02:38
leo_rockw!cookie | Dr_willis02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cookie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:38
romwhat project?02:38
romwhat can I use instead of g/ksynaptics02:38
bnex10leo_rockw: i need ipv4 enable as default instead of ipv602:38
leo_rockwthat's what i get for playing w/ ubotu...02:38
DarkriftXok, how do i tell if its working ?02:38
JucatoDarkriftX: if nejode's command didn't work, I think it's supposed to be "sudo nvidia-xconfig"02:38
JucatoDarkriftX: "glxinfo | grep render"02:39
DarkriftXi got an error about restricted drivers in use02:39
Jucatoand you should have seen the nvidia logo02:39
bnex10i need 2 differnet deamons to listen on a ipv4 address02:39
DarkriftXi didnt see nvidia logo02:39
DarkriftXOpenGL renderer string: GeForce Go 6150/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!02:39
DarkriftX    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_SGIS_texture_lod,02:39
bnex10not ipv602:39
leo_rockwbnex10: sorry, i don't know anything about that.02:39
Dr_willisrom,  i use gsynaptics for the time being. google for gsynaptics/ksynaptics and see what they suggest. I think its all getting rolled into the normal X configuration stuff mainly. But i just skimmed the homepage a few weeks ago02:39
jmichaelxnejode: somehow using remove --purge for vlc and and all related files, then re-installing has fixed the problem i was having02:39
JucatoDarkriftX: is it saying Direct rendering: yes?02:39
jmichaelx :-)02:40
bnex10the system uses ::ffff:
Jucatothen you're ok (I guess)02:40
DarkriftXbut the restricted drivers says its not enabled02:40
DarkriftXsays its in use, but not enabled02:40
jmichaelxi can't imagine what was wrong02:40
bnex10but windows cant use that02:40
DarkriftXmake any sense to anyone else?02:40
Dr_willisrom,  i see a 'tpconfig' in hardy. Not sure if its in the earlier disrtos.02:40
DarkriftXhas a green check mark, but the tick box is empty02:40
jmichaelxi do not understand why this new kaffeineis in the repos, when there is no corresponding kaffeine-xine02:40
romrom@rom-laptop:~$ tpconfig02:40
romCould not open PS/2 Port [/dev/psaux].rom@rom-laptop:~$02:40
DarkriftXmy refresh rate is lower now... .was 60, now 5002:41
DarkriftXwhats another test i can do?02:41
DarkriftXany apps in the repos that will only run with 3d accel?02:41
DarkriftXdling now02:43
jmichaelxDarkriftX: what card do you have?02:43
DarkriftX6150 go02:43
jmichaelxis that an FX?02:43
DarkriftXdont think so02:44
DarkriftX* icewaterman (i=CASpyh@unaffiliated/icewaterman) has joined #kubuntu02:44
DarkriftX00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)02:44
ErtainHello everyone.  Sometimes when my computer boots up my "networking" service doesn't start up, and I have to manually start it.  Any ideas on why this doesn't work?02:45
romin hardy, I can't log in graphically (I enabled auto-login at boot), but if I restart X, I enter my login/pass, and always "incorrect"02:46
romwhile they ARE correct02:46
nosrednaekimrom: change your password in one of those automatically logged in sessions02:46
jmichaelxhmm. some of my .avi file still will not work02:46
DarkriftXok, that game works02:46
DarkriftXkinda odd, but decent gfx02:46
DarkriftXty guys02:46
DarkriftXi think last time someone told me to install the legacy drivers02:47
DarkriftXmight be why they have never worked for me02:47
rombut I don't want to change my password02:47
nosrednaekimrom: just try it02:47
nosrednaekimyou can change it back02:47
DarkriftX2650 fps?????? *WTF*02:48
bnex10good for you!02:48
DarkriftXthats like 100x what a human eye can see02:49
DarkriftXand on a laptop no less02:49
Dr_williscover up the glxgears window with another window.. and watch the fps go waaaaaaaaaaaay up02:50
nomopofomook, so, now i've got this menu hanging on the top of my screen and I'm not sure how to disable or how it even got there in the first place...02:50
nosrednaekimDarkriftX: make the window full screen02:50
nejodeDarkriftX: those aren't REAL fps... they're like a reference02:50
Dr_willisnomopofomo,  you mean a panel with the applications  file/edit/whatever menus?02:50
DarkriftXi remember the days when we wanted 80fps to be good02:50
nevilleDarkriftX don't get too excited, it's not very accurate real life portrayal of your cards actual performance :P02:51
DarkriftXid hope not02:51
DarkriftXeven though that was better02:51
DarkriftXsounds more real lol02:51
nejode80 REAL fps are good!02:52
nomopofomoDr_willis: any idea how to get rid of that thing?02:52
Dr_willisits a kde setting somewhere..02:53
nomopofomoLOL I know and I can't remember where I was messing with it...02:53
Dr_willisand im under kde4 right now.. so i cant explore :)02:53
DarkriftXpoor guy02:53
Jucatonomopofomo: right-click on the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Behavior02:54
Roeyhola Jucato!02:54
JucatoMenu Bar at Top of Screen02:54
Jucatoohayo Roey02:54
Roeyhi all, I have this integrated Intel sound chipset and was wondering if there is an easy Kubuntu way to autoconfigure ALSA for it.02:54
nomopofomoYou got it!02:55
Alucard_Hellsingcan someone help me. i trying to insert skype but its not working right02:55
romhi again02:57
romwhen I launch compiz, often some icons in systray are "detached"02:57
romfrom the systray02:57
romwhich is very annoying02:57
Jucatothey might know in #compiz-fusion02:58
vistaliteJucato:  :O02:58
jmichaelxok, now i can play many .avi's , but many others still will not play02:58
vistalitei got paltalk running on Kubuntu what an awfull app :(02:58
vistalitei am traumatized now02:58
bnex10i got no graphics card02:58
vistalitei got no life02:59
jmichaelxwhat does an error lke this mean: 10:59:10 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >/media/sda1/The Last Shah - Iran History BBC Documentary (Ben Kingsley Narration).avi<02:59
vistalitewant to trade bnex1002:59
leo_rockwhey, what's the command to find out which shell i'm using?02:59
nevillejmichaelx Have you tried VLC/02:59
jmichaelxneville: yes. all of these files used to play just fine...02:59
Jucatoleo_rockw: try "echo $SHELL" ?02:59
bnex10vistalite: a graphics card for nothing?03:00
leo_rockwJucato: thank you! someone asked this in #ubuntu, and i couldn't remember it.03:00
=== neville is now known as neville_
Alucard_Hellsingi need to talk to someone who uses linux03:01
bnex10we all do03:01
Alucard_Hellsingsrry i ment to sa kubuntu03:01
Alucard_Hellsingversion 7.1003:01
Daisuke_Idothat would be all of us03:02
Alucard_Hellsingi just downloaded skype and the package inserter quits before it finshes03:02
Alucard_Hellsingi dont need skype specificaly but i do need a free voip03:03
bnex10try again one time?03:03
Alucard_Hellsingiv tried 3 times03:03
leo_rockwAlucard_Hellsing: ekiga, openwengo03:03
nomopofomoWhat's a good newsreader for KDE?03:04
* bnex10 gets someone else03:04
Daisuke_Idoyou actually want to READ or download binaries?03:04
Daisuke_Idobecause that's two different answers -_-03:05
nomopofomodownload binaries03:05
nomopofomoargh, isn't there anything more up to date?03:05
nomopofomoi really like pan but i hate that it's GTK03:05
bnex10what about read?03:05
Daisuke_Idofor reading, knode03:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:06
Daisuke_Idonomopofomo, klibido might be a touch behind, but it supports uuencoding and yenc, is stable, and is fast, i fail to see a problem :)03:06
nomopofomohm... i will give it another shot.03:06
jmichaelxlmao, i get a segfault when trying to open that first link with konqueror03:06
jmichaelxwhat the heck is 'demux'?03:11
Daisuke_Idosplits the audio and video into separate streams03:12
jmichaelxok, i keep getting an error relating to 'demux'  for a number of video files that used to play just fine03:12
jmichaelxi have been trying to straighten this out for days. these problems all started when i tried to upgrade to the new kaffeine03:14
nomopofomowhere do i go to change the default web browser in KDE?03:14
leo_rockwnomopofomo: alt + f2, kcontrol, everything is there03:15
jmichaelxi have just not gotten along with gutsy at all03:15
nomopofomoalt + f2 brings up run command03:16
leo_rockwnomopofomo: kcontrol03:16
nomopofomothat's what i just did :D03:17
leo_rockwnomopofomo: anything you want to change, adjust or modify in kde is there03:17
kadamnot kde4 tho 8)03:18
jmichaelxi do not get this demux crap, lol. these files had worked fine.03:19
Alucard_Hellsingekiga does not make calls to real phones and openwengo is for gnu linux03:20
romI would like to add SHMConfig "on" in my xorg.conf03:20
romfor enabling touchpad configuration03:20
rombut... where?03:20
Roeyhey all03:24
Roeyhi all, I have this integrated Intel sound chipset and was wondering if there is an easy Kubuntu way to autoconfigure ALSA for it.03:24
Dr_willisit should work.. unless its so new - that you need newer drivers..03:30
Dr_willisin which case you might need to update your alsa..  Or wait to see if the next release has them allready in there.03:30
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:34
Alucard_Hellsingleo_rockw i have a voipstunt account but how do i use it with ekiga03:38
=== accrc is now known as Dgro
nonewmsgsare there plans to have compbiz with hardy kubuntu03:43
Jucatononewmsgs: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu#head-24ebfb941cf6a8559753deca601a9b898eca619c03:45
leo_rockwnonewmsgs: kwin for kde4 has its own compositing, so idk if compiz for kubuntu is a good idea.03:46
leo_rockwnonewmsgs: but, to answer your question, i don't know if there are plans03:47
Jucatoleo_rockw: at least for KDE 3 it might be a good idea... high demand for it when gutsy was released03:47
Jucatoleo_rockw: see the link above03:47
leo_rockwJucato: thanks for the link03:48
DarkriftXnow i remember why i didnt keep compiz03:52
DarkriftXi lost my window decorations and alt tabbing is all i can do :S03:53
_2Err http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main libnss3 2:1.firefox1.5.dfsg+  404 Not Found [IP: 80]03:55
_2is that error telling me that the version of update is no longer avalable ?03:55
_2Salaman: this channel really went to hell when intelikey left !04:00
Jucato(in your dreams :P)04:01
_2then why no answer ?04:01
Jucato!night | _204:01
ubotu_2: It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.04:01
_29 pm middle of the night ??04:02
Dr_willisim wide awake and highly caffinated!04:02
Roeyhi all, I have this integrated Intel sound chipset and was wondering if there is an easy Kubuntu way to autoconfigure ALSA for it.04:02
Dr_willisim used to 3rd shift.. :)04:02
Roeyhey Dr_willis! ltns04:02
Dr_willisRoey,  you may need to update your alsa drivers if the thing is real new.04:03
Dr_willisor wait for the next release of ubunt/kubuntu tha may have updates. (could check out a beta of the live cd for the next release and see if it works in there)04:03
RoeyDr_willis:  is it supposed to Just WorkTM ?04:04
_2Jucato heh and at least intelikey would answer,  even if he didn't know anything at all about it...   :)))04:04
Dr_willisRoey,  if its a new chipset with no drivers for it under linux.. Or this release.. then how can it.04:04
Roey00:02:07 ~ lspci | grep -i audio04:04
Roey00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)04:04
Jucato_2: I *was* trying to look for an answer for you. but now I'm not inclined to anymore04:04
RoeyDr_willis:  http://rafb.net/p/yOUb1483.html04:05
_2Jucato (:04:05
Dr_willisthere has been a lot of new audio chipset/stuff out lately.     the alsa in the current kubuntu is from a few months ago. so it is possible its just not got drivers IN there yet.04:05
Dr_williswhichis why i suggest testing out the livd cd of the hardy release.04:05
_2Jucato it's ok.   thanks just the same.04:05
Jucato_2: yes, that update is older than the one in the current dapper-updates04:07
Jucatoyou can browse in packages.ubuntu.com btw04:07
RoeyDr_willis:  do yuou know anything about that output from aplay ?04:08
_2Jucato but you only see the latest.  i need the version that my packages.list contains   or else i'll be forced to dl the entire system again04:08
Dr_willisRoey,  nope. I only have creative sound cards here - so i rarely have sound issues. I did get a frieneds laptop working with the newer alsa drivers a few months ago.04:09
_2Jucato but you only see the latest. <> if you browse the packages...04:09
Jucato_2: well yeah... because the older ones get replaced by the latest04:09
_2then how do you "down grade" a package ?04:10
Dr_willisI have my somewhat out of date 'install latest alsa' script i made for him at --> http://pastebin.com/f4e03f2f6    - USE at your own risk.. or just read it to see what i did.04:11
_2say you install version -2.5.23   and it's broken   and you need to downgrade back to 2.5.21  ???04:11
Jucatoif the .deb is in your /var/cache/apt/archives/?04:11
Dr_willisthat may or may not fix your problem. I dont   do much soundisue trouble shooting.04:11
gustavoi love you!!!!04:11
* Dr_willis sends gustavo a bill.04:11
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:12
Jucato_2: actually, ok I don't know. maybe at times they re-upload an older version and remove the latest? (like when X broke in Dapper)04:13
gustavoDr_wills: thanks!!!04:14
_2Jucato hmmm    could be...   i just thought that the repos kept all the packages/versions and the lists told apt which to fetch...  but it seems that "updates" don't work that way maybe04:14
nonewmsgsDr_willis, how are you and what is your opinion of kde404:16
Dr_willistesting kde4 right now. its useable.. but   seems to crash a few too much for me. also with a kde3/4 systems installed. I got a lot of duplicate menu items.04:16
Dr_willisits still needing a lot of polish. :)04:17
Dr_willisbut it will get there eventually04:17
Dr_willisright now - i added a 'old style' menu button to my panel.. but cant figure how to drag it to the position i want! :)04:17
nonewmsgsDr_willis, thanks doc.  you seem quite knowledgable about these things04:17
JucatoDr_willis: #kubuntu-kde4 perhaps?04:18
JucatoDr_willis: and they're not really duplicate menu items... one is for the KDE 3 version, another for the KDE 4 version.. so... :)04:18
Dr_willisJucato,  heh. i did the 'add widget' thing and drug/dropped a NEW one to the proper spot. then removed the one in the wrokg place.04:18
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:18
JucatoDr_willis: basically, that is the only way to do it04:18
_2Dr_willis right click it   doesn't have a menu for move ?04:18
Dr_willisJucato,  yea. but the menus give them the same name.  so to a novice they see 2 of all this stuff.04:19
Dr_willis_2,  there is not.04:19
Dr_willisNow i have a 'new' menu, and an old menu. :)04:19
Dr_willisbut both use the same icon. :(04:19
JucatoDr_willis: I thought they "fixed" that? or at least when you hover over the names, you'll see the description04:19
Dr_willislet me check04:19
Dr_willisahh in the 'new' menu it has a littel text under the item saying 'whatever' or 'whatever kde3'04:20
Dr_willis the color schem i am using makes it hard to read.04:20
Dr_williswith the old-stype menu widget - you dont see any  hover/descriptions.04:21
Jucatoof course :)04:21
Jucato(maybe they'll implement something like Name (Description) in that old style menu again)04:22
Dr_willisi do notice a bit of a graphical glitz as it draws the launcher menus also. new menu pops up, theres a bit of a delay and some gfx garbage befor it redraws04:22
Dr_willisJucato,  i hope so. :)04:22
Dr_willispersonally i dont want ANY icons in the menus.  thats a feature i like about gnome.04:22
Dr_willisi need less clutter in the menus. :)04:22
_2icons are over rated04:23
Jucatohope they make that configurable :)04:23
Dr_willisi also noticed if i set up gtk apps to use the kde4 themes in the appearance settings.. xchat coredumps04:23
Jucatobug :)04:23
Jucatoor desired behavior :)04:24
Dr_willisluckly i rember that i had JUST changed that setting.. so saw the casuse/effect04:24
Dr_willisi guess i can try launching a 2nd xchat.. :) brb04:24
Dr_willisFloating point exception (core dumped)04:25
Dr_willisYep. :)04:25
Dr_willisnifty. I installed some new kde4 styles.. time to check them out04:26
* Dr_willis plays with kde4 some more04:30
gustavo hello.. i love you... when will the checkboxes, editboxes in firefox look like the windows' pretty ones?04:32
nonewmsgscan you link to examples04:32
gustavoyes.. you know in linux.. those editbox where you type text.. they look ugly04:32
JucatoFirefox on Linux and Firefox in Windows use different UI "toolkits" to render (or whatever the technical term is). so they will never look the same04:33
gustavoof course04:33
gustavobut the windows one is prettier... when will we look like those windows pretty ones?04:34
Jucato1. Firefox uses the GTK appearance. so "we" as in Kubuntu and KDE have no control over the matter. 2. It's a question for #firefox or #mozilla or wherever their channel is04:34
nonewmsgsJucato,  they will never look the same04:35
nonewmsgsbah i dont know how to quote someone properly04:35
Jucatononewmsgs: hm... why tell me? :)04:35
nonewmsgsi was trying to quote you04:35
gustavoyes.. but i'm sure kubuntu can take action over this issue...04:35
Dr_willistry some different firefox themes perhaps. :)04:36
gustavoi tried..04:36
gustavodoesn't make difference04:36
nonewmsgsare they pretty in konquoror, opera, epiphany, etc?04:36
Dr_willisi really havent noticed any of the uglyness..but im busy using theprogram, not worrying about text input boxc's being off by a few pixles or whatever.04:36
gustavononewmsgs: yes, in konqueror it's prettier04:37
gustavoits a rounded solid border04:37
gustavoin firefox its a shaded editbox04:37
nonewmsgsperhaps there is a #firefox04:37
nonewmsgs72 poeple in #firefox04:38
gustavook i'll ask there04:38
gustavodon't you use firefox?!04:38
nonewmsgsi dont use windows to browse and cannot compare04:39
nonewmsgsand do not work with the mozilla team04:39
gustavonever tried firefox in windows?!04:40
gustavodon't believe you04:40
nonewmsgsi have never notcied much of a difference04:40
nonewmsgsi asked for a screenshot comparision04:40
Dr_williswe all know that the new apple browser for windows is going to take over.. since apple is perfect.04:40
Jucatohm... kinda getting offtopic, don't you think? :)04:41
gustavoDr_willis: what apple browser?!?!04:41
nonewmsgsDr_willis, apple is no longer perfect.  someone has taken a bite of the apple.  it is clearly seen on the back of the ipod04:41
gustavoofftopic at the moon04:41
nonewmsgssafari :P04:41
gustavogreat.. i like offtopic!04:41
Dr_willisgustavo,  the one mentioned on several web sites  i saw today04:41
gustavoDr_willis: didn't noticed!04:41
Jucato!offtopic | gustavo04:41
ubotugustavo: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:41
nonewmsgs!porn | gustavo04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about porn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:42
=== artfullylost is now known as hellfrick
gustavojucato, let the rules to the bots04:42
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:43
Dr_willisaparently http://ubuntu-debs.googlecode.com/files/SafariSetup.exe crashes wine so badly it crashes X!04:44
gustavothese bots are great04:44
gustavoyou know talking about google..04:44
gustavoanyone joining google's summer of code?!04:44
nonewmsgsgustavo they even suggested where to look for porn04:44
Jucatohm.. again... offtopic. last warning04:45
gustavoeven tough i didn't find anything related to porn on that site04:45
gustavothe bot's tcl must be rewritten! :P04:45
gustavoJucato: ok father!04:46
gustavoi'll go to sleep soon, don't bother!04:46
nonewmsgsim going to sleep but in a seperate but equal bed04:46
gustavoseparate from what?104:46
gustavohey who said i would sleep alone :P04:47
Dr_willisSavage2 has a 5 hr demo - nifty04:47
gustavoyou.. awaked ones.. where are you from?04:53
Dr_willisIm in Indiana. The land of Corn and pigs.04:55
unix_infidelDr_willis: odly enough, i just learned that corning meat, as in corned beef or corned ham involves no corn at all.04:56
unix_infidelalso weird, while having corned beef reuben for the first time in my life.04:57
Dr_williscorn in corned beef = 'kernel' as in corse kernels/grains of salt - (like kosher salt)04:59
* Dr_willis goes back to reading about Linux games05:00
Dr_willisTheres a lot of progress on the Linux Gaming Front lately.05:00
unix_infidelDr_willis: i still find TCE to be lacking in physics.05:00
neville_True Combat: Elite?05:04
Dr_willisnever heard of it. :)05:05
Dr_willisi dont game a lot. Just every so often i get in the mood05:05
neville_Me neither, just looked it up then :P05:06
unix_infidelDr_willis: it's one of the more common linux games out there.05:06
unix_infidelDr_willis: what are you playing?05:06
Dr_willisdownloading the demo of savage2 right now.05:07
Dr_willisIt has Linux 32 and 64bit clients. and windows client.05:07
Dr_willis5 hr free demo -05:07
Alucard_Hellsingsrry to ask this but i need a irc program for a non linux user...my friend does not have any linux nor is he knowledgable enough to know how to get or us linux05:11
unix_infidelAlucard_Hellsing: mirc is the most common among windows users.05:11
unix_infidelxchat2 silverex build is quite nice as well.05:11
Alucard_Hellsingk thx05:12
unix_infidelif he uses gaim / pidjin he'll like xchat.05:12
JucatoAlucard_Hellsing: Konversation05:12
Dr_willisi use the xchat2 silverex for windows all the time05:12
Alucard_Hellsinghe has never used irc before05:12
unix_infidelJucato: windows.05:12
Jucatooh sorry haha05:13
Dr_willisheh - you pasted a link to an icon :) not the program05:13
Alucard_Hellsingi use konversation  i love it05:13
unix_infidelDr_willis: i pasted a link to the xchat screenshot.05:13
Dr_willis:)   ok.05:14
Dr_willisxchat - the only irc client i know with less and less features with each release!05:14
* unix_infidel uses irssi on windows and linux.05:14
Alucard_Hellsingis it easyer to use than mirc then05:14
unix_infidelAlucard_Hellsing: yes.05:14
Dr_willisIts rather straightforward to use.. and it has docs.05:14
unix_infidelAlucard_Hellsing: mirc is designed for people who want to connect to multiple servers and chats to download and chat.05:15
unix_infidelxchat is more designed for chatting imho.05:15
Alucard_Hellsinghe just needs to be able to be in my room and the main morph room05:15
Dr_willismIRC finially got the ability to be on more then 1 server at a time? :)05:16
unix_infidelAlucard_Hellsing: iirc, you can get the portable version too.05:17
unix_infidelportable gtk included, so he doesnt need to install it and mess with gtk / glade win32 versions.05:18
Dr_willisthings have gone full circle with windows apps.. used to be everything was a 'portable app' Now its a new-innovative feature!05:18
Alucard_Hellsingk so i could test this with wine couldnt is05:19
DarkriftXmirc has supported multi server for at least 6 years05:19
Dr_willisDarkriftX,  shows how long ive been using Xchat under windows then.05:24
* Dr_willis still rembers the disaster when mIRC gained some Ugly color-codes function. YOu couldent even stand to be in IRC with all the flashing/ugly colors05:25
DarkriftXi guess05:28
DarkriftXeither that or you didnt upgrade often05:29
DarkriftXmirc is actually very good under windows05:29
DarkriftXxchat is nice, but i think mirc has more features that I use05:29
Dr_willisif you need the features.05:29
Dr_willisi recall way too many people that thought 'scripting' mirc events was 'real programing' :)05:30
neville_Doesn't it work in wine, too?05:31
Alucard_Hellsingcan anyone here directly translate for me   chown -r us ./base05:44
DarkriftXlol Dr_willis i have written soem things in mirc "scripting" that some ppl cant tell even belongs to mirc05:45
DarkriftXi know its a scripting language, but programming, but it is really good for what it is05:45
DarkriftXs/but programming/not programming/05:45
Dr_willisI just recall people argung that xchat sucked becuase it used perl, and you couldent do a 1 line 'on event Say SPAMMESSAGE' type things :-05:46
DarkriftXlol Alucard_Hellsing  "all ur base are belong to us"05:46
Alucard_Hellsinglol yes finaly05:47
DarkriftXi almost told you what it did :S05:47
DarkriftXthen i got it05:47
Alucard_Hellsingu know that phrase05:47
dennisterany sql-ledger or accountant types available in the channel tonight?05:47
DarkriftXive heard it05:47
DarkriftXfrom a song right?05:47
Alucard_Hellsingu know what its from05:47
Alucard_Hellsingyes and no05:47
DarkriftXnot offhand05:47
evil-rhinohey, i upgrade to hardy, which upgrade my firefox to ver. 3. all my application handlers for various content types disappeared. now firefox doesn't know what to do with .pdfs, .torrents, etc. any suggestions?05:48
Alucard_Hellsingfrom a video game intro that was made into a song because of the crappy grammer05:48
evil-rhinoAlucard_Hellsing, DarkriftX: take it to #kubuntu-offtopic, please.05:48
DarkriftXDr_willis, i dislike xchats useage of perl because i dont know perl very well, but im very sure perl is more powerful05:49
Dr_willisit can use other languages as well.05:49
DarkriftXevil-rhino, try #firefox, please05:49
Dr_willisnot that i ever do that stuff in xchat05:49
Alucard_Hellsingis was kinda on topic... its shell script05:49
Dr_willisYou would rather it use its own custome language like mirc does? :)05:50
evil-rhinoDarkriftX: this is the result of a kubuntu upgrade, so it's completely relevant.05:50
Jucatoevil-rhino: #ubuntu+105:50
DarkriftX#kubuntu-upgrade, please05:50
JucatoDarkriftX: is that a real channel?05:50
evil-rhinooy vey, thanks.05:50
DarkriftXi really hate it when ppl give me the "get lost" attitude05:51
DarkriftXJucato, every channel is real on here :)05:51
DarkriftXas soon as you join it anyways05:51
Jucatopfft :)05:51
Jucatothat's not what I meant though05:51
* Dr_willis joins #Jucato_For_President05:52
=== hellfrick is now known as Dragonboy
DarkriftXit was empty :S05:52
DarkriftXgather your following!05:52
DarkriftXsee, i think if everyone who wanted to make offtopic comment joined anothe channel to chat, there would be a lot less help in here because most ppl would be busy chatting and not reading in here as often05:53
DarkriftXso unless it turns into an hour long convo, i dont think someone who asked a question and didnt get an immediate answer needs to tell otehrs to go elsewhere05:54
Dr_willisDarkriftX,  thats what #ubuntu-offtopic-offtopic is for05:54
DarkriftXthat was extremely rude05:54
DarkriftXso lets all go to an off topic channel and chat, and screw all those who want help!!05:54
DarkriftX(im not that rude, but you get my point)05:54
Sir_CorgiThere's a channel where you talk about off-topic things that aren't allowed in the off-topic channel?05:54
Alucard_HellsingS L O05:55
Dr_willisIve seen some support channels on Dalnet kick you if you are also in Porn channels. :)05:55
Dr_willisive seen some kick you for making too many spelling mistakes.05:55
DarkriftXwell, thats justifiable05:55
DarkriftXbecause users on porn channels could be bots spamming for more users05:55
Sir_CorgiI was teasing ubotu in #kubuntu-offtopic until it was revealed to me that it's not allowed.05:55
DarkriftXive seen that and i understnad that reasoning05:55
Dr_willisSir_Corgi,  theres a bot channel for that05:55
Sir_CorgiI was told that. lol05:55
DarkriftXthere are too many channels that arent for help05:56
DarkriftXbecause they want the "free help" to act like paid help05:56
DarkriftXi dont get that05:56
Dr_willis /join #CantFindAnyGoodChannels05:56
DarkriftXi got "silenced" on ##linux one night for saying "damn! really?"05:56
Sir_CorgiI had to try to direct a Russian guy to #ubuntu-ru05:56
Sir_CorgiDidn't work.05:56
DarkriftX15 minutes i couldnt type for that05:56
Sir_CorgiI'm even learning Russian right now.05:56
Sir_CorgiIt was VERY INTERESTING.05:57
Alucard_Hellsingthats bs05:57
Sir_CorgiWhat is?05:57
Alucard_HellsingDarkriftX  silenced05:58
Sir_CorgiYeah, that's kind of retarded.05:58
Sir_CorgiPeople get way too butthurt sometimes.05:58
Alucard_Hellsingmust have a "badword" bot05:58
DarkriftXit was a human op who did it05:58
Alucard_Hellsingnow that is retarted05:58
Sir_CorgiSand in his vagina...05:58
DarkriftXand when i questioned it i was told i would be banned for ever for questioning thier rules05:59
Sir_CorgiRight... right... back to #kubuntu-offtopic05:59
Alucard_Hellsingi say we takerover the channel05:59
DarkriftXwhich is why i now say "darn" "gosh" "poop" over there05:59
Sir_CorgiSay "fart" instead of the f-word.05:59
DarkriftXi got compiz almost working properly but they ran out of ideas for me06:00
* DarkriftX starts spinning his cube in frustration06:01
Sir_CorgiI hate that cube.06:01
DarkriftXi love the cube06:01
DarkriftXthats the only reason i installed compiz06:01
Sir_CorgiI just like my windows to look pretty.06:02
Dr_willisThers a reason  why the cool people hang here , instead of ##linux06:03
=== dragonboyscott is now known as dragonboy
Dr_willisHmm.. the plasma corner 'button' in the top right, has a zoom out feature.. but i cant find how to zoom back in...06:08
Jucatotry right-clicking on one of the desktops...06:08
Jucatoit might be hard to read the menu06:08
Dr_willisi get the normal right click popup menu. noting about zoomingback06:09
Jucatotry hovering over the "corner" of the desktop again (where the Zoom OUt button was)06:09
Dr_willisi only get a right click menu on the very small 'desktop' wallpaper thats now in the top left of the screen06:09
Jucato(although it's no longer really the corner)06:09
Sir_CorgiThere is one thing about compiz in Kubuntu that I haven't figured out.  In GNOME, if a window is maximized, you can click and drag the titlebar down, and it will unstick the window.  In Kubuntu, it just stretches the title bar down as though it's stuck by the corners.06:10
Dr_willisnothing in the actual corner, the mini-desktop has that corner button. but it just has zoom, and add widgets06:10
Dr_willisand i zommed again.. nowits real real real tiny. :)06:10
Dr_willisaha! the zoomin/out buttons were so tiny - i got lucky and hit zoomout!06:11
Dr_willisthere we go. :)06:11
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Dr_willisand plasma crashed.. heh.06:13
Dr_williswell off to Try the savage2 demo.  bye06:13
Erickj92what would be the restart command for apache2?06:20
emilsedghErickj92: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart06:26
Erickj92thank you emilsedgh. i keep forgetting it06:26
Sir_CorgiGoogle is BLACK06:32
Sir_CorgiHoly crap!06:32
emilsedghSir_Corgi: ??06:35
emilsedghbugs.kde.org is BLACK!06:35
emilsedghat least it was, a few minutes ago!06:36
belladonnahas anyone used tvtime?  i cannot figure out how to change the card used06:38
belladonnahow do i figure out if my tv card installed correctly?06:40
belladonnais anyone here responding?06:47
CreationistAre there any decent apps that will help me locate duplicate files (particularly pictures) within my home folder?06:47
Creationistbelladonna: Ask a question... if no one responds, then your answer is no. :)06:48
belladonnaCreationist: i am just trying to find a tutorial or something on setting up tv cards06:48
CreationistHave you tried Google?06:48
ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out06:49
Creationist...or Jucato :)06:49
* Jucato has no idea about tv cards though :(06:49
Sir_CorgiBut apparently ubotu does. lol06:49
=== luis is now known as Tigremex
belladonnais there anything to check on why i would not be able to play a dvd?07:02
Dr_willisTocco Grande!07:04
sebaalgun latino o latina de sangre caliente?07:04
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:04
sebai speak more than you07:05
Dr_willisI speak enough spanish to order lunch, and ask where the bathroom is at.. and get my face slapped... :) thats about it.07:06
Sir_CorgiWhat the hell is a tocco?  HAHA07:06
ubuntuhello everyone07:06
Dr_willisActually i think 'Tocco' is a brand name of a machine we have at work.07:07
* Jucato thinks "taco" [/offtopic]07:07
ubuntuI am using the 7.10 live cd and when I try to mount my HD I get a mounting error07:07
* Dr_willis waits in suspense for the error message!07:07
ubuntuit says refused uid 99907:07
ubuntuis this because I don't have root privileges or what?07:08
ubuntuI am still new to linux (use Puppy Linux on my desktop)07:08
Dr_willisHmm. You could try mounting the thing manually from the command line.07:09
Dr_willisI rarely mess with the live cd.07:09
ubuntuwell I am completely happy with Puppy07:09
ubuntubut I read in the Ubuntu forums that audible.com audio files can be transferred with Amarok on Kubuntu07:10
ubuntuso I wanted to try it out07:10
ubuntuI am trying to mount it under the Konsole but it says it can't find sda1 or hda1; under storage drives it has my hd listed as sda107:15
Tm_Tubuntu: what is the exact errormessage and command07:17
ubuntuI tried opening it as root, it still won't detect it07:17
belladonnais there something special i need to do to play a dvd?07:17
Tm_T!dvd | belladonna07:18
ubotubelladonna: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:18
ubuntuunder KDE with dolphin it is hal-storage-fixed mount refused uid 99907:18
Tm_Tubuntu: with Konsole07:18
Linux_Galorewhat is the name of the kde search thing that runs in the background and chews up resources07:18
ubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:/media$ sudo mount sda107:19
ubuntumount: can't find sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:19
Linux_GaloreI removed it on my machine so I forgot the name07:19
Tm_TLinux_Galore: you mean strigi? (it isn't KDE search actually IIRC)07:19
Linux_Galoreah yes strigi07:19
Tm_Tubuntu: /dev/sda107:19
Tm_Tubuntu: also you have to give the destination dir for mount07:19
ubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:/dev$ cd sda107:20
ubuntubash: cd: sda1: Not a directory07:20
* ubuntu nods07:20
ubuntuokay I guess I don't know the directory07:21
Tm_Tubuntu: /dev/sda1 is the device, not dir07:21
Tm_Tubuntu: you have to create (if it isn't already) destination dir, like, /media/memstick07:21
ubuntuI tried sudo mount /dev/sda1/07:22
ubuntuand sudo mount /media/sda1/07:22
Tm_Tyes, the device isn't dir07:22
ubuntucouldn't find either07:22
Tm_Tdevice is "file"07:22
Tm_Tmount /dev/sda1 /media/memstick07:22
Tm_Tfor example07:22
ubuntunot familiar with that07:22
Tm_Tubuntu: mount --help might give some instructions, also manual pages are good if they doesn't frighten you :))07:23
ubuntuwell I used mount in Damn Small Linux, I guess it autodetects your devices or something because I just had to direct it to my device as if it were a directory07:24
ubuntubut I am still noobtastic07:24
Tm_Tubuntu: yup, should work the same way in Kubuntu, but in some (interesting perhaps) cases it could fail07:24
Linux_GaloreIm just talking to someone on the phone and when he is playing a video every now and again its starts ti stutter, I had the exact same problem and removed strigi and all was well07:25
Tm_Tbut time to catch a train ->07:25
ubuntuokay I read the help but I am still confused, how do I know my device name if it is not listed or detected by Kubuntu?07:26
Dragonaththen your device doesn't work with kubuntu I guess07:27
ubuntubut in dolphin it shows my 120g hd as sda107:28
ubuntubut it doesn't detect /media/sda1 in console07:28
ubuntuit still says it can't find it in etc/fstab or mtab even when I direct it to media/sda107:29
ubuntugeeze I am confused :-P07:29
ubuntuthe device is my harddrive, how is that not going to work with Kubuntu! :-P07:29
Dr_willis /media/ is a mountpoint the device is /dev/sda107:31
DarkriftXanyone know where i change the taskbar buttons font color at in kde?07:32
Dr_willissudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/PICKSOMEDIRNAME07:32
ubuntuokay I did it :)07:32
ubuntulol sorry I am slow I guess07:32
roothola riddelll07:33
kennySorry, no.  Just installed KDE myself.07:34
rootde donde eres07:34
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
DragonathDarkriftX: you right click on the desktop then go configure desktop07:35
Dragonathor wait07:35
DragonathI'm wrong07:35
Dragonathright click on the taskbar07:35
Dragonathand unlock it if you haven't07:35
Dragonaththen choose configure panel07:36
Dragonathand there's the taskbar section which has all you need07:36
DarkriftXnice, ty07:37
DarkriftXone more question, on some screenshots, i see different size icons on a desktop (some large, some normal etc) how is this done?07:38
* Jucato hasn't seen anything like that07:39
Sir_CorgiDarkriftX:  You mean in the panel?07:39
DarkriftXno, desktop07:39
emilsedghDarkriftX: System Settings->Appearance->Desktop->Icons->Advanced, i think07:39
Jucatoemilsedgh: "different size icons" though07:39
Sir_CorgiMy screen was scrolled up, so I didn't see people answering your question07:40
DarkriftXlike they will have a huge firefox icon, and some mid sized drive icons and then lots of normal sized program icons allon the same desktop07:40
emilsedghi've never seen such thing too07:40
DarkriftXi need to find a ss07:40
Jucatohm.. actually now that you mentioned it... I think I remember seeing something like that07:41
Jucatobut iirc it's a GNOME utility or something07:41
emilsedghi saw it in gnome :D07:41
emilsedghGnome and KDE407:41
Sir_CorgiI've seen that in Gnome.07:42
Sir_CorgiOh, KDE4.07:42
Sir_CorgiI know that in Gnome, you right-click a file on the desktop and you can change the icon's size.07:42
malboshello all !07:42
Sir_CorgiI have both KDE and Gnome installed.  I just select the session from KDM when I log-in.07:43
Sir_CorgiBut I rarely go into Gnome.07:43
DarkriftXok, heres a ss, but ive seen this on many different systems over the years07:43
DarkriftXahhh, so its a gnome thing07:44
DarkriftXi dislike gnome, but id like that feature07:44
DarkriftXas far as kde4 goes, i couldnt even get icons on my desktop to work07:45
Sir_CorgiThat was kind of an ugly screenshot.  No offense if it was yours or anything. lol07:45
Jucatothere's a way to have something like that, although it requires a bit of work. just a bit07:45
Sir_CorgiI keep mine simple.07:45
DarkriftXif it were, i wouldnt be asking how to do that07:45
Sir_CorgiPerhaps there is a Compiz setting.  Maybe?07:45
Jucato(hint: superkaramba)07:45
DarkriftXi like my icons very small, but there are some id like a little larger07:46
DarkriftXotherwise its not something i cant live without07:46
Sir_CorgiI'm going to search the forum real quick.07:47
Sir_CorgiSee if I can find anything.07:47
DarkriftXits an odd thing to search for07:48
emilsedghstill no news from a KDE4 based irc client?07:48
DarkriftXthe wording could go about 20 different ways07:48
Sir_CorgiYou look up "stretch icons"07:49
Sir_CorgiIt's what they call it in Gnome, I think.07:49
Sir_CorgiNot finding anything useful...07:54
DarkriftXi c07:54
Sir_CorgiJust people saying it can only be done in Gnome.07:54
Dr_willisI recall just using large png's as icon images in gnome made them bigger.. :)07:54
kennySounds like that'd work.  If all else fails, do it the long way.07:55
Sir_CorgiThat's the one thing I actually don't like about Kubuntu:  pictures as icons.07:55
Sir_CorgiSame goes for Gnome.07:55
Sir_CorgiI mean, seeing a preview of it by mouseover is fine, but having pictures as icons isn't very attractive.07:56
Dr_williswe need animated pngs for icons! or flash videos!07:56
jussi01Sir_Corgi: so disable tehm07:56
Sir_CorgiPNGs are not animated.07:56
kennyHigh Def icons!07:56
Sir_CorgiYou can't animate PNGs.07:56
snowolfthey are07:56
Dr_willisI belive i saw some web thing gimp thing to make animated pngs07:57
snowolfanyway what purpose serves icons? bah07:57
jussi01anyway, lets try to keep this on topic a bit?07:57
Dr_willisthey 'can be' :)07:57
snowolfyeah png can be animated, but they have a differente extension I believe07:57
Sir_CorgiI'm still looking.07:57
JucatoSir_Corgi: disable Previews in Icon view mode07:57
snowolfSir_Corgi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animated_Portable_Network_Graphics07:57
Sir_CorgiHoly crap!07:58
Sir_CorgiAnd it keeps the .png format!07:58
Sir_CorgiThat is brilliant!07:59
Dr_willisbut aparently the png group dont like it.. so its proberly not going to get popular..07:59
Dr_willisso we are stuck with animaged gifs? Ick07:59
Sir_CorgiBut wouldn't they look a whole lot better?  I mean .pngs don't require indexed colors.08:00
Sir_CorgiAnd the quality would be better.08:00
Sir_CorgiSO MUCH BETTER08:00
Dr_willisthose look nice to me. :)08:01
Sir_CorgiI don't have FF3 yet, so I guess I won't see an animated PNG for a while.08:02
Jucato<Sir_Corgi> You can't animate PNGs. <--- there's APNG08:02
Jucatobah he beat me to it08:02
Sir_CorgiI was already aware of that.08:02
Sir_CorgiBack on topic, I can't find anything on stretching icons.08:02
Dr_willisi rember animated IFF files from my amiga days08:03
Sir_CorgiI feel bad that I can't find anything about it.  Sorry.08:09
belladonnais there any to find out where a tv card is asigned to? such as /dev/video008:14
Dr_willisbelladonna,  could check the output of 'dmesg'08:20
belladonnais there a way of limiting the output so i do not have to look through hundreds of lines?08:22
Dr_willisgrep for the pattern08:22
Dr_willisnow WHAT pattern.. i dont know.08:23
Dr_willisdmesg | grep  video08:23
belladonnaok i think i found it but i do not see anything about /dev/....08:24
Dr_willisnormally when a module/driver gets loaded it prints out some message about it in dmesg.  look above and below the lines with video in it.08:25
belladonnayes that is where i see it.. but it does not say where it loaded... neither do any of my other hardware08:25
archangelpetrois there really any differences between Kubuntu and ubuntu, other than using KDE?08:28
Gaastonarchangelpetro> some applications differs08:28
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: using KDE is quite a difference!08:28
Gaastonkonqueror is the default browser, adept is the package manager08:28
archangelpetrowell, i agree but i mean08:28
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: most of the apps are different. :)08:29
archangelpetroin the availability of packages, stability etc..08:29
Gaastonno difference in the availability of packages08:29
Gaastonyou can even install gnome on kubuntu08:29
archangelpetrobut wwhat about stability?08:29
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: I don't think kubuntu gets as much love as Ubuntu. Apparently it's not quite as stable, however I've never really had a problem08:29
archangelpetrobut is that subjectivity, or objective observation? :)08:30
archangelpetrothe general feeling that is08:30
Gaastonit's not as much polished, but it is stable enough ... subjectively. It's hard to do objective comparison08:30
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: basically some people on Slashdot were moaning about it, I can't remember why or about what. It's a bit like: 'this bloke at the pub said...'08:31
archangelpetrook :)08:31
archangelpetrowell, mayb ei should try it08:31
archangelpetroinstead of ubuntu08:31
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: oh yeah, give it a go. One thing to do if you're going to try lots of stuff out, is put your home directory in a seperate partition.08:32
liammcdermottThat means you can splat your Linux install without affecting your documents :)08:32
archangelpetroim kinda cautious08:33
archangelpetroi just got a ne wmachine with vista08:33
archangelpetroand im gonna resize its partition :p08:33
archangelpetroand install linux08:33
Gaastonwell... 1: do the resize of the vista partition within vista08:34
archangelpetroou can do that?08:34
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: don't worry, I didn't know you could do that either. :)08:34
Gaastonsomewhere in control pannel, I don't know anymore08:34
* Gaaston doesn't own a vista pc08:34
Dr_willisone of the few GOOD features of vista08:34
Dr_willisit can resize ntfs filesystems08:34
archangelpetrowoo :p08:35
Sir_CorgiYeah, you can make partitions in Vista.08:35
Sir_CorgiIt's cool.08:35
Sir_CorgiDon't remember how to use it though.08:35
Sir_CorgiHaven't been over to the Vista side in a while...08:35
archangelpetrowell, i'v wenever used i t:p08:36
liammcdermottI've been lucky enough to mostly avoid Vista so far.08:36
Dr_willisit uses you08:36
archangelpetrowell i work in IT security :P im playing with vista08:36
liammcdermottDr_willis: lol08:36
archangelpetrowel;l, that's the intention08:36
liammcdermottDoesn't Ubuntu 8.04 have SELinux included?08:37
Dr_willisHmm.. I though  i saw somemention of selinux, but i dont think its enabled by default08:38
StrangeletSKIM cannot detect any languages (the languages I have setup include English and Chinese), why is that?08:38
JucatoSELinux or AppArmor?08:38
Jucatoliammcdermott: you can ask in #ubuntu+1 to be sure08:38
liammcdermottOk, thanks. It was idle curiosity. Am not really bothered either way. :)08:40
Dr_willisheck - i dont even rember the diff tween selinux and apparmout.08:40
Dr_willisThose are thekind of things I normally just learn i have to disable for my games to work. :P08:40
archangelpetroVISTA just resized the partiotion08:46
KubuntiacI just love any feature in Vista that makes it easier to install Linux. Good job Microsoft! ;-)08:48
liammcdermottarchangelpetro: nice one. :)08:48
liammcdermottKubuntiac: yeah, I'm pretty suprised at that. When it first came out though, didn't Vista hate having it's partition resized?08:48
liammcdermottI seem to remember a bunch of people having trouble with that.08:48
KubuntiacPrevious releases of winows did. Not sure about Vista08:49
Sir_CorgiI had to use Unetbootin to install my Kubuntu.08:50
Sir_CorgiTakes forever, but the end result is absolutely awesome:  Linux.  :)08:50
liammcdermottSir_Corgi: 8.04 has something like that built-in08:51
liammcdermottSir_Corgi: haven't tried it mind you.08:51
Sir_CorgiSee, for some reason Live CDs don't work on my computer.08:52
Sir_CorgiI tried Wubi initially... then I found out it's just a virtual install.08:52
Sir_CorgiThen I found unetbootin.08:52
Sir_CorgiWorked awesome.08:52
Jucato(semi-virtual install... but what the heck...)08:52
liammcdermottOoo-arr, what's the difference?08:53
Sir_CorgiI just wish it would save the iso somewhere so that the next time it installs, I don't have to let it sit there for three hours.08:53
Sir_CorgiWhat really set me off with Wubi is that you can't upgrade from within it very easily.08:55
Dr_williswhat i dislike about wubi, is that it exists... :)09:05
Sir_CorgiDr_willis: agreed09:10
archangelpetrook, so kubuntu is better :p09:19
archangelpetrothan ubuntu?09:19
StrangeletSCIM fails to show any languages when I left click it, though the configuration clearly sees all of them, I cannot switch languages at all. What is the problem here?09:20
belladonna_does kubuntu use alsa or oss as default09:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:25
Strangeletbelladonna_: alsa,  believe09:25
eagles0513875hey guys been a while since ive been in here09:25
eagles0513875i have a random question what causes a pnp bios bug09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickname - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:26
eagles0513875anyone in here this morning09:28
eagles0513875morning to all who just joined the channel09:31
kraanerkas siin eestlasi on kes aidata oskavad09:38
kraanerI have prob whit my estobuntu09:39
Jucatoum. English please09:39
kraanersorry.. just looked somebody who can help me... in estonian09:40
Sir_CorgiWhat is the language code for Estonian.09:40
Jucatokraaner: #ubuntu-estonia09:41
belladonna_is it possible to have both oss and alsa installed without problems09:45
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
lanoxxin firefox in the download window, klicking on: open containing folder, or open does not work. does anyone know why?09:59
Sir_CorgiI just tried it on mine, and even though I'm in Kubuntu, it opens up File Browser, which is a GNOME application.10:00
Sir_CorgiIt doesn't open using Dolphin.10:01
ere4sidolphin is a bit behind the other file managers10:01
lanoxxdolphin is bad10:04
lanoxxbut konqueror is not that much better, linux really lacks a good file manager10:05
lanoxxthey should copy the windows explorer to linux10:05
lanoxxis still the best filemanager is know10:05
ere4siI think thunar is better10:06
* kgoetz thinks explorer is hopeless10:09
* JoshOvki things kgoetz is right10:09
emonkeykgoetz, +110:09
chinamannhey guys...10:09
Hamrawhats wrong with konqi? i find it really good as a file manager, but not as a web browser though10:09
chinamannlooking for help on imapsync.10:09
chinamannanyone who can advise?10:10
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
lanoxxthe biggest problem i see it that i can not have split view like in windows explorer, left is tree view and right is detailed view. then clicking on a folder in the tree opens its content in the right view10:14
lanoxxalso the idea of having tabs in a file manager is slightly strange, that is a browser thing!!!!10:14
snowolflanoxx: krusader10:15
lanoxxfurther more i belive a browser is not a file manager and these 2 funktions should be clearly sepperated.10:15
JoshOvkilanoxx: ummmm, you do know that Windows Explorer can also be used as a web browser dont you?10:15
Sir_CorgiIt's linked to Internet Explorer.10:15
lanoxxi do, and i dont approve of it10:15
JoshOvkiand it is acctualy based on IE, thats why i cant uninstall IE10:15
snowolflanoxx: then use mc & lynx and everything will be fine10:16
lanoxxi would clearly like to disable that funktion and uninstall ie10:16
lanoxxwhat is mc & lynx?10:16
snowolfmc is a command line twin panel file manager10:16
snowolfand lynx is a pure browser, also command line10:16
Sir_CorgiMy linux doesn't seem to like my built-in microphone.10:17
snowolfSir_Corgi: tried to play around with alsaconf? Mine doesn't like either, but after some time of playing around, stopped complaining and started working10:17
JoshOvkii dont think i have ever tryed to use my microphone10:17
lanoxxna, i like the cli but for browsing and filemanagement i prefere the gui10:18
snowolffor chatting? anyway, if you want a kde twin panel file manager you have krusader I believe10:18
Sir_CorgiI tried to type that into the Konsole, and it didn't work.10:18
crazy_busmy motherboard broke so I replaced it in my old pc.  All things seem  to work except usb.  When I plug things into the usb ports at the back nothing happens.  I'm pretty sure their enabled correctly in the bios.  What can I do?10:18
lanoxxcli should be for administration, and every where where you can speed up things that are faster down on the console that in gui, but its not for multimedia10:18
snowolfSir_Corgi: try with kde-mix, kde-mixer or something like that, unfortunately I'm not on kubuntu10:19
snowolflanoxx: everything is faster in cli10:19
Jucatosnowolf: KMix?10:19
snowolfcould be10:19
Jucatoer.. "kmix"10:20
lanoxxit surely is, but have you tried and played a youtube video on the cli?10:20
Sir_CorgiWell, when I go intokKmix, it only gives me the settings "Capture" and "Digital"10:20
snowolflanoxx: not really, I'm not much on youtube really10:20
Sir_CorgiI completely screwed up half of that sentence.10:20
snowolfdoesn't matter, its meaning got thru10:20
snowolfSir_Corgi: no switches tab?10:20
Sir_CorgiSwitches gives me "Caller ID" and "Off-hook" and the only option under "Input Source" is Mic.10:21
Sir_CorgiIt's weird.  I'm so used to seeing like "Line In" or "Line Out" or something.10:21
snowolfCaller ID? Off-hook? reaaaaaaaly weird10:22
llutzlanoxx: framebuffer-console + vlc-nox and  youtube shouldn't be a problem :)10:22
Sir_CorgiI'm trying to use a voice program in Wine.10:22
Sir_CorgiI have everything set up but the microphone.10:22
Sir_CorgiI just wish the company would come out with a Linux version, but they never will, despite the "coming soon" message on their website.10:22
lanoxxllutz: sounds cool10:23
Sir_CorgiIt has been "coming soon" for three years now.10:23
Sir_CorgiFrom what I've read.10:23
Sir_CorgiAnd something else... I find it strange that the Mic volume level is under the "Output" tab and not the "input" tab.10:24
snowolfno, the mic level in output10:24
snowolfmeans another thing10:24
snowolfit's only for the return in the headphones10:24
snowolfthe mic level is regulated by the mic boost in input10:25
Sir_CorgiWouldn't that be funny if it works because I muted that?10:25
Sir_CorgiThere is no "mic boost"10:25
sigma_1234is there a oxygen theme for kde3?10:26
snowolfthink so10:26
Hamrai have mic boost in input and in output, lol10:27
sigma_1234where do i get it from?10:27
snowolfsigma_1234: no I checked, seems that there isn't but I'm not checking on kubuntu repositories you still have a chance10:28
* snowolf for a moment didn't realized that kde 3.9 means kde 4 :)10:28
Jucatosigma_1234: nope. no backport of Oxygen widget style for KDE 310:28
Jucatosnowolf: hm?10:29
snowolfJucato: just checked on mandriva's repositories, and it has both a oxygen 3.93 & 4.0.2 - didn't realized that 3.93 means 4 prefinal :)10:30
Jucatoyeah. one of the alphas10:30
Jucatoso it's not really 3.9 == 4... but 3.9 < 4 :)10:30
snowolfyeah I know, but definitively not KDE 3 :)10:31
Sir_CorgiAnd I have made an interesting discovery...  o.O10:31
Sir_CorgiIt seems...10:31
Sir_Corgi... as though my microphone only works if I talk directly... into... the microphone jack...10:31
Sir_CorgiI may need to buy an external microphone.10:32
snowolfwhat do you mean? you used it the wrong way around?10:32
Sir_CorgiI didn't do anything wrong.10:32
Sir_CorgiI opened up sound recorder and tried to record my voice to test the microphone.10:32
Sir_CorgiAnd the only time it actually picked up my voice is when I talked directly into the microphone jack.10:33
Sir_CorgiIt's an internal microphone.10:33
Sir_CorgiJust plain out weird.10:33
Sir_CorgiI used to have an external microphone somewhere....10:35
Hamrais the there a beta with kde 3.5 and a beta with kde4, or is it only one version of the beta currently?10:36
JucatoHamra: 2 versions. one with KDE 3.5.9 and one with KDE 4.0.2 (or 4.0.3 soon)10:37
snowolfHamra: I higly advise against using KDE4 as main desktop environment10:37
snowolfgood for testing it, not for running it seriously10:37
Hamraim not really a serious user of linux, still learning it, i try to get every new program i find, and enjoy messing around with the system :P10:40
snowolftry fluxbox then10:41
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox10:41
Hamracool, i'll try it out10:41
Jucatomessing? KDE's the best.. so many options to mess around with (consequently, so many ways to turn your desktop into a mess too)10:43
snowolfJucato: I agree, KDE rocks, but IMO one of the most enjoyable way to mess around is trying desktop environment10:44
snowolfbut... well, I do *not* enjoying messing around10:44
Hamralol, yeah, i mean once you get used to the system, you tend to try your best to keep it working well. i'm very careful with what i do on my windows, but that's after years and years of putting it together, maybe the same will happen here on kubuntu in some time :)10:50
kirkthey ppl, what was the command to install MS fonts?10:50
* snowolf points kirkt to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:52
jpatrickkirkt: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts10:52
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jpatricksnowolf: pm?11:03
lanoxxsnowolf: can i switch the left panel of krusader to tree view?11:07
snowolflanoxx: well, I have to check, but I guess so - I haven't used krusader in a long time11:08
Sir_CorgiCouldn't find the mic.11:08
Sir_CorgiDamn.  That means I have to buy a new one.  :(((11:08
llutzlanoxx: have you ever tried konqueror in detailed view + navigation (F9)11:11
snowolflanoxx: no idea really, I just use two konquerors windows11:11
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lanoxxyes, its not what i want. the problem is that the two views are allways seperated. double clicking on a folder should open the folder in the right panel now in the left one.11:12
snowolfah well yeah11:13
lanoxxlike its the case in windows explorer. left is the tree and right the viewer. when i select a folder in the tree, it is being opens on the right side11:13
lanoxxits strange that no body ever missed such a funktion in linux11:14
llutzlanoxx: that's exactly what navigation-view does11:14
Hamrathe same effect of windows happens in konqueror, i mean the tree on the left and the view on right work together!11:15
kgxdoes anyone know if i can use xrandr to show screen is on which side? (ie, which one is on the left, and which is on the right?)11:15
PhilRodanyone else see the following problem in adept manager?: search for "build-essential" then expand the one entry that's found. The description changes from the right one to one describing cdparanoia11:17
llutzlanoxx: like this: http://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=konqsh2.png11:17
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crazy_buscan anyone help me get my usb ports to recognize their is something in them in kubuntu?11:19
PhilRodah, seems to be something to do with the fact that it was trying to get the package off a (non-existent) CD. Works now with the CD source disabled11:19
lanoxxllutz: yeah thats what i want, could i make that default11:19
llutzlanoxx: sure, save it to a profile11:21
llutzlanoxx: and btw, konq works this way since ages11:22
lanoxxguess i really have over seen this. but this is exactly what i want11:24
llutzpressing F9 does the trick :)11:25
lanoxxyeah, now how do i make konqueror the default file manager in kde11:26
llutzand these 2 links help you to fix kubuntus crippled konqueror 1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/69168/comments/5    2. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7994111:26
llutzlanoxx: konqueror -> Settings/Config Konq/File Associations -> inode - directory -> bring konqueror to 1st postition11:28
llutzor just remove d3plhin11:28
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.11:29
llutzah tks jussi0111:29
lanoxxthat did the trick, thanks a lot11:30
lanoxxi gotta go fix dinner. i apprechiate your help11:30
llutzlanoxx: and nver never say "explorer is better" again ;)11:31
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* cracko is away: Gone away for now.11:42
jpatrick!away > cracko11:43
PhilRodooh, that's a nice script11:46
jpatrickPhilRod: once an auto_bleh lover, always an auto_bleh lover11:47
PhilRodah, irssi11:49
* jpatrick <3 irssi too11:49
PhilRodI've been hoping konversation would get some scripting ability so I could do that11:49
jussi01PhilRod: care to join us in #kubuntu-offtopic ?11:50
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JucatoPhilRod: bash and python scripts not enough for ya? :)12:01
PhilRodah, that sounds familiar12:02
jpatrickJucato: long live perl12:02
PhilRodyou can run a python script that would have to talk to konversation via dcop, right?12:02
Jucatooh I think perl too. not sure12:02
Jucatoyou can check /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts for samples12:03
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ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>12:18
archangelpetrokubuntu users can use the standard ubuntu repos right?12:26
Jucatoarchangelpetro: they don't really have any other choice :)12:27
Jucatokubuntu uses the same repos :)12:27
archangelpetroah, i vaguely remember there being 'kubuntu' specific stuff12:27
archangelpetrobtw, hi again jucato :) it's been too long12:27
Jucatoyeah. too long :)12:28
Jucatowell there's the kubuntu.org repo for KDE updates12:28
archangelpetrook, and you'd recommend kubuntu over ubuntu?12:28
Jucatobut lately we've been using a different system (PPA's)12:28
Jucatowell, since it's KDE, yes. I'd recommend Kubuntu over Ubuntu :)12:28
archangelpetroand with regard to stability etc?12:28
archangelpetrodoes kubuntu have all the add/remove program features of ubuntu?12:29
Jucatoit has now12:29
Jucatostability, as long as you stay away from KDE 4 for the meantime12:29
archangelpetrook, and the latest stable of kubuntu doestn have kde4, right?12:29
Jucatonot by default12:30
Jucatoyou can install it12:30
nosrednaekim7.10? not by default,though you can get it from a PPA12:30
archangelpetrook, ill get kubuntu :d12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
ubotuTo customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc)12:53
archangelpetroknow of any free image burning software for windows?12:57
Tecmiarchangelpetro: imgburn12:58
Darksidehey, i'm having a go with smbfs, and i'm working on setting up a smb share in fstab12:59
Darksidei don't want it to mount on boot tho, as i might not be connected to the correct network all the time13:00
Darkside/viper/ /home/darkside/viper/ smb user,noauto,username=guest,password=guest 0 013:00
Darksideapart from having a double // at the start, is there anything else i should be putting on that line?13:00
nick_someone here ?13:08
nick_do he have a way to install .rpm in kubuntu13:08
nosrednaekimyes nick_13:08
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)13:08
Jucato(too slow...)13:08
nick_because open office complete  and languauge pack is in .rpm13:08
Sir_CorgiYou can install those from Adept, can't you?13:09
Jucatonick_: we have packages for OpenOffice13:09
nick_yes but its not the last version13:09
Jucatolanguage packs too13:09
nick_ok i keep this one then13:09
Sir_CorgiHe wants the very latest version.13:09
Sir_CorgiThe one in Adept isn't.13:09
Sir_CorgiFor some reason.13:10
Sir_CorgiSame way with Gimp, I think.13:10
nick_and for xfire how i can get in kubuntu ?13:10
Jucatoat least not the one in Gutsy perhaps13:10
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nick_someone know for xfire ?13:17
nosrednaekimnick_: 2.4 didn't really add that many features13:19
reesealong with the new version of ubuntu in april, is a new version of kubuntu coming out?13:30
ubotuKubuntu Hardy Heron expects to ship with both KDE 3 and KDE 4 as 2 separate disks. KDE 3 should be offered by shipit. The KDE 3 CD will be commercially supported for 18 months and KDE 4 will be community supported13:30
reeseok, thanks13:30
snowolfhi anais13:32
jussi01anais: can we help you?13:32
reeseanother question: is there a generic way to restablish all initial configuration of a program?13:33
jussi01reese: delete or rename the .programname folde13:33
reeseif i reinstall a program, it will still have all old configuration13:33
snowolfreese: dpkg-reconfigure ?13:34
reeseok, thanks13:34
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anaisI no speak inglish13:36
jussi01anais: what language?13:36
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:36
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filemoverhi im after the package that contains the which command can anyone help thanks13:38
Jucatofilemover: try debianutils13:39
filemoverok thnx13:39
romcould you help me please? : http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3092754.013:39
eldariaAnybody here who is good at using Kivio?13:45
filemoveryour right jucato its in there. the reason i asked is because im running alsaconf and it complains about not finding "which" and I thought if I knew what package it came from Id be able to compile it in LFS anyway thnx for the help13:45
Jucatoeldaria: you might find someone in #koffice13:46
nosrednaekimrom: add that line to the Mouse 0 section13:47
eldariaJucato: ok, Thanks I will go and have a look there. :-)13:47
romnosrednaekim: I tried13:48
romdoesn't work13:48
romalways "add SHMConfig true" when I launch gsynaptics13:48
nosrednaekimrom: in any case, since that is hardy, go to #ubuntu+113:48
romarf there is no #kubuntu+113:48
jpatrickrom: it's #ubuntu+113:49
crazy_busdoes kde or kubuntu have a way to test if usb ports are detected.  My ports won't recognise anything thats put in them13:49
nosrednaekimcrazy_bus: you sure? run lsusb13:49
jpatrickcrazy_bus: try: dmesg after you pull it in13:49
nosrednaekimjpatrick: pull it in.... heh :)13:51
jpatrickplug it in13:51
* jpatrick in middle of hardy upgrade13:51
matt___i have a "server" downstairs with no monitor hooked up to it, I was wondering if I could using something like (vnc?) to connect to it from upstairs to work on it.13:52
crazy_buslsusb comes up with three devices such as Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000: 000013:52
crazy_bushowever there are only two usb ports on the back of this motherboard (old 2002 motherboard I just installed)13:53
ere4simatt__: I do that with vnc to a headless box13:54
matt___i have a "server" downstairs with no monitor hooked up to it, I was wondering if I could using something like (vnc?) to connect to it from upstairs to work on it. I simply am wondering how i could do this, and since I don't have a monitor hooked up downstairs (ok, I can hook one up to setup everything, but what about when i need to connect? will the computer downstairs need to "click" and "confirms"?13:54
crazy_busjpatrick: dmesg says things like; usbcore:registered new interface driver usbfs; usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice13:54
ere4si!vnc | matt try reading this13:55
ubotumatt try reading this: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:55
nosrednaekimcrazy_bus: and what does lsusb say?13:55
matt___ere4si: so can i use vncviewer in kde with no problems?13:57
crazy_busnosrednaekim: lsusb comes up with three devices such as Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000: 000013:57
ere4simatt__: sure - I was yesterday :)13:58
nosrednaekimbut nothin attached to those busses?13:58
nosrednaekimfor example13:59
ere4simatt__: there are plenty of guides on the net13:59
nosrednaekimBus 002 Device 003: ID 062a:0000 Creative Labs Optical Mouse13:59
ere4simatt__: but feel free to ask questions here :)13:59
crazy_busnosrednaekim: no they don't say anything like that even though there's a usb stick in one of the two ports14:00
nosrednaekimcrazy_bus: not good..... do you have any other usb devices that we can test with?14:01
crazy_busnosrednaekim: four different memory sticks and a usb mouse14:01
nosrednaekimnone of them are detected?14:01
crazy_busnosrednaekim: no14:02
nosrednaekimcrazy_bus: is this a really really new computer?14:03
nosrednaekim(like past month, with top of the line Hardware)14:03
crazy_busnosrednaekim: no.  Really old :)  It's my old computer which I have to used due to a faulty motherboard in the other one.  Motherboard was just installed but is from 200214:06
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nosrednaekimah... is it  SIS?14:07
andy__hey anyone used ipodlinux?14:07
crazy_busnosrednaekim: not sure what SIS is.  The motherboard is a MAINBOARD AK32 and has Spacewalker and via part14:08
nosrednaekimsis is a chipset maker14:09
crazy_busnosrednaekim: processor is AMD, graphics is ATI if that helps14:10
nosrednaekimcrazy_bus: could you pastebin the results of "lspci"\14:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:13
crazy_busthe site is telling me I appear to be spamming and to enable javascript.  I thought konqueror didn't block javascript14:14
BluesKajHowdy folks14:15
crazy_busnosrednaekim: www.pastebin.ca/96210414:15
basculeyeah, that is old harware, should work14:16
basculecrazy_bus: after plugging in a USB stick, wait 20 seconds, then paste the last 20 lines of dmesg in pastebin14:17
theperryfamilyin synaptic there is an option to "Consider recommended packages as dependencies"...is there a same option available in adept?14:18
Jucatotheperryfamily: not that I know of. no14:19
crazy_busbascule: I checked dmesg before and after but there didn't seem to be a difference.  Here is the last 20 or so lines like you asked for www.pastebin.ca/96210914:20
basculeit just doesn't seem to be detecting the USB being plugged at all14:21
romnosrednaekim: I added SHMConfig "true" in mouse0 section14:22
romdoesn't work :(14:22
basculecrazy_bus: I reckon those ports are dead14:22
theperryfamilyJucato: is there a way to ensure that by installing programs by simply selecting the programs themselves in adept that I won't need to track down and install other files etc?14:22
Jucatotheperryfamily: that's how APT (which both Adept and Synaptic use) works14:23
Jucatothe option you mentioned has nothing to do with that14:23
crazy_busbascule: is there anyway to get usb on that machine if they are dead?14:23
romwhen I launch compiz, some icons are detached from systray, do you have this problem?14:24
basculecrazy_bus: you can get PCI cards14:24
Hamramaybe a front USB bus attached to the USB pins in the board, if there is such pins in the mobo?14:24
Jucatorom: #compiz-fusion14:24
romyes but it's only on kde14:25
romso on compiz-fusion they will tell "#kde"...14:25
basculeHamra: may well work, boards that age may not have the facility though14:25
Jucatorom: they might know of a solution, because it's basically compiz that is making it behave that way14:26
theperryfamilyJucato: I had always used synaptic and selected that option just to make sure the programs I installed  would work correctly as I'm not as affluent with linux as I'd like to be as of yet...is there any benefit of using that option from the standpoint of ensuring the program works? or is it just like low level advertising of sorts...if you like Coke, you might like Pepsi etc?14:26
nosrednaekimtheperryfamily: you mean for between adept and synaptic?14:27
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crazy_busbascule and Hamra it has two places to put front and back port plugs into.  However my front port plugs are mixed up.  They sort of fell apart and I don't know which order they go in.  Also I have a old backport card thing that plugs into the usbpart of the motherboard.  However it has 9 pin holes while the motherboard has 10pins?14:27
Jucatotheperryfamily: that option (consider recommends as depends) works this way: APT: oh you're buying Coke? might I recommend a <snack> for you?.. if you enable it, it goes like this: "Oh you're buying Coke. Here's a snack that should come with it" :D14:27
vhozardsomeone i can help?14:28
Jucatonosrednaekim: he's asking about the "Consider recommends as dependencies"14:28
nosrednaekimJucato: ah.... aptitute type functionality... didn't know synaptic could do that14:28
Jucatonosrednaekim: there's an option. and apt-get can do that too14:28
Dr_willisive noticed that on some packages.. thers some weird 'reccomendations' :)14:28
Jucatotheperryfamily: in short. some packages "recommend" others... sort of like suggestions for a better expereince (supposedly). they're not necessary14:29
basculecrazy_bus: 9 vs 10 : you mean there is a blank/missing pin? usb needs  4 pins per channel + and - signal and + and - voltage14:29
Jucatotheperryfamily: but that Synaptic option makes those recommendations as if they were necessary and installs them14:29
theperryfamilyoh ok...thank you...the reason I ask is that I am trying to become more knowledgeable about the way I use linux etc...thanks again for the help14:29
crazy_busbascule: 10 pins on the mboard but one pin hole filed in on ther old back usbport card14:30
basculeand the 10 pins on the board are definitely USB ?14:30
crazy_busPretty sure.  The manual says so14:31
sudobashmaybe you have that usb turned off in BIOS14:31
sudobashor the CMOS i mean14:31
basculecrazy_bus: well that is conclusive to me14:31
theperryfamilywhile I'm here, and I don't mean to start any fights by asking (lol) but just curious as to what people find to be the best torrent client for use in kubuntu that has a GUI? ktorrent? deluge? azureus? etc14:31
sudobashutorrent with wine work great for me14:32
sudobashazureus work well also14:32
crazy_bussudobash: usb is enabled in the BIOS.  I've looked at everyother option and couldn't find anything that would effect usb, besides plug and play which I experimented with14:32
Jucatoktorrent works fine and installed by default and is a KDE app :)14:32
basculektorrent is very good14:33
Jucatotheperryfamily: the *best* is what works for that person. so you'll not get 100% objective answers :)14:33
sudobashso you think it is an issue with linux?14:33
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.14:33
sudobashtry this... boot something off livecd and see if the usb works14:33
crazy_busbascule: the manual says "Extended four USB Connector Header" in case that is any difference14:33
theperryfamilyktorrent was default, but seems to use a lot of RAM etc...looking for a more efficient client etc14:33
sudobashutorrent in wine14:33
sudobashbut you will have to click the little icon to bring it back up from minimized14:34
crazy_bussudobash: did it just before in two livecds.  Didn't know I plugged anything in14:34
basculecrazy_bus: have you got the exact manufacturer and model (should be on the manual front cover)14:34
Hamrautorrent in wine, real small, and nice gui14:34
crazy_busbascule: MAINBOARD AK32    It also says Shuttle on the front cover which I think is the brand14:35
basculeis it a cube?14:35
basculelike small case thing14:35
theperryfamilythanks everyone for your help14:35
sudobashmaybe that usb is busted... or you may have to set a jumper to turn it on if it is an old motherboad14:35
nosrednaekimor maybe its 1.1 and some of these 2,0  devices don;t support it14:36
crazy_busbascule: quite small case.14:36
sudobashso get an old usb mouse and try it in a live cd14:36
crazy_busnosrednaekim: they do work in usb 1.1  I only just had the a usb1.1 mboard in it and the same devices worked14:36
benpiccoHi, can I get konqueror not to use paths like system:/media but just /media?14:37
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sudobashthen my best bet is: check bios, check jumpers, if 5 livecd's dont work... busted14:37
sudobashtry BackTrack 314:38
benpiccoaccessing system:/media/foo/ paths causes not only preview problems but also problems with some programms (okular) - and it's not possible to copy&paste it (no other programm understand it)14:38
sudobashand BartPE try anything that has usb mouse support14:38
basculecrazy_bus: can't get the manual off the site, throws a 425 error ..14:39
Hamrai've been wondering the same question as benpicco, the old feisty way14:39
JoshOvkiSay i was to boot up a live CD and install madwifi, how would i get it to work without restarting my machine? (which of course would loose everything cause its not saved)14:39
Dr_willisJoshOvki,  save the downloaded packages to a thumbdrive or someplace. is one way14:40
JoshOvkiDr_willis: but then when i reboot the OS wouldnt know to run the program14:41
JoshOvkiim tryin 2 get my wifi working on a live disk14:41
Dr_willisyou have to manually reinstall the packages.. but you dont have to redownload them.14:41
JoshOvkiwithout building my own live disk14:41
JoshOvkiits not the redownloading them thats the issue, its getting them to run. like madwifi usualy needs a restart afterwards to get the wifi to loadup14:42
Dr_willisThe ubuntu live cd is rather basic in many ways compared to other disrto-live cd's14:42
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Dr_willismake a script on the thumbdrive you run that sets it all up.14:42
JoshOvkihmm might b worth a try14:43
sudobashjosh0vki you should be able to mount the hd and save any work... but the madwifi is drivers and it was placed in the system of the livecd (ram)14:44
sudobashare drivers*14:44
sudobashso find a way to create an image of the system ram and restore to that image on livecd every time (make your own livecd)14:45
basculecrazy_bus: http://zone.ni.com/cms/images/devzone/tut/a/276b8d1a859.gif <-- is that what you have on the board? or does it have 2 less pins14:45
crazy_busbascule: I have two of those on the board with that number of pins14:46
JoshOvkisudobash: so installing the OS to a flashdrive should do it ok?14:46
sudobashJosh0vki if you just want wifi support on live cd just use Back|track14:46
Dr_willistheres a lot of neat progress done with live cd's and  using usb thumbdriver ive noticed. :)  but ubuntu is lacking comared to slax, puppylinux, and others in that area.14:46
sudobashyes slax.... Back|track 314:47
Dr_willistheres different wayt to 'install' to a usb drive. some  make a live-cd system that boots off the usb drive. other ways actually do a real install.14:47
JoshOvkisudobash, i did try backtrack but my wifi needs a specificly patched version of madwifi14:47
Dr_willisthe latest slax was the easiest disrto ive seen to get working off a usb drive.14:47
sudobashyeap "Install" to flashdrive14:47
sudobashbootloader and all14:48
JoshOvkiyeh i shall do that14:48
JoshOvkijust need 2 dig out my 4gb pen drive14:48
basculecrazy_bus: and the actual back plate has 2 less I guess? Are the leads for the plate in a plastic block or loose?14:48
sudobashthat should be a nice install14:49
crazy_busthe back plate is from a old mother board and has 1 less.  The leads for the plate are in a plastic block14:49
crazy_busbascule: ^14:49
basculehmmm. to dodgy, if you miss wire USB you can pop the devices14:50
sudobashlet me get one of those LjL ;-)14:50
basculemiswire not wiss wire :)14:50
crazy_busbascule: the front ones are loose.  I'll try and put them on and not blow it up14:50
LjLactually i got opped in the wrong channel14:50
basculecrazy_bus: it generally goes from the missing pin onwards: black, gree, white, red14:50
basculebut sometimes the other side is backwards, sometimes the same ..14:51
crazy_busbascule: in my one black is 1 and green is 7 so they wouldn't go next to each other? would they?14:52
basculefollow the manual .. :)14:53
crazy_busbascule: the wires have a tag on them saying what colour is what number14:54
basculehmmm, don't think I have ever seen that they are usually labeled, vcc+ vcc- +5 and gnd on the attatchment plugs14:55
crazy_busbascule: mine also have a similar thing like that with gnd and vcc, no vcc- though14:56
basculeif you have the manual for the header layout you are good14:57
nonewmsgshow large is a large / partition asssuming a higher than average size with kde/xfce/gnome, and many programs14:57
AshexI've paired my blackberry to my laptop14:57
Ashexbut for some reason I can't send files to it14:57
basculenonewmsgs: 15 is plenty 10 does me fine14:57
Ashexthe obex object push client doesn't list the device14:58
Dr_willisHmmm    Apple has succeeded in massively violating its own EULA,    :)14:58
nonewmsgsDr_willis, yes that is funny14:58
Dr_willishttp://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=11268    egads. :)14:58
Hamraim thinking of making one of my computers act as a local web cache for the rest, but is it easy to set up? and what software do i need?14:58
basculehow so Dr_willis (nice to hear you again)14:58
yovanhi guys14:58
nonewmsgsbascule, safari eula says it must be run on apple hardware14:59
Dr_willis :)14:59
yovancan anybody tell me how to install amorak on windows14:59
Dr_willisand its the eula shown during the windows installer. heh14:59
Dr_willisyovan,  dident think that was even possible at this time14:59
nonewmsgsyovan, i would recomend foobar for windows14:59
Dr_willisi did just install the apple sarari browser on my windows box to test it out also. :) all i can say.. it works.. i dont see any thing special about it. :)15:00
Daisuke_Idoi would recommend not windows, personally, but yeah, foobar is your best bet until amarok 2.015:00
crazy_busbascule: my number seven pin says D1-  however the mboard manual says it should be ground.  Should I still use it?15:01
basculethat is a laughable oversite by their lawyers .. *chuckle*15:01
basculecrazy_bus: what colour? if it is black yes15:01
crazy_busbascule: it's green15:01
basculethe is signal ground15:02
yovanwhat i like with amorak is the radio stream15:02
yovancan foobar do it15:02
crazy_busbascule: so I put it on?15:02
Daisuke_Idoshoutcast and a collection of others.  foobar or winamp can do the same15:02
basculewell try it crazy_bus :)15:02
basculeit can't go to far wrong, but I have seen devices pop15:03
crazy_busbascule: I bet it will blow up :)15:03
nonewmsgsit is neat to see people asking about linux programs for windows instead of the reverse for a change15:03
basculesmoke of the south bridge ...15:03
basculeusually the wire melts first, so you will know15:03
basculenat that that is uch reassurance :)15:03
yovanwell said dude15:04
yovani am a newbee but in love with linux15:04
nainefhey hey15:07
nainefanyone having issues with 804 x64?15:08
Hamraif a program is provided as binary for some distros and ubuntu is not available, should the one for debian work well? or is it better to get it as source code?15:08
basculewell it's beta, so I would think so :)15:08
crazy_busbascule: 9 is labeled NC and 4 KEY on the label holding the wired together.  But there are no wires for those.  Does it mean anything?15:08
nainefyea I get everything I deserve :)15:08
JGleichhi.  i've an KDE/OpenSuse box that  I'm considering switching to Kubuntu.  Any _objective_ comments here as to why I shouldn't consider it? And, is there a good HowTo for switching distros, particularly across "cores" -- i.e., from SuSE to Debian-based *buntu?15:09
basculecrazy_bus: not that I know of, key is usually referring to the missing pin in a block though15:09
artur__does anyone here can tell me for what the signal USR1 is used? Like in the command " kill -s USR1 1234 "15:09
basculecrazy_bus: you know like ide has a missing pin so it can only go one way, hence 'key' pin15:10
crazy_busbascule: also I'm meant to have a purple wire and a blue wire.  Both look exactly the same :(15:10
Hamrai usuall use the key pin to know if im holding the manual upside down :P15:11
PhilRodartur__: man signal15:11
PhilRod(which just says that it's a "user signal", so presumably you can have it do what you like15:11
crazy_busbascule: one is power one is ground.  I'd better go to sleep (2am) before I blow it up.  Thanks for all your and everyone elses help.15:12
basculecrazy_bus: blus and purple on USB, never seen that15:12
basculecrazy_bus: OK, do it when awake is the best way15:12
* nainef will return after he reinstalls the os heheh (this time the 7.10v)15:12
crazy_busbascule: or give it to your hardware minder next door neighbor to help you with it :)15:13
artur__PhilRod: "User-defined signal 1"15:13
basculeyes do that15:13
artur__PhilRod: thnks for the hint, but this i did before...but didn't help me15:13
PhilRodartur__: yes, I imagine that means that there's no system-defined action for this signal (as there is with, eg SIGKILL - the kernel just kills the process)15:14
PhilRodso you can just use the function for trapping a signal (whatever it's called - I don't remember), and have it do what you want15:15
kraanerhey..  can u tell me a good video player for estobuntu ..15:15
PhilRodartur__: why are you asking?15:15
PhilRodwhat's estobuntu?15:15
kraanerits eee.. linux:D  based kubuntu or ubuntu :15:16
Jucatodidn't I already point you to #ubuntu-estonia ?15:16
kraanerdont now...  thank u15:16
crazy_busbascule: one last question before I sleep.  I suppose you don't know anyway of getting warrenty from asus without using the retailer you bought it off.  I've been using this old computer for 6 months because my new computers motherboard is broken and the retailer keeps ripping me off (claiming nothing is wrong and charging a service fee and not sending the board to asus) while the board is...15:17
crazy_bus...definatly broken since I got a signed third opinion from a local computer repair person15:17
=== david_ is now known as davidjdotorg
basculecrazy_bus: unfortunately in 'retail' as opposed to 'resell' the retailer is expected to cover the warranty, the retialer also has 'the right to repair' but this is UK law I am talking about here15:18
BluesKajsend it to asus with a copy of the third party opinion , but call them first to make sure they will accept it and emphasize the lack of co-operation from the retailer15:19
sudobashgoogle is black15:20
crazy_busBluesKaj: they said they only didn't do warranty directly to customers when I explained by email.  Do you think calling them would be different?15:20
Jucatoofftopic btw :)15:20
Sir_Corgisudobash: Yes.  Yes it is.15:21
sudobashi wodner15:21
crazy_busJust wanted to get it off my mind so I can sleep.  Sorry for any disturbances15:21
Sir_CorgiIt's their way of advertising conservation awareness.15:22
kraanerdem.. how i can get video codecs15:23
Hamrawhat do you mean google is black?15:23
KryczekHi! Does anybody else have problems with kio_http these days?15:23
KryczekI was under Kubuntu 7, and I installed KDE 3.5.9 thanks to the 3rd party repository given on kubuntu.org15:24
Kryczekit worked perfectly15:24
Sir_CorgiHamra:  Google's homepage is black.  They inversed the colors.15:24
Kryczekbut a few days later, many updates were available, mostly for KDE packages15:24
Kryczekso I installed them, and after that, Konqueror, Kopete etc stopped working for anything using HTTP15:25
Dr_willisgoogle.com --> We've turned the lights out. Now it's your turn - Earth Hour.15:25
KryczekI tried to downgrade to KDE 3.5.8 in vain, so I upgraded everything to Kubuntu 815:26
Kryczekand it worked, until yesterday: many KDE packages to upgrade again15:26
Sir_CorgiThey're doing it despite the fact that a black screen does not conserve energy (unless it's off :p)15:26
Kryczekand after that, same problem: Konqueror and Kopete fail to use HTTP15:26
basculeyes it is beta Kryczek, goto #ubuntu+115:26
crazy_busgoogle doesn't go black for me.  Is that only in certain countries?15:26
Kryczekbascule: what is beta? KDE 3.5.9 or Kubuntu 8 ?15:26
Jucatocrazy_bus: front page only. www.google.com15:27
SlimeyPeteiGoogle is still white15:27
SlimeyPeteClassic Home is black15:27
crazy_buswhen I go to that with classic home it still isn't black15:27
SlimeyPetebut they usually stagger it according to timezones15:27
Sir_CorgiIt's only one the homepage of google.com,  google.co.uk... I would imagine on all the English language ones.15:28
basculeKryczek: 8 is beta15:28
crazy_busah .co.uk is black.  Must be white here because it's sunday15:29
Kryczekbascule: sorry if i wasnt clear (english is not my mother tongue ;p ) but i had the very same problem under Kubuntu 715:29
Kryczeki upgraded to 8 as a solution15:29
Kryczekbut then the same thing happened15:30
basculeI see, well I don't seem to have kio_http problems, so dunno, but if you ar on 8 currently goto #ubuntu+115:30
Sir_Corgicrazy_bus: Didn't even think about that.  It *was* only for a day.15:31
Sir_CorgiI rather like it.15:31
Hamrai was seeing google cached probably, i can see it black now using a proxy15:31
confreyhi everybody15:33
confreyI need some help about bluetooth15:33
confreyI've installed kubuntu 7.10, and upgraded to 3.5.9, but I can't connect my cellphone to pc by bt15:34
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PhilRodpopular xbox game15:43
Hamrahow can i make the storage media button to open "/media" instead of "system:/media"? like feisty used to do.15:46
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vithola q tal15:50
jpatrick!es | vit15:50
ubotuvit: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:50
=== vit is now known as vit_
romj'ai besoin d'ide pour installer un truc manuellement (à compiler)15:53
romlors du ./configure:15:53
jpatrick!fr | rom15:53
uboturom: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:53
romI thought I was on ubuntu-fr15:53
confreyanybody using kdebluetooth in kubuntu gutsy?15:55
romyes, I did15:58
foxel link para kubunto en español16:00
foxkubuntu español16:00
Matt1728what's the amarok library that lets you listen to mp3 and m4a?16:00
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:00
lanoxxMatt1728: libxine1-plugin16:01
lanoxxi think16:01
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
Matt1728kk thanks16:02
Matt1728does it support m4a?16:03
TOmMMMeh, am I the only one who can't get Ndiswrapper GUI to open ? 0_o16:03
lanoxxafaik its a meta package that installes various codecs16:03
TOmMMI guess nobody else has the problem then -_-16:05
Matt1728for konqueror?16:05
confreyrom I can't use it, can you help me?16:06
romdepending of your problem16:06
confreyI've installed kubuntu gutsy and kde3.5.916:06
confreyI can't send and receive files from /to pc and cellphone16:07
romfrom pc to tel, it works for me16:08
romfrom tel to pc it doesn't work :(16:08
romjust "send file", choose your phono, and "send"16:08
TOmMMWhen I open ndisgtk on KDE I get this error : sh: network-admin: not found16:12
TOmMMany help16:12
techbwhi all.16:13
=== slobar is now known as Halfanub
techbwI have just upgraded to hordy i think 8.04 beta, and I get a ghost effect on my mouse pointer, anyone have any idea on how to get it right, to get into kde I had to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file16:15
Matt1728is there an new stable kubuntu?16:15
algyztechbw:  visit #ubuntu+116:15
techbwam not using ubuntu, am using kubuntu16:16
algyztechbw:  don't use beta, use released version16:16
Matt1728is everyone using KDE4?16:17
algyz:D sure not everyone, at least not me16:17
techbwon the upgrade option it only had one option, I am not sure that this is a beta, how do I check ... read some command before upgrading to check version is capable of the upgrade16:17
algyztechbw:  visit #ubuntu+116:18
Matt1728did they take k9copy off kubuntu it wont install16:18
techbwI am there now, why should I visit #ubuntu+116:19
techbwjust asked the same question there16:19
confreyrom: ok, I solved, now I can send anda receive from pc and cell16:19
romphone to pc16:19
algyztechbw:  my sugestion - don't use beta versions16:20
techbwso I take it 8.04 is still in beta?16:20
algyztechbw:  you're right, so I would offer to use kubuntu 7.10 ;)16:21
HamraC compiler can not create executables. does this mean gcc is not installed or something else?16:21
techbwIt won't install on this machine, tried installing, have the discs but for some reason does not install16:21
techbwthe discs are ok, as I used them on other pc's only on this old laptop...it does not work16:23
algyztechbw:  try alternate disc16:23
confreyrom: yes, both directions16:24
confreyrom: with konqueror, pointing to bluetotth:/16:24
techbwdon't have enough bandwidth to download, and I am situated in an area where linux is not used by many people.  don't know where I could get alternative discs16:25
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algyztechbw:  just download .iso16:25
Hamra7.10 doesnt work, and 8.04 works?16:26
techbwI can't not enough bandwidth, internet costs a fortune here.16:28
DarkriftXHamra, i think that means you need binutils (or something close) because i had an error liek that once that gcc could not build binary files16:29
dorkfaceI just had a thought.  Would it make a system slightly more secure if one were to alias "sudo" to something else?16:29
techbwwell anyways I am going to do a reboot, and hope the ghost effect will not appear again, looks like after changing mouse theme, it has stopped ghost effect, except on kmenu.16:29
DarkriftXonly if the world knows your password16:29
ubuntuHallo zusammen16:33
algyz!de | ubuntu16:34
ubotuubuntu: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:34
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mrpeaich bin drin, oder was? ;-)16:34
algyzmrpea:  Hitler kaput, go to #kubuntu-offtopic16:35
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=== romullo is now known as romuloo
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mrpeahi romuloo16:37
mrpeawie denn jetzt? :-)16:37
jcgkffycsis there a way for me to get kubuntu to mount a cd when it put it in the cd tray, but not open up a new window?16:41
a-vHi. I want to ask those having Ubuntu 7.10 i386 and qt4 installed to run "ldd /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4" and paste the output somewhere (e.g. pastebin.com). Thank you :)16:41
jcgkffycsselecting do nothing in kde doesn't do anything at all, exactly what it says, but I don't want a new window to always open up, I just want it auto mounted.16:42
Tommsteinfellows, i broke kde trying compiz. i installed it, found it too slow, removed it, and now alt+tab doesn't pop up the list of windows to change to any more, it just goes to the next window immediately. can anyone help?16:47
DarkriftXwow, ill never buy creative anymore http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/08/03/29/046201.shtml (if they pull that crap, you know they will fight linux drivers)16:47
wesley_wich pakages do i need to tar packes ?16:49
fdovingwesley_: tar16:52
Ashexmotherfreaking bluetooth16:52
* Ashex shakes his fist angrily at his blackberry16:52
wesley_i meen to built a program16:52
a-vplease :|16:52
fdovingwesley_: untar and make?16:53
Ashexwesley_, to compile a progrem16:53
Ashexsudo apt-get install build-essential16:53
fdoving!b-e | wesley_16:53
ubotuwesley_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:53
Ashexthat's an interesting trigger to use16:53
fdovingAshex: it is, it's the initials of the package 'build-essential' which is a meta-package to the essential build-stuff.16:54
Ashexah, i see16:54
Ace2016Hi all16:55
Ace2016i think i just broke my google16:55
Ace2016google.co.uk has a black background16:55
Ashexwhy does bluetooth have to be such a pain in the ass16:55
NickPrestaDarkriftX, wow. Creative just loss me as a potential customer too16:56
fdovingAshex: what are you trying to do? - i have success with using my phone as modem. that's about what i do with bluetooth. but it just works. :)16:56
AshexI'm trying to send files to my blackberry16:56
=== kewark is now known as krawek
AshexI can receive files without any trouble16:57
DarkriftXisnt that some crap?16:57
DarkriftXi didnt real all 1200 replies, but i scanned every page16:57
AshexBut sending files doesn't work worth diddly16:57
NickPrestaDarkriftX, it is asinine. As far as I can tell, that Daniel K guy was the sole reason people continued to buy and use Creative cards on Vista16:57
DarkriftXno reply from them and probably about 800 of the posts are from new users who registered just to say they wont buy creative anymore16:57
Ashexall the threads I have read so far mention restarting the services and the phone16:57
DarkriftXcharging for drivers is pathetic anyways16:57
Ashexproblem with blackberries, they never actually turn off, they just go to sleep16:58
DarkriftXthey already recieved money for the product, why should they recieve for the method to make it work16:58
Ashexmake me want to throw a small child off a bus16:58
edjuwireless works on this hp lap, but can't get the light to work.  tried google and the forums, but no luck.  just on the off chance - anybody with a pointer?16:59
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
BunnyRevolutionjhutchins: u here?16:59
NickPrestaAshex, no! Don't do that. :)16:59
DarkriftXedju, what laptop16:59
edjuDarkriftX, hp dv9720us - atheros chipset.17:00
DarkriftXsorry, no idea about that one17:00
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
Ashexwell poop17:00
AshexI can't do file transfers unless I either get a microsd card, or get this damn bluetooth working17:01
NickPrestaAshex, is this on your cell phone?17:01
AshexNickPresta, yup17:05
fdovingAshex: the sdp:/ kio-slave works nicely for me. that is kde3.17:06
MacAnthonyquick (and possibly retarded) question17:07
Ashexfdoving, I tried using it17:07
MacAnthonywhere are .desktop files supposed to be installed on kde3.5?17:07
Ashexit launches kbtobexlcient when I select file transfer17:07
Ashexphone shows up, select file, click send and a message pops up "Error connecting transport"17:08
fdovingAshex: i copy using a obex:/ kioslave i think. konqueror only. works iirc.17:08
Ashexfdoving, when I try that, it doesn't list anything17:09
Ashexbrowsing with obex://[mac]17:09
Ashexjust saying "Could not connect to host 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:17:10
Tommsteinguys, why the hell did trying compiz and quickly removing it break kde?17:10
fdovingAshex: hum. ok. can't really help you then. not my area really.17:11
Ashexyeah, I'm going to post in linuxquestions17:11
AshexI get a nice error message when using gnome-obex-send17:13
=== CappY is now known as CapsY
CapsYany1 therE?17:16
kidkoAnybody know how to install a specific package version? I've got the latest version of libqt4-core (4.3.2-0ubuntu3.2) installed, but need 4.3.2-0ubuntu317:16
BunnyRevolutionping jhutchins17:16
CapsYI dont know is my question for here17:17
CapsYbut my PC stuck sometimes17:17
CapsYusually always when im playing music17:17
CapsYsometimes it stuck 2-3 times in day simetimes 2-3 times in week17:18
BunnyRevolutionCapsY what program.  what version of kubuntu?17:19
CapsYkubuntu 7.10 + amarok17:19
CapsYit just stuck, mouse and keyboard doesnt work17:19
CapsYand music im playing is repeating every 1 second17:20
BunnyRevolutionthe whole computer or just the program amarok17:20
CapsYwhole PC17:20
CapsYi made a video clip with my phone17:20
CapsYi can upload it17:20
CapsYi cant see anything but you can hear17:24
Erickj92how do i compress files into a tarbals?17:26
NickPrestaErickj92, `tar cvf Archive.tar files ...17:27
Erickj92NickPresta, can it be done outside of terminal?17:27
NickPrestaErickj92, sure, using Ark. Right click on a directory or group of files and there should be 'Compress' somewhere :)17:27
CapsYAction -> Compress17:28
NickPrestaErickj92, in D3lphin > Right Click > Actions > Compress17:28
CapsYin Konqueror -> Comppresion17:29
CapsYthen u can choose .tar.gz or just .tar and other extensions17:29
Erickj92is .tar.gz more compressed or what?17:30
DarkriftXbtw Erickj92 tar is not compressed, unless you choose a .?z extension for it there will be no compression17:30
Erickj92like what it the real difference17:30
DarkriftXtar is just storage17:30
Erickj92ohh i see17:30
NickPrestaErickj92, think of tar as a way to group files into one Archive17:30
CapsYany1 know why my PC stucks ?17:30
NickPrestagzipping that archive will compress it. You can also bzip it (bzip2)17:30
algyzCapsY:  hardware problems?17:31
CapsYi dont know17:31
CapsYSysinfo for 'CappY': Linux 2.6.22-14-386 running KDE 3.5.8, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2000+ at 1665 MHz (3334 bogomips), , RAM: 738/757MB, 168 proc's, 38.16min up17:31
NickPrestaSeems like a fairly average computer. Should run well.17:31
CapsYmaybe only CPU is low, but its not problem17:32
algyzCapsY:  search for dust, probably problems are in video card, mainboard17:32
CapsYthanks, i will turn it off in 10min17:32
algyzCapsY:  check also mainboad, maybe some condensators bad17:32
algyzI had problems with video card17:32
CapsYi though the problem is in video too17:33
CapsYnVIDIA FX 520017:33
CapsYrunning with 'new' drivers17:33
algyzcooler was bad, so it was quite hot :)17:33
CapsYmy ventilator is running well17:33
algyzthat's why whole computer stucked with win and lin17:34
CapsYmy PC is open at moment17:34
CapsYall ventilators are running well17:34
algyzwell, what you mean "stuck"?17:34
CapsYMouse and keyboard stop working17:34
algyzfor a while?17:35
CapsYwhen i restart its ok17:35
CapsYlook at that17:35
algyzrestart with what?17:35
CapsYRestart button at PC17:35
algyzI'm not profy :)17:35
algyzthis thing happened to me because of video card17:36
CapsYi will stop it in 5min and clean it17:36
CapsYsee you in 30minutes :) bb17:38
algyzWell, seems #ubuntu-bg is not very popular :)17:38
=== someon1 is now known as vLdSS_1
Odd-rationaleI installed kommando just to see what it is like. But how do I start it?17:47
PhilRodOdd-rationale: Alt+F2 kommando?17:48
Odd-rationalePhilRod: ok.17:49
eagles0513875hey all17:52
eagles0513875can someone explain to me the origins of a pnp bios bug17:52
U_DinlowQuestion; I cloned my sons monitor to tv so he can watch movies streamed from my nas, how can i get sound to tv without keep changing wires etc17:54
U_Dinlowcan i just use a cheap splitter ?17:55
eagles0513875network attached storage17:55
elite101hheeh, d'oh17:55
U_Dinlowlinkstation - network storage17:55
eagles0513875U_Dinlow let me understand what ur doing im guessing u have a flat screen tv and u want to also hook it up to ur computer but not have it as the computers monitor right17:56
JoshOvkiI have a linksys nslu2 that has been flashed to debian with a TV device, so i can stream any of the channels to any of the pcs in the house :)17:56
U_Dinlowi am able to see the movies on tv as it is cloned - I just need to sort the sound out. At present it comes thropugh pc speakers17:57
eagles0513875what u would need then is one of those heavy duty not splitters i forgot what they r called17:57
eagles0513875where u can have tv hooked up cd radio and tape player17:57
eagles0513875one of those things17:57
JoshOvkian amplifier / sound system?17:58
elite101lol ive got my amp hooked up to my pc hehehe,17:58
eagles0513875is ur pc in the car17:59
JoshOvkisame here17:59
elite101great bass...17:59
U_Dinlowyeah great! this is in a 5yr olds room17:59
elite101guitar amp -_-17:59
eagles0513875U_Dinlow then scratch that idea17:59
eagles0513875elite101 lol17:59
elite101latest of kubuntu is 7.10 rite?17:59
JoshOvkielite101: mine is technicaly a bass amp, as its designed for a bass guitar rather than a lead guitar17:59
eagles0513875U_Dinlow u could keep it somewhere else and just run a cable from it to the room u wnat18:00
eagles0513875elite101 gutsy18:00
elite101KDE 4.0?18:00
eagles0513875elite101 7.10 gutsy18:00
eagles0513875no thats should be in the repos18:00
elite101still @ 7.1018:00
eagles0513875next one is hardy 8.04 which will have 4.018:00
eagles0513875on teh wiki of possible release date is april 24th +- 5 days18:01
elite101i have 7.10 and fedora core 7 downloaded (yes there is fed8) but im gunna wait for 4.018:01
U_Dinlowcan you configure kaffeine to use a seperate soundcard to the  rest of the sytem?18:01
elite101rite now im on windoze because of Waves GTR3(guitar synth prog)18:01
JoshOvkiive used a simular program, but i dont think it was that one18:02
eagles0513875elite101 install kubuntu dump winblows and then u can always reinstall when next release comes out18:02
elite101Riffworks/Guitar rig3/Waves GTR318:02
JoshOvkibeen so long since i last played my guitar or bass18:02
elite101but all my files i need windows somtimes....18:02
eagles0513875and u could also compile it from source18:02
eagles0513875what windows program u use18:02
elite101well i use torrent alot, and seed so i was going to use kubuntu..18:03
elite101Waves GTR3 (winz only) Bit (yes i know linux client)18:03
eagles0513875elite101 i have gotten utorren working on kubuntu using wine18:03
eagles0513875audicity works on linux as well18:03
elite101rather use default18:03
eagles0513875utorrent works flawlessly with wine18:03
elite101i know. i was here like 1year ago, every one i knew if gone from last time i was here :(18:04
elite101if=is sorry18:04
eagles0513875im coming and going18:04
elite101every one here i dont know..18:04
* JoshOvki heart starts bleeding18:04
eagles0513875i got a new laptop for xmas and i tried ot put kubuntu on here gutsy that is but i keep getting a really annoying pnp bios bug18:04
JoshOvki(which could cause some serious problems)18:04
eagles0513875which i have no idea how to resolve18:04
eagles0513875im hoping that next release that will be fixed18:05
elite101flash bios with latest from dealer?18:05
eagles0513875still a bug18:05
JoshOvkieagles0513875: mine has a bios bug, but it just carrys on so i dont bother doing anythng with it18:05
elite101and still18:05
elite101read some forums? anyone else with same lappy?18:05
eagles0513875JoshOvki does it load the desktop for u18:05
eagles0513875elite101 none that ive seen with same laptop18:05
eagles0513875this is an hp tx1308nr tablet18:05
JoshOvkieagles0513875: yes. im guessing urs doesnt18:05
eagles0513875JoshOvki it will everyonce in a blue moon but on the hole it doesnt load the desktop18:06
elite101think im gunna install kubuntu...18:06
eagles0513875thats fine cuz im pretty well versed in commands and im working on linux certification so im getting more versed18:06
elite101hell, good thing i remember using adept lol! =)18:06
elite101stuck on windows soo much..18:06
eagles0513875im learning more complicated stuff18:07
eagles0513875if u guys want im working on simplified how to website relating to kubuntu18:07
eagles0513875if u want the link18:07
elite101im goo18:07
eagles0513875only thing thats up and running right now is my forum18:07
elite101rather learn on my own...18:07
elite101like i did befor18:07
eagles0513875u also learn through how tos as well lol18:07
eagles0513875ive learned alot to be honest18:07
elite101i had no windows lol so i had to use linux..18:07
JoshOvkii learnt plenty on debian and just ported it over with myself to kubuntu18:07
eagles0513875then thats different18:08
eagles0513875i need to get better versed on the workings of linux so that i can start working on my own cluster distro based on kubuntu18:08
elite101wish i had a "monster" pc so i can vm linux/windows vise versa18:08
elite101hehehe, why?18:08
eagles0513875ive tried so many cluster distros and they r extermely confusing18:08
elite101yeah, but why?18:09
elite101web hosting?18:09
elite101find the prime number of one...18:09
JoshOvkii use kubuntu and windows. i spend most of my time in kubuntu, but need windows at times :)18:09
eagles0513875no im part of the boinc projects and some of the data sets r rather time consuming18:09
elite101i tried, i had a couple of dell optiplex's to cluster for fun.. lost intrest18:09
eagles0513875also i wanna try and branch into the video rendering side of things especially 3d animated movies18:09
eagles0513875great money in rendering those types of movies18:10
eagles0513875random fyi just to render 1 scene on a single machine would take 40 yrs18:10
eagles0513875thats y 3d animated movies r rendered on a cluster18:10
carlzenoxhow do i run a python scripts?18:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:10
edjutrying to write a file in  /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.0/0000:03:00.0 and I get "permission denied".  I ran sudo su and have a root prompt.  root has no permission?  who does?18:11
elite101carlzenox sorry i cant help you with that...18:11
carlzenoxk =/18:11
eagles0513875sup j18:11
elite101sys/device/pci? what is the device and why are you writing a file to it?18:11
elite101finaly i knew i would recognize someone18:12
elite101wow, after this whole time still on here18:12
eagles0513875can anyone explain to me the origins of a pnp bios bug18:13
JoshOvkii tend to live in kde4 and offtopic so know hardly any 1 here18:13
elite101well considering i dont buy cheap lappys i wouldnt know...18:13
JoshOvkinot even in them lattely thing about it18:13
eagles0513875im asking the room in general lol18:13
eagles0513875my old one works fine its this one which is giving me a head ache18:13
eagles0513875its got a turion x2 1.9ghz processor18:13
elite101HP what do you exepct?18:13
elite101try there website?18:14
eagles0513875woot beta time18:14
elite101maybe they have a fix18:14
elite101becareful thou18:14
eagles0513875hp wont provide me with linux support only vista18:14
eagles0513875beta of hardy is out18:14
elite101you can mess up your Bios and PC forever,18:14
JoshOvkiHP support is pretty poor anyway18:14
eagles0513875they have a really easy flash util that does it from desktop18:14
elite101windows xp?18:14
elite101why does OS have to do anything with it?18:14
elite101all you need is a floppy drive/zip drive with preloaded .bin's or what the file sys is18:15
eagles0513875i have asked them for support help with my previous laptop and they said they werent able to provide the support18:15
elite101and flash?18:15
eagles0513875elite101 hp makes it easier18:15
eagles0513875they gvie u a desktop util that u open run flashes from desktop and then u restart with the updated bios18:15
elite101why would you need support for anything? its your bios! get a fix/patch18:15
eagles0513875im not saying my bios18:16
elite101ohh, their own "OS" kinda thing18:16
elite101well get the bios file?18:16
mEck0hi! I installed KDE3 today and now when I'm starting any openoffice app, the menu doesn't have icons, just texts! why and how to fix it?18:16
eagles0513875already did it18:17
elite101doesnt work18:17
elite101what does this pug say?18:17
eagles0513875elite101 im downloading hardy beta atm am going to try that18:17
elite101if its your bios, OS isnt going to matter -_-18:17
eagles0513875in hardy though i dont get tha tbug18:17
eagles0513875its only in gutsy18:17
elite101mhm thats weird18:18
BunnyRevolutioni want to backup my repsoitories to cd and then use the cd for any new installations updates.  what is the best way to do this18:18
eagles0513875its funny hardy alpha 5 didnt have it it would hang loading my hard ware devices after install18:18
ubotusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.18:18
eagles0513875BunnyRevolution thats a handy site generates ur sources code for repos18:19
eagles0513875eagles0513875 ya18:19
elite101instead of flooding the chat and abusing the bot,18:19
eagles0513875im not abusing the bot18:19
elite101why not acutally help?18:19
eagles0513875i am18:19
BunnyRevolutioni understand i can go in and copy the *.deb's to a cd and then set the update to look at the cd18:19
eagles0513875elite101 its also hard when u dont have a machien running linux 218:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winex - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:20
Kr|ptiXanyone k now where i can get wineX18:21
BunnyRevolutionelite101: the best way to fix the bot is have it reply only to the person that promted it18:21
eagles0513875!wine | Kr|ptiX18:21
ubotuKr|ptiX: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:21
BunnyRevolutionelite101: and/or a pipe to the person needing it18:21
eagles0513875Kr|ptiX is that what ur looking for18:21
BunnyRevolutionthen the bot would never reply to the forum18:21
eagles0513875BunnyRevolution sry bout that18:22
Ashexwell, this is interesting18:23
Ashexaccording to knetworkmanager, I have no connection18:23
Kr|ptiXany1 kno anything bout this error im gettn http://pastebin.ca/96234918:23
Ashexand I'm remoting in from work :p18:24
BunnyRevolutionthe third option would be to have a pipe that would output to the forum specifically.  this way when the bot replied to the forum, it would show the person who piped it to the frou18:24
eagles0513875Ashex what version hardy or gutsy18:24
JoshOvkiAshex: you using ifconfig instead?18:24
Ashexeagles0513875, hardy18:24
eagles0513875when u were using gutsy did u have the same issue18:24
Ashexhmm, not entirely sure18:24
eagles0513875Ashex is this one of the alpha releases or the newlly released beta18:24
AshexI have multiple interfaces18:24
Ashextwo gigabit lan connections and a wireless18:25
eagles0513875Ashex they all showing as disconnected18:25
Ashexin knetworkmanager, device status is no active device18:25
=== ubuntu is now known as jast-mxm
elite101brb installing fed, kubunty on old raid hehehe18:25
jast-mxmi have a questions about mulitple ubuntu installs18:26
AshexJoshOvki, ifconfig shows I have an ip18:26
JoshOvkijast-mxm: just ask the question18:26
AshexI have no doubt that I'm connected to the network/internet18:26
eagles0513875Ashex then that means there is a bug in knetworkmanager18:26
eagles0513875Ashex could u give the machine a reboot and see if it still shows disconnected or not18:27
jast-mxmi have ubuntu installed on another disk in my pc which is my main atm, I am currently installing kubuntu on another drive18:27
jast-mxmwill the kubuntu install pick up the other drive automagically?18:27
Ashexeagles0513875, yeah, I'll be back momentarily18:27
eagles0513875jast-mxm u shouldnt have a problem booting18:27
jast-mxmi would just have to change the kubu install to have the bootable flag yes?18:28
eagles0513875jast-mxm u dont want ubuntu as the bootable18:28
eagles0513875jast-mxm grub should come up though and allow u 2 choose which one u want18:28
eagles0513875jast-mxm but if u wanna get rid of ubuntu then flag the kubuntu drive as bootable18:28
jast-mxmwell right now the ubuntu has grub installed on that drive and is the bootable18:28
jast-mxmso once this is done installing i will need to change the kubu drive to have the bootable flag yes?18:29
eagles0513875jast-mxm yep18:29
jast-mxmawesome, thank you18:29
eagles0513875jast-mxm no prob18:29
jast-mxmi've been getting a bit aggravated w/ gnome so i'll see how a full kubuntu setup goes18:30
eagles0513875jast-mxm lol18:30
Boohbahkde is nice but kubuntu is kinda fuct18:30
eagles0513875Boohbah in what sense is it18:30
jast-mxmi haven't tried it since early 3.xx18:30
eagles0513875jast-mxm its come along way18:30
Boohbaheagles0513875: breakage18:30
jast-mxmso i'm gonna give this 8.04 kde4 a shot18:30
jast-mxm64 bit since i'm being balsy18:31
eagles0513875jast-mxm i have used 64bit before18:31
eagles0513875jast-mxm no problems and i love it18:31
jast-mxmas have i18:31
eagles0513875thing is kde is a good entry point for those to linux18:31
eagles0513875especially kubuntu18:31
jast-mxmi'm just saying if i'm doing teh beta of hardy and beta of kde4 why not go all out18:31
eagles0513875its got the look and feel of windows18:31
eagles0513875jast-mxm dont blame ya im downloading the beta as we speak im hoping to get it on this machine18:31
jast-mxmi was just reading some articles about the mess that gnome is dev wise18:31
Boohbahso who's tried kde 4?18:32
eagles0513875jast-mxm again kde is better developed18:32
eagles0513875eagles0513875 i heard that gnome dev is being helped out by google18:32
jast-mxmyeah, nautilus was really pissing me off18:32
* JoshOvki puts his hand up18:32
eagles0513875jast-mxm konquerer isnt much better thank god for alterantives to that18:32
jast-mxmit doesn't like having sftp connections open for a period of time w/out nautilus freaking out and dying18:32
johanhi, how do i install flash in konqueror?18:32
eagles0513875johan i honestly recommend getting rid of konquerer and installing firefox18:33
jast-mxmwell i know i'm just going to use ff for the browser18:33
eagles0513875johan actually outperforms konquerer18:33
jast-mxmbut any suggestions to the konquerer file manager?18:33
eagles0513875now actually in hardy its become dolphi18:33
johaneagles0513875: i'm using firefox, but for some  utility i need konquerer18:33
eagles0513875johan what utility18:33
DarkriftXanyone here good with compiz? (not getting any answers in thier channel). I installed it, and things are working well, but my "raise on click" feature (brings inactive windows forward when you click them) wont stay enabled. if i enabled it, the check mark clears after about half a second. I have tried tricking it and closing the page real fast, which doesnt help.... any ideas?18:33
jast-mxmso does dolphin look a bit more promising than konqueror?18:33
johaneagles0513875: http://khtml2png.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=about18:34
eagles0513875jast-mxm its so much better18:34
jast-mxmi look forward to using it then ^_^18:34
jast-mxmkde does have a little bit more system overhead than gnome right?18:35
eagles0513875johan gotcha have u looked in apt manager there r pkgs in there for flash18:35
eagles0513875jast-mxm what u mean18:35
=== daiana is now known as estrella
jast-mxmas far as ram and cpu18:35
jast-mxmfor general use18:35
eagles0513875jast-mxm i think less over head18:35
eagles0513875jast-mxm could be wrong18:35
jast-mxmor did they do a smashing job w/ qt18:35
eagles0513875!es | estrella18:36
ubotuestrella: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:36
eagles0513875jast-mxm dunno much bout the coding18:36
johaneagles0513875: yup, installed it.. flash files show up as blank.. and konquerer crashes after navigated away from the flash site :(18:36
eagles0513875jast-mxm i need to spend some time working on c and python18:36
eagles0513875johan u on gutsy or hardy18:36
johaneagles0513875: 7.1018:36
eagles0513875johan have u installed any updated pkgs18:36
johaneagles0513875: yup, everything is fully updated18:37
eagles0513875johan im not sure if there r still bugs in the flash pkgs i remember for a time i couldnt install flash for firefox im not sure if that also affected the konquerer pkgs18:37
johaneagles0513875: hmm, it works ok in firefox.. i've also removed the version of the repos and downloaded/installed the latest .tar.gz from adobe.. same thing..18:39
eagles0513875apt-cache search konquerer and see if it brings up any flash pkgs specifically for konquerer18:40
jast-mxmwhew back18:41
eagles0513875jast-mxm lol18:41
jast-mxmi think i will still use the swap partition on the other drive though18:41
johaneagles0513875: hmm, just read that the latest flash is not compatible with konqueror..  anyway thanks for your help18:41
eagles0513875johan no prob18:42
jast-mxmi should just get a 70g raptor drive and dedicate it to swap18:42
jast-mxmbecause it is completely necessary18:42
eagles0513875johan out of curiousity i would try that program and see if it works in firefox. also kubuntu has its own screen shot taker not sure how it works though or what the command is18:42
eagles0513875jast-mxm u nut18:42
eagles0513875jast-mxm reinstall making that primary bootable partiton and other one ur swap18:42
jast-mxmi guess today is a mellow day too18:43
jast-mxmyesterday i got to do fire poi18:43
jast-mxmrope w/ balls on the end lit on fire18:43
jast-mxmspinny spinny spinny18:43
JoshOvkii got fire poi18:43
eagles0513875jast-mxm i think first thing im goign to try is a wubi install in windows18:43
eagles0513875thats kool18:43
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:43
jast-mxmwell i left the beach from that on my motorcycle and proceeded to get rearended by a car at the next redlight18:44
eagles0513875lol at least it wasnt ur fault18:44
jast-mxmyeah but the bike split in 218:44
jast-mxmbut so today is a mellow day18:44
jast-mxmi don't think i can get too hurt installing kubuntu18:45
jast-mxmunless i format the wrong drive18:45
=== Generic is now known as Ashex
* jast-mxm waves at ashex18:45
eagles0513875jast-mxm wanna be save unplug the other drive18:45
* Ashex waves at jast-mxm 18:45
eagles0513875jast-mxm that way u wont have that option18:45
Ashexshould be getting into the machine18:45
jast-mxmits a risk i'm willing to take18:45
jast-mxmfeeling lucky today18:45
eagles0513875jast-mxm back up all ur data just in case18:46
AshexI forgot that the root partition was due to integrity check18:46
eagles0513875Ashex lol is it working no18:46
Ashexeagles0513875, just connected, knetworkmanager still displays a not connected18:46
eagles0513875Ashex then fill out a bug at launchpad.net18:46
Ashexwill do18:47
Ashexlooks like a dbus error18:47
jast-mxmwoo %75 almost there18:48
jast-mxmthen it's reboot and update heaven18:48
eagles0513875Ashex if u know any programming i would try debug urself18:48
eagles0513875jast-mxm lol did u do custom partitioning18:48
jast-mxmthe manual? yeah18:48
jast-mxmi don't need swap on this drive18:48
jast-mxmsince i already have one on another, it can just use that18:48
Ashexeagles0513875, I'm a bit limited on the programming background18:49
Ashexonly done basic and C# :p18:49
jast-mxmooo I got java, php, and ruby on rails18:49
eagles0513875Ashex well i have only done java and j# which is exactly the same as java18:49
jast-mxmbut ruby on rails is a mes18:49
johaneagles0513875: thanks, but i'm looking for an automated tool, that can take screenshots of websites in the background.. i need  to process like 30.00018:49
eagles0513875johan what u need them for18:49
eagles0513875well im out for the night guys i gtg get ready for my dinner date lol18:50
jast-mxmhave a good one18:50
kkathmangreetings - I just loaded Kubuntu on my machine and attempted to do updating and it came back after awhile and said that it could not finish because some packages might break other packages??? Whats this?18:51
Odd-rationalekkathman: via adept?18:51
jast-mxmyeah it is18:51
Odd-rationalekkathman: I had that too18:51
kkathmanOdd-rationale:  yes18:51
jast-mxmapt-get doesn't give a message like that18:51
kkathmanright - it came from Adept18:51
jast-mxmdid you try using "sudo apt-get safe-upgrade" ?18:51
Odd-rationalekkathman: just do "sudo apt-get upgrade"18:51
kkathmanahh ok... will do - are we getting very close to Hardy?  This is Gutsy I have18:52
Odd-rationalejast-mxm: i thought safe-upgrade was for aptitude. no?18:52
jast-mxmits in beta18:52
jast-mxmodd-rationale: oh yeah me forgots18:52
jast-mxmwoo brb reboot18:53
kkathmanargh - it made me rung sudo dpkg --configure -a18:53
Odd-rationaleIs there a way to use the same system bell sound of konsole in yakuake?18:57
=== romunov_ is now known as romunov
SisyphusINCdoes anyone here know how to set up firestarter properly im using ubuntu but ive asked #ubuntu for the last half hr for help and its fallen on deaf ears or fingers and it may be.19:20
jast-mxmwoo kubuntu is pretty :P19:21
jast-mxmnow to get dual screens configged19:21
jast-mxmhmm it doesn't seem to automatically pick up screen 219:22
jast-mxmcan i just use the nvidia screen tool like i did in gnome?19:22
kkathmanhow can I create a new user?19:25
Hamrai never used dual screen to be of much help, but there is some dual screen settings in "system settings"/"monitor & display"19:25
Hamrakkathman: go to system settings \ user management19:26
jast-mxmwell i'm using hardy beta w/ kde4 and i don't have tha toption :/19:26
jast-mxmi have a display option but it only shows 1 screen19:27
kkathmanHamra:  hmm Unfortunately I bought this system already configured, there seems to be a root account, but I dont know the password.19:28
Hamrayou can ask in #kubuntu-kde4 then, they should know19:28
Hamraubuntu and kubuntu dont have root accounts, you can use sudo and kdesu, which should have the same password as your user19:29
DarkriftXanyone here good with compiz? (not getting any answers in thier channel). I installed it, and things are working well, but my "raise on click" feature (brings inactive windows forward when you click them) wont stay enabled. if i enabled it, the check mark clears after about half a second. I have tried tricking it and closing the page real fast, which doesnt help.... any ideas?19:30
Hamra!sudo | kkathman19:31
ubotukkathman: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:31
kkathmanHamra:  well yeah but when it asks for the password for the administrator, I think thats the root - and yes, a root account was setup as I can see it in the user management screen19:31
kkathmanI know about sudo, but some system settings (like adding users) require administrator/root rights and you must provide the pass19:31
Hamradid you try your user password for the "administrator mode" button?19:32
kkathmanHamra:  I tried rebooting and its just not going into administrator mode :(19:37
Hamrayou cant log into root :)19:38
Hamradid you try your user password for the "administrator mode" button?19:38
=== droubies is now known as droubies_
=== droubies_ is now known as droubies
Hamra!root | kkathman19:40
ubotukkathman: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:40
bnex10i'm going to try rebooting19:43
kkathmanargh - I know this isnt true19:44
=== bascule is now known as BondGirl
=== BondGirl is now known as bascule
jast-mxmhmm that makes me sad19:49
jast-mxmi can't get dual screens configured19:49
jast-mxmhas anyone had any luck getting 2 monitors to work w/ 2 video cards (nvidia) ?19:51
jast-mxmwhat is a good media player for kde aside from juk?20:06
adocKaffeine is a good media player20:07
jast-mxmthanks, i'll be sure to check it out20:07
jast-mxmi was used to using rhythmbox but wanted to see what else was out there20:08
adocotherwise mplayer is good as well, I use it from the terminal for audio or video streaming20:09
adocbut if you look for something similar to rhythmbox in KDE, then Amarok is what you are looking for, I think20:13
ahmadjoin #python20:16
BunnyRevolutioni need to make a symlink from an empty directory in my home folder to a directory in a partition or the partition itself.  how do i do this?20:16
basculeBunnyRevolution: they can't jump partitions IIRC20:17
BunnyRevolutionsymlinks can't?  :-(20:18
jast-mxmwhat you probably want is to have the partition mounted to that empty directory20:18
BunnyRevolutionbascule:  ln -s old_file new_file20:21
BunnyRevolutionjast-mxm: yes, i never thought of that20:21
BunnyRevolution /mnt/some_partition20:21
jast-mxmjust make the changes in fstab or mount it directly there yourself20:22
snowolfyes anais?20:42
kewarkanais: #kubuntu-es20:45
MoogaI'm in the middle of a kubuntu install and was hoping I could get a small hand20:48
MoogaI just installed XP on a 40bg partition20:49
algyzMooga:  any problems in israel? :)20:49
MoogaI want kubuntu on the rest of the drive20:49
algyzMooga:  you can do this20:49
n0ksMooga download Kubuntu from kubuntu.com burn it to a cd and install on the other partition20:50
MoogaI have the disk in20:50
Moogado i have to maunually partiion it?20:50
algyzMooga:  do this, I mean manual20:50
algyzMooga:  how many gigabytes for kubuntu?20:51
Moogait's a 250gig drive20:51
Moogaso about 210 gigs20:51
jussi01anais: type: /join #kubuntu-es20:51
algyzMooga:  wow, it's a lot20:51
algyzMooga:  and how many ram do you have?20:52
Mooga1gig of Ram20:52
algyzMooga:  I'd prefer - 15 GB / partition, 1,5 GB /swap, rest /home20:52
Moogaoh, lol.  IL is a state, not israel20:53
algyzMooga:  probably it's a bit too much, but you have big hard :)20:53
n0ksMooga I have a suggestion for you: install kubuntu as first OS, removing your windows, so with the help of VMware you can install windows on the kubuntu virtal machine20:53
algyzMooga:  Illinois? :D20:53
jast-mxmhey noks20:53
algyzMooga:  OK, I misunderstood :D20:53
jast-mxmyou familiar w/ setting up vmware?20:53
MoogaI was confused because I have an interesting story about my israel trip...20:53
n0ksjast-mxm: yes, a lil', I've installed winxp 2 days ago on it20:53
jast-mxmwhich tutorial did you follow to get it installed?20:54
MoogaYes, I know vmware,but I want a bootable part20:54
MoogaI haven't use any tutorial......20:54
algyzMooga:  so I think partition, as I said, it will be ok (I hope that)20:55
n0ksMooga, well, if you made a partition (when you installed windows) you should be able to install Kubuntu in the other partition using the LiveCD20:55
jast-mxmso you just downloaded the file from the vmware site?20:55
jast-mxmwas it a deb?20:55
dick-richardsonsomeone help me figure out how to share a printer from my kubuntu machine to my wife's mac?20:55
algyz!printing | dick-richardson20:56
ubotudick-richardson: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:56
Moogan0ks: should I do it manually?20:56
n0ksjast-mxm: here you have ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18320920:56
Moogaor is there an autoamtic way of doing this?20:56
n0ksMooga, of doing what?20:56
Moogainstalling kubuntu to a new partition20:57
jast-mxmdoes dolphin have native sftp support?20:57
algyzMooga:  install it into empty space20:57
Moogait will make the 3 part.s it needs?20:57
dick-richardsonalgyz: thank you!20:57
algyzMooga:  do it manually20:58
n0ksMooga, from what I understood, you have installed WinXP on a 40GB partition (so you have C:\WINDOWS and D:\) is that right?20:58
Moogaum, I didn't partition the rest, just the 40 gigs20:58
Moogathe rest are unpartitioned20:59
Alphonsehallo! my kubuntu is not loading, correctly... help me!!20:59
Moogacan I chose "Guided - use the largest continus space"20:59
algyzAlphonse:  what happenned?21:00
algyzMooga:  no21:00
Alphonsenot sure21:00
n0ksMooga, in the Kubuntu Installation you can make partition (it's manually)21:00
algyzMooga:  partition manually and choose mountpoints21:00
Alphonseyesterday i was adding a slave hdd21:00
Moogaso make 3?21:00
algyzMooga:  so yes21:00
Alphonsebut the main hdd gets disabled for a moment21:00
MoogaI'll tell you if I need more help :)21:00
Alphonseafter that, for the next day, it shows a message after check the root files21:01
n0ksnp :)21:01
Alphonsethe file:  /etc/init.d/rc denies permission to access21:02
Erickj92i cant connect to an FTP server using filezilla, can anyone help me?21:02
Moogawhat type of patition should it be?21:03
n0ksErickj92: install gFTP from Add/Remove is a good one for FTP managment21:03
Erickj92ok n0ks21:03
_Shade_how do i determine the number of free pci slots on my machine? is there any command for that?21:03
jast-mxmi think not21:03
algyzMooga:  yes21:03
jast-mxm_shade_ you just need to open your case and look21:03
algyzMooga:  I'd prefer - 15 GB / partition, 1,5 GB /swap, rest /home21:04
algyzas I wrote21:04
Moogamake them all primary?21:04
jast-mxm_Shade_: the only command i know of is lspci but it shows everything that is connected21:04
_Shade_jast-mxm: haha... but the point is i need to do it from cli21:04
jhutchinsMooga: yes21:04
algyzMooga:  you will not able to make /swap primary :)21:05
jhutchinsalgyz: ?  Why not?21:05
algyzthink no :)21:05
jhutchinsalgyz: Dos is the system that can't handle more than four primaries, unices can handle more, but in any case you get at least four.21:06
Moogause as?21:06
Moogathe first part21:06
algyzMooga:  use what?21:06
jhutchinsalgyz: In any case, swap can be anywhere on the disk, and primary/second partition doesn't matter.21:06
hydrogenlinux can still only handle four primary partitions21:06
hydrogenwell, Ia ssume unix21:07
hydrogenI know linux can't21:07
algyzswap is swap21:07
Moogafor the main part. 15gb.  do I partition it as fat32?21:07
jhutchinshydrogen: Well, I've done it, but I don't have any current proof of the concept with current versions.21:07
n0ksMooga NFTS21:07
algyzMooga:  partition as ext321:08
n0ksi think so :)21:08
n0ksoh, yes ext321:08
=== n0ks is now known as n0kS
Moogaok, ext3 looks right :)21:08
algyzit is21:08
Alphonse the file:  /etc/init.d/rc denies permission to access, can somebody help me with this, please__21:09
algyzMooga:  well, ext4 is not very polished yet, so kubuntu is not offering this thing21:09
algyzAlphonse:  try sudo21:10
algyz!sudo | Alphonse21:10
ubotuAlphonse: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.21:10
MoogaI'm using the KDE4 beta... is it fuctional?21:10
algyzMooga:  heard, that 4.0.2 is more or less :)21:10
Moogamake the home fat32?21:11
algyzMooga:  ext321:11
Moogaok, another question21:11
MoogaShould I make a "files" partition that both *nix and XP can read?21:11
=== NDPTAL86 is now known as NDPTAL85
Alphonsebut should i edit this file as sudo, so the system will grant permission?21:11
Moogaor can XP read the home part formated as ext3?21:12
algyzMooga:  you can, but it doesn't matter21:12
algyzMooga:  there are drivers for xp21:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:12
jussi01denis_: hi21:13
Moogathat wont be a problem for xp to read home?21:14
denis_kennt sich jemand mit webkameras aus?21:14
jussi01denis_: only english in here please.21:14
denis_oh sorry, wrong channel21:14
denis_but are you familiar with webcams?21:14
denis_its about Ov51xJPEGHackedInstall21:15
jussi01!webcam | denis_ sorry, this is all I can offer you.21:15
ubotudenis_ sorry, this is all I can offer you.: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:15
denis_hmm, I already ha d a look there21:16
denis_there is a package for debian whic I installed but I still have to build a kernel modul, so I need to know where the package has been installed21:17
denis_so how do I find the folder with the ov51x-jpeg?21:17
jussi01denis_: dpkg -l packagename21:17
moe_DI just installed kubuntu 7.10; I'm trying to add software; however - unsuccesful.  I receive mssg, "Database locked - Adept Installer" Another pck is using the installer.  I haven't tried to install another pck.21:18
denis_ah thanks21:18
jussi01!adeptfix | moe_D21:18
ubotumoe_D: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:18
MoogaI'm having problems21:21
Mooga"No root file system defined21:22
jast-mxmshoud i install the new kdm-kde4 or just stick w/ kdm?21:22
jast-mxmits one of the new updates that are out?21:22
Alphonsethe problem is that the system cant access the file /etc/init.d/rc when is loading21:23
MoogaI'm just doing a harddrive patitioning21:23
jast-mxmwith the kdm-kde4?21:23
Alphonsewhat can I do?21:23
Moogaand I have XP on a 40gig part21:23
Moogaand was told to make a 15gig/1.5gig/and the rest for home21:24
moe_Dubotu - thx; seems to have worked  :)21:24
MoogaI think I might be doing it wrong becuase it's not letting me format giving me this error: "No root file system defined"21:24
Moogaoh, do I have to set mount points?21:25
Moogaand what should those be?21:25
_Shade_Mooga: just click edit and check whether you have "/" as mount point21:26
Moogafor all three of the new partitions?21:27
Moogahome and install parts have just "/"21:27
Moogaswap has nothing21:27
_Shade_i mean the partition you intend to have your os on i mean the root filesystem21:28
algyzMooga:  /home mount point is /home21:28
Alphonsethe problem is that the system cant access the file /etc/init.d/rc when is loading, i got kubuntu 6.0621:28
Moogaany ideas?21:29
algyzMooga:  I'd prefer - 15 GB / partition, mount point / 1,5 GB /swap, rest /home, mount point /home21:30
algyzno more ideas ;)21:30
Moogaso the 15gig21:30
algyzMooga:  I'd prefer to use your head21:30
Moogaset that as /21:30
Moogaswap as /swap21:30
Moogahome as /home21:30
Moogaahhh, thanks21:30
algyzat last :D21:31
Moogasorry, I've never done manual partitions21:31
MoogaI should you were just explaining them :-P21:31
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MoogaI can't change swap to /swap21:32
algyzMooga:  you did something wrong21:32
Moogashould I change the type as ext3 for the swap?21:32
Moogajlet me re-make that part21:33
algyzswap is swap, it has it's own type21:33
jast-mxmwhat is the kubuntu chan for hardy?21:33
Dr_willissame as the ubuntu one. #ubuntu+121:34
algyzMooga:  you can go back and remake everything, still you have this choice21:34
Dr_willisswap does not have a /swap mount point either.21:34
Moogais that normal?21:35
algyzMooga:  sry, what?21:35
Dr_willisis what normal? Swap has never needed a mountpoint.21:35
Dr_willisand the filesystem type for a swap filesystem is swap21:35
Moogasorry, I've never done a manual install21:35
Dr_willisdev/sda5           48410       48641     1863508+  82  Linux swap / Solaris21:35
algyzMooga:  just make it swap, that's it21:35
Moogathanks a million guys21:38
Moogait's installing21:38
algyzyou're brave, installing without consulting :)21:39
Moogait's partiting21:39
algyzOk, you consulted, I know21:39
Alphonse the problem is that the system cant access the file /etc/init.d/rc when is loading, i got kubuntu 6.0621:41
Alphonseis the same with the other options to load on the GRUB...21:41
Alphonsewhat can you suggest me, to fix this?21:43
Alphonsei can not enter in my system, I am using the live cd to run this, right now...21:44
jast-mxmanyone know what is going to happen w/ ff3 and the gui? since kde is not using the gtk engine?21:44
algyzAlphonse:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26447621:45
Alphonseok, i will check that one...21:45
dick-richardsonWhen I try to print a test page from the mac, I'm getting a "Network host is busy, will retry in 30 seconds" error21:46
Roeyhi all, I have this integrated Intel sound chipset and was wondering if there is an easy Kubuntu way to autoconfigure ALSA for it.21:46
jussi01Roey: which one?21:46
jussi01Roey: intel ICH821:47
jussi01!intelhda | Roey21:47
ubotuRoey: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:47
RoeyJussi01:  http://rafb.net/p/yOUb1483.html21:47
jussi01Roey: its a known bug.21:47
Roeyjussi01:  Thanks!  Will this be fixed by Release time?21:47
jussi01fixed in hardy, (which is due out in less than 1 month)21:47
Roeyjussi01:  that's what I'm running21:48
RoeyI haven't rebooted in five days though21:48
jussi01Roey: oh.21:48
Roeyjussi01:  when was it fixed in hardy?21:48
jussi01Roey: pop into #ubuntu+1 :)21:48
algyzRoey:  try oss21:49
Roeyalgyz:  the rest of the world seems to have moved on to alsa though..21:49
algyzsometimes it helps21:50
algyz!oss | Roey21:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:50
alexa_Ehm hallo... bin sehr neu hier... kann mir vielleicht jemand helfen?21:50
algyz!de | alexa_21:50
ubotualexa_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:50
Roeyheh, thanks algyz21:52
algyzit helped?21:52
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gsy7134#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
gsy7134#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
ihy9866#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
aik4514#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
yrj2191#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
qgi5394#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
pww9113#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
ibe2157#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
qgi5394#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
gsy7134#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
zfo7232#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
mdi9393#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&%#&% [W33d.Net RulezZzZzZzZzZz] W33D :)21:55
algyzcrazy boys21:55
kgoetzi think theres 2/3 that haventleftyet21:56
Alphonsei/ll be back if have more prob,21:57
Dr_willisAdobe joins list of companies not reading own EULAs22:12
Dr_willis:)  This is getting more and more amuseing as more companies actually read their own  Legal-babbling22:12
confreyhi everybody22:18
MoogaIs anyone worked with multiple screens in kubuntu?22:22
robotgeekMooga: as in virtual desktops?22:23
Artimusrobotgeek: Probably more along the lines of xinerama or twinview22:25
robotgeekArtimus: ah, okay. never done it22:25
Moogarobotgeek: no, 2 phisical screens22:26
robotgeekMooga: never done it, sorry. maybe Artimus can help you22:26
MoogaArtimus, any exp?22:26
ArtimusMooga: I had TwinView (Nvidia's multi monitor software) setup way back on a Slackware box.  It's been a while, and I have no idea how to do it a "nice" way.22:27
MoogaI'm also having problems with adept crashing22:27
MoogaI'm using an ATI card22:27
MoogaAdept is giving me an error22:29
Mooga"Could not commit changes"22:29
Moogasomething about a downloading error22:30
Moogahow can i fix this?22:30
algyzwhat kind of error?22:31
Mooga"Could not commit changes"22:31
Odd-rationaleMooga: on upgrade? try "sudo apt-get upgrade" in terminal instead22:31
algyzMooga:  close adept and follow this offer22:32
MoogaI'll try the cmd22:33
Moogahow do i check if I'm out of HDD space?22:34
Mooga15gb should be fine, right?22:35
Moogafor the install part.22:35
Mooganevermind, found it22:36
Moogaerrorcode 122:36
Odd-rationaleMooga: Make sure all instances of adept, apt, or aptitude are close. then try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"22:38
* DOOM_NX i'm gonna send u to outer space, to fiiind another race.22:38
jpatrickDOOM_NX: please don't go that22:38
DOOM_NXsorry :P22:39
DOOM_NXby accident22:39
RoeyThug-life:  interesting nick.  I think you want Undernet though22:39
RoeyThug-life:  and the channels whose names start with #000...22:39
Roeyor #!!!!0000022:39
pyro17pyro17> guys my audio doesnt work22:45
pyro17<pyro17> kmix was no help22:45
pyro17<pyro17> though it sees my audigy22:45
pyro17any ideas?22:45
algyz!sound | pyro1722:47
ubotupyro17: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:47
=== stefano is now known as Stefano1337
jast-mxmcan anyone help me w/ dual monitor setup?22:55
Moogasame here22:56
jast-mxmi can get it to turn on, but no X display just an X for the cursor22:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:56
MoogaI don't even know how to get that far22:56
jast-mxmdo you have 2 cards or one?22:56
algyz!dualmonitor | jast-mxm22:57
ubotujast-mxm: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama22:57
algyz!xinerama | jast-mxm22:58
ubotujast-mxm: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead22:58
jast-mxmi'm not using dualhead though22:58
jast-mxm2 seperate video cards22:58
jast-mxmthe xorg.conf file doesn't work w/ kde but works in gnome22:58
* jast-mxm waves23:01
Thug-life<Roey> Thug-life:  interesting nick.  I think you want Undernet though23:04
Thug-life<Roey> Thug-life:  and the channels whose names start with #000...23:04
MoogaI'm trying to install driving for my graphics card and it gives me an error23:04
Moogacan't download it or something23:04
basculeThug-life: where did you hear that?23:05
Thug-lifescroll up23:05
Thug-lifeit was as i joined23:05
algyzMooga:  what kind of card?23:05
MoogaI'm re-starting now23:05
Moogait's an ATI X1600 Pro23:05
basculeThug-life: hmmmm23:06
MoogaI've got a fresh install23:09
Moogaand adept wont update23:09
jussi01Mooga: is the database locked??23:09
Moogait crashes on preparinjg23:09
Moogaum... I don't know23:09
MoogaI'm new to this :(23:09
jussi01whats the error it gives?23:09
Moogajust is stuck at 0%23:10
riadh_hi im new im null kubunto23:10
riadh_some one on private23:10
Claybrain145riadh_ How do you like it?23:11
riadh_i m null23:11
riadh_for anser23:11
riadh_there are some one how speak frensh ???23:12
RoeyThug-life:  aww c'mon I was joking :)23:12
RoeyThug-life:  I'm saying that this kind of nick you'd typically encounter in one of those risque channels.23:13
Odd-rationale!fr | riadh_23:13
uboturiadh_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:13
riadh_comment aller en pv ??23:20
=== MDW is now known as mdw
jast-mxmwhat file has the output of my xorg file23:26
jast-mxmbecause i can get one monitor to come up23:26
jast-mxmbut the kde panel stretches across both23:26
vitkien eres tu23:27
jast-mxmhowever the second monitor is just a black x session23:27
vitsabes hablar en espanol23:28
Odd-rationale!es | vit23:28
ubotuvit: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:28
vitdonde se entra23:29
Odd-rationaletype "/join #ubuntu-es"23:30
Moogaadept wont update23:30
Moogait's stuck at 0% for over an hour23:30
MoogaI'm using a fresh install with kde423:31
kadam\/join #phpbb23:31
jast-mxmmooga: open your terminal and type "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade"23:31
jast-mxmi am having the same issue w/ adept and that is how to do the updates manually23:32
MoogaI tried upgrade and it didn't work23:32
jast-mxmwhat did it say?23:32
MoogaI got an error23:32
jast-mxmwhich was?23:32
MoogaI donb't remember it23:32
jast-mxmtry "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"23:32
Moogatzdate had an error23:34
Moogalet me try the safe one23:34
Moogasomething is locked23:35
Moogaback in 3023:35
jast-mxmok i can fix that too23:35
MoogaI have to run an eran23:35
jast-mxmkk i'll be here when you get back23:36
Moogathanks a million man :)23:36
Claybrain145eh, it happens23:36
romanhi , what's this error and how i can repair him. ""23:40
romann audio editor and live playback tool. It supports many music and voice formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex and MP3, multichannel editing and LADSPA effects plugins.23:40
romanSweep operates on various 8/16/24/32 bit PCM files. Other major formats handled are GSM 6.10, G721, G723, NIST Sphere and DWVW23:40
romanSweep contains filters and e23:40
holycowhi guys23:41
romansorry; this is error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:41
holycowdoes anyone know when python bindings for kde4 might be packaged? or are they already available?23:41
holycowi'm not seeing them in the repos23:41
holycowoh nm23:42
holycowthats fine forgot23:42
=== hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
jast-mxmwoohoo dual monitors, oh yeah23:51
jast-mxmi need to launch another panel though to put an app launcher on and etc, how do i add an additonal panel?23:51
Odd-rationalejast-mxm: right-click --> add new panel23:52
Odd-rationale*right-click panel23:52
jast-mxmin kde4 i don't have the option to add a new panel23:52
jast-mxmi just get panel settings and add widgets23:53
Odd-rationalejast-mxm: don't know in kde4... sorry23:54
kkathmandoes someone have a link to the most recent instructions for installing compiz-fusion on Kubuntu Gutsy ?23:58

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