
=== Balaams_Miracle is now known as BalaamsMiracle
sarixehi, when i try to play videos, in any player, gstreamer, xine, anything, the colors are messed up.  i believe it may be missing a color channel, but i'm not sure.  any help?00:14
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Koji-MurasameNejode: I just installed EnvyNG and installed the driver. Waiting for reboot now to see if it worked.00:18
SmegzorI've lost the ability to administer shares.  There menu item for sharing is missing.  There was a Samba update earlier, also I forced gnome to rebuild .gnome2 by renaming the old folder.  How do I get sharing back?00:20
Koji-MurasameNope. It's the same as installing with jockey. I'll try some older driver versions though00:20
LaneyDoes anyone know how to query my DBUS session bus from a SSH session? I'm trying to get the current song in Rhythmbox but it doesn't work. :(00:24
=== Balaams_Miracle is now known as BalaamsMiracle
sourcemakerI have install the current hardy beta version... now I have the problem... that the KDE session crashs very often and kdm restarts... is this a known problem?00:26
jessicai need to get my fan problem fixed my fan needs to be going faster my laptop is overheating00:27
talntidwrkhi :)00:32
talntidwrkIntel wireless 1395 not working in Hardy... ideas? :)00:32
talntidwrkworked in Gutsy... so if its not a simple fix, i'll just jump back to gutsy for a while.. :) no worries00:33
Jaymacyay my hardy upgrade was a success :) hello busybox hehe00:40
jeffwheelerI'm sure this is obvious (and non-Ubuntu+1-specific), but the backlight on my MacBook Pro keeps turning real low after a few seconds, and I have to press the backlight buttons to get it back up; is there any way to leave it as I have it?00:42
Jaymacjeffwheeler: that happens when using OS X as well doesn't it?00:42
Jaymacor is that just after a few seconds idle perhaps?00:42
jeffwheelerJaymac: nope, and it stays low even when I am not idle00:43
jeffwheelerJaymac: OS X will disable it after a set amount of time, which by default is about fifteen minutes, but this happens after about 30 seconds00:43
jeffwheelerand stays off until I hold the "increase backlight" button up to the max again00:44
Jaymacwell at least you have an 8.04 desktop :) my upgrade left me with a busybox prompt - hangs on mounting root fs... i'll chroot in tomorrow and see if i can fix it00:44
=== BalaamsMiracle is now known as Balaams_Miracle
jeffwheelerI usually use Debian (on an old Dell), but I figured I'd try the beta; it is definitely pretty.00:44
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hmullerRAOF:  Learned something new today about my nvidia geforce 84xx (integrated) today00:47
jeffwheelerAh, figured it out: it was looking at ambient lighting. I'm not in terribly bright room (nor dark) and it would still go all the way to the minimum brightness.00:48
jessicai need help i need to have control over my fan in my pc00:50
kumarphillywhat are you trying to do00:50
kumarphillyunless its connected to the mobo directly you will needa use a manual fan controler or just unplug it when ya don't need it00:51
kumarphillyI honestly think its usless though00:51
nosrednaekimkumarphilly: laptop?00:53
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kumarphillynosrednaekim, what do you mean?00:54
nosrednaekimkumarphilly: laptops need fan control00:54
kumarphillyoh right00:54
evan_hey can any one help me everytime i start x it does it in gl mode and that makes my compter lagg like my grandmother :O00:55
nosrednaekimevan_: remove xserver-xgl00:56
evan_nosrednaekim, its not installed00:57
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LuckriderDoes anyone know how I can use a theme I created in emerald?00:57
nosrednaekimLuckrider: with emerald:P00:58
LuckriderI created it using emerald00:58
LuckriderI just can;tfigure out how to use it00:58
Luckrider*can't figure00:58
LuckriderI do have/use compiz fusion00:59
LuckriderI just miss haveing my emerald themes that i had with Gusty Fiesty and Edgy01:00
farkewieHi can anyone tell me how to test bluetooth on hardy herron?01:01
Luckrideri have the same problem01:01
talntidwrktry it?01:01
LuckriderI can;t get it to work01:02
savvasLuckrider: he didn't say he has a problem with it :)01:02
farkewiesorry im not sure how to test it on linux but when i use my phone to scan i cant see it01:02
heartsbloodIs all (or most of) the software in hardy SID?01:03
farkewiemy bluetooth says all the services are running and it should be visible01:03
ricky_i have a laptop with the imfamous broadcom chipset, 4311, and i could get it to work on the last release.01:04
ricky_i tried the beta a6, and it wont work at all01:04
savvasfarkewie: system > administration > bluetooth > general > check the two file transfer boxes01:04
Stwangewhat is the planned release date?01:04
ricky_does anyone know if that will be fixed by the time of its full release?01:04
savvasStwange: google hardy release schedule01:04
farkewiethey are checked01:04
Stwangecheers savvas, it would have taken me ages to get the right search phrase01:05
ricky_the restricted drivers module shows nothing at all....01:05
ricky_i can manually use ndiswrapper, but it wont work....01:05
heartsbloodis there a way to see exactly what versions of software are being using in hardy?01:06
savvasStwange: I'm sorry if you expected a direct answer :)01:06
farkewieis there something similar to a windows device manager to see if its installed?01:06
savvasthe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule is the first hit for that phrase01:06
ricky_does anyone know the exact day for the final release?01:07
Stwangenah savvas - I wasn't being sarcastic, it probably would have done. I'm still confused though... should I wait til May 22nd for it to be completely ready for a production machine?01:07
ricky_i was thingking about downloading it then, and trying again, but figured someone in the room might know if the broadcom chipset would be able to be used with either ndiswrapper or with the firmware extracter? does anyone know?01:08
m12seems there is again wlan problems in HH. many ppl complain on it, and i am one of them, using prism54usb that worked on GG but now dont work as expected. : http://pastebin.com/f71cc919c , anyone have clue what is going on ?01:09
savvasfarkewie: i'm not sure, sorry, I haven't tried any bluetooth devices - try searching for it ubuntuforums.org or something :)01:09
ricky_yea, right, but does anyone know if that is going to be fixed for the final release?01:10
hmullerheartsblood:  take a look at System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager01:10
heartsbloodI don't have it installed01:10
m12ricky_ , dont think so, it is too close to release date01:10
heartsbloodI want to take a look at software versions before I make that jump01:10
ricky_ok, thanks.....01:11
savvasStwange: expect the final release around april 28th (give or take 5 days), the final-final release will be 8.04.1, fixing any last minute bugs :)01:11
hmullerheartsblood:  you have a terminal?01:11
m12ricky_ but dont take me for granted01:11
m12i am just user...01:11
heartsblooddo I have a terminal?01:11
Flannelsavvas: 8.04.1 is a point release, not the final-final, and it is more-than-likely for bugs in the installation media only (well, with a version rollup as a side effect)01:12
hmullerheartsblood: $ sudo synaptic01:12
Flannelhmuller, heartsblood, gksu synaptic01:12
hmullerheartsblood:  or just plain synaptic01:12
hmullerFlannel: sudo still works, if gksu works better, then please explain01:13
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:13
Flannelhmuller: gksu should be used for graphical apps.  They setup environments different, sudo can cause issues with perms in your home dir (stuff owned by root)01:13
Flannelobviously on kde, you use kdesu01:13
heartsbloodnot trying to nitpick here, but exactly how do I see Hardy version #s from a gutsy install?01:14
Flannelheartsblood: packages.ubuntu.com01:14
evan_help im getting realy crazy everytime i bootup i have to disable GL Desktop with heavy lag when i open Gnome Compiz Preferences it gives me an error ( error at loading or saving configuration information for gnome compiz Preferences )01:15
evan_bootup must be start x01:15
evan_this are the details of the error Ongelijk type: Verwachtte lijst, kreeg string01:16
evan_this are the details of the error sorrie translation " expected list, got string "01:16
farkewieok so it looks like my bluetooth card is not being detected. i used to have it disabedin windows could it still be disabled?01:17
hmullerFlannel: I had to quit chatzilla to try the example.  I understand your point now, but it doesn't appear to be to be that critical, to paraphrase the material.01:17
Flannelhmuller: We've weeded out most of the offending apps, but they're still out there.  Besides its a good habit anyway, even if you don't do it yourself01:19
heartsbloodFlannel, found exactly what I wanted to know, appreciate it.01:19
hmullerFlannel: agreed, seems gksudo would be better though01:19
ethana2yarr, scim seems to have stopped working in firefox301:20
hmullerscim not playing well with pirates? =)01:20
Flannelhmuller: gksu and gksudo are identical01:20
ethana2..I can't type japanese in firefox now01:20
Flannelhmuller: (one is linked to the other)01:20
hmullerethana2: poor attempt at humor01:20
ethana2gyarr, i may have to use epiphany again, dangit01:20
ethana2...i didn't get it, hmuller, sorry01:21
hmullerFlannel: Learned two somethings new today01:21
hmullerethana2: no need to apologize for cultural differences =)01:21
heartsbloodI learned something today!01:21
heartsbloodNever ask a question about unbutnu in the debian channel ><01:21
nosrednaekimheartsblood: LOL... haha01:22
mneptokheartsblood: but you learned the wrong lesson01:22
mneptokheartsblood: the real lesson was "avoid communities with no code of conduct" ;)01:22
jimiridgeim thinking of trying to play with xen01:25
hmullerFlannel:  gksudo is linked to gksu, but gksudo uses sudo as a backend =)01:26
talntidwrkxen is AWESOME01:26
talntidwrkusing it on my production server01:26
talntidwrkbut, a word of the wise01:26
talntidwrkdon't try it with hardy yet, networking is broken on xen with hardy.01:27
talntidwrkat least, don't use it at the main O/S.01:27
talntidwrkworks OK with hardy as a virtual machine.01:27
jimiridgeare you sure? maybe its been fixed01:27
talntidwrki tried... 2 days ago01:28
* mneptok would recommend KVM as a vm method in any *buntu01:28
hmullermneptok: debs have a code of conduct, it revolves around RTFM01:28
talntidwrkso maybe it's been fixed in the last 2 days...01:28
talntidwrk.. but i doubt it01:28
jimiridgenow when you say networking was broken...01:29
talntidwrkcouldn't get virtual machines to talk to the main dom01:29
jimiridgedo they still get lan ip's?01:30
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhow do I determine which locale I'm running in?01:36
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI need to know for a gcalctool bug01:38
nosrednaekimWOW.... hardy has a nice fast boot!01:42
Turskinot any faster than any other...01:42
dbmoodbah mega breakage01:43
hmullerta_bu_shi_da_yu: $ locale          or $ locale -a01:43
ta_bu_shi_da_yucheers mate01:43
hmullernosrednaekim: thanks to dash!01:43
hmullerit's smaller than bash01:43
dbmoodbis this happening for others too ?....01:44
nosrednaekimthis is a 1.7GHZ celeron with a laptop drive and its booting in 30 seconds to KDM... my 1.6GHZ dual core turion can't even manage that01:44
hmulleryou'll notice your login shell is bash, but all the startup scripts run as dash, sh is a symlink to dash01:44
nosrednaekimhmuller: interesting...01:44
dbmoodbeh hardy is using dash instead of bash ?01:45
Turski...but all the startup scripts run as dash...01:46
setuidUnless you change the default01:46
hydrogenits been that way for a while01:46
hmullerdbmoodb: your login shell is bash, all the startup is run as Turski says, dash01:46
hmuller!dash | hmuller01:48
mneptokthe switch to dash from bash was like 2 release ago :)01:48
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hmullerYes, but most don't realize that's why Ubuntu boots faster than some01:49
hydrogenI think thats a load of bunk01:50
nosrednaekimmneptok: did they just streamline Upstart then?01:50
nosrednaekimhmuller: I was comparing it to 7.10 ;)01:50
robinsonhey. How can i get liquidweather to work in KDE4/Kubuntu Hardy? I get an error about kross library, but when i search apt, i can find no reference to kross01:50
robinsonbtw, liqudweather is a superkaramba widget01:50
setuidrobinson, apt-file search kross01:50
robinsonno luck, i tried searching for kross in adept manager01:50
Luke___I updated to 8.04 and now my headphone sound doesn't work. I've turned everything up in alsamixer. Any suggestions?01:50
setuidapt-file != adept01:51
=== Luke___ is now known as Luke
nosrednaekimrobinson: known kde4 bug.... you can't run superkaramba01:51
hmullernosrednaekim: I wish mine booted faster than Gutsy, but I'm not seeing a major difference.01:51
nosrednaekimrobinson: yeah... the kross stuff was never packaged up or something01:51
hmullernosrednaekim: But I'm not using KDE either01:51
setuidrobinson, There's hundreds of references to libkross in the apt-file results01:51
setuid# apt-file search kross | wc -l01:52
dbmoodbhmuller: kde is a lost faster feeling atm than gnome - starts up faster etc... just to me ...01:52
robinsonhmmm.. apt-file shows "command not found", i just searched it in adept01:52
tomahasamootI've just installed, and updated kubuntu 8.10 alt amd64, and kdesu isn't working... if I want to use adept_manager, or systemsettings, I have to run them with sudo from a terminal... I tried reinstalling kdesudo, but it didn't help01:52
setuidrobinson, install apt-file01:52
robinsonno matter, though, if superkaramba will not work in kde401:52
luboszanybody experienced with bootchart?01:52
hmullerdbmoodb: I like the cheerios feel to gnome01:52
nosrednaekimhmuller: well,kdm is slow, but this is still an improvement01:52
nosrednaekimor maybe this laptop just boots fast compared to my other one... it DOES have a sata drive01:53
setuidcryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -01:53
hmullernosrednaekim: that's the diff01:53
hmullerthe sata diff01:53
Turskitomahasamoot: wtf, 8.10?01:53
luboszi installed bootchart but no bootchart.tgz is generated, how come?01:53
nosrednaekimreally? are you kiddin?01:53
LukeTurski: he mant 8.0401:53
nosrednaekimits stil 5400RPM01:53
hmullernosrednaekim: You be the judge!01:54
nosrednaekimtomahasamoot: can you run them from the terminal with kdesudo?01:54
nosrednaekimhmuller: yeah... later next week i'm installing it on this laptop and we'll see :)01:55
hmullernosrednaekim: you can check the throughput on both using :  $ hdparm -tT /dev/<device>01:55
hmullernosrednaekim: both meaning the previous drive and your newer sata01:55
nosrednaekimhmuller: yeah.. I will01:55
robinsonin kde4, is there a way to set the font size for the digital clock? mine runs slightly off screen along the bottom edge. I can choose the font, but i dont see a setting for size01:56
dbmoodbif it has sata it probably is just faster anyway01:56
nosrednaekimrobinson: don't think so01:56
tomahasamootnosrednaekim: no, just sudo01:56
savvasdamn, this quality of service setup is really annoying. i simply can't do it, i have to be a network guru to have a working network while i upload & report important crashes :(01:56
savvasthe weirdest thing is that during the upgrades, the irc connection has been improved, and at least i don't get disconnected here01:57
robinsoni realize i'm asking questions all over the map, but will disabling IPV6 in firefox still speed up browsing, or is this no longer an issue?01:58
setuid Timing cached reads:   3270 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1632.29 MB/sec01:58
setuid Timing buffered disk reads:  164 MB in  3.01 seconds =  54.42 MB/sec01:58
dbmoodbwell it might, test01:58
* setuid loves his new laptop ;) 01:58
savvasrobinson: how slow is it? :) ipv6 is the next big step of the internet, disabling it will prevent you from reaching some websites01:59
dbmoodbipv6 is only useful if you have a ipv6 connection, if you do then dance01:59
setuidsavvas, Not for several years01:59
nosrednaekimsetuid: HOOLY CRAP!01:59
setuidMost providers and core net infrastructure isn't ipv6-enabled01:59
robinsonnot terrible.. I have 6MB service, but it seems that it takes pages a bit longer on my laptop than on my desktop. I will change the setting in firefox, try it, then change it back if there is no change01:59
setuidnosrednaekim, what?01:59
dbmoodbyou can get a tunnel tho02:00
nosrednaekimsetuid: i'm only getting 876 out of this one !02:00
savvasby 2010-2015 you'll see some ip handling problems :P02:00
setuidby 2015, IP will be something completely different02:00
dbmoodbsavvas: we have smart internets makers they are ultrasssmarts hene no problems02:00
savvassetuid: yeah, unreadable, unusable, and not worthy to look at :p02:00
nosrednaekimhmuller: yep... the hard drive in this lappt is only half as fast.,..... wow02:00
robinsonhmmm.. no noticeable difference to me.. i'll just change it back02:01
setuidnosrednaekim, Mine is a 5400rpm 320gig drive02:01
dbmoodbnosrednaekim: you did not run a benchmark so i would not be saying that .... consider the read / write to be some what slower02:01
setuidIt came out of a Western Digital Passport enclosure02:01
setuidExternal, usb-enabled enclosure that is02:01
dbmoodbask the firefox guys if it makes any difference (there are tests you can run)02:02
savvasdbmoodb: i agree on that, but i still expect everything human-made to have flaws, some other bright fellow will surely detect it and get billions from it :)02:02
DanaGWhat's that disk benchmark?02:02
setuidDanaG, hdparm -Tt02:02
nosrednaekimdbmoodb: what, timed disk reads aren't a benchmark?02:02
luboszwhy is my boot splash dropping to console when kjournald is starting?02:03
setuidI'm hammering the disk at the moment too, because I've got a vmware session loaded and the drive is an encrypted LVM, which thrashes the hell out of the disk02:03
DanaG Timing cached reads:   2322 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1161.50 MB/sec02:03
DanaG Timing buffered disk reads:  188 MB in  3.02 seconds =  62.17 MB/sec02:03
dbmoodbusing those alone i would not be saying that the disk is 1/2 the speed - because there are other factors02:03
setuidDanaG, laptop?02:03
DanaGYup.  Hitachi 7K200-200.02:03
setuidI'll shut down my vm and re-test02:03
dbmoodb... disk down and up problems DanaG ?02:03
setuidATA device, with non-removable media02:04
setuid        Model Number:       WDC WD3200BEVT-22ZCT002:04
DanaGLoad cycles?  Those happen to me, too.02:04
DanaGOh yeah, download and burn UBCD, and you can change the drive's 'permanent' default APM settings with Hitachi Feature Tool.02:04
dbmoodbwhat ?02:04
ta_bu_shi_da_yuis ddebs.ubuntu.com signed?02:05
ta_bu_shi_da_yucan I download a key for this?02:05
dbmoodbDanaG: how does that work ? ... how do i do this ?02:05
savvas Timing cached reads:   6180 MB in  2.00 seconds = 3092.09 MB/sec02:05
savvas Timing buffered disk reads:  184 MB in  3.01 seconds =  61.11 MB/sec02:05
hmullerhdparm will modify your drives parameters too to improve performance, just read up first02:06
DanaGgoogle for UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD), and download and burn it.02:06
NukeSkyjumpermouse-drag selections on the gnome desktop seem a lot slower on my hardy box since a reboot... anyone else experienced this?02:06
dbmoodbno DanaG how does it work and what would i change the setting too ?02:06
hmullerNukeSkyjumper: Using a touchpad?02:06
NukeSkyjumperhmuller: usb mouse02:06
luboszNukeSkyjumper: read the last couple posts https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/12880302:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128803 in nautilus "[Gutsy] very slow gnome startup" [Low,Invalid]02:07
DanaGIncrease the APM number to "Active Idle"02:07
dbmoodb-- can ubuntu grab this as a restricted piece or link to it or something if it really does work ...?02:07
luboszNukeSkyjumper: k, other topic :D02:07
NukeSkyjumperlubosz: it's a mouse selection thing, not related (afaik) to startup02:08
hmullerthat was a cool wild goose chase lubosz, must be an issue dear to your heart  =)02:09
jimiridgeanyone play with KVM kernel virtual machine?02:09
setuid Timing cached reads:   5330 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2670.81 MB/sec02:09
setuid Timing buffered disk reads:  186 MB in  3.00 seconds =  61.95 MB/sec02:09
setuid1g faster cache reads when vmware is unloaded02:09
jimiridgejust wanted to know if KVM supports usb access02:09
luboszhmuller: :D i just read gnome and startup, it really sucks in hardy :D02:09
hmullerjimiridge: yes, at least in gutsy.  it works well with both xp and vista02:09
setuidEncrypted LVM eats 30% of the drive performance02:09
DanaGToo bad there isn't an hdtach for Linux.02:09
jimiridgecause i have this usb printer with no linux driver i was hoping to get working with KVM/windows02:10
robinsoni have installed zsnes for playing super nintendo roms. Any idea why i dont have sound? i did in Gutsy. All my other apps have sound02:10
setuidI wish luks could use thinkfinger for authentication02:10
nosrednaekimjimiridge: use Virtualbox non-OSE02:10
hmullerjimiridge:  I'd have to test it again, seems if I remember usb access worked but needed work02:10
jimiridgeqemu should but crapped on me last time i tried02:10
jimiridgeprolly shoulda compiled it myself02:11
luboszrobinson: maybe try snes9x02:11
hmullerlubosz: I don't seem to be having gnome startup issues, knock on wood02:11
luboszhmuller: so your gnome starts fast? its not an issue, i just need a lot of patience ^02:12
jimiridgenosrednaekim, wtf does non-OSE mean02:13
luboszrobinson: maybe its an emulator option02:13
tomahasamootI'm installing java from sun.java.com, what steps should I take?  Should I remove the installed pkgs from apt?02:13
hmullerlubosz:  It doesn't start under 30 seconds, one day I'll be able to afford an instant on machine02:13
nosrednaekimjimiridge: yeah...02:13
savvasjimiridge: he means download virtualbox from www.virtualbox.org, not virtualbox-ose from the repositories02:13
luboszhmuller: sure, next thing is ssdisk02:14
hmullertoo bad they run about $900USD a pop02:14
luboszlets see in 2 years02:14
robinsonlubosz: perhaps. just a bit puzzled because it worked with no special tweaks in gutsy. I know that Hardy uses pulse audio, not sure how that works with regard to alsa or oss though02:14
setuidpulseaudio is a trainwreck02:15
setuidI have to kill it to get proper audio working in simultaneous apps02:15
savvastomahasamoot: if you do that, then you get no support from here, but follow the steps the java.com website gives02:15
setuidWhen pulse is loaded, audio only works in one app at a time. It's a mess.02:15
NukeSkyjumpersetuid: your apps are probably using the alsa compatibility sink, rather than connecting to pulse02:15
robinsonthen why is that being used as the standard for an LTS release?02:15
luboszlol zsnes's gui hasnt changed for 10 years02:15
vbabiy-laptopHello what happen to ubuntu tab complete in terminal ?02:15
setuider, Nope02:15
nosrednaekimvbabiy-laptop: bash-completion?02:16
mneptoklubosz: why should it? it works as-is.02:16
vbabiy-laptopnosrednaekim: yeah02:16
savvastomahasamoot: why do you need the java.com version of java anyway? :) sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jdk work02:16
nosrednaekimvbabiy-laptop: install the package02:16
* mneptok caresses his Logitech USB gamepad02:16
vbabiy-laptopnosrednaekim: its not by default any more02:16
tomahasamootsavvas: I was recommended to get java striaght from sun by the azureus crew...02:16
luboszmneptok: its not 2008 eye candy ;)02:16
mneptoklubosz: the SNES is hardly "2008"02:17
luboszrobinson: no sound for me in zsnes02:17
tomahasamootsavvas: is sun-java6* the same thing?02:17
setuidlubosz, Kill pulseaudio and make sure it's dead, then try again02:17
savvastomahasamoot: hardy has the newest available java, try with the already packaged versions of java, which i believe will work02:17
robinsonat least i know its not just me.. i had some issues with snes9x, although i dont remember what they were...02:17
tomahasamootsavvas: okay02:17
jimiridgei made one of those02:18
mneptoktomahasamoot: you should not be installing Java from a web download02:18
jimiridgehopefully not removing the insulation wont affect it too much02:18
setuidmneptok, That's not true02:18
savvastomahasamoot: you have other torrent applications, like transmission or deluge-torrent, which aren't java dependant02:18
mneptoksetuid: i assure you, it is.02:18
setuidmneptok, Some of us require a working java for our jobs02:18
jimiridgewasnt till i was finished till i realized the error02:18
setuidAnd that working java comes from Sun02:18
setuidNot gcj and that other broken garbage in the repository02:18
mneptoksetuid: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:18
setuidplugin != java02:19
hmullerfor the nvidia masters:  When the README.txt talks about setting environment variables, they're talking about the ones we set in our login shell?02:19
mneptoksetuid: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin02:19
mneptoksetuid: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre02:19
mneptoksetuid: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-common02:19
mneptoksetuid: Java should be installed from the repos. end of story.02:19
setuidNo thanks, I'll continue to use the working Java from Sun, not the tampered with one from the repo02:19
setuidYes, as most repo packages are02:19
savvashe's right, the deluge-torrent package is "tampered" too :)02:20
savvasspit in two :P02:20
vbabiy-laptopnosrednaekim: is ubuntu still going to support that by default or is it going to be an install from now on02:20
mneptoksetuid: i'd hazard a guess doko knows more about Debian packaging than o most Sun people.02:20
hmullerIf you don't like tampered, one of my favorite distributions is LFS =)02:20
luboszno sound in snes9express nor zsnes before and after killing pulseaudio. srlsy you guys, srsly02:21
tomahasamootsavvas: what torrent app do you like, and why?  I did try ktorrent... but it wasn't as good as azureus02:21
hmullerof course that gets real old after awhile02:21
robinsonnosrednaekim: you mentioned that superkarmaba doesnt work in KDE4. I notice a package in my repository that i think was recently added... superkaramaba-kde4.. can you confirm if this is newly added?02:21
savvasvbabiy-laptop: Bug 196021 :) Martin Pitt  wrote on 2008-03-26: I added it to the 'standard' platform seed as recommends. The next update of *-meta packages will have it again.02:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 196021 in ubuntu-meta "include bash-completion by default in hardy" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19602102:21
setuidmneptok, the problem is that most debian packaging is done by people who don't understand software development.02:21
vbabiy-laptopsavvas: okay cool02:21
mneptoksetuid: i assure you, doko does.02:21
nosrednaekimrobinson: no... its been thre for a while02:21
mneptoksetuid: not to mention he worked closely with Tom Marble@Sun to create the packages02:22
robinsonoh. just thought maybe i installed the other one before..02:22
setuidmneptok, a. including rejected patches, b. including broken patches, c. breaking things which work flawlessly in upstream source02:22
setuidmneptok, is it in lockstep with the sun releases/02:22
dbmoodbwhat do you mean smart active --looking at some of their (hitachi) software cannot see that setting02:22
mneptoksetuid: do you have an example related to Sun's Java?02:22
setuidgrr, ubuntu just ate my meta keys02:22
setuidi hate this bug02:22
setuidit randomly takes out my keyboard layout02:22
LukeTurski: he mant 8.0402:22
setuidi can't type shift/alt/ctrl keys, any modifiers02:23
LukeI updated to 8.04 and now my headphone sound doesn't work. I've turned everything up in alsamixer. Any suggestions?02:23
savvastomahasamoot: deluge-torrent, it's simple, has plugins for extra stuff and works without asking to update java :) also, it supports encrypted connections. be sure to use updates from www.deluge-torrent.org and not the repositories02:23
hmullermneptok: based on the diversion, I don't think you are getting an answer <chuckle>02:24
mneptokhmuller: no big deal. i just don;t like new users getting poor advice. which installing Java from a Sun .tar.gz certainly is.02:25
setuidif you can guarantee that the Debian releases are in absolute lockstep with the Sun releases, it might be worth the switch02:27
emmado any of you know about the Ubuntu Hardy 64 bit version?02:27
hmulleragreed - unless you are going to package it yourself, so you can uninstall it if necessary.02:27
tgelterso should a lot of graphics look low-res in firefox 3? maybe it's to allow for faster rendering?02:27
mneptoksetuid: if you want to use the Sun download, fine. but please do not recommend such practices to other users.02:27
emmaI heard that OO.o will not run under the Ubuntu Hardy 64 bit version. Is that true? And if so, can that be fixed?  That's virtually a fatal flaw.02:28
setuidemma, Yes02:28
tgelteremma: I'm running hardy 64 bit02:28
setuidThere are no debs for it, provided by Oo.org02:28
hmulleremma:  you mean amd64?02:28
setuidAnd the other installers coredump02:28
emmaWhat I heard is that OO.org won't be able to run on Ubuntu Hardy 64 bit OS.02:29
hmulleremma: because if you do, it opens up just fine in amd6402:29
Lukeemma: i'm on amd64 hardy and ooo runs fine02:29
tgelteremma: works fine for me too02:29
setuidLuke, Installed from where?02:29
emmaOkay then. Ask setuid  -- He's the one who told me that it would not work.02:29
Lukesetuid: ubuntu repos02:29
setuidThat is correct. The 2.4 release _from_ Oo.org, does not work.02:29
tgelter(though, I have no icons, just text in OO.org02:29
mneptoksetuid: this is why we don;t like people recommending non-packaged installations. it causes confusion.02:30
tgelterso should a lot of graphics look low-res in firefox 3? maybe it's to allow for faster rendering?02:30
Lukeemma: just use oo.org from the ubuntu repo and it runs fine02:30
setuidHow the Debian packagers managed to get it working, when a release for x86_64 doesn't even _exist_, is beyond me.02:30
emmaI think the whole point of a repo is so that the Ubuntu developers can make an Ubuntu version.02:30
Lukejust use repo version02:30
setuidRepo version isn't current, last I checked.02:30
setuidNope, it's rc202:31
hmullersetuid:  You might want to try one of my favorite distributions for 6 months: Linux From Scratch02:31
emmaRepo versions are rarely current, I thought that was by design as well. That makes them stable.02:31
mneptokcurrent? or "works?" which is more important?02:31
setuidhmuller, I used to build Linux from scratch long before LFS was around. I've been doing this for ~14 years.02:31
Lukeemma: exactly02:31
hmulleremma:  exactly, stable is what you want02:31
Lukesetuid: why are you misleading users?02:31
hmullersetuid:  then why are you recommending bad things to new users?02:31
mneptoksetuid: just please don't assume every other user has 14 years experience02:32
setuidmneptok, Both are important. "works" for function, "current" for demonstrating why migrating to Oo.org from Office (to management) is necessary.02:32
mneptoksetuid: most end-users don;t have mangement presentation and advocacy needs02:32
Lukesetuid: you are causing people to think oo.org doesnt work. the ubuntu release works fine02:32
emmaI honestly thought that if OO.o could not work in Hardy 64 then there was no way I could get it, because OO.o is probably what I use more than any other app after xchat.02:32
setuidSure, but is ubuntu+1 for "users"? It didn't used to be, it was usually reserved for alpha issues/development/future discussions, etc.02:33
savvasthere are some apps though that should be favoured as a special update though, some bittorrent or wifi applications, or even graphics drivers that would fix a lot of proprietary bugs02:33
hmulleremma:  OpenOffice works in Ubuntu, give it a shot02:33
mneptoksetuid: it's for anyone, of any skill level, who has an interest in Hardy02:33
setuidOk, then the channel charter has changed in the last year02:33
setuidI'll change my statements accordingly02:33
mneptoksmashing. thankee.02:33
savvasit's also for everyone that has wants their bugs tested personally and fixed for a better personal experience :)02:34
setuidSuggested packages:02:35
setuid  equivs sun-java6-plugin ia32-sun-java6-plugin libmyodbc odbc-postgresql libct102:35
setuidE: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate02:36
setuidI hope not ;) It's a Thinkpad running on an Intel C2D02:36
setuidBut you might be right, as AMD64 is the only 64-bit Hardy out there02:36
savvasthere are some alternatives, icedtea-java7-plugin icedtea-gcjwebplugin02:36
emmaI'm going to get that 64 bit OS once Hardy is ready.02:36
hmullersetuid: amd64 works for core 2 duo, that's what I'm running on mine02:37
hmulleramd64 support lags i386, but what the hey02:37
savvasit's meant for x86_64, the name breaks everything actually :P02:37
LukeI updated to 8.04 and now my headphone sound doesn't work. I've turned everything up in alsamixer. Any suggestions?02:37
tomahasamootI installed sun-java6*, but java -version still says:02:38
tomahasamootOpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b07)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b07, mixed mode)02:38
hmullerintel just came late to the game02:38
savvaswhy is it named amd64 anyway? favouring historical first-64-bit maker?02:38
Kevin_b_eramd64 was the name for it02:38
savvasinteresting, didn't know that02:38
hmullerintel invented x86 hence i38602:38
tomahasamootno, because IA64 is something else02:38
setuidHere's another interesting buglet... I pulled Linus' git source for the kernel (I need to test some of my code; pilot-link, against the new kernel usb interfaces), and when I use the /boot/config-`uname -r` from the stock Ubuntu kernel which _works_, the resulting kernel debs that make kpkg builds, do not, because it has no notion of luks and cryptsetup.02:38
nosrednaekimwell, the instruction set was made by AMD02:38
setuidAny idea what's going on? Some botched initrd?02:39
hydrogenintel came out with IA64 first02:39
savvasia = itanium :)02:39
hmullerIA64 and x86_64 are two different beasts02:39
hydrogenbut it was a bit too progressive02:39
nosrednaekimbut it was crappy02:39
hydrogenand it didn't gain the support02:39
hmullerIA64 is true 64 bit02:39
savvasso hold a sec hold a seeec, you got my interest here02:39
hydrogenof course, in terms of the "first" 64 bit computing..02:39
hmullerx86_64 is 32 bit with 64bit memory extensions02:39
hydrogenit was either sparc or mips02:39
savvasitanium is better than amd64 ?02:39
hydrogenor maybe alpha02:39
Kevin_b_ernot really02:39
nosrednaekimnah.. amd64 is better02:40
hmullersavvas:  problem is there isn't huge true 64bit software development yet02:40
hmullergonna take awhile to migrate02:40
robinsonin KDE4, is there a way to get an onscreen volume indicator when i press my volume keys on my laptop?02:40
setuidhmuller, ...in Debian02:40
emmaWhat will be the advantages of using a 64bit processor? I have a PC that has an AMD Athlon 64 bit processor, so I just thought I should have an OS to work with it?02:41
nosrednaekimrobinson: no02:41
tgelterrobinson: compiz should provide one for you02:41
setuidhmuller, Because there's an enormous amount of FLOSS development/porting done already for 64-bit, and many distros are fully 64-bit (Gentoo, SuSE, and FreeBSD though the latter isn't Linux)02:41
robinsonnot bold enough to run compiz on my modest laptop02:41
m11emma , u wont lost much by installing 32bit, if u dont have 4gb of ram02:41
setuidrobinson, Have you seen the youtube videos of compiz running on the Eee PC?02:41
setuidrobinson, It _flies_02:42
nosrednaekimrobinson: compiz can run on ANYTHING02:42
hmullersetuid: Really, where's my 64 bit grub?02:42
savvashmuller: so all this 64-bit apps packages are actually "quick fixes" of i386 taking mere advantage of a second cpu?02:42
setuidhmuller, grub202:42
emmaI have only 1 GB of ram :(02:42
chowmeinedwhats going to happen with firefox 3?02:42
robinsonoh. Perhaps i will try.02:42
m11emma, go for 32 bit , much less hasle imo02:42
setuidff3 is a trainwreck. The whole UI is a mess.02:42
DanaGOh hey, anybody know how to limit my wifi connection's bandwidth usage>02:42
emmam11 but what would be some advantages of 64 bit?02:42
hmullersetuid:  guess I better go get me an itanium system to test with then02:42
setuidDanaG, qos02:42
m11emma, nothing normal user can notice02:43
emmaEventually won't there be a tipping point and software will be written for 64 bits?02:43
mneptokemma: there none for average users with <4GB RAM02:43
Dr_willis64bit is not needed to take advantage of the 2nd cpu.02:43
tgelterm11: maybe less of a hassle, but some of us choose to run amd64 in order to convince people to start making the transition =)02:43
hmullersavvas:  no, 64 bit is about memory addressing02:43
emmaCould I probably install more RAM in my pc to get the benefit?02:43
keith-hey why after upgrading do i not have the human-murrine theme?02:43
mneptoktgelter: like Adobe? ;)02:43
Dr_willisfor large # crunching things i hear ya gain some . but its mainly about the memory.02:43
DanaGA friend is fetching stuff from me over samba, over wifi, but it's causing lag for others in online games.02:43
emmaRight now I have 1 GB of ram, could i put 5 more GB of ram in there?02:43
Kevin_b_eryeah number crunching02:43
tgeltermneptok: no, I'm no advocate of theirs02:43
keith-what package is the new theme in?02:43
tomahasamootI've installed sun-java6-bin,fonts,jre but java -version still says OpenJDK, what gives?02:43
m11emma , 3.5gb with 32bit os, for more u need 64bit02:44
DanaGSo, I want to limit my own connection speed.02:44
mneptoktomahasamoot: update-java-alternaives -l02:44
jimiridgeugh well evidently my bios doesnt support virtualization :P02:44
jimiridgethat blows in a big way02:44
emmaokay so the number of bits is like a cap on your maximum RAM?02:44
chowmeinedno i mean, firefox 3 wont be released until june?02:44
setuidjimiridge, For Xen?02:44
mneptoktomahasamoot: update-java-alternatives -l02:44
chowmeinedis hardy going back to firefox 2?02:44
m11tgelter: yes, i supose time will come, but ...02:44
m11emma, no02:44
jimiridgei tried with KVM02:44
emmayou said 3.5 gb with 3202:44
hmullerchowmeined: as far as I know, Hardy is using FF302:44
jimiridgethink xen would work?02:44
m11yes emma02:44
m11_that is limit of 32bit OS02:45
tgelterjimiridge: there are other ways of virtualizing than kvm if your cpu doesn't provide the extention02:45
chowmeinedhmuller, i know.. but ff3 wont be released until june02:45
chowmeinedhmuller, so is hardy going to ship a beta release?02:45
emmaYeah so the bits cap your max RAM02:45
nosrednaekimjimiridge: use virtualbox.... you don't need virtualization instructions for that02:45
=== kim_ is now known as caffeineguy
jimiridgewhat about xen?02:45
emmaWith 32 bits there's no way to use more than 3.5 GB of ram?02:45
m11yes emma02:45
hmullerchowmeined: maybe, I like FF3 beta better than FF2 stable02:45
m11yes emma02:45
tgelterjimiridge: virtualbox will certainly work for your desktop, but if you want to use your virtual machines for production, you'd want to look elsewhere02:45
emmaHow much ram can I use with 64 bits? 7 GB ?02:46
m11over 4gb02:46
setuidchowmeined, Here's ff3b4 (my own screenshot)02:46
mneptokemma: 4GB02:46
chowmeinedi like firefox 302:46
emmaOnly 4 ?02:46
hmulleremma: whatever your system is designed for02:46
mneptokemma: with 64? way more than you can afford.02:46
setuidchowmeined, Here's 2.x: http://code.gnu-designs.com/ff_2.0.0.12_user-interface.jpg02:46
chowmeinedbetter than firefox 2, but im just wondering about how they are going to handle that with hardy02:46
setuidff3 is a *MESS* of an interface02:46
keith-anyone know how i can get the human-murrine theme?02:46
emmaMy system only came with 1 GB of ram. I always thought that was a lot.02:46
setuidit's sloppy, the fonts aren't aliased, the menus are all random-sized heights, etc.02:47
emmaI wonder if there is room to put 5 GB more RAM in there02:47
hmulleremma: start virtualizing and you'll want more02:47
m11emma, if u dont plan on VM'ing or somthing spectacular video cluster editing, stay with 3202:47
mneptokemma: it is, for you. it's not for, say, the Near Earth Asteroid Project02:47
setuidYou need to hack around in about:config to get it to play nice02:47
robinsonsetuid: it looks fine on my Gutsy machine, but grainy on my Hardy machine02:47
setuidemma, Depends on how much your mobo can support02:47
tgelterkeith-: gnome-look.org02:47
hmullersetuid: yes, it needs work.  but I'm getting what I paid for and more02:47
m11emma, ussualy laptops have 2 slots on mobo02:47
setuidhmuller, Sure, that's one benefit02:47
robinsonworks for me, though02:47
emmaIs there a way of finding out how much RAM I can add to my system from the command line?02:47
emmaThis is not a laptop this is a desktop02:47
robinsonemma: visit crucial.com02:48
chowmeinedemma, look up your motherboard02:48
setuidBut I work in an environment where I need to justify my tools (with paperwork!), and showing someone that FF is better than MSIE, and showing them _that_, is a joke.02:48
chowmeinedrobinson, what, and use their activeX plugin?02:48
robinsonyou can put in your model number and it will tell you what type of ram and how much02:48
robinsonno, just use the drop down menus02:48
keith-tgelter: but it is supposed to be included02:48
chowmeinedsetuid, show them the acid2 test02:48
hmullersetuid: what?  FF3 Beta beats MSIE anyday02:49
emmaThe Crucial System Scanner02:49
emmaLoading the Crucial System Scanner...02:49
emmaIt should take approximately 5-20 seconds for the Crucial System Scanner to load. If you do not see results in a reasonable amount of time, see our troubleshooting page for more help.02:49
emmaPlease wait while the Crucial System Scanner loads.02:49
emmaIt should take approximately 5-20 seconds for the Crucial System Scanner to load. If you do not see results in a reasonable amount of time, see our troubleshooting page for more help.02:49
robinsoni missed part of the conversation, is this a built computer, and not a major manufacturer's?02:49
emmaInitializing the Crucial System Scanner02:49
chowmeinedand i dont know why your interfaces are messed up02:49
emmaIt should take approximately 5-20 seconds for the Crucial System Scanner to load. If you do not see results in a reasonable amount of time, see our troubleshooting page for more help.02:49
emmaPlease wait while we scan your system.02:49
hmulleropera is kind of nice though ...02:49
emmaScanning your computer..02:49
emmaPlease allow at least 60 seconds for your results. If this process takes longer than this, it could indicate a conflict with an ad blocker or Internet security program. Please see our troubleshooting page for more help.02:49
chowmeinedbut mine isnt, on gutsy or hardy02:49
emmaPlease click to accept the ActiveX plug-in02:49
setuidHere you go: Compiz on EeePC: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PiydlCQhHzE02:49
m11!paste > emma02:49
emmaOr you can use the downloadable version of the System Scanner tool.02:49
emmaOur downloadable System Scanner allows you to run the Crucial System Scanner locally — get upgrade results on Crucial.com in any browser without installing the ActiveX control required to run the scanner online.02:49
emmaYou have chosen not to accept our ActiveX plug-in.02:49
emmaYou can download the System Scanner tool, which does not require ActiveX.02:49
emmaImportant notice to Windows XP users: Have you installed Service Pack 2 for Windows XP? If so, you will need to take an additional step to run the System Scanner. At the top of this page, look for a yellow information bar showing a message about the Crucial System Scanner. You will need to click on that page and choose "Install ActiveX Control" to continue, or you may use our downloadable System Scanner.02:49
m11emma stop it lol02:49
setuidLook at how fast that damn thing is ;)02:49
emmaIf you continue to have problems, or if you are not running Windows XP with Service Pack 2, try these troubleshooting steps:02:49
emma    * Did you answer "no" to the System Scanner security certific02:49
emmaWhat the hell02:49
chowmeinedemma, wtf are you doing02:49
emmaI don't know why that happened.02:49
emmaI really don't know why that happened. I thought it was just one paragraph.02:49
setuid-m her please ;)02:49
setuidOk, whew ;)02:49
jimiridgeyeah i just missed the past 30 lines02:49
robinsonemma: what is the brand and model of your computer?02:50
chowmeinedok.. next question02:50
emmathat was weird. I'm not a flooder.02:50
setuidI've never seen compiz run so fast02:50
hmullersure, I'll be she says that to all the channel mates02:50
m11emma =bot ? :)02:50
robinsonor, do you have the make and model of the motherboard?02:50
chowmeinedis openjdk broken for other people on hardy?02:50
chowmeinedapplets dont load, and i cant run any java web start apps02:51
emmaNo certainly not.02:51
tgelterkeith-: is it listed under "system-->preferences-->appearance-->theme?"02:51
m11emma , dl both 32bit and 64bit and check what works better for you if u want play around, if no, go for 32bit imo02:52
robinsonchowmeined: works fine here. i just tapped into my untangle server, which requires javaws02:52
keith-i'm looking for this theme http://the-space-station.com/blog/?p=2902:52
robinsonsure you got it installed?02:52
luboszkeith-: this is my college friends blog ^^02:53
keith-well ask him why i don't have that theme...02:53
keith-well i'm sure i have hardy installed02:53
luboszmaybe thats the alpha theme02:53
emmarobinson, and others this is my system -- http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID=c0057253002:54
keith-so they removed it completely?02:54
luboszkeith-: did you do a clean install or upgrade?02:54
setuidtop - 22:54:29 up  3:57,  6 users,  load average: 36.55, 20.06, 9.6702:54
setuidI hate luks02:54
keith-lubosz: that's why i'm trying to find the package it's in02:54
setuidIt eats so much processor to decrypt blocks02:54
chowmeinedrobinson, yea i installed icedtea-gcjwebplugin02:54
robinsoni just used the ones from sun, they work for me02:54
luboszkeith-: Murrine is the name02:55
chowmeinedrobinson, i know the plugins are there because firefox doesnt popup the 'missing plugin' stuff, and down in the corner it says, 'applet failed to initialize'02:55
chowmeinedits because all these apps throw exceptions02:55
chowmeinedrobinson, im talking about openjdk not sun-java602:55
keith-lubosz: i don't see any package other than the engine named that...02:55
setuidI wonder if I can optimize kcryptd somehow02:56
DistroJockeykeith-: human-theme  in Synaptic02:56
emmaIt looks like with this computer the maximum RAM I can get up to is 4 GB :(02:56
robinsonemma: http://crucial.com/store/listparts.aspx?model=Presario%20SR1750NX02:56
emmaWhich means that 64 bit is pointless?02:56
keith-DistroJockey: says i have it02:57
keith-DistroJockey: but i promise it isn't listed02:57
robinsonchowmeined: sorry02:57
keith-and i've even found the Human-murrine theme in /usr/share/themes and it doesn't have the stuff02:57
hmulleremma: 4GB is fine, that's what I am using on Hardy Desktop Amd6402:57
m11emma , u can always try02:57
m11but it is not that u will gain like 50% speed of 64bit system02:58
DistroJockeykeith-: maybe try a remove and re-add02:58
emmado you have a smoother experience with your PC when you have 4 GB of RAM?02:58
m11of course :)02:58
setuidI had to use the 64-bit version of Hardy, because the 32-bit version doesn't see > 2GB ram on my 64-bit hardware.02:59
hmulleremma: It comes in handy when virtualizing for sure02:59
setuidSpent days debugging that one02:59
emmaI might like to virtualize because Hardy is coming with a VM by default.02:59
m11OO.o with 1gb =5 sec , with OO.o with 4gb = 1sec02:59
setuidm11, after a cold boot?02:59
DistroJockeyemma: if you have 4 RAM slots with 2x512MB at the moment, I would get 2x1GB and fill the other 2 slots (for a total of 3GB02:59
hmullersetuid: I understand, I'm becoming an nvidia 'engineer' trying to get suspend / hibernate working perfectly03:00
setuidhmuller !!!03:00
m11setuid , cold boot ?03:00
keith-i just tried to reinstall it and it is still not there or not different... perhaps they changed it to look very similar03:00
setuidhmuller, You'll save lots of our lives if you do03:00
emmaDistroJockey, why not go for 4 and take advantage of 64 bits?03:00
savvashas anyone uploaded a bug lately?03:00
hmullerI'm just about there03:00
setuidhmuller, Thinkwiki is fully of thousands of us wanting that feature03:00
savvasa crash report, sorry03:00
setuidhmuller, I'm close myself. You don't work _for_ Nvidia though, do you?03:01
savvasi get a 502 bad gateway error03:01
setuidi.e. you're not writing the driver _code_, are you?03:01
hmullersetuid:  No, just an obsessive-compulsive learner03:01
setuidThat's whyy I've been using Linux for the last 14 years ;)03:01
setuidI'm blockheaded and don't give up on problems03:01
hmullersetuid:  And still learning to write C, write some mean shell and awk script though!03:01
emmaSome times I seem to become compulsive and do not give up on problems either. Some times I am very resolute.03:02
MythbuntuGuest36i recently upgraded a mythbuntu frontend to hardy and am having trouble with the sound, is there anyone that could get me started in the right direction figuring it out?03:02
emmaIf only I knew how to code I could help some how.03:02
DistroJockeyemma: 64bit is not worth the hasle03:02
setuidHrm, what the hell is Safari doing on this site? http://ubuntu-debs.googlecode.com/files/SafariSetup.exe03:02
hmulleremma:  all you need is your 'resoluteness'  =)03:02
m11emma , for your pc, 32bit will do just fine03:03
savvasemma: that's why bug trackers and emails are for: complaining to the source of the problem :)03:03
m11savvas: u mean the programers ?:)03:03
emmaI'm sure the last thing that Ubuntu devs want is to hear from me :)03:03
m11emma , u wrong about that ;)03:03
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto03:03
savvasm11: mainly, and the package maintainers :P03:03
emmaI don't understand though why you all make a 64 bit Ubuntu if you discourage everyone from using it.03:04
setuidDistroJockey, I think many of us would disagree03:04
Dr_willisemma,  its there to use if you want to.. go ahead.03:04
Dr_willisYou wont gain much, and you may have issues.. is the bottom line.03:04
setuidDistroJockey, I personally would like to use all 4gb of my ram, not 1/2 of it. 64-bit Hardy lets me do that.03:04
hmulleremma:  don't be discouraged, there are just a 'few' more bugs03:04
m11emma, best thing as i told u b4, dl both 64 and 32 and test them to see03:04
keith-setuid: can't you use all 4 gigs with a different kernel than the default in 32bit?  although i prefer 64bit anyway03:05
DistroJockeysetuid: I've had issues with 64bit that broke my system and I suggested getting 3GB so that none is wasted :)03:05
setuidkeith-, Nope, -server didn't work, nor did bigiron03:05
hmullerDr_willis:  Now that's not the tone of a died in the wool Debian From Scratch person!03:05
emmaif I have a home partition but currently use 32 bits, could I do a fresh install of 64 bit but keep my home partition?03:05
setuidDistroJockey, I see all 4gb, and 64-bit works fine for me03:06
m11keith-: 32 bit is maximum 3 or 3,5 gb, it dont recognize more03:06
DistroJockeysetuid: glad to hear :)03:06
setuidDistroJockey, Only issue was Skype, but I worked around that with linux32, and now Oo.org, but I'm working that out too03:06
DistroJockeysetuid: It's been a while since I tried 64bit I must admit03:07
emmaDid Ubuntu ever put Google Earth in it's repo?03:07
m11dont think so, but is 3 min install emma03:08
DistroJockeyIt's in Hardy beta (googleearth-package)03:08
keith-emma: i think you can get it with the add/remove software program it just enables a third party repo03:08
tomahasamootemma: I got it from medibuntu03:08
emmaThe last time I used it, it crashed X.03:08
emmaI would only use it again if it was from one of the Ubuntu repos.03:08
m11emma , u got onboard graphics ?03:08
emmaI have a low end ATi03:09
setuidhmuller, Are you on a TP?03:09
elbermungsterseshi, i have an error upgrading from gusty to hardy beta. it says "could not calculate the upgrade: A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.03:09
elbermungsterses This can be caused by:03:09
elbermungsterses * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu03:09
elbermungsterses * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu03:09
elbermungsterses * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu03:09
elbermungstersesIf none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport"03:09
setuidhmuller, I've got a T61p, T42p and X61s here03:09
m11emma , i would recomend switch to nvidia;)03:09
setuidm11, I wouldn't... ATI works better (3d, cooler, suspend/hibernate)03:09
hmullersetuid: No, Inspiron 1420, last one was a 600m.  I was going to go with a  Thinkpad but I heard the quality has declined, true or not?03:10
emmaWith my ATi i have never been able to see what Compiz is all about.03:10
NukeSkyjumperseems like pulseaudio is adding a 0.1sec delay in the audio... anyone heard of a workaround?03:10
setuidhmuller, I'd have to agree. My 3-year old T42p is a tank, these two new laptops are not so good... and I may return one and send in the other for repair. They're 3 weeks old.03:10
emmaIs there reason to think that I could put an nvidia into my computer?03:10
elbermungstersescan anyone help me/03:10
m11setuid , did u try never ati's ?03:10
hmullersetuid:  That's what I've heard since the Lenovo acquisition03:10
setuidemma, My T42p Thinkpad (3 year old TP), has an ATI adapter, and compiz works great on it03:11
tgelterso whenever I play a video encoded in xvid, the colors are all inverted (negative)...anyone seen that or know how to fix?03:11
Flannelhmuller, setuid: No decline of quality, no.03:11
hmullersetuid:  Dell's quality has increased exponentially in my anecdotal opinion03:11
setuidhmuller, Well, Lenovo has been making the Thinkpads for the last 5 years, so my T42p was Lenovo-made, but IBM Q&A'd...03:11
m11setuid , on 9xxx series works, but try x1xxx series, u cant do nothing there03:11
hmullerFlannel:  thanks for chiming in03:11
Flannelhmuller: Im typing on one now03:12
hmuller<laughing> oh yeah? well I'm typing AND reading on my Inspiron!03:12
hmullerI'm not sure what to think of these nvidia integrated graphics though ...03:13
setuidMy Thinkpad has an external Nvidia adapter03:13
setuidI lose 2 hours of battery life, but the video is sweet03:13
setuidThat is... there's a 2-hour battery life difference between nvidia discrete vs. integrated adapters on Thinkpads03:13
hmullerI thought my graphics were good, until I ran blob sallad03:14
setuidWhat's that?03:14
setuidOh, it's a remake of Loco Roco03:14
emmaI would like to find and buy a used ThinkPad from someone03:15
hmullerI'm still trying to figure out why it eats 90+ of one of my processors03:15
tgelteremma: I've got a t61 I might sell if the price is right =)03:16
setuidtgelter, what size screen/resolution?03:16
emmatgelter, okay how about 450 USD ?03:16
elbermungstersescan anyone help me? i keep on getting this error when i upgrade to hardy. "03:16
elbermungstersesA unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.03:16
elbermungsterses This can be caused by:03:16
elbermungsterses * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu03:16
elbermungsterses * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu03:16
elbermungsterses * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu03:16
setuid$ xrandr -q | head -103:16
setuidScreen 0: minimum 640 x 512, current 1920 x 1200, maximum 1920 x 120003:16
elbermungstersesIf none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport03:16
tgeltersetuid: 15.4 inch 1680x105003:16
setuidelbermungsterses, Don't do that03:16
setuidelbermungsterses, use rafb.net/paste03:17
elbermungstersescan i use ubuntu pastebin?03:17
setuidtgelter, ah, I have the 15.4" 1920x1200 T61p03:17
hmullersetuid:  with the biometrics?03:17
kalatianelbermungsterses: there isn't any information there that tells us what is wrong exactly (and you can use any pastebin, yes :D)03:17
setuidhmuller, Yes, and thinkfinger works great03:17
tgeltersetuid: yeah, I wanted the p, but they didn't have it listed online when I went to purchase03:18
setuidhmuller, for sudo, su, screensaver, logins, etc.03:18
hmullersetuid:  I'm jealous03:18
setuidI wish I could get it working for luks and grub password, but not yet03:18
setuidI think I have to package it outside of initrd to get that working03:18
setuidOr link it statically to grub03:19
hmullersetuid: grub is pre kernel03:19
setuidhmuller, Right03:19
setuidThat's the catch-2203:19
setuidUnless the BIOS can handle it03:19
setuidMaybe I can replace the bios with LinuxBios and stick it in there03:19
tgelterwhat packages would I look to reinstall/remove in order to get video to *not* be negative'd (all colors opposite what they should be) for movies of any kind?03:19
hmullersetuid:  Well you know, it might be easier to roll your own linux bios, and include the driver!03:20
setuidhmuller, That's what I said above ;)03:20
hmullerah yes, missed that03:20
elbermungsterseskalatian, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61439/03:20
hmullerthat's one of my fantasies, to roll my own bios03:21
Prefixjust installed Hardy and emerald wont strat on startup, i have to type emerald --replace, and keep the terminal open. Any suggestions?03:21
kalatianelbermungsterses: I take it you are upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy?03:22
m11setuid , hmuller :  http://coreboot.org03:22
elbermungstersesyes kalatian03:22
setuidm11, Right, but it's not validated on our platforms03:22
kalatianelbermungsterses: can you run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a terminal?03:22
elbermungstersesi'll try03:22
tgelterprefix: this isn't the fix, but instead of leaving a terminal open, you could just use alt-f203:23
tomahasamootI installed nvidia-glx-new, but it's not working... x is using some other driver03:23
setuidpidgin gets worse with every release. Now I can't resize the edit box03:23
m11hmm, seems my mobo is suported for coreboot :)03:23
elbermungstersesit says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."03:23
irelinquishthere's an alternative pidgin that fixes that, i just for got the name, googlei it setuid03:24
Prefixty tgelter, anyway i can make that run on startup?03:24
hmullersetuid:  my last hardware 'hack' - http://www.mullerlab.com/cosmacelfpic.html03:24
tgelterprefix: sure, "system--> preferences --> sessions"03:24
hmullerignore the site, way out dated, the pic is good though03:24
setuidhmuller, What is it?03:25
kalatianelbermungsterses: ok... the problem is, the error you posted doesn't give enough information to determine the problem... I suspect that is update-manager's fault and not your own, however.03:25
hmullerremember the old kit computers?03:25
tgelterprefix: though there is likely a more elegant solution to your problem03:25
setuidhmuller, sure, I used to have a Tandy one with a potentiometer that worked over AM freq to a television set, wireless... ran with a casette drive.03:25
hmullerit was a build it yourself project in Popular Electronics back in 7603:25
sarixehi, how do i set gtkpod as the default program for ipods?03:25
hmullerfinally got around to building it in 200603:25
setuidMaybe it was HeathKit, I forget now03:25
irelinquishsetuid, lookup funpidgin03:26
setuidhmuller, Do you subscribe to Nuts and Volts?03:26
irelinquishit has resizleable box's03:26
sarixerhythmbox comes up by default, and it's crap compared to gtkpod.  is there a different place that i can set this option?03:26
hmullersetuid:  No, I just read it every time I'm at the magazine rack03:26
tomahasamoothow can I fix X?  It's not using the nvidia driver03:26
setuidhmuller, I've been getting it for free for ~15 years or something.03:26
irelinquishprefered applications, hmuller03:26
Prefixok ty, now the next thing.. is there anyway i can hide the screenlet icon from my notication area, i really hate it?03:26
setuidSomehow I got on their list years ago, and never had to pay for it03:26
hmullerirelinquish: I feel like you are trying to say something ;)03:27
elbermungsterseskalatian, i'm running it from terminal now, so i may be able to get the complete error message.03:28
elbermungstersesoh well, i'll do it the CD way03:29
kalatian...ok. I guess he didn't want to hear the next suggestion.03:29
hmullerto all a good nite03:31
emmatgelter, okay how about 450 USD ?03:32
m11emma, for that price u should get asus eee ;)03:32
emmaasus eee is no good for real use.03:33
m11why no ?03:33
m111gb ram , 8gb hdd03:33
sarixeanyone know how to set the default multimedia application for ipods or other media devices?03:33
emmabecause every thing I do is very writing intensive and I think the small keyboard and small screen would become overwhelming.03:33
irelinquishsarixe, prefered applications03:33
irelinquishits under system > preferences03:34
m11i c03:34
sarixeirelinquish : yes, that would be the obvious course, but that option seems to have been wiped from that dialogue03:34
sarixe-ue, even03:34
irelinquishumm, your using gnome right?03:34
irelinquishin kde you can use konqueror and set it up pretty easily03:35
emmaIs there any possibility that there will eventually be a release of Ubuntu that does not use Gnome as the default DE ?03:35
sarixeemma: xubuntu, kubuntu03:35
emmaThat's not what I mean.03:35
irelinquishemma, Lmao03:35
irelinquishohh jk then03:35
emmaI mean a release of Ubuntu03:36
irelinquishthen, they dont have it planned03:36
m11yes u got answer above emma03:36
emmaYou don't understand what Im trying to say03:36
m11emma , ubuntu =gnome03:37
emmaimagine a future where Gnome has become defunct or KDE or something else has become extremely and obviously better03:37
emmais it possible that KDE or something else would be made the default DE for flagship Ubuntu03:37
m11then u will have "xyz"buntu probably03:37
Dr_willisgnome works good enough for most peoples needs.03:38
setuidDr_willis, You know the history of the Ubuntu artwork, right?03:38
setuidMark wanted to make it nudes and sexy03:38
Dr_willisand from a 'business' point of view - it does work well enough to get the work done.03:38
setuidThere's a podcast out there with this described in it03:38
Dr_willissetuid,  :) I think we need to use 'animal backsides' as the default wallpaper.03:38
setuidthere's two03:39
Dr_willisI have a collection of 'backside' icons. :)03:40
emmaI personally think it was a mistake to paint themselves into a corner with the Ubuntu naming scheme.03:40
emmaHaving Kubuntu and Ubuntu is just confusing and limiting. It should just be Ubuntu with different editions.03:41
Dr_willisYep. They could just use UbuntuKDE03:41
emmaThat would be better.03:41
sarixeirelinquish : the only option under Multimedia was Multimedia Player, and that didn't solve the problem03:41
emmaUbuntu KDE edition. Etc.03:41
DistroJockeyemma: As it's not Gubuntu, they could easily switch if needed :)03:41
Dr_willisi know lets use a really good naming schame like openoffice.org does! and make the web url also the name!03:41
Dr_williswe need to focus more on the cute animal names! those really cut down on the confuseion of all these new linux users i see at work. :)03:42
emmaDistroJockey,  it will be odd though, supposing KDE did have some innovation that made it so much better than Gnome... So that a future release of Ubuntu goes to KDE... Now all of a sudden all of us are using Kubuntu ?03:43
* Dr_willis waits for a "hello kitty ubuntu' edition.03:43
sarixeibex != cute; ibex = badass03:43
irelinquishsarixe, reconnect your divice isn't there a way to set up amarok, or gtkpod03:43
emetfeisty fawn = cute03:43
DistroJockeyemma: yeah, I see your point03:43
emetgutsy gibbon = cute03:43
Dr_williswarty warthog :)03:43
Dr_willisI rember ages ago kids when i was using 'anorexic amoeba'03:44
emetgibbons are so cute03:44
DistroJockeyI vote for Joking Jackal for after Ibex :)03:44
sarixeirelinquish : still nothing03:45
emetthe adj is suppose to focus on the release qualities03:45
sarixeirelinquish : i'll even try Removable Drives and Media03:45
emetlike gutsy gibbon was gutsy cause they use an alpha-quality window manager03:45
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:46
SilverDawnOkay whats up with flash in hardy03:46
sarixeirelinquish : still nothing, even.  it was actually there, last time i saw it, which was on gutsy03:47
irelinquishi wish i had an ipod to check03:47
* SilverDawn ->God Module - Lost time<- ->Viscera<- ->Electronic<- ->2005<- ->1:08/4:28<- ->music player daemon 0.13.0<-03:47
irelinquishi'm sorry03:47
SilverDawnSorry all i was testing a script, Didnt know the auther had put color and spam in it03:47
SilverDawnDidnt even expect it to work03:48
SilverDawnOnce again, Sorry03:48
sarixeirelinquish : meh, it'll resolve eventually03:48
irelinquishsarixe, it used to be in removeable drives and media. Its not anymore?03:48
irelinquishmake a forum post abouit it03:49
irelinquishthat will get great responses : )03:49
sarixehope so03:49
sarixewhere do i post about hardy, anyway?03:50
SilverDawncan anyone tell me whats up with flash in hardy?03:51
SilverDawnIs there a package? or .... what03:51
setuidFlash worked for me out of the box03:52
DistroJockeysarixe: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=30503:52
Dr_willisflash seems to work here.. at least the banner ads are.. :)03:55
sarixeseems like two people beat me there03:55
Dr_willisi did imnstall the ubuntu-restricted-extras package03:56
sarixeaha! got it03:56
sarixeNautilus: Edit > Preferences > Media03:56
sarixebut i can't specify a custom program...03:57
DistroJockeysarixe: What was it you are trying to do?03:58
mohamed_hi, i have onboard vga ATI x1200, is there drivers that can make it work well under ubuntu hardy ?03:58
sarixemake the default app for ipods, gtkpod03:58
sarixeinstead of rhythmbox03:58
setuidamarok blows away gtkpod03:58
sarixeno no, there are some things that are much easier in gtkpod03:58
setuidmohamed_, use radeon03:58
sarixelike setting album art from custom files03:59
mohamed_setuid, from amd website ?03:59
DistroJockeysarixe: It's not in System - Preferences - Preferred Applications ?03:59
sarixespecifying the file type of audiobooks03:59
sarixeer, no03:59
setuidsarixe, 2 clicks in amarok03:59
SmegzorI have lost all menu entries for folder sharing in gnome.  How do I get them back?04:00
sarixesetuid : you can transfer an audiobook, and make the ipod recognize it as an audiobook?04:00
keithclark I am having a problem sharing files between two computers via ssh, one is running 7.10 and the other 8.04.  I can view the directories and even play media files on the remote computer, but when I try to save files to it, a dialog window comes up and shows the progress, which never seems to move.  I also lose access to that remote computer until I cancel the process and logout and back in again.  Any ideas wha04:00
keithclarkt is going wrong here?04:00
setuidsarixe, yep04:00
setuidsarixe, You could try songbird also04:00
sarixehm... you have to teach me your ways04:00
setuidSongbird is like iTunes, using Mozilla components04:00
sarixenah, songbird is too early for me04:00
setuidIt already surpasses iTus04:00
setuider, iTunes04:00
sarixethough i _am_ using hardy...04:00
Dr_williskeithclark,  you using sshfs? or what exactgly to transfer the files?   the filemanagers ssh:// type address?04:01
sarixeis there any repo for it?04:01
setuidsarixe, I use the one from upstream04:01
keithclarkDr_willis, yes, Nautilis and the sftp://192.168.x.x04:01
sarixewell i'd probably be better off using amarok... i use that to transcode flac -> mp3 already04:01
sarixebetter have it all in one04:01
IanLiuMy sound is too low, I have to raise too much my volume to hear something. Is there a solution to this?04:01
setuidIanLiu, alsamixer?04:02
sarixesetuid : at any rate, i'd need to specify a custom default app for ipods... but there's no way.  it's either rhythmbox, or ask, open folder, or do nothing04:03
setuidsarixe, change it in preferred applications04:04
sarixecan't, that's the thing04:04
IanLiusetuid: Thanks ;)04:04
setuidCustom -> /usr/bin/amarok04:04
setuidMine lets me use Rhythmbox, Totem or Custom04:05
sarixeyeah, but the only option there is Multimedia Player, and that doesn't affect ipods04:05
sarixebut i'll try again04:05
jimiridgeugh virtualbox and kernel probs04:05
jimiridgeError: /usr/src/linux (version 2.6.24-12-generic) does not match the current kernel (version 2.6.24-12-386)04:06
jimiridgei dont see the kernel source package in the repo's04:06
sarixesetuid : fail04:06
DanaGHeh, meant to restart samba, but restarted gdm instead.  Hah.04:06
sarixesetuid : i'll try gconf-editor next04:06
sarixewhat key is it?04:07
jimiridgenevermind fixed it :P04:09
jimiridgeso i used the linux-i386 virtualbox install... in installed the kernel driver but i dont see the userspace program anywhere04:12
m11programs>system tools ?04:13
jimiridgenot the ose version04:13
jimiridgesun's direct download one04:13
sarixesetuid : what key would it be? i think i found where it's supposed to be... but it's missing04:13
sarixedesktop > gnome > volume_manager, key would be autoplay_something, i believe04:14
sarixeoh wait, it is here04:14
sarixeautoipod, autoipod_command04:14
sarixebut it's already set to gtkpod04:15
sarixeare gconf keys per user? because if so, it'd be already set from my gutsy install.  i kept the home folder from that install on a separate partition04:15
crdlbsarixe: yes, gconf setting values are stored in ~/.gconf04:18
sarixeyep, that explains it04:18
IanLiuTab autocompletion in Terminal doesnt work?04:19
sarixesame here, but only partially04:19
sarixeit doesn't work with sudo, apt-get for me04:19
sarixeanyway guys, i'll just leave it set to "do nothing" for now, it's just the same to me.  just that it was annoying to have rhythmbox come up04:21
sarixesetuid : so how do i set the file type, then?04:27
doofyim trying to install hardy and im just getting exception emask 0x0 any ideas?04:32
glueris there a way to back up my hardy installation? backup to iso or something?04:33
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:35
sarixeoo, there be updates :D04:38
setuidI just found something nasty04:41
setuidit reproducably crashes X04:41
setuidLoad Safari in wine, run Safari, then go to Edit -> Preferences... bam, X will crash and recycle gdm.04:41
* sarixe tries it...04:42
sarixegotta get safari first...04:42
setuidYep, easy04:42
m11anyone uses prism54usb driver ?04:42
setuidwget http://ubuntu-debs.googlecode.com/files/SafariSetup.exe04:42
sarixewhy not just download it from apple.com?04:42
setuidThat owrks too04:43
setuidBut it'll crash X04:43
setuidSo beware ;)04:43
sarixeokidokes, i'll make sure everything is closed but this04:43
sarixeman, firefox 3 rules though04:44
sarixeit's not close to ready yet, but it still rules04:44
m11ye , i especialy loves they removed home button :)04:45
sarixeeh? it's there for me04:45
m11from navigation panel04:45
hackeronhey, could someone please tell me how to forward port80 on ppp0 to port80 on on eth0? -- currently, I'm doing this: http://rafb.net/p/dqCf6z26.html - but it's not working :( - What am I doing wrong?04:45
sarixeyeah, it's there for me04:45
m11i mean: back/fwd/stop/home ?04:45
sarixeyeah, it's there04:46
m11i have home on bottom bar , not in navigation menu04:46
sarixeback for refresh stop home04:46
m11what version u have ?04:46
sarixewell then you can edit the menus04:46
m11same here04:46
sarixeyou can move that home button around04:46
m11tnx :)04:47
setuidsarixe, any luck?04:48
sarixeerm, just finished, hold on04:48
m11no, cant move it04:48
m11it is only in bookmarks toolbar04:48
sarixethis is only dsl04:48
sarixehm... weird04:48
sarixeright click a toolbar > customize?04:49
m11let me recheck04:49
m11only in bookmarks toolbar04:50
sarixesetuid : installing04:50
m11with two gnome panels , it taking like 20% of my preciuos 15" desktop04:50
sarixesetuid : here goes04:52
setuidEdit -> Preferences04:52
setuidI crashed out 7 times in a row, testing it04:53
m11sarixe left the room04:53
sarixeit froze by itself before i could do anything04:53
sarixecompiz greyed it out04:53
sarixeforce quit04:53
sarixetrying again04:53
m11setuid , could be ati drivers :)04:53
setuidm11, I don't use ATI04:53
m11ah , srys :)04:54
setuidAnd I tried vesa and nv, as well as the binary nvidia driver04:54
setuidAll 3 crash out04:54
m11ouch :/04:54
setuidI'm thorough ;)04:54
sarixeyeah, got as far as Edit >04:54
sarixethen it greyed again04:54
setuidOh weird04:54
sarixeand strangely, the Edit menu is on top of xchat now... :P04:55
Dimitree:) someone told me that 8.04 will work with intel GMA 3100 is there a way to check if that's true ?04:55
m11Dimitree: get live cd and test i think04:55
Dimitreefor now i get wierd behavior like if a multy click on apply resolution settings the resolution doesn't change but the screen moves to the left a bit and when pressed apply again it returns to normal ..04:55
Dimitreeou i updated it over 7.10 :)04:56
setuidOk, this is wildly OT, but it's hilarious: http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/cas/622507528.html04:56
Black_MagicIs there a driveintopython Package for Hardy04:56
Dimitreealso if i try to reconfigure xorg with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it doesnt listen to any commands :) meaning that if i chose to setup xorg it skips if i chose to autodetect keyboard or not it always choses to not autodetect keyboard04:58
sarixesetuid : genius on that craigslist04:58
Dimitreeare these known issues ?04:59
sarixewell i ran that, and i noticed that it was rather skimpy compared to gutsy's05:00
sarixedoesn't even let me select the video driver05:00
sarixeis that supposed to happen?05:00
Dimitreei guess not ... on 7.10 i was able to select Intel as GPU and then the amount of RAm it's suposed to use and then the Monitor type05:00
sarixenone of that is in this one05:01
m11lol setuid , nice pic on the end ;)05:01
Dimitreeis this know issue sarixe  ? any idea :)05:03
sarixei haven't a clue... just experienced it once05:03
sarixethe driver mananger thing took care of all the issue05:04
sarixeand nvidia settings took care of the finer details05:04
Dimitreewhat driver manager ?05:04
Black_Magichmm How do i use the Drive Into Python Package?05:04
sarixethe restricted driver manager05:04
m11why does some packages being kept back with terminal apt-get upgrade command ?05:04
sarixetry using jockey-gtk in a terminal05:04
sarixeit should detect whether you have a gpu that can use a propietary driver05:04
Dimitreenothing in there :)05:04
sarixewhat gpu?05:05
DimitreeIntel integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 310005:05
sarixeman, i was expecting ati or nvidia05:05
Dimitree= )05:05
sarixei don't even know how to do intels05:05
Dimitreei can't find any drivers for them :/05:05
sarixehm, well do you have any intel drivers installed?05:08
Dimitreenope this was a fresh 7.10 install which got updated to 8.04 :)05:09
Dimitreei guess i found something http://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html lol05:09
sarixewell that's for xfree86, it looks like05:10
sarixeyou want something that works with x.org, or xorg05:11
sarixeit says: "3, Xorg 2D driver: xf86-video-intel;"05:11
Dimitreehmm what does 2D mean ? i want to tbe able to use Blender :)05:12
sarixeblender is 3d05:12
sarixe3 dimensions: height, width, length05:12
sarixe2d = 2 dimensions: height, length05:13
setuid2D is like a drawing of a can of soda on paper. 3D is the can of soda.05:13
Dimitreeyep i know that o-o05:13
Dimitreewhats the meaning of a 2D driver ?05:13
m11to play commodore games :)05:13
Dr_willisthat wouldbe the C64 Driver05:13
sarixe2d includes window managers (besides compositing ones like compiz)05:13
setuidDimitree, 3D drivers eat a lot more power05:13
m112D =c64 driver :D05:14
sarixeand use the graphics card instead of 100% processor05:14
Dimitreei need the drivers :/05:14
sarixeyou said it's intel graphics media accelerator 3100?05:14
Dimitreeyep motherboard DG31PR05:14
Dimitreebtw do you get error 500 on http://www.blender.org/  ot it's just me ?05:16
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sarixetry installing xserver-xorg-video-intel05:17
sarixeoh hell, how is this possible?05:18
sarixethat package conflicts and replaces xserver-xorg-video-i81005:18
sarixehowever, i810 is installed05:18
sarixeand so is intel05:18
Dimitreexserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version05:19
sarixewell i'm thinking it's a simple change to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but i'm not sure what the driver module would be called...05:19
Dimitreeo-o reading lol05:21
Dimitreehuh my xorg is nothing like that guys xorg :) it doesn't say intel anywhere neather monitor type and modes like it did on 7.1005:23
Dimitreeit says simply "Configured Video Device"05:23
sarixetry that... it's a bit old, but it should work, according to that poll up top05:24
m11wow :  Restarting network events dispatcher NetworkManagerDispatcher         [ OK ]05:24
m11i didnt know i have dispatcher in my system :)05:24
sarixeoh waaaaait05:24
sarixewait wait05:24
sarixedon't do it05:24
sarixei found the crucial part, i think05:25
sarixego to a terminal05:25
sarixesudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:25
Dimitreemy xorg.conf is totally mixed up :/05:25
sarixei'm looking for where it would be...05:26
sarixewhere it says Section "Device"05:26
Dimitreeyep ?05:26
sarixein there, should be a line that begins with Driver05:26
sarixechange what's in the quotes, to "intel"05:26
sarixethen save, close, restart x05:27
Dimitreeone sec i will paste it05:27
DimitreeDriver"kbd" ?05:27
sarixei'm not even sure if that's the 3d driver though... but it'll at least have you using a proper driver05:27
sarixeyeah that's the one05:27
DimitreeSection "Device"Identifier"Configured Video Device"05:28
DimitreeSection "InputDevice"  Driver"kbd"05:28
sarixeoh no05:28
sarixeSection "Device", is there anything in there?05:28
Dimitreeonly what i pasted :)05:29
Dimitreetold you its totaly screwed :/05:29
Dimitreeand i'm unable to fix it with reconfigure xorg :)05:29
sarixewell then... under Section "Device", add a new line before EndSection:05:30
sarixeDriver "intel"05:30
Dimitreeok wish me luck rebooting :)05:30
sarixethat's the block of text that also has Identifier     "Configured Video Device"05:30
sarixegood luck05:31
jester7anyone here use amd64?05:31
sarixenah, it's not worth it05:31
sarixefor me, anyway05:32
=== Black_Magic_ is now known as Black_Magic
mesilliacI'm using amd6405:32
Dimitreeno change :)05:34
Dimitreeo well i guess ill just reinstall the thing from scrach after i get some sleep05:34
sarixethen why do you smile? :P05:34
Dimitreethanks for the help sarixe  :)05:35
sarixeno prob05:35
jester7mesilliac: do you ever have problems with webpages in firefox not drawing until you scroll the page?05:45
sarixesetuid : how were you able to denote an audiobook in amarok?05:45
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Lynouresarixe: denote?05:46
mesilliacjester7: no, I haven't seen that happen before05:46
sarixeLynoure : well, in gtkpod's tag editor, you can tell it that a certain file is an audiobook05:46
sarixeand setuid claimed he could do that in amarok05:47
Lynouresarixe: you can at least tag the genre to be Spoken, maybe there is ever Audiobook05:47
LynoureI mostly listen to podcasts and not audiobooks now, haven't found a steady source for the latter. Or is there some Linux way to get e.g. Audible books and play them in Amarok?05:48
sarixewell the thing is that the ipod pays attention to that File Type tag, and when it's audiobook, it separates it from the rest of the music05:48
sarixewell i got it off an mp3 cd at the library05:48
sarixeit's really just a normal mp3 file05:48
sarixebut gtkpod can differentiate between regular Music, and Audiobooks05:48
glueri cant even get my ipod to detect in hardy, how do i get it working?05:49
sarixealso in there, is Video, TV Show, Podcast, etc05:49
sarixegluer: install gtkpod-aac05:49
tuntungutsy would ask to install nvidia drivers, but it seems hardy doesnt?05:49
sarixeor if you want to use the ipod in a different media player, like rhythmbox or amarok, just install libgpod305:49
sarixetuntun: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:50
Dr_willisthat hardware-drivers thing - dident isntall mynvidia drivers. I had to manyally install the nvidia-glx-new package.05:51
evil-rhino i upgrade to hardy, which upgrade my firefox to ver. 3. all my application handlers for various content types disappeared. now firefox doesn't know what to do with .pdfs, .torrents, etc. any suggestions?05:51
evil-rhinos/upgrade/upgraded/g, dunno what happened to my verb conjugation.05:51
tuntunsarixe, yeah I know how to do it but why would they remove that prompt?05:54
sarixei don't know... maybe it's a bug05:54
sarixesame happened here05:54
HorizonX1I'm running Hardy on my laptop with an NVidia video card, and my display keeps freezing, along with inputs; the computer's still running (I can tell because any music or movies that were playing still continue), the display just stops responding, and so do the inputs (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace does nothing) Any ideas?05:55
tuntunsarixe, who sould i be notifying?05:55
sarixelaunchpad bugs, i suppose05:55
sarixeno fun05:56
DanaGHeh, I didn't know you could spell "FAX" with just one letter.05:56
sarixeneither me05:56
DanaGOne character:  ℻05:56
DanaGgucharmap is fun to explore.05:57
tuntunit could get messy...05:57
Black_Magicanyone have problems with X freezing?05:57
sarixenone here, Black_Magic05:58
Black_MagicWell My screen freezes ALOT if i try and Upgrade...05:58
Black_Magicso i have to force reboot and continue...05:58
Black_Magicwhich sometimes messes up packages while installing..05:58
Black_MagicUpdate manager usualy uses like05:58
Black_Magic100MB oF ram alone -.-05:58
tuntunBlack_Magic, how long did you wait before reseting it?05:59
Black_Magicabout 30mins06:00
Black_Magici couldnt move mouse do ctrl+alt+Backspace06:00
Black_Magicnot even stopping x :/06:00
gluerBM: I got that 2-3 times today as well06:00
tuntunBlack_Magic, i thought you might have just needed to wait it out...06:01
gluerscreen goes black and laptop stays on06:01
Black_Magicits stuck in the last state it was in06:01
Black_Magicit just stays with all windows up ect and i does nothing06:02
gluerhappened as well, but became unstuck after about 5 mins06:02
DanaGAre you using compiz at the time?06:03
Black_Magicit does it sometimes without :/06:03
DanaGI've been getting hard-lockups when under heavy GPU+HDD activity.06:03
DanaGEven under Windows, though!06:04
sarixemebbe it's the hardware?06:04
Black_MagicNever got a hard lockup on Windows06:05
hylinuxhi, anyone use thinkpad t60? how about your 3d effect?06:05
Black_Magicjust having problems since Hardy with that06:05
hylinuxit work success?06:05
Black_Magici only have the effects at Normal Tho06:05
hylinuxmy graphics card is x130006:05
hylinuxati serial.06:05
Black_Magici dont get them when its Extra :/06:06
Black_Magicbut windows do open slower when affects enabled06:06
hylinuxI can't make 3d work success always.06:06
DanaGWhat GPU do you have lockups on?06:06
gluernv geforce go 7600 for me06:06
hylinuxGandaG: you talk with me? ati06:06
DanaGEither who is having hard lockups.06:06
gluerDanaG: yeh 3-4 lockups today06:07
DanaGIt only happens when I'm running Azureus (or doing other disk-intensive things) while using compiz, for me.06:08
DistroJockeyI also had a lockup while doing an upgrade today. Couldn't Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or go to TTY's. Left it for about 5mins then had to Alt+SysRq+S then U then B (ATI card here)06:08
sarixeDanaG : in my experience, azureus has never been very hdd intensive06:09
DistroJockeyGUI apt-get upgrade of a running Hardy beta that is^06:09
m1rcan someone help with usb wlan adapter droping on establishing conection ?06:10
Black_Magiclol Things like Update Manager is what causes mine06:10
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: yep, that's what I was doing (this is the first time it's happened for me though)06:11
Black_Magicit like lags real bad when is fetching the stuff06:12
DanaGI was reading from ntfs-3g to seed, and running first hash-checks.06:12
Black_Magicyou know when you first open it and its searching for the new packages ect?06:12
dbmoodbsorry -- my fault wrong window06:12
Black_Magicthen it lags like hell when i startthe upgrade06:12
Black_Magicthen it goes back to normal when it starts installing long as i dont re-open the window im fine till install..06:13
dbmoodbit normally does that -- (at least on my older computer)06:13
dbmoodbnot the last part tho06:13
dbmoodbhave you updated recently ?06:13
Black_Magicand 112 more today...06:15
Black_Magicbrb switching routers06:15
gluerhow do i mount my ipod?06:19
sarixeit should automatically mount06:20
sarixeif not, try mount /dev/sdb106:20
HorizonX1Black_Magic, I'm having the same problems as you06:21
sarixeok what?06:21
gluersarixe: mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:21
HorizonX1and gluer, I have the same video card06:21
sarixeer... try mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/ipod06:22
sarixeor something similar06:22
sarixeyou may have to mkdir /media/ipod06:22
sarixeand this all probably needs sudo in the front06:23
keithclarkanyone know why evolution-data-server-2.22 would take over my computer's cpu?  It is using all of my processing power.....I've been at 100% for the last hour06:25
sarixehow do i get dbus or hal working for amarok?  it doesn't recognize my ipod automatically, and dbus/hal seems to be the problem06:25
keithclarkMan, I can barely type.....this process has just taken over my computer.06:26
keithclarkDoes anyone know what this process does?06:29
DistroJockeykeithclark: "The data server, called "Evolution Data Server" is responsible for managing mail, calendar, addressbook, tasks and memo information."06:30
clintonWhere/how do I install the codecs on AMD64 that include aac, xvid, etc?06:31
keithclarkDistroJockey:  I use none of those.06:31
farkewiehi can anyone recomend software to turn my dvds in to video files?06:31
tritiumclinton: the easiest way is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:32
DistroJockeykeithclark: If you don't use Evolution, I would say it's safe to kill it06:32
tritiumclinton: that will install several packages, including w64codecs06:32
keithclarkI've never used Evolution.06:32
clintontritium: w64?  and of course I was searching for w32.. old habits..06:32
tritiumclinton: yes, for 64 bit06:33
DistroJockeykeithclark: it and the data server are installed by default, and I guess the evolution data server runs at startup06:33
clintontritium: I figured as much.  I have it going now, ty.06:33
tritiumclinton: sure06:33
keithclarkDistroJockey, well, this is not right....06:33
keithclarkDistroJockey, I can barley type!06:33
DistroJockeykeithclark: go to a Terminal and type:  sudo killall evolution06:34
keithclarkWhew, process killed.06:34
keithclarkProcessor now at 2%06:34
DistroJockeymuch better :)06:34
keithclarkYes, they have work to do I see!06:35
keithclarkThank god this is a test machine!06:35
keithclarkEverything else works wonderful though!06:35
DistroJockeyas it sould be ;)06:35
keithclarkDistroJockey, is there a way to not run Evolution by default?06:36
keithclarkCan I remove it?06:36
DistroJockeyjust looking into that :)06:37
keithclarkMy computer was beginning to heat my house!06:37
clintonDistroJockey: do what I do to nano06:37
clintonDistroJockey: sudo aptitude remove nano && cd /usr/bin && sudo ln -s emacs nano06:37
DistroJockeyclinton: I have nothing against nano, I just don't use it, or emacs for that matter :)06:38
sarixedon't you mean ;06:41
sarixebrb, at any rate06:41
keithclarkYahoo headline:  Man Charges Bigfoot with Assault!!!!!  Only in America!06:42
keithclarkSorry, comedy relief!06:42
DistroJockeykeithclark: I can't see where evolution stuff is getting loaded :(06:43
keithclarkDistroJockey, hmmm, that is not good.06:44
DistroJockeykeithclark: This guide is nice though:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949106:44
keithclarkDistroJockey, holy cow, yes it is!06:45
clintonsarixe: nope I mean &&, it means execute the next command if and only if the previous one exits with no errors06:46
clintonoh, he's gone06:47
keithclarkI wonder why it loaded then.......It happened about an hour ago and rebooting does not help06:47
clintontritium: after installing w64codecs, I still don't seem to have divx or mp4, are those in a different package?06:47
DistroJockeykeithclark: $ ps -e | grep evolution        5718 ?        00:00:00 evolution-alarm   5760 ?        00:00:00 evolution-excha06:48
=== BaD-CrC is now known as BaD_CrC
DistroJockeykeithclark: not run evolution06:49
clintonDistroJockey: uninstall it06:49
clintonDistroJockey: that's why I gave you the example with nano, I don't like nano, so I remove it and put something there to make everything else happy06:50
DistroJockeyclinton: It's not really bothering me, but keithclark is having issues06:50
DistroJockeyclinton: how would you modify your nano example to do that?06:51
clinton while true ; do kill $(ps e | grep evolution | awk '{print $1}') ; sleep 1 ; done06:51
clintonkeithclark: run that line to keep evolutin dead for the time being06:51
DistroJockeyclinton: cool06:52
clintonwhile true ; do kill $(ps e | grep evolution | awk '{print $1}') 2>/dev/null ; sleep 1 ; done06:52
sarixeamarok is failing left and right06:52
keithclarkclinton, got you06:52
clintondo that one so you don't get stupid errors06:52
clintonsarixe: nope I mean &&, it means execute the next command if and only if the previous one exits with no errors06:52
sarixei can't manually or automatically connect to my ipod06:52
keithclarkclinton DistroJockey, what about when I reboot?06:52
sarixeoh nice06:52
clintonkeithclark: you'll have to redo the script -- keep in mind it is temporary06:53
clintonkeithclark: is evolution something you use?06:53
keithclarkclinton, got you....hmm...gotta love betas06:53
keithclarkclinton, no, I do not use evolution06:53
clintonkeithclark: what's preventing you from removing the package then?06:53
keithclarkclinton, nothing.....sorry, I'm fairly new, what to remove?06:54
clintonkeithclark: sudo aptitude remove evolution06:54
sarixeamarok won't automatically load the ipod, due to a dbus or hal thing, and it won't manually do it because it says it already has an ipod with that mount point/name, even though it doesn't06:54
clintonaka... devolve into an ameoba06:54
keithclarkclinton, yeah, working on that....06:55
clintonkeithclark: it should take 30 seconds, tops06:55
clintonsarixe: reboot?06:55
sarixetried that06:55
sarixesame error06:55
clintonsarixe: kick it?06:55
sarixeerrors, even06:55
sarixeeh, it's a laptop, i don't wanna try that06:55
clintonah, drop it then06:56
sarixeno thanks :P06:56
clintonsarixe: what has google told you about this issue?06:56
sarixeerm, nothing useful06:56
keithclarkclinton....okay, that was tied to a lot of stuff06:57
clintonkeithclark: such as?06:57
keithclarkclinton, open office, nautilus....06:58
DistroJockeyThe following packages will be REMOVED:    evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins06:58
clintonhere it's tied to nothing of that importance06:58
DistroJockeyis what I get when I sudo apt-get remove evolution06:59
clintonDistroJockey: that looks right to me06:59
clintonsarixe: have you tried aptitude purge user ?06:59
sarixeer, no06:59
clintongood, don't06:59
clintonyou won't like the outcome07:00
keithclarkNo worries, let's try a reboot07:00
clintonkeithclark: see ya soon07:00
sarixei figured, doesn't sound to friendly07:00
keithclarkclinton, hopefully!!!!07:00
clintonfinally - I'm getting somewhere tying my ps3 to my pc07:00
sarixewith what, a rope? heh heh heh07:00
clintonsarixe: actually a tombstone07:01
sarixeinteresting... didn't know a tombstone could also serve as a tying device07:01
DistroJockeyI was going to say a boat ;)07:01
clintonsarixe: it does a good job keeping stuff down tho07:01
sarixewell, this amarok thing is just nuts07:02
clintonkeithclark: you made it07:02
* clinton cheers and drinks more beer07:02
sarixeit seems like i just need to enable dbus or hal, somehow07:02
keithclarkYes, I sure did!  In one piece!07:02
clintonsarixe: which do you have installed? one or both?07:02
keithclarkEvolution data server still running!07:02
sarixei don't know07:03
sarixebut i get this error:07:03
sarixeNo new media devices were found. If you feel this is an error, ensure that the DBUS and HAL daemons are running and KDE was built with support for them. You can test this by running "dcop kded mediamanager fullList" in a Konsole window.07:03
clintonsarixe: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart07:03
DistroJockeyclinton: Cheers!07:03
keithclarkWHAT IS THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1107:03
clintonkeithclark: that's what she said!07:03
sarixerestart was [ OK ]07:03
sarixelol, nice07:03
clintonsarixe: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart07:04
keithclarkGood news is that it takes up no cpu time........go figure!07:04
keithclarkThis process is as bad as windows messenger!07:05
keithclarkA Klingon!07:05
* Dr_willis looks about.07:05
Dr_willisSavage2 demo worked well under Hardy. :)07:05
DistroJockeykeithclark: try:  sudo apt-get remove evolution-data-server07:05
DistroJockeyThe following packages will be REMOVED:   ekiga evolution evolution-data-server evolution-exchange evolution-plugins07:06
keithclarkDistroJockey, like I said, this is an experimental machine!07:06
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=== sarice is now known as sarixe
DistroJockeykeithclark: playing with alpha's and beta's I would hope so :)07:07
sarixeok, there we go07:07
sarixeclinton : that just restarted a whole slew of things07:07
keithclarkDistroJockey....beta's and up07:07
DistroJockeynods :)07:07
clintonsarixe: did it help?07:07
keithclarkok, reboot?07:07
tritiumclinton: sorry, I was /away earlier07:07
sarixelemme see07:08
DistroJockeykeithclark: yeah, may aswell :)07:08
keithclarkhere we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!107:08
sarixeno, no help07:09
clintontritium: np07:09
clintontritium: did you happen to see the question?07:09
wilburdudeAnyone aware of Intel Pro/1000 (e1000) issues in AMD64  ?07:09
tritiumclinton: yes, in my log.  You can get dvd support with packages in the medibuntu repos07:09
clintonsarixe: if that doesn't work, and reboots don't work, there just may be a bug07:09
wilburdudee1000 module appears to load for me, and I get link light, but ethtool reports no link, and I can't connect via dhcp or static.  Any ideas?07:10
DistroJockeykeithclark: wb!07:11
keithclarkOk, gone!!!!07:11
DistroJockeysweet :)07:12
keithclarkThank you, my new friends!07:12
clintonkeithclark: awesome07:12
DistroJockeyyw :)07:12
keithclarkYou are both kind to help me out.  I hope to pay back one day............07:12
m1rkeithclark: buy those guys beer07:13
DistroJockeyAnytime, I learn at the same time, so you did help :)07:13
keithclarkIf you were in Canada, I'd buy the beer, no problem at all.07:13
DistroJockeym1r: hehe07:13
m1rbeer always helps ;)07:13
DistroJockeyjust got a carton, so I'm good for a little bit ;)07:13
keithclarkmlr, I have no issues buying beer, It's just what Canadians do!07:14
m1rgj keithclark ;)07:14
tritiumclinton: that depends on w64codecs07:14
clintonso I noticed07:14
quentusrexWhy does my system monitor only show on of my processor cores?07:14
clintonI had my hopes up for a moment...07:14
keithclarkOther than this issue, 8.04 seems very stable!07:14
tritium!dvd > clinton07:15
tritiumclinton: also /msg ubotu divx07:15
sarixeclinton : i think there may be a missing package somewhere... lemme check amarok's dependencies for some recommended packages07:15
DistroJockeyquentusrex: does the following command show 2?:  less /proc/cpuinfo07:16
clintontritium: nope... those odn't work either07:17
tritiumclinton: in what way?07:17
quentusrexDistroJockey, no. only one....07:17
Zvezdichkohmmm, the bug I discovered yesterday in konqueror occurs only with specific sites and only when I click the button back..07:17
DistroJockeyquentusrex: then it looks like you only have one07:17
keithclarkOk, one last little question here......and I'm sorry to tax you....is trackerd really necessary?  I've noticed it gobbling processor power as well.07:17
clintontritium: I still don't have mpeg4 codecs that I can use with ffmpeg07:18
quentusrexDistroJockey, no. I have a dual core processor.07:18
DistroJockeyquentusrex: what one?07:18
quentusrexIntel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz07:18
DistroJockeyquentusrex: that would be a HT one I believe07:18
sarixepentium d is dual core? i didn't know...07:18
DistroJockeyquentusrex: HyperThreaded07:19
wilburdudeThat D is dual core.07:19
wilburdudeThats the pentium d 805, dual core and x6407:19
DistroJockeymodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz07:19
quentusrexDistroJockey, It's dual core... Trust me. I just upgraded and now ubuntu doesn't realize I have the second core.07:19
DistroJockeythat's mine07:19
DistroJockeyquentusrex: yep, I believe you07:19
clintonquentusrex: which linux image are you using?07:19
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | Please make sure you know how to administer an Ubuntu system (including broken dependancies), and how to fix it when it breaks, before installing Hardy. Please remember to search the web, and not ask silly questions - this is not #ubuntu | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | Beta Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta
justin007827installed H.H. on first gen. macbook pro. Things were fine. Tried to select an emerald theme. Emerald theme manager let me choose it, but never updated after reboot. Tried to install XGL. broke my GNOME setting daemon. Any clues as to what happened and how to get emerald to work??07:19
quentusrexLinux quentusrex-desktop 2.6.24-12-386 #1 Wed Mar 12 22:30:29 UTC 2008 i686 GNU07:20
wilburdudeSo no one has any clues as to why I can't get network connection with my intel pro/1000 card?07:20
loayou need smp kernel.07:20
clintonquentusrex: wrong kernel07:20
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | Please make sure you know how to administer an Ubuntu system (including broken dependancies), and how to fix it when it breaks, before installing Hardy. Please remember to search the web and forums, and not ask silly questions - this is not #ubuntu | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | Beta Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta
quentusrexI don't see the smp kernel available in the apt-cache search.07:20
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" | Please make sure you know how to administer an Ubuntu system (including broken dependencies), and how to fix it when it breaks, before installing Hardy. Please remember to search the web and forums, and not ask silly questions - this is not #ubuntu | Help test LTS upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSUpgradesHowto | Beta Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta
DistroJockeyquentusrex: my  uname -a  = Linux myubuntu 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux07:21
quentusrexapt-cache search linux-image|grep 2.6.2407:21
clintonan Ubuntu? heh07:21
Hobbseeclinton: /07:21
justin007827hi room07:21
=== sarixe is now known as room
keithclarkDistroJockey and clinton:  You guys are the best.  I thank you and have a good evening!07:21
clintonHobbsee: words that start with consonant sounding sounds should be prefixed with a, not an07:21
=== room is now known as sarixe
DistroJockeykeithclark: cheers! You too :)07:21
Hobbseeclinton: u is a vowel, not a consonant.07:22
Hobbseelast time i went to school, anyway.07:22
clintonHobbsee: the U is pronounced as you, right?  think of "a user", notice it isn't "an user"07:22
sarixea youbuntu07:23
DistroJockeyHobbsee:  I agree with clinton :)07:23
justin007827wow, its really snowing outside. If anyone would like to take the time to help figure out this bug, please let me know.07:23
lance-It's not pronounced as 'you'.07:23
tritiumclinton: it's not pronounced as "youbuntu"07:23
quentusrexit's pronounced oobuntoo07:24
clintonUbuntu, an African word from Zulu and Xhosa, is pronounced "oo-BOON-too".07:24
tritiumclinton: right07:24
clintonso we're all wrong trying to apply English grammar rules to an African word07:24
quentusrexguys, why wont' apt-get show me any smp kernel images?07:24
clintonquentusrex: maybe you need to expand your list of sources07:24
oxigenquentusrex: sms = generic07:25
oxigen*smp :)07:25
tritiumcorrect, oxigen07:25
quentusrexok, so I need to boot into the generic kernel?07:25
quentusrexwhy doesn't the generic kernel say anything about smp?07:25
clintonoxigen: third times the charm07:26
m1ri need little help in conky setup please. how can i monitor my swap usage ? for home it says: home: ${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home} , how can i make it monitor my swap usage ?07:26
oxigenit's still early here... before cafe07:26
clintonquentusrex: if you run top and hit 1 (one) a couple of times, what happens?07:26
justin007827is there an incompatibility between ati driver and xgl in H.H. maybe?07:26
quentusrexclinton, the second core is not recognized....07:26
clintonquentusrex: top says that?07:26
clintonI didn't know top could do that07:26
DistroJockeyooo, nice tip clinton07:27
clintonDistroJockey: I've had fun with those tools.  I have a G15 keyboard that I made up some scripts for putting system information onto the screen.07:27
DistroJockeyclinton: very nice :)07:27
quentusrexclinton, top only says there is one core....07:28
quentusrexcpu(1) isn't there....07:28
DanaGhtop ⋙ top07:28
clintonquentusrex: OK07:28
clintonquentusrex: reboot into the generic image07:28
tritiumquentusrex: "uname -a" should indicate SMP07:29
justin007827is anyone not bussy?07:29
clintonjustin007827: sure07:29
justin007827sorry, my problem is kind of trivial, but its pissing me off.07:29
clintonjustin007827: well tell us07:29
justin007827cant get emerald theme manager to work. tried installing xgl and my gnome session got all messed up.07:30
clintonmodprobe telepathy07:30
clintonFATAL: Module telepathy not found.07:30
justin007827uninstalled and it fixed it07:30
justin007827did the same thing when i upgraded from Gusty07:30
justin007827so I tried to start from scratch07:30
clintonjustin007827: isntall compiz and it's various dependencies, also install fusion-icon, and ensure you have emerald and emerald-theme-manager or whatever its called installed to07:31
clintonjustin007827: set up Gnome to autostart fusion-icon07:31
justin007827ihave all that, but i think fusion icon might be missing07:31
clintonjustin007827: that's how I have things setup - and things work smoothly for me, no need for xgl07:31
Adys#compiz-fusion is very inactive right now, just pasting in here - is the bug that puts the top window decorations outside the screen a known/tracked one? on dual monitors only, i precise07:31
justin007827k, great07:31
justin007827i'll try it07:32
clintonjustin007827: you should like it, it lets you switch between WM's quite smoothly07:32
justin007827great, thank you for helping me in my pointless persuit of eye candy hehe07:32
clintonjustin007827: I actually prefer this pointless eye candy since the nv driver sucks horrifically for my video card07:33
glueryeh if i didnt have eye cany i wouldnt be married ;-)07:33
clintonjustin007827: If I don't use these "goodies" window events just aren't very smooth07:34
justin007827ok, i am using ati driver i think07:34
justin007827for macbook pro07:34
justin007827i tried the open sorce driver on Gusty, but it didnt work good07:35
* clinton is sufficiently buzzed07:35
DistroJockeyclinton: IRC newbie here. What command was that?07:36
justin007827got it al linstalled, how does fusion-button work?07:36
* DanaG prefers not having emerald.07:36
DistroJockeyPlease stop teasing me! ;)07:36
tritiumDistroJockey: /me blah blah07:36
DistroJockeycheers tritium :)07:37
justin007827nm, got it07:37
clintontritium: thanks.. i couldn't figure out what DistroJockey was talking about?07:37
clintonerr, no ? needed there07:37
DistroJockeysorry clinton07:37
tritiumclinton: ;)07:38
teamcobrahey all... this is a stupid question, but my friend has a hosed gnome config.... I've deleted .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd and .metacity , and it still loads his config... any ideas?07:38
clintonteamcobra: delete .config07:38
justin007827Clinton:  Thanks, that worked great. Didnt even have to restart session.07:38
clintonjustin007827: np, enjoy!07:38
justin007827would that work on my desktop too. It has H.H. amd6407:39
clintonjustin007827: yup, I'm running right now Hardy on amd6407:39
justin007827Sweet. Well, i'm gunna go smoke and watch it snow. I can;'t believe its snowing in seattle in spring, lol07:39
justin007827global warming is crazzy07:40
clintonjustin007827: I even have hardy going on my machine at work.  Was great till I had to fire up vmware, oops07:40
justin007827its not working yet?07:40
teamcobravirtualbox FTW! :D07:40
clintonteamcobra: I wish.07:40
clintonteamcobra: as soon as I get time to swap things over to that I will07:41
teamcobraclinton: doing some heavy lifting, then?07:41
justin007827I havn't messed with virtualization yet, what can you do with it?07:41
teamcobrajustin: play with other os's07:41
clintonteamcobra: yup07:41
teamcobraclinton: why not go with xen... or.... maybe vmware 3i when it gets a bit better07:41
teamcobrathe idea behing 3i is very solid...... hopefully xen goes that route too07:42
clintonteamcobra: not my choice, it's a work machine07:42
justin007827thats what I thought.  Is it possible to virtualize gentoo in ubuntu?07:42
DanaGVirtualbox is free ($); part of it is even Free (source)07:42
clintonjustin007827: yup, I was just doing that yesterday here at home with virtualbox07:42
justin007827i would really like to try it, but gentoo is intimidating07:42
DanaG(I'm obsessive-compulsive about my own punctuation, but not about others'.)07:43
clintonjustin007827: keep in mind that even if you're running on AMD64, virtualbox simulates 32bit07:43
teamcobraclinton: nice, .config had to go ;)07:43
clintonteamcobra: cool07:43
justin007827vmware is 64-bit07:43
LynoureWhat's the main advantage of virtualbox over kvm?07:43
teamcobrajust installed dsl at a buddy's, upgraded his laptop (we have 2 identical compaqs) to 8.04 :)07:43
clintonteamcobra: identical compaq's?  do you lspci's match up?07:44
Zvezdichkohmmm... as I read this, I'm looking for a good virtual machine that runs on Linux07:44
teamcobraLynoure: the interface ;)07:44
clintonZvezdichko: virtualbox07:44
ZvezdichkoI mean, freeware07:44
teamcobraclinton: amazingly enough ;)07:44
DanaGThat was one big thing for me, too.  VMWare's interface is bulky.  Way bulky.07:44
clintonteamcobra: wow, that's impressive coming from compaq, they must be from the same production run07:44
Lynoureteamcobra: some GUI, that is?07:44
DanaGVirtualBox has Seamless Mode, which is pretty nifty!07:45
Zvezdichkohmmm... rebooting, back here in a minute07:45
teamcobraclinton: yup ;) and I think they stopped making these laptops shortly after07:45
Zvezdichkogoing to try andlinux, bye07:45
teamcobrabut they're not bad, $579 each w 1gb ram and a gf6100 (had them since last summer)07:45
justin007827Clinton: is there any documentation that you would recomend fo building a virtual gentoo machine?07:45
teamcobraJustin: painkillers07:45
clintonjustin007827: for building gentoo itself or the virutalization?07:45
teamcobraand this is coming from a person that's used slack for 12 years ;)07:45
* DanaG is a mild HP fanboy himself (though not anything like Apple fanboys)07:46
justin007827the virtualization. I have messed a little with gentoo already07:46
clintonjustin007827: virtualbox is so painfully easy I can be drunk and use it07:46
teamcobraDanaG: good cheap hardware, terrible support (but who cares?)07:46
DanaGI try to limit myself to, at worst, annoying people by saying,  "Hey, look at this!  Hey, look at that!  Ooooh, look at this thing! ... and so on".07:46
DanaGI'm not the "OMG, they are $DIETY; they can do no wrong!" sorty.07:47
justin007827clinton: ok i'll check it. How bout vmware. A friend of mine suggested it. does it have any advantages ?07:47
clintonDanaG: Are you one of my co-workers?07:47
clintonjustin007827: it can be free or you can pay for a supported version07:47
teamcobraheh, everyone that's seen my laptop has gotten a custom hardy dvd... but the scary thing is, they _asked_ for it ;)07:47
DanaGI wouldn't know.  I'll say where I go: Cal Poly, SLO.07:47
clintonjustin007827: vmware has been used for years07:47
teamcobrajustin: vmware is kinda cripped unless you buy it... and vbox beats it in performance on this amd64 x207:48
clintonDanaG: I was being a smart ass, one of my co-workers does that quite often with his eye-candy stuff07:48
DanaGI do that about various random HP products, and only sometimes with my eye-candy stuff.07:48
justin007827clinton: I see, thank you very much. I think i'm about to start that. Any gentoo wisdom to pass on before I attempt it on a virtual machine?07:49
clintonjustin007827: be patient07:49
Dr_willisvery patient with gentoo07:49
justin007827ok. takes a few days right?07:50
DanaGSurprisingly, people don't often comment on my eye-candy or themes.07:50
clintonI was using Gentoo forever before this.. I accidentally fdisk'ed the wrong drive and my backup wasn't quite complete, so I decided to try something else07:50
Dr_willisinstall the base system. :) install the ssh server, ssh in,  cut/paste the rest of the install docs from some other machine.07:50
DanaGI usually have them set relatively tame.07:50
gluercheck this out: http://www.ubuntux.org/ubuntu-microsoft-windows-seamless-integration07:50
Dr_willisThere may be some  premade gentoo virtual machines on the vmware virtual machine pages.07:50
teamcobraheh, ubuntu was the only distro that got the quirks of these 2 laptops right ;)07:51
DanaGAnd my screen is frickin' dim, partly because it's old, and partly because it's crappy.07:51
DistroJockeyDanaG: I like having my windows burst into flames when I close them :)07:51
clintonI woudln't mind going back to Gentoo, but the simple things I had to put hours into making them work or, well, *just working* TM here in Ubuntu07:51
quentusrexDoes anyone here know a lot about gpg? What are the differences between DSA? and RSA?07:51
DanaGI use Dream on open and Sidekick on close.07:51
DanaGI use Lamp for minimize/maximize, and Vacuum for menus.07:51
teamcobrawow, as much as I hate windows, that setup is pretty in its own way ;)07:51
Hobbseequentusrex: suggestion:  http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=dsa+rsa+difference&btnG=Google+Search&meta=07:51
DanaGThat last thing looks relatively spiffy.07:52
justin007827Clinton: i agrea, ubuntu is powerfull and easy, but i want to try gentoo. All packages are compiled from source, correct?07:52
DistroJockeyDanaG: :) Not played with those much07:52
Dr_willisclinton,  ther were some gentoo-spinoffs that  did a lot of the work for ya. but i never did get them workign right.07:52
teamcobrajustin: your machine compiles all packages as it installs them07:52
clintonjustin007827: yes, everything is compiled from source except the very few bin packages (firefox, openoffice, etc)07:52
justin007827clinton: and the flags, do i need to select any?07:52
Dr_willisgentoo is all about the flags....07:53
clintonDr_willis: yea,but once you get something installed as your primary os you dont' really want to try spinoffs07:53
clintonjustin007827: um, -pipe is a good one, but mostly just go with the defaults for starters.  Don't become a ricer.07:53
Dr_willisclinton,  most of the spinoffs were just gentoo + a lot of precompiled bits. You could emerge/tweak as you wanted.07:53
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:53
clintonDr_willis: true, but I was enjoying learning the grunts and bits of how things worked07:53
Dr_willisIf using vmare as a test bed.check out the vmware appliances page.07:53
* DanaG uses this in his VM: http://brewman.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=5498&libid=107:54
Dr_willisI dident learn much from gentoo. :)07:54
Dr_willisother then how gentoo worked..  ubuntu lets me focus on the other bits.07:54
DanaGI use fullscreen, not seamless, because that nice blue in Windows, and my nice orange in Ubuntu, don't get along well with each other.07:54
clintonDanaG: so when I go to work wearing blue pants and an orange shirt I look hideous?07:55
justin007827Dr_willis: is there another os you think i might learn more from by trying to build a virtual machine on my ubuntu box?07:55
Dr_willisjustin007827,  depends on what you want to learn.07:55
DanaGNot necessarily.07:55
Dr_willislearning how to cut/paste  obtouse commands from a install doc. isent learnng much. :)07:55
clintonDanaG: damn.. I was hoping it would be the case! hehe07:55
DanaGoh yeah, here's my orange theme (though screenshot has previous version of wallpaper):07:55
clintonDanaG: I run 4 virtual desktops, chats in one, email in another, web browsing in another, and random stuff in the last07:57
justin007827well, I should let you guys get back to H.H. chatter07:57
justin007827anks for all the info07:57
clintonjustin007827: np07:57
clintonDanaG: I also hide the system panel, alt-tab works good enough for me07:58
DanaGI like the GTK theme I use.07:59
DanaGOh, and another random note:  Next time I get a laptop, I am sooooooo going to get a case skin with the Heron image.08:00
ArelisIs Hardy gonna be delayed past 24 april, to boost the quality?08:00
quentusrexWhy won't gpg let me generate an RSA key?08:00
quentusrexI want to be able to encrypt my e-mails as well as sign them...08:01
DistroJockeyArelis: I doubt it.08:01
ArelisAlso, does it have a new theme? (I searched google, but got mixed results, (i searched about a week ago, and today), saying that it didn't have a new theme, but i saw the new wallpaper and colors on the hardy beta screenshots.)08:01
ArelisDistroJockey: dapper got delayed.08:02
DistroJockeyArelis: by how long?08:02
Arelishmm... i think it was about 1 week, or a month08:02
vinayy1I upgraded from gutsy to hardy, and boot is pretty slow..08:02
tritiumDistroJockey: until June 108:03
vinayy1in bootchart i see a pause of almost 30 seconds in between.08:03
vinayy1is this a known issue?08:03
DistroJockeyArelis: well, it's just that .04 release is released in April (being the 4th month) and .10 in October08:03
DistroJockeyas far as I know08:03
tritiumThat's correct, DistroJockey08:04
DistroJockeytritium: and Dapper was still called .04 ?08:04
tritiumDistroJockey: no08:05
DistroJockeytritium: If so, then I guess it could be delayed, but I find it pretty stable, and they have a month08:05
tritiumDapper was called 6.0608:05
DistroJockeytritium: ahh, that's right08:06
* DanaG goes to bed now.08:06
teamcobranight DanaG08:09
Scientusi killed my mbr with qemu and now i am having trouble getting grub reinstalled. ubuntu live 7.04 could recognize my drive ad i could mount it but grub wont recognize my partition formatting, and super grub disk doesnt reconize the formatting of my ext3 and wont booot it, but the live cd could see all the files and i open up my grub menu.1st and stuff any idea on getting grub working again???08:13
vinayy1whenever I try to run any application in system->administration menu, i see a "starting adminstrative application" in the taskbar at the bottom and then nothing happens.08:13
vinayy1seems like there's a problem with policykit08:13
vinayy1or something that prompts for root credentials.08:13
vinayy1any thoughts?08:13
baudelairehey, everyone.   Has anyone else had problems with the Audacious 1.5.0 update?  I have to turn the equilizer off now and can't use any of my presets.  It seem to have changed the way that operates.  Anyone else experience this?08:29
penmy firefox now can't run gmail in new skin08:30
penis it because of the version?08:30
teamcobrapen: is it 3b4? I just logged into gmail and everything looked fine08:32
teamcobrawith a button to change to "older version" if I wanted08:32
ArelisI want to use Hardy Heron as my daily operating system, mainly because it is more stable than Gutsy (well, the final version..) and has support for my Wacom Bamboo Fun. I haven't fixed apt-get (broken dependencies, for example) before, but have had some problems with it, like it segmentation faulting all the time. Good choice, or not?08:32
penteamcobra: yes08:32
penteamcobra: now it switches to incompatible mode in this version of FF08:33
HobbseeArelis: if you can get around in hardy, and aren't using it for mission critical stuff (ie, you have time to fix it if it breaks), then yes.08:33
penteamcobra: the most basic theme...08:33
HobbseeArelis: but if you need a guarenteed-working machine, all the time, and aren't good at problem solving, then gutsy's a better choice08:33
HobbseeArelis: a big part of the problem si that often people don't know the answer to whatever bug you have, so you do have to do some research.08:34
Areliswell i've had to fix gutsy all the time, too. It isn't always available, sometimes there are problems which prevent me from working, or from working efficiently.08:34
teamcobrahrm, not sure then :/08:34
HobbseeArelis: then you're probably "safe" with hardy.08:35
HobbseeArelis: at least, as safe as you are with gutsy :)08:35
tritiumArelis: note that hardy is _not_ more stable that gutsy at the moment.08:36
Black_MagicWell now im having problems with back and space08:36
Black_Magicif i write something long then i use the space button then start writting again08:36
Black_Magicit erases what ever words where behind the space -.-08:36
baudelairehey, everyone.   Has anyone else had problems with the Audacious 1.5.0 update?  I have to turn the equilizer off now and can't use any of my presets.  It seem to have changed the way that operates.  Anyone else experience this?  Thanks for the help in advance.08:36
Black_Magicor if i just go to a part of a sentence and start typing it erases what was there with what im typing...08:36
Arelisof course, if i wouldn't have to spend so much time fixing problems on my computer, it'd be great.08:37
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: did hit hit the Insert key by mistake?08:37
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: did you hit ^08:38
Black_MagicDistroJockey: I dont think >.> its been doing it for a bit08:38
Black_MagicIns key -.-08:38
Black_MagicWhat does that do anyways?08:38
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: switches between normal and typeover mode08:38
Black_MagicDistroJockey: oh :/08:38
Black_MagicDistroJockey: Well sorry for asking...08:38
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: may depend on the aplication though08:38
Black_MagicATM Xchat08:39
DistroJockeyBlack_Magic: no problem08:39
Black_Magicand kpdf08:39
Black_MagicAlso has anyone noticed that the normal PDF viewer that comes with Ubuntu lags alot?08:39
Black_Magicand when you try and go down manully more then one page it starts sticking08:39
justin007827virtualbox-ose ? is this a good package to install for virtualization?08:44
hischildjustin007827, that's virtualbox. It runs perfectly IMO08:45
justin007827hischild: thanks, do I need to select any other packages when installing in H.H.?08:45
hischildjustin007827, no, that should do it.08:46
justin007827hischild: great, thanks a lot.08:46
hischildyou're welcome08:47
penwhen is FFb5 out?08:49
Black_Magiclol >.> elkbuntu How do i un ignore DrDerek :/08:51
ere4simy new xubuntu won't follow the choices I make for sessions in the settings manager :(08:52
ere4siI had conky starting after login and removed it from autostarted apps but the $*&#&%^ thing kept appearing - I had to uninstall it to stop it showing09:00
Dr_willisere4si,  gnome has a session management feature that rembners started apps.09:02
Dr_willisxfce also has a similer feature. but i forget how its different from gnomes.09:02
ere4siDr_willis: I'm using the new xubuntu :)09:03
Dr_willisi though xfce desktop had aautostart apps setting tool. but i never messed withit09:03
Dr_willisi did like xfce on my laptop last week when i was trying it out09:03
teamcobraI'd never install an app named Conky, on principle ;)09:05
ere4siDr_willis: I thought the interface from the settings manager should control the sessions - it is labeled "sessions"hehe09:05
teamcobraI've seen the Trailer Park Boys episodes ;)09:05
Dr_willisI got no idea what you are refering to teamcobra  :)09:06
Dr_willisconky is a nifty tool however.09:06
Dr_willisit dont work very nicely with kde/gnome at times :(09:06
ere4siI only didn't want it showing 'cause I was playing with gdesklets09:07
teamcobraDr_willis: Canadian sitcom/mockumentary, "Conky" is a hand puppet that one of the characters has for 3 episodes out of 7 seasons.... and is pure evil09:07
teamcobrathink Chucky from Child's Play, only a hand puppet, and blonde, with glasses09:07
mohamed_i installed nvidia driver and i can see nvidia logo when X running, but on desktop when run nvidia-setting i got error "  You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.  " any help to adjust this drivers ?09:09
hischildmohamed_, pastebin your xorg.conf please09:10
Black_MagicWhat Drivers Does Hardy use anyways :/09:10
mohamed_ok mom09:10
Black_Magicit seems they get updated about 3 times >.>09:10
flowOvermy webcam isn't working .  its a creative live pro.09:10
hischildBlack_Magic, it depends on what gfx card you have09:11
Black_MagicATI :/09:11
Black_MagicI mean they keep getting Upgraded so i dont know if its the newer one09:11
Black_Magicthe older one or09:11
Black_Magicsome beta/alpha one :/09:11
hischildBlack_Magic, i think those are fglrx but i'm not sure09:11
mohamed_hischild,  http://phpfi.com/30598409:11
flowOveranyone have a problem with the keyboard layouts acting funny?  mine keeps setting itself to something foreign.  everytime on startup and randomly as well.09:11
Black_Magicthe Older FGLRX that comes with ubuntu or the ATI one...?09:11
flowOverit'll change back if i go into and look that the settings are all the same, then test the layout.09:12
teamcobrablack: ati drivers still have glitches, but they are getting a lot better ;) the 780g chipset (radeon hd 3200) that I have in my server gets 31337 fps in glxgears (really)09:12
kalatianmy 3850 gets ~1400009:12
justin007827whats glxgears?09:12
hischildmohamed_, did you try what the error suggested?09:13
flowOverbut no matter what i do, i cannot get the quotation to work as it should .  it acts as an accent toggle09:13
kalatianat any rate, ubuntu uses fglrx if you ask, but ATI by default09:13
ethana3justin: well... depends who you ask09:13
mohamed_hischild, yes09:13
Black_Magicteamcobra: *passes Out*09:13
hischildi get around 3k09:13
ethana3glxgears should be called "ginb"09:13
ethana3'ginb is not a benchmark'09:14
Black_Magicteamcobra: Well Im getting stuff about XGL but thats not installed :/ About it starting automaticly and such09:14
mohamed_hischild, i delete xorg and restart X to create new one also09:14
hischildmohamed_, hmm ... to get rid of the logo you can add a option NoLogo "True"09:14
hischilddon't remove, it can break stuff very badly09:14
mohamed_hischild, the Logo appear09:14
Black_Magicis there a way to change drivers if you once used ATI because The Open Source one give me glitches like flickering in and out bluured stuff when you open it real quick all kinda stuff09:14
teamcobraethana: yeah, but it was funny that it got and held 31337 fps ;p09:14
mohamed_hischild, i need to adjust desktop refresh rate09:15
ethana3teamcobra: very nice09:15
hischildwhy do you need to adjust it? does it show you with 50 or 51 Hz?09:15
teamcobrablack: the flickering is the closed source driver, there are a few glitches09:15
Black_Magicteamcobra: 6227 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1245.222 FPS09:15
hischildBlack_Magic, you can edit your xorg for that, use VESA for opensource or the FGLRX as closed source if i remember correctly09:15
Black_MagicClosed source what i mean :/09:15
teamcobraI noticed that alt-tabbing in compiz doesn';t properly show window previews09:15
hischildIIRC yes09:16
teamcobrablack, does compiz work?09:16
Black_Magicin the driver place...09:16
Black_MagicCan i still use Compiz...?09:16
ethana3i have a gpu that's around 300 glxgears.....09:16
teamcobrablack; not w/ the open source driver unless you have an old card09:16
Black_MagicLol my card sucks *****09:17
Black_Magicits one of those X cards09:17
teamcobraethana: the 780g board I bought was 70 usd and plays et:quake wars nicely09:17
Black_MagicX300 X200 X350 Ect09:17
teamcobrablack: definitely keep the fglrx then09:17
teamcobraI had a lappie w/ a 200m ,terrible09:17
Black_Magicand its a labtop card :/09:17
Black_MagicI have 200M Too :./09:17
teamcobra6100 in this09:17
Black_MagicATI Raedon Xpress 200M :/09:18
teamcobrageforce 6100, that is09:18
Black_MagicBut im stuck with it09:18
teamcobrayup, I sold that other lappie09:18
Black_MagicCant change Lappie Cards09:18
teamcobraat least the drivers are better09:18
Black_MagicWell I run Compiz Pretty good just small glitches09:18
teamcobrawhen I sold it, it couldn't use compiz at all09:18
Black_MagicOnly small problems accure everything else works on my labtop with ubuntu is what gets me >.>09:19
Black_MagicEverything but Graphics work Perfectly09:19
teamcobrayup, they're fixing them, it seems ati is semi-serious about their cards not sucking now09:19
justin007827hischild: how do i install a linux distro on virtualbox?09:19
teamcobraand w/ ati drivers you have to disable compiz before you play nexuiz, alienarena, etc09:19
hischildjustin007827, download the iso and then mount it under the cd tab09:19
justin007827hischild: thanks, i was hopeing it was that easy.09:20
hischildteamcobra, you have to disable compiz for almost everything unless you want a fugly screen09:20
teamcobravirtualbox should include vmgl for linux distros ;)09:20
teamcobragl in linux (and osx, I think) vm's09:20
teamcobraproject at the U of T (toronto)09:20
Black_Magicteamcobra: Same with non Open Source ATI Drivers....well they almost fixed it the game plays but it flickers in and out... so unplayable09:21
Black_Magicif they fix it a little more the drivers will be perfect and enable Games to be Played With COmpiz Enabled09:21
teamcobraBlack: disable compiz09:21
teamcobraand it's fine09:21
justin007827man, my macbook pro is hot. Is there anything i can do about it?09:21
Black_Magicteamcobra: I know i dont have it on ATM windows open slower :/09:21
=== j__ is now known as j^
justin007827feels like it runs even hoter than osx09:21
teamcobraok, just making sure.... disabling desktop effects fixes the flickering09:22
teamcobraand makes the penguins happy ;)09:22
Black_Magiclol anyone want to help me trace09:23
Black_Magicwhy it flickers?09:23
Black_Magicthen maybe we could File ATI a thing and then they'll fix it and make it possible to play Games in09:24
Black_MagicThing with Compiz ENabled09:24
Black_Magicwhoah i got 2556 FPS :P09:25
Black_Magicwith this crappy card..09:25
justin007827does anyone know how to increase the default minimum fan speed on a macbook in ubuntu?09:26
teamcobrano idea, macs make me sad :(09:26
justin007827me too09:27
teamcobraubuntu on a mac makes me a bit happier, granted09:27
teamcobrawhat is the livecd boot key combo? I always mess it up09:27
justin007827makes me a lot happier. I bout it befor i learned abount linux09:27
teamcobrathere's an imac 20" at work :/09:27
justin007827that page has some directions, but i dont really understand it09:28
justin007827for the fan thing09:28
teamcobrainvolves patching the kernel, looks kinda dirty/outdated09:29
Black_Magicis there a way to control fan in Toshiba's?09:29
justin007827hmm, ok, so probably don't need to worry about it? It just seems like it gets so hot.09:29
justin007827thanks, is it hard to do?09:30
justin007827I havn't done much with scripts09:31
teamcobranop, looks like you just chmod it +x and run it09:31
justin007827great. I will give that a shot.09:31
justin007827thanks for looking for that.09:31
teamcobrano prob09:31
afd_hi! Anyone running wicd under hardy? I'm getting an error about security settings...09:32
justin007827teamcobra: my browser says "secure conection failed" when i tried to download that script09:33
teamcobrayeh, old ssl cert09:33
justin007827hmm, how do i download it then?09:34
teamcobraI read the script and it looked decent, even polled the cpu09:34
teamcobratemporarily add an exception09:34
justin007827oh, sorry09:34
justin007827i didnt see that09:34
* nonix4 ponders... anyone bother to toss him an up-to-date Hardy pool url?09:35
teamcobranonix: I'm confused, do you just want to update from gutsy?09:35
tannererm wtf09:36
tannertaking 20 minutes to transer 1.5gbs to my flash drive09:36
nonix4teamcobra: trying to use jigdo, it complains that my local mirror misses 76 files09:36
Black_MagicThat always happens :/09:36
Black_MagicIt goes about 10-14MB/s When its below 1GB09:36
Black_Magicbut anything above its slow as heck09:36
teamcobraohh, sorry, tried jigdo a few times in the past and it left a bad taste in my mouth09:37
tannerthis is beyond weird, slower than usb1 speeds09:37
Black_Magiclol i dont get it either its like the bigger the file the slower it goes...09:37
Black_Magicit drops to 1-2MB/s If over 1GB09:38
tannerwhats odd is this is a recent development, it was doing this to a 600meg file earlier09:38
justin007827teamcobra: so now just "chmod +x applesmc.sh" in the directory i downloaded it09:38
justin007827what is +x?09:39
justin007827gives x permission?09:39
justin007827oh, ok09:40
justin007827i'm new09:40
teamcobraok, let me find a url to point you to regarding scripts and their safety09:40
Black_Magicteamcobra: Is that possible on Toshiba's?09:40
Black_MagicMy labtop gets hot too09:40
Black_Magici litterly have it ontop of a book so the air can vent and it still gets hot -./-09:41
Black_Magici make sure the fan area insnt touching any surface09:41
teamcobraBlack: that script won't work, but google around09:41
DarkMageZBlack_Magic, A100 series?09:41
Black_MagicDarkMageZ: A10509:41
LMJHello the chan09:42
justin007827teamcobra: what is the sintax to execute this script? and let me know if you find a url on script safety09:42
Black_Magicjustin007827: Just drag and drop to terminal09:43
justin007827ok, thats easy09:43
Black_Magicoh dont forget to press enter afterwards09:43
tanneranyway to change how the drive mounts? ie. non synchronous09:43
DistroJockey./applesmc.sh would also work if you were ther chmod'ing it09:44
LMJI would like to know why Hardy Heron, during the install, hangs on the repo check, sound like it can't found it. I've pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 and i'm able to reach the repo via ping (the network works fine). I saw it tries to reach a country local repo btw, any ideas ?09:44
teamcobrahttp://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?a=54   > info on bad scripts09:44
justin007827cat: /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_safe: No such file or directory09:44
justin007827cat: /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_max: No such file or directory09:44
justin007827/home/justin/applesmc.sh: 230: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")09:44
teamcobrahrm.... 1 min09:44
justin007827thats what i got when i ran the script09:44
teamcobrahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook  < looks like anything you could need is there09:46
teamcobraincluding the fan fix ;)09:46
justin007827ok, i'll check it out again.09:46
justin007827sorry to make you dig around if it was there all along09:47
teamcobraor look at the macbook pro page if you have a pro09:47
jimiridgein ubuntu i trust09:47
justin007827ya, the stuff should aply for both in most cases right? mins a few hardware things like video?09:47
Black_Magicdid you try the script with Root privs i mean Sudo?09:48
jimiridgefigured out why i couldnt set my rtl8187 in monitor mode09:48
teamcobraand the pro wiki page is pretty nice09:48
justin007827no, i did not try with root09:48
teamcobrammn, rtl818709:48
jimiridgewrong module09:48
* teamcobra hugs his alfa09:48
justin007827but, i am gunna check the page again first09:48
jimiridgenot rtl818709:48
jimiridgenow its awesome09:48
jimiridgei can inject again ;)09:49
teamcobrajim: how many fps?09:49
teamcobraI'll admit, I haven't even speedtested my alfa in hardy yet09:49
justin007827what does the hdd temp daemon do?09:50
jimiridgei dont ever connect with mine09:50
jimiridgeuse the atheros for that ;)09:50
Black_Magicjimiridge: Lol I can use Aircrack-ng and crack while i chat :P Gotta love Atheros09:51
jimiridgei made like 4 of these http://www.hackszine.com/blog/archive/2007/11/wifi_range_extender_5_bars_for.html09:51
jimiridgeones on my alfa09:51
Black_Magicjimiridge: Whats that do?09:51
jimiridgelike instead of a 2.3dbi ducky <default on most hardware>09:51
tannerthis is ludicrous, 780kbps on a usb2 device09:51
jimiridgeturns it into lieka 7dbi09:51
teamcobrajim: wow, niiiiiice :D09:52
jimiridgei havent really run any tests to determine if i succeeded  but still i feel better09:52
jimiridgepsychological range/speed boost09:53
Black_Magicjimiridge: Come to ##Black_Magic and explain it all to me :/ Please09:53
jimiridgealso i left the inulation on it09:53
justin007827teamcobra: the macbook pro page suggests loading the applesmc module, but has no directions on how to download and install it09:53
jimiridgewhats to explain?09:53
justin007827how do I download and install applesmc?09:54
Black_Magiclol i thought it was a Program First :/09:54
justin007827that is that script i already tried right?09:54
teamcobrasudo modprobe applesmc09:54
teamcobrain a console09:54
teamcobrado an lsmod09:54
teamcobrato see if it's already running09:54
justin007827good call, thanks09:55
* ethana3 goes to bed09:55
teamcobrajimridge: what injection rates do you get with your rtl8187 in hardy?09:56
justin007827applesmc               21164  009:56
flowOveri'm looking in my xorg.conf and there are two devices that have the nvidia driver.  "Configured Video Device" and "Videocard0"  is this common configuration?09:56
teamcobraok, then it's running.... sudo modprobe coretemp09:57
jimiridgeteamcobra, i can crack a wep key in min minutes09:57
teamcobrafollow the cpu temp section, you might not have to manually set the fan speed09:57
jimiridgethe only bottleneck is my typing09:57
teamcobrajim: 59s is my fastest w/ airoscript09:58
teamcobracan't remember the rate though09:58
jimiridgeomg are you serious09:58
jimiridgethats low09:58
hischildjimiridge, how do you do it btw? i know it can be done ... but my card always fails09:58
justin007827ok, i'll check it out.09:58
jimiridgemines like 200-40009:58
Black_Magicjimiridge: I did it in 20s :P!!09:58
jimiridgei could do a quick test to double check the speed09:59
teamcobrajustin: follow the cputemp settings and reboot, it should work for you09:59
Black_Magicjimiridge: 21 :/09:59
justin007827sudo: modprob: command not found09:59
hischildjustin007827, it's modprobE09:59
justin007827with coretemp09:59
justin007827sorry, its early morning here09:59
teamcobraand also, you may want to sudo apt-get install hddtemp09:59
teamcobraas well09:59
Black_Magicisnt that that ln-sensors stuff?09:59
justin007827what does modprobe do?09:59
Black_MagicProbes a Module10:00
teamcobraloads modules (drivers)10:00
hischildjustin007827, it loads a module into the kernel space10:00
justin007827got yasudo: modprob: command not found10:00
teamcobrahischild FTW ;)10:00
justin007827got ya, is what i ment10:00
Black_MagicCore 0:      +65.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)10:00
hischildteamcobra, ?10:00
Black_Magiclol thats real hot >.>10:00
teamcobrahis: shorthand for "For The Win!" ;)10:00
hischildi know10:01
hischildbut ... why :P10:01
hischildBlack_Magic, my gpu and cpu both run at that temp with a +- of 310:01
justin007827coretemp                8448  010:01
Black_Magichischild:  a _- of 3?10:01
tanner15 minutes for 1.5GiB10:02
Black_MagicNice My Labtop is 149 Degrees Fahrenheit10:02
hischildBlack_Magic, a variation above or below of 3 degree10:02
Black_MagicHow you keep it that cool...10:02
tannermy laptop is running absurdly hot for not doing anything intensive according to top, 134F and 140F10:03
teamcobrahischild: I dunno, your answer was much more descriptive, and quick on the draw ;)10:03
hischildteamcobra, ah ok :-)10:03
Black_Magici even have it on a book so the air can vent :/10:03
justin007827thanks, got that stuff all working10:03
jimiridgeok im almost ready to do my wepcrack test10:03
teamcobrajustin: is it cooling off? ;)10:03
* tanner in his tiredness say "book" and "air" and thought of the Macbook Air, and had a evil tingle10:03
hischildBlack_Magic, dunno ... a zalman cooler tends to cool quite well10:04
justin007827ya, it is. i put it to fan speed 2 also10:04
teamcobraheh, I guess the macbook air got pwned @ cansecwest10:04
Black_Magicwhere can i get one...10:04
hischildand it cools both my cpu and gpu10:04
justin007827just for a bit10:04
tannerindeed it did10:04
hischildany hardware store ought to have one10:04
Black_Magicdidnt macbook air get hacked in 2mins...?10:04
justin007827fan is really loud in manule though, ick10:04
hischildjimiridge, can you help get that going? i've been looking into getting that working, but so far no luck10:04
teamcobra2 mins into the 2nd day10:05
teamcobraso 24h +2 mins ;)10:05
tannergladiator is a good movie :)10:05
teamcobrajustin: don't put it into manual mode10:06
teamcobrajust set up the cpu temp and hdtemp stuff, and reboot10:06
teamcobrathat way the fan is controlled by the cpu temp sensors10:07
teamcobraand is auto-adjusted10:07
Lynouretanner: your absurdly hot 140F is less hot than the 65C mentioned above. Would not worry too much :)10:07
Black_MagicLynoure: You know If its possible to control fan on Toshiba Labtops?10:08
tannerLynoure: its about 10F or 6C too hot10:09
tannerwell, more than usual anyway10:09
LynoureBlack_Magic: I don't use Toshiba currently, so if google did not help you, it might not help me any better10:09
* tanner would never use anything other than a Thinkpad10:10
justin007827teamcobra: k, thanks10:10
LynoureI'm quite happy with my HP, have been similarly happy with a thinkpad. :)10:11
* nonix4 ponders... http download from cdimage.ubuntu.com: 100Mbps; bittorrent: 100kbps; jigdo: 30Mbps & fails to finish...10:11
tannerthis is my second thinkpad t series (i'm thinking i would like to switch to an X series soon) and am very pleased with it, especially the return service ive had on my T4010:12
hischildjimiridge, am i out of luck if i'm using ndiswrapper for my wlan?10:12
jimiridgeyup no inject for you10:13
jimiridgewhat card?10:13
hischildatheros 5007 EG10:13
jimiridgei have that card10:13
tanneratheros should be fully supported10:13
jimiridgeit injects10:13
hischildit was misdetected as 5006EG10:13
jimiridgehavent you seen my atheros posts on the ubuntu forums?10:13
Black_MagicWell some windows drivers allow Injection :/10:13
hischildi don't come often on the forums i'm afraid10:13
jimiridgelemmie find the posts10:14
Black_MagicI think err CommView For WIfi10:14
jimiridgepluss to make sure its the same i need you to find out the cards info from lspci10:14
jimiridgelike device id10:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yuif I want to install a source package to see the source code, were do I find the actual source code files?10:15
Black_Magicjimiridge: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)10:16
tanneri believe in the directory you run the command from10:16
dns53apt-get source package?10:16
Black_MagicJust a test i want to make sure mines is what i think it is10:16
jimiridge04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)10:16
jimiridgelol checkout the bottom post10:17
Black_Magicjimiridge:  So mines a Atheros 5007?10:17
jimiridgethat driver should work10:17
Black_MagicLol :/10:17
jimiridgeits also known as AR5BXB6310:18
jimiridgeatheros EG is what windows calls it10:18
justin007827cores are 144 f and 136 f, lol10:19
justin007827that seems hot10:19
kraft__just upgraded to hardy and my lvm seems corupt10:20
tannerjustin007827: i suppose not, mine are at 140 and 13410:20
tanner120 and 12210:20
jimiridgenow let me get back to my aircrack alfa inject packets per sec10:20
kraft__any pointers on how to check the integrity?10:20
justin007827my hdd is 11310:20
hischildjimiridge, so using that driver it should work without ndiswrapper?10:20
tannerhddtemp reports 95 here10:23
hyperairhello there. does anyone but me have an issue with seahorse importing a key from a keyserver?10:23
hyperairit just won't work10:23
jimiridgeBlack_Magic, you have this card aswell?10:23
Black_Magicthe latest Stable?10:23
Black_MagicWell i dont need Ndiswrapper mines works by default..10:23
Black_MagicDoes that mean i have ABG Tooo?10:23
Black_MagicWhoah that was some lag :/10:23
Black_Magiceverything flew into my face...10:23
Black_MagicUh OH!10:24
Black_MagicYour computers about to blow tanner10:24
Black_Magicjimiridge:  Well i dont get why mines works by default :/10:24
Black_Magici didnt have to patch or anything...10:24
jimiridgeif it works with ubuntu's driver it isnt the same10:24
jimiridge5k series10:24
jimiridgesame as in the eeepc10:24
tannerBlack_Magic: only through a series of key presses and an FBI raid10:24
Black_MagicI think mines Atheros 5006EG10:25
jimiridge5007 is what we're talking about10:25
Black_Magicjimiridge:  i thought you Confirmed mines was the same as yours :/10:25
Black_Magicjimiridge: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)10:25
Black_Magicim just notcing it says ABG :/10:27
jimiridgethats just cague i need like vender/device id10:27
Black_MagicOh How can i get that....10:27
* tanner wishes 802.11n f*cking worked10:27
Black_Magiclol :/10:27
Black_MagicABG is basically 802.11n10:27
Black_Magicjust a lil slower i think10:27
davidI just found an IP I can't physically locate10:27
tannerhowever 11n can reach 300mbps10:27
Black_Magicbut what router can pipe that out....?10:28
justin007827still working on virtual box. it says i need to add /dev/vboxdrv to the vboxusers groups. I remember doing something like this on my mythtv box, but forget how.10:28
tannerwhich would be enough for me to stream hi def content over a WPA encrypted WLAN10:28
jimiridgecause my stuff raches around that speed10:28
davidtypical draft-n speeds are 50ish mbps10:28
tannerjustin007827: one sec10:28
hischildjustin007827, you have to add yourself to the vboxusers group, and modprobe the vboxdrv10:28
davidreal-life use average that is10:28
Black_MagicI may get a 802.11n Card10:29
Black_Magicdoes it work in Ubuntu?10:29
tannerjustin007827: usermod -a -G vboxusers <other groups here, dont forget things like wheel, or admin>10:29
davidI'm yet to read success stories Black_Magic, shout if you find ;)10:29
justin007827hischild, ok how do i add myself to a group?10:29
hischildjustin007827, sudo adduser *youruser* vboxusers10:30
Black_Magiclol >.> I thought Ubuntu got some specs on the Driver for the 833xx cards?10:30
Black_Magicarent 802.11n Broadcam?10:30
tannermy 11n is Intel :D10:30
tannersadly 11n support is more "mature" in Windows, achieving greater throughput10:31
Black_MagicThats because Apple Advertises running windows in Err Bootcamp :/10:31
Black_MagicAnything apple Advertises with will work with its hardware.../10:32
Black_MagicThen what Card is mine :/ ar242x10:32
jimiridgei dunno10:33
jimiridgebut all atheros cards <most> can inject10:34
tanneri believe the only ones that cant have driver limitations10:34
jimiridgei'm just glad when my laptop arrived it had a sticker on the box stating the wifi card also its under my laptop10:35
jimiridgeand that its an atheros10:35
justin007827that worked, the live cd is booting up in vbox now10:36
justin007827will it have network access?10:36
jimiridgeok here goes im gonna crack my openwrt routers 104bit wep key10:36
Black_MagicWhoo Yay jimiridge A/B/G i dont think any AP uses A?10:36
Black_MagicBecause usually i only see Ap's with B/G10:37
tannerjimiridge: hope you have other devices on your network10:37
jimiridgenope doing clientless10:37
Black_Magiclol clientless is acctually faster then client :/10:37
tannerhmm, well good luck, may take a while10:37
Black_Magiclol the most its taken me is about 5mins10:38
tannerunless you manage to get the injection thing working right10:38
Black_Magicjimiridge: Test it without messing up internet.10:38
jimiridge06:38:08  Association successful :-) (AID: 1)10:38
Black_MagicMake another VAP and use that10:38
jimiridgeyay for fakeauth10:38
Black_MagicWhy does Inject Rate go up and down?10:38
jimiridgeinject time10:39
Black_Magicseriously sometimes it starts at like 1204pps then drops10:39
Black_Magicand drops all the way down to 50Pps10:39
orvokkiHmm, kinky. gedit seems to be broken.10:40
orvokkiAt least I managed to get it to dump core by running it without a file and then clicking open.10:40
justin007827hischild: gentoo live cd booted great in vbox ! hopefully it installs ok10:41
orvokkibicyclist: Btw, could you lend me your xorg.conf? I could take a bit of comparing with mine to see that it's not some stupid mistake.10:41
hischildjustin007827, good luck10:41
justin007827spoke to soon: failed to start xserver it says10:42
jimiridgethough somethings wrong i only have 300IV's10:42
jimiridgeussually i would be done bynow with infinite iv's10:43
justin007827hischild: any idea what make my xserver not start in vbox?10:43
hischildjustin007827, not really, sorry10:43
vistakillerk3b is copy dvd very very slow in gutsy was very fast10:43
justin007827x, i'll mess around10:44
jimiridgemusta been a bad starting packet10:45
Black_Magicjimiridge:  i get that sometimes tooo But i dont think you care10:45
Black_MagicYou should of did Interactive10:45
justin007827bad starting packet?10:47
bicyclistorvokki: No problem10:47
bicyclistorvokki : Got it ?10:48
orvokkiApparently yes.10:49
jimiridgeeh im gonna update svn10:49
Black_Magicjimiridge: SVN?10:49
jimiridgeevidently there was a change to aireplay10:49
Black_Magicuse the Dev10:49
Black_Magici have a 1.0 Dev Beta2 Package i beileave made it with Checkinstall10:50
amikropI want to receive a file from a cell phone with bluetooth. How can I do that?10:50
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:50
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:51
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
amikropIt says that in my Dell LATITIDE Dxxx model I have to install bluetooth drivers under windows, so the linux module can work. I don't have windows, nor I want to install it. What can I do?10:57
=== mendred_ is now known as mendred
justin007827hischild: it says it failed to load the Glcore module11:02
jimiridgebam got it11:02
jimiridgemagic packet11:02
justin007827k, find it in synoptic?11:02
jimiridge 8569 data packets in like 2 sec11:02
jimiridgefricken routers wlan light is going nuts11:03
jimiridge8000 IV's in seconds11:03
jimiridge500pps inject rate isnt shaby when it works11:04
jimiridge1KEY FOUND! [ 62:AE:F7:87:41:27:65:AF:E1:77:AA:BC:1E ]11:05
jimiridgelove this card11:06
justin007827anyone know what the GLcore module is?11:08
jimiridgeopenGL graphics justin11:09
justin007827ok, i'll look it up, thanks.11:09
jimiridgeX11 gl module11:10
jimiridgewhy having graphics issues?11:10
hischildjimiridge, what's up?11:10
jimiridgehows your card doing?11:10
hischildit's ok, just fixed the module stuf11:11
hischildit's connected so i'm about to attempt the monitor stuff11:11
jimiridgenot using ndis right?11:11
hischildnot using ndis11:11
hischildi got the package from that link you gave, and compiled those11:11
jimiridgethank god whats funny if you search the ubuntu forums for "ndiscrapper" your'll find posts i've made11:11
hischildthen loaded those into the kernel after unloading the ndiswrapper ones11:12
jimiridgeand it works? can see it in iwconfig?11:12
hischildyes so far it does11:12
jimiridgei use airmon-ng start atth0  to put it in monitor/inject mode11:12
jimiridgeits either ath0 or wifi011:13
jimiridgeand you'll get two VAP's11:13
hischildwlan0 in my case11:13
hischildfor some wierd reason11:13
hischildoh wait11:13
hischildi also have wifi0, which is the parent of wlan011:13
hischildthere, done it11:14
hischildi can't stop the wifi0 interface, but that's the interface i have to start11:14
jimiridgei dont ever realy use my atheros for injection esp when my alfa is right next to me11:14
jimiridgealfa 500mW !!11:15
jimiridgeficken picks up AP's all over the place11:15
hischildi need it to get some wireless access at school ...11:15
hischildthey gave me challenge =)11:15
jimiridgelike my ath card will see half signal but my alfa see's full11:15
hischildi never had a problem with mine tbh11:16
hischildalso, aireplay-ng -9 wifi0 fails with finding no ap's11:16
jimiridgethats really good for you... i feel good too i got someone to stop using ndis11:17
jimiridgeyou used airmon?11:17
hischildit's at monitor mode11:17
hischildchecked @ iwconfig11:17
jimiridgedid another wlan pop up?11:17
justin007827jimiridge: i don't see openGL in the repos. Is it a different name?11:17
hischildoh wait11:17
jimiridgeuse wlan111:17
hischildath0 popped up11:17
jimiridgeaireplay --test wlan111:17
hischildit goes to aireplay-ng instead of aireplay ...11:18
hischildand it also fails11:18
jimiridgemadwifi-unload && modprobe ath_pci11:19
jimiridgeairmon-ng start wifi0 ; aireplay-ng --test $DEV11:20
jimiridgeshould work11:20
jimiridgemaybe that ndiscrap is still latent11:20
hischildlsmod shows no sign of it11:20
hischildunloading/reloading them has no effect11:20
jimiridgecould always reboot i guess who knows what you did when you installed ndis11:20
hischildgood point ...11:21
hischildsec while i blacklist it first =)11:21
jimiridgeadding certian module parameters11:21
jimiridgemight help to hash out a few things11:23
hischildk sec11:23
jimiridgei'd dick with my ath but its the card im currently connected with11:24
AnAntHello, why does latest update have firefox-2 ?11:26
AnAntisn't it wierd to have 2 firefox versions ?11:26
jimiridgecouldnt hut11:27
jimiridgei dunno about you but i still only have 1 version11:28
jimiridgeand i'm pretty up to date with every repo11:28
justin007827any hints on openGL?11:30
jimiridgelibgl1-mesa-glx  stuff like that11:31
justin007827i saw that one, but wasnt sure11:31
jimiridgeactually thats the only glx pkg i have installed11:31
jimiridge(when aptitude searching glx)11:31
justin007827how do you search with aptitute?11:32
justin007827just the syntax is cool11:33
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jimiridgeaptitude search pkgname11:33
jimiridgeaptitude --help11:34
justin007827sweet, thanks, i havn't used that package manager much. that is a package manager , right?11:35
elbermungstersesif hardy stable comes out and i am running hardy beta, to upgrade all i need to do is click "reload" in the update manager and "new release" will appear?11:36
justin007827what is different between that and apt-get?11:36
jimiridgei'm under the impression that "aptitude" is just a front end to apt-get and dpkg11:37
elbermungstersesor is it more complicated?11:37
jimiridgelike you cant use kd3 without cdrecord/cdrdao11:38
justin007827is dpkg debian packages or something?11:38
jimiridgeman aptitude11:38
jimiridgeaptitude - high-level interface to the package manager11:38
jimiridgeso i think i'm correct11:38
justin007827k, sorry to ask so many questions. I read stuff online all the time, but this is the first time I have used the irc chat11:39
hischildelbermungsterses, no, it'll be updated by itself. It's not a new release, it's just that the updates are stable.11:40
hischildjustin007827, asking questions is ok, as long as you listen11:40
justin007827k, thanks11:40
elbermungstersescan you explain it simpler please, hischild?11:40
hischildjimiridge, from what i've read, aptitude has a better dependency calculation and removes orphaned packages automatically11:40
justin007827ahh, cool11:41
hischildelbermungsterses, you don't have to do anything special to get the stable. It will be nothing more then a label on Hardy that it's stable11:41
elbermungstersesokay, thanks, hischild.11:41
hischildjimiridge, i blacklisted ndiswrapper and it just loaded again ... =,=11:42
jimiridgeno kidding?11:43
jimiridgeheh might have to purge it11:43
hischildhmm yes11:43
jimiridgestill wonder why i think ndiswrapper is lame?11:43
hischildusing windows crap for linux is never good11:44
kane77how does the powernowd work in hardy?11:44
hischildit auto adjusts cpu speed according to load11:44
hischildworks like a charm11:44
hischildor isn't that what you wanted to know kane7711:45
kane77hischild, well I know it _should_ scale cpu, but it doesn't in hardy11:45
hischildcan you pastebin your /proc/cpuinfo for me then?11:45
joakim-strange... just found out why the numpad didnt work for me after upgrading to hardy, the numpad had been enabled for some strange reason as to control the mouse instead11:46
kane77hischild, http://pastie.caboo.se/17240511:47
joakim-better see if that is in launchpad as a bug11:47
kane77joakim-, press ctrl+shift+num lock11:47
joakim-kane77, thing is it had been enabled after upgrading11:48
joakim-hadnt enabled it, i swear11:48
kane77joakim-, I can confirm that11:48
joakim-ah, so its known?11:48
hischildkane77, doesn't show it can do stepping11:49
kane77but when I run sudo powernowd it gives me this: powernowd:   cpu0: 1000Mhz - 2400Mhz (5 steps)11:49
kane77and it worked in gutsy11:49
hischild^ shows stepping ... that's what i meant11:50
hischilduhm ... what's the setting of powernowd then?11:50
kane77hmm could it be that last night I ran upgrade and before that I disabled powernowd (just to do more of boinc tasks over night)11:52
hischildanything is possible ...11:53
justin007827i tried to install xserver-xgl  and when i rebooted I got the Gnome settings daemon error.11:53
justin007827lol, same prob I had on the other computer11:53
jimiridgedriver issue?11:54
jimiridgewhat card is it11:54
justin007827hold on11:54
justin007827its on the mother board11:54
justin007827hmmm, i duno11:54
justin007827how do i check?11:55
justin007827k, let me ssh into that comp11:55
davidI wonder why screen and resolution moved to the applications menu :B11:55
jimiridgelshw is neat i posted my lshw on my webpage http://hst.ath.cx/~james/acer4315.html11:56
jimiridgelshw -html ;)11:56
justin007827i like it11:57
justin007827             description: VGA compatible controller11:58
justin007827             product: 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller11:58
justin007827             vendor: Intel Corporation11:58
justin007827             physical id: 211:58
justin007827             bus info: pci@0000:00:02.011:58
justin007827             version: 0211:58
justin007827             width: 32 bits11:58
justin007827             clock: 33MHz11:58
justin007827             capabilities: vga_controller bus_master cap_list11:58
justin007827             configuration: latency=011:58
justin007827is that it?11:58
jimiridgealso find your graphics card via `lspci "grep VGA `11:58
jimiridgelspci |grep VGA11:58
jimiridgeintel i have that on this laptop11:59
justin007827hmm, i wonder why virtualbox is tripping out? it should have loaded all the right graphics drivers right?11:59
_KAMI_Hi! do you have problem with java under AMD_64 platform on 8.04?12:00
jimiridgejustin you trying to run a graphics intense program in virtualbox?12:00
justin007827i was trying to load gentoo live cd12:00
nonix4_KAMI_: with or without a browser involved?12:01
justin007827do i need to get a graphics card?12:01
jimiridgei'm none too sure, dunno if it can even take hold of the hosts VGA12:01
jimiridgemight need to read up on their forum12:02
teamcobravbox can do vga, no 3d12:02
_KAMI_nonix4: I have problem with browser12:02
hischildjimiridge, i've gotten rid of almost every part of ndiswrapper ... yet it still is no luck on monitor :(12:02
_KAMI_but I not tried without browser12:02
teamcobraand svga, does 1280x800 fine on this machine12:02
teamcobrabut you have to install the guest additions to get high res12:02
teamcobrahahah, yeah, xgl isn't gonna work12:02
afd_hi! Anyone else having problems with kubuntu hardy + firefox 3.0 beta 4: invisible selection in radio & checkboxes?12:03
teamcobrasorry to burst the bubble... unless you manually install vmgl, no eay12:03
justin007827ok, yea, xgl kin really slownda makes my computer ru12:03
teamcobracause it's pegging the cpu and doing it all in software12:03
justin007827i'm down to manually install it12:03
jimiridgehischild, might be the wrong driver?12:04
nonix4_KAMI_: which java implementation does about:plugins list if any?12:04
hischildjimiridge, no it goes into monitor mode ... and when using managed mode it just accesses internet and connects jus tfine12:04
justin007827thanks cobra12:05
jimiridgeso whats wrong with monitor mode?12:06
justin007827teamcobra: should i install VMware quests first?12:06
teamcobravmware?? I thought you were using virtualbox12:06
jimiridgehave you tested it with kismet hischild12:06
justin007827oh, it will work in virtualbox too?12:07
kane77hischild, now I get it... I have boinc running so the cpu load is at 100% however the boinc process has nice of 19 which should let cpu speed lower...12:07
teamcobrait might work in vmware, but no idea12:07
kane77but somehow it doesn't12:07
justin007827cool, sorry12:07
hischildkane77, powernowd only lowers when the cpu usage goes below 20 ...12:07
hischildjimiridge, uhhh ... what? i'm kind of new to all this12:07
kane77hischild, but in gutsy it lowered even if it was higher but the nice value was high12:08
jimiridgeaptituded install kismet12:08
hischildkane77, then lower the min value12:08
PeakerHey, why does Hardy no longer let you type a URL in the alt-f2 run box?12:08
_KAMI_nonix4: I tried with IcedTee12:08
jimiridgemine works peaker12:08
Peakerjimiridge, I mean without a "http://" prefix12:08
justin007827whats my "guest domain"?12:08
PeakerI used to be able to do alt-<f2>, "slashdot.org", <enter>, and that would work12:09
teamcobrajustin: that's xen-specific12:09
jimiridgewell maybe that wasnt best for the overall system12:09
justin007827how do I figure it out?12:10
hischildjimiridge, i know how to install it ... i was referring to usage12:10
jimiridgeedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf12:10
jimiridgechange source to source=madwifi-ng,wifi0,Atheros   or lemmie look12:11
justin007827"Copy the source into your guest (VM or domain)"12:11
justin007827i don't undertsand where that is12:11
teamcobrainside the guest = VM12:11
hischildjimiridge, sourcetype, interface, name ... edited to what you wrote12:12
jimiridge source=madwifi_bg,ath0,madwifi  or source=madwifi_ag,ath0,madwifi12:12
jimiridgeok just fire it up then12:12
hischildwait, which one of the 3 should i use now :P12:13
jimiridgewhatever works12:13
jimiridgetry em all12:13
jaffarkelshacis anyone having problem with auto completion in hardy12:13
amikropAbout bluetooth on Dell Latitude D800, obviously the Windows drivers affect the BIOS and enable onboard bluetooth.12:13
jimiridgei think i got mine to work with source=madwifi_bg,ath0,madwifi12:13
jimiridgemight need to change the device too12:14
amikropThere must be some way to enable it through Ubuntu.12:14
hischildjimiridge, so far no luck ... doesn't kno wthe madwifi_bg ... attempting _ag12:14
amikropMaybe the linux bluetooth driver developers should contact Dell.12:14
jimiridgetry bg12:14
hischildwith _ag12:14
orvokkibicyclist: Hmm, still no workie. Btw, EnvyNG gives me some errors in manual install mode.12:15
amikropjimiridge: sorry?12:15
jimiridgeis their a bluetooth thing in /proc somewhere?12:15
jimiridgelike  echo "1" > /proc/acpi/bluetooth12:15
jimiridgehischild, bg12:16
amikropno, there is not12:16
unopjaffarkelshac, what does this return?  ls -l /etc/bash_completion12:16
hischildjimiridge, ag works, bg fails12:16
jimiridgeoh cool great12:16
jaffarkelshacunop, no file or directory12:17
jimiridgeng didnt work? hischild12:17
Peakerkeyboard layout switching seems broken, I have it set to both alts and with gutsy it worked, and with hardy it doesn't12:17
orvokkiErrr... Apparently there are no headers for the kernel that got installed for me.12:17
orvokki*Interesting*. Lemme reboot.12:17
hischildjimiridge, negative12:17
unopjaffarkelshac, try installing the bash-completion package -- sudo aptitude install bash-completion12:18
jimiridgedidnt work or you didnt try it?12:18
hischildjimiridge, didnt' work. Keeps complaining about unknown source type12:18
jimiridgebut hey you can see a bunch of AP's right?12:19
hischildi'm afraid not12:19
teamcobranight all12:19
jaffarkelshacunop, i will try that, i am currently using update manager.12:19
unopjaffarkelshac, ok12:19
jimiridgechange dev12:19
amikropjimiridge: So, the according developers should consider the fact enabling the onboard bluetooth.12:19
jimiridgeath0 wlan0 wifi012:19
amikropLike the win32 drivers seem to do.12:19
hischildjimiridge, shouldn't it disconnect as soon as i fire up kismet?12:20
jimiridgemaybe you need to enable it? amikrop12:20
amikropjimiridge: I checked BIOS. I can't do it manually from there.12:20
anaoumhow can i change the console login text "Ubuntu hardy (development branch) none tty1"12:20
jimiridgeif you want people to do all the work for ya linux might not be the optimal choice12:20
amikropjimiridge: It just says "Onboard Bluetooth: Disabled".12:21
jimiridgewhat says that12:21
amikropThe BIOS.12:21
jimiridgethen chamge it12:21
amikropI can't.12:21
amikropThere is no such option.12:21
jimiridgebios is proprietary so i cant help ya either12:21
justin007827teamcobra: i'm sorry, but i can't figure out where on my file system i am suposed to "Copy the source into your guest (VM or domain) and host (dom0, kernel hosting VMware, etc..)"12:21
amikropjimiridge: That's why I said the ubuntu bluetooth driver devels should contact dell.12:22
jimiridgeif windows can enable it..12:22
jimiridgethere prolly might be a procfs location for it12:22
m1rit sounds unbelivable that windows can enable device from bios and linux cant12:23
m1rtry flashing your bios =best result ;)12:23
jimiridgelike my wifi gets enabled though acpi12:24
amikropjimiridge: So, the ubuntu driver devels should fix the drivers to check if bluetooth is disabled, and if disabled, to enable it. Don't you find it reasonable?12:24
justin007827where does virtualbox install itself too?12:24
anaoumjustin007827: it has a capital V - so start typing that in the terminal and hit tab12:25
Prefixwhere the system monitor gone in hardy? :P12:25
jimiridgejustin007827, "whereis virtualbox"12:26
hischildPrefix, apps -> system tools12:26
Prefixahh, cheers hischild12:26
justin007827justin@Mini-Pimp:~$ whereis virtualbox12:27
jimiridgebut atleast the card connects right hischild ? then i leave the rest upto you read up on atheros crap12:27
hischildjimiridge, yes it does. ... well i'll figure it out sometime12:28
hischildjustin007827, :::12:28
hischildiositd@goth:~$ whereis virtualbox12:28
hischildvirtualbox: /usr/bin/virtualbox /usr/lib/virtualbox /usr/share/virtualbox12:28
jimiridgeit can be finiky12:28
hischildthat one12:28
justin007827wrong terminal12:28
jimiridgetricky as heck thats why i use my simple stupid rtl8187  for sniffing injecting etc12:29
Dimitreeguys if i install 8.04 and there a still bugs and stuff ... will these bugs get fixed with the autoupdate thing or when the final version is out i will have to reinstall everything ?12:29
jimiridgeno multipl vaps etc12:29
anaoumhow can i change the console login text "Ubuntu hardy (development branch) none tty1"12:29
hischildjimiridge, you make it sound like fun12:29
void^anaoum: /etc/issue12:30
jimiridgeeh for christ sake remind me to rip out the wifi on/off button acer put on my laptop (right near left Ctrl and Shift nodoubt12:31
hischildlol .. i will12:32
jimiridgefricken morons no nothing about ergonomics12:32
Dimitreeguys if i install 8.04 and there a still bugs and stuff ... will these bugs get fixed with the autoupdate thing or when the final version is out i will have to reinstall everything ?12:32
jrib!final | Dimitree12:33
ubotuDimitree: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:33
gluerdimitree: when release is out im definitely doing a fresh install12:34
glueri dont like upgrades12:34
Dimitree- ) thanks12:34
m1rinstall windows gluer12:34
glueri did once, i ran an upgrade from 98 to xp12:34
Hobbseeemma: btw, discussions about how kubuntu should be renamed really *aren't* appropriate for here.12:35
Hobbseeemma: #ubuntu-marketing, perhaps, or their mailing list.12:35
Dimitreei'm having problems with my integrated GMA 3100 GPU and someone told me that this model will run ok on 8.04 but it is not supported on 7.1012:35
m1rwoman , when they want you all is ok , when they have u , they wanna change you , no offence emma ;)12:35
jimiridgeDimitree, thats an intel chip aint it?12:36
Hobbseem1r: ?12:36
jimiridgei have that and it works great12:36
m1rbad joke Hobbsee :)12:36
Dimitreehowever i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and i still have the same problems ( even wors now i dont have Monitor type in Xorg and i can't reconfigure xorg)12:36
Dimitreejimiridge, yes12:36
jimiridge00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:36
Dimitreecould it be because of the upgrade ?12:37
emmaHobbsee,  you are really going back to things I said briefly yesterday to find a reason to scold me publicly?12:37
justin007827virtualbox: /usr/bin/virtualbox /usr/lib/virtualbox /usr/lib64/virtualbox /usr/share/virtualbox12:37
jimiridgeworks fine but still some graphics artifacts (glitches) when running intense games/graphics but most works12:37
Dimitreeshould i do a fresh 8.04 install ?12:37
jimiridgecompiz runs12:37
justin007827any idea which of those is where i am suposed to make copy the tarball12:37
jimiridgego fo it just backup your /home12:37
Dimitreehmm cool ok :)12:37
jimiridgehell just do a dist upgrade12:38
jimiridgeno cdburning involved12:38
jimiridgeits like a fresh install only home stays12:38
jimiridgeget a fresh new kernel12:38
Dimitreejimiridge, that's what i did and now i can't reconfigure xorg :) it simply skips Driver selection and monitor selection12:39
Dimitreei mean i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.0412:39
jimiridgedpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:39
Dimitreecommand not found ?12:40
jimiridgedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:40
Dimitreei think i used something like that but it doesnt work :/12:40
jimiridgeya need the "k"12:40
justin007827you still around teamcobra?12:40
jimiridgereminds me of a time when i told someone they had to umount a drive and he kept saying "unmount not found"12:41
Dimitreeno... i mean that it skips directly to Keyboard Layout configuration after the framebuffer page12:41
tannererm, what a waste of time12:41
tanneri got stood up at 5am >.>12:41
jimiridgei find that dificult to believe12:41
jimiridgeyou could gimmie a reverse shell and i could do it for you12:42
Dimitreei can't select Intel as GPU like i could in 7.10 and can't select amount of memmorry to use and cant select mointor type :) it skips directly to keyboard12:42
romulohi, what kernel is hardy using? any debugger compiled options? thanks =]12:42
jimiridgenano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:42
tanner2.6.24 series12:42
amikropSo, the problem is that bluetooth is disabled in BIOS, and I have to find a way to enable it. Is there any program that can do so?12:42
tanneramikrop: unlikely, youll have to enable it in bios12:43
jimiridgewould help to know the laptop model amikrop12:43
Dimitreejimiridge,  everything is "Configured Video Device" or configured Monitor device :) lol12:43
amikroptanner: I know, but how?12:43
tanneramikrop: need to look through the configuration options12:43
jimiridgegoto section device12:44
amikropjimiridge: Dell LATITUDE D80012:44
justin007827i'm trying to install VMGL (formerly Xen-GL). i did whereis and found that virtual box has files in the folowing directories: virtualbox: /usr/bin/virtualbox /usr/lib/virtualbox /usr/lib64/virtualbox /usr/share/virtualbox12:44
justin007827. Now I am trying to decide which folder to copy the tarball into12:44
DimitreeSection "Device"      Identifier      "Configured Video Device" thats all in there12:44
amikroptanner: I tried, but it can't be enabled manually through the BIOS menu.12:44
justin007827i'm following these directions: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andreslc/xen-gl/12:44
jimiridgeDimitree, driver = intel    VideoRam = whatever12:45
justin007827anyone have some advice?12:45
tanneramikrop: consult your user manual and/or call dell.12:45
Milos_SDToday I had a total freez as I had it on Gutsy ... From Alpha 5 when I did the upgrade I didn't had that freez, but today ... :(12:45
Milos_SDCan that be of xserver-video-nv update?12:45
amikroptanner: But the Windows Dell Bluetooth Drivers can enable onboard bluetooth.12:46
amikroptanner: Shouldn't the linux ones do as well?12:46
jimiridgeamikrop,  what about the  (Fn-F2)  key?12:46
tanneramikrop: thats because the people that wrote those drivers had direct access to hardware specifications :)12:46
tanneror a hardwired function key, Fn+F5 on my thinkpad12:47
jimiridgeamikrop, then lsusb12:47
jimiridgecause im reading something that says that laptops bluetooth is on the usb bus12:47
tannerall bluetooth is as i recall12:47
jimiridgeu enable it with the function key12:47
orvokkibicyclist: Hmm, envy isn't supposed to generate an error code 512 like here, right? http://nanonyme.kapsi.fi/envy-installer.log12:48
jimiridgei wouldnt really know cause my laptop doesnt have it12:48
hischildenvy in general is unsupported .... why use it?12:48
setuidCan someone help me with this?12:48
setuidswapon: cannot canonicalize /dev/disk/by-uuid/9cc23c07-9af6-4db9-a7ad-c0d800625cf4: No such file or directory12:48
setuidswapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/9cc23c07-9af6-4db9-a7ad-c0d800625cf4: No such file or directory12:48
amikropjimiridge: It is about WIFI (and it works).12:48
jimiridgesee bluetooth in lsusb?12:49
amikroptanner: Why not the Ubuntu people have direct acces to the hardware specifications?12:49
tanneramikrop: most companies do not provide such information freely12:49
jimiridgeatleast without a fight12:49
amikropjimiridge: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61456/12:49
tanneralso, sometimes its due to regulations in the governing country12:49
setuidn/m, Ubuntu got the uuid wrong. Silly thing.12:49
Dimitreejimiridge, btw did you do a fresh 8.04 install ? or over 7.10 ?12:49
Lynoureamikrop: you can ask the company that makes the hardware that. Actually, recommended to do so.12:49
amikropLynoure: The linux driver developers should do so, I think.12:50
Lynoureamikrop: both.12:50
jimiridgei used the alternative hardy installer cause it had support for installing encrypted rooot12:50
Dimitreeok thanks :)12:50
Lynoureamikrop: End users asking can help the companies realize that the end users care about this.12:50
amikropSo, the problem is how to enable bluetooth.12:50
orvokkibicyclist: Would that imply I have a dependency problem in my system?12:51
setuidbluetooth works great on my Thinkpad12:51
tanneramikrop: if you are unable to enable it in bios (odd, call DELL!) and there is no function key to enable it, then you really should call dell and bitch until you get it figured out12:51
amikropLynoure: Maybe they will tell me "download the win32 drivers from our website".12:51
HardyOneis there an app I can install to help me "find" wireless connections? like the one in house for instance12:51
tannerHardyOne: iwlist wlan0 scan12:52
tanneralthough that doesnt work great on my intel drivers lately :-\12:52
amikroptanner: But isn't there a linux program that can handle this?12:52
Dimitreeamikrop are you running BIOS in admin mode ?12:52
Lynoureamikrop: maybe, probably, but it thousands of people would write or call, I bet they would start noticing12:52
amikropLynoure: :-)12:52
setuidDoes anyone know if there's a way to get rid of the useless and non-functional "NetworkManager", and get networking to start normally at boot time, like it did in Gutsy?12:52
HardyOnetanner, Interface doesn't support scanning.12:52
tanneramikrop: again, not likely.12:52
savvasHardyOne: wifi-radar12:52
orvokkiLynoure: Either that or redirect the mail account to /dev/null.12:52
tannerHardyOne: substitue wlan0 for whatever your card interface is12:53
amikropDimitree: I don't know. I run BIOS in the mode in which I was able to enable/disable WiFi from there.12:53
setuidI have to start networking manually with shell scripts, because it doesn't start on boot, and NetworkManager does _absolutely nothing_12:53
LynoureI personally vote with my wallet...12:53
amikroptanner: :-/12:53
jimiridgeamikrop, sudo hciconfig hci0 reset12:53
HardyOnetanner, that would make sense12:53
HardyOnesavvas, ty12:53
tanneramikrop: again, this issue seems mostly on your end more so than the drivers12:53
savvasno problemo12:53
amikrop$ sudo hciconfig hci0 reset12:54
amikropCan't get device info: No such device12:54
* tanner recalls something about direct access to the BIOS being rather... "iffy" 12:54
danbeehi guys, trying to install ubuntu 8.04 amd64, i'm getting "Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed." at 94%12:54
danbeehad the same problem with gutsy too12:55
tanneramikrop: that command is only going to work AFTER you have your bluetooth device enabled12:55
savvasdanbee: do you have a sata drive?12:55
amikroptanner: yes, but how? ;_12:55
danbeesavvas: yes, 3 of them12:55
danbeeubuntu is install on the first partition of the third drive (/dev/sdc1)12:55
Dimitreei have sata too O_O12:55
Dimitreei hope it doesn't crush on me too12:56
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore12:57
savvasdanbee: report a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - the package is ubiquity, explain them what you do with the output of the following commands: 1) ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ 2) lspci -nnv 3) lsusb -v12:58
tanneramikrop: call dell.12:58
HardyOnelmao @ ubotu12:58
KrimZoni'm still having trouble with the -12 kernels, my geforce 8400m isnt showing up and it just defaults to a really low resolution12:58
savvasDimitree: I have a sata too, i was just curious :) it works here12:58
Dimitreeoh ok :)12:58
Dimitreedamn i hate firefox >_>12:59
savvasKrimZon: can't set it up using screens and graphics from gnome?12:59
AondoDimitree  then change it :D12:59
danbeesavvas: i have also tried installing grub manually by mounting the new ubuntu partition and typing 'grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sda'12:59
Dimitreeit says downloading with 1.1mb/s ye it stays at 9 minutes for so long12:59
danbeeand i get the following error 'The file /media/ubuntu/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.'12:59
amikroptanner: I (theoretically an end-user) will call DELL. But isn't it right the Ubuntu DELL Bluetooth Driver Developers to call DELL, too?12:59
tannerKrimZon: thats because its reverting back to the VESA driver (most likely), if your card is supported by the nvidia binary i recommend you install that12:59
Dimitreeright ... Opera ftw12:59
tanneramikrop: no, the issue is not your drivers, its you and your ability to configure your bios.13:00
amikroptanner: So, no end-user will have a DELL Bluetooth problem again, and he will not need to call DELL.13:00
savvasdanbee: provide them with everything you think it has to be said :) but be brief and have a short description :)13:00
amikroptanner: But the drivers should configure the BIOS.13:00
vistakillerin hardy when i try to copy dvd with k3b the programme is crashing13:00
jimiridgeamikrop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=230824813:00
KrimZontanner: do they have a different one of those for each kernel?13:00
tanneramikrop: i'll make you a deal, you go ahead and get Dell to send us all the required information regarding enabling the BIOS subset features from inside a protected mode operating system and ill implement them13:01
KrimZonbecause it works fine with -11-generic, but -12-rt and -12-generic give me a lot of trouble13:01
amikropDimitree: How can I run the BIOS in "admin mode"?13:01
vistakillerthe strange is that k3b crash but is finished the job13:01
danbeesavvas: thanks, i will do that13:01
Dimitreeamikrop, go to your motherboard manufacturer and search for BIOS information13:01
savvasKrimZon: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic | grep Installed13:02
amikroptanner: The win32 devels got Dell to send them the required information. I think the Ubuntu ones should do the same.13:02
amikropAnd not set an end-user to do so.13:02
tanneramikrop: you do realize the developers of their windows drivers were hired by DELL and given all the required information by DELL right?13:02
jimiridgeamikrop, do you have/had vista on that laptop?13:02
tannerand you realize that DELL does not offically in any way help the development of drivers in free and open operating systems13:03
DASPRiDHow many days left to official hardy release?13:03
danbeesavvas: Launchpad says 'ubiquity does not use Launchpad as its bug tracker.'13:03
danbeei'll post something on the forum13:03
savvasDASPRiD: 30, maybe 6013:03
unoptanner, well, let's hope they can start using some leverage to get hardware manufacturers to start contributing to supporting their products on linux13:04
savvasdanbee: better ask #ubuntu-bugs - they're the experts :)13:04
theronwhat is the proper way to disable ipv6 in heron?  My connections to my router are horrific, NM says I've got a decent connection, another distro same laptop pulls test files from my router @ over 200K, while heron pulls the files @ 10K then slows down to 1000 or so B, then dies after a few min.13:04
jimiridgewhat i'm readin is that vista uploads a special firmware to the bluetooth and bluez cat recognize it13:04
tannermore so, if an end user such as yourself is having issues with your hardware unrelated to the software, you should call the manufacturer, as we are unable to magically resolve your problems without direct access to either the hardware or the specifications used to create the hardware13:04
amikropjimiridge: Had XP.13:04
theronI'm guessing it's ipv6 however I'm not sure..13:04
tannerunop: it would be nice, although unlikely.13:04
amikroptanner: But since DELL provides laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed, I can't find a reason why it would deny the required information.13:05
setuidDoes anyone know if there's a way to get rid of the useless and non-functional "NetworkManager", and get networking to start normally at boot time, like it did in Gutsy?13:05
setuidI have to start networking manually with shell scripts, because it doesn't start on boot, and NetworkManager does _absolutely nothing_13:05
justin007827what is the syntax to move a file to a directory, I must be typing something wrong.13:05
KrimZonsavvas: aha, i have those installed already13:05
savvasKrimZon: i wanted the versions :)13:05
justin007827or copy13:05
amikroptanner: I can't find a reason why DELL would like their Ubuntu laptops not to be fully functional.13:05
jimiridgemaybe someone should call dell and reverse engineer it out of them13:05
jimiridgesocial engineer13:05
tanneramikrop: then i suggest you call DELL and find out why13:05
KrimZonsavvas:  169.12+
* jimiridge dreams in bash13:06
justin007827is it "cp filen"ame /destinationDirectory13:06
unoptanner, well, i wouldnt rule that out so quick, it's a win-win thing for both dell and the hardware vendors if their products are used on linux and are used well, maybe this won't happen overnight, but eventually i hope so13:06
=== davi_ is now known as davi
savvasKrimZon: well the only thing I would try, is, while you're in -12-generic kernel: sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-generic13:07
setuidmneptok, ping13:07
amikroptanner: But it is not my job to call DELL. It is yours (or, generally the devel's).13:07
tannerunop: well, if dell wants to produce linux capable hardware they are unlikely to choose hardware that is not already supported by open source drivers (minus nvidia of course), as such, they are unlikely to get unsupported hardware requiring the release of drivers and or specifications by that manufacturer13:07
savvasKrimZon: otherwise, nvidia has a nice reporting tool, nvidia-bug-report.sh :) run it while in -12-generic kernel13:07
tanneramikrop: wrong.13:07
raintheoryi'm having some connectivity issues on my fresh install of 8.04 on a thinkpad r50 laptop...   odd thing is, it worked fine *during* install (i set up static ip's at home, so configured that during live session) but now after first reboot no connection to wireless *or* wireed...   the wired connection is hot and works on other boxes.13:08
setuidmneptok, Yesterday you told me to install Java using apt-get, and I did, but now I have to manually stick /usr/lib/jre/.../blah/blah into my ~/.bash_profile, prepending it to $PATH, so the java binary there is found before /usr/bin/java.13:08
tanneramikrop: if you refuse to call dell i refuse to help you. you're insistence that your problem is in fact OURs is fundamentally flawed.13:08
KrimZonand thanks for the help13:08
amikroptanner: OK. I will call DELL.13:08
justin007827when i try this "sudo cp vmgl.hg /usr/share/virtualbox13:09
justin007827" i get this " cp: omitting directory `vmgl.hg'13:09
tannerunop: as a result, no new vendors are likely to give up information. however, now say a vendor whats to get a bid by dell and have an unsupported device under linux, then MAYBE something may happen.13:09
justin007827what does that meen?13:09
tannerjustin007827: vmgl.hg is a directory13:09
setuidjustin007827, Are you copying _a_ file? or many files?13:09
jimiridgewindows pays em to bclosede13:09
savvasjustin007827: if you want to copy a directory, use cp -R ...13:10
jimiridgethat what i get from that sentance13:10
raintheoryi didnt realize the connectivity issue until i edited my sources.list and tried to update some stuff....   then checked the web..  no go./    everything seems fine the the admin/network setup.13:10
justin007827ok, so cp -R to move the directory. thanks13:10
DASPRiDor cp -a13:11
savvasjustin007827: to move the directory: mv ... :)13:11
tannerjimiridge: unlikely, would be a waste of money, most common devices can be RE'd fairly easy, sans exceptionally complex devices such as scanners and such13:11
jimiridgefor 500$ a copy i'm sure scumsoft has money to throw around13:11
jimiridgenot to mention dev tools couple undred each13:11
jimiridgeand teaching13:12
jimiridgethey hold a monopoly on the knowledge too you know13:12
amikroptanner: But since then, it may be helpful to know that the whole thing is about some "firmware downgrade": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=230824813:12
raintheoryalso, trying ip addresses does nothing, so its not a DNS issue...    any ideas guys?   i'm pulling my hair out here..   ;)13:12
tannermicrosoft is unlikely to throw money at joe-blow computer manufacture to keep their plain hardware drivers closed "to hurt FOSS operating systems"13:12
jimiridgei disagree13:13
AnAnt_Hello, why does the latest update include firefox-2 ?13:13
tannerand what is your logic for them then?13:13
jimiridgesure you didnt aptitude install firefox-2 yourself?13:14
tannerAnAnt_: i see no firefox two in the upgrades list13:14
justin007827install -d /usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/dist/lib/13:14
justin007827install -d /usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/dist/bin/13:14
justin007827(cd cr ; \13:14
justin007827    make ; \13:14
justin007827    install -s -m 0755 dist/lib/*.so /usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/dist/lib/ ; \13:14
justin007827    install -s -m 0755 dist/bin/* /usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/dist/bin/ ; \13:14
justin007827) || exit 113:14
justin007827make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/cr'13:14
justin007827/bin/sh: gmake: not found13:14
justin007827make[1]: *** [util.subdir] Error 12713:14
tannerjustin, PASTEBIN13:14
jimiridgeuse pastebin justin00782713:14
justin007827make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/virtualbox/vmgl.hg/cr'13:14
justin007827install: cannot stat `dist/lib/*.so': No such file or directory13:14
justin007827install: cannot stat `dist/bin/*': No such file or directory13:15
justin007827make: *** [all] Error 113:15
tannerugh flood13:15
setuidjustin007827, stop13:15
Hobbseesetuid: he's quieted.13:15
Hobbseejustin007827: pastebin, please13:15
setuidjava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM13:15
tanneri was like.. ah hell not more..13:15
AnAnt_tanner: ah, it includes firefox-themes-ubuntu, that seems to depend on firefox-213:15
setuidthe Java supplied in the repo for AMD64 is broken, and was shipped with 32-bit SWT libs13:15
jimiridgepasebinit rox    <cmdline>13:15
KrimZonerr... it fixed itself13:15
_dan_hello guys, i upgraded to hardy today on my desktop, now i got this mouse problem, every single click is interpreted as a double click, works fine on my laptop but here i cnat single click, anyone any idea?13:15
tanner!pastebin @ justin00782713:16
tannererm, damn bot13:16
DanaGdamn hard-lockups.13:16
justin007827sorry guys13:16
tannerno worries, just in the future use pastebin for anything over 1 line13:16
KrimZonaudacity broke again though13:16
DanaGI left my PC seeding with Azureus overnight, with the lid closed, and with compiz not running --- and I got a hard-lockup.13:16
ta_bu_shi_da_yuah... I've worked out why gcalctool is screwing up thousands seperators13:16
justin007827how does that work?13:16
raintheory...so no ideas about the networking issue?13:16
orvokkiHmm... This might be starting to unravel.13:17
setuidDanaG, I did to, actually... black screen, but the PC was running13:17
tannerjustin007827: you paste whatever in a box, submit and give us the url so we can look at it13:17
tannerAzureus is evil13:17
raintheoryi'd hate to install 7.10 on this laptop so close to hardy release13:17
tannerKTorrent for the win!13:17
setuidtanner, and you prefer what?13:17
raintheorydeluge is nice13:17
setuidtanner, Can ktorrent blacklist a range of IPs?13:17
tannersetuid: see previous statement13:17
tanneripfilter plugin13:17
justin007827ok, that was the output from my term13:17
DanaGAzureus can't directly cause hard-lockups, though.13:17
setuidI have a blacklist of over 30,000 unique IPs (basically the entire US)13:17
justin007827when i tried to make a file13:17
raintheoryazureous isnt great, i think cuz its java though13:18
setuidjustin007827, Install gmake13:18
raintheoryfeature wise its okay13:18
* tanner hates Java and Flash13:18
setuidjustin007827, "making a file" is as simple as 'touch filename'13:18
justin007827thats what i thought13:18
jimiridgebut cmon tanner i'm sure even you like to watch youtube13:18
orvokkiHmm, how would I make certain that my Ubuntu would use nvidia kernel module 169.12 instead of 71.86.04?13:18
tannerespecially flash, flash is evil13:18
raintheoryhaha @ jimiridge13:19
tannerjimiridge: i download the flv files and play it locally whenever possible13:19
orvokkiIt seems that it's using the *old* kernel module and I'm starting the suspect it's the source of all evil on my system.13:19
tannerand its not you tube.. its ...nvm13:19
davidnoscript ftw13:19
emmaIs there any open source alternative to Flash?13:19
_dan_hello guys, i upgraded to hardy today on my desktop, now i got this mouse problem, every single click is interpreted as a double click, works fine on my laptop but here i cnat single click, anyone any idea?13:19
davidenable flash if you need/want to13:19
raintheoryis there a room strictly for networking issues?13:19
tanneremma: gnash13:19
orvokkiemma: Gnash.13:19
justin007827gnash, right?13:19
orvokkiIt's not there yet though.13:20
tannerhowever no support for flash 913:20
jimiridgethats like copying and pasting cmd output to pastebin when you can just pipe ith through pastebin13:20
davidI'm yet to see gnash work :B13:20
setuidflash works fine here13:20
tannerflash will die eventaully anyway13:20
emmaWhy is Flash so prevalent if it is evil?13:20
* DanaG hates just Flash.13:20
* Hobbsee suggests the /topic13:20
jimiridgepipe it through "pastebinit"*13:20
Hobbseeemma: i'm sure you could ask the same of windows.13:20
tannerhaha @ Hobbsee13:20
tanneremma: at the time it was the only technology capable of what it could do13:21
DanaGHere's my impression of Flash:13:21
tannerand wow that was a horrible sentence in so many way13:21
emmaIn what ways does Flash present itself as evil from our perspective?13:21
DanaG(when browsing YouTube, it seems to happen approximately every 3 pages.)13:21
raintheorysee ya guys13:21
raintheorytake care13:21
davidemma: CPU hogging?13:21
tanneremma: closed, resource consuming junk, with support lagging13:21
Hobbseeemma: nonfree.13:21
jimiridgefirefox crash? yeah i get that too DanaG13:21
Hobbseetanner: :)13:22
setuidAnyone have a viable replacement for the non-functioning NetworkManager tool?13:22
jimiridgebut just recently the adblock extension got ported to the beta firefox13:22
tannersetuid: the command line :D13:22
jimiridgei was sooo happy13:22
setuidtanner, Right, that's what I use now13:22
orvokkiHeh, I do know how to solve this by recompiling whole X but... I don't think it's the right solution in Ubuntu.13:22
tannerah! problem solved! XD13:22
lamalexjimiridge: the FF3 thing is killing me, not being able to use extensions13:22
setuidtanner, wireless/wired in Gutsy worked fine at boot13:22
DanaGI've been using Firefox 3.0 with Adblock Plus for a while.13:22
setuidBut Hardy uses this other broken garbage, so I have to start networking with scripts at boot time13:22
DanaGjUST needed MR Tech toolkit.13:22
davidlamalex: what extensions?13:22
setuidWhich requires me to log in13:22
jimiridgeanyone know what happened to the ubuntu hardy google partnerpage?13:22
* tanner has adblock plus, web devel, foxyproxy and video download helper13:23
emmaWill Hardy have Firefox 3.0 as default?13:23
tannersetuid: i'm afraid i have no idea what your actual problem is :\13:23
orvokkiSo far seems that way.13:23
jimiridgethats was soo cool and it disappeared (google partnerpage)13:23
davidI use two extensions with FF3; adblock plus and noscript, they work atleast13:23
Hobbseeemma: it alreayd does.  why don't you install it, or search the forums for hte answers to your questions?13:23
lamalexdavid: del.ico.us for one13:23
setuidtanner, 1.) Boot machine, 2.) no networking, 3.) log in and start networking via CLI scripts.13:24
davidah, never used that I'm afraid lamalex :)13:24
tannerim afraid point #2 is rather lacking in useful details13:24
emmaHobbsee please don't make harsh comments. We are trying to build a community here.13:24
lamalexdavid: they havn't really locked down how they're saving bookmarks yet, so I can't just bump the version number13:24
Hobbseeemma: we?  how long have you been in thsi channel, again?13:24
tannerOMG the sun is comming back up :(13:24
emmaHobbsee - you don't welcome new guests?13:25
davidtanner: time to wake up :D13:25
setuidtanner, 2.) no networking means that NetworkManager is useless, doesn't fire up wpa_supplicant and friends, etc.13:25
tannermeh, what happened to time to sleep?13:25
orvokkiHmm. It appears my Hardy for some reason installed kernel modules for nvidia-glx-legacy instead of nvidia-glx-new... Any idea what could be wrong?13:25
Hobbseeemma: on hte contrary. just unsure, as you're new, how you're going to start building community13:25
jimiridgeactually sun was up about 2 or so hours ago here13:25
tannersetuid: is this an upgrade or fresh install?13:25
Hobbseeemma: particularyl as you dont' seem to *run* the system in question that gets discussed here.13:25
emmaHobbsee - By asking you to be more welcoming and not use harsh comments. Thank you dear.13:25
tannerjimiridge: east coast?13:25
setuidtanner, fresh install13:25
tannerclose enough :P13:26
tannersetuid: what is your wireless card?13:26
emmaI'm preparing myself to run Hardy.13:26
orvokkiApparently not. Sigh. Well, at least I now *know* my problem can be easily fixed for Hardy final.13:26
david"just do it" - nike13:26
elkbuntuemma, the forums are a good place to find answers to questions that lots of people are likely to ask, such as 'will this ubuntu version have such-and-such version of such-and-such application'13:27
* DanaG wants an 8510p: http://www.engadget.com/2008/03/24/hp-compaq-adds-penryn-to-8510p-8510w-8710p-and-8710w-laptops/#comments13:27
setuid03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)13:27
DanaGOh, and to find versions, search packages.ubuntu.com13:27
emmaelkbuntu, oh thank you. :) You see that is friendly information.13:27
elkbuntuneedless to say, if you're going to be running hardy, you need to know how to search for information on your own13:27
DanaGOr /msg ubotu info packagename13:27
DanaG  /msg ubotu info packagename hardy13:27
setuidThe driver and card work fine, perfectly, when I start them manually with a shell script to modprobe the module and iwconfig/ifconfig it13:27
tannersetuid: that is rather odd, did it work on the livecd?13:27
theronMy connections to my router are horrific, NM says I've got a decent connection, another distro same laptop pulls test files from my router @ over 200K, while heron pulls the files @ 10K then slows down to 1000 or so B, then dies after a few min.  I'm thinking that my router is old enough it dosen't do ipv6.  How do I disable it properly?13:27
setuidtanner, Yep, and it worked in Gutsy13:27
orvokkiChecking out the contents of ubuntu-desktop for Hardy on packages.ubuntu.com == priceless.13:28
jimiridge"Why are we always "preparing"? Just go. " -Dark Helmet13:28
Hobbseeelkbuntu: which is exactly why this channel is run with a higher barrier to entry than #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic13:28
Hobbseeemma: elkbuntu: at the end of the day, it's got to be useful enough that the developers cna get useful feedback, too13:28
emmabarrier to entry? I typed /join #ubuntu+113:28
elkbuntuHobbsee, exactly13:28
* tanner recalls seeing no barrier upon entering this channel13:28
Hobbseeemma: i'll have to remember to make an IQ test to find the channel next time, then.13:29
jimiridgea chan key would stop alot of noobs13:29
Hobbseejimiridge: the /topic seems to stop some.13:29
setuidtanner, when I run nm-editor, it shows me the wireless network as being configured, and all of the values are in there (though, there's only one button 'Remove', no 'Add' or 'Save' buttons in the editor)13:29
Hobbseejimiridge: and of course, people just refusing to answer noob questions helps, too :)13:29
jimiridgehave the key in the topic13:29
elkbuntuHobbsee, when they actually read and comprehend it13:29
Hobbseeelkbuntu: afaik, they can be severely encouraged to do so, and to follow it, in here.13:29
elkbuntuHobbsee, indeed13:30
jimiridgesorry Hobbsee im an "enabler"  i like to help too much to the point where its excruciatingly painfully13:30
emmaThese comments I'm seeing, "IQ test" "when they actually comprehend it" these are sad and offensive comments and I think they might violate the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, and the spirit of being welcoming to everyone.13:30
tannersetuid: i'm afraid i have no real useful advice for you other than to seek the mailing list and forums, also perhaps post a bug report. certainly stay in the channel you may find a solution and if you do, definately report back13:30
Hobbseeemma: ....13:30
effie_jayxis there a bug for sound in rhythmbox. if I lay a video on youtube and then try to listen to something with RB it just doesn't play a thing... audacious is able to play music though13:30
* tanner rolls eyes at emma13:30
hmullerCan anyone point me to the script which starts compiz?13:30
tanneroh wait i have a cousin named emma13:31
Hobbseegimme a break...13:31
tannertemper tantrum?13:31
Hobbseei really dont' feel like her shenanigans in -offtopic a few days ago repeated in here.13:31
Hobbseeespecially as this is support *only*13:31
* tanner fears the offtopic channel13:31
tanneractually i can barely stand the standard channel :-\13:32
jimiridgedoes anyone know if your cpu/bios has to have "virtualization" speciffic flags/options to use xen?13:32
tannerjimiridge: i believe so, mine did13:32
emmaMore abuse.13:32
tannerwait, yes. as its enabled in BIOS as i recall from some specs somewhere on the wire13:32
jimiridgedamn nowonder i hosed my system a long time ago trying13:33
Hobbseeemma: if you wish to complain about abuse, here is not the place.  You know where the place was, from the last few times you got banned.13:33
orvokkiHobbsee: Speaking of support, wouldn't happen to know how to force this into installing nvidia kernel modules for 169.12?13:33
theronjimridge: it depends if you want to do para or full virt13:33
Hobbseeorvokki: no, sorry, i don't do nvidia.13:33
tannerorvokki: manually?13:33
Hobbseeemma: if you continue in here, then i *will* ban you, as it's offtopic.13:33
DanaGOh, another thing: removing networks from nm-editor doesn't prevent it from reconnecting, until you kill and restart nm-applet.13:33
* tanner is not sad to see amikrop go :-\13:33
theronjimridge: you can  do paravirt with older procs it's just slower, however for full virt you've got to have the VT flag on intel and V on AMD chips.13:34
setuidDanaG, nm-editor does absolutely nothing13:34
emmaDo not talk about me being banned in here. That should be done in #ubuntu-ops. Because you are humiliating me and people in here won't be able to make an informed judgement about if any of the bans were justified or not. Thank you.13:34
davidI love how the mousedriver in hardy actually works with my touchpad :D13:34
setuidYou can't "add" to it, nor can you edit+save any values13:34
orvokkitanner: I get a conflict: Nvidia kernel module version 71.86.04 and Nvidia driver 169.12. The only way of resolving this that I know involves compiling stuff and I was hoping for a more Ubuntu way to do it. ^^13:34
m1rDanaG: so there is no way to manualy remove networks from list in nm?13:34
theronjimridge: you'll see alot of benefit from the newer procs with paravirt as well.13:34
Hobbseetanner: would have suggested recommending a support contract for that one, actually13:34
davidoh, and XBMC linux works great with hardy too13:34
jimiridgetheron, i'll look into that next chance <running out of fue;>13:34
DanaGYou can do it with the editor, but then you have to 'killall nm-applet' and then re-run nm-applet.13:35
setuidIMHO, Hardy is a huge step backwards13:35
tannerHobbsee: a "support contract" ?13:35
davidin what way?13:35
Hobbseetanner: from canonical.13:35
m1rDanaG: tnx for info13:35
Hobbseetanner: if he refuses to call dell himself.13:35
davidsetuid: in what way?13:35
setuidThings which were rich in features and function in Gutsy, now lack those features and a good 40% or more of the apps I run, are broken13:35
tannerHobbsee: and what does this support contract do?13:35
Hobbseetanner: acts as his personal support?13:36
davidsetuid: can't say I have any negative experience now at all13:36
davidsetuid: however I find the moving of screen and resolution to menu "other" very odd13:36
DanaGevdev has been broken, for one thing.13:36
Hobbseeemma: fine, but stay on topic from now on.13:36
tannerorvokki: check your installed packages for other nvidia kernel moduels13:36
setuidI've been using and developing for Linux for 14+ years, and my FLOSS project is shipped with every Linux distro... but I'm so sick and tired of this 1-step-forward-5-steps-back stuff every year, I may just throw it all away and buy a Mac.13:36
tannerHobbsee: still lost i'm afraid13:37
setuidAll the instability and "churn" in Linux is forcing a lot of people to move to Mac13:37
tannersetuid: i believe that would be a step or 12 back13:37
elkbuntuemma, we would discuss it there if you would actually make your way there13:37
tannersetuid: curious, was there anything that was not working in 7.10?13:38
Hobbseeelkbuntu: sure, but i think we'll stop discussing the subject, and she can make her way there if she feels so inclined.13:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173833 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "evdev mouse fails on hardy: cannot open input pEvdev" [Medium,Confirmed]13:38
DanaGBroken evdev.13:38
setuidtanner, Nope, Gutsy was solid, everything worked flawlessly.13:38
orvokkitanner: nvidia-kernel-* packages are virtual packages. It should install the right one when you install linux-restricted-modules-*.13:38
tannersetuid: and your reason for upgrading to a "Beta" is?13:38
* elkbuntu pokes her tongue out at Hobbsee13:38
setuidIn Hardy, it frequently takes out my keyboard layout, almost every GNOME app crashes randomly, I can get X to dump by loading anything in wine, networking is broken, yadda yadda.13:38
Hobbseeelkbuntu: support.  /topic13:38
hmullerI'm looking for the path and name of the script that starts compiz, anyone?13:39
setuidtanner, because I need to test my code against the latest distros to vet out any bugs13:39
DanaG"           So basically, upstream went nuts and threw away most of the configuration options that made evdev so interesting. Great.              "13:39
tannerorvokki: you may have to resort to the forums my friend13:39
DanaGWHy do they do that?13:39
setuidtanner, pilot-link is mine, and I contribute heavily to Plucker and J-Pilot as well13:39
tannersetuid: what project?13:39
tannerah, wonderful13:39
ikoniasetuid: testing against 8.04 is not wise13:39
ikoniasetuid: a lot of changes have been made in it's development13:39
setuidSo all of hal/udev/usb/kernel is in my purview13:39
DanaGAnd lovely messages like this:13:40
DanaG(II) Mouse.0: Unable to grab pEvdev (Device or resource busy).  Cowardly refusing to check use as keyboard.13:40
DanaGWhat the heck is a "Pevdev"?13:40
setuidikonia, I disagree, and this is precisely how I validate that everything works prior to release.13:40
tannersetuid: what you should be doing instead is installing 8.04 in a virtual machine and testing from their, however it really is best to wait until the final product :-\13:40
ikoniasetuid: what if things change prior to release.13:40
setuidikonia, Then I change with them13:40
ikoniasetuid: so your constantly testing13:40
emmaWell hello there ikonia13:40
tannersetuid: curious, what parts of your code depend on specific parts of the distro?13:40
setuidikonia, the _reason_ they change, is because of people like me, who find, report and fix bugs.13:40
DanaG"            The option "Device" or "Path" needs to be set to the /dev/input/eventX device. All other options for device detection were removed. "13:40
Hobbseetanner: http://www.canonical.com/services/support fyi13:41
setuidtanner, the entire protocol subsystem; serial, usb, bluetoooth, etc.13:41
ikoniasetuid: I disagree on that, the reason things change are bugs are found - you testing your own code against them will provide a small range of the tests13:41
ikoniasetuid: but I do see what your saying13:41
setuidAnd the other two apps require python and lots of graphcal toolkits13:41
tannerHobbsee: ah.. i for some reaosn thought you were implying i should be his/her personal support person13:41
tannerO.o haha13:41
Hobbseetanner: ahh.  heck no :)13:41
setuidikonia, No, "my own code" is shipped _with_ the distros13:41
ikoniasetuid: ahhh it's a package then13:41
tannerHobbsee: i was going to ask what i did to make you hate me so..13:41
ikoniasetuid: I thought you where talking about something you'd wrote for your own needs, not a component, my mistake13:42
emmaikonia do you see this?13:42
setuidikonia, If some Ubuntu packager patches things incorrectly, or patches things wrong, I get hundreds of thousands of users blaming me13:42
Zvezdichkohello, why do I have the strange feeling that nobody pays attention to bug reports?13:42
setuidikonia, n/p ;)13:42
ikoniasetuid: no, I totally understand what your saying13:42
HobbseeZvezdichko: because there are lots more bug reports than people looking at them.13:42
ikoniaemma: yes, I can see that text13:42
DanaGWhy has evdev been so 'gutted' in new Xorg?13:43
ZvezdichkoHobbsee: no problem, yesterday I reported two bugs (non-critical)13:43
DanaGIt makes absolutely no sense.13:43
Zvezdichkoand no sign that they have benn looked13:43
tannersetuid: it is entirely understandable, however again, if you are going to develop software against a beta relase it is most recommened to install that beta in a protected environment such as a V< and build from there13:43
HobbseeZvezdichko: weekends?13:43
tannereek, must have been 5 typos in there13:43
* tanner needs sleep :(13:43
setuidtanner, I don't develop against beta... my code is solid, everything works, _upstream distros_ break things, by removing/breaking core functionality13:43
setuidlike shipping broken udev scripts, breaking the kernel with rejected patches and so on13:44
orvokkitanner: I assume this is just a simple thing that could even be done on purpose.13:44
orvokkiSo I would prefer not to make a big issue out of it.13:44
tannerorvokki: i really honestly have no idea13:44
orvokkiAmd64 packages tend to be ready later than x86.13:44
tannersetuid: understandable. are you also the package maintainer?13:45
setuidtanner, Nope13:45
setuidWhich is why my code, from the source tarball _always_ works, where the packages fail13:46
virtualdi want to report a bug on a prog, but i don't know what the package name is... is there a way to figure out which package installed that executable?13:46
setuidWhen a user says "I'm using distro X and your code breaks when I do Y..." I say "Here, try the source tarball, and here's how to build and test it."13:46
tannerso, to me, it would seem the responsibility of the package maintainer to assure it works properly as it is yours to ensure the code works properly13:46
orvokkitanner: And considering I managed to fix the problem by running Nvidia's proprietary installer (and I haven't heard of anyone else that has it), I think I'll just wait.13:46
setuidIn 100% of the cases, it works for them.13:46
tannerorvokki: ah.. i was under the impression you were getting that error from nvidias installer13:47
orvokkitanner: No. It was that Hardy was unable to install the correct nvidia kernel module for 169,12 in amd64.13:47
tannersetuid: unfortunately this is the issue with having 12,000 variations of linux13:47
setuidThe issue is always in the distro13:48
setuidNot "linux"13:48
setuidIt's fine, I deal with it, but that's why I need to constantly be on the bleeding edge of distro-ville13:48
tannerlets go ahead and not get on a symantics issue about the use of linux and distro interchangably, i am far too tired :)13:48
romcould you help me please? : http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3092754.013:49
tanneragain, then it seems you need to rely on the package maintainer to assure it works properly13:49
tannersetuid: i realize that doesnt help with your current issues of wifi, but in my defense, network manager is crap :D13:50
setuidit didn't exist in Gutsy, and that worked fine. Why the hell do we need a non-functional GUI applet to see/configure networking anyway?13:50
setuidYou update wpa_supplicant.conf, and things "Just Work(tm)", no need to monkey around with a GUI13:51
ikoniasetuid: thats an interesting comment, do you suggest removing it until it works13:51
setuidbesides, networking should work _without_ starting X or gdm/kdkm13:51
setuidAnd with NetworkManager, that isn't possible13:51
tannersetuid: im not sure, but i think networkmanager rewrites parts of the wheel on how it handles the interfaces13:51
setuidSo a headless box without X won't have working networking, unless you "fix" it with some scripts13:51
DanaGWe need some sort of ncurses UI.13:51
tannersetuid: ifup?13:52
setuidtanner, never used it13:52
setuidNever had to13:53
tannersetuid: i think the assumption is that if you do not require X server, you are capable of using the CLI to configure networking13:53
setuidtanner, It makes installing a headless Ubuntu machine remotely, impossible.13:53
ikoniaI thought you could use dpkg-reconfigure to configure networking interfaces ?13:53
Jaymacmy hardy upgrade seems to have deleted fstab, so now I can't get beyond a busybox terminal :)13:53
setuidWhich again, worked fine in Gutsy13:53
ikoniais that not "non-X" enough13:53
tannersetuid: well by headless i assume there is no monitor or keyboard, and based on that assumption it is rather impossible to auto configure a network (except a basic wired) especially a wireless one13:54
setuidtanner, I'm trying ktorrent here, to attempt to replace what I use Azureus for... and it appears to ignore my local IP filter block file. Seems it _requires_ it to be on http. Wtf.13:56
tannersetuid: consult #ktorrent for any usefull advice13:56
setuidThe only option is to use a remote, http-hosted, PeerGuardian-format filter file.13:56
tanneri really havent messed with ip filter very much13:57
tannerhowever i believe it just looks for a certain file in a directory (to be formatted in a certain way)13:57
setuidI have 9,378 netblocks in my filter file13:58
setuidAzureus US Filter:
setuidfor example13:58
setuidpulseaudio is another example of an over-engineered solution to a non-existant problem in Ubuntu13:59
setuidRemove pulseaudio, and everything works with sound...13:59
tanneragain, im not well versed on the inner workings of that plugin, best results likely to come from #ktorrent or google13:59
tannerhowever i think i must go to sleep before it becomes too bright to be able to14:00
m1ri have problem with prism54usb driver it seems, it was working perfectly on 7.10 , but on 8.04 it connects to wlan network and drops after 3 seconds. http://pastebin.com/f71cc919c , can someone help with it ?14:01
nosrednaekimm1r: does it ever truly connect, i.e., do you get a valid IP address?14:01
m1rnosrednaekim: how can i check that ? it disco after 3 seconds14:02
m1rnosrednaekim: it shows full signal when conected and then it just go off14:03
nosrednaekimm1r: while its trying to connect, keep running "iwconfig" exactly when it connects, the IP should change to something like "" if it doesn't... then its not really connecting14:03
m1rnosrednaekim: tnx , i go try , brb14:04
jnganyone managed to get BBC iplayer radio working?14:04
jngi just get a nasty crackling noise :(14:05
DanaGhttp://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2007-August/027515.html    http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2007-December/030964.html14:05
DanaGtwo things about HAL that I agree with14:05
m13nosrednaekim: it shows ESSID but i dont see IP address there14:06
=== Dannilionz is now known as Dannilion
DanaG169.254 is the "automatic private address"14:08
m13it shows with ifconfig14:08
m13and now it stayed conected14:09
nosrednaekimm13: :P14:09
m13now it stayed hooked and i didnt do anything but iwconfig and ifconfig14:10
m13ok, it droped14:10
m13was too good to be true :)14:10
nosrednaekimhrm.... I betcha as long as you keep hitting iwconfig it will stay connected14:10
nosrednaekimtry it :)14:10
m13nosrednaekim: what could be causing this ?14:10
nosrednaekimhey... what package should you use for throttling celerons?14:11
nosrednaekimm13: maybe the card goes to sleep or something :P14:11
m13it wasnt working on 7.10 that way :(14:11
m13now that it drops for 1st time, i must disconect it and conect it again to fetch network :)14:11
m13nosrednaekim: even with iwconfig/ifconfig droping out again after 3 seconds14:14
m13worst thing is i have to unplug it each time when it drops14:14
m13hmm, even if it droped out still showing with ifconfig14:15
DanaGhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=447666  -- needs a link to those two things on HAL, on freedesktop.org.14:15
ubotuDebian bug 447666 in hal "hal: don't have the right xkb_layout anymore...just us keyboard" [Critical,Fixed]14:15
DanaGFixed, but the underlying cause has not.14:16
DanaGThe part in Xorg server, that is.14:16
nosrednaekimm13: prism... hrm... is that a realtek?14:16
m13no, siemens usb54 , identify as accton14:17
m13but seems it using prism54usb on 7.10 and 8.0414:17
m13yoou right , on iwconfig it stays hooked sometimes14:17
nosrednaekimm13: try pinging when iwconfig says it still connected14:18
m13longer then 10 seconds :)14:18
m13i wonder if it will keep working with ping runing14:19
m13no, i droped after 10 seconds14:20
m13says at end of ping (DUP!)14:20
m13then netwrok unreachable14:20
m13at least it stays on for 10 seconds :)14:21
m13some progres :)14:22
m13it stays about 10 seconds then conection drops without any reason14:22
m13what more could i do to check reason for drop out ?14:23
webmarendoes anybody have a fix for sound support14:23
romin hardy, apt-get / aptitude don't have autocompletion, is it normam?14:23
setuidOOPS! ^ :)14:23
m13if i try to bring it up , ifup wlan0 , says : ignoring unknown interface14:24
nosrednaekimrom: apt-get install bash-completion14:24
Dr_willisHmm. ANyone else trying out the xfce desktop? does the Autostarted Apps - controlpanel item even launch somthing?14:24
nosrednaekimm13: thats awfully weird.... does ndiswrapper work?14:24
m13i dont use ndis nosrednaekim14:24
romwill it be installed by default in final version14:24
Dr_willisheh bash-completion - one of the top 10 things i install on any new install.14:24
Dr_willisrom,  i dont think it will be.14:24
m13it was working without ndis on 7.1014:24
m13so i guess should work without ndis on hardy, right ?14:25
m13strange thing half minute after connection droped i still have same IP on ifconfig14:25
nosrednaekimm13: hrm14:26
romwhy wont it be intalled by default14:26
romit was in gutsy...14:26
m13iwlist scan , no scan results14:26
m13RX / TX transfering data ?!?14:27
nosrednaekimm13: how about iwconfig transfer errors?14:27
nosrednaekimrom: if its not installed now, it probably won't be, no14:27
m13no errors14:28
romnosrednaekim: ok, it's strange, it was on gutsy...14:28
jngweirdness with lockscreen.. a couple of times I've come back to a locked screen and it won't accept my password14:34
m13what would happend if i manually copy prism54usb.ko from 7.10 and put it in 8.04? will update break this package ? could somthing other go wrong ? as it is reading only from this file i think14:34
jngswitching to a console and resetting the passwd then back to the lockscreen and i can get in..14:34
Dr_willisjng,  you are the 2nd person ive seen  mention that.. there maybe a bug going on.14:36
jngtks.. i thought i'd been rooted ;)14:36
jngi'll see if i can gather more info.. it isn't every time14:36
HardyOnelockscreen seems to be working properly here but I will start testing it more often14:37
jngalso seems to affect the keyring14:37
jngoverall though, 1 week into Hardy and i'm enjoying it lots.. been using it at work too14:38
Jaymachmm... when i upgraded to hardy it installed both kernel 2.24.whatever-386 and 2.24.whatever-generic - the 386 one gives me a busybox prompt whilst the generic one works fine.. wonder why14:41
Zvezdichkoi use the 386 kernel14:43
Zvezdichkoworks great14:43
JaymacZvezdichko: I take it it is safe to delete it14:43
HardyOneJaymac, I know alot of people had sound issues with the 386 kernel perhaps something in your hardware and that kernel dont mesh14:43
JaymacHardyOne: it freezes on mounting root filesystem14:44
HardyOneJaymac, yes it is say to uninstall . use synaptic and search for -38614:44
Jaymacwhen i poke around in busybox /usr/bin isn't there, neither is fstab.. so something isn't quite right14:44
Zvezdichkoi mean, i don't need to delete id because i only use this kernel14:45
dimitreeWell i just did a fresh install of 8.04 and still my xorg is full with Section "Device"Identifier"Configured Video Device"14:45
=== dimitree is now known as Dimitree
Jaymacgot the gnome-settings-daemon problems that others have been having too14:46
Zvezdichkothere are no serious issues I'm aware, however14:47
Zvezdichkois anybody aware with this open-vm-tools14:50
ClaesBasAnybody now if it's only 8.04 server beta which don't have ipmisensors with kernal or does ubuntu kernal at all have it?14:52
Dr_willismy xorg.conf is so minimal.. its scary14:54
ZvezdichkoDr_willis: mine is also minimal, but everything works14:55
Dr_willisZvezdichko,  yea. which suprises me..14:55
Dr_willisi wonder what to even do if i want to  add my wacom tablet. :)14:56
jngre: xorg I'm having some trouble with an external monitor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/20080514:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 200805 in xorg-server "xorg uses laptop video BIOS 'Panel Size' for external monitors, so apps end up confined to small space in top left of screen" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:58
jngI think there might be some sort of race going on 'cos if I log off and log back on again it often works ok14:59
Dimitreesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doens't work again :/14:59
jngnope.. that just throws away the hacks i added to get compiz to run fast ;)14:59
Dimitreehow can i make sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg work ? :/15:01
jngin what way doesn't work?15:01
Dimitreeit skips driver selection monitor selection and goes right to keyboard layout15:01
jngahh.. in hardy xorg.conf is pretty minimal15:02
Dimitreeawesome :)15:02
Dimitreeso i guess i must manualy add my intel GPU and monitor ?15:03
jngno i don't think you need to15:03
jngjust bring up the screen resolution prefs once you get into X and you can play15:04
Dr_willisi wonder where these settings are gettting set at.. :)15:05
Dr_willisxorg is just using the magicial X elfen magic to get the info?15:05
Dimitreejng i am in X but i don't have options to set refresh rate higher then 60hz15:05
jngDr_willis: i'm pretty sure its elfin magic15:05
romcould someone help me for adding "SHMConfig" "true" in my xorg.conf please?15:06
AnAntHello, I got a problem with network manager, it keeps trying to connect to a network (wether wired or wireless) even after it successfully acquires an IP address15:06
kcandrewHi, I'm trying to install vmware-tools on hardy and I am looking for the header file for the kernel so that I can get it working right. According to the forum it should be in /usr/src/*/arch/i386 (where * is something like linux headers generic). However, I don't have an i386 file.15:06
kcandrewThere is only x86.15:07
kcandrewWas it renamed to that? I'm not really sure that I'm looking for a directory of a text file. So, I don't know.15:08
HardyOnerom, use gedit to open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit the appropriate line15:08
romHardyOne: my problem is "the appropriate line"15:09
HardyOnerom, is it not there?15:09
romhttp://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3092754.0 (here is my xorg.conf)15:09
Zvezdichkohmm... I'll ask that question again - will there be OpenOffice 2.4 in Hardy?15:10
jngZvezdichko: i read it is already 2.415:10
jng.. just says its 2.315:10
jngso yes, it will be 2.415:10
HardyOnerom, put it in the InputDevice muse section15:11
Dimitreeok this is so wird :) when i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and then go to screen resolutions, my monitor is identifyed currectly and i have a 85h refresh option, however when i click apply the screen switches to 60hz refresh rate and the monitor becomes unknown :)15:11
Zvezdichkoyep... of course, I know how to install software manually :) but I prefer software only from the official repositories :) there are very few programs that I have installed manually - skype, opera15:11
orvokkiDimitree: Nvidia?15:11
orvokkiHmm, dunno then.15:12
romHardyOne: I did it15:12
rombut doesn't work15:12
romwhen I launch gsynaptics15:12
romit asks me to add SHMConfig true in xorg15:12
HardyOnerom, you need to reboot15:12
romyes, I did15:12
romin gutsy, I have a section "TouchPad" AND "Mouse"15:13
HardyOnerom, so do I15:13
Dr_willisheh.. yep - having to tweak your xorg.conf now  takes some voodoo it seems15:15
HardyOneseems so15:16
Dr_willisi was thinking that SHMconfig option went in its own little stanza.15:17
aquoI just tried hardy.15:18
romhow to enabled SHMConfig in anoyher way?15:18
aquoBut i am missing something!15:18
aquowhere is linda?15:18
HardyOneDr_willis, in my xorg it is under the Touchpad section15:18
aquolinda like lintian15:18
HardyOneahh linda! she moved15:18
Dr_willishas an example. :)15:18
aquoHardyOne: can you give me her new address? ;)15:19
aquoi really liked her and hugged her often.15:19
HardyOneaquo, what is linda?15:19
aquoHardyOne: linda is a tool for package testing like lintian15:20
HardyOneaquo, apt-cache search linda returns 3 packages15:20
HardyOnecheck them out15:20
aquohmm, interessting15:21
HardyOneyou maight have to compile linda yourself. I have never heard of it though15:22
crimsunaquo: it's obsoleted.15:22
crimsunaquo: it was removed from Debian and removed from Ubuntu upon its maintainer's request.15:23
aquoah, ok15:23
crimsunaquo: (see Debian 469039)15:23
HardyOneaquo, here is a link http://people.debian.org/~stevenk/linda/ but I would listen to crimsun15:23
ubotuDebian bug 469039 in ftp.debian.org "RM: linda -- RoM; deprecated" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/46903915:23
romabout deprectation : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46890515:24
ubotuDebian bug 468905 in ftp.debian.org "RM: qsynaptics -- RoM; deprecated by ToucheFreeze" [Normal,Open]15:24
romksynaptics is FAR to be deprecated by TouchFreeze15:24
dimitreeTake a look please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61475/        it says that prefered refresh rate is *60  : (15:25
dimitree85hz is not avaliable in screen resolution15:25
romHardyOne, could you post your xorg.conf please15:25
romin pastebin15:25
romfor showing me the touchpad and mouse sections15:25
HardyOnerom, yeah gimme a sec15:25
aquocrimsun: ok, so linda goodbye linda ;)15:27
HardyOnerom, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61476/15:27
DanaGcrimsun: oh, you're around now?  Cool.15:27
aquoif lintian checks everything that linda did, goodbye linda ;)15:27
HardyOneaquo, seems linda has left the country and did not leave a forwarding address :)15:27
aquolinda has left the building.15:27
DanaGDid you see my note the other day about how my Cardbus Audigy has a chip labeled "CA0109-1AG" instead of anything "CA10Kxxx" for emu10k1?15:28
romthank you15:28
HardyOnerom,  np15:28
romHardyOne  : in ServerLayout, you don't have InputDevice "Configured Mouse"???15:29
aquohmmm, revu-tools depend on linda ...15:30
HardyOnerom you have the exact xorg.conf that I have pasted15:30
dimitreeis this normal dimitree@dimitree-desktop:~$ glxinfo | grep render direct rendering: Yes OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 20061017 x86/MMX/SSE215:33
dimitreewhy is it using Mesa ?15:33
crimsunDanaG: no.  I'm pretty scarce on IRC these days.15:33
dimitreebut anyway is there a way to force my monitor intu 85h refresh rate on 8.04 ?15:34
DanaGAnyway, I finally gave into temptation and rather inelgantly removed the cover of my cardbus Audigy2.15:36
ioansame problem here dimitree -not solved yet15:36
DanaGIs CA0109 an SBLive, or a real Audigy2?  The SBLive! has the snd-ca0106 driver, so the 0109 seems only 3 digits off.15:36
dimitreeho well ... anyone using Blender ?15:37
ehazlettgreetings...  i'm trying to get my latitude xt's tablet functionality to work... anyone have any links?15:37
DanaGOh yeah, another random thing: using evdev for keyboard breaks magic sysrq and ctrl-alt-backspace.15:38
romthank you very much HardyOne :)15:38
romit works :15:38
HardyOneglad to hear it rom15:38
romthis "shmconfig" should be enabled by default :)15:38
HardyOneyes it should lol15:38
DanaGAnd the touchpad gui needs better config options.15:39
romksynaptics was very good15:39
DanaGTwo-finger scrolling!  Two- and Three-finger tapping!15:39
rombut it has been removed :(15:39
dimitreeShould i install Blender from the Add/Remove or from Blender website :) and advise ?15:39
romis there a chance that it could be reintroduced in default repositories?15:40
dimitreeok thanks :)15:40
HardyOnerom, probably not if it has been removed. unless they get enough bugs to rethink TouchFreeze15:40
rombut TouchFreeze has no options15:40
romonly a slider to choose between 0,1 and 2 seconde15:40
romwhile ksynpatics has 4 tabs of configuration...15:41
romwe can't say that "ksynaptics" is deprecated by "touchfreeze"15:41
romit's a joke15:41
DanaGrun "synclient -l" and then adapt the options to xorg.conf.15:42
dredhammercan someone tell me where in heron i can select which multimedia app plays dvds? in Gutsy it used to be in System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media but its not there in Heron15:42
rombut I want to change the state "dynamically"15:43
romwith ksynaptics, I did "ctrl alt q" for disabling / enabling15:43
DanaGGaack, using evdev breaks ctrl-alt-backpace.15:44
romand configuring a "delay of disable" after taping a key is not good, because often, it's just before the first key you tape that you move the mouse15:44
romso touchfreeze is useless15:44
romI am trying to compile ksynaptics15:45
romconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:45
romSee `config.log' for more details.15:45
romwhen I ./configure15:45
romwhat do I need to install?15:45
romgcc is already installed15:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 201937 in xorg "[Hardy][regression] input devices (in particular Logitech mice) that require evdev to work properly are now broken" [Undecided,New]15:47
dredhammerhow do i change the default media player for dvds in Hardy Heron?15:49
KryczekHi! I'm on Kubuntu 8 (of course) : does anybody else have problems with kio_http too?15:51
poningrudredhammer: insert dvd. right click on the dvd icon, and go to properties15:52
KryczekKonqueror won't open anything via http, and Kopete works with ICQ/AIM/GTalk but not MSN (that requires a HTTP connection in the beginning)15:52
poningruand then under application or something like that tab15:52
romI need some help for ./configure please?15:52
poningruchange the player15:52
romchecking for C compiler default output file name...15:52
romconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:52
crimsunrom: (re)install build-essential15:53
romthank you :)15:54
romchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!15:55
crimsunrom: libx11-dev and possible additional packages.15:57
crimsunrom: which package are you attempting to compile?15:57
rom(cf my post :  http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3092754.0 )15:58
dredhammersorry poningru no such tab when i click properties15:59
romI installed libx11-dev but checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!16:00
DanaGmy up arrow turned into 'print screen'16:00
DanaG!info hal-device-manager16:00
DanaGwhat happened to the package?16:01
DanaG"gnome device manager" doesn't replace it.16:01
DanaGIt shows "PnP device"16:01
DanaG"PnP device"16:01
DanaGa whole lot -- instead of actual device names.16:01
DanaGOr "Platform-Specific Device"16:02
sigmountehi ! i can't find the package shfs-source , normal ?16:06
romcrimsun: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3092754.0 (my last answer, about my problem "checking for x... error"16:06
DanaGWhat the hell?  My up-arrow key is opening the Screenshot dialog.16:08
Kryczekcan anybody please help me understand what's wrong with my kio_http ?16:09
alvarezpHas anyone seen bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/208030 ?16:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208030 in ubuntu "TrueType fonts don't appear in xfontsel." [Undecided,New]16:11
techbwHi all, I have an issue, and was told in the kubuntu channel that I should ask here.16:16
techbwmy mouse pointers are ghosted, almost as if the shadow effect is not set properly any one know how this can be sorted out.16:18
HardyOnetechbw, you running compiz?16:20
HardyOneguess not16:21
techbwwhat is compiz16:21
HardyOneif you dont know then you are not running it16:21
HardyOne!compiz | techbw16:21
ubotutechbw: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:21
romcompiz is a 3D desktop environment16:21
romwith visual effects16:21
HalfanubDid you update your video card drivers?16:21
TheAspI have a hardy box that seems to detect the DVD as a CD-ROM...  Anyway to fix this?16:22
techbwno I did not, but I did upgrade from 6.06lts to 8.04 and this only occured on upgrading16:22
techbwI changed the mouse pointer theme, and most places the mouse is not ghosted anymore but when I move mouse to kmenu, then the ghost appears again16:24
Lunar_LampI seem to have problems with hard lockups when my machine is idling.16:24
Lunar_LampIf I keep using it, I have no problems, but if I allow it to idle, it will hard lock, and I have to use sysrq+sub etc to reboot.16:25
Lunar_LampHow can I work out this issue?16:25
ader10I'd like to request something but I don't know where, so I'll ask here. Sorry if this is the wrong place. Would it be possible to add "gaim-xfire" to the repositories?16:29
techbwcheers guys16:30
crimsunader10: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages16:31
ader10Thank you, crimsun16:33
AnAntHello, I got a problem with network manager, it keeps trying to connect to a network (wether wired or wireless) even after it successfully acquires an IP address16:34
DanaGTheAsp: look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules16:34
DanaGIf it lists things wrong, the easiest fix is just to remove that file.16:34
Prefixwheres the shared folders thing in hardy?16:34
AnAntcan someone help me with this problem ?16:37
AnAntis it a bug or could there be something wrong in my system ?16:37
AnAnton another laptop I don't have that problem16:37
dimitreehelp help :) i'm running in failsafe terminal mode after trying to install Realtek ALC888 sound driver :)16:37
dimitreeanyone ?16:38
crimsundimitree: reinstall linux-ubuntu-modules, alsa-base, alsa-utils, and linux-sound-base16:39
crimsuni.e., sudo aptitude reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils linux-sound-base linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)16:39
crimsunand next time, don't clobber the ALSA infrastructure ;)16:39
dimitree:D i wont ! (trows away surround sound speakers)16:40
dimitreethank you :)16:40
crimsun(I'm not sure why (s)he didn't just use PulseAudio to handle the upmixing to surround, but whatever.)16:40
dimitreegod damn it cant copy paste command lol i will write it on a paper i guess >->16:41
AnAntdimitree: install gpm16:41
usmi have upgraded feisty to the gutsy with update-manager, after the reboot there was no sounds at all, then i decided to install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-386 , and the sounds now works good, but the system is very Slow16:42
usmgutsy to hardy i mean16:43
usmit take me the 3-4minutes  before getting to the desktop..16:44
usmi have an question16:44
usmwas package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-386 needed to be installed ?16:45
usmi am going to remove it becouse something is slowing my system..16:46
omarCan someone help me setup my Bluetooth? please?16:53
Lukehow do I install fonts on 8.04? it seems fonts:/// doesn't exist anymore?16:55
omarCan someone help me setup my Bluetooth? please?16:56
dimitreecrimsun help :) it didn't fic the problem :[ i get :error while loading shared libraries: libsound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:57
yoandyhi, has anyone succeed using b43 with bcm94311 rev 02 on hardy ?16:57
jngwhat's up with it omar16:57
omarjng: I don't know how to get it working on Ubuntu. :)16:58
jngwhat are you trying to do with bluetooth?16:58
crimsundimitree: sudo aptitude reinstall libasound216:58
dimitreeok o-o16:58
crimsundimitree: (I think you meant libasound.so.2)16:58
omarjug: Anything, sending, receiving to and from other cellphones, other Laptops, other devices... etc. ya know..17:00
omarSorry, I meant jng. :)17:01
jngok... well that stuff just works for me..  so.. do you have system->preferences->bluetooth ?17:02
dimitreecrimsun, it can not find such package :) anyway when i try to install the audio driver it says my C compiler can't create executables17:02
jngto send stuff to a phone i use gnome-obex-send17:02
omarjng: Yes! I do have that.17:03
jngthat is good17:03
jngtry: hcitool scan17:03
jngon the command line17:03
omarjng:  Is that command for scanning the area for nearby devices?17:04
jngthat's right17:04
omarjng: Is there any good applications(GUI's) for doing that instead?17:05
jngi use it to get device ids17:05
jngaptitude install gnome-bluetooth17:06
jng 17:06
jngis worth doing17:06
jngwill give you gnome-obex-send to transfer files to a phone17:06
omarjng: I tried that command, it says "Device is not available, no such device."17:06
jng... hmm... gnome-obex-send has gone awol...17:07
jngomar.. i often have to do restart bluetooth eg after suspend17:07
jngsudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart17:08
jng 17:08
omaruh-huh... okay17:08
HackelWhat is the relationship between the openjdk-6-* packages and icedtea-java7-*, now that the latter are removed from Hardy?17:08
omarjng: The greatest thing about Ubuntu is that people help people, ya know? So, assuming we don't have any GUI's for Bluetooth yet, making one is not that big fuss ya know. :)17:10
omarAll it needs is a good pinch of experience. :D17:10
usmwill be there resolved the problem with sounds in the official realise of ubuntu..17:11
jngright.. omar.. i'm a bit puzzled myself at the mo though 'cos i've lost gnome-obex-send.. which i use to whack stuff onto my phonte17:11
crimsunusm: more detail?17:11
Hackelusm: Not unless it ships with pulseaudio configured to use dmix by default, the way esd did, which seems unlikely. :/17:11
omarjng: I installed gnome-bluetooth and still no luck.. weird! ><17:12
usmcrimsun, i have upgarded gutsy to hardy and how i expected, there was sounds problem..17:12
crimsunusm: what is "sounds problem"?  Be specific, please.17:12
crimsunHackel: as I've explained, that breaks.17:12
jngomar: just found gnome-obex-send dropped.. use: bluetooth-sendto17:12
usmcrimsun, the volume master was not working17:12
usmi have installed some linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-386 and ther sounds start working..17:13
usmbut not sure this was right to install that package..17:14
crimsunHackel: currently the only way to make it work is to attempt to grab state for the currently installed version before dist-upgrading to hardy, and that's racy, not to mention certainly not guaranteed to work.17:14
crimsundimitree: `sudo aptitude reinstall libasound2' failed?17:15
crimsunyoandy: it's currently broken in the released kernel; it has been fixed (by reverting the culprit git changeset) in ubuntu-hardy.git.17:16
Hackelcrimsun: Are you referring to making sound work after the upgrade, without restarting?  I just meant in general for non-esd/pulse apps.17:16
crimsunyoandy: i.e., it's fixed in the final Hardy17:16
crimsunHackel: I meant in general.17:16
crimsunHackel: (which is trivially extensible to the case where one restarts after a dist-upgrade)17:17
yoandyok crimsun, thanks!17:17
Hackelcrimsun: I can't claim to know much about it, I just dislike having to kill pulseaudio all the time because it grabs the sound device, whereas esd did not since it used dmix as default.17:19
crimsunusm asked about two issues above.  His first issue with long bootup times is likely the udev renaming (cf. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules)17:19
crimsunHis second issue has a two-part answer:  he needs to provide codec info (cf. the alsa-info.sh script), and he needs to make sure l-u-m is installed17:19
crimsunHackel: that's the wrong approach.  Use pasuspender instead.17:20
crimsunHackel: e.g., `pasuspender -- skype'17:20
b47619the cause of issue has to be a failing onboard video card17:21
Hackelcrimsun: Yes I know that's the right approach for using pulseaudio, I'm just stuck in the camp that doesn't see any benefit of pulseaudio over dmix.  I'll deal with it, of course, I just wonder how new users will figure that out.17:21
Konstigtbeen away for a bit over a month and after starting my computer and applying all upgrades my sound is gone. is there any major general problem or is it just me?17:21
c-ronKonstigt: what sound hardware do you have?17:22
Konstigtintegrated ac'9717:22
KonstigtIntel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller [8086:24d5] (rev 02)17:22
HackelIt seems like it should be added to the Hardy release notes that icedtea-java7 has been replaced by openjdk-6 so that people can upgrade themselves (if the openjdk-6 packages won't enforce the upgrade automatically).17:24
omarjng: I've been looking in my hardware information, but I can't seem to find anything about my Bluetooth device.. 0_017:24
c-ronKonstigt: does your kernel use the snd-hda-intel module?17:25
jngomar: did you get hciscan to do anything?17:25
crimsunc-ron: no, it doesn't.17:25
jngeg after the bluetooth restart17:25
crimsunc-ron: an ac'97-based codec uses one of the ac'97 drivers, not the HDA driver.17:26
omarjng: Nope, still, device not available:  no such device, and yeah, after bluetooth restart.17:27
jngomar: what you using to inspect the hardware17:27
omarMenu->System->Preferences->Hardware Information.17:28
jnghmm... i don't have that :(17:28
nemo*sigh* gvfs sftp is sooooo buggy17:29
omarjng: Huh? That's impossible.. 0_o17:29
nemobuggy buggy buggy17:29
jngcan you right click on it and see what its properties are so i can find out what i am missing17:30
omarjng: Right click on what?17:30
DanaGhal-device-manager is gone in hardy.17:30
jngthe entry in the menu17:31
jngsorry... what i do to find out what is run by a menu entry is right click, turn it into a launcher and look at the properties..17:31
c-ronKonstigt: some people have to add an 'options' line to their /etc/modprobe.d/sound file to get their soundcard to work properly17:31
jngthere must be an easier way...17:31
macogwis anyone else unable to import gpg keys using seahorse?  The import buttons seem to not do anything at all17:32
crimsunDanaG: it wasn't updated anyhow to work with the new hal.17:32
nemoafter trying 6 times to open a friggen sftp mount and getting it to hang each time in file transfer in some new and silly way, just used scp.17:32
omarjng: Sorry, but I'm still not sure what are you talking about..17:33
crimsunKonstigt: please be more specific (and verbose) in your audio issue description.17:33
nemonever thought I'd miss gnomevfs - guess I'll just have to use fuse for now17:33
crimsunKonstigt: i.e., I don't know what you're talking about that's not working.17:33
Konstigtcrimsun: can't get anything to recognize that I even have a sound card17:33
jngok.. don't worry omar... what i wanted to know is what app is launched when you fire up hardware information from the menu17:33
Konstigtcrimsun: but the debuggingsoundcard-wiki is a bit out-of-date now since the switch to pulseaudio so I don't really know how to troubleshoot17:34
jngi think the best way to find that out is fire up main menu from the same menu17:34
omarjng: The device manager.17:34
crimsunKonstigt: download http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh17:34
DanaGWhat's changed in HAL to require a new device-manager?17:34
crimsunKonstigt: then run it.17:34
Konstigtcrimsun: already tried that and got http://pastebin.ca/96225917:34
crimsunKonstigt: why are you running -386?17:35
crimsunDanaG: abi17:35
jngomar: but what is the command that is actually executed?  I'm trying to figure out what package is awol from my system17:35
crimsunKonstigt: I'm going to guess that you don't have l-u-m installed for -38617:35
vinayy1hardy boot has become slower than gutsy.17:36
jngomar.. got it gnome-device-manager17:36
HackelHmm, it seems I am no longer able to view man pages, I just get an empty file.  Has anyone else experienced this?17:37
vinayy1there seems to be a 30 second pause in between17:37
crimsunvinayy1: do you have a wifi device?17:37
steph_Hi everybody. Is there a way to mount /home on a different drive at installation?17:38
vinayy1sorry, iwp394517:38
omarjng: Good! :)17:38
crimsunvinayy1: try moving /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules somewhere other than /etc/udev/rules.d/17:38
crimsunvinayy1: also, the iwl and libertas code has been updated, but that won't be in hardy until next week or so17:38
jngok that gets me where i can see my bluetooth stuff under the usb adapter17:39
vinayy1crimsun: my wifi would still work after that right?17:39
jngomar: doesn't help you though :(17:39
crimsunvinayy1: yes, you'd need to reboot.  /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules will generate the new rules.17:39
macogwsteph_: the graphical installer should allow it17:39
crimsunvinayy1: also, that's why I asked to you mv it, not rm it.17:39
DanaGhal-device-manager still worked fine for me, until I accidentally removed it.17:40
steph_macogw. If a do another installation, would it be preserved?17:40
vinayy1crimsun: will try it out.17:40
macogwsteph_: the "manual" option should show all available disks and let you choose which one is /home17:41
macogwsteph_: /home does not get formatted (unless you tell it to)17:41
crimsunDanaG: it works for some people, but that doesn't preclude that it's not broken.17:41
steph_macogw; thanks17:41
macogwany of you use seahorse, or are you all command line ninjas in that regard?17:42
vinayy1crimsun: will my bootchart.png help analyze this further? I see readahead is taking almost 10 seconds at the very beginning of the boot process.17:42
crimsunvinayy1: it could, but check those known triggers I mentioned.17:43
crimsunvinayy1: it's far more probable to be related to one of those two than readahead17:43
Drizzt321I'm using 8.04 beta, and for some reason in firefox 3b4 I'm not getting any flash audio. any ideas?17:43
DanaGgnome-device-manager sucks in that it doesn't show names of many things.17:43
DanaG"Platform Device" "Platform Device" "Platform Device" "Platform Device"17:44
DanaG"PnP Device"  "PnP Device"  "PnP Device"  "PnP Device"  "PnP Device"17:44
crimsunDrizzt321: how did you install the Flash plugin?17:44
Drizzt321crimsun:  I forget, I upgraded from 7.10. the video works just fine though.17:45
crimsunDrizzt321: then you need to install libflashsupport, too.17:45
Drizzt321crimsun:  ah, ok. thanks!17:45
Drizzt321crimsun:  I didn't see that anywhere in the upgrade/release notes though...17:45
crimsunDrizzt321: because it doesn't cover multiverse.17:46
crimsun(flashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse)17:46
Drizzt321crimsun:  ah, ok. it would be nice to have it mentioned in one of the upgrade docs, but I understand your point.17:46
crimsun(and if you installed the plugin through another method, you're on your own)17:46
DanaGOh yeah, do you happen to know what chip the "CA0109" is?17:47
Drizzt321will I need to restart firefox after installing the package?17:47
crimsunDrizzt321: you don't need to, but you might do it anyway17:47
Drizzt321crimsun:  and it works :)    thanks. I did have to restart firefox17:48
crimsunDanaG: I don't know offhand, but you probably could drive it using -emu10k117:49
crimsunDanaG: depends on the codec info, really17:50
DanaGIt does use that; I was just surprised to see the chip itself not being CA#k#17:51
DanaGAnd the Windows one uses the Audigy2 drivers, too.17:51
DanaGI mean, the Windows drivers are that/17:51
crimsunit doesn't surprise me at all, really.17:52
crimsuncreative has been rebadging all sorts of codecs17:52
crimsuntheir consumer line generally sucked in the past half-decade17:52
DanaGI know I won't be buying Creative again.17:53
jnganyone got realplayer (specifically bbc radio) working in hardy?17:53
jng.. i just get nasty crackling when i got to beeb streams17:53
DanaGOh yeah, it also doesn't seem to do 24-bit under Linux.17:54
DanaGI wonder what I should get next time... it'd have to be cardbus or expresscard (depending on the notebook), or USB 2.0.  I'd prefer 24-bit, but some people say it actually doesn't matter that much.17:55
crimsunDanaG: lack of 24-bit is fairly straightforward to add17:56
kane77so what's the advantage of pulse?17:56
crimsunand no, generally 24-bit isn't a discernable difference17:56
Konstigtcrimsun: I haven't really chosen my kernel version, I just booted the first option..17:56
DanaGI just don't want Creative anymore.17:57
crimsunkane77: persistent device naming/availability, ability to migrate streams on-the-fly, ability to control stream volumes, avahi integration, etc., etc.17:57
Konstigtcrimsun: but yes it seems that I have it installed, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-386. I have nvidia restricted driver running OK.17:57
kane77crimsun, wow.. cool17:58
crimsunKonstigt: l-r-m != l-u-m17:58
DanaGI like the C-Media cards; apparently Asus has bought them.17:58
crimsunKonstigt: I mean linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r), /not/ linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)17:58
DanaGToo bad their USB card has only stereo for analog.17:58
Konstigtcrimsun: aha..17:58
crimsunKonstigt: [ALSA no longer resides in the base linux-image-$(uname -r) but in linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)]17:59
Konstigtcrimsun: but I have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-12-386 so that seems so be a good match for my kernel17:59
Konstigtsorry, wrong paste17:59
Konstigtcrimsun: but OK, you'18:00
kane77but it just adds one more slider.. now I have 4 that control the volume... alsa - master, PCM, front + pulse - master18:00
Konstigtcrimsun: but OK, you're right. I don't have any ubuntu modules for -386. I will reboot to that kernel instead and make that my default. I have no idea why 386 is the default for me.18:00
Konstigtcrimsun: thanks...18:00
crimsunKonstigt: because -generic is default, not -386, and for some upgrade reason, -386 resides at the top of your GRUB menu18:01
crimsunkane77: use pulse - master18:01
kane77crimsun, but all of them change volume independently18:02
crimsunkane77: use pavucontrol to control stream volume.  Use pulse - master to control the overall vol18:02
logophobiahi, wifi is a quirky after I upgraded. Networkmanager seems to work but I seem to have lost the eth1 interface. if I do "sudo ifup eth1" I get a device not found. I have an intel card, ipw3945 driver.18:02
logophobiacant get wpasupplicant to work because of the missing interface, but networkmanager has no problems18:03
crimsunlogophobia: first, if n-m handles the interfaces, then either the interfaces are commented out or don't exist in interfaces(5)18:04
crimsunlogophobia: second, ensure that the interfaces names haven't changed under you.  See `ip a'.18:04
crimsun^ interfaces'18:04
shirishhi all, I'm trying aptitude to find out about wondershaper but I'm not getting it :(18:06
shirishaptitude show wondershaper doesn't give anything18:06
shirishneither does aptitude show shaper18:06
kane77crimsun, wow I like pavucontrol...18:07
shirishand this package is there https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wondershaper/18:07
shirishany ideas guys?18:08
evan_hey how do i do edit CWD in gconf-editor? apps/CWD/ i cant find CWD18:08
Rukushi i need help with my wireless. its a bcm4318 on ndiswrapper with hardy beta. i get as far as being able to scan using iwlist and finding my router, but no wireless connection to router, stays at 0% and ifconfig even reports that i have a ip address and etc, iwconfig reports no connection.   what can i do to fix this?18:09
Rukusi used this tutorial:18:09
Rukusinputting a script into my rc.local18:09
Rukusto make everything work18:09
evan_i cant find CWD but i do find GWD is that the same?18:09
crimsunshirish: enable the universe component first18:10
Konstigtcrimsun: ok, on -generic I get sound but now my nvidia graphics card doesnt work18:10
macogwRukus: why not use the Linux driver?18:10
Rukusi couldnt get that working either18:11
macogwdid you get the firmware for it?18:11
crimsunKonstigt: I hope you didn't remove l-r-m18:11
Rukusi tried installing it the hardy way, no go. then i tried installing b43-fwcutter using apt-get  (automated) and that wouldnt work18:11
shirishcrimsun: universe should be enabled, how to know if its enabled or not?18:11
macogwRukus: wanna try just downloading the firmware and putting it where it goes?18:12
Rukusi dont know if everything i have done has made a mess or not18:12
HardyOneshirish, look at /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure there is no # in front of the .deb lines with universe18:12
DanaGMethinks udev should make rules for wmaster interfaces.18:12
logophobiacrimsun: "ip a" only lists the loopback and eth0 interfaces, there are no eth1 interfaces in the interfaces file, if I add them, wpa_supplicant still can't detect the eth1 interface18:12
Rukusalso, i like the ndiswrapper one better... atleast better than bcm43xx firmware... my range wasnt that great18:12
crimsunDanaG: ...it does.18:12
macogwidk how to undo ndiswrapper, but i can tell you that i have the firmware at http://macoafi.googlepages.com/firmware.tar.gz and it goes in /lib/firmware/18:13
Rukusmacogw, i dont even know where to begin or end now.18:13
macogwits the firmware from the windows driver, so i dont know how that would affect range.  range could be a difference between the older bcm43xx driver and the new b43 one18:13
shirishHardyOne: there is no # in front of any .deb lines with universe18:14
axisysI am having trouble removing icedtea-java7-plugin . I get this http://rafb.net/p/J9GXBQ20.html18:14
crimsunyou'll need the newer firmware for b43.  Use jockey, or follow the directions under Users->Download on linuxwireless.org18:14
logophobiacrimsun: also, if I restart the entire networking envir. through init, networkmanager isnt affected, on gutsy it would disconnect/reconnect18:14
Rukusmacogw,  ok... so what do i need to do to purge ndiswrapper? comment out my script, and uninstal ndiswrapper-utils-1.9?18:14
axisyshow do I remove a pkg that is stubborn and does not want to be removed?18:14
Rukusand un-blacklist bcm43xx?18:15
shirishaxisys: did u try purging it? apt-get purge or aptitude purge18:15
Flannelaxisys: Do what it says, reinstall it first, then remove it18:15
crimsunshirish: awk '/^deb(.)*universe/' /etc/apt/sources.list18:15
Rukuscrimsun - i dont understand18:15
crimsunRukus: system>administration>hardware drivers18:16
HardyOneshirish, then universe is ebabled18:16
shirishcrimsun: still no dice, all show up pretty without a * anywhere in universe18:16
crimsunshirish: I needed the output.18:16
axisysshirish, Flannel both failed http://rafb.net/p/iDVPPy33.html18:16
Rukusthat doesnt work for me it hard cycles my CPU18:16
Rukusand wont connect18:17
shirishcrimsun: lemme paste it somewhere18:17
crimsunRukus: are you running /current/ hardy?18:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:17
Rukusfans on laptop go nuts18:17
RukusSystem Information for alkasmolik: CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+1000.000 MHz, 512 KB Cache RAM: 511 MB HDD: 42 GB OS: GNU/Linux 2.6.24-12-generic Uptime: 12:17:34 up 16 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.12, 0.2318:17
crimsunRukus: i.e., Beta isn't new enough.18:17
Rukusok wait18:17
shirishcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61489/18:18
Rukuswhat newer18:18
shirishHardyOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61489/ as well18:18
axisysshirish, Flannel: any other suggestion?18:18
crimsunlogophobia: pastebin your lspci -nv && lspci -v18:18
Rukusi just upgraded on  the 20th/ thats not the newest18:18
crimsunRukus: as in, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade18:18
HardyOneshirish, that looks right. what is it you are trying to do? I came in half way18:19
crimsunshirish: and now, sudo aptitude update18:19
Rukuscrimsun, to get rid of ndiswrapper and use firmware, uninstall ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 and comment out or delete my script? and i should be ok?18:20
crimsunRukus: just don't load ndiswrapper.18:20
shirishcrimsun: HardyOne: I'm looking for a package which is there since september 07, not today18:20
shirishalso I'm fully updated18:20
logophobiacrimsun: http://pastebin.com/d17f270a918:20
Rukuscrimsun... what do you mean?18:20
crimsunshirish: well, is it in your apt cache?  (i.e., apt-cache policy wondershaper)18:21
HardyOneshirish, what package?18:21
shirishcrimsun: HardyOne: the package I'm trying to view is called wondershaper18:21
HardyOne!info wondershaper18:21
shirishcrimsun: its there in apt-cache18:21
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ apt-cache policy wondershaper18:22
shirish  Installed: (none)18:22
shirish  Candidate: 1.1a-4.118:22
shirish  Version table:18:22
shirish     1.1a-4.1 018:22
shirish        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages18:22
shirishsorry for above18:22
crimsunshirish: are you pinning?18:22
HardyOneshirish, sudo aptitude install wondershaper18:22
shirishwhat's pinning?18:22
shirishHardyOne: that didn't work18:22
shirishI was first interested in getting aptitude to show me info for that package18:22
shirishas in aptitude show wondershaper18:23
crimsunshirish: what command are you using to install it?18:23
shirishsudo aptitude install wondershaper18:23
crimsunlogophobia: that should be resolved in the next l-b-m, l-u-m, and l uploads18:23
shirishit throws up a no candidate version thing18:23
crimsunshirish: were you disconnected from the 'net at some point?18:24
Rukuscrimsun how do i "just not load ndiswrapper" ? i dont know, if i dont know i guess the best way it so uninstall it18:24
Rukusis to*18:24
crimsunRukus: check /etc/modules; make sure it's commented out there.18:24
shirishcrimsun: no, never, why do you ask?18:24
HardyOneshirish, it didnt work? any errors?18:24
Rukusok thanks18:24
crimsunshirish: aptitude recycles the cache if network resolution fails18:24
shirishHardyOne: crimsun: now this is strange, now it works , really strange18:25
crimsunshirish: i.e., you often need to update twice or more if you were disconnected18:25
HardyOneshirish, well sometimes things need time to work :P18:25
Rukuswell if ndiswrapper wasnt going to load, it should have no problem. its in there 8 times18:25
Konstigtcrimsun: nope i didn't my my lrm is -386 and my kernel is generic now, is that bad? should I re-install the lrm package maybe?18:25
tobiHi, i updated from 7.10 to 8.4 and now have problems to get my nvidia cart with the nvidia drivert to work18:25
shirishcrimsun: what do you mean by aptitude recycles the cache if network resolution fails? Any link where i can find more about that bug/discussion ?18:26
crimsunKonstigt: err, stick with one kernel, please.  :)  You need both l-r-m and l-u-m for whatever kernel you're using.18:26
tobihas there anything changed?18:26
tobithe Non-free Linux 2.6.24 modules are installed18:27
shirishcrimsun: what do you mean by aptitude recycles the cache if network resolution fails? Any link where i can find more about that bug/discussion ?18:28
Konstigtcrimsun: yes... but there is no lrm-generic, only -386?18:28
tobiwhat is the difference between nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-lagacy and nvidia-glx-common?18:29
axisysany one knows how to remove a stubborn pkg? I am trying to remove this java plugin but failing miserably like this http://rafb.net/p/iDVPPy33.html18:29
crimsunKonstigt: ...yes there is.18:29
crimsunshirish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptAuthenticationReliability18:29
shirishcrimsun: thanx, signing off for now ;)18:30
oxigenhey guys, which package i need to install to get Qt SQL driver?18:30
Rukusthanks crimsun for all the help and everyone else who made input. i have about 350mb updates to install, so after that is down i will try out that firmware again.   One last question.... do i use the option for hardware drivers found in my hardy menu? and that should work? i hard it wasnt functioning...18:31
crimsunoxigen: Qt 3 or 4?18:31
oxigencrimsun: donno, for barcode generating... :S18:31
crimsunoxigen: so use `apt-cache search qt sql'18:32
oxigencrimsun: thanks! :)18:32
tobioxigen: e.g. libqt-mt-odbc18:32
Rukusalso: do i need to unblacklist  bcm43xx from my # /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:  ??18:32
oxigentobi: huh, where did you find exactly this one!? :)18:33
Rukusor only b43 if it were there?18:33
tobioxigen: I searched for "qt db"18:33
tobiis an Nvidia FX5200 nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx-new18:34
crimsunRukus: leave the blacklist alone.18:34
Rukusok. but i added a blacklist to bcm43xx18:35
Rukusok deal.18:36
Rukusits replaced by b4318:36
crimsunyou don't need to; it's already present by default.18:36
Rukusthanks for all the help18:36
crimsun# replaced by b43 and ssb.18:36
crimsunblacklist bcm43xx18:36
Rukusthen next is my video. its reporting mesa18:36
Rukusshouldnt be too difficult18:37
Tuv0ksynaptic is showing residual configs for stuff that no longer exists, how can I clear this?18:40
vinayy1crimsun: it worked. udevadm's time in bootchart came down to 5 seconds from 30 seconds. thanks a lot.18:45
crimsunI'm working on a migrating script for certain known-affected modules, but it probably won't make it into 8.04.18:45
crimsunparticularly since there's an effective workaround (by removing the file I mentioned)18:46
c-ronAnyone know why Hardy turns off numlock randomly?18:47
crimsunerr, it wouldn't be randomly.  Programmatically, yes, and perhaps racy, but not randomly.18:49
Tuv0kcrimsun, Hello, old friend. If your not too busy, I know you have the answer I need? Residuals in synaptic will not remove, and I was wonder where synaptic is reading this list from, so I may reset, and or purge the list/dir manually?18:49
crimsunTuv0k: 1) make sure you're current; 2) run update several times consecutively18:50
Tuv0kthats all set18:50
Tuv0kthey were old kernel modules files18:50
Tuv0kand old kernel configs18:50
Tuv0kphysically they were swampping my /boot18:51
Tuv0kI removed them manually because synaptic would not18:51
crimsunTuv0k: if you've installed into those directories manually, the state is different to synaptic's.  Synaptic will not clear those directories, because a "local admin" has effected such changes.18:53
c-ronAnyone know why numlock turns itself off?18:53
Tuv0kthey were never installed manually18:53
vinayy1Tuv0k: to remove config files also use "Mark for complete uninstall"18:53
Tuv0kthey were removed via synaptic18:53
Tuv0kconfig all that18:53
Tuv0kyet they still sit in residual18:54
crimsunTuv0k: not "they" being the packages.  I mean /any/ /manual/ modifications - additions - to them.18:54
crimsunc-ron: can you be more specific?  When does it occur?18:54
Tuv0keven before I did that I had the problem, I thought removing the files would clean the synaptic reading of the residuals18:54
Tuv0kwhich is why I'm sure I did not hit the rifgt directory18:55
c-roncrimsun: pseudo-randomly ;)18:55
Tuv0kpoint being, synaptic is getting this info from somewhere, and I'd like to knwo where18:55
Tuv0kI've done this a long time ago, and can't seem to remember how again18:55
FlannelTuv0k: from dpkg18:55
Tuv0kFlannel, expound plz?18:56
FlannelTuv0k: dpkg tells synaptic everything it knows.18:56
crimsunc-ron: you're not being very specific.18:56
Tuv0kFlannel, is there a cache fifle that synaptic is reading this residual list from?18:57
c-roncrimsun: It happens when I'm doing very unspecific tasks, like 'using my computer to do stuff'18:57
FlannelTuv0k: It reads it from dpkg.  `dpkg -l` will give you a list of all the packags (in their various states) on your computer.18:57
crimsunc-ron: does it only occur when your active tty is in the X Window System?18:57
FlannelTuv0k: what are you ultimately trying to accomplish?18:58
c-roncrimsun: not sure, but thanks for suggesting a starting point18:58
crimsunc-ron: well, if it does, that's a known issue against the xorg-server source package.18:58
crimsunc-ron: if it's the specific bug I'm referring to, it's not specific to NumLock.18:58
vinayy1Tuv0k: the files are in /var/lib/dpkg. mess with them and your warranty is void.18:58
Tuv0kFlannel, clear the residual list in synaptic simply18:58
FlannelTuv0k: You mean "Old and Local packages" or what?18:59
Tuv0kjust like this guys issue in that thread18:59
Tuv0kFlannel, no I mean residula configs18:59
=== jessica is now known as jessica__
c-roncrimsun: would you happen to have a link to a bug report?18:59
Tuv0kit has its own list18:59
FlannelTuv0k: Those list separation stuff is done by Synaptic, it parses the information it gets from dpkg.  I'd reinstall each package, then apt-get purge them19:00
FlannelTuv0k: actually, you can try apt-get purge [package] right now.  No idea if it works without the package being installed or not (like --purge does)19:00
crimsunc-ron: 19421419:01
Tuv0kE: linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-5-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 119:07
Tuv0kthats all I get, and they never remove19:08
Tuv0kcan't reinstall them, because they no longer exist19:08
Tuv0keven deborphan did not wipe them19:08
c-roncrimsun: interestingly, i'm affected by that bug, but it doesn't seem to happen with numlock19:08
crimsunTuv0k: I take it you've already uninstalled l-i-2.6.24-5-generic?19:09
Tuv0kyes sir19:10
crimsunI'm trying to remember if l-b-m triggers an initramfs update19:11
savvasdid anyone else get ##linux spam?19:13
crimsunTuv0k: does /var/lib/initramfs-tools/2.6.24-5-generic exist, too?19:14
Tuv0kall the old ones!19:15
Tuv0kI think this maybe it19:15
crimsunyes, it is19:15
crimsunI ran across this several months ago19:15
DanaGHmm, I can't find anything about ca0109 online.19:16
Tuv0kcrimsun, I take it I remove this old files that are showing up in synaptic no?19:16
crimsunTuv0k: remove the files in that directory for which linux-image-foo no longer is installed19:16
crimsunTuv0k: it's really a bug in initramfs-tools19:17
c-roncheck this bug out: from the terminal in xubuntu: sudo cat /dev/psaux     move the mouse around a bit to get some fun characters, tehn Ctrl+C to end cat.. now try to type a new command19:17
orvokkiSounds dangerous.19:17
c-ronhilarously goofy. end terminal and restart it to get back it back to normal.19:18
crimsunthe script isn't able to handle zero-sized files, wich really indicates that there's no existing /boot/initrd.img-foo and thus update-initramfs should not attempt to regenerate an initramfs19:18
crimsun^ which19:18
orvokkic-ron: That is, it should be theoretically possible your mouse triggers an rm -rf / sequence.19:18
orvokkiAnd that would be run as root...19:18
crimsunto be robust, that script should verify the existence of /boot/vmlinuz-foo /and/ /boot/initrd.img-foo before attempting an initramfs regeneration19:19
c-ronorvokki: cat doesn't exectue anything but cat19:19
orvokkic-ron: Even control codes?19:19
Tuv0kE: linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-5-generic: subproceE: linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-5-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1ss post-removal script returned error exit status 119:19
Tuv0ksynaptic is still dumbfounded19:20
crimsunTuv0k: then you're hitting another issue.19:20
crimsunTuv0k: what happens with sudo dpkg -P --force-depends?19:20
orvokkic-ron: I'd rather change psaux to be readable by a normal user and then cat it. ;)19:20
c-ronorvokki: you could do that, but i don't like to change permissions in /dev19:21
Tuv0kdpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove 2.6.24-2-generic which isn't installed.19:22
K93Could anyone help me with an fsck error?  I get a fsck.ext3: Unable to resolved 'UUID=...' trying to check my file system19:22
orvokkic-ron: Isn't it reset on boot anyway?19:22
DanaGOh hey, is there any way I could try my Audigy2 with the ca0106 driver?19:22
eddyMulany of you running hardy inside kvm inside gutsy?19:23
DanaGThe emu10k1 driver has some bugs: "Error writing to DAC" a bunch of times, and noisy Stereo-Mix capture.19:23
Tuv0kcrimsun, http://pastebin.com/d6acd385b19:26
crimsunTuv0k: you'll have to recreate all those directories in /lib/modules/19:28
crimsunyes, it's messy.19:28
* Tuv0k weeps19:28
crimsuneh, it's not that tough19:29
* Tuv0k incessantly19:29
crimsunit's one mkdir command19:29
Tuv0kif thats what it takes19:29
GuyFromHellCould someone kindly go to a terminal and type in `python -c "import deskbar.core.Utils"` and tell me if you get an error message please :)19:42
warrendcan someone look at this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/18876419:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188764 in usplash "[hardy]640x480 usplash on all computers" [High,Confirmed]19:48
Tuv0kcrimsun, HOTDIGGITY you just made my day!19:54
Tuv0kthx bro!19:54
* DanaG hates how his VBE modes don't contain his native resolution.19:55
tgelterfor the last little while, boot-time messages have been printed with extra space everywhere...what I mean is, after about 1/2 of them printed, they start to wander away from the left-hand side of the screen and are printed in the middle, off to the right, etc.20:01
AirBenderanyone using lm-sensors ?  I can't see the Fan RPM sensors in Hardy... quite strange...20:03
mohamed_hello all i installed nvidia driver more than once and i fail to make it running well and ta end i get mismatch drivers version can anyone help me solve this, this is part from dmesg .. http://phpfi.com/30612520:04
pvandewyngaerdei had some troubles with my nvidia driver, i removed splash from the grub menu20:06
Zvezdichkopeople, does ubuntu change automatically the time tonight, or it's a bios setting20:06
birmaan auto20:07
Turskimohamed_: remove old driver and install new one again20:07
Turskior if you prefer old one, remove new and reinstall old20:08
mohamed_Turski, how to remove old one, i think i removed them but it seem not20:08
Turskidid you use installers?20:08
mohamed_none of OLD or new working  :)20:08
mohamed_i use one from ubuntu repository20:08
mohamed_the other from nvidia site20:09
mohamed_at last i use envyng :)20:09
Turskii think you should have used wiki page ;)20:09
mohamed_and remove it also using envyng20:10
Turskithen i'm out of this case ;)20:10
mohamed_currently i have three vga cards i hope i get any one from them working20:10
Turskienvy should be killed and burned20:10
Turskiand then be burned again20:10
Turskiand buried20:10
mohamed_nvidia 7100, ATI x600, ATI x1200 builtin20:10
m11mohamed_: go for 7100 , best bet20:11
Turskiwould have been easiest way to use restricted manager20:11
mohamed_ok, then 7100 but can someone tell me how to remove all nvidia related then start clean ?20:12
Turskiremove all of those wich you installed20:12
DanaGWait, X600 has open-source drivers.  Are they not good?20:12
mohamed_i make this remove and install clean one then get mismatch drivers20:12
Turskithath one wich you installed from installer you can remove by installer with switch --uninstall20:12
mohamed_Turski, one of them i install it this way ...20:13
mohamed_sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run20:13
mohamed_how to remove this ?20:13
Turskish NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run --uninstall20:14
mohamed_i try now20:14
mohamed_<-- restart20:16
demogorgon15when the 8.04 beta is complete will there be a simple upgrade to stable version or will i have to do a download / reinstall?20:19
ethana2you can always upgrade20:19
ubotuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.20:19
demogorgon15ah ok, thank you20:20
AirBenderlm-sensors not showing the FAN speeds... anyone with the same issue?20:22
mohamed_now i thin i hope that everything related to nvidia removed20:22
mohamed_vga make me write anything :)20:23
mohamed_then the better to install  nvidia driver from repository or from drivers i download from nvidia ?20:25
birmaanhiddenwolf,gaat niet20:25
Turskimohamed_: restricted manager20:29
mohamed_thx, Turski i do now20:29
iositdi'm having trouble running vbox on hardy using host only networking. It will not boot when enabling the host only adapter20:29
SynergyCould someone please help me? I am currenty using Windows, and Dual-booting Hardy Heron. However, to use any distrubution of linux I need to download and install ndiswrapper for my wireless network card. However, being very new to linux, I am not sure how I would go about installing ndiswrapper. I downloaded thier latest stable version.20:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:33
HardyOneSynergy, follow the instructions on the above link it should walk you through it20:33
SynergySee. Im just not sure how to install it. The docs are saying things like:   sudo apt-get install build-essential dh-make gcc-3.4 fakeroot linux-headers-`uname -r`20:35
SynergyI have no clue what that means.20:35
riskbreakerhi guys. i have a gateway mt6840. the touch pad on this has a nice little separated area on the right where its supposed to scroll stuff. that works. unfortunately, part of the touchpad that's not supposed to scroll also scrolls. how can i fix this?20:37
RichWHow do I change the mouse pointer/cursor?20:38
NTAuthorityhuh, hardy has X.org 7.3, I thought the newest was 7.4?20:40
RichWNTAuthority, No its .320:41
FlannelNTAuthority: Nope, current is 7.3 according to their website20:41
RichW7.4 is currently under development, and is scheduled to be released in May 2008.20:41
NTAuthorityah, probably got confused with xserver-xorg-core package versions :)20:41
axisysanyone can help me with this http://rafb.net/p/iDVPPy33.html ?20:42
gotgnuI have no keyboard when I go to install what should I do to fix it ?20:45
AtomicSparki recently installed the new 8.04 beta server cd on a hp netserver 4something and i had that "doesn't go past loading local boot scripts" issue. now i've had this on my notebook for 7.10 alt and 8.04 both desktop too. is this a issue with the installer? it can't be drivers if this happens on more then one machine, especially one that doesn't use GUI.20:46
riskbreakerwere all the touchpad configuration programs removed from hardy? except for gsynaptic that is20:47
gotgnuand I have no legacy bios support so that won't20:48
riskbreakerit seems like it, which is a shame because gsynaptic is not useful for anything.20:48
NTAuthoritygotgnu: without USB support in the BIOS, you should get USB access working after the initrd loads usb-hid stuff20:49
gotgnuNTAuthority: if I am dual booting I can get to the other system20:49
NTAuthoritygotgnu: so you DO have usb support in your BIOS, just not disableable... ;-)20:50
gotgnuNTAuthority: yes it has always worked20:50
gotgnubut now with both ubuntu hsrdy and foresight linux it does not20:51
NTAuthoritygotgnu: weird, something wrong with usb-hid drivers, should not be possible :|20:52
* DanaG just uses xorg.conf directly.20:52
DanaGLookie at all the cool stuff there.20:52
gotgnuI hope this is not a new trend for linux distros20:53
DanaGOh, and evdev has been "broken" also.20:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173833 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "evdev mouse fails on hardy: cannot open input pEvdev" [Medium,Confirmed]20:53
clarezoewhat will happen if I remove gnome-core and gnome-desktop-environment21:00
gotgnuNTAuthority:  so I guess there is nothing I can do ?21:01
Flannelclarezoe: They're metapackages, so not much of anything21:01
NTAuthoritygotgnu: check out any log stuff about usb-hid in the kernel logs, which should still be strange -- usb HID is really important21:02
clarezoeFlannel, so if I remove them, can I still have desktop environment??21:03
Flannelclarezoe: yes21:03
clarezoeFlannel, thanks21:03
Flannelclarezoe: Is there any reason you're using gnome-desktop-environment instead of ubuntu-desktop?21:04
clarezoeFlannel, I didn't install it by myself, it might be some dependency, I'm not sure. I'm trying to uninstall nautilus and it says those packages will be removed automatically21:05
Flannelclarezoe: Interesting.  Well, yeah, removing nautilus should remove those, but its no cause for alarm.21:05
clarezoeFlannel, actually, gnome-backgrounds gnome-core gnome-desktop-environment nautilus-cd-burner nautilus-sendto ubuntu-desktop are removed21:07
FlannelAh, there's ubuntu-desktop.  Yeah, those alllook normal to be required to be removed21:07
clarezoeFlannel, no harm for my desktop, right?21:08
Flannelclarezoe: right (except the lack of nautilus)21:09
clarezoeFlannel, that's good, I don't like nautilus actually, it eats too much my memory, I use pcmanfm instead ^_^21:10
jack|Helium I'm having an odd issue in hardy beta. I just compiled a custom kernel (my laptop is older, and I'm trying to minimize unneeded features, etc. Plus I wanted to try tuxonice), and the output .deb is > 500 MB is size. I installed filelight and discovered that when installed, the 500 MB is almost entirely taken up by the modules directory (/lib/modules...). Does anyone know why the modules dir is so big? I need to get it down be21:12
jack|Heliumcause I only have a 10 GB disk... Are there really 500 MB of modules in there? Did I do some config wrong?21:12
thegotogeekCould someone help me get my S3 Chrome Graphics Card Driver to install in Gutsy Gibbons21:14
evan__hey what does this error mean?? .: 4: gnome-autogen.sh: not found21:14
thegotogeekwhat version of ubuntu are you in21:15
evan__the newest21:15
evan__hardy heron21:15
thegotogeekSo whats the latest Version?21:16
jack|Heliumthegotogeek: if you're using gutsy, probably you should ask in the regular ubuntu channel...21:16
TheInfinitythegotogeek: this is a beta channel21:16
thegotogeekOh well they told me in the Normal Channel to come here.21:16
TheInfinityso if you use the stable verstion -> #ubuntu21:16
TheInfinityif you use hardy you are right here21:16
jack|Heliumwhile there are people around: has anyone here compiled their own kernel on hardy?21:17
jack|HeliumI did, and it came out with >500 MB of modules21:17
HustleI read that Firefox 3 Beta 4 is now the default browser for Ubuntu 8.04 Beta. The final stable version of Ubuntu will be released in April 2008, but the stable version of Firefox 3 will be released later this year. Will Firefox in Beta version be in the final release of Ubunutu 8?21:17
jack|Heliumheh, I was kindof wondering that too...21:18
evan__but none know how i can fox my error?21:18
jack|Heliumevan__: you probably need to give more details21:19
jack|Heliumevan__: what you were doing, what else was happening, what programs were running, etc...21:19
evan__jack|Helium, i did from this site http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/wiki/BuildFromScratch?updated=BuildFromScratch&ts=1204258474 this command --> ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local21:21
riskbreakerso this new mac80211 stack... broke just about everything didn't it21:22
riskbreakeri have a 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)21:22
riskbreakerand wireless does not work21:22
tic^riskbreaker,  i have that network card built in on my laptop. i have wireless running now as we type here.21:24
jack|Heliumevan__: I can't really help you with that. It's possible that the code from svn has a bug, but I dont really know21:24
sourcemakeris there a medibuntu repository for hardy?21:24
evan__jack|Helium, no im missing develop ment packages21:25
evan__jack|Helium, i installed gnome-common and now i got further21:25
HardyOnesourcemaker, no use the gutsy21:25
jack|Heliumevan__: ahh, ok21:26
jack|HeliumHardyOne: are you sure, I thought there was...21:26
evan__but now ive another error :P gtk-doc.m4 not found do you know what package i need for that?21:26
jack|Heliumevan__: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/wiki/InstallingonUbuntu21:26
jack|Heliumdid you try that?21:26
HardyOnejack|Helium, NOT THAT i KNOW OF21:26
daedrawhat's the best way to go about testing hardy?21:26
sourcemakercan I enable the pre-released and unsupported repository or is it realy unsafe to do that?21:26
daedrainstall EVERYTHING and see what breaks?21:26
HardyOnedaedra, install it21:27
HardyOnedaedra, everything?21:27
jack|HeliumHardyOne: fun with caps lock. Possible the most inconveniently placed key on the keyboard21:27
HardyOnejack|Helium, yup it is21:27
FunnyLookinHatsudo aptitude install *      lol21:27
daedrait's on the home row for dvoraks sake!21:27
riskbreakertic^: did you have to do aynthing?21:28
daedrai guess my job is done... same things work/don't work as in gutsy21:28
HardyOnedaedra, you should receive your testers compentsation check in 6 to 8 weeks provided you clicked the box when you installed/upgraded21:29
tic^riskbreaker, no just installed hardy on a clean drive, got all the updates, left click on network manager icon, click on connect to new network and entered my routers info.21:30
daedraclicked it 3 times21:30
tic^work for me21:30
jack|Heliumyeah, there is a hardy repo for medibuntu, but I dont think it's any different from the gutsy one21:30
riskbreakerso you haveto do it manually21:30
jack|HeliumI knew I should have clicked the box...21:30
tic^connect to my netwrok yes, ir is a hidden network21:30
jack|Heliumanyone know why my custom compiled kernel came out with >500 MB of modules?21:31
* orvokki suspects that you enabled everything via menuconfig21:31
jack|HeliumI could check, but I doubt it. I took the config from the working kernel and made changes from there21:32
jack|Heliumcould it have happened when I applied the tuxonice patch?21:32
riskbreakerit doesnt work here. where should i look for error messages21:32
riskbreakerit doesnt work here. i get some pretty bad stuff in dmesg. gimme a sec to pastebin it21:33
jast-mxmhas anyone tried running vmware in hardy?21:34
root____2 21:34
TheInfinityjast-mxm: i tried vmware tools21:35
Ramunashello, I have a problem, I have set "vlc %s" as my default media app, and gnome-open still opens up totem21:35
jast-mxmwell if i want to run a guest os would i have much luck?21:35
foobatHow do I force a fsck of root filesystem on boot?21:35
nemofoobat: er. there's that file you add in /21:36
nemoferget the name21:36
TheInfinityjast-mxm: there are some unofficial patches for kernel 2.6.2421:36
TheInfinitydont remember the name ...21:36
jast-mxmok, i was wondering because i saw a thread about gutsy having it in the repos21:36
nemotouch /forcefsk21:37
foobatnemo: Thanks.21:37
nemosorry :)21:37
Dr_willisfoobat,  thers a file you create.    like nemo  said. :) i think theres another way also..21:37
nemoDr_willis: can be passed as a kernel param too I think, but I never remember that one21:37
nemoDr_willis: and booting in singleuser mode should do it too21:37
nemothe fsk instead of fsck was due to JFGI21:38
jast-mxmso vmware server will be what i want to use to install the guest os, and will i be able to run it from there as well?21:38
TheInfinityjast-mxm: if you bring some time to test it, to debug etc?21:39
Dr_willisi install vmware server on my guest and servers. :) since on the guest box's i often want to test live cd's :)21:39
riskbreakeranyone know what to do about those error messages? they're pretty heinous... http://pastebin.com/m3083d58b21:39
Dr_willisriskbreaker,  give a little summary?  Not everyone in the channel has a web browser.21:40
ryanovAnyone else using hplip with hardy?21:41
ryanovThere would sort of appear to be a missing file.21:41
riskbreaker#[ 2588.051088] wlan0: associate with AP 00:09:5b:d8:3f:da [ 2588.053428] wlan0: invalid aid value 0; bits 15:14 not set [ 2588.053438] wlan0: RX AssocResp from 00:09:5b:d8:3f:da (capab=0x5 status=18 aid=0)  [ 2588.053443] wlan0: AP denied association (code=18)21:42
jast-mxmtheinfinity: i have plenty of time21:43
jast-mxmtheinfinity: i'm downloading vmware server right now21:43
mohamed_nvidia driver now installed , but still refresh rate very low, is there a method to adjust refresh rate well ?21:44
guerbyhi, I've upgraded my laptop from gutsy to hardy beta, is there a way to clean menus & toolbar to get the default hardy menus & toolbars (instead of the old ones from gutsy)?21:46
riskbreakerseems to have to do with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/19096821:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 190968 in linux "[hardy] [regression] iwl3945 doesn't associate on kernel 2.6.24-7" [Medium,Triaged]21:48
Roeyjussi01:  heya21:48
riskbreakerthe fix currently seems to deal with downgrading to kernel #521:48
riskbreakerhow would i do that21:49
Roeyjussi01:  regarding the Intel ICH9 issue, you mentioned it'd be fixed by the release of Hardy21:49
riskbreaker2.6.24-5 i mean21:49
Roeyjussi01:  I'm thinking maybe it was fixed and all I have to do is reboot (I always run apt-get dist0upgrade, heeh)21:49
jussi01Roey: as far as i understand it was fixed, but now you say that im not certain21:50
jast-mxmwait...why are you on 2.6.24-7?21:50
jast-mxmi'm on 1221:50
riskbreakeri'm not on 721:50
jast-mxmoh ok21:50
riskbreakerbut evidently, it's not fixed.21:50
jast-mxmin 12?21:50
riskbreakeri have the identical problem...21:51
riskbreakerand the bug report isnt labeled "Solved"21:51
riskbreakerso i'd like to try downgrading - but i dont know how21:51
ryanovriskbreaker: Associating with what?21:54
riskbreakeraccess point?21:54
ryanovriskbreaker: What kind?21:54
ryanovriskbreaker: Why aren't you running -12?21:54
ryanovThe reason I question the need for you to do that is I am currently typing to you over a 3945.21:55
riskbreakeri am running 1221:55
riskbreakerit dstill doesnt seem to be working21:55
riskbreakeri mean ou can see my dmesg in that pastebin i posted up there21:56
Roeyjussi01:  I have the card connected to my receiver via coax digital out21:57
Roeyjussi01:  ordinarily on my previous system I could set the digital out to just mirror all PCM output21:57
Roeyjussi01:  but I don't see that I have any control of IEC598 here at all21:57
Roeyjussi01:  alsamixer lists it, but I don't see that I can effect it in any way21:57
ryanovWell, you can certainly try downgrading.21:58
ryanovI belive it involves specifying the version number when doing aptitude install.21:58
riskbreakerif you dont mind me asking, what laptop are you running21:58
riskbreakerim on a gateway mt684021:58
ryanovDell Latitude D62021:59
nemoriskbreaker: intel wireless card?22:00
mdkehi. My sound has disappeared in hardy. Any ideas on how to start finding out how to fix it?22:00
riskbreakernemo: yup22:00
tic^toshiba satellite here with 3945 working22:00
nemomdke: try switching your sound sink from auto to alsa or something?22:00
nemotic^: similar laptop, not working22:00
nemohttp://pastebin.ca/960388 <- my output22:00
riskbreakerits a shame. everything else just works(m)22:01
nemonot same as riskbreaker, but also pretty broken22:01
nemothis new wireless core in kernel is pretty shaky22:01
nemoI'd switch back to ipw3945 if it existed for 2.6.2422:01
riskbreakerthis is actually my girlfriend's laptop22:01
riskbreakerit's like the peeeerfect linux laptop - BUT NO WIRELESS for mysterious reasons22:01
nemoon my to-do list is to try building it by hand22:01
riskbreakermy dell inspiron 1501 isn't working with wireless either22:01
nemoalso intel?22:01
riskbreakeractually it connects but i get like 3kb/sec through it, which wasn't true in gutsy22:01
riskbreakerno broadcom22:01
nemooh. interesting22:02
ryanovWell, riskbreaker, you could certainly go get the package on packages.ubuntu.com, and then install it manually.22:02
ryanovI think there is a way to do it better than that, but I can't figure it out right now.22:02
nemoryanov: what packages?22:02
nemoryanov: switching to an older kernel?22:02
ryanovlinux-image-2.6.24-5-generic I think is what he wanted.22:02
tic^riskbreaker, you have wpa or wpa2 selected in router?22:02
mdkenemo: none of them seem to work22:02
riskbreakertic^: router is unsecured22:02
Roeyhi again.22:03
riskbreakerfor now22:03
nemomdke: your soundcard *is* detected right?22:03
tic^riskbreaker, broadcsting ssid also?22:03
Roey I have a Realtek ALC888 sound chip, and ALSAMixer sees it, but I'm experiencing difficulty getting sound to come out of the SPDIF coax out22:03
riskbreakertic^: yes.22:03
Roeycan anyone help me?22:03
mdkenemo: yes22:03
mdkenemo: sound worked with the beta until I upgraded overnight22:03
nemomdke: dunno. pastebin the usual logs? *shrug*22:04
ryanovTrue, I have not tried an unsecured AP.22:04
ryanovMine is WEP128.22:04
ryanovOther end is hermesap.22:04
mdkenemo: which are the usual logs?22:04
nemomdke: dmesg, Xorg, syslog, xsession errors.22:05
nemoyou know.22:06
nemoany place something might be complaining22:06
nemoand of course STDERR/STDOUT for any app that might make sound - like, trying to play totem from a gnome-terminal to see what it says22:06
nemo(those would probably be in ~/.xsession-errors though22:06
nemoriskbreaker: join me on the intel wireless chat chan22:07
nemowe can bombard them with logs until someone notices :)22:07
jturkI've got a reproducible crash but can't seem to figure out who it'll belong to22:07
nemoriskbreaker: #ipw210022:07
jturkHardy, FF3b4, Twitterfox 1.5.3, with twitterfox open, switching away from FF then back requires a hard reboot.. cpu usage goes to 100% immediately then system won't respond not even to ctrl-alt-bksp22:08
mdkenemo: I don't see anything obviously audio related. No worries, I was just curious in case there was a known problem with audio. I'll wait and see if it resolves itself with a few upgrades22:09
nemoworks fine here, and I updated like 2h ago :)22:09
mdkenemo: k22:09
dubbyhey anyone im trying to mount an ntfs file system and its giving me an error on hardy i have not seen before, using ntfs-3g it says cannot mount because it is a read-only file system22:11
dubbyi never came across this in gutsy22:11
ryanovHow are you mounting it?22:12
dubbysudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/mount22:12
dubbyand tryed a combination of -o force22:12
ryanovYou could try -orw on there. <shrug>22:13
ryanovI'm not sure I've ever used NTFS-3g22:13
AaronMTIs there an existing bug with network manager that causes B43-fwcutter not to display wireless waypoints?22:13
riskbreakeryeah nemo there's no one in that chat.22:15
riskbreakermade a new pastebin though22:15
riskbreaker http://pastebin.com/m26fba3cc22:15
bicyclis1dubby could it be that the filesystem has errors on it ? That is what happens to me when i can't mount an ntfs filesystem22:16
crimsunrencore_: be more specific, please.22:16
=== dubby is now known as dubbydubby
bicyclis1first have to repair it via either windows or at least a vm22:16
rencore_crimsun, when i try and boot into hardy i get a kernal panic error saying that the filesystem doesnt match up with the kernel22:17
rencore_thats after i updated this morning22:17
crimsunrencore_: huh?  Do you have a digital photo or pastebin of the initramfs error?22:17
rencore_uhh one sec lemme get my lappy22:17
Roeyhi crimsun22:18
crimsunhi Roey22:18
Roeycrimsun, I have a Realtek ALC888 sound chip, and ALSAMixer sees it, but I'm experiencing difficulty getting sound to come out of the SPDIF coax out22:19
Roeycouldja help me?22:19
crimsunplug:spdif and plug:iec958 don't work?22:19
Roeycrimsun:  for what?22:19
Roeywher ewould I put that?22:19
Roeycrimsun:  /etc/alsa.conf ?22:19
rencore_ok here is what i get when i boot into recovery22:20
crimsunRoey: no, on the cli, e.g., `aplay -Dplug:spdif /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'22:20
Roeyah, one sec22:21
Roeycrimsun:  hmm,. none22:22
Roeycrimsun:  I don't hear any sound22:22
Roeymayeb it's the connection witht the receiver22:22
crimsunRoey: are your mixer elements' levels set appropriately?22:22
HustleI read that Firefox 3 Beta 4 is now the default browser for Ubuntu 8.04 Beta. The final stable version of Ubuntu will be released in April 2008, but the stable version of Firefox 3 will be released later this year. Will Firefox in Beta version be in the final release of Ubunutu 8?22:24
ryanovSounds like, in that case.22:24
ryanovIt's not the default browser, though...22:25
ryanovIt's the version of Firefox that is included.22:25
ryanovWell, wait, I actually can't speak for GNOME22:25
ryanovKDE's default is Konqueror.22:25
rencore_crimsun, any ideas?22:26
ArtimusHustle: There was a Gimp RC in Gutsy for quite a while.  Not much of a difference.22:26
HustleFirefox 3 Beta 422:26
HustleFirefox 3 Beta 4 replaces Firefox 2 as the default browser, bringing much better system integration including GTK2 form buttons and common dialogs. and icon theming that matches the system.22:26
crimsunrencore_: sec, I'm busy ATM22:27
riskbreakerwhile im here. i like Firefox 3, but i like the way the windows version's back/forward buttons look22:27
riskbreakeranyway to get those on here?22:27
crimsunrencore_: are you using enciphered root on LVM or anything along those lines?22:28
dubbydubbyhey it was due to corrupt file system, not linux thanx to those who answered me22:28
guerbyhi, I've upgraded my laptop from gutsy to hardy beta, is there a way to clean menus & toolbar to get the default hardy menus & toolbars (instead of the old ones from gutsy)?22:29
rencore_crimsun, i dunno22:29
rencore_crimsun, prolly not22:29
riskbreakerby the way22:30
crimsunrencore_: if you have a desktop cd handy, reboot into it and regenerate hardy's initramfs22:30
DanaGOh yeah, I figured out how to get surround in pulseaudio.22:30
riskbreakerwhoever suggested going to packages.ubuntu.com for the old kernel22:30
riskbreakerits not there...22:30
DanaGI had to set it to default to 6 channels.22:30
DanaGUnfortunately, that also renders me unable to play on my speakers _without- upmixing.22:31
sotoHow do I list LVM groups and the partitions they use?22:31
crimsunriskbreaker: use launchpad.net, not packages.ubuntu.com22:31
crimsunriskbreaker: (technically they're archived on launchpadlibrarian.net)22:32
riskbreakerany further directions you can give?22:32
AaronMTPrior to 8.04 launch, will the release include OO 2.4?22:32
crimsunriskbreaker: well, if you can ask a more precise question - perhaps22:32
riskbreakerfrom there how do i get to a deb package of 2.6.24-522:33
crimsunriskbreaker: for which arch?22:33
crimsunriskbreaker: so you're using -generic?22:35
riskbreakerwhat's the difference, by the way?22:35
crimsunriskbreaker: the arch I asked for doesn't really tell me much.  I needed to know which package you used.22:36
rencore_crimsun, that did the trick thanks22:36
crimsunrencore_: np22:37
crimsunriskbreaker: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.24-5.8/+build/49846922:39
crimsunriskbreaker: remove "edge." if you're not in the LP beta group22:39
riskbreakerlp beta...?22:40
crimsunit'll be self-evident if you need to remove "beta." from the URL22:40
riskbreakerwell the url worked.22:40
Roeycrimsun:  I checked with alsamixer....it /seeems/ ok... I don't know how I can map IEC958 to output PCM, though, as with my old card22:40
Roeyhere, I don't seem to have any options with it22:40
crimsunRoey: start by running the alsa-info.sh script.22:41
riskbreakerbut, crimsun: how do i get a package of this22:41
Roeycrimsun:  ah, rightright22:41
crimsunriskbreaker: choose the appropriate package name on the left side22:42
sourcemakerwhat's the right package for flash support mozilla?22:42
crimsunsourcemaker: flashplugin-nonfree22:42
sourcemakercrimsun: thanks22:42
riskbreakerso i'll use dpkg on that and then reboot - sound about right?22:42
Roeycrimsun:  http://pastebin.ca/96264822:43
tanneri hate saturdays22:43
riskbreakerwtf saturday's the best day of the week22:43
tannernot when there isnt jack on tv to watch and i've exhausted my movie supply22:43
riskbreakertanner: you win this round.22:44
Roeytanner:  I can certainly identify with you on "there isn't jack on TV to watch"22:44
crimsunsudo -k22:44
crimsunerr, sorry22:44
Roeytanner:  80% of TV at any given moment is trash22:44
Roeytanner:  and commercials22:44
Roeytanner:  B-budget sci-fi channel crud22:44
riskbreakercrimsun: just install it and reboot? do i have to select it somewhere else?22:44
Roeytanner:  I usually turn it to Animal Planet22:45
tannerwell, most of the "tv" i watch is downloaded the day after it airs ;)22:45
Roeytanner:  ah :)22:45
Roeytanner:  see, I dont' have patience to watch a full episode22:45
Roeyof antyhign22:45
crimsunriskbreaker: err, I had assumed you were familiar with that procedure if you're trawling for older kernel packages.22:45
riskbreakeri am downgrading because of a problem with my wifi driver22:45
Roeycrimsun:  sudo -k?22:46
crimsunriskbreaker: you need at least linux-image-2.6.24-5-generic and possibly linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-5-generic22:46
tannernot too many great shows on, especially this time of year, but a few worth watching, and of course ones that are good repeated a million times, such as House, or Scrubs or South Park and Family Guy and Futurama, etc etc. the Riches is a decent show, outside that, everything else sucks at the moment :(22:46
crimsunriskbreaker: after that, you need to ensure that your bootloader is updated properly (which should be handled automatically if you haven't made any modifications)22:46
Roeytanner:  aye :)22:46
Roeytanner:  your first name is Tanner?  My co-worker named his son Tanner, too22:47
Roeyhis 8-year old son22:47
riskbreakerrestricted-modules isn't on that page you linked to me. d'oh22:47
tanneryeah, i got my name before it was popular 20 years ago ;)22:47
Roeyyou're 2022:47
Roey<-- 2722:47
crimsunriskbreaker: ...it's a different source package.22:47
crimsunriskbreaker: i.e., linux-restricted-modules-2.6.2422:48
* tanner is currently rewatching the part of the movie "Gladiator" he missed last night cause he was stood up at 5am in the park :(22:48
thompalots of updates but I still got 2 major problems: usb devices on one box, atheros on note22:49
thompaIs it the kernel maybe?22:49
gluerhey how do i rip those new DVD's that wont read properly? what app do i use in hardy? just hired some dvd's last night22:49
crimsunthompa: impossible to tell without further detail.22:49
nickrud!piracy | gluer22:50
ubotugluer: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:50
DanaGrip ≢ pirate22:50
tannergluer: i dont believe any open source package has the ability to rip them just yet, however Windows software does exist22:50
nickrudDanaG he hired them, not bought them22:50
thompagluer: i used dvd rip or something22:50
thompagluer: search in add remove dvd22:50
gluerwe say hired in australia22:51
DanaGI didn't see that.22:51
tanneri hired some DVDs22:51
nickrudgluer so, please refrain22:51
thompacrimsun: laptop is still booting, here my walkman wont mount22:51
tannerthey replay this one movie as many times as i command22:51
tannerhell i can even have them only play a given scene if i so choose!22:51
thompacrimsun: on the latwst 386 no such device, but on 64 upgraded from alpha yes22:52
gluerwell when i hire something, its mine until the time i have to give it back, what i choose to do with it is up to me22:52
thompacrimsun: i can add it to fstab but ..22:52
crimsunthompa: if it's detected at all, it's not a kernel issue22:52
thompacrimsun: then what about acer_acpi22:53
crimsunthompa: ...what about it?22:53
thompacrimsun: its what broke22:53
thompacrimsun: maybe you can help, what is the new name for it in the kernel?22:53
crimsunthompa: what does it have to do with hal, gnome-mount, and usb mass storage?22:53
thompacrimsun: on the notebook i can build madwifi on atheros device, until latest upgrade22:54
thompacrimsun: the restricted drivers is the only thing new i notice22:54
crimsunthompa: please enumerate all the issues, in one sentence, that you feel originate in the kernel.22:55
Roeycrimsun:  http://pastebin.ca/96264822:57
thompathompa: since last kernel upgrade there are some device changes, and atheros on acer 5520  issue was resolved by adding acpi_kernel for wireless, well since then I can neither build it or get it to comeup22:57
thompaark5 is one, why is it coming up with different names depending on version22:58
thompaso im clueless22:58
riskbreakercrimsun: i can't find linux-restricted-modules... even the launchpad search returns no results22:58
tannerthis movie is so gory, its wonderful =)22:58
crimsunriskbreaker: you can't find the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 source package as I noted above?22:59
thompacrimsun: I can try backports, maybe acer_acpi  that works is there22:59
crimsunthompa: are you implying that acer_acpi as distributed in 12.22 neither loads nor works?23:00
thompaif i can still find the post it says acer_acpi being backported23:00
thompacrimsun: there is one acer_acpi patch on madwifi for these acer types23:01
thompacrimsun: but that i cant build, and the acer_acpi i used from google code is stopped dev23:02
riskbreakeri went to edge.launchpad.net and typed linux-restricted-modules in the search bar and no results23:02
thompacrimsun: acer_acpi patch or new wireless, also effects windows driver.23:03
crimsunriskbreaker: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/
thompaI also found that the acer_acpi patch affects the soft switch for wireless and therin starts my problem again23:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:06
crimsunthompa: you should being applying the patch against linux-source-2.6.2423:06
crimsun(where linux-source-2.6.24 is the name of the binary package that you'd install)23:07
riskbreakerk let me give this a shot. thanks for your help23:07
thompacrimsun: that what i got 2.6.24-12, it works in one or two versions before that, wont build23:08
crimsunthompa: then pastebin the compile error23:08
sotoHow do I abandon the installation of partially installed packages?23:08
thompacrimsun: ok, im going to update first23:09
soto(unconfigured packages)23:09
JaymacCan anyone load help.ubuntu.com23:09
thompacrimsun: maybe resticted stuff coming in23:09
_dan_hi guys, i installed hardy oday and now i have this weird problem, i can not single click anymore, every click i do is a double click, does anyone have a solution for that?23:09
Jaymac_dan_: maybe in nautilus preferences you have set one-click open?23:10
Jaymac_dan_: Go to Places > Home23:10
Jaymac_dan_: and then Edit > Preferences... Click the bahaviour tab.. and see if Single Click to Open Items is checked23:10
thompacrimsun: im in luck http://code.google.com/p/aceracpi/23:11
thompathere is now 0.11.223:11
_dan_its not that i open files with one click its like evry cick is a double click, when browsing in gftp or clicking on window title it shades window up23:12
thompacrimsun: i can probably install it from this new version, but its a downgrade and atheros is listed and working in hardware drivers window23:13
thompacrimsun: i saw some bugs files and i am too stupid to fix it, so I can just use the code23:14
poseidonI installed flashplugin-nonfree, however flash doesn't seem to work for me in firefox (or my other browsers)23:15
SpartanII117what does not working look like?23:16
thompacrimsun: debian packages discontinued, ther23:16
thompacrimsun: the guy making it for ubuntu was having some trouble with the kernel23:17
jaffarkelshaccan anyone get iinto shell tty1-6 ctr+alt+f2 does not work23:18
crimsunjaffarkelshac: if you're referring to the "blank/can't read tty" issue, it's fixed in ubuntu-hardy.git.23:19
poseidonSpartanII117, it tells me that it is missing the plugin23:19
SpartanII117 jaffarkelshac: yes, they all work fine here, what kind of graphics card and what driver and version are you using?23:19
jaffarkelshaci believe is a via chrome923:20
jaffarkelshacits on my laptop23:20
sotoAnybody have trouble installing hal update?23:21
jaffarkelshacmy other 2 problems, my mouse pointer keeps going invisible behind certain tabs and menus and my login res is too high, i can barely see the login. but it gets to normal when i login. i am having it log me in automatically to avoid it23:21
SpartanII117posieidon: do you have lib flash support and have you restarted?23:21
salty-horseanyone else using xchat 2.8.4 seeing a "+" prefixing all private messages?23:21
poseidonSpartanII117, restarted:yes, what is flash lib support?23:22
poseidonSpartanII117, I just did sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:22
SpartanII117and did it pull in libflashsupport?23:23
* tanner loves this movie :D23:24
SpartanII117jaffarkelshac: what GFX card (ati, intel, nvidia) do you have23:24
SpartanII117and the driver in xorg.conf is chrome 9?23:25
SpartanII117do you have the "xserver-xorg-video-via" package installed?23:26
jaffarkelshacmy laptop is the amilo li1705. this is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/6208/23:26
jaffarkelshaci tried that, no real options come up except for mouse keyboard and its done.23:27
SpartanII117try setting your driver to vesa and see if that fixes it23:28
jaffarkelshaci know its via chrome9 coz i had a screen res on gutsy and i got someone elses xorg with the same laptop only and edited in the driver and other and it work. i got 1200x80023:28
poseidonSpartanII117, how do I install that?23:28
SpartanII117it's already installed, you just set a line under the identifier that says Driver        "vesa"23:29
poseidonSpartanII117, apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-via said the newest version is installed23:29
Stormx2Flash movies only play for 2 seconds. I haven't had this problem in years, so I don't know how to fix it. Any suggestions?23:31
heartsbloodDoes the version of compiz in hardy still crash while 3d apps are running?23:31
crdlbcompiz can handle that fine, it's your drivers that may not :)23:32
heartsbloodnot sure I follow23:32
heartsbloodThe version in gutsy will only run full screen 3d apps for about 15 minutes before it forces it to windowed mode and locks up the rest of the UI.23:33
SpartanII117posiedon, you just use apt-get install libflashsupport23:33
heartsbloodis wiki.ubuntu.com down?23:37
Osaxhi all23:37
OsaxI have a Dell Latitude D520. When using the Live 8.04 CD, I can't use wired/wireless network23:37
OsaxNetwork Manager shows me the wireless networks available but can't connect to any (encrypted or not)23:38
Osaxsame goes to wired, I get an IP from dhcp but it i can't even ping the gateway23:39
Osaxmy eth0 is broadcom and wifi is intel3945. please help23:39
noelferreirai am using amd64 and ATI Xpress 200 M with compiz running WITHOUT XGL server. I have this problek: with totem or smplayer i only can see video in fullscreen. using mplayer with -vo xv option i only see video if it is not fullscreen. any reported bug about this?23:41
poseidonSpartanII117, it says that it already has the latest version of libflashsuport23:41
KalElhi, how can i set a standby time for my monitor? `xset q` shows shows "Standby: 0    Suspend: 0    Off: 0"23:42
SpartanII117ok, beond that i cant really help except to ask if you've restarted?23:42
poseidonKalEl, system->pref->screensaver?23:43
poseidonSpartanII117, yep23:43
KalEli've turned screensaver off from there, but in power management i've said Put display to sleep when inactive for 15 minutes23:44
edwardxphelp! i deleted my /etc/group :((23:44
SpartanII117poseidon: sorry then23:44
edwardxpwhat can i do?23:45
_dan_when upgrading from gutsy to hardy, self defined nautilus-actions wont work anymore, cant find a way to get them to work23:45
sotoHow do I recreate /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin?23:45
=== hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
poseidonSo does anyone else know how I can get flash to work in firefox?23:47
poseidonSpartanII117, np, thanks for your help :)23:48
poseidonquicktime videos seem to work just fine23:49
edwardxpwhat should i do when i delete my /etc/group ?23:49
blueyedIs network broken for other after resuming from hibernation since a few days? I suspect it's because of the fix for bug 162654..23:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162654 in pm-utils "networkmanager (0.6.5-0ubuntu16.7.10.0) needs to be restarted manually after suspend using pm-utils, while functioning correctly using acpi" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16265423:51
crimsunit works fine here23:51
blueyedOn a desktop system?23:52
blueyedI need to "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart" to make it work.23:52
crimsunblueyed: two laptops (Pentium 3 and Pentium D)23:52

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