
j1mc_MMA_: ping01:42
j1mchi... i think i saw you in the xubuntu meeting the other day.01:43
j1mccody has referenced you to me a few times.  i'm reworking the xubuntu artwork wiki, and was wondering if you could just take a quick look at it with me.01:43
j1mcwould you mind?01:44
j1mcthe beginning sucks... but...01:44
_MMA_Sure. I do have to be quick though as my wife is about to kill me if I dont get off this thing. :P Sunday on will be best to really give it attention.01:45
j1mcok... should i just send an email?01:45
j1mci'm not on the artwork ML01:45
j1mci'm just wondering if the Get Involved part...01:45
_MMA_Ill look for a sec now.01:45
j1mcis it necessary?  does someone need to be a part of the Artwork Team to contribute to Xubuntu artwork?01:46
j1mci don't know art team protocol01:46
j1mcbtw, the links suck on that page.  i'm just doing cleanup.01:46
j1mci guess i can move "Get Involved" under the "Guidelines" heading - put it at the bottom.01:48
_MMA_j1mc: No. Not really. All it takes to be involved with the Xubuntu art is to actually produce and put together a cohesive theme.01:48
_MMA_And that wiki page looks good.01:49
j1mcok... cool... it's coming along.01:49
j1mcthanks for your help.01:49
j1mchave a good weekend.01:49
_MMA_Though, from my experience, you can get alot of info on how to help, but none really stick it out and do what needs to be done. Are you just doing wiki work or art s well?01:50
_MMA_j1mc: Ok. Hit me up later. Sunday Ill be around. Monday and during the week will be best.01:52
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