
=== lutin is now known as Lutin
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:15
marnaneljames_w: I would like to get my patch into Hardy, but I figure that if it gets accepted upstream it'll make its way down, won't it?00:52
james_wmarnanel: yes, but probably not for hardy00:53
james_wmarnanel: and it seems that there is no upstream any more00:53
* marnanel nods, makes sense. well, okay, how should I do that?00:53
marnanelOh, I have to read a bedtime story.  bbiab.00:53
james_wcan you read me one after?00:54
* marnanel laughs. I think my kid is almost ready to learn to triage bugs anyway00:54
mrooneyyeah we should start a nightly bedtime story ritual here00:54
nabcoreHi, I'm currently testing 8.04 beta and it seems to take a long while to boot. Looking at the relevant part of the dmesg, suggests that this is the issue: http://pastebin.ca/96163201:16
james_wnabcore: I don't quite know what to make of that01:20
james_wis it the probing for the floppy that is slow?01:20
nabcoreThat's the conclusion I've come to01:21
nabcoreit's weird01:21
marnanelokay, back... how would I get the patch into Hardy?01:21
marnanelI've tested it, and it does work01:21
james_wmarnanel: ok, you need to create what is called a "debdiff", which turns your application in to a patch for the package, are you familiar with doing that?01:24
james_wnabcore: I have seen a couple of reports about slow booting01:24
james_wI don't have numbers though I'm afraid01:24
nabcorejames_w I may need to test again since I had my USB disk plugged in and I want to reduce the noise in the bug report01:26
marnaneljames_w: No, but I suspect I am about to discover how01:29
* marnanel makes a cup of tea and settles down to find out01:29
nabcorejames_w also, the beta does not seem to pick up correctly my Nokia 447v monitor, hence the resolution is quite low01:30
nabcoreSetting it using "Screens and Graphics" and then logging out and in resolves this01:30
james_wmarnanel: are you sitting comfortably?01:34
marnanelsure. (well, I'm still arranging things, but I'm listening)01:42
marnanelalso I am apparently not the only one to be old enough that I listened to Listen With Mother in the seventies01:43
james_wso, the process is that you create a new version of the package that includes your changes, and then use the debdiff script to generate the changes between the old and new versions01:44
james_wyou can then upload this diff to the bug and get it sponsored in to the archive.01:44
marnanelOkay, like a patch really, only across a whole package01:44
james_wyeah, exactly01:44
marnanelThat makes sense.  Cool.01:45
james_wso you need 2 things, your patch, and the existing package01:45
james_wto get the latter use "apt-get source gnome-alsamixer"01:45
james_wwhich will create a directory with the unpacked source, so cd gnome-alsamixer-0.9.7~cvs.20060916.ds.101:46
james_wyou may also need to install some things, so run01:46
james_wsudo aptitude install dpkg-dev devscripts dpatch01:47
marnanelaptitude doing its thing...01:48
james_ware you familiar with the source package format at all?01:50
james_wor rather what goes in a debian/ directory?01:50
marnaneldebian/rules and things?  Yes, but I haven't looked at it in a few years.01:51
marnanelOkay, aptitude is done at last01:51
marnanelIs there a good place to read up on the package format?  (Or you can tell me things, of course.)01:53
james_wok, this package uses dpatch, are you familiar with it?01:53
* marnanel goes to look01:53
james_wthat's the most specific I can be off the top of my head01:53
james_wso, dpatch is a way of keeping separate upstream patches in debian/patches/ and then applying them at build time.01:54
james_wso we can just drop your patch in there and let it do its thing01:54
marnanelThat makes sense.01:54
james_whowever dpatch is a little strange, and so you have to run a highly cryptic command for the next bit01:54
james_wone that I am going to have to look up, one moment please01:55
james_wdpatch patch-template -p "04_<name of patch>" "<description of patch>" < <your-patch> > debian/patches/04_<name of patch>.dpatch01:58
james_wthere are two redirections there, as well as the variables for you to fill in01:59
marnanelwhat does the 04_ mean?01:59
marnanelI mean, obviously a filename prefix01:59
james_wso dpatch has a special format to the files, that includes a header, the patch-template command tells it to generate that header01:59
marnanelbut why 04_ ?01:59
marnaneloh, because there are already three others01:59
james_wby convention they are numbered02:00
james_wthe -p tells it to prepend that header to standard input02:00
james_wyou should then check that the file created looks sane, you can pastebin it if you would like me to check02:00
* marnanel tries to fix all this up to this point02:01
marnanelDoes it make any difference what "name of patch" is?02:05
james_wnope, but it's helpful to make it slightly descriptive02:06
marnanelMakes sense.02:06
james_wfix_bugnumber is quite common02:06
james_wfix_whatever_it_fixes as well02:06
marnanelAll my patches in GNOME are saved as "a.patch", "b.patch" and things because they never stay on my hard disk after they're uploaded02:06
james_wfair enough, this one will be around until it is fixed and relased upstream, so other people may well have to work with it.02:09
* marnanel nods, makes perfect sense.02:09
james_walso, you may want to put it in a file ending with .diff for consistency with the others, but it won't make a difference otherwise02:10
marnaneloh, thanks-- I had started to wonder02:10
james_wyeah, dpatch works with both, but requires one as I remember02:11
james_whow's it looking?02:13
marnaneloops, I used 04-, it should be 04_02:13
* marnanel does it again02:13
james_wI don't think it matters much02:14
marnanelOkay, so I have this new file, and it has a header and then the contents of my patch which look just the same.02:15
james_wcool, so the next step is to check that it applies02:17
james_wthis means that it must also apply with the other three patches applied first.02:18
james_wI don't think there will be conflicts but it is good to check at this stage02:18
james_wto do that run dpatch apply-ll02:18
james_wapply-all sorry02:18
james_wah, no, first we have to add it to the series file so that dpatch knows about it02:19
james_wso edit debian/patches/series and add the filename to the end02:19
marnanelOkay, sure02:21
marnanelOkay, and I ran dpatch apply-all, and it returned without printing anything.02:22
james_whmm, that's not right02:23
james_wah, crazy, it's not dpatch at all, it's quilt, but with dpatch headers in the files02:24
marnanelIt also appears not to have applied the patched :/02:24
marnanelOh, weirdness.02:24
marnanelOkay, so I run quilt?02:24
james_wyes, but quilt is not debian specific, so there's an environment variable to set02:25
james_wthe easiest way to do this though is use debian/rules02:25
james_wso run ./debian/rules patch02:25
james_wah, but I bet you'll have to "sudo aptitude install quilt"02:25
james_woh, in fact "sudo aptitude install quilt cdbs"02:26
james_wthis package uses cdbs, which is a set of makefiles try and simplify debian/rules in common situations02:26
marnanelIt is thinking about it...02:26
marnanelOkay, installed.  (This is not the fastest computer in the world.)02:29
james_wokay, so does ./debian rules patch work now?02:30
marnanelmake: *** No rule to make target `patch'.  Stop.02:31
james_wah, sorry my fault the target is apply-patches02:32
marnaneloh, sorry!02:36
marnanelHm, that patched everything but 04_ and that said: make: *** [debian/stamp-patched] Error 102:38
marnanelWhich wasn't very informative02:38
james_wthere was no error above?02:39
james_wit may conflict then02:39
marnanelOh, good point.  It doesn't conflict upstream but perhaps it does with the patched version.02:39
marnanelWould the output of patch have been saved somewhere?02:39
marnanelI can just reapply the patch to the patched version and see02:40
james_wI'm not sure, you can see it with02:40
james_wQUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push02:40
marnaneloh, silly me, I named the file foo.diff.dpatch for some reason02:43
marnanelyay, and found the other problem02:50
marnanelif you create a patch using svn diff and you're in trunk, which is the way we do it upstream02:51
marnanelthen the filenames in the patch look like src/foo.c02:51
marnanelbut it turns out debian-rules wants them like gnome-alsamixer/src/foo.c02:51
james_wah, so you want to edit debian/patches/series and add -p0 to the end of the line02:51
james_wI think that's right02:51
marnanelit's okay, I just edited the patch and put gnome-alsamixer in before src on each line02:52
* marnanel tries to make my patch conform to the style of the others02:53
james_wthat works too02:54
marnanelOkay, so I appear to have a working patch.  I should compile and link and test next?02:55
james_wwell, it's better to test the final package, so we'll carry on with that02:56
james_wthe clean target or debian/rules will take care of de-applying the patches, so we'll just do the next bit02:56
james_wthat is to edit the changelog02:56
james_wthere is a tools called "dch" (it's actually debchangelog I think)02:57
james_wif you run "dch -i" then you will be given a new changelog stanza to fill in your changes.02:57
james_wyou should check that your name and email at the bottom is how you would like it, if not we can fix that up02:58
james_w(or you can just edit it)02:58
* marnanel laughs. I am apparently marnanel@localhost.localdomain03:01
* marnanel fixes it up03:01
james_wwell, it's kind of accurate03:01
james_wyou can set DEBEMAIL in your environment to choose what you want to be known as for packages03:02
james_wman dch explains it all if you care03:02
james_wso you should explain what you are fixing and how.03:02
james_walso here you would put any notes to the release team as we are close to release03:02
james_wand also any notes to possible future people who work on the package03:03
james_wI don't think they apply here03:03
james_wfor instance you might say, this change can be dropped in hardy+1 when we no longer need to support an upgrade path from dapper03:03
marnanelright.  What goes next to the * I can see?03:04
james_wthat's where you put the change03:04
james_wyou use a * for each separate change03:04
james_w  * Fix a03:04
james_w    - including this03:04
james_w  * Fix b03:04
james_wso you only need one03:05
marnanelOh, okay.  But my name goes at the bottom with the -- next to it?03:05
james_wthe other trick is that we want the archive software to take care of closing the bug for us so we can upload and forget about it, for that you use special markup for the bug number03:05
james_wso at the end of the change put (LP: #<bug number>)03:06
marnanelOh, awesome.  I've seen that in trac too; I'm trying to lobby for gnome to have it but there are political problems as well as technical ones03:06
marnanelDo I need to do wordwrap or does it do that for me?03:07
james_wyeah, it's fantastic, I would recommend that every project adopt it03:07
james_wyou need to wrap03:07
james_wuse four spaces for any continuation lines03:08
james_w(only two are required by the format, but four is convention)03:08
marnanelOkay, sure03:09
marnanelThis is fun.  I wonder whether my wife would be upset with me if even more of my time disappeared because I tried adopting any ubuntu packages. :)03:09
james_wthere's only one way to find out :-)03:10
* marnanel grins03:11
marnanelwhoah, writing LP: #nnnnnn in Vim lights up in yellow03:17
james_wyep, useful to know you've got the right syntax.03:18
james_wso, once you've saved it you can try building the package03:18
marnanelAnd that's debian/rules something?03:19
james_wthere's a wrapper, well, actually a wrapper of a wrapper, called debuild03:19
james_wso you wan't "debuild -uc -us"03:19
james_wthose options tell it not to bother signing anything, as signatures don't matter for a test-build03:20
marnanelokay, great03:20
* marnanel installs patchutils03:21
james_wah, you'll need gnome-pkg-tools libgnomeui-dev libasound2-dev autotools-dev intltool as well03:21
james_wI guess you'll have at least some of them if you've been building the package already.03:22
marnanelapparently I have all of them, so here goes :)03:24
marnanelThis is pretty awesome.  I wish we were this organised with tools and things03:24
james_wsome would call it a mess03:25
james_wif you were to move on to another package now you would probably have to deal with a whole different set of things03:25
james_wbug dch debuild etc. are good03:25
marnanelcrunch.  link error.  clearly my problem.  *pours more tea*03:26
* marnanel idles for a few minutes-- called away03:38
marnaneljames_w: thank you for your help, in case you leave before I come back.  I appreciate it very much.03:38
james_wmarnanel: yeah, it's late here, I'll be leaving shortly03:39
james_wI'll probably be around tomorrow if you are03:39
james_walso there is #ubuntu-motu where someone will probably be able to walk you through the last part03:39
james_wonce you get the package built you should install and test it.03:40
james_wthen make the debdiff03:40
james_wthis is done by building a source package "debuild -S -uc -us"03:40
james_wand then calling debdiff old.dsc new.dsc03:40
james_wthen attach that to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors03:41
james_wbut as I said, someone on #ubuntu-motu can help you out if I'm not around03:41
james_walso there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff03:41
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\shguys, could you take care, that people are not just passing by to bugreports and change status etc. just because of karma hunting?10:05
IulianHi qense10:37
=== qense is now known as qense-lunch
salty-horsehi. I'm getting this error in apt-get. is something wrong with the repositories? "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  web/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"11:43
\shsalty-horse: works here...11:48
salty-horseI tried this command: "sudo apt-get update". when trying "sudo apt-get build-dep <something> I get this error: "E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)"11:49
salty-horse\sh, my /etc/apt/sources.list has "web" as a repository. I have no idea how it got there. ("deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted universe multiverse web")11:57
\shsalty-horse: whoops.-.-.remove the web part :)11:58
salty-horsecould it have gotten there in the gusty->hardy upgrade process?11:58
\shsalty-horse: I don't think so...11:59
\shnever saw it happen :)11:59
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danbeehi guys, where do i report bugs for ubiquity?13:07
danbeejames_w: thanks13:12
james_wno problem13:12
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
elmargolsomeone knows a place where I can get tarballs ob xulrunner snapshots?14:00
elmargolseems like mozilla only offers tarballs for releases14:01
secretlondonelmargol, asac will presumably know14:06
asacelmargol: -> #ubuntu-mozillateam14:07
asacask fta14:07
chantrahi there, I have a debdiff for LP#18817814:31
chantrahow to I submit it? attach it to the bug report?14:31
chantrasecretlondon: thks for confirming14:41
pochubug 18817814:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188178 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[Hardy] [regression] xorg with Intel driver crashes if Virtual > 2048" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18817814:59
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marnaneljames_w was explaining to me here how to set up a debdiff earlier, which involved learning how to use debuild.  Can someone help me with a problem I'm having with that, or do you know where I should go to find that?15:28
secretlondonmarnanel, the hands on section of the packaging guide is good15:28
secretlondonI'm a packaging n00b and I always have problems with key signing etc15:29
secretlondon#motu is where you may find people with more packaging exerience too15:29
marnanelawesome.  okay *gets more coffee, settles in*15:29
* afflux found a gold source :)15:36
affluxscreenlets has lots of bugs, with many of them being duplicates of others and some are really easy to fix15:37
secretlondonafflux, loads of packages are like that, unloved, especially if they've been synced untouched from debian15:37
affluxbtw., we are in feature freeze, so what should I do with bug 204894?15:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204894 in screenlets "Screenlets .14 released--please add to repository" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20489415:38
affluxleave it confirmed, tell him that we'll put it in intrepid?15:38
secretlondonthere is the exception process15:38
secretlondondoes it fix loads of bugs?15:38
crimsunright, refer the reporter to the FFe process wiki page15:38
affluxdon't think so, checking15:38
askandI have made a freature freeze request but was unsure on what package to mark as affected..can someone please take a look? bug 20883615:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208836 in ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception request for Transmission 1.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20883615:55
affluxuh, add-5-a-day ist extremly slow today :15:58
crimsunaskand: src:transmission15:59
affluxtook me ~5 minutes to push (no pulling) a single linge change15:59
crimsunaskand: (i.e., the source package transmission)15:59
askandcrimsun: please take a look again, I have changed16:01
crimsunaskand: ok16:16
crimsunaskand: keep in mind that transmission is a main source package; MOTU does not have jurisdiction over its FFe approval16:16
crimsunaskand: as a result, please make sure you adhere to [the main component's] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess16:17
james_wafflux: launchpad bzr is really slow at the moment16:29
Nismo69i need some help16:29
Nismo69my package manager will not work what do i need to do?16:30
james_wNismo69: what is the error you are getting?16:31
Nismo69that i need to reload the list of packages16:33
Nismo69so it trys to do that and then it still doesn't work16:33
Nismo69i need help16:38
stpereNismo69: try to open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update16:39
Nismo69tried that too16:39
james_wand does that give you an error?16:40
Nismo69i cant load anything that is preloaded i can only load packages i download manually16:42
secretlondonNismo69, #ubuntu is better for support queries, or you could try launchpad answers16:45
=== charle1 is now known as mrooney
affluxI've subscribed for bugmail of "ubuntu/+source/screenlets/", do I get [NEW] notifications for private bugs  then? (I'm in bugcontrol)16:56
pochudon't think so16:57
pochuand don't know how to get them (if it's possible at all)16:57
affluxokay, I'll try asking in #lp16:58
pochulet me know if you got a reply :)16:58
pochuI think there's a team which gets private crashes (as apport subscribes that team), but I'm not sure and I don't want to receive crashes for every ubuntu package16:59
pochuonly for those packages I'm a bug contact16:59
affluxyes, the team is ubuntu-crashes-{universe,main}17:00
affluxbut I'm not sure how the general bugmail subscriptions are handled17:00
secretlondonafflux, yes you do if you are the bug contact17:02
affluxsecretlondon: the bug contact is ~ubuntu-bugs17:03
secretlondonafflux, and I think for edits to bugs on packages you've subscribed to17:03
secretlondonI am subscribed to bugs on tuxpaint and get all new and I think all changes17:03
thekornI think only 'direct' subscribers get notifications for private bugs17:03
affluxdo you get private ones, too?17:03
afflux(Adri2000 is saying the opposite: he subscribed to some package and is a member of motu, but doesn't get the private notifications)17:04
secretlondonI haven't had any, but then I'm in bugcontrol so I can see crashes anyway17:04
thekornwhen you subscribe to a package in ubuntu you are 'also notified', so no direct subscriber17:04
affluxthekorn: that may be the point, yes17:06
thekornand this makes perfect sense17:06
thekorneverybody can subscribe to bugs, and the private option is the only one to control the access to a bug17:07
thekorne.g. if there is private data17:07
* afflux wants to have a check whether the "also notified" subscribers are also "indirect" "direct" subscribers. :P17:09
jarlathHi folks. PCMCIA ethernet doesn't work for me in Hardy Beta. Are others experiencing this?17:37
crimsunvanilla Beta?17:40
crimsunyou should dist-upgrade to current17:40
jarlathI can't without ethernet. It's the beta available from the ubuntu.com main page.17:41
jarlathI dont mean any of the alphas.17:41
crimsunI know, and to effectively troubleshoot, you need to reproduce it on a daily-live image17:42
jarlathAh, now I understand what you mean.17:42
jarlathAre the daily images avaiable as ISOs ?17:43
jarlathFound it.17:44
jarlathThank you crimsun.17:44
secretlondonmarnanel, I don't know if we need to do anything so that your patch is noticed by people with commit access17:50
marnanelsecretlondon: we can just wait?17:50
marnanelthat's good, I have just started reading a novel. :)17:51
secretlondonI don't know, I hope it's a long one ;)17:51
* marnanel laughs17:51
marnanel(and yes: "The Mists of Avalon")17:51
secretlondondid you tick the patch box?17:51
marnanelI did17:51
marnanelThere's also a couple of reported segfaults in metacity I really ought to be seeing to17:52
secretlondonthe wiki prob has some details (as ever!), it's probably a tag or subscribing a group17:52
secretlondonI'll go look17:52
marnanelOh well, coffee was made to be drunk17:52
marnanelSomeone on motu said that I should subscribe the ubuntu-sponsors thing17:53
marnanelso I duid17:53
marnanelubuntu-universe-sponsors <-- that17:53
secretlondonmarnanel, there may be more segfaults that you won't have access to as they haven't been checjed for personal data17:53
secretlondonmarnanel, then it's sorted :)17:53
marnanelah.  makes sense17:53
marnaneland: awesome17:53
marnanelis there a way that I can have access to segfaults which people can't see?17:53
marnanelI mean, I understand why people don't get access generally17:54
marnanelbut I'm the maintainer, and I'm pretty trustworthy generally17:54
marnanelat least the upstream maintainer17:54
secretlondonI don't think there is a setting that can give the bug contact from upstream access17:54
secretlondonbut I don't know17:54
secretlondonI get it through being a bug control17:54
marnanelMaybe if I became a sort of honorary downstream maintainer17:54
secretlondonin the bug control team17:55
* marnanel nods17:55
pochumarnanel: you can join ~ubuntu-bugcontrol and you will have access to them17:55
pochumarnanel: but in the meantime I can check them for you and make them public17:55
pochumarnanel: 6 private crashes17:56
* secretlondon can confirm that marn is from metacity17:57
james_wmarnanel: you will normally get a response from u-u-sponsors in a day or two18:15
james_wthere was a discussion in here yesterday(?) about blessing certain accounts as upstream for a particular package so that they can come down and have the power to do bugcontrol things, but only on bugs in their packages.18:16
james_wit sounds like that would be perfect for you.18:16
james_wif you like I can mention your name in any more discussions about it as someone that would be interested in helping to test that.18:17
james_wit's easier than joining bugcontrol :-)18:17
pochujames_w: that'd be awesome18:18
secretlondonjames_w yep, we need that for upstreams18:18
james_wI think the idea was to discuss it with bdmurray when he is back, and then take it to the lp folks18:18
qensewe should get upstream more involved into LP, and this would be a good way to do this18:19
james_wsomeone remind me to poke jcastro and bdmurray about it next week.18:19
qensebtw, is Mark Pitt responsible for the wiki page DebuggingProcedures? I'd like to ask him a few things18:20
james_wdoes anyone know any other upstream that would be suitable18:20
james_wqense: I think you mean Martin Pitt18:20
qenseyeah :)18:21
secretlondonqense: no, it's a wiki page18:21
secretlondonqense, if anyone is responsible it'll be someone like Bmurray18:21
secretlondonqense: anyone can edit wikipages, they aren't owned by anyone18:21
qenseI know, but I thought that for important ones certain people would be assigned18:22
marnaneljames_w: sounds a nifty idea, yes18:22
secretlondonpitti has no specific qa role afaik. I think bmurray is head of bugs for canonical18:23
james_wpitti wrote apport, so that may be why he has some association with the page18:23
pochumarnanel: all done18:24
secretlondonI think he may be the person who lasted edited it18:24
secretlondonpochu: cool, thanks18:24
james_wyeah, no-one seems to "own" it from looking at the revision history18:25
james_wqense: what would you like to know? would we be able to help?18:25
marnanelpochu: thanks a whole lot :)18:27
qenseI want to ask them what to do with the information there and the yet-to-be-filled Bugs/Triaging page, I think it should be merged, but I want someone else's opinion18:27
james_wqense: I think they should probably be merged.18:29
james_wis there a reason that you didn't start out by extending what was there?18:29
marnanelpochu: I have signed up to join ~ubuntu-bugcontrol now in case that lets me fix things faster, although tbh I already have my hands full for the next short while with what I *can* see :)18:30
qenseyou mean DebuggingProcedures?18:30
qenseBugs/Triaging is a new project, focussed more on information gathered from upstream packages isntead of areas/types18:31
james_wmarnanel: there's quite a strict admissions procedure for bugcontrol, so I don't know if you'll get it.18:31
qensewe want to ask upstream maintainers what they want to be included with bug reports18:31
james_wmarnanel: though if you talked to bdmurray and explained that you are just interested in metacity bugs he may make an exception.18:32
james_wqense: yes, but couldn't that be folded in to the information we have already?18:32
james_wqense: there's both the information upstream needs for a good report, and the ways in which you can work out what is going wrong, and they seem very related.18:33
pochumarnanel: ^-- if you can't get in ~ubuntu-bugcontrol anytime soon feel free to ping me to go through private bugs18:33
james_wqense: I'm not saying you've done the wrong thing, but as you are talking about merging the pages I just wanted to understand your reasons or not starting there.18:34
marnanelpochu: cheers18:34
marnaneljames_w: sure, and that's quite understandable.18:34
qenseit was the way the pages were named, the only way the pages at DebuggingProcedures are linked is via that very page18:34
qenseall names are different18:34
qenseand you've got information for specific packages but also for more general things18:35
secretlondonmarnanel, bug control is like the ubuntu bug squad but with more perms, giving you access is a bit kludgy18:37
secretlondonwe need a way of better integrating upstreams18:37
qenseassign bug managers for separate packages would be the best way in my eyes18:38
secretlondonwell maybe perms by package18:38
* marnanel is always impressed with launchpad even with its rough corners here and there18:39
pochumarnanel: impressed positively or negatively? :)19:01
secretlondonimpressed always means positively really19:02
secretlondonyou cna get a negative impression, but you wouldn't then say you were impressed19:02
crimsundepends on the colloquialism.19:03
crimsune.g., people do use "that's impressive" with a negative connotation19:03
FlannelBut thats usually sarcastic, crimsun19:04
Flannelnot a genuine negative impression19:04
secretlondonFlannel, I agree19:05
crimsunFlannel: I concur, since we're being pedantic.  However, "means" refers to connotation19:06
secretlondonI don't think marnanel's statement was ambiguous at all19:07
crimsunneither do I given the context19:07
pochuthank you all :)19:08
pochu(I'm not native speaker so I didn't know that)19:08
* marnanel gets this all the time learning languages other than English19:12
seb128hey marnanel19:13
seb128marnanel: thanks for look at the bugs on launchpad, appreciated ;-)19:13
* secretlondon nods19:13
marnanelseb128: no problem, it always needs doing and I should have looked earlier19:14
marnanelpochu: it's a bit like if I said "The number of critical bugs in metacity is a fraction of what it was last year".  Now clearly 3/1 is a fraction...19:15
seb128marnanel: we are trying to send those on bugzilla with enough informations, but there is lot of bug and limited ressources19:15
marnanelseb128: yes, I've noticed that and I'm very glad of it.  I do try to keep up with LP too.19:15
seb128marnanel: it seems that the appearance capplet triggers quite some crashers in the theme preview code though, dunno if you noticed some bugs have several duplicates19:16
marnanelseb128: It would help if GNOME's bugzilla allowed bugs to be automaticlaly raised19:16
marnanelseb128: yes, just commented to that19:16
marnanelApparently that needs bz 3 but we can't upgrade to that until someone does a ton of work which I could do but am too busy fixing window managers19:16
secretlondonseb128 There seems to be a problem with upstream maintainers not being given access to apport bugs until they are checked (we fixed for metacity)19:16
marnaneland, you know, going to work and playing with my kid and stuff. :)19:17
seb128secretlondon: that's a known issue and they are working to gix it19:17
secretlondonseb128 cool :)19:17
seb128the issue is that right now they don't have per component granularity19:17
folehi all, how should i deal with an apport bug where the CoreDump.gz still exists?19:17
seb128fole: remove it19:17
folemark as invalid?19:18
seb128fole: bug number?19:18
foleor remove the file and ask for details19:18
seb128well, depends of the bug19:18
secretlondonhas any retracing happened?19:18
seb128bug #19344719:18
secretlondonbug #19344719:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 193447 in firefox-3.0 "firefox crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19344719:18
seb128you can remove the dump and ask for informations19:19
seb128the versions changed since so it'll not be usuable19:19
secretlondonlooks like apport hasn't looked at it19:19
seb128I would close and ask the submitter to open a new bug using apport if he still get the issue with the current version19:19
seb128secretlondon: it has, it has been untagged19:20
seb128secretlondon: likely the retracing failed and the retracer just untagged, that happens sometime, retracer bugs19:20
secretlondonok ty19:20
mrooneyI sure am having trouble deciding if one of bug 151564 and bug 151226 are duplicates of each other in any way19:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151564 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] Gtk2::Sexy Perl bindings - libgtk2-sexy-perl" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15156419:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151226 in checkgmail "Synaptic recommends libsexymm2, which is useless (missing Perl bindings)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15122619:24
mrooneyit seems like they aren't dups, but one depends on the other hmm19:24
crimsunmrooney: not dupes, no.19:32
mrooneyis there something else useful I could, some way to link them better?19:32
crimsunyou could refer to 151564 in 15122619:34
crimsunI've seen some devs actually mark unrelated bugs dupes, but that's SEP.19:35
warrendcould someone look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/18876419:51
warrend(finally the correct channel :P)19:51
mrooneyhi warrend19:55
mrooneyis usplash the loading screen with the progress bar, after grub?19:55
mrooneyargh I have this bug too after going to Hardy!!!19:56
warrendi find it personally a critical bug19:56
mrooneywell yeah it looks pretty poor on my 1400x1050 display, whereas it was pretty slick before in Gutsy19:56
mrooneythough the High importance seems pretty fair, it doesn't have any functional consequences19:57
warrendwould be nice to fix for hardy19:57
mrooneydoes it?19:57
warrendbut it looks bad19:57
warrendbut it is important enought to be fixed quikly in hardy i think19:58
warrendsomeone knoows if it will be fixed for hardy?20:01
affluxn/c :)20:02
mrooneywhoa, did someone just change it?20:07
secretlondonthe bug priority?20:15
secretlondonwell I agree it's not critical or high20:15
secretlondonit's a cosmetic issue20:15
mrooneybug 188764 that we were discussing, and I found the answer that yes someone changed it from High to Medium and invalidated it against usplash20:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188764 in usplash "[hardy]640x480 usplash on all computers" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18876420:15
mrooneyboth of which I disagree with and explained why in the comments :[20:15
secretlondonand said it is ubiquity20:16
secretlondonand medium20:16
mrooneybut if the real solution is to detect in usplash, then it should be a bug against that as well, shouldn't it?20:16
secretlondonit doesn't have a severe enough impact for a high bug20:16
secretlondonwell I presume the person who set it on ubiquity knows what the cause is20:17
mrooneyfixing the issue in ubiquity is a workaround that would be temporarily good, but usplash is where the fix belongs I believe, as the other comments explain20:17
affluxandrea-bs: ping20:20
andrea-bsafflux: pong20:20
affluxmrooney has questions on the triaging of bug 18876420:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 188764 in usplash "[hardy]640x480 usplash on all computers" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18876420:21
mrooneyandrea-bs: maybe you know more about the validity of fixing the issue in usplash than I do20:22
mrooneybut it seems convincing to me based on the comments that the real fix belongs there and as such the bug is equally valid against both ubiquity and usplash20:23
mrooneyperhaps more urgently in ubiquity than usplash, admittedly20:23
affluxby the way, someone with knowledge of g-s-d for bug 208365? I've no real idea about what the reporter talks :)20:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208365 in gnome-settings-daemon "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon (timeout?)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20836520:24
secretlondonThere is no way it is high, it doesn't stop anyone doing anything, it just looks less pretty *whilst booting*20:25
andrea-bsmrooney: yeah, it seems an usplash package issue, thanks20:25
andrea-bsmrooney: I have to invalidate it in ubiquity since it only installs the deb20:26
andrea-bsmrooney: for the importance, I have to follow those rules: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance20:27
mrooneyandrea-bs: yeah I understand in ways20:31
mrooneyI just feel like usplash is a special exception, it is the first thing users see of Ubuntu, it is their first impression20:31
mrooneyand not only that, but anyone around those users is going to see the loading screen, and that can give off an unprofessional impression to non-users as well20:32
secretlondonif you are affected by a bug it can seem really important, when overall it isn't20:32
mrooneysecretlondon: yes, that is true20:32
mrooneyI just feel like the first impression of the OS warrants more consideration and polish20:33
andrea-bsmrooney: I'm sure this is an important bug, but try to change point of view: there are more important bugs than this one ;)20:33
mrooneypersonally I don't care, I just figured it was an intentional feature20:33
mrooneywell you could use that logic for all but the most important bug20:33
secretlondonthere are loads of people having issues with pulse audio for example, and firefox 320:33
mrooneyI am not sure if that is particularly useful20:33
secretlondonthese actually stop people doing things20:34
mrooneyyeah I agree those are more important20:34
mrooneybut the people who would fix a firefox or a pulseaudio bug probably aren't even the same people who would be fixing this20:35
mrooneyandrea-bs: so you don't think the bug can be valid in both ubiquity and usplash?20:38
andrea-bsan High bug would be "usplash crashes" or "usplash doesn't start", but not "usplash starts with a low resolution", that's because this doesn't impede your work20:38
andrea-bsmrooney: ubiquity just run the postinst script which is in the usplash package20:39
mrooneyahh okay, that makes sense20:40
andrea-bsafflux: he has not enough ram memory20:42
andrea-bsafflux: I had the same problem with my 256MB PC, maybe the LiveCD should give an error before booting20:43
andrea-bsafflux: (I'm speaking about 208365)20:44
afflux right, I must have missed his ram size. well, I recall having read a note that the livecd is suitable only for 384MB+x, is that still true?20:44
andrea-bsprobably, but I'm not sure20:45
affluxk, I'll ask in -devel.20:45
andrea-bsmaybe -installer it's better20:46
affluxoh, a new channel :) didn't know that one20:47
marnanelWho do I cc if I add a debdiff to a main bug?20:52
pochusubscribe ~ubuntu-main-sponsors20:52
marnanelpochu: cheers20:52
seb128__marnanel: hardy will have GNOME 2.22.1 so if you commit something to the upstream svn you can just wait a week to get in hardy20:53
seb128__marnanel: but patching can be a good wait to get users trying the change before 2.22.1 ;-)20:54
marnanelseb128__: okay, sure20:58
affluxandrea-bs: ah, me again. bug 201649, did you mark it as commited because you're uploading something to ubuntu or because of the fix in the branch?20:58
ubotuBug 201649 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/201649 is private20:58
andrea-bsafflux: because it's fixed upstream20:59
affluxandrea-bs: checking Bugs/Status, that's rather for "the changes are pending and to be uploaded soon (it's what PENDINGUPLOAD was in Bugzilla)"21:00
afflux(that is wiki.u.c/Bugs/Status)21:01
andrea-bsafflux: "For upstream projects, the fix is in CVS/SVN/bzr or committed to some place"21:01
affluxthe upstream project is "fix released", but the ubuntu package is not even being worked on21:02
andrea-bsso what's the problem? :)21:03
affluxin my understanding, the task on the ubuntu source package is entirely to reflect the progress on the ubuntu side21:03
andrea-bsI'm following standard procedures described in the wiki: <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status>21:03
pochuwe do that (set to fix committed when upstream has fixed it) for GNOME packages, but we now we will have a new release before Ubuntu is released, as the schedules are aligned21:04
affluxandrea-bs: yes, imo the page states that the upstream task gets fix committed when the fix is in a branch21:05
andrea-bsafflux: the fix is in a branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~screenlets-dev/screenlets/trunk/revision/22221:05
affluxit's even released21:05
affluxthat's why the *upstream task* is "fix released"21:06
pochuthat's an upstream branch though, not a packaging one21:06
affluxbut not ubuntu :)21:06
affluxanyway, I'll set it to "in progress" as I'm preparing a debdiff for that and another screenlets bug21:06
afflux"Verification on package /var/cache/apt/archives/tzdata_2008b-1ubuntu1_all.deb failed!" where is this message from and what does it mean?21:44
afflux(see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~dx4kubuntu )21:44
pochuBinary package hint: update-manager21:47
pochuperhaps he doesn't have the archive.ubuntu.com key21:47
secretlondondoes sound like a key issue21:48
pochumvo might know better. this cycle the code has changed as to warn if the packages aren't signed or the key isn't in the apt keyring I think21:49
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
affluxpochu: how can I check this?21:55
pochuafflux: sudo apt-key list21:57
affluxdo you think that I can duplicte all of his bugs?21:57
affluxI mean, all of the verification ones21:57
affluxk, thanks21:58
pochuthanks to you for dealing with them :)21:59
affluxshould reporters in generall set their bugs back to "new" after they provided information when the bug was set to "incomplete"?22:10
affluxgoing to bed now, good night!22:18
* DOOM_NX i'm gonna send u to outer space, to fiiind another race.22:38

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