[01:41] hello. How could i enable the old PATA drivers in the current hardy kernel? google says that hwprobe=-modules.pata in my menu.lst should do it but that doesn't seem to work.. === clever_ is now known as clever === asac_ is now known as asac === doko_ is now known as doko === \sh_away is now known as \sh === \sh is now known as \sh_away === \sh_away is now known as \sh [15:05] Any chance that the release kernel for 8.04 server is going to have ipmisensors (which make lmsensors able to get info from Proliantservers for ex.)? === tjaalton is now known as tjaalton_ [15:36] * lamont wonders if there's any reason _not_ to enable building uswsusp on ppc [16:38] hi guys [16:38] let's talk about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/177895 [16:38] Launchpad bug 177895 in linux "Kernel 2.6.24-2 causing ~1000 wakeups by "Rescheduling Interrupts"" [Medium,In progress] [16:39] it's been there for weeks, and the guy working on it does not make me feel comfortable -- no offense [20:37] ogasawara__, ping === \sh is now known as \sh_away === mjg59` is now known as mjg59 [21:57] Why shows System > Administration > Services [Services settings] apmd switched on but acpid switched off although there is a process 'kacpid'? [22:00] kacpid is part of the kernel [22:00] acpid isn't [22:07] Thank you for explaining. === juliank0 is now known as juliank