
jimmy_asac: ping00:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacjimmy_: pong11:10
sebnerhi, everybody12:28
asacmozilla bug 13954312:30
ubotuMozilla bug 139543 in MailNews: Main Mail Window "Mail notification icon doesn't leave" [Normal,Verified: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13954312:30
asacfta: ^^ why do you close that in xulrunner?12:30
asacmozilla bug 20728112:30
ubotuMozilla bug 207281 in DOM Inspector "Occasional crash when viewing CSS style attributes or computed style" [Critical,Resolved: worksforme] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20728112:30
asacfta: same for that ??12:30
asachow does syspref fix that?12:31
sebnerasac: if you have time then. I would be happy for a bzr crash course :D12:31
asacdo you have anything you want to package/upgrade right now?12:32
sebnerasac: hmm. in fact I want to package a friend's project ( what would cause some work though)12:32
asacsebner: which project is that?12:33
sebnerasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/p1tr12:34
asacsebner: can you please test if the latest torrbutton extensions works in firefox 3?12:35
asacif that works we can move that to bzr as an example12:35
sebnerThis add-on is for older versions of Firefox12:36
sebnerI can't even install ier12:36
sebneror should I install this nightly extions build thing?12:37
asacwhat do you mean?12:39
asacsebner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions12:39
asacthere are instructions on how to test if an extension is compatible even though it doesn't claim to12:39
asacyou don't need that nightly thing12:39
asacif it works we could fix the install.rdf ... and just distribute it that way12:40
sebnerasac: ähm. I made a mistake ^^ how can I delete a line in about:config?12:45
asacsebner: delete? reset?12:46
sebnerasac: there isn't a delete. and if I choose reset it remains. I created a string instead of a boolean -.-12:46
asacsebner: reset -> then restart?12:49
sebnerasac: ah cool. sry I'm totally new to that ^^12:49
sebnerasac: ehm. next stupid question. how to install it. I think addons.mozilla.org checks the browser version before offering a extension..12:53
sebnerthough I could also install the actual one from the homepage. http://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/12:54
ftaasac, did I close that ? those are mozilla bugs ?!12:57
ftabug 13954312:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139543 in firefox-3.0 "firefox .deb overwrites firefox.cfg which stores systemwide settings such as startpage, proxy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13954312:57
asacoh :)12:57
asaci am really lame12:57
ftabug 20728112:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207281 in apturl "[hardy beta] firefox3b4 does not recognize apturls (apt://)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20728112:57
asacfta: the firefox.cfg thing should be done differntly12:57
asacis that in syspref at all?12:57
asaci think its in gre/pref12:57
ftai fixed the syspref for .js fileds12:58
asacyes. but not for firefox.cfg12:58
ftafirefoxrc is different12:58
asaci think the syspref patch is good. i just think that it doesn't fix the firefox.cfg bug12:58
asacwe have a syspref patch in firefox-3.0 already, right?12:58
ftaif it's for proxy, homepage and stuff like that, syspref is good enough, no ?12:59
ftasyspref was installed in ff3 but not used13:00
asacfta:  the firefox.cfg thing is about locked preferences13:00
asacwe want sysprefs for firefox and xulrunner13:00
ftaI think i've done it that way13:00
asacdh_link etc/$(DEBIAN_NAME)/pref $(DEBIAN_FF3_DIR)/defaults/syspref13:02
ftai'm still fighting with bug 20341313:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203413 in liferea "Liferea creates many corrupt copies of places.sqlite in its Mozilla profile folder" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20341313:03
asacfta: you sure that its a regression?13:03
asacsebner:  i am not sure ...13:04
asacyou could tweak the browser version in about:config13:04
asacsebner: general.useragent.extra.firefox13:04
asacmaybe tweak that13:04
asacfta: i think the problem is that places is started at all13:04
ftait's started between b3 and b4, and it's still there13:06
ftaplaces has been there for a long time13:06
asacfta: wasn't liferea broken in the meantime?13:06
asacfta: yes ... i suspect that places now startsup automatically13:07
asacwhile it didn't do that in b313:07
sebnerasac: I installed it but it doesn't seem to work :\13:08
RainCTasac: should mozilla-tabextensions be removed from Hardy?13:08
RainCTasac: it is for Firefox <= 1.513:09
ftaI guess so13:09
ftaasac, difficult to figure out, I have a 2~3h window but it's crippled with bustages and regressions backouts13:12
asacfta: you have a bonsai url for that window?13:12
asachow did oyu confirm that window?13:13
asacRainCT: is there anything more recent available?13:13
asacsebner: ok13:13
ftatabmix plus13:13
asacsebner: i send the author a mail asking him to update it :)13:13
asacfta: is that in the archive or in the firefox-extensions project?13:13
sebnerasac: well upstream has a new version ...13:13
asacsebner: it has?13:14
asaccan you try please?13:14
sebnerasac: upstream version is working though my statusbar is now empty O_o13:16
asacsebner: maybe it was wiped by the previous version?13:17
sebnerasac: no. the previous version wasn't working but the status bar was still there ^^13:18
sebnerasac: nope. new version has the fault. seems to be a alpha version anyway13:19
asacok ... lets wait for an answer then :)13:19
sebnerasac: k, try another ff extension or package the bzr stuff. or just wait?13:20
RainCTasac: there is tabextensions3 (which is really a meta-package for 4 other extensions), which seems to work in Firefox 3 beside some graphical glitches13:23
asacRainCT: does it ship a proper license?13:25
RainCTasac: I'm not sure, upstream provides just a .xpi13:26
asacRainCT: does the .xpi have a license file?13:26
asacthose that have a clue about licenses usually do13:27
RainCTasac: it hasn't13:29
asacRainCT: you have a url?13:29
asacsebner: i would like to go through all packaged extensions and see if there is any available thats compatible with ffox 313:30
asacsebner: i think apt-cache search firefox extension gives you a list13:30
asacRainCT: it appears to have proper licensing in the sub-.xpis13:32
asacRainCT: i htink those should be packaged individually, aggreed?13:32
* RainCT can't find any license13:33
asacthats in informationaltab13:33
asacin the chrome .jar13:34
RainCTah I see13:34
asacsebner: http://firefox.exxile.net/aios/index.php13:35
asacwe can package that13:35
asaci think it has a proper licensing and is pretty popular13:35
RainCTasac: but I'd rather have them as a new source package as they seem to have nothing to do with version 213:35
asacsebner: add it to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions and add you as QA contact13:35
asacsebner: then we can https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions/Packaging to learn bzr based on that13:36
asacRainCT: yes. the other should be removed13:36
sebnerasac: k :)13:37
RainCTasac: like source package tabextensions3, binaries tabextensions3-treestyletab tabextensions3-multipletab tabextensions3-viewsourceintab tabextensions3-informationaltab, meta-package tabextensions3 depending on all of them and transitional package mozilla-tabextensions depending on tabextensions313:37
RainCTwhat do you think?13:37
RainCTbeside that that's a lot of packages :P13:38
asacRainCT: not sure ... i'd even consider to make multiple sources out of it13:38
asacotoh if they belong together we might wnat to ship them together13:39
asacfrom one source13:39
RainCTwell anyway, so you ack. bug 184121?13:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184121 in tabextensions "Should tabextensions be removed from Hardy?" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18412113:40
asacRainCT: please file a needs-packaging bug and add the extension to the wiki page (if you don't want to package it personally you can leave the QA contact field emtpy)13:40
asacmaybe drop the url to the needs-packaging bug to the "remove from archive bug" as well13:43
asacsebner: so basically you start with creating an upstream branch13:43
asacfor that you mkdir packagename13:43
asacand extract the sources13:44
asacbzr init13:44
asacbzr add .13:44
asacbzr commit -m "* import upstream version XXX"13:44
asacthen you create ubuntu packaging branch based on that13:44
asacbzr branch packagename packagename.ubuntu13:44
asaccd copy the debian/ directory from XPI.TEMPLATE in that13:44
asacthen you edit the files as required13:44
asacrun bzr add .13:44
asacbzr commit -m "* initial packaging for upstream version XXXX"13:45
asacnext we have to figure out how to properly build the .xpi from the extracted sources13:45
asacand maybe write a build.sh which zipps it together13:45
asac(if upstream doesn't have a build script yet)13:45
sebner^^. Just step by step ...13:46
sebnerI currently try to discover where I can get the sources xD13:49
sebnerah found it xD13:50
RainCTbug #20877713:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208777 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Please package tabextensions3" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20877713:50
asacfta: are the places.sqlite dbs empty files?13:52
asacwhat size?13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-29 15:32 places.sqlite-96.corrupt13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-29 15:33 places.sqlite-97.corrupt13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-29 15:33 places.sqlite-98.corrupt13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-29 15:33 places.sqlite-99.corrupt13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-29 00:41 places.sqlite-9.corrupt13:53
fta-rw------- 1 fta fta 126976 2008-02-28 00:18 places.sqlite.corrupt13:53
asacfta: ok13:53
ftai had ~100k files in there yesterday13:53
asacwhat happens if you remove them=13:53
asacwill they reappear with the same size=13:53
ftait happens with a clean profile too13:53
asacfta: i mean if you even remove places.sqlite13:53
sebnerasac: should the package be named "AiOS" ?13:54
ftayes, as it happens without any profile at all13:54
asacsebner: he?13:55
asacsebner: thats all-in-one-sidebar afaik13:55
asaclook how the extension is called in install.rdf13:56
sebnerasac: ah ok13:56
ftaasac, cvs seems to ignore the timezone completely, or worse, it seems to change its behavior randomly13:56
ftacould it be a mirror issue ?13:56
ftaor maybe it's bonsai..13:58
sebnerasac: so I need a ssh key for uploading it to my account?13:58
asacsebner: you already created the .upstream branch?14:03
asacfta: i'd guess its bonsai14:03
sebnerasac: I did your "bzr commit -m "* initial packaging for upstream version XXXX" and now the wiki says. uploading to launchpad. and it seems that I need a ssh ke14:04
ftaasac, too bad because mozclient heavily depends on its dates14:04
ftahg will be better for that14:04
asacyeah cvs is just a pain14:04
asacfta: you might be able to look what cvs log shows you for a file you know it changed14:05
asacyou can compare that with bonsai14:05
ftathat's already how i do it, but manually, it's painful14:05
asacfta: so whats the time gap?14:06
asacis it really random?14:06
ftahold on, i'm rebuilding one, because i'm not sure i got it right yesterday14:07
ftamy laptop is way faster than my desktop to build xul :)14:08
elmargolfta, hi I'm searching tarballs of xulrunner snapshots14:08
ftaelmargol, you mean, those used by ubuntu ?14:08
elmargolubuntu does use snapshots?14:09
asacnot officially, but our bzr branch usually moves ahead14:09
asacso you can either build on top of that or use ftas PPA14:09
elmargola bzr branch whould be nice14:10
ftatarballs are not in the branches though, just the ubuntu packaging for those (debian/*)14:10
elmargolok than i need the tarball14:10
ftawhich one(s) ?14:11
ftaI don't understand why you need that for. it's quite easy to generate14:11
asactell him how :)14:11
elmargolok how do I generate a tarball cvs?14:11
ftafor ubuntu or as a whole ?14:12
elmargolsorry I'm a bit limited by my language14:12
asacfta: for ubuntu ... he probably wants a package in the end14:12
asacget that branch14:12
elmargolyes I try to build a current version of xulrunner for ubuntu14:12
asacif you have that branch14:12
asacyou can use get-orig-source14:13
asacwith DEBIAN_DATE=XXXX14:13
asacyou can get that date string from the topmost changelog entry14:13
asacfta: do we have get-current-orig yet?14:13
ftahm, not anymore14:14
ftaI can re-add it14:14
asacis there a REAME or something how to get the right orig?14:14
asaci thought there was something in xulrunner.mk?14:14
ftain the README14:14
asaci think having a get-current-orig would be beneficial14:15
asacits what most people want to use anyway14:15
elmargolmake: *** No rule to make target `get-orig-source'.  Stop.14:15
asacinstall all build-depends14:15
asacmozilla-devscripts in particular14:15
elmargolok sorry14:15
ftanope, you need to install mozilla-devscripts, it's not a builddep yet14:15
asacoh right14:16
asacbut will be soon14:16
elmargolwich changelog do you mean? yours or the mozillla one?14:16
asacmozilla doesn't have one14:17
asacso there is no choice ;)14:17
asacits like ./debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_DATE=20080101t120014:17
asacyou find that string in the changelog version14:17
asacelmargol: if you have that you can build the bzr branch as usually14:17
asacelmargol: but you might want to build firefox 3 as well14:18
elmargolI only need xulrunner in order to test a xul based application14:18
asacelmargol: yes, but your firefox-3.0 might break14:19
asacelmargol: why isn't xulrunner 1.9 beta 4 not good enough?14:19
asac(thats whats in the archive right now)14:19
asacor does your xul based application depend on  beta 5 features?14:19
elmargolsomehow I have a bug using this version, a user on fedora use a more recent version of xul and does not have this problem14:20
asacelmargol: ok. then build the xulrunner-1.9 and its corresponsing firefox-314:20
asacfirefox-3 just takes 3 minutes to build14:20
asacso shouldn't be a problem14:20
asacthe procedure is exactly the same14:20
asacelmargol: fta also has more recent builds in his ppa14:22
asacelmargol: https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive14:22
elmargoli think i just try the ppa14:22
asacyeah ... it might upgrade nss and cairo i guess as well14:22
asacdefinitly worth a shot14:23
asacelmargol: which xul app are you talking about?14:23
asacis it proprietary?14:23
asacwe have miro, don't we?14:23
elmargolwell they are working hard on hardy support atm14:23
asacelmargol: there is also a miro package in ftas archive14:24
asacno idea about the state though14:24
asacits a build from 11th jan 0814:24
elmargolvery outdated then :D14:24
asacelmargol: let us know if it builds fine14:24
asaci mean the latest14:25
asacfta: strange ting is that the sqlite database isn't really corrupted14:25
asacit appears to be completely valid14:25
ftait looks close to mozilla bug 41546014:25
ubotuMozilla bug 415460 in Places "searching in places queries does not decode urls" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41546014:25
asacfta: i think our problem is here: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/toolkit/components/places/src/nsNavHistory.cpp#37814:27
asacand the following lines14:27
asacthe initdbfile(PR_TRUE)14:27
asaccauses the creation of the corrupted thing (in cases where its not really corrupted)14:27
asacjust a guess14:27
asacso apparently InitDB fails14:27
asacfta: might be that its a regression due to that change14:30
asacdo we see the same in ffox profiles?14:30
asacdoesn't look like14:30
asacis any of the statements failing in the new InitDB ?14:30
asacthat would definitly cause the creation of corrupt14:31
asacstrange is that it creates six corrupt databases on the first run14:32
asacwhy six?14:32
asaci'd think either one or an infinite loop14:32
sebnerasac: why is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner/ not a branch I can fetch?14:35
asacsebner: thats your home14:37
asacsebner: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream14:37
asacthats what you can fetch14:37
asacyou can have plenty of branches14:37
sebnerasac: yeah I know that ^^14:37
sebnerasac: hellboy@ubuntu:~/all-in-one-sidebar$ bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream All-in-One_Sidebar.ubuntu14:38
sebnerbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream/".14:38
asacsebner: can you use minor letters?14:38
asacsebner: This branch has not been pushed to yet.14:38
asacsebner: you need to push something14:38
sebnerso I just have to wait?14:38
asacto create it14:38
asacsebner: did you push?14:38
sebnerasac: ehm all I did was:  bzr push bzr+ssh://sebner@bazaar.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream14:39
asacdo you have any files in your branch locally at all?14:39
asacsebner: please paste the output of bzr st14:39
asac(or bzr status)14:40
asacwhen you are in your branch on your local disc14:40
sebnerno output14:40
asacsebner: try to do bzr push /tmp/test14:41
asacand see if there are any files in /tmp/test14:41
asacafter that14:41
sebneryep, worked14:41
asacok then you probably need to wait (bzr sync to http might be slow)14:42
asacsebner: you can test by pulling through bzr+ssh14:42
asace.g. use the same url as for pushing14:42
asaccd /tmp/14:42
asacbzr branch bzr+ssh://sebner@bazaar.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream14:42
asacdoes that work?14:43
sebnerbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://sebner@bazaar.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream/".14:43
asacyou sure your push did finish?14:45
sebnerI suppose so. What should  I do now? Delete the branch an try again?14:48
asacsebner: what happens if you push again?14:49
asacsebner: does bzr info show that branch as push branch?14:49
sebnerhellboy@ubuntu:~/all-in-one-sidebar$ bzr info14:50
sebnerStandalone tree (format: pack-0.92)14:50
sebner  branch root: .14:50
sebnerRelated branches:14:50
sebner  push branch: /tmp/test14:50
asacsebner: ok so you previously didn't push at all14:50
asacsebner: did you create that branch through launchpad?14:50
sebnerno. bzr push ...14:50
asacjust try bzr push URL again14:50
sebnercurrently doing14:50
asacsebner: then the push aborted for whatever reason14:50
asacbzr remembers the first branch you pushed to as push branch14:51
asacso if push branch: /tmp/test then you didn't push for real14:51
sebnerhellboy@ubuntu:~/all-in-one-sidebar$ bzr push bzr+ssh://sebner@bazaar.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream14:52
sebnerbzr: ERROR: At bzr+ssh://sebner@bazaar.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again.14:52
ftaasac, oh, i remember why I dropped get-current-source, it's because of the tags. there's no back mapping allowing me to do the proper checkout14:52
asacsebner: did you do bzr init ?14:53
asacsebner: if so, maybe try bzr push --overwrite14:54
asacif that doesn't help, delete the branch and push again14:54
asacfta: hmm14:54
asacwhat info is missing?14:55
ftawhen we do a release with DEBIAN_TAG=blabla=3.0~b5, i can't retrieve blabla afterwards14:55
sebnerasac: I try to overwrite and yes I run bzr init14:57
asacsebner: yep14:57
sebnerasac: same mistake. it seems that I have delete it on LP14:58
asacsebner: maybe push as14:59
asac(e.g. case)14:59
asacif you look at http://code.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions/ you see that its best practice to use lower case everywhere15:00
sebnerwell I choosed that name because you said: look at the install.rd file ^^15:00
sebnertoo late bt15:00
asacdoesn't matter ... you can rename it15:01
asacin launchpad15:01
asacsebner: so did the push work now?15:01
asacRainCT: i assigned you bug 20506615:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205066 in firefox-extensions "6.10 Live CD with PErisitence FireFox AdBlock extension Does not remember subscription setting" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20506615:02
sebnerasac: Created new branch.15:02
sebner But LP shows something similar to the old one15:02
asacif its just similar then its probably ok :)15:03
asacsebner: looks good15:03
asacits getting scanned now15:03
sebnerah ok15:03
asacok, plesae rename the branch in launchpad15:03
asacto lower-case15:03
asacthen we can go on with the packaging ;)15:03
asacsebner: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/All-in-One_Sidebar.upstream ... there it is15:03
sebnerfine + renamed15:04
asacsebner: wait a se15:04
asaccan you unzip the ajos.jar as well?15:04
asacdoesn't matter though for now15:05
asacmaybe lets go ahead15:05
asacyou need to add a build script to the top level directry in upstream15:05
asacor lets do that in .ubuntu branch15:05
asacsebner: its ok ... lets go ahead15:06
sebnerok ^^15:06
asacnow you create a new branch with suffix .ubuntu based on that15:06
asace.g. bzr branch all-in-one-sidebar.upstream all-in-one-sidebar.ubuntu15:06
sebnerin I'm still in the directory?15:06
asacno in the parent dir15:06
asacso both live next to each other15:06
sebnerah ok15:07
asacnext copy the XPI.INSTALL/debian directory into your .ubuntu branch15:07
asacand bzr add15:08
asacbzr commit15:08
asacwith message something like that "import XPI.INSTALL packaging template"15:08
asacthe XPI.INSTALL template is a branch in firefox-extensions15:08
asacjetsaredim: did the webdeveloper upload ever come through?15:09
asacjetsaredim: hmm ... maybe close the bug ten15:09
asacno idea why it didn't auto close15:09
asacmost likely launchpad had issues15:10
sebnerehm... xD xD xD15:10
sebnerhellboy@ubuntu:~$ bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/sebner/firefox-extensions/all-in-one-sidebar.upstream all-in-one-sidebar.ubuntu15:10
sebnerbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/sebner/firefox-extensions/all-in-one-sidebar.upstream/".15:10
asacthere is a typo15:10
asacfind it :)15:10
asacyou can ge the branch statement from the website btw15:10
asaclook https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/all-in-one-sidebar.upstream15:11
elmargolok this did not fix my issue :(15:11
asacyou can copy paste it :)15:11
sebnerah true xD15:11
asacsebner: bzr branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sebner/firefox-extensions/all-in-one-sidebar.upstream test15:11
ftaelmargol, what issue ?15:11
asacthat works for me15:11
sebnerok gotit15:11
elmargolsomehow miro does no show thumbnails if i compile against xul1.915:12
asacelmargol: does it work in general?15:12
elmargolthe rest works great for me15:12
asacelmargol: please paste the output of ldd for the main binary and main shared lib (if any)15:12
asaci am curious about something15:13
ftathe thumbnails are generated by xine, not xul15:13
asacare those jpegs?15:13
elmargolyes jpg15:13
ftaxine_extractor to be precise15:13
asacelmargol: build the latest xulrunner branch15:14
asacelmargol: it contains a maybe fix for scaled jpegs15:14
ftai've pushed it my ppa a short while ago15:14
asacelmargol: i think the orig should be the same as in ftas archive15:14
sebnerasac: Ok I'm now editing the files in debian/15:14
elmargoljust run platform/gtk-x11/run.sh15:14
asacsebner: did you commit the XPI.INSTALL template already?15:14
asacelmargol: ldd output?15:14
sebnerasac: commit?15:15
elmargolldd of what?15:15
asacbinary and shared lib if any15:15
asaci guess its shared libs only though :)15:15
asacas its a xul app15:15
asacsebner: not important ... id suggest to commit the unmodified import first15:15
asacthen edit and commit that15:15
sebnerargh. too late :/15:16
asacelmargol: please :)15:16
asacsebner: please keep the changelog at UNRELEASED until the packaging is finished15:16
asacsebner:  you need to create a build.sh15:17
asacthat zips the .xpi files15:17
elmargolasac, this is a python application don't know how I use ldd on that15:17
asacoh python15:17
asacelmargol: there are also libs afaik15:17
asacthey mix things15:17
asacldd on that15:17
elmargolor ./xlibhelper.so15:17
* asac standing by15:19
elmargoljust give me a moment I have to recompile15:19
asacok ill wait :)15:19
RainCTasac: "6.10 Live CD with Persistence".. wtf is that? :P15:19
RainCTah I see; I don't understand the 6.10 though15:20
asacewll ...i think it might be worth to look if the actualy bug is still there15:20
asacread a bit like dataloss15:20
asacif it doesn't exist in what we have now, just closing is right :)15:20
elmargolfta, yes thumbs are extracted by xine15:21
elmargolthey are at ~/.miro/icon-cache and look ok15:21
ftai know, i've packaged miro for a long while ;)15:21
asacfta: so did you push the in-source jpeg already?15:21
ftaasac, yes15:21
ftait's building15:22
asacok ... elmargol wait a bit for a new package15:22
elmargoljust let me know15:22
sebnerasac: can I copy the build.sh from for ubufox example?15:22
asacelmargol: you addded the ppa to your sources? then just try in 20 minutes15:22
asacelmargol: what about ldd ?15:22
asaci really need to see that ;)15:22
elmargolstill building15:22
asacah ;)15:23
elmargolthey include libtorrent know wich takes forever to build15:23
asacsebner: the one for ubufox is too complex for now15:23
ftaa bit more thant 20min, even when built, it takes ~30 min to enter the repo15:23
asacwe will upgrade that later15:23
ftaasac, I've added a DEBIAN_DATE flag to my minefield packager.15:27
ftamake -f minefield-packager.mk.in DEBIAN_DATE=2008-03-21-04   => firefox-minefield_3.0~b5~build2008032104-1_i386.deb15:27
asacelmargol: libtorrent rasterbar?15:27
asacfta: whats the idea of minefield again?15:27
ftaregression testing15:27
ftacompare with our builds15:27
asacwhy is it helpful for regression testing?15:28
ftacheck if a bug is on our side or not15:28
asaci see its helpful to have daily builds or something, but why a diferent package?15:28
ftayou can install it along with ours15:28
asacfta: so minefield is a in-source xul?15:28
elmargolasac, http://pastebin.com/m53217a6f15:28
asacfta: ok ... with plain upstream mozconfig?15:29
asacfta: i think you should use the build flags from tinderbox15:29
asacand mayb edepend on the same gcc15:29
asaci guess for now15:29
ftai don't build it, it's a repack15:29
asacah ok15:29
asacso no amd :)15:29
ftayes, there is15:29
ftayes :)15:30
asacelmargol: how do you configure?15:30
asacwhich options?15:30
asacfta: what is a repack?15:30
elmargolasac, options for what?15:30
asacelmargol: configure15:30
asacor doesn't it use confiugre?15:30
asac(apparently this part was wiped from my brain:))15:31
asacfta: ah right15:31
ftaasac, I create a deb with the proper deps15:31
ftanot hardcoded15:31
elmargolasac, good question... they have python script for the build procress15:31
ftait's easy to install and remove, that's the idea of the deb15:31
asacfta: do you plan to publish those?15:32
ftait's in mozilla-devscript15:32
asaci have a bad feeling about having those in the wield.15:32
ftait's a different package name15:32
asacfta: yeah, but they use the same profile15:33
ftait's no different from the google earth package15:33
elmargolI think they use pkg-config mozilla-conf to get the options15:33
asacdoes that use the firefox profile as well?15:33
asacdo we distribute/encourage that?15:33
asacelmargol: libxul ?15:34
ftait's in a -devscript package and it requires to know a bit about make so i assume it's not for newbies15:34
asacfta: i have no problem having those in -devscripts15:34
elmargol xpcom = 'libxul'15:34
elmargol    gtkmozembed = 'libxul'15:34
asaci'd just like to not put them in some archive15:34
asacpushing those .debs to ppa for instance15:35
asacelmargol: bad thing is that they use -rpath15:36
asaccan you find that ?15:36
asacor -R15:36
asacas a linker flag15:36
ftano, i don't want to push the debs anywhere15:36
asacfta: then its great15:36
asacfta: it caused bug pain in past when users switch back and force from official build to our build15:37
ftaif someone need them, he will have to create them himself15:37
asacthats good15:37
ftasame as google earth, it's just an helper15:37
asacif they distribute them its beyond our reach (unless its in ubuntu)15:37
elmargolportable/libtorrent/src/Makefile.in:$(CXXLINK) -rpath $(libdir) $(libtorrent_la_LDFLAGS) $(libtorrent_la_OBJECTS) $(libtorrent_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)15:37
elmargolthats libtorrent only...15:38
asaci care for MOzillaBrowser.so15:38
ftagoogle earth provides /usr/bin/make-googleearth-package15:38
asacfta: where is that distributed?15:39
asacwhy does google earth use our profile?15:39
ftait's unrelated15:39
ftabut it's another example of a repack15:39
fta!info googleearth-package hardy15:39
asacyeah ... but the difference is important for me15:39
asaci don't care about a repack of something that doesn't influence behaviour of our packages :)15:40
asacbut i am fine to have it in mozilla-devscripts15:40
asacits ment solely for developers to test regressions15:40
asacor to get a good debug build15:40
ftawell, i don't see how i can change the profile of those nigthlies without rebuilding15:40
asacbut that isn't possible i guess ;)15:40
asacfta: we can build15:40
asacwe should just use tinderbox flags and the same compiler15:41
asacthat should be identical15:41
asacthe other regressions can be neglected i guess15:41
ftathe idea was to check an official build15:41
asacbut checking that is already pretty easy.15:42
asacyou can just unpack the upstream tarballs15:42
asacbut anyway ;) ... i am fine with whatever you want :)15:43
asacif they are just in mozilla-devscripts15:43
asacsebner: everything ok on your side?15:43
ftayep, no plan to put that anywhere else15:44
asacelmargol: where can i get the latest miro sources?15:44
asacis there asvn?15:44
asacfta: we should try to figure how to improve the debuggability of our packages15:44
asaci had problems because of the split15:44
sebnerasac: I pushed the *.ubuntu (10 minutes ago) but it's not ready yet. meanwhile I builded a *.deb file (dirty dirty dirty) xD15:44
asacthats why i use my plain checkout tree for debugging15:45
asacbut that is painful as its regularly outdated :)15:45
asacsebner: how isn't it ready?15:45
ftaasac, me too, we only get a half stack15:45
asacsebner: is Launchpad broken?15:45
ftathe !$# dlopen15:45
sebnerasac: This branch has not been pushed to yet.15:45
asacsebner: you again aborted ... or launchpad is really shaky15:46
asacsebner: if its still in that state you need to repush i guess15:46
sebnerasac: I swear I didn't aborted. I got the message "Branch created"15:46
asacyeah ... i believe you15:46
asacfriday it started to be painful15:46
sebnerI'll delete it and push agin15:47
asacthanks ... and sorry15:47
asacusually it just works15:47
sebner^^. I can say that this part auf motuing isn't my prefered one. nvm. :)15:48
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6186/  the print to pdf crash15:50
asacwhere is upstream crash db nowadays?15:51
ftastrange, it's different from yesterday15:51
elmargolasac, did you try the branch?15:51
asacelmargol: i had to ask them something about the launchpad project registered for miro15:52
asaclet me look15:52
asacelmargol: eh, how do I build that?15:53
elmargol cd platform/gtk-x11/; ./run.sh15:54
asacsebner: you'll learn to love it ;)15:54
asacwhat a great name15:54
sebnerasac: we'll see. But for now I start hating LP. 6 minutes since the latest upload and LP isn't going on with it :\15:55
sebnerasac: now I have a This branch has not been scanned yet. ^^15:56
asacsebner: thats good15:56
asacshould be done soon15:57
sebnerbut LP is terrible slowly (again)15:57
asaclet me whip them ;)15:58
asacsebner: but i guess you can branch through bzr+ssh now15:59
asacsebner: just move ahead ... launchpad will be fixed15:59
asacyou can also see if you already push properly by running bzr push again15:59
asacit should tell you that there are no revisions to push15:59
asacelmargol: do you ave all build-depends at hand?16:00
asacelmargol: but you didn't setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something, right?16:02
sebnerasac: yep. no revision to push. What's next? (Besides creating a build.sh?) the wiki page is at the end when saying building with debuild -b ;)16:03
asacsebner: paste your rules please16:03
asacsebner: does sh build.sh work?16:03
asacdoes it creat a .xpi that you can install ?16:03
sebnerI haven't got a build.sh yet because you said we don't need it (for now)16:03
asacsebner: we need it in .ubuntu16:04
asacbut its simple16:04
elmargolppa is completed .D16:04
asacjust create a zip file (name doesn't matter as long it ends with .xpi)16:04
asacwith all the files in it16:04
sebnerasac: :P http://pastebin.com/m33b5f2c716:04
asacyes you need build.sh and enable that in the rules16:04
asacdo that on the ubuntu branch16:05
sebnerah what build.sh should I use now?16:05
asacand document in changelog. changelog changes are committed in the same commit as the files16:05
asacsebner: write a simple one16:05
asacits just one line :)16:05
asaczip -r all-in-one-sidebar.xpi chrome.manifest install.rdf ...16:05
asacso that all except the biulds.sh script and the debian/ dir are inside16:06
asacyou need to add zip as build-depends in control as well16:06
sebnergood to know ^^16:07
ftaA problem internal to GDB has been detected,16:07
ftafurther debugging may prove unreliable.16:07
ftaQuit this debugging session? (y or n) y16:07
ftaA problem internal to GDB has been detected,16:07
ftafurther debugging may prove unreliable.16:07
ftaCreate a core file of GDB? (y or n)16:07
sebnerasac: how to enable build.sh in debian/rules?16:08
asacsebner: look closely ;)16:10
asacyoull find16:10
sebnerah and I found another mistake :D16:11
asacelmargol: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6187/ ... that can't be right :)16:11
sebnerasac: ok. what next? again a bzr add?16:11
asacsebner: you need to fix the PKG NAME16:11
asacsebner: yes, add the build.sh16:11
asac(but nothing else i hope) :)16:11
asacadd build.sh16:12
sebnerdone done done16:12
asacand commit all16:12
asaclook at the xulrunner-1.9.head branch16:12
asacto see what form we use16:12
asac(if possible) :)16:12
elmargolasac, I do only testing... I don't code16:13
sebnerasac: THANK YOU for all. I have to leave now. Continue later (evening) ?16:14
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6188/  better16:16
asacfta: can you run in gdb and break at specific lines?16:17
asaci couldn't do that with the packages recently16:17
asacfta: i think a real debug build would be more helpful16:18
asacwe might see assertions before that crash16:18
asacfta: can you reproduce?16:18
asacsebner: yes16:18
ftaasac, reproduce ? with our builds, 100%. with the nighlies, no16:19
elmargolasac, I don't see whats wrong there...16:20
sebnerasac: fine. latest revision is now only. (if you want to take a look at it ..) Really first quick and dirty try :) afk now16:22
asacsebner: only=16:22
asacdoes it work?16:23
asacfta: so its gone in b5?16:23
ftab5 crashes16:23
elmargolthats the output /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9b5/lib16:23
sebnerasac: hmm. I don't now if it's 100% valid and ok but yes it's working. I started build.sh and installed the .xpi file16:24
sebnerasac: hmm but I can't build a pakage -.-, nvm. I'll look at it later16:25
asacfta: in-source cairo fixes it?16:29
asacelmargol: sorry i lost the context16:29
asacelmargol: what outputs that?16:29
ftai don't know16:29
asacfta: i guess it does16:30
asacbloody cairo16:30
asacelmargol: yes ... that shouldn't be needed16:31
asacanyway calling the set_comp_path function in the else looks bogus16:32
asacas its NULL :)16:32
elmargolwty the new package does not fix my thumb problem16:33
asacthat patch still works ... so all looks decent16:34
asacelmargol: it doesn't?16:36
elmargolI still don't see those jpegs16:36
asacelmargol: where are the thumbs16:38
asacworks nicely for me16:38
asacno ... i mean where in miro are they broken?16:38
elmargolthats the strange thing... it works for the main developer too16:38
elmargolIf I search something on youtube16:39
asacplease post a screenshot16:39
elmargolor if I click on a channel16:39
asacsorr<y ... how do i do that?16:39
asaci just have a plain profile16:39
asacbut i see lots of pics16:39
asaclike in startes channel16:39
asachmm ... there are a few that just have black16:40
asacworks with my devtree16:42
asacand with my xulrunnern package16:42
asacelmargol: what video driver are you using?16:43
asacit doesn't play while downloading?16:44
asacthats unfortunate :)16:45
asacwould be great i guess16:45
elmargolits on the todo list16:45
elmargoldo you think this bug is driver related?16:46
asacelmargol: what do i need to play that?16:46
asacelmargol: yes.16:46
asacelmargol: can nvidia do EXA?16:46
elmargolwtf is exa16:47
elmargoli try the open source driver.. now16:47
asaccan be XAA or EXA16:48
asacelmargol: what do i need to play youtube files?16:48
elmargolswitching to the free nvidia driver does not help16:50
asacok i could switch to gstreamer16:51
asaceven better16:51
sebnerasac: http://pastebin.com/m635d764716:52
ftaasac, it's weird, for liferea, it was broken for me since 1.9~b4~cvs20080227t1139 was in my ppa, now, 1.9~b4~cvs20080227t1130 and 1.9~b4~cvs20080227t1230 are ok but 1.9~b4~cvs20080228t0000 is not16:54
asacsebner: hmm ... i think xpi.mk canoot deal with the install.rdf layout16:54
elmargolasac, you are on intel?16:55
elmargolor ati?16:55
asacintel right now16:55
elmargolhmm could be a nvidia issue16:55
sebnerasac: http://pastebin.com/m7556e0db16:55
elmargoldo you have a test to see if my driver supports this?16:55
asacsebner: set the em id of the extension in rules16:58
asaccareful the template is wrong, its MOZ_XPI_EMID16:58
asacnot MOZ_EMID16:58
asacelmargol: unfortunately i only have ati and intel right now16:58
asacthe nvidia machine is not installed16:58
asacmothballed in the trunk16:59
asacsebner: figure?16:59
asacyou can find the em:id in th install.rdf16:59
asactake care that you pick the one of the extension (not of the targetapplications)16:59
sebnerI'll try17:00
sebnerasac: MOZ_XPI_EM_ID := {097d3191-e6fa-4728-9826-b533d755359d}  ???17:07
sebnerasac: found the mistake -.-17:12
sebnerasac: installed the *.deb . Working :D17:13
sebnerso. clean *.upstream and *.ubuntu a little bit up I suppose :)17:16
jetsaredimasac: haven't checked on the webdeveloper bug17:21
jetsaredimalso - sorry I haven't had a chance to get to the other extensions17:21
jetsaredimhad a shit-ton of work going on this week17:21
asacthats ok17:24
asacwe still have time till the beginning of next week :)17:24
asacjetsaredim: ^^17:24
asacsebner: why cleanup upstream?17:28
sebnerasac: yeah. I already noticed that I'm telling crap ^^17:29
sebnerasac: pushing revision 5 (ignore the previous ones ^^). That's the result of my hard work ^17:29
asacsebner: did you add the Bzr-Vcs: header to control?17:33
asacsebner: in your copyright it reads "  You can find the complete license text in /usr/share/doc/speeddial"17:40
asacthat can't be right :)17:40
sebnerxD true. I'll change that17:59
sebnerasac: how can I fix http://pastebin.com/m6867eaca ?18:29
RainCTsebner: rename the file :P18:30
sebnerRainCT: O_o. was that a serious advice? ^^18:31
RainCTsebner: I also had that problem with adblock-plus.. installing the license as MPL-1.1.txt.gz solved it18:31
RainCTof course ^^18:31
sebnerRainCT: cool. thx ^^18:31
RainCT(that is, as MPL-1.1.txt, it will be compressed automatically by debhelper)18:31
sebnerRainCT: but this extensions has a 3 licence system. What about "licensefile" ?18:32
RainCTsebner: what does license.txt contain?18:33
RainCTall three licenses?18:33
sebnerRainCT: http://pastebin.com/m69404cdd18:33
RainCTsebner: that should be in debian/copyright18:35
RainCTand you'll need a copy of the MPL too18:35
sebnerRainCT: http://pastebin.com/m2e71fc24 ^^18:35
RainCTsebner: that's debian/rules?18:37
RainCTsebner: read your last sentence carefuly :P18:37
sebnerRainCT: he?? this is debian/copyright18:39
RainCTof course I mean debian/rules :P18:40
RainCTsebner: but still, read your last sentence (on that file)18:40
sebnerthat it has a 3 license system?18:40
RainCTsebner: "full text of the GNU GPL can always be found in the /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1"18:41
sebnerRainCT: hey. that's not my fault. I copied it :P18:42
RainCTand you don't mention the location to the GPL18:42
* RainCT prefers using just "LGPL", without versions, if the license says "or later", btw18:42
sebnerThat's one of the things I hate on doing motu stuff. licensing. We should kill them all18:43
ftaRainCT, oh, you pushed venkman.. i guess I can stop doing xulrunner-1.9-venkman then18:45
sebnerRainCT: what should I do for the MPL? I can point at the firefox directory but what if firefox isn't installed18:46
RainCTsebner: include a copy18:47
sebnerhmm. how ^^18:47
RainCTfta: erm.. what? :P18:47
RainCTfta: I just changed the description (and replaced dependencies on transitional packages in favor for the real ones)18:48
sebnerRainCT: ah. does it have to be in the directory or in debian/18:50
RainCTsebner: you choose18:52
RainCTI added it to the directory but I guess either is good18:53
sebnerRainCT: and what about license.txt ? Can I delete it? because I have debian/copyright and MPL now19:11
ftaasac, Kazehakase-0.5.4 out19:26
sebnerasac: Revision 6 is out. ^^19:27
sebnerasac: PPA build also succeded19:35
jturkhi, I have a reproducible bug but I'm not sure exactly who it'll belong to22:04
jturkon hardy w/ FF3b4, if twitterfox is open switching away from firefox then back to it locks up the system, cpu usage shoots to 100% and only a hard reset will fix22:04
jturkI haven't been able to find anything useful in logs yet, any tips so I can know if this is an X thing, a firefox thing, or a twitterfox thing (it didn't used to happen so I'm sort of thinking it might be FFb4 or X)22:06
ftaasac, the liferea regression is in there: http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsquery.cgi?treeid=default&module=all&branch=HEAD&branchtype=match&dir=&file=&filetype=match&who=&whotype=match&sortby=Date&hours=2&date=explicit&mindate=2008-02-26+21%3A30&maxdate=2008-02-26+22%3A30&cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot22:30
ftaok, it's mozilla bug 41546023:11
ubotuMozilla bug 415460 in Places "searching in places queries does not decode urls" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41546023:11

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