
rhineheart_mhello.. how to change the homedirectory of a user?01:12
faulkes-Bit Rate=60 Mb/s   Tx-Power=14 dBm03:20
faulkes-always nice to see that ;)03:20
rhineheart_mhello.. how to determine if IPV6 is the cause of intermittent connection03:32
rhineheart_mI just so curious about this before heading into disabling IPV6 in my server..03:33
haji88Hi I'm trying to start a FTP server and this is my first time, so here is my question I got proftp installed and I can access the server and upload and download files on my local network, but how can I access the server from the internet. I mean do I need like an online host or something like that?03:41
rhineheart_mhello.. is disabling IPV6 cannot disrupt web server operation?03:49
rhineheart_mI only found out that my router cannot support IPv6.. and I guess it might be the reason of intermittent connection in my LAN03:50
rhineheart_many feedback please..03:50
haji88I guess nobody is here :-(03:51
rhineheart_mthey're here but they are sleeping.. LOL03:51
haji88I guess03:51
rhineheart_mokay.. let me help you :)03:54
rhineheart_mjust do port forwarding port 21 in your router to your box03:54
rhineheart_munless you've changed the default port number03:55
haji88no my port still 2103:55
haji88but I don't know what should I do to connect to my server over the internet03:56
rhineheart_mokay.. then try it03:56
rhineheart_myou could use filezilla or any ftp client. what matters most in here.. your box supports ftp service03:57
rhineheart_mand your router/firewall allows external access to ftp port03:57
haji88sorry I wasn't clear, what I meant is what should I type in filezilla to get connected to my server?03:58
rhineheart_mmmm.. just type in your IP in the host then the username and pssword then port number03:59
haji88does this work online?03:59
rhineheart_mthere should be boxes corresponding those data03:59
haji88sorry but I don't get it04:00
rhineheart_mmmm.. try this: http://helppages.obsidian.com.au/HelpCenter/tutorial/filezilla04:02
haji88ok I'll give it a try, thanks! :)04:03
owhsommer: ping04:11
sommerowh: yo04:14
owhHey. Did you get the email I just send a few minutes ago?04:14
* sommer checking04:14
sommerowh: ya, I haven't read through your entire diff yet04:16
sommerfrom what I have though I think most of the spelling errors were corrected04:16
owhsommer: There was a server 500 error on bzr.launchpad to download the C directory and some of the .xml files, so I asked in #LP and was given a tgz by spiv.04:16
owhsommer: Is there a way to check if my source and your current version are the same?04:17
sommerum, what happens if you do bzr update?04:17
owhsommer: I cannot do that, I have a vSat connection and downloading the 88Mb of the document tree takes many hours.04:17
owhsommer: The biggest problem is not the 88Mb, it's that each file comes down individually.04:18
sommerowh: ah, one sec04:18
owhsommer: If I look at the file times on this directory, they're all from different times all on 27-03-200804:19
owhsommer: Is there an embedded version string anywhere?04:20
sommerowh:  I don't think so04:20
owhsommer: Crap, and we call ourselves developers :|04:21
sommerI call myself sommer :)04:21
* owh tries to enforce version control in configuration files even.04:22
owhsommer: I just checked one of the files. What I have and what bazar has as the original are the same.04:25
sommerowh: ya, the last commit to the serverguide was:  Sat 2008-03-22 16:59:56 -040004:25
owhsommer: That means that my edits are edits with respect to what is currently in bazar.04:25
owhsommer: The last commit, does it contain your updates?04:25
sommeryes, but not the ones you sent me04:26
owhsommer: Cool, then the server guide as it stands is still riddled with spelling errors, let alone inconsistencies.04:26
owhsommer: Would you like me to give you a diff that excludes example.com changes etc?04:27
keithclarkDoes anyone know is ssh is broken between a computer running 8.04 and one running 7.10?04:27
owhsommer: Just typos and spelling errors?04:27
owhkeithclark: Works for me. Perhaps you have v2 vs. v1 issues.04:27
sommerowh: sure, but I'll have to double check that it's cool to commit it04:27
owhsommer: If you can do that before I do the work, that would be appreciated.04:28
owhkeithclark: What I meant with my cryptic response is that sometimes you can force sshd to ignore v1 connects.04:28
sommerowh: okay, I'll have to ask Matt East who is in UTC time zone, so it'll be tomorrow04:28
keithclarkowh, not sure.  I can access the 7.10 from the 8.04 machine, read the directories and even play media files.  But, when I try to save something to it, a progress bar comes up and nothing else happens.  The remote computer is also no longer available until a logout/login.04:29
owhsommer: That's cool. If you can tell me from my first email which things you don't want, then I can do something about it. But apart from username and example.com changes, I've not changed actual words.04:29
owhkeithclark: I have no idea what you are trying to describe. If you can connect and read directories across ssh, then the problem is not ssh.04:30
sommerowh: what I was getting at in my reply is that some of the spelling mistakes in the diff you sent me are fixed04:30
keithclarkowh, I can connect and read, until I try to save a file.04:30
sommerdoes that make sense?04:30
owhsommer: No.04:30
owhsommer: Specifically:04:30
keithclarkowh, I cannot write to the disc.  No error, just a frozen progress bar.04:30
sommerthe firt entry in backup.xml where I had "Backuping"04:31
sommerI caught that with the last commit04:31
owhsommer: Well, bazaar does not show that.04:31
rhineheart_mI tried this: lsmod | grep ipv  and this is the response: ipv6                  278916  24 what does it mean?04:31
owhsommer: I just downloaded it from bazaar then and I still have backuping.04:32
owhkeithclark: How are you "saving a file"?04:32
keithclarkowh, copy/paste with Nautilus and sftp://04:33
owhkeithclark: sftp != ssh04:33
owhrhineheart_m: If you run lsmod | head, you'll see the column names :)04:34
keithclarkowh ???04:34
owhkeithclark: sftp and ssh are not the same.04:34
rhineheart_mcan anybody here has an idea on how to remove IPV6?04:35
rhineheart_mI tried this one.. sudo rmmod ipv6   and I got this error: ERROR: Module ipv6 is in use04:35
owhrhineheart_m: Your Ethernet interfaces are likely using it.04:36
rhineheart_mI tried : lsmod | grep ipv  and this is the response: ipv6                  278916  2404:36
sommerowh: ah, there's more than one backuping... doh04:36
sommerI must have hit the ignore key when using aspell04:36
keithclarkowh, but sftp uses ssh, no?04:37
owhrhineheart_m: Yes, that just means that there are no other modules using it, not that the module itself isn't in use.04:37
rhineheart_moaky.. so how would I disable IPV6? I am in the remote end04:37
owhkeithclark: Yes.04:38
owhrhineheart_m: Without losing Ethernet connectivity, I doubt that you can.04:38
keithclarkowh, ok I guess I don't have a handle on my problem then.04:38
owhrhineheart_m: I would not recommend doing ifdown eth0, because that would kill your remote connection.04:38
owhsommer: That means that most of my diff is very relevant.04:38
owhkeithclark: Yes.04:39
rhineheart_mso you mean.. the only way to do it is to work on it in the site?04:39
owhkeithclark: I suspect that you are looking at a permission issue, not an ssh issue.04:39
sommerowh: probably, I'll try and check through it tomorrow, but there's still an issue with getting it committed04:39
keithclarkBut I log in as me on the remote machine.04:39
sommerpost freeze and all04:39
owhrhineheart_m: I do not know. I would like to understand why you would feel the need to disable IPv6, even if you're not using it. Personally I have no IPv6 experience at all.04:40
keithclarkowh, and if I log in as me and I am accessing my directories on the remote machine, it should work, no?04:40
owhsommer: That is very true. I tried to get this all sorted out two weeks ago, but was unable to actually get the server guide downloaded :(04:40
rhineheart_mI think IPV6 causes the internet disruption since my router doesn't support it..04:40
sommerowh: do you think it's a huge issue as it is now?  aside from the spelling mistakes :-)04:41
owhrhineheart_m: If it does not support it, there should be no interaction at all. The machine would use IPv4 to get to the world. From what you've described thus far, I suspect you have a different issue than you think you do.04:41
sommerthe consistancy thing is good, but I thought that each section was pretty consistant04:41
owhsommer: Well it reflects poorly on our QA, it's going to be around for many years and we're not talking about changes that will affect any translation efforts.04:42
owhsommer: I think its important to get it right.04:42
rhineheart_mowh, I just got this idea: Ubuntu has a newer Internet protocol called IPv6 turned on by default. However, some hardware — such as NICs and modems — shows broken behavior when exposed to IPv6 related DNS requests. This leaves you wondering why DNS resolution seems slower or doesn't work at all.04:42
owhrhineheart_m: Well, are you exposed to IPv6 related DNS requests?04:43
sommerowh: it reflects on my QA... heh, the issue isn't that the translation is different it's that once you change the string you have to ask the translators to go back and check each one04:43
sommerand since they're all volunteers...04:44
rhineheart_mowh, how to determine if I'm exposed?04:44
owhsommer: No, the string is the same. We're talking about a string that has an ID. I'm not adding/deleting lines, just repairing borked words.04:44
owhrhineheart_m: What is the actual problem you're trying to solve?04:44
sommerowh: right, but they use LP to do the translation and it shows up that a string has changed04:45
sommerso they then have to go back and check it04:45
owhkeithclark: I think you're describing a permission/path issue, but I don't know that for sure. It may be that your sftp client is broken. I do not know.04:45
owhsommer: Well, I do not know how rosetta works, but I would think that you can mark those changes as spelling errors. (If we remove the username/example.com changes.)04:46
sommerowh: maybe, I just know that it was a minor issue when I corrected the ones I caught last week, which was only a few days after SF04:47
keithclarkowh, thanks for trying.  I'll keep searching.04:47
sommerowh: I'll certainly ask though04:47
owhkeithclark: Why not use scp in the mean time?04:47
owhsommer: Sure.04:47
rhineheart_mowh, I have been diagnosing the problem of your network for almost a month already the ADSL modem is already new and the analog line has been replaced with a new one the ISP is responding well but they couldn't get really about the problem I'm just suspecting that IPV6 causing the intermittern connection especially when I am working to my box remotely.. I mean.. updating my website.. the MTU has been set to 1300 already which is I believe the04:47
rhineheart_mrecommended one..when I got disconnected.. the only way to be connected again is to refresh the connection04:47
owhrhineheart_m: My network?04:48
rhineheart_msorry.. my network04:48
owhrhineheart_m: So, you are seeing random disconnects, is that the problem?04:48
rhineheart_mBTW..I'm on ADSL static PPPoE and the dialer is my router04:50
owhrhineheart_m: Sigh, I didn't really want to get into a big thing right this second, but I'll get a glass of water and come back.04:50
rhineheart_mowh, okay. I will wait for you04:50
owhrhineheart_m: Lets start at the beginning.04:50
owhrhineheart_m: The remote computer is running which OS?04:51
rhineheart_mubuntu 7.1004:51
owhrhineheart_m: Server?04:51
rhineheart_mnO GUI04:51
owhrhineheart_m: How is it connected to the world?04:51
rhineheart_maccessing SSH04:51
rhineheart_mhttp and ssh04:52
owhrhineheart_m: How is it connected to the world?04:52
rhineheart_mwhat do you mean with how it is connected to the world? internet04:52
owhrhineheart_m: What is plugged into what?04:53
owhrhineheart_m: This is not a trick question.04:53
rhineheart_mSERVER>linksys (wrt54g) >adsl modem>internet04:54
rhineheart_mowh, can I talk to you privately?04:54
owhrhineheart_m: The ADSL link is PPoE?04:54
owhrhineheart_m: Sure, if you pay me $120 AUD per hour to personally solve your problems.04:54
owhrhineheart_m: Otherwise we'll stay right here.04:54
rhineheart_myeah it is04:55
owhSo, the WRT54g is running the PPoE client?04:55
owhrhineheart_m: Are there any other computers connected to the WRT54g?04:56
rhineheart_myeah running windows04:57
owhrhineheart_m: Are they losing connectivity?04:57
keithclarkowh: Never used it before.04:57
owhkeithclark: Used what?04:57
keithclarkowh: scp04:57
owhkeithclark: It's very nice: scp myFile bob@remote:/home/bob/thing/foo/bob04:58
owhkeithclark: That copies myFile to the remote computer and names it bob.04:58
owhrhineheart_m: Then the problem has likely nothing to do with your server or IPv6. It's more likely to be related to the WRT54g or the ADSL connection itself. Also the MTU is normally 1500, not 1300.04:59
keithclarkowh: Yup, got you, and I think you are right. Permission errors.04:59
keithclarkowh, but I log in as me on the remote.  Same as if I were there.05:00
owhkeithclark: Yes, but if you're putting it into a place where you're not allowed to write, then it won't matter :)05:00
keithclarkIt is in my home directory05:00
owhkeithclark: Run the scp command with the -v switch and see what it tells you.05:01
owhkeithclark: -v == verbose05:01
keithclarkowh, sorry (face red) typo.05:01
owhkeithclark: ROTFL - it happens to all of us.05:01
keithclarkowh: (blushing) it is working!05:02
owhkeithclark: I once couldn't find a bug that had $daemon and $deamon in it.05:02
owhkeithclark: All good!05:02
keithclarkowh: hahahaha....05:02
keithclarkowh:  So I take it that my Nautilus/sftp is broken and not ssh.05:02
owhkeithclark: It wasn't that funny at the time :)05:02
owhkeithclark: I couldn't say.05:03
keithclarkowh, no worries, scp is easy.05:03
owhrhineheart_m: What have you done about troubleshooting.05:03
keithclarkowh, and thank you for your help!05:03
owhrhineheart_m: The skill is in eliminating them one at a time. The fact that the Windows computers are experiencing the same issue, indicates that its something that they have in common with your server, eg. the ADSL connection or the router.05:04
rhineheart_mowh, connecting to internet directly without the router05:04
owhkeithclark: No problem.05:04
owhrhineheart_m: What did that show?05:04
rhineheart_mowh, I did it before.. not yet this time.. I guess I have to try standalone this time05:05
rhineheart_mowh, but before I bought the router.. same thing.. but the analog line wasn't changed yet05:06
owhrhineheart_m: My personal guess is that the ADSL link is losing sync. Likely that's caused by either an ISP level fault, an exchange fault, physically connecting the ADSL network incorrectly to the phone system.05:06
owhrhineheart_m: I doubt the router has anything to do with the issue, but its possible,05:07
owhrhineheart_m: that the router is disconnecting the PPoE connection on idle.05:07
rhineheart_mowh, you have really the experience there.. :)05:07
owhrhineheart_m: Often problems like this are the simple things, not the complicated things.05:07
owhrhineheart_m: Yeah, 26 or so years will do that :)05:08
owhrhineheart_m: That is 26 years in the industry :)05:08
owhrhineheart_m: Have fun. I'm off.05:09
rhineheart_mowh, thanks for the inputs05:09
owhrhineheart_m: No problem.05:09
sten_hi.  I've found the one-liner "992 inet n - n - - smtpd" to  main.cf, to open a second smtp port, but "postfix check" returns:08:49
sten_missing '=' after attribute name: "992 inet n - n - - smtpd"08:49
sten_This is Postfix 2.5.1, on gutsy08:49
sten_ah, it's supposed to go in master.cf...08:58
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mib_bdg8wqCan useraccounts be setup on ubuntu-server, so that when users login on their computers they connect to the server so files etc. are stored on there, not locally?10:48
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rhineheart_mhow to change system time in console?14:28
ClaesBasman date! and maybe man hwclock14:30
rhineheart_mows.. how to exit in man date?14:32
ClaesBasmay man man also.....14:32
rhineheart_mthanks.. I just dunno how to change time in man date..14:32
ClaesBasI meant maybe14:32
ClaesBasdate -s 03301533200800 && hwclock -w14:33
rhineheart_mows.. I can't really get you.14:33
ClaesBasBut it's better to install and config ntp which syncronize with some goot clocksource14:34
ClaesBasOr use ntpdate14:35
rhineheart_mokay.. thanks.. I remembered I installed ntpdate before.. and it must be running14:35
DeepsHi, I'm trying to tranfer some files over an NFS share from a remote source over a slow link, and when i'm reading files from the nfs share, top reports a lot of IO wait, and if i'm writing, it goes bezerk, and the whole system slows to a crawl14:44
ClaesBasntpdate asks from time from a timeserver and sets it....14:44
DeepsI know it's not a local issue as i can transfer files from my machine to another machine via scp at much higher speeds without any problem14:45
ClaesBasAnybody here who have a server with lm-sensors running with ipmisensors (Redhat and others distros have it)?14:48
ClaesBasNo one with lmsensors running on a Proliant?15:02
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kjdxDay I speak Italian and I try to speak English through google translate to find a support configured postfix but I can not understand how I have to do to generate a FQDN make it work for some of you I know how to say?15:55
kjdxI have a server ubuntu 7.10 does everything except Inbound outgoing can send the15:56
kjdxSomeone I know I am helping to solve the problem?15:56
ClaesBaskjdx can you "Paste" your main.cf...16:00
kjdxFor the configuration I followed this link:16:08
kjdxBut I do not know what I have to put FQDN16:08
ClaesBaskjdx: I don't think you could have a smtp-server as "localhost"!16:08
ClaesBasYou have to have a real hostname which exist on dns!16:09
kjdxI have 8 websites active in name-based server16:09
kjdxI can make one of these?16:10
ClaesBasI that hostname is "hosted" on this machine16:11
ClaesBasI meant if (s/I/If)16:11
kjdxsorry I did not understand16:12
ClaesBasChange the line: myhostname = <to_your_real_hostname>16:13
ClaesBaskjdx: I must leave for while now, hope you get it to work....16:14
kjdxI changed and sent me back an email but this16:17
kjdxI changed after I rebooted postfix16:17
kjdxThree weeks trying to fix this thing :|16:19
lamontnomesito.com lacks mx and a rrs16:23
kjdxHow it works?16:25
ClaesBasIs your "mailservers" ip
kjdxAh ok hours trying16:37
kjdxIp that put put ip server that is, sites or have given ip to a mail server?16:50
kjdxBecause I tried with ip of the server that is what they use for sites but does not work16:50
kjdxI do not know what to do more16:59
AtomicSparki recently installed the new 8.04 beta server cd on a hp netserver 4something and i had that "doesnt go past loading local boot scripts" issue. now i've had this on my notebook for 7.10 alt and 8.04 both desktop too. is this a issue with the installer? it can't be drivers if this happens on more then one machine, expecially one that doesnt use GUI.20:45
yarddogim running 6.06 LTS, i wonder when it will be stable to upgrade to the 8.04 LTS20:53
sommeryarddog: definitely by the release date :-)20:54
yarddogwould i just change my sources.list or would i need a cd for that?20:54
sommeryarddog: the best way is to use the do-release-upgrade command21:01
sommerpart of update-manager-core package21:02
yarddoglooking at it now21:02
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jeandaniel_Hello, can the hardy heron server be easily installed without a graphical environment?22:36
ScottKThat's the only way it can be installed.22:37
jeandaniel_I installed hardy heron from the alternate CD, I installed kvm and downloaded the hardy jeos. I tried several kvm option to install jeos in a vm but could not get to a console. kvm on a graphical environment will launch an xterm on which one can see the boot and log in as in a console. Here without an X server running kvm will not launch. How can I do to install a vm without X server?22:44
jeandaniel_this is one of the option I tried :22:44
jeandaniel_sudo kvm -hda /dev/mapper/marge-trac -m 512 -boot d -cdrom /home/jd/hardy-jeos-i386.iso -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:16:3e:00:00:0122:44
tmadsenhi, I'm trying to set up a bridge. Do any of you have a good introduction to the subject, that maybe also digs a little deeper than basics?22:48
jeandaniel_i also tried the option " -nographic -monitor stdio" but it implies that grub is configured to write to the console, and it also implies that the system has a getty listening on a tty configured in inittab. How can we configure such a thing now inittab is gone is favor of upstart?22:50
jeandaniel_tmadsen: what do you want to do with your bridge? because if you want virtual machines hooked to the network via a local bridge on eth0, then I have found enough information for my needs on the website of kvm, on the debian install page22:53
tmadseni have a setup that is like 4 machines that need access to the internet trough a 5th jeandaniel_22:53
tmadsenno virtual machines22:54
jeandaniel_It seems to me that in this context, the 5th machine can be set as a router22:55
jeandaniel_a routeur and a NAT usually22:56
jeandaniel_does  the first 4 machines  have routable addresses or are they on a private network?22:58
jeandaniel_if they are on a private network, then you definitely need a routeur and a NAT22:58
tmadsenjeandaniel_: NAT is not an option for me, two of the machines are webhosts (port 80), and I'm pretty sure it should be possible to do it via bridging23:08
jeandaniel_ok, then I am pretty sure your 4 first machine are not on a private network, and indeed i can be solved via a bridge23:12

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