
ere4si!compiz > kkathman00:00
MoogaI'm back00:00
kkathmanthanks ere4si  interesting ubuntu does ship that and kubuntu doesnt00:01
MoogaI had problems with a db being locked00:01
Odd-rationaleMooga: have you tried aptitude?00:01
Moogaevery time00:01
pcnerd37I am new to linux and google isnt being helpful.  Could somebody point me in the right direction for installing programs, specifically pidgin?00:01
Moogaboth gui and not00:01
Moogawhen using the GUI is staying stuck at 0% for hours00:02
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:02
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: See the link from ubotu00:02
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: are you using kubuntu or ubuntu?00:02
Odd-rationaleMooga: what happens if you do "sudo aptitude update"00:03
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: kubpidginuntu has kopete which is just about as good (if not better) than00:03
Moogano error00:04
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: wait. sorry that got messed up.. :?00:04
Moogano error00:04
pcnerd37just a bit, but i understand what you are saying00:04
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: kubuntu was kopete which is just about as good as pidgin.00:04
Mooga1 sec...00:04
Odd-rationaleMooga: Now try "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"00:05
Odd-rationaleMooga_: now try "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"00:05
=== ubuntu_ is now known as jast-mxm
jast-mxmhey, i messed up my window decorations and kdm crashes all the time now00:06
pcnerd37kopete would be fine, but for some reason I cant get MSN to work on it00:06
jast-mxmanyone familiar w/ windows decorations and kde4?00:06
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:07
jast-mxmlike the panel that lets you change from oxygen to plastik, etc00:07
Odd-rationalejast-mxm: try asking in #kubuntu-kde400:07
Mooga_it gives me a y/n promot00:07
jast-mxmawesome thanks00:07
Mooga_and I press y00:07
Odd-rationalepcnerd37: tried amsn?00:07
Odd-rationale!info amsn00:07
Mooga_an error or 200:07
pcnerd37never heard of it00:07
Odd-rationaleoh, yeah. !info doesnt work anymore...00:08
pcnerd37I am a windows person that was forced to linux because my laptops recovery cd doesnt work00:08
Mooga_DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process00:08
jast-mxmwhat command are you using mooga?00:08
jast-mxmtry this: "sudo killall -9 adept_updater"00:08
Mooga_I'm chating on my laptop, installing on my desktop :-P00:09
jast-mxmand try again00:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptissues - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:09
jast-mxmadept is probably still running in the background00:09
Mooga_now try updating again?00:09
Mooga_or cmd?00:09
Odd-rationaleMooga_: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade00:10
pcnerd37I have had limited linux experience in the past, mainly with Slackware, but that was years ago so I dont remember much00:11
jast-mxmthese people are no help00:12
jast-mxmno answers at all00:12
DarkriftXhow can i change the window resize zone sensitivity?00:12
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:12
DarkriftXto resize a window, i have to play with getting the mouse in the right spot for sometimes 15 seconds00:12
jast-mxmodd-rationale: not you the people in kubuntu-kde400:12
Mooga_it's working :)00:12
theperryfamilys this where I can ask questions about the 7.10 to 8.04beta upgrade issues?00:13
Mooga_I think that's donw00:14
draikIs anyone using nVidia GeForce 7200GS? If so, how good/bad is it?00:15
Mooga_now how would I do dual screens with an ATI card?00:15
Mooga_now how would I do dual screens with an ATI card?00:17
DarkriftXanyone know how i can change the window resize zone sensitivity?00:18
Mooga_can anyone help me with dual screens?00:20
ubuntu_hallo everyone!!00:20
ubuntu_if my system (6.06 Dapper Drake) is not loading properly,00:21
kkathmanis there a compiz channel for detailed cube rotation questions ?00:21
tomtom__I'm new to kubuntu 7.1000:21
ubuntu_do I need to reinstall the whole thing_00:21
adudeeverytime when i try to run the package manager i get an error saying that the package database is in use00:22
ubuntu_the error is that cant execute /sbin/getty00:22
Mooga_I had that00:22
Mooga_kill apt00:22
tomtom__I can't access my ntfs drive I heard something about downloading something to be able to mount it00:22
Mooga_<jast-mxm> try this: "sudo killall -9 adept_updater"00:22
ubuntu_and also permission is denied on the file /etc/init.d/rc00:22
tomtom__is there someone that can help me out?00:23
jast-mxmntfsprogs i think00:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Alphonsewolf
tomtom__do I just apt get it?00:24
=== Mooga_ is now known as Mooga
tomtom__would I type something like "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs" is that correct for kubuntu 7.1000:25
* jast-mxm waves at Mooga00:25
Moogajast-mxm: do you know how I could get my dual screens working?00:27
jast-mxmi am not familiar w/ ati cards, i'm sorry00:27
jast-mxmi finally got mine working but using the nvidia drivers00:27
Moogaany idea where to even start?00:27
jast-mxmi would say ubuntuforums.org they should have some tutorials on there00:28
tomtom__I've always had issuses with ati cards no matter what OS i was using..00:29
adudewhen i run adept installer i get an error saying another process is using the packaging system database00:29
yuri__alguien me puede ayudar a instalar el skype00:29
ere4siMooga: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81188 - is a howto :)00:30
MoogaWhen I boot up00:32
MoogaI get an error "No command arguments supplied! Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command> KdeSudo will not exit...00:33
Roeythat is all.00:33
adudewhen i run adept installer i get an error saying another process is using the packaging system database00:34
adudeany ideas how to sovle that00:34
Moogaanyone have an exp with ati cards?00:35
MoogaI can't change any display settings00:36
Alphonsewolfit will be possible to upgrade from dapper 6.06 to the new 8.04 ?00:49
Moogacan anyone help me with ATI drivers00:50
MoogaI can't change any of my graphic settings00:50
Mooganor can I find most of them00:50
MoogaI'm using kde4 and I have an ATI card00:50
tomtom__Will someone please help me, Database Locked it says another process is using the packaging system database.. so I've restarted and still says same thing00:51
carlos_hola que tal00:51
carlos_como estan?00:51
carlos_cual es el chat en español00:52
Alphonsewolfno se, pero tambien hablo espaniol00:54
Moogacan anyone help with videocard isues?00:59
AlphonsewolfMooga: not sure of it, but it might help you this http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=3857451302:01
MoogaI saw one walkthrough02:02
Moogabut I couldn't even do the first step02:02
AMcBainHi. I forgot how to mount my seagate external hdd, and I finally need it again. Dolphin and Konqueror both tell me "hal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" when I try and use them. Konsole says there is nothing on it (impossible) and I remember having to just type a few mount commands and it would work for a few hours. I need it because I need to get everything off of this PC for a transfer.02:02
Moogastufdf was missing02:02
ArtimusAMcBain: NTFS?02:05
AMcBainYes. But Linux should be able to handle NTFS ...02:05
tomtom__Can Someone please help me, I'm not able to install any programs or anything because Adept manager keeps saying database is locked another process is using the packaging system database.. what should I do?02:06
ArtimusAMcBain: If I remember correctly, that error usually means you didn't unmount the drive properly in Windows.02:06
Artimus(or osx/linux, for that matter)02:06
AMcBainWell I don't really have a choice ... Kubunbtu will silently drop the mount after several hours anyways (iirc)02:06
Alphonsewolftomtom: have you tried with the apt kill command?02:07
Fai'm using ubuntu 8 beta with kde 4 installed02:07
Alphonsewolflook for more info on the terminal for that command02:07
tomtom__well I'm new to linux.. but I did a full reboot02:07
AMcBainnevermind. I got it mounted, for a few hours anyways.02:08
tomtom__I'm trying02:09
tomtom__I did nothing but install Kubuntu.. and now I can't do anything because its being used by another process yet there isn't another process that i can kill when I type ps all and try killing all of them.. none of them can be killed be sides the terminal window.. What must I do?02:12
inaetycan i create an iso of an audio cd so that i can just burn it to a disc with that iso from k3b02:13
tomtom__Hello.. so I take it no one can help me?... even with all these users no one knows my problem....02:15
Moogacan anyone help with videocard isues?02:17
Moogadoes anyone know ho to turn on tab-compleation is bash?02:21
kmaxtorany available for KOPETE02:23
Mooga"status database area is locked02:25
MoogaI got it :-p02:25
kmaxtorwhat up MOOGA02:26
kmaxtorare still locke up your apt02:26
MoogaI got that working02:27
MoogaI'm having videocard problems02:27
Artimusanyone use vmware/  i'm having a problem, it keeps locking my shift key.  i'm unable to use my shift key until i restart x.  it works ok inside of vmware.  i hate this...02:27
MoogaI've got an ATI card02:27
MoogaI have no idea how to get things working right02:28
Moogathe resolotion needs to be fixed02:28
Moogaand dual screen suport02:28
Moogaany ideas kmaxtor?02:28
kmaxtorconsult the expert02:28
MoogaI have no idea where to start :(02:29
kmaxtortry to edit your resioistories in open your apy02:29
Mooga...I have no idea what that means :(02:29
=== Seawolf` is now known as [Seawolf]
MoogaI tried to use Envy but don't know how to install it02:30
Moogait says I need other stuff02:30
kmaxtortry to etc/apt/02:30
kmaxtori mean try to open your folder /etc/apt02:31
kmaxtorthen edit your source.list02:31
Moogawhat do i add there?02:32
kmaxtoredit kwrite02:33
kmaxtorsources.list files02:33
kmaxtoryou touch the reposiritoires?02:34
Moogashould I?02:34
MoogaI'm confused, sorry :(02:34
kmaxtorare u F02:35
kmaxtoror male02:35
MoogaI think I got this actualy....02:35
Moogaoh nice02:39
MoogaI think I got envy working02:39
Moogaany time I can make the clock use AM/PM instead of military time?02:42
MoogaI'm having more video driver problems02:47
MoogaI installed dirvers with envyng02:47
Moogaand now I rebooted02:48
Moogamy screen is just black02:48
justinchudgarAnyone tried using stackless python?02:49
MoogaI used envyng to install drivers and now all I see is a black screen02:53
Moogais there is a way to un-break this?02:53
Moogacan anyone help with video drivers02:57
justinchudgaras far as the video drivers go, i've always just installed them through apt-get install <driver-name>02:59
justinchudgarcan you get to a console on that box?02:59
blkhtbrigadeI have a wireless card (realtek 8180) that I downloaded the realtek drivers for.  I installed them and they work, but when I reboot and try to use the wlan it locks my system.  I can run a script they have (in the download folder) to take wlan0 down, and then another to reload the drivers and everything works again.  How would I just add that script to startup so I don't have to do it manually?  Or is there a better way to do it?03:01
tomtom__Ok now I really do need someones help I think my fstab isn't right because my secondary hard drive isn't even listed.. which is my ntfs drive.. which also is hdb03:07
tomtom__well dev/hdb103:08
tomtom__so How would I go about fixing the fstab without screwing up the computer?03:09
chromiumum. sorry, newer-ish user here... but I have something weird I don't know about.03:09
BunnyRevolutionk, i've asked this b4.  is there a way to reconfigure x?  something like "dpkg --reconfigure xserver.xorg" ... cept that one is not working03:09
chromiummy desktop now has icons for every folder in my root folder. worse, they're unremovable by rm (in any way)03:10
Moogawhat drivers should I install?03:10
chromiumdoes anyone have any ideas how the heck I could make these... just... disappear?03:10
tomtom__Chromium do you remember what you were doing before they showed up?03:12
=== chromium is now known as chromium24
=== chromium24 is now known as Chromium__24
Boohbahif i sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop will i still be able to use kde3?03:16
Moogacan anyone help with video drivers and kde4?03:16
BunnyRevolutionsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:16
tomtom__Chromium I can't seem to find any information on what caused the problem, I'm still looking though on how to fix it03:20
tomtom__blah I give up Chromium sorry i didn't find any info03:38
jast-mxmwhere do your updates download to?03:39
tomtom__hey jast do you know how to add another hdd to fstab so it can be mounted?03:39
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:39
Jucatotomtom__: ^^^03:39
tomtom__thanks so much03:39
jast-mxmlol jucato has gots it03:39
JucatoI would recommend the Disk & Filesystems utility in System Settings... but I think there are some bugs in it...03:40
tomtom__well I tried mounting it03:40
jast-mxmso er...how about my question ^_^03:40
tomtom__but come to find out its not in my fstab03:40
tomtom__but my computer reconizes it so yeah03:40
tomtom__its just an ntsf drive i need to add to it hdb is its device name03:41
ryan-cWhat's a good password management application?  Will kwallet let me view passwords stored in it?03:42
Jucatojast-mxm: anything you install through APT is downloaded in /var/cache/apt/archives03:43
Jucatoryan-c: yep. run kwalletmanager03:43
ryan-cJucato: Any way to get it to talk to firefox?03:43
Jucatoah that's the problem.. only for KDE apps I think03:43
Jucatoryan-c: firefox has its own password manager03:44
ryan-cYeah, I know.03:44
ryan-cI would LIKE to have something that integrates with firefox and also allows me to store other stuff if possible.03:44
ryan-cright now, I have a text file with my passwords in it.03:45
jast-mxmyou can use pastebin.com03:45
jast-mxmtotally secure, i swear03:45
ryan-cmy disk is encrypted :P03:45
dave11does kSpread have the millenium bug..when I type 2008 into a field it changes it  to 1905???03:46
tomtom__can someone check an fstab of mine and see if I added the hdb drive correctly?03:48
tomtom__well i added this line to it is this correct /dev/hdb        /media/hdbauto iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 003:50
jast-mxmanyone here have experience w/ plasma?03:51
jast-mxmrather what install files in apt are associated w/ it?03:51
jhutchinsBlood plasma or electrical plasma?03:56
dave11is there a koffice channel?03:56
jhutchinsThe question is, is anyone useful in there?03:57
kkathmanhi :)03:58
hoodowhi dextorb!03:58
dextorbHi hoodow. ;)03:58
=== tomtom is now known as rainx
=== rainx is now known as rainx79
dextorbI have a problem, I am using a very old monitor (14" CRT). By trying to start kubuntu (7.10) install cd, it only results in a black screen, i think, it uses a frenquency my crt doesn't support, can I force to use just e.g. 72Hz?04:01
hoodowdextorb: try gentoo!04:03
dextorbhoodow: Hrhr. ;)04:03
* hoodow shoots a luchs04:04
rainx79I'm going insane I'm still getting this error "hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused uid 1000" when I try and mount my secondary hardrive.. this is what I put in my fstab to see if that was the problem "/dev/hdb        /media/hdbntfs ro,user,auto,noexec 0 0"04:04
rainx79any ideas04:05
Odd-rationalerainx79: gutsy?04:05
jhutchinsrainx79: users04:05
jhutchinsyou have no space between hdb and ntfs.04:05
rainx79huh well I don't understand much lol i'm trying my best and I'm using kubuntu 7.1004:05
jhutchins!ntfs | rainx7904:06
uboturainx79: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE04:06
Odd-rationalerainx79: hardy will have that fix, i believe04:06
rainx79yes i do04:06
rainx79theres a space in my fstab04:07
jhutchinsrainx79: Ok, it pasted funny here.04:07
jhutchinsrainx79: Your problem is you didn't give users the permissions to mount it.04:07
jhutchinsrainx79: so you can mount it via sudo, but not as a regular user.04:07
jhutchinsrainx79: It should mount fine at boot (auto).04:08
rainx79i just tried sudo mount hdb04:08
rainx79I think I know what the problem may be04:08
jhutchinsrefused uid 1000 - that says you can't mount it as the first regular user.04:08
rainx79i forgot how to edit the fstab as root..04:10
rainx79i know its something like kdesu or something04:10
jhutchinskdesu kate04:10
jhutchinsor sudo vi04:11
rainx79well now i did sudo mount hdb and now my terminal like froze04:13
rainx79at first it said no final new line at the end of /etc/fstab04:13
rainx79and hdb didn't exist.. in mtab or fstab so im lost04:14
jhutchinsrainx79: ctrl-c?04:14
rainx79well I knew how to close it04:14
jhutchinsrainx79: One doesn't usually mount whole devices, usually you mount hdb1 or more.04:14
rainx79that might be my mistake04:14
rainx79no.. I just really need help04:16
rainx79so much unusual stuff I have no clue what means lol..04:16
jast-mxmhave you tried sdb04:17
jast-mxmrainx70: what is the output of mount?04:17
rainx79when I do fdisk -l its listed as hdb104:17
jast-mxmoh ok04:17
jast-mxmnvm lol04:18
rainx79I've googled all i could now I'm at a loss04:18
rainx79I could paste my fstab on that one site i do not remember what its called now04:18
rainx79and see if I made some mistakes or something04:18
jast-mxmthe drive is ntfs?04:19
jast-mxmlemme look at mine04:19
jast-mxmhmm mine is mounted by uuid but here is what i have04:20
jast-mxm# /dev/sda304:20
jast-mxmUUID=0880628980627D56 /media/sda3     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       104:20
dextorbrainx79: Did you already replace hdb with hdb1 in your fstab?04:21
jast-mxmyou can probably replace the UUID=23412341234 with /dev/hdb104:21
rainx79yes I did04:21
dextorbAh, ok.04:21
FFForeverhow can i use my new ipod classic with ubuntu, the default app won't play any of its music and amarok destroyed my play list :(04:21
rainx79and now it says it doesnt exist.. do i need to do with something with the mtab04:21
jast-mxmmy mtab: /dev/sda3 /media/sda3 fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096 0 004:22
jast-mxmreplace sda3 w/ hdb104:23
FFForeverwhat should i use for meh ipod?04:23
rainx79well i was gonna state hdb1 isn't even in my mtab04:23
rainx79well I tried adding what you have.. and doing sudo mount hdb1 now the terminal is like frozen again04:25
rainx79of course after replaceing sda3 with hdb104:26
FFForeverany clue?04:26
hellhoundis there any reason why browsing my files would be very sluggish... i did not see anything weird in top04:31
andresalguien me puede ayudar con la configuracion04:34
andresalguien me puede ayudar con la configuracion de mi ubuntu04:34
andresalguien me puede ayudar con mi configuracion de kubuntu04:37
DarkriftX!de andres04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about de andres - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:37
DarkriftX!de | andres04:37
ubotuandres: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:37
DarkriftX!es | andres04:37
ubotuandres: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:37
DarkriftXthere we go i think04:37
dextorbDarkriftX: I was wondering about me and my relationship to my mother tongue. ;D04:40
rainx79blah.. Still no information on what I should do My hard drive is hdb1 its ntfs and i have installed ntfs-config and ntfsprogs my drive is not in the /etc/fstab nor the /etc/mtab04:40
hellhoundis there anything i can do or check to speed up kubuntu... one of my three desktops (the one being used solely as a samba server) is incredibly slow04:40
* DarkriftX doesnt wanna know about your mothers tongue (lol)04:42
DarkriftXand dont ask where the de came from... im still trying to figure that one out04:43
DarkriftXi need to find an image from a movie, but dont want to download the movie to get it04:44
hellhoundis there anything i can do or check to speed up kubuntu... one of my three desktops (the one being used solely as a samba server) is incredibly slow04:46
andreshow can i config my pppoe conect04:47
ign0ramusstupid question: how do i register nick on Konversation?04:47
neville_ /msg nickserv register password04:48
neville_I think.04:48
ign0ramusneville_: i'll try thanks04:48
andresyes, but it is process very large04:48
rainx79your right neville04:48
andresi need conection automatic04:48
=== ign0ramus is now known as ign0ramus1
matt__just installed kubuntu 64 bit, working GREAT, but flash is a pain. I am/tried gnash, but it doesn't seem to be working fully...any suggestions?04:54
rainx79I don't get this04:57
rainx79with ubuntu.. it added automatically and i could mount it read only but with kubuntu.. I can't seem to get it mounted at all04:57
matt__just installed kubuntu 64 bit, working GREAT, but flash is a pain. I am/tried gnash, but it doesn't seem to be working fully...any suggestions?04:59
adz21cmatt__: the adobe flash plugin should work ok if you have nspluginwrapper installed05:03
hellhoundis there anything else besides top that could tell me why my kubuntu samba server is running slow?  It seems to run normally in spurts though so I think something is slowing it down either hardware or software05:09
manuel__tengo un problemita si me pueden ayudar05:20
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:20
toyo|deskI just installed lmms the music program to see how it worked...and when I go to run it from the command line it sorta pops up the splash screen then crashes with05:22
toyo|deskcould not set realtime priority.05:22
toyo|desknot sure what to do05:22
kkathmannot familiar with lmms - is that a variant of xmms ?05:23
toyo|desklmms is kinda the linux version of fruity loops05:24
kkathmandid you install from the repositories ?05:24
toyo|deskI just did sudo apt-get install lmms05:24
toyo|deskand it installed05:25
kkathmanhmm ok...so doubtful that there's a mismatch then05:25
kkathmantoyo|desk:  trying running it from the console and see if it gives you any error messages05:25
toyo|deskthats what I did05:25
toyo|deskand it said could not set realtime priority killed05:26
toyo|deskgreg@p4killa:~$ lmms05:26
toyo|deskcould not set realtime priority.05:26
kkathmanhmm sounds like either a bad package or there's a bug05:26
kkathmanis there a website for lmms ?? maybe they have a solution there?05:26
toyo|deskI will have a look05:27
kkathmanmaybe email the author too05:27
adz21ctoyo|desk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lmms/+bug/139721/+viewstatus05:27
kkathmanor - you could always check the kubuntu forums and then file a bug perhaps05:27
kkathmanahh there we gp05:28
kkathmanthanks adz21c05:28
toyo|deskhmm but mine dosent spit out all that05:28
adz21cthe X stuff it spits out is a different unrelated issue :)05:28
adz21cbut it could still be diff cos of the seg fault error msg05:29
toyo|deskwell damn05:29
toyo|deskhow to I know what version of the deb I have?05:30
toyo|deskis there a command05:30
Jucatoapt-cache policy <packagename>05:30
Jucatoer wait, did you download a .deb or used the one in the repos?05:30
toyo|deskused the repo05:31
Jucatoah then right command05:31
toyo|deskI am about to download one and see if its broke too05:31
toyo|deskoh wait05:32
toyo|deskthats the same package05:32
toyo|deskah here we go05:32
toyo|deskstupid dependencies05:34
kkathmananyone here really good with compiz ?05:34
Dr_willisdefine good.. :)05:35
Dr_willisall i know i put in the !compiz wiki page.05:35
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion05:35
Jucatokkathman: I bet the #compiz-fusion people are :)05:35
kkathmanJucato: well, they seem to all be asleep05:36
kkathmanthere is some setting that allows you to drag a window to another face of the cube and it turns the cube automatically when you do05:36
kkathmanbut I forgot what setting it is05:36
toyo|deskcube edges05:37
kkathmanahh its under rotate cube - edge flip05:38
toyo|deskthats the one05:39
kkathmanyou were close :) thanks!05:39
toyo|deskknew it had to do with edges05:39
kkathmanI always forget that one05:39
gothicemogeekHey I have a question! I need some emergency help on Kubuntu.05:39
kkathmanlets hear your prob :)05:40
Daisuke-Laptopagain, nothing's an emergency, unless you have kubuntu running someone's life support equipment05:40
gothicemogeekI was updating my computer because a whole bunch of updates came in, and it some how updated the hadry alpha test version. Now i constantly have a full screen terminal window all the time. How do I get it back to gusty?05:40
gothicemogeekand xP I actually have some one on life support right now whos a father of a friend of mine :(05:40
Daisuke-Laptopgothicemogeek: then i hope for a swift recovery05:41
gothicemogeekhe isnt making it tonight. He has neumonia, Lupus which is making his lungs bleed out and eating his intestines, so :(05:41
Daisuke-Laptopnow, be glad it's not windows running the equipment.  that makes the blue screen of death quite literal05:41
gothicemogeekanyway, how do I get it back to gusty gibbon? xP05:41
gothicemogeekyeah no kidding.05:41
Daisuke-Laptopgothicemogeek: if it updated to hardy, you're probably going to have to do a reinstall05:42
gothicemogeekugh. really.05:42
gothicemogeekand i dont have the disk for it right now.05:42
gothicemogeekis there another way possibly to get it downgraded to gutsy without a reinstall?05:43
Dr_willisweird that it just 'upgraded'05:43
gothicemogeekit was listed under a 'full upgrade' too.05:43
gothicemogeekand not a system upgrade like it usually does for me05:43
gothicemogeek**usually listed05:43
Dr_willis as for the fullscreen terminal windows, try some alternative xterms, try resetting your kde settings, try a new user.05:44
gothicemogeekhow do I do all that?05:44
Dr_willissounds like a user config/compiz issue to me.05:44
Dr_willisMake a new user, see if it affects them also. would be a easy place to start05:44
gothicemogeekbut how do I do that?05:45
gothicemogeekbecause I can't even get to my desktop.05:45
gothicemogeekit acts like it is getting there, but then it doesn't.05:45
gothicemogeekit shows the kubuntu logo and then the loading bar, but never gets to the desktop login screen05:45
gothicemogeekinstead it goes to the full screen terminal window.05:46
snowolfgothicemogeek: you're on hardy?05:46
gothicemogeeksaying issued like no start up image or something like that05:46
gothicemogeeki am now when I was on gusty before. it upgraded my computer to that undr a full upgrade to the hardy alpha test version05:46
gothicemogeekand i need to get it downgraded back to gusty05:46
snowolf!hardy | gothicemogeek05:46
ubotugothicemogeek: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu05:46
Dr_willisgothicemogeek,  i think you are meaning the CONSOLE.05:47
gothicemogeekyeah xP sorry I am new to all of this.05:47
Dr_willisthat sounds like the  video card drivers need to get updated/reconfogured05:47
Dr_williswhat is your video card?05:47
gothicemogeekokay so I guess I need to go to #ubuntu+1?05:47
Dr_willisif you are refering to a screen that just has a login: prompt. :) thats the console.05:48
gothicemogeekyes! thats what it is :D05:48
gothicemogeekand I don't know what my video card is. I know I have one xP05:49
Dr_willislspci command gives some of that info.05:49
Dr_willisthe 'startx' command may also give a clue as to whats going on.05:49
gothicemogeek-writes it down-05:49
Dr_willisyou CAN irc from the console also. :)05:50
gothicemogeekand snow, I went to the ubuntu+1 room and it told me to go here.05:50
Dr_willisinstall irssi.05:50
gothicemogeekI cant get internet connection from it05:50
gothicemogeekive tried.05:50
Dr_williswireless networking?05:50
gothicemogeekyeah i have tried, but it wont connect to it05:50
gothicemogeekit says it has an issue or something05:50
Dr_willistheres a command to reconfigure the X server. but i never can rember it...05:50
Dr_willisdpkg-reconfgure   SOMTHING.. :)05:50
gothicemogeekyeah. -thinks-05:51
gothicemogeekreconfigure hardy? or sumtin?05:51
Wrathsudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver05:51
Wrathi think05:51
Dr_willisIf you dont even know what video card you have... well... thats a very fundamental thing ya need to figure out.05:51
gothicemogeek*nods* and those two codes like lspci will tell me what it is?05:52
Dr_willisthey say whats on the system05:52
gothicemogeekahh okay05:52
gothicemogeekgood then05:52
Dr_willisis this a laptop? or desktop?05:52
gothicemogeekhad a friend install kubuntu gutsy on it for me.05:53
gothicemogeek**feisty before i updated it to gutsy05:53
gothicemogeekand its built for wireless networking05:53
Dr_willisi dont 'do' wireless.. :) for many reasons.. heh05:53
Dr_willisyou are experinecing one reason now...05:53
gothicemogeek*nods* yup. xP and I dont like it.05:54
Dr_willisyou could boot to XP and see what IT saya the video card is.. :)05:54
gothicemogeekso i will try those commands, figure out what my video card is, and come back empty handed xD05:54
gothicemogeekyeah but would I need a disk for that too?05:54
WrathYea, i've im about ready to throw my computer at something because of wireless05:54
prince_jammyssudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:54
Dr_willisneed a disk? You have only Linux on the box?05:54
Dr_willisgothicemogeek,  jot down and try the command prince_jammys  said.05:55
gothicemogeekYes. Only Linux.05:55
gothicemogeekIt USED to be windows.05:55
kkathmanprince_jammys:  yeah thats worth a shot at least05:55
gothicemogeekI did willis. thanks.05:55
gothicemogeeki wrote everythign down the first second I saw it xP05:55
Dr_willisgothicemogeek,  you could also boot a live cd.. but even then.. wireless will be the hassle.05:55
gothicemogeekbeen doing this for a month now05:55
gothicemogeekbut the computer used to be windows until I had it fixed with Linux.05:55
Dr_willisgot some guye mad at work when i tole them to quit bending over backwards for wireless.. and run some &#&@&@! wires.05:56
gothicemogeekand my friend is making a live cd for me for linux, but like I said. my friend jennifers dad is dying tonight and he has not been able to finish it or send it to me yet.05:56
Dr_willisso he ran wires... and said to me the other day 'Best thing he ever did'05:56
gothicemogeeki wish i could plug it in with wires, but it wasnt set up to do like dsl or stuff like that.05:56
Dr_willisSpeed improved, less lag, even the porn looked better, and his hair quit falling out.05:57
Dr_williscured his dogs  rabies!05:57
Wrathwireless seems to be one of the major problems with linux, im usually stuck trying to get it to work though because i have a laptop05:59
gothicemogeekokay it said the xorg-xserver was not installed on it05:59
Wrathits xserver-xorg06:00
JucatoWrath: mostly depends on the wireless card/device and the drivers for it06:00
gothicemogeekoh. xP -goes back-06:00
WrathYea, I have a broadcom 4318 in here tho :x06:00
Stofferdo you think it's fine to install the kubutnu 8.04 beta, or should I wait for the stable version to come out?06:01
StofferI'd rather not wait any longer unless there's a good reason for it06:01
JucatoWrath: ah.. tough luck :)06:01
gothicemogeekit said that the xserver-xorg wasnt installed. *grr!*06:01
JucatoStoffer: wait :)06:01
gothicemogeekso i would guess i will have to reinstall the whole thing?06:02
gothicemogeekwith a live cd or sumtin?06:02
Wrathgothicemogeek: are you in X right now?06:02
WrathI guess so .. you arent stuck at a console are you?06:02
gothicemogeekI am06:02
gothicemogeeka full screen console window06:03
gothicemogeekand it wont load to the desktop and thats what I want it to do06:03
StofferJucato, it'll only be a few weeks, right?06:03
gothicemogeekbecause of the stupid hardy update xP06:03
JucatoStoffer: 2 weeks most probably06:03
StofferJucato, good.  I'm getting tired of the errors and glitches my system's throwing at me06:03
Stofferi'm growing impatient06:04
Wrathif it says x isnt installed at all, you can probably try: apt-get install xserver-xorg06:04
gothicemogeek-goes to try-06:04
StofferJucato, thanks06:04
Matt1728can any one help me make the entire panel transparent06:05
JucatoMatt1728: KDE 3.5?06:05
maduserits in the pannel settings06:06
Jucatoright-click on the panel -> Configure Panel -> Appearance06:06
Matt1728that doesnt make it entirely transparent though06:07
Matt1728oh it was in advanced06:07
kkathmanappearance - desktop - panel = its in the last tab06:08
gothicemogeek"could not open lock file: /var/lib/dpkg-open (13 permission denied). Unable to lock admin directory /var/lib/dpkg. are you root?"06:08
kkathmanyeah there are many bugs in panels in KDE06:08
kkathmangothicemogeek:  must execute at sudo level06:09
gothicemogeekI did that too.06:09
Jucatokkathman: bugs?06:09
Wrathyou tried: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg06:09
Jucatowith appearance?06:09
gothicemogeek"you must run dpkg --configure -a to correct the problem"06:09
gothicemogeekit would not download.06:09
Wrathdid u try to do: sudo dpkg --configure -a06:10
gothicemogeeknot yet.06:10
gothicemogeek-goes to try-06:10
kkathmanshould be part of the dpkg - had to do that yesterday in fact when my upgrades didnt go through06:11
gothicemogeek"requested operation requres superuser privilage"06:11
Wrathdid u try to do: sudo dpkg --configure -a06:11
Wrathw/ sudo?06:11
gothicemogeek-goes to try again-06:11
kkathmanbe sure to put the spaces in06:12
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kkathmananyone know the name of the adept icon pgm that notifies you when there are new updates?06:13
Wrathadept-notifier ?06:13
kkathmanheh I didnt try that ;)06:13
Wrathwell adept_notifier i think06:13
gothicemogeek"parse error in the file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0075' near line 21 package 'strigi-applet': EOF after field name"06:14
gothicemogeekand I used the sudo. the first time I had it spelled wrong.06:15
Jucatogothicemogeek: you can auto complete commands by pressing tab btw06:15
gothicemogeekoh xP didnt know that06:15
Jucatoso sud<Tab> would auto complete to sudo06:15
gothicemogeek-goes to tyr-06:16
Jucatogothicemogeek: same here in chat. press Tab to autocomplete nicknames06:16
Jucatolike got<Tab> to complete gothicemogeek06:16
Jucato(it's a wonder my tab key's text isn't worn out yet...)06:16
WrathJucato: I was on irc long before i used linux, thats how i figured out about the linux tab completion06:17
Jucatoheh :)06:17
kkathmanJucato:  lol06:18
gothicemogeekso it would be sudo dpkg --configure -a <tab>...? xP06:18
gothicemogeekor how would it be? -ish frustrated-06:18
Jucatosud<tab> dp<tab> --conf<tab> -a06:18
Jucato(not sure about the --conf<tab> part though.. but..)06:19
Wrathit just makes it easier to type06:19
Wrathhes just telling you how to type the command you just did more easily i think06:19
gothicemogeekahh okay06:19
gothicemogeekso then what do I do know since it had an error like this....06:19
Wrathtry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dpkg06:20
gothicemogeek"parse error in the file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0075' near line 21 package 'strigi-applet': EOF after field name"06:20
Jucatohm... sounds like an update package error06:20
Wrathyea i was looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-501026.html to get that06:20
Jucatomight want to try asking in #ubuntu+1 btw. maybe it's a known issue06:20
gothicemogeekive tried. they told me to come here.06:20
Dr_willisim still not sure how you got updated to hardy...06:21
Wrathi'm using the beta and the only thing i cant get to work is the wireless :s06:21
Dr_williswith the beta - my wireless FINIALLY started working. :)06:21
JucatoWrath: bcom curse :P06:21
Wrathyup, this time its actually a known bug06:21
Wrathbecause there is like 5 different kernel modules for the stupid card06:22
Dr_willisNow ya know why i run wires. :)06:22
Dr_willisi even got the bathroom wired.06:22
WrathI usually do, but I'm on a college campus with a laptop and need wireless06:23
Dr_willisSurf the web while.. shaveing..06:23
gothicemogeekit said it needed an action option06:23
Wrathtry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dpkg06:23
Wrathdpkg-reconfigure w/ no spaces there06:23
Wrathnot dpkg reconfigure06:23
gothicemogeekwell like I said willis, I saw that a full upgrade was availavle and it some how upgraded to hardy06:23
gothicemogeek-goes to try-06:23
Wrathsounds like hes getting his exercise running back and forth between computers today06:24
nanothiefjust got this awesome error message with kubuntu: The program 'atp-get' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install apt06:24
gothicemogeeknow it says dpkg is not installed.06:24
Dr_willissounds like he clicked upgrade. when he should of waited. :)06:24
nanothiefI loled at that06:24
Dr_willisits apt-get06:24
Dr_willisnot atp-get06:25
Sir_CorgiDr_willis:  You must use Google TiSP, then. lol06:25
nanothiefoh that was just a irc typo06:25
Wrathare you sure you spelled everything right :s06:25
gothicemogeeki triple checked. ill go and do it again if i have to06:25
nanothiefnot that it matters though, it was a qemu installation :P06:26
Wrathsudo <space> dpkg-reconfigure <space> dpkg06:26
Wrathsomethin is really messed up if its saying dpkg isnt there, when you just used it earlier lol06:26
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Dr_willisSir_Corgi,  i run my wires in the heating ducts. :)06:27
rob234how can I check what version of kubuntu I'm running?06:27
Odd-rationalerob234: lsb_release -a06:28
rob234Odd-rationale: thanks06:29
Odd-rationalerob234: np06:29
Sir_CorgiDr_willis:  That's a lot safer, then.06:29
manuel__me podran ayudar cun un problema con el sonido06:29
gothicemogeekyes something is really messed up wrath because i typed it in carefully this time and I got the same thing06:29
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:29
rob234is there a way to upgrade from 6.06 to more recent versions?06:29
gothicemogeeki don't know whats hapenin06:29
Wrathanyone else have any ideas :s06:31
gothicemogeekwill i have to have it reformatted or something?06:31
hellhounddoes anyone know what i might check as to why one of my three kubuntu machines (this one only serving as a samba server) is running a little slow... it seems to sporatically run at normal speed only to revert back to its slower state after a few seconds... I have looked at top but do not see anything unusual06:32
Odd-rationale!upgrade | rob23406:33
uboturob234: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:33
Wrathtry: sudo dpkg --audit06:33
gothicemogeekme wrath?06:34
rob234Odd-rationale: thanks :)06:34
gothicemogeeksame parse error wrath06:35
Wrathright now im looking at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-501026.html , which is a similar problem06:39
WrathI'd say try: sudo dpkg --forget-old-unavail06:39
Wraththen: sudo dpkg --clear-avail06:39
gothicemogeek-writes down-06:40
hellhoundcan anyone please help me with the speed of other computer?  It is driving me nuts by taking minutes just to browse through directories or move the mouse.   it does running normally every now and then but it only lasts for a few seconds06:41
rob234I tried using the upgrade instructions from the site that was liked to me for 6.06 to 6.10. I had to apt-get gksu and update-manager and then it told me my system was up to date. What do I do now?06:42
gothicemogeeksame perse error06:43
Wrathyea sounds like your package database is really messed up06:43
rob234I'm running kubuntu 6.0606:44
gothicemogeekmight have to have it reformatted then?06:44
Wrathim not really sure now06:44
gothicemogeekor uninstalled and reinstalled?06:44
Wrathyea, or you can try making a post on the forums06:44
gothicemogeeki have a friend who is an IT manager. I think he might be able to help me with it.06:44
gothicemogeekhes making me a live cd or sumthin like that that he said I could use to fix it.06:44
Wrathyea he probably knows more about this than I do06:45
gothicemogeekIm just waiting for him to ship it to me.06:45
gothicemogeek*shrugs* like.... over 3 years of IT I think?06:45
gothicemogeekand he runs off of linux too.06:45
gothicemogeekanyway, I will try him. Thanks for all the help tho!06:45
Wrathyour welcome06:45
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gothicemogeekxD and I am trying to get my network system and administration degree in associates xD06:45
kkathmancya gothicemogeek :)06:45
gothicemogeek**associates degree06:46
kkathmanoops thought you wer going...sorry :)06:46
gothicemogeekI am now. Cya guys!06:46
* kkathman munches on a late night hamburger and fries06:48
hellhoundis anyone on here that helps troubleshoot?  I am pulling my hair out06:48
kkathmanhellhound:  what seems to be yer prob?06:49
hellhoundkkathman: kkathman: one of my three kubuntu machines (this one only serving as a samba server) is running a little slow... it seems to sporatically run at normal speed only to revert back to its slower state after a few seconds... I have looked at top but do not see anything unusual06:49
kkathmanhellhound:  sorry I should have said - what seems to be THE problem - didnt mean to insinuate YOU have a problem :)06:49
kkathmanhellhound:  hard to say, but looking a top would be what I'd do too - are you running any big hogs like karamba or graphics ?06:51
kkathmanhellhound:  have you looked at the swap file space?06:51
hellhoundkkathman: no problem... I have tried googling, looked at top, looked at vmstat, and did a memcheck but I cannot seem to pin-point it..06:51
kkathmanhellhound:  is this a standalone or VM ?06:52
hellhoundkkathman: no special graphics, just barebone kubuntu (no compiz, no xorg changes, and even no OpenOffice as I removed all unnessary programs.. it is just a samba server06:53
kkathmanhmm no xorg either eh... hmm06:53
kkathmanwhen things slow down - I always kinda peek at CPU, then maybe think about looking at log files06:54
hellhoundkkathman: top show no moer than 1% CPU usage on anything but no more than two itms use cpu usage and mem % stays belwo 1% and only 1-4 show to have any mem usage06:54
kkathmanhellhound:  ok - so what's the "gauge" you are using on the perceived "slow down"06:54
hellhoundi have been keeping top up so I can see if i can spot anything as it is running slow... but nothing... it runns slow most of the time with a few seconds of normal speed about every 10 minutes06:55
kkathmanhellhound:  how are you judging that things are slow?06:56
hellhoundnormal speed for me is when I move my mouse, type something the terminal or click on a menu that it moves, types, or clicks pretty much immediatly (nothing intensive) and when it is slow it takes up to a minute for the mouse to move, about 30 seconds to type a letter and sometimes upto 2 minutes for a menu to click06:57
kkathmanohh wow06:57
kkathmansurely thats very odd06:58
hellhoundheheh i just saw something (Xorg) use 3% CPU usage (more than normally seen) and the computer was running fast but it stayed the same app[rox usage when it started running slow again but it ran normal for almost a minute06:59
Wrathsonds like a runaway server but i have no clue if nothing is showing on top06:59
kkathmanahh so it IS using xorg then06:59
hellhoundoh yes... but i did not change any setting in xorg... i just let the live cd set it up06:59
kkathmanyeah can't explain why you wouldnt see a CPU pegged at 100% or something06:59
hellhoundlet me see if i can paste top so you can take a look.. give me a sec... i am IRC on another kubuntu desktop that is running normally and has been for almost a year.07:01
kkathmanIve had Firefox take over the system at times and typing was slow - but that was readily seen07:01
kkathmanhellhound:  try using the pastebin to paste07:01
Wrathmaybe paste the output of: ps aux07:02
kkathmangood idea07:02
Wraththat seems to have pretty much the same details as top, but easier to paste07:02
hellhoundis there a way to select all while top is running in a konsole window?  something like ctrl-a?07:03
kkathmananother runaway thing is artsd sometimes - but again that's easy to spot on the top07:03
kkathmanhellhound:  you can highliight and right click and copy07:04
hellhoundkkathman: yeah that is the problem... by the time i highlight it unselects it because it has refreshed07:04
Wrathtry copying the output of: ps aux07:04
kkathmanhellhound:  ps aux wont07:04
kkathmanhellhound:  you can use http://pastebin.ca probably to paste it07:06
hellhoundty still trying to highlight everything...07:06
hellhoundit is funny.. i just typed this waiting for my mouse to move07:07
kkathmanyeah mine was rather long too07:07
Wrathmaybe if you want to put the output of ps aux into a text file you can try: ps aux > temp.txt07:07
hellhoundit is not that it is long.. it is just that it takes a long time to scroll up and move the mouse07:08
hellhoundgot it copied... now just putting it in pastebin07:09
hellhoundok here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6156407:10
Wrathi dont see anything that looks too strange there myself07:11
unholyskornHello everyone07:12
hellhoundwhat might be intersting to note is that top on the slow computer seems to be running at the same speed as top on my working computer.. they both update about once every 2 seconds... but the load average is higher on the slower computer than it is on my working one07:15
ubuntuhow do i delet things from a cd-live on my xp partition?07:15
hellhoundworking one shows (0.12, 0.03, 0.01) and the slow computer shows (1.19, 1.42, 1.42)07:15
ubuntuhow do i delet things from a cd-live on my xp partition?07:19
ubuntuhow do i delet things from a cd-live on my xp partition?07:22
DarkriftXshould be able to mount it07:27
DarkriftXthen delete07:27
hellhoundany ideas after looking at my pasted ps aux?07:33
Alucard_Hellsingsrry to ask again but i need another irc that is less than 2 meg download for xp for someone with dialup07:50
romunovhow bout http://www.ecossaise.com/ ?07:52
romunovor how about http://swik.net/Colloquy07:53
TeslaTonyAlucard_Hellsing: http://www.xchat.org/windows/07:53
romunovno, that's for osx07:53
Wrathwindows? use mIRC07:54
Alucard_Hellsingmirc not free anymore07:54
hellhoundwhat do i look for in hdparm to see if dma is set?07:54
Alucard_Hellsingand to diff for them to use...they not verry good with comp07:55
Wrathyea, then i'd recommend xChat too07:55
Alucard_Hellsingis xchat for win07:56
kkathmanvirc is free but I dont think its 2mb07:56
TeslaTonyUnfortunately it appears the windows version of schat isn't free any more07:56
Stevenuse xchat07:56
Stevenuse linux07:56
Stevenlinux is the future07:56
Alucard_Hellsinghe cant us linux...its not his comp07:56
Stevenso use xchat for windows07:56
TeslaTonyLinux is also not very good for the computer illiterate07:56
Wrathseems like all of the windows irc clients arent free anymore :s07:57
kkathmanvirc is07:57
Alucard_Hellsingyea he has nimblex but he cant us it right now07:57
kkathmanand if you get Opera, is has an IRC chat07:57
Alucard_Hellsingdo they hve opera for xp07:58
kkathmanyes of course07:58
Wrathi cant imagine the opera built-in one being very good07:58
Alucard_Hellsingis it within 2 meg07:58
kkathmanits pretty good - similar to xchat or konversation07:58
kkathmanwell opera isnt 2mb07:58
Alucard_Hellsingi like konversation07:58
Alucard_Hellsingbut it not for xp07:58
Sir_CorgiI like konversation, too. :)07:58
kkathmanI dont think you'll find much anything that will be 2mb07:59
Wrathno opera is 4.707:59
WrathYea i like conversation07:59
Alucard_Hellsingthat not bad07:59
Wrathwell the new version of it07:59
TeslaTonyAlucard_Hellsing: Why the size limit?07:59
kkathmanopera?? I think its at 9.something07:59
Alucard_Hellsingill see if he has the time...and the bandwith07:59
Alucard_Hellsinghe has dialup07:59
kkathmanalthough I could be oversizing it07:59
Wrathi just looked, its around 508:00
kkathmanif he has firefox, you can get an extension for irc its probably small08:00
Sir_CorgiI wonder if Mozilla will ever come out with an IRC client.08:00
Sir_CorgiOr have they?08:00
Alucard_Hellsinghe has firfox yes08:00
kkathmanAlucard_Hellsing:  they have him download the irc plug in08:00
eagles0513875i installed hary beta with wubi how do i boot it now08:00
Wrathwell there is a plugin for firefox08:01
kkathmanthats what I was saying08:01
kkathmanif he can get connected, the plugin surely isnt 2mb08:01
Alucard_Hellsingwat about swik08:01
kkathmanI dont think he's listening08:01
WrathAlucard_Hellsing: check out https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1608:02
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)08:03
Alucard_Hellsingill see about it08:03
Alucard_Hellsingit is 1meg08:04
Alucard_Hellsing720 kila to be exact08:04
eagles0513875can anyone help me with wubi08:05
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
hellhoundhow can i tell if my harddrive has dma set to on using hdparm?08:05
Dr_willishdparm /dev/hd#08:07
eagles0513875Dr_willis have u played round with wubi08:07
Dr_willisI wouldent touch wubi if you paid me.08:08
eagles0513875Dr_willis y not08:08
Sir_CorgiWubi.... yuck.08:08
Dr_willisI dont see much need for it. and from the # of people i see with problems with it.. i dint want to messwith it.08:08
hellhoundDr_willis: it only displays readonly = 0 (off)     readhead =256 (on)      geometry = 11652/255/63, sectors = 1240027136, start = 008:08
noodles12is htere a way to read my old tomboy notes in kubuntu?08:08
eagles0513875Dr_willis thing is im fraid to install kubuntu on here cuz gutsy was giving me a pnp bios bug and hardy alpha 5 would hang after install on loading hardwear devices08:09
Sir_CorgiCan't you just install Tomboy?08:09
Dr_willissudo hdparm /dev/hda08:10
Dr_willisusing_dma     =  1 (on)08:10
Dr_williseagles0513875,  i wouls suggest using vmware or virtualbox then to get a Linux inside windows thing.  Or try wubi. and good luck with wubi.08:10
eagles0513875Dr_willis vmware is another issue on vista08:10
Dr_willisi have no issues with vmware on vista here.08:11
eagles0513875Dr_willis wtf u serious08:11
hellhoundDr_willis: yes i typed sudo hdparm /dev/sdc but nothing about dma displayed... now it is actually 3 physical hard drives combined through RAID 508:11
Dr_willisI use vmware under vista all the time to test live cds and ive installed several linux disrtos with it.08:11
Dr_willishellhound,  hdparm is not for sd devices...08:11
eagles0513875Dr_willis this is an oem install from hp and i have issues with it like it not loading my desktop so i have to end task to the explorer process and then restart the process08:11
hellhoundDr_willis: ahhhh no wonder... I thought dma may need to be set which might be what is causing my slow computer08:12
eagles0513875Dr_willis i should be getting a non oem version of vista 64bit08:13
eagles0513875in few weeks08:13
Dr_williseagles0513875,  why bother. :)08:13
eagles0513875Dr_willis this oem install has alot of junk added to it by hp08:13
Hamrai wouldnt advise vista 64 bit08:13
eagles0513875Hamra y not08:13
Hamrai wouldnt advise vista at all :P08:14
Alucard_Hellsingi woulnt advise vista08:14
corporealanyone know if something changed in 8.04 so far that would make USB reallllllllyyyy slow?08:14
eagles0513875guys i know08:14
Alucard_Hellsingwait for windows 708:14
corporealits taken more than 5 minutes to copy 100MB08:14
Hamrathere is a lot of issues with 64 bit drivers not being signed and stuff08:14
eagles0513875windows 7?????08:14
Alucard_Hellsingyea reaserch it08:14
=== saizai_ is now known as saizai
eagles0513875Hamra hp has drivers for it08:14
kkathmanlol windows 708:14
corporealwindows 7 will rock for windows :-p08:14
Alucard_Hellsingit comes out in late 0908:14
eagles0513875if i had a choice i would be on kubuntu right now but i have been having so many issues getting it to work08:15
kkathmanas much as vista Im sure08:15
Dr_willisdo you really trust HP to provide drivers that are not going to be crashprone after your other experinece with them? :)08:15
Alucard_Hellsingthey started it because they dont want to fix vista08:15
kkathmanvista was never meant to be long term08:15
Alucard_Hellsingim on kubuntu08:15
eagles0513875Alucard_Hellsing i would be as well if i wasnt having one hella time getting it installed on this machine08:16
Alucard_Hellsingnope is was to make a quick billion to pay for windows 708:16
Alucard_Hellsingwat machine08:16
Alucard_Hellsingbrand modle year08:16
Alucard_Hellsingor chopshop08:16
Sir_CorgiI have my fingers crossed that Windows 7 will be the new XP.08:17
kkathmanwindows 7 will the the wave that majorly starts the web applications, or pay as you go applications08:17
kkathmanyou wont buy word anymore - you'll basically rent it08:17
Dr_williskkathman,  that seesm to be about how it is now. :)08:17
eagles0513875Alucard_Hellsing ought this hp tx1308nr tablet with turion x2 1.9ghz processor in december the problem is this in gutsy i woudl have a pnp bios bug and it wouldnt load x at all08:17
kkathmanwell not really  you actually can go to a store and buy it now08:18
Dr_williseagles0513875,  have you tried hardy on it yet?08:18
Alucard_Hellsingi just dont want vista....and 7 better be able to play that dumb vista only software08:18
Alucard_Hellsing1.9 ghz....kinda slow08:18
eagles0513875Alucard_Hellsing on hardy alpha 5 after installation it would hang after installation on loading hardware devices08:18
Dr_willisvista only games? Heh.. allthose i recall have been cracked allreayd.08:18
eagles0513875Alucard_Hellsing this is 2nd best processor in its class hd chipset hd audio and i can render hd video08:18
kkathmanby the time Windows  7 come around, I wonder where the Mac will have taken computing so that Microsoft will again be  2 years behind when they launch08:19
Alucard_Hellsingidcare it shoule at least be 2.5ghz08:19
eagles0513875Alucard_Hellsing this processor is smokin lol08:19
Jucatoum... you guys would be the perfect candidates to populate and enliven #kubuntu-offtopic :)08:19
Alucard_Hellsingmost good games won't play on 1.908:19
eagles0513875im going to try hardy beta once i have all my data backed up to my xternal drive08:20
kkathmanJucato:  is there that much technical questions being asked?08:20
Alucard_Hellsingim there too08:20
Jucatokkathman: doesn't really matter if there are or aren't :)08:20
Hamrahow about advertising for linux at least once in this channel? :P08:20
kkathmanbah rules :(08:20
eagles0513875Jucato u know much about wubi08:20
Jucatokkathman: can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em eh? :)08:21
Jucatoeagles0513875: er.. I'd rather now know :)08:21
Alucard_Hellsinghey i love linux...we were discussing how much vist sucks08:21
JucatoAlucard_Hellsing: great topic. wrong place :)08:21
Hamraand trust me, windows 7 won't be any better08:21
kkathmanwell in ubuntu I can understand it, but the "buntus" are the ONLY channel I know that makes a huge thing about it - but hey so be it...I'm in k-o08:21
Alucard_Hellsingbesides the is a linux chan, what more add do u need08:22
Jucatokkathman: *shrug* I don't make the rules :)08:22
eagles0513875Jucato all i wanna know is how to boot to a wubi install08:22
kkathmanJucato:  but yer still off topic :)08:22
Jucatoeagles0513875: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide08:23
Dr_williswubi installs its own bootloder thing on windows I thought08:23
Dr_willisI imagien theres going to be a need for a #ubuntu-wubi channel soon.08:23
eagles0513875Jucatois there a wubi channel08:23
Jucatothat's kinda being debated on.. or something....08:23
Jucatoeagles0513875: well theoretically, any official support channel will be a wubi channel...08:24
Jucatosince it's officially supported in Hardy08:24
* Daisuke_Ido grumbles some more about wubi's inclusion08:25
Dr_willisbut good luck finding anyone thats actually using it. :)08:25
eagles0513875ty im out guys08:25
TheOverlordhello there08:27
TheOverlordI'm having some problems with my wireless card, could someone help me?08:27
Dr_willisdepends on the problem, and the card.08:28
Dr_willisi proberly cant be much help.08:28
TheOverlordit's an Atheros08:28
TheOverlordcomes with Aspire 310008:29
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)08:29
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:29
TheOverlordthanks, I'll take a look08:29
alexawie komme ich ins den deutschen Kubuntu iry08:34
Jucato!de | alexa08:35
ubotualexa: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:35
=== alexa is now known as Black_Doll
Hamrawhat is wubi?08:41
Jucato!wubi | Hamra08:43
ubotuHamra: wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)08:43
TeslaTonyI've been seeing an inordinate amount of processor and network activity. Can that be caused by an idle mediaserver, or is it something else?08:47
Linux_Galorejust learnt never use an external NTFS drive with an eternal Etx3 drive on the same USB hub, when Kubuntu (7.10) mounts the NTFS drive it proceeds to destroy your Ext3 drive09:04
=== willy_ is now known as Hamra
DarkriftXmine doesnt do that Linux_Galore09:04
DarkriftXoh, ext3... mines 209:04
Dr_willisnever noticed the problem either.09:04
Linux_Galorewell we then tried to mount the NTFS drive on a standalone Kubuntu machine and the keyboard stopped working but worked in a terminal09:05
Dr_willisi wonder if its not a usb hardware issue.09:05
Linux_Galorewell the drive is USB09:05
CapitalTHi, when I bring the open dialog twice in VLC by the same method (ie. file->quick open or file->open) it crashes. Anybody with the same problem here?09:05
DarkriftXmight be09:05
Linux_Galoreso it looks like there is a nasty NTFS->USB bug in 7.1009:06
DarkriftXi have usb ntfs/fat/ext2 that ive used all at once09:06
DarkriftXi dont think thats it iether09:06
DarkriftXim using 7.1009:06
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: on two machines ?09:06
DarkriftXand i have ntfs partitions mounted09:06
DarkriftXthe usb ntfs was my "backup/storage" drive for vista before i deleted it09:07
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: was it on USB external09:07
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: well we tried two machines and the module when loaded stuffed things up09:07
DarkriftXprob the device09:07
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: drive works fine on a windows machine09:07
DarkriftXlol of course it does09:07
DarkriftXwindows doesnt fix errors, it works around them09:08
Linux_Galoreactually drive works fine on three windows machines we have used the drive on09:08
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: yes but Linux should not self destruct an ext3 USB drive09:08
DarkriftXi have cf/sd cards that are soo trashed linux cant even fix them, but windows will read them (data gets corrupted all the time on them, but windows doesnt care)09:08
DarkriftXi see your point, but i still think its something else09:09
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: two weeks of backups lost09:09
DarkriftXive even copied from the nfts tothe ext2 and vice versa09:09
Hamrai used to have 512 m flash drive formatted as NTFS, it never worked on feisty, i had to format it to fat09:09
DarkriftXdid you try upgrading your ntfs3g?09:09
digin4what's kubuntu remix09:10
DarkriftXmine worked out of the box, so that shouldnt matter09:10
Linux_GaloreIm just warning anyone, if you have a Ext3 USB backup drive and attach an NTFS USB drive be prepared for file corruption09:10
DarkriftXalso, keep in mind, my ext is ext2, so maybe thats the problem09:10
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: I have been using the ext3 drive for a year with no issues until today09:11
DarkriftXi mean the combo09:11
DarkriftXi have ntfs + ext2 and you ahve ntfs + ext309:11
DarkriftXso we dont have the exact same setup09:11
DarkriftXwhich could be why i dont have a problem09:11
=== ozzy is now known as tekno
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: we even tried copying from the drive through the hub and it would dismount and corrupt any USB drive attached to the same hub as the NTFS drive09:11
=== tekno is now known as teknohell
teknohellok this install has given me the biggest headache of all time09:12
Linux_Galorefat32->Ext3 no problems09:12
Linux_Galoreetx3->ext3 no problems09:12
DarkriftXhow about ntfs/ext2? can you use that combo?09:12
Linux_GaloreNTFS->ext3 nightmare09:12
teknohellso hooows everyone doing09:13
DarkriftXdont you just lose journaling?09:13
Linux_GaloreDarkriftX: ext2 and 3 are the same thing09:13
jussio1teknohell: this is the support channel, if you just want to chat, join #kubuntu-offtopic :)09:13
Linux_Galorewell the drive has left the premisses now09:14
DarkriftXwell, good luck to you09:14
DarkriftXi sure hope this channel doesnt start getting tight about "off topic" comments liek some others are09:14
teknohellit does dark09:15
teknohellI do have a question about mounting hard drives09:15
=== cypher_ is now known as fmewes
DarkriftXim no expert, but im able to help once in a while and ive stopped trying to help in certain channels because of that09:15
DarkriftXif you arent being paid to help, you dont want to be treated liek a paid employee09:16
teknohellok my background is I havent used linux since 1998 and I cannot or the life of me remember how to mount a windows formatted drive just to see and transfer data from it without corrupting it09:17
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter09:18
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE09:18
teknohelldone dat at it tells me hal-storage-mount-all-options refused uid 100009:19
teknohellim using the KDE version09:20
jussi01teknohell: wait a moment, Ive seen this before09:21
jussi01IIRC you need to add something to fstab09:21
teknohelland will it have anyproblems since its a sata 1TB drive09:22
DarkriftXteknohell, what is your ntfs drive called? /dev/????09:22
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DarkriftXwouldnt think so09:22
jussi01teknohell: would you mind pastebinning your fstab for me?09:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:24
DarkriftXmake a directory for it (example /ntfs)09:24
DarkriftXthen 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /ntfs' should mount it (newer kubuntu has ntfs3g which gives read/write support)09:25
DarkriftXif you want it to always auto mount, you can add it to fstab like jussio1 is talking about09:25
teknohellim an idiot09:25
jussi01welcome to the club :)09:26
teknohellI  never looked at permissions and I was in as admin09:26
DarkriftXsda1? is that your / ?09:26
DarkriftXyou dont want to be "in as admin"09:26
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:26
DarkriftXjust use sudo09:26
DarkriftXgood luck and good night eveyrone09:28
teknohellyay I have my music and movies now09:28
teknohellthanks dark09:28
DarkriftXi take it that worked09:28
teknohellactually once I went into admin mode I was able to see that it wasnt enabled09:28
DarkriftXmovies = code word for pr0n09:28
DarkriftXand with that, i dissapear09:29
Hamraeven though i mount my ntfs partitions with read write access, i cant put any file on them, always the same error, read-only mount!09:29
jussi01Hamra: did you use ntfs-3g ?09:29
teknohellactually the MPAA could lock me up forever if I lost my dvd binder09:29
DarkriftXHamra, make sure yo have ntfs3g installed with write enabled09:29
DarkriftXthats what ive always used and works perfectly09:29
* DarkriftX tries to leave again09:29
teknohellI have only 2 p0rn09:30
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:30
Hamrai'll check it out, i just used the disks & filesystems thing in system settings, just a min09:30
sfc__Anyone have an idea how to fix my openoffice window? It worked fine before, but for the last few weeks every time I launch openoffice, it takes up the whole screen (covering the kicker panel and everything). Resize/move doesn't seem to work at all.09:30
sfc__(kde 3.5.8/kubuntu 7.10/openoffice 2.3)09:31
jussi01sfc__: running compiz i assume?09:31
Hamrai have ntfs-3g installed, and in the mount options i have "writable" checked09:31
sfc__jussi01: Indeed.09:31
jussi01sfc__: iirc, go to compiz settings, and change the back end to flat file09:32
sfc__jussi01: Can that be changed in the CompizCOnfig Settings Manager? (trying to find it in the list there)09:33
jussi01sfc__: yes09:33
sfc__Oh, I see it. Under a seperate section.09:33
Sir_CorgiIf I may, I believe another fix is to go to "Workarounds" and deselect "Legacy Fullscreen Support"09:33
jussi01sfc__: see what Sir_Corgi said also09:33
sfc__Oh, hey... there's my window/decorations around openoffice again. Sweet. Now I can't use my shortcuts to switch desktops, but I'll see if disabling legacy fullscreen support instead fixes that.09:35
jussi01!yay | sfc__09:36
ubotusfc__: Glad you made it! :-)09:36
Sir_CorgiOMG That was lazy.09:36
* Sir_Corgi wags finger.09:36
sfc__Okay, just in case anyone asks at another point - switching to flat file back-end disabled my shortcut keys for switching desktops. But using "disable legacy fullscreen support" instead allowed them to work. :)09:37
sfc__jussi01 ++09:37
sfc__sir_corgi ++09:38
sfc__I totally should have asked about this problem two months ago :)09:38
jussi01sfc__: as an addidtional resource, you may want to drop into #compiz-fusion sometime09:38
sfc__Instead, I've been using it in its own desktop -- but then it was hard to open menus/dialogues within oo.09:39
sfc__jussi01: I definitely will. Thanks.09:39
Hamrais there any trouble when upgrading with compiz installed? or is it better to install it after upgrade? or maybe you advice not to install it in the first place?09:42
jussi01Hamra: there _shouldnt_ be. just remember to disable any 3rd party repos you have09:43
Hamrawhere is the file that contain the repositories?09:46
Linux_GaloreIm surprised *ubuntu doesnt offer an easy way to sandbox firefox ie have firefox run as a different user ie user=firefox  thus restricting the browsers ability to exploit the default user space09:49
Linux_Galorecall is safefox09:50
ogzyhi, i was trying squidgurat at 7.10, squidguard -C all never ends, what can be the reason, i tried -d didnt see any debug info still, does it really take so much time?09:50
Linux_Galorefor an experienced use sandboxing firefox is pretty easy but Im thinking of newbies09:51
Linux_Galorehaving to type a password to run the sandboxed version of firefox can be a bit annoying09:52
CapitalTHi, I have a problem with VLC. It crashes when I bring up the open dialog twice. Any ideas?09:53
Linux_GaloreCapitalT: playing the same video ?09:54
CapitalTnot playing videos, just bringing up the open dialog09:54
Linux_GaloreCapitalT: dont know, Ive always found VLC to be a bit crappy in Linux09:54
Boohbahhow do i start kde 4?09:55
Linux_Galorefonts for subs always seem to look like crap in VLC09:55
jpatrickBoohbah: choose it from KDM at the session menu09:55
Boohbahjpatrick: my kdm is bork09:55
jpatrickBoohbah: well, that would make life difficult..09:56
CapitalTcan anyone try bringing up the open dialog in vlc twice to see if it's reproduceable?09:57
Hamrado the firefox settings in windows and those in linux differ? can i copy my settings folder from windows, and paste it wherever the settings are here on linux10:00
sonoftheclayrHamra: You should be able to. If it doesn't work just delete it and try again. Nothing to lose10:02
Hamraok :)10:02
jussi01CapitalT: it doesnt do it here10:03
CapitalTI'll reinstall it and wxwidgets and see what happens10:04
CapitalTbtw, why is there three versions of wxwidgets?10:04
CapitalTstill the same :(10:08
=== jesse__ is now known as Sir_Corgi
eagles0513875i think im goign to try the beta10:12
eagles0513875im backingup my data to my external drive. seems like the bug i was having is gone10:12
eagles0513875j/w whats the point of wubi if nobody knows how to use it and 2ndly if it has bugs y release it y not wait till the bugs r sorted out10:13
JoshOvkiIt takes a while for prorams such as wubi to get known, as most of us already had kubuntu / ubuntu installed before it was released we have never had to use it[10:16
michael__Hello! I have a problem. the directories of / are displayed on the Desktop: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2021/bildschirmphoto1dt3.png10:18
eagles0513875michael__ did u create a short cut to ur root directory on the desktop by mistake10:18
michael__not as far as i know10:18
michael__but maybe :D10:19
eagles0513875michael__ if thats the case then there is nothing to wry bout10:23
eagles0513875if u copied it though and its not a short cut i dont recommend removing it because u will mess up ur install10:23
michael__the directories there are owned by root. I think KDE only displays the "/" on the screen...10:24
michael__i think, if i gonna delete the directories, it will crash my ssytem.But its annoying, when they are diplayed on the desktop10:26
Jucatomichael__: what does "ls -l ~/Desktop/" output?10:27
michael__michael@desktop:~$ ls -l ~/Desktop/10:28
michael__insgesamt 1582410:28
michael__-rw-r--r-- 1 michael michael     3882 2008-03-30 09:48 file.pdf10:28
michael__-rw-r--r-- 1 michael michael     2509 2008-03-25 15:46 firefox.desktop10:28
michael__-rw-r--r-- 1 michael michael 15481312 2008-03-30 10:35 skype-debian_2.0.0.68-1_i386.deb10:28
michael__-rw-r--r-- 1 michael michael   685572 2008-03-30 10:31 VideoCAM_Look_312P.zip10:28
michael__thats right10:28
michael__these files are really on my desktop10:28
jussi01!paste | michael__10:28
ubotumichael__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:28
eagles0513875!pastbin | michael__10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:28
Jucatomichael__: next time use a pastebin please10:28
eagles0513875hey jussi0110:28
Jucatomichael__: ok I need you to check something. press Alt+F2 and run "kcontrol" then go to System Administration -> Paths. check what is in the Desktop path10:30
* Jucato doesn't know where Paths is in System Settings..10:30
Jucatostill with us michael__?10:32
Jucatodid you check already?10:32
michael__oh i havent seen you message10:32
michael__one moment10:32
michael__the desktop path is normal... "/home/michael/Desktop"10:33
eagles0513875Jucato does that mean its a copy of his root directory10:33
Jucatoeagles0513875: but based on his ls of ~/Desktop, there isn't any symlink there...10:34
eagles0513875Jucato how could his root directory have ended up on the desktop10:35
Jucatoeagles0513875: that's what I'm trying to find out :)10:35
eagles0513875Jucato u got me curious as well10:35
jpatrickhe mounted it at the wrong place?10:36
eagles0513875michael__ did u do a custom set of partitions or did u have the live cd do it for u automatically10:37
michael__i installed the alternate cd, configrued everything, some reboots, and suddenly i got this problem10:37
eagles0513875michael__ the beta of hardy10:37
michael__no, gusty10:37
eagles0513875the only thing that i could think  could he have hard linked it instead of sym link10:39
michael__that means?10:39
eagles0513875michael__ its another type of link10:39
michael__how could i change it?10:40
Jucatoeagles0513875: if it were a link it would still show up in ls right?10:40
eagles0513875only sym link i believe10:40
eagles0513875i know symlinks do not sure bout the hard links10:41
eagles0513875let me look something up really fast10:41
eagles0513875i cant find what im looking for10:42
eagles0513875let me go get my linux lpi notes binder10:43
michael__no problem10:43
eagles0513875im back10:44
eagles0513875michale look in the partition where u have ur install10:48
eagles0513875and see if u have a / directory in there10:48
michael__If i enter "/" in the adressbar i see my root directories10:48
eagles0513875is there another root directory in there10:49
eagles0513875sup doc10:49
eagles0513875cmicallef random question u from malta10:49
rahmihi everybody10:50
cmicallefname gave it away eh?10:50
michael__Another root direcotory?10:50
rahmido yuo know kubuntu10:50
michael__In which way?10:50
eagles0513875cmicallef ya10:50
cmicalleftake it your maltese :)10:50
rahmiwebcam driver indstilizasion?10:50
eagles0513875cmicallef u a registered nick10:50
eagles0513875michael__ u ever setup a virtual machine before or do u have another machine u can try the install in10:51
eagles0513875!nick | cmicallef10:51
ubotucmicallef: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.10:51
eagles0513875cmicallef register its worth it10:51
cmicallefwill do now10:52
michael__eagles051387: Actually, the install worked, didn't it? After some reboots i got the problem.10:52
eagles0513875let me check fsck commands give me a min michael__10:52
eagles0513875cmicallef now type in /msg nickserv password to sign in10:53
eagles0513875Jucato u know the command to have kubuntu run fsck during bootup10:53
Jucatoum nope..10:54
jpatrickcmicallef: see: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for the freenode way of setuping up your nick10:54
eagles0513875im goign to have to keep searching on google give me a couple min michael__10:54
cmicallefidentified :)10:54
michael__no problem10:54
cmicallefthanks eagle10:54
Dr_willisYou create a file called /forcefsck i think to force a fsck10:54
michael__i didnt know how to express the problem by google... :-/10:55
eagles0513875Dr_willis ?10:55
eagles0513875cmicallef no prob10:55
Dr_willisIf the file "/forcefsck" exists a file system consistency check10:55
Dr_willis(fsck) will be forced at the next boot up.10:55
Dr_willissudo touch /forcefsck10:55
eagles0513875Dr_willis so sudo -F shutdown -r now10:55
eagles0513875and that will force the fsck check10:55
eagles0513875cmicallef did u get my pm10:56
Dr_willisThat also just makes that file then does a reboot.10:56
cmicallefya eagle10:56
Dr_willisof coruse if the filesystem is very very very badly messed up  - it may not be able to do the making of the file10:56
eagles0513875so there is no simple command to just have it run fsck during boot to where u dont have to create the file10:56
Dr_willisnever noticed.. never worried :)  the scripts check the filesystem to see if its good..  i GUESS you could purposly flag the journel as being bad.. but theres other filesystems out besides just ext310:58
Dr_willisso what works for ext3. may not work for ext2, or other filesystems10:58
eagles0513875michael__ what file system u running10:58
eagles0513875michael__ try this command man fsck and see what command options u get with it and could u past bin them to me plz10:59
Dr_williswhat are you trying to accomplish exactly?10:59
Dr_willisif you have a aparently good filesystem and want the system to auto-fsck it. use the touch command above.11:00
monkeylicefor geeks with those shitty old routers11:00
monkeylice[03:01:24] <BuM> I dont trust being in the same channel as you11:00
monkeylice[03:01:26] * BuM has quit IRC (Quit: )11:00
Dr_willisLike being in the same channel matters?11:01
Dr_willisshowfsck - show the number of reboots before next forced fsck11:01
michael__Is this a good "hmmm"? :D11:01
eagles0513875michael__ run the command Dr_willis gave showfsck11:02
Dr_willisi had to install it. :) heh11:02
Dr_willis11/24 mount(s) until fsck for /dev/sdb211:02
eagles0513875Dr_willis what if u wanna force an fsck at next reboot how would one do that11:03
michael__10/24 mount(s) until fsck for /dev/disk/by-uuid/8b4049de-a0a6-48a1-8a5a-110e08301b5511:03
Dr_williseagles0513875,  sudo touch .... whatever...11:03
Dr_willislike given above11:03
eagles0513875i used to use a sudo -F or f to force at next reboot11:05
michael__should i do this?11:05
eagles0513875michael__ try the touch command that was given above11:05
michael__okay, and then reboot?11:05
eagles0513875michael__ ya11:05
Dr_williswhy are we doing this at all is what i wonder...11:06
eagles0513875Dr_willis im not sure if this is an issue like windows but sometimes running a checkdisk in winblows fixes certain problems im wondering if this is the same issue11:07
michael__okay, then till in a few minutes11:07
Dr_willisin the time we have been talking about it... :) i could of fsck'd the disks 4 times...11:09
Dr_willisi dont expect it to fix anything..unless theres some disk curruption. :)11:10
eagles0513875Dr_willis im thinking thats whathe has some mild disk corruption11:10
Dr_willisi had a hd that was so messed up. when it fsck'd EVERYTHING got moved to /lost+found11:11
Dr_willismade the system rather unbootable11:11
eagles0513875were u able to recover the data11:11
Dr_willisIt was just a test box. so i reinstalld the latest ubuntu beta. :)11:12
eagles051387532 or 6411:12
eagles0513875im goignt o put 64bit hardy beta11:13
michael__Hey, guys, thank you =) Everything is normal again =)11:15
eagles0513875michael__ lol good to hear11:17
Dr_willisi got no need for 64bitness11:17
eagles0513875Dr_willis lol that fixed it11:17
eagles0513875michael__ u had some minor corruption on teh disk so when ever things start becoming weird run that touch command again11:17
Dr_willisif the filesystem was currupted - it should allready detect it and do it anyway11:18
eagles0513875Dr_willis me neither but if u can eek out the lil bit extra performance y not take it11:18
Dr_williseagles0513875,  because of other problem areas11:18
eagles0513875Dr_willis what other kinda problems r there with 64bit11:18
Dr_williseagles0513875,  lets see.. powersaving, java, flash, drivers, others.. (some are not muchof a problem any more)11:20
eagles0513875since i went 64 on feisty havent had any issues11:20
Dr_willisyou are one of the few then.11:21
michael__Well, everything works fine. Till my next problem ;) So long :) Thanks, again!11:21
eagles0513875michael__ no prob11:21
eagles0513875Dr_willis only problems i have had have been on my new laptop11:22
eagles0513875vista is s***11:22
eagles0513875calling all problems we r here to help get rid of u11:26
eagles0513875im dying to get kubuntu installed on here11:33
kblinhi folks11:33
freakydollwie komm iich in den deutschen chat11:42
IppatsuMan!de | freakydoll11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:42
ubotufreakydoll: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:42
freakydoll!de | freakydoll11:42
nicoleWindow live messenger11:44
Hamrais there like an open source nvidia driver or something?11:49
eagles0513875Hamra ya in the repos11:49
=== bascule_ is now known as bascule
eldariaI think I found a bug in Hardy, Beta, a rather severe one, but I'm not sure how to trace it for a bug report.12:08
Jucatoeldaria: #ubuntu+1 please12:08
eldariaok, thanks12:08
Hamrais there a package for firefox 3 beta in the repos? if yes, what is the name of the package?12:12
eagles0513875Hamra do apt-cache search firfox in konsole it will bring up all firefox pkgs u can also use it to search for anythign ur looking for12:13
Hamraok, thnx12:14
JucatoI think it's available in Hardy, so you might want to ask in #ubuntu+112:14
swattoon that note about firefox - how do i update to the latest version12:14
JucatoHamra: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all12:15
Jucatoswatto: if you installed firefox from Ubuntu's repositories, you'll have to wait for them to release an update. You update it normally like any other package12:15
swattoah ok, cheers Jucato12:16
LimCorehow to use apport?12:20
Hamraim installing wine from source code, and i have been seeing ununderstandable stuff for like 20 minutes, is it normal for the install to take a long time?12:28
ioanwell i never installed wine from source Hamra so it took me only few minutes12:31
JucatoHamra: you're not just installing Hamra. you're compiling first... that would take longer than a simple install (from a package)12:32
ioanbut compiling stuff takes time12:32
Hamrai guess it's nearing end, it asked for my root password now12:32
Hamrayup! done!12:33
ioanany opinion about Hardy kde4 ?i'm stucked with it so i'll go back to kde312:37
Jucatoioan: stucked with it?12:37
ioanfor a while Jucato but i simply can't make it work as i wish12:38
Jucatoyou can get help with KDE 4 in #kubuntu-kde412:39
ioani knw i'm on that channel too12:39
ioangosh -my english is too ambiguous today12:41
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_
_myrtille_Hello there :)12:51
_myrtille_I'm getting an error message from ssh and I'm wondering who to blame: myself or the other end :)12:52
_myrtille_The message is: X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)12:52
emilsedgh_myrtille_: sorry, what are you trying to do? open a window from the other side?12:53
_myrtille_plus some technical lines (if you need those i'll paste them=12:53
_myrtille_oh, sorry. :s emilsedgh: yes... i joined with ssh -X name@... and tried to open a gui-application12:54
emilsedghhm, dunno then, i thought you are trying to do it without -X...you added it yourself, i dunno12:54
_myrtille_ok :)12:55
eagles0513875!ru | ramzay12:57
uboturamzay: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:57
_myrtille_emilsedgh: I just tried to execute konqueror, which worked fine... so I suppose this means, that this is not an ssh-problem :/13:00
emilsedgh_myrtille_: maybe, i have no idea13:00
_myrtille_ok, different question then. :D Somebody knows some opensource application, that is comparable to mathematica :D13:05
eldaria_myrtille_: Don't know that specific application, but I found this page http://www.osalt.com/ some time ago, and they do have a nice list of applications13:07
_myrtille_eldaria: thx, i'll have a look :)13:10
nick__hey guy13:12
nick__i got alway a nsviwer error when i surf in the ethernet :(13:13
eldarianick__: Sound like the Flashplugin bug in Konqueror.13:14
nick__eldaria:  ok how i fix that ?13:14
nblracerwhat is the channel for kubuntu withe kde 4, or hardy kubiuntu?13:15
Jucatonblracer: #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4, both Gutsy and Hardy13:15
eldarianick__: well they did not release a fix for Gutsy, there is a fix for Hardy though.13:15
Jucato#ubuntu+1 for general Hardy13:15
nick__eldaria:  ok so :S13:16
eldarianick__: It workes in Firefox, but yes, I know it is not the same.13:17
nick__eldaria:  your right :)13:17
eldarianick__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68913913:18
eldarianick__: there is a link to the old version of Flash.13:19
kienndhi all13:20
kienndHave any one in Sweden13:20
kienndI want to know the Linux community in Sweden13:20
kienndI'm going to go to Sweden this year13:20
nblracerhmm can i post my guestion in here, since the kde kubuntu channel is dead13:20
eldariakiennd: http://ubuntulinux.se/13:20
nick__eldaria:  ok i going to use firefox then13:21
kienndOk, thanks eldaria13:21
Jucato!ru | ramzay13:22
uboturamzay: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:22
Jucatonblracer: no assurance that you'll get more help here about KDE 4. that's really the channel for KDE 4 users13:22
kienndHi eldaria, do you know any krc channels for Linux users in Sweden ?13:23
Jucato!se | kiennd13:23
ubotukiennd: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se13:23
LilSargequick question...is there a way to change single clicks to dbl clicks?  Im use to dbl clicks so most of the time i open multiple icons13:24
kienndOk, thanks jucato and ubotu, good day for you :)13:24
JucatoLilSarge: System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Mouse13:25
nblracer The error im getting is /usr/lib/kde4/etc/kdm/kdmrc is not found13:25
nblraceri dont know how to fix it13:26
nblraceror how i brock it13:26
nblracerlast night i just reinstalled samba, and rebooted to find that i had no gui13:26
nick__eldaria:  firefox have de same problem13:27
nick__anyway i go to sleep thanks13:27
LilSargethx, and what is Pointer Acceleration? is that the speed of cursor13:28
eldariaLilSarge: Nope, that is how fast it will accelerate, basically if you drag it fast it will move faster and faster.13:29
ubuntui am having a problem with the install both when choosign to load the desktop and choosing the 2nd option to to install without a desktop loading13:29
ubuntunm i retract my problem13:29
LilSargeOk and is there a way to make a faster cursor?13:29
eldariaLilSarge: Yes, use the Acceleration., the higer, the faster13:31
LilSargepointer acceleration?13:33
eldariaLilSarge: in the mouse settings, push help, there it is explained pretty well. Basically Acceleration is how fast it moves compared to your movement, and the Threshold is how long before it will start accelerating.13:33
LilSargek thx13:34
nblracerWhere else can i get some good help, since i cant find a solution on the internet13:37
nosrednaekimnblracer: search the forums13:38
nblraceri already did13:38
BluesKajhowdy all13:38
nosrednaekimhey BluesKaj13:38
BluesKajhi nosrednaekim13:39
=== Philip5 is now known as Philip6
DiViN3i need help14:06
DiViN3can someone help me plz14:07
DiViN3my wireless detects my access point but doesnt connect14:07
DiViN3how do i get it working14:07
BluesKaj!wireless | DiViN314:08
ubotuDiViN3: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:08
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
DiViN3BluesKaj : i tried but its not working14:09
DiViN3hello can anyone assist me in getting m wireless work plz14:13
DiViN3or is there a way to connect to internet using my win box with a ethernet cable14:14
nosrednaekimDiViN3: are using anyencryption on your wireless router?14:15
DiViN3nosrednaekim : nope14:15
DiViN3nosrednaekim : its a non encrypted access point14:16
DiViN3nosrednaekim : i tried using many wifi device but all the same problem14:16
nosrednaekimDiViN3: alright, lets try doing this fom the command line, first run "iwconfig" to find th name of your wireless device, whould be "wlan0 or ath0"14:18
nosrednaekimthen run "sudo iwconfig devicename ESSID theessidofyourAP14:18
nosrednaekimthen run "sudo dhclient devicename14:18
DiViN3nosrednaekim ; its stating that i m not in the sudoers file - wat do i do now14:20
nosrednaekimDiViN3: ah... use the first user you created on the computer, who is the computer "admin"14:22
DiViN3its me14:22
DiViN3i m the admin14:22
DiViN3theres only one user14:22
nosrednaekimwe can bother with adding this user to sudoers la.... what? you are the first user created?14:22
nosrednaekimuhh oh14:22
DiViN3nosrednaekim : Ok i have restarted n log in to the 1st user already14:25
=== evalles is now known as effie_jayx
DiViN3nosrednaekim : i m totally new to kubuntu so plz bear with me thanks14:26
nosrednaekimtry running that first command again14:26
DiViN3ok gimme a min14:26
nosrednaekimI have to go.....14:30
DiViN3is there anyone else who can help me plzzzzzzzzzz14:31
IppatsuMan!anyone | DiViN314:36
ubotuDiViN3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:36
DiViN3IppatsuMan : Can U HelpMe Out PLz14:37
IppatsuManDiViN3: I don't know, unless you stop asking if you can ask a question and ask your real question ;)14:37
Sir_CorgiDiViN3: Ask the question you want answered.14:38
DiViN3i cant connect to the internet using my linksys wifi adapter14:38
DiViN3its detects the access point but cant connect - wat should i do14:39
DiViN3i cant connect to the internet using my linksys wifi adapter14:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:46
jussi01DiViN3: Im pretty sure there is a guide there14:46
jussi01DiViN3: which model is it?14:46
DiViN3linkys WUSB54v414:47
DiViN3linkys WUSB54G v414:47
jussi01DiViN3: yes, that is on the list on that page, go read the tutorial14:48
DiViN3i hv tried wat was in the page but cant use14:48
DiViN3i need help15:03
DiViN3plz try to help me thanks15:03
DiViN3i need help in using my wifi to connect to internet15:04
jpatrick!wifi | DiViN315:04
ubotuDiViN3: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:04
DiViN3jpatrick : I tried the method from there but its not working15:05
=== kiosk is now known as ThorOdin
ingrid2/ xorg use 100% of the proc and i have to kill it (especialy with movies or flash videos)15:16
ingridhi, i wanna some help i have two main problems (kubuntu hardy) 1/ my spdif only works with ac3 or dts contrary at begining for all sounds15:16
mefisto__does anybody know if the audio cd ripping feature in kde has a name? (the way it makes virtual folders MP3, Ogg Vorbis, etc)15:22
emilsedghmefisto__: you mean the audiocd:/ ? thats a kio slave15:23
mefisto__emilsedgh: if you put in an audio cd, then navigate to it with konqeror or dolphin, it will dispay a bunch of folders, first the actual CD audio files on the disk, then various other folders with each track inside, so ripping is done by just copying those "virtual" files and kde creates it as it is "copying"15:29
emilsedghyou could go there by typing audiocd:// in address bar, mefisto__15:29
emilsedghyou could use another applications, like KAudioCreator for ripping too15:30
mefisto__sure, just wondering what to call this feature when I tell my windows-user friends about it15:31
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
icewatermanhi, can i use 32-bit java in a 64bit firefox with nsplugin-wrapper?15:39
co0lingFir3hi folks! how can i adjust the number of channels in k9copy?15:44
bentob0xwhen installing KDE 4.0.2 on Kubuntu 7.10, you need to add sources (ppa.launchpad.net).  Once kde 4 installed, adept updater offers to update tons of kde elements (with a ppa version).  Is it safe to update to those versions for anything non kde4?15:48
IppatsuManbentob0x: I can't give you any guarantee, but I did it and my KDE 3 is still running fine15:49
EruaranIs anyone else getting the dcopserver error ?15:50
bentob0xthat's what I thought, thx IppatsuMan15:50
EruaranI cant use Adept because of it15:51
jast-mxmonce you have vnc server setup and i have a network created, how do i connect to it to install my guest os?15:53
mefisto__bentob0x: my kde 3 is running fine too. the only thing is extra kde 4 items in kmenu, or kde 3 things in kmenu when running kde 415:57
=== linuxmce is now known as simon_ba
Matt1728cansomeone help me install a (install.sh) file16:03
icewatermanMatt1728: thats a shellscript16:03
icewatermanMatt1728: you need to learn bash/sh16:03
icewatermanor simply run it16:03
Matt1728oh that works too16:03
icewaterman./install.sh (in case it is not executeable, do chmod a+x install.sh first)16:04
Matt1728with root/16:04
icewatermanMatt1728: depends on what it does and where it installs stuff16:04
Matt1728k thanks i got it16:05
icewatermanMatt1728: most likely it needs to be run as root, but if you want to locally install it in your homedirectory, you can do it as normal user16:05
=== jesus is now known as Elemento
Claybrain145I get this error when in D3lphin16:09
Claybrain145The desktop entry file16:10
=== Pliskin_ is now known as Pliskin
Claybrain145__  /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop16:11
Claybrain145has an invalid menu entry16:11
Claybrain145.. I think I can fix it, just since I'm new to Kubuntu, just wanted to make sure I don't mess anything up.16:12
mefisto__Claybrain145: what are you going to do to fix it? edit that file?16:13
Matt1728is there a repository for dvdshrink?16:13
Claybrain145well I'm in the file manager Dolphin... and I right click on an HTML file I saved and I get that error message.  Of course, I do have Amarok open as well16:14
Claybrain145mefisto - you could try k9copy (look up in add remove progs)16:17
Claybrain145mefisto or try typing this in konsole - sudo apt-get install k9copy16:17
Stilohi! does anybody know how i can install a new theme for the pidin guification plugin16:18
Claybrain145I think you have to run DVD shrink in Wine16:18
mefisto__I'm not sure what that "add as podcast" is meant to do in d3lphin, but if you are trying to add a podcast to amarok it might be easier to copy the podcast url from the webpage, then add it to amarok directly16:18
jast-mxmwell it is still a beta, so it is probably an incomplete feature16:19
Claybrain145I don't deal with podcasts16:19
mefisto__Claybrain145: the k9copy info I think you meant for Matt172816:19
Claybrain145I was being a little lexdysic16:19
reesehi! is there a way to use audio drivers from wine? i can see them in the configuration window, but they don't really work16:20
Claybrain145mefisto - as for the podcast thing... I'm not familiar enough to know where to look for right-click actions to see where it's pulling that .desktop script to check for podcast.16:21
Claybrain145which is my assumption for why the error comes up...16:21
reesei mean, in vista, with the original drivers from realtek, the sound is like twice better and louder16:21
mefisto__Claybrain145: if the "add as podcast" thing is causing problems and you don't need that function, just delete it (or move it to another location in case you want to move it back)16:21
dthacker!es | anais16:21
ubotuanais: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:21
Claybrain145that's what I figured, but I'm just trying to see if there was another way as well.  Just trying to become more fmiliar with Kubuntu.  Installed it last week16:22
mefisto__Claybrain145: in konsole, type this: sudo mv /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop ~/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop (this will move the file for the "add as podcast" thing to your home directory)16:23
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
johanhi!, is there any browser for linux that allows me to read the status of the webpage from the commandline. (for example, if the page  has been loaded completly)?16:24
Claybrain145mefisto - thnx.  I tried doing that through Dolphin.  Forgot I needed sudo master.16:26
Claybrain145Must be Windows XP withdraw.16:26
dthackerjohan: firefox16:27
andres___Someone can help me with the installation of firefox in kubuntu 6.06 64 bits... I do not find complete information for this installation16:27
dthackerjohan: wait. you said commandline.  my bad16:27
johandthacker: :(16:27
Matt1728anyone use mythtv?16:28
hyper_chhiho, is there a bug with kontact in hardy (KDE3.3)?16:28
mefisto__Claybrain145: I think if you right-click a folder in dolphin, there is an option to open it as root (under "actions"), if that is easier for you. but it's good to learn to be comfortable in konsole16:28
dthackeryes! and theres' a helpful channel for mythtv #ubuntu-mythtv16:28
andres___Already the tar.gz comes out of the page of firefox... But I cannot continue with the installation... Not I to him(you,them) that I command must execute16:28
dthackerhyper_ch: have you searched launchpad?  The people in this channel are unlikely to retain all the bugs in their memory :)16:29
hyper_chdthacker: that's what I'm doing now :)16:30
hyper_chdthacker: well, since today it just crashes upon starting... so if this is update related to hardy people may have also noticed ;)16:30
dthackerhardy support is in #ubuntu +116:30
EruaranNZ has voted NO to OOXML16:31
dthackerjohan: have you tried lynx?16:31
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:31
Matt1728how do i connect to the myth tv database16:31
geniijohan: Links indicates load progress16:31
dthackerMatt1728: please ask in #ubuntu-mythtv16:31
johandthacker: i  need to make screenshots of a website, so lynx will not do.. i'm now checking the -debug feature of firefox16:31
mefisto__all browsers indicate load progress in statusbar, don't they?16:32
geniiconsole based browser screenshots?16:32
dthackerjohan has confused dthacker completely :)16:32
Claybrain145mefisto - yes I see that.  I'll keep playing around...  I really should get a book on linux... it might help better than keep coming here to ask questions... well that was the first, figured it out by myself so far16:36
sourcemakerhow can I mount a cryptedFS (cryptoLUKS=16:36
jpatricksourcemaker: it's an addition available in hardy16:37
sourcemakerjpatrick: yes... I have hardy in use16:38
jpatricksourcemaker: it should pick it up then..16:38
sourcemakerjpatrick: yes... it does... but I have a second encfs for backup...  and I have to mount this16:39
jpatricksourcemaker: hmm, sorry, don't know :(16:39
sourcemakeri will ask ubuntu +116:39
nonewmsgsmy dad's computer is ubuntu 7.10 and he uses it only for solitare and the internet. recently the solitare program began to take up the entire screen (no titlebar or taskbar, but literally the entire screen) how can i fix this16:42
reeseis there a program that lets you use the original audio drivers?16:44
nonewmsgsmaybe from the company who made the sound card?16:45
mefisto__nonewmsgs: it's probably just set to fullscreen. try the F11 key16:45
nonewmsgs<f11> makes the title flash but doesnt fix it16:45
reesenonewmsgs: i've a realtek audio card, and there aren't any drivers for linux16:45
nonewmsgsi have tried all keyboard shortcuts i know16:45
nonewmsgsif i delete the .aislerot folder will it remake it with default settings?16:47
manuel__alguien me puede ayudar en como instalar el sonido16:48
jpatrick!es | manuel__16:48
ubotumanuel__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:48
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareBot
=== FlareBot is now known as Flare183
=== Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
mefisto__nonewmsgs: alt-F3 will give you the same menu you get when you right-click the titlebar. Under advanced, there is fullscreen16:53
nonewmsgsit has minimize but doens't allow maximize more of resize?16:55
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareBot
nonewmsgshe's so hard on computers...16:55
nonewmsgsmove or*16:55
sourcemakerhow can I mount a LUKS encrypted filesystem in hardy? I receive the following message: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'16:56
mefisto__nonewmsgs: under the "advanced" submenu, there is "fullscreen"16:56
=== FlareBot is now known as FlareBotty
=== FlareBotty is now known as Flare183
mefisto__reese: have you tried playing around with audio settings in kmix?17:01
reesemefisto: done that.. but i've just found that realtek has released their drivers for linux too, so i'm going with that17:02
nonewmsgsmefisto__: bah he's actually using gnome and doesnt have that...17:03
mefisto__nonewmsgs: might be better to ask in #ubuntu then. but it sure sounds like it's just in fullscreen mode17:04
BluesKajhmm trying to reinstall tor, but I'm getting this error17:05
=== colin_ is now known as kernco
kerncoWhat's the best way to make a program run on startup?17:06
nonewmsgsalready did...i helped 4 people out there but no one answered my question17:06
nonewmsgsalt+f3 is neat17:06
BluesKajdpkg: error processing tor (--configure):17:06
nonewmsgsthere is a file called .init17:06
nonewmsgsi believe it is in /boot17:07
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.17:07
kerncoThat will work, but it's a daemon so I'd prefer if it started as part of the boot process17:08
=== lkjlkj is now known as rrsd
geniikernco: Likely rc.local then17:12
kerncoah, I see it.  Thanks17:13
sourcemakerhow can I mount a LVM?17:15
Daisuke_Idonice to see that flock doesn't play well with system themes17:16
=== rob234 is now known as rrds_
mefisto__Daisuke_Ido: it's based on firefox, isn't it?17:19
Daisuke_Idomefisto__, yeah, but while firefox adopts system themes, flock does not17:20
Daisuke_Idofor instance, i just went to a dark theme, which obviously requires lighter text...  firefox picks up both parts of that, flock just changed the text colour, making it white-on-white17:21
mefisto__Daisuke_Ido: maybe the flock theme isn't playing nice with the kde theme. In my experience, firefox doesn't usually reflect kde themes unless it's using the default firefox theme17:22
mefisto__that is if flock uses firefox-type themes (it's been a while since I tried flock)17:23
Daisuke_Idoyeah...  see actually i directed the theme comment to the wrong channel, as i'm actually using gnome right now -_-17:24
Daisuke_IdoThere are no themes currently available for Flock. Firefox themes will not work with Flock because the two browsers have different UI and features.17:25
Daisuke_Idoback to boring ol' firefox!17:25
willieid this the right forum to get help for a Kubuntu 8.03 beta install that wont install the base system cos the new kernel has difficulty with the CD-ROM17:26
willieerr Kubuntu 8.0417:26
gladtrHi All17:29
gladtrhelp me please17:30
jpatrick!ask | gladtr17:30
ubotugladtr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:30
rei5553!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
tjn3901!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
akn1075!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
sxo5009!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
eab3796!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
weq9994!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
rei5553!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
akn1075!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
weq9994!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
tjn3901!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
eab3796!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
sxo5009!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
tnt3142!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
tnt3142!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
eab3796!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
rei5553!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
sxo5009!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
weq9994!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
tjn3901!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
akn1075!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
uiq3207!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
uiq3207!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:30
glykчто это ? )17:30
jpatrickhi Dave2, just on time! :D17:30
draikWhat happened?17:31
jpatrickdraik: bot attack, taken care of17:31
draikjpatrick: Ah. Thank you.17:31
jpatrickvorian: long live +R17:33
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
TimSHow can I get locate to search an external drive, that is mounted on /dev/sda1 as well as / ?17:40
draikI have an idea of something I want to do. Here is my plan...17:40
TimSI just did a "sudo locate -u" which I think rebuilds the database and it should include /dev/sda1 I think17:40
TimSIs that right?17:40
BluesKajthat IP addy is in chicago17:40
draik9 OS's on 9 Shuttle computers. 9 monitors for each of them. 1 keyboard and mouse. I want to link them all together with a side monitor (monitor #10) where I can choose which of the 9 OS's I want to use.17:41
draikDoes this seem possible?17:45
tempodont suppose anyone is free to give me a hand!17:46
johandraik: yes, there are monitor switches for that17:46
BluesKajjpatrick, the Ip address of that bot is dig to confirm the location that used with neotrace17:47
draikjohan: Similar to KVM?17:47
jpatrick!ask | tempo17:47
ubotutempo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:47
johandraik: yup17:47
draikI want to have a constant view on one computer and then have my side monitor access each computer at my discretion17:47
johandraik: as long as they have a vga-out or something like that, you can do it17:48
tempoI've just installed Kubuntu, never used it before was wondering how i install my graphics card its an nvidia 8800gt17:48
=== rowan_ is now known as makdaknife
makdaknifeare there any alsa gurus here?17:49
draikjohan: Doesn't KVM only accept one monitor per computer? I want to have 2 video outputs. One constant and the other will be on the side monitor where I can choose when to view the various computers (one at a time).17:50
johanyou'll have to setup dual view setup on each computer... but isnt  vnc easier? and cheaper"?17:50
Nightrosewhen right clicking on a file or folder in Dolphin it opens the file or folder and the menu (KDE 4 hardy) - any ideas how to fix that?17:52
draikI want to have everything separate to dedicate one computer to each OS17:52
jcgkffycsis there a quick command to find out the uuid of a partition?17:52
jpatrick!es | manuel__17:55
ubotumanuel__: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:55
jpatrickhi anfi17:56
anfihello jpatrick, im just testing irc ... never used it bevor17:57
BluesKajjcgkffycs, notsure if this is what you need , sudo fdisk -l17:57
Matt19849can anyone tell me how to install an nvidia driver im new to linux!17:57
Matt1728adept and look for nvidia17:58
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:58
john-lIs there any way to disable the modal prompt to install missing plugins in Konqueror without actually installing the plugins?17:58
jcgkffycsalso, I re installed windows, onto the first partition of my disk, I then went to re install kubuntu, on the last partition, my home partition and two swap partitins were let alone. When the kubuntu installer got the to partitioner phase it said that my disk was empty, I know it is not empty, since I can mount my other partitions using the windows ext2 driver, and I can also mount the volume properly onother linux systems18:01
jcgkffycsA similar thing happend to me before, and I was able to use cfdisk to make a minor change to my disk, and then it fixed the disk, this time the same strategy didnot fix the disk.18:02
mefisto__jcgkffycs: sudo vol_id /dev/sda1 (or replace "sda1" with whatever partition you want to know about)18:06
jpatrick!es | anais18:25
ubotuanais: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:25
romunoves? ahso ja, es geht es :)18:26
freakydollkann mir jemand sagen wo ich nen Editor mit rootrechten finde bei kubuntu?18:32
_myrtille_!de |freakydoll18:33
ubotufreakydoll: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:33
=== dyve is now known as Divilinux
* dwidmann drops a pin18:54
* PhilRod hears it clearly18:55
yagodoes anyone use Ada?18:55
azzcoDoes anyone know how to get sound in recordmydesktop (not mic)?18:56
=== warren_ is now known as warrend
Nightroseazzco: stephan hermann blogged about it a few days ago on planet ubuntu18:57
* Nightrose would appreciate some help with her .desktop files problem... (right clicking in dolphin opens file/folder and the menu)18:59
Nightroseany pointers where I could investigate/how to fix it?18:59
azzcothanks nightrose18:59
Nightroseno prob azzco19:00
kkathmanNightrose:  right clicking what files?19:00
Nightrosekkathman: any19:00
Nightrosedoesn't matter19:00
=== Wrath is now known as WrathOfDead
kkathmanso its not giving you a menu  when you rt click?19:00
Nightrosekkathman: it is - but it is also opening the file itself19:01
Nightroseor folder if I right click a folder19:01
dwidmannNightrose: only have that problem with d3lphin right?19:01
kkathmanNightrose:  do you have single click option on?19:01
Nightrosedwidmann: nope kde 4 on hardy19:02
Nightrosekkathman: I do19:02
Nightrose(fi I understand correctly what you mean)19:02
kkathmanhmm yer on kde 4  - you may have to ask in kde4 then - could be a bug19:02
kkathmanthis doesnt happen to me on my kde 3.5.819:02
NightroseI did yesterday - no help there so far :(19:03
dwidmann-kde4 isn't very active as far as I've seen19:03
sourcemakerhow can I mount an encrypted file system (cryptoLUKS) via LVM?19:03
kkathmandid you check bugzilla ?19:03
NightroseI am pretty sure it is a problem with the .desktop files19:03
Nightrosebut I don't know how to investigate this further19:03
kkathmanNightrose:  you could rename the .desktop to something else, and reboot, see if that fixes the prob19:03
Nightrosehmm good idea19:05
Nightrosewill try19:05
kkathmanworse case you can always get to console and rename it back19:05
kkathmansometimes kde will fix itself that way when things get a bit odd19:06
azzcoNightrose: I finally found it but it's for use with pulseaudio, I really don't have any good experiences with it... Thanks anyways19:07
dwidmannsourcemaker: well, if I'm reading this correctly, you first need to make sure lvm is running (sudo /etc/init.d/lvm start should do the trick), then use "sudo crypsetup luksOpen <device> <name>"19:07
dwidmannsourcemaker: better would be to add it to the /etc/crypttab so it can be mounted by the /etc/init.d/crypsetup script19:08
sourcemakerdwidmann: yes.. if have...  but I receive following message: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'19:08
dwidmannsourcemaker: which device are you specifying? It should be /dev/mapper/something19:09
sourcemakerdwidmann: I have to hardy installations with cryptFS... now I try to backup my fresh clean install from sdc to sda...19:09
dwidmannsourcemaker: so you've moved it from one drive to another ... and now it won't mount?19:11
sourcemakerdwidmann: no... i try to mount my second hard installation...19:11
dwidmannsourcemaker: try mounting it with the "cryptsetup" command and tell me how that goes, if you haven't already.19:12
sourcemakerdwidmann: everythink fine...19:12
sourcemakerdwidmann: there is a mapping on /dev/mapper/root-sda519:12
sourcemakerdwidmann:  mount /dev/mapper/root-sda5 /mnt/ >> mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'19:13
dwidmannsourcemaker: try this command: "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/mapper/root-sda5 crypto-root-sda5"19:14
Gast312hallo! wie kann man verhindern, dass bei ark die verwendeten verzeichnispfade in einem drop-down-menü gelistet werden?19:14
=== myrtilles is now known as _myrtille_
sourcemakerdwidmann: negative! /dev/mapper/root-sda5 is not a LUKS partition19:15
dwidmannsourcemaker: is it an lvm volume?19:15
sourcemakerdwidmann: I my point of view there is something wrong with LVM... but I do know mutch about that19:15
sourcemakerdwidmann: yes19:15
agent-orange"Configuration file *************/ksplashrc is not writable"19:15
agent-orangewhats this mean19:15
dwidmannsourcemaker: does this lvm volume have a luks partition in it?19:16
sourcemakerdwidmann: how can I check that?19:16
agent-orangeevery time i boot . this happens, also, i keep getting the desktop config wizard upon login19:16
agent-orange"Configuration file *************/ksplashrc is not writable"19:16
freakydoll! Ubuntu19:16
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:17
dwidmannsourcemaker: well, you've been trying to do something with encryption, if you created the encrypted partition with the ubuntu alternate cd, then it *is* luks, else, I'll figure out/tell you how to check19:17
dwidmannagent-orange: use the locate command to find the file, then check its permissions with the ls -l command19:17
agent-orangeto which permissions19:17
sourcemakerdwidmann: yes... both harddrisk and there partitions have been created with the new hardy alternative install cd19:17
ubotufreakydoll: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:18
kaminixHow do I tell grep or some other text program to only show me character x to character y?19:18
dwidmannsourcemaker: then the command I showed above should work19:18
sourcemakerdwidmann: And I need the second harddisk for creating my backup...19:18
sourcemakerdwidmann: i try again19:18
Matt1728can someone help access an ftp server?19:19
dwidmannsourcemaker: this one "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/mapper/root-sda5 crypto-root-sda5"19:19
ubuntuwhy i can't connect messenger ?19:19
sourcemakerdwidmann: no... does not work19:19
dwidmannsourcemaker: what does it say?19:19
agent-orangeubuntu. nice name19:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:19
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd19:19
agent-orangeyour messenger isnt working?19:19
agent-orangemaybe your firewall is blocking that port19:20
agent-orangeit thinks your offline?19:20
ubuntui'm on live kubintu19:20
agent-orange5390 i think the port is19:20
agent-orangeopen that19:20
ubuntuok thanks19:20
agent-orangeno its not that port19:21
agent-orangesorry, its port 519019:21
ubuntuwhere is the firewall i don't find :)19:21
agent-orangeand tcp.19:21
sourcemakerdwidmann: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61650/19:21
agent-orangehmm ...19:22
agent-orangedepends...try going to or something19:22
mdrWhat steps should I take to install my new monitor.19:22
ubuntuwhit windows i don't have that problem19:23
ubuntui open it19:24
dwidmannsourcemaker: , well, the first command worked, all you have to do is mount it - for the -t part specify whichever type you used (ie: ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs) - however, I thought you said you were having lvm related issues?19:24
=== matthew_ is now known as MaDeX
SlimeyPeteI've heard Kopete can have problems connecting19:24
MaDeXhi guys19:24
SlimeyPeteso I use Pidgin instead, ubuntu19:24
SlimeyPeteit seems to work.19:24
ubuntuyep kopete don't works19:25
sourcemakerdwidmann: mount /dev/mapper/root-sda5 / mnt/ does not work: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'19:25
MaDeXI'm after some help, i'm trying to view websites link youtube etc, but requires a flash player - is there a linux equivalent?19:25
dwidmannubuntu: which protocol can't it connect to?19:25
agent-orangei use pidgin on kubuntu19:25
ubuntuthe application kopete crashed and cause the signal 11 (sigsegv)19:25
sourcemakerdwidmann: does also not work! mount /dev/mapper/root-sda5 /mnt/ -t ext319:25
agent-orangeubuntu...... are you trying to go on AIM, MSN, YAHOO, what19:25
dwidmannsourcemaker: and the error for that command is?19:26
william__probabaly the old msn one....19:26
sourcemakerdwidmann: wrong fs type19:27
dwidmannwilliam__: indeed ..... tis what I was thinking19:27
dwidmannsourcemaker: hmmmm .... well it's decrypting it okay, are you sure it's ext3? why not try running fsck.ext3 on /dev/mapper/root-sda5 to see?19:28
sourcemakerdwidmann: yes... it is :-) I am 100% sure :-)19:28
dwidmannsourcemaker: I still say you should fsck it .... if it's decrypted okay it at least in theory should be a filesystem issue19:29
sourcemakerdwidmann: I can start this harddisk from hardy (grub) normal boot19:31
dwidmannsourcemaker: hmmmmmmm19:32
* dwidmann gives up19:33
MaDeXCan someone help me please?19:33
ubuntuwhat is your problem19:33
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ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:34
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sourcemakerdwidmann: I do not understand this problem... is there a difference between normal mount and LVM?19:34
MaDeXI'm trying to get a flash player for sites like for expample youtube, they dont automatically install19:35
ksalhi all19:35
sourcemakerMaDeX: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:35
ksali have GeForce 7300 graphic card19:36
MaDeXI type that into terminal right?19:36
sourcemakerMaDeX: sure19:36
ksalwhat drivers should install to have 3d acceleration?19:36
dwidmannsourcemaker: well, with lvm if you had told it to decrypt /dev/sda6 (or any other serial disk for that matter) it would have failed.19:36
MaDeXsourcemaker: thanks so much, people like you are a credit to this OS19:36
dwidmannsourcemaker: or maybe, it is capable of decrypting it anyway?19:36
ksali have GeForce 7300 graphic card. what drivers should install to have 3d acceleration?19:37
jussio1MaDeX: likely you will need sudo with that.  ;)19:37
dwidmannksal: nvidia-glx-new19:37
jussio1!ati | ksal19:37
ubotuksal: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:37
ksalso I have them installed19:37
sourcemakerdwidmann: it's pretty cool to know... that I do not have a working backup :-)19:37
dwidmannksal: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo nvidia-xconfig19:37
ksalbut when I enable them, me screen resolution changes to 640x48019:37
MaDeXsourcemaker: I'm having problem with putting it in terminal19:38
MaDeXsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?19:38
jussio1!fixres | ksal19:38
ubotuksal: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:38
sourcemakerdwidmann: I will look around the web... maybe I will find the solution...19:38
jussio1MaDeX: correct19:38
shadowhywindhay all just upgraded to hardy. trying to set up xmms2 and can't find a good gui. Does anyone know of one that matchs xmms?19:38
MaDeXjussio1:  thank you sir :D19:38
MaDeX112  meg ?19:39
jussio1shadowhywind: hardy support in #ubuntu+119:39
dwidmannsourcemaker: do you get any other devices in /dev/mapper other than the root-sda6 one? Perhaps LVM is not running (or is unable to pickup on your partition), also, are you sure you have the "lvm2" package installed?19:39
jussio1MaDeX: what is 112 meg?19:39
MaDeXsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, this app?19:40
MaDeXI would copy n paste it here, but people will get annoyed at me :D19:40
jussio1!paste | MaDeX19:41
ubotuMaDeX: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:41
sourcemakerwell... I have 2 hardy installations... both with the same install cd (alternative) and using encryption with LVM... At the moment I am using the fresh clean install on my first harddisk and try to backup the data to the second fresh clean hardy install :-)19:41
sourcemakerdwidmann: the difference is... that my first harddisk contains my personal data from backup... and so on19:42
jussio1sourcemaker: so you are on hardy now?19:42
sourcemakerdwidmann: yes... I am19:42
sourcemakerdwidmann: and I have both harddisk installed with hardy19:42
sourcemakerdwidmann: encrypted with LVM19:42
jussio1sourcemaker: was that directed at me?19:43
MaDeXjussio1:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61662/19:43
sourcemakerjussio1: yes... I am sorry19:43
MaDeXjussio1: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61662/19:43
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jussio1sourcemaker: if you are on hardy, please try in #ubuntu+1 :)19:43
jussio1MaDeX: ok, im looking19:44
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:44
ksaljussio1: can you show mi that line with apt again?19:44
ksalit was nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-xconfig ?19:44
sourcemakerjussio1:  I try this at the same moment without success19:44
draikDo we have a release date for 8.04?19:44
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:44
dwidmannksal: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new && sudo nvidia-xconfig19:45
jussio1draik: 24th april afaik.19:45
ksaldraik: it's 24 april i19:45
lazarusi have apps left over by kde19:45
ksalafaik :)19:45
draikThank you jussio1 and ksal19:45
lazarushelp me please19:45
jussio1MaDeX: are you on 64 bit?19:45
ksaldwidmann: if I have glx-new installed already19:46
MaDeXjussio1: how do i tell? think so19:46
lazarusi have apps left over by kde19:46
lazarushelp me please19:46
lazarusi have apps left over by kde19:46
ksaldwidmann: but when I try to install nvidia-xconfig, apt wants to remove driver.19:46
dwidmannksal: that sounded like the beginning of a question ...... if ... then??19:46
jussio1MaDeX: in terminal type uname -r19:46
jussio1!repeat | lazarus19:47
ubotulazarus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience19:47
dwidmannksal: you don't need to install nvidia-xconfig, it's part of the glx-new package .... you just run it19:47
MaDeXjussio1: 2.6.24-12-generic19:47
ksalso why it's specified in line you  gave me?19:47
jussio1MaDeX: but yes, it needs a few extra libs for flash on 64 bit, as there is only a 32 bit plugin provided by adobe19:48
MaDeXsounds good jussio1, thanks19:48
dwidmannlazarus: I don't understand the question19:48
jussio1MaDeX: no probs.19:48
MaDeXI love this :D19:48
MaDeXmy dream OS :D19:49
sourcemakerjussio1: no response from ubuntu+1 :-)19:49
jussio1MaDeX: so do I :) if you want to just chat, care to join me in #kubuntu-offtopic ?19:49
MaDeXyeah, I would love to learn more19:49
MaDeXAnyone play eve-online in ubuntu?19:49
jussio1sourcemaker: look again :)19:49
dwidmannMaDeX: I would if my connection could handle it :(19:50
MaDeXI cant get ubuntu working on my other pc19:50
draikAnyone know if Finaly Fantasy XI and the expansion will play locally?19:50
ShinArekuI have not played eve for ages.. I parked my brutix somewhere safe just before all the new updates19:50
MaDeX:( it has a 8800 gts19:50
jussio1MaDeX: please keep this channnel for support only :)19:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:51
MaDeXand wont intialise19:51
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.19:52
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org19:52
MaDeXWhats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?19:54
JoshOvkiKubuntu has KDE desktop manager, ubuntu has gnome (basicly)19:54
MaDeXkubuntu is more user orientated19:55
ksalMaDeX: no19:55
ksalkubuntu has installed KDE  desktop environment out of box19:55
ksalubuntu has gnome19:55
MaDeXexplain to a M$ user - sorry for my ignorance19:55
MaDeXgnome is?19:55
ksalxubuntu has xfce19:55
ksalgnome is another desktop environment. simple, clean, fast and user friendly19:56
ksalbut kde is moe similiar to windows, so you'll probably want to use it.19:56
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MaDeXksal: thanks so much19:56
ksalno problem.19:57
sourcemakerjussio1: I found this documentation... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto19:59
WrathOfDeadnetsplit :s19:59
MaDeXis there a command in terminal to ping something20:07
MaDeXlike ping www.yahoo.co.uk20:07
_myrtille_ping should work20:07
billydHas anyone configured RealTek ALC833 onboard sound??20:07
dwidmannMaDeX: get use host to get the ip address of the server you want to ping20:08
JAMcan anyone tell me how to use subversion with kdevelop?20:08
sourcemakerjussio1:  i have the problem... both partitions are using the same LVM name "sourcemaker".   WARNING: Duplicate VG name sourcemaker: Existing II0uFV-jGba-5k3b-nfcX-yJGp-d52G-IpfkSF (created here) takes precedence over oFj3SR-wOaC-No5N-T967-9tcI-tPzK-nQZLAB  Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/mapper/root-sda5" of volume group "sourcemaker" without -ff20:09
MaDeXthanks _myrtille_ and dwidmann20:09
MaDeXoh and command for uptime in terminal20:10
_myrtille_uptime? :D20:11
MaDeXsystem uptime20:11
MaDeXoooo and maybe is there a linux server, does all the things basicly the same as windows 2003 server, but with desktop environment?20:12
reconWhat is the equivlent of "Select all text" in KDE? (ctrl-a in most other systems)20:13
mefisto__recon: ctrl-a20:13
reconmefisto__: ctrl-a doesn't work on my system.20:14
mefisto__recon: where are you trying to use it?20:14
reconmefisto__: inside konversation and konqueror atm.20:14
farhatit works in konversation for me20:15
farhatalso I'm a total noob, plz don't mind me20:15
reconmaybe i shouldn't of hit "UNIZ" in the start-up wizard. i'll run it again, see if that works.20:15
* billyd fins comments about Konversation interesting - never trued it20:15
_myrtille_MaDex: uptime should give you the system uptime: 1. argument gives the local time, 2. the system uptime, 3. number of person logged on and load averages20:15
sourcemakerhow can I solve the problem "LVM: Duplicate VG name"...20:17
ramiHelp me please, i have 40GB left on my HDD, but some minutes ago i had absolutley no memory, and now i have 20GB! whats happening?20:17
reconyeah, that did it.20:17
billydI'm trying to configure realTek ALC833 sound which is recognized as HDA ATI SB and and am never offered a choice as to number of channels.  About ready to use an OLD OLD ensoniq card20:18
ramiand i havent dowmloaded anything20:19
farhatCan someone give me some psychological advice?20:19
ksalfarhat: go on ;]20:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:20
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:20
farhatI've been using XP for several years now, and I estimate that I'm not retarded in the aspect of computer stuff. For example, I made a calendar in c++ (just as example)20:20
sourcemakerhow can I change the LVM name?20:20
farhatBut recently I installed Kubuntu as dual boot20:20
Armagguedesusing Hardy/KDE-3.5.9, can i install Okular?20:21
farhatand while I'm trying to explore the way it works, I can't help but feel that I'm incredibly retarded and unable to understand how it works20:21
ksalArmagguedes: yes, but you'll have to download much of kde4 libs and other packages.20:21
Armagguedesand thus remove Gwenview, KPDF, CHM viewers and so forth?20:21
ramiwhy does my hard drive space bounce around from 0GB so that i cant view any website at all, and all of a sudden i got 20GB20:21
Armagguedesksal, will the kde4libs interfere with my 359 install?20:22
schultzaOk. How do I configure the middle mouse button in konq to load the page in a new tab?20:22
ksalArmagguedes: of course not. you can have both installed kde 3 and 420:22
Armagguedeshm ok20:22
Armagguedesi'll look into it20:22
ksalfarhat: linux is simple :)20:23
Armagguedeshopefully it won't blow up in my face20:23
ksalArmagguedes: :D HAHA ;)20:23
farhatbut I don't understand how everyone finds his way around here20:23
Armagguedeskde4 did20:23
Armagguedeseverything had a mind of its own20:23
Armagguedesnothing worked properly20:23
farhatit looks like something which is almost impossible to be learned in an auto-didactical way20:23
Armagguedesand all the options to change stuff were missing20:23
_myrtille_farhat: so how did you learn your way around xp?20:24
Armagguedesapparently they'll be back for KDE4.120:24
farhatbecause xp is made for noobs20:24
ksalArmagguedes: you must have not installed something.20:24
_myrtille_farhat: I'm having the same problems, but at some point you get a "click"-experience20:24
farhatyou could try clicking on everything to learn by trying20:24
ksalfarhat: kubuntu, in some point, too ;)20:24
_myrtille_and thats what keeps you going ;)20:24
farhatah that cheers me up thanks20:24
=== reindeer is now known as reindeer__
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ramianyone? its quite serious this.20:25
schultzaHow do I configure konqueror to open link in new tab on middle mouse click. It opens in an entirely new window.20:26
shadowhywindhay all, i have lost the icons fore firefox that get dispolayed on the systray and the icon in the top left corner, any ideas?20:26
schultzaTried looking under shortcuts, not there.20:26
rynolHi every one, I have installed the Kubuntu Hardy beta version. Now I have some problems, I'm used to Ubuntu, can u maybe help me20:26
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:27
Armagguedesuh-oh, it asks to remove "kdebase-bin-kde3"20:27
ksalfarhat: for me, personally, main difference beetween linux and windows is that in linux you have acces to everything. in windows... mainly to nothing.20:27
Armagguedesdoesn't sound like a good idea20:27
draremgrrr....  where is my taskbar and why did it disappear?20:27
ksalArmagguedes: what?20:27
MaDeXWould you advise a reboot, after the flash plugin has been installed on my 64 bit kubuntu?20:28
Armagguedesif i try to install okular, it isntalls a whole lot of KDE4 stuff, but removes kdebase-bin-kde320:28
ksali'm sure you can have both kde4 and 3.20:28
MaDeXas its not working  for web sites I want to view youtube20:28
ksalMaDeX: so you can try.20:28
ksalbut tell us, what plugin you've installed20:28
schultzaI finally found it.20:28
oloughlin75How do I restart the audio output... amarok is telling me "audio output failed.... device busy"20:28
MaDeXksal: I dont know something someone told me to install20:29
ksaloloughlin75: maybe just restart amarok.20:29
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oloughlin75ksal: I lost sound for everyint20:29
rynolI enabled the desktop effect, now my desktop changer goes haywire20:29
MaDeXksal: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:29
ksaloloughlin75: if you didn't uninstalled anything, the first thing i'd do is reboot :]20:30
MaDeXteknohell: Hi :D20:30
ksalMaDeX: good then.20:30
MaDeXkk cya after restart :D20:30
ksalteknohell: hi.20:30
oloughlin75ksal: Itll work after... It did it yesterday20:30
ksalmhm, bye20:30
draremkde3 - how do i get my taskbar back20:30
oloughlin75ksal: I shouldn't have to restart though20:30
ksaldrarem: first tell how it disappeared.20:30
draremafter I used amsn, it disappeard on me20:30
draremit was working fine before that20:30
teknohellamarok is tickin me off too as well as adept20:31
ksaldrarem: try to close amsn20:31
draremi rebooted20:31
draremcold and warm20:31
ksalif it won't help, try to restart kicker then.20:31
ksaldrarem: if you're using hardy, it may be probably a bug, so you can report it on bugzilla20:32
draremno it's 7.1020:32
draremhow do i restart kicker20:33
ksaldrarem: CTRL + Escape20:33
ksalit will run task manager20:33
ksalthere you can kill an application20:33
ksaland then press ALT + F2 and type 'kicker'20:34
reindeerWhich utility would I use to convert a .toast file over to an ISO, then burn the ISO over to whatever medium I choose?20:34
ksalreindeer: GNOME or KDE?20:34
reindeerKDE 3.520:35
draremsome part of kicker isn't working20:35
rynolhelp anyone, I enabled the desktop effect (Hardy), now my desktop changer goes haywire20:35
ksalreindeer: for burning cd you can use k3b.20:35
ksalprobably the best burner for linux20:35
ksalIMO :)20:35
=== matthew_ is now known as MaDeX
ere4si+1 k3b20:36
reindeerOK. I just need to convert the toast file inito an ISO.20:36
ksaldrarem: i would install synaptic then and search for 'toast' :]20:36
ksalthat's what I would do.20:36
teknohellcan someone help me with my cracked out Adept manager20:36
draremsomehow hiding was messed up, I got it back by right clicking on my 'launcher panel', configure panel, and unhide/rehide the main panel.. weird20:37
ksalrynol: can  you specify, what you understand under word 'haywire' ?20:37
jttrynol  hardy support is #ubuntu+120:37
shockheadhi, is there no #kubuntu+1?20:37
reindeerKewl. Thanx20:37
jttshockhead, doesnt appear to be #kubuntu+120:38
rynolHaywire - I set the desktop changer to 4 desktop and when I apply it go back to two desktops20:39
ksalreindeer: i never before heard of .toast20:39
teknohellcan someone help me with the following error on  Adept manager The APT database could not be opened this may be caused by incorrect apt configuration or some similar problem.20:40
ksalteknohell: sorry, not me.20:40
ksal!ask teknohell20:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask teknohell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:40
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:40
rynolksal: Haywire - I set the desktop changer to 4 desktop and when I apply it go back to two desktops20:40
jttrynol believe you have to set save session parameter under advanced -> session manager20:41
MaDeXksal: reboot works great :D20:41
mdrKDE's control panel does not  list idea resolution for my new monior.  How do I reconfigure?  P.S.  The graphics adaptor supports this as i booted into windows and the resolution was available there.20:42
ksalMaDeX: great then :]20:42
ksalmdr: it's an LCD?20:42
ksalgood then20:42
ksalmdr: you're used to work around with xorg.conf?20:43
mdri can probably handle it.20:43
ksalmdr: you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:43
ksalyou need to find lines that say about refresh rate, and hash them20:44
kkathmanwhat does this mean when trying to install something:  "timestamp too far in the future: March 29 22:02:33 2008"  ??20:44
ksalthem save it, and restart x20:44
rynoljtt: sorry i dont understand, if I configure the app to show 4 desktops it show only 2, when I configure again the config applet show only one?20:44
mdrokay, but it's the resolution (not refresh rate) that is missing.  i.e.  I want 1400x900 and it's not available (only in windows)20:45
ksalyes I know20:45
ksaljust do what I say ;)20:45
geniikkathman: You downloaded the file from a timezone which is in the future20:46
kkathmangenii:  so what do I do to fix this?20:46
jttrynol  Kmenu -> System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Session Mgr -> Check Restore Manually Saved Session then  Kmenu -> Save Session20:46
kkathmanI just downloaded from the US mirror20:46
freakydollbin wieder da20:47
ksalwhen I bought my 17' LCD I could't set 1280x1024 resolution. I had to hash ( or you can delete if you prefer) lines about refresh rate. then it worked.20:47
mdrBut I don't understand "find lines that say about refresh rate, and hash them".  What's "hash them"?20:47
ksalhash is #20:47
ksalyou have to place it on the beginning of each line.20:47
geniikkathman: use the touch command20:48
ere4simdr: you might be better of opening a terminal and typing  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:48
kkathmanits not letting me use sudo at all now for anything20:48
kkathmangenii:  what exactly do I "touch"20:49
mdrbtw, my variation of ubuntu is the last stable one  dusty dustbin or whatever they called it (it's a 'd')  Does that matter20:49
jttmdr before doing anything save xorg.conf  to xorg.conf.jic20:49
ksalhaha :D20:49
geniikkathman: eg: touch filename20:49
ksaldusty dustbin.. :]20:49
mdrere4si:  ksal method seems easier20:49
ksalmdr: it doesn't matter20:49
mdrgotcha I'll save the file first20:50
ksalmaybe not easier, but simplier20:50
ksalmdr. i'd make a backup before ;)20:50
mdrthe last time I ran dpkg-reconfigure it asked me a question or two i couldn't answer.... but thats been years ago20:51
mkargar_hello,i have problem in Virtualbox!20:51
ere4simdr: you just select the defaults except for what you want to change20:51
jtt!ask | mkargar_20:51
ubotumkargar_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:51
mkargar_since of starting image,virtualBox showing error:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61668/20:52
kkathmangenii:  fixed it by removing /var/run/sudo/<username>20:52
jttmdr what is the resolution of your new monitor20:52
romunovdvd burning stops at about 6-7%. any ideas what might be causing this?20:53
jttmdr is  there a  line in your xorg.conf that starts with the word 'Modes'20:53
ksalmdr: it worked?20:53
MrJoeyAnyone have experience with sending data or setting up a network connection across a null parallel cable?20:54
maroohello, are amd/ati cards still an major PITA with recent kernel/drivers? I'm planning to buy a 780G board (HD3200) and wonder if it would be supported by linux/ubuntu.20:54
maroo(support includes xvideo stuff, 3d, .. etc)20:55
SlimeyPetemaroo: yes, they're still a pain20:55
SlimeyPetebut hopefully that will improve as the OSS drivers get off the ground20:56
SlimeyPetechances are you'll be able to get your card to work, mind - but it might involve a lot of hassle.20:56
SlimeyPete'course it might be instantaneous ;)20:56
marooSlimeyPete: what are the major problems with the closed drivers?20:57
SlimeyPetethey're just buggy, is all, and they don't work with aiglx20:58
SlimeyPetesome people find that their cards aren't recognised or their displays get corrupted etc. - personally I've not had too many problems with my Radeon Mobile though.20:59
maroohm yeah the 780G/HD3200 is *very* new.. but the board is really attractive for a desktop computer.. well i guess i'll have to look for a board with nvidia card for some extra bucks :(21:00
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maroohttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_780g_linux&num=1 for log reference :)21:02
rubenhi all21:03
ytaggshi there21:03
ytaggsi've just installed kubuntu for the first time21:04
rubeni'm trying to install an nvidia driver, but its asking for libc to be installed. how can i go about installing this lib file?21:04
ytaggsall this time i've been using ubuntu21:04
ytaggsand im new with kde21:04
rubenheh, i'm using kubuntu as well. it seems to be pretty macified, but i like it21:04
geniiMrJoey: sudo modprobe plip; sudo ifconfig plip0 up                   is simplest, if you have some /etc/network/interfaces entry for it21:05
ytaggswich kde 3.5 or 4?21:05
MaDeXtheres no default firewall on kubuntu right?21:06
ytaggsohh im using 3.521:06
ytaggsdont know21:06
rubenytaggs: why not upgrade to 4?21:10
MaDeXhow do I find out my computer name?21:11
rubenMaDeX: just open up a terminal window and it'll say the username@computername21:11
ytaggswell because im waiting till ubuntu 8.04 comes out21:12
ytaggsim currently using 7.1021:12
ytaggssorry i ment kubuntu21:12
ytaggsand i dont like betas21:12
MrJoeygenii- thanks, but the problem I'm having is that the data simply won't get through.  I already did the manual ifconfigs, but pinging doesn't succeed.  Is there another way to test if the null modem cable actually works?21:13
=== jtt is now known as jtisme2
geniiMrJoey: Make sure it's the default gateway21:15
Roeyis there a guide for setting up Gnash in Kubuntu 8.04 to view Youtube?21:17
mkargar_Roey:are you using kubuntu 64bit?21:20
MrJoeyyou can use youtube-dl if gnash doesn't work for that21:20
MrJoey<genii> MrJoey: Make sure it's the default gateway > Do I need to?  Typing ssh joey@ to directly connect to the gateway won't work?21:21
=== jtt is now known as jtisme
mkargar_ok, youtube-dl is best!21:22
geniiMrJoey: It will look to your default network adapter for how to find
MrJoeySo, on the client (, do I type 'route add default gw'?  ( is the PC connected to the Internet)21:23
geniiMrJoey: Maybe add a route to first and try that. like:  route add host metric 1 plip021:27
MrJoeygenii> I tried that on both sides, and it didn't owrk.21:28
geniiMrJoey: Hmm. Not able to ping aftr that then?21:30
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Linux_h2k
MrJoeyNow I'm trying to do modprobe plip irq=7 (according to http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/PLIP-6.html ), but it says "unknown parameter 'irq'"21:31
MrJoeyI'm doing that because the default irq is none on the laptop21:31
MrJoeyI'll try rebooting and looking at my BIOS settings21:32
geniiMrJoey: You may need to remove lp driver, or reconfigure parport_pc with the address and irq21:33
MrJoeyOn my laptop's BIOS, there's an option to enable advanced LPT mode.  Will I need that?21:34
MrJoeyI can't turn it on because the BIOS is locked21:34
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geniiMrJoey: PS2 mode/enhanced allows 2 way communications21:35
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geniiMrJoey: Does it tell you in the bios what the address and irq is?21:35
MrJoeyYes, the irq is 7 and the address is 0x378 or so21:36
MrJoeyI don't remember exactly21:36
MrJoeyThere was 0x3... and 0x3B..., but it was the former21:36
Makuseruare there any graphing caculators in kubuntu?21:36
fdovingMakuseru: speedcrunch by default, iirc.21:37
Makuserufdoving: thanks21:37
MrJoeyOh, goodie, modprobe parport-pc irq=7 io=0x378 ; modprobe plip made IRQ-less mode go away21:38
geniiMrJoey: Then something like: sudo modprobe -r lp parport_pc;sudo modprobe parport_pc io=0x378 irq=721:38
geniibah, too late :)21:38
MrJoeyI still can't ping, though :(21:40
MrJoeyI'm still getting transmit timeouts21:40
MrJoeyI'm worried about this:  Are there any parallel ports that will fit on both sides that aren't null modem?21:41
geniiMrJoey: use ifconfig to bring it down. Try: sudo ifconfig plip0 pointopoint netmask up21:41
geniiMrJoey: There are 25 pin plugs which are for other things. SCSI and parallel port scanners for instance21:42
MrJoeyCan I try sending data with lp instead (after deactivating plip)?21:45
MrJoeyI would think I could just do echo 'hi' > /dev/lp0 on one end and cat /dev/lp0 on the other21:45
geniiMaybe, haven't really tried it21:45
MrJoeyInstead, I get Input/output errors when catting21:46
geniiAFK, need to go get some Gatorade21:48
foiblesdoes anyone here use azureus?21:52
SisyphusINCcan someone help me get my firewall functional i scanned my ports and it says 1052 closed 3 stealth and 1 open this seems to be a bit hazardous how do i get all or most stealth and 0 open?21:57
rainHow to mount /dev/sda2 wit write premission? whe i type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 then i cant write there21:57
rainhow i give permissions when i mount drive?21:58
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rainany one know how?21:59
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corporeali deleted my Desktop folder, and kdesktop started showing my entire home dir on my desktop instead. I recreated the folder, now how do i get kdesktop ot start showing it again instead of my home dir!22:13
maroohello again, using kde 3.5.9 - where are the mime data for a local user stored (file associations) - i can't change the order of mime types and suspect the database/file it is stored in to be broken22:13
marooor is this a known issue that you can change the order with the feisty kde 3.5.9 build? :X22:14
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* DOOM_NX gn all22:16
sourcemakerwhich browser is more secure? firefox or konqueror?22:16
DarkriftXid guess firefox, but i dont know for sure22:16
manuel__#ubuntu-es             #kubuntu-es22:17
ThorOdinwant to be safe? use lynx instead ;)22:17
marooi'd guess konqueror as the probability for a  konqueror exploit in the wild is much lesser than for a fx exploit :)22:17
_myrtille_maroo: sign, i'm just to slow :p22:18
SeligArkinHEy, whenever I try to apt-get anything, I get this:22:18
* Jucato waits for it...22:19
* corporeal does too22:19
SeligArkinOr not22:19
SeligArkinone sec22:19
* corporeal chuckles22:19
SeligArkinoh yay22:19
SeligArkinnow I get dpkg in use22:19
Jucato!adeptfix | SeligArkin22:19
ubotuSeligArkin: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:20
SeligArkinSetting up tzdata (2007k-0ubuntu0.7.10.1) ...22:20
SeligArkindpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 122:20
SeligArkinErrors were encountered while processing: tzdata22:20
SeligArkinE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:20
SeligArkinsorry if that counts as spam22:20
SeligArkinit seems some dpkg errors stopme from setting up anything22:20
SeligArkinis there any way to tell dpkg to give up?22:20
* maroo goes nuts about the mime data22:22
SeligArkincan anyone helpwith that?22:23
Jucatomaroo: ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc22:23
marooJucato: aaaah thank you very much22:24
SeligArkinthis is driving me nuts, it shouldnot continue trying to upgrade pacjafes22:24
SeligArkinhow do I make it get a clean slate,make it think all is well in the world22:24
* maroo slaps some untoughtful sudo session that set the owner to root of this fule22:24
sourcemakerI have miss-configured my konqueror... can someone please send me the default appearance of konqueror ? Standard-Font and size?22:24
maroostill some bad error handling :) .. it could atleast give some warning on the console or in a dialog that it was not possible to write to this file ;)22:26
Jucatomaroo: change ownership (chown) and permissions (chmod). check with ls -l what they currently are22:29
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marooJucato: yeah thanks works fine now22:29
maroojust ranting that an error message would be very polite ;)22:30
SeligArkinGOD DAMN IT22:30
Jucatomaroo: did you try running the app from konsole?22:30
marookcmshell filetypes  ->22:30
JucatoSeligArkin: shouting and cussing won't get you helped faster22:31
maroono error message at all - just no changes22:31
maroobut it works now so i'm happy22:31
maroothanks again22:31
SeligArkinJucato: I am sorry, but IMHO, if a package doesn;t install right, it should not re-try the next time you try to install ANYTHING other than THAT PACKAGE22:31
SeligArkinesp if there is no obvious way to tell it to GIVE UP22:32
SeligArkinas far as any frontend is conserned,it succeeded22:32
JucatoSeligArkin: it should. because basically that package "locked" the database, because it may or may not break the system if left unattended. try removing/uninstalling the package first (if possible)22:32
JucatoSeligArkin: or try these commands: "sudo dpkg --configure -a" or "sudo apt-get install -f"22:33
SeligArkinthe package thats erroring, is tzdata22:34
SeligArkinmust be from when I tried 'mark all upgrades'22:34
SeligArkinwhich, notonly takes forever22:34
SeligArkinbut seems to enjou breaking everything22:34
Jucatosorry can't help more22:35
* Jucato is gone22:35
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:35
kgxhey. can someone provide me a link to shows to prevent session hijacking? i understand how it happens, but not sure how to prevent it.22:36
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu22:37
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sourcemakerI create backups with rsync.... the speed is 4,30MB/s... is this not slow?22:37
frinuxfrI have a problem since I installed kubuntu (though it does not come from it I think) : when I click on a link, whatever is the application, it opens the website with firefox, which is my choice, but with a wrong url : womething like file:///var/tmp... (probably a copy in the cache)22:39
frinuxfrhow can I make it open with the good url ?22:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myth - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:43
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV22:44
TheOverlordhello there22:45
TheOverlordI'm having some problems on making my wireless work with MadWifi, could someone help me?22:46
dthackerwhat package would the channel recommend to create a mythtv front end on top of Kubuntu?22:46
SlimeyPetedthacker: you could just use mythbuntu (in fact there might be a mythbuntu-desktop package)22:48
SlimeyPeteI've had a few problems with it though. It updated at one point and then my box refused to log in.22:48
dthackerSlimeyPete: I want to watch stuff recorded on my mythbuntu backend on my Kubuntu desktop.  That's why I don't want to do a full mythbuntu install.  Then I'd have xfce instead of KDE22:50
SlimeyPeteah right, I see.22:50
DarkriftXis kbfx the only way to theme the taskbar/kde button?22:50
photon_I'd like to use gtk themes for gtk apps in Kubuntu. If I launch the apps from tha command line they look fine, however if they are launched from the menu the look ugly. I have the gtk-qt engine installed and is set to use gtk themes for gtk apps. Any idea what's wrong, maybe I should edit the .gtkrc-2.0-kde file?22:56
sigma_1234are you using kde4 or kde3?22:57
=== ubuntu is now known as [ka]killer
[ka]killerim trying to recover data from a windows disk, im booted into kubuntu now22:58
[ka]killergparted sees the drive but i cant mount it22:58
sigma_1234odd. i thought the problem was only with gtk apps on kde422:59
sigma_1234!info qtparted22:59
[ka]killerits a fat32 drive22:59
[ka]killerits ntfs >_<M23:00
sigma_1234wheres ubotu?23:00
sigma_1234can't you just mount it in system settings?23:00
[ka]killergparted says its mounted23:00
[ka]killerwhen i go to the location no files display23:01
[ka]killergparted says the drive is mounted23:02
[ka]killerwhen i try to mount the drive it wants me to put it in fstab or mtab23:05
[ka]killeri forget whats the order i have to put the information of the drive into /etc/fstab23:08
[ka]killeri know its location file system and the like but i forget the order23:08
sigma_1234you should use system settings to mount disks. not gparted23:09
[ka]killeri dont have permission to enter the drive after mounting23:11
[ka]killerYou do not have enough permissions to read file:///dev/disk223:11
[ka]killerchmod 777 should give me full permissions to the drive correct?23:16
DarkriftX[ka]killer, yes, but thats excessive23:21
DarkriftXbecause it gives the WHOLE WORLD full access to it also23:21
DarkriftXman chmod to find out more about permissions23:22
DarkriftXwait [ka]killer23:22
DarkriftXdid you add it to fstab?23:22
Dhraakellianhow easy/hard/(un)advisable would it be to try to get the feisty-era radeon driver working on gutsy?23:31
Dhraakelliansince I seem to remember it working better with this Radeon mobility U1 than the current driver23:31
Dhraakelliand'oh!  wrong distro!23:31
Dhraakellian(kubuntu on the desktop, F8 on this laptop)23:32
matthew_anyone know of a similar "shoutcast" application is available?23:33
matthew_I broadcast using winamp..23:33
matthew_Dhraakellian: care to explain? I'm new :D23:34
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DhraakellianI have next to no experience with doing the actual broadcasting, but I seem to remember icecast being the name that came up when I looked into it a number of years ago23:35
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matthew_that has a built in MP3 player right?23:35
Dhraakellianicecast is the streaming server, iirc23:35
DhraakellianI think there were xmms plugins for it23:36
Dhraakellianwhether it'd work with audacious and/or the other xmms successors, I don't know23:36
matthew_previously using winamp, with a DSP plugin23:36
matthew_I dont want to be under M$23:37
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:37
joanwhat up23:38
matthew_Dhraakellian: i'm going to need help, I want to install something - i'm used to .exe :D23:39
matthew_icecast-2.3.1.tar.gz is this a installer?23:39
Dhraakellianthat's probably the source tarball23:39
matthew_icecast-2.3.1-0.src.rpm ?23:40
Dhraakellianthat's an rpm package, probably meant for fedora or suse23:41
Dhraakellian$ aptitude search icecast23:41
Dhraakellianp   icecast-server                                          - MPEG Layer III Streaming Server23:41
Dhraakellianp   icecast2                                                - Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server23:41
matthew_i want to stream MP3, to a already setup server23:42
Dhraakellianmatthew_: are you familiar with package managers at all?23:42
matthew_no Dhraakellian, im a newb - sorry to be a pain23:43
* Dhraakellian launches adept_manager remotely23:44
matthew_I search for it in there?23:45
matthew_I see :D23:45
matthew_wow this is really good23:46
matthew_will it install for me too?23:46
Dhraakellianthat's generally what package managers do23:46
matthew_thats great23:46
DhraakellianI usually do most of my package management from the commandline these days.23:46
matthew_yeah but im sure your knowledge is vast compaired to mine23:47
Dhraakellianbut adept_manager and synaptic are decent for graphical package management23:47
matthew_I want to break totally and learn this23:47
Dhraakellianmatthew_: only compared to the newbs.23:47
Dhraakellianaptitude and apt-get are the two commandline tools usually used for debian and ubuntu23:47
* Dhraakellian tends to prefer aptitude for some reason23:48
TeslaTony_I found the command line utilities are really good if you know exactly what you want23:48
TeslaTony_The GUI versions (Adept, Synaptic) are better if you want to see what's available23:48
Dhraakellianiirc, adept's searching is nicer, but actually looking at package information is nicer in synaptic23:49
Dhraakellianand synaptic lets you choose which of the available versions you want to install23:50
TeslaTony_I really like the search system in adept23:50
TeslaTony_Y'know...I think I prefer GNOME as the desktop environment, and KDE's programs...23:51
=== matthew_ is now known as MaDeX
MaDeXbleh ive installed shoucast23:53
MaDeXi mean icecast23:53
MaDeXbut cant find the location of it to run23:53
* Dhraakellian does a little searching23:54
TeslaTony_MaDeX: Type alt+f2 to pull up a command box, then type "icecast" in there23:54
epWhat the progam to configure xorg.conf?23:54
TeslaTony_Of course, that's assuming icecast has a GUI...23:54
MaDeXdoesnt work :/23:54
TeslaTony_Oh and #icecast23:55
epI just ran dpkg-reconfigure to modify xorg.conf so the resolution for my new monitor would be available.   Worked great, but I lost 3d.  Can I just change "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf to get it back?  Or do I need to do something else?23:59

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