
pochuasac: hey, I thought you were a bug contact for xulrunner-1.9 :) could you have a look at bug 203413 when you have some time? thanks00:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203413 in xulrunner-1.9 "Liferea creates many corrupt copies of places.sqlite in its Mozilla profile folder" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20341300:06
pochufta: thanks for triaging that :)00:06
ftayou're welcome00:07
ftapochu, now the question is, is liferea doing the right thing?00:07
ftafirefox 3 doesn't have this problem00:08
pochuwell, define "right thing" :)00:08
pochuliferea hasn't changed it's database code for a long time (1.4.x series)00:09
ftawell, i haven't looked at the liferea code in a long while so i don't know.00:20
ftaall those .corrupt files are correct but for some reason, InitDB() fails00:21
ftaI'll investigate tomorrow00:25
pochuI'm off, good night00:25
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ftapochu, the liferea issue could be caused by sqlite3. it seems our system libsqlite 3.4.2 does not support GROUP_CONCAT() while mozilla ships
pochuhmm, I think Liferea is supposed to work fine with 3.5.x15:23
ftaI say "could" because I see liferea is linked with our system libsqlite while our xulrunner 1.9 has in source libsqlite so I don't know which is used15:23
ftabut hardy has 3.4.* and I think it's a bit late to change that15:24
pochuat least it didn't work but was fixed15:24
pochu        * Fixing wrong deallocation that prevents Liferea15:24
pochu          from working with sqlite 3.5.x (SF #1811055).15:24
pochuyeah, I think so too15:25
fta!info sqlite3 sid15:25
pochubut Lifereaii  libsqlite3-0                               3.4.2-2                       SQLite 3 shared library15:25
fta!info sqlite3 experimental15:26
pochubut Liferea is linked against /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.015:26
ftai think 3.5 is in experimental15:26
pochu   sqlite3 |    3.5.7-1 | http://ftp.de.debian.org unstable/main Sources15:26
pochuin unstable15:26
ftawould be nice to have...15:28
pochubut I don't think 3 weeks before the release is a good moment ;)15:29
ftamaybe we can trick liferea to use /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/libsqlite3.so15:32
ftaer.. how come /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9b4/lib is hardcoded in /usr/bin/liferea ??? this is wrong15:34
pochufta: from src/liferea.in15:37
ftayes but it is plain wrong15:37
pochuoh, right, it works15:37
pochuit was needed for 1.815:37
fta1st, it depends in xulrunner -dev and 2nd, this path will change with each version15:37
pochuI can't get the 1st point15:38
fta/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9b4   -devel- is the sdk so the -dev package, it will never be installed by users15:39
pochuerr, when I said it was needed with 1.8, I meant with firefox-dev (gecko 1.8)15:39
pochuwe could remove /usr/bin/liferea and symlink it to /usr/bin/liferea-bin as a workaround15:43
fta? how will it improve the situation ?15:47
pochubecause we don't need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH anymore15:48
pochuand thus we can launch /usr/bin/liferea-bin directly15:48
ftathere's the dbus thing15:49
pochuouch, right15:49
pochuwe can patch liferea.in then15:50
ftathe problem is liferea is linked with libsqlite3.so.0 and moz provides libsqlite3.so15:50
ftaso it's not easy to trick15:51
slomo__the dbus thing is not necessary anymore15:53
slomo__dbus will autospawn a session bus if none is there15:53
ftaoh, good15:55
pochufor the sqlite issue, perhaps we could extend configure.in so that you can pass SQLITE_LIBS (or --with-sqlite=/PATH )15:55
ftabut moz does not provide the headers so it won't work16:00
ftai'll think more about it later16:00
pochufta: /usr/include/xulrunner-1.9b4/unstable/sqlite3.h16:01
pochuisn't that what we need?16:01
pochusrc/db.c:#include <sqlite3.h>16:01
ftamaybe we can just drop the sqlite tests completely and rely on xulrunner sdk for that then.16:06
slomo__xul just shouldn't bundle it16:09
slomo__and link against the system one16:09
slomo__asac: ^--- :)16:09
ftawe can't16:11
ftaunless we add sqlite 3.5.* to hardy16:11
ftaasac is aware of that too16:12
pochu$ apt-cache rdepends libsqlite3-0 | wc -l16:12
ftai've added the detection code for sqlite 3.5 in xulrunner a while ago but in hardy, it falls back to in-source16:13
slomo__well, it brings this kind of problems so it should be done16:15
ftayou mean sqlite 3.5 in hardy ?16:16
slomo__or some other way to link to the system sqlite16:18
ftareverting xul ?16:19
pochucan't it use 3.4?16:20
ftano, unles we revert all the 'places' changes that make what ff3 is today16:22
ftabookmarks, toolbars, tags, history, etc.16:23
ftadebian faced that too16:25
ftapochu, well, I let you see with asac, i've done enough for this bug already.16:30
pochuthanks a bunch for your work so far16:30
asacpochu: we should like against sqlite in xuldir17:44
asacand startup with proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH17:45
asacnot perfect, but should work17:45
ftathat was my proposal above17:48
ftabut slomo__ doesn't seem to like it17:48
asacwell... i don't like it either, but its an efficient and pragmatical solution17:49
slomo__no, i'm allergic against packages bundlign stuff ;)17:49
asacyeah ... but in this case ubuntu is outdated :)17:49
slomo__what's the problem with updating sqlite in hardy? seems to work fine without any problems so far in debian17:49
pochuwell, ideally xulrunner should link against the system sqlite...17:49
asacand injecting a new sqlite is risky17:49
pochubut if we can't do that, then let's workaround this bug17:49
pochuright, and that means more work for the security team if there's a security bug17:50
asacpochu: i am talking about pragmatical solutions. i am aware about what the ideal solution would look like :)17:50
pochuasac: and I agree with the solution :)17:50
pochuas I think it's too late for including sqlite 3.517:50
asacpochu: given that all the security work is on my behalf its not more load on the security team17:50
asacand mozilla will probably release a firefox update if sqlite has issues anyway ... so we roll a release in that case.17:51
asacwhich makes that argument void17:51
pochuunless we include it as different packages, and link both Xul and Liferea to it17:51
asacthe real argument is that it sucks ;)17:51
pochuasac: oh, right17:51
asaci think we should try this and see how far we get. if we fail we can consider to package sqlite3.517:51
pochubut I'm fine with it as long as it fixes the bug (and doesn't introduce more regressions)17:52
pochuasac: ok, I use it on an hourly basis so I'll keep you updated if something breaks ;)17:52
asacyeah... the corrupted files are not that bad on their own ... but it means that other parts of gecko are probably broken in liferea as well :) ... so good that we found this17:53
pochuwhat I'm worried is whether this could affect other applications using both xulrunner 1.9 and sqlite17:54
pochuwell that case doesn't seem to exists, except for liferea :)17:57
pochu(in the archive, of course)17:57
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