
Fujitsusistpoty: Ubuntu sbuild resolves very similarly, if not identically, to Soyuz sbuild.00:00
* sebner will continue tomorrow with MD. Good night folks :D00:03
albert23Scottk2: please ignore the debdiff for enthought-traits. I will complete that tomorrow.00:06
sistpotyFujitsu: ah, cool... switching to sbuild is still on my todo list though :/00:09
sistpotyFujitsu: btw.: does "done" mean, that the publisher has already run? (I forgot the url to the actual page again)00:11
ScottK2albert23: OK.  Please delete it from the bug.00:14
Fujitsusistpoty: It means that the publisher has started and picked up the package. It won't be available from a.u.c until about 43 past that hour.00:14
sistpotyFujitsu: and for the buildds?00:14
Fujitsusistpoty: Probably a few minutes earlier, but I'm not entirely sure.00:15
sistpotyFujitsu: ah, k. thanks!00:15
sistpotyFujitsu: when would it show up in binary new? about the same time? (imho hscolour/lpia would need to go through binary new, but I might be wrong)00:15
Fujitsusistpoty: They'll hit binary NEW seconds after they build.00:16
sistpotyFujitsu: thanks. seems like I'm wrong then on hscolour needing to go through binary new :)00:16
FujitsuAnd you'll see `Successfully built (NEW)' rather than `Successfully built (ACCEPTED)'00:17
sistpotycool :)00:17
sistpotyFujitsu: oh, if https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/lpia/hscolour/ writes "published", it's already available for the buildds, I assume?00:20
Fujitsusistpoty: Not for about half an hour, probably.00:21
sistpotyok, /me is now confused00:21
sistpotybut thanks Fujitsu for the insights00:21
Fujitsusistpoty: That's just the date that publisher picked it up. It then has to actually be written out by apt-ftparchive, and mirrored.00:23
sistpotyah, k00:23
_MMA_Hmm... Sorry for the probably basic question here but how do I find a changelog for an app? Something has changes either with Audacious or todays updates that have really screwed up it's sound.00:25
pochunight all!00:26
sistpotygn8 pochu00:26
pochu_MMA_: aptitude changelog <package>00:26
sistpoty_MMA_: trouble with audacious (on hardy)? meh... that's not good, as we shoved through a FFe00:27
_MMA_sistpoty: Its hard to explain. It all the sudden sounds like the preamp is up too high. Like the gstreamer EQ issue. Except it doesnt clip.00:28
sistpoty_MMA_: can you report a bug on lp against audacious and subsribe sebner and myself (lpid: sistpoty)?00:30
bddebianHeya gang00:31
_MMA_sistpoty: Well wait. Lemmie see what you think. The volume in Audacious controls the PCM volume. Correct? (does here anyway) :P00:31
_MMA_So, if I enable the EQ I have to now push the preamp to the floor. Otherwise I get sound that has a "overdriven" sound to it.00:32
_MMA_Static but doesnt clip.00:32
sistpoty_MMA_: not too sure actually, I've only tried audacious recently but not in depth with the EQ00:32
sistpoty_MMA_: what output plugin are you using (we dropped a pulseaudio-by-default patch, wich wasn't working properly)00:33
_MMA_Lemmie look.00:34
sistpotycan you try pulseaudio and see if things improve?00:35
sistpoty(brb, out for a smoke)00:35
_MMA_bah.. Froze up on me.00:35
_MMA_sistpoty: Well same behavior with PA but at least now I can use PA. Before it wasn't working. :P00:39
_MMA_sistpoty: Just turn the EQ. Set some curve to it. I import my settings from Winamp. (rock preset) Then enable. I have to move the preamp slider to the bottom.00:41
sistpoty_MMA_: hm... I guess I'm not really the right person to ask about audio stuff. maybe persia would have some clue? (others than that I guess that filing a bug on LP against audacious might still make sense)00:44
_MMA_sistpoty: Ok. Ill try to dig a bit before I run to LP.00:44
sistpoty_MMA_: thanks (oh, /usr/share/doc/audacious should contain an upstream changelog, might be worth looking at)00:45
_MMA_Thanx. pochu also showed me.00:45
persia_MMA_: Do you have Master or Front volume controls as well?  It may be that your computer can overdrive your speakers, and something is being set high.02:05
sistpotyvery cool, ghc6 on lpia is already in needs-building state :)02:06
* sistpoty crosses fingers02:06
persianenolod: Are you about?  Do you know how SSE2 support might cause clipping?02:07
_MMA_persia: Ill look now. Though I can't dig too much tonight or the wife is gonna kill me. :P02:15
_MMA_persia: Hmm... I also no longer get the little sound at GDM. Uses aplay/gdmplay or something.02:16
nenolodpersia, SSE2 support uses a different dithering engine when converting audio to your set format02:19
persianenolod: So the resulting gain may well be different.  Thanks.02:19
nenolodpersia, it's a bug at any rate02:19
nenolodpersia, this is aud 1.5 right?02:20
persia_MMA_: sounds like you've some complexity with your current configuration, which exacerbates the audacious change.  As nenolod suggests, best to file a bug.02:20
_MMA_persia: No matter the the Master or PCM volume, if the EQ is enabled, and the preamp isnt floored I gets tons of static.02:20
persianenolod: 1.5.0-2, I believe02:21
nenolod_MMA_, probably a bug in the new EQ code02:21
persia_MMA_: And only for audacious, right?02:21
nenolodlooks like the preamp gain is too way much02:21
nenolodway too much*02:22
_MMA_persia: Well there a simular isue with the gstreamer EQ but this is certinally new in audacious.02:22
nenolodplease file a bug about this at http://bugzilla.atheme.org02:22
_MMA_nenolod: Noted.02:22
nenoloddon't bother with launchpad triage, it's not needed in this case -- it can go directly to upstream02:22
nenolodpersia, we have pkg-audacious in debian now for audacious packaging btw02:23
persianenolod: Thanks both for the pointer, and the help.  I'll not poke you next time something comes up.02:23
nenolodbut i've been busy, so haven't had time to transition the package yet02:23
nenolodpersia, nah, feel free to poke me any time :)02:26
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lifelessthere will be a short outage to the wiki and bazaar.launchpad.net, to hoepfully address the bazaar.launchpad.net performance problems03:04
=== Allan_ is now known as Hit3k
sistpotydamn, I want a lpia as well, ghc6 build took only an hour on the buildd *g*03:41
bddebianpersia: You still around?03:41
Fujitsusistpoty: The lpia are just fast x86s.03:41
Fujitsu*lpia buildds03:41
persiabddebian: somewhat03:41
sistpotyFujitsu: but must be damn fast boxes (my amd64 takes s.th. like two hours for the build, but it's a different arch of course)03:42
bddebianpersia: *SHOULD* be a quick question if you have a minute?03:42
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:42
FujitsuIt's a very similar arch.03:42
* persia pokes bddebian, to see if that helps elicit a question03:43
bddebianpersia: Sorry, too many channels, I have to get to the code quick03:43
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* sistpoty goes to bed04:27
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FujitsuWow, dpkg doesn't like me:06:47
Fujitsudpkg: too many errors, stopping06:47
Fujitsudpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.06:47
mbteep.  never seen that before06:48
jdongFujitsu: that's a frightening one06:49
FujitsuOh my.06:49
FujitsuPython is exploding.06:50
Fujitsu(this is a dapper->hardy upgrade blowing up)06:50
FujitsuAh, all python-central's fault:06:50
FujitsuSetting up python-central (0.6.1ubuntu1) ...06:50
Fujitsupycentral: pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files06:50
Fujitsupycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files06:50
FujitsuWhat on earth is it trying to do?06:50
FujitsuI don't particularly like how fragile python-central is.07:35
=== Scientus_ is now known as Scientus
FujitsuI shouldn't be able to hugely kill an upgrade just because python-opengl doesn't conflict with python2.4-opengl.07:36
FujitsuBecause of that, python-central tries to overwrite other files, so won't configure. launchpad-integration depends on python-central, and lots of things depend on the launchpad-integration libraries. Thus most of GNOME also fails to configure.07:36
Fujitsudpkg then does ugly things like the above, causing update-manager to die a horribly painful death.07:37
FujitsuAll because somebody left a line out of one universe debian/control07:37
eddyMulIs there an easy way to reverse an individual cdbs simple-patchsys patch? Or do I have to issue the patch command myself?08:07
persiaeddyMul: You'll want to call patch directly.08:08
eddyMulpersia: I see. thanx.08:09
warp10Good morning08:15
AnAntHello, I need help with creating a cursor (pointer) theme09:10
AnAntcan it inherit from another cursor theme ?09:10
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pwnguinso at this point, if there's a patch and an upstream new release that fixes a bug, the patch is the preferred approach?12:07
persiapwnguin: Unless the upstream release only contains that patch, or there is some other really good reason it should be included.12:12
pwnguinapparently MOTU's traditional xournal shepard it out of town =/12:13
pwnguinpersia: the package in question has no patch system, and the patch in question is already applied upstream. i assume in this case it would be unreasonable to add a patch system to the package12:15
persiapwnguin: In general, I'm opposed to adding a patch system to a package.  If there is already one in place, it should be used.  If there is none, I presume that matches the maintainer's preference.12:16
persiaYou may want to add a note that the applied patch has been applied upstream and can be dropped when the new upstream is available.12:16
persiaDepending on length, I typically recommend either the changelog or debian/README.Debian-source.  Some people have talked about using a debian/README.Ubuntu-source, but I have yet to see a package using this.12:17
pwnguinwhat happens on autosync from unstable with -ubuntu versions?12:18
persiaIt doesn't autosync.  The package gets listed on merges.ubuntu.com, and someone reads your note, and drops your patch.12:18
pwnguinthis changelog is confusing =/12:20
pwnguinunstable -> feisty -> unstable -> feisty -> gutsy12:20
pwnguinman. xournal hasnt been touched since gutsy at all =/12:21
persiaThat usually means someone applied a patch in feisty, someone merged a later version in feisty to get a fix, and someone merged to gutsy.12:21
POX_ScottK, albert23: .pth files can be safely removed if you use standard location for .py files12:25
albert23POX_: Thanks. Is it still necessary to remove those .pth files?12:37
POX_necessary? probably not, but they're useless12:37
POX_well, unless your package will not work without this file :)12:37
POX_anyway, I'm 90% sure you don't need it (without looking at the package)12:38
albert23POX_: OK, http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/python-central_howto.txt says they must be removed, but that is probably just cleaner, not really necessary.12:39
POX_I wrote that howto :)12:40
albert23Ah, nice12:40
RainCThi emgent13:38
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bddebianHeya gang14:35
IulianHi bddebian14:35
bddebianHello Iulian14:35
jdongugh I just had the worst dream last night15:00
jdongmy EE test was administered over Launchpad15:00
jdongand every time I typed in an answer it dropped down like a page of suggested similar answers15:01
jdongthat's probably a sign I should leave more time between eating dinner and falling asleep....15:03
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
geserHi bddebian15:39
bddebianHeya geser, protonchris15:41
protonchrisslangasek: any luck with the sparc buildd admins yesterday?15:57
zuljdong: its also a sign to get out of the house more :)16:09
protonchrisScottK: ping16:11
Mirvcould someone consider sponsoring this: http://ppa.launchpad.net/timo-jyrinki/ubuntu/pool/main/c/compizconfig-settings-manager/compizconfig-settings-manager_0.7.2-0ubuntu2.dsc ? the only changes are two new patches under debian/patches affecting only Finnish translations.16:29
RainCTMirv: do you have a debdiff?16:31
MirvRainCT: there you go: http://users.tkk.fi/~tajyrink/ccsm/compizconfig-settings-manager_0.7.2-0ubuntu2.debdiff16:40
Mirvthe second patch is big, since almost the whole fi translation is broken16:41
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=== FlareBot is now known as Flare183
ScottKprotonchris: Pong16:51
protonchrisI was taking a look at wxglade from unstable.  One question, it depends on  python-wxgtk2.6 are we prefering  python-wxgtk2.8?16:52
ScottKprotonchris: We aren't particularly caring, but it has to work if both are installed.  You can look at spe as an example of a package designed to work with 2.6 in Debian and 2.8 in Ubuntu.16:54
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareBot
protonchrisScottK: thanks.  looking.16:55
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protonchrisScottK: the current version of wxglade in ubuntu depends on 2.8 while the debian unstable depends on 2.6.  Am I safe in assuming that we need 2.8 so we have consistancy?16:57
ScottKprotonchris: Reasonably safe.  I've never actually looked at the package.16:58
protonchrisScottK: ok.  I will upload a diff.gz to the bug for a debian unstable merge.16:59
protonchrisScottK: uploaded to bug.17:02
ScottKprotonchris: It'll probably be tomorrow before I can look at it.  My youngest daughter's birthday is today and we're about to head out for the party.17:04
protonchrisScottK: No problem.  Have fun today!!!17:05
protonchrisScottK: I'm not in a rush.  I just wanted to make sure that the bug wasn't waiting on me :)17:06
RainCTMirv: do you mind if I modify your changelog entry so that it lists the names of the patchs?17:09
ScottKRainCT: Would you mind looking after protonchris's wxglade debdiff for Bug #204895?17:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204895 in wxglade "Packages failed archive rebuild test possibly due to python-central transition" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20489517:11
MirvRainCT: that's fine17:13
pochuScottK: did you manually uploaded phatch, or do you have some cool archive admin friend?17:34
pochu(or you have super powers?)17:35
sebnerasac: ping :)17:51
sebneraloha afflux17:52
affluxhuhu sebner17:53
affluxsebner: using 5-a-day? consider joining the ubuntu-de-locoteam! :)17:53
RainCTMirv: sorry that it's taking so long, my connection is slow :P17:53
sebnerafflux: No. We'll see ;)17:53
RainCTMirv: I've added some more translations to the .desktop, btw17:53
asacsebner: can you please use -mozillateam for mozilla /xulrunner issues?17:53
sebnerasac: ah sure.sry17:53
asacthere are others that might know something17:53
affluxsebner: hehe, juliux asked me to run some sort of german bugsession for recruiting for 5-a-day17:54
sebnerafflux: well in fact. I have not really time for it for now (final exams are around) :)17:55
affluxgood luck then!17:55
sebnerafflux: thanks17:56
MirvRainCT: no problem, really great that you're working on it. more .desktop translations are naturally encouraged, too :)17:59
=== DarkSun89 is now known as DarkSun88
slytherinCan anyone please reply to my mail about debconf preseed sent on mailing list?18:07
jpatrickgreeneggsnospam: don't you like ham?18:25
affluxanyone who likes to sponsor bug 208974 or bug 186141? :)19:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208974 in screenlets "candidate for version 0.0.12-0ubuntu3" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20897419:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186141 in nautilus-actions "missing nautilus-actions menu entries" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18614119:02
slytherinafflux: I am not a  developer but still I would like to ask. This is related to nautilus-actions. Can you make use of pkg-config to retrieve the extension directory instead of hard coding the value?19:23
affluxslytherin: I think so, let me check the -dev package19:24
slytherinafflux: you can take a look at nautilus-open-terminal to see what I am talking about19:24
affluxslytherin: right, that's far better, thanks for the hint!19:27
slytherinafflux: Welcome. :-)19:27
slangasekprotonchris: gdl got rebuilt on sparc which should fix the FTBFS, but it looks like glom didn't really get dep-waited; will follow up19:34
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
protonchrisslangasek: thanks.19:49
protonchrisslangasek: looks like it is building.  Thanks.19:51
bobboIs anyone around to check over the debdiff for bug #184084 (in checky)21:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 184084 in checky "Extension description mentions Iceweasel/Icedove/Iceape" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18408421:28
norsettoevening gents22:08
RAOFMorning norsetto.22:08
sebneraloha norsetto22:09
norsettosebner: don't even think to put flowers around my neck ....22:10
sebnernorsetto: hrhr22:11
affluxanyone who likes to sponsor bug 208974 or bug 186141? :)22:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 208974 in screenlets "candidate for version 0.0.12-0ubuntu3" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20897422:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186141 in nautilus-actions "missing nautilus-actions menu entries" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18614122:12
sebnernorsetto: any news about conky?22:13
norsettosebner: no22:17
* nxvl HUGS norsetto 22:19
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sebnernorsetto: if you have time please take a look at bug #20901222:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209012 in monodevelop "[FFe] Merge monodevelop_1.0+dfsg-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20901222:23
sebnergn8 folks22:25
LimCoresshfs seems to be extreamly unstable ( me and like 5 other crash reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sshfs-fuse/ )  so I was wondering, should I  try to buuild own .deb from sources of more up to date version? or is anyone else doing that and needs testing before giving this fixed version to all users?23:13

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