
fta[reed], which component would that be ?02:25
[reed]Firefox :: Places02:26
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacfta_: backing out https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=305934 fixes it?13:57
fta_mozilla bug 42599314:08
ubotuMozilla bug 425993 in Places "liferea built with xulrunner 1.9 dumping tons of places.sqlite-\d+.corrupt files" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42599314:08
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacfta: you see an assertion there?14:10
asaceah NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS failure14:10
ftaliferea doesn't have a console14:11
ftai've traced it14:11
asactraced it?14:11
ftaprintf :)14:11
asacfta: you see NS_ENSURE_SUCESS failures only in debug mode on the terminal14:11
asacaeh debug builds14:11
asacfta: ok ... what fails?14:12
asacprobably not the CreateStatement itself14:12
ftait returns to the caller at line 115014:13
asacso its a syntax error?14:14
asaccan you run that statement in sqlite3 shell?14:14
asacmaybe it happens for new firefox profiles too now?14:16
asacfta: ^^14:16
ftai don't know14:20
ftabug 19260614:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 192606 in firefox-3.0 "use standard colours for selected text in URL bar" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19260614:20
ftais that fixed ?14:20
asacfta: yeah i think i know whats going on14:21
asacbogus sqlite14:33
asacill think about how to fix it properly while away14:33
asacbe back tonight14:34
ftaok, cu14:34
armin76ff- doesn't start when compiled with gcc-4.2.3 :/14:40
armin76.12 does, weird, huh?14:41
ftaarmin76, do you have a crash when printing to pdf ?16:32
armin76didn't try16:34
ftaFF3 of course16:37
asacfta: btw, i can print to pdf in ffox 3 beta 417:46
asacfta: read in  -desktop for how we can try to solve the sqlite issue17:47
asacsebner: what is the problem?17:55
sebnerasac: If I try to build monodevelop it complains that the xulrunner1.9 patch can't be applied. So I changed the 0.18.1 to 1.0 (versioning) but then I discovered that some parts of the monodevelop.ini got rewrittten. I tried to adjust your patch but now I have a "Malformated line 35"17:57
sebnerasac: It's currently looking like that . http://pastebin.com/medc58ce18:00
asacsebner: now does the original patch look like?18:11
asac(sorry i cannot remember)18:11
asacsebner: how does the current monodevelop.in look like?18:11
asac(the new one)18:12
asacif nothing radical changed it should be fairly easy to do18:12
asacthe patch basically removes all LD_LIBRARY_PATH and MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME business18:12
asacso just do that18:12
asacand all should be fine18:12
sebnerasac: I already left a message in the query :P http://pastebin.com/mdcbeabc <-- monodevelop.in . xulrunner1.9 original: http://pastebin.com/m52446a8318:14
asacsebner: well ... find_libgtkmozembed is not called at all18:18
asacfigure out where that is called and yo find the place where you need to adapt something - just as a guess18:18
asacso: the find_libgtkmozembed needs to be eliminated ... but for that you have to find where its actually used18:19
sebnerasac: I'm confused. In you patch you deleted the call of find_libgtkmozembed and did the same with the new patch ...18:24
asacsebner: you really confuse me ... whats your problem?18:41
asacsounds like it already works for you ;)18:42
sebnerasac: It tried to port your xulrunner1.9 patch to monodevelop 1.0. But it tells me "Malformated at line 35"18:42
asacsebner: so you edited the patch directly?18:42
sebnerasac: no. diff the monodevelop.in18:42
asacsebner: you probably accidentially edited it18:43
sebnerasac: patch is already posted. look at my first message to you18:43
asacuse diff -u18:43
asacin this channel?18:43
sebneryes ;)18:43
asaccan't tell ... redo the patch18:44
asacshouldn't happen if you use diff -u and don't touch it18:44
sebnerI used diff -urNad ^^18:45
sebnerasac: Sry. I'm not able to prepare a working patch.  applying patch use_xulrunner_1.9 to ./ ...patch: **** malformed patch at line 35:  if test -d /usr/lib64; then MD_PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$MD_PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/; fi18:58
sebnerasac: would you mind taking a look on it?19:04
ftaasac, about bug 139543, the guy asked for system prefs not overwritten during upgrades, not locked prefs, right ?19:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139543 in firefox-3.0 "firefox .deb overwrites firefox.cfg which stores systemwide settings such as startpage, proxy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13954319:28
asacfta: we should not ship it at all20:47
asacand yes, we should also make this available in /etc/20:47
asacsebner: you should start from scratch20:48
asacand try again20:48
sebnerasac: what do you mean with "from scratch" ?20:50
asacwell start over ... redo the patch ;)20:50
asaci mean ... apparently your current patch is broken20:50
ftaasac, ?? not ship what ? and make what avail in /etc ?20:50
asacsebner: and if you produce a patch like i said it _will_ apply for sure20:51
sebnerasac: yeah. I tried again ;) same error20:51
asacuse just diff -u20:52
asacand all is good20:52
sebnerasac: patch: **** malformed patch at line 35:20:52
sebnerI tried20:52
asacmaybe excersize with some simple files20:52
sebnerI know how to diff O_o20:52
asachmmm ... if you would, you won't get a malformed patch :)20:53
asacthats what i am trying to tell ... i cannot tell whats going on. really. if you give me the two file revisions i can make the patch20:53
sebnerhaha ...20:53
asacwebdeveloper.in.orig + webdeveloper.in20:54
asacbut ill just run diff -u webdeveloper.in.org webdeveloper.in20:54
asacaeh monodevelop.in20:55
asacyoull figure20:55
sebnerBut I did :( :( :(20:56
sebnerasac: http://senduit.com/b81d0720:57
asacwhats that?20:58
ftaasac, but it's not read at all in ff3. how was it used in ff2 ? a patch ?20:58
asacno .. a config ;)20:58
sebnerasac: monodevelop. the old and the new file ;)20:59
asacasac@tinya:/tmp/qq$ diff -u monodevelop.old.in monodevelop.in > /tmp/my.patch21:03
asacasac@tinya:/tmp/qq$ mkdir uu21:03
asacasac@tinya:/tmp/qq$ cd uu/21:03
asacasac@tinya:/tmp/qq/uu$ cp ../monodevelop.old.in .21:03
asacasac@tinya:/tmp/qq/uu$ patch -p0 < /tmp/my.patch21:03
asacpatching file monodevelop.old.in21:03
asacsebner: ^^21:03
ftaasac, hmm, that's what i thought but there's nothing in your ff2 branch pointing to it21:03
ftaunless it's that obscure thingy21:04
asacfta: there is :)21:04
asac/usr/lib/firefox/greprefs$ grep general.config *21:04
asacall.js:pref("general.config.obscure_value", 13); // for MCD .cfg files21:04
asacfirefox-2.ubuntu-prefs.js:pref("general.config.filename", "firefox-2.cfg");21:04
sebnerasac: I'm going to commit suicide now. Don't wait for me -.- ...21:05
asacafaik the preference we locked in firefox 2 is now implicitly locked by ffox3 ... as it detects that it cannot write to the install location21:05
asacsebner: do exactly the same above :) ... that will give you a feeling of success ;)21:05
sebnerasac: I swar. I did -.-21:06
sebnerasac: and for the dpatch thing I have the headers right?21:07
asacsebner: do dpatch-edit-patch if its dpatch21:08
asacdpatch files need:21:09
asac#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run21:09
asac<now patch>21:09
ftaasac, hmm, if it's implicitly locked now, all this is not needed.. i don't get why you still want it then...21:11
asacfta: thats what i said :) ... we don't want to use it now. but we should take care that users can set their own firefox.cfg21:12
asacwe can say "we don't care ... do it like oyu want" ... but that isn't nice as the user doesn't really have good way t odo that in a way that it doesn't get removed at some point.21:13
ftaso you want a 2nd xul greprefs in etc ?21:13
asacfta: i don't think that its needed21:13
asacfta: we could also just provide a firefox.cfg link thats empty21:13
asace.g. an empty firefox.cfg in /etc/ ...21:14
asacand link to it from greprefs in our package21:14
ftabut it will be overwritten21:14
ftaand the path is not fixed21:15
sebnerasac: btw, looked already at all-in-one-sidebar rev6 ?21:16
asacwe can ship a link from $pkglibdir/global.cfg -> /etc/firefox-3.0/global.cfg21:16
asacsebner: maybe ship MPL and just reference that in copyright21:29
asacsebner: please use a non-native packaging21:30
asace.g. the changelog versino doesn't have a package revision21:30
asacwhen thats done, please open a bug against the firefox-extensions project. we need that to refer to the FF exception we have for extensions21:31
asacthere are already other bugs filed21:32
asacfta: maybe there is a bug because of the xul + ffox split. no idea if general.config files on a per-applicatoin basis are possible21:34
asacso maybe we need a patch for that21:34
ftaaren't lockPref() allowed in syspref ?21:35
asaci don't think so21:38
asaclockPref is from libpref21:38
asacwhich is not the normal mechanism21:38
asacbut haven't tried for years :)21:39
asacmaybe its now supported by mainline prefs21:39
sebnerasac: btw, in the dpatch is now my name and mail adress. change that to yoursß21:40
asacsay: you + based on mine ;)21:41
asacso it worked?21:41
sebnerwe'll see in 1 minute21:44
sebnerno xD xD xD21:45
sebnerasac: http://pastebin.com/m795b716b21:45
asacsebner: why does it fail. figure that ;)21:46
sebnerno output :\21:47
asacis it clean?21:47
asacwhat does lsdiff path/to/xulrunner.dpatch21:47
sebnerhellboy@ubuntu:~/merges/monodevelop/monodevelop-1.0+dfsg/debian/patches$ lsdiff use_xulrunner_1.9.dpatch21:48
asacprobably wrong strip level21:51
asacdid you use dpatch-edit-patch?21:51
sebnerah. I used dpatch patch-template and copied the header into the file21:52
sebnerasac: I really don't know who but after the 20 try it's working now xD22:06
* sebner looks like a total newbie now22:07
asacyeah ...dpatch is a pain ;)22:44
ftai hate it22:44
ftaasac, in /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/greprefs/fta.js, i've set pref("general.config.filename", "firefox.cfg");22:48
ftawhere should firefox.cfg be ?22:49
ftai've tried: /etc/firefox-3.0/pref/  /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/defaults/preferences  /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5   /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/greprefs  nada22:49
asacfta: yeah. most likely it has to be in /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/23:01
asacwhich means that we have the bug i mentioned above23:01
asacmaybe greprefs in firefox-3.0b5 is considered for the general.config.filename entry as well?23:01
ftanope, still doesn't work in /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/23:02
ftathere's no grepref in ff323:02
asacgreprefs ;)23:06
asacfta: you need to crypt it23:07
ftai did23:07
ftastrace does not even look for it23:07
asacdo we build libpref extension at all?23:07
ftai get "Failed to read the configuration file. Please contact your system administrator"23:08
asacthat sounds broken :)23:08
ftaand it refused to start so at least there's some code behind it23:08
asacwhat did you dO?23:08
asacto break it that way?23:08
asacjust add the general.config.filename pref?23:09
ftajust set general.config.filename23:09
ftaand the cfg is obscured23:09
asacfta: try to add pref extension the DEB_MOZ_EXTENSIONS23:11
asacits strange though thatit chokes on it ... i agree23:13
ftaisn't it about sharedpref ?23:14
asacno pref is the lockdown extension23:15
asacand system prefs like gconf23:16
ftamozilla/config/autoconf.mk:MOZ_PREF_EXTENSIONS = 123:17
ftaso it's by default23:17
ftayes, there's --disable-pref-extensions to disable it23:17
ftaso we already have it in xul23:18
asacfta: ok it works23:32
asacthats what must succeed23:33
ftawhat did you change ?23:44
ftaoh, /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/defaults/autoconfig23:45
asaclook closely ;)23:45
asaci am pushing a xul patch23:45
asacto read that from GRE_DIR23:45
asacas its installed by xul build23:45
asacbut bzr on launchpad is again really slow23:46
ftahm, really weird rendering of http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/138923:48
asacwebsite bug?23:49
ftaprobably, it renders the same with sm1 and sm223:51
asacfta: same for upstream build?23:51
asacah ok23:51
asacthen ignore23:51
asacif its in old gecko engine i have no problem ;)23:51
ftayou merged my commits ???23:56
asacfta: yes i tested what bzr push suggested23:56
asacfeel free to push your tree again23:56
asacwith --overwrite23:56
asaci can merge on top of that23:56
asac(i never did merge and push ... wonder why its ok to do that without --overwrite)23:57
ftai don't think i can, my branch has been changed23:58
ftawith just a pull !? wtf?23:58
asacyeah ... thats a strange thing23:59

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