
=== tgm4883_laptop is now known as superm2
=== superm2 is now known as tgm4883_laptop
sabhainsorry if I'm in the wrong place .. but struggling with nvidia drivers for my mythbox03:20
sabhainhad things running with the open source driver from nvidia.com .. but couldn't get xvmc to work with myth03:20
sabhainso now i'm trying to get the restricted binaries to go .. but 7.10 isn't recognizing the card, and there4 not loading the module / driver?03:21
majoridiotsabhain, still here?03:44
sabhainback .. you still here majoridiot?04:17
sabhaini'm able to see the nvidia identified within lspci .. so that's an improvment04:24
sabhainand modprobe nvidia-new loads up ..04:24
sabhainwhich allows me to boot to X .. and the restricted drivers manager says that the nvidia driver is in use and enabled04:25
sabhainbut i can't run nvidia-settings .. says i'm "not using an nvidia driver" ...04:26
sabhainI know things aren't quite right .. gotta be close, but I'm migrting from mandriva .. and it's just different enought that I'm getting stuck04:26
sabhaintrying to make every effort to use the restricted drivers .. per some mythtv specific advice i've gotten04:44
sabhainseems like the opensource driver is more problematic when it comes to good playback / xvmc04:44
=== Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis
tbonemadzI'm having a problem with MythTv locking up on any video being played.  I'm somewhat a noob at linux but know how to get around.  I upgraded to a large lcd tv and finally have my resolution fixed at 1920 x 1080 at 60hz.  Image colors are fixed but my video locks up any time i try to play a video within myth.08:44
tbonemadz This makes me thing its the engine it uses to show video because VLC video player works perfect08:44
KillerKiwi2005hi I created a custom menu file but the music entry just does nothing... ive double checked the syntax.. is there a special trick for plugins?10:32
KillerKiwi2005hmmm JUMP music play works....10:55
reclusivemonkeyhello everyone12:23
Koffaare the .nuv's that come out of transcoding viewable on eg. windows media player?12:24
reclusivemonkeylooks like channels.dat is poorly again (no surprise there); http://talk.radiotimes.com/thread.jspa?threadID=30000022612:24
reclusivemonkeyKoffa: No, I don't believe WMP has native .nuv support12:25
Koffaare there any instructions to get something else out from transcode?-)12:25
reclusivemonkeyKoffa: you can change the file format of recordings to mpeg I think; there should be something on the Wiki12:31
Koffafirst it records mpeg, but all transcoding-options I've tried produce these .nuv's12:34
Koffa(and tablet-encode producess off-sync videos, but that's not mythtv-problem (: )12:35
reclusivemonkeyYeah I never had any luck myself getting anything other than NUV out...12:35
sebrockhow can I get to know which lirc package that is included in mythbuntu?15:17
sebrockI need a cvs version because of the iMON IR/LCD15:17
lagasebrock: apt-cache policy lirc15:17
sebrockok is the info anywhere on the web? dont have access to the frontend right now15:18
sebrockPackage: lirc (0.8.3~pre1-0ubuntu7) [universe]15:18
Koffadamn autocommit15:19
sebrockdoesn not include the LCD driver... anyhow is it then possible to remove the lirc package from mythbuntu and install from cvs without having to remove all them other packages?15:21
sebrockapt-get suggests removing basically all mythbuntu stuff15:21
lagasebrock: create a proper .deb from the cvs source15:22
sebrockis that the only way?15:23
sebrockI suck at creating debs15:24
sebrockespecially proper ones :D15:24
lagadunno.. maybe you can create a fake lirc deb.. or just install over your existing lirc isntall, but that'll make your system unsupportable15:25
lagacreate is hilarious15:27
lagai'm glad i bought a terratec card for linux15:28
sebrockcompress that, I dont feel like reading :D15:28
lagagee. :)15:29
lagabasically, some guy was making custom driver packs for creative sound cards to let them run properly on vista15:29
lagagranted, he also made 'ported' some new features to older cards which might be the real issue why creative is pissed off15:30
lagayeah, so creative is basically telling him not to do that anymore, causing a nice uproar in their forums15:30
lagatheir drivers must be awful15:31
laga86 pages. woohoow.15:39
* mishehu is happy, making progress on getting his mythbuntu frontend working again15:51
mishehuhowever, I do have an annoying problem still with sound15:54
mishehumythtv on my system (gigabyte ga-ma69gm-s2h, uses intel-hd module) plays back normal PCM over SPDIF without any problem.  but DVD playback produces a pulsing sound isntead of the audio.  Xine plays dvds fine and outputs a52 out the SPDIF no problem.  I tried changing the settings for the alsa device and alsa spdif device to use, but when I change from default I get no sound at all15:57
mishehuI just updated to mythtv 0.21 on gutsy 7.1015:57
levanderCan you burn an ISO to DVD using mytharchive?  Or, do most people use some other program?15:57
mishehuerr I think gutsy is it's name, whatever, it's from 7.1015:59
mishehuthe most recent stable15:59
kenzuI need some help with my imon pad remote15:59
kenzuI can get everything working on hardy, but the pad16:00
mishehuheh, I'm having problems with my ati remote wonder on 7.10.16:01
mishehulirc is a bitch of a program sometimes.16:01
lagamishehu: ati remote wonder RF? the first one?16:01
kenzuI have found a page that say I should put a option line in/etc modprobe.d/options with "options lirc_imon pad2keys_active=1" but then It fail to load lirc_imon16:02
mishehulaga: yeah, the original one.16:02
kenzudo I have to patch lirc i hardy?16:02
mishehulaga: I was even running irw on the lircd socket, and it wasn't showing any key presses16:02
mishehuusing the lirc_atiusb16:03
mishehukenzu: you can do "modinfo lirc_imon.ko" and it should show you the accepted parameters.16:03
lagamishehu: it worked fine for me. i even provided the appriorite lircd.conf ;)16:04
mishehulaga: that's the funny thing, it did provide the right lirc files and all.16:05
mishehuI noticed that on the same machine I have a problem with USB mice as well.16:05
mishehusomething about kernel 2.6.2216:05
lagatry a different usb port..16:05
mishehulaga: the ports on the machine are fine.  my USB keyboard works fine.16:06
mishehuand the mouse works fine on other machines (windows and slamd64 linux)16:06
kenzumishehu: were is lirc_imon.ko?16:06
mishehulaga: you using kernel or userspace settings for your remote?16:07
mishehukenzu: actually if you do "modinfo lirc_imon" it should work16:07
mishehuno need to enter the path16:07
lagamishehu: i think i was using the userpsace stuff16:07
kenzumishehu: hmm and then pad2keys should be on the parm: line?16:08
lagait was a bit tricky to figure out nice repeat/delay values for that remote..16:08
lagai'm not using that remote anymore, tho16:08
lagatoo big and bulky and it couldn't control my TV16:08
mishehulaga: hmm I might just replace the damn thing.  I've had enough headache with it16:08
mishehulaga: shame this machine is too small for my audigy 2zs, the remote that came with that worked perfectly and without much hassle at all.16:09
mishehulaga: what do you use for a remote tehse days?16:09
mishehukenzu: well you can check to make sure you're sending it valid parameters..16:10
lagamishehu: http://www.remotecentral.com/vl600/photo01a.jpg16:10
lagamishehu: http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.remotecentral.com/vl600/photo01a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.remotecentral.com/vl600/index.html&h=319&w=278&sz=19&hl=de&start=3&um=1&tbnid=Ez_CZOAAJ0kXEM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsony%2Bremote%2BRM%2BVL600%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dcom.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial%26hs%3DWsJ%26sa%3DN16:10
kenzuhmm how doI patch lirc on hardy?16:10
lagamishehu: together with lirc_serial16:10
mishehulaga: could you tinyrul that second one?16:11
mishehuhard ot cut & paste from putty16:11
mishehulaga: this is the one I like ;-)  http://tinyurl.com/2cmwvs16:13
mishehulooks like they might sell it separate16:14
lagai thought you already have that remote? maybe you can just use a separate receiver16:14
mishehuno, no they don't.  :-/16:15
mishehulaga: yeah, and there in lies the rub16:15
mishehutrying to find a receiver that can read the codes and work with lirc.16:15
lagaouch :/16:16
* laga wouldn't buy creative these days ;)16:18
mishehulaga: why not?16:19
mishehuI wouldn't buy X-fi until they release REAL support for linux16:19
lagamishehu: there's some great web drama going on on their forums.16:20
mishehulaga: do elaborate16:20
lagayeah, wait a second..16:20
kenzuno help on patching lirc on hardy?16:22
lagakenzu: how is it different than patching it on other distros?16:23
kenzuI don't no. have not done it before16:24
lagakenzu: apt-get source lirc16:24
lagato get the source package16:24
lagathen apply your patch16:24
lagathen rebuild using debuild or dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot16:24
mishehulaga: seems pretty typical of many major hardware companies these days.  :-/16:26
mishehu"you stole our IP!"16:26
mishehuit's the streisand effect just waiting to happen.  though I think the guy might have slipped under the radar had he not solicited donations at all16:26
mishehuthey did similar shit when teh sblive was first released.16:27
mishehutook it what, 2 or so years until they released anything for linux16:27
mishehuand then it took another 6 months to year to get opensource so it could be merged into alsa16:27
mishehuI wish gravis still made soundcards these days.16:27
* mishehu looks at his old Interwave card that can't be used on anything anymore. heh.16:28
lagai bought a terratec card, i think it's got a cmedia chip16:28
lagaalso has a digital optical output w/o paying ridiculuos amounts of money or getting a silly breakout box16:28
Matt1728how do i use the mythtv database?16:32
lagaMatt1728: ?16:33
Matt1728when i started it says i cant load the database or something like that16:33
Matt1728can i watch TV on it?16:34
lagano, you need the database first.16:35
lagahow did you install mythtv?16:35
kenzuI have found out that the patch should be i hardy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/153184 but how do I eneable it then?16:40
mishehuugh I can't find anything on google about my audio problem.  I can't see how this is an .asoundrc issue if xine can spit out a52 streams directly to SPDIF.16:41
mishehuand seeing that so far music works fine it's just dvds that don't...16:41
mishehuanybody else geetting crackling when you have dolby digital or dts spit out spdif on mythtv's dvd player?16:43
rhpot1991does anyone here have a single FE BE setup on the same box?17:34
=== mpontill1 is now known as mpontillo
dthacker-laptopHi, is there a way to probe the video card from the command line to determine what model it is?18:14
zabadappdthacker-laptop: lspci maybe?18:17
dthacker-laptopthat worked.18:18
dthacker-laptopI don't need TV-out enabled to just playback to the monitor or to another front end, right?18:19
dthacker-laptopthis is a "dry-run" install.  Today's goal is to get an install that will record and playback to monitor.18:20
dthacker-laptopwow, the manual has very little on standard installation.  Guess I'll go back and choose advanced.18:36
zabadappwhat were you missing?18:37
dthacker-laptopI'm on a screenshot for Host Address Backend Setup, and I don't see it in the manual.18:37
dthacker-laptopI chose the wrong fork in the road :)18:38
dthacker-laptopah wait.18:38
dthacker-laptopback on track18:39
zabadappdon't know what you meant, but probably just localhost? btw: you did create a separate /home partition? much easier to do complete reinstalls and keep you good stuff then18:39
dthacker-laptopnah, but I'll do that next time.18:40
dthacker-laptopWill changing "Master Server IP Adress" actuall set the server address, because there was no where to do that on the install.  I'm still running a DHCP address18:41
dthacker-laptopmy mouse only shows up in the "black" sections of the text box on the setup pages.  How can I fix that?18:49
dthacker-laptopwell that's a showstopper.  off to the forums....18:57
tgm4883_laptopdthacker, the standard install is supposed to be pretty straight forward.  Where was it confusing you?19:09
dthacker-laptopoops didn't answer fast enough19:15
MythbuntuGuest54Help.  my installation continues to crash.19:17
dthacker-laptopMythbuntuGuest54: where in the process and with what error message?19:17
MythbuntuGuest54about 24 percent saying bad cd or hard drive19:18
dthacker-laptopMythbuntuGuest54: try another CD or try another hard drive.19:19
ahavehello room, if i am using irrecord.. can i hand edit the output .conf file to combine multiple recordings?19:19
MythbuntuGuest54I have been successful in installing Ubuntu 6.06 on this machine this morning.19:20
MythbuntuGuest54this is the 3 live cd of mythbuntu to try also.19:20
dthacker-laptopMythbuntuGuest54: was 6.06 a cd you burned?19:21
zabadappMythbuntuGuest54: try the cd-check from the boot menu first, then try the mem-check from the same menu, then you know if it's the cd-reader, the cd or the memory that's broken19:22
MythbuntuGuest54i am in the process of running memtest at the moment19:22
dthacker-laptopcd's and cd readers are fickle things.  It's unlikely there is a bug causing your problems, you will have to change the variables one at a time until you get a successful outcome.19:22
MythbuntuGuest54cd check is ok and memtest is good so far.19:24
dthacker-laptopMythbuntuGuest54: I know this is frustrating.  It's bitten me several times.  Do you have another CD reader you could try?19:25
MythbuntuGuest54that is my next step.  i will install and try.  thanks for the help.19:25
dthacker-laptopgood luck!19:26
ahave if i have 2 irrecord output files, can i hand edit them into one file?19:26
dthacker-laptopahave: I don't know anything about those. sorry... anybody else?19:27
ftaburtdthacker  now have a user name was guest5419:35
ftaburtagain thanks for the direction.  will post outcome shortly19:35
schultzaI cant get mythbuntu to work.19:52
zabadappschultza: what's the problem?19:53
schultzaWell, after the initial install, got a password, but then it wanted to update mysql. Updated it. Now its not connected with the default/auto gen password. So I uninstalled it. Reinstalled it with Kubuntu-desktop and now cant find the configuration. The password seemed the same and the frontend is not connecting to the database.19:55
schultzaBRB, getting drink.19:55
schultzaI'm back.19:58
zabadappsounds strange19:58
schultzaI don't want to reinstall as my Teamspeak server is on this computer.19:59
zabadappcan you connect to mysql with an other db-client?19:59
schultzaCan't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysqld/mysqld.sock'20:00
zabadappi don't know if that means mysql isn't running .. is it?20:01
ahavewow! can someone explain to me how mythbuntu-lircrc-generator works?20:06
mpontilloahave: I have no idea how it works, but you can browse the source yourself, just run 'apt-get source mythbuntu-lirc-generator' from a terminal =) ... looks like a set of python scripts20:23
ahaveyea. i was just amazed it was able to parse my button labeling to map the IR codes!20:24
OnetbCan someone answer a question about differing resolution between a desktop machine with vga video and a ws HD monitor20:26
ahaveOnetb, just ask20:27
Onetbsorry.  I have a 5-6 year old desktop with a fresh gutsy install.  the montior is a 27 inch hd ws.  Monitor had to be set to 1360x768 @ 60HZ, while the OS is set to 1280x768 @ 60HZ to get the screen aligned correctly.  However, I still have a slight bit of over hang to one side or the other20:29
dthacker-laptopHi. I'm on the global setup page, and due to other issues, my mouse pointer is not visble.  what keystroke do I use to open these dropdowns?20:35
dthacker-laptopboth space and return take me to the next page, and I need to chage channel frequency table.20:36
zabadapparrow keys20:36
dthacker-laptopah, thanks zabadapp20:38
zabadappdepending on theme, it can be a bit hard to see the marker .. but you navigate the widgets with the arrow keys (up/down?), and cycle through a dropdown with left/right i think20:38
dthacker-laptopstupid mouse20:38
zabadappand there is a setting somewhere to enable the mouse in mythtv (and another to get a windowed mode)20:38
zabadapp(enable == make it visible)20:39
* dthacker-laptop skips all the startup settings because the host isn20:41
dthacker-laptopcan I safely leave these job queue settings at default?20:41
zabadappi did20:41
zabadappworks fine, the only job i want is the commercial flagger which is by default20:42
Lukewhinstalling mythbuntu atm, wondering if anyone had links or information on Remote Configuration options for the Terratec Cinergy 1400 DVB-T remote?20:43
Lukewhme either20:48
Onetb I have a 5-6 year old desktop with a fresh gutsy install.  the montior is a 27 inch hd ws.  Monitor had to be set to 1360x768 @ 60HZ, while the OS is set to 1280x768 @ 60HZ to get the screen aligned correctly.  However, I still have a slight bit of over hang to one side or the other20:48
schultzamysql is not loading... now what? reinstall again?20:50
dthacker-laptopok, I think I messed up.  On the input connections, all of my options say "none"   Shouldn't this be seeing my Haupage card at this point?20:51
schultzai have an hvr-950, what do you have dthacker?20:51
zabadappyou should be able to add a connection and then select your previously added card20:51
dthacker-laptopI have a pvr-25020:52
dthacker-laptopI see Tuner1, I think I'll try that20:52
zabadappschultza: what does the log say when you start mysql?20:52
schultzai did a sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start and it responded with $ on the next line.20:52
schultzaIt didnt display any errors or that it started20:53
schultzaps -aux did not show anything about mysql either20:53
dthacker-laptopschultza: /var/log/mysql20:56
dthacker-laptopwhat does it say20:56
schultzaits a dir... i have #10 through 18.20:57
schultzano... 1 through20:57
schultzaand index20:57
zabadappyou should have a /var/log/mysql.log ... however, all my /var/log/mysql.logs (older ones are gzipped) are empty .. may be because nothing problematic ever happened?20:58
schultzacat mysql.log and mysql.err and empty20:59
dthacker-laptopschultza: let's get assertive with it.21:04
dthacker-laptopat the command line sudo -i21:04
dthacker-laptopthen /usr/sbin/mysqld_safe &  and see what happens.....21:05
dthacker-laptopok, my mythfill is done. rebooting and crossing fingers21:06
dthacker-laptopok, how do you get out of the pretty front end and back to xfce to fix ip addresses and such?21:13
zabadappesc a few times .... "exit, yes" ... then from a shell "mythtv-setup"21:15
dthacker-laptop\o/   thansk zabadapp!!!!21:18
schultzasorry, im back21:20
dthacker-laptopwow, texas is getting killed!21:20
schultza/usr/sbin/mysqld_safe: no such file or dir21:21
zabadappenter "which mysqld_safe"  --> /usr/bin  for me21:22
dthacker-laptopoops my bad.  /usr/bin21:22
dthacker-laptopyah, you're ahead of me21:22
schultza/usr/bin/mysqld_safe: no such file/dir21:23
schultzaarg... be back soon.. .family wants me to pick up a pie21:24
=== claydoh__ is now known as claydoh
zabadappjust mysqld_<tab> and see what you get21:37
zabadappit should be in your path already (is for me)21:39
hendrixskihas anybody else had database troubles installing in Hardy Heron?22:01
hendrixskiI apt-get installed mythtv, and ran mythtv-setup... several times, tried logging out and stuff, and noticed that there was no mythconverg database, so I ran mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/mythtv/mc.sql   and tried again, and it's just not connecting to the database :-(22:03
schultzaok, im back.. and eating my pie22:29
schultzamysql_[tab] gets....: client test, client test embedded, explain log, find rows, fix extensions, tableinfo, waitpid22:30
zabadappare you running Hardy Heron?22:36
schultzano response22:36
zabadappnot D but d .. mysqld_<tab> :-)22:37
schultzaalso nothin22:37
zabadappshould have: mysqld         mysqld_multi   mysqld_safe    mysqldump      mysqldumpslow22:38
schultzai dont22:38
schultzasigh... ok....22:38
zabadappls /usr/bin/mysqld*   ?22:39
schultzaonly have mysqldump and mysqldumpslow22:40
schultzaand nothing in /usr/sbin for mysqld*22:41
zabadappok, no idea .. I got mine just from a standard mythbuntu install22:41
schultzai just did another aptitude install mythbuntu and 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 remove, 0 not upgraded22:42
schultzaok.. ill reinstall from scratch later... arg22:44
schultzaif you think of anything, im at allen.schultz at gmail dot com22:44
zabadappbad luck ... but still i think there are some options (mysqld --verbose --help) to turn on debugging and try to start it that way ...22:45
PifferAnyone here got the Microsoft Media Center keyboard/remote to work in MythBuntu?22:49
ahave_Piffer, still need help?22:55
=== ahave_ is now known as ahave
ahavei am trying to setup my alsa device, I am having trouble finding where to do this step: Set it via the GUI or in the "settings" table for the "AudioDevice" and "AudioOutputDevice" values.23:09
ahavewhere can i find the settings table?23:09
MythbuntuGuest57I'm running gutsy, and the screen saver preferences has no screen savers listed, for the life of me I can't figure out what package(s) I need to get to install some screensavers?23:14
javatexananyone doing bluray writing?23:17
javatexanis there a compat list somewhere for bluray writers in ubuntu 7.10?23:17
PifferJust wondering if the microsoft MediaCenter keyboard/remote works, and if there is a way to get it working with Mythbuntu, I'm getting rid of my Windoze media center box :-)23:23
TelnetMantaPiffer: AFAIK they work23:27
Piffersweet.. then bye bye Microcrap media center box...23:28
javatexannever mind...I can get a 1T hdd for ~$300 which is a lot of bluray disks.....LOL  I'll just add hdds until bluray comes out of the clouds....LOL23:37
* tgm4883_laptop hopes bluray dies23:39
majoridiotBD+ is broken... blueray is out of the clouds.23:39
* javatexan too23:47
* javatexan me too23:47
* majoridiot makes all assurances the BR is not going any place anytime soon.23:49
* majoridiot guarantees it.23:49
destructarhi all... just tried changing up my video drivers for nvidia (had manually installed them but reinstalled via restricted drivers)23:51
destructarnow I'm stuck in "low graphics mode" because my screen and graphics card "could not be detected correctly"23:52
destructarnot sure what to do now... tried various tutorials nothing seems to work23:52
destructaredited xorg.conf file and changed driver to "nvidia" but no luck...23:53
destructarany ideas or should I tried #ubuntu?23:53
destructarcurrently running ubuntu 7.1023:53
majoridiotsudo apt-get reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh23:54
majoridiotshould get you into a safe gfx mode after you reconfig.23:54
majoridiotsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh23:54
destructarwhat will this do exactly?23:55
majoridiotallow you to choose the x server settings23:55
destructarok cool23:55
* majoridiot has apt-get on the brain23:55
destructar"package 'server-xorg-phigh' is not installed and no info is available"23:56
Pifferapt-get is a drug23:57
majoridiotsorry again...23:58
majoridiottotally botched that one front to back23:58
majoridiotsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:58
levanderCan I use myth to burn ISO's to a blank DVD-R?23:58
* majoridiot slows down a little23:58
destructarso it autodetected nv instead of nvidia... any idea if that's correct? everything I read claims nvidia should be used23:59

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