
yarddoganyone notice after updating to 8.04, that the nvidia binary thinks this is a xen kernel and wont install?00:09
yarddogi guess the nvidia binary thinks the new server kernel supports xen00:41
sommeryarddog: I'm pretty sure that it does00:43
yarddogyeah, im wondering how to get the nvidia support then00:43
sommerare you installing the nvidia drivers on a server kernel?00:43
yarddogits from their site00:44
sommeryou'll probably want to install the generic kernel then00:44
yarddognv works in xorg00:44
yarddogmay have to live with it00:44
sommervesa should work too, heh00:45
sommerare you installing on an actual server or a test machine?  just wondering why you'd want the nvidia drivers on a server00:46
yarddogits an actual server, here at home for a home based business, its a micron NF340000:46
yarddogi installed xfce for the sake of have the gui option00:46
sommerah, the desktop kernel should work with the drivers and work fine then... if you need nvidia that is00:47
yarddogno need really00:47
yarddogi can just put nv in the xorg, it works00:47
yarddogits an old card anyway00:48
yarddogfx 520000:48
yarddogmy windows box has the 7600 gs00:48
yarddogthat one im a bit more picky about :)00:48
sommerheh, my 6800 just crapped out on my desktop... sigh00:49
yarddogi know someone that is running one of those00:49
yarddoghe likes it on either linux or xp, but not on vista00:49
sommerheh, I haven't met anyone who likes vista00:50
yarddogyou just did, but only because im lucky enough to have it work00:50
yarddogthats my workbox00:51
sommeroh come on there's no need to lie :-)00:51
yarddogvista on my sony vaio, xp on my dell laptop, ubuntu-server on this micron, and the wife has vista on her dell00:52
yarddogeventually i would like to get another box for a linux play machine :)00:53
yarddogi got this micron with the intention of running the ubuntu server though, ive been running xampp00:53
yarddogbut on windows00:53
yarddogso i want to transfer that to this00:54
yarddogmore stability in terms of uptime im sure00:54
Nafallowho is running solaris?00:55
Nafalloand what is the three-finger-salute to reboot or shut down?00:55
yarddogpower button00:55
yarddogor unplug00:55
Nafallooki. so nothing to just have it reboot without login is there?00:56
yarddogive not seen a solaris box in 3 years00:56
yarddogso i plead the 5th on that00:57
rhineheart_mhello.. can anybody here assist me in the removal of webmin.. I know of something to remove it.. just please advise which to do: aptitude purge webmin or this one sudo apt-get remove --purge webmin ? I want all its configuration be removed too02:35
ScottKrhineheart_m: Best ask in the place you got the package from.  They'll know best.  I suspect either of those would work, but I don't know the package.02:54
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owhSalutations. I've got a few scripts that together provide some functionality - think of it as an application, although it isn't really. In the past I've stored the scripts in a directory inside /root/myFooBar and symlinked to the scripts from /etc/cron.*, /var/www and /usr/local/bin, but I thought I'd ask if there were Ubuntu standard ways of doing this?04:52
* owh really doesn't want to create a package to make this work, but I want it to be obvious for any future administrator.04:54
owhI wonder if the most appropriate location for the myFooBar directory is inside /opt?04:56
ScottKowh: There or usr/local.05:47
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owhScottK: I looked at usr/local, but only found generic folders like games, X11, so I opted for /opt - pun intended :)08:27
owhI'm trying to migrate an ancient smbpasswd file to the samba v3 tdb format. The command I think I'm supposed to use is: pdbedit -i smbpasswd:old.server/etc/samba/smbpasswd  -e tdbsam - the error I get is: "Unable to set account database iterator for smbpasswd!", which doesn't appear in any manual and the google hits don't help either. Suggestions?08:36
owhIn case anyone is goog-ling and comes across this question, the answer was to copy the smbpasswd file into /etc/samba, then run pdbedit -i smbpasswd -e tdbsam and it appeared to work. This URL helped: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=422302&seqNum=309:12
jeandanielHello, can the standard hardy heron server can boot on lvm? or should we devote a small ext3 partition for /boot?11:44
blue-froglvm needs /boot11:44
jeandaniela year ago, the latest grub had seen some progress in booting over lvm and over efi, but I could not reproduce that success11:45
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bafflejeandaniel: Is that grub1 or grub2?13:35
baffleQuick google reveals this: http://grub.enbug.org/LVMandRAID13:36
jeandanielit is grub214:08
jeandanielbut the project insist to call grub2 'grub' and grub1 'grub legacy'14:08
jeandanielI have installed hardy heron server on my mac mini in the cupboard, installed hardy jeos into a kvm virtual machine. Now from anywhere, I can type 'ssh jeandanieldomain' to land on the vm14:20
jeandanielGood job ubuntu14:21
jeandanieltook three hours, and it works almost out of the box14:21
jeandanielto be fair it took less than that but some roomate is bugging me with the laundry and the washing up14:25
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tmadsenHi, I have a setup that looks like this: http://tmadsen.net/setup.png. I need to have the two networks N1 and N2 talking to each other, and both have access to the internet trough the firewall. Does anyone have a good idea on how to configre the firewall to make that possible?15:35
faulkes-the easiest way it to add an additional network card to the firewall as from your .png, it would appear you are trying to run two subnets off one nic15:38
tmadsenI am15:38
tmadsenso with the extra nic, you would use bridging?15:38
faulkes-not really, just basic routing15:39
tmadsentrough e.g. iptables?15:39
faulkes-the only interface that I see requiring iptables is eth0, the one connected to the internet, which needs to be configured to use nat15:40
tmadsencan't use nat, I have two webservers behind the firewall15:40
faulkes-yes, you can ;)15:41
tmadsenok, so how can i tell which webserver should respond to port 80 requests?15:42
faulkes-nat & masquerade15:42
faulkes-well, I am assuming the ip's you have provided are the ones you are using, which require the use of nat in any case15:43
faulkes-unless those ip's are different and actually globally accessable15:43
tmadsenthe N1 and N2 ips are globally accessible15:43
faulkes-essentially, what you want to do is have eth0 pretend to be all of the accessible ip's and then do a masquerade to the internal ip's which are actually 1918 based addresses15:44
faulkes-so if a request comes in for aaa.bbb.ccc.web_server1 it forwards/masquerades it to 192.168.26.N115:45
faulkes-and if a request comes in for aaa.bbb.ccc.web_server2 it forwards/masquerades it to 192.168.26.N215:46
faulkes-and where I have specified aaa.etc.. that is the global IP and 192.168.x.x is an actual rfc1918 address internal to your network15:47
faulkes-although not fully particular to your case, this is generally covered in the linux virtual server project15:48
tmadsenmhm, thanks15:50
tmadsena light went on, I'll try it ... thank you15:50
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AtomicSparkis there anyway to display a wine application on a terminal only machine? maybe export it to a tty or vnc-server? i see these options "-monitor dev" and "-vnc display" but not sure what they do. any thoughts?19:52
sorenAtomicSpark: Those look like qemu options?20:04
sorenAre you asking about wine or qemu?20:06
AtomicSparkheh. wine :P sorry. was playing with kvm at the same time.20:06
sorenOk. The question is completely off-topic here, but the answer is wineconsole.20:07
AtomicSparkwell i'd be using it on a server and i figured someone here would have more terminal experience :P20:08
sorenandyd: Hi there :)20:27
andydwhy hello there. :-)20:27
sorenandyd: The major differences you'll find are: The different release schedule, a different kernel, and AFAIR a rather different approach to booting and device handling. The latter will probably not be apparant, unless you start digging.20:30
aliguorisoren, is it possible to do an ubuntu-server install over the serial port?20:30
sorenaliguori: Should be, yes.20:30
aliguorii'm playing around with a linux kernel patch right now that makes the guest kernel aware of when it's being run with -nographic20:30
aliguorii've got a grub patch too20:31
aliguorisoren, any clue what it takes?20:31
sorenWhat does it do in that case?20:31
sorenaliguori: Yeah, I'm digging out the docs now.20:31
aliguorisoren, automatically output to the serial port20:31
aliguoriso in linux, it adds ttyS0 as the preferred console20:31
aliguorithe idea is to make it so something like qemu -cdrom ubuntu-server.iso -boot d -nographic Just Works20:32
sorenaliguori: Ah. Makes sense.20:32
sorenI'm not even sure what happens in that case right now?20:32
aliguorinothing :-(20:33
aliguori-nographic just hides the vga screen and redirects the serial port to stdio20:33
aliguoribut the guest doesn't know you're using it, so it still outputs to vga20:33
aliguoriso right now, you have to configure your guest to use serial explicitly to make use of -nographic20:33
sorenYeah, I see. I would have thought isolinux did something clever.20:33
soren(I'm considering the installer case)20:33
aliguoriwell, my patch makes it detectable via cpuid that serial is the preferred console20:34
aliguoriso it should be easy enough20:34
andydThe different release schedule is what interests me most, soren.20:35
sorenOh, ok. I thought you'd just detect the absence of vga and switch to ttyS0.20:35
aliguorisoren, the vga is still there20:36
sorenaliguori: Oh, just not hooked up to anything?20:36
aliguorisoren, correct20:36
aliguoriyou pretty much have to have a vga device for an x86 guest20:36
sorenI thought that was more of a BIOS limitation.20:36
aliguorimost bootloaders assume it too i think20:37
sorenPossibly. I have no clue, I'm just making this up as I go along :)20:37
sorenandyd: Yeah, I sort of gathered :)20:37
andydHow soon will Hardy server be released ?20:38
sorenApril 24th.20:39
andydoh, very soon then.20:39
Goliath23anyone has experience with updating from 6.06 to 8.04?21:31
Deeps8.04 isn't out of beta yet21:36
Deepsso you're probably better waiting ... 25? days til it's out i guess21:36
nijabaGoliath23: we do want to hear from you if you can test it though.  We are trying to make sure this goes smoothly, but the more tests the merrier21:37
Goliath23hm, I see. I'm installing an ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS in a virtualbox right now and will clone my system in terms of installed packages22:08
Goliath23to test it for my production server22:08
Goliath23unfortunately, my server is x64 and I think I can't test that with virtualbox22:08
JanCvirtualbox supports x86-6422:09
JanCat least when the host is also 64-bits22:09
Goliath23oh does it? I culdn't find the setting..22:09
Goliath23hm, okay. hardware is, but I installed the opensuse x86 on my workstation so I guess it's not22:10
slideIm trying to use apache + mysql auth and whe apache was at ver 2.0 I used libapache2-mod-auth-mysql but that is no longer compatible with 2.2 The replacement is libapache2-mod-authn-dbd but this is not available, can anyone help me figure out how to get it setup?22:10
Goliath23why i'm asking about upgrading in the first place is just exim to be honest. dapper has version 4.60, but I need at last 4.62 because of some features I want to use22:11
Goliath23any idea if it's possible to get updated exim4 packages for dapper?22:11
JanChardy has 4.69 packages22:12
Goliath23but I won't be able to install them on dapper, won't I?22:12
JanCyou could try te rebuild source packages of a newer version of exim on dapper22:13
Goliath23hm, yes22:13
Goliath23I did a rebuild of a source package once, but it's been a while. do you have a tutorial on that?22:13
Goliath23hm, my dapper on virtualbox won't boot. hangs on "booting the kernel" :/22:15

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