
bobdoleThe message reads "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/(lots of hex code) does not exist. Dropping to a shell!00:00
kindofabuzzoh didn't know that, well the newest wine fixes alot of bugs00:00
Serveckwhat can i use for youtube flash?00:00
JustJadendude, the terminal is so cool!00:00
Serveckwhat program?00:00
Pelomactaylor, if it's a linux app it will work in ubu, if it 'sa windows aps you can try using wine00:00
SonicEpsilonadobe flash of course00:00
JustJadenso why did I type that command?00:00
=== makoto is now known as MakotoTheKnight
JustJadenwhat did it mean?00:00
xavierpwns!wifi put that into terminal?00:00
bazhangServeck: install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:00
Pelo!flash | Serveck00:00
ubotuServeck: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:00
SonicEpsilonif you're using firefox it'll show a small bar00:00
Serveckterminal is the equivelent of command line in windows00:00
HoboBenJustJaden - it is cool indeed. That command just downloaded wine and installed it automatically00:00
bazhangxavierpwns: read that link00:00
mactaylorexfat is the new filesystem00:00
JustJadenwhat other commands can I use?00:00
ServeckHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.00:01
Servecki cant install it00:01
kindofabuzzJustJaden: there are thousands and thousands00:01
Peloxavierpwns, !wifi is a trigger for the channel bot to give you instruciton the bot seems to be down , be patient00:01
bobdoleHi all. I have a problem with a new Ubuntu 7.10 install - I go through a full installation and reboot, only to find that it does not boot. There is an ALERT! message once it stops hanging on the loading bar.00:01
Serveckwill not pop up, is that due to me running 64 bit?00:01
JustJadenwhere can I find info on them?00:01
Pelo!wifi | xavierpwns00:01
ubotuxavierpwns: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:01
_AndrewWow that tutorial on flash is way too complicated, I just had to go into firefox00:01
crimsunbobdole: reboot into the desktop cd and regenerate the initramfs.00:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exfat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:01
bazhangJustJaden: there are a ton; some reading might be in order before you ask here00:01
bobdolecrimsun: How do I regenerate the initramfs?00:01
Pelomactaylor, what is exfat ?00:01
=== carlzenox is now known as lol
JustJadenOk, it's done now. Is there another step involved? What will this application do for me in the future, and how do I access it?00:02
SonicEpsilonAre there any good Sega Megadrive emulators for ubuntu or would that need to be wine'd?00:02
Pelomactaylor, short summary would have been appreciated00:03
HoboBenJustJaden: To use it, find a windows executionable and right click and select Open With > Wine Windows Emulator00:03
Serveckargh, i wish i knew i'd run into the problems by installing AMD64 version00:03
bazhangJustJaden: you should read up on the wine configurations00:03
=== lol is now known as carlzenox
JustJadenyes sir.00:03
JustJadenThanks for all the help. This is the only OS I have now, so I have to deal with all the problems00:03
bazhangis the first command wineconfig? forgot now00:03
Pelomactaylor, sudo apt-get install gparted, you can then open it from the admin menu, there should be a list of FS availabe from the file menu00:04
HoboBenbazhang, JustJaden: winecfg00:04
bazhangJustJaden: winecfg from the terminal the first time before you use it thanks HoboBen00:04
dudesmnhow do you login as sudo00:04
MakotoTheKnightI have a problem with my Java -- I tried to install 1.6.0_05 today, but that turned out to be a mistake.  Anyway, I can't get java commands to run or compile java files.  Any help in this area would be appreciated.00:05
bazhangdudesmn: why do you want to do that?00:05
dudesmni need ot install something00:05
Pelodudesmn, you don't you use sudo before commands00:05
bazhangdudesmn: no need for that just sudo apt-get install packagename00:05
dudesmnthen how would i install the graphics driver00:05
dudesmnthe ubuntu article does not apply to mee00:05
bazhangdudesmn: you use the restricted drivers manager for that00:06
dudesmnrestricted drivers manager wont load00:06
xavierpwnsaghhhh i need help getting ubuntu to recognize the broadcom network card i have00:06
Pelodudesmn, when you run the installer command for that driver , you type  sudo command (whatever else), you'll get asked for the password00:06
bazhangxavierpwns: you read that link about wifi?00:06
bazhang!broadcom | xavierpwns00:07
ubotuxavierpwns: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:07
dudesmndoesnt work00:07
bazhangxavierpwns: please read that link first00:07
Serveckshould i just scrap this install and simply re-do it with the 32 bit version?00:08
Serveckthis is being a pain, because i dont have a clue how to use linux00:08
bazhangServeck: well that depends on you; do you have over 4GB of ram and/or hate youtube?00:08
Servecki got 2gb of ram, and i like youtube..00:08
ScuniziServeck, yes.. use the 32 bit version... much better for you in the long run.. the learning curve is high enough when converting.00:09
bazhangServeck: then the 32 bit is the best bet; flash install on 64 bit can be a bit tiring00:09
Servecki might as well scrap this install (having no experience)00:09
Serveckaight.. looks like i need to swap hard drives now00:09
Serveckill brbr (going to laptop)00:09
dudesmnati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run: command not found00:09
ScuniziServeck, when redoing it create a separate /home partition00:09
Scunizitoo late00:09
xavierpwns"Open System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager and you will see that under the Firmware drop down arrow it says Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family and under Status it says Not in Use."  when i click on the rest. driver manager it says "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers." and nothing else00:10
levanderI'm trying to figure out what problems Serveck had with 64 bit Ubuntu.  What were the problems?  I'm thinking about upgrading myself.00:10
bazhanglevander: he was totally new to ubuntu00:10
dudesmnstill cant install my drivers00:10
levanderHe was saying something about flash.  But, I thought there was some firefox plugin wrapper that 32 bit flash works in?  Is there still some problem with flash?00:11
levanderbazhang: So, what makes it more difficult to install 64 bit for newbies?00:11
bazhangxavierpwns: open a terminal and type ifconfig does it show only lo and eth0 or a third listing as well00:11
bazhanglevander: flash for one00:11
unoplevander, unfamiliarity in a new environment00:11
levanderbazhang: I thought that firefox plugin wrapper on 64 bit was supposed to work fine with flash?00:12
xavierpwnsit only has eth0 and lo00:12
dudesmnmy drivers wont install00:12
bazhangxavierpwns: did you install the driver?00:12
Jack_Sparrowlevander, 32 bit is still recommended for new users,  dual booting 32 and64 is another good option.00:13
xavierpwnsim not sure how :/00:13
levanderJack_Sparrow: Any idea why 32 bit is still recommended for new users?00:13
doseryderhi guys.  I need help with setting wireless internet in gutsy gibbon00:13
bazhangdoseryder: what card00:13
unoplevander, it still requires you use a terminal to run a few commands and thats where they get stuck at, no point and click can be confuzzling :)00:13
carlzenoxwhy wont this work "print $con "NICK ".$3."\n";"00:13
levanderunop: Which commands?00:13
Jack_Sparrowlevander, flash and driver issues are the basics..00:14
carlzenoxit says no nickname given00:14
doseryderbazhang:Thank you for your prompt response and attention to my problem00:14
bazhanglevander: any commands ;]00:14
carlzenoxhello o.o00:14
mat__is this the place to get 8.04 help?00:14
levanderbazhang: Like, there's no "Software Sources" dialog in 64 bits, so you have to use apt-get on the command line?00:14
dudesmni need help installing my ati drivers00:14
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please mat__00:14
Jack_Sparrowmat__, no00:15
doseryderbazhang: its a TP-LINK wireless g usb00:15
levanderJack_Sparrow: Well, I hope my wireless Linksys card works under 64 bits.  It works fine with ndiswrapper under 32 bits.00:15
bazhanglevander: this is getting a bit offtopic..00:15
ubuntu__hi, im using my friends computer, im on a livecd trying to copy his media over to ane xternal cause his internal hd is messed up. i cant copy more than like 100 files without it freezing up00:15
ubuntu__or giving me the error "I/O error" and not copying the file00:15
levanderIn other words, you guys don't know.  We're completely talking about Ubuntu.00:15
ubuntu__why is it locking up/freezing00:15
bazhangdoseryder: what does lspci in the terminal say about that card (just the one line)00:15
unop_carlzenox, what language is that?00:15
doseryderbazhang: in the past i have heard about the ndiswrapper thingy but never looked into it cuz i never had the need to00:15
MakotoTheKnightI have a problem with my Java -- I tried to install 1.6.0_05 today, but that turned out to be a mistake.00:16
CJDBunnYdoes ubuntu come with a DVB viewer?00:16
xavierpwnsbazhang: can you walk me through installing my drivers for my network card? (broadcom)00:16
MakotoTheKnightDoes anyone have any tips on how I can get Java back to where it's supposed to be?00:16
CJDBunnYlike kubuntu has kaffiene which works with DVB00:16
Scuniziubuntu__, are you using the command line or gui to do the copy00:16
Jack_Sparrowlevander, we have told you specifically areas that are a problem.. we have told you you are drifting into offtopic..00:16
ubuntu__Scunizi, gui.00:16
bazhanglevander: actually folks here do know but this is not the 32/64 bit chat channel ;]00:16
unop_carlzenox, you trying to write a script?00:16
Scuniziubuntu__, and is the external a usb drive?00:16
carlzenoxyes sir00:16
ubuntu__Scunizi, yeah, a fat32-partitioned usb external00:17
unop_carlzenox, use the !pastebin and show us what you have first.00:17
levanderbazhang: Jack_Sparrow: You guys need to read the channel topic.00:17
nicodariousOK, so now THIS is odd...  I just installed Ubuntu 7.10 onto my system without a hitch.  I had the command prompt when booted and from there, since my vid card drivers weren't installed.  I installed linux-source.2.6.22 without a problem...  I went to install ANYTHING ELSE and I now get a core dump with apt-get!!!!  WTF?!?!?00:17
yuri_xavierpwns: install ndisgtk and it should be self explanatory from there00:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:17
bazhanglevander: haha00:17
xavierpwnsyuri: script?00:17
Jack_Sparrowlevander, Please stop...00:18
dudesmni need assistance installing my graphics drivers00:18
HoboBenCan someone just quickly remind me of the path to the all-important xorg.conf file please?00:18
bazhang!ot | bazhang levander00:18
doseryderbazhang, I'm in windows right now but can you gimme some directions as to how to setup my wireless internet? I have access to the gutsy gibbon live-cd00:18
ubotubazhang levander: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:18
Scuniziubuntu__, k.. you might be better off using the terminal.. cp /media/<olddrive_directory>/* /media/<usbdrive>/00:18
HoboBenJack_Sparrow: Thank you00:18
shade_hey, anyone knows a good c++ compiler for gnome (ubuntu 7.10)?00:18
yuri_xavierpwns: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk && sudo ndisgtk00:18
ubuntu__Scunizi, thanks. you dont think itll freeze up?00:18
Scuniziubuntu__, k.. you might be better off using the terminal.. cp -r /media/<olddrive_directory>/* /media/<usbdrive>/00:18
carlzenoxunop_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61531/00:18
Slartshade_: same as for any linux machine.. the gnu compiler00:18
nicodariousdoes anyone know about the core dump with apt-get  on Ubuntu 7.10?!?!?00:18
dudesmni need help installing my graphics drivers00:18
Loungeshade_:  try gcc00:18
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:19
Scuniziubuntu__, there's a small change in the second post.. terminal seems to work better for large copies.00:19
shade_ok thanks ;)00:19
JustJadenhow do I get the system to recognize my wireless card?00:19
ubuntu__ty a lot Scunizi00:19
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, only if you have added non-supported repos00:19
Scuniziubuntu__, np00:19
SlartJustJaden: depends very much on what card it is00:19
bazhangdoseryder: best way to do it is in the system itself; any way to get online and troubleshoot from a seperate computer?00:19
Loungei use both gcc 4 & gcc if i wann compile things like jedi academy00:19
Serveckok back00:19
JustJadenhow can I find out?00:19
ubuntu__oh, Scunizi, i copied a buncha stuff over. will that automatically overwrite it (whiuch is fine)00:19
Loungegcc 3 is better for the q3 comiling i think00:19
Scuniziubuntu__, yes..00:19
Serveckok, so im downloading unbuntu 32 bit this time, im assuming its exactly the same00:20
SlartJustJaden: you might get better answers if you include info such as chipset on your card, model, brand.. output from lspci etc00:20
Serveckafter all that time spent into configuring ubuntu, i find out i installed the wrong version....00:20
dudesmni need help installing my graphics drivers00:20
SlartJustJaden: lspci will give you a long number identifying your card... google for that number and ubuntu and you might find something00:20
Serveckshould i install 7.10 or 8.04? (new to linux)00:20
ScuniziServeck, yep.. this time make yourself a separate /home partition when installing.. it will help you when you bugger you system up bad enough that you want to reinstall fresh. your data and programs will remain00:20
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I haven't added anything though.  no repos added, fresh install.  has happened twice now (two different reinstalls).  It only happens after apt-get install-ing linux-source-2.6.22.  after that, apt-get dumps core00:21
Jack_SparrowServeck, 7.1000:21
FFVVwhats the command to see what ive installed using apt-get?00:21
doseryderbazhang, I'm on my desktop now, I do have another laptop that i can use but its kinda slow.  How can i install my TP-LINK wireless g usb?00:21
Serveckim downloading via torrent now00:21
Loungei'd wait for the final buiold but that's just i & i mon00:21
andreturettai need help with google earth, my x restarts after i load google earth, someone can help me?!00:21
JustJadenSlart: thank you, I'll try that00:21
bazhangdpkg -l FFVV00:21
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, what does it mean a Segmentation Faulty tree?00:21
bobdolecrimsun: I attempted to regenerate the initramfs for my Ubuntu install (I chroot'd into it). However it still hangs at bootup.00:21
Serveckyou will have to walk me through how to set up /home when i get to that point00:21
SlartJustJaden: sorry.. lspci doesn't give you a number.. I was thinkning about lsusb.. but lspci will give you some kind of description of your card00:21
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)  NOt sure what is going on there00:22
SlartJustJaden: you're welcome00:22
bazhangdoseryder: you have the livecd up and running on the target computer? that is the best way to get this going00:22
dudesmni need help installing graphics drivers for ati00:22
Serveckok, which version? alternate or desktop?00:22
Slartdudesmn: have you followed the instructions you get if you type !ati in the channel?00:22
gidnawhat's the difference beetween | and > ?00:22
dudesmnthose do not apply to me00:22
andreturettai need help with google earth, my x restarts after i load google earth, someone can help me?!00:22
Jack_Sparrowdudesmn, have you enabled the restricted drivers or are you trying to install the ones from ati00:23
amenadogidna-> pipe and redirect00:23
Serveckshould i install alternate or desktop?00:23
dudesmnim installing the ones form ati00:23
LjL!rootirc | WhereWhere00:23
ubotuWhereWhere: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:23
gidnayes amenado00:23
dudesmnrestricted drivers does not work00:23
gidnais it not the same?00:23
Loungelol@root ircing00:23
doseryderbazhang: okay, in that case.  I'll fire up my laptop for irc'in and have my target desktop (system) running the live-cd00:23
xavierpwnsanyone got a link where i can get bcmwl5.inf?00:23
Slartdudesmn: can't really help you then.. sorry.. ask the channel, be specific.. what errors do you get, what were you expecting.. anything in /var/log/syslog and so on00:23
bazhangdoseryder: okay that is the best option00:24
Serveckshould i install alternate or desktop?00:24
amenadoxavierpwns-> you tried to google for it yet?00:24
dudesmnbash: ati-driver-installer-8.3-x86.x86_64.run: command not found00:24
Slart!who | Serveck00:24
dudesmni get that00:24
ubotuServeck: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:24
Jack_SparrowServeck, The difference is only the live test drive on desktop.  alt is just text installer00:24
andreturettasomeone is using google earth? i need some explanations about it..00:24
xavierpwnsyes but it brings back .sys file is that the same thing?00:24
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I can't pastebin.  I am on my laptop so I can be in IRC...  my other machine is down the tubes right now.00:24
Serveckoh ok, so i should go with desktop i386 then?00:25
ubuntu__Scunizi, i got an error: cp: reading `/media/disk-1/ryan/Media/12 Stones/12 Stones/01 Crash.mp3': Input/output error00:25
Slartdudesmn: you might have to run that as this.. "sudo sh ati-driver-blablabla"00:25
fr500i want to recompile a package to enable a certain feature unavailabke on the default package, i did an apt-get source mpd recompiled fine but now the init script no longer works00:25
bazhangServeck: yes00:25
shade_can i install the build-essential without the ubuntu cd? if i install in terminal it always want the cd00:25
Slartandreturetta: I've used it once or twice00:25
Loungeandreturetta: i use google but i don't know how ro why your x is restarting00:25
amenadoxavierpwns-> you tried to google for it yet? read up on it okay? .inf is like the config file, and the .sys is the driver..00:25
Loungegoogle earth that is00:25
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, is there a way to clean out the repos list and re download them?00:25
Slartshade_: check your software sources.. and remove the cd from them00:25
bazhangshade_: disable the cd as a software source00:25
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, not sure what is up with that.. it isnt a common issue..00:25
bobdoleI have an error with a new Ubuntu 7.10 install that prevents it from booting up and reads "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/(hex code) does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" I have regenerated the initramfs and still it refuses to boot with the same message.00:25
CapaHHi all, I have just installed Gutsy on a new Compaq Presario F750 laptop. I have a few issues. First, it seems unable to see any wireless interfaces. Second, the screen resolution will not properly set to 1280x800 -- the laptop lcd screen native resolution. Can anyone help me with this?00:25
amenadofr500-> recompiling does not change init00:26
Slart!res | CapaH00:26
ubotuCapaH: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:26
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, YOu can restore the repo list, but it sounds like the damage is already done.00:26
fr500amenado: did it for mpd and now mpd won't start on boot00:26
Serveckwow.. this is one fast torrent... it will only take 20 minutes to download00:26
amenadofr500-> once more, just compiling a source does not change the init script00:26
KalElhow can i move the close button on the top panel? somehow it has moved towards the left and is not moving past the volume control00:26
fr500amenado: i understand, but i still have that issue00:27
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, how so?  I didn't even download and install the updates yet.  like I said it's a fresh install with nothing on it.  how could there be damage already by just installing source files for the kernel?00:27
LoungeKalEl: right click and unlock it00:27
ubuntu__im trying to backujp my friends drive, i did it via cli, anyone know what this error means? "cp: reading `/media/disk-1/ryan/Media/12 Stones/12 Stones/01 Crash.mp3': Input/output error"00:27
amenadofr500-> now if you installed something that also affects the init script, thats different00:27
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, something is up...  is that hardy you have there or some other distro?00:27
fr500amenado: just did apt-get source mpd, configure make and did a checkinstall to generate a deb, maybe that's my fault?00:27
amenadofr500-> compiling not equal to installing00:27
KalElLounge, aha thanks00:28
LoungeKalEl: np00:28
amenadofr500 checkinstall ?  thats not an  ubuntu step is it?00:28
Slartubuntu__: that's a very generic error.. could be almost anything00:28
fr500instead of make install, checkinstall generates a backup deb and then installs00:29
xenthroxavierpwns, im sending you broadcom drivers that work00:29
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, official 7.10 Gutsy distro straight from Ubuntu website.00:29
xavierpwnsxenthro: thanks so much00:29
bazhangnicodarious: what are you installing source files for the kernel?00:30
SpookyETIs it possible to upgrade to linux mint from gutsy?00:30
bazhangSpookyET: nay00:30
amenadofr500 okay, so your did install, and whatever you created from source (ie the deb) was installed overwriting the old one00:30
LjLSpookyET: i don't think so, but you should ask the Mint people00:30
SlartSpookyET: you'll have to ask the Linux Mint people.. probably not00:30
bazhangSpookyET: severe downgrade00:30
fr500amenado: all i want to do is the normal mpd available to have flaac support, so i gotta pass aflag00:30
xenthroxavierpwns, check your XDCC00:30
SpookyETbazhang: it's based on gusty, what are you talking about00:30
stroyanUbuntu__: EIO may be an actual read error from the disk drive.  Did anything interesting happen to the system before all the errors started?  If not, then I would expect it is the hard drive failing. You may see messages about that in /var/log/messages.00:30
nicodariousbazhang, all i did was initiate "apt-get install linux-source-2.6.22"  it installed, then i went to libc6 and it gave me a core dump00:30
amenadofr500 you can always check the contents of the init script to see how it works00:30
xavierpwnsxenthro: :[ what's that?00:30
ubotuIt is spelt !guTSy :)00:30
LoungeSpookyET: its better to backup your personal files to t bz2 file and then doing a clean install to mint00:30
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, fresh install and as soon as you try to apt-get kernel source you have the problem?00:31
bazhangnicodarious: why would you do that what are you trying to accomplish00:31
xenthroxavierpwns, are you using xchat? if yes, you should see a download dialogue00:31
KalEl"Put display to sleep" does not seem to be working in power management00:31
nicodariousbazhang, i tried other files through apt-get ....  nothing.... core dump.00:31
bazhangSpookyET: you can ask in #linuxmint00:31
ubuntu__stroyan, it could be the drive failing, i dont know. windows BSODd immediately on bootup. you think its his drive dying?00:31
xavierpwnsi'm using pidgin or whatever00:31
LoungeSpookyET: but then again - you could always add the mint repos and try doing a dist-upgrade00:31
amenadofr500 can you see how the checkinstall installed stuff for you? what it added?00:31
Scientushow can you make a backup of your system that can also be used as a vmware or qemu image??00:31
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I installed linux-source-2.6.22 fine.  but after, everything else gives core dump.00:32
stroyanubuntu__: It happens.  You might try spinrite- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpinRite  It is not free or cheap.00:32
=== _packetscan is now known as packetscan
nicodariousbazhang, I need the source code for my other programs.  It's always the first thing I install onto a fresh system.00:32
xenthroxavierpwns, 1 sec00:32
nicodariousbazhang, that and libc6 libc6-dev00:32
amenadoScientus-> i dont think that is possible..00:32
bazhanghave to step away for a moment nicodarious be right back00:32
xavierpwnsxenthro: ok00:32
darkblue_BDoes anyone know how I can change the logs for Apche2 so they dont roll over every 2 days, but roll over every 2 weeks instead?  I have a low-volume server00:33
LoungeScientus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508700:33
daemoenok guys, just downloaded the alternative cd.. have 2 hard drives, but have yet to get the text installer to allow them both to be merged under a single lvm vg00:33
user__hello, i be a newbie...just installed ubuntu from a disk a friend gave me...hoary hedgehog...cute name...but can't see other partitions on laptop disk, but could see other partition on desktop..also is there a way to upgrade to latest ubuntu without losing any data...i said i was a newbie so u can stop laughing any time u want...:-)  lol00:33
ralphwI'm able to use my home wifi, but at public wifi (Panera, specifically) I don't see their start page in any of the browsers that I have - can anyone help?00:34
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, just so I understand..  you are installing the source?00:34
amenadodarkblue_B-> i dont know if you have apache2 entries on your logrotate.conf  ..please check00:34
darkblue_Bamenado: checking00:34
Loungeralphw: its morelikey that they prefer iE explorer instead of firefox00:34
amenadodarkblue_B-> actually its in /etc/logrotate.d/apache200:35
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, cirrect00:35
Slartuser__: perhaps you should try a newer version.. !gutsy is the latest and greatest00:35
ralphwhow can they tell I'm firefox?00:35
Slart!who ralphw00:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about who ralphw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:35
BluesdriveI just upgraded to gutsy from feisty and now nothing works or shows but mu background and the power putton00:35
Slart!who | ralphw00:35
uboturalphw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:35
Web_Warlorddoes anyone know how long wine takes to install?00:35
Loungelol failz00:35
CapaHHmm.. When I am configuring/choosing the monitor for this laptop, I choose brand 'Compaq' and there are tons of choices, 1024, 140, 150, 151fs, etc etc ---- how do I know which one to choose? All I know it is a 15.4" Widescreen LCD ?00:35
user__slart> how do i get newest..."gutsy"..can it be downloaded...00:36
Scientusamenado why wouldnt it be possible00:36
xenthroanybody have a method for quickly posting a 4mb file?00:36
SlartWeb_Warlord: depends on your hardware00:36
LoungeWeb_Warlord: count to 20 or 3000:36
HoboBenWeb_Warlord: Shouldn't take long - downloading probably takes longer00:36
darkblue_Bamenado: no, nothing about apache2 in /etc/logrotate.conf00:36
Scientusi could imagine it at least for qemu, would the driver change kill it, i have no experience with changing hardwar in linux00:36
Bluesdrivebut apparently gnome works. Nevermind00:36
amenadoScientus because am not running ubuntu on a virtual machine..00:36
tankmechuser__, yes it is on the website :)00:36
xavierpwnsxenthro: still working? :/00:36
co0lingFir3hi guys! can someone explain me the ubuntu package naming scheme?00:36
amenadodarkblue_B-> actually its in /etc/logrotate.d/apache200:36
Slartuser__: open a browser, go to http://www.ubuntu.com .. you can figure it out from there00:37
xenthroxavierpwns, trying to figure out a way to send it to you00:37
Traveler0Is bazhang or scunizi around?00:37
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I install the source fine.. but after anything else gives me core dumps.  this is odd, since I have always installed source files first.00:37
Serveckwhat is ubuntu based on? gnome?00:37
SlartServeck: Debian00:37
Serveckoh, ok00:37
darkblue_Bamenado: ooohhhhh  ok, I am lookng at the file.. confusing00:37
fuhrealIs it normal for gnome to use 600+mb ram?00:37
SlartServeck: it uses gnome per default00:38
ubuntu__gnome is the display manager default in ubuntu though00:38
ralphwbazhang was here earlier00:38
Jack_Sparrownicodarious, 32 or 64?00:38
user__slart_> I have ibm thinkpad and pentium desktop with a cd\writer I can burn files with...system backups, mp3s etc...it's got plenty of disk space for a download...00:38
SlartServeck: kUbuntu uses KDE and Xubuntu uses XFCE00:38
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, 32.  64 doesn't support what I need it to do yet.00:38
daemoenis there a way of making ubuntu use both disks in a single lvm vg?00:38
daemoenin the alternate installer00:38
Jack_SparrowBluesdrive, did you ever use a program called automatix?00:38
darkblue_Bamenado: it says weekly.. but I think its rolling over every two days right now00:38
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Jack_Sparrownicodarious, sorry, I dont have any answers for you..00:39
Slartdaemoen: I think so, yes.. haven't used it myself though so no guarantee00:39
nicodariousJack_Sparrow,  i'm about to say f*ckit and go back with debian unstable...  although Ubuntu has always been good to me on my laptop.00:39
xavierpwnsxenthro: flashdrive then mail it to me ;]00:39
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, thanks anyway for your time and efforts.00:39
amenadodarkblue_B-> i dont remember the exact parameters of that file, perhaps you can man logrotate00:39
xenthroxavierpwns, flashdrive?00:39
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ubuntu__what are some basic ways i can test if this internal hd is failing? im on a livecd right now00:39
ScuniziTraveler0, I'm back00:39
darkblue_Bamenado: yes, I am looking.. I dd not know this was the place to change the settings.. you are helping thanks00:40
xavierpwnsxenthro: it was a joke. can you email it to me?00:40
Traveler0Ah, hey.00:40
amenadoubuntu_->  make a high pitch noise is one, losing data is another..watch your /var/log/messages00:40
ScuniziTraveler0, well?  dinner good?00:40
Slartubuntu__: check the s.m.a.r.t info00:40
xenthroxavierpwns, sure, email?00:40
Traveler0Scunizi, I'm Traveler5 from earlier. I'm still having some trouble getting online.00:40
Jack_Sparrow!fsck | ubuntu__00:40
ubotuubuntu__: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot00:40
GrooveStixhey people! why is my Xubuntu booting uptil "*Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)                [OK]" and then stops?00:40
Traveler0Lol, yes, it was excellent.00:40
stroyanubuntu__:  If you have the smartmontools package on that live cd you could poke around the drive with smartctl.00:40
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I can't find anything online about it either except that Ubuntu has a libc bug.00:40
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, but that's not the problem, I have found.00:41
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Traveler0scunizi, I disabled ipv6, but still am getting nothing. I can, however, access the router setup from that computer.00:41
Loungeanyone know if the booting time in hardy has been improved?00:41
ScuniziTraveler0, so just to refresh my memory.. you can get on with the live cd but not with the installed version? right?00:41
SlartLounge: ask in #ubuntu+100:41
Web_WarlordHoboBen: how long does the downloda take?00:41
tankmechOK, so I finally after spending all day trying to figure it out got my wireless to work on the notebook i just installed on. the only problem is that everytime i restart i have to type "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid myNet key myKey mode managed" and then "dhclient". is there a way i can make that permanent so the wireless is up automatically, instead of having to type those everytime?00:41
LoungeSlart: ...K...00:41
nicodariousJack_Sparrow, I think I'm going to reinstall one more time and update the system before installing source.  maybe then that would work.  again, thanks for your help.00:41
Web_Warlordi mean i've been sitting for like 30 minutes00:41
fuhrealset theme default.theme00:41
adudewhen i run adept installer i get an error saying another process is using the packaging system database00:41
ScuniziTraveler0, and are there other machines on the network that can access ok ?00:41
Traveler0scunizi: No, I was able to get online with Windows, not the live CD or the installed version of Ubuntu.00:41
Web_Warlordwith little progress00:41
xavierpwnsxenthro: xavierxcore@yahoo.com00:42
Jack_Sparrowgood luck00:42
thegotogeekQuestion what by default is the kernel version in Ubuntu Dapper?00:42
ScuniziTraveler0, are you connected to dsl or cable00:42
Traveler0scunizi: I'm on another machine on the same network right now.00:42
HoboBenWeb_Warlord - depends where you get it from. If you get it from the maintainers (latest version) it's very slow. If you get it from wherever Ubuntu defaults to, it should only take a few seconds to a minute or so, depending on your connection speed.00:42
CapaHDoes anyone know what I should select for "Monitor Name" if I have a Compaq Presario 15.4" Laptop LCD screen?00:43
ScuniziTraveler0, ok.. since you can get to the router but not the internet that means the issue is somewhere with the router.. maybe..00:43
thegotogeekWhat is Ubuntu Dappers, kernel Version?00:43
amenadoTraveler0-> paste in pastebin your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/resolv.conf  and sudo iptables -n -vL00:43
FFVVwhere does apt-get install openssl install it to?00:43
stroyanubuntu__: sudo smartctl --health /dev/sda  is disk drive for " how are you feeling?"00:43
Web_Warlordty HoboBen00:43
thegotogeekIs anyone in here in Ubuntu Dapper?00:43
SlartCapaH: I thought ubuntu autodetected your monitor settings using that.. DDE thing?00:43
ubuntu__ty a lot stroyan00:43
nickrudthegotogeek no, but you can find the kernel version on packages.ubuntu.com00:44
Traveler0amenado: I'm sorry... what? I just switched to Ubuntu today, so I'm a bit new to using the commands and such.00:44
CapaHSlart: On mine all it gets is "Plug n Play"00:44
ScuniziTraveler0, look up in the right corner of the screen .. near the clock.. to you see what looks like your typical network icon?00:44
ubuntu__hmm, stroyan this livecd doesnt have smartctl, and its not in the standard repositories00:44
ralphw My home wifi connection is working, but when I go to public wifi spots (Panera specifically) I can't see their registration page with any of my istalled browsers - is there a work-around?00:44
FFVVwhats command to move a folder in bash?00:44
SonicEpsilonMy laptop is an acer aspire 3680, I had a look at enabling sound, I can hear it faintly00:44
Traveler0scunizi: should I try plugging straight into the modem and see if that gets me online?00:44
ani1FFVV: mv00:45
ScuniziTraveler0, yes.. that might work00:45
Traveler0scunizi: Yeah, I know. I see two computers, both with black screens.00:45
FFVVcan u give an example, what would i type?00:45
xavierpwnsxenthro: you there?00:45
Loungeralphw: more likely their reg page is set or biased towards iexplorer00:45
SlartCapaH: yes.. I don't think it can fetch the monitor name.. but the settings for refresh rates and such00:45
Traveler0scunizi: hang on a second, lemme try that.00:45
ScuniziTraveler0, right mouse click on one00:45
nickrudubuntu__ it's in smartmontools00:45
darkblue_Bamenado: ok, I changed a couple of lnes.. restart apache?00:45
ani1FFVV:  mv folder folderold  or mv folder /to/a/different/directory00:45
amenadoTraveler0-> type those command i ask in a terminal, this will tell us your settings and advise you accordingly00:45
poseidonWhat are some good games for linux?00:45
ubuntu__found the package actually00:45
xenthroxavierpwns, its on its way 1 sec00:45
stroyanubuntu__: The smartmontools package is in the main repository.  I don't know how well downloading that will go on a live cd.00:45
ralphw!tag lounge00:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tag lounge - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:45
amenadodarkblue_B-> always, restart if you change configs00:45
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php00:46
Scuniziposeidon, open arena, tremulous,00:46
Slartposeidon: Tremulous is nice.. Enemy Territory...00:46
tpw_rulesFFVV: mv -r /folder1 /blah/folder2 i think. type man mv for more info00:46
ralphwlounge: no workaround?00:46
POVaddctposeidon: enigma, torcs00:46
Slartposeidon: there are also some civ clones.. and Lincity if you like those kind of games00:46
Traveler0scunizi, amenado, hang on, I'm going to try plugging that machine straight into the modem. I'l probably get disconnected from here.00:46
CapaHSlart: It doesn't seem to be getting that --- fortunately I have dual boot so let me jump into Vista on it and see if I can get that information00:46
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ani1tpw_rules: their is no -r flag only with cp and its -R00:46
ubuntu__stroyan, it installed. however with the command you gave me (changed the path of course) it says00:46
ubuntu__please specify drive type with the -d option00:46
nks__Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I'm having with my wireless connection.......I have a very strong signal but not connecting ! (I'm a newby to ubuntu and really trying to learn it -hehehe-)00:47
ubuntu__use smartctl -h to get a usage sumary00:47
darkblue_Bamenado: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart... off we go.. thx :-)00:47
jtravnickposeidon, it all depends on what kind of games you like to play right now im playing doom300:47
webtoenks_: what wireless card have you got?00:47
xavierpwnsxenthro: thanks. what do i do with the extraced folder?00:47
CapaHugh I hate Vista :)00:47
stroyanubuntu:  The path might be different.  And SMART might be disabled in the BIOS.  (or it may not be supported by some drives)00:47
daedrai piped a binary into cat00:47
daedrahow do I get my terminal back?00:48
JustJadenhow do I get out of insert mode in Terminal?00:48
nks__webtoe- atheros ar541800:48
nickruddaedra ctl-c00:48
Slartdaedra: ctrl+c00:48
daedranickrud: no00:48
webtoedaedra: control+c00:48
daedrathis did not work00:48
RoootyHi how do I install Non-English fonts pls?00:48
ani1daedra: close terminal and open a new one if its gibberish00:48
nickruddaedra then you'll have to close it00:48
Slartdaedra: it might take a few tries00:48
FlannelJustJaden: there is no "insert mode" in the terminal.  Do you mean vim?  hit escape00:48
daedraani1: I am in frame buffer00:48
nickruddaedra or type reset , blindly if you have command line00:48
xenthroxavierpwns, just use the included .inf or .sys folder, forgot which it is. open ndisgtk and point it to one of those files00:48
FFVVhow do i rename a folder?00:48
SlartFFVV: mv00:48
ani1FFVV: with the mv command00:48
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JustJadenha! thank you. How do you make a new entry in the Blacklist?00:48
POVaddctdaedra: type   reset   in the terminal00:49
nks__webtoe- I have a Atheros AR5418.00:49
ani1!blacklist | JustJaden00:49
ubotuJustJaden: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »00:49
daedraah cool its worked :)00:49
Loungeralphw:you caould try useing opera for logging on the page or if you're usingplugins like addblock+ or noscript in firefox, try setting them to allow the reg page00:49
* Kamus_H_Zwisch está away: jantando00:49
tankmechOK, so I finally after spending all day trying to figure it out got my wireless to work on the notebook i just installed on. the only problem is that everytime i restart i have to type "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid myNet key myKey mode managed" and then "dhclient". is there a way i can make that permanent so the wireless is up automatically, instead of having to type those everytime?00:49
webtoenks_: hang on a sec, just looking up that wireless card. how do you know you have good signal? The icon at the top right?00:50
jaffarkelshachow do i install airsnort.00:50
Traveler4Agh, I'm back.00:50
Traveler4No luck.00:50
Traveler4scunizi: you still here?00:50
poseidonjtravnick, I like to play multiplayer games (usually with some stratagey in them).00:50
nks__ok, thank you - webtoe00:50
ScuniziTraveler0, yep00:50
CapaHOk I know it is 60hz00:50
ani1jaffarkelshac: sudo apt-get install snort00:50
poseidonThanks for the suggestions, I'm already downloading one of them00:50
nks__yes, the icon00:50
xavierpwnsxenthro: i did this and it says that there's no hardware present. o.000:50
KalElscreen saver taking up too much of cpu - can i somehow deprioriize it?00:51
GrooveStixhow can I get in recovery (safe) mode?00:51
jaffarkelshacani1, thats airsnort?00:51
Traveler4scunizi: Traveler4 now... Anyway, I had no luck. You want me to right click the network icon... i have networking enabled...00:51
ScuniziTraveler0, ok.. look at the two icons I mentioned before. right mouse click on one of them .. one should say "enable networking" with a checkmark next to it.00:51
webtoenks_: do you have details of your wireless connection? Is it hidden or not? Encrypted? is it your own personal wireless system?00:51
Serveckok, can someone walk me through how to set up that /home00:51
SlartKalEl: well... there is always "renice"00:51
phantom__KalEl, have you tried renicing it?00:51
nickrudKalEl select no screensaver, or use one that needs fewer resources00:51
nks__yes -webtoe00:51
Scientusmount -f is returning device is busy!00:51
FlannelGrooveStix: Pick it at the GRUB menu.  To get to the grub menu, if its hidden, hit escape right after the post screen00:51
Scientushow can i umount if force is not working00:52
Traveler4scunizi: I already have that checked.00:52
SlartKalEl: but renice won't keep it from using your cpu.. unless something else is running00:52
ani1jaffarkelshac: sudo apt-get install airsnort no difference just <insert package name here>00:52
nks__my own personal home network..00:52
GrooveStixthanks Flannel00:52
KalElok thanks... not sure how to renice screensaver though, but i think i'll try to find a low cpu screen saver :)00:52
ScuniziTraveler0, ok.. do the other one and choose properties00:52
jtravnickposeidon, just pull up synaptic theres all kinds of games in there00:52
ScuniziTraveler0, now in the box what is named under "Name"00:52
nks__My own personal network - webtoe00:52
xenthroxavierpwns, I just found the page with the instructions that I used to get it working. scroll down to wireless and follow those steps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57575000:53
SlartKalEl: use the system monitor to search for a process called xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver00:53
jaffarkelshacani1, airsnort was not there, i download the source file but apparently i need gtk+2.200:53
nickrudScientus what error are you getting when you try   sudo umount /dev/<device> ?00:53
Scientushas anyone seen umount -f not work??00:53
amenadoFFVV dpkg -L openssl00:53
Traveler4scunizi: Other one? There's only one icon there00:53
ani1!info airsnort | jaffarkelshac00:53
ScuniziTraveler0, I thought you said that there were two before.. np.. just asec00:53
nickrudinfo is not working00:53
JustJadencan you make multiple lines of code in terminal?00:53
GrooveStixFlannel, is there a way to get the GUI in safe mode running?00:53
david_just installed aMSN, but it won't connect for me,........says I need 'tls module...help00:54
Scientusumount2: Device or resource is busy umount:/media/disk-1: device is busy     and then the same thing again00:54
webtoenks_: its possible that you;re card just isn;'t well supported yet00:54
ani1jaffarkelshac: its there ... sudo aptitude show airsnort00:54
amenadoJustJaden-> what are you trying to achieve?00:54
ScuniziTraveler0, go to System/Admin/network .. enter your password00:54
webtoeis it an ecrypted network?00:54
nickrudJustJaden end lines with   \    , until you've done them all00:54
SlartJustJaden: man bash has a lot of info about the terminal.. I think you can use backslash for several lines.. but I'm not really sure00:54
ani1jaffarkelshac: have you enabled the extra repositories?00:54
FlannelGrooveStix: no.  Recovery console is singer user mode.  no GUI.  What did you originally think you needed the recovery console for?00:54
ScuniziTraveler0, what's listed under the connections tab00:54
jaffarkelshacanil i think so, i am on hardy though if it makes any difference00:54
nks__It asked me for the WEP - I type it in and it takes forever without connecting - after a while it asks me for the WEP password again! -webtoe00:54
JustJadenhmm.... I'll try that00:54
Scientusthat was to sudo umount -f <dev>00:54
nickrudScientus well, error message from that the.00:55
Scientusewithout the umount2: error when i dont use the -f option00:55
david_any help on getting aMSN working?00:55
ScuniziTraveler0, ping.. you there?00:55
webtoenks_: doing just a brief google search tells me that your card's drivers are still in the experimental stage00:55
amenadoScientus-> try  fuser -km /dev/sdaX   to kill whatever process hogging that device..?00:55
GrooveStixFlannel: it's a complicated problem to explain and I am using Xubuntu, but I remember this one time when I was messing with the display preferences, Xubuntu restarted in this low-res safemode looking mode...00:56
Traveler4scunizi: Just a heads up.. my nick changed to Traveler4 and this aplet isn't letting me change it.00:56
nickrudScientus ah, missed it. You have a terminal open to the partition, somewhere in it's file tree or another app has a file open there.   lsof   | grep /path  to see00:56
webtoenks_: this means that they'll connect to an base station but its abit flakey from there00:56
Scientusyep lol :) thx00:56
Traveler4scunizi: Tell you wht is listed under connections? Sorry, I'm having to run between rooms.00:56
tbwnoobanyone know how to solve your 3d gl crashing your cxserver after about five minutes of use00:56
Scientussame one i way trtying to umount with lol00:56
webtoenks_: some people have had good results with the driver that's in development at the moment, but its not released yet00:56
Scientuseven though i closed everything else00:56
webtoenks_: you can either wait, use the development version or use ndiswrapper00:57
ScuniziTraveler4, sorry. what are you trying to change.. ah.. system/admin/network enter password and tell me what's in the box that pops up00:57
JustJadenwhen I try the blacklist thing, It gives me 2 options. One says that another program is editing the same file, and the other says an edit session for this file crashed.00:57
Scientusthe fuser command killed the same window :)00:57
webtoenks_: but have a look on the madwifi.org website for your card. There might be some useful information there which I can't tell you about. Research will reap its own rewards!!00:57
nks__ok, I was thinking it may have been the WEP that was actually causing part of the problem and maybe I should disable WEP. What do you think ?00:58
amenadoJustJaden-> go to that directory and  see if there is the *.swp file00:58
webtoegetting more beer00:58
nks__What do you think - webtoe00:58
Traveler4scunizi: There's "Wired Connection" grayed out with "roaming mode enabled" under it and "modem connection" also grayed out00:58
nickrudnks__ that would isolate the error. Works, wep. Not works, network ;)00:58
amenadoScientus-> yep the fuser -km /dev/sdaX will forcibly kill process access that device00:58
JustJadenamenado> how do I do that?00:58
xavierpwnsxenthro: going to restart and hopefully it'll be working :] wish me luck00:58
amenadoJustJaden-> change directory == cd00:58
Scientusunlikethats good to remember00:59
nks__So is there a way for me to get connected ?-nickrud00:59
term_hello - is there supposed to be a option in the gnome menu - "System > Preferences > fonts" -- because i dont have it? :(00:59
reya276how can I remount my WD USB 500GB hard drive00:59
ScuniziTraveler4, ok... now were getting somewhere.. see if you can put a checkmark next to "Wired connection" and then click the "Properties" button and make sure roaming is turned off and dhcp is enabled00:59
amenadoScientus-> make a lil cheat sheet for things like this..for future reference00:59
webtoenks_: yes that might help. You see, the driver often needs to implement the encryption system as well. So disabling wep migfht help00:59
Scientusi allways look up man pages on command that are useful00:59
reya276for some reason the drive is not being recognized event after I unplug it and plug it back in00:59
Traveler4scunizi: Well, I've done that before, but didn't work.02:00
nickrudnks__ I'm not a wireless networking expert by any means. But that's what I did to set mine up. Worked with an unsecure network to make sure I had the basics right, then moved on to passwords02:00
webtoenks_: i used to use the acx100 driver for a card and it didn't support some versions of encryption because they hadn't implemented it yet02:00
david_can anyone help me with getting aMSN to work please ?..dont wanna  butt in02:00
Traveler4scunizi: I havn't done it since I disabled ipv6 though... hold on...02:00
nks__Ok, I'm going to give that a try -Thank you very very much ! -02:00
kenboohow to setup git repo that is public accessible?02:00
stroyanterm_:  "System > Preferences > Appearance" and then the Fonts tab.02:00
nickruddavid_ you're not butting in (not that I know anything about amsn)02:00
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david_ok, ty02:00
webtoenks_: just keep in mind that there are coding monkeys working on making your card work!!!02:00
nickrud!ask | david_02:00
ubotudavid_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:00
amenadonks__  http://www.houseofcraig.net/acx100_howto.php  <-- good reference02:01
webtoehouseofcraig.net rules for wireless02:01
felipeMoralesalguem fala pt?02:01
bazhang!br | felipeMorales02:01
ubotufelipeMorales: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:01
nickruddavid_ no apology necessary, this channel can be intimidating, how fast it moves. Be sure to use people's nicks when you address them, they're much more likely to be able to keep up with you :)02:01
david_I dont understand........'dont ask a question..ask a question in one line' ??02:02
reya276how can I re-enable my external USB hard drive?02:02
Traveler4scunizi: no dice02:02
webtoedavid_: as in, don't have a question last for loads of sentences02:02
amenadoreya276-> plug it in?02:02
ScuniziTraveler4, ok.. open a terminal (applications/accessories/terminal) and type.. ifconfig down.. then do a.. ifconfig up..02:02
nickruddavid_ don't ask if you're butting in, just ask your question as completely as you can on one line02:02
felipeMoralesi speak english02:02
webtoedavid_: I'm using emacs on a terminal and its line wrapping at 80 characterss02:02
webtoedavid_: so think of me when you're typing!02:03
reya276I did that, I made a mistake and went to the volue tab and added a mount point "/media/My Book" but now even un I uplug it and plug it back in it does not show02:03
nickrudlol webtoe get a better client ;p02:03
xavierpwnsxenthro: :[[[[ no luck02:04
webtoeWHAT!!! EMACS IS THE ONE AND ONLY CLIENT!!!!!111!!02:04
nickrud!amsn | david_ this might get you right02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:04
Traveler4scunizi: For both of those it returned "error fetching interface information: device not found"02:04
rhineheart_mI guess I have root group.. how to add admin user to root group?02:04
webtoedavid_: what's your problem with aMsn02:04
david_I installed aMSN, but when I try to log in, I get a message telling me I need to install a 'TLS module'.then I have to choose my system architecture, so I choose 'linux-x86, but it won't work02:05
nickrudrhineheart_m admin users have sudo privileges, you would add a user to admin to let them sudo02:05
ScuniziTraveler4, ok.. I'm going to turn this over to amenado because he knows the "other" right things to ask. amenado, Traveler4 can get to his router with his new install but not the net. He's 1st time on ubuntu and running between rooms to do things on the ubu box. can you help him?02:05
doseryderamenado: hi, earlier you mentioned fuser -km /dev/sdaX kills whatever process that's hoggin that device.  Is there a way to find out what that process (pid?) is before killing it?02:05
webtoedavid_: is this from the ubuntu repositories?02:06
marionQuick question. If I update 7.10 to 8.4 using the update tool, will it delete the contents of my /home?02:06
webtoeaMsn i mean02:06
webtoemarion: no02:06
Scuniziamenado, other machines on the router work fine and a direct connection to the cable modem also doesn't work .. right Traveler4?02:06
RoootyHi how do I install Non-English fonts pls?02:06
amenadoTraveler0-> paste in pastebin your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/resolv.conf  and sudo iptables -n -vL  this will assist me02:06
rhineheart_mnickrud, yeah I know that..but how to allow a user with sudo power to write files in a certain directory?02:06
Tu13eshow do I set up VNC server with xubuntu?02:06
david_webtoe...........not sure I understand the question, sorry02:06
Traveler4scunizi, amenado: That's right.02:06
marionwebtoe: Should I go through the trouble to move /home to a different partition?02:06
Scuniziamenado, he can't paste to the pastebin no connection even with live cd..02:07
amenadodoseryder-> using lsof perhaps02:07
Traveler4scunizi: I'm not really sure what a pastebin is, though.02:07
webtoedavid_ are you installing amsn from the ubuntu package manager?02:07
webtoeor have you downloaded it from their website? keep in mind its been a02:07
webtoefew years since i've used aMSN02:07
nickrudrhineheart_m you would either make the directory writeable by all, or use sudo when you write to the dir. Depends on the dir02:07
rhineheart_mnickrud, I will be using winscp to transfer files.. but it gives me permission error everytime I will create files somewhere in /var/www subdir..02:07
ScuniziTraveler4, good luck.. this one is beyond my understanding..  pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:07
webtoemarion: not if you're upgrading.02:07
amenadoTraveler4-> well you just have to be patient in copying it down to the pastebin, it helps a lot.. also describe your network setup please02:07
david_webtoe...I believe so........02:07
webtoeshouldn't make a difference, just keep in mind you're using beta software02:08
CapaHI am confused about refresh rate settings. I know this monitor is 1280x800@60 --- but I dont know if that is the horizontal or the vertical refresh rate. Also, I dont know how to determine the "other" (i.e. if its horizontal, what is vertical and vice versa)02:08
ScuniziTraveler4, maybe save the info amenado asks for on a usb key then take it to the other machine and paste it to bastebin02:08
jaffarkelshacget http://..... get is not coming out as a command anyone know why02:08
* Scunizi is away: Honey Do List calls02:08
marionwebtoe: Thank you for your time! Much appreciated.02:08
nickrudrhineheart_m ah. then you need to make   /var/www writeable by non group or user:    sudo chmod -R  o+w  /var/www02:08
rhineheart_mnickrud, so I guess.. the better alternative for this one. is to allow the user to only write in the specified folder.. not to anywhere...02:08
david_I'm open to suggestions as to another chat client that will allow me to chat with others on msn02:08
webtoedavid_: i may be wrong but I think aMSN uses mozilla's (or02:08
webtoenetscape's) SSL package, so you may need that. Hang on a second and02:08
webtoeI'll look02:08
nickrudrhineheart_m yes, doing it specifically to one dir under www would be good02:09
webtoemarion: no problem02:09
Jack_SparrowCapaH, v/h rates are not the same as 1280x800@60 value..02:09
=== ubuntu is now known as mirak
Traveler4scunizi: Thanks a lot, I guess I'll turn over to amenado now.02:09
CapaHJack_Sparrow: I am trying to set up Ubuntu to display at 1280x800 on this laptop, with a 1280x800 display -- but I cannot seem to get it to02:09
nickruddavid_ I understand that pidgin can use msn02:09
rhineheart_mnickrud, I want to give that privilege to a SINGLE USER.. how to do it?02:09
xenthroxavierpwns, sorry mate, can't help then. there are far more knowledgeable people here than i02:09
CapaHI am trying to manually set the veritical/horizontal refresh rates but I dont know how to find them02:09
reya276Ok when I plug it back in, I get this error "Unable to mount volume 'My Book'02:09
reya276mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPARATOR(usually /)02:09
david_nickrud.......I tried that and got completly confused02:10
amenadoTraveler4-> if you can somehow put it on a usb drive and copy it over to your working system then paste it in pastebin for easier reading02:10
david_I'm new to linux terminology02:10
webtoedavid_: do you not want to use the aMSN from the ubuntu02:10
webtoerepositories? Try 'sudo apt-get indtall amsn02:10
Jack_SparrowCapaH, on laptops.. it is hard.. often it is best to leave them out and let the system try and figure it out.  What video drivers did you insrall02:10
webtoesorry, sudo apt-get install amsn02:10
xavierpwnscan anyone help me set up my wireless card? i just followed the "wireless card setup" section of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575750 and still no luck :[ please just someone talk me through it and not give me an obscure website saying how02:10
rhineheart_mnickrud, sudo chmod -R  o+w  /var/www/**** <<< will give writable permission to non-group or user.. how about giving that permission to single user only? how to do it?02:11
david_webtoe...I'll use the easiest method....02:11
webtoedavdi_: that will install amsn, plus any dependencies02:11
nickrudrhineheart_m you could make him the owner of that single directory. The only drawback if you do that is that apache can't write to the dir (like allowing uploads from the web page) unless it's owned by www-data. If apache isn't going to write there, it's all god02:11
RoootyHi how do I install Non-English fonts pls? (Gnome)02:11
Traveler4amenado: I'll do that, just give me a second to find my drive. What do you need me to save?02:11
webtoedavid_ that's the easiest method02:11
Lupe5xavierpwns: What Version Of Ubuntu do you have?02:11
xavierpwnslupe: 7.1002:11
CapaHJack_Sparrow: It is using the nvidia restricted driver that it installed with02:11
amenadoTraveler0->  your ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/resolv.conf  and sudo iptables -n -vL  this will assist me02:11
sean_join  #rhythmbox02:11
nickrudrhineheart_m   sudo chown usr:usr /path/to/dir02:11
webtoedavid_ I used to use amsn all the time. Its a nice programme last02:11
webtoetime i looked02:11
Traveler4amenado: Got it. Tell me what to do.02:11
Lupe5xavierpwns: Are you on a laptop?02:11
RoootyHi how do I install Non-English character fonts pls?02:11
xavierpwnslupe5: yes02:11
Jack_SparrowCapaH, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)02:11
sean_Anyone else having a problem with rhythmbox scrobbling for last.fm?02:12
Lupe5xavierpwns: Is yor computer a Dell?02:12
david_webtoe.is that a command line...typed in command.......?.......if so, I need my hand holding02:12
xavierpwnslupe5: unfortunately02:12
amenadoTraveler4-> those are the commands you type in a terminal02:12
Lupe5xavierpwns: Did Ubuntu come installed on the laptop?02:12
webtoeRooty: i believe you need to install the right language02:12
webtoepack. What language do you want to use?02:12
xavierpwnslupe5: no02:12
rhineheart_mnickrud, it is under drupal directory... so I guess there should never be problems with it.. what do you think? all folders there are set to root group anyway...02:13
Lupe5xavierpwns: What Model is it?02:13
CapaHk 1 sec Jack_Sparrow -- btw, cool program I didn't know about that one02:13
CapaHsaves copy pasting it into a pastebin url02:13
webtoedavid_ yes it is. Or you can use synaptic if that's more02:13
webtoecomfortable. Have you used synaptic before?02:13
deniz__david_, aMSN works on kde3 is there a kde4? if ur using it=problem (I may be saying a complete stupidity but just saying in case it turns out to be true..)02:13
xavierpwnslupe5: inspiron 152002:13
amenadoTraveler4-> so it would be like  ifconfig >> config.txt ;  iwconfig >> config.txt ; route -n >> config.txt ;  cat /etc/resolv.conf >> config.txt ;  sudo iptables -vL >> config.txt02:13
david_webtoe, I've no idea what you're talking about.....like I said, I'm a linux newbie02:13
Jack_SparrowCapaH, I dont have much time, wife is putting out dinner right now.02:14
nickrudrhineheart_m that happened when you unpacked the drupal tarball. drupal does require write to /files , you need to chown that to www-data . Some admin screen should tell you it's not right right now02:14
Lupe5Xavierpwns: Hmm.... I super good with XPS problems. let me look over the system.02:14
CapaHI am rushing :)02:14
CapaHhad to reboot it02:14
webtoedavid_: ok. don't worry about it. We all were at some point! go to System -> Administration -> synaptic package manager02:14
amenadodavid_-> i know you are a newbie, can you read some books on ubuntu? a tutorial would be nice too02:14
L33tMastaI'm having issues streaming avi, MP3, MKV and other media files from a wired Vista PC to an 8.04 Ubuntu setup that's 4 days old. I can't access the Vista PC via the network but i can mount it maually using the "Connect to server" option02:14
xavierpwnslupe5: ok thanks the ubuntu just wont recognize that i have a wireless card :[02:15
bazhang!training | david_02:15
ubotudavid_: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training02:15
webtoedavid_: the programme should start up after asking for your password, you can then search for amsn. Select the tick box next to the package02:15
rhineheart_mnickrud, the site is already up. I just want the user to upload files/folders to a sites/all sub directory.. any idea?02:15
CapaHJack_Sparrow: Get that?02:15
webtoedavdi_ if in doubt, look in synaptic for that stuff then ask here if you're still having problems02:15
CapaHJack_Sparrow: http://paste.stgraber.org/212602:15
Traveler4amenado: do I type that in the terminal all at once like that or one at a time.02:15
nickrudrhineheart_m as I said earlier :)  sudo chown usr:usr /path/to/dir02:16
Jack_SparrowCapaH, I can only take a quick look02:16
Lupe5xavierpwns: Was the Laptop purchsed in 2007/06/05/04/03, or this year?02:16
xavierpwns08 like a week ago02:16
Lupe5Did you use the Live CD?02:16
xavierpwnslupe5: yep02:16
CapaHFor some reason Jack_Sparrow when I try to set it to 1280x800 resolution it only allows 51hz --- not 6002:17
rhineheart_mnickrud, I am just confirming it.. so if the username is billgates... is this the right one? sudo chown billgates:billgates /var/www/somewhere ?02:17
Jack_SparrowCapaH, remove lines 84 and 85...   the 1280 res has too high a rate based on those v/h numbers.. make it guess.. good luck02:17
CapaHok doing Jack_Sparrow02:17
nickrudrhineheart_m heresy! but yes02:17
bazhangL33tMasta: #ubuntu+1 for that please02:17
JustJadenhow do I delete a swap file02:17
CapaHhmm that might have done the trick02:18
rhineheart_mnickrud, :)02:18
Lupe5Xavierpwns: I have three Insprions. was it the good, better, or best?02:18
CapaHyep it did02:18
JustJadenI tried > /etc/modprobe.d/.blacklist.swp but it says Permission is denied02:18
CapaHnow I have 1280x800 resolution -- thanks Jack_Sparrow --- only prob is 51hz instead of 6002:18
david_webtoe........aMSN isn't there..........02:18
xavierpwnslupe5: i believe good. the cheapest one02:18
amenadoTraveler4-> all at once as the terminating ; is included, if not type it one by one02:19
webtoedavid_: hang on a second02:19
Jack_SparrowCapaH, eating dinner.. you are on your own02:19
bazhangdavid_: open up a terminal and type apt-cache search amsn02:19
webtoedavid_: you need to enable the Universe repository02:19
sean_Is there a rhythmbox channel or is just the GNOME channel?02:20
CapaHJack_Sparrow: It is 1280x800 now so I am happy for the time :) Thank you very much for your help02:20
=== java is now known as Cr4k
sean_Er, it's probably on another server.02:20
webtoedavid_ so go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources02:20
Lupe5Dell Network cards aren't very conpatible in this Ubuntu Version.02:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:20
JustJadenall I want to do is blacklist this wireless card. How do I delete everything I did so I can start over?02:20
webtoedavid_ its just above Synaptic02:20
AutoMatriXHi folks, the stylus on my tablet-PC does not seem to work anymore .... I'm realy lost in the bugreports and I don't find any solution ... can someone help ?02:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:20
* Kamus_H_Zwisch voltou.02:20
webtoedavid_ then make sure that the Community maintained software has a tick next to it02:21
xavierpwnslupe5: i know that, but i know there's a way to get them to work. i've been trying all day but i always get stuck someplace02:21
david_webtoe....it isn't02:21
webtoedavid_ well tick it then click close]02:21
geirhaJustJaden: Alt+F2 or a terminal, and run:  gksu nautilus /etc/modprobe.d02:21
geirhaJustJaden: you should have access to delete and modify the files from that nautilus window02:22
webtoedavid_: then in synaptic click on 'refresh' and search again02:22
webtoedavid_: don't worry, I'm lurking here so there's no rush02:22
AutoMatriXKamus_H_Zwisch, does voltou have to do something with my question ?02:22
dudesmnhow do i bring back the toolar?02:23
Lupe5xavierpwns:  So far I've never had trouble on my dell with Ubuntu, but then again, my Laptop's an XPS M1330. Call Dell at 1-800-915-3355. They helped my Fix my wireless on My Dell Dimension 5100. It works fine, and has the same card as yours.02:23
daemoen* goes to figure out how to get ubuntu to use both discs in the lvm *02:23
JustJadenwhich file should I delete?02:23
xavierpwnslupe5: i'll try and contact them. thanks for trying02:23
dudesmnhow do i bring back the toolbar02:23
Lupe5dudesmn: which toolbar?02:23
dudesmnthe on at the top02:24
dudesmnwith the date time etc02:24
SlicerDiceris anybody here familar with mouse movement delays? I have problems with my mouse that I will move it around but it slides slowly to that point so I have to start guestimating where it will go... if I move my mouse around haphazardly it will just slide all over the screen for 30 seconds till it catches up02:24
geirhaJustJaden: well, you wanted to delete that swap file earlier. So you can open the file in vi I would assume. Hit CTRL+H to toggle showing hidden files02:24
pawanhow to install linux mint02:24
amenadoLupe5-> what chip does the embedded wifi uses?02:24
Lupe5dudesmn: is there an arrow on a side button? Is there a side button?02:25
bazhangpawan: ask in #linuxmint thanks02:25
Stwangehow can I get rid of nginx? sudo apt-get remove nginx gives me: Stopping nginx: invoke-rc.d: initscript nginx, action "stop" failed. dpkg: error processing nginx (--remove): subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:25
dudesmnno side buttons02:25
Lupe5amenado: For What?02:25
dudesmni closed it02:25
Lupe5dudesmn: hm..... you closed it?02:25
bazhang!resetpanels | dudesmn02:25
ubotududesmn: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:25
amenadoLupe5 your dell laptop..wanted to know what chip they use for wifi02:25
* amenado hoping its not bcm43xxx 02:26
symptomanyone know of a way to preorder hardy CDs02:26
david_webtoe......no sign of it02:26
Lupe5amenado: Intel® 3945 802.11a/g Mini-card02:26
bazhangsymptom: shipit.com might help with that02:26
Lupe5symptom: You know you can downoad it, too.02:26
amenadoLupe5-> and it works great eh out of the box?02:26
Lupe5amenado: yeah.02:26
bazhangthe intel 3945 rocks02:27
amenadoLupe5-> nice, wish all wifi card have to be like that02:27
amenadoworks right off the bat02:27
benpicco_Hi, when I do dd if=fdboot.img of=/dev/fd0 it fineses at once and tells me it had written at 166 MB/s - what's wrong?02:27
Lupe5amenado: Same In My Dimension 5100, and our Dimension 8300.02:27
gds_da jia hao !02:28
rhineheart_mhas anybody here who knows this one better who could assist me? http://api.drupal.org/api/function/drupal_add_js/502:28
symptomLupe5, yes Im just trying to have something spiffy looking to give my friends whom Im trying to convert02:28
webtoedavid_: ok, close down synaptic and start it up again. I know its there coz I'm lookin at my synaptic page and amsn is there02:28
amenadobenpicco_-> that dont look right, /dev/fd0 can handle more than 2meg?02:28
bazhang!cn | gds_02:28
gds_wo  bu hui  yingyu02:28
ubotugds_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:28
geirhasymptom: shipit.ubuntu.com ... not sure when they'll be available for pre-order. I ordered gutsy CDs a week or so before its release02:28
benpicco_amenado: its an 1.4MB floppy image02:28
Lupe5symptom: 26 days till the OS is released.02:28
david_webtoe,....I have done that ,several times, but I'll do it again02:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:28
amenadobenpicco_-> right and be able to write at 166MB/s ? no way02:29
symptomgeirha, thats the site I was looking at... youre saying they should be up there soon?02:29
benpicco_amenado: I know, it finishes at once02:29
=== Mark___ is now known as Meatgrinder
Aragorni've never used gutsy. what differences does it have from feisty?02:29
Aragornis it even worth it, i wonder02:29
webtoedavid_: what version of Ubuntu are you using? Are you ready to brave the console?02:29
BoohbahAragorn: all of the software is newer02:29
amenadobenpicco_-> well it should be pretty quick, 1.44Meg is a cinch02:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:29
bazhangAragorn: get the live cd and see for yourself02:29
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins02:30
amenadoAragorn-> it does windows02:30
benpicco_amenado: the floppy drive is normaly just araound a few kb/s - it lasts at least a minute02:30
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:30
Aragornamenado: seriously...?02:30
david_I installed version 5.10 from a cd, but I thought it would upgrade itself02:30
bazhangLupe5: you can /msg ubotu firefox etc for that02:30
rhineheart_mhello.. how to completely remove webmin?02:30
gds_y tytytry02:30
amenadoAragorn-> well, it supports ntfs-3g02:30
Traveler4amenado: I'm back, sorry for the wait. I'm pasting the stuff now.02:30
webtoedavid_ : hmmm well maybe amsn isn't on 5. that's very old02:31
rhineheart_mcan this one will do? sudo apt-get remove --purge webmin?02:31
William_S1rhineheart_m, try aptitude purge webim02:31
amenadoTraveler4-> thats okay, am slurping my soup anyways..02:31
Aragornamenado: the only reason i need windoze is itunes :]02:31
geirhasymptom: I'm not saying they will, I'm just saying they were available a week or so before the previous release, so it's probable that the same holds for hardy02:31
bazhangdavid_: get a more recent version that is not supported now02:31
webtoedavid_ you can upgrade from one release to another, but it would take a lot of time02:31
Lupe5david_: 5 is very old.02:31
david_webtoe,,,,I thought so...so it doesnt do an auto upgrade?02:31
webtoedaveid_: if I were you I'd either download a newer version or buy a magazine which has it on the front cover02:31
Lupe5david_: no sorry, it doesn't02:31
david_I can let it run overnight02:32
rhineheart_mIs there any web interface now working better with ubuntu?02:32
webtoedavid_ You can upgrade, but its not automatic. You have to tell it to upgrade to the next release. and 5.04 is v old02:32
bazhangrhineheart_m: try ebox instead of webmin02:32
david_think I'll do that then...I got time02:32
rhineheart_mbazhang, I tried that one and I didn't like it. I like webmin even than ebox02:32
webtoedavid_: so you'd have to upgrade quite a few times to get to the latest version. It would be like jumping from Windows 3.1 throught every version using an upgrade to Vista02:32
deniz__i downloaded screenlets from getdeb and its installed but how do i activate the clock on desktop?02:33
Lupe5webtoe: You could do that......02:33
david_oh wow, really.maybe acurrent download is a better idea02:33
webtoedavid_ Technically possible but easier to just install vista from scratch (though on linux you can do that if you want and it'll work fione_02:33
bastid_raZordavid_; depending on your internet connection an update could take about an hour or longer02:33
xavierpwnscan someone help me set up my wireless card? it's a broadcom02:33
bazhangdavid_: back up and install a newer version is the best bet02:33
david_thats no prob02:33
ZiggyFish_laptophey, I just upgraded to ubuntu 8.04., I have a problem with sound, it's distorted02:33
david_got nothing to back up ,lol ,just did it today02:34
Cristatusjust wondering, what's a decent IRC client on ubuntu?02:34
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that ZiggyFish_laptop02:34
bastid_raZorZiggyFish_laptop; Ubuntu+1 would be the best channel to get help02:34
davmonsterdoes anyone have an estimated date as to when HH is coming out?02:34
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:34
Traveler4amenado: So, to use pastebin, just slap it all in there and put my name in the box? Also, when I did the cat /etc/resolv.conf command, it came back that no such thing existed.02:34
webtoedavid_: considering you have a v old version its best. But look in your local newsagent. At my local Tesco, there are a couple of magazine offering the latest ubuntu02:34
CristatusI'm using xchat at the moment, but i'm used to using mIRC02:34
Aragorndoes anybody know if itunes will be available in an upcoming release of ubuntu?02:34
davmonsterah preempted!02:34
bazhangAragorn: nay02:34
ZiggyFish_laptopbastid_raZor: thanks02:34
deniz__Aragorn, mac will never make itunes for ubuntu02:34
david_ok, will do.and thanks so much for your patience and help02:34
deniz__Aragorn, try wine (program that runs windows apps in linux)02:34
Shadow420I am trying to make windows bootloader to boot ubuntu02:35
webtoedavid_ no worries, its what we're here for02:35
Aragorndeniz_ : wine wont do it02:35
mackidiTunes doesn't really work in wine02:35
Aragornexactly mackid02:35
amenadoTraveler yes, and its okay if you dont have /etc/resolv.conf02:35
deniz__Aragorn, well r u 100% sure cuz some versions dont do it while others do02:35
xavierpwnsagh please someone help me set-up my wireless card02:35
mackidAragorn, rhythmbox is decent, and Banshee is better but a PITA to compile and get working as of now02:35
david_gotta go to bed now.clocks ahve just gone forward, and it's now 2.35 am here02:35
thiebaudemackid, amarok is an alternative to itunes02:35
bazhangdeniz__: does not period.02:35
Cristatushow do i install conky in Hardy Heron?02:35
webtoeAragon: itunes isn't the ideal thing to run under windows. It was hard enough for Apple to do for windows. What do you want to do and we could suggest a linux programme to do it for you02:35
Traveler4amenado: what about the syntax box? It doesn't matter?02:35
Aragornmackid: i use rhythmbox a bit. but there are reasons why i need itunes02:35
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please Cristatus02:35
bastid_raZorCristatus; apt-get install conky02:36
mackidthiebaude: amaroK also uses KDE libs, which makes it retardingly bloated02:36
webtoedavid_ tell me aboutit02:36
david_hehe, where are you?02:36
mackidthiebaude: on a gnome system, at least.02:36
Traveler4amenado: pasted02:36
deniz__Aragorn, bazhang, y do u need itunes? cant u use a replacement?02:36
david_aha, Warwick02:36
mackidAragorn, do you buy stuff from iTunes, is that why you need it?02:36
Boohbahmackid: yeah but who uses gnome?02:36
webtoealmost at the GMT line02:36
davmonsterwill I be able to update the HH beta up to HH final without uninstalling the beta?02:36
arrowDoes anyone know of a good 2D MMORPG, like ultima 6 or The Mana World02:36
thiebaudeok, i never noticed that when i run it on 7.10 gnome02:36
Aragornuntil (well, if) linux gets itunes, i have to keep switching to windoze every now and then :(02:36
Shadow420well I want to have windows bootloader to start first and have it boot GRUB02:36
amenadoTraveler4-> what is the link? paste it here in the channel so i can visit it02:36
bazhangdavmonster: #ubuntu+1 please02:36
david_goodnight all02:37
mackidBoohbah: uhh this is ubuntu channel, so probably more than half the people here... I personally think GNOME is far superior to KDE02:37
davmonsterah, sorry02:37
Cristatusbastid_raZor, is that it? just apt-get install conky?02:37
xavierpwnswireless card help anyone?02:37
thiebaudeagree, mackid02:37
Lupe5mackid: KDE is prittier,02:37
bastid_raZorCristatus; sudo in front of it and that should be it.02:37
Cristatusthanks bastid_raZor02:37
Lupe5xavierpwns: What did you get?02:37
Cristatusbastid_raZor, do you know a decent IRC client for HH?02:37
bazhangxavierpwns: did you install the drivers?02:38
Positronicif you don't know how to install apps in command line, you might not want to use Hardy Heron, Cristatus02:38
IndyGunFreakLupe5: ?.. prettier?..lol, the only thing uglier than KDE is Rosie O Donnell02:38
xavierpwnslupe5: the insprion chat is closed for the night :/02:38
rhineheart_mis installing phpmyadmin a good idea?02:38
thiebaudei think kde has too many options or menus02:38
PositronicAs it is a beta currently02:38
bazhangCristatus: this is not the channel for Hardy02:38
Aragornmackid: yes and its too much trouble for me to back up all my music i bought from itunes store, get it all on disc, and then get it all on rhythmbox and THEN download lastfm for ubuntu, etc.02:38
xavierpwnsbazhang: yes02:38
Cristatussorry bazhang02:38
Cristatusjust wondering02:38
bazhangnef please dont02:38
Lupe5xavierpwns: Do you not get 24/7 chat support?02:38
PiciCristatus: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.02:38
mackidAragorn, a last.fm plugin comes pre-installed with rhythmbox02:38
deniz__Aragorn, wine 0.9.57 got a silver rating for itunes but i dont no which os http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=134702:38
xavierpwnslupe5: i was in tech support02:38
bastid_raZorCristatus; i'd have to agree with bazhang .. #Ubuntu+1 will be better suited02:38
nefPlease don't do what? I saw something about the name being owned but wanted to see if my nick was changed or something.02:39
Aragornmackid: also, i do something called iPod scrobbling. thats the main reason right there. i can only use itunes to do that02:39
Lupe5xavierpwns: Hmmm............02:39
rhineheart_mIs installing phpmyadmin a good idea?02:39
mackidAragorn, it sounds like you should use iTunes.02:39
Aragornmackid: i do :)02:39
mackidAragorn, well then, it sounds like the issue is settled.02:39
xavierpwnslupe5: you said you have the same wireless card as me right?02:39
deniz__Aragorn, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=1347          <-----------Wine works with itunes02:40
Aragornbut its trouble to have to switch to windows for that, mackid. lol02:40
Lupe5Aragorn: iPod scrobbling?02:40
Aragorni wont explain scrobbling lupe502:40
mackidAragorn: well, then don't use iTunes. your choice.02:40
IndyGunFreakwhat he heck is scrobbling?02:40
Aragornsorry mate02:40
Aragornscrobbling is for lastfm02:40
Shadow420Hey how can I get Windows bootloader to boot grub?02:40
Traveler4Aragorn: I've heard of people using iTunes with Wine with a good deal of success...02:40
PiciIndyGunFreak: syncing with last.fm02:40
bazhanggetting offtopic02:40
IndyGunFreaknever heard of that02:40
webtoeAragon: i personally have a mac as well as a linux box for these things!02:40
IndyGunFreakTraveler4: i don't knwo about good deal of success...02:40
Nephthcan you scrobble your iPod tracks from amarok?02:40
Lupe5xavierpwns: Alas, no. I have the Intel® 3945 802.11a/g Mini-card02:40
mackidLupe5: scrobbling is showing what tracks you've played on last.fm, which is a website that lets you share your musical tastes with your friends02:40
Aragornnephth: well, yes02:41
IndyGunFreakAragorn: have youc onsidered putting XP and Itunes in Vmware, and just booting up vmware when you want to scrobble, or whatever02:41
Aragornyou can scrobble with linux02:41
mackidLupe5: so iPod scrobbling is syncing what tunes you have played on an iPod with your computer, which then syncs to the last.fm website.02:41
xavierpwnslupe5: darn :[ i wish i would've known this was a broadcom or i never would've bught it02:41
bazhang!ot | scrobble02:41
Aragornmackid: yes02:41
ubotuscrobble: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:41
amenadoTraveler4-> where is the link?02:41
webtoeIndyGunFreak: I suppose its a bit of a hassle compared to just plugging in your iPod02:41
CrimsoniteXSorry for the newbie question, but how do you change this black background I have (using Pidgin)?02:41
Traveler4amenado: I posted it a while ago... here it is again http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61544/02:41
IndyGunFreakCrimsoniteX: use an IRC client..lol02:41
Aragornif you dont know what scrobbling is, you cant help me ;)02:42
bazhang!es | Valternaz02:42
ubotuValternaz: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:42
CrimsoniteXlol what is a good one for linux?02:42
HoboBenHi - I'm looking for a way to make Panels completely disappear when autohide is enabled. I've set /apps/panel/global/panel_minimized_size to zero in gconf-editor and did killall gnome-panel, but to no effect... can anyone give me a hand?02:42
IndyGunFreak!irc | CrimsoniteX02:42
ubotuCrimsoniteX: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:42
Lupe5Aragorn: I do that without iTunes.02:42
Lupe5Aragorn: I didn't know that's what it ment.02:43
IndyGunFreakCrimsoniteX: you'll find most use either Xchat or irssi.. but Irssi probably isn't fo a newb02:43
AragornLupe5: You CAN scrobble without iTunes02:43
xavierpwnsanyone here familiar with getting a broadcom wireless card to work in 7.10?02:43
IndyGunFreakxavierpwns: should be pretty easy02:43
AragornLupe5: I'm not sure you can iPod scrobble without iTunes02:43
Fayeah i use xchat02:43
IndyGunFreak!broadcom | xavierpwns02:43
ubotuxavierpwns: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:43
mackidAragorn, i scrobble with rhythmbox in 7.10.. just get a mac and use iTunes on that, then you avoid using windows. or install VMWare. either way.02:43
Traveler4amenado: did you get it that time?02:44
AragorniPod scrobbling is snychronizing your iPod with [probably only] iTunes and then it all scrobbles02:44
amenadoTraveler4-> okay, you are not getting an ip address02:44
patrickvaI burnt an iso image of ubuntu and i tried the "try ubuntu" option, but it brings me to a command prompt02:44
patrickvaAnyone know why it does that?02:44
CrimsoniteXHmm whats better, Xchat or LostIRC?02:44
bazhangCrimsoniteX: xchat02:44
IndyGunFreakCrimsoniteX: never personally used lostirc, so i'll just suggest xchat02:44
Aragornmackid: you cant use itunes without windows02:44
mackidCrimsoniteX: i don't know what LostIRC is, but xchat is good02:44
CrimsoniteXAlright thatnks, I'll be back :-)02:44
Aragornyou cannot use itunes ON linux02:44
patrickvaI burnt an iso image of ubuntu and i tried the "try ubuntu" option, but it brings me to a command prompt02:44
Traveler4amenado: Alright, and how do I fix that?02:44
bazhangAragorn please take that to offtopic thanks02:44
amenadoTraveler4-> can you clarify, your pc is connected to where? and how is your existing pc you use to chat connected to the router that gets you to chat?02:44
xavierpwnsindygunfreak: i tried this earlier but got stuck at the "Open System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager and you will see that under the Firmware drop down arrow it says Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family and under Status it says Not in Use." part. i dont have that option02:44
patrickvaCan someone help me?02:44
mackidAragorn, join #ubuntu-offtopic02:44
Aragornim talking about, you cant use lastfm on ubuntu either lol02:45
amenadoTraveler4-> basically describe your network connectivity, devices you used, etc..02:45
IndyGunFreakxavierpwns: i see, i really don't have a lot of experience w/wireless, i just knew the trigger for the broadcom faq02:45
webtoepatrickva: Do you see any errors at all? What sort of machine are you running? what version of Ubuntu?:02:45
mackidAragorn, that's not true, i use it in rhythmbox02:45
patrickvaThe latest version02:45
Aragornbut, about rhythmbox and amarok, i have a question02:45
Traveler4amenado: both the PC I am on now and the one I am trying to fix are wired in to the same router which is wired to the modem.02:45
patrickvaIt shows a few errors02:45
FloodBot1patrickva: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
patrickvabut gives me a command prompt02:45
Picipatrickva: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.02:45
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please patrickva02:45
xavierpwnsindygunfreak: agh ok thanks anyways02:46
Aragornmackid: you scrobble in rhythmbox, correct?02:46
mackidyes, Aragorn02:46
PiciAragorn: as well as amarok, exaile, sonata... and probably many others.02:46
webtoepatrickva: if you don't want to use the development version of ubuntu, download the 07 version02:46
Aragornmackid: have you ever tried iPod scrobbling in Rhythmbox?02:46
VadiHow can I check if my ubuntu is 64bit or no?02:46
amenadoTraveler4-> okay, on the ubuntu open a terminal and type this   sudo -i  then enter your password02:46
weiOh ,my god,I'm a Chinese ,My english is very bad02:46
bazhangAragorn: please take that to offtopic thanks02:46
AragornPici: i know you can scrobble without itunes, but as for ipod scrobbling, probably different02:47
webtoeVadi: uname -a should list somethign about 64bit02:47
bazhang!cn | wei02:47
ubotuwei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:47
mackidAragorn, I don't sync my iPod with my linux box, I have a Mac and I use that.. I have an iPhone and I seriously doubt that work on linux to its full capacity (syncing address book, calendar, videos, etc)02:47
Aragornmackid: ok, thanks02:47
amenadoTraveler4-> then ifdown eth0; ifup eth0   btw you are going to be root, to know you are root -- the prompt is # instead of $02:47
weiThank you!02:47
webtoeVaid: it'll say something like x86_6402:47
Aragornso you probably cant ipod scrobble on ubuntu because it needs itunes. oh well, thanks anyway guys02:48
Valternazminha thola02:48
Valternazbando de fdp02:48
mortal1this is a fairly random question, but how long do capacitors in a power supply stay charged?02:48
bazhang!br | Valternaz02:48
ubotuValternaz: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:48
mortal1I need to change out the 80mm fan\02:48
webtoemortal1: depends on the capacitors02:48
amenadomortal1-> in theory -- forever02:48
xavierpwnsgod someone help me with this wireless card. i'm about to throw my laptop out the window02:48
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
LjLmortal1: can be up to weeks. if you're thinking of opening a power supply, don't.02:48
CrimsoniteXchat works great, thanks guys.02:48
* amenado readies outside xavierpwns window to catch a falling laptop02:48
Traveler4amenado, I'm asuming you want this in the pastebin as well to look at?02:49
meoblast001how do you change the system font for wine?02:49
webtoexavierpwns: what sort of wirless? did you say broadcom? it may be easier to just throw it out the window02:49
=== FreeSpirit is now known as _FreeSpirit_
blah569Does anyone know if the wireless card (RTL8186) is compitable with Ubuntu without any additional drivers?02:49
HoboBenHi - I'm looking for a way to make Panels completely disappear when autohide is enabled. I've set /apps/panel/global/panel_minimized_size to 0 (tried 1 aswell) in gconf-editor and did killall gnome-panel, but to no effect... can anyone give me a hand? It seems never to go any smaller than say 5 pixels wide.02:49
amenadoTraveler4-> maybe you can tell me if you get an ip address. if you type ifconfig ?02:49
prettyrickyDont throw your laptop/ What I did is uninstalled ubuntu and reinstalled it and my wireless card worked.02:49
mortal1...well the thing is, it's a perfectly good working power supply, only the fan is going out, so ...02:49
xavierpwnsis it really that hard to set it up?02:49
bazhangxavierpwns: where is this window?02:49
Aragornbesides xchat, what IRC clients are available for use on ubuntu?02:49
gerronvclock -T reports my card being at 76C while under heavy load and normally about 67C, its a nvidia 7300gs model how would I go about underclocking it or something to fix this problem?02:49
mortal1but yeah I've generally heard, don't open them02:49
LjL!irc > aragorn    (aragorn, see the private message from Ubotu)02:49
Kamus_H_Zwischgladium et felicitas?02:49
IndyGunFreakAragorn: irssi, bitchx, kvirc, konversation..02:49
webtoeblah569: current stable version probably doesn't work great. Hardy Heron will probably support it better when it comes out02:49
xavierpwnsit's the window to HELL >:D02:49
* amenado readies outside xavierpwns window to catch a falling laptop as he was advise to throw it out... :)02:50
MattRyanHey there everyone.02:50
AragornLjL and IndyGunFreak: thanks02:50
PiciLjL: !irc has no irc clients in it...02:50
PiciLjL: er.. I lied.02:50
masterEderAragorn: irssi02:50
LjLPici: liar02:50
Kamus_H_Zwischgladium et felicitas?02:50
LjLKamus_H_Zwisch: kick and ban?02:50
bazhangKamus_H_Zwisch: no latin please02:50
AragornmasterEder: is irssi better than xchat?02:51
CrimsoniteIs anyone using the beta of 8.04?02:51
PiciCrimsonite: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.02:51
LjL!hardy > Crimsonite    (Crimsonite, see the private message from Ubotu)02:51
webtoexavierpwns: to be fair, just throw it out. It was dell. Try and hit someone. It'll be funny!02:51
Kamus_H_Zwischis just a jke02:51
Kamus_H_Zwischi'll stop02:51
=== AskHL_ is now known as AskHL
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please Crimsonite02:51
HoboBen"Better" is an opinion!02:51
LjLyes, please.02:51
PiciAragorn: They're different.02:51
meoblast001can i pre-order Ubuntu Hardy?02:51
xavierpwnseveryone: ok since a broadcom is being stubborn. anyone know an external wireless card that works flawlessly?02:51
webtoexavierpwns: (These comments in no way reflect the beliefs of Ubuntu or canaconical Ltd.02:51
Aragornoh, when does hardy release?02:51
mackidmeoblast001: ubuntu is free, and you can download a beta of hardy before it comes out02:51
masterEderwww.irssi.org ... i like it :)02:51
bazhangapril 24th02:51
SonicEpsilonPlease join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.02:51
whisperkillerhow do i see what wireless card i have?02:52
themimeif i run binary "somebinary", who would i go about viewing the exit code for said binary?02:52
webtoexavierpwns: aaaaaahahahahahahahah02:52
bazhangwhisperkiller: in terminal type lspci02:52
webtoexavierpwns: oh wait you were being serious02:52
meoblast001mackid: but the CD's that you can order for them to send you for free but you have to wait 3 weeks... can i pre-order02:52
IndyGunFreakwhisperkiller: is it usb or internal or what?02:52
FloodBot1dudesmn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
amenadowhisperkiller-> external?  you turn it upside down and read the label02:52
dudesmnhuge major problem02:52
LjL!enter | dudesmn02:52
ubotududesmn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:52
whisperkillerits a notebook internal02:52
dudesmnubuntu wont boot02:52
Picithemime: if it doesnt tell you anything, do echo $? after it quits02:52
Boohbahlspci -vv |grep net02:52
* Aragorn looks at list of available IRC clients for Ubuntu02:52
IndyGunFreakwhisperkiller: then lspci in a terminal will show it02:52
mackidoh, CDs.... i haven't used those in quite a while...02:52
dudesmnhow od i check the partition for erros02:52
xavierpwnswebtoe: i take it there's not one of those either?02:52
Shadow420how can I make GRUB install to the MBR of my second drive so it can b loaded by Windows BootLoader??02:53
FFVVTcl cannot be found on this system. < anyone know if thats in apt-get?02:53
webtoexavierpwns: No that's not true. I'm being cynical. I'm just expressing the problem with all wireless cards02:53
LjLFFVV: it is02:53
Shadow420FFVV> yes it is02:53
FFVVwhat is it called?02:53
themimePici: thanks02:53
webtoexavierpwns: Manufacturers are always changing the actual chips in all their cards02:53
IndyGunFreakFFVV: what are you compiling?02:53
webtoeand usb ones are not ver well supported02:53
FFVVits an eggdrop im doing02:53
xavierpwnswebtoe: ya :/ god this is ridiculous. you think i should wait until 8.04 and pray for broadcom support?02:53
webtoegoogle is your friend02:53
Shadow420FFVV | !find tlc02:54
themimePici: worked perfectly, thanks again02:54
PiciFFVV: search for tcl, its in there.  Plus eggdrop is in the repos as well.02:54
FFVV!find tcl02:54
ubotuFound: sh:02:54
Shadow420FFVV | !find tcl02:54
webtoexavierpwns: the problem is that broadcom take a unique approach to wireless02:54
dudesmnhow do i check the partition for erros02:54
Traveler4amenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61545/02:54
webtoexavierpwns: almost all the functionality of the card is kept in the firmware of the device and very little in hardware or software02:54
stroyanShadow420:  If you are booted to ubuntu, then 'sudo grub-install /dev/sdb'  Or whatever device is your second drive.02:54
Shadow420FFVV if required make the universe repo acive02:55
xavierpwnswebtoe: i know there is a way to get it running, but i can't find a correct walkthrough for 7.10 :[02:55
webtoexavierpwns: it just so happens that hardy heron will have the latest kernel with the latest mac802 whatever layer in it which will make wireless easier02:55
FFVVi can't find it, theres so much stuff, does anyone know the exact name? its 3 am and im sooo tired lol02:55
amenadoTraveler4-> this is an wired ethernet interface right not a wireless?02:55
webtoexavierpwns: you could look at ndiswrapper. It works for lots of chipsets and just requires the windows driver02:55
bazhangFFVV: best to sleep we will be here when you get up02:55
PiciFFVV: use the search tool, search for tcl.  Or just install eggdrop out of the repositories.02:56
dudesmnhow do i check the ubuntu partition for erros02:56
Traveler4amenado: That is correct.02:56
IndyGunFreakFFVV: do you have build-essential installed?02:56
xavierpwnswebtoe: i have the windows driver. could you walk me through ndiswrapper?02:56
Boohbahwebtoe: since when has there been a new development in wireless drivers?02:56
webtoexavierpwns: I can try but keep in mind its been a little while since I've used it02:56
xavierpwnswebtoe: i'll take anything right now :] just try02:56
amenadoTraveler4-> you are on livecd or an installed ubuntu?02:56
geirhaFFVV: « aptitude search '^tcl.*-dev$' »  You probably need one of those02:56
bazhangBoohbah: since the latest release (beta)02:57
webtoeboohbah: well, its more to do with the introduction of the Mac stack and the wirless drivers being ported over to use it instead of the IPW stack from intel02:57
Traveler4amenado: installed, but it wouldn't work on the livecd either.02:57
amazen720has anybody installed gtag on ubuntu?02:57
webtoexavierpwns: let me get another beer then lets have a look if you're brave enough...02:57
xavierpwnswebtoe: haha ok :] i think i am02:57
bazhangamazen720: what is gtag and what do you want to do02:57
Boohbahso, intel mac users only?02:58
amenadoTraveler4-> since it is installed, paste the contents of   /etc/network/interfaces ie cat /etc/network/intefaces  and lshw -c network02:58
dudesmnhow do i check the ubuntu partition for errors02:58
Pici!fsck | dudesmn02:58
ubotududesmn: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:58
webtoexavierpwns: have you got ndiswrapper installed?02:58
amazen720how do you install gtag, on ubuntu?02:58
xavierpwnswebtoe: i'm not sure. how can i check for sure?02:59
bazhangamazen720: please answer my question first02:59
webtoeboohbah: no nothing to do with macintoshes. Its to do with the MAC address layer i believe. Or more importantly how wireless devices use the MAC layer to interact with the physical medium02:59
amazen720bazhang:didnt see your question02:59
webtoexavierpwns: the easiet way is apt-get install ndiswrapper02:59
bazhangamazen720: scroll up02:59
Traveler4amenado: So I type cat /etc/network/interfaces; lshw -c network02:59
webtoeit will tell you whether its already installed02:59
amenadoTraveler4-> hang on, the lshw is not correct03:00
Boohbahoh teh media access control..03:00
fuhrealWhat log provides kernel call logs?03:00
Traveler4amenado: tell me exactly what to type.03:00
Boohbahfuhreal: gdb03:00
xavierpwnswebtoe: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)03:00
xavierpwnsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?03:00
Boohbahfuhreal: or you mean system calls?03:00
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:00
amenadoTraveler its lshw -C network   note the capital letter C03:01
CookieMonsterhow do i chec the ubuntu partition for errors03:01
webtoeboohbag: yes. You'll just have to trust me that there's lots of shenanigans that has to take place for wireless to work and different cards do different things. Some implement thigns in hardware, others in firmware and others palm it all off to software to implement03:01
fuhrealBoohbah: ya.. like that i can display in a term on my desktop03:01
Boohbah!fsck | CookieMonster03:01
ubotuCookieMonster: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:01
amazen720bazhang: at tags to mp3 files, so that when I add to rhythbox or itunes the picture shows up03:01
amazen720bazhang: add*03:01
stroyanfuhreal:  If you want to watch kernel calls by particular processes have a look at the strace command.03:01
bazhangamazen720: is it in the repos? if so sudo apt-get install packagename03:01
CookieMonsterok now what if i cant boot into ubuntu03:02
webtoexavierpwns: sorry, you need sudo in front. sudo apt-get install03:02
ReflectiveSightAnybody up for a mind bender?03:02
webtoesudo apt-get install ndiswrapper03:02
fuhrealdarn.. i've gotta get to this later03:02
amazen720nah I got the tar.gz file03:02
bazhangReflectiveSight: wrong channel thanks03:02
xavierpwnswebtoe: can't find it o.003:02
ReflectiveSightI am running 8.04beta and I have Opera installed and Firefox-2 installed.  In the preferred applications I have set firefox as being the default browser for opening url's.  I have two url's saved on my desktop and when I click on one it opens firefox, however when I click on the other it opens opera.  If I drag a url from firefox's url bar to the desktop and then double-click on the newly created icon it still opens opera.  Why if firefox is sup03:02
PiciReflectiveSight: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.03:02
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.03:02
Traveler4amenado: so, exactly what do I type?03:02
amazen720Bazhang: but when I run make I get an error03:02
bazhang!hardy | ReflectiveSight03:03
ubotuReflectiveSight: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu03:03
ReflectiveSightahh, thanks.03:03
amenadoTraveler4->  paste the contents of   /etc/network/interfaces ie cat /etc/network/intefaces  and lshw -C network03:03
=== jack11 is now known as jack111
FFVVi did apt-get install eggdrop but where does it install to?03:04
prettyrickyis there safari for ubuntu?03:04
=== jack111 is now known as jack11
Piciprettyricky: no, there isnt.03:04
bazhangprettyricky: nay03:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:04
webtoexavierpwns: probably best looking at that?03:05
amazen720bazhang: I got the tar.gz file but when I run make I get an error03:05
PiciFFVV: dpkg -L eggdrop03:05
amenadoFFVV dpkg -L eggdrop03:05
xavierpwnswebtoe: looking at what?03:05
amenadoamazen720-> you have to untar it first03:05
webtoexavierpwns: actually ignore me. I was looking at somethign stupid03:05
prettyrickywhat browser is everyone using here?03:06
amazen720amenado: I know that03:06
FFVVthanks Pici and amenado03:06
REDLiNEhey is the tcl lib in apt?03:06
Blacklife08mozilla 2.1203:06
PiciREDLiNE: yes......03:06
xavierpwnswebtoe: lol :] should i have tried ndiswrapper-common?03:06
webtoexavierpwns: yes03:06
shadeofgreycan someone savwe me a whole lot of trouble and classify on a scale of 1 to 10 how hard it is to take a leopard based daual boot with vista via bootcamp and then add ubuntu linux 8.10?03:06
REDLiNEPici i did the search cmd it comes up with like 50lines.....03:06
pluxprettyricky: nope, but you got the konqurer browser, that uses KHTML, that is the stuff webkit is based on03:06
webtoexavierpwns: i'm just looking to see what else you need. Think you also need ndiswrapper-utils and module03:07
REDLiNEwhat would the name be?03:07
xavierpwnswebtoe: ok well i have ndiswrapper-common03:07
prettyrickyyeah I was just trying to see if I can get Safari03:07
webtoexavierpwns: ok03:07
PiciREDLiNE: tcl perhaps03:07
Boohbahshadeofgrey: 1103:07
StarnestommyREDLiNE: try tcl8.4 and tcl8.4-dev03:07
amazen720has anyone ever installed 'gtag' on Ubuntu 7.10?03:08
Piciamazen720: What is gtag?03:08
webtoexavierpwns: ok also install ndiswrapper-utils03:08
pluxprettyricky: http://mondaybynoon.com/2007/04/23/installing-and-running-webkit-in-linux-using-qt/ you can do that, it's webkit that renders the pages in safari03:08
shadeofgreyBooh - what if i killed vista entirely?03:08
Traveler4amenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61546/03:08
HoboBenprettyricky - you can run Safari in wine, but the interface is slow and not pretty. I'd only do it for testing PHP scripts that treat safari's useragent specially03:08
prettyrickythanks for the info!03:08
xavierpwnswebtoe: it ways ndiswrapper-common replaces ndiswrapper-utils03:08
prettyrickyyeah I tried that didn't like it03:08
prettyrickythank you though03:09
REDLiNEStarnestommy done that now were would it have been installed the lib file right?03:09
amazen720Pici: suppose to allow you to tag files, like mp3 files with (artist)(Genre)03:09
stroyanamazen720:  the 'tagtool' package from the universe repository looks like a solid equivalent to gtag.03:09
jaffarkelshacany good ubuntu games03:09
shadeofgreyBoohbah, could you point me in the direction of instructions?03:09
webtoexavierpwns: ok then that's fine. I just looked at the ndiswrapper-utils and it says it depends on ndiswrappe-common. install it anyway nad we'll see what happens next03:09
andashshadeofgrey: my guess is that he's joking, because of the "8.10"... it's 8.0403:09
StarnestommyREDLiNE: maybe /usr/lib/libtcl8.4.so03:10
Piciamazen720: I dont see it in the repositories, but other tagging programs exists, like easytag03:10
shadeofgreyandash, well that still doesnt get me any closer to the end goal03:10
amazen720stroyan: thanks I'll check it out03:10
amenadoTraveler4-> i will assume here that an Intel gigabit card is supported on ubuntu, but am not 100% sure...but ifyou do an "sudo  ifup eth0"  you are not getting an ip address though right?03:10
webtoexavierpwns: you'll also need the windows driver for your card. Notably, you need the .inf file03:10
andashshadeofgrey: no of course not. i have no experience with bootcamp, so i can't help you. sorry03:10
xavierpwnswebtoe: i've got ndiswrapper-common already installed. there's no way to install the -utils03:11
fossilecapgadget dgtlchlk `twenty luna fossile Abobo F3d0rA rodserling jianfei Nith shadeofgrey Fersure astro76 Hajiki __mikem jaffarkelshac ijustam bmk789 dv2000_ Sinister amazen720 aoeuid snoopy FFVV themime unop whisperkiller xerophyte aoshi Chris| MattRyan meoblast001 mqueiros_ artfullylost FloodBot Juuso oshiii-_^ xb3rt insiderboy masterloki GB-man gluer binarydigit mboldisc whitty YeaSt b0x prettyricky DFlame Mr_Bad_News sk8ball_ eliad Luckr03:11
lunajmesquita Luke__ octavius siofwolves chook1 AirBender taranto SkywaIker phizzalot Kickboy Krstfrs__ erstazi sys192 Seb78 Ttech Ax-Ax kristjans chdst hon ajksdflkj c0yote Joeb454 elpargo smmahmoo cowbud novacrust ^root^ tc111 visik7 dtad TrevorP TheArthur OmIkRoNiXz Boohbah FunnyLookinHat bitterbug Sopor03:11
fossile#ubuntu kb1cvh Shadow420 Cristatus Linuxgaspesi41 bloodboy Nyx- croppa cesurasean Titanium2204 DBO sabhain HoboBen Meatgrinder BigAdmin ubuntucool123 skmidry delcoyote jm azure Rezagrats Ashfire908 cyclonut SlicerDicer cosmo__ recon emma dv2000 ibou nandemonai wers Cygoku blu2 doofus123 mirak Rprp rhineheart_m Thirsteh xavierpwns harlan_ akafurious sn00zer wt8008 DoYouKnow iv01 phantom__ Traveler4 anteaya Borin__ mttr fvwmnet pt999 ChrisGib03:11
luna#ubuntu akaineko Roconda PurpleBlu ProN00b Python1320 izibi TMN theaber vijay xtr-II rp3 eggauah Pabo solid_liquid voici PiRANiA komputes ArmedKing speps the_alamo Devourer caffeineguy- dashua remino_ playya kumarphilly UB` xal _coredump_ AxeZ kalpik rafailowski JMiller Raph Marcelo garamis j_ack rpedro__ hpnadig Ze_Colmeia kaudio nixeagle Pici dan_ kri NDPTAL85 riotkittie milardovich TheAsp PhilKC blan SeanTater palomer GWild gardar Tortured 03:11
`twentyn Zambezi Dave2 fduplex eracc azuki elmargol pocukrani mad_max02 SWAT stevewhite vorian Spec packetscan mmeiser-ubuntu andash Nakkel Corty Mez ronnie starscalling humblerodent Xteven sunbird Asfaloth mwti ceil420 Filbert SoftCore cpTanis voidmage mneptok bauer_ ace2001ac Kr0ntab tsai_ cpk1 fronter Azer03:11
fossile#ubuntu ZeZu Forza4Life MidnighToker webtoe tankmech Bluesdrive alqua kmk67 yylex inimesekene Kamus_H_Zwisch hook0 Aragorn grubby CapaH jono hjertnes ani1 crdlb davmonster con-man Serveck eiki Condoulo macd_ Yancho marx2k allquixotic Varox_NB acetaminophen Lleumas lipsin patlkli gordon soneil tempeldirne MEtaLpREs__ neverblue Pooky Juhaz rhavenn CFNRL AlexHoover Christoz [gquit]bombadil jimcooncat kyzen b0ha crackhead_25 Pthag Pichu0102 Ant03:11
luna#ubuntu alvarezp marko-_-__ joakim` UbuntuWalter sharperguy zn3t os2mac mactimes xpoint luckylin aRyn Cato9021 Adys CelticSoul delskorch elrob crackerjackz [PUPPETS]Gonzo ed_ _max_ foka_ magic_ninja jeegr linxeh_ Gary chaky LollinopiL siriusnova mikearr encryptz jrib elkbuntu Odd-rationale master_o1_master Mhz wobblywu ke- Johnny_5 osama Pinky misnix ArmoredSaint MattJ Paraselene_ unzzi zelrikriando svu jussio1 skarface nikki8965 lagann_ madma03:11
`twenty#ubuntu cappiz sparkleytone tino MindScape sdh IRSeekBot Flannel fr0nk_ kenade c9s rolf_ rryan Colonel_Panic dopez angusb RaNdY nixternal sjoerd shoot^ Dave123 shinygerbil kraut william_ QMario cptmorgan overdub maronnax cyzie r- praet keith80403 dvandyk Homee_dc2 Wanderer dngr andylockran ph8_ gumpish LiraNuna seanw xiO__ marlun acalbaza amerinese maff t0h redbox myrtion ZoiX Uatec schweeb Rhihannisu ubotu lightrush AndrewB wswanson mindfr03:11
siriusnovaholy hell03:11
cyclonutwhat in the hell03:11
Condouloo-O Hello03:11
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!03:11
ijustamthat just happened in #wikipedia03:11
amazen720Pici: I'll check the repo03:11
Kamus_H_Zwischwhat the fuck?03:11
Meatgrinderyikes happened on all channels03:11
doofus123lol spam03:11
PiciI already took care of it..03:11
shadeofgreyi have to keep vista for the time being...  but i plan to ditch it as soon as the second release of macdictate is released -- the version that can actually correct mistakes (rolling eyes)03:11
Pici!feeding the troll03:11
kumarphillydude wtf03:11
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.03:11
Boohbahnow we're all here03:11
Kamus_H_Zwischholy shit03:11
kumarphillywho pinged me..03:11
Kamus_H_Zwischthe bot are crazy03:11
shadeofgreythats got to be the worst product development PR sticvk in the world03:12
AragornYOU RANG03:12
khaotikcould anyone help me get vlc to play store bought dvds??03:12
kirbystop abusing that command, its over03:12
amazen720was that spam in the IM window03:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:12
Aragornsomebody wants me03:12
webtoexavierpwns: ok you need to get the .inf for your card from your window's driver03:12
QMarioKamus_H_Zwisch, family friendly language please.03:12
Traveler4amenado: that's right, I guess.03:12
shadeofgreyyeah we ported dragon naturally speaking -- except for the really important half03:12
cec-ADoes anyone use ghoti with ubuntu? If so after install what is the command to run it?03:12
cyclonutkhaotik: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:12
Boohbahkhaotik: sudo apt-get install w32codecs03:12
RezagratsY'all keep feeding this spammer's ways, he'll keep doing it...03:12
khaotiki have already done all that03:12
Phase`How to setup wireless on ubuntu?03:12
xavierpwnswebtoe: i've got the bcmwl5.inf file already too03:12
Kamus_H_Zwischwhat a bless happened here?03:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:12
REDLiNEthat worked thanks guys03:13
webtoexavierpwns: then it should be a case of ndiswrapper -i /path/to/windows.inf03:13
MattRyanGotta love open source communities.03:13
rhineheart_mwhat happened? anybody could explain in here?03:13
MattRyanYou guys rock03:13
khaotikiy plays everything i throw into it except store bought dvds03:13
Pici!feeding the troll | rhineheart_m Kamus_H_Zwisch03:13
uboturhineheart_m Kamus_H_Zwisch: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.03:13
Kamus_H_Zwischok bo03:13
Kamus_H_Zwischok bot03:13
FersureI doubt they did it for fun. Unless they're a s.k....03:14
shadeofgreyi say again...  can someone please point me to viable precise instructions as to how to add 8.04 to a leopard vista dual boot environment with the intention of addingh ubuntu as a bootcamp indstall as well03:14
MoogaI'm trying to get kubuntu to work with a lot of problems with my video card03:14
xavierpwnswebtoe: couldn't create /etc/ndiswrapper/windows: Permission denied at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 152.03:14
sabhainlooking for a little help w/ nvidia restricted driver on 7.10 (embedded gpu not being recognized)03:14
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:14
=== nobodyKnows is now known as ihmSelbst
FersurePici: k ;(03:14
mw-homeAnyone else in here notice that firefox with ubuntu uses the default sans-serif font for helvetica?03:14
kumarphillyshadeofgrey, ask in #ubuntu+103:14
webtoexavierpwns: sorry, you probably need sudo in front of that comand03:14
khaotikPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:14
khaotikThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:14
khaotikis only available from another source03:14
khaotikE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate03:14
FloodBot1khaotik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:14
simgislabhi, i'm trying to install phpmyadmin on my ubuntu, as they suggest on the website, but it keeps saying that it couldn't find package, I'm using ubuntu apt-get install phpmyadmin03:14
Traveler4amenado: I'm not getting an ip adress, no.03:15
amenadoTraveler4-> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf    and paste it please03:15
unop!w32codecs | khaotik03:15
ubotukhaotik: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:15
Kamus_H_Zwischuhh. i know this is off, but can anyone pass to me the source code of ubotu?03:15
khaotiksorry still a newb03:15
Kamus_H_Zwischubotu is very smart03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is very smart - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:15
* phantom__ is away: I'm busy03:15
wilI want to download vmware player, but the version in the repositort wont install... it says that it is not compatible with my hardware. I see some versions listed on the website and was wondering if I should aim for .rpm or .tar?03:15
* phantom__ is back (gone 00:00:04)03:15
xavierpwnswebtoe: "couldn't open /path/to/windows.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 181." :[03:15
Pici!away > phantom__ (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:16
andashwil: you can easily convert rpm to deb, though i suggest you download vmware server .tar's03:16
Jeffreyfwil:  Try VirtualBox........it does the same thing....03:16
unop!ubotu | Kamus_H_Zwisch03:16
ubotuKamus_H_Zwisch: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:16
sabhainnvidia module not loading .. lspci says all "unknown devices" and a modprobe nvidia no worky03:16
webtoexavierpwns: sorry, the /path/to/windows.inf you need to replace with the path to where the .inf file is that came with the windows driver for you wirelss card03:16
* phantom__ is away: I'm busy03:16
Kamus_H_Zwischthanks unop03:16
amenadoTraveler4-> this pc is laptop?03:16
talntidCan someone assist me in getting my Intel Pro Wireless 1395 wireless card working? :)03:16
wilJeffreyf, I use virtualbox and love it :) but I have a .vmdk file and I can not convert it or use it in anything other than vmware player03:17
xavierpwnswebtoe: if it's on my desktop what would i put?03:17
Traveler4amenado: No, it's a desktop PC, and that last command just came back as "Is a directory"03:17
xb3rtWhere are some good linux project website03:17
Traveler4amenado: I'm still in root, though, should I get out of that?03:17
Llewxamhi guys. i have a problem with my internal mic on a hp dv6000. it's not recording sound.03:17
bazhangtalntid: that is the 3945 you mean?03:17
amenadoTraveler yes its a directory, i'd like to know what it listed03:17
wilandash, thanks, but i dont need anything advanced, i use virtualbox and love it, I just have one .vmdk file that I need to open03:17
whisperkilleryeah...im still trying to figure out my wirless card....i found what looks like it but it is labled as an intel network controller....problem is im trying to find the chipset for it and i cant crossreference it because the intel card isnt listed03:17
amenadoTraveler4-> just stay as root03:17
webtoexavierpwns: sudo ndiswrapper -i /home/xavierpwns/Desktop/broadcom-folder/something.inf03:17
talntidLet me confirm03:17
webtoexavierpwns: where xavierpwns is your username on your linux machine03:18
MoogaI've been having nothing but problems trying to get my videocard to work right in linux03:18
webtoexavierpwns: and broadcom-folder is the folder where the driver is ketp03:18
talntidNope. 1395.03:18
Traveler4amenado: It didn't tell me anything other then "is a directory" it didn't list anything.03:18
amenadowhisperkiller-> look around /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless03:18
Moogacan anyone help? I have an ATI x1600 pro03:18
Scunizi cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf returns "Is a directory" amenado03:18
xavierpwnswebtoe: driver is already installed03:19
amenadoTraveler4-> yes i expected that as being a directory and expect lo should be listed there as minimum03:19
webtoexavierpwns: ok, can you do sudo ndiswrapper -l03:19
amenadoScunizi-> ditto03:19
whisperkilleramenado: can you elaborate a bit on that please?03:19
webtoexavierpwns: does it list your card and an 'ok'?03:19
bazhangtalntid: the dell 1395? what does lspci say about that card in the terminal (just one line)03:19
andashwil: well try downloading the .tar then, its probably just ./configure, make, sudo make install03:20
amenadowhisperkiller-> visit that directory first03:20
Scuniziamenado, I've got you and Traveler4 listed for highlighting.. I'm interested in the solution..03:20
Traveler4amenado: I'm not sure what you want me to paste, though. The only thing it returned was "is a directory"03:20
xavierpwnswebtoe: it says my driver is installed but my windows as an invalid driver o.0 wtf?03:20
amenadowhisperkiller-> and you should see your wireless chip listed there03:20
webtoexavierpwns: it should say "driver installed" and on the next line "ddevice present"03:20
whisperkilleramenado i dont understand how to get there03:21
khaotikcould anyone help me out with some quaestions about my wireless??03:21
whisperkillerdo i enter the command as written on cd?03:21
webtoexavierpwns: hmmm, that's odd. Must think that your windows driver isthe wrong one. Or that its missing some important files03:21
amenadoTraveler4-> am expecting as minimum an lo  -- lo is loopback interface and it should exist on that directory, since it doesnt, something is amiss03:21
bazhangkhaotik: ask, and if someone knows they will answer03:21
webtoexavierpwns: did the .inf file come with any other files? and if so, are they in the same folder as the .inf?03:22
amenadowhisperkiller-> change directory == cd03:22
automadsI have got a "kernel panic" now, I .. Accidently shut down while Synaptic still was operating. Anything I can do?03:22
Piciwhisperkiller: lshw should list all your devices.03:22
whisperkillerdo i do cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless ?03:22
xavierpwnswebtoe: hold on let me try something03:22
Traveler4amenado: Yeah... so what would the next step be?03:22
Scuniziamenado, I know I have a loop back and I only got "Is a directory" when initiating that command.03:22
bazhangtalntid: the dell 1395 is the broadcom card03:22
amenadowhisperkiller-> yes, and should see a list of chips names..03:22
whisperkillerpici i need the chipset for the wireless card03:22
LazarusI have a question regarding VNC: I installed 8.04 on a PC, and I can vnc into the machine to "share" the desktop with the logged on user; but I want to be able to VNC into an entirely new session...so two people can use the computer at the same time.03:23
whisperkilleramenado thanks ill try it03:23
mw-homeanyone in here know anything about fonts?03:23
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please Lazarus03:23
amenadoScunizi-> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf ?03:23
poseidonDoes ubuntu have some sort of psuedo ctrl+alt+del ?03:23
LazarusI've found a variety of "how to's" on the web, but can't get them to work...either get a bunch of errors, or I can connect, but I just get a grey screen with the X cursor.03:23
sabhainis there a specific channel for X11 / nvidia driver problems?03:23
Pelomw-home, ask a specific question, what do you want to acheive ?03:23
xavierpwnswebtoe: ok i've got a file named "wifi" and it's got all kinds of files in it03:23
unopposeidon, what do you want to do?03:23
LazarusSince this is a busy forum, I'd be grateful for a privat message chat to discuss this.03:23
Peloposeidon, ctrl alt backspace will restart X03:23
Scuniziamenado, yes.. when using cat.. however when using ls I get "all default eth0 lo vmnet1 & vmnet803:23
Piciposeidon: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart xwindows, you'd have to invoke the sysrq keys to reboot the entire machine.03:24
khaotikwell i had my wireless chip working when i installed ubuntu from a copy i downloaded off of the site. my wireless worked perfect after reading every forum out there. i had to do a full reinstall of ubuntu but this time i used the disk they sent me in the mail and now the same way i got my wireless to work no longer works. if that makes any sense?03:24
bazhangLazarus: wrong channel for Hardy03:24
amenadoTraveler4-> umm let me think for a few..03:24
Llewxamanyone that know how to work with alsa and internal mics on laptops? it used to work before now it won't record anything.03:24
PiciLazarus: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.03:24
mw-homePelo: It seems like helvetica in firefox isn't available for me.  Instead, I get the default sans-serif font.  Am wondering if anyone else faces the same problem.03:24
whisperkilleramenado which one of these is the chipset for my wireless card?03:24
Jeffreyfwil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/Switching_From_VMWare_To_VirtualBox:_.vmdk_To_.vdi_Using_Qemu_+_VdiTool03:24
Lazarusbazhang: sorry; I'm new to Ubuntu...I just sawa  message from Pici tellign me where to go. Thanks!03:24
Pelo!fonts | mw-home try this03:24
ubotumw-home try this: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:24
amenadoTraveler4-> did i typed cat? i meant ls -la /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf   my typo earlier03:24
unopposeidon, ctrl+alt+del works at a virtual terminal -- which you can get to by ctrl+alt+FX  (X being a number from 1-12)03:24
automadsMsg: 12.333078 kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init03:24
webtoexavierpwns: when you do the ndiswrapper -i you need to make sure that you point to the .inf file for your driver and that the driver is in the original folder that it came from03:25
khaotikis there a reason for this?03:25
amenadowhisperkiller-> match it with lshw -C network  names should be related to what is listed03:25
webtoea .inf is just a text file which points to other files and if the .inf can't find these other files it will have a problem03:25
Traveler4amenado: ah, that's different. Let me try that.03:25
xavierpwnswebtoe: it is and i did. i had to double check03:25
khaotikand yes i am working with the dreaded bcm43xx03:25
tseugwhen i type 'top' in terminal, it says my udevd is taking up 91% of CPU.  what can i do about this???03:25
webtoexavierpwns: well maybe it just hates you  then...03:25
webtoexavierpwns: let me have a think03:26
xavierpwnswebtoe: that's what im thinking :[ this is horrible03:26
JeffreyfWil, are you still here?03:26
Pelotseug, do you have a lot of usb devices pluged in ?03:26
webtoexavierpwns: what wirless card is it again? what does sudo lspci say?03:26
tseugpelo, no no cd , no usb no nothing03:26
khaotikit is starting to drive me crazy, i really need my wireless to work for school and my job because i went full install of ubuntu03:26
whisperkillerso i type lshw -C ?03:26
Pelotseug, is this recent or is it always like this ?03:26
whisperkilleror lshw -C network?03:27
amenadowhisperkiller-> yes..03:27
tseugpelo, this has happened ever since i've upgraded from feisty to gutsy03:27
Pelo!who | whisperkiller03:27
ubotuwhisperkiller: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:27
webtoexavierpwns: Don't worry, you're not the only one, and this isn't the only card. Wireless is a pain in the backside due to the way different manufacturers make cards. Sometimes, differnet windows drivers will work and others wont'03:27
xavierpwnswebtoe: god all these names popped up. i know it's a broadcom03:27
Pelotseug, no idean, try searching for  udev 100% cpu in the forum03:27
Jeffreyfwil: did you get me link?03:27
tseugpelo, what forum03:27
Pelotseug, www.ubuntuforums.org03:28
tseugpelo thanks.03:28
webtoexavierpwns: i would tell you to dump it in a paste bin but I don't know of any (never had to use them)03:28
amenadowhisperkiller-> yes.. lshw -C network03:28
wilJeffreyf, sorry, still here and see the link.... someone at my front door 3:30AM.... got scared and turned off lights e.t.c.!03:28
webtoethank you amenado03:28
* Pelo hopes hardy makes him surplus to requriements as a helper 03:28
khaotiki dont know if i should reboot with another copy of the downloaded file or use the disk they sent to me. does this even make a difference?03:28
Traveler4amenado: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61548/03:29
amenadowebtoe you are welcome03:29
Jeffreyfwil: not tested, but it is a start03:29
xavierpwnswebtoe: i think im going to wait until 8.04 comes out, and use my desktop until then. if it doesn't work after 8.04 im going back to, dare i say it, XP :[03:29
whisperkillerok does ipw3945 sound like the chipset for an intel wireless card?03:29
Piciwhisperkiller: yes03:29
usserwhisperkiller: indeed03:29
=== reconnect is now known as recon
whisperkillerthanks guys03:29
whisperkilleri appreciate it03:30
bazhangwhisperkiller: the best there is03:30
webtoexavierpwns: That's a shame. Unfortunately wifi makers left us up a certain creek without a paddle and broadcom can be a bit of a pain due to how they make their cards03:30
wilJeffreyf, didnt know it supported vmdk, il do it right now and let you know... tbh, I didnt even try opening it, I just thought vmdk was propietry and nothing else could use it03:30
webtoeXavierpwns: sorry i couldn't be more help but please try again with the next release and we'll try again!03:30
webtoethe open source community is nothing if not persistent....03:30
xavierpwnswebtoe: exactly :/ i'll try with Dell tomorrow when they are open and see what they can do. thanks for trying. :] you've been the most help i've had all day03:30
bazhangPelo: that will never happen ;]03:30
amenadoTraveler4-> its there as expected..am still perplexed why it can not obtain an ip address.. you have a good cat5 cable?  can you swiitch your cables between those other working pc connectd to same router?03:31
Jeffreyfwil: it doesn't convert it......the link tells you how to convert it.......make sure you keep a safe copy of your original file just in case03:31
khaotikwebtoe: could you tell me if i am doing something wrong trying to install my broadcom driver?03:31
Pelobazhang, it's just that the questions here are getting harder and harder, and I'm not that 1337 to begin with03:31
amenadoTraveler4-> i suspect its the cable not connected to the router, or not plugged in tight, loose connection perhaps?03:31
bazhangPelo: just wait for wubi support ;]03:32
robby_kanei was just in #K3B03:32
whisperkillerbazhang: who makes that chipset?03:32
xavierpwnskhaotik: throw it out the window03:32
robby_kaneand everyone is away and i cant burn a dvd-rw03:32
webtoekhaotik: I might be able to but I don't have a broadcom chip so I can only offer adivce, not tell you what to do03:32
Scuniziamenado, good thought.. "Make sure it's plugged in".. or maybe there's a power outage :)03:32
Traveler4amenado: The cat5 cable has worked fine in the past, and earlier today when Windows was installed. I dunno, I guess I'll keep messing with it.03:32
bazhangwhisperkiller: intel and it is the best supported in linux/ubuntu bar none03:32
robby_kanei got my drive to burn a cd-rw03:32
Pelobazhang, does the word "NEVER !!" mean anything to you ?03:32
whisperkillerdoes aircrack-ng support it?03:32
bazhangPelo: ;]03:32
robby_kanebut im going to reinstall ubunto so that i can install winxp 203:32
robby_kaneenyone know how to get k3b to burn a dvd-rw03:33
wilJeffreyf, thanks so much! I can't believe I didn't try this earlier.... doesnt need converting or anything! virtualbox supports vmdk files out of the box! I just set the hard drive file to it and it works straight away! brilliant, thanks03:33
Traveler4amenado: There is also a light on the back of the motherboard where I plug the cable in that lights up when there's a connection... and it's lit.03:33
Scuniziamenado, maybe manually setting ip & dns03:33
amenadoTraveler4-> try switching the cables, one from a working unit03:33
bazhangrobby_kane: do windows first then ubuntu will be easiest03:33
khaotikthats what i am about to do xavier. see whats bothering me is i had it working seamless due to this thread i read. after i did a reboot it does not work03:33
Traveler4Nothing has changed since this morning.03:33
whisperkillerim a net-sec student and im trying to put together a security suite together03:33
amenadoTraveler4-> try switching the cables, one from a working unit..just for kicks..03:33
usserrobby_kane: shouldn't be any problem if you have dvd writer that supports dvd-rw03:33
robby_kaneya but i want to burn stuff to a dvd-rw03:33
khaotiki am doing the exact same thing i did when i got the light to turn blue03:33
Pelorobby_kane, you just select the drive to burn to after you hit the burn button03:33
robby_kanehas nothing to do with installing windows03:33
robby_kanei did03:34
robby_kaneit dowent want to burn to the dvd03:34
robby_kanethe dvd is empty03:34
Pelorobby_kane, there should be a menu entry in tools to format the rw media03:34
Traveler4amenado: That's a rather difficult thign with the way this network is set up... but I'll see what I can do.03:34
amenadoTraveler4-> possibly the port on that router has gone bad or just faulty for now?  reset the router too..offcourse youd get disconnected here  temporarily03:34
robby_kanecant its blank03:34
robby_kaneit wont let me03:34
Traveler4amenado: I'll be back in a little bit, I suppose.03:34
bazhang!enter | robby_kane03:35
uboturobby_kane: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:35
Pelorobby_kane, hardware problem then03:35
amenadoTraveler4-> only way to verify...physical touch..hehe03:35
robby_kaneno cose i burned a dvd-rw with ubuntu on it03:35
jaffarkelshachow do i clear ubuntu termial history03:35
robby_kanebut when im in ubuntu i cant burn a dvd-rw03:35
Scuniziamenado, these kind of issues Traveler4 is having are sometimes the most aggravating..03:35
* Scunizi is back (gone 01:27:48)03:36
wilJeffreyf, doesnt work after all... it boots up, but then I get ... PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel.03:36
Pelorobby_kane, whatare you tring to burn to the media ?03:36
khaotiki think i have tried every thread there is on the subject. i have tried every single way that i have read about and still nothing03:36
amenadoScunizi-> been on installs that extends way past midnight because of loose wiring..03:36
robby_kaneit dosent madder what i try to burn... but im trying to burn an iso03:36
usserjaffarkelshac: just echo "" > ~/.bash_history03:36
Pelorobby_kane, use the burn dvd image enrty in the tool menu03:37
Scuniziamenado, :)  :/03:37
laolaochinMy ubuntu cannot recognize the dvd drive in my laptop.03:37
jaffarkelshacusser cool03:37
robby_kanei did03:37
robby_kaneit wont burn03:37
Pelorobby_kane, and yes it does matter , wheter you are trying to burn music, data , or iso03:37
amenadoScunizi-> what is worst is when patch panels are not labeled and you have to trace it yourself under the spaghettis of wiring03:37
robby_kanedata right now03:37
khaotikis there no help for this problem? maybe i should be googling threads on how to reinstall vista03:37
robby_kanebut iv also tryed an iso03:37
webtoeamendo: Amen bruuuther!!!03:38
Pelorobby_kane, re you sure you don'T have the tryout thingy enabled, ? check the various options as you go03:38
robby_kanewhen i go to burn it just ejects the disk03:38
keithHaloo test03:38
Scuniziamenado, I've only seen those.. never worked on them.. spaghetti is right03:38
bazhangkeith: success03:38
webtoeamendo: you should see my office...03:38
Pelorobby_kane, did you think that the meida might be damaged ?03:38
robby_kaneit reads as blank03:38
Pelokhaotik, what is your issue again ?03:38
robby_kaneiv never burned enything03:38
amenadosomeone could make tons of money, with non tearing labels and labels all these cables in the wiring closet...hmm an idea.03:38
Pelorobby_kane, get a regular dvd to burn to03:39
bazhangrobby_kane: try another disk03:39
robby_kaneim out of disks03:39
davmonsterpatch panels should always be labeled03:39
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webtoeamendo: look on slashdot. They;ve had huge conversations on just that sort of thing before03:39
laolaochinhey robby what is your problem ?03:39
davmonsterin theory.. :)03:39
laolaochini might have the same problem as you03:39
robby_kanewhen i go to burn k3b says there is an error03:39
bazhangrobby_kane: no way to buy more?03:39
khaotiki had my broadcom chip working fine. i found a thread that worked. then i had to do a full reinstall of ubuntu and now the same way does not work03:39
robby_kaneand ejects the disk03:39
laolaochini tried to burn an iso03:39
tyler_1how can I read a dmp file using linux?03:39
laolaochinbut my computer doesnt even recognize the dvd drive03:40
amenadodavmonster you have not visited wiring closets of financial institutions..hehehe03:40
khaotikubuntu forums thread 575757 or something like that03:40
webtoekhaotik: what was the way you did it before?03:40
Pelog'night folks03:40
tyler_1night Pelo03:40
khaotikwell when i first installed ubuntu i installed it after making the disk from the file i downloaded from the website03:40
davmonsterthere is actually a sport on cable unravelling03:40
=== rhineheart_m is now known as rhineheart_m_
amenadoenjoy the evening03:40
davmonsterit's really sad, but it's true03:41
khaotikthis time i used the actual disk that i got in the mail.03:41
dave11does Kspread have the millenium bug?03:41
bazhangand offtopic03:41
khaotikdoes this even make a difference?03:41
robby_kaneis it posible to make a ubuntu disk with extra stuff on it?03:41
deniz__i have screenlets installed...how do i use them?03:41
robby_kanelike if i wanted to put 2 games on the disk with ubuntu03:41
deniz__robby_kane, ya, look at ubuntu ultimate03:41
deniz__robby_kane, o that i dont no03:41
bazhangrobby_kane: if you cant figure out how to burn?03:41
smallfryhow do i get the sound working when i play movies?03:42
robby_kaneno its just i burned a copy of winxp a sec ago03:42
robby_kaneon a cd-rw03:42
robby_kanenot telling how btw03:42
khaotikthat is the thread i used the first time and it worked like a charm03:42
webtoekhaotik: it could. Depends if the version has changed. When it does its called a regression. let me have a look at that look and maybe i can help. Otherwise maybe keep googling?03:42
Traveler8Shit, well, sorry guys.03:43
dave11when I type 2008 into kspread it changes it to 1905????03:43
robby_kaneand i dont want to erase my ubuntu disk to put stuff on it03:43
bazhanglanguage Traveler803:43
automadsAnyone know how to deal with Kernel Panic ?03:43
Traveler8oops, sorry.03:43
smallfryhow do i get the sound working when i play movies?03:43
robby_kanei was just wondering if there was a way to edit an iso to add more files03:44
khaotiki appreciate your help03:44
bazhangrobby_kane: there is03:44
Traveler8amenado, scunizi: Thanks for all your help, guys. Turns out all I needed to do was unplug everything then plug it back in.03:44
automadsMe too03:44
webtoekhoatik: did you follow the instructions in that thread and get any errors at any point:03:44
robby_kanecan u show me how rofl?03:44
facudownload the codecs?03:44
webtoekhoatik: if you already have mentioned them in this room then just say and I'll search through and find them03:45
Traveler8amenado, scunizi: I turned off that machine, then unplugged the modem and the router, then plugged them back in then turned that machine back on. Bam. Connected.03:45
khaotiki try to spend all the time i have googling an answer but it does not help having a pregnant girl wanting all my attention. 2 headaches for the price of one03:45
bazhang!yay | Traveler803:45
ubotuTraveler8: Glad you made it! :-)03:45
amenadoTraveler4-> cool,03:45
ScuniziTraveler8, ya hoooo03:45
robby_kanescrew it il just re-burn the ubuntu disk after i install windows03:45
Traveler8Thanks everyone, sorry for leading you on this wild goose chase. I guess we all just overthunk a bit.03:46
webtoekhaotik: then tend to the girl. I'll wait. My girlfriend never does! I know the feeling03:46
Traveler8I'm getting off now though, talk to you later.03:46
khaotiki do i have given up on the computer03:46
webtoebloody machines03:47
khaotikshe asleep for now03:47
robby_kaneis there a way to side the partition that has ubuntu on it to make room to insatll windows?03:47
automadsKernel Panic! Any hope / new install?03:47
robby_kanebah i cant type today03:47
webtoekhaotik: so have you receive any errors? if so what are they?03:47
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:47
transiencei want to replace macOSX 10.4 with ubuntu. I have an intel iMac. Can this be done?03:47
bazhangtransience: yes it can03:48
luckylini know this isn't linux related but does anyone know how I can block www.limewire.com in my router (linksys) ?03:48
dsnydersHi all!  Anybody gotten their Linux+ certification?03:48
luckylinmy sister has a problem with limewiere03:48
luckylini dont want to get a letter :P03:48
bazhangluckylin: go into the router through your browser and set it there03:48
Stroganoffluckylin: most routers cant block specific applications/ports03:48
luckylinok thanks03:48
khaotikno. no errors03:49
Stroganoffwithout hacked firmware03:49
luckylini'll check it out03:49
Stroganoffcan not.03:49
luckylinit's a WRT54G , i can't get hacked firmware cuz it's not the linux model03:49
Stroganoffthis is one of the most hacked routers03:49
transienceok, is there a special way to install, or can i just use the graphical install?03:49
bazhangtransience: dual boot or only ubuntu03:50
webtoekhaotik: can you type sudo ndiswrapper -l and tell me what it says03:50
transienceonly ubuntu, i'm fed up with OSX03:50
webtoekhaotik: does it say driver present. device presetn03:50
Stroganofftransience: i'd use the alternate the but live cd should work as well03:50
webtoeor words to that effect03:50
transienceokay, thanks03:50
khaotiki have not done anything to my machine yet. it has a fresh copy without any changes03:51
adlin5000not sure if this is a hardy bug or not so if this is the wromg place to ask let me know. I just installed gxine (along with all dependencies). now all video (totem, gxine, firefox) all have a blue tint. Im running 8.04 beta with everything updated. any thoughts?03:51
khaotiki didnt know if i should go ahead and try again. i am getting pretty good at it03:52
bazhangkhaotik: without specifying the precise errors you got when doing that walkthrough there is no way to help03:52
webtoekhaotik: so what does it say way you type ndiswrapper?03:52
bazhangadlin5000: #ubuntu+1 please03:52
khaotikcommand not found03:52
webtoekhaotik: yeah go through the method described in that thread you posted03:52
webtoesee if it works03:52
webtoelooks right to me03:52
usseradlin5000: did you try switching video driver ie xv to opengl perhaps03:52
webtoekhaotik: you need to install ndiswrapper03:52
usseradlin5000: its usually in player'03:53
khaotiki rebooted again last night and was hoping to get some tips before attemting again, you know just if there was another way i dont know about03:53
usseradlin5000: preferencese somewhere03:53
khaotikgive me one sec03:53
bazhangadlin5000: please head to the hardy channel for discussion of that03:53
webtoekhaotik: ok03:54
webtoegetting more beer.....03:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:54
Serveckis there any way to run my windows xp hard drive within ubuntu? im not talking about installing .exe's, im talking about accessing progams from a second drive03:55
Fakiss this   (___*___)03:55
__mikem!ops | Fa03:55
ubotuFa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!03:55
bazhang!admin | Fa03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about admin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:55
webtoeServeck: yes there is. It should Just Work TM03:55
webtoeServeck: are you wanting to edit the files or just read them?03:56
__mikemnalioth, I would have just banned him03:56
F3d0rAIs the Video Resolution limited by the graphics card or the TV/Monitor?LCD?03:57
F3d0rAOr both?03:58
webtoeF3s0rA: both. Depends on what can do what03:58
wershow do I install the groupmsg plugin for pidgin? :)03:58
Llewxamanyone mind helping me with my internal mic issue on a hp dv6000 laptop with the alsa 1.0~14 driver? the internal mic used to work and it seems that after the update i can't get it working.03:58
F3d0rASO if my Grpahics card will display up to 1900 x 1200 that does not mean that it will be available because of my LCD?03:58
webtoewers: you have to download the plugin pack from their website and compile it yourself03:59
F3d0rAWill I at least see all the resolutions or not in the display properties?03:59
F3d0rAOr only see what is supported?03:59
webtoeF3d0rA: you can display the maximum resolution that both your monitor and graphics card can support03:59
=== tpw_rules_ is now known as tpw_rules
F3d0rAhm, so if my monitor does not support 1900 x 12000 I will not see that option in the graphics card display properites?04:00
F3d0rAReason I ask is I thought it was available and did a firmware update and thought that might have changed its display proerty settings I could be wrong04:01
webtoeF3d0rA: No there would be no point. That and it could be potentially dangerous to display it (in the old days ofCRT anyway)04:01
Swanonymoushey all, quick question (Hopefully).. why does firefox not accept the no-download java on partypoker?04:02
webtoeF3d0rA: updated what firmware? its possible that a driver update has decided that a particular card can't actually support a certain mode04:02
simtowerdont recommended to play poker on internet04:02
webtoedoni't gamble at all! i hear its addictive.... :P04:03
Llewxamanyone mind helping me with my internal mic issue on a hp dv6000 laptop with the alsa 1.0~14 driver? the internal mic used to work and it seems that after the update i can't get it working.04:03
Swanonymoussimtower: i play alot on doze but i dont like having to dual boot to play it, so i found a no-download at two places, but cant make it work :p04:03
deniz__plz tell me how to run screenlets04:03
jootI bet its not :004:03
xb3rtDoes anyone here play AlienArena08?  I have it installed in my games listing under the applications tab, but if I try to launch the game my computer automatically reboots.04:03
simtowerSwanonymous: dont recommended to play poker on internet04:03
Swanonymous<joot> I bet its not :0 <-- lol'd04:03
xb3rtwebtoe: so is air04:03
webtoeLlewxam: Sorry don't know anything about microphones. Have you made sure all the volume settings are correct?04:04
fyrstormhow do i connect to wireless in terminal04:04
=== windo_ is now known as girls_cute
jootSwanonymous, hee hee04:04
Llewxamwebtoe: yes. all set to high04:04
DCRaHm Can anyone help me with a general SSH question? It has nothing to do with ubuntu, but the support around here is amazing04:05
webtoefyrstorm: depends on what sort of encrption you're using. If plain wep or none then just use iwconfig04:05
webtoeotherwise you might need to use wpa_supplicant04:05
usserDCRa: shoot04:05
deniz__how do i use aircrack-ng?04:05
=== kenny is now known as kenny``
carlzenoxok i downloaded kismet but how do i use it and aircrack-ng?04:05
fyrstormwebtoe, how do I use iwconfig to do it? I am struggling with it.04:06
DCRaI need the command 'sudo' to work. Whenever I use it it says bash: sudo: command not found.04:06
carlzenoxwhat do u need sudo for?04:06
webtoedeniz_ your card needs to be put in monitor mode using airmon-ng. It may not support this. Then you need to retrieve packets then crack them with airsnort04:06
kenny``I`m having problems with Firefox! are there any other browsers?04:06
FlannelDCRa: You're probably not SSHing into sudo04:06
randy_ windows games and apps to work has been disastrous--does anybody have any advice?04:06
usserDCRa: that's weird it works over ssh for me04:06
DCRaIt's for webhosting, as I said it has nothing to do with ubuntu04:06
FlannelDCRa: er, into a system with sudo.04:06
webtoefyrstorm: iwconfig wlan0 essid <your essid name here>04:06
webtoefyrstorm: need to know more about your set up to help04:07
AdysAnyone knows what the lightest browser using webkit engine is on linux?04:07
Pedd1can someone please help me? When I try 'startx', only  my cursor and the B&W background thing load. Any ideas would be appreciated :D04:07
Scunizirandy_, dual boot04:07
randy_what does dual boot mean?04:07
webtoeAdys: Konqueror. Don't think there are any others04:07
kenny``I`m having problems with Firefox! are there any other browsers available (in patitude or smth)?04:07
AdysKonqueror uses khtml04:07
Adysit's similar but not what Im seeking04:08
quitttrandy_, two active operating system at one PC04:08
webtoeAdys: which is webkit. Same differnece or so i believed04:08
Adyswebkit is a fork of khtml04:08
webtoeAdys: ah, i see.04:08
carlzenoxhow do i use kismet :S04:08
quitttrandy_, you can have a lot of operating systems in one PC... hehe04:08
Adyswebtoe: someone gave me a link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skipstone in another chan :)04:09
randy_Ah.  I do still have windows installed, but it runs so crappy.04:09
Adysill go with that i guess04:09
khaotik:) :) :) :)04:09
kenny``I`m having problems with Firefox! are there any other browsers available (in patitude or smth)?04:09
=== Kamus_H_Zwisch is now known as Police
FlannelAdys: There are no others.  Epiphany plans to, but not for a bit04:09
khaotiki am connected wireless again  wooohooooooooooo04:09
AdysFlannel: See link above04:09
=== Police is now known as Zwisch_Police
webtoeAdys: Never heard of it but yes, sounds good. Thought konqueror guys were supposed to be wedging webkit back in04:10
carlzenoxFATAL:  Unable to set up pidfile /var/run//kismet_server.pid, unlink() failed: Permission denied04:10
webtoekhaotik: good!04:10
khaotikwebtoe: hey i appreciate your time you gave me04:10
FlannelAdys: That's not in Ubuntu04:10
webtoekhaotik: not a problem04:10
Adysuhm so? :)04:10
Adysit runs04:10
=== Zwisch_Police is now known as Kamus_H_Zwisch
khaotikmuch thanks to Darkstang too. u rock04:11
webtoeAdys: but but ....its not in the repos......04:11
FlannelAdys: Are you trolling? or what?  You ask a question which you already have the answer to, for what reason?04:11
AdysIm not asking a question anymore04:11
AdysI said someone gave me this link in another chan04:11
AdysAnd Im highlighting it to you because you thought there were no others04:11
Adyswhich is wrong *shrugs*04:12
khaotiknow can anyone help with a pregnant girl?04:12
webtoeAdys: yes, thank you.04:12
deniz__khaotik, r u serious?04:12
FlannelAdys: No others in Ubuntu.  This is an Ubuntu channel, we usually don't recommend things that aren't in the repositories.04:12
khaotikjokes man04:12
webtoekhaotik: what help do you want... my gf is training to be a midwife,... :P04:12
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:13
deniz__khaotik, well it is offtopic lol04:13
khaotikany of you familiar with icecat04:13
fyrstormwebtoe, Ok I issued iwconfig wlan0 essid "name".  It didn't associate with my network04:13
khaotikicecat. the new mozilla browser04:14
usserbwah, how many freaking names a browser needs04:14
usserthere's firefox,iceweaseal and now that04:14
webtoekhaotik: no but just googled it. Seems like a purely ethical choice to me04:14
Flannelkhaotik: no, the new GNU browser.04:15
webtoefyrstorm: I assume your wireless is an open network?04:15
CookieMonsterhow do i check for problems on a linux partition through windows04:15
deniz__y does mozilla make alot of webbrowsers??04:15
khaotikwell i downloaded it but cant get it to show up on my drop down menus or anything04:15
fyrstormwebtoe, I just opened it for this purpose04:15
Pedd1please help :O04:15
Pedd1I get this error when trying to open *anything*:04:15
Pedd1Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server04:15
Pedd1Xlib: No protocol specified04:15
FlannelCookieMonster: You can't.  In linux, `sudo touch /forcefsck` then reboot into linux.04:15
FloodBot1Pedd1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
khaotiksorry flannel04:15
CookieMonsterhow do i reinstall grub then04:15
usserCookieMonster: that's not possible windows is too dumb to recognize linux partitions04:16
webtoekhaotik: probably because they didn't include th proper gnome .desktop files in the package? should start fine from the terminal04:16
kenny``I`m having problems with Firefox! are there any other browsers available (in aptitude or smth)?04:16
Flannel!grub | CookieMonster, first link04:16
ubotuCookieMonster, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:16
kenny``I`m having problems with Firefox! are there any other browsers available (in aptitude or smth)?04:16
FlynsarmyIs there a keyboard shortcut to switch tabs in Gedit? I tried ctrl+tab but it didn't work04:16
khaotiki was just wondering if there was a way to make an icon or something for my top panel04:16
Flannel!browsers | kenny``04:16
usserkenny``: there are dozens try opera for a change04:16
ubotukenny``: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)04:16
CookieMonstermy grub is just corrput04:16
khaotikit works great from the terminal04:16
CookieMonsterit wouldnt boot up04:16
CookieMonsterso i had to rewrite the windows mbr04:16
Stroganoffkenny``: sudo apt-get install kazehakase dillo04:16
kenny``thanks :)04:17
webtoekhaotik: yes you can. don't know how04:17
anaoum      04:17
anaoum 04:17
AdysFlynsarmy:  ctrl tab (selects the tabs), and then arrow right or arrow left04:17
webtoefyrstorm: can you see your wireless essid when you run the following command sudo iwlist scan04:17
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cdecarlo_hi, not sure if this is common problem or not, but it seems like the font size used for the window manager and all the application is set randomly on every login!?! anyone know what going on?04:17
FlynsarmyAdys: Ctrl+Tab selects the 'New' button04:18
Peddycan someone please tell me where to find the Gnome error log04:18
AdysFlynsarmy:  New button?04:18
* Adys doesnt have such button04:18
fyrstormwebtoe, it says the interface doesn't support scanning and is down04:18
FlynsarmyAdys: in gedit? it's the first button in the toolbar. buttons are: New Open Save Print Undo Redo etc04:18
webtoeadys: could he be using alt-tab?04:18
webtoeor just tab?04:18
Adysi dont use the toolbar04:18
cdecarlo_hi, not sure if this is common problem or not, but it seems like the font size used for the window manager and all the application is set randomly on every login!?! anyone know what going on?04:18
khaotikis there a good thread to learn how to use xchat?04:18
webtoefyrstorm: hmmm soudns like a problem to do with your network card rather than the software setup04:19
AdysFlynsarmy: if you dont need the toolbar, try turning it off04:19
Stroganoffcdecarlo_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure --phigh xserver-xorg04:19
webtoefyrstorm: what card are you running04:19
AdysFlynsarmy:  should select the tab then04:19
FlynsarmyAdys: So no shortcut taht directly changes the tabs?04:19
cdecarlo_Stroganoff: thanks04:19
fyrstormwebtoe, it's an intel 4965 ag04:20
AdysFlynsarmy: Well seems not, apart from selecting a tab with ctrl tab and then using the arrow keys04:20
Adysbut its a bit awkward04:20
Peddycan someone please help me? I get this error when trying to start X: http://pastebin.ca/96294604:20
AdysCan always file a feature request :)04:20
fyrstormwebtoe, I am in recovery console right now04:20
AdysWhich Im tempted to do04:20
FlynsarmyAdys: I don't know how04:20
AdysIll do it for you04:21
Web_Warlordis there anyone that can help me install drivers? i've been googling it using ubuntu forums and just fidling for like 5 hours anyone that can be of assistance?04:21
AdysWeb_Warlord:  which drivers?04:21
StroganoffWeb_Warlord | !wireless04:22
Stroganoff!wireless | Web_Warlord04:22
ubotuWeb_Warlord: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:22
khaotikwhat kind of system do you have web_warlord?04:22
webtoefyrstorm: hang on a sec. Just reading up about your card. Think it coudl be more to do with driver support than anything04:23
webtoecan you type the command dmesg for me. and look for something talking about your wireless card?04:24
fyrstormwebtoe, if I started in recovery console do I need to start the networking daemon?04:24
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Klesokay um04:24
FlynsarmyWeb_Warlord: dmesg | grep Wireless might help with that04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pod - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:25
KlesI'm trying to get Quake source ports to build by using "make"04:25
Klesbut every single time, it gives me a load of errors04:25
Web_WarlordFlynsarmy i have the drivers downloaded i'm just not sure what to do now04:25
Klesand I've tried about 8 different ports that all screw up04:25
Web_Warlordthere are these files04:25
Klesso I'm thinking it's an OS problem04:25
Web_Warlordand i don't know what to do with them04:25
FloodBot1Web_Warlord: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
orbisvicisi recently overwrote some files and broke a package, how can i remove the package without removing the dependencies and not break apt ?04:25
FFForeverwhat should i use for my ipod classic, amarok keeps destroying my play list, and the default ubuntu player won't play any of my music....04:25
khaotikis there a way i can load my windows NeverWinterNights onto ubuntu04:25
luckylinJust a quick ThankYou to the ones who told me how to block websites and keywords in my WRT54G :-) it works! No more p2p networks at this IP :-)04:25
Klesthe terminal is spitting out a load of errors04:25
fyrstormwebtoe, basically I totally screwed xorg and need to get networking going to try and recover it04:26
blbrownIs hardy being released 4/1?04:26
webtoefyrstorm: no there is no networking daemon per se. Just a load of scritps that usually get run.04:26
fyrstormblbrown, 4/24 or something like that04:26
webtoefystorm: then you ned to get your machine to start you up in a console mode04:26
webtoefyrstorm: while in recovery mode, use the command nano /etc/inittab04:27
khaotikis there a way to load games onto ubuntu?04:27
usserkhaotik: neverwinternights 1 should have no problem running in wine04:27
fyrstormwebtoe, I am in console04:27
khaotiki have never used wine04:27
Klesdoes anyone know how to get stuff to build?04:27
webtoefyrstorm: hang on i was doing a fedora-ism just then04:27
whisperkillerhow come when i go to places and select home folder it doesnt do anything all of a sudden?04:27
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:27
Klesbecause no matter what I try to build using "make", I always get a long string of errors04:27
khaotikdo i insert the disk into my drive and let it run, or do i open wine to install04:28
whisperkilleralso when i click on a mp3 file it changes from a music not to a sheet of paper and wont do anything04:28
usserkhaotik: well its easy just head on to winehq.com grab the latest .deb install it04:28
Kleskhaotik: Wine just works with Windows stuff04:28
Klesalso um04:28
Klesanyone know of decent sound drivers?04:28
Klesthe default stuff (ALSA) seems to just crackle like a campfire04:28
dave11hardy is lts cool04:28
orbisvicisKles, running configure should catch missing packages. running make and getting errors usually means the wrong dev packages are installed04:28
Klesand it's driving me nuts04:28
usserkhaotik: and then when you pop in cd just right click autorun there should be open with... type in wine04:28
Klesorbisvicis: How do I do that?04:29
khaotikmuch appreciated. will give it a try04:29
THEO|WxCGraphics Question: I'm wanting to animate a bunch of 2d graphics into a high-res (HDTV) canvas. Source format is SVG, output format is sequence of frames in PNG. Any animation program suggestions? Tried Synfig (no go, since it doesn't import SVG), Blender (doable, but way too complicated for my needs), and GIMp Animation Package (poor documentation, can't figure out how to use it). Is there anything else?04:29
Peddycan someone please help me? I get this error when trying to start X: http://pastebin.ca/962946 :)04:29
orbisvicisKles, for starters sudo apt-get build-dep XX, then google04:29
Klesis the "XX" something I have to fill in04:29
Klesor do I add that on there04:29
orbisvicisfill in04:30
xb3rtanybody know how to set up my laptop to act as an access point?04:30
THEO|WxCPeddy: are you unable to start X at all?04:30
Kleswhere do I find what to fill in to "XX"04:30
webtoefyrstorm: did your wireless work fine before you broke X?04:30
THEO|WxCit looks like that isn't a big problem (that error message), since it says "fixing"04:30
orbisvicisKles, synaptic. Say vlc, you want to compile. first you need the dependencies04:30
fyrstormwebtoe, yes, but with NM04:31
orbisviciskles, so apt-get build-dep vlc04:31
Klesso erm04:31
orbisvicisthen is svn you might need random other libraries, so apt-cache search XX04:31
Klesis "XX" the folder that it's in?04:31
orbisvicisXX = package name04:31
Web_Warlordso basically, the documentation hasn't been of use i have the drivers downloaded and need to install them, not sure HOW to install them though04:31
PeddyTHEO|WxC, the cursor and a bakground just shows up. and it stays like that.04:31
webtoefyrstorm: so do you want to try fixing your problem with X? i don't know why your net isn't working while in single user mode.04:31
PeddyTHEO|WxC but I can log in through gnome04:31
webtoefyrstorm: are you not able to ping anything?04:32
fyrstormwebtoe, no and when I do iwconfig I have no connection, it04:32
orbisviciskles, elsewhere. if its a disaster, shout my name04:32
THEO|WxCPeddy: I just google'd the error, and it seems I might be right: that isn't a big deal, and probably isn't the reason you are having trouble. That error is just a warning about fonts, but the system automatically fixes it.04:32
THEO|WxCif you are having a problem, it is probably something else.04:33
Kamus_H_Zwischwhere can i find a tcl script for eggdrop that answer to comands(like !cmd)?04:33
Klesokay what exactly is the "package name"04:33
FlynsarmyI have a problem with my volume settings where about 80% on the slider = 0% volume04:33
fyrstormwebtoe, as far as X, I deleted a bunch of stuff and I am trying to rebuild it but I need to get connected04:33
THEO|WxCPeddy: you are trying to start X from the command line?04:33
Klesthis comes in a folder called "tyrquake-0.58"04:33
Klesbut that's not the package name04:33
Klesthis is so confusing X_X04:33
Flynsarmyand 90% on the slider = 50% volume. 100=10004:33
=== ethan961 is now known as TheEasterBunny
THEO|WxCif so, there are usually a few commands and stuff you need to use.04:33
webtoefyrstorm: just as a quick aside, it might be quicker to plug in an ethernet cable and do it that way04:34
PeddyTHEO|WxC, yes, and the error always stays like that. I am starting it from the command line, I want to run a separate x server.04:34
damo22Flynsarmy:  check PCM and Master volumes04:34
usserFlynsarmy: and PCM is maxed out too?04:34
THEO|WxCI can't remember any off the top of my head, since I never start X from the command line (always Gnome, the GDM)04:34
usserFlynsarmy: when you double click on your mixer04:34
fyrstormwebtoe, I'll give it a try. If that works you want to help fix X? ;)04:34
Klesorbisvicis: Where would I find the "package name" exactly?04:34
webtoefyrstorm: i can give it a go. Also, you may want to do sudo /etc/init.d/networking start04:35
damo22Kles: just a rough guess usually pops up the right package04:35
THEO|WxCPeddy: ah... a 2nd X server? in that case that isn't your problem for sure, and there are definately special options and commands you have to give on the command line for that to work.04:35
Kleswell, nothing has04:35
kennyHELP AGAIN: Firefox is loading REALLY slow :( what can be the problem?04:35
THEO|WxCI can't help you much there, since it's been many many years since i've had to run multiple X servers,04:35
webtoefyrstorm: depends on the problem you're having with X. If you tell me now I can have a little look while you get your net sorted04:35
Klesthe folder name doesn't work04:35
Kamus_H_Zwischwhere can i find a tcl script for eggdrop that answer to comands(like !cmd)?04:35
Klesdropping the version number won't work04:35
Klesbeing very simple with it won't work04:36
THEO|WxCbut I do remember it can be messy for beginners because there are some config files and commands you have to do special for it.04:36
Flynsarmyusser: PCM is at 100. Master is at 90. To get sound working i had to do this: sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-generic04:36
usserkenny: in terminal type killall -9 firefox, this will kill all instances of firefox after that try to launch it again04:36
damo22killall -9 firefox-bin04:36
THEO|WxCbecause X servers use ports, files, and all sorts of stuff that has to be set up separately for a 2nd server.04:36
orbisvicisKles, what are you compiling? so steps: a) if it is the repositories (synaptic), search for it. Install build dep 2) if not go to the website where you got the package, search for any dependencies there. Install them. 3) read the INSTALL README files. 4) ./configure will tell you what else you need 5) when configure works make04:37
KlesI'm trying to compile this: http://disenchant.net/files/engine/tyrquake-0.58.tar.gz04:37
fyrstormwebtoe, I broke it trying to get fglrx installed from .deb   I am trying to get OpenGL working for games.04:37
KlesI went in to the readme of that04:37
kennyusser, process not killed!04:37
Klesand it simply said "just typing make at the console should work"04:37
Klesand it hasn't.04:37
* Web_Warlord kills himself04:37
PeddyTHEO|WxC, I know, startx /usr/bin/gnome-wm -- :2 does not work, either (it starts gnome and gets stuck)04:37
usserFlynsarmy: hm I wouldn't know sorry, might be useful for people to know what sound chipset you use, I just solved that problem by installing an external sound card04:37
damo22kenny: killall -9 firefox-bin04:38
webtoefyrstorm: what sort of ati card do you have?04:38
usserkenny: what damo22 says04:38
mattiashi, how do i perform an update of delux bittorrent client ?, the program tells me that there is an update but no update is performed when i say yes to make the update, it seems it is thinking for a while and than quits and the deluxe bittorrent program never starts ...04:38
patrickvakenny: sudo rm -rf /04:38
usserpatrickva: wtf man04:38
kennydamo22, anyway not killed? no ther reasons?04:38
webtoefyrstorm: some of them have flakey fglrx drivers. My bosses laptop won't use any decent resolutions because of it04:38
patrickvaOh sorry04:38
patrickvaWrong channel04:39
orbisvicisyo peoples what's ubuntus metapackage for compilers: g++ bison yacc ld etc ?04:39
usserwth you would type that in any channel04:39
patrickvaBecause it rulez04:39
usserorbisvicis: I think you looking for build-essential04:39
damo22patrickva: dont write that in here04:39
fyrstormwebtoe, and the wired ethernet didn't work. I think it's because I am in recovery console from grub.  The card is an ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 and it is flaky but has worked in the past.04:39
THEO|WxCPeddy: sorry I can't help more, but I'm sure that font thing isn't the problem.04:39
orbisvicisKles, do you have build-essential package ?04:39
Flannelorbisvicis: build-essential04:39
webtoefyrstprm: ohhhhh04:39
orbisvicisthanks Flannel usser04:40
THEO|WxCanyone have a fav 2d animation program?04:40
sintacto8.04 no sound with 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10)04:40
webtoefyrstorm: no that won't work. Does it not boot into ubuntu?04:40
sintactopulse audio help?04:40
Flannelsintacto: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks.04:40
KlesI doubt it04:40
fyrstormwebtoe, freezes on a black screen.04:40
Kleslet me try to get this04:40
Klesthis OS is so confusing :S04:40
sintactoubuntu+1 no help04:40
Flannelsintacto: Hardy is offtopic in this channel.04:40
sintactook sorry04:40
sintactogonna go04:41
fyrstormwebtoe, I tried alt-f2 to get into console to no avail.04:41
Kamus_H_Zwischwhere can i find a tcl script for eggdrop that answer to comands(like !cmd)?04:41
kennyFIREFOX is running very slow! help please :(04:41
mattiasanyone knows how to perform an update from the comsole windows for deluxe bittorrent client ????, or can sugest me an better torrent prgroam ...04:41
ScuniziKles, only for a while.. espicially when coming from windows.04:41
webtoefyrstorm: in grub, highlight your ubuntu line (usually the top one, the default) press 'e' for edit, then press 'e' to edit the second line on the next page. then scroll to the end of that really long line04:41
PeddyTHEO|WxC, I won't bother you if you don't want me to, but it gives this error in the terminal: Xlib: connection to ":1.0" refused by server04:41
PeddyXlib: No protocol specified04:41
usserkenny: well try opera04:41
Kleswell I'll be quite honest04:41
damo22fyrstorm: ctrl-alt-f204:41
Web_Warlordso is there a terminal command or something to load drivers that i have downloaded?04:41
usserkenny: opera.com the installation is pretty straightforward04:41
KlesI'm only on Linux because my XP key has run out of damn validations04:41
kennyusser, can I download it through aptitude?04:41
Klesbecause this computer is so unstable that I've had to reinstall it repeatedly04:41
usserkenny: yes after you add opera.com repo04:42
Klesand Ubuntu has been nothing but a nonstop headache for me04:42
usserkenny: one sec04:42
jribKles: call microsoft then, they will give you the code you need04:42
mattiasWeb_Warlord:  what are you trying to do ?04:42
webtoefyrstorm: then type single at the end of the line04:42
Kleswell, I bought a new one04:42
fyrstormdamo22, tried that too04:42
Klesbut I'm waiting for my new motherboard to arrive so I can build my new computer04:42
webtoefyrstorm: then press 'b' to boot from that line04:42
Kleshopefully TigerDirect doesn't ship me more busted parts04:42
Kleslet's see, broken motherboard, opened up and stuffed 8600, case with a massive dent in it04:42
damo22fyrstorm: does your keyboard have F-lock?04:42
kindofabuzzinit 5 is pure cl right? or is it 3?04:42
Klesyeah, great damn service04:42
webtoefyrstorm: sorry, press enter to confirm your edit. Then press 'b' to boot from that line04:43
FloodBot1Kles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
ScuniziKles, that's too bad.. linux is about as stable as you'll get.. Tigerdirect is pretty good. I'v built  several machines from them04:43
Klesyeah, that's the weird thing04:43
Klesthey've always been very reliable with me04:43
Web_Warlordmattias i am trying to install drivers so i can have wireless internet and i can't figure out how to install them :(04:43
Klesbut lately? just horrendous04:43
orbisvicisScunizi, i avoid tigerdirect like the plague04:43
Klesas for linux being stable? ehhhh04:43
Klesfrom my experience04:43
KlesI've had to restart Pidgin and Firefox repeatedly because they just stop redrawing the screen04:43
=== TheEasterBunny is now known as TheEasterBunnay
ScuniziKles, you gotta get use to it.. once there it just works.. sounds like a vid card issue.04:44
Klesand as I've said before, listening to anything is impossible04:44
usserkenny: ok do sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure/add the following line at the bottom deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner04:44
usser 04:44
cdecarlo_Stroganoff: hey thanks a million! it's so much better now04:44
fyrstormwebtoe, ok it's trying to boot.04:44
usserkenny: after added it do sudo apt-get update04:44
Klesbecause if I have a program open more than a minute, the sound just starts cracking like a camp fire04:44
jribKles: do you have an ubuntu support question?04:44
usserkenny: and apt-get install opera04:44
Transiencei'm trying to install ubuntu on my intel iMac, but the graphical instaler won't work. What do i do?04:44
Kleswell, I did04:44
kennyusser,  thanks04:44
FlannelTransience: Try the alternate CD04:44
KlesI'm installing new packages to see if something works04:44
webtoefyrstorm: it should dump you at a command console04:45
Transiencealternate cd?04:45
ScuniziKles, what are you trying to get working04:45
fyrstormwebtoe, blackscreen and hdd has stopped spinning  with no console.  Let's try again04:45
Klestrying to build some things04:45
KlesI'm just waiting for the stuff to install04:45
cdecarlo_Transience: ya man, the alternate is awesome04:45
Klesalthough in the mean time, might as well ask another question04:45
Kleswhat is the best general sound driver04:45
jribKles: try to keep your responses on a single line04:45
Klesor, at least, how can I get ALSA to not crackle04:46
usserKles: chipsets with ac'97 and successors work the best04:46
usserKles: bah sorry, wrong question, well ALSA is the way to go04:46
ScuniziKles, the default work just fine.. in the next upgrade .. hardy.. they will  change it from alsa to pulseaudio04:46
fyrstormwebtoe, I want to edit the "kernel" line or "initrd"?04:46
webtoefyrstorm: the kernel line04:46
KlesScunizi: No, I can't listen to anything that isn't a sound effect04:46
webtoefyrstorm: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-8-386  or somethign similar04:47
Klesmusic or any consistent sound is so distorted that I have to mute it04:47
Kleseven with my headphones next to me on the desk, I can't stand it04:47
cdecarlo_Kles: ya, you could install pulseaudio, I had the same crackling problem on my Dell 510004:47
orbisvicisi need to purge a certain package without removing dependencies, how do i do this ?04:47
cdecarlo_Kles: there is a great how to04:47
ScuniziKles, sounds like you have all kinds of issues with this machine.04:47
KlesScunizi: There's a reason I just busted in to another channel and typed "EVERYTHING IS BROKEN"04:47
ScuniziKles, like cdecarlo said . you can install pulseaudio04:48
jriborbisvicis: dependencies won't get removed.  Do you mean reverse dependencies?  Anyway, why do you want to?  Be more specific04:48
fyrstormwebtoe, now when I open it up the 'single' that I added last time is not there.04:48
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions04:48
webtoefyrstorm: yeah its not saved, you have to add it every time to the kernel line04:48
webtoefyrstorm: it should tell the computer to boot into single user mode04:49
orbisvicisjrib, yes, without removing dependent packages. I accidently overwrite some libraries from a svn version, now i need to purge the both and find which files are left behind screwing things up04:49
carlzenoxanyone know a good program like 'kismet' but simpler to use =/04:49
jriborbisvicis: what package is this?04:50
orbisviciscarlzenox, good people dont need kismet04:50
orbisvicisjrib, libjack, jackd04:50
Stroganofforbisvicis: just look an the contents of the packages at http://packages.ubuntu.com04:50
jriborbisvicis: why not reinstall and then remove the extra stuff?04:50
anaoumwhat would be the bash equivalent of this z shellwhile (sleep 100 &!) do; done04:51
webtoefyrstorm: i'm really sorry but I might ahve to go in a minute. Its nearly five in the morning here and still haven;t slept yet04:51
anaoumwhile (sleep 100 &!) do; done04:51
orbisvicisStroganoff, unfortuantely the packages share the same names and locations04:51
JonathanEllisHelp please. I've messed up the file permissions on /home/jonathan and now I cant start any applications to put it right - not even terminal.04:51
jribanaoum: try #bash04:51
fyrstormwebtoe, ok that didn't work, but, I did ctrl-alt f2 and it is stalled at " kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot..." and nothing is happening.04:51
jribJonathanEllis: how did you mess them up?  What exactly did you type?04:52
orbisvicisjrib, i jave tried to reinstall - which should overwrite the files - but no luck04:52
Stroganofforbisvicis: sudo apt-get reinstall04:52
fyrstormwebtoe, ouch.  get some sleep. I am sure someone else can help out04:52
* Web_Warlord rekills himself cause he is starving from lack of wireless04:52
fyrstormwebtoe, If all else fails I will do a fresh install.04:53
sintactoflannel is the best helper ever!04:53
orbisvicisJonathanEllis, sudo init 0 and sudo chown -r user:group ~/04:53
orbisviciswait i think init 004:53
jriborbisvicis: why?04:53
orbisvicisbetter no init 104:53
webtoefyrstorm: ok dokey. SOrry, usually these things can be fixed but its not easy if you don't know how04:53
webtoenight all04:53
orbisvicisjrib, why what ?04:54
fyrstormwebtoe, night thanks for trying.04:54
jriborbisvicis: why are you suggesting that to JonathanEllis?04:54
CookieMonsterhow do you recover data from a linux partition04:54
Dipingohey all, can someone help me to figure out why Umbuntu running on VMware server has no interent access?04:54
orbisvicisjrib, quick and simple to go to single user mode and recover ownership04:54
cameo357When you download a package to install  where should it go?04:54
jriborbisvicis: if he can sudo, then why would he need to go to single user mode?04:55
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: can you boot a live cd?04:55
CookieMonsterbut the live cd canot see the partition04:55
Scunizicameo357, what did you download..from synaptic.. add/remove// or website04:55
CookieMonsteror reaad it04:55
orbisvicisjrib, he cant access bash04:55
jriborbisvicis: so how will he run those commands04:55
orbisvicisjrib, init 104:55
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: could you mount the partition>04:55
fyrstormSo webtoe was trying to help me work through my disaster. Anyone else want to try it?04:56
Scunizicameo357, well then it would depend on how your Firefox is setup. look  in FF options  for the download location04:56
CookieMonsteri can see the partition in windows04:56
CookieMonsteronly as RAW data04:56
CookieMonsterit cannot access the files either04:56
Shadow420when I run grub-install /dev/sdb1 I get could not find device for /boot Not found or not a block device04:56
CookieMonsterand grub wont install either04:56
cameo357ok ty04:56
jrib!enter | CookieMonster04:56
ubotuCookieMonster: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:56
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: do you know where the parttion is /dev/hdaX?04:56
Scunizicameo357, what did you download..04:56
* Dipingo loves channel bots04:57
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: so you're dual booting? win/ubuntu?04:57
Shadow420when I run grub-install /dev/sdb1 I get could not find device for /boot Not found or not a block device any ideas?04:57
CookieMonsteri had windows read the partition04:57
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: and Ubuntu went on second?04:57
CookieMonsterits not reading anymore04:57
jribCookieMonster: stop pressing enter...04:58
orbisvicisjrib, heh oh yeah sudo init 1 wont work04:58
jriborbisvicis: we need to find out what he did exactly I think.  Still with us JonathanEllis?04:58
fyrstormI need help getting logged in to console. I broke X and the system is locking up during boot. I can however get into "recovery console" from grub but I need networking to fix my disaster.04:58
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: is this a laptop04:59
CookieMonsterso basically, my linux partiton messed up due to not shutting it off right04:59
CookieMonsterthen somehow grub messed up04:59
CookieMonsterthis is a desktop04:59
orbisvicisjrib, adding the word Single to the kernel options in grub would though : \04:59
CookieMonsterand so now grub wont even load so i cannot access the linux partition05:00
jriborbisvicis: if you read through the dpkg man page, you will learn of some force options that may allow you to do what you asked earlier, but you're playing with fire.  I believe reinstall would (should) work better though.  In the future you should install things you compile to /usr/local/05:00
sergio_does someone knows if the new gnome release is going to support multiple desktops backgrounds?05:00
cameo351My windows don't minimize, they just go away. Any one know why?05:00
jriborbisvicis: ubuntu has a "recovery mode" option in the grub menu that gives you a root shell, that's probably the easiest way05:00
Scunizifyrstorm, if x is broke why do you need networking to fix it? from the recovery console go to /etc/X11/ look at xorg.conf.. in the beginning  of the file there is a line to rebuild xorg which drives x05:00
cdecarlo_fyrstorm: you can switch to another console by using ctrl+alt+F#, ie. ctrl+alt+F1, ctrl+alt+F7 is X05:01
jribcameo351: do you have the "window list" applet added to your panel?05:01
jribcameo351: try adding it05:01
orbisvicisjrib, right05:01
CookieMonsterso is there a way to revoer the partition05:01
fyrstormcdecarlo, I know and have tried that but it isn't completing the boot process.05:01
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: there's got to be05:01
JonathanEllisjrib: The problem started after I shared /home/jonathan so I could copy all my documents, videos etc to my laptop. When I tried to start copying files I got a message that I didnt have permission. I didnt understand why since I login as the same username and password to both machines. However, as a workaround, I added permissions for rwx for ugo, using the file manager. This meant I was able to copy all the files I needed. However, next time I boote05:01
Shadow420how do I install grub to my linux drive so I can dual-boot using WinXP Bootloader05:01
CookieMonsterhow would i do it05:01
fyrstormScunizi, because i deleted some files and need to use apt to get them back05:02
jribJonathanEllis: your message was truncated at "next time I boote"05:02
Scunizifyrstorm, what got deleted?05:02
DipingoCookieMonster, keep your elbow off the enter key05:02
simtowerSchrödinger's LOLcat is in UR quantum box... maybe.05:02
JonathanEllisI am aware that various people have said various things to me but unfortunately I missed them all as I was writing my answer to jrib05:02
CookieMonster:( i need that data back05:03
JonathanEllisjrib: However, next time I booted up the desktop I got an error message that the permissions were incorrect on /home/jonathan and that I should change them using chmod. Unfortunately I didnt write down this error message so I am trying to remember. I think it said to change the permission to 411, and I think thats what I did (chmod 411 /home/jonathan). Now I cant do anything: I cant start any applications at all - not even terminal or file manager b05:03
Shadow420Because I want to keep WinXP bootloader in my MBR05:03
jribJonathanEllis: are you on a different computer?05:03
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: I'm not a partition guru or anything but I would imagine that if you want to get at the linux partition you need to figure out which device it's at and then mount it; ie /dev/had105:03
JonathanEllisYes. I am typing all this on my laptop but the problem is on my desktop05:03
CookieMonsteri believe its 305:04
CookieMonsternot too sure though05:04
cdecarlo_and it's ext3 ?05:04
jribJonathanEllis: k, hit ctrl-alt-f1 on the desktop, does that let you login to a tty?05:04
CookieMonsterthis drive has 3 partitions. 1 being windows, the other is the factory recovery and the third being ubuntu05:04
Scunizifyrstorm, you should have networking in recover console.. there are web browsers that run there and there's also wget that will dowload files.. there's also aptitude which is  like synaptic but for the console to download apps and whatnot05:04
JonathanEllisjrib: OK, done that and now I have a black screen. How long should it take before something happens?05:05
fyrstormScunizi, I have tried wired and wireless without success.05:05
CookieMonsterwas that really necessary05:05
CookieMonsterhow do i figure that out05:06
jribJonathanEllis: so no place to login then?05:06
JonathanEllisjrib: Just realised, when I say its a black screen, I mean the monitor is saying there is no signal05:06
Scunizifyrstorm, how 'bout using the live cd?05:06
Shadow420when I run grub-install /dev/sdb1 I get could not find device for /boot Not found or not a block device How Do I fix This?05:06
fyrstormScunizi, sure and do what with it?05:06
Dr_willisShadow420,   you sure you want it on sdb1 and not sdb?05:06
Scunizifyrstorm, for internet access.. get what you need there and save it on usb or hd.05:07
=== xgermx is now known as xgermx1234567891
Shadow420Dr_Willis my device for my Linux is /dev/sdb105:07
Scunizifyrstorm, or is what you're saying is that you never had internet access?05:07
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: have you ever mounted anything before05:07
Shadow420Dr_Willis I don't want grub to boot first I want XP bootloader to start first05:08
CookieMonsterthrough ubuntu?05:08
jribJonathanEllis: erm ok, hit ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to the desktop.  Then restart and select "recovery mode" from the grub menu05:08
dsnydersHi all!  Anybody gotten their Linux+ certification?05:08
JonathanEllisjrib: Should I reboot? Trouble is, last time my machine was switched off without shutting down properly (the power company helpfully cut the power to my house) it caused loads of file corruptions on the hard disk, so I am reluctant to force a reboot by holding down the power button05:08
=== xgermx1234567891 is now known as xgermx
CookieMonsteri know how to get through my partitions. like i said, there are 3 partitions on the drive so the ubuntu partition is most likely 305:08
jrib!who | CookieMonster05:08
ubotuCookieMonster: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:08
Shadow420Dr_Willis I I am running linux on a second hard drive05:08
fyrstormScunizi, No what I am saying is that when I log into recovery console I tried wireless and wired without success. I have both normally. Do you know if in recovery console from grub, networking is activated by default?05:09
JonathanEllisjrib: Sorry - didnt see your post as I was still typing. Got the desktop back and I am rebooting now05:09
Scunizifyrstorm, should be05:09
Dr_willisShadow420,  You can have grub on the mbr of the 2nd hd. that would be 'sdb' not sdb1. windows mbr can be on sda,  I have a setup like this. I use the bios menu to pick what hd to boot first.05:09
jjt001what a total05:09
Shadow420Dr_Willis ok I will try that05:10
jribjjt001: do you have an ubuntu support question?05:10
fiXXXerMetCan linux write to NTFS partitions yet?05:10
click170Does anybody have any insight into a problem I'm having with resolution?  It's stuck at 640x480 and I can't change it.  I just posted details here    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4614520#post461452005:10
Dr_willisShadow420,  grub is very flexiable.. but has a lot of little details to watchout for. :)05:10
eekranoShadow420, http://www.geocities.com/epark/linux/grub-w2k-HOWTO.html - that may help05:10
Dr_willisclick170,  its been able to for ages.05:10
jribfiXXXerMet: yes05:10
fiXXXerMetAnd if so, how reliably?05:10
Dr_willisoops wrong nick. :)05:10
JonathanEllisjrib: OK, now I have booted into recovery mode and the terminal is ready. What next, please?05:10
fiXXXerMetAny special packages or does it work oob now?05:10
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:10
click170Dr_Willis:  thought so heh, confusing.05:10
Dr_willisfiXXXerMet,  ntfs-3g works very well.05:11
Dr_willisclick170,  it scrolled up as i was typing. :)05:11
SmolfCould anybody tell me if the programs that i install on ubuntu using live cd will appear on the aplications?05:11
jribJonathanEllis: tell us the output of 'ls -ld /home/USERNAME' where USERNAME is your username05:11
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: ok, make a mount point, call something like ubuntuPart, eg. mkdir ubuntuPart05:11
jjt001jrib: yes05:11
jribjjt001: then please ask the channel05:11
jjt001jrib: will ubuntu 8.04 come packaged with gnome 2.22?05:11
CookieMonstercdecarlo_: how would i do that. im currently on windows05:11
Dr_willisSmolf,  if you  install packages while booting the live cd they 'should' appear in the menus. if they have a menu item05:11
jribjjt001: questions about ubuntu 8.04 are addressed in #ubuntu+1 (but yes)05:12
Djmacksome advice plz:  any really good irc programs for ubuntu?05:12
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: then mount the partition there; sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 unbuntuPart05:12
jjt001jrib: thanks05:12
Djmackbesides pidgin?05:12
jribDjmack: xchat05:12
CookieMonstercdecarlo_: i cannot boot into ubuntu or grub05:12
JonathanEllisjrib: Output is drw-r--r-- 73 jonathan jonathan 4096 Mar 30 03:27 /home/jonathan05:12
joot Djmack, I like xchat-gnome05:12
cdecarlo_CookieMonster: with the live cd05:12
click170Djmack:  You use pidgin for irc?  I found it kind of cumbersome.  I like Xchat for IRC on Ubuntu.05:12
CookieMonstercdecarlo_: ok ill be back. ill boot the live cd05:13
lotharGodo morning. I am having a problem.  New Ubuntu user here.05:13
jribJonathanEllis: do 'chmod 755 /home/jonathan' and 'reboot'.  If you get that error you mentioned last time again, then write it down05:13
lotharI installed VLC, the media player, and cant get a directory to open05:13
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Scunizilothar, what directory05:14
JonathanEllisjrib: Can we please talk in a private message so the screen doesnt keep scrolling with everyone elses posts05:14
jribJonathanEllis: sure, join me in #ubuntu-classroom05:14
lotharHmm. I want TV to open05:14
lotharthat is the name of one of my HDs05:14
Djmackzerothanks for the advice with xchat05:14
Scunizilothar, you have a directory called TV?05:15
Djmackzerojust downloaded it05:15
cameo351What anti virus program is best for ubuntu? I used avast for ms os , but can't get it to work in ubuntu.05:15
JonathanEllisjrib: Thanks. Switching to #ubuntu-classroom.05:15
lotharYes a HD named TV05:15
lotharI selct file then open directory and it only gives me the option within Home directory05:15
lotharI want to go above that to the Hard drives I have installed05:16
Scunizilothar, so you have more than one HD and the second is named TV. Is that right?  if so was it in the machine when you installed ubuntu?05:16
sixfortyhow do I use md5 to check d/l'd files?05:16
lotharI have 3 and yes it is correct05:16
lotharAnd yes, I did an install yesterday05:16
lotharI havent changed the hardware at all05:16
Scunizilothar can you see the drive when you click on places and computer?05:16
DistroJockeysixforty: md5sum /path/to/file05:17
lotharAhh, not sure what you mean by that.  I have it on my desk top now05:17
lotharMounted, I believe is the correct term05:17
Scunizilothar, ok.. so you have a link on the desktop .. can you open it and see the files.05:17
Scunizilothar is there one particular file you want to play in vlc?05:18
lotharNo, if that was the case I could just drag them in05:18
sixfortythx, 'll try it when d/l is done05:18
lotharI want to play an entire CD, whioch I have in a folder05:18
DistroJockeysixforty: *nods*05:18
fyrstormScunizi, in recovery mode and I have no wireless.05:18
Shadow420Dr_Willis this information is confusing me is there a direct tutorial on how to Dual-boot XP/Ubuntu using XP Bootloader?05:18
fyrstormScunizi, or wired for that matter05:19
Dr_willisShadow420,  all i really did on that box was unplug the windows drive when i isntalled linux, that let the installer put the mbr on the linux hd. i then plugged the xp disk back in. and used the bios to ick what Hd to boot.05:19
Scunizilothar.. ok.. could be that vlc doesnt recognize the "name" of the drive.. the  other way is to point vlc to /media/<your_drive_choice> .. drives are labeled by sda, sdb, sdc05:19
Scunizifyrstorm, try ifdown then right  after ifup and see if that  brings up the nic carad05:20
lotharScun - And that did it05:20
Scunizilothar, cool..05:20
lotharTy for the help05:20
Shadow420Dr_Willis well Windows Disk is my Master Drive and the linux which will house ubuntu is my Slave Drive05:20
lotharIs there an easier way?05:20
lotharCould I put a shortcut on the desktop that I could see when I clicked that?05:21
fyrstormScunizi, ok I have to log back in I was just about to re-install ubuntu05:21
Scunizilothar, you could use rythmbox or amorak to manage your  music.. vlc isn't really made to do  that. although it's a great player05:21
Bisclaverethow do i perform something similar to defrag on ext3?05:21
FlannelBisclaveret: you don't, ext3 doesn't suffer from fragmentation05:22
lotharQuestion 2, I ha having trouble getting Java jre to run05:22
fyrstormScunizi, when doing ifdown wlan0 it says it is not configured05:22
Scunizifyrstorm, if you reinstall you might consider creating a separate /home partition.. just in case you have to reinstall again your programs will  be safe.05:22
Shadow420Bisclaveret you don't need to defrag ext305:22
lotharIs this the proper place to get help?05:22
BisclaveretFlannel: i don't believe that.05:22
Dr_willisShadow420,  yes. so? You have 2 hard drives..  I unpluggeed  my windows hd. and installed linxu to the 2nd hd.   it dident matter if it was slave or master.05:22
Bisclaveretafter deleting several large gobs of data and replacing them with other files, disk performance has taken a sharp downturn over the past few days.05:22
Scunizilothar, yep05:23
n2diyBisclaveret: its true, but if you insist, run fdisk.05:23
Dr_willisShadow420,  i just unplugged the power conector to the one hd.05:23
jootBisclaveret, It is true05:23
Bisclavereti'm looking for a way to free disk clusters for one05:23
orbisvicisBisclaveret, you can copy the image to another hardrive, wipe the orginal, then copy file by file back to the original drive05:23
lotharScun- What do I need to do to find the problem?05:23
lotharor the right questions in the first place?05:23
Bisclaveretorbisvicis: i don't have any other disks free for that05:23
FlannelBisclaveret: It doesn't because it takes care of it on the fly, doing stuff intelligently05:23
Scunizifyrstorm, sorry.. my networking skills in linux are pretty limited.. wireless I dont know much about05:23
cookismonsterok im back05:23
Bisclaveretand thats the old ibm xt way of defragging ;)05:23
fyrstormScunizi, I have already done the separate /home. I tend to break things often. Any idea on why it says it's not configured. By the way, ifup wlan0 says its ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan005:23
fyrstormScunizi, ok I'll try it with eth005:24
cameo357is there a channel for extreme newbies?05:24
BisclaveretFlannel: and i'm taking a large performance hit from that ;)05:24
lotharLolz I want tha channel too05:24
Shadow420Bisclaveret it's the truth linux uses the ext3 FS in a way that fragmentation can't happen05:24
cookismonsteri ran sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 unbuntuPart and it gave me mount: mount point unbuntuPart does not exist05:24
n2diycameo357: yes, your in it!05:24
Bisclaverettoday doing stuff in apt-get has been painful because it's taking over 15 seconds to start the install process, etc05:24
fyrstormScunizi, same thing05:24
=== cookismonster is now known as cookiemonster
cdecarlo_cookismonster: were you able to mount the partition?05:24
cookiemonsterno =[05:24
FlannelBisclaveret: I believe to defrag you have to convert back to ext2, defrag, then convert back to ext3.05:24
Scunizilothar, I'm not really sure what the problem is yet.. try to describe it..05:24
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: were you able to mount the partition?05:25
rkviranihey dudes05:25
Scunizifyrstorm, sorry.. .I'm stuck at this point05:25
lotharI am trying to get (dont laugh)~ the game runescape to run.  www.runescape.com05:25
cookiemonstermount: mount point unbuntuPart does not exist05:25
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: what error did you get05:25
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Transiencedoes anyone know where i can find an install guide for the intel iMac?05:25
Dr_willisExtreme Newbies should start at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training  - and grab the free pdf ubuntu book. :) and read it of course....05:25
fyrstormScunizi, thanks for trying.05:25
jootcameo357, try ubuntu forums new users it can be a bit more gentle than here05:25
lotharI got it to run under opera, but it was so laggy and slow it wasnt worth playing05:25
rkviraniI have a brand spankin new IBM thinkpad T61, how od I get powermanagment to work well on it?05:25
Scunizifyrstorm, no problem..05:25
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: did you create the directory?05:25
BisclaveretFlannel: but basically, i've removed and purged over 75% of my free-HD-space-on-install and replaced it several times05:25
mcquaidmy nvidia card lacks control (brightness, contrast etc) when using xv.  I wanted totem to use opengl.  I choose glimagesync in gstreamer-properties and the test is fine05:25
fyrstormAnyone else know how to get networking going in recovery mode from grub05:25
mcquaidbut totem still cannot adjust brightness05:25
mcquaidis there a workaround for this?05:26
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: no05:26
rkviranialso I have a screwed up apt database05:26
cameo357I been reading that and the apt manual05:26
rkviraniand I cant get rid of some software05:26
rkviraniwhat should I do about that? any docs?05:26
Scunizilothar, looks like a flash site is that righht?05:26
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: you've got to make the directory05:26
Bisclaveretso i'm looking for a way of freeing disk clusters, etc to arrange the data on the disk in the most efficient way possible.05:26
lotharIt is a java game05:26
cookiemonsterwhich directory05:26
rkviraniI'm running hardy heron05:26
lotharI have flash working properly05:26
FlannelBisclaveret: ext3 keeps stuff close together, even if not contiguous.  Fragmentation (yes it exists, obviously) isn't really a problem 98% of the time.05:26
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: mkdir ubuntuPart05:26
Scunizi!java | lothar05:26
ubotulothar: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)05:26
Bisclaveretsince i'm running a seagate medalist 3221 which is only 5400 rpm and 3gb05:26
albechhow can i change the port for outgoing mails in Evolution?05:26
n2diyBisclaveret: is this a name brand machine like a Dell, you could have hidden partitions on it?05:26
lotharI did that. No help at all05:26
Bisclaveretn2diy: no05:26
Adyshow do I extract a gz (non tar) archive from the command line?05:26
Dr_willisrkvirani,  hardy is still being tested - duscissuon in #ubuntu+105:27
FlannelBisclaveret: Like I said, if you really want to defrag you'll have to convert to ext2, defrag, then convert back to ext305:27
Dr_willisAdys,  gunzip command.05:27
albechAdys: unzip05:27
cookiemonstercdecarlo_:ok nothing happened05:27
Dr_willisAdys,  also check out the 'unp' command.05:27
lotharI installed sun java and icedtea05:27
rkviraniDr_willis: yea but ... cleaning up atp05:27
rkviraniany ideas?05:27
Dr_willisgzip  = gz UNZIP = .zip05:27
Scunizi lothar.. sorry.. maybe someone else can help with it.. just ask how to get java working for a website.. you might need  to mention the site again05:27
cdecarlo_Adys: tar -z is the flag you want for gz05:27
Dr_willis!info unp05:27
Transiencedoes anyone know where i can find an install guide for the intel core2duo iMac?05:27
lotharCan having both icedtea and sun java be causing problems?05:28
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: did you make the directory?05:28
FlannelTransience: Its identical to a non-mac.  Just pop in the CD and run the installer05:28
Adysthanks :)05:28
Scunizilothar, maybe05:28
cookiemonsterhow do i know if i made the directory? nothing happened after i did the command05:28
echelon_how do i install Mumble?05:28
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: get a listing of the directory ... ls05:28
n2diycookiemonster: cd to it.05:28
lotharis there a channel java or something that might offer more help?05:28
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: do you see it?05:29
cookiemonsterumm im going to05:29
Bisclaveretn2diy: the machine is old and slow enough that running gnome-system-monitor takes up between 17-40%CPU randomly :p05:29
mnk0hey sup05:29
Scunizilothar, you could try in #linux05:29
cookiemonsteryes it made ti05:29
mnk0if you install the 8.04 beta, how much of a process is it upgrading to the final releae05:29
node357hi people05:29
mnk0would that just be a case of updating the packages, or would u reinstall the base system05:29
Flannelmnk0: Not.  Just regular updates like the ones you get normally05:30
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: now try sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 ubuntuPart05:30
elpargoI'm having a non-trivial grub reinstall issue, this is the error I'm getting http://pastebin.org/26120 any suggestions?05:30
lothar3rd and completely unrelated question.  How well would ubuntu run on an on an old 800mhz lap top?05:30
BisclaveretFlannel: then how would one do that without risking data loss?05:30
n2diyBisclaveret: ok, that shouldn't affect the hard drive space, maybe the drive is going south on you?05:30
mnk0Flannel: like could u just doa dist-upgrade ?05:30
Dr_willislothar,  i would use xubuntu on that low end a machine05:30
Dr_willislothar,  more ram would also help. :)05:30
Bisclaveretn2diy: possibly, but i'm up the creek if thats the case05:30
cdecarlo_lothar: try Xubuntu, I'm on a P3 800, it's great05:30
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: mount: mount point ubuntuPart does not exist05:30
elpargolothar: will it work yes, will it be optimal no.05:30
Flannelmnk0: yeah.  or update-manager, or synaptic, or whatnot.  Once you're on a release, you're on that release.  Upgrading to final is just updating your packages to that days05:31
n2diyBisclaveret: Sorry, GL.05:31
lotharand should I nuke win2k and go with it?05:31
mnk0thinking about installin for my home system then05:31
KlesI'm still getting errors with building05:31
mnk0anyone got it rolling?05:31
Flannelmnk0: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support/questions/etc05:31
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: what is the name of the directory you created?05:31
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: let me pm you05:31
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: ubuntuPart05:32
mnk0Flannel: k thx05:32
lotharHow well with the next version work?  As a noob should I think about upgrading when it comes out?05:32
elpargolothar: I won't recommend killing it and going ubuntu if it's your first time running *nix05:32
lotharelpar - TY I will keep that in mind05:32
KlesWhat exactly do I get there?05:32
KlesWhat package?05:32
Scunizilothar, the versions get better and better.. nice  thing is you don't have to reinstall.. just upgrade05:33
cameo357Do you extract a web downloaded package before using apt, or synaptic?05:33
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: can you cd into the directory?05:33
elpargolothar: on the other hand if that's your second computer go for it. u wont regret it05:33
cookiemonstercdecarlo_:  yes05:33
Flannelcameo357: No.  And you don't download it either.  apt/synaptic does it for you.05:33
cdecarlo_ok, cd into ubuntuPart05:33
Klesugh what's the "get packages" command again?05:33
cookiemonsteri did already05:34
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: then type pwd05:34
Adysapt-get kles ?05:34
Flannelcameo357: Fire up synaptic, select a package for installation, hit apply.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto05:34
lotharSo if I go with Hardy I will not be stuck with 'less stuff' in terms of functionalioty?05:34
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: i get this /home/ubuntu/ubuntuPart05:34
Scunizilothar, no05:34
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: ok, cd  up a directory cd ..05:34
lotharmight stuff (like java and flash) work better?05:35
elpargolothar: not at all, new versions are mostly updated packages. ubuntu has been usable since it's first release over 2 years ago.05:35
elpargowhat problems u have with that?05:35
Scunizilothar, usually integration  gets better05:35
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: ok i did05:35
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: and then sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart05:35
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart05:36
cookiemonstermount: mount point /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart does not exist05:36
elpargoboth java and flash work really good for me.05:36
ijustamjava tastes good in the morning05:36
comicinkerlothar: have a look at http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.22/ for some of the new features05:36
elpargowell flash sucks but that's the problem with the company that makes it :)05:36
ijustamflahs, not so much05:36
elpargoijustam: yes but that's because flash9 linux sucks.05:37
ijustami dont like flash05:37
ijustambut i could never learn it05:37
ijustamso im biased05:37
ijustamplus i cant draw to save my life05:37
echelon_anyone here use Mumble?05:37
elpargoand back went it was 7 it sucked really bad.05:37
Positronichey, I have a question about getting flash to work on Firefox05:37
Dr_williscookiemonster,  mkdir -p  /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart05:37
skailarI'm having a little trouble installing programs on Ubuntu, can anyone help?05:37
carlzenoxechelon_: the chat program>05:38
Dr_williscookiemonster,  Linux is Case senesieive. You may have a typo somewhere.05:38
elpargoskailar: have you try synaptics?05:38
echelon_Carbonflux, yeah, voip05:38
elpargoPositronic: ask05:38
cookiemonsteri did make sure everything was cased05:38
mark[oz]skailar, your in an irc help channel.. best if you just ask your question, instea dof asking if someone can help05:38
PositronicWell, I have flash working on Firefox 205:38
mark[oz]there are lots of people here that can help05:38
skailarNo... but the program I want to install shows up in the list.05:38
prince_jammyscookiemonster: what you pasted says "unbuntu"05:38
jms1989Hi, is there a good program that will allow me to run linux applications in windows? I'm looking to run Kolourpaint in windows for my sisters.05:38
Positronicand I installed FF 3 beta 4 to ~/firefox05:38
carlzenoxi can download it if u want05:38
lorenzo_hi, i need to download 32 bit libuuid to install on 64bit gutsy, how do i do that? thanks a lot05:38
Adysis there a way to make konqueror my default file manager while keeping nautilus in gnome?05:38
Positronicso how do I get flashplugin-nonfree to work in FF 3 b4?05:38
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: argh!05:39
echelon_carlzenox, please05:39
Kamus_H_Zwischhello. can anyone pass to me the EGGDROP TCL SCRIPT of ubotu?05:39
carlzenoxechelon_: alright pm me also =/05:39
skailarI'm trying to install stumbleupon for firefox, and it shows up in add/remove programs. The documentation site says to just click it and it will add... but it won't.05:39
cookiemonsterok now i get thisubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart05:39
cookiemonstermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda3,05:39
cookiemonster       missing codepage or helper program, or other error05:39
cookiemonster       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try05:39
cookiemonster       dmesg | tail  or so05:39
FloodBot1cookiemonster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:39
elpargoPositronic: u have to install flash into that copy of firefox. either use their package or create symlinks.05:39
Dr_williscookiemonster,  cut/paste the   mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/unbuntuPart   to a shell.05:39
ScuniziPositronic, that you might ask in ubuntu+105:39
FlannelKamus_H_Zwisch: ubotu isn't an eggdrop.  But his source is available on launchpad05:39
lotharwhere can i find the files to install java for athlon64processor?05:39
orbisvicislorenzo_, what is the exact issue. libuuid on 64bit doesnt have a .deb, or you need it 32-bit ?05:39
Dr_williscookiemonster,  that error imples that hda3 is not the right device05:39
nikrudPositronic this is in gutsy, right?05:39
cookiemonsterok then what should i do05:40
nikrudPositronic ok, stay here, +1 is for hardy.05:40
Dr_williscookiemonster,  'sudo fdisk -l' shows all partitions/disks on the system.. find out what one you really mean.05:40
lorenzo_orbisvicis: i need it 32 bit. i am trying to do this: http://www.pando.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=498905:40
DjmackzeroQuestion: i have a drivers disk for my motherboard and onboard sound. how do i use it for ubuntu?05:40
Kamus_H_ZwischFlannel: i searched at launchpad project and didn't find. all i find is it db of answers05:40
Positronicelpargo: So download flashplugin and extract it to ~/firefox ?05:40
cookiemonsterok which one am i supposed to use05:40
nikrudPositronic   in the plugins subdirectory of ~/firefox , create the dir if it doesn't exist05:41
elpargoPositronic: in a nut shell, although you have to be sure where to put it.05:41
Positronicokay, let me try05:41
FlannelKamus_H_Zwisch: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:41
comicinkerDjmackzero: usually not. if ubuntu doesn't support your mainboard out of the box, then you can have a look at the drivers05:41
Kamus_H_ZwischFlannel: yes, i searched here :(05:41
Djmackzerohow bout sound drivers?05:41
comicinkerthe same05:42
cookiemonsterhow do i know which one to use?05:42
elpargoDjmackzero: u have a disk with linux drivers? are they tarballs?05:42
Djmackzerodo what?05:42
FlannelKamus_H_Zwisch: Oh.  https://code.launchpad.net/~dennis/ubuntu-bots/main specifically.  The "download URL" has an example under it on how to check out the code05:42
Vanpriest guys, how come when i send an email even if i have the domain registered, it fall into the junk mail! someone know the reason?05:43
Kamus_H_ZwischFlannel: ok, thanks :D05:43
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: can you paste the output to the pastebin05:43
cookiemonsterumm if i knew what the pastebin was i would05:43
elpargoVanpriest: tons of reasons, please be more specific05:43
Flannel!paste | cookiemonster05:43
ubotucookiemonster: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:43
n2diy! pastebin | cookiemonster05:43
nikrud! n2diy is looser ;)05:44
lothargrrr. this lack of a .exe rile is driving me mad05:44
lotharI got a .bin file, what do I do with it?05:44
n2diynikrud: nope, distracted! ;)05:44
snowolflothar: chmd +x, run it05:44
elpargolothar: on the other hand, ones u get used to the package manager u will miss it.05:44
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: go to http://pastebin.org, paste the output and then copy the url and paste it in here05:44
Dr_willislothar,  depends on what it is. :)05:44
RossCI've been doing a bit of searching, but I can't find anything that successfully plays mp4 files on Feisty. Everything I've tried (VLC, MPlayer, etc) yield nothing. Does anybody have any suggestions?05:45
nikrudlothar depends on what it is, probably find the right app in synaptic and use that instead05:45
lotharjre 605:45
elpargolothar: always look first on the packagemanager.05:45
elpargolothar: there is a deb package for that.05:45
Dr_willis!java | lothar05:45
ubotulothar: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)05:45
lotharI tried that, and installed java, but it isnot working05:45
nikrudlothar   sudo apt-get get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin05:45
Dr_willislothar,  define 'not working'05:45
lotharwillis - I know you were here the first time someone reccommended that, and it didnt ork then05:45
nikrud!doesntwork | lothar05:45
ubotulothar: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:45
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: you want /dev/hda405:45
lothar'not working'=does nothing05:46
elpargolothar: what u get when u run "java" ?05:46
cookiemonsterso whats the command i should use05:46
orbisvicislorenzo_, there *might be a better method, but here is mine: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and find the libuuid. Make a directory to compile it. dget the dsc. (this will require ubuntu packaging tools). Then run dpkg-source -x on the *.dsc file. then go to /debian/control and edit the rules file to pass gcc the -m32 option. Then dch -i to increment the version. Then run debuild -uc -us, and voila a deb. That WIll conflict with the 64 bit05:46
Dr_willislothar,   do trouble shooting, not trying random installs/removeables/things05:46
orbisvicis deb05:46
lotharA blank white screen05:46
Dr_willislothar,  you open up a terminal and use 'java' and it crashes the system?05:46
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda4 ubuntuPart05:46
lotharrandom re-installs seemed to work great with M$ products...05:46
elpargolothar: on the shell??05:46
lotharOisters on the shell?05:46
elpargolothar: because they suck.05:46
lorenzo_thanks orbisvicis! i will try that05:47
lotharI am about as fresh off the turnip truck as they come05:47
elpargolothar: lets backtrac a little, why u need java for?05:47
lotharto run a game. www.runescape.com05:47
ethan961haha, RS05:47
nikrudlothar so, the problem is you didn't get the plugin. Run the command I gave you above05:47
orbisvicislorenzo_, or you can get ubuntu's source, and instead of building a .deb, instead of editing the rules file edit the makefile and add to the GCCFLAGS -m32. configure with --prefix=/opt/libuuid_32but. then install. this wont conflict but you wont get a .deb either05:48
cookiemonsternew pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61552/05:48
elpargolothar: ok then you need to install java web plugin, u can do that from inside firefox or with the command nikrud gave you, then you MUST restart firefox.05:48
lotharwhat was the command again?05:48
nikrudlothar   sudo apt-get get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin05:48
orkunhey there - simple question with sbackup: i usually do my backups on an external usb drive(because it appears senseless to me to backup onto the same physical drive) - what happens if i select daily backups but the external drive is plugged in only every say 2nd day?05:48
lotharE: Invalid operation get05:49
lotharE: Invalid operation get05:49
lotharE: Invalid operation get05:49
nikrudorkun it will get written to the main disk at the mount point05:49
lotharIsa what came up05:49
nikrudlothar   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin    sorry, typo05:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:49
ethan_new to ubuntu05:49
lotharI know what it is05:50
ethan_how do i make it play a dvd05:50
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:50
nikrudorkun or, an error, if it's a subdir of that I'd expect05:50
cookiemonsterso what am i to do now05:50
ethan961lothar, srry, I thought it might say something about floodbot05:50
lotharThis is what came upo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61553/05:50
=== [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia
nikrudelpargo the gutsy firefox gets the plugin as needed? I never caught that myself in gutsy but saw it in hardy05:51
lotharI hit the paste more than once I guess05:51
nikrudlothar no I had a typo in the line I gave you for sure05:51
lotharThat part was before05:51
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: sorry man, I'm out of ideas05:51
lotharthe second line is what came up05:52
ethan_anyone wanna help me with getting ubuntu to play a dvd05:52
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: not sure why you can't mount it05:52
Scunizi!dvd | ethan_05:52
ubotuethan_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:52
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: is the problem that you can't boot into ubuntu?05:52
cookiemonsterok maybe you can help me set up grub'05:52
orkunethan, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras in your console05:52
lotharnik-want me to try again?05:52
elpargonikrub it's a firefox thing. can't recall offhand if it will, but it still does it outside apt.05:52
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: have you tried reinstalling grub?05:52
cookiemonsteri cannot boot into it and i cannot access the files on the partition05:52
cookiemonsteri need help reinstalling grub05:52
nikrudlothar I'm gonna put up a couple links that will help you get a grip on how software is organized in ubuntu, it'll give you some framework to start putting things into05:52
nikrud!components | lothar (especially the components one)05:53
ubotulothar (especially the components one): The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:53
elpargocookiemonster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:53
nikrud!synaptic | lothar05:53
ubotulothar: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto05:53
squeeDoes anyone know the video driver that should be used with the cloudbook?05:54
elpargolothar: and you need to forget about the broken model of downloading a file and double clicking it.05:54
nikrudlothar   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin    <-- this one05:54
elpargosquee: what's cloudbook?05:55
Scunizisquee, you might be able to do .. lspci in a terminal to see what kind of card it is.05:55
cookiemonsterok i dont understand this05:55
Scunizielpargo, it's a mac05:55
Scuniziskinny thin05:55
cookiemonsterwhat is my boot partition05:55
elpargoohhh the newest laptop :)05:55
paper_app#join ubuntu-es05:55
xeerhello.. I keep getting "ŸŸ" whenever i try to paste05:56
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: the boot partition is the partition on the disk where you MBR lives05:56
lotharIs what came up05:56
cookiemonsterso mine would be hd1,405:56
nikrudlothar you running 64bit?05:56
squeeelpargo, Scunizi : Unichrome Cx700M205:56
elpargocookiemonster: the find command will tell you.05:56
lotharI thought I mentioned that earlier05:56
lotharWait. I have a 64 bit processor, I am running 32 bit ubuntu05:57
nikrudlothar ah, sun never made a 64bit browser java plugin (if you did, I came in after that)05:57
Scunizisquee, ouch.. hang on.05:57
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: it looks like yours is /dev/hda205:57
snerfuhmm the cloudbook has a video chipset I haven't heard of: Via Unichrome Pro IGP Graphics05:57
cookiemonsterError 15: File not found05:57
nikrud!gutsysources | lothar (then you need to enable some components)05:57
ubotulothar (then you need to enable some components): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).05:57
Bisclaveretah goody.05:57
cookiemonstercdecarlo_: Error 15: File not found05:57
snerfuMaybe use the vesa driver.05:57
RossCIn Gusty, how does one play MP4 files? All of my search efforts have been in vain (I've tried with VLC, MPlayer, XMMS [which gives sound, but no video] and a few other players).05:57
kindofabuzzworld of padman is so fun =)05:57
xeerhello.. I keep getting "ŸŸ" whenever i try to paste05:58
nikrudlothar do those steps, and try the apt-get command again. You can get back to it when you are ready with the up arrow05:58
Scunizisquee, in a terminal ... sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome05:58
orbisvicisxeer, just starting you off, look at your keyboard layout. then look at xev and and compare to xmodmap -pke to make sure that your the correct keycods on the keys are used05:58
lotharAlready had them done05:58
snerfuRossC: what is the video encoded in? x264?05:58
AlephTauwhy doesnt ubuntu produce virtualbox images?05:58
AlephTauit's way better tham vmware05:58
PositronicIs there a way to sync a Zune in ubuntu without using WINE?05:59
RossCsnerfu: h264.05:59
Scunizisquee, after that you'll need to reset xorg.conf..05:59
paper_appHelp me!!!! i have a intel G33... i need video drivers for ubuntu 7.1005:59
nikrudlothar if you have mulitverse enabled, and you get that message you are not running the 32bit. If you're sure of both, put a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org . That's the master listing of all software sources05:59
squeeScunizi, Thanks05:59
cookiemonstercdecarlo: i dont unnderstand the reinstalling of grub05:59
Scunizisquee, np05:59
snerfuRossC: I can play those in vlc, might try getting vlc directly from their website, videolan.org05:59
lotharwhere can I tell which I am running?05:59
Lapinuxanyone here have problems with embeded flash videos and firefox?  the video screen always go's white on me and doesnt play, right after it starts to load06:00
nikrudlothar and  uname -m will tell you the machine type , i686 or x6406:00
lotharIhad 2 CDs and just re-installed last night06:00
lothartype that in a terminal?06:00
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: have you read the link that elpargo sent you?06:00
Lapinuxi have to keep trying in order to get them to play06:00
nikrudlothar yes,   uname -m   (uname by itself will tell you some other stuff as well)06:00
lotharx86 6406:00
RossCsnerfu: Is the version in the repository thing not up to day? (kind of new to Linux, so not entirely sure how often stuff like that updates)06:00
cookiemonsteri dont understand it06:00
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: have you followed the instructions?06:00
nikrudlothar 64bit, no java plugin :)06:00
cookiemonsterit gives me errors06:01
lotharis there an easy way to get rid of 64?06:01
nikrudlothar reinstall to get 32bit.06:01
elpargocookiemonster: which ones, my crystal ball is fuggy today06:01
lotharShould I download Ubuntu again and burn another CD?06:01
nikrudlothar that is, that's the only way to switch. Check your other disk, it might be 32bit. But I'd strongly recommend going 32bit06:01
snerfuRossC: one sec im looking something up06:01
PositronicP4's are i686, are they? :\06:01
lotharYa I tried 64 and dont like it06:01
cookiemonster http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61558/06:02
nikrud!who | lothar06:02
ubotulothar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:02
elpargolothar: you can wrap some 32bit packages to work on 64b but it's not trivial.06:02
* nikrud thinks that's one way, but not for beginners ;)06:02
Brack10so,thinking about upgrading from windows to ubuntu, is it worth waiting for 8.04 or should I go with gutsy and upgrade06:02
lotharelpar - Ok 64 bit windows was hellish\, and I had even less fun with 64 bit ubuntu06:03
lotharI will go with 32 bit06:03
nikrudBrack10 install now :)06:03
cookiemonsterhave you guys checkoued the pastebin?06:03
Brack10I've heard the upgrade path can be rocky, is that just idiot speak?06:03
n2diyBrack10: dive in and get your feet wet.06:03
lotharI installed yesterday06:03
elpargoBrack10: the sooner you see the light the better, linux in general is not like windows, new versions are normally small things, bug fixes and new stuff.06:03
orbisviciswhat is lothar 's problem ? ndiswrapper for flash is simple ?06:03
cdecarlo_cookiemonster: I've never been through this before and I think my expertise is becoming exhausted, I'm sorry man but you're gonna have to find someone else to help06:03
elpargocookiemonster: are u using a live cd?06:04
nikrudBrack10 if you follow the upgrade instructions, it's not difficult. Most people have problems when they use envy or automatix (if you don't know what they are, you're lucky)06:04
snerfuRossC: I might recommend reading this link on restricted formats, i think it might work for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:04
DistroJockeyPositronic: model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz   and   Linux myubuntu 2.6.24-12-generic #1 SMP Wed Mar 12 23:01:54 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux06:04
lotharDo I need to download it agian and burn another CD?  Or are the 32 and 64 bit versions on the same CD?06:04
n2diyBrack10: Why worry about upgrading, I'm still using Dapper 6.06?06:04
nikrudlothar different cds06:04
Positronicdidn't realize06:04
lotharGot it06:04
elpargolothar: 2 disks06:04
cookiemonsterelpargo: yes06:04
orbisvicisthough the only reason to run 64bit is >4Gb06:04
lotharI will grab another one, TY for the help Nic06:04
nikrudlothar    releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 , get the desktop06:05
Djmackzerocan some one direct me to some really good Python tutorials? ive been reading the ones on the site.. and im starting to get a little lost.06:05
nikrudlothar you are welcome06:05
dabbillWhen useing k9copy to copy a DVD and compress it. It runs through the compressing part, then just stops, never asks for a blank disk or any thing. I set the program to auto burn, and set my Output device my DVD rom. Any thing i am missing?06:05
elpargocookiemonster: and u lost grub because you reinstalled windows?06:05
lotharNik - SHold I just get the beta of Heron?06:05
cookiemonsterno i lost grub because it got corrupted06:05
cookiemonsteri improperly shutted it down06:05
elpargoDjmackzero: are you an experience programmer? also #python is the best way for this.06:05
nikrudlothar no. no. no. It breaks something nearly every day06:05
RossCsnerfu: I had found that during my searches. It was already up-to-date when I tried it, though, so no change from it.06:05
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cdecarlo_Djmackzero: a great way to learn python is by taking the python challenge06:06
elpargocookiemonster: how?06:06
lotharNic - Gotcha06:06
Djmackzeroi studied java a little06:06
cdecarlo_google it06:06
Djmackzerobut ill be sure to hit up #python06:06
orbisviciscdecarlo, python challenge ?06:06
lotharNic - should I even think about downgrading?06:06
SubOneI'm on a really fast custom gaming laptop with an ati radeon card, but the video is really slow. I've tried installing the proprietary drivers but that was only slower. Can anyone assist me?06:06
nikrudlothar it's lovely if you know how to fix the stuff, and will be wonderful when done06:06
cookiemonsteri improperly shut it down while i was in grub and next time i booted grub would not boot and gave me error06:06
cdecarlo_orbisvicis: oh ya, it's great06:06
Brack10n2diy: i was just thinking it might have tons of new stuff that's worth waiting for06:06
orbisviciscdecarlo, what is it ?06:06
phantom__hmm.. i could have sworn that I turned off my 'away' messages...06:07
nikrudlothar downgrading? Nah, stick with 7.1006:07
elpargoBrack10: yes but why wait :)06:07
cdecarlo_orbisvicis: its an online riddle game for python programmers06:07
elpargoDjmackzero: ok then I'll recommend docs.python.org/tut/ then www.diveintopython.org/06:07
Djmackzeroim getting errors joining #python "* #python :You need to be identified to join that channel"06:07
n2diyBrack10: Dunno, most new stuff is behind the scene kernel stuff.06:07
orbisviciscdecarlo, ah06:07
nikrudBrack10 everything you learn in gutsy will transfer over fine06:07
orbisvicisi like06:07
phantom__i take it I no longer have talk privilages?06:07
lotharNic: I have 3 versions I can DL, Do I choose the 64biit AMB version or the standard version to get the 32 bit version I want?06:07
elpargoDjmackzero: the second link is a little advanced if u don't know how to program.06:07
elpargolothar: std = 3206:08
lotharNic -I havent a clue waht Sun Ultra is so that one is out06:08
Bisclaveretis booting from a livecd the only way to run fsck?06:08
nikrudlothar  ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso06:08
Djmackzerothe thing is06:08
cdecarlo_orbisvicis: it's addictive, I got to level 22 before i got to busy with life to spend hours banging my head against the screen06:08
bikeboyAny way to modify keyboard shortcuts in gnome - other than the Sys > Prefs > Keyboard shortcuts dialog?06:08
snerfuRossC: does the video even try to play? do you just get like a black window? or do you just see the sound like no video is even trying to come up?06:08
lotharOK can someone speed up the download now?06:08
bikeboycan't find anything in gconf so far06:08
n2diyBisclaveret: no, try susdo fsck from a terminal.06:08
elpargocookiemonster: sudo fdisk -l what that shows?06:08
elpargocdecarlo link please :)06:09
lothar(hehe) I was joking06:09
Bisclaveretn2diy: it screams at me not to run it on a mounted filesystem06:09
Scunizibikeboy, you got a special keyboard with extra keys.. ? try keytouch in synaptic06:09
Djmackzerodocs.python.org/tut/  is honestly getting boring to a point of no interest... im looking for something with, not more interactive, but better interactive content06:09
RossCsnerfu: I get nothing in VLC. It pops up for a split second, then closes. The only results I've gotten are from XMMS after some tinkering, but only sound from it (no video).06:09
Bisclaveretunless i use -n06:09
nikrudlothar welcome to ubuntu. I'm off for a bit, enjoy and I'll see you around06:09
n2diyBisclaveret: yes, you need to umount it.06:09
bikeboyScunizi, actually trying to set a combination of 'Super_L' key and another key06:10
owen1anyone install wubi on vista?06:10
elpargoDjmackzero: interactive? like q&a ?06:10
Bisclaveretn2diy: then i won't be able to run fsck06:10
bikeboyScunizi, doesn't let you combine like you can with shift etc06:10
cdecarlo_elpargo: http://www.pythonchallenge.com/06:10
nikrudlothar before I go, did you get those links for reading I gave you? they're not long, and really worth reading. Just in case, I'm sending them to you again in a pm06:10
Bisclavereti need to check /dev/sda1 which is root :p06:10
Scunizibikeboy, never tried it myself..06:10
nikrud!components > lothar06:10
* elpargo looks around .... ues this is ubuntu channel, why people are talking about the lastest failure in OSs?06:10
nikrud!synaptic > lothar06:10
tgelteranyone know why there's such a lag after login (gnome) while the applets load?06:10
bikeboyScunizi, will look into the program though, thanks06:10
n2diyBisclaveret: fsck runs everyday, why do you need to run it now?06:10
cdecarlo_oh my farts stink06:11
Bisclaveretn2diy: because obviosuly rebooting the computer, etc isn't making fsck do it's job, re http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61556/06:11
kindofabuzztgelter: noneed more ram?06:11
elpargotgelter: maybe you got a lot of them, applets are slow in loading.06:11
Bisclavereti want fsck to check the entirety of my hd06:11
tgelterkindofabuzz: I have 4 GB...I don't think I need more =)06:11
Bisclaveretnot whatever little it does on boot06:11
kindofabuzzok, less applests?06:11
tgelterelpargo: there are only too...06:11
elpargotgelter: define "a lot of time"06:11
orbisvicisBisclaveret, youll need a boot cd; you cant fsck mounted volumes. and if you have lvm ... youll need lvm support06:12
n2diyBisclaveret: ok, let me have a look, in the mean time triy "sudo updatedb"06:12
ridge-meisteranyone here know of an XMAME port that will run on the PS2?  I have roms, but am having trouble getting XMAME (on Ubuntu) to recognize my Axis Pad game controller, so I thought that if XMAME were running on the PS2 it would recognize the PS2 controller AND be more fun to play on the tv. :)06:12
Bisclaveretorbisvicis: theres no option like windows nt's chkdsk where it runs on boot before mounting the FS?06:12
tgelterelpargo: I log in from gdm. The desktop is displayed + the two gnome-panels, then about 5-10 seconds pass while the applets load, and until they load, I'm unable to do anything06:13
ScuniziBisclaveret, it's not needed06:13
orbisvicisBisclaveret, well thats what fsck on boot does06:13
elpargoBisclaveret: depends on ur filesystem, most of those checks are not needed or done automatically.06:13
BisclaveretScunizi: obviously it is.06:13
Bisclaveretit runs on boot, but i've gotten those errors06:13
RossCsnerfu: I'm putting it aside for now. I'll try doing some more searching tomorrow. Thank you for your time!06:13
dabbillWhen useing k9copy to copy a DVD and compress it. It runs through the compressing part, then just stops, never asks for a blank disk or any thing. I set the program to auto burn, and set my Output device my DVD rom. Any thing i am missing?06:13
Bisclaveretunless those errors cropped up in the past 24hrs06:13
elpargotgelter: yea that's a lot, have you try deleting them to be sure it's the applets?06:13
cookiemonsterwhat am i to do now06:14
cookiemonsterhow do i recover the data from the partition06:14
Scunizidabbill, i used it for the first time yesturday but I had it make an iso then I used k3b to burn and it worked like a champ06:14
tgelterelpargo: it happens on my laptop, on my desktop, and on my wife's laptop...I thought it was normal...06:14
elpargocookiemonster: I told you to run sudo fdisk -l and show that.06:14
cookiemonsteri did06:14
orbisvicisdabbill, you can try from terminal k9copy, though thatll waste more time06:14
cookiemonsteri posted the pastebin06:14
elpargotgelter: the lag is normal it's loading a lot of things, but the times for you seem too much.06:15
n2diyBisclaveret: It appears fsck is trying to fix your corrupted files, and your telling it not to.06:15
Bisclaveretwhenever i watch the bootup on the recovery mode FSCK takes all of 2-3 seconds then it moves to the next line so it's obviously not doing anything06:15
cookiemonsterelpargo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61559/06:15
elpargocookiemonster: I must have miss that, please give it to me again06:15
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Bisclaveretn2diy: because i used -n to avoid screwing up the mounted filesystem06:15
tgelterelpargo: interesting. is there no way to have them start preloading while gdm is loaded waiting for input?06:15
Bisclaveretto determine if i actually needed to run fsck06:16
qcjnhi, i've uninstall proftpd, but there's still the /var/log/proftpd/....i can remove this ?06:16
Bisclaveretwhat i did was the equivalent of running chkdsk c: without the /f flag06:16
Bisclaveretwhich puts it in readonly06:16
n2diyBisclaveret: GL06:16
elpargotgelter: not in the way it's handle, whichs apps by the way?06:16
elpargotgelter: normally python applets are very slow at loading, because of the interface06:17
tgelterelpargo: gnome-system-monitor, frequency scaling, and the normal "notifications"06:17
elpargotgelter: oh yes the system monitor is laggy, I don't use it anymore because of that.06:17
dabbillScunizi, orbisvicis thanks, i guess i will make an ISO then just burn it i guess.06:18
tgelterelpargo: I see. any other recommendations for replacements/06:18
elpargocookiemonster: then your root line should be root (hd0,2)06:18
DistroJockeyqcjn: It's just a log, removing it would be fine IMO06:18
cookiemonsterelpargo: how am i supposed to use that06:18
elpargotgelter: depends on your geekiness lvl, I don't really use any at the moment, but http://conky.sourceforge.net/ it's really neat.06:19
elpargocookiemonster: keep reading the link I gave you.06:19
tgelterelpargo: yeah, I've used conky before, I just always forget to install it...plus I like the desktop real estate it takes up. I was hoping for some other gnome-panel applet06:20
cookiemonsterelpargo: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `hd0,2'06:21
elpargotgelter: well there is always  gkrellm , but that's isn't gnome's specific.06:22
KemrinHHey everyone06:22
tgelterelpargo: true true. thanks for the recommends & help06:22
elpargocookiemonster: this may sound hard but, please use your common sense, it's a syntax error, you are very close to it.06:22
KemrinHMy CD/DVD reader writer in my Dell XPS 1210 doesn't read or write CD's, only DVD's how do I go about fixing this?06:23
cookiemonsterelpargo: how am i supposed to use the syntax. I am a linux newbie06:23
elpargoroot (hd0,2) there is a space.06:23
elpargocookiemonster: learning. that's the only way u will get out of newbie land06:23
fyrstormIs the ATI accelerated driver that is provided in the restricted driver manager equivalent to fglrx?06:23
cookiemonsterubuntu@ubuntu:~$ root (hd0,2)06:23
cookiemonsterbash: syntax error near unexpected token `hd0,2'06:23
elpargocookiemonster: INSIDE the grub console.06:24
Dr_williscookiemonster,  thats NOT a bash command. thats a 'grub' command.06:24
Dr_willisgrub has its own shell interface.06:24
elpargofyrstorm: the restricted drivers ati driver is the official driver from ati.06:25
cookiemonsterelpargo: nothing happens now06:25
fyrstormelpargo, ok thank you, Do you know how to get OpenGL working right on it?06:26
elpargocookiemonster: that in linux means success, go on with the tutorial now.06:26
cookiemonsterelpargo: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition06:26
elpargofyrstorm: why you need it? a game? beryl?06:26
fyrstormelpargo, Tremulous,  I don't care about beryl or compiz.06:27
elpargofyrstorm: ohh that's a nit game, the restricted drivers should do all u need for it to work.06:27
zero88Where are Volume controls at for fluxbox. Im new to fluxbox.06:28
elpargozero88: it doesn't has any.06:28
Odd-rationaleI encyted a usb drive with crypsetup and LUKS. But how do I mount the device?06:28
zero88elpargo how do you raise or lower the volum,e?06:28
llantllzero, gnome-volume-manager06:28
elpargocookiemonster: ummm weird I think you got the same issue I'm having.06:28
zero88thank you06:28
cookiemonsterwelpargo: what is your issue?06:28
elpargozero88: either alsamixer or a little applet you need to install that I forgot the name.06:28
fyrstormelpargo, I did a fresh install yesterday, I used the restricted driver and the game didn't work right. All of the in-game text was garbled. I then tried to do a manual install of fglrx and totally broke everything. I am currently in the process of re-installing ubuntu06:29
elpargocookiemonster: I'm getting an error while trying to reinstall grub, I'm getting the right partition but it's giving me partition not found.06:30
cookiemonsterthere is a solution right06:30
DistroJockeyelpargo: did you run grub with sudo?06:31
elpargozero88: here is a link from back when I used gentoo, it very nice tips on fluxbox in general and a way to set alsamixer for sound http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/fluxbox-config.xml06:31
elpargoDistroJockey: yup06:32
mobinhello everyone.06:32
snowolfhi mobin06:32
mobinhow can we change the keyboard setup with in an application in ubuntu. Is there any os api?06:32
llantllzero88, fluxbox-wiki.org06:32
Scunizimobin, keytouch06:33
elpargoDistroJockey: I have done this a zillion times, but now I'm having an issue with my disk.06:33
DistroJockeyelpargo: Sorry, getting confused here, you are helping cookiemonster?06:33
ijustamamazon mp3 album downloader available for gutsy06:33
Odd-rationaleIs there any guide on how to encrypt a external hdd with luks? Thanks!06:34
elpargoDistroJockey: both :)06:34
DistroJockeyelpargo: :)06:34
elpargothe usual root/find/setup isn't working this is the error I'm getting http://pastebin.org/2612006:35
mobinscunizi: Actually i want to add the feature in my application. It should change the keyboard settings when i select a particular language.06:35
DistroJockeyelpargo: and you trying: root (hd?,?) right?06:35
elpargocookiemonster: u did ran sudo grub right?06:35
Scunizimobin, sorry cant help with that one06:35
cookiemonsterelpargo: yes06:35
DistroJockeyelpargo: replacing the ? ofcourse06:35
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mobinscunizi: thanks for your valuable time.06:36
elpargoDistroJockey: check my pastebin06:36
Scunizimobin, sorry I couldn't do more06:36
DistroJockeyelpargo:  (hd0)1+17   that looks wierd to me06:37
elpargoDistroJockey: yes indeed :)06:37
elpargosadly #grub is death06:37
elpargocookiemonster: how was your partition layout on ubuntu? just 1 with all?06:38
KemrinHMy CD/DVD reader writer in my Dell XPS 1210 doesn't read or write CD's, only DVD's how do I go about fixing this?06:38
cookiemonsterwhat do you mean06:38
orbisviciswill someone kick me off this channel please06:38
elpargohow many partitions with linux you had?06:38
orbisvicisim lazy i wont leave to reboot otherwise06:38
cookiemonsterwith linux just one06:38
elpargoorbisvicis: lol06:39
orbisvicishey just sit 'n talk06:39
orbisviciswell, anyone ?06:39
elpargoorbisvicis: please keep on topic. u don't need help.06:39
orbisviciselpargo, yeah true. i dont need sleep i need help06:40
orbisviciserr vice versa06:40
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KemrinHMy CD/DVD reader writer in my Dell XPS 1210 doesn't read or write CD's, only DVD's how do I go about fixing this? (^_^ Please, if anyone can help, this is terribly annoying and I don't even know where to start)06:41
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elpargoDistroJockey: any ideas? i'm out of them...06:41
DistroJockeyelpargo: no, sorry :(06:41
Dr_willisKemrinH,  initial question. It DOES work under some 'other' os?06:42
onefunk_can anyone tell me why programs disappear when they're supposed to be open and where do i find them?06:42
Odd-rationaleHey guys. Found the the answer to my question on the wiki. Thanks for being here anyways!06:42
cookiemonsterelpargo: i think i found a solution06:43
elpargodo tell cookiemonster06:43
warfighterhi all06:43
gardarKemrinH, has it never written cd's?06:43
cookiemonsterelpargo: explain to me this, sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /mnt/root, how would i change that to match my needs06:43
cookiemonsteri found a guide on the forums06:44
cookiemonsterit seems like it will help06:44
elpargocookiemonster: link?06:44
elpargocookiemonster:  well ext3 is your filesystem type, and the /dev/sdXX is your linux partition from fdisk -l06:45
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DistroJockeycookiemonster: try:  sudo mkdir /mnt/test && mount /dev/sdXX /mnt/test06:46
onefunk_is there an easy way to show what programs are running?06:47
schweebps -ef06:47
Flannelonefunk_: ps aux06:47
DistroJockeyonefunk_: ps -e  (may be easier to read :))06:48
cookiemonsterim totally lost06:48
cookiemonsterelpargo: mine would be sda3?06:49
cookiemonsteror sda406:49
elpargothe one that says linux on the fdisk -l output.06:49
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cookiemonsterso then its 306:49
onefunk_Flannel, thanks06:50
DistroJockeycookiemonster: sudo mkdir /mnt/test && mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/test06:50
elpargocookiemonster: yes06:50
onefunk_DistroJockey, thanks06:50
DistroJockeyonefunk_: yw06:50
onefunk_DistroJockey, how do i shut a prog down from the command line06:50
zcat[1]^C ?06:50
cookiemonsterah  pooop06:51
cookiemonsterit still deosnt want to work06:51
DistroJockeyonefunk_: killall <name>  (that may be over kill though)06:51
cdecarlo_onefunk_: is the program hanging?06:51
dn4iaI have 5.1 speakers how do I get them to work with ubuntu06:51
DistroJockeyonefunk_: sudo'ing ofcourse06:51
zcat[1]cookiemonster: sudo mount ?06:51
wundaboy i am trying to watch a DVD and it wont play, the majority of DVD's do play, EXCEPT this one and just a few others06:51
wundaboy when I insert the disc i get a generic error from movie player06:51
DistroJockeycookiemonster: :(06:51
KemrinHSorry, started struggling to find it in google and forgot to watch the room. It seems to work when I had windows involved, and it writes DvD's06:51
wundaboyanyone heard of this before?06:52
onefunk_cdecarlo, whatchu mean hanging?06:52
cdecarlo_onefunk_: like it's frozen, not responding06:52
onefunk_cdecarlo, yup sure is06:52
AdemoSIs there any way to configure Wine's link to your internet connection? No games are able to get internet access through it, but all non-wine software can.06:52
zcat[1]wundaboy: you installed libdvdcss2 .. ?06:53
onefunk_cdecarlo, and i can't even see it other than on the list in the terminal06:53
wundaboyzcat[1], the majority of dvds play06:53
wundaboyi have only had this error on like 2 other movies (mr. woodcock, Rendition, and im not sure of the other)06:53
zcat[1]possibly copy-protected .. they tend to do weird stuff that makes most players break. vlc can usualy handle them06:53
wundaboyvlc crashes06:53
DistroJockeyelpargo: cookiemonster has /dev/hd??'s should they not be /dev/sd??'s ?06:54
RandoCalIf I drop an NTFS hard drive with windows on it into my Ubuntu box and mount it, can I scan it with something like ClamAV to check it for viruses and clean it?06:54
elpargoDistroJockey: hd for anything grub related sd for anything path related.06:54
cdecarlo_onefunk_: you can try sudo ps aux | grep <appname>, the numbers in the second column are the PIDs, find the PID of your hung application and try sudo kill -1 PID, if that doesn't work then replace -1 with -906:54
DistroJockeyelpargo: but my fdisk -l lists sd's06:54
wundaboyno one?06:55
cdecarlo_elpargo: is this a laptop?06:55
zcat[1]RandoCal: yesandno.. the viruses will have set up all kinds of autorun registry entries and stuff which will break horribly when you remove the virus it's trying to run06:55
elpargoDistroJockey: yes but grub handles everything as hd## internally.06:55
DistroJockeyelpargo: yeah, but his pastebin is fdisk -l right?06:56
Dr_willisgrub is for more then just Linux. thats why it does its disk naming scheme differently. :)06:56
cookiemonsterok brb guys06:56
elpargocorrect Dr_willis, it's closer to BSD in it's naming.06:56
RandoCalzcat - thanks06:56
Dr_willisive also noticed that on some of my machines my ide disks are /dev/hd#$$ and onother machines ide disks are /dev/sd## - NOt sure why they differe06:56
Dr_williselpargo,  bingo! :)06:56
terminhelljolly-o people06:56
zcat[1]DistroJockey: ATA drives are usually hd, SATA and SCSI drives are usually sd06:57
elpargoDr_willis: it's the connection ..... what zcat[1] said.06:57
AdemoSWine 0.9.46: Is there any way to configure Wine's link to your internet connection? No games are able to get internet access through it, but all non-wine software can.06:57
FlannelDistroJockey: if you view /boot/grub/device.map, it'll tell you if you've got mixed drives06:57
DistroJockeyzcat[1]: depends on the kernel though06:57
zcat[1]DistroJockey: yeah, some of my ATA drives are sd's06:57
DistroJockeyjust trying to help cookiemonster06:57
DistroJockeyzcat[1]: nods06:57
zcat[1]that's why I said usually :)06:57
elpargoit's messy :) then a,b,c converting to 1,2,3 and grub counts from 0 while os from 1, it's a mess :p :p06:58
cdecarlo_zcat[1]: I've noticed that on laptops the drives are sd06:58
fyrstorm   whats the command to start X from command06:58
zcat[1]I think it depends on the mobo chipset a bit too06:58
elpargocdecarlo_: yes because almost all modern drives ares sata connected even if they are not SCSI06:58
DistroJockeyzcat[1]: I'm running an IDE atm, and it's sd's06:58
cdecarlo_fyrstorm: startx06:58
elpargoDistroJockey: laptop? then it's the sata, same here.06:59
DistroJockeyelpargo: nope, got a tower. I switch between sata and ide etc. Usually have sd on all install's07:00
terminhellgot a question07:01
terminhellanyone know of any terminal based messengers?07:01
elpargoDistroJockey: question still valid do you connect the drives with sata?07:01
FlannelDistroJockey: Ubuntu, since... edgy, I believe, has mapped IDEs to sd (so you only have sdXs)07:01
cdecarlo_why are people spelling fire with a 'y' I keep on reading and typing fry, like fryer tuck07:01
elpargoterminhell: hehe which protocol?07:01
terminhellmainly for msn07:02
DistroJockeyelpargo: Flannel:  2.6 kernels switched to IDE using scsi/sata identifcation07:02
elpargoterminhell: the python one is really nice, it's bungle with the python api for msn. let me get u the link.07:02
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DistroJockeyelpargo: I use both ide and sata07:02
elpargoFlannel: DistroJockey, that's interesting :)07:02
terminhelli remember finding one in the repo's a while ago, but ive reinstalled since then...07:03
DistroJockeyelpargo: not at the same time though07:03
terminhelli need the backport repos07:03
FlannelDistroJockey: That's not necessarily correct.  Dapper uses hda still (with 2.6.15).  It was an Ubuntu decision.  Let me see if I can find the wiki page07:03
zcat[1]hmm.. just checked.. everything here is sd's even thouigh more than half of them are ATA07:03
DistroJockeyFlannel: yes, I could be slightly wrong there07:03
elpargoterminhell: I believe it's this one http://auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/msnlib/07:03
terminhellsecondly...i cant seem to get a tty session going. when i ctrl+alt+f1 i just get a blinking curser07:03
DistroJockeyFlannel: but there was a driver change at some point that changed ide from hd to sd07:04
cdecarlo_terminhell: can I ask why you want a text-base IM?07:04
DistroJockeyzcat[1]: yep :)07:04
elpargocdecarlo_ it's l33t :)07:04
terminhellim retro like that :p07:04
elpargoI wanted it to make a bot.07:05
voidmagehow much ram of 4GB can 32-bit ubuntu address?07:05
terminhellit saves on batter life not running a gui07:05
Abhinandh3.2 gb i think07:05
cdecarlo_terminhell: roadwarrior?07:05
voidmagehow is 64-bit coming along?07:05
terminhellsomething like that07:05
voidmageare all the restricted plugins working, and what about running 32-bit games in wine?07:05
Flannelvoidmage: Without bigram, like 3.2, with it, all of it (and then some)07:06
zcat[1]64bit is not too bad.. running 64bit hardy atm...07:06
Abhinandh64 bit is good07:06
voidmagei'm still in 32bit because i haven't gotten my next round of upgrades07:06
voidmage(getting a wolfdale and 4GB of ram)07:06
voidmagebut would 64bit run 32-bit games in wine?07:06
tsurasahello..  have a question, if some one has a moment07:06
elpargovoidmage: about wine not as trivial as having windows.07:06
zcat[1]voidmage: about as well as 32bit ever does ..07:07
voidmagewould it be as easy as after installing 64bit, leaving my home partition, and still running my launcher scripts that i used in 32bit?07:07
voidmagethose being something like "cd ~/.wine/path/to/game; wine game.exe"07:07
hphi, i'm using a compaq presario f500, i think the restricted driver for the graphic card cause the crash on my computer07:07
hpis there a driver from synapptic that i can use in place of the restricted driver one?07:08
zcat[1]voidmage: I don't think wine cares .. programs inside wine don't depend on any libraries outside of it, so no conflict07:08
voidmagewould 64bit wine run the any dll overrides i might have put into it?07:09
Darkstepanyone know if the linux drivers from ATI (specifically for an x800) are any good?07:09
DistroJockeyhp: you could try changing the Device line in xorg.conf to nv instead of nvidia07:09
DistroJockeyhp: Device section, driver line rather07:10
hpdistrojockey: can i uninstall the driver if it crashes? last time i tried to do that in in restricted driver, i lost tGUI07:10
darkscriptok have a problem with my firewall config07:11
DistroJockeyhp: no need to try uninstalling07:11
darkscripti normally use lokkit to enable ports to ssh httpd and ftp07:11
darkscriptbut now it gives me an error07:11
AdemoSWine 0.9.46: Is there any way to configure Wine's link to your internet connection? No games are able to get internet access through it, but all non-wine software can.07:11
darkscriptiptables chain already exists07:11
DistroJockeyhp: just make a backup copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver line07:11
darkscripti cannot enable ports 22, 23 and 80 via lokkit and they are disabled now07:12
darkscripthow can i open these ports again?07:12
FlannelAdemoS: #winehq is probably a better place to ask (yes, there is)07:12
AdemoSFlannel, ah, sometimes they send me back here though, for other software07:12
DistroJockeyhp: you only have a TTY console atm?07:12
darkscriptany ideas anybody?07:12
FlannelAdemoS: right.  Ibelieve that is just a setup thing though, but I'm not really sure.07:12
tsurasahas anyone else had trouble getting icon themes to work?  when i select a downloaded/imported icons theme, i just get the default gnome icons..07:13
Flanneldarkscript: did you do something in lokkit to disable them?07:13
hpdistrojokey: i have no clue what that is? i'm new07:13
AdemoSFlannel, okay, thanks a lot for the tip07:13
darkscripti tried to enable one that was previously not enabled07:13
darkscriptthen the rest just disabled and did a complete lockdown07:13
DistroJockeyhp: you have no GUI?07:13
Flanneldarkscript: You don't need to "enable" ports.  You juts need to have something listen to them.07:13
hpi made a fresh install07:13
darkscriptthey are being blocked by a firewall...are they not07:14
darkscripti've to httpd vsftpd and sshd running07:14
Flanneldarkscript: Not unless you've added something.07:14
DistroJockeyhp: but you have a $ prompt?07:14
darkscriptnothing goes through07:14
darkscriptif a daemon doesnt count as something listening i am not sure what is07:14
DistroJockeyhp: k, first do a: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup07:15
Flanneldarkscript: By default, all you need to do to get apache or ssh listening is just install it (and then it starts).07:15
hpdistrojockey, i did that, i'm going to restart now07:15
darkscriptyeah...they are on i assure you of that07:15
DistroJockeyhp: you changed the file?07:15
Flanneldarkscript: what does `sudo iptables -L` give you?07:15
Flanneldarkscript: lokkit, I believe, is just a GUI to iptables.  Is there any reason you're not using firestarter, by the way?07:16
lnxnwbei just installed ubuntu 7.10 and am using it rite now any helpfull pointers to set it up good?07:16
darkscriptbecause this is on a server07:16
terminhellany idea why i cant initiate a TTY session? Im in X right now, but when i ctrl+alt+f1-f6 i just get a blinking cursor07:16
darkscripti prefer no gui07:16
darkscriptand i dont like firestarter07:17
darkscriptlokkit has always worked07:17
zcat[1]lnxnwbe: insta;; ubuntu-restricted-extras .. and go look up medibuntu as well07:17
FloodBot1darkscript: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:17
Flanneldarkscript: lokkit is a GUI, isn't it?07:17
darkscriptno it is not flannel, its an ncurses based app07:17
DistroJockeyterminhell: sounds like the vga= issue07:17
Flanneldarkscript: Ah, alright.  Well, the iptables command will let us see what damage its done07:17
darkscriptok i'll paste it to you in one second.07:17
lnxnwbezcat: i installed the restricted drivers for my xfx 8700 oc what is medibuntu?07:18
DistroJockeyterminhell: if you remove vga=??? from the kernel boot line, you should have them back07:18
zcat[1]I prefer to trust that the only thing ever listening on a port will be something I installed myself.. this isn't 'doze07:18
DistroJockeyterminhell: check /boot/grub/menu.lst07:18
DistroJockeyterminhell: you will need to reboot after removing it07:19
zcat[1]lnxnwbe: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a metapackage that will install codecs, windows fonts, flash player, java, and a few other goodies.. medibuntu is a repo where you can get libdvdcss2 (for playing dvd's) and more media / games packages that aren't included in th main repos07:20
terminhellafk a sec07:20
darkscriptFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6156707:21
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=== HAI is now known as Fersure
ddaltonHi, could someone please join ##ddalton since this channel is to busy for me? I am blind so it isn't really possible for me to follow. I have two questions anyway. 1. How can I restore gdm to its default settings? and 2. How can I install a hardy package to my feisty box?07:21
zcat[1]i can has cheezeburger now?07:21
lnxnwbezcat(1): can i get that through ad remove?07:22
DistroJockeyddalton: hey! You still working on that :(07:22
hpdistrojockey: it seems to work with "nv", i'll monitor to see if the system will crash07:22
zcat[1]lnxnwbe: ubuntu-restricted-extras you probably need to run synaptic .. medibuntu you need to find the webpage and follow their instructions.. they're pretty straightforward tho07:22
DistroJockeyhp: cool07:22
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:22
hpdistrojockey: thanks alot07:23
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DistroJockeyhp: np, you're welcome07:23
darkscriptflannel you still there?07:23
ddaltonme? no... I stuffed up a sound playing thing for the log in; I already reinstalled.07:23
LokianSayy, is there an Ubuntu live DVD?07:23
swilkydose any one know how to create a min root file system ???07:24
swilkyits for a diskless node07:24
zcat[1]The ubuntu DVD is just live + alt + server on one disk afaik .. there's an ubuntu ultimate dvd, not official tho07:24
swilkywith a ram drive07:24
terminhelldistrojocker i see this: ## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the07:24
terminhell## alternatives07:24
terminhell## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda507:24
terminhell# defoptions=vga=77307:24
FloodBot1terminhell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
Flanneldarkscript: Actually, try this: `sudo iptables -F`  this will just remove everything, and we can verify that it works sans rules.07:24
Waistlesswould anyone here be able to help me with a debian problem? everyone in debian is asleep :P07:24
Flanneldarkscript: and you can start over with your lokkit stuff.07:24
zcat[1]Flannel: btw; iptables -F won't change the default DENY rule...07:25
DistroJockeyterminhell: If you have vga=??? on the kernel you are booting, try it without07:25
FlannelLokian: The ubuntu DVD is a live system, but its indentical to the CD, as far as the live system is concerned07:25
terminhellim not exactly sure how or where that is at lol07:25
darkscripti did iptables -F then lokkit reports (iptables)chain allready exists07:25
Waistlesswpa options are not appearing in the gnome network manager, wpa supplicant is installed, and so are the wireless drivers (rt73)07:26
DistroJockeyterminhell: at a terminal, type:  less /boot/grub/menu.list07:27
Flanneldarkscript: alright, well, I'm not familiar with lokkit, so I'm unsure whats going on there.  You'll have to find someone who is, or at least who's more familiar with it than I am.07:27
darkscriptwell what should i do07:27
darkscriptwould using firestarter help07:27
Waistlessi've tried this guide http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html  but it doesn't seem to have worked. using debian testing07:27
darkscripti can always do xforwarding if i need to tweak later on07:27
zcat[1]darkscript: sudo apt-get remove --purge lokkit    .. then reboot..07:27
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lnxnwbezcat(1): i am at the website but i can't figure it out07:28
terminhelland what am i looking for again? vga=???07:29
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zcat[1]lnxnwbe: click repositoryhowto .. then scroll down a bit, copy the line of text that starts with 'sudo wget...", open a terminal, paste it in. Repeat for the GPG-key line07:30
CinderellaAnyone around who can help me setup .asoundrc for playback on multiple soundcards? I'v tried to edit it as a bunch of Howto's say but XMMS gives me "Please check that: Your soundcard is configured properly You have the correct output plugin selected No other program is blocking the soundcard."07:30
DistroJockeyterminhell: yup, try to use my name as I may not see (being in other windows and all :))07:30
zcat[1]lnxnwbe: just make sure you pick the line for your distro..07:30
DistroJockeyterminhell: vga=<whatever> remove it :)07:30
darkscriptthanks flannel removing lokkit helped07:31
darkscriptlokkit is more for rh based distros i guess07:31
StevenXI have a question about the partition part of installing Ubuntu. When I am choosing how big the new partition will be, am I choosing how big the partition for linux will be, or how big the partition for windows will be?07:31
StevenXFor example, if I have 200 gig hdd, and I tell the program that the new partition should be 150 gigs, then is that 150 for windows and 50 for ubuntu, or the other way around?07:32
SvenstaroStevenX, the one for ubuntu you choose07:32
bullgard4[Services] Why did Ubuntu 7.10 set acpid and reset apmd on my modern laptop computer MD97600?07:32
zcat[1]lnxnwbe: after that, you should have a whole lote more stuff available in synaptic (and probably a few extra programs in add/remove) -- libdvdcss2 is probably the one most people are after07:32
StevenXSvenstaro, thanks so much. I want to make Ubuntu 10 gigs07:32
terminhellif i remove that, will i still be able to boot into X normally?07:32
SvenstaroStevenX, you can easily make it out by the partition types: windows is NTFS, ubuntu is EXT307:32
Svenstarostevenx, are you using the ubuntu installer or gparted?07:33
DistroJockeyterminhell: yes (please put my name in your question if you are asking me)07:33
Svenstaromorning DistroJockey07:33
StevenXSvenstaro, ubuntu installer.07:33
terminhelldistrojockey sorry i dont use irc often =/07:34
zcat[1]can't wait for hardy... wubi makes dual-boot so much easier07:34
SvenstaroStevenX, if you want real complex partitions and full control, you should use the gparted live cd07:34
Svenstarozcat[1], i actually wanted to try wubi, what can be said about speed07:34
StevenXSvenstaro, it wont' let me chose less than 50% of the hdd for the ubuntu partition.07:35
zcat[1]Svenstaro: seems OK.. I din't play with it much07:35
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Svenstarostevenx, I get your problem, you are doing the guided installation, listen, close the ubuntu installer and open gparted seperately and do all your operations, then back in the ubuntu installer, just choose the new partition you created07:36
StevenXSvenstaro, thank you.07:37
DistroJockeySvenstaro: heyya :)07:37
Svenstarostevenx, are you currently on the livecd?07:37
StevenXSvenstaro, which kind of file system would you recommend i use for the ubnut partition?07:37
StevenXSvenstaro, yes, I am using the livecd07:37
Svenstarothen you already got gparted preinstalled, you found it?07:37
lnxnwbezcat(1):add repositores copy to the apt line under 3rd party rite?07:38
hyperairdoes anybody here have trouble with wireless and manual configuration of the network?07:38
hyperaireh wait wrong channel sorry07:39
StevenXSvenstaro, I started up an applicationc called partition manager.07:39
StevenXit's a gnome app, so I'm guessing it's gparted07:39
SvenstaroStevenX, yeah its that one07:39
Svenstarostevenx, its ingenious, you can resize, extend, and do all that fancy stuff, you can even move. Youll like it :P07:39
onefunk_anyone here using Ardour or Jack Control07:40
StevenXSvenstaro, very intuitive. i like07:40
Waistlesshyperair: i get it all the time. i'm waiting for someone to be able to answer to my problem07:40
StevenXwill i have to stop using the livecd to use it?07:40
dishayumy file searching has stopped working... gutsy x64... what do i do?07:41
elpargoanyone knows how to regenerate the /boot/grub/stage1 file?07:41
Svenstarostevenx, nope, youre good on the livecd07:41
Svenstaroelpargo, doesnt grub-install do that?07:41
elpargoSvenstaro: don't answer a question with a question :)07:42
Svenstaroelpargo, I implied my help :P07:42
bagushai blh knln nggak!!!07:42
Shubbari am not getting sound with any game07:43
lnxnwbeok , i guess i am at a total loss here, how do i add the medibuntu to the system list of apt? reposatories?07:43
elpargoSvenstaro: I believe that file is created before you run grub-install07:43
Waistlessshubbar: have you tried installing openal related packages?07:43
nikrudelpargo reinstall grub07:44
ethan961!medibuntu | lnxnwbe07:44
ubotulnxnwbe: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:44
Shubbari ll try that07:44
elpargonikrud: that is what I'm trying to accomplish.07:44
hobbitboyi just installed the alternate install, which stupidly installs the desktop (which i can't run well, hence the alt install).  So I'm now sitting at a prompt with X running (well, "running"). at this point, what step would i need to take to cleanly kill X, uninstall gnome(or kde?) and install a lightweight gui (black/flux box i think?)07:44
Andycasss I have a problem with vista, it doesnt automatically log into network drive that is shared by samba. If i map \\\test as a network drive, it prompts me for user and password. When i go to that place via run command, i get there without any user/pswd prompts07:44
nikrudelpargo   sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub will put them back07:45
Waistlessshubbar: sudo apt-get install openal0a07:45
elpargonikrud: I'm running from the livecd right now.07:45
Waistlessif it's already installed then i'm not sure what else the problem could be07:45
lnxnwbeok obotu, i don't know what an apt thingy is , unless its adding to synaptic package manager some how07:46
Svenstarohobbitboy, you would first kill gdm as in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then you would remove (using aptitude) the complete gnome desktop environment and ubuntu-desktop, and install what ever new environment youll like07:46
lnxnwbein order to help me i need a geek translator07:46
kelvin911when I delete a file in a USB stick, it is not deleted, how do i physically remove a file?07:46
nikrudelpargo ah. trying to put it back on the root partition then?07:46
EstesarkI need help changing my system time. I can get into the change time/date dialog and try and change the time, but when I press "close" it doesn't actually do anything - or at least, the panel clock doesn't update07:46
Svenstarokelvin911, empty the bin07:46
hobbitboythanks a lot!  what lighweight guis would you recommend.  i have 128MB ram07:46
elpargonikrud: I'm stuck trying to get grub back up, and all the traditional ways have fail.07:46
hobbitboyand its a laptop07:46
DistroJockeylnxnwbe: Synaptic is a GUI front end to apt07:47
nikrudelpargo hm. /boot/grub/* is all missing? (just want to be sure)07:47
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Svenstarohobbitboy, if you have a lot time on your hands and wanna make the system do exactly what you want, go with e17 (enlightenment beta) if you want it to just work, look nice, and be fast, you would use fluxbox07:47
Svenstarohobbitboy, see "fluxbuntu" might save you some hassle07:48
lnxnwbeOK, totaly frustrated now don't know a gui from a apt thingy,07:48
Dam778Ok I have tried just about everything and I can not get sound in ubuntu. If anyone can help me I would really appretiate it.07:48
elpargonikrud: no, it's there but I believe it's corrupted check this http://pastebin.org/2612007:48
hobbitboycool, will do. how can i find out which command i need to use exactly to uninstall gnome? i know desktop is ubundu-desktop but im not sure about gnome.07:48
DistroJockeylnxnwbe: I missed what you are trying to do07:48
Svenstarolnxnwbe, a GUI means graphical user interface, its the stuff you can click on, its when you dont have to use the console to start something07:48
Svenstarohobbitboy, hang on a sec07:49
lnxnwbesvenstaro: ok i get that, go on....07:49
StevenXSvenstaro, when I choose the ext3 partition in the ubuntu installer, it says that I have not root file system defined. How can I fix this?07:49
Svenstarolnxnwbe, a frontend is usually a GUI for an application which helps you do stuff07:49
AutumnCatHello everyone. I want to build deb packages from the gcc source package ( which is obtained using "apt-get source gcc-4.2" ). But I only want to build i386, with C/C++ only. How should I do this ?07:50
Svenstarohobbitboy, try sudo apt-get remove gnome-*07:50
Shubbarwaistless, "E: Couldn't find package openal0a"07:50
lnxnwbesee i thoought you had to add the reposatory line to synaptek package manager as third party07:50
Svenstarostevenx, you NEED one partition mounted as /07:50
DistroJockeyStevenX: your ext3 mount point needs to be / (I think that's where you are at07:50
Dam778This is what I have tried so far...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449....no luck07:50
elpargonikrud: I'm really confused by that 1707:50
* DistroJockey bows to Svenstaro07:51
SvenstaroDistroJockey, what did I do? :(07:51
Waistlessshubbar: sorry, it's sudo apt-get install libopenal0a07:51
DistroJockeyelpargo: me too :(07:51
dishayumy file searching has stopped working... gutsy x64... what do i do?07:51
lnxnwbesvenstaro: ok i understand that makes sense..07:51
DistroJockeySvenstaro: you be doing good. It's all good :)07:51
Dam778I am using 7.10 if that helps07:51
StevenXSvenstaro & DistroJockey, thanks.07:52
Svenstarodishayu, you mean like updatedb doesnt work? or the frontend?07:52
DistroJockeyStevenX: np, yw07:52
StevenXSvenstaro, do I need to set a swamp partition? I have 3 gigs of RAM, so is it necessary?07:52
Svenstarostevenx, I would recommend against a swamp partition, tho a SWAP partition comes in handy07:52
lnxnwbe svenstaro: i am using 7.10 distro ok, i want to add the gpg thingy to my keyringy thingy and thats all geek to me07:52
dishayuSvenstaro : erm.. the search button in the home folder... :|07:52
DistroJockeyStevenX: yes, 3.5GB max should be plentyy07:52
Dam778Would anyone in here be able to help a rookie with a sound problem?07:53
DistroJockeylol Svenstaro07:53
Shubbarwaistless, "libopenal0a is already the newest version."07:53
StevenXso no swap partition, got it.07:53
nikrudelpargo I'd do this: mount /dev/<root> /mnt && mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev && mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc && cp /proc/mounts /mnt/etc/mtab  && sudo chroot /bin/bash  && sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub && sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/<root>07:53
DistroJockeyyes, have a swap07:53
lnxnwbe svenstaro: i am at the web site and it is spelled out in seriously almost another language07:53
Waistlessshubbar: so it's already installed. I'm not sure what the problem might be then07:53
llantllyes, have a swap07:53
SvenstaroStevenX, if you do really heavy stuff you need a swap partition, or linux instantly crashes when you run outta ram07:53
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nikrudelpargo I tend to stick with using the package management stuff07:54
Shubbarcould it be from my usb speakers?07:54
StevenXSvenstaro,  guess it doesn't hurt to do it. How big would you recommend?07:54
hobbitboyalso, my keyboard seems really slow, like it doesn't register every 1-3 keys i press unless i press it really slowly.  i know its not the keyboard because on xp its fine (im dual booting now).  any ideas? is it just it being slow because of gnome running + 128MB ram?07:54
Svenstarostevenx, 4GB should be plenty07:54
lnxnwbe svenstaro: do you follow what i am trying to do?07:54
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ hostid; 007f0101." What does the number 007f0101 mean? (I did read man hostid.)07:54
StevenXSvenstaro, for the swap alone?07:54
DistroJockeyStevenX: and if you wan't to go into hibernate, you need the size of your RAM07:54
StevenXwhat file system shoudl the swap be?07:54
Dam778would anyone in here be willing to point me in the direction of an IRC channel to get help with sound in ubuntu?07:54
Svenstarohobbitboy, yes its because of that, you need at least 386mb of ram to run ubuntu07:54
DistroJockeyStevenX: linux swap07:55
Svenstarostevenx, yes, tho you might be able to cut it to 2gb07:55
hobbitboysvenstaro: to run ubuntu-desktop you mean?07:55
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hyperairsay does anyone here want to run banshee 1.0 Alpha 2?07:55
Svenstarohobbitboy, to run ubuntu the way it was meant to be, yes07:55
elpargonikrud: ummm you believe my grub is corrupted?07:55
nikrudbullgard4 intersting, I get the same number07:55
LainIwakuraDoes anyone know how to prevent Ubuntu (or whatever is causing the problem) from maximizing my brightness setting 30 seconds after I set it something lower with Lenovo X60's Fn keys?07:55
hyperairi don't have a gutsy tester for the banshee-team's ppa yet =\07:55
dishayusvenstaro : is this an unsolves issue.. it's in ubuntu forums as well   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58814307:55
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lnxnwbe svenstaro: wait do i type this in terminal????07:56
bullgard4nikrud: So I gather that it is Ubuntu-Gutsy related.07:56
Svenstarolnxnwbe, well, what do you want to do?07:56
hobbitboysvenstaro: well, if i uninstall the GUI and install the lightweight one, will it be an issue anymore?07:56
terminhelldistrojockey nadda man07:56
DistroJockeyterminhell: :(07:56
lnxnwbeadding source lists to repositories07:56
Svenstarohobbitboy, you should probably start with fluxbuntu, its lighter all around,07:57
terminhelldistrojockey if i remove any values after the vga= or just change a value when i try to tty i just get what looks like an old nintendo cartridge crash lol07:57
DistroJockeyterminhell: so you had a vga= line and you removed it from the kernel you are booting?07:57
JDSBlueDevlhi, does anyone know how to play encrypted DVD's?  I have libdvdcss2 installed, but that isn't helping07:57
nikrudelpargo could be. This would take that out of the equations07:57
hobbitboysvenstaro: is that a separate distro or a gui?07:57
Dam778Can anyone help me with sound in ubuntu?07:57
goobanyone know some tips on controlling display brightness in gutsy?07:57
* hobbitboy just googles07:57
terminhelldistrojockey should i just omit the line via another #?07:57
DistroJockeyterminhell: you removed the whole "vga=???" part?07:57
nikrudbullgard4 not sure. I had never run that command before, not sure exactly what it's trying to tell us07:57
llantllhobbitboy, you can use fluxbox without uninstalling gnome07:57
terminhelldistrojockey no i didnt....>,<07:58
goobDam778: what system are you running on?07:58
Svenstarohobbitboy, its just a ubuntu deriverate07:58
DistroJockeyterminhell: try that, just delete vga=???07:58
Dam778I have tried most of this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544907:58
Svenstarollantll, yes but with 128mb ram you dont get much joy from that07:58
goobDam778: what machine?07:58
Svenstarodishayu ive never seen that issue before =(07:58
llantllSvenstaro, flux will run on 12807:59
elpargonikrud: by the way your chroot command was wrong :)07:59
Dam778Do you mean what kind of computer?07:59
goobanybody know how to set screen brightness in gutsy?07:59
Svenstarollantll, yes sure it does, but not alongside all the gnome services07:59
nikrudelpargo heh. I'm suprised I only got that typo wrong ;)07:59
lnxnwbe svenstaro:SWEET i got it just copied and pasted into a terminal windo07:59
goobDam778: yes07:59
hellhoundcan anyone please help me with the speed of other computer?  It is driving me nuts by taking minutes just to browse through directories or move the mouse.   it does running normally every now and then but it only lasts for a few seconds07:59
JDSBlueDevlhi, does anyone know how to play encrypted DVD's?  I have libdvdcss2 installed, but that isn't working07:59
bullgard4nikrud: I appreciate your comment. So I better be careful yet and not saucy.07:59
hobbitboysvenstaro: why would it be any difference if i uninstall gnome and ubuntu-desktop?07:59
Dam778PII 400 mhz with 380 of ram07:59
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nikrudbullgard4 heh. you germans are never saucy :)08:00
Svenstarohobbitboy, because uninstalling those kills all the ram eating gnome services08:00
Dam778soundcard is a cirrus logic 46something08:00
lnxnwbe<Svenstaro> thanks08:00
DistroJockeyhellhound: in a terminal, type: top   (is your CPU really busy?)08:00
goobDam778: know what soundcard or motherboard?08:00
Svenstarolnxnwbe np08:00
lnxnwbeu 2 distro jocky for offering to help08:00
goobDam778: i08:00
bullgard4nikrud: At least some in the German IRC channels are...08:00
llantllSvenstaro, are you having him install xbuntu08:00
DistroJockeylnxnwbe: np08:00
nikrudhellhound is your disk drive running a lot?08:00
Dam778motherboard no but I can find the soundcard again in a minute08:00
goobDam778: brb i'll go look for you08:01
JDSBlueDevlhi, does anyone know how to play encrypted DVD's?  I have libdvdcss2 installed, but that isn't helping08:01
lnxnwbeyou guys have a nice morning i am outa here for now peace:08:01
hobbitboysvenstaro: no i mean, if i uninstall those, would it be the trouble of downloading, burning, and installing fluxbuntu? ive already got ubuntu on on the computer.08:01
elpargonikrud: grub-install has never work well for me, but I ran it from the grub console within the chroot and I got the exact same error.08:02
StevenXSvenstaro & DistroJockey, I am installing now. Thank you for all the help.08:02
StevenXOnce I start running from the hdd, I will try and get the sound to work. That is the one thing I can't ever get working.08:02
DistroJockeyStevenX: Cool, good luck and np, yw08:02
elpargogrub-install gives me "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."08:02
Svenstaro__bullgard4, you using a medion laptop?08:02
Dam778I found the soundcard its  Cirrus Logic CS 4610/1108:02
bullgard4Svenstaro__: Yes I do.08:03
nikrudelpargo grub-install is a bash script, don't think it runs from grub console08:03
DistroJockeyelpargo: I've never had much fixing grub :(08:03
StevenXSvenstaro__, I was just telling DistroJockey and you that I'm installing now and thanks for the help.08:03
Svenstaro__bullgard4 sucks :( Once had a medion, it doesnt like linux so much08:03
goobDam778: run 'lspci' in terminal and it will tell you what card you have08:03
elpargonikrud: no no I ran the usual root/setup/quit08:03
gooboh nevermind i see08:03
nikrudelpargo hem. do you have a separate /boot partition?08:03
goobDam778: nevermind i see08:03
Svenstaro__stevenx, ah great :) Well welcome in Ubuntu, enjoy your stay08:03
hellhoundnikrud: how can i tell?  i do not have my hd light working... I have 3 physical SATA hardrives combined with RAID 5 (this is a samba computer used for nothing else but file server)08:03
elpargoDistroJockey: same here, I never really paid more atention to the output as it has always worked.08:04
JDSBlueDevlhi, does anyone know how to play encrypted DVD's?  I have libdvdcss2 installed, but that isn't helping08:04
elpargonikrud: no just a separate /home08:04
bullgard4Svenstaro__: I agree. But grml and Ubuntu were the only distributions that were able to run on this computer when I bought it about 2 years ago.08:04
elpargonikrud: /boot has the files it should from within the chroot08:04
lotharHi all. Ubuntu noob here.  just installed it and while downloading package information, I am seeing failed files08:04
nikrudhellhound ah, not sure then. I was thinking you might have gotten into swap a lot08:04
lotharIs this notrmal?08:04
hellhoundDistroJockey: no top seems to be fine but the load average is 1.36, 1.16, 1.2008:04
phenomAny one know any other OpenOffice games other than starwars and tictactoe?08:04
Dam778If it helps my motherboard has on board audio as well.08:04
nikrudelpargo I've never run into that error with a /boot on the root myself, kinda at a loss too then08:05
Svenstaro__bullgard4, I'm afraid I can't really help you with medion, the chipsets they use are too randomly chosen08:05
DeadLy_sp_please need an example for make a simple daemon that launch a zenity --info each 10 minutes, anyone can help to me please, thanks friends and morning08:05
nikrudelpargo possibly run fsck on the partition?08:05
elpargolothar: probably a sync error, try redownloading.08:05
Dam778I just don't know how to find out which motherboard I have with a terminal command.08:05
DistroJockeyhellhound: sounds normal, sorry, no ideas atm. Your system still slow?08:05
DeadLy_sp_unop_ good day :)08:05
phenomPeople,, If you have OpenOffice type =GAME("StarWars") in to any cell in OO SpreadSheet08:05
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, why not just put that line into a cron job?08:05
JDSBlueDevlhi, does anyone know how to play encrypted DVD's?  I have libdvdcss2 installed, but that isn't helping08:05
nikrudelpargo that's kinda grabbing at straws though08:06
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro where? :s08:06
goobDam778: try this link - the third post down says how to revert to an older sound driver for that card - are you using an older Thinkpad by any chance?08:06
goobDam778" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1138108:06
elpargonikrud: I'm as lost as you are, this has been trivial for me for several years now....08:06
DistroJockeyterminhell: wb08:06
lotharHow do I get rid of part/join messages in pedgin again?08:06
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, do you know how to set up a cron job in general?08:06
goobDam778: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1138108:06
bullgard4Svenstaro__: I do not think that this MD97600 computer uses exotic chipsets. It's almost all Intel. But some detail deviates from the main stream apparently.08:06
nikrudelpargo lilo anyone ;)08:06
terminhelldistrojockey nadda....i deleted the whole vga=xxx this time08:06
Dam778no to the think pad08:06
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro yes, but how chech it each second?08:07
hellhoundDistroJockey: yes it have been running slow since i installed.  there is no compiz or anything really running and my ps aux is available at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6156408:07
elpargonikrud: nah, grub is much more cool :)08:07
Svenstaro__bullgard4, what exactly is your trouble again?08:07
msinghJDSBlueDevl, you need to install libcss2 or something like that. i think medibuntu is the place to find it08:07
Dam778I am using a dell dimension XPS40008:07
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:07
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ excuse me?08:07
DistroJockeyterminhell: so you get just a flashing underscore in the top left in all virtual consoles still?08:07
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro i need a daemon, i dont know how can make it08:07
terminhelldistrojockey yes08:07
elpargoi'll brb08:07
JDSBlueDevlI did08:08
JDSBlueDevlit's not working08:08
Dam778I will give the link a try thank you goob.08:08
JDSBlueDevlI said that already08:08
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, if you need a real simple one that goes off every few minutes, put a custom cron job into /etc/cron.d08:08
DeadLy_sp_i know make personal script on ~/bin/ but... daemons not08:08
msinghJDSBlueDevl, how is it not working?08:08
|lilox|_hi, i want to run a program and this showme that i dont have a shared libraries libpthread.so.008:08
DistroJockeyterminhell: removing the vga= bit was the only thing I have seen. Out of ideas, sorry08:08
lotharnic - I am back after a full install. What would you recommend as my first step?08:08
Symmetriaerr anyone have any idea why when I try and do a modprobe capability I get invalid argument08:08
Symmetriabecause its stopping me starting bind :(08:08
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro ahhhh ok, i go to search info about "cron /etc/cron.d08:09
JDSBlueDevlit keeps asking if libdvdcss2 is installed, when it clearly is08:09
hobbitboySvenstaro__: no i mean, if i uninstall gnome/ubuntu-desktop, would it be the trouble worth it to download, burn, and install fluxbuntu? ive already got ubuntu on on the computer, why go through all that trouble if i can just uninstall that stuff, will it still be slow?08:09
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, okay, go ahead :)08:09
DistroJockeyterminhell: unless you also try removing quiet and bootsplash *shrugs*08:09
JDSBlueDevldo you think it's b/c the region isn't set on the drive?08:09
terminhelldistrojockey there is another line here: "xenkopt=console=tty0"08:09
goobnp Dam77808:09
DistroJockeyterminhell: ooo08:09
Svenstaro__hobbitboy, well I assume fluxbuntu is already optimized, tho you can try08:10
iceeSo, I'm trying to install the hardy beta in a vmware server instance to be ready for the release when it comes out.  I've built 2 RAID1 sets and a LVM on top, with root and home partitions on top, no swap, with 2GB of ram allocated just to get a rough idea.08:10
DistroJockeyterminhell: xen hey?08:10
iceeHowever, it doesn't succeed in starting up08:10
dishayumy .desktop files are not working... i get an error messege whenever i double click one ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61240/ )... this started after i uninstalled gdesklets.. gutsy x64...08:10
DistroJockeyterminhell: not played with that either :)08:10
nclxI installed and enabled libapache2-mod-perl2 with apt and a2enmod perl and stopped and started apache2 but when I browse to a .pl file it still tries to download it rather than calling mod-perl, any ideas?08:10
|lilox|_hi, i want to run a program and this showme that i dont have a shared libraries libpthread.so.008:10
iceeafter the install, booting it, it sits on the freeing initrd memory (8190k) step, and consumes 100% cpu indefinitely08:10
DistroJockeyterminhell: you need xen?08:10
Svenstaro__|lilox|_, have you installed the c++ threading lib?08:10
lotharHow can I change my files so they are downloaded from a US server?08:10
terminhelldistrojockey i have no idea what that even is....im just using ubuntu with gnome08:11
|lilox|_let me see08:11
nclxlothar: edit /etc/apt/sources.list08:11
iceeanything i'm obviously doing wrong?08:11
DistroJockeyterminhell: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.list ?08:11
d_rwinny one know to install phoenix bios in hp d22008:12
JDSBlueDevlmsingh: are you there?08:12
d_rwincan it support08:12
DistroJockeysorry :(08:12
goobanybody know about brightness controls in gutsy?08:12
|lilox|_Svenstaro__ no, i havent08:12
Svenstaro__|lilox|_, I suppose thats why it breaks08:12
|lilox|_how i can install?08:12
msinghJDSBlueDevl, nah i doubt it is a region thing.08:13
Svenstaro__|lilox|_ search synaptic for c++ threading08:13
d_rwini can have two ubuntu distro installed08:13
Dam778Goob what does this mean... /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base08:13
JDSBlueDevlmsingh: then what could it be?08:13
msinghJDSBlueDevl, which player are you trying?08:13
d_rwinbut i cant load any thing else08:13
dishayugoob : are you on an nvidia card?08:13
Dam778it says that I am supposed to edit it. where do I go to do that08:13
JDSBlueDevlI'm trying VLC now08:14
goobDam778: it is the location of your sound driver08:14
msinghJDSBlueDevl, ok08:14
goobDam778 - or rather the location of blacklisted ones08:14
lotharnclx - Where do I tyoe that?08:15
JDSBlueDevlhow do I know which /dev my disk is mounted to?08:15
goobdishayu - i am using radeon mobility 750008:15
terminhelldistrojockey: http://pastebin.com/d13118ba508:15
nclxlothar: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:15
Dr_willisJDSBlueDevl,  try the 'mount' command08:15
msinghJDSBlueDevl, mount will tell you, but you dont need to mount anything yourself08:15
JDSBlueDevlit is mounted, I just need to know to which /dev08:15
JDSBlueDevloh, I see it08:16
Dr_willisJDSBlueDevl,  try the mount command and read what it says... :)08:16
Dr_willisheh heh08:16
JDSBlueDevland vlc crashes08:16
corporealdid something change in 8.04 that might make USB on my Dell D620 laptop reallllly slow?08:16
Dr_willisa /dev/ device gets mounted TO a mountpoint. You are sort of backwards. :)08:16
JDSBlueDevlwell, VLC crashed on me08:16
dishayugoob : try installing sysinfo package..08:16
JDSBlueDevlonto MPlayer, I guess08:17
terminhelldistrojockey zomg...i think i see that vga line you've been talking about this whole time....08:17
Dam778goob I am completely lost...08:17
goobdishayu - "sudo aptitude install sysinfo" ??08:17
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dishayugoob : yes08:17
goobDam778: are you familiar with terminal?08:17
goobdishayu: ok lemme see08:17
DistroJockeyterminhell: I see it too :)08:18
DistroJockeyk :)08:18
JDSBlueDevlok, MPlayer didn't work, it won't allow me to change the directory the DVD is mounted to08:18
msinghJDSBlueDevl, try mplayer dvd://108:18
kelvin911how to check IP address in linux??08:19
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JDSBlueDevlor should I create a symlink between /dev/scd0 and /dev/dvd08:19
kelvin911is there any command i can use in terminal?08:19
dishayukevin911 : try www.whatismyip.com08:19
Dam778I just found this http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=132&cat=50308:19
JDSBlueDevlis creating the symlink safe?08:19
kelvin911i know i can check my ip in certain website08:19
Dam778Yes I am familiar with the terminal08:19
d_rwini want to get my ram upgraded , is transcend good enough help!08:19
kelvin911but i wanna know the command in linux i can check in terminal08:20
kelvin911ipconfig ?08:20
Dam778unfortunately I dont know what it means.08:20
Starnestommykelvin911: ifconfig?08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:20
lothar of the way, and want to reinstall (flash works now) should I Do anything?/I installed flash, but stopped it08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:21
ethan961ah well08:21
kelvin911why is it called ifconfig?08:21
kelvin911what does it stand for/08:21
lothar/I installed flash but stopped it 3/4 of the way08:21
kelvin911why not ipconfig?08:21
Starnestommykelvin911: InterFace Configuration08:21
DistroJockeyinterface config08:21
JDSBlueDevlI'm getting the error "no stream found to handle url dvd://1"08:21
lotharit works now, should I do anything aboutit?08:21
goobDam778: didn't get anywhere with that thread?08:22
JDSBlueDevlalso, "couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd"08:22
Symmetriaevery time I try and start bind on this server it says: Mar 30 09:22:00 virtsys kernel: [ 1471.231123] Failure registering capabilities with primary security module.08:22
Symmetriaanyone got any ideas?08:22
ethan961ipconfig is in windows08:22
Dam778Well it lead me to another thread...08:22
kelvin911i kniow ipconfig is in win3208:22
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kelvin911is it always the command for unix ifconfig?08:23
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msinghJDSBlueDevl, um, you got issues man :-/08:23
Ashfire908is there a way to get my computer doing NAT for a network to work faster (with less lag)?08:23
ethan961yes, kelvin911, mostly08:23
Dam778This site says to do this:  (in /etc/modules.conf)08:23
Dam778alias sound-slot-0 cs423208:23
Dam778post-install sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :08:23
Dam778pre-remove sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || :08:23
Dam778options sound dmabuf=108:23
Dam778alias synth0 opl308:23
FloodBot1Dam778: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
goobDam778: the best i can tell you is to read lots of threads until you find someone that has solved the same problem - but i would try a couple different drivers if possible08:23
kelvin911so did MS copy it?08:23
Dam778ok thanks08:24
JDSBlueDevloh, nvm, I had to add some more tags08:24
Starnestommykelvin911: most of the windows networking stack comes from BSD08:24
JDSBlueDevlit's mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/scd008:24
goobdishayu - ok i got sysinfo running, but see nothing about brightness controls08:24
JDSBlueDevlhowever, more errors: libdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_03_0.IFO).08:24
|lilox|_Svenstaro__ no, i install all libs that the synaptic show me and the same problem08:25
msinghJDSBlueDevl, sounds to me that is a libdvdcss2 problem08:25
Svenstaro__|lilox|_, mhhhh, pthread is a c++ lib08:25
JDSBlueDevlok, so should I uninstall libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3, reinstall libdvdread3, then go into the docs directory and run the install script?08:26
dishayugoob : i'm inexperienced as far as ati cards are concerned... it gives a section for all such controls with my nvidia card... sorry..08:26
Dam778How do I get here? in /etc/modules.conf  i need to change some settings08:26
msinghJDSBlueDevl, did you try the medibuntu package?08:26
goobdishayu - ah i see - thx!08:26
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JDSBlueDevlI'm using the medibuntu package08:27
JDSBlueDevland as it is, I can't uninstall without breaking a bunch of stuff08:27
goobDam778: try "sudo gedit /etc/modules.conf"08:27
Dam778thank you again goob08:27
goobDam778: yw08:28
d0lphin_n0elim sorry the question but im try to install and compile one webcam module and it gives to me this error >>>linux/config.h: No such file or directory <<< someone knows how can i fix it?!08:28
d0lphin_n0eli knoe tthat the driver suport my webcam08:28
soldatslol i got it to what i can stand now. any message from a nick is green text and nick is purple. a msg to me with nick in front is yellow with the persons nick as red. a msg to me with my nick elsewhere the msg is still yellow but the nick used is yelloe as well. its fine for now but if i can eventuall get the second part the same as the first ill be extremely happy. but this is better for my eyes so im finally happy08:29
goobanybody know how to set brightness controls in gutsy?08:29
soldatsoops my bad08:29
soldatsgoob: laptop08:29
goobsoldats: IBM T3008:30
goobradeon mobility 7500 - soldats08:30
kelvin911why the internet is faster in ubuntu than in XP?08:30
Dr_williskelvin911,  less spyware?08:30
soldatsgoob: so laptop yes?08:30
kelvin911and why i can transfer file faster to my friend via FTP in ubuntu then in XP?08:30
Dr_williskelvin911,  linux has a better filesystem is one reason08:31
hyperairlong story short, ubuntu > windows =D08:31
d0lphin_n0elkelvin911 maby because dont have so much software running in the memori r lunch software thta only after afew years thta the computer will be able to running well they os for exemple08:31
d0lphin_n0elmaby to much memory software08:31
soldatsgoob: if so does it have a "fn" key? if so "fn+F6" lowers the brghtness08:31
hyperair._. i understood a few words from that08:31
kelvin911i fresh installed XP and nothing running in background i can only send file to my friend at about 25KB/s08:32
goobkalevin911 - XP contains so much bloatware and phone-home gunk along with the fact that MS doesn't care about memory management...  Linux was created by users for users - not to turn a profit with flashy marketing08:32
kelvin911in ubuntu i get about 50KB/s to 75KB/s08:32
d0lphin_n0elmaby because itis oe lame operating system maby because when istartitwas toslow even tofast machines  ...08:33
DistroJockeygoob: what does the following terminal command return?:  less /proc/acpi/ibm/brightness08:33
DeadLy_sp_cat /etc/crontab -> 1 ** * *deadlyfirefox google.es || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily08:33
Shadow420Dr_Willis are u still here08:33
DeadLy_sp_please where is the error?08:33
Dr_willisShadow420,  Huh?08:33
goobsoldats - no the function keys don't affect the brightness at all - that is what i want to configure - but don't know where to start, lol08:33
gauchoWhat beautiful cool, just for fun, program you most like?08:33
kelvin911and if i set my FTP server's download speed to 125, i can get to 125KB/s for one user08:34
gauchoI'm not talking about games..08:34
DistroJockeygoob: Here's a start:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/13503908:34
Shadow420Dr_Willis ok I have been follow the link you gave me and I am confused a little08:34
kelvin911but cant do it in windows08:34
Dr_willisShadow420,  what link for what? :)08:34
soldatsgoob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=642151&highlight=toshiba+screen+brightness this link may help you may have to edit it for your system but its a start08:34
kelvin911seem like in ubuntu i can use up my internet bandwidth to the limit08:34
kelvin911can that be fix in XP?08:34
Shadow420I wanted to boot linux using WinXP Bootloader08:34
hyperairwinxp hates linux08:35
hyperairare you sure you are even able to do that?08:35
Dr_willisShadow420,  i dont recall that question at all..   its doable. I hear. but never done it.08:35
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:35
magnetronyes, hyperair and Shadow420, it's both possible and works well. it needs some tinkering to get it going though08:36
DistroJockeyShadow420: This may help: http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/ntldr.php08:36
hyperairwhy don't you just use grub as the main bootloader?08:36
goobDistroJockey: tells me level: 7 <> commands: up, down <> commands level <level> (<level> is 0-7)08:36
hyperairthen ubuntu can boot, and you can choose windows from the list08:36
hyperairmuch better imo08:36
Dr_willisi find it easier to keep the linux grub on the linux hd. and just use the BIOS menus to pick what HD to boot.08:36
d0lphin_n0elim sorry the question but im try to install and compile one webcam module and it gives to me this error >>>linux/config.h: No such file or directory <<< someone knows how can i fix it?!08:36
magnetronShadow420: i think i read about it in the dual boot HOWTO on TLDP08:36
terminhelldistrojockey: it works now :) thx08:36
magnetrond0lphin_n0el: did you rememeber to type ./configure ?08:36
Dr_willisd0lphin_n0el,  i think you need the kernel header files.  and of course the build-essential package08:36
Shadow420ok then I need a link on it08:36
DistroJockeyterminhell: sweet, np :)08:37
hyperairsudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:37
hyperaird0lphin_n0el: run the command i said above08:37
d0lphin_n0elDr_willis i tyr this :X and08:37
terminhellnow i just gotta remember the name of the chat app i used to have that ran from terminal...08:37
d0lphin_n0elhyperair what command?!08:37
ubotuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.08:37
goobhmm - just sent it to sleep lol08:37
Shadow420because I want to keep WinXP bootloader as my primary bootloader08:37
kelvin911i have a question, now I have 250GB HD partition into C:\(NTFS)  D:\(NTFS)   (EXT3 ubuntu)  (EXT3 swap).  C, D, ext3 are primary.  I still have empty space, can I partition it to other ext3 and install another linux there?08:37
goobguess that wasn't the right fn key lol08:37
d0lphin_n0elok ok thanks lets e try08:38
DistroJockeyShadow420: Google boot linux from xp bootloader  (may get some info from that)08:38
ppcguyhey all08:38
kelvin911will the other linux overwrtie the bootloader so that i cant get into ubuntu ??08:38
hyperaird0lphin_n0el: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:38
ppcguyanyone here have any experiance with Open Swan?08:38
hyperaird0lphin_n0el: then you try compiling again08:38
Dr_williskelvin911,  you will need to remove one primary and make a extended partitionm that can hold the logicals. if you want more then 4 partitions08:38
terminhellubotu ya that was the irc one i used to use, but there is one that uses the yahoo and msn protocols too08:38
Dr_williskelvin911,  4 primary partitions max.  thats the limit.08:38
hyperairubotu = bot08:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:39
kelvin911can i change that D: from primary to extended?08:39
Dr_williskelvin911,  since one primary is swap you can do it with a live cd. and put the swap and other space on logicals inside a extended.08:39
hyperairD: awesome emoticon imo08:39
kelvin911without frying my ext3 partition?08:39
Dr_williskelvin911,  changing from 'primary to extended' is not easially done.08:39
hobbitboySven: if your still here, i just booted into the fluxbuntu, what options should i choose to use the previous partitions i just made with ubuntu?08:39
Svenstaro__hobbitboy, you only need to format the ext3 partiton on tell ubuntu its your / mountpoint08:40
luxcan i ask for help in this chatroom?08:40
msinghJDSBlueDevl, any progress?08:40
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron no configure is one module :x Dr_willis> i allready install the build-essential hyperair i remove and try again the download and nathing08:40
d0lphin_n0elsame mistake08:40
DistroJockey!ask | msingh08:40
ubotumsingh: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:40
kelvin911can i use any partition manager in ubuntu to do that for me?08:40
d0lphin_n0el >>>linux/config.h: No such file or directory <<<08:40
Dr_williskelvin911,  i always use a live cd and gparted to do my repartining needs08:41
DistroJockeymsingh: sorry :(08:41
d0lphin_n0eli use apt-get clean and apt-ge autoclean and nathing08:41
d0lphin_n0elreinstall :X08:41
msinghDistroJockey, no prob :)08:41
kelvin911the reason i have d: as primary was that i was going to install vista and try out there08:41
luxcould anyone help me to install themes? i searched for theme  install guide but that didnt help me =)08:41
magnetrond0lphin_n0el: "configure is one module"? i don't understand that. "./configure" is a command you usually need to run to be able to compile08:41
ethan961kelvin911, if anything can help, the gpatred live cd can08:41
kelvin911but i didnt find any workable download version of it08:41
Dr_willislux,  themes for what exactly.. and a theme is normally made of differnt parts.08:41
magnetronlux: did you download any gnome themes?08:42
kelvin911then i go ahead and installed ubuntu08:42
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron yes but not in the spcaxx5-source08:42
luxthis site08:42
luxi dl themes from there08:42
hyperairdoes anyone feel like installing banshee 1.0 alpha 2 on gutsy? =D08:42
Dr_willislux, gnome-art - install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org  - I use this tool todownload the theme parts. then I just drag/drop them into the first tab of the gnoem theme manager tool and it installs them.08:42
hyperairi need someone to help me test the banshee-team ppa08:42
d0lphin_n0elunless i tryto extract the ...08:42
luxi looked for theme install guides but didnt help me08:42
Dr_willisxfce is another story..... :)   no idea on it08:43
ethan961lux, do you use xfce/xubuntu?08:43
magnetrond0lphin_n0el: are you SURE? it seems to look for it. look for the INSTALL file, it should give you instructions08:43
kelvin911will gparted corrupt my file table?08:43
ethan961kelvin911, no08:43
kelvin911what if there is power outage during the re partitioning08:43
Dr_williskelvin911,  it pays to have backups08:43
luxxfce? what this means.... if u mean what version i use then 7.10 if not then i dont know what u mean08:43
Dr_willislux,  xfce is a different desktop then gnome.08:43
kelvin911how can i backup my ubuntu partition?08:44
ethan961kelvin911, the worst that can happen is the drive is wiped08:44
luxhow do i know which i got?08:44
luxfce or gnome08:44
ethan961lux, do you have a brown theme?08:44
Dr_willislux,  what did you install?08:44
kelvin911i dont want to reinstall and setup the theme and everything if there is a failure08:44
luxim kind a new to ubuntu =) started yesterday08:44
kelvin911took me a week to setup the way i want now08:44
Dr_willisubuntu - gnome , xubuntu = xfce, kubuntu -= kde08:44
luxyes i have brown theme atm08:45
kelvin911is there something similar to norton ghost in ubuntu?08:45
Dr_willisopen your home dir and look in the help/about item :) see what it says08:45
kelvin911maybe ubuntu ghost :)  ?08:45
DistroJockeylux: try going to System - Preferences - Appearance  then drag and drop your theme file in that window08:45
Dr_williskelvin911,  mondo/mindi, and other tools  also.08:45
luxw8 i got 1 question...08:45
Dr_williskelvin911,  thers a g4l tool also i recall08:46
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, /etc/crontab :)08:46
ethan961fire away, lux08:46
kelvin911can i check my partition now?08:46
luxhow to activate "theme" aplication ....08:46
kelvin911how can i run gpart in08:46
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, yes that one works too, but I prefer an individual file per cronjob08:46
Dr_williskelvin911,  install/run gparted08:46
kelvin911is gpart command base?08:47
kelvin911or gui?08:47
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, i dont understand per cronjob :/08:47
Dr_willisIf one is a TOTAL beginner to Linux/Ubuntu - checkout the Ubuntu training Book - Free/pdf format -->  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training08:47
luxsystem,preferences,theme (i got to have "theme" in preferences window right?) i dont have any of08:47
Dr_williskelvin911,  install/run it and find out. :)08:47
Dr_williskelvin911,  its a gui to the parted command line tools08:47
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ in /etc/cron.d theres one single file for each cron job08:47
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d0lphin_n0elnathing :x08:48
goobhow do i set a fn key to run a script?08:48
ethan961lux, go to system->preferences->appearance08:48
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron> yesim a shure im make the tuturials right ...08:48
luxim there08:48
d0lphin_n0eleveryone says to i do this but looks it nathing works08:48
d0lphin_n0el >>>linux/config.h: No such file or directory <<<08:48
ani1has anybody ever gotten sound working with virtual keyboard ver1.9 or ZynAddSubFX synth? i can see in Zyn the chan moves as though its producing sound but i can hear nothing... it states that the OSS outwave device is  /dev/dsp but i don't know if this is correct. any thoughts?08:48
ethan961lux, there are no themes there?08:48
luxyes there are08:49
kelvin911sudo get-apt gpart ??08:49
magnetrond0lphin_n0el: what does the INSTALL file tell you?08:49
luxbut those old ones08:49
luxi want to use my downloaded themes08:49
StevenXguys, i can't get my sound to work08:49
Dr_williskelvin911,   - 'apt-cache search PATTERN'  to find package names.. its gparted08:49
StevenXcan anyone help out?08:49
goobanybody know how to configure fn keys?08:49
ethan961lux, drag any gnome (gnome-look) themes into there08:49
luxi choosed Install- then i choosed package folder but got some kind error08:49
Dr_willislux,  drag and drop. dont use the install button.08:49
jootkelvin911: sudo apt-get install gpart08:50
ethan961lux, choose the compressed tar.gz file08:50
kelvin911what is different between sudo get-apt, add/remove in menu, synaptic in system menu ???08:50
Dr_williskelvin911,  not much.08:50
jootor gparted08:50
luxw8 ill try08:50
Dr_williskelvin911,  whats 'shown' to the user mainly.08:50
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron just to do the command he says to i do and the just type make and make install08:50
ethan961kelvin911, the latter two are feontends to apt-get08:50
goobkelvin911 - synaptic is just a GUI front end for apt08:51
kelvin911i found that add/remove is better for me08:51
magnetrond0lphin_n0el: what command does he tell you to do?08:51
kelvin911because there is a description on what the software does08:51
goobkelvin911 - if you want to keep better track of dependencies, i suggest reading up on aptitude08:51
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, done, i've created /etc/cron.d/bot with 1 *    * * *   deadlyfirefox google.es and now?08:51
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, make it executable08:52
kelvin911whats dependencies?08:52
ethan961kelvin911, yes, read up on aptitude, it handles dependabcies best08:52
kelvin911whats that?08:52
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron make and make install08:52
ethan961kelvin911, packages that other packages need to run08:52
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, done08:52
hobbitboygod i hope i didn't erase my main disk08:52
d0lphin_n0elsudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:52
* hobbitboy hates partitioning08:52
d0lphin_n0elto have the sourceskernel files08:52
kelvin911like the dll in system32 in windows?08:52
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ now wait a bit :)08:53
sayap_ikarusce g toh08:53
d0lphin_n0eland it missing me config.h08:53
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks !08:53
d0lphin_n0ellets e try here something :X08:53
ethan961kelvin911, they have the same purpose, but different system of managing them08:53
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ np08:53
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ubotuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:53
DistroJockeyaptitude is also Y2K-compliant, non-fattening, naturally cleansing, and housebroken.   lol08:53
kelvin911so which one handles dependancies better?08:54
Svenstaro__DistroJockey, like there was any application ever that wasnt y2k complaiant08:54
hyperairi prefer apt-get all the same08:54
kelvin911sudo get-apt install, or add/remove, or synaptic?08:54
hyperairbad memories with aptitude08:54
ce_montokm,yhyhtyj uy,08:54
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: hehe :)08:54
goobkelvin911 - dependencies are files that a program needs in order to run properly - when you use an installer it will link these dependencies for you, but different installers (apt-get vs. aptitude for example) will do it differently  - from what i read aptitude is better with this as well as being a lot smoother on the user08:54
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: was a fun year08:54
hyperairif i'm not mistaken apt-get is used by synaptic08:54
hyperairand aptitude doesn't play well with apt-get08:54
hyperairso if you use synaptic make sure you stick with apt-get all the way08:54
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: next is the Y10K bug08:54
goobhyperair - correct08:54
kelvin911aptitude is a seperated software?08:55
DeadLy_sp_hm Svenstaro__ not work, i can't see a new tab on my firefox08:55
luxi chose  compressed tar.gz file,drag and drop .......i did it but it dont let ...nothing happens08:55
ethan961in some ways it is, but others it isn't, kelvin91108:55
hyperairyes kelvin91108:55
Svenstaro__DistroJockey, no, when all unix times reset to 0, Ill have to search for when that is, buts its some 20 years ahead08:55
goobkelvin911 - yes and it should come with your distro08:55
hyperairbut it uses a similar packaging backend08:55
hyperairwhich is the APT08:55
StevenXcan anyone help me get my sound working?08:55
hyperairso they all manage the same packages08:56
jootkelvin911, I have used apt-get and add remove together and had no probs so far08:56
hyperairjust some do it differently from others08:56
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ can you upload the file you made to some paste service?08:56
hyperairi use apt-get install and autoremove08:56
ethan961!alsa | StevenX08:56
ubotuStevenX: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:56
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: The Y10K bug is for the use of 9999 in accounting systems08:56
kelvin911is there any website other than tinypic can upload picture?08:56
Svenstaro__!paste | DeadLy_sp_08:56
ubotuDeadLy_sp_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:56
kelvin911i hate heavy flash website08:56
kelvin911hate flash08:56
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6214/08:57
goobanybody know how to configure fn keys?08:57
ChrisGibbshi, i followed this guide for recompliling my kernel https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile08:58
DistroJockeySvenstaro__: Miss read you, will have to look into that, as I will still be alive then I hope (not like the 10k one :))08:58
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, first of, add this to the very beginning, it needs to be the first line: #!/bin/sh08:58
luxethan961, how  know which 1 is (gnome-look) :/08:58
kelvin911so what should i do with it?08:58
ethan961lux, http://gnome-look.org08:58
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, then make all paths absolute, as in, provide the path to firefox bin, find it by typing "whereis firefox"08:58
kelvin911is 4GB swap good enough?08:58
axmkinganyone know how to get broadcom wireless drivers08:58
hyperairkevin911 how much is your RAM?08:59
ethan961kelvin911, that is waaaay too large08:59
kelvin911can i resize parition of c and d without loss data?08:59
goobaxmking - have you tried their website?08:59
kelvin911too large?08:59
hyperairethan961 not too large... if you have an oversized RAM08:59
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, yes, and if i need find a script on ~/bin i need add /home/deadly/bin true?08:59
ethan961kelvin911, way too large08:59
Svenstaro__kelvin911, yes, as long as you dont power off the comp08:59
hyperairyou need that much space to store all your RAM contents for hibernating08:59
kelvin911what do u mean?08:59
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ exactly08:59
ChrisGibbsI am trying to get support for my 8Gb of installed memory without going to i386_64bit OS. I also use the nvidia and vmware restricted modules. The versions when i follow the guide dont match. Is this any issue? IE (linux-source-2.6.22-9 compared to linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14)09:00
goobaxmking - if you can dl the XP drivers you can use ndiswrapper-1.909:00
StevenXhow can i find out what my soundcard is?09:00
kelvin911is it bad?09:00
hyperairkevin911 when you hibernate, all your RAM contents are stored in your swap09:00
axmkingya i tried the website but when they say click on the drop down for firmware09:00
axmkingi dont see that drop down09:00
Svenstaro__StevenX type "sudo lshw -C audio"09:00
kelvin911the swap too large is it badd?09:00
DistroJockey!broadcom | axmking09:00
ubotuaxmking: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx09:00
hyperairkevin911 your swap should be approx 1.5 x RAM09:00
ethan961kelvin911, it is a waste of space09:00
kelvin911i got lots09:00
kelvin911dont worry, i have another 3 external, 120GB, 500Gb, and 500GB09:01
StevenXSvenstaro__, I get nothing when i type that in.09:01
hyperairkevin911: not bad, but you lock up your disk space into your swap and can't use it to store files09:01
Svenstaro__StevenX try sound instead of audio09:01
kelvin911hyperair can u explain more?09:01
ethan961hyperair, if you have more than 2 gigs of ram you don't need a swap09:01
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hyperairethan961: you can't hibernate without swap09:01
StevenXSvenstaro__, that worked, thanks.09:01
kelvin911lock my space into swap?09:01
goobkelvin911 - how big is your internal drive?09:02
kelvin911250 GB09:02
hyperairkevin911: swap is a partition, as is your root09:02
kelvin911250 GB Western Digital SATA09:02
hyperairif you have a humongous swap you can't reclaim it for disk space easily, not without resizing partitions09:02
goobkelvin911 - you don't want to cramp things up for virtual memory on the boot drive09:02
bloopshello. can I upgrade to hardy without connecting to the internet? I have the alternate cd.09:02
blah569_Can someone tell me what I need to make a RTL8186 wireless card work with Ubuntu?09:02
hyperairkevin911: but since you've got humongous disk space, a swap of 4GB seems insignificant ;_;09:02
axmkingok sorry but i still have a problem. they keep asking for this firmware drop down in restricted devices but there isnt one09:03
Dr_willisbloops,  i would wait till its actually released.09:03
tungCan anyone help me with Flash player in Opera?09:03
DistroJockeybloops: pop the disk in, it asked me if I wanted to upgrade09:03
giegABUNGB DONG09:03
tungI can't watch youtube videos with the Opera browser :(09:03
kelvin911goob what do u mean?09:03
kelvin911my ubuntu is installed in the 3rd one ext309:03
bloopsDr_willis: ok thank you.09:03
hyperairtung: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree09:03
goobkelvin911 - lol yeah i wouldn't worry about 4GB then, unless you are running a missile trajectory program lolol09:03
DistroJockeybloops: not that I did though :)09:03
magnetrontung: you should ask the Opera team for support on your Opera browser09:03
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6215/09:03
kelvin911i have 1 GB RAM of memory09:03
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, you still didnt give firefox an absolute path09:04
tunghyperair: E: Coulnd't find package flashplayer-nonfree09:04
DistroJockey!hi | gie09:04
ubotugie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:04
hyperairkevin911: i've got 1.2GB RAM, and my swap is... 1.50GB09:04
ethan961kelvin911, a 2 gig swap is good09:04
ethan961on the large side09:04
hyperairtung: enable your restricted repositories09:04
kelvin911and i may decide to upgrade to 2GB later and i hear someone said i need at least 2 times RAM for swap so i choose 4GB swap09:04
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, /usr/bin/firefox works09:04
tunghyperair: or is it flashplugin-nonfree ?09:04
axmkinganyone know how to make the firmware dropdown in restricted drivers magically appear?09:04
goobkelvin911 - you should be fine with how you have it set up - but you could easily save a couple gigs of space  by resizing you swap partition - if it's worth you time lol09:05
StevenXhow do i mute / unmute in alsa? M doesn't seem to do anything09:05
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ Im only now seeing that youre cron script would only start every first minute of an hour, I think what you want to accomplish is this: 60/* * * * *09:05
hyperairtung: my bad09:05
blah569_Can anyone tell me what I need to do to make a RTL8186 wireless card work with Ubuntu?09:05
ethan961kelvin911, when you have that much ram you only need a swap the size if the ram09:05
tunghyperair: ok09:05
goobaxmking - if it's not listed in the dropdown - thenyou don't have the driver on your system yet - you are using the open source driver already09:05
hyperairkevin911: unless you run multiple virtual machines (which you can't with that little RAM) you don't need such a humongous swap09:05
kelvin911should i put /home to other partition other than in the parition with ubuntu installed?09:05
hyperairkevin911: yes that is advisable09:06
tunghyperair: i got this in the end "The Flash plugin is NOT installed.09:06
bloopsDistroJockey: I executed the cdromupgrade.sh file in the cd. it does not ask to upgrade automatic. But after about 150 of 800 packages it automatically retrieves the file from the internet.09:06
tunghyperair: but the download is complete09:06
axmkingi think im using the ethernet driver just fine but the one for my wireless card isnt working09:06
hyperairtung: go to pastebin.com and paste the entire output09:06
ethan961yes, kelvin91109:06
hyperairthen post the link09:06
DistroJockeyStevenX: I can only use M on channels that have mm under them09:06
terminhellbah....i still cant seem to find a text based IM client09:06
kelvin911i read online that it is bette to create 3 parition during ubuntu installed, one for root, one for home and one for swap, can someone explain more09:06
axmkingi can see both devices when i check in a terminal09:06
axmkingbut for some reason wirless is not working09:06
bloopsAnd then it fails when it cant retrieve...09:06
magnetronaxmking: try to keep your question on one line09:07
DistroJockeybloops: ahh, I said no when it asked me (I never upgrade :))09:07
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_ I'm sorry I got it wrong again, what you want is this: */1 * * * *09:07
StevenXDistroJockey, thanks09:07
hyperairkevin911: you need root to store your program files09:07
goobaxmking - go to the broadcom website and look for the driver there09:07
hyperairkevin911: just like C: in windows09:07
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, ;)09:07
DistroJockeyStevenX: np, yw09:07
axmkingsorry. will do. bad habit09:07
StevenXI don't see my card (ICH8) at this URL: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Intel. Does that mean the card is not supported?09:07
hyperairkevin911: all the OS files, programs and whatnot are there09:07
kelvin911can i move my /home/ ??09:07
tunghyperair: http://pastebin.com/d27018f1409:07
kelvin911without screw up something?09:07
hyperairkevin911: /home is for user data09:07
blah569_Can you guys see this message?  I am making sure that my IRC client is not messing up.09:07
hyperairkevin911: like your settings09:07
hyperairkevin911: program settings09:08
kelvin911i can see u blah56909:08
goobaxmking - once you have downloaded it to you desktop or anywhere you can install it with ndiswrapper09:08
hyperairkevin911: documents09:08
magnetronaxmking: ok, did you try running the restricted driver manager? (System > admininstration)09:08
hyperairkevin911: music09:08
hyperairkevin911: video09:08
hyperairkevin911: swap is for swapping memory and for hibernating09:08
kelvin911my program setting?09:08
kelvin911what do u mean?09:08
hyperairkevin911: when you reinstall ubuntu (for some reason) you just wipe the root, and reinstall, then your /home is preserved and your program data are all still there =D09:09
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, nothing, i dont know which is the problem :/09:09
goobmagnetron - he tried that - no restricted drivers were listed09:09
kelvin911so if i reinstall ubuntu now my home will get wiped?09:09
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, check the cron logs in /var/log,09:09
terminhelldoes anyone know of any IM clients that support yahoo/msn chat?09:09
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goobmagnetron - i just went through the same thing to get my wireless working , lol09:10
ooo|oooHello people! Is there a good place on irc to talk abot wlan related questions?09:10
magnetronterminhell: Pidgin, the default chat client does09:10
goobooo|ooo what is the question?09:10
zero_Hey, can i get my SD card reader working in Ubuntu 8.04?09:10
terminhellmagnetron i need something non gui based09:10
hyperairtung: i think the issue is that the flash player downloaded is of the wrong version =\09:10
kelvin911if i reinstall ubuntu now, will my /home/ get wiped09:10
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, nothing similar to /var/log/cron09:11
ooo|oooI have never tried wland. Now I bought mysqlf a wlan accesspoint. There is nothing to be configured at the hardware. That means, when I plug it into my network, everybody will be able to access it?09:11
ooo|ooozero_: mine works.09:11
hyperairkevin911: if you don't put in a /home partition yes09:11
zero_ooo|ooo, how did you get it working?09:11
hyperairtung: md5sum mismatch means it's the wrong package or something09:11
kelvin911usually what is stored in /home/ ?09:11
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, you need to enable cron loggign first, have a look into /etc/syslog.conf09:11
hyperairtung: you can manually install it ithink09:11
kelvin911custom setting?09:11
hyperairtung: but i don't know how09:11
terminhellya i need a non gui IM client...i had one on another machine but i cant remember the name of it =/09:12
goobooo|ooo - you can usually get to a router control panel manually by going to in your browser and set security that way09:12
kelvin911how big is enough for /home/?09:12
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, #cron.*/var/log/cron.log09:12
roger21how do i move to a samba directory from a terminal?09:12
kelvin91110 GB?09:12
sunbirdcan anyone help me with a bluetooth keyboard problem?09:12
hyperairkevin911: /home/<username> will be your HOME folder where you store documents, music, videos, program settings and whatnot09:12
Svenstaro__yes DeadLy_sp_, remove the hash #09:12
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, yes09:12
magnetronterminhell: finch is a good one09:12
hyperairkevin911: so /home contains profiles of ALL users09:12
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, now restart syslog09:12
kelvin911can i install 2 different linux and use one /home for both?09:12
isplicerHey all!09:12
ooo|ooozero_: i have an usb card reader and when i plu it in and plug in a card, it appears as a new drive on the desktop. or i coun mount it manually with "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mycardthingy"09:12
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhow do you find what package a particular file belongs to?09:12
ooo|ooogoob: yes, but when i can do that, everybody can do that...09:12
ta_bu_shi_da_yudoes anyone know?09:13
terminhellmagnetron ill give it a look...is it in the repo?09:13
sunbirdall i get is this: $ hcitool scan09:13
sunbirdDevice is not available: No such device09:13
DistroJockeykelvin911: when partitioning for Ubuntu, if you just had a / partition then your /home will be in it. You can opt to have a / and a /home on different partitions09:13
ta_bu_shi_da_yu how do you find what package a particular file belongs to?09:13
zero_ooo|ooo, when i insert my SD card, nothing comes up in the file manager or on the desktop, it doesnt even know its there09:13
unikonanyone plan on holding off of ubuntu 8.04 and keeping 7.1009:13
DeadLy_sp_[10:12:38] deadly $ sudo /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart09:13
zero_do i have to install some type of driver?09:13
magnetronterminhell: yes, yes09:13
goobooo|ooo - yes but after you set the password, nobody else should be able to change it09:13
magnetron!repeat | ta_bu_shi_da_yu09:13
ubotuta_bu_shi_da_yu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:13
kelvin911so now can i create a partition for /home/ and move it there?09:13
snoopyis there horror storys of 8 to be holding off on it?09:14
kelvin911do i need to change anything like path?09:14
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI'm trying to report a bug on launchpad...09:14
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, Mar 30 10:14:01 House /USR/SBIN/CRON[7900]: (deadly) CMD (firefox google.es)09:14
roger21how do i move to a samba directory from a terminal?09:14
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwas hoping to find out what package the executable with the problem is09:14
ooo|ooozero_: use "fdisk -l" to see your drives.09:14
ooo|ooogoob: but everybody will be able to connect to the access point and *try* to hack it?09:14
magnetronsnoopy, unikon: ubuntu 8.04 discussion in #ubuntu+1 please09:14
StevenXI think I found the bug that references my sound card, but I don't know what the fix is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12256009:15
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:15
zero_ooo|ooo,  then what?09:15
ooo|ooogoob: i really would prefer it to be completely invisible.09:15
ooo|ooozero_: what does the output look like?09:15
Svenstaro__DeadLy_sp_, well judging from that one it works :(09:15
goobooo|ooo - ah i see - i don't know how to go about that09:15
zero_ooo|ooo, /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /devsda509:15
zero_all my one drive09:15
DeadLy_sp_Svenstaro__, :( hehe09:15
luxethan961. i have downloaded theme from gnome-look.org i opened it i tryed to drag files from folder to appearance but didnt work09:15
zero_1 in system linux09:15
goobooo|ooo - as far as i know, there will always be a way to hack something, lol09:15
zero_2 is extended09:15
ta_bu_shi_da_yuAlephTau: was that aimed at me?09:16
zero_and 5 is swap09:16
ooo|ooozero_: sda is probably your hard disk, right?09:16
magnetron!enter | zero_09:16
ubotuzero_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:16
DistroJockeylux: drag the whole file (not extracted)09:16
zero_ooo|ooo,  thats right09:16
com-8aaaaaaaaaaai jua09:16
kelvin911can i partition my other 37GB empty space and install some iother linux in it/09:17
luxi draged all files i can ...it didnt take none of files i tryed to drag09:17
ooo|ooozero_: and your card reader is an usb device and is plugged in?09:17
luxi tryed to drag all files from theme folder what i downloaded but it didnt take them...none of09:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yuwas told on #ubuntu+109:17
DistroJockeylux: the file you downloaded? dragged that?09:17
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit's dpkg -S09:17
zero_ooo|ooo,  my card reader is an SD card reader and the card is plugged in09:17
ooo|ooozero_: how is your card reader connected to your computer?09:17
unikonanyone plqan on keeping 7.10 even after the new release09:18
zero_ooo|ooo, its a toshiba laptop09:18
ridwanwoy ngrumpi apa sich??????????????09:18
goobzero - do other usb devices work properly?09:18
zero_goob yes, they do, this ONE device hasnt worked on any ubuntu version so far09:18
goobanybody know how to configure fn keys in gutsy?09:18
ooo|ooozero_: you mean its an internal card reader?09:18
goobzero - oh ok09:18
badaboomquelqu'un parle français ?09:18
DistroJockeyunikon: I probably won't use 7.10 once 8.04 is out (only have so many HDD's)09:18
magnetron!fr | badaboom09:19
ubotubadaboom: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:19
zero_ooo|ooo,  yes, it is, and it works in windows, so i dont know why it wont work here in linux09:19
luxthe file i downloaded is folder file but if i open folder there are like more 10 folder and some gzil archive file,theme files,xml doc files, and some more...nothing useful09:19
ooo|ooogoob: not sure if he really has an *usb* card reader. seems to be internal.09:19
ooo|ooozero_: i have an internal card reader in my samsung-x20 and it works.09:19
goobzero - when in windoze, go to your hardware setuo and see what port it's running on09:19
unikoni think ill stay with gutsy for at least 2 more months09:19
DistroJockeylux: It's not really a folder, drag the file you downloaded09:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:19
ooo|ooogoob: port? whats a port?09:19
magnetronunikon: please, take it to #ubuntu+109:19
goobzero - it may be configured as a com port09:20
zero_goob, wish i could, i just reformatted in linux09:20
kelvin911Can I install other linux and share the same swap partition?09:20
zero_yeah, i know09:20
d0lphin_n0elisfrustrating know that we have software ... and we allready here for 2--3 hours try to put this on lol09:20
goobdoes it show up in lspci?09:20
zero_that sucks for me09:20
luxDistroJockey, i dragèd but it still dont take that file09:20
kelvin911and same /home/?09:20
isplicercompiz fusion works perfectly on gutsy x64!09:20
zero_goob, how do i check for that?/09:20
goobzero - does it show up in lspci?09:20
xtknightcan somebody tell me if this crashes their firefox in ubuntu?  i may file a report if so.  it is huge (like 17K pixels wide and 18 megs)   http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/London_360_from_St_Paul%27s_Cathedral_-_Sept_2007.jpg09:20
goobjust typ lspci in terminal09:20
eth01isplicer: of course09:20
blah569Can anyone tell me how to make a RTL8186 wireless card work with Ubuntu?09:20
StevenXcan anyone tell me why I am getting this error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61571/09:20
Dr_williskelvin911,  differnt disrtos sharing home can cause some issues..09:20
Ayo_danceg ada org ne09:20
eth01xtknight: on a 100mbit connection, no!09:21
luxDistroJockey, thats zip file that i downloaded09:21
DistroJockeylux: I believe you can even drag and drop the download link on the web page straight into Appearance09:21
kelvin911what about same swap?09:21
xtknighteth01, huh?09:21
dishayuhow dp i update my firefox 2 to firefox 3?09:21
dishayugutsy x6409:21
goobanybody know how to set key finctions in gutsy?09:21
zero_goob, im asuming this is it : 02:06.0 System peripheral: Toshiba America Info Systems SD TypA Controller (rev 03)09:21
DistroJockeylux: ohh09:21
dan1elwho goob09:21
eth01xtknight: sigh. it doesn't crash. don't report it.09:21
ooo|ooodishayu: just download ff3 and use it.09:21
Ayo_dancengomong apa se09:21
luxDistroJockey, ohh?09:21
goobdishayu - firefox 3 is still in beta09:21
xtknighteth01, sigH?09:21
xtknighterrr ok09:21
xtknightthanks though09:22
* zero_ uses firefox309:22
Ayo_dancesapa yg maen ayo dance09:22
DistroJockeylux: can you give me a link to where you got it?09:22
kelvin911Dr_willis, what about I share the same SWAP partition with other linux?09:22
eth01xtknight: stay on topic thanks09:22
goobdishayu - you will have to enable pre-release updates in synaptic packace manager09:22
ooo|ooo* Im currently trying to install Ubuntu8 on an 2gig SD card and run it from there on my Samsung-X20 notebook. Do you guys think it will work?09:22
ooo|oookelvin911: should work.09:22
kelvin911u try to flood?09:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:23
zero_goob, so yeah i think this is it in lspci here, so do you think that there is a way to get it working?09:23
goobzero - that looks right09:23
ooo|ooofor those who dont know how to block someone: "/ignore Ayo_dance" worked for me.09:23
kelvin911i dont mind he flood09:23
eth01normally, if you give people like that the attention -- they'll continue.09:24
Dr_williskelvin911,  swap proberly wont matter.. in fact i rarely even USE the sawp partition on my linux machines.. Linux blows windows away in that area. now using Hiberbate/Suspend and sharing swap MIGHT be an issue09:24
zero_goob,  any ideas?09:24
goobzero_ - yes i think that you can but i don't know how myself lol - it is good that it shows up in lspci cause that means that it can be communicated with09:24
FireBot602NAE274 ?09:24
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!09:24
kelvin911i dont hib or suspend09:24
eth01ani1: no, sigh.09:24
d0lphin_n0elconfig.h not fond :x urggg09:24
kelvin911if i turn it off its off, i dont suspend i am not using laptop09:24
DistroJockeylux: ok, right click on the zip file and choose extract here, then drag and drop the .gz file in Appearance09:25
goobzero_ - i would paste that output into google and see what comes up09:25
zero_k, thanks goob09:25
kelvin911now if i install other linux, will my bootloader changed?09:25
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
kelvin911how do i backup the current bootloader just in case something bad happen?09:25
kelvin911like reinstalling XP09:25
JohnRobertanyone know of any open source captive portal software that has bandwidth control?09:26
Chris|kelvin911 yep09:26
DistroJockeylux: when you drag, hover over the Appearance window in the task bar till it pops up09:26
kelvin911is there something like partition magic?09:26
StevenXDistroJockey, can you tell me why I get this error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61571/09:26
DistroJockeyStevenX: looking09:26
CorbinFoxcan anyone explain why amarok is causing Xorg to freeze for half a second every little bit?  It only happens when amarok is running i have noticed, and it gives an error like "(WW) NVIDIA(0) WAIT:" with numbers following it.  i suppose its okay i fi just stay away from amarok, but i do use it for my main music player.  ideas?09:26
Chris|kelvin911 there is gparted livecd to resize partitions09:26
blue-frogkelvin911: dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/savefile.dd bs=512 count=1     will save your mbr09:26
d0lphin_n0elis frustrating know that we have software ... and we allready here for 2--3 hours try to put this on lol i give up im going to windows when i need it or try to use wine lolwhith messenger or something lol09:26
DistroJockeyStevenX: what does that log say?09:27
d0lphin_n0elthanks for the help :)09:27
StevenXlet me check09:27
ooo|ooo* Im currently trying to install Ubuntu8 on an 2gig SD card and run it from there on my Samsung-X20 notebook. Do you guys think it will work?09:27
zero_ooo|ooo, 8.04 needs a min of 4 gigs09:27
blue-frogkelvin911: and you would restore it with     dd if=/path/to/savefile.dd of=/dev/sda09:27
kelvin911"dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/savefile.dd bs=512 count=1" in terminal ??09:27
ani1!usb | ooo|ooo09:27
ubotuooo|ooo: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:27
luxDistroJockey, thank you for your help i got this work...now trying to figureout my other problems =) lol09:28
blue-frogkelvin911: otherwise use partimage. it is included in systemrescuecd09:28
kelvin911i mean how to back it up in case my bootloader is gone and i cant boot into ubuntu09:28
DistroJockeylux: Nice. Glad I could help and you're welcome09:28
blue-frogkelvin911: i answered your question already09:28
StevenXDistroJockey, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61572/09:28
kelvin911sorry i dont quite get u there09:29
=== nomark_ is now known as nomark
kelvin911let say i reinstall XP in the next reboot, will i not be able to boot into ubuntu?09:29
ooo|oooani1: im not trying to use any special "persistance" functions. I use the usb device like a regular hd.09:29
luxhow to install all new programs in ubuntu? i mean...like music players and movie players, that kind of stuff which dont got auto install09:29
kelvin911and i can fix that with liveCD?09:29
DistroJockeyStevenX: you using Gentoo?09:29
StevenXDistroJockey, no. Ubuntu 7.1009:30
ArmedKingkelvin911, if you install Windows after linux Grub wil be lost09:30
DistroJockeyStevenX: k, sorry, that paste scares me ;)09:30
blue-frogkelvin911: yes live cd, you could also use windows bootloader to start your ubuntu09:30
kelvin911is Grub the startup menu i see when i boot my PC?09:30
ooo|ooolux: why do you want to do that?09:30
Chris|kelvin911 yes09:30
goobKelvin911 - yes that is true, but you can reinstall grub with a LiveCD09:30
Chris|grub is the boot loader09:30
DistroJockeyStevenX: sorry, out of my league09:31
ani1ooo|ooo: do you plan on saving any data to ?09:31
todd_Plz tell me some newsgroups' servers!thank you!(I cannot access news.usenet.com,It ask me for password while as i know that usenet does't need a password)09:31
luxi want new music player09:31
ArmedKingkelvin911, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=grub09:31
StevenXDistroJockey, thank you. i will leave this for tomorrow09:31
kelvin911now if i wanna install other linux in my next reboot, will my Grub gone?09:31
StevenXgoodnight everyone09:31
ani1ooo|ooo: do you plan on saving any data to it **09:31
bluntedcan someone tell me how to talk to my aim friend on pidgin09:31
ncux-0guH04kamorning 2 all09:31
DistroJockeyStevenX: good luck, nigh09:31
ooo|oooani1: hmm.. why not. i would just use it like any other hd.09:31
Chris|lux look in system > admin > synaptic to install programs09:31
ooo|oooani1: so far, the installatrion is 75% through.09:31
blah569Is the wireless card "RTL8186" supported with Ubuntu?09:32
goobanybody know how to configure fn keys?09:32
todd_lux,you cann install any software that apear in synaptic09:32
magnetron!hardware | blah56909:32
ubotublah569: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:32
ani1ooo|ooo: then read the article ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:32
bluntedcan someone tell me how to talk to my aim friend on pidgin?09:32
zero_goob, my FN keys auto work09:32
blue-frogblunted: add your AIM account in pidgin09:32
ani1blunted: whats the issue its a fairly straight forward process go to accounts->add09:33
todd_Plz  give  me some newsgroups' servers!thank you!(I cannot access news.usenet.com,It ask me for password while as i know that usenet does't need a password)09:33
ooo|oooani1: i read it. its not what i do. i just do a normal ubuntu install. i put in the cd and choose the usb device as /.09:33
kelvin911ArmedKing, what i dont understand is if Grub is gone how do u perform those command if u cant even boot into linux09:33
ArmedKingkelvin911, read closely it says restore grub from live cd09:33
Chris|kelvin911 you can install grub from a livecd09:33
luxooh... nice09:33
DistroJockeytodd_: tried news.usenet.com.It instead of news.usenet.com,It ?09:33
blah569It says 8187 is supported, but it does not mention 8196.09:33
Chris|lux i can suggest a music player, quodlibet :)09:34
blah5698186 *09:34
goobblunted - you have to have an IM account woth one of the supported clinets already - then give that account name and passwd to pidgin when you set up in pidgin (i think Accounts>New)09:34
ooo|oooHmm.. I tried to install Ubuntu8 on a 2gig device. It stopped at 74% and says "not enough space left on device". How much gig does Ubuntu need?09:34
ani1ooo|ooo: if you read the entire article you would see that it points you in the correct direction... http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar09:34
blah5698185 and 8187, it skips 8186 :P.09:34
d0lphin_n0elis the new beta ubuntu allready safe to install in one norma desktop?!09:34
goobooo|ooo - i thikn someone said 4 GB09:34
elpargowell I got good and bad news, the good is that I found my problem the bad is that some tools are not not recognizing my partitions table09:34
zero_anyone know of a driver for toshiba SDcards in 8.04?09:34
kelvin911u mean install grub and change the bootloader in c:\?09:35
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: You should just make a regular LiveUSB. If you really want, u do need 4GB09:35
ooo|ooogoob: woah!! 4GB? Damn.09:35
ani1zero_: read the topic join ubuntu+109:35
blah569Is that the place to look?09:35
magnetron!hardy | ooo|ooo, d0lphin_n0el09:35
ubotuooo|ooo, d0lphin_n0el: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:35
kelvin911but in liveCD, the hard disk is impossible to be read or write09:35
ncux-0guH04kaGuys, i had three random welcome screens. After i uptdated 7.04 to 7.10 can't log in - screens constatly changes =(. Canq somebody help me, with a link?09:35
luxwhen i got windows xp i used Winamps cause that was loud :D now using this music player what ubuntu got at first ...its so silent09:35
todd_DistroJockey:well,I don't quite understand09:35
ooo|oooI never thought ubuntu would need 4GB. What does it do with all that space??09:35
breakzhey, since I upgraded my server from ubuntu 7.04 to ubuntu 7.10, it crashes after being up for almost exactly 7 days :/ keeps getting kernel panic, when I had 7.04, the uptime topped around 150 days, any ideas why I keep getting that error?09:35
DistroJockeytodd_: you had a comma in the address you posted09:36
magnetronlux: change your master volume. upper right corner of the screen09:36
ani1ooo|ooo: its got to have space to run programs and install the base system along with anything else you want to install. dont forget about swap space...09:36
d0lphin_n0elmagnetron te modle dont work :x09:36
=== liEta_cuTe is now known as shie^^
luxi did that first thing when i got ubuntu :D still too silent09:36
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: Look, My Vista laptop came with 20GB filled. 4GB is something to be happy about.09:36
ooo|oooani1: yeah, but 4GB still seems insanely much to me.09:36
goobzero_ - i don't think it'lll be a driver issue - i think you just need to configure the kernel to 'see' the card reader as a removable drive - you would need the port address, which should be the numbers in lspci, but i don't know what config file that you would have to put it in09:36
=== shie^^ is now known as shie
luxmagnetron: what u think about  quodlibet ?09:37
ani1ooo|ooo: its not like mydsl.. ubuntu comes with quite a bit its not stripped bare boned09:37
todd_DistroJockey:you mean i should try news.usenet.com?yes ,I tried,did not work!09:37
Chris|ooo|ooo when you install a server ubuntu and build up the size makes a lot more sense09:37
ooo|oooqinjuehan1: not for me. im a programmer myself and i know that even huge huge huge applications can be implemented in way less then 1MB. MB not GB!09:37
talntidi bought a new dell laptop....09:37
elpargoanyone has had this, fdisk -l shows the correct partition table but gparted shows it as one block.09:37
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: Ubuntu has a lot of packaged software. Windows does not come with Photoshop, Ubuntu comes with Gimp.09:37
magnetronlux: what do you think about fail2ban?09:37
kelvin911my ubuntu alreeady used up about 9 GB09:37
talntidand i ordered it with no O/S09:37
talntidbest decision ever ;)09:37
kelvin9114GB seem nothing09:37
=== shie is now known as liEta_cuTe
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: Don't forget bitmaps for the UI :D09:38
ooo|oooqinjuehan1: yupp. but since the CD itself only needs 700mb i thought 2GB should be enough.09:38
talntidanyone ever wonder... how the old console games could be made with so little data?09:38
ani1ooo|ooo: programs also need space to run you cant just fill it to the brim it will be very slow09:38
talntidlike, 64k.09:38
lux fail2ban ? :S09:38
kelvin911do i need to defrag my ubuntu partition?09:38
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: It is a compressed read-only Filesystem09:38
Chris|talntid i have09:38
ooo|oooqinjuehan1: bitmaps dont have to be big. look at websites. they got their gui in a few kb normally.09:38
qinjuehan1kelvin911: Not unless you use more than 85% of your space09:38
goobooo|ooo - yeah but the CD is compressed and contains lots of uninstalled packages09:38
Chris|amazing how they can fit 32mbs in a amazing game isnt it?09:38
qinjuehan1ooo|ooo: Jpeg!=PNG09:39
DistroJockeytodd_: you said .com,nl right, I just thought that you should .com.nl instead09:39
ooo|ooogoob,qinjuehan1: ok. didnt know about the compresion of the cd.09:39
kelvin911so if have 150 GB for ubuntu i should not have to worry about defrag?09:39
kelvin911even if i do lots of download and delete files?09:39
ani1!defrag | kelvin91109:39
ubotukelvin911: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed.09:39
Chris|kelvin911 no defragging in linux09:39
DistroJockeytodd_:  .lt (sorry)09:39
guja_nebeskaanyone, can ubuntu be instaled on fujitsu siemes containing vista on it?09:39
zero_goob, alright, i have NO idea how to do that, but thanks for your help, at least now i know what direction to go with it09:39
owhHi, when I attempt to connect to a Cisco VPN in Gutsy, I'm getting the error described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-597288.html09:40
DistroJockeytodd_: just trying to say that , is different to .09:40
goobzero_ lol neither do i, but i believe that the card reader is just a bus that the system needs to be config'd to recognize09:40
qinjuehan1kelvin911: Not if you are me. I used 200GB already on 300GB. If you really want to defrag, use pyfragtools somewhere in the forums. Ext3 is not perfect, you see. Normally there is no fragmentation, unless you *torrent* or massively fill up your hard disk09:41
kelvin911i download a lot so i am worrying about fragmentation09:41
qinjuehan1kelvin911:torrenting creates fragmentation even in Ext309:41
kelvin911i guess i will BT download to my d:(NTFS)09:41
goobzero_ so in theory, if this is correct, you would just need to add that port address to whatever .conf file maps your ports09:41
kelvin911what about straight http rapidshare download?09:41
todd_DistroJockey:but news.usenet.com.lt does not work either!would you please to advice some other newsgroups servers?09:42
kelvin911i usually download all stuffs to my external hard drive09:42
tungDoes anyone know where I can find information about making my Ubuntu have the Mac Os menubar?09:42
qinjuehan1kelvin911: It would be WORSE in NTFS...don't09:42
kelvin911because i hear that BT will damage HD09:42
Chris|kelvin911 you generally dont need to worry about defragging, i dont09:42
kelvin911i dont care about that d:NTFS09:42
ani1tung: avant/awn09:42
kelvin911its for data only09:42
qinjuehan1kelvin911:It won't really *damage* the hardware, just slow down by fragmentation normally09:43
tungani1: whats that?09:43
DistroJockeytodd_:  ahh, sorry. Maybe this page will help:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet09:43
ani1tung: mac like dock station google it :)09:44
kelvin911what if i download my stuffs to a temp external hd, after its 100% done, i move the files to my other external HD, is this a good idea?09:44
tungani1: okay thanks =D09:44
qinjuehan1kelvin911:And that will work, but maybe will waste a bit of time?09:45
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kelvin911thats what i am doing now09:45
vigneshwhat is the channel name for evolution developers irc?? im sorry if this is the wrong place for this question..09:45
xp_prganyone using xen on ubuntu here?09:45
DistroJockeytodd_: you ISP may also have a usenet mirror09:45
todd_I'm sod to say that wikipedia seems not to be visited!   <:09:45
DistroJockeytodd_: your^09:46
kelvin911i download 1GB movie to one external HD, then move it to my other external HD so i keep fragmentation as low as possible09:46
ani1heres a fragmentation whitepaper https://ols2006.108.redhat.com/2007/Reprints/sato-Reprint.pdf09:46
todd_DistroJockey:not allowed to be visited09:46
DistroJockeytodd_: :(09:46
kelvin911but the external HD i used as downloading HD has lots of fragment09:47
DistroJockeytodd_: what country you in?09:47
ArelisHow do i sort of "reset" my Ubuntu? By that I mean restoring all settings to the defaults. ALL settings except for my bookmarks, pidgin accounts, things like that. But without re-installing. What kinds of directories do i have to move or delete to achieve that? I want to reset GNOME settings, default display manager, default preferred applications, default wallpaper, pretty much anything except personal settings like Evolution contacts and fir09:47
kelvin911can i defrag NTFS hard drive in ubuntu?09:47
DistroJockeySorry, I'm a bit offtopic here09:47
Arelis!offtopic | DistroJockey09:48
ubotuDistroJockey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:48
DistroJockeyArelis: ;P09:48
ArelisDistroJockey: bet you already knew that. Sorry, then.09:48
DistroJockeyArelis: hehe09:49
ArelisDistroJockey: Do you have an answer to my question, by the way?09:49
kelvin911can u dual boot more than 1 linux?09:49
DistroJockeyArelis: probably removing the hidden . folders in your home folder09:50
Chris|Arelis the closest thing i can think of that is making a new user account, you'd have a fresh desktop but your old settings would still be in your old home dir ex /home/Arelis/ you could copy your files from /home/Arelis/ to your new home... but that is thinking outside of the box09:50
ArelisDistroJockey: that would mean destroying ALL settings09:50
kelvin911will installing other linux make it impossible to boot into ubuntu?09:50
ani1DistroJockey:  Arelis the . folders are what contains pidgin information and preferences etc.09:50
Chris|kelvin911 no09:50
ArelisChris|: good idea.09:50
DistroJockeyArelis: depends which . folders you remove09:50
ArelisDistroJockey: yes but when you delete .gnome/.gnome2/.gconf, for example, you lose ALL gnome settings.09:51
kelvin911so if i install lets say slackware, do i able to see the bootscreen at startup?09:51
DistroJockeyArelis: maybe create a new user and copy over what you need (then delete if you wish)09:51
ArelisDistroJockey: like installed themes09:51
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Areliscan i, after that, restore the name of the second account to the first one, again?09:52
ani1kelvin911: it would need to be on a different partition but you would see grub first you edit menu.lst to show ubuntu and whatever else you want the choose the OS you want to boot09:52
dwm09how do i remove a program that comes with the ubuntu 7.10 install?09:52
kosharikelvin911 grub should give you a choice of the versions you want to boot09:52
DistroJockeyArelis: I think so, but the UID will be different09:53
ani1dwm09: sudo apt-get remove <insert packagename here>09:53
Chris|kelvin911 if you install xp, ubuntu, and then linux mint you would have access to all three, even slackware would show you the other os's to boot, but you'd have to configure it to do so i'd beleive09:53
DistroJockeyArelis: not tried, so use caution :)09:53
Dr_willistheres no real need for ubuntu and linux mint. since  theres not much diff in the 2.09:53
talntidmint has a pretty background, and smells good.09:54
Chris|i was just giving a example Dr_willis09:54
talntidthe CD has a scratch-n-sniff area.09:54
ompaul!offtopic | Dr_willis09:54
ubotuDr_willis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:54
kelvin911now i have XP in C:\, nothing in D:\ ubuntu in 3rd partition, swap in 4th partition http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot3mp0.png09:54
Dr_willisChris|,  :) now Ubuntu and geexbox. yes.09:54
kelvin911i have 37GB free, can i install linuxMint?09:54
talntidyou need 37.64gb free09:54
hobbitboyepic fail09:54
talntidsorry :(09:54
Chousukedon't disrupt the channel09:55
Dr_williskelvin911,  theres no need to mess with Mint at all.  if you want to test out other disrtos. I suggest trying them inside vmware, or virtualbox. that will be MUCH easier.09:55
ani1kelvin911: how much ram do you have?09:55
kelvin911do i pick the 4th partition as swap for linuxMint?09:55
Chris|kelvin911 if  you wanted to waste more space with linux mint, then go ahead lol09:55
hobbitboyfluxbuntu is sexy09:55
kelvin911i got lots of space dont worry09:55
kosharikelvin911, since mint is based on ubuntu you would be able to install the theme and standard applications for mint,09:55
DistroJockeykelvin911: many linux's 1 swap (the same for all)09:55
kelvin911i got another 1000GB09:55
MauL^when I start computer (ubuntu) having a usb flash disk tagged, ubuntu do not always see it. How can I make ubuntu ee my usb disc without putting usb out and in again09:55
Dr_williskelvin911,  you have a swap fetish. :) if you have enough ram. swap wont even be getting used at all...09:56
kelvin911well, just in case09:56
Dr_williskelvin911,  you may want to take the extra space and keep it as a 'backup' filesystem.09:56
DistroJockeyDr_willis: kelvin911, except if you use hibernate right?09:56
kelvin911i remember when i was using photoshop in XP my swapfile blows up to like 2GB09:56
Dr_willisDistroJockey,  all bets are off there.. includeing the bet - if hibernate even works...09:57
Chris|kelvin911 this is true, i have 2gb of ram, and barely use 50mbs out of the 5gb of swap space ubuntu gives you09:57
DistroJockeyDr_willis: :)09:57
Dr_willisI got 3gb ram. and never touch swap that i ever notice.09:57
ani1Why would you set your swap to 5gb if you only have 2gb of ram :\09:57
Dr_willisi normally put 512mb swap partition on every hard drive i have.09:57
Chris|ani1 thats the default for my system?09:57
Dr_willisthis box has 3mb ram. and 512 or so of swap thats it.09:57
compwiz18Depending on the size of your monitor, you may never touch swap on 1GB of ram09:58
ani13mb wow that sucks09:58
POTUShello, could someone plz tell how to set my Ubuntu clock to summertime?09:58
kelvin911should i backup my system?09:58
kelvin911to external?09:58
compwiz18kelvin911: do you like losing data? ;)09:58
kelvin911does it have to be ext3?09:58
Dr_williskelvin911,  can you afford to lose it?09:58
DistroJockeyDr_willis, has the perfect amount for 32bit :)09:58
Chris|kelvin911 no09:58
kelvin911i am just too lazy to backup09:58
kosharikelvin911 that would be a good use for your spare 37gig, place a partimage backup in there.09:58
Dr_willisredundant array of external usb hard drives. :)09:58
kelvin911i guess i will start doing that now09:59
Chris|ext3 is a good option though kelvin91109:59
albert__has anyone any experience in establishing voice call to an msn partner?09:59
kelvin911how to put patimage backup?09:59
krycheki cant make hardy to show the correct time.. it just shows 2 hours less whatever i set09:59
Dr_williskrychek,  set the proper timezone?10:00
_kevin_is there any software in the repos that would allow me to record television to an open format like ogg theora?10:00
hobbitboyhow can i see free memory?10:00
kelvin911albert, u mean webcam with msn in ubuntu?10:00
Dr_willishobbitboy,  the free command.10:00
kosharikelvin911 get the partimage live disk and boot from that10:00
Chris|_kevin_ there is Mythtv10:00
_kevin_i know about mythtv but i don't want to use mpeg and i don't need anything that complex10:00
[M]MikkelHello .. i need help .. I has Try and ./configure sBNC v1.1 .. It say i can not ./configure .. This Error are : checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables10:00
ani1hobbitboy: free10:00
albert__hobbitboy: type free -m into terminal10:00
krychekwillis: date command says my timezone is CET, which is correct10:00
albert__kelvin911: I mean only with a mic10:00
Dr_willis[M]Mikkel,  you did install the build-essential package?10:00
kelvin911is it backup software or TV channel?10:01
koshari_kevin you could use kaffeine10:01
[M]MikkelDr_willis: No10:01
Chris|hobbitboy to see free memory in terminal type: gnome-system-monitor10:01
Dr_willis[M]Mikkel,  there ya go. :)10:01
hobbitboymem: free: 4 = 4 meg free?!10:01
Dr_willis[M]Mikkel,  you have no c compiler installed then. heh..  (and yes this is a faq) :)10:01
kelvin911who am i talking to?10:01
Chris|4% hobbitboy?10:01
DistroJockeykrychek: you might want to try the #ubuntu+1 for Hardy related info10:01
[M]MikkelDr_willis: Thx for helping10:01
[M]Mikkelits working10:01
_kevin_ok, thanks10:01
hobbitboytotal 106, used 102, free 410:02
krychekalso setting the "home" on the world map should change the time.. shouldnt it?10:02
hobbitboyi have 128MB, im assuming its 4MB10:02
albert__kelvin911: do you ask it from me?10:02
Dr_willis[M]Mikkel,  some source/programs may need other packages also10:02
[M]Mikkeli has found error :D10:02
[M]Mikkelseeya :)10:02
Chris|hobbitboy probably then10:02
kelvin911albert_ how do u sedn those message?10:02
kelvin911in a yellow box10:02
hobbitboyhow do i reduce memory usage in fluxbox?10:02
sanzanricwhat command(s) would i use to add a line of code to the end of  a bunch of files10:02
albert__kelvin911: I don't know10:03
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albert__what do they say?10:03
Dr_willishobbitboy,  fluxbox is about as minimal a window manager as you can get.. unless you want to try jwm. or wmx10:03
kelvin911the message u just send is in the box10:03
Chris|oepnbox ftw10:03
kosharihobbit boy run top and see whats using resourses10:03
albert__:D I don't know10:03
hobbitboyheh, just answered my next question koshari10:03
albert__I use Konversation under gutsy10:03
todd_sanzanric:redirection would help10:03
albert__this program is new for me10:03
Chris|Dr_willis you have to remember though that its flux*buntu heh still eats up memory10:03
kelvin911albert, http://img525.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot4mq3.png10:04
kelvin911how u do that?10:04
Dr_willisChris|,  one could say that all loaded programs eat up memory. :)10:04
albert__a moment10:04
Chris|lol Dr_willis10:04
ignatiusGood morning.10:04
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:04
Chris|ah sorry ;P10:05
sanzanricthanks todd10:05
albert__kelvin911: I think it appears that way, because i start the text with your name and a ":"10:05
albert__try it with me10:05
todd_what is lol?10:05
kelvin911albert_: hello testing10:05
Chris|todd_ laugh out loud10:05
kelvin911maybe this is opera feature10:06
hobbitboywas that a real question?10:06
itai-michaelsoncan anyone (not living in China) confirm that the lxde repo is up? can you open "http://people.linux.org.tw/~pcman/ubuntu%20./ " in your browser?10:06
albert__kelvin911: not albert_, but  albert__10:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:06
kelvin911albert__: sorry10:06
geirha!tab | kelvin91110:06
ubotukelvin911: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:06
itai-michaelsoni get a 404 error10:06
todd_Chris:thank you!10:06
albert__nothing :S10:07
kelvin911ubotu:  thanks10:07
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:07
albert__kelvin911: maybe because of "__"10:07
Chris|you're welcome todd_10:07
kelvin911does it work in mirc too?10:07
albert__I've never tried10:07
hobbitboyyes kelvin10:07
sanzanrictodd: how would i remove a line?10:07
^n03Ymay i join?10:07
albert__kelvin911: it works in XChat10:07
kelvin911is there something similar to mirc in ubuntu?10:07
hobbitboysanzanric:  use a text editor10:07
albert__kelvin911: but in a different way10:07
hobbitboysanzanric:  nano and pico are easy ones10:08
ompaulKellopeli_, xchat10:08
compwiz18itai-michaelson: works over here (Beijing)10:08
hobbitboysanzanric:  if youve got big balls, use vi or vim10:08
ompaulkelvin911,  xchat10:08
Chris|kelvin911: xchat, konversation, kvirc etc..10:08
albert__kelvin911: the text will be red, if my memories are correct10:08
itai-michaelson^n03Y, yes10:08
kelvin911i like the feature where the history are safe so if u got kicked the next time u join the channel all message are there10:08
ompaulKellopeli_, sorry bad tab there10:08
jaffarkelshacgood morning, just woke up10:08
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Svenstaro__morning jaffarkelshac10:08
Kellopeli_ompaul, yes i use x-chat10:08
kelvin911does Xchat safe history automatically?10:08
sanzanrichobbitboy: i would like to remove a line that is in a buch a files from all those files10:08
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, really? i thought it is blocked because its in taiwan. maybe my iSP blocks it...10:09
albert__does anyone know how to make a voice call with an msn partner with a mic (not webcam)?10:09
ompaulKellopeli_, I bad tabbed wanted to say it to kel vin10:09
ompaulkelvin911, no you have to tell it to10:09
compwiz18itai-michaelson: I can never figure out how they figure out what gets blocked10:09
unikonkelvin911 what them  is being used in that screenshot10:09
kelvin911there is a program called oovoo anyone know?10:10
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, neither do i , i know some stuff is blocked at the ISP level...10:10
kelvin911it is program like skype10:10
albert__kelvin911: I don't know ir10:10
albert__kelvin911: it*10:10
unikon no the theme that is being used10:10
hobbitboyhow do i sort by memory using "top"10:10
kelvin911and u can have up to 6 people talking video conferencing10:10
ignatiusI am having a weird network problem on my new Ubuntu server installation (7.10). I can connect to the internet without any problems (ping works), but if I try to download files I get only about 4k of data then the transfer hangs. I have a 82547EI Intel network card (e1000 driver). Other computers on the same network does not have this problem and the computer did not have this problem before when it had Windows installed on it. I have goo10:10
Chris|hobbitboy i think f1210:10
albert__kelvin911: does it have mic function?10:10
kelvin911and u can make PC to phone call for free10:10
jaffarkelshacjoin #ubuntu +110:10
sanzanrictodd_: how would i remove a line that is in a bunch files from all those files10:10
albert__kelvin911: sounds good :)10:11
kelvin911the phone destination has to be in US and Canada tho10:11
kelvin911u get i believe 500 minutes free10:11
gafatoaHello guys ! Miro 1.2 doesn't stop the screensaver during a video playback. As I've not seen many complaints about this I would like to know if I this is a standard problem or specific to my system. Thanks10:11
kelvin911PC to phone10:11
albert__kelvin911: I am hungarian10:11
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, but its strange that I get a 404 error ,usually when its blocked i get a server not found...10:11
albert__kelvin911:is pc to pc free? ablolutely?10:11
kelvin911so my gf call me from taiwan to my phone for free10:11
Chris|hobbitboy sorry f12 is for htop, not top sorry10:11
kelvin911albert__: yes, free10:12
talntidanyone know of any programs that scan a range of IP's and map it out on a visual network? like http://www.10-strike.com/lanstate/lanstate_shot.png10:12
todd_sanzanric:you mean that by a command?10:12
compwiz18itai-michaelson: that url you gave me was funny, I chopped some stuff off then end though: try this http://people.linux.org.tw/~pcman/ubuntu/10:12
albert__kelvin911: THANKS10:12
sanzanrictodd_: yes10:12
kelvin911albert__: for 500 minutes, but i guess u can sign up new account after the 500 minuts10:12
Chris|hobbitboy htop is just like top but a bit better and with a h infront of it! :)10:12
kelvin911pc to pc is free10:12
albert__kelvin911: :D10:13
todd_sanzanric:perheps sed would help;!sed10:13
kelvin911but for PC to PC i found that skype is the best10:13
jaffarkelshactalntid, if you cant find a similar one install that one with wine10:13
geirhasanzanric: « sed -i '/foo/d' file1 file2 »  will remove all lines containing the word foo in file1 and file210:13
Chris|kelvin911 there's a few apps for that in linux and skype works in linux10:13
kelvin911but oovoo can support up to 6 people webcam together10:13
albert__kelvin911: yes, but I have a 64bit AMD10:13
albert__kelvin911: it doesn't work10:13
kelvin911Chris|:  yes i use skype10:13
ompaultalntid, apt-cache search network | grep map --- gives a couple of answers --- seems to me you want lanmap10:14
vigneshhow do i upload the openpgp key which i have generated to the keyserver??10:14
sanzanrictodd_: alright, thanks10:14
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, i see , without the end bits i can open it here as well.10:14
compwiz18itai-michaelson: yep, usually if you get the 404 you're doing good -- timing out is bad =P10:14
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, however is this post:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=738958 the repo link is with the end bit but apt-get gives me a 404. i will try to chop the end in my sources.list and see10:15
cjsstablesCan a dual boot ubuntu client.. ie XP/Ubuntu have their desktop server up by an ubuntu server.  for instance if the client is XP and user xxx signs in and saves a file to the dsktop, then later signs in on an Ubuntu client will that same file be available on the ubuntu client desktop?10:15
albert__kelvin911: oovoo is not avaible for linux, and the windows edition is shareware too10:16
albert__kelvin911: i could try it with wine10:16
ooo|oooHey People!10:16
ooo|oooIm trying to connect to a wlan access point I bought yesterday.10:17
ooo|oooAny ideas how to do that?10:17
compwiz18itai-michaelson: ah, that's because apt needs the end bits, but when using a browser, you have to chop off the " ./" at the end10:17
geirhacjsstables: not sure how good idea that would be if it was possible, but you can make a shortcut on the ubuntu-desktop, taking you to the files on the windows-desktop10:17
HardyOne!wifi | ooo|ooo10:17
ubotuooo|ooo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:17
ooo|oooI can see the name of the wlan device under networks, but then what do i do?10:17
ooo|oooHardyOne: I know there is a lot of documentation on the net. But is it really that complicated to connect to wlan via ubuntu?10:18
cjsstablesgeirha.Ok.  Can you point me to an instruction set for that10:18
kelvin911windows edition isnt shareware10:18
kelvin911its free10:18
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, i just learned that....but i still get a 404 with apt. strange10:18
kelvin911u dont need to pay anthing10:18
compwiz18itai-michaelson: that is strange10:18
albert__kelvin911: I will take a second look at it10:18
HardyOneooo|ooo, no it isnt but you do need to go to the link and follow instructions10:18
albert__kelvin911: anyway, thanks10:18
albert__kelvin911: bye10:18
compwiz18itai-michaelson: let me give it a try and see what I get10:18
kelvin911try to install it in windows, it is free10:18
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, thanks10:19
kelvin911but still the quality in skype is better10:19
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, i was apt-getting lxde10:19
ooo|oooHardyOne: Common, thats laughable. I have been into computers for many years and *I* dont understand that page. So if you have to be on that level to connect to a wlan - good night.10:19
differentrealityhi... I messed up with grub and tried to fix it using root (hd0,1) and setup(hd0) but now when I boot i get command promt saying grub... how do I boot from my installed linux distro ??10:19
geirhacjsstables: just browse to you windows-home, then drag the Desktop-folder to your ubuntu-desktop using the MIDDLE mouse button. Then it will give you the choice to create a link10:19
Chris|kelvin911 earlier when i said you can use skype in linux, and you said you used skype did you mean you used it in both windows and linux?10:19
Chris|clarifying :)10:19
Abhinandhskype is the best of all uptil now i terms of quality 4 me10:19
kelvin911the only thing oovoo has is it support webcam with a group of 6 people at the same time and PC to phone free (restricted in US and Canada phone only)10:20
hobbitboyi ps aux and check memory, and it seems like theres like 50 meg just being used by nothing10:20
cjsstablesok cool..10:20
kelvin911u need fast internet for oovoo otherise the quality is bad10:20
HardyOneooo|ooo, dont know what to tell you. if you are willing to give up that quick then perhaps you are better off staying with windows10:20
kelvin911yes Skype is the best10:20
compwiz18itai-michaelson: I'm having no problems with it10:20
kelvin911i stop using msn now mainly skype10:20
ooo|oooHardyOne: Staying with windows? I dont have windows.10:21
compwiz18itai-michaelson: if you want to put your /etc/apt/sources.list file on the pastebin I'll take a look at it10:21
kelvin911and skype detect my webcam in ubuntu without installing any driver10:21
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, thanks - i will try to apt-get update again and see if that helps10:21
cjsstablesgeirha can you point me to a great set of documentation for setting up ubuntu samba/ldap server that includes connecting clients?10:21
kelvin911and pidgin doesnt have webcam support , right ??10:21
Chris|kelvin911 i think it does, not sure10:22
itai-michaelsonoooboo what card do you got?10:22
kelvin911unikon: check my PM10:23
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, it works now , after apt-get update ....is that strange or what....10:23
compwiz18itai-michaelson: good :)10:23
kelvin911i cant find any webcam option in pidgin or gaim10:23
compwiz18sometimes that happens10:23
geirhacjsstables: I'm afraid I don't have much knowledge on samba and ldap, so I'll have to say: go fish (google)10:24
compwiz18kelvin911: pidgin/gaim don't do webcams10:24
hobbitboywhat programs usually take up the most memory?10:24
Chris|kelvin911 i use amsn for webcam use in msn10:24
itai-michaelsoncompwiz18, thanks for your help anyway....10:24
Chris|hobbitboy firefox10:24
kelvin911maybe i will try amsn later10:24
kelvin911does it pick up the webcam without any trouble?10:25
compwiz18itai-michaelson: no problem10:25
kelvin911i am using logitech quickcam messenger10:25
Chris|kelvin911 it did for me :)10:25
Abhinandhi too use same webcam10:25
Chris|kelvin911 how me too, it picked it up no problem10:25
ompaulkelvin911, try it on a live cd and then come back with specific issues in most cases you will be okay - or better still do a dual boot- or better still kill off windows and make the jump10:25
Abhinandhit works out of the box10:25
hobbitboywell, i guess i should have said "processes".  im not running anything but fluxbox and about 100 meg is being used.  seems like X is taking up ~17, and the next highest one is something called "rox" thats taking up 7.  where is the rest coming from?10:26
clarezoecan anyone tell me where to find the services and applications that are started when computer starts?10:26
Abhinandhclarezoe: services or applications?10:27
Chris|hobbitboy if you install gnome-system-monitor it would tell you specificly in gui in processes tab10:27
kelvin911ompaul: i cant completely kill windows, i play games there10:27
kelvin911like doom3 and etc10:27
hobbitboyChris| im running fluxbox10:27
Chris|hobbitboy doesnt mean you cant install gnome apps in fluxbox though10:28
clarezoeAbhinandh, I mean like mysql, apache are services, compiz, screenlets are application,10:28
hobbitboyi have 4 mb free, what makes you think ill be able to run something else =P10:28
Chris|lol hobbitboy10:28
hobbitboyChris| there has to be a commandline that does it10:28
ompaul!wine | kelvin91110:29
ubotukelvin911: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.10:29
Chris|hobbitboy if i was you i would reboot and see how much ram you're using10:29
hobbitboytop/ps aux don't show anything that takes more that ~20 meg10:29
waelhello. i have a Toshiba laptop and i wanted to remove Ubuntu from it so i deleted ubuntu partition but now i cant log into Windows because there's a GRUB problem! how can i solve this problem ??10:29
kelvin911will running thru wine be slower than running the game in winxp?10:29
clarezoeAbhinandh, there're so many services and applications that I don't what them to start when computer starts, I wander how to remove them10:29
ompaul!cedega | kelvin91110:29
ubotukelvin911: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega10:29
utnubudnai!sed |utnubudnai10:29
itai-michaelsonwael boot from a windows cd and run fixmbr10:29
kelvin911wine or cedega?10:29
compwiz18you can use top to see application ram usage10:29
geirhakelvin911: Odd that you mentioned doom3, doom3 has a native linux client. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom310:30
waelitai-michaelson: can i solve this problem with out a windows cd ??10:30
kelvin911i installed doom3 linux10:30
hobbitboycompwiz18: i did but it still only accounted for ~50-60 meg, the other 40 seemed to just disappear10:30
kelvin911but ask for CDkey and i got invalid cdkey10:30
itai-michaelsonwael yes you can do it from a live Ubuntu CD10:30
kelvin911the key works in XP but not in linux10:30
compwiz18hobbitboy: are you taking into acount the cache used by the system10:31
kelvin911how to get around that?  i dont play doom3 online10:31
itai-michaelsonwael,  its not that easy though - let me find the link for you10:31
compwiz18hobbitboy: what does free -m give you10:31
kelvin911so it will be nice if i can run doom3 that is installed already in my C:\10:31
hobbitboyone sec, i did a restart on Chris| 's request10:32
DistroJockeykelvin911: not had any experience with this, but try different case for the letters10:32
itai-michaelsonwael -http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=334010:32
zuhaibHey i need some help in trying to understand this syslog10:32
kelvin911there is no case10:32
kelvin911all in caps10:32
zuhaibThis is the errors i see just before my system hanged up10:32
Pie-rateevolution crashes on startup for me, i'd like to delete its config files. Where are they located in my home dir?10:32
DistroJockeykelvin911: and you can't enter a instead of A ?10:32
waelitai-michaelson: ok thx10:33
kelvin911DistroJockey: yes u can only enter Cap letter10:33
itai-michaelsonwael i believe you can download some DOS utilities which you can put on a CD or floppy that will fix your MBR, don't know any personally10:33
DistroJockeykelvin911: k, sorry.10:33
kelvin911how to get around the CDkey issue/10:33
Sinnermanzuhaib: looks like there are problems with your sdb drive... if that's what you're booting from, that might explain it.10:33
stefgzuhaib: Could be a bad harddrive ...10:33
zuhaibIts not what i am booting from10:34
zuhaibUbuntu-server sits on a ATA drive10:34
magnetronkelvin911: we will not help you with pirating software.10:34
stefgzuhaib: Dying harddisks often scramble the whole bus, so even if you are not booting from it, it might prevent the other drives from working correctly10:34
Sinnermanzuhaib: i don't think that's terribly good either: hda: lost interrupt.10:35
Sinnermanzuhaib, stefg he seems to be having problems with sdb and hda both.10:35
Sinnermanat any rate, i don't think "hda: lost interrupt" is normal.10:36
zuhaibSo what am i looking at, sda and sdb are on a SATA Controller card while the hda is on the onboard ATA on the mobo10:37
utnubudnai!wind | utnubudnai10:37
Chris|hobbitboy i'm going to bed but if you're still having problems and want to use less ram, i'd advise you installing alternative low ram using programs such as instead of firefox, links2 works great with option -g eg: links2 -g www.google.com10:37
stefgzuhaib: i'd look at dmesg for errors, then boot a Desktop-CD, install smartmontools and check if the harddisks are healthy10:37
hobbitboyChris| its completely idle running fluxbox from startup10:37
utnubudnai!wine | utnubudnai10:37
hobbitboyand has 4 meg free out of 12810:37
hobbitboywell, "106"10:38
Sinnermanstefg: i've heard smart isnt infallible, but well, it's better than nothing.10:38
kelvin911how to use wine?10:39
kelvin911i installed wine now10:39
spoonie_auHi all10:39
kelvin911do i go browse C:\?10:39
compwiz18kelvin911: wine NAME_OF_EXE10:39
stefgSinnerman: smart usually tells you that your drive is dying much too late :-\ but in this case it might give a clue if the drive, the controller or some software are related to the problem10:39
kelvin911and double click any exe file i wanna run?10:39
compwiz18kelvin911: I think that works too, IIRC10:39
Chris|hobbitboy before i go i can advise one other thing, build your own system, using ubuntu server, install xorg gdm fluxbox etc.. you'll use approximently 50% less ram that way, but doing that might not seem easy if you dont like tinkering with stuff.. i'd only do that if you really want to use less ram though10:39
zuhaibI will check both drives, any way i can do this remote?10:39
zuhaibstefg: the box is headless10:39
ompaulkelvin911, you don't you install it within wine10:39
ompaul!wine | kelvin911 (read this please)10:40
ubotukelvin911 (read this please): WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.10:40
kelvin911install within wine?10:40
compwiz18hobbitboy: did you ever run that free -m?10:40
kelvin911what if doom3 is already installed in C:\?10:40
hobbitboyyes, just did, was waiting for it to boot up, one sec10:40
compwiz18ah, ok10:40
kelvin911i dont wanna reisntall again, i want to be able to continue the gamesafe there10:40
hobbitboytotal: 106, used: 104: free: 210:40
stefgzuhaib: so how did you install then?10:41
kraft__i locked myself out of root10:41
kelvin911do i get the dll hell by running wine?10:41
ompaulkelvin911, what if you go with the flow it is not a replacement it is an alternative and you have to do what I suggest you can copy your saved stuff after the install I guess10:41
compwiz18hobbitboy: what about the +/- buffers line?10:41
kraft__by breaking sudo10:41
[[thufir]]The highest resolution I can select is 800x600, but normally it's higher.  what happened? hardware failure?10:41
kraft__any gui app that i can call to edit /etc/hosts that will ask for auth?10:41
zuhaibstefg: had a monitor hooked up for the install of ubuntu server, system was stable so I pulled the monitor off10:41
itaikraft__: what do you mean "breaking sudo"?10:41
stefg!fixres | [[thufir]]10:41
ubotu[[thufir]]: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:41
ompaul!rootsudo | kraft__10:41
ubotukraft__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.10:41
zuhaibstefg: its been rock solid for over a month10:42
hobbitboyused: 75 free: 3010:42
ompaulkraft__, ^^ read that stuff there I think it tells you how to get out of jail10:42
compwiz18hobbitboy: for instance, my system is using 986 mb of ram, but it is really using 400MB for disk cache to speed stuff up10:42
kraft__itai: removed the entry for my real host name10:42
zuhaibstefg: troubles really did not start till i installed azureus.. Dont know if it relates but just an FYI10:42
kelvin911what does the wine menu in Application pull down menu does?10:42
stefgzuhaib: any means of booting the system to rescue mode and running openssh server on it, so you have ssh access?10:42
kyle__hi everyone, I've got a quick question about dd_rescue.....anyone free to help?10:42
compwiz18hobbitboy: according to that you're using 75MB of RAM for system, and you have 30 free for more stuff10:42
zuhaibThe system boots fine, i an ssh'ed in righ tnow10:42
ompaulkraft__, ehh there are some things you should never do - that is one of them ;-) guess you need a live cd and mount the disk and add it back10:43
stefgzuhaib: so just sudo apt-get install smartmontools10:43
kraft__ompaul: that link seems to be for using sudo10:43
hobbitboycompwiz18: yikes, how can i tone that down?10:43
hobbitboywiat, 30 more free?10:43
hobbitboythe 75 used/30 free was the buffer/cache10:43
kraft__ompaul: yeah, just rying to avoid moving a bunch of crao arond10:43
[[thufir]]stefg: you don't think it's hardware?10:44
kraft__so there is no gui app that will ask for auth?10:44
kelvin911what is the software i run without the need to install?10:44
kelvin911can i just run it in wine/10:44
compwiz18hobbitboy: what are you running on there?10:44
ompaulkelvin911, did you read that web page?10:44
kraft__i.e how would you edit /etc/hosts from the desktop?10:44
hobbitboybasic fluxbuntu install10:44
kraft__without using cmdline10:44
compwiz18kraft__: press alt+f2, then type gksudo gedit /etc/hosts to get it in a text editor10:45
itaikraft you cant edit it without super user privliges10:45
kyle__ok, I'll take that as a no! :-) is there any better irc channel to get advice on ddrescue?10:45
stefg[[thufir]]: no, ususally it's that the display isn't detected properly, so X goes to a safe fallback setting10:45
ompaulcompwiz18, please - that is sudo nano on F2 ....10:45
kelvin911http://img525.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot5rp7.png do i go like wine BitComet ?10:45
kraft__itai: running gksudo ends with this:10:46
kraft__brute force GNOME_SUDO_PASS ended...10:46
kraft__No password prompt found; we'll assume we don't need a password.10:46
compwiz18ompaul: ...nano won't get you a GUI ;)10:46
zuhaibstefg: All my drives pass10:46
kraft__don't run gksudo bash10:46
kraft__just gksudo, then xterm from the gui10:46
kyle__can anybody even read what I'm saying??? I'm new to IRC10:46
compwiz18kyle__: yep, we can see you10:47
kyle__ahh, good10:47
compwiz18!ask | kyle__10:47
ubotukyle__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:47
ompaulkraft__, oi stop using enter as a punctuation10:47
amokkhello :D10:47
kyle__so...can anyone answer a quick question about dd_rescue?10:47
kraft__ompaul: ok10:47
kraft__wonlt do it again10:47
stefgzuhaib: check the manpages how to look at the internal smrt-logs of the drives10:47
hobbitboycompwiz18 basic fluxbuntu install10:47
kyle__ok, simple, using dd_rescue, it rescues to an image file, but the disk to be recovered is larger than the destination partition.....what to do?10:48
stefgzuhaib: it can as well be some acpi or irq issue. what hardware is that?10:48
compwiz18hobbitboy: if you really really want to use less ram, do a server install, then install fluxbox on that10:48
compwiz18hobbitboy: that'll be about as little as you can get10:48
kyle__I don't need to recover all the data10:49
amokk¿is it possible to view the content of a minimized windows when using compiz-fusion effects like ring switcher?10:49
rejeepHi! I wanted to try a library which required ncurses and since I only have a temporary installation I pulled in a bunch of packages that had the name "ncurses" in it (from adept_manager). And then it started to clean out my whole system, program after program. I don't care since it was a test installation. But I wanted to give a headsup!10:49
kelvin911how to browse hidden directory?10:49
kyle__also, it it possible to private message on here so we don't clutter up the board? sorry, I'm new to irc10:49
kelvin911ls -hidden?10:49
hobbitboycompwiz18: thats what i was thinking about doing.  i have ubuntu-server on a tower for an actual server and its doing well. guess ill go through with that. thanks a lot10:50
zuhaibstefg: the SATA controller is an Promise SATA Controller, and the ATA is the onboard mobo which i really need to check (could be VIA as that is the chipset used)10:50
compwiz18hobbitboy: I can get it to use about 30 IIRC with a command line boot10:50
stefgzuhaib: what CPU / chipset?10:50
Abhinandhkevin911:press ctrl+h and all hidden directories will be visible10:50
compwiz18kyle__: you can use just plain dd (I don't know the difference between dd_rescue and dd) and give it a start position and ending position10:50
[[thufir]]stefg: ok, thanks.  I'm working on figuring out why my resolution dropped, here's the xorg I'm going through:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61583/10:50
zuhaibstefg: AMD XP 1800+, VIA KT266A10:51
compwiz18kyle__: but you won't be able to read any of the data off said partition unless you take the whole thing10:51
kyle__compwiz18: but the position...I'm assuming that's a physical position on the hard drive - I don't know where the bad sectors are10:51
robmCan someone help me with a samba share issue? I recently added a new HD and shared a folder in the HD. I mapped a network drive to that folder on a windows pc, however now a previously mapped network drive doesn't work10:51
tungNothing happens when i click "Awn Manager", is there any explainations?10:52
stefg!bootoptions | zuhaib, try if this helpsyou:10:52
ubotuzuhaib, try if this helpsyou:: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:52
kindofabuzzcan i put # in fstab?  i just wanna uncomment a line and not delete it10:52
hobbitboyhow do i elegantly stop X10:52
kindofabuzzwill it work?10:52
stefgzuhaib: try the acpi and irqpoll boot options, and possibly nohz=off10:52
lesshastehow do you install a source package normally using apt-get?10:52
zuhaibstefg: ok10:52
kindofabuzzhobbitboy: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop?10:52
stefg!apt | lesshaste10:52
Seveashobbitboy, log out via the gui, then hit <ctrl><alt><F1>, log in in text mode, run this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:52
ubotulesshaste: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:52
Symmetriacan I ask a favour and can someone tell me what ip they see for za.archive.ubuntu.com on a dns resolve?10:53
compwiz18kindofabuzz: te # should be no problem10:53
lesshastestefg: I am not sure that helped :)10:53
kyle__compwiz18: also, is the img file compressed? There's a lot of empty space on the bad disk, so if it were compressed I'm sure it would fit10:53
lesshastestefg: I want to install source10:53
=== tommy is now known as rainx79
compwiz18kyle__: if you're really good you might be able to compress it on the fly or something, but I don't know how to do that10:53
compwiz18like piping dd through gzip or something10:53
SeveasSymmetria, a cname to ubuntu-archive.mirror.ac.za actually, which points to those IP's10:53
SymmetriaSeveas cool, thanks10:53
Prometheushey, i have an x server problem, i get a black screen after bootsplash and i've tried different drivers (ati, vesa, fglrx). the only thing that seems to work for me ist the xorg.conf.failsafe10:54
kyle__compwiz18: ok, thanks anyway. Is there no other tool that allows me to scan the disk and take files from it?10:54
zuhaibstefg: btw I just pulled the smart logs on the drive and a few things popped up10:54
rainx79I just did a fresh install of ubuntu updates and all I have my video card up and running correctly no is there something i need to install to configure beryl or what ever ubuntu is using...10:54
lesshastehow do you install a source package normally using apt-get?10:54
compwiz18kyle__: I don't have any idea -- chances are there is10:54
albechcan anyone recommend a good gyro mouse?10:55
kyle__compwiz18: ok. cheers10:55
itairainx79: i think its installed by defualt10:55
maekPrometheus, does it happen for generic drivers ??10:55
stefglesshaste: man apt ..  the section on apt-get source10:55
kelvin911so waht if the program i have doesnt need to install, do i have to put it inside the virtual drive /.wine/ in order to run it in wine?10:55
rainx79itai but how do i configure it?10:55
compwiz18kyle__: good luck :D maybe try putting the bad disk in the freezer10:55
lesshastestefg: that didn't help either :) I read that but must be doing something wrong10:55
piksiare the only 0.21 mythtv packages available in the gutsy backports?10:55
Prometheuswell when i treid vesa, i got "low graphics mode"10:56
zuhaibstefg: http://pastebin.com/d4cf36d0d for sda and sdb (sdb has no reported log)10:56
TyczekHi, do you know how to connect Windows Mobile based phone with ubuntu?10:56
kyle__compwiz18: I'm assuming that was a joke......10:56
[[thufir]]how much kb should be used by the video card?  I have 500MB of RAM10:56
compwiz18kyle__: no, seriously, putting it in the freezer actually helps sometimes10:56
kelvin911i want to be able to run BitComet in ubuntu10:56
kindofabuzzpiksi: apt-cache search myth10:56
[[thufir]]I'm reconfiguring x server to try and get back resolution10:56
itairainx79: oh sorry to configure it you need to install another package, but i forgot what it called..sorry10:56
lesshastestefg: I get E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/wine.budgetdedicated.com_apt_dists_gutsy_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)10:56
zuhaibstefg: and the log on hda http://pastebin.com/d488256d910:56
kyle__compwiz18: not that I don't trust you.....but I'll have to google that one first10:56
rainx79itai thanks for the help anyways10:57
kyle__compwiz18: else it could be a realllllly mean joke10:57
robmcan someone help with a samba issue?10:57
compwiz18kyle__: I don't blame you, I would too if some random person on the internet told me to put my drive in the freezer10:57
compwiz18kyle__: http://geeksaresexy.blogspot.com/2006/01/freeze-your-hard-drive-to-recover-data.html10:57
kyle__compwiz18: I'm assuming it should be in a sealed plastic bag first though10:57
itairainx79: its something like compiz fusion something manager10:57
kelvin911is wine running as root?10:57
Prometheusmaek: i tried configuring with dpkg-reconfigure, and drivers ati, fglrx and vesa as well as manually editing xorg.conf10:57
hobbitboykindofabuzz: im running fluxbox10:57
lesshastestefg: that was from sudo apt-get build-dep wine10:57
kindofabuzzbut you trust everything else on the internet?  it's written down so it must be true!! =_10:57
compwiz18kyle__: yeah10:57
maekPrometheus, Have you tried installing the drivers via Envy ??10:57
Miougewhat is the size of an ubuntu miror ?10:58
Prometheuswhats that?10:58
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »10:58
lesshastestefg: solved it10:58
stefgzuhaib: doesn't look too bad... nothing serious in my opinion10:58
kindofabuzzhobbitboy: sudo etc/init.d/flux stop?10:58
kyle__compwiz18: thanks. Also, you know a good gui utility for analysing a hard disk (ntfs)10:58
kyle__compwiz18: I'm thinking maybe there's just some simple way to repair something on it to make it mountable10:59
Prometheusmaek: i can try, but i have a radeon 9800 which worked fine under feisty10:59
compwiz18kyle__: nope, but there probably is one...10:59
maekEnvy installed my ATI drivers no problem (the quality of ATI drivers are another matter)10:59
kindofabuzzhobbitboy: i think flux uses xdm, so /etc/init.d/xdm stop10:59
lesshaste... only 98 new packages needed :)10:59
compwiz18kyle__: sorry, I'm not much help here10:59
hobbitboyah ok thanks10:59
kyle__compwiz18: no worries! better than no help at all10:59
zuhaibstefg: yeah, i dont know if its really the HD or something to do with azureus.  I know it sounds nuts, but the system was rock solid up till i gave azureus cli a try.  I am thinking it might have to do something with the way azureus was doing the hash checking as i moved my torrents over *or* disk cache10:59
kyle__Anyone else got any experience using dd_rescue??11:00
zuhaibstefg: I am moving from rtorrent to azureus because rtorrent does not allow me to stream files from my box to my PC without a major performance hit11:00
itairainx79: probably compizconfig-settings-manager11:00
itaiinstall that11:00
stefgzuhaib: i don't think azureus can directly affect hardware. it might just reveal a problem which was ther before. IIRC the Via KT266 had some bugs, you might want to google for that11:00
rainx79yes I just did itai thanks a bunch though11:01
maekPrometheus, make sure you are on generic drivers before you install your drivers11:01
zuhaibyeah, i always thought the "A" version fixed most of them.. But i will look in to it more11:01
itairainx79: no problem.....11:01
stefgzuhaib: so you are looking at a kernel or hardware related problem11:02
Prometheusthanks maek. i'll try that11:02
zuhaibstefg: ok so that is my focus, and yeah i will try the system with the Kernel options you mentioned11:02
[[thufir]]stefg: that was very weird and scary, but those directions worked :)     what happened?  very odd.11:02
stefg[[thufir]]: sometimes the video hardware detection needs another kick in the a** , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is an acronym for that :-)11:05
kjalilhi, how do I stop screen switching when using my laptop's touchpad's scrolling feature?11:05
kjalilthis only happens on the desktop11:05
maekkjalil, Switching ?? how do you mean ??11:06
kelvin911i am installing Maple10 thru wine i think i am stuck11:06
kjalilmaek: when I try to use my touchpad and all the windows are minimized, and I'm on the desktop. If I scroll vertically on the touchpad, the virtual screens switch, from one to the other11:07
kjalilmaek: there must be a setting to turn off somewhere11:07
kjalilmaek: i don't want to turn off vertical scrolling in firefox, though.11:07
maekI think you have to disable a plugin in Compiz kjalil11:08
kjalilmaek: ah, i think you are right. where is the compiz config thingy?11:08
kelvin911what if i am stuck during installing in windows app in wine?11:08
rainx79How Do I add more desktops on ubuntu right now I only have two11:08
maekkjalil, hang on I will find out the name of the plugin11:08
stefgzuhaib: and BTW, i'd check if the hd controller card sits tightly in its slot. maybe it's just a loose contact, or corrosion on one of the pins11:09
maekkjalil, open Compiz configuration manager (or something like that)11:09
kelvin911please look http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot6ik8.png11:09
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
rainx79ok which flash video player is better adobe or the other one?11:10
luxcan anyone is there some kind a BLUETOOTH DEVICE that connects to my phone? i want to send music from pc to my SonyEricson K750i without cable........COULD ANYONE HELP PLS IS THAT POSSIBLE?11:10
zuhaibstefg: i am pretty sure its in pretty well, but i will make sure to check during the downtime11:10
kjalilmaek: do I have to install compiz config manager first? it's not included by default it seems11:10
maekkjalil, disable the "viewport" switcher11:10
kjalilmaek: or gnome-compiz-manager?11:10
Seveas!caps | lux11:10
pajamianrainx79: they both have thier upsides and downsides.11:10
ubotulux: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:10
luxsorry =)11:11
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
kelvin911help http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot6ik8.png11:11
maek   1.11:11
maek      Install the compizconfig-settings-manager package (see Adding, Removing and Updating Applications)11:11
maek      11:11
maek   2.11:11
maek      11:11
maek      Press System ▸ Preferences ▸ CompizConfig Settings Manager11:11
maek      11:11
maek   3.11:11
maek      11:11
maek      Check the box next to an effect to enable it11:11
maek      11:11
maek   4.11:11
Flannel!ops | maek11:11
pajamianrainx79: adobe flash player is more bleeding edge, it can do all the latest flash stuff while the other one is generally compatible with flash 7, but the other flash player is free software and it works as a 64 bit plugin (the adobe one is only 32 bit).11:11
ubotumaek: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!11:11
maek      11:11
maek      Click on an effect to change its settings11:11
kelvin911now i press cancel installation and it hangs11:11
maek      11:11
DistroJockey!paste | meek11:12
ubotumeek: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:12
DistroJockeyopps, meak11:12
kelvin911does it have to do with java?11:12
DistroJockeyoh, bugger11:12
stefgzuhaib: i remember that i've spent hours of troubleshooting software on systems, just to find out a loose plug was the cause ..more than once ... doesn't hurt to11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-nl.org - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-nl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:12
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:12
Peloanaoum,   /join #ubuntu-nl11:13
kelvin911please help i am stuck11:13
anaoumPelo: im just trying to figure out what -nl is??11:13
kelvin911and the cancel installation is always on top11:13
luxso? is there any or not :/ no1 answer11:14
kelvin911how to get rid of it?  i cant close it11:14
Flannelanaoum: It's the Netherlands LoCo team chanel11:14
Pelokelvin911, turn off the desktop effects11:14
Peloanaoum, netherlands  ei holland11:14
pajamiananaoum: if you want to experiment with the bot you can always do it in PM and avoid spamming the channel with it.11:15
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: *I* always keep the force quit applet in my panel for that reason... Add it, then use it to force quit11:15
kelvin911still cant11:15
lesshastewhat's a good sound editing tool to do noise reduction etc?11:15
* Pelo wonders what IndyGunFreak is doing in the channel at this time of the morning 11:15
popeylesshaste: audacity11:15
popeylesshaste: or ardour11:15
lesshasteaha.. never heard of ardour :)11:15
luxIs there any bluetooth device which let send music,pictures from pc to my SonyEricsion k750i ? without cable... pls help anyone11:15
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol, just woke up, getting ready to go play w/ the retards here in a few...lol11:15
anaoumpajamian: i was just asking the bot what ubuntu-nl was11:16
popeylux: pretty much any bluetooth dongle will work with ubuntu11:16
anaoumpajamian: and i only tried twice11:16
Pelokelvin911,  alt+f2 ,   xkill ,  then just click the window you want gone11:16
* IndyGunFreak sighs11:16
anaoumpajamian: u bringing up the issue was spam11:16
anaoumpajamian: as is this :P11:16
pajamiananaoum: yes it is, I was just letting you know.11:16
luxpoey, so how can i download some? from where i means11:17
kelvin911how to get the force quit applet11:17
sunbirdsince you're talking about bluetooth...11:17
sunbirdi'm having trouble getting mine to work in 7.10 x6411:17
Seveaslux, a bluetooth dongle is hardware. You can't download that11:17
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: right click your panel on the top.. add to panel, add the force quit applet.. then use it to force close whatever that is11:17
luxits already in my pc?11:17
Seveaslux, we don't know what's in your pc.11:17
Pelokelvin911, alt+f2 to open a lancher window,  type xkill in the bar, that will get you a X cursor for your mouse, click the windows you don't want to kill it , repeat as needed11:18
pajamianPelo: nice tip, I didn't know that one myself.11:18
luxsry....my mistake i didnt read your text ...11:18
anaoumPelo: how do we get out of xkill11:19
IndyGunFreakPelo: i didn't knwo that either, good one, I just always used the force quit applet11:19
Pelopajamian, I don'T remember whre I got it , just type man xkill for more details11:19
kelvin911cant kill with xkill11:19
Peloanaoum, once you killed someting , you will be out of it11:19
kjalilmaek: thanks11:19
anaoumPelo: what if i dont want to kill something11:19
luxi mean...is there any software? which let send things from pc to phone ?11:19
anaoumPelo: nevermind, right click does it11:19
Pelokelvin911, gksu xkill then11:20
luxi dont have hardware for that, is there software which let send things from pc to phone11:20
Peloanaoum, if you don't want to kill anything you shouldn't be carrying a loaded gun11:20
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:21
Pelolux can you plug your phone in the computer with a usb cable or somethjing ?11:21
anaoumPelo: i wanted to kill something, but then it killed it self11:21
anaoumPelo: i must still shoot someone !?!?11:21
kelvin911force quit thingy doesnt work11:21
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.11:21
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: are you sure?.. i've never had that not work.11:21
pajamianPelo: it seems to work by aborting the connection to the xserver.  A more effective method is to send a sigterm with kill or sigkill if that doesn't work (kill -9)11:21
kelvin911i am installing a software thru wine11:21
kelvin911and it stucks11:21
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: thats irrelevant11:22
kelvin911the software is Maple 1011:22
ompaulkelvin911, #winehq for support with wine issues11:22
kelvin911i think it uses JAVA maybe that s why11:22
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: no, thats not why, force quit would still kill it11:22
Pelokelvin911, what was the app ?11:22
talntidwrksend me a copy of it, i'll get it working :)11:22
pajamiankelvin911: that's fine, you just have to install java in the wine instance, then.  But if you can figure it out it's sometimes better to run the program in the native Linux java.11:23
rainx79So, Maybe someone can answer this question. Do any of you have an idea on how I would go about getting my videos from Veoh.com11:23
kelvin911Maple 1011:23
IndyGunFreakrainx79: they work fine for me.... do you have flash installed?11:23
Dr_willisrainx79,  a lot of the veoh videos are flash based. and can be downloaded with varioys firefox extebnsions11:23
kelvin911it's about 150 MB11:23
Pelorainx79, what format does veohcom usualy put out ?11:23
IdleOnerainx79 download them?11:23
kelvin911how to send to u?11:23
Dr_willisveoh also their own custome player (windows only) not sure what format those are in. It can download the videos also.(some of them at least)11:24
rainx79well some videos won't play the full length video and to be able to do that you need to download it with the veoh player which is for windows only11:24
novato_brdoes anyone know how to remove super glue from glass?11:24
pajamianrainx79: look into wine, then.11:24
IdleOnenovato_br hot water11:24
[SAFC]stevecnovato_br: scratch it off?11:24
rainx79I guess that will have to do then11:25
Dr_willisrainx79, yep. those are like ads for getting you to use the full pplayer. wine has issues with the veoh player i hear.11:25
pajamiannovato_br: nail polish remover.11:25
Pelonovato_br, razor blade or acetone11:25
kelvin911wineserver -k work :)11:25
Dr_willisrainx79,  those are ones you proberly cant download anyway. :(11:25
novato_brthx, i will try that11:25
kelvin911someone help me in #winehq11:25
rainx79I'll figure something out11:25
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: if the install froze up, why don't you just restart X?11:25
rainx79thanks anyways for the information11:25
Pelokelvin911, if noone is helping you in winehq atm,  be patient, , come back later, or restate your issue periodicaly11:26
kelvin911dont know how to restart X11:26
pajamiankelvin911: cool, btw, if it really is a java program you may be able to run it with the Linux version JVM which would be better than running under wine.11:26
novato_bris it possible to running compiz with Nvidia TNT2 video card ?11:26
Pelokelvin911, ctrl alt backspace11:26
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: you'll lose any unsaved, but control alt backspace, and sign back in11:26
DistroJockeyrainx79: veoh.com works fine for me (Hardy beta)11:26
kelvin911i dont wanna restart i am sending a file thru FTP to my gf11:26
IndyGunFreakthen quit griping11:26
Dr_willisDistroJockey,  the flash videos at veoh.com is only part of their library. :(11:26
Pelokelvin911, sudo killall -9 wineserver11:27
DistroJockeyDr_willis: link me?11:27
Dr_willis They got links somewhere on their homepage.11:27
kelvin911i remember that kill -9 thing in university11:27
Dr_willisfor the veoh.exe player (and no it dont like wine)11:27
kelvin911kill -9 the ultimate kill coommand ??11:27
DistroJockeyDr_willis: I clicked one and it works :) *shrugs*11:27
pajamiankelvin911: yep, pretty much.11:28
pajamiankelvin911: kill -9 will kill anything.11:28
Pelosudo kill -9 pajamian-libido11:29
kelvin911and i remember i freeze the server with this in C "while(1) fork();"11:29
anlido I add a screen resolution in xorg.conf?11:29
pajamianPelo: no such processs :-P11:29
kelvin911i bring down the university server with this11:29
Dr_willisDistroJockey,  thats not as good as quality. they have 2 ways of watching the videos.. the old flash way.. and the veohtv way. PLUS theres shows that can only be watched in veohtv11:29
IndyGunFreakanli: you shouldn't really need to.. at least i never have had to.11:29
Peloanli, edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file,   the resolutions are listed about the middle of the file11:29
anliIndyGunFreak: but i run ubuntu in a virtual box11:30
anliPelo: empty11:30
anlioops, haha11:30
IndyGunFreaknot really sure what difference that makes, but ok11:30
Petengyhi to all11:30
Peloanli, X one one , not X L L11:30
luxPelo, my usb cable is proken :P is there way to do that without hardware? with software?11:30
PyN00bhi everyone,, can anyone tell me a debian based online shell provider..11:30
DistroJockeyDr_willis: ahh, never been there before11:30
Pelolux,  you need a path for the info to go along, either a cable or a bluetooth11:31
IndyGunFreak!shell | PyN00b11:31
anlithere is only X one one :)11:31
ubotuPyN00b: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:31
Petengysomeone know a good guide or wiki to properly install, or make working, my webcam on my laoptop in Ubuntu ?11:31
anliseems that I have to alter the debconf database11:31
IndyGunFreak!webcam | Petengy but most don't seem to work very well..11:32
ubotuPetengy but most don't seem to work very well..: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:32
magnetronPetengy: does it have any Linux drivers?11:32
PeloPetengy, webcams are trycky in linux, don'T hope for too much11:32
IndyGunFreakPetengy: check the hardware database w/ !hardware11:32
PyN00bIndyGunFreak,: i know about gnome-terminal..i am asking about a online shell account provider..11:32
IndyGunFreakoh ok11:32
dulceno hablan español11:32
kelvin911i install skype, and my webcam work there without any driver installed11:32
Pelo!es | dulce11:32
ubotudulce: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:32
PyN00bi went for couple of them but either they are not giving out any new accounts or are down ..11:33
dulcey como lo hago11:33
utnubudnaiafter i modifid my system time,i cant vim my file,how to fix it?11:33
IdleOnedulce /join #ubuntu-es11:33
Pelodulce,  /join #ubuntu-es11:33
PetengyIndyGunFreak, tnx a lot I check11:33
Petengyubotu, TnX11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tnx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:33
arvind_khadriutnubudnai, did u change it a older time??11:34
PetengyPelo, TnX11:34
utnubudnaiyes arvind_khadri11:34
arvind_khadriutnubudnai, then change it to the correct time...u'll be able to access it then :)11:34
Petengymagnetron, I don't know if there are linux driver, the chip set is a OmniVision Technologies, Inc.11:34
magnetronPetengy: you need to find out if there is any linux driver for it.11:35
SliM1i cannot set up my LAN11:35
arvind_khadriSliM1, hii11:35
utnubudnaiarvind_khadri:i have to say that the time now is right!before i modify it ,It's wrong11:35
Petengymagnetron, ok :)11:35
kelvin911is there any math software similar to matlab, maple in linux?11:36
kelvin911i found Maxima i am uinstalling now11:36
SliM1what else should i do besides installing samba and sharing a folder?11:36
magnetronkelvin911: yes. try octave11:36
arvind_khadriutnubudnai, restart and try...also change the cmos time11:36
kelvin911whats octave?11:36
ricanelitecan i install ubuntu studio together with my ubuntu install already?11:36
dulcecom se entra ahi11:36
kelvin911is it similar to matlab or maple?11:36
magnetronkelvin911: i already answered that11:37
utnubudnaino i dont want restart my system now arvind_khadri11:37
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: look at this site...  http://linuxappfinder.com/  and look at "Alternatives"11:38
IdleOnedulce escribe /join #ubuntu-es o tan bien /join #kubuntu-es11:38
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: it looks like Matlab has a linux verison11:39
kelvin911is the linux version free?11:40
tgerHey guys, I have an Acer Ferrari 4000 with an ATI Radeon Mobility x700.  It has 1 x DVI port, 1 x VGA port (both have a 19@ crt monitor and 22@ lcd dvi monotor pluged in) however the screen shows on the laptop screen and the 19" crt.  I plugged the lcd in after... how would i go about configuring all 3?11:40
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: i have no idea, but there's several alternatives on that site i gave you, i'm sure one of them is11:41
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: seems Octave is the popular choice, its in the repositories11:41
magnetronkelvin911: install it with "add/remove applications"11:43
kelvin911sounds good.11:43
sinthey, is there any list in ubuntu where i can see all daemons starting on boot?11:43
kelvin911but i need symbolic math software like maple now11:43
sintand of course, edit them11:43
evan_hey is there any one who has global menu to work on hardy?? ( yes i am aware of the channel just checking here )11:44
kelvin911how to get help command in Maxima11:44
kindofabuzzit sure would be nice if you could just drag and drop files to a vnc'd desktop =)11:45
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: what do you mean help command?11:45
utnubudnaiarvind_khadri:fortunately i found a solution,change the time to future,then run 'sudo -k',after this correct the time11:45
danuelAnyone know how to add support for video card and monitor?  xorg.conf doesn't seem to control resolution.  RandR doesn't recognize the correct resolutions (xrandr -q) on my new laptop - HP dv2718us.  Also, wireless doesn't work.11:46
kelvin911help for command and function in Maxima11:46
kelvin911seem like Maxima is not that powerful enough11:47
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: "/join #maxima"11:47
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: is it not powerful enough, or do you not know how to use it?11:47
bkojcan somebody help me about vbox, ubuntu 7.10 guest on Win Xp Host, after installing guest additions on ubuntu i cant do nothing, the mouse is auto captured when i go with the cursor over the window but i cant click, the keyboard is not working alos11:48
waelhello . can someone help me , DVD dont work11:49
waeli use VLC11:50
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:50
[SAFC]stevecNow listening to:My Body Is A Cage by Arcade Fire on Neon Bible11:50
waelok thanks11:50
Darebuongiorno, qualcuno ha per caso installato Ubuntu su un laptop Toshiba S2450?11:51
Daresono giorni che mi sto sbattendo per far funzionare la scheda nVidia con i driver nativi11:51
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:51
bkojcan somebody help me about vbox, ubuntu 7.10 guest on Win Xp Host, after installing guest additions on ubuntu i cant do nothing, the mouse is auto captured when i go with the cursor over the window but i cant click, the keyboard is not working alos11:51
compwiz18[SAFC]stevec: Please turn off the music feature -- we have enough messages in this channel as it is :)11:51
IndyGunFreakno you're not11:52
DareI missed channel :)11:52
kelvin911well it cant even compute this limit(x*((1+1/x)^x-exp(1)),x,inf);11:52
BertanCan anyone expain for how the mbr works. Is there one on each partition?11:52
kelvin911the limit is exp(1)/2 but it gives no result11:52
pajamian!vbox | bkoj11:52
ubotubkoj: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:52
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: well, i'd lean more towards you'er not doing right, ratherthan the program isn't powerful enough11:52
laurlyi need to reinstall my server at home it has debian now i want to put ubuntu on.  Question is what do i need to know how to do to get all the network stuff working again?11:53
kelvin911maple gives results11:53
kelvin911even TI-8911:53
yaccJust wondering, anyone here managed to get preseed going with Ubuntu?11:53
bkojpajamian i am using ubuntu as guest thats the problem11:54
=== bascule_ is now known as bascule
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: http://linuxappfinder.com/package/sage11:54
pajamianbkoj: try #vbox11:56
bkoji tried nobody replies11:56
bartmonHey. I'm experiencing problems with dpkg. Whether i want to upgrade or install a new package i get an error:11:57
bartmondpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 16378 package `libedataserver1.2-9':11:57
bartmon `Depends' field, reference to `libc6': version contains ` '11:57
bartmonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)11:57
FloodBot2bartmon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
IndyGunFreako/ Floodbot!11:58
bartmonSry about flood, firefox crashes on any page load so I can't use any pastebin. I tried downgrading it but i get the aforementioned  error11:59
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IndyGunFreakbartmon: firefox crashes on any page you load?11:59
bartmonIndyGunFreak: Yes! Except if it's on localhost12:00
IndyGunFreakhave you tried another browser?12:00
bartmonIndyGunFreak: I don't have any other installed. And i can't installed new ones because dpkg is broken (see my flood).12:01
IndyGunFreakyour flood didn't come to12:01
bartmondpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 16378 package `libedataserver1.2-9':12:02
bartmon `Depends' field, reference to `libc6': version contains ` '12:02
bartmonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)12:02
IndyGunFreakno idea here12:02
K4N3i recently had to REinstall gutsy from then when ever screensaver had to be actiavted screen just goes blank and no key works.12:03
K4N3can plz ... some one help me out with this12:03
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=== goblegoble is now known as smoogz
kraft__i had an issue with my raid5, and couldnlt add one of the drives back to the array, and if i try to add it as a new drive, it says its not large enough12:05
IndyGunFreakbartmon: what brought this error on?12:05
=== marko-_-__ is now known as marko-_-
kraft__I've also tried to --zero-superblock, but i get Unrecognised md component device12:06
bartmonIndyGunFreak: I just wanted to install an update. I didn't muck about with any packages.  So I started Update Manager, and it wouldn't install the update with the same error. I tried updating via the console for more information but it's the same.12:07
kelvin911how to open bin file?12:08
kelvin911how to open it without burning it to CD?12:08
bartmonkelvin911: is it a CD image or a program?12:09
kelvin911i just found my maple 9 image file it may contains linux version in there12:09
kelvin911CD image12:09
bartmonusually what i do is I convert it from bin 2 iso and then file-roller can open it.12:09
bartmonTry searching for a program called bin2iso12:10
bartmoni think it's in teh repositories12:10
bobzerohallo i have some problems while shuting down my system, i cant see the menu where i can chose "shutdown", "reboot" etc....12:10
bobzerocan someone help me?12:10
|ismael|hi somebody know ekiga?12:11
magnetronbobzero: try hitting "ctrl+alt+backspace". WARNING! it will reboot the graphical parts of Ubuntu12:11
magnetron!ask | |ismael|12:11
ubotu|ismael|: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:11
|ismael|ok sorry.i would like use voipbuster in ekiga but i dont know12:12
bartmonkelvin911: It isn't, sorry. I remember I found it on Google. You gave to compile it yourself though.12:12
smoogzI have recently downloaded ClamTH Virus Scanner.... When i tyr and update my signatures ( i assume this will update the virus scanner)  It says that i must be root to update.  How do I become root?12:12
bartmonIt's very straightforward.12:13
kelvin911how do u compile software?12:13
kelvin911is it hard?12:13
Slart|ismael|: isn't voipbuster an application in itself?12:13
bartmonkelvin911: no, it's just one command for simple programs12:13
kelvin911or is it like compiling little gcc file?12:13
bartmonkelvin911: gcc -o name-of-executable name-of-source-code12:13
kelvin911make aaa.gcc -o whatever.out ?12:13
|ismael|in the page of voipbuster i cant download voipbuster for linux12:13
FloodBot2al_qaida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
bobzerohallo i have some problems while shuting down my system, i cant see the menu where i can chose "shutdown", "reboot" etc.... Since I installed xcomprg for awn i cant see the shutdown menu12:14
Slart|ismael|: or you want to use your voipbuster account from Ekiga?12:14
kelvin911how do u compile a program that is gui base?12:14
kelvin911like compiling mplayer ??12:14
krautwho maintains the floodbots?12:15
IdleOnekraut I believe it is LjL12:15
bartmonkelvin911: Such complex programs usually come with a Makefile and then you can just run "make".12:15
krautIdleOne: thanks12:15
|ismael|i have an account from voipbuster,i would like call to my country with some program12:15
krautLjL: are you there?12:15
kelvin911whats the different if u compile it or install in thru add/remove?12:15
bartmonBut usually the recipe goes like this: "./configure", "make", "sudo make install"12:16
kelvin911and why people need to compile linux kernel?12:16
al_qaidacitizens under negating technologies for life and people's safety!12:16
kelvin911is it already installed in ubuntu?12:16
Slart|ismael|: look here... I haven't used voipbuster myself but it seems other people are12:16
Slart|ismael|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52905112:16
IdleOnekelvin911 most people never need to compile they're own kernel12:17
bartmonkelvin911: Well with the add/remove method you can uninstall and upgrade it easily. If you install a program manually you have to update, compile and uninstall manually because the system doesn't know of the installed program.12:17
|ismael|ok thank you and sorry for my english12:17
dumb4midihow can i connect a midi keyboard through my soundcard? i dont get it working12:17
kelvin911then why compile it yourself?12:18
kelvin911for fun?12:18
bartmonkelvin911: The Linux kernel is the core of any Linux distribution, including Ubuntu. Some peole like to tweak it a bit and to make it runnable they have to recompile it after tweaking.12:18
snamadumb4midi you just connect it with gameport midi adapter12:18
dumb4midii have12:18
IdleOnekelvin911 you can compile yourself if you need/want the most up to date software but that is not always a good idea so it is best to stick with the pre-packaged apps in the repositories12:18
snamaif you have a joystickport12:18
dumb4midibut i doesnt work12:18
bartmonkelvin911: Yes, for fun! That's what open source allows people to do!12:18
snamahave you used qjackctl?12:19
dumb4midii want to play with with zynaddsubfx12:19
snamainstall qjackctl12:19
kraft__slightly different queston then. I can write to a partition:12:19
kraft__sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda3 bs=1 count=112:19
kraft__dd: writing `/dev/sda3': No space left on device12:19
dumb4midiok i try12:19
snamathen fire it up and tell me when youre ready12:19
kraft__however: /dev/sda3            2432       38913   293041665   fd  Linux raid autodetect12:19
kraft__any ideas?12:20
dumb4midisnama: iam ready12:20
snamaclick connect12:20
snamathen go to midi tab12:20
dumb4midiand then12:21
bartmonkraft__: is /dev/sda3 mounted by any chance?12:21
snamayou should fire up zynaddsubfx before you start qjackctl12:21
kraft__bartmon: no12:21
snamawell if you can find your soundcards midi input you click it and then you click on zynadd to the left and press connect12:21
PU826hello who know all destop installer source list ?12:22
snamayour soundcards midi port should be to the right12:22
PU826LjL ?12:22
lotharHello I am having trouble with java. What is the paste bin address again?12:22
bartmonkraft__: Is the RAID array up? Then you should probably write to some device called /dev/md3...12:23
kelvin911i am hooked into this ubuntu linux just like i was hooked into win95 back in 9512:23
PU826greatz helpfull server12:23
smoogzI have recently downloaded ClamTH Virus Scanner.... When i tyr and update my signatures ( i assume this will update the virus scanner)  It says that i must be root to update.  How do I become root?12:23
legend2440lothar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12:23
kraft__bartmon: are you sure?12:23
lotharHere is the paste bin of my problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61594/12:23
snamalegend2440 why would you need it?12:23
bartmonsmoogz: In the console use sudo <command>12:24
smoogzthnc u12:24
snamai mean smoogs12:24
lotharledgend - I saw it as soon as I posted, theank though12:24
snamasmoogz why would you need the virus scanner?12:24
Sup3rkiddohi all, i bought a new sony cr laptop with ati radeon (x2300), and X refuses to start even in vesa..i get some errors relating to soe ucvcvideo...any pointers on how to proceed12:24
snamadum4midi: how is it going?12:24
Sup3rkiddoi am trying to install gutsy12:24
dumb4midisnama: doesnt work12:25
bartmonkraft__: Well do you have any of these devices?12:25
bartmonkraft__: /dev/md*12:25
smoogzi thought it would be good to have12:25
snamawell its not neccesary on linux yet12:25
snamanot yet or maybe never12:25
smoogzoh ok cool12:25
kraft__bartmon: yep, but the disk in question isn't part of an active array12:25
lotharthe first linux virus will wipe out so many people12:25
kraft__md0 is currenty clean + degraded12:26
bartmonsmoogz: sudo means super user do, but the user that executes it must be in the user group admin12:26
snamadumb4midi did you try several setups? i mean connecting zynaddsubfx with different ones12:26
dumb4midido i need to make some settings in zynaddsubfx?12:26
smoogzi am12:26
smoogzi got it12:26
snamayou shouldnt need to12:26
al_qaidaAllah akbar!12:26
snamai used it that way on debian etch12:26
bartmonkraft__: Oh, then you probably typed the correct device before.12:26
snamaworked perfectly12:26
PU826dont use any patch or app with root12:26
EthanI don't if I have briken something :$ but if I do 'ls | grep foo'12:26
EthanI get a 'bash:  grep: command not found'12:26
Ethandoes anyone has an idea why ?12:26
smoogzi just didnt know it would see me as the root with sudo before the command12:26
FloodBot2Ethan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
dumb4midii installed ubuntu studio12:26
smoogzbut it makes sense thnx for the help12:26
jtravnickvirus scanning is still a good idea so you dont infect any windows friends you forward mail to12:26
dumb4midii connect the both but then nothing happends12:27
marcreichelthi there12:27
al_qaidaAllah akbar!12:27
lotharcan someone kick that idiot?12:27
dumb4midido i need some settings to make on the keyboard?12:27
snamayou shouldnt need to12:27
dumb4midii only turned on general midi12:28
eternal_fizzer hello - don't kick me, I'm new :-) I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 - firefox died & won't restart, tried opening update manager, it says software index broken, so opened Synaptic update manager, and tried "fix broken packages" but same problems.12:28
dumb4midiits an old keyboard from 1990 and i don`t have the manual12:28
eth01dumb4midi: guess what, ubuntu-studio has it's own channel. #ubuntu-studio :)12:28
PU826lothar what happened he say thinks12:28
marcreicheltI have a mixed data / audio CD, and I want to copy the whole CD (incl. the audio tracks) and emulate it12:28
snamajtravnick: i personally think that its the problem of the windows friends to get virus protection12:28
marcreicheltdoes anybody have an idea how I can do this?12:28
dumb4midieth01: they are still sleeping there12:28
PU826lothar and he remember the GOOD12:28
eth01can we get back on topic too, please.12:28
bartmoneternal_fizzer: What kind of error do you get? I'm getting similyar issues as well.12:28
PU826lothar u havent any ?12:28
eth01dumb4midi: sometimes you won't get instant answers. it's call patience.12:28
dumb4midisnama: should the connection line be green or red12:28
lotharpu - In English?  possibly sentences?12:29
marcreicheltI know how to copy a data cd and I can mount it12:29
eternal_fizzerit just says broken software index in update manager12:29
snamahmm on my setup its grey12:29
marcreicheltbut the command "dd" does not work here12:29
eternal_fizzeror should I look elsewhere?12:29
al_qaidaOsama bin Laden ftw!12:29
PU826sorry my language channel empty12:29
lotharget rid of this jack ass please12:29
eth01al_qaida: pm12:29
Garrencan i create a partition after ive installed ubuntu ?12:29
snamayes you can garren12:30
eth01Garren: yeah.12:30
Garrencool thanks...i'll be back when im ready12:30
PU826create partition with handle )((don forget sap dir)12:30
fuhrealAnyone know the default value for ACPI_SLEEP_MODE ?  I changed mine and forgot the orig12:30
Garrenim just installing the OS atm12:31
PU826sap = swap12:31
lotharI am having trouble with java in Firefox.  Here is what the terminal is telling me: #cedega12:31
Seveasfuhreal, mem12:31
lotharI meant: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61594/12:31
Seveasdennis@mirage:~$ grep ACPI_SLEEP_MODE -R /etc/default/acpi-support12:31
fuhrealSeveas: TY!!!12:31
eternal_fizzerbartmon: bizarre, but now update manager is working again. is yours ok?12:32
bartmoneternal_fizzer: Nope, I have a different issue. :(12:32
eth01lothar: java is broken.12:32
eternal_fizzerwith firefox or update manager?12:32
Seveaslothar, thr the sun java plugin instead of gcj12:32
bartmoneternal_fizzer: Both really.12:32
bartmoneternal_fizzer: Firefox crashes on any site load and the dpkg crachese becuase of some corrupt gile12:33
marcreicheltanybody knows how I can create an image of a mixed CD (audio / data)?12:33
eternal_fizzerbartmon: yike - makes it hard to fix. it took 3 tries for fix broken packages to "take" in Synaptic, but it finally worked.12:33
eternal_fizzerbartmon: and now there are a pile of "security updates" I'm just running12:34
bartmoneternal_fizzer: Ok, wothout the typos: dpkg crashes because of a parse error in `/var/lib/dpkg/status'12:34
fuhrealHas /etc/udev/permissions.d been changed to rules.d ?12:34
PU826dont use firefox plugins simple java activex cos u add a system user. it is dangereus - u cant controlling all12:34
m1dlghello guys, how do I get my default flash player to be adobe flash not gnash12:34
larson9999where do you get kivio stencils?12:34
dumb4midiif i connect the keyboard via midi, is the keyboard muted?12:35
eternal_fizzerbartmon: I don't know what dpkg is but I've been having occasional firefox crashes for a while. If-when I get firefox back, I could try googling your problem.12:35
eternal_fizzerbartmon: do you have java? that is other problem I haven't solved yet12:36
bartmoneternal_fizzer: Don't worry, i have another computer here so I can search there12:36
larson9999got it.  thanks12:36
tj13820i need some help on Hardy Heron 8.04 with Emerald. I cannot get themes to apply12:37
eternal_fizzerbartmon: wish I did - I only have antique laptop. good luck with yours12:37
tj13820i've tried emeral --replace12:37
tj13820and reinstalling12:37
Vikketor1how do I change witch paritions that mounts on startup12:37
tj13820has anyone had this problem?12:37
lotharBack now12:37
lotharI grabbed the newest version of java, and now have a .bon file (previous windows user looking for a .exe) what do I do with it?12:38
legend2440tj13820: help channel for Hardy is #ubuntu+112:38
bartmoneternal_fizzer: thanks12:38
m1dlghello guys, how do I get my default flash player to be adobe flash not gnash12:38
lotharthat was a .bin file, sorry for the typo12:38
tj13820thank you legend2440, i'll look there12:38
kelvin911i installed PowerISO thru wine, but when i click it nothing happen?12:39
guzaserver irc.serbinacafe.com12:40
Dada_Hello, can anyone tell me how I can connect to an afp file server (preferably via terminal)?12:40
lotharhow can I run a .bin file?12:40
Vikketor1how do I change which paritions that mounts on startup12:40
eternal_fizzeranyone else lose firefox? it died and i can't get it to restart, even after doing an update (but still 7.04)12:40
tj13820lothar, .bin is an archive, install 7-zip to extract it12:41
m1dlglothar - i thinks a .bin is an image file, you might need to break it down or burn it to disk12:41
kelvin911u can use 7zip to extract it/12:41
lotharIt is the neweszt version of java12:41
eth01.bin files are usually very big btw12:41
m1dlgtj13820 beat me to it12:41
kelvin9117zip extract *.bin file ??12:41
tj13820yup, 7-zip beats file roller any day12:41
lotharit said it was a self extracting file...12:41
m1dlgHow do I get my default flash player to be adobe flash not gnash (in mozilla firefox)12:41
tj13820no, not exatcly12:42
kelvin911whats command ?  7z x name.bin ??12:42
tj13820you need the correct plugin for it to "self-extract"12:42
marcreicheltsh <filename>.bin12:42
tj138207-zip has a GUI12:42
kelvin911no it doesnt12:42
m1dlgyes it does12:42
kelvin911my 7zip has no gui12:42
tj13820go to add remove programs and search 7-zip under all programs12:42
tj13820install the one with 4 or 5 stars, it has a gui12:42
lothardoing that now, it is the top one12:42
PU826*tips maybe  you install web server with desktop. remove unused users (simple cdrom -flopy for security)12:43
Garrenmy ubuntu install has been on 0% for the last 5min, i told it to earse the hd its 80gig, is that normal ?12:44
lothari installed 7zip12:44
kelvin911i installed the one with 4 stars, no gui12:44
lotharwhere is it now?12:44
Garrenstill on 0%12:44
tj13820try openeing it12:45
lotharlooks like i have the same prob as kevin12:45
tj13820just double click12:45
lotharmine goes to a text editor12:45
tj13820ok, hold on12:45
kelvin911i got 7zip but no gui anyone help?12:45
lotharCould not open the file /home/chris/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586-rpm.bin.12:45
Vikketor1How do I change which paritions that mounts on startup.12:46
novato_bri'm on shell, i cant run the gdm! how to change the fonts of the shell ?12:46
fuhrealAnyone using a thinkpad?  I'm trying to determine if I should be using PC104 or PC101 layout12:47
PU826wikke start system settings12:47
bartmonsry, wrong keyboard :p12:47
PU826fuhreal reconfigure xserver-xorg12:47
eternal_fizzercan anyone tell me how to debug firefox - reinstalled, but still asks if I want to restore session and then dies again12:47
tj13820lothat* http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=177755&use_mirror=superb-west&filename=q7z_0.7.1-1_i386.deb&4891283912:47
tj13820gui for P7ZIP12:47
fuhrealPU826: I don't want to change my whole config ...12:48
lotharI have the same problem eternal12:48
novato_brthx, PU82612:48
tj13820should work for you, if not, i'll give you a link to the other libs12:48
msikmaHello, how can I access files on an smb server via terminal?12:48
PU826sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg12:49
lothartj - it is doing something12:49
PU826read xorg conf and man12:49
msikmaIs there some package that I need?12:49
tj13820lothar* it's a sourceforge distro in .deb, a gui for 7zip12:49
tj13820who else needed it?12:50
lotharya I got that. Installing 5 of 6 files now12:50
Kozerisanyone tell me channel or help me with kaspersky, ive got virus , then i tried to disinfect, cuz he  infected all the files *EXE , then i have clean pc, only  1.5 GB backuped files by kaspersky, which arent disinfected, what to do to restore in normal state?12:50
msikmaCan I only get smb in gnome?12:50
kelvin911i am looking for 7zip with gui where can i get it?12:50
PU826 i want to change destop so mean want to install on network but how ?12:50
tj13820kelvin911* that's the GUI for P7ZIP12:50
tj13820i'll put a link here for the other files12:51
eternal_fizzerlothar - is what you're doing now the fix?12:51
void^Kozeris: sounds like a question you want to ask in a windows related channel or forum12:51
kelvin9117zip or not p7zip12:51
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a_c_mjust posted to ubuntuforums.org, wondering if anyone has any feedback : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4615891#post461589112:51
marcreicheltanybody knows how I can emulate an audio CD?12:52
tj13820that's for all the files12:52
marcreicheltI now have copied the wav files of an audio cd to hard disk12:52
PU826restricted drivers man12:52
tj13820but it should just work with the community 7ZIP files12:52
marcreicheltbut my game requests an audio cd12:52
silentmy name is amir12:52
lotharok not working at all12:52
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marcreichelthow can I create a virtual audio CD under linux?12:52
tj13820hold on12:53
Hewuscan anyone recommend an app that records the data total on eth0 each month?12:53
marcreicheltso the audio cd is accessible through /dev/cdrom?12:53
evan_yeah my ubuntu looks like mac!12:53
lotharI need instructions on how to install the newest version of Java. I downloaded jre...... .bin to my desktop and now what do I do with that file?12:53
a_c_mHewus: i know wireshark can do that... but if its just a total your after its probably to heavy for your needs12:53
tj13820lothar, hold on, that gui, what did it do?12:53
PU826lothar u want instal java but first look your java lib12:54
lotharnot a thing12:54
PU826later go install it12:54
ricaneliteI have already installed Ubuntu Linux 7.10 Gusty on my machine, can I install Ubuntu Studio together with my Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty OS?12:54
lotharjava lib? where do i find that?12:54
tj13820did you open the .deb file?12:54
tj13820and install the package12:54
Hewusa_c_m: I have wireshark already for other things. You're correct that I'm looking for something a bit lighter. Thanks anyway for the suggestion :-)12:54
eternal_fizzeranyone know is the firefox crash related to jre (java) plug-in?12:55
bartmonhey! hhow can i search in less?12:55
lotharit appears that way to me12:55
PU826more lib use sudo apt-cache search java but first look what app simple java for firefox12:56
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a_c_mHewus: no problem, knetworkmanager keeps a running total, might be possable to grab that number once every 5 mins with a cron script and stick it into a file... (sure ubuntu has a similar app)12:56
ompaulHewus, you could do something whereby you do ifconfig eth0 | grep RX\ bytes  > somefile and have something grep the numbers out and do the subtraction12:56
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lotharPU man you are going to have to use some cohesive sentences man12:56
lotharI cant understand a word you are typing12:56
tj13820lothar* go private, i'll help you there, it should work if you install 7-zip from add remove, and the package i just gave you a link to12:57
eternal_fizzerlothar: i found explicit instructions on installing jre a couple weeks ago - from memory only, had to create a directory, then make a symbolic link from the firefox plugins directory and a few other steps,12:57
a_c_mHewus: ompaul's idea seems good12:57
eternal_fizzerlothar: but didn't work in the end and firefox wouldn't open at all so deleted it all and then firefox worked ... for a couple weeks12:57
kelvin911how to open bin file with Q7z??12:57
PU826man i used java and reformating hardisk not is safe12:57
utnubudnaiafter I modify my time ,I run make, it shows me  "make:warning:Clock skew detected",how to fix it!thanks12:57
lotharYa ff worked once today12:57
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lothartj-how can I go private?12:57
tj13820double click my name12:57
tj13820in the names list12:58
Hewusompaul: I thought about doing something like that, but I'm not that experienced with scripts. However the way you mention it, it sounds doable... I figured there would be something around already though, similar to DUmeter and NetLimiter for windows12:58
Hewusa_c_m, ompaul: thanks for your help, time to get scripting! :-)12:59
jones-Hello all. I have a Thinkpad T43 with an ATI 9600 card. Ubuntu Hoary Beta here, downloaded this morning. When I installed the ATI restricted drivers and rebooted, the screen was blank after trying to start X, and the system unresponsive. I had to hard-reboot the machine. Can anybody please help?12:59
utnubudnaiafter I modify my time ,I run make, it shows me  "make:warning:Clock skew detected",how to fix it!thanks12:59
ompaulHewus, it may be - do this - apt-cache search network | grep measure12:59
ompaulHewus, and variants of same12:59
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jtravnickanybody do any video editing from a camcorder?12:59
tj13820jtravnick* i do sometimes13:00
a_c_mjones-: i had the same problem, i think IIRC the config sets x to the wrong display13:00
kosharijtravnick i have used kino for such editing13:00
=== web_know2 is now known as web_knows
tj13820i use Kdenlive13:00
jtravnicktj13820, how do you get ubuntu to see the camcorder?13:00
tj13820put it in camcorder mode, use firewire13:00
kosharijtravnick is it a dv camcorder?13:00
tj13820and switch the camera to import13:01
jones-a_c_m: did you fix it? Any suggestions?13:01
a_c_mjones-: if you do a search for ubuntu+ferrari4000 in google i think there are some posts about your problem (has the same gfx card as your machine)13:01
kosharijtravnick if its a DV camcorder you need a firewire port13:01
lothartj I clicked you name for a private can you see it?13:01
jones-a_c_m: ok, I'll try, thanks.13:01
tj13820lothar, do you want to install Java 6, and to mozilla?13:01
a_c_mjones-: http://www.chenqi.org/blog/archives/2006/10/some_tips_of_ma_1.html13:02
kelvin911i am just gonna find a blank CD to burn that damn bin file13:02
a_c_mjones-: point 213:02
tj13820i have the terminal install comand13:02
tj13820hold on13:02
tj13820sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin13:02
eternal_fizzeris it safe to just delete a file like libjavaplugin_oji.so to see if it will fix firefox problem and is that enough to delete the plug-in?13:02
tj13820sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin :-) :-) :-)13:02
jtravnickkoshari, its a sony digital video uses Hi8 tapes and has usb streaming13:02
jones-a_c_m: are you sure? That doesn't seem related.13:02
tj13820are you updating, or installing fresh13:03
lothartj, that installs something, but gives the message that the installed version is already the newest, which is not the case13:03
tj13820ahhhh ok13:03
lotharI would be updating13:03
tj13820one sec13:03
kosharidoes it have a firewire port as well? i suspect you wont be able to use usb with dv.13:03
tj13820o update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun13:03
tj13820sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun13:03
tj13820that will update it to v.613:03
jtravnickkoshari, what does a firewire port look like it dows have a port im not sure what it is says DV above it13:04
kosharijtravnick heres a link with a little tut http://www.techtalkwiki.net/how_to_convert_dv_to_xvid#linux_version13:04
tj13820then do this:13:04
tj13820type this in:13:04
tj13820sudo gedit /etc/jvm13:04
tj13820and add this to the top:13:04
FloodBot2tj13820: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
kelvin911how to burn bin file?13:05
tj13820got it?13:05
a_c_mjones-: not 100% no, but take a look in your xorg, willing to be your monitor layout / display config is messed up13:05
tj13820kelvin911, what are you trying to install?13:05
kelvin911but it is bin file13:05
kosharifirewire comes in 2 flavours 6 pin and 4 pin , the 4 pin version looks a bit like the miniture usb connector, its also called iee1394 or i link13:05
a_c_mjones-: be = bet13:05
kelvin911is there like imgburn in linux?13:05
kosharijtravnick firewire cables and cards are quite cheap these days on ebay ect.13:06
kelvin911CD/DVD Creator?13:06
msinghanyone use k3b?13:06
tj13820lothar* how is it going?13:06
kosharikelvin, right mouse, burn to cd.13:06
gopperI'm runnig a live cd right now and i can not change my screen resolution. Any ideas?13:06
Frogzookelvin911: you want k3b13:06
lotharthat didnt do it13:06
tj13820did you edit the conf13:07
jtravnickkoshari, yep its got one of thouse will have to read the manual on it since it didnt come with a cable for it and i dont have firewire never read about it13:07
jerkface03whats the best way to back up a folder (svn repos) using bash?13:07
legend2440kelvin911: is it a bin cue file?13:07
lotharshould I have pasted over the old top line?13:07
jerkface03do I just zip up the entire folders and download it off of ftp?13:07
tj13820what did it do?13:07
lotharOops! You don't have the recommended Java installed.13:07
lothar Your Java version is 1.4.2. Please click the button below to get the recommended Java for your computer.   13:07
jtravnickkoshari, come to think about it could never get it to work right in windows13:07
Frogzoojerkface03: tar is fine for backing up svn repos13:07
tj13820hold on13:08
tj13820sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin13:08
kelvin911yes bin cue file13:08
tj13820try doing that one now13:08
kosharijtravnick firewire is very good for transfering video,13:08
jerkface03Frogzoo: if I wanted to automate the task of taring and uploading, what would i do?13:08
legend2440kelvin911: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/02/26/cdrdao-copy-your-cd-and-burn-bin-cue-or-toc-files-on-the-cli/13:08
Frogzoojerkface03: sure13:08
kosharijtravnick did you check my link13:08
jerkface03oh i have an even more important question13:08
jerkface03how do i check which packages i've installed using apt-get13:08
jtravnickkoshari, reading it now13:08
lotharsun-java6-plugin is already the newest version.13:08
tj13820ok, hold on13:09
tj13820we're trouble shooting :-P13:09
lotharthe sun site tells me I have the old one and ubuntu tells me i have the latest13:09
crackerjackzim trying to get my moms sound working, shes got 64 bit ubuntu and a sound blaster live xfi fatality pro13:09
tj13820java -version13:09
tj13820try that13:09
tj13820that will give you the REAL version # that you have13:09
kosharijtravnick ok well thats how i back up my DV taped using xvid codec, ad native DV is HUGE.13:09
tj13820what does it give you?13:10
kosharijtravnick good luck with it, i gotta go,13:10
lotharjava version "1.6.0_03"13:10
lotharJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)13:10
kelvin911k3b only cd burning?13:10
lotharJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode, sharing)13:10
kelvin911is there any power tool that is like imgburn/13:10
Frogzookelvin911: dvds also13:10
kelvin911or nero burn?13:10
Frogzookelvin911: k3b, final answer13:10
tj13820lothar* you have version 1.6 it is up to date13:10
msinghi have some vob files.. anyone know how to use k3b to create a video dvd?13:10
kelvin911does k3b handles iso, bin, mdf, etc?13:11
lothardid you see my paste bin?13:11
tj13820version 1.6 and 1.5 don't "play nice" as many people have stated before13:11
msinghi have tried putting hte vobs in VIDEO_TS but what goes in AUDIO_TS .. and do i need some more files ?13:11
Frogzookelvin911: -> google13:11
tj13820lothar* you should be fine, if your system is giving you the correct version number, don't worry about it13:11
lotharI am not fine13:12
tj13820you could try restarting your computer, then visiting Sun's site, it should stop giving false positives13:12
lotharit is shutting down ff13:12
tj13820alot of people have the same problem13:13
kelvin911what about CD/DVD Writer GnomeBaker ?13:13
lotharthis is what I get* http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61599/13:13
guja_nebeskainstalled ubuntu on vista.13:13
tj13820do you have 8.04 HH or 7.10 FF?13:13
tj13820ok, Firefox 2 or Firefox 3 beta 413:13
compwiz18!hi | ssn13:14
ubotussn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:14
tj13820lothar* want to give Firefox 3 beta 4 a go? might accept Java 1.613:14
tj13820mine does, i'm in 8.04 HH13:14
ssndoes anyone know, why ubuntu doesnt want to mount nfs shares writable?13:14
tj13820i'll get the link13:14
eternal_fizzertj & lothar is there a way to completely get rid of jre? (I have ubuntu 7.04)13:14
ssnif put rw as paramater in fstab13:14
jaffarkelshacin compiz, what is the super key13:14
amikropHello. I use DELL Latitude D800. Deos anybody know which method should I use for sound recording (Line-In, Capture, etc.)?13:14
lotharyou can in synaptic, but it screwed up my machint to the point I gave up13:15
ssnive put rw as paramater in fstab13:15
eternal_fizzeregad - this just keeps getting worser & worser13:15
lotharIt sucks completely13:15
ompaulssn, it not a default position, you can have issues if people are in different groups on different machines13:15
kelvin911is nerolinux any good/13:15
ssnompaul: it is the same user13:15
ompaulssn, very annoying ones :)13:15
lothareternal, does yours close if you try and open preferences?13:15
tj13820sudo apt-get remove "sun-java(4,5,6)-jre sun-java(4,5,6)-plugin     (choose between 1. -4,5,or 6)13:15
eternal_fizzerother than the yahoo game I wanted to play, is there any reason to have jre?13:15
eternal_fizzerpreferences on what?13:16
tj13820web media13:16
SliM1is there a way to install .NET Framework 2.0 under wine?13:16
ssnthe user who owns the share on the server is also the one who mounts it on the client machine13:16
ompaulssn, but when you set it up the system does not know what the other boxes on the network look like and that is why you don't see the default - you can't presume network or platform configuration13:16
eternal_fizzertj13820: thx will try that13:17
ricanelitedoes anyone here use Ubuntu Studio 7.10?13:17
ompaulssn, so not all systems have username:username as the setup13:17
ssnit is a freebsd server btw13:17
tj13820lothar, i have a list of commands for you13:17
ssnso how do i solve this?13:17
tj13820follow them closely13:17
ompaulricanelite, there is a #ubuntustudio13:18
tj13820cp -r ~/.mozilla/firefox/ ~/firefox_profile_backup13:18
ricaneliteyeah there is no one in13:18
ricaneliteso i figure if anyone that was on here could help me13:18
Cheetahhey guys13:18
tj13820this backs up your firefox files13:18
ricanelitei just have a simple question which im having a heck of a hard time finding the answer to13:18
lotharjust copy it into a terminal?13:18
ompaulssn, you read the documentation about nfs on both platforms and work out a username group policy for the network alter the boxes accordingly and work from there13:18
lotharnothing happened13:18
tj13820it's all ready to go13:18
tj13820it should just go to a new line13:19
msinghany quick program to take a bunch of vob files and produce a burned dvd?13:19
lothari was born ready13:19
ompaul!gnomebaker | msingh13:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomebaker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:19
tj13820haha ok13:19
tj13820wget -P ~ ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/3.0b4/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.0b4.tar.bz2 && tar xjf ~/firefox-3.0b4.tar.bz2 -C ~13:19
* ompaul glares at the bot 13:19
tj13820copy and paste that in13:19
msinghompaul, cheers13:19
tj13820once it's done, type this in           rm ~/firefox-3.0b4.tar.bz213:19
lotharit is grabbing something13:20
msinghompaul, have you used that before to burn a video dvd from a bunch of vob files? cause k3b wont do it13:20
ssnompaul: i did try mapall13:20
ompaul!burners | msingh13:20
ubotumsingh: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:20
Cheetahthe font antialiasing in Qt4 applications on Ubuntu (7.10) looks horrible, and changes to the font antialiasing settings in ubuntu don't seem to have an effect. any ideas how to tweak them or get anti-aliasing similar to Mac OS X or Windows?13:20
tj13820ok, copy the above, and prepare to put it in13:20
amikropHello. I use DELL Latitude D800. Does anybody know which method should I use for sound recording (Line-In, Capture, etc.)?13:20
msinghompaul, that's not helpful13:20
ompaul!nfs | ssn13:20
ubotussn: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:20
lotharrm ~/firefox-3.0b4.tar.bz213:20
lotharthat didnt do anything13:21
tj13820just a new line?13:21
tj13820that's good13:21
tj13820now that13:21
sharkpI've ap roblem with fglrx13:21
ssnubotu: i know what it is, i just dont know why ubuntu is unable to write on the shares13:21
ompaulmsingh, it is all I have - k3b will make an iso if you put all the files in the right place in it - then you can burn same but you got to do some work on it not a lot it is a data dvd afik13:21
sharkphere is a part of my dmesg13:21
sharkpwhere there's the error of my kernel13:21
ompaul!paste | sharkp13:21
lotharOK ff popped up13:21
msinghompaul, i have k3b, but it wont let me turn a bunch of vobs into a video dvd. you need to use another program to create dvd structure...13:21
ubotusharkp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:21
sharkpompaul, I know... :)13:21
ompaul!enter | tj1382013:22
ubotutj13820: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:22
ompaulsharkp, I noticed that :)013:22
tj13820ok, it should say Firefox 3 Beta 4 at the top13:22
sharkpcan anyone help me?13:22
sharkpI've a problem with agp support13:22
=== teo_ is now known as Teo-
WiludrakeGRhttp://wiki.ubuntu-gr.org/Wiki/Translation/Upstream/Gnome#head-34cd7c4e7620b54c4cac3b1322f6d877a09f4d05  I cannot se this page. Is this online ?13:22
sharkphere is my dmesg error--->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61600/13:22
lotharrunning arround in circles it would appear13:22
tj13820well? what did it do?13:23
lotharI went to the game (www.runescape.com) and got the message I needed to install java JRE13:23
tj13820that's ok13:23
fuhrealIs there a way to have gnome tell you the window positions?13:23
tj13820now we need to reinstall JRE into the new Firefox Beta13:23
marcreicheltlothar: why not just install java through apt-get?13:23
tj13820sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin13:23
tj13820he is13:23
tj13820or she13:24
ompaulmsingh, first link on one search engine http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18393613:24
ompaultj13820, please stop using enter as punctuation13:24
lotharsun-java6-jre is already the newest version.13:24
lotharI am he13:24
tj13820ompaul: sorry, i just type fast :-P13:24
WiludrakeGRjava and ubuntu have problems13:25
kelvin911which BT client is good in linux?13:25
tj13820ok, lothar, try a restart, and is your Firefox 2 browser closed?13:25
lothar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.13:25
lotharall closed13:25
ompaul!best | kelvin91113:25
ubotukelvin911: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.13:25
kelvin911which one can get 300 KB/s download and maybe about 1 - 10 KB/s upload?13:25
tj13820ok, try a restart if it doesn't work, uninstall, then reinstall Java13:25
tikendwhere i download wine?13:26
tj13820i'll help you when you return13:26
eternal_fizzertj13820: i tried apt -get remove "sun-java4-jre sun-java4-plugin but don't know if it did anything - is that exactly correct?13:26
tj13820if you have 1.413:26
msinghOmpaul, it's probably faster to transfer the vobs across the network and use Nero on the windows machine, heh13:26
tj13820use java -version13:26
lothardidnt work again13:26
kelvin911is ubotu a bot?13:26
lothargot to the game loaded, i logged in then it shut down13:26
ompaulkelvin911, yse13:26
tj13820did you restart your computer?13:26
msinghompaul, i am currently using a program called DeVede to create an iso file from the vobs and it is taking a long time13:26
lothari will now13:26
kelvin911anyone uses BitComet before?13:26
gabbyHow large is the download if i'm to update Xubuntu to 7.10?13:27
gabby*download size13:27
eternal_fizzertj13820: java version "1.4.2-02"13:27
tj13820eternal_fizzer:  sudo apt-get remove sun-java4-jre sun-java4-plugin13:27
kelvin911did i get kicked?13:27
eternal_fizzertj13820: do i need the sudo if I am already logged in as su?13:28
ompaulkelvin911, read your pm please13:28
tj13820use it anyway, doesn't hurt13:28
legend2440kelvin911: deluge is pretty good its in synaptic as deluge-torrent13:28
=== dusty- is now known as dusty
tikendwhere i can download wine via internet browser?13:29
crackerjackzim trying to get my moms soundblaster xfi fatality pro working any idea on what drivers?13:29
laurlyisnt there a location where you can download all the documentation on ubuntu?13:29
eternal_fizzertj13820: now I get E: Could not get lock ... and E: Unable to lock the admin dir13:29
tj13820you are in the admin directory if logged in as root13:29
legend2440tikend: http://www.winehq.org/site/download13:30
eternal_fizzertj13820: aha! its the dpkg thingy!13:30
tj13820dpkg would do it13:30
tj13820let me know how it works for you13:30
fuhrealCan someone recommend a text editor that automatically changes colours for code? Kinda like notepad2 for windows...13:30
eternal_fizzertj13820: I have no idea what you mean by I am in the admin dir13:30
lothartj - back now nothing changed13:30
quik_hey folks13:30
ompaul!wine | tikend13:30
ubotutikend: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:30
eternal_fizzertj13820: should I move?13:30
quik_how does one update from 6.06 (headless) to 7.10 or the new 8.04?13:30
tj13820lothar* java -version13:31
tj13820let me know what it is now13:31
lotharjava version "1.6.0_03"13:31
lotharsame shit. but it isnt the newest version13:31
tj13820sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin13:31
lotharjava has a newer version13:31
tikendubotu:thanks fot help13:31
tj13820use that13:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks fot help - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:32
tj13820that's the newest supported by linux i believe13:32
jttquik_, why upgrade just start fresh with 7.10 or 8.0413:32
quik_jtt: because I have a working system already :)13:32
lotharok removed13:32
KrimZoncan anyone help with a sound latency problem?13:32
tj13820now do you have MSN or AIM, i'll make a package for you out of an RPM13:33
jttquik_, then just save your important files somewhere and install fresh13:33
mattias_how do i remove entries in places13:33
quik_jtt: yeah, all 2tb of it..13:33
tj13820what is your email address?13:33
lotharsent you an im13:34
jttquik_, i use two different slices on my machines and swap back and forth and never upgrade, always fresh install on one or the other slices13:34
Garylothar: pm's from unidentified nicks will not by default be seen13:34
fuhrealDoes anyone know how to get gnome to display window size/location?13:34
quik_jtt: not such a bad idea, its low on ram though :)13:35
jones-a_c_m: that worked for a moment, but then X froze again. I tried rebooting and got agian the same sympthom of blank frozen screen.13:35
philwyettKrimZon: Define your sound latency issue. Whats your hardware?13:35
DiViN3hello i need help13:35
eternal_fizzertj13820: tried closing terminal & did sudo command & got same errors13:35
tj13820ok, i'll make it and then send it to you13:35
jttquik_ that could be a problem13:35
tj13820don't use duso13:35
theunixgeekHow can I make an ISO image from a directory?13:36
eternal_fizzertj13820: same without sudo13:36
tj13820somehow it's locked13:36
KrimZonphilwyett: realtek somethingorother audio (i'll check), the problem is i seem to have about 100-250ms audio latency even with the rt kernel13:36
kelvin911do i install this using root account ?? http://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot8vv4.png13:36
tj13820login as a normal user13:36
eternal_fizzertj13820: when I closed terminal and opened a new one, it must log me off as su, no?13:37
a_c_mjones-: humm... driver issue? not sure really, not an expert, but i got it working with the same gfx card as yours on a old box. Messing with the xorg.conf sorted mine13:37
jttquik_ i have a procedure that I follow when installing fresh and it allows me to copy only the files I want to keep and everything no OS related is on separate slices so I only have remount non OS slices after the new OS is installed works fine13:37
eternal_fizzertj13820: or what is command for who i am?13:37
a_c_mjones-: you sure the changes stuck?13:37
DiViN3hello can someone tell me how to connect to wireless in kubuntu using linksys WUSB54v413:37
tj13820for some reason, your synaptic is locked13:37
utpalkushal tui ki eta use koris?13:38
philwyettKrimZon: Use the generic kernel and measure any issues. I have had more issues with the rt than soft mick.13:38
eternal_fizzertj13820: ah yes, is it because I have Synaptic Pkg Mgr open in other window *doh!*13:38
jones-a_c_m: yes, sure.13:38
jones-a_c_m: you've got that xorg.conf around?13:38
utpali want to chat with somebody, join me13:38
tj13820well, there you go :-P13:38
tj13820now try it and it will work13:39
KrimZonis there any way i can find out what hardware i have in ubuntu?13:39
ompaulKrimZon, lshw in a terminal13:39
tj13820krimzon* lsmod in terminal13:39
eternal_fizzertj13820: just did, and it did things, but one more E: Couldnt find pkg sun-java4-jre shouldnt it be sun-java1.4?13:39
tj13820try it, it should be 4, but it might work13:40
lothartj - how long will this take?13:40
philwyettKrimZon: lspci -v13:40
tj13820if nothing else, go into synaptic and search java, jre, and jdk, and delete the ones you don't need13:40
DiViN3hello can someone help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzz13:40
a_c_mjones-: sure... but its hacked further now, with a setup for a 2nd monitor13:40
tj13820lothar* i'm compiling it, should have it in a few minutes13:40
lothartj- thanks13:40
jones-a_c_m: I can strip that off.13:41
eternal_fizzertj13820: nope same error, different number, and java -version still shows 1.413:41
ompaul!help | DiViN313:41
ubotuDiViN3: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:41
DiViN3i hv tried all the thing from there but its not working13:42
torkel_Is there any package like ubuntu-xen-server for gutsy-amd64 release?13:42
KrimZonphilwyett: it's Intel HDA13:42
a_c_mjones-: infact, its was my old laptop that had the 9600, this one has a x700, but it had the same problem13:42
=== eric_ is now known as talntid
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:42
KrimZonsomething's realtek though, i remember noticing how it wasn't the network adapter13:43
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:43
bo-dickwhen hitting the "print screen" key the screen capture guide appears. is it possible to do a similar approach for movie clip?13:43
jones-a_c_m: can you paste your xorg.conf somewhere for me to grab?13:43
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:43
jones-a_c_m: unless there's really nothing insightful there, that is.13:43
kelvin911can someone help?  i cant install maple9 http://img187.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot8vv4.png13:44
philwyettKrimZon: Not  the best for audio at all. If you want to mix and record you need a Sound Blaster or equivalent to do the business.13:44
=== JohnnyHempseed is now known as crackerjackz
kelvin911what is # Run the installMapleLinuxSU, located on the Maple 9 CD. To run the installer in console mode, use the -i console option.  ?13:44
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Paoloubuntu is compatible with a quad-core processors?13:44
kelvin911i try installMapleLinuxSU -i13:44
DiViN3can somehelp me in telling me how to make my wireless work plz13:44
kelvin911nothing happen13:45
philwyettKrimZon: I use that chip even for DJ'ing but I have it on a laptop and well locked in.13:45
terminhelldoes anyone know how to change the font color of a tty login/session?13:45
talntidyeah, Paolo13:45
KrimZonthis is a laptop13:45
a_c_mjones-: here you go, not sure how usefull it will be http://www.pastebin.org/2626313:45
philwyettKrimZon: Whats the lappy?13:45
KrimZonasus A8Sc13:45
jones-a_c_m: thanks13:46
Paolotalntid: very well...mab is compatible at 100%? and what kind of ubuntu i must install? x86?13:46
msinghompaul, screw it .. im just burning the vobs as data .. lets see if my dvd player is smart enough to play them13:46
waylandbillkelvin911: did you try executing with no arguments or with '-i console' like it suggested?13:46
philwyettKrimZon: Don't know it, whats the specs?13:46
kelvin911i did13:46
damaltorhi everybody13:46
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:46
kelvin911bash: installMapleLinuxSU: command not found13:46
tj13820lothar* still have that bin file?13:47
eternal_fizzernewbie quesiton - how do you copy & paste from this window to terminal and vv?13:47
philwyettMr_Bad_News: The Ubuntu code of conduct13:47
waylandbillkelvin911: it has to have execute permission and you want ./installMapleLinuxSU if you are running from current directory13:47
damaltorsome irssi users here who want to give me some quickstart hints? i want to use it with a bouncer, and have no idea how to set up that user/password thing13:47
terminhellshift+insert i think13:47
KrimZonCore 2 Duo T7250, 2GB ram, 250GB hdd, geforce 8400M G13:47
terminhelldamaltor im using irssi now, but im still newish to it13:48
kelvin911kelvin@kelvin-desktop:/media/cdrom$ ./installMapleLinuxSU13:48
kelvin911Error: failed /media/cdrom0/Linux/Linux/resource/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so, because libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:48
damaltorterminhell: do u use a bouncer or a password protected server?13:48
philwyettKrimZon: I can't see an issue. You have the power. Try search and see if others have had similar issues.13:48
tj13820lothar* do you have that.bin file still?13:49
KrimZoni've been searching a bit13:49
sharkpI can't exclude from kernel the agp support13:49
meerohi anyone tryied to install kismet on ubuntu with broadcom driver?(succesfully)13:49
waylandbillkelvin911: you need to install dependency libraries that it requires. You may want to contact the author(s) of the software for specific libraries it requires13:49
terminhelldamaltor: im behind my router, and this machine is a server itself, so not sure if that answers your question13:49
damaltorterminhell: well, not really sorry. but thanks though.13:49
ompaulkelvin911, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28347313:49
sharkpI can't exclude from kernel the agp support, why?13:49
a_c_mjones-: any use?13:50
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
terminhelldoes anyone know how to change the default color of a tty session?13:51
lothartj i am back13:51
lotharyes i have the .bin file13:51
meerois somebody using kismet on broadcom wifi?13:51
DiViN3is there anyone who can assist me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz13:51
philwyettsharkp: Because it's core and you can't decide. It holds minor disk space so why do you care!13:51
terminhellmeero my laptop uses a broadcom card13:52
ompaul!anyone | DiViN313:52
ubotuDiViN3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:52
sharkpphilwyett, because it goes in conflict with fglrx drivers13:52
eternal_fizzertermnihell: do you mean a terminal window?13:52
tj13820lothar* ok, i might have a way to install from the .bin13:52
Paoloeternal: in a shell, a terminal13:52
terminhelleternal_fizzer: yes...im not running any gui though so its not just a simple right click-change current profile kinda thing13:53
DiViN3i need to connect to internet using WUSB54v4 ??13:53
eternal_fizzerterminhell: Edit - profiles - click default, edit and find colors tab13:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:53
philwyettsharkp: No. The drivers may conflict with the kernel. IF they do send an email to AMD.13:53
sharkpwait please13:53
tj13820copy the version info from it to here, by doing a rename CTRL+A  CTRL+C and paste it13:53
eternal_fizzerterminhell: ah sorry, no help, was just going thru menus13:53
sharkpphilwyett, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61603/13:53
ompaul!wireless | DiViN3 (read this page it is the communities answer to wifi questions it is very detailed)13:54
ubotuDiViN3 (read this page it is the communities answer to wifi questions it is very detailed): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:54
sharkpphilwyett, I HATE AMD13:54
sharkpSo, what shall I Do?13:54
Garreni love ubotu13:54
tj13820lothar* you also need the JDK not the JRE13:54
philwyettsharkp: Send an email to AMD with that paste and give it WTF!?13:54
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:54
sharkpI'll show you my dmesg13:55
sharkpone moment13:55
lothartj, and that means?13:55
philwyettsharkp: I won't buy AMD now, I do intel and nvidia. You know what shit your getting.13:55
chazcoHi.. is it possible to upgrade the kernel in Gusty to the one in Hardy temporarily so I can copy some files?13:55
terminhelli bet ubotu could single handedly fix like %90 of the problems here13:55
terminhellchazco: yes, from the grub menue13:55
sharkpphilwyett, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61604/13:56
terminhellchazco: you can select older kernel versions from there, though you may have to enable them manually13:56
chazcoAny more details on the process?13:56
lotharhow do i know if i am at the root?13:56
tj13820lothar* wait, you have the jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin13:56
chazcoterminhell - I need a _newer_ kernel... Hardy in Gusty, not the otherway round13:56
inquihi all, i want to move processes from cpu_core to cpu_core or how to start them in a special core ... or general how to manage processes in respect to several cpu_sores13:56
lothartj, that is what i have13:56
tj13820ok, i'll give you the commands for it, let me get them13:57
lotharcd desktop@13:57
msinghinqui, how would that work if you've got SMP?13:58
terminhellchazco: mybad..i get them mixed up :p13:58
inquimsingh: i have no idea...13:58
chazconp... there is a bug in the Gusty kernel which appears to have been fixed in Hardy13:58
terminhellare you wanting to just upgrade to the newer version?13:58
legend2440chazco: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64675513:58
chazcolegend2440 - Thanks, looks promising13:59
sharkpphilwyett, so?13:59
jones-a_c_m: no luck. It was fine during GDM but would freeze upon entering gnome.13:59
philwyettsharkp: I have seen this once and I am arguing the problem. But i am unable to confirm as I don't use AMD/ATI.13:59
inquimsingh: do you say this is impossible with smp_kernel?13:59
philwyettsharkp: Give an email to ATI?13:59
sharkpah,damned ATI...13:59
lotharjt -- does this make any sense?13:59
lothar http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting13:59
sharkpto what adress?13:59
a_c_mjones-: you got effects turned on?14:00
sharkp*to which adress14:00
sharkpah, my bad english14:00
Kate_minsHello, does it possible to change the password of "Remote desktop" from the terminal ?14:00
jones-a_c_m: no.14:00
tj13820lothar* yes14:00
tj13820that's the right way to do it14:00
lotharwhat are they talking about when they say directories? I havent a clue about that14:00
tj13820go to your home folder and make a folder named java14:00
msinghinqui, it seems to me that it doesn't make sense for a SMP system14:01
terminhelllothar: directories are the same thing as folders14:01
philwyettsharkp: If I'd been at home I could have give you email addy's, but I am in the pub. But you know my name if you get no where lete me now and I will go through my circle of people.14:01
lothargot a folder called java now there14:01
a_c_mjones-: humm, no idea then, sorry - hope someone else can help, as we went past my level of knowledge about 15 mins ago :)14:01
jones-a_c_m: :)14:01
tj13820put the bin file in there14:01
jribtj13820: hey, I missed the beginning, but it usually a better idea to install from the repositories.  Java is nicely packaged for everyone.  Have you tried using the packages?14:02
jtravnickanybody know if this card is supported in ubuntu? http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=394278514:02
inquimsingh:  and how do i see which core is doing which job?=14:02
msinghinqui, why do you want to see that?14:02
tj13820yes, it won't work14:02
tj13820for some reason, it crashes his browser14:02
lotharjrib - thanks, but no thanks, I think we both have a very keen sense of the obvious14:02
jriblothar: excuse me?14:03
inquimsingh:  i want to understand whats going on^^14:03
lotharI have a very keen sense of the obvious14:03
jtravnicktj13820, is that no to me?14:03
terminhellword to your senses spidy14:03
Kate_minsHello, does it possible to change the password of "Remote desktop" from the terminal ?14:03
tj13820jrib* we've even installed Firefox Beta 4 as i thought it was a browser compatibility issue14:03
tj13820so now we are using JRE from Sun's site14:04
philwyettjtravnick: What type of card, sound video, or wireless etc?14:04
jtravnickphilwyett, firewire http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=394278514:04
lotharthat aside, I havce the java folder with the .bin file in it now14:04
terminhelltj have you tried other browsers? i also may be even too late in this14:04
lothari tried opera but it was slow as molasses14:05
tj13820now type in cd /home/(username here)/java/14:05
terminhelloh its lothar with the browser issues :p14:05
tj13820put your username in there14:05
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lothargot it14:05
philwyettjtravnick: It's 13 bucks as in about £6. Worth 3 pint of beer. Buy one and try it!!!14:05
DiViN3ompaul : i tried wat was stated there but its not working14:05
kelvin911Error: failed /media/cdrom0/Linux/Linux/resource/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so, because libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:05
tj13820chmod a+x jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin14:06
tj13820use that now14:06
kelvin911what do i need to do?14:06
jtravnickphilwyett, thats almost a case of beer here14:06
tj13820lothar* you there?14:07
philwyettjtravnick: And?14:07
terminhellkelvin911 what are you trying to do?14:07
marshall4warпревед мдвед!14:07
kelvin911installing maple 914:07
philwyettBeer or card, either or - Priorities!14:07
terminhellkelvin911 install java off the install cd?14:07
jtravnickphilwyett, and thats a lot of beer14:07
kelvin911but no success14:07
jribkelvin911: are you following the wiki page?14:07
kelvin911thats CD was like 5 yrs old14:07
tj13820lothar* did you type past in the terminal:         chmod a+x jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin14:08
marshall4warда ну... не интересно тут14:08
kelvin911wiki page on maple 9?14:08
jrib!ru | marshall4war14:08
ubotumarshall4war: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:08
tj13820now this                                             ls -l14:08
jribkelvin911: yep, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Maple14:08
terminhellkelvin just use the SUN's JRE 6 from the repo's14:08
tj13820once you've finished that, paste in                                        ./jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.bin14:09
tj13820paste that in14:09
kelvin911i686, 2.6.22-14-generic14:09
kelvin911this one not good?14:09
terminhellaren't most .bin's executable by dbl clicking? atleast some have been in past experiences...14:10
tj13820what do you get?14:10
kelvin911sorry wrong copy paste14:10
kelvin911how do i know which sun java ia m running?14:10
tj13820jave -version14:10
tj13820java -version    *14:10
tj13820lothar* how is it working? is it installing?14:11
terminhelltj i think his brain exploded haha14:11
kelvin911paste that in where?14:11
terminhella terminal14:12
tj13820more than likely14:12
tj13820i think the . made it difficult14:12
tj13820"why is it at the beggining of the code?"14:12
eternal_fizzertj13820: still same error, different number, and java -version still shows 1.414:12
tj13820go into synaptic and remove it14:12
terminhelllets hope he doesnt put that infront of any file names :p14:12
tj13820lothar* is it installing?14:12
lotharyes i think it is14:13
kelvin911but i am installing 9.0114:13
kelvin911not 9.5 or 1014:13
lotharnow close the terminal?14:13
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jribkelvin911: I imagine the instructions are the same14:13
jribkelvin911: tell us which part does not apply14:13
lothargot a message that said done14:13
tj13820ok, hold on14:14
terminhellits fun not running any GUI sometimes...makes me feel extra nerdy and uber 133714:14
Escapegoatlol terminhell, now I know I'm in the right chan to ask for help14:15
tj13820now paste in                  cd /usr/local/firefox/firefox/plugins14:15
phpluvyeah it's like trying drawing in a terminal, just plainly stupid14:15
tj13820let me know what it does14:15
kelvin911so install sun java 6 will solve the problem?14:15
lotharbash: cd: /usr/local/firefox/firefox/plugins: No such file or directory14:15
tj13820hold on14:15
jrib!who | kelvin91114:15
ubotukelvin911: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:15
terminhelli thought it was /usr/share14:15
jribkelvin911: have you followed the directions on the wiki page I linked you to?14:16
kelvin911this one ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Maple14:16
jribkelvin911: yes14:16
terminhellkelvin911: after you get the java runtimes installed AND wine here's what you'll need to do:14:17
kelvin911sudo mkdir -p /opt/maple9.5 but i am not installing 9.514:17
jribkelvin911: change 9.5 to 9 and tell us if any assumptions are not met14:17
tj13820cd ~/.mozilla/plugins14:17
tj13820type that in14:17
jribterminhell: there's no need for wine14:18
terminhellkevlin911: from a terminal window: cd to the games install.exe file, then "wine game.exe" and that should be it. you MAY need to run it as root which will just look the same except "sudo wine game.exe"14:18
tj13820lothar*                                          cd ~/.mozilla/plugins14:18
kelvin911kelvin@kelvin-desktop:/media/cdrom$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/maple914:18
kelvin911kelvin@kelvin-desktop:/media/cdrom$ sudo sh /media/cdrom/installMapleLinuxSU14:18
kelvin911Error: failed /media/cdrom0/Linux/Linux/resource/jre/lib/i386/client/libjvm.so, because libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:18
terminhelljrib: im not familiar with maple story in particular. Is it a browser based game? It sounds like its heavily java dependent14:18
kelvin911now what/14:19
lothartj - nope14:19
TroyDFhi people14:19
jribterminhell: it's a CAS with a native linux installer14:19
TroyDFwho can I mount my devices?14:19
terminhellTroyDF: MOUNT14:19
TroyDFI am getting this message when I run irc.freenode.net.14:19
jribkelvin911: copy the cd to a directory in your HOME somewhere14:19
TroyDFI am getting this message when I run sudo mount -a14:20
lotharok i am in now14:20
lotharcd ~/firefox/plugins14:20
TroyDFThe device '/dev/sda5' doesn't have a valid NTFS14:20
terminhelltroy so your trying to mount a windows partition?14:21
TroyDFFailed to access '/dev/disk/by-uuid/6A2AFCA453449D84': Arquivo ou diretório inexistente14:21
tj13820cd /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4/plugins14:21
tj13820use this14:21
jribkelvin911: make sure you have installed libstdc++614:21
eternal_fizzertj13820: uninstalled in Synaptic, no firefox, is java common & java-gcj-compat related & should be also removed?14:21
TroyDFterminhell, Yes... But I think i try to edit fstab14:21
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kelvin911how to install libstdc++6? in synaptic?14:21
jribkelvin911: yep14:21
tj13820eternal_fizzer, i think so14:21
tj13820lothar* got it?14:22
TroyDFterminhell, How can I do it?14:22
questmy gutsy installation crashes when left unnatended for more than 4-5 hours...anyone have similar problems??14:22
lotharbash: cd: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b4/plugins: No such file or directory14:22
tj13820terminhell, this is why RDP was in invented14:22
questim thinking its something to do with the madwifi drivers..14:23
tj13820ok,                cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins14:23
novato_brwhy the compiz doesn't working with TNT2 nvidia card ?14:23
eternal_fizzertj13820: if i do that, I lose azureus, which I don't remember what it is, but think I wanted it14:23
terminhelloh snap14:23
tj13820don't remove it then14:23
tj13820only remove those which don't have any other dependencies but Firefox/browsers14:24
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tj13820lothar* did you CD to the new location?14:25
kelvin911do i install all that has libstdc++6 ??14:25
kelvin911or just the The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 ?14:25
jribkelvin911: just libstdc++6.  If you want to get my attention, you need to put my name at the beginning of your question14:25
kelvin911jrib: okay thx14:25
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lotharOK I got everything and created the symbolic link14:26
lotharwent to the site, the game loaded up to the log in page. then it crashed ff again14:26
kelvin911jrib: but libstdc++6 is already installed14:27
weiserHey, can anyone help with change at subpage to default homepage at a ubuntu 7.10 server?14:27
tj13820type in firefox             about:plugins14:27
lothardid that14:27
JarG0nhow do you invoke filename completion in bash ?14:27
tj13820about: plugins14:27
tj13820pastebin the results14:27
jribJarG0n: tab14:27
lotharwhat am i looking for?14:27
tj13820java 1.5 or later information14:27
JarG0njrib> I tried that, but it asks me if I want to list a number of possibilities.14:28
terminhelltroydf: you can try something like this: mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r14:28
jribJarG0n: that's default behavior for bash14:28
JarG0njrib: Display all 2262 possibilities? (y or n)14:28
Escapegoathy there, I got a question about an "ImportError: No module named xchat"14:28
JarG0njrib> Any idea how I can get it to just list the files in the directory?14:28
Escapegoatdoes so have a little time for me? :)14:28
eternal_fizzertj13820: ok - think all other java-type things are related to azureus. pondering removing firefox & reinstall14:28
TroyDFterminhell, I try to mount no manualy... I do it... But... how can I see the filetype system?14:29
jribJarG0n: you press 'y'14:29
TroyDFI try to mount manualy14:29
tj13820eternal_fizzer, you could try that14:29
terminhelltroydf: fdisk -l14:30
tj13820lothar, check your Firefox settings in your browser, everything is set up correctly14:30
tj13820you could also try a reinstall of Firefox14:30
legend2440JarG0n: if you type in first few letters of the file then <TAB> it will narrow choices down14:30
jriblothar, tj13820: get rid of the gcj web plugin...14:30
lothardone that 5 times before i even came here14:30
TroyDFFAT32 xD14:30
JarG0nlegend2440> I must be doing something wrong.  It doesn't seem to work.14:31
tj13820jrib: what code would you reccomend, or would i be possible through synaptic>14:31
jribtj13820, lothar: package name is gcjwebplugin in synaptic14:31
terminhelltj whats going on now?14:31
JarG0nlegend2440> ok, it works some, but not like I expected.14:31
tj13820ok, lothar, seems like a good idea. go to synaptic package manager and search gcjwebplugin14:32
tj13820remove it14:32
tj13820close firefox before so14:32
terminhellat this point best to select mark for complete removal :p14:32
jribkelvin911: I found this page with your error and a workaround http://icculus.org/~jcspray/maple9_debian.html .  Does that work?14:32
tj13820also best not to assume he know's that :-P14:32
tj13820like i do14:32
terminhell....*rolls eyes...whats the worst that could happen?14:33
lotharthis is what I still get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61613/14:34
Dynalonhi, can somebody recommend a good project planing software for linux? ideally for software engineering14:34
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer.)14:35
kelvin911jrib: If you're running a recent Ubuntu, you may have to explicitly install the libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 package.  HOW???14:36
bratao1Guys, i´m trying to develop a application that use the ~/Desktop, but i having a serious problem with ubuntu Gutsy. If the user use another language, for example Portuguese the ~/Desktop don´t exist, it´s called ~/Área/ de/ Trabalho. SO There is a way to find the correct path, liek some variable like $HOME ?14:37
jribkelvin911: install it using synaptic (like everything else :))14:37
ballei can't make my mini jack plug work, do ineed a driver for it or what?14:37
alastair1How do I set up a chrooted login? Google is being rather useless in the matter.14:37
tj13820i have no idea lothar, it's farther into the system, kernel or otherwise, i can't really know14:37
lotharis there another browser that de34als with java better?14:38
tj13820use a terminal based browser14:38
terminhellw3m and lynx are pretty nifty14:38
jribbratao1: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs14:38
ballei can't make my mini jack plug work, do ineed a driver for it or what?14:39
^walturbo^S@luto tutto il Ch@nnel [ #ubuntu ] --[ ChatSicilia Script v2.0 ]-->>14:39
eternal_fizzertj13820: i checked and i don't even have gcjwebplugin installed, so that's not it. where can I backup ff settings if home is "full" (separate problem)14:39
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tj13820to another drive14:39
bratao1<jrib> Thanks will look at ir14:40
CJS3141I downloaded a script to install IE6 under Wine, it is a /bin/sh script, and when I type ./IE6script it won't run--returns "bash: ./IE63: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory", so what am I doing wrong?14:40
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jribCJS3141: use dos2unix in the tofrodos package to convert the line endings of your file14:41
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, if the script was ie4linux or something like that, the wine people wont even talk to you until you flush it ..  They consider it in the same light as we do automatix.. very bad mojo14:41
CJS3141jrib: So there's something wrong with the line endings? When I pull it up in gedit it looks fine... how come?14:42
Jack_Sparrowballe, /join #Alsa if the mini jack you are talking about is for sound.14:42
ToznoshioWhat was the point of automatix anyway?14:42
ompaul!automatix | Toznoshio14:42
ubotuToznoshio: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »14:42
CJS3141jac_sparrow: no it's not the old ie4linux script, it's a newer one from their website14:42
legend2440alastair1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457514:42
Jack_SparrowToznoshio, they were trying to automate the installation of some things.. Nobel idea, it just didnt work.14:43
jribCJS3141: the file was saved on windows, windos uses \r\n to end lines.  Unix just uses \n14:43
TroyDFterminhell, Thanks! I solved my problem14:43
jribCJS3141: \r shows up as ^M14:43
terminhelli had automatix on my other system....nothing ever went wrong, even after using it to install some stuff14:43
kelvin911jrib: install that libstdc and make symbolic link work14:43
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, newer one from WHOS website14:44
jribkelvin911: cool14:44
erUSUL!worksforme | terminhell14:44
ubotuterminhell: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/14:44
kelvin911jrib: then should i pick default install directory under /home/?14:44
terminhelltroydf: np14:44
CJS3141jack_sparrow: Bring me up to speed please... what's the URL for the WHOS website?14:44
jribkelvin911: sure, that works.  If it's just one user then I don't see any issue with it14:44
nox-HandWould anyone be so kind as to du -h the newest kernel in /boot for me? Just curious as to it's size, and not inside Ubuntu at the moment14:45
barslowif ur looking for whois14:45
barslowuse register.com14:45
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, What webiste did you get the script from... WIne or some different site14:45
jribkelvin911: it would also be great if you add your error to the troubleshooting section of the wiki page and link to the page with the solution :)14:45
Jack_SparrowMorning Jrib14:45
kelvin911where is wiki page?14:45
jribhey Jack_Sparrow14:45
erUSULnox-Hand: 1711    /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic14:45
kelvin911jrib: how to do all that?14:45
barslowI'm having mouse issues, its jumpy and not accurate14:46
barslowany help?14:46
BrentHi guys - does anyone know where I can find a working method to install linux on my 80gig video ipod?14:46
kelvin911jrib: wikipedia?14:46
terminhellomfg jack n the box sounds bomb right now....or Carl's JR. Jalapeno burger....14:46
CJS3141jack_sparrow: The link is from http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=469 and the script is from http://pastebin.ca/raw/94373314:46
jribkelvin911: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Maple it's ubuntu's wiki14:46
encryptznox-Hand: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.7M 2008-02-12 03:39 /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic14:46
terminhellBrent: there is a site dedicated to the ipod linux project14:46
Enulcan anyone tell me why firefox refuses to save my profile?14:46
terminhellit hates you :p jk14:47
nox-Handencryptz: Thanks! Could you say how big the initrd is?14:47
barslow I'm having mouse issues, its jumpy and not accurate, is this a common thing in Ubuntu??14:47
AurochWow, there's a lot of people in this room.14:47
erUSULnox-Hand: 7.1 MB14:47
Brentipod linux project... i will search. thanks!14:47
encryptznox-Hand: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7.0M 2008-03-27 22:34 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic14:47
ballei can't make my mini jack plug work, do ineed a driver for it or what?14:47
jribEnul: what does 'find ~/.mozilla ! -user $USER' return?14:47
eternal_fizzertj13820: if I remove firefox, it wants to take gnome-user-guid, gnucash-docs, ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-docs & yelp ... I use gnucash14:47
nox-HandThankyou erUSUL and encryptz =]14:47
Enulone sec jrib14:48
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer. I run 'aplay -L' also.)14:48
encryptzinteresting that the initrd is 7x larger than the kernel. never noticed that before14:48
Garrendo i need a firewall and AV for the latest ubuntu ?14:48
jribGarren: no14:48
alastair1Can I not set up a simple jail without having another entire system in a directory? Can't I link e.g. /chroot/usr to /usr?14:48
terminhellgarren: though not necissary, its always safe practices to use em14:48
bullgard4I know what pulse-code modulation is.14:48
nox-HandGarren: Ubuntu has it's own 'firewall' now, and that should shield you against virusses. There are, however, hardly ANY virusses that can hit Ubuntu, as far as I know, NONE14:49
barslowso noone can help with my mouse problems?14:49
Lupe5hey yall14:49
Garrenvery good14:49
CJS3141jack_sparrow: did you catch those URLs I posted? Is that script the correct way to install IE6?14:49
barslowcan u get spyware on Ubuntu?14:49
terminhellthe biggest threat to ubuntu is the user virus :p14:49
Lupe5I upgraded to Hardy!14:49
EnulJirib it returns nothing14:49
barslowHardy broke my machine14:49
erUSUL!yay | Lupe514:50
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, A quick read shows that they are using a version of wine 8 versions ahead of what you are using..14:50
ubotuLupe5: Glad you made it! :-)14:50
barslowwhat a pain14:50
LjLbarslow: not the mainstream kind, but if you do stupid things, yes you can get spied upon14:50
LjL!hardy | barslow, not surprising14:50
ubotubarslow, not surprising: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:50
kelvin911jrib: what does this do: ln -s /opt/maple9/bin/xmaple /usr/local/bin/xmaple ?14:50
nox-HandLupe5: Congratulations! barslow >> #ubuntu+1 for help, but do not EXPECT it, as it's NOT SUPPORTED :)14:50
eternal_fizzeranybody know how I can safely remove firefox without losing gnucash docs, etc, etc14:50
barslowi already removed and re-installed Gutsy14:50
barslowit was a real pain14:50
CJS3141jack_sparrow: it says in the script it is for 0.9.48... am I missing something?14:51
nox-HandNow you know what Beta means barslow14:51
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, If you ask in winehq, they will probably tell you to install the latest version of wine before you try to install ie614:51
Lupe5no, no. I dont need help, im here to help. I've had a lot of experince with 7.10, so i can help here too.14:51
barslowbut now I have mouse issues in gutsy14:51
robotjoxI'm having a real hard time using dual screens with ubuntu. The secondary screen is much too bright14:51
barslowi don't know why but my mouse is super jumpy14:51
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, look at the first link you gave me.14:51
Toznoshioeternal_fizzer: do it the old-fashioned way14:51
jribkelvin911: just lets you run xmaple by typing 'xmaple' and pressing enter in a terminal.  It assumes you installed maple to /opt/maple9 of course14:51
Lupe5but thanks for that channel! I might go there for help.14:51
terminhellbarslow: make sure your acceleration settings are correct14:52
robotjoxwhen I click nvidia-settings the screen turns the right brightness for a second and then goes back too being much too bright14:52
CJS3141jack_sparrow: OK, I have 0.9.48 installed because that's the current one in Synaptic. Should I upgrade manually to the newer one?14:52
eternal_fizzerToznoshio: like find the directory and delete it? I think that may be why I was in trouble in first place after trying the old-fashioned way with java last week :(14:52
kelvin911jrib: my /opt/maple is empty14:52
barslowterminhell: what are the optimal accelaration settings?14:52
kelvin911jrib: should i delete it?14:52
terminhellbarslow: ones that dont make your mouse jumpy...just lower them14:53
jribkelvin911: because you installed it to your HOME remember?  Sure you can delete it since you did not use it14:53
Jack_SparrowCJS3141, I personally wont use or recommend wine...  someone else should be able to help you...  the best help is in winehq.. even if it is a bit slow14:53
kelvin911jrib: what about opt directory?14:53
eternal_fizzerToznoshio: is it only one folder for sure?14:53
barslowterminhell: I've tried tons of different settings, nothing seems to work correctly14:53
Lupe5robotjox: Can you change the brightness on your monitor.....14:53
jribkelvin911: you can leave it, you might want to use it for some other thing you install later14:53
kelvin911jrib: what is /opt/?14:54
CJS3141jack_sparrow: OK fair enough! Thanks for all the help.14:54
gilster32 i was wandering if people are experiencing issues with network manager? My wireless gets disconnected randomly...14:54
Toznoshioeternal_fizzer: pastebin the output of "locate firefox"14:54
AurochWould someone be able to help me install irssi please? None of the usual methods are working for me.14:54
terminhellbarslow perhaps its the mouse itself. is it optical? make sure its on a non reflective surface. if its the old kind, you may need to clean the ball and rollers14:54
Lupe5gilster32: Do you have a dell?14:54
kelvin911jrib: sudo rmdir maple9 ?14:54
eternal_fizzerToznoshio: it was pages of stuff - what is pastebin?14:54
gilster32lupe5:nope toshiba.atheros wifi card14:55
terminhellgilster32: do you have "roaming" enalbed?14:55
Toznoshiopaste | eternal_fizzer14:55
Toznoshio!paste | eternal_fizzer14:55
ubotueternal_fizzer: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:55
Lupe5gilster32: Never had experince with it....14:55
CJS3141jrib: In the future, how can I tell easily if my file has been saved in windows and has different end-of-line characters? It doesn't seem to show up when I "more" it or "gedit" it.14:55
kelvin911jrib: why didnt i install maple in /usr/local/bin/ ??14:55
eternal_fizzerubotu - thx but no browser, so can't go there14:55
jribCJS3141: I would use vim and do ":set list".  I don't know of a better way14:55
terminhellauroch: have you tried from terminal "sudo apt-get install irssi" ?14:56
jribkelvin911: because you chose to install it to your HOME, there's nothing wrong with that14:56
robotjoxLupe5: yeah, but that's not the problem - I can change the brightness alright, but this is some sort of nvidia-related problem I think - it's more a case of the alpha channel being set all wrong and whenever I reboot the problem comes again14:56
Lupe5eternal_fizzer: use firefox14:56
kelvin911jrib: why install in somewhere else then make link to /usr/local/bin?14:56
eternal_fizzerLupe5: I'd love too - that's what I'm trying to fix!14:56
jribkelvin911: because you don't need to be root to install to your HOME14:56
Lupe5robotjox: I dont know anything about Nivada14:56
gilster32terminhell: should roaming be turned off?14:57
Aurochterminhell: That and a few other things but I don't think apt-get is working. "Couldn't find package.. etc."14:57
eternal_fizzerToznoshio: is there someother gadget I can use to transmit that info to you? since I don't have a browser, I'm stuck14:58
Lupe5eternal_fizzer: go to the applcation menu, choose add/remove programs, in the search box type "Konqueror" and install it. That's the KDE web browser, but it will work.14:58
terminhellAuroch: make sure the other repositories are enabled and reload.14:58
_botohi all14:58
robotjoxsomeone here have any experience with setting up a nvidia card using dual screens? My no. 2 screen is far too bright14:58
erUSULCJS3141: file file.txt will tell you what line endings (unix or dos) a file has14:58
Lupe5!hi |_boto14:58
ubotu_boto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:58
_botothanks :-)14:59
Aurochterminhell, I've been looking for info online on how to do that but I can't find anything, thought I'd try here.14:59
terminhellglister32: try manual config. input the ssid and any other possible info you need. IF this works go from there14:59
_botoi am using ubuntu since some weeks and i have to say it i like it :-)14:59
sy001 dj14:59
Lupe5_boto: ok14:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about solaris - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:00
BrentHi guys - I'm trying to install linux on my 80gig video ipod, but ipodpatcher isnt detecting my ipod in disk mode15:00
terminhellglister32: roaming will attempt to connect to the best available signal. if it connects to one that isnt connected to the outside internet, well, there ya go15:00
_botoi have built a project on ubuntu and would like to test it15:00
eternal_fizzerLupe5: thx but not on list - I'm using gnome, is that why?15:00
SonicEpsilonMy wifi driver is an atheros ar5bxb63, I would like it to work in ubuntu 7.10, is it possible?15:00
_botois somebody interested in helping me?15:00
kelvin911jrib: i did this  sudo ln -s /home/kelvin/maple/bin/xmaple /usr/local/bin/xmaple15:00
kelvin911jrib:  but i still cant run xmaple, it said file not found15:00
magnetron_boto: just ask your question and be patient15:00
Lupe5eternal_fizzer: No, You can Easily install KDE apps on GNOME, and vise versa. Hey, does everything have a checkmark by it.15:01
jribkelvin911: does typing in '/home/kelvin/maple/bin/xmaple' work?15:01
Jack_Sparrow_boto, Please ask in #Ubuntu-offtopic15:01
Garrenhow do i partition my hard drive ? its 80gig15:01
kelvin911sorry typo15:01
Mzalendohi all15:01
_botoit is a virtual reality chat application; it allow textual chat and voice chat in a 3d world15:01
legend2440Auroch: open synaptic then settings>repositories then click boxes under Ubuntu Software tab and Updates tab15:01
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terminhellauroch: im not sure then, it should be in the repo's15:01
Brentoh forgot to mention, i cant do the chmod thing to ipodpatcher either15:01
_botoif someone is interested here is the link to the project: http://yag2002.sf.net15:02
kelvin911jrib: yes that works15:02
Jack_Sparrow_boto, This is the support room.  We discourage new users from beta testing a users app in this room.. ot would be a better place to ask15:02
Pelofanch_, /join #ubuntu-fr15:02
eternal_fizzerLupe5: easily for someone who has spent less than an week in linux? no, only about 50% of items are checked15:02
kelvin911but the link doesnt work15:02
Lupe5Brent: ummm..... your installing ubuntu on your iPod15:02
_botoJack_Sparrow, oh sorry15:02
jribkelvin911: try typing 'hash -r' and then try 'xmaple' again15:02
Brentnot ubuntu, im trying to get linux to run stand along from my ipod15:02
Brentsorry, should have been clearer15:02
Mzalendoi have a question... i just downloaded a .rar file, but archive manager fails to extract it... what could be wrong?15:03
Brentive been looking at the ipod linux project site and following instructions15:03
Brentbut the ipodpatcher step i cant figure out15:03
Jack_Sparrow_boto, thanks for understanding..  MOre experienced users will be better able to provide feedback15:03
PeloMzalendo, sudo apt-get install unrar , then it will work15:03
vark_Mzalendi: u need unrar for that15:03
magnetronMzalendo: you need to install the "rar" package (with synaptic)15:03
Lupe5Brent: This is the Ubuntu Support Forum.15:03
terminhellmzalendo: you need to go to www.rarlabs.com and install the command line15:03
m1dlgit's possbly corrupt or encrypted - password perhaps15:03
kelvin911jrib: what is hash -r ?15:03
Lupe5chat. sorry15:03
Brentaha. sorry I'm used to coming here with all my questions :P15:03
eternal_fizzerLupe5: easily for someone who has spent less than an week in linux? no, only about 50% of items are checked15:03
_botoJack_Sparrow: what did you mean with ot?15:03
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:04
Brentcan anyone point me to the right channel?15:04
encryptz_boto: /j #ubuntu-offtopic15:04
_botoah, thanks15:04
jribkelvin911: tells bash to look things up again when you type commands15:04
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free15:04
PeloBrent,  right channel for what ?15:04
Brentdont worry I'll do some searching. lol15:04
encryptzBrent: ##linux maybe?15:04
Brentthanks, cya15:04
PeloBrent,  I did stumble upon a linux for ipod at some point in the past, check on google15:05
kelvin911jrib: still no15:05
terminhellhow can i get irssi to not display -!- output?15:05
Mzalendohi... who told me to go to rarlabs.com?15:05
Peloterminhell, you can't15:05
terminhellmzalendo i did15:05
jribkelvin911: what does 'which xmaple' return?15:05
brian__Hey all.15:05
terminhellpelo: damit!15:05
Hewuswhat's the best way to start a background process running at startup as root?15:05
Mzalendoterminhell: can u give me the exact url for the command line download?15:05
Jack_Sparrow!info unrar-free15:05
Mzalendoterminhell: i saw something like winrar, etc15:06
magnetronMzalendo: sudo apt-get install rar15:06
earthsoundhello. i dual boot btwn ubuntu 7.10 & windows xp....recently booted into linux & neither of the windows partitions/HDs are mounted/seen.15:06
Mzalendook.. lemme try sudo15:06
kelvin911the one in /home/kelvin/maple9/bin/ i can run maple15:06
terminhellya, use magnetrons method15:06
Peloterminhell, !triggers output are just regular msgs posted by a member, in this case a bot, they are consider regular chatter,  unless you want to /ignore ubotu , that might work15:06
Aurochlegend2440: Hey hey! You are a legend, thanks.15:06
eternal_fizzeris there another channel that deals with something like this firefox-not-running-anymore possibly because of java problem? I been here several hours and not getting anywhere - thx15:06
Aurochterminhell: Thanks anyhow.15:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:06
earthsoundwhere can I see a boot log to determine if there were any errors trying to mount the partitions15:07
kelvin911the one in /usr/local/bin/ got bash: xmaple: command not found15:07
Peloearthsound, /var/log15:07
brian__@ eternal frizzer :check google does firefox even use java?15:07
Mzalendook, can anyone give me the rar command to extract a particular file into a new directory?15:07
jribkelvin911: what does 'which xmaple' return?15:07
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, Did you try running firefox from command line and looking for errors15:08
jribkelvin911: it's a command15:08
PeloMzalendo, just sudo apt-get install unrar and after taht you will be able to extract a rar file from the rigth click  extract option15:08
terminhellooo forgot about that jack15:08
eternal_fizzerbrian__: I'd love to, but I don't have a browser ... hence the problem. I only downloaded jre for a yahoo game & deleted it manually when it goofed up firefox15:08
Mzalendook, thanks Pelo15:08
kelvin911xmaple in /home/kelvin/maple9/bin/ works start up a gui15:08
madsporkmurderermy gnome has just restarted itself, loosing some of a document I was working on- I found the following in /var/log/syslog, any ideas of cause and/or how to stop it happening again?Mar 30 15:03:25 mike gdm[5608]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X err15:08
madsporkmurdereror - Restarting :015:08
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow: no idea how to do that - do I just type firefox in terminal?15:08
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, yes15:09
jribkelvin911: just type 'which xmaple' and tell me the output15:09
Pelomadsporkmurderer, do a google search for the error msg , or maybe also in www.ubuntuforums.org15:09
brian__<eternal_fizzer> yea15:09
MzalendoPelo: Archive Manager is still set to default... i dont see RAR when i right click15:09
earthsoundPelo: which log should I look at? :|15:09
kelvin911which xmaple in terminal ?15:09
kelvin911nothing return15:09
PeloMzalendo, are y ou trying to extract or to compress ?15:09
Jack_SparrowMzalendo, what about dbl clicking the rar file now that rar is installed15:10
terminhellmzalendo just try to extract it after you have unrar installed15:10
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow & brian__:  I get a segmentation fault (core dumped). That's bad, and uninformative.15:10
MzalendoPelo: extract15:10
brian__eternal_fizzer>: firefox is usually flawless with ubuntu are you running a test version or something?15:10
kelvin911should i rm the link and start over again/15:10
Peloearthsound, boot ?15:10
jribkelvin911: can you pastebin the command and the output?  It must return output, at least an error15:10
eternal_fizzerbrian__: no everything was fine all along until today, then it crashed while running15:10
PeloMzalendo, no need to open fileroller,  just right click the file and scrool down do thte extract here command15:10
eternal_fizzerbrian__: think i was running like firefox 2-ish15:10
brian__<eternal_fizzer>: copy and paste the error into a google search15:10
brian__<eternal_fizzer> you would be surprised at how fast u might find something15:11
eternal_fizzerbrian__:  I have NO browser!15:11
brian__<eternal_fizzer>good point15:11
pro-rsoftHi, i have an excellent hex editor installed here but i forgfot the name, :$ can someone help me15:11
MzalendoPelo: thanks... it worked15:11
eternal_fizzerbrian_: I'd fall off my chair if that worked :-)15:11
brian__<eternal_fizzer> Can you download oet?pera or something using package manger or apt-g15:11
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, you should be able to install a different one even if only temp..15:11
earthsoundPelo: all it says is "(Nothing has been logged yet.)"...and it was last update 2007-10-1615:11
ubotuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)15:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hex - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:11
pro-rsoftcan somebody name a few hex editors plz?15:12
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Peloearthsound, in /var/log/boot ?15:12
eternal_fizzerbrian__ & Jack_Sparrow: thanks someone was trying to show me Konqueror, no have, but will look for Opera15:12
brian__<eternal_fizzer> konquerer is for kde ubuntu is usually debian15:12
astro76pro-rsoft: maybe you mean ghex? if it's installed this should find it: locate hex | grep bin15:12
pro-rsofti dont mean ghex15:12
eternal_fizzerbrian__: hence the problem :)15:12
terminhelleternal_fizzer epiphany is kinda the gnome browser15:12
eternal_fizzerterminhell: thx - I'll look for it15:13
Jack_Sparrowbrian__, that line has gotten very fuzzy, I run a ton of kde apps in ubuntu/gnome15:13
Peloearthsound, mine says the same, check out syslog then15:13
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pro-rsoftoh, found out. it was bless.15:13
kelvin911jrib: http://i32.tinypic.com/2cnt4sm.png15:13
brian__how do i direct a message at someone without copy paste thier name?15:13
kelvin911jrib: please take a look http://i32.tinypic.com/2cnt4sm.png15:13
Winkiedoes anyone happen to have xgettext installed and if so can you tell me which package it's from?15:13
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:13
brian__<Jack_Sparrow>  very true15:13
Pelolater folks15:14
Jack_Sparrowbrian__, type three or so letters and hit tab15:14
jribkelvin911: what does 'ls /home/kelvin/maple/bin/xmaple' return?15:14
kelvin911jrib: /home/kelvin/maple9/bin/xmaple15:15
kelvin911it returns this /home/kelvin/maple9/bin/xmaple15:15
kelvin911 in green color15:15
brian__Jack_Sparrow, OK thanks a lot15:15
jribkelvin911: that's not what I asked you to type :)  See you forgot the "9" in your link15:15
|ismael|why i can't use ./configure?15:15
kelvin911how to fix the link?15:15
Mzalendoquestion: does anyone know about the application x-proj, which is a graphics app?15:15
kelvin911do i delete it and start over?15:15
HewusHow should I go about requesting a universe package be synced with Debian? Should I submit a bug for that package?15:15
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer. I run 'aplay -L' also. I know what pulse-code modulation is.)15:15
jribkelvin911: that will work15:16
ricaneliteokay, when i first boot my computer and the grub comes up where I could select if i want to start up Linux or Windows15:16
kelvin911do i need sudo?15:16
kelvin911sudo rm /usr/local/bin/xmaple ??15:16
jribkelvin911: yes15:16
ricaneliteI have a bunch of selections of linux how can i edit it up so it could be just one selection of linux/recovery mode and windows15:16
terminhellricanelite: you have to edit the menu.ls15:16
Jack_Sparrowricanelite, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:16
hunterHello all15:17
Lupe6M usrname is diffrent!!!!!15:17
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JckfI'm trying to browse one of my drives, but I get an error saying "Too many open files". What did I do? I was copying alot of files around right before this happened.15:17
Lupe6I had it registered for Lupe5!15:18
void^ricanelite: you probably want to uninstall old kernel versions.15:18
hunterI have attached a 2.1 channel speaker and a headphone jack on back panel, but only speakers work and headphone dont work15:18
=== guest007 is now known as doubleOhSeven
kelvin911jrib: works thx :)15:18
jribkelvin911: no problem15:18
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow: I installed epiphany, but it can't start up because can't create file in home directory because full, which is another problem I'd love to fix (other folders are fine) any idea how I can change its startup folder?15:18
hunterin windows i could edit how a port should react using realtek program15:18
hunterhow i do in ubuntu?15:18
damaltorJckf: just wait a little until the disk is snced again. or, if you want to enforce it you can use the sysrq key or simple reboot.15:18
Winkiecan anyone check if they have xgettext installed?15:18
Jckfdamaltor: I don't want to reboot, so I'll wait then15:19
jribWinkie: yes, why?15:19
ricaneliteokay im in the menu.lst15:19
brian__What is gksudo?15:19
ricanelitedo i just delete the ones i dont wan to show up15:19
jrib!gksudo | brian__15:19
ubotubrian__: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:19
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, home directory is full.. sounds like it is time for some housekeeping.15:19
terminhellricanelite: pretty much15:20
Winkiejrib: nevermind it turns out i'm stupid, it's the 'gettext' package for the love of god :)15:20
brian__o ok i see thanks15:20
Winkiei couldn't find ANYTHING searching for 'xgettext' and never thought to take off the x15:20
jribWinkie: yep :)15:20
Winkiedoh :D15:20
ricanelitecause the one that i had before Ubuntu 7.10 kernel generic works fine and has the applications from ubuntu studio there15:20
Winkiethanks anyway jrib15:20
damaltorJckf: try pressing ALT + SYS-RQ + S15:20
DarphBobohow do i enable media keys on the keyboard to work with amarok ? for rhythmbox it works fine15:20
hunterHello all15:20
ricanelitealso im just curious can i rename it? like if i want to rename it something else is that possible?15:20
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow: no, no, its because the guy who installed linux did something odd with partitions, so all room is in media/host dir & no room in my home folder (don't know how to change that) only like 1GB or something and full15:20
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, move or delete a seldom used foler in there so you have enough room to get a browers working15:20
hunterI have attached a 2.1 channel speaker and a headphone jack on back panel, but only speakers work and headphone dont work15:20
ricanelitehey hunter15:20
jribWinkie: just drop it into the "search for files in packages" field at packages.ubuntu.com or use apt-file search next time15:20
hunterin windows i could edit how a port should react using realtek program15:20
hunterhow i do in ubuntu?15:21
Jckfdamaltor: alt+sysrq gives me a screenshot15:21
=== Cristatsu is now known as Cristatus
Garrenhow do i install the latest version of firefox ?15:21
barslowi'm the best15:21
legend2440ricanelite: you could comment them out using # in front of ones you don't use15:21
damaltorJckf: not alt+print15:21
kelvin911jrib: how to fork new process?15:21
barslowu dont want the latest firefox GARREN15:21
jribkelvin911: what do you mean exactly?15:21
ricaneliteso i just put # in from of it15:21
kelvin911jrib: so that i can run maple and still use that terminal15:21
ricaneliteand thats it and save it?15:22
kelvin911is it xmaple & ?15:22
jribkelvin911: xmaple &15:22
terminhell26 more days people...who's excited!15:22
Jckfdamaltor: Sys Rq and Print is the same button, no?15:22
eerpini_i guess to install the latest version of firefox, .... just enable all the repo's and do a apt-get install firefox15:22
legend2440ricanelite: yes15:22
barslowGarren:its not compatible with your old plugins15:22
damaltorJckf: look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key15:22
ricaneliteone other question how do i send you a message on her like you just did15:22
Winkiejrib: well there you go, i had no idea you could do apt-file15:22
ricanelitewithout typing legend2440: like for your name to come out in red?15:22
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, home bien full could be your only real problem..15:22
barslowUbuntu fits me like a glove15:23
legend2440ricanelite: type first few letters in name and then TAB key15:23
Garrenim in package manager i dont see repo's15:23
barsloware there other compiz plugins that u can add?15:24
brian__eternal_fizzer, I have read crazy things will happen when disk space gets tight (e.g. firefox crash)15:24
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:24
SonicEpsiloncan somebody help me with getting my wireless driver sorted out?15:24
terminhellbrian__: the whole OS can start going screwy with a full drive15:24
ricanelitelegend2440, do i put the # in each line of the one that i dont want to show up?15:24
Jack_SparrowGarren, Sources link was for you15:24
legend2440ricanelite: yes15:24
speedhunt3rhey how do i open an office document with open office that's password protected?15:24
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, Lots of them.. fishes inside the cube and more15:25
brian__Has any used any of the circuit board design tools in the synaptics package manager educational section?15:25
terminhellSonicEpsilon: ill try, whats up15:25
damaltorspeedhunt3r: doesnt it ask you for the password?15:25
Jckfdamaltor: Don't know which key it is =| And the command line gives me permission denied even as root15:25
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow: that would be nice - moving 2 movie files "help" guy left in home15:25
legend2440ricanelite: yes in front of line at very beginning15:25
damaltorJckf: well, then you will have to wait a little... :/15:25
SonicEpsilonit's a atheros ar5bxb6315:25
barslowJack_Sparrow: where can i find them?>15:25
speedhunt3rdamaltor, the file was made in Microsoft office, i'm trying to open it in open office but i can't...15:25
legend2440ricanelite: yes in front of line at very beginning  of each line15:25
eternal_fizzerbrian__: would be hilarious - we'll see15:25
damaltorspeedhunt3r: doesnt it ask you for the password?15:25
speedhunt3rdamaltor, nope15:25
SonicEpsilonI use wireless a lot & would like to use it in ubuntu 7.1015:26
barslowanyone know anything about bluetooth hacking?15:26
terminhellSonicEpsilon: im not familiar with that card, broadcom and even a Microsoft USB adapter have been my battles15:26
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, #compiz    has more info.. I will link ones that you would need to compile yourself....  (Please have a system backup if you have never compiled before..  thanks15:26
speedhunt3rdamaltor, it says the loading of password-encrypted Microsoft PowerPoint presentations is not supported.15:26
eternal_fizzerSonicEpsilon, I'm using wifi in 7.04 and works great with old Prism chip - what do you have?15:26
damaltorspeedhunt3r: weird. it should. try to run ooffice, and use open command to open the file. you should be able to choose a version accordingly to the version od M$ office.15:26
barslowJack_Sparrow: thanks havent heard of that room15:26
terminhellSonicEpsilon: if you can find the windows drivers of them you may be able to use ndiswrapper to get it working15:26
SonicEpsilonlaptop is acer aspire 368015:27
legend2440ricanelite: be careful not to comment out the entries you use15:27
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=530315:27
damaltorspeedhunt3r: oh well.. if not supported, this will be a bigger problem... tried to google?15:27
barslowJack_Sparrow: thank you sir15:27
Jack_Sparrownp enjoy15:27
speedhunt3rdamaltor, haven't googled it yet, but tried ur suggestion just now, still can't open.15:28
barslowJack_Sparrow:  to complicated for me not worth the risk15:28
Arky44hello all :)15:28
archangelpetrohas anyone here installed nvidia geforce 8400 GS on ubuntu? using the package?S because apparently my system doesnt detect the card?15:28
damaltorspeedhunt3r: well, then i cannot really help you... not supported is bad15:28
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, thats why I give the disclaimer15:28
barslowJack_Sparrow:  appreciated15:28
Arky44I have installed ubuntu with 52% partitioning on my hard drive, and yet I am now unable to get back on Windows. Any ideas?15:28
karimwhat is the command to configure fstab ? the one that the installer uses for instance15:29
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, brian__ : it's back! thank you for discovering the obvious. Another question - it crashed in last 10 min of a movie online, and I remember when I used firefox in WinXP it was always filling up the drive while watching something - is there a fix for that?15:29
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, I have personally compiled every one of those add'l add-ons15:29
eerpini_sound does not work with ubuntu 7.10 on dell vostro15:29
barslowJack_Sparrow: any plugins worth a look?15:29
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, obvious answer....  make /home bigger...  :)15:30
Arky44Does anyone know how to uninstall ubuntu?15:30
eternal_fizzer and can someone tell luthor & tj13820 that might be their problem?15:30
speedhunt3rdamaltor, it's just a bug15:30
terminhellArky44: delete the partition15:30
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, ok, so next question, how I do that?15:30
amenadoArky44-> you did not finish the ubuntu install?15:30
Arky44terminhell: do I need to boot from the CD to do this?15:30
eerpini_the kernel compiled for hp nx 7400 , does not detect sound card on hp presario which has same sound card15:30
=== _Rubyxx is now known as cheekee
damaltorspeedhunt3r: found something?15:31
terminhellArky44: no. do you also have windows installed on this same drive?15:31
amenadoArky44-> you did not finish the ubuntu install?15:31
Arky44I finished installing it, but it does not give me a choiice to log onto Windows at startup :(15:31
ArelisHow do I kill the gnome-panel? killall gnome-panel only seems to restart it15:31
terminhellArky44: are you uh, sure you didnt install over it?15:31
edjuhp laptop - atheros chipset using ndiswrapper - wireless works no prob.  however, the led does not.  i've searched the internets, but no solution.  on the off chance that somebody's solved this - any pointers?15:31
amenadoArky44-> can you boot to ubuntu since you have finished the install?15:31
Arky44terminhell: i am not sure...15:32
Arky44amenado: yes15:32
Jack_Sparrowbarslow, I get wow's from showing 3d windows that float off the cube and fish inside the cube15:32
stevesmal1Hello all15:32
amenadoArky44-> the lets look at your /boot/grub/menu.lst to make sure you have entry for windows and ubuntu when you boot15:32
amenadoArky44-> paste in pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst15:32
MortezaJSHas dell presented conexant driver for gutsy?15:33
rinaldi_has anyone got sopcast working with gsopcast? I have installed both, but gsopcast cant find any channels.15:33
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, Start here..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)15:33
Arky44amenado: h/o one sec...15:33
unocrashi used to be Lupe5, but for some reason i couldn't log on15:33
unocrashso I changed my user name15:33
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, copy from the first sudo to the last pastebinit into termainal and give me the link you get back15:33
unocrasheternal_fizzer: is frefox still broken?15:34
stevesmal1is there a way to increase system sound more than what ubuntu says is max because mine is still lower than it was on windowz15:34
Jack_Sparrowunocrash, no .. it is fixed15:34
SonicEpsilonI've searched but no luck, I just need the driver to work.15:34
gh0st903hi all15:34
archangelpetrohas anybody here used an NVIDIA 8400 GS card with ubuntu successfully?15:34
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
tankmechOK, so I finally after spending all day trying to figure it out got my wireless to work on the notebook i just installed on. the only problem is that everytime i restart i have to type "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid myNet key myKey mode managed" and then "dhclient". is there a way i can make that permanent so the wireless is up automatically, instead of having to type those everytime?15:34
terminhellstevesmal1: it depends on the program...if there is a pre-amp then perhaps15:35
MortezaJSIs there any full conexant modem driver for gutsy?15:35
MasseRtankmech: /etc/network/interfaces15:35
stevesmal1im not sure this is my second day on ubuntu15:35
eternal_fizzerunocrash: nope - finally running thx to Jack & brian. was just full home directory after all that.15:35
stevesmal1ive only had two problems15:35
terminhellstevesmal1: what are you trying to make louder15:35
stevesmal1sound and a good download manager for rapidshare15:36
stevesmal1all media files15:36
SuperLagMortezaJS: you asked that question 3 minutes ago. There is no need to repeat yourself.15:36
terminhellstevesmal1: what program are you using to listen to your media15:36
SuperLagMortezaJS: if someone knows, they will answer15:36
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, _really_ new at this - how do I cut & paste from this window to terminal? ctrl-v don't work15:36
stevesmal1well ive been using the default but i just installed my vlc and that seems to improve the sound15:36
tankmechMasseR....what does that mean?15:37
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, add shift to copy from or paste into terminal15:37
oriezhow can i change the sound setting back to default?15:37
terminhellstevesmal1: are you mainly just listening to music, or movies. if music, try XMMS. its similar to winamp15:37
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, add as in + or ?15:37
SuperLageternal_fizzer: or highlight to copy, and middle-click to paste15:37
stevesmal1oh ok thank you yeah mostly music and movies15:37
terminhellstevesmal1: it has a graphical EQ you can use to further adjust things15:37
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, shift+ctrl+v15:38
stevesmal1is that in system15:38
stevesmal1sorry im a bonehead im really new15:38
terminhellstevesmal1: no, you will have to install it with synaptic15:38
* SuperLag likes his method better15:38
stevesmal1oh ok15:38
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:38
stevesmal1and one more question if you guys dont mind15:39
terminhellstevesmal1: when you first run xmms right click on it to bring up further options ;)15:39
Jack_SparrowSuperLag, will middle click paste into a terminal15:39
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, http://paste.stgraber.org15:39
terminhelllux: frostwire15:39
stevesmal1has anyone found a good download manager for downloading off rapidshare as of yet that stores your username and password15:39
Jack_Sparrow!caps | lux15:39
ubotulux: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:39
luxi said sry =)15:39
terminhelllux: frostwire15:40
SuperLagJack_Sparrow: middle-click will paste anywhere, if you have it in the buffer15:40
NikyuHey guys, what is the best music player like amaroK in GNOME? (:15:40
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:40
terminhellstevesmal1: i dont use rapidshare, so im not sure15:40
eternal_fizzerlux: they didn't hear yer sorry cuz it wasn't in caps :))15:40
luxokei thanks15:40
davetarmacGood afternoon - I'm having trouble with my sound in 7.10. I recently installed the OS, and I have 2 sound cards (one on-board and another PCI card) and the default sound switches between the 2 sources. Is there anywhere I can define a specific card to use?15:40
stevesmal1ok thank you very much terminhell15:40
terminhelllux: just make sure you have java runtime's installed or it wont work15:41
terminhellstevesmal1: np man15:41
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, it ran - http://paste.stgraber.org15:41
Verjxiniahello to all.15:41
luxwhich Version of frostwire should i use? which the best15:41
NikyuWhat is the best amaroK clone for GNOME?15:41
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, need a number to go with that15:41
terminhellNikyu: exaile15:41
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:41
rajuanyone tell me to do a project in FOSS15:41
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eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, version 0.615:42
terminhellraju: do a project in FOSS15:42
erUSULdavetarmac: "asoundconf list" list your cards "asoundconf set-default-soundcard <souncardname>" will set what ver you want default15:42
=== saltedlight is now known as saltedlight_
unocrashIs Rhythmbox compatible with an iPod?15:42
luxterminhell, how can i install java runtime with command? could u tell me the command15:42
erUSULdavetarmac: whatever*15:42
rajuterminhell, yes15:42
erUSUL!java | lux15:42
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:42
ubotulux: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)15:42
terminhelllux: justa sec15:42
alteregoaword up!15:43
karimwhen I debootstrap, is there a way to call something that would create like the installer the fstab file with UUID for the disk etcetera ?15:43
davetarmacerUSUL: cheers - just found that on google :)15:43
erUSULdavetarmac: ;P15:43
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:43
alteregoaerUSUL are you cardassian?15:43
davetarmacerUSUL: Thanks anyway, mate15:43
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes15:43
erUSULalteregoa: nope15:43
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, I dont have much time..  Looking for something like   http://paste.stgraber.org/213515:43
karimis there a way to run the debian installer like it is present in the alternate CD but from a running ubuntu ?15:43
erUSULalteregoa: galician ;)15:44
Verjxiniai´ve installed esperanto localization into my ubuntu 7.4, but it isn´t work seems. Everything is in english. What i did uncorrectly?15:44
alteregoainteresting, i am vulcanian15:44
unocrashim swithcing my session to KDE. BRB15:44
raju give the link that has a list of project in FOSS15:44
alteregoahola hola hola cocacola motorola15:44
terminhelllux: type this in terminal: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre15:44
jpatrick!es | alteregoa15:44
ubotualteregoa: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:44
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:44
erUSULVerjxinia: have you changed your language on system>admin>language support ??15:44
mgiHi everyone.. quick samba question..15:44
alteregoahablamos habla hablamonos15:44
gh0st903Anyone have any success with widcomm BT stacks?15:45
VerjxiniaerUSUL: sure.15:45
alteregoahouston i got a problem15:45
mgi..what's the best way to avoid having to use smbpasswd -a to create samba users? I already have unix accounts, I don't need SMB accounts too15:45
mgiI've tried PAM, and I can't seem to get it working..15:45
erUSULVerjxinia: then dunno :| is there a specific ubuntu channel for esperanto??15:45
VerjxiniaerUSUL: but i can´t select that as my default language.15:45
geekphreakHello...I had Ubuntu installed with a separate /Home partition, installed Fedora, went back to Ubuntu. However, I had some weird problems with the install relative to /Home. So, I would rather re-install and format /Home this time. Unfortunately, there is a file I need, and now do not have permission to move or read the file...I tried running the Live CD and sudo -i...Any help out there? Thanks15:45
Jack_Sparrowalteregoa, Please ask your question...15:45
alteregoawhy the wireless nonfree driver doesn't regconize 801.11g networks?15:45
DevourerIs there a way to make it that when I open an application on one desktop it opens up on a another desktop?15:45
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, thank you - is that contained in a file somewhere on my system and those are where the settings I need to change are?15:45
mgi..and it just seemed to work in feisty.. not in gutsy however15:45
co0lingFir3hi folks! how can i adjust the number of channels in k9copy?15:46
amenadoArky44-> you pasted yet?15:46
DiViN3[-Hi-] i need to connect to internet using wireless how do i do that15:46
alteregoa802.11g is supported , its bc43 whatever15:46
terminhellDevourer: you can just sticky the window15:46
VerjxiniaerUSUL: is empty.15:46
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, that command returns information about how your partitions are setup and how they are mounted, criticalk info when resizing your setup from a livecd15:46
gh0st903widcomm BT stacks. Does ANYONE know what im talking about vy any chance?15:46
luxhow to add "multiverse" to the existing main line???????? cant install java runtime b415:46
Devourerterminhell, what do you mean?15:47
Jack_Sparrow!sources | lux15:47
ubotulux: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:47
amenadogeekphreak-> what you need access to again?15:47
alteregoastrange wireless stuff15:47
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, thx for the help - I'll try to find an Ubuntu-for-idiots site before I accidentally delete my drive15:48
gh0st903widcomm BT stacks. Does ANYONE know what im talking about by any chance?15:48
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, (now that I have an actual browser again)15:48
terminhellDevourer: right-click on the window decorator and select the "always on visible workspace"15:48
mgigh0st903 it always crashes on my winXP machine, if that helps15:48
nkohi can anyone help me?15:48
amenadoalteregoa-> if its that broadcom chip bcm43xx -- many have difficulties with them15:48
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, sudo fdisk -l    and the contents of fstab  contain info you will need...  see also uuid as it will also change and cause you to not get back in unless you understand how to correct the mount and or grub.15:48
geekphreakamenado-> I need access to the Documents folder15:49
nkoi want to find some dirvers for vaio laptop15:49
terminhellim an expert with the broadcom bcm43xx series haha15:49
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, sounds scary but I'll try to figure it out - thx15:49
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, the guy did you no favor making /home that small.. unless that is all the room you had avbailabler15:49
alteregoaarmenado: my second notebook uses atheros, so i think i go with the atheros15:49
Devourerterminhell, what's a window decorator? :o15:49
erUSULVerjxinia: the only thing i can find about your problem is here... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-eo  maybe you can ask someone of the group directly?? (via email)15:49
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer. I run 'aplay -L' also. I know what pulse-code modulation is.)15:49
amenadogeekphreak-> can you boot on any of the linux you have installed?15:49
brian__terminhell,  I had to deal with  that network card in my laptopthat because I have15:49
alteregoaterminhell: yeah those crappy thingies15:49
terminhellDevourer: up where like the close and minimize buttons are15:49
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer. I run 'aplay -L' also. I know what pulse-code modulation is.)15:49
nkodoes anyone know where can i find drivers for vaio fz21?15:50
amenadoalteregoa-> yes go for atheros chip model15:50
alteregoaterminhell: i did'nt even being able to install those weird ndiswarpper stuff15:50
Lunar_LampI have a few mp3 files that I want to turn into an iso (i.e. not burn the disk, just create an iso). How would I do this?15:50
terminhellbrian__: same here15:50
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, I have an 80-GB drive, no idea why he partitioned it that way, just thankful I have a linux that talks to all my antique laptop hw now15:50
erUSULVerjxinia: how is the esperanto channel named??15:50
Devourerterminhell, oh.15:50
alteregoa#artifical-language or something15:50
gh0st903widcomm BT stacks. Does a linux version exist?15:50
VerjxiniaerUSUL: #ubuntu-eo i suppose :)15:50
luxlinux ubuntu is so F***n hard :/ every program need some extra stuff to get that work15:51
terminhellghost903: no idea what it is....never heard of anything like it15:51
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, run this in terminal  ..  "   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit    " without the quotes15:51
alteregoathis stuff cannot work, i have to use this acerhk module, and this module doesn't work with ndiswrapper15:51
mgiHas anyone here been successful with getting PAM to work nicely with SAMBA?15:51
gh0st903its a protocal through bluetooth15:51
terminhelllux: dont give up just yet, it gets easier we promise15:52
legend2440Lunar_Lamp: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6509.html15:52
gh0st903its an alternative to the OBEX/PUSH profile15:52
terminhelllux: windows has the same problems sometimes15:52
bogusI'm trying hardy beta but my wifi is not working very well because the driver b43 limits the maximun tx-power to 27. In gutsy I was using ndiswraper and the tx-power would go to 32 (and than my wifi would work properly trought my thick walls). Any one knows why the b43 driver has this limit?15:52
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > bogus15:52
torkel_When I install python2.4-setuptools it's installed for python2.5? :/ Atleast easy_install refers to /usr/bin/python which is a symlink to 2.5. Is there any common way around this problem, can I just change the symlink to 2.4 without inflicting much pain?15:52
mgigh0st903 good luck, support is shaky enough under windows15:52
alteregoa27db 100mw15:53
amenadomgi-> i dont run samba but what problem are you getting with PAM ?15:53
mgiamenado: I'm just trying to get samba to talk nicely with PAM to authenticate users15:53
luxi have used windows like 5years ...but ubuntu is faster,safer but much harder......i got ubuntu yesterday and it seems like its my first time in pc :D everything is new15:53
mgi..because I don't want to maintain two password files15:53
amenadoalteregoa-> you go senao? those can put out that 100mw15:53
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, isn't that what I already ran? (to get to that pastebin site)15:53
alteregoayou need 6db more = x415:53
terminhelllux: think back when you first used a pc....is it really that different?15:53
anteayalux: i was in the same situation and found this manual helpful: http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html15:54
alteregoaaprox 400mw or something15:54
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, You did not give me a working link to the file, just a link to the empty site itself15:54
skailarI'm having a little trouble installing programs. When I go to add/remove programs, every program listed says that they cannot be installed on my system type, and I either need special hardware or the vendor did not choose to support my system.15:54
anteayalux: and once you get started you will realize all the things you can do with linux that windows just doesn't allow you to do15:54
amenadoalteregoa-> you cant be transmitting that much on a user end equipment..you need a radio license for something that strong15:55
CarlFKtorkel_: re-ask that in #python15:55
gh0st903anteaya: TRUE!15:55
alteregoastrange, a space cowboy texas ranger15:55
luxatleast linux ubuntu is not some windows copy :D15:55
Lunar_LampEr, legend2440, that thread doesn't answer my question.  I have a directory with MP3s in that I want to make into an iso - I don't have an audio cd to copy etc.15:55
amenadomgi-> have you tried to it yet? where are you getting stucked?15:55
anteayalux: yes15:55
alteregoarobohorses, and such stuff, lol15:55
terminhell5 years on windows....its time to move on from the kiddy stuff :p buy an xbox for games15:56
mgiamenado: I just don't get how to do it - I've followed the samba docs suggestions, but they are pretty crappy.15:56
Jack_Sparrowskailar, what hardware are you running?15:56
luxbut is there somekind command which auto dl java runtime and install`s it?15:56
DRebellionLunar_Lamp, mkisofs15:56
mgiamenado: I just want to not bother with samba auth - can samba be pointed at PAM and forget about its internal db?15:56
gh0st903Lunar Lamp, they have some excellent iso utilities in the add/remove programs section15:56
Jack_Sparrow!ot > alteregoa15:56
amenadomgi-> i have not done it myself,15:56
raju give the link that has a list of project in FOSS15:57
gh0st903or fire up a iso utility in wine15:57
legend2440Lunar_Lamp: it tells you how to do that also using mkisofs15:57
DRebelliongh0st903, there is no need to use wine15:57
CarlFKLunar_Lamp: Places, "CD/DVD Creator" - drop the folder in there, hit "write to disk"15:57
legend2440Lunar_Lamp: read middle of first entry15:58
Lunar_LampCarlFK, I don't want to write to disk, I want to make an iso.15:58
luxhow can i get AMSN(windows live skin) working? rightknow im using original ubuntu AMSN skin and i cant see text...its too small15:58
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, ok, so did that command send a file there, or do I have to find a file and copy and paste it there? I have never used pastebin before.15:58
CarlFKLunar_Lamp: ah.  sorry.  right.15:58
DRebellionLunar_Lamp, are you ignoring me? I said, mkisofs.15:58
skailarjack_sparrow: intel celeron... I forget how much RAM... lemme find that.15:58
Lunar_LampDRebellion, I'm looking at what mkisofs does atm.15:58
unocrashlux: aMSN?15:58
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, in the terminal session, you should see a link followed by a number, that is what I am after15:58
unocrashlux: what's that?15:58
luxlol :D15:59
terminhellhaha random "yea"15:59
luxthat somekind ubuntu msn15:59
Lunar_LampDRebellion, thanks, and legend2440 I skimmed the thread too quickly - sorry and thanks.15:59
unocrashoh, like emesnse?15:59
CarlFKLunar_Lamp: when you hit "write" the dialog givs an option: "write to - file image" which makes an .iso15:59
terminhellheh im using a microsoft usb wireless adapter right now for this box's connection XD i feel naughty15:59
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, no number.15:59
luxhttp://sernaonubuntu.wikidot.com/local--files/amsn/aMSN.png this16:00
unocrashlux: you mean like Emesence?16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emesence - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, this is what I see http://paste.stgraber.org/215416:00
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, sorry, it works here and for anyone I have asked to use it..  look carefully at the outpout from that command16:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:00
luxwhat is Emesence?16:00
constrictori installed lotus symphony a while back it's not on now but nautilus insists on using it for the default word processor for idt files16:00
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, see http://paste.stgraber.org/215416:00
unocrashEmesence: an MSN Messenger Client16:00
unocrashlux: an MSN Messenger Client16:01
terminhellmeh, just use pidgin16:01
unocrashI use Pidgin for IRC only16:01
luxidk =)16:01
luxhow can i install new skins to msn?16:01
hunterguys i recently installed skype on my unbuntu.everything works fine except the sound recording. i cheked with sound recorder and is not working.i have unmuted the microphone, can any one help16:02
hunter pls16:02
hunter i use ubuntu 7 1016:02
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, not sure what is going on.. what is the exact comman you are pasteing into the term16:02
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, the whole long thing you gave me - but isn't that just to install pastebin?16:02
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto16:02
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, do I need to also run it?16:02
appzanyone that can help, i isntalled fetchmail , all works fine, but i want to remove my pasw. from the rc file and get prompted how do i do that?16:03
archmanhow to see what is in PATH?16:03
deedisconnectim trying to figure out how to install this driver for my sound card16:03
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, that command does three things...  installs pastebinit..  gets fdisk -l output and appends that to fstab...  you are only installing pastebinit.. not the full command I gave you16:03
DRebellionarchman, echo $PATH16:03
unocrash!skype | hunter16:03
ubotuhunter: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto16:03
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, sorry, but I am out of time.. good luck16:03
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, thx16:03
deedisconnecti downloaded it from the creative website and have already extracted it16:03
erUSULappz: why do you want to remove your password from the rc file ??16:04
archmanDRebellion: how to edit?16:04
appzerUSUL , to get prompted16:04
Jack_Sparrowdeedisconnect, /join #Alsa  before you go much farther16:04
wolf4914can someone paste the entry for grub for 8.04 please?16:04
DRebellionarchman, export Path=xxxxx16:04
huntersound recorder on ubuntu is not working16:04
wolf4914I seem to have all right but it still won't boot16:04
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > wolf491416:04
deedisconnectthank you jack_sparrow16:04
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, fyi - http://paste.stgraber.org/2157 is full display, start to finish, which includes | pastebinit - just doesn't seem to run16:04
archmanDRebellion: tnx!16:05
DRebellionarchman, to edit it permanently you have to put it in ~/.bashrc16:05
erUSULappz: do you fell that being prompted is more secure? becouse if someone has acces to your fetchmail rc file you are already esc***ed and not having your mail password on there will not change anything ;)16:05
appzgood i found out , erUSUL, i just deleted the with password "xxx"16:06
appzerUSUL, no but it looks more pro :p iam just exploring linux :p16:06
=== RaceKondition_ is now known as RaceKondition
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, what distro are you running?16:07
hunterguys sound recording is not working on my ubnut, when i test this is the message what i get Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'16:07
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, 7.0.416:07
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, is that the problem?16:07
terminhellwell guys, im out, i need a break, and breakFAST!16:07
andreiWould the SoC mentors be interested in a proposal for good handwriting recognition?16:08
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, don't sweat it - you're busy & I'm pretty sure I can find a how-to online for something as basic as repartitioning ... now that I thankfully have firefox back16:09
blbrownhow do I restart the network services from the command line if I just made a networking change16:09
Jack_Sparroweternal_fizzer, should not be...  I copied the command from your pastebin and got valid results..16:09
nko82anyone knows where can i find drivers for vaio fz21?laptop...(sound ,video and camera drivers)16:09
eternal_fizzerJack_Sparrow, bizarre, but story of my life with new system16:09
hunter_hai koi bharat ki aulaad?16:10
HitoribocchiJust asking: I still have to have an original retail (not the OEM) copy of Windows XP if I want to run a virtualized Windows in Ubuntu, correct?16:11
eternal_fizzerI'm cross-eyed but happy to have firefox back - night all.16:11
hunterguys my sound recorder is not working it gives the following message when i test it Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'16:11
huntercan anyone help pls16:11
Hitoribocchi<-- (z.z)16:11
Laney!repeat | hunter16:11
ubotuhunter: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:11
hunter_@ laney, lawl, that was for someone from my country16:12
hunter_oh, the other hunter? dont mind :P16:12
wolf4914can someone paste the entry for grub for 8.04 please?16:12
Laneywolf4914: #ubuntu+116:12
DRebellionwolf4914, #ubuntu+116:12
lux(installing frostwire)does this matter which connection speed i choose? modem,T1, T3 or higher,cable/DSL  what does this change if i choose some else which i rly dont have...does this rly change something16:13
hunterlaney, i recently installed skype and the person on the other end was not hearing the sound. i had a good read about it and cheked the sound recorder, its not working and when i tested the following message appears Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'16:13
earthsoundi have a dual boot ubuntu 7.10/windows xp box. today, when booting ubuntu, it isn't showing my windows partition on the same HD as the linux partition or the 2nd HD, which is SATA & NTFS16:13
Laneyhunter: I don't know, sorry :( Try searching the forums or making a thread there if you can't find anything.16:13
hunter_SATA is not a format16:14
lux(installing frostwire)does this matter which connection speed i choose? modem,T1, T3 or higher,cable/DSL  what does this change if i choose some else which i rly dont have...does this rly change something16:14
TheCanhi..is there any rough estimate for the 8.04 release apart from "somewhere in april" ?16:14
earthsoundsyslog shows that it detected both w/o error & they're listed in /media/ & I can cd to /media/hda1 for example16:14
earthsoundSATA == the type of HD16:14
earthsoundthe 1st HD is IDE16:14
hunter_windows partition is on same sata HD?16:15
PrefixGuys, what ports do i need to forward for my LAMP server? I thought it was port 80 udp and tcp right? but all that does is bring me to my router page.16:15
earthsoundbut nothing shows up when I list directory16:15
earthsoundthe SATA HD only has one partition, it's NTFS, non-bootable...just a storage drive16:15
therethinkerWhere are the terminal logs kept? I can't find mine...16:15
earthsoundthe 1st HD, IDE, has grub, ubuntu & windows partitions16:16
nithI'm interested in deleting all files that match an expression, will rm -rf do that?16:16
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=== nith is now known as Nith
solliecan anybody tell me if airtunes from apple is working with ubuntu16:17
jamunn@nith yes that vud work16:17
jamunnbut be very carefull16:17
Nithjamunn: thx16:17
PrefixGuys, what ports do i need to forward for my LAMP server? I thought it was port 80 udp and tcp right? but all that does is bring me to my router page.16:17
Nithjamunn: yeah, I was using microsoft synctoy and it creates a file for every file it syncs16:18
earthsoundi check my fstab & it has a line like this for the 1st NTFS partition:16:18
earthsoundUUID=01C333E791623420 /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       116:18
Sonneis this the right place to ask about usplash theming?16:18
gebruikerHello, is it wise to update to 8.04 already, or are there so many changes still to come?16:18
earthsoundand for the SATA drive: UUID=0A4D2986798FCFF6 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       116:18
Sonnethen which?16:18
NithPrefix: your router's likely got the option letting you edit its settings over the internet16:19
earthsoundhow can see whether they're mounted properly?16:19
cameo357what ='s setup.exe in ubuntu?16:19
eNons3nsei've had a Miro update in my update manager for like 2 weeks.  it won't let me check the box & install it, though it did let me install the Miro data file.16:19
LjL!usplash | sonne16:19
ubotusonne: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:19
luxDoes anyone know why my FrostWire dont find Benni Benassi("Sweet Dreams" song????16:20
eNons3nsedoes anyone else have a weird Miro update in there?16:20
PrefixNith, so what do i do disable people externally accesssing the router?16:20
Sonnethat link is ancient16:20
NithPrefix: depends on the router, do you have a linksys?16:20
Nithsorry, couldn't tell you then16:20
Sonnethat stuff is old16:21
Sonneand anyway, doesn't say what i wanted to know...16:21
azexianCan someone confirm something for me? I have an avi, with a bitrate quality of around 900 (video) when I open this with devede, by default it suggests a new bitrate of 5000, now if I was to simply change that to 900, would I lose any quality, or would it simply be the same?16:21
Sonnei created my usplash theme, but i can't figure out how to change the offset of the progress bar16:21
RyanPriorI'm fscking my USB external drive but I can tell my USB subsystem is dying. Is there any way to safely stop the fsck?16:21
NithPrefix: : On my router, its called "remote management"16:22
luxFrostWire not working.........it doesnt find songs ..............none pls anyone tell me why?16:22
NithPrefix: and it lets me change the port too look for something similar16:22
Sonneso.. what is the right place to ask about usplash theming?16:23
kumarphillywhere can I talk to an op?16:23
LjLkumarphilly: #ubuntu-ops16:23
therethinkerWhere are the terminal logs kept?16:23
LjL!channels | Sonne16:23
ubotuSonne: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:23
cameo357Does ubuntu have a special file ending like windows setup.exe?16:24
LjLcameo357: no, extensions are generally meaningless in Ubuntu16:24
jamunnis there an alternative for the windows chkdsk command in ubuntu16:24
azexianCan someone confirm something for me? I have an avi, with a bitrate quality of around 900 (video) when I open this with devede, by default it suggests a new bitrate of 5000, now if I was to simply change that to 900, would I lose any quality, or would it simply be the same?16:25
LjL!fsck | jamunn16:25
ubotujamunn: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot16:25
geniijamunn: fsck.vfat or so16:25
jamunnok will thry that16:25
oriezhow can i change the sound setting back to default?16:25
siggyHi, where is the french ubuntu chan?16:25
solliei use 8.0416:26
sollieruns very stabil16:26
NithPrefix: check if your router has a "Remote Management" feature or something similar and disable it16:26
ethan961!fr | siggy16:26
ubotusiggy: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.16:26
naelI cannot log in with out using GNOME failsafe settings, any suggestions?16:26
siggyubotu tank you ;)16:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tank you ;) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:26
azexiananyone? if you convert an avi into a vob structure, does the bitrate matter, or can leave it at the same? e.g, original 900, in devede, it defaults to 5000, can I just change this to 900 to keep the same quality?16:27
naelI cannot log in with out using GNOME failsafe settings, any suggestions? Please?16:29
geekphreakamenado-> You probably did not see my response, whether I could boot into linux. I can up unitl I log in that is where I have issues with GTK+. When I went from Ubuntu to Fedora and then back to Ubuntu I formatted everything but the /home. With a Live CD I can see the contents of /home and manipulate some (all except icons marked with an 'x' top right of icon. I cannot get into /Documents (icon for Desktop also has an 'x' top right of the 16:31
azexianthere are over 1000 people in this channel, someone must know! all I need is, 'yes that's correct', or 'no, not quite, this is how it works' when I convert a movie to vob with devede, the default is to change the bitrate to 5000, should I change that to the files original bitrate, or will the quality be different if I do this?16:32
nonewmsgsmy dad's computer is ubuntu 7.10 and he uses it only for solitare and the internet.  recently the solitare program began to take up the entire screen (no titlebar or taskbar, but literally the entire screen) how can i fix this16:33
IndyGunFreakazexian: thats a fairly specific question, maybe people here don't know16:33
pkunduhow can I create a html page from ls16:33
hacked``guys, are any video capture cards supported in ubuntu16:33
pkunduany idea, thanks16:33
reaktaeWhere can I get help on setting up my new touch-screen NEC?16:33
FancyLis a question about different editions of ubuntu on topic?16:33
nonewmsgspkundu:  ls >file.txt and open it with OO and save as a htm16:33
geniiAlso txt2html16:34
IndyGunFreakFancyL: probably not, but whats your question16:34
azexianIndyGunFreak: is there a better place to ask? #devede is non-existent, anywhere else I might try? with over 1000 people, there's someone who knows16:34
nonewmsgshacked``: use in general hoppauge are recomended16:34
pkundunonewmsgs, great idea thanks16:34
IndyGunFreakazexian: well, if someone knew, they'd respond16:34
hacked``nonewmsgs, but i dont want a dvb card16:34
nonewmsgspkundu: anytime16:34
reaktaedoes anyone know a channel for touch-screens / drivers etc...? please16:35
geniiazexian: If you resample 900 to 5000 it will be at 5000 but just sound like 900 still16:35
FancyLIndyGunFreak: thanks. I'm brand new to linux as a whole and would like to know the main difference between the different editions (kubuntu, xubuntu, and ubuntu). gobuntu said it in plain english on their front page, and I can assume what edubuntu is.16:35
nonewmsgshacked``: dvb?16:35
azexiangenii: this is the video, not the audio, is that what you meant still?16:35
IndyGunFreakFancyL: main difference, in all of them, is the GUI they use.16:36
zackyramonehi guys, i got a problem: i have an mp3 which i use as a flash disk, but after having ubuntu reinstalled nautilus says that it is read-only.16:36
astro76azexian: you can't compare bitrates of different codecs, the dvd uses mpeg2, your avi is probably xvid/divx16:36
reaktaezackyramone: chmod?16:36
FancyLIndyGunFreak: is one version lighter than another? I'm looking to install on an old laptop.16:36
astro76azexian: so as typical with video encoding, you'll have to experiment16:36
nonewmsgsFancyL: xubuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu use different guis gobuntu only uses fully free (no mp3s or dvd) stuff edubuntu comes with educational software16:37
IndyGunFreakFancyL: they'lll al do pretty much the same thing, its how they look while doin it, Ubuntu uses Gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE, and Xubuntu uses Xfce.16:37
zackyramonereaktae: how do i use that?16:37
IndyGunFreakFancyL: whast the sysstem specs on it?16:37
azexianastro76: so I can't just leave it on the original bitrate, it has to be changed?16:37
nonewmsgsFancyL: if you dont know what windows manager you can install al of them with apt-get install (normal installation method) once you install any16:37
FancyLIndyGunFreak: not sure, but it's running win9816:37
naelzackyramone, try right clicking the disk and go to properties and edit the permissions16:37
reaktaezackyramone: as in user priviledges.. are you familiar with sudo commands?16:37
IndyGunFreakFancyL: well, a good place to start, is to know how much ram it is.16:37
FancyLIndyGunFreak: I think 12816:37
zackyramonereaktae: no not really...16:38
IndyGunFreakFancyL: ok, w/ 128mb, you'll probably want to use Xubuntu.16:38
astro76azexian: 5000 sounds like a reasonable bitrate for a dvd... but you can make it higher if it will still fit on the dvd16:38
nonewmsgsFancyL: i would look towards damn small linux16:38
IndyGunFreakFancyL: you might even consider a straight debian install...16:38
FancyLIndyGunFreak: will xubuntu run smoothly? or is D.S.L. more up my alley?16:38
azexianastro76: I'm a little low on space at the moments, it's only an avi, shouldn't 2500 be suitable, considering it was 900 originaly?16:38
IndyGunFreaknonewmsgs: ?... DSL?  128m,b will definitely run numerous "larger" distros.16:38
IndyGunFreakFancyL: i think Xubuntu will run fine.16:39
astro76azexian: as I said, it's apples and oranges16:39
IndyGunFreakFancyL: its system requirements only call for 64mb if I recall.16:39
astro76azexian: that's the encoded bitrate16:39
FancyLIndyGunFreak: straight debian sounds a lot more complicated than a live cd16:39
reaktaezackyramone: just try the right click then. go to properties and then permisions.... what sys are you on?16:39
azexianastro76: hmm... ok, I guess you're right, I will have to experiment, thanks =)16:39
naelFancyL, I got DSL working on 32mb16:39
davmonsterI like openbox16:39
zackyramonereaktae: that wont work....im on ubuntu 7.1016:40
IndyGunFreakFancyL: no, not at all.. i mean its a text based installer.. but w/ only 128mb of Ram, you may have to use a text based installer anyways, even w/ ubuntu16:40
W8TAHwhats the channel for compiz/beryl on ubuntu?16:40
nonewmsgsIndyGunFreak: i'll take your word for it.  i personally prefer my systems to be responsive and seem fast16:40
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: what if i install xubuntu-desktop from gnome session16:40
IndyGunFreaknonewmsgs: lol, gocart painted like a race-car, is still a gokart16:40
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: you could do that..16:40
reaktaezackyramone: did you try as a superuser?16:40
zackyramonereaktae: no16:40
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: then you simply log out, click sessons, choose xfce, and log back in16:41
d_rwinIndygunFreak: yes,but i dont see mich change16:41
FancyLIndyGunFreak: I'll try xubuntu. Thanks for your quick help.16:41
reaktaezackyramone: press alt+f2 and type in gksudo nautilus /media/16:41
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: you're probably still running mostly gnome programs16:41
reaktaezackyramone: there you should have a folder corresponding to the drive and try the right-click again...16:41
keithhello, i need help installing a webcam driver16:42
devilsadvocatehas anyone been able to use the xml-resume-library on ubuntu?16:42
felipe__Hello, how can I install the ZOOM perl module in Ubuntu 7.10? I cant do it from CPAN16:42
d_rwinIndy: no i got my packages for xfce16:42
geniid_rwin: You just get xfce as a session type next time on your login screen16:42
* Nith wonders if E17 will be brought to ubuntu soon16:42
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: if you're gonna type my name, type it.. otherwise i'm not gonna respond.16:43
zackyramonereaktae: still wont work, it tells me its read-only16:43
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: you change the session at the login screenm16:43
nonewmsgsNith: i thought they already did? it's in synaptic16:43
Nithnonewmsgs: e16 is but not e1716:43
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: thanks ..16:43
nonewmsgsNith: o16:43
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: but i dont see much change16:44
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: are you still using Gnome programs?16:44
Nithfirst time I played with e16, I hated it, the second time (after configing the mouse) I loved it16:44
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: i have 128x2 mb ram16:44
reaktaezackyramone: did you type in your superuser password?16:44
Matic`MakovecWould anyone know a program with which you can seperate singing from music in songs?16:44
Pir8folks am I just dreaming or can VLC really play a .bin file without mounting it ?16:44
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: i got my entire package selected for xubuntu16:45
geekphreakhello,  I need help with file permissions with a Ubuntu Live CD16:45
zackyramonereaktae: i'll try that from the reminal16:45
IndyGunFreakd_rwin: i really don't understand what you're talking about16:45
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: totem-gstream -> totem-xine16:45
speedhunt3rI just installed ubuntu on a Dell Vostro 1400 laptop, and everything went fine, except when I enable visual effects, the "top" bar of every window open, disappears.. the ones that have the minmize, max, and close buttons... any idea why?16:45
d_rwinIndyGunFreak: i am using thunar file manger now !nautilus16:46
IndyGunFreakspeedhunt3r: that *was* a bug w/ some Nvidia cards, i don't knwo if its still an issue, try asking in #ubuntu-effects16:46
zackyramonereaktae: now i did write the password but it still tells me its in read only16:46
keithi've installed driver ov51x-jpeg for my creative webcam but i don't know what to do now16:46
ZambeziHow big is a 750 GB harddrive in Linux?16:46
keithhow do i build the module package16:46
jpatrickZambezi: 750GB?16:47
IndyGunFreakZambezi: 750gb?..lol16:47
lorenzo_hi, i am trying to get my gutsy 64 to read DVDs. I have followed the wiki guide, installed fakeroot, buildessential, debhelper, but when i type sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh i get "command not found". Any suggestions? Thanks a lot16:47
nonewmsgsi think zambezi means ext3 reserves space and drives use 1000mb gbs16:47
Zambezijpatrick: Yes. 500 GB is too little, 1000 GB too expensive. ;-) 750 GB is my choice. Like 320 GB is 296 GB.16:47
ZambeziOr 294 GB.16:48
reaktaezackyramone: weird.. it worked for me... try asking again... I might learn along...16:48
zackyramonehi guys, i got a problem: i have an mp3 which i use as a flash disk, but after having ubuntu reinstalled nautilus says that it is read-only.16:48
zackyramonereaktae: thanks anyway16:48
nonewmsgszackyramone: what does mount say16:48
zackyramonenonewmsgs: which one...its name is disk16:49
psynophileHello, really quick two part question: 1) Currently I'm running Ubuntu 7.10, if i use the 8.04 beta disk, can I upgrade (to beta) in my test environment? and if so 2) When the actual 8.04 release happens, will it upgrade automatically? Thank you in advance16:49
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareBot
nonewmsgszackyramone: in the cli type mount and give the output for disk16:50
nonewmsgspsynophile: it will upgrade automatically16:50
nonewmsgspsynophile: with a upddate -d or something like that command16:50
zackyramonenonewmsgs: /dev/sda on /media/disk type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)16:50
=== FlareBot is now known as Flare183
psynophilenonewmsgs: so, as new betas are released (if there are any more) the installed beta upgrades itself via apt-get?16:52
AmgineI think life sucks: "Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS"16:52
AmgineIs this repairable?16:52
lorenzo_hi, i am trying to get my gutsy 64 to read DVDs. I have followed the wiki guide, installed fakeroot, buildessential, debhelper, but when i type sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh i get "command not found". Any suggestions? Thanks a lot16:52
Seveaspsynophile, corrext16:52
nonewmsgspsynophile:  the betas update themselves as the new versions come out and will eventually turn inito the nonbeta relese16:52
jriblorenzo_: install libdvdcss2 from the medibuntu repository16:53
jrib!medibuntu > lorenzo_ (read the private message from ubotu)16:53
psynophileneat! I figured so, just wanted to make sure. Thank you very much Seveas and nonewmsgs, you guys rock!16:53
lorenzo_jrib: is the libdvdcss2 for 64bit included in the medibuntu repo?16:53
jriblorenzo_: yes16:54
TuM4Who knows how to play rmvb files on Ubuntu??16:54
lorenzo_jrib: cheers16:55
nox-HandTuM4: Get the Helix player16:55
nox-HandIt's linux version of Real Player16:55
=== Flare183 is now known as FlareBot
=== Joeb454 is now known as wubbermumfdaguff
TuM4nox-Hand: I have it, but it sill dont'n working16:56
TuM4I download RealPlayer16:56
nox-HandTuM4: Then I wouldn't know, I don't use Ubuntu.16:56
=== FlareBot is now known as FlareBotty
nox-HandNot at the moment anyway :)16:56
TuM4ok, thanks16:57
shoeunitedHey there.  :)  I'm in a bit of a rut.  I can't seem to make the themes change.  When I apply a new theme it only affects root but not mine.16:57
=== wubbermumfdaguff is now known as Joeb454
IndyGunFreakTuM4: what are you trying to play?16:57
=== FlareBotty is now known as Flare183
sourcemakerhow can I mount a LUKS encrypted filesystem in hardy? I receive the following message: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'16:57
m1dlgHow do I get my default flash player to be adobe flash not gnash (in Mozilla Firefox)16:57
IndyGunFreakTuM4: ok..16:58
reaktaem1dlg: about:config16:58
TuM4Heilx need audio/x-pn-realaudio, where can I get it??16:58
=== Joeb454 is now known as Maureen
IndyGunFreakTuM4: what type of movie are you trying to play, geez16:59
=== Maureen is now known as MyNickWasUsed
lesshastewhat's a good server side video streaming solution in linux?16:59
m1dlgin therre, what do i change?16:59
TuM4IndyGunFreak: rmvb movie16:59
alexander_got dvb-t stick to work under ubuntu16:59
IndyGunFreakrmvb?... do you have a link to one i can download?17:00
TuM4IndyGunFreak: i will search17:00
=== MyNickWasUsed is now known as Joeb454
m1dlgrealtae: done17:00
reaktaem1dlg: never mind.... you actually need to change the files.... let me check for the path...17:01
misiNa mostmár teljes értékü az ubuntu-m17:01
ArsenalHello anyone a good tutorial to configure pppoe.i try with pppo-setup and pppoeconf but no success17:01
algyz!hu | misi17:01
ubotumisi: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:01
stefg!hu | misi17:01
misinem az volt a baj hanem az amsn17:02
reaktaem1dlg: usr/lib/mozilla/plugins17:02
misimost még a firefoxba nem stimm a flas mert nagyon szaggat17:02
algyzArsenal:  what sudo pppoeconf told?17:02
jpatrick!en | misi17:02
ubotumisi: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:02
LjL!hu | misi17:02
ubotumisi: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:02
reaktaeyou need to put your player plugin-files there17:03
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:03
Arsenalalgyz: all setup via pppoeconf work ok but after i can`t connect to net17:03
reaktaem1dlg: you need to put your player plugin-files there...17:03
algyzArsenal:  did you try pon dsl-provider?17:03
Arsenalalgyz, i got IP on ppp0 BUT no internet, and on windoze it is all ok17:04
misitök jó mert a win fos nem kezelte a surroundot a hangkarin de ubuntu kezeli :)17:04
Arsenalalgyz, let me try , i need to reboot on ubuntu.17:04
bullgard4For AlsaMixer: Where are the identifiers PCM, Front, Line, CD, Mic, IEC958, CallerI, Input So, Off-hook explained? (I did not find them in man alsamixer. I run 'aplay -L' also. I know what pulse-code modulation is.)17:04
d_rwinArsenal: if u want to cofigure net use wvdial17:04
m1dlgif i just remove gnash, will it allow me to update17:05
m1dlgto get flash17:05
Arsenald_rwin, wvdial.thx dude. it is installed by default or it is script/17:05
therethinkerMy friend installed Ubuntu, and he said that he chose the resize windows & make new partition to install, but he now thinks that he overwrote windows, its not an option in GRUB. Any way I can be sure it wasn't overwritten?17:05
misiés már az internet rádiónk is ubuntu ról megy :)17:05
d_rwinArsenal: wvdial is installed in ubuntu17:05
stefgtherethinker: sudo fdisk -l gives a list of paritions17:06
d_rwinArsenal: but its 1.56 ,1.60 is latest17:06
KaapmanHi all - I am installing the 7.10 ubntu - the second screen came up about 2 1/5 hours after the fiirst screen - ie the 1st where you choose to install and the second the desktop screen with the two icons of examples and install - is this normal to take so long?17:06
redbirdArsenal: i read that www.roaringpenguin.com provides some good clients to configure pppoe easily17:06
d_rwinArsenal: sudo wdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf17:07
m1dlgthanks realtea17:07
stefgKaapman: either you have very little memory or some hardware or acpi problem17:08
arnathhi, how can i test to see if my mic works?17:08
cheeshi what intel gf card dose ubuntu have support for17:08
devilsadvocatechees: all of them17:08
d_rwinArsenal: it will detect your modem and edit the wvdial.conf file for username and password:17:08
nonewmsgschees all afaik17:08
stefg!hardware | chees17:08
ubotuchees: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:08
d_rwinKaapman: whats your configuration17:09
nonewmsgsmy dad's computer is ubuntu 7.10 and he uses it only for solitare and the internet. recently the solitare program began to take up the entire screen (no titlebar or taskbar, but literally the entire screen) how can i fix this17:10
therethinkernonewmsgs: what's the name of the solitare program?17:10
nonewmsgsit is aislerot but in cli it's sol17:11
therethinkernonewmsgs: try F1117:11
nonewmsgsf11 makes it flash alt+f3 allows me to select the right click menu but resize, move are greyed out and i can only minimize and maximize17:11
arnathhow can i test to see if my mic works?17:12
arnathi have plugged it in, but i can't seem to get it to work17:12
nonewmsgsarnath:  open the sound program under administrator17:12
arnathif, in sound preferences, i hit "test" at "sound capture", it errors out, the audio recorder doesn't capture anything17:12
arnathnonewmsgs: i tried that, it errors out on "test" :s17:13
nonewmsgsmaybe it uses batteries?17:13
arnathnonewmsgs: no :)17:13
Kaapmanstef/d_r - it is a old compaq - celeron CPU 2.00 ghz,  1.99 ghz 120 mb ram17:13
Kaapmanstef : what is a acpi?17:14
arnathnonewmsgs: Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'17:14
nonewmsgsarnath: could be the mic or the soundcard driver.  maybe see if OSS works better than ALSA or vice-versa17:15
arnathnonewmsgs: they all give the same error :s17:16
Kaapmanstef/d_r - and a 20 gig harddrive17:16
breakzhey, since I upgraded my server from ubuntu 7.04 to ubuntu 7.10, it crashes after being up for almost exactly 7 days :/ keeps getting kernel panic, when I had 7.04, the uptime topped around 150 days, any ideas why I keep getting that error?17:17
d_rwinKaapman: ubuntu is not best for you try xubuntu17:17
arnathnonewmsgs: any idea how i can debug/fix it?17:17
nonewmsgsarnath: it might be best if you have a cheap soundcard to replace that17:18
Kaapmanok - i will look for the download page and download that17:18
Kaapmanthank you very much!17:18
nonewmsgsarnath: sorry this is beyond my knowledge :(17:18
reaktaeHi guys, is it possible to set my touchscreen up as a tablet?17:18
arnathnonewmsgs: ok thanks anyway :)17:19
d_rwinKaapman: try some old os like mandrake 9.1.4 or else17:19
Matic`MakovecWould anyone know a program with which you can seperate singing from music in songs?17:19
de_wizzereaktae:what device those it show up as in dmesg or lspci17:20
de_wizzeyou may want to look into the xorg.conf for the wacom device settings17:21
HyperCityhow can i get an icc profyle for a packard bell easynote laptop monitor?  google doesn't seem to help allot17:21
RoootyHi, how do I get Gnome / Ubuntu to display funny characters (like German ones)?17:21
unopMatic`Makovec, xmms has a plugin that does 'something' like that, it does not completely remove vocals, but it does a good job17:21
therethinkerRoooty: It doesn't already? Which chars?17:22
Matic`Makovecunop, and what is this plugin called if you'd maybe know?17:22
Kaapmand_r : I have no idea what you are talking about - just fed-up with Vista and wants to get an alternative - is mandrake a different os that ubuntu and windows?17:22
Sinnermani've got a canon eos 400d camera, how do i browse it without having to go through the removable media in system preferences dialog?17:23
bazhangKaapman: best to give xubuntu or fluxbuntu a shot; an old mandrake will have exactly zero support17:23
d_rwinKaapman: mandrake is now mandriva17:23
unopMatic`Makovec, it's called the "voice removal plugin" and it should be included with the xmms package17:23
nonewmsgsyes mandrake is different17:23
Roootytherethinker: letter u with two dots, paragraph signs, a few others too17:23
Matic`MakovecOkay, thank you unop17:23
AlexandreHello guys.17:23
bazhangKaapman: if you install xubuntu or fluxbuntu we will be here to help out ;]17:24
AlexandreI try to record a VCD, and K3B and Gnome-Baker, nothing, any sugestion to me?!!??!17:24
reaktaede_wizze: Not sure, could it be "uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1" ?17:24
d_rwinkaapman: mandrake 9.1.4 is a stable one it will support hp/ compq better17:25
HewusHi. How do I get a process (darkstat), as root, to start up when my computer boots? I'm thinking there must be a file somewhere that I can add the command to.17:25
Roootytherethinker: I just reinstalled Ubuntu, I think that about a year ago I installed a font package which showed all that good stuff for me, problem is, I don't know which package it was, if that was what I did17:25
bazhangd_rwin: read the /topic please17:25
nonewmsgsalexandre you might want to consider nero (although it isn't free)17:25
AlexandreI want record the movie Elephant Dreams17:25
Alexandrenonewmsgs: other sugestion?17:26
d_rwinbazhang: sorry, where i didnt get any link17:26
d_rwinbazhang: how do u install fluxbuntu17:27
bazhangd_rwin: this is #ubuntu sounds like you might want to head to #mandriva or #ubuntu-offtopic you can access the topic of this channel by typing /topic17:27
nonewmsgsalexandre there are others but if k3b doesnt have it most won't.  try getting them all from synaptic17:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:27
tln6688!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
hbd2084!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
wqb9598!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
wqb9598!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
wqb9598!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mla8349!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mla8349!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
tln6688!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
tln6688!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mla8349!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
qnr3159!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
hkd8126!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
hhc9251!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
d_rwinbazbang: i got xubuntu-desktop installed17:27
mie3140!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
qnr3159!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
hkd8126!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
xao2464!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
hhc9251!ping --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==-- _!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!__!_!_ --==In W33d We Trust - Legalize Today==--17:27
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!17:28
Flare183What the mess>17:28
ublenderHas anyone here gotten the latest blender RC to work on ubuntu?17:28
KaapmanI will try kbuntu and see17:28
PriceChild!don't feed the troll | Flare18317:28
ubotuFlare183: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.17:28
stefgKaapman: 128 mb RAM will get you nowhere ...17:28
bazhangd_rwin:  Kaapman http://wiki.fluxbuntu.org/index.php?title=Get17:28
misiolyan gond lenne hogy van videokarim ami intel 82815  ahoz hogy tudok linuxra drivert varázsolni ?17:29
bazhangmisi english please17:29
kane77!hu | misi17:29
ubotumisi: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál17:29
d_rwinkaapman: sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop17:29
de_wizze wubotu: Sorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:29
stefgKaapman: ubuntu/kubuntu have a minimal 256 MB requirement, and i would say you need at leat 384... so xubunt is the only thing making sense... and make sure to use the alternate install CD, not the Desktop17:29
d_rwinbazbang: apt-get install fluxbuntu wont work17:30
bazhangxubuntu is still pretty heavy though17:30
misihelp   intel 82815 videocard driver linux :S17:30
=== kitsune_ is now known as [agatha]
bazhangd_rwin: please look at the link I provided17:30
thymianhow to joind ubuntu germany17:31
stefgbazhang: works fine on 128 MB, if you replace firefox with galeon, thunderbird with balsa and don't dare to use openoffice17:31
Svenstaro__!de | thymian17:31
thymian#join ubuntu-de17:31
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:31
ubotuthymian: please see above17:31
cM0ssI am trying to boot to the RC-1 Ubuntu and it hangs. It looks like it is loading the 2-port SATA driver and not the 4-port SATA. I need the 4-port. What can I do to get it to boot up?17:31
thymian!  de17:31
MrObviousthymian: /join #ubuntu-de17:31
bazhangthymian: type /j #ubuntu-de17:31
d_rwinbazhang: i have edubuntu instlled ; installed xubuntu ,but dont feel much change17:32
thymianthx     --17:32
bazhangd_rwin: xubuntu is still pretty heavy; fluxbuntu is nice for very little ram17:32
bazhangcM0ss: what is rc-1?17:32
Habeebi prefer gOs ;)17:32
d_rwinbazhang: i have 128x2 MB ram17:33
cM0ssbazhang, release candidate #117:33
solexious[Q] Is there drivers to use a dual layer dvd burner in ubuntu?17:33
de_wizzereaktae:what distro are you trying by the way,17:33
bazhangcM0ss: this is Hardy?17:33
d_rwinbazhang: will it retain my softwares17:33
cM0ssbazhang, yes...the latest that ubuntu is working on.17:34
MONKEYMAN490328if i upgrade my sempron to an x2 3800+ will ubuntu automaticlly detect the change activate dualcore?????/17:34
bazhangcM0ss: #ubuntu+1 please17:34
Svenstaro__MONKEYMAN490328, yea and one question mark is sufficient17:34
cM0ssbazhang, hardy-desktop-amd64.iso17:35
akishi se olous17:35
bazhangcM0ss: the other channel please17:35
Habeebi have a proplem with the size of windows titles , i try to change it in Prefernces but i don't work, still have the same prob, i have an Intel 945m n ubuntu 7.1017:35
Habeebany idea ?17:36
akiscan i ask something?17:36
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:36
akisi have a cd with xubunt 717:36
akisand i doesn't have a desktop...17:36
akisyou know how can i work with them?17:37
Jack_Sparrowakis, there are different version, livecd, alternate cd's and server cd's17:37
stefgakis: there's the versions 7.04 and 7.10.... and then there's the Desktop, the alternate and the server edition17:37
akislive cd is mine17:37
Jack_Sparrowakis, do you get a login prompt, did it install?17:37
akisno can you tell me how to install it?17:38
* Kaapman thinks will try it on his own pc - any danger in that?17:38
solexious[Q] Are there drivers to use a dual layer dvd burner in ubuntu? Or, is there a way to check for drivers with out having the hardwear to test?17:38
Jack_Sparrowakis, At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"17:38
Habeebi have a proplem with the size of windows titles , i try to change it in Prefernces but still have the problem,  i have an Intel 945m n ubuntu 7.10, any idea ?17:38
Kaapmanok stef - will do that also17:39
cameo357do i need an anti-virus program for ubuntu?17:40
luqmanhi, how do i fix the nvidia bug regarding compiz? whenever i enable desktop effects the top bar of each window disappears...17:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about viruses - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:41
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:41
=== paradon_ is now known as paradon
Jack_Sparrowcameo357, there is no need other than to scan programs or mail going to a windows box17:42
Jack_Sparrowluqman, compiz --replace  or metacity --replace17:42
luqmanJack_Sparrow, in terminal?17:43
Jack_Sparrowluqman, enable effects.. open term and type one of those17:44
luqmanJack_Sparrow, it's back on, but still same problem17:44
Jack_Sparrowsayap_ikarus, please dont do that17:44
Jack_Sparrowluqman, /join #Compiz17:44
=== marko is now known as marko-_-
=== jpw27 is now known as jpw27_
sjovanhey, can some one recomend a textbased ftp-prog?17:47
cameo357read article about linux and viruses it is very comforting. My sis-in-law is A+++++++++ in infecting a computer. she opens almost anything in her email.17:47
Jack_Sparrowcameo357, Great way to surf safely17:47
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd17:47
solexious[Q] Are there drivers to use a dual layer dvd burner in ubuntu? Or, is there a way to check for drivers with out having the hardwear to test?17:47
stefgsolexious: look at k3b ...17:48
Jack_Sparrowsolexious, dual layer is supported, k3b..  but still some issues if you google it up17:48
Torturedyeah k3b will burn dual layer17:48
sjovanJack_Sparrow: and what of them got a textbased interface? didn't get nautilus to work...17:48
wiggelibomhow can i remove a broken package ? i cannot "apt-get remove" because it says that files are missing17:48
solexiousThank you both17:48
Stroganoffis there a command to delete the whole file system EXCEPT /home?17:49
alastair1I've done this vga=xyz trick in grub, but I wondered if I could do similar to choose the console font?17:49
FinnishCan someone help me with RaLink RT2500-based WLAN-card in my laptop17:49
bazhangStroganoff: not wise to talk abou that here17:49
unopStroganoff, not while you are booted into the OS .. thats like sawing off the branch you are sitting on :)17:49
alastair1Stroganoff: move home then delete it :P17:50
Stroganoffunop as fas is i know thats not a problem on linux17:50
azuk1hiya community ppl17:50
bazhangStroganoff: even saying that command will lead to a quick kick in most channels17:50
jester7does using KDE based apps in gnome impact performance, or is it purely an aesthetics thing?17:50
Jack_SparrowStroganoff, move home to usb or another partition then reinstall or use gparted17:50
Jack_Sparrowjester7, minimal performance hit17:50
StroganoffJack_Sparrow: thats redundant :p17:50
Torturedjester7, i dont notice a difference, aside from having to have all the kde libs installed to run the apps, so some hd space17:50
amenadogeekphreak-> i stepped out for a while,  you have the /home mounted? the /Documents  you were referring to is not under /home,  if / was formatted during your install, then /Documents will not exist anymore17:51
unopStroganoff, you need to do it offline, not while the kernel is loaded, because the kernel needs the directories you are deleting, think about it17:51
jester7i see.  i wanted to try amarok instead of exaile, but i don't want it to impact performance17:51
netdurany idea why mono based software is out dated on hardy?17:51
azuk1I have a neat question.. anybody got VirtualBox to run?... It bugs me about permissions and stuff... maybe somebody know how?17:51
unopnetdur, #ubuntu+1 please17:51
Stroganoffunop: i dont think so.17:51
jester7azuk1: i use virtualbox every day17:52
bazhangStroganoff: this is getting offtopic17:52
stefgStroganoff: in short .... take a backup of /home, then format the filesystem. you're asking for trouble otherwise17:52
netdurunop: ok17:52
azuk1jester7: I want too also!17:52
azuk1jester7: I run the program sudo root17:52
alastair1Can I run wine without an x server?17:52
unopStroganoff, drop it, i've tried this before and i know it doesnt work, you got a _safe_ suggestion from me, what more do you want?17:52
LinTuxcan anyone tell me how to find the linux adress of my sound card /what17:52
Jack_SparrowStroganoff, You are getting good advice, take it or leave it..17:52
stefgalastair1: dto do what ?17:52
Johnson_does synching your clock with servers actually work for anybody. it ever seems to work for me17:52
jester7azuk1: you have to add your user to the virtualbox users group17:53
seventhdoghello how to download java plug in  in ubuntu17:53
Zn3t060hello i need some help with my system, as i have forgotten my username and password. I have loaded the live cd and gone into the shadow file and removed the password but on reboot it is still them same . any ideas what to do ????17:53
jester7azuk1: have you done that?17:53
Torturedso with cf running i can use the scroll wheel to change desktops, is it possible to do that when an app is maximized as well? so scroll wheel changes desktop no matter what?17:53
alastair1stefg: run stuff?17:53
Zn3t060hello i need some help with my system, as i have forgotten my username and password. I have loaded the live cd and gone into the shadow file and removed the password but on reboot it is still them same . any ideas what to do ????17:53
stefgalastair1: errm.... windows stuff without x-server ?17:53
azuk1jester7: I typed in some commands I found at google (chmod I think)... but it didn't work17:53
amenadoZn3t060-> get back to liveCD and I will walk you trhrough17:53
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, please do not repeat17:53
Zn3t060ok no worries17:53
jester7azuk1: maybe gui would be better for you17:53
alastair1stefg: I have a frame buffer, and wine can create a desktop17:53
stefgalastair1: ah, ok.... #winehq might have answers17:54
azuk1jester7: yes, when I start from the terminal normal, (./) I get: you have to asdd to the users blablabla17:54
jester7azuk1: assuming you are on gnome...System->Administration->Users and Groups17:54
alastair1stefg: I recall I could run WoW in a different tty somehow17:54
LinTuxhow do you find the linux address of your soundcard?17:54
alastair1o ok17:54
bthankinsI wanted to see how others handle this situation:  I want to keep my main stable release of ubuntu and I also have another installation for testing new versions of ubuntu.  Currently, every time a new test version comes out, I do the install in a second area and  choose not to install the boot loader.  Then I go in to my main grub config and add all the kernel and boot information for the test installation to it.  Would it be easier to just 17:54
azuk1jester7: when I do the sudo, it's ok.. starts up..17:54
seventhdoghello how to download java plug in  in ubuntu17:54
Zn3t060ok so where do i start17:54
azuk1jester7: the GUI always works, but wants me to add to the user groups, do you know how to?17:54
Jack_SparrowLinTux, Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.17:54
shunterI'm having an issue with my sound on my laptop. Cant hear anything, devices are recognized and all sound controls are turned up but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?17:54
amenadoZn3t060-> are you booted off of the liveCD now?17:55
jester7azuk1: go to System -> Administration -> Users and Groups17:55
Jack_Sparrowshunter, see above my response to LinTux17:55
amenado!who | Zn3t06017:55
ubotuZn3t060: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:55
stefg!intelhda | shunter17:55
ubotushunter: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:55
shunterthanks, i totally overlooked that17:55
jester7azuk1: once that is open, click the "Manage Groups" button17:55
Zn3t060yep !!17:55
amenadoZn3t060-> mount the partition where that /etc/passwd resides  .... and put my nick in front of your responses!!!!!17:56
Zn3t060amendo: yep done that17:56
AmgineHi, I rebooted my machine after several weeks and lots of updates/installations/etc, and I'm getting an Error 18: on kernel load. Any suggestions on how to go about repairing this issue?17:57
seventhdoganyone how to install java pluged in???17:57
Zn3t060amendo: so do i need to be changing the passwd file rather then the shadow one17:57
azuk1jester7: when I change it, close and recheck, it's unchecked again17:57
funkster1Hello gang17:57
guinnessbonjour j'aimerais avoir des info pour installer mercury messenger17:57
amenadoZn3t060-> look you have to pay attention, my nick is amenado17:58
jester7azuk1: now that's odd17:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:58
funkster1I'm having a nasty problem on the official ubuntu forums17:58
Jack_Sparrow!fr > guinness17:58
azuk1oh.. wait17:58
YourNameHereI have a dual screen setup, is there any way for the gnome panel to run on both screens, showing only the applications in their current screen?17:58
incuguswhats the command for starting xampp ? anyone knows?17:58
azuk1it's there o/17:58
xtknightfunkster1, what would that be?17:58
jester7azuk1: :)17:58
jester7you should be good to go now17:58
seventhdogazuk1,  : how to sudo apt-get java plugged in?17:58
azuk1jester7: no re-login ?.. should work straight away?17:58
jester7azuk1: you might hav eto logout and back in17:58
amenadoZn3t060-> what is the mountpoint of that /etc/passwd ?17:59
funkster1well, when I try to reply to a thread, or when I try to open/see a scriupt file/attachment or whatever17:59
politikanyone know how to list the devices on the various ata ports, something like what lspci does? I'm getting continuous errors in dmesg where a device on ata5 is getting disconnected/reconnected17:59
funkster1I can't17:59
Zn3t060amendo: is that right17:59
funkster1it keeps telling me I'm not allowed to do so, although I'm logged in17:59
incugus Anyone know how to start XAMPP manually?17:59
azuk1ok, I'll be re-logging then..17:59
=== max is now known as _max
seventhdogjester7, how to install java plugged in? any ideas??18:00
guinnessplease i will be information for mercury messenger please help18:00
bazhanglux wrong place for that thanks18:00
xtknightfunkster1, try clearing you cache and cookies, and try again18:00
funkster1firefox is configured OK, adblock deactivated for the ubuntu forums, I don't have NoScript installed anymore18:00
Zn3t060hello i need some help with my system, as i have forgotten my username and password. I have loaded the live cd and gone into the shadow file and removed the password but on reboot it is still them same . any ideas what to do ????18:01
funkster1OK, will do, but it's cleared on a regular basis18:01
cfchris6Where exactly is the line which lets ubuntu load it's console font?18:01
amenadopolitik->  look in  /dev/disk18:01
funkster1btw, I'm using 'CookieSafe' if that's any hint?18:01
guinnessin the table mercury18:02
xtknightfunkster1, probably the problem but i dont know for sure18:02
xtknightdisable it and see18:02
NithI need to delete all files matching a shell expression. Anyone know how to do that?18:02
Zn3t060amendo: what do i do next18:02
xtknightNith, "rm *expression*"18:02
funkster1OK, will try 'n see ;)18:02
bazhang!tab | Zn3t06018:02
ecanevasciniit exist a ubuntu italian channel?18:02
ubotuZn3t060: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:02
xtknight!it | ecanevascini18:02
ubotuecanevascini: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:02
ecanevasciniOk grazie!18:02
Nithxtknight: sorry, remove all files matching an expression recursively, so all files in all subdirectories matching said expression too18:03
politikamenado: hm that looks promising but I don't see ata5 in there... I do see scsi-518:03
xamoxanyone here have FFv3 and FFv2 dual installed?18:03
keithcan someone please help me to correctly install webcam driver ov51x-jpeg.  Am trying to get a creative webcam VF0330 to work18:03
xamoxI have v3, but I want v2 for some web-dev stuff18:03
xtknightNith, oh im not sure about that18:03
xamoxNow I don't know how to have both18:03
xtknightNith, surely possible with some bash script18:03
Zn3t060ubotu: im not worried about typing just being able to log into this system18:03
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, you were getting good advice from one of our regulars... It is very important that you listen and do what they say or ask complete questions if you do not understand18:03
bazhangZn3t060: type ame  hit tab and the full name amenado will come up18:03
Torturedso with cf running i can use the scroll wheel to change desktops, is it possible to do that when an app is maximized as well? so scroll wheel changes desktop no matter what?18:04
guinnessmercury messenger don't start please help me18:04
Jack_SparrowTortured, ctrl, alt, left mouse, move mouse18:04
keithis there a way to remove all the joins and quits here so the text is easer to read18:04
d_rwinguiness: u are using what version18:04
azukijester7: DUDE... it's working!... somehow I get confused with linux on this... cos my user was allready checked, yet the root wasn't... I checked them all, and now it works!... thanks!18:05
Jack_Sparrowkeith, yes, but depends on your chat client18:05
keithclient is xchat18:05
enbyHi guys, I used the adept updater to update my system, it got stuck at some point, so i closed it... i rebooted the system works but now every time i run the package manager it says that another process is using it, so i don't have access to it anymore (tried rebooting several times)18:05
BIOSboilerWhich is harder to setup Exchange or Postfix?18:05
Jack_Sparrowkeith, right click tab and hide parts and joins18:05
d_rwinguiness: pidgin is easily configured18:05
guinnessthe last version *18:05
TorturedJack_Sparrow, whoa. thank you. ;)18:05
cfchris6Nith: maybe with find <path> <pattern> -exec rm {} \;18:05
Jack_SparrowTortured, np18:05
Lord_of_Albaniahello, does someone know how to put in my emuleChat the server of the program Mirc?18:05
keithjack sparrow where do i find the tab18:06
unop_BIOSboiler, postfix18:06
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:06
Zn3t060i take it no one knows how rto resolve a forgotten password18:06
iositdenby, ^^18:06
d_rwinguinness: use pidgin , its available for most distro18:07
luxwhat to do if pc get stuck?... i cant open any folder or program atm :/18:07
unop_Zn3t060, step into recovery mode and use this command -- passwd <user>18:07
Johnson_hmm. my date and time is completely wrong. i have set it to sychncronize to some server, but nothing happens, when i change time zone it jus shifts the time by the according hour difference but my clock says jan 22, 11 4918:07
Jack_Sparrowkeith, I have xchat set to tabs, you have yours set to the other thing,, still should be right click the room/group18:07
iositdZn3t060, of linux? you can reset a password using the root account in recovery ...18:07
bazhangZn3t060: you were getting excellent advice that you chose to ignore18:07
Zn3t060unop: in recovery mode it doesnt go through to a command promt18:07
enbyjust tried it, got this: "parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0003' near line 2 package `libc6"18:07
nonix4lux: does caps lock work? how about moving mouse?18:07
Nithcfchris6: I'll give it a shot, thx18:07
stefgZn3t060: boot into recovery mode and run 'passwd <username>' and enter a new password18:07
amenadopolitik-> they are using /dev/sdxY now for sata18:08
unop_Zn3t060, it usually does, what's happening in your case?18:08
luxyea works sometime :D i dont have mouse18:08
Daniel^when installing compiz why does the caption etc. disappear?18:08
=== tdoggette_ is now known as tdoggette
iositdZn3t060, you can use recovery mode. It doesn't ask for a password so you can use it.18:08
Daniel^in KDE18:08
nonix4lux: any "valuable" programs running at the moment?18:08
Jack_SparrowDaniel^, that is called the window decorator.. try compix --replace in a term window18:08
politikamenado: does that mean in /dev/disk/by-path ata5 is the one referred to as scsi-5?18:08
Zn3t060iosird: when i go into recovermode it asks me for a password for maintenance18:09
Stalwartdoes anyone know which version of Transmission will be shipped in U8.0418:09
Jack_SparrowDaniel^, /join #Compiz18:09
iositdZn3t060, you need to reset the root password?18:09
keithJack_sparrow, thanks, i found it18:09
amenadopolitik possibly, look at those 3 directories and choose the naming convention you like to use18:09
luxno valuable program running atm18:09
bazhangStalwart: #ubuntu+1 please18:09
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, recovery mode from grub menu is asking for a password?  What distro are you using?18:09
Zn3t060iositd: thats all i need to do, i have changed the shadow file but no luck18:09
Torturedis there a way to change the top colors of the cube in cf?18:09
robotjoxplease help - using dual monitors, my second LCD screen goes extremely bright - I even tried 2 different monitors - same result...18:10
xtknightNith, keep in mind this command may delete the insides of complete directories that match asdf as well.  so as is with every script i'd backup the files beforehand.  execute this in the root dir where you want to begin recursion.  "find * | grep asdf | xargs -l1 rm"18:10
enbyany other ideas?18:10
Zn3t060jack_sparrow: im using the live cd for unbuntu 7.0418:10
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:10
Jack_SparrowTortured, yes, /join #Compiz  ask about cube caps...18:10
keithCan someone help me correctly install the 'ov51x-jpeg' driver?18:10
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, recovery mode is not using the livecd..18:10
iositdZn3t060, log in at your own account (that has sudo permissions) and then execute this one ---> sudo passwd -l root18:11
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, boot your hard drive install in recovery mode...  hit escape if needed to get grub prompt18:11
nonix4lux: try the following, key combinations, one at time and wait a bit after each to see if it helps: ctrl-alt-backspace (kill X), alt-sysrq-k (kill everything on current console), alt-sysrq-s (sync aka save data), alt-sysrq-u (unmount), alt-sysrq-b (reboot)18:11
Zn3t060jack_sparrow: i go into recovery mode on booting the main os  of my hdd...18:11
Zn3t060jack_sparrow: but its asks for a maintenxe password18:11
luxso??? no1 answering.........my pc got stuck for no reason.....cant use mouse right click,cant open things :/ cant do reboot :D lol18:11
Sinnermanhow do i browse my camera like a folder for the pictures i've taken there? i only seem to be able to get to it by using system -> preferences -> removable devices. is there a way to just mount/automount it?18:12
Jack_Sparrowstefg, good luck...18:12
iositdlux, hit ctrl alt f1 and then type sudo reboot to reboot18:12
RandoCalrunning into a slightly odd problem here..... I have three users setup on my Ubuntu 7.10 box. When I go to switch between them I'm getting a blank white screen.... if i move my mouse around I can see in one spot it turns from an arrow cursor into a text cursor, if at that point i click and type in my password I get logged in as whichever user i'm switching to18:12
{dreamWeaver}I want to use SUN's JVM to run NetLogo. I had installed it but I guess NetLogo tries to open by default with the GNU JVM. should I change an environment variable?18:12
amenadoZn3t060-> perhaps describe your problem again, that you lost your userid and passwd..18:12
Nithxtknight: just did a test run and found 15000 hits18:12
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, it should not if you are using ubuntu as your distro18:12
nonix4iositd: well the things I listed should cover just about every case...18:12
JarG0nMy USB Thumbdrive, for some reason, has root as the owner.  Even if I login as root via sudo -i, I can use chgrp or chown to change ownership/group.  I keep getting "chgrp: changing group of `/media/USBThumbDrive': Operation not permitted"18:12
luxlol...but u have any idea why it just got stuck for no reason  :S ?18:12
* Nith officially does not like ms18:13
JarG0nI can't18:13
RandoCalyou can't see the text box or any other prompts on the screen though, you have to "feel around" for the text box by watching your cursor and then click and login18:13
bazhangZn3t060: this is ubuntu or ubuntu-based?18:13
nonix4lux: most likely browser or some such made it run out of memory18:13
Jack_Sparrowbazhang, exactly18:13
Zn3t060hello i need some help with my system, as i have forgotten my username and password. I have loaded the live cd and gone into the shadow file and removed the password but on reboot it is still them same . any ideas what to do ???? when i try to go into recovery mode it asks me for a maintence password, if i truy anything it doesnt accept it so the only thing i can do is the ctrl d option which takes me back to the main log in...18:13
nonix4lux: and by default it is configured to be "smart" (a word which _always_ means _stupid_)18:14
=== moraleselipe is now known as moralesfelipe
bazhangZn3t060: you have been given many ways to fix that; please do not repeat until you have tried them and reported the errors you get when trying them18:14
enby:( still getting "Another process is using the packaging system database"18:14
luxthis suc**s ... i copy-ed very important thing and now i cant paste it :/18:14
Zn3t060bazhang: you must be a bot as i have explained what errors have been getting18:14
bazhang!aptfix | enby18:14
ubotuenby: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:14
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, what distro is installed on that hard drive..?18:15
Zn3t060jack_: 7.0418:15
bazhangZn3t060: is that linuxmint?18:15
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Zn3t060bazhang: what is linuxmint18:15
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, nope.. it will not ask for a password for recovery mode18:15
jpatrick!mint | Zn3t06018:16
ubotuZn3t060: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate18:16
tommy_.... bin ich online?18:16
iositdtommy_, ja18:16
jpatrick!de | tommy_, ja18:16
ubotutommy_, ja: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:16
enbyubotu2: if i use that command i get "/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0003' near line 2 package `libc6"18:16
bazhang!de | tommy_18:16
ubotutommy_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:16
Zn3t060jack: so what am i getting then ...18:16
jpatrickbazhang: haha, twice18:16
FloodBot2kukla-1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
bazhangjpatrick: ;]18:16
tommy_How do i get to the german help channel, ple ?18:16
jpatricktommy_: /join #ubuntu-de18:16
bazhangtommy_: type /j #ubuntu-de18:16
stefgtommy, type /j #ubuntu-de18:17
jpatrickpoor guy18:17
Zn3t060can ii not edit the passwrd or shadow files instead18:17
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, no idea...  but ubuntu 7.04 does not do that...18:17
tommy_thx... i found it :)18:17
visik7will openoffice 2.4 be in 8.04 ?18:17
SpookyETHow do you make gnupg not bug your for the password all the time? I have pinentry installed18:17
tommy_bey and see you18:17
bazhangtommy_: sorry about that ;]18:17
amenadoZn3t060-> lets get you our of your misery....boot from the liveCd.. and mount the / partition of your hard disk where you have your linux installed18:17
Zn3t060jack - DOES NOT DO WHAT18:17
{dreamWeaver}I want to use SUN's JVM to run NetLogo. I had installed it but I guess NetLogo tries to open by default with the GNU JVM. should I change an environment variable?18:18
bazhang!patience | Zn3t06018:18
ubotuZn3t060: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:18
iositdZn3t060, ask for your password when going into recovery mdoe18:18
Zn3t060amendo: have done that18:18
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, lose the caps and the attitude..thanks18:18
amenadoZn3t060-> man, how many time i have to tell you .. the nick is amenado !!!!18:18
Zn3t060jack: my system is slow and thats why it came out in caps,, chill18:18
amenadoZn3t060-> do this  type  amen then press tab okay? that will auto complete the nick18:19
luxomg...... something is really wrong with my ubuntu :S  i just made rr18:19
Jack_SparrowZn3t060, You need to chill... listen and do as people suggest..18:19
enbyis it safe to delete everything in /var/lib/dpkg/updates ? I think it might solve the problem?18:19
iositdZn3t060, i'll give you the solution then ... :::::::: mount your root partition, chroot into that env ... then fix the password for your own account ... su to that account ... then use the command i gave you before to remove the root command ... FIXED18:20
Jack_Sparrowenby, depends on if you have added unusual repos..18:20
=== moralesfelipe is now known as FelipeMorales
RandoCalrunning into a slightly odd problem here..... I have three users setup on my Ubuntu 7.10 box. When I go to switch between them I'm getting a blank white screen.... if i move my mouse around I can see in one spot it turns from an arrow cursor into a text cursor, if at that point i click and type in my password I get logged in as whichever user i'm switching to18:20
RandoCalrunning into a slightly odd problem here..... I have three users setup on my Ubuntu 7.10 box. When I go to switch between them I'm getting a blank white screen.... if i move my mouse around I can see in one spot it turns from an arrow cursor into a text cursor, if at that point i click and type in my password I get logged in as whichever user i'm switching to18:20
iositdenby, to be safe, don't delete but move18:20
RandoCalAnyone have anything to suggest?18:20
Zn3t060ok, i am chilled, the tab auto completion doesnt work, i have tried everything18:20
amenadoiositd-> he must have done something that getting to single user mode requires a root password..18:20
amenadoZn3t060-> then type the nick carefully so I can follow you18:21
iositdZn3t060, did you see my post? It gave you the answer, no matter how screwed up your system is18:21
luxsomething is very wrong with my pciture :S its moving ....half of my files/programs are out of picture so i have to move my mouse to se the other side of dekstop (files,programs) please help someone !18:21
bazhangsounds like his system is irretrievably lost18:21
iositdamenado, i know (hey i typed it correctly)18:21
iositdlux, try to reboot ..18:21
luxi jsut did it18:21
iositddo it again ..18:21
Daisuke_Idothat actually sounds like a glitch with compiz maybe18:21
Zn3t060i have got the live cd loaded and have given myself root access onto the filesystem and into the etc18:22
luxmy pc got stuck for no reason i made reboot and now everything is messed18:22
iositdif you had a lot of trouble, a double reboot usually helps a lot ...18:22
Daisuke_Idonothing happens for no reason18:22
iositdZn3t060, you did see my post ... confirm?18:22
enbyk, i moved everything from updates to another dir, and now adept starts... hopefully i didn't break smth else by doingthat18:22
Daisuke_Idoand iositd, this isn't windows, rebooting is never the first option.18:22
amenadoZn3t060-> is this /etc of your liveCD or the installed  linux on the hard disk?18:22
bazhangdid you see my post? cancel/allow18:22
Zn3t060iositd, yes but parts didnt make sense18:22
Jack_Sparrowlux, is this a regular hard drive install or one of the vm or wubi versions of an install18:22
lux:D i was watching 1 video on youtube and i was chatting here :D... so it happened for no reason18:22
iositdZn3t060, it makes perfect sense. Perhaps you didn't understand, in which case i'm willing to explain.18:22
Zn3t060amenado: etc of the installed os18:23
nonix4lux: video on youtube can certainly leak memory...18:23
iositdDaisuke_Ido, it never is. But he had so much trouble he had to reboot. And in that case, i suggest to do a double reboot.18:23
nonix4lux: better set up ulimit to kill the processes which leak memory18:23
amenadoZn3t060-> okay what is the mount point you used to mount that partition?  so i can tell you exact command18:23
luxset up What?18:23
Daisuke_Idofair enough18:23
jpatrickmanuel__: /join #ubuntu-es18:23
taveiraAlgum BR ?18:23
Zn3t060iositd: can you please explain, i have mounted the installed os using the live cd..18:23
taveiraALGUM BR ?18:24
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:24
Zn3t060amenado: it mounted it when i went into the filesytem using the gui18:24
bazhangtaveira: /j #ubuntu-br18:24
iositdamenado, i'll give him a hands on guide for it ... (let's not make it even more difficult)18:24
iositdZn3t060, ok. Then chroot into the new enviroment.18:24
amenadoiositd i let you finish it then..am off..18:24
nonix4lux: how much memory do you have in that 'puter? and how much swap?18:24
Zn3t060isoitd: i think amenado has a better idea18:24
lux512 mb if u mean that...18:25
porchohi there. how can I manually set the configurations I cand set using GNOME's Network Administration Tools? my Ubuntu just freezes when I try to do it through the GUI...18:25
Zn3t060iositd: you say change root into new environment ??? how do you mean, i am in live cd and the install os is mounted18:25
luxhow much memory do i need for linux ubuntu ?18:26
iositdZn3t060, please type more carefully. I didn't say change root, i said chroot. That's what the command is. "chroot /your/os/ /bin/bash"18:26
unopZn3t060, here's a good guide that'll help you chroot into your system from a liveCD http://gentoo-wiki.com/Chroot_from_a_livecd18:26
Zn3t060iositd: so in live cd as root: i use the chroot command18:26
luxhello? is anyone helping me? :D18:27
unopZn3t060, yes, but you need to ensure all your filesystems are mounted properly before using the chroot command18:27
amenadolux hard disk memory, minimum for install is 2.5 gig18:27
nonix4lux: lol :) yeah... ok, let's edit /etc/security/limits.conf18:27
Zn3t060unop: in the df -kh it comes up as the hard disk being mounted and also it allows me to save the changes to the shadow and passwrd fiel18:27
iositdunop, chroot always worked fine for me when needing to change only one users pass... which is what i'm going to tell him to do ... then he'll have to reboot into normal user mode and then he can drop the root passwd with sudo.18:28
nonix4lux: you know how to edit them config files?18:28
luxhard disk memory is 2.8 gig, other memory is 512 mb18:28
funkster1OK, still a no go after emptying caches, deactivating temporarily 'CookieSafe', 'Adblock+', restarting FF2, resetting forum/CP settings to defaults etc. I can't post/answer a thread, can't acces attachements, although I'm clearly logged in. and I'm a member since May 2007. The message I get is: "you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:   Your user account may not have sufficient privil18:28
luxno ...i got ubuntu like 1 day ago18:28
iositdZn3t060, now use the passwd yourusername to change the password of the normal user you use.18:28
luxim totally new for this kind of stuff18:28
iositdZn3t060, that way you can use sudo on the normal user again and won't have trouble on that.18:28
Zn3t060but i will only be changing that into the live cd enviroment18:29
luxdam*...hard to see what u writing cause i dont see half of my  desktop18:29
FinnishAnyone using Sitecom WL-112 WLAN-card?18:29
nonix4lux: gksudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf18:29
iositdZn3t060, no, because you chroot'd into the new env, you can now change the user of your real installation.18:29
Zn3t060im lost18:29
luxw8 ill try18:29
unopZn3t060, the shadow and passwd files you see in the liveCD are not the ones that belong to your system -- you need to chroot first before you see them18:29
iositdZn3t060, what was the last command you typed?18:29
Zn3t060so im in the live cd right18:29
Zn3t060iositd: the last one is su18:30
Zn3t060iositd: to get my self into the root18:30
amenadofunkster1-> try logging out and restarting firefox?18:30
funkster1amenado: did thta already, but will try again18:30
iositdZn3t060, you don't have to become root. CHROOT means you enter a new env, the one that you just mounted. For example in my case i'd type "chroot /media/sda5 /bin/bash" to get into my real env instead of the live cd.18:30
unopiositd, you need to be root to chroot18:31
iositdunop, ubuntu way --> use sudo18:31
unopiositd, and sudo gives you root ..18:31
luxnonix4, i wrote  gksudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf it opened some kind a window...what now?18:32
iositdunop, he used su to go root, instead of sudo to use root18:32
unopiositd, it doesnt make a real difference18:32
Zn3t060iositd: ok so ill do that , so my mount point is .. /mount/disk...so will i do ..chroot18:32
techqbertok so I have restarted X like 12 times in the last 24 hours.  how do I stop X from restarting when I hit any of the combination of keys, (shift+backspace) (alt+shift+backspace)?18:32
iositdunop, reason i'm telling that now, is because he'll have to remove the root passwd so in the future he can just use recovery mode ... and18:32
iositd* - and18:33
unopZn3t060, it depends on how many partitions you have on the hdd? you have to have atleast /etc/ mounted right18:33
EdwardXp3what are the maintenance linux commands for me to deploy for linux?18:33
Zn3t060unop: all i have mounted is /media/disk18:33
EdwardXp3like indexing, disk fragments...18:33
lux:nonix4 hello.... what now?18:33
Jack_Sparrowtechqbert, not enough info... when did the problem start, have you installed/compiled much from source or outside repos etc18:33
Zn3t060unop: which is my installed os18:33
unopZn3t060, how many partitions did you setup when installing ubuntu?18:33
IjessIhello. Can I choose where to install the bootloader during the install using the live-cd iso?18:33
IjessIor do I need to use the alternate iso?18:34
unopZn3t060, if you only had that one partition .. you can just do. chroot /media/disk18:34
amenadoljessl yes you can use liveCd18:34
Jack_SparrowIjessI, it lets you choose18:34
techqbertJack_Sparrow: 8.04 beta installed by repos.  The update broke my gnome-settings-manager so I installed fluxbox.  Everything works swell except I close X like every 2 hours18:34
Jack_Sparrow!hardy > techqbert18:34
luxcan anyone help me????.... how to fix my ubuntu??18:34
Zn3t060unop: the only parition mounted in live cd is , /media/disk..............so would i do chroot /media/disk.... then ???18:35
techqbertJack_Sparrow: do you want me to comment on #ubuntu-devel?18:35
Jack_Sparrowlux, the amount of space you have on your hard drive for ubuntu is marginal at est..18:35
nonix4lux: well the next step is somehow figuring out which of them maps to ulimit -v ...18:35
IjessIJack_Sparrow, so it want destroy my mbr or the grub I already have?18:35
unopZn3t060, if that command worked ok, you should just do -- passwd <user>18:35
unopZn3t060, replacing <user> with the user whose password you need to change18:35
Jack_Sparrowtechqbert, just pointing you to the correct room for hardy...18:36
JBuckleyis there any way to install a .msi file on ubuntu?18:36
jhonijimhow do i get a drive to not be readonly i am the owner and i have create deleat permision but if i go to create a folder on it it comes up with an error that says the disk is read only18:36
FNDMeld question: I'm trying to pipe a svn/git-diff into Meld, but that doesn't seem to work - how can I compare to revisions from a SVN or Git repo?18:36
Zn3t060right im going to try and do that18:36
unopZn3t060, you should also do this - passwd -l root18:36
=== iositd is now known as hischild
Daisuke_IdoJBuckley, you can use wine, however it's best to find native software to reduce the dependency on windows.18:36
amenadojhonijim-> mount the partition read+write18:36
unopZn3t060, that disables root, so that in future sessions you dont have a problem stepping into recovery mode18:37
luxsomekind limits.conf(/etc/secuirity)-gedit window is now open what i should do next? =)18:37
Zn3t060unop: so i will still have to go into recovery mode18:37
piratadid someone changed the distributor logo sucessfully under gusty?18:37
=== FFEMTcJ_ is now known as FFEMTcJ
JBuckleyit's an app from logmein.com - I use it to remote onto various computers, any alternative suggestions..?18:37
Jack_Sparrowpirata, it is intentionally tucked away...18:37
unopZn3t060, no, this time, the live CD should be enough, you can reboot into normal mode once you finished here18:37
Zn3t060so can i get all the commands so i can go and try......18:38
politikJBuckley: vnc18:38
sourcemakerhow can I mount an encrypted file system?18:38
amenadoJBuckley-> .msi  is microsoft stuff not executable within linux18:38
Zn3t060chroot /media/disk .... passwd <user> ...18:38
Zn3t060anything else18:38
Daisuke_Idoamenado, shouldn't lie to him18:38
unopZn3t060, also - passwd -l root18:38
nonix4lux: write "whoami" in a terminal... or just your user name etc into that limits file like: "lux hard rss 384000" (and yes, the number is a random guess on my part:)18:38
amenadoDaisuke_Ido-> what? you can try to execute an .msi file? were you successful? please explain18:39
politikJBuckley: also there is a Remote Desktop client in linux, so you can connect to windows machines18:39
Daisuke_Idoamenado, you have to use the ms installer to do it18:39
JBuckleyOk - I'll check that out.  Thanks for the help!18:39
Jack_SparrowDaisuke_Ido, it isnt executeable form linux, only wine or some other tool18:39
zelrikriandoeh what s the command line to start the chess game?18:39
amenadoDaisuke_Ido-> you wanted what? ms installer on linux? you tried? please explain18:40
Jack_Sparrowzelrikriando, try3dchess18:40
unopzelrikriando, glchess maybe18:40
Daisuke_Idowine msiexec install netfx.msi18:40
Daisuke_Idoas an example18:40
spsneohello i need help18:41
zelrikriandounop:  thank18:41
zelrikriandook the 3D mode of my chess isnt working18:41
spsneojust now i upgraded my gutsy to hardy18:41
spsneobut the sound is not working18:41
Jack_SparrowDaisuke_Ido, correct, but that is NOT running it under linux18:41
bazhang#ubuntu+1 please spsneo18:41
Daisuke_IdoOS = linux18:41
Daisuke_Idocompatibility layer or no, the OS is still linux.18:41
mindrapeIn OpenOffice.org Spreadsheet, how can I take a cell with delimited text (ie; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and break it out into separate rows... not text to columns... text to rows...?18:41
bazhangthis convo = ot18:42
techqbertJack_Sparrow: http://princ3.wordpress.com/2006/10/04/disable-shift-backspace-logout-in-xgl-and-enable-altgr/ If you are interested yourself.18:42
Daisuke_Idothis is a semantic debate, and one that will never be resolved, so let's agree to disagree18:42
jaffarkelshactalking about games, any good one for ubuntu18:42
luxi wrote whoami but nothing happens18:42
h4L1mhello guys, i installed the vu meter for xmms but it doesn't work, if i turn it on it turns off itself, what can i do to make it work?18:42
amenadoDaisuke_Ido-> yes we'll disagree18:42
hischildI'm having trouble with evolution. I've set it up for my email, yet it won't receive nor send messages. I can only hit the STOP button, but that does nothing.18:42
mindrapelux - identity crisis?18:42
SpudDoggDoes Ubuntu/Canonical allow things like this????  http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350039584856&ru=http://search.ebay.com:80/350039584856_W0QQadgroup_idZ286582575QQcreative_idZ732357915QQfclZ4QQfnuZ1QQfsopZ1QQkeywordZubuntuQQoriginZhttpQ3aQ2fQ2fwwwQ2eubuntugeekQ2ecomQ2fubuntuQ2d804Q2dhardyQ2dheronQ2dreleaseQ2ddatesQ2ehtmlQQtestZGadgetQ5fKWQQtypeZQ7bifsearchQ3asearchQ7dQ7bifcontentQ3acontentQ7dQQfviZ118:42
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
bazhangSpudDogg: ai please pastebin that18:43
Jack_SparrowSpudDogg, Please dont do that.18:43
nonix4lux: and a second line like "lux hard as 450000"18:43
Daisuke_Idoamenado, gotta say i'm playing devil's advocate on this one, i want to limit windows app usage as much as humanly possible, and rely on native solutions :)18:43
h4L1mSpudDogg, why not?18:43
IndyGunFreaklol, wtf.18:43
SpudDoggJack_Sparrow:  don't do what?  Ask a question?18:43
Daisuke_Idoso no, not a fan of wine :D18:43
Hatschi_can everybody see my messages?18:43
IndyGunFreakHatschi_: no18:43
bazhangHatschi_: yes18:43
Jack_SparrowSpudDogg, post a link with no explanation especially one hat long18:43
Hatschi_thx xD18:43
SpudDoggJack_Sparrow:  ok, sorry18:43
h4L1mhello guys, i installed the vu meter for xmms but it doesn't work, if i turn it on it turns off itself, what can i do to make it work?18:43
luxi cant get it work18:44
spsneonobody is active in ubuntu+118:44
Daisuke_Idothe only thing being paid for is presumably the media...18:44
luxu said write "whoami" to terminal18:44
bazhangspsneo: then be patient; that is the channel for it18:44
luxi wrote and nothing happened18:44
Jack_Sparrowspsneo, Running beta software does have a down side..18:44
JohnMMyou have to press enter lux18:44
zelrikriandoIt seems like I have some problems with the configuration of my graphic card....anyone knows how to test/fix it?18:45
alecsi just installed ubuntu 8.04 beta, and it seems that compiz crashez18:45
alecsany ideeas?18:45
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu18:45
luxlux hard as 450000 that number really can be random ?18:45
nonix4lux: umm, "whoami" command in your terminal should just tell your user name, the one you used to kog on :)18:45
unopalecs, #ubuntu+1 please18:45
bazhang#ubuntu+1 alecs18:45
unopnonix4, you didnt tell him to press <enter> :)18:45
kb1cvhzelrik - what' the problem  - what card do you have?18:45
luxcommand "whoami" dont do anything .....lol :S :D18:45
nonix4lux: that's address space limit, ie no program should use over 450 megabytes18:46
bazhanglux type whoami then hit enter18:46
unoplux, this does the same -- echo $USER <enter>18:46
luxi did it18:46
lux"whoami" and enter18:46
luxnow what18:46
Jack_Sparrow!enter > lux18:46
zelrikriandokb1cvh: I have an Intel 945 GM, the 3D mode of glchess is having display issues, and I cant manage to make other 3D games (on wine) work properly18:46
unoplux, what did it give you?18:47
h4L1manyone who knows the vu meter for xmms??18:47
luxmy name :D18:47
Daisuke_IdoSpudDogg, is it legally wrong?  no.  is it ethically wrong?  youbetcha.  ShipIt is the preferred method of shipping CDs, and that is free.18:47
kb1cvhzelricriando - are you using compiz ?18:47
zelrikriandokb1cvh: yeah18:47
unoplux, ok, that's what you have to put in the limits file like nonix said .. that name exactly18:47
SpudDoggDaisuke_Ido:  I'm just surprised that the powers-at-be can't do anything about stuff like that.  I know it's not illegal, but still.18:48
amenadoZn3t060-> resolved yet?18:48
luxi have tryed everything u said but nothing happens18:48
bazhangzelrikriando: 3d on wine with that card may not be an option18:49
unoplux, address the person you are talking to so they know :)18:49
zelrikriandokb1cvh: desactivating compiz fixes the chess game18:49
luxunop,  ok ok :D sorry18:49
unoplux, so who were you talking to then? :)18:50
zelrikriandobazhang: it is with several games18:50
luxso lets start at the beginning.......18:50
JustJadenI am attempting to delete a swap file, but it tells me I don't have the proper permissions. How do I fix this?18:50
Jowizelrikriando, 945GM and 3d in wine is a hit and miss when running compiz. Probably has something to do with its shared memory. And you should run in 24bit colours instead of 16bit.18:50
Daisuke_Idocompiz + opengl games != happiness18:50
amenadoJustJaden-> are you currently using such swap file?18:51
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, are you turning swapoff   first?18:51
zelrikriandoJowi: how to set those colors?18:51
luxwho could tell me how to fix my ubuntu .......?18:51
Daisuke_Idoi definitely recommend turning OFF desktop effects before playing gl games in wine or otherwise18:51
lux:unop could u help?18:52
ffmIf I answer a "incomplete" bug with more info in LP, can I move it back to "new"?18:52
JustJadenI was trying to blacklist my wireless card driver, and for some odd reason, i have like 3 copies of the same edit file. Not sure how I managed that, but I'd like to get rid of copies.18:52
Jowizelrikriando, Max Payne works for me but not Half Life for example. Turning off Compiz solves it for me. You set "DefaultDepth 24" in xorg.conf but maybe there18:52
Jowi's an easier way.18:52
Zn3t060anyway i have tried the suggested and it didnt work as it said i didnt have permissions when i went to try the chroot command18:52
unoplux, nonix4 seemed to have guided you through most this, he probably knows exactly what to do next .. ask him18:52
unopZn3t060, you need to be root when you chroot -- use the command -- sudo chroot /media/disk18:53
luxunop how to do that red text?18:53
Jack_Sparrownonix4, See how much free space he has on that drive and how big of a swap he has on there.18:53
zelrikriandoJowi: my DefaultDepth is already at 2418:53
unoplux, what red text?18:53
Zn3t060unop: i was root18:53
TuM4hi to all18:53
Zn3t060i changed to root using the su command18:53
JustJadenI was trying to blacklist my wireless card driver, and for some odd reason, i have like 3 copies of the same edit file. Not sure how I managed that, but I'd like to get rid of copies.18:54
unopZn3t060, was your partition really mounted under /media/disk ???18:54
Zn3t060yes, i doubled checked18:54
Jowizelrikriando, then there's not really a solution to be had for you (yet). Wine is constantly improving though and so is Compiz.18:54
amenadoZn3t060-> are you ready to try my way?18:54
luxif anyone writing like example " lux, text..." then i see it red? right?18:54
Zn3t060amenado: sure am18:54
amenadoZn3t060-> okay again boot from liveCD18:54
zelrikriandoJowi: you want to look at my xorg.conf ...in case you see something wrong?18:54
Zn3t060amenado: yes sill there18:55
Jowizelrikriando, if you're running compiz it's ok.18:55
JustJadenI am trying to follow this walkthrough to get my wireless card recognized, but I hit a brick every step of the way. Is there a better way to get that done?18:55
amenadoZn3t060-> in a terminal  fdisk -l  and tell me which partition in the hard disk is the /  ?18:55
SisyphusINCdoes anyone know how to transcode the reg file for photoshop i expoted it from windows but i keep getting the following Untranslatable input in step `ISO-10646-UCS-2..ANSI_X3.4-1968'" any ideas?18:56
zelrikriandoJowi: I noticed I have just one mode for the screen res...is that an issue?18:56
luxnonix, could u help me with my problem? lets start at the beginning18:56
unoplux, all you have to do is say the persons name :)18:57
Jack_Sparrowzelrikriando, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)18:57
luxok now i know :D18:57
Jowizelrikriando, are you running wine fullscreen or windowed?18:57
luxnonix4 answer me :/18:57
nonix4lux: you have only that one user account on the 'puter? I mean I don't want to lock you out if you type something wrong by accident :)18:57
amenadoZn3t060-> found it yet ?18:57
shufflecardSisyphusINC, what program are you trying to read the file with?18:57
luxnonix4 yes only 118:57
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:57
Zn3t060amenado: just did it, it says i got 3 disks. sda1 sda2 and also 518:57
zelrikriandoJowi Full Screen18:58
azukiis there a iso-making program in linux?18:58
Zn3t060amendo: when you say slash how do you mena, the sda5 has a /solaris18:58
Jack_Sparrowazuki, dd command will do it..18:58
unopazuki, yes, it's called dd18:58
IndyGunFreakazuki: i'm pretty sure there's a couple18:58
Jowizelrikriando, and do the games display or do you get a black screen?18:58
amenadoZn3t060-> okay on a terminal  can you try  sudo -s   and you should get a root shell18:58
novato_bris there some software similar with shrink ?18:58
Jack_Sparrownovato_br, k9copy18:59
zelrikriandoJowi: black screen+window killed right away18:59
novato_brJack_Sparrow, i'm trying to make copies But I can't18:59
amenadoZn3t060-> okay then type  mount /dev/sda1  /mnt18:59
IndyGunFreaknovato_br: is shrink a dvd ripping tool?18:59
amenadoZn3t060->  ls -la /mnt    and I expect to see /etc/18:59
marx2kIsnt there an ncurses based newsgroup binary downloader like KLibido but for the shell?18:59
novato_bryeah, IndyGunFreak19:00
Jowizelrikriando, then it's probably best to add at least "1024x768" "800x600" and "640x480" to xorg.conf19:00
IndyGunFreaknovato_br: acidrip is good..19:00
novato_brshrink is a dvd ripping tool19:00
Zn3t060your talking about mounting it but its already mounted19:00
novato_brokay, IndyGunFreak19:00
novato_brI'll try it19:00
luxnonix4 so will u help me or not :/19:00
bosanacHello some people has gived me one site THIS one to download it: http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mocks/mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; tar xvfz mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; rm -rf mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; cd mocks-0.0.2;rm -rf mocks.conf; wget http://andromeda.covers.de/221/mocks.conf; touch mocks.log; chmod 0 mocks.log; ./mocks start19:00
bosanacand i'm infected19:00
bosanacthey connect irc from MY PC19:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nntp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:00
bosanachow to delete it?19:00
amenadoZn3t060-> how did it got mounted? and where?19:00
nonix4lux: well, trying to figure what the exact problem was... I think it may have been something else than running out of memory19:01
zelrikriandoJowi: how is the synthax like in the xorg.conf?19:01
Jowizelrikriando,                 Modes           "1440x900" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"19:01
bosanacHello some people has gived me one site THIS one to download it: http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mocks/mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; tar xvfz mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; rm -rf mocks-0.0.2.tar.gz; cd mocks-0.0.2;rm -rf mocks.conf; wget http://andromeda.covers.de/221/mocks.conf; touch mocks.log; chmod 0 mocks.log; ./mocks start and i'm infected how to delete that cuz they connect irc from my box19:01
unop!repeat | bosanac19:01
ubotubosanac: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:01
zelrikriandoJowi: then I restart?19:01
luxnonix4  maybe  512memory  isnt enough?19:01
Jack_Sparrowbosanac, please do not repeat....  and dont install things from people you dont trust19:01
Jowizelrikriando, ctrl-alt-backspace should be enough19:01
nonix4lux: well it needs some configuration to work right with some programs, that is for sure...19:02
azukiJack_Sparrow: DD... where is it?19:02
marx2kIsnt there an ncurses based newsgroup binary downloader like KLibido but for the shell?19:02
luxnonix4 ....well . whhere should i begin? picture is totaly messed up19:03
bosanacJack_Sparrow: ok sorry, what to do now ?19:03
bosanacJack_Sparrow: they can controll my PC :S19:03
Jowibosanac, in a terminal type: ps -A | grep -i mocks19:03
hischildbosanac: kill mocks and close up your firewall, check for new users and remove unknown ones, change your password and remove the root pass.19:03
nonix4lux: ... you should save those changes to limits.conf and test them - safe testing method would be "sudo su - yournamehere ulimit -a"19:03
azukiunop: you there?19:03
Doubleanyone know max carte?19:03
unopazuki, yes19:03
Jack_Sparrowazuki, Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/YourUserName/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k           in terminal19:03
bosanacJowi: bosanac@security:~$ ps -A | grep -i mocks bosanac@security:~$19:04
azukiunop: nice to know :)19:04
bosanacJowi: i got no results when i type " ps -A | grep -i mocks "19:04
marx2kHow do I forward an X session via SSH?19:04
unopJack_Sparrow, 2k ? wow thats tiny -- might result in a really slow read/write op.19:04
luxi didnt get that end... like this ?: ( sudo su lux ilimit) ?19:04
Doubledoes anyone want me to fuck them?19:04
unopazuki, whats happening?19:05
nonix4lux: err, nvm that testing method doesn't work as-is...19:05
SerwayHello all19:05
luxnonix4 ooh...19:05
dgjones!ops | Double19:05
Jack_Sparrowunop, you can bump it up, but 2k works for me.. not that slow19:05
dreamorDoes anyone know if there has been improvements in the install time disk encryption between 7.10 and 8.04?19:05
ubotuDouble: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!19:05
luxnonix4 ubuntu is so fc*ing hard :D19:05
azukicould I make it 4 k or somewthing?19:05
nonix4lux: not really... just some corner cases take a bit of effort to figure out :)19:05
azukiwhat would be optimal on a system running it background?19:06
ffmChannel's quite today...19:06
zelrikriandoeh how to change the resolution19:06
SerwayI have a simple question to ask, when im using compiz, what controlls the opacities of the inactive windows? (im not using emerald)19:06
mynymlis there a way to get the alt key to work in gnome-terminal?19:06
unopazuki, i usually use 512k from CDs ..19:06
ompaullux, please keep it family friendly, it is not a replacement for other things just an alternative19:06
bod_hey guys, whats the command to find out the temperature of the machine?19:06
ompaul!resolution | zelrikriando19:06
mmm4m5mQUESTION: what ctrl+z means when I click inside terminal? Previous process become "stopped". How can I kill it?19:06
ubotuzelrikriando: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:06
marx2kDoes anyone know how to forward an X session via SSH?19:06
nonix4lux: does console login work (ctrl-alt-f2)?19:06
bosanacJowi: please tell me what to do now?19:06
bosanacJowi: how to delete that?19:06
Jowibosanac, so run ps -A and look for any apps that you don't recognise19:06
hischildmarx2k: you have to enable it in the ssh settings and then connect using ssh -X <host>19:07
marx2kmmm4m5m, ctrl-z sends the current command to the background. You can get back to it by typing 'fg'19:07
nonix4lux: (use alt-f7 once there to get back to x)19:07
unopmarx2k, ssh -X user@othermachine19:07
Jack_Sparrowzelrikriando, remove lines 108 and 109 and add the res you know your monitor can support on line 11819:07
zichohow can i mount an iso so that my computer recognizes it as a DVD?19:07
ompaul!lmsensors | bod_19:07
ubotubod_: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto19:07
mynymlmmm4m5m: ctrl-C kills it19:07
marx2khischild: does that forward the current running X session (with all open apps on it) or does it open up a new session?19:07
sjovanSerway: trailfocus <--- have you even looked at the compiz mannager?19:07
sjovanSerway: the picture of that setting says it all19:07
Jowizicho, for CD isos you can use "sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop name.iso /mountpoint/here"19:07
bod_ompaul,  cheers m8 ;~)19:08
hischildmarx2k: it allows you to use GUI apps on command line. It does not forward currently open apps.19:08
zichoJowi, okay. I will try!19:08
hischildmarx2k: for that i suggest you take a look at vnc via ssh tunnels.19:08
marx2khischild: Ah. What I wanted was to control my upstairs box's X session from my downstairs laptop19:08
azuki:: -> I could use /media/cdrom0 ?19:08
Serwaysjovan, wow i have never looked there, and i have used compiz since 2005-619:08
marx2kvnc via ssh tunnels. Got it. Will google. Thanks :)19:08
unopmarx2k, you could also look into using XDMCP .. it might allow you to connect to existing sessions19:08
patrick__hey i just downloaded this game "assaultcube" to my desktop.... here is the link... http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=actiongame&filename=AssaultCube_v0.93.tar.bz2&use_mirror=switch .............what do i do after its on my desktop in order to install?19:08
azukiit gives me 0+0 recs in / out 0 bytes copied19:08
marx2kunop? Thanks!19:09
azukiat a splashing 0.0 kb/s!19:09
sjovanSerway: okay....19:09
Jowimarx2k, x11vnc can export the current session19:09
Jowi!info x11vnc19:09
mmm4m5mmarx2k: perfect, fg fix it. 10x (many times I do this mistake and then only restart help :)). I also think it is "send to background", but why process status is "stopped"? I can't use it, I can't terminate it.19:09
unopazuki, well, was /media/cdrom mounted, is there a CD in the tray?19:09
azukiunop: yes19:09
zichoJowi, that doesnt make it work as a physical DVD. How can i do that?19:10
YosemiteSamhow do i find the firewall in ubuntu ?19:10
unopazuki, do you get anything when you  ls /media/cdrom ?19:10
ompaul!firewall | YosemiteSam19:10
ubotuYosemiteSam: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:10
Serwaysjovan, it seems whatever i change the settings to, it still stays a tad transparent, (im talking about the toolbar)19:10
azukiunop: yes..19:10
azukiunop: the usual files19:10
bod_ompaul, acpi -V is the one i was looking for, it cme back as 49.0 degrees,. erm,. is that ood or bad??19:11
Jowizicho, what's the difference between a mounted DVD and a mounted .iso file?19:11
unopazuki, actually, your /media/cdrom might not be the mount point for /dev/cdrom .. find out what device was mounted under /media/cdrom using. mount19:11
mmm4m5mmarx2k: instead "gedit&", I run "gedit". So, I have 10 open/changed files. How can I send it to background and use both: terminal window and gedit?19:11
zichoJowi, but where should i mount it to make my computer think its a DVD disc?19:11
hischildbod_: considering i run at 65 +- 3, you're good19:11
azukiunop: found the problem... it worked well..19:11
azukiunop: thank man!!!19:11
unopazuki, what was the problem?19:11
ompaulbod_, the words hardware dependent please look at your bios for guides ;-)19:11
bod_hischild, ok cheers ;~) ompaul,. ty19:12
JustJadenhow do I quit and not save out of an edit file?19:12
azukiunop: I had a different dos-boot CD in there (tweaking purposes) so when I DD'd it.. it was super fast!!.. :)19:12
azukiwas only one floppy worth of data19:12
hischildbod_: yw19:12
Jowizicho, there are no rules. mount it wherever you want and tell the application you use to use the mount point you created instead of the default one in /media19:12
unopazuki, ok cool19:12
patrick__i have just downloaded assaultcube to my desktop...how do i install the game itself? extract it or what?19:12
zichoJowi, okay19:12
hischildpatrick__: depends on the format. If you can extract, then do so. It will probably contain a readme file. Read that first.19:13
azukiunop: woops..19:13
azuki... it's not19:13
unopmmm4m5m, type gedit and press CTRL+Z (at the terminal) to suspend gedit and return to the shell, press 'bg' and gedit is resumed (in the background)19:14
JustJadenwhat is the command to quit an edit file?19:14
azukiunop: it's creating a very small iso file on the desktop..19:14
=== coldboot|home is now known as coldboot
azukiunop: but it's definatly not the CD19:15
Jowizicho, as an example: I mount an CD/ISO for a win game in ~/winecdrom and set up winecfg to use that dir as a cdrom. now wine will see it and use it as a cdrom. How you set this up depends on the app you use. If it seems impossible you can always burn the image to disc and use it the normal way.19:15
patrick__hischild i've just extracted, the read me file says "linux users: make sure you have libSDL 1.2, libSDL_image and libSDl_mixer installed" im running gutsty so how do i check that?19:15
azukiunop: I am pretty sure that /cdrom0 is the mount point19:15
unopazuki, make sure you are using the right device in if --19:15
unopazuki, what is the device that /cdrom0 has mounted?19:15
zelrikriandook I made some progres19:16
azukiunop: cd-rw drive19:16
zelrikriandothe window doesnt crash anymore...but is kinda empty19:16
azukiand it has a CD inside19:16
hischildpatrick__: search for those using aptitude ... (use lowercase when searching) ===> aptitude search <packagename>19:16
azukithere is also a link (/media/cdrom)19:16
mmm4m5munop: perfect, thank a lot. I study it at school long time back. How could I read more about these? "man bg" does not help. Maybe it is bash related? Have to read more about bash?19:16
hischildpatrick__: if they are installed, the first letter will be an i.19:16
unopazuki, no, i mean device under /dev .. /dev/cdrom, /dev/cdrom0,  -- find out with mount19:16
unopmmm4m5m, bg is a bash keyword -- you need 'help bg' not 'man bg'19:17
mmm4m5munop: thank you very much, all the best19:17
alyxanderhey room19:17
luxi got like 3 restart when i hit CTRL+ALT+F219:17
azukiunop: scd019:17
patrick__hischild okay i have them installed, then it says "linux: cd to the main AssaultCube directory and execute Assaultcube.sh" what does this mean?19:17
azukiunop: should I use that?19:17
unopazuki, then you need this -- dd if=/dev/scd0 of= .... :)19:18
alyxanderis there default support for 4 gigs of ram in 7.1019:18
archangelpetroanyone here havbe an NVIDIA 8400 GS?19:18
hischildpatrick__: open up a terminal, then type  ==> cd <directory of the game> <=== and then type ==> ./Assaultcube.sh <===19:18
azukiunop: seems to work now..19:18
azukiunop: thank!19:18
kaminixHow do I tell grep or some other text program to only show me character x to character y?19:18
unopkaminix, you want to match characters in the alphabet x-y ... or positions x-y ?19:19
patrick__hischild, sorry for being a noob, how do i know the directory?19:19
archangelpetropatrick__, pwd?19:20
hischildarchangelpetro: no19:20
kaminixunop: Position x-y19:20
hischildpatrick__: the directory you extracted it to.19:20
eth01ls -s19:20
patrick__hischild i just extracted to my desktop is all19:20
unopkaminix, you need to use cut for that19:20
hischildpatrick__: then it's probably in ~/Desktop/<name of how it's extracted>19:20
unopkaminix,  command | cut -c $X-$Y19:21
hischildyou can see that name on the Desktop19:21
kaminixunop: Thanks :)19:21
nonix4lux: weird... it didn't display "login:" ? Did you try alt-f7 after that?19:21
suicidepillsCan someone tell me where FireFox is installed by default on Ubuntu?19:22
hischildsuicidepills: whereis firefox19:22
blah569Does anyone know of a "guide" to get Ubuntu working with the wireless card "RTL8186?"19:22
luxnonix4  it did...i entered my log in name and then it wanted password and crashed...made 3 restart :D lol19:22
suicidepillshischild: in terminal?19:22
patrick__hischild it says "bash: cd: /home/patrick/desktop/assaultcube: no such file or directory19:22
hischildsuicidepills: yes19:22
hischildpatrick__: remember: linux is case sensitive. Desktop isn't desktop19:22
patrick__hischild so type it exactly as i see it?19:23
hischildpatrick__: yes.19:23
bod_patrick__, is assaultcube a folder?19:23
hischildbod_: yes19:23
patrick__bod_ yes19:23
bod_kk just checking ;~)19:23
nonix4lux: crashed exactly when? That sounds like possibly broken hardware... have you ran the memtest option from the cd?19:23
blah569Does anyone know of a "guide" to get Ubuntu working with the wireless card "RTL8186?"19:23
YosemiteSamwhats a good AV ?19:23
hischild!wireless | blah56919:23
ubotublah569: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:23
bod_blah569, google is your friend19:23
patrick__hischild same error19:24
hischildYosemiteSam: don't use one as there's no need for one ... or is there a reason for it?19:24
JustJadenDoes anyone know how to quit an edit window in terminal without saving?19:24
hischildpatrick__: then go dir by dir ...19:24
bod_YosemiteSam, AV=antivirus?19:24
blah569Okay, thanks.19:24
YosemiteSamyes antivirus19:24
hischildpatrick__: type ~/Desktop19:24
hischildpatrick__: cd ~/Desktop19:24
bod_YosemiteSam, u dont need one19:24
luxnonix4 ...okei :D sry ... it didnt let me write password so i pressed ( CTRL+alt+del it didnt work then esc,then Windows button and then it crashed :D19:25
bod_YosemiteSam, there are minimal to no viru's in linux,.,. only a firewall is recomended i believe19:25
Kleserrr, what was the apt-get command for getting packages?19:25
YosemiteSamhow do i partition my hard drive ?19:25
bod_!gparted | YosemiteSam19:25
ubotuYosemiteSam: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/19:25
hischildYosemiteSam: are you installing it now?19:25
patrick__hischild okay i got it to cd or whatever19:25
=== omar_ is now known as slylock
hischildpatrick__: ok19:26
slylockhi guys19:26
slylocki wanted some help with latex19:26
patrick__hischild so how do i execute AssaultCube.sh19:26
slylocki donno if this is the right place to ask19:26
bod_patrick__, take the time to read through this site when you have a chance,. it will help you alot with shell things -- http://www.linuxcommand.org/19:26
patrick__bod_ saved that site, ill take a look later19:27
kevin___how can i have a icon on my GNOME desktop which opens runescape.com in firefox with no navigation toolbar or status bar19:27
hischildpatrick__: execute this command for me ... it'll give you a lot of output and end with giving you a link. Can you provide that link?   ==> sudo aptitude install pastebinit && ls ~/Desktop/ | pastebinit19:27
bod_patrick__, cool,. ;~)19:27
Klesokay um19:27
Kleshow do I install "Xlib"19:27
Klesor stuff that can be used to manage it19:27
bod_Kles, sudo apt-get install Xlib    probably19:27
YosemiteSami have an 80gig hard drive, how big should i make root ?19:27
hischildYosemiteSam: i use 20 for root, 5 for swap and the rest on home ...19:28
=== playya__ is now known as playya
patrick__hischild http://paste.stgraber.org/216019:28
unopKles, sudo aptitude install xlibs-static-dev xlibs-data19:28
luxnonix4 omg......i watched video from youtube again...and it closed all windows19:28
=== moralesfelipe is now known as FelipeMorales
luxnonix4 i have nothing to do in pc atm if i dont get help19:29
unopKles, you could also install libx11-dev19:29
hischildpatrick__: then type this ==> cd ~/Desktop/AssaultCube/ && ./AssaultCube.sh19:29
bod_lux, have u checked for an error log in /home/lux/19:29
luxbod_ no i havent19:29
bod_lux, might be a good idea19:30
nonix4lux: what is the ulimit set to now? (ulimit -v; ulimit -m)19:30
bod_guys does anyone know anything about this error from dmesg -- [   25.178400] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found.19:31
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patrick__hischild it put out "bash: ./AssaultCube.sh: No such file or directory"19:31
luxnonix4 i dont know....19:31
=== Murderers_Appren is now known as Murdaraz_Apprent
patrick__hischild my terminal looks like this tho "patrick@Presario:~/Desktop/AssaultCube$"19:32
luxnonix4 unlimited19:32
bod_patrick__, whats your output if you type this command       ls -lah           ??19:32
=== Murdaraz_Apprent is now known as Free-jack
patrick__bod_ a bunch of crap about assaultcube19:33
Klesthis program still won't make19:33
bod_patrick can u pastebin the bunch of crap please19:33
bod_patrick__,  ^^19:33
nonix4lux: hmm... how did it crash when you logged on alt-f2?19:33
patrick__bod_ i forgot how pastebin works19:33
sharkpwith fglrx I've a low frame rate19:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:33
sharkpalso eith normal applications19:33
hischildpatrick__: hmm ... try it with bod_ ... i've got a visitor (sorry)19:33
bod_patrick__, copy and paste the output to that site19:33
Klescommon/in_x11.c:28:36: error: X11/extensions/xf86dga.h: No such file or directory19:33
suicidepillsIs there a hotkey to open a terminal window?19:33
nonix4(ctrl-alt-f2 that is)19:33
theunixgeekWhat's a simple graphical webpage designer?19:33
theunixgeeksuicidepills: ctrl+shift+n19:34
=== william__ is now known as nonewmsgs
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wysiwyg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:34
suicidepillstheunixgeek: thanks man19:34
theunixgeeksuicidepills: welcome19:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:34
theunixgeeksuicidepills: you can also have tabs19:34
theunixgeeksuicidepills: ctrl+shift+t19:34
bod_patrick__, go to the website  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org    then copy and paste the output of the   ls -lah command19:34
luxnonix4 u asked me to check is  CTRL +Alt+F2 working and then i got rr when i tryed to log in from there it didnt let so i tryed many buttons and it made rr19:35
patrick__bod_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61657/19:35
suicidepillstheunixgeek:  is there a hotkey to open a new terminal even if one isn't already open?19:35
theunixgeeksuicidepills: you could make your own19:35
theunixgeeksuicidepills: system>prefs>keyboard shortcuts19:35
KlesI don't understand why it's saying "no such file or directory" for xf86dga19:35
theunixgeeksuicidepills: actually, forget that19:36
Kleswhen I try to install "xf86dga" it says it's already the latest version19:36
theunixgeekKles: so it's already installed19:36
Klesyeah, but building this program says that the file is not found19:36
bod_patrick__, type this        ./assaultcube.sh19:37
suicidepillstheunixgeek: is there no way then?19:37
theunixgeeksuicidepills: google19:37
Klesoh cool all my folders just crashed and now it's jammed19:37
bod_suicidepills, u can easily set a terminal hot key in compiz ccsm19:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:37
bod_patrick__, why do u keep doing that?19:37
b4l74z4rhave anyone had any luck getting x-fi to work in hardy heron beta?19:37
patrick__i lost the link19:37
suicidepillsbod_: I'm not running compiz.  Too slow on my machine19:38
bod_patrick__, next time u lose the link type      /msg ubotu !paste19:38
patrick__bod_ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61659/19:38
keithI need help installing a new driver for a webcam. Am I in the right place?19:38
bod_suicidepills, yes you are (unless u manually uninstalled it) ur just not using it19:38
luxnonix4 i think i have to install windows..... ubuntu crash  :/19:38
suicidepillsbod_: yeah, I uninstalled it.  It was doing some screwy things with FireFox because of my card19:39
patrick__bod_ afk man ill bbs19:39
jpw27_is there any 'good' way to migrate from one hard drive to another, or should i just copy the files over19:39
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suicidepillsbod_: The ATI drivers for linux currently blow so I had to give up sweet 3D effects or web browsing :)19:39
bod_suicidepills, ok you can set hotkeys in       System-->Preferences-->Keyboard shortcuts19:40
KlesI don't get this stuff19:40
Smuuv irc.dslextreme.com19:40
bod_patrick__, try     sudo apt get install libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 && ./assaultcube.sh19:40
suicidepillsbod_: Is there a way to make shortcuts that aren't on the list?19:40
bod_suicidepills, what do you mean?19:40
suicidepillsbod_: what if I wanted to make ctrl-alt-del bring up the system monitor?19:41
luxi got problem with ubuntu, could anyone help me or i have to use windows like i have done it for 5years :/ ?19:41
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KlesCan anyone make sense of this?19:41
bod_suicidepills, well, u would remove the hotkey from the shutdown thing (which is what ctrl+alt+del   does atm) then reassign it to the system monitor19:42
nonix4lux: well... try this if ctrl-alt-f2 doesn't work as it should: sudo openvt -s su - yourusernamehere19:42
bod_lux, how does windows fix ubuntu when it cant even read the file system19:42
nonix4lux: and as usual, alt-f7 after that19:42
destructarhi all: just installed restricted drivers for nvidia on ubuntu 7.10 and restarted... go to restricted drivers panel and says driver is "not in use"... go to screen and graphics and sure enough: vesa generic is in use19:42
destructarwhen I change this to nvidia and restart, changes don't take effect19:43
suicidepillsbod_: but there's no slot for opening the system mon19:43
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:43
bod_suicidepills, ok gimme a second to have a look19:43
luxnonix4 it dont let me to write my pw :S19:43
theunixgeekI wish I were part of the netsplit :(19:43
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
theunixgeekI like being netsplit19:43
theunixgeekit's so much fun19:43
destructar*sigh*... ok posting it again thanks to that:19:43
destructarhi all: just installed restricted drivers for nvidia on ubuntu 7.10 and restarted... go to restricted drivers panel and says driver is "not in use"... go to screen and graphics and sure enough: vesa generic is in use19:43
Seveastheunixgeek, you are part of it :)19:44
theunixgeekSeveas: well, of the smaller group19:44
luxnonix4 that command need PASSWORD but it dont let me write it :S:S ?19:44
Armada651the .purple directory of pidgin isn't functioning, but I can't remove it19:44
destructarso when i switch to nvidia via screen and graphics it won't save after restart19:44
destructarinstead it's putting me in low graphics mode because it can't detect that I'm running on a 1080p tv for whatever reason, most likely because of the vesa driver19:44
destructarso any help on this would be cool19:44
keithHello, I need help installing the driver ov51x-jpeg.19:45
luxnonix4 ill go take some food...u figure out why it dont let me write password19:45
Armada651destructar, type in the terminal gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:45
Armada651now look for Driver          "nv"19:45
Teo-when i hit ctrl + alt + F2 ... can i get back in to my ubuntu ??19:45
Armada651change nv to nvidia19:45
Armada651and restart19:46
Armada651then it should function19:46
hischildTeo-: hit ctrl + alt + f719:46
bod_suicidepills, ok its not anywhere in any list i can find,.,. but there might be a conf file that stores all hotkeys,.,. i presume a hotkey just runs a terminal command so if u find the conf file it shouldnt be hard to put the sys monitor in it,.,.19:46
destructararmada651: already have "nvidia" as driver19:46
jpw27_is there any 'good' way to migrate from one hard drive to another19:46
destructarin same section "Device" however, it shows "vesa" as the boardname19:47
suicidepillsbod_: alright, thanks man19:47
bod_jpw27_, i believe there is a harddisk image burner program which can exactly duplicate one disk to another19:47
destructarin the secod device section it does the same thing (i have 2 device sections for some reason)19:47
JohnMMbod_, dd19:47
bod_suicidepills, if you find the conf file,.,. can you pm me with its location19:47
Armada651did you already try to find your anwser here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual19:47
jpw27_bod_: thanks, i'll head for google19:47
bod_JohnMM, dd??19:47
suicidepillsbod_: for sure19:47
bod_jpw27_, yw ;~)19:47
saHello everyone19:47
bod_;~) ty19:47
JohnMMbod_, yep, type man dd in terminal for more info19:48
bod_!hi | sa19:48
ubotusa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:48
sai have a question19:48
bod_JohnMM, oh cheers19:48
destructarArmada651: trying to load that page now... lagging19:48
Kleshttp://pastebin.com/m773e56da Does anyone have any clue how to fix errors like these?19:48
bod_jpw27_, in terminal type    man dd     for info in the disk image thin19:48
sain openoffice, when I write a document I can fit less lines per page than in a microsoft word document19:48
Seveassa, use a smaller font or adjust your margins19:49
schultzaI cant get mythbuntu to work.19:49
saSeveas: margins are the same19:49
sulemahello loves19:49
destructarArmada651: can't load that page for some reason... so anyway, i guess the answer to your question is no19:49
Seveassa, must be the font then (or line spacing)19:49
saSeveas: everything is the same but only less lines fit per page19:49
bod_Kles, i would run make with sudo  or create the missing directory/file19:49
nonix4lux: umm, it just doesn't echo it... you wrote it & pressed the enter key?19:50
saSeveas: line spaceing is 1 in both documents...font is the same (times new roman)19:50
Seveassa, paper size the same?19:50
bod_sa, font size? page size in mm?19:50
saSeveas: yes, A4 on both, everything is the same19:50
schultzawhats the channel for mythbuntu?19:50
destructarArmada651: so i think my boardname is wrong... i was initially using a vesa driver... what should my boardname be set to for nvidia driver?19:51
Klessudo make doesn't make a difference, and I think the missing file is something I need to build19:51
Seveasschultza, #mythbuntu19:51
sabod_: everything is exactly the same19:51
bod_sa, it may be that line spacing 1 in ms is 2 mm while line spacing 1 in OO is 3mm19:51
Klesso I don't get it :x19:51
sabod_: how do I change the line spacing?19:51
Armada651destructar, I think the boardname doesn't rly matter it functions fine without it19:51
luxnonix why do i have to press enter if it dont let me write any letter to pw window??????19:51
bod_sa, probably a question for the #OO boys19:52
sabod_: thank you19:52
AtomicSparkis there anyway to display a wine application on a terminal only machine? maybe export it to a tty or vnc-server? i see these options "-monitor dev" and "-vnc display" but not sure what they do. any thoughts?19:52
destructari see... ok so driver is set correctly i already i guess... not sure why i can't get this thing to stay on nvidia driver via Screen and Graphics19:52
saSeveas: thans for your help!19:52
bod_sa, the channel is actually    #Openoffice.org19:52
sabod_: thank you bod!19:52
Armada651the pidgin .purple directory isn't functioning, how can I remove it?19:53
destructarok i gotta go... bbl maybe19:53
shishirmki am using cron for the first time i want cron to run a script file every minute which is /root/try.sh please tell me the crontab entry and where it should be made and how using what command19:53
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:53
Armada651already go it19:53
OasysI have a noob question, what programing language would I have to learn to edit the ubuntu code?19:54
AdysOasys: c/c++, mostly19:54
dxdtOasys: well, lots.  It is more than just one language, I would say look into Python + GTK and Mono + GTK19:54
simplexioOasys: define ubuntu code ?19:54
Kleswell, is there any way I could update the synaptic package manager to include certain things?19:55
Oasyssimplexio: the operating system19:55
mad_max02he wants to hack ubuntu code and find Morfius19:55
mad_max02hes the new NEO19:55
brianI am neo19:55
kplaxmasterOasys: Ubuntu is just a compilation of C/C++/C# code. Ubuntu then adds mostly shell programming like python to add extra features and more accessible.19:55
dxdtOasys: still unclear lol.  Your desktop apps can be written in Python, Mono, etc.  While the kernel is written in C.  Deskbar is written in mono for example.  So is F-Spot  ( I think)19:56
Oasyskplaxmaster: Thanks.19:56
simplexioOasys: there is no ubuntu operating system, there is ubuntu the linux distro19:56
Seveaskplaxmaster, that's quite a bit of nonsense there19:56
LjLuhm, which  *is* an operating system19:56
kplaxmasterSeveas: how so??19:56
simplexiothat is intresting question LjL19:56
luxnonix4 okei i try ctrl,alt,f2 again and then f7 ?19:57
brianOS is a kernel and programs19:57
Seveaskplaxmaster, because there's not a single thing true about that statement19:57
brianUbuntu is the desktop programs19:57
briankernel is linux19:57
LjLsimplexio: the definition off operating system has been argued long and large, but at least in an informal setting, it's definitely fine to call ubuntu an OS19:57
Seveasdxdt, mono is a vm, not a language, deskbar is written in C#19:57
DRebellionkernel=linux, os=gnu19:57
schultzaAlso my nxclient keeps timing out.19:57
schultzaEspecially, when I leave the window.19:57
kplaxmasterSeveas: Ubuntu doesn't make its own programs besides shell programming and maybe Ubufox which again, is a simple plugin lol. they don't create 99% of the applications, they just configure them to work well19:57
simplexioLjL: no19:57
brianIs it not a good idea to just jump into learning c?19:58
Seveaskplaxmaster, again nonsense :)19:58
OasysI mean what language would I need to learn to add on the Ubuntu for personal use?19:58
dxdtSeveas: I suppose, that is a better way of putting it, but it is slightly different C# as it isn't truly C# yet so I tend to label it by the VM's name, though I see your point19:58
DRebellionbrian, that's what i did. its great.19:58
devendra_1Hi, I would like to know if there is setting for gnome-panel which prevents the resizing of the applications tasklets19:58
SeveasDRebellion, os=ubuntu is more appropriate, ubuntu has much more software than gnu19:58
LjLok, let's jusst asy thi sis19:58
unop_brian, if i take the linux kernel modify it so its different from the vanilla kernel, put some program ontop of it and release the product named "ubuntu" .. is ubuntu the operating system or is it just a name? :)19:58
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:58
Tootbatothow to remote control a computer with gui support?19:58
kplaxmasterSeveas: is it nonsense?? where did network manager come from lol19:58
DRebellionTootbatot, vnc?19:58
toptyghi all19:58
devendra_1for eg. if the title of web page changes, then the entire apps shift.19:58
Seveasdxdt, C# isn't the only language suitable for mono ;)19:58
schultzabrian, with any programming language, you will have to sit down and learn it.19:58
TootbatotDRebellion what?19:59
ubotuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.19:59
Seveassorry ompaul/LjL19:59
cM0ssCan anyone give any suggestions on how to get Ubuntu to boot and run on an Abit IP35 (ICHR-9) chipset motherboard. This has been an issue since they were released. Other distros will boot and run but not Ubuntu.19:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noise - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:59
cM0ssCan anyone give any suggestions on how to get Ubuntu to boot and run on an Abit IP35 (ICHR-9) chipset motherboard. This has been an issue since they were released. Other distros will boot and run but not Ubuntu.19:59
brian__schultza,  how you make the text red directed towards me?19:59
DRebellion!traffic | ompaul20:00
eaxHello everyone :) Does anyone know how to make Conky load ten seconds after I log in?20:00
ubotuompaul: NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!20:00
TootbatotDRebellion what?20:00
toptyghow I can to post some parameters to script?20:00
toptygecho $2 | pw useradd $1 -h 0  --work fine ? but..20:00
DRebellionTootbatot, enable remote desktop (system -> prefs -> remote desktop) and use a vnc client to connect20:00
amenadotoptyg->   you have to pass it on to the script20:00
schultzabrian, its a function of your IRC chat program20:00
eaxHello everyone :) Does anyone know how to make Conky load ten seconds after I log in?20:00
amenadotoptyg-> like for example  myscript parm1 parm220:01
schultzabrian, Anything with your name on it, will be highlighted.20:01
brian__schultza, What age were you when you leanred c?20:01
DRebellionbrian__, most irc clients will highlight messages that include your nickname20:01
TootbatotDRebellion what is vnc?20:01
AdysWhat's the difference between bzip and gzip? as in, when should i use one or the other20:01
DRebellion!vnc | Tootbatot20:01
ubotuTootbatot: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:01
Oasyswiki.ubuntu.com isn't loading for me, Is it just me?20:01
toptygpassword do not need , dut when I try o use like this for another script it does not work20:01
schultza:) I jumped over C and into C++ at the age of 1420:01
unop_eax, run a script that has this for code -- sleep 10 && exec conky20:01
brian__DRebellion, o ok thanks20:01
TootbatotDRebellion i thought i would have to do it with ssh?20:01
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:01
hexonHello. I have a problem with my Nvidia geforce go 7300 card. I tried to update my driver via Envy, but i got an error, so I uninstalled the nvidia_glx drivers that I was using and tried again and go the same error. I reinstalled my old drivers and restarted and got a lot of errors about xserver and it booted in low graphics mode with restricted drivers disabled. I can't get them to reinable so i can use desktop effects anymore!! help please20:01
schultzabrian, Virtual functions gave me a headache20:01
brian__schultza, Wow I am 17 and know neither20:02
DRebellionTootbatot, depends if you want the full desktop and the ability to connect to an existing login20:02
Seveashexon, you used envy. You start from scratch20:02
ismaeli have a problem with the dependencies20:02
Serveckwhy cant ubuntu handle multiple audio channels? i have to shut down mp3 player to hear sounds in other programs20:02
nj786_hey guys i am trying to watch NCAA MARCH MADNESS ON DEMAND but it is not working can anybody help please?20:02
schultzabrian, start with C. Learn the standard (ANSI) version first.20:02
hexonSeveas: I noticed. How can I fix it?20:02
Seveashexon, by starting from scratch. We do not support envy20:02
LjLOasys: not just you20:02
Serveckwhy cant ubuntu handle multiple audio channels? i have to shut down mp3 player to hear sounds in other programs20:02
TootbatotDRebellion i want all options20:02
schultzabrian, then expand your knowlege. The reason for C is that everything on linux is mostly created with C.20:02
eaxCan anyone tell me how to make Conky load 10 seconds after I start my computer?20:02
brian__schultza, There is another version than standard ansi?20:02
nj786_hey guys i am trying to watch NCAA MARCH MADNESS ON DEMAND but it is not working can anybody help please?20:03
hexonSeveas: what do you mean start from scratch?20:03
_AndrewServeck, What do you mean exactly it works fine for me20:03
Seveasschultza, that might have been true once, but no longer is20:03
toptygecho $1 | geli init -P -s 4096 -K-  -e Blowfish -a hmac/sha256 -l 256 /dev/md020:03
TootbatotDRebellion where can i find the ways. and compare all available ways?20:03
Seveashexon, reinstall or at least reconfigure X20:03
toptygdoes not work20:03
brian__schultza, C books are less and less common but I do not see how one would learn c++ without c20:03
nj786_hey guys i am trying to watch NCAA MARCH MADNESS ON DEMAND but it is not working can anybody help please?20:03
Onetbhaving a weird screen resolution issue.  I'll explain if someone has time to help me20:03
KalEllearning c++ is much easier, imho20:03
luxnonix4 u said something about ctrl +alt+f2 and then f7 ??  f7 didnt work20:04
nj786_there is something wrong with the flash player online or something else20:04
hexonSeveas: I did reconfigure X, and I'm currently in a good resolution, but if i enable desktop effects again and restart, it gives me an error message20:04
treyyou know how in ctrl-alt-delete in windows... so is there a keyboard shortcut to system monitor in linux?20:04
DRebellionTootbatot, you have two main options: 1) vnc: slower, full desktop, ability to connect to existing session. 2) ssh -X (x-forwarding) faster, must have xserver running on client computer, more tricky to forward entire desktop, better suited for forwarding individual applications.20:04
nj786_can anybody help please?20:04
amenadotoptyg-> put that line in a file with first line being  #!/bin/bash20:04
DRebellion!ask | nj786_20:04
ubotunj786_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:04
brian__schultza, What is the best C book or reference for a 100% beginner20:04
Some_PersonHow can I quickly run my screensaver with the click of a button?20:05
toptygHow I can put parameters for script&20:05
nj786DRebellion: can you help?20:05
DRebellionnj786, you have yet to ask a question.20:05
unop_brian__, the K&R cook20:05
amenado!who | toptyg20:05
ubotutoptyg: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:05
damian-homeanyone know how to get a ZTE622 modem working?20:05
brian__unop, I have heard the K$R book is quite advance, I have no programming experience.20:05
nj786DRebellion: well the question is i am trying to watch NCAA MARCH MADNESS online and the streamer or something is not working and its not playing20:05
OnetbI have tried in the past.  I have never gotten an answer.  Here goes.  I just installed ubuntu on an old desktop and I have it hooked up to an HD monitor.  Only VGA video on the desktop, so I know res will suck, but the screen is push all over to one side (i cannot see part of the applications menu) and the is a flashing bar on the right side20:06
brian__unop, is K&R the same as the ANSI standard?20:06
Seveasbrian__, no20:06
Serveckwhy cant ubuntu handle multiple audio channels? i have to shut down mp3 player to hear sounds in other programs20:06
damian-homenj786: Ubuntu for Non-geeks is good20:06
brian__Serveck, why more than one sound?20:06
TootbatotDRebellion by client you mean the pc which is controled?   and i want the ability to connect to the pc from any os. linux or windows.20:06
SeveasServeck, long live ubuntu 8.04 where pulseaudio is enabled and does what you want20:06
Baskervillemy gnome panel just stopped autohiding, what could be wromng with it?20:07
schultzaSomeone provided me a free C book recently. You can either look for one or ask around.20:07
TootbatotDRebellion with full acces control20:07
nj786damian-home: pardon/20:07
brian__OK gotta go20:07
Serveckooh, so i have to wait for the new release?20:07
unop_brian__, there is an ANSI version to the K&R book, i dont think it is advanced but yea, you might like to have an accompaniment to it -- C for dummies is a good one20:07
schultzaIt was over discussing kernel development.20:07
TootbatotDRebellion is there a place i can get more details?20:07
toptygamenado: do you know how to write script and put some parametrs for it? :)20:07
SeveasServeck, you could try the beta version20:07
brian__schultza, what book?20:07
simplexiotoptyg: depends scrip language,20:07
Seveas!hardy | Serveck20:07
ubotuServeck: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu20:07
DRebellionTootbatot, you want to go for vnc then20:07
schultzaId have to find the CD i put it on. Hold on.20:07
amenadotoptyg yes20:07
brian__ok thanks20:07
brian__i got to go guys20:08
Baskervillemy gnome panel just stopped autohiding, what could be wromng with it?20:08
brian__thanks for your help20:08
TootbatotDRebellion ssh x will not allow winxp to control?20:08
visik7Baskerville: mine too20:08
OnetbI just installed ubuntu on an old desktop and I have it hooked up to an HD monitor.  Only VGA video on the desktop, so I know res will suck, but the screen is push all over to one side (i cannot see part of the applications menu) and the is a flashing bar on the right side20:08
ServeckE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:08
ServeckE: _cache->open() failed, please report.20:08
Serveckthis is odd20:08
schultzadid you run that command?20:08
eaxMorning lads :) Can anyone help me write a shellscript that starts Conky after 10 seconds? (after I login that is)20:08
SeveasServeck, run this in a terminal: sudo dpkg --configure -a20:08
vedanthey i'm trying to install cinelerra on livecd20:09
SpookyETHow do you use crons that require ssh on laptops that are always shutdown? keychain still requires a onetime password20:09
vedantbut it keeps throwing dependency errors20:09
unop_eax, I already said before - run a script that has this for code -- sleep 10 && exec conky20:09
Serveckok thanks20:09
Baskervillevisik7, great, did you get itb working again?20:09
Seveassleep 10 && conky20:09
eaxSeveas: Sorry, didn't see :) Thanks a lot :)20:09
visik7Baskerville: to be honest yes right now :)20:09
toptygamenado: and how? :) why it work for one script and does not work fo second?20:09
Baskervillevisik7,  how?20:09
nj786drebellion: you there?20:09
visik7dunno :(20:09
=== iositd is now known as hischild
amenadotoptyg-> paste in pastebin your 1st script20:09
simplexiotoptyg: script need support arguments20:09
nj786can anybody help me20:10
brianHey I'm back20:10
simplexiotoptyg: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/20:10
Rageonhey guys, im using compiz... and for some reason console comes up as a white window for me any help???20:10
eaxSeveas: I wrote it in a conky file, what do I save it as? And I'm supposed to CHMOD -x it right?20:10
brianHow do you even use compiz?20:10
TaRDydoes anybody know of a command to get the current song playing in amarok from the command line?20:11
RageonSystem > Prefs > Apperance <<< brian20:11
=== schillyh is now known as schilly
ragnardanneskjolhey. i just reinstalled gutsy on my laptop (PIII M / i830m chipset) and my color depth seems a bit low. I checked my xorg.conf, and it's set to 24, but gradients and stuff still look like they're being rendered in a lower depth20:11
azukiunop_: prolly not there huh?20:12
Rageonscary no ops are on :O20:12
ragnardanneskjolany ideas?20:12
unop_eax, you can save it as anything you like, and chmod +x it (not -x) .. and then use the gnome session properties to add it as a startup script20:12
simplexioeax: example, save it to /bin/conky.sh, chmod u+rx /bin/conky.sh20:12
unop_azuki, i'm here20:12
TootbatotDRebellion thanks!20:12
eaxUnop_ Thanks a lot :D20:12
ompaulRageon, don't know about that20:12
OnetbI just installed ubuntu on an old desktop and I have it hooked up to an HD monitor.  Only VGA video on the desktop, so I know res will suck, but the screen is push all over to one side (i cannot see part of the applications menu) and the is a flashing bar on the right side20:12
luxis here someone who really know everything about linux ubuntu? if yes then contack me pls =) thank you20:12
SeveasRageon, ?20:12
toptygsimplexio: thanks for link.. I have write script fo create users :) with parameters password --  echo $2 | pw useradd $1 -h 0 -s /bin/nologin; it work fine20:12
Rageonsup Seveas ?20:12
azukiunop_: I am still working on that virtual box ... it works ... I am trying to make a dos-boot.. yet, when I boot into dos,  I cannot get the assigned diskspace to work.. can't format it... I CAN FDISK it... but no format.. I made the disk-space file on a fat32 drive20:13
Rageonim using compiz and my console window comes up as a white box.. any help?20:13
user___hi user_20:13
azukiunop_: any ideas on how to get a drive working?20:13
schultzaman. how do i add mysqld to automatically startup/shutdown when it needs to?20:13
amenadotoptyg-> paste in pastebin your 1st script   <-- you have not done this yet?20:13
user___@seen user_20:13
=== schilly is now known as schillyh
unop_azuki, i have no idea about virtual box sorry :|20:14
ompaul!user | offtopic20:14
ubotuofftopic: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo20:14
alyxanderim thinking of going 64 bit to get full use of my quad core q6600 and 4 gigs of ram i need to know if anyone else is running it with thunderbird and what limitations or missing applications there are20:14
azukiunop_: oh right. :)..20:14
azukiunop_: I asked you about DD :)20:14
dragonphyreI have an xbox controller that is not in the xpad driver. It is a generic Mad Catz wireless controller. I tested it on a Windows machine, and it works. So it should be a drop-in in the xpad.c file which I have. My question: How do I compile the xpad.c file I have into xpad.ko and then get it into the Kernel?20:14
simplexiotoptyg: something like, make_user.sh || #!/bin/bash || adduser $1 -p $2 , then use it like make_user foo bar20:14
unop_azuki, perhaps someone else knows about it20:14
=== schillyh is now known as schilly
mad_max02alyxander, there are no limitations and missing apps. go for it20:15
unop_simplexio, -p requires a crypted password -- it cant be plaintext20:15
alyxandermad_max02: thank you! so all the packages have been ported20:15
nj786can anybody help me get an online streamer to work?20:15
lnxnwbeHello , i would like to get the flash restricted addons for my ubuntu what package do i search for in add remove or package manager?20:15
azukiany virtual-box specialists around ? :)20:15
Rageonwhere are the default image backgrounds for ubuntu stored please20:15
luxLinux ubuntu crashed!!!!! this channel made for help ??? so i need help ! thank you20:16
mad_max02alyxander, basically yes. if there is something missing you can always use source. I didnt find any app thou :D20:16
ragnardanneskjollnxnwbe: i believe that ubuntu-restricted-extras has a flash plugin20:16
alyxanderazuki: not virtual box but VMware20:16
Seveaslux, you might get more help if you actually asked a question20:16
toptygsimplexio: but when i try to use like this for encription.. it does not work :) echo pass | geli init -P -s 4096 -K my.key  -e Blowfish -a hmac/sha256 -l 256 /dev/md0 does not work :(20:16
azukialyxander: I need to know specificly how to format a drive IN virtual box, it doesn't work.. I can FDISK it, but format doesn't work on a fat3220:16
spantherhi there :D i got an error message when i tried to watch tv with Kaffeine (dvb-t) its hauppauge nova-t pci and works well under linux but yeah i saw the message "no plugin found to handle this resource (/home/sven/.kaxtv.ts) its mpeg2 stream i think what to do now? w32codecs installation didnt help20:16
TaRDyazuki, you might have better luck on #vbox (i believe thats the right one)20:16
ragnardanneskjollnxnwbe: you could also install automatix from www.getautomatix.com. there are direct downloads for .deb files, or if you prefer, instructions for adding it to synaptic20:17
user___does somebody know how it's possible to still nickname on irc?20:17
alyxandermad_max02: thanks i have a new system coming and it will be here on Wednesday im excited and want to get full capability out of it.20:17
ere4sinj786: you will need the win32 codecs from medibuntu for that20:17
Seveastoptyg, most things reading a password read it from /dev/ttyX, not from stdin...20:17
mad_max02alyxander, then go x64. maybe wait for hardy ??20:17
azukiTaRDy: thanks!.. thats the one!20:17
ere4si!medibuntu | nj78620:17
ubotunj786: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:17
simplexiotoptyg: well, check /usr/sbin/adduser how its done20:17
alyxandermad_max02: im going to try hardy when it comes out in what 24 days?20:18
user___HELLO. does somebody know how it's possible to still nickname on irc?20:18
luxSeveas some kind a problem with memory i think...i started using linux ubuntu yesterday ...i watched video on youtube and pc crashed(got stuck) i made reboot and desktop was messed up ,all files,programs are out of desktop and mozilla close it self :S everything is messed up20:18
Seveasuser___, no, you can't steal a nickname.20:18
user___one guy on this channel has my nickname20:18
mad_max02alyxander, something like it. I run x64 gutsy for some time now and I never will go with 32bit.20:18
user___   //who user_20:19
toptygeh script for creating user work fine :) I try to use it as samle for creating encript disk :)20:19
Seveasuser___, he was first. first come, first serve20:19
brianAnyone know any other good books to learn C?20:19
simplexiouser___: freenode has registration for usernames20:19
ServeckThe Composite extension is not available when i go to turn on visual effects20:19
user___Seveas, this nickname was registered. i don't understand you20:19
ServeckThe Composite extension is not available when i go to turn on visual effects20:19
alyxandermad_max02: i had a bad experience earlier in the year with 64bit not having an application i wanted as a deb but im not sure which. does amarok work? i thought it was that20:19
Fade_To_Blackanyone has experience with grub2?20:19
ServeckThe Composite extension is not available when i go to turn on visual effects20:20
Seveasuser___, if you registerd the nick 'user_' you can kill it off, /msg nickserv help kill20:20
kestirHi, when I right click in nautilus on an audio file, there are two entries for "Open with xmms".  Where can I edit this?20:20
luxNeed help someone-some kind a problem with memory i think...i started using linux ubuntu yesterday ...i watched video on youtube and pc crashed(got stuck) i made reboot and desktop was messed up ,all files,programs are out of desktop and mozilla close it self :S everything is messed up20:20
mad_max02alyxander, I run it atm :D works like a charm. sometimes you need to look a bit to find x64 deb but theres almost everything available20:20
hischildwhat was the p2p download program which looks like emule?20:21
alyxandermad_max02: in the repos or like at get deb?20:21
dragonphyrehischild: amule20:21
fismoll8hey guys, will the new ubuntu update that is coming out override all the desktop configurations and program configurations I currently have on my gutsy box?20:21
ServeckThe Composite extension is not available when i go to turn on visual effects20:21
nonix4lux: run the memory checker on the cd to see if your ram is faulty - it will take a while so you may prefer to do that before going to sleep... oh, speaking of which, I'll be going to sleep :)20:21
toptygSeveas: How I can another  past  params for script ? only echo $1 |  geli ....20:21
Seveasfismoll8, only if you reinstall, not if you update20:21
hischilddragonphyre, no. I need the one that comes on the repo's by default ... it looks  abit like it, yet it's different20:22
mad_max02alyxander, theres lots in repos but I use homepages of programs if its not in the repo. also look at the forum ubuntuforum20:22
Baskervilleaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is driving me mad, why won't the gnome panel autohide? have any of you got this before? how can i find out what's wrong?20:22
fismoll8thanks Seveas20:22
schultzaOk. How do I configure the middle mouse button in konq to load the page in a new tab?20:22
alyxandermad_max02: thanks man20:22
Stroganoffis there a way to override the display of the "msttcorefonts uses defoma" message?20:22
nj786ere4si: its a simple free on demand site that is allowing viewers to watch a basketball game, i mean there has to be a plugin of some sort to make it work instead of using mediabuntu20:22
mad_max02alyxander, no problemo. :D20:22
suicidepillsdoes anyone know how to get ntfs-g3 working with rtorrent?20:22
Fade_To_Blackdoes anybody know where I can get a manual for grub2 ?20:23
luxnonix4 cd is not mine :D20:23
kestirHi, when I right click in nautilus on an audio file, there are two entries for "Open with xmms".  Where can I edit this?20:23
Arky44hello all20:23
Seveassuicidepills, ntfs-3g and rtorrent are completely separat things...20:23
dragonphyreI have an xbox controller that is not in the xpad driver. It is a generic Mad Catz wireless controller. I tested it on a Windows machine, and it works. So all I should have to do is put it's device ID into the xpad.c file. My question: How do I compile the xpad.c file I have into xpad.ko and then get it into the Kernel--without recompiling an entire kernel?20:23
Arky44I am having trouble connecting to a wireless network on my ubuntu-enabled laptop, but am able to connect through a local ethernet port. Any ideas?20:24
ere4sinj786: I would think it needs either windows media player or realplayer - medibuntu is a repository for codecs that have legal issues in some countries - it is not an os or anything20:24
suicidepillsSeveas: ....right....and I need them to work together....right now rTorrent can't seed or download to my NTFS partition20:24
tommyhow to go to an other channel?20:24
Seveassuicidepills, mount the ntfs partition with appropriate permissions so you can write to it20:24
Seveas!ntfs-3g | suicidepills20:24
ubotusuicidepills: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions20:24
suicidepillsI have ntfs installed and it is working correctly20:25
suicidepillsntfs-g3 that is20:25
Arky44i need help connecting to a wireless network20:25
brianWho can right C??20:25
node357tommy, do you need /join #ubuntu-de ?20:26
Fade_To_Blacktommy : type /join #ubuntu-de20:26
Seveasbrian, a debugger20:26
luckylinArky44 do you need to install the drivers or have you dont that already?20:26
suicidepillsSeveas: I believe that it's a FUSE problem but I didn't know if anyone knew of a workaround20:26
holymolyanyone loose the bootsplash screen after dist upgrade to gutsy?20:26
shadowhywindhay all, i have lost the icons fore firefox that get dispolayed on the systray and the icon in the top left corner, any ideas?20:26
brianI mean write lol20:26
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kestirHi, when I right click in nautilus on an audio file, there are two entries for "Open with xmms".  Where can I edit this?20:26
simplexiosuicidepills: mount ntfs partiotn wtih rw option, and with UTF-8 locale, my system dosent work without remounting ntfs partiotions after boot, for somereason it dosent mount them with utf-8 support on boot time, without it dosent works right20:26
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Arky44i need help connecting to a wireless network. any ideas?20:27
suicidepillssimplexio: my partition mounts just fine, but rTorrent specifically can't read or write to it because of an issue with FUSE20:27
dragonphyrearky44: what is the problem?20:27
Chipsa964Arky44, your wireless isnt working out of box?20:27
holymolylet me rephrase20:27
nj786ere4si: so shouldi  use these codecs?20:28
Arky44All: it worked when i was running windows, but now doesn't20:28
simplexiosuicidepills: dont know about rtorrent.. i have find yet program that dosent know howto read mounted filesystem20:28
holymolywhat do you need to reconfigure to get the boot progress bar to show up once again?20:28
ere4sinj786: it is up to you - but I see no reason not to :)20:28
Arky44Chipsa964: no20:28
suicidepillssimplexio: yeah, I think it's a limitation of FUSE20:28
dragonphyrearky44: Yeah. That happens. Linux is not windows. Can you see the wireless networks under Network Manager?20:28
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:28
Arky44dragonphyre: no20:29
draremwhere is my taskbar and why did it disappear?20:29
dragonphyrearky44: then you need to see if your drivers are part of the restricted drivers package, and enable them.20:29
kestirHi, when I right click in nautilus on an audio file, there are two entries for "Open with xmms".  Where can I edit this?20:29
simplexiosuicidepills: i thinks it isnt fuse limitation, it is rather limitation in rtorrent20:29
riesenpixelI would like to make a runtime package for tablet pc users who want to use the same features they know from windows tablet pc edition.. anyone an idea where i could start such a project and find members?20:29
nj786ere4si: is it legal in the US?20:29
wshaddixhas anyone had any trouble switching from roaming mode to a static ip using the Network Manager causing the network to stop working?20:30
Rhino0nTI have and old XP partition with NTFS, I want to reformat it to reiser or ext3 but it's my boot partition, what can I do?20:30
ere4sinj786: I wouldn't know20:30
Baskervilleaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is driving me mad, why won't the gnome panel autohide? have any of you got this before? how can i find out what's wrong?20:30
Arky44dragonphyre: i have tried to enable a driver for my wireless, but it said it required a piece of software i did not have20:30
suicidepillssimplexio: from what I've read, it's a FUSE limitation...idk...I'll ask google some more20:30
FJSSCan anyone tell me what controls shutdown, hibernate, sleep20:30
holymolyokay lets try this. does anyone know what software controls the progress bar graphic at boot time?20:30
keithDoes anyone have experience installing the ov51x-jpeg driver?20:31
ethan961_holymoly, usplash20:31
Chipsa964Arky44, what piece of software20:31
dragonphyrearky44: I am guessing it was firmware that it was asking for?20:32
riesenpixelholymoly you can read that on the ubuntu developer page submenu design contribution20:32
Arky44dragonphyre: yes20:32
luxproblem with ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!1 pc closing mozilla and some programs then it dont let me open things then need to do rr and then what i see....: some of programs are out of desktop so i have to move mouse to see half of my programs,folders and other stuff...all dekstop is messed up what to do???? CTRL+ALT+F2 login dont work...!!!!!!!!??????????20:32
ecalotdo you where can I get a howto about how to patch a library in ubuntu?20:32
riesenpixelalso weißt du jetzt wo?20:33
Arky44dragonphyre: is there a way to obtain the required firmware?20:33
riesenpixelkann dir auch den link raussuchen20:33
simplexiolux: ctrl+alt+(+/-) "zooms"20:33
Chipsa964lux, chill with the punctuation :o20:33
ere4si!de | riesenpixel20:33
uboturiesenpixel: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:33
dragonphyrearky44: You need to find the firmware for your card, and put it in /lib/firmware/[kernel]/ in order for it t work.20:33
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Arky44dragonphyre: how do I locate this firmware?20:34
Alex25Has anyone had success setting up a Lexmark printer in Kubuntu20:34
node357lol too smart for your own good riesenpixel20:34
dragonphyreArky44: although, the restricted drivers should have installed that... You can find them on the internet. Google is your frieng here.20:34
luxdaaaaam* ubuntu su*** no1 help with ubuntu problems and its hard for beginner...windows seems to be better20:34
dragonphyrelux: what is your problem?20:35
Rageonhow do i make a custom keyboard shortcut, or change my default termnial to konsole20:35
node357lux, I have hardware the doesn't work with Ubuntu too.. it's very sad20:35
spantherhello there is there a way to copy a bought DVD movie to store a backup on my harddrive to use that and to prevent damage on my original dvd ?20:35
riesenpixelnode357 just wanna help20:35
Seveas!attitude | lux20:35
ubotulux: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:35
AlexHooveris there a way to display my kernel version via sh20:36
maog_hey how can i burn ubuntu7.10x64 disc on DVD-R because i dont have CD-R ?20:36
maog_it says CD-R/RW needed20:36
SeveasAlexHoover, uname -r20:36
luxlol i cannot go to internet i said it already20:36
simplexioAlexHoover: uname -r20:36
riesenpixelwill get a tablet pc this week and would like to contribute in developing tablet features on ubuntu20:36
luxit close it self20:36
luxand whats wrong with my pc hardware? nothing...its ubuntu20:36
dragonphyrelux: That's terrible. You should have checked to make sure your hardware was supported before you bought it.20:37
AlexHooversimplexio, what about showing the distro name/version?20:37
Chipsa964maog_, are you trying to burn in windows?20:37
spantherlux:  if you have a problem go fix it :)20:37
mactaylorwill i see a boost in speed if i replace my SEMPRON 3800+ with an amd athlon le-1640?20:37
maog_Chipsa964 yes20:37
Chipsa964what program are you using?20:37
luxspanther shut up20:37
Alex25lsb_release -a20:37
spantherlux:  :P20:37
AlexHooverAlex25, command not found20:37
maog_Chipsa964 nero 820:37
Chipsa964i dont see why it wont burn then20:38
maog_im burning it as image (iso)20:38
Chipsa964you just need to change the format to dvd instead of cd-r20:38
maog_but it gives error saying media must be cd-r/rw20:38
Chipsa964thats pretty silly20:38
Chipsa964cuz i use nero and its a dropdown menu20:38
Cha0tixHello all! I want to switch my desktop environnement for Openbox and I need help.20:38
Cha0tixIs anyone can help me?20:38
Chipsa964where you can pick the kind of disc to burn it onto20:38
Alex25AlexHoover works in Kubuntu? I just tried it again20:39
maog_so wait20:39
Chipsa964should be at the screen where you pick the file to add20:39
maog_i shud do a cd image brn on a dvd?20:39
simplexioChipsa964: you allways dowload dvd image if nero is too stupid to write cd to dvd20:39
[user]I AM A LAMER20:39
maog_yes u are20:39
simplexioCha0tix: no if dont tell your problem20:39
Chipsa964simplexio, haha nero does what i tell it to :-p20:39
Cha0tixso i have installed the package openbox and obconf20:40
riesenpixelhas anyone an idea for my 'problem'?20:40
Cha0tixWich packages should I install20:40
sinboxmaog_, it is a dvd image (don't ask me why...) if nero doesn't want to burn it go get infrarecorder (it's free)20:40
Alex25I just got the answer to this question in the kubuntu forms the other day look in help the nwe guy under distro20:40
Cha0tixbecause my desktop is a bit empty at  the moment!20:40
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node357not a clue :/20:40
StevenxHello guys. Can someone help me set up beryl?20:40
StevenxI want it to do all kinds of cool stuff.20:40
SeveasStevenx, beryl is dead20:41
Seveascompiz-fusion supersedes it20:41
magnetronStevenx: what version of ubuntu do you use?20:41
hischildStevenx, use compiz-fusion20:41
Seveas!compiz > Stevenx20:41
Stevenxmagnetron, 7.1020:41
maarten__do you know if freetv200 works on ubuntu20:41
Chipsa964or imageburn is good too, maog_20:41
user__Seveas: what happend?20:41
StevenxSeveas, I thought it was compiz that was dead and beryl that took over. Am I wrong with that?20:41
Alex25so no help on the printer ...then how about a generic driver20:42
Chipsa964Stevenx, compiz comes with 7.1020:42
SeveasStevenx, beryl was a fork of compiz, they merged again to form compiz-fusion20:42
StevenxSeveas, thanks.20:42
Chipsa964just enable it, assuming your hardware is compatible20:42
Chipsa964cuz mine isnt :(20:43
Alex25Chipset964 are you talking to Stevenx20:43
StevenxChipsa964, how do i start it up if it comes with 7.1020:44
SeveasStevenx, system -> prefs -> appearance (->) desktop effects20:44
SeveasStevenx, install compizconfig-settings-manager to be able to fiddle with all the effects20:45
snowolfhi lwizardl20:45
Chipsa964Alex25, yes20:45
Chipsa964Stevenx, what Seveas said :-p20:46
indian_munndacan anyone tell how can i change my boot splash screen??? I mean the screen which come when ubuntu boots.20:46
Stevenxthanks you both20:46
lwizardlI have just installed vmware and gotten my own serial number for it. I am in the process of installing XP on my virtual disk. is there a guide on how to use windows programs natively like how you can do on a mac?20:47
kim_oops- apologies, wrong channel20:47
ere4si!usplash | indian_munnda20:47
ubotuindian_munnda: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork20:47
RRRufusIs someone aroung who is able to help me in getting file transfer using licq working?20:47
Cha0tixIs anyone running Openbox can give me some advices to start!20:47
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xSkApOnExhey guys im having issues w/ awn can anyone troubleshoot this for me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6231/20:48
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JustJadenwhere would I find this file? /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:50
jribJustJaden: at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist .  I don't understand your question20:50
clearzenJustJaden: that is the path to the file20:50
RAAby all20:51
JustJadenIt is telling me I have many of the same file. I am just trying to delete all but one. I am having such a problem with this.20:51
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jribJustJaden: what is "it"?20:51
JustJadenI'm trying to get my wireless to work.20:51
JustJadenI'm following a walkthrough and it told me to blacklist my card driver.20:52
archmandoes anyone know how to setup an audio card to record, in gutsy?20:52
clearzenJustJaden: did you put the name of your card driver into the blacklist file?20:52
JustJadenbut I couldn't exit the edit terminal, so I just closed the application. Apparently it made a duplicate of the file.20:53
KaapmanI just loaded 7.10 on my pc - 1023 RAM - 80G hd P4 - with Vista - and everything loaded 100% - even the wireless MS keybord and mopuse - did not expect the wireless stuff also to load 1st time - what a pleasnt experience20:53
SisyphusINCi did complete removal of wine but i can still see it listed under applications...why?20:53
zaggy-nldang my cdrom is sho20:53
zaggy-nlwould it be possible to boot from cdrom, then install from usb hdd?20:53
JustJadenI thought I did, but now when I go into the file via the terminal....it's totally blank with little blue bars on the left side. I can't do anything in that terminal20:53
clearzenJustJaden: what does locate blacklist  tell you?20:53
alyxanderi need a .deb package for a menue replacement similar to the mint menu that i can use on a 64 bit system any ideas20:53
JustJadenhow do I locate blacklist?20:54
Kaapmanit even picked up my adsl broadband also20:54
clearzentype locate blacklist20:54
clearzenJustJaden: in a terminal20:54
mDemocritusi'm having issues with a supposedly usb mass storage class device20:55
mDemocritusnot persisting in /dev... the dmesg logs show detection and assignment20:55
mDemocritusto /dev/sdb 1 and 2, but when i try to mount it, cat it, or fdisk it,20:55
mDemocritus/dev/sdb doesn't exist... it assumes write through for drive caching,20:55
mDemocritusi have a feeling that has something to do with it... any ideas?20:55
mDemocrituswhoops sorry20:55
Klesokay, I'm trying to install DirectX20:55
KlesThe installer won't work in Wine it seems20:55
JustJadenhmm....it tells me lots of stuff. What should I be looking for?20:55
KlesHas anyone been able to install DX on Ubuntu?20:55
mDemocritusi'm having issues with a supposedly usb mass storage class device not persisting in /dev... the dmesg logs show detection and assignment to /dev/sdb 1 and 2, but when i try to mount it, cat it, or fdisk it, /dev/sdb doesn't exist... it assumes write through for drive caching,i have a feeling that has something to do with it... any ideas?20:55
Svenstaro__Kles, DX is integrated into wine20:55
clearzenJustJaden: try this instead find / --name blacklist20:56
JowiKles, you should not install directx.20:56
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Kleswell, it won't install anyways :X20:56
clearzenJustJaden: you just want to be sure you didn't move it or create multiples20:56
Paddy_EIREWould anyone know how to stop the gnome-panel from starting on log in??20:56
JustJadenwhat would it look like if I had? and if it is somehow removed, how do I get it back to how it first was?20:57
Odd-rationalePaddy_EIRE: system --> pref --> sessions?20:57
clearzenPaddy_EIRE: I think you can in gconf-editor but I'm not exactly sure where20:57
Paddy_EIREOdd-rationale: no thats only god for stopping it once it has already started20:57
clearzenJustJaden: paste the output of the last command in pastebin20:58
Paddy_EIREclearzen: Perhaps I will just roll my own xsession20:58
Odd-rationalePaddy_EIRE: isnt there a tab for automatically started apps?20:58
* w3rd_ will a ultrasparc disc work on a any sparc processor?20:58
Paddy_EIREOdd-rationale: gnome-panel would not be listed amoung those :)20:58
clearzenPaddy_EIRE: just hit alt+ f2 and type gconf-editor and look around a bit20:58
JustJadenwhich last command? in the locate blacklist script?20:58
clearzenPaddy_EIRE: I think it is in there20:59
KlesIs there any way to get games that use GameGuard to work on Linux?20:59
Odd-rationalePaddy_EIRE: ok. i was just guessing. i'm not using gnome right now...20:59
clearzenJustJaden find / --name blacklist20:59
whileimhereHi. Each time I try to use Google-Earth on Ubuntu 7.10 it crashes and re-starts the X Windows. Can anyone tell me why?21:00
evilzmurfHello, i need some help here. My sound ain't working, how can i get it work?21:00
b4l74z4ri uninstalled wine, but i still have the wine entry in the applications menu, how do i get rid of it?21:01
Slartwhileimhere: probably because it does something nasty to X... could be some kind of opengl bug.. or a bug in google earth.. very hard to tell unless there are some kind of error message or something21:01
Odd-rationaleb4l74z4r: rigght-click menu bar and select edit menus21:01
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whileimhereSlart: Unfortunaly It just re-starts the X21:02
b4l74z4rOdd-rationale, thanks21:02
* w3rd_ what is the difference between fiesty fawn and dapper?21:02
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cabrioleurwhileimhere, ati or nvidia?21:02
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Slartwhileimhere: well.. then your guess is as good as mine.. google earth kills your X...21:02
Paddy_EIREw3rd_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(Linux_distribution)21:02
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newbie_hello does anybody knows how can I install a webcam? I tried with easycam, but not recognized21:03
* w3rd_ k but would you be able to tell me if the either sparc download for fiesty fawn or dapper would allow for me to install on a netra t100 sparc?21:03
whileimhereI bought a eTrex from Garmin (very basic) and I want to use it with linux but I am just starting out. Any program suggestions. Neither I have an SIS card. As a note It did work a few weeks ago but I have no idea what programs I have added since then.21:03
JustJadenThe find/ --name blacklist command is not working.21:03
Paddy_EIREw3rd_: could you stop speaking in /me's please :)21:03
JustJadenHow do I input that command21:04
foibleshi there21:04
foibleshow do i change the splash screen?21:04
evilzmurfCan anyone help me get my sound working? Aint hearing anything from music, just from Games21:04
vedanti have a sony camcorder21:04
vedantand i don't have a firewire cable21:04
simplexioJustJaden: find / --name ... to terminal21:04
* w3rd_ k, well n e way? is there any chance that you know the answer to the question that i asked?21:04
clearzenJustJaden: ok, first please give me the link of the guide you are using if you would21:04
Paddy_EIRE!enter | vedant21:04
ubotuvedant: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:04
vedantubotu: alrighty21:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alrighty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:04
clearzenw3rd_: any sparc install should work. 6.06 is a LTS so if it is a production machine I would use that21:05
newbie_ubotu: webcam21:05
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:05
dragonphyreubotu: kernel modules21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel modules - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
* w3rd_ clearzen: ty, do you also know if 6.06 supports raid config on installation?21:05
clearzenw3rd_: it depends on your raid hardware. But usually, if not you can load a custom kernel.21:06
vedantI have a sony minidv camcorder which lists itself as DCR-30 in lsusb. Is there any way to transfer videos from it to my computer?21:06
* simplexio thinks w3rd_ dosent know howto write in irc, and i make typos 21:06
chetnickDoes anyone know what is the normal operating temperature of CPU (Intel centrino 1.7ghz)?21:06
* Paddy_EIRE agrees with simplexio21:07
* w3rd_ well i was actually referring to software raid, excuse if i wasnt to clear?21:07
lwizardlis there a guide on how to use windows programs natively using vmware?21:07
evilzmurfI'v installed World or Warcraft via the prog "CrossOver games" and when i am launching it, i get WoW error and some other error that says it cant be readed, what's going on?21:07
Flannellwizardl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation/NativeVirtualMachine21:07
Slartevilzmurf: why not ask the crossover people.. you'll probably get much better answers from them21:08
Flannelevilzmurf: WoW works fine in wine.  So if you can't get it to work, try wine instead.21:08
clearzenevilzmurf: use wine. That should have it working for you.21:08
evilzmurfclearzen: can you link?21:08
clearzenevilzmurf: sudo aptitude install wine21:09
Flannelevilzmurf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft21:09
evilzmurfclearzen: okei thanks, I'm pertty new to linux you see, my windows just crached21:09
simplexiolwizardl: yes, google finds, but i recommend virtualbox rather than vwmare21:09
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:09
heydabopI've run chkdsk /f /r, I've used a diagnotic and repair tool made by my HDD manufactuor. I've also resized my NTFS partition using ntfsresize, but Ubuntu can't seem to read the partition table or something.21:09
vedantI have a sony minidv camcorder which lists itself as DCR-30 in lsusb. Is there any way to transfer videos from it to my computer without using a firewire cable? I have tried using cinerella, but it didn't work. Loading the v4l2-common module didn't add any /dev/video* or log something in the kernel log either.21:10
simplexioheydabop: what fdisk / qparted says about that hd ?21:10
simplexioheydabop: you need first create new partition to free space there, but i think you have done it allready21:10
heydabopsimplexio, here's what happens when I try to do something on the partition manger. http://rossrs.us/gparted_details.htm21:11
silentis there a way to bring whole packages, including dependencies for use on an offline computer?21:11
heydabopSimplexio, wait, that's an old log.21:11
evilzmurfHow to install Wine? I dont really understand what all these thing means. Like "21:12
evilzmurfUbuntu Linux Wine for Ubuntu, Debian, and Debian-based distributions Debian Linux21:12
evilzmurfDebian and Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu, utilize a special tool for managing packages known as APT. APT is able to automagically install all of the needed dependencies for a software package, as well as keep the package up to date, by scanning what are known as APT repositories. Debian-based distributions have their own repositories of software, many of which include Wine, however we keep our own repository of the latest available packages21:12
evilzmurf here for download.21:12
evilzmurfThere used to be graphical instructions here, however we have found that the terminal commands are actually simpler to describe and quicker for the user to input. Because the commands below use sudo, you may have to enter your user password after hitting enter.21:12
heydabopSimplexio, I havn't saved a log since I resized the NTFS partition, but the results are very similer.21:12
FloodBot3evilzmurf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
evilzmurfAdding the WineHQ APT Repository:21:12
simplexioheydabop: i hope so .. bad sectors21:12
evilzmurfFirst, open a terminal window. Then add the repository's key to your system's list of trusted APT keys by copy and pasting the following:21:12
Flannelsilent: Check out AptOnCD21:12
Slartevilzmurf: don't spam the channel21:12
Slartevilzmurf: !pastebin or give us the url21:12
heydabopSimplexio, yea, I noticed. When I ran SeaTools it repaired 5. Now it doesn't say there are any errors.21:12
evilzmurfSorry for that21:12
=== usrsrc is now known as bashconsole
RezagratsI have a load of repository indexes that are not downloading, is that average ? http://paste.stirk.org/1907821:12
silentevilzmurf: if you don't know what apt is and you're using a debian-based operating system, do some reading.21:12
heydabopSimplexio, and when I used ntfsresize, I had to use -b.21:12
magnaServer Irc.quakenet.org -J #SSBB.IL/21:12
lost_misfithi and thanks for ubuntu! was the first start of gnome xchat! the grphics driver doesn't work for radeon x1950 pro ati....but neither does the driver by ati itself...thanks an have a nice evening/day ;)21:13
Flannelevilzmurf: You can either install wine from the Ubuntu repositories, or the wine, third party, repositories.21:13
SlartRezagrats: well.. depends.. have you upgraded from an earlier version?21:13
vedanthey anybody know about how to use camcorders with linux here?21:13
evilzmurfFlannel, ok i'll try21:13
heydabopSimplexio, should I just get a new hard drive? I was thinking about buying a bigger one anyway.21:13
=== bashconsole is now known as bashc
RezagratsEarlier version of what, ubuntu ? im still on 7.1021:14
newbie_I need some help, how can I install a webcam that the driver is an exe file?21:14
simplexioheydabop: bad sector are allways first sign of soon happening harware failure21:14
mihai installed logitech web cam21:14
Slartnewbie_: exe files are usually windows software.. you'll have to look for a linux driver for the webcam21:14
simplexioharmental: soon as now or in few years, like everything in computer world21:14
heydabopSimplexio, alright. Guess it's time for a full backup.21:14
RyanPriorCan anybody recommend me a sound card that works really well with Ubuntu?21:14
mihadid'n need driver21:14
avrahamjoin ubuntu21:14
clearzennewbie_: you can't install a windows driver in linux normally. linux has it's own seperate drivers21:15
RezagratsEarlier version of what, ubuntu ? im still on 7.10 @slart21:15
silentthanks Flannel21:15
simplexioheydabop: but i recoomend that you make backups now21:15
zaggy-nlAnyone knows how to boot ubuntu from cd, then install from usb drive? (can't boot from usb)21:15
SlartRezagrats: yes.. ubuntu.. I find that I usually have some old repositories left after an upgrade..21:15
damaltorzaggy-nl: put the cd in and install directly from disc...21:15
=== jtt is now known as jtisme2
clearzenzaggy-nl: you can boot from cd. Then mount the usb and start the install process21:15
heydabopSimplexio, ok, I'll do that. So Ubuntu probably won't be able to make an ext3 partition due to the bad sectors?21:15
mihadid anyone try 8.04 beta?21:15
=== bashc is now known as usrsrc
Flannelmiha: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions21:16
zaggy-nlI forgot to tell, the cdrom drive is bad, lots of read errors, will boot but that's it21:16
avrahamI use 7.04 and actualized all repositories work oK!21:16
RezagratsSlart, an upgrade of what ?21:16
simplexioheydabop: have you tried use fdisk ?21:16
clearzenzaggy-nl: netbootd?21:16
clearzenzaggy-nl: netboot?21:16
zaggy-nllemme rephrase my problem21:16
Jowi!webcam | newbie_21:16
ubotunewbie_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:16
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:16
avrahamYou can use pack manager21:16
OutoLumoHih, all!21:16
zaggy-nlold laptop: no network, broken cdrom (will boot though), no usb boot support, want to boot from cdrom and install from usb hdd21:16
eaxWhat's the best program for writing and compiling C++ in feisty?21:17
simplexioeax: gcc21:17
newbie_what if there is no driver for linux for my webcam?21:17
mihawhy xchat uder windows need registartion after 30 days but fir linux it's free?21:17
Rageonhow do i find out if im running KDE or Gnome?21:17
simplexioeax: for c++ ide ecplise, anjuta etc...21:17
heydabopSimplexio. No. I'll try to use it. I'm not sure if Ubuntu will be able to see it. But I guess it's all I can do.21:17
Rageonnub question of the day lol21:17
eaxSimplexio: Does it hav a frontend?21:17
eerpini_how do we create repositories using stand alone packages ?21:17
heydabopSimplexio, thanks.21:17
eaxSImplexio: Downloading anjuta now :) Thanks a lot :D21:17
RyanPriornewbie_: You'll be unable to use the webcam if there is no working driver.21:17
inminicmiha, cause it takes more time and effort to make windows programs they say on their website21:17
clearzenzaggy-nl: if it is booting the system via cd it should allow you to mount other items after it is booted. If not get a working cd drive21:17
FlannelRageon: Did you install Ubuntu or Kubuntu?  Do you start programs from a menu on the top or the bottom of the screen?21:17
Starnestommymiha: the unofficial builds of XChat for windows are free, but the XChat developers think that compiling for windows is hard21:17
avrahamIs a driver for linux webcam see yaho messenger for linux21:18
eerpini_any better method than rerepro ??21:18
zaggy-nlclearzen, I figured so much, but how should I point the installer to the usb hdd21:18
simplexioeax: yes, commandline, but example anjuta and eclipse both know howto use it, without wouy needing to allways write21:18
evilzmurfSorry, it may just be me that is stupid but, how do Wine work?21:18
zaggy-nland what do I need to copy to thhe usb hdd21:18
eaxSimplexio: Thanks a lot :)21:18
avrahamWine work ok on 7.0421:18
simplexioeax: you probably should read about makefiles, autoconf, gnu gcc21:19
mactaylorif i upgrade my cpu will i have to reinstall ubuntu?21:19
newbie_by any chance, has anyone here installed a vf0330wm webcam???21:19
LjLmactaylor: no21:19
evilzmurfbut how is is suposed to work?21:19
OutoLumoI have a most weird problem...21:19
clearzenzaggy-nl: do you already have the installer on the usb drive?21:19
kestirHi, when I right click in nautilus on an audio file, there are two entries for "Open with xmms".  Where can I edit this?21:19
eaxSimplexio: Okay thanks :) Got any guides/pdfs?21:19
newbie_ubotu: camorama21:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camorama - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:19
OutoLumoFor some reason by box boots up with /dev/null rw only to root...21:19
zaggy-nlclearzen, not yet21:19
RyanPriorevilzmurf: Wine loads Windows executables and runs them, dynamically translating Windows system calls into Linux system calls.21:20
usrsrci use ubuntu also. very nice and easy distr :-)21:20
simplexiomactaylor: not with ubuntu21:20
inminickestir, under properties -> open with21:20
newbie_ubotu: easycam21:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easycam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:20
usrsrceasy dist for easy people :-)21:20
evilzmurfRyanPrior: So you say i should just launch the game and it will automaticly run in Wine?21:20
foibleshow do i change my slash screen?21:20
RageonFlannel im using Ubuntu21:20
Lifeisfunnykestir, right click and open Properties21:21
Rageonwith compiz21:21
Lifeisfunnylook for the tab21:21
FlannelRageon: then you're using gnome21:21
mactaylorgood i can finally get rid of this shitty sempron processor =)21:21
kitchefoibles: you mean when ubuntu starts up?21:21
foibleskitche, yeah21:21
avrahamNo you press right click on game .. open with wine21:21
Rageonyet i can run KDE stuff?21:21
kitche!usplash > foibles21:21
newbie_if I install the driver using wine, is it possible that it can recognize my usb ports?21:21
clearzenhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ follow this guide and when you mount the usb drive it should automatically give you the option to install from that drive.21:21
FlannelRageon: yep21:21
RyanPriorevilzmurf: I usually use Wine with the command line so I can see if there are error messages.21:21
Rageonlike AMOR21:21
=== jtt is now known as jtisme
RyanPriorevilzmurf: Have you checked Wine HQ for a compatibility report?21:21
Badpenguin86If I wanna switch to 64 bit Ubuntu, can I just copy my home directory over to the new installation and keep all my settings?21:22
clearzenevilzmurf: wow works in wine21:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usesplash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:22
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:22
RageonFlannel do u know how to change the speed of autohide menus?21:22
ConstyXIVis there an easy to use a blackberry as a USB or bluetooth modem in ubuntu/21:22
kitchefoibles: should have got a pm from ubotu with the information21:22
Rageonhaveto hover for like 3 seconds21:22
foibleskitche, ah, right21:22
foiblesdidn't see it21:22
foibleswas like ?21:22
simplexioeax: you are totally newbie with c++21:22
simplexioeax: ?21:22
evilzmurfSo, since i used CrossOver game to install it, should i uinstall it ?21:22
simplexioeax: it was question not statement21:23
Badpenguin86If I wanna switch to 64 bit Ubuntu, can I just copy my home directory over to the new installation and keep all my settings?21:23
RyanPriorevilzmurf: If you paid for CrossOver Games, you should use it. :-)21:23
=== NigelS_ is now known as NigelS
evilzmurfClearzen: Ok, i will try21:23
kestirinminic: there is only one listing for xmms there...strange21:23
Rageonany recommend a cool AOE style game for ubuntu?21:23
evilzmurfRyanPrior: Nope, not payed anything21:23
mihai have a 5 button mouse can i configure additional keys?21:23
RyanPriorBadpenguin86: Yes, the filesystem should be the same.21:23
robotjoxany ideas how to troubleshoot dual screen in ubuntu? It seems Ubuntu 8.01 turns my secondary screen extremely bright. Works fine in windows21:23
Flannelrobotjox: Hardy support is in #ubuntu+1, thanks21:24
RyanPriormiha: Yes, you can use a program called btnx ("BuTtoN eXtension") to configure your extra buttons.21:24
robotjoxsorry - didn't know :)21:24
dragonphyrerobotjox: I noticed that too. Check your nvidia settings to make sure the gamma is set right21:24
LjLConstyXIV: you should probably see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/Blackberry and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup - when/if the wiki works21:24
robotjoxdragonphyre: you did? gamma is at 1 though21:24
JustJadenIf I edit a file, how do I quit and save?21:25
JustJadenin the terminal I mean21:25
RyanPriormiha: No problem. It's a great program, it'll hopefully be included in Ubuntu by default in the future.21:25
dragonphyrerobotjox: Mine was set super-high. I set it back down to where it was supposed to be, and now both screens are the same.21:25
RyanPriorCan anybody recommend me a sound card that works really well with Ubuntu?21:25
RyanPriorJustJaden: What program are you using to edit the file?21:26
robotjoxdragonphyre: ok, well my settings are all at default, meaning 0,0,121:26
JustJadenRyanPrior: Terminal21:26
dragonphyrerobotjox: Sorry that my fix won't help you then. :(21:26
=== miha is now known as MikeS_Bel
JustJadenI just added, something to the blacklist, and I want to exit and save21:27
robotjoxdragonphyre: np - thanks for trying :)21:27
RyanPriorJustJaden: There's another program within the terminal, though. What did you type to start editing the file? (examples: "vi myfile.txt", "nano myfile.conf", etc)21:27
LjLJustJaden, "terminal" is just a place where you execute text-mode programs.21:27
clearzenJustJaden: what editor are you using?21:27
SlartRyanPrior:the creative audigy line works reasonably well.. (That Creative is the slime of the earth is another thing but the cards have pretty good support in linux at least)21:27
lxuseror it could mean you are dieing.21:27
evilzmurfSorry for asking alot, but should i uinstall CrossOver games to?21:28
clearzenevilzmurf: I would21:28
RyanPriorevilzmurf: If you don't want it, nuke it.21:28
evilzmurfclearzen: Okei21:28
Rageonwhats the keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces?21:28
evilzmurfRyanPrior: Willdo21:29
RyanPriorevilzmurf: I also suggest Wine-Doors, a package manager for Wine.21:29
lxusercontrol alt left or right arrow key?21:29
clearzenRageon: ctrl + alt and a arrow key21:29
clearzenRageon: in compiz at least21:29
Rageondoesnt work :s21:29
evilzmurfRyanPrior: Okeys21:29
zaggy-nlHi, have an old laptop: no network, broken cdrom (will boot though), no usb boot support, want to boot from cdrom and install from usb hdd, how would I do so?21:29
RyanPriorSlart: I didn't know Creative had a bad rep. I was thinking of buying speakers from them.21:29
Rageonalot of options in compiz settings and keyboard shortcuts have dissappeared21:30
kindofabuzzRageon: got more than one desktop?21:30
Rageonlike switch to workspace ones..21:30
neolith2099gnome keyring doesn't remember my password for my ftp server...even after I check the remember forever box. How do I fix this?21:30
eerpini_Ctrl+Alt+<direction buttons >21:30
eerpini_that is for switching between workspaces21:30
Rageonyea i do21:30
clearzenRyanPrior: it's because they are threating to sue a community modder of their firmware21:30
Goliath23anyone has experience already with updating from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 LTS?21:30
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: You'll need to get an external CD drive if the built-in one doesn't work.21:30
Meatgrinderis there anyway to shut off notification of people quitting and entering the channel in xchat? It's making it hard to follow conversations.21:30
kindofabuzzdo a ctrl -alt backspace and reload it21:30
kindofabuzzhow 'bout 'dem tigers!21:30
zaggy-nlRyanPrior, I can boot from it, installing fails due to lots of read errors21:30
K_NineMeatgrinder: Use Konversation.21:30
kitcheMeatgrinder: yes it should be in the the options someplace if I rememebr correctly21:30
Meatgrinderhehe, i do in linux21:31
Meatgrinderok i'll ck it again21:31
zaggy-nlso that's why I thought about booting from cd, then installing from usb hdd21:31
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: Yeah, probably would be good to replace the drive or borrow an external one from a mate.21:31
zaggy-nlit won't boot from anything usb21:31
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: Ah, I see.21:31
kitcheMeatgrinder: umm you do in Linux then why aren't you using it with Ubuntu since Ubuntu is Linux :)21:31
kindofabuzzMeatgrinder: put your app in conferance mode if it can and you won't see the ins and outs21:31
Rageonstill doesnt work :s21:31
Meatgrinderim on my windoze machine right now. :)21:31
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: And you can't netboot because there's no networking, eh? Sounds like a pretty useless machine. Time to donate to charity and see if they would have any use for its pieces. :-)21:31
kindofabuzzMeatgrinder: that shouldn't matter21:32
Meatgrinderkindofabuzz, ok ill ck for conference mode21:32
kitcheMeatgrinder: ah so your not really using xcaht then unless you paid for it21:32
eerpini_the keyboard shortcuts from metacity work in compiz mode also21:32
zaggy-nlRyanPrior, I shall NOT give up on this poor ol' laptop >:(21:32
zaggy-nlI've got plenty of pcmcia wifi cards21:32
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: In that case, it sounds like you'd need to spend money on it in order to get it into any usable state.21:32
kitcheMeatgrinder: then I do not know then21:32
clearzenzaggy-nl: cannibalize it!!21:32
kindofabuzztexas got pwned =)21:32
zaggy-nlthe boot from cdrom, install from usb hdd idea should be doable21:32
Meatgrinderkindofabuzz, i dunno, i just downloaded now on my windoze machine and ran it.21:32
Lifeisfunnytry a new edit method         sudo nano <directory/location/filename>21:32
RyanPriorzaggy-nl: If you can figure out how to netboot using a wifi card, go ahead -- I don't know if it's possible though.21:32
zaggy-nltough to find a tutorial for said specific case21:33
clearzenzaggy-nl: yeah, it should work. Why do you want to if you don't have network access with it though?21:33
DeadLy_sp_excuse me, anyone know if exist an installer for linux to the game bioshock?21:33
zaggy-nlclearzen, I was hopen to put wifi drivers on it using usb stick, then get wifi to work21:33
Flannelzaggy-nl: sneakernet works fine, yeah.21:33
mactaylorwill i notice a difference with 64bit??????//21:34
RyanPriorDeadLy_sp_: doesn't look good from a Wine perspective. (http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=5695)21:34
JustJadenI don't know how to find out what editor I'm using21:34
eerpini_iwl3945 drivers are bad on kernel21:34
eerpini_anyone has solution s?21:34
usrsrci am new in ubuntu.21:34
clearzenJustJaden: is it in a terminal or is it graphical. If it is graphical then it is most likely gedit21:34
simplexiomactaylor: 32bit has less problems21:34
DeadLy_sp_RyanPrior, i dont like wine :/21:35
JustJadenI think I used the sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:35
simplexiomactaylor: 64bit is worth after you have more that 4G RAM21:35
RyanPriorJustJaden: do you remember what command you used to start editing the file?21:35
clearzenJustJaden: ok, it's vim21:35
clearzenJustJaden: do this :wq21:35
JustJadenOk i'll try that21:35
RyanPriorJustJaden: if :wq doesn't work, try hitting escape and doing it again.21:35
mactaylorbut no speed increase?21:35
eerpini_blacklist what ?21:35
RyanPriorDeadLy_sp_: I don't see a Bioshock game for native Linux.21:36
SeveredCrossWhat in the world does "mand" mean in mtab?21:36
SeveredCrossI see this: // on /media/downloads type cifs (rw,mand) for one of my samba shares when I type mount, and I have no idea what that means.21:36
eerpini_i have checked the blacklist file , but what do i use if i am not using iwl39445 for my wifi card ?21:36
Meatgrinderkindofabuzz, Found it, that is if anyone cares...just right click on tab channel in xchat to turn off join/leave messages.21:36
newbie_could someone tell me how can I connect to internet using the command prompt? which commands do I need?21:36
JustJadenNow it says E212: Can't open file for writing.21:36
simplexioDeadLy_sp_: yes, there is, it's called wine ./Bioshock/setup.exe ;)21:36
lxuserhow do i turn ubuntu into a sexy robot woman? is there a tutorial on the wiki?21:36
eerpini_ipw3945  dont compile at all , a lot of errors21:37
clearzennewbie_: surfing the net with lynx sucks. I reccomend getting a graphical browser21:37
Meatgrinderdepends on what you are going to do with her21:37
lxuserlynx is the best browser in the universe21:37
zaggy-nlapart from this picture issue21:37
TaRDyhow come my pidgin version is 2.2.1 but the latest available on pidgin.im is 2.4.0, but synaptic doesn't see anything newer?21:37
eerpini_lynx is the best user for hackers21:38
DeadLy_sp_simplexio, i dont like wine :(21:38
newbie_clearzen, I need to know to update systems, not to surf the net21:38
ader10http://mpd.pastebin.ca/963800 Help me remove MPD please.21:38
kitcheTaRDy: because that's the latest in Ubuntu21:38
RyanPrior!offtopic | lxuser :-)21:38
ubotulxuser :-): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:38
simplexioDeadLy_sp_:  far as i know it's only good way to run windows software in _linux_21:38
usrsrclxuser, and vi is the best editor in the universe21:38
Flannelader10: stop mpd manually, then purge again21:38
TaRDykitche, so downloading the source and compiling wouldnt work?21:38
JustJadenVim is not letting me save and quit the blacklist. It says It can't open file for writing.21:38
clearzennewbie_: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade21:38
lxuserthanks ryanprior, im sure they will have a great answer for me21:38
s0cratesHello everyone, do you know of a good program to capture video? I have a tv tuner card, but it's hooked up from a digital cable box, I just need the feed. I think MythTV is overkill..21:39
simplexioJustJaden: you need to sudo21:39
zaggy-nlnewbie_, ifconfig eth0 <your ip> netmask && route add default <gateway ip> && ifconfig eth0 up && lynx www.google.com21:39
kitcheTaRDy: umm you can compile it if you want21:39
zaggy-nlif you want to browse that is21:39
clearzens0crates: Mythtv is what you want21:39
JustJadensimplexio: huh?21:39
zaggy-nlaptitude for updating21:39
newbie_zaggy-nl, thank you, that is what I needed21:39
zaggy-nlwelcome, good luck21:39
ader10Flannel: It's not running at all, so I can't stop it manually21:40
zaggy-nlfailed to copy file from cd-rom, retry?21:40
simplexioJustJaden: sudo vim blacklist21:40
zaggy-nlinstall from usb >:(21:40
MikeS_Belwhy do we use linux?21:40
edjuhp laptop - atheros chipset using ndiswrapper - wireless works no prob.  however, the led does not.  i've searched the internets, but no solution.  on the off chance that somebody's solved this - any pointers?21:40
s0cratesclearzen: Thanks a lot, let me try that21:40
Flannelader10: alright, go ahead and edit /etc/init.d/mpd to always return 0 then, (just add a return at the beginning)21:40
Flannelader10: since we'll be removing this file, we don't care that we're breaking it.21:40
SonicEpsilonhow can I get my atheros wireless driver to work on ubuntu21:40
JustJadenI'm currently in the blacklist, I made a change, and now I want to save and quit. but the file says it can't open file for writing21:40
LjL!sudo | JustJaden21:41
ubotuJustJaden: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.21:41
tyler_dhow do I format a partition ?21:41
FlannelJustJaden: you need to start vim with sudo privledges, you can't do it once you're already started.21:41
simplexioedju: and problem is? i actually would someone to write software to turn off all those annoying leds21:41
LjLtyler_d: "man mkfs", or use gparted21:41
clearzenSonicEpsilon: System >> admin >> Restricted drivers manager21:41
JustJadenoh. ok. Thanks, I'll try that21:41
acalbaza_silly question... if a drive is recognized by linux, i should have a /dev entry even though its not mounted, correct?21:41
tyler_dLjL: tyvm21:41
pinchmeshhow do i get sound to go to usb output21:41
simplexioacalbaza_: yes,21:41
JustJadenthen how do I just quit without saving the file21:41
kitcheacalbaza_: yep21:41
kitcheJustJaden: :q!21:41
acalbaza_just trying to verify if a drive is bad or not...21:42
clearzenJustJaden: :q21:42
SonicEpsilondriver in use21:42
SonicEpsilonatheros hardware access layer21:42
LjLJustJaden: or stop hurting yourself, and use nano or gedit21:42
eerpini_hey i have checked the restricted drivers, but , i have a custom compiled kernel on gutsy , so the restricted drivers is kind of invalid21:42
JustJadenWhoo Hoo! Something worked.21:42
JustJadenHow do I used those?21:42
RyanPriorJustJaden: I'd just use gedit if I were you.21:42
ader10Flannel: What am I supposed to do to /etc/init.d/mpd again?21:42
simplexioacalbaza_: check sata from /dev/sd?? or /dev/disk/*, ide /dev/sda? or hd??21:42
kitcheeerpini_: you need to install the driver manually them21:42
StevenxHow do I get widgets on Ubuntu?21:42
LjLJustJaden: by typing "nano" and "gedit" respectively, quite surprisingly :)21:42
clearzenLjL: vim is awesome. if you can find a terminal on almost any system it has vim21:43
JustJadenTyping those instead of what?21:43
RyanPriorJustJaden: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:43
eerpini_kitche : i have tried that , but has a problem with the ieee80211 stack , it never gets compiled ?21:43
kitcheclearzen: not all systems have vim my system does not have vim :)21:43
LjLclearzen, i wouldn't advice it to someone who thinks the terminal *is* the editor, or things like that21:43
=== usrsrc is now known as alex2000
MikeS_Belhow can i enable cyrillic fonts in XMMS?21:44
JustJadengreat, that worked....but it's blank21:44
clearzenkitche: ok, not all but it is about 30 years old or so and widely used. not user friendly though21:44
Flannelader10: first line (well, first line after the shebang) add "exit 0", this will make it always exit 0 without doing anything, regardless of what you pass to it.21:44
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: Stop using XMMS. Development ceased ages ago.21:44
LjLJustJaden: i doubt it, you must have mistyped21:44
JustJadenWow, that's a much better looking program21:44
MikeS_Beli know21:44
kitcheRyanPrior: umm xmms is still in development21:44
=== root____1 is now known as refrax
kitchejust that it's just patches :)21:44
MikeS_Belxmms is still good21:45
mDemocritusi'm having issues with a supposedly usb mass storage class device not persisting in /dev... the dmesg logs show detection and assignment to /dev/sdb 1 and 2, but when i try to mount it, cat it, or fdisk it, /dev/sdb doesn't exist... it assumes write through for drive caching, i have a feeling that has something to do with it... i've tried this with ubuntustudio and knoppix on x86, as well as xubuntu dapper on ppc with the same issues21:45
eerpini_vim is just awesome, it is lightening fast21:45
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: Yeah, like Windows 97 is still good. :-)21:45
LjLRyanPrior: there is a difference, xmms *exists*21:45
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: As in, "still installs, still works (with some stuff), but is way way out of date"21:45
simplexiomDemocritus: mount /dev/sdb1 ?21:45
MikeS_Belthen.. recommend a better one21:46
simplexiomDemocritus: and dmesg should say somehing if it lost device21:46
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:46
refraxI have my nvidia drivers install from nvidia.com (8800GT), I did "glxinfo | grep direct" I have direct rendering, I "apt-get install compiz-core", I run compiz, it says XGL is not present? I am not using KDE or Gnome, just running an Xserver21:46
mDemocritussimplexio: i would love if it was that simple21:46
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: If I remember right, some XMMS guys created the Beep media player to be the successor.21:46
=== alex2000 is now known as bashc
MikeS_Beli tried beep21:46
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: However, people who like Beep tend to also rate Quod Libet highly.21:46
MikeS_Beldidn't like21:46
ader10Flannel: Thank you very much!21:47
MikeS_Beli used to be hardcore fan of winamp21:47
AtomicSparkthis is to network admins: what would be the best way to backup files to a linux server, regardless if its a windows or linux client? say i have a network of 5 windows machines and want to back up their my documents folder to our linux server. what is the best option to do that without installing a third-party application?21:47
mDemocritussimplexio: any time i cat, fdisk, or mount /dev/sda1 or 2, i get device does not exist21:47
RyanPriorMikeS_Bel: Quod Libet has a lot of ties to Winamp, It hink.21:47
=== bashc is now known as usrsra
mDemocritussimplexio: that is, /dev/sdb21:48
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simplexiomDemocritus: what does dmesg say? you could also try mount that usb by-uuid from /dev/disk/by-uuid/ or from /dev/disk/by-path/21:48
JustJadenLjL...That blacklist document is totally blank.21:48
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joyhi pplz!!! Anybody know ho make Ubuntu 7.10 NOT TO CHANGE cpu freq??21:49
joyhi pplz!!! Anybody know ho make Ubuntu 7.10 NOT TO CHANGE cpu freq??21:49
LjLJustJaden: type the following in a terminal: « ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist », what does it show?21:49
mDemocritussimplexio: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61671/21:49
LjL!repeat | joy21:49
=== silencedbear_ is now known as Silencedbear
ubotujoy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:49
mDemocritussimplexio: ^ dmesg21:49
linxehjoy: we saw it the first time...21:49
SilencedbearDoes anyone know how to configure your sound card so that it will run more than one application ?21:49
AdrianStraysI have a question.  How do I upgrade from Gusty to Hardy once Hardy is fully released? Do I have to download an ISO again, or can I upgrade inside Gusty?21:50
joylinxeh what thats mean?21:50
AtomicSparkjoy: why don't you want it to change freq on demand? most people look for that option. i mean... dont waste power. :P21:50
LjLAdrianStrays: you can upgrade21:50
linxehjoy: dont repeat21:50
RyanPriorSilencedbear: It's difficult to do. However, help is on the way: in Hardy Heron, a bunch of stuff has been reconfigured to utilize PulseAudio for that purpose.21:50
Meatgrinderjoy, referring to your spamming21:50
kenroTrouble with firmware cutter... Why doesn't it cut the microcode? I still cannot use my NID because of it.21:50
Rageonlol im playing with compiz its awesome21:50
simplexiomDemocritus: so reconnecting dosent work ?21:50
Rageontho i couldnt get the water one to work21:50
SilencedbearIs there a way to do it manually i really only wan't xmms and a java game to have sound.21:51
mDemocritussimplexio: no[e21:51
AdrianStraysI'm trying to decide if I should install Gusty now or wait until Hardy comes out21:51
mDemocritussimplexio: nope*21:51
joyok i understrand. And I want not get 1Ghz21:51
RyanPriorRageon: You need to press a certain key combo to get the water to start.21:51
AdrianStraysWhat if I install the beta now, will it be easier to upgrade later?21:51
joywhen i need full 2.421:51
simplexiomDemocritus: before comment i dont see anyreason why it wouldnt work, but after trying to reconnect driver could be in somekind problem21:51
RyanPriorAdrianStrays: Hardy is in beta - you can install it now.21:51
LjLAdrianStrays: not necessarily, actually it might still break completely before the final release21:51
elpargoAdrianStrays: upgrades on linux, and specially on ubuntu are trivial.21:51
AtomicSparkjoy: if you need it, it will switch. it happens pretty fast.21:51
JustJadenLjL: it sayse Cannot access: No such file or directory21:51
LjLJustJaden: weird, it should exist by default. what about « ls -l /etc/modprobe.d » ?21:52
AdrianStraysWhat do you mean, break?21:52
elpargoAdrianStrays: as long as you don't install things outside of the package manager upgrade it's a couple of clicks with  zero data lost.21:52
kenrodon't make me spam...21:52
mDemocritussimplexio: can you rephrase that? i'm a bit confused21:52
kenroTrouble with firmware cutter... Why doesn't it cut the microcode? I still cannot use my NID because of it.21:52
simplexiomDemocritus: what it says after coonecting and trying to mount21:52
amenado!hardy | AdrianStrays21:52
ubotuAdrianStrays: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:52
LjLAdrianStrays: stop working, stop being able to install/upgrade things21:52
joyI have a feel that 1Ghz appearing when I don't need it =((21:52
mDemocritussimplexio: nothing... when i try to mount it just says device doesn't exist21:52
JustJadenLjL: that shows me a large list of stuff21:52
RyanPrior!pulseaudio | Silencedbear21:52
ubotuSilencedbear: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:52
joywhen I play game21:52
AdrianStraysThanks for the help21:52
elpargoamenado: I don't agree, he is asking if he should install this or the next version.21:53
LjLJustJaden: well *shrug* then just edit the empty /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file, it should work.21:53
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rainhi, I am new here.Can anyone say me how i can mount /ded/sda2 with read write and execute permissions to every one?21:53
SilencedbearRyanPrior, Thanks im looking it up on the ubuntu forums atm.21:53
JustJadenok. Thanks for the help21:53
bsdnewb07anyone know a way of voip system that runs on ubuntu that does automated call routing like press 1 for this press 2 for this etc21:53
SilencedbearI'm new to linux just trying to get the jist of how everything works.21:53
=== hacker1000000000 is now known as hacker100000000
kenroDoes no one know? Did you miss the question?21:53
simplexiomDemocritus: then i have noide21:53
LjL!nickspam | hacker10000000021:54
ubotuhacker100000000: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines21:54
simplexiobsdnewb07: *21:54
RyanPriorbsdnewb07: If you can set up the Asterisk PBX, you can do that stuff. It's not trivial, though.21:54
rainwhen i type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 the only root can write there21:54
=== hacker100000000 is now known as dellC610
NighteyeI'll think about it21:54
Paddy_EIREanyone know how to set the cpu frequency using cli as opposed to using the frequency scaling panel applet21:54
=== dellC610 is now known as C610
mDemocritussimplexio: rats... this stupid issue has been bugging me for like 2 weeks now... and i really want it to work.... that multitracker is really cool....21:54
linxeh!nickspam | C61021:54
ubotuC610: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubotu Guidelines21:54
SisyphusINCcan someone help me get my firewall functional i scanned my ports and it says 1052 closed 3 stealth and 1 open this seems to be a bit hazardous how do i get all or most stealth and 0 open?21:54
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kenroTrouble with firmware cutter... Why doesn't it cut the microcode? I still cannot use my NID because of it.21:55
Bozza__guys quick question how do i reinstall windows ,, (and format c drive) but i dont want to loose ubuntu while doing it21:55
refraxXGL isn't necessary on an Nvidia 8800GT with drivers from nvidia.com is it?21:55
shawnr34dep prob installing files listed on blog article "Virgin Mobile Praise + Ubuntu and iPod Nano 3g" trying to get my nano 3g to work. unable to install the libgpod-dev package anyone familiar with this that can help me out21:55
=== refrax is now known as refrax_
Bozza__guys quick question how do i reinstall windows ,, (and format c drive) but i dont want to loose ubuntu while doing it21:55
LainyHello, how do I update my Ubuntu OS via the command line?21:55
RyanPrior!repeat | Bozza__21:55
ubotuBozza__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:55
refrax_Lainy: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:55
ViperfangWhen I try and use BlueTooth send file I keep getting --> Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exist21:55
linxehLainy: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:55
elpargoLjL, you shouldn't get operation on such a bussy channel,  it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users21:55
refrax_Lainy: or if you want to upgrade all packages do apt-get sudo apt-get upgrade21:55
simplexiomDemocritus: usb is annoying sometimes. i dont see anything in that paste what would make it broken before line 25 ... after that reason is clear, but i think that isnt problem now21:56
RyanPriorBozza__: You might want to ask in ##windows if you don't get a good answer here.21:56
Paddy_EIREBozza__: http://apcmag.com/the_definitive_dualbooting_guide_linux_vista_and_xp_stepbystep.htm21:56
Lainyrefrax_: Is this recommended if my Ubuntu OS is on a VPS?21:56
LjLelpargo, funny.21:56
refrax_Lainy: depends, is there a reason to upgrade?21:56
Paddy_EIREBozza__: use that link I gave its the best available IMO :)21:56
refrax_Lainy: you might need to reboot if it upgrades the kernel21:56
Lainyrefrax_: I get a lot of errors when installing anything, so I think I'm missing some important files21:56
elpargoLjL, ironic in fact u used up more lines to kick him than what he used to win his kick :)21:56
Lainyrefrax_: Even though I made a clean Ubuntu install21:56
Sinnermanwhen i use tail -f somefile with cut, it won't give me the last line of text written to that file, but the one before that, is that a bug?21:56
simplexiobsdnewb07: also callweaver is one options check www.vopi-info.org21:57
LjLelpargo: you're mistaken.21:57
Bozza__Paddy_EIRE thanks a lot !21:57
refrax_Lainy: When I have an ubuntu server, I do a "sudo apt-get upgrade" right away.21:57
Paddy_EIREBozza__: no probs :)21:57
simplexiobsdnewb07: all those are "heavy" duty solutions21:57
Lainyrefrax_: Okay, thanks.21:57
refrax_Lainy: Then I "sudo telinit 6", to restart the server21:57
kenroTrouble with firmware cutter... Why doesn't it cut the microcode? I still cannot use my NID because of it.21:57
mDemocritussimplexio: exactly... the most aggrivating part is that it works fine on windows, and other usb drives work fine on ubuntu21:57
b4l74z4rah, i finally got x-fi working in hardy21:57
Lainyrefrax_: Okay, I'll give that a try21:58
ricanelitewhen i run webcam application my webcam works perfect21:58
refrax_Is it neccessary to use XGL for compiz with an Nvidia 8800GT with binaries from nvidia.com?21:58
ricanelitebut if i run kino my webcam does not show up21:58
simplexiomDemocritus: have googled known problems with that usbdrive name ?21:58
SisyphusINCcan someone help me get my firewall functional i scanned my ports and it says 1052 closed 3 stealth and 1 open this seems to be a bit hazardous how do i get all or most stealth and 0 open? if no one knows then where might i find an answer i spent 4 hrs on google21:58
Paddy_EIRErefrax_: afaik aiglx should just work21:58
kate_minshello,I need help please :  how i can total remove package from the terminal ?21:58
refrax_Paddy_EIRE: What is the difference from AIGLX and XGL?21:59
RyanPriorrefrax_: You shouldn't need binaries from Nvidia.com. Use the restricted drivers manager to enable the correct drivers and packages for 3D support.21:59
mDemocritussimplexio: hah i can't find a darn thing about it with linux... it's a zoom hd16 multitracker21:59
LjLkate_mins: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename21:59
Paddy_EIRErefrax_: xgl is more of a rough hack21:59
LjLSisyphusINC: you're not portscanning from your own machine, are you?21:59
refrax_RyanPrior and Paddy_EIRE: I am not using Gnome or KDE, just an Xserver21:59
shawnr34dep prob installing files listed on blog article "Virgin Mobile Praise + Ubuntu and iPod Nano 3g" trying to get my nano 3g to work. unable to install the libgpod-dev package anyone familiar with this that can help me out21:59
SisyphusINCLjL: no21:59
cameo357how can I get rid of the padlock on a file. I have no idea how they got there.21:59
amenadoSisyphusINC-> perhaps you did not google for what the meaning of stealth is? try that keyword21:59
Paddy_EIRErefrax_: I did not mention gnome or kde ??21:59
kenrouseless people here21:59
LjL!firewall | SisyphusINC22:00
refrax_Paddy_EIRE: just adding that in, if it made a difference or not.22:00
ubotuSisyphusINC: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:00
Paddy_EIREops kick kenro please22:00
LjL!attitude | kenro22:00
ubotukenro: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:00
kate_minsLjL: i would like to remove the package "openssl" but when i type the remove command including purge i get this msg : E: Invalid operation openssl ?22:00
RyanPriorrefrax_: Maybe a question for ##linux, then?22:00
refrax_sure thing22:00
LjLkate_mins: you typed something else. it's « sudo apt-get --purge remove openssl »22:00
Torturedis there a tool to recombine video seperated in .001 .002 etc aside from using cat?22:00
ViperfangWhen I try and use BlueTooth send file I keep getting --> Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exist22:01
SisyphusINCLjL: im aware how its managed but changing the settings isnt doing much and im about ready to reformat22:01
LjLSisyphusINC, "changing the settings"?22:01
simplexioTortured: me thinks that you cant compine videos with cat ...22:01
Torturedsimplexio, indeed you can22:01
simplexioTortured: what fileformat ?22:01
RyanPriorTortured: are they .rar.001 or .7z.001 or something like that?22:01
Torturedsimplexio, thats how ive been doing it and its time consuming22:02
SisyphusINCLjL: ive tried firestarter guardog fwbuilder and direct commands to the iptables22:02
DPi1Hey guys, a buddy of mine is having trouble getting his wireless set up on his laptop. He started trying ndiswrapper but now i'm looking at his computer and there's a driver for his wireless listed in the reqstriced drivers manager and it says it's in use but it's not checked off. When i check it off it says it need to restart the computer to enable it and the next time it starts it says it's in use but it still isn't checked off. cou22:02
Torturedryan_, no, not compressed, avi, mkv etc22:02
LjLSisyphusINC: you don't happen to have a DSL router connected?22:02
simplexioi have allways thoght that evert video has something metadata on start and you cant compine them that way22:02
kenroYou'd think, Mr cOP, that this concern would be absolutely endemic to current systems, as prevalent as b43 wNID is.22:02
Paddy_EIRETortured: i thought that mencoder allowed you to merge video files22:02
rainHow to edit permissions on mounting22:02
DPi1Can anybody help with this wireless problem?22:02
SisyphusINCLjL: i dont know any information on the router its a communal one22:03
LjLkenro, hmm?22:03
shawnr34anyone familiar with getting the 3g nano working with rhythmbox or amarok? i'm in need of some assistance22:03
kate_minshello , I need help please : i would like to install package , but i get an error msg :  Could not find OpenSSL and OpenSSL headers on your system . (i already removed openssl with --purge & reinstalled but its still not working)22:03
RyanPrior!patience | DPi122:03
ubotuDPi1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:03
LjLSisyphusINC: then are you sure what you're portscanning isn't the router, rather than your own machine?22:03
haukIs this the right channel for the classic "flash not working in Firefox" problem?22:03
amenadoSisyphusINC-> did you try a rule of DROP instead o REJECT?  to see the effect on stealth versus closed ?22:03
TorturedPaddy_EIRE, mencoder? cmdline still or what? im looking for something that keeps me from having to type every file out, or tabbing for that matter22:03
SisyphusINCamenado: yes22:03
kenroLjL: Are you saying you know nothing about b43xx firmware cutter?22:03
rainhi, I am new here.Can anyone say me how i can mount /ded/sda2 with read write and execute permissions to every one?22:04
rainwhen i type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 the only root can write there22:04
LjLkenro: actually, no, i haven't said that. but it's true, i know nothing about it.22:04
Paddy_EIRETortured: sorry cant help you there cli is endlessly better rather than a clunky gui22:04
amenadoSisyphusINC-> and what was the effect? did you compare same results when scanned?22:04
SisyphusINCLjL; no how do i differentiate them? im scanning it with shildsup22:04
simplexioTortured: for in ls * ; do cat  $i  >> compine done22:04
adorablepuppyAnyone know how to get blob support in the ubuntu installation of postgresql?22:04
ViperfangWhen I try and use BlueTooth send file I keep getting --> Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exist22:04
SisyphusINCamenado: no effect22:04
ricanelitedoes anyone run jack audio server?22:04
RyanPriorTortured: could you just use bash? As in "cat mymovie.avi.* >> mymovie.avi"22:04
Sinnermanhow do i find out all the packages in the repository that depend on libflite1?22:04
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haukIs this the right channel for the classic "flash not working in Firefox" problem?22:05
kenroLjL:  Then stay out of it.22:05
madmaxmadthis was a nice crash22:05
LjLSisyphusINC, are the IP that shows up when you type "ifconfig" the same IP that shows up when you go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ - and if not, which of the two are you scanning?22:05
Paddy_EIRERyanPrior: apparently thats too hard ;)22:05
rainhelp please with mounting22:05
amenadoSisyphusINC-> are you sure?  you do know the effect of REJECT vs DROP right?22:05
madmaxmadhow can I see log file for my crash right now ?22:05
simplexiohauk: there is thousand pages in net. google. i have latest flash working22:05
TorturedRyanPrior, i dont know if the star is going to put them in the correct order22:05
Torturednormally i have to do cat blah.001 blah.002 blah.003 > blah22:06
LjLSinnerman: apt-cache rdepends libflite122:06
Anubiz /server irc.stealth.net22:06
amenadomadmaxmad-> specific program that crashed?22:06
SinnermanLjL: thanks.22:06
SisyphusINCamenado: reject is no stealth informed denial if you will drop is ignoring the packet or stealth correct22:06
simplexioTortured: so make it bash script.. for i in ls ; do ....22:06
hauksimplexio: I've literally tried everthing at this stage. I've been at this the past week trying to get it working. Video playback is fine, but sound in youtube or other flash sites is not playing.22:06
LjLSinnerman: if you also want to find packages that depend on packages that depend on [...] libflite1, then add "--recurse"22:06
madmaxmadamenado, whole gnome22:06
madmaxmadamenado, just crashed and put me back to login screen22:07
Rageongah cant get this workspace switcher working :(22:07
ViperfangWhen I try and use BlueTooth send file I keep getting --> Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exist22:07
amenadoSisyphusINC-> one those responds to the requested the other does not22:07
madmaxmadamenado, happened when I started azureus22:07
amenadomadmaxmad-> look around /var/log ?22:07
SisyphusINCamenado: yes22:07
SinnermanLjL: ok.22:07
TheKiNGKubuntu will not boot from my Live CD22:07
SisyphusINCamenado: thus the "informed denial"22:07
RyanPriorTortured: use "echo mymovie.avi.*" to find out whether they'll be in the right order.22:07
simplexioadorablepuppy: bytea ?22:08
dthomasdigitalAnyone know of any good 2d gaming engines out there?22:08
=== server_ is now known as edan
RyanPriorTheKiNG: Any more info? Are there errors?22:08
TheKiNGits just a black screen22:08
Rageonanyone know any good ubuntu AOE type games?22:08
SisyphusINCamenado: is there a way to make sure it isnt the router being scanned not me22:08
RyanPriorTheKiNG: Does it show the Grub menu when you boot up?22:08
SisyphusINCamenado: flip that22:09
amenadoSisyphusINC-> i dont know what tools you are using,22:09
TheKiNGRyanPrior: its the Boot CD22:09
simplexiohauk: http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2006/07/audio_problem_from_flash_video.html ?? does that help22:09
kenroLjL: You're out of line. I'm sick and tired of having to worry over this, but can't afford a different lappy. Why doesn't Broadcom or Ubuntu fix it?22:09
amenadoSisyphusINC-> likewise to you22:09
RyanPriorRageon: All the FOSS RTS games I've played suck. Some have promise, but none are complete or polished enough to be a lot of fun.22:09
SisyphusINCamenado: http://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd222:09
simplexiohauk: and you have triple checked that all your sound lvls are not 022:09
LjLkenro: you're out of line - and, i haven't the slightest idea.22:09
dthomasdigitalRageon: Have you tried Glest yet22:09
RyanPriorTheKiNG: When the computer starts, what happens? Black screen and nothing else at all?22:10
slideIm trying to use apache + mysql auth and whe apache was at ver 2.0 I used libapache2-mod-auth-mysql but that is no longer compatible with 2.2 The replacement is libapache2-mod-authn-dbd but this is not available, can anyone help me figure out how to get it setup?22:10
=== FreeSpirit is now known as _FreeSpirit_
rain<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<How to mount /dev/sda2 that way anyone can write there? I tried  sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 but only ROOT can write there,How i give write permissions to every one?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>22:10
amenadoSisyphusINC-> that dont work for me22:10
TheKiNGRyanPrior: I hit Start or install Kubuntu, the [OK] things come up, then it goes to a black screen, nothing else22:10
kenroLjL:  You know we're never gonna accept the other's perspective...22:10
guidHi. I need a good tutorial to create packages (.deb)22:11
guidif someone's got a good pointer22:11
SisyphusINCamenado: dead link?22:11
LjLkenro: my perspective is that the attitude you've been showing is not acceptable. i don't know about your broadcom-related problem, sorry about that.22:11
rain<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<How to mount /dev/sda2 that way anyone can write there? I tried  sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 but only ROOT can write there,How i give write permissions to every one?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>22:11
rain<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<How to mount /dev/sda2 that way anyone can write there? I tried  sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2 but only ROOT can write there,How i give write permissions to every one?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>22:11
amenadoSisyphusINC-> nope, but it says something about cant reload22:11
kindofabuzzguid: man dpkg22:11
guidkindofabuzz: funny22:11
kindofabuzzguid: that's how you make deps22:12
Armadahow do I change the dictionary language in input boxes?22:12
ViperfangWhen I try and use BlueTooth send file I keep getting --> Method "CreateBluetoothSession" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.openobex.Manager" doesn't exist <-- I get this on Gutsy and Hardy, I have installed the utils openobex utils to try and fix it, but it doesnt help22:12
dthomasdigitalIs it just me or are the ubuntu wiki pages loading slow?22:12
LjLdthomasdigital: it's not just you22:12
kindofabuzzguid: are you wanting to make them from source?22:12
SisyphusINCamenado: http://www.grc.com/default.htm go to menue in top left drop down from "services" go to "shieldsup" select proceed then hit "all service ports"22:13
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Hardy 8.04 Beta Support in #ubuntu+1 | The Wiki seems to be experiencing difficulties, be patient
kenroLjL:  I need a new motherboard.22:13
dthomasdigitalLjL: Thanks22:13
fredlDoes anybody know why vlc doesn't have upnp discovery on ubuntu?22:13
RyanPriorTheKiNG: When the black screen is up, does your hard drive light flash?22:13
shawnr34anyone familiar with getting the 3g nano working with rhythmbox or amarok? i'm in need of some assistance22:13
TheKiNGRyanPrior: nope22:13
amenadoSisyphusINC-> and what is that supposed to do? scan my own router? am far removed from it22:14
IndyGunFreakshawnr34: 3g nano?22:14
mDemocritusshawnr34: no, but i've used gtkpod with much success22:14
SisyphusINCamenado: no it supposed to scan your computer22:14
IndyGunFreakamarok works pretty good for Ipods.. i've used it, but gtkpod works well to.22:14
shawnr34its the new nano with video 4gig22:14
hauksimplexio: Yeah. I've checked them loads. I tried that link that you pasted in, restarted firefox, and it didn't work.22:14
mDemocritusshawnr34: not sure if it works with the newest gen22:15
amenadoSisyphusINC-> how is it supposed to do that? am behind routers and firewalls..22:15
bozzafuck i am about to reinstall windows xp what an effort ... plus i cant do things like surfing the internet ,, or being on irc while its installing .. how annoying right ?22:15
b4l74z4rafter installing the oss package for my x-fi card, i get sound but the gnome volume control doesn't work, how do i remedy this?22:15
IndyGunFreakshawnr34: not sure how it would do for importing videos.22:15
kindofabuzzamendo that's the point22:15
RyanPriorTheKiNG: hit ctrl+alt+F8 and tell me if it says anything?22:15
Sinnerman!language bozza22:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language bozza - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:15
LjL!language | bozza22:15
ubotubozza: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:15
TheKiNGRyanPrior: same thing22:15
shawnr34mDemocritus, amarok's site says it works with Amarok 1.4.8, and libgpod 0.6.0, how can i get that version of libgpod?22:15
bozzaoh sorry guys22:15
amenadokindofabuzz-> the point of not really scanning the computer am on but the devices in front?22:16
SisyphusINCamenado: im am bit lacking in the way the data flows, which may be why i can see any changes when i mess with the settings. is there some way to access the integraty of my firewall?22:16
fredlDoes anybody know why vlc doesn't have upnp discovery on ubuntu or is there a way to enable it?22:16
* DOOM_NX gn all22:16
=== Skyblast is now known as Datalanche
SisyphusINCamenado: cant see*22:16
RyanPriorTheKiNG: how about ctrl+alt+F1?22:16
gauchoWhich is the best way to configure compiz? I'm trying to use compiz-gnome-manager, but it isn't working..22:17
amenadoSisyphusINC-> put your system in a controlled environment and then scan it from another pc...both on the exposed side and what you consider safe side22:17
mDemocritusshawnr34: apt-cache show libgpod          i think22:17
Armadahow do I switch between spelling checker languages?22:17
mDemocritusshawnr34: should give you the installed version22:17
mDemocritusshawnr34: or just check in synaptic22:17
RyanPriorTheKiNG: does the computer boot any other way? As in, can you boot it into Windows or Fedora or anything?22:17
SisyphusINCamenado: so just connect two computers to a router or do it ad-hoc?22:18
simplexioSisyphusINC: default ubuntu install dosent expose any remotely  exploittable holes22:18
sarahow can i leave here with a special messege?22:18
guidkindofabuzz: yep, from sources, do you think a tool like CDBS is useful?22:18
sarafor example:sara left the room (bye).22:18
hauksara: /quit bye guyz22:18
simplexio sara /quit you suck too22:18
simplexio or / disco is back22:19
amenadoSisyphusINC-> do what you must to isolate and really are scanning the correct host not some devices in front of it22:19
kindofabuzzguid: all you need is checkinstall, after you ./configure and make, instead of sudo make install you run sudo make checkinstall and it installs it and makes a deb22:19
simplexioor if you didnt get any help /quit  thank you very much22:19
SisyphusINCamenado: pardon my ignorance these past days ill do that thank you22:19
kindofabuzzand i'm sure thers'an option just to make the deb instead of installing22:19
Armadahow do I switch between spelling checker languages?22:19
RyanPriorArmada: In what program?22:20
amenadoSisyphusINC-> its okay, we all are learning22:20
Armadapidgin, xchat, etc.22:20
ArmadaI believe it's the same program22:20
cameo351anyone using ubuntu 8 beta?22:20
RyanPriorI am, cameo35122:21
RyanPriorcameo351: People in #ubuntu+1 are22:21
Sonderbladeis it just me, or is ubuntu still unable to automatically switch to dst?22:21
SeveasSonderblade, that's just you I guess22:21
Rageonwhat in compiz do i enable for cube workspaces?22:21
SeveasDST has always worked here22:21
IndyGunFreakSonderblade: just you, works fine for me22:21
RyanPriorSonderblade: My Ubuntu switched to dst automatically. So did my phone. It was a week before I noticed anything had changed.22:21
Sonderbladeso why doesn't it work for me then?22:21
Jack_Sparrow!ccsm > Rageon22:21
cameo351do you have to upgrade or can download overwrite what you already have22:22
RyanPriorRageon: Make sure you have the number of virtual workspaces set to 4, then enable the cube pluginl22:22
kindofabuzzRageon: first go to general settings and make vertical workspaces =4 then encable cube and cube rotate22:22
RyanPriorRageon: CCSM wil be helpful, Jack Sparrow sent a PM your way.22:22
IndyGunFreakSonderblade: right click your clock, and choose, "Adjust date/time", then enter your password22:22
Rageonok 1 sec22:22
simplexiowhere i drop ?22:23
Jack_SparrowRyanPrior, what about PM?22:23
Rageonim sure ive got 4 workspaces.. i can switch between them in a panel switcher i made!22:23
pinchmeshhow do i get sound output to usb??22:23
onefunkhey all, can anyone help me with Jack Audio Connection Kit. I've tried to set it up but it don't work.22:23
Jack_SparrowRageon, 4 workspaces inside ccsm22:23
RyanPriorJack_Sparrow: You sent a PM to Rageon via Ubotu, which I referenced in my comment. No big. :-)22:23
Rageonso desktopcube and rotate cube?22:23
DragonLotusI'm trying to turn on Direct Rendering for my radeon 9800 pro in gutsy.  Any ideas?22:24
kindofabuzzguid: with checkinstall, to make a deb but not install it it would be suod make checkinstall -d --install=no22:24
RyanPriorDragonLotus: use the restricted drivers manager to set up the Nvidia drivers, then restart your computer.22:24
rainWhy i got kicked whe i asked hoe to mound  /dev/hda2 with write permissionss22:25
Armada9800 is an ATI22:25
Armadayou need ATI drivers22:25
kindofabuzzguid: -D i mean22:25
zodmanerIs it ok to have both gtk and gtk2 toolkit installed at the same time? Will it causes any conflict or problem?22:25
DragonLotusThanks.  I'll try that =)22:25
Jack_SparrowDragonLotus, enable restricted drivers, install fglrx and xserver-xgl22:25
RyanPrior!ircguidelines | rain22:25
mDemocritusrain: cause you were repeating your message over and over22:25
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uboturain: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:25
ijustamdeb installers can't install content to ~, right?22:26
Jack_Sparrowijustam, sure they can22:26
RyanPriorijustam: Deb installers can install to anywhere.22:26
ijustamoh really?22:26
rainso you all just ignore me?22:26
clydei have no sound on a fresh install of ubuntu ..  my motherboard is the asus a7n8x with the nforce2 chipset.  in bios my onboard sound is disabled and im using a sound blaster audigy1 card.  can someone help me get sound working.22:26
amenadorain-> you were spamming with those long <<   be nice22:27
ijustamJack_Sparrow, RyanPrior: how do you set it up to install to ~ using the deb file structure?22:27
kindofabuzzrain: http://www.linuxmanpages.com/man8/mount.8.php22:27
rainbut i really need help with that beacause i am new22:27
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:27
mDemocritusrain: we'll ignore you until you grow up22:27
mDemocritusrain: ok that was mean... sorry22:27
guidkindofabuzz: weird, all sites are talking about dbhelper or CDBS , debian/rules and those sort of things22:28
kindofabuzzguid: just to make a deb??22:28
mDemocritusrain: but be patient... ask your question, then look through some google searches while you wait for a response22:28
guida deb a taking dependancies in account no?22:28
clydesomeone anyone help me.  my sound blaster audigy1 works on my other computer using ubuntu. but on this one it dont work22:28
Jack_Sparrowkindofabuzz, yes, just to make a deb22:28
clydei have no sound on a fresh install of ubuntu ..  my motherboard is the asus a7n8x with the nforce2 chipset.  in bios my onboard sound is disabled and im using a sound blaster audigy1 card.  can someone help me get sound working.22:28
Sonderbladei have choosen my tz to stocholm/europe and then "synchronize with internet servers" but now ubuntu sets the time to two hours earlier than the real local time??22:29
kindofabuzzguid: just do a sudo apt-get install checkinstall, then checkinstall --help to see all the oprtions22:29
Jack_Sparrowclyde, Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh  #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh  ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions ..  then  /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file.22:29
SnakeArtworXI need an urgent advice: I need to 'transfer' my existing Gutsy from hda to sda. I've used dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda command, but Grub replies with error 21. I've searched for solution on google, but there was no similiar post.22:29
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RyanPriorTheKiNG: What's up? Any luck?22:30
TheKiNGwhat can i do22:30
Jack_SparrowSnakeArtworX, dd should copy the uuid as well as the files and data.. are both drives in the system or just the destination.?22:30
RyanPriorI'm out of ideas. It's really strange that Kubuntu won't start up but everything else will. I suggest coming back and asking again later, in case somebody else has ideas.22:30
kindofabuzzguid: http://www.asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/22:31
Dave009I'm having trouble setting up my wireless internet, I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Wireless-N Mini-card, is this supported?22:31
RyanPrior!wireless | Dave00922:31
ubotuDave009: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:31
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx22:31
JustJadenWhat does this command do? "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`" and am I not putting something in right? It says it can't find the package22:32
=== adante_ is now known as adante
SnakeArtworXHi,captain Sparrow:) I was using 6.4gb ide drive and now I need to transfer my ubuntu to new 160gb SATA drive. I don't want to reinstall and reconfigure everything again. That's why I need help.22:32
guidkindofabuzz: thanks22:33
rainbut  where i  can write permissions in  "sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/sda2"  I know that i need something like rwx  bu i have no idea where22:33
Jack_SparrowSnakeArtworX, For the best help.. answer the questions asked by the people trying to help you22:33
Jack_Sparrowrain, what is the format on hda222:33
humboltois there a way to burn some data on a cd in an encrypted fasion?22:34
DragonLotushey, I enabled the restricted driver, rebooted, got a message about trying to resume, no resume image, doing normal boot.  It said it couldn't detect my screen or card and to get higher resolutions and color settings to do it manually.  I found my monitor, selected it... and it booted in... now I go to restricted drivers and it's listed as not enabled... I turn it on, reboot, same thing about resume.. This time I hit continue and do22:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:34
gawwdotnethi guys, can someone point me to a an apt-get source howto? I want to install a modified lighttpd but keep it "in the family". Does that make sense? :/22:35
DragonLotusand now it says GLX is missing completly22:35
Rageonso u cant use multiple desktops with compiz?22:35
JustJadenWhat does this command do? "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`" and am I not putting something in right? It says it can't find the package22:35
shawnr34nooooo, i messed up my packages! help! can't install anything "depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed"22:35
LjLshawnr34: what did you attempt to install22:35
SnakeArtworXJack_Sparrow: Sorry,but probably I didn't understand your question. My SATA drive was added few days ago, so it wasn't present in fstab or mtab previously (if this could help).22:35
Flannelshawnr34: What did you do?  Use a distro's package? (version even)22:36
badhirno.. whait?22:36
Jack_SparrowSnakeArtworX, you dd'd...  ok..  are both drives still in the system?22:36
shawnr34LjL, i've been messing around with "libgpod2_0.5.3+actually0.6.0-0.1_i386" and the like trying to get ipod working22:36
Flannelgawwdotnet: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:36
SnakeArtworXjack_sparrow: yes,they're here22:36
LjLshawnr34: which comes from where? did you actually enable any third-party repositories?22:36
shawnr34LjL, no22:37
Jack_SparrowSnakeArtworX, disconnect the old drive...22:37
shawnr34LjL, however22:37
shawnr34LjL, in ubuntu forums I tried this howto that had me add a older ubuntu repository and install a few files then remove the repository22:37
kadakasEvery time I uptade stuff, the /etc/ld.so.cache file gets corrupt and stops my laptop from booting. Can you help please?22:37
Flannelshawnr34: Where did you get that package? What you'll want to do (once you've fix it), to get 0.6.0 is use prevu (see !prevu) to backport hardy's version.22:38
LjLshawnr34: ouch. where's that howto?22:38
shawnr34LjL, nothing happened at the time but maybe thats what my problem is now22:38
shawnr34LjL, let me pull it up one sec22:38
Technovikingshawnr34: please tell me, I'm an admin on the forums and will remove it.22:38
white_eaglecan I merge the "places", "system"  and "applications" launchers in one (using gnome)?22:38
white_eagleI want to save space22:38
LjLwhite_eagle: yes, you can. right click on the panel, add applet, it's called menu or something.22:39
SnakeArtworXjack_sparrow: I've did it before,but only effect was a freeze during USB drivers initialization. When I switched my G15 keyboard system freezes on cdrom driver.22:39
crdlb"Menu bar"22:39
shawnr34Technoviking, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=7e66352ebb556d38ade5d79d6485e823&t=65852322:39
JustJadenThis command is not working. Please somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong. "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`"22:39
LjLJustJaden: define "not working" (also, why are you using it?)22:39
shawnr34:( I don't want to reinstall this os, how can I reverse my dumb ass mistakes22:40
Jack_SparrowDragonLotus, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx xserver-xgl     have you done that.. what does fglrxinfo show22:40
LjLshawnr34, calm down. pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list22:40
white_eagleLjL: I didn't get you, I was trying to say that I have the applications, places and system launchers, and I want them in one22:40
Technovikingshawnr34: there is a warning in the howto22:40
JustJadenit's the next step of this guys tutorial for how to get my wireless card working. It says it can't find that package i'm looking for22:40
b4l74z4ri can't seem to get sound in flash videos with oss in hardy22:41
LjLwhite_eagle: yes, i think there is an alternative applet you can use that doesn't have those three menus. i don't remember how it's called, as i'm not a GNOME user.22:41
shawnr34Technoviking, i know, im stupid22:41
Jack_SparrowSnakeArtworX, something is odd with that..  dd is usually quite simple22:41
white_eagleok LjL I found it22:41
LjLshawnr34, you didn't add *older* repositories, you added *newer* (Hardy, unstable) repositories22:42
shawnr34LjL, http://pastebin.com/m368f518622:42
SnakeArtworXjack_sparrow: I've also tried to install pure ubuntu from livecd, than write-protect grub directory,fstab and mtab and simply copy all files from hda1 to sda1.22:42
Hamledis the only way to get firefox 3.0 beta 4 by hand (or are there apt repositories that have it, I can only find up to alpha 8)22:42
LjL!automatix | shawnr3422:42
ubotushawnr34: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »22:42
LjLshawnr34: that's another good way to break your system22:42
Flannelshawnr34: Automatix is abandonware now anyway.22:43
Jack_Sparrow!clone > SnakeArtworX22:43
shawnr34i will remove22:43
LjLshawnr34: start by removing all third-party repositories (automatix and the other couple you have), then type « sudo apt-get -f install » and paste the output22:43
Technovikingshawnr34: you may want to rebuild anyways, and avoid 3rd party debs in the future other than maybe medibuntu22:44
Rageoncan anyone tell me how i can bind close window to my mouse thumb button and move window to scroll click button?22:44
Jack_Sparrow!buttons > Rageon22:45
Rageoncheers jack.. whats serial mean? my mouse is usb22:45
rainbut  where i  can add  permissions in  "sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/sda2"  I know that i need something like rwx  bu i have no idea where or rw for read and write22:46
Jack_SparrowRageon, that link should have what you need.. even for usb mice22:46
Rageonok cheers dude22:46
shawnr34Technoviking, you me reinstall ubuntu?22:46
Baskervillehow can I hide the Icons in the evolution task bar?22:46
shawnr34Flannel, ?22:47
Azure_TideHello, I'm about to partition my vista laptop, I'm a student so its used for classwork, anime, roms of old role playing games, and programming (I'm learning C++ an JAVA)  I plan on doing all but the schoolwork on my linux partition, but I'll be deleting anime, and games as I watch/beat them22:47
Flannelshawnr34: there's probably no reason to reinstall (or at least, not because of this)22:47
Azure_Tidehow much space should I use for the linux?  I think I haev about 80GB freespace22:47
Rageonwhat msn client would u guys recoomend?22:48
Rageonsomething simple and secure22:48
kindofabuzzAzure_Tide: use it all! =)22:48
Azure_Tidedoesn't pidgin work with msn?22:48
Jack_SparrowRageon, amsn22:48
kindofabuzzRageon: Kopete22:48
Baskervillehow can I hide the Icons in the evolution task bar?22:48
kindofabuzzdoes it all22:48
hakergaim also :)22:48
kindofabuzzgaim is now pidgin22:48
hakeroh xD22:49
kindofabuzzkopete is better22:49
Rageoni used pidgeon in windows atm... bit over it, whatever u guys recomend ill give a whirl, theres a few too try :)22:49
shawnr34LjL, how can I tell which are not original sources?22:49
appleiphonesehi everyone , i am an apple iphone seller22:49
Rageonkopete on the repo?22:49
appleiphonesecontact me if you want to buy one22:49
kindofabuzzappleiphonese: be gone!22:49
otorisHi I was wondering if some one could help me with a compiz bug in ubuntu, I have a ATI raedon X1650 video card and have all drivers and such setup, When I enter a 3d game with compiz on the game constantly flickers, but when I turn it off it stops the flicker but I need to keep compiz on or it will erase the compiz settings, so I was wondering if this is fixed in 8.04 or is there a work around? help would be much appreciated. :)22:49
LjLshawnr34: the ones that don't have "ubuntu.com".22:49
appleiphonese$350 usd22:49
shawnr34LjL, what about Canonical ?22:49
InazadI need some help to build Eterm from sources.. it dont find libAST but I have already installed it..22:49
kindofabuzzi'd get a linux based phome before an iphone22:49
LjLshawnr34: you can leave those22:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:50
DG19075white_eagle, you can right click on the the taskbar, select Add To Panel, and then look for Main Menu in the list. Then add that. But first, remove the menu bar...22:50
kadakasEvery time I uptade stuff, the /etc/ld.so.cache file gets corrupt and stops my laptop from booting. Can you help please?22:50
net`splitcan someone tell me why eggdrop tells me my config file would be missing?22:50
otorisI have looked all over for a work around but found nothing22:50
Jack_Sparrowotoris, /join #Compiz22:50
Azure_TideTo go about partitioning, I go into the disk management and shrink it correct?  Then I'll run my 7.10 liveCD right?22:50
LjLnet`split: have you tried asking in #eggdrop ?22:50
shawnr34LjL, sudo apt-get -f install : "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."22:51
Baskervillehow can I hide the Icons in the evolution task bar?22:51
net`splitLjL, i cant join bcuz i need a registert nick or something like that22:51
LjLshawnr34: that would indicate everything is ok. where do you get problems?22:51
LjL!register | net`split22:51
ubotunet`split: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.22:51
net`splitok thx.22:51
Rageongah confusing stuff Jacksparrow :s22:51
gawwdotnetFlannel: Thanks, thought I was missing something, but I just installed fakeroot and bam.22:52
JustJadenPlease some one help me, I can't for the life of me figure out why this won't work. <sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r'> It's the next thing I have to do to get my wireless card set up. This website is where I'm getting my info. I really want to figure this out. grrr.22:52
RezagratsWhat's a good video authoring program ?22:52
LjLJustJaden: what does "uname -r" say?22:53
net`splitLjL, #eggdrop is empty.22:53
shawnr34LjL, let me try this again22:53
Azure_Tidealso, should I run a system backup before I begin to shrink my drive?22:53
JustJadenI don't know. Thats just what it says to put in.22:53
LjLnet`split, my suspicion is that you lack a config file. there would most likely be an example one in the package.22:53
yaroI need help setting up print sharing between two Ubuntu boxes. All the howtos I have found seem to always be between Ubuntu and Windows. Not helpful. Any help?22:53
net`splitLjL, yes i used the example22:53
LjLJustJaden: until you don't type it, you won't know. i'm telling you to type « uname -r » and tell me what it says.22:54
LjLnet`split: and what happens exactly?22:54
masmotais there a way to have video files full-screened on my second monitor (the tv) ?  the dual setup is alrdy working properly22:54
JustJadenoh..it says 2.6.24-12 generic22:54
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, did you already install build-essential22:54
shawnr34LjL, was trying to install build-essentials22:54
LjLJustJaden: it probably says 2.6.24-12-generic, doesn't it?22:54
LjLshawnr34: well, try again now22:55
net`splitLjL, /usr/share/eggdrop/bot.conf is the the config file and i tried starting the bot with eggdrop -m bot.conf but it tells me: [23:44] * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR)22:55
shawnr34LjL, "build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or"22:55
JustJadenYes I have built essentials22:55
DragonLotusHey,  I installed the ATI radeon 9800 pro drivers and I no longer can run glxgears.  Says xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  Any ideas what this means?22:55
shawnr34LjL, "libc-dev: Depends: g++ but it is not going to be installed"22:55
LjLnet`split, you need to give it the full path (/usr/share/eggdrop/bot.conf) unless you copied it to the current directory22:55
masmotais there a way to have video files automatically fullscreened & positioned on second monitor?  (the tv)  .. the dual-setup is alrdy working.22:55
LjLshawnr34, pastebin the *whole* thing please22:55
masmotadragon...i just fixed that on mine22:55
net`splitLjL, ok thx ill try22:55
DragonLotusmasmota: yah?  ATI Radeon?22:56
goldenratio_we all can talk on free conference line 641-678-3404 ext 752, lone distance applys22:56
JustJadenLjL it still keeps telling me It couldn't find the package "linux-headers-uname -r22:56
LjLJustJaden: and what does « apt-cache policy linux-headers-2.6.25-12-generic | grep Cand » say?22:56
Jack_Sparrow!find linux-headers22:56
ubotuFound: E:22:56
LjLJack_Sparrow, tis broken22:56
shawnr34LjL, http://pastebin.com/m529af43d22:56
Jack_SparrowLjL, which repo are they in?22:57
masmotaDragonLotus: i went from nv to ati... i had to remove everything in synaptic related to nvidia & ati,  then re-install the ati driver pkg22:57
LjLJack_Sparrow: i'd say security without checking22:57
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, have you verified your sources?22:57
LjLshawnr34: please paste the output of « apt-cache policy libc6 | grep Inst »22:57
yaroI need help setting up print sharing between two Ubuntu boxes. All the howtos I have found seem to always be between Ubuntu and Windows. Not helpful. Any help?22:57
shawnr34LjL, apt-cache policy libc6 | grep Inst22:58
LjLshawnr34, the output...22:58
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)22:58
shawnr34LjL, Installed: 2.7-9ubuntu222:58
masmotahope u got my msg this client sucks lol pidgin eff tea ell22:58
JustJadenjack_Sparrow: do I type that entire thing into terminal?22:59
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, yes   except the (last part)22:59
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, use shift-ctrl-v to paste into a terminal23:00
TatsterHi,  I wonder if someone could help me try and recover my machine that won't boot23:01
JustJadenJack_Sparrow: so did you want the website that it gives me? http://pastebin.com/f5e2b6bec23:01
shawnr34LjL, Installed: 2.7-9ubuntu223:01
DragonLotusmasmota: trying removing ati related drivers and reinstalling the proprietary version.  good idea thanks23:02
LjLshawnr34: ok you're messed up. libc6 is, basically, the most important library on your system, and you have the Hardy version instead of the proper Gutsy version.23:02
TatsterI get some init errors and the machine won't boot.  Errors are here: http://pastebin.ca/96390623:02
LjLshawnr34: in other words, you have a system that is half Gutsy and half Hardy.23:02
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:02
shawnr34LjL, terrific23:03
JustJadenWhat exactly is that pastebin thing?23:03
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, For starters.. you are in the wrong room.. Hardy is #Ubuntu+123:03
shawnr34LjL, how can I fix this23:03
LjLshawnr34: i'm sorry, but i have no easy solution (you could try completely upgrading to Hardy, but given the state of your system, that might not be successful, and Hardy may still be unstable anyway)... you should remember to not mix weird repositories, EVER, next time :|23:03
masmotadragonlotus:  just to get the files back the way they should be, then u can swap23:03
masmotalike reinstall theother23:03
LjLshawnr34: or we could try to bring you back to the right version of libc6, but even that might fail and possibly break more stuff, depending on how much other Hardy stuff you have installed.23:04
masmotamaybe it was diff in my case23:04
paper_appmsg nickserv identify sasa23:04
LjLpaper_app: change it now.23:04
unocrashhey everyone23:04
shawnr34LjL, do you think I would come back up from a reboot right now?23:04
TatsterI tried following this thread from the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=322709 but I can't do the mount from within the livecd as it says unknown filesystem 'linux_raid_member'23:04
jasonware do the names for ubuntu releases come from?23:04
Azure_Tideif i partition 40 gigs to linux, should that be enough for programming, anime, and roms?  also could I re add it back to windows if I ever have to for some reason?23:04
LjLshawnr34: probably yes, couldn't swear on it23:04
charles__jason, looney toons23:04
JustJaden.......oh! wow....sorry everyone. Thanks for all your help though.23:04
charles__jason, they all use alliteration23:04
LunksI want to login to a server using sftp:// on nautilus, but I want to become root after I login. I can login with sftp://user@host, but I need to become root only after logging in. How can I do this?23:05
unocrashcharles: really?!?23:05
Jack_SparrowJustJaden, For what is is worth, your sources look fine23:05
shawnr34LjL, cause I can reinstall but hal stopped or something my thumb drive isn't mounting and i need it to back some things up23:05
mDemocritusTatester: what the heck happened?23:05
charles__Lunks, you can't do that23:05
LjLshawnr34: can always use a live cd i suppose23:05
JustJadenJack_Sparrow: thanks.23:05
TatsterI'm not sure to be honest!!!!23:05
mDemocritusTatster: what was the last thing you did?23:05
Lunkscharles__: I can't change user after connected?23:06
mDemocritusTatster: does recovery mode work?23:06
LunksI can do it on ssh easily.23:06
charles__Lunks, sftp doesn't have a concept of switching users23:06
unocrashcould i ask a question about 6 LTS here?23:06
Azure_TideHow long does it take to shrink a vol. and install 7.10?23:06
Jack_Sparrowunocrash, sure23:06
JustJadenSo..which Ubuntu are all of you using?23:07
Lunkscharles__: I want a simple drag'n drop utility which can do this. Can you point me in some direction? =P23:07
TatsterOne minute system was fine, then webmin started responding weirdly....then I ventured into my loft where the box and I couldn't login locally, rebooted (yes I know it was probably the wrong thing to do) and now it won't boot23:07
eaxJustJaden: Feisty as Gutsy doesn't work on my lappie :(23:07
charles__Lunks, why can't you just log in as root to begin with?23:07
Jack_SparrowAzure_Tide, how much is on the volume you are shrinking and how big of a volume is it..  too many factors for a simple answer23:07
paper_apphello boot... how can i to change my pass??23:07
mDemocritusJustJaden: lol a bunch... kubuntu 7.10 on the desktop, ubuntu dapper on the server, xubuntu dapper on the ancient ibook....23:07
JustJadenWhat is the best Ubuntu to use if you are totally new23:07
LjLpaper_app: /msg nickserv set password newpassword23:07
JohnesHow I use XGL?23:08
Lunkscharles__: it's a shell access on a freebsd. I have no idea on how to enable root remote access. :P23:08
Azure_TideJack_Sparrow> sorry didn't think of that, its a 160gb hdd in my laptop, and I'm gonna make room for about 40GB for linux23:08
charles__Johnes, what card are you using?23:08
unocrashJustJaden: DO you have a good comouter23:08
mDemocritusTatster: ick... that's bad.... server?23:08
Tatsterhome server23:08
mDemocritusTatster: i mean, does it have a gui?23:08
Jack_SparrowAzure_Tide, plan on it taking awhile..23:08
Tatsterit has xfce4 on it23:08
paper_appDone!! tnks so much!!!23:09
Jack_SparrowAzure_Tide, defrag your ntfs.. twice before starting23:09
mDemocritusTatster: ah... xubuntu? or ubuntu server + xfce?23:09
unocrashJustJaden: Try either Ubuntu or xubuntu.23:09
tommykn0ckerhi all. for somewhat reason my shortcut ctrl+alt+del for logout doesnt work anymore. any ideas?..23:09
Johnescharles: ati x127023:09
Azure_TideJack_Sparrow, I have a TL-56 dual core cpu, 2 gb ram, and ati x1200, would 7.10 ubuntu be the best version for me based on those specs?23:10
Jack_Sparrowtommykn0cker, ctrl-alt-backspace?23:10
LjL!identify | paper_app23:10
ubotupaper_app: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.23:10
JustJadenWhich Ubuntu is best for beginners?23:10
tommykn0ckerJack_Sparrow, no this one would restart x11 (or something)23:10
Johnescharles_ : I dont know what command I have to use... My card is an ati x127023:10
JustJadenI like the layout of Hardy, but....I don't know any better.23:10
unocrashJustJaden: xubuntu, then ubuntu/kubuntu23:10
Tatsterubuntu + xfce4 - I think!! I have experimented with loads of variations!23:10
mDemocritusTatster: well, it doesn't really matter either way... does recovery mode in the bootloader work?23:10
Tatsterchecking now23:11
JustJadenWhat is this Xubuntu?23:11
LjL!xubuntu | JustJaden23:11
ubotuJustJaden: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:11
Jack_SparrowAzure_Tide, 7.10 should be fine..  32bit...23:11
Azure_Tidejustjaden, its a lightweight ver of ubuntu i think23:11
unocrash!xfce | JustJaden23:11
Lunkscharles__: got it, thanks =)23:11
JustJadenunocrash: what is !xfce | justjaden? what do I do with that?23:12
Azure_TideJack_Sparrow, yes its 32bit, and defrag twice?  I defraged with AIM up last night, and defragged again about 1-2 weeks ago, should I still do 2 defrags w/ everything closed now, or just one?23:12
mDemocrituslol i don't think that worked unocrash23:12
tommykn0ckerJack_Sparrow the point is, it worked all the time, but now not anymore.. i cannot remember if i changed something.. the shortcut is still there in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts23:12
unocrashJustJaden: !_____ makes ubuntu talk. i thought he knew what xfce was, but it doesn't work.23:12
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:12
unocrash!xfce is the same as !xubuntu23:13
Owner__Help?, Firefox is still waiting for a signal from my routers IP, any help here23:13
=== Owner__ is now known as valros
Jack_SparrowAzure_Tide, If you defragged already, it should not take but a couple minutes to do it agin .. twice..23:13
LjLunocrash: except it's not23:13
JustJadenUbuntu Talk? huh?23:13
Jack_Sparrowtommykn0cker, Did you do anything with compiz or effects.. it messed up my shortcuts23:14
valrosWell im getting the wireless network set up on ubuntu on a new laptop23:14
Azure_TideThanks Sparrow, I'll do that again then and if I have any more problems then I'll come on back23:14
Jack_Sparrowgood luck23:14
mDemocritusJustJaden: xfce is a lightweight window manager, it does the same function as gnome or kde23:14
=== dazedx is now known as cdn_guy
tommykn0ckerJack_Sparrow, nope, i didnt install anything like that...23:15
unocrashJustJaden: If you have a old or slow computer, go with xubuntu, if you have an average or above average pc or mac, use that. If you want to use KDE, go with kubuntu. If you like to edit media, install UbuntuStudio.23:15
kadakasEvery time I update stuff, the /etc/ld.so.cache file gets corrupt and stops my laptop from booting. Can you help please?23:15
JoeBornI know it's somewhat idle chatter, but I cannot resist.  I'm a ubuntu newbie, but I am absolutely shocked how smoothly this install has gone!23:16
unocrashJustjaden: I would just go with ubuntu23:16
JoeBornsound card, sd card, printer, video, unbelievable23:16
JoeBornreads NTFS drives no problem...23:16
erUSUL!yay | JoeBorn23:17
ubotuJoeBorn: Glad you made it! :-)23:17
Tatsterforgive me if the questions I'm asking are newbie ones!   I'm firing up rescue mode from CD.23:17
DragonLotusHey anyone have experience with radeon 9800 pro?  I'm having some trouble.23:17
kadakashow important is ld.so.cache anyway ?23:17
djjdHow do you get the water drops effect to start?23:17
TatsterI've reached a screen asking which device do I wish to use as root filesystem23:17
Jack_SparrowDragonLotus, /join #Compiz23:17
valrosCan someone lend some insight into this problem im having, I cant connect to my routers control panel, its not asking me for admission Firefox and IE are just waiting and waiting for a signal.23:17
unocrashdjjd: i'll check23:17
JoeBornthanks to all that helped make this happen, I am *really* impressed.23:17
JustJadenwhich version of Ubuntu? I have hardy right now, but I have no Idea what I'm doing. Just starting my CS major, and wanted the Baptismal by fire treatment. So I deleted Windows completely and downloaded Ubuntu. I'm totally starting from scratch and am just wondering what the best option is. phew...what a mouthful. Any advise would be spectacular23:17
DragonLotusJack_Sparrow: I'm not using compiz... though...23:18
mDemocritusTatster: you have an ide or sata hard dise?23:18
erUSULkadakas: prety important; ld is the dinamic linker if it fails all *.so fails too (all dlls in windows lingo)23:18
TatsterI had/hope I still have! volume groups setup23:18
unocrashdjjd: It's <control> <super>23:18
mDemocritusTatster: crud you're using LVM?23:18
Jack_SparrowDragonLotus, They are good at setting up all video cards..  what did fglrxinfo show23:18
djjdwhat is super?23:18
Tatsterfraid 'so23:18
JohnesWhat is the command for use XGL?23:18
Jack_Sparrowdjjd, windows key23:18
erUSULdjjd: windows key23:18
Swiss73hello, cna some one help me completely remove grub and ubuntu (on hard drive #1) are restore hard drive 2s ability (windows xp) to boot on its own23:19
javatexananyone got bluray reading and writing working under ubuntu....I am trying to find a compatability list...but no luck23:19
unocrashJustJaden: Ubuntu 7.1023:19
JohnesI have already installed23:19
mDemocritusTatster: i have no experience with that... but try /dev/hda1 for the root filesystem23:19
DragonLotusJack_Sparrow: ahh =) fglrxinfo isn't installed.  I downloaded the ati proprietary driver.23:19
djjdhmm does not work23:20
JustJadenunocrash: great, I'll download it now. Does it matter if I get the 64bit AMD version or not. I do have an AMD64, but does it really make a difference?23:20
javatexani saw where nero linux will do it, but they didnt show a compat list either...23:20
Tatsterroot is actually on a volume group - I have an option for /dev/vg1/lvroot which represents a logical volume for root partition if you like23:20
unocrashJustJaden: Idk23:20
Swiss73I have tried usiong repair on my xp disk to do fixboot, bootxfg, and fixmbr23:20
DragonLotusJack_Sparrow: I ran the driver and built the .deb packages and restarted.  I'm not sure if I had to do dpkg -i on each package myself or what...23:20
soundrayJustJaden: Hardy is beta at the moment, so you might have some glitches, which are harder to deal with when you're inexperienced23:20
TatsterI'm guessing this should be the one to choose ?23:20
unocrashI went with x86, even though my system is 64-bit conpatible23:20
JustJadensoundray: ha! understatement. I love this experience though. So glad to be done with Windows.23:20
soundrayJustJaden: amd64 is faster for numbercrunching/video encoding23:21
unocrashdjjd: you have to hold it23:21
Swiss73When trying to boot off of the xp hard drive i get ntldr missing23:21
mDemocritusTatster: uh... probably? i'm not sure, sorry23:21
Positronichow much fast, soundray?23:21
Positroniclike, is it noticeably faster?23:21
soundrayJustJaden: amd64 also allows you to use more RAM23:21
Jack_SparrowDragonLotus, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx xserver-xgl    is where I would start. but some of those ati are a pain.. the 9800 is no exception23:21
eth01Positronic: that can depend on which particular model/version you're running.23:21
hexonI'm trying to reinstall ubuntu (because i screwed it up) over the previous installation, but it keeps telling me that"File systems used by the system (/, /boot, /usr, /var) must be reformatted for use by this installer. Other file systems (/home, /media/*, /usr/local, etc.) may be used without reformatting."23:21
unocrashdjjd: to turn on the rain effect, hit shift+F9.23:21
Positronicprocessor or distro?23:21
soundrayPositronic: it's noticeably faster with some 3D image processing software I use.23:21
djjdcool thanks23:22
djjdnow what about the fire?23:22
soundrayPositronic: for desktop responsiveness, it makes no difference23:22
Jack_Sparrowhexon, that is correct / needs to be reformatted23:22
unocrashdjjd: idk23:22
hexonJack_Sparrow: how do I do that?23:22
unocrashyou have to set it.23:22
Positronicisn't there a way to address more RAM than the 32-bit version of ubuntu allows in the 32-bit version?23:23
soundrayJustJaden: if you have or plan to upgrade to 4GB+, go with amd64.23:23
unocrashdjjd: you have to set the key23:23
Jack_Sparrowhexon, it should take care of things by itself,  are you trying to preserve thingsa on your old system?23:23
JustJadenWell thank you for all your help everyone. I'm going to love this crowd. I'll catch you on the flipside when I get 7.10 loaded.23:23
Swiss73Hello, I have Ubuntu + grub on a hard drive (samsung, for name sake to keep track) and xp on another one (maxtor), and id like to remove ubuntu and grub so that i can boot off of maxtor and use samsung as more storage for XP, but i tried an online guide and now when i try to boot off of mactor i get "NTLDR is missing [Next line] Press any key to restart"23:24
soundrayPositronic: there would be, but Linus Torvalds has personally argued against it, so I don't think it'll make its way into the mainline kernel23:24
shuktyhi  i m under a router and i m using java-vnc i can't get my vnc from the net only intranet ... any idea?23:24
hexonJack_Sparrow, no, I want to completely start fresh, but it won't let me place the '/' mount location over the preexisting dev/sda623:24
mDemocritusSwiss73: that's no good... google for that error message... your windows drive is messed up23:24
WistesoIs anyone aware of a way to have the GDM login aquire an IP over a secure wireless network automatically?23:25
unocrashthe negitave thing is cool!23:25
Jack_Sparrowhexon, it should as long as you put a check mark next to it to allow formatting23:25
Swiss73mDemocritus: i did, and nothing worked, i have a windows XP upgrade hom edition and it wont let me jsut ovewrite everything23:25
WistesoDebian style I guess you could say.23:25
soundrayshukty: you need to find out which ports vnc uses, and forward those from the router to the machine. For security, look up vnc tunnelling through ssh.23:25
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:25
hexonJack_Sparrow: oooohhh, now i see23:25
mDemocritusSwiss73: ntldr is missing is a fairly common error for windows... we can't really help here, try google and the ##windows channel23:26
tommykn0ckermy ubuntu doesnt wake up after suspend.. any ideas? just black screen; only reset helps23:26
erUSULSwiss73: boot a instalation windows cd into recovery mode and use fixmbr to install the win boot loader.23:26
Al-Khouli./ex3d: symbol lookup error: ./ex3d: undefined symbol: _install_allegro_version_check23:26
Al-Khouliany one can help ??23:26
NithSwiss73: it means you're missing the boot sector23:26
Scunizievery time I load xchat I get an error about "balloon messages" not being able to display and to install libnotify.  however libnotify1 from the repo's IS installed.. the error doesn't prevent xchat from loading or working though. What is this and how do I fix it?23:26
NithSwiss73: do what erUSUL says23:26
Swiss73erUSUL: i did that as some one told me to get rid of grub and NOW i have ntldr missing23:27
soundraytommykn0cker: look at the video-related settings in /etc/default/acpi-support -- it often takes some experimentation to find a combination that works23:27
NithSwiss73: did you make the second drive your primary drive?23:27
erUSULSwiss73: maybe you should first change the master slave status of the disk or mark the correct disk for booting on bios23:27
Swiss73erUSUL: im using the small cable, not the master slave ones, what do i do?23:28
tommykn0ckersoundray, alright ill try it out, thx23:29
silencedbearMy pigden keeps exiting is there a way to uninstall it and reinstall it to get the default settings ?23:29
erUSULSwiss73: the disk where windows is installed should be the first one on the boot sequence on bios if you are using sata i guess23:30
Swiss73erUSUL, so my maxtor, ill boot from that one sec23:30
djjdntdlr missing could also mean you have a floppy in the drive23:30
ubotuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin23:30
TatsterI'm going to have to scratch my head some more another day.  I'm probably going to remove 1 of my drives (mirrored)   then have another crack at resolving my non-booting, otherwise re-install23:30
Swiss73i have no floppy drive23:31
djjdYou mbr is corrupted you will need to boot off a windows cd and repair23:31
Swiss73Okay I booted of my maxtor and i get NTLDR is missing press any key to restart23:31
Odd-rationaleIs the new PolicyKit thing only for gnome or is it also for kde?23:32
Swiss73i already did that like twice djjd23:32
jordan_does any one kno how to install shorched3d?????23:32
Aval0nwhat is the command for dist upgrade?23:32
soundraysilencedbear: if you quit pidgin, do a 'mv ~/.purple ~/pidgin-config-backup' and start it again, it should generate a fresh configuration for you23:32
erUSULSwiss73: try using "fixmbr" again. btw we are a little be offtopic now23:33
djjdboot into recovery mode and get to a command prompt then you can copy the old hive from the repair folder23:33
soundrayAval0n: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'?23:33
Aval0nerr duh23:33
silencedbearsoundray it just keeps exiting not sure why theres an error log but not sure what it means.23:33
Nis2kHello, I tried to update my system to hardy heron but the upgrade was auto.aborted, and now when i turn on my comp it only shows a screen saying that its busybox, anyone knows how can i get into my system again?23:33
djjdNis can you access a terminal?23:33
jordan_hardy came out already? i thought its was comen out in a few weeks23:33
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:34
Nithit is, but the beta's out23:34
silencedbearI believe its beta atm.23:34
Nis2kdjjd, yes but only by GRUB23:34
jordan_o ok23:34
nikola1can I ask something23:34
Nis2kyes, ask23:34
NithNis2k: your install failed, busybox means something's not working durring the boot seq.23:34
soundraysilencedbear: my suggestion is fairly generic -- see if it works -- if it doesn't, you'll have to ask the channel again. I don't use pidgin personally23:34
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Nis2knith, do you know how can i fix it?23:34
silencedbearwhat do you use for chat ?23:34
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soundraysilencedbear: xchat-gnome23:35
NithNis2k: short of reinstalling, out of my knowledge base sorry23:35
nikola1 do you know any player  for playing movie from dvd totem dosent  work for me23:35
nbkrnikola1, vlc23:35
NithNis2k: try to read as much as you can to see what the issue is23:35
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elpargohi,is there a way to eject the cd and use my drive from within the liveCD?23:35
Nis2knith, i had a problem with my system before, and i tried to solve it but i couldnt. So i decided to solve the error my updating, but it didnt work, and noww its even worse.23:35
nikola1ok thanks23:35
stefgNis2k: the easiest way would be to restore the backup (that you don't have)23:35
silencedbeari need something for aim,yahoo,msn. i use x-chat for irc. but the others i need something i guess gaim is all pigden now. But kopete is it in the repository ?23:35
NithNis2k: and report what you find to #ubuntu+123:35
artfullylostWhat would be the command in the terminal to install the firefox beta?23:35
Nis2kstefg, hi man, im eduardo i believe u tried to help me before23:36
soundrayartfullylost: 'sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0'23:36
elpargosilencedbear: yes to both.23:36
djjdIs firefox 3 beta very stable?23:36
elpargodjjd: it's beta23:36
Pelicanhey everyone, just a noob trying to setup music sharing over a local network in exaile23:36
artfullylostThanks so much, soundray.23:36
soundraydjjd: fairly23:36
jordan_can sum one tell me why i have to keep resiting my resolution every time i got on my caomp after a restard or a shut down?? plz help its bugs me23:36
Nis2kstefg remember me?23:37
erUSUL!fixres | jordan_23:37
ubotujordan_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:37
jordan_ok i'll try that now23:37
Swiss73erUSUL: okay, i am at teh windows xp home edition setup, i clicked r for repair and its asking me to choos the drive, there is only on option C:\windows23:37
Nis2kreplace ? for an g or k23:37
silencedbearelpargo you know the command to install it plz.23:37
djjdthe settings are in you xorg file23:37
stefgNis2k: busybox is the minimal system utility that resides in the initial ramdisk, the filesystem which the kernel uses before it has acces to the actual root filesystem. So you are habging in the initrd, that probably means that the kernel cannot find the root file system.23:38
soundraysilencedbear: have you tried to apply the fix I suggested?23:39
Nis2kstefg, is there anyway i can use fluxbox instead of busybox?23:39
Horus__what is the command for take a screenshot from the console?23:39
Swiss73okay ive enterd fixmbr23:39
jordan_um the restar thing didnt work u said"restart>> in console and i did that and i got bash: restart: command not found23:39
soundrayHorus__: xwd23:39
erUSULSwiss73: ok23:39
stefgNis2k: these are 2 completly different things .... you need to boot a Desktop CD and look at the situation from CD23:39
Swiss73**caution** this computer appears to hace a non-standard or incalid master boot record Fixmbr may damage your partition tables if you procced23:40
Rageonhow can i change the speed of my autohidden panels? jacksparrow? anyone?23:40
Swiss73? do i proceed?23:40
Nis2kstefg, you mean fromm live CD?23:40
artfullylostOdd, it got me alpha 8, not beta 4...23:40
stefgNis2k: yes23:40
soundraySwiss73: is this a Mac?23:40
silencedbearelpargo, im trying it now see if it works but i still would rather have another client.23:40
Nis2kstefg ok, ill try then log back in here.23:40
silencedbearnah it closed elpargo as soon as a i send a message it closes out.23:41
saltedlight_hi. how do i install emerald?23:42
Rageonhow can i change the speed of my autohidden panels? jacksparrow? anyone?23:42
Swiss73do i  proceedwith fixmbr?23:42
semi-newbcan I possibly get some quick help? I accidentally deleted the contents of my /boot directory while reinstalling grub. Can I get the files back?23:43
SubOnewhat is the command to check what application is locking the sound device?23:43
Swiss73ok i am proceeding...23:43
silencedbearelpargo,  what is the site to paste something i'll show you the error logs that pigden is giving me.23:43
Swiss73Erusul: okay what now23:43
stefgRageon: start gconf-editor, look in /apps/panel/toplevels for hide/unhide delay23:44
mDemocritusSwiss73: i would imagine so... you're asking for windows help in the ubuntu channel.... that's so offtopic it hurts23:44
ddaltonhey can someone who knows how to nmap join ##ddalton? Sorry im blind and its not really possible for me to follow the channel here... since its so busy23:44
Swiss73im asking how to undo grub23:44
Rageonok ill try lol23:44
Rageon< noob23:44
unopSubOne, lsof | grep -iE "/dev/snd|dsp"23:44
silencedbearWhat is the site to paste on.23:44
DragonLotushey all I just removed the proprietary drivers for my radeon card.  I don't know what to do at this point.  I started trying to get direct rendering to work... and now I'm having trouble even getting things to display properly.23:44
erUSULSwiss73: undoing grub is installing the windows bootloader which is a bit oftopic ;)23:45
mDemocritusSwiss73: you said you wanted to blow away that ubuntu drive to use it as storage right?23:45
soundraySwiss73: no guarantees, but I think you're on the right way23:45
stefgsilencedbear: /topic23:45
XXarmory555XXcan sum one tell me how to reinstall ubuntu cuz my ubuntu is all messed up23:45
bozzaguys how do i play games while i install xp23:45
soundraybozza: get a console23:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:45
Servecki installed xp on one HD and ubuntu opn the other, simply restart if you want one or the other23:45
Rageonstefg, ure a champion! :D23:45
unopbozza, thats a question to ask in ##windows23:45
rEvoHey, I got some problems installing a program. There is a linux script on the download page, but i don't know what to do, after i downloaded that... This is the link: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php Can someone help me plz?23:45
XXarmory555XXhow do i reinstall ubuntu?23:46
mDemocritusSwiss73: so once you've got windows working again, format the ubuntu drive and you'll be set23:46
neophytenotte a tutti :D23:46
claudia_Hi. When I run a program, how can I see which other programs and/or libraries it calls? Like a subprocess tree?23:46
mDemocritusXXarmory555XX: boot off the install cd, and install it....23:46
Swiss73mDEmocritus: how do i do that, format the ubuntu drive?23:46
semi-newbis there a simple way to restore the contents of a deleted /boot directory? can I just reinstall the kernel from synaptic?23:46
lelemomneophyte notte23:46
XXarmory555XXok ty23:46
slypheedclaudia_: pstree23:46
djjdis there a key to make a window you are in transparent?23:46
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Nithdjjd: hold alt and use the mouse wheel if you have one23:47
charles__rEvo, just open a terminal, cd to the directory where you downloaded it, and then type ./the_script_name23:47
Rageonwhats a text editor i can use?23:47
mDemocritusSwiss73: for the last time, this is the ubuntu channel... windows questions should be directed towards ##windows or google23:47
NithRageon: gedit23:47
silencedbearhttp://pastebin.com/d79eb050e elpargo23:47
soundraysemi-newb: no, you'd have to restore it from a backup23:47
rEvothanks charles23:47
mDemocritusSwiss73: try Disk Management23:47
Nithmy personal favorite is windowskey+n23:47
bozzaunop: i need to reinstall xp .. how badly i dont want to ,, while i am bored i want to play pinball .. how do i get the console up23:48
unoprEvo, you'll need to make the script executable first -- chmod +c ./scriptname23:48
DragonLotushey all I just removed the proprietary drivers for my radeon card.  I don't know what to do at this point.  I started trying to get direct rendering to work... and now I'm having trouble even getting things to display properly.23:48
SubOnety unop23:48
destructar« /msg ubotu etiquette »23:48
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.23:48
claudia_slypheed: tnx23:48
unoprEvo, err sorry -- chmod +x ./scriptname23:48
Horus__see you all, bye bye23:49
bozzaanyone know how to get the console and find pinball while installing xp ?23:49
semi-newbsoundray: the point is, i accidentally deleted my backup. is there no way to get it back? i'm running the system now and i don't want this to be the last time my computer works.23:49
unopbozza, we don't support windows XP in here, you should know that23:49
bozzawell . some one might know .. oh well .. ill have to do something else while installing it23:50
soundrayDragonLotus: in your /etc/X11 directory, you should have various xorg.conf backups. Have a look and copy one back to xorg.conf that has 'Driver "ati'' in it instead of 'Driver "fglrx"'23:50
SubOnemy sound still isnt working, wine killed it :(23:50
Carbonfluxfreenode has a good ##windows channel, there is not reason to ask windows questions here.23:50
mDemocritushere goes again.... i'm having issues with a supposedly usb mass storage class device not persisting in /dev... the dmesg logs show detection and assignment to /dev/sdb 1 and 2, but when i try to mount it, cat it, or fdisk it, /dev/sdb doesn't exist... it assumes write through for drive caching, i have a feeling that has something to do with it... i've tried this with ubuntustudio and knoppix on x86, as well as xubuntu dapper on ppc 23:50
unopsemi-newb, you could install the linux-image and grub packages, it ought to work23:50
semi-newbunop: thanks. I'll try that23:51
soundraysemi-newb: I'm sorry, you got yourself into a bad situation. Boot a live CD, do a backup and reinstall your Ubuntu.23:51
ijustamis there a method of making gif animations short of gimp?23:51
ijustami have 72 frames and doing that by hand will suck23:51
stefgmDemocritus: i'd look at udev and dbus/hal23:51
unopsemi-newb, actually, reinstall them  - sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image grub23:51
Azure_Tideheyas -> my friend said after I finish defagging (twice, reccomended from here) that I shuold go do an error check23:51
soyeurthere are websites that allow you to make .gif images23:52
Azure_Tidebefore i partition23:52
stefg!udev rules | mDemocritus23:52
ubotumDemocritus: Ever wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature.23:52
soyeurjust do a google search, ijustam23:52
Carbonfluxijustam, there are some plugins that make that a lot easier in gimp23:52
Azure_Tideis that all necessary before I partition to install 7.10 ubuntu?23:52
eduardostefg, im in live cd now, any suggestions_23:52
soundraysemi-newb: for unop's advice to work, you'd also have to recreate /boot/grub/menu.lst (reinstalling won't do that for you)23:52
CarbonfluxI used gimp to do this one: http://www.carbonflux.org/GrayMan_bow2.gif23:52
Carbonfluxfrom a avi file23:53
DragonLotussoundray: thanks will do23:53
ijustamoh really?23:53
BoohbahAzure_Tide: why not 8.04?23:53
ijustami have an mpeg i want to convert to a gif23:53
stefgeduardo: first mount your installed system23:53
unopsoundray, doesn't the grub postinst script set that up?23:53
mDemocritusstefg: you think that would work? the stupid multitracker doesn't show in /dev, but other usb disks work fine23:53
Carbonfluxijustam, just need to install all the right plugins, take a look at gimp.org also23:53
soundraysemi-newb: also, the /boot/initrd-...gz is fairly specific to your system23:53
Azure_Tideboohbah > i've never used linux before, and this is my laptop I use for everything.  8.04 doesn't have a stable ver til april 24th right?23:54
DragonLotussoundray: restarting23:54
Carbonfluxijustam, also in the ubuntu repo's if you search for "gimp" using symantac there is a video/animation package you can install23:54
soundrayunop: I don't think so... but I may be wrong.23:54
eduardostefg, where do i mount my hd to?23:54
stefgmDemocritus: so it's no USB stick, but some player? might just be not compatible23:54
ijustamCarbonflux: yeah i have that one23:54
Aval0nso when apt-get dist-upgrade is finished your at gutsy?23:54
Carbonfluxah ok23:54
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IlSantohi all23:54
mDemocritusstefg: but it's supposedly mass storage class23:54
Sinnermannautilus has stopped making thumbnails for my pictures, why is that?23:54
mDemocritusstefg: and works on windows...23:54
soundrayunop: no -- it only runs update-grub, which needs at least a basic one in place23:55
SubOnehow do i restore my sound after wine killed it23:55
eduardostefg, where do i mount my hd to_23:55
stefgeduardo: you should see in it 'Computer' and clicking on it will mount it some where in /media ... the interesting part is where it gets mounted. What ubuntu version do you use ?23:55
unopsoundray, /var/lib/dpkg/info/grub.postinst calls update-grub which generates menu.lst (see the manpage)23:55
ShaiHey all, I'm trying to blacklist a module but, it continues to load. I've added entries to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and I've created a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-smsc_ircc2 but it continues to load. Any suggestions?23:55
mDemocritusstefg: i haven't taken a look at the udev logs though... thanks for the idea23:55
jurgensuche was zum poppen23:55
Carbonfluxijustam, it can be a pain, I decided to generate all my animations in avi files even tho I am using a linux tool chain because of the conversion tools, when I was looking around at options for building a tool chain I did see a few command line tools that should do what you want, but I don't recall the details now.23:55
stefgmDemocritus: 'works on windows' means nothing23:56
ijustamit might be easier just to use imagemagick to convert my jpg frames to gif then use gifsicle..23:56
eduardostefg. 7.1023:56
SeanInSeattleHas anyone else noticed that dependencies are an issue with installing a given program in Ubuntu / Linux?23:56
ShaiSeanInSeattle Haven't seen that so far.23:56
mDemocritusstefg: lol i'm aware... but it should, since there's a standard for USB Mass Storage devices....23:56
CarbonfluxSeanInSeattle, thats a good thing23:56
SeanInSeattleCarbonflux:  Why is that a good thing?23:57
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stefgmDemocritus: so you're gonna say that it's a standards compliant device23:57
Carbonfluxbecause its better then downloading a app and having it just crash23:57
eduardostefg, im using ubuntu 7.1023:57
artfullylostSo Hardy Heron releases at the tail end of April, correct?23:57
mDemocritusstefg: nah... but it says it is....23:57
ShaiSo, anyone know hwo to get a module to stop loading at boot?23:57
SeanInSeattleI mean, I resolved the issue with dependencies, but it was a 6 step process... argh.23:58
mDemocritusstefg: any other ideas.... you think changing the drive caching might help?23:58
CarbonfluxLinux is fairly transparent about dependencies I like that.23:58
stefgeduardo: so open 'Computer' you should see your installed ubuntu partition. click on it and see if a window pops up showing the content23:58
ijustamugh, the imagemagick that comes in the repos is kinda lacking23:58
PifferWhats a good URL where I get get some Ubuntu shirts/glasses/stickers etc? (Not Jinx/thinkgeek)23:58
nottnottcould someone help me with PHP/running SH23:58
IlSantoraga ma... ho ubuntu 7.10 quindi con compiz, lo ho abilitato installato il compizsettingmanager.. tutt'ok attivo il cubo e funziona... ma non riesco a vedere il cubo ma solo le facce dei quattro desktop premendo freccia ctr+alt+dx con ctr+alt+down mi fa vedere un desktop affianco all'altro e non il cubo..... qualche idea ?23:58
eduardostefg, yes i can see the content now, but i dont know what to fix23:58
stefgmDemocritus: is taht ntfs formatted ?23:58
BoohbahShai: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:58
mDemocritusstefg: nope... FAT3223:58
eduardostefg, i had troubles with gtk lib, but i reinstalled it, and it didnt work either23:58
soundraySeanInSeattle: that's not normally the case. If you 'sudo apt-get install app', it'll normally pull in the required dependencies in one step.23:58
CarbonfluxSeanInSeattle, thats linux tho, its not a 1:1 map with "user friendly" OS's regardless of the press, its the price you pay for control23:58
valrosAny insight into this problem please, im running the live CD on a dell laptop, no sound. Is this a known problem or would this continue.23:59
Carbonfluxya what soundray said23:59
DragonLotusHey soundray, I rebooted and I still recieved the error about it not being able to find my video card and me having to pick it manually.23:59
Odd-rationaleHow do I get a new IP address from a dhcp server? Thanks!23:59
ShaiBoohbah, I did, it still loads. Also blacklisted anything that was dependent on it.23:59
stefgeduardo: open a terminal, run 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the result to !pastebin23:59
stefg!paste | eduardo23:59
ubotueduardo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:59
eduardostefg ok23:59
nottnottcould someone help with PHP running a SH file?23:59
DragonLotusnottnott: Sure23:59
unopnottnott, ask in #php23:59

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