
=== uga is now known as uga|away
ryanakcaRiddell: OK, one (very minor) thing left. 1) Do you want the stories to say "Submitted by <submitter> on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51.", "Submitted on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51." or nothing?00:58
ryanakcaIts currently set to "Submitted by <submitter> on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51."00:58
Nightroseryanakca: having a date for news is important I think - just my 2c00:59
ryanakcaNightrose: I agree00:59
ryanakcaNightrose: ok, so, iyho, should we have submitter or no?01:00
Nightrosehmmmm I'd say no but I wouldn't care if we do either01:00
nixternalNightrose: you have any KDE 4 presentations that are recent?01:07
Nightrosenixternal: the one I did at the release event in stuttgart and an updated version of that by franz01:08
nixternalgotta link?01:08
Nightrosethough that is in german01:08
Nightrosebut you could copy the figures01:08
Nightrosethe rest is not changed AFAIR01:09
Nightrosenixternal: http://blog.lydiapintscher.de/2008/01/19/slides-for-the-talks-in-stuttgart/ for one - still looking for a link to the one franz did01:10
Nightrosenixternal: http://franz.keferboeck.info/KDE/ <- slides.tar - the important stuff are the updated figures01:13
Nightrosesince the ones in my presentation are probably quite outdated by now01:14
Nightrosenixternal: uhmm nope sorry ;-)01:15
nixternalgroovy, thanks a ton01:16
Nightroseno prob01:16
Nightroseok bedtime for me - k'nite :)01:28
jjessequick question: how do i figure out what packages would be installed when i intall a new application?02:11
ryanakcajjesse: apt-cache show <package> | grep Depends02:12
jjesseryanakca: thanks02:12
dasKreechryanakca: aren't reccommends installed as well?02:19
ryanakcadasKreech: not by default I don't think... I don't know about Adept, but I don't think they are with apt-get / aptitude...02:24
Hobbsee_Jucato: ping?02:56
JucatoHobbsee_: pong02:57
jjesseJucato: morning: :003:00
Jucatoevening jjesse! :)03:01
* Jucato has noticed he has been pretty pretty silent in here lately03:01
* jjesse too03:01
* Hobbsee_ heads to lecture03:03
jjesseenjoy your lecture03:03
* Jucato enjoys his coke03:03
dasKreechWhats it on?03:04
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Tonio_alleeHol: digikam uploaded as promissed08:44
klerfaytTonio_:  are you the one who I sent the email as "kristjan_"? (about kdesudo appearance)08:54
Tonio_klerfayt: yep08:55
Tonio_klerfayt: on ubuntu hardy, we have an icon for kdesudo kde3408:55
Tonio_klerfayt: having an icon on the top left is planned for kdesudo 3 soon08:56
klerfaytTonio_: to make sure that we are talking about the same thing - bug 1845108:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 18451 in kdebase "Administrator mode should adapt to Qt theme" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1845108:57
klerfaytTonio_: so it appears that ubuntu does adapt the overall look of the user desktop08:58
Tonio_klerfayt: that can't be done09:02
Tonio_klerfayt: the reason is simple : kdesudo loads applications using the root profile09:02
Tonio_klerfayt: editing configuration with the user's profile ends up to .kde/share/config file UID root09:03
Tonio_klerfayt: makes them only editable as root09:03
Tonio_klerfayt: you have the same problem with standard sudo, but the difference is that people using sudo manually generally know what they do09:03
Tonio_klerfayt: that won't be fixed, unfortunatelly09:03
Tonio_hey sebas ;)09:04
Tonio_klerfayt: the solution to that is policykit, making system settings modifiable bu the user itself09:04
Tonio_with a standard 'going to root' mode, you are forced to use the root profile, unless you don't want to break the users profile09:05
Tonio_that's more a sudo problem that kdesudo's09:05
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Seregahi there09:41
etretyakSerega: hi09:45
etretyakTake a look at my Launchpad logo contest entry ;-) http://help.launchpad.net/logo/submissions09:47
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just trying to install the pardus network manager10:16
Tonio_Riddell: python based appliation that looks like a complete replacement for knetworkconf10:16
Tonio_Riddell: trying to make it to work atm, but looks promissing10:16
alleeHolTonio_: cool. Txh!10:26
etretyakTonio_: Does it contain ADSL (PPPoE) setup?10:41
Tonio_etretyak: no idea yet10:43
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RiddellSerega: did you ever get a chance to look at gdebi-kde?  people have been grumbling about it11:38
SeregaRiddell: not yet :( I had no time last weekend. I'll start working today11:40
SeregaRiddell: I should use adept-updater as a refrence, right?11:41
RiddellSerega: dist upgrade tool, which is part of update-manager11:43
Riddellsee https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main  branch11:44
Riddellrevisions 849, 850, 851 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main/changes11:45
SeregaRiddell: thank you11:46
SeregaRiddell: is there any deadlines for this issue?11:46
RiddellSerega: RC freeze in two weeks11:48
ryanakcaRiddell: Do you want the stories to say "Submitted by <submitter> on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51.", "Submitted on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51." or nothing?11:52
ryanakcaIts currently set to "Submitted by <submitter> on Fri, 2008-03-21 11:51."11:52
Riddellnumber 2 is simplest11:53
_StefanS_Tonio__: hey12:11
_StefanS_Tonio__: I keep  getting undefined reference when it links the last part of knm.. I'm sure how to fix it.12:11
_StefanS_Tonio__: not sure ;)12:12
_StefanS_Tonio__: undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk ..12:12
_StefanS_driving me nuts12:12
Tonio__StefanS_: hey ;)12:18
Tonio__StefanS_: I just tried to make the pardus config tools to work12:18
Tonio__StefanS_: no way for me.... that's pretty sad cause they seem to have a "guidance" equivalent, but much more advanced that guidance I must say12:18
Tonio_and they have a superb network configuration tool....12:18
Tonio__StefanS_: any news on your side ?12:19
Tonio__StefanS_: see http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/projects/network-manager/index.html12:20
ryanakcaRiddell: if you want to look through it and try to find anything that's missing/wrong/needs to be fixed. The Submitted line I'll code in tonight when I get back from school, and then it's all yours :)12:25
_StefanS_Tonio_: what is the url for ?12:32
Tonio__StefanS_: I just wanted to give pardus network configuration tools a test :)12:34
Tonio__StefanS_: what's new on your side ?12:35
_StefanS_Tonio_: I wrote you a few lines12:35
_StefanS_Tonio_: undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk .. when compiling12:35
_StefanS_Tonio_: I think its something with makefiles, ie. something that hasn't been regenerated properly. Else the dialog is done, I just need to put in the code for the events (start/stop networking, load/save /etc/network/interfaces)12:36
Tonio__StefanS_: have a code somewhere ?12:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: I can put it online in a moment (~10mins)12:37
Tonio_oki ;)12:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: it happens in obj-486-*12:37
Tonio_hum weird.....; well I can have a look once the code is available12:37
_StefanS_its really odd since I have included all the new classes, and linked it into the knm main app12:39
gribeluKrusader 1.90 is out .. in case someone feels like updating the package in the repos :) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krusader12:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: have you experimented with preload?12:40
Tonio__StefanS_: nope :/12:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: makes the system a little bit faster I think.. anyway, I'm compiling it now, and will make a package afterwards12:45
_StefanS_Tonio_: the tar file you can look at, i mean12:46
_StefanS_goddamn I'm tired.12:46
_StefanS_Tonio_: - just do a debuild -nc and you'll see the error13:01
Tonio_oki ;)13:01
_StefanS_Tonio_: can you see the error?13:38
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: remember what I was telling you about the other day? indeed there were no files missing.13:39
Tonio__StefanS_: yes and I can reproduce command line13:40
Tonio__StefanS_: but I really don't understand what happens....... your code seems valid13:41
_StefanS_Tonio_: exactly my point.. I have defined the class (StaticNetwork*) like I should13:41
_StefanS_freakin' wierd.13:41
Tonio_./.libs/libkdeinit_knetworkmanager.so: undefined reference to `NewStaticNetworkDialog::~NewStaticNetworkDialog()13:41
Tonio_this is the one getting me lost13:42
Tonio__StefanS_: ld ./.libs/libkdeinit_knetworkmanager.so13:43
Tonio__StefanS_: gives the same issue13:43
_StefanS_Tonio_: I suppose its possible to just test the changes in the obj-486 and dont bother with the packaging system to start with13:46
Tonio_you mean ?13:46
Tonio__StefanS_: I compile manually here, nothing to do with debian13:46
_StefanS_Tonio_: ah you just do a make in obj-486*13:46
Tonio_nope, in the sources :)13:47
_StefanS_uhm ok13:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: are you only getting an error for "/.libs/libkdeinit_knetworkmanager.so: undefined reference to `NewStaticNetworkDialog::~NewStaticNetworkDialog()" ?13:49
_StefanS_Tonio_: because I got around 4 lines concerning everything about NewStaticNetworkDialog()13:50
seaLnejpatrick: did you see Bug #207078 unfortunatly it seems to be a problem with hal13:50
Tonio__StefanS_: I get 4 like you13:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 207078 in kdebase "encrypted volumes aren't mounted after decrypting if raw device" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20707813:50
Tonio__StefanS_: when I comment out the decalration in the header file I get this :13:50
Tonio_knetworkmanager-dialogfab.cpp:371: error: 'NewStaticNetworkDialog' has not been declared13:50
Tonio__StefanS_: means that it is seen and correctly declared13:51
jpatrickseaLne: great someone's working on it13:51
Nightrosenixternal: any questions about/problems with the slides yet?13:51
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep13:51
seaLneunfortunatly that is me and all i worked out was it didn't seem to be kde causing the problem13:51
jpatrickseaLne: ah, you13:51
_StefanS_Tonio_: maybe I can find some info about using .ui files and the proper integration, maybe I simply overlooked something.13:52
Tonio__StefanS_: seems to be due to .ui files somehow13:55
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_StefanS_Tonio_: I'm just going through my implementation using this: http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Development/Tutorials/Using_Qt_Designer, so far it looks alright13:56
_StefanS_Tonio_: seems like I'm missing a destructor in the dialogfab.cpp file..13:58
_StefanS_Tonio_: Like WirelessDialog::~WirelessDialog() { } does it.13:58
_StefanS_Tonio_: could add this on line 381: NewStaticNetworkDialog::~NewStaticNetworkDialog() { }13:59
_StefanS_Tonio_: and try to recompile13:59
Tonio__StefanS_: line 381 ?14:03
_StefanS_Tonio_: in dialogfab.cpp14:04
_StefanS_Tonio_: a deconstructor is missing14:04
Tonio_yeah but I don't see the crypto deconstructor, where is it ?14:04
HamishTPBRiddell: ping14:04
_StefanS_Tonio_: donno, but the NewWirelessDialog has it, which this one is based upon. It should be there14:05
Riddellhi HamishTPB14:05
HamishTPBhello matey14:06
HamishTPBsorry I didn't get back to you last time14:06
HamishTPBI panicked and screwed up and ended up reinstalling 7.10 from CD14:06
HamishTPBI tried the upgrade again now that the 8.04 is beta though and still the same issue14:06
HamishTPBbug #20481814:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 204818 in update-manager "update manager crashed upgrading 'libc6' package." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20481814:06
Tonio__StefanS_: still can't find it, can you tell me the line number so that I can compare the code syntax please ?14:06
HamishTPBRiddell: I haven't touched a thing this time - hoping you could tell me what to do next to rescue the system? :)14:07
_StefanS_Tonio_: line 421, there you have the decontructor for newwirelessdialog14:09
RiddellHamishTPB: the logs are needed to debug14:09
_StefanS_Tonio_: a similar one is needed on line 381 for newstaticnetworkdialog14:09
_StefanS_brb in 20mins.14:09
HamishTPBRiddell: can you remind me where to find them, please?14:10
RiddellHamishTPB: "please attach the contents of /var/log/dist-upgrade/14:13
HamishTPBRiddell: ok - will do14:13
HamishTPBRiddell: in the meantime what can I do - when I click close I get more errors in a cascade14:14
RiddellHamishTPB: probably not very much, libc is used by everything14:14
HamishTPBRiddell: yeah that is what I was afraid of14:14
Riddellget a live CD, boot up, chroot into hard disk and install the libc .deb14:15
Riddellor just reinstall I'm afraid14:15
HamishTPBRiddell: ok - I will grab an 8.04 disc image before I reboot just in case then14:15
HamishTPBRiddell: thanks very much14:15
Tonio__StefanS_: worked :)14:18
HamishTPBRiddell: one more thing - just for my own paranoia ;-) Can you check that you can read the log files I uploaded, please?14:22
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_StefanS_Tonio_: does it compile now?14:36
Tonio__StefanS_: yep14:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: cool, I will hack on it tonight then14:37
_StefanS_Tonio_: hopefully i can get the code running that actually does something :)14:38
_StefanS_gotta go.14:38
nosrednaekimok... where should I upload my April Fool's Kubuntu-default-settings?14:45
seeledasKreech: pong14:48
dasKreechhi seele14:50
dasKreechi was wondering about a comicc book view for Khelpcenter14:51
seelewhat is comic book view?14:51
Jucatohuh whut?14:52
Jucatooh hi seele14:52
dasKreechWell I was just thinking that the help stuff in some of KDE EDU apps are much too advanced for the audience14:55
dasKreechMight be helpful to have a simpler interface that's more attractive14:55
dasKreechWe will have to clear it against Wade's Gearhead patent :)14:56
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dasKreechor should the interface for a child be explicitly so clear that they never need a help file14:57
dasKreechWhich would only then be for the supervising adult?14:57
* dasKreech rescues Jucato14:58
* dasKreech puts on some BeeGees as motivational music14:58
seeledasKreech: then maybe the kde edu app help probably needs rewritten?15:00
Riddellnosrednaekim: what's in it?15:00
dasKreechIsn't it KHelpCenter?15:00
seelekhelpcenter needs work, regardless15:00
dasKreechYes it does but I was asking if it would make sense to look at a childs mode15:01
seelei dont know, but i dont think so15:01
dasKreechit could probably just take key marked sentences and put them in comic bubbles with standard interchangng konqui and katie images15:01
seelewe have no idea if children look at help files, so we'd have to figure that out15:01
seelealso, reading level would matter, those with low reading skills most probably wont look to help15:02
dasKreechUser research15:02
dasKreechYes I figured KLettres probably wouldn't need one at all15:02
seelealso, opening help from an app brings them to the application help contents, so we dont have to child-proof the search interface15:02
* Jucato thinks a separate "Tutorial" is better, leaving the Handbook for more experienced users who need to setup/configure the app for the kids15:02
dasKreechie for the children15:02
seeleJucato: a lot of people would benefit from a separate tutorial, not just children15:03
Jucatoseele: sure. but I was thinking of the specific case of kde-edu apps :)15:03
Jucatofor other apps, perhaps it could be merged into the handbook?15:03
seelei dunno15:04
seeleproably depends on if the people who use tutorials are the same kinds of people who look up help documentation15:04
seelethose audiences could be different15:04
seelemight also dependon the delivery method, so without some tutorials to look at, i dont know if they would fit in to khelpcenter15:04
Jucatopoint taken15:04
nosrednaekimRiddell: new wallpaper, new plasma theme, and new color scheme, all replaceing the previous files15:05
dasKreechseele: So we need first to gather a small army of children15:10
Jucato*K*ids (emphasis on the K)15:10
dasKreechI fairly dislike the use of the word kids :)15:11
nosrednaekimdasKreech: I have two litte brothers :)15:11
dasKreechdonate them!!15:11
nosrednaekimto usability testing?15:12
dasKreechYes ;-)15:12
dasKreechi'll run the idea past annmom15:12
nosrednaekimunfortinately, one is far from "normal" he knows Ruby, C, GTK and tons of other crazy stuff and he's like 12 :)15:12
dasKreechHe knows Gtk?15:13
dasKreechyes yes fat from normal15:13
nosrednaekimthe other one sounds like a prime slave for your project though ;-)15:13
dasKreechI'm off to work15:13
Riddellnosrednaekim: got a screenshot?15:13
Riddellnosrednaekim: or just a copy of the package15:14
nosrednaekimyeah, I can send you a copy of the package, and I have release notes :)15:14
Riddellnosrednaekim: jriddell@ ubuntu.com15:19
nosrednaekimok.... it'll take a while though :)15:20
nosrednaekimRiddell: one thing though, does the TODO-plasma-appletsrc work? does it set the correct wallpaper?15:25
Riddellnosrednaekim: I believe not15:26
nosrednaekimoh well, guess I'll just stay with the default WP then, no big deal :)15:27
jhutchins_wkThere was a problem with the cups configuration a while back, you couldn't use cups to add printers and such - cupsys didn't have access to the passwd file and couldn't authenticate a user.  Was that ever fixed?15:40
HamishTPBRiddell: good (ish) news - I managed to recover my system from the console without having to reinstall, just finishing the upgrade (I hope) using adept updater now16:10
RiddellHamishTPB: did you attach the logs to the bug report?16:12
HamishTPBRiddell: yes - I hope so anyway - seemed to go ok before I rebooted16:12
HamishTPBRiddell: yes - seem to have uploaded ok16:14
HamishTPBI gtg again but I have marked the bug to email me updates16:17
Riddellyuriy: how about k* in http://daniel.holba.ch/really-fix-it/ for the next hug day?16:35
Riddellnosrednaekim: your package didn't arrive16:47
nosrednaekimRiddell: I know <_<, the email failed. Dial-up isn't to kind on uplading 5 MB :)16:48
nosrednaekimtrying again16:48
Riddellnosrednaekim: rsync -CvzapP --stats file michael@87-194-29-91.bethere.co.uk:  if you like16:53
nosrednaekimRiddell: whats that do? and does "file" have to be a prexisting file on the server?16:58
nosrednaekimI ran it and it was done in like 2 seconds, so i'm not sure it did anything useful :P16:59
Riddellnosrednaekim: yes, file is the file to upload17:01
NightroseRiddell: I will be organising the kde booth at open source expo here in Karlsruhe as you might have read - how are my chances of getting kubuntu cds? - same for froscon but that is still a long time ahead17:09
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nixternalI just got my Kubuntu CDs for this weeks Flourish conference17:10
nixternalI am hoping only 10 people want a Kubuntu CD :/17:10
RiddellNightrose: when is it?17:10
Nightrose25th and 26th of may17:11
Nightrosenixternal: :(17:11
Nightrosesame problem we had at cebit17:11
Nightroseand plenty of suse cds...17:11
nixternalI just think the ShipIt people do not like me at all17:11
nixternalthe Ubuntu Chicago leader got a conference pack...which I never got during my 2 years as the leader17:12
Nightrosenot that I have anything against suse but having around 500 suse cds vs 10 or so kubuntu cds was not ideal ;-)17:12
nixternalheh, last year though at the flourish conference, we were loaded with CDs, like 500 of them, and they were gone in an instant...then again, I would say 400 were Ubuntu while the rest were Kubuntu and Edubuntu17:13
nixternalbut only getting a few CDs can be good, because now I make sure people who aren't using Linux already get them17:14
RiddellNightrose: if it's in may you probably want to wait until hardy is out17:15
NightroseRiddell: so this is the week after fosscamp - if that helps I could take them home from there17:15
Nightrosehmm yea thought so17:15
nosrednaekimRiddell: its done17:50
smarterRiddell: I've made a debdiff to remove kubuntu_9924_kde4_no_medianotifier.diff which is not needed anymore: http://smarter.free.fr/pkg/kdebase.debdiff17:52
Riddellthanks smarter17:54
nosrednaekimRiddell: its kubuntu-default-settings_8.04-41.tar.gz in my /home on that IP (whatever it is)17:54
Riddellnosrednaekim: got it17:55
nosrednaekimRiddell: I also put a screenshot if you want to seehow disgusting it looks :P18:07
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Riddellnosrednaekim: mmm, pink18:11
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Nightroseyay pink :P18:12
nosrednaekimI don't think the turquise buttons are showing in that screenshot either ;-)18:12
nixternalnosrednaekim: where is the screeny? I have to see it18:16
nosrednaekimnixternal: Riddell has it somewhere18:17
nixternalRiddell: post that bad boy, I gotta see this18:17
Riddellnixternal: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/foolsSS.png18:17
nixternalomg that is hidious18:18
Riddellnixternal: able to test this? http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-default-settings_8.04-16_all.deb18:19
nosrednaekimglad you like it:)18:19
nixternalRiddell: is that what I think it is?18:19
Riddellnixternal: if it works18:19
* nixternal is scared18:19
Riddellwe've never successfully themed plasma before18:19
jjesseRiddell: did you see the copy of the chpt i sent you :)18:20
nosrednaekimRiddell: this isn't exactly plasma theming...18:20
nosrednaekimbut the background unfortunately won't make it across18:20
Artemis__FowlWhich is the standard KDE directory for application data in Kubuntu? (eg KStandardDirs::locate("data") would return what)?18:21
RiddellArtemis__Fowl: KDE 3 or 4?18:21
Artemis__FowlRiddell: 418:21
Artemis__FowlRiddell: always :)18:21
RiddellArtemis__Fowl: /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/<app>/18:22
nixternalRiddell: didn't work18:24
nixternalit changed the KDM wallpaper, that's about it18:24
nixternaland that is the ugliest wallpaper I have ever sen18:24
nosrednaekimnixternal: you have to make a new user you know....18:24
nixternalnosrednaekim: didn't know that18:25
* nixternal does that now18:25
nixternalso it only changes the defaults then18:25
nosrednaekimyeah... it doesn't change anyone's existing home DIR18:25
jjesseif i create a bug on bugs.kde.org, should i create the sam bug on lp and link the two?18:28
apacheloggerRiddell: theme?18:30
apacheloggerthat wasn't a problem at all18:30
apacheloggerpreconfiguring the plasmoids was thouhg18:30
nixternalnope, still not working18:31
nixternaljjesse: if the bug is in both KDE upstream and Kubuntu, then yes18:32
nixternalgotta be careful though with reporting upstream bugs when running KDE 4.0.218:32
jjessenixternal: thought so18:32
jjessetoo late already reported some :)18:32
jjessewill link lafter (afk)18:32
nosrednaekimnixternal: did you try KDE4? and what did it look like?18:33
nixternallooked like the default KDE 418:33
nixternalonly thing that changed was the kdm-kde3 background and the kde3 wallpaper...nothing in kde418:34
nosrednaekimhrm, I must have changed the wrong files...18:34
nosrednaekimnixternal: not sure what I did wrong, I just replaced the appropriate files....18:41
nosrednaekimin kde4/kde-rc-files18:41
apacheloggernosrednaekim: what are you trying to archive?18:43
nosrednaekimI'm trying to modify the kubuntu-default settings with a new color scheme and plasma theme18:43
nosrednaekimfor the colors, I just put in a modified kdeglobals18:44
apacheloggerplasma theme should only be one file18:44
apacheloggerfor colors I would actually suggest creating the kde color file and using it18:45
nosrednaekimI thought the plasma theme went into the desktoptheme DIR18:45
* apachelogger can't reprdocue bug #176332 :S18:46
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 176332 in pulseaudio "amarok does not work with pulseaudio [hardy]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17633218:46
apacheloggernosrednaekim: yeah, but you need to set it as theme in the amaorkrc18:46
apacheloggerin fact there should be a working setup somewhere in the bzr logs18:46
apacheloggersince I had a theme earlier on18:46
nosrednaekimapachelogger: amarokrc? I'm not trying to modify amarok18:46
apacheloggerplasmarc :P18:47
* apachelogger is getting confused by all the issues18:47
nosrednaekimoh... ok18:47
apacheloggernosrednaekim: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu/revision/14518:49
nosrednaekimthank you18:49
nosrednaekimapachelogger: I see! seems i'm missing a plasmarc in my archive for some reason18:51
apacheloggeramarok even works when I choose pulseaudio in xine18:52
apacheloggerand pulseaudio in xine is about as broken as kde 4.0.0 was18:52
nosrednaekimapachelogger: amarok is just that good?18:58
apacheloggerI really need to create a QA testing script for amarok18:59
smarterit even works without speaker (:18:59
smartermmh, when I right click on a web page and konqueror and do open with --> firefox it opens konqueror cache(/var/tmp/kdecache/...), can anyone reproduce this?19:04
nixternalsmarter: konqi 3 or 4?19:08
nixternalin 4 it works fine19:08
nixternalkonqi3 is also opening it correctly19:08
nixternalusing firefox 3 beta19:08
smarterkonqi4 crashes everytime I try to open it19:08
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* nixternal has to remember to not put on the gullable hat tomorrow19:12
apacheloggersmarter: uninstall webkit then :P19:14
smarterapachelogger: good idea (:19:15
nosrednaekimnixternal: did you know that gullable is in the dictionary?19:16
smarterw00t, it worked19:18
smarterapachelogger: danke sehr19:18
apacheloggersmarter: keine ursache :P19:19
nixternalnosrednaekim: how about gullible then :)19:19
nixternalI can speel man!19:20
uganosrednaekim: what english word isn't on the dictionary19:20
ugato (noun)able... lets try ... fishable. something likely to be converted into fish19:21
ugalets check19:21
ugafish·able Listen to the pronunciation of fishable \ˈfi-shə-bəl\ adjective19:21
ugasee? it exists. I swear I did that randomly =)19:21
nixternaluga: I do that every now and then...see if I can just create something silly, like Bushisms, G Dub style :p19:22
Seregagood evening19:22
nixternalhowdy Serega19:22
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fdoving /names20:09
fdovingTonio_: more kdesudo issues Bug 209831 - another whitespace/quoting issue.20:10
ubot3Malone bug 209831 in kdesudo "Unable to pass parameters with spaces in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20983120:10
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yuriyRiddell: hug day is more about triaging (i.e. getting people who don't know coding or packaging to participate). i think really-fix-it is something for developers to look at, as it's essentially "here be patches"20:58
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ScottKyuriy: It wasn't always that way.  Having developers on hand and fixing stuff as it was triaged used to be common in the Breezy era (I've been told).21:05
nixternalwe should have a 'Jr. Jobs List' and a 'Developers Job List' maybe for Hug Day?21:11
ryanakcanixternal: yeah, split the confirming jobs, and the fixing jobs in two.21:12
ryanakca(two categories)21:12
ScottKSome real time bug fixing/uploading would surely motivate the triagers.21:14
crimsunfeasible if you have release team and/or FFe team members on hand.21:17
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yuriyScottK: and bug numbers were in the 10000 range in the breezy era21:24
yuriyanyways, really-fix-it is all "fixing jobs"21:24
ScottKYes, but that means we need more fixing, not less.21:24
yuriythough perhaps junior ones21:24
ScottK"really-fixi-it" is a script that shows if someone has checked the 'patch' option on an attachment.21:25
\shScottK: and many of them are just "incomplete" or "invalid"21:25
yuriyalso if an upstream report is marked as fixed21:25
\sh(see the anjuta one)21:25
ScottKSome of them aren't even patches21:25
ScottKBTW, if you edit the attachment and uncheck 'patch' the go off that list.21:26
\shScottK: they should go away as well when they are set to "incomplete" or "invalid" or "won't fix" :)21:27
ScottKDunno.  Didn't test that.21:28
\shScottK: well, as I said, they should go away...if not, it's a bug :)21:30
\shand we just need a patch for it ;)21:30
\shanyways time to leave now..and go to bed...21:30
\shand watch some "Eureka" episodes21:30
\shcu tomorrow21:31
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ryanakcaRiddell: ping, did you get around to reviewing the website?21:37
Riddellryanakca: not yet21:44
Riddellapachelogger: did nos's k-d-s get sorted?21:44
Riddellstdin: are you able/willing to backport 4.0.3 tomorrow?21:55
stdinRiddell: yeah21:56
dvoidu know what would be good, to be abble to put a comment or something on 3rd-party repositories in adept manager, so i can type why i added the repository and what it contains21:56
Riddelldvoid: file a wishlist bug on software-properties21:57
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dvoidwhere do i do that?22:02
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TameLionI know lots of you guys are lurking in #ubuntu-devel too, but for those who aren't:22:07
TameLionTHANK YOU!22:07
TameLionHardy beta is easiest Kubuntu install EVER for me22:07
Riddellyou're welcome :)22:07
TameLionRiddell: Thanks for keeping kde up-to-date22:08
TameLionstdin et al: Thanks for starting off the KDE4 PPA22:08
TameLionJust thank you everyone. It's utterly awesome.22:08
TameLionThat is all.22:09
stdinnice to have a positive review of the PPA ;P22:09
* LjL mutters something about that guy probably having drunk too much22:20
awen_LjL: does that make it worse? you are supposed to hear the truth from drunk people ;)22:26
LjLmaybe, maybe :)22:26
ScottKawen_: As you saw, I uploaded kde-guidance.  I thought those changes had been uploaded already.  Did I get confused some how?22:27
awen_ScottK: yeah, you did... you based your ubuntu9 release upon the wrong ubuntu8 ... instead of the correct one from the archive, you've probably based it on your own local copy before merging it with my changes22:28
ScottKawen_: OK.  Thanks for catching that and fixing it.22:29
ScottKI figured it'd be smart to believe you and just upload it.22:29
awen_ScottK: no problem (suddenly my brightness was broken again, he) ... and thanks for the re-upload :)22:29
awen_ScottK: any "critical" bugs in guidance, that needs fixing apart from in displayconfig? ... most of them looks old and don't seem to have been reproduced in later versions22:36
ScottKawen_: Not that I can see.  The last time through the userconfig one was the most concerning.  You might test out mountconfig and see how it's working.22:37
awen_ScottK: yeah... i can see something about mounting problems with iPod; i'll try to test it with various usb-disks / mp3's tomorrow22:39
awen_ScottK: did you find out your problem with (k)network-manager?22:40
ScottKawen_: Great.  superm1 knows a lot about ipod stuff if you need some help.22:40
ScottKawen_: I haven't had time to pursue it.  I saw the list of open knetworkmanager bugs and fainted.22:41
awen_ScottK: okay, i don't have an iPod myself, so can't do real testing against it ... could you reproduce the ipod problems?22:43
ScottKI tried and failed to get my new ipod working on Gutsy.  I haven't tried again since I upgraded to Hardy.22:43
awen_ScottK: okay... if you get to test it, and can confirm the problem, i wouldn't mind to know22:46
ScottKIIRC I needed a new libgpod and had trouble integrating it.  Hardy should be fine with what is has for htat.22:47
awen_ScottK: it is a new branch of knetworkmanager, that exists in kde4 right?22:48
seelehells bells there are a lot of people in here22:51
seelenixternal: ping22:51
nosrednaekimbleh... sorry, Internet died for a couple hours... I still can't figure out how to modify kubuntu-default-settings though. Maybe i'll just post a screenshot and the release notes <_<22:53
Riddellah, nosrednaekim22:53
Riddellnosrednaekim: I got it working23:05
Riddelljust needs the files uncommented in Makefile23:05
nosrednaekimAH! :)23:05
nosrednaekimmy lack of packaging experience killed me there :)23:06
Riddellnosrednaekim: what's to be done with kdeglobals?23:06
Riddell./kde-rc-files/kdeglobals-pink should go in .kde4 ?23:06
nosrednaekimuhh that was a mistake, sorry23:07
nosrednaekimyou can delete that file23:07
Riddellnosrednaekim: so what adds the widget colours?23:07
Riddellhmm, doesn't seem to do much23:09
nosrednaekimdid you try copying it to the proper location in your .kde4 or something?23:11
Riddellcopied to /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/cnfig/kdeglobals23:11
Riddellworks in ~/.kde4/share/config/23:12
Riddellmy goodness that's a very pink pink23:12
Riddellright, I think I have it now23:15
Riddellnosrednaekim: what's your e-mail for the changelog?23:18
nosrednaekimnosrednaekim at gmail.com23:20
Riddellwho can test http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-default-settings_8.04-16_all.deb ?23:29
awen_g'night people23:35
ArtimusRiddell: I'd be happy to, what does that exactly affect?  Would creating a new user account be sufficient, or does it deal with other settings as well?23:36
RiddellArtimus: should just need a restart of plasma and any kde 4 app23:36
ArtimusRiddell: Oh, I figured "Default settings and artwork" meant stock settings...23:37
nosrednaekimRiddell: really? I think it only affects new users23:37
Riddellwell, yes23:37
nosrednaekimunless you changed it not to... which would be awesome :)23:37
Riddellnosrednaekim: only if they've set their theme to something (which you can't in KDE 4.0)23:37
nosrednaekimhaha, cool :)23:38
ArtimusRiddell: So, is there anything I should watch out for in particular?23:38
Riddellfluffly pinkness23:38
nosrednaekimRiddell: do you have a link to the kde4 daily lives? I can only find the kde3 ones23:39
ArtimusRiddell: I just saw an RSS post about a pink KDE423:40
nosrednaekimthis is pinker than that :)23:40
Riddellnosrednaekim: s/kubuntu/kubuntu-kde4/23:40
ArtimusRiddell: Adept wants to replace it...  You should bump the version number.23:42
ArtimusRiddell: Well, I installed it, created a new user, and started KDE4.  I see nothing new.  Certainly nothing pink.23:48
Riddellhang o23:53
RiddellArtimus: try http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-default-settings_8.04-17_all.deb23:54

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