
=== colin_ is now known as kernco
kerncoWhat do I need to do to play DVDs in Kubuntu Hardy?  I have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras, but that didn't seem to do it.00:02
Dhraakelliandon't recall right off the bat how to get it00:02
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:02
kerncoIt's says "no candidate version found for libdvdcss2"00:03
=== hydrogen is now known as eaen
TeslaTony_I think Hardy Heron has some goofy things about it that aren't finished, so those guides *might* not work00:04
TeslaTony_If they don't, try #kubuntu+100:05
kerncoYeah, none of the things I've done in previous versions of Ubuntu seem to working with Hardy00:05
Odd-rationaleTeslaTony_: i don't think #kubuntu+1 is a real support channel...00:05
kerncoNo one else is in #kubuntu+1 *cires*00:06
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:06
=== eaen is now known as Wasserstoff
TeslaTony_Yeah. Listen to the bot00:06
Roey(something is weird with the Wacom on Kubuntu 8.04)00:06
TeslaTony_Roey: I've been wanting to get a wacom tablet. For the most part, how are they on Linux?00:11
RoeyTeslaTony_:  they're ok but they're finnicky with the button strip00:13
Roeybut generally ok00:13
Roeythe software is the bigger issue... photoshop can out-do gimp in some important areas00:13
epI lost 3d after running "dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server"  The graphics adaptor is the same, just got a new monitor.  To get back 3D, can I just change  "nv" to "nvdia" in xorg.conf?00:14
wpkep: it should work00:15
TeslaTony_Roey: I hear that a lot about photoshop. Kinda sad linux still has some deficient areas, although I suppose there isn't anything like paid programmers...00:17
RoeyTeslaTony_:  I don't think it relates to that--I think that Photoshop is more connected with a wider audience and in that way stands in a better position to receive comments and criticism from users00:19
TeslaTony_Probably. Something I've found about Linux, though, is that a lot of the programs are from people who do <blank> first, but are decent programmers on the side. GIMP probably also suffers from "Okay, how do we be exactly like PhotoShop without getting sued?"00:22
Roeywell look at Krita then00:22
Roeybut to be honest00:22
Roeya lot of the stuff seems unpolished sometimes00:22
RoeyKDE 3.5.9 is great--warts and all--00:22
Roeybut 4.0.2 is honestly unusable (and that's been acknowledged)00:22
Dhraakellianwha? oh, right, n-dash00:23
DhraakellianKDE 4.0 is the "eat your children" release00:23
TeslaTony_"Keep in mind, you get what you pay for. Linux, however, is an extremely good value for the money"00:23
RoeyDhraakellian:  well yes yes00:27
RoeyTeslaTony_:  oh I'm not complaining00:27
RoeyI mean, I am00:27
Roeybut i'm accepting of it00:27
* TeslaTony_ snerks00:28
TeslaTony_My complaints can't be taken all THAT seriously if I'm using Linux...00:28
RoeyI'll bbiab00:29
Daisuke-LaptopGIMP probably also suffers from "Okay, how do we be exactly like PhotoShop without getting sued?"00:45
Daisuke-Laptoptell me, have you actually sat down and *used* the GIMP?  because apart from having a lot of the same functionality00:45
Daisuke-Laptopit's completely different, and tends to be the example thrown out when people complain that they can't use photoshop (but the gimp's learning curve is too high!) (it actually isn't that bad)00:46
roflis there a cmd like "for %a in (*.txt) do unlink %a" in bash ?01:05
Roeyrm *.txt ?01:05
roflunlink *.txt does not work01:06
Roeyout of curiosity, why are you using unlink specifically instead of rm?01:06
rofli need to do it on a filename per filename basis01:06
Roeyrofl:  for n in *.txt; do unlink "$n"; done01:07
Rageoni cant find where to scan for new plugins in konqueror?01:07
RoeyRageon:  Settings->Configure Konqueror->Plugins->[Scan for new plugins]01:07
roflbecause i dont want do delete the existing txt files just the links01:07
Roeywhat do you mean, just the links01:08
Roeyif you delete the only link to that file, you're deleting the file01:08
RageonRoey is plugins inside the Behavoiur tab or?01:08
RoeyRageon:  Plugins is another entry down that left-hand list01:09
kgoetzrofl: do you have files with symlinks to them and you want to delete the symlinks?01:09
Rageonits not there for me :s01:09
Rageoneverything but01:09
roflno, i have real txt files and some bad links (recursive)01:09
kgoetzrofl: then use find , tell it to look for symlilnks and -exec rm -vi {} \;01:09
RoeyRageon:  it should be the second-to-last entry, above "Performance"01:09
kgoetzask in #bash for more specific help though01:09
roflin reality, it are DLL files , i made wrong symbolic links into the wine folder01:09
Rageongoes crypto > browser ident > performance for me :s01:10
roflbut i dont wont to delete the wine dlls01:10
roflrofl@rul0r:~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32$ for n in *.dll; unlink $n01:11
roflbash: syntax error near unexpected token `unlink'01:11
kgoetzrofl: ; do unlink01:13
roflkgoetz: could u pls type the entire command01:14
rofli just get a strange > command prompt when using that for command01:15
kgoetzrofl: for f in *.dll; do unlink $f; done01:15
kgoetzrofl: because teh command isnt completed (eg, hasnt said done yet)01:15
roflah... thx :)01:16
kgoetzjust ^C to get rid of the > prompt01:16
kgoetzafk a while01:16
kgoetzthoreauputic: hey mate01:16
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:19
adudecan i format a harddrive using the live cd?01:23
Jucatouse QtParted in the CD01:23
adudeok thanks01:23
adudewhen i reinstall kubuntu does it format the harddrive before it installs?01:25
kgoetzit can as part of the installer01:26
Jucatoadude: only if you tell it to01:27
=== rofl_ is now known as sh4rm4
adudethat might be my problem01:28
adudei had install the kde4 and had problems with the package manager01:28
DarkriftXadude, that problem is easy to fix :S01:29
DarkriftXyou have to install one of its dependancies01:29
adudethen i went back to kubuntu 7.10 and i have the same problem01:29
DarkriftXeery time i installed kubuntu kde4 i got the same thing01:29
DarkriftXpaste me the error, it tells you what to install (kinda)01:29
DarkriftXtry to run the package manager and tell me what it says (something about packageman or something)01:30
SteamMachineI'm having some serious mp3 playback issues with amarok01:30
SteamMachineNamely, I uninstalled certain packages that kept requesting upgrade (Even after they had been upgraded)01:30
adudei tells me another process iis using the package database01:30
SteamMachinebut now Amarok can't enable mp3 playback01:30
DarkriftXoh, thats easy to fix01:30
DarkriftXi think01:30
SteamMachineand I'm completely at a loss.01:30
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:31
DarkriftXsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a01:31
SteamMachinelibavcodec1d libavutil1d libpostproc1d - these were the packages I removed01:32
SteamMachinebut when I attempt to reinstall them, it complains of multiple unmet dependencies01:32
SteamMachineand I also attempted to compile ffmpeg from source, but it told me option --enable-vorbis (amongst others) could not be found.01:32
RoeySteamMachine:  you're trying to watch youtube too? ;)_01:34
SteamMachineSay what?01:34
Roeyall I hear with ffmpeg is regarding gstreamer and youtube01:35
SteamMachineIt seems that the weakest link here is libx264-57.01:35
SteamMachineI can't install it and it's saying it's referred to but can't be found01:35
kkathmananyone know how you change the default power settings? Apparently the system is set to turn my monitor off every 15 minutes and I dont want that.01:36
LimCorekkathman: right click on desktop and there01:36
Jucato(actually that was removed in Kubuntu...)01:36
Jucatokkathman: System Settings -> Display01:37
SteamMachineI've tried various methods of repairing this.01:37
SteamMachineBut without certain dependencies... :(01:37
kkathmanJucato:  thanks - I was looking for kpowersave but it wasnt running :)01:37
Jucatokkathman: kubuntu uses guidance-power-manager instead01:38
kkathmanahh good to know - I was on SUSE for a while and they use kpowersave, Jucato01:39
Jucato<-- Kubuntu     openSUSE ------>01:39
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
=== Airforce5555 is now known as Soccer5555
SteamMachinelibx264-57 - anyone actually EVER used this?01:39
kkathmanopenSUSe is ok, it has its strengths and weaknesses like every distro I suppose01:39
kkathmanbut thats offtopic :)01:41
* Jucato nods01:41
SteamMachineMy coffee is cold.01:43
lenI did a clean install of 8.04 after an attempted upgrade from 7.10 didn't go so well.  I just want to set up my HP Photosmart C5180 printer only to discover that it is no longer in the list.  I had no problem installing in 7.10 with out having to ad any extra package.  The list of printers listed under HP seems to be only about half as long as it it in 7.10.  What's going on?01:45
SteamMachineI think I've made some progress.01:47
SteamMachineI still can't get amarok to enable mp3, but now it's only requesting01:47
SteamMachineThe following packages have been kept back:01:47
SteamMachine  libavcodec1d libavutil1d01:47
SteamMachineShould I force them (some how?)01:48
draikHow do you add a 2nd drive in VirtualBox? I want to add my 2nd DVD drive, but cannot manage to find a way.01:48
kkathmanSteamMachine:  this is for Hardy?01:48
kkathmanno clue why you'd get those messages01:49
lenThat reminds me, I also have to reinstall/setup VirtualBox.  :)01:50
lenI seem remember VB is pretty picky about what devices are named in order for them to be recognized, (ie dvd's, etc.) and you have to create link for it to see it just how it wants to see them.01:52
lenNobody else has noticed missing printer definition files in Hardy that were available in 7.10?01:53
Jucatolen: try asking in #ubuntu+101:53
draiklen: I want to install a game, but it won't let me swap videos correctly.01:53
SteamMachinehttp://po-ru.com/diary/fixing-ffmpeg-on-ubuntu-edgy/ - okay, so it's all going well, except it complains about --enable-vorbis not found01:53
lenOK,  Too bad there is no kubuntu+101:54
draiklen: That was to be swap DVDs, not videos01:54
lenI'd look at my VB setup, but it's gone since the reinstall.  I remember cdrom/dvd mounting was a pain though.01:55
SteamMachineOkay, libfaad-dev - can't be found.02:02
SteamMachineany fix?02:02
nonewmsgsi have copied and backed up my /home partition but some things seem a bit off like my ff extensions didn't copy and my evolution email client is no longer set up and it acts like i have no mail.02:04
Jucatononewmsgs: did you copy even the hidden directories and files?02:04
Jucatohm.. that would be weird... how about ownership and permissions?02:05
nonewmsgsi still have the originals too in a /homeOLD directory and i tried recopying .evolution but it's the same 4kb02:05
nonewmsgsi followed a guide someone linked me to here02:05
nonewmsgsbut my bookmarks are gone so i dont remember which one02:05
nonewmsgsi got a new hard drive and i wanted to move my /home02:05
nonewmsgsafaik everything seems to be the same, but wallpaper reset and little things.  the only big deal is my email02:06
nonewmsgsbut iirc i had to do my evolution email in gnome because it was always like that in K02:07
kkathmanhome files wont be completely compatible but then most stuff should still work02:09
kkathmanbut you wouldn't use evolution in kubuntu anyway, or shouldnt02:09
nonewmsgsthe new drive mounts at /home02:09
kkathmanchange it02:10
kkathmanyou can mount it anywhere02:10
nonewmsgsso umm how can i get my mail02:10
nonewmsgsidc about wallpaper, etc, but my email messages are another story02:11
kkathmannonewmsgs: iirc evolution's mail files are mbox02:11
kkathmanand you can import those to kmail02:11
kkathmanthe other way around is harder however (kmail to evolution)02:12
nonewmsgscan i import them to thunderburd02:12
kkathmanhmm I think so, yes02:12
kkathmanI believe thunderbird does have an mbox import02:12
nonewmsgshold on im in gnome right now, im going to go back into K02:12
nonewmsgshow can i find mbox02:16
kkathmannonewmsgs:  well, on your gnome install you should be able to find your mail files02:16
Kr|ptiXhow do i remove wine when doin sudo apt-get remove wine it says it not installed but when doin command wine in terminal its works02:16
kkathmanmost I think have like .mbox suffixes02:17
boblenyThe resolution on my laptop is 1280 X 800. When I play games, I need a resolution of 1024 X 768. The problem is, when the resolution is set to 1024 X 768, it streches and blurs the images. Is there a way to center the screen on the screen02:17
DarkriftXdoes 'cat /proc/partitions' efectivly show you all drives on the system that are mountable?02:17
kkathmannonewmsgs:  its pretty well documented in google and the forums02:17
nonewmsgsi am supposed to reinstall gnome?02:17
kkathmanif you have the files02:18
kkathmanor your home directory02:18
nonewmsgsi have a /home that is ~300gb02:18
kkathmanis it still on a drive?02:18
nonewmsgsyes and i have a backup of that02:18
romulohi, what version of kde4 is on hardy mirrors?02:19
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu02:19
kkathmannonewmsgs:  so you are on a new machine that has kubuntu, but your gnome was on a different drive?02:20
nonewmsgsno it was all on one drive and i copied /home and remounted it on new drive.  everything else is still where it was02:20
megatronhey, does anyone know where i could possibly find a project i could contribute html/css/javascript or php for free?02:20
megatronon the net i mean?02:21
sh4rm4is there an option to create a launcher icon in the taskbar, which does not start a single non-kde app, but unfolds a menu ? i know this option as Launcher, from xubuntu02:21
kkathmannonewmsgs:  ok.. then you should be able to just drag and drop your mbox files02:21
nonewmsgsi dont see any mbox files02:21
nonewmsgsand i dont know how to use any of the searches02:21
kkathmannonewmsgs: you'll need to enable viewing system files02:21
nonewmsgsi did that part02:21
kkathmannonewmsgs:  I forget what directory its in, Its been a while since I used gnome02:22
kkathmannonewmsgs: http://opensource-notebook.com/2007/03/how-to-move-mail-from-evolution-to-kmail/02:23
* nonewmsgs crosses fingers02:27
nonewmsgsit worked02:29
nonewmsgsi tried to do that with thunderbird and it wasn't havnin' none of that02:29
nonewmsgsi was like kmail you know K is my true love and it gave me some sugar02:29
adudedoes anybody no where i could find info for installing lunix on my mp3 player?02:29
Kr|ptiXhow do i remove wine when doin sudo apt-get remove wine it says it not installed but when doin command wine in terminal its works02:29
nonewmsgsis kmail compareable to thunderbird02:30
billydWas wine  installed with apt-get or adept?02:31
Itakuwhen i open a new session from KDE to gnome how do i switch from GNOME to KDE/02:32
Itakuwhen i open a new session from KDE to gnome how do i switch from GNOME to KDE?02:32
Dr_willisyou mean you have 2 X sessions going?02:32
Itaku1 KDE02:32
Dr_willisYou can use alt-ctrl-F7 and F802:32
Itakuone GNONE02:32
Itakualt and ctrl02:32
Dr_willisto get from one X session to another02:32
billydWhat is program to configure sound card??02:34
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:34
blackwaltzI can't seem to get lm-sensors working :(02:43
Kr|ptiXbillyd: it was installed with apt-get02:43
boblenyThe resolution on my wide screen laptop is 1280 X 800. When I play games, I need a resolution of 1024 X 768. The problem is, when the resolution is set to 1024 X 768, it stretches and blurs the images. Is there a way to center the visible screen on the actual screen so that the picture isn't stretched?02:43
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE02:46
blackwaltz:( looks like I might have to compile a new kernel just to get the sensors working ... I wonder why the coretemp module isn't in the ubuntu kernel?02:54
eddyhi ... hey i want know how much license of free software are?02:56
nonewmsgshow can i automatically view pictures in kmail02:57
nonewmsgseddy most free software is free as in free use and in free of cost02:57
Dhraakellianeddy: if you pay for a distro, it's usually just the cost of the physical discs, any hardcopy manuals included in the box, and possibly a support contract too02:59
Dhraakellianthe software itself is freely available through a number of methods03:00
Dr_willisI recall mandriva/mandrake comming with some rather hefty sized books when i last bought it - ages ago.03:00
nonewmsgsDr_willis, good evening friend03:02
Dhraakellianyeah, give away the software, sell support services03:02
Dr_willisWell time for me to go to work. Bye all.......03:02
eddyyes i know but what kind of licence are? for example GPL, GFDL, LGPL, are others?03:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopiv - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:03
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:03
Matt1728hey i was wondering if there's a way to change the kmenu icon03:05
JucatoMatt1728: <apt> Instructions for changing the K menu icon: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/faq/panel.html#id2551958 . Alternatively, use kbf03:05
dthackermake it start button [ducks]03:06
Matt1728that site doesnt work03:06
Jucatooh waitt03:07
JucatoMatt1728: http://docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdebase/faq/panel.html#id255240103:07
Matt1728it works now03:08
nonewmsgskkathman, kmail is working great for me -- thanks03:09
surgyif i go out and buy an internal tv tuner card, will kubuntu support it?03:27
Claybrain145surgy, I ahve one and it appears to be recognized by kubuntu, but I haven't taken the time to test it out yet.03:29
Claybrain145I check Device Manager and there aren't any missing drivers or anything like that.03:29
surgywell will i actually be able to use it like a dvr?03:30
nonewmsgshow does autodetection of new hardware work in linux? like does someone have to do a search or is it all automatic03:30
Claybrain145I dunno.. I just started using it last week, haven't plugged it in yet to a cable.  I was just saying it had no device conflicts.03:30
Claybrain145So I imagine if you can find the software for it, you should be okay.03:31
Matt1728can someone help me set up Kmail to a Mail.com account03:31
nonewmsgsMatt1728, do you know where there are instructions for a different email client ie outlook?03:33
Claybrain145surgy - It would be better to check with the TV Tuner manufacturer to see if they support linux or not.03:33
kgoetzforward the bot to ##F_Y_C03:33
surgyClaybrain145: yeah right whats the chances of that?03:34
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.03:34
surgywould be nice to find a little protable usb one03:34
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:34
eddyhow can i crate another partion after i install kubuntu03:35
nonewmsgseddy you have to use the livecd and gparted or qparted03:36
eddywhats the difference03:36
nonewmsgsnot much.  one is k and one is gmoe03:36
Claybrain145surgy - I did find a couple sites...03:36
eddyummm qparted03:37
Claybrain145I got an MSI TV @nywhere card.. and found a couple sites to help configure it...03:37
Claybrain145just doing a google search03:37
Claybrain145and http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/lofiversion/index.php/t9880.html03:37
eddyqparted is k i guest03:38
eddyso qpartd03:38
Claybrain145It's not impossible to configure it, as to get it to work as a DVR, I am not 100% sure...03:39
Claybrain145could never get it to work with a cable box even under windows XP...03:39
Claybrain145any experts on vid cards here?03:39
kgxhi. if i have a bash function, is there any way to tell if a parameter that was sent to it was quoted using double or single quotes? for instance, i need to differentiate between `my-fuction "asd"` and `my-fuction 'asd'`03:40
surgyis the ati all in wonder searies fully supported in kubuntu?03:40
Claybrain145surgy - http://forums.cnet.com/5208-6617_102-0.html?forumID=11&threadID=220032&messageID=233059203:42
Claybrain145there is also a link in there to the ubuntu forums03:42
Claybrain145for a related question of configuration03:43
eddythe qpartedis the same livecd03:43
Claybrain145wow, I should shut up.  I don't have any real answers, just know how to locate them on this series of tubes I have before me.03:44
Claybrain145sorry Surgy, ignore my comments.03:44
surgyno you help a small amount :)03:45
jtismekgx not that i know of the parser throws them away after it determines what to do based on  double or single quotes03:45
surgyi just want a tv tunner for my desktop becuase i dont have shelf space for another tv03:46
surgybut i dislike windows03:46
kgxjtisme: yeah wouldnt think so. thanks03:46
Claybrain145eh, I hope it tell you what you need to know.  I've had such a bad experience with this TV Tuner card and configuring it against my cable box (had comcast, and now with Verizon)... I just gave up trying to.03:46
Claybrain145I can get the incoming signal, but I can't change channels with the card.03:47
surgywell i want it to be like a tv and receave all input from the coax, i would be happy with simple analog cable03:47
Claybrain145maybe I missed something, perhaps there is a way, but i haven't figured it out yet.03:47
Claybrain145If you can get the incoming signal, and then have the cable box on top, that should be cool...03:48
Claybrain145I dunno, about using a DVR in conjunction.03:48
surgyi dont want to pay $160 for another cable box03:48
Claybrain145well, I just installed Kubunt last week, and I havne't had too many problems with what I usually do with it... this TV @nywhere card is also an FM Tuner.. about to try to configure that sometime this week...03:49
Claybrain145surgy - google has always been my best friend in finding information.  somehow, Yahoo and ask.com seem to lack in knowing what I'm really asking for with my key words.. google hits it almost every time.03:51
Claybrain145I would say, if there is a way to do it in Windows, then you should be able to find a way to do it in Linux.03:51
Claybrain145After a week...  I had to install some plug-ins for some different sound formats I work with, but have had no issue with anything else...03:52
Claybrain145I even saved an open office document as a Windows Office XP-2003 document and sent it to my GF, and she had no trouble opening it.03:53
sebawhat is help in spanish? i don't remember .. https??03:53
Jucato!es | seba03:54
ubotuseba: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:54
rubenanyone know where the screen resolution information is stored with kubuntu kde4? i checked in xorg.conf and didn't see any monitor info in it04:07
kgoetzit autodetects04:09
rubenso how can i enable dual monitor support then?04:10
rubenand how can i tell what video driver the sys is using?04:11
kgoetzdunno. i thought it was meant to work it out for itself04:11
kgoetzruben: are you running 7.10 or 8.04?04:11
kgoetzasked in #ubuntu+1?04:12
rubenno, just kubuntu-kde4 but no one is answering04:13
kgoetzi'd think its a +1 question04:13
mEck0Hi! is there a panel applet for meta tracker? or is there a better indexing search tool than it? something similar to mac osx spotlight04:19
re-alignubotu == helpful04:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helpful - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:24
re-alignAnd funny too. :P04:24
=== pramod is now known as Helios
HeliosAnyone who uses ubuntu as well as kubuntu here?04:27
kkathmannot sure why you'd use both unless you are testing one versus the other04:29
Heliosyeah this is wat i want to do,... :)04:29
kkathmantest away then04:30
Heliosto see which is better...04:30
kkathmankde is better - no question04:30
kkathmanbut gnome can be simplier for the inexperienced user04:30
kkathmanbut make no mistake - kde is better by far04:30
Helioswell i use kubuntu...04:31
kkathmankubuntu = kde + ubuntu, basically04:31
Helioswell sometimes i find some kinks in kde like it crashes sometimes...04:32
kkathmanunusual, usually that can be traced to some user setting04:32
kkathmanbut there are bugs in everything04:32
kkathmannautilus, as a file manger is terrible, if you are more than a casual user04:33
Heliosyeah.. ok will see to it... never used ubuntu... will try it on the 8.04 version04:33
kkathmanwont be much different04:33
Heliosi found it nice and simple compared to kde...04:34
kkathmanits still gnome04:34
Heliosand ubuntu can also be changed to kubuntu if am not mistaken...04:34
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kkathmanit can go either way, but upgrading is harder if you have both04:35
Heliosi think i gonna use it in alternate way.. like once ubuntu and the release after kubuntu...04:36
Helioshow can i uninstall a whole package?04:37
Heliosi tried installing Kde4...04:38
Heliosbut the kde 4 programs do not seem to be starting when i click on them...04:38
Daisuke_Idoyou're not missing much.04:38
Daisuke_Idobut as far as changing...  if you're using ubuntu, just install kubuntu-desktop and select kde from the session menu at login04:39
kkathmankde4 just isnt ready -I think it wont be ready for some time, to be honest04:39
Heliosi am using kubuntu...04:39
Heliosso this is the beta version?04:39
Daisuke_Idoand if you're using kubuntu to start, install ubuntu-desktop and same thing, select gnome from the session menu at login04:39
rubenkkathman: agreed. been using it for a couple of days now and there are some noticible bugs04:39
kkathmanwell the whole thing keeps getting delayed04:40
rubenbut i will say this, once they fix those issues it will be a heck of an environment04:40
Daisuke_Idokde4 is at a final release, but like gnome 2.0, kde 3.0, and most other first releases, it won't be *good* until at least 4.104:40
kkathmanI did some beta testing and worked with the kde team for a while - they honestly are a bit in disarray04:40
Helioslike kde gnome also has some upgrades?04:40
kkathmangnome is gnome - deficient in major ways  - especially their apps04:41
rubeni think they've thrown a lot of usefull default functionality in it. regarding the team being in disarray...welcome to community based s/w :-)04:41
kkathmanname any gnome app and the kde equivalent is clearly superior04:41
Heliosdeficient? wat is means... sorry i know that a stupid question... :S04:42
kkathmangnome doesnt even have a credible web editor like quanta04:42
rubenhelios: kkathman: okok, lets not be starting flame wars04:42
kkathmansorry we'll take it offtopic04:42
kkathmanbut ruben you know its true :)04:42
rubenlol, i plead the 5th04:43
kkathmanchicken :)04:43
ruben;), just politically correct04:43
kkathmanI hate that terms04:43
rubenno one's perfect04:44
Daisuke_Idokkathman, xchat.04:44
TeslaTonyDoes anyone know of a linux based iris scanner that can use an off-the-shelf webcam?04:44
Daisuke_Idoyou said name an app and you'd say how the kde equivalent is better04:45
Daisuke_Idolet's hear it :)04:45
rubenkonversation is pretty good me thinks04:45
kkathmanoh - xchat isnt that bad, but clearly not as good as kde irc apps imho but again,...offtopic04:45
Daisuke_Idoyeah, until you want to script, i dunno, ANYTHING04:45
prince_jammysinkscape, firefox04:45
Daisuke_Idoor change anything significant in any way04:45
kkathmankvirc is superior to xchat in every way04:45
Daisuke_Idoif by superior you mean inferior, then sure04:46
kkathmanno I mean what superior means04:46
prince_jammysdon't get me wrong, i'm all the way kde. but there's a few of gnomish apps that are quite good04:46
kkathmanxchat is probably the best gnome has to offer tho :)04:46
kkathmanwhich is sad04:46
kkathmanagain - Im done - cuz its offtopic04:47
Daisuke_Idoand i'm in -offtopic :)04:47
rubenmy take it this: the heck with judging which apps are better on which environment. if its a kde-based app and you like gnome, then just fire the dang thing up in kde04:48
rubennot sure what the big deal is really04:48
rubenyou may run into some styling ui issues here and there but that's about it04:49
Daisuke_Idoruben, i use a mix of kde and gnome apps all the time04:49
rubenmy point exactly04:49
rubenso what's the fuss all about then? in truths, there is no clear superior environment in linux. they both have their advantages and disadvantages04:50
rubenhmm, let me fix that last04:50
rubenthey all have their adv...disadv...04:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:53
munk_help?! i dont know why but on my laptop there is a process that runs lately and takes over 75% of my cpu the process name is udevd....help  please?05:17
DarkriftXi **think** udevd is a device detection daemon05:18
Daisuke_Idofor usb, i think05:20
Makuseruwhats the package name to install the MS true type fonts?05:22
munk_ahh stupid webcam...ive been having problems with that and im pretty sure thats whats causing it..05:23
pyro17!sound | Makuseru05:24
ubotuMakuseru: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:24
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:24
pyro17thats the one05:24
Makuserui was like, sound?05:24
norawhat is this about?05:28
kkathmannora what is what all about?05:30
murphwhat is fuseblk?05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuseblk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:46
murphit looks like it's being used where i expect ntfs-3g ntfs05:47
cesar_hey que hubo algun hispano por aqui05:48
cesar_kbuntu el mjeo05:49
jeffdanybody having issues w/ dcopserver not working lately?05:50
kkathmanjeffd:  not here05:51
jeffdhmm. I can't imagine what I must have done. All my k-apps are broken now. :(05:54
ubuntu_hey anyone up?  i have a question about tv tuners.  on a laptop, wondering what is a good unit to use.  any ideas?  via usb of course05:57
jussi01ubuntu_: the hauppage ones arent bad05:58
jussi01!tv | ubuntu_05:58
ubotuubuntu_: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out05:58
ubuntu_jussi01: cool thanks.  but these are intergrated cards, i neeed an external type unit though06:02
jussi01ubuntu_: im not sure, but look at the chipsets, that what really matters. as I said, hauppage usually have good linux stuff06:04
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:06
needhelphi, how do i modify a img content in kubuntu?06:16
needhelpneed to add some files in06:16
eddieftwan image in kubuntu?06:17
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.06:18
needhelpok thanks06:20
eddieftwfeel free to stick around and ask as many questions as you can think of06:21
MrBarrett<--- is currently installing kubuntu needs help06:30
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:31
jussi01MrBarrett: whats the issue?06:31
MrBarrettso im up to step 4 made a new partition of 9gb and dont know if im on the right track06:32
MrBarrettin now scanning06:33
MrBarrettahh now i see the free space, what now06:33
jussi01argh, got to go to work, hopefully someone else is around.06:34
MrBarretti am doing this with a live cd06:34
MrBarretti want to keep a duel win xp system06:35
eddieftwMrBarrett: okay i'll help you at06:36
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eddieftwyou want to set it up so that you have some room left for your xp (add more file if you want) and then the rest of the space for ubuntu06:36
MrBarrettits an 80gb with 45gb in use06:37
eddieftwokay so maybe set 20 gigs for your kubuntu?06:37
MrBarretti just set 9gb is that ok?06:37
eddieftwthere should be a slider or something similar to show which part of the hard drive you want to partition06:37
eddieftwyea that should be more than enough06:37
eddieftwyou can always add more or less later06:38
MrBarretti did a manual partition06:38
eddieftwokay what do you see now?06:38
MrBarrettim up to step 4 on k7.106:38
eddieftwis there a section where you can click 'next' and that should parition the hd?06:39
MrBarretti have one for free space to i check format?06:39
eddieftwyes that should be the one that is partitioned at 9gigs?06:39
eddieftwif so, then you check format06:39
MrBarrettfree space says 7221mb?06:40
eddieftwhmm that's doesn't sound right..06:41
MrBarrettnext..... ne root file system defined.... correct in partitioning menu?06:41
eddieftwis there a way i can get a screenshot or someting similar06:42
eddieftwa visual would be amazing right no06:42
MrBarrettits hard im installing on another computer06:42
eddieftwah yea, i think it has to do with the parition06:44
eddieftwthe parition that is formatted should be 9gigs right06:44
eddieftwand you are trying to isntallit on that06:44
MrBarrettwont let me check the format box06:45
eddieftwit should be already formatted?06:45
MrBarrett9gb yes06:45
eddieftwim confused slightly06:45
MrBarrettstep 4 of 606:45
eddieftwthats not the issue, i know where you are and what you're trying to do, im trying to remember the proper way to proceed06:46
eddieftwi normally just do the whole thing:/06:46
MrBarrettsorry thanks06:46
erik__Hey.. I have a problem when stasrting kde4.. the screen goes black.. this does not happen with kde3.. kde4 used to work earlier but suddently stopped working after an update I think06:46
jussi01you need to set the partition that you want as root as /06:47
MrBarrettat what step juss?06:47
jussi01erik__: use #kubuntu-kde4 you will need to be patient as its quiet at this time of day.06:47
MrBarrettMount point06:48
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:49
MrBarrettin create partition?06:49
MrBarrettwhat do i call it "/"?06:50
MrBarrettanything else?06:50
jussi01yes, the mount point should be just /06:50
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:50
MrBarrettits scanning again06:50
jussi01MrBarrett: have a read of that link06:50
MrBarrettsorry im am amature06:52
MrBarrettwhats a swap partition?06:53
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info06:53
jussi01MrBarrett: like a pagefile in windows06:53
MrBarrettwhat size is best for me?06:54
jussi01MrBarrett: double your ram size and make it that much06:54
MrBarrettso back to step 4 of 5 do i check both the freespace and swap for format and click yes?07:10
jussi01MrBarrett: yes, just dont format your windows partition07:10
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MrBarrettjust the fee and the swap?07:11
eddieftwyea that should do it...07:12
MrBarrettleave window alone?07:12
eddieftwyea leave it alone07:12
jussi01leave windows alone or its gone.07:12
MrBarrettof here goes nothing!07:12
jussi01make sure it isnt being formatted07:12
eddieftw!aptlock | eddieftw07:15
MrBarrettat the ready to install window it says warning this will destroy all data on any partition you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted and........ partition #2 if IDE1 master (hda) as swap... partition #3 if IDE1 master (hda) as ext3... should i install???07:22
MrBarretti want to keep windows xp07:22
eddieftwto clarif partition 1 is windows07:22
eddieftwyes, proceed07:22
MrBarrett<--- off into the wild blue yonda07:23
* jussi01 crosses fingers for MrBarrett 07:23
MrBarrettpartition #3 if IDE1 master (hda) as ext3... the "ext3" is correct?07:25
wesley_how can i start kde3 systemsetting in kde4?07:26
jussi01ext3 is the filesystem kubuntu uses07:26
MrBarrett<--- 40% and counting07:26
jussi01wesley_: kdesudo systemsettings07:27
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ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto07:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:37
MrBarrettkubuntu installation successful but now win xp begins to load then turns black??08:03
xp-killertry doing fix mbr then restore linux08:08
snake_hello to all. i have a problem. i can not connect to my access point in wireless because knetworkmanager doesnt show any wireless connection. the strange thing is that i use wlassistant and it connects without any problem (i am using wlassistant now) can anyone help me with this please08:10
davixyeah, I have the same problem with knetworkmanager and don't know the reason08:14
xp-killerwel i cant help linux does conect my conection by default i dont have to do nothing :)08:15
snake_davix: its very strange because i have the restricted drivers enabled and everything works fine but i cant show any wireless :S08:15
Darkrift2is kbfx the only way to change your "K" button?08:17
snake_Darkrift2: from what i know yes :)08:18
Darkrift2i wonder if it takes lots of resources08:19
Darkrift2already have compiz running :S08:19
Darkrift2i dislike the boring blue button :(08:19
snake_Darkrift2: it depends on what pc you have. i mean the parameters08:19
Darkrift2ill try it08:20
MrBarrett<--- just installed kubuntu and when i try to access my external USE hard drive it says... hal storage removable mount all options refused uid 1000.... please help08:20
MrBarrett*usb drive08:20
snake_MrBarrett: from what i see here its difficult to have a response because no one talks08:21
snake_try #ubuntu08:21
blackwaltzsnake_: time of day thing08:29
blackwaltzMrBarrett: rather than trying to let it automount, maybe it'll work if you use the ntfs-3g command to mount it08:31
snake_blackwaltz: he is talking in ubuntu lol08:31
blackwaltzsnake_: I wouldn't know that because I'm not?08:31
jussi01Its a bit quiet this time of morning, will get busier as the day goes on.08:32
chxhi. i would like to share my HSDPA connection over wifi08:33
ubotuIt's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds.  This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question.  Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake.  This is particularly true in the quieter channels.08:33
chxI tried googling without much success08:33
chxEurope night? It's 9:33AM right here :)08:33
drifmiddle of the night? :D08:33
blackwaltz3:33am Here ....08:33
chxalso, since when serious hackers obey such silly things like day and night? sleep is overrated :P08:34
drifchx: pity, mercy.. probably. sleep, nope.08:36
=== blackwaltz is now known as dwidmann
troofyis it a good idea to use a server for desktop use also. (linux)?08:38
driftroofy: depends on usage08:38
troofynormal desktop use. chating. movies. downloads.   server , webserver, ircd08:39
driftroofy: atleast to me linux machine is quite versatile - services I need are lightweight such as occasional file storage, http-daemon etc.08:40
dwidmanntroofy: think drif meant the server use/load08:40
driftroofy: I see no controversy between those two uses for the same system08:40
troofysome people say if iuse server as desktop. it will make it slow and disconect users in ircd when i download something . lag them if i play a game08:41
driftroofy: that's entirely upto your internet connection08:41
Jucatotroofy: it's less about the machine and probably more about your connection08:42
troofythe machine speed will not be slowed?08:43
drifbut disconnect ircd-users? not likely to happen08:43
Jucatodepends.. I doubt you'd be using a lowend machine for a server *and* a desktop at the same time08:43
troofyi use ubuntu.  should i use server install or desktop install to use both as server and desktop08:44
driftroofy: desktop install works fine, just install additional services afterwards08:44
jussi01troofy: desktop08:44
dwidmanntroofy: depends how you plan to set up the desktop .. if you're just going to dump in kubuntu-desktop or such, it won't make a difference, if you're going to be pickier go with the server install08:44
dwidmannYou'll probably want hte -generic kernel instead of the -server kernel though08:45
xp-killerhello anyone?08:51
rio_outrio_ stop using that nick, is mine, thanks :)08:51
xp-killeri had an unclean shut down with my external hdd ntfs how do i regulate it?08:52
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philipp_wie kann ich die 3d unterstützung installieren?08:57
Jucato!de | philipp_08:58
ubotuphilipp_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:58
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starenkahi anybody willing to help with connecting to wifi? urgent. thankyou09:40
starenkai see network around in kwifimanager (if i hgit the button which searches for them), but how the hell i can conncet?09:41
starenkai mean there's a button which says swicth to.. but it's grayed out on encrypted ntwrks09:41
starenkahelp plz09:41
starenkaor to put it straight.... how to configure kubuntu to use WPA-PSK ntwrk using AES?09:47
starenkaplz plzplz09:47
eddieftwman iwconfig should tell you...09:48
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:48
starenkahow fckng awsome to packages wiith no internet connection :)))09:51
starenkadamn dependencies09:51
xp-killerstarenka: lol u going to stay there all day09:53
xp-killerstarenka: u dont have contection?09:53
starenkayep. but on my other box09:54
starenkawith windoze09:54
xp-killerso wat are u talking about?09:54
starenkaand the damn kubuntu not having even mc in base instalation09:54
xp-killerwat is mc?09:54
starenkamidnight commander09:54
xp-killerwat does it do?09:55
Jucatoxp-killer: you can try researching it09:55
Jucatoit's a file manager09:55
xp-killerJucato: are u ops?09:56
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore09:56
xp-killerJucato: i need help downloading the rigth kubuntu its the 5th time im downloading on and its not fit for my pc09:57
kgoetzxp-killer: what is your pc, and what have you downloaded?09:57
Jucatohow is not fit for your pc? and what does an op have to do with it?09:57
xp-killeri downloaded 3 diferent 7.04 and one 8.04 of kubuntu and all told me its not fit for the cpu or something like that09:58
xp-killerkgoetz: my ps is an amd 6409:59
starenkago for i38609:59
starenkaworx on any machine09:59
Jucatothen download a 64bit one09:59
xp-killerJucato: i guess an op knows a lot09:59
kgoetzxp-killer: get the amd64 cd09:59
xp-killerJucato: 64bit not compatible09:59
starenkai386 works on any machine09:59
eddieftwumm yea ive never heard of this..10:00
Jucatotry x86 then...10:00
xp-killerkgoetz: i get it but it tell me not fit for the cpu10:00
eddieftw64 bit not compabitle..10:00
Jucatobut that would be strange. maybe you don't have amd64?10:00
starenkaheh i maent x8610:00
xp-killerJucato: so y on xp i look on info on my pc its amd 6410:01
xp-killerJucato: how do i look in linux to see?10:01
Jucatomaybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know your machine10:02
Jucato"cat /proc/cpuinfo" maybe?10:02
xp-killerlol maybe10:02
xp-killeri dont trust maybes10:02
xp-killerJucato: how long was the 8.04 out?10:04
Jucatoit's not even out yet10:04
eddieftwcat /proc/cpuinfo is correct10:04
xp-killerJucato: i just came back to linux after months and i saw 8.0410:04
Jucatoif "out" == "stable release10:04
xp-killerits not stable?10:04
xp-killerJucato: when will we be able to upgrade to it?10:05
Jucatoabout 2 weeks from now or even sooner. check with #ubuntu+110:05
madooy guys hello there10:08
madocan you help with this theme-thing? ... http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Clean?content=7440510:08
starenkaok so i manned iwconfig, which says PASSPHRASE is not supported... so what should i do now?10:13
starenkai got wpa-psk authentized router with aes, using pre-sahred key10:14
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ct529hi everybody!10:18
ct529I have been trying to install and test kde4 from the repository10:18
ct529but cannot start it from the list of available sessions10:18
ct529what should I do?10:19
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Jucatoct529: you should try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 :)10:19
ct529Jucato: thanks10:21
metbsddoes kubuntu have kde4?10:27
neville_In the repositories10:27
Jucatometbsd: yes. 4.0.2 currently. please check with #kubuntu-kde4 for more info10:27
metbsdis it good?10:28
metbsdi heard many good things about it10:28
Jucatoit's ok. stable, but  not yet feature complete10:28
metbsdi heard many good thigns about it, so i wanna try kubuntu again, now on windows10:29
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rakanhello is there an IM client better and Pidgin out there?11:00
aditry kopete11:01
denis_My taskbar disappeared after I changed something11:01
rakankopete kinda sucks11:01
adiwell, use pidgin then :)11:02
denis_anybody knows how to enter the control centre?11:02
TameLionrakan: what are you looking for, that you can call it 'better'?11:03
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:03
adialt+f2 ,  enter systemsettings  ,hit ok11:05
Jucatoor kcontrol. take your pick11:05
TameLionhmm fair enough..11:05
denis_the german channel already helped me but thanks11:09
Tootbatot_can i limit total bandwidth /s  combinely for 2 ips ? by firewall. eg ip1 + ip2  should not exceed 20kb/s  ?11:18
denis_by the way, anyone knows hot to restore the systray?11:19
neville_denis_ KDE?11:20
Jucatodenis_: what's wrong?11:20
neville_It should be an applet under "add applet to panel"11:20
metbsdhow to restore systray in bash11:20
denis_it's gone11:20
denis_since I closed a little mercury-messenger icon11:21
Jucatodenis_: right-click on the panel -> Add Applet to Panel -> look for System Tray in the window that pops up11:21
denis_the problem is that my system is German but I don't know how it's called11:22
Jucato!de | denis_11:23
Jucatomaybe they can help11:23
ubotudenis_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:23
Jucatobut the bot's lagging...11:23
denis_I am already there, thanks11:23
denis_but he is not familiar with KDE311:23
Tootbatot_can i limit total bandwidth /s  combinely for 2 ips ? by firewall. eg ip1 + ip2  should not exceed 20kb/s  ?11:23
emilsedghcommit digest arrived!11:25
Jucatothat almost felt like you were hitting F5 on that page every 5 minutes11:26
denis_ah m I found it, it's called Systemabschnitt11:27
denis_thanks for your help11:27
emilsedghwell, konqueror has an Auto Refresh extension Jucato ;)11:27
Jucatoemilsedgh: that would be boooooring11:27
denis_perhaps you could help me with my sound problem too11:29
denis_I installed the realtek drivers from their homepage but the don't work11:29
denis_I already had a look in kmixer11:29
denis_Skype always tells me there would be a problem with my sound11:30
william__realtek = ac'97?11:30
denis_one second11:30
=== william__ is now known as nonewmsgs
nonewmsgsi decided to make my password more secure.  it is so secure that i no longer even remember it11:32
denis_it's this one http://www.realtek.com.tw/products/productsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=27&Level=5&Conn=4&ProdID=3911:32
Jucatononewmsgs: fun11:32
algyznonewmsgs:  do you really need suh high security?11:33
nonewmsgsalgyz: wrong window.  my ubuntu is fine i forgot my new irc password11:33
denis_nobody familiar with realtek HDA sound???11:40
nonewmsgssorry :(11:41
denis_hercules webcam?11:42
denis_or how to compile the kernel-modul for it11:43
nonewmsgsis desktop sharing the same as VNC11:46
nonewmsgsaway at work11:48
napoleaohow can I hide open windows when I am using a diferente virtual desktop in kde4?11:51
Tootbatot_can i limit total bandwidth /s  combinely for 2 ips ? by firewall. eg ip1 + ip2  should not exceed 20kb/s  ?11:51
Jucatonapoleao: hide from the panel? right-click on the panel -> configure Panel -> Taskbar options -> Uncheck "Show windows from all desktops"11:51
napoleaothanks Jucato11:52
napoleaowas not that, but it did help finding, in kde4 I have to go to task manager settings, and choose show only....11:53
Jucatooh I missed the "kde4" part11:53
Jucato#kubuntu-kde4 btw11:53
nonewmsgswhat is Kde's lock workstation? in gnome it is ctrl+alt+l and in windows super+l11:53
Jucatosame. Ctrl+Alt+L = lock desktop11:54
nonewmsgsbah it isnt working11:54
JucatoKDE 3?11:54
Jucatocheck the keyboard shortcuts11:54
napoleaosorry, did not know that was another channel for that :)11:54
Jucatonow you do :)11:54
nonewmsgsthanks but i got to get going now11:55
Jucatononewmsgs: it's "Lock Session"11:55
Jucatononewmsgs: right-click on the desktop if you can't get the shortcut working for now11:55
nonewmsgsJucato: i see that11:55
andy_hey all12:00
shockheadhi folks, how long does it take for new packages to show up in the repositories?12:02
shockheadis there a delay once a package is submitted?12:02
Jucatoshockhead: submitted where and how? and yes, it takes time for mirrors to sync12:03
shockheadJucato: just looking at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/201591 which refers to the package linux - 2.6.24-13.2312:04
shockheadbut it's not in the repositories.. just wondering if that was a problem somewhere or if it's just usual to have a delay12:05
Jucatoshockhead: you are in hardy?12:05
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion12:05
shockheadyep, sorry should probably be in #ubuntu+112:06
* Jucato nods12:06
* shockhead always makes this mistake12:06
Jucatoshockhead: also it doesn't say if the package was uploaded already12:06
shockheadbut it guess it's just a general question...12:06
Jucatoshockhead: it actually depends. it will take longer for a fix to go down to gutsy than it is for hardy12:07
shockheadJucato: i thought that since it's there with a version number that it would be uploaded already... didn't know it worked like that12:08
shockheadis the launchpad janitor a bot?12:09
Jucatoshockhead: well, it could, or it couldn't. packages are made locally on a computer first before it's uploaded of course. and version number are made there too. best to ask in #ubuntu+1 if the package is available already12:09
Dr_willishmm.. Im testing out streamripper to rip some streams.  but only a few ever get moved to the 'complete' dir. Most stay Incomplete.  Anyone Ever noticed this?12:09
* Jucato goes off to dinner12:09
shockheadJucato: thanks for the info, enjoy your food12:09
andy_hey all :D12:10
dcorbin_workopenoffice.org says it is "Candidate version 2.2.0-1ubuntu5"  yet openoffice.org-core{02,10} both refer to 2.312:13
dcorbin_workCan anybody explain to me how to fix this without doing a complete version upgrade of my system?12:14
ActionParsniphey all12:14
PlantainHey, I'm playing with the beta, and for some reason it's picking up a screen closed message on login, what could be up?12:18
ActionParsnipPlantain: not seen that one. does restarting x help any?12:19
PlantainActionParsnip: No, it does it on every login. It works fine after I resume, but it's annoying12:19
ActionParsnipPlantain: is it before or after you logon?12:22
Plantainafter I've logged in, I can see my desktop etc12:22
algyz!hardy | Plantain12:22
ubotuPlantain: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:22
PlantainAm I meant to take Kubuntu questions there? :/12:22
ActionParsnipPlantain: create a new user and try logging in as that. remember hardy is beta so will have bugs12:23
Plantainokay, trying now12:24
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:26
cuzntnot spam12:40
cuzntosx vs vista vs linux.... an ubuntu remained untouched12:41
* cuznt wonders how could that be????12:41
Tidusthere isn't a version of windows to date that's untouchable12:41
cuznti know12:42
cuzntbut the mac was the 1st do drop12:42
cuzntthats even better12:42
cuznt Nevertheless, Vista's fall on the last day left the Sony Vaio laptop running Ubuntu as the ultimate winner—Linux was the last OS left standing.12:43
Tidusit's not a fair competition unless they're all running the exact same hardware12:44
Tidusdifferent drivers might have different security holes12:45
kgoetzjudging by the first bit i dont think the competition holds anyway12:45
kgoetzit was a hack in flash, not vista12:46
Dr_willisTidus,  so they all need to be running on apple machines then?12:46
TidusDr_willis: yeah, since that's about the only way you're gettin osx on there12:46
kgoetzTidus: same hardware simply isnt feasible12:46
Tidus3 US$600 mac minis isn't feasible?12:47
kgoetznot convinced its that important, as long as their all the same arch12:47
kgoetzdoze isnt designed to run on mac hardware, so expecting it to is unfair12:47
Dr_willisit was just a contest.. :) you are trying too hard to level the field..12:48
Dr_willisif linux got hacked first due to an apache flaw..  i bet the windows guys wouldent let that be an excuse.12:48
Tidusnewer mac hardware is core2duo12:48
Dr_willisback to reading the news .....   US Attorney General: Piracy funds terror12:48
Dr_willisbut windows isent specifically designed to run on them.. so that could be an 'excuse' also.12:50
Dr_willisIt was just a contest.. :)12:50
Dr_willisi bet my Timexsinclare would be the winner!12:50
kgoetzDr_willis: its just a dodgy contest with a dodgy article :)12:50
Dr_williskgoetz,  sounds like standard fair on the dodgy news sites..12:52
Dr_willisif windows had cam4e out on top. i bet MS would be all over it..12:52
kgoetzDr_willis: sure :)12:53
* Dr_willis goes backing to reading imporntant news like the 'Second Life Sex Toys Piracy Law suits;12:54
* kgoetz notices Dr_willis only visits teh best news sources12:56
Dr_willisI just wonder who actually DOES spend time in second life..  Its like one huge spam fest it seems.. :)12:57
Dr_willisFCC fends off "fleeting Pokemon" waffle attack http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080330-fcc-fends-off-fleeting-pokemon-attack.html12:58
rynolDuxbury Connexant 56k modem13:04
rynolHi sorry for that13:04
brmassaguys, why opera is not on Hardy repositories?13:04
rynolI need help to install a Duxbury Connexant 56k modem on Kubuntu Hardy beta version13:05
Dr_willisHmm.. I thoiught it was13:05
Dr_willisguess its not.13:05
Dr_willisIt may be getting added to that one special repo. But  i forget what it was called.13:05
Dr_willisone that had vmware, and other businesses  programs and related packages13:06
Dr_willishttp://deb.opera.com/ - has its own repo it seems for it13:08
kgoetzbrmassa: because they dont allow redistribution13:09
brmassakgoetz: hmmm i didnt know that.13:10
brmassaDr_willis and kgoetz: thanks13:11
peter__is it possible to type this character ° on a us keyboard??13:13
peter__and if yes, which key is it?13:13
Dr_willistheres those fancy-character-tools that can let ya cut/paste/do it.. buti never use them13:14
peter__so is there no key for it? because in german keyboard layout it is13:14
Dr_willis0_°    <--- Popeye13:14
Dr_willisI dont see any on my keyboard. :)13:15
Dr_willisand im in the usa13:15
=== ubuntu is now known as zullu
dcorbin_workpeter__: It's not ON the keyboard, but you can generally type any character if you know it's "code" by using ALT + num-keypad (for the code)13:28
peter__thx dcorbin_work13:30
Dr_willisI thought that was desktop-dependant13:30
Dr_willisit dont seem to do diddle here. :)13:30
Jucatodcorbin_work: hm.. that only works in Windows afaik13:31
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
Jucatopeter__: try googling about "compose key"13:31
dcorbin_workJucato: I think it's actually a function of the keyboard, but I don't know about Unicode support.13:32
Jucatodcorbin_work: the Alt+keypad numbers isn't a function of the keyboard but of the system13:33
Jucatoand by system, I mean the Window System (mostly)13:33
arkygeekhi all.   i seem to be unable to print to secure printers using iprint since i did the move to hardy.   anyone know anything about this?13:35
shockheadhi arkygeek.... i keep getting told this, so i'd best pass it on. hardy questions in #ubuntu+1 :-)13:37
arkygeekshockhead: already there, and asked.... thought i would ask here too13:38
katad0t1sHi all. I want to try kde 4 and I was wondering if the 7.10 remix offers the same updated stuff as 8.04 beta does. If not what are the diffs?13:38
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:39
draremhow do I keep the tremulous server from running every time I reboot?13:39
draremI tried Services, don't see it in there13:39
* Tw|sT peeks in13:44
dthackerdrarem: look for a start script in /etc/init.d.13:45
draremi see a tremulous-server.sh in there13:48
draremeither I can edit that or find where it runs from13:48
SlimeyPetescripts in init.d are run automatically at bott time, however I think you can use update-rc.d to disable them13:49
SlimeyPeteyeah... sudo update-rc.d scriptname remove    I think13:50
SlimeyPetethat should prevent it running.13:50
draremthanks :)13:50
=== xRaich[o12x is now known as xRaich[o]2x
Pici!es | anais_14:08
ubotuanais_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:08
JediMasterHey guys, can someone do me a quick favour and post a gutsy or heron (heron pref) sources.list for kubuntu on pastebin for me please?14:10
* JediMaster pokes everyone14:17
JediMasterAny chance someone could paste their /etc/apt/sources.list into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please?14:17
nevilleWhat's in it for us? :P14:18
JediMastera hug?14:18
nevilleyou had me sold at [2008-04-01 00:18:39] <JediMaster>14:19
JucatoJediMaster: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources <--- there's one for gutsy14:19
PolitikerNEUHi, does anybody know why I cannot use intel wlan proprietary driver in kubuntu 8.04?14:21
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
JucatoPolitikerNEU: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions. thanks14:22
JediMasterJucato: thanks14:24
eagles0513875im having a rather severe issue with trying to install kubuntu and its really starting to upset me can anyone possibly help me14:31
SlimeyPeteeagles0513875: just describe your problem and if anyone here can help, they will14:31
eagles0513875here is my issue and i tried both the alternat cd and regular one of hardy beta when coming to intall wiht the desktop up or just the installer in the regular cd it freezes while loading partitions in the alternate cd it installs fine but the probelm arises when booting after install it hangs on loading hardware devices. is this because my hardwear is too new14:32
eagles0513875should i switch ovr to the kubuntu+1 channel14:33
Jucatoeagles0513875: or bad burns... orcorrupted download.... #ubuntu+114:33
eagles0513875Jucato this even happened on gutsy14:33
eagles0513875and i used that cd on a previous machine and it worked fine14:33
eagles0513875let me get in the other channel and ask in there14:34
lingardwhats the best way to access selected files from remote locations outside lan?14:34
eagles0513875lingard it would be vpn14:35
lingardare they easy to set up?14:35
jhutchins_wklingard: ssh/scp14:35
lingardit sounds complicated?14:35
Tw|sTeagles0513875 : HAve you tried using a different optical drive? (if you have one handy)14:35
jhutchins_wkeagles0513875: Have you verified the md5sum of both the .iso file and the CD?14:35
jhutchins_wklingard: scp user@other.com:/path/to/file /path/to/save file14:36
Tw|sTIf the disc just worked on a separate system, it could be that the rom drive is going bad.... maybe a dust particle on the laser, but could also just be the laser reaching EOL (end of lifespan)14:37
eagles0513875Tw|sT this is a laptop14:37
eagles0513875i wish i could but not that easy14:37
eagles0513875it reads the cd and everything just fine14:37
Tw|sTyou'd have to test it against a USB CD drive then.... if the laptop will boot from a USB CD drive, that is....14:38
jhutchins_wkeagles0513875: You know, none of that really matters.  the md5sum of the iso and CD matter though.14:38
Tw|sTI've got one here, on hand, just for that specific reason14:38
eagles0513875jhutchins_wk thing is i have my burner set to verify data on the cd and everything checks out14:39
Tw|sTI had a laptop that the DVDRW started acting up on, and the replacement from HP was $349, so it was a no brainer to just go to Best Buy and pick up a $79 18x lightscribe USB external.14:39
eagles0513875Tw|sT thing is this laptop is under warrenty got it as an xmas present14:40
lingardis it easy to set up a machine as an FTP server?14:40
lingardor even a web server14:40
=== Trevi is now known as Trevinho
clau30_lingard: as easy as starting a program (daemon) :)14:41
lingardhow about standard router configuration? i have an O2 wireless box (thompson 780 i think)14:42
clau30_lingard: setting it up might be a bit more difficult, but there are plenty of ressources on the net14:42
Tw|sTeagles0513875 : ah... in that case, you gotta be totally sure before sending it in for an RMA/warrantee-repair.14:43
clau30_lingard: what do you mean? routers have a web interface afaik14:43
Tw|sTeagles0513875 : tough break, either way... Best of luck m8!  :)14:43
lingardto access it remotely i'd need to enter my IP address wouldn't i? then how would the router know which machine is the server?14:44
lingardor am i overcomplicating it?14:44
PupenoG-Is there a screen saver that would show a web page?14:45
eagles0513875Tw|sT hp even messed up vista with all their junk they add to it14:45
clau30_lingard: well, first you should be connected with it some way (wire or wireless)14:45
clau30_lingard: then you'd have to enter the IP address of the router14:45
eagles0513875Tw|sT thanks14:46
clau30_lingard: don't you have the handbook? should be described there I think14:46
lingardlol, no manual14:46
clau30_lingard: (sorry, I personally don't own a router)14:46
lingardbut yes, enter the ip for the gui14:46
jhutchins_wklingard: Setting it up is easy.  Securing it so you don't instantly become a spambot, not so easy.  FTP is the most notoriously hackable protocol we run.14:46
lingardsecurity isn't really an issue14:47
lingardi don't think....14:47
clau30_lingard: are you connected with the router?14:47
clau30_lingard: and do you know it's (ip) address?14:47
jhutchins_wklingard: Security is always an issue if you're connected to the internet.  The average "half-life" of a raw Windows XP machine connected to the net is about ten minutes.14:47
clau30_lingard: type it in a web broswer, that should bring up the interface14:47
clau30_heh, true :)14:48
jhutchins_wklingard: Anyway, what you usually do is tell the router to forward traffic for certain ports (ie 80 for http) to a certain internal machine.14:48
* thoreauputic never runs ftp servers and only uses ftp clients if absolutely no other way exists14:48
thoreauputicftp is like telnet - passwords in the clear etc. etc.14:49
LjLthoreauputic: you mean like IRC?14:49
thoreauputicLjL: heh14:49
lingardso would a web server be better?14:49
thoreauputicLjL: true that :)14:49
clau30_lingard: it depends what do you need14:49
jhutchins_wkLjL: Like IRC except it can give someone root access.14:50
lingardi want to be able to (and allow others with ro permission) access files on my pc14:50
jhutchins_wklingard: learning to use scp would be good.14:50
thoreauputiclingard: scp , sftp14:50
jhutchins_wklingard: Most ISP's include a free basic web page, that's a good way to share things that need sharing.14:50
Tw|sTeagles0513875  : yeah... I can vouch for that.  I have the same prob here.  From a clean install of the OEM build, I had to spend about an hour cleaning up after their worthless demo apps, then scour the registry with CCleaner.  I've got another system running Vista Ult (retail) and it has heat problems with the motherboard... but, I didn't narrow it down to that until I'd pulled everything else that I possibly could, which caused th14:51
Tw|sTime since I've had that copy.  I hope that the techs I've been talking with are invalidating my old vsid, so that when I do finally replace this motherboard and call it in yet again, they won't give me some crap about not being able to reactivate again.  The OEM copies don't have that option... which has been making alot of ppl very angry... understandably.14:51
jhutchins_wklingard: That way you're not placing your own system at risk, and most ISP's have at least a quarter of a clue about securing their hosts.14:51
lingardi'm looking to share about 150gb14:51
clau30_lingard: on kde, try the little file server applet for kicker14:51
lingardi have a domain with an ftp server but i want something seperate14:51
toti_Having problems with my Laptop. It's doing crap like this: http://totix800.to.funpic.de/fehler.png  It's seems to me like their is no prob with kubuntu but does this look like a damaged graficboard to you?14:52
jhutchins_wktoti_: Misconfigured X server - wrong driver or more likely wrong specs for it.14:52
lingardwhats the non adept app manager thats on ubuntu?14:53
toti_But there are the same problems on (I know shame on me) Windows14:53
Picilingard: Synaptic14:53
jhutchins_wktoti_: I would guess it's the scan frequencies of the monitor that are wrong.  LCD's don't like being driven at anything other than their "native" resolution.14:53
toti_It's running on native resolution14:54
toti_And it's running on it's native frequency to14:56
jhutchins_wktoti_: Well, in that case, especially if the problem is exactly the same in Windows, it could be hardware.15:04
=== Rozza5 is now known as Rozza|Away
RsjHHi all15:09
Jucatoneville: hm...15:10
nevilleDoubtfire-esque, no? :P15:10
RsjHCan you help with external modem (Duxburry) driver installation non Usbfor faxing purposes15:12
=== neville is now known as neville_
Darksidehi, when i'm using Opera or Firefox, and i bring up a shell window in front of it, all the graphics on the opera or firefox screen become garbled15:16
Darksideany idea why?15:16
jhutchins_wkDarkside: Is your graphics system embedded?  Does it "share" system memory?15:19
Darksiden... hmm15:19
Darksidei'm pretty sure it doesn't15:19
DarksideI'm on a laptop, the card is an ATI Mobility Radeon X60015:19
Darksideand i'm using the open source drivers15:19
Darksidebah, i just rebooted X and the problem has disappeared15:20
Darksidei'll let you know if it comes back15:21
Darksidejhutchins_wk, would you reccomend the fglrx drivers?15:22
Darksiderecommend *15:22
Exilantwell, they work, have 3d-accel, but a very own list of problems15:24
Darksidesupposedly the open source drivers support some 3d acceleration on my card, but its *really* slow15:25
jhutchins_wkDoes anybody know if the cups administration bug ever got fixed?  I'm planning to revise my blog and take the resolution off the front page, I'd like it verified as gone if it is.15:25
Exilantwell, depends if you need 3d15:25
Exilantor _want_15:26
DarksideExilant, i would like to be able to use google earth at a reasonable speed :P15:26
jhutchins_wkDarkside: I would recommend getting a solid 2d resolution first, since most of what you'll do with a PC is 2d.  If you really want 3d, mess with that seperately.15:26
jhutchins_wkDarkside: Remember change one thing at a time and keep notes.15:26
jhutchins_wk3d is still very much in the developmental stage.15:27
Darksidethe version of fglrx available through the driver manager isn't the latest version is it...15:27
jhutchins_wkIf you're on a laptop, then it probably _is_ an on-board/embedded chipset, and probably _doesn't_ have dedicated video RAM.15:27
SlimeyPetethe x600 does, I believe15:27
SlimeyPetesome of the better laptop chipsets have their own RAM these days15:28
Darksideits a PCI-E graphics card, as far as i understand15:28
Exilantdarkside: well, it runs ok here (fglrx)15:28
Darksideand yeah, i believe it has its own video RAM15:28
Darkside256mb i believe... not completely sure though15:28
DarksideI can play HL2: Ep 2 on it, with decent quality :P15:29
DarksideExilant, what graphics card are you running?15:29
Darksideand are you on a laptop or a desktop?15:29
ExilantRADEON 9600/970015:30
Exilantat least that's what fglrxinfo tells me15:30
trappisthey I know I set my default smb password for kde somewhere, can somebody tell me where that is?15:30
Darksidei heard the fglrx driver doesn't work with hibernation15:30
trappistnm, found it :)15:31
Exilanti dunno, there were big problems15:31
Exilantso i got so used to not using hibernation15:31
Exilantthat i don't know if it works15:31
Exilanthm, i'll test15:31
Darksidei haven't used hibernation on my laptop yet, kubuntu boots up so fast15:32
ubuntui have a question regarding usb drive mounting in kubuntu15:34
=== ubuntu is now known as Thomas-wmii
Thomas-wmiiI have a 128-mb flash drive that holds my old c++ code, and when i plug it in, it returns an error15:34
Exilantdarkside: works fine15:37
Darksideim gonna have a go with them15:37
Darksideok restart time...15:39
Darksidei'll let you know if things work15:39
Exilantdarkside: however, took almost 3 minutes down and up again, might as well reboot15:42
Darksideim using the fglrx drivers now... how could i test them?15:42
Darksideok yeah its working15:44
clau30_Darkside: glxgears ;)15:46
Darkside12194 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2438.617 FPS15:46
Darksideis that good or bad?15:46
BunnyRevolutionhi.  i currently have python-central < 6.x installed but need >= 6.0 for a program i am running.  i understand i can get this via a hardy repo.  is this the best option?15:46
nosrednaekimDarkside: is that full screen?15:47
Darksideill go full screen15:47
nosrednaekimDarkside: full screen is the only decnet way to test ;)15:47
clau30_Darkside: that's very good :)15:47
Darksidewhen i go fullscreen the gears are only in the bottom left corner15:47
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: I wouldn't upgrade pthon-central.15:47
Darksideand i get this:  1365 frames in 5.0 seconds = 272.682 FPS15:47
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: it could be dangerous and more than likely it'll break something15:48
chxhi. after a certain uptime,i have too many open windows to manage. a bunch of them are just unclosed chat windows. so i click on taskbar, click on group together always, then close all the windows, then change back the grouping. how could i do this simpler? ie. how could i close a group of windows?15:48
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: what program are you trying to install?15:49
chris062689Feels like KDE isn't supported as well as GNOME, am I right!? :(15:49
stdinno, you're not15:50
BunnyRevolutionnosrednaekim: gramps 3.x15:51
chris062689Well I like KDE better than GNOME personally...15:51
BunnyRevolutiona deb from gramps-project website15:51
chris062689Though I suppose it will be hard to use some KDE applications on my EeePC due to it's small screen size.15:51
Darksideany other 'benchmarks' i could test out?15:51
aet061484good day to all15:51
stdinchris062689: the eeePC uses KDE anyway15:51
mehrabihello,i have problem in the kppp!since of sellected connet,kppp showing error:''no dial tone''15:52
chris062689ok ootiing into a live cd :D15:52
aet061484i have some problem about my canon s100sp lately15:52
chris062689Be back in a while :D15:52
nosrednaekimDarkside: play a game.... if it works great, then your graphics card is good. if it doesn't, then you can't do much about that :)15:52
aet061484can anyone please help15:52
Darksidewhat game15:52
Darksidealso i noticed that the version of the driver is 8.37.6 =/15:53
Darksidethats... old15:53
mehrabiplease help me!:)15:54
nosrednaekimDarkside: Tremulous, gl117, openarena15:54
nosrednaekimlots of games :)15:54
nosrednaekimflightgear will do your graphics card justice15:54
BunnyRevolutionnosrednaekim: any ideas?  wait till hardy?15:55
nosrednaekimBunnyRevolution: pretty much.... about a half a month.15:56
aet061484i have installed bjc600 as recommended by the wizard and test print just worked out fine15:57
aet061484but the next day, i cannot print anymore, is the driver wrong or do i have to install another driver15:58
Darksidethanks for the help guys, i'll prolly be back at some point when i've screwed up something :P16:02
mehrabi_hello,i have problem in the kppp!since of sellected connet,kppp showing error:''no dial tone''16:07
Daisuke_Idothe the modem plugged in?16:08
mehrabi_i using winmodem(smartlink)16:10
mehrabi_i had installed it successfully!but,my problem is in the dialing nomber!!16:11
fathirPL user is here?16:11
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fathir__Pl user is here?!16:12
Pici!pl | fathir__16:12
ubotwofathir__: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl16:12
apostolДрасти всем16:13
Pici!ru | apostol16:13
ubotwoapostol: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:13
aet061484mukhang walang makatutulong sa akin dito sa problema ko ukol sa printer16:13
ubotwoThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:14
Shendoxhi, i have kubuntu 7.10. When it starts there are no splash, only black screen. also no console after X kill. the same black screen. How can it be changed?16:14
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lingardis there any way to access my files/documents with a symbian browser?16:22
starenka_hi anybody fixed this bug on sata hdd? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969516:25
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 59695 in suse "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Unknown,In progress]16:26
crazy_busI plugged a remote control into my tv card and it works.  But I'm not sure how to tell the buttons to do different things.  I installed kdeirc but it can't detect the remote for some reason16:29
lingardwhat tv card are you using?16:30
RurouniJonesAnoyne know a linux app that can open thrice-damned .sit archives?16:32
crazy_buslingard: early avermedia dvb-t16:32
lingardhave you tried lirc?16:36
crazy_buslingard: yes but I think I choose the wrong model.  How do you get the install menu you get when you first install the package?16:36
lingardi've just done a clean install and i have a hauppauge tv card so getting that set up's on my todo list16:37
lingardi've had it all working before, it worked fine16:38
lingardi found an application to map the buttons to change the function of some on the remote16:38
surgyso i finnaly fixed my nvidia geforce card but my driver is still set for vesa which is my onboard video driver ive been using, how do i reconfigure xorg so that its back in its defualt state?16:38
surgybtw im command prompt only talkinbg to you via irssi16:39
ubotwoThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:39
surgyand i cant visit that link becuase im in command prompt only mode16:40
surgycan anyone help me?16:40
chris062689Kubuntu installed :)16:40
chris062689Though I'm having a REAL problem with windows being too big for the screen =/16:40
surgyanyone know the command to reconfigure xorg? i forgot it16:40
lingardcrazy_bus: how did you install lirc?16:41
chris062689sudo dpkg reconfigure xorg?16:41
Jucatosurgy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:41
BunnyRevolutionsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:41
BunnyRevolutionheh, beat me16:41
chris062689I'm wrong :(16:41
crazy_buslingard: sudo apt-get install lirc then selected the wrong model accidentally.  I've fixed it now16:41
Jucatochris062689: 1 word and 2 hyphens missing. almost there :)16:41
lingardok :)16:41
surgythank you16:42
Ozonedsurgy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  or install elinks or lynx16:42
Jucatow3m is installed by default16:42
starenka_hi anybody fixed this bug on sata hdd? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969516:45
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 59695 in suse "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Unknown,In progress]16:45
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sybrenhi folks! I might have been a little too enthousiastic in the cleanup of my Kubuntu 8.04, and I can't seem to find the ipw3945 kernel module. Which package is it stored in?16:46
=== WarrenD is now known as WarrenDUM
Jucatosybren: linux-ubuntu-modules for the version of the kernel you are using/booting into16:47
crazy_buslirc is now setup but IRKICK isn't making kaffeine do what I tell it to.  The buttons still only do what they did before I changed them.  Anything I should do to make them work?16:48
sybrenJucato: thanks! I didn't find it because it was renamed from ipw3945 to iwl394516:50
lingardsee file:///usr/share/doc/lirc/html/help.html#new_remote16:56
crazy_busthanks lingard will try that16:58
crazy_buslingard: that recommends a number of commands that do not work for me such as mode2. which says mode2: error opening /dev/lirc  mode2: No such file or directory17:03
randomoutbursti have 8.04 and when i go to install amarok from synaptic for some reason it wont download all the libs anyone know why?, i use gnome should i add a certain repository?17:19
Daisuke_Idoyou should ask in #ubuntu+117:19
Daisuke_Idothat's the channel for hardy support.17:20
randomoutburstk thanks17:20
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crazy_busbye everyone.  Most sleep and thanks for all the help17:21
tabuzhi everyone17:21
starenka_any1 knows how to turn off password strength check?17:22
geniipasswd --bad-password <name>         (I'm pretty sure)17:23
lingardanyone know where the default apache server folder goes?17:24
lingardcan't find the little bugger anywhere17:25
starenka_not working17:25
starenka_not working17:25
starenka_lingard: locate apache?17:26
starenka_locate httpd.conf ?17:26
lingardfound it17:26
lingardwould that be the default page when the ip is entered?17:26
jpatricklingard: default is /var/www17:27
lingardthank you very much :)17:27
lingarddo i have to turn something on to be able to access it from outside my network?17:27
jpatricklingard: you'll have to forward port 80 on your router to your computer's IP17:28
starenka_or 44317:29
lingardsorted, thanks :D17:31
lingardis there any way to access it from a s60 phone?17:31
metbsd_does firewall must be install at router?17:32
metbsd_if i have a router without firewall, now i wanna add firewall, where should i add it17:33
jinzougenI'm trying to set up kubuntu to let me input korean hangul, but in the regional settings, it says "command not found " when I click the "install new language" buttn.17:42
vltmetbsd_: Firewalling should happen _before_ routing: [Internet] <--> [Firewall] <--> [Router] <--> [Network to protect]. FW/Router can reside on one machine.17:44
BunnyRevolutionmetbsd_: u r bsd?17:49
BunnyRevolutioni need several world clocks on my desktop.  what program is best to use?17:51
fzamorahi there17:55
coggzneed help with installing kubuntu onto a laptop with no CD-Drive. I want to boot from flash drive... how do i use the live cd but on the stick?18:03
ubotwoUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:04
TimSHow can I kill a proccess from the command line?18:06
eldariakill -9 processid18:06
trappistkill -9 is generally a bad idea, good for a last resort18:06
eldariaand to see what processes are running 'ps -ef'18:06
trappistkill should suffice18:06
eldariaoh, hmm I always use -9 since only a kill many times does nothing if pushing the close button did not do anything.18:07
markiteldaria: ctrl + alt + esc --> special mouse cursor -> click on the frozen window18:09
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BunnyRevolutionfi your in a kubuntu, use ctl-alt-esc and click18:09
markitthis should work also18:09
BunnyRevolutioner, i'm slow today18:09
weedarIs there a simple way to setup a VPN-server on a (k)ubuntu server?18:09
markitBunnyRevolution: :)18:09
eldarianice one, did not know about that one. :-)18:10
markitI'm a bit confused... is 4.0.3 going to be released in some day's time, or just they jump to 4.1 in some mont's time?18:10
nosrednaekim4.0.3 is coming in two days18:11
markitoh, ok, was confused by http://polishlinux.org/kde/kde-4-rev-790000-better-stability-and-performance/18:11
markitwill 4.0.3 be the rev. 790000 cited in that article, or is a different branch?18:11
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emilsedghdifferrent branch18:12
nosrednaekim790000 is the 4.1 branch18:13
emilsedghmarkit: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.0/18:14
emilsedghtrunk is the 4.1 branch.when it got released, 4.1 will go into branches/ and trunk will be be dedicated to 4.2 development18:15
markitoh, thanks18:19
Keigo-kunHow hard would it be for me to go from a fresh installed Kubuntu 7.10 to a "desktop free" minimalist ubuntu install?18:20
Keigo-kunIs it even possible?18:20
geniiKeigo-kun: Yes. If you uninstall the kubuntu-desktop. You still need ubuntu-minimal for core stuff however18:23
Keigo-kunso I should basically start it up, open synaptic, get ubuntu-minimal and then simply remove ubuntu-desktop?18:23
geniiKeigo-kun: That would be the idea, yes18:23
Keigo-kungenii: Heh, sounds simple enough :) I'll give it a try18:24
geniiKeigo-kun: However, since it may be difficult to remove an app you are using, recommend to do from console login only, using apt-get or aptitude18:24
eldariais kubuntu-desktop not a meta package?18:25
geniieldaria: Yes, a collection of KDE apps and KDE bundled for ubuntu18:25
eldariaso removing it will not actually remove the apps? but only the meta-package.18:26
coggzdoes anyone here own a tablet pc?18:27
geniiIt removes all the subcomponents18:27
eldariaMy experience is that it is pretty difficult to "roll back" after installing a meta-package, becuse of all dependancies are still installed.18:27
eldariaok, nice.18:27
nosehey guys good morning18:28
nosei am new on kubuntu18:28
geniieldaria: With --purge (in apt-get) it will also remove conf files, but not ones specifically in user's /home directories, just in system areas18:28
eldariacoggz: no but I do own a pen tablet, basically what makes a laptop different from a tablet PC. :-)18:28
nosecan you help me?? i like to install java, mozilla and flash player but i dont know how18:28
eldarianose: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted18:29
nosewhat do you mean eldaria i am new and theres a lot i dont get sorry for that18:29
eldarianose: sorry make that sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras18:30
eldariaoh sorry18:30
noseand how do i do that???18:30
eldarianose: you need to go to the menu, then to System and open the adept-manager18:31
eldarianose: then search for the package kubuntu-restricted-extras and install it.18:31
nosecan i do it while asking you??18:31
=== Darkrift3 is now known as Darkrift2
* genii makes another pot of coffee18:32
nose> i try to but then the next appears:18:32
nose> Otro proceso está utilizando la base de datos del sistema de empaquetado (probablemente otra aplicación Adept o apt-get o aptitude).18:32
nose> ¿Desea resolver este problema? Entre en modo de solo lectura y cancele parar salir y resolver este asunto usted mismo.18:32
eldariahmmm my spanish is not good, (If that is what it is)18:33
nosei´l trnaslate for you18:33
eldariaalso when do you get this message?18:34
noseit says in a few words that theres another process is using the data base of the system (probably another aplication of adept manager or apt-get aptitude) do i wish to solve this?? etc etc18:35
eldariaok so you probably have another application running that is used for installing programs18:36
ubotwoIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:36
eldariabefore trying that perhaps you have the add/remove programs running?18:36
nosehow do i do that??18:37
nosecan you guide me please??18:37
eldariaDo you have any other programs running besides Konversation?18:38
nosemm yahoo messenger18:38
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nosewich i happily find out that i can use it here18:38
nosethat would be the problem??18:38
nosei m using it trough kopete of course18:39
eldariaohy ok.18:39
noseshould i quit that??18:39
nosethen what should i do???18:40
nosecause nothing else is runing on18:40
eldariaok, so that is the only applcation you have running, then I guess you probably had a crash earlier of your adept installer, then you need to open a ckonsole.18:41
eldariayou can find it in start -> System18:41
geniinose: In bottom right near clock, do you see maybe an orange icon?18:41
noseyes i did when i was trying to up date wich another problem that i have18:42
nosea wallet that is what i see in that color18:42
noselet me do the system, thing18:42
noseok eldaria i did open the konsola whats next18:43
geniinose: OK, not the wallet. If you put the mouse on it, it would say maybe "Adept Update Manager" Or so. If one like this, close it then go back to the other instructions18:43
nosethe thing is let me explain real wuick18:45
nosei did try to update adept manager, but everytime i try to do so something happens goes wrong and if i restart the pc everything get lost and then i jave to reinstall kubuntu again because nothing works18:46
geniinose: OK, since you restarted during updates, best to follow the !aptfix way and to do manual update from command line then18:47
noseok can you guide me to do so??18:48
eldaria!aptfix nose18:48
ubotwoHow should I know?18:48
ubotwoIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:48
nosefirst what do i do whit the konsole?? is stills open18:49
nosethe one you told me to open18:49
nosesorry for that18:50
TimSIs there a program that I can track my network usage and create a graph? I am using a wireless interface with a windows dirver if it makes any difference18:51
eldariayou need to perfrom the action that ubotwo  wrote18:51
Frekusnort ?18:52
nosehow please be patience with me caus there many thing that i dont know but i want to learn18:52
eldarianose: no problem, :)18:53
noseok lets do it what do i do??18:53
hydrogenyou are pretty annoying18:53
eldarianose: if you have you console open, you need to type sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a18:53
noseok i wil copy and paste where should i start copying?18:54
eldariastart at 'sudo'18:55
genii!helpersnack | eldaria18:55
ubotwoeldaria: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:55
nosedone should i press enter??18:56
nosethe next appear after i press enter:   sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a18:56
nosethat didnt18:57
noselet me putter manually18:57
vivek_how to play mp3 in amrock18:57
ubotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:57
nose(sudo) password for luis:18:57
vivek_please help...18:57
nosewhat do i do in there??18:58
nosrednaekimenter your password18:58
eldariayes you need to enter your password18:58
vivek_I am unable to play mp3 files18:58
nosethe one i place when i was installing kubuntu??18:58
geniinose: The one you use to login normally18:58
jussio1!mp3 | vivek_18:58
ubotwovivek_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:58
geniivivek_: The websites provided by the ubotwo has help for playing your mp3s. You just need to visit them and follow the instructions given.18:59
noseis asking m for soemthing18:59
noseto keep the current version and its giving me sme optinos19:00
noselets see if i can past it so you can see it19:00
ubotwopastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:00
nosrednaekimnose: just accept the newst version19:01
noseits running something19:01
noselet you know when finish19:02
noseam i updating???19:02
eldariaI beleive it is finnishing a crashed update yes.19:03
geniinose: It's trying to complete installation of what it was working on before when it was restarted during updates.19:03
vivek_I am unable to view NTFS file in kubuntu 7.10..please help19:03
noseso its fixing my mistakes?? lol19:03
nosei think already finish19:04
nosecause is in the next possition:  luis@JOhansen-Luis: ~$()19:05
eldariayes, then it is finished,19:06
noseok whats next??19:06
eldariaso perhaps you should completet the update? sudo apt-get upgrade19:06
nosefrom the adpet manager??19:06
geniinose: No, from the command just given19:07
eldariano you can do it here in the konsole19:07
noseok got it19:07
nosein the same konsole right?19:07
eldarianosrednaekim: by the way I got timeout on the pastebin19:07
eldarianose: yes19:08
noseappears: 0 actullized, 0 would be installed, 0 to eliminate and 0 no actuallized19:09
eldarianose: ok, then the update was completed.19:09
eldarianose: so to your original issue to install java, flash etc. :)19:09
nosesorry fot that19:10
eldarianose: now type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:10
noseok what do i do19:10
noseok is doing somthing19:11
noseso once it finish i would have mozilla and all that stuff?19:12
geniinose: A couple mor steps yet19:12
eldarianose: with mozilla I guess you mean firefox? for that there are indeed some more steps.19:13
nosethats how every thing started19:13
geniiGood thing the flashplugin is fixed ;)19:14
eldariagenii: yes indeed, but I still think there are issues with Flash and konqueror19:14
nosecause when i first install kubuntu i try to install mozilla, but then it was asking me some program to open the application and then i find out that in order to do so i needed to update and from then i have been having problems sice 3 days ago reinstalling over and over cause the errors trying to update19:15
eldarianose: ouch, yes I have had issues with the adpet updater in the past, so personally I started doing all updates from konsole. :-)19:16
nosenow i know19:16
eldarianose: is it done installing for you?19:17
noseok theres in KONSOLE-TERMINAL a gray screen19:17
eldarianose, yes it might ask you to agree to some license from Sun, scroll down and select agree, (If you agree) :-)19:18
nosebut i cant19:18
noseis freeze19:18
eldarianose: you have to use the arrow keys.19:19
fineki have ati graphic card 9250 how can i install drivers for it?19:19
noseok thats the license19:19
nosebut whats next??19:19
noseis that it??19:19
nosei found waht to do19:20
ubot3Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:20
gruldoes anyone know how to move a process to a screen? if i for example started irssi outside of a screen and don't want to terminate and restart it, but move it to the screen19:21
noseits done19:21
nosewhats next19:21
fineki try to find help there https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but it is only for 9500 and higher19:21
finekwhat can i do when i have 925019:21
eldarianose: so to istall firefox, you can type: sudo apt-get install firefox19:21
geniifinek: The builtin xorg driver for the Radeon series is the best driver for your 9250. You may need to change "ati" to "radeon" in the xorg.conf file, but that is about it19:22
noseok so this means that they are already installed right??19:22
eldarianose: by 'they' you mean java and flash, then yes19:22
finekgenii and it is all what i must do? only edit one file?19:23
eldarianose: but to install firefox you need that last line I wrote.19:23
ubot3Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:23
albyciao raga19:23
nosewith the one before java is already installed i sawe it but flash was included in that as well??19:23
noselove you19:24
eldarianose: Yes, and some other things like mp3 support, and some other things.19:24
noselove you love19:24
geniifinek: Yes, the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf           because as I said there is no additional/extra driver to install which wil work better for the 9250 Radeon than what is already provided19:24
nosenow one more thing19:24
finekok thx19:24
nosewhile i was finding things in kubuntu i discover that it has yahoo messenger installed will i be able to install the newest version of that or itĺl stay that way???19:25
noselike you know19:26
BunnyRevolutionuse pidgin19:26
nosenew version or beta version19:26
eldarianose: well you don't actuially have yahoo messenger, but rather another application that can connect to the yahoo network19:26
eldariaI think now you are using kopete19:26
nosesoemthing about kopete19:27
eldariakopete is able to connect to many different network, including yahoo, and IRC (What you are using now)19:27
eldariawell you are actully using IRC now. :-)19:28
nosebut i do still be able to chat with my contacts in yahoo in real time???19:28
eldarianose: yes, you can.19:29
nosesorry tons of questions are cming now19:29
BluesKajthere may be a java app that runs on irc in yahoo , not sure he's really using an true irc client19:30
BluesKaj<--not real familiar with yahoo stuff either :)19:30
nosein one of the ocassion i was installing kubuntu when i restart the pc all things were just nice, small icons,, cursor, web pages, everything how do i fix the system so everything turns that way, cause now everything is big19:31
algyzSkype is crashing, when I'm trying to send a file http://www.paste.lt/paste/d0bdbf180d885c090ff25629836f43aa19:32
nosestill there eldaria???19:32
eldariaI think you mean the screen resolution,19:33
nosemaybe thats it19:33
nosehow do i fix that??19:33
eldarianose: try to have a look in System settings in the menu, there you can find an entry for Monitor and display.19:34
eldariaI need to reboot, will be right back.19:34
noseis not panl configuration right?19:35
edjuhp lap.  wireless works, atheros chipset w/ ndiswrapper - just that the led doesn't turn on - on the off chance that someone has one of these beasts, any pointers?  google's turned up nothing usable.19:35
algyzSkype is crashing, when I'm trying to send a file http://www.paste.lt/paste/d0bdbf180d885c090ff25629836f43aa19:35
motwhat's a good outlook replacement client for linux?.19:37
fdovingmot: kmail for example.19:38
Kr|ptiXcan someone help with a python api error http://pastebin.ca/96501219:38
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
PhilRodKr|ptiX: I think that basically means the version of python you have installed doesn't match the version that cedega wants19:40
PhilRodyou might need to install another version of python19:41
eldariaok, i'm back, just had to reboot after an update, although it did not fix my issue. ;-) did nose get his icons fixed?19:43
geniiNot that I know of19:48
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dorkfaceHi all.   Is there any way to set the keys in gwenview to have the arrows navigate the picture, rather than flipping or rotating it?19:52
lari59_is english channel?19:52
lari59_ok thx19:52
lari59_i'm french is hard ^19:53
dorkface#kubuntu-fr maybe for you :)19:53
lari59_thx again19:53
Kr|ptiXhow do u check screen sizes19:53
dorkfaceKr|ptiX: not sure :/19:54
* DOOM_NX helloooo19:54
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ScorpKingi'm setting up samba (and just cloning the config from my working server) and when i set the path of a share to path = /home/ nothing shows. if i set it to path = /home/office it shows. whats going on?20:05
geniiScorpKing: Offhand I'd guess permissions20:08
=== bud is now known as bbtux
ScorpKinggenii: that's what i thought as well. checking log files20:08
bbtux /msg NickServ IDENTIFY s1ddhisena!20:09
jussio1bbtux: I suggest you do that in the status window in future...20:09
jussio1bbtux: and now change your password ;)20:09
* ScorpKing agrees..20:10
ScorpKinggenii: fixed. i forgot the -a when i ran smbpasswd ;)20:12
geniiScorpKing: :)20:12
luis__hi again guys20:16
luis__first i really want to thank eldaria for the marvellous help20:17
luis__i really do appreciate that20:17
luis__next i like to ask your help again20:17
luis__how do i download yahoo messenger, i was trying to, but is asking me for a program20:17
geniieldaria: First the buttering up, then the questions ;)20:18
=== myrtille is now known as _myrtille_
luis__whats buttering up???20:18
geniiluis__: Flattery20:18
rafaelalguien me puede decir como funciona esto?20:18
eldariaWell, I won't be able to stay too long, have to get ready for bed, getting up for work at 05:0020:19
luis__i ce20:19
_myrtille_!es |rafael20:19
ubot3rafael: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:19
eldariabut shoot, and I will see if I can help you20:19
luis__priorities then20:19
luis__how do i install my printer20:19
eldariawhat printer do you have?20:19
luis__is an epson stylus cx??20:20
luis__epson stylus cx560020:20
eldariawell according to openprinting, this printer does jnot work20:21
luis__then i need to sel that20:22
luis__i just bought that one20:22
luis__wich one will work??20:22
ScorpKingluis__: google for epson stylus cx5600 on linux. maybe someone got it working but rather sell it ;)20:22
ScorpKing!hardware | luis__20:23
ubot3luis__: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:23
ScorpKingluis__: for yahoo i use kopete20:23
eldariaif you just bought it perhaps it is still possible to bring it back? If you live in EU usually you can within 1-2 weeks.20:24
luis__the thing is that i am using kopete but now if i want to check my hotmail messenger i cant cause i did set up to start automatically with yahoo how do i get back?20:24
luis__no i do live in Puerto Vallarta Mexico20:25
luis__and ehereś no such thing here as turning it back i am stuck20:25
luis__on that matter till i sell it20:25
ScorpKingluis__: use amsn for hotmail/msn20:26
eldariawell like ScorpKing siad, perhaps someone did get it working, try google.20:26
luis__yes i am trying to find out20:27
luis__but back to the meesenger stuff how do i go back because i did seted up kopete to start with my yahoo, but i have a friend of mine that will be using my pc as well and she will need hotmail and now it automatically get in to yahoo messenger?20:28
ScorpKingluis__: make another user account for her20:29
luis__can you guide me?20:29
eldariain system settings20:29
ScorpKingluis__: in konsole type - sudo adduser <her_name>20:29
eldariaor in the konsole yes. :-)20:30
luis__wich one will be the best way??20:30
luis__konsole or settings or is the same?20:30
geniiSomeone used a convoluted way to get this printer to work: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62747120:30
luis__lets see it20:30
luis__ok lets go to the konsole20:32
luis__where it say her name i must put hers instead right??20:32
eldariaok, well I have to head of to bed, see you all laters, and luis_: good luck.20:33
ScorpKingeldaria: night20:34
luis__it appears the next message: bash: error de sintaxis cerda de token no esperado newline20:34
luis__thank you very much eldaria have a nice rest20:34
luis__ok scorpking20:35
luis__did you saw the message it appears me20:35
ScorpKingluis__: type in konsole - sudo adduser hername20:35
luis__is asking for a password20:36
luis__my password or a new password??20:36
geniiluis__: Their new password20:37
luis__she will be able to change thAT LATER RIGHT?20:37
geniiYes. You can almost always change your own password.20:37
genii(unless it's purposely set otherwise)20:38
luis__is asking for room number???20:38
luis__what does that means??20:38
geniiluis__: room number dept number etc you can leave blank20:39
ScorpKingluis__: leave that 5 questions blank20:39
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luis__so is seted up now??20:39
ScorpKingyes. if you just log out you'll see her name in kdm20:39
geniiluis__: check if /home/hername exists. If so then you are probably good20:40
luis__but now20:41
luis__ok so everytime she needs to use my pc she will put her password so she can turn on the session right??20:42
luis__just lik i do?20:42
luis__i think i will resarta again and see let yuo now in a while20:42
TimSWhat is a good simple application for recording my microphone?20:44
ScorpKing!info audacity20:44
ubot3audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 2474 kB, installed size 7324 kB20:44
TimSIt doesn't work for me20:45
TimSWhen I start it, the proccess starts, but no gui appears20:45
TimSAny others?20:45
ScorpKing!info krec20:45
ubot3krec: sound recorder utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 374 kB, installed size 1164 kB20:46
TimSThank you =]20:46
ScorpKingyou're welcome20:46
ScorpKingTimS: there is also krecord. it might be the same thing tho20:47
TimSI've marked them both for install, so Ill tell you in a sec :P20:47
ScorpKingrighto.. :)20:47
TimSAudacity is so not cool.20:50
TimSI opened it again and it froze my network connections, froze amarok, froze kicker.20:50
ScorpKingTimS: i'm also having problems with it on kubuntu. it might be the sound settings. maybe it doesn't use the default kde stuff20:51
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TimSScorpKing: Probably not, these multi-platform applications rarely do :P20:53
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ScorpKingTimS: i don't think it uses artsd20:54
TimSIt doesn't as far as I am aware.20:54
ScorpKinghmm.. then it might work if you install the sound daemon the gnome use20:56
ScorpKinggstreamer i think20:56
TimSHow do I restart aRts20:56
Daisuke_Idosudo killall artsd20:57
Daisuke_Idoshould restart itself20:57
ScorpKingnot sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart?20:58
Daisuke_Idothat would probably work as well20:58
TimSI am trying to figure out why my mic isn't working for recording20:59
TimSI can hear it through the speakers now20:59
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
azzcoTimS:  any progress?21:08
TimSNo :(21:08
TimSApart from the fact Kopete no longer thinks my MSN password works.21:08
* DOOM_NX Eimai edw eimai edw, na sou lew alh8eies, na omorfainw tis nuxtes giati apla S'AGAPW.21:10
geekaholichello ppl I'm having a problem with desktop-effects not automatically loading with 8.04b. It loads with no decorator. any idea?21:14
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ScorpKinggeekaholic: #ubuntu+1 for 8.0421:15
geekaholicScorpKing: gotcha21:15
geekaholicIf i run desktop-effects-kde4 (btw i'm using kde3.5.9) and set no effects and then effects it works till i reboot21:16
n72poyyois normal that the swap partition shows no mounting point??21:16
JasonWardHi. how do I turn off capslock key?21:16
mefisto__JasonWard: systemsettings > keyboard & mouse21:17
geekaholicso i ran desktop-effects-kde4 from cmd line to get an error like /usr/bin/compiz.real (dbus) - Error: dbus_bus_get error: Failed to execute dbus-launch to autolaunch D-Bus session21:17
ScorpKingn72poyyo: yes21:18
geekaholicand /usr/bin/compiz.real (dbus) - Error: InitObject failed21:18
geekaholicand /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't activate plugin 'dbus'21:18
geekaholicwhats going on?21:18
JasonWardmefisto__: yes I went there but how?21:19
n72poyyook, I was unsure about that...21:19
mefisto__JasonWard: in the keyboard section, under "numlock on KDE startup"21:20
BluesKaj!gr | DOOM_NX21:20
ubot3DOOM_NX: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes21:20
DOOM_NXoops sorry, wrong /ame :(21:21
JasonWardmefisto__: yes thats for numlock. I want to kill capslock21:21
DOOM_NXwon't happen again21:21
n72poyyohould I install the sound codecs in order to have sound here (I got Gutsy 7.10)21:21
mefisto__JasonWard: oops, sorry, I misread your question21:21
=== dinofly is now known as Dinofly
JasonWardHow do I turn off capslock?21:23
n72poyyoi cannot find the driver for my printer...21:28
n72poyyocan help me with this?21:28
n72poyyois a Lexmark z2521:28
Matt1728what is the best software to rip dvds with on linux?21:30
napoleao_try automatix21:30
ubot3Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:31
napoleao_has a software for that21:31
JasonWardHow do I permanently turn off capslock? ie sortof like I broke the key off my keyboard, it must do nothing21:31
FrauHansenhi@all. My update manager isn't showing anymore in the "system tray"...you know, the thing that displays a green circle or an attention sign when there are updates available21:33
sybrenhi folks! I've just started using kDE4 on 8.04 beta. With 3.5 I got a nice popup where I could add different applications to start. Now with KDE 4 the only option appears to be "open with Dolphin". How can I add more options?21:33
LjLnapoleao_, please don't recommend it.21:33
napoleao_sorry mate21:33
LjL!kde4 | sybren21:33
ubot3sybren: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde421:33
sybrenLjL: thanks mate!21:34
mefisto__JasonWard: do you know about xmodmap?21:34
Gpalcoguys, could you please suggest a file manager for copying over network with RESUME support ???!21:34
autoscumHello, everyone. :)21:35
=== autoscum is now known as Autoscum
MrBarrett<--- my Amarok currently cannot play mp3 files and install mp3 supprot does nothing??21:35
JasonWardmefisto__: no21:35
Autoscum!mp3 | MrBarrett21:35
ubot3MrBarrett: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:35
Daisuke_IdoMrBarrett, install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package21:35
sybrenJasonWard: in the KDE settings management you can configure your keyboard to turn off caps lock when you press the shift key, or to make caps lock an additional ctrl (in regional/language settings)21:35
AutoscumI've got a problem, I'm using the new kubuntu beta and Adept does not want to run...21:35
AutoscumAny ideas?21:36
MrBarrettdaisuke where is that>21:36
Autoscum!mp3 | MrBarrett21:36
ubot3MrBarrett: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:36
n72poyyothnx to all.. great help this one...21:36
bluesmani ve just installed kubuntu 8 but i can't surf websites21:36
bluesmani can use apt or irc21:36
bluesmanbut cannot resolve hostname in konqueror21:36
bluesmani ve seen an alert before telling to add resolv.conf21:37
mefisto__JasonWard: check to see if you have a .Xmodmap file in your home dir21:37
bluesmani ve added it as empty21:37
bluesmannow i see there are my dns and the dns put by kppp21:37
bluesmanbut still can surf using konqueror! what's the problem?thanks21:38
JasonWardI don't21:38
Kr|ptiXdoes any1 kno how to uninstall wine completely cuz when doin apt-get remove wine but when i do the command wine iit says its still installed21:38
mefisto__JasonWard: "xmodmap -pke > ~/.Xmodmap" will make one with your current kbd map21:38
trappistKr|ptiX: did you install wine from source at some point?21:39
ScorpKingbluesman: close knetworkmanager21:39
JasonWardmefisto__:  so I type exactly that with > ~ and all?21:39
mefisto__JasonWard: yes21:39
Kr|ptiXi think i tried to install the newer verison once21:39
MrBarrett<--- in austalia has optus usb wireless will it plug and play into kubuntu?21:40
mefisto__JasonWard: then open that file and look for the capslock line (probably keycode 66) and you can change it to Control_L or Control_R so it will work like another ctrl key21:41
trappistKr|ptiX: can't do it with apt-get, then.  removing /usr/local/bin/wine may help.21:41
ScorpKingbluesman: knetworkmanager has no dialup support so it tries to route traffic through eth0 which is down. close it or configure eth0 to have an ip address manually21:41
mefisto__JasonWard: or set it to some other key if you want21:41
bluesmanScorpKing: i have to close knetworkmanager?21:42
Kr|ptiXk thanks traappist21:42
ScorpKingbluesman: yes21:42
bluesmanok thanks21:42
bluesmanit works21:42
bluesmani coudn't understand!21:42
bluesmanlinks2 went too :)21:43
ScorpKing:) i though they fixed that by now21:43
MrBarrettwhats the difference between the kubuntu 700mb version and the 4gb version?21:43
JasonWardmefisto__: ok done. but how do I get it to apply the changes?21:44
ubot3To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell21:44
trappistMrBarrett: the 4gb version is for dvds, and has a lot more packages.21:45
mefisto__JasonWard: "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" will load your .Xmodmap file21:45
MrBarrett<--- thinks he'll get the DVD21:45
ekelundhi my friend get this message21:46
ekelundal-storage-removable-mount-all-options refused uid 100021:46
ekelundis this just permissionsproblems?21:46
JasonWardmefisto__:  yay! thanks. you saved me the work of getting a hammer and smashing the key :)21:46
ekelundand something with fstab?21:46
MrBarrettele;und right click on the drive go to prop' and turn off user21:46
MrBarrettin mount21:47
wesleyhow can i start kde3 battery manager ?21:48
MrBarrettok ekelund?21:48
mefisto__JasonWard: I just noticed xmodmap can clear the key altogether, so "xmodmap -e clear Caps_Lock" should disable it completely rather than set it to ctrl21:48
ekelundMrBarrett: thanks, but Im not in kde for the moment. Is there a graphical application named mount? (I guess its a wrapper against mount in my shell)21:49
ekelundI told my friend, but Im not at his place so I can't see the desktop21:49
MrBarrett<-- is out of his depth21:49
MrBarrett,--- newbi to kubuntu21:50
bluesmando you know if having a wifi card Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g on a celeron laotop still needs ndiswrapper?21:50
ekelundMrBarrett: but its a gui app?21:50
MrBarrett<-- enjoying kubuntu21:50
MrBarrettRIP win xp21:51
jussi01bluesman: yes, but there is a more native driver, doesnt always work though21:53
ubot3Factoid plugin not found21:55
ekelundMrBarrett: It worked thanks21:55
MrBarrettmp3 plugins mpeg plugins?21:55
MrBarrettmy files dont play21:56
wesleyhow to start battery manager of kde3 in kde421:56
fzamorain amarok?21:56
MrBarrettif i download and install the DVD version will it do everthing?21:56
stdinwesley: start guidance-power-manager21:58
PhilRodcan anyone point to an up-to-date guide to installing realplayer on gutsy? I found a whole bunch of descriptions online, but couldn't tell which were current21:59
TameLionOh my lord..22:01
TameLionWhite oxygen cursor theme in Hardy is beautiful!22:01
MrBarrett<--- needs decoders for amarok and kaffeine22:04
ubot3For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:05
stdinPhilRod: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods and use the "Install RealPlayer for Linux from the RealNetworks web site" method or the "Install RealPlayer.deb using dkpg" method22:06
ScorpKinghow can i set the time in bash?22:06
PhilRodawesome - thanks, stdin!22:06
wesleyhow can i add this line to start up ? guidance-power-manager22:09
emilsedgh!autostart | wesley22:09
ubot3wesley: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.22:09
=== jorhumcc is now known as kuadrosx
squarebottleHeya. I've installed the Kubuntu Hardy beta, and I'm having issues with UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). I wanted to see if it was interfering with some Firefox extensions and my ability to use the Jabber protocol, so I disabled it and restarted. The internet didn't work at all until I enabled UFW again, at which point it immediately worked as well as before. I disabled it again and restarted, and indeed, the connection wouldn't wor22:12
squarebottleAlso, it appears that in spite of what the status says, the Firewall is not actually disabled until you restart.22:13
squarebottleHas anybody else run into this?22:13
psycoHas anyone installed frostwire on kubuntu?22:14
jussio1psyco: many people, whats your question?22:15
psycoWell I dont know how XDXD22:16
ubot3frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire22:16
jussio1psyco: there you are :)22:16
mefisto__ScorpKing: "date" command can set the time. check "date --help" for the format you need to enter it.22:17
ScorpKingmefisto__: righto.. ty22:17
=== TameLion is now known as TameLion_
=== TameLion_ is now known as TameLion
psycoThe problem is, double clikc debs doesnt work22:18
mefisto__ScorpKing: the format is: date MMDDhhmm22:18
Ark1hi, im in a lot of trouble here, a jerk friend of mine ran rm -rf / and i really need some of the stuff that was on that comp, is there ne way to get it back?22:18
ScorpKingmefisto__: and yyyy at the end?22:19
mefisto__ScorpKing: year is optional, so just leave it off22:19
stdinArk1: not really, at least not on ext2/3. there is software out there but non that are free (that I've ever found)22:19
ScorpKingmefisto__: ok22:20
Ark1stdin: can u point me to a place that sells that?22:20
mefisto__ScorpKing: I think that's right, I could be wrong22:20
jussio1Ark1: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html22:20
ScorpKingmefisto__: np. i'll get it working just now22:20
RiffI have kubuntu and everytime i run the connection assistant it goes off to update newtwork settings and then locks up. i can't get it do do anything without courpting the install22:21
dorkfacewhat is the command to make it so that not even "sudo rm" will delete a file?22:22
stdinArk1: I haven't searched in months, time for a google search. but the important thing is to unmount the FS immediately22:22
stdinArk1: else you run the risk of the blocks being overwritten22:22
stdinArk1: so run from a LiveCD22:22
Ark1all i have done is tried various commands in "busybox", but i got nowhere22:23
mefisto__dorkface: you mean you want a particular file that cannot be deleted?22:23
ScorpKingmefisto__: date 033123222008 fixed it22:25
* DOOM_NX Mou ekane afierwsh kopela to S'EXW ERWTEUTEI. etsi gia na skasoun kapoies.22:25
dorkfacemefisto__: yeah, I heard that you could make it so a file will not be deleted, even with root capabiliteis22:25
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austinmatherneHi, I just installed Kubuntu 7.10 (coming from Ubuntu not Windows/Mac) and from some reason my "Find Best Server" button under Software Sources doesn't work.  It closes out the windows evertime I click on it.22:26
algyzaustinmatherne:  start from terminal and look for errors22:27
mefisto__dorkface: "chattr +i filename" will set the immutable attribute. you can check file attributes with "lsattr"22:28
dorkfacemefisto__: ah, ty22:28
austinmathernealgyz: thanks, but what do I need to start from terminal?22:28
mefisto__dorkface: -i will remove the attribute, of course22:29
stdindorkface: it will also mean it can't be written to22:29
dorkfacemefisto__: I know, I'd just use it to combat stupidity or carelessness :)22:29
dorkfacestdin: good to know, thanks :)22:29
algyzaustinmatherne:  if you're using adept, then sudo adept_manager22:30
stdinaustinmatherne: use kdesu or kdesudo, not sudo22:30
mefisto__kdesudo, not sudo22:30
dorkfacekdesu == kdesudo?22:30
ubot3In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:30
stdinas long as you have kdesudo installed, yes22:31
algyzaustinmatherne:  yes, kdesu :)22:31
mefisto__I think kdesudo remembers your password for a while, but kdesu asks every time22:32
algyzbut sudo works as well  :)22:32
stdinmefisto__: if you have kdesudo installed, then kdesu runs kdesudo22:32
stdinalgyz: no22:32
mefisto__algyz: that link explains22:32
austinmatherneusing kdesudo adept_manager I get a warning saying "_attachPty () 30"22:32
stdinaustinmatherne: that's normal22:33
austinmatherneI get "FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet" and ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI thread.", file kernel/qwidget.cpp, line 951 when trying to lunch find best server.22:35
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gkffjcsI just did a reinstall of my system, dose anyone know of a way to copy my amarok podcassubscriptions over to the new system, just copying over.kde doesn't do it.22:37
ubot3KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde422:37
billydHello :-)22:37
rysiek|plhi guys22:39
billydDoes Kubuntu require that you download and compile alsa drivers for each sound card - especially ones that have been round a while?"?22:39
frank23billyd: no alsa drivers are compiled already22:39
algyzbillyd:  my card is working out of box, realtek ac'9722:39
rysiek|plI have installed kubuntu beta (works great) and am thinking about mounting my original, gutsy /home in hardy. should I take care of anyting? or just mount and it will work?22:40
billydI know, but why must I down load the stuff for an ensoniq card - they're almost old enough to vote22:40
austinmatherne I get "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:18: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet" and "ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI thread.", file kernel/qwidget.cpp, line 951" when trying to lunch find best server under software sources from terminal after window closes.22:40
billydI got a RealTek ALC833 on mb, founf nothing fir ti, so I'm trying to use an ensoniq card22:41
mefisto__gkffjcs: on mine, ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts is a symlink to my music collection directory22:42
billydI fought all day to download drivers from Alsa and need to kiss the systems butt to get it to configure - seems impossible22:42
gkffjcsmefisto__: yeah, I know that is where the files actually are, but if I copy them over amarok doesn't recognise them, I still need to resubscribe to all the feeds. which is a really big hassel.22:44
billydI'm gonna try something else and try to avoid using a 2X422:44
mefisto__gkffjcs: do you have that symlink pointing to your amarok collection's podcasts?22:45
gkffjcsthat is no a simlink, that as a directory, that directory is where the podcasts are downloaded to, there is no metadata in that directory. if I move the contents of that directory to the same directory under my new install the new amarok doesn't recognise that there are even files there, none the less figure out their feeds, mefisto__.22:47
gkffjcsI really don't care about the podcasts them selves, I just want to know if you can extract the feeds from amarok and import them to a new install of amarok.22:48
mefisto__gkffjcs: so you have the podcasts in  ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/podcasts now? have you restarted amarok?22:49
ubot3Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:50
gkffjcsrestarting amarok doesn't do it.22:53
reaktaehi guys, i've setup the KDE Kiosk Admin Tool and restricted the default user not to be able to run any tasks as a SU but now I can't make any changes. Is there a way to renew / create superusers in kubuntu's "repair console"?23:03
eigenvaluehello. does someone know whether the "async" option of "mount" does appear in the file "/etc/mtab". "sync" seems to appear (with my USB-filesystems) but "async" isn't mentioned..23:03
eigenvaluereaktae: its possible: i think passwd root in single user was enough, but im not really sure..23:05
reaktaeeigenvalue: tried that... any other ideas? anyone else?23:05
sourcemakerreaktae: you can mout with a linux recovery cd...23:12
BusErroris there a working 'advanced'  CD burning app beside K3b ? here k3b ejects the media before trying (and failing) to verify it. thats darn useless23:12
rootspeaking spanish23:12
reaktaesourcemaker: but then what? how do I edit user groups then?23:13
ubot3Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:13
sourcemakerreaktae: you can change the password from root and start the admin tool via root?23:13
sourcemakerreaktae:  without su23:13
reaktaesourcemaker: I can't become root at all here...23:14
_myrtille_gute nacht :)23:14
Ace2016sudo su not working?23:15
reaktaeace2016: nope.23:16
Ace2016can't just use su, and type in the root password?23:16
Ace2016reaktae: any errors produced by sudo su?23:17
reaktaeace2016: not at all. i can sudo su but the commands i fire as root don't do anything...23:17
Ace2016don't do anything? echo hello doesn't put hello in a new line? whoami doesn't show output?23:18
reaktaeace2016: nope... they are ignored...23:18
Ace2016does sudo followed by any commands work?23:20
TimSBusError: Ubuntu hardy comes with a nice one if you can stand GTK, but I cant for the life of me remeber its name23:20
reaktaeace2016: asks for a password and then the same thing... no error msgs..23:21
BusErrorTimS: as long as it works :-)23:21
Ace2016gnome baker?23:21
BusErrorI remember there were 2 CD apps for KDE somehow... but I must say I haven;t looked in years23:22
TimSBusError: Brasero23:22
Ace2016k3b has been awesome so far23:22
TimS!info Brasero23:22
ubot3brasero: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1080 kB, installed size 3316 kB23:22
* BusError goes and check how much aotitude wants to pull as dependencies :-)23:23
BusErrorseems very resonable. 4MB of download, about 26MB disk space23:23
algyzFatal: ASSERT failure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range", file ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h, line 38623:24
algyzAborted (core dumped)23:24
algyzwhat kind of problem?23:24
spirooWhich package is the language keyboard selector or what it calls.23:24
spiroosomething with n...... or x11 something23:24
Ace2016kde has one23:25
spiroowhat does it calls_23:25
spirooI cannot type correct chracters >*23:26
algyzprograms are crashing :(23:26
Ace2016no idea of the name, but its on kcontrol > Regional and Accessibility, you're probably looking for keyboard layout23:26
algyzsome rare bug :/23:27
spiroono, I need a certain package. Someone helped me before, but I do not remeber23:27
spirooah now i remeber i18 >D23:28
=== Rozza|Away is now known as Rozza5
ShellExecutewhats the best screen recorder high quality and stuff =/23:31
linus_what is the command line arg for installing new prog remotly23:33
cham_eleonDoes anyone know, how I can sort files on a FAT32 filesystem i.e. an usb stick?23:34
linus_or can you point me to a good getting started web page23:34
Dragnslcrlinus_- you mean apt-get?23:34
GerrySlyhey guys, how would I recheck a mounted HDD? I have all these random things popup in the HDD when I restart the computer but when I attempt to remove them it says they don't exist23:35
linus_thanks but how do i search for apps23:35
Dragnslcrlinus_- apt-cache search23:35
JasonWardHello. what would you say is the most hardcore distribution?23:36
ArtimusJasonWard: Loaded question in a biased channel.23:36
DragnslcrYou mean nonsensical question23:37
ubuntuGerrySly: bad idea to do this, you'll be better off booting from a live CD and checking the disk from there23:37
ubuntuGerrySly: incidentally this is exactly what I'm doing right now23:37
Dragnslcr"hardcore" doesn't have a very precise definition23:38
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
GerrySlywell the question is how do I check the disk? just remount it and check it or is there a command to recheck it?23:38
linus_apt-cache search so i can browse the web for goodie's using this statement23:38
GerrySlywhen I load windows in vmware it checks the drive before loading, that is what I wanna do in linux because I can't get rid of this crap on the drive yet it is still showing up when I ls it and view it in Dolphin23:39
Dragnslcrlinus_- no, it searches the package list that's available from the repositories23:39
linus_so i dont have to put in the repositories name?23:40
ubuntuGerrySly: so you want to have the disk checked for errors on every boot?23:41
GerrySlyyeah if that's possible23:41
linus_or is it possible to do an auytomatic update23:43
GerrySlyapt-get update23:43
Dragnslcrlinus_- apt-get update will fetch the current package lists from any repositories you have enabled. apt-cache search uses this list that's saved locally23:45
ubuntuGerrySly: beats me :( I know it will do it every 30 mounts and this is configurable, but heck if I can remember where or how23:45
linus_thanks but i do need to be root before i can get them. This is the error i get when running the updates23:47
linus_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)23:47
linus_E: Unable to lock the list directory23:47
linus__oh man what happened therre23:48
mefisto__GerrySly: "sudo tune2fs -c 1" will change the frequency of fsck checks to 1, ie every boot23:48
ubuntulinus_: this error means that another program was/is trying to updage the repos but is either still running or died ungracefully23:49
ubuntulinus_: if no other program is using it, try deleting /var/lib/apt/lists/lock (sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock) and see if it helps23:50
ubuntunice, so my HDD has bad sectors after all :(23:50
=== ian_ is now known as its43
=== JanMalte is now known as janmalte__
=== janmalte__ is now known as JanMalte
its43hey, i was wondering, does anyone here know how to setup a shared internet connection on linux?23:56
FrauHansenubuntu: every hdd has bad sectors, even when they're factory new23:58
lukkkaciao a tutti23:58
FrauHansenits43: did you try google? have a look at this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html23:58
lukkkanotte a tutti23:59
ubuntuFrauHausen: right, that's what CRC is for, but recently I've started seeing very high I/O wait times, plus some other inconsistencies that led me to believe the disk is dying23:59

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