
affluxokay, bed time now! good night!00:10
lifelessThere will be a short interruption to bazaar.launchpad.net and the ubuntu wiki to deploy a fix for the performance problems.01:49
marnanelpochu: a (fairly) good way of keeping up with current metacity bugs is the Metacity blog03:10
marnanelpochu: it isn't just a log of fixes and things; we try to make it a good read03:10
pochumarnanel: nice, *subscribes*03:15
pochumarnanel: perhaps it could be syndicated in Planet GNOME...03:16
collusionPlaying with bug triage, I'm looking at LP#58162... Hardy has incorporated an upstream fix.  What status should the bug be set to?03:35
RAOFFix released, if the fixed package is in the hardy archives.03:35
collusionAnd as a random off-the-street user, I can set that status?03:36
mrooneyRAOF: really, you don't even have to join BugSquad?03:38
collusionempirically, ROAF speaks the truth :-)03:38
RAOFmrooney: Indeed.  Anyone can mark a bug as fixed.03:39
collusionubuntu-bugsquad isn't archived at gmane?03:41
marnanelpochu: no, they won't do that; Planet GNOME is only for humans.  It is at http://planet.gnome.org/news though, and one day there'll be a planet at http://news.gnome.org03:55
marnanelbelieve me, I'd *like* it to be on Planet GNOME: it'd get a lot more readers :)03:56
erichjwho assigns bugs?04:05
twbbugs, or bug tickets? ;-)04:06
erichjbug tickets04:06
erichjlets say you're triaging a bug and you have everything you need. It's been confirmed, it's not a dupe, all the proper attachments are part of the ticket. What happens after that. Does the person triaging the bug assign it to someone that maintains the package it affects?04:09
erichjor does someone from that team just pick it up when they have the chance to take a look at it?04:09
RAOFThe latter, generally.  We don't really have the Debian system of maintainers.04:10
RAOFPeople will generally assign bugs _to themselves_ when they start to work on it.04:10
twbRAOF: would that be analogous to (unused, AFAICT) "bts claim" under Debian?04:11
RAOFI have no idea.  That's the first time I've heard of such a thing :)04:12
erichjtriaging is kind of fun. at least it's something to do04:16
twbIs bughelper(1) supposed to do anything other than just sit there when I run it without arguments?04:29
twb(Or does it, without arguments, list *EVERY* bug?)04:30
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twbI'm trying to understand how to report and manipulate bugs on Ubuntu without having to use the launchpad web UI (which I find extremely painful).  I have discovered apport-cli.07:17
twbI tried to run "apport-cli -p gnome-system-tools", but this exits immediately without an error status or, apparently, doing anything useful.07:17
RAOFtwb: Sorry, but I'm pretty sure that's going to spawn a firefox process on you.07:18
RAOFThe mail interface remains? :/07:18
twbI was expecting something called -cli to have a command line or curses interface.07:19
twbIt seems to do something if I include -f07:19
twbUnfortunately, that something is to fire up a web browser.07:20
twbNamely w3m, which I believe cannot log into launchpad, because launchpad does naughty things with cookies.07:20
erichjIf I am triaging a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/209541 but I suspect that the problem isn't with the totem application but with gstreamer how do I go about running that down if I can't replicate the bug because mine works perfectly?08:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209541 in totem "totem pauses for about 10 seconds before playing a movie in hardy" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:02
LhademmorHi all, I'm new to the BugSquad, but would like to help with triaging. So far, I've tried triaging a few bugs today.  Right now, I'm looking at bug 209532 and wondering what to do with it. My thoughts are to assign it to the at-spi package and try to confirm it. Is this the right way to do it?08:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209532 in ubuntu "Accessibility keyboard settings get lost" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20953208:26
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erichjhe says it's been reported before. find the other reports mark as dupe. move on08:27
Lhademmorok, will do. Thakns08:28
thekorntwb, you can write a python script using python-launchpad-bugs to report bugs without using a webbrowser,08:31
twbthekorn_: that's my intention08:41
twbthekorn_: I went off on a tangent when I saw apport08:41
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warren_can someone look if he/her has the same problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/20957809:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 209578 in gdebi "gdebi-kde crashes with an memory allocation error" [Undecided,New]09:41
james_wwarren_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/153943 ?09:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153943 in gdebi "Gdebi-kde uses massive amounts of memory!" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:44
twbIs ubotu clever enough to post a link if you just say something like this?09:46
twbLP 15394309:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153943 in gdebi "Gdebi-kde uses massive amounts of memory!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15394309:46
james_wwarren_: why isn't that the one?09:49
james_wdo you have loads of RAM?09:49
warren_the program can't allocate mem and nothing happens at all09:49
warren_it even doesn't start installing09:49
warren_the other bugs seems to install the package but uses too much memory09:50
james_wah, ok.09:53
warren_quite important bug IMHO09:54
Riddelljames_w: that's a known bug with gdebi, I've asked someone to fix it10:30
james_wRiddell: ah, thanks10:31
* ogra_cmpc has similar probs on the classmate, it loads the full package db files into ram, if you only have main/restricted enabled it should work with a lot smaller footprint10:34
ogra_cmpc(classmate has 256M and no swap)10:35
ogra_cmpci dont know how thats fixable though ... you would need to load the file compressed into ram and uncompress on the fly or so,m but i suspect that would make everything slow10:36
twbgdebi looks interesting, but does it have a non-GUI version?10:40
james_wtwb: wget and dpkg -i?10:57
james_wactually, I don't think covers it all.10:58
twbjames_w: the point of gdebi, AIUI, is that you already have a .deb that you wgot, but you want it to resolv the debs automagically11:00
twbInstead of running dpkg -i, waiting for it to fail because of missing deps, then apt-get installing those missing deps11:00
twb(ICBW, I'm just going by the package description.)11:01
james_wah yeah, sorry11:01
james_wI was getting it a bit confused with apturl11:01
twbNo problem.11:02
ogra_cmpcgdebi is the non gui version11:14
ogra_cmpcgdebi-gtk or -kde are the gui variants of that11:14
twbogra_cmpc: then why does gdebi depend on glade?11:14
twbOh, the names are a little different on Debian: gdebi = gdebi-gtk and gdebi-core = gdebi11:15
ogra_cmpcbecause it ships gdebigtk by default11:15
ogra_cmpci guess Riddell would like to see the same split :)11:16
twbJust sync from sid :P11:17
* twb ducks11:17
ogra_cmpctwb, given that the change was likely uploaded to debian to do exactly that i think that might happen :)11:28
pochumarnanel: well, I hope it's written by humans ;)12:22
james_wseb128: hi, I realise it's a universe package, but would you have any objection to the following upload for hardy?12:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 44704 in nautilus-python "Expects to find libpython2.4.so, should look for libpython2.4.so.1" [Low,Confirmed]12:26
james_wit's a completely broken package at the moment, so we should have something. I'm just wondering if the proposed patch is the wrong solution.12:27
seb128james_w: will do it, ideally the sponsor teams should be subscribed on such bugs though12:58
seb128hello Iulian12:58
thekornjames_w, your python-nautilus patch works for me, it's now nautilus-bzr.py spitting some tracebacks12:59
IulianHi seb12812:59
thekornhello Iulian, seb12812:59
james_wseb128: thanks, I just wanted to know if you had any objections, I'll subscribe the sponsors now.12:59
seb128hey thekorn12:59
james_wthekorn: yes, it seems very out of date from looking at the tracebacks.13:00
seb128james_w: thanks13:00
marnanelpochu: part of it is actually written by a script; it has a human editor, though (me)13:06
IulianHi thekorn, pedro_13:06
pedro_hello Iulian13:06
seb128james_w: still around?13:58
seb128james_w: any reason nautilus-python still has a python directory under the old nautilus directory?13:59
james_win the source package?14:01
james_wah, I see, I've no idea14:02
james_wit's listed in debian/dirs14:02
james_w- Create an empty /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-1.0/python directory for14:03
james_w      plugins to be installed into.14:03
james_w      [debian/dirs]14:03
james_wLoic Minier <lool@dooz.org>  Wed,  1 Mar 2006 20:36:3314:04
james_wI don't see when it moved to the new nautilus-extensions though, do you know when this would have been?14:04
seb128james_w: nautilus 2.21 changed the abi version14:05
seb128james_w: maybe you could fix that too before I sponsor the change? ;-)14:06
james_w - Make it work with nautilus 2.2214:06
james_wso I think it was just missed in that update14:06
seb128it's not technically required, most users install those in their user directory usually14:07
james_wsure, give me 5 minutes to test14:08
james_wseb128: done, thanks14:12
seb128thank you for doing the changes ;-)14:12
james_wno problem14:13
james_wI'm working on the users-apple fix right now14:13
seb128what is that?14:13
james_w-applet sorry14:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 198172 in gnome-system-tools "[users-admin] Changing anything about the root account sets and invalid home directory" [High,Triaged]14:13
seb128james_w: not sure if it would have make sense to update the dir version rather than drop it?14:46
james_wseb128: ah, ok. I thought that the python/ dir was obsolete now, I'll update it14:48
seb128james_w: no, that's just the versioning which changed, ok14:48
seb128pedro_: if you triage bug #209587 be careful it has login informations14:56
ubotuBug 209587 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/209587 is private14:56
pedro_seb128: ok14:57
warren_can someone have a look at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/20957815:45
warren_quite annoying bug15:45
warren_also very annoying for persons who are now to linux; please fix it :D15:45
james_wjcastro: the other day we were discussing having a way for upstreams to have superpowers for their downstream packages in launchpad. marnanel was interested in doing this, is there an expected timeframe for this feature?16:06
james_wHas it been proposed and agreed upon?16:06
jcastrojames_w: I will talk to bdmurray about it in our call in about an hour, I will let you know asap16:07
james_wjcastro: great, thanks16:09
bdmurrayjcastro: we have a call?16:12
jcastrobdmurray: every monday. :D16:14
bdmurrayjcastro: ;)16:14
andrea_c7aHi everyone. I have committed a patch to fix #201330. It is attached to a comment I left. How do I make it go through to be released ? shall I "Nominate for release" ?16:14
bdmurraybug 20133016:15
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201330 in compiz "Need to whitelist multiple ATI cards, or remove blacklisting" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20133016:15
andrea_c7acheck the last 2 comments16:16
james_wandrea_c7a: no, you need to find a sponsor16:16
james_wandrea_c7a: putting your patch in a .tar.gz isn't great, as it makes it more work to review16:17
james_wumm, and which one is yours?16:18
bdmurrayI'm changing the status of the bug back to Triaged as the fix has not been commited to the package's source tree.16:18
james_wthe preferred way to present these is either as a plain patch file, or a debdiff, which is still a patch, but slightly more16:18
andrea_c7athe tar.gz is the debian/patches directory. compiz uses the quilt system. I thought the debian/patches was all you need to define a patch16:18
james_wandrea_c7a: yes, that's fine, it's just not the preferred way to do this.16:19
james_walso, you should use "dch" from the devscripts package to update the changelog16:20
james_wand don't include the changelog change in the quilt diff, as that will not work16:20
james_wandrea_c7a: thanks for writing the patch though.16:22
james_wI don't know the usual workflow for the compiz package, but if you upload a new patch that fixes the above we can ask what the next step would be16:22
andrea_c7aok I will try to generate a debdiff and send it again then16:24
andrea_c7aonce I generated the debdiff it says to "send it to the relevant person" but I can't see who the maintainer of the compiz package is16:27
andrea_c7awould that be MOTU-Media ?16:28
affluxandrea_c7a: it's ubuntu-main-sponsors, just subscribe them to the bug using "subscribe someone else". Don't forget to attach the debdiff to the bug!16:32
bdmurrayandrea_c7a: you could ping amaranth or mvo16:32
affluxokay, I'll be quiet :)16:32
afflux(yeah, bzr is running again!)16:33
andrea_c7aok I'll do that. Thanks very much for your help!16:33
mvoandrea_c7a: what bugnumber is that?16:35
bdmurraymvo: bug 20133016:35
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201330 in compiz "Need to whitelist multiple ATI cards, or remove blacklisting" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20133016:35
andrea_c7amvo: my patch is in the last comment of the bug16:38
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james_whi secretlondon16:45
secretlondonhi james_w16:46
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WarrenDUMsomeone know 'mbh' ?16:51
james_wWarrenDUM: where from?16:58
james_wthanks seb12816:59
seb128james_w: you are welcome16:59
pochuWarrenDUM: Last Seen: 9 weeks 3 days (22h 9m 21s) ago16:59
james_wseb128: what's the difference between mime-support and shared-mime-info?16:59
WarrenDUMpochu: ??16:59
pochuWarrenDUM: /msg NickServ info mbh17:00
WarrenDUMsomeone knows if he wrote gdebi-kde?17:00
seb128james_w: mime-support is the old mimesystem, I'm wondering if that's not a debian invention, shared-mime-info is the freedesktop specification implementation17:01
RiddellWarrenDUM: mhb, yes17:01
RiddellWarrenDUM: what's the problem?17:01
seb128james_w: the modern desktops, etc use the freedesktop datas, mime-support is still used by debian tools, mutt, and likely lot of other non desktopish things17:01
WarrenDUMwell there's still a huge bug in gdebi-kde17:01
WarrenDUMin hardy and gutsy, it can't install any package17:01
james_wseb128: ah, ok thanks. I'm looking at bug 201291. I've grabbed shared-mime-info and it seems to have the changes already, so it's no problem it seems.17:02
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 201291 in mime-support "Add ogv (video) and oga (audio) as recognized extension for Ogg Theora and Ogg Vorbis, respectively" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20129117:02
WarrenDUMCannot allocate memory error, but isn't the bug where too much memory is used17:02
RiddellWarrenDUM: works for me, is that the out of memory issue?17:02
WarrenDUMwell it is a mem issue but not the same17:02
RiddellWarrenDUM: right, I have someone working on that17:02
WarrenDUMon what problem?17:02
Riddellon the embedded konsole widget doing silly things with memory17:03
WarrenDUMbut it should install?17:03
WarrenDUMit doesn't install at all17:03
WarrenDUMothers are able to install but it simply uses too much memory17:03
WarrenDUMmy problem is that it doesn't do anything17:04
Riddellit should install if it doesn't randomly get memory problems17:04
WarrenDUMbut i made a bug report17:04
seb128james_w: do you have an example? and what mimetype is displayed in nautilus?17:05
WarrenDUMis it possible that it doesn't crash in an english environmentn but crashes in a franch environment?17:05
WarrenDUMbug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/20957817:05
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 209578 in gdebi "gdebi-kde crashes with an memory allocation error" [Undecided,New]17:05
james_wseb128: I don't have an example I'm afraid, but the .xml has all of the entries for audio/ogg etc., which is what needs adding there.17:06
WarrenDUMRiddell : aren't you the kde packager?17:07
seb128james_w: right, what I means is that it works correctly for me, this bug doesn't seem to be rightly milestoned, it's a low importance issue and has no concrete example17:07
RiddellWarrenDUM: I work on Kubuntu17:08
WarrenDUMbut is my bug related to the other bug?17:08
james_wseb128: ah, ok. I guess it just affects things that are still using mime-support.17:08
RiddellWarrenDUM: yes17:08
james_wseb128: or does it affect KDE as well, they've not transitioned to shared-mime-info correct?17:09
WarrenDUMso this bug report wasn't needed?17:09
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james_wRiddell: hi, does KDE use shared-mime-info or mime-support or something else?17:09
seb128james_w: I think all modern desktop used shared-mime-info but I'm not sure17:10
WarrenDUMPS: i don't like the new qtcurve theme ^_^17:10
WarrenDUMpolyester was nicer :p17:10
Riddelljames_w: KDE 4 does, KDE 3 not17:10
james_wRiddell: ok, thanks, it's still worth updating mime-support.17:11
WarrenDUMRiddell: will qtcurve be the default theme for the final release?17:13
RiddellWarrenDUM: yes17:14
WarrenDUMow ok :(17:14
WarrenDUMubotwo? :/17:16
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Pres-Gasjames_w, Hey, I talked with you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/200064 and have gotten some others aware of this report.  Would you be considered officially looking at this bug or how does that work?17:53
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200064 in network-manager "the iwl3945 driver will not connect to my open, 802.11 b, linksys  AP" [Undecided,New]17:54
james_wPres-Gas: hi17:54
james_wI'm not looking at it no, I'm subscribed, but I don't really know enough to tackle it.17:54
Pres-GasAhhh, okay, that is what I thought, but wanted to trebble check, james_w17:55
* Pres-Gas is wondering who's door I should be knocking on17:55
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 190968 in linux "[hardy] [regression] iwl3945 doesn't associate on kernel 2.6.24-7" [Medium,Triaged]17:56
Pres-GasMaybe I am not googleing right, but I am not seeing many issues like this...17:56
james_wcan you verify if that is the same?17:56
* Pres-Gas is looking now17:56
james_wPres-Gas: is your AP SSID hidden?17:56
james_wESSID sorry17:57
Pres-GasLOL, no17:58
Pres-Gas...and I did a fresh install in that I parted the drive...so Hardy is not carrying legacy files17:59
Pres-GasYeah, I may jump in on this one, though since it is triaged17:59
james_wthe hidden ssid is well known and being worked on, so if yours was that would explain it.18:07
Pres-Gasjames_w, I wish it was....plus I have other strange AP issues and am afraid it is throwing things off18:13
Pres-GasThe thing I DO know is that my AP works okay in 7.1018:13
james_wwell, it could well be a driver issue then, due to the change to iwl18:19
Pres-GasThat is what I am thinking, but that does not help without facts (log entries, etc.)18:21
bdmurrayThere is supposed to be an update to the iwl drivers shortly18:24
Pres-Gasbdmurray, where did you hear that?18:29
Pres-GasThat would be wonderful, though18:29
Pres-GasLooked like the iwl drivers themselves are newer than in Ubu18:29
bdmurrayPres-Gas: in bug 20050918:29
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 200509 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.24 "iwl4965: Microcode SW error detected.  Restarting 0x2000000" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20050918:29
bdmurrayand bug 18547018:30
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 185470 in linux "iwl3945 not functioning : microcode error" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18547018:30
Pres-Gasbdmurray, not quite the issue I am having, but here is to hoping that it stumbles onto my issue and fixes it as well.18:31
bdmurrayjames_w: What is the best way to link a bzr branch to a bug?  I found the url structure odd18:58
james_wbdmurray: dunno, I've never done it, let me have a look19:00
bdmurrayYou can't use the full url like https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/unattended-upgrades/brian-fixes19:00
bdmurrayInstead you have to remove everything before ~19:00
james_wYou'e using "add branch" from the bug?19:00
james_wah, ok19:00
james_wso, a branch name has 3 parts, ~owner/project/branch-name19:01
james_wso you need to give all three to identify it19:01
james_wit's probably worth filing a bug asking for a full URL to be allowed in there19:01
james_wat least a code.lp.net/~owner/project/branch one.19:02
bdmurrayOkay, it seems like people would try to use a full url there but I wasn't sure if it was just me.19:02
james_wheh, I read that branch as "brain-fixes"19:02
james_wyeah, especially as that's how you do upstream bug links19:02
bdmurrayI right clicked on a branch at https://code.launchpad.net/unattended-upgrades/+branches to paste in it.19:03
bdmurrayjames_w: Do you know if that would be a malone bug?19:04
james_wI think it's probably malone19:04
james_wthough I don't know19:04
james_wthey'll at least know where to send it if it isn't19:04
bdmurraythere is that ;)19:04
bdmurrayjames_w: does bug 113218 look the same as what I am talking about to you?19:09
ubotwoLaunchpad bug 113218 in launchpad-bazaar "fields for entering a branch should just let you paste a url" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11321819:09
james_wyeah, but that's a wider issue19:11
james_wthat's asking for http://wherever/some/branch to be accepted19:11
james_wyou're just asking to be able to use the full code.lp.net URL rather than just the full branch name19:11
bdmurrayokay, I'll submit another one then19:11
james_wwhich should be easier for them19:11
bdmurrayjames_w: I've submitted bug 209834 if you are curious19:15
Pres-Gasbdmurray and james_w, how long does it take for commits (that backports package) to get to the main apt servers?19:15
Pres-GasWhat is the turn aroud time19:15
james_wPres-Gas: don't know19:17
james_wwhere's the commit you are talking about?19:17
Pres-Gasbdmurray: There is supposed to be an update to the iwl drivers shortly19:18
bdmurrayPres-Gas: you could watch https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-backports-modules-2.6.24/ for a new version as it would show up in Launchpad first19:19
Pres-GasBy the way, you two are very helpful and userfriendly.  Thanks a ton!19:20
james_wPres-Gas: uploads appear to happen on average every one to two weeks19:22
james_wthe commit was done three days ago and the last upload was more than two weeks ago19:22
james_wso I doubt it will be too long19:22
bdmurrayI'd imagine this week so maybe I shouldn't have said shortly19:23
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Pres-GasShortly in a relative sort of way19:27
* DOOM_NX helloooo19:55
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pochujwendell: regarding your Liferea bug, asac meant -0ubuntu3, not ubuntu4. please update the bug report once you update to ubuntu3 :)20:04
asacpochu: jwendell: as i wrote in the bug ... that fix will not be effective until next xulrunner is available20:05
asacyou cannot really verify it right now20:05
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pochuhmm, right20:06
pochuasac: I'm curious, what will the next xulrunner upload change?20:06
asacpochu: jwendell: to test you can setup a link libsqlite3.so -> libsqlite3.so.020:06
asacthats all what xulrunner does to help this fix20:06
asacpochu: the link is the other way around20:06
asacso: ln -s libsqlite3.so libsqlite3.so.020:06
pochudo you have an ETA for that upload? :)20:06
asacpochu: upstream is about to release beta520:07
asacwe will upload latest by then20:08
asacnext few days20:08
pochugood, thanks20:08
pochuI read beta5 will be the last beta, is that true?20:09
asaclets hope20:09
pochuI guess the download dialog won't change this late...20:10
asacnobody knows. i will not push for anything that might slow down the release process at last20:11
pochuheh, understandable :)20:12
pochubut IMHO the current one is much worse than FF2's one20:12
warren_does someone else experience this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdebi/+bug/20957820:13
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sroeckercan so have a look at Bug 20692120:43
james_wbug 20692120:44
james_wah, it's not here20:45
sroeckerthe bot?20:45
Pres-GasThat is a nice bot to have.20:47
secretlondonnot in -announce either20:47
jussio1ubotu died20:48
jussio1wont be back till at least tomorrow20:48
secretlondonah ok20:48
bdmurrayI thought Seveas was rewriting it20:48
secretlondonwhat happened?20:48
Seveasserver upgraded to hardy, won't come up after reboot20:48
jussio1upgrade to hardy and the server died...20:48
SeveasI guess I have to file some bugs :)20:48
jussio1We can offer a temporary replacement bot if you wish.20:49
Seveasit'll be back tomorrow around 10:00 CEST20:51
Seveasthe world won't die without him20:51
secretlondonthanks for fixing it :)20:51
james_wsroecker: mine uses org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Backlight20:54
james_wyour's uses org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.LaptopPanel20:54
sroeckerjames_w, does yours work in latest hardy?20:54
james_wsroecker: reading more I see you understand the problem a little better20:55
james_wmine's not a macbook20:55
sroeckerjames_w, ah ok, need a macbook to confirm this20:56
james_wsroecker: can you strace it to find out why mmap fails please?20:57
sroeckerjames_w, I don't know, hal calls it somehow21:00
james_wstrace -f hald21:01
james_wIt's doing an mmap directly on to the video card memory, which obviously has the potential to go wrong21:02
james_wsroecker: http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=hal.git;a=blob;h=99c390518fb383485af5e22a501c19c2275f649f;hb=3eac1d8399a7e7d1eb76873c10a29e0fea94ad6c;f=hald/linux/addons/addon-macbook-backlight.c21:06
james_wthat's the code if you understand any of it21:06
* DOOM_NX Eimai edw eimai edw, na sou lew alh8eies, na omorfainw tis nuxtes giati apla S'AGAPW.21:10
\shguys, the archive of the ubuntu-bugs ML is updated the last time in 2007?21:19
seb128\sh: the web interface you mean? the listmasters asked about it and nobody was using the webinterface to read the thousand of bugs the list gets every week21:31
seb128you can still get the mbox for it though I think21:32
\shseb128: ah ... I didn't know...21:32
seb128do you really think there is a need to have a webinterface for that?21:32
seb128all the bugs are in the bug tracker anyway21:32
bdmurrayI know where to get the mbox if somebody is interested21:33
\shseb128: google search is faster then to search in LP sometimes21:34
\shseb128: I was just wondering .)21:35
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
bdmurrayI think there are some other sites that index the bugs mailing list.21:35
bdmurrayLike http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/21:37
Nafallolight is pretty damn fast :-)21:45
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
* DOOM_NX Mou ekane afierwsh kopela to S'EXW ERWTEUTEI. etsi gia na skasoun kapoies.22:25
Ascarelhey tawmas22:38
tawmashey ascarel22:39
secretlondonhi greg_g22:56
secretlondonhi greg-g22:56
bdmurrayhey greg-g23:01
greg-ghiya secretlondon bdmurray23:13
greg-gbdmurray: do you want people in bugcontrol to give a +1/-1 for applicants (via a private email of course)?23:14
yuriyhi bdmurray23:18
yuriybughelper question, i think.  how did you go about putting together the bug day page?23:19
yuriyfor tomorrow23:19
bdmurrayyuriy: it's quite a mess really23:24
bdmurrayyuriy: However this one should work for you http://pastebin.osuosl.org/661423:26
bdmurrayMmm, those bugs should work23:26
bdmurrayWhat I mean is that list of bugs was created using the same logic I used for the GNOME bugs23:28
yuriybdmurray: ah, neat! thanks!23:35
bdmurrayno problem23:35

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