
PriceChildYay I'm now on his ignore list supposedly.01:01
encryptzoh brother01:21
eloianyone know if in mirc is possible to remote control trough web? like emule-webserver01:30
LjLhave you looked at the name and /topic of this channel?01:31
eloiyea, sorry but need found any info about irc01:32
LjLthis is not the place, perhaps try asking in ##mIRC01:32
maek0is there any admin here ??05:24
naliothmaek0: depends on what you need05:25
maek0or op sorry05:25
maek0I want to join #ubuntu it keeps telling me im banned05:25
nalioth#ubuntu-ops is the place05:26
maek0ok thankyou nalioth05:26
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Tm_Tjuliux: hi, news?10:03
juliuxTm_T, the packe is on his way, i will give you the trackingnumber if i am at home10:03
juliuxthey said it could take up to two weeks10:03
Tm_Tdanke sehr10:05
* LjL hmpfs at ljl69 in -fr16:01
* Pici read that at humps16:05
LjLnot that flexible.16:09
* fetova saluda o/17:08
ccmsomebody around?18:16
popeyccm: usually, yes18:17
ccmas i heard our channel #ubuntu-berlin is not perfect with its name i set up #ubuntu-de-berlin18:19
ccmcould someone check the usual settings?18:19
ccmif its okay, i'll softly push the users to the new one18:19
naliothccm: /msg chanserv set #ubuntu-berlin mlock +if ##ubuntu-de-berlin18:20
nalioththis will keep folks from returning to #ubuntu-berlin18:21
ccmnalioth: i thought about setting it moderate with a channel topic for a while18:21
LjLccm, mind you, there are other "city channels" currently not following that naming scheme, and which will probably not follow it for quite some time, so you're by no means forced to do that18:22
LjLccm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/MovingChannels18:23
ccmLjL: maybe I'll just have a tiny discussion with the rest of the team about it18:23
ccma reason for the old channel'd be the url www.ubuntu-berlin.de18:24
ccmthank you guys for your support18:24
LjLyou know about +r and +R? :)21:57
McPeternot remember21:58
LjLMcPeter, +R lets only registered users speak, and +r lets only registered users join21:58
McPeterha !!21:58
LjLit's a much better choice, when you're being attacked, than mass-voicing everyone21:58
McPetermany thanx21:58
LjLat least if the attackers are not registered - but they usually aren't21:59
[NikO]yes of course !21:59
McPeterLjL, we can stay here ?22:02
McPeterto view other command :)22:02
McPeter(i don't speak becaus my english is too poor)22:02
LjLMcPeter, you're most welcome here22:02
LjLet vous pouvez parler aussi francais ici22:03
LjLalthough i don't speak it very much22:03
[NikO]my english should be a little better i hope :)22:03
McPeteryes yes ..22:03
McPeteryou french is better my english :)22:04
McPeter(i'm sure)22:04
NafalloLjL: ubotu?22:05
LjLNafallo: a failed dist-upgrade on a remote machine one hour from seveas' place, apparently22:05
NafalloLjL: dist-upgrades should be done on a serial console :-)22:05
LjLNafallo: tell that to seveas :P anyway, do you need the bot anywhere?22:05
NafalloLjL: everywhere :-)22:06
LjLbe specific :)22:06
NafalloLjL: #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-devel might be good places to start :-)22:06
=== McPeter is now known as Margouilla97
LjL[NikO], mcpeter: do also /mode #ubuntu-fr +f #ubuntu-fr-unregged22:39
[NikO]to open a new channel for unregister member ?22:40
LjLthat will still let unregistered users join *some* channel so you can let them know they need to register22:40
[NikO]i hope we not be DDos :)22:40
LjLyou can probably remove the +R now22:41
LjL(but you may want to leave the +r in place)22:41
NafalloLjL: #ubuntu-server22:43
LjLMargouilla97, no need to ban the whole proxad - you simply had the wrong banmask23:31
LjL*!*@nap13-2-82-226-99-188.fbx.proxad.net) instead of *!*@nap13-2-82-226-99-188.fbx.proxad.net23:31
Margouilla97i think i'm so tired :(23:33

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