
asaci wouldn't expect it to be that way.00:00
ftame neither00:00
asaci think i understand the complain mozilla had in their bzr evaluation: "removes revisions"00:00
asaci didn't know about that feature. and i was sure that with low bzr versions it didn't work that way00:00
asaci rememberd that i get "diverged" messages back then00:01
ftayep, me too00:01
ftayour patch is a c3 only, did you change your conf ?00:03
asacon one hand its bad because it removed top level revisions00:03
asacotoh its good  because it helps to deal with diverged branches00:04
asacfta: oh00:04
asaci did do that patch on my dev tree and forgot about the argument00:04
ftano quiltrc ?00:04
asacdev tree has no quilt00:04
asacist just a mozilla trunk checkout of browser,xulrunner,...00:05
asacsorry for the redundant wording00:05
asacmaybe coding tree would be better name for that ;)00:05
asaci am not 100% sure if thats enough anyway ... have to wait for build to finish00:07
asacha ... wrong dir ... stupid me. will test the updated patch now i guess :)00:34
* asac asleep while this builds ... n800:34
asacfta_: can you please comment about which case was fixed how in the main bug 20353809:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203538 in apturl "Don't work with Firefox3 beta4" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20353809:14
asacyou commented on a duplicate09:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asaccarlos: what escaping do you do? just " -> \" ... or anything else?12:28
carlosasac: unicode_escape12:29
asaccarlos: but you don't do unicode_unescape on export?12:29
asacor vv12:29
asaci guess you do unicode_unescape on import and should do unicode_escape on export, right?12:30
carlosasac: no, because the .po files doesn't need it12:30
carlos.po files use UTF-812:30
carloswe will do it when we offer XPI export directly in Launchpad12:30
asaccarlos: do you do that escaping on .dtds only?12:30
asacor also properites?12:30
carlosasac: we do it in properties12:31
carlosfor .dtds is the xml parser which unescapes it for us12:31
asaccarlos: do you have a small python snippet at hand that transforms the .po to escaped .po?12:31
asaccarlos: hmm.12:32
asaccarlos: do you use a SAX parser?12:32
asac(just wonder how you parse the ENTITIES)12:32
carlosasac: I don't, but Danilo had that in his scripts that he told you about, however he's a bit busy right now, he will take a look to see whether he has that still around12:33
* carlos checks12:33
asaccarlos: yes. otherwise i can probably escape shuffle in the bloody C code we have now :)12:33
carlosclass MozillaDtdConsumer (xmldtd.WFCDTD):12:33
asacoh ok12:33
asacmost likely there doesn12:34
carlosfrom xml.parsers.xmlproc import dtdparser, xmldtd, utils12:34
asac't exist something for the other direction12:34
VolansHi asac, I have a question about the use of Creative Commons icons in firefox addon in order to make a deb package (then GPL). I know that GPL and CC are incompatible, but the principle of having separate folders for icons and code in linux distros can be appliable also to FF extension?12:34
asaccarlos: but '"' gets a special treatment, right?12:35
asacactually i think i only need to escape '"', "&", ";"12:35
asacVolans: why do you face that question?12:36
asacis there an addon distributed that way or do you wnt to creat a new one?12:36
Volansbecause I have developed a FF extension that use some tango icons, and I would make a deb package for that FF extension12:37
asactango is CC?12:37
Volansas I have see in gnome-look yes12:37
carlosasac: This is the code we use: https://pastebin.canonical.com/3665/12:37
Volansasac this is a password protected link12:39
asaccarlos: OK ill see what i can shake out of this12:39
asacVolans: so you wrote the extension?12:39
carlosasac: ok12:39
asacVolans: if you are the author you can grant permission to use CC artwork12:40
VolansYes is a FF extension that is present also in Mozilla addon site (public section), is specific for the Ubuntu-it community12:40
asacVolans: but you need to be the full copyright owner or need permmission of any contributor12:40
asacVolans: which CC license is it?12:40
asacthere are some that are not even free :/12:40
VolansI check on the gnome-look site... I don't remeber for sure12:41
Volanshttp://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project CC-BY-SA 2.512:42
* Volans away for 30 minutes12:47
Volansasac: I'm back... then you think that I can use the tango icons for the FF extension in order to make a ubuntu deb package ?13:31
asacVolans: you need to grant an exception in your LICENSE file13:35
asacplease ship a license file in the top level directory13:35
asachave you read the firefox3extension wiki page?13:35
VolansNo, I read... for the exception where I can see how to write it? I have all the copyright of the code, but not of the tango icons of course...13:37
asacyou add a license.txt in top level directory13:38
asacthere you state that all the code is licensed GPL v2 (or 3) and later13:38
asacthen you say13:38
asac"as an exception permission is granted to make use of CCXYZ (specify the exact license here) licensed artwork13:39
asacbelow your normal license statement13:39
asacthen you say: "current artwork is licensed under CC-XYZ" ... bla bla bla.13:39
asacyou need to name all the files at best13:39
asacthat are licensed as such13:39
Volansok, I have to request authorization to someone fot this exception?13:40
asacVolans: you license your code as you like. so you can grant your code the exception on your own13:40
Volansyes, but the icons are not mine...13:41
asacunless the CC license forbids distribution with GPL you don't need any authorization13:41
asacVolans: i don't htink that CC license forbids distribution with GPL13:41
asacits just the other way around13:41
asacso you need to explicitly allow CC artwork to be distributed with your GPL code13:41
asacotherwise it would be illegal13:41
asacto redistribute your bits13:41
asacbefore you go ahead, you need to check if that particular CC license is allowed in ubuntu at all13:42
asacmy personal opinion is that you should try to use better licensed artwork13:42
asacor tell the icon author about the problem (not usable with GPL aka most open-source software)13:42
asacand hope that he finall relicenses it13:42
Volansok, but for the ubuntu theme icons how can work this system?13:43
asacoften those people don't know about the implications ... and are happy to relicense13:43
asaci don't understand that question13:43
Volansmany of the icons (maybe all) are in my /usr/share/icons/Tango of my Ubuntu13:44
VolansUbuntu is realeased as GPL, then there isn't the same problem?13:44
asacVolans: it depends in which context those icons are shipped13:44
asacif they are just drop in replacements that are distributed independently then its not a problem13:44
asacif its the only icon used, then combining with GPL would be a problem13:45
asachowever ubuntu is not GPL only ... its just that all the tools we are adding are GPL13:45
Volanswhat a complex thing the licences are...13:46
asacwell ... it peers with law ... if law was simple then we wouldn't need lawyers13:46
VolansI agree!13:47
asacopen-source licenses are usually doable without lawyer, which means that they are far more simplish then other licensing13:47
Volansthen after the exception I have to release my extension as "all gpl except a list of files"?13:48
asacyes you say: all files are distributed under GPL v2 (or any later), except file1, file2, file3, which is licensed under CC-xXX13:48
asacfurther, general permission is granted to distribute with artwork licensed under CC-xxx13:49
Volansok, I will try to see if is possibile to have these icons gpl, otherwise I apply this exception.13:50
Volansthank you very much for the time!13:50
asacyes, sorry for the inconvenience13:50
Volansand the explanations of the intricate licence problem :D13:50
asacVolans: if you want to get it packaged for hardy, hurry13:50
asacwe need that submitted till end of this week13:50
asacif you need help on packaging, feel free to ask here13:50
asaconce your code is properly licensed, i can probably find someone to package for you13:51
Volansthanks, I have also some italian MOTU, in particular DktrKranz that have helped me to package it13:52
Volanshe think that for hardy is hard... probably we will apply it for intrepid13:52
asacwe can get it in for hardy13:53
asacif its submitted until next week13:53
asacend of this week13:53
asacVolans: but you should send your motu here for packaging guidelines13:54
asache probabyl doesn't know about the latest and greatest packaging tools we have for extensions ;)13:54
Volansok I tell him, for the change of the licence file no problem, for finding gpl icons I think is too late13:55
Volansfor hardy13:55
asacyes. i think if you grant exception in your license its ok14:12
asacVolans: but if you provide me with the prepared license file i can get a good answer from one of the guy who finally would approve it14:13
* asac doing lunch now14:13
asacjimmy_: could you test the b3 merge? did i loose any important feature before i go on?15:19
asacbye ubotu15:40
DktrKranz2asac: hi. Volans informed me there is a chance to have his Firefox extension in Hardy. We already have a "demo package", but we didn't use specific tools to build it, so I guess we are wrong. Are there any references about tools you use to manage extensions?15:50
asacDktrKranz2: there is some info in my blog entry i just setup: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/132-firefox-3-extension-package-submission-deadline-reminder.html15:53
asacDktrKranz2: after Volans has added an exception to all cc-by-sa 2.5 licensed artwork together with hid GPL extension we can probably distribute it15:53
asacs/to all/to allow/15:54
asacDktrKranz2: you can look at the extensions already hosted in firefox-extensions bzr15:54
asacouch ... the deadline date was wrong :)15:55
asacapr 515:55
DktrKranz2asac: great, thanks! I'll have a look at them and adjust package accordingly. Once licensing issues will be over, mind reviewing it briefly? I'm totally new to FF packaging :)15:59
asacDktrKranz2: sure16:03
asacwe need to ack the package anyway16:03
asacif you have questions go ahead and ask me fta or jetsaredim16:03
* jetsaredim hides16:04
asachehe ;)16:04
asacgreat works comes with increased responsibility ;)16:05
jetsaredimwhat did I do now - and to whom?16:05
jetsaredimthanks for the reminder about the deadline16:06
jetsaredimprobably not going to get to it till tomorrow or wed16:07
asacjetsaredim: which extensions need improveent?16:07
asacor are you planning to add more than already submitted?16:08
jetsaredimI need to re-version a couple of packages16:08
jetsaredimcause they have crazy version numbers ending with -ppa116:08
jetsaredimand need to fixup a couple of copyright files as you indicated16:08
asacok. thanks16:09
jetsaredimstill trying to remember why the mozget extension bug is marked as incomplete16:09
asacjetsaredim: bug id?16:12
jetsaredimbug 19601816:12
asacjetsaredim: please exclude the debian/ directory when zipping up.16:13
asacif thats done then its confirmed16:13
asac /fix committed16:13
jetsaredimlemmie double-check16:14
jetsaredimline 1816:15
jetsaredimnot sure if its the most concise way of doing it, but it works16:15
asacjetsaredim: strange ... why is that bug not visible in the firefox-extensions bug list16:15
asacjetsaredim: yes should work ... but better include just those files you want16:16
asacbut i don't mind16:16
asacwierd ... apparently it was hidden because of incomplete16:16
jetsaredimi updated it16:17
saivannasac : If you're ready to merge it, my ubufox translation branch is here and I don't receive any more translations since the last 2 days16:17
saivannasac : https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~saivann/ubufox/ubuntu_translations16:17
asacsaivann: cool16:17
saivannasac : There's a good amount of translations :)16:18
asacsaivann: how many?16:18
saivannasac : 1516:18
asaclooks good from scrolling through log ;)16:18
* asac hugs saivann .... well done!16:18
saivannasac : :)16:18
saivannasac : Thank you!16:18
asacsaivann: ok merged to main branch16:23
saivannasac : Also you can look at this branch which contains the greek locale, I just noticed it, looks OK16:23
saivannasac : https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~alefteris/ubufox/ubufox-greek-locale16:23
saivannasac : Great!16:23
saivannasac : I will take care to close all the bug reports when ubufox will get updated16:25
asacis that the real language code?16:25
Volansi think yes :)16:25
Volanssorry I think so16:26
asacsaivann: you can also add the the main branch to each bug you see16:26
asacill remember to clos in changelog then16:26
saivannasac : Ok, I do it now16:27
saivannasac : Bugs all linked, thanks!16:31
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftai've been flooded of crash+flash bug mails19:18
ftaasac, we really should do something about that. flash is almost everywhere and it seems worse than in ff219:23
asacfta: how many new crashes today?19:24
asacfta: are those nspluginwrapper crashes or regular x86 ones?19:24
ftasomeone called pedro rejected about 20 crash bugs in a row19:27
ftaeven b5 is easy to crash with flash19:31
asacfta: yes pedro19:39
asacmost likely crashes with bad backtraces19:39
asacfta: you have a bug with a testcsae that crashes?19:46
jimmy_asac: i sent email to our QA to test the beta 3 already19:57
asacjimmy_: thanks19:59
jimmy_asac: how did you build MID browser on hardy using --enable-system-cairo?19:59
asacjimmy_: the old one or the new one?19:59
asacthe old one was not a problem ... the new one needs the right cairo20:00
jimmy_asac: on hardy20:00
asacjimmy_: well ... i think the new isn't updated yet.20:00
asaconly in PPA20:00
asaci think it was blocked on the system-xulrunner issue for quite some time20:01
asacmeaning: we should rather hurry.20:01
asacill see if i can go directly to b5 tomorrow20:02
jimmy_asac: so is there a way for us to create a hardy image with the MID browser with the cairo linked correctly now?20:02
asacjimmy_: have you tried to build it with that flag?20:03
jimmy_i tried building it with that, but i got error with some undefined references in XRenderFindStandardFormat20:05
jimmy_i am building it on the Ubuntu 8.04 beta I downloaded20:05
asacjimmy_: yes. that means that cairo version doesn't match20:06
asacit will work with beta4 and beta520:07
asacmaybe even beta320:07
asacnot sure about the latter20:07
jimmy_so are you saying if we merge to beta4, it would build on hardy?20:08
asacwell right now you could build against xulrunner even :)20:12
asacof course with some featur regressions20:12
asacwe build it with --enable-system-cairo20:13
asacand i don't see any path20:13
asacthats cairo related20:13
asacjust checked20:13
jimmy_so does beta3 build too?20:14
jimmy_asac: i am going to test it20:14
asacjimmy_: not sure20:15
asaci think its broken20:15
asacbecause i built midbrowser merge without system-cairo here20:15
asacbut might be that i turned that on when doing the start testbuild with beat220:15
asacs/on/off/ :)20:15
jimmy_because we need the system-cairo to fix the rendering problems we see on some sites like yahoo.com20:16
jimmy_ok, i'll give it a try20:16
asacjimmy_: why do you care to fix them right now? i would suggest to test firefox 3 in hardy and if its fixed wait till we merged20:16
asac(of course trying beta 3 is worth a shot)20:17
jimmy_asac: i don't care, but one of the guys in UMG group is doing a demo presentation and they came out with this list of sites we need to have proper rendering, compared to other mobile browsers available, and we are failing on those sites because we didn't enable system-cairo in the current build20:18
jimmy_so Carl and I are trying to create a image for him to install with the fix20:19
jimmy_just temporary20:19
jimmy_that's why we are trying to build it on hardy20:19
jimmy_because i saw that FF 3.0b4 on 8.04 beta works20:20
jimmy_and it is build using --enable-system-cairo20:20
ftaasac, easy, go on youtube, play anything, back, play again, it either crash or freeze20:29
asacfta: nonfree, right?20:31
ftayep, but ff2 doesn't do that20:32
asacgood news is that trunk now calls itself 1.9pre20:43
asaci guess we shouldn't move head forward until b5 is uploaded. is that ok?20:43
jimmy_asac: which branch on mobiline is the beta3 code-based MIDBrowser?   is it the merge.3.0b3 or beta3?20:46
jimmy_ok ,  i see it20:47
ftaasac, my bot ftbfs for both xul and ff so i'd like to fix that. I don't like 1.9pre at all. it creates 1.9~cvs.20:47
asacfta: but this time 1.9~cvs is the right version20:49
asacisn't it?20:49
asacits before final20:49
asacafter b20:50
asacjimmy_: merge20:50
asacjimmy_: the other is the upstream branch?20:50
ftawell, no, mozclient goes with 1.9pre~cvs, which is bad. I'll fix it20:51
asacfta: i cannot reproduce youtbut hangs20:51
asacwith checkout as of today20:51
jimmy_asac: no it is not upstream, something else, but old20:51
asacfta: ha ... now i could :)20:51
=== [reed] is now known as psycho
=== psycho is now known as [reed]
asacfta: just with the sound lib?20:59
asacdoes this happen also without the sound helper?21:00
asacoh its now a depends21:00
asaci don't see the crashes, but no sound either21:04
asacALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave21:04
asacthats with upstream flash21:04
ftai'm using pulseaudio now21:06
asacwithout that i doesn happen21:11
asaccan be a race or libflashsupport bustage21:12
asacfta: can you reproduce with libflashsupport-dbgsym installed?21:21
ftaBug 20988821:24
asaci am not completely happy with how the pref locking works now21:59
asacits fine for xul apps ... but it applies to epiphany as well for example22:00
* asac off for a while22:22
JazzvaHey asac, I've prepared the updated package for mozilla-imagezoom... I'll try to package the source, instead of xpi file (I'm having some problems with package building, without the build script). I'll open a new bugreport once the package is ready...22:53
asacJazzva: which build script?22:53
asacwhy is it bad to use that?22:53
Jazzvaasac: The problem is there is no build script in the package :). And I thought it's bad to package the xpi file and that we should use it as last resort... Is it bad? :)22:54
ftacould someone do dom-inspector ? it's obsolete in xul and i'd like to drop it from there. It's needed for prism22:54
asacfta: why does prism need dom-inspector?22:55
asac(more than firefox i mean)22:55
asacfta:  where is the dom-inspector source hosted now?22:55
ftai don't remember, it doesn't start without it22:55
ftait's on amo22:55
asacis that still the case with latest?22:55
asacfta: where is the source :)22:56
ftaprism is not the latest, still the same old snapshot22:56
ftai'm stuck with those nonfree icons22:56
asacfta: how about latest? does it start without dom-inspector?22:56
[reed]nonfree icons?22:57
ftagoogle icons in the webapps22:57
ftainside the .webapp files22:58
asacfta: see hopw that would be a reason to get an exception?22:58
[reed]ah, mm22:58
ftaI've filed a request to google long ago, no answer22:58
ftaasac, ?? get an exception for what ?22:59
ftai've created a project called prism-webapps to host all webapps, including those previously in the prism package that are now dropped upstream, but without icons, it's not worth it23:01
ftafavicons are good for windows icons (small) but not for desktop/menu icons23:02
asacfta: hmm23:02
ftaI don't see how it's manageable to ask google, twitter, bbc, whatever for redistribution rights, it will take a lifetime23:03
ftabut i'm open to suggestions23:07
asacwhat is twitter?23:08
[reed]is it possible to ship with no icons and then populate the icons through favicon requests?23:08
[reed]asac: you don't know what twitter is? ;)23:09
ftaasac, seems miro.head now supports xul1.923:11
ftai haven't updated my package in a while, the full xul1.9 patch is rejected23:11
ftamozilla bug 42507723:13
ftaubuntu is dead ?23:13
fta"Migrate mail/components to frozen linkage for non-static linux builds "23:14
ftaone step closer to xul-sdk for tb323:15
ftahttp://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=105   lol23:16
asacfta: miro works for me without patch23:18
asacat least 1.223:18
fta1.2 ? hardy has 1.1.223:18
asacyes, but you are talking about head :)23:20
asacjust wanted to point out that 1.2 branch works out-of-box23:20
Jazzvaasac: Microblogging service... Got sort of addicted to it few months ago... It's cool, once you build a network... Before that it might seem pointless...23:21
ftaasac, that was what I meant with miro.head23:21
asac1.2 branch?23:22
asacthought you mean trunk23:22
asacyeah ... i have no idea about that :) ... better go for 1.2 branch which appears to be the place where current development happens23:22
asac(as well)23:22
asaci just wondered if trunk might be fixed for xul as well23:23
asac519 upgraded, 15 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:28
asacNeed to get 917MB of archives.23:28
asacthat happens if you don't upgrade hardy for a week or two :)23:28
Jazzvamozilla-devscripts is unable to build from source if no build script is provided, right?23:31
asacJazzva: not sure what you mean?23:32
asacyou can create the .xpi either by running a script, or you could hook in your own rule targets23:33
Jazzvaasac: Well, it tries to unzip some file... I'll check the xpi.mk to see what it does... But can it just package everything, except debian?23:33
JazzvaOh... Then I'll edit the debian/rules, since there is no build script in the source... It should be just zipped...23:33
ftamiro is still slow as hell: TIMING   Database load slow: 26.03223:36
asacJazzva: the build script can also just zip :)23:38
asacas long as you only create the .xpi as garbage it will even automatically clean that up on clean23:39
asacJazzva: so you could just copy the current lines from rules to a build.sh or something23:39
Jazzvacool... So, I should provide my build-xpi rule?23:39
asaclet me look23:39
JazzvaShouldn't I copy it in debian/rules? Isn't it bad to edit files outside debian/?23:40
asacJazzva: you can provide build/BINARY_PACKAGE_NAME:: rule23:40
asace.g. build/ubufox::23:40
asac    zip -r ubufox.xpi SOMETHING23:40
asacand clean::23:41
asacto clean up your mess23:41
asacthe default clean:: already removes the .xpi and the build files in debian/PACKAGENAME23:41
JazzvaI think I'll produce only xpi, so I won't need clean rule :)23:42
asactake care that the .xpi must be in top level directory to make xpi.mk automatically pick it up23:43
JazzvaAnd will the build rule be called automatically?23:44
JazzvaI haven't worked alot with cdbs, so I don't know...23:44
asacthats the cdbs hook23:45
asacits called for each binary package23:45
JazzvaOk, I'll play a bit :)23:45

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