
majoridiotnv is the open source driver00:00
majoridiotthat will get you into a safe mode00:00
destructaroh i see00:00
majoridiotthen use MCC restricted drivers manager to install the nvidia driver00:00
TelnetMantaanyone know if mythtv in the repos has a custom screensaver??00:03
destructarmajoridiot: i ran through the reconfiguration but I'm back where I was.. I think we have some miscommunication: I think I'm already in safe mode00:05
destructarwhen I boot up I have crappy 800x600 resolution going... Can't get anything higher and the installed restricted drivers show as if they are not in use00:05
majoridiotand now you want to install the nvidia driver?00:05
destructarit's already installed00:05
majoridiotin MCC restricted drivers tab- right pane... run nvidia settings00:05
majoridiotchange resolutions there.00:06
destructarthis blows... something is wrong here00:11
destructarclicked on nvidia settings from mcc and it brings me to the settings, but pops up a window that says "you do not appear to be using the vidia x driver. please edit your x onfiguration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root) and restart the x server.00:12
destructarso i ran it and just restarted my computer... rinse and repeat .... it's as though my settings won't save00:13
destructarundert the restricted drivers window: my nvidia accelerated graphics driver is enabled but has status "not in use" whatever that's all about...00:14
destructarthe sad thing is i had this running previously with a manual instal direct from nvidia's site, but was given advice to switch to ubuntu restricted drivers install due to various issues i was having00:14
destructarunder screen and graphics preferences i can't get the driver to change from "vesa generic" to nvidia... absolutely nothing will save when I change it00:15
dthackerIs there a way to start the mythtv-frontend in a smaller window instead of fullscreen?00:16
majoridiotdthacker,  there's a setting in frontend setup to run it in a window.  under General, i think.00:22
majoridiotdestructar, enable the restricted driver if it shows not in use.00:23
destructarenable how? the "enabled" box is already checked00:23
destructarbut status is "not in use"...?? makes no sense00:23
destructaragain: I had the driver from nvidia installed at first manually, however I figured that the restricted driver would overwrite it (and appears to have since my resolution sucks)00:24
dthackermajoridiot: thanks!  I found it in the appearance settings00:27
majoridiotdthacker, great!00:31
dthackernow I've killed my audio....00:31
dthackernah, myth just adjusted the mixer.00:35
destructari think i found the issue... i have generic kernel running but "common" restricted modules installed... doh!00:38
destructarawesome! fixed it00:41
destructarok now i'm getting a weird error only when trying to run mythfrontend00:56
destructar"xlib: extention "glx" missing on display ":0.0"00:57
destructarany ideas?00:57
Ward1983i keep having trouble with connecting to the mysql database01:35
Ward1983any suggestions?01:35
Ward1983how can i check if its running?01:36
Ward1983well its not in the running processes01:43
Ward1983so how can i start it?01:43
Ward1983and why does this happen automatically with EVERYONE EXEPT ME???01:44
Ward1983i never had mythtv working :s01:44
Ward1983imagine tha01:44
Ward1983tand i tried at least 10 times, everytime i reinstalled i tried :s01:44
Ward1983allways cannot connect to mysql blabla01:44
tgm4883_laptopPEBCAK error01:45
Ward1983i have no clue what that means01:45
tgm4883_laptophave you tried connecting to it from the same machine?01:46
Ward1983yes thats all i want to do in fact01:46
tgm4883_laptopso from the same machine, do01:46
tgm4883_laptopmysql -u root01:46
tgm4883_laptopand see if it connects01:46
Ward1983ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)01:47
tgm4883_laptopdid you have a mysql server setup before?01:47
tgm4883_laptopor did you setup a root user?01:47
Ward1983i have no clue :s01:47
Ward1983i didnt have a mysal server01:48
tgm4883_laptopis this a standard mythbuntu install?01:48
Ward1983well i had one but i uninstalled before i installed mythbuntu01:48
Ward1983yep standard mythbuntu install on gutsy01:48
tgm4883_laptopso you have a gutsy machine and installed mythbuntu on top of that?01:48
Ward1983allthough i had mythtv installed from the repo, but just uninstalled everything before i installed mythbuntu01:48
tgm4883_laptopare you wanting this to be just a mythtv machine or a desktop too?01:49
Ward1983desktop too01:49
Ward1983why is mysql-server not running if i installed regular :s01:50
tgm4883_laptopsounds like it is running01:51
Ward1983why can mythtv not connect to it then?01:52
Ward1983ok simply: should i give up?01:52
tgm4883_laptopdon't give up01:52
tgm4883_laptopsounds like you had it setup before and possibly had a root password set01:52
Ward1983ok so uninstall does never work01:53
* Ward1983 notes never to uninstall any prog again01:53
Ward1983since apperantly it keeps settings etc01:53
tgm4883_laptopwell unless you do a purge, then yes, it keeps settings01:54
Ward1983is that the same as choosing for complete removal in synaptic?01:54
tgm4883_laptopsudo /etc/init.d/mysql status01:55
Ward1983pastebin results?01:55
tgm4883_laptopand you don't remember if you had a root password before?01:57
Ward1983not that i know of01:57
Ward1983i dunno what you mean01:58
Ward1983i have a regular root password yes01:58
Ward1983the one i use for sudo right?01:58
tgm4883_laptoptry this01:59
tgm4883_laptopmysql -u root -p01:59
tgm4883_laptopthen enter your root password02:00
Ward1983Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.02:00
Ward1983Your MySQL connection id is 26102:00
tgm4883_laptopdoes it say02:01
tgm4883_laptopok, so you do have a root password set02:03
tgm4883_laptopso most likely, you don't have a mythtv db setup02:03
tgm4883_laptopdpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database02:05
Ward1983tgm4883_laptop, thanx connected now02:06
* Ward1983 crosses fingers02:06
Ward1983pfff lol02:12
Ward1983i have absolutely no clue why it doesnt want to open my capturecard, etc02:13
Ward1983i saw aome other erros too but its all getting oto complicated02:13
Ward1983i need to go for a smoke first to calm down02:13
* Ward1983 goes smoking02:13
tgm4883_laptopalright, well i'm off to dinner, but i'll be back on later02:13
Ward1983thanx for the help02:14
Ward1983enjoy dinner02:14
Ward1983see you later probably02:14
rhpot1991ahave_: any luck with your fusion?02:26
rhpot1991ahave_: I'd be interested in comparing lircd.conf's so I can know if this is something universal that other people could use my config and so on02:26
ahave_hello rhpot199102:28
ahave_i have the remote working02:28
ahave_havent modified the .lirc file to use the volume knob yet02:29
rhpot1991excelent, any chance you can pastebin your lircd.conf?02:29
rhpot1991!pastebin | ahave_02:29
ubotuahave_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:29
ahave_yes, but i might have to wait till later02:29
ahave_but i will get it to you02:29
rhpot1991if I can verify the same configs work with fusion black and silver then it can be included into MCC02:29
rhpot1991alright just yell02:29
rhpot1991good to hear it worked02:30
Pifferrather than having a 2nd box running myth backend db, can I setup the db locally?02:30
rhpot1991Piffer: you can run a BE and FE on the same machine, if that is what you are asking02:34
ahave_rhpot1991, know much about getting hd audio to work correctly?02:42
rhpot1991ahave_: can't say I do02:42
rhpot1991maybe in a few days if I ever feel like playing with mine02:42
ahave_i am trying to get audio through hdmi, cant seem to get it configured correctly quite yet02:42
rhpot1991its my understanding that that wont work02:46
destructarhi all... i have been having issues with mythbuntu all night (user errors)... reinstalled mythbuntu from synaptic just now... enabled machine for frontend, backend and ubuntu desktop...02:46
rhpot1991though my understanding could be out of date02:46
destructar... restarted computer, came up with two user logins as usual 1 login takes me to mythbuntu, the other takes me to Xfce 4... wtf?02:46
destructari'm not even sure what xfce is... don't know what on earth i did02:47
rhpot1991xfce is the default desktop environment in mythbuntu02:47
destructarhow the hell do i get ubuntu back?02:48
rhpot1991your 2nd login prob isn't enabled to run mythtv by default02:48
destructarthat's fine... basically i just want to get my regular ubuntu secondary login back02:48
rhpot1991there is a checkbox for gnome in MCC02:48
rhpot1991if you want that02:48
destructarlooking for it now...02:50
destructarhmm no luck... where is it located?02:50
destructar(i'm in mcc now)02:50
tgm4883_laptopwhen you go to log in, you need to change the session02:51
destructarah i see02:52
destructarwhat session do i want? GNOME?02:52
destructarsweet looks like everything is good again... couldn't start up anything requiring glx (which is a lot) but all better now :)02:53
destructarany ideas on why my windows would be popping up with no info bars? i can't move them around the screen or anything, very annoying02:59
destructaractually it looks like their info bar takes over the entire top bar of the screen... i'm guessing this is a setting somewhere?02:59
Pifferback from dinner...  Yes, if I can run Myth BE and FE on the same box, is there a setup app for the BE?03:11
tgm4883_laptopPiffer, mythtv-setup03:12
Pifferhmm I must have missed a step somewhere. When I fire up mythtv-setup, I'm asked for a db etc, but it says in cannot connect.03:16
PifferIs there a SQL script to get the database setup, as that might be the issue here?03:16
tgm4883_laptophow did you install?03:17
Pifferjust from the CD... and I think I skipped one step..03:17
tgm4883_laptopstrange, the db should be setup03:18
PifferMaybe I can run the installer again to see if I can fix it that way. Just looked in mysql, and there's only a information_scema db.. no myth stuff03:18
tgm4883_laptopdpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database03:18
Pifferthanks, that did create the database. when I fired up mythtv, selected language, then filled in the info I still get Cannot login to database...03:21
tgm4883_laptopyou went through mythtv-setup?03:21
tgm4883_laptopok, what password are you using when you fire up the frontend?03:22
PifferI've set the same password on both BE and FE03:22
tgm4883_laptopPiffer, how did you set the password?03:23
PifferFirst time I booted, I got the nice GUI, and in settings I was able to set the password03:23
PifferI'll try one thing here... 2 sec03:23
tgm4883_laptopthats not the right password it wants03:24
tgm4883_laptoplook in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt03:24
tgm4883_laptopuse that password in mythfrontend03:24
PifferI must have screwed up somewhere. When I start the setup, I see that it's Unable to conect to database, and I get an access-denied error with the user I set duing the reconfigure db setup03:27
PifferI think I found it... when I do the reconfigure, I get an access denied warning. So I'll have to make some changes to mysql access rights before I can get this going03:30
Pifferha, a little grant command in mysql, and we're rock'n03:39
Ward1983if i try to watch tv trough mythtv it says all recording inputs are used, i dont have any recordings etc03:50
Ward1983i setup my device as /etc/video0 which is working03:50
Ward1983tested with mplayer03:50
PifferIs there an issue with mythtv not being able to play mp3 files?03:52
tgm4883_laptopPiffer, you need to enable restricted codecs in MCC04:02
tgm4883_laptopWard1983, what does mythweb status say about the status of the tuners04:02
Ward1983tgm4883_laptop, never mind i foudn it :)04:08
Piffertgm4883_laptop: Thanks!04:11
danany nvidia restricted experts here?04:12
=== dan is now known as sabhain
Ward1983ok everything seems to work a bit now04:22
Ward1983only some stations dont work well04:22
Ward1983so now i can watch channels i dont want to watch lol04:22
Ward1983everything i want to watch doesnt work04:23
Ward1983good thing i have a VCR that can output it trough conponent04:34
tgm4883_laptopWard1983, what isn't working?04:34
Ward1983tgm4883_laptop,  just some channels04:35
Ward1983i get some interuptions at some channels04:35
Ward1983while my CVYs tuner has no problems with them04:35
PifferWhat is the command to start mythtv frontend from command line?04:38
Ward1983now im trying to setup my laptop as a second backend, and frontend offcourse04:38
Ward1983mythtv-frontend i think Piffer04:38
Ward1983not sure though04:38
Pifferno, tried that... lemme do a search. Since it's still crashing upon playing mp3 files, I need to have something show me an error or some output.04:39
Ward1983Piffer, synaptic says: /usr/bin/mythtv04:40
Piffermythfrontend :-)04:40
Piffernow I can see that I'm getting some errors too04:41
Ward1983just mythtv should work too lol04:41
Ward1983is it opssible to use the tuner of my desktop over the network with my laptop?04:44
Ward1983and stream the video to the laptop04:44
Pifferoddly enough now my Myth plays MP3 files without crashing ...04:46
Ward1983lol just be glad :p04:47
PifferI know. Just have a weird feeling when things automagically starts to work :-)04:48
Ward1983offcourse over here things dont work04:52
Ward1983well half lol04:52
Ward1983desktop works laptop wont connect to it04:52
Pifferfirewall setting?04:53
Ward1983should be ok since it gets opened automatically if you choose that you want to connect other computers04:54
Pifferok. Have you tested nmap to scan the remote port, just to make sure it's open?04:54
Ward1983nope not yet04:55
Ward1983dunno all the commands and its getting too late to google for them04:55
Piffergetting too late to google? No, Google is open 24/7 :P04:56
Pifferooohhh I finally got my wifi on the laptop to work ...04:56
Piffernow I need the Buffalo wifi on the myth box to work... hopefully it's supported..04:57
Ward1983wifi allways worked out of the box here04:57
Pifferah that's early... late?04:57
Ward1983only the intel 2100 gave some trouble a few years back04:57
Ward1983yeah didnt sleep yet04:57
Pifferhopefully you don't need to got to work in about 3 hours?04:57
Ward1983and my vacation is over, today is the last day04:57
Pifferthat sucks04:57
Ward1983then back to the annoying shitty crappy school for every day04:58
PifferI was going to call in sick tomorrow if I could not get the wifi working... hehe04:58
Ward1983well its my choive, being unemployed or going to that crappy stupid school with their crappy unemployment courses04:58
Ward1983im doing a networking course now just because nobody will hire me without a higher diploma05:00
Ward1983did multimedia in the school you normally do untill 18, i allways forget the english term05:00
PifferHopefully things will work out.05:01
Pifferboth in life and on the PC :-) hehe05:01
Ward1983on the PC they eventually allways work out05:01
Ward1983life on the other hand... lol05:01
Ward1983my passion os graphics, grphical compositions, layoutting, etc05:02
Piffer90% of the streaming stuff in MythTv seems to not work... either just harvesting or no URLs found...05:02
PifferCan harvesting take some time? Like 5 min plus?05:02
Ward1983and im studying networking just because nobody will hire me,while im confident there are a ton of jobs i could do in that aerea05:02
Ward1983over here it worked fast05:03
Ward1983the standard streaming stuff05:03
Pifferwhere u at?   I'm in Vegas, and this city sucks...05:03
Ward1983belgium sucks too lol05:05
Ward1983we barely have a government05:05
Pifferthanks to Eu ...05:05
Ward1983thanx to our own retarded politicians05:06
Pifferwell, did EU help? ... and almost all politicians are retarted one way or another05:06
Ward1983the EU is ok, the euro is not lol05:07
Ward1983since the euro everything became a TOn more expensive05:07
Pifferthat sucks...  Well these days with the super low dollar exchange rate, you can get stuff from the US pretty cheap :-)05:08
Ward1983lol im gonna connect trough vnc to get this stuff working05:08
Ward1983not gonna leep i think05:08
Ward1983unless that stuff gets cought by the "duane"05:08
Ward1983dunno how its called05:08
Ward1983some osrt of cops that check import05:08
PifferIs there a way to configure the buttons on a Microsoft Media center remote, so that the off button actually performs a shutdown/05:31
Ward1983damn iptables --list doesnt show any open ports05:39
PifferYou can install firestarter, and setup the IP of the remote PC to be allowed.. that should fix it05:39
PifferNot super secure... but...05:40
Ward1983i have a bad experience with firestarter05:40
Pifferit's not the greatest... but since I haven't learned how to edit the iptables in plain text yet, it does what I want it to do.05:41
Ward1983what ports need to be open?05:48
Piffernot sure... trying to get my remote to hibernate the myth box....05:51
Ward1983ffs i cant finit05:56
Ward1983find it05:56
PifferJust allow anything from A to B... unless we're not talking about the firewall anymore...05:57
PifferLaters, gotta get some sleep :-)06:13
rhpot1991anyone here with a FE and BE on the same box that can verify something for me?06:15
=== mpontill1 is now known as mpontillo
mpontillorhpot1991: what do you need?06:27
rhpot1991can you tell me if your dbhostname in ~/.mythtv/config.xml is localhost or
mpontilloSure - it's "localhost".06:29
rhpot1991alright thanks06:30
=== tgm4883_laptop_ is now known as tgm4883_laptop
ludditehi all07:56
ludditeanyone with the latest beta who can get a Leadtek Winfast DVT2000H remote working?07:57
ludditecan anyone assist with my remote control?08:20
ludditeits not being recognised08:20
ludditeits this one Leadtek DTV-2000H08:21
ludditehello anybody08:47
ludditeanyone with the latest beta who can get a Leadtek Winfast DVT2000H remote working?09:50
gandalfcomeI upgraded both the frontend and the backend to 0.21 and everything works fine except that the livetv doesnt work: in the log I get TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started. any ideas?11:18
Shred00is there an 0.21-fixes branch for gutsy?13:09
directhex|workthe packages in ubuntu-backports include the mjost important patches from -fixes13:10
Shred00including CVE 2007-6036?13:11
directhex|workhm, seemingly not.13:15
directhex|worki blame superm113:15
Shred00this is _exactly_ the situation i predicted a week or two ago when i noticed that we were going to be stuck with a single gutsy-backport of 0.21 until hardy came out.  :-(13:18
Shred00i guess i just don't understand why a gutsy 0.21-fixes branch is not being maintained given that all of the infrastructure to maintain a weekly fixes branch is already there.13:19
superm1they are in hardy..13:46
superm1the newest  backport13:46
Shred00superm1: perhaps i am confused.  how does that help gutsy users?  hardy is still beta.13:48
superm1Shred00, sorry incomplete thought, my dog just woke up when i was typing13:49
superm1as i was going to say, doing a backport is a bit of a pain13:49
superm1so if anything we'll do it once more right before hardy goes live as final13:50
Shred00superm1: yeah, that is why i was wondering why not just set up an 0.21-fixes weekly for gutsy exactly as you do for 0.20-fixes13:50
superm1but the fix for that CVE is in hardy13:50
superm1Shred00, because that -fixes repo is "stable" to the 0.20 series13:51
superm1and dont want to force people to switch to 0.2113:51
Shred00superm1: yeah, i saw the CVE fix in hardy which is how i knew it was there.  i only run hardy on my test machine though.  i can't afford to be running development versions everywhere, including the (must be stable!) backend.13:51
superm1for hardy it will be stable on the 0.21 series13:51
Shred00superm1: why would it force anyone to switch.  i'm talking about a parallel 0.21-fixes branch for gutsy.13:52
Shred00so gutsy users have a choice.13:52
superm1the PPA build system doesn't allow for different "components"13:52
superm1like that13:52
superm1if a 0.21 build were uploaded to the mythbuntu PPA, it would override the 0.20 build13:52
Shred00hrm.  not sure i understand, but what if you put an 0.21 into the package names for all of the *myth* packages for 0.21?13:53
Shred00kinda like hardy had firefox and firefox-3 for a while.13:54
Shred00i.e. mythtv-backend-0.21, mythtv-common-0.21, etc.13:55
Shred00for gutsy users, i think that is perfectly rational along with an 0.21-fixes update repo.13:55
superm1well that would be possible but make a more difficult upgrade path.13:55
Shred00why?  hardy's myth-backend would Replace: myth-backend-0.2113:56
sabhaindirecthex, you in here?14:44
sabhainyou were helping me a bit on friday, regarding nvidia drivers / xvmc14:49
sabhainand I learned from you that the .run file from nvidia is not the best way14:49
directhex|workwas i? i have memory loss issues, i'm afraid i don't remember14:49
sabhainI had run the installer and was trying to get xvmc to work ..14:49
directhex|workright, okay, someone using nvidia-installer sounds familiar14:49
sabhainbut it was mentioned here that the proprietary was better since the installer didn't do things right14:50
sabhainis envy a good way to get things running, or does it just do the same installer dirty work?14:50
sabhainI can get gutsy to take the driver ok from the installer .. and I can do it from envy ..14:51
sabhainbut just using the restricted drivers manager runs me into a wall ..14:51
sabhainI think i'm really close .. but that probably means I'm really far.14:51
directhex|workenvy is generally disrecommended, but has worked well for me in the past. that said, removing it afterwards can take massaging14:51
sabhainI figured it was just doing the installer for me .. so I wanted to stay away ..14:52
sabhainI can get the system to try and load up the nvidia-glx .. but it craps out at loading a screen .. and every iteration I've tried just kicks it down to safe mode14:53
directhex|workit's using the installer, extracting the contents, and rebuilding packages from the contents14:53
directhex|worksabhain, craps out how? tried pastebinning the xorg.0.log file?14:53
sabhainthese are the logs when I run 'startx' at the shell, with gdm stopped and no xinit or xorg running.14:55
sabhainI've also posted a bunch of stuff here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=702406&page=2&highlight=nvidia+proprietary+driver14:56
sabhainfrom boot up .. the logs don't even mention the nvidia driver, but I'm not sure the log isn't just the "safe mode" log14:57
directhex|worksabhain, remove any line with "busid" in it from xorg.conf14:59
directhex|workactually......... what's the hardware in question?15:03
directhex|work7300gt, breaking for some reason. driver 100.14. i'd update it using envy.15:06
directhex|workbut you *must* remove envy before upgrading to hardy15:08
Ward1983is there any way to improve reception?15:17
directhex|workgenerally, a better antenna15:19
sabhainIt's a 7100 I think.15:28
sabhainI saw the busid thing .. and thought it was odd that it didn't match the lspci output15:29
sabhainam I best off going straight to hardy?  it's stable enough for a day to day myth core?15:30
directhex|worki think hardy is stable enough now. i'm upgrading my third office pc to hardy.15:30
sabhainfor starting from scratch, are the mythtv packages pretty stable also?  I'm just getting going on moving my whole house to mythtv after running a single box for 6-8 weeks.15:35
sabhainmythtv setup pretty good except for the framedrop issue15:36
Nikashello. Can i transcode recordings after they have been recorded to one of my profiles.. choose wich one i mean17:53
Nikasi want to transcode my recordings from mpeg2 to mpeg4 now and i have 100+ recordings in mpeg217:53
chukcan anyone help me out with a diskless question?18:23
tgm4883!ask | chuk18:26
chukI edited the ltsp-client-setup to add my NFS shares to /etc/fstab18:27
chukmy clients all get the correct /etc/fstab, but the shares do not load at boot.  If I do a mount -a then they mount18:27
sabhainwhat options are you passing in fstab?  what does the line look like?18:32
chuk192.168.25.5:/var/lib/mythtv/videos /mnt/videos nfs18:33
sabhaintry adding the following to the end of the line:  rw,user,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,exec,hard 0 018:40
sabhainthat's what I have .. and they (NFS shares) automount for me18:40
sabhainon boot18:40
chukhow did you create your fstab?18:40
chukI modified the ltsp-client-setup script18:41
chukor am I just supposed to make an /etc/fstab in the client environment on the server?18:41
sabhainI have small solid state drives .. not using ltsp-client .. so it's different.  Can't really clear up that end of it.  Just thought I'd share my fstab line which automounts.18:47
chuksure, thanks, I'll give it a shot18:47
nixnoobthere is no cablecard support on linux is there?19:02
Ward1983im trying to get a now frontend to connect to my font / backend desktop but it cant seem to connect to the mysql database, what can i try?19:04
Ward1983whats a cablecard?19:05
Ward1983never mind i used google :)19:06
nixnoobcablecard is a pcmcia card which allows you to decode cabletv signals without a settop box19:06
EvilGuruHow hard should getting a remote set-up be? Just a case of selecting it in the list and that's it?19:07
nixnoobif anyone has experience setting up an htpc on cablevision please pm me19:07
free1has anyone had any luck with pinnacle?19:08
foxxbuntuEvilGuru, depends on the remote, if its supported (i.e. in the list) selecting it and restarting MythTV Frontend, if its running, should be all you have to do19:09
Ward1983_free1, what kind of pinnacle?19:09
foxxbuntuWard1983, did you enable the MySQL service in MCC? have you set the IP's in the Primary Backend Correctly?19:09
free1Ward1983: anyone will do :)19:10
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, you mean i need to add the ip of the new frontend somewhere on the master backend?19:10
EvilGurufoxxbuntu: It is the one which came with my PVR-150 and I just selected Hauppauge tv card from the list19:10
free1Ward1983_:  but I was thinking of the Pinnacle pctv hd pro stick19:10
Ward1983_free1, i have a DC10+ that works fine with the zoran driver19:10
Ward1983_free1, thats a completely different card19:11
Ward1983_the DC10+ is a MJPEG capturecard with both in and outputs :D19:11
Ward1983_cost me 10 or 15euros :)19:12
free1Ward1983_: I was looking for a usb for my lappy19:13
Ward1983_free1, i need to buy one like that too someday19:14
foxxbuntuWard1983, no you need to change the DB IP Setting in the myth-setup of the backend so its a reachable IP on your network, i.e not
foxxbuntuEvilGuru, that remote should work fine, what receiver are you using?19:14
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ahaaaaaaaaaaaa :) so i need to use my local IP adress instead of the loopback?19:14
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, will try thanx :)19:15
foxxbuntuWard1983_, np19:15
EvilGurufoxxbuntu: The one that plugs into the back of the card, tiny little thing19:15
EvilGuruon a cable19:15
foxxbuntuEvilGuru, ah...heard some issues around that, you made sure its plugged in all the way?19:15
EvilGurustill need to get around to it19:16
EvilGurumy friend a year or so ago got it working a treat19:16
EvilGurubut that was ubuntu and took the best part of an hour19:16
foxxbuntuEvilGuru, Mythbuntu is Ubuntu19:16
foxxbuntuwe just add user fruiendly and prepackaged MythTV support19:17
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, pfffi tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database19:17
free1mythbuntu is ubuntu???19:17
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, this returns: Failed to create database (incorrect admin username/password?)19:17
Ward1983_It's also possible that mysql-server wasn't running.  After install19:17
Ward1983_is completed, you will need to make sure mysql-server is running and that you supplied correct information.19:17
foxxbuntufree1, yes...no difference, we just change the configuration19:17
Ward1983_wow sorry i thought it was one line19:17
EvilGurufoxxbuntu: Yes, so hopefully there will be no need to manually do a load of button stuff19:18
foxxbuntuWard1983_, sounds like you have to set your MySQL root password or have already set it, it is NOT your sudo password unless you set it as such19:18
free1foxxbuntu:  how deep was the change in configuration?19:18
Ward1983_really i dont understand anything fron it anymore now19:18
free1foxxbuntu: does canonical recognize it?19:18
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok so its the other password?19:19
foxxbuntufree1, we switched from Gnome to XFCE a while back...thats really the only big thing, everything else is just use making things easier to use with MythTV19:19
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, i think last noght someone found that i set my root password or whatever19:19
Ward1983_i cant follow anymore19:19
Ward1983_mythtv is like chemistry for me, im unale to learn it19:19
foxxbuntufree1, yes we are fully supported and recongized by canonical19:19
Aval0nare you ppl in here the ones that make the ubuntu-mythtv frontend?19:20
Aval0nwith openbox19:20
foxxbuntuWard1983_, it can be tough at first but if I came from knowing nothing to being a dev anyone can learn it :)19:20
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, but how do i just make sure what my mysql user and pass is19:21
EvilGuruI still need to tune card in (and am dreading it)19:21
foxxbuntuAval0n, we dont user Openbox any longer, and the ubuntu-mythtv package is maintained by us (not the contents the package only)19:21
Ward1983_i really dunno where to start19:21
EvilGuruthere are so many dialogues in myth19:21
Ward1983_i fell like im gonna waste another night19:21
Aval0ni am trying to figure out why the ubuntu mythfrontend is breaking for me19:21
Aval0nwhere would I go?19:21
foxxbuntuWard1983_, if you open MCC you can set your MySQL password in there19:22
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, MCC?19:22
foxxbuntuAval0n, I would suggest starting by posting your logs or any realvant errors in the forums19:22
foxxbuntuWard1983_, Mythbuntu Control Centre19:22
Aval0nforums take quite a while for responses no?19:23
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, nope its grey, all i can do is launch MythTV setup19:23
foxxbuntuAval0n, not so...we have a large community following and many of our devs regularly check the forums19:23
Ward1983_qnother problem on top of the forst stack of problems19:23
foxxbuntuWard1983_, sounds like you may have MySQL server issues...19:23
Ward1983_im pretty sure of that19:24
EvilGuruThe people here are also quite friendly19:24
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, is there any way i can start over?19:24
foxxbuntuWard1983_, start over?19:24
Ward1983_EvilGuru, yes in here they are, but in #mythtv-users they are not at all19:24
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, yes just install everything again19:24
EvilGuruSomeone else said that, however I have never really been in there19:25
foxxbuntuWard1983_, if you want to...just go download our 8.04 Beta Disk if you don't already have it and boot up and start reloading19:25
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, this is my regular desktop i wish to use it for lots of stuff, not only tv19:25
foxxbuntuWard1983_, and feel free to consult the Wiki/FAQs/Forums and ask questions in here as you go if you are at all not sure of how to install something19:26
foxxbuntuWard1983_, oh...19:26
foxxbuntuWard1983_, Open MCC back up > Roles > Sety the desktop to Ubuntu and Server roles to none apply the change and it will remove everything19:27
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, i installed like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Gutsy_Backend_Frontend_Desktop19:27
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok will try thanx19:28
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, desktop was allready ubuntu19:29
foxxbuntuthats ok....it should be because of how you installed it19:29
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, how do i set the "server roles to none" ?19:30
foxxbuntuJust change the backend Role to None and Frontend Role to None19:30
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, do you just mean no frontend and no backend?19:30
Ward1983_aaaah ok19:30
Ward1983_just wanted to make sure i meant the right thing19:30
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, so now it should uninstall everything including mysql-server?19:31
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, mysql-server and mysql-server-5.0 are not uninstalled19:32
foxxbuntuWard1983_, hmm thought it did...19:32
foxxbuntuok well I will just show you how to do it19:32
foxxbuntuopen terminal19:32
foxxbuntusudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server*19:32
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok, unless i can just uninstall mysql too?19:32
Ward1983_lol ok even better :)19:32
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok so now i just selected frontend and backend again, and kept desktop on ubuntu, now i get some sort of notification, ill pastebin the content19:35
rhpot1991_laptopfoxxbuntu: I'm trying to verify the config for my fusion and someone who I helped get a black fusion working the other day are similar, then I will get you one to include19:36
foxxbuntustrange...ok do this19:37
foxxbunturhpot1991_laptop, cool thanks, I need to add it to my list19:37
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, i have a dutch ubuntu, so its possible i sometimes translate incorrectly, just so you know that can happen19:37
foxxbuntuWard1983_, in terminal again: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.019:37
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ahaaa, i threw that one off too19:38
Ward1983_also with purge19:38
Ward1983_i assumed they both needed to be gone19:38
foxxbuntuWard1983_, thats fine...now you need to reinstall19:39
Ward1983_it says: mysql-server-5.0 is ingesteld als handmatig geinstalleerd.19:39
* foxxbuntu speaks English only19:39
Ward1983_translation coming lol19:39
Ward1983_mysql-server-5.0 is set as installed manually19:40
foxxbuntuWard1983_, thats ok19:40
Ward1983_thats what it says :s19:40
Ward1983_it didnt reinstall or anything19:40
Ward1983_so thats normal?19:40
Ward1983_it didnt do anything at all19:41
foxxbuntuWard1983_, it sounds like its already installed19:41
foxxbuntuwhich it should be from the changes you made19:41
Aval0nthe ubuntu mythtv frontend works find if I use apt packages for mythtv19:42
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, synaptic tells me its installed19:42
Aval0nbut the second I install from source19:42
Aval0nit blows up19:42
foxxbuntuWard1983_, good19:42
Aval0nand says something about it being set suid from the xsessios-log19:42
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, so then i ignore the message?19:42
foxxbuntuWard1983_, yes19:42
Ward1983_the one i pastebinned19:42
foxxbuntuWard1983_, do this19:42
Iggle-Pigglei need some advice on how to install a win nova t 50019:42
Ward1983_soo what would be the next step? just so i cannot screw up19:42
foxxbuntuWard1983_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database19:42
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, then i enter the local IP, no loopback?19:43
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, so in my case the IP i got tfrom my routers DHCP server?19:43
foxxbuntuWard1983_, you shouldn't enter an IP there19:44
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, huh?????19:44
Ward1983_"on what host does the MySQL server reside:"19:45
foxxbuntuoh im sorry...whats the default thats in there19:45
Ward1983_the one i last entered lol19:45
foxxbuntuif its loop back make it the local ip19:45
Ward1983_i believe the default was
Ward1983_so i make it ?19:46
foxxbuntuthen for the root user19:46
Ward1983_for isntance19:46
foxxbuntuWard1983_, yes19:46
foxxbuntuand since the root password isnt set, leave the password blank for now19:46
Ward1983_and the pass?19:46
Ward1983_and i will be using other computers so i select yes to that question i presume?19:47
Ward1983_ok done19:47
Iggle-Pigglecan anyone help me install a nova t 50019:47
foxxbuntuWard1983_, ok now do this: sudo cp /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log.old && sudo rm /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log && sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart19:49
Ward1983_Iggle-Piggle, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38432019:49
Ward1983_Iggle-Piggle, allthough i have no personal experience with that card whatsoever so cant be of more help sorry :(19:49
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok19:49
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, done19:50
foxxbuntuWard1983_, now sudo nano /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log19:50
foxxbuntudoes it show its connected to the DB?19:50
Ward1983_except i use gedit :p19:50
* foxxbuntu shrugs....to each their own19:50
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, done19:51
Ward1983_i allways use nano when i have no x running though lol19:51
foxxbuntudoes it show a connection to db 'mythconverg' ?19:51
foxxbuntuor more errors about needing reconfigured?19:52
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, yes several, let me pastebin im not sue its normal19:52
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6277/19:52
Aval0nso when I use the default ubuntu package for mythtv that ubuntu myth frontend loads perefect19:53
Aval0nthe second I install from source it breaks19:53
Aval0nI tried with removing the mythtv package and install over it with same result19:53
foxxbuntuWard1983_, looks good...thats all normal operation19:53
Aval0nin the xsessions is mentions somethiing about gtk refusing to start because something is set suid19:54
foxxbuntuAval0n, from source? do you mean trunk?19:54
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: no19:54
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, whats next? im gonna go take a short smokebreak if you dont mind19:54
foxxbuntuWard1983_, need to run through mythtv-setup then you should be good to go19:55
Aval0nI need to install it from source so I can have the skiploopfilter patch19:55
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: I compile and make install as root19:55
Aval0nbut for the life of me I can't understand why it would load any different19:55
foxxbuntucompile as root?19:55
Aval0nI installed all the ubuntu default packages and the mythtv-ubuntu-frontend and it worked19:55
Aval0nso then I compiled as root19:55
foxxbuntuiirc you should not compile as root, only install as root19:56
Aval0nand make install as root... .and it breaks19:56
Aval0nI should not compile as root19:56
foxxbuntuyeah...do the make as a normal user then make install with sudo19:56
Aval0ndo I have to compile as the mythtv user then?19:56
Aval0nnon-root user19:56
Aval0nwhich sorry19:57
Aval0ncan I be any non-root users?19:57
foxxbuntuits been a long tie since I compiled mythtv from source19:57
Aval0nI used to compile and install as root all the time19:58
foxxbuntutakes me back to the wonderful days of stage 1 gentoo installs19:58
Aval0nnever had a problem19:58
Aval0nbut I just updated to gutsy19:58
Aval0nand it hosed it up19:58
Aval0nthe prefix didn't chage from /usr to /usr/local in gutsy did it?19:58
foxxbuntuoh wait your trying to use .21-fixes on gutsy?19:58
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok locally everything works again (but do i now have no password on my mytsql database? :O )19:59
foxxbuntuWard1983_, right...but easily fixed, can be done via MCC or phpmyadmin19:59
Aval0ndon't tell me .21-fixes won't work on gutsy...20:00
foxxbuntuAval0n, there are something in .21-fixes that require the non-backported lib6c and such20:00
foxxbuntual;so the reason the community isn't providing a backport of .21-fixes for gutsy20:01
rhpot1991_laptopthere is no fixes branch on gutsy, just the backport20:01
rhpot1991_laptopfoxxbuntu: does the fixes branch actually have something in it now?20:01
Aval0nso it won't work...20:02
Aval0ni should never have updated to fucking gutsy20:02
foxxbunturhpot1991_laptop, no...not until hrady release iirc20:02
Aval0nthe people in #ubuntu talked me into it20:02
foxxbuntuhardy even :)20:02
Aval0nI should have just left alone what's working20:02
foxxbuntuAval0n, just bump up to hardy20:02
rhpot1991_laptopAval0n: whats the problem?20:02
rhpot1991_laptopalso watch your language20:02
foxxbuntuAval0n, I have been running hardy stable and live for months20:02
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: that will solve the problem?20:02
foxxbuntuAval0n, yea...then you can get all the required packages for 0.21-fixes/trunk20:03
rhpot1991_laptophardy stable for a few weeks here, other than the crash report shooting off and waiting for it to fade away, no problems here20:03
Aval0ni d/led all the libs manually before I even updates to gutsy20:03
Aval0nI was running 21-fixes on feisty just fine...20:04
foxxbunturhpot1991_laptop, right that sigsev fault...I have updated the reports on all of those20:04
rhpot1991_laptopfoxxbuntu: doesn't effect anything, just a minor nuisence20:04
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: if I was running 21-fixes on feisty just fine should I be ok here?20:04
Aval0nI installed a lot of libs manually back then20:04
foxxbuntuAval0n, Im really not sure how you were on fesity unless you grabbed it durning the backport20:05
foxxbuntuidk...im going off what I hear from upstream MythTV20:05
rhpot1991_laptop0.21 never hit fiesty20:06
Aval0nI installed .21 from source20:06
foxxbuntuAval0n, my best advice is if you want to stay bleeding edge on mythtv is to upgrade to Hardy20:06
Aval0nand it was working just fine20:06
Aval0nso apt-get dist-upgrade again20:06
foxxbuntuAval0n, you have X?20:07
rhpot1991_laptopI think you do updatemanager -d20:07
foxxbuntuthen this way is easier (and safer) sudo update-manage -c -d20:07
rhpot1991_laptopto jump distributions20:07
foxxbuntu+ r20:07
foxxbuntutehn just click the upgrade button20:08
Aval0nupdatemanger not a good command it says20:09
Aval0ncant find update-manage20:11
Aval0ncant find update-manager or updatemanager20:11
foxxbuntuAval0n, type sudo update <tab>20:13
foxxbuntuactually hit tab twice and it should show you the options20:14
rhpot1991_laptopI see an update-manager20:14
Aval0nnothing there that is even close20:14
Aval0nnot for me20:14
rhpot1991_laptopsudo apt-get install update-manager20:14
Aval0nl it's installing20:15
hugolphi, I am having a important problem. Since I backported mythtv .21 to my gutsy server it has stoped working twice. By stoping working I mean that not only mythtv backend stops working but all the aplications on the server stop working too. I cant even ssh into it. I have to completely reboot it. It has happen twice allredy20:15
Aval0nk it's upgrading20:17
foxxbuntuAval0n, cool...good luck check back if you still have issues20:17
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: ok20:17
Aval0nI'm pretty sure i'm going to have the same issue with mythtv-ubuntu-frontend20:18
Aval0nbefore on feisty I had installed all the mythtv packages from the synatpic manager20:18
Aval0nthen compiled svn20:18
Aval0nall during SVN while .20.2 was current20:18
Aval0nthen when .21 final hit20:18
Aval0nI compiled 21-fixes from source and installed... both as root20:19
Aval0nnever had a problem mythtv-ubuntu-frontend just ran with it20:19
Aval0nnot after this gutsy upgrade though20:19
lagahugolp: so, your backend is freezing?20:19
Aval0nit's the mythtv synaptic package or bust20:19
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, do i now need to do anything to make my laptop frontend able to connect to my desktop backend?20:19
Ward1983_my laptop is just a frontend20:19
foxxbuntuWard1983_, just give it the IP of the Backend server in the Frontend Settings (Util/Setup > Setup > General)20:20
hugolplaga yes20:20
hugolponly thing that still works is ping20:20
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, did that, not working :(20:20
hugolpguess no one has heard anything similar?20:21
foxxbuntuWard1983_, do you have the Backend all setup in mythtv-setup on the Backend serveR?20:21
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, qs fqr qs i know yes20:21
lagahugolp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/200761 <- you're probably affected by this bug. you can add the '--noupnp' argument in /etc/default/mythtv-backend20:22
foxxbuntuWard1983_, what?20:22
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, sorry im switching between qwerty and azerty20:22
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, as far as i know yes20:23
Ward1983_my laptop has azerty and desktop has qwerty so i might get confused sometimes since im using both atm :)20:23
hugolplaga:  checking20:24
foxxbuntuWard1983_, you prob need to run through it again just to make sure20:25
hugolplaga:  thanks, going to try that20:25
foxxbuntuthe bigest deal is that the IP should be the local ip under general and it should be the same in both fields20:25
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, ok will do20:25
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, all is ok but no luck yet20:30
Ward1983_its still not connecting20:31
foxxbuntuward did you enter the db username and password in the frontend?20:31
Ward1983_yep no password right?20:32
hugolplaga:  since I added argument --noupnp to /etc/default/mythtv-backend, the backend wont start as a daemon20:32
Ward1983_and user root?20:32
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, no password and user root right?20:32
foxxbuntuWard1983_, no20:32
Aval0nfoxxbuntu: that mythtv-ubuntu-frontend that was available in gutsy was still openbox20:32
hugolpI have tryed the option -d and --daemon but it doesnt start as a daemon20:32
Aval0nis that package still even supported?20:32
lagahugolp: where did you add it?20:32
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, lol you let me set no password on the backend and it works :s20:32
hugolplaga to ARGS=""20:32
hugolpARGS="--noupnp -d"20:33
lagahugolp: that was not the smartest thing to do20:33
foxxbuntuWard1983_, its a different password and user (confusing I know)20:33
hugolplaga:  then?20:33
lagahugolp: revert your change and use EXTRA_ARGS20:33
hugolplaga:  ok20:33
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, so where do i find it?20:33
foxxbuntuWard1983_, on the backend... open up /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt20:33
foxxbuntuit will have the correct username/password combo in it20:33
lagaAval0n: mythtv-ubuntu-frontend is still supported, kinda, but not used in mythbuntu anymore. install mythbuntu-desktop and use mythbuntu-control-centre to set up autologin20:34
foxxbuntuthen change the username and password to that on your frontend20:34
hugolplaga:  thanks20:34
Aval0nlaga: how different is mythbuntu-desktop?20:34
Aval0ndoes it still use a window manager?20:34
lagaAval0n: it uses xfce.20:35
lagayou'll basically get a mythbuntu environment20:35
Aval0nso if I install mythtv from source, I can still use that20:35
Aval0nhe just short circuited20:36
lagare own your own there.. i wont work if the  packages are not installed, because it needs them.. you can build packages from source, though20:36
lagahaha, yeah20:36
Aval0nsee before when I ran feisty I was able to use that mythtv-ubunty-frontend just fine20:37
Aval0nand I would always just compile the new svn and install it20:37
Aval0nit would still work20:37
Aval0ncause _I THOUGHT_ it just loaded openbox and ran mythfrontend20:37
Aval0nthen I got talked into upgrading to gutsy via apt-get dist-upgrade20:37
Aval0nand it's broken20:37
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, it doesnt want to use the new user and password and just keeps trying with the old one20:38
Aval0nif I have all packages installed from synatpic it works20:38
Aval0nbut the second I compile from source and make instlal20:38
Aval0ninstall* it breaks again20:38
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, allthough the new one is there in mythbuntu-control-centre20:38
lagaAval0n: yeah, assuming stuff won't always work.. you should either create your own scripts, modify the ones in the package to work for you or rebuild the packages with whatever patch you need20:39
foxxbuntuAval0n, sorry, I don't know much about source builds like that...and we generally only support the mythbuntu builds20:39
lagabuilding from source makes for unpredictable results, especially if you want to mix with packages20:40
foxxbuntuWard1983_, from the frontend in MCC can you test the connection to the backend?20:40
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, yes i tested and the test worked20:40
Aval0nlaga: I can rebuild tha packages from synatpic?20:40
Aval0nthat's my error log20:40
lagaAval0n: yes, you just need to find yourself some documentation about rebuilding debian packages and you're golden20:41
Aval0ni really don't wanna mix with packages20:41
Aval0nthe only package I want working is that mythtv-ubuntu-frontend20:41
foxxbuntuWard1983_, oops forgot to tell you, when you change the DB settings in the FE you have to restart the FE application20:41
Aval0ni'm upping to hardy now20:42
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, working liek a charm now thanx for the help20:46
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, one more thing, can i compress a little more, my laptop only has a 11mbps wificard20:47
foxxbuntuWard1983_, yeah...in the frontend in the setup menus you can change the recording profiles (can't remember the exact location of this menu) and set the bitrate lower20:49
Aval0nok guys, maybe you can answer this for me, if you just log in with a normal user, and run mythfrontend from a terminal, how can you get it to NOT display the top and bottom menu bars?20:49
Ward1983_ah nice jsut in the menu20:49
Aval0nhave it true fullscreen20:49
Ward1983_foxxbuntu, thanx again, will look for it20:49
foxxbuntuWard1983_, NP20:49
rhpot1991_laptopgood luck getting that working with 802.11b20:50
rhpot1991_laptopyou would be better just buying a new card or running a wire20:50
foxxbunturhpot1991_laptop, thats been your trouble as well hasnt it ;)20:50
rhpot1991_laptopyes, but with 802.11g20:50
Ward1983_lol it allmost works perfectly standard...20:50
rhpot1991_laptopmost of my cards will have a studder after you skip a commercial or something20:51
Ward1983_and i HAD a atheros based 54g card20:51
Ward1983_lost it20:51
rhpot1991_laptopand if I tried to play videos in both directions, forget it20:51
Ward1983_only one direction needed here20:51
rhpot1991_laptopI have a usb wifi adapter than worked great, but ndiswrapper required it to be unhooked when the module was loaded20:52
rhpot1991_laptopso that is completely useless on a headless box20:52
Aval0ni run a linksys wireless g USB card20:52
Aval0nwell adpater20:52
lagado you need a monitor to "unhook" ndiswrapper?20:52
Ward1983_lol buy atheros based zifi stuff20:52
Aval0nguess it isn't really a card20:52
Ward1983_cant go wrong20:52
rhpot1991_laptopI got that one for $3 from woot, no complaining20:53
Ward1983_wifi i mean20:53
rhpot1991_laptopI ended up using an openwrt router as a wifi client, solved everything, but a heck of an expensive solution20:53
Aval0nrhpot1991_laptop: do you know how to get mythfrontend fullscreen if you just run it from terminal?20:53
Aval0nso the top and bottom bars don't show20:53
Aval0nor is there no way to do that20:54
rhpot1991_laptopit should be fullscreen automagically20:55
rhpot1991_laptopunless you checked the option not to do so20:55
rhpot1991_laptopthe top and bottom bars could be from compiz20:55
Aval0nWell it goes fullscreen, but you still see the top and bottom ubuntu bars20:55
Aval0nI'm talking about being logged in was a normal user20:56
Aval0nand not mythbuntu20:56
Aval0njust gutsy20:56
* Ward1983_ goes to steal dads wifi card20:56
Ward1983_i hope its supported lol20:56
rhpot1991_laptopI think thats a compiz problem, search the forum20:57
Iggle-Piggleok i have got my nova t 500 working (according to dmesg | grep dvb) i have set up the capture cards in myth and the input devices21:06
Iggle-Pigglebut when i hit watch tv nothing happens21:06
EvilGuruIggle-Piggle: I have just got one, was it hard to set up21:07
EvilGuru(although I read of problems in 2.6.24, however someone did post a solution021:07
Iggle-Pigglewell dmesg says it detected downloaded firmware and is passing mpeg2 transport streams to software demuxer21:08
Iggle-Piggleso i must not be setting it up in myth properly21:09
rhpot1991_laptophey majoridiot21:11
majoridiot'lo rhpot199121:11
Iggle-Pigglehmmm xine will not play dvb either21:12
rhpot1991_laptopmajoridiot: didn't get to actually verify the daisy-chained both record yet, I'll try that after its done recording important stuff tonight21:12
Ward1983_how do i add video files to the database so i can play my desktop movies with my laptop trough mythtv?21:20
rhpot1991_laptopin setup there is a video manager21:20
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, i cant seem to find it21:25
=== MBassett is now known as orangepeelbeef
timingas asked in #mythtv:21:33
timing22:27:40 < timing> why is the "MythTV setup terminal" not closing after i close mythtv-setup?21:34
EvilGurutiming: #mythtv-users21:34
EvilGuruI think #mytthv is a dev channel21:34
orangepeelbeefi just upgraded to 8.04 beta and now in Mythtv frontend the menus all disappear.  If I try to move up or down the menu it reappears shortly but goes away again21:34
rhpot1991_laptoporangepeelbeef: see the FAQs21:35
timingEvilGuru: uhh yeah i was in mythtv-users21:35
rhpot1991_laptopWard1983_: on your frontend, go setup21:35
timingthat's where they pointer me here21:35
rhpot1991_laptopand its right there21:35
orangepeelbeefrhpot1991_laptop: thinking its the themepainter?  i'll try that21:38
rhpot1991_laptoporangepeelbeef: sounds like it21:38
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, aha lets see21:38
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, ok i have the mythvideo plugin but i have no clue how to use it21:39
rhpot1991_laptopWard1983_: on your frontend, go into settings, there is a video manager there that will find things in the mythvideo folder (which can be changed in the setup>media>videos or somewhere like that)21:41
Iggle-Piggleevery step is a hurdle21:43
Iggle-Pigglei got dvb set up21:43
Iggle-Pigglescanned for channels21:43
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, i think i should probably go for a smokebreak first lol21:44
Iggle-Pigglebut when i got to watch tv the screen goes black and drops back to the menu21:44
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, aaaaaaah you meant just the thing that tells me no files are found?21:45
rhpot1991_laptopya, get some files into the folder for it21:45
rhpot1991_laptopand it will find them21:46
Ward1983_what setup do you mean?21:46
Ward1983_i wanna change the folder21:46
rhpot1991_laptopthe same setup that the video manager is under21:46
Ward1983_ah ok21:46
rhpot1991_laptopsetup, settings something like that21:46
Ward1983_rhpot1991_laptop, but do i need to fill in my directory on the harddisk of the backend?21:48
Ward1983_or is that for local files only?21:48
rhpot1991_laptopthats local files only, so if they are seomwhere else you need to share them over21:48
Ward1983_because i would like to lets say play the videos remotely21:48
rhpot1991_laptopwith nfs/samba/etc21:49
Ward1983_just like i play tv remotely21:49
Ward1983_ok i didnt mean local files21:49
Ward1983_does anyone else know how i can play files that are on my backend on a frontend?21:49
Iggle-Pigglecan someone help me with my tuner setup21:51
rhpot1991_laptopWard1983_: I just told you how21:53
Ward1983sorry rhpot1991 i had to shutdown earlyer22:33
Ward1983i setup 2 sources, the composite input and the tuner22:33
Ward1983how can i use the composite input?22:33
Iggle-Pigglewhen i go to watch tv it says that it cannot connect to the master backend server but the ips are the same?22:35
Iggle-Pigglehow do i make sure the master backend is running?22:36
frank23Iggle-Piggle: is the backend running?22:36
frank23Iggle-Piggle: ps -ef | grep myth   will show the processes named myth that are running22:37
frank23Iggle-Piggle: /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log  contains the backend log22:38
Iggle-Piggleit would appear that it is running22:39
Iggle-Pigglechecking logs22:39
Iggle-Pigglenot sure what i am looking for here22:42
Iggle-Pigglei did a google and it said something about deleting some txt files22:42
frank23Iggle-Piggle: what do you mean?22:42
frank23Iggle-Piggle: nothing unusual at the end of the log?22:43
Iggle-Pigglescheduled 0 items22:43
frank23Iggle-Piggle: that's ok22:43
Iggle-PiggleAlso check and make sure you don't have a ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt. Make sure you don't have a /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt too. If you have either, get rid of it.22:43
Iggle-Pigglei have never watched tv on it before22:44
Iggle-Pigglei just got the dvb card working22:44
Iggle-Pigglescanned channels22:44
frank23Iggle-Piggle: do you have a ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt  ?22:45
Iggle-Pigglecould not find that path22:46
Iggle-Piggleis that the full path?22:46
frank23~ stands for /home/yourusername22:46
Ward1983does anyone know how i can use my composite input? i set it up in mythtv but i dont know how to use it instead of the tuner to watch22:46
Iggle-Pigglei have a mysql.txt in etc/mythtv22:47
frank23Ward1983: in the backend setup you have to use that input instead of tuner22:47
frank23Iggle-Piggle: that's ok that one should be there22:47
Iggle-Pigglenothing in home/mythtv (mythtv is my user)22:47
Ward1983frank23, is there no way to use both?22:48
Ward1983frank23, and switch between them22:48
frank23Iggle-Piggle: make sure the DBPassword  is the same in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt as in the frontend setup22:48
Iggle-Pigglei changed the passy to something easy and it work22:51
Iggle-Piggleonly prob is i got both tuners playing at the same time lol22:51
frank23Iggle-Piggle: the frontend can watch livetv now?22:51
frank23Iggle-Piggle: and you can see the program guide?22:52
Iggle-Piggleit went straight to channel one22:52
Iggle-Piggledo you know what the keyboard shortcut is for guide? (not got as far as setting up my remote properly)22:53
frank23Iggle-Piggle: in the menu go to schedule recording->program guide22:53
frank23Iggle-Piggle: good ;-)22:54
Iggle-Pigglewhy in live tv do i get both tuners play one on top of the other?22:54
frank23Iggle-Piggle: what do you mean? picture in picture?22:55
Iggle-Piggleor picture over picture22:55
frank23Iggle-Piggle: press m for on screen menu and disable picture in picture22:56
Iggle-Pigglenow i have picture over picture and picture in picture22:58
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I don't understand the picture over picture part22:58
Iggle-Pigglethe screen is split22:59
Iggle-Piggleand i see the same channel twice23:00
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I have no idea what would cause that23:00
Iggle-Pigglewhen i rewind or fastforward it goes normal23:01
Iggle-Pigglei bet its my gcard23:01
Iggle-Piggleit is bugging me now23:03
Ward1983frank23, is there no way to use both?23:03
Ward1983frank23, and switch between them23:03
Ward1983composite and tuner23:04
frank23Ward1983: setup two video sources and associate one to tuner and one to composite I guess. But I only use tuner so I don't have any experience with that23:05
Ward1983frank23, ok thanx, you mean setup an extra v4l device?23:05
frank23Ward1983: um... no, only one device.23:06
Ward1983ah ok i think i know what you mean23:06
Ward1983let me test if that works23:06
Ward1983thanx in advance23:06
Iggle-Pigglein restricted drivers manager I now have v4lz-int-device but it is disabled?23:06
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I don't know what that driver is.... I use hauppauge pvr-15023:07
Iggle-Pigglewell i disabled my gcard driver and i am gonna check tv again23:08
Iggle-Piggleas i suspected23:13
Iggle-Pigglei disabled my gcard and it works under the vesa driver fine23:13
frank23Iggle-Piggle: hmmm... not sure what preformance is for video using vesa23:14
Iggle-Pigglewhen i say fine23:14
Iggle-Pigglei mean it works23:14
Iggle-Piggleits not the best quality23:14
Iggle-Pigglebut there is only 1 screen lol23:14
frank23Iggle-Piggle: at least there is that!23:15
Iggle-PiggleI am going to get a geforce 8500gt soon that should sort a few probs i hope23:15
frank23Iggle-Piggle: yeah nvidia is the way to go. especially for tv-out23:16
Iggle-Pigglei get line after line of "unknown remote controller" when i restart?23:16
Iggle-Pigglei am using the on board at the mo23:16
Iggle-Pigglebut its ATI23:16
Iggle-Piggleuh oh23:18
frank23Iggle-Piggle: not sure if 8500gt is supported by the default nvidia driver in gutsy. hardy should definitely be fine though23:18
Iggle-Pigglethe only reason i say is cos the 8400 and the 8500 are the cheapest nvidia boards that are HDCP compliant23:19
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I doubt that matters for mythtv...23:19
Iggle-Piggleit does when it supports blu-ray23:20
Iggle-Pigglein the near future one hopes23:20
frank23Iggle-Piggle: well in windows maybe.23:20
Ward1983frank23, i now have 2 video sources but still only the tuner will work, do you have any idea where i can change it to the other video source?23:20
frank23Iggle-Piggle: there still isn't dvd support in linux23:20
Iggle-Piggleyes there23:20
Iggle-Pigglei use it all the time23:21
frank23Ward1983: try 'y' in frontend23:21
Ward1983its a plugin if im not mistaken, dvd functionality23:21
Ward1983its in mythbuntu-control-centre23:21
frank23Iggle-Piggle: there is libdvdcss23:21
Aval0nmy update-manager -d has been stuck on removing mythweb cleanup process for over and hour23:22
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I meant official licensed support.23:22
Aval0nI'm scared to cancel out of it23:22
Iggle-PiggleI see23:22
Iggle-PiggleI doubt there will ever be23:22
Aval0ncan someone recommend a plan of action for me? :)23:22
Iggle-Pigglei dont care about official licensed support ;-)23:22
frank23Iggle-Piggle: yes my point exactly. I doubt hdcp complicance will ever affect anything in mythtv23:22
Iggle-Pigglebut if i ever decide to go windows i know my machine is capable23:23
frank23Iggle-Piggle: yeah.23:23
Iggle-Pigglemy tv is HDCP23:23
Ward1983frank23, will try thanx23:23
Ward1983frank23, y does nothing23:24
Iggle-Pigglei am in recovery mode lol23:24
Iggle-Pigglehow do i roll back to an old xorg.conf?23:25
Ward1983Iggle-Piggle, next time create a backup before you mess with it, thats how i allways did it23:25
frank23Ward1983: I don't really know anything else. In my case, I have two tuners and y switches from one to the other. but they both have access to the same channels. which is not your case I guess23:25
Ward1983if oyure lucky there are recent backups there anyway23:25
Iggle-Pigglei know there is a few in the x11 folder23:26
Iggle-Pigglebut i cannot seem to get to it23:26
Ward1983frank23, indeed the composite is no tuner, it has only access to what goes in23:26
c3rb3rus5so if i currently have mythbuntu 7.10 installed and updated to the latest version of mythtv via synaptic, can I backup my db, install mythbuntu 8.04 and expect a restore of the DB to work?23:26
frank23Iggle-Piggle: you should backup it before modifying it. but there may other backups of /etc/X1123:27
frank23Ward1983: I don't really know how to set that up...23:27
Ward1983the problem is the reception is not good neough on most channels, so i placed my old vcr in between, now i use that tuner and want to use my composite input, in case i want to watch any of the channels i dont receive good23:27
Ward1983since the vcr receives anything23:27
Ward1983frank23, no prob thanx for the help23:28
Iggle-PiggleMy ati card is so unstable23:28
Ward1983no thats just you messing with xorg.conf without backupping :p23:28
frank23c3rb3rus5: it should work. backend in 8.04 will update the db to the new format. I don't know how to do the restore itself though23:29
Iggle-Pigglei am always getting screen glitches23:29
Ward1983Iggle-Piggle, only while watching tv?23:30
Iggle-Piggleusually while watching movies23:30
Ward1983ah ok23:30
Iggle-Pigglei get what looks like dead pixels23:30
Ward1983i have that here becaue the reception is not so good23:30
Ward1983cable is split up to a few tvs and the signal is not amplified...23:31
Ward1983vcrs and tvs handle it fine but capture card tuners apperantly not23:31
Iggle-Pigglemy dvb is ace23:31
Iggle-Pigglei got 93 channels on last scan23:31
Ward1983lol nice23:31
Iggle-Pigglesignal strength is 87%23:31
Ward1983i dont have a digital one, might get one for the laptop23:31
Iggle-Piggleyou need a good ariel23:32
Iggle-Pigglethe only reason mine is so good is the house is only a year old and has all the boosters and crap in the loft23:32
Ward1983lol i want a gigantic wifi antenna so i can get to my friend a few km from here23:32
Ward1983they have sattelite tv23:32
Iggle-Pigglehave you seen joost?23:33
Ward1983dunno what joost is23:33
Iggle-Piggleip tv23:33
Ward1983i normally dont watch tv much23:33
Iggle-Pigglegoogle it23:33
Iggle-Piggleits free23:33
Ward1983but not for linux :p23:34
Iggle-Pigglenot yet23:34
Ward1983might be able to use that mac version somehow though23:34
Iggle-Piggledoes the bbc iplayer work in linux yet?23:34
Ward1983dunno, is that one for everyone?23:35
Ward1983or just UK?23:35
Ward1983i know bbc even linences their stuff for UK residents only :@23:35
Iggle-Piggleeveryone id imagine23:35
frank23Iggle-Piggle: well the flash player should work. it's only uk23:35
Ward1983thats zhy i hate BBC i cant sample from their stuff23:35
Iggle-Piggleit is web based23:35
Iggle-Pigglemy graphics are broke!23:36
frank23I just remembered people can access high quality shows if they spoof some iphone player23:36
frank23for bbc shows23:36
directhexthe bbc iplayer is download-only for windows & iphone, flash-streaming for anything with flash923:36
Ward1983Iggle-Piggle, just to make sure: check temperature of your GPU and check if the fan is moving, did you overclock your GPU?23:36
frank23don't know the details mroe than that23:36
Ward1983frank23, thats funny haha23:37
Ward1983but i personally think its idiotic to only let UK residents use it23:37
frank23directhex yes but the windows downloads are drmed and the iphone downloads are not23:37
Iggle-Pigglewe do pay the license fee23:38
Ward1983frank23, really? :s23:38
directhexfrank23, true23:38
Ward1983frank23, so if i buy (read: emulate) an iphone i do not have to be a UK resident?23:38
frank23Ward1983: you still have to have a uk IP23:38
directhexWard1983, you'd be stealing from me personally if you did23:39
Ward1983directhex, hows that?23:39
directhexWard1983, which may compel me to kill you and eat your brains23:39
directhexWard1983, i'm a license fee payer. my payment would be funding the shows you steal23:39
Ward1983frank23, ah i thought the iphone stuff was global and the windows stuff not23:39
Iggle-Piggleme too23:39
Iggle-Pigglei pay my license fee23:40
Ward1983directhex, so only UK residents can "steal" the money you payed?23:40
frank23Ward1983: I don't think so.23:40
Ward1983im not talking about stealing TV loooooooooooool23:40
Ward1983i mean the old stuff BBC has online23:40
Ward1983some sort of archive23:40
directhexWard1983, license fee payers have access to bbc services, which include the iplayer23:40
Ward1983its all creative commons23:40
Ward1983but for UK residents only23:40
directhexwhich creative commons archive is that, pray tell?23:41
Ward1983directhex, im not sure since im not allowed to use it as one of those stupid foreigners23:41
Ward1983i foudn it once, went to their site, and you had to be a UK resident23:42
directhex"The BBC?s trial phase of the Creative Archive licence has now drawn to a close."23:42
Ward1983so to be very clear: i did not mean licensed, payed digital TV or whatever23:42
Iggle-Pigglejust post in a hackers forum that only uk residents can use the iplayer and it is impossible to break. itll be sorted in a few hours23:43
directhexyou just mean breaking a different license23:43
Ward1983directhex, i dunno if that was it but it sounds like it23:43
directhexchrist, what is it with fucking kids these days23:43
Ward1983directhex, NO I DO NOT MEAN THAT23:43
directhexWard1983, you mean http://creativearchive.bbc.co.uk/archives/2005/03/the_rules_in_br_1.html23:43
Ward1983directhex, i thought he meant it was another license for iphone users23:43
directhexnote license clause 523:43
Ward1983directhex, yep i thought 5 was not for iphone users23:44
Ward1983thats what i ASKED him23:44
Ward1983and you just say i steal and whatnot23:44
Ward1983you think you can just say whatever you want and call people thief etc???23:45
directhexyes, i do23:45
Ward1983fucking read what i type before you start doing that stuff23:45
Aval0nmy update-manager -d has been stuck are removing mythweb for over an hour23:45
Aval0nmy update-manager -d has been stuck are removing mythweb for over an hour?23:45
Aval0nwhat do I do?23:45
Aval0nstupid up button23:45
directhexthe creative archive has *nothing* to do with the iplayer, and still gives you no rights outside the clearly indicated license23:46
Ward1983directhex, thats my fucking pointm we were talking about something else....23:46
directhexyou're already talking about spoofing as a device to bypass license restrictions. don't act like an oh-so-offended innocent23:46
* Ward1983 starts screaming and shouting23:46
frank23Aval0n: you're just updating right? not upgrading to hardy?23:46
Davieydirecthex is the caped crusader of the BBC licence enforcement don't ya know! :)23:46
Aval0nfrank I AM upgrading to hardy23:46
frank23Aval0n: oh.23:47
directhexDaviey, and a licensed whaaaambulance driver23:47
Davieydirecthex & Ward1983: seriously chaps, watch your language23:47
Ward1983directhex, i was asking if the license was different for iphone users, stop accusing me23:47
Ward1983because i tohught it was about the creative commons thing23:47
Ward1983and i would happily amulate an iphone if that license was different23:48
Ward1983for creative commons stuff23:48
Ward1983not commercial23:48
Ward1983if its not clear now i shall have to write you a book i think23:48
Iggle-Pigglei opened up a whole can of worms with the iplayer thingy didnt i :-s23:48
* Daviey emulates an iphone to get content..23:48
Iggle-Piggletake a look at joost23:48
Ward1983i did it looks promising23:49
Ward1983thanx for talking about it i didnt knew it23:49
Iggle-Pigglewhat does myth do that vista mce cant? i have never used vista mce23:49
directhexIggle-Piggle, multirec & timeshift!23:50
directhextimestretch, even23:50
Iggle-Piggledoes mce not do timeshift?23:50
frank23Aval0n: Um.. I'd say kill it. and try to complete the upgrade manually. but I don't really have the time to help you through this if things don't work out.23:50
directhexIggle-Piggle, timestretch. myth can take a hour long show, and compress it to play faster without making everyone sound like chipmunks23:51
Iggle-Pigglewhy do i need to do that23:51
directhexhow many hours do you have in the day?23:51
Ward1983wow record? isnt that a license infraction in most cases? wow23:52
directhexhow'd you like more, gratis?23:52
Ward1983(sorry i could let it lol)23:52
frank23Iggle-Piggle: well you can watch things at 1.2x the normal speed if you want23:52
directhexWard1983, no. it's specifically permitted in the copyright, designs & patents act, for the purposes of timeshifting23:52
DavieyIsn't this conversation boring yet?23:53
Iggle-Pigglethat is not a feature i would miss to be fair i like watching things at normal speed23:53
directhexand in yankland i think there was some landmark court case. something like sonny bono versus sony23:53
Ward1983but you talkied about recording a one hour show23:53
Iggle-Piggledoes vista mce rewind and fastfoward and do scheduled recordings23:53
Ward1983and i just said it to joke around23:53
frank23Iggle-Piggle: I rarely use it but for news and things like that I could see the use.23:54
directhexgive http://www.legislation.gov.uk/acts/acts1988/Ukpga_19880048_en_1.htm a read23:54
Ward1983nah i dont live there :)23:54
directhexIggle-Piggle, yes. myth is also more extensible - you can add multiple machines with tv tuners into a mythtv network, whereas vista is single-machine (with the concept of an 'extender' for playing back recordings on specified devices)23:54
tgm4883_laptopwhats the question?23:56
tgm4883_laptopsomething about recording in the US?23:56
directhexthe copyright designs & patents act was in reply to Ward198323:58
* directhex patents & copyrights Daviey 23:59

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