
LjLirseek's bot forwarded to ##fyc from everywhere i saw it for excess floods03:34
ubotubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (franek)03:47
maek0hi is there any admin/op here ??05:26
naliothmaek0: you'll need to wait for seveas05:27
maek0oh cheers nalioth ....05:28
maek0so .. like is there anyone here06:16
nikrudmaek0 I'm kinda lurking around, what's up?06:18
jussi01maek0: yes, Im here, but I imagine you need to wait for Seveas like nalioth said. 06:19
nikrudI need to set up a screen session just for this channel06:19
maek0oh Im sorry thankyou everyone .... its just that I can't join #ubuntu it says im banned .. I don't think I ever did anything to get banned06:20
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
maek0Seveas ??07:16
Seveashell maek0 07:17
maek0hey ... Im trying to connect to #ubuntu and it says that im banned ??07:17
Seveaswhat did you do to cause that?07:18
maek0I don't think I ever did anything to get banned07:18
Seveasyou must have done something :)07:18
Seveas(I'm searching the logs, hang on)07:18
maek0I was helping someone out with their compiz problem when all of a sudden I got kicked and banned07:18
Seveasyou were flooding07:20
maek0last entry I made was I think I copied and pasted something from the Ubuntu help files07:20
maek0oh whats that ??07:20
Seveasyou shouldn't copy/paste to a channel07:20
Seveasimagine all 1300 people doing that :)07:21
maek0oh I am sorry ... Im kinda new to IRC07:21
maek0how long is the ban for ??07:22
Seveasmaek0, sorry, I was away for a bit07:32
Seveasmaek0, if you promise not to flood and/or copy-paste again I'll unban you now07:33
maek0oh thats great thankyou Sevas ... and yes I promise not to do that again ..... that was my first visit to the ubuntu channel07:35
Seveasban removed, thanks for your understanding!07:36
maek0thankyou Seveas !!07:56
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PriceChildLjL: mibbit exempts working again now?11:18
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ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!14:14
ubotuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()14:14
SeveasI'm gogin to upgrade ubotu's home to hardy today14:14
Picioh boy.14:14
Seveassome downtime is expected14:14
Seveasmore details follow when available14:14
* LjL warms up ubotwo14:14
elkbuntuSeveas, so see you in a few days?14:14
PiciI had some issues bringing the bot onto python 2.5, so be wary.14:14
* jrib watches ubotu squirm14:15
LjLdamn, ubotwo is euro314:15
LjLi can only use it after 19:30 :(14:15
LjLSeveas: congestion charge zone :P14:15
Seveasno idea what that means :)14:15
SeveasPici, what kind of issues?14:15
PiciSeveas: I forget, I think it had to do with sre vs re14:16
Seveasah right14:16
Seveasthat'll happen at some points14:16
LjLSeveas, cars in milan can only enter the walls area for free if they're euro4, otherwise you pay (or don't enter at all if you're euro0)14:16
GaryI so need to turn off !ops highlights in this channel :p14:16
PiciGary: gah... you hilighted me.14:17
SeveasLjL, ah right, so you physically need to go there?14:17
elkbuntuGary, about as much as i need to turn off my 'nazi' highlight so #defocus doesnt ping me every few hours14:17
LjLSeveas, "/me warms up ubotwo" -> (distorted mental passage) -> "ubotwo is a car" -> "ubotwo stinks so it cannot be an euro4 car"14:18
LjLSeveas: or, nevermind14:18
GaryI just played with dns settings for my work - hehe14:18
Garyebay.* and the like no longer work :p14:18
PiciIs that good, or bad?14:18
SeveasLjL, ugh... (weird|italian) sense of humour :)14:19
GaryPici: it's good (for me)14:19
LjLSeveas: i thought after being used to ompaul, you could take this.14:19
SeveasGary, you should have seen the look on some peoples faces when I redirected yahoo.com to google and vice versa14:19
SeveasLjL, lol, one would expect that :)14:19
Seveasroot@binaries4all:~ # mdadm -D /dev/md0 | grep Rebuild 14:20
Seveas Rebuild Status : 21% complete14:20
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Seveasubotu's going down15:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s going down - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:20
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!15:21
ubotuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()15:21
jpatrickubotu: bye15:21
Amaranthbug 116:30
Amaranthnone of the bots do bugs?16:30
LjLAmaranth, ubotu2 just did16:32
LjLin -offtopic that is16:32
LjLand ubotwo was doing it in other places until a minute ago at least16:32
LjLtwo is muted here16:32
Picii figured.16:32
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
ScuniziPaste bin is currently down and reporting a MOD_PYTHON ERROR.. not sure if you guys have any input here for getting it back up or not.16:48
Amaranthi imagine many services on ubuntu-nl are down16:49
ScuniziAmaranth, why.. server issues?16:49
Amaranthwell, at least the bot, the bantracker, and the pastebin :P16:49
AmaranthSeveas is doing something with the server, I guess16:49
Scuniziok..just wanted to let you know.. I appriciate it.16:49
SeveasAmaranth, yeah16:49
Amaranthyay for not-so-subtle pings :)16:50
Pici!no pastebin is pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ca/ (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:51
Pici^ temporarily.16:51
Seveaspastebin is back16:58
jdongis our beloved bot coming back too?16:58
Picistupid mute..16:58
Seveasjdong, yes16:58
Seveasbut not right now16:59
Amaranthcan someone make a bot that does bug info go to #ubuntu-desktop?17:00
Seveasdapper --> hardy upgrade isn't really flawless17:00
AmaranthSeveas: you're supposed to be a sysadmin :P17:01
Seveasstupid f*ing apache packages break id reload fails17:01
Amaranthflawless == no job ;)17:01
Seveaswhich it will from time to time since lots of things disappear temporarily17:01
jdongAmaranth: do you have a bot yet?17:02
jdongubotwo: join #ubuntu-desktop17:03
* jdong wonders if that worked17:03
LjLjdong, no, it won't17:04
LjLthere's something with ubotwo that i don't understand quite17:04
jdonginteresting :)17:05
LjLit accepts commands for a while, then starts giving exceptions on all of them17:05
LjL! commands work, bot commands don't17:05
jdongthat's weird17:05
Amaranthubotwo: get in #ubuntu-desktop before i beat you to death with a ximian monkey doll17:05
LjLthe exceptions themselves are even weirder17:05
PiciAre they unicode exceptions?17:05
Amaranthbeating random things with random things sitting near me is fun17:05
jdongthey can't be more frightening than PHP error messages17:05
LjLPici: don't think so, let me pastebin some, although i think they vary wildly17:06
LjLubotwo: join #ubuntu-desktop17:06
jdongthat's beautiful, logging an exception trying to log :D17:08
PiciYikes, I dont think I've ever gotten something like that.17:09
PiciMost of my supybot exceptions are it yelling about logging unicode17:10
Picior that my plugin is broken17:10
LjLjdong: yeah, i had noticed something like that, but honestly it gives me a headache to just try to understand what's going on17:11
LjLthis time the HD isn't full though17:12
PiciIs the logfile over 4gb and is the filesystem fat32?17:13
LjLPici, ...17:13
* Pici had that issue over the weekend whilst backing up things17:13
PiciAlthough WinSCP was giving me an 'out of disk space' error.17:13
LjLi won't claim to be extremely sharp, but now you're insulting me if you're implying i may run supybot on a fat32 fs :P17:14
LjLwell, this at least must have improved my fast typing skills17:17
LjL*but* it still missed -desktop grrr17:18
PiciLjL: perhaps we should wait to fix ubotwo.. perhaps when ubotu comes back.17:24
LjLPici: i'm just trying to make it join -desktop17:24
* Pici is going to have to add an irssi alias to explain that ubotu is down17:25
jdongLjL: did you add a UAC exception on the Windows 2008 Server Console?17:30
LjLjdong: no i'll just try doing a SYS 6473817:30
LjLjpatrick: one more 83.230 and i'll reban...17:53
jpatrickLjL: hmm, yeah, random ident too17:54
jpatrickLjL: is it me or is /who 83.230* just creapy..18:04
LjLjpatrick, always been like that, there was a channel #ubuntu-83 where they were all forwarded to18:05
jpatrickarg, #ginfo_cordoba is full of them18:05
PiciWhats that?18:05
LjLjpatrick: the theory was that they were Guadalinex users18:06
LjLand the topic of that channel definitely confirms that18:06
jpatrickLjL: ok, so they're not bots..18:06
LjLthey're just stupid18:06
LjL"ola k tal", that's the motto18:07
PiciI can't see a topic in there.18:07
jpatrickPici: /cs info it18:07
LjLPici, the chanserv topic18:07
* jpatrick never heard of "dinamizadores"18:07
PiciTopic: Bienvenidos al nuevo canal para dinamizadores de Guadalinfo :-)18:08
Jack_SparrowPici, I changed sipior from mute to ban after his abuse continued in private chat 18:35
PiciJack_Sparrow: sigh.18:36
Jack_Sparrow:).. but I'm happy.. flying to Florida for a week of R & R  or I & I before I get back to work18:38
jussio1when will our lovely little friend ubotu be back?18:39
PriceChildjussio1: Seveas is upgrading to hardy, will be a couple of hours i think he said18:40
Seveasupgrade's done18:41
Seveasbut the machine isn't coming back after reboot18:41
jdongMaybe it's your 120th lucky mount.18:41
PiciSo.. it was a success then?18:41
jdong(not a sex joke)18:41
jussio1Seveas: where is this machine? far away?18:41
jussio1brb, off to do something...18:42
Seveasjussio1, about an hour driving18:43
LjLoh crappely.18:44
Seveasplan to do that in half an hour if it's indeed not coming back18:44
LjL[19:52:53] <Rosita_Rute> por cierto quien es ljl ???? (#ginfo_cordoba)18:53
LjLso they know each other...18:53
jussio1Seveas: oh fun...18:55
Seveasmeh, ubotwo :)19:04
SeveasMez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, 19:05
Seveasserver really isn't coming back up19:05
LjLSeveas: and yes, as you can see ubotwo's got quite some trouble19:05
Seveasfurthermore, dc contract apparently says I cannot visit the DC tomorrow19:05
Seveasuntil tomorrow that is19:05
Seveasso downtime will be at least 14 more hours19:05
naliothubot3 is abailable19:06
naliothand available, too19:06
LjLnalioth: then get it in, ubotwo is on crack19:07
jdong1. To give bail for, liberate on bail, or from bail. 19:08
jdongwell that works too ;-)19:08
LjLi see.19:08
naliothLjL: where?19:08
jdongI'm guessing everywhere :D19:08
Pici!jdong | ubotwo 19:08
Picioh.. that wont work, will it :(19:08
LjLnalioth:  #kubuntu #kubuntu-devel #kubuntu-kde4 #ubuntu #ubuntu+1 #ubuntu-bugs #ubuntu-classroom #ubuntu-desktop #ubuntu-devel #ubuntu-irc #ubuntu-motu #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-ops #ubuntu-proxy-users #ubuntu-youth #ubuntuforums19:08
LjLPici: it's frozzzzen19:09
LjLalso, muted19:09
jdongLjL: did you file a freeze exception? ;-)19:09
naliothLjL: ubot3` is right there >>>19:09
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
Picinalioth: ubot3 only appears to be doing package info... not any other ubotu-ish commands. Is encyclopedia disabled?19:17
jpatrickPici: works fine in #k now19:20
Picijpatrick: not in #ubuntu :(19:21
jpatrickPici: probably muted19:21
PiciI dont see a mute in #ubuntu for it, or I'm not looking hard enough19:22
naliothit's not muted there19:22
naliothit won't respond here19:22
naliothunless you call it specifically19:23
Piciubot3: test19:23
naliothubot3 msg19:23
naliothit's working fine in all the channels but #ubuntu 19:24
naliothnot sure wtf is going on19:24
ikonianalioth: there has been quite a few net splits earlier today19:29
naliothikonia: ubot3 just joined a lot of channels19:40
Pici#ubuntu is a bit crazy right now, but I need to get back to work...19:44
PriceChildebay is madness19:46
naliothi think i know what happened19:46
naliothmy hourly cron job has been pulling blank databases19:47
PriceChildcreated a random account a few months ago. No bank details attached, never bid on anything. Its now locked down, and they require my passport/driving license and a utility bill faxed to them to unlock it. or... they say i can just safely create another account19:47
naliothebay sucks.19:47
PriceChilddecided I wanted something for 99p (£7 postage) so got a friend to do it instead...19:48
* Pici closes irssi19:48
naliothmohi: can we help you?20:45
mohinalioth: hey... I was looking for ubotu and Turkish ubuntu channel! 20:45
LjLmohi, it's #ubuntu.tr20:49
LjLand ubotu has a flu20:49
mohity :)20:50
jussio1is it not #ubuntu-tr ?20:52
LjLafraid not20:52
LjLalthough -tr forwards, anyway20:52
jussio1ahh, factoid says -tr 20:52
LjLboth join you the right channel anyway20:53
LjL(#gentoo) [23:25:14] <gendude__> is it possible to say "I've banned the them up to the second "range" when taking 12.*.*.* or is it only known as an "octave?" <- mwhahaha22:26
mneptoki wish my voice was higher so i could ban people in China22:32
mneptokstupid baritone22:32
elkbuntumneptok, well, he was close enough22:52
mneptokWeslly: how may we help you?23:00
PriceChildI remember that name...23:01
WesllyPriceChild, mneptok, good evening23:02
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