
utarpradeshhi, What kind of graphical assets do i need to install prior to running half-life on UBUNTU through WINE?00:00
Carbonfluxif you try and install someone outside that Ubuntu repo's the dependency problems are on you00:00
stefg!games | utarpradesh00:00
ubotuutarpradesh: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php00:00
eduardohow do i paste it to pastebin_00:00
XXarmory555XXi need help agian badyl!!!! ok i tryed to reinstall ubuntu and it didnt work i put the disk in the drive and restarted the computer and nothing happend wut do i do plz help!!!:""(00:00
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, nothing, just remember to use the DirectX 8 driver00:00
stefg!wine | utarpradesh00:00
ubotuutarpradesh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:00
unop!pastebin | eduardo00:00
utarpradeshCarbonflux, how do i enable this?00:00
ubotueduardo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:00
SeanInSeattleCarbonflux:  That's soo true.  It makes the difference in the user if the given individual has enough patience and perseverance to get all the pieces together.00:00
valrosCan someone help please, I'm running the Ubuntu live CD on a dell laptop, no sound. Is this a known problem or would this continue.00:00
soundrayDragonLotus: then the backup you picked wasn't a working one. The earliest one you have is usually best (listed last if you 'ls -lt /etc/X11/xorg.conf*')00:00
NithSeanInSeattle: there is no real way around them00:01
stefg!intelhda | valros00:01
ubotuvalros: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:01
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, one sec, let me look it up, its a command line option...00:01
ShaiThis sucks, took me an hour to get lirc working and all day to try to figure out how to blacklist a module that prevents lirc from loading properly.00:01
XXarmory555XXcan any one help me?00:01
NithSeanInSeattle: windows has them too, its just transparent because the libraries come from the same place00:01
mDemocritusstefg: wow you're taking on a bunch... i'll be here for a while, so just let me know if anything else comes to mind... your input it much appreciated00:01
soundrayShai: too bad -- even ubotu knows how to blacklist00:02
eduardostefg, its pasted.00:02
ShadowdogKGBAnybody know how to get a Lexmark Z1300 Printer to work with Ubuntu?00:02
soundrayShai: I've found lirc painful, too, though00:02
XXarmory555XXhello!!! i need sum good old help plz!!00:02
SeanInSeattleThanks all. Have a great one!00:02
unopShai, see /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*00:02
semi-newbsoundray and unop: thanks for your help. i reinstalled grub and linux-image and the files are there. hopefully after reboot it will still work. (i restored an older backup of menu.lst too) ttyl!00:02
DragonLotusthanks soundray I ran dpkg-reconfigure now I'll restart.00:02
stefgmDemocritus: so you looked at dmesg yourself.... everything that comes to mind is dependant on on what it says00:02
ShaiSoundray - how do you blacklist a module that contiues to load even when it's in the blacklist file and has a blacklist file of its own?00:02
individual_elevhello.i have downloaded the ubuntu 8.04 in winrar form..how can i create a live cd out of it?00:03
XXarmory555XXcan any one hear me?00:03
unopsemi-newb, let us know if it works ok00:03
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, its: -dxlevel 8000:03
mDemocritusstefg: yeah... it looks like it detected fine... did you see my paste?00:03
stefgeduardo: you got a link in your browsers address-bar... paste that here, so i can find it00:03
tonsofpcsno, XXarmory555XX00:03
semi-newbunop: ok00:03
tonsofpcsnot unless they have a textreader00:03
stefgmDemocritus: no00:03
ShadowdogKGBwoo hooo!00:03
unopindividual_elev, ask in #ubuntu+100:03
eduardostefg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61688/00:03
XXarmory555XXtext reader? wut??00:03
soundrayShai: that usually means that it's loaded before blacklisting takes an effect, ie. from initramfs00:03
valrosOK thanks00:03
stefgeduardo: ok, wait a second00:03
ShaiSoundray, I'll look into initramfs......thanks.00:04
individual_elevthanks unop!00:04
XXarmory555XXwhy do i need a text reader for?00:04
tonsofpcswe usually don't hear text00:04
mDemocritusstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61671/ <-- relevant dmesg lines00:04
tonsofpcsif we wanted to, we would use a text/screenreader00:04
XXarmory555XXoh ok lol i get it sorry lol00:04
unopShai, also make sure the module isnt explicitly loaded in /etc/modules or /etc/modprobe.d/*00:04
Shaiit's not, already checked00:04
XXarmory555XXtonsofpcs can u help me?00:04
PifferIf I have a SATA drive not mounted, is there a way I can find out what filesystem it has?00:04
ShadowdogKGBUbuntu is really neat. Some day I'll figure out how to make this Lexmark Z1300 printer work.00:05
unopShai, how about? /etc/initramfs-tools/modules00:05
soundrayPiffer: with the 'file' command00:05
tonsofpcsXXarmory555XX: with what?00:05
stefgmDemocritus: what does that ZOOM mean? is that a ZOOM hd2 or hd $?00:05
Shaiidk, just heard of initramfs......researching it now.00:05
stefgmDemocritus: what does that ZOOM mean? is that a ZOOM hd2 or hd 4?00:05
XXarmory555XXok i tryed to reinstall ubuntu and for some reason i cant00:05
Pifferfile command... I'll google that00:05
unopShai, if another module is causing your lirc module to fail at loading, you might need to blacklist that module too -- but that means, you have to know the consequences of blacklisting that particular module00:06
stefgeduardo: ok, so your installed system should be in /media/hdc1.. is that right?00:06
mDemocritusstefg: zoom is the brand... it's an HD16 multitrack hdd recorder00:06
Shaiunop, it's irda, smsc_ircc2 and one other....I'm not worried abotu it.00:06
=== silverdawn_ is now known as SilverDawn
Odd-rationaleIs there a way to make the dhcp server give me a different ip address?00:06
soundrayPiffer: hold on :)00:07
soundrayPiffer: example: 'sudo file -s /dev/sda1'00:07
unopShai, well, hope we've given you enough to get this sorted00:07
eduardostefg, right.00:07
stefgmDemocritus: hehe ... funny as the world is, i work for the german zoom distributor. I doubt that it is HID compatible00:07
ShadowdogKGBOne thing Ubuntu has taught me is to have massive amounts of patience.00:07
Shaiunop, it's enough for me to find out if it is ;)00:07
utarpradeshthanks carbonflux :)00:07
Piffersiundray: thanks! that was easy :-)00:07
mDemocritusstefg: that's pretty crazy lol00:08
unopOdd-rationale, you'll need to tell the DHCP server to give out a different IP address00:08
semi-newbunop: woohoo! my system still works! thanks so much for your help!00:08
soundray!yay | semi-newb00:08
ubotusemi-newb: Glad you made it! :-)00:08
utarpradeshCarbonflux: it says command not found00:08
mactaylorwill ubuntu be faster if i put an le-1640 in?00:08
unopsemi-newb, cool, glad to know :)00:08
XXarmory555XXtonsofpcs r u gunna help me plz00:08
soundrayunop: wow, well done00:08
tonsofpcsXXarmory555XX: with what?00:08
Odd-rationaleunop: In other words, you mean I need to do it from the server, not from my laptop?00:08
unopsoundray, :)00:08
XXarmory555XXreinstalling my ubuntu? i asked u like 4 times already00:08
unopOdd-rationale, pretty much yea, but it depends on your DHCP server tho00:08
Shaiunop, nope, not listed in initramf-tools/modules00:08
mDemocritusstefg: what makes you think it wouldn't be compatible? does zoom suck at computer interfaces?00:09
utarpradeshcarbonflux: when i do -dxlevel 80 it says command not found00:09
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, you have to put that command line option on the hl2.exe command line, if you are running thru steam you need to set the command line via properties for the game.00:09
mDemocritusstefg: or just standards compliance :D00:09
Odd-rationaleunop: So it *might* be possible to do it from my laptop?00:09
XXarmory555XXtonsofpcs reinstalling my ubuntu? i asked u like 4 times already00:09
SilverDawnHello, Im trying to get my C-Media CMI8738 working properly under ubuntu linux, For some reason im not getting sound from the central speaker, Yet the card supports 5.1 surround sound and my speakers are a 5.1 system. any ideas?00:09
utarpradeshi see00:09
utarpradeshokay thks00:09
soundrayXXarmory555XX: you keep asking and ignoring the replies00:09
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_line00:09
stefgeduardo: so i need a paste of /media/hdc1/boot/grub/menu.lst in pastebin, along with a listing of 'sudo blkid'00:09
XXarmory555XXhuh? i dint get any reply?00:09
soundrayXXarmory555XX: yeah, you were just too absorbed00:10
utarpradeshthank you a lot, friend.00:10
unopShai, well how about doing a grep in /etc/modprobe.d for those rogue modules -- grep -iER "irda|ircc" /etc/modprobe.d/00:10
XXarmory555XXsoundray oh..sry...00:10
soundrayXXarmory555XX: the way to reinstall ubuntu is to boot from an install CD and run the installer00:10
eduardostefg. can you join nixtutor for just a sec?00:10
unopOdd-rationale, as far as i know, there is no way a DHCP client can request that kind of control over a DHCP server, in other words, the DHCP client has to accept the address it is given00:10
alan_myou will lose everything unless you backed it up XXarmory555XX by doing this...as you start with a clean slate.00:11
stefgmDemocritus: they run a custom OS they run, and they might have found a hackish way to make the device work with win, but this is of course no run-of-the-mill harddisk or mass storage00:11
XXarmory555XXsoundray ok i tryed that i put the installer cd in the disk drive and booted but nothing any diffrent happend and im aware of that thats wut i want00:11
Odd-rationaleunop: ok. what about a static ip? how would I know what numbers to put for a staic ip?00:11
soundrayalan_m: you can do a non-destructive reinstall if you skip the formatting of partitions ( XXarmory555XX)00:11
alan_mXXarmory555XX, just making sure you were aware, ok :)00:11
mDemocritusstefg: that figures...00:12
alan_msoundray, thats with the alternate install cd though correct?00:12
soundrayXXarmory555XX: I don't follow you. What happens when you boot the installer?00:12
mDemocritusstefg: i wonder if it'll work through control surface mode with ardour... i haven't tried that yet, but it supposedly can work by emulating mackie control modes....00:12
Carbonfluxutarpradesh, one more thing, be sure you are really the latest stable version of wine for best results, a lot of people get this working just by installing wine from the ubuntu repos and installing Steam and thats its, the only issue now seems to be using DirectX 8 because DX9 shaders are slow in wine :)00:12
Carbonfluxreally using*00:13
soundrayalan_m: no, it works with the ubiquity installer, too, if you uncheck the formatting tickbox00:13
unopOdd-rationale, the only thing that diffferentiates a static IP from a dynamic one is the fact that a static one is manually assigned to an interface .. however, if you do assign an IP address to an interface, your DHCP server should take into account that the address is in use and not give that particular one out to other clients00:13
XXarmory555XXsoundray ok its like puting a cd with nothing on it it does nothing its starts normaly and goes to the login screen and stuff it dose everything it supose to do on  regualr boot00:13
alan_mah, i just do the standard install, i hardly ever do manual soundray, ill have to check that out sometime.00:13
Shaiunop just my blacklisted entries and something for and alias for irda-utils (has been uninstalled). I'm going to try something else first.00:14
soundrayXXarmory555XX: so it's not booting from the CD. You need to give the CD boot priority in your BIOS setup00:14
Odd-rationaleunop: hmm. ok let me experiment a bit... Thanks for the help!00:14
unopOdd-rationale, but that's only if the machine is on, if the machine is off and the address can't be pinged, then the DHCP server could give out that address00:14
* Shai gets hammer00:14
mc-georgeGuys, for some reason any window in ubuntu doesn't start maximized even though I set them all to that before I close them00:14
Odd-rationaleunop: ok. I know almost zero about networking lol00:14
mDemocritusstefg: any idea if zoom has been shipping the newer OS version on the HD16s?00:14
* soundray throws himself heroically in front of Shai's computer00:14
XXarmory555XXsoundray o so i eed to go to BIOS got it and wut do i do from there? do i set as boot from cd first?00:15
* User87971 waves hi to everyone!00:15
semi-newbXXarmory555XX: you can also press delete or F12 or F10 (depending on the notice that comes up at boot) to choose what device to boot from on a one-time basis.00:15
unopOdd-rationale, ok, well, if you do manually assign an address to an interface, there is a chance that you can get IP address conflicts on your network00:15
alan_m!hi | User8797100:15
ubotuUser87971: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:15
soundraysemi-newb: only with Phoenix BIOSs though ;)00:15
stefgmDemocritus: no, sorry... didn't have the opportunity to actually open one of the boxes00:15
semi-newbevery computer I've ever used supports this00:15
XXarmory555XXsemi-newb lol00:15
alan_mWhat might we help you with today User87971?00:15
mDemocritusstefg: eh, no prob... it was worth a shot00:16
User87971Nothing really, just re-installed ubuntu on one of my computers, it's running great. =)00:16
soundraysemi-newb: then all the computers you've ever used had a Phoenix BIOS00:16
milesmatthiasI'm trying to get libpcap for my ubuntu box but tcpdump.org is down... any suggestions?00:17
alan_mSo, just testing it out then User87971? I see :)00:17
XXarmory555XXsoundray ok i just relized how to i enter BIOS on ubuntu is it the same as it would be on any other comp like f2 or sumthing?00:17
Odd-rationaleunop: so if on another computer the dhcp server gives me ip address Can I use that as a static ip address on this computer and the dhcp server will have to give another address to the other comp?00:17
nefserver irc.x10hosting.com00:17
semi-newbsoundray: i'd assume it's pretty common then.00:17
soundrayXXarmory555XX: the BIOS comes with your computer, it's not part of Ubuntu00:17
unopmilesmatthias, you can install the libpcap0.8 package00:17
User87971The very first linux I have used was Red Hat linux back in the 90's. Now the distro is Fedora core I believe.00:17
soundraysemi-newb: indeed, but I have a few machines, including recent ones, with AMI BIOSes00:18
milesmatthiassudo apt-get install libpcap0.8?00:18
ShaiNope, I'm out of ideas.00:18
mc-georgecan some one please help me with my maximizing problem?00:18
ShaiSay, when I do add stuff to blacklist, I don't have to update.modprobe or whatever do I?00:18
unopOdd-rationale, the other computer will need to request a new IP address from the DHCP server otherwise a conflict will continue to exist on your network and both computers could get nowhere00:18
Aval0nwhere there any performance improvements from feisty to gutsy?00:19
Nithmc-george: whats the issue?00:19
soundraymc-george: you need to look into a package like devilspie for remembering window size settings00:19
soundray!info devilspie00:19
unopmilesmatthias, sure00:19
Nithe16 has that feature00:19
mc-georgesoundtrayL its because they always appear off the screen00:19
Odd-rationaleunop: will the dhcp automatically give a new ip address on the other computer since I'm already using the old on this one?00:20
soundraymc-george: strange, have you set a correct resolution?00:20
Odd-rationale*dhcp server00:20
danny_How do you change your defualt program associations?00:20
milesmatthiasunop, it's already installed but it must not be in a normal place because I can't configure snort00:20
mc-georgeyea, 1680*1050  < --- soundray00:20
unopOdd-rationale, no, the DHCP server has no way of knowing you've done what you've done -- the DHCP server only acts when asked to, so the other machine will need to be rebooted or have it's network interface flapped00:20
DeadLy_sp_is possible change the background image from bash?????????????00:21
alan_mDeadLy_sp_, yes it is, but i forget the command to do it.00:21
__mikemDeadLy_sp_, is it possible to press the ? key only once?00:21
Odd-rationaleunop: ok. Thanks a lot!00:21
milesmatthiasunop, do you know where ubuntu installs libpcap?00:21
unopmilesmatthias, why don't you install snort from the ubuntu repositories?00:21
robert___1111i took an image with vmware converter and tried to run it on vmware player... i get errors like cannot connect to ide0 and ide1.. is there something i need to do to make this work?00:22
DeadLy_sp_hehe alan_m _mikem it's more important for me :) i'm searching on google but i dont find info about ir00:22
soundrayrobert___1111: probably better to ask in #vmware00:22
LainIwakuraHow do I view system information via the command line (my OS for example)?00:22
unop_milesmatthias, i'm assuming it saves it's shared libraries in /usr/lib/pcap (or something like that under /usr/lib)00:23
DeadLy_sp_alan_m, please remember ^^00:23
soundrayLainIwakura: uname -a00:23
soundrayLainIwakura: lspci, lshw, lsusb...00:23
soundrayLainIwakura: cat /proc/cpuinfo00:23
LainIwakurasoundray: Thanks00:23
soundrayLainIwakura: lsb_release00:23
milesmatthiasunop, thanks.  I've already started installing snort from source code - where are the ubuntu repositories if i were to do that?00:24
IndyGunFreakmilesmatthias: if you have source enabled in your repositories, you could also run sudo apt-get build-dep snort  and it should install libcap for you, then you can comnpile as usual.. but i'd use the one in the repos00:24
unop_milesmatthias, sudo apt-get install snort :)00:24
IndyGunFreakmilesmatthias: system/admin/synaptic package manager, to view packages you can install in a GUI, add/remove sources, etc00:24
LainIwakurasoundray: Any command to view what OS I'm using?00:24
alan_mDeadLy_sp_, what do you want me to remember?00:25
soundrayLainIwakura: lsb_release -a00:25
unop_LainIwakura, lsb_release -a00:25
Shaimaybe I'll just write a script to unload and load the modules00:25
jjgauthiGreetings all, after installing Ubuntu what am I to do next?  I didn't turn into doogie howser like I thought I would00:25
milesmatthiasA Ha!  Thanks everyone!00:25
Tazbobuhow do you use .m3u with amarok?  I tried associating it but it says no suitable input plugin00:25
jtravnickcan anyone help me set up my camcorder to be seen in ubuntu?00:26
unop_Tazbobu, you might need to convert the .m3u into a playlist format amarok understands first00:26
DeadLy_sp_alan_m, the command for change the background image :)00:26
LainIwakuraI created a user using adduser <username>. Using su <username> I can switch to that user from root. But why can I not 'sudo apt-get install <package>' from the non-root user? Sudo prompts me for the <username>'s pw instead of the root--is this the problem?00:26
LainIwakuraI find that I can only install packages via 'apt-get install <package>' when I am the root user.00:27
alan_mDeadLy_sp_, I cant, you can definately look it up in google though00:27
soundrayLainIwakura: no, sudo is supposed to ask for the user password00:27
unop_DeadLy_sp_, gconftool-2 -t str -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /path/to/picture00:27
LainIwakurasoundray: Would 'su apt-get install <package>' work from the non-root user then?00:27
soundrayLainIwakura: for a user to be able to run sudo programs, the user has to be in the admin group.00:27
LainIwakurasoundray: How can I assign that user to the admin group?00:27
mDemocritusLainIwakura: su -C apt-get...etc is the one00:27
mDemocritusLainIwakura: or su -c00:28
ijustamjust chiming in to say how i love linux00:28
ShaiLainIwakura - you can edit the sudoer's file so it doesn't ask for apassword.00:28
soundrayLainIwakura: do a 'adduser username admin'00:28
unop_LainIwakura, if you used sudo -- yes .. dont use su.. ubuntu has no root password00:28
mDemocritusLainIwakura: unop_ is right.... nevermind00:28
DeadLy_sp_unop !!!00:28
mattyBsufi usermod -a -G00:28
DeadLy_sp_unop_, but i using Xfce400:28
Nith!sudo | nith00:29
LainIwakurasoundray: I get 'adduser: The group 'admin' does not exist.'00:29
soundrayShai: please don't suggest that, it can lead to all kind of troubles, including locked-out users00:29
soundrayLainIwakura: are you on Ubuntu? Which version?00:29
LainIwakurasoundray: Ubuntu 7.1000:29
unop_DeadLy_sp_, err, why didn't you make mention of that?00:29
Shaisoundray - will do00:29
soundrayLainIwakura: if there is no admin group on your system, something is seriously wrong. How did you get to be logged in as root?00:30
mDemocritusrecovery console?00:30
mattyB_Lainlwakure: try sudo usermod -a -G00:31
LainIwakurasoundray: This Ubuntu is on a VPS, so I ssh as root into the shell.00:31
sarixeis there a linux tab editor, similar to Powertab?00:31
Kamus_H_Zwischanyone knows a eggdrop tcl script that send a msg when a people join at channel?00:31
filosofixitI'm running hardy beta and trying to get my webcam to work. Both ov51x_jpeg and videodev modules are loading just fine, but the /dev/video(x) entrys seems to be missing. Anybody who got a clue what is wrong?00:31
soundrayLainIwakura: so the installation is provided by a service provider?00:31
sarixeKamus_H_Zwisch : i believe you can have chanserv take care of that00:32
thebishopis anyone finding the Hardy beta to be sluggish as hell00:32
gauchoHi! What I need to do to have compiz animations (like the airplane) working on gutsy?00:32
kjdxServers help me I can not understand why I have not installed apache2 and if I try to return this reistallarlo00:32
thebishopi can't even play MP3s smoothly00:32
kjdx dpkg syntax error unknown user amavis in statoverride file00:32
crdlb!ccsm | gaucho00:32
ubotugaucho: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:32
Kamus_H_Zwischsarixe: hmm. thanks, but i realy want this script :(00:32
soundraythebishop: ask in #ubuntu+1 please00:32
LainIwakurasoundray: I installed the OS through a control panel.00:32
sarixethebishop : #ubuntu+100:32
kjdxhelp help00:32
thebishopthanks sorry00:33
whileimhereDoes anyone know why Google-Earth would crash the X Server?00:33
sarixeKamus_H_Zwisch : i don't know any offhand...00:33
gauchocrdlb, I don't think this extra package comes with ubuntu!00:33
kjdxhelp please00:33
crdlbgaucho: right, you must install it00:33
mDemocritus!patience | kjdx00:33
ubotukjdx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:33
sjovanhey, i got a issue with wine after i upgraded to the HQrep.... http://pastebin.com/d1933b76000:33
mattyB_Lainiwakura: do a 'man usermod' on the command-line00:34
gauchocrdlb, how?00:34
Nithkjdx: I dont understand your question. You want to sintall apache?00:34
soundrayLainIwakura: I don't really know what to suggest when a system has no admin group. It's absolutely standard for Ubuntu to have a locked root account (that wouldn't allow ssh logins) and at least one user who is part of the admin group and thus has sudo privilege00:34
LainIwakuramattyB_: Oh my, 'man: command not found'. I need to install this...00:34
mDemocrituskjdx: i agree with Nith... i have no clue what you're asking00:35
ToddEDMhey there guys, im setting up a PC for my 6 year old(its an excuse for me to get a new one).. but i was wondering how i can set up a new user that can just use icons from the desktop to start tuxpaint, and GCompris, and some other ones i might find00:35
alan_mkjdx, if your asking server specific questions you might want to try #ubuntu-server instead.00:35
ToddEDMi want everything else locked out00:35
unop_DeadLy_sp_, see http://linuxreviews.org/man/xsetbg/  - xsetbg is part of the xloadimage image on ubuntu00:35
soundrayLainIwakura: 'man' is standard as well. Something went wrong with your installation.00:35
LainIwakurasoundray: Okay, thanks. I'll try and figure this out. The installation seemed to be very minimal, so I am perplexed by a lot of things atm...00:35
hobbitboyi have a base server install with nothing basically, and i just sudo apt-get install fluxbox...how do i run it now? i don't see anything in /etc/init.d00:35
filosofixitis there a channel for hardy users?00:35
favoritesholas alguien que me ayude00:35
LainIwakurasoundray: Could be, I'll drop my host a ticket.00:35
alan_m!hardy | filosofixit00:35
ubotufilosofixit: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:35
sarixefilosofixit : #ubuntu+100:35
soundrayLainIwakura: are you in a busybox shell? Test by running '$0 --version'00:36
unop_hobbitboy, you need to log in at the console and use the startx command00:36
filosofixitsarixe : thx :)00:36
sarixefilosofixit : np00:36
hobbitboyunop_: haha, oh right, thanks00:36
hobbitboyoops, guess i need xinit00:37
LainIwakurasoundray: GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)00:37
soundrayLainIwakura: not busybox then -- this is a standard shell00:37
unop_hobbitboy, you mean an .xinitirc file? yes, you need that to mention "startfluxbox"00:37
mattyB_Lainlwakura: Are you able to run sudo usermod -a -G admin <userToGrantPrivelegesTo>00:38
soundraymattyB_: why would he, if there is no admin group?00:38
soundrayunop_: you're assuming sudo -- LainIwakura is logged in as root00:38
sixfortyhow do I change hostname? (bad connection; I'll read it soon as it gets here :) )00:38
LainIwakurasoundray: I just installed manpages. It is odd that it wasn't in the installation.00:39
soundrayLainIwakura: this is not the only odd thing. I wouldn't trust this installation at all.00:39
mattyB_soundray: I bug out.  Came in the conversation late and just adding confusion.00:39
smickI'm having a problems. I've installed from the Cd several times, (trying to dual boot with XP pro.  2 times, it said grub couldn't install. Most recently At the last setp before installation, I clicked Advanced and choose HDA5 for grub install, thinking that HD0 the default must have not allowed it being NTFS??  Anyway, then I rebooted and it just went into windows. Where does grub need to be?00:39
LainIwakurasoundray: Alright, thanks for the red flags. I'll send my host an email now.00:40
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soundrayLainIwakura: good luck00:40
unop_soundray, hmm, i wasnt following .. and i was just suggesting an easier way00:40
LainIwakurasoundray: Thanks.00:40
unop_LainIwakura, are you renting out a machine or something?00:41
LainIwakuraunop_: It's a cheap unmanaged VPS plan that I bought so I could learn how to setup a server.00:41
unop_LainIwakura, it's not surprising then that everything's not as it should be -- its not that the install is faulty, you just have to know how to workaround all these anomalies00:42
exerdigithey guys.. was wondering if anyone could help me out... i installed ubuntu on my cousins laptop, everything was working fine until i installed the spherecrystal theme... now the APPEARANCE settings won't work properly, and there are not icons of any kind in any of the menus.. is there a way to undo, or reinstall the display settings?00:42
stefgsmick: grub has two parts: one bootloader in the MBR, and the actual program dir in /boot/grub ... you need to write the MBR portion to the ...(duh) MBR00:42
hobbitboyit says /etc/X11/X doesnt exist (after installing fluxbox and xinit), what else do i need00:42
stefg!grub | smick00:43
ubotusmick: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:43
LainIwakuraunop_: Yes, that's what I've been doing all day. So was the OS installation (via my control panel) some sort of bare minimum Ubuntu installation?00:43
kasihello : I'm a newbie, and I have a problem ; I didn't fany any solution in the docs. The problem is each time I'm playing an ogg file or an mp3, the application freezes whatever it is (vlc, rythmbox,...)00:43
kasiand I have no sound00:44
Mquadratneed rapidshare account =(00:44
LainIwakurakasi: Have you gave this thread a try? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544900:44
smickstefg: if I just go with the default settings when installing, grub doesn't load and I can't get to ubuntu.  So in the final advanced menu before installation does it's thing? I don't know that I have an MBR option.  I'll read the links you guys gave.00:45
tenchi21i'm trying to have linux run apps using my xp install natively00:45
kasithnaks LainIwakura I'll have a look00:45
JustJadenhow do I write the ubuntu 7.10 image onto a cd using the standard cd/dvd burner?00:45
soundray!burniso | JustJaden00:45
ubotuJustJaden: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:45
unop__JustJaden, within gnome you should be able to right click the iso and have an option to burn it to CD00:46
JustJadenThanks guys00:46
LainIwakuraJustJaden: Make sure you burn it as an .iso00:46
stefgsmick: installing to MBR means choosing a device (like /dev/sda) not a partition (like (dev/sda5)00:46
Rageoni having trouble with firefox.. keeps closing when i try goto youtube etc... do i alreadyt have flash installed? or what do i need a tar.gz a .tar or a .YUM ?00:46
unop__LainIwakura, burning the file as-is to CD will not render it bootable :)00:46
unop__LainIwakura, if thats what you mean00:46
stefg!flash | Rageon00:46
ubotuRageon: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:46
kindofabuzzswapping a hard drive into a computer with totally different hardware and processor wouldn't work would it?  os wise 9ubuntu)00:46
blah569_Can anyone provide a guide to make a RTL8186 wireless card work with Ubuntu?  I have followed many guides in the Wiki, but I have not succeded yet.00:47
kindofabuzzwould it boot?00:47
smickstefg: I think that's what I meant, sda5, rather than HD0 which was the default.00:47
IndyGunFreakJustJaden: depending on the burning software you use..  http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm00:47
Jordan_UAnybody know how to reset the 'baseline' (not sure that's the right word ) for the apple smc accelerometer? I am trying to play neverball by tilting my laptop and it just keeps rolling backwards :)00:47
Rageonaight cheers00:47
soundraykindofabuzz: that kind of thing works surprisingly well in some cases. Trouble starts mostly when X starts.00:47
stefgsmick: in grub speak you need to install to (hd0) ... in kernel speak that's /dev/hda or sda00:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtl8681 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:48
smickstefg: I might be good after trying out the Recovering Ubuntu after installing windows help link from ubotu. Even though that's not exactly what happened, might work.00:48
stefgsmick: that applies00:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rtl8186 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:48
kindofabuzzsoudray: yeah wlell i got his ubuntu on a p4, i wnna put this hardrive into a computer with an amd00:48
smickstefg: Ok, so the default option that the installation gives you: HD0 normally is correct, but failed sevearl times, so maybe this will help me workaround.00:49
blah569_I deeply want to install Ubuntu, but I can not get my wireless card to work in the Live CD.00:49
soundraykindofabuzz: p4/amd won't be a problem00:49
kindofabuzzbasically, i got another computer but don't wanna reinstall and reconfigure everything00:49
LainIwakuraunop__: So was the Ubuntu installation on my virtual server likely some sort of bare minimum installation?00:49
soundraykindofabuzz: it's worth a try.00:49
kindofabuzzyeah i'll try it00:49
sixfortyhow do I change hostname?00:50
soundraykindofabuzz: I've done a server install as a vmware guest, imaged it, put it on a hard disk and booted a 'real' machine with it00:50
jtravnickhelp how do i get ubuntu to see my camcorder? I have it hooked through firewire can anybody help me out?00:50
stefgsmick: some BIOS's make trouble .... but resistance is futile (as locutus of grub used to say)00:50
kindofabuzzsixforty: /etc/hostname00:50
unopLainIwakura, it does appear to be that way from what you've been telling us .. it's a shame because we can't really support that and even using standard ubuntu documentation would be useless to you00:50
unopLainIwakura, not all documentation but some00:51
kindofabuzzsoundray: this p4 is 1.5ghz with old sdram, the amd is only 1.2ghz but has ddr, i figure it would be faster00:51
soundrayjtravnick: no specific advice, sorry... but have a look at The Grumpy Editor's Video Journey (http://lwn.net/Articles/261820/)00:51
kindofabuzzand is overclockable00:51
LainIwakuraunop: Okay thanks.00:52
unopLainIwakura, if you are not new to linux (ubuntu atleast) it's just a matter of identifying what has changed and working around -- but if you are just learning, it's harder00:52
sixfortykindofabuzz: just edit /etc/hostname?00:52
kindofabuzzsixforty: yup00:52
soundraykindofabuzz: won't make a big  difference00:52
soundray!hostname | sixforty00:52
ubotusixforty: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab00:52
juice_how do i install envy?00:52
LainIwakuraunop: Okay, I'll do my best00:52
soundrayjuice_: best not at all00:52
soundray!envy | juice_00:52
ubotujuice_: envy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:52
achandrashekarblash569_:might have to build the module http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtl8186/00:53
kindofabuzzjuice_: just download it and click it00:53
kindofabuzzthen run it00:53
SchighSchaghI wrote a Perl program to do some stuff, and I'm trying to optimize it for speed. how can I time exactly how long it takes to execute?00:54
juice_soundray: i'm looking to turn on my advanced desktop settings, which driver should i use for my 8800GT on 7.10 x86?00:54
soundraySchighSchagh: call it with 'time perlscript.pl'00:54
mattyohi all - does anyone know about issues with 64bit server with i386 clients with ltsp? Many thanks00:55
soundrayjuice_: the one that is suggested when you go through System-Administration-Restricted Drivers Manager00:55
SchighSchaghsoundray thanks I think that's exactly what I needed00:55
juice_soundray: it says i need no restricted drivers00:55
juice_it wrong00:55
Rohaqhey there ladies and gents00:56
AlexHooverI have a problem. I configured cups, and set it to share my printer, etc. I installed all the required HP drivers, and I can print the test page fine. However, when I try to print from Mac OS X, it keeps pausing the printing que. Windows doesn't even find the printer.00:56
Rohaqare there any known issues with hardy and networking?00:57
Rohaqbecause my network can't go over 20KB/s00:57
soundrayjuice_: okay, the Manager doesn't support your card yet. There is a guide for you to follow00:57
Rohaqwireless or wired00:57
AlexHooverRohaq, #ubuntu+100:57
Rohaqah, thanks00:57
b0xwat are u on 200kb internet?00:57
b0x20kb/s ova a network how do u manage such a slow concection00:58
soundrayjuice_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia00:58
basy_hi how to setup m-audio audiophile wirewire ?00:59
destructarhi all... i'm getting the following error when trying to run mythtv:01:00
destructarxlib: extention "glx" missing on display ":0.001:00
destructarany ideas?01:00
jtravnicksoundray he didnt help much just made me think i just wasted $30 on a firewire card01:01
juice_so i got the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg1.run but whn i click it gedit says it can't run it01:01
juice_should i be using a dif prog?01:02
ShaiWell, I can't figure it out. Anyone know how to stop a module from loading that won't be blacklisted?01:03
Scunizijuice_, I just came in .. what kind of card do you have.01:03
unop_juice_, what type of file does the file command say it is?  file NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg1.run01:03
djjdyou can unblacklist in the xorg file01:03
Rageoni cant find where to scan for new plugins in konqueror?01:04
juice_shell script01:04
juice_Scunizi: 8800GT01:04
iceswordjuice_, chmod +x file01:05
Scunizijuice_, you running gutsy or hardy01:05
mattyohi all - any experts on ltsp around at all - having a nightmare with edubuntu and 64bit and i386 :S01:05
unop_Rageon, you might have better luck asking the folks in #kubuntu01:05
juice_Scunizi: guts01:05
mattyo(or not even expert ;) )01:05
Rageonjust trying to get firefox to stop crashing when i goto youtube :s01:05
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unop_mattyo, whats the problem?01:05
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mattyoI can't get the thin client to boot from the server - it just hangs01:06
Scunizijuice_, from what I remember reading here and on the forums to install that driver from nvidia you have to do it from terminal after killing gdm .. I'm not knowledgable enough to guide you through that.01:06
juice_Scunizi: is there an online guide?01:06
Scunizi!nvidia | juice_01:07
ubotujuice_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:07
iceswordsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop,if you have to01:07
mattyounop_ I tried building the clients etc with arch i386 and following lots of stuff on google (changing ltsp/dhcp.conf etc) but I still get the same hanging on the thin client end01:07
d0lphin_n0eli make one >>> update-manager --devel-release <<< to install ubuntu8.04 from 7.10 but my computer reboot and then i make keep and itgives me problems here sometimes dont eveee boot right .... whith some kernels and everything it is everything cruisel someone knows ho w cna i reinstall the software it was  downloades?!01:07
unop_mattyo, I'm not an expert on ltsp, infact i've not used it ever but can you describe any behaviour on the thin clients you see?01:08
d0lphin_n0eli try apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade and nathing it is all cruisel allmost i cant make backups here :x01:08
d0lphin_n0elneed to use the recovery and everything any solution?! :X01:09
mattyoIt finds the server but then hangs just after it says Negotiation: ..size=137244KB01:09
mattyobs=1024, sz=13724401:09
mattyoand then it dies01:09
mattyowell hangs01:09
yordancan i have little help pls01:09
unop_d0lphin_n0el, where did you learn to misstype like that? it's sure hard to read :)01:09
Falling-InfernoCan anyone give me a tutorial on how to make my theme and such on my computer look nicer?01:10
unop_d0lphin_n0el, are you trying to do a dist-upgrade?01:10
yordani need some 3f effect plugins01:10
yordani need01:10
yordana Cube desktop01:10
d0lphin_n0elunop_ after download the new ubuntu start to install it the new version but the computer make one reboot and dont configure right thenew version so im asking if there is some away to i reconfigure the pakages that was download :X01:10
mDemocritus!compiz | yordan01:10
jarlathDoes anyone know how to get Evolution to work with Google calendar. I can get it to use my default calendar but none of the others.01:10
ubotuyordan: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:10
FloodBot1yordan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
d0lphin_n0elunop_ yes i allready try apt-get dist-upgrade to nathing :x01:10
kindofabuzzyordan: the cube is in the basic compiz package01:11
Scunizijarlath.. I have it working.. just a sec.01:11
jarlathScunizi, bless you :)01:11
d0lphin_n0elmaby if i make one dist-upgrade totheold version andtry to reinstall it again :X01:11
unop_d0lphin_n0el, did you add in the sources for the new release in /etc/apt/sources.list before dist-upgrading?01:12
unop_!dist-upgrade | d0lphin_n0el01:12
ubotud0lphin_n0el: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:12
Scunizijarlath, you have to get information from your calendar on google.. namely a sharing link  .. usually webcal.something.something.  .. this is the link you use to "add" the web calendar to Evo.01:12
arnathsuppose i am doing "cat * | grep something" in a directory, is there any way to find out which output belongs to which file? :s01:12
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:12
smick2112I'm trying to fix grub, I'm in the live CD.   In terminal, trying to setup(hd0), it says Cannot mount selected partition.01:12
kindofabuzzi remember seeing something about a ubuntu desktop tutorial somewhere on launchpad.  now i can't find it, anyone got a link?  curious what it is01:12
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/01:12
smick2112I believe this is the same problem when installing Ubuntu in the first place and it says grub cannot install. could my partition be locked out somehow?01:13
unop_arnath, dont use cat like that -- simply use grep -- grep -inHR keyword files01:13
jarlathScunizi, I tried that. I tried using the default Google dialog in Evo to put in my username / pass and just got my default calendar...01:13
yordan150mb xD01:13
jarlathThen I tried using the webcal with the iCal link from google.01:13
yordanit this right ?01:13
jarlathEvo complained that it couldn't find that.01:13
Scunizijarlath, you mean the main calendar? do you have more than one cal?01:13
yordanfor a 3d desktop ?01:13
jarlathScunizi, yes. I have two calendars on the one account.01:14
Scunizijarlath, then it sounds like you grabbed the link for the primary and did get the one for the secondary..01:14
kindofabuzzyordan: compiz is more than just a rotating cube01:14
jarlathScunizi, when I used the link for the secondary, it didn't work. I'll try again just in case.01:15
jarlathScunizi, do you have more than one calendar?01:15
Scunizijarlath, you have to go to "Settings" then Calendars.. pick the calendar you want ... I have 501:15
owen1how do i add partition in 'prepare partitions' (step 4) - i am trying to install it side by side with vista.01:15
jarlathScunizi, I'll try again. It's the iCal link you used is it?01:16
smick2112can an XP partition prevent grub from installing to HD0?01:16
jasoncan i get help with avast window mananger hear?.... if so i'm trying to get the notification area applet to work but when i add it it does not show, can any one tell me whats wrong?01:17
Scunizijarlath, yes.. i think so.. and I'm also using Private Address01:17
juice_how i log in as root?01:17
Scunizijuice_, use "sudo" in front of the line that needs root access.01:17
jarlathScunizi, and did you add as a Google calendar or as a Web Calendar?01:17
Scunizijarlath, web01:17
torenhonigsmick: no it vant01:17
juice_Scunizi: im running that .run file and i need to be root before i launch it01:17
Scunizijuice_, type sudo in front of the line to run it. that's how you do things as root01:18
jasonavant i mean01:18
juice_Scunizi: in fron of what line though?01:18
smick2112torenhonig:Idon't understand why I can't install grub from the live cd so i can actually get to my ubuntu partition.01:19
juice_im launching it from clicking on file on desktop01:19
Scunizijuice_, you'd type "sudo <file_to_run>"01:19
oddchildhi all... i am in 8.04 and it is not detecting my monitor .. it has everything real big, and when i go to the screen resolutions program i cannot change it... i cannot choose what model it is like in 7.1001:19
torenhonigare u just using the standard installation cd smick?01:19
jarlathHmm. It's gives an error saying it's forbidden now Scunizi. It's a calendar that I'm subscribed to. I didn't make it myself.01:19
smick2112torenhonid; yes at first, it failed to install grub at the very end several times.01:19
jasoncan i get help with avant window manager hear?.... if so i'm trying to get the notification area applet to work but when i add it it does not show, can any one tell me whats wrong?01:20
Scunizijarlath, so you can or can't log into the Settings section of that calendar?01:20
smick2112last time, I clicked advance near the end and chose sda5 for grub boot loader I think.01:20
torenhonigis your windows partition ntfs smick?01:20
smick2112torenhonig; yes, for xp01:20
renderohello, "ADSL and cable hosted mirrors will not be considered for becoming an official mirror. " Which type will ?01:20
jarlathScunizi, I can. I have access to 3 links. XML, Ical and HTML...01:20
jarlathI used the XML one.01:20
Scunizijarlath, try html01:20
J^sonprinter trouble... can someone help?01:20
juice_Scunizi: sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg1.run01:20
juice_sudo: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg1.run: command not found01:20
bramboi cant update using update manager nor can i install anything,  .deb etc...can anybody help me?01:21
Scunizijuice_, no colons (:) anywhere please01:21
jarlathPasted it into the Web Calendar and removed the http:// from it so it started with web://www01:21
jarlathOkay , I ;ll try01:21
torenhonigsmick: it might be realted to un unclean shutdown with xp01:21
juice_Scunizi, that was the feedback01:21
chainshow do i get flash plug-ins to work in firefox with ubuntu?01:21
smick2112torenhonig; after so many times?01:22
Scunizijuice_, try sudo ./<filename>01:22
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jasoncan i get help with avant window manager hear?.... if so i'm trying to get the notification area applet to work but when i add it, it does not show01:22
torenhonigsmick: like are your partitions all screwed up.. can u boot into windows>?01:22
juice_Scunizi: not found01:22
juice_Scunizi: im running 7.10 x86 if that helps01:23
Scunizijuice_, CAPS and small case make a difference.. the file name has to be typed exactly01:23
smick2112yes i can still boot into windows,01:23
juice_Scunizi: and the file is on my desktop01:23
juice_Scunizi: i copie n pasted it01:23
Scunizijuice_, ah.. so do a "cd ~/Desktop01:23
bramboanyone have any idea why i cant install  .deb or anything? they just dont open01:23
terminhellif i disable my GDM ill get a terminal login right? But after i log in will i stay in a terminal or will X startup (default gutsy install)01:23
Scunizijuice_, without "01:23
Scunizijuice_, then run the command again01:24
torenhonigsick : try to properly shutdown windows. maby that would help01:24
Pifferwhere do I find the Music, Movies, Pictures folders that Mythbuntu's using?01:24
J^sonmy printer is connected properly and ubuntu sees the printer... but i am unable to print... please help01:24
jarlathScunizi, would you mind checking the properties of one of you calendars and see if it starts with a webcal://www or a http://www?01:24
juice_Scunizi: sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.04-pkg1.run   ?01:24
Scunizijarlath, sure just a sec01:24
smick2112torenhonig: properly shut down and then install linux again?01:24
Scunizijuice_, yes once your in your Desktop directory01:25
smick2112or try the live cd again?01:25
jarlathScunizi, preferrably one that youre subscribed to and not one of your own.01:25
owen1how to add partition in 8.04 beta installation?01:25
jarlathScunizi: Thanks :)01:25
juice_Scunizi: command not found01:25
juice_Scunizi: nvm got it01:25
tenchi21how do i enable write access to a HFSplus drive?01:26
Scunizijarlath, it reads.. webcal://www.google.com/calendar/ical/long number here@group.calendar.google.com/private-long number here/basic.ics01:26
torenhonigsmick: hmmmmmmmm. so it copies all the files onto the partition no problem, but when into the fnial steps to install grub it just fails?01:26
owen1anyone installed 8.04 side by side with windows?01:26
jarlathOkay, thanks Scunizi. I'll stick at it. I'll be back to pester you again later!01:26
Scunizijarlath, np01:26
juice_Scunizi: it said i couldnt install it... is it because im in a VM?01:26
nathan2I'm currently working on getting a command line version of xubuntu working, and I have a problem: an installusing dpkg failed halfway through, and now it tries to finish the install every time I use apt-get... is there any way to prevent this?01:27
smick2112yeah that was a few days ago. I gave up, but today tried again, experimenting by actually creating a swap partition this time and then installing grub to a different spot.01:27
Scunizijuice_, are you running ubuntu in a VM? if so what VM program.. VMware?01:27
juice_Scunizi: VMware workstation01:27
torenhonigsmick: well what version of ubuntu are u trying to insatll 7.10?01:27
terminhelltorenhonig: at the final step before installing, there is an "advanced" button to configure where grub is to be installed. by default its (hd0) review the accuracy of this if your using an SCSI drive or something else01:27
smick2112It's 8.04 alpha.01:28
maindei need to install fatx filesystem support in my ubuntu, i have the kernel patch and this small guide (http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/How_to_include_FATX_support_in_a_regular_Linux_kernel) but this is my first try, i've never patched a kernel before, can someone give me some hints?01:28
terminhellif i disable my GDM ill get a terminal login right? But after i log in will i stay in a terminal or will X startup (default gutsy install)01:28
Scunizijuice_, that's your issue.. you can't run a propitiatory video driver in a VM.  VMware uses its own drivers.. Have you installed VMWare tools?01:28
brambothere is another release, newer then 7.10 ?01:28
smick2112I DL'd the beta last night and my burned CD failed of that, so I went back to my alpha cd.01:28
LjLbrambo: not yet01:28
bramboLjL: did u think u can help me?01:28
smick2112but 710 also failed the same way with grub.01:28
xenthroim using pidgin for irc... which plugin makes everything colour coded?01:29
maindefirst of all i need to know if the guide "can" work is totally outdated/wrong01:29
juice_Scunizi: no not yet, can i use VM tools to do it?01:29
CadeI just tried to install the desktop 7.10 version of ubuntu today, and I can't get it to boot up. In another room, someone told me that the kernel can't see my drive or my controller01:29
torenhonigdid u try a manual grub install smick01:29
Scunizixenthro, do yourself a favor and install xchat..01:29
LjLbrambo: type « sudo apt-get -f install » in a terminal and pastebin the output01:29
jarlathScunizi: would you mind telling me if in your Google Calendars, any of them appear under 'Other Calendars'? That's where the one I'm interested in is at.01:29
smick2112i am in the live cd now, i was trying to do that right now.01:29
xenthroScunizi: I use it as well, but I am trying to cut down on redundancy01:29
Scunizijuice_, don't missunderstand.. you'll never be able to install that driver in ubuntu as long as ubuntu is running in a VM01:29
torenhonigwhat kind of cammands were you using?01:30
juice_Scunizi: WEAK!01:30
Scunizijarlath, in EVo they appear under "On the Web"01:30
smick2112in terminal I write "setup (hd0) like the "recover windows" help page says and it says "failed ot mount"01:30
juice_Scunizi: thanks tho01:30
arthurmacielhi there01:30
nathan2          driver in a VM.  VMware uses its own drivers.. Have you installed01:30
nathan2          VMWare tools?01:30
nathan2-:- SignOff tenchi21: #ubuntu (Client Quit)01:30
nathan2<brambo> there is another release, newer then 7.10 ?01:30
FloodBot1nathan2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
smick2112https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows from this page I'm following directions.01:31
jarlathScunizi, I mean in the actual Google Calendar web page. I think we might be talking about different types of calendars.01:31
owen1how to add partition in 8.04 installation?01:31
smick2112even though it's not the exact problem.01:31
LjL!hardy > owen1    (owen1, see the private message from Ubotu)01:31
Scunizijuice_, thats a function of VMware....  you can install vmware tools to make everything smother..01:31
smick2112I thought it was a good way to manual install grub01:31
bramboLjL: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:31
jarlathScunizi: It's not listed under 'My Calendars' for me, but 'Other Calendars'01:31
CadeI've tried installing ubuntu twice and I can't get it to boot up.01:31
LjLbrambo: « sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:31
Scunizijarlath, ah.. just a sec.01:31
arthurmacielI've installed ubuntu on an laptop, and would like to know how can I test my harddrive for bad blocks01:31
jarlathScunizi: Thank you so much.01:31
Scunizijarlath, no they appear under My Calendars.. under Other Calendars I have Phases of the Moon, US Holidays etc.01:32
brambonathan2: i dont think so...not yet anyway01:32
windosorDoes ubuntu come with gnome preinstalled or you have to install it manually later?01:32
torenhonigit comes with01:32
bramboLjL: /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs: 13: getopt: not found01:32
jarlathScunizi, so the calendars under 'Other Calendars' are not synced with your Evo?01:32
Scuniziwindosor, ubuntu comes with gnome if you dowloaded ubuntu,, kde if you downloaded kubuntu and xfcd4 if you did xubuntu01:33
LjLbrambo: uhm, ouch. i think i need the whole output though, not just that line - use the pastebin01:33
Scunizijarlath, they are..01:33
CadeCan someone help me? Ubuntu can't see my hard drive01:33
Torturedwindosor, server does not come with a window manager by default also01:33
Scunizijarlath, sorry .. under other calendars.. no..01:33
bramboLjL: do u have msn or ne thing? its hard to catch all u say on here01:33
=== Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454
jarlathScunizi, ah. Okay. Thanks Scunizi. I guess it's not supported at present.01:33
LjLbrambo, your IRC client should highlight lines that i say mentioning your nickname in a different color. doesn't it?01:34
Scunizijarlath, that would be nice.. It's tough getting holidays into evo..01:34
bramboLjL: yea but the room scrolls so fast01:34
LjLand brambo, IRC allows for private messages (although you need to be registered to this network)01:34
Zoemhow do I add sinks to pulse audio?01:34
J^sonmy printer is connected properly and ubuntu sees the printer... but i am unable to print... can someone please help?01:34
osxdudeI'm installing Ubuntu 7.10 through the alternate install disc, and it seems stuck at Configuring apt (40%), Scanning the mirror. The disc is not running and niether is the wireless or the HDD.01:35
ScuniziJ^son, what kind of printer and how is it connected?01:35
Odd-rationaleosxdude: how long?01:35
jarlathScunizi: Yes. My band uses it to let everyone know where the gigs are at but only the bass player has access because he set it up. Oh well, I'll try the Sunbird plugin and see how I fair.01:35
jarlathScunizi: Thanks again!01:35
osxdudeOdd-rationale: it's been there for about maybe 3 mins01:35
Scunizijarlath, np :)01:35
J^sonScunizi, HP Laserjet 1100 connected through a serial port01:35
Odd-rationaleosxdude: are you connected to the net?01:35
osxdudeOdd-rationale: Honestly, I have no idea.01:36
ScuniziJ^son, serial meaning usb? or LPT or old fashioned 9pin?01:36
sirajhow do i install realplayer please01:36
LjL!real | siraj01:36
ubotusiraj: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:36
osxdudeOOH! Odd-rationale it's just jumped up to 80%!01:36
J^sonScunizi, OLD LPT01:36
Odd-rationaleosxdude: yeah that step can take a while it is normal01:36
osxdudeOk, so it's not frozen.01:36
osxdudeThanks, Odd-rationale01:36
ScuniziJ^son, did you go to System/Admin/Printing and add it there?01:36
arthurmacielis there a way to see if a hard disk has bad blocks on ubuntu? fsck does the job?01:36
Zoemhow do I add sinks to pulse audio?01:37
Odd-rationaleosxdude: it tries to connect to the net. if connection times out, it will continue nonethelesss01:37
LjLarthurmaciel: there is a command "badblocks"01:37
J^sonScunizi, it was working before...01:37
Ward1983i keep having trouble with connecting to the mysql database mythtv sets up, how can i check if mysql is running?01:37
ScuniziJ^son, before what.. did anything change? or did it just stop?01:37
osxdudeWard1983: try #ubuntu-mythtv01:37
J^sonit just stopped01:37
LjLarthurmaciel: have you considered, however, monitoring your HD's state using the SMART sensors? (the "smartmontools" package can be used to query them)01:37
J^sonScunizi, it just stopped01:38
ScuniziJ^son, ok.. go to a terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart01:38
Crshmanhi all, i'm trying to add a drive to a software raide i have and it says: "mdadm: cannot find /dev/sda1: No such file or directory" however /dev/sda exists just not /dev/sda101:38
Crshmanhow can i recreate /dev/sda1?01:38
ScuniziCrshman, did you look for sda1 in /media? just an idea.. I don't know anything about raid01:39
J^sonScunizi, that's done... do i try printing now?01:39
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elpargois there a way to eject the cd and use my drive from within the liveCD?01:39
ScuniziJ^son, yes.. if it doesn't work we'll go to step 201:39
bramboLjL: I had a registered nick here but i forgot my password...can i just make a new one? n how?01:39
Ward1983osxdude, people are all afk or ignore me there01:39
J^sonScunizi, that did not work01:40
osxdudeWard1983: Ah ok01:40
SpookyETI'm trying to exclude paths from backups, but it does not seem to be working http://www.paste2.org/p/1815401:40
kindofabuzzi still haven't figured out why ubuntu says harddrives are scsi when they are not01:40
Ward1983osxdude, and in #mythtv they just say wrong channel01:40
Zoemhow do I add sinks to pulse audio?01:40
unop_elpargo, nope, the liveCD session depends on the contents of the CD, if you were to pop out the CD, the session would probably fail01:40
ScuniziJ^son, ok.. go to Firefox and in the address bar type http://localhost:63101:40
arthurmacielLjL: thanks01:40
elpargounop_: great... now how I burn a CD :(01:40
CrshmanScunizi, it's not in /media01:40
Ward1983why do all the good apps have to be stupidly hard to install and have the most annoying arrogant people to give support01:40
osxdudeelmargol: no CD burner?01:40
CrshmanIs there a way to rescan the harddrives on my system?01:41
ScuniziCrshman, like I said.. just an idea..01:41
J^sonScunizi, I'm there01:41
Ward1983then they develop mythbunto to make life easyer, and i have the same f***ing problem with it01:41
osxdudeCrshman:: restart?01:41
unop_elpargo, you'll have to use another burner or copy those files to a usb device or the harddrive even and burn them later01:41
elpargowhy people always reply to elmargol :)01:41
eluxhey guys01:41
Crshmanosxdude, I can't restart this box it's a server and people are using the array =(01:41
CadeI have a fresh Ubuntu desktop 7.10 install that hangs when it tries to mount the root filesystem. Apparently it the kernel can't see the hard drive or can controller. Can anyone help?01:41
ScuniziJ^son, what you're looking at is CUPS.. it's what drives the system for printing. click the printer tab and see if your printer is listed.01:41
eluxdoes anyone know of any usb to serial drivers?01:41
PifferIf my wireless is showing when I do lspci, but it's not showing up so that I can use it, how can I fix that? Intel Centrino, ipw220001:42
elpargounop, osxdude: I'm on a laptop and I have only 1 drive, as for the extenal that is what I don't want, I need to get at least 30GB out of this...01:42
J^sonScunizi, my printer is listed01:42
osxdudeCrshman: Oh, wow, i have no idea how to rescan. Start GParted and mount it from there?01:42
Ward1983how can i check if mysql-server is running please?01:42
kindofabuzzno offense but i don't get mythbuntu, why would you wanna watch tv on your computer?  tv is evil! =)01:42
ScuniziJ^son, just a sec. I'm trying to install the same printer even though I don't have one.01:42
unop_elpargo, 30GB wont fit on a CD anyway and there's no way to do magic if something is impossible :)01:42
J^sonScunizi, Ok.. Thank you01:43
torenhonigdoes anybody know anything obout postfix in here?01:43
elpargounop_: yes I know but I'll burn several dvds....01:43
unop_elpargo, you can't eject the liveCD when it is in use -- simple as.01:43
ScuniziJ^son, you did say "lasar jet" right?01:43
elpargounop_: yes thank you.01:43
J^sonScunizi, HP Laserjet 110001:44
=== brambo is now known as winterwolf
ScuniziJ^son, is it an all in one.. or the old battle ax of a reliable printer?01:44
J^sonScunizi, the old battle-ax01:45
Ward1983pfff im never helping anyone again01:45
J^sonScunizi, its like a tank01:45
=== Snow_ is now known as DenKain
huyhi, when i tried to access my wireless network, using the WEP key, i can't connect.. is there a different way to enter wep key without using gui?01:45
kindofabuzzunop_: is there not a way to put all the livecd into ram, so if you only have one burner you can eject it and burn stuff?01:45
kindofabuzzi know with systemrescuecd you can load it all into ram01:46
torenhonigwhy dont u just install it01:46
ScuniziJ^son, when you did the install which driver did you install?  from HPs site it says to use the hplip drivers.01:46
Cadecan someone help me please? I've been burned by windows so many times. I don't want to go back.01:46
unop_kindofabuzz, i'm sure there is -- but the liveCD would have to be created in that fashion for it to be possible, and the ubuntu liveCD isnt made that way (yet?)01:46
bramboLjL: what does i need to paste on pastebin again? or are u busy my friend?01:46
J^sonScunizi, I had downloaded it from HP01:47
LjLbrambo, the output of « sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:47
DenKainGreetings all01:48
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6242/01:48
blah569_I have read the wikis, but I can not find out how to get Ubuntu working with a RTL8186 wireless card.01:49
ScuniziJ^son, the link takes you to sourceforge.. hplip is an opensource driver.... did you follow their instructions for installation? You probably should have installed hplip from Synaptic.. its in ther.01:49
ScuniziJ^son, synaptic is under System/Admin/Synaptic01:49
J^sonScunizi, I don't remember going to sourceforge01:49
unop_brambo, you could try this command to help.  sudo apt-get install util-linux01:50
blah569_Does anyone know of a guide to my question?01:50
unop_brambo, and then run LjL's command again01:50
LjLbrambo: you seem to have somehow managed to mess up your system in an original way :) try « sudo apt-get install util-linux »01:50
ScuniziJ^son, when I looked for the drivers on hp's site it had a link to them.. that link takes you to sourceforge.net.. not really an issue.. you might try installing hplip from synaptic and reinstall the printer giving it a different name.01:51
LjLunop_: is your dpkg -S much faster than mine, or have you encountered this before?01:51
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SpookyETI'm trying to run a cron, but it's not working01:51
bramboLjL: that don't do anything01:51
unop_LjL, he isn't the first one i've seen with getopt missing .. two or three people have had it missing.. dunno why really01:51
=== janeway_pwn_pica is now known as erichj
ScuniziJ^son, unfortunatly I've gotta run.. someone here should be able to help you more.  Good luck.01:51
* Scunizi is away: Honey Do List calls01:51
SpookyETi want it to run in the next 5 minutes, but it isn't doing anything01:51
LjLbrambo: how, won't do anything? it definitely should say something - anything at all01:51
CadeCan someone help me please?01:51
mDemocritus!ask | Cade01:52
ubotuCade: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:52
bramboLjL: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:52
unop_LjL, i use packages.ubuntu.com -- but with a firefox keyword setup ;) called dpkg-S :)01:52
SpookyET55 20 30 3 * /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.weekly/backup.sh01:52
SpookyETshouldn't that work01:52
LjLunop_, uhm, util-linux is depended upon by ubuntu-minimal01:52
CadeI've asked several times. I thought maybe getting someone's attention first might help01:52
LjLbrambo: try this: « sudo apt-get --download-only util-linux ; sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/util-linux*.deb »01:53
torenhonigi cant get my damn thunderbird to send mails from my server to the external world but i can with the terminal..... what is going on?01:53
eluxwhen i plug in my usb to serial adapter cable, it can see in my messages log that it connects, but then in the end it just disconnects without be unplugging it .. any ideas why?01:53
mDemocritus!repeat | Cade01:53
ubotuCade: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:53
Shadow420hey I am trying to use Windows bootloader I followed the tutorials but anytime I try to load GRUB using ubuntu.bin or bootsect.lnx and all came up is just GRUB01:53
Freenod2Hi everybody. Do you know how to add a menu item for all users?01:53
tsrkHow do I add my user to a group with the command line?01:54
Shadow420no listing of my ubuntu install01:54
LjL!adduser | tsrk01:54
ubotutsrk: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo01:54
unop_LjL, well, more than just that, util-linux is needed by pretty much anything - so to see getopt missing, could mean the file it was deleted somehow, not in $PATH anymore, or the postinst scripts are referring to it in the wrong location (perhaps?) .. i'm not sure01:54
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6243/01:54
LjLbrambo: my bad, the command should have been « sudo apt-get --download-only install util-linux ; sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/util-linux*.deb »01:55
Robert8915if i get an error when installing right after it installs the base system and i have used serveral different install cds what's wrong01:55
tsrkhow do I show all users and groups?01:55
tsrkthe check box is gone01:55
Robert8915it returns, i believe, error one01:55
iceswordLjL, hello01:55
LjLunop_: the postinst isn't calling it by path, just "getopt"01:55
xp_prgI want to build a more up to date xen kernel on my ubuntu, anyone know how I can do that in an ubuntu fesity specific way?01:55
bramboLjL: ok it asked me to hit Y to continue, now I gotta get my  Unbuntu disc, gimme a few mins01:56
Shadow420hey I am trying to use Windows bootloader I followed the tutorials but anytime I try to load GRUB using ubuntu.bin or bootsect.lnx and all came up is just GRUB the loader doesn't bot so how do I fix this?01:56
nonewmsgsi backed up my old folder and moved it to a new hard drive but some things seem a bit...off like evolution is no longer configured and i don't know where my missing messages are01:56
bramboLjL: my DVD drive isn't opening! wow this is a bit odd!01:56
deadlockMy cpatured sound audio is now crackling and doesnt work properly, is there a way to reset my settings or something. Its only recently stoppd working.01:57
bramboLjL: is there anyway I can get it to get the files it needs from the internet?01:57
LjLbrambo, of course - it should get them from the internet.01:57
unop__brambo, you can work without the DVD, just remove or comment the line mentioning cdrom in /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
osxdudebrambo, ht it with a hamme01:57
unop__brambo, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
SilverDawnHey all, Does anyone know of a fix for the firefox flash crashes01:58
Robert8915what do i do if i get a returned error 1 during install?01:58
jasonhow to i remove the top taskbar ware the time and all is displayed in gusty gibbon ?01:58
jasonuseing gnome01:58
levanderIs there an Ubuntu standard/recommended GNOME DVD burning application?  I don't want to use k3b because I don't use KDE.01:59
Robert8915right click it01:59
bramboLjL: It is not letting me let it get them from the internet, I am trying to remove cdrom from my sources list01:59
jasoni dont see a option for remove this01:59
osxdudejason: Right click an emty space and click "Remove panel"01:59
unop__levander, i believe the gnome equivalent is gnome-baker (iirc)01:59
torenhonigBrasero seems pretty cool01:59
jasonits the last pannl i have01:59
jasonbut i dont need the panals no more01:59
bramboLjL: ok i have my Ubuntu disc but I gotta get my DVD drive to open which means shutting down my pc etc...will u be here in a bit to help me still? do i just close out the terminal while its asking for the disc?02:01
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:01
phynixSilverDawn does it crash like after the first 4 secs of a video02:01
LjLbrambo, hit ctrl+c.02:01
SilverDawnphynix, nope just crashes lots lol02:01
LjLbrambo: then « gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list », and remove the line that mentions the CD.02:01
phynixSilverDawn Firfox eventually crashes when I watch a lot of youtube videos. Be nice when they finally fix it02:02
bramboLjL: there is 2 lines at the top that mention cdrom02:02
LjLbrambo: well remove both02:02
jasonhow to i remove the main pannle in gusty gibbon?02:02
LjLbrambo: or, comment them out by adding a # in front of them02:02
phynixjason are you trying to remove all of the panals02:02
unop__jason, right click, remove?02:02
huydoes anyone know how to make wep key works?02:03
phynixyou can't remove all of them02:03
bramboYou do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again02:03
torenhonigwhy would you watn to anyways?02:03
LjLbrambo, did you include the "gksudo"?02:03
phynixremove all of the panals?02:03
Shadow420hey I am trying to use Windows bootloader I followed the tutorials but anytime I try to load GRUB using ubuntu.bin or bootsect.lnx and all came up is just GRUB the loader doesn't boot so how do I fix this?02:03
jason<phynix>yes i want to remove them all02:03
bramboLjL: that is what I get when i try to close the sources list after # out anything to do with cdrom02:04
unop__jason, alt+f2 -> killall gnome-panel02:04
phynixjason i had to do a bit of voodo magic to do it02:04
phynixi have a post on how to02:04
magicswordx1_hey everyone...my third day on ubuntu... and I really like it...just need help installing02:04
LjLbrambo: yes, but did you include the "gksudo" in the command i gave you to edit the file in the first place?02:04
jason<phynix> p,m me02:04
LjLbrambo: or in other words, were you asked for a password?02:04
LDS_TrooperGreetings.. where can I ask about support for a certain GFX Card?02:04
unop__LjL, in other other words -- pay attention!! :)02:05
LDS_Trooperok let me grab the specs02:05
dwhsixany suggestions on getting wireless working on toshiba satellite p150?  usually wireless Just Works02:05
bramboLjL: i had already typed my password in the terminal before that command02:05
LjLbrambo: that doesn't matter02:05
dwhsixUbuntu sees the device, but I can't get it to show up as an interface02:05
LDS_TrooperThe card is a zotec nvidia gforce 8800 gt02:05
LDS_TrooperI have more info if needed02:05
LjLbrambo: ok look, nevermind, close the editor, and do « sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list », and remove the CD lines from that editor. use ctrl+x to save and exit. do include the "sudo".02:06
phynixjason one moment registering nick02:06
izinucs!nvidia | LDS_Trooper02:06
ubotuLDS_Trooper: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:06
LDS_TrooperOne moment...02:07
=== danuel is now known as danuel-is-away
LjL!away > danuel-is-away    (danuel-is-away, see the private message from Ubotu)02:07
slimbrambo, do like i did. the heck w/ sudo. enable log in as root02:07
LjLslim: no, thanks. don't recommend that.02:07
slimworks for me02:07
LjL!works for me02:07
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:07
magicswordx1_can anyone assist me with the steps to install Flasher player for linux02:08
LDS_Trooperizinucs, any idea how long before proper drivers will be available?02:08
LjL!flash | magicswordx1_02:08
ubotumagicswordx1_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:08
unop__slim, using sudo is logging on as root02:09
phynixjason get the pm?02:09
izinucsLDS_Trooper, i think but don't know for sure.. that they will be in the next version out late april  but you can install the binary ones.. that card is pretty new02:09
slimif not being able to save even in stable releases is stability02:09
dwhsixdo I need to have anything about ath0 in /etc/network/interfaces ?02:09
dwhsixI suspect the wireless may have been turned off when I did the ubuntu install... sheesh...02:10
LDS_Trooperizinucs, yes thanks... I am asking for a friend who is looking for a Distro that would support the card and its the one thing that he didn't like about Ubuntu02:10
bramboLjL: okay once i delete those two lines?02:10
unop__dwhsix, your interface will work (albeit not so well) if it doesnt have an entry in the interfaces file -- it wont render it unusable02:10
jimmygoonslim, not being able to save what?02:11
slimedits to files that belong to root02:11
izinucsLDS_Trooper, it will support it now.. just that you have to install the binary from nvidia.. in the interim he can use the generic nv driver or install the next versions beta download.. it's pretty complete but occationally breaks with updates then gets fixed the next day or so.02:11
dwhsixunop__: ok, thx... that's what I thought02:11
=== static is now known as maximilian
jimmygoonslim, thats what sudo is for?02:11
slimyeah with too much hassle02:12
jimmygoonslim, if you need to elevate to a super user terminal there are plenty of ways to do that with sudo02:12
slimi just log in as root amnd i am good to go02:12
jimmygoonslim, the ONLY need for "root" is to have a root graphical login which is bad idea no matter what02:12
jimmygoonslim, sudo -s will give you  a superuser terminal02:13
LDS_Trooperizinucs, Excellent thanks! I will pass this along02:13
dannyboylawless_i installed samba and had my smb network running flawless then restarted and need to start it up again and was pointed here for help with init scripts (i'm really new to linux)02:13
izinucsLDS_Trooper, no problem.. are you using ubuntu?02:13
dvoidwhen im recording a 3d application with "recordMyDesktop" my keyboard and mouse inputs gets really delayed, fps is still good but io seems to lagbehind alot, does anyone know if there is anything i can do to prevent this?02:13
bramboLjL: how do I save this now?02:13
LjLbrambo: ctrl+x02:13
LDS_Trooper7.10 and lovin it02:13
JarG0nDoes anyone know how to rotate a selection in GIMP ?02:13
LDS_TrooperJargon I do..02:14
=== DenKain is now known as DenKain_AFK
LDS_Trooperwhat type of selection02:14
osxdudeit's stuck on "Installed tomboy" ow02:14
slimjimmy, just using it for setting up the system then its gone02:14
JarG0nLDS_Trooper> um, not quite sure, I just need to straighten out an image I scanned.02:14
JarG0nLDS_Trooper> it's lopsided02:14
thepyronautCan anyone offer help for the Hardy beta? I'm getting some annoying slowdown here, not sure if its a bug02:14
LDS_TrooperJarG0n, ok02:14
JarG0n<-- GIMP newb02:14
XceIII just redid x, and forgot to set the kboard to 105, its @ 104, when i try to change it it gives me errors, how can i fix this, thanks.02:15
bramboLjL: ok i pressed enter again and now it cleared the screen i am back to to regular terminal, I see.....   brambo@brambo-desktop:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:15
LDS_TrooperJarG0n, in the tools area there is a rotate tool.. this will give you a pop up which will allow you to rotate02:15
kindofabuzzwill someone tell me if foil goes on the backside of both pieces or just the main part? http://www.freeantennas.com/projects/template2/index.html02:15
kindofabuzzsorry ot02:15
LDS_TrooperJarG0n,  you could also look under the layer menu of the image02:15
LDS_TrooperJarG0n, do you use MSN or Yahoo?02:16
JarG0nLDS_Trooper> ok, thanks.   Yahoo02:16
LDS_Trooperyou could add me if you with02:16
LDS_Trooperlds.trooper AT yahoo.ca02:17
dwhsixhmm - so when I do a lshw, what does it mean that the wireless device says "*-network UNCLAIMED"?02:17
JarG0ncool, will do02:17
shnastybiznasticalirght, I have a system whose power failed in the middle of a system update, what's the protocol for getting it back up and running?02:18
bramboLjL: ok i did  sudo apt-get --download-only install util-linux ; sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/util-linux*.deb its doing stuff now02:18
singhshnastybiznastic: What happens when you restart?02:18
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244/02:18
shnastybiznasticsingh, I don't know, it's in another state right now, I"m doing this over the phone02:19
XceII I just re-did x, and forgot to set the key board to 105, its @ 104, when i try to change it, it gives me errors, how can i fix this, thanks.02:19
Pir8how can I find out what init level I am running at ?02:19
shnastybiznasticsingh, if it were in my lap I could give you the exact error that apt throws, but I have to wait on the help...02:20
bramboLjL: you still here?02:20
zobonovnecesito informacion02:20
LjLbrambo: yes. now « sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:20
LjL!es | zobonov02:20
ubotuzobonov: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.02:20
singhshnastybiznastic: so apt-get does give you an error message when you try to re-do apt-get update/upgrade ?02:20
izinucsshnastybiznastic, maybe you can vnc into the box.. if ssh isn't available02:20
zobonovok thanks02:21
osxdudelol, zobonove spoke ingles02:21
osxdudeok, it's still stuck at 85%02:21
osxdudeit's been there for like 10 or 20 mins now02:21
bramboLjL: ok back to brambo@brambo-desktop:~$02:21
LjLbrambo: now « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal », then hopefully you should be all set02:22
LjLbrambo: actually, perhaps you'll need a « sudo apt-get -f install » too02:22
shnastybiznasticizinucs, perhaps, but if i remember correctly, ssh is closed off by default in ubuntu (it is a client's laptop), and I already have a dude at the machine02:22
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bramboLjL: will this format my drive at all?02:22
LjL... format your drive?02:22
shnastybiznasticbrambo, no, it will only install some packages02:23
spork969ok, lets say i have a .deb package. how do i install the software included in the package?02:23
shnastybiznasticspork969, right click, there should be an install option02:23
LjLspork969: by double-clicking on the file... although you should only be installing packages specifically intended for your version of Ubuntu, or you might end up having trouble.02:24
spork969shnastybiznastic, thanks02:24
spork969LjL, thanks02:24
Strife89I'm having some trouble in getting the computers in the house to "see" each other on my wireless network.02:24
osxdudeMy altrenate ubuntu install is stuck at Select and install software (85%): Installed tomboy It's ben there for about 15 mins. What's happeneing?02:24
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245/02:24
LjLbrambo: it's all fixed02:24
Strife89I've been working on the problem for ages to no avail (all the other computers are Windows PCs; 2 are laptops).02:25
Strife89I offer for someone to VIEW my computer via Remote Desktop to assist me. :)02:26
spork969LjL, shnastybiznastic, is there a way for me to install the package so it appears under the applications toolbar?02:26
Strife89Command provided on request.....02:26
bramboLjL: do i need to restart? cause .deb and such still do not open02:26
LjLspork969, if the package is a GUI application, and is well behaved, it will appear.02:26
LjLbrambo, do they say anything peculiar? errors?02:27
spork969LjL, thanks02:27
shnastybiznasticspork969, if it isn't well behaved, you can just make an icon in the menu for it02:27
izinucsspork969, depends you might have to add it to the menu later02:27
bramboLjL: no they just don't do nothing...nothing opens02:27
spork969shnastybiznastic, izinucs, how do i do that?02:27
LjLbrambo: try doing, from a terminal, « gdebi path-and-name-of-the-package.deb »02:27
PifferHow do I upgrade from 2.6.22-14-generic to the latest 2.6.??-??-generic?02:27
Strife89vncviewer CarrDesktop:002:27
LjLbrambo: actually, with a gksudo in front02:27
dannyboylawless_can anyone help me out with manipulating my init commands02:28
LjLPiffer, 2.6.22-14 *is* the latest Gutsy kernel02:28
andrewphey guys02:28
andrewpcan someone help me?02:28
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:28
Dr_willisdannyboylawless_,  doing what exactly?02:28
phynixjason did you ehck it out02:28
osxdudeMy altrenate ubuntu install is stuck at Select and install software (85%): Installed tomboy It's ben there for about 15 mins. What's happeneing?02:28
Dr_willisandrewp,  doing what exactly?02:28
nortyHelp!: I ran a program and it crashed and now I can't use GUI at all, i can open programs or close windows or anything with my house, I can use the terminal though, how do I fix this or even be able to reset without having to turn the power on and off?02:28
dannyboylawless_Dr_willis, trying to start up samba when my computer starts up02:29
Dr_willisnorty,  as a extreme measuer you can restart X with alt-ctrl-backspace.. that will force a X restart02:29
silentnorty: try a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:29
jason<phynix> i got it working thanks02:29
ussernorty: sudo reboot should restart the machine02:29
Dr_willisdannyboylawless_,  if you install the samba package it shoudl allready do so.02:29
phynixjason did that post help?02:29
izinucsnorty, maybe /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:29
jason<phynix> ya02:29
Strife89Can I get some networking assistance?02:29
jason<phynix> do you use avant?02:30
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spork969k, it installed, but i cannot find it...02:30
Strife89I offer a Remote Desktop VIEW for anyone who can help.....02:30
aaron_hey can anyone help me with compiz on the aluminum imacs02:30
jonathonHey, im having a hard time getting sound working on this laptop, ive been through a few ALSA tutorials and have tried ALSA and autodetect, HDA Nvidia, help please.02:31
phynixjason yes i do02:31
=== jonathon is now known as valros
shnastybiznasticspork969, right click the applications menu, click edit menus, add a launcher02:31
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bramboLjL: maybe the   .deb files I am getting just don't work cause I am trying ones I already have and they come up, asking if I want to reinstall the package..02:31
efirewickStrife89: did you install nfs?02:32
aaron_can any of you help me with getting compiz to work on the aluminum imac02:32
LjLbrambo: err... yeah, asking to reinstall would be some kind of meaningful output02:32
dragon33hi, i deleted my trash icon in the lower left bottom of my screen, how's it possible to get it back? thanks02:32
frozenskunkCan someone please help me figure out why I always have high cpu wait times?02:32
bramboLjL: maybe you can help me fix my update manager?02:32
spork969i cannot find the newly installed package, any ideas where it could have been installed?02:32
LjLbrambo: i think your update manager will work now, have you tried?02:32
ethan961aaron_, use restricted-manager to get the ATI drivers necessary for mompiz02:32
ToddEDMhey there guys, im setting up a PC for my 6 year old(its an excuse for me to get a new one).. but i was wondering how i can set up a new user that can just use icons from the desktop to start tuxpaint, and GCompris, and some other ones i might find... i want everything else locked down02:32
bramboLjL: yes I've tryed I get the same message as before we did this..02:33
LjLbrambo: which is?02:33
Strife89<efirewick> Remind me how to check for NFS....... Please?02:33
Dr_willisToddEDM,  kde has a Koisk mode, or you could use some other window manager/desktop and customize it.02:33
cferribyso I have 7.10 duel booted on my laptop. i have intel 945 intergrated graphics and i noticed that the display driver that was being used wasn't the one for the 945 or what i thought.... so i changed it to what had 945 in it but than when i rebooted i just got a black screen. is there anyway to fix this usin the rescue boo option or anything???02:33
shnastybiznasticspork969, what's the package?02:33
Dr_willisToddEDM,  not sure if gnome has a koisk mode or not.02:33
spork969shnastybiznastic, openlierox02:33
jasonhow do i open a termanal useing the keybord?02:33
aaron_I need help with getting 3d acceleration to work on the Radeon HD 2600 PRO02:33
shnastybiznasticspork969, does it launch from a terminal with that command?02:34
bramboLjL: Not all updates can be installed.  Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.  This can be caused by:02:34
efirewickstrife89: system -> administrator -> shared folders02:34
LjLbrambo: type « sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console, pastebin the output02:34
Dr_willisjason,  one way - alt-f2 run 'gnome-terminal' or some other terminal app.02:34
ethan961aaron_, use restricted manager to install the drivers02:34
aaron_well just a sec02:34
spork969shnastybiznastic, yes it does, how do i make a launcher for it?02:34
LjLbrambo: also, pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list02:34
ToddEDMthanks Dr_willis02:34
izinucscferriby, ctrl+alt+F2 to get to a terminal and re-edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf back to the original driver02:34
phynixjason you can hit alt - f1 to get the menu02:34
aaron_ethan961 this is the dialouge i get Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers.02:34
jasonok Dr_willis02:34
asymptoteIs there any reason this configuration wouldn't start dhcpd? : This is not working :(  I try starting the service using /sbin/service dhcpd start and I'm getting a "FAILED".  Just to see if it would run, I have basic configuration in the man pages:02:35
asymptotesubnet netmask {02:35
asymptote          range;02:35
asymptote        }02:35
asymptoteAny reason you can think why this wouldn't start?  Thanks!02:35
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246/02:35
aaron_ethan961: this is the dialouge i get Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers.02:35
Strife89<efirewick> I BELIEVE I do.02:35
ethan961aaron_, what is the output of "glxinfo | grep direct"?02:35
cferribyizinuncs: thnks i'll try that02:35
ricanelitewhen i go to screens and graphics it says Model: 1280x800 and when i look at the screen resoultion it says 1280x720. How can I setup my monitor so it will be at 1280x720?02:35
shnastybiznasticspork969, one moment02:35
asymptotesorry about that02:35
phynixjason are you just using avant and nothing else02:35
ricanelitebecause the monitors default setting is 1280x72002:36
spork969shnastybiznastic, nvm figured it out02:36
aaron_ethan916: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
aaron_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
aaron_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
aaron_Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual02:36
aaron_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
aaron_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:36
FloodBot1aaron_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
JarG0ndoes anyone know how to rotate a rectangle selection in GIMP so I can crop out the white space from the image ?02:36
asymptoteIs there any reason this configuration wouldn't start dhcpd? :02:36
asymptotesubnet netmask {02:36
phynixjason ya i do its awesome. I wish i could map the menu to the middle click02:36
FloodBot1asymptote: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
Strife89<efirewiclk> Again, I'll give you a Remote Desktop command to VIEW my desktop if you can help me.02:36
shnastybiznasticspork969, does it work as desired?02:36
aaron_am I still muted?02:36
ethan961aaron_, no02:37
LjLaaron_: no02:37
asymptoteFloodBot, shut up I know the rules02:37
jasonphynix: good idea02:37
shnastybiznasticaaron_, yes02:37
deadlockHow would i go about purging and reinstall my sound drivers, my captured sound is all messed up.02:37
bramboLjL: sources list  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6247/02:37
phynixjason: you might want to try out gnome-do that makes it a lot easier to get around02:37
valrosHey, im having a hard time getting sound working on this laptop, ive been through a few ALSA tutorials and have tried ALSA and autodetect, HDA Nvidia, help please.02:37
efirewickstrife89: when you go to "places -> network" what do you see?02:37
aaron_so ethan961 that is my output02:37
spork969shnastybiznastic, perfectly, thanks02:37
ethan961aaron_, did you do "glxinfo | grep direct"? there should only be one line02:37
d0lphin_n0elmy ubuntu 7.01 to 8 beta it rounsg really badbecause the pc reboot and now it is everything cruisel :x  im try to make backups desesperated :X02:37
d0lphin_n0elany idea how can i resolve this?!02:38
ethan961aaron_, the " | direct" is important02:38
aaron_yes i did02:38
Zoemhi, can anyone help me get my sound working?02:38
Strife89<efirewick>: Two lines: "CARRDESKTOP", and "Windows Network" (only one Windows computer is on right now).02:38
kingtechHello to everyone02:38
LjLbrambo: bah, the update seems fine to me. perhaps, but i'm just guessing, the update manager refuses to update because of the KDE4 repositories. anyway, i'd hit "Y" on the dist-upgrade and let it work, and then test again02:38
jasonphynix: nome what>?02:38
valroshey guys, whats the easiest Intel ALSA driver download or tutorial02:38
jasonphynix:  never herd of it02:38
ethan961aaron_, is there any mention of direct rendering in "glxinfo"?02:39
ethan961aaron_ if so, does it say "yes"?02:39
kingtechhello jason02:39
Angeli need help from someone02:39
kingtechhow are u doing02:39
d0lphin_n0elthis is insane .... i dont need to put passwrod to change diferent login acount02:39
phynixjason http://do.davebsd.com/02:39
d0lphin_n0elthe upgrade gets cruisel02:39
efirewickstrife89: is the computer you are using is called "carrdesktop"?02:39
aaron_no and no ethan02:39
Angelis anyone good at installing software in ubuntu gutsy??02:40
jasonphynix:  thanks02:40
kingtechjason are u still online02:40
Zoemhi, can anyone help me get my sound working?02:40
bramboLjL: aha wait a minute, maybe you can understand this...this is after I pressed Y      http://paste.ubuntu.com/6248/02:40
jasonkingtech:  hello02:40
kingtechhow are u doing02:40
Strife89<efirewick> Here, just look at my screen, if you want:  vncviewer CarrDesktop:002:40
bramboLjL: I believe it has to do with KDE 402:40
phynixanyone know how to map the gnome menu to mouse buttons?02:40
torenhonigwhat is so hard about installing software angel02:40
B-rabbithi everybody, I'm a vista user..  I recently heard of Unbuntu... well why should I or should I not install ubuntu?02:40
Angelis anybody able to pm me privately02:40
genii!intelhda | valros02:40
jasongreat kingtech02:40
ubotuvalros: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:40
LjLbrambo: yes, that's why i'm suspecting that, although on my system, the update manager couldn't care less about the fact that the KDE4 repository is not authenticated... (i'm using the KDE 3 update manager)02:41
kingtechactually can we be friends?02:41
crappycaribouB-rabbit: it is free and easy to install, so it is worth trying if you are interested02:41
aaron_go here02:41
LjL!ot | kingtech02:41
ubotukingtech: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about floodbot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:41
izinucsB-rabbit, it's probaby faster than vista02:41
torenhonigno bloat very custimizable02:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:41
jasonkingtech: you takning to me? sure i guss we can be frends02:41
LjLKamus_H_Zwisch, what are you doing pray tell?02:41
valrosthanks ill try it02:41
bramboLjL: should I just continue from where you see, anyway?02:41
=== alan_m is now known as paultag|afk
aaron_to see the exact output02:41
B-rabbitcrappycaribou, what if I don't like it?  can I get rid of it quick then?02:41
izinucsB-rabbit, but it won't play windows games.. mostly02:41
fightermanhey -- i have a command . . . tracd --port 8021, etc=1, exw=2 --anyway i would like to run this with an alias, what is the best way02:41
Kamus_H_ZwischLjL the source of floodbot02:41
Zoemhi, can anyone help me get my sound working?02:41
kingtechyess jason i am talking to u.02:41
=== paultag|afk is now known as Alan_M
crappycaribouB-rabbit: yeah it is easy to get rid of if you don't want it02:41
LjLbrambo: if you want the latest kde 4 packages installed, yup02:41
Kamus_H_Zwischmine eggdrop script donesn't works02:41
LjLKamus_H_Zwisch: not available. and don't spam the channel.02:42
kingtechJason i want us to be friends what do u say about that?02:42
valrosis !hdaintel supposed to be a terminal command?02:42
crappycaribouB-rabbit: you can also run it from a cd to try it out02:42
aaron_hey ethan961 you know what is going on02:42
izinucsB-rabbit, run the live cd so it won't touch the HD.. it'll run slower.much.slower.. but it will give you a good idea02:42
B-rabbitizinucs, I don't plan on using it for that, I plan on using it for building 3d-stuff02:42
jasonkingtech ok02:42
Zoemhi, can anyone help me get my sound working?02:42
LjLvalros: no, it's a command to our bot.02:42
B-rabbitso I just want to speed up my pc.. if possible02:43
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:43
=== DenKain_AFK is now known as DenKain
LjL!etiquette > Kamus_H_Zwisch    (Kamus_H_Zwisch, see the private message from Ubotu)02:43
ethan961aaron_, not from that, but could you please pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? Tgis looks pretty bad02:43
fightermanso i put it in bashrc -- how can i reload this file so the alias is available?02:43
jasonphynix: is this the same thing as avant?02:43
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK
geniivalros: The idea is go to the link the bot provides and follow instructions there to get your intel hda sound going02:43
aaron_I am a n00b at linux02:43
efirewickstrife89: I would need your ip to log on to your computer.02:43
Dave009hi everyone im totally lost trying to setup my wireless, can someone help me out?02:43
Zoemis there an easy link for Asus nforce onboard sound too?02:44
bramboLjL: I've gotta do something, while I let this work, I will see what happens when I return...I just hope I have enough hard drive space02:44
Strife89Do you want it, then. Uno momento......02:44
efirewickstrife89: here is a good link for nfs config: http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/02:44
geniiZoem: Unfortunately not yet02:44
valrosohh ok i got it now, the bot command idea that is02:44
ethan961aaron_, there is no mention of direct rendering, let alone all the GLX extensions missing02:44
blackwaltzHmm, I can't seem to get lm-sensors working :(02:44
DenKainAnyone here use uSplash Maker?02:44
Zoemk then... can anyone help me get my Asus nforce onboard sound working?02:44
Dave009has anyone ever setup wireless on an inspiron 1520?02:44
aaron_do you still want me to pastebin my etc/x11/xorg.cong02:44
kingtechjason are u still there?02:44
kingtechi am back02:45
ethan961aaron_, yes please02:45
efirewickstrife89: this also: http://czarism.com/easy-peasy-ubuntu-linux-nfs-file-sharing02:45
kingtechHELLO JASON I AM BACK02:45
kingtechCAN WE STILL CHAT?02:45
Angeli need help installing a file can anyone interested in helping me  pm me02:45
aaron_I have no xorg folder in the x11 directory02:45
Strife89<efirewick> Thanks. I'll read up and get back to you.02:45
FloodBot1kingtech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
skyhookwhat does this mean when I try to update: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:46
skyhookE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:46
jasonkingtech:  hello02:46
ethan961aaron_, there is a capital X02:46
aaron_sorry misread the address02:46
Peloaaron_, xorg is not a folder it's a file , xorg.conf02:46
kingtechYEAH JASON02:46
phynixjason no it launches programs. for instance you type in fire and the icon for firefox comes up and you select it launching the program02:46
Zoemcan anyone help me get my Asus nforce onboard sound working?02:46
aaron_i have 402:46
Pelokingtech, we can read smallcase too02:46
aaron_which one should i use02:46
JarG0ndoes anyone know how to rotate a rectangle selection in GIMP so I can crop out the white space from the image ?02:46
Angelok kingtech i will explain the problem02:46
blackwaltzZoem: is the intel8x0 module loaded .... it probably uses it02:46
Peloaaron_, the one that isjust xorg.conf , nothing at the end02:46
jasonphynix:  sounds cool02:46
ethan961aaron_, the one that is named "xorg.conf" nothing else02:47
xp_prganyone using xen on ubuntu here?02:47
Zoemblackwaltz, it is a cmedia card on an AMD motherboard02:47
Zoemblackwaltz, or at least a cmedia chip02:47
phynixjason ya it is02:47
Pelokingtech, take off the caps lock02:47
skyhookkingtech: don't use the caps02:48
aaron_go there ethan96102:48
blackwaltzZoem: not sure then, what does google tell you about the driver for that chip ... given the complete name you might be able to find which module you need loaded02:48
kingtech ok02:48
cloudWhy is skype not in the repos? i thought it was. O_o02:48
ethan961thanks, aaron_02:48
izinucsJarG0n, is the area outside the rectangle what you want to get rid of?02:48
kingtechangle are u still there02:48
Dave009can someone help me point to a wireless setup guide?02:48
phynixcloud its not because its nonfree02:48
Zoemblackwaltz, how do I check if the module is loaded?02:48
Pelocloud, enable the extra repos , from menu > systtm > admion > software sources02:48
blackwaltzZoem: lsmod02:48
aaron_Dave009 search in the ubuntu forums02:48
kingtechangle u can meet me in private so that i can teach u have to slove this problem02:48
nikrud!wireless | Dave00902:49
ubotuDave009: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:49
jasonkingtech:  sure02:49
skyhookDave009: check out ubuntufourms.org02:49
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:49
jasonkingtech:  pm me02:49
shnastybiznasticactually, I think I got my mess sorted without the assistance of the channel, but I fixed a problem, s...02:49
* Pelo waves hello to nikrud 02:49
franekwas up?02:49
* nikrud waves back02:49
ethan961!ati | aaron_ (follow the FGLRX instructions)02:49
ubotuaaron_ (follow the FGLRX instructions): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:49
Angelim trying to install a cad software called autoq3d for linux, it comes in a zip file which i extract to my desktop, in the extracted folder there is a file called "README" which reads "to install the program type install script in root, which then i navigate to the folder and type "install" or sudo install and in return i get "install:missing file operand" have any ideas what that means02:49
franekkingtech you ar reali king;)02:50
kingtechactuall jason this is my fist time in this room so i dont know how to pm or send privat messages02:50
kingtechcan u help me do that02:50
JarG0nizinucs> yes02:50
jasonright click my name kingtech02:50
PeloAngel,  cd to the unzipped folder, then type sudo ./filneame of the instll script02:50
JarG0nizinucs> well, after I'm able to rotate the selection02:50
bramboLjL: would it have told me by now if I did not have enough disc space for this?02:51
nikrud!register jason kingtech02:51
genii!register | kingtech you have to register before pm is possible02:51
ubotukingtech you have to register before pm is possible: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.02:51
geniinikrud: heh02:51
LjLbrambo: no, that's something it's not eager to tell you... check with « df »02:51
nikrudgenii hey, you got the syntax right ;(02:51
ethan961aaron_, follow the instructions on installing the peopietary driver02:51
ubotuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:51
kingtech jason i blive we have to register before we can communicate privet02:52
cloudPelo: I don't see it..it looks as if I have it all enabled.02:52
jasonwhen i press alt f2 nothing happens02:52
jasonkingtech:  i know02:52
Pelocloud,  3rd tab the backport one02:52
jasonkingtech:  dont worr bout it02:52
ethan961jason, control alt f202:52
Pelocloud, you can also try here www.getdeb.com02:52
eduardoQuestion: How do I format my hd from terminal?02:52
bramboLjL: My file system has  8.9gb used and  6.0gb free02:52
franekI go it job in 6 :(02:52
nikrudeduardo  sudo gparted02:52
* Pelo feels the love 02:52
Angelthat worked perfectly02:53
Angelthank a lot pelo02:53
Pelocloud,  my mistake it doesn'T appear to be in the repos02:53
FFForeverhow do i stop music manager from loading everytime i plug my ipod in, i want amarok!!!02:53
eduardonikrud: only that?02:53
werdzhauk: \o02:53
eduardonikrud, i want to make my hd 3ext02:53
haukwerdz: heh02:53
valrosWorking off of the HDA Intel guide Ive run into a problem, in usr/src/alsa there is nothing and i dont have permission to copy the alsa driver downloads into it02:53
PeloFFForever, menu > systEM > prefs > removable media02:53
cloudPelo: strange..I know I've installed it from there before.02:53
nikrudeduardo that will get you a tool that will allow you to work with the disk. This is a second drive, right? Not the one with linux?02:53
Pelocloud, might have been a 3rd party repos02:53
kingtechwhen i press F2 nothing happines too02:53
PeloAngel, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel02:54
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:54
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6249/02:54
* Pelo knew there was a reason nikrud got ops 02:54
Angelpelo, is it alright if i add you as a buddy?02:54
eduardonikrud, no its the one with linux, i had a problem with my system and i want to format it02:54
B-rabbitWhen I'm requesting a ubuntu cd, I need to fill in my phone number, why?02:54
PeloAngel, NO it is not02:54
cloudPelo: skype was removed. You have to add separate repos for it now. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype02:54
nikrudeduardo ok, to work on the main drive you'll need to run the live cd02:55
Angelno problem man thanks for the help though take it easy02:55
PeloAngel, you can't add me as a buddy anyway , I'm not on pidgin02:55
finkhow do i setup networked printers that are via samba?02:55
nikrudPelo I was a poor second to you ;)02:55
Strife89<efirewick> Halfway there....02:55
kingtechnikrud pls can u show me how to register02:55
LjLbrambo: yeah, you've plenty disk space02:55
eduardonikrud, im running the live cd02:55
B-rabbitWhen I'm requesting a ubuntu cd, I need to fill in my phone number, why? I'd rather not type my phone number on the internet02:55
kingtechnikrud  are u there?02:55
aaron_it says I already have the restricted drivers02:55
bramboLjL: ok im gonna let this finish while I do something quick, back in a little bit...thank u for all you've  helped my friend02:56
kingtechjason are u still there?02:56
nikrudkingtech , hmmm, I did it a loong time ago, a sec02:56
crappycaribouB-rabbit: if you have the bandwidth you can download the disk image and burn a cd yourself02:56
kingtechok nikrud02:56
kingtechi am still waiting02:56
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
jasonkingtech:  yeah02:56
aaron_ethan961 I am unsure what to do02:56
ethan961aaron_, change "vesa" in your xorg.conf to "fglrx" then02:56
Jkreefkingtech: "/msg nickserv register password"02:56
jasonwhen i tryed to swich back, i couldent02:56
Jkreefwithout the quotes02:56
jasonbut i got it back now02:56
nikrud    /msg nickserv register <your-password>  kingtech dang man, I can only type so fast ;)02:57
werdzwin 2102:57
werdzpah, ignore me ^ :)02:57
B-rabbitI get that crappycaribou, it's just..  I don't really have any bandwidth atm and I honestly can't see why they need my phonenumber02:57
ethan961aaron_, but only if you are ABSOLUTELY sure you already have them installed02:57
finkhow do i setup networked printers that are via samba?02:57
nikrudeduardo then apps->accessories->terminal, type   gksudo gparted02:57
aaron_that is what my terminal says02:57
aaron_and I have another operating system so I can always boot to that02:57
Zoemblackwaltz, how do I check if the module is loaded?02:58
aaron_but after I save the file what should I do02:58
Zoemanyone have any idea how to install modules for ad1988b audio?02:58
Pelofink,  can you see the printer in samba ? yes ? then just proceed with the cups printer manager in the admin menu02:58
kingtechnikrud i dont undrstand02:58
kingtechcan u explain it to me?02:58
aaron_but after I save the file what should I do ethan96102:59
eduardonikrud, done02:59
Pelokingtech,  type /nickserv register help and you well get instrucitons on registering your nick to the netwrok , so you cna then have private msg with ppl02:59
finkB-Rabbit: mayb e you should just put in the rejection hotline number if your so concerned?02:59
ethan961aaron_, ctl-alt-bkspace, that will restart x and close everyhin02:59
nikrudkingtech simply type:    /msg nickserv register <yourpasswordhere>  What that does is make your nick owned by you, no one else whenever you log in02:59
aaron_wish me lux02:59
* ethan961 wishes aaron_ luck03:00
* Pelo thinks aaron_ just started a new internet meme 03:00
eduardonikrud, nvm my partition is already ext303:00
Zoemanyone have any idea how to install modules for ad1988b audio?03:00
B-rabbitfink, if you can explain me the use of giving my number I will...03:00
PeloZoem, lsmod and modprobe03:00
sirjoebobhey all.... i accidentally removed the restricted Nvidia driver and now I cant get it to reload. when i click it from the restricted drivers menu, nothing comes up. any way to reset the drivers manager or anything like that?03:00
nikrudeduardo ok, you see all your partitions there, right? Of course. Now, you should consider having 3 partitions at least, one  for swap, one for / , and one for /home03:01
bramboLjL: this is basically doing like a reinstall of the operating system?03:01
Pelosirjoebob, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:01
brent113Alright, so something happened to my system and now I can only log in with failsafe gnome.  Otherwise I get the same error as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4613134&postcount=1 . Any ideas on how to find the culprit program?  Also, if I create a new user it logs in fine.03:01
LjLbrambo: ... no?03:01
LjLbrambo: it's updating your KDE4.03:01
Pelobrent113, just summarize the error msg ,  this si a busy night we don'T have time to open links03:02
madmaxmadomg I just saw some nice screens from Starcraft 2. looks great and if its going to be playable as the first part theres going to be some nasty need for windows if it dont work in wine03:02
brent113Pelo: first line: (process:5359): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.03:02
bramboLjL: in turn should reconize in update manager therefore let me update?03:02
madmaxmadanyone heard any news about it running on linux ?03:02
Pelobrent113, did you try doing a forum search onwith the erroe msg ?  www.ubuntuforums.org ?03:02
nikrudbrent113 try   sudo apt-get remove --purge <that package> , that will get rid of that file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/39keytouch-acpid03:02
ethan961!offtopic | madmadmax03:02
ubotumadmadmax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:02
Zoemanyone have any idea how to install modules for ad1988b audio?03:02
PeloZoem, did you check the forum ?03:03
madmaxmadethan961, nicely said03:03
aaron_ethan961 it didn't do anything03:03
LjLbrambo: *shrug*, that i cannot say. you can always try disabling the kde4 repository in sources.list and seeing03:03
aaron_I still can enable desktop effects03:03
nikrudbrent113 the real problem is the last line03:03
ussermadmaxmad: who needs starcraft when there's spring03:03
ethan961aaron_, you are in a GUI?03:03
ussermadmaxmad: http://spring.clan-sy.com/03:04
madmaxmadusser, what spring has to do with starcraft ??03:04
=== madmaxmad is now known as mad_max02
ussermad_max02: just look at the screenshots03:04
ethan961aaron_, good, you do have the driver. Next you will need to set up xgl03:04
ethan961!xgl | aaron_03:04
ubotuaaron_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:04
kingtechnikrud thanks so much03:05
kingtechjason are u still there03:05
brent113nikrud: I don't have the exact same error as this guy. Here's mine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61698/03:05
mad_max02usser, wow nice. looks like some old mobile phone game03:05
haukis there a channel specifically dedicated to sound issues?03:05
mad_max02usser, thats supposed to be starcraft alternative for linux ?03:06
kingtechnikrub i am able to register03:06
ethan961hauk, #alsa03:06
nikrudbrent113 put a copy of    gedit  ~/.profile    on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:06
aaron_ethan961 should I use xgl or aiglx03:06
ethan961aaron_, aiglx if you can03:06
haukethan961 thanks03:06
ussermad_max02: that's total annihilation for linux03:06
ethan961aaron_, xgl is something you want to avoid if at all possible03:06
brent113nikrud: yea, I was looking at that but I have no clue how to fix it, thanksf or lookign at it03:07
mad_max02usser, I'm not arguing or anything but looks like some undeveloped game from win9803:07
kingtechjason are u still there03:07
valrosI have a problem installing alsa utilities, it says it requires a curses library03:07
franekkurwa co jest?03:07
heartsbloodj #ubuntu+103:07
heartsbloodmy bad03:07
nikrudbrent113 I have a generic replacement for you, that is so totally the wrong content for that file, a sec03:07
aaron_is there aiglx for gusty03:07
Benny_132hi guys trying to setup a public/private key and i create the key's upload to the server but when i goto login it asks for my passphrase then it says Permission denied (publickey).03:07
camokatI've been running Ubuntu for a while now on Dell 530 dual boot with windows xp. Today I formated had to reinstall everything on my hard drive. Installation of Windows XP went fine. With ubuntu after installation and booting into it all I get is waiting mouse icon and that it. I cannot use the keyboard but I can move mouse...03:07
jasonkingtech:  yes03:08
kingtechactually i am able to register03:08
B-rabbitwauw, i apparently underastmated my internet connection.... I'm downloading @ > 500 KB/s03:08
camokat...what's going on here? I tried reinstalling Ubuntu - same thing03:08
aaron_ethan 961 is there aiglx for gusty03:08
ethan961aaron_, yes03:08
FFForeveris there a deb for libgpod-0.6???03:08
aaron_how do I get to that03:08
aaron_cause it only has it for edgy and dapper03:08
kingtechI am just registed03:08
brent113nikrud: OOOO i know what happened.  compiz saved its settings to that file.  thanks, the replacement will fix it03:08
ussermad_max02: hm... well I like it, liked starcraft too... and my guess would that as all blizzard games starcraft 2 would pretty easy to get going on linux with wine03:08
kingtechso jason we can now chat03:09
valrosI have a problem installing alsa utilities, it says it requires a curses library, any help please03:09
nikrudhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61700/  brent11303:09
ethan961aaron_, I think in your case you need xgl, given your video card03:09
sirjoebobI need to reinstall the NVIDIA restricted driver but it will not give me the option to download it now....03:09
kingtech "/msg nickserv register password"03:09
aaron_aw okay03:09
Jkreefkingtech, try it without the quotes03:09
nikrudaaron_ xgl? What videocard?03:09
brent113nikrud: thanks for the help, talk to you later03:10
nikrudbrent113 working? good03:10
jasonkingtech:  ok pm me03:10
brent113nikrud: if not, I'll be back :)03:10
kingtech "/msg nickserv register password?03:10
aaron_and it says I already have xgl03:10
kingtechJkreef it is not working03:10
sirjoebobI need to reinstall the NVIDIA restricted driver but it will not give me the option to download it now....  anybody know why or how to force it?03:10
FFForeveris there a deb for libgpod-0.6???????????03:10
kingtechjason i will pm u soon03:10
nikrudaaron_ ati what?    lspci | grep -i vga   will say for sure03:10
aaron_i typed sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl and it says I have it03:10
aaron_unknown device03:11
brent113nikrud: well, I'm back anyways, and it did work.  thanks again03:11
aaron_ati technologies unknown device03:11
nikrudFFForever I've seen them on the net, but compiling it and gtkpod is simple  (and it's available in hardy, will be released in about 3-4 weeks)03:11
kingtech /msg03:11
aaron_but it is a ati radeon HD2600 PRO03:11
un0pFFForever,  add this line to your sources.list - deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main03:11
kingtechnikrud pls can u tell me the command to send a pm03:12
valrosplease help, alsa -util needs a curses library to install, no idea what it is03:12
nikrudaaron_ ah, need to be sure, ok. Those, you need the driver from the ati site I believe. a sec03:12
sirjoebobI need to reinstall the NVIDIA restricted driver but it will not give me the option to download it now....  anybody know why or how to force it? any help would be much appreciated03:12
brent113kingtech: /msg nikrud03:12
brent113kingtech: that will send a pm to nikrud03:12
FFForevernot to be mean or anything but i have ported my bugs a few times, no ONE will LISTEN!!!!, i am stuck on 7.04 because my mouse and sound goes nuts when i upgrade....., and yes the problems where still in hardy last time i checked........03:12
nikrudkingtech  like brent113 says, but it has to start at the very beginning of the line. No space03:12
aaron_a sec?03:13
danbhfivesirjoebob: why do you need to reinstall?03:13
smick002I have an EVGA Nvidia 8800GT, before installing latest updates, resolution was fine, now it's 640x480.  what can I do to diagnose?03:13
sirjoebobdanbhfive, I disabled it and now i cant re-enable/reinstall03:13
nikrudFFForever you should check with #ubuntu+1, see if anyone knows if it's fixed. and http::/gtkpod.org has the stuff to compile03:13
un0pvalros, use the !pastebin (dont paste in here) and show the exact command and output you see03:13
smick002I finally got ubuntu running and then the video resolution problem.03:13
un0pFFForever,  i'll say again, add this line to your sources.list - deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main03:14
danbhfivesirjoebob: what command are you using atm?03:14
kingtech /msg jason03:14
un0pFFForever, and then . apt-get update; apt-get install libgpod303:14
aaron_nikrud can you give me a link to the drivers03:14
sirjoebobdanbhfive, I am just going into the restriced driver manager and it will not do anything. i click on it and it flashes and does nothing more03:14
TaRDydoes anybody know of a good graphical SSH client?03:14
brent113smick002: If you go to System->Administration->Screens and Graphics you can change the settings there.  Have you looked at that yet?03:14
akuma56hello ppl03:15
FFForeveri am not on gutsy though un0p03:15
tyguaikehave Chinese people?03:15
SpookyETWhy does rpm have such a bad vibe? It's just a file format like tar.gz, deb, etc. It's like saying that the corvette engine sucks because you put it into a pinto.03:15
un0pFFForever, what are you on?03:15
nikrudaaron_ looking to be sure, furst03:15
smick002brent113: yes it's stops at 640x and 53mhz screne refresh03:15
daningtyguaike: I'm a Chinese.03:15
aaron_oh okay03:15
brent113smick002: Take a look at this: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:15
smick002I just ran an apt-get update, and am retrieving about 13 megs of stuff. maybe that iwll help too.03:15
=== vr0n is now known as v0rn
daningtyguaike: ok. I can try.03:16
un0pFFForever, well, officially only hardy and gutsy are supported on that repository -- you could still use the gutsy repo.03:16
tyguaikeA so called ServiceMain(), main program of Service. Entry point of a service.03:17
nikrudaaron_ http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide has instructions and a link, and apparently it works with your card03:17
bazhangdaning: tyguaike /j #ubuntu-cn thanks03:17
valroscd . <then> ./alsa-utils*sudo ./configure <after check commands> configure: error: this packages03:17
valros requires a curses library03:17
un0pvalros, use the !pastebin (dont paste in here) and show the exact command and output you see03:17
aaron_I have been there before nikrud I couldn't find anything where did you see it on the page03:17
danbhfivesirjoebob: hmmm, thats weird, something is wrong, and i dont know what03:18
tyguaikeA so called ServiceMain(), main program of Service. Entry point of a service.03:18
tyguaikeTranslation chinese03:18
sirjoebobdanbhfive, me either03:18
bramboLjL: will you be here in a little bit once this is finished so we can try to get my update manager working if this doesn't help it at all?03:18
danbhfivesirjoebob: I can give you a command, sudo apt-get remove nvidia-gl-new    i think thats it     that should remove the driver03:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:18
nikrudaaron_ under method 203:18
LjLbrambo, i'm afraid the fact that it's 4:20am won't help with my being around03:19
smick002brent113: thanks for the link, reading and grokking this right now. appreciate it.03:19
danbhfivesirjoebob: you can also try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^        with the ^, maybe that will help03:19
nikrudaaron_ and according to https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/catalyst_83_linux.html your card is supported03:19
bramboLjL: ok well if you are here, i'll message u in a few minutes, cause the update has finished03:19
nikrudLjL I thought you were just starting your day :)03:19
xp_prgwhat is the command to list the installed files for a debian package?03:20
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6250/03:20
LjLnikrud: i've been skiing, so my timezone has shifted a little y'see03:20
nikrudxp_prg  dpkg -L  pckgname03:20
blackwaltzdpkg -L03:20
un0pxp_prg, dpkg -L package03:20
Scientusmy usb hd (ntfs) is working fine in windows and has worked fine in linux (i know of -f). it is not being recognized my ubuntu now. lsusb -v shows that my pci-usb 2.0 card is working but does not show the hd03:20
Scientusi dont get a sdb or anything03:20
LjLbrambo: looks good03:20
valrosun0p, done, correctly i believe03:21
bramboLjL: what is it to get my sources list? I gotta write this stuff down, my memory isn't the greatest lol03:21
LjLbrambo: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:21
un0pvalros, ok, give us the link to your pastebin post03:21
Scientusit also doesnt work if i plug it into a usb 1.1 slot (although it never worked from them)03:21
Stevenxblah! firefox freezed.03:22
Stevenxwhat a f**ker03:22
hughwhi all. How do I get the fancy OpenGL features working?03:22
nikrud!cn | tyguaike (in case no one has said so :)03:22
ubotutyguaike (in case no one has said so :): For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:22
LjLStevenx, language03:22
bramboLjL: I am going to add  deb cdrom back to my sources list for now03:22
StevenxLjL, sorry03:22
akuma56is any body in here a good teacher03:23
brent113!compiz | hughw03:23
ubotuhughw: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:23
Stevenxbrb guys03:23
hughwthanks :)03:23
nikrudScientus not saying I'll have an answer based on the output, but typing     tail -f /var/log/syslog    in a terminal and plugging in the device will get you some error messages most likely03:23
un0pvalros, run this command first -- sudo apt-get build-dep alsa-utils03:23
un0pvalros, and then you should be ok to go on compiling03:23
Scunizihughw, have you enabled the restricted video drivers?03:23
* Scunizi is back (gone 01:32:19)03:23
hughwScunizi, no idea :)03:23
LjL!away > Scunizi    (Scunizi, see the private message from Ubotu)03:24
nikrud!away | Scunizi03:24
ubotuScunizi: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubotu Guidelines»03:24
nikruddang that's a long factoid03:24
ViperfangDotNetHi, I have just formatted a 500Gb HDD as ext3, it only formatted to 462.1Gb, with 23Gb used? I have no data on it yet?!?03:24
ScuniziLjL, didn't change nick.. just came back from being "away"03:24
bramboLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61702/  does everything seem ok, spaced properly and all, enough to save again? I've added back the CDROM part03:24
Frederickfolks does ubuntu has a text to speech converter?03:24
tux0hey guys03:24
valrosun0p, same error03:24
Scientusnikrud can i run that through grep or something it is too noisy03:24
crappycaribouViperfangDotNet: most HDs don'tt format to exactly what the label says, they need room for overhead etc03:24
LjLScunizi: « The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" »03:24
Eisenhowerzin #ubuntu03:24
LjLit's long, but it's not hard to read it all03:25
Eisenhowerzi have a problem. I don't know why but when i botted i get no screen..03:25
tux0could any of you gimme a hand with xorg? im getting an extra 17% usage for no reason :S03:25
crappycaribouViperfangDotNet: also most OSes account for what a "gigabyte" is differently than drive manufacturers03:25
LjLFrederick: festival, espeak03:25
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
ScuniziLjL yes.. that's what I did over an hour ago..03:25
Eisenhowerzin recovery mode it works but i don't know how to work from terminal( without interface ) yet03:25
Frederickwhich one is the best?03:25
ViperfangDotNetcrappycaribou, What about the 25Gb of space that is used?03:25
Eisenhowerzany idea why i get no display?03:25
LjLScunizi: of course, "noisy away messages" includes "noisy back-from-away messages"03:25
tux0could any of you gimme a hand with xorg? im getting an extra 17% usage for no reason :S03:25
crappycaribouViperfangDotNet: is it actually used or is it just missing?03:25
un0pvalros, try this. sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev03:25
bramboLjL: I can't seem to open or do anything, I think I must restart,  BRB03:26
ScuniziLjL, got it .. silent away and back.. ok.. np03:26
nikrudScientus you can redirect it to a file with   > filename at the end  , then look it over at leisure03:26
tux0could any of you gimme a hand with xorg? im getting an extra 17% usage for no reason :S03:26
crappycaribounot sure, its pretty normal to lose some GBs compared to the manufacturer's claims though03:26
tux0could any of you please gimme a hand with xorg? im getting an extra 17% usage for no reason :S03:26
un0pScientus, or pipe it to less .. command | less03:26
crappycariboui wouldnt worry about it03:26
Scunizihughw, go to system/admin/restricted drivers.. what kind of vid card do you have?03:26
LjLScunizi, those who want to speak to you can simply /whois you and see if you're marked away. a channel with 1200 users really won't care about seeing a /me each time someone goes away or comes back03:26
Scuniziljl  got it.. thanks03:27
ViperfangDotNetcrappycaribou, Is there a deleted items folder that I can remove that would be recovered from before I formatted?03:27
hughwScunizi, NVidia RIVA03:27
hughwScunizi, will do, brb03:27
nikrudun0p nice to know, didn't realize less would read it dynamically03:27
tux0could any of you please gimme a hand with xorg? im getting an extra 17% usage for no reason :S03:27
valrosugh, used sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev, cannot findlibncurses-503:27
ViperfangDotNetcrappycaribou, My 500Gb is down to 440... I am worried about it03:27
hughwScunizi, can't find that dir03:27
un0pnikrud, you serious?? or pulling my leg?03:27
Scunizihughw, are you using ubuntu or kubuntu03:27
nikrudun0p nope. I have some serious blanks spots ;)03:28
hughwScunizi, ubuntu03:28
un0pnikrud, wow, i find that a little hard to believe :)03:28
=== adante_ is now known as adante
valroslibncurses5-dev, came from, sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev03:28
Scunizihughw, ok.. top of the screen left side.. in the gui.. System/Administration/Restricted Drivers Manager03:28
hughwahh ok03:28
valroscannont find libncurses5-dev03:28
kelvin911hi can i use my ps gamepad in linux for games?03:28
tux0help installin intel drivers (please) ???03:29
hughwI was looking for a directory, lol03:29
bazhangkelvin911: if it has a usb converter sure03:29
nikrudun0p I learned my lesson long ago, never speak up when I'm not sure, makes me look good;p03:29
kelvin911i do have03:29
__mikemLjL, did someone use the exploit?03:29
Scunizihughw, are the restricted drivers enabled?03:29
kelvin911bazhang:  thats how i play winning eleven in windows XP03:29
hughwScunizi, I'll enable the driver, thanks03:29
kelvin911i just wanna play winning eleven on my ubuntu03:30
bazhangkelvin911: then yes you are in business ;]03:30
Scunizihughw, after that there's more to do..03:30
kelvin911maybe NFS most wanted03:30
kelvin911do i just plug it in and let the game detected?03:30
kelvin911bazhang: u play winning?03:30
bazhangkelvin911: depends on the emulator you use; dosbox, zsnes all have different ways to set it up03:31
Scunizihughw, after they are enabled go to System/Preferances/Appearance then the Visual Effects tab and change it to one level down from None.. just to start with.03:31
kelvin911i have PES4 windows game03:31
Scientusyeah in the 1.1 slot it keeps adding it and removing it--nm_hal_device_removed --> nm_hal_device_added03:31
kelvin911can i play it theu wine?03:31
brent113_kelvin911: look at cedega or wine03:32
bazhangkelvin911: check out the appdb for wine then03:32
kelvin911and i will download winning eleven 2007 later windows version03:32
kelvin911i dont know if i can play it in ubuntu03:32
ant-kelvin911,  appsdb.winehq.org03:32
Scientuswith usb-storage device found at xx usb-storage waiting for debvice to settle before scanning --> usb 5-4 USB disconnect, address 2503:32
kelvin911if not i will just boot into xp and play it htere03:32
Eisenhowerzcacn anyone help me out? my screen won't show up on boot all the sudden. Any idea why?03:32
Scientusin the 2.0 port nothing03:32
ant-kelvin911, look it up in the wine database03:33
Scientusso i prob just need to restart and make sure its plugged in securely03:33
kelvin911http://appsdb.winehq.org/ error03:33
bramboLjL: It's saying my system is up to date now.....yay! ! :-)03:33
nikrudScientus I'm sure I don't have that answer (like I said)03:33
bazhang!appdb | kelvin91103:33
ubotukelvin911: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:33
J^sonScuzini, I reinstalled the hplip.. the printer still isn't working03:34
ant-kelvin911, take out the 's'03:34
Scientuson a side note it is awesome how my sound cards and usb need drivers in xp but work automatically in ubuntu :)03:34
kelvin911how to search the site for compatible game?03:34
johnnysilvkubuntu is amazing03:34
ScuniziJ^son, arg... stupid question .. have you checked the cable? pet knock it a little..03:34
ant-kelvin911, left side, halfway down03:35
johnnysilvi'm so stoned03:35
johnnysilvi'm using kopete on kubuntu 7.1003:35
bazhangjohnnysilv: wrong channel then and offtopic03:35
valrosi cant get libncurses5-dev installed, any help, the command i used from !hdaintel cannot find it03:36
johnnysilvi tested every kopete connection plugin and they all work great .. i'm even on ICQ03:36
Frederickfolks isnt there a package for xmlql in ubuntu?03:36
J^sonScuzini, I checked that... no such luck03:36
Eisenhowerzcan come for gods sake help me out? lol i've got om the recovery boot file system check fail. repaire the system manually. any help would equal me loving you03:36
darkscripti've installed php and libapache2-mod-php5  and done a2enmod php5 on my apache server03:37
darkscriptbut nothing in php works03:37
BoohbahEisenhowerz: fsck /dev/hda03:37
ant-Frederick, sudo apt-cache search xmlql03:37
darkscriptit isn't rendered by the server03:37
darkscriptanybody here who can tell me a step i am missing?03:37
Scientusdo people here know the differnence between vmware products, i wanted to build a whole network in vmware and then deploy it to somputer once ive tested it----does that make sense or will the new hardware kill it???03:37
Eisenhowerzboohbah:   fsck.ext2: no such file or directory while trying to oen /dev/hda03:38
caesa1hey, whenever I middle click a link, it makes me go BACK instead of opening the link in a tab. How do I fix this?03:38
Frederickant-: nothing03:38
caesa1I'm in firefox, soryr.03:38
johnnysilvwhy is KHTML so terrible?03:38
ant-Frederick, :(03:38
ScuniziJ^son, I don't know what to tell you.. maybe try this.. go back to Firefox and localhost:631. take a look at your setup there for the printer and make sure that it's set for LPT03:38
johnnysilvGecko blows KHTML out of the water03:38
unixjust wondering if anyone might know why whenever i watch flash videos in firefox03:38
johnnysilvKHTML should be cool03:38
unixeven after i delete the cashe im not seeing free space\03:38
bazhangjohnnysilv: /j #ubuntu-offtopic thanks03:38
brent113_caesa1: Edit->Preferences->Advanced.  Look at the Borwising Options03:38
Scientusmy flah in firefox allways used the ausio card i wasnt using so i had to disable the sis card (im sure there is a better wat)03:39
caesa1brent113 sorry. That's not it03:40
unixthat doesnt show me anything03:40
Auzyhey, does anyone know if the Asus Xonar D2X works in Ubuntu?03:41
Auzyor what a good sound card is03:42
ythe1300you here because of that creative fiasco?03:42
unixcreative cards seam to work good03:42
Auzyya lol03:42
ythe1300saw that03:42
AuzyI got a Auzentech Prelude X-Fi I was hoping would be supported eventually in linux03:42
Auzybut I checked the drivers, and all of them are pretty much creative drivers03:43
ythe1300I haven't had any issues with the turtle beach units03:43
Auzyexplains why it is taking so long for Dolby digital live in windows to work properly03:43
ythe1300basically the same card03:43
unixmight have to splurge at wal-mart and get a cheapie creative03:43
=== unix is now known as Sl4y3r
ythe1300(he doesn't want a creative)03:44
Auzydo you know if the Asus D2's or D2X's work though?03:44
Auzyyeah, I realised 3 out of 5 creative cards I have owned, have had showstopping annoyances03:44
Sl4y3rwell you could look on the forums for sound card support03:44
Scientushow can i reinstall my usb 2.0 card03:44
Auzycould, I want the asus, but haven't sound any info yet unfortunately03:44
surgeAnyone know if a Toshiba Satellite U305 can have sound in Linux? I've been trying to get it to work and followed instructions from different sites but I can't figure it out. I'm new to Linux too so any suggestions are welcome.03:45
orudiehow do you shutdown from terminal ?03:46
mweicherthey guys, anyone know how to get unicode support in bash? I'm trying to paste a unicode-type string but any character outside ISO-8859-1 is not displayed03:46
ythe1300sudo halt03:46
valrosOk, i cant install alsa-util, it says i dont have a curses library, my installer wont install libncurses5-dev saying i have a more recent version, this is really getting frustrating03:46
realcoolguyhaving trouble booting my laptop.  It hangs on the boot process and the last line is Starting Bluetooth.  The laptop has no bluetooth =(03:46
brent113_orudie: sudo shutdown now03:46
franekfuck chinese peple03:47
bazhang!ops | franek03:47
ubotufranek: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!03:47
ythe1300orudle: sudo halt, but it is kind of like a forced shutdown.03:47
Scientuswhat was that03:48
nikrud!troll  Scientus03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll  scientus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
ythe1300Scientus: no idea03:48
nikrud!troll | Scientus03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
bwlangrealcoolguy: are you booting from the live cd?03:48
valrosOk, i cant install alsa-util, it says i dont have a curses library, my installer wont install libncurses5-dev saying i have a more recent version, please help03:48
nikrudScientus ignore the creeps, basically03:48
realcoolguyno, install worked fine several times before.  For some reason it's looking for bluetooth now, and i don't want it to try and start bluetooth03:48
Scientuswhat does that mean03:48
realcoolguyerrr bootup worked several times before03:49
Scientuswas he banned03:49
nikrudScientus yes03:49
d0lphin_n0elhow can i make one dpkg-reconfigure to all ubuntu operating system?!03:49
bwlangrealcoolguy: it may or may not have something to do with bluetooth... try booting into single user mode03:49
Sl4y3rnickrud might i pm you?03:49
bazhangd0lphin_n0el: with the -a option03:49
nikrudSl4y3r sure03:50
realcoolguybwlang: how would i boot to single user mode?03:50
d0lphin_n0elbazhang i try but looks it not works very well :x03:50
realcoolguybwlang: the laptop has no bluetooth in it either...03:50
bwlangrealcoolguy: bluetooth might be a red herring...  to boot to single user mode you need to press escape at the prompt before the screen that's displayed during boot to show the menu, you can chose it from that menu.03:51
segfaulthi, how can i remove the ubuntu logo from gnome-panel?03:52
bwlangrealcoolguy: but given your level of expertise i think it might be best for you to just re-install...03:52
Scunizican anyone give me a suggestion for a different pdf viewer other than evince and adobe?03:52
segfaultokular? kghostview?03:52
Scunizisegfault, is okular gnome based?03:52
realcoolguybwlang: I was just wondering if there was a way i could have it not probe for bluetooth on startup...03:53
ToddEDMhey do you guys know of any parental software similar to  Net Nanny with a windows and Linux version03:53
nikrudScunizi there's always xpdf03:53
Scunizinikrud, that's the one I was thinking of.. thanks.03:53
bazhangToddEDM: dansguardian; also there is a firefox plugin03:53
segfaulthi, how can i remove the ubuntu logo from gnome-panel?03:54
bwlangrealcoolguy: you could try sudo update-rc.d -f bluetooth remove03:54
bwlangrealcoolguy(after booting to single user mode)03:55
realcoolguybwlang: ok thanks, i can get into the root terminal, just wasn't sure what to do from there03:55
valrosok im sorry for the cussing but this is pissing me off, i cant get a working curses library03:55
bwlangrealcoolguy: but i doubt that will fix your problem.03:55
realcoolguybwlang: actually, i tried something and the fix worked, so we're all good now, edited the startup in grub, added --no bluetooth and i'm at the login screen now03:55
hughwScunizi, Thx so far. I have the "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver" enabled and working. If I try to change the "visual effects" a cryptic error message pops up that tells me that it cannot enable it. Is there an error log I can check somewhere?03:56
valrossome wont install on the basis that i have one, which the terminal says i dont03:56
realcoolguybwlang: you'll have to forgive my level of expertise03:56
ToddEDMok heres another quick question... when im on my sons computer how do i get add/remove programs?he has no privliges03:56
bwlangToddEDM: i don't think you'll find something like that under linux..., i guess you could to a tcpdump  and log the results to see about network sites...03:57
mweicherthey guys, anyone know how to get unicode support in bash? I'm trying to paste a unicode-type string but any character outside ISO-8859-1 is not displayed?03:57
nikrudToddEDM there has to be one user that has those privs, the first one made03:57
Scunizihughw, you might need to reboot.. or do this in a terminal and tell me what it says under "driver".. gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:57
ToddEDMnikrud:  yeah i am the administrator, so i gues i just add it from my account?03:58
Scunizinikrud, xpdf doesn't have a print function that I can find.. I've got a huge 170meg pdf that evince chokes on.03:58
nikrudToddEDM yes03:58
ToddEDMbut i dont want it on my account nikrud03:58
bwlangScunizi: you could split the pdf up if you need to03:58
nikrudScunizi try lpr  file.pdf, should work straight out03:58
Auzybtw, if anyone cares, looks like the Xonar D2X does work on Linux if they wanna smash their creative sound cards03:59
nikrudToddEDM it's system wide, not just for an account03:59
steven__guys, how do i up the brightness of my screen?03:59
valroshow can i tell if and what version of libncurses i have03:59
steven__I turned it down somehow, but it was by mistake and I forgot how.03:59
bwlangToddEDM: you could remove the icons from your menus if you want to.03:59
kumarphillyhow do I see logs of the chat room?03:59
kumarphillyor are there any03:59
ToddEDMbwlang: yeah i gues that would work03:59
hughwScunizi, it says "nvidia"03:59
bwlangkumarphilly: i don't think there are any03:59
hughwScunizi, the card is GeForce FX Go5200 ^$M03:59
hughwScunizi, 64M04:00
Scunizihughw, reboot.. see what that will do.. do a /exit here though so your nick won't get "ghosted.04:00
blbrownfor latex documents, is tetex still the standard or texlive?04:00
nikrudToddEDM heh, you might like the programs :)04:00
valroshow do i tell what version if any of libncurses i have04:00
hughwScunizi, It's on another machine. I did reboot.04:01
Scunizihughw, and?04:01
valrosanyone, installers say i have libncurses alsa says i done04:01
nikrudvalros apt-cache policy libncurses5-dev04:01
valroscannot find libncurses5-dev04:01
hughwScunizi, doesn't work. I'll get you the exact error message04:01
nikrudvalros that's what you need to compile against ncurses ...04:02
Scunizihughw, hmmmm... when you enabled the restricted driver did it give you multiple choices?04:02
hughwScunizi, "Desktop effects could not be enabled"04:02
nikrud!gutsysources | valros (you might not have all the right repos enabled)04:02
ubotuvalros (you might not have all the right repos enabled): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:02
valrosthey wont compile syaing i have it, do you know the best link to the download site04:02
hughwScunizi, no, it just downloaded what seems to be the correct driver04:02
nikrudvalros   sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev04:02
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un0pvalros, why dont you use alsa-utils that ubuntu includes? any specific reason for compiling?04:03
Scunizihughw, can you copy your xorg.conf to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and then give me the link?04:03
hughwone mo04:03
valrosagain, could not find libncurses5-dev04:03
valrosim trying to get hdaintel on this laptop, no sound04:03
nikrudvalros did you do the gutsysources thing I gave above? It's in the main repo04:04
Camirrakiuhey guys...04:04
Briganhow can i recover a password from ubuntu04:04
briang2what is the latest kernel in the 7.10 pool?04:04
Camirrakiucan someone helpme a little bit :$04:04
Ashfire908Anyone here use dvd::rip? I'm having trouble with it failing when it runs thorugh transcoding.04:04
nikrud!ask | Camirrakiu04:04
ubotuCamirrakiu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:04
bazhang!ask | Camirrakiu04:04
Camirrakiu:D ok04:04
ubotugutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).04:05
hughwScunizi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61703/04:05
kingtechLINK ubotu04:05
BriganAshfire908, i find that k9copy works better and more smoothly than dvd::rip04:05
Camirrakiuwell i want to install some program that needs jack, i'd install jack (sudo aptitude install jack) but now, the program (the first) say me that i need another jack to install04:05
hughwScunizi, if I could give it the same command on the commabnd line instead of the GUI, it might give me some sensible error messages04:06
Camirrakiuhow i can install 'jack' by other way than aptitude?04:06
gmachine_24Does anyone know which program (K3b, Gnomebaker, Graveman etc.) is capable of doing a multisession backup of 82 GB of music over say 20 DVDs.04:06
Scunizihughw, looks good from here.. join #ubuntu-effects.. I'll meet you over there..04:06
kingtech-NickServe- link04:06
unopCamirrakiu, whatever util you use, they all do the same thing in effect04:06
nikrudCamirrakiu you mean you want to compile something that needs jack?04:06
Camirrakiua program called 'internet dj console'04:07
nikrudCamirrakiu install with aptitude,  libjack-dev04:07
Camirrakiui never compiled after, is my first time.04:07
Camirrakiuahá :D04:07
Ashfire908Camirrakiu, it prob wants jackd.04:07
Scunizigmachine_24, might be cheaper in the long run to buy an external usb drive :)04:07
nikrudCamirrakiu you need the dev version of a library to compile things04:07
Scunizigmachine_24, that is if you count your time as one of the factors.04:08
Camirrakiuthat is :D04:08
CarlFKwhat's the command to see a fs's label?   (thought it was label, but it doesn't seem to be)04:08
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unop_CarlFK, fdisk -l04:08
nikrudCarlFK e2label04:08
unop_err, ignore me :)04:08
gmachine_24Scunizi, I have one extra internal drive and one external drive and they all almost fried on me this past weekend . . . hence the desire to back up with DVDs in addition to double hard drive back ups.04:08
Camirrakiusorry cos my worst english... im from chile and i sleeped the english language class in the school :S04:08
gmachine_24Scunizi, time is not a big thing as I work at home and have access to the comps during the day.04:09
CarlFKhmm... what if it is a mac formated drive?  (it figured out the name when I plugged it into a ubuntu-desktop box and mounted it, plugged it into ubuntu-server and trying to get it04:10
nikrud!es | Camirrakiu (sometimes these are busy and helpful)04:10
ubotuCamirrakiu (sometimes these are busy and helpful): Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.04:10
nikrudCamirrakiu but your english was just fine, anyway ;)04:10
unop_CarlFK, errm, try this substituting /dev/sda1 for your device.   hal-get-property --udi $(hal-find-by-property --key "block.device" --string "/dev/sda1") --key "volume.label"04:11
Camirrakiujeje... thnx... something i have to learn reading manuals....04:11
Camirrakiuenglish is now like esperanto04:11
Scunizigmachine_24, i've been googleing www.google.com/linux but haven't come up with anything for you.. maybe k3b but you might also be able to do it from the command line.04:11
Ashfire908Brigan, k9copy is too complex/not a good gui (i feel i might as well just run the command line stuff)04:12
* nikrud boggles at unop_ 04:12
unop_nikrud, :>04:12
ScuniziAshfire908, k9copy worked great for me when creating an iso then burn from that.. flawless.. at least in my case .. standard defaults in place04:13
bazhangindeed k9copy is superb04:13
Ashfire908Scunizi, i'm not trying to make an iso, i'm trying to rip a dvd.04:13
ScuniziAshfire908, I know.. k9copy will make an iso of the dvd.. then you just burn that04:15
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ScuniziAshfire908, unless you want to rip it to avi or something.. I was just referring to an archival copy.04:15
gpmAshfire908: if you want to rip to avi, i think dvdrip is quite nice04:15
unop_Ashfire908, why dont you just use mplayer or vlc and rip your DVD?04:16
gpmthat works too04:16
tarelerulzIs there a network that has voice chat room that Linux has a good client for it ? Hopefully that can use voice chat ?04:16
Ashfire908Scunizi, i mean rip then transcode. if i was making a copy i would just use k3b04:16
bazhangvlc does it all04:16
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Camirrakiuif exists libsndfile0-dev and libsndfile1-dev... the second erase the first? or it'll complement?04:16
CarlFKunop_: no luck.  comes up blank04:16
gpmAshfire908: i like dvdrip, for what it's worth. it's basically a frontend to transcode04:16
aroonihow do i open a file from the command line using the default program to handle that file?  how do i open image files from command line?04:16
=== J^son_ is now known as J^son
Ashfire908gpm, i'm using dvd::rip. i'm having an issue with the transcoing process and somone said "k9copy works for me"04:17
mEck0Hi! I wonder if there is an applet for meta tracker for KDE? or is there a better indexing search tool than it? like mac osx spotlight?04:17
PifferAny wireless driver gurus here? my ipw2200 card stopped working and I'm not sure where to start the troubleshooting04:17
gpmAshfire908: what's the issue?04:17
nikrudCamirrakiu often they will exist side by side, or the lower one is still referenced, but doesn't exist. try apt-cache policy <pkg> on each for some info04:17
unop_CarlFK, hmm, ok, break down the command -- does this return anything?  hal-find-by-property --key "block.device" --string "/dev/sda1"04:17
gpmarooni: display image.gif or whatever04:17
tarelerulzDvd::rip is not that good at copying. It made a bunch of .avi files out of the dvd rather then make one .avi .04:17
gpmtarelerulz: no, you're just bad at configuring dvdrip04:18
Camirrakiuahá :D04:18
rockstar_How can I get the gnome automounter to stop mounting devices 0700 ?04:18
unop_arooni, gnome-open file04:18
Ashfire908gpm, i'm transcoding/ripping/whatever the first five chapters from a disk. it failed on the video for the second chapter. "[export_ffmpeg.so] Could not read the complete 2pass log file "divx4.log"."04:18
CarlFKunop_ /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part1_size_3225604:18
gpmAshfire908: huh, well you may want to try mencoder/mplayer and vlc as suggested.04:19
gpmi've never had a problem with dvdrip and i don't know how to help04:19
gpmbest of luck to all04:19
unop_CarlFK, ok, what about this?  hal-get-property --udi /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part1_size_32256 --key "volume.label"04:20
CarlFKunop_ nothing.04:20
Azure_TideMy friend said that I should run an Error Check on my hdd before I shrink the vista volume, do i really need to do that if I've never had a bsd or any problems with windows before I shrink my drive?  and how long will it take04:21
=== ikrakid is now known as co_dekil
tarelerulzgpm, I look though the setting and  chose Target size for 800 mb and number of target to be one . in the video bit rate calculation . Where is would it be04:21
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unop_CarlFK, hmm, only thing i can think of is the volume does not have a label? or you are using /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda104:21
bcgrownevening all04:21
bazhangAzure_Tide: how does ubuntu come into this?04:22
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unop_CarlFK, anyway, you can browse through this and find out otherwise.  (lshal | hal-device) | less04:22
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Azure_TideBazhang: because I'm shrinking vista so I can dual boot Ubuntu 7.1004:22
Azure_TideBazhang: on my laptop04:23
CarlFKunop_:  /dev/sdf gave /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_Hitachi_HDS721010KLA330_Hitachi_HD_GTH000PAGZ014H_0_004:23
tarelerulzIt seem there are a lot of great program for ripping ,but it seem sometimes they work right and sometimes they don't.  I have ran into that a lot with each install of Ubuntu I have done.04:23
shawnrgr34Is it possible to create a "usb thumbdrive passkey", so pc wont boot up unless usb is plugged in?04:23
bazhangAzure_Tide: but that questions was pretty much all windows related--best ask the experts in the proper channel04:23
_AK_47_anyone into rap04:23
CarlFKunop_: sweet.  thanks04:23
eluxdoes anyone here use the usb to serial driver on linux?04:23
eluxwhen i plug in a usb to serial cable, it shows that it connects, but i cant seem to send/recieve data on it04:23
bazhang_AK_47_: wrong channel thanks04:23
unop_CarlFK, well, the actual disks device does not have a label, only the partitions have labels -- and /dev/sdf isnt likely to be a partition04:23
CarlFKunop_: got one: volume.label = 'Ballroom 2'  (string)04:23
_AK_47_bazhang no its not foo i know linux but im just asking that04:24
unop_CarlFK, you probably want /dev/sdf1 or something instead04:24
bazhang!ot | _AK_47_04:24
ubotu_AK_47_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:24
CarlFKunop_: just showing what I got if I left off the partition number04:24
unop_CarlFK, bear with me a second04:24
Azure_TideBazhang: sorry about that, but would you recommend me doing that? or just defraging before making my ubuntu partition?04:25
tarelerulzDoes msn im network do voice chat rooms?04:26
rockstar_No one knows how to set permissions on automounted devices to 0755 instead of 0700?04:26
ChicoryQuick question - how do I get CrossOver Office to appear under "Applications"?04:26
nikrudrockstar_ automounted ext3 partitions?04:26
bazhangAzure_Tide: probably would be a good idea from what I have heard--doing before ubuntu (while still in vista that is) no idea how to do that though ;]04:26
Camirrakiuto change permissions of a file... the command was?? chr, chrs? how is it?04:27
nikrudCamirrakiu chmod04:27
bcgrownAny BitTorrent experts here?  I get 300kB/s or more in Windows,  and <1kB/s in Ubuntu :(  i have opened ports, set appropriate bandwidth limits, etc etc04:27
CarlFKunop_:   (lshal | hal-device) >  http://dpaste.com/42291/04:27
Camirrakiu:D thnx04:27
shawnrgr34Is it possible to create a "usb thumbdrive passkey", so pc wont boot up unless usb is plugged in?04:27
unop_CarlFK, what does this give ya?  for i in /dev/[sh]d??; do echo $i; hal-get-property --udi $(hal-find-by-property --key "block.device" --string $i) --key "volume.label"; done04:27
rockstar_nikrud, automounted usb drives in gnome.04:27
PifferIs there a way to remove ieee80211 wireless stack?04:27
Azure_TideBazhang: I know how, he told me before he got off, he just hasn't used linux before, thats why I thought I would ask in here since he uses Vista, thank you for the help, I'll set my laptop up to error check over night04:27
nikrudrockstar_ what are the partition types on the usb drive?04:28
bazhangAzure_Tide: sorry not to know more about Vista..oh wait no I'm not ;]04:28
HeliosAnyone who uses ubuntu as well as kubuntu here?04:28
rockstar_Fat I believe.04:28
bazhangHelios: what is your real question04:28
nikrudrockstar_ the technique will depend on the partition type04:29
unop_CarlFK, please dont expect me to go through all those 4000 lines for you? :) shouldnt be necessary -- see what the last command gives you04:29
Helioswell i want to know wat's better? kubuntu or ubuntu.... wat's the real difference?04:29
CarlFKunop_: for i in /dev/sd?1... (all are sdX1) I got blanks for all but one (which was ext3 instead of mac)04:29
bazhangHelios: a matter of taste really; you can see some screenshots via distrowatch.com links04:30
Helioswat's the real duifference in kubuntu and ubuntu...04:30
CarlFKunop_: 4000 is a bit.  in case you wanted to ^F it.  here is 29 lines of for i in /dev/sd?1 ...  http://dpaste.com/42293/04:30
Helioswhat does kubuntu has that ubuntu does not?04:30
unop_CarlFK, ok which device's label are you looking for? let me see what i can find in your output?04:30
CarlFKunop_: start with: volume.label = 'Ballroom 2'  (string)04:31
tarelerulzI have kopete install I see it on my menu ,but when I go to remove programs It show it not installed04:31
Azure_TideHelios:  Kubuntu uses KDE enviroment and Ubuntu uses Gnome enviroment, wiki it or use the ubuntu site, thats where I know it from04:31
bazhangHelios: please join #ubuntu-offtopic04:31
rockstar_nikrud, they're fat04:31
CarlFKunop_: there should be 6 (or maybe 7?) that have 'ballroom' in them04:31
nikrudrockstar_ wierd. They should show up as 770 , with group plugdev .04:32
unop_CarlFK, seems all your ballroom devices are /dev/sd?3;  :) use for i in /dev/sd?3; ...04:33
nikrudrockstar_ a sec while I pull out my external04:33
unop_CarlFK, maybe not all, but quite a few of them04:33
CarlFKunop_: doh.  how did that happen... :)04:33
unop_CarlFK, that i wouldnt know :)04:34
d0lphin_n0elIs this ubuntu beta allready stable to one small linux desktop?!04:34
CarlFKunop_: yup.  shouldn't have tired to fix your /dev/[sh]d?? thing.  sorry about that.04:34
unop_CarlFK, no worries :)04:34
=== mike__ is now known as tcpdumpgod
SpookyETHow is Ubuntu built? Do Cannonical have a ports/portage/abs-like script internally to build all the packages?04:36
bcgrownCan anybody help me got proper BitTorrent speeds on Ubuntu 7.10?  I get 300kB/s or more in Windows,  and <5kB/s in Ubuntu :(  i have opened ports, set appropriate bandwidth limits, etc etc04:36
tarelerulzwhen you remove a program via the add/remove on Ubuntu's menu does it remove the package that go with the program?04:37
unop_SpookyET, they follow debian's package management model -- see this www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html and this www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkgtools.en.html04:38
rockstar_nikrud, it's mounting as <username>:root 070004:38
rockstar_I would just set it up through fstab, but it's my buddy doing it, and he's a windows guy.04:38
unop_tarelerulz, no, you need to use a package manager like synaptic to remove the package04:38
windowshasyouanyone in here have much luck installing nvidia's drivers without envy? or using the precompiled stuff? it keeps screwing my xorg file over04:38
rockstar_The problem with 0700 is that he wants to share the drive over samba04:38
nikrudrockstar_ hm. I"m not seeing what I expect. But I'm on hardy and there might be subtle differences.04:39
bcgrownwindowshasyou:  i have installed the legacy nvidia drivers with synaptic no problem...  but maybe you aren't in the stone age...04:39
SpookyETunop_: that seems to be about package manage, not package building04:39
unop_SpookyET, the second link should describe tools to build packages from source04:40
windowshasyoubcgrown; i'm not that far ahead, just have a 5200 fx04:40
nikrudrockstar_ sorry to lead you on, but I've got to brush up on this. My memory has suffered bit rot again04:40
windowshasyouthe synaptic stuff works alright for me, i just wanted to install a driver that was made within the last 12 months04:40
Black_MagicWell Winehq Has no idea so i came here to see if anyone can help04:41
Black_MagicIm trying to play a game in wine called lastchaos but when i launch it it like hangs out of the window here is the terminal output: http://pastebin.com/f9a84e17 And here is a Screenie if it helps http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=anotherexampledm1.png I also have latest version of wine and AppDB Rates it Platinum04:41
artfullylostWhat time zone is the countdown on ubuntu.com set to?04:41
bcgrownwindowshasyou: hmm i am not so picky..  i am just happy that it works :)04:41
nikrudartfullylost probably utc04:41
CarlFKmount says: "[mntent]: line 15 in /etc/fstab is bad" line 15 is "/dev/sdf3       "/media/Ballroom 1P" auto       ro,user,noauto  0       0"04:42
CarlFKother than stupid spaces in the mount point... why is it bad?04:42
windowshasyoubcgrown: i wouldn't be picky if i didn't get the black window bug in compiz, but i'll live with it.04:42
* nikrud thinks the utc should go thru california, not uk now. Center of world has shifted04:42
individual_elevi have downloaded the new hardy torrent,how can i turn into a live cd?04:42
unop_SpookyET, you might like this google tech talk called "Anatomy of a debian package" -- it's a nice insight into how debian/ubuntu create packages - youtube.com/watch?v=82mEKd993PA&feature=related04:43
tarelerulzany of you try Kopete or any other client said to do voice chat with gtalk?04:43
Black_Magicindividual_elev:  Did you just download the .torrent file or you used the torrent with a bittorrent client?04:43
FastZis there another port that I should be connecting to Freenode on besides 6667?04:43
eshaasei'm looking for a storage device (NAS?) that plays well with Linux, anyone have any recommendations?04:43
SpookyETunop_: make packages is so easy for pacman04:43
=== Charitwo is now known as cherry
ScuniziFastZ, use to be chat.freenode.net:8001 or something similar04:44
FastZI thought I had heard that there were some vulnerabilities associated with using the default port 666704:44
FastZ8001, that's it, thanks Scunizi04:44
individual_elevi downloaded the torrent and i used azureus,its now sitting on my desktop04:44
CarlFKcrap.  it is the space.  /mdeia/x works fine.04:44
unop_SpookyET, i dunno how pacman works - but i suppose the equivalent on debian/ubuntu is debuild04:44
individual_elevi know how to make an iso,but i cant see anything that says create image,,its in winrar form04:44
=== ubunt1 is now known as SeanC
Infinito_in my university all external ssh connections are blocked.. also I must be priveledge user to use port 80 in other than the previously set services... vnc also doesn't work. I'm willing to find a way to ssh and/or vnc connect to my ubuntu server... is there any way to do that over an webbrowser?04:45
rockstar_nikrud, he's opted for installing Windows on the machine.04:45
=== SeanC is now known as Chiarot
ScuniziInfinito_, maybe set it up for different ports04:46
braydon619what's up everyone? first time in here04:46
* jasont308 is having a problem with orca not starting when gnome starts..04:46
Infinito_Scunizi, I've tried that =(04:47
braydon619what's orca?04:47
FastZscunizi, what was that format again to change the port to 8001?04:47
* osxdude hugs pidgin-blinklight04:47
ScuniziFastZ, I just double checked it and it is 800104:48
FastZScunizi, gotcha, I'm using XChat, when I go to edit the settings for the Freenode server, what's the syntax to make it use port 8001?04:48
WaxyFreshHi,due to my lack of a burnable cd ive opted for WUBI,after installing this sexy sexy distro how do i go aboute devoting my entire hardrive into one partition with my ubuntu install on it,is this even possible? Also i would like to point out the fact that i like puppies and nachos.04:48
unop_Infinito_, vnc over java04:49
StarnestommyFastZ: chat.freenode.net/8001 or irc.freenode.net/800104:49
Led_Zeppelini have 2 displays. My display #1's font aren't sharp as display #2. How do I set the correct fonts?04:49
ScuniziFastZ, same as me :)  .. chat.freenode.net/800104:49
FastZStarnesstommy: thanks, I was messing up and using a colon (:)04:49
FastZalright, appreciate it guys04:49
Infinito_thx unop_ I'll look that up04:50
unop_Infinito_, but that requires you be able to install things on the webserver04:51
Infinito_the server is mine, I can do whatever I want there.. the problem is my university computers.. unop_04:51
=== markyg is now known as mark[oz]
unop_Infinito_, so you have your server and possibly other computers in the university network and you want to be able to ssh into them? and only port 80 is open?04:53
tristan_hi can someone please help me get my LinkSys WUSB54Gv4 working under Gutsy 64 bit?04:53
unop_!hardy | tristan_04:53
tristan_i am unfammiliar with ndiswraper?04:53
ubotutristan_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:53
Scuniziunop_, I think he wants to ssh out to his home computer and port 80 is blocked as well as others04:54
_AK_47_Hardy heroin :(04:54
otwropinions on safari 3.1 vis-a-vis "onkeypress"04:55
* unop_ reads Infinito_'s post again04:55
Infinito_I want to access my server while in my university.. but everything is blocked there.. port 80 is open only for preset services..04:55
otwr....carnage, as i thought04:56
Infinito_my server is not my home computer :)04:56
unop_Infinito_, where is your server?04:56
eluxdoes anyone here use the usb to serial driver on linux?04:56
Infinito_geographically? in california... its actually a linux virtualization service..04:57
Scientusubuntu wont recognize my usb hd04:57
Scientusi restarted and plugge din in a new slot04:58
Scientusand restarted and plugged the pci adapter in a new slot04:58
DjmackQuestion: For some reason ive been able to view my drives that windows uses... and for some reason.. ubuntu isnt recognizing them any more.... any suggestions?04:58
Scientusit has worked04:58
Scientustry -f04:58
Scientusbut be careful04:58
unop_Infinito_, are you sure your university doesn't use a proxy service? it sounds to me like it does04:59
Scientusi allmost allways use ro with -f04:59
Scientusthat for djmack04:59
Djmackdo what?04:59
Infinito_I don't think they do(use a proxy).. but then I'll have to wait till tomorrow to investigate that05:00
WaxyFreshHi,due to my lack of a burnable cd ive opted for WUBI,after installing this sexy sexy distro how do i go aboute devoting my entire hardrive into one partition with my ubuntu install on it,is this even possible? Also i would like to point out the fact that i like puppies and nachos.05:00
DjmackScientus.. what were you saying?05:00
unop_Infinito_, can you use things like IM - msn, yahoo messenger, gtalk, etc within the uni network?05:00
Scientusafter accidentally pulling out my pici-usb2 card i cant get ubuntu to recongnize my usb hd05:01
Jack_SparrowWaxyFresh, Do you have a usb stick handy?05:01
Infinito_nope unop_ only if it's web based such as meebo . com05:01
Scientusnothing in /var/log/syslog05:01
DjmackQuestion: For some reason ive been able to view my drives that windows uses... and for some reason.. ubuntu isnt recognizing them any more.... any suggestions?05:01
Scientusbut the usb 2 card shows up in lsusb---although that may be a false pos05:01
unop_Infinito_, i'm inclined to say quite positively now that it is using a proxy service -- check the connection properties on one of their browsers to find out05:02
Djmackso no answer? or should i keep bumping?05:02
Infinito_unop_, ok, will do05:03
Scientushey djmark isaid trry mount -f05:03
Djmackwhere do i put it?05:03
Scientusbut i would use mount -o f,ro05:03
unop_Djmack, at a terminal - what does  fdisk -l  list?05:03
Infinito_so, I'm back here tomorrow with this answer and more questions :)05:03
dimitreeHow can i delete a folder in Trash ? It says Permission Denied ?05:03
osxdudeUse gksudo, dimitree05:03
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, sudo05:04
Djmackyou want me to open terminal and typ ethat in?05:04
dimitreesudo trash or something ?05:04
unop_Djmack, right05:04
Djmackdoesnt list anything05:04
Scientusis there a way to re-run the installation hardware detection and configuration scripts05:04
unop_dimitree, gksudo nautilus trash://05:04
unop_Djmack, err sorry, sudo fdisk -l05:05
Scientusi allways end up with problems with hardware in linux and have to painfully reinstall05:05
FastZhow would a person go about finding what madwifi drivers they have installed?05:05
FastZwhat version05:05
bramboCan someone help me install the newest Java, I can't seem to visit web sites that require java, but I can view flash sites.05:05
Scientusi wouldnt even mind a long winded install if it could preserve all my stuff/package selections05:05
osxdudethat was odd05:05
Jordan_U!clone | Scientus05:05
ubotuScientus: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate05:05
Jordan_U!home | Scientus05:05
ubotuScientus: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome05:05
dimitreeunop_,  the trash is empty, but the one that i click from desktop contains the folder, ( i have rebooted)05:06
harushimoI have usb hard drive and ubuntu detected it. how I stop the drive when I'm done instead of turning it off?05:06
osxdudeI restarted my laptop to reflect some updates, and it started X again05:06
tarelerulztropicana have any of you heard of that chat program. It says it has gtalk voice chat support ,but I can't find its page anyone know ?05:06
Djmackthats the message unop05:06
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning05:06
unop_dimitree, ahh, my bad -- gksudo nautilus ~/.Trash05:06
onefunkhey all, anyone here familiar with Jack Audio Control Kit?05:06
osxdudeonefunk Yes05:06
aldecirfala ae galerinha05:07
CrevilOharushimo: isn't there an icon on the desktop, that you can right-click on to umount the drive?05:07
dimitreegksudo nautilus ~/.Trash   -->> Please check the spelling and try again.05:07
harushimoyes there is. I wasn't sure if that the only way to do it05:07
Djmackyou get my post?05:08
bcgrownCan anybody help me got proper BitTorrent speeds on Ubuntu 7.10?  I get 300kB/s or more in Windows,  and <5kB/s in Ubuntu :(  i have opened ports, set appropriate bandwidth limits, etc etc05:08
dimitreeunop_,   gksudo nautilus ~/.Trash   -->> Please check the spelling and try again.05:08
WaxyFreshJack_Sparrow: no i dont05:08
jappdevbcgrown what client are you using?05:08
bcgrownjappdev: Deluge05:09
Scientusis it possible to rerun the install configuration scripts without reinstalling??????????????????????????????05:09
Jack_SparrowWaxyFresh, No usb and no burnable cd's leaves you few options..  Please also read carefully the faq and warnings on Wubi..05:09
Jack_SparrowScientus, no05:09
unop__Djmack, yes i did, looks like both your disks are detected -- so you should just be able to mount them, if you want to have them mounted each time you start up, then you should add entries to your /etc/fstab file05:09
unop__!fstab | Djmack05:09
ubotuDjmack: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:09
bramboHow come I can view sites that require flash but not ones that need Java?05:09
rhineheart_mhello Jack_Sparrow! May I ask how to remove webmin?05:09
kikrDoes anyone know if it's possible to have separate away messages for separate accounts in Pidgin?05:09
osxdudeScientus: yes there is05:09
brambocan someone assist me in installing Java?05:09
Scientushow osxdude05:10
Jack_SparrowScientus, You can manually edit xorg.conf, for basic video mouse etc. but you seem to have other issues05:10
WaxyFreshbrambo | !java05:10
jappdevbcgrown: sorry i've never used that client05:10
onefunkosxdude, thank goodness, i've been looking for a while. so it opens up and i can see the main control panel, and then when i click start it won't start and i get an error message. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61707/  any tips?05:10
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.05:10
Djmackwhats up with the !fstab !pastebin  "!"05:10
unop__dimitree, errm .. perhaps this then -- gksudo nautilus $HOME/.Trash05:10
osxdudeScientus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package-name>05:10
Scientusits just on getting my usbhd/pci-usb2.0 card to work05:10
Jordan_UScientus, You can rebuild many configuration files with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a -phigh", but I wouldn't do it except as a way to avoid re-install05:10
jason_ware can i find skydome immage for gusty gibbon?05:10
dimitreeunop_,  nope ... ; (05:10
Jordan_UScientus, That will take a long time and ask questions of you by the way05:11
bcgrownjappdev: well i got essentially the same result with Transmission,  and whatever the default client in Ubuntu 7.10 is05:11
unop__dimitree, bahh -- gksudo nautilus /home/<yourusername>/.Trash05:11
bramboIs there a code to get the latest Java and have Terminal do it? Excuse a n00b question here please05:11
jappdevoh, well, are you comparing the same torrents?05:11
dimitreeunop_,  nope again :/05:12
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, see also /root/.Trash05:12
Jordan_U!java | brambo05:12
ubotubrambo: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)05:12
Scientuswhich package might be responsible for usb/pci-setup---i though that was part of the kernel??05:12
onefunkosxdude, same goes for other audio softs i'm running, they error msg me that jack is not set up.05:12
bcgrownjappdev: no but all the ones i have tried have had lots and lots of seeds.  i.e. close to 1000 for the one i'm trying now and getting 2kB/s05:12
jason_! skydome05:12
unop__dimitree, you've got something really wrong there -- that should work, i've just tested it out05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about skydome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:12
jason_! skydome05:12
dimitreeunop_,  maby its 8.04 folt ?05:13
kikrDoes anyone know if it's possible to have separate away messages for separate accounts in Pidgin?05:13
dimitreebtw i have no root/.trash ( show hidden enabled, sudo nautilus)05:13
LainIwakuraIs 'shutdown -r' the same thing as 'telinit 6'? man shutdown seems to say that05:13
osxdudeonefunk, hmm... are you sure jack is running?05:13
unop__dimitree, could be -- maybe you could do this ..  sudo -s; cd /home/<yourusername>/.Trash; nautilus .;05:14
dimitreeunop_,  is there a separate trash for the normal user and for root ?05:14
jappdevbcgrown:  if your client isn't setting bandwidth limits, and you don't have a firewall blocking the connections, i don't think i can be of much help, sorry.  anyone else?05:14
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, yes, as I mentioned above.. seperate trash05:14
unop__dimitree, if that wont work - sudo -s; cd /home/<yourusername>/.Trash; rm "stubborn file's name";05:14
unop__dimitree, yes, indeed05:14
wdjust installed irssi.. shouldn't it be in my net folder? i had to invoke it with a term.05:14
Ubunt1which repositories should I add to my ubuntu?05:14
unop__dimitree, fyi, the above is not one one command but steps you should take05:15
bazhang!gutsysources | Ubunt105:15
ubotuUbunt1: gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).05:15
Jack_SparrowUbunt1, enable all except proposed and backports05:15
Scientusyou can do it as one command though with the semicolons05:15
unop__Scientus, not this one -- because of how sudo is used there05:16
bramboJordan_U: is there a easy way to install it through terminal? I can't make heads or tails of the link that was sent above...05:16
Scientus>can i build a network in vmware and then deploy it to servers???? and what would i use to do that---would changing them to physical servers kill-them, could they boot off real hardware after configuring/installing on virtual hardware05:16
bramboJordan_U: I am on Ubuntu Gutsy 7,10 AMD 64bi05:17
unop__brambo, you still trying to sort your problem out?05:17
Jordan_Ubrambo, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre05:17
=== unop__ is now known as unop
bramboyes, I have Java, but I can't seem to get certain sites that require it to open to work05:18
dimitreeunop_,  lawl :) no /home/username/trash or .trash folder checked with nautilus also05:18
unopdimitree, dude.. .Trash not .trash05:18
jappdevbrambo you need to also get the plugin05:18
unopdimitree, and there's a . in front of the name05:19
dimitreeunop,  i know i was lazy to type it Trash here :)05:19
brambojappdev: and what plugin is that i need?05:19
jappdevbrambo:one sec05:19
brambojappdev: okay, ty05:19
unopdimitree, i dunno then .. find out where the file is, use the command line and delete it05:19
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, the dot means hidden so make sure you enable show hidden files etc05:19
Jordan_Ubrambo, There should be a utility within Firefox to install it05:19
dimitreebash: cd: /home/dimitree/.Trash: No such file or directory05:19
jappdevsudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin05:19
ehcis there a ubuntu app that reads .chm files?05:20
bramboJordan_U: I did install Java, just some sites I can view on other computers, I cannot view on mine..,05:20
dimitreeJack_Sparrow,  yep show hidden enabled, no .Trash or Trash under /root/ and no Trash and .Trash under /home/dimitree/05:20
jappdevehc: gnochm05:21
bramboJordan_U: Java and Javascript are enabled in my FireFox...05:21
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, no .Trash in root folder   /.Trash  ?05:21
tarelerulzany of you try Tapioca ?  It is said to support gtalk's voice chat feature .05:21
dimitreeJack_Sparrow,  nope :)05:22
brambojappdev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6251/05:22
onefunkosxdude, as far as i can tell. this is the first error msg i keep getting: <could not connect to Jack Server as client>. then it asks me to go check msgs window and it shows what i pasted in the paste bin. and worst of all is seems to be messing up all of my audio progs.05:22
dimitreeJack_Sparrow,  the only thing with .T is .thumbnails lol05:22
c01100011compiz png image loader makes my window shadows all weird, common problem ?05:22
moveax1ehc, xchm05:22
Jack_Sparrowdimitree, sorry, dont know what to tell you..05:23
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osxdudeew, onefunk.05:23
d_rwinpls tell me how to get wvdial in cmd line system ,i have 7.1005:23
brambojappdev: have you recieved that link?05:23
dimitreeJack_Sparrow, sudo nautilus  Trash folder empty , only nautilus Trash folder contains the folder i want to delete05:23
jappdevyep, looking at it now05:23
dimitreeoh crap :)05:24
vino-servedI have vino-server installed and working, but when I start Ubuntu without a monitor, I can only loggin remotely at 640x480. pls help,05:24
osxdudeooh, onefunk I see the problem. jack is failing to load. use a different audio driver, I would suggest05:24
unopdimitree, browsing to trash after "sudo nautilus" isnt going to take you to the user's trash folder, it'll take you to roots05:24
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jappdevbrambo: you do not have the 'multiverse' repository enabled05:24
jappdev!multiverse |brambo05:25
ubotubrambo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:25
onefunkalright i'll give it a try, osxdude. i'll let you know how it goes.05:25
brambojappdev: and how do i enable it?05:25
unopdimitree, whats the name of the file you want to delete -- put it in this command here.  find ~ -iname "*filename*"05:25
nyarlydimitree goto a term and type in "cd ~/.Trash"05:25
nyarlythen do a ls05:26
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jappdevbrambo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources05:26
unopnyarly, he claims the directory doesnt exist05:26
dimitreedimitree@dimitree-desktop:~$ cd ~/.Trash bash: cd: /home/dimitree/.Trash: No such file or directory05:26
Scientusif i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a -phigh should i get out of my gui05:26
CarlFKfstab: "/dev/md0        /media/md0  ext3    rw,user,auto,exec,defaults 0       0" but "cannot touch `/media/md0/x': Permission denied"05:26
ethan961dimitree, try .trash instead05:27
Scientusand how do i so a terminal-only login with everything else enabled05:27
dimitreeunop, when i click on the folder and do propertys in the trash it says Location trash:///05:27
unopdimitree, just run the find command and you should find out where your trash folder is05:27
CarlFKwhat do I need to do to make that writable? (just my one user)05:27
Djmackcan some one give me a list of sudo commands? like a site or something05:27
dimitreeunop, so the folders location is trash:/// ??? where the hack is that05:27
nyarlyunop, is he looking for a file or sumtin?05:28
brambojappdev: at that link I see the images, is there something I do not have checked in my Software Sources window?05:28
dimitreeunop, so the folders location is trash:/// ??? where the hack is that ?05:28
jappdevDjmack: sudo allows you to run a command as the 'super user' or root, so you can run almost any command with sudo to give it 'admin' rights05:28
unopdimitree, man, forget nautilus, it's crazy that way -- "trash://" isnt a real location on the harddrive05:28
dimitreeunop,  ok i willt ry to search the folder05:28
Djmackjust want to know some commands05:29
nyarlydimitree are you looking for a file  u searched for in nautilus?05:29
Djmacki understand that sudo is full access05:29
jappdevbrambo:yes the bottom item, it has '(multiverse)' out to the side of it, make sure its checked05:29
rafa_u guys looking for the trash loaction in nautilus?05:29
brambojappdev: it is checked05:29
onefunkosxdude, wow the things i learn in a day. i tried the driver "dummy" (go figure) and it works thus far. thanks. cheers.05:30
jappdevbrambo: then do an update (apt-get update) and try to install it again.  btw, your running 7.10 right?05:30
unopCarlFK, how were you trying to mount when you got that message?05:30
d_rwinpls how to get wvdial in 7.10 cmd line syastem05:30
brambojappdev: yeah ill try that...yeah im on  7.10 gutsy 64bit05:31
unoprafa_, we know how to get to the trash folder, just that dimitree doesnt seem to have the standard location05:31
CarlFKunop: $ mount /media/md0/05:31
unopCarlFK, errm, only root can do that05:31
nyarlymkdir ~/.Trash ???05:31
brambojappdev: just   apt-get update  ?05:31
jappdevyou'll need sudo apt-get update05:32
unopCarlFK, if you want users to mount that way, you need pmount05:32
unopCarlFK, best thing -- sudo mount -a05:32
dimitreeunop,  it was in  /home/dimitree/.local/share/Trash/files/   lol :) deleted it with sudo nautilus :) thanks a million !05:32
unopdimitree, bahh.. must be a hardy thing this new trash location05:32
dimitreeyea >_>05:32
brambojappdev:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6252/05:33
ethan961must be with the move to gvfs, this trash thing05:33
CarlFKunop:  sudo mount /media/md0/ - still "cannot touch `/media/md0/x': Permission denied"05:33
CarlFKunop: doesn't the "user" option let a user mount it?05:34
Djmackso is there a list of commands anywhere?05:34
rafa_I have the broadcom43xx wlan chipset and I tried the whole thing where u blacklist it and it started working but it won't pick up some networks05:34
refraxwhy can't ubuntu run multiple instances of aptitude?05:34
refraxis there a way I can modify it to do so?05:34
nyarlyDjmack, commands for what?05:34
amenadorefrax perhaps no database locking?05:35
brambojappdev: thats what I see after I did, sudo apt-get update05:35
refraxamenado: what do you mean?05:35
jappdevbrambo: i think that your issues is because you're using the 64bit version, i have a x86 and an x86_64 pc, and i just tried to install the plugin on the 64bit version and got the same error, while it works just fine on the 32bit pc.05:35
amenadorefrax you know that dpkg uses a database right? so if you have multiple users trying to modify the database..what will happen?05:35
nyarlyDjmack, what are you trying to run?  sudo lets you run a command as root05:35
brambojappdev: I think I have ran into this problem before, is there anyway to go to 32bit without losing everything?05:36
nyarly!sudo |Djmack05:36
ubotuDjmack: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:36
unopdimitree, you could change " rw,user,auto,exec,defaults" to "rw,defaults" since defaults includes the others anyway05:36
unopCarlFK, ^^05:36
unopsorry dimitree05:36
dimitreenpz :)05:36
refraxamenado: I am only using it, is it possible to allow multiple instances05:36
unopCarlFK, what happens when you try -- sudo mount -a05:36
amenadorefrax you didnt answer my question, what would happen to the database if several process trying to modify it?05:37
refraxamenado: I don't know05:37
CarlFKunop: still "Permission denied"05:37
amenadorefrax and thats the reason why only one access to it at a time should be allowed05:38
brambojappdev: basically you can't do as much with 64 bit?05:38
unoprefrax, how many drivers can a car have? what happens if a car has 2 or more drivers? :)05:38
jappdevbrambo:well, some packages are not compiled for 64bit05:38
nyarlylike taking a road trip with m,y mother in law05:38
refraxamenado: I just don't understand why it isn't possible, if windows can run multiple instances of windows installer.05:38
KlesAny way to get ActiveX stuff to work through Wine?05:38
unopCarlFK, does /media/md0 exist?05:38
CarlFKunop: yes05:38
jappdevbrambo: flash, wine and java are the big problems05:38
brambojappdev: hm yes i have had problems with Wine also...05:39
unopCarlFK, does it have anything under it? ls /media/md0/*05:39
nyarlyrefrax why does this matter?  just curious, is there a deeper meaning behind all of this?05:39
CarlFKunop: before or after I mount /dev/md0?05:39
jappdevbrambo: the issue is fixed in hardy, and there are some work arounds, but most are quite involved and rely on using alpha software05:39
brambojappdev: flash recently has not been giving me much trouble05:39
amenadorefrax i already told you, only one process can lock the database so it does not get spoiled05:39
unopCarlFK, well, it doeant appear that it's mounted .. but before05:39
refraxnyarly: yes, I can't install anything until updates are done, and they take quite a while.05:39
brambojappdev: am I able to upgrade to another version of ubuntu without losing much of my setup here?05:40
nyarlyrefrax, u just install??05:40
amenadorefrax i think you have to learn to be patient instead :)05:40
unoprefrax, windows installer also does not let you run multiple version of the installer, it just depends on what the installer is doing to be liberal enough05:40
CarlFKunop: nothing before.  it does get mounted,   ls /media/md0/ = lost+found05:40
legend2440Kles: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page05:40
nyarlyi agree be patient man05:40
refraxunop: I can install skype and photoshop cs3 at the same time?05:40
refraxI have no problem with ubuntu, or linux at all, I love it, I use it for my servers and some home pc's, this has just been bothering me05:41
jappdevbrambo: yes, the safest way to do that is to back up your home directory, and then do a clean install of the version you want, then copy your home directory back05:41
nyarlyrefrax u can string togehter the whole repository if you wished and it would crunch away to install it all, much like your update that is running right now05:41
unoprefrax, well, technically you shouldnt do that, and with some new versions of the installer, you cannot do that -- like installing m$ office and wmp at the same time, wont happen05:41
brambojappdev: where can I find more info on hardy? is it any different looking etc?05:41
jappdevbrambo: and that will keep all of your settings, preferences and files, as long as you've been saving the them in your home directory like you should05:41
brambojappdev: oh you mean like write my stuff to a CD etc?05:42
unopCarlFK, so there is something under there?05:42
Scientushow do you exclude packages wehen you dpkg-reconfigure05:42
CarlFKunop: once I mount it, yes05:42
jappdevbrambo: i've been running the pre-release versions and its ok, it won't be offically released until april though so if your ok living on the edge for a few weeks, you can upgrade05:42
Scientusi cant figure it out with man05:42
brambojappdev: I'm pretty new to Linux in general still, I'm not sure where alot of things have been saving...:-S05:42
unopCarlFK, so it gets mounted? but where is this permission problem coming from?05:42
mechanicalchrisIm trying to make my screen display go vertical. In XP i go properties>settings> etc. How do i do it in Ubuntu?05:43
jappdevbrambo: the default is your home directory, so unless you've gone out of your way to put it somehere else, its there, as far as backing up, a CD or a external hard drive is your best bet, depending on how much stuff you have05:43
CarlFKunop: as user, I can mount it, (mount shows /dev/md0 on /media/md0 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev) ) but I can't write05:43
keanu(i know i might get yelled at since I use hardy, but..) is it possible to upgrade dell's custom linux-backports-module to allow it to be used in the 2.6.24 kernel?05:43
eluxi have the ftdi-sio module running (as shown by lsmod) .. how can i unload it?05:44
brambojappdev: I see, sounds too involved for me right now...I will just have to stay with what I got for now..05:44
mechanicalchrishow do i access the display options?05:44
brambojappdev: my CD drives haven't been working with me and I don't got any other type of storage media..05:45
Djmackhey nyarly05:45
nyarlyhey bud05:45
Djmackneed some help05:45
nyarlywuz up?05:45
Djmackhaving trouble iwth my /ect/fstab05:45
Djmackcause its not pulling up my ntfs drive space05:46
jappdevbrambo: yeah, I'd wait until the offical release of Hardy05:46
Djmackand i read the small tut on how to fix it05:46
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Djmackbut it doesnt even look bad05:46
brambojappdev: what is the major difference from Gutsy to Hardy?05:46
nyarlyit just isn't mounting it or is it giving an error?05:46
Scientushow do i re-run the install hardware configuration files05:46
Scientusspkg-reconfigure xxxxxxxxx ???05:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
* w3rd_ how do you add repositories to ubuntu dapper? im trying to install snort and lokkit, i run apt-get install xxxxx while logged in as root and im unable to install, it comes back package not available?05:47
jappdevbrambo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron/Beta05:47
Jordan_Uw3rd_, Please don't ask questions with /me05:47
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Djmackhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61709/  <---- my fstab05:48
jappdevbrambo: there is a section that lists the changes since 7.1005:48
keanuany help on the dell/linux-backports-modules question?05:48
* w3rd_ k, do you have an answer?05:48
amenadoScientus try to re-install with  priority=low  and i think it may give you a step by step procedure05:48
brambojappdev: I changed my startup logo and things, it says Kubuntu but I am on Ubuntu, how can I change it back etc?05:48
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Scientus?? amenade05:49
amenadoScientus answering your question05:49
Scientusas option for install05:49
jappdevbrambo: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:49
hotmonkeyluvis it possible to download 8.04 and upgrade from 7.10 via the Live CD?05:49
amenadoScientus go through the install process and at grub  use  priority=low05:49
jappdevhotmonkeyluv: yes05:49
jappdevhotmonkeyluv: or you can change your sources file and do it via an apt-get dist-upgrade05:50
nyarlyDjmack, so neither of these NTFS partitions are showing?05:50
Djmackscientus.. whats that command gave me... it was something like sudo flist -l05:50
Djmackand no... neither05:50
brambojappdev: that don't work, 0 upgraded, 0 newly install 0 to remove etc05:50
Scientusfdisk -l05:50
Djmacki was close..05:50
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jappdevhotmonkeyluv: if you replace 'gutsy' with 'hardy' in /etc/apt/sources.list then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade you'll upgrade to hardy, but hardy is still in development, so you've been warned.05:51
amenadoDJmack  sudo fdisk -l   or you wont get the results05:51
Djmacknyarly... both of my ntfs drives are showing up05:51
brambojappdev: ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.05:51
Djmackwhen i fdisk in terminal05:51
Scientuswhat type of people are on here----are people a[ayed to be on here? developers? etc05:51
brambojappdev: but I want my original ubuntu startup logo and what not back...05:52
amenadoall walks of life05:52
Djmackalready did that05:52
mechanicalchrishow do I rotate my display vertical?05:52
jappdevbrambo: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-artwork-usplash05:52
jappdevbrambo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-artwork05:53
nyarlymechanicalchris you are going to have to edit you xorg.conf most likely, i've never tried it thoguh05:53
amenadomechanicalchris-> man xrandr05:53
hotmonkeyluvjappdev, well, the problem is that I can't boot into gutsy at all (I get a busybox prompt) so I was hoping to just upgrade and magically fix it05:53
* w3rd_ does anyone know how to update repos on ubuntu dapper server?05:53
neetoI have a custom cursor set for X11, but it only shows up on some windows, and whenever I put my mouse over the desktop, it goes back to the default white cursor... does anyone know how to fix this problem?05:53
mechanicalchriswuts man xrandr05:53
bazhangmechanicalchris: it means type that in the terminal05:54
brambojappdev: ok thats working05:54
jappdevhotmonkeyluv: well, upgrading might fix the problem, that depends on what the problem is, can you boot in to single user/rescue mode?05:54
mechanicalchrisbazhang: Thanks will try05:54
Djmackanything else i should do?05:54
hotmonkeyluvjappdev, no05:54
neetoI have a custom cursor set for X11, but it only shows up on some windows, and whenever I put my mouse over the desktop, it goes back to the default white cursor... does anyone know how to fix this problem?05:54
Djmackdid you see what i posted in pastebin?05:54
nyarlyDJmack, can you mount it manually?05:54
Klesinstalled the IE 4 Linux thing but I'm still getting "ActiveX component can't create object" errors05:54
Klesin other programs05:54
Djmackif i knew how05:55
Djmacki just installed ubuntu like 2 days ago05:55
Djmackand trying to learn python05:55
brambojappdev: is there an easy way to get rid of alot of the Icons in my   Applications >> Other >> Menu that it left?05:55
nyarlyhave you already created a mountpoint in /media?05:55
brambojappdev: Most have no Icons and don't work05:55
nyarlyu have to create a file, in this case sdb1 for it to mount to05:56
nyarlyand sda105:56
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code05:56
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida05:56
Djmack./media/sdb1 is already created05:56
Djmacknothing in it05:57
jappdevbrambo: open up synaptic, search for the name of the program and right click and select 'mark for removal' then hit apply when you've got all of them05:57
Djmacksame with sda105:57
brambojappdev: u know what i think i will restart to see if that fixed anything, ill be right back..and yes I will try that when I return...thanks, sorry I'm a little slow typer sometimes05:57
individual_elevcan i use the hardy beta live cd to upgrade my existing 6.06?05:57
nyarlyok do this "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -o force"05:57
jappdevhotmonkeyluv: I wouldn't install over a corrupted install, use a live cd to pull of your home directory, then format and do a clean install.05:57
fbcWhat is the built-in vnc remote desktop server built on? Tight-vnc?05:57
nyarlyfbc realvnc i believe05:58
amenadovino but not sure if realvnc or tightvnc05:58
keanuwhere can i get an upgraded version of dell's custom linux-backports-modules package?05:58
nyarlyDjmack then cd into the folder and it should be there05:58
spyd3ri have a problem Installing '"empire earth II"05:59
amenadokeanu-> maybe at dell's website?05:59
fbcnyarly, is there any way to be certain?? tightvnc offer file transfers as well as remote control. So i might consider switching.05:59
keanuamenado, i've spent 30 minutes looking - they only have 2.6.2205:59
deecverWhen i install certain things on my system it asks me to put the DVD in....what must I install to avoid needing that DVD for future installs?05:59
spyd3rit will not let me scroll all the way through the license agreement to allow me to select that  i agree05:59
hotmonkeyluvjappdev, will that preserve all my games, programs, files, settings, and stuff?05:59
mechanicalchrisamenado: so I tried 'man xranda' and it reads- choose 'left' to rotate the screen but where do i enter 'left'?05:59
Djmacki cd into /media/sdb1 and it came up with a blank06:00
Nasrahello...how secure is it to do banking online with Ubuntu?06:00
amenadomechanicalchris-> you want to have a stiff neck?06:00
Djmackmy guess is real secure... but take one of the admins word06:00
amenadomechanicalchris-> try  xrandr -o left06:00
sean-adminHas anyone got a moment to answer a quick question about cron jobs?06:00
jappdevhotmonkeyluv: if you back up your home directory it will keep all of your settings, files and other data, you'll need to reinstall any software you've added, but it will keep all the settings and other personal files06:00
mechanicalchrisamenado: no, vertical display is better for viewing web pages I have 2 monitors06:01
bazhangsean-admin: ask and if someone knows they will answer06:01
nikrudNasra you're using firefox to do it, it's as safe as using firefox in windows06:01
nyarlyDjmack, so you cd to /media/sdb1 and then ran ls?06:01
fbcNasra, as lot as the security certificate and stuff works with it, just about the same.06:01
nyarlyor were you already in it?06:01
smallthunder 06:01
fbcNasra, lot = long06:01
smallthunder 06:01
amenadomechanicalchris-> on a terminal   xrandr -o 3    just for kicks06:01
hotmonkeyluvjappdev, ok, thanks~06:01
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Djmackinstalling sl06:02
sean-adminOk, so I'm trying to kick off a script to start amarok, load a playlist, and wake me up in the morning.  The script works when launched from my user account.06:02
Djmackok done...06:02
deecverWhat do i need to install to avoid needing the DVD ever again for software installs????06:02
Nasranikrud / fbc /...you guys answered my question  for a better releif.....06:02
sean-adminI put the following line in my user crontab via crontab -e06:02
sean-admin30 6 * * 1-5    /home/sean-admin/scripts/cron/wakemeup.sh06:02
Djmackand a train animated across terminal... >+<06:02
sean-admin...and nothing happens.06:02
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=== RoAkSoAx is now known as RoAkSoAxX
mechanicalchrisamenado: Im placing these commands in the terminal but nothin06:03
bazhangdeecver: edit out the dvd from sources.list or place ## in front of that listing06:03
sean-admini edited syslog.conf to try and make sure everything cron related makes it to a log06:03
KlesAnyone know how to get ActiveX working in programs that need them?06:03
sean-admin..and nothing.06:03
egci've got two ubuntu boxes on a home network, but they are not showing up in each others' "network places" folder.  Any suggestions as to why?06:03
Kles(i.e. not webpages, but actual programs)06:03
nyarlyDjmack, sl??06:03
nyarlytype "ls"06:03
fbcNasra, I would say even safer because most of the things that exist (exploits) and stuff don't target linux.06:03
bazhangKles: has MS open-sourced activeX?06:03
deecverOk...so the reason it requested the DVD was because it took it as a Repository...Not because I need to install some source or header files it'll occasionally want???06:03
jappdevegc: do you have samba installed and public shares setup (see system->administration->shared folders)06:03
Erickj92hello, i am having issues all the suden. i started cairo-dock, and then all my apps left my gnome task bar. when i close out of the dock, still nothing. i know the apps are still runing, because i can see them with the system monitor. it would be nice if this is fixable without restarting X.06:04
bazhangdeecver: right06:04
Djmackyea it told me to "sudo apt-get install sl"06:04
Djmackso i did that06:04
Nasrafrom my point of view ...everything upon til now....it's working I should better than windows in all aspects ...06:04
deecverbazhang: you're awesome bro..thanks06:04
Djmackand i ran "sl" in /media/sdb1$06:04
nyarlyummm  you type in ls and it told you to install sl06:04
Klesbazhang: Probably not06:04
Djmackoh shit06:04
nyarlythat is a cool app though, gotta keep that one around06:05
Djmackdamnit... i feel like a tard now06:05
egcjappdev: i don't have samba installed.  I'm checking the shared folders now06:05
nyarlyno biggie man06:05
Djmacki get nothing when i type ls06:05
Nasrafbc: for what I can see even Skype works better with sound and even talking ....just installed it06:05
bazhangKles: then no idea really; you mean running a windows game in wine? #winehq could help you there06:05
Erickj92how do i get cairo-dock in english?06:05
jappdevegc: if you're only networking between linux boxes, you can use nfs, if you need to connect to windows boxes, you'll need samba installed06:06
refraxErickj92: what version do you have?06:06
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Erickj92refrax, the newest one from the respitories06:06
fbcNasra, yes, you do not have the overhead that windows causes on your line...update schedules, and trusted installers.. yuck... I dislike windows.06:06
egcjappdev: ok, installing nfs now06:06
nyarlyDjmack, type "sudo umount /media/sdb1"06:06
jappdevegc: for nfs: sudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server06:06
amenadoanybody want to get a momentary stiff neck.. try on a terminal..   xrandr -o 306:06
jussi01!ohmy | Djmack06:06
ubotuDjmack: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:06
refraxErickj92: the latest one I have from here is in english https://developer.berlios.de/projects/cairo-dock/06:07
Kleshmmm, okay06:07
nyarlyDjmack, then run the previous command i gave you.06:07
Nasrafbc...you know like in Windows thereis a program access my pc from anywhere ....which program do I use for that purpose?06:07
Djmacknot mounted06:07
egcjappdev: thanks for this suggestion, I wasn't thinking along these lines at all ;)06:07
LadyNikonvim has a default color scheme if you have it set to on yes?06:07
nyarlyit says its not mounted?06:07
Erickj92refrax, do you know of any setting to get it in english though?06:07
refraxErickj92: not that I know of, sorry06:07
Erickj92ok thanks refrax06:08
fbcNasra, And god forbid your index service while your on skype... For remote control you can use VNC.. it built in... you just enable the remote desktop...06:08
Djmackwell i typed mount this time06:08
nyarlyDjmack, ok "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config06:08
hobbitboyhow do i see my kernal version?06:08
Djmackand it gave me 3 options06:08
Nasrafbc: VNC?06:08
unophobbitboy, uname -r06:08
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nyarlyDjamck what options?06:09
unop!away > lastoneever06:09
Nasrafbc: VNC...does it need to be installed?06:09
Djmack1 is telling me that windows is still using it some how and that i need to 'Safely Remove Hardware'06:10
fbcNasra, Yes, The remote desktop system uses the VNC protocol for remote control. so any VNC compatible client will work.. tightVNC is one that I like.06:10
scragarI'm using huge amount of ram, and I'm not running anything out of the ordinary, any tips on what I can kill to try and free up some of it?(free say's I'm using 911MB, which I can only hope is wrong)06:10
SmegzorDoes Gnome log any events and where, which file?06:10
fbcNasra, no, once you enable the option it's automatically running.06:10
RoAkSoAxhi guys, i have a question, if i do a lspci, it is supposed to show my wireless card that is connected to a PCI slot right?06:10
Djmack2 tells me that i can force the option with the command "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -o force"06:10
nyarlywhich is what we did06:10
Djmackor i can add some random command line to my fstab06:10
fbcNasra, You do however, need to install the VNC client on the machine you will be controling your ubuntu desktop with..06:10
Djmackwhat you gave me forced?06:10
Nasrafbc: I just love Ubuntu / linux....beautiful06:11
bazhangRoAkSoAx: aye it should06:11
nyarlyDjmack, should have been yeah06:11
nyarlytry the command it gave you06:11
tyler_dhow do I update my java to version 6?06:11
nyarlywith a sudo up front06:11
jappdevtyler_d: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre06:11
scragarsystem monitor says nothing is using more than 20MB of ram, so where is all my ram going?06:11
unopscragar, the kernel uses memory for the file cache too and that can take up some considerable space -- usually you dont want to tweak things, the kernel can automatically allocate or swap memory based on need06:11
Nasrafbc so you saying that I will need to install VNC  in the machine...let me just do it right now.....thanks alot06:12
fbcNasra, another satisfied consumer. :-)06:12
Djmackdjmack@Djmack:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 -o force06:12
Djmack$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)06:12
Djmackim guessing06:12
FloodBot1Djmack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
RoAkSoAxbazhang, what can i do if it doesnt?? NM-Applet shows me the wireless networks but when i try to connect it just wont connect or it closes06:12
fbcNasra, yes, that is correct06:12
Djmackgo back into windows and shutdown properly?06:12
KlesI still CANNOT GET this Quake source port to install06:12
KlesI'm wondering if it'd just be more efficient to run the damn thing through Wine with a Windows port06:12
tyler_djappdev: thank-you06:12
unopDjmack, do you have ntfsprogs installed?06:12
chaos_HELL...ow all!!!!06:12
Djmackis that a program?06:13
Nasrafbc had I known that linux was so great and free .....especially Ubuntu Dist ..would it have done long time ago....oh yup06:13
unopDjmack, sudo sh -c "aptitude install ntfsprogs; ntfsfix /dev/sdb1"06:13
fbcNasra,  for example on the computer in my office I run the TightVNC client (windows version) to control my ubuntu computer @ home.06:13
Scientusamenado got nothing with priority=low06:13
bazhangRoAkSoAx: via gui or cli?06:13
nyarlyDjmack, it's possible i suppose.  but i have never seen it06:13
Scientusim on 8.04 beta06:13
Scientus>im on 8.04 beta amenado06:13
bazhang#ubuntu+1 Scientus please06:13
scragarunop: it's not cache, 11MB is cache, the 911MB is unacounted for...06:13
Kles  CC      build/nqsw/in_x11.o06:13
Klescommon/in_x11.c:28:36: error: X11/extensions/xf86dga.h: No such file or directory06:13
KlesI don't understand why it is doing this06:13
SmegzorWhich file stores my network config?06:13
amenado!hardy | Scientus06:13
ubotuScientus: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu06:13
Nasrafbc beautiful06:13
mechanicalchrisbazhang: xrandr gives me options but there no place to input the command to rotate the screen06:13
RoAkSoAxbazhang, gui06:13
nyarlyDjmack, here is a decent tut on gtetting NTFS working if that force command wont work after shutting dow win again, www.arsgeek.com/?p=58506:14
Nasrafbc that is just neat !06:14
tux97_i need help installing a external hard drive for samba?06:14
amenadomechanicalchris-> on a terminal   xrandr -o 3    just for kicks   <-- you did not do this?06:14
RoAkSoAxbazhang, i also have wireless extension on wlan0 but still won't connect06:14
Djmackwell... what it gave me is that my computer shut down bad... cause i was playing a game and it froze so i manually restarted and came straight to ubuntu06:14
fbcNasra, the client is so small (500K) you can even run it from a USB memory stick. So you don't need to install it into any computer if you don't want to.06:14
bazhangRoAkSoAx: not much for gui myself; maybe someone else here can help with that06:14
scragarw0w, sorry. just ran system monitor with root perms, apparantly lot's of process are using large amount of ram(Xorg is using 60MB for example)06:14
RoAkSoAxbazhang, thanks though :)06:15
Makuseruwhat folder do you plays .tff fonts in?06:15
bazhangmechanicalchris: I think you have me confused with someone smart like amenado ;]06:15
nyarlyDjmack, well i guess try and fix the shutdown issue and then comeback to ubuntu and run that force command i fgave you earlier06:15
scragarMakuseru: ~/.fonts06:15
nyarlyignore that tut also06:15
amenadoam not smart its the guy bazhang  that you need :P06:15
CarlFKwhat do I have to install so that u-server will mount usb drives when I plug them in?06:16
mechanicalchrisoh lol06:16
chaos_i hav gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386 on my desktop and xfire 1.8 can som1 can do the  setup in the konsole plzzz06:16
bazhangmechanicalchris: ignore what he says--he rulez this channel ;]06:16
chaos_ i hav gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386 on my desktop and xfire 1.8 can som1 can do the  setup in the konsole plzzz06:17
Djmackgonna hit up XP then come back06:17
chaos_%C4 i hav gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386 on my desktop and xfire 1.8 can som1 can do the  setup in the konsole plzzz06:17
nikrudmechanicalchris  xrandr --rotate left   or right or inverted or normal ;)06:17
Nasrafbc another question...and that is .......when I create a folder or donwnload any special program to be run as .exe ....where do I install or create this folder .....is it on the /home direrctoy ..since I am new on linux...can you give some details....06:18
Starnestommychaos_: try this: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb06:18
hobbitboyim trying to make rtl8180 driver, and im getting a make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/build: No such file or directory.  error.  i have build-essentials installed06:18
SmegzorWhich irc channel is a good place for general linux questions because this isn't it :P06:18
hobbitboytry ##linux06:18
unopCarlFK, you can use ivman or autofs - see http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ivman http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Auto_mount_filesystems_(AUTOFS)06:18
kindofabuzzSmegzor: what's your question?06:19
tcpdumpgodSmegzor: what question do you have?06:19
unop!wine | Nasra06:19
ubotuNasra: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:19
mechanicalchrisnikrud: it gives me a bunch of codes which says "options" do i input the options on the next free line?06:19
SmegzorI've asked lots of questions over time, very few get a response and I get fed up06:19
tcpdumpgodOnce again, Smegzor: what question do you have?06:20
vino-servedI have vino-server remote desktop installed and working, but when I start Ubuntu without a monitor, I can only loggin remotely at 640x480. pls help,06:20
goat|workanyone have a suggestion for me, I'm trying to find out why my ubuntu server running slapd is not opening port 38906:20
unopSmegzor, it's likely that no one knew the answer to your questions? not everyone in here is a know-it-all06:20
kindofabuzzSmegzor: alot of people are busy with other people, irc isn't exactly instant help sometimes06:20
SmegzorI have 2 broken bits in Ubuntu atm.  my network always requires the ip changed before I can go online (every boot up) and I don't know how to fix it..06:20
fbcNasra,  yes, your home folder is like your users directory.. it is wholely yours...06:20
Smegzoryeah I know that but its a common theme06:20
fbcOK guys goodnight... see you all tomorrow!! From Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, have a good day, evening, night, whatever the case may be..06:21
kindofabuzzwhat is 2 broken bits?06:21
chaos_bloody hell i a noob on this linux but dude i seein lot of cool stuff that mak it look better then windows06:21
vino-servedhatas manana cabron06:21
CarlFKunop: thanks06:21
unopbueonos nochas06:21
tcpdumpgodSmegzor: have you checked your system logs to see what you can find?06:21
Smegzorthe other major break is I cannot change my wallpaper in gnome, not even with the gnome tool for doing that.06:21
lxusercan someone tell me how to get into my usb hard drive?06:21
talntidclick on it :)06:21
lxuserit says /dev/sda1 has already been mounted but its not in /media06:21
Smegzoryes but I don't know what I'm looking for06:21
fbcYeah, buenas noches to you too cabron..06:21
Nasrafbc...how would you compare wine in windows ?    type =..06:21
vino-servedhasta luego06:22
kindofabuzzSmegzor: so your wallpaper problem is more important than the network one? =)06:22
unoplxuser, see what directory /dev/sda1 was mounted under -- type 'mount' at a terminal06:22
fbcNasra, I would say its the closest thing with out the spyware...06:22
SmegzorI suspect with the network problem, I need to ignore the ubuntu gui tool and look at the config directly, but where is it and whats it called?06:22
nikrudmechanicalchris hm. I'm messing with it here, had it work before ...06:22
kindofabuzzSmegzor: what kind of network are you on that it requires you to change your ip everytime?06:22
fbcnasra, goodnight I must go..06:22
lxuserunop, how do i do that?06:22
Smegzori have a wired network with a fixed ip06:23
vino-serveddo a #df -h"06:23
amenadolxuser-> type mount  and it should show where it is mounted06:23
Nasrafbc..nice talking you very helpfull06:23
LadyNikonwhere does the vim backgrounds go?06:23
nyarlySmezgor, is it wireless or wired?06:23
kindofabuzzSmegzor: why do you need to change your ip?06:23
nyarlydang im slow06:23
unoplxuser, open a terminal -- then type this.  mount06:23
lxuser/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) unop06:23
fbcNasra, I'm sure there are others here that will help you. I have a class to teach tomorrow and I must be going.. good night..06:23
Nasrafbc in general ....Ubuntu linux is the way of the future...06:23
chaos_it not in the list xfire is not in giam y????????????????????????????%C406:23
tcpdumpgodSmegzor: you need to look @ /var/log/syslog and /var/log/boot to see if something is happening w/eth0.06:23
amenadoSmegzor-> look in /etc/network/interfaces06:23
Smegzori don't know but simply editing the ip makes it 'wake up' and go online.  not touching the network gui means I'm offline06:23
vino-serveddo "df -h" to see if wich disks are really mounted06:23
unoplxuser, it can't be /dev/sda1 then -- it has to be something else06:23
keanuis there any way to get dell's custom linux-backports-modules working in the 2.6.24 kernel?06:24
unoplxuser, you can find out what it is with.. sudo fdisk -l06:24
vino-servedalso that way06:24
SmegzorWhat about reconfiguring it from command line?06:24
lxuseroh its sda206:24
nyarlyok when you  are having trouble reading the irc channel it is time for bed...06:24
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tcpdumpgodyou need to find out whats wrong 1st Smegzor06:24
nyarlypeace guys seeya tomorrow06:24
Smegzorok  brb  log diving..06:24
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tcpdumpgodYeah, its fun.06:25
amenadoSmegzor-> what is the problem exactly?06:25
kindofabuzzSmegzor: i still don't really understand what you're trying to do.  change your ip?06:25
lxuseractually it seems to be sdb106:25
tcpdumpgoddhcpd isnt running or something amenado06:25
chaos_it not in the list xfire is not in giam y????????????????????????????06:25
lxuserso now that i know my usb drive is on sdb1 how do i make it show up?06:25
lxuseri cant mount it06:25
kindofabuzzchaos_: what?06:25
Smegzorwith the network, when I boot up it doesn't get online by itself.  if I just change the static ip, it goes online.06:25
hobbitboySmegzor: sounds like dhcp needs to be enabled06:26
kindofabuzzSmegzor: turn on DHCP06:26
kindofabuzznetwork manager06:26
tcpdumpgodSmegzor: do you normally use a static IP or one assigned by DHCP?06:26
Smegzorsorry,  I don't know my way around too well yet06:26
Djmackyou know06:26
Smegzoralways static06:26
Djmackits funny06:26
amenadoSmegzor-> which device is providing your an ip address? or which is the DHCP server?06:26
bullgard4[GNOME] What is the purpose of the directory /var/cache/gnome-system-tools/backup? (It is empty.)06:26
tcpdumpgodamenado: I think dhcpcd isnt running when his machine boots...06:27
Djmackwhen i started windows... it went through a 5 minute recover mode before starting06:27
tcpdumpgodto get an IP from a DHCP server.06:27
vino-served I have vino-server remote desktop installed and working, but when I start Ubuntu without a monitor, I can only loggin remotely at 640x480. pls help,  ayuda porfa06:27
Djmackgot on.. restarted and now my drived re-apeared06:27
amenadotcpdumpgod-> he runs his own or from a router?06:27
SmegzorI have a router, but I have always self-assigned my ip from the OS.06:27
Djmackthere you go nyarly06:27
Djmackmore info to use to help people06:27
lxuseri need to mount /dev/sdb1, how do i do it?06:27
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refraxlxuser: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb106:28
q_a_z_stevehey, is there any other DVD burning software included in Gutsy?06:28
Djmacksudo mount /dev/sdb1?06:28
vino-servedstatic IP's both in router and computer work best, than DHCP06:28
xeerwhat speech recognition options are there for linux?06:28
amenadoSmegzor-> okay..are you running dnsmasq ?06:28
refraxlxuser: you must first mkdir /mnt/sdb106:28
Smegzorum..  so if I use DHCP, doesn't that mean I won't have a static IP?06:28
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q_a_z_steveI kind of like Nero/K3b type stuff, just wondering before I go apt-get it...06:28
refraxSmegzor: yezzir06:29
Djmackwho knows about running an ftp server in ubuntu?06:29
kindofabuzzSmegzor: set your router to give that computer a static every time..06:29
refraxDjmack: apt-get install proftpd06:29
amenadovino-served-> you tried to ssh in remotely?06:29
refraxDjmack: then /etc/init.d/proftpd start06:29
Djmackwhats that?06:29
Smegzoroh you mean get the router to assign that IP to my MAC address?06:29
lxuserrefrax, says i have to specify a file system06:29
refraxDjmack: the FTP program06:29
lxuseri know its fat32. how do i specify a file system?06:29
tcpdumpgodamenado: im assuming.06:29
ShadowdogKGBI need help getting this Lexmark Z1300 Printer to work with Ubuntu06:29
refraxlxuser: what is the device, a usb drive?06:29
lxuserrefrax, yes06:29
trukoshHi, can i tell fetchmail to get only mails that arrived in the last 2 days? I don't find an option for that, but shink it should be possible..06:29
lxuserrefrax and i already know its fat3206:30
refraxlxuser: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb106:30
chaos_the app info in the web gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb will be in giam list06:30
kindofabuzzvino-served: are you just doing vnc?  what do you have in your /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc?06:30
vino-served>> amendo.. it works remotely, perfect, but when i don't have a monitor in the server the client gets 640x48006:30
Djmackrefrax! run as Standalone?06:30
amenadolxuser but  /mnt/sdb1 has to exist.. or else it wont work06:30
lxuseramenado, yeah i did that.06:30
refraxDjmack: that would be fine06:31
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refraxamenado: I already told him :)06:31
amenadorefrax okay nice06:31
lxuserrefrax, now how do i access it?06:31
Smegzorum..  How do I find out what my MAC address is?06:31
lxuseri mounted it.06:31
refraxlxuser: cd /mnt/sdb106:31
kindofabuzzSmegzor: ifconfig06:31
refraxlxuser: then ls to see the contents06:31
vino-servedevms or something like that problably doesnt let you mount06:31
refraxlxuser: are you using gnome?06:31
lxuseris there a way to make a shortcut to it in /media?06:32
lxuserrefrax, yes.06:32
hakeris there  a screen recorder for ubuntu?06:32
refraxlxuser: if you are then you go click "Places" it should be listed06:32
kindofabuzzhaker: recordmydesktop is good06:32
lxuserrefrax, it isnt.06:32
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refraxlxuser: interesting06:32
hakerkindofabuzz: thx06:32
refraxlxuser: ls /mnt/sdb106:32
amenadoShadowdogKGB-> whats the interface on that? parallel? serial? usb? ethernet?06:32
ShadowdogKGBit's a usb06:32
Smegzorerk!  ok  which bit of all that output from ifconfig is the MAC address?06:32
refraxlxuser: sorry, mount it to media06:32
fismoll8hey guys---using abcde to rip and encode some cd's (using lame)---it takes about 10 minutes for me to rip and encode a cd, which is a bit slow given that my cdrom drive is 52x. I made sure to set the default speed in the abcde.conf file to 52; what could be causing the lag in rip speed?06:32
refraxlxuser: umount /dev/sdb106:32
tyler_dany way to create a link to a .sh file?06:33
ShadowdogKGBIt's a lexmark z1300 el-cheapo from walmart06:33
refraxlxuser: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mount/sdb106:33
amenadoShadowdogKGB-> you used CUPS to configure it?  on a browser type   localhost:63106:33
refraxlxuser: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb106:33
lxuserrefrax, do i mkdir /media/sdb1 ?06:33
SmegzorIs this my MAC?  HWaddr 00:1d:60:5b:63:ae06:33
refraxlxuser: yes06:33
kindofabuzzSmegzor: yup06:33
lxuserrefrax, ok06:33
Djmackhey refrax06:33
refraxDjmack: ?06:33
Djmackit gave me permision denied06:33
vino-servedprobably evms has it ggrabbed that's why he can't mount sdb1 it happenned to me yesterday06:33
Djmackdo i put sudo at the beginning?06:33
refraxDjmack: add sudo06:33
refraxDjmack: yes06:33
chaos_gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb will be in giam list can any1 help me  i did what kindofabuzz told me  >>>    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/gaim-xfire_0.5.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb06:33
ShadowdogKGBi'm so new to this. I didn't see this model listed in the printer settings06:34
Djmackkeeps saying06:34
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hakerkindofabuzz: i just apt-get install  right?06:34
kindofabuzzchaos_: what? oi didn't say anything to you other than 'what?" earlier06:34
vino-servedevms has it ggrabbed that's why he can't mount sdb1 it happenned to me yesterday, that's why it doesn't let you mount it06:34
kindofabuzzhaker: yeah06:34
refraxDjmack: it says fail when you do "sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start"?06:34
amenadoShadowdogKGB-> maybe it is not supported, try the different ppd that is lexmark, sometimes they work , or gutenberg06:34
lxusercool im set, thanks refrax and amenado06:34
refraxlxuser: no problem :)06:35
Djmacksudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start06:35
amenadolxuser alrighty..06:35
refraxDjmack: let me test it myself mack hold on06:35
Smegzorok I think I'm all set,  The router has my favourite IP assigned to my MAC address and DHCP is enabled.  I'm about to change my network to Automatic configuration.06:35
hakerkindofabuzz: ok i did wheres it located though :?06:35
ShadowdogKGBok. i'll mess with it again maybe I'll get lucky.  see what happens06:35
kindofabuzzhaker: do sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop06:35
hakerkindofabuzz: i did06:35
chaos_i saw yallow srry my bad thot thawas u06:36
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kindofabuzzshould be in sound/video or maybe accessories06:36
hakernot there =/06:36
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Djmackbut the ftp set up is basicly so i can use my computer as an online drive.. correct? (storage)06:36
SpArTaKono logro instalar  USB Moden ZTE MF622 de tecnologia 3g06:36
LadyNikonanyone know where to put the background for vim? the color schemes?06:36
Scientusonly 24 days06:36
refraxDjmack: are you going to use it online, or just in your network?06:37
vino-served:'(I have vino-server remote desktop installed and working, but when I start Ubuntu without a monitor, I can only loggin remotely at 640x480. pls help,  ayuda porfa06:37
kindofabuzzhaker: oh yeah, that's just the command line version, search on synaptic for it and there is a gui cersion06:37
refraxDjmack: that's what it does06:37
Djmacki would like to learn the whole concept of how to configure any type of server06:37
hakerkindofabuzz: alright06:37
kindofabuzzhaker: or you could just do it from command line06:37
refraxDjmack: well depends on what the server would do06:38
Djmackdid the sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start work for you?06:38
amenadovino-served-> were you loging in via ssh to that remote host?06:38
kindofabuzzhaker: yeah it's gtk-recordmydesktop06:38
refraxDjmack: no06:38
refraxDjmack: let me figure this out hold on06:38
kindofabuzzvino-served: are you just doing vnc or xdmcp?06:39
Scientushow is ubuntu on changing hardware? can it survive a move from virtual machine to physical hardware??06:39
ShadowdogKGBNothing worth having comes easy.06:39
trukoshHi, can i tell fetchmail to get only mails that arrived in the last 2 days?06:39
Daisuke_Idoprobably best to do a fresh install06:39
chaos_ahhh i whant xfire added to giam list06:40
Scientushow could you do a fresh install but retain packages and important config files06:40
ShadowdogKGBit's just a cheap Lexmark printer from Walmart06:40
kindofabuzzchaos_ i don't think anyone even knows what you're talking about06:40
ShadowdogKGBand it won't work.06:40
amenado!clone | Scientus06:40
ubotuScientus: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate06:40
hakerkindofabuzz: k06:40
kindofabuzzwhat is giam list?06:40
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning06:40
Scientuswhat about config files, do you jsut have to make a list of what needs to be copied??06:41
hakerkindofabuzz: sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop?!06:41
refraxDjmack: sudo nano -w /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf06:41
ShadowdogKGBwhy i put myself through this i don't know06:41
kindofabuzzhaker: yup06:41
hakerkindofabuzz: k :)06:41
refraxDjmack: ahh, crap hold on, keep that open though06:42
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org06:42
mechanicalchriswhy does changing resolution preferences do nothing?06:42
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ShadowdogKGBThis ain't happenin'06:43
mechanicalchrisI want to rotate my screen for optimal web page viewing06:43
hakerkindofabuzz: thx man i owe you :D06:43
taninomaxciao a tutti06:43
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: tabs are faster =)06:43
chaos_i whant this www.xfire.com installed in ubuntu giam im ( i m :msn yahoo aim etc)06:44
mechanicalchrisi tried xrandr and it didnt do anything06:44
Svenstaro__chaos_ theres a pidgin plugin for xfire06:44
hakerthere is !?!06:44
Svenstaro__chaos_ it works quite well even, you its called gfire, search for a deb on google06:44
SpencerStarnesI'm looking for someone around here who can help me really quick. I have questions about NAS and Servers for Ubuntu.06:44
amenadomechanicalchris-> what os do you have? version?06:44
Svenstaro__haker, yes06:44
bastid_raZormechanicalchris; #compiz-fusion is probably what you're wanting.06:44
kindofabuzzchaos_ isn't xfire it's own messenger?06:44
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: well if the screen was vertical rotated id still have tabs06:44
Svenstaro__kindofabuzz, it is, but isnt msn its own messenger as well? :P06:44
mechanicalchrisUbuntu 7.106:44
DjmackRefrax.. anything?06:45
kindofabuzzSvenstaro__: true true06:45
Jadenwhat is the terminal command to find out what type of wireless card you have?06:45
amenadomechanicalchris-> did you ever try why i suggested to you earlier xrandr -o 3 ?06:45
SpencerStarnesIs anyone here experenced with Ubuntu and Servers?06:45
SpencerStarnesI'm thinking of using Ubuntu for my server at home. and wanting to know if its go for the job06:46
bastid_raZorJaden; lsusb or lspci .. all according if your card is in a pci slot or usb port06:46
kindofabuzz smoke break06:46
amenadoJaden-> lshw -C network06:46
mechanicalchrisi even was working with ubuntu-ma but he had to go to sleep06:46
chaos_yea  xfire is it own messenger06:46
amenadoSpencerStarnes-> what do you plan to serve?06:46
Svenstaro__SpencerStarnes, honestly, Id recommend debian for servers but thats just me, personally I run 2 ubuntu servers here06:46
Kleswhy can't this OS run smoothly06:47
mechanicalchriswhy does the display preferences have no effect06:47
Klesthere is a spike of lag where everything jams up for 2 seconds06:47
Klesevery 15 seconds06:47
Klesand it's really starting to drive me up the wall06:47
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: As of this week, I now have Ubuntu on four production servers at work, and fully intend to use it for anything that needs to be replaced.06:47
bastid_raZorchaos_; xfire is windows app only.06:48
mechanicalchrisamenado: I will send u a screen shot06:48
Klesit might just be wine06:48
amenadomechanicalchris-> did you ever try why i suggested to you earlier xrandr -o 3 ?06:48
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: I need to get a sever as a NAS, FTP and Webdav running.06:49
Svenstaro__bastid_raZor, that isnt qutie true, you can wine it quite well and theres a pidgin plugin06:49
amenadomechanicalchris-> did you ever try what* i suggested to you earlier xrandr -o 3 ?06:49
bastid_raZorSvenstaro__; chaos_ then try to install it with wine.06:49
sparklehistoryIs it possible to resize an ntfs partition after ubuntu is already installed without doing a reinstall?06:49
mechanicalchrisi pasted that exact code into the terminal06:49
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: You can use either Samba or NFS for the storage bit, depending on what your clients are.06:50
scraga1ok, restart got rid of my huge ram usage, but now all of my video playing programs close when I attempt to play anything(tested using Mplayer, totem and VLC)06:50
amenadomechanicalchris-> and the result is?06:50
mechanicalchrisI got a huge list of options and i pit 'xrandr -o left'06:50
mechanicalchrisit just repeats06:50
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: I recommend vsftpd for the FTP server.06:50
cr0mulentI have to buy a pci ATI or Nvidia card tomorrow. which one is more linux friendly now a days?06:50
amenadomechanicalchris-> what do you mean pit?06:50
tritiumcr0mulent: for the time being, still nvidia06:50
=== Svenstaro__ is now known as Svenstaro
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: I've never used any distro of Linux for more than a couple hours. Is this a very difficult thing to do? and will I be able to get WebDAV running?06:51
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: I believe the common way to implement webdav is through libapache2-svn06:51
mechanicalchrisamenado: someone suggested this xrandr --screen 0 -o left --verbose06:51
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: alright. I've used Apache before. so.06:51
mechanicalchrisamenado: I meant input sorry06:51
AdamJThe future of Gentoo and Ubuntu 9 leaked video http://youtube.com/watch?v=4A6ImflixL806:51
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Is it really difficult to set up? Because, this is honestly just for my family and myself. I'm at college, and need a way to remotely back up files.06:52
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: Well, there is a bit of a learning curve to anything, but the Ubuntu "Server Install CD" has simple checkboxes for LAMP, FTP, and Samba as far as installation and basic setup, leaving just the additional configuration you want to do.06:52
hakerkindofabuzz: where's the vid ?06:52
freakydollwie komm ich ins deutsche Kubuntu06:52
amenadomechanicalchris-> and the result is?06:52
tritiumAdamJ: please don't paste links like that here06:52
kindofabuzzhaker: your home dir, you can tell it to save elsewhere06:52
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Nice. so. Ubuntu Server. any specific version?06:52
hakerkindofabuzz: oh ok thx06:52
Djmackany good .rar extractors?06:53
StevenXCan someone point me to a primer on how to modify my desktop to make it look cool. Like how to apply themes, etc.06:53
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: 7.10 is the most current stable.06:53
scraga1hmn... looks like firefox still work playing video's, strange06:53
mechanicalchrisCurrent rotation - normal06:53
mechanicalchrisCurrent reflection - none06:53
mechanicalchrisRotations possible - normal left inverted right06:53
mechanicalchrisReflections possible - none06:53
kindofabuzzhaker: should be an .ogg file, if you wanna convert to avi just google it06:53
FloodBot2mechanicalchris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:53
Djmackany good .rar extractors?06:53
mechanicalchrisSetting size to 0, rotation to left06:53
mechanicalchrisSetting reflection on neither axis06:53
hakerkindofabuzz: *tear* it dindt record my mic :(06:53
* punzada twiddles his finger recompiling ffmpeg since the default package is useless06:54
mechanicalchrisamenado: those last 6 entries are the terminal results06:54
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: alright. I will start downloading that today. Im going to be buying parts to build this machine. can I get away with 512 ram on this, and an old AMD processor?06:54
kindofabuzzhaker: i dunno about sound though, i know it has a sound option06:54
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hakerkindofabuzz: can i put a .ogg on youtube?06:54
amenadomechanicalchris-> thats because you specified verbose06:54
AdamJ2The future of Gentoo and Ubuntu 9 leaked video http://youtube.com/watch?v=4A6ImflixL806:54
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: sure.06:54
scraga1Djmack: unrar-free and unrar are the only 2 available via repo's06:54
kindofabuzzhaker: yup06:54
SvenstaroSpencerStarnes, if yo are gonna stick to no desktop environment, yes totally, even 256 mb ram would do then06:55
kindofabuzzhaker: but if you convert to avi it's a smaller file06:55
hakerkindofabuzz: kk06:55
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Great! Saves me lots of money.06:55
mechanicalchrisI input 'xrandr --screen 0 -o left' nothing happens06:55
hakeryea man i dont think it records mic's06:55
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Now, unfortunatly, I'm going to be running this from a cable connection, do you think that there are places I can just give the box to, and pay to run it? or not?06:56
amenadomechanicalchris-> once more, try this..   xrandr -o 306:56
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: how would I even go about googling something like that.06:56
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mechanicalchrisamenado: I did that... nothin06:57
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: there are, for a price.  They're called "co-located server hosting".06:57
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: your amazing. Thank you.06:57
SvenstaroSpencerStarnes, those are more expensive than you want them to be06:57
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amenadomechanicalchris-> are you using compiz? or just a plain desktop metacity?06:57
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Eessshh.. yeahhh....06:58
SvenstaroSpencerStarnes, its usually better to rent a server directly off them, its usually cheaper because your servers takes too much space06:58
SpencerStarnessvenstaro: yeah. I'm wondering now why anyone would do that.06:58
egcdoes the concept of permissions apply to files moved from ext3 to FAT?06:59
mechanicalchrisamenado: dont know wut a 'metacity' or 'compiz' is. I have a dell vostro slim tower with a standard intell graphics card06:59
tonyyarussoSpencerStarnes: Running on your home cable connection works for most things though.  I was on the digg.com front page once with a server on a home connection, and the failure was I/O due to MySQL and a lack of proper caching, not the network connection.06:59
tonyyarussoegc: no.06:59
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SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: wow.06:59
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: those are window managers06:59
egctonyyarusso: that would explain the "Operation not permitted." message i get when trying to alter the perms ;)07:00
DaemonLeeAight folks. First question of the day. Why does FF freeze on flash/YouTube Videos and so forth?07:00
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: how do I find out which one i use?07:00
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: you on gnome? if so, metacity07:00
SpencerStarnestonyyarusso: Yeah, basicly the only thing I really want this for is personal remote back up. I have a mac, and WebDAV would be amazingly useful, as I can have that automaticly mount for me.07:00
jussi01!fffc | DaemonLee07:01
ubotuDaemonLee: If Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 )07:01
=== ethan961 is now known as Winklefins
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: ubuntu 7.10. I do have a tab under that says 'about gnome'07:01
acuhey guys, I want to setup a webserver, ftp server and email server in one box - should I setup lvm for each /var/www     /var/mail    var/ftp ?07:01
DaemonLeejussi01, thanks.07:01
kindofabuzzwhere'd that chaos guy go? it took 2 seconds to google gaim xfire07:02
mechanicalchriswhen i upgrade to ubuntu 8.0 am i ganna lose everything?07:03
Josh2I have a couple of questions about my external hard drive07:03
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: learn 7.10 first =)07:03
tonyyarussomechanicalchris: a) it will be 8.04, not 8.0, b) not if you do it right.07:03
Josh2what is the best formatting option for an external drive, ext2 or ext3?07:03
earldoes anyone know a lot about powernowd?07:04
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: fair enough. sure wish it was easier to rotate my screen though07:04
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris do you have the compiz manager installed?07:05
mechanicalchrisdo i get that from the repository or online?07:05
mechanicalchrisim on it07:05
r00723r0Every time I click on the show desktop button on my task bar, gnome-panel freezes up and I can't open gnome-terminal.07:06
r00723r0What does it mean?07:06
sirjoebobhey all.... going through driver hell... running dell vostro 1500 w/ gutsy. messed up resolution and decided to uninstall/reinstall restricted nvidia driver. only problem is that screens and graphics keeps resetting it to vesa.... can i uninstall/reinstall screens and graphics or anyone have any ideas???07:07
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: I want the "Advanced Desktop Setting: Configure Compiz withCompizConfig" download right?07:07
unopJosh2, ext3 if you have sufficient space07:07
tarelerulzI am trying to get tapioca or Telepathy  to work for a client.  I  read tapioca support voice chat with gtalk .  So any one know of a client that use either or them ?07:07
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: yup07:07
kindofabuzzmmm tapioca07:08
tarelerulzFrom what I read tapioca is the framework not a client . I think07:08
cr0mulentmy graphics are screwed up too. I have an integrated 845 intel chipset and I cant even get gnome working after I tried setting a new resolution for my new monitor.07:08
Josh2thanks, my drive is currently formatted ntfs but I don't want to lose the data on it.  I've made an ext3 partition on the end of the drive, can I move the files directly from one partition to another?07:08
Josh2or do I have to move them to my computer drive, then back to the external?07:08
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: its installed07:09
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: ok go to system > preferance > advanced desktop settings07:09
unopJosh2, best you copy the data locally first and then do what you have to do .. any data you haven't backed up is data you don't want.07:09
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: yup07:10
bastid_raZorgreat.. netsplit..07:10
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: ok you want cube?07:10
sirjoebobhey all.... going through driver hell... running dell vostro 1500 w/ gutsy. messed up resolution and decided to uninstall/reinstall restricted nvidia driver. only problem is that screens and graphics keeps resetting it to vesa.... can i uninstall/reinstall screens and graphics or anyone have any ideas???07:10
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris:  first go to general settings up top there07:10
r00723r0Every time I click on the show desktop button on my task bar, gnome-panel freezes up and I can't open gnome-terminal. How do I fix this?07:11
bastid_raZorsirjoebob; start off with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg .. during that you'll be able to select which driver you want to use07:11
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz:  yup07:11
egchow can i change the umask for an external usb drive formatted with FAT when it automounts?07:11
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: desktop size =407:12
JlalkWhen is 8.04 going to be out, approx?07:12
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kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: desktop size > horiz. =407:12
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: im trying to rotate my monitor vertical07:12
mechanicalchrisoh sorry07:12
unopr00723r0, this is worth a try, at a terminal try this command - sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel07:12
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kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: oh i just thought you wante the cube07:13
legend2440Jlalk: 4/2407:13
unopegc, FAT has no concept of permissions, so a umask will always fail on a FAT volume07:13
kindofabuzzmechanicalchris: just play around, you got all your compiz stuff now07:13
StevenXcan anyone point me to a primer on customizing my desktop to make it look cool?07:13
Jlalklegend2440: I am thinking about changing from Windows to Ubuntu.. Should I just wait on that release , being "so soon" to it?07:13
r00723r0unop, I will try that.07:13
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: im trying to rotate. i WENT TO THE ROATATE TABE AND IT HAS THE OPTION BUT NO BUTTON TO HIT07:14
unopegc, didnt you just find out that FAT has no permissions?07:14
mechanicalchrissorry bout the caps.07:14
legend2440Jlalk: hard to say there may be bugs for first few months in Hardy07:14
mechanicalchriskindofabuzz: i think its very difficult to do in ubuntu. several pros ive chatted with havent had any luck07:14
egcunop: ok, so I'm a little confused.  I'm using unison to sync two directories, but one is on an external drive.  When unison tries to modify the files on the FAT filesys it fails...so im looking for a workaround.07:14
StevenXCan anyone tell me what gconf-editor is?07:15
unopStevenX, its like the registry editor on windows.07:15
StevenXHow would i follow this command: In gconf-editor, set apps->avant-window-navigator->bar->bar_angle to -1.07:15
StevenXunop, how do I get to it?07:15
Jlalklegend2440: true.. I am finding less and less reasons to keep staying on windows, when it just keeps going slower and slower.07:15
amenadoStevenX an editor for the GConf configuration system07:15
KrisWoodHi all, I've got a problem with vnc4server. Every time I try to log in from windows I have to go to my ubuntu machine and click the "allow" button on the dialog that comes up. This somewhat defeats the purpose of a vnc server in the first place. Any ideas how to skip this dialog box so it lets me log right in without confirmation?07:15
r00723r0unop, I think it helped.07:16
unopegc, I don't know what unison is.. but isnt there a way to tell it to detect that the destination filesystem is a FAT one?07:16
Jlalklegend2440:I was told Linux doesn't "tear down" like Windows?07:16
unopStevenX, type gconf-editor at a terminal07:17
StevenXunop, thanks.07:17
egcunop: hmm, it seems there's not07:18
legend2440Jlalk: well you could  dual boot windows and ubuntu to make sure all your hardware works with ubuntu07:19
unopegc, guess you'll have to use nautilus after all07:19
StevenXI am loving ubuntu more and more by the minute. I think the only reason to go back to Vista is to do serious productivity stuff. Linux Office Suites can't really touch what MS can offer, but I love everything else about ubuntu.07:19
Jlalklegend2440: i tried, but I kept getting my space going to "Unusable space" and booting from an external USB2 ran VERY slow.07:19
amenadoKrisWood-> did you click on the security settings ask for confirmation?07:19
egcunop: nautilus as in drag/drop from one to the other?07:20
JlalkMy space going to unusable, before I could make a swap, that is.  I would get the ext3 in07:20
unopegc, aye07:20
KrisWoodamenado, no clue what that means :(07:20
Jlalkbut then I couldn't use the 'unusable space' for swap07:20
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amenadoKrisWood-> you look at preference->remote desktop ?07:21
JlalkI currently have 3 partitions, 2 are Dell's system restore, and system utilities, then the main space (NTFS)07:21
egcunop: ahh, its many gigs worth of stuff so i'll need to figure out an automated way to do this.  I may have to reformat the external drive as ext3, in order to keep them sync'd.07:21
egcthanks tho07:21
JlalkAfter I resized the main space, NTFS, I was able to make ext3 in the new free space, but then , for some reason, all the left over space went to 'unusable'07:21
KrisWoodamenado, trying that now :)07:22
unopegc, you can always run this command.. rsync -av /source/dir /dest/dir07:22
KrisWoodamenado, that was it! :D thanks!07:22
applecucumberIn Ubuntu, how do I use CLI to search for where a program is located? (for example, gxine) Is there a way to make a bash command to open a program by just typing its name in? thanks07:22
kindofabuzzapplecucumber: whereis07:22
egcunop: yup, unison is built on top of rsync, to go in both directions.  But you're right, that may work for now07:22
JlalkI even tried resizing the new ext3 down even more , to make more room for swap07:23
JlalkBut it kept saying "unusable"07:23
Get_A_FixJlalk: I had a drive once that wouldn't take more than 5 partitions07:24
JlalkGet_A_Fix: Maybe that's the issue?07:25
Get_A_FixJlalk:Is it possible to put the Dell stuff on a dvd ? and get rid of thos parts ?07:25
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I don't think so.07:25
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I was thinking about reformating windows soon , with system restore.  So, I figured I would give Ubuntu a try first07:26
Get_A_FixJlalk: If you're going to do that anyway, then try Ubuntu without Windows, see if that works07:27
Get_A_FixJlalk:you can always put Windows back if you really wanted to07:27
JlalkGet_A_Fix: yeah.  My concern seems to only be if printer sharing is going to work right07:27
applecucumberI found gxine by typing "whereis gxine". its in /usr/bin. I tried typing "./usr/bin/gxine" and it wouldn't open. instead i had to cd to that directory and type gxine. Is there a way to just open a program while being in a remote folder? thanks!07:27
Get_A_FixJlalk: works great for me07:27
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I know I could get file sharing to work.07:27
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I did it on my old system before I got this one , with Xubuntu.07:27
tritiumapplecucumber: eliminate that leading .07:27
bastid_raZorapplecucumber; do gxine by itself07:28
JlalkGet_A_Fix: Even with one XP, and one Ubuntu ?07:28
Get_A_FixJlalk: you know what - most things just work!07:28
applecucumberok i'll try those ideas. thanks!07:28
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I am a person that wants things to just work.  But worry about them not.07:28
egcunop: thanks for the help, i've gotta sign out.07:28
tritiumapplecucumber: the path is /usr/bin/gxine, with no "." in front.  Of course, /usr/bin/ is already in your path, so just typing "gxine" will work.07:28
Get_A_FixJlalk:got an ME machine, two Ubuntu machines, one Mac and one Win 200 server box, (about to be history) - and one old HP all in one07:29
crackerjackz_for some reason flash isnt working right in firefox07:29
punzadawait wait07:29
punzadayou actually run ME on something?07:29
PeddyI can't see anything when I go Places>Network. Can someone please help me?07:29
crackerjackz_it was working before07:29
Peddypunzada: duh, its a toaster driver07:29
applecucumberoh ok thanks. I thought "./" means to run a program so i put the "./" at the beginning07:29
crackerjackz_i dont know whats going on now07:30
JlalkGet_A_Fix: today I found an answer to my download manager issues.. wget.  I couldn't find any GUI program , or one that ran in windows, to copy the rapidshare cookie over, and have a schedular (spelling)07:30
JlalkGet_A_Fix: now the printer is the only thing left to worry about07:30
Get_A_Fixpunzada: sadly yeah - I refuse to pay for an OS again - but I have to run NeverWinter Nights Toolset, so I'm stuck07:30
crackerjackz_the only thing different iv done is updated from java5 to java6 but i dont see where that would have any thing with flash not working07:31
punzadagod ... that poor hardware07:31
punzadajust pirated something, if you got caught with that I think even microsoft would understand :|07:31
bastid_raZorGet_A_Fix; possibly try VMWare to run windows.. i use windows 2k in VMware all the time for the wifes must have 'word perfect'07:31
punzadavmware is nice07:32
punzadavirtualbox is nice as well07:32
punzadarequires some love though07:32
Get_A_FixJlalk: what kind of printer is it07:32
crackerjackz_any ideas?07:32
punzadaI use virtualbox for work VMs of XP all the time07:32
punzadaworks great07:32
benanzoCan a file be owned by more than one user or group?07:32
LunksThere are 2 thermal monitors for my CPU available: acpi/cpu and libsensors/core007:33
Get_A_Fixbastid_raZor:I'll look into that - I'd love to dump you what altogether07:33
Lunkswhich one is more trustable?07:33
Seveasbenanzo, no, but you can use ACL's07:33
punzadaeh, all software ones seem to lie from my experience, get a case with a temp reading ;x07:33
Get_A_Fixpunzada:I'll look at that too, thanks guys07:33
Seveasthough that's not standard in Ubuntu07:33
Lunkspunzada: it's a notebook. ;P07:33
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benanzoSeveas where do I set an ACL for a specific file?07:34
LunksCan't get another case, heh07:34
punzadafair enough :P lol07:34
punzadahmm, my notebook only reads acpi so I have to use that07:34
applecucumberI have an 6.06 Ubuntu which came with Firefox 1.5. I ended up downloading Firefox 2.0.12. However, when I type Firefox in CLI, it opens Firefox 1.5. Should I copy the Firefox program from the 2.0.12 folder to /usr/bin/ folder to replace the "firefox" in /usr/bin/ ? thanks!07:34
Seveasbenanzo, very good question :) I fear google or searching the ubuntu wiki will help you more than I can07:34
punzadaI don't think it's very accurate though07:34
JlalkGet_A_Fix: the one in the living room , on the XP machine, is a Brother (something or other) fax/printer, and the one attached to this computer is a Dell Photo Printer 54007:34
benanzoOk thanks07:34
punzadaif you can pull sensor readings I would suggest going with that07:34
JlalkGet_A_Fix: the one in the living room is a Brother FAX-1860C07:34
bastid_raZorapplecucumber; yes07:34
Lunkspunzada: libsensors' one is higher07:35
bastid_raZorapplecucumber; you could uninstall 1.5FF then copy it over.07:35
applecucumberoh ok maybe i should unisntall 1.5.07:35
PeddyI can't see any shares in my Network menu (not even my own computer). I am using Samba. Any help please?07:35
Get_A_FixJlalk:I'd bet that they both just work07:35
punzadahow much of a difference? what temps are reading? what kind of cpu load are you under right now?07:35
bastid_raZorapplecucumber;  i currently have 3 different versions of firefox installed.. just named the bin something different .. firefox firefox1 firefox207:36
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I know in windows all you do is 'find printer on network' , then it 'installs the drivers' .  But I don't see how it's going to install 'the drivers' if this computer is going to Ubuntu ?07:36
Get_A_FixJlalk:not sure about the fax part though, mine's a copier/scanner/printer and it all works well07:36
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I don't care about the fax mumbo jumbo, I'll go in the living room to do that.  I just want to use it for normal paper copies07:36
Get_A_FixJlalk:you can do a whole lot of forgetting about installing drivers with Ubuntu07:36
applecucumberoh ok maybe i should try that (naming it firefox2)07:37
punzadayup :)07:37
applecucumbernot sure how to do it though hehe ;-)07:37
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I just want it to be able to print it's photos here, and me to print webpages, notes, etc , to it07:37
Get_A_FixJlalk:it even picked up the memory card reader in the printer07:37
JlalkGet_A_Fix: interesting.07:38
JlalkGet_A_Fix: I am finding less and less reasons to stay on windows, I found that even Quake3 and 4 will work07:38
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Viktorhey how do i get the presets to work in audacous? i tried to load the eq.preset file, but no presets appear :S07:38
applecucumberWarcraft III works great in Ubuntu+Wine07:38
Get_A_FixJlalk:I did have to say that I wanted to add a Network Printer and tell it what kind, I think that was about it07:38
Get_A_FixJlalk:and NWN and Doom307:39
JlalkEven on the Xp machine?07:39
punzadaI've played both WoW and CS 1.6 & Source through wine perfectly07:39
JlalkI figure mIRC will run good under Wine, now that I have a fair processor , instead of a p2 450MHz ?07:39
YashyI mounted an ntfs-3g partition with the force option. Now when I try to mount that disk on a windows box it won't let me mount it. Is there an easy fix? I've been stuck with chkdsk running for +6 hours hoping that might resolve it07:39
JlalkAll it did on the p2 was jump around channels, like some kind of dumb chicken , and lag07:39
hischildJlalk: why not use a native program? (like pidgin, xchat or some other)07:39
punzadadid you unmount it before trying to mount it in windows Yashy ?07:40
Jlalkhischild: cause of all the scripts I put in to mIRC07:40
Yashyno, I didn't unfortunately07:40
Get_A_FixJlalk:you'll find most things you want are already installed07:40
punzadaYou will have to boot back into nix, unmount it07:40
hischildJlalk: you can also script in xchat07:40
Jlalkhischild: we're talking hours and hours07:40
bullgard4How can I obtain a list of the executable programs that belong to the 'GNOME system tools'?07:40
punzadaand then mount it in windows07:40
crackerjackz_i meant to do /join #gnome07:40
JlalkGet_A_Fix: ok07:41
Yashypunzada: I've just tried to unmount it in linux and mount in windows with no luck07:41
punzadadid it cleanly unmount in linux?07:42
JlalkShould I convert my externals to FAT32 , or will NTFS be OK for Ubuntu , and I'm talking not getting correupt my some kind of 'strange oopsy writing' ?07:42
Jlalkby some kind*07:42
YashyI'll try again, brb07:42
Malachite-mHello all07:42
punzadaJlalk, the ntfs-3g driver is stable as hell now07:42
punzadafeel free to use NTFS07:42
Jlalkpunzada: ok.07:42
Get_A_FixJlalk:gotta go, thanks people.07:42
bastid_raZorJlalk; http://www.fs-driver.org/ is the driver for windows to read ext2/307:43
Seveashell ain't stable ;007:43
Malachite-mAnyone willing to give me a hand with an ALSA sound mixer problem on Gutsy?07:43
punzadaI'd love to find out why my soundblaster card will randomly stop working, then after 30 or so reboots, start working again, and then repeat07:44
Daisuke_Idopoorly seated?07:44
punzadanaw it's secure, that's one of the first things I looked at07:44
punzadaI might change the slot it's in07:44
punzadasee if I get better performance07:44
punzadaI've just been lazy ;x07:44
Daisuke_Idothat would be another option...  i'm not a big fan of creative (any more)07:45
punzadayeah I built the pc back in 0307:45
Daisuke_Idohowever, i do still have my good ol' SB16 isa card07:45
punzadaI never use my card to the advantage it deserves07:45
Daisuke_Idoand my oh-lord-i-had-to-have-one roland mt-3207:45
punzadaI listen to music on a 2.1 setup that any onboard system can do ;x07:46
bullgard4Malachite-m:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting07:46
Malachite-mthanks, bullgard- I'll check that out07:46
Daisuke_Ido7.1 surround here, and i only use 2.107:46
Yashynot so good. chkdsk on windows seems to have deleted the contents on the 100GB partition07:46
Daisuke_IdoMS or not, chkdsk doesn't delete things07:46
hades_Hey, how do i find out your wireless cards chipset?07:46
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Daisuke_Idohades_, lspci?07:47
Yashyeven with chkdsk /f /r ?07:47
hades_usb is lsusb?07:47
YashyI'm pretty sure it did07:47
Daisuke_Idoif every sector was bad...07:47
Daisuke_Idothen i guess it's possible07:47
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applecucumberAnyone know why if I open a program (eg gxine, firefox) with CLI, i cant close the terminal window without also causing the program to close? Is there a way to leave the program running with the terminal closed? thanks!07:48
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Daisuke_Idobut highly unlikely that chkdsk is going to wipe the *entire* contents on a disk07:48
Yashyphysically the disk is good, ubuntu mounting it could have altered the full partition table or something07:48
Daisuke_Idoapplecucumber, program &07:48
Daisuke_Idothe & makes it run as a background process07:48
Yashycould also just be the tables are all wiped, hence why it looks empty07:48
applecucumbercool! thank you!07:48
rafliboss....bosss.. tolong join di xcat gimana?07:48
Daisuke_Idoplus, you should use exit at the terminal to close it07:48
Daisuke_Idorather than the handy little x in the corner07:49
Malachite-mokay, new question: boot options noapic nolapic will disable ones' USB ports, correct?07:49
rafliwong indonesia ada ngga07:49
Daisuke_Idoit shouldn't07:49
Daisuke_Idoit disables power management07:49
Daisuke_Idobut i'm not 100% on that07:49
Daisuke_Idoso don't quote me07:49
* punzada quotes and publishes07:50
Malachite-mhmm. well I have an interesting issue: my computer's USB ports do not work, and I had assumed it was because of that. in any case, does anyone have a handy USB troubleshooting link?07:50
punzadalol "D07:50
DeadLy_sp__anyone know DevilSpie?07:50
LainIwakuraHow do I edit /etc + visudo so that <user> is added to the 'tty' group and has default write permission to the /dev/pts/0 files?07:50
Piet44could someone tell me why the pcnet32 module is loaded by default in jeos 7.1007:50
wartphi to all07:51
Piet44could someone tell me why the pcnet32 module is loaded by default in jeos 7.10 instead of the vmxnet module07:51
wartpanyone can help me07:51
applecucumberI tried typing "gxine &" and it opens gxine put terminal puts out "lirc: cannot initialize - disabling remote control ...." . I cant seem to close the terminal window and keep the program still running either. ideas? thanks!07:51
wartpi need to configure ubuntu for tablet pc07:51
Yashyugh, my entire parition table for the disk is fscked07:51
Yashynot just the ntfs partition07:51
Daisuke_Idoapplecucumber, how did you close the window?07:51
applecucumberby clicking on the upper right hand corner X07:52
Daisuke_Idothat's why07:52
Yashyand I'm pretty sure it's from chkdsk /f /r07:52
Daisuke_Idouse the exit command07:52
applecucumberok ill try that thanks07:52
applecucumberhey it works :-)07:53
rahuli ll greatly appreciate if someone can help me install my broadcom wireless07:53
applecucumberrahul is it plug and play?07:54
jayhello everyone....could some one direct me to where I can find info on locating and installing flash media player for ubuntu?07:54
rahulno, I am using ethernet now07:54
applecucumberjay, flash for firefox?07:54
punzadaVLC can handle flv files if I'm not mistaken07:54
rahuli tried many things07:54
jayyes firefox07:54
rahullike ndiswrapper and all but didnt work07:54
punzadaoh, are you on 64 or 32 bit ubuntu jay?07:55
jaythanks for the assistance...just getting started in linux...so every bit up help means a lot07:57
applecucumberyou can download it from that website and look under the tar.gz installation instructions. hope it works :-)07:57
punzadawe all started somewhere :)07:57
applecucumberya installing those plugins took some time hehe07:57
punzadaum, wait what? can't you just install flash from the repos?07:58
jaythanks again...I am off to work on it now...I will let you know07:58
Malachite-mso, I have USB music player/flash drive thing, shows up when I probe the USB ports, but it doesn't mount and doesn't seem to be recognized beyond the terminal level in any way. any ideas?07:58
otg 07:59
otg 07:59
applecucumberrahul, see if this website helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517407:59
punzadaJay, if installing from the tar.gz becomes complicated or you would like to go the more 'debian' route you can install it by typing 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' in a terminal window07:59
spinikerhelp..i have installed hardy on my laptop using safe graphics mode,and im stuck with 800x600 resolution08:00
spinikerhow can i adjust it?08:01
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu08:01
punzadawow it's coming up in april already08:01
punzadathat's good stuff08:01
alecwhI'm trying to get the mail(); function to work on ubuntu, but I don't think ubuntu has a SMTP server. How do I install one?08:01
_rubenalecwh: sudo apt-get install postfix08:02
alecwh_ruben: is that it?08:02
_rubenalecwh: that'll install a mailserver (postfix) .. not sure if thats enough to make mail() work, though08:02
x_Hi All :-)   is there some program i can use for overclocking on graphic cards ?!08:02
hischild_I have a problem getting NFS to work. When i mount the /home folder, it defaults to /home/iositd instead of /home. Is this because i'm missing something?08:03
applecucumberx_ found a thread on ubuntu about graphics cards http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17543608:04
maek0x_ NVIDIA OR ATI ??08:05
applecucumberthat website was Nvidia08:06
xaxxonI have a 4-core system but when I run folding at home, it only wants to use about 2.5-3 cores.  It runs 4 processes, but they never take up 100% CPU each08:06
xaxxonthey're all around 50-60%08:06
alecwh_ruben: Ok, I'm installing it, but it's asking me for a configuration. I don't have a domain connected with this server, I just am testing some scripts on localhost. What should I choose?08:07
hischild_xaxxon: can you set the amount of processes higher? like to 5 or 6?08:07
jayhey Punzada I l am new..so please tolerate my dumb questions but don't see the debian option..I see tar.gz,yum and rpm08:07
xaxxonnot in the normal config...08:07
punzadaJay, you can install from a tar.gz on debian if you wish08:08
_rubenalecwh: not sure what they call it, but there's an option for "sending mail only"08:08
punzadabut I would reccomend you get used to the debian 'apt-get' system08:08
punzadaas it is *much* more beginner friendly08:08
hischild_xaxxon: i've seen that before and the only solution i could find was to manually increase the amount of spawned processes.08:08
punzadainstall it by typing 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree' in a terminal (without quotes) , it may ask you if the filesize to install is okay, answer yes and it should install it all for you without any further prompting08:09
snake_hello to all. i have a problem. i can not connect to my access point in wireless because knetworkmanager doesnt show any wireless connection. the strange thing is that i use wlassistant and it connects without any problem (i am using wlassistant now) can anyone help me with this please08:09
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jayok...I will do that now08:09
hischild_snake_: #kubuntu08:10
alecwh_ruben: these are the options: No configuration, Internet site, Internet with smarthost, Satellite system, Local only.08:10
snake_hischild_: you are right. sorry08:10
hischild_snake_: np08:10
PlantainHey, my local ubuntu mirror limits connections and tempbans for 5 minutes if you exceed them, is there a way I can limit apt-get's connections?08:10
bullgard4How can I obtain a list of the executable programs that belong to the 'GNOME system tools'?08:10
alecwh_ruben: know which one it is?08:11
hischild_Plantain: apt creates multiple connections? afaik it just downloads one file at a time08:11
hischild_bullgard4: check what files are installed in /bin directory, which you can check in synaptic08:12
amorphousI'm trying to create an ssh mount accross the internet to use a server to store stuff on, but am concerned as to the availability of the whole of the hard drive to anyone using the mount. I've googled but am getting more confused in my searches (or just not good at search terms for sucha thing) - could anyone here offer any support? ---a search keyword?08:12
Plantainhischild_: Not from what I can see :/08:12
hischild_Plantain: can you explain a bit more?08:12
ikoniabullgard4: can you do a dpkg -c on the package ?08:12
punzadaamorphous, the best things for you to do, is change the default port, and use an extremely secure password08:12
hischild_amorphous: if you can use SSH tunnels, you can use NFS shares.08:13
punzadaI don't think there is much else you can do in the way of further securing an open ssh connection08:13
ikoniapunzada ssh keys ?08:13
ikoniapunzada: tcp wrappers ?08:13
amorphoushischild_, ssh tunnels? easy to set up, hischild_ ?08:13
ikoniapunzada: allowed user list ?08:13
Plantainhischild_: If I visit the mirror in my browser while I'm tempbanned, I just get "IP Connection limit exceeded, tempbanning"08:13
punzadawell allowed user list i figured was without saying08:13
amorphouspunzada, hischild_ i'm using 'add network connection' and failtoban & RSA... that not enough?08:14
hischild_amorphous: IMO they're fairly easy to setup. Can you explain to me what you are concerned about?08:14
ikoniaPlantain: your banned from using a mirror ?08:14
YashyI have a large USB drive I want for two functions 1) share files with ubuntu/bsd/macosx 2) backup files those people can't access, recommendations?08:14
maek0what mirror is it Plantain  ???08:14
hischild_Plantain: odd. Why not use the normal ones08:14
ikoniaYashy: use samba to share the files out, or NFS08:15
_rubenalecwh: im guessing "local only" or "satelite system" .. depending on if you want to be able to send out mail somewhere other than localhost08:15
sintactopulseaudio + via audio controller?08:15
ikoniaPlantain: filearena.net isn't an ubuntu mirror08:15
bullgard4ikonia: "detlef@MD97600:~$ LANG=C dpkg -c /usr/share/doc/gnome-system-tools/; dpkg-deb: error reading version number from file /usr/share/doc/gnome-system-tools/: Is a directory."08:15
Plantainhischild_: Because this is a local mirror, free download08:15
hischild_ikonia: it's via internet. Samba via internet is a bad idea08:15
Yashyikonia: I mean to portably share files08:15
alecwh_ruben: hmm, let me try both08:15
Plantainikonia: Maybe not an official one, but it's mirrored there...08:15
amorphoushischild_, the way i'm doing it at the moment it gives access to the root directory. I want them to be sort of 'chroot'ed into a data directory. tunnels the answer?08:15
ikoniahischild_: rsync08:15
legend2440bullgard4: network-admin08:15
FloodBot3legend2440: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
ikoniaPlantain: I had no idea08:15
hischild_amorphous: you can use NFS to give them access to a specific directory which will appear as a local directory (that's what i'm using at home now to sync my laptop and main box)08:16
amorphouspunzada - i hear that - not default port & RSA08:16
ikoniahischild_: I would suggest things like fuse, but I'm not a fan of that over the internet either08:16
hischild_amorphous: securing that via the internet can be done via SSH tunnels (which is what i do to get access over the internet)08:17
bullgard4legend2440: Is this list complete?08:17
hischild_ikonia: i prefer nfs and ssh08:17
ikoniahischild_: I agree, but over the internet, seems a hassle to setup tunneling08:17
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legend2440bullgard4: yes08:17
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bullgard4legend2440: Thank you very much for your help.08:18
maek0is this going to be in Hardy: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=simple_ccsm&num=1 ????08:18
sintactoremove pulseaudio?08:18
hischild_ikonia: just a single command line .... that counts as easy for me =)08:18
amorphoushischild - and with view to the future (after the daunting step 1 ;) - would you have advice on giving them access over the internet from a m$ machine? is that a samba job? only I'm having massive issues with an xp box accessing a home server here (and printer :( )08:18
gatestoneHow do I make gnome-terminal open full screen be default?08:19
hischild_amorphous: i'm sorry, i was under the impression you wanted linux to linux file sharing over the internet .... for windows you can use samba yes08:19
ikoniahischild_: the single commands not an issue, but to set it up securly on the server side is a bit over kill.08:19
mathHi, if I use 'yum' it complains about failing import python's cElementTree module, but if I do an 'aptitude install python2.5-celementtree' nothing is installed and the error remains08:19
HewusCould someone tell me what package provides network-admin, and/or how to find this out myself?08:20
hischild_ikonia: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html   <-- which can be combined with key authentication08:20
ikoniahischild_: he said bsd and mac, not windows08:20
ikoniahischild_: his target is changing08:20
hischild_ikonia: hm can't find that ... tnx for the reminder08:21
sintactopulseaudio remove ?08:21
hischild_ikonia: read about 10 lines up, he wants xp?08:21
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ikoniahischild_: ughhh, I missed it, intially he wanted BSD and mac08:21
legend2440Hewus: gnome-system-tools08:22
amorphoushischild_, you were right. I got a few machines I want linux-to-linux so all files on a central (linux) server. - once that's done I'm gonna have to make the files available to xp users from the (linux) server. that's where the samba's gonna come in, eh...08:22
Hewuslegend2440: thank you08:22
hischild_amorphous: yes. linux to linux is using nfs, for linux to windows you can use samba08:22
jscinozhey guys, i just reinstalled ubuntu, before i reinstalled i had changed something so that the usplash would show detailed messages under the progress bar, but i forgot what it was i changed... how can i get this back?08:23
hischild_ikonia: now we've got it =)08:23
blankthewhatthehHow does one get the list of partitions by UUID?08:23
ikoniablankthewhattheh: blkid08:23
amorphoushischild_, thanks. good to feel the anxiety's slipping away a bit ;)08:23
blankthewhatthehthanks ike_x08:24
blankthewhatthehff ikonia08:24
hischild_amorphous: anxiety? why? it's all fairly easy and you got us to help you ;-)08:24
Erickj92how do i get FireFox beta 4 on ubuntu?08:24
ikoniaErickj92: I don't think it's in the repo's08:24
Erickj92how do i get it though?08:24
crackerjackz_how do i install enlightenment?08:25
MrBarrett<--- just installed kubuntu and when i try to access my external usb hard drive it says... hal storage removable mount all options refused uid 1000.... what do i do?08:25
ikoniaErickj92: you'd have to download a pre-compiled binary package or build it your self08:25
amorphoushischild_, is samba good to go in gutsy, do you know? And do you also know if the firefox issues are sorted - I'm having to make a long drive today to re-install gutsy due to endless problems on an upgraded from feisty box.08:25
ikoniaMrBarrett: it's trying to mount it as the user with a uid of 1000, look in /etc/passwd to see which user that is08:25
hischild_amorphous: IMO yes08:25
amorphoushischild_, help offer massively appreciated :D08:25
amorphoushischild_, thanks08:26
hischild_amorphous: it's all fairly easy to do (at least easier then in windows) and if you use a bit of logic you'll prevail08:26
legend2440jscinoz: if you install startupmanager in synaptic  there is an option to show text during boot08:26
MrBarrettikonia wheres that?08:27
ikoniaMrBarrett: where is what ?08:27
amorphoushischild_, i'm off to read up on me NFS & tunneling, then my drive to cardiff to start afresh. Thanks for support - gives faith in the breed ;)08:28
ikonia /etc/passwd - is a file called passwd in the /etc direcotry, hence /etc/passwd08:28
hischild_amorphous: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html for ssh08:28
hischild_amorphous: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/server.html for nfs08:28
hischild_amorphous: good luck :-)08:28
amorphoushischild_, and a fine day of all good things to yourself, sir :)08:29
Erickj92thanks ikonia, in downlading it now08:29
MrBarrettwhere is etc?08:29
hischild_amorphous: that already happened ;-)08:29
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amorphouspunzada, thanks for help08:29
hischild_MrBarrett: in your root directory08:29
amorphoushischild_, more for tomorrow then :P08:30
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hischild_amorphous: haha thanks :-)08:30
ikoniaMrBarrett: ok - forget that, as it's clear your going to struggle to do this08:31
ikoniaMrBarrett: open a terminal if you can and type "id" paste the one line response you get into this channel08:31
toplokdo you know what option should I modify in Visual effects - custom preferences to avoid windows borders to get sticky to other windows ?08:31
hischild_toplok: sticky windows should do ;-)08:32
ikoniaMrBarrett: no - type that in a terminal, and paste the output into this window08:32
toploki.e. if I move a terminal window, I don't want to get "joined" to the bottom border for a while08:32
ericjones_ toplok, disable in wobbley windows08:32
ericjones_you can still have the wobble, just uncheck snap inverted or something like that08:33
hischild_ikonia: if you need more text from him, let him install pastebinit and pipe the text into that :-)08:33
ikoniaMrBarrett: don't worry08:33
ere4siI need to get gnome-vfs module running so I can use gdesklets - how to install and run it pls08:33
ikoniahischild_: he can't open a file - installing packages at the moment is out of the question08:33
blankthewhatthehAnother question, where does Ubuntu hide it's fonts folder?08:34
MrBarrettfound passed08:34
hischild_ikonia: give him the correct liek --> sudo aptitude install pastebinit && | pastebinit (Please provice link in channel)08:34
toplokericjones_, friction ?08:34
MrBarrettfound passwd08:34
ikoniaMrBarrett: just type id and give us the output08:34
ericjones_its snap inverted toplok, at the very top in wobbly windows08:35
hischild_ericjones_: snap windows08:35
ericjones_uncheck it08:35
JlalkOh yeah, one more thing before I make the switch, what is someting to monitor tempetures , like Speedfan in windows08:35
ericjones_he wants the wobble without being sticky i believe08:35
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto08:35
ericjones_thats in wobbly windows08:35
toplokericjones_, ok, that did it, thanks! :)08:36
ericjones_you're welcome08:36
MrBarrettwhere do i type id?08:36
ikoniaMrBarrett: in a terminal,08:36
maek0yeah Terminal Applications > Accessories > Terminal08:37
ikoniaMrBarrett: one moment, let me think about the best way to take you through this08:37
alecwhI'm trying to get my PHP scripts to be able to send mail from my Ubuntu 7.10 machine. I have sendmail installed (via apt-get), and now when I go to a PHP script that sends mail, it takes FOREVER to load, and no mail is sent. Can someone help?08:37
troofyis it a good idea to use a server for desktop use also. (linux)?08:38
ikoniaalecwh look at the apache log and the mail log to find out what's going on, put some debug in the php script08:38
ikoniatroofy: not really08:38
troofyikonia why not08:38
alecwhikonia: where are the logs at? I'm fairly new to Ubuntu.08:38
ikoniatroofy: it's a fine idea to use the desktop install08:38
ikoniatroofy: because the desktop install is better suited to desktop use08:38
ikoniaalecwh: /var/log08:38
alecwhikonia: which logs specifically?08:39
troofyikonia you mean i can use desktop install as a server too and as a desktop use too. at same time?08:39
ikoniaalecwh: mail and apache (http) I think it's called08:39
_mawtroofy: also desktop use could cause unecessary load on the server and affect performance08:39
ikoniatroofy: a desktop install will work fine as a server os08:39
Erickj92i am having issues installing FF 3 beta 408:39
ikoniaErickj92: it's not supported by ubuntu08:39
_mawdesktop / server installs of ubuntu can make use of the same packages08:39
ikoniaErickj92: speak to the firefox developers08:39
ikonia_maw: they sure can08:40
_mawya, I said that as a statement :P08:40
troofy_maw ikonia but a desktop install can be used as server and as desktop use at same time?08:40
Erickj92ikonia, what do you mean its not suported?08:40
_mawtroofy: I understand what you're asking and the answer is "yes"08:40
Survivormanit is not officially recognized and provided support to08:40
_mawbut why would you want to do that?08:40
ikoniaErickj92 it's not in the ubuntu repo's - therefore the version you've got is a pre-compiled binary from an extneral source, therefore nothing to do with the ubuntu community to support it08:41
CVD-PRWhy sometines when login in there a error "Error Gnome setting DEamon etc.." ?08:41
alecwhikonia: http://pastebin.com/m11eb613008:41
alecwhthat's my mail lo08:41
_mawtroofy: whoever is using that server as their "desktop" could impact performance and maybe introduce security issues08:41
applecucumberFirefox question on Ubuntu 6.06: 6.06 normally comes with Firefox 1.5. I downloaded and installed Firefox 2.0.12 on my ~/Desktop , and copied and symbolically linked ~/Desktop/firefox/firefox to /usr/bin/firefox. When I type "firefox" in terminal, it says "cannot find mozilla runtime directory. exiting" . any ideas about what to fix? thanks!08:42
ikoniaalecwh: are you using a cable/DSL connection08:42
alecwhikonia: yes08:42
troofy_maw for example?08:42
_mawa virus?08:42
_mawopen email?08:42
_mawvirus.. = owned08:42
_mawby by server08:42
FloodBot3_maw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
poppyapplecucumber, it may be expecting the exec dir to be the ffox dir08:42
ikoniaalecwh that may be your problem, your trying to use a dynamic/cable address range to talk directly to googles smtp relay08:43
alecwhis it easily fixed?08:43
ikoniaalecwh: the line DSN: Service unavailable is a bad sign08:43
applecucumberok so should i try to move the ~/Desktop/firefox file somewhere? hmmm08:43
BlueEyes_JhbHi all, can anyone help me install flash unsing the tar.gz file pls ?08:43
ikoniaalecwh: sendmail also can't qualify your dns hostname which won't help matters08:43
alecwhok ikonia, it's not important enough to fix then. Thanks anyway! =D08:43
ikoniaBlueEyes_Jhb: you don't need to, get the package flashplugin-nonfree08:44
BlueEyes_Jhbikonia the install script keeps failing with error 404 so I downloaded the file myself08:44
aroonihelp!  my computer can't play back divx type movies... it used to be able to, but now it doesnt...... ideas?  (gutsy)  (i can hear audio, but i see green lines and no real video)08:45
misc--hello, how can I find out if a service is set to boot up or not? Do I just have to check the rc directory manually to see if it's linked to the init.d service?08:45
ai3gtmci have a new MS sandisk 4gb for my psp but my pc won't mount it :( im using ubuntu 7.1008:45
ikoniaBlueEyes_Jhb: I advise against that so your ubuntu package managment stays in sync.08:45
poppytroofy, think about how many of the security updates are at server components. _maw: consider how few ports will get opened on public interfaces, and how low profile of a target a home user is08:45
_mawarooni: a codec is broken, I guess divx08:45
arooni_maw, how do i fix08:45
ai3gtmcanyone?.. :((08:45
misc--I mean find out if a service is set to start at boot08:45
ikoniaai3gtmc: what file system is on it ?08:46
BlueEyes_Jhbikonia suggestions then because my synaptic works fine on everything else, I even downloaded the file from the same machine the script gives the script gives 404 error08:46
ikoniaai3gtmc: what does the syslog say08:46
troofypoppy security updates of server a more than desktop?08:46
poppymisc--, there is an easier way, 1sec08:46
poppytroofy, no, far less08:46
ai3gtmchmm whats syslog? ikonia ?08:46
misc--poppy: no probs08:46
ikoniaBlueEyes_Jhb: if your getting a 404 it means the link on the adobe site is unreachable08:46
_mawpoppy: sure, I just would never run server programs on my desktop.08:46
troofypoppy so i should use desktop install ?08:46
troofypoppy so what should i do. i have on pc.08:46
MrBarretti got it i change it in right click properties08:46
ikoniatroofy: a desktop install08:47
BlueEyes_Jhbikonia I copied the link from the script while it was running and downloaded the file so the link is ok08:47
poppymisc--, aptitude install sysv-rc-conf08:47
_mawarooni: have you installed any new media type packages lately?08:47
ikoniatroofy: it's geared towards desktop hardware, and packages such as restricted drivers are not available on the server install08:47
arooni_maw,not to my knowledge08:47
ikoniaBlueEyes_Jhb: then re-try the synaptic package08:47
misc--poppy: ok...08:47
troofyikonia poppy what problems can i get.08:47
ikoniatroofy: problems with what ?08:47
troofyikonia oh ic08:47
troofyikonia mixing server use + desktop08:48
ai3gtmcikonia, what's syslog?08:48
poppytroofy, you *can* use a desktop install. It's *possible* there will be a security vuln that will get taken advantage of08:48
ikoniaai3gtmc: /var/log/messages08:48
_mawarooni: I have had issues like that before, I was lazy to troubleshoot so I installed VLC player and that fixed it. I then removed my other player08:48
ikoniatroofy: use a desktop install, what "server" packages are you thinking of using ?08:48
jayhey...I still cant seem to get this flash media player going. anyone have the link to download it from the repository08:48
troofypoppy securit vuln like open ports?08:48
ikoniajay: what media player08:48
troofyikonia dont know. havnt tried yet08:49
poppytroofy, however, server apps are just as vulnerable, however they are much more likely to actually be found and fixed ;)08:49
ikoniatroofy: use the desktop version.08:49
jayflash media player tar.gz08:49
ai3gtmcMar 31 16:40:39 dave-linuxbox kernel: [ 1829.712425] end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0 ikonia this is the last line08:49
hischild_troofy: make sure to plug your firewall close if you have a desktop.08:49
poppytroofy, no, as in, someone runs a program and magically has root on your box08:49
ikoniajay: is it available in the ubuntu repo ? - what's it's real name08:49
troofyikonia poppy ok... i hope my desktop use will not be slow because of  the apache or irc daemon running at background. i have p4 1.8g 1g ram08:50
poppytroofy, but it's really unlikely unless someone's targetting you08:50
ikoniatroofy: it will be no quicker or slower than if you are running the server install08:50
jaythat I really don't know...someone sent me a link for it earlier...it seemed to be connected08:50
ikoniatroofy: however trying to run an irc daemon on a DSL/Cable line is a bad idea08:50
troofyikonia poppy but il be more comfortable with desktop instal08:50
ikoniajay: then we can't help08:50
poppytroofy, server apps are pretty good at being quiet unless there is traffic... are you planning on running a public website or anything like that?08:51
troofyikonia poppy i can install all server apps i need in a desktop install too ?08:51
hischild_troofy: you won't notice a difference. I usually run a gameserver or 2 on my desktop, which use a webserver for additional downloads... still don't experience any downside on it08:51
ikoniatroofy: which ones do you need ?08:51
poppytroofy, you'll most likely be fine with a desktop install. I'm a server software developer and i do it :P08:51
troofypoppy my websit only . some friends webs too. not much though. one ircd.08:51
poppytroofy, of course, it's all linux :)08:52
lotharhi ubuntu noob here.  I just installed a 500gig HD and now I cant see either the new one or one of the old ones08:52
ikoniatroofy: check the terms and conditions of your isp08:52
troofyhischild_ ic08:52
ikoniatroofy: running irc on a home connection is not a good idea08:52
xp-killeri had an unclean shut down with my external hdd ntfs how do i regulate it?08:52
poppyikonia, i was about to say that :)08:52
jaywell I downloaded flash media player to my desktop but what is the next step...sorry just a newbie08:52
hischild_xp-killer: sudo mount /dev/yourhd -o force08:52
ikoniaxp-killer: boot into windows08:52
blankthewhatthehwhat ikonia? Whats wrong with running any server from home really?08:52
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troofyhischild_ popey ikonia, but when ill download a file. torrent or direct download. the users of ircd or website will be effected... no?08:52
ikoniatroofy: yes they will be effected, they would also be effected if yoru using a server install08:53
troofyhischild_ popey ikonia, ok08:53
poppytroofy, how many users are you expecting?08:53
ikoniatroofy: thats a limit of your connection - not your OS08:53
MrBarrettwill my wireless usb modem work on kubuntu 7.1 cd version installed??08:53
troofypoppy 100008:53
xp-killerikonia: i dont want to go all the way in windows it haracing08:53
lotharanyone?  e.  I just installed a 500gig HD and now I cant see either the new one or one of the old ones08:53
ikoniaxp-killer: to defrag/checkdisk ntfs - you have to08:53
LDS_TrooperGreets.. how can I unpackage a .package in Terminal?08:53
poppytroofy, that changes things.08:54
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: uh, what is it?08:54
troofyhischild_ popey ikonia, i think a firewall will help if i limit connection speeds to different apps..? any suggestions?08:54
ikoniatroofy: your expecting 1000 users !08:54
|ismael|i cant use ekiga :(08:54
troofyikonia ya08:54
ikoniatroofy: thats insane08:54
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, its a game08:54
MrBarretti got the usb drive going08:54
hischild_troofy: use iptables08:54
ikoniatroofy: on a home connection ?08:54
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: what game?08:54
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, armagetron08:54
troofyikonia i already have 62508:54
ampmaniachi! what will be the effect if i remove the search domain in my resolv.conf? actually, my server automatically created a search domain in my resolv.conf08:54
ikoniatroofy: define "user"08:54
LDS_Troopersetting up a dedicated server08:54
troofyikonia like this chanel has 1120 users08:54
ikoniaampmaniac: the domain won't be appended08:54
ikoniatroofy: oooh irc08:55
troofyikonia ya08:55
poppytroofy, which means you're gonna be a target08:55
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: You don't.  You 'sudo apt-get install armagetron'08:55
ikoniatroofy: never mind, but you're still going to be limited by your connection08:55
yo2khi all...08:55
troofyhischild_ iptables can restrict quata or dl ul limits to specific apps?08:55
lotharHow can I tell if my graphics card is working 100%?08:55
MrBarrettikonia will my usb wireless modem work on kubuntu 7.1?08:55
yo2khow i configure a pcmcia wifi ( i use smc)08:55
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, this is on a remote server not my home machine08:55
troofypoppy target for what?08:55
ikoniaMrBarrett: noidea08:55
poppytroofy, run server... and do you know much about sysadminning?08:55
yo2ki use ubuntu 7.0408:55
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: So?08:55
poppytroofy, getting pwned08:56
troofypoppy pwned?08:56
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, will that give me the dedicated server edition?08:56
ikoniatroofy: attacks/exploited on your machine08:56
blankthewhatthehpoppy, seriously, as if.08:56
troofypoppy no. iam not a good admin08:56
ethan961!wifi | yo2k MrBarret08:56
ubotuyo2k MrBarret: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:56
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, we do have shell access through PuTTY08:56
poppytroofy, when you invite 1000 people into your house, odds are at least one will be an asshole.08:56
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: armagetrond-dedicated then08:56
alesanhi, is there a command line tool to resize jpegs, which is NOT imagemagick or graphicsmagick?08:56
yo2kok thank's, go to there08:56
troofyikonia poppy for attacks. server install is good. or i can tackle it with destop too?08:56
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: either way, you should be installing from the repos, not random files you find online that aren't even for your distro.08:57
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:57
ikoniatroofy: you'll find pretty much zero difference in a server/desktop install08:57
poppytroofy, no install will save you08:57
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troofypoppy :) k08:57
blankthewhatthehpopey, stop being a doomsday book08:57
troofyikonia hm08:57
blankthewhatthehit's no where near that bad08:57
troofypoppy ikonia thx.. iam geting ddos i gues. gtg.08:57
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, one sec08:58
ai3gtmcikonia, what should i do?08:58
poppyblankthewhattheh, what were you saying now? ;)08:58
ikoniaai3gtmc: is there any errors/warnings in the syslog about your drive08:58
ikoniaai3gtmc: tail -f /var/log/messages then take out and re-plug in your drive08:58
hischild_yay netsplit08:58
ethan961ride the netsplit08:59
_mawtroofy: are you on a new linux install right now?08:59
_mawyou might want to get iptables up08:59
BlueEyes_JhbArgh...can anyone help me get macromedia flash installed ?08:59
popey!flash | BlueEyes_Jhb08:59
ubotuBlueEyes_Jhb: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:59
ai3gtmcikonia, what do u mean byt that?.. srry im a linux noob..08:59
poppyoh snap, there's a popey in here09:00
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, the .package is from the arma site and its what they offer for linux.. one sec while we try the spt-get option09:00
ikoniaai3gtmc: open a terminal, use the command "tail -f /var/log/messages" then re-insert your usb disk and see what happens in the other window09:00
popeypoppy: been here a long while09:00
poppypopey, right, i haven't. i was wondering where the nick completion came from09:00
poppyyou weren't here last time i was around :P09:01
_mawtroofy: ftp://anonymous@ (this is why you want IPTables)09:01
ai3gtmcikonia, here's the output Mar 31 17:01:10 dave-linuxbox kernel: [ 3058.865503] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk09:01
ai3gtmcMar 31 17:01:10 dave-linuxbox kernel: [ 3058.865560] sd 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 009:01
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, the sudo apt-get install armagetron-dedicated says "couldn't find package armagetron-dedicated"09:01
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: that's because you mistyped it.  There's a d in there.09:01
ikoniaai3gtmc ok, so it's detected it ok09:01
tonyyarussoLDS_Trooper: apt-cache search armegatron09:02
xp_prganyone here use rpm on ubuntu?09:02
ai3gtmcikonia,  yeah but i can't mount it :(09:02
poppyxp_prg, you mean with alien?09:02
BlueEyes_Jhbhey popey the page u sent doesnt support 7.10...09:02
xp_prgno ubuntu has rpm09:02
xp_prgdo apt-get install rpm if you want to see :>09:02
mark[oz]lol http://www.bbspot.com/News/2000/9/linux_laid.html for all the ubuntu dev's working hard out there!09:02
ikoniaxp_prg: but using redhat build rpm's on ubuntu is silly09:02
poppyxp_prg, does that keep track of conflicts and overwrites tho?09:03
tonyyarussoxp_prg: it exists, but is remarkably foolish.09:03
xp_prgnot if your trying to make a centos domU09:03
xp_prgin xen09:03
ikoniaxp_prg: then you don't install it in ubuntu - you install it in the target vm09:03
xp_prgwell I have to use the rpm utility to do that!09:03
ikoniaxp_prg: no you don't09:04
ikoniaxp_prg: when you install centos in the VM it comes with rpm installed09:04
WilcoJRguys - is it possible that compiz-fusion is that unstable that once i turn it off my machine really works ok ?09:04
poppyxp_prg, i think you want to use the iso of CentOS to get a vm up09:04
WilcoJRif i use google earth  - i get random hangups09:04
hischild_WilcoJR: yes, though there's probably some other problem then.09:04
WilcoJRlike i slows down till it dies09:04
poppyWilcoJR, in 7.10 is buggy for me09:04
WilcoJRso im not nuts :)09:04
ikoniaWilcoJR: it very much depends on your graphics cards and drivers09:05
* poppy isn't gonna make that judgment call ;)09:05
WilcoJRwell i updaed my latest drivers (nvidia) to 169.12 using envy and the latest compiz-fusion from the repos09:05
Carbonfluxdoes anyone know how to get ntp to sync time with the server from the command line ?09:05
swilkyDoes and one know the cli command for getting free space on a hdd?09:05
BlueEyes_Jhbany constructive help for installing macromedia flash in 7.10 ?09:05
ubotuenvy is an unsupported tool to install newer versions of binary video drivers than provided by the official repositories. Use at your own risk, and remember that the latest version is not necessarily the "best". See « /msg ubotu binarydriver »09:05
ikoniaWilcoJR: that could be one of the problems09:05
WilcoJReverything usulay works fine - just using google-earth kills the machine :)09:05
hischild_problem found09:05
=== hischild_ is now known as hischild
poppyswilky, df09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about works-for-me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:05
swilkyty poppy09:05
WilcoJRikonia,  how so ? 169.12 is the latest so far it works wonderfully for me - much better h the built in 100 drivers that came with ubuntu09:05
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:06
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WilcoJRim on a lapotp with quadro 13509:06
ikoniaWilcoJR: well that proves how lack of understanding you have09:06
ai3gtmcikonia, what should i do? :(09:06
aroonihelp!  my computer can't play back divx type movies... it used to be able to, but now it doesnt...... ideas?  (gutsy)  (i can hear audio, but i see green lines and no real video)09:06
LDS_Trooperlol yeah that's it09:06
ikoniaai3gtmc: mount it manually09:06
WilcoJRikonia,  - can you please explain ?09:06
hischildarooni: disable compiz and try again :-)09:06
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, just running the commands now.. one sec..09:06
aroonihischild, compiz is disabled ! ;p09:06
LDS_Troopertonyyarusso, thanks by the way09:06
hischildarooni: hmm ... tried a different video player?09:06
ikoniaWilcoJR: the versions of the nvidia driver will have different stability / compatability depending ont he version of the kernel you run and the applications it runs with, ubuntu test the versions they support, you've used later drivers that may have issues witht hat version of the kernel/compiz/ubuntu in general09:07
swilkysudo apt-get install fdclone09:07
WilcoJRi see09:07
swilkyE: Couldn't find package fdclone09:07
aroonihischild, yup you'er right;  why doesnt totem player play correctly?09:07
WilcoJRi didnt understand that it of an issue with the kernel09:07
ikoniaai3gtmc: in the syslog what device file does it assign09:07
poppyWilcoJR, if you want latest and greatest, install 8.04 beta and report bugs :D09:07
ikoniaWilcoJR: it's not an issue with the kernel, re-read what I typed09:07
ai3gtmcikonia,  /dev/sdc09:08
hischildarooni: can be a couple dozen reasons. Try see if any of the settings got screwed up or something, or force a reinstall of it09:08
ikoniaai3gtmc: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt09:08
ai3gtmcikonia, is says mount: you must specify the filesystem type09:08
aroonihischild, i dont have any settings i setup; so i'm comfy blowing them away.................. how do i force reinstall?09:08
WilcoJRikonia,  let me rephrase kernel/driver compatibilty09:08
hischildikonia: ! ... why mount a drive at /mnt and not a decent mountpoint?09:08
WilcoJRhow stable is 8.04 beta?09:09
ikoniahischild: to just test his drive is mountable09:09
hischildWilcoJR: it's because the latest driver isn't perse the best.09:09
hischildikonia: i c09:09
ikoniaWilcoJR: it's a beta09:09
ai3gtmcuh oh09:09
WilcoJRguys but why is this that the latest drivers are not suppose to be the best?09:09
ikoniaai3gtmc:  ?09:09
ai3gtmcikonia, is says mount: you must specify the filesystem type09:09
ikoniaWilcoJR: re-read what I typed09:09
WilcoJRacoording to nvidia the 169.12 squshed tons of bugs09:09
ikoniaai3gtmc: what file system is on it09:09
hischildarooni: sudo apt-get install --reinstall totem totem-common09:09
ikoniaai3gtmc: what file system is on it09:09
ai3gtmcikonia, fat3209:09
WilcoJRikonia,  i read and understand09:09
ikoniaWilcoJR: clearly you don't09:09
poppyWilcoJR, right, but you could be causing more bugs by not working against the latest kernel version09:09
ai3gtmcikonia, fat3209:09
hischildWilcoJR: please read what we tell you. If you don't read, we can't help you.09:09
ikoniaai3gtmc: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt09:10
WilcoJRso what are you saying is that if i use ubuntu im bound to use only the drivers supplied and tested by ubuntu?09:10
ikoniaken: what do you want09:10
arooniE: Couldn't find package totem-common09:10
hischildWilcoJR: if you want support, then use the ones that come from ubuntu09:10
ikoniaWilcoJR: only drivers supported by ubuntu (restricted driver manager)09:10
poppyWilcoJR, if you want sane help, yes :)09:10
ai3gtmcwoohooo! file manager can read it now! thanks ikonia !09:10
ikoniaai3gtmc: no problem09:10
poppyikonia, hischild i'm having a lol on that one.09:11
Survivormanthere is no package totem-common09:11
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hischildpoppy: which one?09:11
ikoniaSurvivorman: apt-cache search totem09:11
hischildarooni: sudo apt-get install --reinstall totem09:11
poppyhischild, the 3 of us saying the same thingat the same second :)09:11
ai3gtmcikonia, hmm i can browse but not write on it.. :(09:11
hischildpoppy: oh that =)09:11
Survivormanyes, and there is not totem-common09:11
ikoniaai3gtmc: it's mounted read only I'm guessing09:11
ikoniaai3gtmc: sudo mount -o rw -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt09:12
hischildSurvivorman: i   totem-common                    - Data files for the Totem media player09:12
WilcoJRim looking for two solutions: 1 - a tool that will let me disconnect and tell gnome not to reconnect to wireless networks again (autoconnect)09:12
WilcoJR2 - something that will let me manage tons of SSH Sessions (SecureCRT like if you know it)09:12
hischildWilcoJR: rightclick on the network manager and disable netwokring.09:12
Survivormanhmm... i just did and got nothing but a list of totem and plugins09:12
ken_anybody come from china09:12
WilcoJRhischild,  but this kills my wired link :(09:12
ikoniaWilcoJR: manage ssh sessions ?09:12
ikoniaWilcoJR: disable the wirless card only09:12
hischildWilcoJR: then just disable the wireless one09:13
WilcoJRyeah but this is a problem09:13
snake_i need help to make wlassistant to connect at startup as sudo without writing the password every time i start the pc. can anyone help ?09:13
ai3gtmcikonia, how do i unmount it? srry..09:13
WilcoJRwhen i boot the machine - the previous wireless link takes precedence over my wired link09:13
ikoniaai3gtmc: sudo umount /mnt09:13
ikoniaWilcoJR: disble the card then09:13
alexander_In Xchat ui i'f lost the right panel with the people online, anyone knows how to bring it back again?09:13
hischildSurvivorman: http://pastebin.com/f71bf625c09:13
ken_anybody come from china09:13
mark[oz]is are the ubuntu repo's so far behind?09:14
WilcoJRisnt there like a panel that lets you mange the wireless connection ?09:14
ikoniaken_: no - people will respond if they did. Do you have a support question09:14
hischildalexander_: hit ctrl f709:14
ai3gtmcikonia, i get this sudo: unmount: command not found09:14
mark[oz]netbeans current = 6, repos = 5.509:14
hischildai3gtmc: use umount, don't use n09:14
ikoniaai3gtmc: umount - not unmount09:14
ai3gtmcoh k09:14
Survivormanhischild, are you using hardy?09:14
on3what are the random beeps that i keep hearing while Pidgin is open?09:14
hischildSurvivorman: yes09:14
ikoniamark[oz]: this is a punishment for an OS release every 6 months, packages tend to not get version updates post release09:14
WilcoJRikonia,  manage ssh sessiosn = SecureCRT for windows is a terminal/ssh proggy that lets you store and create organized tree of all your server connections09:14
WilcoJRincluding X11 tunnels09:14
WilcoJRneed something like that for my ubuntu setup09:14
ikoniaWilcoJR: putty09:14
Survivormanits not in gutsy09:15
ai3gtmcikonia, hmm still can't paste on it09:15
hischildSurvivorman: alright, thanks for that then ..09:15
WilcoJRim trying to get gputty - gnome putty yet cannot find a deb release for it09:15
mark[oz]ikonia, but aren't the repo's managed idependantly?09:15
ikoniamark[oz]: no09:15
Smegzoryay!  it took me a while but I finally got DHCP working and now my pc connects to the net automatically on bootup :D09:15
SurvivormanI have it installed, i was just referring to arooni's comment on not being able to install it. he only needs totem and any plugin he needs.09:15
mark[oz]can they be ikonia ?09:15
hischild!yay | Smegzor09:15
ubotuSmegzor: Glad you made it! :-)09:15
mark[oz]e.g. I want my app in the ubuntu repo, I do something tricky, and bang its there?09:15
ikoniamark[oz]: you can have 3rd party repo's managed by say "me" but they arn't "ubuntu" repo's09:15
Smegzorthanks to those that helped me in here :D  lol at that ubotu command XD09:16
hischildSurvivorman: he has it installed though probably corrupted it ... thus the reinstall09:16
ikoniamark[oz]: if you want YOUR application in the ubuntu repo's you have to use the submittal process and go through testing/sumission/etc/etc09:16
mark[oz]i just wish all these apps could be updated09:17
mark[oz]thanks ikonia09:17
ikoniamark[oz]: it's the price of an OS release every 6 months,09:17
YashyI have found a reproducable way to reboot my ubuntu machine by going to a specific website. How can I build a core file to debug upon reboot?09:17
xp_prganyone familiar with building a kernel on ubuntu?09:17
ikoniaxp_prg: surly am09:17
xp_prgI would like to build the latest xen kernel, is there a tutorial/howto anywhere on that?09:17
ikoniaYashy: corefiles are crashes09:17
ikoniaxp_prg: there is a xen package in the repo's09:17
shuktycan i ask something about remote vnc ? i m under a router ... if i write my ip address followed by port i see the router's confpage ... using intranet i can use it great09:17
Yashyikonia: Where can I find them?09:18
ikonia!xen > xp_prg09:18
xp_prgikonia, but it is not the latest09:18
ai3gtmcikonia, hmm i tried using the cp in terminal. it works but i can't paste to the mount using the file browser09:18
ikoniaYashy: you can't "find" them an application crash creates them09:18
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:18
ikoniaai3gtmc: please show me the output of "mount" in the pastebin please.09:18
YashyI can reproducably crash my ubuntu machine09:18
xp_prgikonia, is there anyway to get the very latest somehow?09:18
erUSUL!kernel | xp_prg09:18
ubotuxp_prg: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages09:18
Peddycan someone please tell me what is in their /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/smb-module.conf09:18
ikoniaxp_prg: why do you want it09:18
ai3gtmcikonia, ok09:18
ikoniaxp_prg: as in the latest09:18
hischildwhat's up with those netsplits all the time09:18
ken_/AME hello09:18
ikoniaken_: hi09:19
xp_prgbecause jailtime.org requires the latest xen kernel to work09:19
SmegzorI still can't change my desktop wallpaper, but I'm wondering if somehow thats a permissions problem?  I did reinstall ubuntu while preserving /home.  Thats caused a few problems, but nothing compared to trying the same trick on Windows :D09:19
poppyxp_prg, you could always use the 8.04 beta! submit bugs! :D09:19
ikoniaxp_prg: I'm reading the jailtime size, where does it say that ?09:19
YashyI can reproducably crash my ubuntu machine, how can I find/create core files to debug?09:19
ai3gtmcikonia, here http://code.bulix.org/8ev1t8-65981?raw09:20
erUSUL!bugs | Yashy09:20
ubotuYashy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:20
xp_prgikonia it doesn't say that, but I know from trial and error that this is true09:20
ikoniaxp_prg: I disagree09:20
YashyI'm wondering how to create/find core files, not submit a bug.09:20
xp_prgikonia unless you know how to get a centos xen domU on ubuntu feisty, I would love to know how to do it!09:20
ikoniaai3gtmc: ahhhhh it's vfat09:20
ikoniaai3gtmc: it's mounted as "root"09:21
xp_prgI was able to boot the jailtime centos but the networking doesn't work09:21
ai3gtmcikonia, hmm so what shout i do?09:21
ikoniaxp_prg: centos domu ? whats wrong with the ubuntu domu ?09:21
xp_prgikonia I need to use rpm and create an rpm repository09:21
ikoniaai3gtmc one moment let me grab the right mount options09:21
xp_prgfor python stuff09:21
ai3gtmcok thanks ike_x09:21
ai3gtmcikonia, *09:21
ikoniaxp_prg: ok - so you need to install centos host to use the centos domu09:21
YashyI can reproducably crash my ubuntu machine, how can I find/create core files to debug?09:21
ikoniaxp_prg that was badley worded09:22
xp_prgikonia I thought I could install a centos domu on an ubuntu host, is that not correct?09:22
ikoniaxp_prg: yes that is "correct" technially09:22
snake_anyone that can help me to get wlassistant to run at startup as sudo ? i tried to add it to rc.local but i had no success. it doesnt show up and it doesnt connect09:22
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poppythis is why i left, i could do this all night :)09:23
poppynight all!09:23
xp_prgikonia check this out:  http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2007-06/msg00970.html09:23
ikoniaxp_prg: I assume you've glanced through this http://wiki.kartbuilding.net/index.php/Create_Centos5_DomU_on_Debian_Etch_Dom0#Config_Centos_DomU_Xen_Config09:23
frarocohello everybody. I have installed hardy, I'd like to chage the configuration of my screen I've changed to hp m500 but I did not really sur