
viddyes...on about 8 computers00:00
fs87nice :)00:00
viddvarious hardware configurations00:00
fs87which do you think is the best WM?00:00
viddim not a good person to ask....i have only used gnome, KDE, and xfce00:01
fs87i'm using ion3 right now00:01
viddthe only reason i use xfce and not gnome is because i like having the same wm on all my machines00:01
viddand some cant handle gnome00:01
fs87how long do you use linux?00:02
viddabout 3 years? maybe 400:02
fs87tried other distro's?00:03
viddi dont like .rpm based distros00:03
fs87same here00:03
fs87my first was mandrake00:03
fs87crashed it many times00:03
fs87partly cause of the rmp's00:04
viddwe should move this to #xubuntu-offtopic b4 we get told to00:04
Rohaqhowdy folks00:55
Tu13esI want to share an external drive from my desktop running gutsy to my laptop running gutsy01:16
Tu13eswhat's the best way to do it?01:16
Tu13esbefore I used to use AFP from one Mac to another and it was nice and easy01:16
nathan2hey, I'm having problems with something.  Is anyone around that can help?01:24
viddwhats up01:28
Jerimiah40I'm having trouble getting Xubuntu to install, can anyone help me out?02:49
BunnyRevolutionwhat trouble are you having?02:52
Jerimiah40Every time I try to install from a live CD (7.10), it gets to 15% complete, and then just locks up02:53
BunnyRevolutionwhat does your memory look like?02:54
BunnyRevolutionhow much memory do you have?02:55
BunnyRevolutiondo you have a high speed connection?02:56
Jerimiah40Internet?  It's reasonably high speed, yeah02:56
BunnyRevolutiontry the alternate cd02:56
Jerimiah40Alright, I'll try that02:58
Jerimiah40Just out of curiosity, what is the difference between alternate and desktop?02:58
BunnyRevolutionthe alternate installer is more text based, but asks the same questions and uses less mem02:59
BunnyRevolutionso the installer is not as pretty, but works faster.  in fact, i use the alternate install over the normal install because i don't have to point and click, but tab, enter, tab enter03:00
BunnyRevolutioneven when i have lots of mem.  after downloading, test your cd, then install03:01
Jerimiah40Does it install everything that the desktop installer does?03:01
BunnyRevolutionthe alternate allows for some other options, one of them bieng LVM03:02
=== unix is now known as Sl4y3r
Sl4y3ranyone know why when i view flash videos in firefox even after deleteing the cache im not seeing the space re-freed03:45
BunnyRevolutionflash videos are kept in /tmp sometimes03:45
Sl4y3rnothing in there03:47
BunnyRevolutionwell, they don't end in *.s*03:48
Sl4y3rwhat would they end in?03:49
BunnyRevolution~/.mozilla/firefox/somename.default/Cache , you need to look here as well03:49
reindeerI am looking for a way to bust open a .toast torrent file to extract the boot image for a complete, error-free bootable ISO. Any solutions?03:49
BunnyRevolutiondownload the .torrent, and mount the iso and then extract the boot image03:50
reindeerThe torrent is completely downed. Just need to find an app or utility which will extract the boot image from the file.03:52
reindeerFrom there, i hsould be able to mount it nicely.03:52
reindeerI should03:52
reindeerI'm just having trouble extracting the boot image.03:53
reindeerI'll see what 7zip will do. Gotta work the CLI from xterm. It may be the only option in which to extract the image from the toast torrent. Appreciate your help.03:56
Ultraputzif you want the wireless applet to remember a wep key, how do you do that?04:20
Tuv0kmy xubuntu install has no pulse happening04:57
Tuv0kpam is getting "connection refused to server"04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:59
ubotuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:00
zoredacheI am surpised that someone hasn't banned you irseekbot05:36
ere4siI need to get gnome-vfs module running so I can use gdesklets - how to install and run it pls08:29
ere4sinot listed there Iskr08:31
ere4sisomeone with an idea?08:36
Iskrwell if i look for gdesklets on synaptic i find it08:41
Iskrand i presume that if i install it, it would, as usual, install needed dependencies08:42
julianhi ive got a problem with the xubuntu livecd11:12
julianand dunno if its a bug a feature or if i miss something11:12
totalwormagedo tell11:12
julianim not able to use gparted how it should work11:12
julianopening gparted leads mount to mount everything automatically11:13
julianand if i change a partition it gets started working on it and suddenly xubuntu decides to mount everything again11:13
julianand i need to umount it in the terminal11:13
julianand that needs to be done quickly otherwise gparted stops working on the partition11:14
totalwormagethat doesn't sound good11:14
totalwormagei think you shouldn't tinker with mounts while gparted is working on them11:14
juliannormally xubuntu shouldnt auto mount everything11:15
juliani dont have that problem with ubuntu livecd11:16
totalwormageanyone else here who knows about this kind of thing? :P11:16
juliangparted is crashing on both when using swapoff but that isnt a big problem11:16
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
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xemonothHi, my RoseGarden program is telling me that the timing in the kernel is too slow.  How do I resolve this?16:44
BunnyRevolutionstay in the channel so i can answer your question ...17:48
BunnyRevolutioni need several world clocks on my desktop.  which program is best to use.17:51
StroganoffBunnyRevolution: gdesklets may be the right one17:58
siggjenor gworldclock17:59
BunnyRevolutionu know, i am gravitating more and more to xubuntu because of the support that is available in this channel18:00
Ultraputzany idea how to get network manager to remember WEP passwords ?19:35
maxamillionUltraputz: you need the gnome keyring manage19:37
Ultraputzdoes it add a lot of overhead?19:37
maxamillionuhmm... a bit, yes19:39
maxamillionbut it depends on what you consider "a lot"19:39
Ultraputz700mhz p319:39
maxamillionyeah, you should be fine ... there might be slight lag when it first negotiates the connection but after that you probably won't notice19:41
maxamillionUltraputz: how much ram?19:41
Ultraputzgnome keyring manager. gonna try that. machine is outside, bbiab19:42
Ultraputzthanks, btw19:43
maxamillionanytime :)19:43
Stroganoffwhats the name of the xfce network manager package?19:57
charlie-tcaIn gutsy, installed package is Gnome-network-manager19:59
BunnyRevolutionxubuntu hardy beta fails the install on virutal box vm20:49
uninvitedNow that is what i call a problem description :)20:54
zoredacheBunnyRevolution: how does it fail?21:04
zoredacheI didn't have any problems when installing in vmware21:05
fivehorizonsCan someone help me with a question about tunneling VNC through SSH?21:12
charlie-tcaDepends on the question21:13
charlie-tcaI've done it with vnc4server and xvnc4client21:14
fivehorizonsI'm pretty much a linux newb but I followed the guide located here: http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/06/05/build_your_own_server/6 to set up a file server21:14
zoredachefivehorizons: and what are you having problems with?21:15
fivehorizonsI was able to use VNC through SSH the first time I tried it, but after I rebooted the server I keep getting an "Connection Failed - Error reading Protocol Version" message21:15
fivehorizonsHowever, if I connect serverip:0 it works, but I don't want to do that21:16
zoredacheyou restarted your ssh tunnel after the server rebooted right?21:17
fivehorizonsI think so....does that just require making a new SSH connection with putty?21:18
zoredachefivehorizons: maybe, it depends on if you saved your settings on the session that you had the tunnel working before21:18
fivehorizonsYeah, I had saved the settings. I'm essentially doing everything the same way as when it first worked. The only difference is that the server was rebooted in between, so I don't know if this screwed something up21:19
zoredacheare you connected to the server now through ssh?21:20
fivehorizonsNot at this moment because I'm at work, but I am able to connect through ssh just fine.21:20
zoredachewell, anyway, when you are connected to the server through ssh runn a command like this 'netstat -ntl | grep 5900'21:21
fivehorizonsok, what will that tell me?21:21
zoredacheif dont' see anything then x11vnc didn't get started21:21
zoredacheif *you*21:22
zoredachethe sharex11vnc command doesn't seem to be automatically started on its own21:22
zoredacheyou probably need to run that each time you ssh in... Or add it to rc.local21:23
fivehorizonsahh, yeah I actually did do something like that. It didn't start on its own, so i ran sharex11vnc manually.21:23
BunnyRevolutionzoredache: let me re-download it and try again21:24
zoredacheon a related note I would add another option to the x11vnc command line the script uses21:24
fivehorizonsAnd like I said, VNC works fine if connect directly to the server IP, but if I try to go through localhost:0 it doesn't work21:24
zoredacheI think you add the '-localhost' option so that vnc cannot be accessed unless you have your ssh tunnel working21:25
fivehorizonsah ok21:25
zoredachealso, if you do that you could add the '-nopw' option which will make it so that you don't have to give vnc a password... Since you can only connect through ssh, it seems like you don't need the extra password.21:26
fivehorizonsyeah, but at this point I'd be happy to see the password dialog box going through ssh haha21:28
fivehorizonsI can't get anything but that stupid protocol error21:28
BillyJoewhen I plug in my usb drive, it dosn't auto make the /media/"name" folder so it can not mount it... How do I get my system to auto create this folder?21:29
zoredachefivehorizons: sorry, but what question are you getting the 'protcol error' message from?21:34
zoredachebleah...  what program are you getting the protocol error from..21:34
fivehorizonsUltraVNC when I try to connect to localhost:021:34
zoredachedo you have a vnc server running on your workstation?21:35
fivehorizonsno, just on the fileserver21:35
zoredacheand your workstation is winxp, vista, or?21:36
zoredacheon your winxp computer do a command like 'netstat -nt | find "5900"'21:37
zoredacheif you don't see anything in the list, then putting isn't setting things up correctly21:37
zoredacheyou also might want to try connecting to localhost::5900 in ultravnc21:38
fivehorizonsThanks zoredache.  I'll try both of those things when I get home21:39
zoredachearen't you trying to set it up so that you can connect from outside of your home?21:40
fivehorizonsI'm not at the xp workstation right now. I'm at my work computer21:40
fivehorizonswell, yes21:40
fivehorizonsbut I don't have my public IP atm21:40
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hyper_chTheSheep: hiho22:18
TheSheephi hyper_ch22:18
hyper_chTheSheep: what's up?22:19
TheSheephyper_ch: ---> #xubuntu-offtopic22:21
StoneColdDudeHi anyone home?22:42
maxamillionStoneColdDude: actually, i have to brb ... very sorry22:43
StoneColdDudeAre U a Xubuntu user?22:43
zoredacheubotu have you left us?22:43
zoredacheanyway, whats up?22:43
StoneColdDudeWhat type of dialup system does Xubuntu use??22:44
StoneColdDudeI use kppp and want a light syatem22:44
zoredachethe underlying system is of course based on ppp...  I am not sure if there is a gui, or how to use it... I think I saw something in Network Manager though22:45
StoneColdDudeOK thank you22:45
StoneColdDudeGotta go now...bye!22:45
ZorisI have installed xfce4 from apt-get; how do I get it to work now? If I try to log into the session nothing happens23:37

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