[01:34] Hi [01:34] New guy here! from Argentina [01:35] :) [01:37] Reading every link of the Ubuntu Doc Team [01:37] Planning to help, don't have that much time, but whenever I can I will [01:53] Alejandro: yay for more help [01:54] quick docbook question how do you show or deal with exponents (that is 2 to the power of 3) or is it 2^3? [01:59] Sorry are you talking to me? I'm new to the IRC thing. [02:00] Is there anyone there? [02:01] Hello? [02:04] Alejandro: yes i am here [02:04] said hi to you earlier [02:04] then was aksing for general help on my docbook question [02:04] Sorry I was reading docs to find out how to help [02:05] yeh sorry but there are some expression i dont understan like you needing help in your docbook [02:05] no worries [02:05] =) [02:06] I'm very new, I think I can help translating to spanish since I'm from Argentina so I was reading on the Rosetta thing and how to find packages to translate [02:06] is there a ubunt argentina local team that could help out that way? [02:06] that you could contact for help [02:07] so then I should subscribe here but locally? [02:08] http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local#head-a7b564b3ab32d9458a1e526d875447b2e7cd9fd6 [02:08] shows the infromation for the argentina team [02:08] you can still help here out as well [02:10] =) awesome i'll check it out THX [05:33] hello [05:33] can someone help me i have a question about partitioning [05:34] sphinxx: try #ubuntu [05:34] oh ok thanks [05:34] so whats this channel for? [05:35] coordinating documentation work [05:35] oh ok [08:25] morning all [08:55] hmm. Removing translated xml cuts our working tree down from 200MB to 60MB... [08:55] good :) [12:04] mdke: wow... that nice *grin* [12:04] i might have to do an update to my checkout [13:02] New bug: #210196 in ubuntu-docs (main) "link in default polish homepage needs to be changed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210196 === TeTeT_ is now known as TeTeT [18:04] hi, any ideas why ubuntu-docs-index is missing while kubuntu-docs-index exists? I can't find the template for ubuntu for the welcome html page of firefox [19:03] TomaszD: there is no reliable way to translate html using rosetta. Neither kubuntu nor ubuntu uses it for the firefox homepage - you need to send translation updates manually to the documentation team as announced from time to time on the translators list [19:03] TomaszD: the kubuntu-docs-index template relates to the index page for the kubuntu help system, not the welcome page of firefox