
valrosyes i know but it says the directory doesnt exist00:00
valrosi just didnt want to put my name up00:00
damaltorvalros: go into /home and type ls00:00
IdleOneunop_, I dont understand it either00:00
Mark_soundray, Says no restricted drivers are needed when I try what you said00:00
soundrayvalros: does 'cd /home/$USER' work?00:00
Mark_zx-cell, did you use restricted drivers?00:00
zx-cell<Mark_>  course00:01
unop_valros, simply typing 'cd' should do00:01
nikitiskitche, that needs to be changed.  Or there needs to be an option to allow for manual installation of drivers to work with ubuntu-desktop effects00:01
Mark_zx-cell, hmm when I try that in Administration, it says I don't need any00:01
valrosok i got it00:01
zx-cell<Mark_>  otherwise you yust cant enable other visual effects00:01
valrosi think00:01
soundrayMark_: in that case I would recommend that you stick with what you've got and try the Restricted... method again in hardy once it's been released and you've upgraded00:01
kitchenikitis: well here it's works fine with manual drivers00:01
brainiac8008i have an nvidia geforce 6150se and i'm running a 7.10 livecd.  i enabled the nvidia-glx-new driver. When i restarted x, i went into low graphics mode, so i restarted, once again running on the livecd.  any ideas?00:01
nikitiskitche, it was working for me, then out of the blue it just died, and went to metacity00:01
Mark_soundray, roger that, I can enable effects, it's just a bit slow and heavy on cpu for some reason00:02
nikitiskitche, now i have to type compiz --replace00:02
nikitiskitche, it works when I do that00:02
nikitiskitche, but that's ghetto.00:02
joebob777as7nikitis just put that in your sessions startup00:02
nikitisjoebob777as7,  i did, but now it takes longer to load00:02
kitchenikitis: yep sounds like an update might have just screwed something up when you login or your logging in under a different session00:02
joebob777as7yeah... upgrade to hardy..00:02
nikitisis hardy 8.??00:03
soundrayMark_: you probably do need the proprietary driver to make it work better, but if it's not offered, the procedure is a bit more involved00:03
mrsolohardy is still beta right?00:03
soundray!ati | Mark_00:03
Mark_soundray, yup, i'm reading that now, thx00:03
cataldus3dplease some help meeee00:03
joebob777as7nikitis yes and it's LTS version so it's pretty stable already00:03
soundraymrsolo: those who can read the topic know00:03
cataldus3di click on set disklabel in gparted00:03
joebob777as7Long Term Support version00:03
Mark_soundray, just hope I don't hose anything hehehe00:04
nikitiscan i do dist-upgrade00:04
joebob777as7final comes out next month (april)00:04
joebob777as7nikitis yes00:04
Mark_I'm be needing some fried chicken, got a hankering, bbl00:04
nikitisjoebob777as7,  thanks00:04
joebob777as7np nikitis00:04
zx-cellcan someone help me out with dhcp3-server troubleshooting ?00:05
abrockNeed help modifying GRUB. WIndows XP is on Master IDE Channel 1. Ubuntu is on Sata Channel 1. I have been dual-booting this way fine. I now have another IDE device as slave on Master IDE Channel 1. I now get Grub Error 17. How do I fix this?00:05
sidis406evening ppl. :)00:05
brainiac8008hey guys, i have an nvidia geforce 6150se and i'm running a 7.10 livecd.  i want to use compiz, so i enabled the nvidia-glx-new driver. When i restarted x, i went into low graphics mode, so i restarted my computer, once again running on the livecd.  any ideas?00:05
zx-cellpls can someone help me out with dhcp3-server troubleshooting ?00:05
joebob777as7abrock sud apt-get install qgrubeditor00:06
AnimortisI'm having some trouble with setting up a file share between windows xp and Ubuntu, with Ubuntu gutsy serving. Anyone willing to listen?00:06
joebob777as7abrock should help a bit00:06
ReflexI have samba setup whats my intial steps as far as networking my winxp box with my ubuntu box ?00:06
AnimortisI just want to throw my technique out and if I screwed up someome tell me what.00:06
AnimortisI did wrong*00:06
kitcheAnimortis: just say what the problem is and someone will anwser if they know00:06
valroskismet configurer gives me this error, C compiler cannot create executables, is it trying to create a windows executable?00:06
zx-cell can someone help me out with dhcp3-server troubleshooting ?00:07
zx-cell ... hoping :D00:07
joebob777as7lol valros no00:07
kitchevalros: no you just need to install build-essential00:07
valrosbest way to do that?00:08
abrockjoebob777as7: I get message  Couldn't find package qgrubeditor00:08
brainiac8008hey guys, i have an nvidia geforce 6150se and i'm running a 7.10 livecd.  i want to use compiz, so i enabled the nvidia-glx-new driver. When i restarted x, i went into low graphics mode, so i restarted my computer, once again running on the livecd.  any ideas? ANYONE???00:08
AnimortisI installed Samba and started it through the cli. I made a desktop user and then made a folder in its home folder called 'share' and gave it ownership of the folder and 775 permissions. I then added the folder to System-Administration-Shared folders and added my smb workgroup name in. I restarted Ubuntu. The xp laptop I'm serving sees the Ubuntu PC but says I do not have permissions to log in.00:08
AnimortisI also did an smbpasswd -a to that desktop user00:09
AnimortisThat's important00:09
valroskitche, best way to install build-essential?00:09
joebob777as7abrock sorry follow this guide: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/qgrubeditor-a-visual-grub-configuration-editor.html00:09
tarelerulzWhen your compiling alsa what is the part you really need alsa-driver , alsa-lib and alsa-utils00:09
zx-cell can someone  pls help me out with dhcp3-server troubleshooting ?00:09
kitchevalros: either sudo apt-get install or using synaptics00:09
SinistradAnimortis, can you access it locally using smbclient or something like that?00:09
=== LukeL_ is now known as LukeL
CopterI change resolution to 1024x768 on my 17" CRT ( Radeon X1950 Pro), I get blackScreen. I installed envy, I did the dpkg-reconfigure, I donno what else to do, HELP MEH!00:10
CopterI Cant*00:10
abrockjoebob777as7: Ok, will give it a try. Thanks.00:10
AnimortisSinistrad, I am not familiar with smbclient. I did this on another install, I thought, and it worked fine...00:10
joebob777as7abrock it's in a hardy+ only repositories00:10
joebob777as7np abrock00:10
goobcan anyone recommend a good IM client?00:10
kitchegoob: umm for what?00:11
zx-cellcould someone help me out with dhcp3-server troubleshooting  pls ...  i know its easy, but this seems like an bug to me or something?00:11
tarelerulzPidgin is the best for just IM00:11
unop_now known as pidgin00:11
kitchezx-cell: just state what the problem is and someone will answer if they knos00:11
SinistradAnimortis, smbclient is a command-line samba client, you can do something like smbclient -U username //localhost/sharename from the machine samba is running on.  If you can't access the share that way, it will rule out XP as the culprit. (if you can access, it doesn't rule out your server as the culprit)00:11
tarelerulzIf you want to go the sip way there a lot00:11
linnuxya gaim is pidgin only one u need to use00:12
goobi tried sudo aptitude install pidgin with no result00:12
kitchegoob: what version of ubuntu are you on?00:12
unop_linnux, until you want to use things pidgin doesnt support :)00:12
wenton5672pidgin is great!00:12
kitcheisn't pidgin installed by default goob00:13
ubuntu_installed heron onto an exterior drive.  it put grub into the mbr.  off of a live cd, i tried to fix grub with setup (hd0) to get back to the hard drive, , but "error while parsing number".  help appreciated.00:13
wenton5672it is on gutsy00:13
unop_ubuntu_, please take this to #ubuntu+100:13
kitcheubuntu_: #ubuntu+1 for hardy sypport00:13
linnuxunop ya00:13
gooboh my, yes it is there listed as Gaim!!00:13
tarelerulzWho has try  Ubuntu 8.04 ?00:13
goobi tried hardy a little00:14
unop_tarelerulz, question to ask in #ubuntu+100:14
wenton5672goob u will want to upgrade to the lastest version00:14
soundraytarelerulz: ask in #ubuntu+1 please00:14
UberDuperHow do you disable screen blanking on the console?00:14
linnuxgoob just to "wget 'addresshere.deb'00:14
cataldus3dsomeone knows about gparted???00:14
UberDuperSetting BLANK=0 in /etc/console-tools/config doesn't seem to have any impact.00:14
goobsudo aptitude upgrade gaim?00:14
AnimortisSinistrad, I accessed the share through smbclient fine and even made a folder to test my access privileges. What does that mean?00:14
trey__tarelerulz: i am downloading it... i am going to install it to my virtualbox00:14
linnux'sudo dpkg  -i namehere.deb00:14
wenton5672yeh :)00:14
zx-cell if i try to start / stop or restart dhcp3-server, i'm always getting the same response ..  errors from 9 to 22 ending with syntax error: "}" unexpected00:14
PositronicCan someone point me in the correct direction to get an automated repository created?00:14
brainiac8008hey guys, i have an nvidia geforce 6150se and i'm running a 7.10 livecd.  i want to use compiz, so i enabled the nvidia-glx-new driver. When i restarted x, i went into low graphics mode, so i restarted my computer, once again running on the livecd.  any ideas? ANYONE???00:14
kitchezx-cell: then your syntax is wrong for the config files for it00:15
tarelerulzI have read Kopete  the newest version it on Ubuntu 8.04 . It is one of the reason I would get it. I want to get into some voice chat00:15
SinistradAnimortis, it means samba is serving your localhost correctly.  When you try to access from XP, are you sure you're entering both the username (case sensitive) and the password (case sensitive) correctly? (note: neither of those may be case sensitive for samba)00:15
ubuntu_it's not hardy, i run gutsy, now on a live cd.  trying to get the mbr back to what it was.00:15
zx-cellwell i ve checked them, and they are all fine ...00:15
kitchezx-cell: you think theya re but obvisious they are not00:16
AnimortisSinistrad, I never get to it asking username and password. It simply gives an error message about the server being not accessable and not having permission.00:16
AnimortisMaybe I need to reboot the laptop?00:16
CopterI cant change resolution to anything other than 1280x1024, (Specifically i want 1024x768) on my 17" CRT ( Radeon X1950 Pro), I get blackScreen. I installed envy, I did the dpkg-reconfigure, I donno what else to do, HELP MEH!00:16
goobanybody know the package name of the OSX kiba dock?00:16
valrosim at a brick wall, cannot get kismet to get wifi working without build-essential, cannot get that without internet, cant find where to download the package00:16
SinistradAnimortis, That's a problem ;(  Is your XP system patched?  Mine seem to ask for usernames/passwords....00:16
soundray!grub | ubuntu_: use the Recovering... instructions00:17
SinistradIs your samba server browseable in network neighborhood (or whatever they call it)00:17
wentoncan someone tell me the command to install a .tar.gz file?00:17
kitchewenton: make or ./configure && make && make install00:17
soundrayubuntu_: hold on, the bot is AWOL00:17
AnimortisSinistrad, It is patched up. No, I can't browse it at all.00:17
Ubotwoubuntu_: use the Recovering... instructions: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:18
kitchewenton: or if it's a binary you don't have to run any of those commands00:18
SinistradAnimortis, I assume you've verified network connectivity?00:18
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
wentonty kitche00:18
zx-cell<kitche> well gedit /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf   its just fine . .00:18
AnimortisSinistrad, It can get online, yes. And it SEES the server, it just refuses to open it.00:18
goobwenton: i think you can double click it to unpack locally and then sudo aptitude install /filepathhere00:18
SinistradAnimortis, have you tried start->run-> \\<ip address>\sharename ?00:19
c1xwhat is gdmsetup ?00:19
goobanybody know the package name of the OSX kiba dock?00:19
soundrayubuntu_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:19
kitchec1x: configure application for gdm00:19
user1hi all, I was playing around with chaning the login screen themes and colors, I was able to change all the themes to a blue color fine, but i noticed after the login screen i still get the original ubuntu orangeybrown background for a few seconds before the desktop appears, Anyone know how i can remove/change the orange/brown00:19
c1xim having problems trying to install a boot screen :S new user00:20
trey__when i try to set appearance>visual effects to custom and i get: Desktop effects could not be enabled   i have an intergrated intel graphics card... help?00:21
AnimortisSinistrad, No? But I did "add a network place" and entered the server and share name like I did on Linux through smbclient and it doesn't see it.00:21
=== pooky is now known as pooky-5ce8
SinistradAnimortis, have you tried using the server's ip address vs. the hostname?00:21
=== pooky-5ce8 is now known as pooky
soundraytrey__: when you run 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf', is there a line containing 'vesa'?00:21
=== pooky is now known as Pooky
jbettcher_after i compile dev libraries is there a command to run to make sure they are available to applications i wish to compile00:23
AnimortisCan you share a command to find my IP real fast?00:24
kitchejbettcher_: nope just compile00:24
SinistradAnimortis, ipconfig00:24
soundrayAnimortis: ifconfig00:24
kitcheAnimortis: got outside ip you can wget a page to grab it00:24
SinistradAnimortis, erm, on the linux box: /sbin/ifconfig -a00:24
Sinistrador leave out the -a00:24
SinistradSilvanov, does iwconfig show addresses?00:25
valroscan someone help me get wifi working o nthis laptop00:25
valrosim back to square one after 2 days00:25
AnimortisSinistrad, Success! But why...?00:25
trey__soundray: no i get this: http://www.pastebin.ca/96538100:25
SinistradAnimortis, workgroup mismatch?00:25
AnimortisSomething windows did. Blarg bg'arg.00:25
SinistradAnimortis, samba may not be configured to broadcast netbios names or something...this is outside my experience (I always use IPs out of habit...)00:26
SinistradAnimortis, Just teach your users to access hosts by IP ;)00:26
user1Valeros I missed your wifi question (im a nebie, but would like to try and help")00:26
JeffreyfRafabe: just ask your question00:26
RafabeI don't have access to my ubuntu desktop...does the Gnome Keyring let you import usernames/passwords? For example, from CSV, or XML, or maybe even Windows binaries like KeePass?00:27
AnimortisSinistrad, I don't know. I know I did exactly the same thing last time I set this up (I wrote down how) and it didn't do all this. Probably WIndows just being stupid.00:27
valrosubuntu just will not pickup my SSID at all00:27
Rafabejeffrey: I was, but I like to say Hi first00:27
soundraytrey__: looks okay, not sure why it won't do effects for you00:27
user1sounds like it picks up all other but yours00:27
SinistradAnimortis, Windows is consistently stupid...Linux/ubuntu is much more inconsistent ;)00:27
valrosidk i cant see what it detects only tell it to look for something00:28
user1ahh, What program are you using to detect.see avaiable networks00:28
Sinistradvalros, does 'iwscan ap' say anything? (is that even the right syntax?)00:28
AnimortisI get the feeling I'll try it out like two weeks from now and it'll work fine.00:28
=== anteaya_ is now known as anteaya
SinistradAnimortis, you're much more optimistic than I,.00:28
trey__soundray: :( nobody did elier either :(00:28
valrosdont have a detect/see program00:29
valrosiwscan ap isnt a command00:29
DropKickMurpheysHi, i'm having some issues updating from my 64bit edition of 7.10  to the 8.04 beta using the alternate install cd00:29
=== Luke___ is now known as Luke
user1Valeros when you do an IFconfig at the command line does it show the wireless card?00:29
Sinistradfrowns, valros00:29
StevenXHey guys. Does anyone know an nzb downloader that does automatic unrars? I have heard of nzbperl, but I was wondering what else is out there.00:29
Sinistradvalros: 'iwlist ap'00:30
valrosno list of access points on any00:30
AnimortisSinistrad, Appreciate it.00:30
valroscould it be the router?00:30
SinistradAnimortis, My pleasure.00:30
zx-sanjiif i try to start / stop or restart dhcp3-server, i'm always getting the same response ..  errors from 9 to 22 ending with syntax error: "}" unexpected any one got an answer ... ?  or know the location pf config ?00:30
Sinistradvalros, define 'any'   What were the interface names it gave?00:31
soundraytrey__: perhaps hardy will solve your problem, fingers crossed00:31
valroslo, eth0, wlan000:31
valroswlan0 being the the internal 802.11b/g00:31
Sinistradvalrus: great, wlan0 is your wireless card, theoretically.00:31
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trey__soundray: hardy!?!?!? oh buy... you mean the hardy thats STILL in beta? 8-\00:32
kitchezx-sanji: it tells you the name of the config file actually00:32
Sinistradvalrus, What does 'iwconfig wlan0' say?  does it show an essid? mode?  (don't paste the whole output)00:32
valrosyes, and i had this working for a while00:32
DropKickMurpheysWhen i pop in my cd it wont come up with the update dialog and when i try alt-f2 and the gksu sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade, it doesn't seem to work either00:32
soundraytrey__: why "still"? It's never been announced for anything sooner than April00:32
valrosno ESSID but Mode:Managed00:33
Sinistradvalros: how are you trying to make it work? (which program? the little gnome toolbar applet thing?)00:33
trey__soundray: you mean th ubuntu distro? its in beta... isnt it?00:33
Sinistradvalros: should work ;)00:33
soundraytrey__: yes00:34
valrosyes it should, but it doesnt00:34
Sinistradvalros: try setting the essid manually: 'iwconfig wlan0 essid <whatever it is>'00:34
Sinistradthen 'ifup wlan0'00:34
zx-sanji<kitche>  well  if you change anything in etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf  it DOES NOT change a thing in the output ...00:34
valrosafter trying to connect to NETGEAR SSID for about a minute it stops00:34
DropKickMurpheyscan someone attempt to help me update to 8.04 from 7.10 using the alternate install cd?00:34
trey__soundray: oh i knoow what you mean! you mean wait until it comes out?00:34
DPicdoes anybody know the max filesize for file uploaded to the ubuntu wiki?00:34
Sinistradvalros: so the gnome applet sees the netgear ESSID?00:34
Sinistradvalros: if so, ignore my previous suggestion00:34
wentondoes compiz have a GUI apart from system>preferences>appearance>visual effects ?00:34
valros no it doesnt00:34
soundraytrey__: yes00:35
cyclonutswenton: yes it does, it is compiz config settings manager.00:35
Sinistradvalros: try setting the essid manually00:35
valrosgnome doesnt "see" anything, i cant get a list of available networks00:35
kitcheJack_Sparrow: bot has been dead for a while now :)00:35
trey__soundray: oh-well... i guess i will ask everybody else again... thanks for your help though!00:35
valrosive tried manual cofiguration, nothing, one more time though00:35
wentoncyclonuts- does this come installed with gutsy? or do u have to apt-get00:36
cyclonutswenton: you need to install it. it is in the repositories.00:36
soundraytrey__: try a /msg ubotu effects when the bot is back00:36
valrosdamnit, after closing the laptop screen(shuts off) the cursor doesnt load00:36
j3kyllwhere is the .trash of a usb device? how can i find it and "empty the trash"00:36
cyclonutswenton: I think you can just do sudo apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager00:36
Sinistradvalros, if 'iwlist ap'  isn't showin anything, it means 1 of 3 things: 1) there aren't any APs in range 2) your stuff's broke 3) other00:36
Jack_Sparrowwenton,  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:36
wentonty :)00:36
Sinistradvalros, I'm just trying to isolate it00:37
DropKickMurpheyscan someone attempt to help me update to 8.04 from 7.10 using the alternate install cd?00:37
trey__soundray: i will... why though?00:37
soundrayj3kyll: it's normally called .Trash in the root directory of the advice00:37
Jack_Sparrowj3kyll, It will be on the usb  partition .Trash-yourloginname00:37
soundraytrey__: there is a help factoid for effects00:37
j3kyllsoundray: ill try finding it there thanks00:37
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: Why are you trying to do it from the alternate .iso's rather than over the net?00:37
trey__soundray: kk00:37
DropKickMurpheysinternet here fails00:38
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: also keep in mind that 8.04 is still beat00:38
webtoebeta even00:38
DropKickMurpheysi understand that :D00:38
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: you need to tell apt to use the CD-ROM as your repository instead of the internet sources00:38
kitchewebtoe: umm because you can and it's better if your machine is not really on the network most likely00:38
valrosive tried kismet, whats another that wont need libraries that i cant get00:38
IdleOneDropKickMurpheys, join #ubuntu+100:38
j3kyllsoundray: got it, ha i just have a tendency to forget the small things :p00:39
soundrayj3kyll: remember that nautilus hides filenames beginning with . by default. Also that it's case sensitive00:39
SinistradDid kismet show your AP, valros?00:39
wentonso out of interest many people here completely switched to linux?00:39
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: Look at System -> Administration -> Software Sources if you're using GUI00:39
kitche!offtopic | wenton00:40
kitchebah stupid bot ...00:40
trey__wenton: kinda... its all thats installed now00:40
maarek_anyone using the Zend Data program for Google APIs?00:40
wentonoo, ur braver than me!00:40
SinistradRoot-raid5: get dropped to the initrd prompt, "root disk not found" sort of thing.  Start the array manually ('mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2') and exit the initrd prompt, everything boots and works.  What am I missing?  It looks like the udev rules are on the ramdisk, as well as a valid /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf on the initrd image (but it appears to get overwritten by the time I get into the initrd shell).  Thoughts?00:41
DropKickMurpheysthanks webtoe i think i figured it out00:41
soyeurwenton: I don't "completely" use Linux because I also use FreeBSD :D00:41
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: No worries....00:41
CopterI cant change resolution to anything other than 1280x1024, (Specifically i want 1024x768) on my 17" CRT ( Radeon X1950 Pro), I get blackScreen. I installed envy, I did the dpkg-reconfigure, I donno what else to do, HELP MEH!00:41
CopterSAVE ME!00:41
Sinistradsoyeur, it's only freeBSD if your time is worth nothing ;)00:41
webtoeCopter: No caps please; ask politely00:42
maarek_that's the limit of your drivers Copter00:42
soyeurCopter: Why would you want a worse resolution anyway lol00:42
maarek_update them and see if you can go higher00:42
Creator|afkhello people00:42
Coptersoyeur: coz my CRT monitor can only display 1280x1024 on 60hz00:42
DropKickMurpheysWebtoe: it just gave me an error saying something about the disk not being debian00:42
Sinistradmaarek_, you've got it backwards...he's wantin' lower.00:42
soyeurI see00:42
Copterand it screwes my eyez00:42
wentoni only have two things stopping me moving over completely 1 is a lack of PDA support and the other is getting my TV card to work!00:42
Nihilist_NerdSinistrad: Why only if your time is worth nothing? Is it very difficult to use?00:43
soyeurthat's kind of weird though, Copter...00:43
Jack_SparrowCopter, sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)00:43
soyeurA 17" CRT should be able to display high resolutions just fine...00:43
valrosso then this internet deal is hopeless, as it seems00:43
kitcheNihilist_Nerd: license is much more different then GPL00:43
Creator|afkAauris labs ;)00:43
SinistradNihilist_Nerd, I was making a joke.  The 'if your time is worth nothing' is a standard argument against free linux/gnu/floss software...I figured I'd throw it at freeBSD, since this is a linux/GNU channel ;)00:43
Jack_SparrowCreator|afk, Please stop00:43
Creator|afkka darai :)00:43
Aaurislabas CreativeEmbassy00:43
Aauriskas cia vyksta00:43
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: I know this might sound stupid but where did you get the disk from? I've not update a machine to 8.04 so I don't know what the details are for it. Plus, I always do it over the net so can't help too much00:43
Creator|afkbbz ainam kur 10 zmoniu sedi ;)00:44
Nihilist_NerdAh okay00:44
NytoCan someone help me install babo the violent 2?00:44
DropKickMurpheysDownloaded the ISO from www.ubuntu.com00:44
webtoeDropKickMurpheys: As someone mentioned, I think #ubuntu+1 is for questions onthe next release00:44
verb3kJack_Sparrow, stgraber has made a nice nifty tool :)00:44
=== Creator|afk is now known as Lithuania
Jack_Sparrowverb3k, She did a nice job on that yes.00:45
Copterheres my xorg.conf /suicide ! http://rafb.net/p/kgbxTx44.html00:45
SinistradNihilist_Nerd, and for what it's worth, the argument applies to freeBSD as much as it does to anything ;(00:45
Nihilist_NerdI see00:45
=== Lithuania is now known as MOtheraaas
NytoCan someone help me install babo the violent 2?00:46
verb3kJack_Sparrow, She? he's a guy!00:46
valrossorry timed out there00:46
valrosi couldnt get kismet it needed libraries that came as updates from, guess where, the internet im trying to fix with kismet00:47
Jack_Sparrowverb3k, SInce when?00:47
Sinistradsad, valros00:47
sjovanokay... some dude said to me that wine could perform bether without doublebuffer and that the parameter was wine /dir/to/prog/ -doublebuffer. this is my shortcut for that prog ---> . env WINEPREFIX="/home/sjovan/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Fallout2\fallout2.exe" <--- could i just add <space>-doublebuffer after ...exe?00:48
Sinistradvalros, try to isolate where the problem is (set essid manually, then set IP manually and that sort of thing, and do ping tests and all that)00:48
verb3kJack_Sparrow, Stephane Graber is a girl?00:48
valroshows the ping command go?00:48
Jack_Sparrowverb3k, I thought so.. not that it matters at all..00:49
sjovanvalros: ping hostename or ip00:49
Jack_Sparrowverb3k, Just appreciate the work..00:49
Sinistradvalros, start by pinging the IP of your Access Point (AP), then move on to something further away00:49
verb3kJack_Sparrow, xD look here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/7713515/hackergotchi.png00:49
Sinistradvalros, I assume your access point works with whatever you're using to connect right now?00:49
valrosmy routers IP by ping is "Network is unreachable"00:50
valrosYa, netgear wireless router00:50
zx-sanjiany1 got an idea  ? when i try to remove the dhcp3-server pckg , the output error is like invoke-rc.d: initscript dhcp3-server, action "stop" failed.  ?00:50
Jordan_Uzx-sanji, You can change the init script to just exit successfully00:51
zx-sanji<Jordan_U>  what how ? :D00:51
Sinistradvalros, again, try to isolate where the problem is (set essid manually, then set IP manually and that sort of thing, and do ping tests and all that)00:51
sjovanzx-sanji: is this in apt-get? if so... have you tryed to force it? -f ?00:51
RAdamsHow do you create a server connection to a secure webdav location? I don't see that option under Connect to Server00:51
zx-sanjiapt get00:51
bramboanyone know a program, prefferably in  .deb for 64bit that I can get to monitor CPU GPU n hard drive temps here in Ubuntu?00:51
sjovanzx-sanji: so try to force it then :)00:51
Sinistradvalros, if the router is working, then the system must be wrong.  Set things manually to reasonable values and see if it works00:51
zx-sanji triing00:52
Sinistradvalros, it may end up being that the driver the system (or you, if you pickked it) is using for your wireless card is wrong.00:52
valroswould the wireless part of the router work but the ethernets continue00:52
RAdamsbrambo: gkrellm00:52
zx-sanji<sjovan>  the same00:52
saikorbrambo: or mbmon00:52
sjovanzx-sanji: sudo apt-get -f autoremove packagename --purge00:52
SinistradValros: you've not verified the wireless side of it?00:52
brambothey support 64 bit?00:52
Sinistradvalros,  they're separate hardware on the router, the wirelss and the ethernet00:53
RAdamsbrambo: gkrellm does, I don't know about mbmon00:53
valrosyes i know i know, but ive nothing to test it with and would it stop working in the middle of the night?00:53
bramboThank you both00:53
Sinistradvalros, sunspots?00:53
trey__ok guys i am having a problem with the aperance virtual effects thing when i click custom i get this error: Desktop effects could not be enabled   again... help?00:53
zx-sanji<sjovan>  still same00:53
valrosor aliens?00:53
GuiseppiThere are more people in this IRC channel than there are in my entire school.00:53
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GuiseppiThat is amazing.00:53
saikortrey__: what's the xsessions error log look like.00:54
Sinistradvalros, sunspots are more likely...it's well-known that they interfere with certain RF applications ;)00:54
omar_sudo apt-get install  libemeraldengine0 libwnck18  emerald  libwnck-common00:54
SinistradGuiseppi, define 'people'?00:54
trey__saikor,   ??00:54
RAdamsI need help connecting to an https WebDAV00:54
valrosok but odd00:54
GuiseppiI dunno, presences.00:54
valrosany ideas on testing the wireless?00:54
brambohow can I get my registered nick back? I forgot the password, I type my name and password, says its wrong00:54
crdlbbrambo: join #freenode00:55
Sinistradvalros, I'm beingfacetious, of course, (sunspots only affect long wavelength propogation :P)..  But yeah, try and set some stuff manually, tell me how it goes.00:55
saikortrey__: it's in your home dir. ~/.xsession-errors00:55
zx-sanji<sjovan> dpkg: error processing dhcp3-server ,(--purge) : subproces pre-removal script returned error exit status 200:55
omar_OI KIJY00:56
sobersabreI have a q. about "likewise"00:56
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RAdams!ask | sobersabre00:56
CopterI cant change resolution to anything other than 1280x1024, (Specifically i want 1024x768) on my 17" CRT ( Radeon X1950 Pro), I get blackScreen. I installed envy, I did the dpkg-reconfigure, no go. xorg.conf paste -> http://rafb.net/p/kgbxTx44.html00:56
Jordan_Uzx-sanji, gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server00:56
sobersabrehow is it able to map the UNIX UID/GIDs for users ?00:56
sjovanzx-sanji: maby you are running it or something. ---> ps aux | grep dhcp <--- if you are -->  kill <and the proces number> <--- don't have the <> on my nick, cause then i don't get notifyed. btw... nicks autocompleat in linux. use tab :)00:56
Mark_I screwed up my lower panel by widening it too much but can't seem to find the right place on the panel now to 'right-click' and restore it to default. Any ideas?00:56
zx-sanji<Jordan_U> everithing is fine there00:57
zx-sanjiwall should : :D00:57
trey__saikor: um... i know i sound like a complete noob but... how do i view that?00:57
Jordan_Uzx-sanji, Yes, but if you can't figure out why it is failing ( and you just want to remove the package ) you can just have the script exit before doing anything.00:58
saikortrey_: less ~/.xsession-errors00:58
zx-sanjithats true .. :D00:58
saikortrey_: error should be near the bottom. Use a pastebin to show us the results.00:58
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Sinistradvalros, Sorry I'm not better help.  Wifi is one of those things that isn't very consistent :)01:00
__mikemholly crap, what just happened01:00
Jack_Sparrow__mikem, Housekeeping01:00
Sinistradvalros, I mean ... invisible waves of electromagnetic energy? wtf?01:00
Mark_I screwed up my lower panel by widening it too much but can't seem to find the right place on the panel now to 'right-click' and restore it to default. Any ideas?01:00
Mark_oops disregard that01:01
trey__saikor: http://www.pastebin.ca/96543401:01
saikortrey__: did you trying setting to custom appearance settings them looking at the log (straight away)?01:03
saikor trey__:  after it fails ofcourse01:03
trey__saikor: not the split second but... i will do that hold on01:03
MatBoydamn, I removed compiz and now my FF and so does not appear in my screen anymore :(01:03
zx-sanjisjovan  it was yust  kill and the prooces number ?01:04
sjovanzx-sanji: mhm01:04
saikortrey__: also make sure you go to the bottom of the file01:04
maria_hey to you all greetings.....i have a proplem with knetworkmanager it doesn't find my wireless card01:04
saikortrey__:that's where the new stuff will be01:04
maria_what to do?01:04
trey__saikor, how do i get there (oh boy! anouther noob question!!!)01:05
saikortrey__: no prob. Once you have the file open in 'less'. press page down till the reading on the bottom right says "100%"01:06
bramboI got both  gkrellm and mbmon but neither show up in my menu...how can I open them?01:06
zx-sanjisjovan nothing ...01:06
saikorbrambo:  command line is easiesrt01:06
brambosaikor: you mean the Terminal ?01:06
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saikorbrambo: accessories-> terminal. Then type mbmon01:06
saikorbrambo: yeah01:06
VisionOfMalkavhi all01:07
sjovanmaria_: you prob need ndiswrapper. sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper, and then read  ---> man ndiswrapper01:07
sjovanzx-sanji: well, if you didn't get a error then you killed the ap.01:07
saikorbrambo: mbmon has to run as root so type. 'sudo mbmon'01:07
brambosaikor: Sorry, I'm still really new to Linux in general, but I'm learning...I really love Linux...01:07
zx-sanjisjovan the thin is its not running .. :D01:07
brambosaikor: oh ok, ty for tip01:07
sjovanzx-sanji: do another search to be shure. if it's gone, then try to remove it again01:07
TromBoeZoehi, how do erase the data from a floppy so that it is "unformatted"01:07
zx-sanjisjovan  only the  grep dhcp ..01:07
saikorbrambo: no problem.01:07
trey__saikor: here:                                             http://www.pastebin.ca/96544901:08
VisionOfMalkavAnyone know what pages upon pages of "SQUASHFS failed reading block / unable to read page / sb_bread failed reading block" when attempting to boot from the LiveCD is all about?01:08
=== brambo is now known as winterwolf
brainiac8008hey guys, i have an nvidia geforce 6150se.  I want to set up compiz so i tried the nvidia-glx-new driver but upon restarting x i could only get into low-graphics mode.  I'm using a 7.10 livecd.  any ideas?01:09
zx-sanjisjovan: nothing ...01:10
Johnson_yo, looking for purify for ubuntu for a c class im taking, can't seem to find it, anyone know where to get it at01:10
saikorsaikor: hmm. I'm not sure. what graphics card do you have?01:11
saikortrey_: hmm. I'm not sure. what graphics card do you have?01:11
sjovanzx-sanji: are you shure? you did do ---> ps aux | grep dhcp <--- or just grep dhcp?01:11
saikortrey_: and are the drivers installed?01:11
trey__saikor: intergrated intel01:11
user1sorry ws bumped b401:11
zx-sanjisjovan  ps aux | grep dhcp  ... nothing01:12
zx-sanjisjovan  just an current thread or search should i say ..01:12
sjovanzx-sanji: okay, but then i'm out of idees :/ make a topic in the forum01:12
kbiddcan anyone tell me how gnash compares to adobe flash player when it comes to performance?01:13
Mark_anyone know how I can expand a panel so as to easily see the applications running and NOT have the icons on that panel expand as well?01:13
eddyMula VM loaded by `kvm -net nic -net user vm.img` cannot resolve names to IPs using qemu's DNS server. Any suggestions?01:13
trey__saikor... me sad... :...(     <see! i am crying!01:13
Mark_kbidd, I can't get either to work properly in Firefox01:13
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saikortrey__: try installing emerald from synaptic. I doubt it'll work but it's worth a try.01:14
jjt009anyone here know anything about mysql?01:14
jjt009i need some help01:14
user1So I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the color of the screen that appears between the login screen and the desktop load, seems i could change the login screen to blubuntu and the deskctop screen theme to blubuntu but theres a brown/orange screen that appears after the login screen and before the desktop loads....any ideas on how to change that?01:14
Mark_kbidd, I tried going to gizmodo and youtube after installing one and then the other and they both stink01:14
Mark_saikor, what does emerald give you that ccsm doesn't?01:14
trey__saikor: will do hold on...01:14
zx-sanjisjovan .. well the server worked yust fine ... when ive changed the config located in /etc/dhcpd.conf , got errors  .. the same ones ... independentli if i change the config once again .. the same output ... by reinstall as well ..01:15
saikorMark_: probably nothing.01:15
Survivormanuser1, try going to appearance, background and changing solid color. that might work.01:15
Mark_saikor, ill ck it out just the same01:15
eddyMulme switching networks might be the cause. restarting....01:15
zx-sanjisjovan spend almost 10 hrs tryin to figure it out ..01:15
trooperashi from greece :)01:16
Crewsr3I would like some feedback on a topic - With the next Ubuntu Distro just days away, is it time to go 64 bit or should I stay with 3201:16
zx-sanjisjovan  .. anyway cheers for the interest ..  ty01:17
winterwolfCan anyone message me for one minute, I am trying to see if my private messages are working, I have registered I believe now01:17
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valrosI believe my routers wireless network is broken, any diagnosis or fixes?01:17
sjovanzx-sanji: yeah, and sorry that i couldn't help any more :/01:17
amenadovalros  can you ping your router?01:17
zx-sanjisjovan> no worries ..01:17
zx-sanjivalros does your router work wit something else ?01:18
crdlbwinterwolf: you are registered and identified01:18
valrosyes, this01:18
valrosim running off it right now, its just the wireless01:18
winterwolfcrdlb: What all is visible to other users?01:18
trey__saikor: nope! it dont work... :-\01:18
zx-sanjiso you are on ethernet right now  \01:19
zx-sanji ?01:19
valrosthat or ubuntu refuses to recognize it when it sees others01:19
valrosyes, ehternet now01:19
crdlbwinterwolf: what do you mean?01:19
valrosfinally, its working01:19
Crewsr3I would like some feedback on a topic - With the next Ubuntu Distro just days away, is it time to go 64 bit or should I stay with 3201:19
user1ill try that Surbivorman01:19
winterwolfcrdlb: I have been on chat networks before where other people we're able to view my IP address and more...That's not very secure01:19
valrosand only when the laptop was subjected to another location01:19
winterwolfcrdlb: is it like that here?01:19
zx-sanjihmm ..01:20
crdlbwinterwolf: if you want your ip address hidden, ask for a cloak in #freenode01:20
Ava-ok after updating to hardy everything is lagged as heck in X01:20
saikortrey: what's the output from lspci | grep VGA01:20
Ava-I have the correcnt nvidia driver installed01:20
crdlbwinterwolf: look at /whois winterwolf , that's what other people can see01:20
crdlbfor the most part01:20
zx-sanjivalros seems like the signal is too  low for an unknown reason..01:20
Ava-but it's chuggin01:20
f0rmaterm i was just wondering when i tried to mount a partition like this "sudo mount -v -t ext3 /dev/sda5 $ADN"  the partition failz to mount saying it already is mounted why would this be :S i cannot unmount from nautilus and every other way failz :(01:20
valrosno ubuntu sees it now01:20
valrosits wierd01:20
valrosonly sees it now after i took it to a different location01:20
user1Survivorman - i checked its actually already set to a solid blue color  :-(01:20
valroswhitewolf im unregistered, cant PM yet01:21
zx-sanjivalros drivers ...01:21
valrosits working now wih the drivers ubuntu came with01:21
winterwolfcrdlb: I have typed that, nothing appears01:21
nabcorecan I use apt to upgrade my gutsy 7.10 to the hardy 8.04 beta?01:21
crdlbwinterwolf: it'll go to your server tab01:21
valrosi hope this doesnt start up again01:21
kelvin911How to make new open window not sticking to the bottom of the screen?01:21
trey__saikor: http://www.pastebin.ca/96546901:21
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Ava-I don't suppose there is anyway of downgrading from hardy back to gutsy eh?01:21
amenadof0rmat-> pastebin your  mount results01:22
Survivormanuser1, how about background color in the login window prefs01:22
trey__ava: lol01:22
zx-sanjivalros  like my pci wlan .... could get more than 17kb througput ...01:22
RAdamsIn mount.davfs, how does one set the option in fstab to always trust the certificate of the share?01:22
user1Survivorman   hmmm let me check01:22
kelvin911because i am running awn dock and its very inconvinent to have new open window stick to the bottom of the screen01:22
MatBoyafter I removed compiz and emerald, I have no window decoration anymore, FF won't appear and my splashscreen is hanging01:22
valroshow can i test the current speed of the connection im on?01:22
f0rmatamenado, No need it isn't that large "mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /mnt/adn busy"01:22
zx-sanjivalros try some web based speedmeter01:23
RAdamsvalros: www.speedtest.net01:23
user1Survivorman   its already set to black :-(01:23
valrosthanks, forgot about that01:23
amenadof0rmat-> what is /mnt/adn busy?01:23
MatBoyis there a command I should run when I removed compiz ?01:23
MatBoyand emerald ?01:23
MrBarrettmy amarok wont play mp3 needs decoder.... what do i do? on kubuntu 7.101:23
f0rmati am using $ADN as a shortcut to /dev/sda501:23
RAdams!mp3 > MrBarrett01:24
RAdamsWhere is the bot?01:24
MatBoyman, this is annoying :) I have to start my vm to get to the internet :D01:24
zx-sanjiRAdams hmm but there is an bug ..01:24
f0rmatamenado, i am using $ADN as a shortcut to /dev/sda501:24
iceswordMatBoy, what vm?01:25
kelvin911i found that the flash in speedtest.net is really useless01:25
amenadof0rmat-> what exactly is your command? what is value of $ADN ?01:25
RAdamszx-sanji: what bug?01:25
zx-sanjiRAdams  with the mp3 ..  and xine .. . broken packages .. and so on ...01:25
MatBoyicesword, windows :\01:25
iceswordwhich one,no,whick software you use01:25
MatBoyFF won't start, no application does start01:25
RAdamszx-sanji: Ah.01:25
MatBoyicesword, vmware01:25
kelvin911i think http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ is better01:25
RAdamsMrBarrett: #kubuntu might get you a faster answer01:25
Survivormanuser1, that should have did it. I found the solution in a forum, so maybe, like with me, something like XGL loading interferes with it. I'm not sure. look into this too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305501:25
iceswordMatBoy, oh,,,hehehe,you don't need to restart01:25
MrBarrettbeen there no responce01:25
MatBoyicesword, hehe, nicew one :P01:26
destructarhi all: having issues with mythtv playback... have v4l2 installed via restricted drivers, all videos working proper via VLC, Mplayer and Totem... mythtv fails to play recordings (same recordings work in all other mentioned programs)01:26
MatBoyI need my Gnome to run again :)01:26
MatBoyannoying compiz01:26
destructari get the error "XvMCTex Init failed"01:26
iceswordMatBoy, wait,let me check01:26
f0rmatamenado, export ADN=/mnt/adn; mkdir -pv $ADN; sudo mount -v -t ext3 /dev/sda5 $ADN01:26
MatBoyicesword, ok :)01:26
zx-sanjiRAdams  same thing happened to me, and i yust didnt have nerves  to get over it .. :D01:26
Survivormanand look into the too user1: http://www.indragunawan.com/2008/03/change-gdm-login-window-background-colour-on-ubuntu-710/01:27
amenadof0rmat-> and the error you get is ?  /dev/sda5 is busy?01:27
destructarif i disable v4l2 drivers then mythtv plays recordings and live tv just fine, all other programs unable to perform correctly01:27
iceswordMatBoy, click on edit in vmware>vitual network configure01:27
MatBoyicesword, ;) my Linux is my host :)01:27
valrosdoing speetest.net, ubuntu froze, its been freezing during connections like this01:27
f0rmatamenado, to be more presise "mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /mnt/lfs busy"01:27
iceswordMatBoy, it is same,01:27
zx-sanjivalros ping something01:27
zx-sanjivalros ping  yuour default gateway ..01:28
amenadof0rmat-> well just like it says its already mounted, and I asked you to paste the result of mount but you wont do, so how would we know if it is really mounted?01:28
trey__saikor: you still there?01:28
f0rmatamenado, that was the results01:28
amenadof0rmat-> please paste in pastebin result of  "mount"  command01:28
iceswordMatBoy, in that one,browse to tab dhcp,>dhcp service,>restart>apply,then to nat>nat service>restart>apply01:29
f0rmatamenado, ok01:29
Dr_willisthe pastebinit command is so handy. :)01:29
zcat[1]f0rmat: not useful.. the device may be mounted somewhere else.. or some other device may be mounted on that mountpoint..01:29
CookedGryphonHi, I'm using the hardy beta and want to rotate my display, the screen resolution dialog only has Normal as an option. I'm using an sis chipset. I had it set up in gutsy by messing with xorg.conf, but i'm not confident messing that since it's all changed over to the bulletproof x thing and can't find any relevant docs01:29
valrosfrom my router, pings are around .8 ms01:29
saikorsaikor:  sorry was away01:29
zx-sanjivalros try ping www.google.com -c 5   othervise you will end up with 1000+ requests :D01:29
saikortrey__: sorry was away.01:29
trey__saikor: then you misted this is what i get: http://www.pastebin.ca/96546901:30
iceswordMatBoy, you got me, are you using vmware workstation?01:30
MatBoyicesword, you don't know what I was talking about :)01:30
amenadoCookedGryphon-> want to get a stiff neck? try  xrandr -o 301:30
valrosgoogle pinged, runnin around 20-40 ms01:30
kelvin911when does ubuntu has this 3d desktop ?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ODskdEPnQ01:30
alteregoadoes ubuntu overtake debian?01:30
kelvin911i mean real 3d desktop01:30
NineaxisCan anyone help me install ubuntu on a server that currently is running fedora 8?01:30
zcat[1]kelvin911: when you have a 3d card and the appropriate drivers01:30
alteregoathis kindergarten desktop isn't productive at all01:30
MerevaikHey is there a how to for installing/using windows games on Linux/Ubuntu? I can't find one anywhere and I have no idea what I'm doing >_<01:30
saikortrey__: definitely an intel chip then. can you run ' glxinfo | grep direct'01:30
zx-sanjivalros hmm .. thats quite high ..01:30
kelvin911no i mean real 3D desktop not just cube01:31
valros20ms to google is high?01:31
iceswordMatBoy, then what is your problem01:31
f0rmatamenado, http://pastebin.com/d42accb7201:31
zx-sanjivalros try ping www.google.com -c 5 -s 100001:31
MatBoyicesword, my gtk window decorator does not work01:31
zcat[1]kelvin911: how 3d can it get, nobody has a true volumetric display on the market yet01:31
MatBoydoes gnome needs compiz these days by default ?01:31
sk8ballSATA is hot swappable right?01:31
kelvin911zcat[1]: look at the youtube link, i dont mean compiz-fusion, i have it, but i want something like that in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ODskdEPnQ01:31
valrosoh god dmanit01:31
EzraEzramerevaik : yes there is, just a second01:31
zx-sanjivalros  thats really high01:31
amenadof0rmat-> please paste in pastebin result of  "mount"  command  <-- how difficult is this command to issue?01:32
valrosdid speedtest and...it froze01:32
Ava-how can I force a reinstall of hardy?01:32
Nineaxis...can anyone help me install ubuntu on a fedora 8 server?01:32
valroswhats with ubuntu freezing on this connection?01:32
Dr_willisHmm.. You may want to clarify that a bit Nineaxis01:32
CookedGryphonamenado: :D but that fails, Failed request BadMatch (Invalid parameter attributes)01:32
zx-sanjivalros   did u tried the  -s 1000 command ?01:32
alteregoais SADO masoable?01:32
amenadof0rmat-> what you showed me is your way of doing things, I asked specifcally.. "mount" only01:32
kelvin911zcat[1]: look at the link it looks quite real01:32
valrosin a sec01:32
f0rmatamenado, i don't think you understand that is the only result i am receiving from this console01:32
zx-sanjivalros ping www.google.com -c 5 -s 100001:33
NineaxisWell, I have a server that's currently running Fedora 8, and since Fedora is screwing with me, I want to install ubuntu over it01:33
saikor trey__: what's the result from glxinfo | grep direct?01:33
amenadoCookedGryphon-> oh well that works in 7.10  if you want hardy support please visit #ubuntu+101:33
Ava-how can I force a reinstall of hardy?01:33
alteregoathe result is to much proprietary bananas in the ape01:33
zcat[1]kelvin911: hmmm.. ok. Yes, I've seen that b4 .. it doesn't look all that practical to me. and afaik there's no desktop like that on linux yet.01:33
CookedGryphonamenado: aha, thanks, i tried #hardy but that didn't exist01:34
amenadof0rmat-> once more on a terminal just type  mount  by itself..01:34
zx-sanjivalros whats is your main connection ?  wireless as well ?01:34
amenado!hardy | Ava-01:34
valroswow!, zx, it was 4 seconds for 5 packets to google01:34
Dr_willisNineaxis,  start the installer, format the old system install the new....01:34
f0rmatamenado, sorry that was my fault i thout you meant in general not mount by itself :(01:34
Dr_willisNineaxis,  backing up any impiorntant stuff first - of course01:34
kelvin911zcat[1]: i know it isnt that practical but it does impress people01:35
valrosbut would that speed be due to it being wireless with 2 ethernets connected and in use01:35
kelvin911it looks cool anyway01:35
trey__saikor: sorry was away... here: http://www.pastebin.ca/96549501:35
winterwolfI opened gkrellm through sudo in terminal but when I closed my terminal it also closed gkrellm ...What did I do wrong?01:35
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NineaxisSo I write the .iso file to a disk and stick it in the server and go find the command to execute it?01:35
valroszx-sanji, 4 seconds for google 5 packets to and from01:35
zx-sanjivalros  no ..01:35
mmm4m5mHelp: network is down after reboot. When I restart network, it start working. This is random: http://pastebin.ca/96549301:35
amenadovalros  your host two nics are connected to same router?01:35
Dr_williswinterwolf,  well theres no need to run it as root.  plus use the 'exit' command do NOT NOT NOT use the terminal windows close button01:36
valroscome again amenado?01:36
zx-sanjivalros   the nics  arent an problem ..01:36
f0rmatamenado, http://pastebin.com/d3dd3741a01:36
saikortrey__: looks like your drivers aren't setup right. Go to system -> Administrator -> restricted drivers.01:36
amenadommm4m5m-> pls paste in pastebin your  /etc/network/interfaces file01:36
valrossorry but whats a "nic"01:36
zcat[1]kelvin911: I prefer useful stuff like zoom, expo, group and tab, etc.01:36
mmm4m5mamenado: all is there: http://pastebin.ca/96549301:36
silent132Hi guys01:36
amenadovalros  your host two nics are connected to same router? <-- what part of this you dont understand?01:36
zx-sanjivalros  sry cisco thing :D01:36
trey__saikor: ok hold on01:36
sk8ballSATA is hot swappable right???01:36
EzraEzramerevaik : sorry i'm gonna search some more; didn't find what i was looking for right now01:36
zx-sanjivalros   mean the ethernet cards .. D:01:36
MerevaikOk thanks01:37
saikorsk8ball: I wouldn't recommend it.01:37
MerevaikI'm useless :s01:37
sk8ballsaikor, why is that?01:37
valrosi have 2 computers wired to this router and the one ubuntu wireless01:37
zx-sanjivalros so iw works fine  with ethernet  ?01:37
sk8balli mean, not on a regular basis or anything01:37
Dr_willissk8ball,  not that i have seen actually work.01:37
sk8ballreally just one time thing01:37
saikorsk8ball: there is no way to tell if a disk has had the buffer flushed. So you could cause corruption01:37
destructardo i need v4l installed in order to use VLC ?01:37
sk8ballsaikor, what if its a dvdrw01:37
kelvin911what expo does?01:37
amenadommm4m5m-> give me a few,01:38
zx-sanjivalros what was that wor an wireless card ?01:38
valrosim confused on the terminology, what im wondering is why ubuntu is freezing during connections01:38
saikorsk8ball: hrm...dunno.01:38
zcat[1]kelvin911: I don't really need a way to make my computer desktop as messy as my real desktop.. I can live without that01:38
valrosintegrated 802.11b/g in the dell01:38
saikorsk8ball: you could give it a go and let us know, but if you break something don't blame me.01:38
zx-sanjivalros  intel one ?01:38
* sk8ball crosses his toes01:38
zx-sanjivalros  model number ?01:38
amenadof0rmat-> something is amiss, also please  paste your  sudo fdisk -l    results01:38
kelvin911my  real desktop is like a pile of trash01:39
zerosignalanyone know if there is a way to control how ubuntu controls my hdd on my laptop?  like I have a suspicion that whenever the drive isnt being used its being "spun down"01:39
valrosoh sorry, gateway not dell01:39
trey__saikor: looks like i have to install somthing ;) lol: http://www.pastebin.ca/96549801:39
zx-sanjivalroswell ive got an dell latitude d620 ... it works fine ..01:39
valrosgateway model is WS40UA01:39
silent132Question: I have two Hard drives-if i instal ubuntu on one, will i be able to access the files i backed up on the other on?01:39
kelvin911beer bottles, pop can, flash light, papers books, razar, coffees, my yesterdays dinner and stuffs01:39
saikorsaikor: go ahead and install it :)01:39
valrosalso listed as a model# MT342301:40
alan_msilent132, depends on what the other one is formatted as I believe.01:40
zcat[1]so is mine .. If I could click a menu and have my real desktop look like my ubuntu desktop, then I would do that.. but being able to scatter icons randomly and pile them up, no thanks..01:40
Ava-IS there any way to force a re-install of hardy?!01:40
saikortrey: go ahead and install it01:40
Dr_williszerosignal,  the hdparm command can tweak that. Thers a lot of discussion about over-kill-powersaving for hard drives under ubuntu, in the forums.01:40
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amenadommm4m5m-> having to interfaces  connecting to same router/gateway  how do you expect your host to choose which gateway to pick or which nic should the packets come out of?01:40
mactaylorwill 64bit boost performance?????????????01:40
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zerosignalDr_willis ok thanks let me see what I can find01:40
IdleOneAva-, yeah pop in the cd01:40
Ava-Idle: without the CD01:40
silent132alan-i think its formatted for windows, but i dont think it has an OS on it.01:40
zx-sanjivalros hmmm ..01:40
amenadommm4m5m-> having two* interfaces  connecting to same router/gateway  how do you expect your host to choose which gateway to pick or which nic should the packets come out of?01:40
IdleOneAva-, none that I have heard of01:41
zcat[1]..ok, who killed it this time01:41
IdleOneYum! I mean APT!01:41
alan_msilent132, fat32, fa16, ntfs...what is it formatted under?01:41
mactayloryes or no?01:41
IdleOnebots are down01:41
silent132alan-oh sorry i believe it is ntfs01:41
zx-sanjivalros hmmm .. try to read here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55159601:41
zcat[1]IdleOne: Grrr.. you confused me!01:41
valros     /msg nickserv register argus01:41
mmm4m5mamenado: I do not know :), let me think a litle :)01:41
IdleOnezcat[1], lol01:41
amenadof0rmat-> something is amiss, also please  paste your  sudo fdisk -l    results  <-- anything ?01:42
crdlbvalros: make sure you don't use that password :)01:42
alan_msilent132, you should have no problems with read/write access to it, and should be able to copy everything...if thats what your asking about silent13201:42
f0rmatamenado, i can't beleive it..... thankyou so much when i ran that command i saw that the mount points were switched from sda5 to sda301:42
amenadof0rmat you're welcome01:42
mrkeishiiwhats up?01:43
MerevaikThe roof :D01:43
zx-sanjivalros well.. cant help ypu more ..01:43
valrosok, thanks im looking at the forum post01:43
silent132alan_m, ya i put all my music and movies on it. In the past i installed kubuntu and it wojuldnt read the other hard drive.01:43
mrkeishiiKubuntu looks great01:44
amenadovalros  your host (ubuntu) has two nics and are connected to same router?01:44
trey__saikor: where do i get: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server ??01:44
sk8ballwell it got power and everything fine opened/closed etc... but it took a reboot to get ubuntu to recognize it01:44
mrkeishiibut is Kubuntu better than Ubuntu?01:44
valros....explanation to someone who knows nothing about linux?01:44
mmm4m5mamenado: I want br0 to get IP from dhcp. I want to use br0 for all connections. and I am not sure about eth0, mostly have be static IP? does it have to be the same subnet (192.168.11.xxx)?01:44
alan_m!ot | mrkeishii01:44
saikoropen up synaptic package manager. under system -> administration.01:44
JadenHow do I get wine installed?01:45
mrkeishiiyes alan01:45
soyeursudo apt-get install wine01:45
mrkeishiiJaden: go to winehq.com01:45
MatBoyis compiz default running on Ubuntu these days ?01:45
mrkeishiiyeah like soyeur said01:45
trey__matboy: no :(01:45
Jadencool thanks01:45
soyeurMatBoy: On Gutsy Gibbon (Compiz-Fusion)01:45
amenadommm4m5m-> the key is the route table, but thats a bit of an advanced topic, so just have one route to get out of your subnet and one nic to get to same subnet01:45
soyeurAs well as Hardy Heron01:45
mrkeishiihow do you install Beryl?01:45
MatBoytrey__, mhh, I removed it + emerald and I lost my window decoration01:45
valrosamenado say that again?01:45
zx-sanjivalros ... get some other wireless from carboot ... and thats it ..  5 quid .. the cheapest solution ..01:45
trey__saikor: i did that but i cant find it...01:46
soyeurMatBoy: Reinstall it?01:46
valrosget another wireless router or card?01:46
zx-sanjivalros wireless .01:46
soyeurmrkeishii: You probably don't want beryl...01:46
mrkeishiiy is that01:46
trey__matboy: sounds bad... i feel sorry for you... im just trying to get it installed now...01:46
amenadovalros  your host (ubuntu) has two nics? are connected to same router?01:46
soyeurmrkeishii: The Beryl Project has been merged into the Compiz project to form Compiz-Fusion, which is default on Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and up01:46
mrkeishiioh okay01:47
saikortrey__: do a search for linux-restricted-modules in the manager.01:47
zx-sanjiamenado his wireless card is not fully suported ..01:47
valrosamenado, i dont get what your saying, say it to someone with basic knowledge please?01:47
mrkeishiibut i like the 3d block thing and other features though01:47
Flare183Moose: see?01:47
soyeurmrkeishii: If you want the cool effects, download the01:47
amenadozx-sanji-> ahh the infamous broadcom  bcm43xx ..hehe01:47
soyeurCompiz Control Settings Control Panel01:47
trey__linux-restricted-modules ok! i did one diferantly... brb01:47
mrkeishiifrom where01:47
soyeurJust do a search in Synaptic for "Compiz Control Panel"01:47
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soyeuryou should find it01:47
anteayaI need to add a path to $PATH so it is available regardless of whether I open and close my terminal, (it's a gem)01:47
soyeurThere, you can enable effects like the 3D cube01:48
amenadovalros-> its okay... good luck01:48
mrkeishiithanks alot01:48
MatBoysoyeur, reinstall what ?01:48
valrosnow im downloading the ndiswrapper drivers01:48
valroshopefully they'll work01:48
soyeurMatBoy: Reinstall Compiz-Fusion?01:48
amenadoanteaya-> add it to your .bashrc or .bash_profile if you got one?01:48
MatBoysoyeur, it doesn't work on 4 screens with different resolutions01:48
valrosis there an apt-get install for alsa drivers, lib, utils?01:49
MatBoysoyeur, so I don't need it, but I want my default windows back01:49
soyeurThen just use metacity instead?01:49
mmm4m5mamenado: I am learning linux language now, not sure I understand you very well. I mean - 10x for help, at least I know what to read now (I do not mind route tables or anything, but windows everything is mostly clicking). If it simple, can you tell me how interface file must looks like?01:49
mrkeishiiit can't find any01:49
anteayaamenado: .bashrc is open, where do i add it, and what should it look like?01:49
soyeurReinstall Emerald, and then right click the emerald icon and choose "Use Metacity"01:49
soyeurThen you will have the regular WM01:49
mrkeishiiI just typed Compiz Control Panel01:49
MatBoysoyeur, doesn't work01:50
mrkeishiiand it pop up in side bar, but no pakages installed.01:50
DjmackHow hard is it to get a static IP?01:50
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mrkeishiiSo how do i get that 3d cube and all other effects?01:50
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amenadommm4m5m-> im not sure you can learn linux language, there is none that I know of, perhaps bash or python or perl..  you can "cat /etc/network/interfaces"01:50
amenadoanteaya-> at the end, then log out or to take effect "source" .bashrc01:51
Ava-the prefix for gutsy and hardy is still /usr corrent? not /usr/local?01:51
anteayaamenado: what should the added code look like?01:51
mrkeishiii would love to have those nice effects but idk how to get them???01:51
DjmackHow hard is it to get a static IP?01:52
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amenadoanteaya->  export PATH=/new/added/path:$PATH01:52
osenvironmentheheh,how hard?01:52
trey__saikor: error upon error upon error! ( =(     ) now i get: http://www.pastebin.ca/965517    but i have my cd in (pulls hair out...)01:52
amenadoDjmack-> you have to pay an arm and a leg01:52
anteayaamenado: thanks will try01:52
Ava-this must be #ignore Ava-01:52
Djmackso it is something i buy from my service provider01:53
epitrondoes anyone here know how anything about fontconfig? it's having a strange problem: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont: failed to write cache"01:53
epitronit's blocking me from finishing the install of X01:53
amenadoDjmack-> yes if you want it registered under your entity, and have entries in the official name servers01:53
saikortrey__:  open up /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor and delete the lines that reference your cdrom.01:53
mrkeishiiSo how do i get the compiz control panel up?01:54
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saikortrey__: then it'll just get the file from the web instead.01:54
jrrubuntu 8.0.4 (linux 2.6.24-12-server): i'm trying to compile a driver that stopped working at kernel 2.6.23.  is it possible to downgrade to another ubuntu-packaged kernel?01:54
amenadojrr please visit #ubuntu+101:54
jrrokie dokle01:54
valrosis the bot down?01:55
mrkeishiinvm i searched for it on add/remove apps01:55
winterwolfI can't seem to get  Java Runtime Enviroment to run and work, can someone help me install it? My browser finds it and says it needs it but can't get it automatically01:55
valroswinterwolf, what browser'01:55
Djmackwell... my cousin mentioned to me that i could make some money off hosting Website back-ups on my computer... and my plan was, if i got this set up. i would just borrow my friends blade server. and use it untill i could get my own01:56
winterwolfvalros: I use  Flock cause Youtube works better on it01:56
winterwolfvalros: but it does this same thing with FireFox01:56
valrosnever heard of it, and i dont think adobe will recognize it01:56
amenadowinterwolf-> sudo  apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-fonts01:56
eriscomy open office transitions are playing at a snail's pace... at best 1fps, which makes it extremely crappy and choppy. what's up with that?01:56
Stroganoffi'll never get that "free" command. could some1 tell me how much RAM is actually consumed? http://pastebin.com/m4cfde2d901:57
amenadoerisco if I was watching your presentation and you flipped pages that fast, im walking out01:57
eriscoStroganoff, free -m01:57
zcat[1]Stroganoff: on my laptop.. generally all of it..01:57
eriscoamenado, what?01:58
Djmackyou think verizon (my provider) provides a residential internet with static IP?  cause im looking at some packages and they come with a bunch of crap that i dont want01:58
Stroganofferisco, i am able to devide by 100001:58
eriscoStroganoff, what?01:58
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amenadoerisco-> do you realize how fast 1 frame per second is for an audience to capture the info?01:58
eriscoamenado, did you even read my problem?01:58
zcat[1]amenado: he's talking about the transitions.. the nice slide/fade effects between slides01:58
amenadoerisco that is my interpretation of your problem01:58
eriscoamenado, read again then :s01:59
reeeh2000Hello all, I am trying to hook up a Xbox 360 wired controller to be used with Gusty Gibbon, any one know of an up to date how to?01:59
amenadoerisco nope, do your thing and suffer01:59
eriscoboth you and Stroganoff are out to lunch01:59
zcat[1]btw I would like an answer also... the transition effects in OOo suck and I've never got them to work smoothly01:59
winterwolfMaybe this can help....This is what I get when i typed that, amenado .   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6313/01:59
amenadoerisco you dont comprehend user interface, you expect the crowd to understand your  presentation?02:00
NineaxisWhat's the difference between the "live installer" and "alternate desktop"?02:00
nikrudamenado that wasn't exactly kind02:00
DOOM_NXcan anybody suggest the best DC client for ubuntu?02:00
erisconikrud, its fine, I have no idea what he is talking about02:01
saikorStroganoff: cat /proc/meminfo might be better for you.02:01
amenadonikrud am crude sometimes, im trying to get a point across02:01
MatBoyit seems that gnome-compiz is a needed package in default gnome02:01
valrosis there a terminal command, sudo cd + <directory in current folder>02:01
valrosor such02:01
eriscovalros, how do you mean?02:01
Nineaxis...what's the difference between the live cd and alternate desktop cd?02:01
amenadowinterwolf-> you have like synaptic running at same time? or other dpkg or apt-get  running?02:01
Daisuke_Idoone's live, one's just an installer02:02
valroswell, cd - goes back one i want to go forward one, not go back and type the whole link02:02
osenvironment!alternate > Nineaxis02:02
nikrudNineaxis live cd can boot into a graphical desktop, and install. Alternate is installer only, text based, but installs on more hardware02:02
eriscovalros, cd directory_name02:02
zx-sanjivalros  type dir02:02
eriscovalros, you are perhaps doing cd /directory_name, which starts back at root02:02
prohnaim having an issue getting anything to transfer songs to my ipod02:02
NineaxisWhat would I use on a server?02:02
valrosso just type tje directory?02:02
prohnaive tried gtkpod amarok banshee02:02
eriscovalros, okay, so don't use an absolute path, use a relative path ;)02:03
eddyMul I'm running kvm/qemu under Ubuntu Gutsy. Is this the right place to ask for help w.r.t. user-mode DNS server (at failing to resolve IPs?02:03
nikrudprohna an newer classic or 3g nano?02:03
prohnathey all say theyre transfering but the ipod doesnt see any songs02:03
IndyGunFreak!enter | prohna02:03
zx-sanjivalros   you need to understant the topology of file folders a bit ..02:03
IndyGunFreakeh, ubotu is dead02:03
valrosi probably do02:03
prohnanikrud: newer02:03
osenvironmenthow come02:03
IndyGunFreakprohna: is it a really new ipod?02:03
prohnajust bought it today02:03
zx-sanjivalros   what you are trying to open ?02:03
prohna80gb video02:03
IndyGunFreakis it a touch?02:03
nikrudprohna apple changed stuff out from under you, when hardy is released it will support them02:03
prohnanot a touch02:03
eriscovalros, if the directory you are in no contains the folder "foo", then cd foo will change to that folder02:03
nathan42100hey, ummmm, I used to be able to mount my NTFS-3G drives, now I can't. No error or anything. Checked the log, nothing there either. I just updated something a few hours ago, but I don't remember what. I can't find it in the logs02:04
valrosoh just installing alsa, is there an apt-get alsa package?02:04
amenadoeddyMul-> possibly, doesnt kvm/qemu runs a name server ?02:04
eriscovalros, and you can know what is in the current directory by typing ls02:04
IndyGunFreakprohna: it depends on how long its been sitting on the shelf, wether it will work or not02:04
brambo_Sorry, I got disconnected, I dont know if anyone got what i said before... http://paste.ubuntu.com/6313/ what did i do wrong here?02:04
Erickj92how do i get unreal ircd?02:04
prohnaIndyGunFreak: how is that?02:04
amenadobrambo_-> description of problem?02:04
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IndyGunFreakprohna: apple changed the really new ones, so they don't wrk very well w/ linux.(but will when ubuntu hardy is released next month)02:05
brambo_amenado: I typed what you put for me about the Java, and that is what I get here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6313/  in my terminal02:05
eddyMulamenado: yes, qemu runs a name server. however, this name server is not resolving my vm's DNS requests (tested from fedora 8 guest and winxp guest)02:05
IndyGunFreakprohna: i have a 4gig nano, and 30gig video, they work fine02:05
saikorbrambo_:  looks like you've got synaptic open. Which is locking it02:05
amenadobrambo_-> you have like synaptic running at same time? or other dpkg or apt-get  running?02:05
user1Than you SurvivorMan that fixed it02:05
nathan42100hey, ummmm, I used to be able to mount my NTFS-3G drives, now I can't. No error or anything. Checked the log, nothing there either. I just updated something a few hours ago, but I don't remember what. I can't find it in the logs02:05
brambo_saikor: I closed synaptic...wait I'll try again02:05
Jordan_Unathan42100, What are you doing to try to mount them?02:06
nathan42100just double clicking on them02:06
nathan42100it asks for the pass, I put it in02:06
amenadoeddyMul-> is qemu name server getting a feed from a real name server?02:06
prohnastupid apple02:06
nathan42100and then it takes me to /02:06
brambo_saikor: ok I have closed it but now I am getting a different message,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6314/02:06
IndyGunFreakprohna: funny thing is, microsoft players work under Linux w/o issue..lol02:07
Ava-is the prefix still /usr on hardy and gutsy?02:07
Ava-someone please flippin answer me02:07
jjt009hey dudes02:07
prohnaso anyone got an idea how to rig it to work for now?02:07
jjt009is this the IRC channel with the largest number of members?02:07
amenadoeddyMul-> rather it should just resolve the vm  local ip addresses and pass on along to real name servers for resolving addresses like www.yahoo.com02:07
nikrudbrambo_ you running 64bit? if so, sun never made a 64bit browser plugin02:07
Jordan_Unathan42100, Are you a member of the 'fuse' group and can you pastebin the output of "mount" ?02:07
prohnaits weird because if i open the ipod in amarok or something i can see the songs02:07
prohnabut just cant on the actual ipod02:07
jjt0091178 people..whoah02:08
brambo_nikrud:  yes I am on 64bit....So I cannot ever use that plugin ?02:08
eddyMulamenado: so, it looks like qemu's dns server is not passing the vm's dns requests to my dns server....02:08
kelvin911do i need a firewall?02:08
IndyGunFreakprohna: don't know.02:08
nikrudprohna yeah, the linux stuff broke the database02:08
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: don't know, do you?02:08
Jordan_U!ipod | prohna02:08
nathan42100jordan_u, just "mount" and no, not fuse02:08
kelvin911i dont know02:08
saikorbrambo_: I'm sorry I haven't read your original problem. Have you tried installing sun-java5-plugin through synaptic?02:08
anteayaamenado: I followed your instructions which got the PATH in the $PATH, but the gem is still not working for me http://pastie.caboo.se/17350702:08
godlygeekcan uswsusp be made to work with a swap file, rather than partition, in gutsy?02:08
kelvin911i am not running any firewall or anti-virus here02:08
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: i think ubotu is on break02:08
valrosi got this error again, what package is needed i forgot, error: C compiler cannot create executables02:08
kelvin911am i okay?02:08
amenadoeddyMul-> if your guest cant resolve an ip address of www.yahoo.com yeah..its not passing it02:08
brambo_saikor: I think I have but one minute, I will double check02:09
anteayaamenado: a realize the gems is not an ubuntu area of expertise02:09
IndyGunFreakkelvin911: most likely you're fine...02:09
prohnabroke the database as in?02:09
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, ubotwo as well :(02:09
nikrudAva- the question is not very complete. /usr will be around as long as unix is02:09
prohnawould syncing it up with a windows box fix it for now?02:09
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: slackers..lol02:09
nikrudprohna yes.02:09
anteayaamenado: but i though i would get back to you02:09
amenadoanteaya-> all you asked earlier is how to add  a PATH at logon noh? or available on all your windows?02:09
IndyGunFreakprohna: should02:09
anteayaamenado: yes that is true02:09
prohnaokay question then02:09
prohnacan itunes be run under wine?02:09
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nikrudprohna no :)02:09
IndyGunFreakprohna: no02:09
anteayaamenado; and thank you02:10
tifinei want to give the fix ip address to pc so that no body else can get that ip is it possible ?02:10
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prohnaits like the worlds out to get me lol02:10
brambo_saikor: sun java 5 jdk fonts demo doc ? or just all of it?02:10
Jordan_Uprohna, There is a way to get new ipods to work with amarok, let me find the link02:10
amenadoanteaya-> so you got the PATH okay?  gem is a different problem right?02:10
nikrudprohna you can wait 3 weeks, right?02:10
prohnai guess02:10
Ava-nikrud: for feisty I always hade to ./configure --prefix=/usr because of where feisty stored it's stuff02:10
osenvironmenttoday is april fool day,and i was fooled by google02:10
IndyGunFreakprohna: na, you just need to exchange your ipod for a zune...lol02:10
prohnasucks though02:10
NineaxisHow do you start the ubuntu installer in text based fedora?02:10
Ava-just wondered if that has changed with gutsy and hardy02:10
anteayaamenado: you are correct and thank you02:10
nikrudAva- yes. That is standard for all unix's, will never change.02:10
valrosi got this error again, what package is needed i forgot, error: C compiler cannot create executables02:10
amenadoanteaya-> Make sure you have the 'universe' component enabled <-- clue02:10
Jordan_UNineaxis, Can you please be more clear?02:11
nathan42100Jordan_u, just "mount" and no, not fuse02:11
Ava-nikrud: some distros are /usr/local02:11
nikrudAva- and you an use  /usr/local for locally compiled stuff, I always do02:11
Ava-aren't they?02:11
trey__saikor... hanging in there? im still trying to open restricted drivers (installing somthin for that now...) do you remember me?02:11
anteayaamenado: i thank you i will look02:11
Erickj92i cant connect to any IRC network on my Ubuntu machine, what could be going on?02:11
saikortrey__: yeah :)02:11
IndyGunFreakErickj92: does it have internet access?02:11
Ava-for feisty when I installed mythtv I always had to --prefix=/usr or it wouldn't work02:11
Ava-and find it's libs02:11
brambo_saikor: should I get Java 5 or 6? I see both02:11
NineaxisJordan- I have the ubuntu alternate desktop installer on a cd, in my server currently running Fedora 8, and being a linux n00b, I don't know how to start it02:11
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, yes.. i get connection refused when i try to connect to one02:11
nikrudAva- the idea is /usr  is for packaged up stuff. /usr/local is where you put your own stuff. /usr/local/lib should be fine02:11
saikorbrambo_: personally I'd go for 602:11
trey__saikor: good didnt want to run through every thing again! LOL! ;)02:12
IndyGunFreakErickj92: do you ahve a firewall that could be not allowing it to run?02:12
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, i have a firewall, but i thought i disabled it02:12
IndyGunFreakErickj92: software or hardware?02:12
brambo_saikor: 5 and 6,  6 is just an updated version?02:12
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, software, and a linksys router02:12
nikrudAva- ah, /etc/ld.conf.d/glibc should have /usr/local/lib in it, which makes libs in /usr/local/lib available02:12
saikorbrambo_: yeah02:13
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, it has worked before02:13
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IndyGunFreakErickj92: i'm guessing that software router is causing your issue.02:13
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, software router?02:13
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IndyGunFreak*software firewall..02:13
IndyGunFreakmy bad02:13
Erickj92oh, ok02:13
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, i have firestarter02:13
brambo_saikor: once I get this, should firefox realize its there and use it to run certain things?02:13
nathan42100hey, ummmm, I used to be able to mount my NTFS-3G drives, now I can't. No error or anything. Checked the log, nothing there either. I just updated something a few hours ago, either libc6 or libpq5.02:14
brambo_saikor: for the sites that it will work with02:14
MerevaikOk I gtg, thanks anyway EzraEzra02:14
IndyGunFreakErickj92: i know nothing about linux s/w firewalls, but i'm guesing thats where your issue is gonna be02:14
Erickj92IndyGunFreak, that fixed it :)02:14
Erickj92thank you02:14
nikrudnathan42100 after upgrading libc6 it's usually good to reboot. Have you done that?02:14
IndyGunFreakErickj92: i figured02:14
Ava-is there anyway to force a reinstall of hardy?02:14
Ava-my gdm is running so slow it's unusuable02:14
nathan42100nikrud, yeah02:14
saikorsaikor: it should work. If it doesn't firefox should popup and ask you to install plugins. Then just select java 6 plugin and it will work fine.02:14
Ava-and i've tried 2 different nvidia drivers thinking thatmight be the problem02:14
nikrudAva- a fresh install is a forced install02:14
nathan42100though it should tell you that, especially for the newbs like me02:15
Ava-I have no blank cd's and I only have inet02:15
saikorbrambo: it should work. If it doesn't firefox should popup and ask you to install plugins. Then just select java 6 plugin and it will work fine.02:15
nikrudnathan42100   tail -f /var/log/syslog , you should see some messages when you doubleclick and enter your password02:15
Ava-and I won't wanna lose a lot of what I have on this hard drive02:15
nikrudnathan42100 that is, type the /var/log/syslog02:15
eriscowhy is open office so slow?!?!?!?!?!02:15
brambo_saikor: i caught what ya said, its ok u didnt have to repeat it ;)02:15
ross`_hey, i can keep hitting back in shell and see all the way to my first command02:15
eriscoit is taking an EON to save my three slide presentation!!!!02:15
ross`_im wondering what the file is02:15
ross`_so i can search it02:15
nathan42100nikrud, im confused, what?02:15
ross`_what file is all your commands you did saved in02:16
valroswhat package fixes this error, ive done it before but forgot, error: C compiler cannot create executables02:16
nikrudAva- you should backup, and on this install add a partition for /home  also, !clone below will help you with resetting packages02:16
nikrud!clone | Ava-02:16
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nikrudnathan42100   :)   type   tail -f /var/log/syslog    in a terminal, it will echo any messages while you mount/unmount partitions02:16
brambo_is there any major reason why I should go to Hardy vs staying with Gutsy? I have some people telling my Hardy is better in ways02:16
eriscoover two minutes so far and 75% complete saving a 3 slide presentation02:16
eriscodoes anyone else have MAJOR performance issues with open office??02:17
* IndyGunFreak begins performing CPR on ubotu and ubotwo02:17
nikrudbrambo_ it is, but it's still rough in spots. If you can't fix broken stuff, wait02:17
IndyGunFreakerisco: no, it works great for me02:17
VTBuchi does anyone here have experience with AbiWord in 8.04?02:17
brambo_nikrud: then I will wait, cause I'm still really new to linux in general02:17
eriscoIndyGunFreak, all my animations are choppy as hell and take about 10 seconds to load02:17
IndyGunFreakVTBuc: #ubunt+1 for hardy questions02:17
nathan42100nikrud: Mar 31 21:17:01 nsh-ubuntu /USR/SBIN/CRON[6830]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)02:17
nathan42100thats it02:17
nikrudVTBuc #ubuntu+1 is handling hardy questions until release02:17
VTBucah thank you02:17
ross`_can someone tell me what the file is located to see al the commands as you have done? instead of hitting an arow key a million times to search for one? thank you02:17
Colmenai want to install my video nvidia 9600 gt02:17
eriscoIndyGunFreak, and it takes me about 4 minutes to save... three slides...02:18
bobsomebodywhen i run gnome-panel-screenshot i get an error "cannot open display:" and i cant seem to find a solution to this problem :/02:18
eriscoWHOA, they have 9000's?02:18
nikrudnathan42100 that's not the message I'm looking for. Could be hald is not running , type   sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart02:18
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eriscoam I that behind?02:18
IndyGunFreakerisco: i don't know, i don't usually make slides with it, just write nasty letters to the editor, nasty letters tot he homeowners association, etc.02:18
* nikrud never argues with nasty gun holders02:18
nathan42100nikrud: nope, still not mounting02:19
nikrudnathan42100 not sure what it is then. what is the partition you're looking at?02:19
brambo_saikor: have you received my private message?02:19
saikorbrambo_:  no02:19
nathan42100nikrud: both the main partition on the primary and main on the secondary, Both NTFS. the dellutility partition still loads as normal, not NTFS02:20
IndyGunFreakbrambo_: only registered users can send/receive pmS02:20
eriscoI think open office has a memory leak with images02:21
eriscoor something02:21
nikrudnathan42100 but what are the actual partition devices? /dev/sda1? or some other?  when you know, type   sudo mount /dev/<partition> /mnt  in a terminal, see what message you get02:21
bruenigerisco: java.02:21
brambo_saikor: I ran into a program in Synaptic while installing Java 6...This package is an installer package, it does not actually contrain the JDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the archives:02:21
eriscobruenig, its java? should have guessed02:21
trey__saikor, looks like i have to reboot now hold on...02:21
eriscowhy do I have HUGE performance issues with java?02:21
nathan42100nikrud: how do I find that?02:21
eriscoI cannot even run eclipse02:21
nikrudnathan42100   sudo fdisk -l02:22
brambo_saikor: says press return to try again i do and it doesnt work02:22
bruenigerisco: because java is awful02:22
eriscoit freaking locks and hangs and takes 10 seconds to do a simple text insertion02:22
nikruderisco you did   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre  ?02:22
erisconikrud, if I didn't have that, I wouldn't be using java02:22
prohnacan i upgrade to hardy now?02:22
nikrudbruenig personal opinions don't belong here ;)02:22
eriscosomething is fishy02:22
nikruderisco could have got java another way02:22
encryptzprohna: if you want02:22
brambo_nikrud: I have done it through Synaptic, not sure who you are talking to there sorry02:23
prohnaencryptz: is it stable?02:23
eriscosomething is terribly, terribly broken with my java02:23
encryptzprohna: some would say yes. others would disagree02:23
nathan42100nikrud: how do I force it02:23
nathan42100it says unclean shutdown02:23
eriscomy computer's specs are fine... but everything java preforms like crap02:23
nikrudnathan42100 ah!!!.  Best way is to boot it into windows, let windows fix it02:23
nathan42100nikrud: usually it gives me an error. I'm guessing that why02:23
nathan42100how do I force it though?02:23
eriscomy memory instantly maxes out, and the application gets slower and slower02:23
eriscowhenever I run an app gui02:24
nathan42100nikrud: -F?02:24
eriscojava gui*02:24
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linxeherisco: what applications, how much memory, what jvm, etc02:24
eriscolinxeh, eclipse, open office presentation, 1GB of memory02:24
saikorbrambo_/winterwolf:  tried ' sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin'02:25
eriscolinxeh, how do I check my jvm, I believe I have more than one installed...02:25
nathan42100nikrud: =o....I just tried to force it and it disappeared...02:25
nikrudnathan42100 I'm not sure, I've never used it. NTFS is windows secret code, and all the stuff in linux is enlightened guesswork. I let windows fix windows stuff.02:25
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winterwolfsaikor: I tryed through Synaptic and terminal like you just typed,02:25
saikorand it failed?02:25
nathan42100nikrud: for future reference it is -o force. Im gunna restart again, and HOPE it comes back.02:26
eriscoand when I exit a java app that is running really, really slowly, you can instantly hear my hard drive going like mad02:26
nikrudnathan42100 neener neener (with ears plugged and eyes covered ;)02:26
treysaikor: well restricted drivers opened... now what?02:26
eriscoperhaps it is because it is discarding the memory in the swap space02:26
eriscoas it does start overflowing...02:26
linxeherisco: java -version ?  other than that you need to look at your operating system software management tools (control panel, synaptic, system preferences/applications, etc)02:26
nathan42100nikrud: that doesn't help your nose....02:26
winterwolfI keep getting disconnected..02:26
linxeherisco: your machine has no way near enough ram. Open office is a hog, eclipse is a hog02:27
eriscolinxeh, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode)02:27
TantorCFSJAQuick question on Ubuntu Beta... on screen refresh rate reporting..02:27
linxeherisco: what operating system is it ?02:27
saikortrey:  what do you see in there?02:27
FlannelTantorCFSJA: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thanks02:27
sotoWhat's the environment variable for library paths?02:27
eriscolinxeh, this would be #ubuntu...02:27
TantorCFSJAK ty02:27
treysaikor: well... i see a light... hold on lol02:27
linxeherisco: yes, but that doesnt mean you are using it, or which release, window manager etc (but ok, I thought this was ##java for a minute)02:28
eriscolinxeh, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)02:28
nikruderisco I agree on the memory thing, I ended up getting 2gb to run eclipse and open office at the same time02:28
linxeherisco: why are you running 64bit with only 1GB ram?02:28
winterwolfsaikor: it ran into a problem while installing  sun-java6-doc02:28
eriscolinxeh, I didn't realize 64 bit meant you had to have more ram...02:28
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linxehyou should only be considering 64bit really if you have >2GB RAM - otherwise its just causing problems for yourself02:28
eriscolinxeh, why?02:29
valroson the gnome upper bar, do the bars accurately depict wireless conenction?02:29
saikorwinterwolf: oh? do you need the docs?02:29
eriscolinxeh, I have never heard of this kind of relation before02:29
linxeherisco: it doesnt - its just there is no real advantage till you get to 2+GB, and below that you have pain because loads of software still isnt 64bit, primarily commercial stuff. plus until recently suns 64bit linux jvm was incomplete (maybe it still is, java plugin etc)02:29
winterwolfsaikor: I dont think so but how do I skip that part?02:29
eriscolinxeh, I have a 32bit browser, that is fine. other than that all the software runs fine02:30
TizzleVCan anyone help me repair an XFS superblock?02:30
saikorwinterwolf: is it just the sun-java6-plugin you are installing?02:30
linxeherisco: ok :)02:30
nathan42100nikrud:works now, no windows02:30
saikorwinterwolf: also, what error are you getting installing the docs?02:30
linxeherisco: regardless, you need more ram :)02:30
eriscolinxeh, I do a lot of crap on this computer, and I wasn't really interested in wasting 3/4 of my processor power02:30
linxeherisco: you could try running fluxbox / xfce4 to reduce your ram usage though02:30
eriscolinxeh, I don't think I should. if java really takes that much ram it is utterly useless02:30
linxeherisco: you wont waste any processing power really02:31
treysaikor: do you mind me sending you a screenshot?02:31
saikortrey: go for it.02:31
winterwolfsaikor: Its hard to explain, can I message you via another program and send you a screenshot?02:31
sk8ballhow can i get X back to the original configuration that ubuntu detected on its own?02:31
linxeherisco: ok, fair enough, but Gnome etc is eating loads of that ram up already. openoffice just hogs memory big time, and so does eclipse. it's not java so much, just the way those apps are written (or in the case of eclipse, just how rich it is)02:32
saikorerrr you could delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf (MAKE A BACKUP)02:32
treysaikor: did you get it?02:32
winterwolfsaikor: brb02:32
saikortrey: no02:32
eriscolinxeh, well, then I need more ram02:32
eriscolinxeh, but that isn't going to happen for a long time :P02:33
valrosHey guys, heres a good question, on xp, firefox has google as its default engine if it cant find what you typed in the address bar, here on ubuntu, it goes straight to yahoo, can this be fixed02:33
IndyGunFreakerisco: what kind of Ram does it take?02:33
nikrudnathan42100 you lucky guy, you :)02:33
nathan42100c ya02:33
eriscoIndyGunFreak, DDR2, but I am not buying ram chips02:33
nathan42100usually forcing it work02:33
nathan42100I hope 8.04 will fix a lot of this stuff02:34
linxeherisco: you might find that 32bit ubuntu is more conservative on memory too02:34
treysaikor: if you didnt get it now pm me you im (if you have one)02:34
IndyGunFreakerisco: ohw much ram do you have?02:34
eriscoIndyGunFreak, 1GB02:34
pat5starvalros: i haven't looked, but can't you change that under edit -> preferences?02:34
Aval0nguys I upgraded to hardy and ever since when I log in it's DRAGS if I click to move a window it freezes02:34
kousotuAnyone know how to make an ipod work on Ubuntu?02:34
IndyGunFreaki would think thats plenty, even for OO.o to make slides02:34
linxehgiven the price of ram these days it seems barmy to have less than 2GB :o02:34
Aval0nI've tried 2 differet nvidia drivers02:34
linxehIndyGunFreak: he's running eclipse alongside it02:34
Aval0nanyone have any suggestions?02:35
bazhangAval0n: #ubuntu+1 please02:35
nikrudAval0n yes, ask in #ubuntu+102:35
eriscoIndyGunFreak, I would think it is plenty too. it starts off fine, but the more I run the slide show, the more it bogs down02:35
valrosok, ill look in it, i wondered why the preferences moved under the edit menu in linux where as in windows its under tools, is it like a linux standard?02:35
sk8ballsaikor, how do i do it... i dont have correct permissions02:35
eriscoit spells memory leak to me.02:35
kousotuAval0n: what's the problem you're having02:35
Aval0nok ty02:35
saikortrey: did my pm get through?02:35
eriscoI think I have a bad jvm02:35
sanguisdexso had installed send mail on to my machine for some software testing and when I removed it I stopped being able to get my IMAP mail.  (it just asked and asks for the password, that remains unchanged) Do you think that the package manager removed some necessary library package?02:35
treyavalon go to #ubuntu+1 for that02:35
saikorput sudo in front of your command.02:35
treysaikor: no02:35
saikorsk8ball: ^02:35
psycholvlanwhat is the package that you have to install to get advanced desktop appearance?02:36
bazhangkousotu: the latest iPod need libgpod 0.6.0; you can compile for gutsy or just wait for the next release when it will be included (next release in about 3 weeks)02:36
bazhangpsycholvlan: ccsm02:36
linxehhas anyone installed Ubuntu on a mac pro ?02:36
kousotubazhang: it's going to be preinstalled with Hardy even with an update from Gutsy?02:36
saikoranyone know why I can't seem to PM?02:36
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro linxeh02:36
alteregoaexample content?02:37
epitronwhat's the name of that sun dtrace clone that redhat made? i'm having a strange problem with fontconfig not being able to write cache files02:37
kousotusaikor: you're not registered?02:37
linxehbazhang: mac pro...02:37
alteregoa!pack example-content02:37
epitronstrace isn't being very helpful02:37
bazhangkousotu: the next release will have it02:37
psycholvlanbazhang what's the exact name02:37
kousotubazhang: it's an OLD shuffle02:37
bazhanglinxeh: oops02:37
linxehbazhang: :)02:37
sanguisdexsaikor: have you registerd your user name/02:37
saikorkousotu: I registered the name.02:37
bazhang!ccsm | psycholvlan02:37
kousotusaikor: no idea then02:37
saikoris there a command I need to send to 'login'[?02:37
bazhangthe bot is down?02:37
bazhanghttp://macprolinux.blogspot.com/2007/10/installing-ubuntu-710-gutsy-on-mac-pro.html linxeh02:38
psycholvlani know it has manager in it02:38
LifeisfunnyDoes anyone know how to make the desktop icons visible in the menu 'Places/Desktop' while removing them from the actual desktop?02:38
kelvin911anyone heard of Yodm3D ??02:39
psycholvlani've had linux uninstalled for a couple weeks... now i got a laptop02:39
bazhangcompizconfig-settings-manager psycholvlan02:39
sk8ballsaikor, didnt work02:39
kelvin911is it windows software trying to copy compiz-fusion ?02:39
treysaikor: did you get MY pm?02:39
saikortrey:sadly not02:39
sk8ballits going back to something even more limited =/02:39
epitronubuntu's supposed to work properly with reiserfs, right?02:39
treysaikor :..(02:39
bazhangext3 would be better imo epitron02:40
Azur3hello, I'm running 7.10 and using a direct cable connection to my router. I can't get my wireless adapter to work when I do lspci it says Atheros AR5006EG02:40
epitronbazhang: why do you say that? :)02:40
sk8balli just want to return to the config ubuntu setup created02:40
* trey flings his machine out the window!02:40
saikorsk8ball: ok try going to screen and graphics in system -> admin02:40
sanguisdexso I had installed send mail on to my machine for some software testing and when I removed it I stopped being able to get my IMAP mail.  (it just asked and asks for the password, that remains unchanged) Do you think that the package manager removed some necessary library package?02:40
saikortrey/winterwolf: email shadow330@hotmail.com02:40
sk8ballsaikor, been there thats where i fucked it up now im trying to put it back to the settings that were there when i started and its just not working02:41
treysaikor: this is your im?02:41
bazhangepitron: you can use reiserfs really up to you; the future of reiserfs is uncertain at this point02:41
saikorsk8ball: ohhh02:41
sk8balli am selecting what was there before but its giving me diff res/refresh rates02:41
laughzillahi :) does anyone know how to solve the Grub Loader Error 17 (doesn't recognize or see the required partition of the os) ? i have some bits of data i wanna copy from that drive .... can i copy my data if i mount my dysfunctional ubuntu hdd as a slave on another box, ie: a slack 10 box ?02:41
saikortrey: no02:41
epitronbazhang: yeah, i know. :) i'll switch when ZFS comes out ;)02:41
bazhanglanguage sk8ball02:41
treysaikor: email?02:41
sk8ballbaz, lociento02:41
LjLlo siento02:42
bazhangno cursing sk8ball02:42
valrosgotta love ubuntus load/unload times :)02:42
saikorsk8ball: look in the /etc/X11 folder, there should be a backup in there02:42
epitronbazhang: reiser really performs better with tons of tiny files i find... and it's quite stable02:42
saikor trey: yeah, then I'll give you my im02:42
sk8ballsaikor, thats what i thought xorg.conf.102:42
treysaikor: kk02:42
sk8ballbut that doesnt seem to be it02:42
epitronbazhang: (the filesystem, not the author)02:42
Colmenahow I can to install Linux_x86_Display_GeForce_9600_GT.run ?02:43
saikorsk8ball: cp the backup to /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:43
treysaikor: to thunderbird and beond!!!!!!02:43
sk8ballsaikor, i cp'd the xorg.conf.1 to it, i figured this was it as there was like 3 of em, and i thought the other ones were my other attempts at fixing it02:43
LadyNikonhey.. I am trying to change the colors for my vim.  Anyone know where they are stored? /usr/share/vim/vim71/colors doesnt have the color that is default in vim02:44
linxehbazhang: thanks - I've been searching for a while but haven't hit that one02:44
saikorsk8ball: log out then back in? did that work?02:44
LifeisfunnyI've tried to be as nice and peaches but from the impression of things I must have wronged someone here.02:44
treysaikor: i emailed you...02:45
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saikortrey: replied02:45
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3518911&postcount=9 laughzilla02:45
treysaikor, kk02:45
laughzillathx bazhang :)02:47
test_so how many people have actually been capable of setting up a fully functioning SLI system so far?02:47
treysaikor got it!02:47
Azur3bazhang: hey, this is Azure Tide from yesterday, I'm running 7.10 smoothly on my laptop now, I usedd the terminal to run that lspci thing you said yesterday02:47
* trey downloads im client...02:47
Azur3bazhang: and it says Atheros AR5006EG02:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=607385 test_02:48
* trey just relized that pigin is an im client..... :\02:48
test_thanks bazhang02:48
bazhangAzur3: you wired? and want to get wireless going?02:48
Azur3bazhang: yes sir02:49
Silvanovis there any programs similar to webmin that are reccomended for ubuntu server for 8.0402:49
GrotyHello, I have a question about Chat Clients/SMS clients02:49
bazhangAzur3: open a terminal and see if ifconfig shows more than eth0 and lo (ie ath0 or the like)02:49
bazhangask away Groty; if someone knows they will answer02:50
GrotyThank bazhang02:50
bazhangSilvanov: ebox02:50
Azur3bazhang: it only has those two, but there are alot of lines for them02:51
Silvanovi just checked out ebox, but it doesnt do apache config/admin02:51
GrotySo, I've used Yahoo IM for years for work.  I've become addicted to the SMS client in the newer versions, so much better than sending a text through my phone.  I've noticed Pidgin doesn't support the feature and the latest versions of YIM don't work in Wine.  Is there another option?02:51
treysaikor: it says your offline...02:51
K_NineDoes anyone know of a graphical converter to change .avi files to .amv files for my mp4 player?02:52
saikortrey: shd have authorized now.02:52
Azur3Groty: I google searched sms client and linux and it gave me http://smsclient.org02:52
SilvanovGroty: theres a *nix version of yahoo IM http://messenger.yahoo.com/unix.php not sure if it supports the features you want though02:53
linxehbazhang: is there an ebox package for ubuntu?02:53
AdrianStraysHow can I add the computer/trash/home folder to the desktop?02:53
treysaikor: kk02:53
Silvanovlinxeh, you can apt-get install it02:53
linxehSilvanov: hmm, I guess not on some versions of ubuntu then :o02:53
RickXanyone know how I can get a main menu or application menu when I right click on the desktop?02:54
GrotySilvanov - Thx, that requires a provider - Yahoo has it's own02:54
adrock358Ok.  I had a dual install (win/ubunt).  I was having problems getting on the net and decided it would be better to just do a fresh install.  So, I erased the partition that ubuntu was installed on (on my WD 320 gb HD).  At the same time, I decided to increase my Windows Partition size, so I did that using Gparted.  I repartitioned the unallocated space, that partly housed my past Ubuntu installation.  So, I erased the Ubuntu partition from my singular HD,02:54
PeloRickX,  I know it can be done in xcfe but I don'T know if you can do it in gnome02:55
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/web/ebox linxeh02:55
isforinsectsRickX: you can do gnome+enlightenment02:55
RickXPelo, thanks. It can easily be done in almost any window manager, or environment.02:55
pat5staradrock358: you sure there isn't a shorter way to ask your question? :)02:55
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=691992 Groty you  might look here too02:56
RickXisforinsects, how different than metacity is that?02:56
akreaoCan someone tell me how to use Emerald?02:56
adrock358pat5star.  Yes.  I am sure.02:56
Peloakreao, ask in #compiz02:56
pat5staradrock358: well, i think the end got cut off02:56
bazhangadrock358: got a question in there?02:56
linxehbazhang: I'm on feisty still02:56
isforinsectsRickX: not sure02:56
RickX... or, can I run WindowMaker as the window manger in Gnome?02:57
* Pelo read widowMaker02:57
linxehbazhang: I guess I should get around to reiinstalling the box02:57
adrock358bazhang, pat5star.  You really don't get what I am asking?  Damn...I must be off my game..02:57
isforinsectsRickX: windowmaker with gnome services, yes I think02:57
Grotybazhang - thanks I'll dig on the02:58
Grotyerr dig on that02:58
pat5staradrock358: no, not even close, feel like someone ripped out the last half of a novel i was reading02:58
RickXisforinsects, is there a way I can get xdg-menu to build a main menu in window maker?02:59
Silvanovlol @ pat5star02:59
pat5staradrock358: I'm not being smart either, just was following your post, but don't get the question you were getting too02:59
raidenhi people02:59
PeloRickX, this channel usualy deals with installation issue, basic troubleshooting and noob introductions02:59
bazhanglinxeh: then no ebox in feisty from a search of packages.ubuntu.com that I can see02:59
linxehbazhang: yeah :( I'll upgrade the distro I guess03:00
Pelo!hi | raiden03:00
raidensup ?03:00
flyback#carnage raiden?03:00
isforinsectsI was trying to play with aircrack lastnight.  I think I killed my rt2500 wireless module. is there a trivial way to revert back to stock networking settings/module?03:00
Azur3bazhang: so i only have Eth0 and Lo in the ifconfig03:00
GrotyOne other thing, just upgraded to 8.04 on my lappy, noticed one thing - when on battery power, unchecking "Reduce backlight brightness" in Power Management Prefs isn't working.  It still dims and now I know how my grandparents feel when they try to read at night03:00
flybackback on efnet03:00
bazhangadrock358: your post was incomplete; cut off or something03:00
raideni need feedback for my script03:01
raidencan any one give me feedback ?03:01
linxehis there an easy way to upgrade to a new release ?03:01
PeloGroty, for hardy info you need to go to #ubuntu+103:01
bazhanglinxeh: via the net sure03:01
flybackraiden are you the dude from efnet?03:01
raidenadd/remove linuxeh03:01
isforinsectsupdate-manager --dist-upgrade03:01
Grotygotch, thanks Pelo03:01
flybackok sorry to bug you :P03:01
raidenam from linuxAC.org03:01
Pelo!upgrade | linxeh03:01
linxehI'm remote from the machine atm, so don't really want to run X if I can help it03:01
bazhangthe bot is sleeping03:02
linxehPelo: yeah, ubuto is AWOL :)03:02
Pelobot dead again ?03:02
isforinsectslinxeh: no wait...03:02
raidenhow i can change my name ?03:02
linxehshould I just edit the apt sources file ?03:02
Peloraiden,  /nick newnick03:02
raidenok thx03:02
bazhangraiden: /nick newnick03:02
Pelolinxeh, no03:02
linxehok :)03:02
isforinsectslinxeh: update-manager --??? something about new version or beta...03:02
Pelolinxeh, check the forum for dist upgrade should be in there somewhere03:03
ScuniziDoes anyone have a link to a list of external compatable modems?03:03
Pelolinxeh, there you go03:03
linxehits not trivial to find that page though03:03
=== raiden is now known as Djr4iden
bazhanghttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/upgrade-ubuntu-from-feisty-to-gutsy/ linxeh03:03
PeloScunizi, might be easier to search the forum for spefic models and see if anyone had problems03:03
Flannel!upgrade | linxeh03:04
Scunizipelo k.03:04
PeloScunizi, also this  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:04
linxehbazhang: thanks03:04
Flannellinxeh, bazhang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades03:04
PeloDjr4iden, and those are for ?03:04
ScuniziPelo.. thanks I forgot about that03:04
bazhangFlannel: I'm on Hardy ;]03:04
Djr4idendid any one saw that pic ?03:05
Flannelbazhang: Right, but give out wiki links when there is one03:05
aas11can someone tell me what's the best way to back up a bazaar repository?03:05
ScuniziPelo, not overly updated.. only one listed :(.. I'll have to edit if I can get this one to work03:05
bazhangFlannel: you can if you wish to03:05
PeloDjr4iden, what are those pics for ?03:05
Djr4idenmy script03:05
PeloScunizi, you might also want to inqure in #hardware03:05
akreaoHow many people have bothered trying the Heron beta?03:05
valrosman, just completely followed the hda intel alsa tutorials, no change03:06
* linxeh wonders how practical remotely upgrading to gutsy is :D03:06
Flannelakreao: #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions03:06
isforinsectsakreao: I03:06
Djr4ideni need feed back for it03:06
Peloakreao, this is the "current" release channel you want #ubuntu+1 for ppl on the bleeding edge03:06
Djr4idenwassss upppp03:06
akreaoOkay then.03:06
Pelolinxeh, I like to dl the dvd and upgrade from that ,  upgrading online can take a long time03:06
PeloDjr4iden, look for a channel for the scripting language you use03:07
Pelolinxeh, you can also do it from the alternate install cd , but not from the live cd03:07
linxehPelo: its a fairly fast connection the other end, and the machine is a 30 min drive away03:07
Pelolinxeh, nvm I thought y ou meant someting else03:07
isforinsectsis there a way to reset my network settings back to stock?03:07
* prohna_ is upgrading to hardy03:07
bazhangprohna_: tell it to #ubuntu+1 please03:08
fade2blackhello i just installed ubuntu on a friends pc but its not loading music cds when i put them in the disc drive do i need to do anything special03:08
* Pelo envies that prohna_ will be using gnome 2.22 03:08
bazhangfade2black: loading the cds? is this a hardware issue--please be specific03:08
Pelofade2black, menu > system > prefs > removable media , you probabaly need to tell it what to do with an audio cd03:08
Djr4idenecho $?03:09
* Pelo thinks ljl is a failiure03:09
bazhangDjr4iden: is that a bash script?03:10
fade2blackvolume management not supported, the hald service is required but not currently running.03:10
bazhangjoin #bash Djr4iden03:10
fade2blackenable the service and rerun this application03:10
bazhangfade2black: this is gutsy?03:11
fade2black7.10 yes03:11
* nikrud is suprised there's no footprint on Pelo yest03:11
epitronhahah.. oh lord... fontconfig was broken because the file time on the font dirs was in the future..03:11
isforinsectsok, how about this: I can associate wireless, but I cant dhcp and my dmesg spits out packet info of trying to get to the ip's of my dns servers03:11
epitronthat's ridickerous03:11
Pelonikrud,  yest ?03:12
=== administrator is now known as Empire
=== Empire is now known as Empire666
nikrudPelo couldn't decide between yesterday and yet03:12
Empire666is there a terminal command to stop/start sound?03:12
furenkuhello!! i am about to buy a soundcard, and was wondering whether someone could point me to a card that works well with ubuntu studio (for pro audio)03:12
Pelofurenku, maybe the ppl in #hardware can inform you03:13
impulzehi there, i'm remotely administrating an ubuntu box and i wonder what i'd have to invoke to create an initramfs or -rd so that i can use a logical lvm volume as my / mountpoint03:13
Azur3bazhang: its only Eth0 and Lo when I use ifconfig03:13
Empire666 is there a terminal command to stop/start sound?03:13
fade2blackbazhang do you know how to fix it03:14
PeloEmpire666, ctrl + M should mute the sound I think03:14
bazhangAzur3: is there a sticker on the bottom of the laptop?03:14
=== _rust is now known as rust
Empire666in the command line?03:15
Azur3bazhang, yes there are a few of them, is there somethig I need to look for?03:15
PeloEmpire666, it's just a keyboard shortcut03:15
bazhangAR5BXB63 Azur3? that one?03:15
fade2blackbazhang k3b can see the cd but the system does not03:16
PeloEmpire666, I can't help then03:16
bazhangfade2black: you want to play the music, rip it or what?03:16
fade2blacki want to be able to play and rip it03:16
fade2blackbut when i insert nothing03:16
Empire666would killing the soud daemon and starting work?03:16
fade2blackhappenes and i can only see it in kb303:16
PeloEmpire666, try it , let us know03:17
bazhangfade2black: if k3b can see it, why not try ripping it?03:17
Azur3bazhang: i don't see that sticker on the bottom03:17
kosheahello, anyone have any idea why i have no window decorations when i turn on desktop effects?03:17
bazhangAzur3: what about lspci -nn what does that show--168c:001c?03:17
fade2blacksound juicer cd extractor but does not see dvd drive03:17
Pelokoshea, yes,  decorator is not enable,    check in the advance effects settings03:18
kosheaPelo, already checked, its on03:18
fade2blackany better program then that for ripping cds?03:18
kosheaPelo, its set to decoration windows: any03:18
Pelokoshea, try asking in #compiz , this is a knonw problem , there is an easy solution, I jus don't know it03:19
dassoukihas anyone tried the "cheese" app yet?03:19
Pelodassouki, ask in #ubuntu+103:19
dassoukihas anyone tried the "cheese" app yet? if so does it crash right away?03:19
Azur3bazhang: yes03:19
dassoukioooh k oops03:19
Pelodassouki, ask in #ubuntu+103:19
rustCan anybody see anything wrong with this command if it's running from cron:03:19
rustDISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/notify-send Notify "Notified"03:19
bazhangAzur3: then that is the 5007 not the 5006 just a second03:19
wyndcan the ubuntu install resize partitions without wiping the contents?03:19
dassoukigone to ubuntu-1 thanks Pelo03:20
niuqwhy i don't need to defrag a disk with ubuntu?03:20
Flyerfyeso normally when I go to join a network, I click on the symbol and select the network I want to join and then it does its little thing and logs me in, well theres this one network, I click on it to log into it and when I click on it the network icon disappears.  Any ideas how to get the network icon back or at least where the control panel for the icon is?03:20
bazhangwynd: on an install, yes03:20
wyndbazhang: as opposed to?03:20
Pelorust, not sure you need the display:0.0 line, it's not a gui app03:20
luckylinfade2black: K3B is great for burning cd's03:20
maarek_oh, this is going to be fun.  I'm installing adobe AIR03:20
kosheaPelo, k thanks03:20
maarek_I also downloaded the SDK for Adobe AIR03:20
fade2blackluckylin im trying to rip music cds03:20
rustPelo, It is meant to pop up a notification message near the systray03:20
Peloniuq,  ext3 file system works differently it does not need to be defraged03:20
fade2black? restricted03:21
Pelorust, nvm then , is it not working ?03:21
niuqPelo: mmmm can you tell me why, or it's a out of topic question?03:21
Pelorust, give us the whole line, including the time stuff03:21
rustPelo, it works from a terminal but when I cron it or run it from 'at' nothing happens03:21
rust* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/notify-send Notify "Notified"03:22
rustfor testing ;)03:22
LadyNikonanyone use vim and colors and know the default folder for colors?03:22
Pelorust, try export DISPLAY....03:22
sk8ballsaikor: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg was the answer to my problems03:22
Tu13eshow can I disable my wifi on my desktop? it keeps coming back if i ifconfig down it03:22
Pelorust, hold on03:23
sk8balljust took all the defaults more or less03:23
saikorsk8ball: ah, glad you got it running.03:23
=== soldats_ is now known as soldats
sk8ballsaikor: thx for the help03:23
Pelo* * * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 && /usr/bin/notify-send Notify "Notified"03:23
LadyNikonTu13es: int he admin section there is network03:23
Azur3bazhang: why would it say "AR5006EG" but have 168c:001c?03:23
Pelorust,  * * * * * export DISPLAY=:0.0 && /usr/bin/notify-send Notify "Notified"03:23
saikorsk8ball: yeah that makes sense. I always forget you can do that.03:23
LadyNikonTu13es: you can disable it there03:23
Flyerfyeanyone wanna answer my above question03:23
rustPelo, thanks I'll give that a try03:23
LadyNikonFlyerfye: please be patient.. if no one can answer try the forums.03:23
sk8ballanyone have experience with P5VD2-VM SE under linux, specifically installing drivers for the onboard video ?03:23
fade2blackwhats the restricted format site03:24
sk8ballthat is the Asus P5VD2-VM SE03:24
LadyNikonsk8ball: its better to just ask your question.03:24
Scunizisk8ball, what kind of card is on the board03:24
Tu13esLadyNikon: hm, I'm in xfce03:25
LadyNikonTu13es: oh sorry. I thought you were in ubuntu03:25
StevenXHow do I configure Amarok to recognize my iPod? Music Player recognizes it, but Amarok does not.03:25
Tu13eswell, xubuntu technically03:25
LadyNikonTu13es: ask in the xubuntu channel for the location of the gui location03:25
LadyNikonof the network application03:26
spinikeri have problems with ubuntu hardy,everytime i shut down may laptop,the screen goes black03:26
sk8ball_Scunizi: VIA Chipset P4M900 integrated graphics card03:26
Tu13esI found a Network thing that lets me choose roaming or non roaming, doesn't appear to let me disable it though03:26
barnabyHi all. I have a long winded question, forgive me please. Here goes: @ hd's in pc, orig. Vista. Gparted wiped em both installed Gutsy on sda1. Sda2 not seen by gutsy, puppy sees it. Do I add entry in fstab? Install on 2nd hd? please to advise, sorry if flood.03:26
Scunizisk8ball, intel.. hang on03:26
PeloStevenX,  I think you need to setup your ipod in amarok as a music library or some such, tehre are totorials about it in theforum03:26
spinikerand it takes to long to shut down..03:26
rustPelo, Nope, that didn't work either.03:27
StevenXPelo, thanks.03:27
fade2blackwhats the music cd ripping program03:27
Pelorust, you are putting some numbers in right ?03:27
rustPelo, I've tried all stars and */1 for the minute and ive been using at to schedule it as well03:28
barnabyMan, that weren't as long winded as I thought it was gonna be.03:28
Azur3what irc client are you all using? just curious, I'm running chatzilla through firefox03:28
rustPelo, I wanted to check it wasn't something I was doing wrong, I'm running Hardy so I guess I'll pop over to ubuntu+103:28
rustmake sure it's not a known bug03:29
bazhangAzur3: the madwifi drivers support that card; the reason for it being listed as 5006 in ubuntu may be a problem with ubuntu not searching for subsection ids (or so I've read)03:29
rustPelo, ty for the help03:29
Pelorust shouldn't make a differentce but be my guest, that was my only guess03:29
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html here is more info azur303:30
barnabyAnyone care to take a stab at my second hard drive being a no-show?03:30
Azur3bazhang: ok thank you03:30
Pelobarnaby, pastebin it03:30
Scunizisk8ball, there's a package in synaptic called xserver-xorg-video-opench that comes from http://www.openchrome.org.. that might be it.03:30
=== Henry__ is now known as Henry
barnabyit's not that long03:30
barnaby2 hd's in the machine03:30
barnabyWiped out Vista with gparted on both drives03:31
Mezrissgreetings. I03:31
bazhangStevenX: this is the latest iPod?03:31
Pelobarnaby, I thought this was a fstab problem which is why I asked for a pastebin,  I missread the word stab for fstab03:31
StevenXbazhang, it is a 5.5g ipod.03:31
Peloanyway i have to go , later folks03:31
barnabyinstalled gutsy, asked me which drive to put it on, I said sda103:31
barnabysda2 does not show up03:32
bazhangcya pelo03:32
barnabyi know it's theroot off a puppy disk, there it ise, I can b03:32
MezrissI've installed libc6 2.7 from hardy to my gutsy install instead of 2.6 and now I get messages about unsatisfied dependencies. deb installer doesn't work due to this03:32
bazhangStevenX: not sure what that means; is this a newer iPod?03:32
Mezrisshow can I fix it?03:33
StevenXbazhang, yes.03:33
barnabyi musta merged messages03:33
bazhangMezriss: always a bad idea to add hardy stuff to gutsy; no telling what might have been damaged03:33
barnabyi can boot into puppy and there it is03:33
Mezrissther's a lit of libraries that have broken dependencies03:34
barnabybut gutsy does na see it03:34
bazhangStevenX: that requires compiling libgpod 0.6.0 for gutsy or waiting three weeks for Hardy and getting it in the release03:34
Mezrissbut what can I do now? how can I get the vercion I need back?03:34
rustbarnaby, what device handle does puppy give it03:34
bazhangMezriss: you are in trouble as far as I can see; doing things the way you did may require a backup and reinstall03:35
StevenXbazhang, I found the tutorial on ubuntuforums.org. Thank you. One last question. Will Amarok let me delete and make queues?03:35
barnabyman i misremember, but it does see it, hda1? sda1?03:35
bazhangStevenX: you mean playlists? is that queues? fairly sure the answer is yes03:35
barnabyi never formatted it, just wiped it with gparted. Maybe that's the prob?03:35
Mezrissis it possible to get libc6 2.6 sourcw and compile it to replace 2.7?03:36
StevenXbazhang, yes, playlists. thank you.03:36
Azur3bazhang: it says to inter the 7.10 gusty gibbon disk release i38603:36
Azur3bazhang: is that my livecd?03:36
bazhangAzur3: yes03:36
icanhasadminbarnaby: 100% of the time, good old fdisk/mkfs is the best way to handle it.03:36
barnabymkfs? you interest me strangely...speak on03:37
NW2190hey, does anyone know how to indent multiple lines in vim? I tried = in Visual mode but it just prints '4 lines indented' without indenting...03:37
jribNW2190: use > no?  I use V, highlight whan I want, then hit >03:38
bazhangMezriss: you can certainly try; best to backup and plan for the worst though03:38
NW2190jrib: That did it. Thanks a lot.03:38
Henryhow to build the local area network in linux03:38
bazhangHenry: please give much more info on what you wish to do03:39
dassoukiHenry, that's a tough question to answer, what exactly do you want to do?03:39
icanhasadminbarnaby: lol, maybe a google search will do you good :) fdisk allows you to partition CLI, mkfs allows you to set the file system03:39
Mezrissoh.... it IS possible to force synaptic to install older version03:39
jribNW2190: if you do 'vnoremap > >gv' in your .vimrc, it will work nicer (stays highlighted).  Also, #vim is more likely to help with these kind of things03:39
MezrissI'm saved03:39
Henryjust use the network to connect to my desktop03:40
barnabyicanhasadmin: let me throw another at you: I saved my homedir to a ext hd, reinstalled gutsy, chmodded the root dir  to import saved homedir, now when I go to restore perm bits on home it disappears03:40
bazhangHenry: if you give cryptic info we will give cryptic answers03:40
barnabyall question-marky03:40
icanhasadminbarnaby: please describe "restore perm bits".. you mean just running files that were in your old home directory?03:41
barnabyi replaced the home directory that came with my fresh install with the home directory from my last install03:42
barnabyand changed the permission bits on root to do so; to import it from my external hd03:42
tarelerulzDo you have to when You compile stuff do you to do  sudo ./configure  , sudo make , sudo make install ?03:43
icanhasadminbarnaby: so i don't understand the problems?03:43
barnabynow when i try to chmod the bits on my home dir it disappears03:43
barnabyIts 777 now, and whines about it when i restart x03:43
Henryto share the data or file with my desktop03:44
barnabyi try to set it to 644 and it appears as all question marks in terminal03:44
icanhasadmintarelerulz: yes, but only after you sudo apt-get install build-essential03:44
icanhasadminbarnaby: describe the error message when you restart x?03:45
icanhasadminbarnaby: i mean did you just chmod +x ?03:45
barnabyhere's waht i do: cmod 644 home03:45
barnabyshould I try chmod +x?03:46
* ectospasm is away: gone sleepin'03:46
bazhang!away > ectospasm03:47
isforinsects Is it possible I am piping network req's stout instead of my net connection?03:48
barnabyicanhas: I can get that message in a mo if you want me to03:48
icanhasadminbarnaby: honestly i'd try +x, it's a little odd of a thing... it's worked for me when it shouldn't tho03:49
Azur3bazhang: thank you, I'm wireless again ^^with my hour or so of using linux, i'm already head over heals for it :D03:49
MidgetSpyhey all, on a default install of 7.10 my onboard sound worked perfectly with no tinkering. I just upgraded my kernel to and after rebooting I'm now getting also errors "No such device". I assume this means that some of the default options on the new kernel are different and I didn't load the module for my sound card, correct? How can I find out what it was and load it?03:49
bazhangAzur3: wow that was fast; you did all that yourself? congrats!03:50
barnabywhen I change permissions back and do ls -la home doesn't display as dwrxrwxrwx... it looks like this ?........???03:50
Azur3bazhang: thanks, I'll prolly hang around this channel to see what else I can learn about linux, do you have any sites I should read about the basics?03:51
Henryhow to use the gcc the -o203:51
jsestri2anyone know of a music player that can learn from songs you skip / listen to similar to something like pandora?03:51
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy and http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/ Azur303:51
icanhasadminAzur3: running into problems is the best way to learn :D03:52
tarelerulzHave any of you try  gtalk's voice chat at all ? I am looking for something and I am not have much luck compiling kopete03:52
pedrosantaHi all03:52
tritiumtarelerulz: why are you compiling it, rather than using the ubuntu package?03:53
pedrosantaAnyone ever tried Plan 9 or Inferno?03:53
bazhangMidgetSpy: any reason for that kernel upgrade?03:53
icanhasadmintritium: obviously compiling is more fun.03:53
isforinsectsWhat does it mean when my dmesg is spitting out req's from me to my dns ip?03:53
tritiumicanhasadmin: no, there is nothing obvious about that03:53
MidgetSpybazhang: well I needed to change an option and recompile and it seemed easier and more logical to compile the newest stable instead of recompiling my old one03:53
tarelerulztritium , from what I read that is the only way to get gtalk's voice chat .03:53
ebovineI have a Broadcom 43xx chipset wireless card and I'm running 7.10.  Every now and then I get gaps in the transmission.  Anyone else having this issue?03:53
icanhasadmintritium: sorry... i'll keep the cynisim to a minimum...03:53
dassoukiicanhasadmin, more fun as in checking ur email with pine fun?03:54
tritiumtarelerulz: fair enough :)03:54
MidgetSpyI followed the this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115803:54
barnabyicanhasadmin: thanks for trying to help. I'll figure it out, even if I have to RTFM. (damnit)03:54
Empire666 looks like running "nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 1" in wine will mute the sound and "nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0" to unmute it but there might be a wat to mute it in "gnome-sound-manager --help" or "gnome-sound-volume --help-all"03:54
Empire666not sure though03:54
tarelerulzI have a friend use gtalks voice chat and I wanted to talk to him03:55
Shihello how do I login remotely to my ubuntu computer if im using ssh?03:55
icanhasadminbarnaby: well that issue you're having is really very odd. i'm thinking it's probabaly something very simple.03:55
ebovineShi: install openssh server03:55
Shion Ubuntu?03:55
Shik where do I find it?03:55
ebovineIf that's the box you're trying to connect to03:55
StarnestommyShi: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:56
barnabyyeah, my issues usually are. It will occur to me after I spend some time being stupid. I know the light will come on. Night all.03:56
pedrosantaShi: System > Administration > Synaptic03:56
pedrosantaShi: look for openssh server there03:56
Shii cant believe its that easy03:57
pedrosanta(or by apt-get... :) )03:57
ebovineI can make it harder if you'd like.03:57
Shiokay but to reiterate03:57
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ShiI have a friend who wants to host something on my linux box, so I created a user account on the box03:57
Shiwould my friend be able to log on remotely?03:57
Shiusing ssh?03:58
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Shior do I need something else?03:58
FlannelShi: yes03:58
pedrosantaShi: I do think so03:58
Henrywhen i type the "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080"it show me "error"03:58
Shik using ssh on my windows desktop what command would i use to log in?03:58
Shiim trying ssh username@ip03:58
jrib!putty | Shi03:58
firefly2442My system just did a hard freeze and everything locked up, what log file should I examine to see what the culprit is?03:58
Shiand im getting connection refused03:58
bazhangno bot ;[03:59
StarnestommyShi: that should work, just make sure that port 22 is open to your server03:59
FlannelShi: You have ssh on your windows box?  I suggest PuTTy.  But, it should work fine (assuming thats the syntax).  Make sure you've port forwarded properly if you're behind a router03:59
Shik how do I open it if its not?03:59
Flannel!caps | flyback03:59
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pedrosantaShi: check your windows firewall ... ?03:59
jribflyback: please stay on topic03:59
bazhanglose the caps flyback03:59
tarelerulzI am trying to compile Kopete and I get this error and I have no idea what that means . http://rafb.net/p/dXvIss77.html04:00
flybackyeah sorry forgot I was still here04:00
Shiport 22 is open on mu desktop i think04:00
Shibut how do i open it on my ubuntu box?04:00
joinmeindeathi'm trying to use xen with kvm but i don't have /dev/kvm with linux-image-2.6.24-12-xen kernel04:00
StarnestommyShi: is it behind a firewall?04:00
joinmeindeathdo you have any clue?04:00
FlannelShi: You don't need 22 open on the client box, just the server box.  It already is open on the server, you just need to forward if you're doing the router thing04:00
Shii just recently install ubuntu on my pentium iii i have nothing addition afaik04:00
Shik ill try that04:01
StarnestommyShi: did you run sudo apt-get install openssh-server?04:01
Shijust go to my router page and open up port 22?04:01
Shi>Starn yup04:01
StarnestommyShi: if the ssh server is behind that router, open port 22 on it04:01
smallfryhow do i get the sound working when i play movies?04:01
FlannelShi: If you're both behind the same router, you won't need to forward to reach it (just go to the LAN ip of the server)04:01
Shiweell i also want my friend to be able to log in04:02
Shiso ild still have to open port 22 i think?04:02
Henryand i can't use the java in my system04:02
Shiif hes from elsewhere04:02
FlannelShi: right, for that you'll need to forward port 22 in the router to point to your server04:02
Shikk thx ill try that04:03
bazhangHenry: install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:03
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Henrylet me try it04:03
Shiso open my router at my Linux box IP, at start/end ports 22 traffic type ANY and shedual ALWAYS ?04:04
soulreapercan anyone help me install beryl onto my ubuntu?04:04
bazhangsoulreaper: it is compiz-fusion now04:04
icanhasadminsoulreaper: beryl is old and broken, but i'll help you install compiz04:04
AngryElfI've got my nvidia connected via dvi -> hdmi to my 1080P tv -- the virtual screen is bigger than the actual screen so the menus at the top and bottom are halfway off the screen -- can I fix that somehow?04:05
anteayai installed a gem and it is in /var/lib/gems and i am unable to run it, my friend installed the same gem on his server and it is in /usr/bin.  Why doesn't ubuntu put my gems in /usr/bin as well?04:05
Shiso open my router at my Linux box IP, at start/end ports 22 traffic type ANY and shedual ALWAYS ?04:05
soulreaperdose compiz have the 3d cube?04:06
jribsoulreaper: yes04:06
bazhangsoulreaper: if your card supports it yes04:06
ShiI dont think Emacs is installed04:07
Shihow do I get emacs?04:07
icanhasadminbazhang: if it supports DRI, cube will work, if it doesn't, compiz won't even start04:07
firefly2442Shi: sudo apt-get install emacs  ?04:07
Shime n3wb :)04:08
firefly2442Shi: the more the merrier ;)04:08
ShiI wonder if its a bad idea to give a college undergrad in computer science administrator privilages04:09
icanhasadminShi: yes04:09
Tamalecan I make it so my mouse cursor can be 'totally hidden'?   normally the cursor remains on the screen by a margin of a pixel or two.. you can't move it so far to the edge that it disappears completely.  Can this 'margin' be reduced to 0 so that you CAN hide the cursor off in the bottom right corner?04:09
Shithere different levels of administrator privilages?04:09
FlannelShi: The nice thing about using sudo over su is you can give him access to certain things, and not others (apt-get but not fdisk, or whatnot)04:09
Shisince he wants to setyp a gameserver thingy hes making04:09
FlannelShi: You'll need to hand-edit your sudoers, but yes.04:10
Shik how do i remove fdisk?04:10
Henryhow to use the gcc just install it and run it ?04:10
thundr2Shi: As far as installing it, you should also be able to find it in the add/remove menu in Gnome as well, though if you're installing emacs, you should learn to love the command prompt.04:10
soulreaperhow do i know if my card suports DRI my graphics card is an agp 8x ati radeon x130004:10
thundr2Shi: I'm not sure you want to.  It's a useful utility when you need it.04:10
icanhasadminsoulreaper: yep that'll work04:11
Empire666Henry: sudo apt-get install build-essentials gcc04:11
Shihow do I remove fdisk from someone elses useraccount?04:11
icanhasadminShi: by default they don't have it04:11
jamesishHenry: it'd be sudo apt-get install build-essential, not essentials.04:11
Henrygot it04:12
jamesishShi: are you trying to prevent someone from seeing it on the command line, or what?04:12
Empire666... oops04:12
Shinot sure I just wanna make sure my friend doesnt use fdisk as a mean joke :)04:12
Ava-root@htpc:/usr/bin# ls -al irw04:12
Ava--rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4420 2008-03-24 11:24 irw04:12
Ava-root@htpc:/usr/bin# ./irw04:12
Ava-connect: No such file or directory04:12
FloodBot1Ava-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
jamesishShi: you need sudo power to use it, so don't worry, unless he has sudo access. In which case, you're mostly screwed unless you remove it.04:13
soulreapericanhasadmin can you run me threw in a diffrent room on how to install compiz and get the cube working?04:13
thundr2jamesish: I think he wants to give his friend sudo privs but just limited to certain things, right, Shi?04:13
icanhasadminsoulreaper: join #compiz-fusion04:14
Aristocleshi megi04:14
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FlannelShi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers04:14
jamesishthundr2: I think that's what he's aiming for, but that's a dangerous path to tread. Give someone privileges on one process and if they're the kind of person who'll break you intentionally, then they can abuse it to gain root privileges often.04:14
Empire666running wine is faster then programs running nativly in windows right?04:15
Shiworst case scenario i hit the power button04:15
travisatEmpire666: not necessarliy04:15
Shihow do I backspace in emacs? been a while04:15
jamesishShi: not if someone's fdisked you, you don't. You should wait for the partition table to be written, or you might be screwed.04:15
brrybndsis there a startup folder/boot.ini/autoexec/service for ubuntu  I want to run a [sudo] command from the terminal everytime the computer is restarted and have the window/process hidden - is this possible?04:15
jamesishbrrybnds: look into cron and @reboot04:15
jamesishbrrybnds: @reboot is a flag in cron, not a separate command ;)04:16
brrybndswill do, thanks jamesish04:16
Shihow do I backspace in emacs? been a while04:16
brrybndsstill new to this side of the tracks :)04:16
jamesishShi: use vi and hit backspace in edit mode.04:17
Shii wanna stay away from vi04:17
* ebovine casts another vote for anything but emacs04:17
Aristoclesjamesish that was a great answer. lol04:17
Shimy programming teacher will look at me funny if i use vi04:17
jamesishI was looking at an editor called sam today. Couldn't work the bloody thing out.04:17
jamesishIt made vi look positively user friendly.04:17
pat5starooooo, are we going to start a vi vs emacs war? yeah!04:18
* larryblt ducks and covers04:18
LainyHello, if I want to enable X forwarding, do I add 'X11Forwarding yes' on the client or host sshd_config?04:18
saikordid someone sully the good name of vi?04:18
* pat5star sides with vi :)04:18
* thundr2 sides with nano :P04:18
saikoroh dear04:18
jamesishLainy: host, but there're a couple of other flags to enable too.04:18
ebovineI side with the editore that's always there.  :)04:18
Shihow do I backspace in emacs?04:18
Lainyjamesish: What other flags do I need to enable?04:19
jamesishShi: something like meta-x then normal erase.04:19
joricji have a screen inside an ssh inside another screen. when i try to detach it detaches the upper screen, how can i detach the screen inside the ssh?04:19
Steven1Can someone help me out with something real quick? I don't want to mess up and destroy my grub.04:19
Henrywhat's this mean "<VirtualHost>04:19
Henry        php_value upload_max_filesize 5M04:19
Henry        php_value register_globals 104:19
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Henry        php_value safe_mode 004:19
Henry        php_flag safe_mode Off04:19
FloodBot1Henry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
Henry        php_admin_value safe_mode 0        #04:19
Steven1Can someone help me out with something real quick? I don't want to mess up and destroy my grub.04:20
icanhasadminSteven1: please don't ask to ask, just ask :)04:20
ebovineSteven1: Help with....04:20
jamesishLainy: not sure off the top of my head. May be I'm misthinking. Just remember to backup sshd_config before you start and tehn restart sshd with each change.04:20
Lainyjamesish: Okay, thanks.04:20
Steven1Sure I guess. I'm trying to follow a guide for making my Ubuntu look like OSX.04:20
AdrianStraysHow do I make a link to my trash/home folder on my desktop04:20
Steven1I'm currently trying to edit grub to show the OSX splash.04:21
corinthWhere are the default wallpers located in Hardy?04:21
travisatSteven1: that is pretty easy to do04:21
Steven1Well I didn't want to destroy grub. I've done that before.04:21
izinucs!splash | Steven104:21
jamesishAdrianStrays: as far as home dir goes, open command window and type ln -s ~<username> Desktop/04:22
Treyhello all I have a bit of a tricky question04:22
Steven1izinucs doesn't do anything.04:22
travisatSteven1: are you trying to change the boot up splash, with the progress bar or how the grub menu looks?04:23
izinucsSteve1, sorry  tried to get the bot to help out04:23
egchi all04:23
niuqhi there's a way to install ubuntu over a logical partition?04:23
Steven1The boot splash I believe. I got the login one.04:23
TreyI installed Ubuntu but it dosn't seem to be detecting my laptop screen any ideas on how to fix that04:23
jamesishAdrianStrays: looks like the trash folder is .Trash in your home dir, so just symlink that the same way. ln -s ~/.Trash Desktop/Trash04:23
egcoff the top of their head, can anybody suggest some free DNS services like zoneedit?04:23
jamesishegc: use tinydns, it's awesome.04:24
izinucsniuq, you mean IN a logical partition ... yes04:24
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travisatSteven1: there are 4 steps to boot up 1) bios, 2) grub, 3)splash, 4)login04:24
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egcjamesish: thanks, ill check that out04:24
niuqizinucs: mm im confused, i thought you  needed an active partition to load an os, and you can't active a logical partition, can you?04:24
Steven1Yeah well it said that this particular step was going to change grub and backing up was recommended. So it would be 3)splash I believe.04:24
hikinegc, http://www.google.com/search?q=related:zoneedit.com04:25
AdrianStrays:/ I didn't work04:25
AdrianStraysI went to Create Launcer04:25
egchikin: awesome, didn't know about that ;)04:25
AdrianStraysApplication In Terminal04:25
izinucsniuq, well.. let me ask you this.. are you trying to create a dual boot and are almost out  of partitions on your HD?04:25
AdrianStraysln -s ~/.Trash Desktop/Trash04:25
AdrianStraysA link appeared, but it didn't connect to the trash04:26
travisatSteven1: I don't know what you are trying to change, I don't see how grub should effect splash, and splash has problems at least for me04:26
uboboni men shi gan hen me de04:26
Henrywhich game can run in linux OS04:26
Steven1travista: Well I saw a mention of splash in the grub list. So I think you change the splash from in there. Not sure how exactly though.04:27
Treyanyone able to help me04:27
Steven1Henry: Next to nothing.04:27
niuqizinucs: i'm just wondering xD!!,... actually i have a dual boot with linux and windows an they are IN (xD) primary partitions04:27
izinucsniuq, what happens on install is ubuntu uses the grub boot manager. I you're doing a dual boot then on boot you'll get the grub menu and will be able to choose windows or ubuntu. Grub points to the correct location04:27
Flannel!cn | ubobo04:27
Shiis it possible remotely to log onto Ubuntu and use the GUI enviroment remotely?04:27
travisatSteven1: all that does is tell grub to boot the kernel with the splash option,  the only other thing might be other kernel options to pass04:27
Flannelubobo: /join #ubuntu-cn04:28
icanhasadminShi: vnc?04:28
izinucsniuq, it doesn't matter if ubuntu is in logical or primary04:28
travisatSteven1: also unless you reboot often you won't see the splash very often.  I personally like seeing text in case something goes wrong so I can see it04:28
Henry next to nothing?04:28
niuqizinucs: so i don't need a primary partition at all?04:28
Steven1travisat: Well it calls it editing the Usplash(Boot splash).04:29
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izinucsniuq, not if you're dual booting04:29
Steven1travisat: Ah well. I wouldn't understand it if I saw it.04:29
niuqizinucs: why dual boot?04:29
travisatSteven1: ah ok usplash, now I know what you are talking about.  I have never had any permanent damage from it but I have had problems getting it to work04:30
Steven1travisat: It says to use SUM Startup manager to do it. But I haven't been able to get that working.04:30
bluefox83ok, who knows how to boost signal for a dell inspiron 1525 ?04:30
bluefox83my fiance's laptop can detect open networks, but wont connect to them for some reason04:30
niuqizinucs: can't i have ubuntu in a logical partition if i'm not using dual boot?04:30
Steven1travisat: Ah.04:30
fivehorizonsAnyone know how to disable wireless connection from starting during startup in xubuntu??04:30
niuqizinucs: well that would be pretty weird...04:30
travisatSteven1: but good luck sorry I can't help04:30
izinucsniuq, because in dual boot window is typically installed first and has  the boot partition and master boot record containing  grub..04:30
ijustamis it possible to create a new tab in gnome terminal via command?04:31
izinucsijustam, right mouse click if your in the gui04:31
ijustami mean through text04:31
ijustamlike, through a script04:31
izinucsijustam, oh.. i don't know04:31
node357ijustam: http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/man/1/gnome-terminal.html04:32
niuqizinucs: ok i see, so windows makes the active partition and that's all you need to load an os that's in a logical partition xD....04:32
ijustamoh ho04:32
ijustamthank you very much04:32
izinucsniuq, you got it.04:32
pat5starfivehorizons: in your /etc/network/interfaces you probably have a stanza for your wireless nic (for example, if it's wlan0) set to auto, just comment that out by preceding it with a #04:32
node357hope it helps04:32
niuqizinucs: thank you :)04:32
izinucsniuq, np04:32
AlexHooverFor a network server, for file storage and some simple php/perl script testing, would 6.06 or 7.10 be more stable?04:32
Stroganoffanyone interested in testing my lightweight but feature complete install script, based on icewm? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74163104:33
izinucsAlexHoover, 7.10 then if you want  upgrade next month to  the new  LTS verion.04:33
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erichjis flash player plugin package still broken for 7.10?04:34
AlexHooverizinucs, yeah, thought so. Thanks!04:34
icanhasadminerichj: don't know what package you're talking about. my flash works fine.04:34
hikinerichj, for 64bit editions? no, it's fixed now.04:35
fivehorizonspat5star, it has auto eth004:36
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Steven1Anyone on here know how to get AWN working?04:36
r00723r0Any good guitar authoring programs similar to Guitar Pro?04:36
fivehorizonsand then iface eth0 inet static followed by the network ip details04:37
Tamalecan I make it so my mouse cursor can be 'totally hidden'?   normally the cursor remains on the screen by a margin of a pixel or two.. you can't move it so far to the edge that it disappears completely.  Can this 'margin' be reduced to 0 so that you CAN hide the cursor off in the bottom right corner?04:37
corinthSteven1, What's wrong with AWN?04:38
_IronSid3_por favor onde consigo ajuda od ubuntu em portugues?04:38
artenius!es | _IronSid3_04:38
_IronSid3_artenius ?04:39
chris062689I'm having a huge problem with my Ubuntu install.04:39
chris062689Think anyone could help?04:39
zamnedixWhats your problem?04:39
icanhasadmin!ask chris06268904:39
izinucsthe bot's down04:39
icanhasadminhm, i see lol04:39
chris062689I insert my flash drive, and it appears to detect it, but when I run the 'mount' command, it doesn't show up there04:39
icanhasadminchris062689: please don't ask to ask a question, just ask it.04:39
chris062689So I'm unable to mount it.04:39
zamnedixthe bot?04:39
chris062689But I can alter it using fstab04:40
zamnedixOh, hotplug04:40
izinucszamnedix, ubutu is a bot04:40
chris062689but I've been able to mount it before, it just suddently stopped working04:40
chris062689I've kind of crippled my install, I'm using command-line right now.04:40
zamnedixhotplug usb04:40
chris062689command not found.04:41
zamnedixok just type hotplug then04:41
zamnedixthen it should automount04:41
chris062689well it doesn't show up in 'mount'04:42
zamnedixif you are running ubuntu, it would be /media04:42
Pifferto get opengl support, which modules/libraries do I need to install?04:42
izinucsPiffer, what kind of card do you have??04:42
chris062689But zamnedix: nope.04:43
Pifferintel... hold on04:43
zamnedixWell, chris04:43
zamnedixThats the extent of my 13-year old intelligence04:43
fivehorizonsI'm still looking for a way to make my wired connection take precedent over my wireless connection on startup04:43
zamnedixbeyond editing fstab04:43
Pifferintel 855gm ..laptop04:43
izinucsPiffer hang on.04:43
Pifferjust trying to get navit to compile....04:44
chris062689Ok I'm back in GNOME04:44
chris062689But when I attempt to mount it, it says..04:44
nith_does anyone know how to type the character that shows up as ~V in vim?04:44
Ava-can someone point me to any docs about makeing gnome autologin after like 3 seconds then autolaunch and application?04:44
chris062689Unable to mount the selected volume, mount: can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab04:44
zamnedixoh crap04:44
zamnedixyou have to modify fstab then04:44
izinucsPiffer, the driver should be installed by default.. when you installed did you get an icon by the  clock that mentioned restricted drivers? if  not go to System/Admin/Restricted drivers manager and see if you can turn them on there.04:46
Pifferok, i will check that out, thanks04:46
peepsalotam I the only one that thinks file-roller is the buggiest piece of crap ever04:47
Pifferhmm just a modem driver in restricted drivers...04:47
zamnedixfileroller works fine for me04:47
izinucsPiffer, check synaptic .. search for i81004:47
Daisuke_Idopeepsalot, yep, you are04:47
Daisuke_Idowhat exactly is your problem with it?04:48
prettyrickythis question is so of topic but does anyone know if there is a HTML chat room?04:48
peepsalotit crashes on every other file i try to extract04:48
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Starnestommyprettyricky: maybe #html or #web04:48
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atnanHi folks. Is it possible to specify during an "apt-get upgrade" that I only want packages to come from "gutsy-security"?04:49
jarluucan i get a free shell account here ?04:50
chris062689I can't figure this stupid thing out04:50
chris062689All I need to do is mount my jumpdrive04:50
chris062689so I can reinstall Ubuntu.04:50
chris062689But it keeps on saying it's unable to due to it can't find it in fstab.04:50
Steven1Can someone please tell me if I need an entirely different desktop environment to run Avant Window Manager.04:50
chris062689Steven1: Just compiz.04:50
corinthSteven1 What's the problem?04:50
chris062689Which is included in the default Ubuntu.04:51
izinucsSteven1 did you install it from synaptic  or apt-get?  cause it works fine for me.04:51
Steven1I got compiz...but I can't run AWN. I click on it in Applications>Accesories and nothing happens.04:51
Zeltaif I have issues about firefox on ubuntu, shall I ask here or in the firefox channel?04:51
Steven1Both izinucs and manually from the site too.04:51
bazhangSteven1: the avant window navigator? you need to enable their repos and install from there04:51
fredmvis there a simple way to record XMMS output to an audio file?04:52
corinthSteven1, launch avant-window-navigator from a terminal, tell us what the output is.04:52
fredmvperhaps a plug-in?04:52
Steven1corinth: What's the command?04:52
r00723r0Alright, whenever I use my audio driver for a few minutes, my gnome-panel dies off and I can't open gnome-terminal.04:52
r00723r0Any advice?04:52
chris062689Is there anyway to create a bootable iso image from Windows?04:53
Steven1corinth: What's the command for terminal to launch it?04:53
fraggedMhm, which package is mkfs.fat32 in?04:53
chris062689Of an Ubuntu iso?04:53
icanhasadminfragged: huh?04:53
corinthSteven1, avant-window-navigator04:53
Steven1chris: Have you tried alcohol 120 or Daemon Tools?04:53
Odd-rationalefragged: you mean mkfs.vfat?04:53
izinucschris062689, there are programs that will burn an iso in windows.. search for them on www.sourceforge.net04:54
chris062689I need to "burn" it to a flash drive.04:54
Odd-rationalefragged: I dont think there is a mkfs.fat3204:54
chris062689I don't have a CD drive.04:54
Steven1corinth: Tried that. Got 'bash:avant-window-manager: command not found'04:54
fraggedOdd-rationale, cheers sounds about right04:54
chris062689Would source forge have something like that?!04:54
izinucschris062689, check out Steven1 post above..04:54
bazhangwww.pendrivelinux.com chris06268904:54
chris062689How can I use Daemon Tools to create a bootable flash drive?04:54
chris062689from an iso?04:54
cwilluchris062689, the install guide for putting ubuntu on an eeepc will have the instructions you need (it doesn't have a cd either)04:55
chris062689I don't want to install the OS to the flash drive.04:55
Steven1chris: Well you can mount it. Don't know about burning to a flash drive.04:55
corinthSteven1, sounds like it's not actually installed. How did you install it?04:55
chris062689I know this, but that isn't for Windows.04:55
fraggedugh i hate usb sticks04:55
fraggedconstantly lost04:55
MTecknologyhow do I find the UUID's of certain drives?04:55
chris062689And for some reason, my linux install is really screwed, so I can't mount it in Ubuntu.04:55
izinucsMTecknology, blkid04:55
Steven1corinth from the backport repos, from the website, and also from terminal.04:55
pungagood evening, all04:55
chris062689So I need a way of creating a bootable iso install image of Ubuntu from Windows.04:55
dissocia7iveI'm going to download the lastest ubuntu stable iso do I need to choose an iso for my language or what?04:55
chris062689Is there such a program?04:56
jteachergood afternoon, all04:56
osphylost password and dont have a cd. How to recover from grub ? it is asking password for single user also.04:56
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fraggedosphy, read the grub manual04:56
pungaI'm running a freshly installed gutsy server (i386, though my architecture is amd64), and I'm having trouble getting the restricted nvidia driver to work04:56
izinucsdissocia7ive, no  .. get the 32bit version04:56
Steven1corinth: But it's not letting me install it from terminal anymore. Only from synaptic and the website.04:56
fraggedor maybe learn2use linux :D04:56
travisatchris062689: google for free cd burners, there are several for windows,04:56
cwilluchris062689, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick, look at Preparing the Flash Drive manually04:56
pungaI was hoping someone here might have some experience in this area?04:57
Shadow420ok I want to add ubuntu linux to my windows bootloader instead of grub overriding the MBR how do that04:57
Odd-rationaleMTecknology: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ?04:57
izinucstravisat, he wants to create a live bootable cd on a flash drive without installing it on a flash drive.. for a reinstall..04:57
dissocia7ivethen it has native language support?04:57
icanhasadminhm, i'm sorry that was odd04:57
travisatizinucs: ah04:57
FloodBot1icanhasadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
MTecknologyOdd-rationale, do you know how to reassign UUID?04:57
cwilluchris062689, and then use something like daemontools to mount the iso to copy the files where they need to go, or just burn a cd and go that way04:57
corinthTried installing it using the add/remove tool, Steven1?04:57
chris062689and I have to use Windows.04:57
Odd-rationaleMTecknology: nope. sorry.04:57
chris062689You can't just copy / paste them onto the jumpdrive.04:57
dissocia7iveI havent used ubuntu like since years04:57
cwilluchris062689, how do you mean?04:57
izinucstravisat, and he neglects to put all  the info on one line so others know what he's talking  abot.04:58
isforinsects /quit04:58
Ava-guys I set autologin up under gdm.conf but whenever it autologs in the res is wrong04:58
Ava-if I just manually logged in before that wasn't the case04:58
chris062689You can't just copy / paste the files onto the jumpdrive, you have to do it a certain way.04:58
travisatizinucs: heh04:58
Ava-anyone know what's going on?04:58
iowahcHy, i created a new swap partition, how do i add an uuid to it?04:58
cwilluchris062689, did you read the link I posted?  it tells you how to set it up from windows04:58
chris062689I don't need to INSTALL ubuntu onto the jumpdrive, just boot the installer from the jumpdrive.04:58
bazhangchris062689: I gave you a link as well best read up a bit04:58
cwilluchris062689, that's how you do it04:58
icanhasadminchris062689: although ubuntu actually does install very well on a flash drive04:59
Steven1corinth: Found out it's not 'manager' it's 'navigator' that I have installed. The message I get is: Error: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.04:59
izinucschris062689, your getting bad answers because you are not stating everything you want to do in one post.. there's almost 1200 people in here..04:59
corinthSteven1, did you enable your graphics card's accelerated driver?04:59
pungaFATAL: Error running install command for nvidia_new <- what could be causing this?04:59
cwilluchris062689, if you're just wanting to use wubi, then just copying the files across will also work, just launch the autorun.ini file by hand on the target05:00
Steven1corinth: Yes. It's a 'restricted' driver but I got it.05:00
osphyIs there any way to recover password without cd and single user asks for password ?05:00
Steven1corinth: Ok the Awn manager is oddly working now.05:01
corinthSteven1, Right-click on the desktop and select "change desktop background" to get to the appearance preferences. Then, click on the Visual Effects tab. Tell me which option is selected there.05:01
izinucscwillu, he wants to install a live cd image to a flash for  reinstall..  not install to a flash for running as a hd..05:01
Shadow420I want to add ubuntu  to my windows bootloader instead of grub overriding the MBR how do that?05:01
Steven1corinth: None is selected.05:01
cwilluizinucs, that's what I was telling him to do (chris062689, )05:01
corinthSelect either "Normal" or "Extra". That should fix your problem, Steven1.05:01
cwilluizinucs, (chris062689, )  the first stage of installing to the flash drive on a eeepc is installing the livecd image to a usb thumbdrive in a bootable fashion05:02
izinucscwillu, ah ok.. I didn't look at the link.. just was following his multiline posts and put  things together.05:02
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* sol1tude|afk is now auto-away after 2h idle05:02
cwilluwhich sounds like exactly what he needs05:02
cwilluizinucs, :)05:02
Steven1corinth: 'The Composite extension is not available.'05:02
iowahcCan i somehow see if my ubuntu uses a swap device?^^05:03
corinthSteven1, what version of Ubuntu are you running?05:03
Steven1corinth: 7.10 'Gutsy'05:04
Odd-rationaleiowahc: type "top" in terminal05:04
corinthSteven1: ATI or NVIDIA?05:04
cwilluiowahc, swapon -s in a terminal05:04
Steven1corinth: ATI X85005:04
iowahcok, there is none, how do i specify one, my swap Device has no UUID05:05
In-SaneCan I get the logs of Ubuntu?05:05
cwilluiowahc, do you know if the device is already setup for swap? (besides the uuid)05:06
izinucsIn-Sane, /var/log05:06
In-SaneCan I get the logs of #Ubuntu?05:06
Odd-rationaleno bot?05:06
Ava-guys I configured gdm.conf to autologin a user.. well it works but when I autologin I get a HUGE resolution05:06
iowahcok, thx got it, forgot to make swap fs05:06
Ava-if I manually login the same user that doesn't happen05:06
Ava-any ideas?05:06
cwilluAva-, how did you configure gdm.conf?05:07
cwilluAva-, pastebin it05:07
Ava-with vi05:07
Ava-I'll do better than pastebin05:07
Odd-rationaleare any of the bots working?05:07
maog_hey the vmsplice or w/e exploit is it still exploitable on 7.10 on website?05:07
Steven1Floodbot is Odd.05:07
cwilluAva-, by which I meant, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom is the file you want to be changing :p05:07
Ava-I'm changing the wrong file?05:08
Odd-rationaleSteven1: :P05:08
cwilluAva-, ya, although it's not the root of the problem05:08
Steven1corinth: You still there?05:08
cwilluAva-, -> line 3 :p05:08
themimedoes ubuntu have a network manager for wifi?05:08
corinthSteven1: Yeah, just thinking.05:08
Steven1I belive it's built in themime.05:08
themimeSteven1: how do i access it?05:09
cwilluAva-, I don't think you want timedlogin enabled05:09
Ava-cw: what about line 3?05:09
Odd-rationaleIn-Sane: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/05:09
Steven1themime: Did you check network tools and network?05:09
cwilluAva-, read it05:09
Ava-yeah yeah05:09
Ava-I did it via keyboard05:09
themimeSteven1: i have a extremely basic install with fluxbox05:10
izinucsFeels like we're in the stone age without the bot.. no shortcuts05:10
cwilluAva-, mythtv/buntu uses xfce afaik, which acts a little bit weird in this respect05:10
iowahcmy X always has a load of 10%+ , running Gutsy with Compiz enabled, normal?05:10
Steven1themime: Have no idea what that is.05:10
Ava-cw: it's using compiz05:10
cwilluAva-, you can tell mythtv to change the resolution in the frontend (its in one of the menus),05:10
Ava-you tell it what res to use05:11
Ava-but it won't change the res of your desktop05:11
cwilluAva-, alternatively an appropriate xrandr command could be put in a script to be launched at the start05:11
Ava-no farmiliar05:11
cwilluAva-, that's how I've got mine setup to work (didn't have the patience to do it the right way :p)05:11
cwilluAva-, something like "xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1024x768" should get you started05:12
cwillualthough it depends on the card and such (just xrandr by itself should give you some clue)05:12
FloydIs there any Bandwidth limiter for linux? I want to limit bandwidth in a specif application i am running05:12
corinthHow do I activate emerald after installing it?05:12
CVD-PRMicrosolution Backpack usb cdrw driver?05:13
fivehorizonsAnyone here an expert on VNC and SSH?05:13
cwilluyes, but I'm tired :p05:13
izinucscorinth, although some have success with emerald. I didn't05:13
Steven1corinth: Was wondering that myself. I have a them I want to install with no 'Apply' button.05:13
corinthI know it's something like emerald-blah-blah --replace , or something.05:14
Odd-rationaleSteven1: If you have the theme in emerald theme manager, double click shoudl do05:14
Steven1I did that. Nothing happens.05:14
KleedracHey guys, for some reason my 7.10 box has started putting the screen to sleep at about 1/2 hour and it shouldn't be according to the screensaver settings, where should I check?05:15
Odd-rationalecorinth: yes in the run dialog (alt+f2) do "emerald --replace"05:15
Odd-rationaleSteven1: hmm.05:15
dwloetzneed some help with soundcard, AC 97-ICH4, have no sound at all, have fooled with properties and looked in forums to no avail, you are my last hope05:15
Steven1Odd-rationale: After entering that I got: (emerald:23649): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed05:16
kitchedwloetz: is everything unmuted and does sudo modprobe snd_intel8x0 output anything or no?05:16
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Ava-cwillu thanks for the help btw05:16
corinthOld-rationale, thanks man.05:16
Ava-ok once auto login is setup05:16
dwloetzeverything unmuted05:17
Ava-how do I get it to auto launch a program05:17
Odd-rationaleSteven1: after doing emerald --replace in a run dialog?05:17
Steven1corinth: Didn't work for me. I think I messed up something. Cause none of the compiz managers are working like they used to.05:17
icanhasadminkitche: I'm leaving in a minute, but he may want to reinstall the newest version of alsa and options model="auto"05:17
Steven1Odd-rationale: Yes05:17
dwloetztried that and it did nothing05:18
AdrianStraysHow do I make it so it doesn't show my partitions/drives on the desktop?05:18
Odd-rationaleSteven1: What version of ubuntu are you using? and how did you install emerald?05:18
Steven1AdrianStrays: Put them in the trash05:18
AdrianStraysWill that make them stay gone?05:18
Steven1Adrian: Unless you put them back on your desktop I'd figure.05:18
AdrianStraysIt says I can't move it to the trash05:19
Steven1Odd-rationale: 7.10 'Gutsy' and I don't remember how I installed it.05:19
Optimus55sup ppl05:19
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Odd-rationaleAdrianStrays: the easiest way is to use Ubuntu Tweaks.05:20
AdrianStraysHow do I get that?05:20
cwilluAdrianStrays, there's an option in gconf-editor-> /apps/nautilus/preferences/valumes_visible, just uncheck it05:20
cwilluvolumes_visible rather05:20
Steven1Reinstalling emerald. Maybe that will fix it.05:21
Odd-rationaleSteven1: the one in the repos works fine for me. othewise, i really don't know05:21
Steven1Maybe it is working. I just can't get the rest of the Mac OSX look finished.05:22
Steven1It called for getting AWN working.05:22
talcite_hey guys, is anyone here a web programmer?05:22
r00723r0After a few minutes of sound usage, my gnome-panel freezes and gnome-terminal doesn't open. Any suggestions?05:22
talcite_how do you figure out where someone's been directed from?05:23
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fivehorizonsIs there any way to completely disable my pci wireless card without having to physically remove it from the system?05:23
Ava-cwillus: do you know how to autolaunch and application when after login?05:23
talcite_i.e. I have page A and page B. I want to know if someone's visited page B from page A05:23
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themimeis there a network configure tool for wifi?05:23
kitchetalcite_: with simple php code05:23
kitchetalcite_: and apache logs that automatically05:24
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=== KeptGuy is now known as MinusSeven
Steven1Ah I think I figured it out. Compiz isn't installed correctly.05:24
n2diyfivehorizons: ifdown "cardname"05:24
Odd-rationalethemime: something like networkmanager?05:24
Steven1I ran compiz in terminal and got 'Checking for Xgl: not present.  No whitelisted driver found  aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity'05:25
fivehorizonsn2diy: how do i find what "cardname" is?05:25
Odd-rationalefivehorizons: iwconfig05:25
n2diyfivehorizons: ifconfig05:25
crdlbSteven1: what driver are you using?05:25
themimeOdd-rationale: does NetworkManager work instantly? how do i configure it to my wifi?05:26
AdrianStraysAlright, someone told me there are progams which can be used to alter the workspaces so each one has its own background.  Can anyone tell me one05:26
Steven1crdlb: Restricted Driver for my ATI X850.05:26
crdlbSteven1: then you need xserver-xgl05:26
owen1when installing an app, where should i do the apt-get command? in home?05:26
Odd-rationalethemime: Your wifi is working you just want to connect to a network?05:26
crdlbthat version of fglrx does not have AIGLX support05:26
Steven1crdlb: OK installing it now.05:27
nikrudowen1 it doesn't matter05:27
nikrudAdrianStrays I've heard of wallpapoz05:27
themimeOdd-rationale: correct.  i installed the proper driver, and it shows up under ifconfig and iwconfig05:27
Optimus55is there anyway to get ubuntu wallpapers to change automatically and fade into each other?05:27
Steven1crdlb: It's still saying the same thing. Do I need to restart or relogin?05:28
owen1nikrud: so apt-get will install it in the right place or will some files will remain in the current locationL05:28
Odd-rationalethemime: you have the networkmanager applet running in your notification area on your panel?05:28
nikrudowen1 the correct location. You can see where a packages has been installed to with   dpkg -L <packagename>05:28
Name141Hello, I am trying to get my Brother Intellifax 1080c to work , anyone know how to get started?05:28
Odd-rationaleAdrianStrays: Or KDE can do that by default05:28
owen1dpkp -L paint*05:29
izinucsowen1, or if you haven't installed anything yet you might try Add/Remove or Synaptic as graphical installers.05:29
nikrudowen1 you need the full actual package name I think05:29
Name141I found the supposed driver for it online , on the brother site05:29
Steven1crdlb: I'm going to restart and see if compiz works then.05:30
owen1nikrud: ok. so if i get it right. apt-get will install my app in the current dir, and i don't need to delete any file.05:30
themimeOdd-rationale: heh, well, im actually running ubuntu-server on my laptop because it only has 128MB ram, and ubuntu was too much for it, and i have fluxbox.  i apt-get install network-manager, but my understanding is that it is just a plain daemon.  do i HAVE to install a gui to use it?05:30
Odd-rationalethemime: it should come with a gui. in a run dialog try "nm-applet?05:31
nikrudowen1 no, it doesn't install to the current dir, it gets installed where the package is defined to go. usually it'll put stuff in /usr/bin , /usr/share , and often /etc05:31
themimeOdd-rationale: not installed, needs network-manager-gnome.  someone suggested this earlier but i was hoping i could do this without installing 1000 gnome dependencies05:32
Odd-rationalethemime: i see.05:32
diagonI'm interested in always booting to bash and only loading X if I need it for something, could someone tell me where it says to load X up in the boot process?05:33
nikrudowen1 the flow is it downloads the package to /var/cache/apt/archive , then extracts it to the proper locations, and optionally runs some commands to let the rest of the system know it's installed05:33
owen1nikrud: great. is it the same when i compile and install an app? (./configure make make install)?05:33
diagonor after the boot process or whatever05:33
themimeOdd-rationale: is there some alternate, or should i find out how to manually do it and make a script?05:33
nikrudowen1 no, that's where you do need to think about location. By default, most will install  into /usr/local/<some dirs>05:33
Odd-rationalethemime: I dont know how to connect to a wireless network from the command line in Ubuntu. I do know how to do it in Arch. :P05:33
owen1nikrud: got it. thanks a lot.05:34
themimehehe, ok thanks anyway, ill just google it05:34
nikrudowen1  you can do  ./configure --help , and it will tell you much. Including the installation directories05:34
themimeand if not, ill come back and see if someone knows how, or check ##linux05:34
ShiI created user accounts for friends and w have discovered that while I installed emacs they get fatal erros/core dumps trying to use emacs05:34
Odd-rationalethemime: let me know what you find.05:34
owen1nikrud: does it matter where do i put the source files?05:34
sphinxxhi can someone pm me, i need help setting up partitions for ubuntu05:35
Odd-rationalesphinxx: It is better to ask in the channel. What help do you need?05:35
nikrudowen1 no. I usually have a directory in my home called projects, and compile in there. The main reason to do the compiling in home is you have easy editing of the files05:35
diagonI'm trying to tell my machine to not automatically load X windows, but to instead go directly to bash...05:35
sphinxxOk, thanks, I hate to sound like a noob but I am with linux, I have a laptop 30gb hard drive, I want to partition for ubuntu - i have the 7.10 alternate cd05:36
sphinxxi want to leave 16gb or so for a later windows xp install05:36
diagonI remember I did it before, by changing default_window_manager (somewhere) = /usr/bin/bash I Think05:36
nikruddiagon install sysv-rc-conf , and turn off gdm. Next boot you will get bash.05:36
Odd-rationalesphinxx: it is a better idea to install xp first05:36
ShiI created user accounts for friends and w have discovered that while I installed emacs they get fatal erros/core dumps trying to use emacs05:36
Shiwhat could be the problem05:36
Steven1Ah damnit. The toolbars are all gone again05:36
diagonnikrud: this is actually for a box that doesn't have an internet connection :P05:36
diagonnikrud: so I was trying to muck about in the files (figure it's somewhere in /etc)05:37
sphinxxwhen I do install ubuntu though, how many partitions will I need?05:37
nikruddiagon ah. then,   sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/S30gdm /etc/rc2.d/K30gdm05:37
Odd-rationalesphinxx: install xp normally first. then the ubuntu installer will offer you to shrink the xp partition. and setup for dual-booting05:37
fivehorizonsThanks for the help Odd-rationale and n2diy05:37
owen1nikrud: so the way to choose a location is by adding an argument to ./configure05:37
Odd-rationalesphinxx: reccomend 205:37
diagonahhhh that's right, the S->K thing05:37
diagonthanks very much05:37
sphinxxbecause i get confused, intially I see it just needs /root and swap05:37
sphinxxbut then I see it says its a good idea to have /home and there are others too?05:38
Odd-rationalesphinxx: one for root (/) and another for swap.05:38
Steven1Yeah the minimize and maximize buttons on firefox are gone.05:38
ShiI created user accounts for friends and w have discovered that while I installed emacs they get fatal erros/core dumps trying to use emacs, what could be the problem?05:38
alan_mrecommended 2, you CAN have home on a 3rd, but that gets things complicated for a newer user. in my opinion Sphinxx05:38
nikrudowen1 exactly.  --prefix=/usr is common, but in general you should install to /usr/local , it's defined in the file hierarchy standard as the place for locally compiled apps/libs05:38
Odd-rationalesphinxx: a /home partition is a generally a good idea05:38
Odd-rationalesphinxx: But you can even get away with just one /05:38
sphinxxhow big should a /home partition be, if my complete linux space is going to be about 14gb05:38
Azur3ok, flash isn't working on firefox (7.10 ubuntu is distro)  I have installed missing plugins, restarted firefox, and it says  that i still need to install missing plugins, that adobe is already installed05:38
Azur3should I uninstall adobe and try again? and if so how would I do that?05:39
Odd-rationalesphinxx: that size i would not make a separte home partions05:39
nikrudsphinxx with that small a partition, it makes better sense to not have a separate home. you're gonna squeeze something otherwise05:39
sphinxxhmm ok05:39
sol1tude|afkhello, somebody knows something abouut grub error 14 ? it appears when i try to boot my 7.0.405:39
sphinxxthis is a lot faster than forums heh05:39
owen1nikrud: and if i don't do anything i need to hope that the creator of the app decided to install in /usr/local/ ?05:40
alan_msphinxx, instant reply's are awesome eh :)05:40
nikrudsphinxx think in terms of at least 5-6gb for / if you still want to have a separate. home. I use 12gb.05:40
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* sol1tude is back from: auto-away after 2h idle (been away for 38m)05:40
nikrudowen1  ./configure --help will tell you specifically05:40
owen1nikrud: easy. coool.05:40
nikrudowen1 assuming it's a well designed app :)05:40
owen1nikrud: paint.net (gimp killer)05:41
kitche!away | sol1tude05:41
Steven1Awesome AWN is finally working.05:41
sphinxxif i want to do the /home, i have to go into manual , not guided partioning, on my ubuntu alternate cd?05:41
kitcheis the bot still dead .....05:41
nikrudowen1 ouch, too fresh for me :)05:41
nikrudsphinxx yes05:41
nikrudkitche very. Back tomorrow05:41
sphinxxis tehre a reason for installing xp first?05:41
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Odd-rationalesphinxx: ubuntu can find if xp is installed05:42
warriornesshey all, what package do i install to get fonts such as Impact for openoffice?05:42
bunghey i just got a new usb external with a sata drive in there, should i mount with sync or no?05:42
alan_msphinxx, because installing it later would wipe out GRUB...and thats bad.05:42
Odd-rationalesphinxx: xp can't find if ubuntu is installed.05:42
sphinxxbut if i have just have a partition ready to install xp on, that wouldn't work?05:42
Odd-rationaleat least not for me05:42
sphinxxlike i would make a /boot in the first 100mb of the hard disk05:42
taurusivyhi, how can i match '2' in the middle of two whitespace in regexp in awk?05:42
sphinxxfor the boot loader or whatever05:42
nikrudwarriorness it's downloaded and installed for you by msttcorefonts.  ubuntu-restricted-extras will pull in that package, as well as some others that are useful05:43
warriornessnikrud: thanks05:44
nikrudsphinxx no need to have a /boot partition anymore, that's a holdover from when it was a requirement for lilo (the linux loader)05:44
Odd-rationaleor if you have an old bios05:44
owen1nikrud: i don't see info about installation location...i guess migel de casa didn't think about it..05:44
nikrudowen1 hahahahaha I'd trust that guy05:44
sphinxxso where is the boot loader like grub stored if theres no /boot partition05:45
owen1nikrud: i guess...05:45
Odd-rationalesphinxx: in /boot05:45
Flannelsphinxx: /boot is inside of / if there is no separate partition05:45
Odd-rationalesphinxx: but it wont be on a sep partition05:45
nikrudsphinxx in the /boot and /boot/grub directories, and in the mbr05:45
sphinxxoh ok05:45
sphinxxwould this work05:46
sphinxx|  ||winxp ntfs   |05:46
sphinxx100mb   | ||     |05:46
FloodBot1sphinxx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
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nikrudowen1 he started gnome (or was one of the originators, he's a quality programmer)05:46
owen1nikrud: if i delete a folder from my home, and inside there is an installed app. what can happend?05:46
Odd-rationalesphinxx: please use the pastebin. see the /topic05:46
owen1nikrud: i want to clean my home..05:47
nikrudowen1 hm. you compiled it there? If it doesn't do an install, the program will disappear.  That is, if there was no make install command run05:47
Odd-rationalewhat man pages should I read to learn how to connect to a wireless network from the command line?05:47
owen1nikrud: ok05:48
sphinxxcause i thought there was some weird this, maybe this outdated, but if linux wasnt installed on the first 8.5gb it would mess up05:48
sphinxxcause of the BIOS05:48
travisatOdd-rationale: interfaces05:48
sphinxxso if installed xp first it would take up the first 14gb05:48
travisatOdd-rationale: and iwconfig05:48
nikrudsphinxx old news. I have mine after a 50gb vista05:48
Steven1Everytime I run 'emerald --replace' It fixes the menubars on my windows. But then when I close the Terminal window it fails again. How do I fix it permanently?05:48
sphinxxman im such a newbie05:48
Odd-rationaletravisat: ok thanks! any more?05:48
nikrudSteven1 run it with   alt-f2 emerald --replace .05:49
travisatOdd-rationale: make sure you have the right packages installed05:49
sphinxxso the only reason for installing xp first is so that i would be able to see linux drives in windows?05:49
Odd-rationaleSteven1: run it in a run dialog instead of terminal05:49
travisatOdd-rationale: basically you get your wireless to show up under iwconfig and ifconfig then edit /etc/network/interfaces to get it to work05:49
Steven1Odd-rationale: What do you mean run dialog? Isn't that terminal?05:49
Odd-rationaleSteven1: alt+f205:49
nikrudsphinxx mainly so that when you install windows, it doesn't overwrite the part of grub that's written to the mbr and prevent you from booting linux. If you do linux second, it'll automatically add windows to the boot menu05:49
Steven1Alt+F2 does nothing.05:50
Odd-rationaletravisat: then /etc/init.d/networking start ?05:50
cchildhow do i shred or wipe a linux part by writing 1/0 to it?05:50
travisatOdd-rationale: I have done wireless for a while but if you look for slightly older debian how-tos they work for ubuntu05:50
travisatOdd-rationale: haven't I mean05:50
cchildhow do i shred or wipe a linux partition by writing 1/0 to it?05:50
eshaasewhats the most thorough way to scan my hard disk for errors?05:50
nikrudcchild install wipe05:50
sphinxxoh ok, is there a certain way I configure grub- does it come with the ubuntu cd or is it something separate05:51
nikrudsphinxx it will be the very last thing installed during the ubuntu install05:51
cchildnikrud; linux native?05:51
Steven1Alt+F2 doesn't open anything.05:51
orbisviciscchild, cat /dev/zero05:51
nikrudcchild yes, sudo apt-get install wipe05:51
Odd-rationaletravisat: how do I make ther changes to the /etc/networks/interfaces file take effect?05:51
nikrudSteven1 you using compiz?05:51
Steven1Ok I got it now05:51
travisatOdd-rationale: ifdown [networkinterface like eth0 or wlan0], then ifup [thesame]05:52
Steven1nikrud: Yes...trying to make it look like Mac OSX.05:52
cchildnikrud, this will write 1 and 0 to the drive05:52
JanPeterhey quick question, how do you clean out files from the bin that are under root permissions?05:52
nikrudsphinxx I prefer to stay in #ubuntu, better to have people watch and catch errors05:52
Odd-rationaletravisat: oh ok. Thanks!05:52
sphinxxno problem05:52
sphinxxyou are being very helpful05:52
nikrudJanPeter in /bin ? You do not want to delete those05:52
JanPeteri meant in the recycling bin05:52
travisatOdd-rationale: you can man those to I think to learn them,  in your interfaces file if you set the network interface as auto it will connect when you reboot05:52
sphinxxnikrud im just hoping you can guide me in case i hit any errors, im installing windows xp right now05:53
nikrudJanPeter ah,  sudo rm ~/.Trash will get rid of them.05:53
prohnaattempting to upgrade to hardy alot going wrong about 1 hour in05:53
JanPetercool, thanks05:53
Odd-rationaletravisat: ok thanks!05:53
cchildorbisvicis, the drive is dying and i just got the replacement and need to return the defected. so I want to wipe it clean05:53
nikrudsphinxx it's really simple. Install windows, then boot the livecd and tell it to use the remainder of the disk ;)05:53
sphinxxwhen i was running the ubuntu live cd, i did get this 'I/O Buffer error device fdo" or something like that05:53
nikrudJanPeter stop!05:54
sphinxxsomeone told me to disable the floppy in the bios, but the bios on this laptop is really simple, there is not that option, nor is there a floppy on the laptop05:54
nikrudJanPeter   sudo rm ~/.Trash/*  , we want to remove the stuff in the trash ;)05:54
sk8ballquestion, when i hit "shutdown" option on the low graphics mode when X starts with a config/driver it cant use it drops me into a root console prompt05:55
travisatwhy with the sudo?05:55
sk8ballis this normal?05:55
nikrudsphinxx it's a bug. see alt-f4 for options to add to the boot, all_generic_ide fixes that if my memory is right05:55
sk8balli thought the ~root# account is supposed to be inaccessible05:55
sk8ballin ubuntu05:55
SmegzorI think I've messed up the permissions in my /home.  Could someone paste up the recursive chown command line I need to restore my home dir permissions?05:55
Tamalehow can i remove all references to a particular cursor set?  I keep seeing the default cursors and i don't want to!05:55
MTeckAnybody bored? I'm having troubles running 'fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb1' "Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logigal block 0    fsck.ext3: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sdb1     Could this be a zero-length partition?05:55
Odd-rationaletravisat: so currently becuase my wireless device is managed by networkmanager, my interfaces file only contains lo. Correct?05:55
orbisviciscchild, just for completeness' sake dd using /dev/zero will write zeros. But you should do it more than once05:55
nikrudtravisat the cleaning of the trash? he has root owned files in there (from messing with sudo nautilus I'd bet)05:55
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
travisatOdd-rationale: I have no idea05:56
travisatnikrud: ah05:56
sk8ballis there supposed to be anyway to get to an actual root# prompt/console under ubuntu?05:56
travisatOdd-rationale: I don't use the gui stuff for network as I like the conf files better05:56
nikrudOdd-rationale yes05:56
Steven1Ok the next step is to make a launcher for Pidgin and I don't know where it's located.05:56
travisatSteven1: /usr/bin/pidgin ?05:56
nikrudSteven1 you can find where a program is with   which ,  like   which pidgin05:56
Odd-rationalenikrud, travisat: ok thanks again05:57
sphinxxnikrud is there any site you can recommend i look at for learning how to do stuff in ubuntu, like i dont know much about the terminal commands and stuff like that05:57
cchildso use the following command "dd /dev/sdb" ?05:57
cchildorbisvicis,  "dd /dev/sdb" ?05:57
Odd-rationalesphinxx: www.linuxcommand.org05:57
Steven1That's odd. I created it and it didn't show up.05:57
orbisviciscchild, i do not recommend 'fooling' around with dd05:57
=== adante_ is now known as adante
travisatchii: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb05:58
Steven1Anyone know how to use the AWN Dock?05:58
nikrudsphinxx https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal  and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training05:58
sk8ballis there supposed to be anyway to get to an actual root# prompt/console under ubuntu?????05:58
Odd-rationalesk8ball: sudo -i05:58
travisatcchild: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb   I recommend /dev/urandom instead of 005:58
nikrudsphinxx and that linuxcommand.org that Odd-rationale mentioned looks good, I hadn't seen that one yet05:59
orbisvicistravisat, good call on urandom05:59
Rob125anyone have a novel suggestion as to how to speed up gnome?05:59
Flanneltravisat, nikrud, orbisvicis: shred is built-in.05:59
Odd-rationaleRob125: swicth to xfce :)05:59
nikrudFlannel ah, thanks05:59
sk8ballOdd, w/o putting in any password??05:59
travisatFlannel: hehe shred05:59
Rob125Odd-rationale: thought about it, definitely.05:59
orbisvicisFlannel, oh06:00
Odd-rationalesk8ball: boot into recovery mode06:00
orbisvicisheh cat /dev/urandom06:00
Odd-rationaleRob125: It is a good choice, btw06:00
Rob125Odd-rationale: I've run it several times before, but I'm admittedly a bit of a Gnome junkie.06:00
Odd-rationaleRob125: If you use gnome, you get the gnome speed... period. :P06:01
Rob125I don't run compiz, mostly because this computer can't handle it, but I'm naming my first child Gnomebert.06:01
sphinxxnik, i'm in the xp setup now, doing the partitions, should I just make the partitions for the /root and /home and swap now?06:01
Kcaj2Hello friends06:01
travisatsphinxx: nah06:01
Rob125Odd-rationale: True, I suppose06:01
sphinxxjust to set up the space06:01
sphinxxthis is how i want to do i think06:01
nikrudsphinxx see travisat06:01
Flannelcchild: shred works too, and is already installed (and will automatically iterate through it however many times you want, including random, etc)06:01
Kcaj2I was wondering if there is any kind of way to utilize multiple network connections at the same time? For instance, if you have access to multiple ISPs and the network adapters to connect to them both simltaneously06:01
travisatsphinxx: just leave enough empty space for linux and let the ubuntu installer guide to free space06:01
PositronicDoes anyone know the link to the website that automatically rebuilds your repositories?06:01
Kcaj2Is there a way to harness BOTH connections? (or Three, for that matter006:01
FlannelPositronic: It's not up anymore, you can do the same thing via Software Sources06:02
nikrudsphinxx see travisat again. Like I said, you're not really using enough space to make a separate / and /home cost effective06:02
sphinxxdoes anyone know this- the only difference between NTFS format and NTFS format (quick) is that quick doesn check the disk for errors06:02
Steven1How do you move a whole directory? What's the format?06:02
PositronicFlannel: any recommended Software sources?06:02
FlannelPositronic: the official ones06:02
travisatsphinxx: its more different then that but that is a difference06:02
sphinxxi did quick just cause i don't want to wait06:03
Smegzoroops!  I meant chmod.  What do I enter to chmod my /home/smegzor folder back to what it was set at when it was created?06:03
cchildshred vs wipe vs dd ?06:03
PositronicFlannel, thanks06:03
travisatsphinxx: you normally don't need to do more then quick, although it is suggested for a new hard drive to do a full format06:03
amenadoKcaj2-> yes its possible with the use of iptables and iproute2 tools, look into route policy via google06:03
sphinxxI believe i did a full one on this drive before, so i just did quick now:)06:03
nikrudSmegzor   grep 1000 /etc/passwd, find the user name on that line. then   sudo chown -R <username>:<username> /home/smegzor06:03
Steven1What is the correct syntax/commands to move a folder to another folder and overwrite what's there?06:03
pat5staris there someway to reload the kicker (isn't that what you call the panel that runs across the bottom of the screen?)?06:04
pat5starafter sometime, mine starts to act up06:04
orbisvicisSmegzor, the general idea is chown user:user -R ~/; chmod -R 755 ~/ but there are some special files with different permissions06:04
travisatSteven1: mv06:04
Steven1travisat: Thanks06:04
sphinxxif I have 512mb ram should my swap be 1024mb or 768mb?06:04
amenadoSteven1-> they  use mv ... try with sample directories you can create..06:04
PositronicFlannel, how would I find a repository URL for XGL it appears the current one I have is no longer accessible?06:04
Flannelsphinxx: 102406:04
nikrudsphinxx 102406:04
Smegzororbisvicis: do I need to run both of those commands?06:05
FlannelPositronic: What version of Ubuntu are you running?06:05
Steven1travisat: It says 'unable to remove target: Is a directory'06:05
amenadosphinxx-> hard disk memory for swap is so cheap..06:05
Odd-rationaleSo if I had 4gb of ram I should have 8gb of swap?06:05
PositronicFlannel, 7.1006:05
travisatSteven1: mv -r06:05
nikrudSmegzor you probably shouldn't, there are a few things that will break if you set them to 75506:05
Odd-rationale4gb of swap seems to be the max for me...06:05
cchildwhich is best for wiping a disk, shred vs wipw vs dd?06:05
FlannelPositronic: Gutsy already does that sort of stuff, you don't need third party repos for it06:05
sphinxxisnt swap only used when theres absolute no RAM left?06:06
sphinxxand how often does that actulaly happen06:06
Smegzorno sh*t? :)  I've already broken them06:06
nikrudsphinxx not quite.06:06
Rob125travisat: mv -r shouldn't work, no? just plain mv should suffice...06:06
Steven1travisat: 'mv: invalid options -- r'06:06
orbisvicischown -R user:user mybad06:06
travisatRob125: lol you are right06:06
cchildi meant wipe06:06
tarelerulzI have been looking for hours and maybe days I have yet to see any client that use Jingle voice . Kopete does ,but I can get to compile . Jabbin and could not get to even connect . Everything is old . Nothing for 2008 .  Is there any client that can talk to gtalk's voice06:06
sphinxxyou guys have answer questions that would have probably taken me the whole day to find out on forums:)06:06
travisatSteven1: sorry mv should of done it06:06
nikrudsphinxx it swaps out unused stuff to make room for stuff that is used. It's smarter than just waiting till ram is full06:06
PositronicFlannel, when I installed 7.10 I needed to do it to get hardware acceleration to work, otherwise I had mesa06:06
sizzlewhere should i go to find some php scripts06:07
amenadoOdd-rationale-> umm on a 32bit system, you barely could even achieve 3gig from what I understood..the last 1gig is somehow not easily achievable..06:07
Flannelcchild: dd isn't.  shred is already installed, if you've installed wipe, then I guess they're both already installed.  I've never actually used wipe.06:07
travisatSteven1: what exactly are you trying to do06:07
FlannelPositronic: That doesn't mean it's not in the repositories, just that it isn't enabled for everyone by default06:07
nikrudI always installed wipe, never knew shred even existed06:07
Odd-rationaleamenado: i guess that's true...06:07
Steven1travisat: I'm moving a replacement 'Pidgin' into the old ones spot.06:07
travisatSteven1: are you trying to keep any part of the old one?06:07
Smegzornikrud: Is there a number other than 755 I should use or will things break regardless of the number used?06:07
Steven1travisat: I'm just skinning it I believe.06:08
cchildFlannel, can shred over write an entire disk?06:08
sphinxxcant wait to get this double boot set up:)06:08
Flannelcchild: yes06:08
travisatSteven1: the use cp and delete from the original06:08
nikrudSmegzor well, off the top of my head you definitely need ~/.dmrc as 60006:08
Steven1travisat: It's the Pidgin in the pixmaps folder.06:08
Flannelcchild: and over individual files as well06:08
sphinxxI was also reading about making separate partitions for /tmp and such, does this actually speed things up?06:08
travisatSteven1: are you using sudo if its in /usr/share?06:08
sphinxxlike i know on windows there is fragmentation but so there is a benefit, but linux there is none ?06:09
nikrudSmegzor and looking there  .Xauthority needs 600 as well06:09
Smegzorhmm..  I have other users that I haven't been foolish enough to mess with, I could look at the permissions there.  Is there some way to see the permissions of each directory using ls ?06:09
PositronicFlannel, I guess what I am saying is I get an error when doing the update manager stating that the XGL repository might no longer be available as it was unable to download the index for it?06:09
cchildflannel, "shred /dev/sda -n 8" would this work?06:09
Steven1travisat: Yes tried to use 'sudo cp pidgin' and 'sudo mv pidgin'06:09
Rob125Smegzor: if you're running MySQL, you should make sure you also chmod 600 your .mysql_history06:09
PositronicFlannel, you must forgive me as I am somewhat new to the linux environment as well06:09
orbisvicis2³² = 4GB so obviously the max; so why is the cap slightly under 4Gb ?06:10
nikrudSmegzor and another you'd probably want 600 is .dbus-keyrings06:10
Flannelcchild: arguments go in between shred and the thing to shred, but yes.  shred -n 8 /dev/sda06:10
travisatSteven1: ok I am confused are you trying to replace a directory or a single file06:10
Steven1travisat: sudo cp pidgin gives this: 'cp: omitting directory 'pidgin' '06:10
tarelerulzany one use gtalk voice chat at all on Linux ?06:10
Smegzorwhat about my idea of listing directories permissions?  Is that possible>06:10
travisatSteven1: ok for cp use cp -r06:10
FlannelPositronic: Just remove it entirely, Ubuntu deprecates the need for third party repos for eyecandy06:10
Steven1travisat: The whole usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin folder.06:11
FlannelPositronic: er, newer versions, that is.06:11
FY1what is the program that tracks input/output. It starts with like x or z... It will tell you the key that was pressed, mouse button, input from a controller or something06:11
Rob125Smegzor: yeah, you can do an ls -al06:11
Smegzorthanks :D06:11
Odd-rationaletravisat: I was reading through man interfaces. But how do I select a network essid and where do I put the wpa password?06:11
cchildflannel, shred -z- u -n 8 /dev/sda is what am thinking06:11
Rob125Smegzor: if they're big, don't forget to pipe it to less :)06:11
cchildflannel, shred -z -u -n 8 /dev/sda is06:11
amenadoorbisvicis-> http://dansdata.com/askdan00015.htm06:11
travisatSteven1: in the /etc/network/interfaces,  I suggest you google for debian wireless setup or something like that06:11
Steven1travisat: Ok cp -r worked.06:11
Flannelcchild: you don't use the -u on drives, that would be for a 'file' file06:12
amenadoFY1 xev06:12
PositronicFlannel, was that recently an update for ubuntu within the last few months? So you dont have to install ATI drivers and set parameters for hardware acceleration manually anymore?06:12
Steven1travisat: Uh no. usr/share/pixmaps/06:12
Odd-rationaletravisat: was that meant for me or Steven1?06:12
travisatOdd-rationale: lol you06:12
cchildflannel, thanks for your help06:12
Odd-rationaletravisat: lol ok06:12
travisatSteven1: is everything all right now?06:12
ddaltonHi im blind so can't follow this. Can you please join ##ddalton? anyway how do I connect to my wiless network with my wiless card? I believe ubuntu recognises it.06:13
FlannelPositronic: ATI drivers don't give you XGL.  I have no idea with regards to the current driver situation,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:13
Smegzorhow do I list my command history showing only chmod commands I've entered?  My history is HUGE.06:13
SmegzorI want to see my original chmod line that caused all the mess.06:13
orbisvicisSmegzor, cat ~/.bash_history | grep06:14
cchildflannel, I have one more question: what is "--random-source" and the -s --size for?06:14
nikrudSmegzor grep chmod ~/.bash_history06:14
FlannelSmegzor: cat ~/.bash_history | grep chmod | less06:14
orbisvicisSmegzor, it might also be in /root/.bash_history06:14
PositronicFlannel, oh ok sorry I must have been confusing that with fglrx or something...06:14
nikrudcat to grep?  ewww :)06:14
orbisvicisnikrud, bad habit ; )06:15
troxorfor all the users of ntop out there: where did the "-S" option go in recent (>2.0) versions of ntop? is there a similar option that google isn't telling me about?06:15
Rob125nikrud: whoa, hold on. please explain? why bad?06:15
Smegzorhere it is!  chmod 0700 /home/smegzor   (is that bad?)06:15
sphinxxis having a 5gb /home and a 9gb /root not good?06:15
nikrudRob125 it's an aesthetic thing :)06:15
orbisvicisway back in the days when i used rpm-websites to install xine: library by .so file ; )06:15
nikrudSmegzor no, that's not terribly bad06:15
Rob125nikrud: how would you do it, then?06:15
nikrudRob125   grep chmod ~/.bash_history06:15
Rob125Smegzor, you should be able to fix that pretty easy, since you didn't do it recursively06:16
Flannelcchild: I don't see a --random-source on mine, but it probably is a place where you can provide the source of the random data, incase you wanted to use something more random.  And --size is not useful in this situation either, but its allowing you to overwrite an arbitrarily sized chunk06:16
Smegzoryeah I wasn't sure about that..  so just do the same with 755 ?06:16
cchildOk Flannel, thanks again06:17
nikrudSmegzor 700 is not something that will break your system, it only prevents users other than yourself reading what's in there. Some people do that on principle06:17
picharrashola que tal06:17
Smegzorthats why I did it in the first place.  But then I noticed broken stuff in gnome06:17
picharrasalguien habla español por aca?06:17
Flannelpicharras: /join #ubuntu-es06:17
Smegzorprobably just my timing, noticing things after doing that.06:18
travisatI prefer to only have files I want to execute with the 7 chmod06:18
nikrudSmegzor hm. Maybe there's something new that I'm missing. I haven't done that in a few years.06:18
Steven1travisat: Ok I am now trying to do the sounds folder now and when I move the folder into /usr/share/sounds/ The folder is empty! What gives?06:18
aoshiHow does updating to a new version of ubuntu work?06:18
travisatSteven1: when you mv directories the old directory dissappears, cp leaves old files in place...at least this is what I remember06:19
Rob125Aoshi: It works marvelously -- but how do you mean? Do you need to know how to do it? What version are you using, and what do you want to upgrade to?06:19
Steven1travisat: But when I use mv. It says unable to remove target: Is a directory.06:20
nikrudaoshi when a release is made, you will be asked if you want to upgrade to it. You can force  a check  with   sudo update-manager -c06:20
travisatSteven1: ok and when you cp -r the /usr/share/sounds folder was empty correct?06:20
Steven1travisat: The destination folder was empty yes.06:21
aoshiso in 23 days06:21
aoshihow do I go about updating to 8.04?06:21
travisatSteven1: you have no files in /usr/share/sounds or in /usr/share/sounds/pidgin?06:21
coldbootWhy is this not in gutsy?: libgtkglextmm1-dev not in gutsy? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=libgtkglextmm1-dev06:21
Treyhey is anyone able to help me with a boot issue06:21
Steven1Such a headache. Why don't they just make it like Windows and let you just drag and drop it?06:21
Rob125Aoshi -- when you run update manager, it'll say 'A new distribution is available. Upgrade?'06:21
nikrudaoshi now? Know how to fix broken packages? If the answer is yes, ask how on #ubuntu+106:21
aoshiCool :D06:21
orbisvicisaoshi, ever so carefully: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:22
Treyguys i can't to to my ubuntu logon screen06:22
Rob125Can't see it, trey?06:22
orbisvicisTrey, why ?06:23
Treythe screen just turns off06:23
nikrudheh. If Trey knew why, he wouldn't be here asking :)06:23
Treyi have be trying some fixes from the forms but no luck06:23
orbisvicisno but he should provide more info ; )06:23
owen1what folders should i keep for a backup?06:23
Treyi know its got to do with my video and the splash thats all06:23
Rob125Trey: by 'turns off', do you mean it flickers and then goes to the terminal? What are your symptoms? :)06:23
nikrudowen1 /home , /etc , and the output of  dpkg --get-selections at the minimum06:24
Treyits a laptop monitor and it literaly turns off the screen the comp stays on but nothing happens on screen06:24
owen1nikrud: you are my personal ubuntu admin..thank06:24
Steven1travisat: Did you get my IM?06:24
Treyi tried reconfiguring the xserver no luck06:25
Rob125nikrud: Man, I need to have a long conversation with you and suck the knowledge out of your brain. Why /etc?06:25
JDSBlueDevlhi, I'm having problems with encrypted DVD playback.  I have done literally EVERYTHING to try to get it to work06:25
JDSBlueDevlI'm using Gutsy, and yes, I have the medibuntu repos in my sources.list file06:25
travisatSteven1: negative06:25
nikrudowen1 you're welcome. To be honest it's nice to have someone who only needs to ask a few questions, and fills in the blanks :)06:25
nikrudRob125 well, I usually make some custom changes there, so I back up the whole thing on principle06:25
Steven1travisat: I sent another one06:25
travisatSteven1: in irc or pidgin06:26
Steven1travisat: pidgin on this room.06:26
travisatSteven1: if pidgin you are sending to somebody else06:26
Treyi also can't use ctrl alt f1 it dose nothing06:26
Steven1travisat: I clicked on your name and clicked IM.06:26
coldbootDoes anyone know why libgtkglextmm1-dev is not in gutsy/06:27
tchaskaAnybody knows a program to show the statistics of internet connection only? (exclude the local network traffic)06:27
travisatSteven1: hehe well I have no im, you have to /msg me in irc,  and I am about to go to sleep.  I think that you don't have to install themes in /usr but you can do it in your home directory.  I am sure somebody else can help you06:27
davi1hello good people06:27
Steven1travisat: What I said was (10:22:46 PM) Steven1: No no no. I'm done with the Pidgin. I'm trying to move the MacOSX_Sounds to /usr/share/sounds06:27
nikrudcoldboot do you have the universe repositories enabled? It's there in mine (hardy, but still)06:28
Steven1So can someone tell me how to move the sounds off my Desktop and into usr/share/sounds ?06:28
nikrudSteven1   sudo mv ~/Desktop/<file> /usr/share/sounds06:29
davi1hi there, im new to linux and i just installed ubuntu but my audio is not working, any ideas?06:29
nikrudSteven1 to write to anywhere outside of /home/<username> you need admin privileges, sudo gives those06:29
Erickj92i just installed the dancer-ircd doc, buy dont know there they are isntalled to06:29
owen1nikrud: and on my fresh ubuntu i can paste all the folders and i am done?06:30
nikrudErickj92 /usr/share/doc/<packagename>06:30
Odd-rationaleSteven1: Are you going through that cam4lin tutorial?06:30
Erickj92ok, thank you06:30
nikrudowen1 erm, the stuff out of your home? yes06:30
owen1nikrud: and what do i do with etc and the output of dgkg?06:31
Steven1nikrud: It still failed. Says It's a directory. Not sheet!06:31
Treyok i have some more info06:31
nikrudowen1 the /etc you might not need to do anything with, unless you know what you changed there.   for the --get-selections, you'd run:    dpkg --set-selections < packagelist && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade to restore your package installs.06:32
nikrudSteven1 what exact command line did you use?06:32
nikrudowen1 dpkg --get-selections > packagelist creates that list for you06:33
Steven1nikrud: sudo mv ~/Desktop/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Sounds/MacOSX_Sounds /usr/share/sounds06:33
davi1any1 have an idea on how to get my audio working?06:34
owen1nikrud: so packagelist is a file i create in my old machine, and i import this file to my new machine with the < ?06:34
Treyok i did sudo lspci | grep VGA and got 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corperation GeForce 8600M GS (rev a1)06:34
nikrudowen1 exactly.06:35
Treythen i did grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf and got the list with a bunch of drivers06:35
JDSBlueDevlhi, I'm having problems with encrypted DVD playback.  I have done literally EVERYTHING to try to get it to work.  I'm using Gutsy, and yes, I have the medibuntu repos in my sources.list file06:35
Treythat help at all06:35
nikrudSteven1 that should work, moving MacOSX_Sounds to /usr/share/sounds . I was sure, and did it with a couple test dirs just now06:36
StroganoffJDSBlueDevl, you have libdvdcss2 installed? :D06:36
owen1nikrud: ubuntu is like Mac, but awesome.06:36
Odd-rationaleJDSBlueDevl: what media player are you using?06:36
ethan961!dvd | JDSBlueDevil06:36
Steven1nikrud: Ok saw your response.06:37
robmHello, I recently added a new harddrive (formated ext3) and made a new folder that I shared on samba. However previous shares that I had are not visible from windows machines anymore. Additionally, this new share slows down the windows clients and I never had problems until I mounted this new hd and created the share06:37
Henrywhat's the linux kernal?06:37
bazhangJDSBlueDevl: hd-dvd or blu-ray06:37
JDSBlueDevlregular DVD06:37
Odd-rationaleJDSBlueDevl: totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?06:37
Steven1nikrud: mv: cannot stat `/home/steven/Desktop/Mac4Lin_v0.4/Sounds/MacOSX_Sounds': No such file or directory06:37
Henryneed help what's the linux kernal?06:38
nikrudSteven1 ok, it's saying there's an error in that line. Try cd ~/home/steven/Desktop/Mac4Lin_v0.4 /Sounds , do you get there?06:38
GumbySteven1: then perhaps that directory doesnt exist?06:38
nikrudSteven1 without the space in the line06:38
bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel Henry06:39
owen1what is virtual hard disk (in virtualbox setup)?06:39
Steven1nikrud: Good idea. Just about to try that.06:39
nikrudowen1 a file that acts like a partition06:39
Odd-rationaleHenry: every OS needs a kernel. the Linux kernel is a kernel deveolped by Linus Torvalds and is open source.06:39
Henryok thanks06:40
Treyis my issue not interesting enough for you guys06:40
owen1nikrud: should i create new one? (first time using virtualbox)06:40
bazhangTrey: what is your issue06:40
TreyI can't get ubuntu to boot graphicly06:40
nikrudowen1 go thru the virtualbox installation instructions. And yes, if you don't have a virtual disk you won't have anywhere to install the virtual os to  :)06:41
Odd-rationaleTrey: Livecd?06:41
bazhangTrey: did you add acpi=off as a boot parameter06:41
owen1nikrud: and why would someone use existing one. it will override the content with new os, right?06:41
Treyno install but cd wouldn't work either06:41
nikrudTrey It is, but I'm not good with those. bazhang is a master06:41
nikrudowen1 yes, just like any install would06:41
Odd-rationaleTrey: have you tried configurin your xserver to use the vesa drivers?06:41
Steven1Since I can just point my sounds to anywhere. Do I really have to move my sounds to usr/share/sounds?06:41
owen1nikrud: ok. thanks again..06:41
Treynot yet baz06:41
Odd-rationaleSteven1: no06:41
Treyyes odd06:42
Steven1Odd-rationale: Ah thanks.06:42
nikrudSteven1 no, anywhere you like. ~/.sounds is a reasonable place06:42
bazhangTrey: what about the alternate cd? have you given that a shot--it sometimes works when the livecd chokes and allows you to install the drivers at the finish of installation06:42
Steven1Wow that could have helped sooner. Lol06:43
Treyno but i will try that too06:43
* nikrud thinks that bazhang is shaking a virtual fist at him06:43
Odd-rationaleSteven1: here's a dirty trick that is not really adviseable. in terminal do "gksudo nautilus" and move your file normally. But be careful!06:43
Treyum which one do i add acpi to06:43
Treythe root or the kernal06:43
bazhangme give nikrud his missing 'c' ;]06:43
Steven1gksudo nautilus06:43
Steven1I don't think I have that06:43
arvind_can apt-get made be read a list of sources from a file???06:44
Odd-rationaleSteven1: you don't have nautilus?06:44
Steven1Ah ok I got it.06:44
nikrudI'm on a weight loss program. I figured a little virtual weight loss couldn't hurt06:44
Steven1Thought it was something that came with KDE06:44
Rob125Stupid question: Difference between gksu and gksudo?06:44
crdlbRob125: none06:44
Odd-rationaleRob125: same06:44
Treybazhang: where do i add the acpi root or kernal06:44
crdlbone is a symlink to the other06:44
nikrudRob125 nothing anymore, gksduo is a link to gksu06:44
robmHello, I recently added a new harddrive (formated ext3) and made a new folder that I shared on samba. However previous shares that I had are not visible from windows machines anymore. Additionally, this new share slows down the windows clients and I never had sharring or connection problems until I mounted this new hd and created the share. If I unshare this new folder, I still can't see the old shares from windows.06:44
bazhanghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/ Trey here is the link for the alternate06:44
Odd-rationaleSteven1: are you using kde or gnome?06:45
nikrudbazhang  releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 is easier to type ;)06:45
nikrudyou know, this is actually more fun without the bot06:46
arvind_! patience can apt-get made be read a list of sources from a file???06:46
Odd-rationalenikrud: yeah right.06:46
nikrudarvind_ no, apt-get uses /etc/apt/sources.list for that exclusively06:47
ethan961Oh, that's why the bot didn't reply06:47
sphinxxnik you still here06:47
bazhangfor the acpi=off you need to get into grub and add it Trey06:47
nikrudsphinxx yup06:47
sphinxxok i have the alternate cd in now06:47
sphinxxwin xp is all installed06:48
Odd-rationaleethan961: are the ubot* run on windows machines or something?06:48
nikrudOdd-rationale it's like the old days, before ubotu existed06:48
arvind_nikrud, i didnt mean tat...i have list of sources to be downloaded ...can i direct it to to apt-get source somehow??06:48
Erickj92where is the documentation for setting up dancer-ircd and dancer-services?06:48
nikrudsphinxx ok, just boot the alternate cd, answer the questions as you go, and tell ubuntu to use the free space to install when it comes time to partition06:48
sphinxxyou are a great help06:49
sphinxxok one sec06:49
nikrudarvind_ I'm not sure I understand06:49
Odd-rationalenikrud: never was here in the "old days" I used to wonder how this guy seemed to pop in all the time and give some informative remards...06:49
bazhanghttp://knightlust.blogspot.com/2007/08/setting-up-dancer-ircd-in-kubuntu.html Erickj9206:49
sphinxxjust put in anything for hostname?06:49
Erickj92bazhang, i used that but i still cant connect using my external IP, only my internal :(06:49
nikrudsphinxx yup. Whatever you want to name the machine. Maybe egypt ;)06:49
sphinxxi am naming it nikrud if thats ok with you :)06:50
arvind_nikrud, is there anyway of getting the dependencies through dpkg??06:50
symptomsphinxx: pick something nifty06:50
* nikrud blushes06:50
nikrudarvind_ without knowing a lot more about what you are doing, I can't say.06:50
Erickj92bazhang, what could i be doing wrong that is keeping people from the outside world from connecting?06:50
Erickj92i have dont port forwarding and everything06:51
Treywho ever makes the MOTD needs to update it the copy paste thing dosn't work06:51
symptomErickj92: is firestarter running06:51
Erickj92symptom, its disabled06:51
robm2Can someone help me with a samba issue? After intalling a new HD and sharing a folder on that drive. All my old shares are no longer visable on windows.  I've even removed the share on the new HD but the windows pcs still can't see my old shares.06:51
Erickj92i had the same prob with apache206:51
nikrudTrey use paste.ubuntu.com06:51
symptomErickj92: ok because it took me about 2 mons to realize that it was still enabled for me... drove me batsh*t crazy06:51
Gnearobm2: install swat and reset them up06:51
Henrywho know how to write the virus06:52
Henryi want try it06:52
arvind_nikrud, ok see i lets say i want to build a package which will be having dependencies,so i want to get the dependencies at once....as i want to build this package where there is no internet06:52
brent113Quick question.  Why does the output of the network history look as such: http://officialbs.hopto.org/pic/Screenshot-System%20Monitor.png06:52
Erickj92yeah symptom, im looking at it right now, and it is stoped06:52
bazhangTrey: what copy paste thing? you might try installing pastebinit06:52
bazhangHenry not here06:52
GneaHenry: do we look like virus writers?06:52
robm2Gnea: I'd prefer to try to fix what I already had before intsalling something new. Any suggestions before trying that?06:52
ethan961Henry, ##virus maybe?06:52
Erickj92is there any other firewall that could be running and preventing people from connecting?06:53
symptomErickj92: I would try firing up wireshark and taking a peek06:53
Gnearobm2: swat will work on your current configuration06:53
Gnea!swat | robm206:53
Erickj92symptom, wireshark?06:53
symptomalso looking at your routers logs06:53
sphinxxok nikrud partition disks just came up06:53
sphinxxi'm going to manual correct?06:53
symptomwireshark = ethereal06:53
ethan961Gnea, the bot isn't here06:53
symptomwireshark/ethereal = network protocol analyzer06:53
nikrudarvind_ ah. you can use synaptic for that. Mark the package you want, then file->generate package download list06:54
FinnishCan someone help with my NVIdia-card? I started my PC today and resolution is way too high now06:54
Erickj92symptom, will that tell me what ports are open and all that?06:54
Odd-rationalehow come ubot3 works in #kubuntu?06:54
JDSBlueDevlok, I have a new problem.  Turns out my new DVD-RW drive can read encrypted DVDs, but my old DVD-ROM can't.  Why is that?06:54
Gnearobm2: apt-get install swat, then enable it via /etc/inetd.conf (should have it set) then point your web browser to http://localhost:901 and login as admin06:54
nikrudsphinxx you still want to have separate /home ?06:54
FinnishAnd when I try to make it smaller/the way it was, screen goes crazy06:54
symptomit will monitor your traffic... if you want to see your ports use nmapFE06:54
robm2Gnea: since it only takes a min to install I'll try installing swat, can you help after I do?06:54
symptomand do a connect scan on localhost06:54
bazhangFinnish: how about pastebinning your xorg.conf for those here to look at06:54
nikrudsphinxx With only 14gb assigned to linux, I strongly recommend not using one.06:54
Gnearobm2: don't forget to install samba-doc if you haven't already - once you use it you will see how nice it is06:54
Erickj92symptom, the IRCD works with localhost06:54
Gnearobm2: i'll be around for a little while, gotta sleep soon06:55
robm2gnea: how can I tell, if samba doc is installed or not06:55
sphinxxi take your recommewndation as good as any06:55
Gnearobm2: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep samba-doc06:55
sphinxxok so if im not using /home06:55
sphinxxi still want to do manual - i like to learn thigns the hard way06:55
nikrudsphinxx one question:  you will be able to back up 4-6gb of home, when you need to reinstall because you broke your ubuntu :)06:55
arvind_nikrud, how do i say download only do not install06:55
Finnishbazhang: What's the command line for that?06:56
RolcolHow do I change the system font size on xubuntu?06:56
bazhangJDSBlueDevl: that really is a hardware issue; try contacting the manufacturer06:56
symptomErickj92: well what exactly happens06:56
* Gnea tries to figure out why acidlab isn't working with *headesk*06:56
Finnishbazhang: (Just for the xorg)06:56
Erickj92symptom, i can connect using localhost as the server, but when i use my external ip, nothing works06:57
bazhangFinnish: sudo apt-get install pastebinit then cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit06:57
robm2Gnea: looks like I have it all installed now. What next06:57
Odd-rationalesphinxx: do you see an entry like Pri/log free space?06:57
Gneait installed... i threw up a virtualhost for apache2... included the apache.conf file... restarted apache... it *should* be there...06:57
symptomErickj92: do you have a router?06:57
sphinxxok nik i went to manual, i see my #1 is primary 12.6gb (c drive), #5 logical 2.6gb (D drive )06:57
themimewhat do i do with a .deb file?06:57
nikrudarvind_   sudo apt-get install --download-only <package-name> . the script that synaptic creates will only download, anyway06:57
sphinxxthen pri/log 14.8gb free space06:57
Gnearobm2: sudo netstat -nap | grep 90106:57
bazhangthemime: what deb file06:57
Erickj92symptom, yes and all port forwarding has been set up06:57
Gnearobm2: should see something like this: tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN     5096/xinetd06:58
Odd-rationalethemime: double click06:58
sphinxxso on the 14.8gb free space im setting up a partition, how should i allocate it?06:58
themimeits a custom rtl8180-sa2400 driver for newer kernels06:58
jaffarkelshaci am looking for good security practises. i have the firestarter and clamav is there any other security that i need for ubuntu06:58
nikrudsphinxx that's all you have? There should be some free space?06:58
robm2yeah I see a bunch of lines06:58
nikrudsphinxx ah, got out of sync06:58
Gnearobm2: good. open firefox or whatever and throw it at http://localhost:90106:58
sphinxxno prob06:58
bazhangjaffarkelshac: secure passwords06:58
Gnearobm2: and just hand it root's credentials06:58
sphinxxso i should do 13.8?06:58
sphinxxand 1 for swap?06:58
symptomjaffarkelshac: encrypted filesystem06:58
nikrudsphinxx 1gb swap for your 512mb mem, the rest for /06:58
themimeOdd-rationale: er oops, i meant, what about at command line06:59
symptomjaffarkelshac: delete all web browsing logs cache and cookies when you close browser06:59
nikrudsphinxx you can do a backup of the several gigs of data you'll create in /home, right?06:59
Odd-rationalethemime: dpkg -i packagename06:59
symptomErickj92: Im not sure what your issue could be06:59
Odd-rationalethemime: sudo06:59
sphinxxi have another comptuer with a large hard drive (my deksopt which i'm on now)06:59
robm2Gnea: that doesn't load up. I'm connected to ewbmin just fine though.06:59
Erickj92symptom, when i use nmapfe to scan my external IP, no ports are open06:59
symptomErickj92: I would just do an nmap scan andcheck out wireshark06:59
sphinxxand an external06:59
Erickj92but, ports are open on my internal IP06:59
Gnearobm2: is this a personal or production system?06:59
themimehehe yea, already got bitched at by it06:59
nikrudsphinxx then definitely, make it all one big partition06:59
jaffarkelshacSymons, encrypted file system?06:59
symptomErickj92: well those bad boys need tobe open... especailly 8007:00
robm2Gnea: personal07:00
Erickj92symptom, they are open in my router07:00
sphinxxok so i did a 13.8gb partition07:00
sphinxxfor use as i put it as ext3?07:00
Erickj92i just dunno why their now showing open07:00
RolcolHow do I change the system font size on xubuntu?07:00
iositdErickj92, don't bother scanning your external ip, it won't be reachable from your end.07:00
sphinxxmount point /07:00
nikrudsphinxx yes, and set it for formatting07:00
iositdsymptom, ^07:00
nikrudsphinxx and yes again07:00
Erickj92well my computers IP is showing those ports open07:00
symptomyes iositd ?07:00
Gnearobm2: egads, webmin is just... evil! okay, i'll hold back anymore opinions on that... is samba running on the same computer you're on or another host?07:00
iositdsymptom, read the message to Erickj9207:00
sphinxxare any of these mount options important, or just leave at defaults07:01
nikrudsphinxx no, defaults is fine07:01
robm2the computer is right next to me but im connected putty07:01
symptomiositd: oh good call07:01
iositdErickj92, you computer will show them as open. Your router will show them as open. The outgoing traffic can't be routed back at you, it gets lost.07:01
sphinxxreserved blocks is at 5%07:01
Gnearobm2: oh ok, then point your web browser at that system then, giving it 901 as the port number07:01
sphinxxtypical usage - standard07:01
symptomiositd: yea it needs to be bounced07:01
nikrudfine. All you need to change is ext3 , format , and  / as mount point07:01
bazhangFinnish: what is the resolution you want and what is it set to now07:01
Erickj92iositd, what does that mean? i need to do somthing more?07:01
symptomErickj92: sorry i gotta go, good luck07:02
sphinxxwhat is format i dont see that option07:02
Erickj92ok symptom, thank you07:02
iositdErickj92, no, it's something standard. However, scanning yourself with nmap isn't going to show your ports open. I can do it for you and tell you the result.07:02
iositdsymptom, afaik that's fairly though to do.07:02
Erickj92ok, so PM you my external IP?07:02
robm2Gnea: I did, unable to connect. I tried connecting using vnc and and I couldn't load http://localhost:90107:02
Odd-rationalesphinxx: if it is a new partion you may not seee the format option07:02
iositdErickj92, yes. I'll give you the result then.07:03
sphinxxwhat about "bootable flag'07:03
iositdErickj92, wait ...07:03
sphinxxits default is 'off'07:03
nikrudsphinxx probably because it needs formatting already07:03
=== iositd is now known as hischild
Gnearobm2: ok. when you installed swat, did it installed anything else, like openbsd-inetd?07:03
Odd-rationalesphinxx: turn that on07:03
hischildErickj92, there we go. Now you can pm me =)07:03
bazhangsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg Finnish this command might help too07:03
sphinxxwhen would it be wise to set typical usage to 'largefile' instead of 'standard'07:04
Gnearobm2: btw, what version of ubuntu do you have on there?07:04
robm2Gnea: no it doesn't look like it installed anything else07:04
Finnishbazhang: It is now 1792x1344, and I wan't it to be 1024x76807:04
sphinxxlike if you often transfer large files?07:04
robm2Gnea: was that supposed to be netstat -nap | grep 901  ?07:04
nikrudsphinxx big file is for things like full dvd's, if you have one you won't have much room for anything else07:05
sphinxxah ok07:05
Gnearobm2: yes.07:05
sphinxxso if i had a huge hard drive, i could make multiple partitions, one of them specifically for large files?07:05
nikrudsphinxx exactly07:05
sphinxxah ok07:05
sphinxxand keep reserved blocks at 5%?07:05
earlhey guys. wondering if there's any way to have evolutoin check for mail automatically07:06
earlspecifically, to do so without having evolution open07:06
earlmaybe a notification tray app or something?07:06
Odd-rationaleearl: you can dock it with alltray07:06
Gumbyinstall kontact/kmail and do away with evolution  :)  thats my solution07:06
earlOdd-rationale: eh?07:06
=== nikrud changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.org | Hardy 8.04 Beta Support in #ubuntu+1 | The Wiki seems to be experiencing difficulties, be patient
Odd-rationaleearl: search synaptic for alltray07:07
TreyI made some progress07:07
sphinxxok nikrud now i made the swap partition , 1gb07:07
earlwhat does it do...?07:07
sphinxxit has one option, 'bootable flag'07:07
Treyi am not sure if it works completly yet though07:07
sphinxxturn this one off or on?07:07
nikrudgood to go. bootable flag is meaningless to linux07:07
Finnishbazhang: Aargh, that didn\t help07:07
Odd-rationaleearl: it pus the app into the notification area.07:07
sphinxxis there a reason hard drives always leave like 7mb of free space?07:08
sphinxxis that the buffer or something?07:08
Odd-rationaleearl: but yeah. I like kmail better.07:08
sriramomanin ubuntu package management, how do i check the size of the file going to be downloaded for installation?07:08
earlkmail's pretty excellent but does it integrate well with gnome?07:08
bazhangFinnish: how did you install the drivers?07:08
robm2Gnea: when I typed the netstat command, the results were several lines of07:09
robm2unix 3 [ ]  stream connected number    number/something else /07:09
nikrudsphinxx something about making sure partitions start/end on some logical spot I think07:09
Odd-rationalesphinxx: when you set up you last partion (swap) did you set it exactly to 1gb or to max to use the rest of the drive?07:09
sphinxxto 1gb07:09
Finnishbazhang: I guess these are linux drivers07:09
sphinxxwas i suppoed to use max/07:09
sriramomanin ubuntu package management, how do i check the size of the file going to be downloaded for installation?07:09
tarkusi have a question: would you consider linux to be able to accomodate any basic user? some who doesnt know a single line of code?07:10
nikrudsphinxx 7mb wont matter, but you could go back and set it to max07:10
bazhangFinnish: you are using the nv and not the nvidia driver; how was that installed?07:10
alan_msriraman, please be patient :)07:10
Odd-rationalesphinxx: do you still have a "free space" evtry?07:10
sphinxxthanks for the help you 2 especially (you know who you are), im gonna take a shower while this is installing07:10
bazhangsriramoman: check packages.ubuntu.com07:10
Gnearobm2: ignore those, there should be one that says LISTEN on it07:10
FinnishThis was my first ever ubuntu install, I remember that it got sort of automaticallt07:10
FinnishOr I just selected it from the list07:10
sphinxxodd, im already in the setup, not sure, the linux partition was showing no freee space at all, but i remember when setting up windows, it has 7mb i couldnt touch07:10
nikrudsriramoman apt-cache show <packagename> | grep -i size07:11
FinnishThis is Gutsy 7.1007:11
carlzenoxis there a good movie maker for ubuntu?07:11
bazhangFinnish: did you use envy for this?07:11
robm2Gnea: none of them say listen  just lots of stream connected (7 lines)07:11
Gneacarlzenox: i've had some success with kino and avidemux07:11
sphinxxbe back in a bit07:11
Finnishbazhang: No envy07:11
Gneacarlzenox: they are NOT microsoft movie, though :)07:11
Gnearobm2: ok then it didn't start right - do you get any results with this command: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep inetd    ?07:12
Odd-rationalecarlzenox: unfortunately, not really. there is cinerella, kino, pitivi, and kdenlive.07:12
bazhangFinnish: well how about using the restricted drivers; the nvidia ones; or you could hand edit your xorg.conf07:12
nikrudsphinxx one thing: be very patient, the installer does not have good feeback07:12
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?07:12
sriramomannikrud: is it not possible thru the gui itself?07:12
earlodd-rationale: do you use kmail? how well does it integrate with gnome07:13
Finnishbazhang: I've hand edited xconf before, but with assistant, so I could try it07:13
bazhangsriramoman: look in synaptic package manager sure07:13
Odd-rationaleearl: i use kde anyways :P07:13
nikrudsriramoman hightlight the package, and select properties (in synaptic)07:13
robm2Gnea: -bash: pkg: command not found07:13
luckylinanyone know why it takes a couple times logging off then back on to get my menus to work with compiz fusion?07:13
Gnearobm2: dpkg  :)07:13
robm2Gnea: I copies and pasted your line exactly07:13
robm2oh hehe07:13
robm2Gnea: ii update-inetd 4.27-0.2 inetd.conf updater07:14
owen1i have winxp in a folder and i want to create iso. can i do it?07:14
Odd-rationaleearl: so a real solution would be to switch to kubuntu, ;)07:14
Gnearobm2: ok, give this a shot then: apt-get install xinetd07:14
bazhangearl kde stuff works fine in gnome07:14
earli just switched away from kubuntu07:15
nikrudOdd-rationale I knew there was a method to your nick07:15
robm2Gnea: okay done.07:15
earli prefer kde but i think ubuntu's amenities are better, and unfortunately none of them apply to kubuntu07:15
sriramomannikrud: is the default package manager synaptic? coz that method was not there in default manager...07:15
Gnearobm2: now check it again:   netstat -nap | grep 901 | grep LISTEN07:15
Odd-rationalenikrud: *gasps* you figured out the meaning to my nick ?!07:15
bazhangsriramoman: ubuntu has synaptic kubuntu has adept07:15
nikrudsriramoman ah, you're using add/remove.  close that, and go to  system->admin->synaptic package manager. More powerful, lists many more software packages07:16
Gneabazhang: and they all have apt-get ;)07:16
bazhangtrue ;]07:16
robm2Gnea: I ran netstat -nap | grep 901 | grep LISTEN and didn't get an error or anything but I still can't load the web page07:16
sriramomanyes i am used to power.07:16
luckylincan anyone help me figure out something in compiz fusion?07:16
sriramomani am new to ubuntu, though07:16
bazhang#compiz-fusion is best for that luckylin07:16
Odd-rationaleluckylin: depends on what that something is07:16
Gnearobm2: ok, check to see if this file exists: /etc/xinetd.d/swat07:17
nikrudsriramoman   linuxcommands.org , that'll start you down the power road (courtesy of Odd-rationale)07:17
luckylinI just have a little problem restarting my computer07:17
sriramomanthank u very much07:17
Treyok i need some new help now07:17
robm2Gnea: -bash: /etc/xinet.d/swat: No such file or directory07:17
Treyi found a back way in to the desktop07:17
luckylinwhen it restarts compiz fusion fails to load, and no menus come up, sometimes no desktop at all just background07:17
Gnearobm2: try this then:  dpkg-reconfigure swat07:17
RolcolHow do I change the system font size on xubuntu?07:17
owen1folder to iso     anyone?07:17
sriramomannikrud: i used to use suse. i am new to ubuntu. i know the typical unix commands07:17
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?07:17
bazhangluckylin: try disabling compiz alt f2 metacity --replace07:18
sriramomanas u see, package management is distro specific!07:18
robm2Gnea:  okay done07:18
nikrudsriramoman then you're going to find some stuff different, but much much better ;)07:18
Gnearobm2: see if it's there now07:18
robm2Gnea: still doesn't exist07:18
nikrudgood night all07:18
luckylinwhat I ended up doing was control+alt+delete and hit logout, then when I logged back in again it all works07:18
Odd-rationalenikrud: good night!07:18
Finnishbazhang: Uh, I had to restart this machine07:19
robm2Gnea: rob@Ubuntu:~# dpkg-reconfigure swat07:19
robm2--------- IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR XINETD USERS ----------07:19
robm2The following line will be added to your /etc/inetd.conf file:07:19
robm2 07:19
FloodBot1robm2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:19
luckylinso it does work, just not the first time07:19
sriramomanand i am very used to having all applications in my fingertips(offline). i dont mind downloading entire repos. how do i do that in suse and implement it thru synaptic  or add/remove?07:19
luckylini'll go to #compiz-fusion to see if they know what it is07:19
sriramomansorry ubuntu07:19
sriramomanslip off tongue07:20
luckylinthankyou bazhang07:20
robm2pastbin url doesn't work :(07:20
Gnearobm2: don't worry about pasting anything :)07:20
alan_mrobm2, you can truly use any pastebin site, as long as you give us the link to the paste ;)07:20
Gnearobm2: what number does this command provide?  ls /etc/xinetd.d/ | wc -l07:20
bazhanghttp://odzangba.wordpress.com/2007/12/24/use-apt-mirror-to-create-your-own-ubuntu-mirror/ sriramoman07:20
robm2the site http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ doens' t load for m e07:21
Gnearobm2: what about http://pastebin.ca ?07:21
Treyok i need some help from the graphics guru07:21
bazhangrobm2: then install pastebinit and cat and pipe the stuff there07:21
sriramomanbazhang: is it possible to see the size of each repo?07:22
robm2Gnea http://pastebin.ca/96579307:22
Gneayes, apparantly the EU is eperiencing some internet cabling issues right now07:22
earlso in kmail how do you get the tray to show up?07:22
cableroyhi, i have dualscreen, but when i login with my regular user it gets twin view, i tried to make a new user and loged in, and that worked good, how to fix this on my regular user?07:22
Gnearobm2: sec07:22
sriramomanand i need to download it in chunks, so i would prefer if i can resume downloads07:23
Treyhow do i fix restricted drivers07:23
bazhangsriramoman: I would imagine it would be in the several gb range; cant remember at the moment07:23
sriramomancoz internet connection is free for me for 8hrs a day07:23
sriramoman(5 gb a day)07:23
Gnearobm2: put that in your /etc/xinetd.d/swat  http://pastebin.ca/96579607:24
sriramomani would b happy enough is downloads can be resumed07:24
manchicken_sriramoman: I would say that it's fair to say that the Ubuntu repositories in their entirety are at least a TB or two.07:24
manchicken_Though I suspect more than that even.07:24
bazhangnah not that big07:24
Gneadebian's isn't even 1TB07:25
hischildmanchicken_, i doubt that ... how much space do you use, binaries only?07:25
alan_mbazhang, i found pastebinit but cant find cat in the repositories, are you sure thats right? (asking for future reference to users)07:25
manchicken_bazhang: Remember, you're talking Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, from Hoary through Hardy.07:25
Gneamanchicken_: you're also talking about round robin07:25
manchicken_hischild: IIRC the question was how bit the repository is...07:25
manchicken_That would include source debs as well as binary debs.07:26
knoppixWhat is the commend to make a disklabel pleae?07:26
bazhangalan_m: it would be first: install pastebinit; then cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit which will spit a url out for you to post here07:26
robm2Gnea: uh. I dont have a folder inetd.d07:26
sriramomanbazhang: are repos in ubuntu like urls?07:26
bazhangsriramoman: did you read that link even?07:26
knoppixI searched gogle and got ever command but the disk label one07:26
alan_mah, sorry bud, just got confused ;)07:26
robm2Gnea: i thought maybe I was doing someting wrong in ssh so I loggedin with vnc and I can't find it07:26
knoppixeven the man07:26
kelvin911hello is there a channel talks about linux games?07:26
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic kelvin91107:27
Gnearobm2: it's xinetd.d lol07:27
kelvin911i am looking fps games that can be play single player07:27
sriramomani read it, but is it absolutely necessary to use apt-mirror?07:27
Gneamanchicken_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=2db139e1191e1e2bcac67e5d293e7c23&t=35246007:27
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?07:27
knoppixCan I bother someone here for the linux command for disklabel please07:27
cableroyhi, i have dualscreen, but when i login with my regular user it gets twin view, i tried to make a new user and loged in, and that worked good, how to fix this on my regular user?07:27
alan_mkelvin911, please take the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.07:28
bazhangsriramoman: that was just a suggestion; this is Linux so feel free to come up with your own ;]07:28
manchicken_Gnea: I'll be happy to look at that after my dist-upgrade is done.07:28
kelvin911alan_m: thx07:28
Odd-rationaleknoppix: you will have to reformat the partion. Is that OK?07:28
Odd-rationaleknoppix: what filesystem?07:28
knoppixmk something07:28
sriramomancan u point me to some repo?07:28
bullgard4knoppix: You can use Gparted to change partition labels.07:28
knoppixgparted will not LABEL!!!!07:29
Gneasriramoman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=2db139e1191e1e2bcac67e5d293e7c23&t=35246007:29
knoppixI wnt to leabel / and home thats it07:29
Odd-rationaleknoppix: mkfs.ext3 -L your label /dev/sdb107:29
robm2Gnea: okay, I created the file swat and pasted your text07:29
bazhangknoppix: calm down please07:29
Gnearobm2: ok, now: /etc/init.d/xinetd restart07:29
robm2Gnea: stopping, starting07:29
robm2Gnea: okay I can access the webpage now, whats the un/pass same as my regular?07:30
Gnearobm2: whatever you set root to :)07:30
robm2Gnea: okay logged in07:30
Gnearobm2: if you login as regular user you won't be able to do everything07:30
robm2Gnea: I'm as root07:30
IanFHoodI am a total noobie, have installed 6.06.2 (server) but # apt-get install python2.4-setuptools returns error: couldn't find package...07:31
Gnearobm2: oh ok cool. click on stuff. read things. dive in. enjoy.07:31
martzipAN^hey , i put a file in /bin dir that will be a global command so i can use it anywhere , but if i not run it as a root user its asks me password, is there a way to run that command with any user without asking a password ?07:31
bazhangIanFHood: did you add sudo to that07:31
robm2Gnea: :( that doesn't exactly help07:31
IanFHoodwell, from sudo -i07:31
IanFHoodsame thing, no?07:31
sriramomanGnea: thank u07:32
Gnearobm2: the only way to learn it is to, quite honestly, USE it07:32
martzipAN^shouldnt i change the chmod of the file of somthing in /bin07:32
Gneasriramoman: you're welcome07:32
sriramomanGnea: this is suitable for me, only that i want to know how i can pause/resume downloads07:32
Gnearobm2: you've got icons across the top. click on them, experiment, poke around - just don't click on 'commit' yet07:32
Geoffrey2when using the tar command, how do I specify an existing directory to place the extracted files in, instead of it creating a new directory?07:32
robm2Gnea: i was fine before installing swat. it's just that ever since I installed the new hd and shared a folder my other shares weren't accessable from windows. howe am I supposed to figure out  why07:32
Gnearobm2: check out your shares button07:33
robm2Gnea: the existing shares are still there07:33
Gnearobm2: you should have a drop-down list of all of your shares.07:33
Gnearobm2: then see if they're browsable or available07:33
IanFHoodbazhang: yes, used sudo07:34
leonbrusselsMarzipan sudo chmod 775 /bin/youtfile07:34
leonbrusselsi think07:34
robm2Gnea: browsable is no. if I change that to yes, I supopse that will fix... if I set default that makes it for all shares?07:34
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Gnearobm2: make it 'yes', it will only affect that share.07:34
ZoiXWanda give me water :|07:35
Gnearobm2: and if it doesn't work right away, 'restart all' on the status button will fix that :)07:35
* Gnea has been playing with samba a wee bit much lately, can you tell?07:35
IanFHoodI was able to apt-get install python2.4-imaging with no problem, but I don't understand why not the setuptools... have I got the wrong id?07:35
owen1is installing kernel headers dangerous?07:36
robm2Gnea: neat, one of my shares got deleted when I changed to to browsable and commited changes07:36
Gneaowen1: dangerous? it... might take up... a little bit of... hard drive space lol07:36
bazhangIanFHood: try an apt-cache search for the exact name; such as apt-cache search python07:36
Gnearobm2: are you sure about that? click on another button then go back to it and try to select it again07:37
orbisvicisbutt ... you need it ... to compile modules ... etc07:37
leonbrusselsMartzipAN^ use sudo chmod 775 on your file07:37
sriramomancan i use i386 packages on x86_64 ubuntu?07:37
robm2Gnea: no, I was mistaken, it keeps changeing to print$. CAn I delete print$ I dont have any printers07:37
owen1Gnea: i am trying to use virtualbox on 8.04 and get error about virtualbox kernel driver not installed.07:38
Gnearobm2: print$ is a default printer thing for samba, it's harmless. best off to leave it alone.07:38
hischildmanchicken_, i'm downloading the repo's now. Not including the sources and normally excluded ones, they account for 41gb07:38
owen1Gnea: when googling for it some say to do this: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:38
Gneaowen1: /join #ubuntu+1  they support hardy there07:38
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bazhangowen1: that would be #ubuntu+107:38
IanFHoodbazhang: nothing07:38
sriramomanowen1: add ur username under vbox?? group. that v???? name would be included in the error07:39
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?07:39
bazhangIanFHood: try some different keywords or search packages.ubuntu.com07:39
manchicken_hischild: All of them?  Over the last 2-3 years?07:40
hischildmanchicken_, i'm talking about the current repo's for hardy.07:40
manchicken_hischild: The person I was answering before just mentioned repos.  Not current repos :)07:41
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robm2Gnea: when it says available that does that mean. I set browsable adn available to yes on both. I stil can't connect with windows07:41
manchicken_I can't imagine that current repos would be > 100GB.  Are you including universe and restricted as well/07:41
manchicken_I'm gonna be rebooting shortly for hardy upgrade.07:41
hischildmanchicken_, i'm assuming he wants the same as i do, which is a local copy of the repo's.07:42
robm2Gnea: brb rebooting windows07:42
manchicken_hischild: That's not a terrible assumption.07:42
RaditCan anyone tell me how to take a screen shot of a window?07:43
bazhangso 1TB minus a bit ;]07:43
hischildmanchicken_, *sigh* that's a huge relief. I was afraid i made a horrible assumption and that the world was going to end because of it.07:43
hischildRadit, try print screen ;-)07:43
manchicken_hischild: Well, there was that sudden jerk as the planet began to rotate in the opposite direction... but it's a bit speculative to blame it on you... yet...07:44
hischildmanchicken_, uhoh ...07:44
manchicken_I'll find a way to blame it on you though.  Don't worry :)07:44
hischildmanchicken_, i wouldn't expect anything less from you :-)07:44
* Gnea notes that the planet kept turning just fine here07:44
manchicken_Gnea: Of course not.07:45
hischildGnea, no that's impossible... it's becoming night again while it just was morning ... o.O07:45
EdgEyscope error Gnea07:45
kjdxSomeone I know what kind of ubuntu can install on this server? ---> http://computers.pricegrabber.com/servers/m/4762544/details/st=product_tab/07:45
Radithirschild, I would like to take a screen shot of just a window not the whole program.. is this possible? using alt+printscreen doesn't include the window title...07:45
manchicken_Radit: I believe there's a screenshot program in accessories07:46
figuringouthi, i'm on ubuntu dapper drake. i cant get the video codec for m WMV files working in mplayer.  Any help here?07:46
hischildRadit, use the normal print screen and then cut it? or use the screenshot program.07:46
manchicken_rebooting.  Back shortly07:46
hischildgood luck07:46
Raditok, thanks...07:46
zcat[1]figuringout: sudo apt-get install win32codecs  .. but if they're 'protected wma' you can't play them outside of windows or a wma player (not even a zune :)07:47
sphinxxhey nik you still here07:47
Gneakjdx: not sure if that's a 64-bit cpu or not... i386 for sure, but if it is 64-bit, x86_64 (AMD64) should work just fine07:47
Gnearobm2: wb07:47
figuringoutzcat, what repo? i get Couldn't find package win32codecs07:48
robm2Gnea: hi07:48
robm2Gnea:  rebooted winows. still can't connect to \\myubuntu previously I could atleast do that and see the printers folder now it doesn't even07:48
NithHello, I'm trying to change my tty's resolution. I've attempted doing vga=794 and vga=0x31A among other vga settings with no luck. How do I do this correctly?07:48
zcat[1]figuringout: might be w32codecs, sorry07:48
robm2Gnea: windows can't find it, check spelling etc.07:48
Gnearobm2: did you set your windows box to the same workgroup as the samba server?07:48
figuringoutzcat: thanks. should work now.07:48
robm2Gnea: yes, it always has been. Aside from installing the new hd on ubuntu, and creating the share onthat hd I made absolutely no changes to anything else07:49
robm2Gnea: that's why I'm so frustrated that it just stopped working and wont see my other shares07:49
Gnearobm2: ok, just checking. what sort of security do you have set for samba? is it share or user?07:50
zcat[1]figuringout: might .. if you ripped them yourself in Windows media player, the default is 'protected' -- because MSFT knows that everybody really really wants to be able to do sfa with their own music...07:50
sphinxxis possible to network drives between ubuntu and windows xp?07:50
sphinxxso they can see each other07:50
sphinxxover a network07:50
Gneasphinxx: yes.07:50
figuringoutzcat: will get back in case of probs. i just couldn't figure out the package name. all the online forums mention old names. it has changed i believe07:50
sphinxxim new as you can tell07:50
robm2gnea: waiting for swat to load... pretty sure its user because previously I was always asked for un/pass before it would show anything07:50
cybermadhow to save command history on terminal?07:51
cybermadhow to save command history of terminal?07:51
Yashyshell specific07:51
zcat[1]figuringout: yeah, it's called 'non-free-codecs' in hardly07:51
Gneacybermad: no need, it's already done. use the history command07:51
sphinxxi just installed ubuntu 7.10, what are the first steps i need to take now?07:51
Yashysphinxx: do to what?07:51
Gneasphinxx: no idea, what do you like to do with your computer?07:51
hischildsphinxx, enjoy the best OS ever.07:51
zcat[1]hmm.. gtg07:51
cybermadGnea i want to re-install the PC with other OS, and need to backup the history07:51
sphinxxlike as far as security07:52
sphinxxor whatever07:52
Gneacybermad: check .bash_history07:52
sphinxxi was reading you should update the kernel because newer runs run better on newer cpus?07:52
sriramomancan someone pls tell me whats there in the ubuntu dvd thats not there in the cd?07:52
zcat[1]sphinxx: enable universe/multiverse repos and medibuntu, and install ubuntu-restricted-extras and dvdcss2 packages07:52
Yashysphinxx: your questions sucks.07:52
hischildsphinxx, no need. The system you have now is just perfect. What do you want to do? perhaps then we can suggest some packages.07:53
Yashysphinxx: http://hackepedia.org/?title=IRC:907:53
sphinxxall id like is to have safe web browsing07:53
hischildsphinxx, that's done by default. Anything else?07:53
sphinxxand it would be nice for it to see my drive on my windows xp desktop07:53
sphinxxover the network07:53
Yashysphinxx: define safe.07:53
hischildsphinxx, go to network and see if you see the xp box.07:53
zcat[1]sphinxx: well, restricted-extras will set up flash and java for you.. you very likely want them.. and dvdcss2 will let you watch DVD's07:53
Yashyfirefox with no script plugin is a good starting point07:54
robm2Gnea: some how smb was turned off. started it up again, seems fine.... crossing fingers by readding the share on the new hd07:54
zcat[1]dunno about noscript, but adblockplus is a must-have!07:54
Gnearobm2: ok07:54
Daisuke_Idonoscript, adblock plus....07:54
Yashyflash and java are both prolly exploitable right now07:54
sphinxxso that means i couldnt use youtube?07:54
* Gnea prefers adblock, adblockplus always screws up07:54
Daisuke_Idodownthemall, customizegoogle (those seem odd, but hey)07:54
zcat[1]actually yes, noscript -- I got rickrolled today, first time ever. Argh!07:54
mauro-blshi all07:55
hischildzcat[1], youtube has rickrolled a lot of ppl today07:55
Gneasphinxx: sure you can, just go there and when you can't view it, click on it and it should redirect you to download the ubuntu plugin07:55
Daisuke_Idoah, but that's youtube's awesomeness today :D07:55
figuringoutyoutube i heard is rickrolling from featured videos07:55
hischildfiguringout, correct07:55
zcat[1]I got the javascript page you can't quit out of.. and damn FF3b4 saves the page and goes back to it when I kill the browser too, argh!!07:55
sphinxxshould i click 'get the latest flash player'07:56
hischildzcat[1], here's the solution:07:56
Nithany tty lovers out there ever use vga=something in grub?07:56
zcat[1]all of a sudden that's not such a good feature07:56
hischildzcat[1], open up that page, open up a new page, THEN kill firefox.07:56
hansjdis there any way i change my 11g standard to 11b standard on my wireless? it seem's like i can't log on to my school network because it is 11b standard07:56
Gneasphinxx: sure07:56
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hischildzcat[1], as in: open ff twice07:56
figuringoutthis is a useful page to keep eyes open http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_1%2C_200807:56
Gneahischild: i like my method better: open a terminal, issue a killall -9 firefox-bin07:56
zcat[1]hischild: you can't open a new page, it constantly pops a javascript dialog up so you can't do anything else07:56
sphinxxhow does root work exactly, is liek the equivalent of Administrator on windows?07:56
kensomebody can sen me a midonkey for deb !07:57
zcat[1]anyhow.. I solved it in the end07:57
hischildzcat[1], alt f2 firefox && firefox07:57
sphinxxi never set a password for it, i only set a password for the username i created07:57
hischildGnea, then it'll open the page again when he opens it up07:57
IanFHoodbazhang: ok, tried the packages.ubuntu.com - got the correct id, still won't find it07:57
manchickenThere we go.07:57
DistroJockey!sudo | sphinxx07:57
Gneahischild: not if he presses up-arrow and enter really fast, one right after the other, after making sure that the terminal remains on top of all other applications07:57
robm2Gnea: okay looks good thanks. just want to say that swat gui is a little unuser friendly when choosing shares. I have to rechoose the share many times because it keeps loading the printer one even though i picked something else and clicked choose07:57
kensomebody can send me the mldonkey for deb!!! my system is 7.10 !07:58
kensomebody can send me the mldonkey for deb!!! my system is 7.10 !07:58
hischildGnea, i c07:58
DistroJockeysphinxx: sudo infront of the command gives root access07:58
sphinxxhow do i install this flash player i downloaded?07:58
sphinxxits a .tar.gz file07:58
kensomebody can send me the mldonkey for deb!!! my system is 7.10 !07:58
robm2Gnea: i appreciate it. time for bed07:58
eth01tar zxvf, cd foo07:58
Gnearobm2: yeah, it's fairly hard-edged a bit, but it's really the most user-friendly gui for setting up samba correctly07:58
kensomebody can send me the mldonkey for deb!!! my system is 7.10 !07:58
Gnearobm2: cheers, nite07:59
hischildfiguringout,  i like the april joke from nightwish ..07:59
robm2gnight all07:59
eth01ken: please don't ask your question twice, in what, the space of 5 seconds07:59
* Gnea throws barbie dolls at ken07:59
* Yashy wonders if ken is esl in obscure country08:00
sphinxxhischild ill rephrase, what do I need to do to ensure all my ports are closed08:00
* Gnea notices that too08:00
* Gnea proceeds to put his gf's barbies back where they belong.08:00
hischildsphinxx, you don't need anything. If you want to control your firewall, google for an iptables tutorial.08:00
Yashysphinxx: http://hackepedia.org/?title=ports08:00
eth01Gnea: topic please.08:01
Gneaeth01: ubotu is MIA08:01
hischildYashy, do you have any other resource then just hackepedia .... ?08:01
eth01Gnea: i don't care, topic.08:01
sphinxxis firefox 3 beta 4 ok for linux?08:01
eth01sphinxx: yes and no?08:01
SmokeyDhey, anybody knows how to turn off focus stealing prevention in metacity?08:01
Gneadefinitely time for sleep, nite.08:01
Yashyhischild: Why do I need a different one?08:01
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sphinxxlike are any of you using it, i know on my xp, 3 performs a lot faster08:01
figuringouthischild: the worst is my fav xkcd. they've swtiched sites. which is a way of rickrolling. the right link to the xkcd comic for today is www.qwantz.com08:02
kenhello!~ i am looking for the mldonkey for deb !08:02
hischildYashy, instead of redirecting people you could offer help ...08:02
hischildfiguringout, lol ... well nightwish went with green energy for the day!08:02
kensomebody give me a addrees for web08:02
LunksHow to compile NVIDIA kernel module together with a custom built kernel?08:03
omnz0rsphinxx: you could use iptables08:03
Yashyhischild: ask me a question that is answered easily there, that I can answer, and I'll help any way I can.08:03
sphinxxis iptables a program?08:03
Yashythat isn't answered easily08:03
omnz0rit is08:03
LunksI don't want to wait until failsafe X loads, I kill it and then install it from nvidia script.08:03
Yashysphinxx: linux based packet filter08:04
sphinxxis there a quick way to just close every port08:04
sphinxxim not going to be doing any hosting or anything08:04
MistaGeeI'm currently having issues with alsa in ubuntu hardy... whenever a program tries to list up the available devices and/or PCMs, it hangs completely and can't be killed. has anyone experienced this before?08:04
omnz0riptables -P INPUT DROP08:04
hischildsphinxx, they are closed by default.08:05
Yashysphinxx: change your runtime/init mode then?08:05
hischildMistaGee, /j #ubuntu+108:05
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?08:05
sphinxxso i dont need to do anything im safe out of the box?08:05
manchickenMistaGee: That sounds like an intel hda issue.  I haven't found two hda issues that were the same so you may want to check #ubuntu+1, but also start googling.08:05
hischildomnz0r, that might kick him out as well as returning traffic can also be bounced08:05
Yashysphinxx: I hear there is a firewall in Hardy, but you should be OK out of the box. try http://crypto.yashy.com/nmap.php08:06
sphinxxi have 7.10 desktop08:06
hischildsphinxx, you can use firestarter to check your firewall and stuff, or set up your own using iptables.08:06
MistaGeeI actually do have an intel hda08:06
sphinxxim sorry i want to stress how new i am to this :\08:06
omnz0rhischild: yes, put it closes all ports08:06
BlinkizI need help with unison and the merge function. Where can I ask my question?08:06
Yashyfirewalling is getting better in ubuntu08:07
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hischildomnz0r, it doesn't just close all ports, it drops _ALL_ incoming traffic.08:07
YashyBlinkiz: ask and cross your finger for a pointer?08:07
omnz0rhischild: yes, that is correct08:07
hischildomnz0r, which includes responses from outgoing traffic.08:07
BlinkizYashy: ;)08:08
sphinxxit says 202 updates available, should i install these?08:10
hischildsphinxx, yes08:10
BlinkizI have two txt files that has changed on two location. Am using unison to sync changes. Problem now is that the file has changed on both sides. unison has a solution for this called "merge". Problem is that after reading the merge manual page, I can't still get it to work. Anyone wanna help me out?08:10
hischildBlinkiz, do you still have the original?08:10
sphinxxi feel so useless not doing anything after installing the OS08:11
hischildsphinxx, USE your OS, instead of spending hours finding everything you need to get it to work.08:11
YashyBlinkiz: is this a one off you can use diff to merge them, or a regular issue with unison?08:11
sphinxxill drink 2 that08:11
sphinxxalthough id like to tweak it for speed since the laptop isnt that great08:11
Yashysphinxx: search "ubuntu kernel tweaks"08:12
hischildsphinxx, windows takes me about 3 hours to get it working with drivers (vista that is, for xp is not possible due to lack of drivers) and then i don't have any programs. Ubuntu takes me 20 min for the install, and 40 min for the updates.08:12
kelvin911i accidently delete emacs(client) from main menu how do i get it back?08:12
hischildYashy, you're suggesting kernel tweaks to a newbie ... don't you think that's a little dangerous?08:13
BlinkizYashy: I think my problem is a combo between diff3 and unison. diff3 wants MYFILE OLDFILE YOURFILE. I do not have oldfile. Just myfile and yourfile.08:13
hischildBlinkiz, diff can merge between files as well, putting all differences together into one file.08:14
Blinkizhischild: Yeah, thats my goal08:14
Blinkizhischild: But diff is launched from unison.08:14
LunksYashy hischild do you know how to integrate nvidia into a custom kernel build?08:15
sphinxxis there a GUI interface for iptables?08:15
hischildBlinkiz, why not use diff yourself? from what i've read on diff, you can do that yourself.08:15
hischildsphinxx, firestarter iirc08:15
BlinkizI think I found a solution to my problem. Its about having backups all the time on old files. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/771208:15
hischildLunks, no sorry08:15
Blinkizhischild: Can't use diff directly in my case08:15
YashyBlinkiz: Is this a one off you can diff them and merge them? Or will it happen regurily08:15
sphinxxhow do you install applications? like i have a tar.gz file i would like to install08:16
hischildBlinkiz, can you elaborate?08:16
bikeboyAny programs similar to Audacity but lighter weight/simpler? - I just want to trim some mp3 or wav files and possibly compress the resulting mp308:16
BlinkizYashy: It will happen regurily08:16
Yashyhischild: sounds like he's looking for something challenging?08:16
hischildYashy, who, lunks? yes08:16
omnz0rsphinxx: what app is it?08:16
Yashysphinxx: try $ gksudo synaptic08:17
JanPeterhey if anyone has any experience getting Age of Empires 3 to work in wine join #winehq to help someone out thanks!08:17
sphinxxsorry.. its flash 908:17
Yashy./k Janpeter spam08:18
Blinkizhischild: diff3 needs three inputs. MYFILE OLDFILE YOURFILE. Unison is providing MYFILE and YOURFILE by default. Unison is calling diff3 when it notice a change on both sides of the backup. The solution is to configure unison so it keeps old files. That way, OLDFILE will exist08:18
* Yashy does not recommend flash right now08:18
maekYashy, yeah Flash on linux is crap08:19
JanPeterim not spamming08:19
JanPeterits not even my problem....08:19
YashyBlinkiz: sounds reasonable08:19
hischildBlinkiz, i see. Then this might sound stupid: why not just copy it?08:19
Yashymaek: as an app it's been compromised.08:19
Blinkizhischild: Because it's on remote sites. Syncronizing backups over the net08:19
Blinkizhischild: unison is good for this08:20
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?08:20
hischildBlinkiz, i got that part. I meant, before you do the diff part, why not throw in a cp oldfile oldfile.bac08:21
Yashybullgard4: text parsers do08:21
Blinkizhischild: Your right. That is the solution. Thing is that that command is integrated into unison. It's called "backup". I just need to understand how it works.08:22
bullgard4Yashy: Tell me why.08:22
hischildBlinkiz, i meant: before you call this backup, unison or whichever program you use, call a cp.08:23
hischildmanchicken_, having luck with the upgrade?08:23
Yashybullgard4: they take text in, right? then they parse it.08:24
manchicken_Yeah, just trying to get my daru2 to suspend now.08:24
kelvin911how to burn lightscribe disc in ubuntu?08:24
PeddyCan someone please help me, I get this error when opening a lot of things: ImportError: /usr/lib/libgnomevfs-2.so.0: undefined symbol: g_assertion_message_expr :'(08:25
bullgard4Yashy: But parsers do not add suffixes, as far I know.08:26
Blinkizhischild: That's the beauty of unison. It handles all this commands. Unison is making backups on the remote site (ssh connection) with the cp command. I just trying to understand how. Am on my why with the command "backupcurrent" within unison08:26
hischildBlinkiz, i'm sorry, i misunderstood.08:27
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bullgard4Yashy: Besides, I used ps with some options only.08:27
Yashyparsers can add whatever you want08:27
YashyBlinkiz: There is no beauty in unison if you are asking questions. rsync is the better option right now.08:28
marlunWhat package should I install if I want Default Language: English (Swedish). I don't want my ubuntu to be in swedish but I want the calendar to start with Monday and other things thats swedish. I can choose English (Denmark) but there is no English (Swedish).08:30
ubuntuQWADZSDi JUST DELETED the wrong NTFS Partition!! first thing ive done is put in the Ubuntu live boot cd and come here? any ideas? i have about 250megs of photos i REALLY cannot lose08:30
BlinkizYashy: I don't think it is in my case. Having one central server handling backup and three client synchronizing against this backup. A star topology. For example, all three computers should have the right signons3.txt that is the password file Firefox-3.0 is using.08:30
Yashymarlun: "sweedish language packs ubuntu" search08:31
eth01ubuntuQWADZSD: theres a few things you can do.. but case in point, you've lost everything.08:31
ubuntuQWADZSDeth01: okay tell me all08:31
zcat[1]ubuntuQWADZSD: recreate it.. you've only removed the partition, not the filesystem.. if you restore it just how itt was all should be well08:32
Tomatixeth01, just a thought, isn't NTFS made such it resets sectors at unused, so recover could be possible?08:32
YashyubuntuQWADZSD: promise to backup everything, everwhere, moving forward?08:32
eth01zcat[1]: uhh, not really.08:32
ubuntuQWADZSDzcat[1]: i can just recreate it with gparted?08:32
zcat[1]eth01: how not really?08:32
ubuntuQWADZSDwont that overwrite data?08:32
eth01zcat[1]: if he does that, he'll lose even more, duh.08:33
zcat[1]ubuntuQWADZSD: dod you do anything at all other than remove the partition in the pattiton editor?08:33
ubuntuQWADZSDzcat[1]: nope08:33
ubuntuQWADZSDgod damned fdisk and its lack of detail08:33
zcat[1]ubuntuQWADZSD: if they files are really important, you might be best to call a data recovery expert ASAP... I would be 99% sure that you can just put the partiton settings back.. but not 100% sure08:34
ubuntuQWADZSDzcat[1]: ok thats enough to go on, its just photos i already have on facebook but i will give it a try =)08:34
zcat[1]If you've done nothing else thogh I am 100% sure you can get every last bit back again08:34
Yashypretty much like someone ripped the table of contents out of your harddrive08:34
Yashyworth it to bring back the table of contents or it's not08:35
eth01theres every possibility that the actual FS has been wiped too08:35
ubuntuQWADZSDzcat[1]:  ITS THERE =D THANKS!!!08:35
xp_prgI just got my passport, anyone want to invite me to their country so I can say hi to them?08:36
Yashybut you fail in the area of being positive :)08:36
zcat[1]eth01: depends if he just saved partition changes, or went ahead and created a new FS over the top.. if he didn't, he should be pretty safe08:36
eth01xp_prg: bai08:36
eth01Yashy: you can't always be positive :(08:36
DistroJockeyubuntuQWADZSD: testdisk may be worth a look: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk08:37
zcat[1]ubuntuQWADZSD: cool!! Probably a good idea to backup the files, cos if you got even one cylinder out you're going to see massive FS corruption as soon as you start doing anything else with the FS08:37
eth01ubuntuQWADZSD: defrag it08:37
zcat[1]eth01: NO!!!!!08:37
ubuntuQWADZSDzcat[1]: yeah im going to install ntfs3g and back up to another safe partition08:37
zcat[1]ignore eth01he's giving terrible advice08:37
ubuntuQWADZSDim not that silly haha =p08:37
ubuntuQWADZSDjust wanted a second opinion08:38
hischildubuntuQWADZSD, if you're going to do ANYTHING with it, be sure to back it up first. If possible (and you know how) mount it read only to prevent accidents08:38
eth01zcat[1]: don't be so over-the-top.08:38
Homerehello. Got an issue with Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 desktop.  Sometimes my session starts, I can launch programms (Firefox, thunderbird, terminal) and then .... got "connection refused to 0.0" and I can't starts X apps anymore08:38
DASPRiDread the first passage :D08:38
FloodBot1DASPRiD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:38
Yashyzcat[1]: what is the process to kick him, if so?08:38
ubuntuQWADZSDhischild: yeah its already mounted as read only the second i deleted the partition08:38
hischildhomere: /j #ubuntu+108:38
zcat[1]eth01: If it's not 100% where it was, defraging it might well completely destroy any chance of recovering all the files08:39
hischildubuntuQWADZSD, ok gd =)08:39
eth01Yashy: whats the process to kick you more like.08:39
Homerehischild: ok08:39
eth01zcat[1]: theres no harm in using defrag, once backed up obv.. (but isn't that just common sense after one fright?)08:39
zcat[1]eth01: why don't you just go ahead and tell him to rm -rf while he's at it...08:39
zcat[1]eth01: yes, AFTER..08:40
hischildeth01, zcat[1], please stop the useless discussion.08:40
eth01zcat[1]: /topoc08:40
eth01/topic, even08:40
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SmegzorI edited grub's menu.lst because splashy just gives me a blank screen, but I want to re-enable splashy.  All I have to do is edit menu.lst but I don't have a backup of the original.  What goes after ro?   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-12-generic root=UUID=e5f70ba4-7566-45d9-b123-2fd983ea3c7f ro08:41
zcat[1]eth01: If the files are recoverable, he should mount the filesystem and copy them somewhere safer .. if the partiton settings aren't right, it may be in a very fragile condition08:41
Filiphhow can I format my HDD; full format. I have 6 partitions on 200Gig HDD. and I want to set it all to 0... is it possible with terminal?08:41
hischildFiliph, are you absolutely sure that you want to remove EVERYTHING from the disc?08:41
zcat[1]mount RO rather..08:41
hischildSmegzor, quiet splash08:42
Filiphyes... it has some bad sectors on C:\08:42
ubuntuQWADZSDthis only happened because of damned vista stuffing up, lucky i know a chunk of linux to help me when this crapbox crashes08:42
Smegzorsplashy has had a few updates so I'm going to see if its fixed yet08:42
hischildFiliph, bad sectors is one thing. But if you're absolutely sure, i'll help you through the process.08:42
[[thufir]]what's a good p2p for downloading mp3's please?08:42
jussio1!piracy | [[thufir]]08:43
SmegzorI also set my maximum resolution in splashy (somewhere).  I might actually see something this time!  brb08:43
hischildFiliph, do you know where the hd is located? like /dev/sdb08:43
[[thufir]]jussi01: in canada it's not illegal :)08:43
Yashy[[thufir]]: ktorrent08:43
[[thufir]]nor norway08:44
MistaGeeI've blacklisted snd_hda_intel now, now aplay -l works (just doesn't find any devices), so the problem definitely has something to do with the hda thing08:44
D32697Quick question how can I point to my drive "New Volume" what is the correct syntax... /media/New\ Volume/  is that how it works or?08:44
eth01Smegzor: once formatted, you'll lose 10gb or so08:44
eth01ah, he's gone08:44
ubuntuQWADZSDMistaGee: i guessing you have alsa installed properly?08:45
nomopofomoHi, I'm trying to get a bunch of .otf files from various folders on a CD into one single directory. How would I go about doing that? In Windows I'd be able to use the search tool to locate them all on the CD and then transfer them but how about in Linux?08:45
Filiphhischild, i am on live CD...08:46
MistaGeeI hope I do, I've tried with the default packages (and before the update, it worked), and I've tried compiling using module-assistant08:46
hischildFiliph, that's ok. Do you have only one hard disc?08:46
jussi01MistaGee: you have a intel hda correct?08:46
Filiphhischild, one HDD and 6 partitions08:46
jussi01MistaGee: have you looked at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:46
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?08:47
eshaasedo 100mbit network cards really get you the supposed 12.5 MB/s or is it kinda like how HDs are where you never reach the maximum speed transfer rate?08:47
eth01eshaase: that depends on your internet connection08:47
hischildFiliph, in terminal type this ==> sudo fdisk /dev/sda08:48
eth01eshaase: or, what you've got in-between. router/switch and so on08:48
hischildeshaase, i get around 10 - 12 meg a sec when wired.08:48
eshaaseeth01: assumign the ideal conditions08:48
eshaasehischild: 100mbit?08:48
hischildeshaase, yes.08:48
eth01eshaase: 100mbit...08:48
Filiphhischild, yes...08:49
hischildFiliph, you get a new menu, correct?08:49
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Shadow420ha found a solution for my dual boot problem08:50
Blinkizdiff3 needs three input files. MYFILE OLDFILE YOURFILE. Does it exist a diff tool that only require MYFILE and YOURFILE?08:50
hischildFiliph, type h for the help menu. p for a list of current partitions with partition numbers. d for deleting a partition. The rest guides itself.08:50
eth01eshaase: we're working with 1gibt here -- never, have I got the "full" gbit08:50
eshaaseeth01: well assuming you ahve 100mbit hardware in between08:50
eshaaseeth01: realistically08:50
Shadow420!find pastebin08:50
eshaaseeth01: lets say a simple 100mbit hub08:50
hischildFiliph, type p to get a list of partition numbers.08:50
hischildFiliph, then type d and the partition number you want to remove.08:50
eth01eshaase: if your NIC supports 1/10/100/ its ok?08:51
eshaaseeth01: well, i don't expect the "full" gbit, just wanted to know what the realistic rates are08:51
eshaaseeth01: what do you mean?08:51
eth01eshaase: mbit.08:51
hischildFiliph, that's a normal message. You can ignore it.08:51
D32697I have a drive named New Volume.. I need to know how to get a program to download files to it.. how do you point to a two word directory?08:51
eth01eshaase: point is, if your NIC supports that -- whats wrong?08:51
markxchandoes anyone know a free local dictionary for ubuntu?08:52
Filiphah, k. so... "p"?08:52
markxchanmuch like encarta dictionary08:52
demianmexwell hello to everyone08:52
marlunCan I remove the thick border that is around windows in the ubuntu theme?08:52
eshaaseeth01: i'm trying to get a feel for how fast gigabit will be if i get it and how much i'll lose out on considering my HD speed08:52
hischildFilbert, yes. (try to add my name, type his and hit tab to complete it. Makes your text red)08:52
demianmexthis is my first time in a irc channel in more than 6 years08:52
Filiphhischild,  ok :-p08:52
sphinxxif i have dual boot, and my windows installtion gets infected with virus, my linux installation will be fine right?08:53
eth01eshaase: gbit, £940.53 p/m!08:53
sphinxxunless the grub loader got corrupted or something08:53
demianmexand finally i can make work properly my usb modem HDSPA with gusty08:53
hischildsphinxx, yes.08:53
hischildFiliph, just makes it a bit easier :-)08:53
eshaaseeth01: whats that?08:53
nomopofomoI need cp help :(08:53
hischildnomopofomo, what's up?08:53
eth01eshaase: i don't think you understand.08:54
Filiphhischild, ok. it's done...08:54
nomopofomohischild, I'm trying to copy all of my fonts from a CD that are in various directories into just one direcotry.08:54
eshaaseeth01: i don't =)08:54
demianmexso guys, what you all up too?08:54
eth01eshaase: 1gbit is something the home-user (generally) won't have.08:54
hischildFiliph, you removed all the partitions?08:54
eshaaseeth01: what does a home-user not generally having it have to do with what i want to do?08:55
eth01eshaase: it's used in data centre, businesses sharing it internally.08:55
hischildFiliph, do you want to create a new partition.08:55
eth01a *08:55
eth01eshaase: you won't be able to experience such speeds on your connection...08:55
eshaaseeth01: why not?08:56
YashyI wonder if there is a !bot command to paste the answer from hackpedia into IRC08:56
hischildeth01, if you do a lot of home copying it most certainly is usefull.08:56
Yashyerr hackepedia08:56
eshaaseeth01: i have a network of systems at home08:56
eshaaseeth01: which is what i plan to use it for08:56
Filiphhischild, not yet first of all I want full format08:56
eth01err, you didn't say this was happening internally. sigh.08:56
eshaaseeth01: i wouldn't consider it if it were just for the internet08:56
eth01you said it was for WAN purposes.08:56
eshaaseeth01: i didn't say that08:57
eth01you didn't say it was for "wan" exactly like that. you implied it though.08:57
MistaGeejussi01, playback does work the way it is now08:57
hischildFiliph, that's what you've done when you removed the partitions. You can then type w to write the new partition (in this case, none)08:57
eshaaseeth01: anyways, waht realistic for transfer rates considering i have two systems, two gbit cards and a gbit hub08:57
eth01eshaase: wrapping it up. if your routers/switches and nics support 100/1gbit or whatever, then it'll work - no probs.08:57
eshaaseeth01: well i know it will work, i'm concerned about how fast it will work08:58
Filiphhischild, hmm... it was TO easy!!! cant be... and no format?08:58
eth01eshaase: we can't predict that, and that's being very realistic.08:58
Smegzoryay!  Splashy works! :D08:58
eshaaseeth01: well i was hoping for a ball-park figure, like 25%, 75%, etc.08:59
eshaaseeth01: kinda like how you can't expect ATA 100 to perform at 100MB/s08:59
hischildFiliph, we'll have to write the entire disc with dd once you've created a new partition (which is the formatting)08:59
DistroJockeyeshaase: It would be around the 25% mark08:59
eshaaseeth01: its more like 50% of that08:59
eth01eshaase: not possible08:59
eshaaseDistroJockey: ouch, really? you think HD speeds are limiting that?09:00
DistroJockeyeshaase: yeah, SATA2 = 300Gb/s09:00
eth01eshaase: whats with the % figures? heh09:00
Filiphhischild, but if i go to places => computer, I see all HDD listed... :-s09:00
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eshaaseeth01: i'm a % kind of guy =)09:00
sphinxxwhat does 'roaming mode' mean - its checked on my etho0 network adapter09:00
bsdnewb07hi guys with ubuntu if im a root user is there a way to become another user without knowing thre password?09:01
eth01eshaase: thats just not ideal in this scenario09:01
snowolfbsdnewb07: su09:01
DistroJockeyeshaase: and that's max for the interface, and the drives can't even get up near that09:01
bsdnewb07su is just to become root isnt it09:01
snowolfsu user09:01
snowolfand you became that user09:01
eshaaseDistroJockey: what do you mean?09:01
hischildFiliph, that's odd. You did type w to write it, correct?09:02
DistroJockeyeshaase: the drive doesn't spin fast enough to pump out 300Gb/s09:02
kelvin911300 Gb/s?09:02
DistroJockeyoops even09:02
eth01not all drives do.09:03
Filiphhischild, ow :-p not seen09:03
kelvin911about 39 GB/s ?? that fast?09:03
sphinxxhey guys i just did port scan on and found 631 open (ipp), 37042, 42033, 58408 open09:03
sphinxxis there a reason those are open?09:03
hischildsphinxx, if you scan yourself, you'll also see the local ports.09:03
sphinxxso port scan of an address sees what ports that address can see on u?09:04
DistroJockeyOfcourse, I did mean 300Mb/s :) sorry09:04
Filiphhaschild, I have to reboot...09:04
DistroJockeyhmm, actually, it's 300MB/s *whaps self*09:04
zcat[1]services are often bound to 'localhost' -- you'll see them open if you scan but you won't see them if you scan from elsewhere on the network09:05
hischildFiliph, can you pastebin me the contents of fstab? sudo aptitude install pastebinit && cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit (provide link in channel please)09:05
hischildFiliph, no you don't. We can do this all after each other.09:05
jimmy_ok it wasn't compiz, i saw that when the game setup runs its auto directx install (becasue it can't see that it's already installed) it gives lots of theese errors: err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x14409:06
bsdnewb07snowolf  su user  is asking me for a password but i dont know there password09:06
Filiphhischild, eh? what have I to do?09:06
jimmy_does anyone know what they mean?09:06
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zcat[1]bsdnewb07: sudo su user  -- will ask for your password, then log you in as 'user'09:06
hischildFiliph, you did write it now, correct?09:06
juzzy_Mythbuntu 7.1 to 8 upgrade issue: upgraded and now won't boot, dumps to initramfs prompt after 1-2mins sitting on loading screen09:07
hischildFiliph, then please paste me the content of fstab: sudo aptitude install pastebinit && cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit (provide link in channel please)09:07
Filiphhischild, what wrote?09:07
hischildFiliph, the new partition table.09:07
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Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m7d56b1b809:09
hischildFiliph, yes. Type w and hit enter.09:10
Yashy71.231 -09:10
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m7ccae7fe09:10
YashyHow can you tell if your paranoia is justified?09:10
hischildFiliph, yes.09:11
hischildFiliph, now pastebin me the output of mount please.09:11
zcat[1]Yashy: it is.09:11
Filiphhischild, srry I am not so advanced in linux... I am just a beginner... what's "ouput of mount"?09:12
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?09:13
YashyFiliph: type "mount" and what you see is the output.09:13
hischildFiliph, type mount and copy the output of mount on pastebin.09:13
Yashybullgard4: your last chance... a parser.09:14
zcat[1]Filiph: mount | pastebinit09:14
bullgard4Yashy: top is no parser.09:14
Filiphhischild, aaah http://pastebin.com/m7180a7b409:14
zcat[1]    3 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/009:15
zcat[1]like those??09:15
hischildFiliph, alright. Type this to unmount your drive ==> sudo umount /dev/sda5.09:15
jimmy_when i run 'wine AutoRun.exe' in NFS most wanted i get this error: err:service:service_get_status service protocol error - failed to read pipe r = 0  count = 0!  Could this be the reason that it can't see that directx is installed?09:15
hischildFiliph, then we can go create a new partition.09:16
hischildjimmy_, type #wine09:16
Filiphhischild, done09:16
hischildFiliph, alright, back to fdisk again. ==> sudo fdisk /dev/sda09:16
jimmy_i get no output with #wine09:17
zcat[1]only 117 users on #winehq ...09:17
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m20c31e4609:17
hischildFiliph, same warning, ignore it again.09:18
hischildFiliph, now we have to create the new partitions. Do you need help on that part?09:18
zcat[1]jimmy_: type "# this line is a comment in bash"09:19
* zcat[1] imagines #wine will never be very effective as a command09:19
zcat[1]anything you type in bash that starts with # is a comment and is ignored09:20
jimmy_why would i have to run a commented command?09:20
zcat[1]I don't know.. not sure what hischild was suggesting there..09:20
jimmy_hischild: why did u suggest to run a comment?09:21
hischildjimmy_, i did not. I suggested you would try the channel of wine which i mistook for #wine instead of #winehq09:21
hischildzcat[1], ^09:21
zcat[1]jimmy_: Ahh.. you didn't say that :)09:21
Filiphhischild, I think so... i want one of 30gig, 80, 50, 2009:22
sphinxxhischild, its stuff like this that makes me overwhelmed09:22
YashyI suggest unicorns09:22
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Yashybelieve in them09:22
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hischildFiliph, alright. Then let's get to it.09:23
Filiphhischild, hehe, I'm ready :-D09:23
hischildFiliph, if you're sure you want to have a total of 4 partitions, you can create all primary.09:23
* zcat[1] has never had much luck in wine .. I got ie6 installed with a script but it runs terribly.. and I got WoW to run.. nothing else ever works.09:23
zcat[1]come to think of it, I don't think ie6 runs that great in windows either :)09:24
zcat[1].. but no, I'm sure it actually runs much worse in wine09:24
Filiphhischild, primary? there is only one for boot: C:\. rest is for games, media, temp, and rest for linux ;-)09:25
sphinxxi just installed noscript, should i allow youtube.com permanently?09:25
zcat[1]sphinxx: I would.09:25
hischildFiliph, how many partitions do you want _TOTAL_ including linux partitions09:26
Yashysphinxx: depends on your priorities?09:26
Filiphhischild, swap included?09:26
sphinxxon my windows machine i have firefox 3 beta 4, noscript isn't available for that yet right?09:26
hischildFiliph, yes09:26
Filiphhischild, 6 (six) ;-)09:27
hischildFiliph, then we'll create 3 primary partitions and 1 extended holding 3 logical partitions.09:27
Filiphhischild, ok09:28
CaBa|how do i provide an uncompressed kernel if a thinclient of mine doesnt support compressed kernel images?09:28
CaBa|can i umcompress it somehow or do i need compile it myself?09:28
hischildFiliph, so from the start after that warning => type n for new <enter>, type p for primary <enter>, <enter> for starting cylinder, type +<size in MB> <enter> for the size.09:29
bsdnewb07guys in ubuntu how can i find out how ram i have09:30
BlinkizAm trying to install comerr-dev but apt-get get stuck when trying to install this package. What todo?09:30
sphinxxi just installed NOscript on my windows xp machine with firefox 3 beta09:30
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sphinxxi marked youtube.com as trusted but it saying i need flash player when i go there now09:30
jghryf327bandeeeeeee deeeeeee boulettttttt09:30
jghryf327bandeeeeeee deeeeeee boulettttttt09:30
jghryf327bandeeeeeee deeeeeee boulettttttt09:30
jghryf327bandeeeeeee deeeeeee boulettttttt09:30
kelvin911how to write a script that can rename like a series of file?09:30
sphinxxnvmind i got it working09:31
kelvin911for example i want to rename 01.avi to 09.avi to like abc01.avi to abc09.avi09:31
Filiphhischild, partition number (1-4)?09:31
DistroJockeybsdnewb07: in a teminal, type:   less /proc/meminfo09:32
hischildFiliph, i'm sorry. For the first one type 109:32
Filiphhischild, :-D09:32
bsdnewb072066496 kB09:33
bsdnewb07whats that in MB09:33
IAMSAMdivide by 10409:33
DistroJockeybsdnewb07: that be 2GB09:33
mbs348hey sorry for a slightly off topic question, but why do any of you think IRC is still so widely used when there is lots of other newfangled technologys communities could use to chat?09:34
juzzy_IRC is instant09:34
bsdnewb07mbs348: it used to, not any more09:34
hischildmbs348, it's easy to use, even for new people.09:34
IAMSAMall of the above09:35
bsdnewb07irc isnt as popular as it was about 5 years ago09:35
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m3383353709:35
juzzy_mbs348, why do you think usenet is still used? because it still works09:35
mbs348but do you think maybe it out of habit?09:35
IAMSAMplus, you can incorporate into chat rooms on websites easily09:35
mbs348ok cool09:35
mbs348thats a good answer09:35
bsdnewb07yeh java applets09:35
mbs348so its portable09:35
juzzy_mbs348, what else is out that is better than irc?09:35
hischildFiliph, you should type +30000M09:35
BlinkizAm trying to install comerr-dev but apt-get get stuck when trying to install this package. What todo?09:35
Filiphhischild, aah09:35
bsdnewb07Blinkiz what is the problem your getting09:36
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?09:36
juzzy_Blinkiz, what does apt-get tell you?09:36
keisangihi there09:36
Blinkizbsdnewb07: juzzy_: I do not get any error. It just hangs. Pressing ctrl+c and the package is skipped. Problem is that it results in that other packages can't be configured.09:36
bsdnewb07how long do you leave it before escaping it?09:37
IAMSAMBlinkiz, which package?09:37
LetterRiphi Hoary doesn't mount my cdrom it appears09:37
Blinkizbsdnewb07: maybe two minutes.09:37
BlinkizIAMSAM: comerr-dev09:37
bsdnewb07are you installing from terminal or a control panel like webmin or something?09:37
LetterRipanyone else have that issue?09:38
IAMSAMhm. Blinkiz, i had that issue with acidlab as well09:38
LetterRipor suggestions to try09:38
Blinkizbsdnewb07: sudo apt-get install09:38
bsdnewb07very weird09:38
bsdnewb07try apt-get update09:38
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m2c6c1d2809:38
IAMSAMusing hardy09:38
keisangii was wondering how i can change compiz settings in hardy ? i clicked on "extra effects" it works well, but how can i change settings? like minimize animations, desktop cube and all the other goodies ?09:38
LetterRiper hardy i mean09:38
kelvin911anyone know how to rename more than 1 file?09:38
hischildFiliph, start from the beginning again.09:39
kelvin911rename 01.avi - 09.avi to a01.avi to a09.avi09:39
kelvin911rename like 100 files09:39
kelvin911how to do that in one line?09:39
zcat[1]kelvin911:  I think  rename /^/a *.avi09:39
Ignaciusis 8.04 a Beta??09:40
IAMSAMkelvin911, also might want to try mv 0*.avi a0*.avi09:40
sidis405so far yes.09:40
zcat[1]still no bot?09:40
hischildzcat[1], ubotu and ubotwo are dead :(09:40
Ignaciusand then release will be?09:40
Filiphhischild, done09:40
zcat[1]is ubotu a Beta?09:40
kelvin911what if i have files like 1.jpg, 2.jpg 003.jpg, 4.jpg  zz.jpg  want them to be like manga01.jpg to manga05.jpg09:41
DistroJockeyIgnacius: 23 days hopefully09:41
IgnaciusUbotu is a biot09:41
IAMSAMubuntu hardy is in beta zcat09:41
simplexiokelvin911: rename09:41
Ignaciusthe release will be 8.10?09:41
DistroJockeyIgnacius: nope 8.0409:41
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m5b4a2cb209:41
kelvin911simplexio: rename them in 1 line09:41
LetterRipalso there is no cdrom0 listed under my dev09:41
dgjonesIgnacius, its due 28th April (I think)09:41
Ignaciusok, then09:41
hischildFiliph, hit enter09:41
kelvin911where they dont have names in common pattern09:41
Filiphhischild, ok09:42
DistroJockeyIgnacius: .04 = April, .10 = October09:42
Ignaciusohhh I know understand :)09:42
zcat[1]kelvin911: for that I would use "ls -1 *.jpg | { x=0 ; while read file ; do mv "$file" image_${x}.jpg ; x= $[ $x + 1 ]; done }09:42
IAMSAMI love the ubuntu versioning process :D09:42
Ignaciusand 8 is year09:42
DistroJockeyme too :)09:42
aguyhow to disguise a promised tor-exit-node?09:42
zcat[1]or something like that09:42
DistroJockeyyup :)09:43
kelvin911simplexio: like 00.jpg  1.jpg  2.jpg  003.jpg  a.jpg   gt.jpg  xx.jpg to aaa01.jpg to aaa07.jpg ?09:43
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Filiphhischild, now the same but with nr°2?09:43
Ignaciusok, thanks09:43
souperok, here's an apparently simple question: how do i disable the ubuntu splash screen? I like to see what is actually happening during boot.09:43
sidis405hey fellas, is anyone havin issues with ralink drivers on Hardy?09:43
hischildFiliph, yes.09:43
hischildFiliph, and with the third09:43
aguyanyone an idea here?09:43
hischildand with the fourth, give me a call09:43
zcat[1]sidis405: #ubuntu+109:43
IAMSAMsouper, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:43
IAMSAMand remove the option for quiet and splash09:43
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Filiphhischild, third? for swap also prim?09:44
IAMSAMthe run sudo update-grub09:44
sidis405thank you zcat[1]09:44
IAMSAMaguy, what are you trying to do w. tor-node?09:44
zcat[1]actually haven't tried that card on hardy yet09:44
hischildFiliph, that's possible yes. We're just creating partitions now, whether they are primary or extended does not matter.09:44
Smegzoris it really necessary to run update-grub?  I never have and just editing menu.lst has always worked for me.09:44
IAMSAMhischild, primary should be boot, if you are putting it on a seperate partition09:45
aguyi just want to no if the tor-node is clear - no gov listening to it for eg.09:45
IAMSAMsmegzor, yes, you have to, or the changes don't take effect09:45
simplexiokelvin911: rename s/^/manga/g * -n09:45
zcat[1]Smegzor: no, it's not necessary.. stage 1.5 is filesystem-aware and reads the menu.list09:45
kelvin911simplexio: rename /^/a *.avi doesnt work09:45
DistroJockeyIAMSAM:  souper: update-grub should not be needed09:45
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/m7f86debc09:46
souperIAMSAM, thanks i'll bback09:46
SmegzorIAMSAM: I am living proof that you're wrong :D09:46
souperDistroJockey, thanks as well09:46
simplexiomaybe it nee 's/^/manga/g'09:46
IAMSAMit's recommended after all changes to the grub entries on all sites i've seen09:46
DistroJockeysouper: np09:46
zcat[1]I have NEVER run anything after editing /boot/grub/menu.list09:46
IAMSAMgood to know09:46
IAMSAMi stand corrected :)09:46
zcat[1]GRUB is not LILO09:46
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: but it says "program used to generate the menu.lst"09:46
IAMSAMaguy, you just want to make sure that tor is an anonymous proxy, basically?09:46
hischildFiliph, type p and pastebin the output again please.09:47
kelvin911simplexio: still dont work09:47
hischildIAMSAM, from what i understand it'll just be a root partition, nothing special for the rest.09:47
* DistroJockey agrees with zcat[1]09:47
dibblegoif I want to record the image from a webcam, what is the recommended software?09:47
IAMSAMDistroJockey, hm, idk, when i add the options for data=writeback, the site said to run update-grub09:47
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/d3111540809:47
zcat[1]dibblego: I'd probably use vlc09:47
kelvin911VLC can capture image from webcam?09:48
hischildIAMSAM, if you add them to the default options and not hte kernel line, that's true. When editing the kernel line directly, there's no need.09:48
zcat[1]mind you, I use vlc for far too many things09:48
bertvdphi, can someone tell me how I can give instructions from one tty to another ?09:48
kelvin911what about video capture?09:48
aguybasically, yes09:48
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: *shrugs* just looking at  man update-grub  it shouldn't be needed09:48
zcat[1]vlc can do all kinds of things09:48
IAMSAMhischild, gotcha, thank you for the clerification :)09:48
aguybasicaly yes09:48
bullgard4What mechanism appends to the name of a process a / and a digit, for example 'migration/0' or 'ata/0'?09:48
kelvin911how about capturing the screenshot?09:48
hischildIAMSAM, you're welcome09:48
aguyvery basically....09:48
kelvin911capture the screen for 1 minute and save it as avi?09:48
DistroJockeyhischild: ahh, I see09:48
dibblegozcat[1], does it require some kind of plugin?09:49
zcat[1]kelvin911: for watching things, 'motion' is aewsome..09:49
IAMSAMaguy, yes, tor is set up using anonymous servers, but not all, it's always a good idea to chain our proxies for full coverage09:49
aguyIAMSAM: its just the exit nodes that are a possible leak, i guess09:49
souperworked beautifully thanks very much09:49
hischildFiliph, you already used the second partition. delete the second and third, then do it again please. =)09:49
kelvin911zcat[1]: watching what?09:49
kelvin911zcat[1]: i uses vlc to watch movies and listening to music09:49
zcat[1]dibblego: not sure.. depends on the webcam possibly.. I have bt878 cards and analog cams here.. USB is a bit different I think09:49
kelvin911zcat[1]: only mplayer for realplayer09:50
Viper111guys my Ubuntu 6.06 LTS server is shutdowning down every time after about 2 hours of starting, any body can advice09:50
hischildFiliph, and be sure to only use a partition number once.09:50
IAMSAMDistroJunkie, have you used hard drive encryption on your / partition at all?09:50
zcat[1]sorry.. for monitoring/security of the webcam, motion is cool..09:50
sphinxxcan i have gnome and xfce running simultaneously09:50
hischildalso a general question: usually a disc can only have 4 primary partitions. His fdisk tells him he can use 8 primary partitions. Is there a reason as to why?09:50
IAMSAMViper111, can you get to your system logs?09:50
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: DistroJunkie hehe I like that name too ;)09:50
Filiphhischild, yes I did... eh how to delete? :-p :-S09:50
sphinxxlike so i can switch between them in the bottom right09:50
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: nope09:50
aguyIAMSAM couldn't one determine HIS own exit-node and test it somehow?09:50
IAMSAMDistroJockey, sry =/09:50
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: np :)09:51
Filiphhischild, ok it's good09:51
IAMSAMaguy, i'm not sure, that's best for googling =/09:51
hischildFiliph, for the 4th primary partition, instead of primary, make it extended and make it cover the free space that is left.09:51
aguyof course... i did a little already, wanted to give reading a break09:51
sphinxxi went to do this command and it said 'this aptitude does not have super cow powers"09:51
IAMSAMDistroJockey, i've noticed tremendous lag in read write, causing horrendous system lags... I reccomend against it :p09:51
aguysee you09:51
sphinxxsudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop09:51
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: yeah, doesn't sound like a good idea09:52
hischildsphinxx, you've probably made a type with install. Try it again.09:52
zcat[1]aptitude doesn't have super-cow powers .. only apt does09:52
hischildzcat[1], orly?09:52
souperwhat about portege?09:52
Filiphhischild,  why 4th? I want only 2 boot partitions..; or is that not what I think?09:52
* souper stands corrected09:52
zcat[1]hischild: you know one that does?09:52
hischildzcat[1], not really09:52
IAMSAMDistroJockey, yeah, today's project will be a full reinstall of Hardy. btw, do you know when or if Hardy will ever get the mondo package to be installable?09:52
hischildFiliph, the 2 boot partitions (your root and the windows c:) should be primary partitions. The rest does not matter. In the extended partition we're going to create some more partitions.09:53
zcat[1]zcat@mandela:~$ aptitude moo09:53
zcat[1]There are no Easter Eggs in this program.09:53
hischildIAMSAM, you're going to install hardy? good luck :-) works like a charm here09:53
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: I may take a look at that package though as I am running Hardy atm. What's it for?09:54
souperWhat is the best method to upgrade from i386 gutsy to x64_32 hardy?09:54
juzzy_lol i don't think you can souper09:54
IAMSAMhischild, i've been using it since it came out as alpha, only downside is i used twofish hard drive encryption, and it slowed the system down too much, so I will be reinstalling when I get out of here09:54
souperit's possible09:54
juzzy_format? :P09:54
souperwell that would be my fallback09:54
hischildIAMSAM, i see. I really like it (just broke it a couple dozen times)09:54
Filiphhischild, is that good? http://pastebin.com/d4e71848b09:55
hischildsouper, from what i understand, the differences are much to large to be able to upgrade in the way you want to.09:55
juzzy_I'm just trying to fix my mythbuntu install, went from 7.10 to 8.04 and now it won't boot09:55
hischildFiliph, if you type p i can understand what you did =)09:55
IAMSAMDistroJockey, it allows you to take basically an image of your computer in it's current state, and if (God forbid) your system dies, you can use that disk to nuke the partitions and set it up again just like it was, w. out the need to install individual packages again09:55
IAMSAMit's nice09:55
souperwell will the configurations stored in my home partition still hold true?09:55
IAMSAMhischild, yeah my sound broke after ubuntustudio-audio was installed, i learned to stay away from that for a while :p09:56
hischildIAMSAM, haha ... i understand then yh ...09:56
souperbecause i suppose that's really only what's important09:56
hischildIAMSAM, though i am very pleased with the current state of fluxbox with hardy09:56
IAMSAMjussy_ any error messages on boot?09:56
Filiphhischild, http://pastebin.com/d52fcd30209:56
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: ahh, cool09:56
juzzy_IAMSAM, none09:57
IAMSAMhischild, orly? i may have to look into it... xfce is going downhill :(09:57
juzzy_IAMSAM, it goes to the boot screen (mythbuntu logo) and then drops out 2mins later09:57
juzzy_IAMSAM, then it comes to a screen with Busybox 1.1.3 on it saying initramfs09:57
juzzy_Then eventually just blanks out like 10mins later09:57
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: You may like to check out remastersys also then09:57
hischildIAMSAM, i use conky (i know...) for monitoring stuff, along with wmbattery and nm-applet ... i'm still editing the conky thing though, not happy with it yet09:57
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: does the same, but makes a live CD09:58
IAMSAMjuzzy_ when the system starts, hit esc to get to the grub menu, edit the kernel line in the first entry so it does not have the splash and quiet options, then you should have an error09:58
hischildFiliph, copy the entire screen, including the next prompt please.09:58
juzzy_IAMSAM, ta09:58
hischildFiliph, i don't mind reading through a bit of text to find what i'm looking for =)09:58
IAMSAMDIstroJockey, yeah, i've heard of that, but basically modo doesn't give you the live cd, it's just a back up tool :) it allows the fixing of individual files, or to nuke your entire system, and replace it w. the copy you made09:59
Viper111IAMSAM yes i can get09:59
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: fair enough09:59
hischildIAMSAM, can i also not backup certain folders? (i got about 40gb of video files i don't need backed up again)09:59
FinnishHow do I make a backup-copy of xconf?09:59
IAMSAMViper111, check to see what is happening right before the system shuts down, there should be an entry in the logs to help us out a little10:00
DistroJockeyFinnish: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup10:00
IAMSAMhischild, yeah, mondo is curses based and allows for excusion of file types and entire directories :)10:00
Viper111IAMSAM which log file i'l see10:00
IAMSAMDistroJockey, I'm going to check out remastersys though, so I can get a copy of Ubuntu for my neighbors to use10:01
hischildIAMSAM, then it just sounds awesome. Usable from a running system i assume? because now it is starting to sound very interesting.10:01
FinnishDistroJockey: And for the future, how do I bring it when i need it?10:01
Filiphhischild, ok terminal copied... ;-) http://pastebin.com/m43380db10:01
IAMSAMViper111, check the syslog10:01
hischildFiliph, what did you do to to close it in between? hit ctrl c?10:02
DistroJockeyIAMSAM: :)10:02
souperhere, i just want to simplify this question for clarity: will the various configs etc. in my home partition still function the same way if a upgrade the architecture(/ format included) of the os?10:02
IAMSAMhischild, yep, usable from running system... but it doesn't make a livecd like remastersys does, it is just for an emergency recovery10:02
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IAMSAMworks on NTFS partions too (douple edged sword)10:02
SmegzorI bought some FOSS friendly toilet paper today.. it has penguins all over it! :D10:02
hischildIAMSAM, hmm ... so basically remastersys is a bit better etc?10:02
DistroJockeyFinnish: if you wan't to restore it, use:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:02
Filiphhischild,  I cant copy more, they said that I am a spammer :-S10:03
souperwow that doesn't sound so clear all of the sudden10:03
Smegzorhmm..  better not let those Microsoft fanboys find out :O10:03
FinnishDistroJockey: Thanks10:03
DistroJockeyFinnish: you're welcome10:03
IAMSAMhischild, they are two totally different tools, remastersys is for a livecd to try/install... mondo is just for "OMG I KILLED MY SYSTEM I NEED TO FIX IT!!!"10:03
juzzy_IAMSAM, found the part it stops on "Begin: Waiting for root file system..."10:03
hischildFiliph, where, pastebin? haha yeah you're posting quite a bit there but that's ok. We can do it via the channel :-) (don't paste here though)10:03
IAMSAMjuzzy_ hm, do you have a knoppix or other livecd you can boot?10:04
juzzy_I could probably boot an unbuntu live cd..10:04
IAMSAMjuzzy_ that would work too ;)10:04
IAMSAMwe want to check the logs to see why it's not finding your root partition10:04
juzzy_Might have to download and burn one, but that won't take long10:04
hischildFiliph, let's take it the easy way ... kill fdisk and fire up gparted or qtparted (you may have to install those)10:04
IAMSAMit's 5am here, i have all day :p10:05
juzzy_Its 7:35pm here10:05
juzzy_and i'm on holidays10:05
juzzy_so i have all week :P10:05
FloodBot1juzzy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:05
hischildIAMSAM, mhh only 11am here :P10:05
hischildjuzzy_, :O you spammer :P10:05
Simiilits 11 am10:05
juzzy_I'm sorry mr bot mang!10:05
Filiphhischild, wait i'm trying...10:05
Simiiland holidayz!!10:05
Smegzor10pm Tuesday here. Its hard living in the future :)10:05
IAMSAMhischild, or DistroJockey, can you inform me of how to register a name?10:05
juzzy_ENTER IS PUNCTUATION!!!!!!10:05
hischildIAMSAM, yes i think we can. Try /msg nickserv help =)10:06
juzzy_Telstraclear.net Smegzor ?!?10:06
IAMSAMsweet, thanks :)10:06
IAMSAMnew to IRC10:06
hischildIAMSAM, np =)10:06
Filiphhischild, is there other service like pastebin?10:06
juzzy_Damn kiwis!10:06
pawanwhen is the new version coming out10:06
souperrephrase: I want to reformat the main partition and upgrade the architecture. all my settings(etc) are saved in my /home (separate) partition. Will there be any migration work?10:06
hischildFiliph, use gparted or qtparted. They're easier for you to use.10:06
* juzzy_ goes to find a live cd10:07
xp_prgdoes ubuntu have the concept of lvcreate?10:07
IAMSAMhischild, uhm, that had nickserv say help10:07
Filiphhischild, gnome partition editor?10:07
juzzy_IAMSAM, Check root = bootarg caty /p[roc/cmdline10:07
IAMSAMfiliph, i recommend gparted personally ;)10:07
hischildIAMSAM, it did for you? i got a shitload of txt back. Try /msg nickserv register.10:07
hischildFiliph, yes.10:07
hischildIAMSAM, that's gparted :P10:08
FloodBot1hischild: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
souperjesus christ i figured this to be a simple question10:08
hischildno you floodbot i like spamming!10:08
FiliphIAMSAM, ah ok thx! :-)10:08
juzzy_IAMSAM, Alert /dev/disk/by-uuid/<-spam> does not exist10:08
IAMSAMjuzzy_ there's the problem :)10:09
IAMSAMit's not seeing your disk10:09
Filiphhischild, AAAAAAAAHHH much better!10:09
juzzy_I sorta gathered that :P10:09
juzzy_What would be the cause?10:09
juzzy_I updated LOOOTS of packages10:09
Smegzorsouper: I did that recently and I've had to reinstall quite a few programs, but I've lost no settings.10:09
ActionParsniphey all10:09
IAMSAMjuzzy_ do you have aim, until i figure out how to register my name in here10:09
juzzy_Nah, only msn10:09
souperSmegzor, thank you10:09
frarocohow could I change the name of a list of files just leaving the last 4 characters before the extension?10:10
hischildFiliph, good luck ;-)10:10
Filiphthx, i'm already trying10:10
dgjonesIAMSAM, This should help you - Freenode recommends setting up your nick in this fashion: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup10:10
ActionParsnipfraroco: so testtestkolf.bmp would become tkolf.bmp?10:10
Smegzori did a few things before the reinstall.  I backed everything up and ran a command that dumped all my installed packages to a text file.10:10
souperSmegzor, I knew i was going to have to reinstall alot but I was hoping that at least my settings and cache's would be saved10:10
cha0scan anyone tell me how to do this: gdb -batch -x .gdbcomm ./server >> lucius.log 2>&110:11
cha0sso that gdb still accepts my keyboard input?10:11
juzzy_IAMSAM, /msg nickserv register <password>10:11
frarocoActionParsnip, Yeas I mean that ...10:11
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ActionParsnipfraroco: let me google10:11
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souperwell i guess my question is if the actual binaries and libraries are independent of whats stored in the home directory10:12
SmegzorI've lost no browser stuff or anything settings wise.  A few things have broken but I can't be sure the reinstall broke them.  I can't change my wallpaper (these are critical problems!) ;)10:12
TheOneAndOnlyjuzzy_ for some reason, it just echos the output after nickserv10:12
frarocothks ... I did not know how to google for that Question ... ActionParsnip10:12
ActionParsnipfraroco: is it a common start name or are they all different10:12
souperor rather vica versa10:13
TUplinkim stumped...... how do i turn my volume up?   i think im using oss10:13
juzzy_TheOneAndOnly, it seems you have an old version of xchat :/10:13
TheOneAndOnlyjuzzy_ it's the latest version on hardy :(10:13
frarocothey are all different, ActionParsnip10:13
juzzy_-TheOneAndOnly- VERSION xchat 0.18 Linux 2.6.24-12-generic [i686]10:13
TheOneAndOnlyjuzzy_ xchat_gnome... might make the diff10:13
juzzy_-juzzy_- VERSION xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu10:13
hischildjuzzy_, i also use the latest one.10:13
sphinxxhow come my user name is not part of the 'admin' group10:14
bsdnewb07why would it10:14
juzzy_-hischild- VERSION xchat 2.8.4 Ubuntu10:14
sphinxxinstead it is part of the 'john' group, which is the username10:14
souperit shouldn't be10:14
bsdnewb07add it yourself10:14
souperit should be part of the sudo group10:14
ActionParsnipsphinxx: its so you have to sudo / gksudo admin tasks10:14
NetUser_1hi to the room10:14
ActionParsniphi NetUser_110:14
bsdnewb07is it in the sudoers file?10:14
hischildjuzzy_, i'm using the latest one on hardy10:14
juzzy_either way you should be able to /msg nickserv register password TheOneAndOnly10:14
TheOneAndOnlyhi NetUser_110:14
juzzy_same hischild10:14
bsdnewb07is this a fresh install souper?10:15
bsdnewb07i had the same prob, you have to boot in recovery mode to add urself to the sudoers file10:15
souperbsdnewb07, what do you mean?10:15
bsdnewb07is this a fresh install?10:15
souperfrom a fresh install my username was in the sudo group10:16
souperstrike that10:17
souperadmin group10:17
NetUser_1i cannot boot my pc(grub error and a god knows what else-non fixable-) is there any way to learn my email passwords stored in pigdin through live cd?10:17
* souper was thinking of a different distro10:17
Filiphhischild, OK Nice!! hope it wil work10:17
frarocohow could I change the name of a list of files just leaving the last 4 characters before the extension?10:17
TUplinkis there a way to turn up the volume.... with OSS from the command line?10:17
compwiz18NetUser_1: yes, you can use the live cd and then mount the drive with your home directory on it, then find the .purple folder, which contains all your pidgin passwords10:18
compwiz18NetUser_1: if you need any help with that, we're very happy to provide more specifics :)10:18
netro_hi all10:18
NetUser_1compwiz18: probably i'll need it ...10:18
krupa^hello all! hello..! i have server that used for my php development.. i have already ubuntu 7.10 on him. i saw there is ubuntu server edition.. what is the diffrents? is it better to install the server edition? ... thanks!10:19
hischildcompwiz18, ubotu and ubotwu are dead10:19
TheOneAndOnlyNetUser_1, i'm looking, pidgin stores your pw's in plain text, i'm just not sure where10:19
compwiz18NetUser_1: sure.  first, boot the cd and tell us when you get there :)10:19
compwiz18hischild: ah10:19
compwiz18TheOneAndOnly: it's in .purple10:19
TUplinki need to increse volume.........10:19
NetUser_1compwiz18: unfortunately i dont have my pc with me right now....10:20
compwiz18TheOneAndOnly: ~/.purple/accounts.xml, it would appear10:20
netro_irc through telnet sure is inconvenient...10:20
TheOneAndOnlyhaha, that's what i thought, ty compwiz1810:20
compwiz18TheOneAndOnly: it took me forever to figure out that pidgin puts stuff in .purple ;)10:20
compwiz18.pidgin would be far to obvious, I guess :P10:20
hischildcompwiz18, i compiled gfire (xfire for pidgin) ... try to find out where to put it :P10:21
juzzy_Its not like .purple is cryptic10:21
compwiz18true, but it isn't obvious either10:21
juzzy_I hate that damn pidgeon too :P10:21
NetUser_1compwiz18: how do i mount and which directory specific?10:21
compwiz18turns out there is libpurple that is pidgin's backend10:21
askandWhat is the name of the hidden file I have to put on my MTP-player to show it in rhythmbox?10:21
frarocohow could I change the name of a list of files just leaving the last 4 characters before the extension?10:21
TheOneAndOnlyNetUser_1. it's in the /home/youruser directory10:21
compwiz18NetUser_1: there should be some drives listed on the desktop, click on them until you find one that has a /home folder in it10:21
Ward1983_why would a school block IRC...10:22
* Ward1983_ = pissed off10:22
cha0syeah, purple runs on multiple platforms, and it isn't 'pidgin' on mac for instance, but maybe you'd want to use a cenral .pidgin directory for all your platforms to keep your logs/configuration consistent10:22
compwiz18NetUser_1: click the home folder, then click your username10:22
eth01most schools do :)10:22
cha0s.purple directory xD10:22
compwiz18so that students actually work?10:22
eth01the isp's we actually provide schools with internet access, sometimes block it from their side anyhowl.10:23
eth01anyhow, even10:23
compwiz18NetUser_1: you'll have to enable hidden folders (press ctrl+h in the file browser) and then find the folder called .purple10:23
hischildcompwiz18, yes. That's why i use my laptop and some wireless network that is around there10:23
terminalcan anyone suggest m d setting of software sources10:23
Ward1983_compwiz18, i need support... i am doing all they ask of me at the moment10:23
eth01which * !10:23
Ward1983_hischild, try using port 8000, zorks too10:23
NetUser_1compwiz18: and then (i am a bit newbe...)10:23
Ward1983_if its open at school10:23
compwiz18NetUser_1: then you'll want to find the file called accounts.xml10:23
hischildWard1983_, i still prefer my laptop :-) has everything set up like i want it to ;-)10:23
DragonLotushey all I just installed the restrictive drivers for the ATI cards to get direct rendering enabled in ubuntu gutsy and now fglrx is giving me errors.10:24
compwiz18NetUser_1: double click it, and you'll see a bunch of stuff -- I think you can probably figure out what your passwords are (they'll be in something like <password>mysupersecretpassword</password>10:24
Ward1983_hischild, me too, but i mean maybe you dont need to use another network10:24
Ward1983_hischild, 8000 works fine here10:24
compwiz18mibbit works great too10:25
bsdnewb07how do i make a coloured motd?10:25
hischildWard1983_, well i'm not allowed to use my laptop on the school network anyway ... because i'm running ubuntu and they don't know that10:25
bsdnewb07or colour directorys on ssh terminal10:25
terminalcan anyone suggest m d setting of software sources10:25
Ward1983_anyway, i cant change my resolution anymore, it seems it happened when i connected another monitor10:25
Ward1983_hischild, over here ubuntu is ok :)10:25
hischildWard1983_, well my school is in the top 10 of spammers of the netherlands because they didn't have a strict policy .. :P they changed the policy to very uber strict... :(10:26
terminalwhen i run apt-cache search wine oss i got nothing10:26
TheOneAndOnlyhischild, my work forbids us from bringing laptops after me and 2 other guys brought our ubuntu boxes in :(10:26
Ward1983_hischild, which school if i may ask? im living in belgium10:26
compwiz18NetUser_1: that should be it; if you have any more questions about it, feel free to ask :)10:26
hischildTheOneAndOnly, that sux tbqh10:27
netro_misnix: aaah a dutch companion10:27
hischildWard1983_, REA College in hoensbroek10:27
hischildTheOneAndOnly, well if they even try to forbit me using my laptop i'm gonna freak out on em :P10:27
Ward1983_hischild, ah dunno it, i live in limburg :)10:28
netro_veel nederlanders hier maar zullen we het weer engels houden / a lot of dutch people here but let's stick to english10:28
terminalwhen i run apt-cache search wine oss i got nothing10:28
TheOneAndOnlyhischild, haha, my school can't tell me no, i'd be like, i have to have it...10:28
eth01terminal: what do you want?10:28
hischildWard1983_, it's near heerlen ...10:28
Ward1983_netro_, did i speak dutch?10:28
NetUser_1compwiz18:but won't i need something like root privileges to get into my accounts files?10:28
eth01terminal: you'll need to add the wine repo to sources.list in /etc/apt10:28
compwiz18NetUser_1: since you're on the livecd, you shouldn't10:28
hischildnetro_, we're not interested what language you want to keep it to.10:29
terminaleth01:i want 2 install audio driver oss10:29
compwiz18NetUser_1: if you do for some reason though, you can run gksudo nautilus in the terminal, which will get you a root file browser10:29
Ward1983_english are rules but we didnt breqk them, we talked english and used dutch placenames10:29
JanPeterwhy must you speak english? kind of weird rule..10:30
JanPeteri'm not dutch but i speak a little10:30
Ward1983_JanPeter, for dutch you can go to #ubuntu-nl :)10:30
compwiz18JanPeter: we have other channels for non-english support10:30
hischildJanPeter, because this is an english channel, not a dutch one. There's #ubuntu-nl for the dutch ppl.10:30
eth01JanPeter: i speak welsh, german and latin! but, this channel is English for a reason -- so that everybody understands each other properly.10:30
Ward1983_eth01, he did not know about the other channels i presume10:31
hischildterminal, don't repeat yourself that fast. He'll have seen your first question and respond to that one.10:31
eth01terminal: you don't need to ask twice?10:31
terminaleth01: sryyyyyyyyyy10:32
eth01terminal: you on 7.10 ?10:32
Christozhello how can i format an unlocated part of hard drive (free space) to install slackware?10:32
neggeChristoz you can use GParted10:32
eth01terminal: sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list10:33
Christozi've downloaded but i was expecting a 2d interface10:33
compwiz182d interface?10:33
Christozi mean gparted10:33
neggeChristoz  you mean a GUI?10:33
eth01terminal: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache search wine foofoofoo10:33
Christozactually i don't know how to use it10:33
compwiz18Christoz: gparted should give you a GUI10:34
neggeChristoz there's a GUI for gparted10:34
compwiz18Christoz: the GUI is in System -> Administration10:34
hischildeth01, don't you have to execute 2 commands for it?10:34
Christozi have the gparted live cd10:34
neggeyeah, and if you use KDE it's under System --> Partition Editor10:34
eth01hischild: update first, and then search for whatever :)10:34
troofywhat things to keep in mind before buying a .com?10:34
NetUser_1compwiz18: ...and so the drive icons are the file manager...and since i find the accounts.xml i just "find" the word password.but won't they be encrypted or something?10:34
neggeChristoz  you don't need the live cd for this one I think10:34
eth01troofy: #web10:34
hischildeth01, i meant before you can install it properly i meant ... before it shows up properly in the repo's10:35
FBIGuyuh live cd is just running ubuntu without installing or changing any files right?10:35
sphinxxwhats the fastest you guys can beat mahjonhg (map difficulty)10:35
neggeFBIGuy  yes10:35
compwiz18NetUser_1: they can't be encrypted, otherwise you'd have to type a password in every time you wanted to login to your accounts10:35
eth01hischild: he wanted a particular package10:35
FBIGuyjust checking10:35
* FBIGuy sticks ubuntu stickers on everyone10:35
hischildeth01, hmm i trust you know what you're doing =) i gotta run ... good luck ^_^10:35
Ward1983_any specific channel for video trouble? (cant change resolution anymore since a second monitor is added)10:35
eth01hischild: :)10:36
TheOneAndOnlyWard1983, what ver of ubuntu?10:36
MatBoyMhh, my gnome is so slow on my softwareraid these days10:36
FBIGuyalso do i have to boot from cd10:36
NetUser_1compwiz18: ...propably so it just works like a common text file,no other worries?10:37
compwiz18NetUser_1: yep10:37
compwiz18NetUser_1: if you find the file, you're all set10:37
compwiz18hi pen10:37
NetUser_1compwiz18 you are a life savor thnx!10:37
compwiz18NetUser_1: good luck and hope that works for you :)10:38
penIs there a program providing a sandbox environement so that whatever changes I made will not be saved and can be undo later?10:38
pencompwiz18: hey10:38
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agalavishello, anybody knows how keep evolution checking mail without keeping the main window open? i would like to keep it in the notification area if it's possible to avoid minimizing10:39
Christozthe ubuntu's  partition editor doesn't let me to create more than 4 partition ...considering i have 3 ext3 and 1 ntfs10:39
TheOneAndOnlyChistoz, you have to make them extended partitions10:39
compwiz18Christoz: it's a limitation, you have to make extended partitions10:39
geirhaChristoz: yes, four is the maximum, however, you can create an extended partition which you in turn can many logical partitions in10:40
Ward1983_TheOneAndOnly, 7.10 sorry10:40
MatBoyare there already new nvidia drivers for 64 bits ?10:40
Ward1983_TheOneAndOnly, it was hectic for a moment10:40
TheOneAndOnlyWard1983, I saw that :p10:40
TheOneAndOnlyno worries10:40
redheathi everyone10:41
Christozi've unlocated 30 gb from ntfs ...so what should i do...can you expain the benefits and non benefits of extended?10:41
redheatsome help around here would be appreciated please10:41
redheatI'm trying to partition my harddrive for the ubuntu and opensuse installation10:41
Christozin other words i don't understand it10:41
redheatI already have two primary partitions for both of my windows editions, windows xp, and windows vista10:42
redheatthe space left I have chosen to make it an extended partition10:42
redheatwithin that extended partition I'm creating logical drives10:42
geirhaChristoz: if you have 4 partitions you have to delete one, and make an extended partition in its place10:43
redheatextended partitions was given the number 3, while the first logical partition created in that extended partition was given the number 5 how come?10:43
redheatwhy is number 4 missing10:43
majikinshi does anyone know how to start an application up with maximised window from command line?10:43
redheatfolks..anyone please10:44
erUSULredheat: number 4 is reserverd for the 4th primary partition10:44
redheatplease some help10:44
TheOneAndOnlyredheat, patience is a virtue, friend10:44
redheat4 primary partiton, but  iwasn't lainning10:44
redheatok, sorry about that..10:44
redheattruly apolgozie10:44
majikinsie I don't want the previous window size to be remembered10:44
TheOneAndOnlyno worries mate10:44
erUSULredheat: all logical partitions start numbered at 510:44
redheatdidn't see your answer til lyou wrote it10:44
neggeredheat  and Christoz : I would just leave the space where you'll be installing ubuntu/suse/whatever unformatted10:44
Daniel^when doing netstat -a , what is the command to print the linecount instead of the connections?10:45
neggethen you just point the installer to use that free space and it will partition everything automatically for you..10:45
geirhaagalavis: I think the package «mail-notification-evolution» is the one you want to install, I haven't tried it, but I think it's a panel-applet that checks for mail, and opens evolution if you click on it10:45
neggeatleast that's how I did it yesterday on a friends computer10:45
TheOneAndOnlyredheat, i'm looking for the answer as to WHY it does that, but I can tell you, it's nothing to worry about, logical volumes skip a number for some reason10:45
MatBoydoes someone know what the latest binary driver of Nvidia is ?10:45
MatBoyI'm running 100.14.1910:45
redheatnegge, the problem with that choice, if I tried to let any of the two OS to do that, they gulp all the unformatted space for themselves leaving none to the other one10:46
TheOneAndOnlynegge, that's a good way to do it, except some people like to set the partions up themselves... seperate /home /tmp /boot etc10:46
redheatactually, I just tried that with ubuntu and it did that..10:46
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redheatTheOneAndOnly, all I create for any of the two partitions is the root partitoin, I never do that home thingy10:47
redheatnegge, when you said that free space, did you mean I should leave free space within an extended partition, or outside of it..10:47
redheatbecause these two options are world apart..10:47
TheOneAndOnlyredheat, i think he's assuming you have unallocated space that doesn't have any partions set on it yet, it is just a blank disk space10:48
TheOneAndOnlyif you have that, ubuntu can use that, and should set the partions up automatically10:48
TheOneAndOnlylike he said10:48
redheatTheOneAndOnly, by the way there's an awesome, article on neosmart.net about the numbering of harddrives on both linux and windows10:49
kjdxThere is a webmin as compatible with ubuntu server ?10:49
redheatTheOneAndOnly, try this webpage...http://neosmart.net/forums/showthread.php?p=15850#post1585010:50
rewatihi there i am not gettin sound on my laptop but my headphone is workin fine and i can get sound through my head fone10:50
rewatican anybudy help me10:50
rewatihi there i am not gettin sound on my laptop but my headphone is workin fine and i can get sound through my head fone10:50
rewatican anybudy help me10:50
majikinshi does anyone know how I can start up an application maximised or at certain part of screen?10:51
redheatTheOneAndOnly, http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/EasyBCD+Documentation+Home;jsessionid=D66A0BBA9D3CF62DCDE5DA927E80404910:51
erUSULMatBoy: that's the last version aviable for gutsy 7.1010:51
NeillithanHi, I am having some trouble with Ubuntu.  I installed Ubuntu 8.04 from the AMD64 Alternative CD, and when it finished, I popped out the CD and it says "No operating system was detected"  I did some searching on the net and people are saying that it may be the grub boot loader.  Help?10:51
redheatthat's a good tutorial on everything linux..10:51
erUSUL!hardy | Neillithan10:51
rewatican anybudy help me10:52
TheOneAndOnlyNeillithan, did you use the livecd or the alternate?10:52
NeillithanerUSUL: ?10:52
erUSULNeillithan: #ubuntu+1 please; hardy is still *BETA*10:52
samiHi, is anyone of you guys any good at cdrom-detect?10:52
Michael__Can i please get some help installing ubuntu 7.04 onto a inspiron 1520 with text mode installation?10:52
NeillithanTheOneAndOnly: I used the alternate becuase livecd freezes during the installation.10:52
rewatican anybudy help me10:53
TheOneAndOnlyNeillithan: do you still have the livecd?10:53
rewatihi there i am not gettin sound on my laptop but my headphone is workin fine and i can get sound through my head fone10:53
NeillithanTheOneAndOnly: yes10:53
Michael__I just need help repartitioning to install a grub loader10:53
rewatihi there i am not gettin sound on my laptop but my headphone is workin fine and i can get sound through my head fone10:53
TheOneAndOnlyNeillithan: awesome, here's a link that should be able to assist you w. getting grub installed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435110:53
rewati i am not gettin sound on my laptop but my headphone is workin fine and i can get sound through my head fone10:54
TheOneAndOnlyrewati: please be patient for an answer, there a lot of other people who need help too10:54
DistroJockeyrewati: might be worth taking a look at the settings in alsamixer (type alsamixer in a terminal)10:54
TheOneAndOnlyDistroJockey: woohoo, you returned - haha10:54
erUSULMichael__: better ask a specific question. What is the problem regarding partitioning ?10:55
DistroJockeyTheOneAndOnly: ohh, hey, I went out. What I miss?10:55
TheOneAndOnlyDistroJockey: lots, lol10:55
DistroJockeyTheOneAndOnly: hehe10:55
Ward1983_i cant change my resolution anymore, it seems it happened when i connected another monitor10:56
Ward1983_anything i can try+10:56
Ward1983_my xorg.conf is ok10:56
redheatguys, my friends..read this good tutorial on how to make your Linux distribution load from within your windows bootloader using a program called EasyBCD http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Linux  http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu10:56
rewatiDistroJockey hi i did that now what10:57
redheatone of the two URLs above show how to create an Ubuntu entry within vista's boot loader10:57
DistroJockeyrewati: try pressing the m key when you have a channel with mm listed under it, or max volumes on cannels10:58
redheatassuming that you already have dual boot window scheme and that you need to add more non-windows and non-mac operating systems, since those two operating systems require primary partitions,10:59
DistroJockeyrewati: use the right and left arrow keys to choose a channel10:59
rewatiDistroJockey I have set every chanell to MM10:59
DistroJockeyrewati: mm = muted10:59
rewatiDistroJockey ok so shud i do 0011:00
DistroJockeyrewati: OO / 00 = not muted11:00
ICQnumberhow can i save information of acpidump as plain text only? (acpidump > bla.txt or there is a better solution)?11:00
rewatiDistroJockey ok i did 00 to all11:00
rewatiDistroJockey now11:01
DistroJockeyrewati: test it I guess. And does having the phones plugged in block the speakers?11:01
VSpikeWould I be able to use the rotating feature of this monitor with ubuntu? http://www.hardwarecentral.com/hardwarecentral/reviews/article.php/358194111:03
kindofabuzzi'm guessing this is gmail's april fools joke: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html11:03
VSpikeI realise of course the supplied software will not work, but I'm wondering if xrandr will work instead (even if I have to do it manually)11:03
DistroJockeyICQnumber: that command should do the job. Is it not suitable?11:04
EnulI'm having problems burning cds and dvds under ubuntu11:05
ICQnumberDistroJockey: there is also hex numbers, i want to see the text only11:05
FjodorHi. I removed two old dvd-drives, and replaced them with a single drive, now named /dev/dvd1. How do I tell the system that the old ones aren't coming back, and that it should name it /dev/dvd (or /dev/dvd0)?11:06
kikokosi want to remove vista from hp laptop ,has anybody done this operation?11:06
Neillithanwell, i have been met with zero success11:06
DistroJockeyICQnumber: not sure what you mean by hex numbers. What you see on screen when you do acpidump should be identical to what gets put in the file11:06
Neillithanit still says there is no operating system.11:06
erUSULkikokos: boot a livecd and reformat the disk ?11:06
b4l74z4rhas anyone tried second life on ubuntu?11:06
Enulwhats second life?11:07
TheOneAndOnlyEnul, a game11:07
kikokoserUSUL, only this? it remove recovery partition?11:07
Enuloic.. no sorry i've never heard of it11:07
TheOneAndOnlyEnul it's a game on Windows :p11:07
VSpikeb4l74z4r: yep11:07
VSpikeb4l74z4r: the linux client works fine11:07
erUSULkikokos: i suppose? gparted is a WMD ;P11:08
Enulis anyone other then myself having problems burning cds and dvds with ubuntu?11:08
b4l74z4rok, i'll give it a try then11:08
Tapassii am having probelms typing chinese with ubuntu. any help out there?11:08
samiI need some serious help. I just made an ubuntu install CD for an unattended install with my own repository. When i boot it everthing works fine until it tries to verify the "Release" file.11:08
kikokoserUSUL,  ok so i try and thanks for helping me11:08
ampmaniachi! can anyone link me to a sight with a dns tutorial sample.. im trying a add a local domain.. thanks11:09
hischildEnul, not me. I've burned a couple dozen cd's and dvd's, both from iso's and from files.11:09
Enulhischild what ubuntu are you useing? what version i mean11:10
erUSULkindofabuzz: no problem11:10
hischildEnul, hardy atm. Before i used 7,10, where i burned lots of dvd's without trouble.11:10
b4l74z4rall of a sudden my xchat ignore list had lots of entries i hadn't set myself, what's going on?11:10
linduxedwhen ive hooked up to a wifi network, what application do i use to get as much info possible on availabe Access Points? (the standard network manager doesnt print out much at all)11:10
hischildlinduxed, command line? iwlist <interface> scan11:11
TheOneAndOnlyEnul: cd and dvd burning works fine here on hardy11:11
compwiz18linduxed: you can run sudo iwlist scan11:11
kindofabuzzi'm trying xchat now, i like chatzilla better, not enough options for xchat, brb11:11
compwiz18linduxed: there is no way by default to get that other information11:11
soulcanyone here know where I can get help with fail2ban?  I have ppl hammering my ftp server and would like to ban the source ips......11:11
erUSULb4l74z4r: maybe there is some autoignore settings turned on?11:11
compwiz18except with the cmd line11:11
Enuli see.. hmm.. i wonder if my dvd burner is supported then11:11
linduxedok ill try that then compwiz18 and hischild11:11
Tapassiany help for chinese typing in ubuntu? i followed in the instructions on http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~nsivin/chinp.html  however the typing chinese thing doesn't appear when i push  CTRL + Space key11:11
swilkydose any one know how to make a root file system image for a diskless node pxe boot?11:11
Enulyou didnt have any problems burning a cd under 7.10? i cant seem to get it to work for some reason11:12
MatBoyerUSUL, thanks !11:13
Enuli'm also having problems with ubuntu not supporting my firewire card. does anyone know a work around or some drivers i can download to get it to work?11:13
ImaginalWhat is the best way to print a list of everything I've apt-get'd and kept for the upcoming 8.04 clean-sweep?11:14
tenchi21whats the best application to rip a dvd into a xvid file with multiple audio tracks and subtitles?11:14
compwiz18tenchi21: either ffmpeg or mencoder11:14
tenchi21compwiz18, is that a gui?11:15
samiI need some serious help. I just made an ubuntu install CD for an unattended install with my own repository. When i boot it everthing works fine until it tries to verify the "Release" file.11:16
compwiz18tenchi21: no11:16
compwiz18tenchi21: if you're after a gui, try acidrip or something similar11:16
aortigoola alguien de españa yo española11:16
compwiz18!es | aortigo11:17
ubotuaortigo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.11:17
ce_cecwek cA_keP11:18
tenchi21if i'm trying to install xine for dvd::rip what do i need to get? i have gxine but dvd::rip isn't happy and xine isn't in the repos11:19
LollinopiLacrobat reader in ubuntu sucks ^.^11:19
tenchi21E: Package xine has no installation candidate11:19
penIs there a program providing a sandbox environement so that whatever changes I made will not be saved and can be undo later?11:19
OsamaKHello! Can I use both KDE 4 and Gnome?11:20
compwiz18You can!11:20
compwiz18sorry, that was a yes to OsamaK11:20
compwiz18pen: try a virtual machine?11:21
OsamaKcompwiz18: You're Obama? 'Yes we can' :P11:21
MononaWhat is slmodemd, why is it using my soundcard, and how can I end it?  Thanks!11:21
compwiz18I was just being enthusastic :P11:21
pencompwiz18: no, I want something like the app I forgot the name in xp but all the changes made were written into a folder11:21
compwiz18pen: hm...11:21
OsamaKcompwiz18: How to install KDE 4?11:21
compwiz18pen: chances are you can do it; I don't know how11:21
pencompwiz18: so if I installed a virus then I wouldn't have to worry about being infected because it will only infect the folder11:21
compwiz18pen: but you probably won't install a virus in ubuntu11:22
werswhat's wrong with ubuntuforums?! :O11:22
flash-ro!help2 packet emesene11:22
compwiz18you'd be hard pressed to find one, even if you looked for it11:22
flash-ro!help emesene11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help emesene - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:22
OsamaKwell, there is ; http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/01/14/five-steps-to-install-kde-40-in-ubuntu-710/11:22
pencompwiz18: yea, instead of virus people usually want to experience with new programs or configs.11:22
compwiz18Ubuntu forums got orangified11:22
compwiz18pen: ah11:23
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compwiz18pen: I don't know of anything like that off the top of my head...11:23
pencompwiz18: that would usually crash or risk of not booting back their system11:23
compwiz18maybe an Ubuntu Forums April Fools joke?11:23
pencompwiz18: it's something more than a system restor11:23
quentusrexHow do I change the login prompt??? I don't want the prompt to say what OS and version number....11:23
compwiz18quentusrex: you want to change hte PS1 system variable, I think11:24
wersubuntuforums.org has a new style and my eyes dnt like it11:24
penwers: wow, you are right11:24
penwers: what the hell??11:24
wersyou can change the style11:25
compwiz18april fools, I would gues11:25
wersoooh. yah11:25
wersthere's a drop-down menu on the lower left :)11:25
penthis is not really a good fool11:25
bsdnewb07google always have a good april fools11:25
Serg1hello, it is possible to update a specific package with sudo?11:25
Serg1with apt-get11:25
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penomg, I love google11:26
compwiz18Serg1: sudo apt-get install packagenameiwanttoupdatethatisintherepositories11:26
MononaWhen I run "sudo fuser -v /dev/snd/*", slmodemd appears to be using my soundcard.  How do I stop it?11:26
penSerg1: no, listen to me, all you have to do is smash your head then the packages will be installed11:26
AlexC_hey all,11:27
penMonona: can't you killall?11:27
AlexC_How can I get the location of a users home directory?11:27
AlexC_(via cli)11:27
MononaWhen I try "killall slmodemd", I get: "slmodemd(4735): Operation not permitted slmodemd: no process killed"11:27
Serg1pen, stupid afirmation11:27
penAlexC_: ~11:28
AlexC_pen, for a specified user11:28
penSerg1: glad you learn that11:28
penAlexC_: usually in Home11:28
penI mean11:28
LamegoMonona, sudo11:28
Serg1pen you sucks a little11:29
AlexC_pen, yeah, I don't need the usually :P I need to find out the location of the home directory for a given user11:29
hischildit is possible to mount directories over ssh, correct?11:29
Serg1maybe you need to shut-up?11:29
penAlexC_: / root11:29
penSerg1: :D I'm not glad to11:29
AlexC_pen, funny.11:29
Lamegohischild, I believe it is, using sshfs11:29
hischildLamego, *googles*11:29
MononaWhoa-ho, that did it. Thanks, Lamego. Now, hopefully I can get Mixxx working.11:30
Serg1to calm down i meant11:30
penSerg1: I'm already calm as a rock :]11:30
Serg1pen listen here11:32
dotechanyone here running intel quad core and 8gb ram?11:32
hischilddotech, why?11:32
Serg1i don't what to be here like on #linux on undernet, where all insult you11:32
penSerg1: well, I'm watching11:32
dotechjust curious, im building that system in a day or so and was considering ubuntu as my OS11:32
AlexC_how can I find out the home directory for a specified user, via CLI?11:32
LamegoAl2O3, grep user /etc/passwd11:33
Lamegoor, finger username11:33
dotechprobably the 8.04 beta until the official release11:33
hischilddotech, it runs quite well on it. I don't have the box you have, but a friend of mine does. Runs fast ..11:34
AlexC_Lamego, hum, I should be able to do something with `finger`, is there anyway to just get the home directory, though?11:34
Broadywhy is gnome so slow on a p4 2.5 ghz?11:34
dotechhischild: good to hear, its been a while since i ran linux on new hardware so i was afraid it may not work11:34
LamegoAlexC_, grep $USER /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f511:35
hischilddotech, you should be good :-)11:35
dotechi'm tired of long compile times so this should help :)11:35
AlexC_Lamego, didn't quite do it =3, thanks either way - I can work with this =)11:35
dotechhow about 3 monitors on 1 system?11:35
dotechthat works well too?  i have 2 nvidia PCI-E cards11:36
hischilddotech, haven't tried that ... but it might just work ... would love to hear the feedback on that!11:36
dotechi figured i would end up tweaking some X settings but we'll see how it goes11:36
dotechshould have the system built by the end of the week and I'll install the OS when i do, will certainly provide feedback11:37
BusErrorcan I recompile the kernel package keeping the same version/abi ? I want to tweak one of the built-in module, but keep the rest intact...11:38
hischildBusError, if it's a module you want to recompile, you can just switch the modules around iirc11:39
peace-keeperwhere do i set environment variables that i want to be set at boot time?11:41
_moro_bana_anyone know of any typing games11:41
peace-keeperlike JAVA_HOME11:41
MononaGrrr. Mixxx still doesn't want to play music.  Anybody know how I can fix that?11:41
peace-keeperwhat's a typing game? :D11:41
_moro_bana_aaaaaaa. software that we use to improve typing speed11:42
kelvin911i have a 3 GB rar file and it has passwordprotected, i try to extract it and it is extracting for a minute i dont know how long it is going to finish11:42
_moro_bana_peace-keeper: i dont know what to call it, did you see the last msg11:43
blanktheherewegoHow do I kill a post installation script for apt, I went to install mscorefonts and then decided I didn't want it, which means now even a apt-get remove fails because it tries to download all the fonts again.11:43
peace-keeperyou mean for practicing typing on the keyboard?11:43
_moro_bana_peace-keeper; yes , those, what do you call em11:43
kelvin911how come file roller doesnt show the % in extracting file?11:43
hischildblanktheherewego, install it, then remove it.11:44
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peace-keeperdon't know what to call that..11:44
_moro_bana_peace-keeper: well, know of any?11:44
peace-keeperyou could just try to repeat everything people say in here :)11:44
blanktheherewegoBah, is there any way around it hischild ?11:44
hischildblanktheherewego, it's the cleanest way to go around it.11:45
hischildblanktheherewego, if you just install it (like it wants) and then remove it, there won't be something left from it as it uninstalled properly.11:46
_moro_bana_anyone know of any software ...for practicing typing11:46
hischild_moro_bana_, junior-typing ? (that's a package...)11:47
_moro_bana_hischild: thanks11:47
juzzy_hischild, are you a serious linux nut or what?11:48
juzzy_You seem to know just about everything :P11:48
hischildjuzzy_, i know far from everything, but aptitude is my good friend ;-)11:49
mad_max0223 more days11:49
kindofabuzzhe just google's real fast =)11:49
hischildkindofabuzz, hey that's my secret!11:49
juzzy_I rarely use synaptic, I usually know the package name and apt-get is soo much faster11:49
hischildjuzzy_, that may be true, but i hate to type sudo apt-get autoremove if it finds orphaned packages, and aptitude has better dependency control.11:50
juzzy_Yeah I keep hearing that11:50
hischildand synaptic? no ty :P11:50
juzzy_But never have problems with apt-get11:50
kindofabuzzjuzzy_: if you don't know the exact name you can do apt-cashe search11:50
hischildjuzzy_, neither did i ...11:50
juzzy_Synaptic takes forever to load for me11:50
_moro_bana_whats the diff between apt-get and aptitude anyway11:50
kindofabuzz_moro_bana_: good question, been wondering that myself11:51
Domitor_InvictusI've got a small question.11:51
Domitor_InvictusI get no sound on YouTube, can anyone help?11:51
Domitor_InvictusI can play media files with sound and all that, but not on YouTube.11:51
hischild_moro_bana_, long story. Aptitude used to have a few problems, which is why apt was created. Aptitude has fixed those issues a while back, yet apt remains. In general, IMO, aptitude has better dependency control.11:51
juzzy_hischild, since you know ALMOST everything help me fix my /dev/disk/by-uuid problem :(11:52
hischildjuzzy_, and yes, apt is faster then aptitude, but speed isn't everything if you have to do the same thing 3 times, while aptitude does that only once11:52
hischildjuzzy_, i'll give it a go.. what's up?11:52
juzzy_upgraded my mythbuntu from gutsy to hardy and rebooteed11:52
juzzy_now in boot it sits on mounting root filesystem11:53
juzzy_and then stalls11:53
kindofabuzzhischild: so you think sudo aptitude is better than doing sudo apt-get?11:53
hischildkindofabuzz, imo yes11:53
juzzy_eventually it gives an error involving disc/by-uuid error11:53
hischildjuzzy_, i see...11:53
juzzy_Mmm :(11:53
kindofabuzzi'll try it11:53
juzzy_Have checked vol_id and it matches that in fstab11:54
_moro_bana_hischild: i see. i remember sometime back i was trying to apt-get something , was failing. was adviced to aptitude, the "walla"11:54
_moro_bana_the walla*11:54
juzzy__moro_bana_, n key borked? :P11:54
_moro_bana_juzzy_: probably11:54
juzzy_hischild, any insight?11:55
hischildjuzzy_, give me a min to do some looking up on this :)11:55
juzzy_no worries11:55
kelvin911file roller sucks11:55
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_moro_bana_hischild:and i got a problem here, big one11:56
hischildjuzzy_, ok a list ==> did you check the UUID right?11:56
juzzy_oh btw hischild I did manage to get it to boot on an older kernel11:56
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juzzy_22.14 iirc11:56
kelvin911i have a 3GB file password protected, when i extract it without entering password it extract for like 5 minutes then ask me password, so i enter it then it extract from 0% again11:56
juzzy_hischild, yeah i checked vol_id and it gave me the volid for sda111:56
juzzy_and compared that to whats in fstab11:56
kindofabuzzkelvin911: that's a big porn file!11:56
juzzy_and its the same11:56
kelvin911no its quake411:57
hischildjuzzy_, alright .. tried setting it back to /dev/sda1 ?11:57
berti_yes its quake411:57
kelvin911porn file doesnt have password11:57
kindofabuzzthat's what you kids call it now? =)11:57
Domitor_Invictuswell, some do.11:57
juzzy_hischild, in the fstab it says /dev/sda1 and the UUID11:57
berti_i agre with kelvin9211:57
hischildjuzzy_, can you pastebin your fstab then?11:57
juzzy_Yup, you'll have to just gimme a few mins11:57
kelvin911last time i was downloading a porn movie that was like 4.5 GB11:57
kindofabuzzkelvin911: how ya liking linux so far?  that ftp running good?11:57
kelvin911and no password11:57
kelvin911ftp is fine11:58
kelvin911people download file faster when i running linux11:58
kelvin911dont know why11:58
usb0457hy guys11:58
juzzy_because linux is god!11:58
kindofabuzzyeah, you gotta think, most of the internet backbones are ran on linux11:58
kindofabuzzor unix11:58
usb0457I currently using eeexubuntu on my eeepc11:59
usb0457how can I active the sound system on the sturtup ???11:59
juzzy_I want an eeePC11:59
kelvin911can i install quake4 in ubuntu?11:59
LOWER_CASEWe already have 7.04 installed, along with latest updates, and we're just trying to 'add' the 7.10 CD to the repository. But the errors when we "apt-cdrom add". Is that what we should be doing?11:59
erUSULkelvin911: yep11:59
kelvin911can i install it without CDkey?11:59
magnetronLOWER_CASE: you need the alternate cd.12:00
kelvin911or with some other cdkey?12:00
berti_you'll never walk alone12:00
erUSULLOWER_CASE: the desktop cd can not be added as repositorie only the alternatecd12:00
kindofabuzzkelvin911: i think k you need the quake linux version though12:00
kelvin911there is linux version?12:00
erUSULkelvin911: no sure check the oficial site for instruction on how to install it on linux12:00
erUSULkelvin911: yes theere is a native linux version12:00
kelvin911i think i am going to boot to xp and plays it there12:00
maekwhats happened to the Ubuntu forums .. there all weird colours ??12:00
LOWER_CASEmagnetron, erUSUS: thanks12:00
kindofabuzzi been playing world of padman and it's bbased on q3 i think12:00
kelvin911because i want to play pro evolution soccer12:00
kelvin911and my ps controller doesnt work in linux12:01
LOWER_CASEerUSUL: (sorry) thanks12:01
samiI need some serious help. I just made an ubuntu install CD for an unattended install with my own repository. When i boot it everthing works fine until it tries to verify the "Release" file.12:01
kelvin911i been playing et all the time12:01
kelvin911anyone play et?12:01
DistroJockeymaek: they are indeed12:01
juzzy_ET rocks!12:02
kelvin911juzzy_: u play et?12:02
kelvin911on which server?12:02
juzzy_Australian ones12:02
JarG0nkelvin911> http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/12:02
maekDistroJockey, PHEW !! I didn't stuff anything up12:02
kelvin911u ever play in evilsmurfs?12:02
jtravnickmaek april fools maybe?12:02
juzzy_kelvin911, nah12:02
DistroJockeymaek: nope :)12:02
kelvin911currently i play in
kelvin911join me sometimes because that server is fast for me12:03
juzzy_It won't be for me :(12:03
maekyeah probably ... its hard to read though ....12:03
kelvin911and they have friendly fire on, feel more realistic12:03
kelvin911but too bad recently not many people there12:03
hischildjuzzy_, where is my fstab file man, i'm waiting :P12:03
juzzy_hischild, Mythbuntu is being a pain as usual :P12:03
hischildjuzzy_, o i c:P12:03
Domitor_InvictusI can't get sound when I'm buffering from YouTube, any idea how I can fix it?12:04
kelvin911juzzy_: got any good server?12:04
juzzy_kelvin911, only Australian servers which would be high ping for you12:04
jtravnickI thinks somebody at the forums had just a little to much wine last night12:04
kelvin911juzzy_: i dont mind12:04
kelvin911juzzy_: let me see how bad12:04
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, what video are you trying to play on there?12:05
juzzy_hischild, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61781/12:05
hischildjuzzy_, yay ... let's look12:06
juzzy_:P ta12:06
juzzy_kelvin911, not on my main rig atm12:06
juzzy_But its one of the GameArena servers12:06
juzzy_www.gamearena.com.au has all the server details12:06
hischildjuzzy_, did you try to switch from UUID to DEV?12:07
Domitor_Invictusjtravnick: any video.12:07
Domitor_Invictusnone produce sound.12:07
juzzy_hischild, nope, dunno what that is..12:07
hischildjuzzy_, ok12:07
kelvin911what is quake4 demo?12:07
kelvin911is it just one level?12:07
juzzy_probably kelvin91112:07
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, thats on utube?12:08
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dn4what are the packages for audacity plugins12:08
hischildjuzzy_, change line 6 to ==> /dev/sda1 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       112:08
dn4plugins like a ring modulator12:08
kelvin911can u install the demo and add more map?12:08
Domitor_Invictusyes, I can't get any sound from Youtube, but usually, I play videos locally and there's sound.12:08
hischildjuzzy_, then try n boot up12:08
kelvin911Domitor_Invictus: ff?12:08
kelvin911ff has crash my ubuntu twice on some flash site12:09
hischildkelvin911, let him run alsamixer from command line and check if it's muted12:09
riohow to set a static ipv6 address to my wlan0 interface but still use NetworkManager to connect and obtain IPv4 adress?12:09
hischildrio, do you know how to set a ipv4 address on a connection?12:10
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riohischild: for ethernet ive done it in /etc/network/interfaces12:11
riobut typing "iface wlan0 inet6 static\n..." in this file does not work12:11
juzzy_hischild, are the space between items tabs or just spaces?12:11
christydoes anyone know how to fix this problem in kopete---I cannot find the jasper image convert program.12:11
samiAnyone running dapper or feisty in here<+12:11
hischildjuzzy_, fstab makes no real difference between spaces and tabs. Just make sure there is at least one space or tab between the parts12:12
hischildrio, does that work when run from command line?12:12
riohischild: what to run from the command line?12:12
Jed1Cant empty the trash can!  (no permission it says)   the trashed files should be stored in ~/.Trash, right?12:12
samiAnyone running dapper or feisty in here?12:13
hischildrio, when you run the commadn iface wlan0 inet6 static12:13
riohischild: "iface" is no command12:13
rioits a configuration entry12:13
christospcould anyone help with the installation of a netgear wireless adapter?12:13
Domitor_InvictusI just tested everything in the Sound Mixer.12:13
kelvin911i am wondering do i need to burn the quake4 iso to dvd to install?12:13
Domitor_Invictusthey all work.12:13
kelvin911or can i run it off the harddisk?12:14
hischildrio, use ifconfig to set it.12:14
Domitor_Invictusbut I still can't hear anything in the videos on Youtube.12:14
kelvin911ubobo u chinese?12:14
samiSeriously is there noone in here that's running dapper or feisty?12:14
hischildkelvin911, mount -o loop,ro /location/of/file.iso /media/mountpoint12:14
swilkywill sudo dd if=/ of=a.img make in image of my hdd ??????????12:14
samiswilky, no12:14
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, you using firefox?12:15
hischildubobo, unless you talk English we won't be able to help you.12:15
juzzy_hischild, still timing out while booting12:15
kelvin911i mean can i install it in windows12:15
Domitor_Invictusyes I am, jtravnick.12:15
kelvin911no linux12:15
hischildjuzzy_, any errors?12:15
samiswilky, you have to choose your harddrive12:15
kelvin911i am going to reboot soon12:15
juzzy_hischild, will reboot with splash off so i get the error12:15
christospcould anyone help with the installation of a netgear wireless adapter?12:15
kelvin911i download some games and wanna try them out12:15
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, and you have all pugins installed?12:15
swilkysami : sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=a.img??12:15
hischildjuzzy_, please do :-)12:15
kelvin911ubobo: whats up?12:16
samiswilky, yes. But that will take an image of all of sda1, even the free space.12:16
Domitor_InvictusI wasn't aware that I need a plugin to be able to get sound in the Youtube videos...12:16
hischildkelvin911, then what are you running, windows?12:16
riohischild: like sudo ifconfig wlan0 inet6 fe80::1:106?12:16
ubobocan you tell me  how can I log in my qq?12:16
swilkyoh dear ... :(12:16
kelvin911hischild: i am running ubuntu now12:16
hischildrio, sounds about right.12:16
rioDon't know how to set addresses for family 10.12:16
swilkyso how do i make an image of my fs?12:16
samiis anyone running dapper or feisty in here? come on people!12:16
kelvin911hischild: but i will boot into XP to install some games and play there12:16
hischildkelvin911, then you can mount the iso's you have using that command i gave you before.12:16
riohischild: thats the output12:16
kelvin911hischild: in xp ?12:16
hischildkelvin911, no, in linux12:16
juzzy_hischild, in grub's menu i edited the item and it has the UUID of the drive in the boot menu12:17
samiswilky, use dd anyways12:17
kelvin911hischild: what about in xp?12:17
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, i dont know if you do or not i dont usaly go there but its working for me12:17
Jed1I cant empty my trash can... (hardy)   I have probably removed some files as root, but now I cant find the files. anyone?12:17
juzzy_would that over-ride the fstab?12:17
hischildrio, i'm not an ipv6 expert. man ifconfig and then type /v612:17
hischildkelvin911, use daemon tools or alcohol12:17
kelvin911ubobo: qq suck anyway12:17
kelvin911hischild: i dont wanna install daemon12:17
Juuso_hey, anyone know how i give permission for windows users to samba server? when i type windows commandline net view (ip address) it prints that permission denied12:17
hischildjuzzy_, pastebin me your menu.lst then please :-)12:17
swilkysami: but wont it make the image the size of my hdd12:17
juzzy_k will do12:17
hischildkelvin911, then you'll have to burn then12:17
hischildubobo where are you from?12:18
uboboshan dong12:18
kelvin911hischild: i dont have blank dvd now i think12:18
swilkysami: never mind ill find another way12:18
samiswilky, exactly12:18
hischildkelvin911, then you'll have to use one of those programs.12:18
hischildubobo that is china or japan?12:18
kelvin911hischild: i used them up i already use up 200 blanks12:18
swilkysami: the image is for a diskless node12:18
kelvin911hischild: i need to get another 100 tomorrow12:18
jtravnickDomitor_Invictus, and yes at least the video i pulled up says its using adobe flash12:18
=== Pensa`MIA is now known as Pensacola
hischildkelvin911, those programs create virtual drives so you don't have to burn them.12:18
swilkyi dont have 500gigs of ram12:18
swilkylol i wish12:19
uboboyou  can speak Chinese?12:19
samiis anyone running dapper or feisty in here? come on people!12:19
kelvin911hischild: i remember last time i had install those daemon tool something screw up in windows so i dont want to do that again12:19
Juuso_sami mikä sulla on ongelmana12:19
swilkysami what is feisty and dapper?12:19
Juuso_ubuntu distros12:19
juzzy_hischild, ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/.... does not exist..12:20
hischildubobo ::  /join #ubuntu-zh12:20
juzzy_hischild, so its still trying by UUID12:20
kelvin911ubobo: u can use pidgin to connect qq12:20
samiJuuso, if i were finnish i would answer that.12:20
hischildkelvin911, then use alcohol12:20
swilkywhy not upgrade sami12:20
kelvin911hischild: samething in alcohol12:20
samiswilky, ubuntu distribution12:20
Juuso_sami ok, what is problem?12:20
hischildkelvin911, nero?12:20
blankthemuffinsami, I run feisty on my other PC12:20
hischildjuzzy_, i c12:20
kelvin911hischild: i cant remember what, but something screw up12:20
samiswilky, i'm running gutsy just have to know something12:20
kelvin911hischild: nero doesnt mount CD drive12:20
hischildkelvin911, then get rid of windows and use linux?12:20
hischildkelvin911, nero does12:21
hischildjuzzy_, you have to rewrite your UUID in menu.lst12:21
Juuso_how i get my samba server working12:21
swilkysami : oh ok12:21
kelvin911hischild: many games dont run on linux12:21
Juuso_windows wont let me in12:21
samiJuuso, do you have a file called /etc/default-release12:21
=== sethk_ is now known as sethk
riohischild: okay now ifconfig wlan0 got the adress, but ping6 returns: connect: Cannot assign requested address12:21
juzzy_hischild, ok, i'll check it out cheers12:21
samiblankthemuffin,  do you have a file called /etc/default-release12:21
hischildjuzzy_, change the UUID= part to /dev/sda112:21
blankthemuffingimme a sec sami, gotta ssh in12:21
hischildrio, does it have something to bounce the ping off?12:21
samiblankthemuffin, sure12:21
hischildkelvin911, maybe you have to look into another way12:21
kelvin911dont understand why so many chinese like to use QQ?12:21
Juuso_sami no i dont have that file12:21
hischildkelvin911, linux DOES have games.12:22
kelvin911its such piece of crap12:22
Juuso_but i need get samba server working12:22
samiJuuso, and you're running what ubuntu did you say?12:22
hischildQ.Q moar folks12:22
Juuso_i have ubuntu server 7.1012:22
blankthemuffinnope sami12:22
Juuso_xfce and gnome desktops12:22
maekEnemy Territory: Quake Wars is a Linux game12:22
riohischild: hm? im pinging the address i just assigned to wlan012:22
kelvin911hischild: i know linux have games, but the game i download and play are windows version12:22
Juuso_it's time when i use dapper or feisty12:22
blankthemuffinsami, I have a default directory, but no file.12:22
hischildrio, ping might be blocked ..12:22
kelvin911maek: where to get quake war?12:23
kelvin911maek: i am looking for it12:23
samiI need some serious help. I just made an ubuntu install CD for an unattended install with my own repository. When i boot it everthing works fine until it tries to verify the "Release" file. Can't determine distribution.12:23
maekits a commercial game12:23
hischildkelvin911, then don't ask about how to mount a dvd etc.12:23
=== magnet__ is now known as magnet
hischildsami, is there a release file on your dvd? and what error do you get? how did you create the install cd?12:24
maekyou buy it from a shop then you download a script to install it ... (although I have not done it)12:24
kelvin911maek: is quake war et free like wolf et?12:24
hischildsami, info!!12:24
juzzy_kelvin911, no12:24
juzzy_etqw is not free12:24
ubobobut I don't know how to set the logging information12:25
samihischild, yes there is a Release. I made it from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization with a couple of addons12:25
riohischild: how to find out whats wrong?12:25
hischildrio, set the gateway to your own ip.12:25
kelvin911i did find a dvd-rw on my drawer12:25
rageWhen using gksu to run a proram, is there a way to get the programs return value? i.e if I run gksu false, can I tell that the application has failed?12:25
juzzy_hischild, ALERT! /dev/sda1 does not exist. :(12:25
kelvin911i am going to burn it12:25
juzzy_that makes me sad12:25
hischildjuzzy_, what? o.O12:25
riohischild: how to set the gateway?12:26
juzzy_Stupid new kernel can't find my hdd12:26
hischildjuzzy_, i can understand that ...12:26
juzzy_me either12:26
hischildrio, same way, but then use gateway somewhere i think ...12:26
juzzy_old kernel finds at least ONE of my hdds12:26
juzzy_to boot from12:26
juzzy_But the new one can't see the hdd12:26
blankthemuffinWhat type of drve are they juzzy_ ?12:26
juzzy_WD 750GB12:26
samihischild, any idea?12:26
hischildjuzzy_, hmm plz tell me it's not a compiled kernel right?12:26
hischildsami, what is the error?12:26
juzzy_hischild, its whatever kernel the repo has12:26
juzzy_I have nfi how to mod or compile my own kernel12:27
blankthemuffinHave you tried turning off APCI or whatever it is in your bios12:27
blankthemuffinjuzzy_, that is ^^12:27
hischildjuzzy_, hmm ... perhaps a reinstall would help, (just the kernel)12:27
juzzy_No, but both drives were working fine before i updated to hardy12:27
samihischild, booting up now, let me check12:27
juzzy_gutsy would boot and recognise both drives fine12:27
wentonwhen i enter the command:    sudo modprobe ndiswrapper    i get back segmentation fault.... any way to fix this?12:27
riohischild: ifconfig doesnt have any gateway options afaik :/12:28
hischildwenton, remove ndiswrapper, download the source, and compile yourself. Do you run hardy?12:28
hischildrio, it does12:28
samiThe CD-ROM does not seem to contain a valid 'Release' file, or that file could not be read correctly.12:28
farkewiehi i installed ubuntu on one partition and then kubuntu on another, if i format the kubuntu will that stop my ubuntu from booting up?12:28
riohischild: sure?12:29
samiThe log says that cdrom-detect: Error reading Release file; unable to determine distribution12:29
hischildrio, well the script that i use for host only networking manages to set the gateway so i'm fairly sure12:29
riohischild: maybe it uses route?12:29
wentonwhats the advantage of compiling myself12:29
_moro_bana_whats wrong with the pastebin12:29
hischildrio, then use route =)12:29
hischildsami, alright ..12:29
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
hischildjuzzy_, you have a seperate /home?12:31
juzzy_hischild, /home is on root partition12:31
riohischild: never used route to set ipv6 things :/12:31
BobezukCo to są złecenia stałe?12:31
juzzy_and theres data on that drive12:31
juzzy_So no format .. :P12:31
hischildjuzzy_, that sux tbqh...12:32
samihischild, Any idea?12:32
riohischild: pinging addresses that are bound to local interfaces shouldnt even cause a lookup in the routetable or am i wrong?12:32
hischildsami, i'm looking ... sec12:32
hischildrio, you can block local traffic using iptables, so it does make a difference iirc12:33
juzzy_hischild / blankthemuffin where would I find ACPI in bios?12:33
hischildjuzzy_, think under settings or powerstuff12:33
riohischild: anyway, iptables isnt running12:33
hischildrio, it was an example that even local traffic also uses networking stuff.12:34
juzzy_hischild, its only got ACPI Suspend Type S1 or S312:34
bsdnewb07guys is there a way to stop users from going back past there /home/username directory12:35
bsdnewb07so they cant get into /12:35
_moro_bana_my system started giving me problems, apt-get and aptitude just get stuck at 0% http://rafb.net/p/zme0qA98.html12:35
cupcakewhich app will allow me to check time for any time zone in the USA or in any country?12:35
hischildbsdnewb07, you can't. They require read access to those files for a proper desktop.12:36
hischild_moro_bana_, does that pc have internet access?12:36
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_moro_bana_hischild: its the one im using now, yes12:37
hischildsami, it seems like the release file isn't written correctly. Please verify it's correct using the guide you used.12:37
hischild_moro_bana_, hmm ... try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade12:37
samihischild, it is correct, That's the problem.12:38
juzzy_hischild, changed ACPI from S3 to S1 and still times out during bootup12:38
bsdnewb07guys is there a way to stop users from going back past there /home/username directory12:38
bsdnewb07so they cant get into /12:38
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kindofabuzzi really hope the new forums colors are an april fools joke, cause it's ugly12:38
hischildbsdnewb07, read answers when they are given. You cannot restrict access as they require read access for a proper functioning system.12:38
hischildjuzzy_, S1 and S3 is only for how deep your system goes to sleep when hybernating.12:39
Suicidal_Failurekindofabuzz, yeah bro, they are disturbing12:39
juzzy_I found no other ACPI functions in bios hischild  :(12:39
kindofabuzzlooks like a website made in 199612:40
hischildjuzzy_, hmm ... have you tried to chroot into your old environment and run update-grub from there?12:40
_moro_bana_hischild: 32% not moving12:40
hischild_moro_bana_, on what end?12:40
hischild_moro_bana_, pastebin it please.12:40
=== WildExPat is now known as pl4sMa
juzzy_hischild, I can do that, I just have to boot an older kernel12:40
ubuntu_ hi, i have ubuntu 7.10 and i have reinstalled WIN.It deleted my GRUB loader. I followed instructions on wiki.ubuntu.cz but it doesnt work it gives me error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61786/ Any ideas what to do?12:40
gilansd card not mount12:40
gilantoshiba tecra12:40
gilanmmc0: card claims to support voltages below the defined range. These will be ignored.12:41
hischildgilan, please ask your question on one line so we can all follow it and answer it.12:41
ChrisGibbsanyone know of a kernel that supports upto 8Gb of RAM, restricted modules, 32bit 7.10 Ubuntu and is in APT???12:41
gilanok. sorry12:41
hischildChrisGibbs, it's not possible to support more then 4gb on 32bit due to address limitations.12:41
Suicidal_Failurekindofabuzz, its lucky you can select an alternativ312:41
hischildubuntu_, yes we can help you. Do you still have the live cd?12:41
ubuntu_hischild yes i have it right now12:42
BobezukWhot is demon cromtab?12:42
DistroJockeyChrisGibbs: I'm pretty sure no 32bit will do more than 4GB of RAM12:42
gilanhischild: i am using hardy beta. my laptop toshiba tecra a8. sd cardreader doesn't mount. error msg:mmc0: card claims to support voltages below the defined range. These will be ignored.12:42
ChrisGibbshischild: It can be done with PAE turned on in the kernel12:42
_moro_bana_hischild: http://rafb.net/p/RKcTk214.html12:42
kindofabuzzSuicidal_Failure: where at?12:42
hischildChrisGibbs, you seem to know what you need then.12:43
void^ChrisGibbs: use the server kernel, it has pae enabled12:43
hischildBobezuk, it's a program that can run commands at specified times.12:43
hischildgilan, what does dmesg give you?12:43
Suicidal_Failurekindofabuzz, bottom left12:43
ChrisGibbsvoid^: yeah but i dont get restricted modules for my 6800 nvidia :(12:43
hischild_moro_bana_, can you please pastebin your /etc/hosts file?12:43
kindofabuzzSuicidal_Failure: thanks12:43
ChrisGibbsDistroJockey: kernel will support upto 64Gb with a supported CPU and the PAE option turned on12:43
juzzy_ChrisGibbs, if you can afford 8gb ram, buy a new gfx card :P12:44
void^ChrisGibbs: yes, you'll have to compile the module yourself.12:44
Suicidal_Failurekindofabuzz, no probs12:44
DistroJockeyChrisGibbs: ahh, k. Sorry12:44
Bobezukhischild THX12:44
ChrisGibbsI was hoping to avoid a x64 kernel as i have had problems12:44
Broadyeasiest way to get JRE?12:44
gilanhischild: http://rafb.net/p/RKArQp55.html12:44
ChrisGibbsjuzzy_: a 8800GTS 640mb RAM isnt good enough?12:44
void^Broady: apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:44
Broadyta void^12:45
kindofabuzzSuicidal_Failure: when i click on a next page, it logs me out and goes back to the funked up color, do you get the same?12:45
kindofabuzzthat's a cruel joke12:45
juzzy_ChrisGibbs, you said 680012:45
ChrisGibbsvoid^: Yeah i know - kernel compiled fine and saw all my RAM but i didnt want to waste 8hrs + to compile restricted modules12:45
ChrisGibbsjuzzy_: oops..... my mistake... It is a 8800GTS12:46
void^ChrisGibbs: nvidia's module rarely takes more than 2 minutes to compile12:46
Suicidal_Failurekindofabuzz, im not logged in at the moment, and i dont get that issue12:46
_moro_bana_hischild: the file /etc/host is missing , not there12:46
ChrisGibbsvoid^: I wonder why the warning is on the kernel compile guide then....12:46
kindofabuzzSuicidal_Failure: hmm it' keeps logging me out!12:46
hischild_moro_bana_, please read more carefully: it's /etc/hostS and not /etc/host12:46
ChrisGibbsvoid^: I havent actually tried it yet12:46
gilanhischild: any suggestions?12:47
ChrisGibbsvoid^: You have given me new motivation :)12:47
orkun /j #math12:47
hischildgilan, i'm reading up on it, a second please.12:47
Broadyorkun: fail12:47
orkunnoticed sorry for that12:47
void^ChrisGibbs: use nvidia-new-kernel-source and module-assistant to use the nvidia driver shipped with ubuntu, or just install nvidia's blob12:48
ZambeziAnyone with experience from pivot in Linux? Turning monitor 90 degree. Does it work auto?12:48
samiFixed my problem.12:48
samihischild, never mind i fixed it.12:48
hischildsami, ok gd12:48
hischildgilan, i'm afraid i can't be of much help with your problem. :(12:49
riohischild: okay now i added a route from fe80:1::/64 to ::, still getting "cannot assign requested address"12:49
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_moro_bana_hischild: http://rafb.net/p/HP11u581.html12:49
gilanhischild: ok thank you12:49
ChrisGibbsvoid^: cheers mate. I will give it ago12:49
hischildrio, routing into nowhere won't help now would it ;-)12:49
hischild_moro_bana_, and your pc has _full_ internet access?12:50
binraptHi, I'm currently trying to run Ubuntu 7.10 IA64 on Vista 64 via VMWare 6.0.2 and I'm having trouble with gaining internet access. I set the IP of my card in Windows to so I can use it as a gateway, right? I ran sudo network-admin and set gateway and address to the data you can read in this pastebin entry http://modseven.de/pastebin.php?id=183112:50
riohischild: route it to ::1 or to my fe80:1::106 address?12:50
binraptUnluckily I'm always getting "Network unreachable" :( what am I doing wrong?12:50
hischildrio, route back at yourself12:50
riohischild: yes both ::1 and fe80:1::106 is me, but should i use loopback or not?12:51
_moro_bana_hischild: full access?12:51
binraptI can't even ping the IP I specified for eth0? Huh12:51
hischildrio, use loopback12:52
hischild_moro_bana_, no restrictions ... it appears that you cannot reach some sources. Can you please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources file?12:52
riohischild: okay, still "Cannot assign requested address"12:52
=== digit is now known as Digit
binraptI tried both bridged networking and NAT but I suppose it doesn't make a difference because I can't even ping hmm12:52
hischildrio, then i'm at a total loss i'm afraid :( sorry12:52
Digithi all12:53
Digitcan anybody give me a hint to fixing the "black screen" problem with MX40012:54
omnz0rwhen do you get a black screen?12:54
=== ubuntu_ is now known as piton55
piton55 hi, i have ubuntu 7.10 and i have reinstalled WIN.It deleted my GRUB loader. I followed instructions on wiki.ubuntu.cz but it doesnt work it gives me error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61786/ Any ideas what to do?12:54
Digitafter enabling the 3d support12:54
Digitafter reboot12:55
_moro_bana_hischild: /etc/apt/sources.list is not a folder12:55
hischild_moro_bana_, i am aware of that. That is why i asked you to pastebin that.12:55
samiapt-install: The following package have unmet dependencies: linux-generic: Depends: linux-restricted-modules-generic but it is not going to be installed12:55
omnz0rok, sry can't help Digit, was just curios12:55
Digitok, no problem12:55
_moro_bana_hischild: that opens a gui12:57
hischildsami, you're missing packages.12:57
hischild_moro_bana_, i asked you to pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list12:57
kindofabuzz_moro_bana_: it's a file12:57
samiwill apt-get -d (download only) get deps aswell?12:58
foldartsami: yes12:58
samii already have the package called linux-generic installed. How i just fetch it?12:59
sunbirdhi everyone.12:59
sunbirdi'm struggling with getting gutsy x64 to recognize my internal bluetooth adapter.12:59
sunbirdon a macbook pro 3.1.12:59
_moro_bana_hischild: http://rafb.net/p/9jdAGs22.html12:59
sunbirdi've read all of the faqs and scoured the ubuntu forums and none of the solutions seem to work.13:00
DistroJockeysami: check in  /var/cache/apt/archives  for it13:00
me-tvHi All, where do I go to complain about my TZ not being available?13:01
samiDistroJockey, i'v cleaned it out13:01
sunbird$ hcitool scan13:01
sunbirdDevice is not available: No such device13:01
DistroJockeysami: ahh, may not have been there anyway.13:02
hischild_moro_bana_, please try to update. Sudo apt-get update.13:02
Picime-tv: You can file a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/13:03
* milia later13:03
me-tvPici: Awesome, thanks.13:03
_moro_bana_hischild: that does not go anywhere either, maybe a fresh install will do13:04
hischild_moro_bana_, you can try. Good luck.13:04
_moro_bana_hischild: thanks , bye13:04
ForsakenSoulwhy isn't paste.ubuntu.org working is the server down ?13:05
IdleOneForsakenSoul, paste.ubuntu-nl.org13:06
piton55 hi, i have ubuntu 7.10 and i have reinstalled WIN.It deleted my GRUB loader. I followed instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/GRUB/Obnova but it doesnt work it gives me error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61786/ Any ideas what to do? pls help me13:07
AliRezaTaleghaniHello world, i have a problem with my webcam Driver, the chipset is "Microdia 6128", is their any solution for it?? tnx13:07
AliRezaTaleghani??? isnot any idea?13:09
AliRezaTaleghaniHello world, i have a problem with my webcam Driver, the chipset is "Microdia 6128", is their any solution for it?? tnx13:09
hischildalright guys i'm out for a bit. I'll see you all later..13:09
hackBOXpiton - try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=609548... you will need to be in the livecd with a terminal open13:09
ForsakenSoulHas anyone tried to run a Cambridge prep cd in wine ?13:10
TOPallhi weiss jemand zufällig wie das paket heisst für die swat hilfe ??13:10
CyberaiI'm trying to run a java application with "java -jar <application>" and I keep getting the message that java isn't installed. Running "apt-get install java" tells me there's no such package available. Can anyone tell me how to get java installed properly?13:10
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
hackBOXCyberai - https://jdk-distros.dev.java.net/ubuntu.html try google search first, it's been covered a lot13:11
piton55find /boot/grub/stage113:11
mickpcne one know why i might be having trouble with usb disks on ubuntu?13:11
codeanehello, trying to install gnome-do on gutsy, get error: gnome-do: Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.3) but 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed13:11
kundalinisombody know where "wicd" save the configuration file network?13:12
hackBOXMicrosoft Windows has encountered an error and would like to restart... thanks Vista13:12
piton55hackBOX i tried but its the same, gives me error 22 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61794/13:15
DistroJockeykundalini: not really, but I assume it would be somewhere in  /etc  . You could try a     sudo find / -name wicd     in a terminal13:15
frandavid100where can I find the plugin icons that appear in compizconfig? where are the actual images?13:16
hackBOXwhat does the find command return?13:16
hackBOXthe error?13:16
=== _Rubyxx is now known as cheekee
piton55returns (hd0,6)13:16
hackBOXso then try: root (hd0,6)13:17
hackBOXsetup (hd0)13:17
hackBOXdoes that error?13:17
piton55setup does error13:18
hackBOXif you type setup ( then press the tab key (might need to press twice) what does grub return?13:18
hackBOXnormally it will tab-complete the entry13:19
hunterHardy Heron has been postponed :-(13:19
piton55setup (hd0,13:19
piton55it did13:20
hackBOXso grub sees hd0...13:20
JarG0n23 days to go13:20
ChrisGibbshunter: 01/04 ??13:20
AliRezaTaleghanihunter: why?  http://www.ubuntu.com/ still 23 days remain?13:20
piton55i have only ! hdd13:20
codeanehello, trying to install gnome-do on gutsy, get error: gnome-do: Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.3) but 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed13:21
piton551 hdd13:21
hunterjust wait and watch, they will update that date13:21
lillemanHow can I set the default ownerships? When I "touch test", it gets rw-r--r-- and I want rw-rw-r--13:21
hunterafaik, its postponed by almmost a month13:21
JarG0nhunter> for what reason?13:21
hunternow that i dont know13:22
JarG0nCurious, where did you get this information?13:22
hunterout of the calender13:22
ere4siit's been due on the 24th for a while...13:23
lillemanfoudn it :)13:23
huntergot u ;)13:23
Dudosowho can i conect irc hispano? please13:24
Dudosoim in ubuntu13:24
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:24
MrBumblebeeubuntu is merging with fedora13:24
ComputerHermitho my god ho my god ho my god13:24
Dr_willisMrBumblebee,  look at the date.13:24
ComputerHermitit crashed13:24
MrBumblebeeyes, which is why I said something silly like that13:24
hunterLAWL @ bumblebee13:24
MrBumblebeefunnier would have been gentoo13:25
Dr_willisim sick of the idiotic April 1st jokes every year on the intenet sites.. makes me jsut want to not get online for that day13:25
ere4siseen the ubuntu forums today?13:25
hackBOXwhat if you tried sudo grub-install /dev/hda from the terminal? (may need to replace hda with whatever your hd device is)13:25
AliRezaTaleghanililleman: did u CHK umask?13:28
TromBoeZoei am trying to create a boot floppy ( 1.44 MB ) but 1.722MB has to fit on it... what command(s) do i have to use13:29
AliRezaTaleghaniwhois lilleman13:29
AliRezaTaleghaniwhois lilleman13:29
hischildTromBoeZoe: either you have to compress, use 2 floppies or it just won't fit.13:30
TromBoeZoei heard that superformat would work, but i have know idea how to work it out, be trying since yesterday13:31
samiDoes anyone know how i can see which packages that are in conflict with eachother?13:31
hischildTromBoeZoe: perhaps that google would help?13:31
hischildTromBoeZoe: http://fdutils.linux.lu/ like that?13:31
AliRezaTaleghanican any body , make Microdia 6128 webcam, to run?13:32
hackBOXI heard about that google...  kind of magical really13:32
hischildhackBOX: yes it's so magic. No1 seems to have heard of it.13:32
huntersami, u must have installed some .deb package urself which must have told u that an older or newer version already exist in channels ...13:32
TromBoeZoehischild, lol....  thanx... i know it works for some have said so, just know body has any tips on how to13:32
hischildhunter: he's trying to create his own install disc with his own repo on it.13:32
hischildTromBoeZoe: use that package (probably in the repo's) and then type man superformat13:33
hunteri am out of mind, carry on both, shouldnt come in the middle13:33
kundaliniwhere wicd writes the netkowk configuration?13:33
hischildhunter: no you're not. I was merely explaining his goal :-)13:33
samihunter, This is on the CD. I have a couple of extra packages in an new created repo and one or more are in conflict with linux-restriced-modules-generic13:33
d3imuDdaHhello over there... no1 can tell me a "good 5.1 soundcard" to buy, with good linux support??? atm i have a creatice XFI, gut im going 2 sell it :-/13:34
hunterok i understood.13:34
mobodoI changed my mail to use ~/.maildir instead of /var/mail - everything works fine, except that I can't seem to find where $MAIL is set in the environment variables.  I could hack it by replacing it in .bashrc, but I'd rather find out where it's set first.  Anyone has an idea?13:35
Ward1983i start compiz and i get: "Desktop effects could not be enabled"13:36
mobodoI fgrepped my whole /etc directory for it without success13:36
Ward1983all i did was install mythtv13:36
Ward1983any suggestions?13:36
hackBOXWard - step one is to run glxinfo | grep dir13:36
Ward1983hackBOX, im not sure what i should do :s just run glxinfo ?13:37
hackBOXopen a terminal13:37
hackBOXtype glxinfo | grep dir13:37
Ward1983hackBOX, ah ok :)13:37
hackBOX(copy and paste)13:37
hackBOXsorry :-)13:38
Ward1983hackBOX, no prob13:38
Ward1983hackBOX, direct rendering: Yes13:38
kindofabuzzsilent in here or is my thing messed up again?13:40
MrBumblebeewe're discussing the gentoo merger13:40
hischildsilent =)13:40
MrBumblebeein msgs13:40
kindofabuzzgentoo into ubuntu?13:40
MrBumblebeewe're currently emerging ubuntu as well, it's expected to take a few months13:40
hischildwhen can we see the first beta/13:41
MrBumblebeeor 4/1 of next year13:41
antoxai like WINDOWS!13:42
erUSUL!ot | antoxa13:42
ubotuantoxa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:42
hischildYOURE ALIVE13:42
FloodBot1hischild: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
erUSUL!ot | hischild13:43
ubotuhischild: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:43
PiciCalm down.13:43
xilenohow i can remove my java?13:43
antoxa1st april))13:43
hischildbut but but "." oh well i'll take it to offtopic then13:43
xilenocan i have code? i need to remove java13:43
Ward1983hackBOX, any more suggestions?13:43
erUSULxileno: sudo apt-get remove java_packages13:43
xilenoerusul: E: Couldn't find package java_packages13:44
erUSULxileno: or if you installed it some other way you will have to research on your own ;)13:44
hischildsorry pici, i was just happy ubotu was back alive =)13:44
Picihischild: :)13:44
VixenHey folks, I'm trying to get wireless working on ubuntu 6.10 live, the network box shows the wireless icon, but I can't connect, whatever I enter in the boxes. Is there a simple way to check I have the right drivers?13:44
xilenoanyway thanks13:44
erUSULxileno: change java_packages to sun-java6-jre or sun-java5-jdk etc... how i'm supposed to knw how or which java you installed??13:45
prinHi! I'm running xubuntu, and my "Startbar" / "Task manager-thing" has disappeared completely from one boot to another. I just turned it off, and everything was fine, and then I turned it on again, and the bar was missing. Is there some way to get it back as it was? Or, alternatively, where can I find the cfg file to delete/return to default ?13:46
MononaHow do I stop compiling a program while I'm in the middle of "make"-ing it. (downloaded wrong source, and it's taking forever)13:46
hischildMonona: ctrl + c13:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:46
kindofabuzzMonona: crtl -c?13:46
VixenChecked all that, Hischild =[13:46
MononaGot it, thanks.13:46
Dr_willisHold down the ctrl key and hit c :)13:47
Dr_willisLinux basics.13:47
hischildahw :(13:47
MononaYup, that's where I'm at.:P13:47
Dr_willisthat sends a kill signal to the app running in the terminal.13:47
Dr_willisor break.. or whatever its called signal. :)13:47
hischildsigterm? i dunno =)13:47
wentoni keep getting segmentation fault when i put in the command sudo modprobe ndiswrapper any ideas?13:47
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jribSIGINT is what ctrl-c sends13:48
wentoni tryed downloading from source but had no luck13:48
Dr_willisINT = Intterupt ?13:48
jaffarkelshachow do I reduce the time, it takes for grub to boot. I have reduced the xp mbr from 30sec to 3 and now it takes 10 secs to boot13:49
steve__irssi ruleZ13:49
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kindofabuzzjaffarkelshac: 10 seconds ain't quick enough?13:50
MononaOK.  Now I had done "./configure --prefix=/usr" and then "make" from the unzipped tar file on my desktop.  Where do I have to go to delete all the stuff I no longer need?  Will it all be in the one folder, or will I need to poke around in /usr?13:50
kindofabuzzcomputers have made people so impatient =)13:50
Dr_willisMonona,  if you never finished the install of the other source.. its still in the source dir.13:50
jribMonona: why are you installing to /usr?13:51
ere4siwhat's the bot command for getting a panel back when there is none?13:51
hischildkindofabuzz: i have no idea what you're talking about. I have so much patience my computer always does what i want ;-)13:51
Dr_willisMonona,  untill you do a 'make install' it stays there.13:51
MononaThat's just what I wanted to hear.13:51
Dr_willisMonona,  thats why the seqnence is normally './configure' 'make' 'sudo make install'13:51
Mononajrib: I was installing to /usr because most of my program files are in /usr/bin. Is there a better way to do it?13:52
jribMonona: what are you compiling?13:52
Dr_willisMonona,  depends on the apps. You may want to put them in /opt13:52
Dr_willisits 'safer' to put them in /opt13:52
jaffarkelshackindofabuzz: i just want to know how to do it. reality its enough13:52
MononaWhat is /opt?13:52
Dr_willisfor 'optional' stuff13:53
kindofabuzzjaffarkelshac: i really don't know any other way other than take out some startup stuff13:53
VixenIs there a quick way I can check if my wireless card is supported through the terminal/ubuntu in general?13:53
Mononajrib: I'm compiling QT4 because I need it to run audio mixing software.13:53
Dr_willisMonona,  ick.13:53
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:54
gvsa123hi... is gtk-gnutella an alternative to limewire in ubuntu?13:54
VixenHC, I've checked all that, is there a terminal command?13:54
Dr_willis!p2p | gvsa12313:54
derspanksterjust upgraded to hardy beta on laptop - lost my wireless bcm431813:54
jrib!kde4 | Monona13:54
MononaDr_willis: Yeah, kinda over my head here. But it's fun. So far nothing's broken.13:54
kindofabuzzgvsa123: there is a linux limewire just so you'd know13:54
ubotugvsa123: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information13:54
ubotuMonona: KDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:54
jribMonona: I imagine that channel can tell you how to properly install qt413:55
katad0t1show can I format a usb stick?13:55
Dr_williskatad0t1s,  sudo mkfs /dev/whateveritus13:55
kindofabuzzderspankster: happened to me, thank god i had some gutsy images saved, i reverted back to gutsy13:55
jribkatad0t1s: or use gparted for a gui13:55
hischildilu vixen ..  bb13:55
Dr_williskatad0t1s,  depending on what fs ya want. :) gparted is good also.13:55
Mononajrib: The problem was I was trying to install Qtopia, which I realized I absolutely don't need.13:55
Vixenilu HisChild13:55
derspanksterThanks kindofabuzz, I'll ask in ubuntu+113:56
katad0t1sjrib Dr_willis  I want to format to fat so i can install gparted ;)13:56
* Dr_willis wonnders what fat has to do wi5th gparted13:56
Dr_willisbut i gotta run. bye13:56
kindofabuzzklol was wondering the same13:56
katad0t1sDr_willis, it requires fat13:57
kindofabuzzkatad0t1s: to install it? no it doesn't13:57
gvsa123kindofabuzz: i know... ive been using it since i used ubuntu... i was just searching for an alternative and came across it... does it mean that limewire and gtk-gnutella all connect to the same network?13:57
kindofabuzzi have all ext3 extensions and i use gparted13:57
katad0t1skindofabuzz, it says so in their site for a liveusb13:57
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kindofabuzzkatad0t1s: oh sorry didn't know what you were putting it on13:58
Dr_williskindofabuzz,  NOW he clarifys13:58
kindofabuzzgvsa123: i have no idea13:58
katad0t1skindofabuzz, can u tell me how to use mkfs to do it?13:58
mlacihey guys! i've just bough 4g ram and i have a core2 duo. ubuntu (32bit) only sees 2g. it seems to me based on the ubuntu kernel config file that highmem_4g is enabled so i don't understand what's wrong. any ideas? i rather wouldn't want to upgrade to ubuntu6413:58
kindofabuzzkatad0t1s: i dunno13:58
katad0t1sok thanks anyway13:58
kindofabuzzi don't work here =)13:58
kindofabuzzkatad0t1s: google.com is your friend =)13:59
codeanehello, trying to install gnome-do on gutsy, get error: gnome-do: Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.18.3) but 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed13:59
Waistlessmlaci: does windows XP read 2gig as well? that would indicate something wrong with the bios13:59
Waistlessmlaci: check what the bios reads it as13:59
mlaciWaistless: i don't use windblows, only inside virtualbox. bios sees 4g with memory remapping enabled14:00
mlaciWaistless: kernel says: [   24.525631] Memory: 2050444k/4194304k available (2015k kernel code, 44984k reserved, 915k data, 364k init, 1179200k highmem)14:00
DragginCould anyone tell me how I would go about installing an application for a specific user only and not systemwide?14:01
SmokeyDHey people. Intel Dual Core processors aren't 64bit are they? or should I use a 64bit kernel with those processors?14:02
Waistlessmlaci: can't help you there then i'm afraid :( usually i think hardware problems when ram gets restricted to 2 gigs (windowsxp32 limit varies at 2.5-3.2gig while linux i think can go up a bit higher)14:02
Rageonthey are 6414:02
troofyif i dont have dns control, hurdles will i face in my .com?14:02
mlaciWaistless: i see. anyways, thanks14:03
Rageoni dunno if im running 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu14:03
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Rageonhow do i find out if im running 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu?14:04
PiciRageon: Type uname -a and tell us what it says.14:04
gvsa123kindofabuzz: what about frostwire?14:04
Picimlaci: Unless you are running the -server kernel, or have compiled your own kernel, you are limited to the 32bit addressable amount of memory, minus whatever is being used by registers and whatnot.14:04
Rageon2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:04
troofyif i dont have dns control, hurdles will i face in my .com?14:05
RageonPici : 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:05
PiciRageon: Thats 32bit, i686 denotes that its 32bit, not 64.14:05
Rageoni have a dual core intel is it worth going 64 bit?14:06
speedhunt3ris there any linux software that lets you burn .uif files?14:06
SmokeyDRageon: same question for me. I think it indeed is worth it14:06
Rageon(although id be unlikely to swap now ive finally got everything working lol)14:06
cdecarlotroofy: I don't understand your question, I don't think I'm the only one ...14:06
kindofabuzzgvsa123: what about it?14:06
mlaciPici: hm, interesting. i'm running the generic kernel right now, but i've checked its config file and it seemed to me that highmem_4g is enabled so it should handle 4g ram. am i missing something?14:06
SmokeyDsince you can harness the power of your CPU better14:06
Rageonwhat are the advantages Smokey?14:06
Picimlaci: I don't know. Kernel specifics are not my strongpoint. Sorry.14:07
|Dede|How do I get back to Desktop without quiting the for example a game running on full screen?14:07
SmokeyDRageon: Well, I don't specifically know, I just think that the better your kernel is adjusted to your processor, the more you can get out of your processor14:07
mlaciPici: i'll try the server kernel, thanks for the idea14:07
Yodudehey printing isn't working in xfce, but it does work in Gnome, does anyone know how to fix this ?14:07
Picimlaci: One caveat: There arent restricted drivers for the server kernel14:08
RageonYodude, use Gnome ;)14:08
troofycdecarlo if i don't have dns control, what hurdles will i face in my .com?14:08
|Dede|How do I get back to Desktop, without quitting for example a game running on full screen?14:08
|Dede|what keys do I need to press?14:08
Pici|Dede|: alt-tab ?14:08
Draggin|Dede| - Alt+F1 will open the Applications menu... I'm not sure about getting to the desktop itself though...14:09
cdecarlotroofy: maybe if you typed in all caps I would understand the same sentence better14:09
mlaciPici: it's good to know that. i'll try it anyways to see whether it handles 4g ram14:09
Rageonive got my compiz tweaked out, how do i get those sexy application scrolling panels i see in screenies?14:09
|Dede|Alt tab does not work14:09
YodudeRageon: lol i need xfce i cannot leave it, so does anyone know of a fix ?14:09
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Rageonhehe yea soz dude dunno, just being cheeky :)14:10
lartza_has anybody got experience with cutenews? i would like the change the encoding to UTF-814:10
|Dede|It gotta be something else, to return to Desktop14:10
cdecarlo|Dede|: have you tried alt-enter14:11
Rageon|Dede|, just configure what it us in System>Prefs>KeyboardShortcuts14:11
mad_max02|Dede|, why dont you just use alt+ctrl+right ???14:11
zerosignalhas anyone heard of 7.10 having issues with older nvidia chipsets?  The old glx-driver was what I had installed before I upgrade and it was working alright.  Now I tried to use envy to upgrade and it installed the driver to the glx-new driver that does nothing but bring up the VESA drivers once I get rebooted14:11
mad_max02|Dede|, it moves you to next desktop and leaves game running14:12
kindofabuzzgvsa123: i just downloaded frostwire but i can't type in it14:12
zerosignalanyone have any ideas what I can do?  I tried to completely remove the glx-new drivers and go back to the originals and I still get nothing but vesa at startup14:12
Rageonim running Gran Paridiso, installed it the hard way tho lol14:12
Mononajrib: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  I got what I needed, and hopefully I'll be able to get this program running.14:12
|Dede|right arrow? that doesnt work14:12
|Dede|wont work14:13
cdecarlozerosignal: I think I may have read something like that in the release notes, I think you can get a build directly from nvidia for older cards14:13
zerosignaltheres a copy of my current xorg.conf14:13
zerosignalso I am stuck using the older drivers?14:14
Rageonwell it is a older card :s14:14
|Dede|it cant be that hard to return to desktop :S there's gotta be something14:14
zerosignalyea I guess...14:14
cdecarlozerosignal: I think you're stuck using the drivers that support your video card14:14
Rageonwhat do u mean return to desktop14:14
zerosignalwow that sucks14:15
mad_max02|Dede|, dude it works. I use it all the time.14:15
Rageondo you mean shift workspaces?14:15
zerosignalso I should check out the older builds on nvidias site then?14:15
|Dede|with UT 2004?14:15
cdecarlozerosignal: I think there are new drivers for legacy cards14:15
zerosignalreally where?14:16
zerosignalI have tried to look for an hour and cant seem to find any14:16
|Dede|mad_max02: with UT 2004?14:16
legend2440kindofabuzz: yes that is a known bug in frostwire. if i hit maximize on top right panel it fixes it for a while. i usually use amule because i get more hits when i search for something14:16
kindofabuzzlegend2440: oh ok, well it's working now14:17
Rageonanyone tell me how i would go about bruteforcing my routers password? lol ive forgotten it and dont wanna haveto redo all the settings after reseting it14:17
LamegoRageon, wrong channel for that question14:17
|Dede|mad_max02: with Unreal Tournament 2004?14:18
Rageonwhat channel would i ask it in mate?14:18
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.org | The Hardy (8.04) release has been postponed until June, #ubuntu+1 for information
bazhangRageon: really no recourse there; I forgot mine a few weeks ago and just had to reset14:18
LamegoRageon, /list14:18
PiciRageon: try ##security if you need to ask it somewhere, just not here.14:18
b4l74z4rwill clicking on the x button in the top right corner of a gnome window cancel the changes you've made and close it as opposed to clicking on the close button?14:18
zerosignalI dont quite get this... If I have a legacy card then why isnt it even listed under legacy cards on nvidias site?14:18
|Dede|How do I get back to Desktop, without quitting for example a game running on full screen?14:18
smellynoseAnybody know of a command line program to monitor a mic?14:19
smellynoseAlt and tab?14:19
|Dede|nope doesnt work with UT 200414:19
|Dede|tried it14:19
keepermorning blitches14:19
zerosignalIf I click on show legacy drivers it shows upto the geforce series 4 cards not the series 6 that I have.14:19
smellynoseDoes it not have a hotkey to turn full screen off?14:19
Lamego|Dede|, there is a small utility which provides that functionality for some games, I believe the name is etswitch14:19
=== kzn13 is now known as kZn`13
ZeroA4|Dede|, Alt+Enter ?14:19
|Dede|Alt+Enter does not work neithe14:20
ZeroA4|Dede|, and Ctrl+G to Grab/Release the mouse14:20
|Dede|okay, thats what I wanted14:20
|Dede|thanks Zero14:20
kZn`13pourquoi je n'arrive pas à changer de channel?14:21
SpookyETI'm trying to use rdiff-backup to backup my system. It crashes because it is trying to backup /sys/. I have --exclude-globbing-filelist with http://www.paste2.org/p/18348 . I don't get why the list fails.14:21
LjL!fr | kZn`1314:21
ubotukZn`13: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:21
sknhHey, can anyone tell me the package name for sun java on Ubuntu14:22
sknhI mean the package name to be used along with apt-get14:22
hwilde!java | sknh14:22
ubotusknh: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)14:22
sknhIs there a way to list the packages from a command line?14:22
bazhangsknh: should be in ubuntu-restricted-extras14:22
hwildesknh, sudo aptitude search java14:23
sknhhwilde: what's the diff between aptitude and apt-get?14:23
keeperessentially nothing14:24
LjL*PLEASE* don't discuss the Hardy release delay here, use #ubuntu+1! (see /topic)14:24
CJS3141I'm having troubles with Firefox and want to roll back to there any easy way of doing this with Synaptic? Or do I need to find on my own and install it manually?14:24
rwycuffanyone in here us pandora from MSN and know if there is something better out there14:25
zerosignaldo you think I should try installing nvidia-glx-legacy from synaptic?14:25
smellynoseAnybody know of a command line program to monitor a mic?14:25
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=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.org | Hardy (8.04) BETA support in #ubuntu+1
lartza_has anybody got experience with cutenews? i would like the change the encoding to UTF-814:28
Pirate_Huntersince im going to be doing a clean install of hardy with xp should i try vmware instead on vbox just to change things up a bit?14:28
PcPixelHas anyone set up Postfix on Ubuntu Server? for some reason, reject_unverified_sender won't work. I can get it working on a CENTOS system, but Ubuntu won't do it.14:29
bazhang#ubuntu+1 Pirate_Hunter14:29
cvasilakhi there, gedit tries to load a file which has encoding iso-8859-7 but gedit uses iso-8859-15. How can i change that so the gedit falls back to iso8859-7 when it cannot successfully determine the file encoding?14:30
bazhangce_chinnese: this is a support channel for Ubuntu; do you have a support question?14:30
Stavroshow can i downgrade a package to a previous version?14:30
zerosignalwith my graphics issues should I still have the "use restricted driver" nvidia drivers check box or should I leave that unchecked?14:30
LjLStavros: it's in general not supported, but try « sudo apt-get install packagename=version »14:30
Rageonuse restricted14:30
chimpIs there a way to connect a terminal emulator to what is happening in a terminal when you do for example ctrl-alt-f214:31
bazhangzerosignal: if you want 3d use the restricted14:31
StavrosLjL: will that upgrade again when i run "aptitude upgrade"?14:31
Pelocvasilak, you get that error msg when you try to open a file that you shouldn't be opening,  make sure you know what this file is about,  if you realy realy want to edit that file try with vim14:31
zerosignalthen where are these supposed drivers on the nvidia site for the nvidia go 6600?14:31
zerosignalI have looked everywhere and cant find them14:31
Pirate_Hunterbazhang: im not aksing for help on how to use it im asking for suggestion should i use vbox or vmware this time. ive always been using vbox so i wonder if i should choose vmware this time14:31
LjLStavros: yes. you'd have to use pinning to avoid that, but don't ask me about it... you can do /msg ubotu pinning for some information, but it's awfully outdated information14:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about geforce - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:31
kindofabuzzwhere are all the stock icons and stuff located?14:31
Pelokindofabuzz, /usr/share/icons14:32
StavrosLjL: it's ok, i don't want that... i ran into a php bug so i need to downgrade until the fixed package arrives, thanks14:32
Rageondo geforce go's have 3d capabilitys? :x14:32
Pelokindofabuzz, also in /home/usrname/.icons14:32
zerosignalI was using it just fine with full compiz and playing hl214:32
PcPixeli know i can use postgrey, but id like to be sure ive got all built in facets of postfix working14:32
bazhangPirate_Hunter: I will answer hardy questions in #ubuntu+1 ;]14:32
Webu_What's the correct driver for GeForce 7600 GT? My friend's having problems running Frets on Fire properly.14:33
LjLRageon, you'll be hard pressed to find a card being sold these days without any 3D capabilities14:33
zerosignalso thats what is killing me right now...14:33
cvasilakPelo, i don't get any error message, gedit fails miserably to identify the correct encoding it uses iso 8859-15 but its iso 8859-714:33
Rageonyea i was joking :)14:33
kindofabuzzpelo thanks14:33
StavrosWebu_: nvidia-glx i think14:33
zerosignalI had it working but got gready and decided to upgrade the driver14:33
Rageonsounds like a weak card, where its probably not ;)14:33
Stavrosthere are only two :p14:33
Webu_Stavros, okey thanks, it's the 3D driver I suppose?14:33
StavrosWebu_: yes14:33
zerosignalI was using nvidia-glx but now if I try to go back to that driver it is still forcing my back to using vesa14:33
StavrosWebu_: it should install automatically14:33
zerosignalno matter what I do14:33
Rageonim using glx14:34
Webu_Stavros, hmm..14:34
StavrosWebu_: check the restricted packages manager14:34
Rageonbut its for tv support14:34
Webu_Stavros, okey, thanks.14:34
CJS3141LjL: When you use that command "sudo apt-get install packagename=version", I would assume it tries to install the package? I mean is there a way to just search to see if the package is available first?14:35
lartza_has anybody got experience with cutenews? i would like the change the encoding to UTF-814:35
LjLCJS3141: not quite... the package might not even be available in the repositories anymore, in which case it depends on whether you have it locally or not14:35
LjLCJS3141: also, you may need a "--reinstall" before the "install", now that i think of it14:36
zackyramonehey guys, can anyone tell me how i can create an ntfs partition using goarted.. cause in the features only viewing is marked14:36
LjLCJS3141: which version do you want to downgrade to?14:36
Shubbarwell, i switched to Network Selector but how to use it?14:36
geniiCJS3141: apt-cache policy <packagename> usually lists what versions you have of a particular package14:36
CJS3141LjL: I want to go from Firefox to any ideas?14:37
kindofabuzzCJS3141: probably best to ask on forums.mozillazine.org14:37
kindofabuzzwhat's wrong with .13?14:37
Shubbari added my router SSID, it shows up, but does not connect to it14:38
LjLCJS3141, it's likelt that you cannot do that, as the version in the "main" repository is try apt-cache policy firefox and see which versions you have available14:38
zackyramonehey guys, can anyone tell me how i can create an ntfs partition using gparted.. cause in the features only viewing is marked14:38
CJS3141kindofabuzz: I don't know what happened, but it won't correctly display ubuntuforums.org or wikipedia.org for example.14:38
kindofabuzzCJS3141: ubuntu forums giving you funny colors?  that's there april fools joke14:39
CJS3141kindofabuzz: Yes, I did figure that much out! :-) But I'm not getting the menus and such, and wikipedia page is messed too--I checked it with Opera and it's fine.14:39
philwyettzackyramone: Go to http://www.linux-ntfs.org/14:40
kindofabuzzCJS3141: best firefox help around is on there foruns, forums.mozillazine.org14:40
philwyettzackyramone: I think you will need ntfs-progs to create ntfs partitions.14:40
CJS3141LjL: only other version available is I should just roll back to that?14:40
kindofabuzzCJS3141: wikipedia is working fine for me, but i use firefox 3beta414:40
LjLCJS3141: if you have such a need to roll back... i can't guarantee there isn't any danger involved, though14:41
kindofabuzzCJS3141: you're introducing alot of security flaws if you roll back,  that's why they come out with new cersions14:41
CJS3141kindofabuzz: Thanks, maybe I'll give the mozilla forums a try, see if I can find any info on my problem. I would rather just go back to as that was working fine.14:41
bazhangCJS3141: what do you mean by correctly display? please specify14:42
CJS3141bazhang: OK, hang on here...14:42
chimpIs there a way to connect a terminal emulator to what is happening in a terminal when you do for example ctrl-alt-f1?14:43
CJS3141bazhang: I'm not getting the different columns or I think what they call "frames" in html--my search box is at the bottom of the screen for example, instead of on the side.14:44
speedhunt3rhey, how do i delete a directory and all it's contents using terminal?14:44
jribchimp: using screen would be one way14:44
kindofabuzzchimp? huh? just look at the terminal to see what's going on14:44
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philwyettrm -rf /the_dir14:44
Shubbaranyone using Network Selector?14:44
sknhI have main, restricted and universe added as reps in sources.list14:44
chimpI mean because its often awkward to use the screen, however i like to run for example irssi on it, so that even if i restart x, it still runs14:45
sknhbut I can't find sun-java in aptitude search java14:45
jribchimp: 'screen' is a program14:45
sknhdo I have to add any extra reps?14:45
chimpBut if i start irssi in a terminal emulator, it will quit when x restarts14:45
bazhangCJS3141: the search box is on the bottom from now on; also on ff3--not sure about the frames as wikipedia main page has none--let me check14:45
jrib!screen > chimp (read the private message from ubotu)14:45
grkaj have a question14:47
iositd!ask | grka14:47
ubotugrka: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:47
grkaj thik you guys can help me14:47
grkaa have a problem....14:47
grkain practise wich is my homework j need to build a "appserver" stop/start file14:47
grkain /etc/init.d/appserver14:47
grkaand it`s starts in /usr/local/bin/appserver with commands14:47
grka/usr/local/bin/appserver -k start14:47
FloodBot1grka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
grka/usr/local/bin/appserver -k stop14:47
zerosignalok no one is responding in nvidia so I will ask another question here... I know now that I need to install the nvidia legacy drivers for my card but now I am having issues actually finding them...14:47
CJS3141bazhang: I should have specified better-- the page I'm looking at is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page     What do you see?14:47
zerosignalIf I look on nvidias site under linux legacy drivers they only display upto the series 4 drivers... I have a series 6 card so what driver do I go with?14:48
Picizerosignal: Just use the restricted drivers manager in Ubuntu, no need to go looking for things or installing them manually,.14:48
estethHow do i hibernate from a console?14:48
bazhangCJS3141: normal frames etc; search box is still on the bottom though14:48
iositdzerosignal, why would you need those driverse?14:48
=== Seveas changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Hardy will be delayed by 3 months | Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.org | Hardy (8.04) BETA support in #ubuntu+1
zerosignalthe restricted one doesnt work14:48
zerosignalit keeps trying to install the new drivers14:48
Rageonwhere can i find some other repos?14:49
zerosignalI need the legacy drivers14:49
bazhangRageon: for what? please specify14:49
Rageondunno cool stuff lol14:50
bazhangRageon: beware of non-ubuntu repos; that is a fast way to breakage14:50
CJS3141bazhang: You must be having the same problem as me--look at that page link I gave in Opera and I think you'll see the search box on the side like it always is. I just now checked.14:50
estethRaegon: Most third party repos you'll use will be for particular apps. Like you might use the wine repo or whatever. Other than that, "cool new stuff" can be found on getdeb, but do not expect support for packages that are not in ubuntu's main repo14:51
bazhangCJS3141: no opera here; ff3 works just fine ;]14:51
Rageonyea ff3 is the win14:51
bazhangCJS3141: you mean the search for wikipedia? or for firefox14:52
CJS3141zerosignal: I'm using nvidia-glx-legacy driver for my old nvidia card--is that what you are looking for? It's available in Synaptic.14:52
CJS3141bazhang: I mean the search box on the wikipedia page, not firefox. :-)14:53
bazhangCJS3141: ah sorry then it is in the right place ;]14:54
CJS3141bazhang: No problem. :-) I'm still not sure if I want to mess with it trying to fix it or just roll back.14:55
bazhangCJS3141: just wait until the next less release is my advice--only three months to go ;]14:56
ZummiG777Question: I'm installing a Dell Intel Dual Core computer - how do I select a SMP kernel?  Synaptic does not show SMP under search14:56
iositdZummiG777, most liekly it's already installed.14:56
iositdZummiG777, in console, type uname -a14:56
bazhangZummiG777: that would be the generic14:56
Webu_"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. configure -a' to correct the problem." Any ideas? Friend's having a hard time :-P14:57
iositdWebu_, do as it suggests ==> sudo dpkg --configure -a14:57
bazhangWebu_: run that command ;]14:57
ZummiG777OK - I'm good on that one.  Is there a way then in top to show what each processor load is individually?14:58
luis_good morning you all peopple14:58
firefly2442ZummiG777: you can go into the System Monitor (under Administration)14:59
ZummiG777wonderful!  Thank you!14:59
luis_i like to request some help, i did install limewire pro, the thing is that is taking it a lot to get connected, is almost minutos trying but nothing, how can i fix this can someone help me please??????????????????????????????14:59
Webu_Oh thanks :-)14:59
firefly2442luis_: do you have a router with a firewall or something that could be blocking it?15:01
bazhangluis_: what system? XP?15:01
CJS3141LjL, bazhang: thanks for the help, gotta go for now... take care and cheers! :-)15:01
luis_i have kubuntu15:01
bazhanglimewire on wine luis_?15:03
luis_and yes i have a router15:03
luis_lime wire15:03
luis_is the only one i know works fine15:03
cchildinstead of using shred or wipe to prevent data recovery, would an encrypted formatting of the disk be just as secure instead?15:03
luis_well with windows but with kubuntu seems to have problems15:03
bazhangthey have a native linux client luis_?15:03
iositdcchild, as long as others can't access it, yes15:03
unopluis_, try restarting limewire and have a little patience, it eventually does connect up15:03
Rageonwhat are some good graphics games i can play on ubuntu?15:03
luis_what do you mean sorry but i am new on kubuntu and theres a lot15:03
firefly2442Rageon: open source or just that have clients for Linux?15:03
bazhangsauerbraten Rageon but offtopic here15:03
Rageonopen source i guess15:03
zerosignalok I am getting really confused now..15:03
Rageonive checked all the repo games15:03
cchildiositd; a disk is being sent back to manu. so would just formating with encryption better since shred to so much time?15:04
luis_or do you know any other progran that works fine in kubuntu to download music?????????????????????15:04
LordAnubisAnyone from Armenia here?15:04
bazhangluis_: no piracy talk here thanks15:04
Rageonwhats sauebraten15:04
zerosignalI just completely uninstalled nvidia-glx and nvidia-legacy then rebooted to start from scratch again15:04
iositdcchild, manu = maintance or sth like that? you'll have to rewrite the entire disc, preferably with random data to prevent recovery.15:04
zerosignalso I booted back up and now the system started using the nv driver15:05
iositdcchild, whether you use shred or wipe or format with encryption for that, doesn't matter.15:05
iositdcchild, you can even use dd for that15:05
zerosignalno when I try to reinstall the restricted nvidia drivers it is installing the nvidia-glx-new drivers which dont work on my card15:05
legend2440Rageon: http://sauerbraten.org/15:07
zerosignalwhat do I do now?15:07
zerosignalthe thing I dont get is when my drivers were working before I only had the nvidia-glx driver installed in synaptic...15:07
cchildiositd, it is being sent to manufacture-and you know they will look at the files, how come formating the entire drive with encryption wont help?15:07
zerosignalNow if I try to do that exact same thing it doesnt work15:07
iositdcchild, just removing partition stuff won't help, you'll have to physically write over the entire drive, with random data preferably.15:07
cchildiositd, would good then is the encryption?15:07
Rageonsorry to be offtopic again, but are they are repos that i can get games like openarena and lincity?15:09
NDPTAL85They don't exactly have the time to be spying through people's hard drives.15:09
iositdcchild, you don't have to use encryption as long as your not going to use it.15:09
firefly2442Rageon: check getdeb.net15:09
NDPTAL85Its a paranoid concern, unless you have something illegal on it and I ain't talking pirated software.15:09
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:09
Rageonok, do things in getdeb work on ubuntu ?15:09
estethRageon: You don't need repos, but just .deb files. Those will use the package system but are just downloaded like normal files15:09
estethRageon: In theory, yes, but there is no support for packages from getdeb15:09
unopcchild, i don't see why you are looking into encryption here? you aren't protecting any data that is going to exist on the harddrive -- simply overwrite the harddisk with random data, and that should suffice15:09
cchildiositd, the reason i am thinking of just formating the entire drive/encrypted is because shred takes just to long for a 250G HD15:09
bazhanghttp://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=openarena Rageon15:10
estethcchild: If you Want to wipe the entire drive i would reccomend DBAN (boot and nuke)15:10
iositdcchild, look at what unop wrote.15:10
Rageonso i download lincity-ng and lincity-data.. what do i do then?15:10
Rageoncheers bazhang15:10
JeruvyRageon: I would assume you'd install them and run them, but you don't have to15:10
cchildunop, iositd, thanks makes sense now15:10
Rageonyea but like do i just say open with gedbi package manager or?15:11
JeruvyRageon: what does the README say?15:11
Rageonwhat readme15:11
JeruvyRageon: look in the package15:11
Rageondont have it yet, so i need to save... one sec15:12
estethRageon: downlaoded .deb files can be double clicked and a box pops up where you hit "install this"15:12
soundrayRageon: is there any reason why you're not installing lincity from the Ubuntu repositories?15:12
cchildand to the one who said so long i don't have any thing illegal on the drive, is not about anything illegal, it is about privacy. How would you like you phone calls tapped?15:12
kZnbonjour je cherche quelqu'un qui pourrait répondre à 2 3 questions, étant débutant...15:12
Rageonthese guys sent me to getdeb lol15:12
iositd!fr | kZn15:12
ubotukZn: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:12
lain_Hello, is it safe to resize my WinXP partition using GParted in Ubuntu? (I have a dual boot configuration)15:12
soundray!fr | kZn15:12
Rageonahh cool15:12
kZnmerci ;)15:13
Jeruvycchild: you're ranting...whats your issue :)15:13
legend2440Rageon: openarena and lincity are both in synaptic15:13
estethlain_: It is reasonably safe to boot from the live CD and run gparted from there. Trying to resize a mounted partition will cause serious problems. Also, no partition resizing operation is 100% safe.15:13
soundraylain_: remember, data you haven't backed up is data you don't want15:13
lain_esteth: Thanks. So if it's not 100% safe, should I not resize it..?15:13
unoplain_, it's the rule of the thumb to always make sure you have all data backed up before you do something like that with your harddrive -- but it is generally safe, yes15:14
Rageonis there any multiplayer games that lots of debian ppl play?15:14
lain_unop, soundray: Okay, thanks.15:14
compwiz18lain_: it is recommended to have a backup of all important data first :)15:14
Lamegolain_, it is safe, but as a general rule it is a safe practice to backup before doing partition changes15:14
bazhangRageon: you really need to join #ubuntu-offtopic ;]15:14
lain_Lamego, compwiz18: Alright, I'll backup first, thanks.15:14
cchildJeruvy, i guess you weren't following; but in any case my question has been answered15:14
Jeruvycchild: I was...you were ranting15:14
sirajcan any one tell me pls what is the format command in freedos not flushing data but full format15:15
estethlain_: As the others have said. Backup anything important, then do your resizing from a liveCD unless you're not changing the partitions that you are using when ubuntu is loaded15:15
cchildJeruvy, are you sure?15:15
iositdcchild, yes you were.15:15
lain_esteth: Okay.15:15
iositdnow please, let's stop the useless discussion.15:15
chmavrhi!i am using hardy beta.my gpu is x1950pro agp version...which driver should i use??fglrx supports my card???15:16
dgjones!hardy | chmavr15:16
ubotuchmavr: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:16
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for 8.07 discussion thanks15:16
estethi assume 8.07 is the april-fools name for 8.04?15:16
iositdbazhang, let's make that 8.04 :-)15:16
mactaylorwill ubuntu speed up with 2 gigs of ram?15:17
iositdmactaylor, depends on how much you going from. It'll become faster if you increase it.15:17
unop8.07 - hardy heron ultimate edition? :)15:17
bazhangiositd: check /topic in #ubuntu+1 ;]15:17
cchildgood day all and bye for now15:17
iositdbazhang, thank you <3 you made my day15:17
firefeathermactaylor: I think a good way to tell is if your swap is getting used a lot15:18
chmavraanyone please?15:18
mactaylorswap used15:18
iositdbazhang, "This is not #ubuntu"15:18
soundraychmavr: ask in #ubuntu+115:18
bazhangchmavr: need to join #ubuntu+115:18
estethchmavr: #ubuntu+1 for hardy questions15:18
mactaylorvista used 1.3GB swap15:18
bazhangiositd: haha yeah15:18
iositdmactaylor, i used to run it just fine with 1gb of ram and no swap (7.10 that is)15:18
chmavrok thanks!15:19
firefeathermactaylor: I doubt you will experience much of a speed increase but programs like GIMP may15:19
mactaylorram usage hovers around 333MB out of 896MB.15:19
mactaylor128MB is used by my gpu.15:19
firefeatherSo you should be all good but I'd love to have that much ram myself.15:19
iositdmactaylor, wait till you run heavier programs. I now top over 1,5gb most of the time :P15:20
mactayloris it normal for ubuntu to use the 2 cores of my processor 50/50?15:21
iositdmactaylor, may happen yes15:21
corinthWhere are the default Ubuntu wallpapers located?15:21
mactaylorcorinth: /usr/share/backgrounds/15:22
firefeathercorinth: I think they're in /usr/share/backgrounds/15:22
mjaniszhi! id' like to install ubuntu in a few days, however with upcoming release of 8.04 i'd like to ask if it's better to install 7.10 and dist-updgrade or do the same bur with 8.04b ?15:23
* firefeather sees the topic and figures that Hardy's being delayed so it can have firefox 3 ;) j/k15:23
jribmjanisz: depends on whether you want a stable system or not15:23
unopmjanisz, depends if you want to wait ~25 days or not?15:23
firefeathermjanisz: There can be problems with upgrading from the beta or RC to the full version that you don't get when you do a regular upgrade. Such was the case with Feisty -> Gutsy.15:24
androoi think they're in .15:24
mjaniszjrib: how unstable is 8.04b? i can wait 25 days as long as i have my system up and running. not quite production system, but for casual use15:24
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SpencerStarnesIf I want to build a Ubuntu Server. Will I have the ability to use FTP, WebDAV, Remote Access to the server, and NAS.15:24
firefeathermjanisz: It really depends on who you ask15:24
bazhangmjanisz: best try the livecd of gutsy and if you like it then try it--an upgrade to the next release is easy via the net15:24
mjaniszso you say it's better to install 7.10 and later on dist-upgrade?15:24
mjaniszbazhang: i know gutsy, i use it quite a lot and i know i like it, but i'm concerned about dist-upgrade to 8.0415:25
soundraymjanisz: is this the first time you will be installing ubuntu?15:25
firefeathermjanisz: It will tend to be better15:25
bazhangmjanisz: dont be concerned it is nice15:25
=== ubuntu_ is now known as BBishop
mjaniszso if it's more reliable to install 7.10 and later on upgrade to 8.04 than 8.04b->8.04 i believe i'll go with 7.1015:26
jribmjanisz: if you're asking whether you should install it or not, I'd recommend 7.1015:26
firefeathermjanisz: But like I said...it really depends. I'm not trying it because I just got done reinstalling and I don't want to lose anything. On Planet Ubuntu they mention broken builds at times that won't boot or things like that, but I think those are the daily builds.15:26
TrichomeKidHello..  I am getting the following message when booting:  "Undefined video mode number: 2f6".  Is there something I should change in my grub loader?15:27
BBishopif my monitor says I'm using 1280x1024 .. and I see that's 1280x1024 .. but the menubar and the app bar only look like 1024x768 .. what should I do ?15:27
soundraymjanisz: it's probably best to install gutsy or beta and do a fresh install when hardy is released15:27
firefeathermjanisz: If you're even considering doing a clean install of 8.04 when it comes out, I'd recommend making sure you have a separate /home/ partition15:27
erUSULmjanisz: an upgrade is allways safer than a dist-upgrade imho15:27
mjaniszerUSUL: you mean a clean install, right?15:28
firefeatherBBishop: Check your font size.15:28
erUSULmjanisz: beta to final is an upgrade 7.10 to 8.04 is a dist-upgrade15:28
LeGreffi3RerUSUL> you can't be sure of your upgrade in a beta version...15:29
CoastonCuteDear Ubuntu Users. I am getting BLOODY SICK of both aMSN and Pidgin. Neither one can message cell phones15:29
soundrayerUSUL: that's not how it's explained in man apt-get15:29
LeGreffi3RerUSUL> dist-upgrade stable -> stable+1 is way safer than upgrade in a beta...15:29
pirCoastonCute : are they supposed to?15:29
CoastonCuteAs far as I was aware at least the MSN clone would have it.15:30
CoastonCuteMSN does after all15:30
CoastonCuteIt used to be a matter of throwing the cell no' in as the email15:30
CoastonCutebut not any more apparently.15:30
mjaniszallright, i think the case is settled for me and i'll go with 7.1015:30
firefeatherCoastonCute: I don't know if those porgrams have all the MSN features, but you might also try emesene15:30
soundrayCoastonCute: this is a support channel. For sounding off, please join #ubuntu-offtopic15:30
BBishopfirefeather: well .. the app bar is limited to 1024x768 .. and so is xchat15:31
CoastonCuteok soundray, I'll be good. I was in here looking for advice and support, just It's been a long day so I have a short fuse.15:31
BBishopbut firefox got on the whole screen15:31
CoastonCuteso emesene has the mobile phone features?15:31
legend2440TrichomeKid: do you have an entry like vga=<some number> in menu.lst file?15:31
bazhangpidgin does irc right?15:32
firefeatherCoastonCute: I don't know but when I had it installed it had most of the MSN features. If nothing else, their website may be useful in letting you know if it has that featuer before you download it.15:32
TrichomeKidlegend2440: I was just about to see what that file looks like.. one second15:32
soundraybazhang: yes15:32
=== butchy_nice_ is now known as co-djail
bazhangthanks soundray15:32
firefeatherCoastonCute: http://www.emesene.org/15:32
TrichomeKidlegend2440:  both entries are vga=75815:33
legend2440TrichomeKid: try passing vga=792 or vga=79115:34
TrichomeKidalright, thank you.15:34
CoastonCuteThank you Firefeather, I'll give it a shot,15:34
TrichomeKidlegend2440: on both entries, correct?15:34
legend2440TrichomeKid: yes15:34
firefeatherCoastonCute: no problem15:34
CoastonCuteNext stupid question. once I have the source code, how would I go about installing it?15:34
CoastonCuteKeeping in mind I've been on linux for about...3 days now.15:35
TrichomeKidlegend2440:  alright, thanks a lot.  this must've gotten changed when i upgraded to the new beta15:35
noppehow would i format an external hdd with n partitions?15:35
soundray!compile | CoastonCute15:35
compwiz18CoastonCute: can you use the package manager? System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager?15:35
ubotuCoastonCute: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:35
firefeatherCoastonCute: I wouldn't recommend installing it from source; I didn't realize; look for it in your repositories15:35
bazhangCoastonCute: why compile? if it is in the repos that is the best bet--if you want to compile then install build-essential15:35
firefeatherCoastonCute: Where compwiz18 mentioned ;)15:35
CoastonCuteI'm sorry, my brain just detonated.15:36
compwiz18!packages | CoastonCute15:36
ubotuCoastonCute: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!15:36
compwiz18the package manager makes it easy to install packages with a single click15:36
compwiz18none of this fancy visiting websites stuff :P15:36
compwiz18(well, multiple single clicks. about three, to be precise)15:36
soundraynoppe: use gparted. Make sure you create no more than three primary partitions and make numbers 4 to n logical ones15:36
firefeatherOh, bad news; I can't find emesene in the Ubuntu repositories.15:37
compwiz18I'll check getdeb15:38
CoastonCuteI see on emesene in the synaptic doowhatsit.15:38
firefeathercompwiz18: Good idea15:38
compwiz18good news15:38
compwiz18that should save you a lot of trouble15:38
firefeatherCoastonCute: You're right; it's not there. Go to compwiz18's link and you can get an installer there.15:39
CoastonCuteBrilliant. Thank you ^^15:39
CoastonCuteHow do I know which one to get?15:39
compwiz18I'm guessing you want Gutsy 3215:39
CoastonCuteI don't know if I'm on 32 or 64 bits15:39
compwiz18if you don't know, you're probably on 3215:39
compwiz18it'll tell you if you're wrong when you try to install it15:40
firefeatherIt will also let you know if you ended up downloading the wrong one15:40
compwiz18just pick the other one if it complains15:40
compwiz18the software installing idea takes some getting used to sometimes15:40
firefeathercompwiz18: You're just too fast of a typer for me to get an answer out :)15:40
compwiz18its a lot different then windows15:40
DeadLy_sphey, somebody using irssi please?15:40
jribCoastonCute: run uname -m15:40
Lamegoactually emesene is arch indedepent :P15:40
compwiz18firefeather: ;)15:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 349 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:40
CoastonCuteHardware I can work. Building PC's is easy. Running them is a completely different game.15:41
compwiz18Lamego: which may be, but GetDeb doesn't seem to care too much about its Pythonness15:41
balleis there a place where i can DL new themes for gutsy?15:41
Lamegocompwiz18, yes it does, its an -all- package, the 2 archs is just the default organization15:41
compwiz18Lamego: ah15:41
firefeatherballe: You can also find some in the repositories15:41
compwiz18this is what I get for not using getdeb very much15:41
CoastonCuteThe installers are easier to run then on winxp15:42
Lamegocompbrain, this is what I get for managing it :P15:42
compwiz18Lamego: ah, cool :)15:42
firefeatherballe: gnome-themes-extras has a few more things, including a dark theme called Darklooks15:42
compwiz18Lamego: I'm trying to think of a better way to display that it is arch independent, but I think that doing that would just confuse most people15:43
ballefirefather: sudo apt-get install gnome-themes-extras?15:43
firefeatherballe: Yep. Then look in your apperance preferences15:43
maxagazis it possible to write using the mouse with Kopete ?15:44
kippyhey guys is there a way to change the boot splash screen on ubuntu?15:44
firefeatherballe: It instals a couple of application themes (gtk themes), icon themes, and maybe even some window border themes (metacity)15:44
xlrrncan someone explain to me what ubuntu hardy (8.04) is? isn't 8.10 already out, hence the latest version? Why is 8.04 still undergoing development? Thanks.15:44
maxagazthere's a pen on my dialog window, but it's grey, I can't click on it15:44
jribxlrrn: the latest version is 7.1015:44
ballefirefather: i have lokked in the original themes, looking for something extra..15:44
firefeatherxlrrn: 8.10 is the version that will come out in October of this year.15:44
Lamegokippy, I believe the startup manager provides such function15:45
firefeatherballe: Those are new ones, though :)15:45
xlrrnjrib: oh my bad, 7.10, yes15:45
firefeatherballe: Unless you looked in there before it got done installing15:45
xlrrnfirefeather: thanks15:45
jrib!hardy | xlrrn15:45
ubotuxlrrn: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu15:45
xlrrnjrib: Wow, a new release already?15:45
kippyLamego. is is installed by default? or we have to install it?15:45
xlrrnjrib: Is it recommended to upgrade right after the release?15:45
ballefireftather: installing now15:46
firefeatherxlrrn: Every six months :)15:46
Lamegokippy, it is not installed by default15:46
jugheadthey try to keep a 6mo update schedule15:46
xlrrnfirefeather: :O15:46
boubbinhow top see which programs are using internet atm ?15:46
CoastonCutexD I have Pidgin, aMSN and emesene all trying to log in to the same account.15:46
CoastonCuteGO ME15:46
kippycan you guys point me to a resource that tell step by step all the events that occur when we boot a linux box?15:46
jugheadjrib, do you know how often the LTS versions are released?15:46
jribjughead: there's no fixed schedule for those15:47
firefeatherxlrrn: And it's usually just fine to upgrade right after the release but usually it takes a while to download right after the release15:47
jugheadkippy, there's a program I think it's called bootchart15:47
firefeatherCoastonCute: D'oh!15:47
firefeatherkippy: Bootchart, I think, will do that15:47
Lamegoone would guess, an LTS needs to be released before the previous one gets to EOL15:47
kippyokay guys will look them up15:47
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CoastonCuteIt's in and up and running, I'm not sure about it's ability to message phones, but it's prettier nonetheless so I am happy. Thank you for your help. ^^15:48
firefeatherCoastonCute: No problem. I've also seen some other things that can do mobile messaging but I think they do it through your phone instead.15:49
BBishopso .. hardy will be delayed by 3 months starting when ?15:49
firefeatherBBishop: April 1st15:49
BBishopthat usx15:49
CoastonCuteYeah I've got a friend overseas and I'm trying to message their mobile15:49
firefeatherBBishop: No, see, April FIRST :)15:50
CoastonCuteSo we can chat while one or t'other is at school15:50
xlrrnIf I am using Ubuntu 7.10 Server edition, would that show in uname -a? Atm, it only shows Ubuntu 7.10, gutsy.15:50
BBishopow ...15:50
BBishopok .. and the official date is ... ?15:50
ubuntuuserinneedexcuse me, but does anyone know how I can invoke the input method configuration in firefox? (or disable the input method autochange thing?)15:50
kindofabuzzCoastonCute: you just want to txt a phone?15:50
firefeatherBBishop: April 2415:50
BBishopubuntuuserinneed, f7 ?!15:50
CoastonCuteIn a way, but without having to get off my PC xD15:50
ubuntuuserinneedBBishop: doesn't seem to work in firefox, I can't use my keyboard in firefox15:51
CoastonCuteI want the messages that come back to head to my MSN account as opposed to a phone or anything.15:51
kindofabuzzCoastonCute: just google free sms, there are plenty of websites that do free txt pc -to pbone15:51
ubuntuuserinneedIt sometimes happens in xchat too, the input method changes for some reason... and I have to right-click and change to the default input method15:51
firefeatherkindofabuzz: CoastonCute's got a point, though.15:51
CoastonCuteOh fine. We'll see what happens. xD Danke again15:51
ubuntuuserinneed(at least I can fix it in xchat that is, but yeah, for some reason in xchat it goes to x input method)15:52
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CoastonCuteI'd rather not have my messages directed past some sleazy old guy who beats off while reading them.15:52
firefeather!ohmy | CoastonCute15:52
ubotuCoastonCute: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:52
CoastonCuteSorry, my bad.15:52
firefeatherCoastonCute: But I know what you mean :)15:53
ubuntuuserinneed(I kinda hate having to close and reopen firefox, have to load a ton of pages again and all...)15:53
kindofabuzzoh dounno about reicieving txt15:53
DonaldShimodaBBishop: really hardy is delayed?15:53
DonaldShimodaBBishop: the ubuntu page countdown is active15:53
lksli use ubuntu what is sda1 ?15:53
lkslwhat that it mean ? sda115:53
CoastonCuteWhat I want to know is how can I supercharge 256 Megs of ram.15:54
R3h4Bubuntuuserinneed:  just set Firefox to "show my windows and tabs from last time"15:54
xpointlksl, sda1 = Scsi Disk Array #115:54
ubuntuuserinneedR3h4B: still reloads 'em15:54
ubuntuuserinneedespecially youtube videos and the such15:54
zossolksl: It is a Storage device, sometimes hard drive, sometimes usb flash drive, etc15:54
R3h4Bubuntuuserinneed:  but then they are fresh and tasty!15:55
ubuntuuserinneedR3h4B: hehehe15:55
ubuntuuserinneedodd... it's fixed now...15:55
lkslOK on a router what is the storage name ?15:55
lkslsda 1?15:55
BBishopDonaldShimoda, apri 1st joke .. I just also noticed15:56
lkslrouter in linux15:56
DonaldShimodaBBishop: god....15:56
* ubuntuuserinneed checks if there's an entry for such things, will include a workaround15:56
CoastonCuteOK! I'm outski, ciao everyone.15:57
xlrrnIs using tabs in Gnome-terminal the way to organize tabs?15:57
firefeatherxlrrn: I'm not sure what you mean15:58
Azur4hey, i visited a site that requires adobe flash, I click on the install missing plugin, and it says that it is already installed, that firefox needs to be restarted, i restart firefox, it doesn't work, i restart my laptop, it still doesn't work.  Everytime I visit a site that needs the plugin, it has the "install missing plugin"  I didn't see it in synaptic either15:59
wolfeySImhmm i try to work with nautilus and gedit over password protected ftp... and it takes forever i found http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-147799.html on google, 2 years old.. still same problem?! :)15:59
wolfeySIanyone has any idea about this?15:59
firefeatherAzur4: What version of ubuntu and firefox?15:59
erUSULAzur4: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:59
wolfeySIworking directly to 'ftp folder' is great convinience to me15:59
Azur4Firefox 2, Ubuntu 7.1015:59
jribAzur4: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of the command 'apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree'15:59
firefeatherAzur4: 64 or 32 bit?15:59
Tomassohow do i get the ubuntu version from command line?15:59
SlartAzur4: you can try removing the flash plugin and reinstalling it "sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree" to remove it.. then visit the site again and let firefox install the flash plugin16:01
jrib!version | Tomasso16:01
ubotuTomasso: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell16:01
Azur4firefeather: 32 bit16:01
xlrrnfirefeather: Sorry, let me rephrase. I'm in a SSH session and I don't know how to use screen efficiently. I don't want to name screen windows, because I am constantly changing them. After C-a w to list the screen windows open, how do I easily jump to say window 2-$ bash?16:01
firefeatherAzur4: Okay, my idea is out then.16:01
Azur4i think i'm gonna try to remove it like slart said16:01
Picixlrrn: C-a 216:01
SlartAzur4: I can't promise it will work.. but it's an easy fix if it does16:01
firefeatherxlrrn: Tabs would work pretty well; note they keyboard shortcuts.16:01
xlrrnfirefeather: I can use tabs in one SSH session?16:02
ubuntuuserinneedjrib what does that apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree do?16:02
ubuntuuserinneedbecause sometimes flash breaks for me...16:02
xlrrnPici, thanks16:02
jribubuntuuserinneed: it just gives you package information16:02
BBishopis the beta stable enough to use ? ... when the final version will be out .. should anything else than apt-get update be done to get stable ?16:02
firefeatherxlrrn: Depends on your program. I think if you ssh through bash, maybe not, but I think Putty (?) might have tabbed SSH16:02
SlartBBishop: try asking in #ubuntu+1 ... that's the official hardy support channel16:03
firefeather!ubuntu+1 BBishop16:03
bieberUSUL are you here?16:03
firefeatherAch n/m16:03
xlrrnI just resized my WinXP NTFS partition using GParted LiveCD. I want to create a fat32 partition, but it won't let me, as "It is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions." What should I do now? I don't quite understand what extended partitions are. Thanks.16:03
SlartBBishop: but the earlier versions have worked with a simple apt-get upgrade when the release is final16:03
firefeatherSlart: already got it16:03
erUSULBBishop: yes you will need a apt-get upgrade after the update ;)16:03
erUSULbieb: yes16:03
ubuntuuserinneedjrib: oh okay thanks16:04
BBishoperUSUL, great :)16:04
benanzoWhat's up with the forums16:04
ubuntuuserinneedyep, flash broken again...16:04
bieberUSUL, you and I were talking about fakeraid the other day. Can I create a software raid during the ubuntu install instead of using the BIOS managed fakeraid?16:04
firefeatherbenanzo: Looks like April fools to me :)16:05
benanzoAhh yes -- almost forgot16:05
ubuntuuserinneedjrib: and I get this on the system log messages page: Apr  1 23:04:06 Sky kernel: [165393.874026] npviewer.bin[14449]: segfault at 0000000000000035 rip 00000000f7a6c6fe rsp 00000000ffd0b680 error 416:05
b4l74z4rdoes anyone use oss along with an x-fi card in ubuntu, and if so, have you gotten sound in flash videos?16:06
erUSULbieb: yes; i think that you can do that with the alternate cd... let check out...16:06
jribubuntuuserinneed: meh, nspluginwrapper is buggy, crashes all the time here too16:06
ubuntuuserinneedI notice it crashes on some flashes with urls.... or something16:06
ubuntuuserinneeddon't exactly know because some urls load perfectly fine16:06
Leoha_Zverihi, sorry i'm new to linux ... at all, can someone help me please? can i change the gnome interface, on the KDE?16:06
Leoha_Zveriit's possible, at all?16:06
cupcakewhich is a good email client?16:06
jaymacdonaldApr  1 16:04:25 jay-desktop avahi-daemon[5899]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
jaymacdonaldApr  1 16:04:25 jay-desktop avahi-daemon[5899]: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed: No buffer space available16:07
jaymacdonaldanybody help?16:07
erUSULbieb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID16:07
Slartubuntuuserinneed: some flash movies/applications crash the flash plugin.. it works with an earlier version of flash.. I guess Adobe is to blame16:07
DjVipercupcake: evolution?16:07
cupcakewant email client that can filter 'from address'16:07
firefeatherLeoha_Zveri: You can install kde-desktop package but you might want to read about it on the wiki first16:07
Slartcupcake: evolution or thunderbird are two popular clients16:07
bieberUSUL thanks16:07
firefeatherLeoha_Zveri: I mean kubuntu-desktop16:08
ubuntuuserinneedSlart: I never had such problems before got released it seems16:08
jaymacdonaldcan anybody help with buffer space errors?16:08
tretlecould someone tell me why the usplash progress bar is looping over and over before it does the final loading of 0-100%?16:08
Leoha_Zveri<firefeather> thx, can you please give me a link pelase16:08
Slartubuntuuserinneed: nope.. same here.. I had an older version installed in one separate version of firefox.. and it still runs all the problematic flash apps that crash the newest version16:08
xlrrnHello, I just resized my WinXP NTFS partition using GParted LiveCD. I want to create a fat32 partition, but it won't let me, as "It is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions." What should I do now? I don't quite understand what extended partitions are. Thanks.16:09
ubuntuuserinneedSlart: you can do that!?16:09
cupcakeDjViper, will evolution have function to reapply filter rules to all existing emails?  if i have 500 emails on evolution, and lots of them are spam, can i apply filter or does filter need to be apply doing syn time (during POP3 update)16:09
jeremy_you whats cool i have limewire on limux lol16:09
kippyLeoha_zveri, try http://www.ubuntuguide.org16:09
firefeatherLeoha_Zveri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE16:09
Slartubuntuuserinneed: well.. I use 64 bit ubuntu and I had installed a 32 bit firefox... it used it's own plugins and such... and it uses the older flash..16:09
cupcakeSlart, ok.16:09
kindofabuzzjeremy_: want a cookie?16:09
firefeatherxlrrn: I don't either, sorry16:09
Leoha_Zverithanks a lot guys :)16:09
jast-mxmquestion about swap, I want to move my swap partition to the beginning of another drive, w/out restarting to a live cd, can i effectively disable swap, create the partition then turn it back on?16:10
xlrrnfirefeather, thanks16:10
jeremy_i still have to find out how to register in here16:10
ubuntuuserinneedSlart: sounds kinda complicated...16:10
xlrrni'll do more Googling then16:10
firefeatherxlrrn: Sounds like that's what it'll have to be... :S16:10
Slartubuntuuserinneed: well.. it was the only way to get flash to work before16:10
xlrrnfirefeather, heh16:10
MrMistquick question... I need to run X completely without OpenGL hardware acceleration on my laptop.. the fans on my GPU runs like hell with the standard installation of Ubuntu16:10
ubuntuuserinneedjeremy: /nickserv help16:10
MrMistIs there any way to disable GL acceleration of X?16:10
SlartMrMist: disable desktop effects in System, appearance16:11
jaymacdonaldcould someone tell me why I get buffer space errors?!?!?!16:11
cupcakeSlart, djennewe , i plan to use an email client in the next few days, and pop3 all emails. then when ubuntu 8 comes, out, i want to do a fresh install.  which email client have better migration ablities?16:11
MrMistSlart: and that will disable xgl alltogether ?16:11
SlartMrMist: I'm not sure.. but it will cut back on the usage of the gpu16:11
cupcakeSlart, djennewe migration abilities as in a single PST file for ms outlook16:12
Slartcupcake: well.. I guess both are free, open source etc.. shouldn't be a problem with either16:12
Zminejeremy_ you don't have to register in here..you register on the server so then you're nick is registered no matter what channel you go into16:12
MrMistSlart: Of course... but I want to disable it altogether16:12
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soundrayMrMist: are you sure this is a GPU-related problem?16:13
cupcakeSlart, i can port evolution email into thunderbird?16:13
Slartcupcake: if you think the pst-file approach is a good one then yes.. both clients have excellent migration tools =)16:13
ron_ashetonhow do I see my machine's external IP address? I'm behind a router16:13
cupcakeSlart, thx16:13
firefeathercupcake: In thunderbird, you can back up your profile and then restore it after the reinstall as long as you back it up to a place that's safe during the reinstall16:13
MrMistsoundray: No. But it's worth trying it out16:13
kindofabuzzron_asheton: whatismyip.com16:13
unopron_asheton, browse to www.ipchicken.com16:13
Zminejeremy_ you just if you type /msg nickserv help it gives you the steps, it's easy and fast and you pick your own password16:13
DonaldShimodaron_asheton: www.wichismeip.com16:13
Slartron_asheton: go to  http://www.whatismyip.com16:13
soundrayMrMist: I suggest disabling X altogether (sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop) to see if your fans calm down16:14
soundrayMrMist: in my experience, these problems tend to be ACPI- rather than graphics-related16:14
soundrayMrMist: does acpi -V give you a sensible readout?16:14
jeremy_ok i get this when i try 2 register Syntax: REGISTER <password>16:14
Slartwhichismeip? is that like an irish version? ey, laddie.. which s'me ip? =)16:14
ron_ashetonisn't there a way to see it in the shell? that's what I'm curious16:15
cupcakefirefeather, sound like i need to use "export" and "import" command within the email client.  will it work if i just place the backup_files manually in /home/user/.somewhere/someplace ?16:15
Zmineright...see where it says password...you type the password you want to use16:15
Slartron_asheton: nothing really easy.. might be some weird telnet service out there or something16:15
jeremy_k thanks16:15
ZmineI know you had probs with it yesterday so hope it works today for you16:15
firefeathercupcake: yes, to a degree; see http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_backup16:15
firefeathercupcake: I'm not saying Thunderbird's the best solution because I don't know how Evolution or other clients do it; I'm just familiar with Thunderbird, so...16:16
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?16:16
soundrayron_asheton: lynx -dump whatismyip.com16:17
egoleohello friends16:17
MrMistsoundray: hmm... sadly, I don't have the laptop with me16:17
egoleoi am runing exim4 on ubuntu server and i can send mails but can not send mail to my mailserver rather16:17
firefeathercupcake: I gotta go, though. See ya16:17
soundrayron_asheton: lynx -dump whatismyip.com16:18
egoleoand when i try telnet too it gives me refused connection on port 2516:18
gegemaWhen following a help doc on the ubuntu website on setting up Wordpress, I ran a command that has changed my mysql root password>> tried sudo /etc/init.d/mysql reset-password and it is not working (hardy beta)16:18
jeremy_still need help registering16:18
MTecknologywhere does wine put entries in for default menu items? anybody know?16:18
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for hardy gegema16:18
jeremy_do i put a nick name i first then a password?16:19
DRebellionjeremy_, /msg nickserv register yourpassword16:19
jeremy_do i put a nick name in first then a password?16:19
gegemabazhang: my question is on how to re-set a mysql root password, which am sure can be answered here16:19
ron_ashetonthere should be an easy shell tool for that... "ifconfig" doesn't tell about external addresses16:19
jeremy_do i type that in?16:19
neverblueDRebellion, might want to mention to not do it in the channel, as a password maybe exposed16:19
neverbluejeremy_, you copy/paste16:20
soundraygegema: if you have problems following a tutorial, it may well be because of something that's changed in hardy, so go ask in the appropriate channel.16:20
neverbluejeremy_, as it is text16:20
soundrayron_asheton: did you get my suggestion?16:20
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DRebellionneverblue, only if he leaves out the slash, and then we can all laugh at his fail16:20
jeremy_didnt do anything16:20
neverbluejeremy_, and yes, obviously, you dont want your password to be 'yourpassword'16:20
bastid_raZoron 7.10 liveCD scp is installed already?16:20
metbsd_scp is from ssh16:20
OsamaKHello! Look at this problem : osama@osama-laptop:~$ dpkg --configure -a16:21
OsamaKdpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege16:21
neverblueDRebellion, he has been fighting with registering since yesterday, I wouldn't be suprised by anything s/he does16:21
jeremy_ok i wanna use my nick papi2sexy51716:21
OsamaKWhat does that mean?16:21
bastid_raZormetbsd_; that doesn't answer if it is already installed.16:21
Azur4Ok flash is working now, but some sites that i normally viewed in windoze won't work still, (mlgpro.com, flash is working cuz I used youtube to test)16:21
neverbluejeremy_, lovely16:21
soundrayOsamaK: it means you should run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'16:21
DRebellionOsamaK, prefix the command with "sudo"16:21
metbsd_i'm not answering any question16:21
jeremy_u have 2 bare with me im still now16:21
metbsd_what makes you think i'm responding you?16:22
OsamaKok thanks both DRebellion, soundray16:22
ron_ashetonsoundray, yes... it works, but I'm curious to see some internal tool that does the same16:22
neverblue!sudo | OsamaK16:22
ubotuOsamaK: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.16:22
neverbluejeremy_, I think that has obsolutely nothing to do with anything16:22
bastid_raZormetbsd_; if you don't know.. keep quiet :)16:22
soundrayron_asheton: how would an 'internal' tool see your outside address?16:22
Zminejeremy_ that's fine16:22
jeremy_what do i type 2 register my nick as papi2s1716:22
neverbluejeremy_, first rule of IRC: you need to be able to read16:23
metbsd_no i don't want to keep quiet you newbie16:23
soundraybastid_raZor: yes, scp comes with openssh-client, which is part of the Desktop CD16:23
Zmineneverblue, jeremy_ is trying to register on this server and having problems16:23
neverbluejeremy_, second: you need to know how to type16:23
ron_ashetonsoundray, god only knows16:23
metbsd_newbie, scp is part of openssh, rtfm16:23
Zminejeremy_ you have to change your nick to that when you register, otherwise it will register the nick you're using now16:23
soundraymetbsd_: do not call people newbies here16:23
metbsd_hey expert16:23
dgjonesjeremy_, you need to change your nick to whatever you want to register, then type  "/msg nickserv register <your-password>"16:24
bazhangmetbsd_: please stop16:24
bastid_raZorsoundray; excellent.. i'm going to use the liveCD to scp some things that doesn't have internet access.. LAN only.. thanks16:24
metbsd_stop what?16:24
bazhang!coc > metbsd_16:24
Zminejeremy_ you don't have to log off to change your nick..just type /nick and then type what you want your nick to be16:24
Pici!rtfm | metbsd_16:24
ubotumetbsd_: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.16:24
bazhangwow he actually said that16:25
metbsd_ok expert16:25
CreationistANyone able to tell me why Firefox constantly stops working?  I mean, it doesn't crash, it just stops loading pages (they sit on "Loading..." indefinitely).  I have to restart Firefox to keep browsing... happens after about a half hour of surfing... every time.16:25
Slartron_asheton: I don't know if this works for you.. but try this in a terminal "wget -q -O /dev/stdout http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp"16:25
neverbluelol @ bazhang16:25
jeremy_<papi2sexy517> :Erroneous Nickname (what is that i did what u told me 2 do16:25
Zminejeremy_ and like dgjones said after you are using the nick you want to use, then type /msg nickserv register and then type the password you want to use16:25
metbsd_read some document, everyknow that scp and sftp are from ssh pack16:25
bazhangCreationist: have you tired upping the cache for firefox?16:26
metbsd_bastid_raZor: you should just use windows. you don't belong here expert16:26
soundraymetbsd_: the issue has been dealt with. Move on now please.16:26
Creationistbazhang: Make it larger, you mean?16:26
jeremy_what is this <papi2sexy517> :Erroneous Nickname16:26
bazhangCreationist: worth a shot16:26
dgjonesjeremy_, what irc client are you using?16:26
jeremy_what u mean?? irc16:27
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Creationistbazhang: Okay, I changed it from 50 to 50016:27
Zminejeremy_ is that the nick you want to use? the papi nick?16:27
chdstCould someone !mp3 > me? My client is intercepting bangs and I'm too lazy to fix it right now. Thanks. :)16:27
bazhangCreationist: that should be sufficient ;]16:27
Creationistbazhang: But I have it cleared every time I exit... not sure why it would make a difference.16:27
Slart !mp3 | chdst16:27
ubotuchdst: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:27
chdstSlart: Thank you.16:27
Slart !mp3 > chdst16:27
jeremy_so i did it right thats y it says this <papi2sexy517> :Erroneous Nickname16:27
dgjonesjeremy_, the #ubuntu channel you're talking in now is a channel on IRC, what program are you using to access this channel?16:27
bazhangprobably too long jeremy_16:28
soundrayjeremy_: I don't think you can have < and > characters in the nick16:28
bazhangjeremy_: how about just pa?16:28
jeremy_lol ok hold on ok16:28
Zminejeremy_ don't type the < > parts16:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:29
Zminejeremy_ just type /nick and then type the nick you want to use and don't use the < >16:29
Halanhey whats a good midi player for ubuntu that shows some notes or so too? totme doesnt play em even with gstreamer-plugins-bad16:29
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?16:29
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz16:30
SlartHalan: timidity can play midis.. but you won't get the notes..16:30
z 8-)16:30
z :o16:30
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:30
z :p '<16:30
Piciz: Please stop16:30
Pici!msgthebot | jessica_16:30
ubotujessica_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:30
mechanicalchrisis there a way to make the cube flip vertical in compiz?16:30
SErgeafter i reboot the ubuntu, the internet connection losts, and when try to ping gateway i got network unreacheable16:30
=== jeremy_ is now known as papisexy
SErgewhat i have done wrong?16:30
zwhat country here ????????????????????????16:30
SErgehave lost16:30
Zminejeremy_ cool! lol you did it16:30
Slart!en | z16:30
ubotuz: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:30
unop_z, one question mark's enough16:31
murlidhari have installed klavaro typing tutor . But the language setting is different . how do i make it to english . right now it is showing some language i am don't understand16:31
papisexyits me jeremy16:31
Zminejeremy_ you might of been able to use all of the nick you had before..it wasn't too long, it was messed up because you used the < >16:31
papisexyok now how do i do the password now16:31
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?16:31
z ;)16:31
Slart!ru | z16:31
ubotuz: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:31
bazhangpapisexy: /nick newnick16:31
ballesmoke time..16:31
esoxHi, I have an issue on boot sequence on Gutsy. Its a fresh install but the boot pauses for almost 1 minute after Starting MTA, it displays lines "[sd] 3:0:0:0: [sdc] assuming drive cache : write through" several times then boot continues and I cn log16:31
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:31
Zminejeremy_ make sure that's what you want for the nick, if you want what oyu had before then use that16:32
mechanicalchrisI lost my bottom panel. How do I get it back16:32
papisexyi need 2 know how 2 put a password in16:32
dgjonespapisexy, /msg nickserv register yourpassword  (with yourpassword replaced with whatever you want to use)16:32
blue-frogmechanicalchris: right click on the top one and add new panel16:32
smellynoseME DOTH LIKE 2 CLUB SEALS16:32
Zminejeremy_ now that you have a nick you want to use type /nickserv register ..and after that type the password you want to use16:33
Zminepapisexy if that's the nick you want to use and not the one you tried before then just type /register and type in the password you want right after the word register16:34
Zminepapisexy just make sure it's a password you'll remember16:35
papisexynot working16:36
Zminepapisexy it will show you on the status windwow if it worked16:36
papisexy /register then the password16:36
Picipapisexy: may I pm?16:36
kippyHey guys i have installed gimpshop but it still shows the interface of gimp editor16:37
dgjonespapisexy, you need to remove the space in front of the " /" that might be the problem16:37
kippyay ideas what could be wrong?16:37
Christina18Hi there!16:37
ZminePici he has to have his nick registered for pm16:37
Domainim lost16:37
PiciZmine: I'm setup to allow unregged nicks to pm me.16:37
kindofabuzzdoes irc open port 79?16:37
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?16:37
ZminePici cool, I didn't know that16:37
Christina18Is there a easy way to remove html tags from within a query - like SELECT fieldwithhtmltags AS fieldwithouthtmltags FROM randomtable ?16:38
ZminePici then maybe if you pm him that will help him more16:38
PiciZmine: I am :)16:38
soundrayChristina18: perhaps you should ask that question in #mysql16:38
ZminePici, thanks :)16:38
kippyofftopic Christina, but there are utility functions in php, asp etc to do just that16:39
Picikindofabuzz: 79?  irc connects on ports 6667-7000 and 8001 typically.  Depends network to network.16:39
finuxguys got a wireless issue in 8.04 it's a little strange to say the least16:39
Christina18soundray: you r right! ;-916:39
Picifinux: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.16:39
finuxcheers Pici16:39
kindofabuzzPici: just did a scan, says port 79 (finger) is open, figured it was from irc16:39
mcknighthi,every one ^_^16:39
Andrewmthis command isn't working?? ls -R *.txt  Am I doing something wrong?16:39
unop_kindofabuzz, i think it depends if the IRC server uses finger to find out which user you are16:39
soundrayAndrewm: what do you expect it to do, and what does it do?16:40
kindofabuzzwell evidently it is16:40
Andrewmsoundray: list all text files in all subdirectories16:40
unop_AndrewB, you want to use find there -- find /directory -iname "*.txt"16:40
unop_Andrewm, ^^16:40
Andrewmunop_: soundray: ok thanks!16:41
unop_Andrewm, or use  ls -R | grep -i .txt16:41
esoxno body can help about my "starting MTA" issue ?16:42
LadyNikonesox: if you dont get help here try the forums16:42
=== krucil is now known as randoom
Jaymacheh, I love distrowatch's April Fool - nearly got me16:43
esoxLadyNikon: I tried on ubuntu-fr but no chance...16:43
kippyGuys, gimpshop interface is not showing up, i have installed gimpshop but still get the gimp editor interface16:43
LadyNikonIs there a way to make copy and pasting less suck?  I would like to be able to use the right click instead of the wheel mouse.  Also I would like to be able to highlight a link and delete it without losing what I already have copied.16:44
kindofabuzzJaymac: did you see gmail's april fool?  they started a sevice where you can make your emails delivered from the past lol16:44
LadyNikonesox: did you try forums.ubuntu.org?16:44
Jaymackindofabuzz: no didn't.. was wondering what Google had come up with this year16:45
soundrayLadyNikon: unfortunately, copying and pasting is quite deeply embedded in X. I find that things get a little easier if you use glipper16:45
SErgei have problem with hardy and feisty system16:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:45
SErgethe same error, network unreachable16:45
xlrrnwhat is that system information bar i see in a lot of screenshots called?16:45
LadyNikonwhy is welcome at the end of that trigger?16:45
LadyNikonsoundray: hmmm glipper16:45
xlrrnit's usually on the right side, with things like cpu and mem info16:45
* LadyNikon fires up synaptic16:46
unop_LadyNikon, you could also look into xclipboard16:46
SErgewho can suggest me a good stable disto, not buggiest ubuntu16:46
SErgei think debian is a good chose16:46
zerosignalheres a question... I had to stop using the restricted nvidia drivers on my laptop using the go 6600 because I attempted to upgrade and had problems.  Now I have official nvidia legacy drivers installed which are working fine.16:46
LadyNikonunop_: would that run better under fluxbox?16:46
zerosignalQuestion is how can I access the appearence tab to control turning compiz on and off?16:46
xlrrnSErge, you can give 7.04 a try16:47
zerosignalevery time I attempt to change from none and custom it asks me to install restricted video drivers16:47
LadyNikonzerosignal: if you are in gnome I believe you can right click and get to the display properties16:47
unop_LadyNikon, i use it under fluxbox .. it doesnt cure your problem, it just makes it easier managing multiple selections16:47
mutewHi..how does one increase the resolution in the virtual terminals (Ctrl + Alt + F[1-6])?16:47
zerosignalyea I can but what about controlling turning compiz on and off from the appearance app?16:47
mutewI am running Ubuntu Hardy Heron.16:47
SErgexlrrn, the feisty is also return me the same problem, with gutsy it's ok, but i don't want to use anything more from ubuntu..16:47
LadyNikonunop_: seems like its the same with glipper16:48
xlrrnSErge: what kind of problem?16:48
* LadyNikon sigh16:48
unop_LadyNikon, yea, but xclipboard should already be installed -- and glipper is a gnome util , i believe16:48
rbilmutew: one way is to change Grub, see this article .... http://www.mepis.org/node/299216:49
kindofabuzznew systemrescuecd out for those that use it16:49
TonrenI'm trying to convert from ogg to mp3 using "ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -acodec mp3 audio.mp3", but it's telling me "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.0".  I installed "lame" and "liblame-dev".16:49
LadyNikonunop_: yeah i have gnome lemme look up xclip16:49
bastid_raZorzerosignal; you're on gutsy right? if so system>preference>appearance> visual tab .. that will turn compiz on and off16:49
SErgexlrrn, the connection with internet after reboot have lost, when try ping gateway got - network unreachable .. i have read on some forum that there can be an error with kernel or some modules..16:49
LadyNikonunop_: so you just run this?16:50
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?16:50
zerosignalbastid_raZor; Yea I am on gutsy but whenever I goto the visual tab to turn compiz on and off its saying that I need to enable the restricted graphics driver... I dont want to enable that because it doesnt work on my system16:50
kindofabuzzballe: clcik the check box16:50
zerosignalI already have the official nvidia driver installed and if I use 'compiz --replace' it is able to function properly16:50
ToroTHi, Does anyone know how to configure windows agent for Nagios ?? I can't find the 'windows.cfg' file16:51
UbotwoKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.16:51
Apariciohi all16:51
unop_LadyNikon, yea, it should have a GUI thing (quite obscure) .. but it also has a CLI interface i believe which can be used to cook up some interesting keyboard shortcuts16:51
ballekindofabuzz: yea, when i restart my screen is totally weird with screens in each other and then i have to reinstall the whole thing...16:51
LadyNikondid i just get KDE when doing the floxbox trigger?16:51
xlrrnSErge, has your network connection worked on another OS?16:51
Klanticusdoes someone know how to change the default gcc version?16:51
zerosignalso in my case do I need to disable restricted drivers?16:51
kindofabuzzxlrrn: there are other od's?!?16:51
bastid_raZorzerosignal; #compiz-fusion may be a better place to ask for help,.. they do well with graphics issues16:52
soundrayLadyNikon: you did. Maybe it's because ubotu has been banned16:52
LadyNikonsoundray: oops?16:52
PifferHow can I check my drive for errors? fscheck?16:52
SErgexlrrn, yes, on ubuntu after installing it the network goes ok, but after i have installed a restreicted driver and reboot system, the network dosen't work16:52
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
Helix_Hi all16:52
xlrrnSErge, what restricted driver?16:52
xlrrnSErge, maybe the issue isn't with Ubuntu then but the restricted driver?16:53
soundrayPiffer: fsck tests the filesystem integrity. For tests closer to the drive's hardware, have a look at smartmontools16:53
SErgexlrrn, nvidia .. but i have removed back the driver and nothing have changed to network..16:53
Helix_How can I give the right to non-root user to restart mysql using : /etc/init.d/mysql restart16:53
zerosignalno one is responding in compiz-fusion or nvidia...16:54
SErgeok,thanks to help me16:54
erUSULHelix_: man sudoers16:54
unop_Helix_, look into /etc/sudoers16:54
SErgeanyone know, is possible to burn an iso from ubuntu Live cd ?16:54
xlrrnSErge, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29791616:54
Svenstaro_SErge, if you have two drives, yes16:55
Helix_erUSUL: I know the sudo program.. but I just want to restrict their permissions to the /etc/init.d/mysql script16:55
Helix_sudo gives ponctual rights escalation, but to any script16:55
soundrayHelix_: read man sudoers and it'll become clear16:55
jcarlos21brboa tarde a todos!!!16:56
geniiHelix_: In the sudoers file you can create command aliases then allow specific users to only run those16:56
Lamego!br | jcarlos21br16:56
Ubotwojcarlos21br: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:56
Lamego!pt | jcarlos21br16:56
Ubotwojcarlos21br: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:56
Helix_genii: ok thanks16:56
erUSULHelix_: adding a line to the sudoers file like "user command" (check the correct syntax) can give the user to run that only binary16:57
unop_Ubotwo has a lot to learn.16:57
Ubotwounop_: Error: "has" is not a valid command.16:57
Halanwhy isnt gnome able to exectue a .bin file if its set to executable16:58
Halanalso i dont fin dosmething like right click execute in terminal16:58
bazhangthe bot is doing a april fool joke on us all ;]16:58
unop_Halan, not all .bin files are executables16:58
Halanunop_:  i know (dont like that btw) i go on preferences and set it to execute this file16:59
Halanbut i still have to use the terminal so it really gets executed...16:59
kindofabuzzUbotwo, domo arigato16:59
Ubotwokindofabuzz: Error: "domo" is not a valid command.16:59
kindofabuzz!domo arigato16:59
UbotwoPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:59
unop_Halan, you can give execute rights to a .txt file, but will the file still execute? no, right16:59
frank_I'm guessing the 3 months delay is an April Fools?17:00
Halanunop_: but doing ./file.bin in the terminal works17:00
PurpZeY!ipod > PurpZeY17:00
Halanbut when i do it wiht gnome it still looks for a app to open it17:00
soundrayfrank_: you're right, it's really 5 months delay17:00
godont know why have a problem with installing airjack on my ubuntu 7.1017:00
Yodudehey will hardy shipo a beta firefox version when released or will u guys go back to version 2 ?17:00
j1mb0-920could someone explain how to speed up running ubuntu out of an xwindow session?17:00
free1Hardy is not going to be released in April??17:00
bazhangfree1: just a april fool's joke17:01
erUSUL!schedule > free117:01
ai3gtmchelp i cant install java17:01
erUSUL!java > ai3gtmc17:01
Frijolieanyone know of a pwdump/fgdump alternative native to Linux? Google can't find one17:01
free1that's good game17:01
ai3gtmcon firefox it get's stuck in Translation-en_US package17:01
Halanim just hoping htat gnome will soon have soemthing like a exectue in terminal optin or so17:01
frank_well the last LTS release WAS released 2 months late. So not completely unbelievable...17:01
Halanalso execute as superuser17:02
JoeLinux117ai3gtmc:  Are you installing from source?17:02
viru0<ai3gtmc> What you problem&17:02
ai3gtmcin firefox plugin17:02
goairjack.c:43:27: error: pcmcia/config.h: No such file or directory17:02
ai3gtmcviru0, on firefox it get's stuck in Translation-en_US package17:02
ScuniziHow do I ls serial ports for device discovery.. not usb.. db9 or db25?17:02
goanyone plzz17:02
soundrayfrank_: but that delay was announced end of Februrary17:02
JoeLinux117ai3gtmc:  What Java version are you trying?17:02
j1mb0-920help - I am running gnome-session out of xwindow using putty and the response time is extremely slow17:02
free1is there any way to ensure that when I send an email in a different language character set, that the other side won't see it as some kind of crazy jibberish cahracter?17:02
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?17:03
frank_soundray: your memory seems better than mine ;-)17:03
j1mb0-920both machines are connected via a switch17:03
free1I think it's that people in Europe use unicode17:03
Scuniziballe, i have a 6600 with no issues17:03
JoeLinux117ai3gtmc:  Try "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin"17:03
viru0Hello, i'm from Russia!17:03
bazhang!ru | viru017:03
zhelp me.....17:03
free1viru0:  как ба17:03
JoeLinux117ai3gtmc:  Let me know if that works.17:04
erUSULfree1: ubuntu use utf-8 unicode17:04
viru0Что ба?17:04
bazhangviru0: please /j #ubuntu-ru thanks17:04
free1viru0:  I do not know, the Russian keyboard is crazy17:04
balleScunizi: i have one with problems, or previous problems none the less17:04
cubeso what is being added to hardy heron to cause the 3 month delay?17:05
bazhangcube what day is today?17:05
Scunizicube. when was the delay announced?17:05
kindofabuzzcube: they are merging with windows17:05
brad_msswis it possible to make / read-only with ubuntu (specifically want to do this for an embedded [soekris] system)?  I've got /var on it's own partition and /tmp as a tmpfs, which I would think would be all that is needed ... it seems as though when you make / read-only, /var doesn't mount properly (really odd, mount shows it mounted, but it seems like something else has mounted on top of it).  Perhaps I should just remount / as read-only _after_ boot? any17:05
brad_mssw suggestions here?17:05
jpatrickScunizi: /topic17:05
cubei dunno when was the delay anounced17:05
free1erUSUL:  so you are saying that if I send an email in Russian or Greek, because it's ubuntu is unicode, the other people should have no problems reading it?17:06
cubei just thought it was 3 months from the release date17:06
jpatrickcube: we just need more time to make it even better17:06
nicodariouswoohooo!  got SLI working... (i think)17:06
kindofabuzzthe ubuntu developers sold out for 32 million eahc17:06
cubenicodarious your log could easily tell u!17:06
bazhangcube today is April 1st17:06
nicodariousbut I have a problem with screen tearing when GLX is running.17:06
nicodariouscube, what log?17:06
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers?17:06
nicodariouscube, where can I find such a log?17:06
viru0Hey, gays! I have very interesting project. Write the GUI for SciPy. Le's do this for Google Summer of code!17:07
cubesystem log and then xorg17:07
nicodariouscube, I'm still kind of new to the inner workings of Linux.17:07
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers? or do an back up, from the GRUB17:07
Frijolieviru0: "Hey gays"?17:07
kindofabuzzi feel sorry for the people not from USA that don't have april fools lol17:07
Yodudepeople focus, how the hell can they ship a BETA labeled browser in a LTS release ?! that's just crazy !17:07
nicodariouscube, umm... could you tell me how to pull those logs up per chance, please?17:07
cubesystem - administration - system log -xorg17:07
Scunizilsusb, lspci, etc.. I'm looking for one that will give me info on ttys(x).. anyone know what that ls command would be?17:07
JoeLinux117@viru0:  That's a good way to get everyone excited!17:07
viru0Oi I'm sorry17:07
free1viru0: Я не gay17:08
kindofabuzzJoeLinux117: that doesn't get me excited17:08
nicodariouscube, THANK YOU!17:08
Frijolieeveryone seen ubuntuforums.org homepage? check out their new stylesheet!17:08
zdo you know where is the malaysian channel ???????17:08
JoeLinux117@kindofabuzz:  Please see "*sarcasm*" (above)17:08
viru0I can have a mistakes on my English! Not gay.17:08
lordleemo_kindofabuzz: since when was aprils fools only american lol17:08
kelvin911hi all17:08
Frijolieviru0: !gay17:08
startherepodcastnew style on ubuntuforums makes text hard to read17:09
kindofabuzzlordleemo_: oh i had no idea it was universal, just thought it was an american thing17:09
JoeLinux117Does anyone know if screenlets can be positioned relative to the screen edge (other than left or top)?17:09
flinttown420that stylesheet is god aweful ugly17:09
kindofabuzzstartherepodcast: it can be changed, botton left17:09
Frijoliestartherepodcast: definately17:09
ai3gtmcJoeLinux117, it finished the install,does it include the install for firefox plugin?17:09
lordleemo_kindofabuzz: england france germany belgium most of europe my friend17:09
JoeLinux117@ai3gtmc: Yes17:09
JoeLinux117@ai3gtmc:  Try it now...17:09
ai3gtmc ok17:09
kindofabuzzlordleemo_: i learn soemthing new everyday! =)17:09
rycolehey guys, im trying to use apt-get to install subversion. the newest version is 1.4.6, but it looks like apt-get is grabbing 1.3.1. can anyone confirm this? does apt-get cache my previous verion, or something? i had 1.3.1 installed before, and i removed it.17:09
frank_startherepodcast: it's an april fools style17:10
lordleemo_kindofabuzz: we all do eh :)17:10
startherepodcastgreat so it should soon be back to normal17:10
kelvin911just try out quake4, it isnt that good at all17:10
nicodariouscube,  do you know about SLI on Ubuntu per chance?17:10
soundrayrycole: 7.10 should install 1.4.417:10
kindofabuzzkelvin911: world of padman ftw! =)17:11
viru0<rycole> гзвфеу нщг зфслфпуы вфефифыу17:11
kelvin911world of padman also not that great17:11
rycolemaybe i need to update my apt-get list17:11
viru0<rycole> Update you packages database17:11
frank_viru0:     #ubuntu-ru17:11
* Pelo realy hates April 1st on the web, can't trust anyting you read 17:11
kindofabuzzkelvin911: pretty damn fun17:11
ai3gtmcJoeLinux117, it works now :D thanks man17:11
nicodariouscube, because it seems I am getting an error, it seems.  (WW) NVIDIA(0): DamageEvents are not currently compatible with SLI.  Disabling17:11
cubenicodarious: i have a asus 4x4 with 2 fx74 cpus and 2 nvidia 8600gt17:11
mutewI am looking to increase the virtual terminal resolution in Ubuntu ..17:11
kindofabuzzPelo: you shouldn't trust everything you read on the web anyways17:11
cubei think i have seen that error in my log too17:11
JoeLinux117@ai3gtmc:  No prob, glad to help!17:12
kindofabuzzjust because it's written down doesn't mean its true17:12
nicodariouscube, seems we have the same vid cards.  I have two XFX 8600GTs also.17:12
MrBumblebeethe pirate bay's april fools is great17:12
mutewBut when I set vga=788 in my menu.lst file the splash screen seems to go crazy..17:12
Pelokindofabuzz, I don't trust "everything" I read on the web but today I can'T trust "anything" it's rather annoying17:12
rycolehmm. still grabbing 1.3.1. weird.17:12
cubeyou should pastebin your xorg.conf17:12
OsamaKWhat's the best way to install KDE4 on Ubuntu 8.04? (I think this is public, unneeded to #ubuntu+1 :) )17:12
* Pelo realy wonders if the "cheese" thing is true or not 17:12
mutewThough X boots perfectly, none of the virtual terminals now display.17:13
JoeLinux117@mutew:  Have you tried vga=791?17:13
bazhang#kubuntu-kde4 can help OsamaK17:13
JoeLinux117@mutew:  I believe that's equivalent to 1024x76817:13
Keigo-kunI want to uninstall ubuntu-desktop so I have only CLI. I tried apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, and it removed a 47kb big file.. how do I get rid of the rest?17:13
nicodariouscube, ok.  I'll do that for you real quick.  or would it be easier if i just /msg you with it?17:13
mutewJoeLinux117, yes but it results in the same thing.17:13
OsamaKbazhang: but this is Ubuntu, not KUbuntu..17:13
mutewJoeLinux117, a blank screen with a flashing cursor.17:13
cubethat would be a long message17:13
bazhangOsamaK: you want instructions? they will know--that's how I got them17:14
nicodariouscube, ok.  I'll figure out how to pastebin then.  never used it before, but i'll go to the site real quick and see what it's all about.17:14
mutewThe native resolution of my laptop is 1280x800 - I hope there's no conflict due to that.17:14
JoeLinux117@mutew:  This may be a dumb question, but does the kernel line contain "quiet" and/or "splash"?17:14
OsamaKok, thx17:14
mutewJoeLinux117, contains both.17:14
Moduliz0ris there a channel for ez-ipupdate on freenode?17:14
kelvin911i have 7600 GT and quake4 is still not that great17:14
cubeu play q4 on linux?17:15
kelvin911no in windows17:15
uplinkedHi- Before Hardy, FGLRX/compiz worked fine, but now, glxgears & compiz use 100% cpu. Anyone know a solution for this?17:15
LamegoKeigo-kun,  apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop | grep "Depends" | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d "," | xargs -n1 sudo apt-get remove -y17:15
viru0Does everyone interested in GUI for SciPy? (I'm means: guys)17:15
kelvin911i may try linux later17:15
Lamego!hardy > uplinked17:15
Keigo-kunLamego: Jesus, how am I supposed to remember all that17:15
nicodariouscube, yeah, on my laptop, but I haven't installed it on my new desktop yet.17:15
uplinkedThanks Lamego17:16
viru0<uplinked> Drivers for you video-not good!17:16
soundrayLamego: are you aware of "apt-cache depends packagename"17:16
LamegoKeigo-kun, you are supposed to understand, if you want to become familiar with unix/linux command line, or you are not, and you should reinstall a minimal system instead :)17:16
murlidharhow to make make ubuntu remember the window placing when it is opened ?17:16
kelvin911will quake 4 run better in linux than in XP?17:16
jpatrick!it | delfino17:16
cubewell nico i am confused cause you said you would pastebin your xorg from your two 8600gt17:16
Boudhadoes anyone knows how to get the burning windows for ubuntu ???17:17
viru0<murlidhar> E17 Wm can do this!17:17
Lamegosoundray, I am, it would provide the same results17:17
bazhangdelfino: /j #ubuntu-it thanks17:17
nicodariouscube, here's the pastebin.  I think I worked it right.    http://pastebin.org/2669317:17
kelvin911burning windows?17:17
viru0<Boudha> Install beryl17:17
Boudhathe effect17:17
kelvin911u mean the fire effect?17:17
sjovanif i run sudo X :3 -ac <--- how can i kill it?17:17
murlidharviru0, is it an application?17:17
kelvin911it's under burn17:17
Boudhathats what i thought17:17
bazhangcompiz-fusion fire plugin Boudha17:17
bazhangviru0: beryl is now compiz-fusion17:18
delfinowhere is a italian?17:18
delfinowhere is a italian?17:18
delfinowhere is a italian?17:18
viru0<bazhang> ok17:18
soundraysjovan: Ctrl-C17:18
sipiordelfino: italy?17:18
bazhangdelfino: /j #ubuntu-it17:18
delfinoi'am italian girl17:18
sjovansoundray: but i'm not in X 3 any more...17:18
free1delfino: from Bari?17:18
delfinofrom frosinone17:19
viru0<delfino> I'm hear that italian girl-wonderful!17:19
soundraysjovan: find out the process id (ps ax | grep X) and run kill processid17:19
nicodariouscube, did you get it by any chance?  I don't know why I got the tearing.  But it's gotten slightly better when I turned on AFR instead of it just being in auto.17:19
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers? or do an back up, from the GRUB17:19
free1delfino:  bene.17:19
sjovansoundray: thanx17:19
FloodBot1delfino: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
cubenicodarious: your xorg looks fine, you could also turn on split frame rendering17:19
kelvin911italian girl17:20
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
nicodariouscube, so I can turn on both at the same time?17:20
bazhangdelfino please stop17:20
free1italia campionato17:20
cubeyeah it will allow you to render half a frame on each i think17:20
delfinodi dove sei?17:20
free1delfino: how could you let Arsenal beat you in your own stadium17:21
bazhangfree1 /j #ubuntu-offtopic thanks17:21
free1una cazata17:21
free1bazhang: you are right17:21
murlidharhow to make make ubuntu remember the window placing when it is opened ?17:21
delfinoto rome?17:21
nicodariouscube, outstanding.  I'll just make a new quotation after "AFR" so it should read like "AFR" "SFR", correct?17:21
murlidhar!offtopic > delfino17:21
bazhangno ops in here?17:21
=== rbgray_ is now known as rbgray
soundrayPici: look at the mess they are making of our support channel :(17:21
sipiormurlidhar: "gnome-session-save"17:21
stonddoes anybody know a good video converter/encoder that is easy to use and to install I am using Kubuntu 7.10 installed on my PS317:21
free1bazhang: but I can't believe asenal walked into milan and beat inter.  that has NEVER happened.17:21
nicodariousstond, sweet!  I have to try that soon!17:22
nixnooblol i love the new color scheme on the forums17:22
murlidharsipior, i meant i wanted  to save the window placing17:22
FloodBot1delfino: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
delfinowonderfull citt17:22
nicodariousstond, see if I can install debian or DSL on my PS317:22
soundray!ops | free1 ; delfino offtopic17:22
bazhangthis is the ops joke on us ;[17:22
stondnicodariousdo you have a PS317:22
nicodariousstond, yeah, I bought it back when I first went to Iraq.17:23
free1soundray: my bad.  I'm done.  FORZA ITALIA!17:23
nicodariousstond, it's the older model though.17:23
ToroTAnyone knows how to configure nagios with NSClient agent to monitor windows servers ?17:23
nicodariousstond, 1st or 2nd gen type.17:23
sipiormurlidhar: that's what it would do. or perhaps i misunderstood you? you mean that you don't want the apps to restart automatically, but you want the window positions saved when you do open them?17:23
stondnicodarious what model is it17:23
delfinoyou speek italian?17:23
bazhangdelfino please stop17:24
nicodariousstond,  is there any way to tell?  by model number or something?17:24
jpatrickdelfino: please /join #ubuntu-it17:24
sipiormurlidhar: you might try installing "devilspie", that might be closer to what you want17:24
murlidharsipior, yes i want the window positions saved when i open them17:24
stondnicodarious how many GIGS is it 60 or 20 or 40 or 8017:25
kelvin911i will say doom3 is better than quake417:25
cubeut3 is best17:25
PriceChild!it | delfino17:25
bazhangkelvin911: that is offtopic here thanks17:25
nicodariousstond, 60 gig17:26
DrHala1just plugged a new hd into my computer what do i have to do now so i can mount it... is there a way to embed it into my sys?17:26
jpatrickPriceChild: bot dead, I told him how to tho :)17:26
sipiorstrange day on #ubuntu17:26
nicodariousstond, looking for a model number on it now.17:26
bazhangas did I17:26
stondthat is the same model I have17:26
kelvin911cube: but i think et is still the best17:26
murlidharsipior, how to use devilspie17:26
sipiormurlidhar: you'll have to install it and consult the documentation. i'm afraid i don't use it myself.17:26
cubedrHala: did your bios detect it on boot?17:26
DrHala1ah didnt look for that :S17:26
soundrayDrHala1: you should partition and format it with gparted. Then you can edit fstab to mount the new partitions17:27
cubeall my filesystems if detected in bios will automatic mount in ubuntu so i don't know then17:27
murlidharsipior, ok thanks i will try to figure it out17:27
stondnicodarious would you like to install linux on your PS317:27
kindofabuzzmurlidhar: you use compiz?17:27
sipiormurlidhar: from my recollection, the idea is that you specify an expression to identify windows (based upon title, &cet.), and then specify the parameters you want those windows to have17:27
murlidharkindofabuzz, yes17:28
Keigo-kunLamego: Thanks, your command seems to work. I understand what the command does, I just don't understand all the arguments etc17:28
nicodariousstond, i'm thinking about it.  It's not doing as much as I had hoped as far as gimeing for my wife.  She still likes her gamecube (blah).  so might as well put it to work.17:28
DrHala1soundray, is there a way to implent some kind of software raid or can my home dir to that partition?17:28
=== TheFrugalGeek is now known as MattRyan
murlidharkindofabuzz, can i use compiz to remember my window positions? :)17:29
kindofabuzzmurlidhar: open up your compiz sttings, find the plugin window placement and play around with that17:29
kelvin911how to make new open window not sticking to the bottom of the screen?17:29
KlimentI did the upgrade and it actually broke very little :)17:29
VixenI'm just about to install ubutnu, and I need a hand with the "mount points" section. What mount points are essential in the installation?17:30
Klimentbut I lost samba functionality, which is a bit of a killer for me17:30
MrBumblebeeswap is helpful17:30
sipiorVixen: / is the only necessary one. /home and /boot are popular, though17:30
Keigo-kunVixen: root and swap. It might be a good idea to have /Home aswell17:30
soundrayDrHala1: you can set up software RAID in principle, but I would advise against it. Sure, you can transfer your home to the new disk -- use Alan Cox's tar tip from the Tips HOWTO to transfer, then update fstab and reboot.17:30
nicodariousstond, man, I have looked all over this thing.  all I can find is a dern serial number.17:30
Klimentany idea how to start troubleshooting this?17:30
stondits ok I mean there is some stuff you can do and some stuff you cant do I suggest you try going to www.PSUBUNTU.com and read up on it before if you want at least that is what i did and since I do not have a PC a went ahed and did it until I get one17:31
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  You want /, and you want a swap partition.  And, as an optional benefit, you may want to keep /home as a separate partition as well (this would be the largest one, usually).17:31
kelvin911window stick to the bottom of the screen is annoying when using AWN17:31
VixenThanks, I have a 3gb swap prepared, and a 5gb space for the OS itself, I have 200gb for where I think the /home will ygo17:31
VixenThank you everyone17:31
DrHala1soundray: may i ask what the problem is with a software raid?17:31
Keigo-kunVixen: Sounds like a good setup17:31
kindofabuzzmurlidhar: did you find it?17:31
nicodariousstond.  thanks for the site.  I'll check it out!17:31
soundrayDrHala1: yes you may ;)17:31
kelvin9115GB for OS is enough?17:31
VixenSo I would put the root as the 5gb?17:32
Keigo-kunkelvin911: Depends on what aps you use I guess17:32
kindofabuzzkelvin911: yeah until you start adding stuff17:32
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Yes.17:32
kelvin911i already using about 12 GB17:32
VixenJoeLinux117, would it be better to use more?17:32
soundrayDrHala1: it doesn't have any significant advantages for most people, other than being educational.17:32
kelvin911just install ubuntu a week ago17:32
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  However, I would probably increase that a little more.  Seems like you have 200GB to give to /home, I would at least give / some 10GB or so.17:32
jaffarkelshachas anyone used seahorse17:33
kelvin911i would say 100 GB17:33
jaffarkelshacthe pgp package17:33
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  That's just my opinion, remember that third-party applications are usually installed in /usr, which will be part of the / partition unless you have partitioned it separately.17:33
DrHala1soundray: well i dont have to move folders manually thats the advantage17:33
fantamanyou know an italian server irc for ubuntu?17:33
Keigo-kunVixen: Ubuntu usually installs programs in / it seems, 5GB might be a bit weak17:33
VixenJoeLinux117, what would be the max you would give it? I have about 400 gb to play with17:33
stondnicodarious the number of gigs is how you tell wha model you see at first ther wher two models the 20GB and the 60GB model now there is the 80GB and the 40GB model17:33
soundrayDrHala1: in that case what you want is not RAID, but LVM17:33
bazhang#ubuntu-it is here on freenode fantaman17:33
VixenI'm completely new, if you hadn't guessed  |D17:33
szandiez meg micsoda?:D17:33
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Wow, well hey, give it about 15 or 20 if you like, it really depends on what you plan on using the system for.17:33
soundrayDrHala1: although the two can be combined17:34
DrHala1Keigo-kun: what do you mean everything (every drive etc) is in /17:34
szandinah puszpááás17:34
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  I have 10GB allocated for / on my system, and it's been fine for a few years now.  About 100GB for /home as well, on my system.17:34
VixenJoeLinux117, I plan on using it as an all-round games, work, music makin', tune-storing love box17:34
Klimentanybody else having samba problems since upgrading?17:34
askandWhats up with the forums? some kind of apriljoke? Btw, very fun with the fish in the panel :-D17:34
nicodariousstond, ahh. I see.  so the 60 GB is the 1st gen I take it?17:34
bazhangenglish please szandl17:34
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  I'm at about 81% right now on /, so maybe you want to give it a little more.  Sounds like you have plenty, so go ahead and give it about 20GB.17:35
soundrayKliment: please ask in #ubuntu+1 if you're on hardy17:35
Klimentsoundray: thanks, will do17:35
nicodariousstond, btw, how powerful is the Cell porcessor, since you can only use one core for Other OSes?17:35
VixenJoeLinux117, Ok, will do. Also, do I have the opportunity to install apps in other partitions when that 20gb's full? (If ever)17:35
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Technically, you can install apps in any partition you like... the complicated part is making sure that your libraries are probably mapped, among other things.17:36
VixenJoeLinux117, And with me being new to this, I won't go that far  ;]17:37
VixenThanks for all the help17:37
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Honestly, it sounds like you have plenty of space, if you're worried about it, give it 30 or 40.17:37
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  But if you've got a separate /home partition, that's always a good thing.17:37
soundrayVixen: if your root partition runs full, what you normally do is to move a branch, e.g. /var/, to another partition to gain space17:37
ToroTWhere can I get help with configuring Nagios ?17:38
stondnicodarious I am not sure since I dont know that much about it I do know If I had to say its ok but not the greatest but it is better than nonthing I guess17:38
Vixensoundray, Ok, thanks, I'll be makng a huge root first ;]17:38
VixenJoeLinux117, I'll be keeping a seperate /home on hischild's advice17:38
VixenJoeLinux117, Thanks for the help, I'm off to install the thing17:38
soundrayVixen: I doubt that you'll ever fill up 20GB. I second the advice on separating /home17:39
PurpZeYHow can I determine what drive is mounted at sdb1?17:39
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Good luck!17:39
soundrayPurpZeY: mount | grep sdb117:39
Vixensoundray, Cheers, I'm off to do it now17:39
VixenJoeLinux117, Cheers  =]17:39
wildmanhello, I want to transfer all my Ubuntu OS to another disk AND make that disk bootable, so, besides the 'copy' operation how do I make the 2nd disk bootable? (that is, how do I reinstall grub on it)17:40
lordleemo_ToroT: #nagios   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nagios-network-monitoring-system-setup-in-ubuntu.html17:41
alex101Hello people.17:41
sipiorwildman: grub-install17:41
wildmansipior, ex: grub-install /dev/sdb ?17:41
wildmansipior, for the '2nd' SATA disk17:42
alex101Hmm, is there anyone who could please help me with something?17:42
insomninjaI try to bind a key to meta+1 with the xmodmap line "keycode 245 = Super_L 1" but it wont work. Any ideas?17:42
alex101I'll greatly appreciate it if you can.17:42
soundraywildman: you will need the --root-directory option to point to the new root. man grub-install17:42
wildmansoundray, ok, thx.17:42
sipiorwildman: usually that's fine. might want to look at the --root-directory option, depending upon your setup.17:42
sipiorhmm...need to type faster, clearly.17:43
porthosealex101: don't ask to ask just ask17:43
soundrayalex101: we won't know whether or not we can until you ask your question17:43
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:43
wildmansipior, thx ;-) (at least you told me the same :P)17:43
ubotuGlad you made it! :-)17:43
alex101Well i've never used the irc channel before so i dont know17:43
alex101b ut thanks :)17:43
nicodariousstond, cool!  well, I'll try it out after I have read and have made a decision on what I would like to install.  I have heard word that plugging in Puppy Linux USB stick or a DSL stick works, but I have been reluctant to do such a thing.17:43
alex101I need to know how to install files such as, .tar.bz files, i thinks that what they are.17:43
nicodariousstond, cool!  well, I'll try it out after I have read and have made a decision on what I would like to install.  I have heard word that plugging in Puppy Linux USB stick or a DSL stick works, but I have been reluctant to do such a thing.17:44
soundrayalex101: avoid it when you can. Ubuntu provides most software through a package manager. Read ubotu's private message...17:44
soundray!software > alex10117:44
alex101Thanks soundray, but i really need to know how to install them.17:45
bazhangalex101: themes?17:45
wentoni am trying to compile ndiswrapper from source on to a computer that doesn't have internet connection, is there a way for this to be done.17:45
soundrayalex101: why, what are they?17:45
wildmansoundray, sipior: thx again! I'll try now, wish me luck ;)17:46
chri1why does my pidgin menu dissapear17:46
wildmanbye ppl17:46
chri1I click pidgin and it says loading then it dissappears17:46
alex101I cant remember what i last tried installing, soundray.17:46
DrHala1soundray, but ive to wipe my installation for LVM though right?17:46
startherepodcastwenton maybe you would find the deb easyer17:46
alex101There's a problem with my Java, too.17:46
sipiorwenton: got a usb stick around?17:47
chri1ethernet came unplugged and replugged and restarted. A disaster with IRC since however internet had no problem17:47
neverbluechri1, run it from a command line, to view output errors...17:47
CJS3141Are there any special tools for troubleshooting a program that crashes? And I mean a really gruesome crash--total system freezeup, have to power-down/reboot. :-)17:47
soundrayDrHala1: no, you can have a non-LVM root and use LVM for data disks17:47
DrHala1soundray, i just hve one data disk so moving my home dir is simpler i guess..17:47
neverblueCJS3141, try testing your hardware, on the Ubuntu CD is a copy of Memtest, used to check your RAM17:47
sipiorCJS3141: strace will give you an idea of what the program was doing when it died. gdb as well.17:48
wentonsipior yes :)17:48
lordleemo_wenton: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ put the deb on your stick and tranfer it done17:48
azukihi all17:49
alex101Is there anyone that could help me with my Java?17:49
azukifriendly folks17:49
wentonstartherepodcast: whats that?17:49
insomninja_=_= managed to forget to plug in the charger to my laptop17:49
soundrayalex101: we won't know whether or not we can until you ask your question ;)17:49
alex101Haha told you im new to the irc.17:49
* DOOM_NX helloooooooooooooo17:49
alex101Well when i use a Java-based application it wont let me type in it.17:49
TobberothThis is wonderful, I removed all the packages ubuntu-desktop depended on. Now internet doesn't work anymore.17:49
CJS3141neverblue, sipior: Thanks, about that Memtest, neverblue, is that also the option I get on bootup when it says something about memtest 86?17:50
alex101And not all Java applications load.17:50
alex101Some do, some dont.17:50
azukiI have this super annoying little thing.... ---> the menus are transparent (set it somewhere), but this causes my fullscreen game to be transparent also.. I can't find the command to set the transparency of menu's to solid.. please help!17:50
insomninja_(if somebody has answered my xmodmap question in the meantime, please repost as I'e missed it)17:50
soundrayTobberoth: configure it through /etc/network/interfaces -- 'man interfaces' is useful17:50
neverblueCJS3141, possibly, but to be sure, it is located on the Ubuntu CD, just select memory test, give it some time to test your RAM17:50
wentoni whats the lastest version of ndiswrapper version 1.45 hasn't worked17:50
Tobberothsoundray: Allright, I can try doing that, allthough I don't really know how, my router is supposed to handle such things, gateways etc17:51
porthoseif anyone is interested in a good music server checkout http://vollmer.kicks-ass.net17:51
bazhangporthose not here thanks17:51
startherepodcastwenton: you could get build-essential deb and then compile ndiswrapper17:51
TobberothAlso, I tried to shutdown -r now and when I got back into linux, it went all the way to "loading local scripts" or something like that, there it stopped.17:51
CJS3141neverblue: OK thanks, I'll give it a try.17:51
soundrayTobberoth: it's probably straightforward -- perhaps you need to just add a line like 'auto eth1' (replacing eth1 with your interface)17:51
wentonis that tricky? im not the best17:52
soundrayTobberoth: hit return at that point to see if you get a login prompt17:52
startherepodcasti'll get the link to the deb for you17:52
wentonty :)17:52
azukiwhere can I set menu transparency?17:52
TobberothSoundray: Ok, I'll try your advice. hopefully I'll come back in here on irssi in the linux partition hehe17:52
geniiwenton: According to sourceforge, 1.5217:52
alex101Can someone please help me with my Java? I cant type in Java applications or ones that are on firefox, thought i have it installed. Oh, and some Java applications work, some dont, so i dont know whats going on17:52
bazhangazuki: you using compiz?17:52
soundrayTobberoth: if you want help with your interfaces file, put it on a pastebin. pastebinit is a package that makes this convenient17:53
azukibazhang: yes.. but I can't find it anywher17:53
sipioralex101: which java VM have you installed?17:53
alex101the newest17:53
bazhangalex101: this is ubuntu or ubuntu-based; which version17:53
sipioralex101: sun-jdk?17:53
bazhangazuki: what about alt f2 metacity --replace17:53
=== chri1 is now known as mechanicalchris
alex101number 617:54
startherepodcastwenton: you can download build essential from here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/17:54
wentonazuki have you downloaded compizconfig?17:54
soundrayalex101: which version of java is configured? Find out with update-alternatives --list java (first line)17:54
azukiwenton: yes... it's all in order17:54
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers? or do an back up, from the GRUB17:54
azukibazhang: but compiz can't set menutransparenc17:54
azukibazhang: so when I reboot it'll be back17:54
soundray!java | alex10117:54
ubotualex101: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)17:54
mechanicalchriscant view the pidgin main window17:55
wentonwhich one do I need to download startherepodcast17:55
alex101it says this17:55
bazhangazuki: then what does set it? how did you turn it on17:55
startherepodcastwenton: the bottom one17:55
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:55
ForzaPalermohey when i use the cd.. command to go up one leve in the terminal, i get command not found?17:56
suxxori`ve recently install windows book with wine but when i star the book program wants inserted disk but there is now virtual disk on linux to mount the iso17:56
ForzaPalermoany ideas17:56
soundrayalex101: there, that's the problem. Run 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' and set it to use Sun Java as the default17:56
azukibazhang: good question17:56
suxxorhow can i make to run without virtual disk17:56
IanFHoodnoobie question -> how can I change/alias the hostname that displays on command prompt without actually changing the hostname? (it is correct as is)17:56
alex101          1    /usr/bin/gij-4.217:57
alex101*+        2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java17:57
alex101          3    /usr/bin/cacao17:57
sipiorIanFHood: modify your prompt in .bashrc or .profile17:57
alex101do i press number 2?17:57
FloodBot1alex101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:57
Chrisiemechanicalchris: sometimes it's the .xml files that are corrupt in /home/user/.purple; blist.xml or prefs.xml etc. Personally I drop them using Nautilus into Firefox and see if it tells me which line has the error17:57
suxxori`ve recently install windows book with wine but when i star the book program wants inserted disk but there is now virtual disk on linux to mount the iso17:57
sipiorIanFHood: look for the PS1 environmental variable17:57
soundrayalex101: yes. And don't paste in the channel please17:57
suxxorhow can i run the program17:57
insomninja_hmm, I might have misunderstanded xmodmaps syntax17:58
mechanicalchrisChrisie: yeah but i didnt even change anything just plugged the ethernet back in17:58
ForzaPalermohey when i use the cd.. command to go up one leve in the terminal, i get command not found?17:58
ForzaPalermoany ideas17:58
startherepodcastwenton: you'll actually want this one http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.3ubuntu1_i386.deb17:58
levanderWhen I plug my DAP in, Ubuntu always thinks it's a removable hard drive and opens it with nautilus.  Is there any way to let Ubuntu know that's it really is a DAP?17:58
sipiorForzaPalermo: space between "cd" and ".."17:58
soundrayForzaPalermo: you need to leave a space: cd ..17:58
IanFHoodsipior: ty17:58
insomninja_Is it at all possible to bind a key to a modifier+key combination?17:58
ForzaPalermowow great17:58
mechanicalchrishow can I view the pidgin "base window" it wont come up17:58
* soundray remembers faintly that cd.. worked in DOS...17:59
alex101soundray, it still says error loading applet and i stillcant type in java-based things.17:59
soundrayalex101: okay, if this is an applet you're trying to load inside firefox, then you need to make sure that firefox is using the Sun Java plugin. Check by entering 'about:plugins' as the URL18:00
kinnunewhere can i get xmms from?18:00
soundraykinnune: synaptic18:00
kinnuneits not there18:01
JoeLinux117@alex101:  "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin" for firefox support.18:01
Khisanthwhat service is responsible for detecting when a USB device is plugged/unplugged?18:01
alex101soundray everything under the Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_03-b05 says enabled18:01
TyNai alguien aki??18:01
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:01
TyNps vaya peaaaazo d mierdaa!18:01
alex101thanks joe, im trying tht now18:01
soundrayalex101: does it look like there's a competing plugin?18:02
mechanicalchristhis is a disaster. why does pidgin just dissappear for no reason when i click it18:02
alex101Erm, one second.18:02
VixenAight, next problem- First the installer failed to creat ext3 over a swap partition that already existed, then it failed to create ext3 over a partition that was corrupted in the last install18:02
soundraykinnune: it's in the universe repository. You may have to enable it18:02
alex101soundray what bout this one?18:02
alex101GCJ Web Browser Plugin 0.9218:02
soundray!repo | kinnune18:02
ubotukinnune: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:02
wentonwht do i do now that is on my other ubuntu box startherepodcast?18:02
Khisanthhrm nevermind, lsusb did the trick :)18:02
soundrayalex101: that could well be competing and causing your issues18:02
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  You don't create ext3 over a swap partition.  Maybe I misunderstood the question?18:02
b4l74z4rthis is distressing, i've unchecked looking for updates automatically, but today this icon showed up in the systray notifying me that updates were available18:02
alex101How do i turn it off?18:03
startherepodcastyou follow the instructions in the sources of ndiswrapper18:03
soundrayalex101: that depends on how you turned it on in the first place18:03
* DOOM_NX opa giati paei pros ta pisw h karekla?...18:03
VixenJoeLinux117, Maybe I didn't read the error message properly- there was a swap partition already created, when I tried to mount swap to it, it failed18:03
alex101I didn't turn it on, well, not directly.18:03
Sipalguien castellano???18:03
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:03
bazhangportuguese Sip?18:04
Sipno nada18:04
mechanicalchrisbazhang: you got this one18:04
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  I assume you're using Manual partitioning, correct?  If so, delete all of the partitions first, then start from scratch (you can delete partitions by selecting them, and then scrolling down to "Delete this partition").18:04
naliothanyone familiar with blosxom ?18:04
soundrayalex101: have a look in Tools-Addons -- if you can remove it there, fine. If not, you will have to remove the package that provides it.18:04
VixenJoeLinux117, As in, not only unmount them, but delete the partitions themselves?18:05
jin__hi, how do I load the module ndiswrapper on startup?18:05
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Yes, you can do this from within the partitioner, in the install program.18:05
alex101Nope, its not there. where could i find where the package is?18:05
VixenJoeLinux117, Aight, thanks again, off I go18:05
wentonwere are the sources of ndiswrapper18:05
mechanicalchrisso is there a way to get pidgin back?18:05
=== milton is now known as lopin
startherepodcastwenton: oh i thought you'd downloaded them18:06
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  However, it will delete the partitions, which will make accessing your data from within the installer impossible (if you have any data you wish to keep there).18:06
wentonnope :S18:06
bazhangnalioth:  the blogging tool? is in the repos I recall18:06
startherepodcastwenton: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/18:06
soundrayalex101: what's the filename in about:plugins? Something that begins with lib and ends in .so18:06
VixenJoeLinux117, I don't have anything in there, so I'm off to do that, thanks again18:06
lopinAnybody know how to troubleshoot problems with nvidia graphics cards?18:06
JoeLinux117@Vixen:  Cool.  Good luck again!18:06
alex101  libgcjwebplugin.so18:06
VixenJoeLinux117, Thanks xD18:07
kenTotal n00b with a quick question: I installed and told my window manager to use 800x600 max, but now I want to go 1024x768.. where and which config file do I need to edit? Thanks! :>18:07
naliothbazhang: yes, i know.18:07
JoeLinux117@alex101:  You want "libjavaplugin.so" in your plugins directory.18:07
soundrayJoeLinux117: I've got it under control (alex101)18:07
JoeLinux117@soundray:  Noted, backing off...  :)18:08
ggordon8.04 beta rocks!18:08
soundrayalex101: try a 'sudo apt-get --purge remove gcjwebplugin'18:08
bazhangnalioth: sorry not to give more info but your question was kind of general ;]18:08
mechanicalchrisbazhang: why wont my pidgin window show up?18:08
bazhangmechanicalchris: have you tried running pidgin from the terminal and seeing the errors it gives?18:09
alex101I think it has uninstalled now, i will try a java app in firefox.18:09
soundraynalioth: for a second, I was tempted to fire !anyone at you ;)18:09
bazhangggordon: tell the good news to #ubuntu+1 ;]18:09
wentonstartherepodcast I have downloaded version 1.52, how do i complie it with the buid essential pack i got18:10
soundrayalex101: you will need to restart firefox to complete the removal18:10
bazhangggordon: and be sure to read the topic ;]18:10
ggordonit's better than XP now imho18:10
startherepodcastwenton: did you install the build-essential18:10
wentonyes :)18:10
naliothhow to set up blosxom for use ( i have used apt-get to retrieve it )18:10
alex101soundray, it is fixed now, thank you VERY much. :).18:10
ggordoncan read..thx ;)18:11
soundrayalex101: phew18:11
startherepodcastwenton: extract the ndiswrapper18:11
startherepodcastsay to your desktop18:11
eth01nalioth: never heard of that :/18:11
wentoni will just do that, 1 sec18:11
alex101I've only been using ubuntu for about 2 months now, but i had my laptop in for repair for a few weeks so i had to like, get used to the little things i knew again.18:11
jin__hi, how do I load the module ndiswrapper on startup?18:12
alex101Already after only 2 months i can say, i much prefer Ubuntu over Windows.18:12
soundraynalioth: I haven't used it myself, but have you seen /usr/share/doc/blosxom/README.Debian ?18:12
startherepodcastwenton: then open a terminal18:13
wentonstartherepodcast done18:13
bazhanghttp://www.blosxom.com/documentation/users/install/dynamic/isp.html nalioth have you seen this18:13
cleowhat is the root password in ubuntu live cd18:13
startherepodcastcleo: no password18:14
startherepodcastcleo: enter in the terminal: passwd root18:14
naliothbazhang: i have been trying to get this working for two days18:14
startherepodcastset the root password18:14
bazhangnalioth: there are also instructions for windows and mac ;]18:14
soundray!root | cleo18:15
ubotucleo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:15
naliothbazhang: lucky for windows and mac users  :]18:15
startherepodcastwenton: cd to the ndiswrapper directory18:15
soundraystartherepodcast: please don't recommend setting a root password -- Ubuntu is designed for administration via sudo18:15
mechanicalchrisbazhang: I type pidgin into the terminal and nothing happens18:15
bazhangnalioth: could you specify the errors you are getting or difficulties?18:16
wentoncd: no such file or directory18:16
bazhangmechanicalchris: is it even installed? how about alt f2 pidgin18:16
tonyyarussoWhat can I install/use to make Ubuntu an OpenID provider?18:16
naliothbazhang: no, but thanks for the assist  :)18:16
jin__I have loaded the module ndiswrapper atm, how do I set Ubuntu to lad it automatically at  startup?18:16
=== jarv_ is now known as joshjosh
zvzhello boys and girls I'm getting Error 17 could not boot selected partition on one of my computers...18:17
startherepodcastwenton: did you extract the file to your desktop18:17
zvzor something like that18:17
mechanicalchrisbazhang: its installed. Im using it. I just cant see that base window. the one where you can choose file>join chat. I got here by typing thcommand18:17
soundrayjin__: add 'ndiswrapper' on a line by itself at the end of /etc/modules18:17
bazhangmechanicalchris: try disabling compiz if it is running18:17
wentoni can see it sat there18:17
zvzhelp :(18:18
soundraytonyyarusso: maybe python-openid? (from apt-cache search openid)18:18
chris____hey everyone18:19
chris____just a quick question on what i should do here18:19
tonyyarussosoundray: I saw that, but it looks more like a library for functionality for others to build with.  Not really sure...18:19
startherepodcastenter: cd /home[your user name]/Desktop18:19
startherepodcast*/home/[your user name]/Desktop18:20
chris____ive run into quite a handfull of problems running a 64-bit ver of Ubuntu...would it just be better if I format and install the 32-bit ver?18:20
JoeLinux117@chris___:  That's sort of a loaded question...18:20
MrBumblebeechris____: I've contimplated it after ndiswrapper issies18:20
sipiorchris____: if you don't have more than 4GB of memory, it really won't hurt, no.18:20
chris____4GB of ram?18:21
chris____or HD space18:21
JoeLinux117@chris___:  RAM18:21
mechanicalchrisquick way to disable compiz or unistall. I found the command for KDE but not Gnome18:21
bazhangmechanicalchris: alt f2 metacity --replace18:21
nebedaыыыы народ я первый раз в ирке представляете?)))18:21
bazhang!ru | nebeda18:22
ubotunebeda: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:22
JoeLinux117@chris___:  4 GB of RAM is the theoretical maximum that a 32-bit system can handle.18:22
nebedaхм. что бы это значило18:22
chris____i see18:22
bazhangubotu thanks18:22
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:22
[T]an2what is the command to restart x in a terminal? i am doing a shell script to change my resolution and need it to issue a change in runlevel18:22
Pedantic-Stevemechanicalchris: system -> preferences -> appearance:  visual effects tab18:22
nebedaыыыы народ я первый раз в ирке представляете?)))18:22
chris____would there be any problems with an AMD64 running a 32 bit version?18:22
nebedaыыыы народ я первый раз в ирке представляете?)))18:22
bazhangnebeda: /j #ubuntu-ru18:22
=== solsTiCe is now known as _solsTiCe_
JoeLinux117@chris___:  Shouldn't be.18:23
stefg[T]an2: sudo /etc/init.d(gdm start|stop|restart18:23
stefg[T]an2: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start|stop|restart18:23
sipiorchris____: i have a machine doing just that, at the moment :-)18:23
peter77I'm having problems with firestarter blocking ports stopping me being able to watch TV streamed via vlc over the LAN as well as rythembox's music share even with the daad ports open18:23
JoeLinux117@chris___:  That's what I'm doing right now.18:23
chris____JoeLinux:  is there an easy way to make the switch?18:23
lordleemo_mechanicalchris:  compiz switch gui http://forlong.blogage.de/article/pages/Compiz-Switch18:24
chris____or sipior18:24
stefg[T]an2: if you want to make it portable to kubuntu use ?dm instead of gdm18:24
CJS3141How can I determine which version of the linux kernel I'm using?18:24
JoeLinux117@chris___:  Easiest... re-install the 32-bit version.18:24
maverick_uname -a18:24
JoeLinux117@CJS3141:  uname -r18:24
stefgCJS3141: uname -r18:24
chris____ok, does that mean just boot the 32 bit version from CD and do the whole install process again?18:24
chris____im not too computer savy and am just starting to use linux for the first time18:25
stefgchris____: be aware you'll loose all data and setings18:25
CJS3141stefg, JoeLinux117: Thanks!18:25
JoeLinux117@chris____:  Yes.  Again, that's the easiest way.  Not the safest "save my data" way.18:25
wentonive managed to get it to the ndiswrapper-1.52 directory18:25
DrHala1did the gnome drive settings chagne in 8.4 cause there are tabs for the volumes etc missing :S18:25
chris____yeah, i just installed linux for the first time a few days ago to try it out18:25
startherepodcastwenton: cool18:25
PiciDrHala1: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion.18:25
=== _solsTiCe_ is now known as solsTiCe
chris____so i dont have anything of importance on the part of the drive linux uses18:26
JoeLinux117@chris____:  Ok, then go ahead and re-install!18:26
peter77does anyone know how to find out what ports are being used so as I can unblock them in firestarter?18:26
startherepodcastwenton: now you run: make18:26
chris____thanks all18:26
wentonoh theres alot going on in the terminal now18:26
chris____but i better get outside, its too nice to be in front of the computer18:26
JoeLinux117@chris____:  Just remember also, that when you install packages from the repositories that have "x86_64" in it (or similar), you will be needing the "x86" version instead.18:26
wentonlol - somethings happening for sure18:27
startherepodcastshould be18:27
ubuntu_i have delate grub and i want now to reinstall it18:27
stefg!grub | ubuntu_18:27
ubotuubuntu_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:27
chri1bazhang: nothing. even uninstalled compiz and restarted the computer18:28
=== chri1 is now known as mechanicalchris
wentonsorry pidgin crashed18:29
mechanicalchriswhy does pidgin not open. this is ridiculous. I didnt even change anything18:29
startherepodcastwenton: k18:29
mechanicalchrisjust unplugged and re-plugged ethernet18:29
Mantegamechanicalchris: use xchat18:30
wentonstartherepodcast its finished running make in the terminal now18:30
mechanicalchrisobviously I have a connection18:30
CJS3141I ran memtest86, and it found a bad memory location. I read that possibly "BadRAM" (http://rick.vanrein.org/linux/badram/) could be used to patch the linux kernel to avoid a bad memory address. Anybody have any experience with this?18:30
startherepodcastwenton: enter: sudo make install18:30
mechanicalchrisdid use Xchat. couldnt find port or something. plus i like poidgin18:30
mechanicalchrisdo things just randomly not work on ubuntu?18:30
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Is the pidgin icon showing up in your notification tray?18:30
wirrwarroh yeah18:31
wentonwill this automaticlly overwrite my older version of ndiswrapper 1.4518:31
startherepodcastnow if you enter ndiswrrapper -i i show give you somthing18:31
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: at the buttom: yes then it pidgin is loading. but in never loads the home screen18:31
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Try clicking the pidgin icon.18:31
wentonndiswrapper -v still shows 1.4518:31
wentonnot 1.5218:32
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: no it just loads on the task bar (sorry XP lingo) then dissapears18:32
gmenelauwhich program can i share and files and folders from ubuntu and windows ?18:32
startherepodcastsudo apt-get uninstall ndiswrapper18:32
startherepodcastthat should do the trick18:32
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Oh.  Well I meant the "system tray", is the Pidgin icon there?18:32
insomninja_any awesome/X/gnome gurus online? my F13-21 keys do not do what they should on their own, so I have to use them with a modkey, which defeats the purpose18:33
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  You can also type "ps -ef | grep pidgin" in a terminal to check and see if pidgin is running.18:33
wentonE: couldn't find package ndiswrapper18:33
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: whats the command to run pidgin in the terminal. Maybe I can tell you the errors18:33
CJS3141Anybody have experience troubleshooting a bad RAM address?18:33
mechanicalchrisoh lol18:33
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  "pidgin"18:33
DoppelGangerha ha18:34
startherepodcastwenton:  wierd18:34
wentoni know18:34
leonbrusselswenton: what card do u have18:34
wentonbut if i put in ndiswrapper -v18:34
startherepodcastdid you compile the  old version18:34
mechanicalchris1000      5711     1  5 13:27 ?        00:00:21 pidgin18:34
mechanicalchris1000      5763  5745  0 13:34 pts/0    00:00:00 grep pidgin18:34
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: here's the read-out18:34
mechanicalchris1000      5711     1  5 13:27 ?        00:00:21 pidgin18:34
mechanicalchris1000      5763  5745  0 13:34 pts/0    00:00:00 grep pidgin18:34
unop_mechanicalchris, stop flooding18:35
wentonbelkin F5D7000uk18:35
Sakedoes ubuntu run good under a vmware type virtual system? I'm thinking of setting up a server to host my company's files, and feel that a virtual solution like that is nice and portable. Anybody have any thoughts/recommendations?18:35
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Ok, so pidgin is running.18:35
gmenelauwhich program i can use to see computer from my network and share files with ?18:35
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: where is it hiding?18:35
unop_mechanicalchris, try this command.  killall pidgin && pidgin18:35
* DOOM_NX goodnight everyone! just ring me if u need anything, love u all :)18:35
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Do you have a "system tray" (notification tray) added to your gnome-panel?18:35
stefgCJS3141: run the memtest (let it do a couple of runs overnight). I know there are kernel options t map out bad memory regions, but ram is so dirt cheap that i rather would replace it if the memtest shows errors18:36
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: I didnt add one18:36
bastid_raZorCJS3141; i just bought 2G for 43$ US18:36
wentoni got the driver to install on 1.45 but when i run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper i  get segmentation fault18:36
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  You can add one by right-clicking on one of your panels, then clicking "Add to Panel...", then scrolling down and selecting the Notification Area under "Utilities".18:36
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: I found it. im such a fool. I expected to see a pidgin but its a clock...18:37
ZambeziAnyone with 22" WS-screen? I want some quick messasurements.18:37
CJS3141stefg: Yes, maybe replacing the memory is the best option! :-)18:37
startherepodcastwenton: check in your device manager your wifi controller chip version18:37
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  lol18:37
bastid_raZorSake; i use VMWare to do lots of things i don't see why it would be much of an issue.. if you're interested in vmware try #vmware .. they could give you some pro's and con's18:37
adrian15[OT] I am looking for someone to test a new and very special version of Super Grub Disk. If you are interested please private message. Sorry about the offtopic but usually there are a lot of SGD users among ubuntu users.18:37
CJS3141bastid_raZor: Where did you get it so cheap? What kind is it?18:37
Keigo-kunHow can I change my monitor resolution? (the CLI display. I'm not using X server)18:37
stefgCJS3141: but run memetest to be sure if it's the ram, and to get a clue which bar is the bad one18:38
wentonwere is device manager?18:38
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: still dont know why the panel doesnt stay open upon boot up but i will let you know... thanx for the help18:38
bastid_raZorCJS3141; pc4200 (my MB is weak)  buy.com or even newegg.com18:38
startherepodcastwenton: system->administration18:38
stefgCJS3141: might as well be bad soldering or defective socket18:38
startherepodcasti think18:38
toninhi, i have a problem with my microphone in my laptop, it didn't work. someone has the same problem?18:38
JoeLinux117@mechanicalchris:  Anytime!18:38
CJS3141stefg: How do know which memory module is at fault? All I have is a HEX address from memtest.18:39
startherepodcastwenton: system->preferences->hardwareinfomation18:39
adrian15tonin: it does not work at all.. or don't you know how to vol/up vol/down its vol ?18:39
stefgCJS3141: rip one out, run memtest... the rip the first one out, but stick in the second.. run memtest again18:39
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus
stefgCJS3141: simple deduction by testing them one by one18:40
toninit does't work at all18:40
startherepodcastwenton: in their look for bcm or broadcom18:40
capitocapitoQuestion: I installed Esperanto support in ubuntu, but it doesn't show up in the gdm selector.  How do I fix this?18:40
toninbut it works if i start with windows18:40
mechanicalchrisJoeLinux117: so i figured its just automatically anchoring itself in "the system tray". Can I set it to not do that18:40
adrian15tonin: ah, it's an integrated laptop microphone... you should check your laptop settings at ubuntuhardware.org (or something like it).18:41
CJS3141stefg: Yikes--that's an awfully primitive way of having to do it--there's no way of knowing which hex mem address corresponds to a particular mem module?18:41
toninok, i will check it now18:41
stefgCJS3141: no, you would need to know how the mobo translates adresses to chips... and that might be different if you are running Dual channel ... maybe some geek in #hardware knows more18:42
adrian15CJS3141: Unless you know the BIOS and motherboard specs, isn't it :) ?18:43
CJS3141stefg: OK, point well taken! :-)18:43
Keigo-kunI started Finch for the first time and I got to the account window. I have a working MSN profile added, but enter doesn't do anything, how do I actually connect to it?18:43
stefgCJS3141: and keep in mind to test the sockets, too .... if one membar fials in one socket but works in the other you know it's the socket18:43
CJS3141adrian15: What do you mean? Yes, I know some of the bios and motherboard specs...18:44
Keigo-kunNevermind, got it working18:44
flakeoh haha.. hardy will be delayed by 3 months - nice april fool's joke18:44
adrian15CJS3141: I was talking about the mem... never mind.18:44
CJS3141stefg: Yes, thanks, I read that on the memtest website too. I'll be sure to try different sockets. :-)18:45
wento1any ideas as to what i need to do?18:45
startherepodcastwenton:  g2g goodluck18:47
wento1ok ty for your help18:47
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:51
Ntemisi need some help18:51
Ntemisi try to install xe-x86 emulator18:52
noodles12i have a laptop with the ipw2200 intel wireless card. Sometimes it randomly dc from w/e access point i'm connected to and wont' reconnect to anything w/out a restart. is there a way to restart the card w/out doing this?18:52
Ntemisbut it gives me this: sudo make install18:52
Ntemis[: 37: ==: unexpected operator18:52
NtemisMust be logged on as root.18:52
DRebellionnoodles12, sudo ifdown <device> && sudo ifup <device>18:54
Ntemisplease help18:54
ulisse'lo guys18:55
noodles12DRebellion: i've tried that. and it does "shut off" the device. ( no longer visible in ifconfig) i still can't reconnect to any networks without a restart18:55
ulisseis there a way in compiz to have blurred background under transparent window borders with GTK decorator?18:56
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gmenelaui need some help withe microphone ,18:58
gmenelauit a build in ,18:59
SliMMi have a problem with the search in nautilus18:59
SliMMi. e. it doesn't work; at all18:59
ubotuYou can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.19:00
b4l74z4ri tried to compile something following the isntructions here: http://www.4front-tech.com/wiki/index.php/Configuring_Applications_for_OSSv4 I typed in this in the console: "cc -shared -m32 -O2 -Wall -Werror -lssl flashsupport.c -o /tmp/libflashsupport.so" and i got the following message "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl19:00
b4l74z4rcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status" what should i do?19:00
SliMMwhat can i do with the search?19:01
IntelligitimateHello, I am having bad problems. When it tries to boot the x-server, I get nothing but a white screen.19:04
IntelligitimateNothing I try in the Configuring xserver-xorg thing makes it work anymore.19:04
IntelligitimateI just switched to a new monitor.19:04
stefg!fixres | Intelligitimate19:05
ubotuIntelligitimate: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:05
SliMMIntelligitimate: i had some isues with this because the xorg.conf file lacked my monitor's vsync19:05
t00lanybody know any program to makin screenshots in shell (except scrot) ?19:05
SliMMand horizrefresh19:05
SliMMor smth similar19:05
IntelligitimateIt was working a little bit before, but now it does nothing.19:05
SliMMnot difficult to find on google19:05
ballelast time i used the drivers for my graphics card an nvidie 6600 go i think, it totally messed up the screen, but i would like the visual enhancements and the use of another screen, so is there a safe way to enable the restricted drivers? or do an back up, from the GRUB19:06
IntelligitimateI am using a 14 inch synaps flat-screen monitor.19:06
wwwalguna chica habla español?19:06
SliMMIntelligitimate: well, search google for that19:06
frank_!es | www19:07
ubotuwww: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:07
b4l74z4rwhat is lssl in linux?19:07
askandare there any big pros with using 64bit ubuntu instead of 32?19:12
IntelligitimateOk, got that problem fixed.19:13
IntelligitimateNow my Metacity is giving me extreme problems.19:13
stefgaskand: 32 bit is more convinient, but 64 bit can adress more than 4 GB ram and is quicker e.g. in encoding video19:14
IntelligitimateI open the terminal and type  "Metacity &" to get back my icons to close the windows and such, and then I close the terminal window, and it all goes away.19:14
IntelligitimateNow I can't type in the terminal window when I open it.19:14
IntelligitimateOr any window.19:14
LetoIInohup metacity &19:15
stefgaskand: in general you'll run into flash, wine and codec issues with 64bit, and will have to set up a 32bit lib environment to be able to use them.... possible but a bit complicated19:15
soundraystefg: that is not true with gutsy anymore -- you can install an ia32 environment and flash, wine, codecs, skype and Adobe Reader will be fine19:17
IntelligitimateI can no longer type anything, everthing is interpreted as referring back to the desktop.19:17
IntelligitimateI can19:17
askandstefg: yes, that would be the cons..wwhat is the pros? :)19:17
soundraystefg: not complicated at all19:17
IntelligitimateHow do I fix Metacity?19:18
stefgaskand: see soundray, he obviously has newer experience with that than me...19:18
soundrayaskand: 64bit supports more RAM and is a bit faster, especially when it comes to numbercrunching and memory I/O intensive apps, such as video encoding19:18
stefgaskand: you can have loads of Ram and actually use the full speed of your system in 64 bit ...19:19
coldfusionsoundray: so do you recommend installing the 64 bit version of Hoary (if your system is capable)?19:19
jugheadIntelligitimate, what happens when you restart X?  ctl+alt+bcksp19:20
stefgcoldfusion: Hoary != hardy :-)19:20
coldfusionheh ma bad19:20
soundraycoldfusion: no, I won't recommend installing hardy before it's released. But once it's out, I don't foresee any problems with 64bits19:20
sphinxxcan some help me, i installed pidgin and i try to connect but it gets stuck on connecting19:20
askandsoundray:  stefg:  I see, thanks19:20
ubotuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.19:21
coldfusionbrain fart19:21
soundrayExample: installing flash in 32bit: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'. In 64bit: exactly the same19:21
IntelligitimateIt just goes through the login and stuff again, judhead.19:22
coldfusionthanks soundray; I have been anxious to give the 64bit version a shot... waiting patiently...19:22
stefgapril's fool day ... Hardy Hedgehog ... Hoary Heron .... who cares?19:22
coldfusionhow about 8.04?19:22
soundraycoldfusion: 8.07 (see topic)19:23
XceII  how to activate the super button with xmodmap?19:23
coldfusionAHH MAN19:23
IntelligitimateI have another question. I have this router like thing, I think it is referred to as a Fast Ethernet Switch. I have a specially modified RC file I have to use to connect to the internet at my university. It fails to try and connect to the net through this device. Any options?19:23
manuelcarvajalquien neres19:24
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:24
redarrownp: Apocalyptica - Fight Fire With Fire (0:05 / 0:00)19:26
XceII  how to activate the super button with xmodmap?19:26
shantzuwhat do i have to set into my opera browser for 'java path' so i can see websites with java content please ?19:30
solexious[Q] Can i burn an openoffice powerpoint file to dvd in ubuntu?19:30
delfinohey i19:31
soundraysolexious: sure, why not?19:31
snowolfhi delfino19:31
delfinoi'm italian girl19:31
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
delfinoyou speek italian?19:31
solexioussoundray: Do you know hoe? :)19:31
coldfusionI knew a couple back in high-school19:31
soundraysolexious: insert a blank DVD and follow the wizard19:31
solexioussoundray: is it an inbuilt openoffice thing?19:32
delfinoi've a problem whit linux19:32
soundraysolexious: no, you'll be using the nautilus burning function19:32
keit1what. is going on with the ubuntuforums.org???? why are the colours pink and green and completley unreadable??????19:33
solexioussoundray: thank you, just google nautilus?19:33
soundraykeit1: it's the new design. You'll get used to it19:33
soundraysolexious: no, just insert a blank disk!19:33
delfinoi want connect linux whith adsl but i don't know19:33
keit1soundray: is this some kind of april fools???19:33
coldfusionkeit1: I sure hope so19:34
soundraykeit1: dang, you worked it  out so quickly ;)19:34
kangkongi have celeron 2 ghz with 256 mb ram how to make ubuntu fast on that system?19:34
stefg!dsl | delfino19:34
centyxHi. Question about evolution-webcal... When adding a webcal:// task or calendar, it's read-only. Is there any way to make it writable?19:34
solexioussoundray: wow, cool, tools to convert and burn in windows are loads of cash, score one for ubuntu and linux19:34
ubotudelfino: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE19:34
delfinothank you19:34
keit1soundray: coldfusion: I nearly cried when I first saw it19:34
stefg!it | delfino19:34
technoburnQuestion: Is it possible to print watermarks on docs with e17::ubuntu?19:35
soundraysolexious: over time, that'll add up to hundreds over time, until you stop scoring19:35
solexioussoundray: hehe, ty again19:35
keit1I'm curious on how to go about setting up VPN on gutsy, what client is currently under the most heavy development19:35
centyxkeit1: depends on your needs.19:36
keit1centyx: do you use vpn yourself?19:36
=== macogw_ is now known as macogw
centyxkeit1: currently use openvpn, previously used native ipsec, before that free s/wan19:37
keit1centyx: I'll take a look at openvpn19:38
balleis there a term code for winamp install?19:38
soundrayballe: there is no winamp for Linux. Try audacious19:38
centyxballe: you may like mpd ( music server ) and one of its clients19:39
keit1soundray: have you tried projectM?  I compiled it the other day and it brought the system to a standstill using an x800xt ati card and the ati driver19:39
jessica_how do i restart my graphics19:39
shantzuwhat do i have to set into my opera browser for 'java path' so i can see websites with java content please ?19:40
soundrayjessica_: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (quit applications first)19:40
jessica_i dont want to log out i just wish to restart my x server19:40
soundraykeit1: no, I haven't19:40
MrPocketswhat is Nautilis19:41
MrPocketsand why is it taking up 48% CPU?19:41
soundrayjessica_: you can't restart X without logging out19:41
centyxjessica_: you'll need to logout to do that...19:41
keit1jessica_:  that does exactly that19:41
jugheadjessica_, you logout to restart xserver19:41
jugheadwell, it always puts me back at the login screen19:41
SpngI have a problem with my screenresoulution. (acer 6291, ubuntu 7.10) after trying to attach a external drive my resolution changed from 1280x768 to 640x480. And it wont let me change back(no options to choose anything else but 640x480 anywhere.) Pleasereply in pm if someone can help, couse with this res the chanel is moving to fast for me.19:41
jessica_o ok fair enough then19:41
soundrayMrPockets: nautilus is the default gnome filebrowser. When it hogs the CPU, it's probably generating preview icons.19:42
mydoghaswormsHello friendly friends!19:42
keit1Spng: try reconfiguring19:42
keit1!fixres | Spng19:42
mydoghaswormsIs anyone using Aptana on 8.04?19:42
soundrayMrPockets: you can disable preview icons through Edit-Preferences in any filebrowser window19:42
soundraymydoghasworms: ask in #ubuntu+1 please19:42
mydoghaswormssoundray: Oh sorry, thanks!19:43
ballei cant kill my vlc with killall!?  what to do?19:43
keit1where ubotu?19:43
soundrayballe: 'ps ax | grep vlc' and do a kill on the process id19:44
Spngkeit1: I am very new to ubuntu. I dont know how to do alot19:44
keit1Spng: 2 secs19:44
ballesoundray: the code: sudo killall vlc doesnt work19:44
soundrayballe: run 'ps ax | grep vlc' and do a kill on the process id19:45
ugaritballe wxvlc I think19:45
keit1Spng: run this -- "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"19:45
keit1Spng: follow the instructions and it should sort it out19:46
balleworked wonders thx19:46
keit1Spng: is that don't work try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"19:47
ballenow i have this problem with my sound card, i do not think it is detected, theres usually a red led that glows outta there, and it can play sound through a mini jack plug, but not at the moment, any thoughts on a fix for this?19:47
keit1!fixres | Spng19:47
Adman65what is the best way to configure a system wide proxy?19:48
soundraykeit1: ubotu seems to be in for maintenance19:48
=== Celtiorius is now known as Celtiore
keit1soundray: k19:49
ubotuSpng: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:49
keit1what's this about Hardy been delayed????19:50
coldfusioncute; no wonder it wasn't working for me19:50
aroonihow do i list the # of files within a given directory?19:50
Exterisarooni, ls -a | wc -l19:50
ballenow i have this problem with my sound card, i do not think it is detected, theres usually a red led that glows outta there, and it can play sound through a mini jack plug, but not at the moment, any thoughts on a fix for this?19:51
soundraykeit1: yeah, 3 months is optimistic, it's actually probably 519:52
keit1soundray: why19:52
aroonihow do i create a user19:52
keit1soundray: this is _bad_news_19:52
soundraykeit1: April fool ;)19:53
brian_I want to dual boot 7.10 and WinXP, but I don't know how to set up the different partitions(Up until now, I've always just done "Guided, use entire disk" at setup), can anyone help me?19:53
geniiarooni: sudo adduser newusernamehere19:53
Exterisbrian_, use manual19:53
LeX``adduser loginforuser19:53
stefg!dualboot | brian_19:53
ubotubrian_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:53
keit1soundray: oh - my - god .... lol I was about to cry... first the forum, then this....! ;)19:53
bod_brian_, are you dualbooting with 1 hdd?19:53
mambo_hello everybody :) I run Ubuntu Alpha 8.04 on my laptop right now because of several drivers that were not implemented in 7.xx, now that 8 goes stable I'd like to change to 8.04 stable, how do I change? Any easy solution for this or do I need to do a complete re-install?19:54
stefgwb, ubotu!19:54
brian_bod_: Yeh. I have another hard drive I can put it, but its only 8gb, wont be very useful19:54
soundray!yay | ubotu19:54
ubotuubotu: Glad you made it! :-)19:54
balle!yay /me19:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yay /me - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:54
keit1mambo_: should be a case of backing up your home and then re-installing19:54
Klimentmambo_: just update regularly, and by the time it's out, you'll be done19:54
balle!info gutsy l balle19:54
ubotuPackage gutsy does not exist in gutsy19:54
mambo_keitl: k, thanks :)19:55
Klimentmambo_: you don't need to reinstall at all19:55
soundray!msgthebot > balle19:55
bod_brian_, well you'll prob want xp installed on your big hard drive, then when you install you can use uided -- use continuous free space,. thats the easy solution, or you can manually set up the / /home and swap partitions19:55
mambo_Kliment: so it won't go to 9.xx alpha on it's own by normal updates?19:55
arooniwwq222 is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. ........   where do i got to add the user to the the sudo capable users ?19:55
Klimentmambo_: nope, it will go to the stable one19:55
ballenow i have this problem with my sound card, i do not think it is detected, theres usually a red led that glows outta there, and it can play sound through a mini jack plug, but not at the moment, any thoughts on a fix for this?19:55
chester_msomeone has experience in meta-package creating?19:56
mambo_Kliment: thanks alot :)19:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:56
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:56
bod_balle, in a terminal type    asoundconf list    and tell me the output19:56
unstableWhere is the proper place to place backup scripts? in .bash_profile? or where?19:56
Kliment!sudo |arooni19:57
bod_unstable, anywhere in your $PATH would be good19:57
ubotuarooni: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.19:57
Klimentarooni: section 3 on that page19:57
arooniwwq222 ALL=(ALL)ALL    .... is that what i want in visudo?19:57
ballenames of available sound cards ich6//SAA713419:57
keit1Kliment:  is that true, didn't realise the beta would upgrade to stable. --  are there ever any issues like during an upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10?19:57
ballebod_: names of available sound cards ich6//SAA713419:57
bod_balle, ok, so is that 1 onboard and 1 soundcard or 2 soundcards?19:58
=== coldfusion is now known as c0ldfusion
Klimentkeit1: there are theoretically no issues, in practice there are always issues19:58
brian_bod_: I'd prefer to manually do it if I can... But I don't really know which partitions to make. Would ya mind helping me through it if I boot it up now? And would swap benefit from being on its own seperate drive?19:58
ToznoshioQ: What are the top 3 things I might be able to do to have better performance / responsiveness on a freshly installed Gutsy?19:58
tunaunstable: what did you mean? do you want them to run at regular intervals? if so, look up anacron19:58
danandballe - you need to be a little more specific... what kind of soundcard do you have? ie Make/Model internal/external etc ... Check the output of lspci (PCI card) or lsusb (external USB) to see if your soundcard is listed19:58
brian_bod_:It's own drive, not just partition19:58
tazahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/149260 <--- I seem to be suffering from that bug. It's killing a very important software.19:58
keit1Kliment: yeah I had field-experience with some on the ground19:58
bod_brian_, no it wouldnt benefit,. (i would of thouht the opposite) i will help if i can19:58
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:59
ballebod_: i only know that i have 1 sound card, the other must be an onboard19:59
bluefoxxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61837/ >good or bad and what does it mean to me. also, is it jsut me using firefox3 beta that the text looks retarded to or what?19:59
soundrayToznoshio: that's hard to answer without knowing the bottlenecks in your system19:59
bod_balle, in terminal type     lspci      and pastebin the output19:59
brian_bod_: Ah, ok, thanks :D (:S I woulda thought it made sense it would benefit. It's kinda like RAM on the hard drive, isn't it? So if it's on a seperate hard drive, it won't be slowed by other read/write stuff. Or I completely missunderstood what it did xP)19:59
solexioussoundray: what was the ppt to dvd burning program again, i dont get a burning wissard :s20:00
Toznoshiosoundray: It takes a while for the menus to show up when I click on them20:00
tunaToznoshio: profile the boot, install preload and turn off access times20:00
bod_brian_, but it still has to make contact with a seperate disk,.,. i wouldnt know how to confiure a swap partition for an os on a diff hd ;~)20:00
ballebod_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6336/20:00
Klimentbluefoxx: it's their brilliant april fools joke20:00
soundraysolexious: go through Places-CD/DVD Creator20:01
bluefoxxKliment: ah.20:01
tazaHow do I upgrade into a driver later than what ubuntu offers for intel cards?20:01
bod_balle, i think ICH6 is your soundcard ( a Intel corporation card?)20:01
tazaThe current repo drivers have a significant bug which causes very important applications to crash.20:01
Toznoshiotuna: I know how to do #2 and #3, but how do I profile the boot?20:01
brian_bod_: Ah, ok :) I figured that you would just put the partition on the other hard drive, but I don't really know anything about linux :P20:02
soundrayToznoshio: perhaps turn off desktop effects if you have them on20:02
keit1taza: dl the source and compile it yourself20:02
bod_brian_, i dont know if it would work.,.,. might do ;~)20:02
soundraykeit1: for a video driver?20:02
tazakeit1: Thanks. You're really helpful. Really, good work. How can I ever repay you for that stellar advice?20:02
solexioussoundray: got that up, how do i make the dvd so the slideshow plays?20:02
keit1taza: be sure to know what you are doing and backup important system files20:02
unstabletuna / bod_, no I mean where should i have them start from? cron? a bash script? what?20:02
startgame412why is hardy going to be delayed for 3 months?20:02
tazastartgame412: Today is april 1st.20:03
tunaToznoshio: when booting, enter grub and add profile to kernel command line. That boot, it will be abysmally slow, but it will be faster on subsequent boots20:03
ballebod_ : sounds right, how do i use it? it makes sense that i can play sounds on my labtop speakers with the onboard soundcard, but not get anything out of it right?20:03
keit1taza: well if you wanna lay on the sarcasm then go figure it out yourself20:03
brian_bod_: Nah, not worth the hassle :) It's fast enough as is :P20:03
tunaunstable: cron.20:03
tazakeit1: I was asking here in case someone knows.20:03
ballebod_: so... how do i make the sound go through the sound card?20:03
keit1taza: that is the answer20:03
brian_bod_: Booting... Thisll take a coupla minutes20:03
tazait's fixed in hardy anyway, but I can't reinstall. ;_;20:03
piratathinkpad x60 user here?20:03
keit1taza: what more do you want??? me to compile it for you?20:04
tazapirata: Intel graphics card problem?20:04
piratajust only talk about it20:04
bod_balle, when there is more then 1 sound device the system can et confused, we have to tell it to be unconfused,.,. so in terminal type     asoundconf -set-default-card ICH620:04
Toznoshiosoundray, tuna: OK, thanks for the help20:04
piratawhy? do you have problems taza ?20:04
tazapirata: Well, the graphics card drivers are broken before Hardy for one. :P20:04
dimitreeIn need of web conferencing solution with app/dekstop sharing and Voip for free online school :) or something like that ;) can someone help ?20:04
tazapirata: I have a graphics card very similiar, and I've been having trouble with random crashing.20:04
bod_balle, actually, this command     asoundconf set-default-card ICH620:05
piratataza, ubuntu 7.10 is working very well i think at my x6920:05
b4l74z4rwhen i uncheck "allow the window manager to control the windows" in the Wine configuration, the keyboard doesn't work anymore in games, is there a remedy for this?20:05
piratataza ah thats not good :-P20:05
tazapirata: Happens with opengl rendering20:05
soundraysolexious: ppt files as exported from OpenOffice won't autoplay. For that you will have to use MS Powerpoint, sorry. Look at PDF export options for an alternative (use File-Export, then select file type PDF, don't use File-Export as PDF)20:05
tazaIt bugs randomly but repeatedly.20:05
piratataza, ah ok20:05
brian_dimitree: Google KDX :D I wanted the same thing recently, someone suggested that to me. Haven't actually USED It yet though... But it might work for what you need20:05
tazapirata: Among other things, any wined google apps just fail20:05
dimitreebrian_, ok thank you :)20:06
bet0xHello all20:06
brian_dimitree: Np :)20:06
keit1taza: may sound like a stupid idea, but have you actually tried to install the latest drivers?20:06
piratataza, ok, i'm using this notebook just one week, but till now all works :-P20:06
jeremy_sup room20:06
edgecasehi, i'm looking for linux ide dev channel20:06
edgecaseand how to git-clone linux 2.6.25-pre20:06
tazakeit1: Why I have, indeed.20:07
Zminejermey_ I thought you changed your nick20:07
keit1taza: not the one's in the repo?20:07
david49has anyone sen webtoe tonight?20:07
bet0xi detect a BUG on the install of x64 Ubuntu (7.10) release. When i install the distro stops on the package before the base install finish20:07
Drahyhi all i have a question about crossOver Games can i?20:07
solexioussoundray: bum, thank you. If I make jpgs of the slides is there a dvd creator program for linux, i.e. custom menu pages?20:07
gorbierdsuggest me please, how do i copy files in alphabetical order?20:07
piratalol this chan is very fast :D20:07
tazapirata: Apparently everything works better under Hardy. They even fixed the openoffice packaging bug. Now if they could only fix dev brain damage...20:07
bet0xI install it by hand, base system and then i must fix the cdrom selection on apt-get bcz ubuntu dont detect properly20:07
tazakeit1: No, I haven't. Just the latest repo driver.20:07
keit1taza: are you running compiz?20:07
david49you can go back to see previous messages, and it won't run20:08
tazakeit1: No, I'm not running compiz20:08
ballebod_ tried both codes, it just tells me that i'm trying to run it as a superuser, and it can have consecuenses(spl?) not allowing me to do nothing20:08
keit1taza: are there newer one available on the intel site?20:08
keit1taza: what card is it exactly?20:08
tazakeit1: Haven't checked yet but I presume I'll be compiling if I do20:08
tazaAnd I have no idea20:08
gorbierdanyone can help me with this?20:08
tazaI know it's an Intel Gsomething but that's about it.20:08
keit1taza: yes. can you compile?20:08
tazakeit1: Preferably not with the specs of this machine.20:08
jeremy_how do i sing in my nick again20:09
keit1Eee Asus?20:09
bod_balle,     sudo asoundconf set-default-card ICH620:09
danandgorbierd - for i in $(ls | sort); do cp $i /folder/to/copyto; done - that may work for you20:09
piratataza, are you using on your notebook hardy?20:09
keit1taza: bear with me a sec....20:09
tazapirata: Nope. 7.10.20:09
ballebod_ : did the sudo thing, trying again20:09
Zminejeremy_ just type /nick and then after the word nick type what nick you want to use20:09
tonyyarussoI have a server with a public IP address that is a NIS client and has available disk space.  I have a room of computers on a private network, and would like them to do authentication against the same NIS server that the first computer does, and automount home directories from the first computer.  How would I do that?20:09
david49I installed v5.10 sunday, realised it was old and installed gutsty gibbon.....but my refresh rate is only61Hz max, and I have no sound..can anyone help please?20:09
brian_bod_: Ok, I'm at the partitioner thingy. I have my choice of "Guided - resize partition 1 and use freed space", "Guided entire disk", "Guided use largest continuous free space" and "Manual"20:09
piratataza, which notebook are you using?20:09
unop__danand, whoa -- no no, never do that, what if the files have spaces?20:09
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what_the_deuceHi there. I was wondering if anyone could help me set up a connection share between this Ubuntu box and an xbox 360?20:09
tazapirata: Asus Eee20:10
Zminejeremy_ there ya go!20:10
ballebod_ : same message20:10
bod_brian_, ur choice, free space, or manual20:10
david49is xchat available on gutsy gibbon?20:10
tazakeit1: Correction: GMA 90020:10
bod_balle, post the exact messae20:10
tonyyarussodavid49: yes, but not installed by default.20:10
tazaSez wiki anyway20:10
david49where is it?20:10
piratataza, hehe, does it have an 8 zoll display?20:10
tonyyarussodavid49: universe.20:10
ballebod_ : Please note that you are attempting to run asoundconf as a privileged superuser, which may have unintended consequences.20:10
tazapirata: What is a zoll?20:10
Zminepapisexy..your nick shold be that the next time you sign on, unless you change it again to jeremy_20:10
papisexydamn i still have 2 put a password in20:10
david49simple please, like me20:11
bod_balle, but it doesnt stop you from runnin the command?20:11
tonyyarusso!universe | david4920:11
cookhey guys. i've got a big problem. my pc is running since 4 hours now. and at the start until before one hour every thing was okay. but then the load was going high and the pc was lagging. i dont know what it could be20:11
david49tonyrusso, whats universe?20:11
brian_bod_: I'm confused though... I thought that the Windows partition used the WHOLE hard drive. So wouldn't any option get rid of Windows? Or does the first one actually resize the Windows partition WITHOUT messing it up?20:11
gorbierddanand thank you alot20:11
ballebod_: it aint running nothing as we speak20:11
nbkrcook, run the "top" command on the console and press "p" while it runs.20:11
papisexyi havent put in a password20:11
unop__danand, gorbierd, find /path -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t /path/to/newdir20:11
Zminepapisexy I thought you did the password thing earlier today20:12
tonyyarussodavid49: that was for the bot - a sec20:12
bod_brian_, takes the free space away from windows and then gives it to ubuntu,.,. windows partitions the whole drive but doesnt use it all20:12
bod_balle, no sound then?20:12
david49tony, ok20:12
alan_mUbotu isnt working.....20:12
papisexyi dont think i did when i put my password in said incorrect20:12
ballebod_ : no light right now, checking sound...20:12
cooknbkr: the only thing my htop shows me is the biggest cpu % with 3 its pidgin and there is no "Z" at the STAT20:12
danandgorbierd - see unop__'s comment. That is better :)20:12
unop__alan_m, query ubotwo instead20:12
bod_the bots dead again20:12
ballebod_ : speakers are good... trying headphones20:12
tonyyarusso!universe | david4920:13
alan_meither bot should be giving responses with ! right?20:13
bod_alan_m, yer20:13
david49tony, are you telling me something?20:13
nbkrcook, What does "cat /proc/meminfo" show, and is the hard drive ok?20:13
* alan_m wonders why neither are responding...ah well.20:13
Zminepapisexy if you type /nickserv help ..you'll get a list that might help20:13
solexioussoundray: bum, thank you. If I make jpgs of the slides is there a dvd creator program for linux, i.e. custom menu pages?20:13
brian_bod_: Ah, sweet. :S Apparently, this is a 60gb hard drive, I always thought it was 40, haha. How much space do you recommend for Ubuntu and swap?20:13
soundraysolexious: I'm sure there is a solution for your problem, but I don't know what's best20:14
bod_brian_, how much ram have u ot?20:14
solexioussoundray: thank you for your help20:14
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gorbierdunop__ danand thanks for help)20:14
cooknbkr, http://paste.frubar.net/791120:14
cooknbkr, how should i know if the hard drive is ok. i think its okay...20:14
brian_bod_: 1280mb20:14
keit1taza; the link to intel's driver site is here http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-023086.htm it includes the driver for linux for your system but there are different chipset under the GMA900 guise as far as I can tell.  you should only do continue with compiling if you have a complete backup of all system files edited and all important data - plus a livecd to hand too.  hope this helps ;)20:14
soundraysolexious: why not try the PDF export? In the options dialog, you can set it up to display full-screen on load. If you saved your presentation with automatic transition, the PDF should auto-progress as well.20:15
nbkrdavid49, The "universe" is a software repository. Something like a great software store. You have to activate that source for your system so the apt tools are abel to use it.20:15
brian_bod_:one 256mb, and one 1024mb20:15
tazakeit1: Yeah, I think I'll wait for eeeXubuntu 8.0420:15
david49nbkr, thankyou, how do I do that?20:15
AchothHi. What CHMOD values should I by default have on a webserver's files?20:15
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bod_brian_, well the general rule is    swap=2*ram    so 2 gig20:15
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keit1taza: fair, don't blame you.  but that would have probably fixed it anyhow20:16
ballebod_ : found earphones, no sound... could it be in the player perhaps?20:16
bod_balle, laptop?20:16
david49nbkr, is it in ubuntu, or a site?20:16
keit1taza: compiling drivers of all things can really make a hash of your system if you muck it up20:16
tazakeit1: Only too aware, experienced with that20:16
unop__Achoth, it depends really .. the safest are 44020:16
ballebod_ : yep20:16
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keit1taza: yep me too with sound drivers lol20:17
brian_bod_: And how much does Ubuntu need? Ubuntu on this computer is JUST so that my brother doesnt install infected stuff on Windows and screw it up again :P So I'm trying to figure out the least I can get away with, since he won't know how to install stuff on here anyways20:17
papisexyok it knows me know lol20:17
Achothunop__: On both folders and 440?20:17
bod_balle, i think theres a general problem with headphones on laptops with ubuntu,.,. but thats a new question for the channel ;~)20:17
Achothfiles, not 44020:17
tazakeit1: And I use a special network configuration AND I don't have my workbench handy. Reinstalling could be... painful.20:17
rshankhello, I'm working with 8.04 beta.. is this the best room for troubleshooting some nvidia and kernel quetsions?20:17
ballebod_ : it shuts off the sound when i plug it in, so it disables the speakers... but not sound from that channel20:17
keit1taza: if you can live with the bugs ;)20:17
tazakeit1: Anyway, time to leave this mess. Channels with hundreds of members never really were my thing.20:17
falken_is that serious? hardy will be delayed 3 months?20:17
unop__Achoth, it depends, the defaults work fine20:17
keit1taza: c ya20:18
tazafalken_: 1st of april20:18
bod_brian_, well, i usually would go for 2gig for swap 5gig for / and leftover for /home20:18
nbkrdavid49, run "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and remove the leading # from every line that stats with "deb" and has "universe" in it. Afterwards run "sudo apt-get update" on the console. You can also do it via gui, but I don't know how the settings are labeld in english. I run a german ubuntu version.20:18
keit1falken_: got me too20:18
tomd123does the alternate ubuntu cd let you pick the things you want installed (including gnome or kde)20:18
Achothunop__: What are the defaults?20:18
falken_oh, november sierra. I forgot. lol20:18
brian_bod_: Okie dokie :D Thanks, I'll try that20:18
nbkrcook, is it a sata drive or a ide drive?20:18
bod_balle, im not sure im afraid20:18
tonyyarussotomd123: You can do a minimal install and work from there.20:18
cooknbkr it is a ide drive20:18
ballebod_ : well, thx for trying nonetheless20:18
bod_balle ;~)20:18
unop__Achoth, they are owned by www-data and have 750 (i believe, i might be wrong)20:19
david49nbkr, thanks very much, I'll try and decipher that..I'm a noob........20:19
bod_brian_, i gotto go,.,. r u all sorted?20:19
soundraydavid49: there is another way that you might find easier20:19
david49soundray....ok :-)20:19
gorbierdunop__ "find /path -print0" sorts in desk order20:19
brian_bod_: I think so... Will i be able to make it default to booting to windows easily enough?20:19
soundraydavid49: System-Administration-Software Sources -- enable universe on the first tab20:19
nbkrInstall the smartmontools and run "smartctl -H /dev/yourdrive". Replace yourdrive with th appropriate setting. Probably it is "hda" (without the quotes).20:19
Achothunop_: Doesn't work with 750 on folder & files20:20
david49soundray, gottit...........cheers20:20
bod_brian_, there is a OS choice picker thingamie called grub that lets you pick which os to boot into everytime you turn on your machine20:20
falken_has anyone ever set up wireless on a laptop?20:20
unop__gorbierd, if you are copying files, you dont need them to be sorted20:20
cooknbkr, okay wait20:20
rshankfalken_ I have.20:20
soundrayfalken_: no, noone ever has20:20
brian_bod_: Ah, k, sweet :D Thanks a ton, I should be able to blunder through it from here! :)20:20
soundrayfalken_: dang, caught lying20:21
bod_brian_, have fun ;~)20:21
papisexyis there a chatroom for wine if so pm me20:21
unop__gorbierd, unless there's some unusual requirement that i have missed?20:21
falken_so what is the deal with this: I can get a connection at my local Books A Mil20:21
brian_bod_ Thanks again :)20:21
Achothfalken_: Nope, but just search for "wlan" in Add/Remove and you'll find loads of apps for it20:21
falken_but can't figure out how to login20:21
unop__Achoth, http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/apache/2004/05/28/apacheckbk.html20:21
rmilohis there a chatroom for security issues?20:21
kdub432how can i find out what a binary is linked against?20:21
rshankis there a beta issues chatroom20:21
papisexypm me if there a chatrrom for wine20:22
nbkrkdub432, ldd /path/to/binary20:22
gorbierdupon__ yes i need to copy file in alphabetical order to my flash-mp3 player20:22
Starnestommypapisexy: #winehq20:22
bod_papisexy, #winehq20:22
kdub432nbkr: thanks20:22
cooknbkr, SMART Disabled. Use option -s with argument 'on' to enable it.20:22
what_the_deuceHi there. I was wondering if anyone could help me set up a connection share between this Ubuntu box and an xbox 360, via Firestarter?20:22
gorbierdupon__ otherwise they copies in strange order and i can't listen them fine20:22
bod_papisexy, type   /j #winehq20:22
Achothunop__: Thanks :)20:22
nbkrcook, how old is the drive?20:22
CDOGAnyone know where the logfile that contains all the ubuntu user logins is located? Thanks20:22
gorbierdunop__ yes i need to copy file in alphabetical order to my flash-mp3 player20:23
cooknbkr, about three years20:23
FFForeverhow come everytime i add files to my thumbdrive they end up corrupt when i open them on windows????????20:23
gorbierdunop__ otherwise they copies in strange order and i can't listen them fine20:23
FFForeverand yes i do eject them correctly....20:23
Odd-rationaleFFForever: do they have any odd characters that windows doesn't like?20:23
mangoHi, I have a query. When apt finds that updates are available, it downloads packages using *sockets* or pass the url to some another package?20:23
gorbierdunop__ is there way to sort find output?20:23
unop__gorbierd, ok well, this then. find /path -print0 | sort | xargs -0 cp -t /path/to/newdir20:23
Odd-rationaleFFForever: or does the parent folder have any odd characters?20:23
gorbierdunop_ bravo! thank you)20:23
FFForevernope, i am putting them on my root20:23
unop__gorbierd, although i'm not sure how well that will handle filenames with weird characters, but do give it a try20:24
Odd-rationaleFFForever: is it formated fat32?20:24
kane77has anyone tried installing adobe air?20:24
CDOGAnyone know where the logfile that contains all the ubuntu user logins is located? Thanks20:24
Starnestommymango: I think it's built-in20:24
SaschaRedI am beta testing 8.04, and an update just switched out my theme to the 7.10 theme20:24
FFForeveryeah fat3220:24
soundraymango: it uses wget20:24
Odd-rationaleSaschaRed: hardy discussion is #ubuntu+120:24
tmetroAfter upgrading to 7.10 I'm having a problem where several daemons aren't starting after a boot, such as postfix, samba. For example, the samba log says "Errors when creating subnets: No local interfaces". Once the boot is complete, manually starting the daemons works fine. Seems the network interface is coming up late.20:25
KtronSo, in FC, output of cron jobs is mailed to root. Is there a way to get the stdout of a cron job in Ubuntu?20:25
rshankthanks SaschaRed20:25
mangosoungray: Could you please provide me few links, where exactly I can see the code of this part?20:25
rmilohusing gutsy sever: is it standard to add ip's of break-in attempts (from the auth.log) to hosts.deny, or should I implement some other security, or ignore?20:25
StarnestommyCDOG: it might be /var/log/auth.log20:25
gorbierdunop__ i just tryed it works fine!20:25
cooknbkr, and now?20:26
rmilohCDOG: i don't think its auth.log20:26
soundraymango: oops, I had assumed that it did -- now I'm not so sure. What's the problem?20:26
brian_Hey guys? I'm TRYING to set up a computer to dual boot WinXP and Ubuntu 7.10... But when I go to partition it, the "Guided - resize blahblahblah" seems to be wrong... It says its trying to change SCSI1(sda), but I'm just using a normal IDE hard drive.20:26
nbkrcook, Well you could activate smart for the drive, but I'm not sure if this is a safe operation. I haven't had any problems with it, but I wouldn't recommend it without knowing the hardware.20:26
Odd-rationaleFFForever: oh sorry. I didn't see your post. umm what kind of file ist it?20:26
cooknbkr, but what could that be, i mean my load is higher than 3 or 2 and can this real be the hard drive?20:27
mangosoundray: Just wanted to know about this thing but couldn't find any good links. :(20:27
falken_has anyone else set up their wifi account at books-a-million? The guy there only knew how to do it from windows.20:27
Odd-rationaleFFForever: hmm. I don't know. I'm out of ideas. sorry.20:28
mangoStarnestommy: Built -in in the sense? It uses sockets to make connections?20:28
falken_i got a steady connection but couldn't download anything20:28
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FFForeveryeah i tried to fix it my self... i don't wanna reinstall lol20:28
nbkrcook, I wouldn't think so, but if there isn't any process that causes the load. Hm, another idea - maybe there is rootkit on your PC. Did you run "chkrootkit" ?20:28
soundraymango: if you search again, remember to include Debian resources, as apt is something that was inherited from Debian.20:28
FFForeverif i reinstall hal think it would help?20:28
FFForeveror gnome?20:28
Odd-rationaleFFForever: it mounts fine? doesn;t it?20:29
mangosoundray: Oh, Yeah. I forgot. Thanks, let me try again. :)20:29
WinterWeavercannot install anything with apt... is there a problem with the Ubuntu repo servers?20:29
brian_Hey guys, for some reason when I try to install Ubuntu, it lists my IDE hard drive as SCSI, or sda, and whenever I go to change any partitions, it gets an error and can't do it. What's wrong?20:30
Odd-rationaleWinterWeaver: try a "sudo apt-get update" ?20:30
slashcan anyone see if this number works for them?  989-272-742520:30
thoreauputic_WinterWeaver: try a different mirror20:30
FFForeveryeah mounts fine, but screw up the writing?20:30
cooknbkr, i think where should i have got the rootkit? i dont load any warez or cracks etc20:30
thoreauputic_brian_: yes, IDE hard drives are mostly identified as sda etc now - that part is normal20:31
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WinterWeaverodd-rationale: done that... I get lots of "unable to connect errors"20:31
tonyyarussow/in 520:31
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Odd-rationaleWinterWeaver: then maybe it is your mirror...20:31
thoreauputic_WinterWeaver: go to admin - software sources and choose a different mirror20:32
brian_thoreauputic: :( Any idea why I can't edit any partitions on it then? Trying to dual boot.20:32
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WinterWeaverkk thanks20:32
gmenelaui have problem with the microphone20:32
thoreauputic_brian_: did you unmount the partitions before fooling with them?20:32
blaisepascaldoes anyone know where I can find libqt4-plugin-odbc20:32
brian_thoreauputic: I'm in the LiveCD20:32
nbkrcook, was just an idea. A rootkit would prevent htop to show the process.20:32
thoreauputic_brian_: usually you edit partitons from a live CD for that reason20:32
cooknbkr, but chkrootkit didnt find anything20:32
gmenelausomeone for help?20:32
sotaphardy being delayed 3 months = April Fools?20:33
thoreauputic_brian_: unmount the partitions then20:33
thoreauputic_brian_: begore editing them20:33
WinterWeaverodd-rationale, thoreauputic : Thanks, that helped20:33
brian_thoreauputic: How do I do that? >.< I'm still pretty new to linux20:33
billy____is there anything wrong with running 32-bit ubuntu on a 64bit machine?20:33
sotapbilly____: not at all20:33
billy____will it solve any problems with my bcm4311 wireless card? cuz i can't seem to get it working in the 64 bit ubuntu20:34
sotapbilly____: I'm not sure, it's possible20:35
alan_mbilly____, you would have to try that out for yourself, it MIGHT but no promises here.20:35
soundraybilly____: they are difficult beasts. It may be worth a try, but don't get your hopes up.20:35
gmenelaui cant record from the built in microphone of my laptop any help?20:35
sidelilexcuse me, is it possible to set up a persistent live USB (as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent) on a memory card? Is there something to pay attention on, in particular during the partitioning process?20:35
ceschneiderhi... I just installed 7.10 but my Xorg is eating my processor :S20:35
soundray!broadcom | billy____, have you seen this help20:35
ubotubilly____, have you seen this help: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:35
alan_msidelil, sure, but it would be incredibly slow.20:35
billy____soundray: yea ive been working on this comp seriously for about 2 months to no avail, ive tried the resident drivers as well as ndiswrapper20:36
ceschneidermore than 50% all the time20:36
billy____soundray yes ive seen it a million times20:36
sidelilalan_m, why?20:36
soundraybilly____: sometimes it's easier to swap the wireless card for one that works, ie. Intel20:36
billy____soundray: no denero, i gotta work with wut i have already20:36
alan_mmemory card slots seem to be slow, i have no clue why, the data transfer rate im guessing...and their not typically designed for programs and things of that nature.20:37
brian_How do I unmount partitions when I'm in the LiveCD? Ubuntu 7.1020:37
sidelilalan_m, ok, thanks!20:37
soundraybilly____: it's cheaper than you may think, though20:37
billy____wuts a wireless-b ethernet bridge?20:38
billy____soundray: i seriously have like 10 cents to my name, and no job20:38
billy____im 17 and live with my mom lol20:38
alan_mbilly____, know the feeling...19 and same issue.20:38
ceschneiderwhy my org is consuming more than 50% of my procesor?20:39
ceschneiderany tip?20:39
ceschneider* y Xorg20:39
nick_hi all - can anyone help me with a vpn route - I have setup a vpn connection which has connected but i cant get to an exact machine because my connection attempt is going via the net rather than the vpn connection - can anyone help20:39
ceschneiderops.. my Xorg20:39
sinakhi. when i boot kubuntu my monitor goes to power saving mode20:39
sinakand I can't' see anything20:40
sotapceschneider: do you have compiz enabled?20:40
soundraybilly____: a bridge is a device that connects two networks -- useful e.g. for connecting a wired ethernet device to a wireless network20:40
sinakthe hard drive seems to work20:40
soundraybilly____: b refers to the old 11 MBit/s standard20:40
billy____soundray: so i could use it to connect my laptop to my wireless network?20:41
alan_m!kubuntu | sinak20:41
ubotusinak: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE20:41
sinakI know what kubuntu is20:41
alan_mim telling you, you might get more help over there than here.20:41
sinakit's not a kubuntu problem20:42
ceschneidersotap: yes.. how can I disable that/20:42
soundraybilly____: if you have one already, probably yes. Buying a bridge is more expensive than buying a card that works20:42
billy____soundray: yeah i have the bridge right here20:42
billy____soundray: any idea how i hook it up?20:42
sotapceschneider: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects, set to none20:42
soundraybilly____: no. Is there no manual?20:43
billy____nope.. its a second hand linksys one that my buddy let me borrow, but i haven't seen him in yrs so ya lol20:43
ceschneidersometimes my firefox also consumes lots of processor20:43
ceschneiderwhat could be?20:43
soundraybilly____: linksys have manuals on their web site, at least for some devices20:44
sotapceschneider: it could be flash20:44
krey_i having the same situation like ceschider20:44
sarah___hey guys, what works better with ubuntu, Intel/AMd  and Nvidia/ATI?20:44
sotapceschneider: did disabling compiz solve the xorg problem?20:45
LinTuxI have installed a packet radio program and it is asking for the address of the sound card it is using / something, any ideas?20:45
soundraybilly____: but try to set your Ethernet up with a static address, and try to connect to with a browser20:45
[FT]alexati drivers have issues with compiz and opengl, I think20:45
billy____soundray: yea.. i figured, just hopin that someone might have some experience with it in linux before, considering pretty much no companies support linux for one reason or another20:45
sotapsarah___: Intel and Nvidia20:45
ie72sarah___: navidia/intel works for me20:45
ceschneidersotap: nop.. still with high load20:45
soundraybilly____: that's not an accurate statement -- there are plenty of companies that support Linux now in one way or another.20:47
sotapceschneider: it persists when you restart?20:47
billy____soundray: well broadcom definately aint one of 'em lol20:47
soundraybilly____: and few are as extreme in their non-support as Broadcom20:47
noname6474Hello all,20:48
noname6474Does ubuntu work *well* on a new Macbook Pro with Core2 Duo?20:48
ceschneidersotap: I just disabled the visual effects. may I restart xorg too?20:48
KtronSo, in FC, output of cron jobs is mailed to root. Is there a way to get the stdout of a cron job in Ubuntu?20:49
billy____why is bcm so retarded about open sourcing?20:49
Ktron/var/log/syslog only has what it ran, not the program's stdout/stderr20:49
sotapceschneider: it's worth a try20:49
nick_can anyone advise how to use route to add a route to an address via ppp0 i cant get the command correct20:49
ceschneidersotap: ok... brb20:50
Ktronnick_, route add -net <IP> <MASK> dev ppp020:50
soundraybilly____: I don't think that's something we can answer, but their press office may20:50
unop__nick_, or - route add -host <ip> dev ppp020:50
billy____yeah.. tru dat..20:50
soundray!hi | third20:51
ubotuthird: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:51
thirdawsome hi20:51
alan_mdang, soundray beat me to it :)20:51
thirdhey i got a problem with ubuntu20:51
soundray!ask | third20:51
ubotuthird: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:51
dundeldoes anybody know how to get Freshtel FT-102 USB VOIP Phone working in gutsy?20:51
alan_mdang soundray chill out lol, you and I are like competing over ubotu now :P20:51
alan_mthats 2 commands in a ROW you've beat me to ubotu with :)20:52
soundrayalan_m: 2:0 ;)20:52
unop__Ktron, why don't you just output to a file instead .. cron mutes output to prevent syslog or your mailbox becoming polluted with nonsense20:52
* alan_m checks my lag20:52
thirdk my bad....          ok im using fisty, when i turn on desktop effects, the bar with the minmize, maxamize and close button dissapears... any reason why?20:52
brian_When I try to automatically resize the windows partition to install Ubuntu 7.10, it comes up with an error... Can anyone help me out?20:52
soundraythird: that's compiz-fusion failing to start for some reason20:53
thirdhow do i start it20:53
Ktronunop__, it was kind of nice having the log automatically fragmented, dated, indexed/etc with mail; now I either need to write code to make logs with timestamps in their name, or have one huge log20:53
nick_ktron and unop_ thanks for your help20:53
linuxmongerIs there any way to have a cron job (running as root) put a message on the screen, regardless of who is logged in? If no one is logged in, it doesn't matter if the message shows or not.20:54
h4L1mhello guys, is it possible to reinstall the grub bootloader with windows xp, because i had to reinstall windows and it deleted my bootloader so i can't startup ubuntu20:55
alan_m!grub | h4L1m20:55
ubotuh4L1m: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:55
soundray!grub | h4L1m, use the RecoveringUbuntu... help20:55
ubotuh4L1m, use the RecoveringUbuntu... help: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:55
brian_Can someone please help me with dual booting WinXP/Ubuntu 7.10? Ubotu's info isn't any help :P20:55
unop__Ktron, well, you could just append this to the command -- command > /path/to/logs/log.$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')20:55
soundrayalan_m: woah!20:56
h4L1mthanks guys, i'll take a look on it :)20:56
|Dede|Will Ubuntu 8 have NTFS drivers? So we're able to edit NTFS files?20:56
alan_msorry for the flood with ubotu.20:56
soundray|Dede|: pretty certainly, given that 7.10 has them, too20:57
soundray!ntfs-3g | |Dede|20:57
ubotu|Dede|: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions20:57
Ktronunop__, plus a 2&>1 in there probably... okay, thanks unop20:57
sluimershello there, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on one of my computers but I get the following message: "The display server has been shut down about 6 times in the last 90 seconds. It is likely something bad is going on. Waiting for 2 minutes before trying again on display :O.20:57
unop__Ktron, or if the shell is bash .. command &>  ...  saves you from redirecting both STDOUT and STDERR in one go20:57
sluimersthat's like after half a minute during the install20:58
sluimersno wait, two/three minutes I guess ^^20:58
|Dede|it's implemented automatically?20:58
|Dede|in ubuntu 7.120:58
alan_m|dede| yep20:58
sluimersanyone that could help me?20:59
Zminejermey_ what's wrong..still the password, or about wine?20:59
brian_Can someone help me with dual booting?20:59
kazol_How do I retain my WPA key in the network administration tool so I won't have to enter it after each reboot?20:59
jeremy_no 4got how 2 sign in20:59
jeremy_no 4got how 2 sign in here21:00
Zminejeremy_ I don't sign in..when I connect to the server it saves my nick for any of the channels/chatrooms I go into21:00
alan_m /msg nickserv identify <your password>21:00
alan_m^ that was for jeremy_21:00
jeremy_mine dont21:00
macdunbaranyne using a santa rosa macbook?21:00
sluimersdrat, I knew the answer to kazol_ 's question21:01
jeremy_how do i sign in again??21:01
Starnestommyjeremy_: in IRC?21:01
unop"Hardy will be delayed by 3 months" < is this an april fool's joke?21:01
alan_mjeremy_, in irc its what I told you above :)21:01
Zminejeremy_ oh, sorry...well if you write it down then once you keep doing it you'll remember and not need notes anymore21:01
jeremy_not funny lol21:01
jeremy_hold on ill try it again lol21:02
incorrectdoes anyone know of any comparison between running 32bit apps on 64bit platform21:02
billy____can anyone help me with setting up my wireless bridge in ubuntu?21:02
Zminejeremy_ you just type /msg nickserv identify ..and after the word identify type your password21:02
Starnestommyjeremy_: I think someone else may have registered your nickname21:02
geniiincorrect: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=616&num=121:02
flinttown420any better bittorent support for ubuntu21:03
Zminejeremy_ now if you want to change your nick like you did before, then you need to sign in with that nick so then you type /nick .and then put the nick you want to use21:03
flinttown420than the standard one that loads with torrent files21:03
newTruth_UKToznoshio recompile the apt packages from source21:03
alan_myour last login was 8 years ago, someone had your name, you can get it dropped by going to #freenode and asking them :)21:03
whisperkilleryuntongpin: whats your issue?21:03
Pirate_HunterDoes anyone know the codename for the next release of ubuntu after hardy?21:03
Zminejeremy_ I don't think you registered the nick you're using now, right?  I thought you only registered the other nick21:03
alan_moh, hang on, that was without a _ behind the name, wrong user, oops21:04
jeremy_i have with papisexy21:04
thirdok, google tells me that i have to enable desktop icons to fix the compiz problem, where/how do i do that?21:04
alan_myou used it 2 weeks ago right jeremy_?21:04
jeremy_im a diff guy21:05
whisperkilleryuntongpin: didn't you say something about running an hdtv in dual mode on your box?21:05
jeremy_the one asked about if wine had a chatroom21:05
linuxmongerIngrate Inchworm?21:05
|Dede|they do21:05
* alan_m just is looking at activity and sees 2 weeks since last login jeremy_ but i could be wrong21:05
|Dede|'cedega does at least21:05
Starnestommyjeremy_: switch to your registered nickname then /msg nickserv identify password21:06
david49nbkr,you there?21:06
Zminejeremy_ yes I know :)  but if you're trying to log on with the other nick, you need to change your nick from jeremy_ to the other nick21:06
gmenelaui cant record from the built in microphone of my laptop any help?21:06
jeremy_im trying to21:06
MountainXhow do I sync passwd and group files among computers on my lan for nfs?21:06
nbkrdavid49, yes, I'm here.21:07
david49I got no sound in gutsy gibbon........seems from google its a common thing, any help please?21:07
yuntongpinwhat settings do i need to get a 40 inch 1080i hdtv to run in dual screen on ubuntu21:07
scorpion3hi an alle. Ist jemand hier der deutsch spricht?21:07
jeremy_whats the help thing21:07
alan_m!de | scorpion321:07
ubotuscorpion3: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:07
Zminejeremy_ are you trying to register the nick jeremy_ ?21:07
david49nbkr, got xchat in my gutsy now ty, back on my own machine, few more probs tho21:07
billy____how do i install a linksys wireless-b ethernet bridge in ubuntu?21:07
Zminejeremy_ type /msg nickserv help21:07
Starnestommyjeremy_: /nick new-nickname21:07
jeremy_i have papisexy registered21:08
bobbodoes anyone know how to get Thunderbird to auto-download messages from an IMAP server, so i dont have to trawl through each directory to see the new messages?21:08
Zminejeremy_ yes I know you have papisexy registered..are you trying to register the nick jeremy_ now?21:08
david49nbkr, like no sound, and lousy screen refresh21:08
soulreaperhi I just installed linux ubuntu 7.10 and did the 209 updates and my machine is a sony viao with 512 ram 220 wat power suply and a agp 8x ati radeon x1300 and i was wondering  what do i have to do to get the desk top cube effect. I have heard of berly but dont know how to install it. can anyone help me21:08
linuxmongerIs there any utility like wall for X? I'm trying to display a message on a remote machine, I have ssh to it and sudo once I'm there, but getting the message up once I'm there is stumping me.21:08
billy____soulreaper: go to the compix help chat21:08
david49had 87hz in v5.10,  now down to 51hz21:08
soulreaperbilly will you help?21:09
frederichello all.21:09
billy____i don't know much about it21:09
Oli``Can anybody suggest something for drawing pretty graphs and charts? OO ones are functional but pretty fugly21:09
MountainXsoulreaper - see http://forum.compiz-fusion.org21:10
yuntongpinhow do i set up my nvidia 7600 to run my hdtv21:10
billy____they'll set u up quick in the compix chat tho21:10
david49gtg for a while.........bbl21:10
billy____compiz w/e21:10
fredericI'm looking for a program that tells me what kind of "codec" is used into a video ... where could I find that ? thanks21:10
MountainXsoulreaper - install compiz settings manager (CCSM) and set 4 virtual desktops and then check "desktop cube"21:10
minervaromawhen i boot linux it charge util to login , later it charge only the wallpaper without icons!!!!how can i do?21:10
ceschneidersotap: I'm back... Xorg now is using 4% of proc, but I still have a process called tracerd that use 40%21:11
jeremy_what reregister21:11
whisperkilleryuntongpin: did you install the restricted drivers?21:11
jeremy_ it wont let me on papisexy21:12
MountainX how do I sync passwd and group files among computers on my lan for nfs? what happens if I copy a passwd file from one computer to another? Will I get locked out?21:12
jeremy_i signed on be421:12
sotapceschneider: that is a file indexer for searching21:12
soulreaperMountainX can you give me a link to where i can down load it?21:12
thirdhow do i fix compiz-fusion to work with desktop effects?21:12
linuxmongerConsider NIS21:12
Zminejeremy_ that's because you're not using the  nick papisexy right now..change your nick to papisexy .. type this .. /nick papisexy21:12
DRebellionMountainX, you'll need /etc/shadow as well for the hashes21:12
MountainXsoulreaper - use Synaptics Package Manager under System Admin menu in Ubuntu21:13
ceschneidersotap: can I schedule it to run once a day?21:13
whisperkillerwhats going on with your hdtv?21:13
linuxmongerMountainX:  You may want to look into NIS.21:13
SEJeffMountainX, Most people use OpenLDAP to do what you're looking into doing DONT use NIS21:13
jeremy_didnt work damn it21:13
sotapceschneider: the settings are under System->Preferences->Indexing Preferences21:13
=== Parsec01 is now known as Parsec300
yuntongpini can' get signal from ubuntu it's not showin up21:13
Pirate_HunterDoes anyone know the codename for the next release of ubuntu after hardy?21:13
yuntongpincan anyone help out?21:14
dundeldoes anybody know how to get Freshtel FT-102 USB VOIP Phone working in gutsy?21:14
kazol_sluimers: Do you think I need to install wpa_supplicant?21:14
MountainXOK, I have only a half dozen machines no my home office network. Is OpenLDAP simple to set up?21:14
Pirate_Hunterhas the codename for the next release of ubuntu after hardy even been released?21:14
eaxHello :)21:14
sluimerssounds familair21:14
MountainXMy goal is to have file sharing with similar security to what I would have with samba (but I can't use samba).21:14
sotapceschneider: it doesn't look like you can set it to run only once a day21:14
Zminejeremy_ in the bar that you're typign in now to type in this room...just type this ... /nick papisexy21:14
=== third is now known as Ceilingpaint
SEJeffPirate_Hunter, Intrepid Ibex21:14
wildman_hello again, while copying files over the 2nd HDD, I couldn't copy /proc (which is OK cuz its contents are generated at runtime) and /sys, what does the /sys dir have? can I just mkdir /sys on the 2nd disk and hope it will be automatically filled like /proc?21:14
erUSULPirate_Hunter: intrepid ibex21:14
sluimersI had the same problem and solved it eventually, let me take a look again21:15
MountainXnext name is something Ibex21:15
SEJeffMountainX, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication21:15
ubotuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex21:15
Ceilingpainthow do i get compiz-fusion to work with desktop effects turned on21:15
erUSULwildman_: sys is generated at runtime too21:15
whisperkillerim not sure man....im on a laptop with generic graphics21:15
wildman_erUSUL, gracias...21:15
wildman_bye ppl, have a nice one!21:15
linuxmongerSEJeff: What's wrong with NIS? I've been using it for years without issue, between half a dozen Linuxes, Solaris and SCO - I did get rid of the SCO box though.21:15
kane77ehm.. what is ibex?21:15
billy____anyone know how to access an ip in firefox?21:15
whisperkilleranyone know how to help out yuntongpin with his hdtv?21:15
FalcUbuntuis there an easy way to switch my /home to another HDD? the one died, and the install HDD is fine, but the /home drive is failing quickly21:16
MountainXSEJeff - thanx21:16
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frederic!wiki mencoder21:16
Pirate_HunterSEJeff, erUSUL: you serious from hardyheron to that o_0 hmmm weird, well thanx going to format pc next time im on ill be using hardy21:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki mencoder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: Are you against IP piracy?21:16
sluimersI have it installed kazol_ , so probably that's what I have done21:16
SEJefflinuxmonger, NIS uses the Domainname as a secret. Security through obscurity is proven insecure21:16
Pirate_Hunterkazol_: why do you ask?21:16
SEJefflinuxmonger, NIS+ is secure, but pita to setup. LDAP is secure, easy to setup, easy to manage, and supports Unix / Linux21:16
DRebellionbilly____, http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port21:17
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: Just curious, because of your nick.21:17
soulreaperccsm is compizconfig settings manager right21:17
SEJefflinuxmonger, NIS is not secure by design21:17
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: It sounds as if you're affiliated with the RIAA/MPAA/BSA/etc.21:17
frederichello again. I'm looking for a program that tells me what kind of "codec" is used into a video ... where could I find that ? thanks21:17
billy____wuts the port on a wireless bridge if the ip is
Pirate_Hunterkazol_: :D you remind me of someone i had a conversation about this it had to do with the same thing21:17
Pirate_Hunterkazol_: yup21:17
DRebellionfrederic, 'file' command on *nix21:18
MountainXHow much harder is Kerberos than LDAP? Just curious?21:18
SEJeffMountainX, a ton21:18
SEJeffMountainX, Kerberos is single signon for enterprises. It is also a bear to setup and maintain the proper PKI infrastructure unless you use something really expensive like RSA21:19
alan_mbrb showah!!!!21:19
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: I wonder what relative proportion of *nix users pirate copyrighted software/music/etc....21:19
Ceilingpaintim not going away guys, lol.   how do i get compiz-fusion to work when i enable desktop effects?  im using nvidia driver, 64 bit fiesty21:19
ChaosTheoryIt seems I can't get Youtube to work. . .21:19
fredericDRebellion: thanks. now, how may I "translate" into something like .avi file ? (is .avi = "uncoded" ?)21:20
ChaosTheoryIt says I have the "Macromedia flash plugin" in the add/remove.21:20
MountainXSEJeff: OK, thx. I'll go with OpenLDAP. Does it make the local passwd and group files obsolete? Would it still help to start off with the same UID and GID for the same usernames?21:20
SEJeffCeilingpaint, Try using gutsy21:20
DRebellionfrederic, i'm not sure what you mean21:20
Ceilingpainthow do i use gutsy?21:20
soulreaperok i installed ccsm where do i go to find it on my desk top?21:20
SEJeffMountainX, Well you can configure it to use ldap and then /etc/{passwd,group} if the ldap server is unavailable by changing a line in /etc/nsswitch.conf21:20
MountainXsoulreaper - it is under system preferences menu21:21
Pirate_Hunterkazol_: give it a rest and you would be suprised how many pirated software their is for *nix you just have to search but than thats illegal21:21
SEJeffMountainX, Too bad Ubuntu doesn't have an app like authconfig in fedora. You run 1 command and it sets up ldap clients21:21
MountainXsoulreaper - it is called advanced desktop effects settings21:21
Pirate_Hunterwell after that im gone to install hardy21:21
ExterisPirate_Hunter, cedega?21:21
jake2point0how would i go about getting new sound event sets downloaded.21:21
soulreaperok im there21:21
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: Btw, I do pirate IP.21:22
sanguisdexis therre a browser based program for screen shareing that will work under linux?21:22
SEJeffCeilingpaint, from a terminal type: sudo "update-manager -c"21:22
Ceilingpaintsorry, stupid question by me, thanks SEJeff21:22
MountainXsoul reaper - under general settings top desktop settings tab and set horizontal virtual size to 421:22
peter77Pirate_Hunter, I just downgraded from hardy21:22
Pirate_HunterExteris: cedega is one once cracked, vmware is another but in true reality they are hard to find kazol_ your such a naughty person... were you expecting me to say something like im going to track you down and arrest you?21:22
MountainXsoulreaper then turn on the desktop cube under "desktop" section on main page21:23
Pirate_Hunterpeter77: how come you downgraded?21:23
fredericDRebellion: actually my video has a xvid. I need to change it (remove a part of the video). I used kino but it couldn't help me (couldn't read the entire video, froze, lost sound). I'd like first to "translate" xvid to normal avi file so I could work on it. (am I clear ?)21:23
peter77Pirate_Hunter, I'm staying the my nice fast booting perfectly operational gutsy21:23
DRebellionfrederic, wouldn't it be easier to simply use some different video editing software?21:23
Pirate_Hunterpeter77 i tested hardy on vbox and it was bad also the features look quite good and its going to be released in 22 days from now21:24
kazol_Pirate_Hunter: I was just joking around...your nick was interesting.21:24
FalcUbuntuis there a relatively easy way to transfer a /home to a new hard drive if the drive it is on is dying?21:24
ampexif I nice a shell script, will all processes that shell script calls also be niced?21:24
soulreaperhow do i set set 4 virtual desktops21:24
Pirate_Hunterkazol_: :)21:24
fredericDRebellion: find me a good one, I'll try ;) kino is the onliest everyone talked me about21:24
DRebellionfrederic, try some googling21:24
peter77Pirate_Hunter, its good, just I need a good stable OS especially as I've got coursework due and can't afford an unstable faulty beta21:24
DRebellionFalcUbuntu, copy and paste?21:24
gmenelaui cant record from the built in microphone of my laptop any help?21:24
JowiFalcUbuntu, yes, it is not very hard. But some precautions should be taken. The new home partition should have the same filesystem in order to keep the correct permissions in case you want to copy the old home over to it. If you can't copy the old home due to corruption you should recreate the home dirs with the correct user and group rights (see /etc/passwd). after that is done you should add the new home21:24
Jowipartition to /etc/fstab21:24
MountainXSEJeff - OK, I'll still start by syncing up my local password and group files so same users have have GID and UID on each machine. What is the best way to do that? Can I just copy one file to all machines? Will that screw up my logins?21:25
linuxmongerFalcUbuntu: Put the new drive in a second macine and use rsync - but don't shut down the old drive if you can avoid it.21:25
Pirate_Hunterpeter77: what was unstable about it and im guessing you have got a second os such as m$ or osx21:25
FalcUbuntuprob is that when i try to log in, it won't let me, the drive is getting pretty bad i guess, i can read it over a forensic cable tho21:25
danandFalcUbuntu - attach your new drive and copy and paste within gparted is another option ...21:25
soulreaperhay where do i set 4 virtual desktops in compiz setting manager?21:25
Pirate_Huntercan someone post a link on how to install home to a different directory21:25
DRebellionFalcUbuntu, you should make a backup as quickly as possible then, i would use dd21:26
FalcUbuntuso maybe boot to a live cd?21:26
JoeLinux117@soulreaper:  In CCSM, go to General Options --> Desktop Size21:26
MountainXsoulreaper-scroll up. I typed it earlier.21:26
JowiFalcUbuntu, if you can copy the old /home to the new partition you should be all set and then simply add the new partition as /home in /etc/fstab21:26
peter77Pirate_Hunter both and no doubt you're a linux zealot vomitting free software and open source ethics all over the computer community?21:26
amenadoPirate_Hunter-> is your home directory on  a separate partition?21:26
martianlobsteris there a howto somewhere which describes how to recompile the kernel?21:26
fredericDRebellion: well, already done in fact. will try again. hope to be lucky :)21:26
MountainXsoul reaper - under general settings top desktop settings tab and set horizontal virtual size to 421:27
FalcUbuntuone more question about the HDD, my laptop died b/c of the docking the heads problem, is it possible that that happened with the desktop drive too?21:27
amenadoFalcUbuntu-> is your new partition mounted yet?21:27
FalcUbuntuamenado: no, don't have one yet, planning my next step first, prolly a trip to best buy21:27
Pirate_Hunterpeter77: o_0 no comment but yeah you didnt answer my question21:28
soulreaperok so i set horizontal virtual size to 4 and number of desk tops to 4?21:28
amenadoFalcUbuntu-> go now, the store close in 10 minutes..21:28
jake2point0can anybody tell me if TeamFortress2 works 100% in linux?21:28
Pirate_Hunteramenado: not at the moment but thinking about doing so since im going to do a clean install of hardy21:28
MountainXlet's say I do want my UID and GID for each user to be the same on each of my half dozen machines. How do I copy or sync the files manually without screwing things up?21:28
peter77Pirate_Hunter, hardy is good and I'm impressed but I experienced a few problems which were counter productive and it was in my own best interest to stick with gutsy until the final release of hardy and yes I use Ubuntu, Mac OS X and Windows XP21:29
FalcUbuntualright folks, thanks21:30
amenadoMountainX-> 1st is make sure each of the host does have your uid and gid same?21:30
FalcUbuntuoff to best buy21:30
linuxmongerMountainX: You can use awk to just get the logins with UID > 999 and > say 10,00021:30
jake2point0poor you FalcUbuntu21:30
MountainXI am in admin group on each computer, but admin group is GID 114 on one machine and GID 110 on the other21:30
Pirate_Hunterpeter77: ok understood21:31
linuxmongerMountainX: Then do a chown -ARE on each directory in home if you've changed any of the UIDS.21:31
amenadoMountainX-> and make sure those users are not logged on at the moment you are doing this conversion?21:32
linuxmongerMountnX: My text replacement kicked in, that was supposer to be a single character -are-21:32
Pirate_HunterIs there soemthing better than JFs filesystem (excl ext2/3 7 reseirfs), better what is the best file system in speed and reliability as well as defragmentation?21:32
soulreaperhow do i rotate the cube?21:33
Odd-rationalesoulreaper: ctrl+alt+left/right21:33
Odd-rationalesoulreaper: or ctrl+alt+[click and hold left mouse button and move mouse around]21:33
MountainXlinuxmonger - thx but I am confused. If I currently have admin GID's of 110, 113, 114 etc. on the different machines, what is the safest, best way to make those all the same?21:33
UnSuNgLoSeRneed help people21:35
UnSuNgLoSeRhelp required21:36
NineaxisMe too21:36
linuxmongerMountainX: Dunno, personally, I'd not have anybody in the admin group, but that may not be possible - and there are three files at least that you need to look at, /etc/{shadow,passwd,group}21:36
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, you have to ask a real question. I've told you this already. But I've investigated while you were gone, and might have a solution for you.21:36
geniiIt's usually better to just state what the problem is21:36
phil__Hi! Is it possible to add subtitles (.srt format) in copying DVD Video in Ubuntu?21:36
soulreaperit ses i have 2 desktops21:36
NineaxisAnyone know why a server might not be booting from the ubuntu server disk on startup?21:36
UnSuNgLoSeRXiXaQ yeah wat do u have for me?21:36
wildmansudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb gives me /dev/sdb does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. any ideas? I'm trying to install grub on a 2nd hdd to make it bootable after transferring my whole system (from 1st disk) to it21:37
MountainXI can get all three files from each machine. I can also edit them. But I don't know what will happen after I change the admin GID. I'd rather find out before I try :)21:37
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, first, install kppp.21:37
UnSuNgLoSeRwhatever that is?21:37
JowiUnSuNgLoSeR, ask a precise question. the more info you give the better your chances are to get an answer.21:37
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, it's an application used for connecting to dialup networks.21:37
|Dede|when is the hardy release date?21:37
MountainXsoulreaper - did you set horiz virtual size to 4?21:38
linuxmongerMountainX: Make a backup, give it a try, worst is a need to reboot in single-user.21:38
UnSuNgLoSeRi dont known how to install stuff on ubuntu21:38
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Is the BIOS configured to boot from CD automatically?21:38
Starnestommy|Dede|: I think it's April 2421:38
XiXaQJowi, actually, that was my fault. He asked in another channel on another network. The problem is connecting to the internet using HSUPA (3G)21:38
NineaxisBut it keeps booting fedora from the hard drive21:38
MountainXhardy release around april 24 i think21:38
wildmanUnSuNgLoSeR,: sudo apt-get install package_name, run from a command line, will do21:38
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, Applications > Add/Remove.21:38
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Is the CD-ROM configured to boot before the hard drive?21:38
MountainXwhy not try hardy beta now?21:38
wildmanUnSuNgLoSeR, or you can use the corresponding add/remove entry in the menu21:38
JowiXiXaQ, ah :)21:38
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Also, is the system detecting the CD-ROM?21:39
NineaxisI'm not sure21:39
=== SamRose_ is now known as SamRose
MountainXlinuxmonger - thx21:39
wildmansudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb gives me /dev/sdb does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. any ideas? I'm trying to install grub on a 2nd hdd to make it bootable after transferring my whole system (from 1st disk) to it and it seems I'm not able to correctly spec the device21:39
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Once it's booted to the hard disk, check within Fedora to see if the CD-ROM drive is detected.21:39
vecoOla! I have a dcc pending. Any help? im using xchat21:39
heyjoe02Hi, this might be off topic. Is there a way to view or edit p-frames in an mpeg file?  I would like to manipulate every single frame, including the placement and data in p-frames.21:39
Starnestommyveco: /dcc get nickname21:40
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 Sorry for being a linux n00b, but how do I go about doing that?21:40
vecoOla! I have a dcc pending. Any help? im using xchat. The issue revolves around downloading files from irc21:40
UnSuNgLoSeRi tried to make it run by changing the dev address to /dev/ttyUSB0 but to no avail21:40
vecono such dcc offer21:40
soulreaperya its set at 421:40
UnSuNgLoSeRis huawei ets2551 supported by ubuntu 7.10?21:40
Starnestommyveco: regular xchat or xchat-gome?21:40
vecoshould i download xchat2 and try again?21:40
amenadowildman-> on /dev/sdb which partition would you like /boot/grub to be on?21:41
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, I don't know. I'm fairly sure it won't automatically connect though.21:41
UnSuNgLoSeRi checked it on the device manager21:41
wildmanamenado, tried /dev/sdb1 too to no avail (I'll try again now), /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /mnt BTW21:41
UnSuNgLoSeRthe status is connected21:41
wildmanamenado, with /dev/sdb1 it's the same pb21:41
ogre anybody know what the heck that anarchism package is about? and how to run it to look for myself?21:42
soulreaperbut i cant get it to rotate21:42
mrkeishiihow do you use the Paint Fire21:42
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, you're connected to the modem, but has the modem logged into your internet providers network?21:42
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  It's OK!  I forget the GUI method in Fedora (I believe there's a hardware manager, maybe someone using Fedora can confirm), but from the command-line you can type "sudo lshw | grep -A 15 cdrom", and look at the "logical name:" entries to see if your system has set the cdrom up.21:42
UnSuNgLoSeRno it hasnt21:42
amenadowildman-> sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb  this doesnt seem to look right, try  /boot instead of /mnt21:42
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, have you installed kppp yet?21:42
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  You should see something like, "logical name:  /dev/dvd"21:43
eraccAnyone know why Hardy is delayed? Is there a URL that tells us why?21:43
UnSuNgLoSeRit goes like TUSB 3140 boot device connected to usb port21:43
vecoStarnestommy: xchat-gnome. On my laptop i have xchat2 i think, it works fine there out of the box21:43
XiXaQeracc, is it delayed?21:43
mrkeishiiI activated The Paint Fire on Desktop Effect, but how do you use it???21:43
JoeLinux117@eracc:  April Fools21:43
soulreapercontrol + alt brings up a window like in windows xp when you alt tab and i can switch between desk 1 and desk 221:43
UnSuNgLoSeRi already have the network utility up and running21:43
eraccJoeb454, ah, ok. :)21:43
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, kppp?21:43
UnSuNgLoSeRdo i still need kppp?21:43
eraccJoeLinux117, ah, ok. :)21:43
UnSuNgLoSeRnay i am on winxp now21:44
ceschneidersotap: everything is runnig faster now... are there more options that I can disable to improve performace?21:44
Joeb454eracc, wondered why you wanted me then, i've not said anything yet :P21:44
mrkeishii>>>I activated The Paint Fire on Desktop Effect, but how do you use it???21:44
soulreaperdo i have to restart my comp to use the cube21:44
* eracc actually reads the topic XiXaQ ;)21:44
wildmanamenado, but it will install in sda's /boot, not in sdb's...21:44
wildmanamenado, right?21:44
amenadowildman it should not21:44
UnSuNgLoSeRand yeah one more question how do i access the ext2 file system from winxp?21:44
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, as I said before, I don't have any experience with this, but I'll tell you what I've been told.21:44
ogremrkeishii:  well thats more of a #compiz-fusion question but u use <Shift><Super>Button121:44
wildmanamenado, ok =X21:44
eraccJoeb454, heh, tabbed nick completion got me again. :)21:44
MountainXsoulreaper - no restart required21:44
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, www.fs-driver-org21:45
MountainXsoulreaper - but you need 4 desktops, not 221:45
Joeb454gets me alot too eracc21:45
mrkeishiiwats Super Button21:45
soulreaperumm one sec21:45
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 I see it, logical name: /dev/cdrom /dev/scd0 and /devsr021:45
ogrethe button with the stupid windows logo on it21:45
mrkeishiioh okay21:45
amenadoUnSuNgLoSeR-> get the driver for xp to support ext 2 filesystem21:45
eraccAck! Wrong channel. Sorry. :(21:45
mrkeishiiokay it works21:45
mrkeishiibut how to disperse21:46
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Ok, this problem gets a little more complicated now.  Are you sure that the CD is bootable (has it worked before)?21:46
soulreaperok now its set to 4 desk tops21:46
Pinchiukasif I put a ubuntu livecd into the drive, can I test how well counter-strike: source plays?21:46
linuxmongerStill looking for a way to get a pretty window to pop up on a users desktop from a cron job or the command line (from ssh). Can anybody help?21:46
NineaxisI just burned the file per instructions on the ubuntu website.21:46
soulreaperbut in my bottem right it is has 221:46
sotapceschneider: not that I can think of, but if performance is an issue, you might want to consider using xubuntu instead of ubuntu21:46
mrkeishiiHow do you remove it though?21:46
ogremrkeishii:  well thats more of a #compiz-fusion question but u use <Shift><Super>C but use #compiz-fusion channel for these questions21:46
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  It could be that the CD isn't bootable... that would explain the boot process skipping it.21:46
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Do you have K3b installed?21:47
UnSuNgLoSeRXiXaQ dude i cant run ubuntu at extra graphics!whenever i try to switch to extra graphics, it gives an error message21:47
soulreaperi still cant get my cube to pop up21:47
NineaxisI don't know, haven't heard of it befor21:47
=== billy is now known as billybiculator
ceschneidersotap: how can I upgrade to xubuntu?21:47
Nineaxisbefore, so probably not21:47
wildmanamenado, http://pastebin.com/d2d8623f1 has output, does this mean I can disconnect sda, connect sdb on sda's place and it will boot?21:47
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:47
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  It has a very easy "Burn CD Image..." option, where once you've downloaded the .iso file from www.ubuntu.com, you can simply burn it using K3b.21:47
JoeLinux117sudo yum install k3b21:47
wildmanamenado, a.k.a: that it worked as expected :)21:47
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, that's probably because you haven't installed any drivers that supports 3d. But that's a completely different issue. Don't you think it would be wise to solve one problem at a time?21:48
amenadowildman it works as expected?21:48
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  I believe that should work ("sudo yum install k3b").21:48
MountainXsoulreaper - are you on ubuntu or kubuntu? If in ubuntu, you must see 4 desks in lower right before you can use cube21:48
soulreaperim in ubuntu21:48
sotapceschneider: run: 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' then at the login screen select xfce session21:48
soulreaperand i dont see them21:48
billybiculatormountainx: how do you make 4 thinks appear in the bottom right?21:48
soulreaperi only see 221:48
wildmanamenado, dunno, I've never had the need before to install grub to a different device until I bought this new bigger disk and wanted to transfer my whole Ubuntu system to it21:49
UnSuNgLoSeRyeah right.its just that i want my ubuntu to up and running with no problems watsoever21:49
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 I don't have a cd burner on my server and my desktop is Windows.21:49
wildmanamenado, so, does the above paste look right?21:49
billybiculatorunsungloser: what problems are u having?21:49
soulreaperis there a way to apply it when im in the compz window21:49
wildmanamenado, "Installation finished. No error reported" gives me the impression it did...21:49
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, if you include the nickname of the person you're talking to, it's alot easier to notice your messages.21:49
MountainXusing CCSM under general options get horizontal virtual size to 421:49
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  Ouch.  Do you have access to a CD burner?  Or anyone that can burn this for you?21:49
amenadowildman-> the paste looked good..now have an entry on your menu.lst to point to this new /dev/sdb to boot21:49
wildmanamenado, but again... I'm a bit confuzed by specing root-directory to a place different than the place where sdb1 is mounted :)21:50
billybiculatormountainx: can you help me set up compiz frm scratch? ive don it before but i dont remember how lol21:50
ceschneidersotap: but I'll be able to run gnome when I want, right?21:50
MountainXsoulreaper - there is no need to "apply" - the settings become effective21:50
wildmanamenado, errr... shouldn't be needed, cuz sdb will become sda once properly reconnected21:50
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 I have a CD burner on my desktop, the one I just used to burn the ubuntu server cd21:50
XiXaQUnSuNgLoSeR, I don't understand how fancy animated desktop effects is necessary in order to use ubuntu without problems. I'd think it's much more important to get connected to the internet.21:50
|Dede|What path is the deleted files folder at?21:50
amenadowildman-> you are going to fast for me, what are you trying to do?21:50
JoeLinux117@Nineaxis:  And that desktop is Windows?21:50
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 Yes21:51
wildmanamenado, I have sda, and bought a bigger sdb, I've already copied the whole thing (whole contents of sda) from sda to sdb21:51
billybiculatorxixaq: i agree lol. i spent 3 months working on my bcm4311 before i just gave up and started using a wireless bridge i found layin aroun21:51
UnSuNgLoSeRyeah am getting to that21:51
sotapceschneider: yes, refer to http://www.xubuntu.org/get21:51
wildmanamenado, now I want to disconnect sda and connect sdb in its place, and have the exact same system I'm seeing right now (on sda)21:51
UnSuNgLoSeRthanks for all the help!21:51
linkinxphey hello i have a question21:51
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:51
amenadowildman-> okay, and you have transfered, now dont you want to test  to see if you can boot from /dev/sdb?21:51
sphinxxhi guys i have a question about /boot21:51
ubotulinkinxp: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:52
MountainXI need to know what will happen when I change a Group's ID. I want to know before I change it. I want to change my admin GID from 114 to 113. There is another group with ID 113 at the moment. So, how do I proceed?21:52
amenadowildman without removing /dev/sda21:52
|Dede|What path is the "deleted files folder" at?21:52
wildmanamenado, I see where you are heading ...21:52
linkinxpwhen the new ubuntu comes out will i need to reinstall it ?? or it will update by it self?21:52
wildmanif I can make it boot as sdb, it should then boot as sda, gotcha21:52
* wildman editing menu.lst21:52
soulreaperMountainX well i set the horizontal virtual size to 4 and vertical virtual is set to one and number of deck tops are set to 421:52
sphinxxpeople have told me theres no need to make a separate /boot partition, but in case that either winxp or linux got a virus that infected the boot record (i have dual boot), and there was no /boot partition, wouldnt i be screwed?21:52
JoeLinux117Nineaxis: Download a free CD burning program, cdburnerxp.se/download21:52
|Dede|What path is the "deleted files folder" at?21:52
MountainXset number of desktops to 1. You only need to change horiz virtual size to 4. The others stay at 1.21:52
amenadowildman-> not that quick, you may have to play around with the menu.lst on sdb21:53
linkinxpwhen the new ubuntu comes out will i need to reinstall it ?? or it will update by it self? ( im using the beta) billybiculator21:53
Scunizi|Dede|, ~/.trash21:53
realmccoy_i need help with my cube21:53
JEEBDoes anyone have a newer tutorial for completely installing Japanese input via SCIM+Anthy on a non-Japanese install of Ubuntu. I tried earlier one tutorial but I never got full dictionaries working? :/21:53
wildmanamenado, I see the root UUID...21:53
Luckriderlinkinxp, you will be able to uprade form inside the update manager21:53
wildmanamenado, which refers to sda's... I'm sure sdb's is different... how do I find it out?21:53
realmccoy_i cant spin it it stays flat21:53
linkinxpLuckrider:  perfect thanks :D I Like ubuntu "D21:53
soulreaperok its set but i still see 2 deck tops in the bottem right21:53
Survivormandoes anyone know how to rename an sd card in linux? I can just rename it inline in windows, but rename is grayed out.21:54
Luckriderplus linkinxp, you should join #ubuntu+121:54
Luckriderit is for Hardy21:54
amenadowildman try to test it first, have an entry in the current menu.lst  to boot from sdb21:54
linkinxpokey thanks21:54
linkinxpmy bad21:54
MountainXsoulreaper - check out the compiz links I and others posted above21:54
Pinchiukasif I put a ubuntu livecd into the drive, can I test how well counter-strike: source plays?21:54
soulreapercan you post it agen21:54
foo-nixHow can I install extra .sty packages in ubuntu, latex wont work21:55
realmccoy_i have4 desktops and still only flat switch no spin21:55
foo-nix(the latex command)21:55
wildmanamenado, ok, added the entry =X =X (I've used root=/dev/sdb instead of root=UUID=....)21:55
doctorowI'm trying to set up a PDF printer in Ubuntu (Administration -> Printing -> etc) and when when I click "Apply" in the printer name step, I get prompted for my user account password, but it gets rejected. I'm sure I'm typing it correctly. Anyone know how to fix this?21:55
wildmanamenado, rebooting... stay around a few minutes more please :)21:55
EnginAI want to see (and possibly record) what a user is doing in my system. Any solutions for that ? i.e. I could 'tail -f /home/user/.bash_history' or 'cat /dev/pts/x' ... but is there a neat solution21:56
wildmanbbs... hopefully :)21:56
foo-nixi.e. I cannot install xcolor and listings using     latex xcolor.sty               and               latex listings.sty21:56
Pinchiukasinstall latex? ooh!21:56
realmccoy_how can i use remote access for smeone to fix my cube so it will spin21:57
Pinchiukaskinky, eh?21:57
amenadoEnginA-> how was the user logged on?21:57
EnginAamenado, ssh21:57
soulreaperMountainX can you post the link agen21:57
MountainXsoulreaper - several people posted compiz links for you. The one I posted was http://forum.compiz-fusion.org21:57
billybiculatorare there any programs in ubuntu that allow computer to phone calling for free?21:57
vecoStarnestommy: xchat dcc pending issue resolved  -removed xchat-gnome, installed xchat21:57
Nineaxis@JoeLinux117 I have the software and am in the screen to make the disk bootable but it won't accept .iso files21:57
dwloetzhey can anyone help me with my sound, its an ICH4 AC 97 soundcard, i have fooled with settings but it still will not play sound21:58
Pinchiukasbillybiculator: skype? :)21:58
billybiculatorfor free21:58
amenadoEnginA-> just an idea, you can run a netcat proxy on your host and let the incoming ssh to use that? then you can monitor all the packets ? sounds plausible, never really put much thought to it though21:58
Pinchiukasfor us residents it's free I think21:58
EnginAamenado, you know ssh is all about encryption21:58
doctorowNevermind -- I just ran /usr/bin/system-config-printer as sudo21:58
Pinchiukasdwloetz: alsa?21:58
Pinchiukastried alsamixer?21:59
realmccoy_can someone please help me in private im tryin to make my cube spinn please!!21:59
dwloetzyea i am using the gnome alsa mixer21:59
realmccoy_ can someone please help me in private im tryin to make my cube spinn please!!21:59
realmccoy_ can someone please help me in private im tryin to make my cube spinn please!!21:59
realmccoy_ can someone please help me in private im tryin to make my cube spinn please!!21:59
realmccoy_ can someone please help me in private im tryin to make my cube spinn please!!21:59
Pinchiukascan you please shut the fuck up?21:59
Starnestommy!repeat | realmccoy_21:59
uboturealmccoy_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:59
amenadoEnginA-> yes i know21:59
soulreaperare you shure i dont have to restart?22:00
realmccoy_ive tryed everything in every forem  it was working and just stoped in mid use22:00
MountainXsoulreaper - I have not had to restart when I set up the desktop cube.22:00
MountainXif you wish, try ctrl-alt-backspace to just restart X22:01
quamboanyone know how to grant write access to a mounted nfs share? I mounted with rw option, but apparantly group/user file permissions still apply over nfs. I have no idea how to fix this because I can't exactly arbitrarily change my uid to match that of my server.22:01
Pinchiukasrealmccoy_: I think I know what the problem is. You can easily fix it by stabbing yourself in the face.22:01
sphinxxdid anyone seen my question above22:01
ceschneidersotap: thank you very much!22:01
sphinxxdo i need to create a separate /boot partition?22:01
ceschneidersotap: I get to go22:01
MountainXquambo - I have the same problem. It is recommended to either "manually sync" password and group files or to use OpenLDAP or something  simmilar22:02
JEEBhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/InputMethods/SCIM/Setup - is this tutorial still viable for the 7.10 version?22:02
wildmanamenado, 1st, thx for ur patience, 2nd: it didn't work :(22:02
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MountainXI am trying to find out how to manually sync passwd and group files. THen I will try OpenLDAP as second step.22:02
realmccoy_what should i do with the blood it is very tasty dont want to wast it22:02
wildmanamenado, all I see is the hdd led blinking a lot and the Ubuntu boot progress bar doesn't move, that is, no progress22:03
BrightEyes`hi. something with my fat file system went wrong so i had to put the cd of windoze to repair it and unfortunately i lost the grub bootloader.how can i bring it back?22:03
unopMountainX, look into NIS and NIS+ and how they share system files like that22:03
quamboah is that what these sync & async options do?22:03
quamboif its that tough maybe i'll screw it for now and just use sftp22:03
ximi remember an app that would display your diskspace usage really nicely in concentric circles of subfolders, anyone know what that app is called?22:03
quambopain in the nuts though22:03
teamcobrahi all, I've followed the openldap/samba howto at: http://www.howtoforge.com/openldap-samba-domain-controller-ubuntu7.10 ... at the end of the 2nd page, when everything is configured, I rebooted it22:04
realmccoy_8==========D~  ~ ~  ~22:04
mmm4m5mHi all!22:04
mmm4m5mQuestion: is there good open source alternative for flash (web browser plugin)?22:04
teamcobraand now it refuses all http/ssh requests, even though I can ping it22:04
icanhasadminWow. that's.. really.. childish22:04
stdin!ops | realmccoy_22:04
uboturealmccoy_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!22:04
billyhow do i make more than 2 desktop panels?22:04
icanhasadminmmm4m5m: no but i believe there's a bad one22:04
jpatrickstdin: ?22:04
wildmanbilly, right click -> Prefs, set the lines/columns you want22:04
stdinjpatrick: the ascii art22:05
amenadowildman paste your current menu.lst22:05
wildmanamenado, I'm on it :)22:05
mmm4m5micanhasadmin: thank you.22:05
mmm4m5mQuestion: Is it safe to install flash (web browser plugin)? What are things which I have to know when installing 3rd party software (close source)?22:05
BrightEyes`hi. something with my fat file system went wrong so i had to put the cd of windoze to repair it and unfortunately i lost the grub bootloader.how can i bring it back?22:05
wildmanamenado, I'll paste the entry I've added22:05
chuyis the topic of this room correct Hardy will be delayed?22:05
TWP-SirStaalI got a partionated hard-drive. When I deleted some stuff in the partionated part of the hard-drive (the part were the linux isn't installed) but I regretted it and want them back. But when I looked in the linux trashcan they wasn't in there, someone know were I should check?22:06
nbkrchuy, Today is april the first.22:06
amenadoEnginA-> take a look a this if it meets your needs http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-monitormainframe/22:06
chuydugh I am an idiot22:07
mmm4m5micanhasadmin: there is AppArmor, I read someone did monitor skype activities for linux. Maybe I have to read about AppArmor?22:07
wildmanamenado, http://pastebin.com/d433eff5c22:07
amenadoapril fools joke is only for americans?22:07
icanhasadminmmm4m5m: that would be a good idea22:07
wildmanamenado, no, in France it's normal too22:07
chuyI'm an american who has fallen for it hook line and sinker, stooopid me22:08
wildmanamenado, it's called: Poisson d'Avril22:08
wildmanwe don't 'celebrate' it here in Buenos Aires22:08
amenadooh okay, am not sure if it works for latam22:08
nbkramenado, same in germany and most parts of europe.22:08
wildmanamenado, no, no funca acá :) (Sorry for ES, won't happen again)22:08
amenadowildman that was your whole menu.lst ? i wanted to see the current and the added entry for sdb22:09
wildmanno current entry, just added one22:09
nathan42100nikrud: any idea why I have 2 network symbols a full pidgen symbol and a  half pidgin connecting symbol?22:09
wildmanamenado, and no, that's just what I've added, the rest is the vanilla 7.1+updates menu.lst22:09
amenadowildman use your existing one and then add an entry for the one on sdb22:10
wildmanthat's what I did22:10
EnginAamenado, over complicated22:10
wildmanamenado, wait, I'll paste it all22:10
EnginAamenado, I've did cat /dev/pts/11 | tee log > /dev/pts/1122:10
amenadoEnginA-> works for you? cool22:10
ScuniziIs there a way to send an "ATDT" to a modem on ttyS0 from console just to see if it picks up the phone line?22:10
wildmanamenado, errr... I'll just paste entries not being comments, I see little interest in pasting commented out parts of menu.lst22:11
FreeDownloadhave you seen this ? http://www.flickr.com/photos/12831039@N07/2380429329/in/set-72157604239305682/ :D22:11
linuxmongerScunizi: echo "atdt" > /dev/ttyS022:12
Scunizilinuxmonger, thanks.22:12
wildmanamenado, http://pastebin.com/d3fd99dd022:13
foo-nixIs there a way of installing latex packages in ubuntu22:13
H-Breakerhi gys22:13
linuxmongerScunizi: Then echo "ath" > /dev/ttyS0 to get it to shut up.22:13
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
jamesishfoo-nix: apt-cache search latex22:13
lionroarHmm, would anyone know why most of my USB devices aren't recognised at init time until i disconnect and reconnect them?  It's really annoying to have to keep doing that each time I turn my machine on.22:13
Scunizilinuxmonger, thanks that I had figured out.. sounds like the modem picks up and instantly drops..22:13
amenadowildman and what happens when at boot you select the new entry you added?22:14
linkinxphow i enable the SKULL (KILL) process what is the shorcut?22:14
phrecksigh. what happened to hardy..22:14
RADARwhat is skull22:14
wildmanamenado, what I explain in the 1st paste, the hdd led goes crazy and the progress bar doesn't advance22:14
stefglionroar: could be a bios issue22:14
linkinxplet me rephrase which one is the shorcut for the kill processes ????22:14
kyncanilinkinxp: the "skull" is xkill22:15
linkinxpok any shorcut ?22:15
jamesishlinkinxp: man killall might help, too.22:15
linkinxplol ok22:15
lionroarstefg: well, I turned OFF USB2 detection (EHCI) since it was causing issues with my keyboard.  Turning it on has no effect for other devices, so I just leave it off.22:15
kyncanilinkinxp: you can set up any shortcut you want using gnome or kde.22:15
amenadowildman i dont recall what you said previously, status when you select the new entry?22:15
Scunizilinuxmonger, does that tell you like it tells me that there is an issue with it and it won't hold the line?22:16
kyncanilinkinxp: well, in kde, i expect it to be in system settings22:16
bonaldo2000Hi, my kaffeine shows no picture on one account but works on another. Is it some config file I have to delete to make it work on the first account and if so which?22:16
linkinxpbut im talkong for example in suse when i press certain keys the cursor changes to a SKULL and everything that i click it goes how i do that in ubuntu?22:16
amenadoScunizi-> it depends on how the modem is configured, if it waits for DSR or DTR or what not..22:17
linuxmongerScunizi: Maybe, try to get it to dial a number atdt 5551212 or something.22:17
wildmanamenado, I see the 'normal' boot screen (logo + Ubuntu + progress bar) but the orange progress bar doesn't move (it doesn't progress, it doesn't advance, it's frozen at the very beginning) and the hdd activity led on the computer goes crazy22:17
magnetronlinkinxp: you need to start the "xkill" application22:17
linkinxpok ok22:17
Scunizilinuxmonger, good idea.. thanks amenado ..22:17
linkinxpthanks let me see22:17
linuxmongerScunizi: Or install minicom and you can try making a full connection.22:17
stefglionroar: so i'd look if you have the latest bios for your your mobo... obviously the one you got has some bugs22:17
magnetronlinkinxp: alt+f2 and then type "xkill" would have the same effect22:17
amenadowildman-> well that indicates your sdb is booting, perhaps the vmlinuz or the initrd were not correct when you copied it to sdb?22:17
lionroarstefg:  It is a shuttle XPC.22:18
linkinxp nicee22:18
wildmanamenado, errr... I've copied it exactly as it is sda22:18
wildmanamenado, errr... I've copied it exactly as it is *in* sda22:18
amenadowildman including all the supporting files in /boot/grub ?22:18
stefglionroar: same here ... check shuttle,com, they do quite a lot of updates22:19
kate_minsHello, does someone know for good alarm clock software for ubuntu ?22:19
linuxmongerGood night folks.22:19
wildmanfabman@monster:~$ md5sum /media/disk-1/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic22:19
wildmand659d9cef399af21602d0931307e7d7a  /media/disk-1/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic22:19
wildmanfabman@monster:~$ md5sum /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic22:19
wildmand659d9cef399af21602d0931307e7d7a  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic22:19
FloodBot3wildman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
wildmansame file22:19
wildmanamenado, yes22:19
amenadowildman..ahh you're bad22:19
lionroarstefg:  Cool.  I've got the SD39P2 - brilliant machine.  Will look.22:19
amenadowildman   including  /boot/grub  ? all the stage1.5 stuff?22:19
stefglionroar: and test if rearranging the devices makes a difference ...22:20
wildmanamenado, I swear I see the same22:20
linkinxphow i add a new entry in the shortcuts management?22:21
amenadowildman also on you entry remove the  "quiet splash" so when you boot, you can see what is going on22:21
phreckanyone have a winmo phone here?22:21
amenadowildman if you say so, am just playing a devils advocate, making sure you copied the right stuff22:21
javbHellow guys, look, im using gnome network manager, i CAN see the wireless network when click on the icon in tray bar, but, when i click on the wireless network and trying to connect, it just stays as it didnt received dhcp.. wich is not true... have working with another laptop with XP here next to me.. any help please? (its a broadcom 43xx, and i`m using restricted drivers and firmware, the ones that comes with ubuntu 7.10)22:21
jamesishkate_mins: if you;re into that kind of thing, there's at and cron from the command line that rule.22:21
wildmanamenado, the only thing I didn't copy was /proc and /sys cuz those are generated again, as I was told here22:21
Scuniziamenado, I'm trying to use efax-gtk which worked great on my previous USR that just died, I've replaced it with a USR Sportster v/d/f external hooked to the same serial port..22:21
wildmanamenado, all the rest is exactly the same22:22
amenadowildman also on the device.map of the sdb  what is the contents?22:22
sarah____what works better with ubuntu, AMD/Intel?22:22
jamesishjavb: what's the output of ifconfig?22:22
wildmanamenado, I did try remove 'quiet splash' and the last 'quiet' line, and saw nothing but a black screen with the blinking text cursor on the left top corner22:22
jamesishjavb: I believe you use pastebin on this forum, if that's something you need to know.22:22
jamesishjavb: no, it's pastes.ubuntu.org, but don't just paste to the room.22:23
amenadowildman-> ctrl+alt+F1 F2  F3  shows anything?22:23
wildmanamenado,  device.map has (hd0)   /dev/sda on both systems22:23
lukkkaciao a tutti22:23
wildmanamenado, haven't tried that22:23
wildmanamenado,  device.map has (hd0)   /dev/sda on both *disks*22:23
amenadowildman thats is wrong then, should be hd1 on the second one22:23
javbjamesish, =)    -->  http://pastebin.com/m58d051a722:23
wildmanamenado, so, (hd1) /dev/sdb ?22:23
amenadowildman affirmative22:24
sarah____what works better with ubuntu, AMD/Intel?22:24
wildmansarah____, both22:24
amenadosarah____-> better at what?22:24
wildmanamenado, dun, rebooting =X =X22:24
sarah____functioning, compatability, and support22:24
wildmansarah____, both22:24
sarah____some say intel is in the lead... others day amd will be in a few years22:24
amenadoas the man says, both... :)22:25
stefgsarah____: it's not a question of cpu ... rather the motherboard chipset is interesting22:25
wildmanamenado, see you soon... hopefully22:25
jamesishjavb: is 192.168.80.stuff your address range?22:25
sarah____what about for graphic cards, ATI or Nvidia?22:25
david49I have no sound on gutsy gibbon, can anyone help please?22:25
unopsarah____, !polls in #ubuntu-offtopic please22:25
javbAnd i am, right now, using ethernet.22:25
jamesishjavb: then you have an address. Try pinging your router, presumably at
stefgsarah____: at the time nvidia, but that may change soon22:25
jamesishjavb: aaaah, gotcha.22:26
jamesishjavb: the easiest resolution is to simply statically address the interface.22:26
stefg!sound | david4922:26
ubotudavid49: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:26
jamesishjavb: but that's because I'm a freeBSD guy, not an ubuntu guy ;)22:26
stefg!intelhda | david4922:26
ubotudavid49: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:26
sarah____stefg why might it change?22:27
stefgdavid49: and check that it's not simply muted in the mixer22:27
amenadosarah____-> marketeers want more of our money22:27
billydoes ekiga softphone work for computer to phone calls?22:27
sarah____but ATI's drivers and such are not that good for linux right?22:28
javb_jamesish, sorry, GOT disconnected22:28
javb_jamesish, did you say something ?22:28
javb_jamesish, that my address range.22:28
amenadowildman i lost you?22:28
david49ubotu....it's a MSI mb, with a realtek onboard sound chip ,AMD, not intel22:28
teo_i have ubuntu 7.10 and i have patched the driver for bcm43xx injection.. but when i use airplay-ng i doesn't send packets.. it only reads :S some help pls..22:28
jamesishjavb: it's cool22:28
billyhowcome i can only use workspace #1 even though i have 4 of them in my bottom corner?22:29
billyteo_: throw ur bcm43xx card off the top of the empire state building and get something else22:29
jamesishjavb_: you can statically address it, more than likely resolving the issue, unless the device is simply unsupported.22:29
JEEBHmm... So I guess no-one in this room uses scim+anthy for inputting Japanese?22:30
tobberothI installed mplayer-nogui and want to play a .mov in CLI. I've tried -vo sdl and -vo fbdev2, neither works22:30
teo_billy, i can't.. i need to throw my laptop :)22:30
amenadoteo_-> you are one lucky person to get a bcm43xx working22:30
tobberothMy guess is that i'm simply lacking fbdev2, how do I get it for ubuntu?22:30
billyteo_: wut kinda laptop?22:30
teo_billy, acer extensa 522022:30
mastaofdisastahey guys, I have 2 ubuntu based smtp servers.  How can I separate outgoing smtp with incoming smtp?22:30
sarah____does anyone here use pine or alphine for ubuntu/linux?22:30
mastaofdisastaamong 2 servers22:31
stefgtobberoth: famebuffer is broken in gutsy22:31
tobberothstefg: Oh really... now that's not very good :/22:31
stefgi know ...22:31
sarah____stefg do you use "pine"?22:31
tobberothIsn't gutsy supposed to be stable?22:32
teo_billy, i saw some ppl on forums which have enabled the injection.. and also i patch the driver from the guide on ubuntu forums.. but the airplay only reads packets :S i can't send.. i don't know whats the problem..22:32
billyteo_: broadcom sucks.. i gave up and connected a bridge to my ethernet port and thats how im on right now22:32
stefgsarah____: pine is not even in the repos, and i ususally use a graphical email client22:32
linkinxpwhat do i press to invoke this /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1???22:32
phreckI need to know if there is an effective winmo sync solution/internet tethering solution out there. anyone have any input?22:32
teo_billy, ok thnx..22:32
Shubbari get logged out as soon as i connect my printer to usb?22:32
Jowitobberoth, try "mplayer -vo fbdev -fs movie.avi" this will only work if you have enabled a framebuffer resolution in GRUB (for example vga=791)22:33
sarah____pine is not? my gusty has it22:33
sarah____or it migth be "alpine"22:33
stefg!info pine22:33
ubotuPackage pine does not exist in gutsy22:33
sarah____!info alpine22:33
ubotuPackage alpine does not exist in gutsy22:33
Shubbarit was just not printing22:33
sarah____well i used ssh to read my emails22:33
sarah____isnt that pine?22:33
billyteo_: im not having any problems wutsoever now.. you can get a bridge for 20 bucks these days22:33
tobberothThanks Jowi but no, it didn't work :/22:34
Jowitobberoth, tip when you get it to work: try the "-xy 1024" if you use 1024x768 resolution for fullscreen goodness in console :)22:34
teo_billy, i want to fix this card... it's not the money:)22:34
=== Jonathan__ is now known as Kurban
Jowitobberoth, you sure you use the framebuffer?22:34
jtravnickteo_, did you try the restricted drivers?22:34
tobberothJowi: I don't have a framebuffer installed I think, I can't find any in apt-get22:34
teo_jtravnick, i can connect and i can use monitor mode.. but i cant inject22:34
billyteo_: i spent like three months on my bcm4311 card to no avail22:34
billyteo: u on a dell?22:34
Jowitobberoth, fbdev does not need to be installed. should work fine if enabled in grub (and doublecheck BIOS/CMOS settings as well).22:35
jtravnickhave no idea what inject is22:35
Jowi!framebuffer | tobberoth22:35
ubotutobberoth: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub22:35
teo_billy, no on acer.. and i won't give up till i fix it ;)22:35
yamostefg: in a terminal : apt-cache search pine22:35
yamoalpine - Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful22:35
=== Pooky is now known as pooky-5ce8
stefgtobberoth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/135613 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203822:35
=== pooky-5ce8 is now known as Pooky
viatorif i was to convert some avi files to another more web friendly format what would it be?22:36
unopviator, mpg or flash probably22:36
K4k-laptopcan someone tell me the version of the fglrx driver that is supposed to work properly, there is some new one that's beta or something isnt there?22:37
viatorim looking for somthing straightforward to do it22:37
viatorin ubuntu of course22:38
mactayloris better to stick with ubuntus version of a program or compile the latest program??????????????????????????????/22:39
Jowistefg, that's some unusual modification to a distro. You know if LTS will also implement this?22:39
stefgviator: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56701622:39
=== Piffer is now known as SteveGibson
ompaul!best | mactaylor22:40
ubotumactaylor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there.22:40
tobberothJowi: I added vga=791 to my distro, no change. Do i need to restart my computer?22:40
=== SteveGibson is now known as Piffer
stefgJowi: you mean if framebuffer in hardy will still be broken, or what?22:40
Cope57Did you also want Compiz installed with fglrx?22:40
Jowitobberoth, yes22:40
ompaul!compile | mactaylor22:40
ubotumactaylor: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:40
wildmanamenado, I've found out the UUID of the disk (I guess) and used that as root= for menu.lst, I leave it booting and I get a busybox prompt and my keyboard doesn't work22:40
larsweycan anyone recomend a goot ftp-server for ubuntu??22:41
wildmanI cannot believe that moving the system from one disk to the other is such a nasty process...22:41
Jowistefg, nah, more the question that they will be disabled by default...?22:41
stefg!ftp | larswey22:41
wildmanLILO installed in a much, much more simpler way than grub...22:41
ubotularswey: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
Datzwhen using a live cd, where are the temp files that i donwload stored...like codecs?22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ooxml - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:42
wildmanAmaranth, thx for your time, I'll google a bit about about grub now...22:42
amenadowildman when it tries to boot the entry you added?  what happens next? you just get thrown to busybox?22:42
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:42
OneTBhow do I add a service running as non-root22:42
stefgJowi: i don't know. Actually i found it ridiculous that gutsy was released with such a fat bug, which i'd a call a showstopper. But i'm confident that Hardy will be back on track22:42
wildmanamenado, 1st, I didn't, that's how I found out the UUID, then I've modified the menu.lst with the newly found UUID, and I'm just thrown to busybox 'help' prompt without a working keyboard22:42
wildmanAmaranth, that wasn't for you ;)22:43
Shubbari need help with my canon printer22:43
Datzwhen using a live cd, where are the temp files that i donwload stored...like codecs? are they stored somewhere on the hard disk, or just in ram?22:43
stefg!prinet | Shubbar22:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prinet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:43
stefg!printer | Shubbar22:43
ubotuShubbar: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows22:43
Jowistefg, :) cheers for the info. I sort of decided to wait for LTS instead of upgrading to Gutsy.22:43
amenadowildman-> what if you dont use UUID?  did you take care of the device.map i asked earlier?22:43
OneTBhow do I add a service running as non-root22:43
wildmanamenado, 1st time I tried (with root=/dev/sdb) hdd led blinked a lot, I left it there for a while, and tried Alt+F1, it said "Starting..." or "Loading..." and I saw busybox too, with working keyboard, and lots of messages stating that the 'device /dev/sdb' couldn't the found22:44
stefgJowi: and you were wise to do so ....22:44
wildmanamenado, yes, I did22:44
=== Ronald|Laptop is now known as Ronald
_botoi know you all very busy, but may i ask something about my mircorphone problem on 7.1?22:44
wildmanamenado, I've even copied menu.lst over to the 2nd disk before trying22:44
wildmanamenado, I mean, the modified one22:44
wildman_boto, dont' ask if you can ask, just ask22:44
_botok, i cannot get my micro input running, the alsa and oss fail both22:45
wildmanamenado, I'm very dissapointed with all this trouble...22:45
Datz when using a live cd, where are the temp files that i donwload stored...like codecs? are they stored somewhere on the hard disk, or just in ram?22:45
_botoi have an intel on-board sound chip22:45
_botogoogle could not help :-/22:45
wildmanamenado, I swear this operation (moving the OS from one disk to another, and have that other disk bootable) was much, much easier before...22:45
amenadowildman you seem to be mixing stuff...lets do this step by step22:45
OneTBDatz, I believe in the ram22:45
rootJowi: That didn't work too fine. When I picked my kernel in grub, it started.. or something. But my display went completely black.22:46
UnituxDatz ram22:46
DatzOneTB, thanks alot :)22:46
OneTBdatz, but could be written as temp files22:46
amenadowildman  did you modify the /boot/grub/device.map  as I suggested earlier?22:46
soulreaperhay mountainx you here22:46
Shubbari didn't see my canon model supported - LBP330022:46
OneTBdatz, sure22:46
wildmanamenado, yes, I did22:46
amenadowildman what is it pointing to?22:46
Shubbari installed linux drivers from canon site22:46
wildmanamenado, I won't paste here, the bot won't like it ;)22:46
wildmanamenado, wait plz22:46
OneTBhow do I add a service running as non-root22:46
amenadowildman can you re-paste your current menu.lst now as you have booted and getting that busy box?22:47
Shubbari had the same drivers work on a fedora box22:47
wildmanamenado, I will. wait plz22:47
xb3rtThis is kind of a dumb question, but how to I add extra space on my firefox bookmarks bar22:47
OneTBhow do I add a service running as non-root22:48
_botowhen i do a sound record test in audio settings then i get a failure notice. any idea what i should try?22:48
Jowiroot, (unfourtunatly) the second link that stefg gave seems to be what you need: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65203822:48
amenadoShubbar-> what are you trying to do?22:48
Stofferi'm trying to format my external hdd with gparted, but I keep getting an error: http://www.pastebin.org/26771  Can someone help me out?22:48
Shubbarprint with my Canon LBP330022:48
wildmanamenado, http://pastebin.com/d6dad580922:49
kazol_sluimers: Still doesn't work...22:49
amenado!who | Shubbar22:49
ubotuShubbar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:49
kazol_How do I retain my WPA key in the network administration tool so I won't have to enter it after each reboot?22:49
amenadokazol_-> in your /etc/network/interfaces22:49
soulreaperhay mountinx you still in hear?22:49
kazol_amenado: I still have to enter it.22:49
Cope57Leaked Release Announcement Describes Ubuntu Jabbering Jackass22:49
OneTBkazol, set it to the keyring, then change the keyring to retain password22:49
amenadokazol_-> one time.22:50
misteranyone know about xgl with open gl apps like google earth?22:50
Shubbarubotu, can cups work with a not listed printer?22:50
stefgShubbar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900 applies22:50
OneTBhow do I add a service running as non-root22:50
Cope57I am using it mister22:50
kazol_amenado: I'll try it again (I'll have the wpa-psk key).22:50
cherwin_OneTB: what are you trying to do?22:50
wildmanShubbar, ubotu is a bot, it won't answer you like that :)22:50
OneTBI set up vnc on desktop but I want to add it to services so it launches on boot22:51
amenadowildman on your menu.list remove this root=UUID=777f3ba1-d484-4556-8b2a-4f2fb78f76f3  and replace it with just root=/dev/sdb122:51
Shubbarwildman, how stupid of me chatting with a bot22:51
wildmanamenado, on both sda and sdb?22:51
wildmanamenado, or just on sda?22:51
xlrrnHi, can someone tell me how to search for a word or phrase in the nano text editor? Thanks.22:51
amenadowildman only on the sdb the new entry22:51
Jowixlrrn, ctrl-w22:52
thoreauputicxlrrn: ctrl+w22:52
xlrrnJowi: Thanks22:52
wildmanamenado, on both sda's /boot and sdb's /boot, or just on sda's ?22:52
stefgxlrrn: ctrl-w22:52
cherwin_you could use su22:52
amenadowildman  you added the entry for sdb right?  now remove that UUID line and replace per my suggestion22:52
OneTBcherwin, what is the command to execute services from term22:53
keit1every time I unzip more than one zip file at a time it keeps adding (2) to the end randomly of the unzipped folder name... how do i stop this?22:53
wildmanamenado, yes, what I'm not getting good at making you understand is:22:53
amenadowildman i dont trust uuid on grub...it misses it22:53
wildmanamenado, nevermind... I'll modify both menu.lst22:53
jodieIs it a bad time to ask for info to get my hp nx9010 laptop wireless adapter working with ubuntu 6.0422:54
kazol_amenado: It does not work; I have to enter it each time.22:54
amenadokazol_-> paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces  file contents22:54
stefgjodie: 6.04 doesn't exist22:55
Tu13eshm, I've got Gutsy on a Mac Mini natively.  now it freezes during boot, won't boot from CD and I can't get it to boot from USB. wtf!22:55
wildmanamenado, interesting... grub was installed under /boot/boot on sda :P22:55
alex101Hey can anyone help? im trying to install bluefish html editor and its not working.22:55
amenadowildman-> it modified your existing /boot on sda?22:56
wildmanamenado, that's why I was trying from the beginning to install on a different place with --root-directory=/the/place/where/sdb1/is/mounted22:56
stefgTu13es: is that a PPC or Intel MiniMac ?22:56
wildmanamenado, which didn't work22:56
amenadowildman its easy to move from /boot/boot to /boot22:56
ZoiXalex101: sudo apt-get install bluefish22:56
keit16.04? what was that called!22:56
kazol_amenado: http://pastebin.com/d4d3bb67d22:56
jodieNot using the laptop currently. I'll get back as soon as I get a wired connection working..22:56
wildmanamenado, yes, cuz you told me not to put /mnt (the place where sdb1 was mounted) as value for the --root-directory grub-install command22:56
stefg!dapper | kazol_:22:56
ubotukazol_:: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.22:56
amenadowildman its okay, no worries22:57
Tu13esstefg: Intel22:57
wildmanamenado, I think I won't move anything, I fear I won't be able to boot neither sda, nor sdba ;)22:57
jodieIts 6. something I'll check again22:57
kazol_stefg: ?22:57
Tu13estrying Recovery Mode now. looks like it got farther but either isnt booting or taking a while22:57
alex101it justsaid this22:57
alex101E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:57
amenadowildman  you can see that your /boot still exist right? it just added another boot subdir  yesh?22:57
stefgkazol_: sorry, mout of line error, was for keit122:57
wildmanamenado, yep22:57
OneTBany one know how to open services from the command line22:58
keit1dapper was 6.06 and ahrdy is 8.04 but was there ever a 6.04? i certainly don't remember one! ;)22:58
Xeon06Hey all. I have a little problem. I have a mic that works fine under Windows but not Ubuntu. Anybody has an idea?22:58
stefg!dapper | keit122:58
ubotukeit1: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.22:58
ZoiXalex101: is because you actually have open Synaptic or another similar process22:58
wildmanamenado, ok, dun, changed UUID for /dev/sdb1, rebooting =X22:58
Cope576.04 and 6.10 were the only two for 200622:58
amenadokazol_-> seems like you are missing a word like "key"  or is that how it is supposed to be?22:58
alex101Closed synaptic now, ill try now :)22:58
ZoiXalex101: yeap22:58
keit1stefg: cheers but  was probing jodie22:58
kazol_amenado: It was generated by default.22:58
stefg!version | jodie22:59
ubotujodie: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell22:59
alex101Thanks ZoiX its downloading now.22:59
keit1so was was the release cycle  6.04 -> 6.06 -> 6.10?22:59
ZoiXalex101: ok :)22:59
amenadokazol_-> let me check what the manual says22:59
Cope57every six months22:59
Cope57Just for Ubuntu though22:59
kazol_amenado: When I reboot, there is no internet connection-I have to open Network Manager and change the very long string to the temporary short key I have.22:59
kazol_amenado: So clearly the key in Network Manager is different from the actual key...maybe it's PSK?23:00
keit1Cope57: I joined the family at 6.06 then 7.04 then 7.10 and waiting with baited breath for hardy23:00
Cope57Personally I believe in using one release and have a continued rolling release. No need to download a new release every time.23:00
archangelpetrowhat package is needed to compile the NVIDIA driver, from their installation Bin?23:00
kazol_amenado: In that case, I don't understand why I have to enter my key each time for it to generate the same PSK.23:00
javb_jamesish, http://pastebin.com/m1de86e52, this is my interfaces.conf .. shoulnt i have adde my wireless or something23:01
keit1Cope57: i think that would be nice. so do you not use ubuntu?23:01
javb_Wow, this is weird, it was working just before doing some upgrade23:01
wildmanamenado, it seems to have worked...23:01
wildmanamenado, I've added (hd0) /dev/sda and (hd1) /dev/sdb to the .map files23:01
Cope57I use Debian, but I tried Ubuntu back with ver. 4.0623:01
wildmanamenado, and now I'm supposedly on sdb's OS23:01
amenadokazol_-> i cant easily find the correct syntax of wpa-psk23:01
amenadowildman you can verify  via mount23:02
wildmanamenado, I've touched a file on / called SEGUNDO (2nd) and I can see it on /23:02
wildmanon sdb's /, that is23:02
Level15hi. i am using the alternate cd to recover my grub. the problem is that it is not being recovered... when i reboot, it still goes straight into windows, now grub menu or anything... any suggestions on how to fix it by hand?23:02
wildmanamenado, however:23:02
sarah____hey guys, how do you customize terminal?23:02
mactaylordoes ubuntu slow down like vista with more space used on the hdd?23:03
wildmanamenado, mount tells me: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)23:03
sarah____i.e when i do "ls" some files are green/orange/yellow" etc23:03
sarah____how come?23:03
kindofabuzzsarah____: different kinds of files23:03
wildmanamenado, shouldn't it be telling me /dev/sdb1 instead? or grub changed sdb to sda at boot time?23:03
amenadowildman then you have not booted to sdb, did you select from grub menu the new entry you added?23:03
stefgLevel15: getting the super grub disk and letting it do an autofix might be easiest23:03
wildmanyes, I did23:03
Cope57sarah____ right click in terminal edit profile23:03
alex101Does anyone know any good mp3 recording programs for ubuntu, like, so i can record stuff from my microphone into an mp3 or soundfile?23:03
Level15stefg: supergrub disk... lemme find that23:03
sarah____cope57 is there any "themes" for terminal?23:04
sarah____or scripts?23:04
amenadowildman-> you can put a lil marker, like say you create another dir in /dev/sda that dont exist in /dev/sdb  and verify it htat way?23:04
kindofabuzzsarah____: they are supposed to be cloored to distinquish betwwn directorys and files, ant types of files23:04
wildmanamenado, I'll reboot with normal entry, and be back shortly...23:04
sarah____oh i see23:04
wildmanamenado, that's what I've tried with /SEGUNDO, but I'll make a folder better23:04
wildmanamenado, back in a few mins23:04
stefgLevel15: http://forjamari.linex.org/frs/?group_id=6123:04
alex101Does anyone know any good mp3 recording programs for ubuntu, like, so i can record stuff from my microphone into an mp3 or soundfile?23:04
peter77sarah____, themes for the terminal, you can create custom profiles etc!23:05
Cope57sarah____ I do not know what else you would want, I just have mine with a gray font and black background that is semi-transparent.23:05
kindofabuzzalex101: maybe overkill, but audicity23:05
sarah____creating a custome profile, im not good with "picking colors!"23:05
kindofabuzzalex101: umm yeah23:05
kazol_!caps | alex10123:05
ubotualex101: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:05
alex101Yay :)23:05
Cope57actual themes are found in System > Preferences > Appearance23:06
alex101Sorry i was just happy bout having audacity lol.23:06
ampex2I have a bridge set up as my main interface and it includes eth0, I want to add an eth0:0 with a different IP but I can't seem to make it work with the bridge, any ideas?23:06
alex101Anyone got the terminal code for the Audacity install?23:06
alex101(I'm kindanew to linux)23:06
Jowialex101, "soundconverter" is ok23:06
Jowi!info soundconverter23:06
ubotuPackage soundconverter does not exist in gutsy23:06
Jowiah. hmm23:06
Cope57sudo apt-get install audicity23:06
alex101Wish i knew how to just do that Cope5723:07
alex101Wait, it said couldn't find package audacity23:07
kazol_alex101: Run terminal, type in "sudo apt-get install audacity"23:08
mike_nici un roman pe aici?23:08
Cope57audacity not found?23:08
Jowi!info audacity23:08
ubotuPackage audacity does not exist in gutsy23:08
sarah____does anyone have their own pop3 for ubuntu?23:08
alex101Ah its working now23:08
alex101thank you.23:08
DragginGood evening/morning!  I wonder if someone could direct me to a relevant page on installing software, since I'm not quite sure how to phrase my search and I'm not getting the results I need.  I would like some more information on how to go about installing software for specific users on an Ubuntu system (e.g. office_user would be the only one to have access to OpenOffice, sound_user the only one to have access to Ardour and Audacity, etc.23:08
Jowiin feisty it's in the universe repo....23:08
kindofabuzzalex101: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/23:09
kyncani!info ubuntu-desktop23:09
ubotuPackage ubuntu-desktop does not exist in gutsy23:09
stefg!software | Draggin23:09
ubotuDraggin: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:09
jin__sarah____: what do you mean with pop3?23:09
sarah____your own webmail23:09
sarah____pop3 account23:09
kyncaniJowi: this !info thing seems broken does not it ?23:09
venka1hello i cannot boot into ubuntu without acpi=off arg and with that it is oveheating23:09
DragginThanks, stefg - I'll have a look at that23:09
jin__sarah____: like sara@ubuntu.com?23:09
venka1can anyone help me fix?23:09
sarah____no like sara@myhostname23:09
wildmanamenado, well... I have a mix :)23:09
Jowikyncani, it does. broken is a good word for it.23:09
billyim having issues with my display, its' really hard to explain, but like the text is repeating above itself..23:09
ZoiXDraggin: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy23:09
Cope57Draggin try http://ubuntuguide.org23:09
wildmanamenado, when on normal boot, I've sudo mkdir /TOTO23:10
sarah____setting up a pop3 on ubuntu desktop i.e sara@myhostname23:10
jin__sarah____: ah, you are talking about an e-mail client23:10
neztit2لعغس شىغخىث نىخص صاثقث هس فاث ؤاشىىثمس خى ةغفافر؟؟23:10
jin__sarah____: you can use evolution to check your mails23:10
billyi can barely see what everyone is writing, it looks like a really dirty inkjet printer, can anyone help?23:10
CptAtomhey guys23:10
kelvin911hello when i was playing World of Padman, the screen go black then it runs in window mode and i can not use mouse or keyboard and force me to hard reboot23:10
amenadowildman mix?23:10
freeWordPressBlohi i just installed phpmyadmin via aptitude. the quick install refers to a config.inc.php file but i can't find it. where should it be located?23:10
wildmanamenado, now, after rebooting with the entry I've added for sdb,  ls / | grep TOTO comes empty, which is perfect...23:10
sarah____jin__ no, i dont want to check my own email23:10
sarah____i want my "own" email23:10
neztit2guys any one can tell me where is the channels be on mythtv?23:10
wildmanamenado, ... however:  mount | grep sd -> /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)23:10
stefgDraggin: so do you just want to have custom menus for each user or do you want to actively prevent a particualr user from running , say, openoffice ?23:11
alex101Where will overkill and audacity be saved to? cuz i cant find them in the sound option in applications.23:11
jin__sarah____: then you need to setup a mail server.. :\23:11
Jowibilly, does a reboot solve it?23:11
billyit started right after a reboot lol23:11
sarah____to create my own pop3 account like sarah@is.cool.com23:11
sarah____i dont liek gmail/aol/hotmail23:11
wildmanamenado, I can confirm the / is sdb's content23:11
kindofabuzzkelvin911: WoP is still buggy i think, it causes me sometime to go to 800x600 in a window, but sound is still running and i have to hard boot23:11
sarah____is it possible to do jin__?23:11
billysarah: i think you have to have ur own email server for that23:11
neztit2guys pls help23:11
neztit2guys any one can tell me where is the channels be on mythtv?23:11
jin__sarah____: sarah____to do that,  you need your own domain name23:11
ubotuneztit2: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:12
amenadowildman-> check the /etc/fstab you have both in the existing and the one that is in /dev/sdb23:12
wildmanamenado, sorry, again: I can confirm the / content is sdb's (that is the disk I've transferred everything too)23:12
kelvin911kindofabuzz: so how to fix that?23:12
TucciI am unable to connect to a network now that a WEP password has been placed on it. My computer just keeps asking for the password every few minutes. Any help?23:12
jin__sarah____: yes, but then you need a pc that's 24/7 connected to the internet23:12
kindofabuzzkelvin911: i dunno, read the wop boards23:12
Cope57neztit2 I could not find a IRC channel23:12
billyjowi: any ideas?23:12
Jowibilly, sounds like the video ram is wacky. shutting the PC off *totally* and then start it up again. if that does not help.. umm..23:12
jin__sarah____: but you can do it with a hosting provider ;) much easier23:12
kelvin911kindofabuzz: just press the reset button? no other choice?23:12
alex101Does anyone know how i can open my audacity and overkill? cuz its not in sound section in applications.23:12
wildmanamenado, I think that may be the pb, fstab is sda's, that's what's confuzing mount23:12
billyjowi: okay thanks, ill try it23:12
amenadowildman the /etc/fstab for /dev/sdb should be different  and not an exact copy of what is in /dev/sda23:12
Level15stefg: supergrub disk didn't fix it :(23:12
tobberothJowi: That link worked! My CLI is now beautiful. BUT, for some reason I got an american keyboard setting, even though my keyboard is swedish.23:12
sarah____but can't i do it with my ubuntu desktop jin__. I will only be able to acces it when its online. I can live with that.23:12
kindofabuzzkelvin911: try ctl-alt backspace first23:12
kelvin911kindofabuzz: i have video and sound, but in window mode and can not use mouse or keyboard23:12
wildmanfstab has UUIDs too23:13
kindofabuzzkelvin911: yup that's exactly what i get23:13
amenadowildman-> well, you are doing things in adhoc, thats why all these mis-steps, if you planned it right.. :P23:13
kelvin911kindofabuzz: ok next time i got this error i try that23:13
sarah____jin__ what would i need to do this?23:13
wildmanamenado, ok, I'm on the right path now (it seems)23:13
kinnuneany1 know a good wine guide?23:13
kelvin911gota go to work23:13
Jowitobberoth, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" should let you set "se" keymap23:13
neztit2Cope57: what???23:13
kelvin911kindofabuzz: thx23:13
kindofabuzzkinnune: www.windhq.com23:13
wildmanamenado, I did plan it right, it's just that's really messy to install the bootloader on the 2nd disk to make it bootable, not to mention that it will be the 1st disk once I remove the current 1st disk :P23:13
Teslacutedkinnune: some chablis can be very nice ;)23:13
jin__sarah____: then you still need a domain name, which will cost you around 8 usd a year23:13
kindofabuzzwww.winehq.com =)23:13
amenadowildman the funny thing is you have to change these all again upon removal of current sda  and moving sdb in place of sda  ..hehe23:14
wildmanyep :)23:14
tobberothJowi: Thanks!23:14
jin__sarah____: but this is not Ubuntu specific23:14
Cope57(05:12:16 PM) Cope57: neztit2 I could not find a IRC channel only http://www.mythtv.org23:14
wildmanamenado, ok, I'm on the right track now, I'll make modifs later and check23:14
Jowitobberoth, ÅÄÖ is needed in CLI after all ;)23:14
wildmanamenado, then, remove sda and we'll see :)23:14
kinnunei think its winehq.org23:14
sarah____yeah i know jin__ thanks23:14
amenadowildman the key part is you know you can boot from /dev/sdb as of now..23:14
kindofabuzzsarah____: gmail is one of the best services out there23:14
neztit2Cope57: thank you man23:14
wildmanamenado, gotta go now, thanks for your wisdom, time and patience23:14
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg
amenadowildman you're welcome23:14
wildmanbye ppl23:15
sarah____kindofabuzz i know, they are good, but im doing this for a learning experiance23:15
wildmanamenado, thx again23:15
Jowimad_max02, but... it is not my birthday :-(23:15
tobberothJowi, it says console-setup is broken or not fully installed23:15
kindofabuzzi think sarah____ likes to customize ALOT, that's why she wants her own, just like she was talking about the colors of terminal23:15
sarah____:) yup23:15
Jowitobberoth, apt-cache policy console-setup23:15
Cope57she hates brown that's wgy23:15
Cope57err why23:15
sarah____i got white/green colors now with a transparent background23:15
Jowitobberoth, does it say it is installed?23:15
sarah____neato huh :P23:15
kindofabuzzsarah____: well that's the beauty of linux.. you can do almost anything (as long as you know how) =)23:16
tobberothJowi: it says installed (none)23:16
Jowitobberoth, sudo apt-get install console-setup23:16
sarah____i need to get my AWN working again,argh. Somethines happend i had to remove it23:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:16
CptAtomguys, i have one question. i am using hardy heron beta right now...after every restart of my system, the ip settings for my eth0 are gone. they are still displayed correctly on the network manager GUI but i ll have to configure them completely new with "ifconfig" and "route"....any suggestion where i could fix that. i never encountered that problem before with ubuntu23:17
Groudashttp://dpaste.com/hold/42640/   <----- can anyone help me?23:17
JowiCptAtom, #ubuntu+1 for hardy23:17
stefg!hardy | CptAtom23:17
ubotuCptAtom: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu23:17
Cope57Linux is extremely customizable, but it seems many Windows users do not like change. I have seen so many "default" wallpapers and settings on XP it is just unbelievable.23:18
tobberothJowi: Awesome, just installing console-setup fixed the problem :) My virtual consoles font got ugly though ;)23:18
Groudashttp://dpaste.com/hold/42640/   <----- can anyone help me?23:18
kindofabuzzGroudas: change the emulation dir to the right dir?23:18
kindofabuzzno idea how in that, but look around23:18
Jowitobberoth, that I know nothing about. Had to import my swedish keyboard. Only azerty ones to be found in France unfourtunatley.23:19
Cope57ubotu is a spambot lol23:19
Groudaskindo: what do you mean?23:19
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tobberothJowi: Oh i see... Well, I also have another problem, which I've gotten used to: My monitor doesn't like the 1024x768 resolution23:19
stefg!info console-terminus | tobberoth:23:19
ubotutobberoth:: Package console-terminus does not exist in gutsy23:19
Groudasi installed zsnes via apt-get23:19
R3h4Banybody know anything about DHT?23:19
tobberothit's a 1680x1050 22" HD flatscreen monitor from korea :P23:19
kindofabuzzGroudas: well the error says it points to so and so. evidentlly it's not there23:20
Jowitobberoth, in CLI? define "doesn't like"23:20
Jowitobberoth, ah23:20
tobberothJowi: It gets smudged... it's still easily readable, but hardly crisp23:20
Cope57tobberoth 1680x1050 kind of explains it.23:20
kindofabuzzGroudas: actuelly it says cannot create mcop dir, try running it as sudo then23:20
Groudasummm..... ok thanks... let me see if anything is wrong23:20
tobberothCope57: Yeah, I've heard linux isn't up for it yet23:20
soapee01does anyone know how to make apt ignore a package when upgrading?  This mess was caused by libgpod2 thin liquid film and python-gpod23:20
sarah____does anyone run ircd on their ubuntu?23:20
Cope571680x1050 would be the default screen resolution23:21
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cocozzapirlaciao a tutti23:21
Groudaskindo: same issue running as root23:21
amenadotobberoth-> dont expect aspect ratio to be same on lcd monitors to be same as in those wide screen tv monitors23:21
Cope57Actually Linux up to it, I do not know if Ubuntu like it though23:21
tobberothCope57: Yeah, in Win XP it looks amazing in 1680x1050, but I've never gotten it to work in linux23:21
ubotuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore23:21
Groudasdoesnt matter running as root or via sudo23:21
venka1hello, i cant boot into ubuntu without acpi=off but that is causing my computer to oveheat23:21
venka1any fix23:21
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kindofabuzzGroudas: *shrug* try the znes forums23:21
Groudasilkindo: ok thanks the helo23:22
billyim having trouble with my display, it looks like a malfunctioning inkjet printer23:22
jwitheeDoes apt or dpkg have a way to reset permissions for all files in the package?23:22
amenadovenka1-> it would not boot if acpi=off ?23:22
c-ronvenka1: see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47648923:22
venka1if i do not use acpi=off23:22
venka1it does not boot23:22
dnielWhere can I download the ubuntu that has the same installation of debian?23:23
venka1like it hangs at the ubuntu splash screen23:23
dnielconsole installation23:23
insomninjajwithee, maybe apt-get reinstal xyz23:23
stefg!alternate | dniel23:23
ubotudniel: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal23:23
RavenTrigunI have a question about downloading something23:23
insomninjajwithee, reinstall that is of course23:23
RavenTrigunIt says its for linux but its just a bunch of files in a folder23:24
RavenTrigunim asuming its not compiled23:24
Jowitobberoth, I think you will have to set the native rez in grub but not using "vga=". I found a link the other day... need to search for it23:24
RavenTrigunso how would i compile it?23:24
sarah____does anyone run ircd on their ubuntu?23:24
dnielstefg: thanks!23:24
Cope57tobberoth check IM23:24
billyhow do i take a screenshot?23:24
c-ronRavenTrigun: does the archive (i'm assuming .tgz) have a README?23:25
Tu13esbleh, I got my Mini booting from CD but it hangs booting ubuntu and starting the RAM test23:25
amenadobilly xwd ?23:25
RavenTrigunI don't know and its in .zip format.23:25
billycan anyone tell me how to take a screenshot?23:25
billyuhmm wuts taht?23:25
dnielstefg: which is the link of alternate?23:25
jwitheeinsomninja: I didn't want to reinstall the package, because I have configured them, but I wanted to reset the permissions on all the files in the package23:25
c-ronRavenTrigun: what's the file?23:25
billyamenado: my display is acting really really wierd23:25
RavenTrigunIts a MMORPG called Eternal Lands23:25
amenadobilly i dont know the exact options, but i know its xwd is the tool you use23:26
billyk thanks23:26
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/23:26
Zeltaso THAT is the command to do that!23:26
stefg!mirrors | dniel23:27
ubotudniel: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:27
billyif i show u a picture of wut my display is doing think u can help?23:27
sarah____how can i upgrade to hardy?23:27
dnielstefg: what is the alternate link?23:27
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:27
dnielstefg: ahh ok! thaks!23:27
insomninjajwithee, then I don't think there's a simple way, since I don't think the permission setup is in a separate file from the other setup stuff like moving files etc23:27
billyamenado: do you know much about display problems?23:28
insomninjajwithee, if the configurations are in your home folder you could just make a backup23:28
jwitheeinsomninja: I was hoping the the .deb packages had install scripts that included changing file permsions23:28
billyhttp://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b119/splatter951/Screenshot.png will someone look at that and tell me if they can help me fix it?23:29
c-ronRavenTrigun: have you extracted the zip file?23:29
stefg!software | RavenTrigun23:29
ubotuRavenTrigun: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:29
RavenTrigunNo read me.23:29
jodienew to irc ing on freenode. I was asked ealier to include (pasting) the output of a file. Is this proper? Is there another way to do it?23:30
Cope57For one billy , You should download your updates in the top right corner, it might fix it.23:30
stefg!paste | jodie23:30
ubotujodie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:30
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:30
billycope57: the updates arent showing up23:30
justin007827hello, I followed the dirrections to get my Nvidea tv-out working by editing the xorg file. It worked fine, except, I am having overscan. Any ideas on how to fix, or where to look?23:30
insomninjajwithee, what kind of configuration is it you have done? personal preferences or serious change? what program?23:30
justin007827I can not see my task bar23:31
c-ronRavenTrigun: the install instructions for that game on linux are on the website: http://www.eternal-lands.com/page/download.php23:31
dnielWhat is the differen between debian and ubuntu alternate?23:31
Cope57billy , check the other desktop23:31
dnielits package?23:31
c-ronRavenTrigun: under To play on Linux:23:31
ChaosTheoryI can't get flash to work. :(23:31
dnielits packages?23:31
billycope57 nope there's nothing there23:31
tobberothHow do I access an NTFS partition from CLI? I'm on 7.10 and I think I have the 3G thingy aswell23:31
billyill just go to the update manager23:31
jodiethanks I'll start there23:31
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:32
billycope57: the update manager says my system is up to date23:32
Adman65how do i configure proxy?23:32
Adman65i need all internet connection requests to go to another computer23:32
=== coldhak is now known as Pete_I
nickwebhey folks, is there a quick and easy way to reinstall ubuntu from fresh? I currently have it dual booting with xp, and want to keep xp, but reinstall ubuntu from scratch..23:32
mactayloris jfs more fast than EXT3????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/23:33
c-ronnickweb: use the LiveCD23:33
jwitheewell the truth is. I am an idiot. I was trying to change the home directories so no one has rights except owner.  I ran "chmod go= -R .*' to get all the local files. As root :(.  When did this it traversed back to /var /sbin /boot and /sys.  I was able to fix /boot /sbin /sys, but var is a mess.23:33
phixxorhey, I have a slow computer - what can I do to decrease my cpu usage so my computer isn't slow when using firefox23:33
nickwebc-ron:  will that wipe all the partitions, inc. home?23:33
justin007827also, nvtv is not working.23:33
jwitheeI have all the packages cached, and I was hoping to be able to run a script that would fix all the permissions.23:33
archangelpetrohas anyone here installed an Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS?23:33
stefgphixxor: so what do you have (cpu/ram) ?23:34
justin007827i just did archangelpetro23:34
Cope57billy in the terminal try this23:34
Cope57sudo fc-cache -f -v23:34
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!23:34
Cope57It will reconfigure your fonts cache23:34
phixxorstefg: 733MHz cpu, can't remember how much ram23:34
xs142Umm, I just managed to lock myself out of the ability to even change the time, what to do?23:34
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant23:34
c-ronnickweb: not unless you want it to... which you probably don't! select manual partitioning when you run the installer23:34
unopxs142, sudo not working?23:34
jwitheeinsomninja: well the truth is. I am an idiot. I was trying to change the home directories so no one has rights except owner.  I ran "chmod go= -R .*' to get all the local files. As root :(.  When did this it traversed back to /var /sbin /boot and /sys.  I was able to fix /boot /sbin /sys, but var is a mess.23:35
stefgphixxor: ram might be the bottleneck.... run free -m23:35
justin007827ubotu: do you know anything about fixing overscan issues with nvidia tv out function?23:35
xs142unop: Umm... Maybe...?23:35
jwitheeIinsomninja: have all the packages cached, and I was hoping to be able to run a script that would fix all the permissions.23:35
nickwebc-ron:  yeah, I want EVERYTHING wiped. as in just installing ubuntu for the first time :D23:35
billydidn't work23:35
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:35
nickwebim off to destroy a couple of partitions :D23:35
phixxorstefg: total: 503, used: 432: free: 7123:36
c-ronnickweb: choose manual so you dont wipe xp???23:36
keit1file-roller consistently keeps adding "(2)" as a suffix to all unzipped folder that were group selected then extracted - how can I stop this????23:36
PositronicHello all, my version of Ubuntu freezes when suspended? Anyone know the solution for that?23:36
unopxs142, you can only change the system's date/time if you are a superuser .. haw are you trying to change the date?23:36
jwitheeinsomninja: thanks for your help. I am going to see what I can do.23:36
insomninjajwithee, hmm that is a tricky one indeed, but I would guess that the problem would go beyond packages23:36
keit1Positronic: same here.  suspend just _does_not_work_ for me23:36
Cope57Positronic Linux does not like suspend or hibernate23:36
venka1hello, iam booting ubuntu with acpi=off irqpoll pnpbios=off are these arg very bad to use or it is not going to hurt much?23:36
keit1Positronic: presume hibernate is the same23:37
insomninjajwithee, good luck, but I personally think a backup and reinstall is your best option23:37
dimitreeWhere is the default install location of Java Dev Kit installed from repo ?23:37
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:37
xs142unop: Rightclicking the clock and pressing 'adjust'? Point of the matter however is that I kinda lost all other administrative priviledges, like making users, and i want'em back..23:37
stefgphixxor: you might want to look at epiphany or opera even... firefox2 is a hog, but 512 MB Ram is ok. avoid to many extensions23:37
PositronicCope57, I was beginning to think so...23:37
c-ronvenka1: works fine for many23:37
Positronickeit1, at least im not the only one23:37
venka1c-ron, ok23:37
venka1c-ron, are you using these too ?23:37
keit1Positronic: no you most certainly are not! ;)23:37
keit1Positronic: log-off or shutdwon are the only 2 options at the mo23:37
billycope57: that didn't work23:37
Dragginstefg - sorry to bug you again, but I don't seem to find the information I'm looking for on any of those pages either - I want to know how to make sure that certain applications are available for certain users...23:38
c-ronvenka1: i only use acpi=off, but if that's causing problems, you can add other parameters23:38
billyits still doing it some23:38
billywait now it stopped after a watched a video?23:38
mactayloris jfs more fast than ext3?23:38
venka1c-ron: doesn't your computer heat up ?23:38
venka1with just acpi23:38
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:38
phixxorstefg: alright, I'll check those out -- but the main problem is whenever I'm on youtube, the cpu goes to 100%. I'm listening to last.fm radio right now and I'm already at around 30%23:38
keit1this is the second time a system has started doing this with file-roller so surely someone else must have experienced it too23:38
Cope57billy: does it do that only in the browser or all applications?23:38
stefgDraggin: only in terms of menu entries, or do you want to have strict control over who can run which app ?23:38
Positronickeit1, when linux is operating it seems that my laptop also builds up an excessive amount of heat.... it bothers me23:38
phixxorstefg: is there anything I can do about that?23:38
stefgphixxor: that's flash ....23:39
c-ronvenka1: nope works fine...23:39
billycope57: it does it in pidgin and firefox so far23:39
jacob_for ubuntu fans: www.system76.com23:39
Dragginstefg - menu entries for now - I think I'll worry about restricting the usage later, but if you have a link for a howto on that as well, I'd appreciate it23:39
keit1Positronic: you might wanna check that you have disabled that option regarding HDD and spin-ups, though doubt that would generate any serious heat23:39
c-ronvenka1: you also could try the noacpi parameter.. go with whatever works for your system23:40
billycope57: its not doing it now for some reason tho23:40
ChaosTheoryI can't get Flash to work. =(23:40
billyhow do i get firefox to play videos?23:40
phixxorstefg: so there's nothing I can do about it but use a newer computer?23:40
Cope57billy: what I did probably fixed it, just took a little time23:40
stefgDraggi: just right click on 'Apllications' choose 'edit menu' and make them suite your needs23:40
phixxorbilly: flash videos?23:40
Positronicyeah the heat generated is near the back of my laptop I dont think that is where the HDD is located23:41
Cope57ChaosTheory is having trouble w/flash23:41
billyphixxor: yea23:41
Positronickeit1,  yeah the heat generated is near the back of my laptop I dont think that is where the HDD is located23:41
keit1Positronic: most likely the cpu23:41
Cope57billy had font issues23:41
billyi got gnash but its not working23:41
xs142upon so I figured I should get in as root and set my rights back ?23:41
sphinxxhey nikrud you here?23:41
keit1billy: gnash wasn't too hot for flv playback last time i checked23:41
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:41
Cope57gnash is not that great23:41
phixxorbilly: there's a firefox plugin you have to get... libflash-mozplugin23:41
unopxs142, what does this command return? id23:42
Dragginstefg - It's really that simple?  IOW, log in with the relevant user account and customise the menu for that user?23:42
phixxorbilly: reinstall it if you already have it, that's what I had to do once23:42
billyphixxor: where do i find that? package manager?23:42
nikrudsphinxx at work, be around in a couple hours23:42
sphinxxoh ok23:42
keit1anyone think that flashplayer9 isn't that great either. need's some serious optimisation!23:42
stefgphixxor: adobe's flash is the problem... but all free implementations don't work for youtube. it might be related to sound output23:42
sphinxxi just had a question about /boot23:42
phixxorbilly: sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin23:42
billyyoutube works but otherones dont23:42
Pelicanmsg bot invite #what.cd conv3rg3nc323:43
keit1stefg: abobe need to stop messing about and open up their platform23:43
stefgDraggin: Ubuntu is user friendly! :-) It's just picky about who are its friends :-)23:43
sphinxxif theres no separate /boot partition, if the boot loader got corrupted somehow, from either my linux or windows partitions, would i be screwed?23:43
phixxorstefg: ah. I had no idea23:43
ader10How can I get the "shadow" desktop session for freenx to work?23:43
Dragginstefg - haha :) I'm trying hard to be its friend though :)23:43
arthur37854i have a question about vlc? my samsung phone records video into .3g2 format i can get vlc to play the video with out sound i get this msg main error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4a'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.23:43
ricaneliteis Hardy going to work with Compiz?23:43
Pelicanof course23:43
justin007827i ran nvidia setting from the comand prompt, but I cant find the overscan settings. Can anyone help me?23:44
keit1ricanelite: gutsy works with compiz!23:44
Pelicandoes anyone know anything about a better bluetooth stack?23:44
xs142upon: what command?23:44
c-ronsphinxx: see http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/23:44
phixxorsphinxx: you would still be able to boot from the livecd and fix stuff up, or at least recover some files23:44
ricaneliteyeah but I when hardy comes out later in the month23:44
ricaneliteIm just wondering if it will work23:44
keit1ricanelite: yes23:44
Pelicanlike one that works with samsung phones?23:44
mcquaidricanelite, it works now with gutsy23:44
unopxs142, open up a terminal and type this out.  id<enter>23:44
keit1ricanelite: depending on *your* card23:44
rumplesmigskinHi. I'm currently using the radeonfb driver, and wondering if there's a nice way to start a second X server on a different TTY using the fglrx driver.23:45
ricaneliteyeah i have compiz working perfect23:45
keit1ricanelite: then it will be fine23:45
ricanelitejust was wondering if it was going to work in the new OS23:45
xs142upon, uid=1000(xs142) gid=1000(xs142) groups=20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),112(netdev),113(lpadmin),115(powerdev),1000(xs142)23:45
mcquaidso why would you think it wouldn't work with hardy?23:45
ricaneliteis the beta stable?23:45
ricanelitedont know23:45
ricanelitecause i have bad luck with linux23:45
sphinxxphixx, thanks23:45
c-ronsphinxx: also see http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/23:45
keit1ricanelite: but it already does. so it's fairly safe to say that the _next_release_on_ will have it working too?! :)23:45
Cope57beta is basically beta-testing23:46
ChaosTheoryI have installed flash but when I try to view a video it asks "Install suitable codec?"23:46
keit1ricanelite: haven't tried the beta23:46
Pelicanflash and ubuntu suck23:46
UnSuNgLoSeRXiXaQ am back23:46
Cope57usable but not stable23:46
UnSuNgLoSeRwith a long list of problems23:46
keit1ricanelite: it is released on APril 23~23:46
Cope57Flash is great23:46
ricaneliteyeah i kno23:46
ricanelitei know cant wait23:46
ChaosTheoryCope57: Do you know how to fix it? =P23:46
keit1ricanelite: stable LTS23:46
archangelpetrojustin007827,  hey, how did yo udo it? did you compile it using the NVIDIA binary? or did u use ubuntu packages??23:46
mcquaidflash is the scum of the internet23:46
keit1ricanelite: same here ;)23:46
ChaosTheoryCope57: I know it's easier said than done. =D23:47
phixxorChaosTheory: are you using firefox? did you install the mozplugin23:47
ChaosTheoryYes, I'm using Firefox.23:47
mcquaidChaosTheory, just install flash-nonfree23:47
sphinxxhey guys i just set up dual boot for ubuntu/winxp on my laptop and now i want to do it on my desktop, im curious how to set up the partitions23:47
ricanelitethe only issue i have a problem is with i have a account at mlb.tv23:47
ricanelitebut omg the videos wont play23:47
mcquaidyou should be fine23:47
sphinxxill have like 30-40gb available for linux23:47
unopxs142, ok, try this command out.  sudo usermod -G admin $USER23:47
ricanelitebecause i think the site is using that Microsoft Silver Light23:47
keit1ChaosTheory:  did you restart FF?23:47
ChaosTheoryphixxor: I just installed it.23:47
unopxs142, and then log out and log back in23:47
sphinxxlike i didnt do a /home on my laptop because i had so little space23:47
phixxorChaosTheory: mmm, sucks, idk what to do then23:47
sphinxxbut im curious as to the benefits of creating separate partitions for /tmp and such23:48
UnSuNgLoSeRi tried to install kppp but it wont widout internet23:48
Adman65anyone gimme a hand setting up a sytem wide proxy?23:48
Cope57ChaosTheory check PM23:48
c-ronsphinxx: have just one physical harddrive?23:48
keit1ChaosTheory:  did you dl the tar from adboe.com then untar and run the installer in your terminal?23:48
UnSuNgLoSeRand connecting to the inet wid ubuntu is my problem in the first place!23:48
Dragginstefg - Last time I'll bug you - if I did become interested in restricting users to use certain applications, where could I have a look to learn how to achieve that?23:48
keit1ChaosTheory:  restart work?23:48
Pelicanso anyone know about a not lame bluetooth stack?23:48
UnSuNgLoSeRi installed ubuntu from the live CD!23:48
ChaosTheoryNope. =D23:48
ChaosTheoryDidn't work. Installed mozplugin.23:48
mcquaidyou don't need to restart for flash, well maybe the browser23:48
mcquaidinstall this http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/flashplugin-nonfree23:49
ChaosTheorykeit1: One second.23:49
Positronickeit1, did you just comment out ACPI_SLEEP to remove suspend to RAM?23:49
mcquaidcheck about:plugins to see if it's there23:49
armory555dose any one kno how to install system sound themes?23:49
xs142upon, no luck23:49
keit1Positronic: no23:49
phixxorsphinxx: definitely create a separate one for /home -- other specialized partitions are mostly useful for servers where you don't want things like /var becoming too big by accident and taking over23:49
Positronickeit1, not recommended or just didnt do it?23:49
unopsphinxx, performance. usually when you want a different set of mount options for different parts of the filesystem, defragmentation, etc, etc23:49
billycan anyone help with my video playing problems?23:50
stefgDraggin: afaik that would involve creating groups and make certain files only executable by these groups23:50
keit1Positronic: just didn't do it23:50
ChaosTheorykeit1: Okay, I have the tar.gz. What do I do now?23:50
dannyHow can I share my media directories and drives on Ubuntu so I could access them on my Xbox360? In windows I would use media player but here???23:50
stefg!permissions | Draggin23:50
ubotuDraggin: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview23:50
billyspecifically flash videos in firefox23:50
Cope57ChaosTheory you using 64bit23:50
phixxorbilly: didn't work?23:50
unop!samba | danny23:50
ubotudanny: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:50
Dragginstefg - thanks, I thought that might be the case.  Thanks again for the help.23:50
keit1ChaosTheory: if you already got flash working then no need23:50
ChaosTheoryCope57: No.23:50
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:50
ChaosTheorykeit1: I don't have Flash working. =(23:50
billyphixxor: wut other options do i have?23:50
sarah____!info update23:50
ubotuPackage update does not exist in gutsy23:50
billyoh okay23:50
armory555gnash sucks23:50
sarah____can i update to hardy haron with wireless?23:50
UnSuNgLoSeRneed help!23:50
billygnash does suck23:50
phixxoryoutube doesn't work with gnash I've heard23:51
dannyubotu: thanks23:51
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:51
mcquaidflash-nonfree sucks just a little less23:51
Chatielnadie habla español?23:51
keit1ChaosTheory: otherwise unzip the tar.gz then drag the installer file into the terminal and follow instructions23:51
mcquaidstill no xv hardware scaling23:51
armory555yea just go to synaptic and type flash scroll down and get the flash non free thing lol23:51
keit1ChaosTheory: should work perfectly23:51
stefg!es | Chatiel23:51
ubotuChatiel: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:51
orudiehow can i remove a user ?23:51
Chatielok, muchas gracias Stefg23:51
ChaosTheorykeit1: Drag it into the terminal?23:52
sarah____can i update to hardy haron with wireless?23:52
Kajasarah____, sure23:52
Cope57ChaosTheory http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Browser_Plug-ins23:52
keit1ChaosTheory: the installer file inside the folder23:52
sarah____Kaja really?23:52
cwesterburghas anyone had success with installing Hardy23:52
billyim reinstalling the flash nonfree cuz i had it but it doesn't work for some reason..23:52
cwesterburgHeron on a new MacBook Pro?23:52
warriorforgodcwesterburg: I have23:52
armory555uh yea lol if u have internet the it should do it lol but i think hardy didnt come out yet ui thought the beta just did lol23:52
stondCan some one please help me with a problem I am having with Kaffine I am trrying to watch a video but it keeps popping up an window saying Audio output unavailable. Device is busy. () I have Kaffine 0.8.6 and I never had this problem before can someone please help23:52
orudieis the new ubuntu out ?23:52
xs142unop, no luck23:52
ChaosTheorykeit1: Yes, I see it, but nothing appears to happen when I drag it into the terminal. . .23:52
UnSuNgLoSeRanyone willing to help me out?23:52
sarah____cwesterburg: macbook air :) is nicer23:52
Kajasarah____, yeah really.23:52
=== cwesterburg is now known as urthmover
sarah____Kaja how long will it take?23:53
keit1ChaosTheory: its called -- "flashplayer-installer"23:53
unopxs142, what does id report now?23:53
stefgstond: #kubuntu23:53
ChaosTheorykeit1: Yes, that is what I'm trying to "drag. . ."23:54
keit1ChaosTheory: press enter23:54
armory555dose any kno sum useful stuff lol like things i mabye need or mabye of use lol23:54
xs142unop uid=1000(xs142) gid=1000(xs142) groups=20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),112(netdev),113(lpadmin),115(powerdev),1000(xs142)23:54
ChaosTheorykeit1: Maybe I'm dragging it incorrectly.23:54
urthmoverok I'm really cwesterburg23:54
keit1ChaosTheory: did you unzip it first?23:54
ChaosTheorykeit1: Should I extract it somewhere first?23:54
urthmoverso yes hardy heron works great on a macbook pro....including wifi and all the snazzy graphics right?23:54
keit1ChaosTheory: yes23:54
Cope57UnSuNgLoSeR what type of connection do you have?23:55
Kajasarah____, depends on your connection speed. The update-manager gives a nice estimation.23:55
sarah____Kaja are you on hardy?23:55
Kajasarah____, yeah.23:55
keit1ChaosTheory: extract, hit alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, drag installer, hit  enter, follow instructions23:55
sarah____how do you like it?23:55
ChaosTheorykeit1: Okay, it says the installation is complete. . .23:55
keit1restart firefox23:55
unopxs142, ok, that failed somehow.. try this.  sudo useradd -G admin $USER23:55
Kajasarah____, best version of Ubuntu so far.23:55
keit1ChaosTheory: ^^23:56
billywhere can i dl the 32 bit version of firefox?23:56
* keit1 can't wait for hardy!!!!! w00t23:56
xs142unop didn't report anything wrong atleast...23:56
Cope57billy, why?23:56
stefgsarah____: you might want to head for #ubuntu-offtopic for socal chatter, and to #ubuntu+1 for hardy support/questions23:56
keit1ChaosTheory: how did you get on?23:56
ChaosTheorykeit1: I'm on Youtube. It's asking me "Search for a suitable codec?"23:56
billycope57: so i can use flash23:56
Jordan_Uurthmover, What model macbook pro?23:56
ChaosTheorykeit1: get on?23:56
mouseboyxcan you monitor all trafic on a network, not just on a single machine?23:56
arthur37854i have a question about vlc? my samsung phone records video into .3g2 format i can get vlc to play the video with out sound i get this msg main error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4a'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. is there some codecs i need to download or what?23:56
keit1did you clear your cache and restart firefox?23:56
UnSuNgLoSeRCope57 am around23:57
benanzocan rsync store updated files in a separate directory instead of overwriting the orig or backing it up?  It would be useful for incrementals23:57
Cope57billy I have flash w/64bit browser23:57
sarah____can i update my kernel without getting hardy Kaja?23:57
billykeit1: no lol23:57
sarah____im on gusty23:57
keit1ChaosTheory: download managers and all23:57
ChaosTheorykeit1: Sorry, I don't understand.23:57
unopxs142, ok, once you have run that command. what does this report?  grep -i admin /etc/group23:57
Jordan_Usarah____, Why do you want to?23:57
keit1ChaosTheory: open firefox23:57
billykeit1: i just did that now im gonna see if it works23:57
urthmoversorry I got distracted ... I have a penryn 2.623:57
keit1ChaosTheory: hit ctrl+shift+del to clear your cache (press enter at prompt)23:58
urthmoverwhere do I find the model per say?23:58
xs142unop lpadmin:x:113:xs14223:58
ChaosTheorykeit1: Okay, done.23:58
billykeit1: still not working.. what can i do?23:58
keit1ChaosTheory: close firefox (plus any other window's like download managers)23:58
keit1ChaosTheory: restart firefox23:58
ampex2does hardy have dmraid support?23:58
UnSuNgLoSeRokay Cope57 i have a wireless modem which goes by the name huawei ETS255123:58
Cope57thankslooking now23:58
keit1ChaosTheory: in the address bar type about:plugins23:58
ChaosTheorykeit1: Okay, done.23:58
Jordan_Uurthmover, Is it the Core Duo, Core 2 Duo etc? ( and please respond with my nick or I may miss it )23:59
ChaosTheorykeit1: Okay, then?23:59
billykeit1: how do i make the flash work in firefox?23:59
UnSuNgLoSeRubuntu device manager shows that the device has been detected and is ready to use23:59
Cope57billy w/64bit?23:59
UnSuNgLoSeRbut when i try to connect through it i get nuffin23:59
sarah____i want the benefits of a updated kernel23:59
urthmovercore 2 duo23:59
unopxs142, that's all? i dont think you ran the command before that ..23:59
billycope57: yea23:59
keit1ChaosTheory: does it not say flash anywhere in that window?23:59
urthmoverjordan_U core 2 duo23:59
billycope57: amd6423:59

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