[00:43] im installing hardy with the alternate disk, due to encryption setup, but i get to pick between 3 kernels, linux-generic, linux-image-generic and linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic, whats the difference? [00:50] I'm looking to get an ATSC tuner card and looking for advice [01:18] hello room [01:18] can anyone recomond a compatible pci hardware card for mythtv that has spdif out? [01:40] i noticed that for just stereo sound, the volume is very low.. how can i adjust this? [01:44] ahave_: alsamixer [01:44] there is a setting in setup>general a few pages in (I think) where you can bump that from 70 to 100 [01:44] so it doesn't keep resetting alsamixer to 70 each time [01:45] ahave_: also can you pastebin me your lircd.conf so I can compare them and ship mine off to foxxbuntu if they are good [01:45] yes [01:56] hmm, my mythtv is off my network.. is there any reason why i could not copy something to the 'USB MEMORY' folder? [01:58] let me rephrase that, how can i save it so that windows can see the file? [01:59] sorry, nevermind [01:59] it worked on the second try [01:59] http://rafb.net/p/AuBIJ333.html === ahave_ is now known as ahave [01:59] superm1, http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/rc/91ab/ [02:00] thanks ahave [02:01] rhpot1991, thank you - for all your help [02:01] no prob [02:08] i am wanting to install a front end on another box, but everytime it tries to go past the mythtv boot screen, the comptuer restarts.. what are some options that i can remove to help fix this? [02:10] try safe graphics? [02:10] yup, same thing [02:10] i can see the 'loading linux kernel' status bar go to 100%.. then it restarts [02:10] any ideas? [02:19] hmm.. having alot of issues today :( [02:20] I had that happen with my one box when I was using a pci raid controller that it apparently couldn't see [02:20] i accidently created a 'LiveTv' Storage group, and i belive it is causing my WatchTv to not work. how can i remove this Groups? [02:20] rhpot1991, ah! thanks. i just put in a USB 2.0 controller. ill try it without [02:20] ahave: mythtv-setup is where you edit storage groups [02:20] I have a livetv and recordings, both pointing to the same folders [02:20] rhpot1991, right. i am in there now.. but how can i delete? [02:20] ahave: if it still gives you problems try the alternate install cd [02:20] try hitting m [02:20] or d [02:20] m did it - thanks [02:21] np [02:22] that fixed it [02:22] yay [02:23] but the sound is still super quiet, in MCC i set the slider to 70 - that is controlling my sound right? is there anywhere else? [02:23] you mean mythtvfrontend right? [02:24] I turned the sound in the options up to 100, and turned the sound all the way up when I am playing back as well [02:24] and its close to the sound from my STB [02:24] mythtvfrontend, yes [02:25] still very quiet [02:27] hit your volume buttons [02:27] see if thats up all the way [02:27] as in on remote? [02:27] yep [02:27] or keyboard [02:28] what is the keyboard key for it? [02:28] +? [02:28] let me see if I can find it [02:28] ] apparently [02:29] maxed right now [02:29] i have headphones in, and i can barely hear it [02:30] actually... volume adjustment has no effect [02:30] am i using line out perhaps? [02:30] ssh in and run alsamixer [02:30] see if any of those effect it [02:30] dang, not on a network [02:31] you can launch a terminal and try it [02:31] gonna want to try and keep myth running so you can toggle back and forth and make sure nothing got reset [02:33] ah, ok. if i max out everything it kinda works [02:34] if you find a more elegant solution I'd love to hear it, but thats all that I know of [02:34] but the mythtv vol adjuster still makes no difference [03:42] anybody know why i cant use my pvr-350 remote and my serial irblaster at the same time on 8.04? [05:33] superm1: he is in here -- mishehu speak up [05:33] bah. [05:33] heh [05:33] mishehu, hi [05:34] superm1: he is a CodLUGger [05:34] ah [05:34] don't think he was there though the day you showed up [05:35] superm1: hope you can help. I got 7.10 installed, just updated myth to 0.21 from synaptic. audio is intel-hda. audio works fine in myth (only tested mythmusic and dvds though so far), except when playing dvd's with a52 streams. I get snap crackles and pops and no audio out the SPDIF to my av receiver. but xine can send it out properly. [05:35] I've tried all different combinations of playback devices from the configuration menus. [05:35] mishehu, on 7.10 for 0.21 we linked against liba52, you aren't the first person to complain though [05:36] did things for it work before on 0.20? [05:36] superm1: oh, so somebody else has had the problem too? [05:36] superm1: I *think* they did. [05:36] well only with a52 streams, but it wasnt spdif out issues [05:36] do you have some other a52 streams (non dvd maybe) [05:36] that you can try to verify if its just dvd specific? [05:37] hmm [05:37] I'd have to look on some files, give me a moment [05:37] in 8.04 we are no longer linking against liba52 for that reason [05:38] that there were a few complaints about "tin sounding" from a52 streams [05:38] internal ffmpeg handles instead [05:38] superm1: ah. ok, hang on, I think I found a file but need to go to the other room [05:38] mishehu, okay [05:39] superm1: you have one of those hd usb tuners? that antennae you had at the LUG event, was that one? I can't remember and I found a good deal on one I was thinking about trying out [05:40] nixternal, i have a silicon dust HDHomeRun [05:40] its a network tuner [05:40] network dual tuner that is [05:40] hrmm, was that you who did the first hdhomerun uploads that I revu'd? [05:40] probably :) [05:40] k, I knew that sounded familiar [05:41] i'm getting intermittant choppy video in mythtv, any ideas what could be causing it? [05:41] that tool is for updating firmware, myth has native support though for the hdhomerun [05:41] I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times, I upgraded a gutsy install with MythTV 0.21 and have the problem with an undefined symbol glXGetProcAddress. I read on the bug tracker that it is fixed in 0.21.0-0ubuntu3 but I can't work out how to get that update. Can someone please help me? [05:41] Kevin`, try changing profiles to 'slim' or 'normal' rather than CPU+ [05:42] superm1 where [05:42] Kevin`, TV playback settings [05:42] MattimusPrime, that update is in hardy only right now. we will try to do one more backport before hardy is released, but i'm not sure at what point we will get it done [05:43] superm1 Any idea if we're talking weeks or days? [05:43] MattimusPrime, we're talking 1-3 weeks probably [05:43] I have a useless mythTV box right now and would love to avoid a complete reinstall [05:43] MattimusPrime, you would be best off upgrading to hardy then [05:44] superm1 the choppy audio is present in the recordig (if you rewind it sounds exactly the same), you think playback settings will correct it? [05:44] or rolling back to 0.20 for now [05:44] Would updating my whole system to hardy but a tough process? [05:44] I've tried rolling back, dependencies are too awkward to get it right. [05:44] MattimusPrime, pretty straightforward to upgrade. 'sudo update-manager -d -c' [05:44] It won't let me roll back as each component I try complains it has a conflict with others [05:45] the only big issue i've seen people run into is that the -386 kernel gets installed on the upgrade [05:45] I have and amd64 install [05:45] MattimusPrime, then moot point :) [05:45] Kevin`, if this is an issue playing the file in other players no it won't solve it, but this is a solution that fixes choppy audio or video yes [05:46] So will it install an -386 kernel and make my system unbootable unless I manually install the right kernel? [05:46] MattimusPrime, no it wont on amd64 [05:46] it only happens on i386 installs [05:46] ok, thanks [05:47] superm My wife will be happy now! We don't have a tv, only the mythtv on a large monitor! You've been a great help. [05:48] another question, how do I start and stop a recording manually (like for input from a tape) [05:48] if I press r it stops at the nearest half hour [05:48] MattimusPrime, best of luck :) if there are any hiccups, bring them up here okay? [05:48] Will do, thanks [05:49] Kevin`, you need to go to watch recordings i think and pick the recording in the menu and pick "stop recording" [05:49] superm1: damn, I lost audio output except for a52 streams, even from CLI utilities. restarting alsa didn't resolve it, so I rebooted the machine [05:49] superm1 it stops itself without me telling it to [05:50] mishehu, okay so its not just myth specific stuff [05:50] superm1: apparently not now. but it's different than what happens in myth [05:50] myth it's snaps crackles pops, this was nothing unless I played an a52 stream via xine [05:50] mishehu, i use a workaround on my box at least to make everything play through spdif properly [05:51] an asoundrc [05:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6350/ [05:51] put that in ~/.asoundrc [05:51] and log out/in [05:59] I'll try it, but I'm on my last bit of patience of the night. so if it doesn't work, I'll have to work with you on this tomorrow. [06:00] as it is, my av receiver is annoying me too... gives of a strong smell of ozone, but I can't see any arcing in it. [06:10] superm1: ok, I can get sound now from aplay, but mythmusic no longer plays any sound (and oddly the visualitions aren't playing either) [06:10] I give up for now, too tired. I'll work on it tomorrow. thanks for the help thus far. [06:11] mishehu, [06:11] set everything to output to ALSA:default now [06:11] and it *should* work :) [06:12] it is set for alsa:default [06:13] *should* is the operative word. I had some weird glitches on a rolled-my-own install under kernels 2.6.22.x btw. [06:13] okay well then we'll chat in a future time period [06:13] night dude [06:13] anyway, about to collapse. baby wears me out. [06:13] thanks again === MythbuntuGuest11 is now known as aSpastic [12:34] #join ubuntu [12:35] /join #ubuntu [12:36] Thanks :-) [13:03] is laga about? === MythbuntuGuest22 is now known as aSpastic [18:04] When I ssh into my system I get: "Unable to access MythTV Perl API. Try with --verbose to find out why." [23:52] I just upgraded my mythbuntu box to 8.04, and now it's crashing on trying to play a dvd. Has anyone else seen this and if so, is there a known fix? I can't find anything on the bug reports [23:53] sorry, I'm too much of a chicken to upgrade [23:53] I was kind of forced to by the 0.21 backports update [23:54] There was a bug which causes it to fail on some older graphics drivers, and there was no simple way to downgrade it due to a dependency loop