
dwidmannDarkside: does it still murder your cpu if you kill it an reopen it?00:01
Darksidelemme check00:01
Darksidei just quit the frontend00:02
Darksideits the backend thats going crazy00:02
Darksidehow can i stop and restart that?00:03
dwidmannUmm, one sec, let me see00:04
photon_I installed Open Office 2.4 from the official website (deb files). Now Adept Updater is telling me to "upgrade" to the 2.3 version available in the repository. Can I exclude Open Office from upgrades?00:08
NickPrestaDoes anyone know if there was any change to configuration or compile-time changes to the Firefox source? Since the last update, Firefox has really slowed down when connecting to multiple sites (or a single site with multiple images). I'm trying to determine if this is something on my end or not..00:10
=== wrath is now known as Wrath
matt__anyone here want to explain to me how to use/setup vncveiwer/server?00:27
* artheart sips a coffee00:40
=== artheart is now known as genii
eddieftwah makes more sense00:42
eddieftwi was like 'who is this artheart person and why are they sipping coffee'?00:42
geniiIt's the default connect name on this box from one of my workplaces00:43
eddieftwi see00:43
maduserhey genii00:44
geniimaduser: Heya00:44
* genii makes a new pot of coffee00:44
eddieftwthe internet is too quiet for some reason today00:44
madusergot the pics of that office?00:44
maduserits never quite00:45
geniimaduser: Damn, forgot00:45
geniimaduser: I have to go back there later though, check in with me in about ... <looks at clock> 1.5 hours00:45
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>00:50
eddieftwif only that was a ghostface killah song, i would be psyched00:52
praktoraI am not able to connect to a wireless nework using ubuntu 7.10 . I am using pavilion Dv9000 with a broadcom 802.11g/b wireless. i read over 100 topics in the internet and nothing can find my a solution. Can anyone please help me ?00:52
eddieftwpraktora: what is the problem?00:53
* genii slides Dr_willis a coffee00:53
eddieftwcan you connect via the command line?00:53
praktorai am new at linux . i would like to know the right driver to install00:57
praktoraand how to install it00:57
vistaliteHello, Jucato00:58
BluesKaj!Broadcom | praktora00:58
ubotupraktora: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:58
vistaliteplease i need some help i want to try out KDE4 can i install KDE and use it as a separate session next to KDE 3.5 >00:58
SlimeyPetevistalite: yes00:59
ubotuKDE 4.0.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.2.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:59
vistaliteok ty00:59
vistaliteso how do i install it00:59
geniiVisit the links and read them00:59
SlimeyPetejust install the packages you can find at the above URL00:59
SlimeyPetethey will install alongside kde3, by default00:59
Dr_willisOr wait for the next kubuntu release and install the kde4 version. :)00:59
SlimeyPeteyou don't have to do anything special in order to keep your kde3 installation00:59
Dr_willisit may be a better idea to test kde4 on a live cd.00:59
vistalitei hate live cds01:00
vistalitelive cds are slow01:00
Dr_willisif you dont LIKE kde4.. well... its worth the wait.01:00
Dr_willisand i dont find the live cd's slow at all.01:00
Dr_williskde4 can be a bother to uninstall later.01:00
vistalitethe fact that its prone for semantical debate makes live cds unworthy to me01:01
Dr_willisvistalite,  whatever... they are still darn handy tools.. no idea what you are going on about with the 'debate' stuff...01:01
Dr_willisthe easiest way to test drive kde4 is with a live cd.01:02
Daisuke_Idovistalite, if you hate them so much, just install.  either way, stop whining about it :)01:02
Dr_willisI see perhaps a dozen people a month in here that install kde4, then a day later they want to remove it.. then that causes problems.01:02
Dhraakellianwill OO.o 2.4 be backported to Gutsy?01:02
geniiProbably not01:03
vistaliteDr_willis:  i am using Linux via Wubi its maybe less than 40 minutes for me to replace my backup root.disk and have the system backup and also have it in a state prior to kde4 installs01:03
Dr_willisYou are using wubi? you are brave..01:04
Dr_willisand lucky that it works. :)01:04
DhraakellianI've been having some problems with oowriter01:04
Dr_willisI wonder if theres going to be an official #Ubuntu-Wubi channel or not.01:04
vistaliteDr_willis:  no luck involved pure skills01:04
Daisuke_Idomodest, too...01:05
Dr_willisvistalite,  you are nominated to hang in  the Wubi channel then. I cant find anyone else that even wants to touch it.01:05
vistaliteDr_willis:  i had no choice i couldnt make another partition on my system01:05
Dhraakellianwhat is wubi?01:05
vistalitewubi = barbapapa linux01:05
Dr_willisDhraakellian,  a 4 letter word. :) Heh..  It may get to be a very very very very common 'wubi aint working' faq/problem in this channel soon with the next release.01:06
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)01:06
Dr_willisIt lets you install linux to a 'file' under windows. and boot it.01:06
Daisuke_Idowubi is quite possibly the worst idea since greedo shooting first.01:06
DhraakellianI see.01:06
vistaliteno Wubi is great01:07
Dr_willisI rember the linux on 'dos filesystem' years ago.01:07
geniiDaisuke_Ido: I entirely agree and am in disappointment it will be officially supported01:07
vistalitei love Wubi D:01:07
vistaliteDaisuke_Ido: you are wrong01:07
Dr_willisgiven the # of wubi problems i see in here a week...  i dont think so. :)01:07
vistalitei will exclame your wrongness with a mighty set of symbols Daisuke_Ido ...YOU R WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!01:08
* Dr_willis pokes vistalite in the wubi01:08
Daisuke_Idovistalite, the "system" it installs is slow, your linux filesystem is (being on a windows partition) prone to fragmentation, further slowing things down...01:08
Daisuke_Idothe inclusion of Wubi will make hardy (for me) forever known as the april fools' release...01:09
vistaliteDaisuke_Ido:  not really my linux install is on a separate filesystem which i formatted to be used as filesystem for linux but formatted as ntfs by windows01:09
Daisuke_Idoi'm going to try to wrap my head around that01:10
Daisuke_Idoyou created another partition01:10
vistaliteDaisuke_Ido:  thanks to Wubi i dared to try linux again01:10
vistalitei created another partition on a disk without shit installed on it01:10
geniiDoes wubi use some loadlin scheme?01:10
Daisuke_Idoto contain a loopback disk image...  when you could have just installed linux TO that partition01:11
vistalitegenii:  yes i know so..01:11
* Dr_willis thinks the term filesystem got used incorrectly/too many times.. :)01:11
vistalitebecause Wubi fails to work when windows wasnt closed down correctly01:11
vistaliteit will prompt busybox01:11
vistalitein that case01:11
Daisuke_Idothat's a pretty big failure01:11
vistaliteno its not01:11
vistaliteits on windows01:11
Dr_williswindows crashing will kill linux... :)01:11
vistaliteit cant access the filesystem01:11
Daisuke_Idoyeah, THAT's the failure01:11
Daisuke_Idoit's on windows01:12
vistalitewhen windows wasnt closed down properly01:12
Daisuke_Idoand by definition less than reliable01:12
vistaliteyes it is01:12
vistalite!ot | Daisuke_Ido01:12
ubotuDaisuke_Ido: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:12
Dr_willisI belive this can be the #1 reson to not use wubi.01:12
vistalite1-0 D:01:12
Daisuke_Idoi make a point and you call in the offtopic01:13
* Daisuke_Ido washes his hands of this one01:13
Dr_willisWubi is off topic? since when?01:13
stdinarguing over who is offtopic and who isn't is... offtopic :)01:13
Azzcoone point to stdin01:13
Dr_willisShall we start pointing people to #ubuntu-wubi now?01:14
geniiI can tell we're going to have quite a few of these wubi/anit wubi discussions in the coming months. Like the editor wars01:14
ubotuwubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234  and  http://wubi.org  [file wubi bugs here:  https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it will be included in hardy 8.04 currently in beta)01:14
Dr_willisPoor wubi - doesnet even have an official wiki page yet.. Just a forum thread and a bug report...01:15
AzzcoDoes anyone know if the alternate CD install is coverd in the usb disk section of the wiki?01:15
Daisuke_IdoBug #2: Wubi exists.01:16
Dr_willisAzzco,  ive seen info on 'pendrivelinux.com' web site - on settingup usb sticks to boot identically to the live-cd.  :)01:16
vistaliteWubi beats a live cd01:16
Dr_willisAzzco,  i also got the gOS ubuntu variant isntalled to my thumbdrive  with their docs01:16
AzzcoYeah but I haven't been able to boot a liveCD graphicly for several releases =/01:16
Dr_willisvistalite,  you are wrong.. so phhhhhhhhhht.01:16
Dr_willisI have sevaral machines that only use a live cd.  Let the kids try to get them goofed up!01:17
Dr_williskde news..  KDE 4.0.3 Released With Polishing! yes. more polish! how about more features!01:17
Jucato!pl | Dr_willis01:18
ubotuDr_willis: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl01:18
Jucatonot that kind of polish...01:18
vistalitei need an n64 emulator :( to test my old games still working is that allowed?01:21
vistaliten64 emulator for kubuntu01:22
Azzcomupen64, might do the trick ;)01:22
Dr_willisThey exist.01:23
vistalitety :)01:23
Dr_willisI tend to stick with the other emulators. Not seen many N64 games i wanted to play.01:23
vistalitelegend of zelda ocarina of time01:23
vistalitebest game ever made01:23
Dr_willisI do have a usb-gamepad adaptor that lets me play with a n64 controller.01:23
vistalitewhere did you buy it Dr_willis?01:24
Dr_willisI thinki have the remake of that for the Gamecube. came with my other zelda game.01:24
AzzcoI just compiled zsnes1.42, just for the netplay feature, it was kind of annoying to compile though =/01:24
Dr_willisgot the adaptor at walmart for like $1001:24
vistalitei want to play smash bros 64 online01:24
_stijn_ha walmart :p reminds me of southpark01:24
vistalite_stijn_: you remind me of the netherlands01:24
Dr_willisI find the whole 'zelda in 3d' sort of distracts me from the game. I perfer the good old 2d Gameboy zeldas.01:24
_stijn_netherlands ~_~ i'm from belgium01:25
vistaliteJan Hoet is your keizer :)01:25
_stijn_Mister Hoet is my God in art01:26
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:26
morphiris kubuntu hardy using pulseaudio?01:27
Jucato#ubuntu+1 for Hardy questions01:27
Jucatoonly if KDE 401:27
vistalitei'm not so happy with the linux filemanagers01:29
Dr_willistry the other ones.. theres about a dozen+ to choose from.01:30
vistalitewhich ones beside dolphin konqueror and nautilus are any good?01:30
Dr_willisproberly close to 2 dozen now a days.01:30
Dr_willisdepends on your needs.01:30
Dr_willisI tend to use 'mc' :)01:30
vistalitenever heard of it01:31
Dr_willistime to learn it. Its a must have tool. comes in handy01:31
Dr_willisPlus its very small, works well over ssh/console.01:31
Dr_willis!info mc01:31
ubotuPackage mc does not exist in gutsy01:31
Dr_willisHmm i think the bot is broke,01:31
Dr_willis!info xterm01:31
ubotuPackage xterm does not exist in gutsy01:31
stdinthe !info function is broken atm01:32
Dr_willisok. :)01:32
Dr_willisPoor bot.. has been so sick lately01:32
stdinalso !find is broken, so you're stuck with apt-cache and packages.ubuntu.com01:33
vistalitehmz i cant find mc via adept_installer01:34
stdinit's in universe, look in adept manager01:34
vistalitek ty01:36
Dr_willissearch for 'file manager' in the package manager. :)01:40
Dr_willisTheres sevral other 2 pane file managers, then thers the ones for xfce, then thers some others also out.01:40
Dr_williswell bbl...01:40
kristian_Hello. I'm quite a newbie, hoping someone might help with a question.01:41
AzzcoWhat's wrong with konqueror and split view?01:41
ubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:41
kristian_How can I install a package with an older version than the one already installed?? :)01:42
stdinsudo apt-get install package=version01:42
kristian_I need to install libasound2_1.0.13-2_i386 since i suspect libasound2_1.0.14-2_i386 has a bug in regard to my usb soundcard01:42
kristian_How do I know what exact string to put instead of "version"?01:43
stdinthe _ separates it, so you'd need sudo apt-get install libasound2=1.0.13-201:43
kristian_Thank you very much, will try now.01:43
kristian_Version '1.0.13-2' for 'libasound2' was not found - this is the name of my downloaded deb-package, though01:44
kristian_I suppose it is just not in the repository, but do you know some way to install a deb-package that is an older version?01:45
vistalitei am using dolphin for KDE4 in KDE3.5 now is that going to break my system?01:45
stdinif you want to manually install the .deb use "sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade libasound2_1.0.13-2_i386.deb"01:45
kristian_That seems to be exactly what I need...01:46
Azzcovistalite: no but you're loading 2 sets of librarys so it might slow down a bit01:48
kristian_Wow, that went really fast. Now I just need to restart to test things. My hopes aren't too high, though, this is the built in sound card of my Novation X-Station synth, which should be supported according to the lib-specs...01:48
kristian_Thanks again!01:48
vistalitecan i install the KDE4 widgets also on KDE 3.5?01:49
gregorywhen the upgrade to hardy is official released, will it possible to upgrade and keep kde 3.5?01:49
Dr_williskde4 is not forced on you. :) from what i hear01:50
Dr_willistheres is a kubuntu with kde4 and one without.01:50
Dr_willisEven the variants have variants!01:50
stdinan upgrade will only upgrade kde3, if you want kde4 you have to install the kubuntu-desktop-kde4 package or install fresh01:50
gregoryok, good.  thanks01:50
Dr_willisusing kde4 right now.. its missing some 'things' that i very much.. well.. err miss. :)01:51
Dhraakellianso it's just like the difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu in that respect?01:51
* Dhraakellian is holding out for 4.101:51
Dr_willisi did notice onthis test box last week that a lot of kde3 stuff got 'removed'  (replaced?) by some of the kde4 versions or so it seemed.01:52
AzzcoYeah kde4 feels a bit incomplete01:52
gregorydr_willis: exactly, that's why i want to keep 3.5 until kde4 matures quite a bit01:52
Jucatobecause it is01:52
Dr_willisI just want the Clock in the panel to show 12 hr format! :)01:52
AzzcoI wish that the icons in the taskbar didn't have to be so big01:53
Dr_willisI like them big.. :) i just wish the ones i added, where moveable.. :)01:54
NickPrestaThey aren't 'big'. They are proportionate to the taskbar height.01:55
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:55
vistaliteso can i have a dragable desktop in kubuntu?02:08
Dhraakelliandragable desktop?02:09
=== _stijn_ is now known as C
=== C is now known as _stijn_
vistalitehttp://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=qSA-q1qniMY <-- dragable desktop02:19
NickPrestavistalite, there are virtual desktops, which serve the same purpose (minus the eye candy). You can install Compiz-Fusion, which provides a 'pretty' way to switch between said desktops.02:20
vistalitei know02:20
vistalitebut its not the same :(02:20
NickPrestavistalite, what makes draggable desktops unique?02:21
Jucatobasically draggable desktops are just a fancy way to 1. switch between desktops (already possible) and 2. rearrange virtual desktops (not yet)02:21
NickPrestaah, I see. Jucato what do you mean 'rearrange' virtual desktops?02:21
vistaliteNickPresta:  its special because windows osx and GNU/linux cant do it only amiga os can do it02:21
JucatoNickPresta: just how I interpret that Amiga feature. for example, VD 1 has all your PIM, VD 2 has your browser, VD 3 has your office suite, VD 4 has your games... then you'd want to put VD 4 in between VD 1 and 2, etc.02:22
Jucatothat works better if you named the VD's02:23
Jucatolet me finish the vid and refresh my memory02:23
NickPrestaJucato, ah, I understand. I suppose you could achieve a similar effect but you would have to manually move the applications from virtual desktop to virtual desktop (and manually remember which desktop is which)02:24
Jucato(it's taking a long tie to buffer)02:24
JucatoNickPresta: yeah, the point is you'd have to move the *apps* from one VD to another. not the VD (with the apps) themselves... I think :)02:24
Jucatolike I said.. need to finish the vid first :P02:24
* Jucato hasn't seen the vid in a loong time02:24
NickPrestaheh. Any idea if draggable VDs is planned for KDE?02:25
vistaliteA unique feature of Workbench is multiple screens. These are conceptually similar to X Window System virtual desktops or workspaces, but are generated dynamically by application programs as necessary. Each screen can have a different resolution and colour depth. A gadget in the top-right corner of the screen allows screens to be cycled — as the OS stores all screens in memory simultaneously, redrawing is instantaneous. Screens can02:25
vistalitealso be dragged up and down by their title bars.02:25
vistalitesee this guy that wrote it is a genius02:26
vistalitenobody even can mimic it today02:26
Jucatobtw. in KDE 4 and Compiz, there's a plugin/feature that lets you see all virtual desktops so you can drag apps around02:26
vistalitethats cool02:26
vistalitelike spaces02:26
Jucatoer... OS X Spaces got the idea from Linux :)02:27
Jucatoor *nix02:27
Jucato*nix has had that for years. OS X only got that in Leopard :)02:27
vistaliteideas are open and shared willingly or unwillingly but implementation varies02:28
vistaliteand apple again did a good job there02:28
Jucatoof copying? yeah02:28
Jucatoanyway.. the discussion is a bit offtopic. to answer your original question: no, there isn't anything exactly like Intuition02:29
Jucatobut who knows? with compositing and stuff it might be possible very soon02:29
Jucatoexcept for each screen having different resoluctions02:29
vistaliteaw :(02:30
* Jucato hasn't been keeping up with X and compositing development02:30
vistaliteyeahs thats cool you can actually play a game in one screen of amiga os and do word processing in the next02:30
=== ubuntu__ is now known as chinomorenox
* ryanakca wishes there was an X version of screen02:31
Jucatoryanakca: there isn't?02:31
NickPrestaryanakca, what's wrong with GNU Screen?02:31
=== chinomorenox is now known as lesclaypool666
JucatoNickPresta: can GNU screen do GUI? :)02:31
NickPrestaJucato, I always assumed if you were using screen, GUI wasn't a big deal. My mistake :)02:32
ryanakcaNickPresta: GNU screen can't handle X apps... Ctrl-A-D doesn't disconnect your X apps ;)02:32
ktownherohola peeps02:32
Dr_willisi just use the exit command.. :)02:33
Dr_willisor 'nohup' :) old-skool02:33
Jucatoryanakca: technically isn't X built on a server-client architecture that would make that possible? after all we have remote X sessions, remote desktops, etc02:33
NickPrestaI always preferred Rat Poison to screen anyways...02:33
Dr_willistwin :) is an amuseing variant.. but its gotten less usefull for me over the years02:33
hakeranyone know php?02:34
hakerhow do i connect to a site?02:34
hakerby php02:34
haker$socket = fsockopen("adriandahacker.110mb.com/home/index.htm",80);02:35
ryanakcaJucato: dtach looks like it might be what I want02:35
hakerwont work :(02:35
ryanakcahaker: #php please02:35
hakerryanakca: no help there >.>02:35
ryanakcahaker: sorry, ##php02:35
NickPrestahaker, off-topic, but you have to have fopen_url_wrappers open, and HTTP wrappers enabled.02:35
haker##php is not helping =|02:35
Jucatodoesn't mean this would be the correct place to ask :)02:36
ryanakcahaker: be patient? Ask again in a while, maybe someone who knows the answer will be around?02:36
NickPrestahaker, /msg me and I can briefly help you.02:36
_stijn_it's 3AM :p02:36
_stijn_some geeks are sleeping02:36
vistalitei cant sleep02:37
_stijn_me neither02:37
vistalitei need more snacks02:37
vistalitein my tummy D:02:37
ryanakcastdin: and 11AM in other parts of the world :D (21:37 here...)02:37
vistalitethink i will make my pizza now02:37
stdinryanakca: wrong stdin02:37
=== haker is now known as carlzenox
vistalitenice american pizza D:02:37
Jucatoryanakca: wrong st*02:37
_stijn_vistalite: bastard02:37
vistalitewith spicy sausages02:37
_stijn_now I have hungry to02:38
_stijn_but no pizza in the house02:38
ryanakcastdin: lol :P02:38
Jucatolanguage please, even in jest/jokes02:39
epimethanybody using desktop effects?02:40
ryanakcaepimeth: just ask your question ;)02:42
vistaliteback on windows02:51
vistalitei need to play a game02:52
vistalitemy cpu is 59 celcius D:02:52
vistalitethats hot02:53
vistalitecase temperature is 36 Celcius02:53
nosrednaekimthats pretty hot (the cpu temp)02:54
metbsdzzzzz im downloading dvd of kubuntu02:54
metbsdi hope it's worth it02:54
kristian_Hi. Does anyone know stuff about ALSA?02:54
vistalitecpu temp02:54
vistalitethink i have dust02:55
vistaliteit shut down 2x when i played with compiz fusion windows decoration :/02:55
nosrednaekimvistalite: yeah.. better blow off the dust02:55
nosrednaekimkristian_: depends... what is your problem?02:56
kristian_The version of ALSA (1.0.14) that comes with gutsy has a lot of problems (with my hardware at least). I know I'm not the only one experiences this. Does anyone know if there it is possible to install the version 1.0.16 without breaking KDE?02:56
boblenyI have a really stupid question: How do I force a mount?02:56
nosrednaekimkristian_: yeah.... thats perfectly fine02:56
nosrednaekimbobleny: "sudo mount /dev/device /mnt"02:57
boblenyBut that doesn't force it?02:57
kristian_I have installed version 1.0.13 which actually solved a lot of problems, but then a lot of dependencies weren't met, and now that I just tried installing something completely different, it removed everything connected to ALSA...02:57
nosrednaekimwhat error is it giving you?02:57
kristian_... which ment all of my programs and the entire KDE...02:58
nosrednaekimkristian_: thats fine02:58
kristian_But it's okay, I just installed it... again ;)02:58
boblenyVolume is scheduled for check.02:58
boblenyPlease boot into Windows TWICE, or use the 'force' mount option.02:58
nosrednaekimbobleny: try "-f " in there thene02:58
kristian_I think it's probably too late........02:58
nosrednaekimkristian_: do you have an HDAIntel chipset? a 81018 or whatever?02:58
kristian_But I'll tell you my problem in short, maybe you will be able to judge what kind of upgrade might help me.02:59
kristian_Yes, I do. I also have an external usb sound interface.02:59
nosrednaekimkristian_: ok.03:00
kristian_The external sound card doesn't have too great support in version 1.0.14. Mp3s makes Amarok crash (if I select the external card as default device), and aRts crashes all the time too. KNotify doesn't work... and so on.03:00
kristian_I've narrowed it down to the ALSA library (libasound2), but it seems that *everything* needs that version "14".03:01
nosrednaekimkristian_: you *could* just upgrade to hardy which should fi most sound problems03:02
kristian_If I want to install a newer version, it tells me, that the dependencies of that newer version isn't met. It seems to depend on some pretty basic libraries, and I don't know if I might be able to just upgrade them too...03:02
nosrednaekimbut don't do that today since there seems to be problems with the hardy kernel modules ATM03:02
kristian_... Probably they have other dependencies and so on.03:02
nosrednaekim!intelhda | kristian_ this might have some useful info if you haven't already seen it03:03
kristian_You have a point, but it appears that Hardy has the same version of ALSA.03:03
ubotukristian_ this might have some useful info if you haven't already seen it: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto03:03
nosrednaekimkristian_: I think its 1.0.1603:03
kristian_Oh, okay, I think where I read it was in some pre-release discussion of sorts....03:03
kristian_Oh, the page tells me to upgrade my alsa-driver by recompiling (part?) of my kernel??03:04
nosrednaekimif thats the right method for your grapics card03:05
kristian_That's ... interesting. I've never tried that before. BUT the exact same method was pointed out elsewhere, so I might give it a try. Is it ... hard?03:05
kristian_(sound card)03:06
nosrednaekimsound card yes...haha...long day :)03:06
kristian_I mean, "compiling" and "kernel" - sounds drastic. Not that I don't need to do a complete reinstall anyway.03:06
kristian_No I really, really appreciate your help :)03:06
nosrednaekimgive it a shot.... the worst you can do is learn :)03:06
kristian_That's true. But what would you say are my chances of success? In other words, is it likely that I a lot of stuff will go wrong during for example the "./configure"-phase?03:08
nosrednaekimits possible.... but in that stage you really can't break anything03:09
kristian_Or is this - in other words - a trivial matter?03:09
nosrednaekimif you follow the directions, it should Just Work03:09
nosrednaekimI've heard of second-day users doing this, so it shouldn't be too hard03:09
kristian_Great. Thanks so much. Back to doing a from-the-top with my live-dvd... *sigh*03:09
kristian_:) :)03:09
nosrednaekimyeah... if you have to do a reinstall, do it with hardy03:10
kristian_Oh, would you say it's that stable?03:10
nosrednaekimthe release candidate is coming out in a day or so... I think.03:11
nosrednaekimso it should be pretty stable03:11
nosrednaekimtho, as I said, they are having kernel isues right now, but that should be sorted out in a day or so03:11
kristian_Cool. Would you choose KDE 3.4 or 4? I tried installing 4 on gutsy and I didn't think it worked so well. But then I suspected, that it wasn't "incorporated" in a sufficiently deep manner or something like that. You know, maybe I didn't install all the *other* things that are supposed to go with it - or something like that?03:13
kristian_(That's 3.5...)03:13
geniikristian_: kde4 is purposely minimalistic03:13
dwidmanngenii: why?03:13
geniidwidmann: It's just the new design philosophy03:14
nosrednaekimkristian_: kde4 is getting better, but I would still go kde3 and ass kde4 if you want to try it03:14
kristian_Yeah, but when I made my kicker slimmer and I couldn't change the font size of the clock, I kinda thought...03:14
kristian_... that wasn't too cool...03:14
dwidmanngenii: I hope you're wrong ... or I'm going to have to look for someone to kick in the balls >.<03:15
epimethI set up desktop effects *just* the way I like it... then I restarted and lost all of my settings :-(03:15
epimethhow do I save them?03:15
kristian_(I feel with you epimeth...)03:15
geniidwidmann: Go harass em in #kubuntu-devel or #kubuntu-kde4 ;)03:15
dwidmanngenii: somehow I feel that won't get me very far ... but for example .... take a look at gwenview, enough to make me cry.03:16
* epimeth thanks kristian_03:16
* _stijn_ sleep03:16
BluesKajbeen fooling some with kde 4.03 , starting to understand some of it but I get feeling it's purposly quite different altho i suspect it'll take more getting used to, than 3.x03:16
epimethkristian_: do you know how to save?03:16
kristian_I suppose. I had expected *prettier*, but I think I like 3.5 better...03:16
nosrednaekim.0.3 is out? sweet :)03:17
kristian_No, sorry, I just f*d up /everything/...03:17
* genii mourns gwenview03:17
BluesKajkristian_, yeah 4 is more mac-like ...mac users will prolly luv it03:17
kristian_Yeah, but wasn't Gnome supposed to be the osx-pleaser...?03:17
dwidmannplasma in its current state is nowhere near as function as kdesktop and kicker ...03:18
kristian_I'm still waiting for some *really* cool ways of thinking desktop environments...03:18
dwidmannbash: /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kcontrol: No such file or directory03:18
* dwidmann tears up03:18
BluesKajno kidding , dwidmann03:18
kristian_Well, thanks again everyone, see you.03:20
dwidmannA lot of the other apps seem to be straight ports with reorganized menus to be more usable, that makes more sense to me ... I hope the crippled apps are just incomplete ports and everything else is being added back later or I'll have to finally motivate myself to do somethign03:20
epimethnobody is using custom desktop effects?03:22
nosrednaekimepimeth: sure am.,... are you on hardy?03:23
Daisuke_Laptopkde4? crippled?  noooo....03:23
geniiI'm not crazy about eye candy on my computer. I like to basically leave it alone so long as it runs the things I require correctly03:23
Daisuke_Laptopsurely you can't be serious!03:23
epimethnosrednaekim: yup03:23
dwidmannDaisuke_Laptop: some of them are03:24
epimethDaisuke_Laptop: I am serious.  And stop calling me shirley!03:24
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: i'm sorry, the correct answer was ...  epi got it :D03:24
epimethnosrednaekim: so how do I save the settings?03:24
nosrednaekimepimeth: so in the "desktop effects" dialog "Custom effects" doesn't work? it doesn't allow you to modify it with CCSM?03:25
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: i also forgot the <sarcasm> tag...  i am as yet completely unimpressed with kde4's look, feel, and direction :(03:25
epimethnosrednaekim: I had it set up *prefectly*, then restarted and lost all of my settings :-(03:25
epimethalso, for some reason the mouse is determining which window has focus... I *Really* don't like that03:26
sohohow delete kubuntu  ?03:26
nosrednaekimepimeth:  yeah... I noticed that, I'm going to change that default setting.03:26
dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: Look isn't really all that bad -plus you can still use plastic if you want to, the biggest area hurting it right now is probably plasma, which is incomplete as things stand currently.03:26
epimethsoho: you want to delete kubuntu or just kde?03:27
sohoيا اخوان فيه احد عربى  انا ما افهم انجليزي  :(03:27
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa03:27
sohoThanks bro    :)03:28
snowdonkeyHey what's that website where I can post code & link to it?03:28
soho:(   No body this room03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pste - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:29
NickPrestasnowdonkey, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:29
Daisuke_Laptopdwidmann: the look isn't terrible, no.  but it feels very stiff, if that makes any sense03:29
epimethsoho: sorry... but I don't think anyone here speaks arabic03:29
dwidmannDaisuke_Laptop: stiff? Umm, umm, umm, not sure what you mean by that, no03:29
soho<epimeth>   Thank you brother03:30
epimethsoho: ahlan beka03:31
Hix-Nixhey guys, im a gentoo guy, but i was asked to help out a buddy of mine with a kubuntu box. well, everything is werking great, but the loging screen is fubar03:31
epimethHix-Nix: you using hardy?03:31
Hix-Nixthe text is HUGE, and ive tried to make it smaller, but its no good03:31
Hix-Nixi want to say its fiesty03:31
soho<epimeth>   you're speake arabic  :D03:32
epimethHix-Nix: hmmm... never had a problem with it.03:32
nosrednaekimepimeth: I'll heck out your problem with the compiz manager... thanks03:32
epimethsoho: just "shukran" "ahlan beka" and "salaam"... and some arabic slang we use in hebrew03:33
nosrednaekimepimeth: would you mind filing a bug?03:33
epimethnosrednaekim: I don't know that it is a bug... I think there may be a way to save the settings I just don't know about03:33
epimethnosrednaekim: "feature" :-)03:33
nosrednaekimepimeth: nah.. its a bug :)03:33
Hix-Nixim sure its a rez issue, but my res is set correctly03:34
epimethnosrednaekim: you on the effects team?03:34
epimethHix-Nix: is it a laptop?03:34
nosrednaekimepimeth: yeah..I wrote that app03:34
Hix-Nixepimeth, yeah it is03:34
epimethHix-Nix: wide screen?03:34
epimethnosrednaekim: all right :-)03:34
epimethnosrednaekim: so you can fix the bug I posted yesterday!03:35
Hix-Nixepimeth, yar03:35
epimethnosrednaekim: desktop cube breaks my system tray... updater appears as a green dot and my 2 rows turn into one long one03:35
epimethHix-Nix: try installing 915resolution03:35
Hix-Nixpresent res is 1280 x 80003:35
Hix-Nixk, will do03:36
nosrednaekimepimeth: thats a compiz bug... but my prob :)03:36
nosrednaekimepimeth: eh, did you post it against my app?03:37
epimethnosrednaekim: I'm not actually sure... lemme check launchpad03:37
nosrednaekimthe appication is desktop-effects-kde403:38
nosrednaekimerr.. without the 403:38
epimethnosrednaekim: I think I filed it under kdebase03:39
nosrednaekimwell... what was the bug...03:40
nosrednaekimactually, I g2g....03:40
epimethnosrednaekim: I still don't fully get how launchpad is organized03:40
nosrednaekimepimeth: :)03:40
Jucatowho does? :)03:40
epimethnosrednaekim: you want me to file the bug, or will you take care of it?03:40
* Jucato hides.. gtg 203:40
nosrednaekimepimeth: I'll try to remember :)03:41
epimethadios guts03:41
Jucatoadios gutsy? no no it's just 6 months old :)03:41
epimethnosrednaekim: where is the setting for mouse focus?03:42
nosrednaekimepimeth: probably under general i'd guess03:42
epimethnosrednaekim: "click to focus" is enabled :-(03:44
nosrednaekimyeah..... but disable focus flows mouse03:45
epimethwtf?  effects level is set to no effects... this is a kde3 setting!  grrrr.....03:45
epimethokay... now that desktop effects is enabled, its fine.03:46
Itakuis it possible to block me from typing in rm -rf /?03:48
Itakucuz i accidently typed it in a few times03:48
Itakuwent to type in a path and accidently hit enter .-.03:48
epimethyou can't rm -rf / if you aren't root03:48
Itakuroot terminal03:48
Itakumore access03:49
Itakudont have to  sudo03:49
Itakucuz im lazy03:49
epimeththen consider it a lesson learned.03:49
NickPrestaItaku, I suppose you learned your lesson then? :)03:49
Itaku2 lessons03:49
epimethroot terminal = BE CAREFUL03:49
geniiWell, thats what happens and no one to blame but yourself after for defeating th built in safeties03:49
Itakubut is there a way to make it so it doesnt listen to that03:49
geniiItaku: Yes.03:50
NickPrestaItaku, do you find yourself accidentally typing rm -rf / frequently? It doesn't seem like something that needs to be prevented by the system. You should prevent yourself from typing that.03:50
geniiItaku: In sudoers file make a cmnd_alias to the command you don'e ever want to run. Then exclude whatever users from being able to do it.03:50
geniiThere are many tutorials on how to do this sort of sudoers editing/setups03:51
epimethgenii: does that stop you from being able to run it if you sudo -s ?03:51
epimetherm sudo -i ?03:51
geniiepimeth: Yes03:51
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
Itakuso like03:51
Itakuive never used sudoers file03:51
geniiTo reiterate:There are many tutorials on how to do this sort of sudoers editing/setups03:52
epimethItaku: /etc/sudoers03:52
Itakuno but how do i make a cmnd_alias03:52
Itakuwait in in root though03:52
geniiI'm going to make you work for it and google03:52
epimethgood on you, genii!03:53
epimethItaku: man sudoers03:53
geniiItaku: This may get you started https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers03:54
geniiepimeth: I generally feel that huge mistakes caused by laziness will only be repeated if you encourage the laziness ;)03:55
Itakuis there an rm command that ignores when its told to delete /?03:56
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NickPrestaMaybe create your own version of rm and place it in ~/bin. That might work?03:58
Itakui found --preserve-root   fail to operate recursively on `/'04:00
Itakuis there a way to make it always do that04:00
gerenukItaku: if you don't run it as sudo it won't delete /, replace rm /directory_to_be_deleated with ls, so that it shows which files you are about to delete, and also use rm -i to play it safe04:00
epimethgerenuk: he wants rm -rf specifically04:01
ItakuNickPresta: ill do that oonce you teach me c04:01
gerenukrm -rf on root ?04:02
epimethbut yea... if you alias rm with rm --preserve-root04:03
epimethgerenuk: yes04:03
epimethgerenuk: he's very silly04:03
Itakui know04:04
epimethItaku: did you catch the alias?04:04
gerenukoh ok, have fun and good luck then ^_^04:04
NickPrestaItaku, you could easily write it in BASH, etc. You could write a bash function and have that instead of root. Of course, this all seems superfluous. I suggest you just stop typing the offending command.04:04
geniihehe NickPresta04:04
Itakuits always on accident04:05
geniiThe reason root is locked out is exactly that, accidents happen04:05
Itakuroot@itaku-desktop:~# alias rm='rm --preserve-root'04:05
Itakui just did that04:06
NickPrestaItaku, I don't know about your keyboard layout, but 'rm -rf /' are not close together. It seems hard to 'accidentally' type that. If you seriously need to rm something referencing an absolute path, use -i as well.04:06
Itakuwas gonna hit shift04:06
Itakubut messed up04:06
NickPrestaUse the shift on the left side of your keyboard?04:07
Itakuright side04:07
Itakuim right handed04:07
NickPrestaAt any rate, we have given you enough tips. I don't think there is much more _we_ can do for you. :)04:07
Itakubut does what i did work?04:07
NickPrestaItaku, it should, yep04:08
epimethItaku: it should04:08
geniiI'm tempted to tell you to try it but I won't be quite that mean04:08
epimethItaku: only one way to find out :-)04:08
epimethItaku: thats a temporary solution tho04:09
Itakuepimeth: hell no :p04:09
epimethItaku: you should add that to root's bashrc04:09
Itakuthat stores aliases?04:09
epimethits a file that executes on every interactive login04:09
epimethas in, sudo -i04:09
shadowboxdoes any body have a good source to get pink neon lights, my next project is a clear case with hidden pink neon (as if you could hide in a clear box)04:15
Picishadowbox: try asking in ##hardware04:15
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MrUnagihardy is being released in june?04:16
MrUnagithats what i thought i must have misread04:17
shadowboxcool thanks04:18
jessicahow can i change my gdm to kdm04:20
epimethjessica: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm04:21
epimethjessica: worth a shot :-)04:21
epimethjessica: lemme know if it worked04:21
jessicaok thanks04:22
jessicathanks ive done it04:22
epimethrestart... lemme know if it worked :-)04:23
epimethI'm smiling way to much...04:23
epimethgotta stop that...04:23
jessicaok ill re-start04:23
jessicabe right back04:23
jessicaworked fine thanks04:28
epimethjessica: no worries!04:29
jessicai dont suppose you know why my second life is making my screen go black after about 3-5 mins and then my whole system freezes and wont return04:30
epimethnot a clue04:31
epimethI'm purposely avoiding it, actually04:31
epimethI've got an game-addictive personality...04:31
Ukonpoika!enter | epimeth04:32
ubotuepimeth: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:32
gerenukI've heard of other people having the same problem, jessica , I'm sure there would be a guide somewhere about as i think it's a common problem04:32
sebathe help in spanish is veri very bad04:32
jessicathanks gerenuk i will have a look around the web04:33
jessicahow do you mean very bad seba ?04:33
jessicasurly they help just as good as english speeking people04:33
jessicawe just pick things up as we go along and find things when browsing the web04:34
xbehave2If i use lvm does the kernel need to be in the boot partition?04:34
sebabeacause is 15 min anybody tell me anything04:34
sebasorry for my english04:34
jessicaits ok i understand you04:35
jessicawhat is your problem04:35
sebathe problem is with Azureus..04:36
jessicaok do go on04:36
sebai read the user guide.. but i dont know  any server04:36
sebais Azureus search automatic?04:38
jessicaits a torrent downloader04:38
jessicai use to use it back on windows until i moved to linux04:38
jessicajust get your .torrent file and tell it to open to azures it will do the rest04:39
sebaonly this?04:39
jessicahave you installed azures04:39
epimethUkonpoika: thanks... I'm just really tired.  I'm usually more verbose04:40
sebais to easy... OK04:40
jessicaim sorry i dont understand04:40
jessicahave you fixed your problem04:40
sebano yeat, but i need some minutes to probe...04:42
sebai need time to probe... thanks jessica, Buenas Noches04:44
jessicayour welcome04:45
=== jessica is now known as jessica_lilly
Hix-Nixepimeth, hey, just wanted to say that 915resolution worked perfect, thanks04:49
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ubuntuhey, I've got a spindle of 25 cd's what are the chances they are all bad ?05:00
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geniisome_dude: It might depend if you got them in an unmarked clear plastic shell at the Dollar Store. But usually only 1 in 8 to 10 are bad from factory05:04
some_dudeis the kubuntu beta iso maybe bad ?05:05
calcmandanhi guys. i'm about to pull an old box out of the closet and play with mail servers for our small business.  anyone have a good recommendation? something where my brother can comfortably use his precious outlook.05:25
calcmandani know outlook will work with any mail server, but he's merely looking for the address book and shit.05:25
geniicalcmandan: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-server05:28
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
calcmandangenii: thanks05:33
calcmandani will05:33
xbehave2is moving an ntfs partition inside a logical partition possible?05:38
austin__anyone know how to disable the new pink theme on kde4?05:41
austin__been  googling to no avail...05:47
austin__I'm not too big a fan of pink lace personally...05:47
geniiI asked in #kubuntu-kde4 fror you but no one's responding yet05:47
austin__didn't know about that channel, I'll lurk there as well05:48
geniiIt's quiet as hell in there05:49
Daisuke_Idoi would imagine that hell would be rather noisy, what with the screams of the damned and all that05:49
austin__depends on the level you're on05:50
austin__the 9th level would be pretty quiet, with the freezing and all05:51
Daisuke_Idoof course, that all depends on what you believe.05:51
Daisuke_Idopersonally, i believe there can be no freezing in hell until such time that the chicago cubs win a world series05:52
austin__true, true, I was going by dante05:52
austin__I prefer the pastafarian outlook05:53
austin__what with the beer volcano and stripper factory and all05:53
geniiaustin__: According to some folks in #kubuntu-devel the pink theme should revert back on it's own whenever you next update05:53
Ragnarelaustin__, http://blog.nixternal.com/2008.04.01/new-kubuntu-kde-4-remix/ is this ur issue?05:53
austin__Ragnarel: yes05:55
Ragnareljust a joke from Kubuntu Hardy, it seems (read comments)05:56
austin__that's what I was reading05:56
austin__yeah, I can deal with a joke, as long as  it reverts in a few days...I'd prefer some way to disable it manually, but eh05:57
Daisuke_Idoidunno, i kinda like it -_-05:57
Daisuke_Idoperhaps not PINK05:57
Daisuke_Idobut it would make a festive holiday decoration in christmas colours05:57
austin__I was liking the black/vista-ish look, aside from the plasma crashes05:57
Daisuke_Idoyou mean kde4 does something other than crash?05:58
Ragnarelpatience! xD05:58
hydrogenits done all sorts of things for me05:58
hydrogenand hasn't crashed in like two months05:58
Daisuke_Idohydrogen, raised your blood pressure, caused hair loss, things like that? :)05:58
hydrogennice try though05:59
Daisuke_Idoi fully believe that kde4 will be *great*05:59
hydrogenfeel free to troll elsewhere05:59
Daisuke_Idoonce the bugs are worked out of plasma05:59
Ragnareluhm I tried to use kde4 and was impossible for me05:59
RagnarelI mean, still not very stable05:59
hydrogenplasmas been quite reliably for me for a while now as well05:59
hydrogenthe tooltips still have a habbit or not disappearing when they should05:59
hydrogenbut other than that05:59
austin__I haven't added any widgets, however, I've had quite a few wm crashes requiring clearing out plasma  settings to get plasma back06:01
austin__and now I have the elton john theme06:01
austin__so yeah06:01
Daisuke_Idoi think my biggest real problem with kde4 right now is purely aesthetic - i like having a few icons on the desktop, but i don't like each one being treated as a separate framed widget - now i don't know if that's still the case in 4.0.3, or if that behaviour can be turned off, but that's where i stand at the moment06:01
RagnarelI experienced that in less than 1 hour using kde4, austin__06:01
hydrogenDaisuke_Ido: the plan is for icons to not exist at all for 4.106:02
Daisuke_Idoactually go to 'plasmoid' launchers?06:02
austin__Daisuke_Ido: yeah, I test a lot of apps for wine, and quite a few install shortcuts...select all + delete no longer works :-(06:02
Ragnarelwell, finally I think that I will not upgrade till 4.1 release06:02
Daisuke_Idobecause that would be alright06:02
hydrogena dir lister plasmoid06:03
austin__Ragnarel: I experience it a lot when running the wine test suite...I've gotten used to it now,  but that gray screen is still _very_ annoying06:03
geniiAt they rate they produce kde versions a 4.1 release will likely be along in ...perhaps 5 years06:03
Daisuke_Idoi'm excited to see what 4.1 has to offer06:03
hydrogengenii: or you know--- four months06:04
hydrogenbut you're close!06:04
Daisuke_Idogenii, i don't think so, i think that the impression that linux is a good desktop OS is spreading, and making devs feel a little bit of pressure to get things fixed06:04
hydrogenof course, 4.1 will have a few new things, and not just three things copied from gnome and a new note taking application06:04
* genii expects something like 4.0.5 in maybe 4 months06:04
hydrogenlike another desktop I can name...06:05
Ragnarelwell, when 4.1 will be released, developers will say that real kde will be 4.1.1... xd06:05
Daisuke_Idowell copied from gnome eliminates a couple options right there...06:05
=== yuriy changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Beta Out: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu | Hug Day! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuBugDay/20080403
Daisuke_Idoif i remember right, kde 3.0 was no great experience either06:07
Daisuke_Idoand subsequent releases got better and better06:07
Daisuke_Idouh-huh...  you don't say06:09
* genii gets disgusted and goes back to good old reliable KDE 1.206:11
geniiWhich I actually have somewhere06:12
Daisuke_Idoi wonder if the really old versions would still run06:12
Daisuke_Idowould think the hardest part would be reeeeally outdated dependencies06:13
geniiOn xorg 7.3 or so?06:13
geniiMaybe I'll experiment tomorrow :)06:13
Daisuke_Idohonestly, i have no idea how or if it's even possible06:13
Daisuke_Idogenii, if you manage it, package it :D06:14
Daisuke_Idoor let us know how...  that interests me...06:14
geniiWill do06:14
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:19
kayessHi all - I'm having problems installing Kubuntu onto my laptop, a Thinkpad R6106:25
kayessActually the install goes fine, but the update seems to keep failing06:25
delphinewhat do you mean by "the update" ?06:26
kayessAdept seems to crash and I can't run another copy to do anything. If I reboot then I get a "file missing" error and it won't load the kernel06:26
madkhenhi.. is there a way to migrate configurate from kde3 to kde4?06:26
kayessAfter the install it wants to update to the latest files06:26
delphinedo it in a konsole, rather than in Adept manager06:27
kayessWhat do I type? sudo apt-get updates or something?06:27
DOOM_NXgood morning06:28
DOOM_NXdoes anyone have any idea what i fill in here? http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/1702/screenshotwinxpsettingsui4.png06:28
delphinesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:28
geniikayess: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade                      or dist-upgrade  , yes06:28
kayessThanks - I'll give that a whirl. Guess I won't know if it works for another hour at least06:29
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cpk1if you make a cronjob as a normal user and the job that is running needs root access do you need to do anything different?07:19
stdinput it in the system crontab, not yours07:20
cpk1so does sudo crontab -e edit /etc/crontab?07:24
stdincpk1: just use kcron, "kdesu kcron"07:29
cpk1stdin: that would be great for my desktop but not the headless router =P07:30
Rominadoes anyone here use mercury messenger (an MSN client)07:30
stdincpk1: I think -e would edit the users crontab (root has one too), so just edit /etc/crontab manually07:32
cpk1stdin: looks like you are right07:35
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metbsdhow do i set a firewall that allow anywhere to destination port 2508:18
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sinauany body room?08:21
sinauim afraid that every body is sleeping here..08:22
ere4siI'm not awake yet :)08:24
apparlesinau: I don't think it's worth waking up to say 'hi' :)08:25
sinauis this room still discus the kubuntu..08:26
sinauok.. :)08:27
apparlesinau: don't sleep :)08:27
apparleere4si: Thanks man, you solved my problem of OSS  and kmix.08:28
apparleBye everyne08:28
apparleBye everyone08:28
ere4sithat was a while ago :) ...08:29
sinauanyone using kwifimanager?08:36
sinausleeping again..08:38
ere4siI don't use it - sorry08:38
sinauere4si: what did you use for wireless connection manager?08:41
ere4sisinau: I don't use wireless...08:41
sinauok.. ic08:42
JadiI want to upgrade from kubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 beta but "sudo adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel" gives me erros while "setting new software channels". Is this a bug ? (give 404 file not found on launchpad)09:11
Martin_i need some help with my network ... 2boxes one lan cable ... all i need is to ssh into the box with internet or share the connection09:16
Martin_someone know how to bridge a ppp0 and eth0 connection09:17
llutzMartin_: for "connection-sharing" you'll need to activate ip-forwarding/nat on the box with internet-access.09:19
Martin_llutz: how would i do that09:19
llutzMartin_: try http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/configuring-ip-forwarding-through-ubuntu-587164/09:19
Martin_thanks llutz09:20
llutzMartin_: in general you have to enable ip-forwarding on that box. on the client you need to set default route (gateway) to the pc with internet. Also you have to set a nameserver on the client for dns. Set an external dns or install dnsmasq on the pc sharing the connection09:23
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!09:31
MilhousePunkRockDoes Gutsy come with some kind of disk encryption by default? I lately noticed the messages "Starting early crypto disks" and "Starting remaning crypto disks" while booting...09:36
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yao_ziyuanis it recommended to install firefox 3 beta 5 along with kubuntu's official firefox 2?11:06
jussi01yao_ziyuan: no. we recomend you stick with what is in the repositories. however, Ubuntu 8.04 has Firefox 3 beta.11:08
yao_ziyuanjussi01: but if i download the firefox 3.0 package from adept-manager and use a new user profile with it, what harm can it cause then?11:09
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jussi01yao_ziyuan: it shouldnt cause any harm, as long as its in our official repositories (ie. you havent added any repositories)11:13
* jussi01 cant remember if it was in gutsy. 11:14
praveen_how to make a makefile11:18
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jussi01!compile | praveen_11:20
ubotupraveen_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:20
praveen_how to make a  makefile in c++11:27
jussi01praveen_: are you looking to compile the makefile? or actually create one?11:28
stefan-fHello all :)11:32
fat-headi just installed something from synaptic but it wont appear in my menus11:32
stefan-fI have here a greater network with NIS and nobody knows which one is the master11:32
stefan-fIs there a way to locate the nis master server?11:33
fat-headanyone help me ^^^ ?11:33
jussi01fat-head: what was that something?11:33
Martin_to use X via ssh all i have to do is ssh name@192..... -X  or i can log on the remote box but when i want to start firefox i get cannot open display11:34
fat-headits happened with quite a few other apps from synaptic which come with gui but i end up having to " run command "11:35
jussi01fat-head: if you read the description in synaptic, then you would know why you havent got a menu entry :)11:35
jussi01fat-head: it says:  This is the console version.11:35
fat-headjussi01 i added it to aynaptic through source checkinstall11:35
jussi01fat-head: btw, are you on ubuntu or kubuntu?11:36
fat-headyes but when i used ubuntu i was able to install nvclock through checkinstall and it appeared int he menus11:36
fat-headim on kubuntu11:36
PhilRodMartin_: are you sure you don't mean "ssh -X hostname"?11:37
jussi01fat-head: hrm, Im not a big fan of checkinstall, and havent used it much, so Im afraid i dont have answers for you. sorry.11:38
Martin_PhilRod: that should be the same or ... i can ssh in no problem but i can't start any X applications11:39
andybleadenHi. Anyone had any recent success converting .ape files. I used to use monkeys audio but have had real trouble with it last time I tried it.  Anyone else have any joy...especially with say soundkonvertor???11:45
jussi01PAdAM: hi.11:48
andybleadenPAdAM: you new on this11:48
andybleadenAnyone anygood with .ape files?11:49
RogueJediXandybleaden: What do you mean by "good with"? Playing them?11:58
PhilRodMartin_: sorry, got distracted. Can you check that DISPLAY gets set in the ssh session (eg, "echo $DISPLAY" without the quotes)11:59
praveen_i want to make a makefile12:03
praveen_i need to create one12:03
anykoi have a question... about kmail12:03
andybleadenRogueJediX: sorry .....I mean had success at converting them into wav files12:03
jussi01!ask | anyko12:03
ubotuanyko: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:03
RogueJediXandybleaden: I actually did have success converting them to wav and then to flac, yes. I'll find the script, hang on12:04
jussi01andybleaden: you may also have a some success asking in #ubuntustudio , however it is a bit quiet in there, so you may need to be patient12:04
anykookay.. so i try everthing to send emails via smtp... with several servers it dosn't work12:04
anykoi check everything, my identitys12:05
andybleadenRogueJediX: many thanks...just tried to download the mac tar giz thing to give it another try...not hopeful12:05
jussi01anyko: I often find the security settings are often at fault ffor mail failures12:06
anykoin e.g?12:06
anykotls an so one?12:06
RogueJediXandybleaden: Did you use this or something else: http://jmac.sourceforge.net/ ?12:07
andybleadenRogueJediX: hmm...just tried this: http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_ape_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux12:08
RogueJediXandybleaden: I'm guessing mac and jmac are different. I've used jmac. You'll need java, though12:09
jussi01anyko: yeah, thats what Im talking about. check your provider to see which settings they use.12:09
andybleadenRogueJediX: think I have that...hmm...is there a quick konsole way to check?12:10
anykoi check the provider he works with tls... and if i try to send without it dosnt work, too12:10
anykohe always talk about an unknown transport protokol12:10
RogueJediXandybleaden: Just a sec12:11
RogueJediXandybleaden: You got all the files from that page you posted, right?12:11
anykobut i don't know, how i can check what the problem is.... i check with telnet, if my computer is able to talk with the ptovider... ab it works12:12
andybleadenI  only got as far as the tar gz download and then extracted them...nothing more...not that hot at installing from tar gz...in fact very bad12:12
RogueJediXandybleaden: If that's all, then no problem. I can guide you through it12:13
jussi01anyko: have you tried using the "check what the server supports" button?12:13
jussi01anyko: what is the exact error message it gives?12:14
andybleadenRogueJediX: I have downloaded both jmac and mac tar gz now12:14
anykowhere can i found it?12:15
RogueJediXandybleaden: So you've extracted the mac .tar.gz file already?12:15
andybleadenRogueJediX: yes12:15
andybleadenRogueJediX: into a folder in home12:15
jussi01anyko: well tell me what happens when you try to connect and get mail.12:16
anykojussi01: it is something like unable to send message: unknown transport protokol12:16
anykojussi01: i get mails, but he just do not send them12:16
RogueJediXandybleaden: Right. Now open the console and go to that folder12:16
andybleadenRogueJediX: the mac folder12:17
andybleadenRogueJediX: or home12:17
jussi01anyko: Im sorry, I dont know the answer to that one :/12:17
anykojussi01: okay12:17
RogueJediXandybleaden: The mac folder12:18
anykojussi01: it seemed that nobody could12:18
anykojussi01: thanks12:19
jussi01anyko: sorry I couldnt help more :/12:19
anykojussi01: dosn't matter12:20
andybleadenRogueJediX: see this is where I get in the mire...its title is mac so I should type cd /mac ?12:21
RogueJediXandybleaden: Nop, just "cd mac" without the quotes12:21
andybleadenRogueJediX: in !12:23
RogueJediXandybleaden: Good. Now type in "./configure". Again, without the quotes12:23
andybleadenRogueJediX: andy@andy-desktop:~/mac$ ./configurebash: ./configure: No such file or directory12:25
RogueJediXandybleaden: Okay. Type in "ls" and tell me what it shows12:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:25
andybleadenRogueJediX: mac-3.99-u4-b512:26
andybleadenRogueJediX: maybe there is another folder layer12:27
RogueJediXandybleaden: Type in "cd mac-3.99-u4-b5"12:27
neville_Where abouts is the apt cache located?12:27
RogueJediXAs you said12:27
andybleadenRogueJediX: sorted ..shall I do the .config thing now?12:27
tomahasamootis xine compiled w/ --enable-aac?  I can play m4a files on amarok, I was told that it's complie options...12:27
RogueJediXandybleaden: "./configure", yes. Go ahead.12:28
andybleadenRogueJediX: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -cchecking whether build environment is sane... yeschecking for gawk... nochecking for mawk... mawkchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yeschecking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... nochecking for g++... nochecking for c++... nochecking for gpp... nochecking for aCC... nochecking for CC... nochecking for cxx... nochecking for cc++... n12:28
andybleadenr KCC... nochecking for RCC... nochecking for xlC_r... nochecking for xlC... nochecking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ comp                               iler cannot create executablesSee `config.log' for more details.12:28
andybleadenRogueJediX: maybe I should try the jmac one instead?12:29
jussi01!paste | andybleaden12:29
ubotuandybleaden: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:29
RogueJediXandybleaden: Paste large amounts of stuff in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:29
andybleadensorry everyone12:30
jussi01neville_: its in /var/ iirc12:30
RogueJediXandybleaden: Yeah, it's  a bit easier. no compiling involved12:30
andybleadenRogueJediX: like this : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62006/12:31
neville_jussi01 You're right. Thanks!!12:31
jussi01andybleaden: to compile stuff you will need the package: build-essential12:31
andybleadenjussi01: getting the hang of this slowly12:31
jussi01thats what is missing there I suspect.12:31
andybleadenRogueJediX: i have the tar gz....should I extract the jmac tar gz12:32
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RogueJediXandybleaden: Yeah. Just go to where the tar.gz is and type "tar zxvf jmac-1.74.tar.gz"12:33
prophethi i have just installed kubuntu beta with kde4 and wanted to know why the digital clock and the menu button don't get smaller the 32px when changing panel size? And why do the parts of them that are not visible anymore (because over oversize) appear at the top of the desktop (they are wrapped around from bottom to top)?12:37
prophetcan i fix this?12:37
prophetcan i show seconds on the digital clock?12:38
Dr_willisprophet,  kde4 is still very much a work in progress12:38
Dr_willisa lot of things like that are not 'there' yet.12:38
Dr_willisTheres a lot of kde4 related packages not installed by default also. These add in some missing functionality. But not a lot. :)12:39
Dr_willisright click on the clock and check its properties. thats about all the features it has.12:39
prophetthats really sad12:40
MilhousePunkRockNow that there is a little more action in here I can rephrase my question from hours ago: Does Gutsy have some kind of disk encryption by default?12:40
Dr_willisits really a 'work in progress'12:40
andybleadenRogueJediX: ok jmac is extracted but in a folder called jmac..had real trouble with the tar zxvf jmac-1.74.tar.gz command12:40
jussi01prophet: Kde4 suport in #kubuntu-kde4 :)12:40
Dr_willisMilhousePunkRock,   Not by default that i know of. Hardy i think does..12:40
MilhousePunkRockOn today's fsck I noticed the messages "Starting early crypto disks" and "Starting remaning crypto disks" while booting...12:40
Dr_willisIt may be that gutsy did have it.. I just never noticed. :)12:40
MilhousePunkRockDr_willis: Where do those messages possibly come from if I never set anything up manually? It does not ask for a password either though...12:41
RogueJediXandybleaden: Trouble. Should've been pretty straightforward12:41
Dr_willisActually i do recall some gusty disk encryption stuff when gutsy first came out.  - I never messed with it.12:41
MilhousePunkRockprophet: I have noticed the same behaviour, probably there is no option to resize the clock yet... KDE3 had font size settings for the clock, IIRC...12:42
prophetMilhousePunkRock: Ok thanks.12:42
prophetThen i'll switch back to normal ubuntu...12:42
andybleadenRogueJediX: had trouble...trying again and it worked...now i have a folder called jmac-1.74...do not not why12:43
RogueJediXandybleaden: That's alright, because that means it extracted properly12:43
andybleadenRogueJediX: god knows why it did not before...anyway...i am used to this12:44
MilhousePunkRockDr_willis: The good side of this is, that I researched a little about security and anonymity now... I might set up a totally encrypted system when I do a clean install after the Hardy release... :D Not that I have anything to hide though. I'll just do it for the main reason I do geeky stuff, because I can... ;)12:44
RogueJediXandybleaden: Now go into that folder and in that folder is another one called "distributables"12:44
andybleadenRogueJediX: ok12:44
RogueJediXandybleaden: Go into that one too and you're ready to go12:44
andybleadenRogueJediX: into it via konsole or konqueror12:44
MilhousePunkRockprophet: There probably already is a fully configurable clock for plasma though...12:44
RogueJediXandybleaden: Via konsole. Sorry, should've been more clear12:45
prophetMilhousePunkRock: The analog one it pretty good but to small on a 24 px panel12:45
TeslaTonyHow can I customize my keyboard layout, especially for a specific program?12:46
MilhousePunkRockprophet: I installed KDE4 again just two days ago (had a nice pink environment and a unicorn because of the date), I haven't done much with it yet... If I can't composite to work properly on my louse 16 MB laptop video chip, I might stick to KDE 3.5 or even switch to Gnome though...12:46
andybleadenoh no http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62007/12:46
andybleadenRogueJediX: am i missing something really easy here12:47
RogueJediXandybleaden: Drop the /12:47
RogueJediXandybleaden: Just "cd jmac-1.74"12:47
MilhousePunkRockTeslaTony: As in "using keyboard layout A for program X" and "keyboard layout B for the rest"?12:47
TeslaTonyMilhousePunkRock: And I have no idea how to customize my layout at all12:48
andybleadenRogueJediX: right i know what I am doing wrong...i was cd /home then jmac..i just do it from the first konsole prompt12:48
andybleadenRogueJediX:  now I am in12:49
MilhousePunkRockTeslaTony: Basically that can be done in the regional settings of the Control Center. But I have no idea how that can be done selectively, if at all...12:49
andybleadenRogueJediX: do I find distributables12:49
RogueJediXandybleaden: Easy. Just type "cd distributables"12:50
andybleadenRogueJediX: done that and it worked  yiipee 1rst time12:50
TeslaTonyMilhousePunkRock: Thanks. That may be enough for me to use as a starting point to figure the rest on my own12:50
RogueJediXandybleaden: Excellent. Now, do you remember where the .ape file is?12:51
prophetMilhousePunkRock: I have found 4+ more or less worse bugs within the first 5 minutes of use. And to that comes that i'm missing some features i want. kde was never an alternative for me and i wanted to give kde4 a try because they really made nice features. But at the moments i'm tending to go back to gnome because its not stable/unbuggy enough for me12:51
MilhousePunkRockTeslaTony: If it's system wide, it is probably set in the locales somewhere...12:51
MilhousePunkRockprophet: It's a .0 release, it still has edges and all... I would not use it on a productive system yet...12:51
andybleadenRogueJediX: both now in home12:52
RogueJediXandybleaden: Okay, showtime. Type in "java -jar jmac.jar -d" and then the path to your file12:53
RogueJediXandybleaden: Something like "java -jar jmac.jar -d /home/andybleaden/myapefile.ape"12:53
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andybleadenRogueJediX: tada! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62010/12:55
RogueJediXandybleaden: So, the full file name is "John Cage - The Seasons.ape"?12:57
andybleadenRogueJediX: I am guessing I type tx 2 or somehting  john cage etc12:57
andybleadenRogueJediX: yes12:57
andybleadenRogueJediX: when I used to use mac everything was chaged to 1.ape etc...made it fool proof12:57
RogueJediXandybleaden: Try pasting the next line I type, INCLUDING the quotes12:57
andybleadenRogueJediX: then change back...oh ok12:58
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RogueJediXandybleaden: java -jar jmac.jar -d ~/John\ Cage\ -\ The\ Seasons.ape JohnCage.wav12:59
RogueJediXIn case you're wondering, I've decided to go without the quotes13:00
juan_hey i setup a http server to copy files over from an broken laptop, how do i do this, is wget the best way?13:00
RogueJediXandybleaden: Dp you know how to copy and paste in linux?13:00
andybleadenRogueJediX: yup did that and this happened  ( copied via copying your text and shift and insert into the konsole??13:01
Dr_willisjuan_,  wget, or scp perhaps.13:01
andybleadenRogueJediX: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62011/13:02
RogueJediXandybleaden: Weird. That should've worked. Do you know where i could find an .ape file to fiddle around with it?13:03
RogueJediXandybleaden: I'm sorry, I'm stupid. Just realised what I did wrong13:04
juan_Dr_willis: dont suppose you know the commands to do a recursive get?13:04
andybleadenRogueJediX: no probs ...what info do you need13:04
RogueJediXandybleaden: Insted of java -jar jam -d etc etc. Type "java -jar jmac.jar d"13:04
Dr_williswith wget? nope.13:04
jussi01juan_: I think there is a spider command, iirc13:04
RogueJediXandybleaden: No minus in fron of the d. Sorry, my bad13:05
jussi01juan_: see "man wget"13:05
andybleadenRogueJediX: its cookin'13:05
andybleadenRogueJediX: it is cookin13:05
RogueJediXandybleaden: There we go13:06
andybleadenRogueJediX: mind you have not got a clue as to why that command was like that with the / and names all twisted13:07
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RogueJediXandybleaden: I can explain that. The ~ character means your home folder13:08
RogueJediXandybleaden: Typing ~ or /home/andy/ is essentially the same13:08
RogueJediXandybleaden: As for the \ characters: When you put a space in the command line, it thinks it has to follow another command or something, in layman's terms13:09
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andybleadenRogueJediX: that is new13:10
andybleadenRogueJediX: to me13:10
RogueJediXandybleaden: So, when you typed in jmac.jar -d John Cage - The Seasons.ape, it thought it had to decompress files called John, Cage,- and The and dump it in a file called Seasons.ape13:11
RogueJediXandybleaden: So you have to put a \ in front of every space of the filename in order not to confuse it13:11
BluesKajhowdy all13:11
andybleadenRogueJediX: i see ...so if I copy that pasted command into somewhere useful and follow it everytime I should get it right?13:12
andybleadenRogueJediX: or alternatively temp rename all ape files as 1.ape etc like I used to with mac before13:13
andybleadenRogueJediX: what happens with the .cue file then...never understood them either13:14
RogueJediXandybleaden: Right. Alternately, you could use quotes, like "John Cage -The Seasons.ape"13:14
Dr_willisi always use single quotes :)13:14
andybleadenRogueJediX: that make sense13:14
DarkJusticeanybody have some time and patience for a uber linux n00b? all I did was install kubuntu and I have a bunch of questions13:14
andybleadenDr_willis: is that ' instead of "?13:15
ryyHello, I am unable to install new programs because it always says "another process is using the packaging system database.." How can I find the culprit process and kill it?13:15
llutz!aptfix | ryy13:16
uboturyy: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:16
Dr_willisandybleaden,  yes. bash treates themn differently..i forget the specifcs however.13:16
Dr_willisplus i dont have to use the shift key to do '13:16
andybleadenRogueJediX: this is where it is up to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62013/13:16
ryyI try it right now.13:16
llutztry echo "$PATH" '$PATH'   and you'll see the difference13:16
andybleadenDr_willis: aha!13:16
Dr_willisllutz,  yea. i knew it had somthing to do with variables and  expansion. :)13:17
Dr_willisjust couldent put it in words.. heh13:17
RogueJediXandybleaden: Yeah, just sit tight. ape files take a while13:17
ryyThank you, its working now.  Would mind telling me what that command does?13:18
andybleadenRogueJediX: oh yes that I remember and its well worth the wait...what did you mean re bash treats them different  ( remember this is the man who could not change folders...and while I am on the subject....why do I have to sometimes use a / and not when cd ing13:19
andybleadenRogueJediX: i take it the cue thing splits ape file up if I remember rightly for media players13:21
jussi01ryy: simply, when adept opens it locks the database file so nothing else can use it. if it crashes, it does not unlock it. that command unlocks the database.13:21
RogueJediXandybleaden: I'm not really clear on spaces in filenames and bash myself. And yeah, the cue file usually splits it into tracks13:23
andybleadenRogueJediX: I could next time do this if the file is called 1 :~/jmac-1.74/distributables$  java -jar jmac.jar d ~/1.ape 1.wav13:23
RogueJediXandybleaden: You can still use the cue file and the wav file you're about to get together13:23
andybleadenRogueJediX: aha13:23
RogueJediXandybleaden: Exactly13:23
ryythanks again.13:23
andybleadenRogueJediX: now I understand13:24
andybleadenRogueJediX: i have saved that as a note to remind me next time13:24
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andybleadenRogueJediX: I have to clear off for a bit but I would like to say thanks for your help and patience today13:27
RogueJediXandybleaden: No prob, that''s what we're her efor13:28
RogueJediXI'm off to lunch myself, toodles13:28
andybleadenRogueJediX: byee13:28
cbrhello, what's the point of linux-backports-modules?13:30
Eruaranhello, is anyone else suddenly having dcopserver issues ?13:31
anykokmail problem, kmail do not send messages, did anybody know somthing about?13:45
BredrenHi there13:46
BredrenI have a question maybe someone could help13:46
BredrenEvery time I reboot I have to bind a folder like this : sudo mount --bind /folder/ /destination/13:47
dwidmannBredren: why not add it to your /etc/fstab?13:47
BredrenI would like to include in fstab, but I'm not sure of syntax : /var/www/       /destination/     bind,defaults        0       013:48
MilhousePunkRockanyko: Can you send with other programs? I know for myself that I can not use my university's SMTP server if I am not in the university's IP name space...13:48
BredrenYes dwidmann13:48
Bredrendwidmann: is that the good way to do ?13:49
dwidmannreplace the comma after bind with a space and you should be good really, If I remember right13:49
dwidmannBredren: if all else fails, copy the line out of your /etc/mtab13:49
anykoMilhousePunkRock: of course in the university it is the same problem, i only could recive the other mails,13:50
Bredrengreat dwidmann, I just need to copy/paste from etc/mtab13:50
MilhousePunkRockanyko: So it is your university's SMTP server?13:51
KingOfDos|lapis there a way that calendarserver will be added to the ubuntu repository?13:51
Bredrenmany thanks dwidmann13:51
anykoMilhousePunkRock:  no it is an other,13:51
kymoiewhy is irc taken out of kopete for KDE4?13:51
MilhousePunkRockanyko: Did you run the encryption test?13:51
dwidmannBredren: you're welcome13:52
MilhousePunkRockkymoie: I guess noone here knows... kde4 is discussed in #kubuntu-kde4 anyway...13:52
anykoMilhousePunktRock: i try everything, with identities, secrurity-options, ... yes, you mean the security support from server, didn't you?13:52
KingOfDos|lapok. calendarserver will be added "soon" i guess. but calendarserver already has that status for a few months.13:53
kymoiethanks MilhousePunkRock13:53
KingOfDos|lapi want to create a OS indipendend workstation/method. when i want to use a couple of Sunbird installations (or other software), then i need calendarserver or another iCal / CalDAV function.13:54
anykoMilhousePunkRock: i also try to talk via telnet, and it works, but kmail only talk about an unknown transportProtokol..., maybe here is a missing package... but i install Kmail again and it dosn't work again13:54
MilhousePunkRockanyko: I find the way KMail handles accounts a bit confusing myself... You did set up an identity for the new transport you want to use, did you?13:54
MilhousePunkRockanyko: Are you registered with the server? We can talk German in a query, that will simplify things...13:56
SlimeyPetewhy not just go and speak in #kubuntu-de ?13:58
ksalwhat should I install to compile an app?14:19
ksalgcc, and something else?14:20
Jucato!b-e | ksal14:20
ubotuksal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:20
dwidmannksal: build-essential14:20
ksalthx :)14:20
Jucatodwidmann: my 8 keys strokes  vs. your 15 :P14:20
ksalhehe :]14:21
ksalJucato: but, he helped me more ;)14:21
ksaldwidmann: but description of that package says that it is package for building packages14:22
ksalthere's no word about compiling14:22
dwidmannksal: it compiles just fine14:23
Jucatoof course if you looked at the web page...14:23
ksalJucato: i looked at what synaptic says :p14:23
dwidmannJucato: my 25ish keystrokes vs your 45ish keystrokes :P14:24
Jucatoksal: build-essential installs the stuff needed to build packages, which, surprise surprise, are the same things you need to compile apps! imagine that! :)14:24
ksalok, thx ;]14:25
Jucatozomg indeed! :)14:25
ksalhmm? what? what's wrong about synaptic?14:25
Jucatooh, and look! it's written on the webpage linked by the bot! :)14:25
dwidmannksal: nothing at all14:25
Jucatoksal: nothing. it's just a standard description14:25
ksalso why are you laughing at me? :p14:25
JucatoI was?14:26
* Jucato was smirking14:26
ksalJucato: I didn't  even look at that page ;]14:26
Jucato[21:23] <Jucato> of course if you looked at the web page... <-- hence14:26
familyhow can i set it so i can log in as root14:27
=== family is now known as Jessica
Jessicahow can i set it so i can log in as root14:27
Jucato!root | Jessica14:27
ubotuJessica: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:27
dwidmannI really like that description, has a kind of Matrix-esque taste to it14:28
KubuntuJackwhat is the correct channel for asking about hardware compatibility of k/ubuntu?14:28
dwidmannKubuntuJack: probably this one14:28
Jessicai know about sudo i want it so when i go to kdm i can log in as root14:28
dwidmannKubuntuJack: #ubuntu would work also14:29
ksalJessica: set up root password14:29
Jessicaok thanks14:29
Pici!noroot | ksal14:29
ubotuksal: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)14:29
ksalJessica: but i don't think that there's a good reason for you to login as root14:29
KubuntuJackok, am planning to build a new PC.  any problems with the asus p5k series (intel p35 chipset)?14:29
ksali'm not using linux from yesterday :p14:30
dwidmannJessica: or you could ctrl+alt+fsomething and sudo -s to root, then xinit -- :1 vt12 and have a root session that way ... and not have to set up a root passwd14:30
=== nitric is now known as nitric_
KubuntuJackanother q does 7.10 support ahci mode of sata drives on the ICH9 or ICH9R chips ?14:32
KubuntuJackand maybe the last :) can i run a raid on on the ICH9R ?14:32
dwidmannKubuntuJack: ahci??14:32
dwidmannKubuntuJack: would probably be fakeraid ..... which ends up making the cpu do the work anyway ..14:33
dwidmannWhat's AHCI mode for SATA drives though? I have a board with an ICH9R southbridge so i can test I suppose.14:34
KubuntuJackahci -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Host_Controller_Interface14:34
nykogenii:  hey how are you today14:35
dwidmannKubuntuJack: what's special-er about it?14:35
geniidwidmann: ahci mode is native mode for sata. As opposed to for instance compatability/ide emulated14:35
KubuntuJackshould allow hotswitching, but also speed up transfer.  mind you i know nothing of this, have staid away some years from hardware ;)14:35
dwidmannKubuntuJack: wait around for a few, I saw that option in bios, I'll give it a go14:36
ksali want to compile pcsx214:37
ksalbut i have such a problem that I don't remember how........14:38
ksalI know how14:38
ksalbut there's no 'configure' file.14:38
ksalonly makefile.am14:38
familyi am trying to open menu.list file from grub in kate and i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62022/14:39
=== family is now known as Jessica
philipp_how can i find out which ports get data from the Internet?14:39
Jessicai am trying to open menu.list file from grub in kate and i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62022/14:40
nykogenii: i use my mouse for 15 min now and no sleep for now14:40
philipp_how can i find out which ports get data from the Internet?14:40
geniiKubuntuJack: 7.10 supported my Asus p5k-e sata controller but module mv_sata was needed. In this case also a linux souce code for the motherboard chipset came on cd from Asus, but it was for compilation under RedHat14:40
geniinyko: Good, this is with the usb suspend still disabled then?14:41
BluesKajphilipp_, are you trying to set up a p2p or torrent client ?14:41
nykogenii: i dunno14:41
geniinyko: To answer your first question, I'm a bit tired but otherwise all right :)14:41
ksalBluesKaj: isn't it the same thing?14:41
philipp_Blueskaj... somethink simmelar.... a conection with netcat14:42
dwidmannI'm going to say yes.14:42
BluesKajksal, not nessarily ...torrent clients use torrent sites as their hubs ... most p2p suse the gnutella or other nets14:43
nykogenii: héhé at work again ?14:43
KubuntuJacki should read before i ask ;)  the wikipedia says that ahci is supported from kernel 2.6.19...14:43
philipp_Blueskaj... somethink simmelar.... a conection with netcat14:43
ksaldwidmann: could you help me with compiling?14:43
dwidmannksal: probably14:43
BluesKajwhich client philipp_ ?14:43
KubuntuJackthanks dwidmann and genii14:44
dwidmannKubuntuJack: so you say it should be faster, how much so?14:44
dwidmannLast I checked it was the drive read-write speed that was the bottleneck anyway14:44
philipp_blueskaj nc IP PORT14:45
geniinyko: Yes, at work14:45
KubuntuJackthe reason i ask is because i've had some problems with my intel 875p motherboard, where AGP would not work.  just trying to do my homework before payin g ,)14:45
philipp_but i need a port where i can send the information and the router will bring it to me14:45
nykogenii: i find that http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/souris_logitech. can be good for me you think ?14:45
geniinyko: Reading14:46
Jessicai am trying to open menu.list file from grub in kate and i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62022/14:46
dwidmannKubuntuJack: I did my homework before paying too, definitely glad I did .... brand new system, and it only uses 100watts idle too :)14:46
nykogenii: this is french XD14:46
KubuntuJackdwidmann: ahci should support native command queing, (allows it to que up reads and writes to combine them to minimize head movement), should also support highr throughput, but don't know how much14:47
KubuntuJackdwidmann: what board and chipset did you get?14:49
dwidmannKubuntuJack: Intel DX38BT, North=x38, South=ICH9R14:49
BluesKajphilipp_, which peer to peer application are you trying to set up , they all use different tcp/udp ports , some can be changed to avoid blocking by ISPs ..that is why I ask14:50
geniinyko: Je peux habituellement comprendre le français quand on lui écrit.14:50
nykogenii: lol XD :)14:51
geniinyko: Anyhow, if this is your mouse, these are good instructions14:51
KubuntuJackdwidmann: ok, that won't help me getting a p35 board.  am i right to assume that you have to use ddr3 ram too?  happy to hear that the ICH9R is working in any case14:51
nykogenii: not a mx but a g514:51
nykogenii: how to open xorg.conf and can whrite insid14:52
Jessicai am trying to open menu.list file from grub in kate and i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/62022/14:52
BluesKajgenii, es tu bilange ?14:52
dwidmannKubuntuJack: with this board yes, with many of the other x38 boards no, a lot of them are dual (ie: have both ddr2 and ddr3 slots), seeing as I was upgrading from a Socket 939 board with DDR1 mem though, I wanted to go straight DDR3 with support for up to 8GiB of RAM, so this is the board I ended up with14:52
geniinyko: http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=277812&mpage=1&key=&14:53
dwidmannKubuntuJack: the price for DDR3 mem really has gone down a lot though, I got 2x1GiB sticks for $15014:53
JucatoJessica: how are you trying to open it? what command are you using?14:53
KubuntuJackanyone here run a asus p5k board ? any problems (i saw you genii)14:53
nykoKubuntuJack: am on p5n14:54
geniiBluesKaj: Pas couramment.14:54
geniinyko: alt-f2, then: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:55
KubuntuJackam looking to get 2x2 GB DDR2 sticks for some 150 dollars or (roughly converted).  the other reason is that I normally try to use slightly older tech in the hope of not beta testing hw ;)14:55
geniiKubuntuJack: Yes I have the wifi/AP p5k board14:55
Jessicasudo kate /boot/grub/menu.list14:55
dwidmannKubuntuJack: If I were building and I were you I would consider going with a board with the x38 or x48 chipset, support for both the 45nm and 65nm procs14:55
dwidmann(or was it 60nm?)14:55
geniiJessica: Never use sudo with graphical applications14:55
nykogenii: what is the code for go in my xorg.conf14:55
nykosorry thanks14:56
geniinyko:  :) np14:56
markus_hello together14:56
JucatoJessica: kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.list14:56
KubuntuJacknyko: is that a p35 board ?14:57
nykoKubuntuJack: no p5nsli14:57
nykothe socket you said ?14:57
KubuntuJackgenii: any problems with kubuntu14:57
KubuntuJackdwidmann: p35 supports the 45nm too14:58
dwidmannKubuntuJack: it does? Hmmmm, and here I was wondering about that14:58
dwidmannKubuntuJack: I reconsidered and went for the x38 when i wasn't sure14:58
dwidmannfaster fsb didn't hurt either14:59
KubuntuJacknyko: the chipset. socket 775 ?14:59
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
nykoKubuntuJack: yes15:00
KubuntuJackdwidman: apparently the p5k board supports 1333 FSB, and ddr2 at 1066.15:00
dwidmannKubuntuJack: I know, but it was just the particular board I was looking at15:00
KubuntuJacki think the 1066 is an asus feature, otherwise the chipset support ddr2 up to 86015:01
dwidmann*nod* I'm using ddr3 133315:02
geniiKubuntuJack: During alternate cd install it stalled out trying to load some intl pcmcia driver, was required to go to busybox in another console and rename it, but oterwise install went fine15:02
KubuntuJackyeah, i would prefer that too :)15:02
geniiKubuntuJack: I'm using OCZ ddr 800, overclocked without problems on that board (8Gb)15:03
KubuntuJackgenii: good to know that it works...  thanks15:03
dwidmannKubuntuJack: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_chipsets#Core_2_Chipsets15:03
KubuntuJackgenii: i'll see what ram they have once I order.  might be possible that i get ocz.  probably 4 GB of dd2 106615:04
KubuntuJackanother question is what gfx to get.  am i right in assuming that nvidia have the best linux support?15:06
dwidmannKubuntuJack: looks like the main differences between x38 and p35 is that the x38 has pci-e gen 2 slots and a hardware memory prefetcher15:07
dwidmannKubuntuJack: unless you can find something with intel integrated ... and then it wouldn't perform as well as the nvidia anyway, stay away from the GeForce 9s for now15:07
nykogenii: now i have put gaming mouse g5 when she turn off my ps2 mouse not working15:07
KubuntuJackdwidmann: i mean nvidia graphics cards not motherboards15:10
geniinyko: If I remember correctly from your old dmesg output, your G5 /dev/input was not event3 but possibly event515:10
nykogenii: ok then :P15:10
geniinyko: (as the link I gave you for xorg.conf G5 modification used event3)15:10
nykogenii: im confusing now15:10
dwidmannKubuntuJack: yeah, I know, but intel integrated graphics are supported OOTB with 3d is why I gave them a mention.15:10
nykogenii: o i see where i setevent 515:11
nykoo i see15:11
geniinyko: Perhaps check the contents of: dmesg for the exact event# to use15:11
andybleadenRogueJediX: cheers for what you did before mate..the ape is still converting as expected but no hassles yet ...bit slow as it used lots of cpu here15:11
nykogenii:  input: Logitech USB Gaming Mouse as /class/input/input315:12
geniinyko: OK, so the line of Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3"               in xorg.conf sould be OK15:13
nykowhen i log out i see a black windows and i can't move my mouse :S15:16
dwidmannnyko: what video card do you have?15:16
nykonvidia sli 7800gs15:17
nyko2|3 i got the login windows but the 2 other time i got a black windows15:17
dwidmannhmm, 7800, I could have sworn I'd read about issues with those at some point or another15:17
=== jeff__ is now known as jeffinhedon
KubuntuJackdwidmann: i was thinking about a an asus silent (passive cooling), 7600/8500 or 8600 card15:19
geniinyko: This is only since te xorg.conf modification from http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.asp?m=277812&mpage=1&key=&t               ?15:19
dwidmannKubuntuJack: 8600 card is pretty nice, I got one of those ... I just ordered a heatsink for it to replace the fan15:19
geniiBah he left again15:19
geniiKubuntuJack: On that same box I have a 7600GT which works great15:20
dwidmannKubuntuJack: you'll get much more bang for your buck probably if you don't go with the 7600, depending on how you plan to use it15:20
KubuntuJackdwidmann: GT or GTS ?15:20
dwidmannI've got the GT, but I hear the GTS performs significantly better15:21
dwidmannBut for $100 the 8600GT wasn't a bad buy at all.15:21
geniidwidmann: Yes, that was a nice buy :)15:22
KubuntuJackthe thing is that i rarely play games.  i might wanna use 2:nd life so i suppose performance would be nic.  am a musician, so most of what i do is related to music.  am planning to run my win sequenser under wine.15:22
dwidmanngenii: yup, outperforms my old 7900gtx most likely, and it uses no more power than the 7900gs (well, a little, very little)15:22
KubuntuJacki suppose to me good performance in wine, and 2:ndlife, and then low power consumption in order to make my new PC as quiet as possible...15:23
dwidmannI can hardly believe how much less power my new build uses than my old one ..... 100watts instead of 300watts on idle15:23
dwidmannKubuntuJack: I just found out about the noise end of things, my old case was a lot quieter, but I like this new one better (Lian Li ftw) ... need to replace its noisy case fans though, so I just ordered some15:24
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:25
KubuntuJackdwidmann: i am gonna get an antec case.  for silent computing check out: http://www.silentpcreview.com/ there you can find out anything you need to know ;)15:26
* genii sips his coffee and waits for the next support question15:26
KubuntuJackso the 7600GS, 8600GT and GTS chipsets are well supported by kubuntu/X/wine, and a good choice for general computing under linux?15:29
azzco_KubuntuJack: I haven't had any issues with my 7600Gs15:30
=== azzco_ is now known as Azzcp
ubotuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>15:31
=== Azzcp is now known as Azzco
KubuntuJackAzzco: can you run compiiz too?15:32
AzzcoKubuntuJack: Jupp, runs rather good15:32
MilhousePunkRockgenii: In that case... Does Gutsy come with disk encryption by default? I have noticed messages about "crypto disks" after the latest fsck...15:32
AzzcoKubuntuJack: I've had a few problems with the liveCDs though, if I remove the card I can boot a liveCD just fine but with the card... graphical issues15:33
KubuntuJackwhen is the next kubuntu coming out.  i am looking to use K415:33
jussio124th april KubuntuJack15:33
KubuntuJackAzzco: am not really planning to run any live CDs.  any install probs with the 7600 ?15:34
geniiMilhousePunkRock: I don't think crypt is installed by default, I had to manually install it. Although this may have changed on the latest15:35
AzzcoKubuntuJack: Just the LiveCDs graphics issue, once (k)ubuntu and nvidia-glx-new is installed it's perfectly fine15:35
KubuntuJackwill i be possible to migrate existing installations to the next kubuntu?  I had some problems when trying to switch windowmanagers (as an example), so ;)15:35
MilhousePunkRockgenii: Well, it's Gutsy... And I have not installed anything for encryption myself, for sure. I do not think it is actually encrypting anything, since it does not ask for a passphrase, tough.15:36
navaburo_Could someone send me their ipw3945.ko file? I seem to have overwritten it!15:37
=== todd_ is now known as Tarth
geniinavaburo_: Perhaps reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 as well as linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 , these two packages are where this module originates15:41
geniibah he left15:41
* jussio1 hugs genii15:41
geniiI'm noticing of late this "Ask and run" trend15:41
geniijussio1: Heh, thanks15:42
KubuntuJackok, thanks a lot for the help.  Now i just got to decide which one out of a bwildering amouunt of p5k baords i am gonna get.  Which is the right channel for discussing gfx cards and X/wine performance ?15:42
geniiKubuntuJack: Wine -> #winehq15:42
KubuntuJackand xfree ?15:43
geniiKubuntuJack: PErhaps #xorg for that, but I don't know for sure since don't normally hang out there15:45
KubuntuJackdwiddman: did you have gfx problems with the 8600GT booting the live CD ?15:46
KubuntuJackgenii: thanks, yeah #xorg sound right.15:46
AzzcoI've only noticed issues with 8800 GTS..15:47
KubuntuJackAzzco: so the 8600GT might be a better choice than 7600GS or 8600GTS ?15:49
lovrehi all15:50
AzzcoKubuntuJack: I haven't got my hands over a 8600 at all so I'm not sure about that, I can only sya that one should stay away from 8800 for a while15:50
lovreis is possible in dolphin, when i press F4, instead of opening Konsole, to open some other terminal emulator software (lkike yakuake)?15:50
=== darkwizzard_ is now known as DarkWizzard
MrUnagiis it better to dist upgrade now and then dist upgrade again when it comes time for hardy............or is it best to fight the massively slow connections on the 25th15:53
geniiMrUnagi: Since they usually freeze the release I imagine a dist upgrade sometime shortly before official release date would be sufficient15:55
dwidmannKubuntuJack: 8600gt worked fine after I installed the nvidia driver15:56
geniilovre: Perhaps set yakuake as default Terminal Emulator in System Settings ... Default Applications15:57
KubuntuJackAzzco: sorry didn't see the 8800GTS, thought you typed 8600 GTS ;)15:57
dwidmannalso ....15:58
KubuntuJackgonna go and ask in xorg ;)  thanks for the help guys15:58
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:58
MikeyLDShey guys ... whats a good linux distro for running a server ... I wanna host my own website :P15:59
KubuntuJackdwidmann: cool didn't know about the tab.  will save me lot's of typing ;)15:59
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:00
geniiMikeyLDS: We're mostly biased towards ubuntu server of course :)16:00
KubuntuJackacutally one question appropriate for here.  how bg and what are the problems of booting and installing with a nvidea gfx card.  should be able to get through it, since it's normally just once in a while that I have to do that. does it not support vga/svga ?16:03
Troofywhat is the most used ftp client ?16:03
* dwidmann uses ftp for ftp16:03
geniiTroofy: dwidmann is right. But I imagine you want something graphical. Konqueror is often used16:04
* KubuntuJack loves konqueror16:05
dwidmannKubuntuJack: which nvidia gfx card in particular, it varies depending on whether vesa/nv support it or not16:05
dwidmannfilezilla isn't bad16:05
Troofygenii i doesnt saves pwd and sites and usernames16:05
KubuntuJackaha, the ones i had in mind were 7600GS 8600GT/GTS16:06
Troofygenii konquieror16:06
MikeyLDSgenii, i tried to install a ubuntu server both x86 and x64 but it said my cpu was too old ... but it's an E6400! lol16:06
MikeyLDSit's only a year old16:06
dwidmannKubuntuJack: 7600gt is vesa/nv safe, the other two aren't. the other two you'd have to install with alternate (ie: no live), boot into recovery and install nvidia, run nvidia-xconfig and from there on you're golden, worth it though.16:07
dwidmannMikeyLDS: and I presume it would call my Q9300 a dinosaur then o.O16:07
KubuntuJackdwidmann: aha, so it's a question of if the x vesa driver supports the chipset or not.  so if i get a new card, and have problems, chances are that next year it will be supported by a live CD too..?16:07
MikeyLDSlol dwidmann16:07
MikeyLDSi don't even know what the Q9300 is16:08
Daisuke_IdoMikeyLDS, quad core16:08
Daisuke_Idoor something16:08
Daisuke_Idoor not :D16:08
* Daisuke_Ido pulls things out of thin air16:08
MikeyLDSOMG! :( it cost the same as I paid a year ago and is MUCH more powerful :'''''''''''''''''(16:08
Daisuke_Idooh hey, i did guess right, it actually is a quad core16:09
dwidmannKubuntuJack: maybe, I don't know though16:09
MikeyLDSi have 2x 2.13ghz16:09
MikeyLDShe has 4x 2.5ghz :( <<< same price as I paid16:09
dwidmannMikeyLDS: :)16:09
geniiTroofy: The filezilla as dwidmann suggests, other popular are fireftp extension of firefox, kasablanca, kftpgrabber16:10
* MikeyLDS plans to steal it :P16:10
MikeyLDScould i run a server off regular desktop kubuntu?16:11
* dwidmann didn't like kasablanca, kftpgrabbertoo well due to various stability/usability issues16:11
dwidmannMikeyLDS: you probably can16:12
KubuntuJackok, thanks again everyone.  off to bother the xorg guys ;)16:12
=== kewark is now known as krawek
dwidmannKubuntuJack: have fun16:12
Troofygenii what do you sugestion?16:12
MikeyLDSprobably dwidmann? I kinda need to know for sure! lol16:12
dwidmannMikeyLDS: to know for *sure* you'd have to try it :P16:12
MikeyLDSwhats the major advantage of the actual server distro?16:13
geniiTroofy: I like fireftp myself, and it's platform independent16:13
geniiMikeyLDS: No gui16:13
dwidmanngenii: filezilla, and ftp are relatively platform independent too, and I figure konqueror within a year probably will be too ehehehe16:14
Troofygenii thanks16:15
MikeyLDSwell I'd prefer I gui so I'll stick with a desktop version and use terminal for the server coding16:16
geniiMikeyLDS: The default server install also installs a preconfigured Apache2-MySQL-PHP, and the kernel can see > 4Gb of ram as well being optimised for multithreading as opposed to normal performance optimisations of generic kernel16:17
dwidmanngenii: which reminds me, I really do need to get around to compiling myself a new kernel with some things set straight ...16:18
MikeyLDShmmm, thanks genii16:19
MikeyLDSbbl ... time to switch from vista to kubuntu again :P16:20
geniiMikeyLDS: np. If you have other Q #ubuntu-server chanel may help16:20
MikeyLDSlol, ta16:20
sagiehi, I cna't find kde4-core after adding the kde4 deb to source list. I have all the kde4 packages but no kde4-core. any clues?16:23
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dalek_hi, anyone here. I'm new to bitchx. ^_^16:25
dalek_I just received my M1530 today and trying to load Ubuntu 7.1 on it. I keep getting Buffer I/O error on device sr0 when installing. anyone have any idea16:26
PhilRoddalek_: I just installed kubuntu on an M1530 recently, with no installation problems, so it's at least possible16:29
PhilRod(not the most helpful comment, I know, but gives you a data point)16:29
Troofyi want to run windows with linux, (linux as host) but i want independant hardware control. like pci port , com port, usb port, and hardware like pci tv card. pci modem. or com modem usb tv card. etc. how can i have it?16:29
geniidalek_: Sounds like a bad CD or bad CD drive16:29
=== shockhead is now known as petelewis
Troofyi want to run windows with linux. linux as host. what are ways i can get usb, com, pci port support and the hardware attached to those ports. for windows?16:42
Blues-Manhi all16:45
Blues-Mani ve put wireless-linux 2.6 kernel on my kubuntu 8 and I can't mount any drive automatically anymore :/ what's wrong?16:45
Blues-Mani only see in dmesg that inotify is not present, could be this?16:46
geniiBlues-Man: They may know something about it in #ubuntu+116:54
typoeHi, I have a problem with the auto mounting of thumb drives. it quit working for me17:00
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typoe Hi, I have a problem with the auto mounting of thumb drives. it quit working17:08
typoe   for me17:08
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willawanted to know how to play a dvd with Kubuntu (first attempt _)17:11
makdaknifewilla: try use kaffeine... you may need to install a few things first17:11
typoejust put it in, if its going to work it should just start up I think. Some dvds have new copy protection that seems to prevent linux from reading them tho17:12
geniixine libdvdcss2 etc etc17:12
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:12
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
willathanks, tried but message as "17:12
willa17:55:27: xine: couldn't find demux for >dvd:///dev/scd1<17:12
willa17:55:26: xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator"17:12
willathanks makdaknife17:14
dalek_woot, partitions formatting17:23
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BredrenHey there, still in fstab17:39
BredrenI put this : /dev/sdb1       /media/data/      ext3    defaults,noauto        0       017:39
BredrenBut After mount I can't writing on it17:39
BredrenWhat I am doing wrong ?17:39
Bredrenanyone ?17:39
BredrenSry 4 my bad english...17:39
geniiBredren: defaults,user,noauto   will let regular user do mount process to that drive. To put data there you need to make a folder which the user owns, this must be done with admin rights17:46
fat-headi am having problems with kubuntu every now and then i cant use the keyboard including shortcuts and i am restricted to useing the mouse to log out then my keyboard works17:48
fat-headanyone help me ?17:48
geniiBredren: After mount, something like:  sudo mkdir /media/data/mydata; sudo chown -R mysername:myusername /media/data/mydata                       but use of course the correct user name17:49
nykogenii: i got a problem17:59
geniinyko: Welcome back. The machine is odd since attempting the editing for mouse in xorg.conf ?    Or some other issue?17:59
nykogenii: i have try to put 2 input select whit 2 king of mouse and my kubuntu not start anymore but i have enter in recovery and delete the input logitech thing and kubuntu work back18:00
nykokind *18:00
nykogenii: so now i get to cry to try to repair my mouse problem :(18:00
geniinyko: So the machine is like before now where mouse works again but just not extra buttons/features supported?18:02
nykoyeah your right but she going sleep again lol18:02
nykonow i log for 5 min and not sleep but i waithing lol18:03
geniinyko: I think you should just invest in a different mouse ....18:03
nykolol i pay like 120 $ :P18:04
geniinyko: Tell me from konsole what command: cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend                                                      reports18:06
geniiwork requires me, expect lag in replies18:06
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jimmy51vinskyhello, i'm wanting to run 64 bit kubuntu.  i'm running on a 64 bit intel machine, should i download the 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD?18:12
jussi01jimmy51vinsky: correct18:12
lovredoes any1 use yakuake?18:12
jimmy51vinskyok, thanks.  the AMD threw me off18:12
jussi01lovre: yes, I do18:13
nykogenii:  218:13
geniinyko: Ok. then to disable it for now, : cat -1 | sudo tee -a /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend18:14
lovrejussi01: maybe you could help me with something. I am trying to make dolphin bump yakuake instead of Konsole when F4 pressed. Do you know if there is a way to bump yakuake from KRun dialog?18:14
Bredrengenii: thank for you help :)18:14
lovrejussi01: if there is, than i can use it to alter dolphin source code.18:14
geniiBredren: You're welcome18:14
jussi01lovre: its really actually simple18:14
lovrejussi01: do you care to elaborat18:15
jussi01lovre: just go to system settings -> default apps -Terminal emulator18:15
geniinyko: I think we need to add a line to /etc/rc.local so that it happens every boot in this case18:15
lovrejussi01: that did not seem to work for me... does it work for you? have you tried it?18:15
lovrejussi01: do i need to restart X or something?18:15
jussi01lovre: likely18:16
lovrejussi01: the problem is, konsole is being ran every time, but yakuake is allways running in background. Setting it as default terminal emulator will make the system try to run it every time it was supposed to, but yakuake does not respond to that since its allready running. I need a command to bump it, like the F12 button does. do you understand what i mean?18:17
nykogenii: ok where i had that ?18:18
nykogenii: like 10 min i play now and nothing sleep for now18:18
geniinyko: so then, alt-f2     and: kdesu kate /etc/rc.local                          add just above the line exit 0        te same line we just did now: echo -1 | sudo tee -a /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend18:18
geniiAlthough I can't recall if sudo is actually required there18:19
nykogenii: that work anyway18:20
lovrei need a shell command for bumping yakuake18:20
nykoexit 018:21
nykoecho -1 | sudo tee -a /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend18:21
nykolike that ?18:21
nykoon 3 line ?18:21
jussi01lovre: I just looked into it, it doesnt seem to have one (at least the man pages are quite bare)18:21
jussi01!paste | nyko18:21
ubotunyko: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)18:21
geniinyko: No, the exit 0      needs to be last line18:21
nykoi got a nsplugingviewer error to when i surf on the internet18:23
lovrejussi01: too bad18:24
jussi01lovre: bit weird, its not the open command we need, its a new tab command18:25
geniinyko: About the nsplugin thing I do not know18:26
nykogenii:  * ok thanks18:27
nykojoin kubuntu-fr18:27
lovrejussi01: the ppl at yakuake said this command: dcop yakuake DCOPInterface slotToggleState18:29
jussi01lovre: ahh, ok, sounds about right18:30
Blues-ManI can't see battery state anymore with the kernel upgrade, but I see state with acpi -V in the shell, how can I put the applet again?18:37
llutztry starting "guidance-power-manager"18:38
Blues-Mani got a trackstate error18:40
Blues-Manin the HAL call18:40
Blues-Manwith python18:40
nadohab grad ne prinzipielle frage, find aber die antwort in meinem skript nich.... wenn ich ne komplexe zahl in der form z=a + bi hab, wie mach ich daraus die form z=e^iw ?18:40
nadowhoops wrong channel18:41
Blues-Manhow can I fix my hal system? I think there are lots of problem with this kernel update18:41
Blues-Man* Can't start Hardware abstraction layer - enable inotify support in your kernel18:42
Blues-Manthere is..maybe the other item18:43
jussio1Blues-Man: are you on hardy?18:43
jussio1Blues-Man: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu+1 the channel for hardy support :)18:44
Blues-Manah ok :)18:44
jimmy51vinskyi've just booted to the kubuntu install CD and run qparted.  how come i can't resize my sda1 partition (where i have kubuntu installed) ?18:47
jussio1jimmy51vinsky: is it mounted?18:48
jimmy51vinskyit us18:48
jimmy51vinskyit is18:48
jimmy51vinskyumount sda1?18:48
jussio1jimmy51vinsky: yeah, unmount it :)18:49
p_quarlesjimmy51vinsky: that's the command, yes, but you usually need a live disk18:49
jussio1then you should beable to do things to it18:49
jussio1p_quarles: he is on the live disk18:49
lovreneed help installing dolphin. I finished "make", how do i install it now?18:50
jimmy51vinskymake install?18:50
lovrei have dolphin installed allready, and i would like to install modified version over it18:50
jussio1lovre: what does the readme say? ;)18:50
lovremaybe it doesnt want to be installed because i allready have it installed'18:51
lovremake install should do. but doesnt..18:51
jussio1lovre: that sounds right.18:52
p_quarleslovre: if make install doesn't work, something went wrong with the earlier steps -- check the logs18:52
jussio1lovre: once its made you should be able to run it from that locatiion anyway18:52
lovrejussio1: by running what file?18:53
jussio1lovre: Im guessing the dolphin executable, it will be somewhere in the directory where you did make18:54
lovrejussio1: this is the ls output of the directory : http://pastebin.com/m7f30ba1b18:54
jussi01lovre: hrmm... did it create its own dir one level down perhaps?18:55
jimmy51vinskyok, sda1 is not mounted, and i still can't resize it18:55
jimmy51vinskyis it because it's active?18:55
p_quarleslovre: if make install didn't work (again!) that means that make didn't work, and you don't actually have a binary executable -- you need to find out what went wrong18:55
lovrep_quarles: here is the make output. http://pastebin.com/m157cea8e can you please take a look and see, i think it went ok18:57
p_quarleslovre: okay, I see no errors there -- what happened when you ran make install?18:57
nykogenii: i have to reboot after ?19:00
lovrep_quarles: just a second.19:00
lovrep_quarles: im trying again19:00
lovrep_quarles: im worried cuz i have dolphin installed allready. Should it just overwrite?19:00
jimmy51vinskyshould i just give up on the kubuntu CD and try to make a partedmagic USB key?19:00
p_quarlesjimmy51vinsky: the live CD shouldn't normally mount any drives anyway, so I'm not sure what to tell you; trying somethign other than qtparted couldn't hurt -- it's an old-ish program19:02
geniinyko: No, since we manually made the change for this time. Unless the mouse was dead when you made the command, in that case to reboot.19:02
jimmy51vinskydoes the live cd have another partition resizing method?19:02
lovrep_quarles: this is the output of "make install": http://pastebin.com/m352f52e519:02
lovrep_quarles: maybe i should sudo it...19:03
p_quarleslovre: yes, you have to sudo it19:03
p_quarlesif you didn't, that's the entire problem ;)19:03
lovrep_quarles: omg, im like, stupid or something19:03
p_quarleslovre: no worries; after you run it, run "which dolphin" -- you should see executables in /usr/bin and in /usr/local/bin -- if so, everything went good19:04
lovrep_quarles:  i just see /usr/bin/dolphin19:05
p_quarlesoops -- make that "which -a dolphin"19:05
lovresame result19:05
p_quarleshmm -- so what was the result of make install when run as root?19:06
lovrep_quarles: it installed dolphin. Now i have it running, seems so. But i dont see the bookmarks nor the info bar anymore19:07
lovrep_quarles: donno...19:07
lovrep_quarles: ok, thank you for your help, i will try to build it once more. Thank you19:07
lovrep_quarles: cya19:07
p_quarleslovre: maybe the make file was setup to overwrite the already installed dolphin ... weird19:07
lovrep_quarles: it was, it overwrited it.19:08
lovrep_quarles: where do i set the default file manager?19:09
lovrep_quarles: it reseted it to konquerror19:09
p_quarleslovre: off the top of my head, it's kcontrol > components > file associations > inode19:09
jussio1!dolphin | lovre19:09
ubotulovre: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.19:09
p_quarlesubotu raises a good point there -- try "which -a d3lphin"19:10
fdovingi think the dolphin in kubuntu is de3lphin, it's patched to be named dolphin19:11
lovrefdoving: same result, /usr/bin/d3lphin19:12
p_quarlesfdoving: my thought was that the "dolphin" executable is perhaps a symlink19:12
lovrep_quarles: how do i show bookmarks and info folders?19:12
p_quarleslovre: I use konqueror, so I can't help with that one19:13
fdovingp_quarles: it is.19:13
nykowhy my ktorrent not start19:15
JoshOvkiopen up a terminal and run   ktorrent19:17
JoshOvkiif there is something wrong it will show some error information19:17
cannonhey all ... I need help accessing my usb memory stick19:17
cannoni have no idea where to find it19:17
JoshOvkicannon: it should show up in a folder called  Media19:18
philipp_may someone type "nc 8080" in the terminal19:18
JoshOvkiif i remember correctly there should be something that looks like a computers on your panel, from there click Media19:19
jussi01storage media actually ;)19:19
cannoni'm in media but all I see is disk drives ... my 4gb usb isn't in there at all19:20
* jussi01 hugs JoshOvki 19:20
JoshOvkisorry (im on kde4 ;) )19:20
JoshOvkiphilipp_: is there anything that i should expect to happen?19:20
cannonhow do I get access to my usb stick pls?19:24
stefan-fHello all :)19:25
stefan-fwhat is the best way to do an image from a production system that can not be disabled?19:26
fdovingrsync maybe?19:26
stefan-fI found partimage but that there is necassary to shut down the server.19:26
geniiI agree with fdoving on the rsync for live machine backup19:28
stefan-fcan I get the hole OS with all applications with rsync?19:28
fdovingyes, leave out /proc, /sys, and /dev - or something like that.19:28
fdovingthen test and make adjustments :)19:29
fdovingstefan-f: there is of course drdb (raid 1 over tcp/ip) - which is nice if you want to mirror say / on a server to live on two boxes.19:31
fdovingI use it with vservers19:31
stefan-fyes, of course, it seems my next project is a mailcluster and I will use drbd there...19:32
stefan-fdrbd is in that sitation with that machine no option19:33
serenityhi there19:36
pteaguehow do i get the tree view in dolphin? or how do i get it to use konqueror instead?19:37
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:39
lovrei did it!19:40
jussio1lovre: great!19:41
lovrei modified d3lphin to open yakuake insted of konsole, and direct it to current location19:41
lovreif some1 needs a source, i can send it...19:41
lovreor build..19:41
Serenis it safe to upgrade to the -14 kernel ?19:42
SerenI have seen people saying they don't have any sound anymore19:43
jessicayes i upgraded and found it quite stable19:44
lovrewhats the command to update db for locate function?19:44
jessicamost problems are resolved but i would just check your hardware with current bugs still not fixed19:44
jimmy51vinskyis it brain surgury to install a second kubuntu install on a second partition without changing the MBR?19:44
geniilovre: updatedb19:45
lovreok, thanx19:45
lovreanother problem. When i try to run Dolphin with Katapult, it says error, cannot find executable.19:46
=== JoshOvki is now known as Josh0vki
lovrebut when i run "dolphin" from konsole, it works ok19:46
Serendid you try d3lphin ?19:47
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lovreSeren: yes, not working19:47
lovreSeren: seems its catalog is not sorted properly19:47
=== JoshOvki is now known as Josh0vki
Serenyou could try to erase the catalogs19:48
=== Josh0vki is now known as JoshOvki
Serenor uninstall/reinstall katapult19:49
lovreSeren: any idea how to erase the catalogs?19:49
lovreSeren: maybe it will update catalogs in time19:49
Serenif you try "locate katapult" you'll find a list of catalogs19:49
Serenbut I have no idea if it is safe to move them around19:49
lovreSeren: it shows the right icon whe i write DOLPHIN in it, just wont start19:50
Serenthat's pretty weird19:50
lovreSeren: hmm, i dont see catalog candidate file in locate output19:50
lovreSeren: .so files are compiled, am i right?19:51
Serentry file *.so19:52
Serenit will tell you something about the type19:52
Serenyou might be right I dunno :)19:52
lovrereturns nothing19:52
lovrecommand not found19:52
Serenkatapult_bookmarkcatalog.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object,19:52
Serenit is compiled object19:53
lovreSeren: ... so i dont know where it stores its catalogues19:53
SerenI am trying to guess19:53
lovreSeren: it cant store it in a binary file...19:53
Serenthe only files I opened where not applications catalogs19:53
lovrelocate katapult | grep catalog19:54
Serenit returns about 20 entry on my installation19:55
lovrenone of those seem to be what i need. :(19:55
Serenyeah I agree19:55
SerenI don't know where the information is stored19:56
Serenin the katapult options19:56
Serendid you try "catalog application by executable names" ?19:56
Serenit might add "dolphin" to your list19:57
Serenit is in Catalogs\Program catalog19:57
lovrei see19:57
lovreit added a line, but it has some options that make it not work19:57
Troofyis there a way to emulate the pci port into a usb or com port. (the computer will see the pci port as com or usb port) ?19:57
lovredolphin %i %m -caption %c19:58
lovrethat is the string used to run dolphin when folder is clicked i suppose19:58
Serenfrom kdemenuedit19:59
SerenI see that I am running : d3lphin %i -caption "%c" "%u"19:59
Serenwhen I click on the link19:59
Serendolphin is a symbolic link to d3lphin20:00
lovreSeren: you are right. I solved it20:01
SerenI don't know if it has any consequence on the way katapult work20:01
lovreSeren: the problem was, there was dolphin and d3lphin. dolphin was pointing to nothing since there is no dolphin. I deleted it and now running "d3lphin" from katapult works20:02
lovreim used to writing "dolphin"  but i will get used to it20:02
lovrei just have to write d3 :D20:02
Troofyhow to chant apt to use a proxy instead , to download apps?20:02
Serenyou could probably try to create a symbolic link from /usr/bin/dolphin -> /usr/bin/d3lphin20:03
Odd-rationaleTroofy: let me get link...20:03
lovreSeren: that should work...20:03
Odd-rationaleTroofy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto#head-09fab4df311ef78d0376d13547043811307c49fa20:03
lovreSeren: do you know why "//home/user/" works same as "/home/user/"20:04
lovreSeren: i put two slashes at the beginning by mistake, but it seems to work. I dont want to build it again if it works like this looool20:04
TroofyOdd-rationale how to undo method 1 ?20:04
pteaguehow do i get kde to realize my samba shared printer is not on mshome?20:06
Odd-rationaleTroofy: I'm not sure. It says it is temporary. so it probably won't persist after reboot or somthing...20:08
TroofyOdd-rationale i does. i have added it in a file. i dont remember where?20:09
Serenpteague > if you launch the kde printer setup tool you can scan other networks than mshome as far as I remember20:09
Odd-rationaleTroofy: method 2? or 3?20:10
jimmy51vinskyi just booted and installed kubuntu amd64 7.10.  is there any way to make sure i'm actually running in 64 bit?20:10
=== adasdfdsf is now known as Nyad
stefan-fwhen I have a partimage image, can I have a restore on a different machine?20:10
TroofyOdd-rationale got i t. i add it in : /etc/bash.bashrc  . i just del it20:11
Odd-rationaleTroofy: ok20:11
TroofyOdd-rationale thank:)20:11
Serenjimmy51vinsky: try "uname -a" in console20:12
Serenit should say somewhere that  you are using a x64 kernel20:12
jimmy51vinskyx86_64 reported.  thanks Seren20:12
NyadHi. I was just wondering about this. KDE4.1 is scheduled for either July or August Im not too sure when. and Hardy is out in 21days. so then we won't be getting 4.1 and will have to upgrade ourselves right?20:14
SerenNyad: you are right20:14
adz21cNyad: i would think thats the case20:14
adz21cNyad: however u would think the same for 4.0 on gutsy so maybe someone will ppa it20:15
Serenkde 4.1 will probably be the default for intrepid ibex20:15
Serenso you have to patient 6 more months20:15
Nyadwhats intrepid ibex?20:15
Serennovembre release of (K)ubuntu20:15
Serenbut there will be backports to hardy heron in the mean time20:16
Serenyou can already try kde 4.0.3 on gutsy or hardy, but it is not stable20:16
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Troofyhow to know what distro or os iam using?20:17
Nyadyeah I have 4.03 but a number of things don't work20:17
Serentroofy : cat /etc/apt/sources.list should tell you in which repositories you are taking your packets20:18
Serenand uname -a which kernel you are running20:19
stefan-fTroffy: lsb_release -a20:20
Serenif those commands does not work you are not on a Unix based system :p20:20
pteaguehow do i get kde to realize that i'm not a part of the mshome workgroup?  my /etc/samba/smb.conf doesn't even have a reference to mshome20:20
Serenpteague : "launch "kcontrol" there is a samba section20:20
Serenin Internet & network20:21
venikI am struggling with PERMISSIONS for a USB hard drive.  The fstab entry for it reads:20:21
venik  /dev/sdd1 /media/LACIE auto users,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 020:22
pteagueSeren> ok, looking in there without clicking the administrator mode button the workgroup is the correct workgroup that is in my /etc/samba/smb.conf file... which is *not* mshome20:22
venikbut when I try to write to it, it denies me access20:22
venikI tried: any user can read or write, etc., but nothing changes20:22
Serenpteague : I think that kubuntu (kde ?) use another file next to smb.conf to configure samba ( but no idea where it is, in .kde maybe )20:23
pteagueSeren> in network settings -> domain name system tab maybe? that's set to be exactly the same as my smb workgroup :(20:24
Serenpteague : FYI I didn't manage to install a printer which is on the windows machine next to me, so I am probably not the best person to help you.20:25
Seren( It works once and now I can't even "see" the printer )20:25
pteaguesad thing is this was much easier to do under gnome...20:25
pteagueunfortunately if i put in the correct workgroup name & the correct server name apparently there is no way in hell that it can scan those or give me a list of options... i automatically have to know exactly the name of the printer... i can't even connect via smb protocol in konqueror (why the hell does dolphin keep wanting this privilege?) to give me a list of printers... it'll only give me a list of shared folders20:28
venikany help available for writing/erasing permission on a USB external hard drive?  It refuses to allow me writing privileges20:28
Serenvenik : your external drive is formated in ntfs probably20:28
Serendo you have ntfs-3g installed ?20:28
Serencan you natively write to vfat with ubuntu ?20:29
venikit USED to work just fine, and I have not reformatted it.  But I did have to modify the fstab file, since the system started ignoring this drive20:29
venikI think Vfat is fat3220:29
TroofySeren ok20:30
Troofydpkg: error processing heimdal-kdc (--configure):20:33
Troofy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:33
TroofyErrors were encountered while processing:20:33
Troofy heimdal-kdc20:33
TroofyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:33
snikker i'm unable to get songs titles (audio-cd) with amarok 1.4.8 (on kubuntu 7.10) can you help me?20:37
Troofydpkg: error processing heimdal-kdc (--configure):  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1  Errors were encountered while processing: heimdal-kdc20:38
TroofyE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:38
GrizHey Gang. Gutsy on PPC. Can I upgrade from Edgy to Gutsy, via the CD? or do I need to boot the machine to the cd and reinstall?20:45
emilsedghGriz: you need the alternate disc to upgrade or you could download all packages20:46
ubotuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal20:46
Xcercaif i copy a xorg.conf that worked in one debian distro to kubutnu should it work...  assuming the paths are the same and modules are already loaded ?20:47
Serenemilsedgh: what happen if the new version of package is not on the alternate CD ?20:48
Xcercaor would it be any diff ?20:48
Grizemilsedgh, ouch. :-(  the standard CD took forever. Oh Well.20:48
Serendoes it cancel the install ?20:48
emilsedghSeren: it will just not ugrade i think20:49
Serengriz > if you are patient enough you can get a CD through ship it20:49
GrizSeren, hahahaha. Thank You but no. The client doesn't want to wait. You know how they can be. :-\20:50
SerenI don't know if they ship alternate CD though20:50
* Signil is away: Gone away for now.20:50
Xcercacan anyone help me with nvidia-setting , i am trying to add another resolution 1360x768 , anyway to add a metamode in my xorg.conf ?  the edges of the display are spilling of of the monitor and i can't see thinks too well ?  i have a xorg.conf that worked in another debian distro..20:55
bechtelhi habe n problem beim installieren von opera kann mir jmd helfen ?20:58
Bauldrickhi - I can't get ktorrent to download faster than 10KB20:59
jussio1!de | bechtel20:59
ubotubechtel: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:59
bechtelthx @ ubitu -> sry @ jussio21:01
sourcemakerwhich kde version are you using? kde3 or kde4?21:01
Bauldricksourcemaker: me? kde3 (4 is installed though)21:02
Xcercaanybody installed grub-gfx ?21:14
=== kde-devel is now known as TheFuzzball
Xcercathats the program fro graphical grub menus correct ?21:14
ubuntuis it possible to eject a cd tray from over a samba network?21:15
=== adsadd is now known as Nyad
SlimeyPeteubuntu: no.21:17
NyadHow do I uninstall my Nvidia drivers?21:20
XcercaNyad  why do you need to do that?       apt-get remove nvidia21:21
pteaguewhere are screenshots saved?21:21
NyadXcerca: your right, I don't tnx21:22
XcercaNyad   , have you used nvidia-settings at all,  i'm trying to add a higher res.. ?21:22
Nyadthe nvidia x-config app?21:23
Xcercais that what you use nvidia x-config ?21:23
moisesola galera boa tarde21:23
Xcercai haven't tried that21:23
moisescomo uso o konpete?21:23
NyadXcerca: it should be in the Kmenu21:23
=== asgeir is now known as Hackadoom
Xcercai've always had to konsole    sudo nvidia-settings21:24
Xcercabut it doesn't have the res for my screen, which is 1360x76821:25
pteagueanybody know how i can configure the system tray?  i've got 2 different sized xchat icons & the icons in the system tray aren't collapsing into 2 rows21:27
NyadXcerca:  well Im not too sure but try get it to detect your monitor Type or something like that21:27
Nyadthen it might be available21:27
Xcercaanyody know how to install the grub-gfx package,  i don't even know if thats what its called,  but nothings showing up in synaptic21:30
geniiXcerca: Perhaps you're thinking of grub-splashimages21:31
Xcercais that for changing grub from the boring menu to a not boring menu ?21:32
Xcercai thought it was called grub-gfx for some reason...  huu21:32
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:34
pteagueis there a way to get the clock applet to show me utc instead of local time?21:37
Jucatopteague: right-click -> Show Timezone21:39
pteagueyeah, i found out i had to add it as a time zone, then i could do that21:39
ErtainHello everyone.  How do I restart my sound server?21:39
pteaguei'm not liking the 'UTC' attached at the end... i've got 2 clocks right next to each other... 1 to show local & the other for UTC... i think i know which is which21:40
Jucatopteague: when you hover your mouse over the clock, you can see the time in all the timezones you setup21:41
Troofywhen i try to configure wine by settings>wine this appears. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/4903/snapshot1yd5.png any help?21:42
pleaseandthankyohave you ever been bullied extensively by your psychologist or someone lower than you who assumes the role of psychologist? what to do when your psychologist see you and know what your problems are and then bully me/you? what would you do? would you change your career so you can become a psychologist? you can't get helped with the police because police helps them.21:42
pteagueyeah, but i want an at a glance...21:42
ubotuHelp! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!21:43
pteaguepleaseandthankyo> go away, kthnxbyenow21:43
Xbehavehow do i install java 64 bit?21:44
=== tomek is now known as baniak
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
Ace2016thats so unfair21:45
ryanakca!java64 | Xbehave21:46
ubotuXbehave: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava21:46
ryanakcaXbehave: you'll want to read that too21:46
Ace2016is there a list of apps which have problems on 64bit?21:46
Troofywhen i try to configure wine by settings>wine this appears. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/4903/snapshot1yd5.png any help?21:46
Dark-Alien-Corehello guys can you help me please i have an problem with my background i cant change it21:47
Xbehavethx ill read that but theres no java plugin for 64 (well official sun anyway) and im only wanting it for azureus21:47
ryanakcaDark-Alien-Core: can you right click your desktop, configure desktop, background?21:47
Dark-Alien-Coreyes i have it i can change but it dont work21:48
Dark-Alien-Coremy picture is on the dektop and when i eraise is it then my desktop is blue :(21:48
XbehaveDark-Alien-Core: id this a recuring problem or has it just happend?21:49
Dark-Alien-Corehm it came for 2 weeks ago21:50
Dark-Alien-Corei have nothing do21:50
JAMi'm on the 8.04 beta and aMSN doesn't work D:21:50
JAMkeeps complaining about TLS21:51
jack_sprattthe learning sepulchre?21:51
Xbehavehmm well its not just that the desktop drawing program has crashed them, thats all my knowledge gone21:51
Dark-Alien-Coreok so what can i do21:52
Dark-Alien-Coreok i have copy an other picture to my desktop and have rename it to the old picture and he has change it lol21:53
JasonWardhow do I download the kernel header files for installing my nvidia drivers21:55
Troofycan some one  help?  W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26321:55
=== rofl is now known as sh4rm4
JuJuBeeMy audio setting keep reverting back to "muted" after I shut down.  How do I fix this?22:10
=== matyig is now known as gmatyi
boblenyAny one know of a good partitioning tool?22:21
BonesolTeraDynebobleny: GParted22:21
RogueJediXbobleny: qtparted22:22
boblenyOk, thanks! I'll take a look...22:23
Ch1ppyhey, I'm having a trouble with my video; when I try to play it (in any video player) the video will not play; I can hear sound, but I only get a screen with random colours on it for an image.  Can anyone help me out?22:26
crackohmm maybe problem with codecs ??22:27
Ch1ppyno; I've had this problem before, and it goes away if I restart22:27
Ch1ppyhowever, restarting seems like overkill as a solution ;)22:27
jack_sprattnot enough vram?22:28
Ch1ppyI've got more than enough22:28
Ch1ppyoh hey; video works in mplayer, but not in kaffeine, vlc, Movie Player or gxine22:29
Ch1ppystill, I'd like to get it working in those others; I strongly dislike mplayer22:29
emil_hi all22:29
jack_sprattsounds like codecs, one app using one codec antother using another22:29
ronysera a tutti22:30
jack_sprattdont know why restarting would help,  there are possible explanations22:30
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
jack_sprattyou can try reinstalling codecs or players and see if that helps ch1ppy22:30
Ch1ppyI just went through all my running programs; the only one that would be using ANY codecs is amarok, and I don't think that would do it22:31
emil_who made fundamentals of linux?22:32
jack_sprattemil_: linus himself22:33
jack_sprattas a student in finland i believe22:33
jack_sprattwrote it. but depends what you mean by linux and fundamentals :)22:34
Ch1ppy...Does anyone know why X would be using up 400MB of RAM?22:36
jack_sprattbecause its buggy?22:38
jack_sprattlogout and in22:38
emil_i refer who made in this chat22:43
=== schumacher is now known as tehrafff
timewriteranyone knows how to install a new KDE theme22:46
Ace2016download it22:47
timewriteri did22:47
Ace2016extract it22:47
timewriteri have the tar.gz on my desktop22:47
Ace2016tar -xvzf file.tar.gz22:47
timewriteri did that22:47
Ace2016ok then read the README file22:48
Ace2016which theme is this?22:48
Ace2016or INSTALL22:48
timewriterand it has no readme22:48
timewriterotherwise i wont be here asking for this22:48
timewriterno install22:48
Ace2016does    ./configure --prefix=/usr  work?22:48
timewriterthere are no binaries22:48
Ace2016let me see22:49
Ace2016link to theme page?22:49
timewriter2 secs22:49
timewriterthis is it22:50
Ace2016rapidshare download link? wonder why22:50
timewriteri dont know22:50
timewriterkde-look.org and gnome-look.org both have low bw22:51
timewritermaybe thats why22:51
Ace2016this isn't a kde style22:52
timewriterwhat then22:52
crackotry with deKorator22:53
timewriterdo i have it ?22:53
crackohmm it's in repositories so shouldn't be problem with installing :)22:54
timewriternot there tho22:54
timewriterrpmdrake doesnt find it22:54
crackoyou can download it from kde-look22:55
timewriterchecking now22:56
timewriteris it a memory hog ?22:56
timewriterrpmdrake for add/remove software22:56
timewriterlol 40422:56
timewriteri quit22:57
crackowhen you got that installed untar the windeco then you need to add the path manually22:57
Ark1hello, i am having a slight problem: last time i installed kubuntu on my laptop (dv9205us HP), a box came up on my first boot up and told me i have restricted drivers that could be installed(my nvdia graphics card and my broadcomm wireless) then they worked perfectly once i clicked install. But now on my second install (same version same laptop) the box is not popping up22:57
=== sloth is now known as asobi
philipp_may someone type "nc 5432 -vv" in the terminal and try to contact me23:06
crackochello084113019095.6.12.vie.surfer.at [] 5432 (postgresql) : Connection refused23:09
boblenyI have a live CD of a program... If I copy the contents of the CD, keeping its file architecture, to my flash drive, would I be able to run the program off of my flash drive?23:12
boblenyAny one know of a way to read an ISO without burning it?23:16
boblenyIs anyone actually here?23:19
_myrtille_yes :D but i don't know anything ;)23:20
oubelhamidyou can spek frensh plz23:20
=== hYdroGonE is now known as Hydrogen
Pici!fr | oubelhamid23:21
ubotuoubelhamid: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:21
boblenyI can speak English, sorta...23:21
_myrtille_bobenly: I'm pretty sure you can mount iso-images without burning them... but i don't know how... so i don't think i'm of much use ;)23:22
oubelhamidyou know kubuntu23:23
oubelhamidhelp me23:23
oubelhamidi can't install the pacage23:23
boblenyWhy not?23:23
axelHello! How to exclude an packet from being updated by "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"?23:24
vitSe produjo un error al cargar file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/03 Pista 3.wmafile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/05-nigga-te_quiero-prt(2).mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/123w y y - mami tu me domi.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/1amor nelson velasquez000.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/33.-Tiraera (remix).mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Celin dion.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/changa krte.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Changa23:25
vittrance.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/com).mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/cucuta.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/don omar - cancion de am0r lite.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/El Cambio.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/el pollo.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/El Tra.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/elvis crespo-llore y llore.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/elvis_crespo-mi_fracaso.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/elvis crespo -23:25
vitven.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/En Tension.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/fans.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/haora es.wmafile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Klico.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/nelson velasque amame haora.wmafile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/nelson_velasquez_1_casualidad.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/pa ti.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/PERDIDOS.mp3file:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 01.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista23:25
vit02.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 03.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 04.ofile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 04.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 05.ofile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 05.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 06.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 07.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 08.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista 09.oggfile:///home/vit/Desktop/Music/Pista23:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:25
pteaguethank you LjL23:25
ubotuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:25
=== dasdasd is now known as Nyad
pteagueaxel> i know there's a way, but i'm not sure via console... let me check something23:26
axelBackground: I compiled KMyMoney from source to be able to use it for online-banking. But now it is shown that it should be updated again.23:26
axelpteague: Thanks. OK.23:26
oubelhamidi can(t install realplayer 1123:26
oubelhamidjust 1023:26
_myrtille_bobleny: just recalled, somebody posted a little script to mount and unmount isoimages... i found it. :D23:26
NyadHi. I just installed another linux distro and I want to add a chainloader to its grub which I installed to it's root partition. I am in grub/menu.lst but what do I do? the device its on is sdb523:27
pteagueaxel> in synaptic you can select the package you want & then package -> lock version23:28
pteagueis there anything that makes firefox friendlier in kde?23:28
nowherehi folks. is there a nice tool to manage lvms?23:29
oubelhamidbut it's nessecary to updated package in adept23:29
axelpteague: Thanks. I'll chek it. What do you mean by more firendly?23:30
oubelhamidbecause i just install kubuntu23:30
n72poyyohallo everyone!!23:30
n72poyyoi got a little prob here...23:30
pteaguei changed something in my theme & firefox crashed... it also seems to be eating up a bit more resources under kde than it was under gnome, but maybe that's just the way the resource managers present things23:31
ktownheroso what's the prob?23:31
n72poyyoyou know what do I need to have sound? I just installed the Gutsy 7.10 and got the kmix icon red crossed23:32
ktownherosomebody with more experience will have to help you with that one, sorry23:33
n72poyyoaright, thnx!23:34
n72poyyosomeone else can help me??23:34
n72poyyoauuuu !!!23:34
ktownheroi'm not well versed in manually setting up devices yet23:34
pteagueanybody know if there's a timer applet or something for kde?23:36
=== kharloss_ is now known as flaviatoru
pteaguenm, found it, was looking at wrong thing ;)23:37
n72poyyoi dont have sound on my 7.10 Gutsy, and i already installed all the plugins...23:40
fdghfgHi I just installed Suse linux into sdb5. How do I make kubuntu's grub see it?23:40
axelpteague: Thanks. But it seems to work for synaptic only not for the adept manager. The Problem still exists.23:40
n72poyyoany suggestion?23:40
axeln72poyyo: What hardware do you use?23:40
pteagueaxel> oh, you're trying to block adept? hmm...  there may be a way to do something similar in the aptitude gui23:41
nite613Looking for a way to mount a samba share at login with an interactive pasword prompt23:41
=== fdghfg is now known as Nyad
NyadHi I just installed Suse linux into sdb5. How do I make kubuntu's grub see it?23:42
n72poyyois an alsa card23:42
nite613I know how to mount by puting an smbfs entry in /etc/fstab, but I don't want to include the username and password in the file, is there a way to get prompted for the u/p on KDE login and have it mounted23:42
n72poyyonot a bigt hing really23:42
n72poyyothing* sorry23:43
pteagueok, ktimer apparently isn't what i was looking for... anybody know of anything similar to timer-applet for kde?  i just want to set a time (2 minutes, an hour, etc) & let it count down23:45
NyadHi I just installed Suse linux into sdb5. How do I make kubuntu's grub see it?23:45
Amine_DI need the DVD version23:46
Amine_Dof kubuntu23:46
jackaultI'm having an insane time trying to find some documentation for Keep (the program for backups in kde) what does the --ssh-no-compression option do?23:46
Odd-rationalejackault: man rdiff-backup23:47
Odd-rationalekeep is a frontend to rdiff-backup23:47
jackaultah. thanks23:47
Nyadam I invisible?23:47
Nyadcan't anybody help me?23:48
NyadI just installed Suse linux into sdb5. How do I make kubuntu's grub see it?23:48
thoreauputicpteague: not for KDE specifically, but have a look at http://interlink.webhop.org/timer_script.html23:48
_myrtille_pteague: karm might also do the trick23:49
axelpteague: I am now in the german aptitude (text-)gui. What's the difference between Packet>hold bach (zurückhalten in German) and Packet>Maintain (beibehalten in German?23:49
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:49
Odd-rationaleNyad: see the grub howto page ^^23:49
thoreauputicpteague: sorry that's a 404 - try http://thoreauputic.boinc.ch//Timer_Script.html23:49
NyadOdd-rationale: thanks23:49
n72poyyowhat is the command to see the sound device that I got?23:50
axelpteague: I meant: Packet>hold bacK.23:50
pteagueaxel> honestly i don't remember... i think hold back forces the hold & maintain will only update it if some other package requires it to be updated...  but don't quote me on that, i've not used it in a while23:50
Odd-rationalen72poyyo: lspci ?23:50
thoreauputicn72poyyo: try  lspci | grep -i audio23:51
thoreauputicor just lspci, yes23:51
_myrtille_pteague: just havin a silly thought: kteatimer does a countdown and gives a nice peep when time expires :D if you don't need anything sofisticated that would also be a possibility23:51
n72poyyogot it, thnx!23:51
pteague_myrtille_> that might actually work... all i need it to do is count down from whatever time frame i give it & do a popup &/or make a sound23:53
=== pquarles is now known as p_quarles
pteague_myrtille_> it's how i keep track of certain time sensitive things in game23:53
axelpteague: neither "hold back" nor "maintain" worked.23:54
_myrtille_that should be possible: you can enter any time you want, it does a countdown and finally it makes a little beeping noise.. i don't know if you can customize the soind23:54
NyadOdd-rationale: when I am doing a chainloader is it always +1, coz my MSwin part is +1, must suse be +2?23:54
n72poyyook.. know is worse !!jajajaja23:55
thoreauputicNyad: no, the +1 works for other partitions too - as long as they have a bootloader on them23:55
n72poyyo"unknown device"23:55
_myrtille_pteague: actually you can even change the sound, just checked. :D kteatime can be found in the repositories, i think23:55
basyhi what can i use to capture avi from webcamera?23:56
thoreauputicbah, nobody likes my timer!23:56
_myrtille_sorry ;)23:56
thoreauputicI use it mainly so I won't forget that I have something cooking :)23:57
pteague_myrtille_> yep, got it installed... i'm trying to figure out where to find it in kmenu tho...23:57
_myrtille_pteague: no idea, sorry. :D Just start it and configure it via a rightclick->options :D23:58
linux3rwhats latest kernel version?23:59

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