
=== iceman is now known as gluck
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dholbachgood morning06:30
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seb128mpt: hey08:31
seb128mpt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Experiences/PlayingCds is confusing08:32
seb128mpt: you wrote "Tested with Ubuntu Hardy beta by MatthewPaulThomas. " but hardy uses brasero and not serpentine and rhythmbox should open the CD and start playing it when inserted08:33
seb128mpt: are you sure you tried the right ubuntu version?08:33
seb128mpt: that's rather confusing08:33
slomo__vuntz: ping? :)08:58
vuntzslomo__: pong09:02
slomo__vuntz: hi, just wanted to ask you if i need to do anything else except the mail to desktop-devel for bumping the liboil minimal required version :)09:03
vuntzslomo__: no, that's all you need to do09:04
slomo__ok, good09:04
vuntz(you can of course bribe some release team people)09:05
mptseb128, I wrote only the "Heuristic evaluation" section. The rest of the page is probably out of date.09:30
seb128mpt: ah ok09:31
seb128mpt: what version of rhythmbox did you have?09:31
seb128mpt: when inserting a CD rhythmbox is supposed to switch to the CD and start playing09:31
mptseb128, whichever was in Hardy beta -- finding the version myself would require restarting into Hardy09:32
mpt(which I can do if you like)09:33
mvoasac: have you seen my question about apturl and ff3? (bug #203538)09:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 203538 in apturl "Don't work with Firefox3 beta4" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20353809:34
huatsmorning everyone09:35
huatshey seb128 mvo and crevette09:35
mvohey huats09:35
seb128mpt: no hurry, I'll have a look first and might ping you back about the "don't start playing the cd" issue09:35
seb128mpt: did you use an audio only disc or one with a data track too?09:36
seb128lut huats09:36
mptseb128, audio-only09:39
mvoAmaranth: hey! I'm updating compiz today and I was wondering if there is a reason for our compiz-dev to depend on compiz-core. do we really need that (if so, I assume because of core.xml?)09:39
AmaranthI don't think I ever did that09:39
seb128mpt: ok09:39
pclynchim having problems with the "switch users" function and need help. everytime its run it goes to a blank white screen. whats wrong?09:39
Amaranthpclynch: Firebomb nVidia HQ09:40
pclynchAmaranth : come again?09:40
Amaranthpclynch: nvidia driver bug09:40
mvoAmaranth: ok, thanks. I remove it and see what happens09:41
pclynchAmaranth : oh i see, is there anyway to fix this?09:41
Amaranthpclynch: the only 'fix' is to disable compiz09:41
pclynchAmaranth : oh... :09:42
pclynchAmaranth : might it be resolved in hardy?09:42
pclynchAmaranth : alright well thanks, atleast i know whats wrong now09:43
mptIf that's a common problem, I hope it's explained on help.ubuntu.com somewhere09:45
kwwiiseb128: it seems that #210538 is not related to the gdm theme itself, or?09:48
seb128bug #21053810:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 210538 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "gdm hangs after theme upgrade and reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21053810:00
seb128kwwii: no, doesn't seem to be the theme10:00
Amaranthmvo: btw, bugs marked In Progress on compiz should be fixed if you're syncing to latest upstream code10:24
seb128kwwii: ok, so this gdm human list theme issue10:24
seb128kwwii: that seems to be the gtk bug I though about10:24
mvoAmaranth: aha, thats great. I will have a look at the list soonish, I'm preparing the upgrade in a PPA and will ask for testing later and apply for a freeze exception10:25
mvoAmaranth: I understand the new 0.7.4 release is pretty close too, right?10:25
seb128kwwii: commenting the gtk_color_scheme = in the HumanList gtkrc seems to workaround the issue and that doesn't seem to impact on the colors10:25
Amaranthas i understand it the 0.7.4 release was supposed to be out for use in the spring release of distros10:25
Amaranthso it should actually have been around right about now10:26
seb128kwwii: do you know why Human and HumanList have different gtkrc variants and if that line is required?10:26
Amaranthotherwise it'll be too late for ubuntu and fedora, at least10:26
Amaranthi'll see if ixce and/or onestone can give an update10:26
mvoits just a matter of days I think (maybe even hours) - but I should ask in #compiz-fusion-dev10:26
kwwiiseb128: nope, I left the old version of gtkrc in the human theme because you cannot select the colors anyway for gdm10:32
kwwiiseb128: I guess that bersace put in a new version of the gtrc10:32
seb128kwwii: ok, so have you a pending upload?10:33
kwwiiseb128: yeah, I am working on it now10:34
seb128kwwii: otherwise if one of you artwork guys could confirm I can comment the gtk_color_scheme there that would be nice10:34
kwwiiseb128: I also have a ubuntulooks update to fix the preview issue10:34
tjaaltonwhere does the "about me" -dialog write?10:34
seb128kwwii: I doubt the gtk bug will be fixed for hardy10:34
seb128tjaalton: there is a rewrite?10:34
kwwiiseb128: yeah, the important thing here is that the bug is gone (or the humanlist theme, one or the other)10:34
seb128kwwii: ok, so please comment the line in bzr so it's in the next upload10:35
tjaaltonseb128: no I mean where does it read/write it's information10:35
seb128kwwii: let me know when you need sponsoring for the gdm theme or ubuntulooks10:35
seb128tjaalton: evolution-data-server10:35
Amaranthtjaalton: afaik that gets stuffed into evolution-data-server10:35
tjaaltonnevermind then :)10:35
kwwiiseb128: will do, I also have an update for human icon theme10:36
seb128artwork on fire this week ;-)10:36
kwwiithis is what happens when I start doing packaging :p10:37
kwwiibetween leading the community, making mark happy, doing the artwork itself, and packaging my job is getting complicated ;-)10:37
Amaranthkwwii: You should help with compiz bugs too, it's just a little step from there :)10:42
AmaranthYou make pretty things, we make pretty things, etc ;)10:43
kwwiiAmaranth: lol, no doubt10:45
mvo*sigh* new compiz segfaults for me, how strange10:50
* mvo pokes around a bit more10:50
kwwiihrm, bug #161746 seems to be a problem with the screensaver stuff in human-theme10:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161746 in human-theme "on dist-upgrade error on substituting human-theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16174610:59
asacmvo: sorry, does the preference show up in about:config ?10:59
mvoasac: no10:59
asacmvo: ok. one part of the problem is that  then obviously ;)11:00
asacmvo: another question is if it works with those preferences at all?11:01
asachave you tried to set them manually?11:01
mvonot yet, I was wondering if I have the wrong config dir, but then there is a firefox.js in the same dir that seems to work. I will look closer when I finished with my compiz stuff here11:01
asacmvo: i think we accidentially dropped the syspref patch during the cycle11:02
asacit has been readded for netxt upload11:02
asacso for me the config is at least read now.11:02
asacmvo: what was the meaning of apt+http ?11:04
asac(vs. just apt://)?11:04
mvoasac: deprecated, not used anymore11:04
mvoit was meant to add repositories to the sources.list but we dropped it for security concerns11:05
mvobut generally its the right dir (the same as firefox.js) - so after the next upload it should work (assuming the pref names are correct etc)11:06
asacmvo: yes ... but it would be firefox only. i think we should have something similar for /etc/xulrunner-1.9/11:06
asacmvo: i will let you know in case we introduce this now. i have to discuss this with Mozillateaam11:10
asacmvo: for now the location is right11:10
asaceverything else is a bug on our side11:10
tjaaltonumm, gnome-power-manager needs to be running in order for the logout-button to work?11:13
tjaaltonbecause it starts g-p-m if it's not running already11:16
Amaranthtjaalton: that's dbus autostarting the service because the logout dialog tried to ask gpm if it could sleep/hibernate11:18
tjaaltonAmaranth: urgh11:18
tjaaltonthat's a bug imho.. it should first check gconf if gpm is allowed to do that, and only then check the daemon11:21
mvoAmaranth: hrm, 013-add-cursor-theme-support breaks with the latest compiz. do you remember why this is not upstream?11:22
Amaranthmvo: Because I never got around to reviewing it11:23
AmaranthI don't even know where it came from11:23
mvomaybe gandalfn remembers (or even wrote it :) ?11:23
seb128mvo: you might want have a look to bug #40379 before hardy11:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 40379 in notification-daemon "Notification window too small to fit text." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4037911:38
seb128mvo: there is a patch, not sure if it's correct but would be nice to get the issue fixed if that's correct11:38
mvothanks seb12811:40
seb128mvo: you are welcome :-)11:40
_MMA_Hi seb128. kwwii mentioned he talked to you about this odd GDM bug. He said it might have come down to the new color-picker gtkrc used in the theme. Ubuntu Studio's theme had hard-coded values and this bug just bit me. I'm trying to pin it down now.13:33
seb128_MMA_: I know what the issue is, did you read my comments on the other bug?13:41
_MMA_I didnt see the current one sorry.13:42
mvoAmaranth: I uploaded new snapshots to  https://edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive - testing much appreciated (once its build)13:42
seb128_MMA_: bug #21053813:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 210538 in ubuntu-gdm-themes "gdm hangs after theme upgrade and reboot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21053813:42
_MMA_seb128: Thanx13:42
seb128you are welcome13:43
_MMA_seb128: So which comment is it? The "Commenting the gtkrc gtk_color_scheme =" part?13:50
seb128_MMA_: well, I pointed the GTK bug which is the issue in one comment and that is my suggested workaround13:52
_MMA_seb128: That's what I was saying. The Ubuntu Studio theme doesn't have that as the values are hard-coded.13:52
seb128_MMA_: maybe you have a different bug then13:53
_MMA_I get to the desktop by removing GDM. Once I reinstall it and the system tries to start it it crashes instantly. Ill let it report the crash.13:54
gandalfnmvo: yep it's me i made 013-add-cursor-theme-support, it's a back hack which pool gconf cursor theme key, it's never merged in compiz git because the last time i see the  code ;), it's plan to support a native cursor theme.13:56
kwwiimvo, pitti, seb128: just for information I have several updated packages to be uploaded (human-icon-theme, ubuntu-gdm-themes, human-theme, and ubuntulooks)15:03
kwwiiwho wants to take a whack at them?15:03
seb128can do that15:04
pittijust distribute them evenly amongst us :)15:04
seb128just the dsc are enough15:04
kwwiiok, let me post the links....one second15:04
seb128looking to ubuntulooks15:18
seb128ah, this one is easy15:21
seb128kwwii: so that was a theme bug!15:22
_MMA_seb128: Well I dont know, because the Ubuntu Studio theme now works. No no new updates.15:26
* _MMA_ is totally stumped.15:26
seb128_MMA_: weird15:26
seb128kwwii: the change seems weird though, using selected_bg_color for bg[SELECTED] seemed logical15:28
seb128looking to ubuntu-gdm-themes15:29
_MMA_seb128: At one point, I deleted our GDMs gtkrc. After that, things worked! :) But, just to see, I added it back and it still worked.15:30
* _MMA_ scratches head.15:30
seb128_MMA_: are you sure you didn't have a version use themeable colors?15:31
_MMA_Restarted GDM. Rebooted a bunch. All still works.15:31
_MMA_seb128: Positive.15:31
seb128weird then15:31
_MMA_I should try to put one in and see.15:32
_MMA_But removing it all together just uses the default system theme so I'm just gonna yank the one from our GDM.15:33
kwwii_MMA_: seb was talking about the preview of the theme in the theme selector15:35
kwwiiit uses the selected_bg_color as the window decoration color in the previewer for some reason15:35
kwwiiso we added an extra definition so it displays correctly in the theme chosser15:36
kwwiianyway, /me tests gdm now15:36
_MMA_kwwii: He and I *were* talking about GDM earlier. That's what I was talking about just now. (thought I can see that would get confusing) But I don't see that issue personally in the preview for the system theme.15:38
kwwiiahhh, ok15:40
kwwii_MMA_: well, after replacing the gtkrc to one with hard-coded colors it works for me15:40
_MMA_So weird. I should replace mine with one and test.15:41
kwwiiseb128: yeah, the previewer seems to look through the file to find the right definition of bg color to use for the window decoration so even though the theme worked the previewer didn't15:41
kwwiiseb128: btw, I found I had to remove the thumbnails when I was testing it for it to appear correctly15:41
seb128kwwii: right for the thumbnail15:42
_MMA_kwwii: How? :P15:42
kwwiiseb128: not sure if the version number bump will fix that or not15:42
seb128kwwii: but I'm not sure to understand the fix, are you sure it's correct?15:42
kwwiiseb128: yes, it works fine now on several machines15:42
* kwwii actually tested this stuff before submitting the changes this time :p15:44
seb128kwwii: right, I don't question the fact that it works, I fixed the workspace switcher color being too light too15:45
seb128kwwii: I'm rather wondering why it's work, it's it correct or if that's a workaround ;-)15:45
seb128kwwii: human-icon-theme seems to be buggy15:48
seb128hum, no15:48
kwwiiseb128: after looking at other themes this seems to be the correct way15:49
kwwiiseb128: last night I had it differently (which was just a hack that happened to work)15:49
kwwiiso this is the right way15:49
seb128kwwii: ok, that was the previous version which was buggy15:50
seb128you had the configure, etc in the source when usually there are not15:50
kwwiiouch...I probably built the package in the source before doing the debuild15:51
seb128that means the clean target is buggy15:51
kwwiishould I reapply my changes and rebuild the sources?15:51
kwwiifrom a fresh source, I mean15:51
seb128no, today's version is correct15:52
kwwiiwhew :-)15:52
seb128that's the current hardy one which has the bug15:52
kwwiicool, a problem which I didn't create! that is something different :p15:52
* kwwii feels bad for anyone having to deal with an art-hacker15:53
seb128scp is buggy nowadays15:54
seb128the speed estimation on upload are all wrong15:54
seb128it goes to 100% too quickly and then stands there while the copy is happening15:55
seb128kwwii: hum, you added a depends on gtk2-engines-murrine again?15:57
kwwiiseb128: yes, after talking to mvo we decided it had to be that way if we supply the gtkrc15:58
kwwiior there would be a theme without the appropriate engine15:58
seb128the package is small enough I guess that's no issue15:58
kwwiiyeah, it is like 800kb or so15:58
seb128that's because mvo didn't get apt installing recommends in hardy!15:58
* seb128 hugs mvo ;-)15:59
* mvo runs from seb12815:59
* kwwii hugs everyone - group hug!15:59
seb128yeah, group hug ;-)16:00
seb128kwwii: btw 800k is a lot for a theme, the deb seems to be rather 38k ;-)16:00
kwwiibetter still16:00
kwwiierm, even better16:00
seb128kwwii: ok, all your updates are uploaded ;-)16:03
kwwiithanks man, I appreciate you taking care of it so quickly16:04
seb128I confirmed that the humanlist theme and the human preview issue are fixed on my box too16:04
seb128you are welcome16:04
pochuseb128: there's a new upstream libarchive packaged in Debian, which enables the testsuite in build... have you seen it?16:19
seb128pochu: no$16:20
pochuseb128: do you want me to look into it, or is it late for this change?16:21
seb128pochu: is that a different version? maybe ask to pitti16:21
pochuerr, we have 2.2.4 and that's 2.4.17...16:21
pittiyes, AFAIR it is16:21
pochuI guess that's a no-go...16:22
pittiI forwarded the patch upstream, had a quick discussion, and he adopted it16:22
pittiso we can sync in intrepid16:22
seb128kwwii: hum, changelog autoclosing didn't work because you didn't use the right syntax, you might want to close the ubuntu-gdm-themes bugs by hand now16:22
seb128pitti: well, nothing else in main uses it so it could be a good idea to use a recent version?16:23
pittiI don't know what they changed16:23
pittithere are just two or three reverse build-deps in universe16:23
seb128does it matter what they changed if it's not used out of the gvfs anyway?16:24
pittiwell, we shuoldn't break the other rdepends :)16:24
pittibut if it doesn't change ABI etc., we can consider it, sure16:24
seb128well, if pochu checks those16:24
seb128I don't really care either way16:24
seb128it just seems easier to maintain security wise if we don't have an outdated codebase16:25
pochuit would be cool if apt-get source libarchive/hardy worked, as apt-get install libarchive/hardy does...16:27
kwwiiseb128: right, will do16:31
kwwiibut first I will figure out what I did wrong :p16:31
seb128kwwii: you forgot the ":" in the syntax16:32
seb128tedg: do you need g-s-s sponsoring?16:37
pochu+Aug 05, 2007: New configure option --disable-bsdtar, thanks to Joerg16:41
pochuperhaps we wnat to use that?16:41
pochuthat was one of the concerns of the security team, wasn't it?16:41
pochu(maintaining bsdtar for no reason...)16:42
seb128well, the binary is in universe16:42
seb128so I don't know if that's really an issue16:42
pochuah, right16:42
pochuthe new package from Debian also packages bsdcpio, but that's also a different binary which could be demoted16:43
tedgseb128: Let me check to ensure it built, but probably.16:46
tedgseb128: Yes, looks good, if you could sponsor it that'd be great.16:47
seb128tedg: ok, will do16:47
tedgI'm not sure how many people are running NIS on Hardy, but we should push the update anyway :)16:48
tedgseb128: Thanks.16:48
seb128you are welcome16:48
pittiseb128: what's your feeling on bug 211358?17:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 211358 in gnome-volume-manager "Disable auto-popup of xsane" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21135817:00
seb128pitti: never got the issue so far so I've no real opinion about that, in which case do you get the popup?17:03
pittiseb128: as soon as you plug in a scanner17:04
seb128well, usually those are plugged on the computer and stay there17:04
pittiwell, at least I don't keep them switched on all the time17:04
pittiand I know many people who do the same17:05
seb128ah, you have a switch to turn yours off and on, ok17:05
pittiespecially with scanner/printer combos17:05
seb128I don't think anybody relies on this notification to use the device anyway17:05
seb128I think disabling it is alright17:05
pittiok, thanks17:06
pochuoh nice, the bsdtar testsuite fails17:16
pochuit's failed in Debian too, in all archs but mipsel17:20
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crevettepitti: around ?20:41
walrrenKeybuk: are you guys actively moving to upstart-style scripts?  and what's the status of debian on changing scripts?21:26
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seb128fta_: do you want to do the libcairo update?23:14
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ftaseb128, sure, but tomorrow.23:19
seb128fta: ok, thanks23:19
pochuwhy is ~ubuntu-desktop subscribed to all these bugs? bugmail from that team ends in ubuntu-desktop@l.u.c... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop23:44
seb128pochu: "these bugs" being?23:45
seb128some people confusing ubuntu-desktop and desktop-bugs when subscribing or assigning23:46
pochuit's not very annoying as it's very few bugmail23:47
seb128well, they don't go on the list since launchpad is not subscribed23:48
pochuwell, in fact they do: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2008-April/001537.html23:51
pochus/in fact/actually/23:51
seb128pochu: this guy is subscribed to the list that's why23:52
pochuthat doesn't make sense to me...23:52
pochuI'm subscribed to the list too and my bug mail doesn't end in the list :)23:52
pochuseb128: I think that's because https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop has ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com as the contact address23:53
seb128pochu: right, that's on purpose to not flood members23:54
seb128pochu: though it might be fixed now in launchpad since team can use launchpad lists23:54
pochuI see23:55
pochuas I said that's not a big deal as I haven't seen many bug mail in ubuntu-desktop@, I just wanted to report it to you so that we know what's happening in case that grows :)23:55

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