
VerterokNfNitLoop: pong (sorry for the delay)00:42
VerterokNfNitLoop: still around?00:42
Verterokbeuno: thanks for the redirect ;-) (don't hide, if I can get some spare time, NetBeans is the next IDE to integrate:-D)00:43
NfNitLoopVerterok: I'm around-ish. :)01:01
VerterokHi NfNitLoop01:02
NfNitLoopI don't know that I'll actually be writing (or even needing) a Netbeans bzr addon, I was mostly inquiring if anyone had started that work.01:03
VerterokNfNitLoop: just to let you know, as part of bzr-eclipse  (but not coupled) I wrota  a Java library that wraps all the mechanics to call bzr-xml and it parsing01:04
NfNitLoopaah, cool.01:05
NfNitLoopso that would be portable, eh?01:05
NfNitLoopIt's not too tightly coupled to the eclipse APIs?01:05
VerterokNfNitLoop: it's a standalone Java lib :-D01:05
NfNitLoopah, well then. :)  I'll be sure to keep it in mind should I become inspired to write an addon.  :)01:06
NfNitLoopI use bzr-eclipse, though, in the meantime.  Good stuff.  :)01:07
NfNitLoopActually, while I've got your ear...01:07
VerterokI started to look the NetBeans hg plugin, it's nice, but to adapt it to bzr, it need a major rewrite01:07
NfNitLoopI set up eclipse to show a quickdiff with the latest bzr revision, but for some reason it seems to stop updating after i've committed.01:08
NfNitLoopseen anything like that before?01:08
VerterokNfNitLoop: Oh, Great you like it01:08
Verterokoh, weird. could you fill a bug? :)01:08
NfNitLoopI'll have to figure out how to reproduce it first. :)01:09
VerterokI'm going to make a new build soon, maybe I can work on this before that01:09
NfNitLoop'k.     Well, I'm off to dinner.   *wave*01:10
Verterokno problem, just fill the bug, I'll try to reproduce it01:10
jelmerblueyed: hi01:10
VerterokNfNitLoop: bon appétit01:10
jelmerblueyed: the problem is, I have a plugin but there is no start-commit hook yet01:11
johnnyaha.. loggerhead fails on my .qs file01:23
TFKyle.qs == ?01:28
johnnysince kickstart uses ks01:30
bob2what is a quickstart01:30
johnnyan automated installer for gentoo, modeled after kickstart , which is an automated installer for fedora01:30
blueyedjelmer: so the pre-commit hook cannot modify the tree (with calling "bzr add" or some such)?01:41
jelmerblueyed: nope01:42
jelmerblueyed: at that point the tree is already finished01:42
jelmerblueyed: we need a new hook (in WorkingTree)01:42
johnnyyay for 500 errors :(01:43
blueyedjelmer: ok, so I can put my half-assed plugin aside and get the package as good as possible for FFe (and to send it upstream, who has been very responsive).01:44
* johnny uses too many vcs01:45
johnnynow in one day, i have to use svn, bzr, git, mtn ,cvs :(01:45
blueyedjohnny: a lot of practice ;)01:46
johnnyeven just contributing to make ltsp work in gentoo requires svn,bzr,and git01:47
johnnyif i was an official dev, i'd have to use cvs too01:47
johnnymost of my cvs is read.. not write atm luckily01:47
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mxpxpodI just committed some changes to my local repo that I'd like to uncommit, but still have the changes in the repo... will "uncommit" do that?01:49
jelmerblueyed: all the work in upstream is already done, it's bzr that needs patching01:50
jelmerblueyed: not sure I understand what you mean01:50
blueyedjelmer: for Ubuntu. bzr has been integrated in Debian, but there are still some issues and I've hoped I could add the pre-commit somehow, too.01:53
jelmerblueyed: the pre-commit stuff isn't in debian yet either01:54
mxpxpodjelmer: btw, bzr-svn rules02:00
mxpxpodthanks for it02:00
jelmermxpxpod: thanks, that's good to hear02:01
jelmerblueyed: bug 18642202:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 186422 in bzr "Ability to modify the tree from a pre-commit hook" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18642202:01
mxpxpodjelmer: I use it to track and develop all of my svn projects that don't have externals02:01
blueyedjelmer: I've seen that bug already.. (and your work on it, which suddenly stopped)02:02
jelmermxpxpod: hopefully externals will be supported soon too, once bzr itself supports nested trees02:02
blueyedjelmer: I've tried bzr-svn, too, but it had serious memory problems (which I have worked around).02:02
jelmerblueyed: most of those should be fixed in hardy02:03
mxpxpodthe only thing I wish I could do would be to get svn revision numbers along-side bzr revision numbers in the log02:03
blueyedjelmer: great to hear.02:03
jelmerblueyed: the bugs were actually in python-subversion02:03
jelmerblueyed: is it likely that bzr 1.4 will make it into hardy? If so, I could probably have a look at getting that start-commit hook in..02:06
jdongjelmer: when is it to be released?02:06
blueyedjelmer: 1.3 has just been released, not?02:07
blueyed..and the rc for 1.3.102:07
blueyedjelmer: so, quite unlikely02:07
jelmerjdong: 1.4rc1 is planned for next friday02:08
jdongjelmer: hmm if Debian can get their packages for 1.4 up soon after that I would try filing a freeze exception for it...02:09
jdongjelmer: but I think the release managers may be a bit gunshy after the 1.3->1.3.1 thing... :(02:10
blueyedjelmer: if you have the time, please try getting hook improvements in.02:14
jelmerHmm, there's no mutabletree tests?02:36
abentleyjelmer: Nope, you can do anything you like to 'em.02:37
abentleyThat's what makes them so mutable :-)02:37
jelmerabentley: lol03:38
blueyedjelmer: nice, thanks! Those hooks get installed like the current ones, as a plugin, correct?04:27
jelmerblueyed: yes, and the matching plugin is already in my etckeeper git repository04:35
jelmerblueyed: hmm, it looks like upstream merged another branch that adds support for bzr04:40
blueyedjelmer: yes, it has been submitted in LP and I've forwarded it.. it's quite the same though.04:40
blueyedI have some fixes laying around here, and looked at your branch also.. I'll try to submit it tomorrow..04:41
blueyedGood night.04:45
ubotuNew bug: #212083 in bzr-gtk "viz displays wrong revnos, tries to display NULL revision" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21208306:15
chandlercjelmer: you around? i filed the 170000 exception bug... investigating stuff now07:41
xmahello #bzr08:30
cammoblammoI've noticed when I commit a change --- even a small one --- to an upstream repository via ftp there seems to be a fairly large download from the repo. Is this normal?10:00
PengAre you using a lightweight checkout? That would make it worse than usual.10:01
PengIs upstream using the latest disk format (packs)?10:02
PengAlso, the smart server would provide better performance.10:02
Peng(Also, FTP? Ew.)10:02
cammoblammoIt's a full checkout, rich-root-pack.10:03
cammoblammoThe repo is on the 60 MB of free web space I get with my ISP, ftp only.10:03
cammoblammoI haven't looked to see if I can get the server running, but I very much doubt I'd be able to.10:04
PengYeah, if you only have FTP access, that's very unlikely.10:04
PengIt would be quite easy if you had SSH, but...10:04
cammoblammoI'll pony up for a real web server one day.10:05
PengIf it's a FOSS project, you could host it on Launchpad. https://launchpad.net/10:05
Pengcammoblammo: You don't need a real web server. You could get the smart server running on many shared hosts, if they provided SSH. Even just using nice, encrypted SFTP would be better than FTP...10:06
cammoblammoUnfortunately, it's not. It's mainly papers written in LaTeX, music written in LilyPond and other things with weirdly capitalised names.10:07
cammoblammoThey don't have ssh. That was the first thing I asked when I signed up. You get what you pay for, I guess.10:07
PengOh, what bzr version? Performance has gotten better over time.10:08
cammoblammobzr version 1.3. I suppose it doesn't get too much better than that!10:09
cammoblammoIt does seem to have improved since 1.210:09
cammoblammoWhat's the download for? Does it have to compare with what the repo has before it commits?10:09
PengIt also has to upload the new data, of course.10:10
PengPack repos also have to be repacked occasionally, which requires downloading a portion of the history and uploading it again.10:11
cammoblammoOf course, Then again, a 1 or 2 MB download in order to upload a 3kb diff seems a little unproportional. This is probably the only complaint I have after moving from svn.10:12
PengHow large is the branch?10:13
cammoblammoPeng: According to bzr info -v it's 13436 KiB10:14
PengDownloading 1 to 2 MB sounds bad.10:15
PengI'm not a bzr expert, so I can't be of any more help..10:15
cammoblammoFeels bad too, especially when my office shares a 256 kbps 'net connection, and two other workers are using heavy web apps. I can be very unpopular sometimes!10:15
cammoblammoPeng: That's cool. I just wanted to make sure it was normal and the problem was my braindead way of having to use it.10:16
PengIt surprises me, but I'm really not an expert. I doubt you're doing anything wrong.10:17
cammoblammoTell my coworkers that ;-)10:17
PengAt least you're not running BitTorrent. ;)10:18
cammoblammoPeng: True. In fact, we have a 600 MB per month limit on our connection, after which we pay something like a dollar a meg. Our corporate headquarters assures us it's all we need.10:20
cammoblammoPeng: It's not all /I/ need, though.10:21
PengWhere did you find this ISP?10:25
PengOr are you in Nowhere, Africa where the nearest power line is 500 miles away?10:26
cammoblammoPeng: I didn't find it. It was in the memo that came from HQ, along with a modem/router, instructions to install it and a phone number to ring to get our IT department to pcAnywhere in so they could get us on the VPN properly.10:27
cammoblammoPeng: I live in the country, but the same thing goes for offices in metropolitan Melbourne.10:27
cammoblammoPeng: 'Information Technology' is something of a misnomer.10:28
PengYou could each chip in like $10 and get a real Internet connection for the office. :P10:29
cammoblammoWe could, but then we'd lose the 10.x.x.x IP addresses we've been so lovingly given in order to connect to our 'precious' web apps. Besides, they'd have to authorise the release of the line from our ISP and they'd keep charging us $25 p/m!10:31
cammoblammoIf they ever found the GNU/Linux computer in my office, there could be some real trouble...10:32
PengIt must be technically possible to get a real connection, use it for the outside, and keep the old one for the corporate stuff.10:36
PengBut anyway...10:36
PengThe company sounds pretty cheap. Do you have cardboard desks too? :\10:37
cammoblammoPeng: You'd think so. Getting another connection is a bit of work, and the only reason we really need it is so I can use bzr, which is officially verboten anyway. It'll be easier and cheaper to move my repo to a better hosting service.10:47
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asabilcammoblammo: ftp, sftp and rsync are dumb transports10:55
cammoblammoasabil: That's very true.10:56
asabilso they are not really efficient, and iirc bzr repositories are not append only (correct me if I am wrong)10:56
asabilthe best you could do is move the repository to a host that has an ssh connection, so that you can use the bzr+ssh transport10:57
cammoblammoasabil: I think you're right, unfortunately. If my ISP used ssh it would be nice, but they don't seem to see the need. It's free space, after all.10:58
asabilcammoblammo: you can also try bzr init --append-revisions-only10:59
asabilnever used it, but it seems to force an append only repository similar to mercurial's11:00
cammoblammoasabil: I'm guessing functionality is lost? Or am I reading the help wrong?11:01
asabilyes you might lose some functionality11:02
asabilan uncommit followed by a push won't work11:02
PengI doubt that would help.11:03
asabila push --overwrite won't work either I think11:03
PengI expect that has to do with history, not files.11:03
PengIt's not like it would use a completely different repo format.11:03
PengAnd if for some reason it turned off repacking, that would be awful for performance.11:03
asabilcammoblammo: do you have to host your code somewhere else ?11:04
asabilI mean you can still use a local server in your office11:04
asabilcan't you ?11:04
cammoblammoasabil: I can host it at home, but it would be nice to have it offsite somewhere. I'm still thinking in svn term, though. There's no reason why my home branch couldn't be a notional 'repository' and still have my host for backups and uploading when I'm on holiday.11:08
asabilor you can also use some other machine in your office11:09
cammoblammoI can't connect to the office from outside --- everything's firewalled up the wazoo. Their ISP policy might be crap but the security's pretty tight.11:10
asabildo you need to connect to the office from outside ?11:11
asabilI mean, if I understood it correctly, you just need a hosting for backup purposes11:11
asabiland you are the only one working on that branch11:12
asabilright ?11:12
cammoblammoI should mention that I do most of my work from home. I only have a branch at the office for convenience. It's largely work related, but I can choose where I work!11:12
asabilyes that's fine, just create a branch on your laptop for example11:13
asabiland when you get to the office push the branch to your backup server11:13
asabiland keep working on your own branch on your laptop11:13
cammoblammoI could just have a branch on my USB drive. When I moved house a few weeks ago and I was without a connection that worked quite well.11:14
cammoblammoMy laptop... well, it's pretty crusty and I only use it when I'm away.11:15
BrongerI added "http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu" to my repositories, however, synaptic reports that some packages are unauthorized.  Which keys must I add in order to avoid this message?  I added the key of the uploader (mpl) but this didn't help.11:16
yaccBronger: apt-get update should tell you the key ids.11:37
yaccBronger: after that you can use gpg to fetch these from the keyservers.11:37
BrongerYes, I know this procedure.  It worked well for bzr-svn.11:37
yaccBronger: now, that is critical, call the key owner to verify the fingerprint :-P11:37
yaccBronger: after that you export the key from the gpg keyring and add it with apt-jet11:38
BrongerA second source that is a simple server which is improbable to be hacked is enough.  ;-)11:38
Brongeryacc, apt-get just tells me that there aren't any updates.  Isn't there a possibilitry to just give a URL and Ubuntu tells me with which ID it it signed so that I can look for this ID on the net?11:41
yaccapt-get install package should also complain :-P11:42
BrongerYes, but only that it couldn't be authenticated.  Isn't it signed at all?11:45
yaccBronger: that's theoretically possible too.11:47
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yaccyou could also make apt-get refetch the data and recomplain, using such a standard tool like rm :-P11:50
james_wBronger: the packages aren't signed at all yet unfortunately11:58
ubotuNew bug: #212193 in bzr "bzr crashed while pushing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21219312:10
ubotuNew bug: #212195 in bzr "Cannot use backslash character in file name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21219512:25
Stavrosis there a good writeup of branching/merging with bzr?12:35
Stavrosi want to make a branch for a feature i'm working on12:36
xmabzr branch <fom> my-feature12:46
xmahack hack hack commit12:46
xmacd from12:46
xmabzr merge ../my-feature12:46
Stavrosah, that's all? thanks12:50
Stavrosand do i need to keep that branch for further hacking?12:50
Stavrosor do i need to rebranch after the merge or something?12:52
PengYou can do what you want.12:54
PengYou can just delete the branch if you want to.12:55
PengYou can "cd my-feature && bzr merge ../from && bzr commit -m 'Merge from from' && hack hack hack" and eventually merge it back into from again.12:56
bimberiStavros: This helped the penny drop for me:12:56
bimberiStavros: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#organizing-branches12:56
Stavrosaha, hmm, well, i'm wondering how the graph will look in that case12:56
Stavrosah, i'll read that, thanks12:56
bimberialthough i did read everything before it first :)12:57
Stavrosi'll try that too, then :p12:59
Stavrosjust to get this straight, when you are working on a feature branch, you "merge" instead of "pushing" because the branches might have diverged, correct?14:09
PengWhen the branches have diverged, you merge. When they have not, you push/pull.14:11
PengIf you try to do the wrong thing, bzr will tell you.14:11
jelmerchandlerc: ping14:11
StavrosPeng: great, that's what i needed to know, thanks14:17
ubotuNew bug: #212289 in bzr "test_diff.TestDiffFromTool.test_prepare_files fails on Windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21228915:10
abentleyasabil: Logically, all bazaar repositories are append-only.  Physically, knit repositories are append-only and pack repositories are write-once.15:15
abentleyPhysically on the file level, that is.15:15
asabiloh oki, didn't know15:18
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ubotuNew bug: #212325 in bzr-pqm "Should support pqm_cc / pqm_bcc settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21232516:10
Stavroshmm, bzr always gives me trouble updating tags, anyone know why that is?16:17
ubotuNew bug: #212333 in bzr-pqm "Doesn't expand directory services in URLs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21233316:20
BrongerCan one just use the GNU Arch functionality of Savannah.gnu.org to manage Bazaar branches?17:16
jelmerBronger: what sort of gnu arch-specific stuff does savannah support?17:35
BrongerActuall I don't understand really what's there on the server side. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/savannah-hackers-public/2008-03/msg00033.html suggests that I already can use Bazaar on Savannah.  But Bazaar is *nowehere* mentioned on the site.  I can only activate GNU Arch services for a particular project.17:37
BrongerAnd, I don't know how similar Arch and Bazaar are so that support for one implies support for the other as well.17:38
jelmerBronger: it looks like the arch support is simply a sftp server17:42
jelmerBronger: if that is the case, you should be able to use bzr with it as well17:42
BrongerOkay, thank you!  So far, I've used Bazaar in remote operation only with Launchpad.  Let's see whether I manage this sftp thing, too.  ;-)17:43
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BeeUteefoolwhat does it mean if someone says  Patch against bzr?18:04
sabdflBeeUteefool: can you give some more context?18:11
BeeUteefool    * GNOME_Desktop_User_Guide_Inconsistency, changed group to layout (922 bytes, text/plain)18:12
BeeUteefoolFixed this in gnome-user-docs.18:12
BeeUteefoolPatch against bzr.18:12
BeeUteefoolplease visit this link so that you'll get more context...    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-user-docs/+bug/20514018:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 205140 in gnome-user-docs "'GNOME Desktop User Guide' Inconsistency" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:13
BeeUteefoolso what does it mean this   Patch against bzr?18:14
abadger1999With 1.3, is anyone seeing "ssh: connect to host bzr.fedorahosted.org port 22: Connection timed out"18:36
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abadger1999I've been seeing this since upgrading.  I've also had bzr just hang somewhere near the start of a pull... I'm wondering if it's all related.18:37
abadger1999hmm.... and it looks like bzr-webserver works with bzr-1.2 but not bzr-1.3 :-(18:39
xifI'm trying to push to an SVN repo with bzr19:05
xifbut I get "Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required"19:05
xifanyone knows how to handle this?19:07
yaccxif: include user+password in the URL?19:15
xifbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport:19:16
xifit treats the : as a port number.19:16
yaccxif: don't think so, I'm using the same format, albeit with https.19:16
xifbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "invalid port number19:17
yaccxif: OTOH, you might have some specific "values" in your URL.19:17
yaccAccess it via svn:19:17
yaccsvn ls http://....19:17
yaccmake svn remember the password19:17
yacctry bzr with username but without password19:18
xifyacc: doesn't work :/19:19
xif`svn ls` works just fine19:19
xifbzr without user+password doesn't work19:19
yaccxif: jelmer is your best bet then :-P19:19
yaccWell, you need to specify the user for sure.19:20
xifI think I found the possible cause of the problem though19:20
xifmy username contains a @19:20
xifany idea how to fix that?19:20
xif(this seems to be a cause for the parsing error above)19:21
jelmerxif: hi19:21
xifhello jelmer19:21
jelmerxif: try without including the username + password in the url19:21
xifbzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://svn.devjavu.com/xif/linux_settings/.bzr/branch-format: Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required19:22
jelmerplease prefix the url with svn+19:22
xifOK, sec19:26
xifI'm in the middle of upgrading bzr+bzr-svn19:26
xif bzr-svn: Depends: python-central (>= 0.6) but 0.5.15ubuntu2 is to be installed19:26
jelmerwhat distro?19:30
xifUbuntu Gutsy19:31
xifthe problem is that the most up-to-date python-central for Gutsy is 0.5.1519:32
jelmerI think there are quite recent versions in gutsy-backports19:32
jelmerof bzr and bzr-svn19:32
xifjelmer: OK, any idea how I install it from there?19:33
xifI do have latest stable bzr installed19:34
xifOK, found it19:34
jdongjelmer: thanks for reminding me; need to get bzr 1.3.1-ish backports going :)19:35
sabdflBeeUteefool: i think it means someone has a patch which applies against the tip of a bzr branch19:36
sabdflit's an odd way to work, because it would be easier to have their work in a bzr branch19:36
xifOK, nothing works19:37
jelmerxif: installing the packages you mean?19:38
xifjelmer: yeah, I get the same error after adding gutsy backports to the sources.list19:38
jelmerxif: about python-central you mean?19:38
xifneeds python-central >= 0.6, only has 0.5.1519:38
jelmerxif: Do you happen to have any other entrise in sources.list, such as ppa?19:39
xifdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu gutsy main19:40
xifdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu gutsy main19:40
xifmaybe I should have just stayed with bzr 0.9?19:40
xif(the latest in Gutsy's repositories)19:41
xiftrying to upgrade seems to put me in a worse position than I was.19:41
jelmeryou mean 0.90?19:42
jdongxif: the PPA tends to be out-of-sync a lot more often than backports19:42
xifso what should I do?19:42
xifremove all the PPA entries and try to install from backports?19:43
jelmerxif: It'll probably work better if you remove PPA19:43
xifk, trying19:43
jdongxif: yeah, I recommend removing the PPA entires and using Backports19:43
jelmerxif: I can only upload to the hardy PPA19:44
jelmerxif: I think the gutsy one is at least a couple of versions behind19:44
xifOK, be advised that the latest bar in backports is 1.0-1~gutsy119:45
xifinstalling that right now.19:45
xifOK, I downgraded to 0.90 again19:48
xifjelmer: tried the following:19:48
xif bzr svn-push svn+http://svn.devjavu.com/xif/linux_settings19:48
xif bzr: ERROR: libsvn._core.SubversionException: ("Undefined tunnel scheme 'http'", 125002)19:48
xifI think maybe I should save some time and just use SVN.19:49
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jelmerxif: and with "bzr push" rather than "bzr svn-push" ?19:52
xifjelmer: same error.19:53
xifjelmer: (note that I'm on 0.90 again)19:53
xifOK, I already spend two hours on this.19:56
xifinvesting more time in this doesn't seem logical, but thanks jelmer.19:57
johnnydon't go with svn :(19:58
xifjohnny: it's not like I have much choice, I need to commit to a remote SVN server.20:02
johnnylots of the gnome folks are so irritated with svn, they are creating their own git repositories and committing to that for their own work,and then running some script to convert to svn20:03
johnnykinda silly :(20:03
xifwell, the best option for me would have been to keep using my bzr repo and commit from it.20:04
xifexcept it doesn't work.20:04
yaccjohnny: it's silly and then not so, svn being the lowest common denominator, that is needed for a somewhat modern VCS (atomic file set changes, but missing some metadata, notice how each of the SVN interoperability tools tend to define and use their own merging properties, e.g. svk, bzr-svn)20:06
johnnysure, but i'm used to using other vcs for my upstream work :)20:07
johnnyso working with svn still feels uncomfortable due to lack of local history20:08
yaccjohnny: I always use svk with svn, it's relationship with svn being way stronger than say bzr-svn, it basically works.20:12
yaccIf you can wait the 2secs or so perl takes to compile SVK on each command20:12
johnnyi've been using monotone for quite some time, never saw a reason to use svk i guess20:13
johnnyand use svn for my own stuff in the process that is20:13
jelmeryacc: you mean because it doesn't have the branching scheme stuff or other things as well?20:15
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ubotuNew bug: #212477 in bzr "bzr init-repo over sftp fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21247721:26
xifjohnny: you know, SVN ain't so bad21:54
xifobviously it sucks when you don't have server access.21:54
xifand it would be great to sync only when I want to.21:54
xifbut as long as the intertubes work...21:55
PengExcept for the lack of renames, linear history, bad performance (or so I've heard; FSFS's file layout isn't good though), bad disk space use...22:08
PengApparently the API is ok though, or else jelmer would have long gone insane working on bzr-svn. ;)22:09
yaccPeng: Not sure if he hasn't gone insane :-P22:11
PengWell, he *does* only use one space in between sentences.22:12
yaccjelmer: my comment was "pragmatic". Svn is "simple enough" that even sub-average developers can somehow use it, and most more advanced VCS have some form to interoperate with svn. And svk makes it bearable in practice.22:13
PengEven more bearable would be using any of the other VCSes...22:13
PengBut, I don't know what the conversation has been.22:14
PengI just like insulting svn. :)22:14
jelmeryacc: I meant more in terms of comparison between bzr-svn and svk22:17
stefan_todayI'm just starting out with bzr.  We're two people with laptops and we'd like to follow the "partner" workflow described at http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows is there a more detailed howto for that?22:20
stefan_todayi.e. what commands to enter, what our choice of transports are (we'd like to use email or I'm) but can't seem to make "bzr send" work ("no submit branch known or specified")22:21
stefan_todayer, "or IM"  :-)22:21
bimberistefan_today: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#sharing-with-peers22:35
bimberistefan_today: and http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#sending-changes22:38
beunostefan_today, you can do bzr send -o file.patch22:38
beunoand email the file to eachother22:38
bimberi(which is basically what the 2nd link says)  ;)22:39
beunojelmer, around?22:41
stefan_todayso the "no submit branch known or specified" message is ignorable?22:42
beunostefan_today, well, it depends22:42
beunothe workflow I usually have22:43
beunois branch trunk (or whatever you are working on)22:43
beunothen, branch that locally to a "feature branch"22:43
beunoso, there you have a submit branch to compare against22:43
stefan_todaythe submit branch being your first local branch?  does the recipient of that merge directive need to have access to trunk?22:45
beunostefan_today, yes, the sumbit branch will automatically be the first local branch (where you branched from)22:46
beunothe other recipient oes not have to have access to trunk, no. He recieves a standard patch with some bzr metadata that he can use to merge, if he has a branch with common ancestry22:47
stefan_todayok, so if one of us were to zip up and send a branch (including .bzr directory) to the other as a starting point, we could each branch from that original branch (so we have common history) and email merge directives back and forth thereafter?22:54
beunostefan_today, yeap, exactly22:56
jelmerbeuno: hi22:59
beunojelmer, hey  :)23:00
beunoI was thinking about starting to cook up something like we talked about in the sprint, about having easier collaboration in a network23:00
beunohave one screen where you see everybody in the network, what they are working on, etc23:01
beunousing avahi and al that magic23:01
jelmerbeuno: ah, something like  a GUI for avahi?23:01
beunojelmer, exactly23:01
jelmerjamesh may have some thoughts about that23:01
beunodo you think I should work on it as part of bzr-gtk or a seperate project?23:02
stefan_todaycool, we're up and running.  thanks beuno.  thanks bimberi23:09
beunostefan_today, welcome and good luck  :)23:10
jelmerbeuno: doing it as part of bzr-gtk sounds sensible (if it's going to be gtk based :-)23:22
beunojelmer, absolutely, pygtk23:23
jelmeras long as bzr-gtk doesn't get a hard dependency on bzr-avahi, but that shouldn't be hard23:23
beunojelmer, I'll do my best. And if it does, I'll just seperate it23:25
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